The Teco Echo, January 20, 1945

Number 6
editorTomIvilliams dies suddenly
Librarian Announces ECTC Has
Accessioned Its 50,000th Book

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9r. Herring Speaks Monthly Meeting
en Latin America Of ECTC Faculty
Held January 13
Campus Leader Stricken
With Heart Attack Sunday
The regular Sunday night vesper
service was held in collaboration with
the Inter-National Relations club at
1 io 1 M in Austin auditorium. Dr.
Hubert Herring, noted author, lee
Superintendent J.
Williamston, a no
a in
C. Manning, of
Supei intendent
bghTtO 'theJDVH7con.ey, of Greenville, spoke �
the Carnegie Endowment practice teaching at the W"
spoke on I monthly meeting ol thr h. I facultj
n the New Class-
Dr. Holtzclaw
Workshop Leader
In Alabama College
Forensic Club
Holds Debate
V ;
Dr. Katherim Holtxclaw, head of
Home Economies d partment at
, Fhl t'aro'ina Teacher- college, left
I and 280 January 11, to attend a Southern
Olher important i d Home Economics Works!
The program n
dub m January
informal debate
the Jarvis Forensic
; 1 crn sisted of an
.11 th national de-
for Internationa
Latin Ametiea.
He began by outlii ng the extent
of the countries of latin America.
There are "20 sovereign nations in
Latin America, and the people are
Indians. Negroes, English, and
Dr. Herring gave three steps in
our relations with Latin America. In
the first place, all the way through
the 19th o ntury, we hardly knew that
Latin Am ica existed. Curses deal-
ting with Latin America were not
often foun 1 in our schools. Then at
the close of the 19th century, there
followed a period of polieement based
bors failed to behave themselves it
on the theory that when our neigh-
was our duty to go in and civilize and
Christianize them. Marines were
sent to these euontres to help collect
debts and ot teach tin people better
ways, politically speaking. Then,
when we realized that it was too ex-
pensive to make people pay their
lidn't stick,
Federal "
legislature requiring
; l" ation � � a
olved: That the
it should enact
nspulsory ar-
il i utes.
held January H
room Building.
Mr. Conley outlined the character-
istics which are desi-able in a
teacher, a wholesome personality, he
said is essential because children
imitate their teachers. A clea. con-
ception of teaching obketives in this
age can be given b; the College New
teachers also need the ability to or-
ganize and master tin ir subject,
Tea-hers need to became expert in
dealing with morale, in infusing that
type of spirit whfcu makes a person
ready to go an sad do what has to
be done. We need, he said, teachers
who can deal with and discipline
adolescents in such a way as to lead
them to continued growth. This
means enough maturity in emotion
and judgment to control students
withou curbing independence of
thought. Such teachers are scarce.
Mr. Conley offered several sugges-
tions to improve the training of
rs. The prospe-tieve teacher.
m ovc rail picture
debt, that our reforms i
and hat our action- were not making j teachc
friends ai d influencing people, the he ciaimcd, needs
doctrine of good neighbor was
brought in
During the past do-en years, ac-
gless has been made n or relations
oi Eddy
peaks Wednesday
tc iV
Tom Clay William twenty-year-
old editor-in-chuf of this psper, ,litd
suddenly from a heart attack last
Sunday afternoon in the taff room
of the paoer. Funeral services con-
ducted by Dr. if. G. Haney were held
Tuesday afteroooi hi the Eighth
Street Christian Church, from which
the body was carried to the Green-
ville Cemetery for burial Members
of the Phi Sigma Pi fraternity of
East Carolina Teacher college were
pallbearers and fellow students from
the cllege, who f ilk one side of
i the church and overflowed into other
sections, were flower bearers.
Tom was a Greenville boy. His
death leaves hi' mother and father.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Williams, and two
brothers, Billy and Charles, suiviving
in his immediate family.
Tom had gone to tne Teco Echo staff
room with a friend, Wilton Joyner,
from dinner in the collegt dining hall.
After a few minutes of looking over
some material ht corn;Gained of feel-
ing dizzy. Tne according to Joy-
ner, he lay back in the chair with his
head against the wall as if intending
to rest a bit before returning to his
papers. Suddenly Joiner, who was
I at the typewriter, noticed that Tom
lhad slumped over in his chair. He
called to him and slapped him lightly
on the cheek. Failing to arouse him,
Eddy, famous lecturer, j he felt for his pulse, out was unable
2 the educational h of the stag, thor gj- KTl �
,v January 23, under the auspices rell arrived. Together the three low-
He should know about the power of
the state Universty and its influ-
ence on the life- of the state, the
day, ,anuai -�. ����� �� �
of the YWCA and the YMCA. The
ered the unconscious !� -y to a sleep-
i ieorge
f (
: the
t)rr � �� 'LSI gs of
lii North l
at Alabama College,
Dr. Holtscla
S . .ma.
aa ' �
the leaders al
will serve
the work-
from Janu-
peak i for the
.1, L. Cai or, wb

hop which will he held
�iry 16 to 27. Bke i attending st
request of M,ss Marie White.
fcgeat of Bt,mc Economics
Education, Office of Education.
Washington, D. C. It is expected
. fewer 'ban that forty deb gates from twelve
Care- Southern suites wil. af nd the Wors-
. op to discuss post-war plans for
Home Economics Education in I
� The South.
of n
incr i ed, i'
it s n an m pu r the wa
laws requiring c
tioll . � . I 1 �
rented I !
time of - � '� '�'
it an end to
f labor with
ten seriously
, ia t enact
. ry a: bitra-
Dr. Herring, much pro- parts 0f the State Education Depart-
ment, the various unit of the public
with Latin America. He said that
President Roosevelt has done much
to impress the people that our in-
to be dehvercd'by'him arejing position on the floor. As none of
"pattern for a Better World" and the three could find .n,
�Russia, Friend or Foe'
toward them are
After Pearl Harbor, a great spott-
ier. Edoy is the author of thirty oi international, economic
aw point pre- taneous outbreak of enthusiasm oc-
Ctheridge, thecured concerning I.ati- America. By
this time the Latin Ammican coun-
and tb- v were profunded at the loans.
tries bad gotten used to the Marines,
school system and the "tats laws ap-
plicable to the teacher.
Ho 1U0 nmeated that the College
He also rogge� &nd reh nous MUestions.
offer a refresher summer school
course of eight weeks instead of the
usual twelve weeks summer school
breathing, one gave- a-tificial respir-
Holtxclav was awarded her
,j degree b New York I'm-
In 1 ' ' ' veraity during the Christmas holi-
inety-eight Thp suhjt.ct ()f ir. Hottsclaw's
w � i, �a Study of Negro E.iu-
' nv" cation in North Caroun She re-
ceived her B. S. and M. A. degi
a.e in the from George Pcabody Allege and
. s. ty-five slso did graduate work at
about one
was that m
tare might
�.�it it would
:me lr�ecause
I es, the most
with which
In support of
the Uni-
versity of Chicago.
ar. For
age mini-
� library
,470 During
1.263 volumes
lib tin � ' in�
library and a
month are
ulty. Eloure-
� lied ;n the
. past year.
led by Mr.
Ma Sam-
Sr. Soph Dance
January 27
to mi nta in il rig
� in- affirmative Chi istin
. , , . . ag increase of (
� thai the
Fedei I (i � � �'� sieh is the one
i nble to do tl e job, foil w the
cuorsc endorced by the majority of
, � ; . de, that of a mpul-
Elt ie West, the
, k, r reminded
at m labor union liave
taken a no-strik pledgi and have, m
the mai r d to it. She urged
thai labor r-ol !� � l treed to sur-
n mli f . '��� w'l.ii has been
used to bring about so many worth-
while refo -ms in u dustry
appropriations. batUesnips, etc. which i
were sent to them. They knew we
were after something Dr. Herring
said that we were not only out for
Yai-borough Itrade and return of loans, but that
we realized tnat Latin America is
necessary to our security in this
world war We wanted to be friends
value. Dr Herring said that it was
with her because of her strategic
Mr. Hitler who gave reality to Pan-
Dr. Herring listed three things
American solidarity.
which we nave dor.e to bring about
eloser relationships with Latin
�.erica. First, we nave improved
our diplomacy; second, there h�a I daVg of the fir.t jot that teachers
r economic and social u
ation while the others called an am-
bulance. He was Lushed to the hos-
Helpital and given an immediate exami-
heard Hitler make his nation by Dr. Biooks, ho pronounced
�Wood bafl speech to the Reichstag him dead. It is tnough by Dr
and ha s nau intimate con- Brooks that he died instantly from a
for this takes almost ever, day of " leadfcrs A attack. -S& hlth records
a teacher's summer vacation. fa tariouT coattbL of Europe and (said Dr. Brooks, show-d a his.ory of
dition he .uggested that super.nten- ;nclu(iinK (nerallssimo Chiang I heart disease
denfa of schools be fcwited in to talk Nohru and the president of
to seniors ready to graduate, tp taO L
them what they will find out in lectured m several hundred . -
field- LZ� in all parts of the United j Lights, the Grcenyill. H,gh school
lhatS ates" Europe and Asia and has ad- newspaper. Also be was nmnagxttg
desed forums club conferences editor and then editor-m chief of his
Toms interest in journalism began
in high school, where in his junior
vear he was ass-ciate editor of Green
Superintendent Masai g sai
he was pleased to cooperate with
East Carolina Teachers college in the
practice teaching program it main-
tains in his schools in Williamston
Mr. Manning offered two ideas for
improving the teacher training pro-
gram. He said he felt that the
Training School ccacl-i- ought to
spend a few days before college
opens, helping the graduate teachers
in the opming oUys of their first
teaching positions. It i� in the open-
and conventions is well.
New Teacher
Added to Faculty

