East Carolinian, March 18, 1965

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east Carolina college, irreenville, n. c, thursday, march 18, 1965
number 08
S. G. A. Holds Elections Tuesday
Greene States 15
Point Program
present vice pres-
i S ernmen!
A s one of two candi-
c next ye lencj
- bis campaign
c point plan:
3 Complaint Committee
t may , oice their :
it e on of
t cal par-
t -tern which
rest. 4. IV-
1 ' every
i f SGA stand-
: n xex uti
( 7. Pem nent rooms
f Is he
ttees 8. A

! better
campus Ba

' : OUS
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' I h .
4 repre-

: year.
s your res
nes be
- '
Si Government
A . th-
will be a
k gether and
nge "
end i rreene has num-
md has served
g three areas 1. Stu-
ssoci taon, 2.
and 3. Fra-
jcamples of qual-
of SGA Vice
Elections Chairman,
Board. Enter-
IDC Vice Presri-
outst aiding mem-
DC .Tudical Com-
eotaran IDC. Vice
rnit) Bowling Lea-
' Phi Kappa Tau.
Chaarman of the
Working with
We are
nd faculty.
S has not
. stem, most
tnd h
I be pas-
isses, 2 cuts
. for Jun-
w ft
EDDIE GREENE, present Vice
President of SGA is putting up a
for top spot.
hard fight
Spring elections will be held Tues-
day. March 23. from 9:00 a.m. until
5:00 p.m. on the East Carolina cam-
pus as students vie for Student
Government offices and the respec-
tive class positions.
Precincts will be situated at stra-
tegic campus locations for the bene-
fit of the students. Voting booths
will be maintained in all dorms ex-
cept Woman's Hall for the use of
dorm residents. Students may also
c. st their vote in the College Union
r Wright Lobby During the break-
' ist and lunch hours, booths wlJ
be open at the main cafeteria.
The powerful office of the SGA
President is sought by two candi-
dates. Eddie Greene and B 11 Hunt
seek the position now held by Jim
Mahan. The SGA Preside icy is the
most powerful office attainable by
a student.
ether SGA offices at stake include
V ee President, Secretary. Treasur-
er, and Historian. All of these of-
fices play a vital role in voicing
student opinion at East Carolina.
ind dates for SGA Vice President
are Mark Meltzer, Keith Scott, and
Steve Sniteman. The ever-present
possibility of a vacancy in the Presi-
dency makes this office very im-
Two coeds are seeking the Secre-
tary's post in the SGA. Honda Bie-
secker and Lisa Green.
Treasurer candidates are Garland
Askew. Paul Hersh. and Jim Kinsey.
The office of Historian of the SGA
will be filled by one of these three
cand dates: Betty Gail Cavmess.
i.m Dalton, or Steve Tolley.
These thirteen candidates are seek-
ing their respective offices for the
benefit of East Carolina College.
They deserve your support at the
po.ls Tuesdav.
Meltzer Gives 2 Proposals
To Improve & Aid Students
BILL HINT, aiming at Presidential
seat in next years government is the
president of Theta Chi. Hunt has
pointed out faults in SGA and is
using these as a platform.
Hunt Gives Views
On SGA Faults
SGA Presidential candidate Bill
Hunt is dissatisfied with the past
actions of the student government
organization and believes East I
olinia must revamp its student gov-
erning body.
Hunt bases his campaign on five
assertions "which must be made in
behalf of the students These in-
clude. (1). The SGA has not repre-
sented the students in the past: in-
stead, the candidates have worked
for individual advancement. 2).
The SGA has wasted much money
nd time on idealistic programs of
the future when the present student
body deserved attention. (3). l'i
is now a generally apathetic atti-
tude on the part of the stud' ts
toward the SGA due to lack of in-
formation. (4. The student body
has no "spirit of unity" due to the
failure of the SGA. (5). The - '
in the past has ben composed of
100 people instead of the WKK) peo-
ple who really form the si
Candidate Hunt says that The
SGA has used slogans, sermi
nd anything else that would bring
in votes Particularly disturbed
by lack of immediate action on the
part of the SGA. he cites the traffic
problem on Tenth Street as well as
the much-discussed cut system as
Hunt seeks a more practical ap-
proach to the ordinary problems
of the student body by quick and
decisive action by the representa-
tives. "I do not believe in this
policy when there are so many pro-
blems confronting the students at
this time
'T take the stand that we are of-
fered two choices: tl). We continue
on the same lines that we have
been for the last two or more years,
or (2). We can now instigate changes
that will inflate some of the de-
flated areas that are now in ques-
the office of
Student Gov-
I sincerely
vital exper-
uiU be dismissed on
March 22, from 10:00
1100 a.m. for a meet-
Old iMin Auditorium. All
didates for the spring
uill be present to ex-
r platforms to the stu-
student body is urged
tnd support their can-
My name is Mark Meltzer. and
I am a junior History-Political Sci-
ence major. In my past three years
at East Carolina I have served on
the Dean's Advisory Council for
two years and the Foreign Film
' Vmmittee for one year. As a Bro-
ther of Alpha Epsilon Pi Social
Fraternitv. I have served my chap-
ter as 'President. Vice-President.
Secretary, and Treasurer. I am now
ne my second term as Presi-
u For the past two and one-half
y ars I h?ve served on the Interfra-
termty Council on the social and
judiciary committees.
Vs a candidate for
Vice-P resident of the
ernment Association.
that I have the
ence and qualifications to handle
the ib well. My plans in total are
to give efficiency and dignity to this
h jh ranking office. Vet even more
importantly the office of Vice-Pres-
ident of the S.G.A. is responsible to
v u the Student Body, and your
Satisfaction with active, dynamic
leadership and foresight. I feed that
I can contribute these qualities to
our S G Bs inability and faults
in the past have been mainly due
to this ack of leadership and crea-
I plan to instil! it into the
system to insure a better, more re-
.neibie organization.
However these generalities must
be backed by specifics to have mean-
na i han two such proposals. One,
I shall organize a committee from
tvH, s; to look info the possi-
ilfv (1f setting up a school-spoo-
red organization whose purpose it
U be to place KCC students in
;iimm,r iobs related with their ma-
u Tins could be a stgni-
2U step in the betterment of the
entire student body at E otnci
roUeges possess a job-fmdmg sys-
et'it up on this basis. I nder my
heading of this committee, a new
cimension of Student Government
Activity can be initiated. Secondlv
I propose that active participation
by all E.C.C. students be encouraged
in various campus activities. Al-
though this might be tacitly under-
stood now. it will be of greater' ben-
efit to the student body if the var-
ious organizations were advertised
and diversified to encourage great-
er participation. As Vice-President
'Continued on page 4)
Sniteman Praises SGA,
Urges Students Interest
Vou have much to be proud. You
are the best qualified students in
the history of Bast Carolina College,
and you show it. You are the stu-
SECOND SPOT CONTENDERSIn the big run for vice-president is (1.
to r.) Steve Sniteman, Mark Meltzer and Seotty Scott. This should be
a close one . . . each vote wUl be highly valuable.
dents that have given ECC its repu-
tation, and it shows it. You are
the students that fill the classrooms,
support the athletic teams, and ac-
quire the individual awards, and
they show it. Yes, you as students
have much to be proud and your
accomplishments are great indeed.
So complete are your accomplish-
ments that it is hard to single out
any one specific attribute: yet, at
this time of the year, one accom-
plishment does stand out. as it does
every year. This is: you govern
yourself and you handle your own
money, approximately $180,000 a
year, by selecting your representa-
tives for the Student Government.
You have a voice in the govern-
ment, a voice that cannot be equal-
ed by many student bodies on any
campus anywhere in the country. I
urge you. as a student that is very
much interested in EC its pre-
sent and future, to use your voice
in the government and elect your
representatives to the various of-
I urge you. as a candidate that
is very interested in serving vou
as vice president of the Student Gov-
ernment, to think seriously about
whom you will select to serve you-
his attitude toward the SGA and his
sincerity in serving it.
And finally. I urge you. as a sup-
porter of the SGA who is very in-
terested in seeing a homogeneous
relation between the students and
fhe government, to support the can-
didate you do select to represent
you in order that you can continue
to number in your accomplishments
a student government that is quali-
fied to serve the best.
Steve Sniteman

