The Teco Echo, November 23, 1932

2. 1H
. A,
11! t.
I � n
nil For
i folk Shoe Shop
ans St reef
. N. C.
"in i "iiu�.ui
! or iv;
ent Waves
Wave On
Vanitie Boxe
a mating
I me IX
The Y. W. C. A.
Chooses Miles
For Its Speaker
lh. Miles l Pastor Of The
Presbyteriaa Church Oi
Lynchburg, Virginia
N Annual Tradition
Mr Miles Comes Highly
Recommended To This
I nil oi National V. V.
C. A.
ial V. W, C. A. speakei
will be Dr.
I � Prcs byt i ian
. m It is
hav n I he campii;
, � caeh full, a speaker, us-
r � -� ve a s cries
. orvd bs fee Y. W. C.
Greenville, N. C, Wednesday Nov. 23, 1932.
Number 4.
East Carolina Teachers College's First Football Squad
:� cabinet
v� ll-ktmwn
Dr. Miles
� nt iloi-
huroh al
I w o v ea i s
-n; st�r f
church. Dur-
il the cswnpus
ch s college.
i n e with '
Arms And Man
Presented by the
Jitney Players
George Bernard Shaw Is
Author of I'la.v Chosen
For Presentation By
Group Here.
Is Kith Season On Wheels
.1 c� 11 j- .
Jib;eyIrelj� describestheir
amP U"t.Ve� � j-stof th�� rm(dern
strilliiirpi iVre t.i asetruekjsand
cais aid1 h1righwaystefi of
theraInad.AIfirst bbey hid as
a ifcag� ;i F(j!� �Theyare
thSUceaIS M-of tbe strdlingplay-
ersEIglin(i: a "nun-Ireiand
IVreV-iITSa ,thosethatwent
oufr�mLmIonbetween secIS OS.
Th' V iirehighelass actrs an(i an-
r re5seswhor,avii hadBroad'A'ay
I" t
chuieh in Auburn,
, re a state college b
tas been very popular
. uses, and with stu-
boni he ha � me int i
n : I be pa si summer
it at t he .1 une naee! itig
omen's � hris an
a as held at
�� to this D ti-
led Dr. Miles
delegates. The
�tunate in beinsr
Front low, left to right: William Nisbet, J
!es King, Bebnoat Kittrcll, JohnHodges, Ti
C. Wv
Second Row, Jack Barrett, Carlton MacMillan, Char-
Kelley Aiiey uni
�h Beatty. � p row, Clyde Browi
Hud Bullock, Bob Has n, V. (). Jolly, W dr wWwtlni.
Woodrow Woodard. Third row. Erie Tucker, Alva Van Nortwieh, Dan Wright, Henry Rivers. Jr
. Alva Page.Billy Tofesan, ( 0. Armstrong, Taylor I arr.
Tom Denn;s,
Good Citizenship Week
Observed On Campus
W I!
I ,
Ka-t Carolina Teacher. College Tlu. observance of Go d Citizen-
s for the first time in its hist ry .) Weck on the Campus began
had a football squad � Tuesday m rning, November
Al'h Ugh success in winning the 15, and will continue until Thank -
game- has n i attended thm, im giving hoBdays. Talk are being
squad has completed a successful given each moi-ning by members f
season. the faculty and of the student body,
prtunity t hear I The Faculty athletic committee The first morning three talks
liy Y. W. C. A. hss expressed itself as "well pleas- were given: 1. The Function of
, entire student �1 with the athletic ppogram out- Student C uncil
orward witli keen lined for the year The fo tball !1 2. The. Rela ionship
s coming. 'r gram, while a difficult one i�; Student I! dy to the Student Coun-
a iii)' and sm dl squad, had, in cil, bji� Ruth Parker; 3. Day Stu-
the apiidon of t e athletic c mm't- dent Relationship I Student Gov-
tee liiivn gratifying results. The ernment, by Elizabeth Moore,
maraer iti which the boys have (n Wednesday m rning Dr. j
played and the showing tl.ey have Fiank -poke on "Democracy on
mate against strong teams has the Campus Mr. M. L. Wright
been m pleasing to the members n Thursday morning spoke on
of the committee. "Why it 's Wrong t : Cheat This
"he conxmMjee also texies
s j Judge Winston
Says Washington
Was an Optimist
abeth Bid-
b ptist cnuT n in
annual Y. W. C.
e � he left the tti-
tat .t ad a sii ong-
kd moa e confidence.
more h ipe foi
"I would pr raounce George
i Washingt n the best balanced oipti-
Imist of the human race stated
the Honorable Francis D. Winst m
of Bertie county in h address at
the George Was! ingt n Bicenten-
nial cete: rat on fist. Thursday
morning in the Campus building.
Mr. Winst n was appointed hair-
mam ft the North Carolina George
Washington Bicentennial c mnnii-
bee by the 1927 legislature. AH
schools, lodges, ekibe, and other r-
gianizations were asked to give
looking forward to
1 , .a special program howormg the
ie eomanfutJee also extfre-sed Vvas followed up m Friday morn- " i , �
, . , 1 . , . . . . , 'Father of our Country. ims
itselt as being very much pleas 1 me by three tilks, student attitude , ,
program was iirranged by a eom-
varied expei tence wii n
be will be able t � cope
w it ti prol lems con-
ic Y. W. C. A.
ire that
u ! with the work of Coach Beatty.
'towaul cheattni
j These wes'e given b;
anlla'v od, Mary Lynn
President Wriirht's
Thanksgiving Message
�kin, end 1
hen tor
Miss Lewis, Miss MjcGee,
Mia Boss attended the dedication j Ruth Park
Iof the Wiight Metnornl triona- ()n Saturday morning Louise
meat on Saturday, Nov. 19, at gfearpe spoke on "Campus Man-
. Kill Devil Hill in Dare c unty, LerB�) Margare Griffin on "fare
North Carolina. ()f ramus Proiperty an
Parker on "Campus En te: tain
Have you heard that Mr. Frank
iy -lne � n'i" js Krln,r" f, run for office? We
nedy in three acts, (n.t k7,ow vtx,i vvc, d m�t
have chosen
is j
The t harm
Imittee of sixty Greenville citizens)
'with K. C. Deal of the'college fa-j
eulty as chaii ra in.
Mr. Winst n has been makintt: a!
campn iiensive and intensive study;
� T the life of Washington since his
appointment by the State Legisla-
T 1
� 1 tare. He holds the life of this man
.Miller and
for the
� Hit
by Miss Mary
Bonnewitz, Leach-
the tollege, and Mr. MuIhoj)u X:U-
a 1 ritic teacher at the High;
for what office. All we kr. w is
that someday A. D. Frank is go-
ing to lie a candidate and he
think- his wife will vote i -r him.
.1. ii. Rose, wife of the
le High School
Beedher Flanagan wa- called to
tb's home in Tennessee on Sunday
1' t. id MeKenz
George Boyd
fim s opkins
i m Simpkins
lb 1 Johns
u ol i.nrn me tittrn M'tioiH,m account of the serious illiu
iiieriy a dramatic fceacher,0 y ;n ,ther.
1 � � 'hi- play. During tnei .
. k parts were assigned for lf yoU wanl a (i j
. These took place onL y ;h, w ,V(, atl(j j u� . ,
'J night. Thafs wfoat Mildred Dav -
�� ' a elected by the ud- when a?ked by the boy '
i what she wanted she answci'
Charles King�Aii r �o U ,lll K,l
Name of Regime
as an inspiration to each citizen of
each profession. Washington, he I
said, was a plain, simple, level-
headed man who let nothing keep
j him fr m the prcgriatm he had map-
jle-J out for himself. It was bis ;
L-phit that brought the Union. 1
j Washington stood far progress.
By quoting :ld records that he
'has been searching, Mj; Winston
showed how Pitt County has from
the first upheld the spirit of Wash-
Technoeracy" is fee name which
H. A. Jr 1 f St .te Col-
lege. Raleigh, N. C, gives to the ingt n for progressivoness. In the
new Regime which offens a remedy eariy pa.i!t of 1775 some of Pitt
for the world-wide depression. This
u opia" scheme is ;i proposal from
County's men signed a resolut'on
that although they would uphold
All I w.uit is a doll baby The
next week it arrived plus trunk, 'jy, ,
Eric Tuckei : lu,(i an(, ((,tiu,s
AI va Page I
Clyde Brown
advanced students and piwfess rs the Kingdom of England they re
j�f the University of Chi-ago. Asifusei to submit to tyranny. He
the name suggests, the new gew- appealed to the people f Pitt to
eminent would he under the eon-hake tnemselves out of the rest and
trol of technically trained leaders, let the world know what has hap,
ag, ha ed n energy, gives Jpened here in the "Gateway ti
Bob Eason :
. Zelle Foley
Iris Fly!he
Miirjorie Griffin
Elizabeth Moore
Miss Hay .
Miss Curtis
Salh Boyd
Muriel Daughtry
Marg.ret Murchins n
Ethel Spilim Huldah N�bles
Al x Mercier Birdie Lee Debnam
Lillian Strafford Frankie Davis'
Madsre Kent . Doris Mae Jones,
Gray Ethel Parker
Hunter Spears
Mrs. B.t "Did the cat eat the
� e s m gave her?"
Jim It "Yes. mother, she ate
till exc
he tern.
The Alumnae Gift Shop, in
th� t lampus Building will be
open for it's Christmas sales
next Wednesday. November 30,
at 6:30 p. m. It w Ii be open
each Wednesday, Thursday and
Saturday evening froni 6:10 to
7D p. m. Select your Christ-
mas gifts from the variety of
inexpensive pottery, brass and
Christmas novelties. Begin
your Christmas shopping by
buying at the Alumnae Gift
to the dividual j t wht he gives
to si ciety.
The leaders w 1 1 compose a
council of !2 dictal is. W. rk would
be granted by these representatives
of America's largest industries, feo
citizens of certain ages, and all
over or under the age would be
protected and provided for by the
government. There would be no
money, but certificates good for on-
ly tww years at a time. There is
ito saying that this Technocracy-
minded body of advocaters have in
mind a milestaaistic gwvernment,
they i nly hiive in mind a relief for
the present ec momic situiti n.
There's no use worrying over it.
though, it's pot likely to become
a reality,
American History
As a feature of the address Mr.
Winston showed a letter written by
Gteorge Washington in 1704 to a
citizen of Suffolk. Virginia. The
letter is now in the p;ssession of
Mr. James C. Guiiey of Pitt Coun-
The program was in charge of
Mr. Roy Flantiigan of ths city. The
Star Spangled Banner was u�
opening number . f the prograna and
was followed by the InVocali n bv
Mr. E. L. ILTman, pastor of the
Method st church. The speaker
was iidi oduced by the'Honorable F.
C. Ha ding. The celebration ended
with the singing of Carolina. The
songs were accompani! by the Cob
lege Orchestra.
Thanksgiving. 1 find mue
tilings to be thankful for this
year than in any previ -us year
n my life. I thank God for the
spirit of fee little child, feat
i uns and laughs and plays with
a bright fa e and bright hopes
for the Suture. I th nk G d
t hat the y ufe of today is seek-
ing f r the truth as never be-
fore. Virtue.honor, and right-
living are the dominant charac-
teristics f young men and
y ung w men in college. This
peri d of finacnial distress is
oi using our young people to
weigh values and to join fee
forces working to build up u
right-minded citizenship. Our
y ung people are definitely on
�the side of right-living. The
high flier and the flapper are
1 bo 1 nger leaders among oar
youth. I see. in tJtese changes
the dawn of a new day.
I thank God for the spirit f
our people, constantly being
manifested in favor of the edu-
cation of all ur children; a de-
term'nation on the part of our
people to give the yi, ur.g folks
of today every educational op-
portunity possible. This means
that fundamentally our govern-
ment is sound. Out of our pres-
ent sorrowing and suffeiing a
new life is being born. This is
the dawn of a new civilization;
a civilization of a higher type
than the wiorld has ever known.
Yes, we have much to be thank-
ful for.
Doris Kenyon J
Gives Recital
Vesper Service In Charge
Senior Normal Class
The Y. W C. A. vesper service
Friday evening, November 4, was
in charge of the Senior Normal!
class, with Joy Pickard, as chair-
The service was opened with
Worship by Joy Pickard, and the
rest of the program was as fol-
lows :
Hymn, Assembly.
Poem, Edith Morton.
Quartet, Avis Tew, Edith Mars-
lender, Emma Lee Davis and Mar-
garet Strickland.
"Would We recognize Jesus If
We Meet Him? Margaret Rog-
"Do Others Know that We Know
Jesus? Louise Whitfield.
"He is Standing Here Tonight;
Do We See Him?" Margaret Rus-
The service was closed with
pray�r by Joy Pickard,
The movement started about ten
year- ago, before the slump in the
theatrical business in fee cities,
when it was a real sacrifice to
to leave Broadway.
In the summer f 1923, soon after
Alice Keating. J- hn Barrymm-e's
leading lady, had married Bushnell
Cheny, a young man just not of
Yale, where be had starred in dra-
matic they equipped wars, and
with the caravan started out for
New England resorts.
A brief synonsi- of the play pre
gated last night follows:
I Tl te" 'he PblV i- in 1885-
ihs Kenyon, widely known �886, daring the war betVeeH "u'
screen atress. ,vi in private Hfelgaria and Servia. The place is
is Mrs. Milton Sills, delighted a j Bulgaria, in and around fee house
large audience in fee Campus of alajr Retkoff and the eharac-
Building of East Carolina Teachers iters are Rain Petkoff; Catherine
College Monday evening, N vember j Petfoaff, her mother; Major Pet-
1 S. She xas accompanied on the koff, her father; Major Sergukn,
piano by Max Rabin witsh. Saranoff, her fiance: Captain
"Lyric Silhouettes" is indeed an BlantscMi, a Swiss ffioer serving
appropriate title for the distsinc-in the Servian army: and L uka,
live and charming art brought t and Nichols, the two servants.
the stage by Doris Kenyon. The Act I. The Bulgarian- ave
jigr m was as follows: routed the Servians in battle and
French: one of the fleeing Servians breaks
Jeune Fille (Chans n Populaire 1 into Reina's bedroom. Th �gh she
du Lays Messia), Jacques Blu- j is disguested at his prosaic way
ment.hal; La Pavane, Bruneau; looking at the "glory of ivr
Aria De Manon. (lt act) Mas- isomething in hfe frankness attracts
se-net. iher enough that she hides him
Three Irish Country Songs: jwhch' her countrymen search the
Mary Barlint, Qssrrzir.y. Stttyjhonse. Retna and her mother then
Of ("oleraine. Old Melo.iy; The give him an old coat of Major Pet-
Cork Leg, Aid Tyrone Version, jkoff's and help him get away.
