East Carolinian, May 14, 1959

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

rmed Forces Fhiy
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He m OaOaVihwrs S.ti rx nwvTiimc
B Fwrcos Pa trfbet shew
East Carolina College
Jones Dorm Opens
accd that open Ipi ill fee IteM in
the wee Pas! immm saesCs
toda frees 4 te e'dwdi.
Cadets Receive
On Awards Day
Number 25
Vdolphus Spain
r a 5
- -

M Brown,
an, end Robert N
- - -
f the
h -vard?
Barry Pas-lev.
R and
Light Ballot Boxes Favor
New Student Constitution
Haynes T
After 35
Of the one hnndred nd twenty-I were tr; - tvr main body of the
f re st ixient who appeared at the
roll yesterday, one hundred and rasing: all standing confute arc
four voted to accept the new St , ired ir, the by-laws the
dent Government Constitution, so-1 ror,
ieacner, supervisor
After So years c
an award? for
-ay. Art Depart-
ed Mar-
Li. Col.
ecor of Air
- ! Messick. Dr.
- Wi'iam F. Land-
e Air F'Tre Reserve? and
High School.
Committee To Give Spain
Outstanding Senior Trophy
xam Schedule
undergraduate c'asse? on the
a 12 noon on Wed-
Ma 20.
rradnate classes on campus will
P M Friday. May 22.
nations for all classes in
Ad S namod
- I
ided by P
K ird C T Id,
la April
ties, and pi J so-
it ly as a
! -
allied at the
nior year he itant edi
the . ' year li? I IS editor-
to Alpha) r i
.a. M ' it K
Delta Pi. ssi na1
fid of e luca-
v "1 riven at 1:00 P.M.
Wednesday, May 20. Examinations
(reoeraphy 15 will
J P.M. on Wednesday.
-ienment? will be
- each a1' concerned.
Ml clashes, undergraduate and
lied in the evening
the following schedule:
- for Monday night
a ill he Monday. May 18. 6:30-
i P.M.
ninations for Tuesday night
will be Tuesday. May 19, 6:30-
M P.M.
minations for Wednesday night
will he Wednesday, May 20.
on P.M.
iminatJoM for Thursday night
will be Thursday, May 21,
tn-t:nn P.M.
'at ions for Friday night
ill be Friday. May 22, 6:30-
I P.M.
M scheduled on Saturday
nlj will have" the final examination
Saturday. May 16.
; Wednesday, May 20, beginning
90 I'M . all day Thursday, May
rid Friday. May 22, will be de-
1 to double-period examinations
three-quarter-hour, four-quar-
uir, and five-quarter-hour
These examinations will be
administrated according to the sche-
iriven below.
5. All one-quarter-hour and two-
ter-hoar classes meeting three or
times a week will be limited to
ne hour examinations and are to be
administered according to the sche-
iriven below.
6. All one-quarter-hour or two-
nntter-hour classes meeting one or
days a week will be limited to a
"tie hour examination to be adminis-
teted the last regular scheduled
meeting of these classes.
Tuesday, May 19
Periods Periods
'lasses Meet Examinations Held
. 4:00 P.M.6:00 P.M
Wednesday, May 20
History 51 1:00 P.M.3:00 P.M.
Geography IB 3:30 P.M6:30 P.M.
.: y f: at- for men.
I to ap-
' t I ' tion of Wl i
w g students in Asset ax
pge and 01 es.
T i sponsored by Phi
na Pi, I fraternity for men who
en overall currtculam average
The fraternity policy, which
;ov( tation of the award
all male senior students are
msideration by a fa-
" appointed by I I
executive council of the fraternity.
Fo three years that
ard . eon preasntad Ir.
K Id has acted as thai:
of t mittee.
The trophy will be formally pre-
sented at the annual Senior Ban-
quet May 2.
Fraternities Receive Trustees9
Trophies At Annual IFC Ball
ECC. Pr. Hubert Haynes of the Psy-
gy Department is planning to
retire at the end of this quarter.
Dr. Haynes has seer, a great mar.y
campus since he came in
when there -were or.y M) stu-
enU (t As Im lays, "1 have seen
ECC grew up
W her, 1 first came, none of the
resent building? were here except
curl's dormitories and Austin
ins They were just finishing
t1 m Hall the year 1 arrived
As for the stiider.ts, Dr. Haynes
arfced thai they da mt seem to
have as moell interest in campus ac-
tivities now. 'They had more school
H then. Everybody went fee
everything. 1 don't believe bm stu-
dent had a car. so almost everyone
stayed here on weekends. Most stu-
dents didn't have much money and
they wanted fee pet their money's
There wasn't even an athletic de-
partment in those days. Finally Dr.
Haynes and four other people got
together, and contributed $100 apiece
per year toward the maintenance of
an athletic program.
Being interested in tennis, Pr.
Haynes himself coached the tennis
team. They played Wake Forest.
North Carolina State. Boston I'ni-
versity. and teams in South Carolina
among others. The Enst Carolina
team was the only team which had
two girls, who played the boys on the
opposing teams.
An interesting hobby of Pr.
Haynes is collecting odd-shaped
bottles. Many of these are cosmetic
teaching at bott.es. h says. He has received bot-
tles from as far away as Korea, Ja-
va Alaska, and Africa.
Other departments which have
been added since his arrival are
ess. Industrial Arts. Radio and
T (vision, and Physical Education.
The Art and Foreign language De-
partsments have hcv-r, expanded some-
and the Psychology and Edu-
cation Departments have been mdc
separate in place of the old system
,n which they were oie department
he cr.lv three teachers between
Besides psychology. Dr. Haynes
t history, government, science.
and manv of the education courses.
Clapp Receives
Ohio Study Grant
cording to SGA President, Dallas
Observing the voting statist cs
Weils flaunted. "1 was very dis-
appointed over the small number
of people who voted; however, the
ratio shows that s larger r.nmber of
students were interested. Copies of
the new constitution were plseeid in.
dormitories and other campus build-
ings in an effort to familiarise the
students with the new modifications
Wells reported thst he ami the
two other members of the Constitu-
tions! Board. Charles Dyson and
Barney West, completed the final
f the row document last wieek.
It was then presorted to the senate
ahere recommendations for impr.ve-
Ssewta ere made After a few modifi-
cations and after being approved by
P"edVnt John D. Messick. the een-
stitut on was mimecgrsphed and dis-
tributed among the students before
the voting.
WeJM remarked that the most out-
standing change in the new document
I reparation of the by laws from
mahl body of the constitution.
This " Wells said, "will eliminate
much confusion encountered in read-
ing it. Before, all standing committees
masv -
The East Caroling C dlegC Inter-
Fraternity Council presented their
annual IFC Ball Friday night at the
Greenville Mooet Lodge. The broth-
ers and pledges of the five social
fraternities and their dates attended.
Fmm 8:00 until 1KM there was
dancing to the music of Skeets Mor-
ris and his band. The group is well
known through Virginia and the
Carolinaa and have played on radio
and TV.
Headlighting the evening was the
presentation of the Board of Trustees
awards for the year. Each year the
Board of Trustees presents a tro-
phy to the fraternity with the high-
est scholastic average and one for
This year Pi Kappa Alpha received
the scholarship trophy. Bill Wallace.
president of the IFC presented the
trophy to Tony Mallard. Pi Kappa
Alpha president. Mallard said, "We
of Pi Kappa Alpha are proud to re-
receive this scholarship trophy. I
am especially proud of the brothers
of l'i Kapa Alpha who have worked
so hard to achieve and maintain a
high grade average, because scholar-
ship is one of the most important
aspects of fraternity life
The Pi Kappa Alpha average is
1.31, Theta Chi 1.24, Kappa Alpha
1.21, Lambda Chi Alpha 1.18. and
Sigma Nu 1.10 according to Bill Wal-
ai o, presiednt of the IFC.
The service trophy was presented
to Theta Chi and was received by
their president, Larry Bailey.
Bill Wallace. IFC president, said.
"1 had a very enjoyable time and I
think thai everyone else did. We are
especially pleased with the large
number present this year. I believe
well over 200 were there
WWWS Completes
Campos radio station WWWS an-
nounces that the AM facilities are
BOW wired to all campus dormitories.
The task was completed with the
wiring of Umatead dormitory last
Friday afternoon.
A new program has been started
by the radio tation. originating from