Commerce Club
Has Party in Hut
The Senior class will entertain the
Sophmore class at a formal dance
January 27 m the Wright building at
8:30 us.
The figure will be led by Camille
Jemigan, president of the Senior
dass. Officers of the Senior and
Sophomore classes and the cha.rmen
f the committees wil: participate in
the figure.
The chairmen o the committees
for the dance are � follow: Christine
Pittard. decoatior.s; Singie Watson,
figure; Maxine Keawut, orchestra;
Mary Edith Hollingsworth, refresh-
assumed the duties of the
. lected
its for
Grand Eastern De-
,ill take place on
It wa agr ��
gates to
ate rburnan
February 23. the tryouts . re not
limited to the Jarvis Farensk club
members but ar open to any student
who i
al mi
Mrs, Eicher Speaks
At ACE Meeting
cooperation between Latin America
and the United States; and third,
there has been a cultural inter-
The greatest problem now is, ac-
cording" to Dr. Herring, "Can we
keep up cur good relations?" He
said it is difficult for two worlds
which are so very different to under-
stand each, other. The Ltin Ameri-
can countries arc almost 100 per cent
Roman Catholic, which the United
State- is predominately Anglo-Saxon.
The United States is a rich nation
and they are pool in comparison with
Dr. Herring closed with these
words, which are the ingredients of
all decent international relations,
need help nnd guidance. They prob-
ably could be mefst helped by their
training school teachers.
He suggested also that the Col-
lege give practice teachers an op-
portunity to observe vouching in de
nortuniiy te uuwitc ����
Ltely rural .chools to see what the went to Emory Lniversity where he
work there is actually like.
In troducting the two superinten-
dents, Dr. McGinnis, acting President
of the college, said that the college,
the high schools, and the elementary
schools are integral parts of the pub-
lic school system of the state and so
should work closely together.
high school annual.
He became editor-in-chief oi this
paper last September, after having
served as associate euitor last year.
Tom gave much of hi time to help-
ing the students on th � staff improve
their writing. Each w ek he held
glasses for the writn of news sto-
Iries. He had planned to make the
Dr. Bdsafl, a native of New York j Teeo Echo staft a trained one.
State, is the new Government teacher As editor of the Tece Echo he was
in the social science department. a member of the Publictions Board
When arked if this was his first: and the Student Cooperative Concil.
vear of teaching in the South, Dr In addition he belonged to the Chi Pi
Edsall stated that after he received Players, Phi Sigma Pi and Pi Omega
his degree from New York Univers- Pi.
ity he taught English at North Caro- j He was majoring ia the field of
Una State college. From there he j English and Commerce.
Tom's campus lesp mobilities did
not keep him fioni continuing to be
active in his home church, the Eighth
Street Christian Church. He was
secretary of the Sunday school for
several years.
At -he funera' services Dr. Haney,
taught history and government.
Dr. Edsall received his Dr's degree
in Calities from 1'imcetor University
where he taught He also taught at
New York University.
In 1035 he went into government
"Now abideth these three; realism,
imagination, and respect, and the
greatest ot these is respe't
service and was employed in the de- his pastor, spok- oi T. m's fine char-
partment of Justice until 1937 when acter and emphasized hi loyalty and
i � v.rv Alice C.dioon,
�' � "ar,y m r ;� � �-�- ��m t1�. � �,��
ri the party fu-nihed by the Air (,ltion met January 16. at 6:4o p.m.
h�n orchestra from Cherry L, th, ACE room Brief reports were
or given by the chairmen of the pubh-
,jU, Md -y Lee Mat
. Mitred Boss and Nan �
the contestants, j
prise by correct-
gl titles.
� k the "Profes-
in a quizz
Dr. Browning,
: Naomi Blar.chard
Bri - n Mx k part. Sam
v. r. d the most ques-
tnrt, r. debate was
Besnlvsw; False
; beneficial than
Marines Present
"All Fouled Up"
cations committee and the program
committee. Mrs. r ranklm P. Eicher,
president . of the North Carolina
Branch of the ACE was the guest
: peaker.
Reporter Recalls Tom s
Helpfulness To Others
he worked on the National Arciues
When the war b�-oke out he was em-
ployed by the civil service commis-
In 1943 he moved to Raleigh with
his family. He wife and son, who is
13 years rid, still reside in Raleigh.
In 1937 the Gmesican Segal His-
tory Society published Journal of
Courts of Common Right and Chanc-
ery of East New Jersey written by
Dr. Edsall.
Mrs. Eicher told
several opportunities
the group of
ruture teachers
rhaps unrivalled
� i ���dvwill have thai are per
Ml Fouled Up. a musical eonWI rf word
by Lt. Tyrone lc.jching is
wrltten -dJrearherton, was
Power and � �� H audit0rium
more neiiuooi
Msra Brandenburg won,
ers of the
Point. car'
honored field in America, and that
the schools have a tremendous influ-
ence upon the future of America
I knew Tom Williams about as well
as any of the boys did at Ragsdale,
except, perhaps, his roommates. He
was humble�humble in spirit. That
was my first and lasting opinion of
him. Tom was Editor-in-Chief of
the Teco Echo. Ho wai a member of
the Chi Pi players, of Thi Sigma Pi
fraternity and Pi Omega Pi fratern-
ity. Also he was a member of the
! Publications Board and the Student
by the many good
I n i having a wooden
�t interesting paH of the
master of ceremonies.
two fts and had
The nlav was m
Vv, life ir the Maiine Corps
to do with hie ir in le
as vi-wed from a humor
ffl Cooperative council
UW I reason to hold hi- had high, walk
have world-wide horizons. They have proudj vi his will, be
Mrs. Eicher said, Teachers
access to materials, helps and guides
ithat nave come out of he experience?
of authorities in the child's world
ating pan oi en. as vieweu -w- nt�d
came when Mis. Peebles asked Numerous acts were v
all the eirls who had received tween scenes
�uniii to be liarle for questioning
get a men Le�h M"
Ross was the or.iy fortunate frl VTl It was an excellent dis
Prsaaet and she many pointers! j06 J, ulent to be found m our
The most plausible answer to ft a forces.
.��t there was also a
Besides the cast �� flnd an
chorus, a group of dis.
She explained that another great
opportunity is thrt public education
in North Carolina i� on the threshold
of being given Mttcar place in the
thinking of th p-ople. Many
changes a-e being made in teaching
��c most piausioie answei w � - Med
man given was to "act yourself
That was Tom.
I remember that time the boy down
the hall came to Tom for help in his
English assignment The boy's knock
brought Tom to nis feet. As he
opened the door, he greeted him
cheerfully. The boy asked for help.
efforts, his knowledge- became the
boy's knowledge Tom sent that boy
back to his room happy and a little
wiser. Tom went back to work.
Never a thought entered his mind
about how far the boy had set him
back in nis own work. Never a
thought entered his mind to demand
reward or praise or personal power.
This wasn't the first time Tom had
done this sort of thing. I know
many who say now that Tom passed
He "had "every 1 them in their mathematics class or
their English class. That was Tom.
Now Tom might bawl you out�
at least try to. I once turned in
late some poorly written news sto-
ries. I needed to be "bawled out
Tom came to me, gathered his pow-
ers of thought end tried to bawl
me out. He couldn't do it. He
started off all right but ended up
joking about it. He could never
Mrs. Robt. Number
Is Guest Speaker
he "was humble.
Mrs. Robert L. Humber spoke at a
meeting of the English club on
January 9. Mrs. Humber talked on
the education of youth, giving con-
crete examples of children's readi-
ness to accept new ideas. She stated
that in order to have a lasting peace
we must first understand ourselves
and others.
Camile Jemigan and Elizabeth
Bridgers will present the program,
"The World Brought Together by
Music" on February 13.
dependability. 'Tom carried three
great loves in hi heart�love of his
home, love of his church, and love of
his education
Acting president McGinnis said,
when asked about Tom's contribu-
tion to the life of the college as a
student here: "Tom Williams had tak-
en hold of both his studies and his
extra-curricular activities here in a
way not only to gain from the college
but to give to it. Ho had consist-
ently shown a desire to be guided by
what .vas for the good of the whole
group, rather than his own glory
Tom had moved into the dormitory
this quarter so that he would be near-
er his work. Fall quarter he was
employed by the Imperial Tobacco
Company, but this did not stop him
from continuing with his school work
and his job as editoi of the Teco Echo.
iy asKed ior neip. jw�"�b ��� � �
Tom took him in and his time and criticize or hate nnvone-nor could
efforts became the boy's time and I he think of hurting anyone.
No job was ever asked of Tom
that he didn't do it with the best
of his ability. He never let his
friend j down. That was Tom.
Lt. James Fenly Spear who was
previously reported kiiM on a mis-
sion over Holland on Junc 20, 1944 is
now reported by the Gorman Govern-
ment as n prisoner of war. Lt.
Spear was a navigator on a B-17 fly-
ing fortress.
While attending ECTC Lt. Spear
got his pilot's license under the CPT
program. He is the soi of the former
dietician of ECTC.



