East Carolinian, May 14, 1965

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east Carolina college, greenville, n. c. friday, may 14, 1965
nun ei
Count Down Underway
. ut
& iford
t with I ' JV
llen $
oo p m
wj Ik- Pa"
EC Closes Big Year:
From Seaborg To R
inly one week r
school year as the magic day of
May 21 fast approaches. Exams be-
gin this Wednesday art East Caro-
ina and run through Friday, pro-
viding students with enough wor-
i .c for the summer. A look back
over the past year shows the va-
"ety of TJts and personalities that
have paraded on the Fast Carolina
f4 e, shaping a year of hopes, fears,
hrills, and tears.
Certainly foremost in the students'
memory for this school year was tho
p: ss'ge of the new cut system
once again giving students freedom
n skipping classes. This was one
of the first official acts of the newly-
formed Faculty-Senate, organized
winter quarter 'as a voice of the
faculty The system now gives stu-
dents a break from the stringent
no-cut system passed last year by
he Administration.
Another promising development
this year was the medical school
proposal which is .being pushed by
President JenJkins. Senator Bob Mor-
gan of Pitt County, and prominent
medical authorities in the area. Re-
iction has been favorable concern-
n'j. the new faculty and the measure
s currently in legislative committee.
Tie need for medical Facilities in
astern North Carolina prompted the
ntroduction of the bill in th Legis-
uams of the 1964- Strom Thurmond. H
Bob Scott.
A distinguished
tares also were presei
Student-Faculty Lecture I
Included in this
of the Satelli! - ' "Ins
Cuba "Yank- i - Is the
"Russia and its People "
The appearance of Dr.
Seaborg of the Atomic E
mission spring quarter v. -
light of the .e series
chadrman of the AKC. d
lecture and presented a rv
ference during his six-ho
ed a
Enrolim nl
high of 6700 this year as
baby boom continued to
area i eges and univei -
ures for nex
jected a high
for next year
tions were
S. pt ember
number of
Over 10.000
eceived by
Admissions John Home.
Among the most
ihilt- Beck
rhursdaj afternoon, three
left in the school year. Pi
lfobgood points with
numbers of the KAST CAROLINIAN staff paused from their work
Hall looks with astonishment while thinking how fast the year
Ma 21, Walter Hcndricks props his feet in
uneasv antie-
NC Governor Dan K. Moore
Sneaks At Commencement
,c re
Moon tin
vil! lx
MX 5 tO
will present the candidates for
s and in return. Dr. Jenkins
will confer the degrees.
Senior class president. Bryan Ben-
nett is also scheduled to deliver an
. ommencemenl P
Saturday, Mt
luncheon in
band wdJ
South Qua
and an
on E C
1 on the
t ng four
will ex-
tx-iiuxi Klm-
. kien StaAum
a-iH begin
Pomp and Circum-
y arven by Scu-
PresiUnt. Eddie
of Mr
tfv- direct :on
the Concert
;od of Our Fa
ill conduct
Will James
n. Martin
, rt ''
Band '
Thr introduction rf
'oorv Aili be given
BC President
Moore' 'ddress
events during the past year was the
withdrawal of Bast Carolina from
the National Student Association Fall
quarter. Under the leadership of
resident Jim Mlahian. the SGA
voted to terminate membership in:
his nafcionsail organization due to lack
of freedom The action provoked
much discussion on campus because
of the rather startling move by the
East Carolina's football team's
trip to the Tangerine Bowl in Or-
lando Florida brought interest to
the campus last December The Bucs
went on to defeat the Redmen of
Massachusetts by 14-13 after a cour-
ageous comeback. This was the cli-
max of the very successful football
season which saw Coach Stasavich
compile an enviable 0-1 record for
the second straight season. Numer-
ous FC students took the trip to
Orlando on the special chartered
train while others went by private
The sparkling entertain
ies was enjoyed by the
also. Such stars of the
ment world as Ray Charles
pop and
and Teacher, The Four Fj
The Serendipity Singers
Stratas. Fred Waring, the
Dancers. Now Journeymen.
Symphony Orchestra, the
Quartet, and Josh White
at FC to offer a variety of
arts concerts to the stud
The EC Playhouse pe
series of plays which saw
jump to new highs. Included in T
productions were "My Fair Lady
"The Caretaker "The Days and
Nights of Beebio Finstermaker
'The Magic Flute "Moby Dick
and "Richard III Atb ice in-
creased by 400 this school ; ear
over the previous year.
The largest classroom building on
campus was opened winter quarter
when New ustin was finish
Grand O'd Austin, the original class-
room 'abiding, now
eral departments
be razed and a new
will be erected in
occurred since 1907.
serves m
girls' dormitory
the spot if has
Homecoming was a big hit this
year : s golden-throated Ray Charles
Spring quarter saw the SGA reins I was presented in concert. A crushing
change hands as Eddie Greene was
elected president over Bill Hunt.
Greene succeeded Jim Mahan. presi-
dent for the past year. Greene ran
on a platform advocating a new
cut system, a Tenth Street stop-
light, and more efficient SGA action.
A maze of new buildings and con-
struction projects filled the campus
this year as EC continued to grow,
crow, and grow. Students became
accustomed to construction crews,
maohinerv, and noise.
bv Dr. Jen
After G3!v"
Ir Robert L
Dan K.
the featured speaker during the corn-
Governor u isV here Mav 23. It is indeed an honor to have the
nBcement exerc l occasion.
Governor to spea w
Moore will be
here May 23.
A distinguished list of lectures and
entertainers appeared on campus to
provide students with activities for
I spare time. Such personalities as
Arthur vSchlesinger. Drew Pearson.
Al Lowenstein, James Kilpatrick,
and Mark Etheridge brought cur-
! rent events topics in the form of
i speeches, debates and lectures.
The national election also provided
students with politicians and corn
galore. Gubernatorial candidates
Dan Moore. L. Richardson Preyer,
I. Beverly Lake, and Robert Gavin
visited the casmpus for votes and
support of the students. Other prorm-
net politicians who appeeard were career.
demand for tickets saw m m stu-
dents left outside of the big social
event of fall quarter.
A new social event was added this
year as the Senior Weekend was in-
st'tuted to honor the graduating
members of the student body. Josh
Wh'te and the Serendipity Singers
entertained on consecutive nights
before full houses in Memorial Gym-
nasium. The weekend promises to
become a permanent tradition here
t FC in the future.
The heaviest snowfall in years hit
Greenville winter quarter providing
students with excitement for a week.
Frenzied snowball fights were held
on the mall between coeds and men
students during the six-inch snow.
Everything from a campus fire
to a new Tenth Street stoplight kept
the students buzzing this year and
i now all these memories are left to
this years Buccaneer the stu-
dents will cherish 1964-65 as a year
of excitement and experience. For
some it was the climax to four won-
derful years: while for others it was
only the beginning of tneir college