th College Union patio on Friday
nights. MC Bob Carroll gives away
passes to local theaters, talks with
the people watching the program, and
days dedications for the people on
the patio.
Jimmy Kirkland, station manager,
states that there will be many posi-
tions open on the staff of WWWS
for the summer sessions. If anyone
is interested in bocomfng connected
with the station and in learning of
radio broadcasting should contact him
in the station.
' the icn raster
-as aBewhlg us to carry
Wc ! thai snotheT chsnjre
-sVrv Ejections Cc rv
spr.siMr fcr c( r academic
hsKc ' j fi
lem elections f
a man rn for an office when
his school rxv ed he was
" q sslH r. - " a " sic
as z.snpr r siy.i'ji-
-r one -rove his jrra.ie
rorag-e during the '
ret - . -t- failed
Continuing, Wells resaarhed,
.ler the new system, no such dicre
pancy w: ; cnir No candidate
an improper crude average will he
I "r,i to file for an office
Whcr ae.1 what improvementji
the new coverning paper would of-
Pe " a whole. Wells anwerr.
h a more coherent constitution than
the former It is written in simple
-nd concise language. Freshmen s I
ppcrclassmen alike can easily read
and interpret its contents. In
'crni. it will serve as an excellent
guide t freshmen next fall when it
is printed in the student handbook
CU Members Honor Winners
Of Indoor Competitive Games
Betty Fleming, president of the Two Novice Pine; Pong Tourna-
ge UahM Student Board, presbi- BMHtl were held throughout the year
ad at the Annual Awards and Install- and trophies were presented to Al-
Gayle Clapp. senior Physical Edu-
cation major and English minor from
Greenville, recently received word
that she has been granted a gradu-
ate assistantship from Ohio Uni-
versity in Athens. Ohio.
Miss Clapp will work on a Master
af Education degree in physical edu-
cation and a minor in education. Her
position, which begins September
17, will include teaching eighteen
hours of classes a week such as
swimming, tennis, and social dancing.
After graduating from the Uni-
versity Miss Clapp plans to secure
a teaching position in a college or
perhaps in Europe as part of an ex-
change program.
Miss Clapp is a member of the
Physical Education Club, the Aqua-
nyniphs. and the Aquatic Club. She
is also Day Student Senator, Chair-
man of Recreation for the Wesley
Foundation, and a member of the
Student Union Committee.
atoin Banquet which was conducted
last night. ,
Highlighting the evening, awards
in the form of trophies and medals
were given to the winners and run-
ners-up of the various activities spon-
sored by the College Union Student
Board throughout the year.
Trophies were awarded to the fol-
lowing: Ping Pong Tournament of
Champions -Norman Kilpatrick. first
place; Brad Bulla, second place; and
Barney Strutton. third place. Zuill
Bailey. Tom Sailer, and Boyce Honey-
tut? received bronze medals for
fourth. fifth and sixth place respec-
Gold medals were presented to the
individual quarter winners who were
Norman Kilpatrick. Fall Quarter;
Barney Strutton. Winter Quarter;
and Tom Salter, Spring Quarter.
Quarterly runners-up, Tom Lucas.
Boyce Honeycutt, and Brad Bulla.
received silver medals.
Jenny Lind Johnson, winner of the
Women's Singles received a trophy.
A consolation prise consisting of a
bronze medal went to Bridges Sabis-
ton for the Winter Quarter.
fred Bremer. winter quarter winner,
and Hubert Leggett. spring quarter
Javier Cicero received a trophy for
being the campus Chess champion,
and trophies also went fea Barney
Strutton for the Fall and Spring
Horseshoe tournaments.
Certificates were presented to Carl-
ton Adams and Jimmie Wall. East
West position and Jerry Sue Town
send and Barney Strutton. North-
South position campus winners in
Duplicate Bridge. Pans Taylor and
John Farmer received doubledecks
of Bridge cards for being the out-
standing Duplicate Bridge players of
the year.
Following the presentation of
award, incoming officers for the
1PB0-1P00 school year were installed.
New College Union Student Board
officers are. Konald Stephen, presi-
dent; Dei'Othy Smith, vice president:
Betsy Bedding. secretary: Alice
Bailey, treasurer; and Margaret
Smith, reporter.
The Banquet ended with Betty
Fleming presenting Konald Stephens
with the gavel.
Participant In Varied Activities
Speight Wins Department, SGA Awards
LARRY BAILEY . . . Theta Chi pres-
ident, with Service Trophy.
Thursday, May 21
Friday, May 22
1 and 2
3 and 4
6 and 7
8 and 9
1 and 2
3 and 4
6 and 7
8 and 9
As graduation neara, many sen-
iors will probably stop end look back
on their past activities with a cer-
tain, amount of satisfaction. One
such senior who indeed can well be
proud of her four years at East
Carolina, is Shirley Naves Speight.
Mrs. Speight an Ashevllle, North
Carolina native whose husband Bill
is nn E.O. alumnus, will be gradu-
ated May 24 with a double major,
English and Library Science.
During her four years, Mrs.
Speight has been an active partici-
TONY MALLARD Pi Kappa Alpha president receives Scholarship
Trophy from Bill Wallace IFC president. (Photo by Fred Robertson)
Editor Announces
Spring REBEL
Don Williams, newly elected edi-
tor of campus literary magazine,
THE REBEL, announces that the
Spring Quarter issue of THE REBEL
will be out May 15.
Features in this issue will include I pant in the activities of the Student
personal interview with Poter Vie- Government Association. As a junior,
she was a member of the marching
and concert bands, president of Jar-
vis Hall, a member of tho Women's
Judicialy, Dean's Advisory Council,
Library Club, and the S.G.A.
This year, Mrs. Speight has served
th SXt.A. as Points Committee
Chairman, a member of the Dean's
Advisory Council and representa-
tive to the State legislature. She
has remained a member of both the
marching and concert bands, and
she has worked with Ike Collins as
an English tutor.
Also this year she became char-
ter member and parliamentarian of
Delta Sigma Chi sorority, a mem-
ber of the Inter-Sorority Council
reck, 1949 Nobel Prize winner for
The magazine will contain a varied
selection of book reviews, short
stories by Sherry Maske and Rachel
Steinbeck, poetry by Betty Jo Chap-
poll nnd David Lane, and woodcuts
by the art department.
New staff members include Nelson
Dudley, art editor; Woody Davis,
business manager; Betty Vich, Ex-
change Editor, Annette Willoughby,
Assistant to the editor; and Dan Sel-
!ars, circulation manager.
Other staff members are: Sandra
Porter Mills, assistant book review
editor; Jesse Moore, and Bob Whit-
which she served as parliamentarian,
and president of the Library Club.
As a result of her accomplishments
in these various activities, Mrs.
Speight was awarded the Library
Science departmental award, the
English departmental award, an
S.G.A. service award, and was se-
lected a member of Who'a Who A-
mong Students in American Uni-
versities and Collegea.
In commenting on the S.6.A Urs.
Speight said, "I hope that the S.G.A.
will be maVe closely allied with the
students and that more women will
take an active interest in 8.G.A. ac-
tivities. I feel that the Senate should
think seriously about the N.S.A be-
cause in the main the campus can
lettainly benefit by the affiliation
Concerning the more recently or-
ganised groups on campus. Mrs.
Speight commented, "I think the
Dean's Advisory Council and the
East Carolina Development Council
are good organisations, especially if
they will coutinue to ha active. I
feel that sororities can and will be
a definite asset to the social and
political life of the campus
In looking back over the past four
years, Mrs. Speight noted several
occurrences which she considered her
outstanding memories: "Mike Retai-
ns, one of the best natural leaders I
have ever known; the establishment
of sororities; later hours for worn
en; the beer debate; the State Stu
dent Legislature meeting thst was
"snowed out" after the delegation
went all the way to Raleigh; the
train trip by East Carolina sup-
porters and the band to Portsmouth,
Virginia; and the establishment of
the senate system
mH asa
.sal am 1 k