Tom's Ideals Reflected
In Paper And Work'
The whole college community and the
town of Greenville were shocked by the sud-
den death of Tom Williams, editor-in-chief ei.
the Teco Echo, one of tin out. Landing lead-
ers in campus activities, and an honor stu-
While his loss will be felt by the college
generally, it falls more heavily on the Teco
Echo, as he was the heat and soul of the
paper. He had se1 up high standards for
the pa nd worked until ingly to make
thi me . p to these standards. He
; l stated as the im oi' this paper,
�� rhe present s1 ff f th T& 0 ECHC will
make evey effort this year to give the stu-
dents as �:�('(! a paper as has been given them
in the past but we all knew that he meant
t i make it this year the best paper by far
that the college lias ever had.
He spent much f his time in the staff
room, and he was th re working with "copy"
me last Sunday afternoon at the
fatal itt-u k. He had before him"
; desk the st tries thai he was rewriting
diting, and much of t'n e material is in
isue f th p� r. Tom was never one
thing ot'f for the last minute rush. As
;e pap r was out ne gave the as-
; � tl next, and set the deadline
a ahead to give him time to get
pres. No matter what kind of
porters brought in, In was patient,
always cheerful and ever wil-
By Jean Gog gin
By J " H '
Staff Sgt M� rris Lee Abeyounis,
waist gunner in the Army Aii Corps, who
was reported missrr.g in April 1943, has
been officially declared dead by the War
The award of the air medal "for meri-
torious achievement in heavy bombardment
missions in allied
Tech. Sgt
been awaruec
A P4 aerial engineer-gunner for
famous 7th bombardment group of
tenth air force that operates against
Japs in the India-Burma theater, Johnston
:�� combat missions
uring hi six months of
f r the
tim �
on his �
this i
to pu
on as i
signm� nt-
far i in'iii
ready for
ei py the r
i nsiu
and encourage inexperienced
ling to
W1 . m was absorbed in his work, he
had a k � sense of humor and entered into
w! e fun. Hi? sense of humor was
rhaps the key to his success as an editor.
Tom was never known to do anything that
he didn't think was for his own betterment
or for the g d others. It was this ideal
v hich governed his attitude toward the Teco
Echo, for he believed tha the paper should
reflect th ught in terms of what was good
would best benefit the college.
eft a vacancy that nc one can fill
will r main a!w ays
ho knew and 1-vt d aim.
row the h- e of tie TECO Echo
they can carry on in accordance
,� als hich he worked to set up.
Tern 1
the n
is credited with
300 ex mbat hours
service in this theater.
Lt. W. B. Whitehurst, USX. who has
been attached to the destroyer fleet com-
mand in the South Pacific for the past two
years, is now back in the States. He was
in numerous combats and received a Navy
citation at Bougainville.
The address of T.t. Edgar Denton. who
was recently reported being held by the
Germans as a prisoner of war is as follows:
2nd Lt. Edgar A. Denton. ASX
0828102, United states Prisnoer of War,
Interned by Germany. In ernati nal Red
Cross Directory, Geneva Switzerland via
New York, N. Y.
F. O Lausin S. Knight is a navigator
with a I5th AAFB-24 Liberator bomb group
which has been overseas one year. His
group has flown nearly 200 missions over
strategically important targets.
First Lt. Vernon Tyson has been
awarded the Air Medal in recognition of
meritorious achievement while participating
in aerial flights and for ten long sorties
against the enemy in the middle East the-
ater of operations.
Vernon is now a member of the Third
U. S.
and another sergeant
small boats and blast a
oral reef for the landing
1 supplies and expediated
wounded to hospital ships.
Yov Rouse, who is with the
r Force in England, has completed
as and wil1 be home soon.
Ferrying Group. He has served with the
Ninth Fighter Command USAAF.
Staff Sergeant -Joe Williams,
Army Engineers, stationed in the
Pacific was given a citation by Lt. Col.
J. F. Hondlin for bravery and outstanding
performance f dutv during the invasion
of Saipan W, li i
volunteered to u-u
channel through
of badly iiTi �
the evacuj tion
Te h Sgt.
Eighth A
his missi
rt'e. Jesse S. Rollins has been reported
missing in action in Germany since De-
cember 3. Jesse was in the infantry and
left the Males about October 1944.
T-Sgt. Waiter L Tucker has flown :
combat rmssioins against enemy targets in
Germany, Italy, Austria France, and the
Balkans. He is an engineer gunner with
a veteran B-24 Liberator heavy bombard-
ment group which has flown over 380 com-
bat missions.
In recognition of his many combat
flights Sat. Tucker has been awarded the
Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters. He
has also been awarded the European-
African-Middle Eastern theater ribbon plus
two campaign stars and is authorized to
wear the distinguish d unit badge.
Pfc. .loan H. Bizzell 34675720, Btry. B,
351 FA P.n Camp Cruber. Oklahoma.
Cpl. Rachel J. Farrior, A 4000 91, Co.
C A G St. lid. Sta Ashville, N. C.
Pvt. Thomas F. Cox 34312433, Florence
Army Air V Id, C. C. T. S.�Squadron T,
Florence, South Carolina.
Second It. Douglas R Jones 0-2069871,
APO No. 16753 CA-105, co Postmaster,
Xew York, X. Y.
fi cused
Stud- nt
,ften called
to i
this issue the spotoght -
on Amanda Btherkte emi capa
Government president who
of that indescribable quality
personality. . ,
Amanda has the enviable
along with people oi all ag �
child, a fellow student o- a pi
has a gift of gab put,ac ease
rne with hom she comes m coi
� h,p trembling freshman
first meeting he
a member id the Women a
the Jarvis Forei
Last var she was
secretary of the Student Government
cabinet of the Women s
.d u tennis.
com I a
wonder the
) ssed n
Amanda is
Athletic association,
club, and the YMCA.
association, on the
Athletic association, and
Anyone who passes the tennis
(and who doesn't) can i
i im-
1 ittl knowh
she is a eal tennis fan.
the game is n- c ssary
'lv knows
of the finer points ot
to recognize the fact that she rea
how to handle a racquet
When asked what hei U vonte I
were, she said. "Popcorn and hard candy -
you know, real hard ' She likes old songs
like -Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes.
She is also fond of poems, especially those
of, William Cullen Bryant.
She "fell in love with Robert St. .John
he has such a wonderful beard Amanda
was especially impressed by Mr. St. Johns
to do -
1 hat�


� rig h
Bits o' Faslii
Teco E
ho ('�

�; that

( d � oss Pi
a nd m

Tom's Editorials
ed histr
thy -
the righl
many f
wrote hi
Am I
A i 'Of Ri
si nse
s which
of value
to writ
m wrote reveal-
. he 11 ways found
u" and knew
He participated in
of the campus and
lies 19th Anniversary
Work of ECTC Girls
tliers in which hi high standards
laeais were present.
Tem put his whole heart in everything
he did. and through his editorials he tried
b th to give praise where it was due and ad-
monish his fellow students to do the right
things for their betterment.
J. Russell Hunch, came a-calling.
" . (. u .
Wonder what happened to Johnnie and
. J) Could Gotten Kail hold more
Congratulations to all the cute girls
who got diamonds this Christmas! Been
noticing mit. a few new "sparkles" around
since the holidays.
Ring out the old; ring m the new!
D4o comes in with a bang!
After a short v; cati n. school gals are
back in the awing oi thing again.
But all work and no plaj ma
a duli joker. So now and again she'll ta
time out to air those cobwebs in the wintry
Ther are spotrs clothes galore to dr
a gal who ca nsew a fine scam. Our apple-
things 10 say.
the activities
editorials ab ait a number of them.
m re: "toy. Doi ntito y In
in � hich he called atten-
in tiv b as' rm ;
need of repairs
"Seed to I n llxif Ond Electricity
a the e- itorial which he wi te after having
a talk with Mr Duncan; "All Opt Attendance
Expected at Concert urged students to at-
tend the concerts that are brought to our
campus; In another editorial written by him.
"TECO E HO Staf Proud of Honor Rating
he said, 'A e are justly proud of this achieve-
ment Some of his other editorials were:
V,)i Tfii K nhl Korrespondent
Good looking Lt.
other night, Mary
you were sporting
'Dot' Lewis was all smiles Saturday
,1 it be t'eat "ore and only
matter with the "scum-
I get paid by the line for
'ids column and for the past few
I haven't made enough to keep me
Ml ' store so how do you expect me
The Teco Echo
Published Biweekly by the Students of
East Carolina Teachers College
What's tl
sters" of ECT
writ in;
in the
to keep up with things Be a little more
open from now on. like Jones and maybe
your K K can make more m ney and an
interesting column too.
Hearts were broken when Amos Clark
went to the navy last week but you wouldn't
know about that � haw you ever seen a
theater boy who wasn't rushed? The staff
r om and K K are the only ones who know
Entered as second-class matter December 3,
1925, at the U. S. Postoffice. Greenville.
X. ( under the act of March 3, 1879.
Charlton, why don't you
Jean Goggin, Editor
Marjorie Smith. Curtis Butler, Elsie West,
Violet Sparks. Thelma Cherry, Mary
Buckmaste? Edna Earle Moore, Betty
Jarvis. Mary Young Bass, J. L. Brandt,
Jean Hull, Edna 'ann Harreil, Freda
Caudell, Etta Frances Harper, Jean Hodgen,
Evelyn Lewis, Bud Jackson. Ruth Whitfield,
Betsy ILllen. Joyce Strickland, Xan Little,
Ella Cashwell.
RUBY HUDSON . . Assignment Editor
Xeil PoseySports Editor
Jack Johnson . . Photography Editor
Margaret Xisbet Cartoonist
ip up some-
times ana! date somebody else � you pass
around enough "fags" ic Fleming parlor
to have plenty chances�you re such a good
boy though
K K has been trailing two cute "femmes"
lately, but they always ive him the slip
(not pink). Maybe you can help him find
out where "woomates" Lee and Jean go
every afternoon and night -whisper now.
le Fripp seems to oe a permanent
ire around Fleming lately. Nice going,
y' �
We were all glad to see Henry Harris
back on the campus. Loked good to see
him and Catherine togethei again.
A cute, new coed doesn't stand a chance
of being a bachelor around here long does
he Bobbie Lee? Time waits for no one, is
Mary's slogan.
Two other new coeds on the campus
this quarter who are already greatly in
demand ai Billy Tucker and Charles White-
Ohjny goodness T almost forgot???
Congratulations are in order to Sprinkle
who finally announced she had "fenced one
Com' on gals and give out with a little
more news for us. Things are getting slow
around here. Could you have the "Grade
Book Blu's"? Bve now!
1 �
� si

eater wears a
tailored blouse
weskit McCall
McCall 5319.
three-piece - lack suit � a
McCall 5710; a wee plaid
5593, and tailored slacks.
What an outfit) Make 'em
in bright warm woolens and this slacks

