East Carolinian, August 3, 1961

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&n f ?
'Av- the UiZJ?
r;nkina t
! Th v
" r"lS WEEK !
KaPI Alpii
iJ Rebefe
I ,i ' i vs. Uj.
v dumps, at S
K,h'u vs. Outlay
Ct and Has Bets
h Named
.dnia fuutball plaf-
son will take over
Franklin High
I Virginia, tits fsS.
Bitive f (rtLstonia, Nor
rv be played his Mfc
He t here at the pn
tring on his MA fepn.
! weighs 215 pom
3" tall; he played for
i L966 5 ' Pearson
rw head aching dutia
M of age.
IK under coach J
the lineman playea
ut h Jim Speight,
Bill Cain. Spirf
rrentlj at DC work-
Masters Degree.
f irst football g&nie of
u-j' U against Bil
, ven. Htnce w
will be rivals il
iind valuable tpr'
Lip it ik coach at RocEBr
xl and wbile serviaf
Franklin team m
atfafete also was
h at Kockingaro. Pe
aml he and his
ie in Frankluit ?
East Carolina College
Number 35
Housing Project Begins
Contracts Awarded For
$1,155,114 Construction
Contracts for the construction of i and a self-liquidating loan from the
'Rainmaker' stars, Doring Jenkins who portrays Lizzie Curry, des-
perately pleads ith Leroy Collins, who plays her father, Noah Curry, to
iht- rainless situation.
Is Und
For The 'Rainmaker
Rehearsals are now underway for
, Summer Playhouse production of
Rk . N:ash's comedy, "The Ra-in-
i The play will be presented in
Greewville August 9 and 10 and will
Carolina Beaoih on August
18 and from August 22-26.
e second summer tine play-
h . bas appropriated money to pre-
g immer production. Thfis also
Iia the second time an East Carolina
tion has been asked to Carolina
!v . by the Carolina Beach Play-
I ItK,
All expenses for the Playhouse staff
i beach will be paid by tihe beach
Lse, including free room and
Several experienced members are
in the production. Dee Jenkins,
who was seen in "The Diary of Anne
i i ' and "Night Must Fall and
elude Page Shaw in the part of H. C.
Curry. He has acted with tihe "Thall-
ian Society in Wellington. Leroy Col-
lins will play File, the deputy sheriff.
Ortfiter persons working with the
production include iRoss Thomas, set
construction; Dave Thrift, stage
manager; Ed Smith, assistant techni-
cal director; and Dave Nanney, di-
rector of publicity.
First Bermuda Ball
Proves Smash Hit
ey , to thepart of Nora Curry,
in a red in productions at tihie
, Una IMayhouse, played in "See
11 a Thej Run and was in the New
tstorical drama, 'The Third
Appearing in the title role of Bill
k is Jim Roberts, which is
role Burl Lancaster (played in the
vision. Gerald Harrill is play-
. part of Sheriff Thomas. He
eared in "The Diary of Anne
uk "See How They Rt"
"South Pacific and "Simple Simon
Newcomers to tir,e ECC stage in-
Tickets On Sale
For Manteo Trip
A1 trough only about fifty tickets
have teen sold to date by the SGA and
Saturday nigMW" , as a
- Tk Lot Colony
erforrowMn " - '
t , . j M tihe Et Carolina Col-
Inclnded on '
h tortae flah fry; and
AlmT A8C" Jetkins. East
m address by flW"TV rfiroen;zed
East Carolina College's first Ber-
muda dance was held last Friday
evening in WaM-Coats Elementary
Bdhool Gymnasium ,
The Bermuda Ball, began at 7:30
to the sounds of Ulysses Hardy and
his Blue Notes and ended at 11:15
rbe same way. TMe Ball was intended
to ie held iat the parking lot beside
P.awl Building, but was relocated to
the gym because of "inclement
weatf er. The change, did not create a
problem because the gym was con-
tmously filled, however, not with the
,w oootinmw people. V crowd
v roxin.ated at three hundred (not
included the ones that kept going and
coming), was made up of college stu-
dents, bandcampers, and fi rieigh-
Woring children of junior-high and
lU hool age. Dean Mallory, one
Local High School
Students Irk SGA
In tihe regularly scheduled SGA
n-eeting held last Mondtay afternoon,
the student senate resolved to at-
tempt to limit tre numlber of high
Lhool students attending college
functions, anmounced further plans
for the Naigs Head trip to the Lost
Colony, and approved tfre appoint-
ment of a new senater.
The Senate, went on record as op-
I posed to the numtber of high scn iool
students wi1 o have recently begun
taking advantages of the college's
j facilities. The SGiA's attempt to limit
the attendance of higth school stu-
dents included writing Mr. Hairry
Rainey of the College Book Stores re-
questing that "le restrict service to
these individuals, and a proposed ID
check at an unannounced date in the
College Union.
Said one of itjhte members of the
student senate, "they are a burden
on the college students and have no
business on the cairmpus at nigftlt
This representative was referring to
the number of teenagers on tfhle patio
during the broadcast of the nightly
radio program "Dance Party
The SGA is underwriting a bus to
travel to Manteo for the presentation
of the Lost Colony this Saturday. Thle
bus will leave the campus at 1:30
Saturday afternoon and -will return
following the presentation of the out-
door drama. Tickets for the perform-
ance and bus trip will be on sale
throughout the day on Friday in the
SGA office or in the Alumni Building.
Since this trip Irtas the sanction of
Dean of Women Ruth White, women
students will have late permission, if
I they rdde tMe bus.
. It was announced by President
I Strofcher that the dog wTrich was un-
der consideration for a second mascot
was unavailable. The dog was to be
a gift from Mrs. A. C. Davis of At-
lantic BeacJW to the Student Govern-
ment Association.
However, the SGA 'has approached
Dr. Richard Spear of tihe Education
Department, and he tas agreed to let
the SGA use his Great Dane dog
"Duke" at sd!(ool functions.