wHlnal nWnl
guMhidMP lamraiWa e

THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1059
Discontentment Spreads
Among The Chinese People
The Communist Party in Red China to-
day finds itself in one of the most trying
periods it has experienced since gaining con-
trol of that thickly populated country. Failure
to "liberate" Formosa, a cooling of relations
with India over Tibet and the brutal methods
used in suppressing the Tibetan revolts have
all added fuel to the fire of discontent spread-
ing among the Chinese people and there fel-
low Asians. All these have contributed to the
unrest, but perhaps the most outstanding
factor of all has been the communes.
In a country where the entire life of its
people is centned around their family, the
Red regime has broken these bonds. In an at-
mpt to pool manpower in its "great leap
forward" families have been separated and
numbers relocated in separate communes.
In many cases, husband and wife were
unable to contact each other for weeks al the
time. Children were taken from their parents
and placed in school or jobs in locations that
made a reunion with their parents almost im-
possible. Babies were placed in state owned
nurseries which often meant permanent se-
paration from parents.
At first the system seemed to be working
as production of goods grew by leaps and
bounds. Mines were being worked 24 hours
per day. Workers slept in barracks style con-
structions with little rest and no recreation.
Factories ran continually under the watchful
eyes of Red Officials.
Slowly, however, the tide began to turn
where production figures were once on a con-
tinual climb, they leveled off temporarily and
then began to decline. Morale among workers
had been shattered and the results were being
reflected by the efforts they put forth. The
Communes had taken their toll.
Conscious of the fallacy of their system,
the Communist leaders began to backtrack.
Though still claiming the experiment a suc-
cess and the backtrack a reward for the peoples
efforts. Red officials are fully aware of the
furor the plan has caused. Whether recogni-
D of the dangef came to late or not is a
question that only time will answer. The West
of course hopes it did. Chances are good, how-
ever, that any discontent will be quelled by
the overpowering force the communist regime
has at its disposal.
East Carolinian
Name changed from TECO ECHO November 7, 1952.
Published by the students of East Carolina College,
Greenville, North Carolina
Columbia Scholastic Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
Intercollegiate Press
North State Conference Press Association
second-class matter December 3, 1926
S. Post Office, Greenville, N. C, under
the act of March 3, 1879.
Kathryn Johnson
JoAnne Parks
Managing Editor
Associate Editor
Derry Walker
Pat Harvey
Co-Sports Editors . Johnny Hudson, Bill Boyd
rartoonist Derry Walker
Photographer Fred Robertson
News Staff Betty Maynor, Libby Williams,
Bob Whiting, Tom Jackson, Jean Ann Waters,
Evelyn Crutchfield, James Trice
Feature Editor Betty Maynor
Columnists James Corbet, Derry Walker Tom
Jackson, Jean Ann Waters
Proofreading Staff Gwen Johnson, Marcelle
Vogel, Jean Ann Waters, Melborne Prigen, Jane
Berryman, Bob Johnson, Don Griffin
Women's Circulation Manager Susan Ballance
Womer's Circulation Staff Jo Ann Baker,
Carolyn Baxley, Jean Capps, Nancy Cox, Emily
Currin, Sara Elkins, Judy Gay, Shirley Gay, Jack
Harris, Janie Harris, Kay Hood, Jean Horton,
Deanne Johnson, Dot Jones, Ida May Johnson,
Irvene Jones, Babs Moore, Carole Rankin, Gayle
Men's Circulation Manager James Trice
Men's Circuhtion Staff Billy Nye, Robert Greene
Theta Chi pledges
OFFICES on the second floor of Wright Building
Telephone, all departments, 6101, extension 64
This year has flown by and with
the publication of this issue, the
term seems almost over for the
remember the year 1958-59 as the
year when:
East Carolina could boast of an-
other Miss North Carolina, Betty
Lane Evans of Greenville. (Miss
Evans is a music major as was
E.C.Cs Miss North Carolina of two
years ago, Joan Melton.)
E.C.C. co-ed and Playhouse star
Alice Ann Home was chosen Miss
The McDaniel sisters, Carole and
Jimi. kept the Homecoming Queen
crown in the family, although un-
fortunate circumstances almost
cruised Queen Jimi to lose hers.
Kappa Sigma Nu Fraternity copped
the prize for the best Homecoming
float for the second consecutive year.
As five national social fraternities
stood strong and proud, sororities
were established on a firm founda-
"Old Yellow" was raided and
many students had a mid-term va-
For the first time in many moons
several mass meetings were con-
The "Kissing Controversy" made
the news in many state papers.
With the NSA Carolina-Virginiaa
Regional meeting on this campus,
students became concerned with the
intellettual climate oft campus.
Pulitzar Prize winner Peter Vie-
reck and many other noted speakers
appeared on campus sponsored by
the Danforth Foundation Project.
Under the direction of SGA Presi-
dent Mike Katsias, the student gov-
ernment program was expanded and
became more active.
Outstanding Playhouse stars Bubba
Driver and Leigh Dobson entertained
the students in many varied roles.
As Porter's efigy hung from a
tree. Coach Earl Smith was appointed
new basketball coach.
Fred Ragan and Stan Harper
raised fuss about the elections pro-
cedures in Wright Precinct. Elec-
tions procedures began to improve
Some students thought the in-
firm ry was not doing the job as it
should; the SGA looked into the
matter and found that they were.
Throughout the year freshmen
struggled through experimental
classes on closed-circuit television.
E.C.C. dropped out of the largest
organization of students in the world
when the senate voted to come out
of NSA.
For the first time E.C.C. had Ne-
gro entertainment when the Cava-
liers appeared on campus for an
I.F.C. benefit dance.
For the second time in three years,
the E.C.C. swimming team won the
NAIA Swimming Championship.
Judy Hearne was chosen Southern
Conference Theta Chi Dream Girl.
Someone with "a definite accent"
called to say there was a bomb in
Austin Building. Classes stopped,
and Officials searched, but the bomb
was never found.
For the first time since the elec-
tion of Don Umstead, tbe veterans
organized and got their man elected
to the post of SGA president.
And so another school year comes
to a close. With one year of experi-
ence behind us, we hope to give this
campus a bigger and better news-
paper with more complete and accu-
rate coverage next year.
Bird Watcher
Patterson To Tour
Have We Wasted Our
Precious Time?
OH, DbN'T'
Cop, HoM1.
He's ft
, spflsttc
SGA President Dallas Wells report tl
a committee is presently working on more
freedom for female students on eampu.
The committee hopes to get perm is
for girl students to be able to sit on bent
around the campus until 9:00 or 9:30 i
during spring and summer months.
If passed, this will be very convenient
many of the students, because the bench. are
certainly cooler during the warm months I
the back seat of an automobile down at i
Maybe this will succeed. The last SG
administration finally got later hours for tl
This year East Carolina is losing oi
its faculty members who is held in higl
respect by all those who know him. Cap1
George Patterson of the USAF is leaving
AFROTC Department for a tour of duty
Europe. This column doesn't provide enou
space to even mention the many outst
things that Capt. Patterson has done or to 1
those of you who don't know him just wh;
fine person he is. This is just a small tri:
to a great guy. We'll miss you Captain.
All's Well That Ends Well'
Accomplished Cast Performs Effectively
In The Greatest Love Story Ever Told
During the intermission the FIRST
night, as I sat there mumbling that
this was a hideous comedy of errors
even though the program said
ROMEO AND JULIET on it, the edi-
tor invited me to write a few words
on this production for her hebdoma-
dal. Vain fool that I am, I said I
would. The following morning I re-
pented me, of course, and saw that
at best a reviews of THAT perform-
ance, at least would indeed be much
about nothing. Surely the tempest of
outraged sensibilities would swirl
about my head. Forsooth, I'd get
measure for measure; and being
frank, I feared the worst.
"Nothing could be THAT bad on
the second night (and this is not to
mention the twelfth night!) I said.
Therefore, Shakespeare idolator and
Playhouse buff that I am, like a pas-
sionate pilgrim I made my way back
to the Flanagan Sylvan Theatre for
the second performance. This time
there was no love's labors lost; you
might even say that it was "as you
like it
Mr. Laube was a befuddled Romeo;
perhaps in too many instances he
spoke his lines, both witty ones and
tender ones, as if they might as well
have been written in Bantu as in
English. That he did the part well as
he did is to the credit of a gentle-
man and a scholar who evidently has
had little acting experience.
Mrs. Garren's Juliet was sensitive
and intelligent; therefore it was be-
lievable. Was her reading a trifle
too intense? I have always felt that
ol' Jule had the ability to laugh at
herself. Moreover, why wasn't Juliet
en deshabille during the dialogue that
followed hard upon the consumation
of the marriage? As it was, it look-
ed as though Romeo were a mere
family friend come to say goodbye.
Mr. Driver was, as usual, in com-
plete command. It's a pleasure to
watch someone do something superb-
ly, isn't it? He, as Mercutio, and Mr.
Heller, as Benvolio, understood
Shakespeare's intentions and acquitt-
ed themselves most satisfactorily.
Professor Rowe was funny and
believable. Could he have worked just
a trifle too hard at being Capulet?
Mr. Craven was, as usual, excellent
in the role of an old man in the
part of Montague.
Professor Chauncey did what she
could with a role that simply was not
written for her. I believe Shakespeare
meant for Angelica to be an ample-
bosomed, large-hipped, generous-der-
riered Earth Goddess type.
Miss Dixon was quite satisfactory
as Lady Capulet. I am glad that she
consented to make-up the second time.
Of the rest, Bob Johnson, as Paris;
Professor Withey, as Prince Escalus;
Mr. Worrell, as Tybalt; and Mr.
West, as Peter, deserve special men-
tion. It was my impression that the
cast was in general an exceptionally
accomplished one.
The ballroom scene was well-
staged; the dance figures arranged
by Mrs. Laube, were a pleasure to
watch. This scene added immeasur-
ably to the tone of the production.
It needed, however, more vandles for
