The Teco Echo, November 12, 1943

let's All Square Off
Dance Saturday
Students Should Hear
And See Collingwood
Number 3
8 "M
Rehearsals For "Claudia"
Going Into Fourth Week
YMCA Will Sends Cards
To Alumni In Service
All ECTC nun in service, now num
bering 300, will receive Christina
Cards from the YMCA this year. A
Committee of three Y
members are working o
ith Miss Maria D. Graham, who is
urni hing the addresses of the men
Twenty Seniors
Elected At EOT�
KL'Ssfer "lie's lb"
ihe proposal was enacted at the
i cal inet meeting of November
. Following J- C. Shepherd's sug-
� n and Clifton Crandell's motion.
C, iiCA president, appointed the
committee, made up of Beverly Cut-
er, Delton Creech, and Clifton Cran-
� ii. chairman.
: i
in Am
� i Col-
a committee
sen! an-
. Programs
� i ke a- huidia and Ed
- David in a scene from
Pi production.
! Flaymaker
Elizabeth Stoney
-bctin: 'Claudia
the new Chi
� e University of
arrived on the cam-
� �� November 2.
will direct the
�f Claudia.
Salem. Her
f college were
Christian, from
in 1942 to
�� ceived her
ist of this year
�. -� udent, having
arter at the
Miss Lois Grigsby
Speaks In Chape!
.V,s Lois Grigsby of the English
partment emphasised the necessity
of students' doing: their utmost to
help build the better world of the fu-
ture for which the war is being fought
in her talk in chapel Tuesday morn-
YWCA President Helen Stone in-
troduced Miss Grisgby and announced I
the results of the National War fund I
drive held on the campus. The total
contribution from the college stood at
that time at $1800.03, of which!
$382.10 was contributed by students
She expressed appreciation to the "r
ganizations and individuals who par-
ticipated in the drive.
In her talk to the students Miss
Grigsby brought out the point that in
Mich a world as this nothing that is a
iroblem to one people can fail to
iks for pro-
tnd other in-
ecially their
Charles CoIIin3wood To Lecture
At Wright Building Next Friday
iffect another.
' me
�ie Uui
�,�� Va 11
Spence ;
Each of �
aehic �
Eas I
What- �
This nin
Who Wh
a � i
States. 1
spring, c i
! ill
v. ral
two boys
. C. Shep-
n Webster,
le R tbert-
v Rae
u Parker,
Bo; �' . Mar-
h Humphries,
Whitley, Mabel
nd Dorothy Saaser.
(� i,t has been out-
extra-euri icular
as in scholastic
e his years at
Jarvis Forensic Club
Postpones UNC Debate
at with W It;
edition of the collegiate
ii elude students from
500 colleges and nni-
hoot the 0 n ited
sometime in the
,t - of thi work are ob-
,�� rs of large
Holloween Is Feature
Of Junior-Frosh Hop
Fresh m n were guests of the jun-
iors at B Halloween jam session Sat-
urday night, October 30, from 8:30
to 11:45.
Dancers surrounded by sun-pareh
ed cornstalks on the sides and front.
h rfully grinning Jack O'Lanterns
and a nanacing witch and broom.
glided between eerie shadows cast by
three spotlights at different angles.
Swing and sway was furnished the
Hal Thurston way.
Intermission at 10:30 was time out
for punch and cakes and immediate-
ly after intermission the traditional
figure, ending in the formation of a
pumpkin, and a grand march were
rented. Those participating in the
figure were junior and freshmen ad
visers, officers, and junior committee
chairmen and their partners.
Charles Collim
East Carolina Represented
cerns nil �
uit c ll -f
� � � country who re-
n-aduates for employ-
By 19 At Stud
Southern Dialect
Problem Of New
Music Instructor






During the business meeting of the I
Jarvis Forensic club Thursday, No-
vember 4. it was decided that the
Carolina debate should be postponed
until a later date, perhaps spring.
Miriam Averette was elected secre-
tary of the group.
