East Carolinian, July 4, 1963

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east Carolina college, greenville, n. c, thursday, July 4, 1963
number 58
State Communist-Ban Law
Arouses Storm Of Protests
On Tuesday, June 25, the North
Carolina State Legislataire passed
a bill, House Bill 1365, prohibit-
in v; "known" Communists from
speaking on the campuses of
state-supported colleges and uni-
versities. The new law also bans
persons who have pleaded the
Fifth Amendment when questioned
about Communist affiliation.
The reaction to the newlv-en-
mum que
Tri-State Auto Cross
Tri-State Auto-Cross event held last Sunday, the
?rts car appears to he in winning form. Six states were
- event bj thirty-six enries. The local Buccaneer
?soring organization, awarded twenty-eight
aria's classes. One minute, eight seconds
. orded for t he course.
iiion Stages Tourth'
pectacular Tonight
? and colorful aerial displays of fireworks and
ogram of music by East Carolina's 50-piece
directed by Herbert L. Carter, will make
? celebration tonight one of the movst specta-
. 1 locally.
scheduled fo?-
Pieklen Stadium,
and financed by
in ion as a cam-
? v attraction.
nvited to at-
h u-Lre. An es-
ence of 8.000
ted to be on
? he c lebration.
are urpred to
. rete stand in
? . I es have bee?
? era! weeks
t'rii.n Student
ipervisiori of
hall, director
th a
pat riot '? tunes,
by ? hand.
Col. Harry
. He City man-
Wigl hn an, Pres-
ei School S1
? s ? Ion; will
? ? . eve rur will
pyrotechnic dis-
eci aid year by
of Greenville.
" ru-orks will be-
? ?ntinue for ap-
tcs. "Aerial
? ted, will I1
.hells fired by
from 3 to 6
diameter Appro-
of thete shells
????haspfl for the event;
?vei "hing &s much
Afvr fired into
any of the phells will
rrd patterns
? mem eah. In all, the
' provide about 500
the evening.
- i colorful and sen-
i1 display Mr. Rawl said.
"Fireworks of the best type have
?been bought for the show he
-added. "Some of the shells cost
as much as $18.00 a piece
"The pyrotechnic display will,
in general he said, "he on the
quiet :de but enough salute
11 be u-ed throughout the show
to liven it up with some big booms.
Finale for the show will be be
produced from 60 motars. When
the fuse joining- them is set off,
the fired shells will break at one
time ?i?to a great multi-colored
cluster and will end the evening's
celebration with a brilliantly eye-
ing spectacle.
Refreshments will be available
? a consession stand operated by
Student Supply Store.
A t First Meeting
LES?-President Kennedy
ended his ten-day European tour
Puesday. The trip, designed to
strengthen the Atlantic community,
tools the President to Bonn and
the Berlin Wall, tto his ancestral
me in Ireland, to talks with
British Prime Minister Harold Mac-
millan, and them to Italv where he
vv s received at the Vatican by
Pope Paul VI.
WASHINGTON- Two persons
were arrested in New York and
two in Washington by the FBI
amd charged wth conspiracy to ob-
tain military information for the
Soveit Union. The arrests fol-
lowed by one day an order by the
Siato Department for a Soviet
Embassy cultuiral attache in Wash-
? m to leave the lTn' ed States
for attempting to recruit a Russ-
ian honn IT. S. Central Intelligence
Agenev employee as a spy.
Southern freight train crashed
through a burning trestle three
miles east of Knightdale Tuesday.
killing two men and critically in-
juring a young apprentice. Three
diesel engines and nine cars piled
;nto Marks Creek when the trestle
gave way. The cause has not been
determined, but it ?s suspected
that lightning must have struck
the trestle, setting it aflame dur-
ing a storm Monday night.
MANTEO?The Lost Colony be-
gan its 26th season Saturday niorht
" :th an appearance by Andy Griff-
ith, staire, screen, and television
star. Mr. Griffith, native North
Carolinian, once performed in the
waterside production in the lead-
ing role of Sir Walter Raleigh.
An East Carolina Graduate. Tom-
my Hull portrays Old Tom Saund-
ers in this year's oirtdoor drama.
The College Union will spon-
sor a Bingo-Ice Cream party on
July 8, at 7:30 p. m. in the
College Union Lounge. Free
ice cream will be served to
everyone attending, and there
will be many attractive prizes
given. Everyone is cordially
invited to come and join in
the fun.
acted 1 aw was almost Lmsm ? r a. e.