Also during tihe meeting President
Strother appointed Ward "Tweetie"
Simmons as Male Senator. The Senate
voiced their approval of their leader's
choice. Simmons is a senior business
major from Cambridge, Maryland.
a 5O0-bed dormitory for men at East
Carolina frlave .received the approval
of the Housing and Home Finance
Agency and the State Department of
Administration, it is announced by
F. D. Duncan, East Carolina College
vice president and business manager.
Official date for the contractors to
begin construction on the million-
dollar project was Tuesday, August
1, 'according to Mr. Duncan, wbo re-
ceived official notice from HHFA's
regional office in Atlanta, Ga.
The housing facility for men, to
be built on South canvpus adjacent to
the two other men's dormitories, will
cost $1,155,114.00 The project will be
financed from State funds appropri-
ated by the -1959 General Assembly
Federal government, eadbl bearing
half the cost.
The general contract was awarded
to Fowler-Jones Construction Com-
pany of Winston-Salem. Others in-
cluded in tfcfe construction awards are
Superior Mechanical Contractors of
Durham, plumbing; Commercial
Heating and Plumbing Company of
Greensboro, heating; and A. B. Blake
Company of Wilmington, electrical.
Time allowed for completion of this
project is 380 days, according to Mr.
Duncan. Tfcfts will set the completion
date at August 15, 1962, allowing use
of the dormitory for the opening of
the 1962-63 college year around
September 1.
Camp Finale Features Original
Works;Campers Receive Awards
Presentation of awards for achieve- Don Hayes of the East Carolina Col-
ment and three original works were j lege faculty, performed two numbers
featured during the final concert. in tbe afternoon event.
marking the closing of the 1961 sum-
mer music camp at ilast Carolina Col-
lege Saturday afternoon, July 29.
Written for choral groups, two of
the compositions "Thte Song of
Thanksgiving" and "The Fountain"
by James Hall of the Winston-Salem
city schools music department were
sung by tlhte summer camp chorus with
Mr. Hail conducting the singers.
The third original composition,
"Alleluia was written by Dr. Mar-
tin Mailman, who will bexcomposer many national events.
One of Mr. Hall's compositions, "The
Fountain was.inspired by the new
fountain in the center of Wrigiht Cir-
cle on the college campus as he ar-
rived to begin his assignment as a
dhoral instructor at the music camp.
Before going to Wrinston-Salem last
year, Mr. Hall 'had been director of
the choral music program in the
Grainger (high scool of Kinston. He
is widely known for his choral work
and his choirs frave participated in
in-residence as a member of the East
Carolina College Music Department
next year. TTrfis was the final number
on the program combining the choir
and the Blue Band and was conducted
by Earl Beach, chairman of the East
Carolina Music Department and di-
rector of the music camp.
Tlhle White Band, conducted by
Spencer Mims of Myers Park high
scf.iool band, Charlotte, and the Red
Band under tfre baton of 'Raymond
Babelay of the Fike senior high school
hand, Wilson, each performed two
numbers, and the Blue Band, directed
hy Hubert Henderson of the Univers-
ity of Maryland bands, played three
numbers in addition to ,providing the
musical accompaniment for the finale
by tlhle choir.
The camp orchestra, conducted by
On Friday evening, T.le camp choir
sang a number and with Donald Haye3
conducting the orchestra Paul David
Fuller of Evansville, Indiana, played
the "Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat
Major' by Tsdhiaikowsky. He received
an ovation for his excellent per-
formance. He has studded during the
camp with Dr. Robert Carter.
Receiving tihe highest award for
the best boy camper, Ricard Milgram
of Fayetteville was presented the $50
scholarshifp fiund of tihe Sinfonia
Foundation of Phi Mu Alpha, music
fraternity. Thfis is the first time this
award ihas been presented at the East
Carolina College music camp.
Professor Beadb was assisted by
Herbert L. Carter, director of East
Carolina Ciollege bands, in directing
the camp.
the cnaperones, gave up trying
f limit the dance just fa Zj
lege students and concerted his efforts
t0 .prevent smoking "
The Blue Notes are a group from
KrfWgh well-known to tihe fratern-
ities. It is a six-man combo and in-
the AlSi.H- a, "I"' Th6y
,f East idaroUnians are expected to i in PJjf d regrets at the
see President Jenkins in is atae de- TgJG JJnd number
c.f non-college attendance and stated
that remediea will be found to pre-
LTwill be an address vent any reoccuranee similar to Fri-
riLL wf day night. The comments there,
indicated perfect syncopated syni-
an addresa -by K Bl" recognized Tommy Mallison, co-dViairman of
Carolina students Saturday l the entertainment comrmittee, had this
during J119 o say, "Even tbougihi I do not enjoy
'rock and roP miyself, the SGA tries
to bring entertainment to the-campus
iSSTSl reminded tot if
All abu-denfts t0
you frWt Jn Z their might
you'd better do so
not be room
tlhte sudents enoy And they
linmaker' cast takes time out for earned relaxa tiongroup anticipates summer production for campua
and Carolina Beach audiences.

Pae 2
r ft 1 T aboLINIAN
mi "TB-lii
Significance Is Relative
To Symbol izafions And Time
It has been said that the "symbolic process" is a unique
human function. The relationship in which one thing stands for
another thing apparently doesn't exist in an animal's conception.
For instance what animals would hang another animal in effigy r
Is there any significance between the symbol and the
thing symbolized? Last Thursday night the Dean of Women was
hung in effigy on the Mall. The immediate reason given by the
perpetrators in this mock execution is that a young male stu-
dent and a young female student were forcibly broken from an
embrace in front of one of the dormitories by the Dean. The
young man proceeded to tell the dean that he was not embrassed
at his behavior and that he would conduct himself in like manner
in front of his mother, his father, or his baby sister. There upon
he addressed some derogatory terms to the dean. Whereupon the
dean responded by ordering the young man never to show himself
at the dormitory again and by placing the young lady on re-
striction for two weeks.