2east Carolinianthursday, march 18, 1965
I wish to thank the editor of the EAST CAROLINIAN
for allotting me this space to thank all students working with
Student Government. Since this is the close of this SGA ad-
ministration, I feel it is a good time to ennumerate the ac-
complishments of SGA this year and to thank those without
whose help, such accomplishments could not have been possi-
Above all in everyone's mind is surely the Homecoming
Weekend, with the appearance of Ray Charles, as promised . . .
Thanks go from myself as well as all students to Billi Stewart
and Jim Barefoot for their fine job in planning and ar-
ranging the events of Homecoming.
I wish to thank also the lecture committee, especially
Garland Askew, for bringing us such personalities as Drew
Pearson and Arthur Schlesir.ger Jr and the entertainment
committee headed by Linda Killian for bringing such enter-
tainment as the Four Freshmen and Ferrante and Teicher
to our campus.
One committee which, in my opinion, has done a fine
job is our popular movies committee. With limited funds and
selections, Helen Holms has managed to bring to our campus
such movies as "Gypsy" and Come Blow Your Horn The
freshmen will probably remember the fine job done by the
orientation committee, headed by Celia Orr and Jane Mew-
born. I wish I had enough time and space to thank personally
every committee which worked with me this year.
Another part of th SGA is our school newspaper. I would
like to congratulate their recent news coverage and its thought-
provoking articles. Our newspaper is the number one media
between what is going on in the SGA and the students them-
selves. If this coverage were not accurate, gross miscon-
ceptions could occur among the students about the operation
of their SGA.
This year your Student Legislative voted EC out of the
National Student Association. From my experience with NSA,
through district meetings and the national convention in
Minn I feel that this was a step forward for EC.
We, the executive officers, have tried to set up our
offices in a business-like manner with the employment of a
permanent secretary, Margaret Stephens. I would like to
especially thank Margaret for the efficient way she has
carried out her duties.
My only regret about the past year is that in order to com-
plete my studies at EC, and graduate with my class in May.
I have to do student teaching during the last three weeks,
fifteen school days, of my term as president of SGA. Al-
though I tried every way possible to be able to teach very
close to Greenville, there were others ahead of me in prefer-
ence. Others had small babies and are making their permanent
homes in Greenville.
Unfortunately and unavoidably I was assigned to Golds-
boro, N. C. In order to carry out my remaining duties as Pres-
ident, I have organized my office to meet my needs for the
next couple of weeks. I have arranged to come to Greenville
three afternoons during the week, always including Monday
and Thursday. Also, I have left word with my secretary,
Margaret, where to reach me in case anything come up which
needs my immediate attention.
In closing, I would like to encourage each student to take
a few minutes of their time and get out and vote on election
day. It is a privilege which should be taken advantage of in
order to have a SGA truly representative of the student body
I hope you will support the new administration in the future
as you have mine in the past.
Jim Mahan
President of the SGA
east Carolinian
Pibttakad wwttly by th.
Layout Editor
Carolina Colkfflmte
Associated OoDariato ,
Offioa on third floor of Wriffhft BuJMin
Editor Larry Brown Jr.
Lynda Bobbins
E. P. Bishop
Pam HaO
Managing" Editor
Becky Hobgood
Sandra Day, Joanne Gray, Mike Byrum,
Kay Smith, Sandra Whittington
News EditorNellie Lee
Gafl Price, Pranceine Perry, Walter
Greek Editor
Anita ZepoJ
Sports Editor
Jim Newman, Bandy Ryan, Jim Lee
Features Editor Clara
Amy Booker
Bon Dowdy
Bob Browses
Editorial Editor
Bob Brown, Bob Kerlin. Alec McKay.
Donnie Lamb. Jerry Williams, Mike
Morton. George Weigand. Doris Phillips,
Ben Button
Louanne Kaylor, Nancy Martin
Advertising Manager pt Paul
Proofreader Bobbl Bath
Typing (jajj Smith,
Cookie Sawyer, Cindy Bowe
it ftf.OO pr year
AtSSL?lt S& 55 Carolina CoBege Station. GreenTiDe, North
alU departments. PL W71I or 7W4W4. extasJoe iT
Alas, what light through J1 "
dow shines is an East Uro-
Unian staff member stovwgaW
to bring you this fayJSS
work, this masterpiece of fect.
the life blood of the college cam
PUYes he is up there, but we are
not so' sure that he is slaving away.
those staff members look kind of
shifty to me, but they do manage
to get a paper out twice a week to
let you know what is going on
around campus. Let us look at some
of the coming events for the next
Monday, we have a tuba and
trombone recital alt 8:15 p.m. in
Austin. This should be good, so be
sure to get there before the rush
Now for all you carts that dig
i ; minor this Wednesdav
Chamm TTustm you wall be en-
Se.VS m? B
7 TO?FyXv in old Anft
pertained with the IBW
mcture Ls absolutely reat be
a man that over-hears his doctor
talking about him and that ha
loing to die in a few days. you
Set the picture? I guaranty th
picture to be great or you can
turn vour ticket to the box oft
for a "full refund of your rnor
Did anv of you boys by airy cnur
happen to ride aero tmpu. MQ
i ante ,
I srV
timl I
th- mo
C i
on- i
An 4
zr -
Letters To The Edi
comes letters from its readers. The
briefer they are the better the pros-
pect of publication. Letters should
be kept to a maximum of 150 words.
They should also be of general in-
terest to all students. All are sub-
ject to condensation and should
conform to the standards of decency
and good taste. We assume no re-
sponsiblity for statements made.
Any letter that is not accompanied
with the name of the person who
wrote it will not be published. If
you wish for us to withhold your
name please state so in the letter.
To The editor:
The students of East Oaroiina. of-
ten accused of being apathetic and
indifferent to the world around
them, have an opportunity on next
Tuesday to refute this view Those
who espouse this view are often only
those who seek a pLatform on which
to degrade the school or elevate
their own interests. I for one believe
that when confronted with the real-
ly important issues that confront us.
those who live and work and give
up four years of their lives in order
to attend EC will render an opinion
on all issues that is worthy of the
school and their own interests.
That opportunity on next Tuesday
is the annual SGA elections. That
opinion is the election of Eddie
Greene for SGA president. In this
election we are confronted not with
a real choice, but with a challenge.
Will EC move forward in the coming
year in matters of student govern
ment? The real issue here is ex-
perience. No one on this campus
including the other candidate can
offer a under background in Student
Government, or any other activtv
mat can anywhere approximate the
background and experience of Eddie
From the first quarter of his at-
tendance at East Carolina Eddie has
served m one. but more often, many
positions of responsibilitv in the life
and progress of EC. In the men's
dormitories he served on the IDC as
ice-President. he has served as
Election Committee Chairman En
tertainment Committee Chairman
and Cut System Committee Chair
STSl Q? AhaS dennstrated interest
m all SGA committees bv attending
meetings of all committees as a mat-
ter of concern rather than out of
obligation. No one knows more of
the inner workngs of the SG
Eddie's concern has been mani-
6d V P of continuing
earned through during the next
year As SGA Vice-Fsident he
has been partly responsible for the
initiation of a new cut svstem that
will replace the old-new cut system
as soon as the new facultv IS
approves it. Through the Entrain
ment Committee Eddie has worked
for the securing of Roger WilhlrnT
?2;Pete Founta
SGA President. Eddie would 1 ke to
investigate the possibilirTof sSL2
up a Student Complaint oSmS&S?
and revive the Student ESuatk
of Faculty that was one praotieeS
here. The parking problem EHSsStf
concern to Eddie.
In the new year. Eddie would lifoe
to see more telephones nlao
campus for the studenTs iW011
better phone situation "&
dorm. Also he would like to seJUf
beginning of political parries on
and the distribution of a FW
S1 t0 room in
This is Eddie Greene's backsrotmH
and his programs. I haveb
him since that first week wL1
1962. And I WW2fJ
we have only one choice for East
Carolina next yearEddie Greene
nd I believe the students on our
campus will render that verdict on
next Tuesday
Sincerely yours.
John Coon,
IDC Secretary
As a freshman I came to Bast
Carolina, not knowng what S G A
was really all about During fall
elections I was nominated and elect-
ed freshman class treiasjrer. and
although I could not xrte. I attend-
ed most of the SGA meetings It
didn't take long for me to notice a
hard working and devoted young
man. named Eddie Greene
As I'm sure you know for th
past yar Eddie has done an excel-
lent job ser ing as Vice-President
of the SGA Prom my first SG A
meeting I noticed how Eddie always
seemed to carry out each job to
the very best of his ability Eddie
knows how to take any type of re
sponsibihty and always sees it for
the betterment of East Carolina
College. All anyone has to do is
look around at the progress the col-
lege has made during this past
year and they can almost be as-
sured that Eddie Greene was part-
ly responsible
When you go to vote next week
for your candidate for President of
S.G A let me assure you that vour
student government could never be
in better hands than it will be
you elect Eddie Greene President
His hard work in the past, his de-
pendability to do a job well, and he
experience m numerous student func-
tions are the best qualifications
candidate could have
vl,f SGA. not onlv will
lf' will be the best
decision you ever made for 'he
betterment of ECC
S idy Wenrael
To The Editor:
P,lVh ekuLioT1 time drau-aw dose
heades" ff
duties of tK u, e il,A. The
enough to kS mple
rf the aaivttTe t1?1 cord
ernment -So
Pie enough but wJ unds sim-
excePtiaI tS?V M
vious experience miIsrt Pe-
Roland Toliev
Edenton. orth Car s,or from
of course shows hil ,K?aHe Ts
activities in ftj group
tve but v , ,opfr Prospw-
b quite etUtiR wship
Fratern.tv md p, Tha Chi
Roland better l-
?on-contngent nfS R is
best 0f 3 him to the
B Kertin
si to mate- J imPrtart
Sf Proud of the 7vr J? w are
and w must rL
: mm