Have you ever wondered why Fay J.
doesn't seem to get around much�maybe
the guy named Joe at Caroiinji knows.
Ellis says he doesn t know whether
Frances has changed or not�maybe it's he
that has changed.
Dot Harris has thrown books to the
wind again aftei
Cutler, did you
breaking her promise-
Businbss Staff
Sybil Beaman . . . BuMtiess Manager
Associate Business Managers
June Brandenburg, Mil ian Harper,
Mary Elizabeth Wooten, Jean Ipock,
Sid Bunn. Kit Blackham.
Dr. Beec her Flanagan Facidty Adviser
Graham T. Olive . . Technical Advuer
Member: North Carolina Collegiate Press
Association, Associated Collegiate Press.
Bepresentid for national advertising by�
National Advertising Service, 7nfc 420
Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Chicago,
Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco.
have anything to do with
WAXTED: Some one short, or some
one tall, some one big or same one small,
blonde or brownette; or just any old coed
for Ottis Peele. Brooks and the Parker twins
are also good prospects gals.
Jack Johnson thinks a certain Jarvis
Hall freshman is just about the cutest thing
on wheels! How about it Mary ' Buck"?
They say that Norflet Hardy is casting
a speculative eye at Violet Sparks. More
power to you son.
Gosh That was good smelling per-
fume that came from France the othei day
wasn't it Vivian ?? What will that Duke
coed think???
The Je korrespond�mt on his nightly
check-ups has seen a lot of Wilton Joyner
Aggressive Aggie
By Jean Hidl
Aggie' If you could only see yourself
at the table! You begin by filling your
mouth to its full capacity�which is bad
enuogh. Then when you try to speak�oh,
my dear! The difficulties you do encounter!
Aggie, child, don't your mother ever
tell you? Or did you merely turn a deaf
ear on her constant complaints? Of course,
you are never too old to learn (or so they
tell me), so if you will lend me an ear�
Even if you don't make a practice of
using them, you know such general rules
as not leaning your elbows on the table, not
talking with your mouth full (and not
filling it full in the first place!), and never
never waving your fork in the air in an
effort to illustrate some point in your con-
However, you may not know that in
eating semi-solids, such as cereal and ice
cream, you should dip the bowl of the spoon
toward you and eat from the end, but that
in eating soup you should dip the bowl of
the spoon away from you and drink from
the side. Yes, it's O. K. to get that good
last drop Just remember to tip the bowl
away from you.
While we have soup on
Quotable Ouotes
(By Associated Collegiate Press)
ton in y ;r (
a ; �
engineer saj s
u sted it bis
past h irs
�lack BCa
engina t'a I
It works
"The difference between the education
in this country and Europe is that the United
States has a broader sense of education. P5
Education of tomorrow in
Europe will be
middle way between American education and
European leader education. As for when
the war will be over, it will end soon with
the surrender of Germany. The real im-
portance is how to reconstruct not only
Germany but also the world. I believe that
the problem of peace is not exclusively what
to do with Germany and Japan. It will be
necessary to build a real concert of nations
in which the victorious as well as the de-
feated will be members Dr. Max Folff
political expert and former labor judge in
Germany, emphasized t h e importance of
education in the post war world in a Univers-
ity of Oklahoma address.
tally desi
which pull up and roll
only for motor-opt rated
A push button on tin
car sets up ;i ,j,an
picked up by a coil b i
in the driveway, and is I
x- ice which puts in:
erated door he explai
toor t . nod v. � .
leaving the garage.
Tkis Collegiate World
(by Associated Collegiate Press)
,f rf��f hlstory not only repeats it-
self but also turns itself about: In the dustv
stacks of books in the library at Mornin r
the brain side College, Sioux City. Iowa the S
triVA vnn rhalna�rl �tv1�i, , � ' lc �-UKlie
Best of all.
fact that fchj My cost oJ
control d vice would' be no n
than a one-f ui th watt lamp:

A u If, i i cad
home for racatiion, forgo
an and her mother an
�rf�l little phrase she'd � � (rman
daas�"Kein Goit.M
Then she caught herself. "That &�
so bad in German as it i in K: ,all'
Mother she exj lained.
"Yea replied ftfoth
golly' in
I dent like
tBy language

The Home Ec club
up around Jarvis Hall lately Could it be (please, no comments!), let me give you disclosed a volume entitled "Far Tl k S klgc is making scraobooKs wi ich will be sent
that cute little Edwards girl??? one more tip. It is permissible to sip a Long Ago ay And to a hospital for World War II veterans,
Reba Brown was mighty excited the little at a time, of hot liquid fiom a spoon, � somewhere in the middle west The collec-
other day when a certain light officer, but no sound effects, pu-leeze! Did you ever wish you could push a b t- tion vviU U made up of jokc. nse saying
u Poems, cartoons aud gay pictures.


(� : �r the
��:� -�
prill work
I d-
mi �f the
K that is
I de-
j tows the
thing or
r. i the
titinjr the
tta �
rhat isn't
h. really-
t like
Lte co1"
H be sent
i 20, 1945
of thanking
daring the
oui h�-l
I SB very
e a�i 4 15
it a ui on
of i will
�.� pei
. I
full name
� one alumni
. forces
I am
a recoid.d vresentation of
'Christmas Oval" and a
by Mis Mary Agnes
j on.
� New
St nIary.
' IT
ivian Local
. r
� e i44
i QJ trg and
. roup.
Charter Granted
AA by Council
WAA Begins
Basketball Season
guest editorial
A .ontribution o' five dollars was
-nt to the Alumni Office for the
Coach Ohrtstenbury Memorial Fund.
After the progiam r.nd business
session, rant�la were enjoyed. Mrs.
r. Frank Jones (Add Mae Pearson
1914), Mrs. Banu) Dickaoo (Saab
Menshew, VJ22) and Miss V
Rooae (iy4) were winners.
From an attractively appointed
table. Mrs. Westmoreland served
Roaaiaa torn, sandwiches, eookiea and
salted nuts.
I the Greenville
association on
i ti tian
W rid His
w re a ntered
� . One.
, ambitions.
created to
i vet i trancing

tea 1 ismsatf
�, human
i bapter
� an a merit
� � Fel rtiary
group Mrs.
� � bulletin had
M ion with-
� then were
� the Alumni
tian'a remarks
reed by the
M A s scue and Chapter
The Baleigh branch of the East
Carotins Teschera College Alumni
assoeiatioa nut Tnasdsj night at the
Woman's club.
Mrs. G. I. t ,awley (Ethel Yick.
1936), president, eoadttcted a business
session, after a s rial hour was
beld. Russian tea. sandwiches, and
nuts .vere served. Hostesses for the
meeting were Mrs. R. A. Martin
(Mary Elizabeth Crawford. 1986),
Mrs. I. Y. Lassit.r (Lcola Pleasant.
1984), Mrs. John Harris (Rachel
Stone, 1936), Mrs. Charles M. John-
soa (Ruth Moore, 191 ,), Mrs. C. J.
Thoroughgood tZtlma Wester, 1920),
and Mrs. L. H. Phelps (Elaine Tun-
nell. 1930)
Miss Jo: ephint l�unlap. teacher at
Hayes Baiton Schcol, whs welcomed
as a new member.