?.east Carolinianfriday, may 14, 1965
in appreciation
The EAST CAROLINIAN wishes to express its deepest
appreciation for the many fine things people have done for
us this year.
We know that we have learned much. . .we hope that
we have been an instrument for your views and for your
With a much broadened look into life through working
with you . . . the EAST CAROLINIAN'S sponsors we
have gained much hope of attempting the unimagined . . .
and understanding that with which we contend.
We submit to you the final edition of the 1964-65 EAST
CAROLINIAN with, as always, best wishes.
on education . . .
"With every right, there is afforded the opportunity. . .
and with every opportunity, there should be a duty
In this good nation of ours. . .each individual has the
right to an education. With this right, there is afforded cer-
tain opportunities. But with those opportunities there are
rleep and ever present duties. . .obligations which cannot be
negelected if we are to continue to have the right.
Basic is the right to an education. This right is the man-
datory if our precious democracy is to continue. Human beings
are possessors of an instinct for education. Whether their
education be learning how to kill their next meal. . .or
learning the effects of a march on Washington.
The basic right is there. . .this right should not be
abridged, nor condemned, nor even frowned upon. This is a
God given right. . .and it is in no way a priviledge nor a
duty of individuals to take away this right.
With this right. . .there is afforded to each person cer-
tain opportunities. To the deerslayer. . .he is afforded the op-
portunity of life tomorrow and thus security within his sur-
roundings. To the Washington marcher. . .he is afforded the
opportunity to express his opinion and thus, attempting to
sway other opinions. Whether this opportunity be used right
or wrong. . .the basic opportunity remains within his grasp.
His grasp of the opportunities are valid however, only as
far as his education has been extended.
If the deer hunter is out to kill his first deer. . .then his
opportunity to eat that day and possibly the following day
are hindered by his shortened education in the art of deer
And. at the same time, .if the Washington marcher is
educated (either self-educated or otherwise) to see only one
side of an issue then he is able to grasp the opportunities
flowing from his onesided experience.
Educational opportunities must be tolerated by man's
surroundings. The person attempting to educate himself out-
side his limits. . .the limits of nature. . .or outside the limits
which his society permits, then must be willing to accept the
non-cooperativeness of his surroundings. Challenging the un-
known, the unheard of, is man's greatest challenge because
of the obstacle of non-toleration.
With the afforded opportunity, which education makes
available, there should be certain duties.
The duties arising from the deer hunter's kill are to pro-
vide not only himself with food for the day. . .but wood should
be preserved for tomorrow. . .in case tomorrow is not as
successful as today. There is the duty of the deer hunter also
to provide for his constituents needs. Possibly his neighbor's
hunt wasn't so successful. . .and therefore, reciprocal trade
Insures the hunter's tomorrow.
Further duty is placed upon the hunter. He must train
his son to kill. But. . .his son must be afforded the right to
educate himself. . .to "try his wings This right is the basic
right the father-hunter was given on his first attempt to hunt.
Therefore, the learning process is cyclical. . .and the cy-
cle is broadened by the son being affo ded the right to try
something new. Maybe some day. . .the son will devise a gun.
The son has thus been given his basic right of education
. . .been afforded the opportunity to broaden all previous ed-
ucation. . .and he has been successful in the usage of the
duty which his father faithfully and wisely took upon him-
self. It is now the son's duty.
east Carolinian
Published aratweekiy by th students of East Carotins; College,
Greenville, North Carolina
Carolines Colleffiate Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
Layout Editor
Kay Smith, Joanna WOBameon
Managing Editor
Business Manager
Becky Hobgood
Larry Brown
Nellie Lee
Pam Hall
Editorial Editor
Bob Brown
John A very
Benny Teal, Francein Perry. Bob Camp-
bell, Walter Hendrieks, Jeanne Storter,
John Phanter
Sports Editor Randy Ryan
Jim Cox, Fred Campbell George More-
Featoree EditorOlara Katsias
Nancy Martin, Joyce Tyson. Carolyn
Bob Browses
News of the highest degree, only
seven more days until departure
time. Of course some of yw? wiU
be lucky like myself and wall De
able to leave early. May I wish
each of you the 'best of luck m all
of your exams next week, and the
best of summer vacations you have
ever had.
Enough of the goods for now
(good by, good luck, etc.) and lets
oet down to business. Some of the
same old business still is art hand.
The janitor service is stall rotten,
the air conditioning is still too cold,
and the dust doth fly.
As most of the men in the dorms
know by now the sale of various
food items has been forbidden. No
more can the cold drinks and de-
licious sandwitches be delivered to
Steve Thompson. Henry Walden, Donnie
Lamb, Carl Stoat
Greek Editor Amy Hooker. Anita Zepal
SubscriptionsGayie Adams
ProofreadersTerry Shelton, Bobbi
Rath. Dianne Small, Kay Roberts
TypistsCookie Sawyer, Doris Bell,
Ida Campen, Janice Richardson
Faculty Adrieor Wyatt Brown
Photographe byJoe Brannon
the rooms 'at night to soothe the
hunger pains that develop from ex-
tensive study. Oh woe is us, why is
someone always picking on us.
In the past many students have
complained about the high prices
they must pay when purchasing
items through the campus supply
store Well I finally became a vic-
tom of the "highway robbery" that
is taking place. I did ta little brows-
ing around and found out that some
items are marked up as much as
40 percent of their retail price.
Not wholesale but RETAIL. Now if
this was top-qual'kty material it
would be a different story, but this
material is of a bird quality (cheap).
If we must purchase items from the
supplv store it should at least be
worth buying
Good news to all man th
to watch the girls sunbathed
the girls dorms I, aodTr
my friends have found a LI I
way to oogle. We went TH
coupLe of weeks ago and
turn to Greenville 'whooajT
over the campus and WkJJ
Yep, they haven't put aton
sun courts yet so rush op "
the airport and rent yourself
The sights are great.
So ends another quart- ,
year: it has been fun writing
umn for this year and I CJ
are no hard feelings reslutmgC
any of my articles i hope V
you next year.
You-all be good and smile
Carolina In The Nightime
The mights are now bluer than the
blues of Gainsborough, and deeper
than the blues of mountain pools.
Each night is softer than all the
comet's hair, sn, and lambskin ex-
tant. , .u
And the way the stars dangle their
ttnes in trees and hedgerows, you'd
think fairies were fishing for sugar-
plums. Even the lawn that is drab
by day seems to be lighted by trees
filled with jack-o-lanterns. and the
shadows dance to and fro in waltzes
Vacations are great levelers. The
person who takes one returns home
just as broke as the person who
stayed home because he couldn't af-
ford to go away.
National Safety News
that conjure the amenities of a gen-
tler time. High above, the moon, a
merry philantrophist, tosses down
gold-dust in prodigal flourishes, strik-
ing the greyest alleys into lanes of
golden flowers.
When these warm, purring nights
come each year, and the earth is a
sweet plain of singing rivers, Tar
Heels rush out 'at first with the im-
petuosity of warriors to battle. But
then we slow down, and go on tip-
now. 'twould be a good three miles
the man said.
His wife, seeing the tourists' faces
fail, broke in, "Ah, Michael, make
it two sure, they're walkin
-G. McKee
toe, almost soundlessly, for fa '
noise will break the spell and 2
this fairyland into ashes and swS
That's how it always is when ti,
spring night is an enchanted Z
just within our gates. We are S
to turn our backs because our Z
might think we are rude, but"2
spells, smells, music, and Z
make us willing captives who to
in our delightful bondage to the low
deep, blue Carolina nischt time
and started swimming aroynd.
"Isn't it lovely sa;c' (be mother
"It certainly is sarid Ebe art
well aware of the admiring glances'
she was drawing. "And. Mother
they stocked it just for me1"
-John W.
A pilot on one of the major air
lines would wait until the going got
bumpy, then stroll through the cabin
with a book under his 'arm. The title
which he kept prominently displayed,
was "How to Fly in 20 Lessons
George Dixon, Kings Features
Two matronly ladies to travel
agent: "We'd like to get completely
away from civilization, near some
nice shopping district
Franklin Folger, Newspaper
During a walking holiday in Ire-
land my mother and a friend found
themselves at dusk one evening on
a lonely road with no sign of the
town where they were to spend the
night. They stopped a passing cou-
ple to ask how far it was. "Well
I was showing a Connecticut cou-
ple and their attractive teen-age
daughter around the luxurious motel
where they were to stop in Houston.
Texas, when we paused beside the
pool. At that moment a group of
young fellows appeared, dived in
A young woman tells us that one
night on a rough Pacific crossing she
was in her cabin undressing for bed
when suddenly she was overcome by
seasickness. In a panic she rushes i
out into the corridor and headed for
the bathroom. It was not unrtii she
collided with an elderly genital
who was feeling equally miserable
that she realized she didn't have a
stitch of clothing on. Horrified, she
let out a shriek.
Her fellow sufferer lookied at be:
wanly. "Don't let it bother you,
miss he groaned I'll never fa
to tell anybody -RM
West Evaluates S. A. C.
SotweHptfcm rate: $8.00 par 7r
Offieca third floor of Wrfcht Buildl
aUlfln Addrow: Box Kit. East Carolina 0eg Station, GrwmriDe. North CaroMaa
Talephoaa. aUl dopartaoenta. PL 2-6716 or 7S8-3426. extension S94
Robert Holt West, supervisor of
teacher training in distributive edu-
cation at East Carolina College will
serve as a member of the evaluation
team of the Southern Association Oi
Colleges and Schools in conducting
a survey of the distributive educa-
tion program of Durham Senior High
West, an tassocJate professor in the
East Carolina School of Business, has
been invited to participalte in the
evaluation of the Durham program
by Nile F Hunt, director of the Di-
vision of Instructional Services ifior
the State Department of Public In-
The date of the evaluation is May
10 and 11. West and other members
of the committee will visit tfhe school
for a formal survey and a meeting
of the school's faculty with com-
fitfcee members.
West, who has received several
comes letters from its readers. The
briefer they are the better the pros-
pect of publication. Letters should
be kept to a maximum of 150 words.
They should also be of general In-
terest to all students. All are sub-
ject to condensation and should
conform to the standards of decency
and good taste. We assume no re-
sponsiblity for statements made.
Any letter that is not accompanied
with the name of the person who
wrote it will not be published. If
you wish for us to withhold your
name please state so in the letter.
awards for outstanding service to the
North Carolina Association of Dis-
tributive Education Clubs in Ameri-
ca, joined the ECC faculty last Mfr
tember to head up the new disir
tive education pro gram here.
flfcr off - IA A TfiflPiTloMAlKT.