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The n
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east Carolinianthursday, march 18, 19653

' i


Meet The Candidates
Hersh Calls For Dynamic
Program As SGA Treasurer




ne Hersh. and 1
date tor the office of
oi tho Student Govern-
ci ytion of EXist Carolina
a Junior frwn Wash-
. i my major is busi-
ol my major courses
he office I seek.
i I Mpha Kpsilon Pi
ty, I have served as
Master. end now am
'hat I have
mi .ons for this
In addition
active, dynamic
S ! financial respon-
to the entire
s( Carolm My
- for three forceful
" I " tute m-
Treasurer if elect-
v head the Bud-
ist tx : par-
' ; or ented as
workings oi the
fresh, active
rganization which
- jged down with
n i on. Sim-
under my dele-
ently into
se projects and
benei I the Stu-
. the students
ege, will
for the better-
f acili-
ted from cam-
' - he placed in a
special fund and used for this pur-
pose. Every year a large amount
of school revenue from this means
is collected. Parking improvements
and additions are vital for the future
of bast Carolina College. The money
collected from these fines will some-
day make the issuance of these tic-
kets unnecessary: the parking pro-
blem will have been -olved monev-
wise by us.
Under past S.G.A. administrations
e true voice of the Student Body
has been too rarely listened to or
implemented into desired action
One example of this has been the
wasteful manner in which this year's
Budget Committee spen the enter-
tamment appropriations. This mon-
ey has been wasted and can never
be retrieved. For the future and
under my handling efficiencv will
be the keynote. The students' wish-
es for the entertainment programs
will be heard and put into action.
My office will always be open to
suggestion. I further plan to have
Suggestion Boxes placed around the
mpus at convenient locations in-
cluding the S.G.A. office. The books
of the office will always be open to
In closing, fellow students. I prom-
ise sincerely that I will do my best
to represent you and our entire
c mmon inn rests. I will represent all
the students, not just a few.
With your support. I can give fis-
cal responsibility and efficiency to
S Ci.A. Back me for this office:
the utmost of my abilities and ex-
ence are waiting for the best
ir of financial progress at East
olina College.
:iBK?-1Hio wll do the writing, reading, and hundreds of other
the SG.Vi Secretarial agenda next year. Wfll it be Lisa Green
r Konda Riesecker (right)?
Kimsey Ofters Experience,
Recognizes Responsibility
I Continued from page 11
of the S.G.A. I wili take it upon my-
self to study the problem and pro-
due significant results which will
insure the activity and diversifi-
cation of all students interested in
In closing, fellow students, I prom-
ise to help strengthen our S.G.A.
Through the office of Vice-Presi-
demt, I hope to develop into a more
active, forward-looking organization
with student interest as utmost con-
cern. I feel that the students at
East Carolina College will elect the
individual with the best qualifica-
tions and experience. I know that I
can till this position well with fair-
ness shown to everyone n the stu-
dent body. As Vice-President of the
S.G.A. my office will always be open
to suggestion and improvement by
you. the students. Give me your sup-
port and I will serve the S.G.A. to
my fullest ability. Let us all pitch
in and give E.C.C. the dignified
government she deserves. I sincerely
want to help you in this effort.
To whom will you entrust the
spending of $165,000.00 of your mon-
ey? When you vote for your S.G-A.
treasurer next Tuesday, you must
make your decision of who is going
to be the guardian or the spend-
thrift of this sum. Perhaps the idea
of $165,000.00 seems enormous, but
this is the amount that the treasurer
must administer among the some
35 organizations which draw from the
student fund. It is a big job. If a
strong experienced hand is not in
the position, the student fund could
be quickly and easily depleted.
Experience and awareness of the
functions of the S.G.A. has led me
nto varied situation's which I feel
make me qualified for the job. This
year as Pesident of the Junior class,
I have learned the responsibility of
working with a large number of
people while remembering that it
is the individual student that is im
As a member of the student legis-
lature, perception has been gained
of the needs and operation of the
different S.G.A. sponsored groups.
My administrative knowledge has
been broadened through work with
the S.G.A. executive committee.
While working with such groups as
the Athletic Capital Improvement
Committee. Cut System Committee,
and the College Ring Committee. I
feel that I have gained insight as
to the needs and wises of the stu-
dent body.
I would strive to be just to the
organizations when approving a bud-
get. It is the duty of the treasurer
to see that organizations get the
i money they need to function proper-
ty: however. I do not feel that bud-
gets should be highly over-esti-
mated. Over allocations leaving
amounts in excess of $5,000.00 should
be considered more thoroughly.
I would like to see a closer and
more detailed check on organiza-
tions who spend money without
proper authorization.
As the system now stands, each
organization furnishes its own re-
ceipt book. I advocate closer check
on incoming funds by the use of
pre-numbered receipt books which
would be issued by the treasurer.
Although the treasurer is not a
ruling officer, his administrative
lability will often be put to the test.
If he should not do his job efficient-
ly, your money might be mishandled.
Consider my familiarity w th student
government proceaure before voting.
I am willing to take the resoonsi-
bility of working for you.
Jim Kimsey

