East Carolinian, January 31, 1965

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east Carolina college, greemille, n. c, friday, January 31, 1965
number 29
Film Board Includes EC
In Documentary Series
The North Carolina Film Boardthe camera crew filmed scenes
rsidenJ Leo . Jenkins works on seme of documentary film being made here on the cam-
trained on tountain area of Wright Circle. Dr. Jerkins gives brief insight to film
offers to people in Eastern N rth Carolina.
Uso Speaks
Speaks At
At History
Austio Thursday:
came to Greenville last Friday and
Saturd y to film sequences for its
upcoming movie on Eastern N. C,
The Goodliest Land
Ben Mast, assistant director of
the foundation - supported board,
tiong with a three - man camera
crew, filmed am interview with Lr.
Leo W. Jenkins, president of EC.
Several EL' students were also in-
terviewed nn.d included in the film-
ii: as follows: Barbara Sue Trad-
r. senior from Benson: Rose
rooch, a junior from New Bern:
Jonibel Willis, a junior from More-
d City; Berry Williams, a sen-
r I Wilmington; Eleanor Ruth
Poole, a graduate student from Wake
Forest; Garland Askew, a junior
from Colerain; and Charles David
Lord, a graduate student from Mat-
thews in Mechlenburg County
M; st stated that the film is one
series of documentaries by the
board during the past two years,
I and that "The Goodliest Earth" will
probably be finished by late spring.
Dr. Jenkins and Mast said plans
are being made to schedule the
film's premiere showing here at
'the college. A tentative date for
the premiere would be near
nation exercises late in May.
Ficklen Stadium and in the Wright
Circle area, including Wright foun-
The crew team also filmed i n in-
terview wilth a local Greem .lie
physician. Dr. Andrew A. Best. A
previous sequence with Dr. Be A. ad
been filmed at the beginning -f the
working with EC for the
last weekend. Mast and
"The Goodliest E trth
o Mast, will b atten
fleet ihe heritage of the East i
bo report the cirr nt att tuck
people. This documentary film will
be in color.
Mast is din d r of the film. .
. st week's filming, ree N
Yorkers handled camera and sound
work: Peter Winkler, Bob Hutch-
inson and. Walter Simonenki.
The documentary film
duced by the Fiiim Board - in-
tended alt the outs t as an
tional project ir The p: t
. C.
All films will be made a1 .ble
for use in schools, by television sta-
tions and civic clubs, and in other
ways. Many of them have been dis-
tributed widely in the state ilr dy.
The latest completed film, a doc-
umentary on the history of Eastern
North Carolina, was given its pre-
miere in Raleigh last Friday.

i til
th -
. inks
tl thinkers
5 In 1946.
be young-
the Puiit-
-d it for
He is es-
s. I-i been ae-
iml is Ohio on
s '- night
the Una-
Hi isrv&rd. Arthur.
una cum laude
the fol-
y was
"he crl-
They now have
; ushters
I Sehesing-
. of Bvar In-
n Washington and m the
Se . Lon-
and Germany from 1943
- He was Deputy Chief of
SS Pans Reports Board, and
corporal in the Army. In the
me tie, he completed work on
The v-e of Jackson a book he
i worked on before the war as
Fellow at Cambridge Uni-
ersity. England, and subsequently
member of the Society of Fel-
- ,r Harvard.
Dr. Schlesmger's third book. "The
.enter a brilliant discussion
if contemporary political and so-
il problems, came out in 1949:
The General and the President
analysis of American foreign pol-
icy m terms of the issues raised by
President Truman's dismissal of
General Mac Arthur and written
n collaboration with Riachard Ro-
:e of the New Yorker, came out
1951. In the m me. Dr. SchJe-
ger returned to Harvard1 as pro-
fessor : history in 1947. He has
co: ;rticles to Life. For-
e. antic Monthly, Harper's,
Sat y Evening Post, and other
In 1961. Dr. Schlesmger went to
kshington as Special Assistant to
the President. In th.s capacity he
served President Kennedy until his
death and thereafter President
ison. He left the White House in
March 1954 to write a book on the
K nnedy Administration.
esently, Dr. Schlesmger holds
the following degrees: Litt. D. 1930'
LL. D. 1966), and D. C. L. i960).
He is also the author of: "The
Crisis of the Old Order "Ihe Com-
ing of the New Deal "The Politics
of Upheaval "The Age of Roose-
Book of the Month Club
Selections, 1957. 1959, i9o. 'The
tl Center and "The Politics of
Art Display In Rawl
By Keith Lambert
ire and oil paintings by an
ina student from Rock-
- on display this week
I ewiG Gallery of Raw!
m the campus.
or. Dennis Keitn Lam-
-raduate of Georgia
re in Milledgeville, is
for currently featured in
hool of Art's series of
? - s exhibition features his
n sculpture and modem
pamtiugs. Scheduled to con-
through Saturday, the show
pen to the public in the third-
g ery of Rawl Building.
His displav. a requirement in the
of Art here, includes oil
Qgs n -rid shades of kelly
royd blue, gold and wine ta
addition to four photograph of the
it work. .
At East Carolina Lambert's work
under the supervision of Wesley
Crawey, associate professor of art.
Well-known Dr. Arthur Schlesinger
will speak on the East Carolina
campus next Thursday. February 4.
Dr. Posey Writes
For Periodical
Dr. Meredith N. Posey. director
of the English department at East
Carolina, is among book reviewers
for the current issue of The South
Atlantic Quarterly.
Dr. Posey. in his review of the
third volume "The Correspondence
of Walt Whitman calls the work
of the book's editor, Edwin Havi-
land Miller, "superb
He also notes the importance of
the letters in adding to the under-
standing of Whitman the man and
Whitman the poet.
CONTRIBUTIONS HEAVYThe AFROTC Marchathon brought surprising
results for the March of Dimes campaign which the Cadets conduct
each year.
Marching Cadets Far Surpass Previous
Marchathon Collections With $1,398.00
It took less marching than ever
but collections soared far past old
records in the annual March of
Dimes Marchathon last weekend by
a group of East Carolina cadets.
The drill team of the campus de-
tachment of the Air Force ROTC
marched continuously an various
spots in the city from 8 a.m. until
4:30 p.m. last Saturday. Meanwhile,
their fellow corpsmen and mem-
bers of the Angel Flight accepted
contributions to the 1965 Pitt Coun-
ty March of Dimes campaign.
In all, the Marchathon netted $1
398.59, a sizable increase over the
previous record of $860 in 1962. Satur-
day's total climbed to $1,417.26 when
Lt. Col. E. L. Kidd, commander of
the campus detachment and po-
fessor of aerospace studies at the
college, kicked in an extra dollar
and cadets found 41 cents more.