Senior Week-en
perlormanc .
The eratertaimi
ed a variety of
from the popi
Serendipty Sim
strains of Terei
An appearanq
uga dancers in
series in Austi
Russian troupe
rag of eochanj
The concert
Teresa Sfcnat&s
pcrtarily after
before the eoi
performed in -1
ed the audienc
um. Since Missl
at East Garolirni
acclaim on a
poputer j ;zz
His concert in
was such an
EC students di
chairs had to
gym. This pro
finest Homecorl
lady of thi
SJratas, soprai
Pra entertai.
students and f
Stratus' voic
.throughout th
,ng the entire

east Carolinianfriday, may 14. 19653
? j
r1 out
, 4


Entertainment Flourishes
IKThe Serendipity Singers with their vivacious singing and hilarious stories completed
Hie famous group sang their hit record, 'Beans in Your Ears' to start off their delightful
Folk, Jazz Pop And Classical
Music Echo In EC Halls
TRIO OF THE YEARThe exerting Journeymen used the new portable
stage in Ficklen Stadium to entertain the incoming Freshmen on the
last day of Orientation Week. After their battle with the bugs, they began
he Folk Singing Hootenany whicn included three other groups.
rent series present-
lent this year
ids of the
- agers to the opera
-1 Stratas.
. f raed Rad-
. tober initiated the
Witorum. This
rented an even-
r cuRured
the much-hailed
- p stponed tem-
became til
rt However, she
: r. till eaptivat-
n WrigM Auditori-
- St atas' appears!
e has won world
ecent tour abroad.
was highlighted by
Ray Charles
fiat many
. get tickets and
id up outside the
be one of the
recent years
at EC, due Largely to Charles' fine
February saw the P&gaoina Quar-
come to EC for a concert in
Austin Auditorium.
Violinist Jack Glatzer performed
March in concert. One of the out-
nding young violinists in this
proved his rave
sparse crowd in
ountry GJaUer
. 'ccv before a
The high-brow
series continued
March with the Paris Sympho-
Orchestra presenting a concert
Popular musk was highlighted
Sen or Weekend with blues singer
Josh White and the Serendipity
S ngers during the weekend of April
White ippeared late for his con-
ert on Friday, April 23, because
o! hospitaHzation with laryngitis in
w York. Yet, through sheer show-
manship and determination -and
gainst doctors" oi lers), Josh met
his committment in Greenville. He
also brought his son, Josh Jr with
him to entertain the seniors. Both
wore immediate hits with the ap-
preciative audience as Josh, Sr. re-
coved several standing ovations
for his courage in making the ap-
Saturday night saw the Serendipity
Singers perform in the Gymnasium
before a packed house. This nine-
member band of guitars and banjos
filled the air with ballads, chldren's
songs, and spirituals which have
made them widely-known. Certainly,
t can be said that this group ap-
peared to enjoy their work every
move was full of real gusto and
enthusiasm the entire night. Need-
less to say. this vigor overflowed
into the audience and Senior Week-
end was a success.
Incidentally, this was the first
nnual Senior Weekend and it is
hoped to become a tradition here at
EC. Organized by Senior Class Pres-
ident. Bryan Bennett, the weekend
should help school .pirit and add
another tradition to ifiC life.
COURAGEOUS MAN OF THE YEARJosh White, leavng his sick bed
to come to East Carolina because of the warmth shown here in the past
toward him bv the students, is to be commended for his bravery. Opening
Senior Week-end. his delightful songs, along with his son. Josh White,
Jr entertained the students and their guests.
Mratas soprano of the MetropolW
"oera entertained approximatr1
- udents and faculty mmrt,iiv
Straus' voice rang a0,S!?
Jhroujshout the auditorinm oapw
nc the entire crowd.
a nn m OF THE YEARIn all the entertainment of the school
THE $6000-Wv Carles Concert rated as the number one performance,
year, the nay wordj. used ihe packed audience. Ray
Superlatives were hour compared to his a, thiriy
Charles Vj aDd the students shewed their approval with a rare
standing ovation.
Needed: Persons Interested
In Working On The
Summer Publications
Apply at East Carolinian Office

carolimanfriday. may 14, 1965
EC Hosts
like it has been since October since Speaking on foreign policy and
Mr. Pearson perked the ears of East specifically I . S. action in Viet Nam.
Carolina students. His predictions Dr. Schlesinger provided an inside
always sem to arouse interest. view of trouble spots about the globe.
SENIOR BANQUET-Lt. Governor Robert Scott is posed here with the selected two outstanding seniors
Miss Roberta i Bobbie- Eason and Mr. Brvan Bennett. Scott, speaking at the Senior banquet told students tt
keep pushing . . . never stop.
Student Faculty Lecture Series
I Presents Outstanding Officials
East Carolina was fortunate to
host several prominent lecturers in
the Student-Faculty Lecture Com-
m'itee series for 1964-65. Included
in the series were noted historian
Dr. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr
columnist Drew Pearson, and Nobel
Prize-winner Dr. Glenn T. Seatborg,
Chairman of the Atomic Energy
Schlesinger appeared on campus
in February and lectured' on the
urr rt world situation, including
the Viet Nam crisis. As a ranking
member of the Kennedy Adminds-
aton. Schlesinger presented n-
ight into the famous Cuban mis?
siie showdown. He stated that "un-
less there is free exchange of ideas
eated column, Pearson commented
on the future of U.SSoviet relations
by relating some of his experiences
with Russian leaders. He also made
several of his famous predictions
on the future of world affairs.
The College was indeed honored
to get Dr. Glenn Seaborn to pay a
six-hour 'visit to the campus in
April. The distinguished nuclear
scientist delivered a lecture or,
TeehnophiLia the fear many
people have of progress. His lec-
ture traced prominent examples of
this fear in our history. Then Sea-
born noted some misconceptions thatj
exist today concerning the peaceful i
use of nuclear energy
j Seaborn also expressed his interest
ige i
iti ala
slim aa
Kilpatrick a
March for a Civ- Fti
was a highlight of tl
series Although
dience was
bators conduct; '
cuss ion on the C
Bast Carolina was liege
which present t th
o;tweon the United States and the j the nation's liberal arts colleges
Soviet Union, there is no hope for
world peace
Drew 'Pearson opened the lecture
series in October with a speech in
Memorial Gymnasium before a near-
capacity crowd. Long a "watchdog"
of the nation through his daily syndi-
c-ailing them vital to the education-
al system. "I am impressed by what
I saw here today on your campus
he said, "you seem aware of the
challenges facing this world of to-
Hie appearance of James Jackson
College Union U
Everyone I mated lo
( O I I. E G I I I 0 N
Saturday Niight, Wat 15
Prom 8:30-31 v- m.
Wright Auditorium
Music Bt
DR. GI I SEABORGSpeaking at the East Carolina campus on April
14, Or Seaborg, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission appearel
at a new- conference and announced the success of the SNAP satellite
with Mr. Kilpatrick, Mr. Etheridge ciamatioa has been bestowed upon
side of "civil rights'
Marck 1$.
Dedication cere
dorm. Fletcher
capacity 4i2 you
Ho hu'
on eampu
pleted vh

tinu -
tion arou i

den: -
the campt.
ant am
Alter mon
planning. F
opened I
dorm was do
monies to Ti
took what is considered the liberal I both Kilpatrick and Etheridge for "the! MOVIE STAR-Dr Leo W J.kw fZ Tw -1
debate on I -d good taste ey nsed U to induce tmsmessVs L2SL Vo aro St? "J"1
' - " on Carolina Students passing the soene seemed a bit impr
the nh donate,
their president.
W1. being ?
The 1965 Bu
the annual
tures and fii
nre their m