SGA Historian Position Oilers Challenge
Dear Students of East Carolina,
1 am running for the office of
S.G.A. Historian. A minor office you
might say, but this only emphasizes
the underestimation of the potential
which has previously been attached
to the office. Contrary to those who
see it merely as the keeping of
dusty files. I see in it a more crea-
tive aspect. The office of historian
entails maintaining the official stu-
dent government scrap book. Why
should not this be the means not
only of recording events for future
students, but also a means of inte-
grating the many sides of a liberal
arts institution and of keeping alive
its high aspirations?
The 'historian is also an instrument
for student faculty communcation
by means of an annual report of
student activities to the president
of the college and the Dean of Stu-
dent affairs.
In my three years at East Caro-
lina I have always shown interest
in student affairs of tall kinds, not
least expressed by my work as a
Senator. In voting for this office as
well as the others I ask you to keep
in mind not only the qualification of
the candidate, but his understanding
of the function he hopes to fulfill
and his willingness to serve
Betty Garviness
I, Roland Toliey. am running for
the position of SGA Historian not for
the sake of my own personal ad-
vancement, but for the very sim-
ple and, I thiri1 important reason
that I can do competent job.
Quite often, wnen election time
(arrives, everyone is vying for the
"top" positions or the positions
which they feel they can win. Rather
than trying to gain a position in
which hey feel they can do the most
good. I am no politician I am no
one to make promises for the sake
of appeasing the electorate: there-
fore, I shan't promise anything that
I cannot accomplish.
Being a History major with a
B-plus average, I believe that I can
do the job well and keep my grades
up. While I am on this subject, there
is a difference between a job and a
positiona job requires work and
a position requires only a warm
body. I am running for a job. Work
is not missing from my background,
either in studies or in working while
attending college. In both -ases I
wias working for myselfI now ask
to work for you.
Thank You.
S. R. Toliey
( audidates For Secretary
Appeal To Students In Letters

Bast Carolina.
faced by a challenge
means of responding
a msel! worthy of par-
:n the community in a
nse than ever before
Ihis presents tseif in a
the students at East
working of the Stu-
The student is
fo bis rights, but he
. - We at Blast
d to prove the
H-h a plea through
government. In view
which government
:t is of the ut-
mportance that those chosen
the students under-
he responsibilities, are quan-
perform them, and are will-
undertake them.
mam function of the Secretary
n the SGA is to maintain lines
of communication between the menv
Sors of the Legisature itself and
Xeen that body and the students.
ffeel that my past experence as a
Lnor in addition to my back-
ls a Business major and
grapher for Men's Honor Coun-
cil more than qualify me for the
office of S.G.A. Secretary.
oHK Ronda B'esecker
Dear Students.
Your attention has been drawn to
Vl VmSelma. Alabama, and
2 . i DC for the past weeks.
ftifgrSi5 tur"
11 StLnto vour own campus
yThoming Student Govem-
mA t"TSSSelections. On Mar-
STVTfcS. the privilege of
voting for officers that will serve
and represent you as the govern-
ing body of the students and student
affairs of this school.
I am greatly concerned with the
welfare of this school and am ex-
hibiting my interest by running for
the office of Secretary of the S.G.A.
I am aware of the responsibilities
of this office and I aim prepared to
accept and fulfill them. Wilth the
use of my past experience in hold-
ing of fees, I believe that I can
benefically serve the students of
East Carolina College as Secretary
of the S.G.A.
I hope that you will show your
concern for the welfare of the stu-
dents by voting next Tuesday.
Thank you,
Lisa Green
HISTORIANOn the road to becoming EC's Livy are three top con-
tenders. In the race are (L to r.) Betty Caviness, Roland Toiler and
Pam Dalton. w u

