East Carolinian, April 8, 1965

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east rarolina college, greenville, r. c, thursday, april 8, 1965
number 44
SGA Holds Annual
Installation Banquet
Student (.ovemratni officers officially took office Monday evening at the annual SGA
left u right are Steve Sniteman. Vice President: Pam Dalton, Historian; Eddie Greene,
Green, Secretary; and Jim Kimsev. Treasurer.
State House Holds Hearings
f o Diseuss Medical School

-M" -

Jaro ins "ol-
" "00
? tO
aid thai then E
fad across the
'hen read a prepar
which further ex-
H-am desired, the
- m th matter and
- of the school to the
.y. to the na-
; . is that the
eds this improvement and
. graphically ideal.
ses were then called by
n. Morgan and the ease for the
proposai took form. Dr. Ferguson,
President of the North Carolina Med-
ical Association gave a lengthy but
extrei .niormative view or the
sdical provisions in the state. Dr.
Pa les, former Senator from Pitt
niiy added his comments and
dee res for the school.
Opposition then took the stand and
Dr. John W. Ranfcm, Director of the
Charlotte Medical Center and Study
von made clear several
nts against the proposal.
akin said that there had not
been enough time for a complete
study of the medical situation in
the state and proposed a delay in
oiv decision for a new medical
center in the state. He said that
medical care was badly needed in
North Carolina but wasn't certain
thai a medical school was the pro-
per and most efficient way to sub-
due the problem.
Dr Paschal, Medical Society
president, added to Ranklin's point
that there was not enough evidence
for the medical school. He said that
. when a medical school is proposed
in the state that united support for
the bill should be had.
Stating that there was a study
group which had not met as yet l
working on the state's medical pro-
blems and had not come up with
the conclusive evidence in favor
of the school.
Paschal also brought out the point
that the representation on the com-
! m it tee was not complete.
Dr. John Truslow also opposed the
pioposal by stating that he wasn't
certain that the school would get
physicians into the desired areas.
He questioned the getting of phys-
icians through schools as a means
of changing the medical shortage in
the state's rural areas.
Rebuttle then followed. Dr. Dick-
enson. a local physician, brought
forth a personal view of the situa-
tion and Sen. Morgan followed with
his brief, asking for the appropria-
tions committee's serious considera-
gonoff and guitar music sustained
the Student. Government members
and their associates Monday even-
ing at the Candlewick Inn during
the annual installation banquet.
Jim Mahan took his final bow of
the year and administered the oath
of office to the new student body
president Eddie Greene. Greene
then, in turn, administered the oath
to the new executive officers.
Mahan opened the after - dinner
speeches with a resume' of the
year's accomplishments. Picking
out the stronger points of the year's
activities. Mahan mentioned the
new Constitution, full-time secretary
and photographer, the disaffiliation
with the National Student Associa-
tion and the efficient organization
throughout the year.
High praise was bestowed upon
the executive officers of the year. . .
Eddie Greene. Celia Orr and Berk
Stephens. Much admiration was
credited to Margaret Stephens, the
SGA secretary. He summarized with
many thanks to the students, admin-
istration and the faculty for their
fine cooperation.
President Leo W. Jenkins then
added his remarks concerning the
SGA year.
After praising Jim and the SGA
for a successful and well-run gov-
ernment. Jenkins highlighted his
talk with the theme of "responsible
! government
Comparing East Carolina with oth-
er institutions, Jenkins acknowledg-
ed the extremely self-sufficient gov-
ernment here at EC. He stated that
the system of self-government was
extremely effective at East Caro-
Tn his speech. Jenkins said that
he was very optimistic about the
proposed Medical School.
After his oath of office. Eddie
Greene then took the podium for a
look to the future. Greene recogniz-
ed the new officers and others
which he will work during the com-
ing year.
He keynoted his talk with his mot-
to; "Records are made to be bro-
ken. . .so no matter how we you're
doing, you can always do a bit bet-
Greene said that he has laid out
certain dreams in his platform. He
asked that each and every person
bring to him dreams of their own.
Then, he said that he and the SGA
will be making dreams. realita
During the course of the evening,
many awards were presented. One
in particular stands out. Dr. Tuc-
ker was presented with a s - f
golf clubs. After the meeting. Tuc-
ker asked someone if they had
lights on golf courses in Greenville.
Retain This Week
Pre - registration for rooms in
the men's dormitories for Fall
: Quarter 1965 will be held April 13,
! 14, and 15, 1965.
On Tuesday. April 13. applications
;for room assignments will be ac-
jcepted from rising seniors and grz-
duate students. On Wednesday, April
14. applications will be accepted
from rising juniors and on Thurs-
day. April 15. from rising sopho-
Applications may be picked up
from the dormitory counselors in
Jones. Aycock. and Scott or from
the Housing Office in the Admin
tration Building. A $10.00 deposit
I is necessary to reserve a room.
Room assignments will be made
I on a "first-eome-first-serve" sis.
The balance of the $53.00 room rent
I payment must be paid by July 1,
S66 Newly Elected SGA
Mlicers Commence Service
ected Student Gw-
66 officially took
evening at the an-
quet Tuesday was
k's first tun
,n run-offs also de-
,n campus class of-
. Iassiter was elect-
Oass vice-president
es won the treasurer s
run-off rx
Junior secretary is Liar-
n and Jane Helms was
hit won the presidency oi
the Senior class in the special elec-
Jnm md Sue Koontz was choen
tUurer of the upperclassmen.
Yemen's Judiciary- offices abo
were decided in the recent elec-
tion Frances Gutyar as picked as
the chairman of the high coed of-
fe oJheToffices included: Ann
Neville Wee-chairman: Demse
Kogelman, secretary - treasurer:
Rannie Pendergrass and Linda Bill-
iard, rrmbers-at-large
Miss Gutyar is a former secretary
of the Judiciary Councd. She .is
SLiior elemary at gor
and a member of Alpha Plu.
Men's Glee Club
Joins St- Mary's
The East Carolina Men's Glee
Club will join with the St. Mary's
Glee Club to present a joint concert,
in Ria-leigh tonight at 8:30 p.m.
Robert "Chris" Christesen, am EC
junior, will be one of the featured
soloists in the opening number,
"Gloria" by Vivaildi. .Another EC
student, Dianne McDonald, will ac-
company on the oboe.
The Men's Glee Club will oven its
program with "The Maiden in the
Wood" by Dvorak. Marcus Spencer
Duggins of EC will Ibe the soloist
in "The Fox The Glee Club will
also sing "Black is the Color of My
True Love's Hair" and selections
from "Can-Oan
The finale will be a combined ef-
fort by the two groups of melodies
from "Carousel
Directing the two groups will be
Charles Stevens of Elast Carolina
and Geraldine Oaite of St. Mary's
Fence On 10th St.
Target Of Pests
Twice Recently
The new fence on Tenth Street
has been the target of vandals twice
within the past week in raids by
night. After having been completed
only Thursday, the fence w-as neat-
ly cut and a path cleared through
the day student parking area the
same night.
Friday morning saw the fence
company rapidly repair the dam-
age to the wire barrier. Yet, the
3ame malicious act was repeated
that night. The College quickly had
workmen repair the cut in the cy-
clone fence early Monday morn-
These acts of petty vandalism are
obvious protests against the re-
routing of pedestrian traffic on Col-
lege Hill Drive. Men students are
now forced to walk an extra half-
block to take advantage of the
new Tenth Street stoplight.
The next move is up to the cul-
prit or the campus police, whoever
strikes first. Meanwnile this game
of "mend the fence" is becoming
quite amusing to EC men dorm
students as they pass the crime
scene dafly.
Chief Johnnie Harrell declined
comment, on the crime wave pend-
ing further investigation.
President Jenkins commented on
the incidents Monday night and said
the culprit, when caught, would be
turned directly over to the State
Bureau of Investigation for prosecu-
da Johnson of Kins ton, a junior ed-
ucation major at East Carolina Col-
lege, received the key to the city
from Wilmington Mayor O. O. Alls-
brook during festivities at the 18th
annual North Carolina colleges and
universities who formed the court
for Queen Azalea XVIII, film and
TV star Patricia Blair.
Filing is now open for positions
on the Men's Honor Council, Wo-
men's Honor Council, and Men's
Judiciary. Blanks may be obtained
in the SGA office from 9-4:00 p.m.
until Friday, April 9.