Response by passersby was so gen-
erous Saturday, according to drill
team advisor Sgt. Ervdn E. Koon,
that the cadets closed out the March-
(aithon 90 minutes before the schedul-
ed 6 p.m. finish.
Its 8 'and a baif hour length made
Saturday's the shortest (Marchathon
in the seven - year history of the
event. In six prior aM - day drills the
corps had netted almost $4,000 alto-
Saturday's Marchathon collections
push that figure well above $5,000
and other cadet actaJvtBfeies this week
may boost it close to $6,000:
Ten pledges to the Arnold Air So-
ciety, honorary organization for ca-
dets, were canvassing the campus
itself and by noon Monday had add-
ed about $200 to the $1,417 March-
athon contribution.
The driM team and its supporting
cadets and coeds had another dril-
ling session scheduled in nearby Ay-
den in front of the municipal fire
station between 3:30 and 5:30 Tues-
day afternoon. After arrangements
with FarmViEe officials, another
minature marchaithon was planned
Thursday in that neighboring com-
munity from 3:30 until 5:30 p.m.
All March of Dimes contributions
rounded up by the cadets and the
Angel Flight members will the chan-
neled into the organization's treas-
ury through Mrs. Louise Carrigan
of Greenville, March of Dimes chair-
man for Pitt County.
Student leaders in organizing and
carrying out the Marchathon and
related activities have been William
Norman Manning of Plymouth, com-
mander of the drill team; Donald
Joyner of Greenville, special pro-
jects officer for the entire cadet
corps; Brenda Smith of Benson,
Angel Flight commander.

2east Carolinianfriday, January 29, 1965
Bob Browses
faith for the future
Sir Winston Churchill is dead. . .But, never in the
history of human events, has one man done so much for
so many-
This thought surely ran through the minds of count-
less individuals during the past few weeks. Sir Winston's
ability to transmit hope to a depressed people, changed
the course of history.
Everyone knew that the end was near for the world's
greatest contemporary leader. But his life was the de-
parting factor. . .not his faith in man and his optimism
of the future.
Such faith and optimism are of utmost necessity in
our world.
If we must struggle against the forces of domination,
the forces of immorality, and the forces of "too much
pleasurable living . .then we must follow in Winnie's
footsteps. We must have faith. . .
Yes, the man has left the world into which he put so
Yes, the world misses him with anxious reverence.
Yes, the world will continue housing dominating ego-
tistic peoples.
But, thank God that we had a man. . .Sir Winston
Churchill. . .jabbing us with moral support through
many a trying year.
And thank God that we have his methods and ideals
printed in our history's pages.
He was a grand figure when he stood before the peo-
ple. . .and he is a grand man for us. . .the college
students. . .to follow.
Your reporter has once agajn
been housing around trying g
up some more news for you gou
people. This part &&
nesday I attended the. T dC
inauguration in Wadwngton D.c.
-and witnessed & "JJ?
our President and Vfce -
Tuesday night I went to the Young
Democrat's Ball and was entertaui
ed by the music of thejreat Court
Basie and his band. Whle I s
there Mr. Humphrey came uf and
said a few words to us; after ne
fimshed, his wife spoke ?nrt(Ifr
everyone what a great honor
W to be there with us. Needless
to say there were plenty of secret
service men on hand to prevent
any harm from coming to the vice-
president. To be truthful, those sec-
ret service men looked sort of sus-
picious to me. I finally left the Bail
at about one o'clock Wednesday
morning to prepare for the next big
day. ,
Wednesday was a really big cm
for all who were there as that was
the d'ay of tine swearing in. I arose
early and went to church, with my
companions, in (the Episcopal Ca-
thedral in Washington. We then
headed down town to the new sen-
ate building to see senator Jordan
of N.C from him we received in-
vitations to the inauguration.
The swearing dn took p'ace at
two minutes past noon and then the
parade started. Before the parade
I caught a glimpse of several TV
celebrities such as ZSA ZSA ZA-
HITCMOOCK. The parade itself was
quite long iand very beautiful.
The entertainment series starts
off the new month of February by
presenting the PAGANTM QUAR-
TET at 8:15 'in Austin auditorium.
Next in line for February is the
lecture by Dr. Arthur Schiestinger.
Jr. in Austin Auditorium at 8:00 on
ThS(j3ynlLerbduo pianists, Ferrante
The poHjr the campus
n'the Gym.
concert in the uy
Thesam- w a ,(IlARl) ffl-
f SgSS the Kouse. Qr-
a scmauieu night
1V Mmn; Au.lit.rium.
e ' - e M cfUce
Vr ht BuiMrofi
Th' v.end for you ruin-
mlnt ' HIT)" ill be play"
This movie played just recenu ai
Campus Bulletin
JAN. 29
8 a.m. - 6 p.m. State band Cinic
nustm Aud.
7:00 p.m. Movie "Hud" Austin
7:30 p,m. Faculty Dupioate Bridge
Planters Bank
8:00 p.m. Symphonic Band Concert
JAN. 30
8 a.m. - 6 p.m. State Band Clinic
Austin Aud.
7:00 p.m. Movie "Hud" Austin
FEB. 1
Concert series: PaganM Quartet,
Austin, 8:15 p.m.
FEB. 2
College Union Bowling League,
Hillcrest Lanes, 4:00 p.m.
Intercollegiate table tennis doubles
tournament, Aycock, 6:30 p.m.
FEB. 3
Varsity Swimming Mieet: ECC vs.
Old Dominion, Gym, 4:00 p.m.
FEB. 4
Lecture. Arthur Schlesdnger, Jr
Austin, 8:00 pjn.
FEB. 5
Movie: "Town Without Pity Aus-
tin, 7:00 p.m.
FEB. 6
Freshman Swim Meet: ECC vs.
U.N.C Gym, 2:00 p.m.
Movie: "Town Without Pity Aus-
tin, 7:00 pjm.
SUNDAY, Jan. 3a
Unitarians: Meet at Y but from
9:30 A.M. through 2:00 PJM.
Luthearas: Meet at Y hut from
5:00 through 7:30 PJM.
Unitarians: Meet at Y hut 8:00
through 10:00
The Cantebury dub: (For mar-
ried couples) 401 4tn Street 7:30
Free Will Baptists: Y hut 5:00
through 7:00 PM.
King Youth Fellowship: Y hut
7:30 though 8:45 PJM.
The United Christian Campus Fel-
lowship: 8th St. Christian Church
5:00 through 8:00 P.M.
Baptist Student Union: 404 E. 8th
St. 5:15 P.M.
Westminister Fellowship: 401 E.