. ' '
east Carolinianfriday, may 14, 19655

Students Note Changes

New In Review
Present Campus Life
idded to the
The long awaited stop light on 10th pr
street was finally put in operation. r, . yVu:tl, Un
It makes the crossing of 10th street u outstanding heauty on the campus ot LCC is Miss Gloria White, wno
miHh easier cZ safer for the stu- .as elected Miss Greenville and the Whit, Ball Queen. Gloria is a mem-
rteid her of the Alpha Delta Pi sorority,
s. .

i a
lore ex-
Si .
i ough

i hoax,
the Buccaneer this
studems as
and Henry
ness man-
did a fine jab
.some task and were
tudent reaction
llu- fabulous Embers, hailing from Raleigh, displayed their talents at the Spring Quarter
Auditorium this year. A capacity crowd gathered to dance and enjoy the swinging music
Dance held
Were they
In Wright
work. Having 480 pages,
olorfufc pic-
nts can treas-

5 -u.istinding uork. navu.s
,s" ' VeaT IS'M,t'Vw.r" .1 the school. With C
ial is the largest to httlieyW,8tife
1(j ' l iofi Buccaneer.
urt their memories with the w D
The YFROTC and Campus Radio sponsored a drive for money for UNICEF, to help underprivileged children
hrouhout the world. They were highly successful as the donations were more than ever before. The drive
took place on October 31, 1964.

east Carolinianfridav, may 11. 1965
Brine Down The Curtain!
Playhou&e Tops ear
With Five Productions
With the - "i
Rehi arsed th(
down the
i on great season o I e
produi I During tl
the Piaj house has taken I u
sure in presei tin i seri
nt five prod iei ion
M Pair Lady The
hts oi Beebee i
rd HI The M
o! :
. .

he I
Mr. I I1
Mr 1' hI: Sw
Thanks nl Gratitude
i S
ir Lad
Henry Higgins (Peter Bromilow) to Eliza Doolitth
T e
Carolyn tirn
irerj Duke, Karl, and Peer" attends the "Ascot Opening Day" and ianees the "Ascot Gavotte" in "My I air Lady
( otned

SidJHM i


8east Carolinianfriday, may 14, 1965
Football Tops Sports
elated V
c . i ri formation The "O K. fellows, let's run a dowu end out pattern. Any other suggest;
Cline attempts to pass with excellent protection from Stasavichs highl Zeery End swept, huh? So matter what went on in the
Pirates rolled up a very impressive and proud 9-1 record and a victory ,n the Tangerine
proud of our Pirates and express our sincere thanks for a job well done.
didn't just talk about it but acted with successful action.
Bowl Victory And 9-1 Record
Ends Football Year For EC
This year has been a successful one on to a 33-7 victory. Howard threw
for Fast Carolina athletics, especial- a scare into the Pirates when they
v since this was the first year in scored 13 points to lead going into
the Southern Conference, although the second quarter. Itie Bucs battles
the games dd not count in the final to a 13-12 score ;n the third qua
standings Next vear we will be and then recovered a tumble
itfible for the championship in went on to take the lead 19-13.
every sport except football where ward scored midway m the fourth
we ilick one game fmm the required quarter to take a one point Lead
number of five conference games. 20-19 but the Pirates finally scored
Winning the Eastern Regional with three minutes let- and then
Football Championship m the Tang- thirty seconds left to score i 31-20
erine Bowl with a 14-13 victory over victory.
Wofford w as the nexl victim i
Bucs as thev fell by the scor of
the University of Massachusetts was
the highlight'of the sports year, as
it closed out a 9-1 season for the
football Pirates. For his achieve-
Sp.a-rs then
tit victory
The Bucs mo
to resume th- i
Th I
rh' Pin '
w n s Da
D's and
ushed Fur

2i-0. A strong defense provided the had
shut-out as ('line ran tor a touchd iwn
in the
:e th
scor a
- i for 13
garner in his
the key spot in the Stasavieh single aster for the Bucs. as the Spiders son hauled down
wing. The first quarter was score- edged the Pirates 22-20. The game yards -
'ess but the Pirates exploded for 19 started on an ominous note as a
points in the second quarter and went fumble on the first play left the
on to score a 25-0 victory. When it ball on the EC three yard 'en
all over Dave Alexander had plays later Richmond led 7-0. 1
nent. coteh Cllarence Stasavieh was and passed for another. Bast
named the "Coach of the Vear" in Una traveled to Lenoir Rhyne
the NCAA College Division. It was the next victory. 33-14. while rol
the second straight season that the up 44:5 total yards gained. The Pi-
Pirates achieved a 9-1 record. rates made it a romp as Oline ran
It all began back on September for 150 yards and two touchdowns.
12. when the Bucs opened against while passing for another TD. Dave
Catawba College in Ficklen Stadium. Alexander rushed for 127 yards ad
Star tailback Bill Cline was out of two touchdowns, as the Pirates relied
action with as injury to his ringer up 307 yards on the ground.
and George Pviehardson took over at The Richmond game spelled
two touchdowns while Richardson Alex; rider intercepted a Richmond
had passed to Bumgarner for a TD pass and raced 36 yards for the first
nd run for another. Buc points but they stilled trailed
Next the Bucs traveled north to by one point 7-6. On a bad center
meet Wesehester State College. Wes- snap. Cline was trapped for a safety
Chester scored first but by the end j and Richmonn went on to scoe two
of the first quarter Bast Carolina! TD's before the half as EC got one
held a 13-7 lead. The Pirates went so that the score stood 22-14. The
After comj
son, the
r: t- -
end Dave :
able mention
America team. Jim
Alexander 9et th
record with his 96 p
East Carolina lost only Billy Brogden. the senior sparkplug, through grad-
uation and expeci a successful season next year as leading scorer Jerry
Woodside, Gerald Smith, Grady Williamson, and Bobby Kinnard all re-
turn from last years starting team. It should be a fine season for Coach
Wendell Carr and his boys.
Linker Leads Wrestling Team
To Good Season; 6-3 Record
Neal Linker led the wrestling
team to a good season as they mount-
ed a 6-3 record. Linker was unde-
feated through the nine matches in
the 177 pound class. Marshall Catoe
also did well, in running up a 7-2
record for the season.
The grapplers opened with a string
of three victories, over Pembroke.
R. P. I and then Duke. But the
tough Citadel team handed them
their first loss of the season and
Pfeiffer squeezed out a narrow win
also. West Virginia made it three
in a row loss. The Pirates battled
back to win the last three on the
schedule, beating St. Andrews, Pem-
broke and V. II I. In each of the
matches East Carolina went into
the meet with a disadvantage be-
cause we had no man in the 123
pound class, and thus had to forfeit
I five points before we even started.
; This could have meant the difference
in several of the losses.
Some of the other wrestlers who
jhad a successful season last year
were Jerry Williamson, Guy Hager-
j ty. and Keith Douglas, who all posted
6-3 records. All of the starters are
returning for next season with the
exception of Marshall Catoe, so that
next season will be vi better.

What d you
,Vv You thi;
:he weakest, huh
along with hi
ants, helji with t
n (he toot ball i
Students can take pride and boast of the fact that East Carolina College has started the first crew team &
state of North Carolina. Competing next year, it looks like they might be quite successful.