4east Carolinianthursday, march 18, 1965
SENIOR CLASSIn the race for the top spot in the Senior Class are
Robert "Chris" Cristesen (right) and Dave Fitzgerald (left). Both are
right in the middle of the pre-election week action.
Alacrity To Listen And Act,
That Is The President's Job
"Unlike most candidates for of-
fice. I do not intend to make any
stereotyped campaign promises
which more frequently than not are
disregarded or laid aside. The office
itself carries with it an honor which
is duly respected: however, the
actual operations of the President
are defined in effect by what he
himself makes of it. With this in
mind. I only intend to extend to this
Class of '66 effective representation
with an alacrity to listen and act
on your needs
Robert 'Chris I Ghristesen
I would like to be elected so that
it would enable me to do my share
for my class and Bast Carolina
David Fitzgerald
St. Mary's Alumnae AssCr
Chooses Kirkpatrick As V.P.
Sarah Helene Kirkpatrick, assis-
tant to the director of the News
Bureau at East Carolina College, has
been elected Eastern North Caro-
lina's regional vice president of the
St. Mary's Alumnae Association.
Miss Kirkpatrick, a native of
Greenville and staff writer in the
EC bureau since September of
1961. moved up from her position
of secretary-treasurer of the East-
ern Carolina Chapter to which she
was elected in 1963. She became
regional vice president during the
association's board meetmg held
Wednesday at St. Mary's Junior Col-
lege in Raleigh.
The election of Miss Kirkpatrick
means that she will be working with
alumnae in Ayden, Edenton, Eliza-
beth City, Farmvdlle, Gotldsboro,
Greenville, Grifton, Hertford, Kins-
ton. New Bern, Robersonville. Wash-
ington, Williamston and Windsor.
She replaces Mrs. W. Grady Stevens
of Shiloh and will serve a two-yetar
Miss Kirkpatrick was educated in
the Greenville city school and was
graduated from St. Mary's Junior
College. She has also studied at
East Carolina.
In Greenville, she is a member of
the Jarvis Memorial Methodist
Church, the Business and Profession-
al Women's dub and the EC Alpha
Xi Delta social sorority which she
:s serving as am advisor.
Arnold Air Corps
Active On Campus
These pa?t two weeks have been
'very active for the Com, Arnold Air
Bnd .Angel Flight.
The corp's softball team played
their first game Tuesday with the
"Beatles and tied the score 5-5.
A smash hit by Rody Harrington tied
the score to rmafee him "player of
itihe week This Tuesday the boys
play the "Bucks
Congratulations to E.CCs Arnold
Air Society. They were selected out-
standing squtadron for Area B-2,
Saturday alt the Area Conclave held
at Chapel HiiU. The group will now
represent his area for the National
We would like to welcome the new
sisters to Angel Flight. The follow-
ing have successfully completed the
pledge period: Patricia Larson and
Sandra Cooper.
The cadets and their laddies are
getting their dress uniforms and
party frocks out of the moth balls
for the biggest formal affiarir at
E.C.The Mdliihary BallSaturday
Webb High School class ring-Ox-
ford, N.C. Owner must be able to
describe. Contact Oathy Weston, 355
Cotten Ml after 4 p.m.
Ratings Of Superior
Goes To 42 Musicians
tii ings of superior in a Junior
Musu Festival at Bast Carolina Col-
lege last Saturday went to 42 young
musicians, according to Dan E.
Vornholt, associate professor of mus-
ic here and chairman of the music
Some 200 junior students from 15
music clubs were on hand for the
Southeastern District Festival of
the North Carolina Federation of
Music Clubs held at East Carolina.
Six judges criiticized and gave
ratings for performances an piano
solos, junior and senior piano con-
certos, hymn playing, (Vocal solos
and folk songs.
Rights in
A pathetically small crowd erf
500, composed of townspeople awl
fiaculy wh a handful of students.
attended the Cfcv
Memorial Gymnasium on Monday.
Mr David Witchard, editor of the
Greenville Dadly Reflector was the
moderator. Mr. James JacksonJS
Patrick, editor of the Richmond
News Leader, moDorted the con-
servative view, and thus represeatfed
the negative side. Mr. Mark Wtt-
ridge. Editor of News Day and form-
er publisher of the Louisville Cour-
er Journal, supported the liberal
point of view, and in turn, the af-
firmative side. After introduction
of the two guests, Wfobchard stat-
ed that each side would have twen-
ty-five minutes speaking time and
then five minutes for rebuttle. .Af-
ter that, the audience would have
a chance to ask questions. Mr. Kil-
patrick spoke first.
To introduce las remarks. Mr.
Kilpatrick stated that the Negro
revolution is genuine it is not Com-
munist inspiredAlthough the Com-
munists are exploiting it. Mr. Kil-
patrick outlined his speech which
would concern five areas: Voting
rights, freedom of speech, freedom
of assembly, public facilities, and
fair trial.
He beliced that the President's
speech to the Congress asking for
more voting rights for the Negro
would not help and more regulations
would subvert the constitution.
"None of the legislation on civil
rights has helped he stated. No
Negro Virginian is being held back
from voting. However, only seven
counties in Virginia have more than
50 percent of Negroes who vole.
Voting rights cannot be given while
destroying states' rights. When this
is done, it is "equalization going
mad Right of speech can not be
suppressed, however, it is not an
absolute right, he stated.
Segregation in public facilities
should not be condoned. However,
integration has no place in private-
ly owned property. Mr. Kilpatrick
does not believe the sociologists con-
ception that the reason Negroes
have high crime rates and high il-
legitimacy is because of their en-
vironment. His remark on this was,
"Bash, it is the Negroes fault
Mr. Kilpatrick ended his speech
-Ethridge Hit
Monday's Dehat
kv mating that the Negro pwfctem
byi, iidvwi in soUth before
Jnc bm ib the North
h South ha lived sode by
TSSA SK of him-
se-f as others do.
Mr Kthndge claimed that Mr
Ki'lpatrick's screams of states rights
are and have always been Qted
to cloak the segregation s fight
against civil rights. It docirmivs erf
sUtes rights Have never worked and
never will because it conflicts with
the conscience of the notion and th-
world Editors, professors, and min-
isters who have a great deal U con-
tribute to the South. h:ivc left fee
South because they can give any
contribution because thep ha
fight segregation. Besides chas
good contributione ;way. tegrega
tion has ruined marry pubic sell -
systems. The Prince Edward Coun-
ty case, which Mr Kilpatrick nan
condoned, is a prime example Mr
Kilpatrick claimed that no Negro
Virginian has been Held back I
vote, but Mr. Ethnduv cited wl
primaries, literacy teat grand
Rather clause, ami the pal
The problem has become i
treme, accordng to Mr Ethrid
that segregationists have tried
prevent Negroes and whites fnm
looking through the same window
In a factory, along with 9ep
water fountain-
Therf has never ben equality
for the Negro Even when it beau
apparent that I ipreroe (urt
would outrule I
ng m boa
dentN i
ly n
er to
him "
bn sque

'urn r: i
Thro u
! v
you ha
The .


I v.
it on
Candidate Barber
Presents Opinions
I would like to see S.G.A. form
a committee to place students in
summer work which relates to their
major field of study and to see the
class of '68 continue to expand in
spirit and unity. Also, I would like
to promote a good working relation-
ship between the Executive commit-
tee and the student legislature
I would work to recommend
changes m the Cafeteria schedules
to kep at least one cafeteria open
Sundays at the men's ctorms.
I promise to work closely with
the sophomore class to hear any
complaints or grievances they may
have, and if possible, attempt to
clear them up.
But most of all. I feel it is im-
portant to create interest in and
about student activities lit is this
.interest and student participation
in campus actvities that readies
students for adult life and a respond
sible attitude toward our demA.
cratic society. ueino-
JUNIOR CLASS-Voting Tuesday for the Junior Class PrMM
a bit testy. (L. to R. LarryBeU, KathryVkowett anfSS6? TICKET
vying for the big seat. Wm " Ben Webb are SiopvS,? U
larhPAim!ng at toP see Sophomore 0i
have mJn u Davkl K" As r rmd. to
hfmade ther impression at EC. Now tbev look to their
Candidate Urges Student Vote
Help Make Your School Better
Who will bring your class toeeoW
and make it th h "geoier
ar? W3 "S
must make the dect tl OU
In the ITT iCUst. and yourseU.
rule VhTSJL 'Z .a gen
nts don't SL S" -
amUreF 2
its leader fftS"81 fr
organize theirm f who mu
ing. e P and keep it uxek-
PSStSmm ap-
no reason wh?. ers. there
J f-very one will
growing -
and prc
clai -11
K .t Qw
to be a gr
part b
My re
fur this ofl
tige, hiXMH
cai ladder
sumed uhin
such aj .
leading work
mores anxi
of off
erkince t " u
m the comer - '
a chance t
not have ham -