The dean was hung some time before midnight, Thurs-
day. The Campus Police interrupted the rest of the party by
firing one shot into the air causing the executioners to flee.
The dummy of the dean was then removed.
What was accomplished? A healthy excursion into the
night air, a release of emotion, and the braggartry of the campus
the next morning.
We often strive for the symbol and not that which is
symbolized. Students work to earn "A's" not merely by being
excellent" in the proficiency of what the course offers. And
notice "I got an 'A' " but "He gave me a 'D' -
Perhaps we do need good grades, or symbols of good
grades, to obtain a good job. Perhaps we are stiffled from getting
into graduate school by a record which contains C's and D's. Per-
haps. We are not indians just because we have feathers on our
heads. And everybody who wears a yatching cap doesn't necess-
arily own a yacht.
And perhaps, the people who hung the dean could have
accomplished more if they had done something a little bit more
mental than physical. Maybe if they talked it over with the
meditators between the students and the Administrationthe
SGA. Success today rests on the ability to manipulate symbols.
And how are we ever to learn unless we try.
Perhaps the "hanging" is significant, but significance
is relative. - JAW
fMir. august, 3, i
To Sportscastitit I Sound
Dear Editor: 0 . ronference
JFK, Grandpa, And The Civil War
Huddled over the radio, he,feel some qualms about military
Continous Struggle
How unknowing and how unaware W are until by some
chance of fate or circumstance we stop and notice the insignifi-
cant details of life that take on a new perspective. The insigni-
ficantwhen the time is right.
Last week I began noticing things that I had seen before
and were aware of, but things that had been pushed aside for
eemingly more important details. Standing in an open doorway
of Wright Building during a summer thunderstorm, I was un-
consciously staring at the fountain when I chanced to overhear
someone commemt that the fountain seemed as if it were drown-
ing. It seemed to bubble up, rather than to leap up, and the
streams of water could make no headwaythe fountain seemed
almost on the verge of giving up, and then it tried repeatedly
to surge upward. The struggle continued.
The flowers, the purple pansies and the yellow marigolds,
that fill the triangle in front of the fountain strained against
the rain that threatened to level them to the ground. Part of
the symbolic. flowers strained with the wind and rain,
while the others strained against them, and yet ait times they
seemed to be almost motionless.
A little boy, a dirty, little boy with ragged shorts and
brown bare feet, ran and played in the mud and rain. The battle
of the elements on a hot, muggy afternoon caused him no con-
cern ; he had some playing to do and some living to do. He didn't
have time to stop for the rainwhen we are young we didn't
have time to stop or wait for trivial unimportant details.
A little spotted frog, frightened and apprehensive, waited
impatiently in a high glass jarwaited in an unescapable trap
He wated until it seemed that he might escape after allin-
stead he was engulfed by some sinister force, and he struggled
briefly, quickly, until he lay very still. His. waiting was over
.u Exi?tence is a struggle. Some of us struggle until it seem
that there is no fight m us, and then by some strange calmness in
us, we find that we can still go on. Others of us are not aware
that we strugglewe merely flit about superficially unaware of
any struggle at all, or do we know? Perhaps we are enjoying our
existing so much that we fail to realize that we are struggling-
at all. Some struggle bravely with all there is to fightand then
are forced to give in. The struggle is over. But for those who
can, and do stand successfully, the struggle goes on and on and
we exist. '
listened inltently. Suddenly he
paled and his hand gripped the
beer can more tightly and beads
of sweat broke out on his fore-
head. increased draft . . .
call for 217,000 more men
came the words over the radio,
slowly and ominously.
"No the boy groaned and
promptly gulped down the rest
of his beer. Where-upon he sat
back in his armchair, patted his
stomach contently, and reflect-
"But they can't do this to me.
Here I am preparing for a
worthwhile career and they come
and tell me I have to go over
there and get messed up in
Lord-knows-what. And anyway
why does this have to come up
right in the midst (almost) of
our Civil War Centennial? Af-
ter a hundred years, we still
gotta go out an' fight
Well, maybe the guy's right,
1 thought. It seems rather iron-
ical that exactly one hundred
years ago, Lincoln was issuing
a call for 75,000 troops. Now,
a century later, JFK calls for
217,000 men. Different crisis
but same conotation involved.
America has been talking peace
and fighting wars for a long
time now. Probably great,
grandpa, when he signed up in
the Union (oopsCONFEDER-
ATE) Army back in '61, felt
that his was a war to end war.
As events have turned ouit how-
ever, this was not the case. We
may take pride, however, in the
fact that we are closer to ending
war now than ever beforein
service, it s perhaps because war
and threat of war, cold or hot,
has been too long a Dart of our
livesa sort .of cancer on our
existance. If he does not in-
dulge in flag-waving or patriot-
ism, iit is because men like Sher-
Tfe interest recent, eXn,
BOC broadcast aotiv1
dents and a GreenvUle citizen tL
the Bast Carolinian is deol 'S
eiated. We weleorr,
suggestions for increaift?
tiveneas of our work.
Arrangements, ft broads
ECC Sports .Work
facilities of WGTT and
have been made for the f
games of 1961. A study wfflfcV
of the way in whie bwafca
rang-ements are to be made
Again, we appreciat the fa
of everyone concerned, and wfflT
cerely welcome all specific W
tions. m
Rosatmd Roulstoa
Director of Radio
The East Carolinian welcome,
letters from readers. The brief.
er they are the better is their
prospect of publication. Allan
subject to the approval of tin
Editor. We assume no responsi-
bility for statements in letters,
man, Jackson, Grant, as well as
others of later wars, have strip.
ped the glamor from war, have
exposed war as the horrible
monster that it is.