Piano Solo: Act II. The war is over. Reina's
The La;k, Balakireff, by Max father and fiance return telling of
Rahinowitsh. Captain Bluntschli, a Swiss officer
Two Russian Songs: ;n tne Servian army who claimed
The Soldier's Wife, Rahmanin- feat two Bulgarian ladies had bid-
off; Parassia's Song from the den him after the great defeat,
opera "The Fair of Sorochintsi Captain Bluntschli appears unex-
Moussorgsky. peotedry, ostensibly to retura the
1 German Folkslied in Dialect: :coat but in reality to see Reina
Och. Mcder lc.h Well En Ding i again, and because he can help
ban. arranged by Brahms. j Petkoff and Saranoff dispose of
Piano Solo: some military business they find
A Waltz in B Flat, Chopin, by:hard, is invited by Petkoff against
Max Rabinowitsh. his wife's wishes to pay the family
�Sister .Madeline: L visit.
Words and music by Kathleen Act III. Renia finds Bluntschli
I Lockhart Mannink. (more and more interesting in con-
Intermission Itrast with her lover's heroic ks-
Three Spanish Songs: ing Father and fiance finally dis-
Hafolame De Amotes (Andalu- c0,ver thait Reina and Catherine are
sian), Fuste; Canto De Le Trille'the women wh mvei Bluntschli.
(a song at harvest thne from the ! Reina rejects Sergius and. when
province of Muivia). harmoniza- j Bluntschli asks her hand, accepts
tion by f'nzengt; El Patero him.
(from fee province of Murcia).
Romance de la Mano Muerta.
Piano Sulo:
El Vito, Max Rabinowitsh.
In Miilady's Garden, words by
Helen Kaminsky, Music by
Kathleen Lockhart Manning.
A song fiom the Elizabethan
Ena, Composer unknown.
Piano Solo:
LitHe Valse, Godowsky; Spinning
Song, Mendelssohn, by Max Rab-
A Sketch in Black and White:
An Allegretto in Five Scenes:
Harlequin's Song
Pierrot's Song
Columbin's Song
(Continued on page six.)
Much of the humor in the play
oomes from the attempt of the Pet-
koff, with their barbarian back-
ground to appear used t Western
way to a "fLght of stairs inside
ti get up ami down by" and to
washing the hands "nearly every
day and from the ironic contrast
letween the romantiv idea of a sol-
dier and the real thing.
Do you want a bargainThen
see Melba O'Brien in Room 301
Cotten and get your pair of
hese. Regular dollar hose for
59 cents! This is a spe.ial the
Pee Satiety is giving you. Don't
forget from 301, and only 59

Published Bi-Weekly During The
College Year By The Student
Government Association of Bast
Carolina Teachers Oolite.
Elizabeth Haywood Editor
Willa Rlitchell Dickey
Managing Editor
William Nisbet, Jr
Associate Editor
Elizabeth Hobbs Alumnae Editor
Assistant Editors
Clyde Merlin. Mary G. Parker,
Bertha Walston, Margaret Wal-
ter. Clyde Brown
Mamie E. JenkinsAdvisor
Myrtie Gray Hodges Business MgT.
Virginia Taylor�Aast. Bus. Sftgr.
prury Settle
Associate Bus. Mgr.
Advertising Managers
El Eftbeth Denny, Clara Vann Free-
man. Margaret Smith
Circulation Managers
Jessie Glenn Cole. Mil.lied Gibson,
Lucy Lelloy. Lucille Rose
M. L. Wright Advisor
Advertising Rates 25c per
inch per issue
ption$1.50 Per Year
Entered as second-class matter De-
cember a, 1925, at the Post office,
Greenville, X. C. under the
act of March 3, 1879.
Education week served as a time-
ly period in which to bring before
the student body inofrmation as to
lie cost of public education. Presi-
dent Wright discussed these mat-
te during two chapel periods giv-
ing concisely the statistics avail-
he figures given the first morn
the tax collections of state and lo-
cal governments.
Up to date data of the per cent
of income schools cost people of
North Carolina in comparison with
life insurunco, building jonstrue-
ton, and passenger automobiles
shv that: in the nation as a whole
71.�. percent of the amount spent
was on insurance; -15.0-1 percent is
building construction, and 22.1M per
cent is for automobiles�pleasure
cars. Nofth Oar lina spent mure
Un- schools than for life insurance:
school costs were 101 percent of
the amount spent fir life insur-
ance; were ;H).L: percent of thai
spent for building construction;
and 22.83 per cent of that spent for
automobiles. North Carolinians
spent for automobiles more than
four times as ntu.h las for all its
tax-supported educational institu-
tions. In 1930 they spent $199
1S0.O00 for automobles. "Ayid
said President Wright, "we won-
der where ur money goes
Further statistics showed that
the more education one had the
more likely he is to gain distinc-
tion. Out of each million illiter-
ates, six attain distinction. Of
those with elementary educatios,
twenty-four; with high school edu-
cation, six hundred twenty-
iwo; with college education, five
thousand, seven hundred sixty
Corresponding to this increase in
the number gaining distinction is
the decrease in the number of cri-
minals in relation to the amount
of education. Of the number of
criminals from all parts 11.6 per
cent come from the small per cent
of illiterates in this country; 71.2
per cent of them have had only ele-
mentary education; 11 per cent
man who tiied in his own home as
the firsi citizen of America. No
longer do we think of him as the
boy who never told a lie, "but
rather as the motor and the power
that runs the mechanism of our
government The praise with
which he left the Presidency and
became a citizen will live as long
as the immortal Farewell Address
of the Washington of all ages.
"First in War, First in Peace,
First in the Hearts of his Country-
men such is he whose birth we
have been celebrating for the past
nine months. To him and in honor
of him wc planted our trees in the
spring and during the next few
days will we observe the conclu-
sion of the great national celebra-
How fit it is that such an obser-
vance should reach its conclusion
on a date like Thanksgiving, an
annual celebration whose program
will this year be unique.
voted to establish the Student Fund
for the purpose of having bigger
and better entertainments here and
of aiding in .the publication f the
Teco Echo and Tecoan. With a
few changes tfie Student Fnd is
now a well established part of the
present system.
With the Student Fund, the En-
tertainment Committee works out
and secures about five entertain-
ments each year. One of these is
usually a glee club from one of
the state's colleges. Outstanding
among other entertainments are
the following:
Cherniavsky Trio, 1927, 1930.
Waldemar Giltch, a nationally
known violinist, 1926.
Captain. Kilroy Harris, member
of the Royal Geographic winner of
the D. S. O. and author of "Outback
in Australia lecturer, 1927.
Z-immer Harpist Trio, 1027.
Vernon String Quartet, 1027.
Stefansson, the great Arctic ex-
plorer, 1927
v: �
getting cooperat. n.
are dealing with a new situation
competently. And again it was the
who at first tried to get by
bile others were
with talking wl
short win
studying that for a
caused complaint.
In every instance it is only the
few wfoo cause confusion ami re-
proach. It is the few who misbe-
have and almost shame the hole
student body.
Now it is for the student body
to realize that it earn stead sil-
ently and do v. thing to
stronger sentim .n again,
agreeable behavior. It i �
7 North Cai
til i-
jority who must help the few
just themselves to the prevailing c
standards that have grown from
the general opinion through the
Kay! Rah! Baa! What for?
Everything at the wrong �
What do people yell far"
times it m aw I v i
thrills and some even go BO
to call it a duty. It eeem
everybody � g dng around
whirl and getting things t-r
mixed. For instance, oar ha ami
ost enthusiast� yelling sem I I
the dormitories S�at
would like Co c -n-
t(. on Sake-pearc or Stod-
,(y yLs go
en o'cl km hali
.he "sweet
, bate,
far a
U if
in a
n e
Every ae
the board
from the
Dr. right �
Bui Dr. r
Not !
onv tied t
come from
when a meone
America together with many
other nations of the world has once
more commemorated that day when
the most terrible and most far-
reaching war ever Bought ended.
Over this state there were celebra-
tions Armistice Day. At this col-
lege the students with the Ameri-
can Legion met to pay homage to
those who died thinking that they
fought to end all war.
One of the main features of the
celebration at the state capita
Raleigh, was the parade. The tra-
gedy and pathos, the pomp and tin.
false glory all were minged with
the spirit of today and tomorrow
which is training for world fellow-
There were the bands with fcheir
Saturday closed ia series of talk?
on Good Citizenship given by var-
ious students and faculty members.
Tony Sarg's Marionettes, 1928, j-jy program was planned for the
1930. benefit of the student body at
Mary Lewis, Prima Donna of � by a committw of appoint
i n
Metropolitan Opera Company, 102S.
Tollespon Trio, 1028
tra, 1928.
Susanne Keener, soprano, 1028.
Eddy Brown String Quartet,
Denishawn Dancers, 1029
girls together with the President,
, -4 i w. fWKc 'Dean of Women, and other offi-
Paul Whitman and h's Orcnes-
cials. The talks concerned prob-
lems met on every campus.
Some of the problem- are an
serious up m the wh ,1c. but arc
John Charles Thomas, Baritone, serious when taken as
iy2o jcases. Take, for instance, cheating.
Godfrey Lullow, famous young j Cheating in the collage is not a
Australian Violinist, 1920. very serious problem because there
Richard Halliburt n, le!turer-1 is Sl nttle of it. And yet, etch
1929. individual case is serious indeed.
Isadora Duncan Dancers, 1920.
Festival Opera Company of Chi-1
ea'go, 1930.
Carolina Playmakers, 1030.
Count Felix Von Luckner. the important details. The subjects
German "Sea-Devil lecturer, 1930. j touched upon are democracy on the
Kryl and his band and Miss Ste-
The problems brought to mini
,are those usually ceased by care
iksness or inattention bo small but i
campus, cheating, lying, stealing,
campus manners, ci-re of campus
prperty, campus entertainments,
!03i ami the relationhsip of the d rmi-
reader, tory and day students to Student
e C-ho-j T truy t,ffc(iv thies0 taik
imust be foil wh! up by s me
Some very
up Bi some of ahe
f ot ai g -m- a just a
young thing" in an adjoining room
arouses from her slaraber and
yells "Humah for Car lina
Wfeat we really need is mere
of this enthusiastic yelling in a
systematic way, not ia e downi-
j tories or during class reotati ns,
but at our ball glasses. It's impos-
sible to please everybody and if yoa �
please yourself, nm- times -tit ofj
ten yoa have made the other fellow
mad so now, wht are yu g� ng
to do There can be BO sysb m
when about six out of every fifty
know the yells and when these re
are scattered from One end of the
field to-the other. There an be no
system until there is wilfiagnesa to
learn, practice, ami cooperate w la
the leaders. There are b pea at
forming a Cberio Club before the
year is much older, it will be gov-
erned by rules and admiasion a U
not be allowed with-u- fees. The
purpose of this will be to get a
select crowd that are interested in
of wmc
i , ���
to obaer
tin boon
that a
Yea, are d
BOS) 'v
and yt
for a 1
in our
the work and w
La pei cent more
tiie average spent throughout
the nation. Seven states spent
arger per cents than she did. The
largest per cent wns 6.9 per cent
by Sooth Dakota; the smallest
pent was 2.1 per cent by Georgia,
In discussing the real cost of
ftiop, President Wright said,
�The question JM1. raised as
to whether the cost of erli-ation
s too high. Let us look into that
It every person over twenty-one
years of age in the United States
would appropriate ten cents per
day the amount would educate
twenty-six and one-half millions
If the country does not educate
at public expense, it must do so at
private expense. There are ap-
proximately twenty-six and one-
hulf millions in the public schools
in America and about three ami
� ne-half million in private schools.
It costs to run a private school
one and one-half times as much as
it does to operate ti public school.
The following day the President
continued the discussion by giving
the latest authentic data, that of
1028, about taxes paid in the
United States. The people of this
country are worried about the
tixes they have to pay. Yet sta-
tistics show that of the total in-
come the United States pays 10.4
per cent. Germany, Italy, France,
and Great Britian all pay u larger
per cent. Of the five nations the
nation who has the largest per
capita wealth pays the smallest
per cent of its income for govern-
mental purposes. Relatively speak-
ing the taxes in the United States
are comparatively low.
According to the data for 1930,
the per cent of tax collections
spent for elementary, high school,
and colleges in the United States
is 38.47 per cent. In North Caro-
line it is 45.4 per cent. Twelve
states spend la larger per cent for
schools than North Carolina does.
The per eent cost of schools is of
� : . , and to cv Do i- i'
children are given the greatest pos-
sible educational opportunities
During the next few days the
greatest celebration America has
ever held will come to an end, the
conclusion of the Bi-Centennial
.Miration cf th.e� jbirth �of George
arms, and hate and kill, turning
civilization far back in its prgoress.
Added to these were those who. are
left from the rending war between
the states.
Boys from State College follow-
ed, those who are being trained in
the tactics of war that they may
be the safeguard of this people.
They are the young men, some of
our finest, who will give their lives,
leaving mothers, wives, children,
sweethearts, and friena'Sj 'scn a
ever re.niy to
show tin- college spirit at our
games. Be thanking thai over r-
ioualy and in the meantime re-
member bbat the time u yell at a
foot-bell game is: before end after
unjthe game, between quarters and
D ncers, to aid in forming habits coincidentjg half ami who.n t;nlt. ut a all-
jwith tihe th oights expressed. The t.(1 .V(.r, while the game is in
players, j talks will da little good if they
are given amd theoi forgotten. Some
steps must le taken U deep these
important ifacts before the stu-
dents until such an opini n devol-
At his death Light Horse Harry vr again arise on earth
Lee said of him, "First in War,
First in Peace, First in the Hearts
of his Countrymen�perhaps the
greatest compliment ever paid to
any American of the age.