As the bill passed, two days prior
to adjournment of the legislative
session, many Senators were un-
aware of the business at hand.
Senator Robert Humiber of Pitt
Country stated that many of the
senators were shocked not only by
the bill but the manner in which
it was passed. Senator Humiber ex-
plained that a request for the sus-
pension of the House rules was re-
quested so that the bill could be
considered immediately. The Sen-
ator explained that this procedure
ir c ' only for routine legisla-
tion as a rule. The anti-Red law
s' oul 1 have been sent to a commit-
tee for study, he further pointed
out. T1 e bill was not studied,
though, and in less than two hours
from the time it was introduced
in the House, it had passed Ivoth
the House and the Senate.
Senate President Qan o Stone,
a strong suppoiter of the bill, is
said to have refused recognition
of senators who wanted to discuss
the bill. One report ha-s it that the
vote showed the aye' equalling
the nay's, but Stone declared the
bill passed.
The law was in the House for
fifteen minutes and in t,he Senate
for four minutes. While the meas-
ure was being introduced in the
House, the President! of the Uni-
versity of North Carolina, Will-
iam Friday, was notified. Presi-
' t ? Friday then raced to Pvaleigh
in an effort to head off the bill,
arrived too late.
After the bill was passed, State
Attorney General Wtade Bruton
ruled it constitution "It in-
volves a property right rather
than the right of free speech
said Bruton, in affirmation
ai nee Poe, editor of the
Senator Robert Humber
'Three In Concert'
Performs July 11
Three in Concert, described in
New York a a "Unique and ex-
eitong trio will be presented
Thursday evening, July 11, in
McGinmis Auditorium. The per-
formance, a part of the Student
Government Association Enter-
tainment Series, begins at 8:15
and will be free to the public.
Works offered by this talented
threesome will demons'trate the
musicianship of Douglas Williams
amd the dancing abilities of Ivan
Allen and Sandra VoEkert. Brought
to the East Carolina College cam-
pus through the co-opera .ion of
the Allahest Attractions, Inc the
performers will demonstrate to
-?fudents and faculty members the
superb artistry that has won them
national plaudits.
Progressive Farmer. s J he didn't
often indulge h the "luxury of
(con;i n ued on p ? ?? tb ret?
Behr Attends YRC
In San Francisco
Lawrence Behr, sophomore of
Greenville, treasurer for :? N .
Carolina Federation of Toung Re-
publicans College Counci u 1st
District Director for the Yoir
Republicans Federation, attended
the 13th Biennial Convention of
the Young Republicans National
Federation in Sim Francisco, Cali-
fornia, Tuesday through Friday of
last week.
Some 1,200 delegates :j alter-
nates from the 50 states and Puerto
Rico registered for The four-day
convention at the Sherat.n-Palac?-
Hotel there.
"The feeling among the dele-
gates for Senator Barry Goldwater,
prominent Arizona Republican for
the presidential nomination, ran
high -Behr sUaiteU "as Gtold-
water spoke to a wildly enthu-
siastic rally of some four thous-
and Republicans. A poll, conducted
by one of the major press services,
showed Goldwater had a 74.3 per
cent support for presidential nom-
ination while Nelson Rockefeller
of N( w York polled slightly more
than 10 per cent
Governor Mark Hatfield of
Oregon, keynote speaker for the
Wednesday general session, marked
the first major event of the Con-
vention. Tuesday. June 25. In ad-
dition. Senator Jack Miller of
Iowa spoke at a special men's
luncheon on Thursday, while wo-
men delegates attended a fashion
show featuring the latest fn San
Francisco styles modeled by
prominent Republican women.
Summer SGA Hears Motions, Grants Appropriations
propriatione for Summer ex-
enditures were the big items on
the agenda at the first meeting
of the Summer School Sudent Gov-
ernment Association. The meeting,
Monday evening in Rawl Building,
was presided over by newly-in-
stalled SGA President George
SGA Treasurer Spencer
Knight announced that Vice
president and Business Manag-
er F D. Duncan of the College
has approximated $19,000.00
as the amount available for
Summer School disbursements.
Since there is no method of
exact determination of the
number of students to be en-
rolled second session, only an
estimate of funds is available.