2east Carolinianthursday, april 8, 1965
here and now
The introduction of ,ae two-year medical school bill
last Thursday by Sen. Walter Jones sparked the political
kindling that should lead to a rather extensive fight for
passage of this proposal.
Sen. Robert Morgan, Tuesday, presented the bill to the
all-important Joint Appropriations Committee at Raleigh.
With fine organiation and efficiency, the Senator, Dr. Leo
W. Jenkins and a list of witnesses explained the proposal.
There was a fine showing from the Eastern sector of
the state, any influential persons were present in favor of
the bill. Of course, no one can tell how long this bill will
take to be acted upon. But if yesterday is an indication . . .
the process should be as rapid as possible.
The entire question at this time is what action will be
taken by the group of proponents from the Charlotte block.
How large a battle will these people wage? Will they delay
action on the East Carolina proposal or bring forth enough
force to halt legislation in favor of their own proposal?
Tuesday's hearing was of utmost importance. But, it is
by no means the turning point of the bill. One thing wTas evi-
dent at the hearing. The people need more medical doctors
in the state. But in the state . . .there are certain areas whose
needs are greater than others. Rural North Carolina is in a
bind for doctors.
East Carolina is definitely the logical place for such a
school and . . . failure of the legislature to pass the bill in
favor of East Carolina would definitely be a mistake that
the State would be paying for "through the teeth
The action should not be delayed. Pointed out by the op-
position to the EC Medical School bill was the fact that not
enough research has been done to insure positive action on
the bill to be effective.
It takes but little research to tour the Eastern portion
of the State and see the vast needs of this area. Yes we
in Eastern North Carolina need this facility. We need it badly.
And any delay in the passage of the bill will only delay the
solving of the State's problem.
Controversy as to where the school should be placed
should be put to one side and an objective look at the needs of
this State be made the prime target of the legislature's action.
Failure to place the school at East Carolina would be a
shunning of responsibility on the part of the legislature and
in turn a failure to meet the demands of a thriving and
escalating population.
North Carolina is growing at a rate that is hard to match
anywhere in the U. S. It is sometimes hard for a citizen of
the State to see how great and wonderfully the State is pro-
gressing. And, this problem of medical availability is one that
was inevitably to face the State.
Now the legislature has a chance to meet their problem.
Now the State may soon get past this problem and look to the
next. Now the State grows . . . and now the State prospers
as never before.
The question is whethei the State needs this facility.
Yes, there is a great need. But also, and of much importance
. . . the State needs this facility now! Tomorrow is too late.
Procrastination will cost dearly.
Campus Comedy
For 51 years tradition at Carthage
College, 111 has been that coeds
caught sitting on a large boulder
on campus are obliged to submit
to a quick but firm kiss. When the
college moved to Kenosha, Wis
last summer, some 50 fraternity
men hoisted the 2 and one-haflf ton
rock on a truck, and took it to the
new campus.
The coach of a modwesrber nunivers-
ity football team was givtmg a speech
at a meeting ci alumna and pros-
pectiive students. After discussing
last fall's season less glorious
than the intitution was accustomed
to he addressed himself to some
husky high-school stars in the aud-
ience: "Bag Ten rules forbid us to
go to your schools or your homes,
asnd the only way we can meet you
is at gatherings like this one, or
if we bump into you on the street.
If any of you send me a map of
the route you walk, I'll make it my
business to 'bump onto you
My roommate and I acquired the
reputation of having the most untddy
room in the dormitory. Our house-
mother was a quiet yet effective
woman. After repeated reprimands,
which we ignored, she reached the
end of her patience. When my room-
mate and I returned from classes
one day, we found on one of our
desks a very attractive display of
seed packets and a note in the house-
mother's handwriting which read:
"If you don't want to clean, ait least
plant something
One morning on our quad, a be-
wildered freshman saw her biology
professor approaching. Unable to
bypass him, and unsure by what
title to address him, she blurted
out, "Good Murdock, Dr. Morning
(Apparently without noticing any-
thing at all unusual, he replied,
east Carolinian
Published Mini
(kiy bj the student of Bast Carolina College,
Greenville, North Carolina
Carolina OoDeffiate Praia Association
Associated CoDesiate
Layout Editor
Kay Smith, Joanne Williamson
ManasTfas; Editor
Brains Manager
Becky Hobgoed
Larry Brown
Nellie Los
Pam Hall
Editorial Editor
Bob Brown
John A very
Benny Teal Franoaine Parry. Bob Camp-
bell, Walter Hendricka, Joanne Stortar,
John Phantar
Sports EditorRandy Ryan
Jim Cox, Fred Campbell. George More-
Features EditorCmra Katsiaa
Nancy Martin, Joyce Tyson, Carolyn
Matting A
Steve Thompson, Henry Walden, Bonnie
Lamb, Carl Stoat
Greek Editor Amy Booker, Anita Zepnl
Subscriptions Gayls Adams
Proofreaders Tarry Shelton, Bobbi
Rath, Diann Small, Kay Roberta
Typists Cookie Sawyer. Doris Bell,
Ida Campen, Janice Richardson
Faculty Advisor Wyatt Brown
Photographs by Jo Brannon
MOO par
Offices on third floor of Wright Building
Box 2516, East Carolina College Station, GreenviBa, North
alii departments, PL 2-6716 or 768-6426. extension 164
Bob Browses
Greetings dear readers, how did
you like our April Fools issue last
week? Wasn't it a read gasser? It
was really fun watching the students
expressions as they read the head-
lines land looked at the pictures. Can
you imagine things like thait hap-
peningwell maybe the picture ot
ithe water, I doubt the rest.
As you know, the boys on the niii
have always had ia considerable dis-
tance to walk in order to get to
class; some wise guy decided we
needed more exercise so they kindly,
thinking only of our health, put up
a lovely FENCE so we would have
What Gives?
tn walk around by the stoplight.
Thee0Ple that are always think-
ing aboT us. wth fnends like tt
ho needs enemies? By the wao,
I hearthat this fence was cut open
twice this weekend . P&
herring to OWJ&&
thanks to the speedy. earl to
weeks of construction work, Uus con-
glomeration of metal, wire and light
fits there and bunks like a cat with
astigmatism. These lights are sup-
posed to regulate traffic but so far
have done nothing. There are about
half dozen individual light units
hanging helter-skelter from wires
resembling a nest built by a dnink
crow La it be fa
not a gripe a;
a request that t:
piete construction.
Attention I
Ku Klux Klan .
there will be
publicized no
don. N C and
C. during
Also, another i i
certain curre
taker will be
N C Th
Letters To The Edit
Dear sir:
With all the trouble over civil
rights, equality and the worth of
man, one would think that this is
some sort of new problem which
has just begun to plague man, but
to me I see it as the old question
of are we our brothers keepers?
I answer this question with these?
few rules for ia better understand-
ing of ourselves and our neighbors.
1. Love your neighbor, but make
him respect you.
2. Speak no evil of any man. lest
it be spoken of you.
3. Know yourself as your neighbor.
4. Live one day at a timeexpect
liittle, give much.
5. Forget yourself, think of others
do as you would be done by.
6. Have a thirst for knowledge and
understanding, but do not let it make
a fool of you.
7. Expect little of the world, but
much of yourself.
Serve only one God; do not make
yourself a slave to man's earthly
gains or pleasures.
Try living by these rules for a
week you might even get to
know yourself.
Dear Editor:
I would like to comment on your
edtoria'l on "Politics Just what do
you suggest the campaign issues be.
if not ones concerned with the stu-
dents needs! As I understand it, the
SGA is suppose to work for the
students (and not for the administra-
tion like ones in the pasO. so why
not use the "all important, yet trite"
issues put forth by the students.
What would be a more "sophisti-
cated" issue for a campus election,
civil rights or the war in Viet Nam.
They seem a little distant for issues
on the campus.
You referred to 'Harry High-
school" on this campus, this may be
true in some aspects, but you have
gone too far in cutting down the
student body in general . . . I
even-one goes home on the week-
ends'or does not care to be interest-d
in campus activities. Some people
do want something out of college
life besides a degree, they have a
rare disease unknown to this cam-
pus, called "school spirit
While reading through this
sue 1 notice where the stop lights
at the end of College Hill Drive we
mention. Don't tell anyone, but some-
one made a big mistake. The liiih-
will not help you to enter or leave
College Hill Drive Also the people
crossing at the crosswalk by the
gym will not benefit from th'
strategically placed lights. I sug-
gest someone check into this before
something happens, like a hugh traf-
fic jam.
Ned Dorsey
Dear Editor:
Why is a good thing so quickly
and thoughtlessly abused? It seems
as though every year we abuse and
then loose more privileges. The privi-
leges that we have lost in the past
are very real to us all and we con-
tinue to gripe and grumble about
them and spend months trying to
regain even a portion.
The next privilege to be lost by
the students will be the privilege of
operating two wheeled motor ve-
hicles on campus. This is not a
Madame Loraine prophecy, it is a
fact. There is still time, however.
to avert a n-
cision fro ur
ficials. Th
motor so tin
will have to n
quickly H re
hard k
destroy the in
ly molded f
er on - imi
No Steve M
which an
f:c Don't