9th St. 5:15 P.M.
Inter - religious Council: Y hut
east Carolinian
toy th stotato of
Carolina Collegiate
Aaiociatad CoDaffiat .
Offiooe on third flow of Wright BuOdfn
Aaaodat Editor
Managing Editor
Layout Editor
Baeky Bobgooi
Sandra Day, Joanne Gray, Mike Byram,
Kay Smith, Sandra Whittington
News Editor Nellie Lee
Gail Price, Franeeine Perry. Walter
Carrie Tyson
Larry Brown Jr.
Lynda Bobbins
E. P. Bishop
Pam HaB
Greek Editor
Anita Zepnl
Sports Editor
Bon Dowdy
Jim Newman, Randy Ryan, Jim Lee
Features Editor Clara
Editorial Editor
Bob Brown, Bob KerBn, Alec McKay,
Donnie Lamb, Jerry WflUams, Mike
Morton George Weigand, Doris Phillips,
Ben Button
Louanne Kaylor, Nancy Martin
Advertising Manager
Proofreader Bobbi sW
Typing Call
Cookie Sawyer, Cindy Rowe
Subscription rates $5.0 per year
Mailing Address: Box 2516, East Carolina CoDsge Station, GreenriHe. North
Telephone, all) departments, PL i-7l or 7I8-S4S. axtouftmS
Fellowship of Christian .Athletes:
Y hut 6:30
Mormon Group: Y hut 7:00
The Oantebury Club: 401 E. 4th St.
St. Pauls Church 5:00
The Wesley Foundation: 501 E
5th St. 5:30
The Baptist Student Union- Ves-
pers 404 E. 8th St. 6:00
Newman Club: Y hut 8-If
JAN. 29
Pitt "The Tami Show"
State "Diary of a Bachelor"
JAN. 30
Pitt "The Tami Show"
State "Hootenany Hoot" & "&od
Train 349" P
JAlN. 31
iPitt "Two on a Guillotine'
State "Quick Before It Melts"
FEB. 1
Pitt "Two on a Guillotine"
State "Quick Before It Mielte"
FEB. 2
Pitt "Two on a Guillotine"
State "Quick Before It Melts"
FEB. 3
Pitt "The Great (Escape"
State "Quick Before It Melts"
FEB. 4
PJlbt "The Great Escape"
State "The Outlaws Is Cornme"
Pitt "Goodby Charlie"
State "The Outlaws Is Comkw"
FEB. 6
Pitt "Goodby Charlie"
State "The Outlaws Us Oomaw"
FEB. 7
Pitt "Goodby Charlie"
State "The Disorderly Orderly"
FEB. 8
Pitt "Goodby Charlie"
State 'Tfce Disorderly Orderly"
FTED. 10
Pitt "Goodby Charlie"
State "The Disoixiedy OraW
PHt 'TopkapT
Stete "The Dfeonderiy Orderly
FEB. 12
, Pitt "Topkapf
8&ae "36 Hours"
FEB. 13
Pitt Topkapr
Sfalte "36 Hours"
Itoe iheau

the Coiis ,
er i
.n I
On Campu'
(By the author nf "Rally Raw.
"Dotru; G
Tlay I bocm my eleTCttUl J9M of writ.
cainiu newspp.
I wasn't WBW M be coming twirk tall r :
doing IhM column, I bad ntraated u m
happy tx) enjoy nic long mt But ix-
veraniah. peaceful iini iweoe, hrnnming
Day's NigfU iuid wonuing my Jog, a str:k:
before me.
He was a tall. dean-Embed man
grinned, iUhrarl and virile. "Hoa jfc) a :
name Stalwart Virile and 1 am with ht i
Bteel llazor Blade paopla.M
"Enchanted I aii. 'Takeoil y I
IcUppedmyhanderiiarpty.i(Nonnanri i
tor Mr. Virile r
"AnothtT chair Jar Mr. m -
Olciiontlv mv doe, trotted awav and retun
fanback cliair of Malayan rattan. He b tin
"I supyxse you'n1 wondering why I am ban
seating himerlf
4,Well, sir 1 replied, my old wfm lainllnt - -
wager you didn't come to rvui ny Hflftef
You can imagine how we bowled at thai e!
"That's adoozy eritKi Mr. Yinh- finally cal ;
?l must remember to tell it to Alice when 1 get bfli
4My father he said.
Oh I said.
"Hut enough of wit and humor he said
business. How would vou likr to write a ca: -
Personna Stainless Slre'l llaor Bkdai
pTes he said.
"My hand, sir I said and elaspe.1 hi War
Ine prure, and soft smiW pkjed upon oui
were moist with the hint of tears, and wi vs. r
mg ourselves to speak.
"What will you write about in vour canipu ctJunaT
mr. Virile when he was able to talk ag:un.
l iU take up the burning issue UaU vex th-
rgraduatej" I cried, bounding to my fct. " 1
.?JS? aVor' "ch explcKsne question? as 4An
2 d 'Should proctors be given a salivs
22? aI?1"1" r pledgee be abofcbed?
pJl ? bo J Pleasant word from tin
Fenna stainle Steel Raior Blades?" aaked Mr.
eonW T JL2118Uny "lrha otber kind of wonl except:
kaBuiST mbout Pnna Blade, which p
JSJBeep-Beep or any other bbdelnu
noeL m prodncta is Burma Shave amjj
MJ I "
StoSL1" l wd- "For no Burm
fE?r 11 atrfn Md -
1 will to my typewriter.

" at
Sigma Chi Alpha
Begins Activities
east Carolinianfriday, January 29, 19653
everybody knows by now,
a new fraternity on cam'
The name is Sigma Chi Al-
Th ik'u traternitv is parti-
natiortail affiliation with
5 i Chi
charter members have
then own officers as fol-
res i ten t: der ry Doher tv
esident: Bill Parrish, Sec-
JoeJ Franklin Treasurer-
j McAlee.
fraternity Sigma Chi
ma Chi Alpha is investi-
s the biggest national fra-
the U.S.A. with its 134 ac-
Sigma Chi is one of
'omities an campus'
Wake Forest, Carolina,
and Duke.
ie being the meetings
fraternity have boon hold
was recent!v vot-
Chi Alpha to get a
m which they are still
ss of getting.
- the kiea of starting
come from? in this
tor was a man by
of Gerry Doherty. Gerry
needed a new fraternity.
i Providence Commander
lotte, N.C. who is
Commander of
S C He in turn contacted
. : Gerry then recruit-
When Sigma Chi Al-
ts membership to
pplied to the interfra-
for admissions as
ternary After 3 meet-
sing admission to
: fber e investigating
nterv ewed each mem-
rafty, it was finallv
er 8, 1964. plans were
he first pledge class by
Lrit tfhairman. Sdgma Chi
anrir?i e Simie tlme' Bob Hayws
wk0" Wer signg nd
i n S constrtfcion. Later, in
S"y' constitution and pledge
2,HwereuVoted into executive
committee where amendments and
changes would be made.