Following the business session
as worked there were talks on "Extemporaneous
i ructions. Speaking by Amanda Etheridge and
varied, in- "Liberating India after the War" by
Kathryn Sprinkle. Grace Taylor then
poke on "The Early American
Dr. M. N Posey, sponsor of the
Forensic club, read some of his poems
on his home state. Texas. They were:
'T Love That Limestone Boulder
et herself as with its setting in Austin. "On Being
work done Troubled "Living with an Obses-
rrival, saying, -ion "And Those I Love Die Tm
ed with the Like Others" and "The Buyer at the
: d I think Auction
well as en-
ure at ECTC
littee which this year se-
Caroltna students for the
ed of th (1 an of men.
tan! reg istrar,
and the house
f the various i tories,
. tal plays,
imes and make-up
experimental and
-� '� ol produc-
stanl to the
ae mistres
ter known t
Fraternity Offers
Dance Saturday
�rriment will be the
� ; Levy El alls of
� ike up the
ire dance
Phi Sigma Pi fra-
ow evening in the
hi i
� � aus i � f l
the !�' � �� q i
lina Stal
land each other better as I learn thestate m
language says Mr. Charles Fisher
new member of the mu-uc department
at ECTC. The languague referred to
is. of course, the southern dialect A Parl
"I am enjoying my students here
very much, hut I think we will under-
vital into �
divided into tw
WAA Plays And Elects
At Meeting In Wright
mitred Bell Elected
Vlce-Prexv Bv Frosh
After a recreational period
tan class in the
winch various games were played the
Women's Athletic association settled
vice- down to the serious business of elec-
ting officers to fill vacancies at a
ff elections held Fri- meeting held in the Wright building
Her opponent was Thursday evening, November 4.
ndell. The heads of dormitories, who are
other run-offs Catherine always elected in the fall, are Mar-
over Margaret Jones for! garet Hall. Wilson hall; Caroline
Mary Cameron Dixon de- Register, Fleming hall; Jean Doug-
nces Lewis for treasurer; las, Jarvis hall; and Jean Bennett.
defeated Elizabeth ' Cotten hall.
Echo representative; ! Virginia Knowles was elected head
R.ebuck defeated Dot of archery and Jean Matthews head
Tecoan representative. ' of individual sports.
11 p.m.
1 e Vane
ty man,
for himseu in
in this section.
Sam Strickland.
liil Thi Si or ma P
native of Boise. Idaho. Mr. Fisher re-
ceived his education in the north and
Starting oat to be a chemist, he
attended Whitman college in the state
of Washington and Iowa State col-
ge for two and one-half years. At
the end of this time he changed his
major to music, receiving his B.A. in
music education at Northwestern uni-
Hays Flute�Sings Bass
Mr. Fisher attended the Eastman
school of music for two years where
he received his M. A. His major in-
trument is the flute, and he sings
bass. He declares he doesn't play the
piano, but some of the students have
11 1
and rui
trlia tary
In charge of the delegation from
East Carolina. I th St :
! dent I !oorx tative i mi-
nated 27 tudent- to represent this
� �i � � he i
appointed I y S1 . tent-Body Pn-si-
i dent Dorothy Lewis a chairman of
the ECTC delegation.
The East Carolina �' a will
limmie Warren
young CBS
a an informal
e peri nces and ad-
Ei hind and North
Wright Auditorium
ber 19, at 8 p. m.
� � a orter has with-
u . won th fame
� fail to win a. a life-
� his ; eporting duties in
u not only watched
fight toward final
has also followed
;ietua! battle fields
When Admiral
a a ii ated it was Gol-
I the other net-
the first t' broadcast
.It was f"r
rilling eye-witness re-
- ol �� fall � : Tunis that Mr.
n the George Foster
- a' ard i t 1942 and the Na-
i Headliner's club citation.