emphasis of the LIGHT and DARK
imagery of the poetry.
One scene followed hard upon
another in fine fashion, and the cen-
ter of attention moved from left to
right to center with a pleasing change
of pace. While the illumination was
adequate, I feel that lighting could
have been employed artistically more
effectively for creation of mood and
so forth.
Seeing how successful were Friar
Laurence's scenes, in which there was
no "tech" to speak of, one wonders
why some of Juliet's scenes could
not have played more effectively,
and believably, on the stage rather
than on the balcony under the stars?
I have recovered from the trauma
caused by the first night and shall
not soon forget the pleasure I found
at the second performance. Congra-
tulations to everyone who shared in
the production. You can be proud in-
deed! As old Shakespeare himself
might have said (in fact he did say
it), "All's well that ends well
Well this is the last issue of the EAST
CAROLINIAN for this term. Looking b
we find many things with which we
satisfied, and many which leave a sour
in our mouths.
One of the worst things that is br
to mind is the time we have wasted
year. How many hours have we loafed.
slept, or just sat around on our can v
ing time which could have been used n.
Remember the hours in the soda shop
at Dora's. Remember the time lost slee;
while your first period class went on w 1
out you?
Remember the bull sessions about noth-
ing, and the poker games that gained i
a weeks famine for you?
Sure, it's been a lazy year, but what
heck. Just tell yourself "next year will
a golden year Or better still, rationally
it, "One must be well rounded. One musl
also achieve the social graces while in college"
Or, best of all, just ignore it and loaf somo
more. It's fun.
As I said, this is the last issue for the
year. Hope you've enjoyed the other 24 issues.
It's been fun from this end of the line. N
slobbering now, lets just part gracefully.
So until next year, "later
'Gone Fishing'
It's Time To Remember
The Cheerful Moments
Predictions For 1959-1960
Plan To Make Next Year A Different One;
Be A Part Of ECQ Join The 'Big 200'
East Carolina College is a co-educational college
maintained by the State of North Carolina for the
purpose of giving young men and women training
that will enable them to earn a Bachelor of Science,
Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Music, or a Master
Arts degree. The physical plant of the college
consist of approximately 130 acres and 25 bmWingS
appropriate to the work of the college, prollment
for the 1957-58 school year is in exeesB of 3700 and
includes stud-ents from nearly all of North Carolina s
100 counties and adjoining states.
vA sound general education program is oiierea
a, the foundation on which specialized training may
be based. Pre-professional training and Secretarial
Science are also available. Students may take work
fn the following fields: Art, Education Business
Education, English, Foreign Language, Geography-
Health and Phvsical Education, Home Economics,
industrial Arts, Library Science, Mathematics Music
Psychology, Science, and Social Studies. An Air
Force ROTC unit located at the college provides an
upon graduation, to be com-
In the Air
opportunity for men,
missioned as Second Lieutenants in ir Forc
nftr which they may enter flight training and earn
AddXal information may be obtained by writ-
ing to the Registrar, East Carolina College, Green-
ville, N. C
From the "Rubayait of Omar Khayam
"The moving finger writes, and, having Writ,
Moves on; nor all your piety nor wit,
Shall hire it back to cancel half a line.
Ner all your tears wash out a word of it
translated by E. Fitogerala.
In the article by Bob Johnson in
last week's EAST CAROLINIAN in-
titled Organizations Prefer Freedom,
the following errors were printed:
Error"At least two organizations
are asking the SGA to cut them
CorrectionNo organization has
asked the SGA to cut them free.
ErrorEach student in his four
years pays $528.00 in activity fees
to support the SGA we could save
this amount.
CorrectionEach student pays
$132.00 in activity fees to support
all the entertainment programs on
campus Including the Playhouse, The
Union, Campus Radio, Productions
Committee (Kiss Me Kate), Identi-
fication Card System, Handbook,
Cheerleaders, Opera Theatre, The
Rebel, and many more. Getting rid of
the SGA would not save any of this
money but would just mean that the
students would no longer have the
right and privilege of deciding
through their committies, how the
activity fee would be spent.
ErrorCharlie Dyson threatened
the EAST CAROLINIAN with re-
moving all their funds if they didn't
print his spite sheet.
CorrectionThere is no officer in
the SGA with the power to do inch
a thing even if he so desired.
Another year practically gone and
students are vigorously stashing
clothes and memories into suitcases
and battered boxes. Thoughts con-
cerning beach trips and lazy times
are, innermost in their minds. For-
gotten are the unusual E.C.C. hap-
penings which have made our col-
lege an enjoyable as well as an edu-
cational institution.
What has occurred this year worth
remembering? Well, let's look back.
There's the athletic program. In
basketball and football we managed
to end the season with an excellent
record. Considering the number of
supporters who spent their precious
time and energy clapping at the
games, this was indeed a feat for
the players.
Then along came the shirtless
boys who won the national collegiate
swimming title. The students were
so happy about this accomplishment
that nobody showed to witness the
team receiving the winning trophy.
In our summer sports, tennis, golf,
track, and baseball, the heroes have
also performed before a practically
empty house. Oh well, at least the
letter-men are proud of themselves.
The BUCCANEER staff composed
of approximately ninety of EC's
"gung-ho' workers crowded their
wits together and produced a 400
page annual. Many hoars were spent
preparing this memory book, io that
the students could flip through this
precious book in twenty minutes,
then voice their unfavorable com-
ments concerning its contents. But
one can mark this down in his note-
book as nothing but human nature.
So . . .
"Death of A Salesman" was given
this year and according to some very
reliable sources, it was considered
to be one of the most professional
plays ever presented here.
The playhouse gave several plays
this year, some good, some fair.
Several experienced actors are leav-
ing to pursue their dreams as a ca-
reer. Which brings to mind that the
playhouse is losing several of its
members and the percentage gained
this year is not enough to equal its
loss. There are many people who
would enjoy theatre work, but use
the practical excuse that "we dont
have the time Unfortunately, they
do not realise that the experience is
The biggest deal that went through
was the establishment of sororities,
which really hit campus with a bang.
Eight sororities have popped up and
have done everything from selling
sandwiches to painting benches. So-
rorities have made their bid and are
expected to be an even more im-
portant part of our campus life next
Have we ever stopped to realise
that out of a college of nearly 4000
students, only about 200 are inter-
ested enough in their college to work
for it. College is not just a place to
attend class through the week and
dash home for the weekend. College
can be fun, as well as educational.
"Next year things will. be differ-
ent" is one of the most trite lines
in our college lingo. Predictions come
and go each year; some hit, some
miss. Nevertheless, it's fun to try.
Predictions for '6960:
(1) Wells will shock the frat men
and head an excellent SGA.
(2) Another issue concerning ber-
muda shorts will hit the papers, but
again will be vetoed.
(3) The next campus check will
catch more seniors than freshmen.
(4) The REBEL will be bigger and
better, because the staff will be big-
ger - and better.
(5) Next year's musical comedy
will have a more experienced east.
(6) Students will accept "Hue as
a mascot, rather than a waster-of-
(7) Bubba Driver will be missed la
the Playhouse.
(8) Sororities will double in mem-
bership, but will not go national.
(9) EC enrollment will increase by
about 400 students.
(10) Rainy days will increase also.
This is the time of the school year when
I've just about run out of everythingciga-
rettes, money, patience, motivation, (for
studying, that is,) and ideas for a column.
For the past year, I have assumed the
form of a columnist; that is, I have, for nine
months, shed my academic armor periodically,
and entered the EAST CAROLINIAN office
to sit at my typewriter and pound my thought-
into little black letters for publication in thi
corner of the paper.
Now, with my last fingernail chewed
back to the knuckle, with my ash tray running
over with exhausted Camels, and with my
thoughts that are as well organized as a Cuh
Scout pack at a panty-raid, I confess that I
am mentally bankrupt.
At this time of year, all I can do is re-
mininsce. It doesn't seem to have been eight
months since we waded through scotch tape.
crepe paper, chicken wire, beer cans, and paper
mache' to watch our Homecoming floats tak
sundry shapes in the dusty Greenville tobacco
The cold midnight blue and the warm red
tinsel of Christmasthe snow that speckled
our btir and shoulders and covered the ground
and bowed the evergreensthe gnarled shrubs
and the empty trees were a spiny brown and
grey forever and a winter, until they changed
overnight into their respective summer stand-
Spring came and made us sleepy and
thirsty and now we want sun and sea and
short-sleeved shirts. Now we want to throw
our books and pencils in the Tar River and
find the new friends we've made this year
and the old friends we've knownfind them
and talk and listen, laugh and speculate.
We talk and we remember the year's best
momentsthe best laughs we had, the fears,
the moments we shared that showed us how
our lives are best livedthe times we realized
we had real friends and would have them for
We will say good-bye to people and things
we have grown to like, admire, and respect as
this year closes. People like Capt. George Pat-
terson we will miss because of the respect he
commanded, the character he displayed, and
the friendliness he offered. Things like the
Bream Girl Ball will not be forgotten.
So wrap up another year and put it on
the shelf. Pack your foot-lockers, coil your
lamp and radio cords neatly, take your pin-
ups down, and take a trip.
"Gone FishingBack Heart Fall"