"First in War" was the Comman-
der in Chief of the American for-
ces. He led his men over the
dangerous Deleware, through the
nenve-harrowing and body-wrack-
ing days of Valley Forge, through
the trying days around Yorktown.
A lesser military leader, a less in-
spiring general, a man of wavering
opinion could not or would not
have faced those days of hunger,
those nights of cold, and the fire
of a far less formidable foe.
"First in Peace" was the dele-
gate to the Continental Congress,
the first President of the United
States, the Squire of Mount Ver-
non. Into his hands fell the tlask
of molding and modeling a nation
founded on principals. �f mutual
faith, trust, and understanding. In
his hands lay a pliant substance
from which wias to spring forth a
belligerent Mars or a soaring dove.
The policy which he adopted wa3
to make or break the nation. By
the grace of Heaven he started this
great nation on a peaceful trip
But there was another feature
which gave hope and courage. Fol-
lowing all the others were the boys
and girls of the city's schools, the
boy and girl scouts, and the Girl
Reserves, with floats and banners
portraying education as an agent
of Peace, and World Fellowship. It
is only through training the youth
of today, in the city, county, state,
and nation, to better understand
each other and to liive together in
harmony that peace might be ex-
pected to remain and war to be
driven forever from the eath.
Mildred Dixon.
East Carolina. Teachers College
has added another entertainment to
her list. Monday night exquisite
Doris Kenyon, movie star and stage
artist, appeared in program of
"Lyric Silhouettes" and captured
her audience completely with her
friendly manner and ihter delightful
personality. The college has al-
ways stood for the best and insist-
ed that no inferior entertainments
be given here.
A review of some of the enter-
tainments sponsored here will show
with the warning "Avoid entang-why the college has established a
ling foreign relations While this j reputation for itself in the field
warning stands as a guide to Amer-
ica, Washington will be the "First
in Peace
"First in the hearts of his coun-
trymen" w(as that country gentle-
Much his been said and much
has been written on the subject of
the conduct on the campus. As a
whole there is nothing more to be
desired of the students. But there
are a. few students wihose miscon-
duct stands out; these few give a
general impression of confusion.
In the dormitories, a few girls
insist cm slamming doors, and scuf-
fling along uue oa&, nd yelling
for someone at the top of theu
voices. And it is these few who
call forth, upon the student body a
volley of abuse &nd reproach for
undue confusion.
In .the dining room, the same
condition is found. Girls there are
who insist on pouring the water
before the blessing is asked, who
talk loudly enough for half the din-
ers, to ihear them, who reach to the
other end or side of the table for
a dish rather than asking for it.
And it is the few who gain the
reputation of the students for gen-
eral bad manners in the dining hall.
Because of requests that students
do not study in the Austin Hall
at night many of those who like to
'talk while they study and many
who gathered in other places now
go to the library. There they at
first insisted upon talking when-
ever they thought they could get
by with it Bight at first students
opinion rose against the confusion
and called forth an Open Forum
in the last issue of this paper. In
the meantime, the librarians put
out "Silence" signs, such as are
found in most libraries, and took
obher steps to control the disturb-
ance. Never before had these been
necessary here. The effect of the
signs was noticeable at once, and
gradually the miscreants are realiz-
ing that the library is a place for
itudy and not to carry on pleasant
conversations. Student opinion as
ops that they will unconsciously be- Dear Lditor:
As a student who is interested
come a part of them. The students
f the future will follow in the
footsteps of the students of the
Wedn ij nigh
true that I h -�
taking piano ai
excused from ai
hags held on I
Practice Recital
fair t . th"v. l
rngs � t organii -
belong, boaines?
program given
not at
rt v
A student remarked in a Home
Economics Class recently that
many here do not know how to
drefcs for entertainments, cr t
g2St do not dres fjjy taiefu
class realized that many of the so-
called niceties of life are lacking
in campus life. Many students
coming from an environment where
they had little or no training in
social life never learn how to dress,
and how to behave themselves in
group activities. Many do not
know the fine points of table man-
ners. They are not at fault, for
they have never had an opportun-
ity to learn.
There is too little social life on
the campus where girls can get
together and become accustomed to
that which will be an essential
part of their life after college.
There are few times when boys
and girls can get together in a
purely social gathering. Who
teaches the students how to dance,
To thv Edit i
Why anil
in the improvement of our college entertainment
I wish to put this act before its (foes thing Cr
studeiits. It sh uld be considered Kenyon
on every progressive and cultured m � rt,
One of the first attributes any
individual or institution of indivi-
duals should hive, and which I
have found lacking n our campus
to an alarming extent, is that of
courtesy. This is not written jus-
to have something t i chatter
about; I know it to be true. One
ItuS day a certain student on the cam-
pus stood forv�?ver five minutes
near �.ne of the, dining rxm en-
trances jisking wkere a certain
student roomed of' a number of
girls who passed. The girl she
inquired abjut is welf known on
the campus, a Seni r, and rooms
in the dormitory with sonue of the
girls to whom the questipn was
put. Diet a single pers- �n out af
several groups answered the greet-
ing or the question with a "Yes
"No or "Hello This is only
one example out of manv. I be-
lieve this thoughtlessness, and i
am sure it is greatly that, is more
prevalent among the girls, than
the boys.
It never injures us mentally,
physically, or spiritualy to answer
the civil question of even a mere
passer-by, nor to answer a smile
or a nod, or a word of greeting.
Some girls I have actually seen
push someone off the hoard walk
chewing gum.V
hear thy 1 okii
el thea and guni
Chewing gu-viis
at a ball gi��.
ver at a fea me
you sup se MiBK.
hae a wry god
git Is at our colr.
have seen a!i of. e
gum? N- doub�s
a few of the g:r �i �
lea ent children-
you g i to future
leave your chewt Ig � L
200 - 202 National Bar
Phone IV
how to accept, invitations to dance, on the campus in passing and not
Until November 1925, all the
programs given were sponsored by
some organization such as the Y.
W. C. A the societies, or thel a whole is against disturhaoce and
classes. In that year the students I with that feeling the librarians
and how to conduct themselves dur
ing a dance?
The teacher of the class stated
that a course including this type
of training had been discussed and
heartily approved by many of the
faculty. Such a course would pre-
vent many a social failure on the
part of the young teacher; and
should for that reason if for no
other be a required part of the
college curriculum.
Ruth Parker (writing a letter)
Margaret, what's the date?
Margaret Smith (looking at her
watch): It's ten minutes past five
so mush as murmured "pardon
There could also, I think be less
talking and wise-cracking by stu
dents on classes.
Courtesy is a part of college
spirit. We must remember that
our liberty ends where another's
rights begin. More of the spirit
cf friendliness and consideration
would do a world of good in im-
prorving our college. We share its
opportunities and its responsibili-
ties. Let's all start a "How-d'yo-
do smiling, cheery, and friendly
campaign. 111 help begin it, and
Warren's Drug
edon Ar
11,and � a Tha
Nrelabel 34.
are o'clock.
M. H.
Time and tide�and newspapers
�wait for no man.
White's Stores Inc.
5c to $5.00
For Courtesy & Service
Kthel Vu k of W�
Is Elected Prd
Of Freshmj
I'lhel Yick from W -
elected President i . I
el un on November 10
class met to veto tot
th�- year. Btne net
girk recently raataUei
Junior Cabinet of the V;
Other officers electe
len Jenkins. Vice-pros
one Grant. Secretary;
Crant, Treasurer; Janil
Student Council Bern
and Louise ftobbaaa an
Hooka, cheer leaders.

f -
� �if.
� er
W. .
A. H.
V H.
V U i
Bank Buildimr
. G.
Phone H7
arren's Drug
Kite's Stores Inc.
5c to soo
Courtesy & Service


F.l�NKSlAY. NOV. 2 KY2.
McGinnis Elected Vice-President
North Carolina College Conference
Dr. Wright and Mr. Me-
Ginnis Are Members
Hul Dr. Wright Did
Not Attend
Convened At Durham
H -wardJ. Metnns. Registrar
the c 1!�re atten.ledthe12th an-
� ��;nj; of th� N��h('ar din.)
� i � inferenceheld inlurh m
dayand Frdaj. Novetmber
and i1. and waselected vice-
- Sen!for 1933.
r , meeting washeldat the
JiStl It i 1 l'ukc11� �teland it's
1 � A noe 1�ffe�tive use
Ol jivtre OatintheSolution
� . rivtt IV �asofHigher

��i-r- of the Conference
Dr. C E .Brewer, of Mere-
'� President; H ttaiad
i. vice-president; and . Y.
composed of
ors and three members
elected. Tray are:
ers elected for the year
re: Dr. Fraxier Rood ol
i ra, i nt; Prof.
The Gift of Last Year's Class
1! wmi J. M ;innivice-presi-
denDr. N. W. vaiker. of the
I'niv� sity � f N rth y i reasuier.Carolina, sec-
T!e executive boar1 is composed
of t,e three offices�a and three
e�. i 1 hat wereele ted. They
art :l'r. C. K. Browei, of Meicdih;
Mrs.Mary T.ivlor of. C. C. W
andOr. 11 Hand 111 n. of 1 Hike
M�. Mk-Gmnif wasthe only rep-
resenta! iyn
� :n

bat l arolina
lege present. How-
. McGirtnis and Presi-
are memlk rs. Dr.
n he e mmittee on
lard �. ad Mr. McGin-
commtttee on Student
leges of the country
looks fur its train-
The real importance
ollege students as
spread a knowledge
To th
the Red Cros
ed leadership.
f enr � �
member? is t
of the aims and objects of the Jlci
Cr as and to arouse the Easting in-
terest of the young men and wo-
men wh are soon to become ac-
tors in the public life of their
communities. In the high schools,
the Red Cross encourages a sense
of citizenship and a broader inter-
est m knowledge. This introduc-
tory work is carried into the col-
leges, where the annual Roll (ill
i ffers an opportunity for becom-
ing acquainted with the program
of the society. College students
ko w thai the Red Cross has been
active everywhere in the past year
in promoting (its general peace-
time activities and especially in
relief w rk. It has taken a targe
par: in alleviating misery due to
Many, many years ago, 'twould
�earn to us who now live in this
community, Thanksgiving was ob-
served very differently from the
manner in which we now observe
Changes in anything come gra-
dually and slowly, so slowly, that
indeed, one does not realize the
change, at times, in comparing
them from year to year. But,
when one takes a long jump, those
changes are readily and dearly, re-
cognised. Thus it has been with
the observing of Thanksgiving on
this campus.
Lo.king lack over the records of
the events f the school years since
UH7, one finds a spirit of willing-
ness to honor and obey the desires
Of the officers of administration.
Perhaps the girls thought of going
h me for the holidays, but they
old not make themselves uncom-
tor;ahle r unhappy by the thought
of home. They entered into the
spirit of the occasion with all their
faculties for enjoyment, and the
result was a wonderful ami delight-
ful Thanksgiving.
Op until 1931, n. students were
allowed bo leave the campus be-
fore Friday following Thanksgiv-
ing. That is to ay, everyone was
requested to observe Thanksgiving
on the college campus. The events
f the day fitted in with the cus-
tom brought down through the
age since that first Thanksgiving
n the cold New England shores.
On Thanksgiving day in 1926,
this is cited as typical of the many
Thanksgivings observed on the
famous, the students were awaken-
ed by the rising bell, as usual. X
desire to sleep was felt by anyone
for when the girls awakened to the
fact, that it was redly Thanksgiv-
ing day, the day of all days, they
jumped out at bed, and in a very
short while, were on their way t �
the dining hall, whore a delightful
breakfast awaited their arrival. The
breakfast consisted of fruit, cereal,
oysters, toast, batter, and hot cof-
fee. After finishing this meal
they went to the auditorium, where
a pr gram was rendered by the
Young Women's Christian Associa-
tion, which created an atmosphere
of reference and thanksgiving. The
devotional readings and the mask
carried out the spirit of the occa-
The outstanding event of the day-
was the basketball tournament. It
wa- at this time that the intorclass
games were held, and the cham-
pions ware given a loving cup, sym-
Udic of their olyntpk feat. These
games created much excitement
and fervor. All during the day the
girls wore white, and at the games
their class colors were tied on.
After the excitement of the
m rning dinner was eagerly eaten.
Dr. Leon Meadows Addresses
P. T. A. of Training School
On "Use of Leisure Time"
Says Happiness Is Chief
Purpose In Life
The Parent-Teachers As� nation
of the Training S;ho:d met there
Wednesday, November 2. Dr. Mea-
dovs talked to the gr up on "The
Proper Use of Leisure
1. Happiness is the chief purpose
in life, so one should spend his
leisure in the way in which foe will
derive the happiest benefits from
2. We have more pleasure thin
ur fathers, which fact
largely to this machine
which we live. In the
are likely to have even mor
sure than we do now becau
the development of Dion
cry and of the shorter
hours we will have.
3. The future of the nation de-
pends upon the proper use of lei-
4. Different people require dif-
fe.ent types of leisure. There can
ge mo best lule as to tihe best way
a person may spend his leisure.
lbs saidiFor c-xamP'e. tn manual laborer
must have physical rest while the
mental 1 iborer must have physical
5. As a general rule we might
upend dot leisure in getting ac-
quainted with
(a) ourselves,
(b) the ones closest to us,
(c) those 'a ho need us most, for
provision of physical necessities
and mental necessities, and
(d) God's universe. He has giv-
en us nature which we do not un-
age in
uture we
� ,f
in achin-
derstand and it is up to us to
make ourselves acquainted with it.
This scene shows one of the most
recent improvements made on the
campus. The circle on which four
Hidings, Cotton Hall, the Science
Building, the Campus Building an! presented by the
the Library, face has been trans-jof 1932.
raduating classe:
f rmed from R isti
place if beauty. G
bery are growing
Walks bad to the
there is the
space into a Improvements now being made
ass and shrub-are the planting of shrubbery in
in tihe circle, j front of the dining hall and the
tenter where reworking of the plot in front of
1 and f ontain Austin Hall where the flagpole
shown. The Wright's Circle was islands.