Adventure Story
1 �llil -ked in the
yeai of his life experi-
n � ' '�'� ell have come
i' In 1039 he
England as a Rhodes
law at Oxford. Dur-
ar there he was also
pondent of the United
IB lui row. CBS chief in
� ard of Collingwood's talents
news and immediately of-
correspondent for
C Uingwood had a hard
s g whether he should con-
- or accept this posi-
for the radio Ks-
� id he accepted the
a i� t ars became one
and honored of
Vs Tunis Fell
: snared one of the
a to take
hen he, with two
ntered the fallen
Aft r covering the
they sp i I aek across
arer on Page Four)

introduce a
II to b � � title ! "Ai
act to establish a commission on post-
war planning for secoi lary i hw -
tion" in I i th hou es of the asseml
Hazel Williford will introduce the bill
on the floor of the house and Robert
oetor Meadows
iaoresents ECTC
� -third annual meet-
North Carolina College
tivities will get
� , . heard him pecking awav at it while
i.Tct until! r � �
Morgan will it il
senate. Amanda Etl : ai !
thy Creech are
Rosalie Brown chairman
if F.
ill last
waiting to start practice with the
for this affair will
irominent Pitt coun-
made quite a name
Uing square dances
of the
will be
An admission
f 15 cents for college students
nts for outsiders will be
oca! Phi Sigma Pi chapter.
i in charge of admission.
! fee
charged, the proceeds to be used in
pins ior
tig dance
I swing band which he is helping the
students to organize on the campus.
Voice and beginning instruments
are being taught by Mr. Fisher. He
has previously taught at New York
State Teachers college, Plattsburgh,
N. Y and in public school in Wyo-
ming and Oregon.
"Right Much" Tops 'Em
The victim of this interview says
he thinks of the southern dialect
realizing that he is the one with the
� i
drau op the bill. 0
I l r, mmitt " were Ed
dingfield. Amanda Etheridge and
kit .
! a I year the ECTC delegation
presented a bill pi hili-
zation of manpower.
A - in the past the it ire will
yi ir hear speeches by prominent
leaders in state political circl
En it t anaa ' and b
accent while here. He did admit.
however, that "right much" just about Beddin-fa id, Dorothy Jean
buying fraternity
This will be the second
of this quarter at East Carolina. It
is the second square dance sponsored j tops all of the peculiar sayings.
first one being Mr Fisher is very fond of
sports and ice skating. He also skis
to and serves a wicked tennis ball, as
Catherin Aberro thy, Ellis Beds-
loesn't care to be quoted on what, vvoth Bessie Council, Maribelle
Robertson, Rosalie Brown. Lee Bled-
oe, Virginia Cooke, Robert Morgan,
held in Greensboro Novem-
I President Leon R. Meadows
rC pi � ented a talk on "Look-
ard concerning the part
. play in rehabilitation
'��'air principal speakers at the
� were Dr. Stella Center of
New York university, Dr. Karl Bige-
f the American Council on Edu-
cation and II. II. Armsby of the Unit-
� Office of Education.
D cb r Meadows, Dr. II. J. McGin-
Dr, A. D. Frank. D I.ucile Turn-
. r, Ti Annie Newell, Miss Lucile
� rlt i and Ifisa Eunice McGee
ated Past Carolina at the con-
�� ence.
Eliabeth KittrelL Doi
the fraternity, the first one
iucces -fully conducted last year.
�'We want all of the students
Vertically Or Horizontally
It's Still A Lot Of Fun
come out and enjoy themselves with ; has been evidenced on local courts,
us in something a little unusual forHis hobby is photography. He is a
ight. Ah. me.
leasant thought.
Talk By Miss Mallard
Moved To November 22
by Rosalie Brown
m for a pillow! Gosh I that what you were trying to do?
i tin e stats were M hard Stanfield Johnson can really cut the
Or could it be that I spent hardwoodf� that is when his skates
time on the skating rink
that must cooPerate and don l come off- To�
It sure; bad you lost one one night. (Wanta'
fun. but won't I ever; borrow my pillow?) Alton Gray you
fl cr is to skate on, not should have the loving cup! They tell
cmtes roll better on the i me you never tried this sport before,
pended in mid air; and i but believe it or not, he never falls.