As (
- "
red t3
i be I
Mo -mil
. sea vva
Who In '-
ersities b I
Whfctg h
- hkallenges to
ack. Wtaittj
they had no
school He ca
n a football
terback and
Stasavieh thro
and tailback.
little support
for the eWlegti
vote httK- tii
winter footba
put turn far
n traiHafig bi
We nearly
when lue sij
ship with
year, but W
losing the yea
ed on at EC
circles in his
ed fourth in
Coast Champj
&fc This

east caroHnianfriday, may 14, 10659
;ul coaches prepare
re the big same
is students, proudh
to leave for the how! in this large
in order to gel in on those last tew
nailed to s( th' us ()1, hoping
veryone with their ears glued to the radio or watching the garru- in
person had been waiting anxiously tor this game . . . win, lose or tie.
After going tor the two points after the first touchdown, the ieeling that
the defense would be quite aledt lor the two point try this time probablv
crossed the minds of many EC well-wishers. Even with this disadvantage
could they make it with that strong Redmen defense? The Pirates cam
through with those two points giving them the victory, 14-13.
tour-engine plane
practice sessions.
the bowl victory
The group
Dr. Leo W.
would soon
Limited Material Poses Problem
For Track Instructor, Berryhill
The track team has done very
well this season when one consid-
ers the limited material that coach
Berryhill had to work with. The
Pirates had the quality of material
that they needed, only they lacked
he quantity that is so important in
track. There were only 26 boys
out for both the freshman and varsity
track trams compared to the usual
To or 80 men on other schools
track squads.
Quality was no problem with, per-
formers like Whitty Bass, who ran
with the Baltimore Track Club Last
winter, or Terry Wills, the 31 year
old track whiz from Chowan. The
small core of leaders have done well
this year, establishing four new-
records. Whitty Bass cracked the re-
cord in the "80, his specialty as
I 1111 r. n
the intermediate hurdh -
triple jump. The 440 relay team a
a new record as Tern V.
Whiitty Bass, Jack Fo to
Price ran in the relaj
The Pirates opened againsl
broke with a vi tory by the
of 79-51. Next came Elon win
Pira re umph I
Whitt Bas . try Wi
their I Domini
th Pir tes n their third dual
by the scon oi 101-44. Then
triangular meet East Carolina plac
end to '1 - Campbell
placed third, with scores of 90 for
The Citadel. 60 for East Carolina,
and 31 for Campbell. Whitty Bass
broke the 880 record again and Te
ry Wills set a new triple jump
mark here.
i - t that play
the riiiht side is
i. h Stasavich,
- and assist
.stul action
indents pitched in and got the EC cheerleaders to Florida tor the
bowl game by buying tangerines. The cheering squad did quite a bit of
cheering for the EC squad.
I til
Participates In Tryouts
landidate For 18 Olympics
t rew
it Basi
r Olym
5 that he
te ofeserv-
. ex1 Olym
. Mexico
pi toed
p ca " '
; mm
tie has
Among h:s
. . tre:
. 220
the "
i lehoi - '
He has
football, been
nert of the
t,K Who's
es and Un-
t rounded
riot abll-
mc many
his success in
Wilson, whore
K program in bign
East Carolina
1 k1 skip as a quar-
tan hxed under
- year as a split end
The frack program bad
: -Mftvi he began to run
i . Knd Whrttv could de
, track because of
rills -Ah-ich always
behind his competitors
a- i : but new m r
.i i .m 'hftty t0.l;
?igned I Ml W scholar
ti ns oprKHTKr
Vhrrv f-ewied f1
I rNty and Rf
' v' became rniu & track
rumor ,vor as PT
: 1 m the NCAA Attartbc
' w rmf ito for the ra-
Oollege Champion- ing Coach Berryhill and Whitty de-
Fresno, California Out cided over the winter to change his
FYesno California uut eioeo o c
V, him placed sev- speciaUy to the 880 and then point for
L uite remarkable when the national championships in that
9 ; that if! was only his event.
of the year while most The best time this season has
competed in bei n 1.34 but he has had to run
year againsl himself beoause of the lack
pponents had
md trained
. r specialty.
of serious competition that he faces
VVnJtty returned to summer school during the season. This weekend he
d an invitation t0 run'
oi yuanneo is one
, men in the world in the 880 yard
?otball career ?inished dash. He has just returned from a
drill i ; longer . t?rfer
ain for the track season
nw one of East Care-
WHrrn ygg, poses at the
recentl a1 oivmpic Games ni
pect for the.1JW school
Mexico "Vvard dash, the
wart, i-TJTS specialty, the
Ufr.yard dash, Jj
SHKvard dash. e f!J Er footban
et indmti member of me y
?. Wtering three years
UctOll. IH HCIO ,vwi .Kv.
Kuropean tour with the U.S. national
team and has recently run the dis-
tance in 1.48. This will be Whitty's
stiffist competition by far but he is
eager to see how well he can do
liaint the best in the world.
On May 21 and 22. Whitty will
compete 'in the N.C.A A. Atlantic
Coast College Championships again
and then on to the National in Calif-
ornia on June 4 and 5.
s for his plans for the future and
the Olvmpies. Whitty would like to
teach school in Maryland and train
for the Baltimore Olympic Club, for
which he is ninnktg this summer.
But his plans are by no means defi-
rite and he may return to East
Carolina for graduate work and con-
tinue his training here When Whit-
ty retires from running he plans to
enter a seminary to become a Pres-
byterian minister
Whitty sums up his feeling when
he says "Out of every 1.000 who
aspire to the Olympics only one
makes it, but to me it wouM be a
reat challenge and honor 1 would
like to do it for the honor of the
school and it has always been a
dream of mane to compete in the
Olympics ' Wherever the next
three years take Whitty. it is likefly
that come 19G8 an East Oarolflna
nlummis will be running in Mexico
City The only direction Whitty knows
is up and we are sure that he will
reach his gdai as he has m tbe pat,
Hundreds oi students greeted Bumuarner, Stasavich and all the members
! the happy but tired squad and roaches. The student body ran b ser
proud ot the Pirates for the great bowl victor ihev defeated the very
strong University of Massachusetts team. That's two bowl victories u
a row.
Saturday, May 15
2:00 until 4:00

10east Carolinianfriday, may 14, 1965
Alpha Omicron Pi
Kappa Delta
Delta Zeta
Alpha Xi Delta
Me ma Sigma
Theta Chi
Lambda Chi Alpha
Kappa Alpha
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Chi Ome