Columnist Attends ASP Session'
' - By J. Alfred Willis
I was invited to a meeting of i selves in a sort of a dilemma.
Published by the student of East Carolina College, Greenville North Carolina
North State Conference Press Association Associated Collegiate Press
Monty Mills
Managing Edtor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Feature Editor -
Owen Johnson
- J. Alfred Willis
Dva Nanney
Richard Boyd
- Jim Kirkland
Stuzane House
Gale Hammond, Ken Meredith
J. Alfred Willis, Larry Blizzard, and Dava Nanney
Importers . Sue S-parkman, Ultry Blizzard, Monty Milla jZ
Kirkland, J. Alfred Willis, Dave Nanney, Sandra Phillfes, Mflton Crocked
OFFICES on the second floor of Wrght Building!
Telephone, all departments, PL 2-6101, extension 264.
fact, ending everything, with
our new atomic weapons.
Probably greait, grandpa when
he signed up in 1861 reacted in
much the same manner as does
our modern youthbemoaning
the interruption of a good norm-
al life. However, there is one
thing that youth of today hold
over the youth of great grand-
pa's time and that is a greater
awareness of what war is and
what-it can do to civilization.
One of the first men respon-
sible for breaking up the old un-
realistic notions of war was a
soldier named Sherman. Sher-
man was the most hated, most
feared, most dastardly person
to come upon the scene. It is
principally because, of Sherman
that the South still rises up with
fire in its eyes whenever the
Civil War is mentioned. Yet, he
was one of the first, I "believe,
who regarded war as a struggle
of nation and people against
nation and people; as opposed
to the idea of war as an isolated
contest between two armies.
Sherman approached war. Stone-
wall Jackson on our side was
another. Neither of them were
flag-wavers. War- was a deadly
the ASP (Association of Stu-
dent Polemcis) last week. The
. topic for discussion was (as it
always is)how to stir up East
Carolina College. Talk went
something like this:
"You know I've got this new
man in the Psychology Depart-
ment and he said that state col-
leges are all alike. They depend
on funds from the state granted
to them by the state legislature.
Naturally, the aministrators of
the college want to present a
well-mannered picture, because
legislators look askance at a
eollege where everything may
not be running smooth
Ya piped in somebody,
'East Carolina gets money up
the creekus, jrear after year.
And the reason that we do is
because what is done with it is
never seen. So we are always in
a state of needing external im-
"Well, anyway went on the
first, "that is why a state col-
lege should never be criticised
about anythingby its adminis-
trators, its faculty, or its stu-
dents, It -might endanger their
lobbying power
"You mean we shouldn't say
anything about anything, Heck,
it we are growing, as they say
we are, shouldn't we have
growing pains
Ah some soul uttered, "ad-
ministrators are ail "a bunch of
"Now wait a minute said one
that had been quiet, "I don't
think administrators can be dis-
missed just as politicians. Sure
it is part of their job, but what
isn't politics wii anybody paid
by the state. It is interesting to
spectulate how administrators
ever became institutionalized in
colleges. Apparently they
evolved out of the teacher-stu-
dent relationship of the first
educational institutions
"Atf blurted the little soul,
"but if education depends on the
transmutations of teacher-stu-
dent relationship, how does the
administration fit in?"
I don't know. College is a
sort ofagrouping of this teacher-
student business and perhaps
somebody has to run the busi-
ness. But anyway the adminis-
trators are here. And somehow
final execution of their office
Industry, agriculture, business
have expanded and grown more
efficient in our competitive
economy, thus a premium has
been placed upon the services of
men and women who can do a
single job better than anyone
else can do it. The demand for
highly skilled, specially trained
experts is constantly being mul-
tipiiied. So college aministrar
tions are being criticized on both
sides(1) if colleges continne
to train specialists and techni-
cians only, they are likely to do
so ajt the expense of the kind of
education worthy of freedom;
(2) if on the other hand, they
revert to the liberalizing educa-
tion of the past, they may do so
at the expense of the practical
training now necessary to make
one's own way in the world
"Yes said someone else, "but
East Carolina is a teacher col-
lege. Are teachers teehinicians
that they can push a button, or
an "education" course, and
whamoKnowledge? How can
a teacher teach unless he has a
good foundation in the Liberal
Arts and the process of thin-
ing. A person needs this before
he is subugated to "education
courses so he'll be able to under-
stand what to retain and wnai
1 to throw away and not blindly
accept it all as Gbd's Word.
"Plato, your Academy W
been closed for 1432 years ana
we have managed to survive-
If today our young men may is Education. They find them-
"Yes, we have survivedjm
have we yet equalled the Gree
in thought?"
The conversation finally J
to the point, where apparent
they left off last time, hat w
only way to stir up East tarv"
lina is to stir up the student
This was amid terms like twj
dom "responsibility" K
"limitations" and "regulation
You always go to meeting
like this all fired up with yw
American heritage of dero
cracy and action. And ru !L
tired from wind-bagged-bl
by empty conceptions and flL
zied inaction. Do people actaw
known what they are taiKw
about? -
By the time that they 5jj
around to stiring up stafL&
all the beer had been drunK a
Hap's was closd. The ASF "
A one-day conference on p
menl health lHaa been set
rolina College for We
1 list 9 m- ClirIton R'
"g man of the Bast Caro
Caxnt of PsyColc
tunced uoday. First Hwon
t 9 a. nj.
Th theme of the eonfe
Pa-on Sound Mental
ividual and Community
. T.je' sessions will t
eGim lAuditoriuim and wi
presses by two authoriti
eid of mental health and si
ssion groups.
Planned for teaciijers, mini
nts parents, physicians, j
rsons interested in probl
from mental and emot
iculties, the conference
fcn on the role of the c
,h0Ol, public and soeia
workers, and psychiatri,
ielling and treatment of
ials wfcto seeJc guidance a
ound health.