rRSDAY, M VV 14. !
5859 This Was The Year When
NAIA Championship


thro ,
Miss Greenville
First Negro Entertainers On Campus
For the teeond time in three years, the BCC swimming tcui won the NAIA swimming championship.
Homecoming Queens
Alice Ann Home, senior, was
chosen Miss Greenville.
Junior Class President
Afu.r tlK. lard of Trustees' decision to allow N egro entertainment on campus, the Cavaliers were the
first to perform.
ECC's First Mascot
jini Mi-lhuml. Homecoming Qtteca of 1958, with
mmie Wall, Honu-coming Chairman.
her sister Carole, last year's Queen. In between is
Military Queen
Hetty Host is the first woman pres-
ident of the junior class since 1951.
Bomb Hoax In Austin
Hue ECC mascot pictured with Clint LeGette and Johnny Hudson, sumer schtjol SGA president.
NSA Speaker
Classes were dismissed in Austin as Officials searched for
ported bomb.
the re-
Mar vis Edwards
Outstanding Guest lecturer
Miss North Carolina
rth speakers.
Tntunner Peter Viereck was one of
Fred WeHteT, "NSA officer, visited ECC to discuss campus climate
during the Carolinas-Virginia Regional Conference here.
Kissing Controversy
For the second time in three years. ECC could claim a Miss Noi
Carolina when Betty Lane Evans enrolled here.
ECC made the news in many state papers when students
ministration discuss

m m - -
THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1939
Outstanding Personalities At ECC
SGA Presidents
Outstanding Legislators
Mike Katsias 193S-59
New Basketball Coach
. .
REBEL Editors
Shirley Speight
Jimmie Wall
Earl Smith
Bryan Harrison1958-59
Dan Williams1959-60
Outstanding Journalists
Tom Jackson
Betty Maynor
'Y' Cabinet Heads
IIf . vJ- "tt
Ji j ' i
MttW" 'P j
W 4&I
' &1S J
i pt imagi.
Wifew. &?"MP"1
LE j
Adolphvs Spain1958-59
Euclid Armstrong1939-60
Judiciary Chairmen
Sadie Barber
James Turner
Outstanding Actors
Kathryn Johnson1958-59, 1959-60
May Queen
Azalea Princess