Editor Torrv R- Bowen of the
the newspaper budget request for
the Summer,terms. The request of
$3,961.50 was to cover printing
of twelve issues for the two sess-
ions. The Senate allocated $3,686.50
of the request.
Doug Crumpler introduced
a motion asking the Associa-
tion for appropriation of
$550.00 for a new set of drums
to be used by the Marching
Pirates. The motion was passed
unanimously. He further asked
that the proposed Entertain-
ment Series budget be accept-
ed. The prooosed $3300 was ac-
cepted, following discussion
on the planned artists. It was
reported that a package deal
had already been contracted.
Included in that allocation is
the 'Three In Concert" who
will appear here next Thurs-
day. Plans are also being made
for the Chad Mitchell Trio.
Carol Daugherty moved that
Rick Nittolli be accepted as the
Summer School Chairman of En-
tertainment, upon recommendation
of the Entertainment Committee.
He was accepted by acclamation.
Dr. James H. Tucker, Dean
of Student Affairs, reminded
the body that $500.00 was ap-
propriated last Summer for
one hundred copies of the 1963
BUCCANEER to be used for
public relations purnoses. This
amount is to be added to the
yearbook budget. It was fur-
ther pointed out that there
were not the necessary
funds in the yearbook budget
to cover outstanding bills. Ap-
propriation of $200.00 was
granted to cover the additional
funds to pav the publishing
company balance and any
bills not yet submitted.
Dr. George Pastd moved that
$150.00 be appropriated by the
Senate to be added to the $100.00
already in the budget of the group
planning the Summer Program
for Asian Studies. Passed ?n-
an'mously the grant will be used
to bring a group of Korean danc-
ers to the College during the time
of study.
Dean Rudolph Alexander ex-
plained the problems involved
in distributing Identification
Cards during Registration,
following with a motion to ap-
propriate $80.00 for persons
issuing the cards. The motion
was approved.
While discussing the Identifica-
tion Cards, it was announced tha
a need for the formerly-used pic-
ture "ID's" was evident. With the
proposed system, both a picture
card and an IBM card, as now used,
will be necessary. A committee is
to be appointed to investigate.

east Carolinian?thursday, July 4, 1968?3
Poll Reveals Pro's, Con's
Of N C Legislative Action
By Tommy Stroud
?s ??
v. ;i-w i-jt?
Nope . . . not this time!
n Danny Bo en calls "baawwllU" as pitcher Vince Eiduke of the Lambda Chi Alpha's goes
?ild on Pch. Has Been batter Wallace Parker stands with bat poised to swat the ball, but
n,)t to tr it. The Lambda Chi's won over the Has Beens, 8-7.
Intramural Softball Promises
Sizzling Race For Lead Position
a little
and Khe summer soft-
cot underway for a
oer of dormitory, fra-
an i county team play.
? ion at 40 four teams
? en gather on the soft-
" ?liege Hill Drive to
. i modified version of
favorite sport, baseball.
was designed prim-
ringg the meai students
a well as in the coun-
estional opportunity to
a: e. according to Mr.
r, Assistant Intramural
Lanbda Chi Alpha 8, Has Beens 7
!hi Alpha opened league
- a squeaker over the
J-7. After a first-
the Ha Keens led the
til the bottom of the sixth
Greeks then picked up
lechling runs to post the
em. Both teams had
. Lamfxk Chi scoring
in the fourth inning,
Beens tallying" five in
r Vince Eiduke was given
for the Lambda Chi's.
- Pete Jones of the
was tagged with the
Cwntrj Geata 10, Little Rebels 6
rVry Gents picked up
win of the season in as
with a 10-6 shellack-
- ? Little Kebels.
Theta Chi 7, 500's 4
run fourth inning was too
much for the 500's as they suc-
cumbed 7-4 to Southall a blister-
ing hurler for Theta Chi. The
500's led the ball game 3-2 at the
bottom of the fourth inning, the
Theta Chi's lashing out five runs
to put the game in the bag. A
small fifth-inning rally was not
enough to overcome the 500's 4-
run and the Theta Chi's walked
away with their first victory of the
Lambda Chi 12, Little Rebels 1
Lambda Chi won their second
name in as many starts with a
12-1 thrashing of the Little Rebels.