Along with the ordering of the
flags came the decision of pins which
have been ordered too. The design
u n Pnl 1S a naltes cross bearing
he Greok letters of Sigma Chi .Al-
pha outlined with pearls.
In the future years. Sigma Or
Alpha plans to build a house on
the proposed fraternity Row. Money
will be appropriated by Sigma Chi
national and date of construction
will commence in a few years.
The qualifications thai national
ma Chi wants Sigma Chi Alpha
m order to become affiliated are-
- Bank account of $2,000. 2. Grown
to the position of one of the top
rated fraternities on campus. 3 Have
membership of 20 members.
Sigma Chi Alpha has not wasted
' " time. Along with the represen-
' ves of the other fraternities in
LF C. Sigma Chi Alpha's are: Gerry
Doherty, Joel Franklin, Bill Leg-
gett. The new fratornitv also has
ned l.F.C bowling team. So far
hey have beaten PIKA and Sigma
As expressed by a member of
S mia Chi Alpha in reference to
the l.F.C. "I'm very pleased bv the
way the other fraternities accept-
ed us such as by inviting us to par-
ses and their cooperation in all our
NEW LOOKThe Sigma Chi Alpha fraternity, recently organized ok the EC campus is a growin- outfit
Here, the brothers pose for picture taken at the first Sigma Chi Alpha "rush
Negro Children Begins New Course
At St Andrews Episcopal Church
Sigma Chi Alpha's next chain of
events include having a dinner for
the Providence commander and
Alumni of Sigma Chi national in
What does the ringing of bells
mean to you? Since bells are used
to serve a variety of purposes, their
ringing means many different tilings
to different people depending upon
the individuals asjsocijtJon with
bells. Bells ring in the New Year.
Bells toll to tell a community of a
death. Bells ring to call people to
worship God. However, when the
bells of St. Andrews Episcopal Church
ring on Monday, Tuesday, and Thurs-
day nights, the Negro children in
that neghborhood know that it is
time for them to go to their study
You may be wondering, "What
study group?" m were? Good!
There is a study group that is held
DISCUSSIONThe organizing of Sigma Chi Alpha chapter on this
npuv was begun last year. Its progress has been played by ear for
be most part but the work now seems to be paying off. These are a few
eharta members" of the latest frat hashing out problems.
165 Top High School Musicians
Arrive For All-State Band Clinic
Vbout 165 top musicians from 29
; n North Carolina high schools
ted here today and tornor-
the Eastern Division of the
State Band Oandc scheduled
campus of East Carolina.
L Carter, professor of
director of bands in the
of Music, said the two-
anmia clinic will feature a
conductor and soloist and
program of instruction, re-
sal and public performance for
highlights of the program are
erts bv the Bast Carolina Sym-
hontc Band tonight aft 8:15 p.m.
I by the clinic's Symphonic and
Concert Bands tomorrow at 7:30
Both evening programs are open
the public without charge in
nnstenbury Memorial Gymnasium.
tudent musicians in the two
bands auditioned here last weekend
for places m the upcoming band
Dr. James Neflson, an outstand-
ing music educator and educational
department director at G. Letblanc
Corporation, will be guest conduc-
tor of the clinic's Symphonic Band.
Appearing with his as saxophone
soloist will be Dr. Eugene Rous-
seau, director of bands at Central
Missouri State College in Warrens-
burg. Rousseau made his saxophone
solo debut this month at Carnegie
Recital Hall in New York City.
James H. Parnedl, associate pro-
fessor of music at EC, will conduct
the clinic's Concert Band. Mis over-
ture "The Lone Eagle" will be pre-
miered in the Saturday nfight con-
Outstanding clinicians and band
directors in North Carolina schools,
30 in all, will conduct sectional re-
hearsals in Various band instru-
ments during the dandc.
EC Students
Organize Club
An organization for students and
faculty who want to interchange
ideas and promote interest tin so-
ciology, anthropologly and social
services in human society has been
established ait East Carolina.
One of about 30 clubs to be ap-
proved by East Carolina's Student
Government Association (SGA), the
Sociology Club has become an of-
ficial campus organization It was
launched by eight students with
help from Dr. Melvin J. Williams,
director of the two-year-old sociol-
ogy department in the School of
.Arts and Sciences.
First officers of the group, chos-
en from the eight qualiifiied organiz-
ers, are Herbert D. Williifams III of
New Bern, president; Robert Dale
Brown of Randlem&n, vice presi-
dent; Celine Bryan Redding of An-
nandaile, Va secretary; Susan Jean
Weaver of Washington, DjC treas-
urer: and Carole Ann Saldin of Los
Angeles, Caldf assistant secretary.
on Monday and Tuesday nights at
seven o'clock for the students above
the fifth grade in and around the
area of the St. Andrews Episcopal
Church. On Thursday night another
group for children below the fifth
grade is held. The objective of this
study group is to interest these
children in studying and to enrich
their educational backgrounds.
When did this program start?
About a year ago, Miss Venetia
Cox, a Chinese missionary vviho works
with the Sunday school wanted to
return to her native home in Hong
Kong. At this time she asked Mrs.
Mary Poindexter if she would hold
choir practice for her while she
was gone. Mrs. Poindexter agreed
to do so, because interested in the
children, and thought of the idea
of supplementing these children
with study groups and to encourage
them in their studies. Since this
bime, the study group has grown in-
to something bigger and better.
There have been many capable
people who have become interested
in the group and who have given
their time and energy to promote
this study program. Among the
people from the college helping
with the children are Dr. and Mrs.
Poindexter, Mrs. Marguerite Cren-
shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Page Shaw. Dr.
and Mrs. Ralph Napp, and Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Rutherfordton. These
people, and others circulate around
the students, answer questions and
check their homework.
Campus organizations have also
contributed to the study graup. fhe
Alpha Phi sorority gave the study
group a globe, paper, pencils and
other school supplies. The Pi Kappa
Phi fraternity supplied the group
with a large cabinet which holds
the school equipment and references.
You too can give to the study group
in your own way. Everyone is wel-
come to come out and help with
this group.
Angel Flight
Name New Pledges
The Angel Flight of EC is proud
to announce the names of six new
pledges for Winter Quarter. They
are: Mary Catherine Armstrong,
New Bern; Sandra Cooper, Wil-
son; Patricia Ann Ladson, Fort
Bragg; Judy Pate, Bladenboro; Vir-
ginia Ann Rowe, Lenoir; Debbie
futtle, Fayettevalle.