Greeks Give Much
To Campus Life
place in the piggy back race in duce studying at 803 E. 5th.
the Greek Field Days. The Pi Kapp certainly the highlight of Greek
skit, while it did not place, never- . Week forthe sigmas as the fra-
theless brought forth much laugh-1 fernity meias choice for IFt Queen.
ter due to Pledge. w Vfan and yim-s representative. Brenda Jobn-
Ilices thesiicn ab:lrtie&. St night 1 gi over tht- week-end while
a joint part with the Sign.a cai1 s hriiging ho.r.e the roses and tropiiy.
took place with music being PHTitles are nothing new to the torm-
The Greeks on the East Carolina
Campus have had a very outstand-
ing and successful year. It is at
the end of the year that one looks
back upon all the wonderful mem-
ories accumulated during the past
The Greeks have done much upon
our campus and sponsored many
worthwhile projects. Greeks have
participated actively in SGA, spec-
ial clubs, community projects, the
Bast Carolinian, the Buccaneer, and
sports events, just to mention a few.
Certainly, it can not be said that
the Greeks on our campus keep to
themselves. They are a vital part of
our campus life and contribute daily
to the betterment of college life.
It would be impossible to write a
summary of all the things the Greeks
have done on our campus this year.
A few of the highlights of Greek life
this past year have been the Alpha
Xi Delta All-Sing, the Lambda Chi
Field Day. I. F. Cs Greek Week,
parties for dis advantaged children
at Christmas anr1 Easter, participa-
tion in Homecoming events, and
help with community projects.
The Greeks themselves often real-
ize that there are individuals among
them who desire recognition for their
outstanding participation in Greek
and cvii" js 'ifo.
We would UKe to recognize lese
Greeks a' jo so we dedicate :his
oage to our outstanding Greeks who
ty.ve served their fraternities, sor-
orities and college so faithfully and pledge.
unselfishly during the past year.
Congratulations Greeks!
vided bv the dynamic
er Miss Kinston who is currently
dkans Also a surprise appearance Uambda chi Alpha Crescent Girl
bv Clvde McPhatter added to our
good time.
to Brother
Fearing who lavaliered Anne Dan-
iel, a Kappa Delta. Also to Brother
Bob Woodrow who lavaliered Jean-
ne Clements. And our fondest best
wishes to Brother Ken Martin who
has recently become engaged to
Miss Ricky Collins. Delta Zeta
: nd Eas Carolina Azalea Princess.
Recognition also goes to Sigmas
installed in Student Government pos-
itions for the coming year. Lisa
Green will serve as secretary while
.Ian Jackson and Joyce Sigmon re-
present their classes in the legis-
lature. Carrleeta Redfern will be
secretary of the junior class Other
officers include Denise Kogelmann.
secretarv - treasurer of Women's
This school year of 1964-65 brought Judiciary: Linda Bullard. member
good memories to the Pi' at-large. Women's
Judiciarv: Jovce
pa Delta Pi Honorary Education
Fraternity; Pi Omega Pi Honorary
Business'Ed. Frat Chi Beta Phi
Honorary Science. Math, and Psy-
chology Frat the Math Club: Young
Democrats Club. Bamma Beta Phi
Honorarv Societv. Westminister Fel-
lowship, and the Dean's Advisory
Council: Who's Who Among Students
Tn American Colleges and Univers-
K'apps. A year of hard work and
excellent progress was climaxed by
Sigmon. senior member. Women's
Honor Council: and Jan Jackson and
Barbara finished her
Alpha Xi Delta has chosen Mass
1-kirbara Sue Trader a math and
Dusiness major from Benson N.C
as their "Outstanding Senior Mem-
Barbara has been very active in
sorority and campus affairs. She ser-
ved as President of our chapter,
Gamma Phi for two years, was dele-
gate to the Province Convention, and
delegate to the Chapter Officers
Round able at Ohio State Univ. last
summer. She received the Outstand-
ing-Member -of-the-Yetar Award in
19B4 Barbara its presently employed
bv Alpha Xi Delta as a National
Field Counselor and is spending most
of her weekends at other chapters.
Barbara is also a member of Phi
Beta Lambda Business Organiza-
tion. She has made this organization
and us very proud by winning first
place in the State Extemporaneous
Speaking Contest and second place
in the national contest, second place
in the National Miss Future Business
uate work Winter Quarter: there-
fore, she is presently (attending grad-
uate school and working in the School
of Business.
Next fall will find Barbara at the
University of South Carolina where
she has received an assistantship in
the Mathematics Department.
Congratulations, Barbara.
New officers for Pi Kappa Phi
for the fall quarter are the follow-
ing: Gary Miller, Archon; Jimmy
Daiil, Treasurer: Ken Martin Secre-
tary; Jimmy 'Williams, Historian;
land Carl Darden. Warden.
Pi Kappa Phi is proud to announce
the initiation of six new brothers:
Bill Dryden, Pocomoc, Maryland;
Richard Edwards. Wash D.C Ken
Hays, Raleigh. N.C 'Rod Justus,
Hendersonville, N.C Jim Mather,
Virginia Beach, Via and Howard
Sheble, Annandale, Va.
A survey of all the Pi Kapps
brought out these memories of the
year: successful defense of our In-
termural Swimming Crown: Broth-
er Scott's trophies over the fire
place: missing the scholarship tro-
phy by the skin of our teeth: Bro-
1 ther Resseguie and McLamb's super
undergrad- p.j, recipes: lessons in how to lava-
Teacher Contest, and first pliace in Pi Kapps took an active part in
(the 9taite Miss Future Business Ex- the Greek Week lestivdibies. Much
cutive Contest credit is owed to Brother Sheble and
Barbara is also a member of Kap- ' Pledge Weyman who coped first
lior a true love by Brother Ram-
seur: Woodrow and the "Grape
winning the Fat Man's Relay: pledge
trips to Georgia Tech, Georgia Car-
olina. State, and Duke: J. T. and the
Trolls: Williams, Justus, and Res-
seguie on banjo and guitar; cool,
suave A.B seeing the "Garden" in
all its glory: friendly, helpful Chip
Butler; figuring out the Eta's pledge
project: Zetas humiliating defeat in
the "Commode Bowl and to all the
girls the Pi Kapps have wined, din-
ed, and caused liner this year.
To all our fellow Greeks land friends
of Pi Kappa Phi, we wish you a
happy summer and look forward to
a successful school year 1965-66.
With just a few days left for clas-
ses and exams fast approaching, the
Gamma Beta Sigmas widl be es-
pecially busy. The sorority scholastic
standing for the past school year
was recently announced and the
Sigmas were delighted, as well as
lawed, to find their improved scholar-
ship placed them third for the year.
Keeper of Grades CaroU Waring de-
serves credit for her efforts to in-
our fourth annual Rose Ball Week- Ginny Memford, junior members of
end. Who will ever forget' the Honor Council.
Leading the cheers for the Pirates
will be varsity cheerleaders Pam
Dalton and Lisa Green, returning
from last year's squad. Sigmas Cher-
yl Walker and Caroline Riddle will
he alternates.
On Saturday. May IB. the Sigmas
will entertain their seventeen grad-
uating sisters at the annual Senior
Send-On. Held at the home of Virgin-
ia Minges. Chapter Alumnae Advis-
or, the poolside party will feature a
buffet lunch, skits, and songs to
honor the graduates. Each senior
will be presented a gift engraved
with the Greek letters of Sigma Tri.
Lambda Chi Alpha held their an-
nual beach week-end at Atlantic
Beach the first week-end in May.
WTith rooms at the John Yancey Mo-
te land the Starliners as the com-
bo, a fine time was held bv all Af-
ter the week-end. Chip Martin is
laValiered to Miss Pat Arnold. Sig-
ma Sigma Sigma.
During Greek Week. Lambda Chi
won the skit night competition At
the IFC banquet Friday night. Lamb-
da Chi Alpha won the Scholarship
trophy as la fraternity, and the
pledges also had the highest scholas-
tic average of any other fraternity
pledge class. Also. Lambda Chi Al-
pha received the award for the Out-
standing Pledge Class. A brother
Oarlton Barnes of Wilson. NO has
the highest scholastic average of
all Greeks on cam)
cent Girl, Miss Bre
Kinston, N (' . Sigm; - -
was chosen by
the banuel. iml
he speak r. Mr
a Lambda ("h ' :
lations to Bob James -
being chosen (uts1 .
Lambda ! 'hi ;
'he President's
en to the ore
on campus tha. ac
points in intramu
Lambla Chi has w
the Last five years
Danny Miller won
championship A3
is the golf champion
Sunday was M '
the Lambda Chis r o
wish they 'Mom !
Andrews, a happy
We sent her beaut
Last Thursday ni
held Its annual banq
quite proud of its a
over-all c impus champio
ball and sorority di
ship for volleyball. S si
chell won outstand
res enta five
the B
Phi's an
Alpha Phi received an
ant surprise this pas- "
Our chapter was award i ?l0;
Outstanding Sorority t iJ v
less to say. we are ve; rv
happy to receive this MtJ
Last Friday night pta r
tiated eight new sisters "The
follows: Carol Alligood. Frme
kens. Niancv Dickens. Frances lt
ley. Laurie Keller. Gik- Mi:-
Jan Smith, and Beth TV. V"I
going through inspiration wefc
girls were initiated and v"l'rnW
a banquet Friday night I!j
outstanding pledge ward a ?L&$
pledge class was giver. -T
Gilley and in the Nu fige
the most outstanding piedge 3,u,iv
was given to Frances lkJr JJ,
arship bracelets were awaroW
the pledges with the hi.ah &S
during the quarter precede i
pledge period Carol W:
awarded a bracelet from
pledge class and Niancv rlcloen
the award from the Nu pledge CPT
We are happy to have the &ls
ow new siistaTs.
It's All Greel
The AOPis ha
1 a of May was pi
-Hat:onof thewi
, Son where the s
l pledge
ne house
.rL special oeren
erved breakfast
s ,ters Later. .
m form.
S sisters ar,
Lung. Betr
'Saturday aAt
; Bal- "e-
ion B ? ;
waters w
, yn v
and -
neA - imt
i 6rottl of
red aw
will rea
The sorority '
. moth-
n Sui.c.
3 enjaye
three floors 1
The sist" I
h-other- I
.ould lil
for the go
tt Fxiv.arci whj
Krsd- rec
si Thursday
tended the WTL-
They managed '
full of trophies
vkethall, bad:
teams. 1t
ird for l964-
Mpha Pin z&
ce Lucas v,
oins tr