on campus
t:ir. Don't
tious whei
around Men's
in many wsrj -
'8 Park outs
around campus i
could park. Do:
nt porch of
drop cloths m
y to protect yom
rain. Buy one"
after sun down
actuate lich
Let s continue
Past -rowing sport ia a safe!
snsible u
start saving all of I
Steve No! oo
Campus Bulletin
Meet at the Y Hut, 2:00 P.M
ATHLETES: Meet at the Y Hut,
6:30 through 7:30 PJM.
SHIP: Meet at the Y Hut, 3rd
byterian Student Center, 401 E.
Ninth Street 2nd and 4th Wednes-
MORMON GROUP: Meet at the Y
Hut, 7:00 through 8:00 P.M.
at 401 4(th Street, St. Paul's Epis-
copal Church. 5:00 P.iM.
Meet at 501 Bast 5th Street, 5:30
VESPERS. 404 East Eighth
Street, 6:00 P.M.
NEWMAN CLUB: Mee. at fie Y
Hut, 8:15 through 10:00
UNITARIANS: Meet at the Y Hut
from 9:30 A.M. through 2:09 P M
LUTHERANS: Meet at the Y
Hut from 5:00 through 7:80 P M.
UNITARIANS: Meet at the Y Hut
from 8:00 through 10:00 P.M.
married couples), 401 Fourth
Street, 7:30 PJM.
at the Y Hut, 5:00 ttirourfi 700
Meet at the Y Hut, 7:30 fchrouA
8:45 P.M.
(Eighth Street Christian Church
t 6:00 through 7:00 PJM.
Supper-Forum, 404 East Eighth
Street, 5:15 P.M
Supper-Forum. 401 East Ninth
Street. 5:15 P.M. - 7:00 P.M
April 6
PITT -Those Qallowavs"
April 7
PITT "Those Galloways'
STATE "David .And Lisa-
April 8
PITT "Dear Heart"
PITT "Dear Heart"
STATE "David And Lisa"
April 9
PITT "Dear Heart"
STATS "Gun Hawk"
April 10
PITT "Dear Heart"
STATE "Gun Hawk"
April 11
PTTT-HiKh-Hush Sweet Charlotte"
ApriM? Workl of Suz wvr
SSPtSS S Charlotte"
STATE "The World of Suz'e Wong"
April 6
7.00 P. MHome Economic Dept.
7M ?SStron Fkagan 209
SLPk Mental
HeaAssoc. Meeting, McGin-
7:2& &f ,tNurrt
7:gpy PitIt Meet-
AprST Aud'
6:30 PM. F:
ing. Rawl I
8:15 P. M. Roc'
Austin Aud
April 9
7:00 P.M Mo.
Tree Stars G , Cooper a
Marie Sehei:
7:30 P. M. Faculty
Planters' Book
8:00 P. M Fav m
Bridge Party Cafe
April 10
2:00 P.M. Loot ' Europ
Art lour. Raw;
7:00 P. II Move The dm
Tree, Austin A
APRIL 9 10
Cooper. Maria Sch v-
Short subject "SPORTTSG a-
.APRIL 23-24
Debby Reynolds :
Natalie Wood -n
caster, Jean Shnmoos i
MAY 14-16
hard Burton
Oartoon "MOUSE
MAY 21-22