Fuller Tours For NCEA
And NEA In NC This Week
An East Carolina College profes-
sor is among a group of experts
on a current tour of North Carolina
Education Association meetings aim-
ed at explaining new NCEA and NEA
affairs to local chapters.
Dr. Frank G. Fuller, director of
guidance in the EC School of Edu-
cation and a past NCEA president,
joined other speakers in Mlanteo
for an area meeting there. His cal-
endar 'also calls for trips to Hert-
ford next Tuesday and to Snow Hill
Jan. 27 to discuss association de-
velopments with members in those
As a present member of NCEA's
board of directors, Dr. Fuller was
asked to help with three area meet-
ing visits in the current annual
series which will reach every sec-
tion of the state.
Agendas call for discussion of in-
ternal affairs of the association and
projects and programs of NCEA
and NEiA. A prominent matter for
the current meetings is discussion of
NCEA's 1965 legislative program.
ON CAMPUS-A highlight of the Eastern Division of the 1965 All-State Band Clinic here this weekend wffl
be a whiter concert by East Carolina CoDege Symphonic Band, a select ensemble of 69 student mnsiciaiia.

4east Carolinianfriday, January 29, 1965
B.ji Brewer, a
PI KAPPA PHI rtK, SC. These men
were pledged by lntil spring Quarter.
junk from Mo
vmU hold off)
DREAM GIRLNaney Wilson was recently choosen as Theta Chi's new
"Dream Girl She was selected by the brothers and pledges to represent
them on the EC campus for 1965-66.
Eight new men
Pi Kappa Phi during "Bf"
They are Bob Boyer, Bill Dryden.
Cam Frazjer, K Hg. Gj
Howard, Tommy L?my'
father, and Lynn Smith.
Brother Mack K'FnTn
cently lavaliered to Miss Siu Ellen
Copeland of Jacksonville.
itfi oledges went through
thdrVlelp wSk in preparation
or rbrcSS?hood. The .are Eddae
Brock, Jack Cotton Stop DiCam
ilo, Jimmy Dail, FYank
Flip Elliot, George Styron, and Jim
my Williams.
Friday these men went tMr
pledge trip to our various chapters
around the state and return Sun-
Sunday, the 17th of January, the
Brothers of Kappa -Alpha Order had
dedication ceromomes at their new
house. Special guests were Seruor
Counsellor Dick Fellow and the Rev-
erend John Drake, Local Episcopal
Rector. There were a host of guests,
including representatives from E.( s
sororities and fraternities and ad-
Tuesday. January 19, the brothers
gathered at the Holiday Inn to cele-
brate Cottvivium the founding
of the order and Robert E. Lee's
birthday. The speaker was the Rev.
John Drake, who gave a most im-
pressive talk.
Wednesday. January 20. the bro-
thers and pledges of KA entertain-
ed the sisters of Sigma Sigma Sig-
ma at a social. Music was furnished
by "Jumpintg Buddy Skiles" and
the "Screaming Grains A good
time was had by all.
At a
meeting held la
Woei - h
brotbo an f nling gooal
ened ' lne fedd
that - v. lh chapte n-
Brother Jim madeMjP
?'lirmi v hw- : W
he outlined ,
Spring Quarter.
The Brothers of UtfjlxiaCfai
vou (1 hke to thank
Tbeta cEU ngthd '
and are
Theta Chis Select Dream Girl
At Animal Festive Celebration
Last weekend was the annual
Dream Girl weekend for the Theta
Chi's. Friday night the brothers
began their gala affair with a com-
bo party at which they entertain-
ed the brothers and pledges of
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity.
Crowded as it was, a good time
was had by all.
Saturday at noon brothers and
pledges of Theta Chi met to under-
go their yearly task of selecting
their Dream Girl. Nomtoees were
Barbara Lewis, Carol Saldine, Nan-
cv Wilson. Gloria White, and Grace
The formal affacr was held at the
Holiday Inn where the winner was to
be announced. At intermission the
pledges of Phi pledge class present-
ed their big brothers with pledge
paddles, each of which was design-
ed to express a trait of that par-
ticular brother. The noininees and
their escorts wrere then introduced
after which time the elimination
dance was held, the last couple left
dancing being the Dream Gurl and
her escort. The last couple was Miss
Nancy Wilson and Harry Baldwin.
iNiancy, who is a Chi Omega, was
then crowned Dream Girl and giv-
en her pin by last year's Dream
Girl, Miss Linda Daniels.
Sunday night, pledges of Phi Pledge
Class, Harry Baldwin, Bob Jatffe,
John Sutton, Harry Avery, Jim Ro-
bards, Gary Powell, and Herb
A rhims were initiated into full bro-
therhood in Theta Chi Fraternity.
John Sutton was also awarded "Best
Pledge .Award" of Phi Pledge Class.
Congratulations brothers!
Room 3 has started their weekly
discussion meetings. This week the
topic is "Jim CromartieContingent
or Non-Contingent?" Also Satur-
day night following the Dream Girl
dance, Jhn O'Brien was inducted
into the Room 3 group. He is now a
constituent of the first order.
EC's Sigma Phi Epsilon
nires Two Houses
The Sig Ep brothers and pledges Sig Ep's expect the party room to be
have been very active at their new- completed sometimie durdng the
ly acquired houses located ait the
corner of Fifth and Summit streets.
The main house, located on fifth
street, has undergone minor changes
including showers upstairs and a
complete kitchen for operation of
full time meals downstairs. The
"Jug House" located on summit
street, which will be used mainly
for dormitory-style living, has been
painted on the inside and showers
installed downstairs. Purchase of
the new houses would not have been
possible without the hard work and
patience of five members of our lo-
cal Alumni Board: Richard Worsely,
local C.P.A Luther Moore, Justice
of the Peace: Fred Mattox, Lawyer
and Chapter Counsler: Charles H.
Johnson: H. R. Hoke, M.D Jimmy
Lee: and Bill Moore.
The brothers and pledges have
been working on their present pro-
ject for the year, the construction
of a party room, which will be lo-
cated between the two houses. The
party room will be over a thousand
square feet of floor area that will
open on to a patio adjoining it. The
spring quarter.
Tenative plans are being made
for a party between the Kappa
Chapter and the Sig Ep Chapters at
N.C. Stiate, Carolina, Davidson, and
the University of South Carolina.
During this week three pledges
aire going through "Help Week
John Truesdale, Hunter VermilMon,
and Tony Ford. This period marks
the conclusion of pfedgeship for
these three men.