Dx Prewefct wall make 0
laddress on the topic: "G-
ioi Individual Mental H
other major address will
Dr. Louis D. Cohen of t
merit of Psychiatry of t
Center of Duke Univer
Assisting in the confer
New Educati
Instructor W
Toward Docl
Lewis H. Swindell, Jr.
the John H. Small School
ton, N. C, for tfce past
has joined the College fj
sociate professor in th
of education.
Mr. Swindell began
college in June and is tes
in education during th
mer School.
After graduation frc
est College with the
science degree, he w
master's degree Jhiere ii
scheduled to receive tl
education from the
North Carolina in Ai
Me. Swindell's ex
teacher and school adij
eludes posts in Boli
and Washington, N. CJ
He is a tpast presic
vision of Principals
(Carolina Education .
also of the North
nvent of Elementary
pals. He is a membe
ory Committee of
culum Study and is
North Carolina Sehc
let in and executive
Nortih Carolina Scfcn
He is a member
order; Phi Delta
honorary education
other social, civic,
Mr. Swindell is
former Estelle McBi
eT Tenn. They have
Margaret, Envy, and

,1AY, AUGUST 3, 1961
and Wjj .
.11 lwif 3
The br$
"' is US
lioation. Allm
val of tin
ts in letters,
Grant, as well M
wars, have strip.
I' " war, have
as t u horrihi
culture, huainea
1 and grown mor
our competitive
premium hu
Kn the services (rf
en who can do
tter than anyone
. The demand for
ipecially trained
tantly bring mut
lotted arainistr
criticized on both
i olleres contiMl
ulists and techni-
are likdy to do
he kind of
rth.v of freedom;
other hand, thef
iberahzing educ
they may do so
i fhe practice
leces.sary to make
in the world
lomeone else, "bat
is a teacher c
hers teehinieitfl
push a button.
HM use.
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needs this tfJ
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Gods Word,
r Ai-atk-niy 5
j 32 years f
Led to rVW
bve sumvedg
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And youJJ,
-lagi?,3a" frer
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Conference Promote,
Sound Mental Health
Page 3
ftivnct on problems j Dr. Iritis Broussard, Mrs. Trudy
i.een ft at East Nfe, the Kev. Preston Parsons, and
Prof. Cal

. i th
i otlege for Wednesday,
li Clinton K. Prewett,
Mu Baa Carolina Col
Unent -! Psychology, an-
,v 1'iit session will be-
i 'u
, of l4l conference is
I Sound M-eivta.1 Health:
ml Community Rwponsi
i .nns will be held in
uditouuni and will feature
two authorities in the
il health and smaller dis-
. i (Ws, minister, stu-
, h . physieaans, and other
. . -tod in problems aris-
mental and emotional dif-
i , nfeivnee will focus at-
thc role of tlhe church, the
iblic and social welfare
iii.l psychiatrists in coun-
tre.r.inont of the individ-
k guidance and help to
it will make the keynote
, the topic: "Guide Lines
. iual Mental Healtihl" The
oi address will be made by
D. Cohen of the Depart-
P-yohiatry of t!We Medical
Duke Cniversdty, Durham.
in the conference will be
Dixon, all members of We
la t Carolina College Department of
Members of the advisory committee
WOO will ait in tlie conference inckide
In. C Nelson, director of the Pitt
County Mental HeaLtih Clinic; Dim.
J. B. Spilman, extvutive director of
the North Carolina Mental Health
Association; Dr. Uy MingM, Green-
ville physician; J. 8. Grimes, 111, di-1
rector of tJ te Pitt County Department
of Public Welfare; and Mrs. Josepih
N. LeConte, secretary of the Pitt
County Mental Health Association.
j W.v
?$$' &&" 9&s'

lew Education
Instructor Works
oward Doctorate
H Swindell, Jr principal of
11 Small School in Washing-
U i tvha pnst several years,

Journals Include
Works Of Campus
English Professor
Dr. Ralph Harxlee Rives, instructor
in the Department of FnRlis-h, has
added to his paihlisl Jed works three
articles this summer.
The Summer Issue of tflie Southern
Speed1. Journal, professional mag"a-
?.ine of sfj.eech and drama teachers for
r states, included part of Dr. Rives
doctorate work at tf-Je University of
Virginia i-oncernine: puhlic oratory up
to IM1. The article, "Public (Address
fan Virginia, 182O-1840 elucidates
further at speeches given in 1960 at
the Annual Meeting of tiWe Southern
Seeoh Asswiation.
The North Carolina txkication Mag-
asiffM carried an article from Dr.
Rives' study of education in North
Carolina at tfha turn of the century
following Aycock' administration
INSPIRATION . . college fountain gave James Hall, guest conductor at
Music Camp, the inspiration for his composition "The Fountain
ed th- College faculty as ns-
profeaaor in the department
New Program
Of Mentally
A new program! leading to certifi-i
cation of teachers preparing to teach
the mentally ihiandicapped iis being
added: to the curriculum of the De-
partment of Encatdon ait East Caro-
lina College, President Leo W. Jenk-
ins announced Thursday.
Tfra progirani, effective wkh the be-
ginning of the Fall quarter of the
1961-1962 college year, is designed
to meet te demands of teachers de-
siring professional preparation in this
Tf; e new program to prepare teach-
ers of the mentally handdcapped adds
to the curriculum offerings in courses
in speech correction! presently offered
at East Carolina.
Basic course requirements will in-
clude studies of excptional cMldren,
Talented Novice
Receives Music
Camp Art Award
Following two weeks of sweat,
'train, and imagination Miss Joan
Simpson of Rebersonville became the
winner of tfVte 11th Annual Music
Camp Art Award on July 29. Miss
Simpson, who is a new student to
art, was judged to have innate abili-
ty, performance, and interest.
The art students, one of three
groups in w? Ich the music eampers
participated in, started out by drawing
atill-life objects including such things
as. t'he fountain and the otter various
campus scenes. From this they ven-
tured into tootpick sculpture, tin-can
painting, paper sculpture, melted
crayon drawing, and crayon resist.