east Carolinianthursday, april 8, 19653
Old South, the1
were begun Wed-
Mareh 30 al four
OS ore
kates of the bro-
ho attended the
lead City. Those
es participating
derate uniforms
preceded by the V
:v elected to of-
S eleotious Steve
- elected 9G A viee
Ben Webb v e.ect-
- President Jerry
Ste e Bartiey were
and Sophomore rep-
- Chiel Jones
' re IVpartment
Pi house to
nd teach
s how to use
-hers We en-
md tiv know-
ned about fire
' the :rhers of
ed all the ADPi's
Last week we at-
which the UamN
their home. We
cert g :ven by
edy from Wash-
- rived and has
- si1 s our new
W e are d to
s turned so
at the beach.
number of our
trended beach
KA's Old South and
I .11.
The rabbit has
the sisters in
27 he Colonial
h Upha met
Thirteen schools
Virginia Mary-
I Tennessee met
blems of main-
naty Among
other fratern
unity. Repre-
- .hers.
. White. Nicky
I Johnny W -
Ige Roland Orr.
new stove
.drew to show
to the sincere
s she - for the
were formally
- s meeting by
ur faculty ad-
re: Bob
Id k1
he v
tenI st
t the pledges of Lamb-
for the pledges
v Thank you
fun with our Delta
n tn:
wp tu ?H ,more .
this week im S?mty partl h
Pi KatrS PK PhT? ld the
aloTfun Bal1 rally tad
&&!& Thole eek-end sis-
p! ,Kna Stapieford was crowned
fend h She WOuld like
th Wh SmTe Wreoiation to
to honor f Pl KapPa Phl te
Sister Oarolyne Barnes was pinned
KaylTLd Perr a blher of
iwfn Phau a?d was serenaded
nnirday night by the Brothers of
We regret that after Easter we
uiU be loosing one of our sisters
Ganger Taylor. She has announced
tnat she and John Branvon a bro-
ther in Lambda Chi will be married
April 17. 1965 at 4:00 P.M. m New
Bern. The sisters gave Ginger a
Surprise party Monday night and
all are looking forward to the
Another one of our sisters Max-
me Broun was serenaded bv the
brothers of Phi Kappa Tau and
one of our new pledges Rickev Col-
lins was serenaded Tuesday night
by the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi.
So this week our house has had a
lot of music and entertainment.
The Chi Omega's are proud of
Sister Donna Day Bissett who was
recently chosen East Carolina Stu-
dent Teacher of the Year. Donna
Day attended a convention in Ashe-
ville. N.C where she received her
During informal rush the Chi O's
pledged Pam Charles, Anandelle.
Virginia; Cindy Ogden. W ins ton-
Salem. X. C: and Barbara Taylor.
Virginia Beach. Virginia.
Thursday. March 18. the Chi O's
were entertained by the Phi Kappa
T.ais. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed
the evening.
Saturday, the Chi O's swapped
pledges with the KA's. Both groups
of pledges worked diligently to
please the brothers and sisters. Af-
ter the work came play. Also Sat-
urday, four Chi Omega's from Bre-
1 visited East Carolina.
Congratulations to sister Ida Cam-
pen who has recently become engag-
ed to KA brother Ruff in Odom.
We would like to welcome our
new house mother Airs. Eva
White ixm Colerain. orth Carolina.
The Kappa Chapter of Sigma Phi
Epsilon is proud to announce the
following men who were initiated in-
to the Brotherhood on Tuesday
April 6: Wes Ranes. Williamsburg.
Virginia: and George Sherman.
High Point. X.C. George Sherman
is to be congratulated for winning
the best pledge award.
The following two men have re-
cently been installed as pledges of
Sigma Phi EDsilon: Danny Deb-
nam. Middlesex: and Glenn Stoglin.
Rockv Mount.
The Sis Eps have come out on
the winning end of their last two
softball games. One victory was
over Sigma Chi Alpha and the other
was taken from Phi Kappa Tau.
Congratulations are in order for
newlv initiated Wes Ranes and
his lovelv wife. Carol, who cele-
brated their first wedding annivers-
ary last week.
On the weekend of April 9-11 the
Sig Ep Chapter will attend Hie an-
nual Sig Ep Ball. The Ball will be
held at the Holiday Inn in Burling-
ton, X.C. Tfith the Sig Eps from
N.C. State being the host chapter.
Musical entertainment will be pro-
vided by the TAMS, the DIVOTS,
and the DIVOTS will play for an
informal combo party on Saturday
afternoon. The CONTINENTALS will
play for the formal Bail vvhicn
will be held Saturday evening.
During the formal Ball there will
be a singing contest, which will be
held among the eight participating
X.C. chapters and the chapter from
the University of South Carolina.
Each chapter will sing one fraternity
song and one song of their choice.
A prize will be awarded to the
winning chapter.
The highlight of the final evening
will be the crowning of the 1965
Sig Ep Ball Sweetheart. Each chap-
ter will enter one girl in the Sweet-
heart contes. The East Carolina
Sig Ep Chapter will enter as their
candidate Miss Karren Black, a
freshman, from Charlotte, N.C.
Last week after the votes from
the election were tallied, several
Alpha Phis were elected to new of-
fices. They are as follows: Joan
Powell, senior class secretary;
Gayle Morris and Ann Jackson,
marshalls. Those sisters in the run-
off were: Luray Mitchell, S.G.A.
historian: Barbara Swinson, Jr. Class
treasurer: and Rosemary Saurbier.
Jr. class secretary.
We enjoyed a social with the
Theta Chis last Thursday night.
Tuesday night the Alpha Phi pledges
had a social with the Lambda Chi
pledges at the Lambda Chi house.
AOPi's travelling secretary, Miss
Karen Peeler, has been with the
chapter all this week. The sisters
appreciate all the help and guid-
ance she has given them.
Sister Judy Byrd will be married
to Clark Hampton on April 16. The
wedding will take place in the chap-
ter house with Rev. R. O. Byrd.
father of the bride, conducting the
ceremony. The sisters are looking
forward to having a wedding in the
house and everyone is pitching in
to ready it for the occasion.
The sisters were very exc ted to
hear that Barbara Johnson was pin
ned to Jim Kesler, a (brother of
Kappa Phi fraternity. Jim attends
the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill.
Congratulations are extended to
Ann Neville who was eiected to the
post of College Marshall 'and vice-
presaent of Women's Judiciary in
the recent campus-wide elections.
The AOPi's are looking forward
to their social with the brothers of
Phi Kappa Tau tonight. The enter-
tainment will be Drovided by the
AOPi pledges wno will present a
The week was a busy one for
athletics. Ronnie Gay and Diane
Crawford advanced in the archery
tournament and Carolyn Wright.
Ann Neville, and Kay Lampley posted
victories in the badminton competi-
tion. This afternoon, the softball
team faces Alpha Delta Pi.
The scholastic results for last
quarter were announced last week.
As a group the sorority posted a
1.52 average. Ten sisters earned a
garde of B or better. Barbara John-
son and Carolyn Landidn attained
an A average while Judy Ritchie, Ann
Neville, Melonie Johnson, Joyce
West, Judy Joyner, Patty Tart, Har-
riet Loy, and Lyn Watson acquired
a B average on their work.
After 168 hours of car washing, no
sleep, cuts in many classes, and
128 clean cars, Sigma Chi Alpha
donated a total of 300 dollars to the
American Cancer Society. This pro-
ject was climaxed last Tuesday night
when four of the brothers attended
the kickoff dinner for the Pitt Coun-
ty Crusade, and turned in the first
official contribution for this crusade.
Congratulations iaire to be extended
to brother Jim Lester for the pining
of Miss Debbie Tuttle. Debbie is the
first girl to be pinned by a brother
of Sigma Chi Alpha and also the first
girl to be serenaded by the song
"Sweetheart of Sigma Chi Although
we hate to see a brother take the
traditional dunking in the fountain of
Wright Circle, we iare proud to have
Debbie as our first "Sweetheart
A delegation from EC will re-
present the campus chapter of Phi
Beta Lambda at the 11th annual
convention in Durham this weekend.
Russell Edwin Tucker of EC is
seeking the state presidency at the
meeting: he presently holds the of-
fice of treasurer of the local chap-
Alton V. Finch of the EC School
of Business, will accompany the
delegates as advisor.
Present state vice-president Har-
lan McOaskill. and Nora Taylor,
state treasurer, will be among the
EC students making the jaunt.
Sigma's Plan Roadblock,
For Crippled Children
Pi Kaps Hold Rose Ball;
certainly be one
ound he Pi Kappa
The local chapter cele-
nual Rose Ball at
North Carolina, dur-
n the
-he Blue
ed m the
h A Friday night
D the loca-
Ball Queen
1965-1966. This
t 5S r ple-
j the Delta Zeta
- em red
I McLawhom.
' until
-rally both of these
vj- b nment
-he truly "Fabu-
d the Fabulous
combo concluded
their twelve-hour perormance at one
Saturday night, everyone was truly
exhausted. Certainly the combo help-
ed make the weekend the success
it was
Brothers George Styron and Walt
fecob were certainly influenced by
fee fresh, clean, salty air this week-
Roth became pinned - George
lv Yopp. an Alpha Delta Pi
sister: Walt to Kay Crawford, a
Ster of the Kappa Delta sorority.
Prior to Rose Ball weekend. Carl
Darden as initiated into the Beta
Ph Brotherhood. Carl is a trans-
" from Louisburg Junior College
r!d vas presides of his pledge
ClDuVmg the last rush. Pi Kappa
Phi pledged two outstanding young
on 1 Bobhy Gunter and Ken Kirb
The chapter has high hopes for
these two new pledges and we are
certain we won't be disappointed.
On Friday, April 9, Tri Sigma
sisters and pledges will hold a
Roadblock for Crippled Children to
booster the Pitt County fund drive.
All fifty Sigmas will work in con-
junction with the Drive officials
and the State Police to make the
project a success. Scheduled from
12 noon until four o'clock, two
blockades will be set up on major
highways in the area. At these points,
Sigmas will be appealing for con-
tributions from motorists to the
worthy fund. They would like to ask
for active participation from the
East 'Carolina students as well as
county residents. "Sigma Serves
Children" has long been a keynote
to Tri Sigma's philanthropies.
Through such projects as the Road-
block, the local chapter fulfills one
small part of its nation wide sorori-
ty service in the community.
On Sunday, the members of Gam-
ma Beta chapter will honor their
parents with a Parents' Day. The
reception will be held at the sorori-
ty house from 2:00 until 4:00. Alum-
nae and parents from several states
are expected to be present at the
The Sigmas were recently chal-
lenged to a softball game 'by the
brothers and pledges of Alpha Epsi-
lon Pi. The duel will begin this a-
ternoon, weather pending, on the
campus softball diamond. The girls,
realizing they are not among your
better softball players, have made
a few "slight" alterati ns to the
rules. With these, they believe they
can score and may even trounce the
boys! Good sports that the AEP's
are, they have a social planned to
celebrate the victory of whomever
may win.
This week we would like to rec-
ognize the outstanding Greeks on
our college campus. These are just
two of the Greeks that we will fea-
We would like to extend our con-
gradulations to Witty Bass and
Mar Elizabeth Coble for being chos-
en this week.
Oongradulations go to these fine
Mary Elizabeth Coble
A truly active sister of Alpha
Omicron Pi. Mary Elizabeth Coble
has displayed much enthusiasm
throughout her sorority career. She
is a senior from Smithfield. North
Carolina and is majoring in prim-
ary education.
Although Mary pledged during her
junior year, she has made many
valuable contributions to the sorori-
ty. First on the list would be her
election as president of her pledge
class. After her initiation on April
12, 1964, she was appointed Special
Events Chairman for the remaind-
er of the quarter.
The first major group aetiivdty
this fall wias the Greek All-Sing in
which Mary was one of the dancers.
Her many hours of practice with
the sisters helped AOPi tie for
first place. Next Mary was ap-
pointed 'Chairman of the Homecom-
ing Decorations Committee. Along
the same lines, she directed the
decorating of the house for Christ-
mas. She helped with AOPi's local
philanthropic project by organizing
games at parties for underprivileged
Participation in all sorority in-
tramurals is one of IMlary's favorite
pastimes. This winter she led the
basketball team to their sorority
Aside from sorority activities, she
is a member of the Association of
Childhood Education and Student
National Education Association.
Prior to her iniftiation, Mary was
W.R.A. representatiivie for her dorm-
itory. Singing with the Women's
Chorus was also on her list of ac-
Due to her student teaching as-
signment in Rocky Mount, her vi-
vacious personality is missed at the
AOPi house by aU sisters and
Witty Bass, a senior from Wilson,
N.C. has been chosen by the Kap-
ra Alphas as thwir outstanding
Witty came to E.C. on a football
scholarship. He lettered three years
as tailback and splitend. He served
as captain of the track team for
the last two years and received the
Most Valuable award as a sopho-
more and junior. He is also the hold-
er of the school record in the 440.
and 880 yard dash.
Witty was invited to run with
the Baltimore Olympic Club last
summer one of the nation's highest
ranked AAU track clubs. He won
four trophies, two silver platters,
and eight medals in summer com-
petition. Witty hopes to return to
national championships as an 880
man this year, aiming for the 1968
Olympic in Mexico.
Sports are not the only area in
which Witty excells. He is a mem-
ber of the Circle K Club, the Men's
Glee Club. President of Fellowship
of Christian Athletes, a Junior Class
Male Senator 1963-64, Recording
Secretary at S.S.L. in 1964. and rec-
ognized in Who's Who in American
Colleges & Universities
After graduation in July. Witty
plans to enter graduate school at
E.C. and get his M.A. in Guidance
and Counseling. Me would like to
serve as a High School guidance
counselor and work toward Olym-
pics. After retiring from track,
Witty plans to enter the Presby-
terian ministry.
Whitty Bass