ffi!12LDS C0LISE11
Box OI5ra
The ReceH

east Carolinianthursday, march 18, 19655
- .
on Tuesday and Wed-
Ihi chapter of Pi
fraternity was honored
3 i guest, Mr. MeU-ille
National I resident of
i Phi Fraternity. "Mel
tally referred" to by his
maxed his visit "with
Chapter at a banquet held
evening at which he was
speaker. For many of the
- was the first time
: with "Mel" personally
message combined
rarm inspiring personality
reminded them of the
y hold as "Pi Kapps
Brother John Thomp-
al ered to Miss El-
brow, ami Brother Ken
me pinned to Miss Ric-
Delta Zeta Sorority.
ist meeting of Beta Phi
:her Jimmy Williams
tho position of Chap-
i ther Jimmy Dail as-
p Ksifttor as Alumni-Re-
. ttee Chairman.
evening the "Pi
a social with Alpha
The social was held
Niche Pi Kappa Phis'
: torn Al who took
themselves thoroughly.
- one of a series of
he Pi Kapps" look
-hains with all soror-
in the near future.
ges which will make up
dge class are: Ron-
a. Raleigh: Frank De-
Beach. Via Ray
-i Mews, Va Joe Hol-
Mke Roberson,
Lee Lovette. Graham.
til team beat Sigma Phi
6-0, and Sigma Nu 11-5
WILLIAMS was recently
lonal Dream Girl for the
I hi Fraternity. Nancy was in
i petition with representa-
in three other states. Con-
ons Nancy for a job well
See Kurope This
35 Days
Queen Mary
10 Countries
All Expenses
W. .1 Hadden, Jr.
1062 W. Rockspring Rd.
PL 2-7246
Congratulations to Tom Diidy who
Brothers running for offices are:
e-(Wie Greene 'current S.G.A Vice
&Im?ldent,cfJ!r SGA Prudent; Jim
Kimsey, S.G.A. treasurer: David
ihnn1?0ghomore ciass President:
John Bell, Senior class senator
1 he Bothers had an informal par-
y Saturday night upon the comple-
tion of the new party room.
At the beginning of spring quar-
ter. Gamma Sigma Chapter of Kap-
pa Delta sorority welcomed Becky
McKenzie into its new pledge class
Becky is a freshman from Southern
lines. N.C.
All the KD's were present at the
recent Miss Greenville Pageant pull-
ing for Sister Kim Lox. Everyone
was very proud of Kim, who was
chosen second runner-up in the con-
test. For her talent, Kim act)ed out
m original prose work. Last year
she was selected as second runner-
up in the North Carolina College
Queen Contest.
At their first meeting of the quar-
ter, the pledges elected the foilow-
ng officers: President, Lhz Harri-
son; vice-president, Linda Cameron-
secretary. Sue Anderson; treasurer
Sue Cox; editor, Wanda Matthews:
parliamentarian and chaplain. Bec-
ky McKenzie: social chairman, Jane
Teeter, activities chairman. Dianne
Small, song leader, Charlotte Hay-
worth; and education and scholar-
ship chairman, Jane Brown.
The stacks and stacks of news-
papers lining one side of the KD
chapter room have been collected
by these industrious pledges as a
part of their first project. If the
Pipers keep piling up at their present
rate, no one will be able to get in
the chapter room! Keep up the good
work, pledges!
On Monday. March 15. KD's play-
ed hostess to the Sigma Nus at a
social. .After refreshments, every-
one gathered in the chapter room,
where entertainment was provided
by Sig-Ep John Truesdale, who sang
and played the guitar. Everybody
really enjoyed both listening to folk
songs and socializing.
The following officers have been
appointed by President Betsy Cam-
eron: house manager, Butch Dunn;
sergeant-at-arms, Connie Webb;
guard. Annie Ruth Nixon: historian,
Janet McKenzie: junior Panhellendc
representative. Gayle Hunning: chap-
lain. Vickie O'Tuel: scholarship
hairman. Janet Daly; social chair-
man, Pat Davis: social service chair-
man. Lynda Hunning: activities chair
man. Lynn Brewer; magazine chair-
man. Butch Dunn; song leader,
Lynne Howell: press chairman.
Anne Daniel: education chairman,
Annie Ruth Nixon; and correspond-
ing secretary, Lynne Howell.
If the patio of the KD House ap-
pears spotless and if all the KDs'
iars look newly washed, the credit
belongs to three hard-working Pika
Dodges and to seven equally indus-
rious Sig-Eps. All ten "slaves" were
bought at recent auctions, one on
February 20 at the Pi Kappa Alpha
House and the other on March 13
at the Sigma Phi Epsilon House.
The KD's say "thanks" to all ten
por jobs well done!
The Zeta Lambda Chapter of Del-
ta Zeta elected new officers for the
coming year. They are as follows:
President. Joniibel Willis; Vice Pres-
ident, in charge of rush. Mary Alice
Stutts: Vice President in charge
r pledge training. Margaret Smith:
Treasurer, Rannie Jo Pendergrass;
Recording Secretary, Frances Kel-
ly Corresponding Secretary, Linda
Sliler Historian Judy Mercer; Sen-
ior Panhellenic Delegate. Carolyn
Barnes Panhellenic President: Jun-
to Panhellenic Delegate. Maxine
Brown-Linda Evans: Social Chair-
man Rena Stapleford: Scholarship
harman Joan Williams: Activi-
, rh airman Jane Stephenson;
Standards Chairman. Martha Cour-
rv Publicity Oiairman. Jo Her-
ring Courtesy Chairman Jean Bell;
Charm Chairman. Madeline Deal:
Proiects Chairman. Janet Cherry:
Philanthropies Chairman. Judy Lohr;
Parliamentarian. Carol Ann Combs;
WR A. Activities Chairman: House
Manager, Judy Robins.
bad another house cleaning
sopee w th the help of the Sig Eps,
Jnd the house is now m tip top
.hie Sister Pam Hodge was pin-
ned by Mike Pope from lotte,
Tc a Sigma Nu of the Beta Tau
Chapter at State. Pledge Rjjky.Col-
; was pinned by Ken Martin a
Pi Kappa Phi brother from Greens-
fnfcjrmar rush was planned and
executed this week and everyone
had a good time.
The Alpha Delta Pi house has
seemed empty without our house-
mother, Mrs. OLenore Arnold who
due to pneumonia has been staying
with her daughter in Goldsboro and
we hope she will be table to return
the first of April. While Mrs. Arn-
old is ill, Mrs. Thelma Privott has
been staying with the sisters and
pledges and we thank her for sub-
stituting during this period of time.
Saturday morning several of our
pledges, Nell Green, Joyce Mc-
iarland, Mary Ellen Goe, and Gwynn
Fousbee went to the Sigma iPhd Epsi-
lon house to purchase two of their
brothers during their slave sale.
The boys were put to work cleaning
and polishing in tha house.
Softball practice is keeping a num-
ber of the girls busy because tne
ADPi's are taking part in the WRA
program of athletics. Connie Cox
and Carolyn Thayer are the pro-
bable stars of this years softball
Pledge Joyce McParland is model-
ng each Tuesday at noon at the
Bohemian for the College Shop. Al-
so next Sunday, Joyce will play the
harp for morning services at the
St. James Methodist church.
Even though Easter is a month
away, all the ADPi's are making
plans for an Easter egg hunt with
one of the fraternities on campus
for a number of local underprivledge
children. The pledges are going to
make Easter baskets to giive to the
retarded children of Greenville.
Alpha Delta Pi wants to wish the
best of luck to the brothers and pled-
ges to Sigma Chi Alpha in their
car washathon for charity.
This past Wednesday the mem-
bers of ADPi attended a St. Pat-
rick party given by the Pi Kappa
Phi's. Their National President was
visiting and was present for the so-
Last Saturday night Chandler
Nelms of Theta Chi pinned pledge
Ann Hudson.
On Wednesday, March i0, the
AEPi's started the softball season
off in grand style by romping over
Delta Sigma Phi, 5-3, in the opening