Travel To The Sunset
Would you travel with me
the sunset route out to the
e '�
at ng
piace where the sun sets Then
you must lend your imagination as
we board the limited in New Or-
leans and puff westward.
The first big thrill e mo- when
our train is run on to a huge flat
ferry and pulled, by means of
small U$gs, across the Miss
We all come out of the coa 1
the windows, and seek
The porter comes throu
us t.hat we must not hav
clows up
keep tin
us faint;
: bey must all be
heat and sand oul
Oce i ionaliy a 1
from the heat as
A Story of Adventure
, tell
� win-
wn to
idy lie ir
d we be-
and str H a'
takes an hoia
are so many
;i l on the
to cr s
either side we see the
ters, liut as we look ba
get a splendid view i
loans, and as we neat
dinner was a typical Thanks-
giving dinner, with turkey as th
ma n feature.
Everything which
. s ausesV llongs � Turkey dinner was
Red Cross is relieving theUhere, and the meal was finished
distributing wheat andH ' ����� a�1 ��ke- At
needy t.v , ,
flour and by manufacturing cotmeal, the winning basketball team,
ton Clothing for them. In aiding were the guests of honor; they were
ted at the tenter table. I MS
time of charming revelry
the unemployed it is a leading seatec
It has riven free seed foriwas a
All the students en
vegetable gardens to 306,360 fami-
lies. During the year the Red
Cross re-ponded to the call ef l!2
disasters, expending $rH7,000 in
administering to the needs of 77
"00 families who suffered from na-
tural calamities.
In considering this relief work,
one should n t lose sight of the
steady service given by the Red
Cross in other lines. Among these
services is the teaching of fir-ft
aid and life-saving, which has been
given at many colleges over the
country as supplemental to ath-
letic work.
Ix't it be remembered that the
Red Cross annual Roll Call open-
ed on Armistice Day, November
11. and ends on Thanksgiving day,
N vember 2-1.
ferry 1 rr
. and the
to see
muddy Wa-
le of us. we
l New Or-
the center
of the river we a tually 1 � k down
on tihe city in the distance. There
is so much water everywhere, we
almost fool as if we are crussiag
bhe ocean, anil we leel as if we
might get seasick.
Then we .ue run safely off on
the other sh re. and born the
seemingly endless ftitmney across
Texas. It is a broad state. The
first city we come (Jo is Houston
and then .San Antonia, and it is
there that we begin to see our i
f irt Toxans. They are not so very I
different fv m us, except that thej
real ones have a very different ac-
cent from ours and they very
readily correct us n our pronun-
dotioii of San Antonia, they say
it as if it were Sann-toii. Those
Uhat board the limited there are
friendly and talk bo us a great deal
telling us mostly how terribly hot
we w'll find the Arizona desert,
and giving various suggestions as
to h w t keep cooL
Out ,f the windows we catch
glimpses of herd of cattle grazing
th the flat grassy kinds. Ocea-
smnaMy we see a real ranch home
with the white paneled fences, and
pastures, but we seldom see a oow-
0 me frightened. We almost never
1 ok out the wind ws. there is noth-
ing mue-h to see: cactus, a few huts,
of j almost no villages, and never any
PIH-Jwater. EverythJn� seems so still
n v and the -un beats down n the san
�� tJso that the reflect
Teachers and Alumnae
Honored With Tea
Sometimes we
he san-i
n ttlmost blinds
see a few attic
v'n but almost never a human being,
and our tram never stops except
for fue I and water.
Late in the afternoon we become
more interested in the scenery. It
is truly beautiful. The sand dunes
look almost like mountains in the
distance and as the sun begins to
set they take on different colors.
Some of them look purple.
I Very soon a sand s; rm begins
and sand literally pours into the
coaches. We are frightened, and it
i takers much persuasion n the part
of our porter before we finally go
to sleep under two wool nhrnkots
iand a desert moon.
In the m rising we are in Phoe-
nix. We stop fohere and got off bo
look aroumd. It is another hot day.
Yarns comes nest, and many pas-
sengers leave the tiain there to go
to the famous desert resorts. One
f them is mineral springs and we
get a good view of the beautiful
hiotel and grounds fr m u. window
as we go by.
"Thank heavens for Thansksgiv-
ing shout the practice teachers
in unison; And anyone who has
not had a similar experience would
wonder why they make such an
event of mere Thanksgiving holi-
A story of advent are that should 'hays and why the joyous expres-
interest students of E. C. T. C. bas,sioaB "n their fac('s whm thcy paf'k
just been received by the Teeo their bags the night before they
Echo editor through the A. XK�home. Well, listen to a "woman
(Associated Nonsense) syndicate. experience" and you'll under-
h concerns the Man-Hunting ex- stand why Thanksgiving is really
pediti n begun agont the last of time of giving thanks for
September, by a number of aggres- j practice teachers!
sive forward looking girls. The! Really, without trying to discou-
trail has le dfar into the wilds j rage anyone who's looking forward
of Despair. to doing P. T it's mu:h harder
than class work. For one thing,
new experience
and it's hard for some girls to be-
The dispatch, rushed by gossip,
key-hole peeping, eaves dropping, an entirely
and other highly progresmve forms,
aid that the !lonle occustomed
mmunicati n,
to it. Another
:r ,v:i. -u!ltin4 iN wiy.thing, you have to be prepared to
steadily into Coedigonia, despite I answer any kind of question alout
slander, heartbreak, humiliation, j almost any subject that dear little
and disappointments. Some mem- "bram" .an think to ask you.
bers of the adventurous group Thanksgiving gives you a chance
have succeeded, the others are to collect your poor scattered unu,
banging bravely on, encouraged by
the success of their sister w
The Pitt County Chapter of East
Carolina Teachers College Alumnae
Association met at the ihome of
Mrs. Clifton Edwards Thursday
night, November 17, with Mrs. Sa-
vage as a joint hostess:
A committee was appointed to
plan a program for Founders Day
which will be held at the college
Marcth, 1933. The committee con-
sists of Elizabeth R, Hobbs, Chair-
man, Mrs. Cary Warren, Mrs. A. B.
Corey, Mrs. Louella Stancil and
Miss Maria D. Gralnam.
Arrangements were made to
open up the Alumnae Gift Shop
which is on the main floor of the
Campus building. The Gift Shop
will be open to students and fed the
public on every Wednesday, Thurs-
day and Saturday from 6:30 to
7:30 P. M.
The next meeting of this chapter
will be held December eighth, at
the ihome c-f Mrs. E. W. Hellen who
will be joint hostess wjtVi Mrs. Sid-
ney Law.
and have a good time without wor-
ork- l'y'nS about your lesson for the
next day. It's a teal vacation
j where yon can rest and relax with-
The means of capturing the prey Ij fea(. of 5 "eaught" by some
have varied widely, but regardless pupi And so we feel s(rry for ei
of method quite a number of the L gjjjg 4� Practice Teaching
animal specimen have been cap-wmtej. amJ jprimg terms because
they have no Thanksgiving hdi-
luted. Some few were taken in
auiek-snapping trape baited withJj look fot.ard to.
tempting meats; others fell into
pits covered by subterfuge and wit-
ty conversations. The animals
are being prcftjdly exSiibated by
their female captors.
Those who have not won their
prizes are not ttally disvuragd.
Some believe that "Music hath
The College Orchestra
Rehearsing Regular
for everyone
tercd into the spirit of the occa-
sion, doing their part tk make the
day a real day with no evil effects.
The afternexm was open to the
girls that they might do whatever
they liked. And in the evening
they all gathered in the Austin
auditorium to see a picture, special
for the occasion.
In such a manner as this was
Thanksgiving observed in years
ne by. No longer, is that day
observed on the campus. In 1931
President Wright gave all the stu-
dents the privilege of going home
on Wednesday before Thanksgiving,
to be at the family table on
Thanksgiving day. To be borne,
seated with the family is all that
the citizens of bhis community can
wish to nJake their happiness su
Ethel Vick of Woodland
Is Elected President
Of Freshman Class
The orchestra, under the direc-
tion of Miss Thomas, is rehearsing
regularly on Tuesday afternoons at
3:30 o'clock. With an enrollment
of approximately 900 students E.
C. T. C, should have an orchestra
lovely fhnv-rjous theories have been advanced 0f 50 instead of 12, but football,
! groves njami experimented with by the practice teaching, and similar ac-
boy or a real bucking br nco
We welcome light; it has been
very warm all day, but are go Ixi
bed under a heavy wool blanket
and a Texas moon.
In the morning we awoke still
in Texas. As we look out we sec
nothing but great stretobes of flat
scorched plains. Now and then a
house with a windmill, and occa
sionally a very small village, swel-
tering under the morning sun. The
air is heavy and seems to be filled
with dust. We feel as if it is al-
most impassible to bieathe. We are
nearing the desert. By noon we
reach El Paso, the paas into Mexi-
co. A long stop there, ami every-
one leaves the train to walk up
and down the station platform and
inspect the various things that the
Mexicans have brought there to sell
I charm to soothe the savage breast,
Now we cross the Colorado and aruj that with soft lights and sweet
we are into Calif rn a, truly snjrnusk. they will win over all odds
oasis, after the Arizona heat. We (and have a man of their own. Va-
soe Ki"ekn palms, and
-rs. There are 1 ram
either side and fie-hl after field
trf gtwpes. The air is sweat and
pleas int. We are SO excited we
can hardly keep OUT seats.
At last the train palled into the
Los Angeles station, and our ad-
venture .has jut begun.
"Tiavel is a part of Education
savs Francis Bacon.
Bertha McKinney, a piano stu
dent of th. "D" class of 1932,
writes from Bakersville, N. C, that
she is pianist in her church and is
continuing piano lessons.
The search will probably end in
June, but will be continued next
September. We should send these
brave explorers encouragement
ami sympathy in their hazardous
Maybe some of the girls think
they can play bridge, but if yju
need any pointers come over to the
co-ed shack and ask Rivers,
Wright, Barrett, Dresbaek, and
But even so, the old days I to us. The women are seated in a
Ethel Vick from Woodland, was
elected President of the freshman
class on November 10 when the
, lass met to vote for officers for
the year. Ethel was one of the
girls recently installed into the
Junior Cabinet of the Y. W. C. A.
Other officers elected were: El-
len Jenkins, Vice-president; Mal-
ene Grant. Secretary; Isa Oosten
Grant, Treasurer; Janie Outland,
Student Council Representative;
and Loui e Bobbins and Dorotthy
Hooks, cheer leaders.
are a dear memory to abase stu-
dents who knew them.
Bridge Party Given
On Saturday Night
There was a bridge party given
in Miss Mildred B. Williams room
Saturday night, November 12, fol-
lowing the show. Those attend-
ing were Mildred Dixon, Dorothy
Smith, Dorothy Mitchell, Lumlle
Pate, Hilda Thompson, Margaret
Smith, Mildred B. WilHams ssd
Bertha Walsbon. High score was
won by Hilda Thompson while
Dorothy Smith took low score.
Candy and peanuts were enjoyed
thronghout the game.
row along the track with tiheir laps
full of all sorts beads, bags, and
vases, made by their own hands.
They shout their wares at us as
we pass. It is impossible to un-
derstand them, but we stop to ad-
mire and sometimes to buy souve-
nirs. The men run up and dawn
�bhe platform with their arms load-
ed with shawls and scarfs and
Spanish handkerchiefs for sale. We
buy a handkerchief made of sandal
wood for three dollars. WThen we
return thlcme we find one like itht
the dime stare for five cents.
We are called back to the train
notw and cross the Rio Grande and
then into the desert. It is very
worm and we begin to fan, raise
(Void After Thanksgiving)
This coupon with One Dollar entitles bearer to
a beautiful 8x10 inch photograph of themselves
suitable for framing, if presented to�
Evans Street Greenville, N. C.
On or Before November 15th, 1932
This is a Regular Five Dollar Value J
tivities make it impossible for all
those who would like to attend.
There are other students in col-
lege, however, who could come to
practice if they would, and their
addition would mean much to the
New members are:
Mattie Pearl Mallard, Vioiln.
Clarence Galloway, Clarinet.
Melvin Willard, Saxaphone.
Ches. Sttiuff, Clarinet.
James Carr, Drums.
Quizz: "What did Paul Revere
say at the end of his ride?"
Juip: "Whoa
One twinkling star in a sea of blue,
And a silvery moon to ride the
And I think of you in life's turmoil
Laboring there, a slave among
There is a Power that ends all this
A Power that gives us happiness,
But you are beyond its Heavenly
You are entangled in human stress.
A life in the torturing shadows on
A life in the shadows of death
The only sign of existence within�
The body exhales a shimmering
A soul atoss in the tempest of life,
A soul adrift in channels of pain,
The light of whose life is wrapped
in a cloud
And only the Power can see it
Bertha Walston.
Gan we say it is tomorrow?
No, it always is today.
All tomorrows are but shadows
Which forever fade away.
"Tomorrow will be time enough
Many of us often say.
But when we awake we find
It is not tomorrow, but today.
�Myrtle Lane.
Department Stores
Hintn Jewelry Co.
fAt The Big Clock"
Fresh 2 lb. Fruit Cakes
(New Styles)
'Ensemble Pajamas, All sizes
and colors, $1.00.
If You Haven't Been Visiting
our Toilet Ooods Department
Start Now
Service With a Smile
Watch Styles Everybody is
Wearing, Tam and Scarf to
Match. Complete set 50c.
QPFfTAI. Wfi carry a �mPlete line ofSPBCIAL
Don't be bite girls. Get up
on time with Guaranteed
Alarm Clocks.
A complete line of ail can-
dies. Don't miss our Candy
All New Fall Shades in Dolo-
res Pure Silk Hose, Per Pair,
Tell Your Roommate
Get up with our special
priced wrist watches.
Guaranteed One
i r

i "
. .

A. If
.� I
�� f
f b
. H
Rank Built
C t'ii
a ire
n's Drug
Kite's Stores Inc.