Aeast Carolinianthursday, april 8, 1965
Take Advantage Of Insights;
Shift Centers Of Gravity
CPS In the summer issue of
Moderator, the national magazine
for students, educator Harold Tay-
lor recommends that universities
should restructure themselves to
take advantage of new insights re-
garding education offered by stu-
Taylor, former president of Sarah
Lawrence College, says that "on the
whole, the students are right. . .It is
the university structure which is
Suggesting a number of different
ways that universities could better
take advantage of creative stu-
dent thinking, Taylor sees a need
for a closer relationship between
faculty and students. Giving status to
teaching rather than research, he
suggests, would work to benefit both
students and faculty members.
A more flexible curriculum, with
fewer required courses, would like-
wise make education more challeng-
ing on both sides of the lectern.
Freshman courses, he says, should
be changed to provide for "seminars
taught by first rate teachers. . .
without examinations, without
'grades, and with a content which
did not restrict itself to depart-
mental offerings but wrhiich explor-
ed significant problems of contem-
porary society and contemporary
To integrate living experience with
learning experience Taylor suggests
that dormitory structures be re-
arranged to foster fa new integrated
educational atmosphere on campus.
"Education does not consist of
walking into a classroom and walk-
ing out with notes calculated to
assist in passing examinations he
"We must shift the center of grav-
ity of the university Taylor says,
"away from a concern for the pure-
ly academic transmission of infor-
mation into a greater concern for
the total education of the student as
a person and as a citizen
Moderator, distributed on a con-
trolled basis to 30,000 leading college
Grand Finale
Zero minus forty-six days and still
so much to do. Here is an idea some
ne mentioned to me. I thought I
might pass it on. As you know. "Sen-
ior Weekend" this year is April 23-
25. It might be a good time for fra-
ternal and service organizations on
campus to honor the Seniors who
will be departing their organization.
Next year. Senior Weekend could
be extended into "Senior Week
Personally. I would recommend do-
ing away with the "Junior-Senior
Prom" and concentrate on an entire
week of co-ordinated events. For in-
stance, during that week organiza-
tions could honor their seniors dur-
ing their weekly meeting. Friday
night, the College Union could have
an "Honor Seniors" Combo Partv.
Saturday night, the S.G.A. could
sponsor an entertainment series and
the Senior Class Banquet could be
held Sunday evening - rounding out
a full week of events.
What is the reason for alii of this ?
I think it rather simple. East Car-
olina could have one of the strong-
est, most effective laflumni associa-
tions in the South if we could just
make our alumni identify themselves
with the college. But how can one
expect an alumnus to identify with
the coEege after graduation when
he felt no identity with the college
while he was a student? This seems
to be the heart of our problem. So,
let us honor our Seniors: let us
show them we are proud of the con-
tributions they have made to the col-
lege while they were here, and that
lege while they were here and that
I predict that the Class of 1965
will make one of the strongest con-
tributions to the alumni association
seen thus far in the fifty- eight year
history of East Carolina. I wonder
if the Class of 1966 will do the same.
Ditchdiqgers And Professors
Talk Essentially The Same
and university students, will publish
six times during the coming aca-
demic year. The current issue also
contains an extensive examination
of the draft, an article on college
dining, an exploration of the new
theater as it is being formulated in
our drama schools, an interview with
Edward Albee, a run-down of sum-
mer job opportunities, and a guide
to hitchhiking in Europe.
Student Teachers
Havelock, Crippen
Complete Work
The first two student teachers in
georgraphy alt East Carolina are
now completing their assignments
in high schools in North Carolina.
Haywood Denard Harris of Have-
lock and Gilbert William Crippen
of Tampa, Florida nave been as-
signed schools for their teacher
Harris is teaching in Goldsboro
and Crippen in Ayden.
Dr. Dale Edward Case, supervis-
or of geography student teachers,
said the students are now being
trained in new techniques and meth-
ods in their field, as outlined in the
course "Teaching Georgraphy in
the High School
Twelve students are now enrolled
in the BS program in geography at
EC and wiM be placed in student
teaching situations next school year.
Dr. Case pointed out that the ex-
pansion of the program is in keeping
with the "greater emphasis now-
being placed on geography in the
state especially at the high school
CPS) "Love" is more popu-
lar than "hate and "war" is more
popular than "peace This sur-
prising result was found by schol-
ars from the University of Chicago
and the University of North Caro-
lina who recently compiled a list
of 3,300 most popular words in the
English language.
Far and away the word that re-
ceives the most frequest use is "is
yes it is, it is is that is. .Although
the results may seem a bit confus-
Director Jacobson
Previews Lecture
Dr. Leon Jacobson, director of a
32-day European study tour this sum-
mer, will deliver a lecture preview
ait 2:00 p.m. Saturday in 130 Rawl.
Dr. Jacobson will discuss England,
Belgium. Holland, Germany, Italy,
and France with color slides.
The tour is sponsored and offered
for college credit by the EC Exten-
sion Division and will last from June
6 through July 7.
Interested persons are invited to
hear Dr. Jacobson's preview and to
attend a socM hour following.
University Awards
Padgett Fellowship
James Aaron Padgett of Onslow
County, a senior biology major at
East Carolina College, has been
(awarded a fellowship for the com-
ing academic year at the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The fellowship, which is renewable
will allow Padget to devote full
time to class wok and research to-
wards a graduate degree. He will
study in the department of environ-
mental sciences and engineering of
UWs School of Public Health.
For the past two years Padgett
has served as a laboraitor assistant
in biology. Recently he completed a
research project on factors affect-
ing flowerng in the Japanese morn-
ing glory.
ing to enunciate, this result is not
unlike the rest of the report, which
found "man" to be more popular
than "woman" but found that
"mother" had a considerable edge
over "father
The researchers discovered that
"is" pops up 439.6i2 times in every
ten thousand words. "The "(and
'and "to" follow in general usage in
that order.
The scholars also decided that
vocation has little influence on vo-
cabulary" ditchdiggers and college
professors speak essentially the
same. Despite the fact that Webs-
ter's lists haflf a millior words, peo-
ple stick pretty much to the same
old words.
Some random comparisons from
the list: "I" ranks sixth, "you"
ranks 37)th; "No" Is 8tfth, "yes"
is 366th; "Happy" is 202nd, "hus-
band is 203rd; "God" is 511th:
"Love" is 204th; "hate does not
appear: "War" is 3,051st, but
"peace" does not (appear.
The study also reported that the
first 33 words on the list constitute
over half of a person's everyday
IA Elects Fegan
To Presidency
Epsiion Pi Tau, honorary Indus-
trial Arts fraternity, held a meeting
recently for the purpose of elect-
ing new officers for the 1965-66 school
year as well as settling a few other
matters at hand. The election re-
sults were President, Harold Fegan;
Vice-PresidcTiit, Ron Davis: Secre-
tary, Joshua Tucker; Treasurer,
These officers will be installed in
May at the annual banquet. The
banquet is one of the largest events
created by the fraternity each yoar.
Usually there are several mem-
bers from the state government as
well as the higher members of the
College administration which attend
the banquet meeting.
The fraternity is presently involv-
ed in a newsletter project, which will
be pubdoshed in the Graphic .Arts
laboratory. It will be addressed to
the Alumni of the fraternity, inform-
ing them of the activities within the
fraternity, department, and College.
Three new members were voted
in and we hope to receive more after
grades from winter quarter come in
Professor John East
Goes Phi Beta Kappa
Professor John P. Bast of the
Political Science Department will
be admitted to Phi Beta Kappa next
An honor graduate of Barlham
College, Dr. Bast Was invited to
join by the chapter at the University
of Florida where he completed his
Ph.D. last year.
He wil be formally admitted on
April 9.
Dr. Bast received his AB degree
with honors in political science from
Earlham in 1953, his bachelor of laws
degree from the University of Illi-
nois in 1959 and his MA from the
Unvversiy of Florida in 1962.
His doctoral dissertation is a study
of the political philosophy of Rich-
ard S. Childs and win be published
next fall by the University of North
Carolina Press.
In Wright Lobby
Bridgeforfun, refreshments and
prizes will highlight the quarterly
KJU Bridge Party on Wednesday
night, April 14. at 7:00 p.m. in the
Wright hdbby. F m me
Students, Faculty and Staff are
lnynted to join us for an evening of
bridge and pleasant conversation
So that we mlay know how many to
expect, please come by the CU of
fice (Room No. 101 Wright Audi-
torium) to sign-upnot later than
Tuesday, April 13.
Phi Omicron Chapter
Initiates 7 Members
Seven coeds were initiated this
week into East Carolina's chapter of
Phi Omicron, honorary home eco-
nomics fraternity.
The formal initiation ceremony
was held in the parlor of the home
economics department. Izora Jean
Bell, vice-president, conducted the
The new members include: Doris
Glen Owens, Mrs. Ellen Fisher Bell
Linda Sue Darnell, Mary Sue Noffz'
Eldzabeth Green Harrison, Mrs Syl'
via Davis Doty, and Betsy Crowe!
nelta Phi is sponsoring a
wafer" and drawing sale
T3 ram 9:00 "
p.m. to the foyer of Brody s.
The show is pen to
art department, with a ti
fee, which will j0 (1 , Uh
Parks anywhere
A Honda is a slim 24'
at the widest point. This f H -
narrows down the hunt for
a parking space considerably. r You ttffl
slide into almost any shady spot. I ikc just
outside of English Lit. Hondas fit into slim budgets too.
trices start about $215. Gas goes farther, up to 200 mrf
on some models. And cutting your wheels in half Joes jus!
about the same thing for insurance costs. Or more.
This k thesporty Super 90 ith its distinguished T-bone
Te Aps mPh- Jut one of the 15 Honda modcU thai
make other campus transportation strictly for the birds.
See the Honda representative on your campu or write:
iSZZT? nda Mtor Inc Department Cl, 1
West Alondra Boulevard, i V
Gardena,California 90247. HONDA
world's biggest seller-
Pactolus Highway
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omen's Fraternity
(,ics Spring Concert
fta, women's hon-
inus c fraternity,
:i Evening's Emter-
. spring musaoale,
at 8 L5 p.m. in
m o: Jacque
. : Music Director, the
's will provide an
serious settee-
four centuries of
from Pales n 5
'( to Mlancin
Ronnie Ganipe, harp-
sen, French horn-
the group on Bra-
il Ravel's "A
lilossom Falls Feel Pl.0U
1 UMM Have Danced Ml ieht"
S M- . dv. and tlu Ken-
tucky mountain tune. 'Tm Onlv
-Nineteen, will round out the pr;
gram, highlighted by the contem-
porary cantata. "A Sketchbook of
Women, by Thomas B. Pit field.
ine "Sketchbook" features women
varied mean and look" from
tne -Old Woman" to the "Suttish
loung Seamstress of Ipswich
Jarol Pearce and Stephanie Was-
i.e. cellists, will assist the accom-
panying of the "Sketchbook Bette
Jo Gaskims will provide piano ac-
eompaniment for the musicale.
east Carolinianthursday, april 8, 19655
Ignored Leftist Minority
Group Wins Equal Rights
, vas prompted by letters to the edi-
tor of the campus paper, the
: of New