Elizabeth Bowman
Nancy Harris

Faye Rivenbark and Eric Yernelaon
Leigh Dobaon and Bubba Driver

V MAY 14, 1959
Co-Sports Editor To Enter
Army After Graduation
Marshal Boyd Jr from
;i. will leave East
fter spending 14
ra hoe. Beyd,
I in M in h of I9SB
ta already eom-
' military service,
of active duty
I a BS degree
ysieal education
jlish, and will com-
i M degree in secon-
t p. he leaves in
i second Lt. in USA
Corps, will enter
ree years on July 10
for Medical Service
Sam Huston, Texas.
t for promotion to
iary. Boyd's career
an with the National
I 16. He may ap-
: ay commission.
rried to a former EC
Ana Payne. They
activities in which
iriag his college
Car dina include:
csports editor
H IN1AN for two
OM year: stu-
r of intramural sports
end one season of var-
1 had the opportunity
several colleges in Vir-
t when I visited the cam-
Carolina in March of
a unique atmosphere of
ss and academic improve-
That atmosphere has
-ibuted to the tremen-
I student growth. T am
3 to have been a part
here, this growth and
Annual Fetes
Staff Members
At Banquet
The executive committee of the
BUCCANEER entertained the year-
hook staff members at a banquet
May 7.
Adolphus L. Spain, editor of the
1959 BUCCANEER, began by wel-
coming everyone and thanking them
for their work on the yearbook. The
editor gave singular and personal
thanks to his executive staff. Ad-
mitting that he is a sincere advocate I ries of hard forehand drives
Kilpatrick Retains
Table Tennis Title
Finals of the annual Tournament
of Table Tennis Champions, consis-
ting of ECC's top table tennis play-
ers, saw defending champion Norman
Kilpatrick defeat Brad Bulla 21-12,
17-21, 21-10. With play held in the
College Union, Thursday, May 7,
the final match found Kilpatrick
able to upset Bulla's steady back-
hand attack by the use of high,
lobbed, defensive returns, and a se-
News Briefs
Wesley Foundation Elects Duncan Prexy
enters Army.
Students Honored
At Pi Omega Pi
ring Banquet
New Dorm Opens
Today; 4-8 P. M.
I Vice President F. D. Dun-
n had announced that there
1 open house at the
! Junes men's dormitory
! t from 1:00-8:00 o'clock
h open house will be open
1 public.
College Union Prexy
The Beta Kappa chapter of Pi
Omega Pi, national honorary busi-
ness fraternity, held its annual spring
banquet at the Moose Lodge on May
12. Approximately 65 members and
their guests attended.
President Amelita Thompson acted
as toastmistress for the evening. The
invocation was given by Dr. John D.
Messick. Dempsey Mizelle, incoming
president, extended greetings, after
which a musical program by Dr. and
Mrs. James L. White was presented.
The speaker for the evening was
Eh John H. Home of the Education
Department who spoke on the "Re-
sponsibilities of a Business Teacher
He was introduced by Barbara Grif-
vice-president of the chapter.
Dr. Audrey V. Dempsey presented
the National Chapter Award to Beta
Kappa for placing fifth in the na-
tional competition. Betsy Mills re-
ceived the Thomas Clay Williams
Scholarship Award from Miss Lena C.
Frances Daniels presented the
UBEA Award to Barbara Griffin.
The Departmental Award was pre-
sented to Bee Mendenhall Smith by
Dr. E. R. Browning.
The 1959 issues of "Beta Kappa
News the chapter yearbook, were
distributed by the historians. This
i.sue is dedicated to Mr. F. D. Dun-
can, Vice President and Business
Manager of the college.
Officers for next year who were
installed are: President, Dempsey
Mizelle; Vice President, Elfreth Alex-
ander; Secretary, Diana Monroe;
Assistant Secretary, Sylvia Uzzell;
Treasurer, Meldon Austin; Histor-
ians, Beth Chason and Alan Hooper;
and Assistant Historians, Betty Ann
Brown, Sylvia Sampedro, Neil How-
ell, and Thomas Albright.
of Jackson's "spoil system Mr.
Spain, lauded his brother, Dan Spain,
sports editor, his roommate, Puruis
Boyette, composition editor; Euclid
Armstrong, associate editor; Worth
McKeel, business manager; Pat Biggs,
assistant business manager; and
Betty Fleming, art editor.
Following the dinner, Euclid
Armstrong, editor of the 1960 BUC-
CANEER, introduced the speaker for
the evening, James W. Butler. Mr.
Butler spoke on the importance of
hooks in our American society.
Other notables attending the din-
ner were Dr. John D. Messick, ECC
president; Dr. Leo Jenkins, vice pres-
ident; Dr. James Poindexter, Eng-
lish professor and BUCCANEER
composition adviser; and Lee Black-
well, representative of the Taylor
Publishing Company, BUCCANEER
printers. Dr. John Reynolds, finan-
cial adviser, was unable to attend.
Campus Rebel
Bulla, who was runner-up in the
Spring Quarter Table Tennis Tourna-
ment, had upset six time champion
Barney Strutton, the Winter Quar-
ter champion, with his steady chop
defense and well-placed backhand
drives, 21-16, 11-21, 21-16.
In other matches Fall Quarter
champion Kilpatrick's short serves
and lobbed returns often caught
Strutton off balance, as Kilpatrick
defeated Strutton 21-13, 21-17, while
Bulla's defense was just able to con-
trol the forehand attack of the left
handed Spring Quarter champion Tom
Salter by scores of 14-21, 21-19, 21-
19. Another good match saw Strut-
ton's steady defense and hard fore-
hand drives stop ECC's Doubles
Champion Zuill Bailey's powerful
backhand drives and forehand
smashes, 21-19, 20-22, 21-11.
Final rankings (all matches 2 out
of 3 games) for 1958-59.
1 0
3 1
2 2
1 I
0 4
The Wesley Foundation of the
Methodist Student Center recent-
ly elected its officers for the
1959-1960 year. The officers
elected and their commissions
are as follows: President, Earl
Duncan; Vice President, Dixon Hall;
Secretary, Sue Evans; Treasurer,
Dave Buie; President of Wesley
Players, Smitty Haislip; Worship,
Bill Mitchell; Personnel, Dixon Hall;
Hospitality, Elaine Page; Vespers,
Rebecca Singleton;
Others are Recreation, Barbara
Miskelly; Literature and Training,
Pat Swindell; World Christian Com-
munity, Lynn Roberts; Music, Bar-
Lara Wilson; Public Relations and
icity, Jim Lanier; Church Re-
lations, Jim Bullard; Student Center
Hostess, Kitty Thurman; House and
Grounds, Walter Johnson.
Mamiej Chandler is Deaconess of
the Foundation.
Carter Writes Article
Alpha president.
new Pi Kappa
fraternity several members were
awarded trophies for outstanding
Herbert L. Carter, director of , services. These members include:
bands, is the author of a recent ar- James Trice who received the most
tide "Let's Improve the Chalumeau valuable member award for this
Register appearing in "The Bands- year, Joseph Benefield, winner of
as national counselor of Phi Sigma
Pi, national honorary professional
fraternity for men in education.
Chapters of Phi Sigma Pi through-
out the nation have approximately
5.400 members. The purposes of the
fraternity are recognition of excel-
lence in scholarship and of ability in
leadership and promotion of fellow-
ship among members.
Sorority Installs Officers
The newly elected officers of Delta
CM Delta Sorority were installed at
i dinner meeting May 6.
The ceremony was conducted by
Jim Owens, vice president of the
SGA, and each officer installed was
presented with a long-stemmed red
use, the sorority's chosen flower.
Officers for the new term are:
president, June Humphrey; vice pres-
ident, Lucille Coulbourne; recording
secretary, Elaine Byrd; correspond-
ing secretary, Jonne Smith; treas-
urer, Cynthia Williams; parliamen-
tarian, Linda Cox; historians, Marie
Bryant and Libby Williams; and
haplain, Josephine Gordon.
Norman Kilpatrick
Brad Bulla
Barney Strutton
Zuill Bailey
Tom Salter
Other Table Tennis Results
1958-59 Doubles Champions: Zuill
Bailey-Norman Kilpatrick. Runner-
ups: Ronald Stephens-Barney Strut-
Fall Quarter Singles Champion:
Norman Kilpatrick. Runner-up: Tom
Winter Quarter Singles Champ-
ion: Barney Strutton. Runner-up:
Boyce Honeycutte.
Spring Quarter Singles Champ-
ion: Tom Salter. Runner-up: Brad
, $
Ronnie Stephens
Sophomore President
Ml Sponsors
Senior Party
Ralph Bectom of Kappa Alpha Fra-
ternity was one of th brothers who
attended for the first time the annual
Kappa Alpha "Old South Ball" held
in Charlotte this year.
One of the College Union's spe-
cial events for the past several
years has been the Farewell Party
for all seniors. This year the College
Union Social Committee will honor
seniors with a party on May 22, from
8 to 11 p.m.
The entertainment for the evening
will include dancing, a floorshow, and
music by Gene Lusk's combo. Betty
Allen will serve as chairman of the
senior activity, and she will be as-
sisted by Betty Faye Moore and
Alice Bailey.
Princely Gifts at
Practical Prices
WRA Softball Results
Round 1
Garrett29 KPE14
Gotten22 Lambda Tan11
Jarvis13 Woman's Hall2
Fleming15 Pi Kappa10
Round 2
GarrettIf Gotten"
Jarvis3 Fleming2
KPE16 Lambda Tau9
Woman's Hall2 Pi Kappa0
Round 3
Fleming KPE
?Gotten Woman's Hall
?Fleming Cotton
?Garrett Jarvis
?Play this week.
man a nationally circulated publi-
cation dedicated to the advancement
of wind instrument playing.
Basing his remarks on his obser-
vations as a clinician at high school
band contest-festivals, Mr. Carter
points out weak points in the per-
formances of clarinet sections and
suggests practical methods of im-
proving tone quality among instru-
Mr. Carter has been director of the
East Carolina Concert and Marching
Bands since 1946. As a clarinetist, he
has appeared in recitals both on the
campus and in various towns and
cities in North Carolina. Among of-
fices which he has held are those of
president of the North Carolina
Bandsmasters Association and secre-
-treasurer of the Southern Divi-
sion of the College Band Directors
National Association. He has parti-
cipated as consultant and clinician
in hand and clarinet clinics in a num-
ber of the Southern states.
I It a Sigma Installs New Officers
New officers of Delta Zeta Chap-
ter of Delta Sigma Pi were installed
t the fraternity's weekly meeting
May 5.
Sworn in as President Edgar Dela-
a s rawaw for the coming year
as William Puckett. James Metz-
gar and Lawrence Reynolds were in-
stalled as first and second Vice
president respectively. Other new of-
ficers included Walter Burrus, secre-
tary; Durrel Mills, treasurer; Billy
Willis, assistant treasurer; and R.
Hall, social chairman.
Charles Smith took the oath as
historian, Douglas Leary as efcaav
cellot and Johnney Carr as profes-
ia1 chairman.
Theta Chi Awards Trophies
the most outstanding senior award;
and John Savage received the best
all-around fraternity member. All
of these honors are on the national
level and each award recipient shall
receive a write-up in the national
Theta Chi fraternity's third induc-
tion since going national brought in
the following new members: Kenneth
Trodon, Ray Neel, Coleman Norris,
ir.d Edward Mann who was chosen
to receive the best pledge trophy.
Todd National Counselor
Dr. Richard C Todd, faculty mem-
ber of the department of social stud-
ies, will serve for the next two years
Phi Beta Chi Pledges
The Phi Beta Chi Sorority recent-
ly held its informal rush party at
the Alumni House. Sixteen new
pledges were introduced into the
Beta pledges elected the fol-
lowing officers: President, Marjorie
Sutton, Vice President, Becky Brooks,
Secretary and Treasurer, Norma
Jean Cattlett. and Social Chairman
Jo Ann Pope.
The other pledges are Pat Jackson,
Esther Joyner, Carol Butler, Jean-
nette New, Patsy Farmer, Ann Craft,
Becky Lanier, Nancy Talbott, Jua-
nita Jo. s, Joyce Williamson, Nancy
Wright, and Linda Heath. Mary Lib
Stewart is pledge mistress.
New IFC Officers
Ken Neilson, vice president; Bill Wallace, president; Ray Gurtner,
secretary; John West, treasurer; and Dr. Robert Ormsby, advisor will lead
At a recent meeting of Theta Chi1 the IFC next year.
Raymond Gillikiii
yog-gone advents
Lunch at 65c
zjc. s m . iiVi-i&Ji6&iS6iiiS6
9th & Dickinson