V to $5.00
r Courtesv & Service
History of Campus
When East Car hna Teachers
Training School opened its dor
fnc the first nine m October, 1909,
there was started m a smalt way
ttwft arganisati a Umtt today i Eut
Carolina Teachers College. A by-
stander observing the six building
I en eiected would gasp at the
seventeen buildings of which the
college '
boasts today,
buildings which were
in 1999 were Wilson
and the
At that
tig ���
a boy's
Be� i�
Hail Wh
ling Hail, old Infirmary,
gnawer plant and l.tundiy.
tune the front of Austin
ind Jai v a Hall were be-
Jarvis Hall was used a
lormi&ory the first two
Ided; .la
all had
I was I
his flege.
Ssem! Iv f
I p: ai
and he
y s 11
w a s
be part of Austin
. the eourp -siti. n
the Aud.torium,
is as it new stands
vnd w ik on Flem-
he red letter year for
That year the General
N ith C trolina appr -
ast Carolina Teachers
25,000 for a huiid.n,
result of this ap-
the erect:�w of the
Ha Uagsdale 11.A)
on of Fleming Hall.
da amount installed
sons of tunnels with
heating ami water
ded in tins ail tment
th which to build a
k ; the Morfolk and
Railroad system. Many
n 1 kn w that th's por-
raek bek tigs to the eol-
was :n this year that the
nt and laundry were mov-
i poa
i v a
A hush surrounded the Cam-
pus Building and an air of evil
foreboding filled the hearts of
all the students wh gathered in
clusters on the steps, in the cor-
i-id us, in the halls as the bear-
er of their fate walked calmly
and det.ichedly up the stone
steps to ihe office of the Tecoan
Staff Room with the masterpie-
ces, the t �sues gallery selec-
tions, the beauty queens, and
the nonentities under his aim.
A push, a gasp, a calling of
numbers and then a skirmish!
Oh, woe is me! My picture is
really of me and it looks like me
and not like Jean Harlow, or
v onstance Bonnet, r Laura La
I'lante, or Rud dph V,alentino.
It is me, me in my worst form.
me with my worst scrowl, me
as 1 look everyday and not as
1 had hoped to lo k.
Look at my hair! My finger
wave like a washboard plus a
few extra wrinkles and a more
mobile air. Look at my hair
1 look as if 1 had been in the
�'�Are. k of the Hesperus! It is
all blown away. You would
District Librarians
Meet In Greenville
Armistice Day
Celebrated Here
Dr. Meadows Delivers the
Leading Address
Pictured above is the
James Yadk in Joyner
lina Teachers College,
Library at East Cai
President Wright
Shows Student Body
Picture Dr. Joyner
The Greenville Librarian's Dis-
trict Meeting was held in the eity.
It was conducted by Miss Ma:jure
Beal of the Librarian Commission
of Raleigh for librarians and trus-
tees of libraries.
Dr. Meadows, print
on the program, gave
Log discussion of the
Use of Books to In.
Thinking on Present
lems He gave most attention t �
the following points:
1. The mother tongue is the tool
that must be used for (level iping
the material in the library.
A proper taste for jjood hooks
Judge Patton Addresses
legion ai res, Seouts,
Students, And Citi-
pal speaker
an interest-
topic, "Th
Lre Seri :
Day Pro -
The students f the (
tended on November 1!
bratiun of the Armistic
nually sponsored by the
ollege ai
the eel.
� Day ar
I'itt Coui
if ell
t. e
he way it
-vt .n
1 1927.
a o ye irs
bly a'ppa
a temp
location and
tatry building
he General A
d $250,000 f. r
Campus Bu id-
think it was March
is flying.
Lo k at my face! I look soar-
ed t i death. Look at me! I look
like a grinning hyena! Look
at me! I look like I never smil-
ed in my life! Look at me! I
look like they mule me as ugly
as they could and then yelled
"B o" at me!
Gee, am I ugly? Tel! me
the truth, am I ugly? And jus,
how d i you think that the pho-
tographer could have made you
lnk different from the way he
did? Wasn't it you with your
best Sunday smile, and your
best Sunday manner that walk-
ed airily up those self-same
stops several weeks ago? Then
did y u want a Garb , or a
Harl w. or a Bennett or any
e numerous SWpp tsed-
iu! fill persons of the
i glance back from the
t you? Yet to hear you
ie thinks the photogra-
� ik the beauty f the
and turned her into a
chid must cultivate
he best books just as
,�� erected
old site mas convert
loak and lounge r on f
Dining Hall.
$283,000, approp. i I �
wa- osed in this way:
W-A Administration
First Unit of Science
$70,000; Second Unit of
School, $65,000; APorati
Administration Building,
also. The
d into a
� r the New
1 m 1929,
�ns in old
�,000; Spur Track.
President Robert H. Wright in
a Ohapel talk on November 10th,
showed to the students a picture
"f Dr. James Yadkin Joyner which
has been presented to the college.
President Wright, when presenting
the picture named Dr. Joyner, Mr.
McKeiver and Mr. Alderman as
the three outstanding men in edu-
cates in North Carolina.
The picture of Dr. J yncr is to
be placed in the J. Y. Joyner Me-
morial Library of this college with-
in a few days.
"Dr. Joyner had done more in
shaping the educational policy of
East Carolina Teachers College
than any other one person said
Mr. Wright in his talk adding that
"He stood foursquare in giving
the children of North Carolina the
best possible advantages
Mr. Joyner, President Wright
t dd the students, was born near
the Yadkin River in I860. In 1SS1
he graduated from the University
f North Carolina at the age of
19 years, being the youngest mem-
ber of the class and one of the
youngest persona '�� have graduat-
ed from there. Following his gra-
duation he taught fir three years
in the LaGrange academy and in
1 K4 he taught at Turnstawn. The
following years, 1S85, 1HSG, he
studied law and began practicing
in Greensboro in 1SS(, continuinc,
in that profession until 1889 dur-
ing which time he was also the
Chairman of the Board of Educa-
tion in Wayne County. From lSS'a
r 1893 he served as superintendent
f schools in Goldsboro where he
succeeded Mr. Alderman. 4gain
The North-Eastern District of n 1898 &r. Joyner succeeded Mr.
the North Carolina Educational Aldei man. this time as head of
Association met November 11 and,the English Department at North
Rocky Mount The college, Car Una College for Women.
well represented; Erom lK2 to 1919 he was pilot
mbeis and forf the public schools of the state
Three members of and his work testifies to his capa-
went on Friday for'l'ility and service in that field. In
lun-heon with the Chairman'of De-jaddition to these he served as
The Junior Class entertained j must
the Freshmen Class, on Novembei
5, at a Halloween Party in tba
auditorium of the social religious tain foods.
building. This tastt
A Halloween color scheme of!We must not
black and orange was attractively
st- that
he d
carried out in strips of paper hung!
from the sides of the balcony and
must be satisfied,
ie like the librarian
ong ago who when asked how
he was getting al njr with the li-
brary answered "Very well. All
across the ceiling, the colors being! ,f' my books are in except one and
alternated. The fr nt of the danceU'� un U1y vay to && now1 The
floor opposite the entrance door object of the librarian today is to
was dominated by a skeleton while distribute the books and to satisfy
the piano was decorated with black'the taste f the reading public,
and range. t. Competition must lie met by
Miss Melha O'Brien played tho the library. For instance, have
dance music and during an inter- uch a varied selection of books
mission Mr. A!va Van Nortwick j tha't they can win the struggle
sang several pieces of popular mu-over (&) the radio, (b) the movies,
sir. Refreshments consisted of
ty Post of the
The parade vv
Ulantic (' asl L:n
ins n Avenue rtarti
and moved to t he (
it included ex-seir
higb � : I band, i
school ; Iren.
by a :onl a
atne ' �.
ai � ��� vdn
and p ceeded aro
At eleven ' I �
the actual signinj
winch eraled the i
the world has ��
minutes of silent
every ae standing
notes of the ughout thi
Ryan, pastor i
Church, voice
Ameri �an Legion.
hich f �� iced ai t
depot on Di
d at ten o'clo
tmpus Buildii
ice men, r
! 5 ill
ginger cakes and cider. The
Freshmen and members of Wake
Forest foot-ball squad a- well as
the Dean of Women. Miss M rt�n,
were the guests of the evening.
Y. W. C. A. In Charge
Of The ChaDel Hour
a person,
a person.
ti twenty
pie should
types of
A good ex-
aite 8good thing ti
.� . ir pictiire made. Then
get tc seeyourself as oth-
� see you.

jonal Association
Met In Rocky Mount
12 at
was exceedingly
by both faculty nit
met student
our faculty
The Y. W. C. A. was in charge
of the chapel boar on Saturday
morning and presented a program
that commemorated the 2oth anni-
versary of the national Y. W. C. A.
The program was in huge of
Miss Ethel Parker, president of
the local unit. Others taking part
m the presentation were Melha
O'Brien and Ruth Parker.
Ethel gave a short talk on "The
Devel patent of the National
Young Woman's Christian Associ-
it. n In this she sketched the
growth from the time it was estab-
lished in 1966 in New York City
to the present time, giving the
purposef the organization in this
and other institutions.
Members of the Cabinet of th
local chapter and the (hoir were
seated on the stage with the pres-
ident of the ass ciation.
(c) the indifference of
and (d) the indolence of
o. Discussion i f a list
books n contemporary
He give reasons why pei
be interested in specific
books at certain times. .
ample is that t day, since we are
b iving a change in the government
of our nation, we should be inter-
ested in politics, treaties and
English Club Holds
Regular Meeting
The English Club held its regu-
lar meeting on Wednesday evening,
November 16, in the Y hut. After
completing the business, the meet-
ing was tinned over to the pro-
gram committee.
The main feature of the pro-
gram was an impr unptu play giv-
en by several members of the club
who were selected without pre-
Ivious warning. Emma Lee Davis.
j Chairman of the Committee, gave
: the club a glowing description of
j the scene bef re them, and each
maginati n was stretched to the
.leaking point. After hearing th �
partments of the District Meeting President of the State
$6 000.
When the college was first map-
ped out in P.tu provision was not
made for the New Administration
Building and the New Training
School Of the twenty proposed
buildings fifteen are already under
construction. Seven have been
completed, Camtpoa Building, L
braiy. Austin Hall. Gotten Hall,
Fleming Hall, Jarvis Hall, Wilson
Hall; nly four aro partially com-
pleted - Seieme Building, Teanhtrs
Dormitory, Infirmary and Dining
Hall. Of the five proposed build-
ings which have not been staited
four are dormitories and the fifth
is a stadium.
During the past two years great
strides have bees made in the pro-
posed plan for planting shrubbery
and landscaping the campus. In
the spring of ItSl, the lake was
created. It is one A the most
pietureaque spots on the campus.
The worst notable improvement D
;he 9 mplethm of Wright's Circle
around which are grouped Gotten
Hall, the Library, the Campus
Building, and the Science Building.
At piosent the plot immediately in
front of Austin Hall is being grad-
ed. Shrubs and flowers will be
planted there. This will eliminate
b drive way directly in front of
this building. The plot in front of
the two Dining Halls is also being
graded; walks are being built up
to the doors; and shrubs have been
planted. One of the most interest-
ing additions to the campus in the
future will be an athletic field and
a stadium. These will be on the
site of the present football and
baseball field.
The students of East Carol ma
Teachers College have a right to
be proud of their college.
When the old Model School which
is now being demolished was built
in 1914, the state owned the ground
but appropriated to the College on-
of Board
Chairman Association, Secretary
f the
matics Department;
ma L. Hooper, Chairm
English Department.
these nresided at their respective College, and from l�.�2:t to l'�2 he
Mi�s Eunice McGee wa
Elementary Department. Dr. of Trustees of National Education
Chairman of the Math- association 1912-1919. The years
and Miss Em- 19W to 1919 found him the Ex-Of-
vn of the , ficlo member of the board of
Each of trustees of East Carolina Teachers
presided at
was a member of the same board.
The principal speakers weie
Briggs, of Teachers
Thomas H
College of Columbia University down-hearted and
and Dr. Rollo Reynolds, Principal
of Horace Mann Training School
But I've got a lot to be thankful
for, haven't you?
For when 'round about me I stare
I see a beggar standing there with
his shoes worn through
And his feet going bare.
at Teachers College, Columbia Uni-
versity. These speeches were both
inspiring and valuable. Miss Laura
Rose also spoke liefore the Depart-
ment of Social Science.
On Friday afternoon the E. C T.
C, Alumni Association of Rockyon my other side I see a man,
Mount entertained all visiting, whose eyes are shut,
Alumni and faculty members at awho his hand a worn rust.
lovely tea, which was informal, but j pd cu))
pretty. Those present were de"Who at the sound of a coin grins
lighted because President Wrht: with a smile
told of college improvements, andjFor he knows that th,s wm carry
interesting news about the campus
About half of the faculty attend, Just more mile
cd the meeting, representing each
Prospective Teachers
May Gain Experience
Miss Coates, the Primary Super-
visor, is carrying out a project here
with the practice teachers whereby
the prospective teachers nay gain
experience for actual work in
teaching. It is called "Primary
Education on a Laboratory Basis
The class use their classroom to
work out such problems as: What
can we do to make this room more
attractive? How can we arrange
flowetj-s to the het advantage?
How can we file materials to be
used when we begin teaching ?
Here the student teachers learn
the physical, mental, social and
emotional needs of the child and
how to meet them. The text is
used merely as a reference to
guide them in working out activi-
auditorium. ttev
the general senti
Extents in a prayer in which h
commended the brave spirits "ove
there" to God's care and askei
that we might learn how to can
f r those equally brave hoys whosi
lives were spared
President Wright gave a few
Words of we! ome and expressc 1
the hope that the world would con-
tinue to educate her people and
prepare them f v making peac
prevalent and if war is a necess-
ary evil, for clearing up the prob
lems of the aftermath with great-
er intelligence.
After an intr duti m by Mr. J.
C. Lamer, the speaker of the day
Judge Francis D. Patton, secure
the instant attention of the au
dieroce by asserting that he consid-
ers Greenville his second home
Durham being his first.