Bg on skates. Well, you But do the watchers stay in suspense9
gal for trying, can you? j Inez Simmons,
the college Saturday night declares
Stanfield Johnson, president of the
Amendment Adopted
At Meet Of Students
An amendment to the constitution
providing for the execution of fresh-
man elections was adopted by the stu-
dent body at the mass meeting held
in Austin Wednesday night.
The amendment states: "Election
of freshman representatives to the
Student Cooperative council shall
member of the Phi Delta Theta social
fraternity and Phi Mu Alpha profes-
sional music fraternity.
For the last year Mr. Fisher has
been in the army. He was stationed
at Fort Knox, Ky where he was a
(See FISHER on Page Four)
Pi! -id � I M lows was also one of
Lewis, Ed tl e six members of the Executive
Creech, 'ommittee of the American Associa-
chairman, Clifton Nelson, Ophelia tion of Teachers colleges who met in
Hooks. Nell Murphy, Hazel Willi- j Chicago October 28-29 to discuss
ford, Margaret Person and Amanda J problems of the association.
Etheridge. One of the principal topics of this
Of the other students nominated meeting al was post-war planning,
by the council to attend the meeting introduced by the committee now at
some were undecided as to whether � rk in after-the-war training of
they, could go as this was written, teachers. Doctor Meadows is one of
The others are Vivian Yelverton, the three elected members of this
Gretchen Webster, Bernice Jenkins
Mabel Spence Wat 01 . Nina Cook, Di c
Annie Kate Evans. Paula Ross and tneetin
Helen Flynn.
cutive committee.
to where next year's
New Dance Band Is Born
On East Carolina Campus
should be held was conduc-
ted, and it was decided that the meet-
ing should 1 e held in the south. If
it is in the south, it will probably be
in Atlanta, according to Doctor
Meadow s
. No-
the good old days when we Martha Jefferson have been exhibit-
children, we always did our mg numerous and large bruises. Say,
Bg in the streets of this fair � girls, you should carry pillows, too.
What is this younger genera-j Well, watching all this was a lot of
iinning to? Now they have fun because I hadn't lost my balance
d floors to skate on. (Look in years, until suddenly I was sailing
Miss Morton, the girls will be through space and landed up some-
ng home for their skates and where on the floor looking very much
practicing in the dorms. 'like a pretzel. Yes, it's great fun,
But getting back down town to the but next time I go back I hope I can
k. last night I really saw some
er sights! Floridel "Blondie" Ken-
Ann Holloman and jtake Placo not laler than six weeks
aftei the opening of the fall quarter.
Freshman members of standing com-
mittees shall be chosen by the Student
Cooperative council not later than
eight weeks after the opening of the
fall quarter
This amendment was drawn up by
a committee appointed last spring to
make recommendations for the cor-
rection of flaws in the constitution.
It was composed of Chairman Bessie
stay with the crowd. It's always
funny to me; when I'm going one
by Robert Martin
A swing orchestra is being born on Drummer boy
those j way, everybody else is going the
the campus.
It first saw the gleam of light on
the night of October 29 when eleven
musicians of the college and city
gathered in the Wright building to
begin a life of hard work and prac-
tice. While it is still in the em-
bryonic stage, some day students will
undoubtedly proudly acclaim it as
"our college swing band
The brass section consists of a
combination of Lib Darden and Dick
Fay Hunt, James Worsley, Harry I Fleming, Greenville boy, for first
Farvis, Dorothy Lewis, Joyce Dun- j trumpets, Joe Lassiter for second and
t Ti
at Sirvi'
She will
Iv looks pretty good on
hut "Blondie" you can't other. Then when I finally get start- ham and Cariyle Cox. Corrections of Lib Morgan for third
skates the same way you do a ed their way, those fickle skaters are j a number of other minor flaws in the
is also one of Green-
the music world. Lay-
phone. And Babe Hooks, just
il Put Bragg. She will � hat was that you were trying to do?
club concerning her field j You and Dave better leave your danc-
I ing for the Campus building, or was
batting it around the other way. Oh, j wording and construction of the con-
well. You aren't young but once, so
have a big time then is my motto.