Last weekend was considered
Big" for the KA's. Combo parties
were held both Friday and Satur-
day nights at the KA Country Lodge.
This was the weekend known as
"Convivium" to all KA's. The crown-
ing of the new KA Rose also took
place Saturday night. Miss Celia
Orr, a Chi Omega, was crowned by
Mrs. Donna Mathews Lloyd who
was last years Rose. Congratula-
tions go to Celia and the Brothers.
Brothers recently panned were
Jerry Wallace to Miss Celia Orr,
Eddie Barnes to Miss Judy Drig-
gers, and Merle Summers to Miss
Ann Lippard. Brothers getting en-
gaged were Phil Dean to Miss Len
Martin and Henry Forde to Miss
Mary Goodwin congratulations
On January 5th and 6th Pi Kappa
Alpha held informal winter quarter
rush. With the good rushing efforts
of both brothers and pledges fifteen
new pledges were installed the fol-
lowing Friday eventing. After pledge
installation the chapter gave the
new pledges a rousing combo par-
ty, featuring the "Impersonators"
from Robersonville, to make their
welcome complete. Already show-
ing the characteristics of a hard
working pledge class, these men
have repainted the chapter dining
room, helped the chapter alumni
counselor move into his new home
and this week-end are planning
another $1.00 Pika car wash for
Saturday. It looks like another great
pledge class for Pika.
The fall quarter pledge class
consisting of Grady TOliamson Ted
Cuthriell, Robert Ellis, Jim Ride-
out, and Bill Rivenbark, has wound
up its formal pledge training and
now awaits initiation.
Newly elected and instated of-
ficers of Pi Kappa Alpha include-
President, Tom Reber iSor
Psychology major from Nazareth
Pennsylvtania: Vice - president Bud
dy Goodwin, a junior from Favette-
ville; Secretary Dave Fitzgerald
a junior from Norfolk, Va Sm
at-Arms, Gene Scfamilt, another jun-
lior from Norfolk; and Treasure?
party last Friday m-ht
I t S ' Fai
project. They a
I), hind the party
going to build
pinned Miss S
a Ch: Omega
. - pinned M ae i
ig Fisher was n
a pledge of 1
and ha the Winte
The Chi '
congratulate ' ' n(1
Nancy w o - rown
Kappa Alp i . Saturda
by Mrs. Donna M
so a member of th- ho Z- I
Chapter, who was las tr'a K
Rose. Nancy Theta
Chi Dream Gari on Saturday m3:
also by Linda Dani
I PH :
Congratulation adsi to San-
dra Leonard who was pinned to
Lambda Chi, Sum Wrnom
- k-end.
The sisters
were nappy to see
Pat Robertson Monday m& when
she came to spend a fi-w days vuth
the Rho Zetas. Pat. a former Rfao
Zeta member is now a member of en
the Epsilon Beta Chapter of Chu
Omega at the University of North
The Zeta Iambda Chapter of the
Delta Zeta sorority hus been a irk-
ing again this past week on their
philanthropies projects. The sorori-
ty visited the Com-alesent Home here
m Greenville last Wednesday night
January 20, 1965. The sisters and
residence enjoyed the e-enmg of
singing and visitation We have
Planned to make this a n
In preparation for rush ail the
sisters are lookm- forward to sev-
eral closed week - ends. Lmv ac-
p u?n pkmed "3 much
nin will be had by all.
Served 24 Hours
Banquets and Parties
Carolina Grill
Corner W. 9th & Dickinson
Some final touches for the h,
of furmtoe arrni S
thIlLS,Sters " Vanned to have
thetouse m tip top .shape for faS
PtaSed'JSf'lwrp surP"
fromXrir1 ,we "waved a letter
isit with us L her swd
lookingloW hl
JiaTnes B. Mallorv A
vvs guest srjeake J?1 men-
mtmg of ESto rZrT ?
January 19. frternty, on
S$ cTC fife to e fr
trral occupations TfcT day m(1us-
"at in thiTdnee,15 Srad-
oussed the role rf d ;
ln efficient inouvtrl- arts
a P"PotsWb!l1?di0?ri,e,il after
tow indastrval artJh to -
fwmll rwh'wen eir Ps for
-ford. SSii fe

0 Ho 1

Mr Barfoe
at ff the V "
In type
end proved
' or-
on both nht
bnher Jfi ' s
by thv
the AJ
ng n thr b
Theta Chi n M
Once a
f S
; (h,
year's a 1
Btaabcflti Fw pro
(tent, will vi
tr this weekend She
prATtteiy uh v,rtr'
actoHieinents of the ?&
be entertainer i b a nw
frmed m her hor.tif td
ed of individual P11
JnstrurrKviLil arh;
M be guest of honor at
initiation i thr-
Sunday afternoon K is
hiotr to have M ss Fosse?'
and we ton ihi '
NSeomed iiSuniwr e &
on eampus
Atlantic JVach
Grlrla for summer
June 1. through jh
Jobs available in
room and at ft
Call Mr. P. R. Ma

Basketball Team Holds Record,
8 ins-4 Losses, For School History
the 1964-65 sea-
roUna Basketball
the finest records
5 oi the school. .8
I sses
strong Pirate court-
ight from t feet, six
rates have scored a total of
pomts to their opponents 881.
a .432 field goal percentage,
LnifoulJshot Percentage, and a
m nt U?d avera the Bucs have
vntained a 75.0 game poiint aver-
largest victory margin
-m irom b feet, six T;K ;u fW victory margin
Kinnard, down to short ' yPmts in the Berca College
feet, 9 inch Larry Pha- es1t Jlfh. 24 P(lnts beinS the
rolina lmrm- ,t lNf deficit, which was in fhp
rolina dominates
si ite with ten claim ng
The other four are
) as M llala, Oregon
- rn at Bridge, Virgin-
ts of Jerry VVood-
s, Durham
argest deficit, which was
w-lUtam and Mary contest!
Coached by former Wake Forest
?er, Wendell Carr. the Pirates
ace a tremendous second half This
pm wjft a V.P.I, game which was
o-iowed by a game against David-
91 and William and Man- in the
' weekend. When asked to com-
this years team to last years
- aches from
v. and B;ll
n Rockingham aeh Carr said- "These bovs
have a whole lot more of hustle about
them, with their strong desire and
mental attitude going their way.
They're more experienced and are
n genera! a team - centered team
with no single - player attitude. Their
record 84 as to last years at this
stage of the season, 5-9) speaks
for itself Jerry Woodside leads the
team with a 23.4 point-average per
game, followed closely by Kinnard
and Brogden ait 11.6 'and 14.4 re-
Although a tremendous loss, Bill
Brogden will be the only regular
leaving this years team at the con-
clusion of the season. He has proven
to be one of the main stays of the
team throughout his four vears at
East Carolina.
east Carolinianfriday, January 29, 19655
- Bill Brogden.