and was
i hapter at
afisa Bessie
f the chapter.
Roanoke Rapids Chapter
The third meeting cf the Roanoke
Rapids Chapter of th� Alumni asso-
ciation wa; held January 11. 1945
with 17 members present. The presi-
dent. Margaret Lewis, presided.
The new constitution of the club
was read by Lee Bstdaoe, chairman
of this committee. She was assisted
in the writing by Iris Davis and
Gladys ScalL
A letter was rea from Mrs. Clem
Garner suggesting tha. alumni chap-
ters contact their legislators in order
to get asistanct in obttming funds
for certain specified improvements
Deeded at the College. The club
authorized the secretary to write
such a letter.
The club also nude plans for or-
ganizing a chapter of the Alumni
Association in Enfield, N. C.
Mrs. Chris Lambt"t (Margaret
Moore) had charge of the program.
SI a played recordings f "Peter and
the tVolf" as direct i by Leopold
StowowskL Refreshm nts were ser-
ved by the hostesses. Mary Lower.
Genivene Hodgin, sad Mrs. Lloyd
aooiD iioiufcitoc His
?$&&�'� - t�VY OUT LIGHTER.
fllpm "BCiWd ftuiOOMEB " A fc'i,TO� TSOCK AtOMSOO POCKCT
BLOCKADE �"�� to th� snau. size of twe amebkaw wavy,
for that purp
the office
racani during
for the nnexpired term
Section 2. Duties
president shall prtsid
ness meetings of U.e
shall holl et mmittee
sponsible for tin
speetive committe
velopraent of effi
of th� committee
tiring from ol fic
If for any reason
president beeomea
the ten.) of office, the
shall become president
- A. The i
at all busi- j
isociation. He j
chairmen re- J
work of their re-
- and for the de-
i 'tiey on the part
members. On re-
he hall present a
IHe shall also have charge of the
the president in the correspondence.
I funds of 'be Association. He shall
present at a business meeting in De-
cember a general report covering the
j receipts and expenditures of the
ARTICLE VI� Amendments
Section 1. Notice of proposed
mien.Intents to thi s constitution shall
tie given nne montn i advance and
shall require for their adoption a two-
thirds affirmative vote of the voting
members nresent.
Frances Bass talked on the discov-
ery, history and uses of sulfa drugs
at the Science club meeting last
week. Mary Elen Sawyer spoke on
pencillin and illustrated her talk with
pictures and a penicilium culture.
The Student Cooperative council
has ust granted an organization
charter to the Men's Athletic asso-
ciation which has for its aim the
sponsorship of intercollegiate and in-
tramural competitive sports for the
men of Est Carolina Teachers col-
lege. The charter approves of the
Association's constitution and gives
to the Association the right to enjoy
all the privileges enjoyed by other
recognized organizations on the cam-
The Council approved of the or-
gairalion. after the men students had
gathered together and cet down their
aims in constitutional form. A com-
mittee (Stuait Tripp, Jesse Parker,
James Pr.rker, Blainr Moye and
in Clarlton) was selected to do
the actual writing md the actual sub-
mitting to the Council Along with
the draft of the Association's consti-
tution went a proposed budget for
the 1044-45 season. The buget com-
mitte, however, has not acted on this
matter as yet, because of prior busi-
The Association is now sponsoring
intercollegeiate basketball. A team
( has already begun practicing. Games
i will be scheduled with colleges near
j by and with local and service teams
near by. Out of town games will be
limited, however, to the amount of
money appropriated for the Associa-
tion's use and to the transportation
Intramural games will be played.
An Intramural league is planned and
games will begin US a short while.
It baa been approximately two
year; i ince any men's intercollegiate
ports have functioned on the cam-
pus. In th- fall of 1942, shortage of
manpower and transportation led
this college and other colleges in this
area to abrogate contracts in the
major sports, football, basketball,
tennis, and baseball. Rasketball is
the only sports that has been in any
way revived. Informal games have
been played with a few other col-
leges and independent teams.
Under the newlv organized Men's
Athletic association intsr-collegiste
Well, folks, the basketball season
got under way Monday night with
slides, bumps, and bang. This first
game of the season wa� a general
rough-and-umble affair with sever-
al players on the floor in a clinch
most of the time. Nevertheless,
everyone seemed t' b enjoying the
scramble. Be Core :he tems are or-
ganized from the various dorms the
WAA warts all the grls who played
basketball at home and those who
would like to learn to play to come to
the gym or the deaigl ated night for
the dorms and have a good time with
the rest. Fleming and Wilson will
play on Monday aid Wednesday
nights from 7.00 until 8:09, and Jar-
vis and Cten will piay on Tuesday
and Thursday nights Irom 7:0u until
8:00. Peggy Hneycutt, Fleming
hall, is manager f basketball. Go
to see her today and pei your name
on the list or just go to the gym and
sign up there.
and intramural sports will be re-
sumed so far as manpower, trans-
portation, finance, and available op-
posing teams may permit.
Whose Ads Appear
In This Paper
e his
term ot
sociatcn. This re-
ed "ii the files of
rogran which Sandli-i (Evelyn Tillman).
Organized Charter Of I
Men's Athletic Association
written repoi
office in the
port shall be piac
the Association.
B. The vice-president shall per-
form the duties of tho president in
his absence.
C. The secretary-treasurer shall
keep full minutes el' all meetings and
I records of the Association, including
a complete lit f members and the
(number and character of meetings
and special activities, and shall aid
"Where The Gang Eats"
Watches � Jewelry
Silver � Gifts
Watch Repairing
"Tht College Jeweler"
whert tht nation aJsopt
The right kind of froite
and faodi for thoat

II II. I�Name
of this or-
Hen's Athletic
� ! 1 il�Purpose
ol this or-
� . pauses- inter-
: athletics for
1 i Hi�Objective?
pr mote intercol-
ion ia the
. aketball for
pn mote athletic
D the various or-
. r any other
ids; give an equal
. wish to partici-
proridc entertain-
.r. itaitnit body
; ual - above.
iragl the de-
� � of health,
citisemhip, physical
p i atli �
To provide leadership
I i rtajdcssal through
. . and managing.
� i-nize meritori-
in the various
M:ri LE IV -Membership
Any registered man
I i - s ' 'ome a mem-
satmn, provided he
in sth to be loyal to the
da, which is as fol-
I i all under all circumstances,
n pest all people irvolved
competition, refrain from
languagt, and, in gen-
� myself ha a manner be-
to a gentleman"
ARTICLE V�Officers
ft 1. Election - A. The of-
�"r- i tht flssocuathT shall be the
1 he shall be a junior or s
th, vice-president, who shall
at least a sophomore; and the sec-
B. Officers of tne Men's Athletic
sssoeiatMe shall be nominated at a i
business meeting ont week before
election day.
C. The officers of the Associa-
tion shall be elected b secret ballot
on the first Tuesday after the first
Monday of the winter quarter, to go
on duty immediately after.
D. All officers shall be elected by
a simple majority vote. .
E. If any vacancy occurs in the
list of officers, other than in the
presidency, it shal' be filled at the
next regular meeting of the Associa-
tion or at a special meeting
All Work Guaranteed
Third at Cotanche, Dial 3722
We Appreciate Your
JLa��a�n I. � � agBflaW � �� �" � i � ��
For that lovely photo-
graph for that special
person, visit�
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All Kinds of Shoe Repairing
All Work Guaranteed
Buy your ladies' sheer
hose at�
where all
Call For That Much Needed Nourishment
While Studying
Garris Grocery
"If Ife In T�im, We flwvs It
i sophomore; and the sec
ry-trearurer, who may be s mem-
' any class
r of
For Men and Women Arriving DaUy!
Belk-Tyler Co.
Greenville, N. C.
Stationery, Toilet Waters and Notions
RCfE'S 5 & 1C
Patronize Your College
Stationery Store
C 0 MP A N Y