See you at the rink.
stitution lecommended by the com-
mittee were also adopted by the stu-
dents Wednesday.
Melody sec- department.
ville's gifts to
ton Clark.
That "female Eddie Duchin Ca-
mille Jernigan. is in charge of the
ivory keys (well, anyway, the keys).
This musical organization, yet an
infant, meets every Wednesday and
Friday night. Helping to rear the
prodigy is that excellent musician,
Mr. Charles Fischer of the music de- 4-H club historian, and Alta Lawson,
partment, who is serving as director who has won a free trip to the Na-
of the group. The newly organized tional 4-H club congress in Chicago
-wingsters also have the approval of un her general record for seven years.
Mr. Karl Gilbert, head of the music!
Banquet For Leaders
Planned By 4-H Club
Flans for a banquet honoring state
leaden in the field of home econmics
were discussed at the meeting of the
Collegiate 4-H club in the New Class-
room building auditorium Tuesday
evi uing. November 9.
Several outstanding state 4-H lead-
ers were i resent at the meeting, in-
cluding Frances Banks, State 4-H
club president, Eleanor Booth, State
Committees to plan for the banquet
were appointed with chairmen as fol-
tion is composed of Richard David I The band plans to provide music lows: Bertha Mallard, foods; Frances
and Rosalie Brown for alto saxes and j hot and sweet for Pa t Carolina Jive Banks, decorations; ' Lucil Smith
Floridel Kennedy and Fay Jessup for! Cats, when it has reached full matur- igram; Bobby Lou Martin invita-
tenor saxes. Joe Register of Green ity and is allowed its first dress tions; and Elirnbeth
ville handles the trombone chores, suits. i cards.
Lewis, place

Do We Say "Blame It On The War"?
Or Do We Try To Satisfy A Need?
"Blame it on tht war
From the number of times one now
hears this excuse it would seem that it is the
easiest phrase in the English Language to
say. This is, Of course, at present a ligiti-
mate excuse in many cases,
excuse used
But it is also an
for many situations in which
more careful investigation and more effort
mighl bring the desired or at least better
a situati n is it would seem, the
ne-system at East Carolina Teachers
i llege. For many years students have re-
quested more pay telephones for girls to re-
lieve congestion in the use o the one in Jar-
vis hall. For many years the need has been
neglected. Came the war�bringing a sharp
increase in the number of necessary student
calls ol all types. Thai the one pay telephone
in Jarvis is inadequate to meet the needs of
approximately 600 girls is well known to
every studenl and certainly should be known
to the college staff.
Already this year calls important to the
j ers ns s � king to make them have failed to
g-el th because of the number of per-
sons using the one telephone. One such situa-
tion occurred one night last week when a
Teco Echo stafi member sought to make an
important call to Chapel Hill on business for
the newspaper but was unable to do so be-
is 'hi telephom was "booked solid' until
Students have been told that because of
war conditions, it would be impossible to get
non paj telephones for the college. And an
official of the telephone company has said
ha1 a ise of the wiring setup on the cam-
iis. i. would be impossible to obtain tele-
h - - �r Fleming or Cotten halls. He also
aid. however, that it might well be possible
n ("V Wilson hall. A telephone
in Wilson might not be the most convenient
thing for girls at the east end of the campus,
but it would be another one for all of the
girls to use and would give them twice as
many as they now have. Isn't it worth try-
Is A Cigaret Worth
$300,000 To Students?
There was a very worried look on
Sammy Strickland's face the other night as
he wa . � r 1 the still-glowing cigarette
and very carefully ground out the last
-park. The lighted butt was lying on the
highly inflammable floor of the Austin audi-
torium after students had left at 10:80.
Sammy, as m is1 students know, is in
charge of the Austin building for the admini-
stration. 11 is is job and responsibility to see
that activities in the building are carried out
as they sould be and that the building is
treated as it should be. ly his job he is pro-
tecting the privilege of students to use the
building after classes and at night for stu-
dent projects.