se-up '
. The t
bo Paul
the dlvi-
en per ,
fine arts buil
ill will be for
viand concessioii
Sigma Alpha Iota, Women's Honorary-Professional Music Fraternity will perform an unusual spring musi-
cal. Sunday, April 11, at 8:15 in old Austin Auditorium. Given under the direction of Jacque Shipp, the concert
will consist of such songs as "I Feel Pretty "I Could Have Danced All Night
Tinrah Porasuphatana From Bangkok
Leads Lite Of Excitement And Unrest
Ride Home
Text Book
t Used Cars
A Place to Live
t Job
Excitement and unrest are the
words that underlie the life of Tin-
rah Porasuphatana from Bangkok,
the capital of Thailand. Tinrah's
father escaped from China shortly
before the communist pushover, his
mother is from Thailand, and Tin-
rah is a Siamese 1 explain that one).
Tinrah attended a Chinese school
which, by the way, goes only through
the fourth grade. He then went to
Assumption School which is owned
and operated by a Roman Catholic
group. This Catholic school was
destined to be an answer to his
future needs since tiwas there that
he learned English. However, at
home he made an effort to speak
Chinese around his parents because
they feared he would forget the
language of his ancestors. Well,
when he didn't speak Chinese or
English, he spoke Siamese, natural-
Try Advertising
in the
Sutherland Directs Upkeep,
Construction, And Planning
Mr Jerrv Sutherland is the direc-
tor of maintenance, construction,
and general planning here on the
East Carolina Campus. He is m
charge of the construction now go-
ing on at E.C. and is also in charge
of "the building of the two new dorm-
itories and the new music hall,
which he hopes to begin construc-
tion on by April 15, of this year.
Mr Sutherland was born in Texas
and ' was graduated from Texas
A&M Aiter graduation, he worked
as a" contractor in Dallas, Texas
for five vears and then worked in
an electronic firm for seven years.
Here in Greenville, he was in charge
cf the Voice of America construc-
tion when he was discovered and
Contracted bv E.C. for his present
S He "works for. the college
Kef but also takes jobs on the
side for students who desire his
services as a contractor.
Mr Sutherland has been at EC.
1 foTon year and likes Greenville
Ury much. He and his family were
M planning to stay in Greenville to
LTeven before he got a contract
to work here. He works six days a
week, plus taking a correspondence
course in law, which takes up
quite a 'bit of time in itself.
Mr. Sutherland's hobbies are golf
and politics. He would like to, and
plans to, get into the political whirl
within the next few years.
Among Tinrah's varied activities
is photography and outdoor sports.
He also enjoys classical music. Tin-
rah is an industrial arts major and
he plans to return to Thailand and
apply his American ideas for the
improvement of his country. Tinrah
likes the American education system.
He feels that he has more person-
al freedom here than he would in
Thailand. You see, a Siamese stu-
dent is not as free to make his own
choices as is the American. Tinrah
especially appreciates the friendly
atmosphere that has enhanced his
stay here in the states for the past
three years.
"Kiddos, you might think the go-
ing is rough at E.C. but you ain't
heard anything yet Because of
the scarity of colleges and the stiff
competition in Thailand, it's quite
difficult to have a chance to be a
college student. But those who suc-
ced lead a most fascinating life.
For instance, upper classmen reign
on the campus and the freshmen
are required to be submissive to their
superiors. Freshmen must lug an
upper classman's books or clean
his room at his command. The first
year male students are easily reo-
rganized because they must wear
a white shirt and tie.
As far as dating is concerned,
there is more dating among the col-
lege students than those of high
school age: yet, dating is limited for
all students. Parents do not allow
their daughters to go out until they
are well acquainted with the little
fellow. As a rule, once a date is
made, it's kept. Wonder Why? By
the way. if the date is planned for
the evenng. the boy and girl must
share their time together at HER
It is interesting to note that Thai-
land has been greatly influenced by
the Western civilization except for
the dating policies of course. Tele
vision and American movies are
quite popular in the fair land of
Thailand. Girls, beware! The Sia-
mese females are keeping up with
our styles and fads.
A message of wisdom from Tinrah
to the E.C. students: "We are for-
tunate to have been born citizens
of the U.S. and to have been reared
in a free and prosperous land. In
comparison to other countries, we
have the greatest opportunity to
learn and to think for ourselves.
So let's do the BEST not only for
E.C. and for the United States of
America, but for all mankind