Wilmington! Grady
feet, 3 inches from
PS i feet. 9 inches
'. 5 feet, li
' Butch Hicks.
5 : m . Bern, and
et, 11 inches from
center position, the
services of Bobby
6 inches from Tip-
Parker, a 6
Mo.lala. Oregon
' star due to a
captains. Brogden.
n and Woodside.
Gobblers Down Pirates, 89-63
EC fell v.ctim to the fast break of
Jinia Tech as they went down
n defeat 89-63 to the Gobblers. Bob
Kinrtard was high point man for
he game with 21 but couldn't stem
-he tide as the Gobblers had five
men hit the double figures.
The Pirates started well but with
the score 7-6 R favor of Virginia
Tech. Bob King. John Whitesell,
and John Wetzel began their series
of fast breaks which lead to the
Pirate's defeat. The Gobblers hit
again and again on their long sprints
down the court to open a 16 point
gap. 36-20 with six minutes re-
maining in the half.
Bob Kinnard was high point man
and took the game scoring honors
with 21 points. Billy Brogden was
second with 12 points for the Bucs
and Jerry Woodside had 10 points.
EC now has an 8-5 record for the
than Of Men Deems Administration Work
Less Demanding Than Professional Baseball

s always been im-
Dean James Mallory. He
si his whole life.
- high school team and
4 his junior year at the
I North Carolina had
n of being made All-
and being chosen out-
si .r ed a career in
baseball as a player
gton Senators The
he played for the Sema-
the first professional
had ever seen. In 1941, he
rs and played for
the Piedmont League.
192, he started the season
St Louis Cardinals and
ith the New York Giants.
The war interrupted his baseball
career. After the war. he joined
the Alumnus and played in towns
fflae Greensboro. Burlington, and
Sanford. In 1947. he quit profes-
sional baseball to coach at Elon
College and played for the McCrary
Eagles, a semi - professional team
in Asheboro.
His years of pro baseball gave
him some unusual experiences. Once
daring spring training the team
got trapped at Caro, Illinois when
the Mississippi River overflowed.
The ball park was under five feet
of water, so they spent two weeks
fishing before helicopters came to
take them out.
.Another time during the fifth inn-
ing of a game in Milwaukee a tor-
nado took the roof off the grand-
stand and set it down m the park-
ing lot. No people were hurt but 280
cars were demolished. Dean Mallory
was in the outfield at the time. He
lay flat on the ground and held to
a telephone pole from this position
he had a good view of the whole in-
He had several reasons for giv-
ing up this kind of Life. First, there
was a great deal of tim-eling that
kept him from his family. Then, it
was hard to get jobs between sea-
sons. The main reason though, was
that he decided it was time to put
down roots.
Dean Mallory advises any young
man interested in baseball to give
: a try. His life in pro baseball
was "demanding and exciting How-
ever he warns the potential pro-
fessional to prepare for the day
when he can no longer play ball
and to look someplace else if he
hasn't reached the top in three to
five years. He says baseball is a
great game and playing professional
baseball is a great life.
LP AND UP-High in the air goes Bob Kinnard in an attempt to control
the boards. East Carolina is coming through with a winning season and
the Pirates plan to keep it that way. The season is about half over
'64 EC Football Squad, Coaches
Receive Honors At Banquet
I960 Ford Thunderbird with new
paint, in excellent condition. Oail
TA8-3928 in Tarboro, North Caro-
lina after six o'clock.
Reynolds Coliseum
N. C. State Campus
Sat. . Fhe Year's
Feb feat?8t
8:30 P.M. I Araction
A , ' rtHJUN 4fe
cfefen oh uI
and dKary
DEAVS DREAM-Coacb Jim Mallory . . .orJ 527,I
" oBto playiog field seemingly confident f X Kurfe
" in hand. Under Coach Maltory ne tenm was seldom on the losing side.
One show onlyAn teats re-
served! Address Mall Orders to
Reynolds Coliseum Box Office,
Raleigh, N.C. Adm. $2, SSJt, S3.
Adv. tickets on sale at Coliseum
Box Office. Thlems Record Shop
and Village Pharmacy Camera
Shop, Raleigh; Record Bar, Dur-
ham and Chapel Hffl.
The annual Football Banquet hon-
oring the East Carolina squad and
its coaches was held on Thursday
night, January 21. Bill Cline added
to his list of honors the Most Val-
uable Player Award. Cline, the sen-
ior tailback who was named little
All - America back, led the Pirate
team to their fine 8-1 record and
post season Bowl victory over Mas-
sachusetts. Another (important mem-
ber of the Pirate backfield who was
responsible for the Pirate success,
junior fullback Daive Alexander, re-
ceived the Outstanding Player Award
for his efforts. Alexander had set
a Southern Conference scoring re-
cord when he tallied 96 points for
the Pirates this season.
Jerry Tolley, tain outstanding sen-
ior defensive back, was the recipi-
ent of the Edwin E. (Riawl Memorial
Award for outstanding achievement
in athletics and scholarship. A pair
of senior tackles took the honors
on the line. Colon Quinn was named
the recipient of the Blocking Trophy
and Ted Day, the team co-captain,
was given the Lansche Awiard for has
services to the squad. These two
tackles have proved to be the main-
stays of the line as they have held
down their positions for three years.
Kelvin Moran, who was captain of
the freshman team, was named the
Outstanding Freshman. The guest
speaker for the evening was Marv
Levy of William & Mary, who was
named coach of the Southern Con-
ference fin his first year of coaching
at William & Mary. President Jen-
kins also addressed the Banquet
saying that the East Carolina squad
had really put Bast Carolina on the
map and praising Coach Stasavich
and his coaching staff.
Thursday, Jan. 28:
Basketball. EC vs Davidson, there,
Freshman and Varsity games.
Wrestling: University of West Vir-
ginia vs EC, here
(Saturday. Jan. 30:
Basketball: EC vs Wm. & Miary,
at Norfolk, Frosh & Varsity
Wrestling: EC vs Pfeiffer, there.
Saturday Only
Starts Sunday
IvvUti i Mc&ci
i; ij
W$0 C
Starts Thursday
Three Stooges in
123 E. 5th St
Please report any lost books
to us immediately

6east Carolinianfriday, January 29, 1965
EC Students Obtain
New Federal Grant
Ih. k
study program
students during
PAGANIM Ql AKTETThe Paganini Quartet of the University of Cali-
fornia. Santa Barbara, will appear in Austin Auditorium on February 1,
at 8:15 p.m. The quartet, in its second decade, is one of the outstanding
musical organizations of America. Artsts Henri Temdanka, Stefan Krayk,
Gillis and Lucien Laporte and their famous "Paganini" Stradivari com
pose an ensemble in demand on four continents and well past the thousand-
mark in concerts played in the I. S. and Canada alone.