This was not the first lighted butt
Sammy has found after the departure of
students using the building. Sammy doesn't
object to students' smoking. The admini-
stration doesn't object to students' smoking
in the proper places. But obviously the Aus-
tin building, long famed as a fire-trap, is not
the proper place. In certain rooms ot Aus-
tin�those with cement floors and walls�
smoking is permitted. In other rooms,
especially the auditorium where everything is
constructed of wood now old and dry, stu-
dents shouldn't expect permission to smoke.
That cigarette stub Sammy extinguish-
ed might have caused, or the next one might
easily cause, a fire disastrous to the college.
In ordinary times the state might replace
Austin for around $300,000, but with the war
it w uld be next to impossible to build a new
Austin at any price. This explains the wor-
t ied look as Sammy stepped on the cigarette
which cost pr. bably three-fourths of a cent.
Groups using the auditorium and other
i. i ids of Austin should bear in mind that if
students don't respect the privileges grant-
ed them, it follows that those privileges
might lie removed.
The Teco Echo
Published Biweekly by the Students of East
Carolina Teachers CoUegt
Entered as second-class matter December 3,
1925, at the U. S. Postoffice. Greenville,
X. C. under the act of March 3. 1879.
This Record Is Good,
It Will Be Better
Students of East Carolina Teachers
college this year contributed nearly three
times as much per capita to the United or
National War Fund drive than they did to
the similar drive conducted by the World
Student Service fund in the college last year.
Total contribution last year by students
was $134.01 for an average of slightly less
tan 15 cents for each student. This year
with a smaller student body the contribu-
tion was $394.10, an average of slightly
more than 42 cents for each student. Last year
the college ranked seventh among North
Carolina colleges contributing and this year
will probably rank higher.
Most of the money contributed by the
colleges will go into the World Student Ser-
vice fund again this year and will be used
to benefit unfortunate students in all parts
of the world, including American students
in enemy prison camps.
The big increase in the size of the con-
tribution from East Carolina students this
year, although still short of the ideal goal of
on dollai for each student, shows a decided
gain in knowledge of what is required of
them by students. The student body may
well feel proud of its improvement in this
drive and prepare itself to do even better
when called upon in the future.
A Gum Shortage?
Not At East Carolina!
We are told that there is a chewing gum
shortage in the- nation. And if one should
observe the promptness with which the great
American habit disappears from the East
Carolina Soda shop when occasionally it is
found in stock, he might agree that there is
indeed a shortage.
But the girls who sere meals in the
dining hall know better. There isn't any
shortage of chewing gum. How could there
be when so much of this somewhat sticky
substance is found attached to plates after
each meal? Of course it might be argued
that even with a shortage gum would wear
out after so many thousand upward and
downward movements of the jaw, but not in
such quantities as are found in the dining
If there be such a shortage, it would
seem that the students should be more saving
with gum than to leave it on their plates.
And shortage or not. college students should
be more courteous than to uses plates for
refuse cans when disposing of gum.
Bernice Jenkins Editor-in-chief
Rosalie Brown, Thomas Williams, Margaret
Lewis, Jean Goggin, Margie Dudley.
Nancy Wynne. Cornelia Beems, Katie Owen,
Alice Wiggins, Hazel Harris, Erances Con-
gieton, Oharlen Moye, Edna Munford. Alta
Mae Thompson. Louise Kilgo, Robert Mar-
tin, Jimmie Warren. Paula Ross, Jane
Hardy. Harriet Dula.
Clifton Crandell
Mary Sue Moore
John Johnson
Sports Editor
Fashion Editor
Photography Editor
Betty Batson Business Manager
Gladys Davis, Lucille Huskett, Sybil Bea-
man, Helen Wooten,
Robert Morgan.