Near Plymouth
Saturday Night, April 17th
Couples Only
President Johnson
Notices Students
(OPS) In his television add professors and one member of the
ress to the nation introducing new University's Board of Regents have
voter rights legislation. President left for Alabama; five University
Johnson said that the recent events of Florida students have left school
in Selma, Alabama, had outraged
the conscience of the nation. And
few people have been 'as vocal and
active in their outraged ias thousands
of students across the country.
Nearly every major campus has
witnessed protest marches, sit-ins,
or other forms of demonstration de-
signed to encourage federal action
in the state of .Alabama. The Presi-
dent, demonstrators declare, must
take steps to protect individiial citi-
To prove that protest demonstra-
tion in far-away parts of the coun-
try are not merely empty gestures,
50 students and faculty members
of Wayne State University traveled
to Washington as part of a Michd-
A busy man is Mr. Jerry Sutner- g delegation pressing demands
land. In addition to being in charge for federal intervention; iHarvard
of the present construction going on and Radcliffe wtents sat
at EC, he is also in charge of the
building of the two new dormitories
and the new music hall which he
hopes to begin by April 15.
Boston's Federal Buiadimg overnight;
and 30,000 people demonstrated in
Boston's Commons demanding "fed-
eral action
At the University of Colorado two
Best Jewelry Company
Invites You To Come In and See Their Complete Line of
Gifts For All Occasions
Charms, Bracelets, Billfolds
Serving E. C. C. Students Since 1907
in mid-term to be present in the
state; and scores of students from
dozens of schools are using free
weekends or their spring vacation
to go to AUabama and work "on the
front lines" for civil rights.
Students from Washington area
schools sat-in at the White House
in nearly an inch of slush and melt-
ed snow; Mario Savio, erst-while
leader of the University of Califor-
nia and Temple University has giv-
en full tuition scholarships to the
four children of the ilate Rev.
James J. Reeb, an alumnus of the
The demonstrations of concern
taking place across the country re-
present one of the most widespread
involvements in a specific national
issue to sweep the university com-
munity in several years.
Selma, of course, is not really
new. The Student Nonviolent Co-
ordinating Committee (SQTCC) has
been engaged in work there for over
two years. But with national at-
tention suddenly brought to (a focus,
Selma has become symbolic.
Students who have travelled to
Selma and Montgomery have fonvnd
conditions far frm encouraging.
Sleeping arrangements ome make-
shift at best, townspeople ore un-
friendly, sometimes actively, toward
the "intruders 'Mid most students
arrive without any tangible idea of
how they cm work constructively
in the situation.