T ie course in drawing this year
was taught by Mr. Thomas Mims, in-
structor in the Art Department, and
the crafts by Mr. Nelson- Dudley, art
Aids Study
Handicapped Former Professor
Accepts Position
Jones, chairman of tftae Department
of Education, offers courses in the
problems, materials and methods in
teaching mentally retarded children,
mental ietflicienoy, arts and crafts,
social treatment of the feebleminded,
and clinical or abnormal psychology.
In announcing the addition of tbis
S proclaim in the Department of Educa-
tion, T)r. Jenkins pointed out that
East Carolina College is desirous of
aiding in this new approach! to the
needs of large numbers of children
for wiloim there has been a shortage
of prepared teachers.
Part of Dr
Hives doctoriate treatise Uts a measurements in special ed-
Mr. Swindell began work at
, June and is teaching courses
tcation during the 1961 Sum-
graduation from Wake For-
roilege with the batfcektt of
degree, he wns awarded the
r's degree hare in 1948, and is
lied to receive the doctorate in
ktion from the University of
i Carolina in August.
M Swuilell's experience as a
1. , and school administrator in-
sta in Bolivia, Farmville,
d W asl ington, N. C.
il. i- i past presulent of the Di-
Principals of tlhe Noath"
I iuia Education Association, and
the North Carolina Depart-
ment of Elementary School Princi-
He fas member of the Advis-
Committee of tile State Curri-
Study and is editor of the
Carolina School Boards Uul-
and executive secretary' of the
Nort Carolina School Boards -As-
He is a member of Kappa Alpha
Phi Delta Kappa, national
ponorary eduoatioa fraternity; and
yi-v social, civic, and rofessional
oi ganizattona.
Mi. Swindell is jnarried to tibe
llortner Kstelle McBride of Manchest-
on Woodrow Wilson was reprinted in
the Davidson College Alumni Ma.ga-
i Bine. It dealt with Wilson as a stu-
leut at Davidson from 1873 to 1874.
ucation, psychology of the exception
al child and mental nygiene.
Tf: e program of certification for
the mentally handicapped child, ac-
cording to Dr. Robert L. Holt, dean
of instruction, and Dr. Douglas R.
Professor Harold M. Goldstein,
former economics instructor at East
Carolina, has been appointed assistant
professor of finance at Boston's
Northeastern University. Dr. Asa S.
Knowles, president of N. U. announced
the position.
Expanded and new programs have
increased the full-time faculty of
Northeastern by five per cent. Thirty-
five persons have been named to the
faculty in order to meet the new
Former Student Begins
Missionary Work Ab
New Teacher Joins
EC College Staff
Mozelle Holbeng of Macon, Miss-
issippi, has joined tibe staff of the
home economies department. She is
teaching classes in home economics
during the current sunvmer term and
will continue Irer work during the
regular school year.
Before beeaaafcag a faculty member
at East Curoiltna, Miss Holberg acted
as assistant director of the Consumer
Service Division of the National Can-
ners Association, Washington, D. C.
She 5 as ailso had experience as a
teacher of foods and nutrition at S-y
menee Universkty in New Yerk state
and at Colorado State University at
Fort Collins.
Miss Holberg is a graduate of the
.University of Tennessee, where at j
raceived the B. S. degree. Later she
did graduate work at va State
University, and was granted the
master's degree in science at Syracuse
University. SI e is a member of the
Teim. They have three cMWren. American Hoane Econom.cs Asocia-
irgarat, Emy, and Lewis. tionw
IJjjJbERRY and JAMES SHUMAN, WWWS announcers, keep
t giving ue what we waat in the world of -
Campus Calendar
aJiridge Party, College Union, TV
Room, 7:30 p. m.
4.Movie: "The Captain's Table
with Jofoh Gregson and Peggy
Cummings, Austin, 7:30 p. m.
North Carolina English Teachers'
5Classes Held.
North Carolina English Teachers'
JCtast Carolina Night at tihe "Lost
7Watermelon Feast, On the Mall,
3:00 p. in.
iDuplicate Bridge, College Union
TV Room, 7:00 p. m.
8Chapel Services, "Y" Hut, 6:30
p. m.
Movie: "The Little Slhtepherd of
the Hills with Jimmy Rodgers
and Ohill Walls, (Austin, 7:30 p. m.
9College Union Meeting, T V
Room, 4:00 p. m.
-Bingo-Ice Cream Farty, College
Union Lounge, 7:30p. m8:30
p. m.
E. C. C. Playiiouse performance:
"The Rainmaker McGinnis,
8:15 p. m.
10.College Union Awards Banquet.
Movie: "The Sad Horse witih
David- Ladd and Patrice Wymore,
lAustdn, 7:30 p. m.
E. C C. Playhouse performance:
"Tie Rainmaker McGinnis,
8:15 p. m.
Piano Rtecital: Rose Lindsay,
Austan, 8:00 p. mu
- Combo Dance, College Union,
8:00 p. mll:00 p. m.
12-Giaduate Record Examination,
1:00 p. m.
14Duplicate Bridge, College Union,
TV Rocwrt, 7:00 p. m
Watermelon Feast, On the Mall,
3:00 p. m.
15Movie: "Bobtttkins with Shirley
Jones, Austin, 7:30 p. m.
17ExaminationsSummer School
Miss Anne Page Brooks is one of
32 young men and women who will
leave the United States this fall and
winter to begin tfnree years of
special-term Methodist missionary
service in 14 countries of Asia,
Africa, and North and South Ameri-
Miss Brooks, who has been a public
school teacher in Palm Beach County,
Fla will go to Japan as a mission-
ary teacher.