Professor 01 Chemistry
Holds Seminar On Campus
Bast Carolina has been awarded
a federal grant to pay f J
cent of a work
for somf of its
Spring Quarter.
It is a grant of $24,602 "
be matched with a 10 per f
by the college, making zi total P
ject fund of about $27,iJD.
It is the largest g g
grants to colleges in North and South
Carolina approved by the I SJXfice
of Education and announced in
Washington Fridiay.
The funds will be used as hourly
wages for students from famines
with annual income below $3,0W.
The students will be assigned var-
ious on - campus jobs and will
work 15 hours a week.
The grant announced Friday-
provide additional student jobs to
the present system of self - help
employment for EC students. It wxll
cover'Spring Quarter only but the
school is asking for similar grants
for later terms.
Dr James H. Tucker, dean of
student affairs at the college,
A well-known chemistry pro-
fessor who heads the chemistry de-
partment at Emory University in
Atlanta. Ka is conducting a semi-
nar and meet informally with staff-
ers during his visit to East Carolina
Thursday and Friday.
He is Dr. Reuben Alexander Day
Jr electrochemistry specialist and
chairman for the past eight years
of one of the most active chemistry
departments in the South. Dr. Day
met w.th chemistry faculty mem-
bers last night for a dinner.
Today's seminar. "Organic polar-
ographyKetones and Diketones
is scheduled at 3:CO p.m. in the
Flanagan Building, room 206, on
the college campus. This talk, pri-
marily for chemistry majors, is
open to all interested pea-sons with-
out charge.
Plans for Day's visit to the cam-
pus were announced by Dr. Grover
W. Everett, director of the EC de-
partment of chemistry.
The chemist poined Emory, his
Ailma Mater, in 1940 as an instrue-
He advanced rapidly from an
assistant professor to a professor
and in 1957 became head of the
chemistry undergraduate and grad-
uate program.
He earned his AB and MS de-
grees from Emory and in 1940 was
awarded the PhD degree in chemis-
try from Princeton.
He is the author of man articles
which have been published in lead-
ing journals in the nation.
together - vl i
Otter North CtaM
Johnson C. Smftl Un 'f
?M S Augustine J .
Raleigh m.
v-sitv of North ,
bie.oii) south
, go to the UfflversO I
b ($19,501) inri
teSe ' $2,000 d Vorhew
Persons n ne
who are hitere ted n
-ram should
Dean Tucka
I i n Binldin
I I IIih:
n m
Dr. Martin Speaks At Meeting
About Disturbed Child, Student
"A disturbed child one who is
out of touch with realty and is un-
able to grow up and cope with the
demands of everyday situations
is a living reminder of human loss
to society an East Carolina pro-
fessor said Tuesday night.
Dr. William B. Martin, associate
professor of education, said: "Every
child is continuously facing new pro-
blems of social adjustment for which
he has not previously acquired ap-
propriate responses
He spoke at a meeting in Tar-
boro sponsored by the Edgecombe
County Mental Health Association.
His topic was Consider the Un-
Dr. Martin said the well-adjusted
child is able to change to meet more
maturely the challenges of life, but
he may require special help or
emotional support to find a socially
acceptable response to a particularly
difficult situation.
Dr. Martin said emotionally dis-
turbed students in public schools
create one of the state's chief con-
cerns. The result, he said, may be
irregular school attendance because
of disinterest in school work or over-
zealousness in only one school sub-
ject or 'activity.
Dr. Southwick
Speaks To Club
The monthly Library Club was
held on Monday, January 25, fol-
lowing the Library Science Depart
mental Meeting. Dr. Mildred South-
wick, reference librarian of the
college, spoke to the Library Club
on "What Reference Work Is
Dr Southwick gave an interesting
talk on the purpose of reference
work and the role of the reference
librarian in the college library. Many
of the points that Dr. Southwick
stressed in her speech were informa-
tive to those considering reference
work as a career. She gave seme
amusing examples of questions that
she had been asked and the process
T finding materials that would best
answer the questions. She stated
the aim of the college reference work
as being to aid students in finding
materials and at the same time to
train them to locate materials for
themselves. Of special interest were
the different types of new materials
useful in reference work.
The business meeting followed with
a report by Howard Blanton on the
near establishment of a chapter of
Alpha Beta Alpha, the undergrad-
uate Library Science Fraternity on
campus, plans for future activities
of the club were dLscussed and then
the meeting was adjourned.
College Extends Graduate
Courses To Camp Lejeune
A 10-week course in educational
history and philosophy will be of-
fered at Camp Lejeune beginning
Monday. Feb. 1, the Extension Di-
vision of East Carolina has announc-
Dr. David J. Middleton, director
of the division, said the graduate-
level course will be offered in 10
ithree - hour evening sessions ait
the Camp Lejeune Junior - Senior
High School.
Classes will be taught from 6:30
to 9:30 p.m. on Mondlays, begin-
ning Feb. 1. Dr. Ed J. Carter of
the ECC School of Education faculty
will be the instructor.
Tution for the course will be $27
per student. A $3 late registration
fee will be charged for students who
register or pay their tuition fees af-
ter the first class meeting. No regis-
tration will be permited later than
the second class meeting. The class
must have a minimum of 19 stu-
To be eligible for credit, students
must hold a BA, BS or MA degree.
Teachers may apply credit earned
in the course toward renewal of
North Carolina A and G teaching
certificates if it does not dupli-
cate previous credit and if the course
is appropriate to the respective
teachers' fields.
The course also offers credit which
may be applied toward ia suitable
master's degree ait Bast Carolina
upon official admission to the ECC
graduate degree program.
Registration and the first class
meeting are scheduled tat 6:30 p.m.
Monday, Feb. 1. Further information
is available from the Extension Di-
vision, ECC, P. O. Box 2727, Green-
viflle, N. C. 27835.
T - A - M - I
Suspense Shocker!
Connie Stevens
In Color
Steve McQueen
John Garner
Pitt Theatre
4-Jc. Place Settings, from $ oo
Teaspoons, from $4.15
Serving Pieces, from $4j
Lautares Jewelers
Model UN
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and spirited, parading the prbnroM pntl -
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7 Fa8hi0n C?101: Red, Black, Tan. Btoeuit ?
Newport Blue, Bookbinding.

East Carolinian, January 31, 1965
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 31, 1965
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University Archives
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