,(V All reek
east Caroliniani'riday, may 14, 196511
sin v.
i m

. . vf P'
past F I
led Most
-i- v id
i ; iward
. v fa ;
ers Tiey art
od Pr-
Grace Mit' .
d Both r -
d and fwrel;
it IT
rt&e ward in J?
vu pMge OS
.wdtfic W SK-
-axvces Dkfcens
s wen J,3rLtfp
h the hi aVE-
preciee JJ
Carol V.a?ood 4
acelet fnm ne V
d Ntancy Dtctoens
the Nu pie
(urvc these m
, s have had a ok
01 ctzvitttl Te jkrr week
ras planned .w und Ibe
ie winter pkvige clasps.
night wacs informal hi-
re the sisters had a great
fun art Oh. pledges.
, nder of the week-end.
Spring pledge
class who
with an 8 to 6 upset over the
'r. Mated nexst fall AVioo wnL t the Pled88 cam out on the long
H-ifax NC and o Lu fronVl with
Psychology majSr. S0Phomore" brothers.
A spotlight was" installed to Uaht
trXn f AQPi hous- Carolyn
was m charge of the com
which was
were treaesi regally: the project wkchwa Scfrom
, , as closed Friday mght Proftts from the Pef rrchle
, cremony in which the
an important part.
-rung the pledges were
Irf .st m ted by their
psi ma chine
would like to
ater, on Saturday morn-
ation took place The
re Jean Fritz, Becky
lo Sunday, and Connie
ght the fcOPTs annual
s held at the American
ding in Farm vi lie. The
.M-rc honored again as
presented each with
k ss of sisterhood
nitiated sisters pre-
fer with a new sign
of the house The sign
te and dan he lit up.
the sign which was
entertained the Greek
and Dean White with a
afternoon The sis-
The sisters
nfc Jutty Ritchie wh"0has seized
Measurer of tfoe sorority for a
e has also served as Panhel-
. representative. Judv was the
sorority's homecoming representa-
L l!M;? At present she is doing
SchoS teaching in Ayden High
news was received this
week as Melonie .Johnson was award-
ed a fellowship for graduate work
by the history department of East
Carolina She will begin her graduate
studies this summer.
Kappa Upsilon Chapter of Al-
pha Phi Omega. Bast Oarolina Col
lege recently inducted four new
members into the brotherhood. They
are as follows: Malcolm P. Griffith,
Greenville; Larry' Lewis, Hyde Park,
Mew York: Stove Seward, Roosevelt.
liking with their guests Ne York; Herbert Brickhouse. Co-
. them to take a tour of himbia, N.C. Three others. Joe Proc-
-o of the house tor, Hertford. N.C: Ken Nance. Flo-
enjoyed a social with renoe, S.C and Fred Werstlein of
Alpha Phi Omega last: Hln Point successfully completed
. I enang The sisters pledge period.
.k to thank the brothers During our spring party held re-
time that they had to-1 eently at Blunt's Creek, an award
was presented to Henry Turner of
Plymouth for his outstanding ser-
vices rendered to APO during has
term of membership Tom Scott of
Norfolk. Virginia received an award
as outstanding pledge of his winter
pledge class. The brothers of APO
trophies for their first place I would also like to acknowledge the
bell badminton, aaid archery j engagement of brother Pete Smith
c Tr "Best Participation" of Graham to Diana Koonce. Con-
j fnr - was won jointly by gratillations Pete!
i .ztQ AOPi Before pledge period ended, the
Lu. was pledged last week APO brothers engaged in a softball
v -i -ther nmbers of the v game with the pledges. Incidentally

- . ons are extended to
. who pinned sister Iar-
7 irsday thirty AOPi's at-
tbi 'VR Awards Banquet.
, . eed to bring home a box
APO would like to (lake the time
to acknowledge several of our grad-
uation brothers. Graduatiing will be:
Henry Turner, Plymouth; Moses
Wheeler, Williamston; BiM Cannon,
New Bern; Ed Ezzell, Goldsboro,
Richard Smiith, Windsor; Jim Sog-
gins, Greensboro; and Hugh Creech,
Pin? Level. Ronald Johnson and
Wayne Shepard will also be leaving
us. Rortaild is transferring to U.N.C.
while Wayne will be taking over has
father's business. The APO brothers
would like to wish each and every-
one of the brothers good luck in the
future hoping that these men will
he successful no matter what they
may encounter.
The Kappa Upsilon Chapter of
Alpha Phi Omega, East Carolina
College, would also like to take the
time to extend their 'appreciation to
the city, faculty, and student body
for their co-operation in helping the
Kappa Upsilon chapter complete an-
other successful year of service. The
brothers would also like to wish
each and every person a nice long
summer vacation, hoping to see
everyone again iuring the fall.
Eta Chi chapter of Kappa Delta
Pi national honorary education fra-
ternity held its April meeting at the
Alumni House on Mondiay, April 26.
At this meeting the following were
elected officers for the coming year:
President. Hilda Pate; Vice-presi-
dent, Dennis Eagan; Secretary, Car
olyn Kelly: Treasurer, Dorinda
Avery: Membership Chairman, Judy
Joyner; Social Chairman, Elaine Mc-
ntyre: Historian, Marlene Poitevent.
The outgoing officers are: Presi-
dent, Pat Waff; Vice-President. Bev-
erly Powell: Secretary, Janice Barn-
es: Treasurer, Jean Bell; Social
Chairman. Shelby Krlpatrick; "His-
WITII THE COMING OF SPRFNGthe Greek athleteg had to try out
'heir dormant muscles at the IFC trackmeet. Kappa Alpha took the trophy
. they all took home a sore set of legs. The Sandpits blowout helped to
forget their ailments, that is until Monday morning.
Awards Banquet
Honors Members
On Wednesday. May 12. Gamma
Sigma Chapter of Kappa Delta Sor-
ority held its annual Awards Ban-
,quet. Among the special guests at-
tonan and Publicity Chairman. Len- Ending were Dean Ruth White and
me Carman; Membership Chairman, JMrs harles G. iapp. a Kappa
Delta alumna of the University of
South Carolina chapter. The pur-
Blouse with
contrast piping,
short sleeve
or 807
Same: sleeveless
McMullen cardigan;
hand cablestitch

Hilda Pate.
Also present at this meeting were
the advisors. Dr. Utterback, Dr. Mod-
lin and Dr. Marshall. After the busi-
ness meeting, coffee was senved.
Phi Tau brothers and pledges con-
ducted rush last week and three new
pledges were inducted. The Pi Pledge
Class includes the following: John
Pou. Greenville; Phil Prirvette, Zeb-
ulon: and Freddie Goins. Mount Airy.
Phi Tau completed its fraternity
baseball season by defeating the
Lambda Chis 18-4 last week. Then
on Monday the brothers too 1st
place in the fraternity bowling lea-
gue by defeating the Lambda Chis.
J'm Moss won an award for hav-
ing a 600 series averaging over
200 for 3 games.
Congratulations to Buster Jones,
Frank De Mille and John Pou. These
three broke a few records on the
asphalt and were greeted by the
"boys in blue" with certificates of
varying value.
pose of this annual banquet is to
honor the graduating members of
the chapter and to present them
with recognition pins worn by each
KD alumna.
Chosen as "White Rose Girl that
memeber who has contributed most
to the chapter during the past year,
was Sister Lynda Hunning. Lynda
also received the Miss Sophie Fis-
chel Best Rusher Award for her
active participation, interest and en-
thusiasm during formal rush.
Recipient of the Miss Ruth White
Gracious Living .Award was Sister
Paula Turner. This award is present-
ed to the sister wrho best exhibits
in her daily grooming and manners
the ideals of proper etiquette. Sis-
ter Anne Dianiel received the Schol-
arship Award for having the highest
quality point average.
Mrs. Bea Raiy, the chapter's house-
mother, was given special thanks for
her help, cheerfulness, and patience
during the past year. The girls
Phi Tau wishes to refrain from j gave Mrs. Ray a special gif in ap
any statements concerning
Weekend. NO COMMENT!
A-line skirt
precxation for all the extra things
she has done for the chapter.
Formal pledges Liz Harrison, Sue
Anderson, Jane Teeter. Charlotte
1 Tay worth, and Becky McKenzie
were given second degree on Monday,
May 10. Each girl is now wearing a
speeral second degree pin. During
their White Rose Week, these pledges
can expect parties, songfests. gifts.
and a few surprises!
During Greek Week, Sister Lynn
Brewer acted as Kappa Delta's
I. F. C. represenattive. Congratula-
tions to Sister Anne Daniel, who has
been initiated into Chi Beta Phi,
honorary science fraternity, and to
Pledge Liz Harrison, who is now a
member of Phi Omicron, honorary
home ecnomics fraternity.
Kappa Delta would lke to recog-
nize Sister Janet McKenzie for her
outstanding senior art exhibit. Any-
one passing through the College Cn-
ion soda shop probably saw it! Sis-
ter Pat Waff, a graduate student m
the -art department, has a special
exhibition now being displayed at
the Greenville Art Center.
Both Sisters Paula Turner and
Julie Cavotta are planning summer
weddings. Paula is engaged to Rill
Lanier. a senior business major at
East Carolina. Julie and .Arthur Mor-
ris, a student at N.C. State, plan an
AuguJt wedding. Best wishes to both
To Oaten A Thief
Kappa Delta wants to let that
gang of Sigma Nu thieves know that
there are no "hard feelings If we
had known that all you wanted was
our lawn furniture, we would never
have called the police. We thought
that you were picking our precious
flowers! Next time let us know when
you are coming, and we'll get all the
lf:rnr'(ture together for vou on the
pajtio. Then you can steal it in a few
easy trips . By the wiay. were you
uncomfortable in that ditch?
The weekend of April 23, the
Pika's held their annual Dream Girl
Ball at the Biltmore Hotel in More-
head (By.
Pam Dalton was chosen the Dream
Girl for 1965. Pam is a junior and
a member of the Tri-Sigma sorority.
Mrs. Basden, the housemother,
was then given a special award toj
show the Pika's appreciations for
her work and cooperation. Bill Sul-
V3van received the "outstanding bro-
thers" award. Mce Walker was
gwen the "best pledge" award and
Hunter Chadwick handed down the
"Jug" award to Jim Kimsey.
Also. a word of thanks to the
chaperones. who kept control of
the fun and games that took place.
Phi Omicron. honorary home eco-
nomics fraternity, held its tarawal
spring social on MJay 5, 1965, at toe
Elm Street Park. Home Economics
students with a "B" fjfagand
therefore eligible for fall .member-
ship in Phi Omicron, were invited to
attend. The members and their spec-
ial guests, all dressed m Lfl Abner
costumes, enjoyed roasting hot dojs
and marshmellows, and 8g
Mountain Dew Mis ae,
sensor, was the hit of the party
with her amusmg costume!
Phi Omicron s311?! iiniiii
lationswereexplaflnedtomepoien GREEK ALL-SING4hese three musicians compete with a num
members by the ProJ' u of other gronps for honors in the competition. Pictured here are (1. to
White Qualtficataons for memoer Tommy Thompson, and Johnny Wishart.
chip were also stressed.
a num-