The 1961 group of "3's" a3 the
special-term missionaries are called,
wall teach in schools, work in social
centers, supervise Qtristian hotels,
develop agricultural programs, serve
as pastors and Christian educators,
keep books, develop music groups,
create buildings and work as nurses,
pharmacists, medical technologists
and dietitians. Most are 1961 college
graduates. Representing 21 states,
the 3's will serve under the Metho-
dist Board of Missions. In prepar-
tion for missionary service, they are
spending six weeks this summer in an
intensive training program at Stony
Point, N. Y.
Born in Roxboro, Miss Brooks spent
her early life tffcre and attended
East Carolina College at Greenville.
She was graduaited in 1959 with a
bachelor of .science degree in primary
education. While in college, sft.e was
elected to "Who's Who Among Stu-
dents in American Colleges and Uni-
versities was the student govern-
ment chaplain, president of tike cam-
pus Young Women's Christian Asso-
ciation and a member of the Wesley
Foundation (organization for Meth-
odist students).
Since 1959, Miss Brooks has been a
first grade -teaober in the Palm Beach
County schools.

Pag 4
Unknowns Win In
By Rl
Two newly assembled second session teams under the
direction of Beasly Jones and Bob Menefee played incredible
softball last Tuesday afternoon on intramural field number two.
Jones' Unknowns and Menefee's Virginians battled for first
place in the tough A league competition.
The result was a 15 inning affair in which the Unknows
defeated their worthy opponents by a 4-3 score. Henry Kitchen
and Bob Joyce considered the fastest pitchers of the A league
had a brilliant duel. In winning Kitchen allowed only 5 spacious
hits and did not allow a run from the fifth inning.
Joyce could be considered almost as brilliant, and certainly
not missing it but by a hair. The former EC baseball performer
was not touched for a run from the seventh until the fifteenth
inning. His fast ball and changeups had the enemy hitters fooled
most of the overcast afternoon on intramural field number 2.
While on the subject of intramural softball it is quite inter-
esting to see the type of competition which is prevailing in the
respective leagues. On Wednesday of last week the Has Beens
possessed a fine 5-0 record under the direction of Robert Moore.
Bill Cain happened to be the top pitcher for the old grads with
a 4-0 mark.
The Humps under Dallas Foscue's coaching and Mac
Ecre a pitching possesses a 3-2 record and are far from being out
of the race in B league competition. Of course, the Unknowns
with their spotless 6-0 miark followed by the Virginian's 4-2
record were the cream of the crop in the A league.
Student Intramural Director Jack Jones extends the in-
vitation to any men students who might be interesting in an In-
tramural Tennis Tournament on August 8. In 'case of inclimate
weather Jones stated that August 9 would be I the date for the
Jones wishes to point out .that although jthe program has
been satisfactory and the competion keen, he still does not like
the way the respective players have been treating the umpires.
These officials are naturally not the best in the world, and do not
get paid big-time salaries. In fact one dollar per contest is the
amount which they receive. 1
fi. Jf?8 at he itchers and batters will not lay-off
the otficiating There has been plenty of calls missed at the
g-ames and there probably will be plenty more miscalls. But these
umpires are not trained officials. It is just a job to them in order
to help their education The players should remember this when
performing on the field of play.
It is not easy to remember (this by the players when
tht- competition has been as keen as it has been. But theTe is
probably not anyone who doubts the umpire's integrity Hence
toil Slut0toward these human officials SEETbi!kK
In a quick run down of some of the better plavers in the
leagues and their brilliant background we find severalTerform
era ex-varsity East Carolina baseball players As alreadv mo"
tioned Bob Joyce and Wilber CastelowP ori f"buc
nine m recent years. Beasly Jones, the manger and fTrst sacker
for the Unknowns, was a reserve infielder for the nnmS
SSKhe natlnal Playffs is the
Henry Kitchen, with a 6-0 mark as of Wednesday of lat
Hfnrvht'C rrtf JUnir Cllege basebaheatayChow
ftSr&SSftftJS?this past Spring and 2Kr.as
s&yrdeai this tttttesv&
WOOW TnGrelmirie'l? pera0?Ial hanks to radi ation
the broadcast M aOUJStrL iX
the July 27 issue on page 2 under Letter ? S'Ch WaS ln
response very much aDDradateriI hv it the AEdltor. was a
anyone would l?k" to E concerning rhT" A"y comm
of the EAST CAROLINIANX?te neT 0r V V&H
more than welcomed. wnetner negative or positive are
Virginians Lose Defensivi
Battle In Lengthy Marath
In a 15 inning marathon the unde-1
feated Unknowns defeated a down-
hearted Virginian nine 4-3 in probably
the longest intramural contest in EC
history. The regular 7 inning contest
was tied 3-3, but sensational pitching
by the winner's Henry Kitcheng and
the losers Bobby Joyce sent the con-
test into the eight inning overtime
watfl: Kitchen winning his own game
with a nun producing sacrifice fly that
scored Benny Bowes wiho had pre-
viously singled to center and weit
around to thiind base. The league lead-
had loaded tihe sacks for KitcW-
enig's (pay off punch in ibhe clutfr.
Beasly Jones' Unknowns who en-
tered the contest with a spotless 4-0
mark were battling' e Virginia team
for first 'place since the home team
went into the well-iplayed contest with
a 3-1 mlark. TT-te winners had to come
from behind twice to take the battle.