Smith's sizzling pitching for the
I .it tie Rebels was not enough to
slow down the Lambda Chi's as
the Greeks took their biggest win
of the year. Pitcher Vince Eiduke
was credited the victory for Lamb-
da Chi as Smith was tagged with
the loss. The Rebs picked up their
lone run in the first inndng while
i he Greeks scored almost con-
sistently throughout the game.
The Has Beens and Theta Chi
both evened their records. Tues-
day at 1-1, as the Has Beens
.rushed Theta Chi, 15-1. Has Beens
pitcher Thacker took the victory
as Theta Chi pitcher Hunt suf-
fered the loss. The losers picked
up their lone run in the fifth inn-
intr while Has Beens picked up
their runs in the first, third,
fourth, and fifth innings.
Rinks 9, Pika 5
An initial six-run inning was the
key to the Rinks 9-5 win over Pi
Kappa Alpha. Gilbert and Kimrey
smacked home runs for "Pika
Kimrey's coming in the winner's
ibig four-run fourth inning. Smith
homered in the second inning for
the winners second.
Wins Losses
Lambda Chi Alpha 2 0
Country Gents 1 0
Rinks 1 0
Has Beens 1 1
Theta Chi 1 1
Pi Kappa Alpha 0 1
500's 0 1
Little Rebels 0 2
Billiard Assumes
Coaching Position
Anti-Red Law Brings Protests
(continued from page one)
b he called the anti- .Scholar, summed up the problem
stating, "This resolution was an
unwise and ill-conceived measure.
It originates from a wrong concept
of government. The progress of
mantaind is based on freedom of
in estimation and research . . .
Freedom does not need defense
against malicious and unscrupu-
lous offenders. It has enough
stamina and vituality to defend
its own virtue. It is the weak that
needs defense . Freedom roes
not need censorship of false pnil-
vTnm 'asked about fche future
of the bill, tftte Senator stated
thai it would probably be repealed
i the next session. Only a simple
maoHvote would be required
defeat the measure and have it
ScSU The iSenator dofljj
interview infegt? Z
Wilson again, ine oesi. way
dealTwithTfool is to hire a hall
rnd to encourage Mm to discourse
to the people T ,
In an interview with Dr John
Tfmvell Director of the College
Pomtcal Science Department, Dr.
Howelf stated, "the law implies
.that the people in ?ml.c ?
Scions wild ?
ffc?r7 who would present Com-
KT m a favorable light. We
r? T Dr- Howe" is conducting
fl?,hn this summer for wie
" lrS2rW?.tinK N"f ?aro"
ZTMc school teacher, on
.have been introduced, but
New York.
'a damned fool bill
L. R. McLendon of Greens-
hainnan of he Board of
Education, said the bill
mad" through both houses
neral Assembly and was
kwaad step in the pro-
cation n North Caro-
ls W. Jenkins of Easft
gked, "We are not
Russian missies or mi
so why should we be
the "mouths?" The Col-
lent appeared deeply
n an interview with an
Min LIN I AN reporter. He
ised and written about
mv Legislators in an
the law repealed. Dr.
? er stated, "We found
on comparative worth
. versus totalitarian-
mocracv in a very favor-
new law, Senator Hum-
: Wood row Wilson safltt.
s thw wronsr way to do a
- " Senator H umber en-
President Jenkins' state-
ting "the only rational
to the permanent so-
? B basic issue
v effect the law wouia
npuses. the Senator
f an invitation is ex
a guest speaker along
tionair- of 'are youJ
- ? do you believe n -onT-
h an inquiry becomes
an affront to any patriotic and
Harold Bui lard, a student as-
sistant football coach last year at
East Carolina, Friday, was named
by head coach Clarence Stasa-
vich as varsity end coach.
A native of Rockinghani, Bull-
rd completed work on his master's
degree last spring.
Builard was an outstanding
Aillback at Lenoir (Rhyne under
Stasavk'h from 1955 to 1958. He
was eleced first-teaan Little All-
America. He was picked to two
all-State College teams for two
After completing college, he
was drafted by the Baltimore
Colts of the National Football
League, where he played briefly.
He also played in the Canadian
Football League.
Bojllard was football coach at
Ganden Military Academy in South
Carolina from 1958-1962.
He succeeds Ray Pennington, who
resigned last spring.
Gents Play Sunday
A softball team from Eden-
ton, has challenged East Caro-
lina's intramural team, the
Country Gents, to competition.