game for both teams. Taking an
opening lead of 1-0, the men of
AEPi fell behind 3-1 in the fourth
nning after a rally by the Delta
Sigs. But a four run rally in the top
of the fifth inning proved to be a
winning recipe for the gold and blue.
booming triple by Paul Hersh
followed by a homerun blast by
Stu Siegel opened the gates of vic-
tory for the Epsilon Kappa Chapter.
The brothers and pledges of AEPi
aire proud to introduce their new
mascot to the Greek system"ABE"
the Goat. For those who saw "ABE"
at the game, it can be readily un-
derstood why she is such a sharp
mascot; moreover, she is ludky to
have the brothers of AEPi looking
out for her, because "ABE" will
very shortly introduce some new ad-
ditions to the goat world. The men of
Epsilon Kappa Chapter would like
to thank all of the people for the
compliments given to us for "ABE
We think she is pretty original our-
Last Sunday afternoon the AEPi's
took on the bothers of Lambda Chi
Alpha in an unscheduled softball
game. With the final result of that
score known, the men of AEPi claim
full rights to the hack alley behind
the two fraternity houses as their
own. OK, Lambda Chi?
The brothers of the Epsilon Kap-
pa Chapter of Alpha (Epsilon Pi So-
cial Paternity are proud to announce
the following three brothers running
for S.G.A. Vice-President, Paul
Hersh for S.G.A. Treasurer, and
Rarry Brodsky for Senior Senator.
The fraternity offers these men as
three of their most capable leaders
and wishes them the best of luck
in the coming campaign.
MARCH the month of many
things has also been the month of
Thefca Chi. It has come in like a
lionbut I question that it will
"lamb" its way out over on W. 4th
This being an election year (aren't
they all) the Tneta Chi's are proud
to announce their new leader, Bill
Hunt of Hampton, Va. will carry
the colors for the 65-66 year with
the assistance of the failways reli-
able Time Bogwell who will serve as
vice-president of the chapiter. As
Treasurer, Jim O'Brien will be
there to account for and carry all
the gold. (He's been secretly lifting
weights in preparation for the of-
fice.) That former master of pen
and pencil, Bob Kerlin Was (answered
the call of duty and wiM handle all!
secretariial duties for the coming
March also brought us a new
housemother, Mrs. Trueblood. Mom
Trueblood brings to the brotherhod
a wealth of experiences and charm.
A tea will be held in her honor at
the house this Saturday afternoon.
We would like to bake this oppor-
tunity to invite lauM our friends over
to share with us this happy occasion.
We feel sure she will charm you as
she has us when you stop in.
Last weekend at Duke University,
Theta Chi's from this chapter at-
tended with Theta Chis from other
states the annual regional confer-
ence The Mason Dixon Jubilee.
We may not have had the highest
scholarship rating, but without argu-
ment, we had the prettiest girl in
attendance. Nancy Wilson, a Chi
Omega and also our chapter's dream
girl, captured the hearts of all the
Theta Chi's attending the conference.
Nancy was chosen Regional Dream
Girl of Theta Chi. Congratulations
Nancy, the brothers are indeed both
proud and happy for you.
And March is not over yet is it?
The Gamma Beta Phi Society is
a newly formed honorary fraternity
at East Carolina College. This chap-
ter is an integral part of the central
organization of the Gamma Beta
Phi Society.
The purpose of this organization
is to promote scholarship, leader-
ship, and good citizenship at East
Carolina College. The membership
consists of students at East Caro-
lina College who, because of their
worthy character, good mentality,
creditable achievement and com-
mendable attitude, have been elect-
ed to membership.
The newly elected officers of Gam-
ma Beta Phi are: President: Dan-
ny Hardee, Vice-President; Jenni-
fer West, Secretary; Kav Young,
Treasurer; Dan Melton. Executive
committee Chairman: Gloria Step-
henson, Program Committee Chair-
man: Rose Edwards, Entertainment
Committee Chairman; Thomas Bar-
rinton, Publicity Committee Chair-
man: Bllannie Bridgers. The tem-
porary advisor is Mr. James B.
Mallor, Dean of Men.
Gamma Theta Upsilon the Nation-
al Honorary Geo. has been prepar-
ing for a busy three months ahead.
The organization has already held
two meetings at which next years
officers were elected. They are Os-
car Edward-President; Russ Oli-
ver-Vice president: Lee Brisson-
Sec, and Charley Harris-Tres.
On Tuesday, March 9ths several
of the members left compens at
three pm for North Carolina Col-
lege in Durham, N.C. their purpose
was to initiate a new chapter at
that college. This gives North Car-
olina two colleges having chapter of
the national geography fraternity.
Next Thursday March 18, the fra-
ternity plans to travel over to Wash-
ington, N.C. The purpose for journ-
ey is to have the Spring Quarter
dinner meeting. The dinner will be
held at Franki Restaurant and a
speaker is planned. All members
are urged to pay their fees to Dr.
Cramer's secretary before the meet-
Other plans for the active Chap-
ter are a second pledge class and
initiation for the year to take place
in April. Formal invitations will be
sent out to those prospective geo-
graphy major and minors. The fra-
ternity voted to raise the standards
of entrance from C to B average
in geography and a C over all aver-
Brother Gil Cripper is student
teaching in geography at Ay den
High School as well as Devored
Harris at Goldsboro Junior High. The
fraternity is planning to put on a
short informative program for the
high school geography classes this
The annual Washington trip is
also being panned to include many
and varied geographical spots
around the Washington, D.C. area.
Any geography majors and minor
having an interest in the fraternity
are urged to contact a member or
officer such as Oscar Edwards. Joe
Allen or Bobby Harde at once.
NC Volunteers
Conduct Meeting
The North Carolina Volunteers
had a meeting Tuesday night, Mar-
ch ninth in Flanagan. This group
of people were formed to help the
poverty stricken areas of North Car-
olina. Various jobs are offered to
college students who enroll as vol-
unteers. The North Carolina Vol-
unteers will report for orientation on
June 13 of this year and stay at
their assigned places for a total
of 11 weeks, after which each vol-
unteer will receive a $250 honorar-
ium for the services. Volunteers will
work in teams, under the direction
of adult advisors, and local public
service agencies. Teams will be lo-
cated in fifteen North Carolina com-
munities, in all parts of the state.
The volunteers have many job
choices, which require no exper-
ience except the will to help others,
such jobs include library work, pub-
lic 'health, construction, home dem-
onstration, counseling, social work
and various other interesting job
Students at East Carolina who are
interested in volunteering shoull fill
out their application no later than
March 31, 1965 if they wish to work
this summer. For further informa-
tion write to: The North Carolina
Fund. P.O. Box 687, Durham. North
THE BIG SCRUBThe East Carolina Chapter of Sigma Chi Alpha is
preparing to bathe another of the manv cars they washed during this
past week. The brothers have made quite a success of their project.