Soda Shop



irdaj. j
Rev. Campbell
Speaker at Vespers
On January 7
The regular vesper service was
Ik lil in the 'Y" hut Friday, Decem-
ber ' Y The p' gran' was opened
with jqusc by Leyta Tylor. Nancy
Crichton road the torj of the Wise
Men taken from Matthew 2:11. From
the 1 ackground. lot seen by the
audience, a quartet, composed of
Lsllie Margaret Johnston, Nan Little, Nell Smith, and Jean Rober-
son sang "Hark the Herald Angels
3 f and "Silam Night Miss
A.gtu s La sley, Presbyterian student
worker, told the beautiful Christmas
storj by Margaret E.Sangster. "An-
Rev. Harwell Campbell, pa-tor of
Immanuel Baptist Church of
Greenville, was speaker Sunday
night, January 7, n Austin auditor-
ium. The keynote of lus tak was
"faith "
Fai h, according to Rev. Campbell,
i- aii ally tor life. Faith, Rev,
Campbell stated that it has been said
' �' faithless n an is less than he
might be, while a faiUiful man is a
man at his best. The primary in-
gredu nt of success is faith in one's
self, 'mt ne mui have faith also
in the future and i God. Eev.
1 npbell said that fth can be
gained by a conii I of the mind that
these things are true, by convictions.
and by wholehearted commitment.
Joe Currin in the crviee of the
US Merchant Marino, sang the
"Lord's Prayer He vas accom-
panied by Camillt lernigan.
Friday night vesper?, January 12,
u led by R i i A .i-i L ncastcr who
read the 23rd Palm. She spoke on
faith and began !� asking if we are
� p in ag� along ith the
servicemen, many of whom were
mere boys when they left, but who
will be men when they return. If
we aren't then wo will be 1� ft out
c m I tely Sh a ked "Do we have
. nil courage to face the prob-
tj" Such o faith i an not
must find it in
he g
let ei
a �. 11; ; wo
ision l.i read a pari of a
I j haj lain Sheridan
to his children in which he
i for them to find faith and
� ge.
Jimmy Haney, accompanied by
Mrs. Haney. played n the violin
"Cavai ine" bj B
Mi Lucy Cri p of "rreenville was
guest speakei tl ve pers Sunday
lit. January I I. IKi subject was
life of Dr. .George Washington
Carver with whom she was well ac-
quain � d.
She first outlined hi? life, stress-
ing the fact that be wai interested
in both are and science, fter living
a life from "Riil. i i i Post" as he
himself put it. he fly received
his M. A. degree in science, after
which he went to Tuskegee Institute
in Georgia, where he spent the rest
of hi- life. Hi' was ; warded many
honors and better and more profit-
135 Students
Make "2" Average
There were 136 tudents who made
a 2" average for the fa'l quarter of
t944. They were as follows:
Geraldine Alliitton, Caroline An-
drews. Pearl Arnold, Mary Elisabeth
Austin. -
Dora O'Neil Bailey, Sybil Beaman,
Macy Flma Bell, Dorothy Marie Ben-
nett. Annh Maude Bivns, Rhoda Mae
Bone, James L. Brandt. Elizabeth
Bridgers, lean Brinkley, J. Elizabeth
Brown, Mary Bryan, Curtis Butler.
Mary BuckmasUr.
Altoiif Cade, Etta Caiowan, Mary
Elizabeth Carr, France Carter, H.
infield Carter, Jessk love Carter,
F.lla Mae Cashweil, Gladys Elaine
Cherry, Eleanor Chesnatt , Ernest
Chesses, Amos 0. Clark Jr Betty!
Cole. Elizabeth Cotton, Bessie Coun-
cil. Eiaabeth W Cox. Clifton Cran-
dell, Mary S. Crawford. Dorothy Jean
Creech, Nancy Ann Crichton.
Willie Mae Daniels, Elizabeth Dar-
den, Allene Daugherty, Florence Alma
Davenport, Richard David, (Jersha
Bol Davis. Mary Cameron Dixon.
Frances Bakes, Aldme Early, Jes-
sie C. Faro. Annie Lee Eason, Pat
Geraldine Felton, Doris Fanck.
Margaret Gerocit, Josephine Gib-
son, Bernice Gcdley, Sylvia Greene.
Mary G. Hales, Margaret Anne
Hall. H. Norfieet Hardy, Helen Chris-
tine Hardy. Etta Frances Harper,
Betsy Helen. Dorothy Nell Hender-
son, Marie Herring, Nora Leo Hin-
nant, Margaret Holt Jean Hull. Han-
nah Ruth Humbles.
Helen Jennette, Camille Jernigan,
Annie Belle Johnson. Bertha John-
son, Clarine Johnson, Dorothy S.
Johnson, Helen Johnson. Ruth John-
son, Helen Jones Mary Blane Justus.
Louise Keith. Laurere M. Keltner,
Georgia Fine. Rebecca Kirkland.
Louise Lassiter, Ruth M u riel
Lassiter, Dorothy 11. Lewis.
Kay Mann, Audrey May. Mattie
Harris Mayo. Oma Fay Midyette,
Jeanne M ore Blanie Move.
Mabalee Xante. BiHi Gray Meal,
Ruby Nicholson Margaret Nunn.
Annie Miller Parker, Zula Pearson,
Dorothy day p, ebles, X- ill Posey,
Myrtle C. Price, Mildred PruitL
Dorothy Ri ade, Ruth Roach.
Leona t5asser, Vivian Sit
Mary Janice Smith. Violet Spark .
Edith Starling, Bernice M. Steele,
Daisy Steele, Nancy Stewart, Martha
Elizabeth Temple. Frances Temple,
Elizabeth Thomas.
Grace Walker Laura Marie Walker
James H. Warren Elaine Welch,
Elsie We t, Mary Whichard, Bernice
Whit Esther Haie White, Bettye
Jean Whitehurst, Muriel Whitehurst,
Ruth Whitfield. Pinear Ma Wind-
ley, Ruth Winslow, Charlotte Wombfe,
Anne Jud n Woody, Iris Woody,
Olive Woo ly, Helen Woolen.
Vivian Yelverton.
New Students
Enter ECTC
Thirty-one new students have en-
rolled at ECTC fot th winter quar-
ter. Among these thirty-one are
students who hav transferred from
other colleges, stuuents who have had
previous work at BCTC last year or
at some earlier date, ;u�d students
who are 1 cginning the college work
Nine of tin- new students are
transfers from other colleges and
universities. These a' lean Ander-
son from Memphis Stan college, and
Lillian Bradley from Mary Washing-
ton college also Farmville State
Teachers college, Jane Latham has
previous work at Rldfcrd college and
Lynchburg college and Ann Satter-
white has been a student at Camp-
bell college. Robert F I�ee attended
Elon college. Claude Plyei and
Mercer Simmons attended the Uni-
versity oi North Ctuolina and
Alexander Akarsas attended the
Eastman Seboal of Music of the Uni-
versity of Rochesttr New York.
The students who have had previ-
ous work at ECTC are Ruth Boykin,
MarybeUe Reddett, Helen Rut Ses-
soms, Sybil Fake- Woodruff, Aule-
rene Powell, and Aldace James.
Billy Tucker, Barbara Brewer, I ita
Mine and Georgia Wi.tF.tcad.
Tin-re i re nire new students who
are beginning their coll' ge work at
ECTC this quarter They are Iris
Dupree. Joyce King, Carolyn Lowe.
Mae Payne, Bobbii Parrish, 1-
Bradwell, Gene Gurgiinus, Theodore
Lupton, ar.d Chirks Whiford.
the things we did or did not d �,
Xow, that I art tack in the r.
of books. !e on . etc. ' n of
� I'd wondi rful day- and drool!
Don't vou?
Fisher, Bheridge
To Give Recital
On Thui daj 'lint, January 25 at
8:00 p.m. Miss L'learor Etheridge,
pianist, and Mr, Charles Fisher,
baritone, w il- gn e
Wright auditorium.
Eternal Life iFrench Fraternity
Presented by To Sponsor
Lesley Foundation Valentine Dance
Kaa�M siu. T �
Manv of our student bavea deepei
appre-iatio.i of 'be plac of tin V �
Miss Etheridires selections will m-llsy Foundation in eampu Ufa becsus
elude Nocturne, Op. 2, No. 2 by'of the happy experieoce of I'1
Chopin; Etude, Op. K, No. 12 by pating in the program of
hophi, and Ballad , Op. 52 by Chop
in; P le, Op. 26 bj Rachmaninoff;
P ileii Fairy Tale,
Op. 20 X. . i by Medtner Reflects
dans I'eau by D � t y and t 'rac �-
vienne Fanta tiqin by Piderevski.
M r. iii eh ct n - will include
iia from Radunusto by Handel and
Vitto i Mio t i
Aliloi I y i- , ,
Double bj .
Strau: Miranda y
the aid. n by Carp ��'��r and The
Bird Will mess by Horsman.
Mr .li i. !� rill
Mr. Fisl
by Carissirai; Le
i; -My Phantom
lueignvng by
ageman; May
Irs. tpilmsn
ps at Meeting
odh Student Center dune- the
weeks jut prec-sdrog � Christmai
holidays. The glowing 'ire in �
front room, candle-light, Christmas
orations, happy viees singing
carols, the sincere welcome "f the
i ,nc lor, all mad. the Center " real
"home away from horns
The center of interst in the fronl
room was a targe 'op of Sallman -
"Head of hri-i ' a rift from Mrs.
J. P. Kiit-ell. 'bis picture.
� n tl mantel wa a small copy f
"At Bethlehem" by Margaret Tar-
rant, With 'I : I ImSS candies on
either side. It was in this room that
the Christmas Meditation was held
late � Thursday afternoon of the
Sunday n
four!i �
i' akor.
I�- i enii'i r meeting of the
a Alpha Sigma Mrs. J. B.
Si in Jarvis
was the guest The ;lU(
is m charge of the
ent office in
ce n this
the fi .irnity about
week before college clo?cd for the
The Drama Commission presented
"Eternal Life a one-sd play by
Fred Eastman, in Austin aud'torium
on the evening of December 14, and I Counselor, and
a repeat performance on Sunday at Brad haw a i
Memorial Church. seate
ience was led in the singing
Hf Cbrist'nas carots oy Rosa Alice
Ti.i I �� - I rn
Pi Sigma i
Sigma I'i AI pi.a v.
dance ! � I Wi
The sponsi 1:
ette, Katie Eai � ;
. � . Mae I
Dixon, and lo I
ephine G
the dei i ion
the let'
man ot th�f1gtir� � OB
Cam on Dixon I I
Ernest I the 1
coat checking
ette is cl
� � H I of till
tee, Fata- Earli I
the (Iherry Point Mann 1
l . offio i
follow I1
d� nt; Fatie L
.1, e M H
rer; Mr. R. � � �
of the
stated Mrs church.
just befod the begining
play. Tin- Cast wa- enter-
tained by the Wesley Foundation
Council at the Center -a Sunday eve-
ning after the performance at the