The Edenton team, Rinky
Dinks, will play the home
team on Sunday at the intra-
mural field at 3:00 p.m.
On June 25, the North Carolina
legislative approved a bill banning
all known-Communist speakers
from State-supported college cam-
puses. Immediately following the
passage of this bill, an avalanche
of objection from newspapers and
citizens throughout the state was
heard in the Tar Heel capital.
Since the passage of this bill af-
fects our own campus, a sample
poll was conducted in the 'CXJ Mon-
day for the (purpose of obtaining
view ooints of the student body.
Fifty-nine students gave their
views, and out of the fifty-nine,
foiiliy-one disapproved the legis-
lative action, fifteen approved the
action, and three belived Com-
munists should be allowed to
speak, but with limited freedom.
The majority of those opposing
the bill felt the bil to be
undemocraTic in nature because
it infringed mpon the right
of freedom of speech. How-
ever, some other interesting opin-
ions were brought to mind. D. D.
Gross, diredtor of religious ac-
tivities on campus, stated that,
"A free society cannot exist with-
out men and women who can
examine ideas critically and make
decisions responsibly. lit is the
function of colleges and universi-
ties in a free society to do all they
can to produce such men and wo-
men. When colleges and universi-
ties are frustrated in this primary
responsibility then they cease to
be educational institutions and be-
come agencies of indoctrinaJtaon.
Such agencies would turn out grad-
uates conditioned to indoctrina-
tion and therefore easy targeits for
further indoctrination, such as
Communiam. The ban therefore de-
feats its purpose
Several students took the view
that banning Communists from our
campuses would Tut the American
college student in tthe dark about
the very thing that (threatens our
way of life the mosrt. It was also
felt that the main oho'ective of alt-
tending college is to become aware
of other ways of life. Then, too,
studentts snould be allowed to de-
cide for themselves what is right
as opposed to what is wrong. One
student pointed out fthat in order
to fight an idea or person, this
idea or person must first be un-
School Of Music
Features Seniors
A Senior Recital will be pre-
sented by the College School of
Music Wednesday. July 10, at
8:15 p.m. in McGinms Auditorium.
It will jointly feature "Robert M.
Tyson, saxophone, and Fayedene
Jernigan, piano.
A saxophone quartet, including
Tyson, will present the premier
performance of his own composi-
tion, "A Suite for Four Saxo-
phones in three parts. "Capnc-
cio" by Michael Ciry will also be
performed by Tyson, accompanied
by Bette Jo Gaskins at the piano.
Miss Jetrnigan will play, among
other selections, Mendelssohn's
"Two Songs Without Words" and
Dello Joio's "Prelude for a Young
Musician The program wall be
highlighted by their combined
.performance of the Sonata for
Alto Saxophone and Piano" by
Paul 'Creston, contemporary Amer-
ican composer.
Mr. Tyson, from New Bern, is
the first East Carolina music stu-
dent to present a full program of
saxophone works.
derstood. To pass a law such as
this, is not fighting Conranunism,
it is running- from it.
On the affirmative side, some
felt that college students are in-
formed enough to know what Com-
munism is and should have the
right to ban them from out schools.
It was feared that young students,
especially freshmen, would be
easily indoctrinated with Commun-
ist beliefs.
Those who offered limited speech
as a possible solution suggested
tha; Communists should be allowed
to speak only for the purpose of
helping students understand Com-
U S Army Major
Visits Campus
Major Doris Galcagni, a mem-
ber of the Army Nurse Corps,
visited the campus last Thursday
afternoon. Miss Calcagni, origin-
ally from Worcester, Mass and
a graduate of Worcester School of
Nursing, is now completing' an
assignment as Nurse Counselor at
rrt McPherson, Georgia, only
one of many places at which she
has served.
During her visit here, Major
Calcagni spoke to a group of stu-
dent nurses on the 'benefits of be-
coming a commissioned officer in
the Nurse Corps. Travel, educa-
tional benefits, and salary in-
creases brought ahout by rapid
changes in rank were mentioned
as advantages of being in the
Nurse Corps rather than working
ib a hometown hospital. Full 24-
month scholarships to he used to-
wards attaining a Bachelor's De-
gree in Nursing are available to
graduate nurses and to student
nurses who are either seniors in
a diploma school or juniors in a
4-year school. Registered graduate
nurses, who join the Nurse Corps
within 30 months after completing
Nursing school, are paid ? monthly
salary and the tuition needed to
complete their B. S. Degree. Those
who join after a 30-months period
receive up to one year's full com-
mission, but are not helped with
tuition exipenses.