Denver E. Baughan
Beecher Flanagan
Sherman M. Parks
June Brandenburg,
Editorial Adviser
Business Adviser
Technical Adviser
North Carolina Collegiate Press
Associated GoOeoiate Press
Distributor of
Gaile6iaie Digest
MniHHTio row nation �l AOvsaTisma my
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisher! Reprtsentatn
420 Madison Avb New York. N.Y.
�mtm � im Mum � $�� ��i
Health S
The assistant college physician is First
Lieutenant E. Burtis Aycock, now on leave
in the ser ice of the United States army.
Dr. Aycock is employed to assist in operat-
ing the clinic, the infirmary and in teaching
courses in health and devotes one fourth of
his time to college duties. He also engages
in the practice of medicine in Greenville.
Dr. Aycock was bora in Fremont, N. C,
and educated in the public schools of Fre-
mont and the University of North Carolina,
from which he received the A.B. degree. He
then taught in public schools for several
years, reentering te University of North
Carolina, to study medicine in 19,0. After
completing the work there in 1932 he trans-
ferred to McGill University in Canada and
received the degrees of M.D. and CM. in
1935. He interned in a hospital in Vancou-
ver, B. G. after which he came to Greenville
and opened offices for the general practice
of medicine.
He was elected assistant college physi-
scian of East Carolina Teachers college in
1942 and was acting college physician at the
college from March. 1942 until June 1942
when he was commissioned by the United
States army and thus forced to ask for leave
i f absence from his college duties before his
tenure as assistant college physician actual-
ly begun.
Dr. Aycock was married to Miss Jean
Hodges of Greenville, N. C in 1941. They
have a son Burtis, who was born to them in
New Orleans where he is now stationed. His
return to his college work is eagerly awaited
by staff and students.
vice Careers for Girls; Irwin�What you
Should Know About Spies and Saboteurs;
Sanders�Evolution of Executive Depart-
ments of the Continental Congress, 1774-
17X 1985; U. S. Office of Gov. Report, In-
formation Service�United States Govern-
ment Manual Summer 1943; Stein�Itfs A
Cinch, Private Finch Steinbeck�Bombs
Away; National Conference of Social
Work�Social Work; Levy�Study in Public
Relations; Roller�Community Planning for
Youth; Milligan�Club Members's Hand-
book; Langford�Education and the Social
Conflict N.E.A. Dept of Supervisors and
Directors of Instruction�The Yearbook;
Kandel�The Cult of Uncertainty; Kuo�
Chinese System of Public Education; Nutt-
all�Teacher: Institute for Research�A
Caree) as a Waac, A Career as a Wave, A
Career in the Spars, A Career in the U. S.
Marines, A Career as a Medical Records Li-
rectora�Elementary Education Bifdiogra-
phy; Dolch�Better Spelling; Dolch�Teach-
in! Primary Reading; Folmsbee�The Pub-
lic School and the Future; Mars Hill Col-
lege�Inauguration of Hoyt Blackwell; Pas-
chal�History of Wake Forest College;
Mann�Powers and Duties of Woman; Field
�The Com Lady; Brown�The State High-
way System of N. C. its Evolution and Pres-
ent Status; Johnson�John Henry Tracking
Down a Negro Legend.
Jlii The Keuhole Korrespoudent
Bizz, bazz. guff and stuff reveals facts
that ye keyhole korrespondents scoop,
scramble up, and out comes the straight (?)
of who's heart's fluttering around with
what flame.
Gertie Woolard went home last week-
end while Ben Brown spent the week-end on
Wilson hall steps. Gertie, looks as if there's
no doubt about it . . . you're the light in
his blackout, the sniff in his shaving lotion�
shaving lotion?�yeah, shaving lotion, or the
peach in his pie.
Doris Hockaday has that marine. Bob.
skittering after the dazzle-dust she scatters
around. He's not bad to look at, either.
It seems the ECTC stag line: namely.
Joe Lassiter. Stanfield. Ed Beddingfield,
and Clifton Nelson, escaped from the clench-
es of their female colleagues for just one
week-end and WOW! What a week-end!