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May 14
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What we meanthis new Chevy's
whipped up a one-car heat wave. Its
fresh style caught on right away, ol
course. Butwhether you prefer a
V8 or 6where Chevrolet really
A VB-pomred Jmpolo Coiwerfcok mmMakabt
leaves the other cars in the shade is
out on the road. A pair of Chevy 6's
came in one-two in their class in this
year's Mobilgas Economy Run. And
the winning average was 22.88 m.p.g.
Why not drop down to your dealer's
and see for your-
self why Chevy's
this year's hot- j ?j
test selling car?
Try the hot onesee your local authorized Chevrolet dealer!

i :
ECCs Flaming
Bobbv I'errv
Nick Nickols
F '
ts FLAM-
r tea
the past
I, Nick Nichols
Curry from
baseball and

. ame from
their field this
ni rs.
Perrj Returns Hone
at Gn i m-
d East Caro-
viee liis jun-
ire. B it the high-
ys came this
returned from
rk that lifted
- produced
in their first winnii
Top St
1955 and

I inference.
A u'k who doesn't
. Perry saw
first day that he returned
nmediately scam-
own on liis first
he third quarter
; "nine irame
and Henry. The touch-
of the season for
r Perry it was a dramatic
ene and he im-
mediately became a hero in the eyes
of Pirate fans.
His fame was not a one night per-1
ton s Bobby had regained his
ilfbaek slot by the third
game of tl I and was headed
All-Conference laurels in his
senior year of play.
In leading East Carolina to a 8-4
Perry was one of the top
era in the conference, scamper-
ing for nine touchdowns and 54
points. Bobby was also the dabs'
top ground gainer as he picked up a
net total of 177 yards on the ground
and averaged close to five yards per
Perry was an all-around player as
was tine of the teams top pass
cers with seven catches for 105
yards and also led the club in pass
intei ceptions.
The Greenville native was a swivel-
type of player who quickly
' e attention of the crowd.
1 speed and could put out
ttle extra effort needed to
t a good ball player.
He was named to the All-Confer-
team and was chosen by his
ates for the dubs' "Most
tble Player" award which he
re oived at the annual football ban-
Nick Has Troubles
Nick Nichols was our choice because
of his tremendous play on the hard-
wood court. The lanky blond who
calls Leaksville, N. C, home, was a
starter for four years at East Carol-
Nick played in the shadow of Roy
; as a prep star but came into
his own in a Pirate uniform. He
averaged in double figures each of
the four years as a regular despite
e fact that he was bothered with
a shoulder injury for part of this
T e lanky catrer had serious
trouble with his shoulder after reap-
1Tournament honors in 1957
is junior season. At the start of
following season. Nick was still
having trouble with his shoulder and
was forced to drop off the squad
for the season to undergo an opera-
tion on his shoulder.
Vter sitting out a year, Nick came
back this season to finish up his
ardwood career. He won his starting
1 erth back and with it the job as
1 aptain of the 1058-59 club.
The "Blond Bomber" was noted as
one of the top defensive men in the
and although slow finding his
ting eye. Nick finished the sea-
n strong and had lifted his aver-
to better than thirteen points
ei game by the end of the season.
At the end of the season, Nick
was named to the All-Conference
lub and was also selected to play
ith the North State All-Stars which
lefeated the Atlantic Coast Confer-
ence All-Stars.
Service will be the next stop for
the friendly athlete but his name
will remain as one of East Caro-
lina's top basketball performers.
Curry Continues Fame
It is hard to name any sport that
Ji el Curry doesn't excel at for he i
is one of the finest all-around at -
letes to ever enter Bast Carolina '
and his achievements here
will probably stand for some time.
Jess was a famed athlete at Wood-
row Wilson high in Portsmouth in
football, basketball, baseball and any
other port that you could name.
.less had played it and played it with
eptional ability.
lli first college stop-off was the
U. of Kei I ucky and lie played
basketball with the freshman club.
Service was bis next stop before
coming to East Carolina College.
Curry was proclaimed as one of
the greatest athletes to hit the cam-
pus and although many frowned,
I Jesse was soon to prove his worth.
He earned starting slot on the bas-
ketball club his first year and went
on to cop All-Conference and All-
XAIA laurels. He led the team in
scoring with better than a 10 point
n the track field. Curry has been
ECCs individual star as he can par-
ate in most events on the pro-
gram, liis specialty is the low and
high hurdles which he recently won
in the North State Conference Meet.
He has been ECCs leading point-
getter for the past two seasons on
the track scene and led them to the
tit'e in 1958
.less has also been active in the
intramural program at the college
and was the top softball pitcher in
'1 this past quarter as his club
copped top honors in the loop.
Coaching and teaching constitute
the future plans for the Portsmouth
native and with his background and
exceptional skill, he should be a
huge success.
Baker Is Ace
Pen Baker is the boy which has
carried much of Coach Jim Mallory's
dtching load for the past four sea-
sons. The southpaw has shied away
from pro contracts to continue his
education and in doing so has been
around to provide East Carolina with
outstanding basketball.
Maker came to ECC from a little
town Zebulon but with a strong
desire to pitch college baseball. He
hid little chance during the early
part of his freshmen season but got
his chances in the latter part of the
campaign and made good to send
ECC on a final stretch winning
peak which resulted in the North
. tate Crown.
following two seasons, Ben
Ma y's number one choice and
his sophomore year was another good
i lie in the won-lost column but his
j inior year saw him drop below the
nark for the first time. But his
w n lost record didn't indicate his
i alihre of pitching. He was chosen
to go against the strongest teams
' e Pirate schedule and it was a
i! when hitting was lacking in
I " Pirate Den.
Following a successful summer of
pitching semi-pro ball, Baker was set
for another good year but a knee
injury while student teaching dur-
ing the winter quarter slowed him
iown. He was forced to sit out the
first part of this season.
The determined southpaw got back
into action just as the Hues were
set to make their first tour against
:onference competition. ECC was
stumbling along with a 2-3 record but
the return of Baker was a shot in
the arm for the club. With Baker
back to aitl a couple of freshmen on
what has been termed the strongest
staff in the loop, ECC immediately
set sail with a win streak which has
reached eleven straight and has
virtually assured ECC of the base-
ball title.
One of his top feats was a recent
1-0 shutout win over Catawba. The
victory gave Baker a 4-0 record for
the season and it was very likely that
he would record another undefeated
Ben plans to continue his base-
' all this summer by playing semi-pro
hall in South Dakota. His future in
the diamond sport looks like a good
Sawyer Has Two Crowns
Although Bob Sawyer is a busi-
ness major, the talented Greensboro
swimmer lives for the water sport
and the future may find him in the
coaching field.
A backstroker, Bob can boast 35
victories in college competition while
only nine defeats marr his record
and most of these came to All-Ameri-
cans. His efforts have led ECC to
two NAIA championships and he
has won the backstroke title the
si me number of years.
Bob's senior year was also marred
with the "injury jinx" but he made
a great comeback to record his best
times in his competitive swimming