To enter, a young nurse, male
or female, must be single, al-
though marriage after entering is
permitted. Upon entering, he or
she receives a ramik of Second Lieu-
tenant. A two-year program con-
sisting of 3 years of active duty
in the Corps is available. An ex-
cellent retirement plan, which can
begin after 20 years of active
duty, is also availahle in the Nurse
Corps. Ait retirement there is a
manimfum rank of Major and a
minimum salary af $315 per month
for the rest of his or her life. In
addition, members of the Nurse
Corps are automatically members
of Officers' Clubs throughout the
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4?east Carolinian?thursday, July 4, 1963
Miss Claudine Lake
( laudine
us to celebrate this Fourth of July holiday is pretty Miss
Lake, a freshman at Kast Carolina. Caught in the act of eating
watermelon, Miss Lake, a brown-haired, brown-eyed beauty, comes
from Myers Park High School in Charlotte. Among her special in-
terest arc tennis, water skiing and dancing. A business administra-
tion maj r. Miss Lake hjM somedaj to grace an office as well as a
home with her vivacious personality.
CU Names New Officers,
Makes Summer School Plans
At ius second organizational
meeting Tuesday, members of the
Oollege Union named their four
executive officers and a perman-
ent entertainment chairman for
the Summer School sessions.
Heading the organization for
the summer are Donna Summer,
president; George Whitehurst.
vice president; Billie Stewart,
secretary; and Harlan McCaekill,
reporter. Kaitherine Hollingsworth
is serving as chairman of the
bingo-ice cream parties.
President S numer is a senior,
specializing in the School of Nurs-
ing. A member of Alpha Phi
Sorority, she was also elected last
spring to head the College Union
group) for the coming year. Miss
Sumner is from Heulaville.
After having served as enairman
of the CU Record and Dance Com-
mittee, George Whitehurst brings
to the poet of vice president prac-
tical experience in College Union
work. A junior science major,
Whitehurst is a native of Wash-
Serving in the post of secretary
is a junior transfer student, Billie
Stewart. An art major, Miss
Stewar: attended Wheaton Col-
lege m Illinois, prior to coming to
East Carolina. A native of States-
vine, she is a member of Delta
Zeta Sorority.
Harlan McCaskill is serving his
second term in the office of re-
porter. Active in other phases of
ca.rn.pus activity, McCaskill has
erved as managing edkor of the
college handbook, THE KEY, and
heads the Phi lieta Lambda group
ior the coming year. He is a jun-
ior in the School of Business at
the College.
A junior English major, Kath-
- :ie Hollingsworth fills the chair-
manship of the bingo-ice cream
parties committee. -She lias, prior
to this, been active on the Social
Committee of the Union and in
the East Carolina Playhouse. Miss
flollingsworth comes to the Col-
lege from Teachey.
These new officers and com-
mittee chairman will be responsible
for planning and directing the sum-
mer CU activities. Big events for
the new leaders will be the an-
nual Fourth of July celebration
tonight and the bingo-ice cream
parties to be held throughout the
summer. Other recreational activi-
ties will include bowling, bridge,
chess, nightly dances, and the
watermelon cuttings.
All budget requests for or-
ganizations sponsored by the
SGA for the 1963 Summer
School should be turned into
the SGA office, located in
Wright Building, by 3:30 p.
m Friday, July 5.
Chief Personnel officer D.
J. Van Hoose of the United
States Navy will be on cam-
pus from July 8 through 12, to
explain the Navy's commission-
ed officer programs to all in-
terested college students and
college graduates. Chief Van
Hoose will b? in the College
Union area from 9:00 ajn. to
5:00 p.m. on these days.
News Briefs
Foreign Students
Enroll On Scholarshi
Mrs. Kay Fussell, formerly Re-
becca Ann Highsmith, died at her
home at 9:30 p.m. Saturday nignt
following a heart attack. Mrs.
Puasell, a e 22, a native of Green-
ville, attended Eavt Carolina. She
graduated from the College Magna
Cum Laude. While a student here,
she was active in the Student Na-
tional Education Association, Al-
pha Ominron Pi Sorority, and the
Painhelh nie Council. At the time
of her death Mrs. Fussel was doing
graduate work at "tflie college.