The college girls appreciated the
comparison made between the
Frankenstein monster and the
huge machines and p isonou- eras-
es of man's own invention which
seem bo threaten to oveiw.helm
their Creator. The story of the
Venus fly tra.p (lev.tiring its bene-
factor was brought forcefully
In conclusion Judge Patton ex-
pressed the wish that the world
might come to realize that War
accomplishes much less than
Peace. He cited the great com-
mandment of Christ, "Love one
11 ms
smaner and m
and yet more
young nrui sin:
emoti n. Pei 't-
is Thantegivinj
t Bghl the m
game rushed q
feels di-app in
a use ihe is u
P ckets an I I
A v- ice U
open do re
young, ����
The young n
holy Lord
v ice grows
ahorus f
a ir.
G d i
fcher "Holy, h
name, of the L rd
slips quietly into
drops d wn on a
There is only
tight the little n.
through the s ft
From the semi-da
man sees a gentJ
t tie
i ai.
it man
i' to
i'h a
s out
ls from the
brief plot of a play called The
Loveiorns, the girls demonstrated j another.
their dramatic ability by develop- The music throughout the pro
ing it by spontane us conversation Igram was especially beautiful. A
and acting. If not. strictly theatri- brass quarter fr m the College
cal, it was, at least, amusing. land Hi�:h School gave several se-
Those who took part were Helen ' lections of songs of the late days
Harkey, Mary G. Parker, Ruby , of the war. These leal to the sing-
Taylor, and Sally Jo Fields. ing of "There's a Lon Long Trail
a Winding
Students of the College sang
the png to which thousands of
weary hearts ached daring the
Cheat War, "Keep the Home Fires
Burning Mary Belle Wilson
sang the verses.
The progjram of the mefcrmng
Most Students Pass
Annual Spelling Test
it'll on
he weie
the mini
in a
department of the college.
Practice Recital Held
Wednesday Evening
The regular practice recital was
held Wednesday evening, November
2. For the opening number "Hun-
gary by Koelling, was played as
a duet by Cathryn Barnett and
Miss Gorrell. Others participating
in the program were Leon Mea-
dows, Katiberine Bradley, Elizabeth
(Meadows, S. Elizabeth Smith, and
Edith Marslender. Miss Gorrell
also read a helpfil article on
"Hymndnaying Several visitors
were present.
Thank God for my eyes, so that I
might see,
What is before me now and what is
to e,
Thank God for my health, my
strength and my Mother,
Who has kept me not on the sin
path but on the other.
So when around about us we look
with careful eye,
We see someone less fortunate than
you or I,
Let us give to God in our humble
way of giving
A Prayer thanking Him, just for
Drury Settle.
ly half enough money to build it, so
the town built the first story and
the collegie built the second story.
Baptist Student Union
Conference Is Held
In Chapel Hill, N. C.
iAt the Baptist Student Union
Conference held at Chapel Hill
from November 4-fi, East Carolina
Teachers College was represented
by ten girls and two musical num-
bers, one a duet gy Lela Mae and
Ruby Taylor, and a vocal solo by
Willa Mae Dills.
Speakers at the Conference in-
cluded Rev. E. N. Gardner, Mr.
Frank Leavell, Drs. Frank Gra-
ham, and Ellis Fuller.
Representatives from the col-
lege were: Beth Brantley, Willa
Mae Dills, Elsie Edwards, Mildred
Harrison, Mary McCormick, Alice
Menefe� Lela Mae Taylor, Ruby
Taylor, Bertha Walston, and Mar-
garet Waltet
The annual spelling test was giv-
en Wednesday afternoon, Novem-
ber 2, in the Austin auditorium. In
all 464 students, most of them
Freshmen, C and transfers, took was concluded by tho annual bar-
it. Of these 20)1) made ninety, beeoe served to the ex-service men.
which is a passing grade for the I
college. Ten of this number had Douglas: "How many fellows
pei feet papers. Only eighteen bring you endy?"
went below the state requirement,
seventy. Of those who passed 21 j Jeanette- '11 of them except
made 1)9, and 1(57 made uo andjy�u
above. Of the 185 who failed to I:)Uffias: "Well, bring s�nu
pass the ninety mark, twenty-eight j jm hungry
la?ked one or two points, scoring
eighty-eight, or eighty-nine.
from the rosy wind
beams fall on the y -
the minister who re
greal Bil Ie before h
The young man a
last bench feels as ii
dre im. The words
"Piai-e Ye the L id tin
chant f t. ie choir in white
men's, the sweet chimes of the or-
gan, the figures of the Good Shep-
herd, the heads bent n prayer, the
falling � f the somlight through the
stained glass on his face is the
sun changes its course, ten the glad
voices swelling in chorus abort1
him. sweeping him with tJhem in a
finding of exaltation and prayer.
Glory be to the Father, and to
Son, and to t.V Holy Ghost,
benediction, fwarm handfcfasps of
old friends, the young man is on
the sidewalk again, with a song in
his heart "Holy, h iy. holy, is the
Lord our God
Armstrong has c me back to
school after a brief illness. But
it is sad he has been advised by
the doctor to play n i more foot-
ball this season. Hard link. Arm-
C. O "I want something to wear
around the dormitory
Sales Girl: "How large is your
It has been isaid -that the Wake
Forest boys certainly did like E.
C. T. C, after their visit Satur-
day. I reckon we boys did leave
a good impression.
Shoes Dyed
All Work
Call For
Norfolk Shoe Shop
316 Evans Street
Greenville, N. C.
Opposite J. C. Penney Company
The Smart Shoppe
From Perfume to Lipsticks bearing the new,
but already famous name of Springtime in Paris
ii- I:
- I
1 i-

M suav, now i�, ma.
even n:
�sod only
.aces. n�-
uent. i1-1
j w i
c � I
if a'
1�A0K MVli
xchanse News
therine Allen, professor
Languagea ut Meredith
h wen; as a v ting dele-
fnternation .1 AsAocie-
luveraity in Edinburgh
,i during la
As t.ld by Helen Taylor to Ruby
The other day I had some busi-
ness U transact on the third floor
of the Austin building and only a
shorl time in which to do it, and
being at the time on first floor,
uminer, rather than walking up so many
most interesting places
mhie m Sc tland. One
as St pat ford-on-Avon
greatly enj ycd "King
"Midsummer Night's
stairs, 1 deckled 1 might save
some time !y taking the elevatar,
or "Nellie as it is called by sev-
aral if its regului patrons. Have
jam ever tried goin from base-
ays of Shakespeare mom to third floor up the steps
Id in the new memo
M Ikmps Ootlege in
have decided tibtat
e.i man must be:
� -h ots a Qattering
U Us Funny rokes only
without resting loose? Well, if
you try it sometime, y ni'U wonder
why the building wasn't equipped
with a dozen elevators instead of
i no.
As I was saying, 1 decided to
take the elevator, since it was
easier on the legs. 1 walked
around to the elevat i' door and
pushed the button. For onee "Xel-
who won't Relieve just! lie" came without any hesitation
� y u wan: h'm to. whatsoever, and she isn't always so
who keeps you guessing, Iconsiderate. 1 stepped in, shut
e. the door and started up. I ar-
who sings love songs in I rived on third floor without any
can carry a tune. mishap and attempted to slide the
: dlj indifferent door back but that blamed d or
BS) 'X? ,A'S: Truly Jo was gowned in a lovely
br'�c7 basket-ball suit with white acce�
V X 'SjHSIS C' yfJ �ries. T, the sir .ins �f lb ���'�-
Classical Club Presents
A Unique Wedding
The Club gave a new
kind f wedding, "An Athletic
Wedding in Austin Auditrium,
Wednesday evening; as Florence
Sinclair was joined in we Hock U
"Sweeting Through The
Ages Discussed At
Science Club
The Science Club held its second
meeting of the term November 15,
in the Science Building with Nelson
Hunsucker presiding. After a
I short business session in which
Mr. Lric Tucker by i'tuJ. R. C.i ir ,� � , rit, .k t
J IMiss Cassidy tola the club aijjui
Deal, � golf player. ail exhibit �E wild flowers to be
With Jo Robertson at the piano, given here Thursday, November IT,
Alva Van Nortwick, a tennis chamthe meeting was turned over to the
program committee.
A very interesting program was
sriven about "Sweetening Through
Ages i lyde
(thing of the hi:
ing march from l. hengi
groomsmen ent er,haj lie I
� hand in' grey ba � �
Billy Til-on. in a goi �
. ball it; and Bob E i
be utiful yell w md pu . I
i y Of
from wh
!i: j
This map was drawn by Kara Lynn Oorey, and portrays the campus as this year's
students see it.
ept y u- jjust wouldn't slide. There I was
1 - Angeles Collegian. like a monkey in a cage. I pushed
the button and only result was a
FICOM THE CO-BBS wobbling of my cage that mad
I me think it was going to take a
- v . � is crooning half nose dive f r the basement.
v but K. C T. Ci Presently. I heard s nieone com-
� ter. We have two croon- � l! w!1 the hall, so I started
, ; .a .y,r a tackle and ave'lin- "Mickey Evidently it
Aha Van Nortwick,Iwsnt Mickey" or else she didn't
ha ! .tie been prominent recognise her name, anyway, she
�� 1
ur campus, while
talf-h n-k. is rap-
populai itj as a
didn't come to my assistance. At"
ter having arrived at the conclu-
sion that it wasn't -he, the next
name 1 thought of was Nell, so
I ir'ini yelling "Nidi lot awhile
I: is interesting to follow the at-
tempt being made by the Student
Government Ass elation at State
College to improve table manners
in their dining h.ill. Success is
the undertaking would be little
sh r! of a mint le (we believe, if
we can jistge them by a group of
hungry girls), but we sincerely
hope that they will make progress
Ruby Taylor say- the only wry
she knows that she is not a dog
is that she cannot walk steadily.
Faculty News
'M.iss Bowen visited
. nte
i i ap and u ti
Sue Sewell, in a b
c rrying a b i � ket
Lay Barrow, in
riding! 1 �� ith I
with arm bouque
ist ana
Vt 1'e discusse
Perhaj! y u are wondering what
aid that the refer- to see if it might not have some ha h
� the Mbrarv is to be i'a;i. ul us resotilt, but I was dis
� � e pur; � e- ! SP ointed. Tn the meantime. 1
what will us pom �o-jwaa exerting all m"y feeble
�; Maybe the parlor -strength on tliat door and had sue-
more popular, ; eroded in opening it about three
linche3, I am small, but I've never
"�ang-ter .vet been able to get through a
graph of (three inch opening though.
�r seen
IS, a p:v
it has been i um red
Again I heard voi
which 1
. a whole page in the 'do ided must be coming from Miss
. kmated to racketeers. Peterson's office. Just as 1 wa
�tt, Woodrow Woodard. �boul to call on her for aid the
Dreshack have selected o r ��;i1 ha'k several more inches,
�h.v are still thinking un ' Sijueezed through. "The ele-
ecretary, maybe Mava soceess is not running.
ill fill the nosition, I take the stairs
ippened to many ol oui se-
niors, t .at mikes them run around
in a da" a mumbling t i themselves,
Let roe di op : hi hint. It i- time
for piau ticing the kiy.
At first there seemed to be a
great dead .f confusion in return-j
ing t' the no-cut system. How-
ever, adjustment has been takini
place, and the seething atm .ephen
is slowly settling to a normal coa
diti n.
An E, C. T. a . girl to a State
College buy Sunday night: Yoo
tell my fellow I said "hello
State boy: Bat wh � am I t
s iy send- the messaged
K. C. T. ( girl: Oh, he'll know
(grinning broadly).
Then there was the E. C. T. C.
girl ash. attended the Baptist Con-
ference at Chapel Hill, who learn-
, I that it was all right to stare
at L N. C freshmen when they
were staling at her; so she stared
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX for the ring, was the next
The bride catered with
in Chapel � -it- u�,
1 Hearne as maia-of-nonor.
1L11 last week-end, � ,��;
I was gowned m a tennis t
Miss adlingt in, who is a na- , . , .
, and earned an arm ! tuque I ten-
tive of Kentucky, attended the . , � � o; , � ,
ms balls, ri. rente bmcraJT alsi
Duke vs. Kentucky tootball game a u,nni coetnme liU, ran(.I
at Duke University, Saturday, Nov-1 ghower of u,nllis racket. f. ,
ember �'� Bowers. Although her veil a u
Mr. KcGinnis attended a N. ( t,X(.t ,(lin.r!v k(tVV. she ra m
College C nferenee at Durham. X. lKuiful wUlh , tmli, n( ��
C. Thursday and Friday of last he&� R wag (.au,h: a. fchej
weefe- ' r.eek with huge safety pins. At the, ,
Dr. R. II. Wright, addressed the . m&t nJni
congregation of the Bethel church T , , , , u: ic. ' '
- � v,t KlK Iui M1' wh0 ad a" !l ' which is found only in Texas and
on Sunday night. !�nn n:finn fv-uvf .v,l Hrfton r �
M. � v v llvn, nd M 1 ' tll,on 1-w LmtonSouth Dakota; a new fertilize
the Greeks and R m
i, inal pu: p ses. They
processes used in &
the cane and the (
manufacture f cane
llargarel Lee toll
interesting new
Was � ��
explained the
ting it fr m
tent "t. I ae
ugar today.
ah a; some
!is -liveries in "M -
me of whi h are
ant, a new
: eard Dresbatck was
part cipate in a wed-
u-r night. Was he t
r position we w .nder?
r the a ��' jlt, s;ujents from Jones county
met Thursday evening, November
17. to organize a J TOSS count
club. It was decided thai they
be nights f N .vember lmeet if the college social .ommt-
!i bet� �! the h ars of one tee approve, ti'u 1 t and Srd Thors-
A. M. dark HgKtfOS have;days in each nunth. As officers
� . eross ur campus. Us-the members elected the following:
ey were quiet, but now and Oar. 1 i'ollock. President: Flora
mothered "Oh" � "I see.Tyndall, Secretary and Treasurer;
heard through the still-1 Alvah P.ige, chairman of the S cial
And if vou had gone hack Oommittee.