6east Carolinianthursday, march 18, 1965
Shaw Leads Soph. Laden
Tennis Squad As Captain
Bane Shaw, a senior, will lead
a sophomore-laden tennis squad as
captain this year. Although the squad
is relatively young it doesn't lack
experience as four freshmen earn-
ed letters last yearn .Although the
record last year was 10-8 ilt is rath-
er misleading. Because of the in-
experience of last year's team, the
Pirates had a disasterous first haflf
season. As they reached the mid-
way point the team matured and
the squad finished the season on a
winning skein of 9 matches, to
ifcnish the second half of the season
undefeated. Now with much of last
year's squad returning and with the
benefit of another year of compe-
tition behind them, the prospects
for the tennis team are the best in
many years.
Of the lettermen B'ane Shaw is
the only senior and his three years
of varsity competition should help
him provide ia stabilizing influence
on the squad as camptadn and num-
ber one man. Shaw was also the
top man last year and went into the
finals in the N.C.A.A. regional ten-
nis championships in the doubles
match, and into the semi-finals in
the singles. Among (his Other achieve-
ments are the Carolina's lOonference
S ngles Championship and the num-
ber 4 ranking among tennis players
in the city of Charlotte.
Frank Cook will be in the number
two spot this year. As a freshman
Last year, he held down he third
position on the squad and did a fine
job. Cook is a South Carolina boy
who. like Shaw, is ranked fourth in
h:s home city of Charleston. A lot
is expected from this rising sopho-
more this season.
Moving into the third spot will be
Ron Hignite, a local Greenville boy
who is moving up a notch from last
year when he occupied the fourth
position as a freshman. Ron won
Track Team Lacks Depth
As track begins again at East
Carolina, coach Baxter Berryhill is
faced with the familiar problem of
lack of depth on this year's squad.
Although he has some outstanding
performers, most prominent of whom
is Whitty Bass, he has few men to
back them up. There are only 26
men on th's year's squad and that
is a small squad by anv compari-
son. But Coach Berryhill expects
some fine performances from some
the new baseball season is this weeks
Buc Beauty . . . lovely Joyce Sig-
mon. A twenty year-old junior from
Roanoke, Virginia, this 5' 7 blonde,
blue-eyed baseballer is Co-Rush
hairman of Tri-Sigma, a marshal,
a member of the Women's Honor
Council and Feature Editor of the
c: the members this year.
Probably the best track man to
compete at East Carolina, Whitty
Bass will be expected to carry a
heavy load this year. Whitty will run
the 441 land the 881 yard runs this
season. During the winter track sea-
son this year, Whitty turned in a
1:55.3 seconds time for the 880,
which is a tremendous perform-
ance, and rather amazing when you
consider that it was the first time
he had ever run on a wooden track
indoors. Coach Berryhill fells that
Whitty will easily be one of the best
880 men in the nation and will be
aiming for the national champon-
Lee Brinson win bacK Bass in
the 440 and 880 and greatly help
to add depth in these two events.
In the distance runs the squad
has been greatly hurt by the loss of
the number one distance man, Al
Bishop, due to illness. Bob Lecour
has stepped in as the big man in
the distances but there is a great
lack of depth in this area. Lecour
has come a long way this year and
he is expected to improve even
more. Charles Hidson is a promis-
ing prospect but is still only a fresh-
In the sprints, senior Mike Handy
leads a group of young and some
what inexperienced sprinters but this
will be a problem area this season.
Terry Willis, a 31 year old father,
will carry the load in the hurdles.
Coach Berrhill rates Wills one of
the best 330 yard hurdle men in the
Southern Conference but here again
there is no one to Ibadk him in this
event. Wills, father of a 6 year old
boy, should have a good season, re-
gardless of the depth here.
Buddy Price will lead East Caro-
lina in the pole vault. In indoor
competition this year Price clear-
ed 13 feet 6 inches and should do
oven better when he moves outdoors
this season. In the high jump, Jerry
Allen is the varsity jumper. He is
backed by two outstanding fresh-
men candidates in Mike Tomberlin
:nd Henry Stevens.
The field events are a particularly
weak area. Erwin Roberts is the
only varsity man in the area and
will have to carry the load in the
rareias of shot put, discus (and javelin.
There are several freshman pros-
pects with pobential but only the
season will tell exactly how this
area will shape up.
The 1965 outlook depends mostly
on the few big men on the squad
but depth will hurt the squad over
the season. There tare enough boys
on campus to give Bat Carolina a
full and competent squad but un-
fortunately there just hasn't been
the turnout for this important sport.
It's really a tragedy because East
'Carolina could field a fine team if it
had a little depth. But with determ-
'ratfon and desire the Pirates should
manage a successful sieason.
the singles championsh
Greenville tournament te 1
is looking forward to a bugger eai
in 1965.
Wayne Amick rounds out the re-
turning lettermen. Another sopho
Amick held down the m
six post last season but isexif
ed to move up to the numte f ui
spot. In competition in I54 Wd
distinquished himself by winning Uu
Burlington City championships in tne
doubles and mixed doubles divisions.
A senior who spent some time m
the number six position, Kelly Wills.
will be back again this year to battle
for one of the top spots. On the squad
who add the needed depth this year
are: Mike Star, a senior and Billy
Turner and Ron Simmons, sopho-
mores. With these men pressing the
starters the team should hold a sharp
edge all year long.
For the first time in -East Caro-
lina's history there wall be a fresh-
man tennis team since we are en-
tering the Southern Conference and
the Conference rules require sepa-
ration of varsity and freshmen. Thus
this year the freshman will be play-
ing their own schedule of fresh-
man games Some of the promosing
freshman prospects this year will
be: Churck Taylor and Bob Marsh-
burn, who ranked one and two re-
spectively on the Rocky Mount High
School squad last year, Joe Spencer,
who was number one man at Ash-
horo High School, and Charles Van
.Middlesworth, who was top man at
his high school in New Jersey.
The tennis team is now in its th.d
week of practice and wiD be ready
to open on March 29 against Rider
College here at East Carolina. As
things stand now the tennis team
should have a highl successful sea-
Phi Kappa Tau 111
Lambda Chi Alpha
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Sigma Nu
Phi Kappa Tau (2)
Alpha; Truesdale
190 Sigma Phi
High Series: 1. Moss 562 Phi Kap-
pa Tau; 2. Walton 528 Lambda Chi
Alpha; 3. Separk 503 Phi Kappa
Pete will probablv bin H aon off uth th I
season. Monday. The ameill b- played her,
Council Offers New
Study Abroad Prog
This summer he Council on u- T:
dent Travel wifl offer a new kmd par
of intensive orientation designed '
prepare students for acade I
abroad. Special nine-day
uun programs conducted on board
three fcate summer sailings of the Edm I
Council's ch ed stu M
S AURBL1A, are be
specifically for the An
dents who will
ord numbers '
semester or year .t a foreign I -
un ty.
By the of 1986, more th.
his uiesiNj
seats '
the Cam
a Peal .
n w h
spe :
S .
: form
he?pr0gliamLis Pned to formati.r. ,
hep students make the transition to travel mav -
a different culture and academic quest
situation. A team of educators and
specialists will coordinate orienta-
tion activities on oastbound sailings
of the AUREUA leaving New York
on July 29. August 19 and September
9. Jorums and discussions on na-
tional and fternattODBl political ;trri
cu.tural issues will be complemented
a series of art lectures darifc
High games: 1. Moss 207 Phi Kap-
pa Tau; 2. Separk 207 Phi Kappa
Tau; 3. Walton 190 Lambda Chi ence m Cannes. Prance during Jan
20.0(H) under graduates and
vviU b enrolled in ov r 320 fon
study program U. S
col! ges a4 un i m! .
centers in Europe As a and
Latin America As the Dumber
crease, so does the importance of
preparation and planning on th'
part of program administrators and
students. Tht Council's 143 mem!
organizations and univi ee which
sponsor overseas programs for .stu-
dents held an international confer-
uary. i5 at which educators ex-
pressed deep concern over the Lack
of adequate preparations among
American students for the experien
of living and studying in a foreign
university community.
? and foreign (tons
Ml be provided on study :md travel
5LTSn tr a news,
paper will be printed daily to keen
anr,hgrVinlorlm1 llf W
A student en route to the W
bonne might bmrit, .t .1 . ? '
tomatic Reiattan '72 DiP
go to .SSl.1 might
r .i- io u
inl1.on Frenrfi-r
Campus Worship-Communion Services
SUNDAYS 6:00-6:45 P. M.
March 14 thru April 11
Conducted by The Campus Chaplains
Transportation Provided From Each Dorm and
Denominational Student Center

Thursday, March 18
6:00 P. M.
Meet Candidates For

123 EL 5th 9
Please report any
to us in

East Carolinian, March 18, 1965
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 18, 1965
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