Sixteen cadets are presently at
summer training for the Air Force
Reserve Officers Training Corps.
Bases in Florida, Virginia, and
Ohio are beinjg used for the pro-

Four faculty members in the
Industrial Arts Department at
Fast Carolina are working toward
their doctorate in Industrial Arts
this summer at the University of
Maryland at College Park. The
Fast Carolina faculty members
engaged in the six-week study at
the University are Robert Wayne
Tyeith. Frederick L. Broadhurst,
Paul F. Waldrop, Jr and Harold
Peter Olson.

Forty-one teachers in elemen-
tal y schools and others interested
in the ed cation of young child-
Baker Appointed
To Registrar Post
Worth E. Bake alumn us of
Fast Carolina and a member ol
the business staff of the college
ee 1955, has been appointed as
collepre R ar. President I
V. Jenkins has annoia ced. 1 n
his new position he replac : nk-
lin D. Giles, who resigned after
serving during 1962-1963.
Mr. Baker a native of Green-
ville. A : Ea s-t dina he re ei ?? I
11 ? B.S. dej in Hisiness edu-
crtion in 1954. and hi 1959, was
granted the M.A. degree in ad-
? ?' 'ration.
Af er ra tion in 1954,
. B ker 'wo "Ice I v h Redisco of
Greenville until December, 1955,
n he was appointed Housing
l' e f,r at Fast Carolina. In Oc
tober, 19(57, he became Personnel
Officer a1 the college and held
this position until his appointment
as Registrar.
Mr. Baker served as a flight
officer in the U.S. Air Corps in
1941-1946. lie was in the European
Theater for a year, and for the
remainder of his period of service
was in this countrv.
$&&&$&: :$&?&
Mr. Worth E. Baker, Registrar
Larry's Shoe Store
5 Points ? Greenville
Elementary School
the School of Art,
ial event f the
now partripating in a
dealing with
he ten-day speci
Summer Session deals with pup-
oetry onecially as a viavaal
;n education in the lower grades.
Tomorrow, the workshop will
presentation and discussion
n n are
Arts for
of" thepWl prxhi-ed h
Dr Frances Winkler, a
profeaeor of English, will hj
eluded in the forthcoming edit
of tiie Dictionary af internatio
Biography, a "Who's Who" w
published in England.
Ir. Winkler has h?n a
of the Easl Carolina faculty - n
1957. Ln adflition to the MA. and
Ph.D. degree fr?m the Universk)
e Southern California, she h?
? I L.H. degree fron Pae
Coast UnWerslty arvi before be-
ginning her career in educa'
acted as legal secretary- for the
Auto Hub of Southern California
and several other organizations.
Ir. Wi-nkler's biography k in-
cluded also in editione of Who's
Who in American Women; North
Carolina Lives; Tar Heel Wl
Who; Who's Who in the South and
South we ' and Direetory
American Scholars.
? ?
A ion- a.rwi one-naif fool high
sculpture of a nude adolescent
kneeling under a tree, exhibited at
the Greenville Ar Cent prior
to departure, is now on its w-ay u
permanent -s ion in the M
well Gallery San P a ?
Mr. Ed tor ? u ? re
? Krtor in the Sch of Irt, p
.?. ,i the i?
I . ?" v ??' . Tl i
ir wa n tail
m very
work. T
tainleas ?'????' ai ;
them n s
SuiriTTier Hand Plans
For Lawn Concerts
ized and Lg
? verai lawn
1 nder I ? :
Sch ?; M ? . a Sumnu
? in
now n ? for
concert - be p
ented on the campus.
Herbert L. '??. ? er, Direct
Bands in the of Mi;
f ?rves as dire tor of the ei
Included among the metntbers of
the ensemble are both (Trad
anl undergraduate studenta fro
the four-state area ?r North ai I
S urh Carolina, Virginia, and
In addition to trail ing rats
in performance and instrumental
techniques, the Summer Ban
aerves as a laboratory group
graduate students taking advaiu
First appearance bv the Band
?in be a concert to be presented
at 7() p.m tonight, at th
July 4 Celebration
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lad into i .
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50 Percent

c o b
t in i u u
Friday, July 5
8:00 P. M. - 10:00 P. M.
" ? ' "TO MOT

East Carolinian, July 4, 1963
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
July 04, 1963
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