Science Building OO the Of the thirteen students from
; the sixteenth you would Jtoties county fee following were
n ajvpr .ximately fifty per present: Carol Potktek, Framis
ed ether. What un- Pollock, Julia Pollo.k, Flora Tyn-
heavens e aid have dall. Debt. Tyndsill. Mabel Tyn-
-uch a crowd of sleepy dall. Hattie Pearl Mallard, Ora
bat hour of the night? ; Williams Hamnwnd. Maiy Booft,
. . ve it or n they got Elizaleth Haywood. Those absent
ee a tail, the tail of a comet. Jwere: Lourise Simmons, Alvah Page,
week of November every j Edward Parker.
third year the earth passes1 ��
the Leonids, which were
a comet, ftney aic so call-
tluy come from the con-
n Leo, the sickle or ques-
a:k in 'he eastern sky. The
was not frciruent and there-
ised j yful exclamations at
jii; of one. Moruiay two
tveteors were seen to shxyt;
iy, �bout Warty-three; and
� night only a few.
There is extra excitement on bhe
campus during these days. Last
week the proofs for annual pictures
arrived. This week the discuss! n
all centers on Thanksgiving holi-
days which are next week. Then
then v ill be red excitement.
(A short drama, the two charac-
ters being Stadeni and Idea. There
is expectancy in the atm sphere.
� may
s ine 1. Darkness. There comes
the voice of Student, pleading, ar-
gumentative, anxious and weary.
i Student: I'm so tired, and so ab-
Doris Kenyon came, was eagerly (1,uly in ,he a.u.k ihut thL,
question. If 1 could just have fchejyears.
slightest inkling s t . what it
accepted and appreciated, and ha
arrived. N w the dis-ussion
clays which an1 this week. Then
gone. Now we have just enjoyed
the Jitney Players.
ind Saturday ia:t week.
Mrs. Pick'esiemer is !
green tapestry pill w. Immediate-
ly after the wedding ri1
fifty-five to sixty n
the earth; that �mete.a appear
couple hurried to the back of the th(. cU!ve ,f the ckle: a
chemistry class for the water v �, , , , .
. � . . � i . ii auditorium. substance which makes "creaseless
Light ommission at night. Her . , , , , . , ,
, . ii. Outl t v.n guests were Boooy textiles. At the conclusion of the
class is composed t 14 adults; and , � -
i r . , done- and h:s cand e, Billy Njsnet i.r gram, refresiaments. consvsting
she is going to teach it f r twenty- , , � ' . ,
, �. , , � and odrow Woodard, respective- Chrystalized Sucrose, invert u-
five weeks every 1 uesulav and I- n- . , � .
. , lv; Helen Mills, athenne i w; �� and eters on wood, were serv-
day evening L'r two hours. ; - ' . . w
j Johnny eimuller. Marjorie Fo- etj
Lie; Amelia F.arhn-
Miss Hooper leaves the empu- Carsvvell; Babe Ruth. Jack Bar-
this afternoon to visit in her homerett; Pole Sitter, Valeria C nnor;
in Munjhis, Teiin and to attend Sharkey, Oarlton MacMillan; Broad
a meeting f the National Counil Jumper, Virginia Tilley; Wrestler.
1' Knglis.h Teachers there Novem- J. ( Wynne; Helen Harkey; P lo
ber 21, 2o. and 2�h This oiyaniza- Player, J hn Blanehard; and a
tion is holding its meeting in the ' Fisherman, Ruth Hollowell.
outhland for the first, time in ten'
The Fears
ine Joys
The Hopes
There h IS been an increase in
the studying being done in tine li-
brary lately, especially in reiser h
w rk. la is because the students
are just beginning to settle down
to work, or because teachers are
giving longer and harder assign-
menI'll tell y u what 1 think.
It will soon be time for term pa
pers and source themes to be
turned in. Until the end oi' the
term, watch the ink fly! ,
Mr. Henderson last week as-
tounded his Fducati n 325 class by
telling the students that Fast Car-
olina Teachers College is no of
the three normal colleges in the
United States that is always placed
in the first five of the best in the
country. The other two college?
that are always in the first five
are the one at Kalamaz Mich
and the one at Denton, Tex.
i o birth iy p&rt.r �W
in b nor f I. da 11 It, Katie
it, "B" Williams and
B yd TroHinger's birthday
.vember 10. The irls were
1 t� go calling on Mrs. W. E.
vn and when they arrived
i and everytbinig in readiness
party. Mabel Dicken? and
Plrnrtnnt were responsible
surprise. Afttr aeveral
f bridge were played, hot
i tea and sandwiches, peanuts
andy were served.
Al 5:46 the girls went to Lau-
to dinner. A birthday cake
on the table when they ar-
Those present were Cafch-
i Gregg, Ida Holt, Annie B.
au, r. Lib Brown, Katie Lee
n, Leeda Pleasant, Mildretl
v illiams, and Mabel Dickens.
re spent a very enjoyable
thing about the Sing Sing
a i !eun, it stddom worries
: at the three-year rule.
It would save much time, worry,
and many dumb looks if instead
of wondering about something you
want to know, you'd remember the
advice: If you don't know, ASK
means; Oh, for an Idua!
Duftkness and si'k-nce a while
longer. Then idea appears before
Student, who watches bar in a
daze. Her shining robes aim tst
blind him.
Student: (Awexl and happy):
Gosh, that is an Idea! Why didn't
1 see that before? I'm afraid to
move for fear it will leave me.
Idea. (Gently, with hands out-
held): No, Student, you needn't
worry abaiit my leaving. I'm y urs.
all your own! lo y, u understand.
Student (bands to head, mysti-
fied): Not mine really? Original-
ly? You don't belong to anybody
Pita: N.b.aly's but yours. (Kind-
ly as Student seems faint). There
now. don't let the shock affect you
Student: Mine! (laughs hysteri-
(There is a sudden explosion, the
lights go out, and the voice of Idea
is heard.)
Idea: Poor Student, he just could
not sti-wid it! (tragically,) So I
to a must go! (Idea expires with a
Eric Tucker: Yes, Doctor, my
.head is like a lump of lead, my
The Woman's Athletic Ass-ci neck's stiff as a drainpipe,
tion is again sponsoring bhe inter-chest eke a furnace, and my mns-
olass basketball ganus which will Ides contract like hands f iron.
be played (betiween Thankstru 'ng ! Doc-tor: I'm no! sure, but I be-
am! Christmas. Several of th. lieve you should have gone to a
classes have responded wholeheirt-1 hardware dealer,
edly to the all to practice, es
The turkey crop
County is reported a'
e exc
Carter at
the aver-
weat her
conditions for raising the birds
this season. A ear has been en-
gaged for the Thanksgiving trade.
Drury Settle: "Red. are you go-
ing ta see the flower show?"
Red Flanagan: "No. it's t j much
: .� trouble. I think I'll stay home and
get it .ver the radio
Intelligence test: If ttwo ami two
made six h.w much would three
and three be?
peeially th se entering tor
first time.
The regular practice recital was
held Wednesday evening, November
16. An interesting program was
given of piano solos and two-piano
numbers, with a scarf dance by
Hula B. Beach, Frances Williams,
Beatrice Hooks, Rachel Ooppedge,
Dorothy Sloan, and Mildred Dixoii,
as a sspeeial feature. Those tak-
ing part in the recital were: Mayde
Reynolds, Elizabeth Meadows, Per-
saline O'Brien, Lean Meadows,
Ebhlyn Sanders, Berkeley Sauls,
-Molba Watson, Edith Marslender,
and Katie Lee JLhnson. There
were a number of visitwrs,
"You may not have muo'a to be
thankful for,
The future may look dark and
But for all your ills ar�i-2ll vour
Be glad you're a man, not a
The dumbest girl on the campus
is the no that thinks Mrs. Jeter
lives under the college regulations.
Mathematics Club
Elects New Officers
October o tlhe Mathematics Club
�met fior the purpose of electing
new officers for the year. After
lowing officers were elected:
the following officers were elected:
President, Vera Jennings.
Vice-President, Agnes Sstrict-
Secretary and Treasurer, Mildred
Sue Sewell
Teco Echo Reporter, Jessie Glynn
Tecoan Representative, Louise
Chairman of Social Committee,
Sue Sewell,
The new president appealed to
the entire club fiar cooperation and
help in making tlhe Mathematics
Club the strongest and most active
it has ever been. She also welcom-
ed all the new mem-bens and asked
gyery new mathematic major to be
preseTtLat its next meeting, Dec-
ember 6. .
Jessie Crlvnn Cble.
Monday, Tuesday
Lola Brooks: I'm sometimes a
mand reader. I can tell at a gjtamee
just what a person is thinking of
Evelyn Rogers: But don't you
find it embarrassing ?
American Shoe Shop
Gives Special Prices to College Girls
Half Sole 50c.
Leather Heel20c.
Rubber Heels .20c.
Work Guaranteed
Blount-Harvey Company
Two eyelet oxford with perforations. Of
Brown and Black Kid.
A smart pump with individual tip and box
A smart trim Assbciai,�iy0f black kid and black
will mean �
lina Literary
Sociation con-
, Dec. 1-2. We
that one of our
�rs, Miss Sally
of the History
of the vice presi-
i association.
Asldea Ida Mae Nance,
Mfn a "cut�" moon?
Miss Center said v.
charge the responsibility of help-
ing young people to live ade-
quately in the world of to-day
and the unpredictable world of
tomorrow, we must ourselves
play an active role in the Ameri-
can scene, sensitive and alert to
change, quick to make adjust-
(Continued on Page Four)


vt �'��


;iass tin
the eai
Hope Haskctt Brings
Message to Y. W, C. A.
Miss H tv Haskett, Episcopal
secretary in She Florida Stiate Col-
lege addressed a large number ff
students at the Young Women's
'hrit an Association vesper ser-
vice Sunday tugfit.
"One of the main things for us
tsa think about as we go down the
way of lfe she pointed out in
her inspiring message, "is Honor.
Christianity is a real living exper-
ience, and we must grow in the
knowledge of right and wrong
As a eoiH'uls'n she gave the en-
c uraging advice that "No part of
our Jives remains untouched; there
- always the rijrht way to follow
and we need a Father t�o guide us
Miss Ethel Shelton, "M, of Speed,
. v will be married bo Mr. Ridb-
;ml Shelton MB December 22, 1932.
Miss Anna Belle Tyson is teach-
ing in the Home Economies De-
partment of the Kaeford High
School. In addition fca this she
beaches a class twice each week in
dietetics to the nurses of the -N.
C. State Sanatorium.
'Miss Ruth l'ieklesiemer is vis-
(itinjr in Maytown, Kentucky.
Miss Matilda Klein, who is
Holding office by election of en
tire student body, �
Holding office by election o
Entering any intramural game
(attending at least six prac-
tices� 15
Making first team, an additional
Hi is
Making second team W
Entering field meet 1"
First place in any event 15
Second place in any event 10
Third place in any event5
Entering Tennis Itaurnament,
(Brass have five points in
practice) ��
Bach mat.i'a won, an additional �
Making first team baseball 10
A wild flower exhibit in the
Science Huildiiw of Bast Carolina
Teachers Cottage excited a greed
deal of interest yesterday. lusted
of trie Bowers themselves the paint
lings of the flowers were n dis-
play, and were 90 realistic one fell
like reaching out a hand and pluck-
ing them or leaning over and cat
chinjr a whiff.
Mrs. Clara Hinder, of Windsor,
is the genius in whom is thai rare
combination of naturalist and ar-
t'st. She, with her two dogs us
in roughing
Y. Y. C. A. Holds
Business .Mooting
The Y. W. A. held its regular
usiness meeting in the audit rium
Friday evening, November 1
teaching in her home town ol
Wilmington, was a visitor on the , , , ,� :�
! I campus recently. , (.(ml)ami.(1 by at least two
j Mi-s Rosa Lee Cuthrell. who girls, when there is pure ob-
teaches near her home in Selma.j jective of biking, (no hike un-
( Kenneth Beatty, e aeh for the I spent last week-end with her sis-1 (k,r Uvni, mjgs t.arh addition-
,Men's Athletic .Kviati' m of ter, Margaret Cuthrell. al inii(. n r- points required
Fast Carolina Teachers Cottage, Miss Julia Smith, teacher in the monograms (50 miles
began bis athletic career at Mount Isaac Bear School of Wilmington, !imit)
Holly High School. He later play- visited Elizabeth llobhs last week- Throwing - lumping Ranting
ed at Cuilford Cell, ire and ut North, lend. j Baseball throw, 75 feet 10
Carolina State College. His broth- Miss Katherine Wall, '� visit- Baseball throw, 100 feet 15
er is now a coerjh at State College, jed her sister Ruby Wall during Baseball throw, 125 feet 25
Beatty i- an excellent athlete ami the past few wt'eks. Katherlra IBaseball target � tit of 5 at 30
starred both in high school and e � was at one time Alumnae editor of feet)
lege athletics. Besides being am the Teco Echo. Baseball target (5 oui of 5 at 30
excellent coach he is a man of iMass Elisabeth Farmer, 32, of feet) � "
exceptionally fine qualities of Wilmington, was a recent visitor Basket ball distance d feet
character. Beatty is exceedingly Lf Miss Elsie Barker. i Basket ball distance 60 feet
popular with both the college fa- Miss Maybell Mitchell, who i- Basket ball distance 75 feet
eulty and the squad. The athletic � w- teaching in Wilmington, wa�;Btasket ball K'al (�" out of 5 at
committee was most fortunate in , week-end guest of Miss Dixie, feet)
Me: "What game of bridge doe
your wife play
You: "Judging from the cost,
Lhink a must be toll bridge.
Bed: "You said the turtle
bought of you would live 300 yeai
ami it died, the day after 1 bo gl
Green: "Now ��1 that t 1
t's :ii'() years must have been up.
protect rs. drease
cl.thes, goes into the swamps or
.srambles for rate spe imeiis and
�he knows them and knowfi where
to look for them.
More than 150 paintings of speci-
mens are in the collect! n and mostntaliy
Of nhese from actual flower- I ami
in Eastern Carolina.