After bi
priate -jift- s i
� � �
ringing Cai
leave for ' aurch
I i . ' n lated many of her
- �. i nee . "There is a
in my life when I
open House was held on Saturday,
Chandler, the December Hi to receive gifts for
was speak- children m Lhe Japanese-American award in the state and amoi
eenville she Relocation Center at Topas, Utah few in the entin
gifts e contributed by ment f this itt'i
rt the Wcslej Foundation. rreatly I f
ville, Tenn. The Council wa entertained at a ity's Horticulture P
! in 1942. Christmas Breakfa t t P o'cl ck
I ! � �� ! � ; '�
I dral ion planl
ixed s ith the 1 " "
told about Eighty
3 il Woi member

ler, head ol I
iportunities came his way, but
ti.e-e things mern1 tittle or nothing
to him.
In conclusion Mis Crisp listed
three things which Dr. Carver thought
important and which made htm the
truly great ma: ! �� was. First, his
motto was "It all they ways acknowl-
tlim. and H- will direct they
ways Secondly, h� urged that
be themselves, and then third-
ly, h- said that one can't harboi
bitterness, for it will clog the
� ml
Etta C; rowan was in charge of
ECTC to Receive
Set of Famous Writings
Mr. Smiley, librarian, has recently
received a letter from Herb rt C.
Bonner. representative to Congress
from the First District. The letter
stated, "It has given mt pleasure to
-end to the East Carolina Teachers
College a net of Definitive Writing
of George Washington consisting of
thirty-nine volumes. These art very
valual le publicatious, and I hope will
'� found most useul to the students
f your school
the devotional, for which she read the
list Psalm. Mary Buckmaster was
at the piat;o.
Somo ii�iioii ;ui�i answers of huimwm
to fvery alriMi eoIloi�o woman
Th� drilling moufkIm mo ntrvntiiwf
Nonsense! The mcsl beautifol women m - � � �
aro ,hl" rl- i� khaki! Som
vital t� genera good health, .ii- i:
After i few weeks at Fort DesM
�en Fort Oglefhorpe braining ccntex yo�H fed be a
eer in votir life.
Xmss Vacation yonderful!
The Christmas holidays How
I ever forget the wonderful times
1 had? After all those rules and
i: for tii-t quarter fresh-
men. I felt like an escaped convict.
What a :�� lief not having to worry
�it getting in oi time: filing date
erving quietness from 7 a.m.
T p.m and
joy of toys
a le u. sleep a- late ts I wanted.
It was wonderful going into the
corner drugstore and getting the
hit. dope from May. John. Sue,
am! the r st of the old crowd.
I the food! irum, y im! What
a joy to eat Mom's homcoeking once
in! When I .vaiked down the
r Chri tmas morning and smelled
delicious, i .ntalizing aroma
ing fr m the kitchen I thought
I would famish before dinner. Then
a? e table, aftr everyone else had
finished eating, I kept "stuffing it
in under their continuous glares,
y weren't used to having a pig
at the table, but for some reason I
couldn't stop.
Crash! Bang! shove�oh darn, I
dropped my purse again! Down-
town the day after Christmas was
worse than any previous Christmas
shopping days I had gene through.
What a crowd! Whkt noises! Of
course, yon all kiiow how people will
exchange their gifts for a size
smaller, a size larger, or even for
something else. Tien there are the
kind of folks who don't like gifts of
of any kind but had rather have
money th n anytning else in the
world�soI suppose there were
plenty of efnnds. Poor salespeople!
Those long days (or should I say
-hurt) of waiting for New Year's
Eve. Oh, I'll m vei forgtt! Wonder-
ing how the party would turn out�
wondering if all the kids would like
my new dress�Aondering if my
blind date could danci n million and
one thoui'nts going through my
mind-just waiting. Then the night
of the party, what a grand time!
How nice it was dancing, laughing
and then listening to the "Auld Lang
j Synes
Although I slept practically all
day Januaiy first, 1 wis still sleepy.
j It couldn't havr been the morning
after the night before�or could it?
Even though I hated to leave home
after having such a wonderful" time,
it wa grand getting back and seeing
all of the girls. We spnt hjurs to-
gether showing of gifts, talking
about the latest boy friend and of all

JFirmt of nil. is the WAJkC really needed?
Emphatically yes! Already the President has authorized the
Corps to expand from 25,000 to 150,000. The Air Forces
and Signal Corps have asked for thousands of WAAC mem-
he rs to help with vital duties. Both Ground Forces and
Services of Supply are asking for thousands more. Members
of the WAAC may he assigned to duty with the Army any-
where � some are already in Africa and England.
Can the WAAC really help win the war?
The whole idea of the WAAC is to replace trained soldiers
needed at the front. If American women pitch in now to help
our Army (as women in Britain, Russia and China do), we
can hasten Victory � and peace.
What ran my rollege education contribute?
College training is important equipment for many WAAC
duties too long to list. Cryptography, drafting, meteorology,
laboratory work, Link trainer and glider instructing, for ex-
ample. If you are a senior you may enroll at once and be
placed on inactive duty until the school year ends. See your
WAAC faculty adviser for more details.
But eon i tire comfortably on WAAC pay?
There are few civilian jobs in whish you could earn clear
income, as WAAC enrolled members do. of $50 to $138 a
month � with all equipment from your toothbrush to cloth-
ing, food, quarters, medical and dental care provided, WAAC
officers earn from $190 to $333.33 a month.
Maybe i wouldn't like the work?
People are happicM doing uhat the? do well. Every effort
M made to place sou wh � a �v v ;1 . .
towardI final Victory. Yon ma; ! , tJin�
�nil fin a particular need for work
women � such as repsursng
ngg parachute onatn&g the fecinatins. m �
denes or drivnaj an Ana, jeep m fuIl
hare a chance to ��ansaj something new?
Yes. indeed. And the list oi W C dntie. ,lv.
�h� and experience x�u H m tlu. U
jquip you for many shnmlatmg utm careen up
tor women.
Then i
"� rhancem of promotion?
Excellent The Corp. is expanding rapidly mi BOS
omcers, both commissioned ariu noncommi.on,�,?.
uno mm nou -have th- mmi dumees. Ml n , rs no�
come up through the r.nU If (Tlla;fl,s. ,�u � . ,
commission in 12 week fw t
,tv -1 basjansu tranui
i� the uge range and other requirement?
2ie7iTP,eYou may join if "u �� � U, 5. cnknnm, aged
in 1 JV: �lUive "� 3 feet tall and not er 6 kst.
-good health - regardless of race, ealnr or crml. aW am
Army needs vou m,�-do� del.n. Total War Hont .
'ortn�ue�e TKi , ,f u P-�k and write SpaniA,
or Itoli-tT f"tt,t' R�. K�ch, Craun
ntzd7:tyZrt1 Krmy ������' y-
,nten�re4in�, cryptography, communication.
UErts nuMf
Arwff A
r& 11 ft vMary 1 orp
'�r ,
nfc�.r �wri
��!�� ���
� ymmr
� � : m r � t 1 � s a � P

The Teco Echo, January 20, 1945
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 20, 1945
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