im.m .
This week we have dei THE PL M.
five fa
arolina athletics during I
Thi the first eleel
red to initiate t i
The e athlett thai elect
Bob Sawjcr
i , b ve been oul e of the athlel
i pasl 3 ear.
No troph) ill be given to these atMvtew i
in the future maybe the EAST UtOLINIAN budget
worthwhile endeavor or this could be a valuable servin
a fraternitj or another campus organization. I in- i- i
year jesture but one thai will become a tradition at I '
T this FLA FI
Edit is papei th port
It will not b a voti f th
- th the vai
tig a good eleel
It wo '
th tudent body but thi i ething 1
' . policy will inl
The FLAMING FIVE "ill come from an sport
! mural at Easl Carolina and no particular classification wi
In picking the first ti this editor threw favoritism to
s'ars but as it turned out the) were worthj d thv honor.
Great Moments Are Recorded
With the closing of the rin
I -e-i and anot er ei b
The yeai ea1
I as a dominant I
I more gloi y awa . 0 59 1
. vei y sport and that i . ent i
We were prn
and probably the most sat
football team.
Although, we continouslj fail to realize it. our whole
gram revolves around football. That i- why s e. as students,
a more active interest in our club and continue thi- in
If each senior would pledge $10 to the East aro
our football pre,man. would be rastlj expanded. This '
it bin ;ie years after the student graduates and would
it would give the alumni a chance to -till feel a
This ci l far-fet
lown real well but it is
Odds Vnd Ends In Sports
h ; Crayton and Ben Bak
i ' . er. Cr;
next 1 . Ba .

an i go on to cop the national title.
r G sboro boy. who is an ex-
cellent lent, broke liis
le worki it prior to the
swimmin He was forced to
watch his teammates in action until
after Christmas but his determina-
; and hard work brou ' him
back to the spotlight which he has
enjoye 1 is each, of his years as a
riming star of the college.
Bob is a fii i believer in staying in
good condition and this paid off for
him as he not only competed in the
backstroke but was also a member
of the Medley Relay Team and the
440 Free Style Relay.
Sawyer plans to do graduate work
next fall at either ECC or UNC. He
admits that swimming will always be
a part of him and that he would like
to coach the water sport if possible.
Honorable Mention
Thus, we wind up our sketch of
East Carolina's first FLAMING
FIVE. They are all great athletes
and with the exception of Curry, all
had to make a comeback story be-
fore regaining their fame.
Below is a list who deserve honor-
able mention for these honors:
James Speight and Ed Emory
Football, Ken Midyette Swimming,
John West Tennis, Larry Crayton,
Gary Fierce and Al VaughnBase-
ball. Charlie AdamsBasketball.
ti I
tlen .
. T e
m I 1 the
t he 1
. ; ,
he ild in1
ill. . . . La vrei (Cot1
a did me as
' '' i ' p tar at a
: rescuit from I - Bijs FoT
eir biggest year- and conj
and Lambda Chi AlphaK
an o itstanding - ft all te illy the pit rig). S
ship is a great thi
Id bestowe Johnny Byrd, Gene
honor for their fine spirit in a losing ca
With thv dosing of this column, I bid you adioe till r
when we -join you in the Pirates Den. Will be looking fon
another great year in sports and remember to
thev are your team.
M lins Trophy
hr Second Year
Dr. Leo Jenkins will make several
awards to male intramural athletic
teams tonight in the college cafeteria
at a banquet.
Dominating the awards will be
Lambda Chi Alpha, the fraternity
that has airain won the over-all year-
ly award for the team placing the
highest in football, basketball and
softball. LCA took second in each of
these sports while the first place
spot went to three different clubs.
Rockin Robins' basketball team, the
first place winners during the past
quarter, will be honored as will the
Day Students softball team. This
softball club recently copped the col-
lege softball crown including the all-
star irame. John Spoone manages
IdA, Jess Curry the Day Students
and Bob Greene, the Rockin Robbins.
upport the Piral
Pirates Put Final Touches On
'59 Title; Ends Season Saturday
East Carolina closes out their most
successful baseball season in many
years this week-end when they take
on a hard-hitting Appalachian club.
Tl e Apps will be in Greenville for
a two day stay and will play at Guy
Smith Stadium Friday and Satur-
day night.
Coach Jim Mallory's young club
got past their biggest stumbling
block. Elon, Saturday night and en-
tered the week's activity needing
only one win for a tie and two to
the crown. They met Guilford
hist night.
East Carolina is 11-0 in the con-
ference and their nearest rival is
Elon 11-1. Only a complete lapse by
Awards Given
At WRA Banquet
One hundred twenty girls and
guests attended the Annual Awards
banquet held by the Women's Recre-
ational Association in the New Cafe-
teria. May fith.
Miss Sylvia Beasley, outgoing
president, presided over the meeting.
The entertainment was a TV skit
presented by the Phi Beta Chi
pledges. Ellen Eason, awards chair-
van presented intramural trophies
in Volleyball and Basketball to Gar-
ret t Dorm, and Certificates to the
members of the winning teams. Soft-
ball, tennis, and archery plaquest
will he presented when these tourna-
ments are complete.
Ann Jessup was chairman of the
banquet; Syble Butler was in charge
of decorations and she carried out
the sports' theme by using sports'
equipment in the center of the tables.
Betty Peele was chairman of the
certificate committee.
,t tith
' il K C
' - games this week. El i
ably force the Piral
a couple
Leu i: j ne w en
earlier this
I' ach Jin M is s
pitch Ben Baker I ;
Friday nighl
with La
t. J mr Ellen wil
able for n
Gary Piei
in hitting v.
ivark. J Try (
w, Wally Cockn
- al si h ave a
Al V
with V
the I gain on tin
Appalachian has one of the str
' ing teams in the coi f
b u t h a v e only amp
gth. The Apps stop by V
Christian Thursday afternoon
doubleheader before playing
' 'arolina.
Victories this week wih
Carolina to their first NAIA play
in baseball. Coach Jim M
uncertain as to the procedure
would be followed. The EOC
mentor stated that ECC may have to
advance by district play-off? or I
might receive a direct bid to T
The club is the yountrest that I
lory has ever coached as only I
regulars Jimmy Martin and Al
Vaughn are back from last year's
club and no less than six freshmen
have been key figures in the bi
conference laurels.
The pitching staff, considered the
best in the conference, is made up
of one senior and two freshmen.

East Carolinian, May 14, 1959
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 14, 1959
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