In the collection are all of the
familiar flowers that make the
woods attractive, auch as yell w
jasmine, dog wood, azaleas, and
�wahoo. commonly known as
"swamp d g wood" or "Indian ar-
row .Such rare thin as Yen
Fly Trap, fringed and bottled gen-
tians, lady-slipper, and blue bells
m ike one marvel at the variety oi
beautiful things hidden in the
swamps around him. There were
m ;ny pictures of such shrubs as
the Yapon. the bay, and vari u
tvpes that hove berries. She also
Bad (the Mrs.): "And do y m re-
member fa w old y m were when
you married me .
Bad (the Mr.): "Yes, twenty-
eight physically six month
Taxi Driver: "Where to sir.
Fare: "Across the street. I warn
to visit that store over there. '
i . 1. � .
ember 1 �-
Doris Ke

Nobody: "Darling, I've us1 tost
my entire fortune t i a sla-k 0 r .
stock promoter. What have I b� , .
offer you n w : �.
Somebody: "(Jive me hia a.i-j
dress wa �
� and
Turn: "How's y ur mother-m-j yf
law?" jin i
Return: "Oh, she's doinf
voiitlv as can be expected
After conducting the devotional i
, � , securing as a coach Kenneth Beat- Taylor who teaches m the Oreen- Basket ball goal (�" "lit ol � at 15
exercises, r.tnel t arker, president
of the Association gave a most in-
teresting talk n what the name
of the rganization means.
"Young said Miss Barker, "im-
plies Youth and its accompanying
freshness of ideas "Women im-
plies womanly strength and nobil-
ity "Christian stands for Christ I �K,W instructor of th
e virtue; and Association eom
fi � associate, meaning to wor
together for general benefit
R, C. Deal, faculty advisor for
Men's Athletics, member f the ' �1-
iege faculty for ten years. He is
F ireign
Lan.uaire Department which the or-
ganized. During his ten year
service in the college
ville schools. feet)
Misses Blanche Van Dyke, Ella VoUey Ball serve (3 out
Moore, Carolyn Connor, and Rosa- f0et)
lyn Satterwhite were recent visi-i Volley Bali ' �'
t rs on campus. �� i
: at 30
5 at 30
��et 6
S. V. CON'
1 i id pictures of flowering trees and
ehrobs that are not wild sweh as
magnolia, mimosa, and crepe myr-
The paintings wen- in water col-
ore mounted on card! oard and
these were placed a: und the wall
and on tables. Not only were the
nature lovers delighted with fee
exhibit, but the artists were equal-
ly charmed for Mrs. Binder is a
genuine artist who has raught far
more than tihe line- t
Relax: "Does y iur wife make
hot for y u when you don't
up in tune for dinner?"
Lax: "No. she lets rne i'
(iuest: "See here, your ad i
tltis r ��un had a heavenly s � ��
Man iger: "Well, there
'iThese pttintiim- have delicate col
oring, very different from the us-
inds r
A duet, sung by Margaret president o
' land and Emma Lee Davis, �s"
is 11 wed by the benediction
j ual giaucty
Iv pi
of tl
, aid
dash, 8 seconds
The Science Club hoi
Mrs. Bi
talk to them nhout
. i
j iwanis
e on
regular Sun-
, espi-r service, N v.
,�ir. Ralph Cummings, pix
dent of the Y. M. C. A. at State.
i iwani - 1 1 re
We ihave 1
�u:lded our altars, oh.
. resident � f
and Ruth Barker, Mel-
ilrien. Elizabeth Kenny and
Louise Sharpe, Y. W. C. A. cabinet
members. Dr. Darby Fulton. Exe-
cutive Secretary of the Southern
Presbyterian Mission board; Rev.
I . M. Weems. Korean Mi-si nary;
Dr. F. .McNeill Poteat, Jr Past r
of PuUen Memorial Baptist church;
i wild flowers of Etastern Caroiini
Fifty yard dash, 9 seconds all(i her wrk,
(60 p ints required in Leas groin
for a tn nogranu)
Hand stand 10 seconds 15
Head stand 10 seconds 1"
With book on head, walk balance
beam and d' a deep knee
bend, tin n and come back '
Jehovah, in the midst of the
and the clashing of warfar
Their -acred fires have illumined
Mr. Ed King, Secretary of Statt
College Y. W. C. A and Miss
zabeth Manget, Traveling Student i'
(Grasp right ankle, t uch knee 1-
T A LK SC It ()() L
There was a decided sentiment
among superintendent principals,
: ml supervis �rs in attemiainre at
the Conference held here Novem-
Asker: "Y u say your wife
ill; Is it dangerous?"
Teller: "Oh, no, she only dai
gerous win n she i well
Vi-it ir: "H w old are j u, It b
1 ie?"
Bobbie: "I'm jus; at the awk-
ward age
Visitor: "What do you mean by
wkwa rd a sre
Bobbie: "I'm too old bo cry and
to . young to cus
It h
floor and rise
ump through stick
make the c lle;t'
was in charge of the program and, rneir sacred nres ffvave aiumineu y, StvrtarV) were the prin
spoke words if greetings, the darkness, and beauty and truth speakers.
The theme about which 'Aw vis- es
ast tin
rs bas
ijtram was
The fruits
er iiv childien
ir liarvi -t
Christian Life The place now bef re Tthee, with peni-
talk was made by Bill Haye
tent hearts and prayerful s ails.
In the West ivileitrh Presbyter-
ian Clruivh the meeting was held
on Saturday evening and Right.
Rev. J e Waller gave te welcome
yielded this increase.
n "living a 'hrist lan
Through Faith Mi
rendered a vi -lin solo, accompamec .
w Mr Garret Hrere is but one God omnipotent, , .
u mi. vku.u; Sunday the meeting W36 new n
our Lord God f Israel, we turn
ke on "Liv- our eyes from all evil idols, and
Forward roll and c one to stand-
ing p sitioa . . 1
Standing flat footed and without
bending knee- t uch fingers to
� n r l
nee �ri
tional time the bar ifi
Lifelknowing full weU Thy sunshine and . and f,AuXVwi hy l)v
Hayes also showers have given this wealth tnd Wegms whu I chinned with ut releasing 0m
s-es Mission Work and Problems.
Every a
hands froi
the Y. M.
M. L. Shepherd sp ke on "Liv-jour eyes Irom all evil .oois ana CoUege .u,(i muskj iU.v �� ex.
ng a Christian Life Through Love- lead our young m lihe pato ol His dnu.(i hy Mr King (
md Fellowship L. M. Knot laws. Dr. Fult'n, in his address ai Sit-
n "Living a I In supplication we knee
mterosimglv or
Cart wheel in g od form 10
, T r . (10 points required in this group
C. A. braiding oi State A ' l
tor nton gram)
Biicti e 12 hours 5
, '21 Lxnit
urday afternoon, gave to the stu
�.center tor various activities oi th
schools in the eastern part 't' the
state, not only for the officials
and teachers, but t' v the pupils n
the schools. The committee in
charge of the program f r- next i
spring was authorized to rnake
recommendations at the spring)
meet ing.
Keen interest in the problems
presented iy President Wright j
was sh wn by the fa,a that :h
visitors were stimulated to ask j
other qjuestkms that the schools
would like to have the college help
solve. The question f exchange of
Willie: "Now let me jrive
i pie e of my mind
.(im B. "I don1 believe yen an
i No scientist has ever been able t
! split an atom
tropnets are now predicting
� dd winter, but that's n I use
he unempl yed.
( e
anksgiv rig I
Katie I,
Christian Life Through Service hearts nun ami humble, our hands repraeeBtmg the various ool- (Linm
The program presented was very now upraised and our songs for egeg sffme f tho 1 thal
f Thy jrlory.
nteresting to the large group oi K i pt. pie in the churches and m.
students and faculty members who Our faces we torn to Thine hah1 ti, of the world are
filled the ground floor of Austin "anon and pray tor Thy sanction L p. n hy e-
Auditorium. and manifold blessings. May the . p. ((- fn,an,v.
-moke of our incense rise .Mir" into ,�: , ,u � , iCold bath every day per wee
"�� Stay within 5 pounds f normal
weight per month �
Sleeping in well ventilated r om at
least 8 hours per week
Heaven, the breath f ur grate-
fulness to -ur Jehovah.
The face of every dining-room i
girl is Lighted with smiles when
the Thanksgiving holidays are
mentioned. Those who are i,roinjr
home are so absorbed with thought:
of what they are oing to do when
Blount-Harvey has just received
a shipment of a new line of hos-
iery called Sen: r Class Hosiery.
As an advei
Ur. Fulton said this had been
handicap because many have had
to be called home from the fields !
but on the other hand it is a valua- j
ble asset in that it has caused a j
closer evaluation f the work being j
done. The second problem was or warm bath every day p
, , ipart oa March or the iirs
practice teachers from the college
with teachers in the field who
could come in to see teaching undei
supervis; m, proved to le one f
the most popular problems dis-
. j A spring meeting to last tw
heduled for the latter
' Ap-
Miavs i
Brushing teeth twice daily per
Three regular meals
i ,
f the
ng plan the man . , M1. f, ,l No coffee or eoca-co! i per wee:
1 .that of Nationalization; for the i '
store presented , i 1
i �,u.l ur-v .vr vK .w �w .�. , , , . . . clinging of people to tteir native i
, , a pair f these to leaders of the . hNo candy between meals per
h-ev pet there that they are hav- . . habrts and prejudices against peo-1
J . , Dromment organizations n the. , �
ril. At that time three group dis-
cussions will be held, me of which
will lie by county superintendents,
.lone by city superintendents, and!
i. a joint session of the two at a gen-l
200 - 202 National Bank Building
Phone 437
nir collisions, thus breaking many
. , , , , ti campus
�(hes and spilling the rood. How . ,
. , in all new shades
queer it will seem far them to bei ,
, . , , , . only bc per pair,
al le to sit down calmly and eat;
without wondering "if 1 have put
butter chips on the table or filled
the pithers with water All tha
crisis enjoy their work, but it will
seem good to le able to sleep with-j
nut leinsp disturbed by the alarm
clock afeJBt 6:30.
Io not think the half-dozen girls i
staying will be heartbioken. They
will be able to experience working
without such a ruh. They will
nrt have to line up and wait forever
for their turn to come. When
they eat they can take plenty of
time, chew their food th roughly
and talk about what they will be f?
ding ten yews from now. If they party give!
are sieew after brmkJgy ' waiW
skep until lunch, . , . �, u� i t�
for oi� ,vr.f I Saturday night, November U to
ne of the lowing the show. Those attend
Blount-Harvey has these j
and they are
Don't Forget
-ne, was
� ently installed into the
J n r Cabinet of the Y. W. C. A.
Other officers elected were: El-
len Jenkins. Vice-president; Mal-
ene Grant, Secretary; Isa Cosies
(Iran?. Treasurer; -lanie Outland.l won
Student Council Representative;
and Louise Bobbin- and Dorotfcy
Houks, cheer leaders.
in? were Mildred Dixon, Dorothy
Smith, Dorothy MitdieU, Lucille
Bate, Hilda Thompson, Margaret
Smith, Mildred B. Williams asd
Bertha Walston. High score was
by Hilda Thompson white
Dorothy Smith took low score.
Candy and peanuts were enjoyed
throughout the game.
:fu, Seal
the ' "�
We -Tl&S
now ana
then intc
warm anc
pie of other nationalities is an ene-
my to peace. In a sense, nation-
alization is related to patriotism
as is self to selfishness. Ant ther
thing t'utit is facing us is the prob-
lem of secularism or the attitude
of unbelief. Next would come an
irreligious attitude fallowed by the
fact tiab people like the Christ but
do not like the type of Christianity
presented to them. Beople never
reject Christ for he is winsome. The
1 fist but not least thinir is that!
there is a danger f the m-ieintals
accenting Cjhris'tiian'ty but not
Christ. Some seem to mat" such
a distinct difference if what they
live and what Vcy preach.
ao�, "a get acquainted tea" Dr.
C. N. Weems wiiwse special field
of work lies in Korea told of the
schools that hive been erected
there for Christian education
week 1
Drinking at least six jrlasses of
water daily per week . 1
(75 points required in this group
for monogram)
Original song or yell accepted by-
class or team 10
Regular attendance and on time at
�all meetioge of the Athletic
Bink C: "What does the word
chauffeur mean?"
Mr. McBaic "That is the name
irtci. to the driver of an auto
Bink C: "That was not the name
y u gave the driver of that car
that nearly ran into us yesterday
eral meeting held later a summary
of each group meeting will be
Intelligence test: If two and two
made six how much would three
and three be?
Students at Chowan College, at
jMurfreesboro, N. C, held their own
presidential campaign. Three suc-
cessive rallies were held in whi-h
students showed mucih interest. The
result was in favor of the Demo-
crats. State results were 78 to 18.
and National results were 72 to
Warren's Drug
Permanent Waves
$3.95 to 10.00
Ringlet End Wave On
Top�Make your ap-
pointment now.
The Vanitie Boxe
Shoes, Satchels, Bags,
Gloves, Purses, Hats
to match your
Work Guaranteed to
He Satisfactory
Black, Tan, Brown
At 50c
Norfolk Shoe Dye Shop
Norfolk Shoe Shop
316 Evans Street
Greenville, N. C.
Opposite J. C. Penny
Griffin Shoe Co.
"Smart Footwear"
McLellan Stores Company
We Have Your Favorite Kind
Always Fresh Too!
Coburn's Shoes, Inc.
"Your Shoe Store"
Latest Styles, Known
Quality, "makes your
footwear selection easy
at this store. Head-
quarters for Real Col-
lege Styles.
Try Us First
Dr. Miles,
Brings En
Brim- ' r'
lion of Different
Vocation m
a: G
WU l rni ' ' '
Th- tempUl
Chriyi aft r hi
ston bread
g -v th. kir
from v nv �
t&Qg �y .
town t � , ,
Bfow wnndc rful :
eouy he H VI
C m .i. .u. v
M tenfrted
prhap th,
hf�l of the fom
as the ont :
Continued on Ps
fta �

The Teco Echo, November 23, 1932
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 23, 1932
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University Archives
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