Goast Carolinianthursday, april 8, 1965

EC, W&M, Sprin
Fort Eustis Meet In track



Won VKSTKKDAYBue pitcher, Pete Barnes, hurling from behind that
hri?ht number "16 tossed the Pirate roundballers to a 3-2 victory over
Brown University yesterday.
Sunshine" Goes To North
PS A group ol rla
. tents . tedded to bring
;uns d the form of a
Newsweek cover to the gloomy
theanselives Instant
Pi: he Ad Hoc Comn ttee
rmg U fci Albright to Haar-
var students are now raris-
noney to bring the University'
o: fon t Los Vngeles coed
mbrki- ght after spring
A c cor do n - to the grou ps spok( is -
man. Herbert J. Rogers, Miss Al-
bright's picture on the cover of
Newsweek "Campus 85" issue re-
minded him of the need to "dedi-
yours : ' somel tally
foo The immediate response
to JceraJ reaction" was to
phone Miss Albright 'We're invit-
ing her because she's there Rogers
The Ad Hoc Committee first con-
d naming Miss Albright "Miss
Due Process" or "Miss Legal De-
velopment but they finally de-
d bo honor her as Woman of
the Year
After consulting with her agent.
Miss Albright deckled that she vvas
'very interested" in the mvitation.
Th- eni said that this was "on?
offer she would accept out of the
many that were made
it's a little like Moon Maid com-
ing to Harvard, if you read "Dick
Tracy Rogers crowed.
East Carolina placed fourth in
quadrangular meet with William .
Mjary, Springfield, and F L
William and Mary had
depth of any ol the team tne
hum and dorndnatd with '?
Easi Carolina managed
points on i second ;
third places, and 3 fourtns Sp
field finished second with ' '
and Fort Eustis third with 4!
Kurt Eustis was stronj
sprints as Tom Randolph
100 and finished second in
vard dash Charles Stroi
Eustis finished first in
Springfield College took .
and third in the 100 and a fourth
:n the 220. The winning time m I
220 was 22.1 while the 100 was
(locked m 10.1 For- Eusfcis !
demonstrated i?- spri ty b
winning the 440 relay :n 43.3 while Sp
Springfield finished second at
In the 440 yard run. Fort Eu
maintained its superiority with Cha
es Strong placing first. William
Mary began to show its strengtl
with second and fourth place finish-
es while Springfield took third
Whstty Bass of East Carolii
ished second only to the record-
breaking perform nice of Jim Jol
son of William and Mary Jol
son shattered the old William and
Mare record of 1 v 7 that w

W &

Intramural Golf
1. Pi Kappa Alpha
Phi Epsilon Kappa
Lambda Chi Alpha
Pi Kappa Phi
Sigma Xu
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Kappa Alpha
Theta Chi
Delta Sigma Pi
Alpha Epsilon
Phi Kappa Tau
Sigma Chi
Independent League
FO- r
1. Mafia Inc.
Aycock 4th
Rayniee's Goats
Rolling Stones
Aycock :frd Floor
Standings are based
ed through March, 30, 1966
BUC BEAl'TYAs the blossoms bloom about the eampus, so do the co-
eds. Miss Brenda White, ehosen as this weeks "Buc Beauty is a 5' 4
interior design major from Elizabeth City, N. C. Brown eyes and brown
hair Brenda likes sewing, twirling, and swimming.
Baseball Schedule
Thurs. April 8 Brown Home
Mon April 12 Duke Away
Apri: 14 Richmond Av
April 16 Davidson Away
April 17 Davidson Away
April 24 Wilmington Home
May lOampbell Away nigh: -
May 3 Duke Home
5 N.C. State Away
8 Wilmington Away
10 Wake Forest Away
May U Campbell Home
Map 1 Wake Forest Home
( night
All home gMmus will be played on
College Field at 3:00 P.M
Doubleheaders start at 1:30 P.M.
watehev im.t. h K Eal Carolina is at ih
have "i V BOC bi'l Eveivthing !
to I ,v n , UP S1 " lar
io oho Duke toda
in the season
Austin Auditorium
8:15 p. m.
Will Replace
Easter Week-end
Saturday, 17th, 8:00-11:30
Beginning This Week-end It Will Be
Couples Only Fri Sat, and Sun.
ft TAtitTS
1 HE SAFE WAY to stay alert
without harmful stimulants
'ith the same safe
fredjer found in coffeYe
makes you feel di
studying. s
do as millions do .
with safe, effective y
Keep Alert Tat
AMtiMr flat pr4ct ef 6rf l

East Carolinian, April 8, 1965
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 08, 1965
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