The score was 2-0 in favor of tfhe
Virginians until Wilber Castelow hit
one of Joyce's changeups for a two
lun homer into rigfr)bfield. The Vir
pinians proceeded! to go ahead 3-2 but (Ret)els vs- Humps
Tuesday, July 18, 4:30
Has Beens 20 vs. Humps 8
Lambda Ohfi 3 vs. Virginians 7
Wednesday, July 19, 3:09
Unknowns 4 vs. Vingdnians 1
Lambda Chi 9 vs. Pi Kappa Alpha 6
Wednesday, July 19, 4:30
Has Beens 4 vs. Outlaws 2
Rebels 5 vs. Humps 11
Thursday, July 20, 3:00
Outlaws 1 vs. Humps 11
Lambda Chi 0 vs. Unknowns 10
Thursday July 20, 4:30
Pi Kapm AlpirJa 8 vs. Vhinians 13
Has Beens 33 vs. Rebels 11
Monday, July 24, 3:00
Rebels 1 vs. Outlaws 11
Unknowns 8 vs. Pi Kappa Alpha 7
Monday, July 24, 4:30
Lambda Clhi 8 vs. Virginians 10
Has Beens 4 vs. Humps 3
Tuesday, July 25, 3:00
Has beens vs. OutlawsRained out
Lambda Chi 5 vs. Pi Kappa Alp'ha 6
Tdesday, July 24, 4:30
Unknowns vs. Virginians
the pesky Unknowns tied it up in the
The marathon was completed in two
and one-half hours and was one of
tfrle best pitched and defensive games
in quite a few years in East Caro-
lina softball play. BotJh, .pitchers hurl-
ed the following- day (Wednesday)
-and came trough with victories. The
Virginians -had to come from behind
for a 6-5 win over Pi Kappa Alpha,
and the league leading- Unknowns bad
to score 2 in the final frame to tie
k up in tJie seventh against first sess-
sion champions Lambda Chi and score
one in extra innings to win the con-
The Hs Beens in the B loop ihave
beaten tfrfe Humps 20-8, the Rebels
33-11, and the Humps again by a 4-3
margin. One contest was rained out
and the Has Beens were suppose to
take on the Rebels and Humps on
Wednesday and Thursday of last week.
We Has Beens have been paced by
Bill Cain's pitching and the Humps
have reiied on Mac Eure to pull tfhem
trough thus far in te B league race.
lite results of the scores and the
remaining contest are as follows.
Tuesday. July 18, 3:00
Rebels 0 vs. Outlaws 15
Unknowns 11 vs. Pi Kappa Alpha 8
Wednesday, Julv 26. 3:00
Pi Katppa Alfpha vs. Virginians
Lambda Chi vs. Unknowns
Wednesday, July 26, 4:30
Outlaws vs. Humps
Has Beens vs. Rebels
Thursday, July 27, 3:00
Rebels vs. Outlaws
Lambda Otyj vs. Virginians
Thursday, July 27, 4:30
Unknowns vs. Pi Kappa Alpha
Has Beens vs. Humps
Monday, July 31, 3:00
Has Beens vs. Outlaws
Lambda Chi vs. Pi Rappa Alpha
Monday, July 31, 4:30
Humps vs. Rebels
Virginians vs. Unknown
Tuesday, August 1, 3:00
Lambda Ohfi vs. Unknowns
Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Virginian
Tuesday, August 1, 4:30
Outlaws vs. Humps
Has Beens vs. Rebels
Wednesday, August 2, 3:00
Rebels vs. Outlaws
Lambda Chi vs. Virginians
Wednesday, August 2, 4:30
Unknowns vs. Pj Kappa Alpha
Has Beeris vs. Humps
Thursday, August 3, 3:00
Virginians vs. Unknown
Lambda Cfti vs. Pi Kappa Alpha
Thursday, Aug8, , 4
Humps vs. Rebel.
Has Been vs. Outlaws
Monday, August 7 .
Outlaws vs. Humps
Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Virgi
Monday, August 7, 436
Lambda Chi vs. Unknowns'
Has Beens vs. Rebels
Tuesday, August 8, 3:W
Rebels vs. Outlaw-
Lambda Of vs. Virginia
Tuesday, August H 4.33
Unknowns vs. Pi Kappa AlPha
Has Beens vs. Hurn
Wednesday, August 9, Ijj
Has Been vs. Outla
Lambda Chi vs. Pi Kappa Alfo
Wednesday, August 430
Humps vs. Rebels
Virginians vs. Unknowns
Thursday, August 10, 3KN)
lambda CT 5 vs. Unknown
Outlaws vs. Humps
Thursday, August 10, 4:30
Pi Kappa Akpha vs. Virginity
Has Beens vs. Rebels
August 14, Monday, and Tuesday
August 15 will be utilized for rai
out games.
Wednesday, August 1 jPLAYOFF
between the tw0 top teams for the
ECC Summer School Hiampionship,
In case of rain, the nampiorikij
one, seven (7)winning game) -willbe
played Thursday, August 17.
(Schedule d Rages will be made be-
tween the team ma and the
My Neighbors
"They're running him as
Urt horse can .idate
( -
Air Conditioned
Carolina Grill
Corner W. 9th & Dickinson
i"ntf" -X
Volume XXXV3
Pictured at Sa
Borden; pageant Dir
Elizabeth Mary W.
V .e 19tih annual
ence of the North
Teachers Associatioi
two-day meeting atl
College Saturday afj
tie first time the sti
had been held here.
Professor Ovid
Carolina College Et
and writer of succesi
speaker at tliie lunche
closed the meeting,
discussing "Image
Fiction following
of progress reports f
ional study groups.
Pierce discussed
oi writers to examine
the heritages of d
region is necessarily
writer's chief task is
"We are to deny n
ty of his vision, but
is that the vision.
Campus M;
The Rebel Maaz
tltrough whkah the
students at East Cai
express themselves .
ork. This magazinl
a little over three
nt has attracted
tion, pirofessional 1
ferary comment thi
'hborirvg states,
student publication,
ad written almost ;
dents themselves, it
ein about it, arid ;
Evades its pages
nder the new edhl
D Grimes III, the
tmue to sponsor it
latest in an effoi
vy best student
Jtod advantage
themselves. The Rej
in contracting!
2, nught wis
4ni contribute maJ
5 also like J
itvUrested iJ
iaJ?ame ttxjugh
PPeaiing t t
ATI9tin Buildir

East Carolinian, August 3, 1961
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
August 03, 1961
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