HnraBHHBHMnm mannnnBDnrani
12 -east Carolinianfriday, may 14. 1965
SGA Year Draws To End
With Long, Hectic Meeting
This year's SGA came m on the
oi a hectic five-hour meeting
which changed the entoe legrala-
e system and brought temporary
chaos to the SGA. This was the
meeting that ushered in both a new
Constitution and a new Student Gov-
Since this smooth beginning, the
has followed up with a busy.
Working to provide fir-st
better, improved system or Orien-
the Student Government in-
i 1 the incoming freshmen and
transfers to the college with a very
il program.
The OrJentiation program also in-
duced the incoming students to
ey could expect in the way
rtainment. While this past
has brought such notables as
X Charles and Ferrante and Tei-
xrf vear will bring, hopefully.
Mthis, the Platters. Trini
Roger Will aims, and the
Mitchell Trio.
Th is movies, foreign and
a good part of
and oromise to
: r i! year The speak-
!r.e all been oi
libre. Drew
rg. and all the
s have brought much rec-
eampus and the col
ve flown hot and cold,
i and have gotten
id more involved as the year
To begin the year, the SGA
out the National Student As-
feeling that ii was not
money ;t was costing the
students, and also that it was far
too liberal an organization. Com-
! mittee appointments were challenged
by the Legislature, and there was
continual activity surrounding stu-
dent politics.
Probably the most active and wide-
spread political fight came when
(he Legislature met to decide on a
new system of representation for
ne SGA. One faction wanted a set
number of representatives, the other
a fluctuating number determined by
a! iss side. The final battle was won
oy the "Senate or set-number sys-
rem. The new system was needed
because under the previous "dormi-
tory" system, many students were
deprived of the right to vote or to
un for office. This measure was
passed by the students by more
llm the necessary two-thirds vote.
The $170,000 SGA Budget covered
'1 student entertainment, all plays,
i: lent publications. In addition.
(he SGA sent the Band to the Tan-
up Bowl and is now n the pro-
cess of buying them additional uni-
the SGA w
Th's summe
riow quart ts in th addi-
Sncc the election of next yi
cers, there has been a shift m
several arc is of emphasis in the
SGA The entertainment hns eh sng-
ed to an altitude of "weekend name
shows " The Executive Council, pre-
viously inactive, is now becoming
one of the major branches of Stu-
dent Government. Committees haive
hem given much more emphasis and
This- coming year's SGA. then, is
n excellent beginning, mov-
jickly into areas of student
concern arid interest. If the same
attitude continues, if the work con-
tinues at this pace, then next ea
will be the most valuable the stu-
dents have had yet .
Action has already begun con-
cerning the campus laumtromai and
the campus barber shop SeveraJ
new committees have been formed
and will play prominent parts m the
coming year's work. There is an ac-
tive student complaint committee
and there is now being made an at-
tempt to coordinate the work of
all the committees.
This past year, the college and the
SGA has been well represented at
several State, regional, and national
conventions. Beginning with the Mo-
del United Nations, the State
d nt Legislature, the Mock S
Council, and going as far up
National) Leadership Convention an
the national convention for public
lions personnel, our SGA has con
sistently made a good showing am
has contributed materi i lj to th 11
ognTion and prestige oi our college.
For next year, the entertainment
promises to be better than ever,
there is a good chance for i facu
In i on program, changes af-
fectmg the comfort and wishes of
the studernl body will be nsi
and. all taken together.
promises to be an active
tion. going to the students
foig them what they want.
after all, is the purpose of
dent Government.
as th
the SGA
a n 1
In conference w
ol the SGA. The
concrete plans .
and economical
ith the Executive Council brings forth the big decisions
c campus leaders must come forth with new ideas . . .
. designed to progress the institutions social, political
Educational Program
Seeks Summer Help
A recruitment drive is currently
underway to find 30 to 40 colle
.students to work for nine weeks
this summer in Prince Edward Coun-
ty. Va in a rigorous program of
remedial education for the children
deprived of an education during the
five years the public schools were
The project, sponsored by the Vir- j
ginia College Council on Human
Relations, the Institute for Edu-
cational Research, and a committee
il Prince Edward County citizens.
will run from dune 15 to August 31.
tTnder the supervision oi profes-
?nal educators, the student volun-
teers will be instructed in the use
of the Wollman Reading Method, an
experimental program Using this
method, the volunteers will attempt
to improve the reading level and
I.Q. of eighth, ninth, and tenth gr
students, many of whom are now
reading on about a third grade level.
Student volunteers will liva in
homes in Prince Edward, with free
room and hoard. The estimated cost
for each volunteer is $200; how-
ever, funds are available to under-
write the cost to students unabl - to
Students interested in such a pro-
gram should immediately write the
Virginia College Council on Human
Relations, 17 E. Gary St Richmond,
Virginia or contact W. M Hagen,
320 New Austin.
i the new president of the Stude
i in a trickj campaign. A politic
law school after graduation.
1965Kt11 v Ed.
n(Govrnment. (
Q rO
'A a n a q
East Ca
a. t
f )r t
Jim Mahan, manned the 15
responsibility. His duty, deleg
administration was undertaken
Student Go
ating poker
wthcut a lb
eminent with
and mainta
iuh of the
1 Oil'
Two girls desire rides to Miami,
I Florida anytime between the end ot Wanted: Responsi
1 May and the middle of June. They over low monthh pai
are willing to share all expenses spinet piano. Can
Contact the Registrar's Office
Room 205 for further information.
Write Credit Manager P.
Hope Mills. VUi arolina
Charles' Atlas Service Station
10th and Washington Street
Regular 29.9
Premium 32.9
Less 2c Discount Per Gallon On Ffll-P
Lubrication SI.00
5c Per Q
On Oil 'hange
The Executive Officers tor the coming year have shown an impressive amount of spirit thus far. Their elec-
tion and their organizing was etching to witness. (L ts r.) Steve Sniteman. Lisa Green. Eddie Greene Lurav
Mitchell, and Jim Kimsey.
We Sell Phillips 66 Gasoline

East Carolinian, May 14, 1965
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 14, 1965
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