Quote Ed, "Most hospitable place I've ever
seen in my life"�referring to Morehead
where the four spent Saturday night on Nel-
son's yacht. Buzz, buzz! Girls, did you know
Nelson had a yacht?
Wo hear that Dot Peebles and a certain
Greenville boy had a mighty fine time at
the Pika Frat house at State college not so
long ago.
A real sure-enough wolf was chasing
Charlotte Elliot the other night, and he
wasn't a marine, 'cause Charlotte was run-
Have Stanfield and Frances Page found
th real thing at last? It certainly took you
long enough. Stanfield, so it must be true.
"Chuck's coming next fall: Chuck's
coning in November; Chuck's coming next
month; Chuck's here With that for a
send-off Pitt's off to Stantor to spend every
possible moment getting some un-censored
information. We're wondering if she'll re-
turn with a sparkler?
"Billy blah, blah, blah: Billy, blah. blah,
blah quote Maribelle.
Beverly Cutler seems to be giving all the
girls a thrill. Evelyn. Rebecca, and how-
many more?
Dick Fleming seems to think that
25.000 pounds of tobacco is a lot for a com-
pany to buy. Why doesn't somebody put
him wise, or is he already too wise?
The story goes that there came a loud
knock and little Bessie Council of Wilson
hall yells. "Come in, Squirt�The moral
of the story is "don't yell a spicy salutation
like that before you know who darkens your
doorway, for it might be Miss White or Miss
Norwood�as it was in this case
Here's good news for some lucky girl!
Sammy Strickland announces that he would
like to take some "delicate" creature out to
bench four for a conversational date.
Signing off with all due respect to the
benches and to the neglected bushes�we re-
main your faithful friends�(we hope!).
by Margie Dudley and Margaret U
.New -Book,
"Deliver me from Frank Sinatra. rl hat a
strictly off the record, though Pardon,
Jane, but we couldn't help using that ((nota-
tion to show that side of your personalit)
which proves that you have a mind ot your
Chairman of the women's judiciary.
member of Who's Who Among Students
American Colleges and Universities and sen-
ior superlative, Jane Yann does not confine
her activities to one phase of college lit
She majors in commerce and science and M
a member of the commerce club ami the 1 l
Omega Pi fraternity, which took the place ot
the Alpha Iota sorority.
Last year Jane was vice-president of the
Women's Student Government association,
t eing selected as delegate to the Southern
Intercollegiate Association of Student Gov-
ernments at Randolph Macon college in
Lynchburg. Virginia. She played the pan
of Kitty in last year's senior play, Gas, An.
and Earl.
Jane elected to join the Emerson soci-
ety when she was a freshman and was a
marshal from her society in 1942-4:1. She is
a member of the Women's Athletic associa-
tion and Young Women's Christian associa-
Flying is Jane's hobby, and her greatest
desire is to have a plane of her own. She was
ilian Pilot Train
I . � ; . I l
� roll.
. Face
her home to1
'i u
' �
to f r
tor drawin
ha '� '

� � ' I
� �
� � � .
A belli
n �
t her
During the summer quarter a total of
395 books were added to the ECTC library.
The names and authors of these books will
be published in this and successive issues of
the Teco Echo. In this issue the sociology
group is presented as follows:
Beveridge Report on�Social Security
of England; Sherrill�Criminal Procedure
in North Carolina l'J30; Carlisle�Civil Ser-

Bits o' Fashic
Hat chat? There's plenty of it. Takes
a clear head for thinking and takes a neat
head to look pretty, so the magazim 3 say.
Vogue says the flopsy-mopsy has no place in
the world today. Still, college girls sally
forth with bounding manes. Far be it from
me to tell you to cut your golden tresses b
the new look is the neat look. So tame your
hair down a bit; either by wearing a n. t,
curling it tight enough to make it stay put
or pining it into a roll�quite fetching and
makes you look tall and sophsicated. The
bun is making a return engagement but is a
little on the maturish side for ECTC iassi
One way to keep your mop entrained while
en campus is the band of color worn framii
the face, caught o'er the ears and fasten d
back under your hair, 'bis quite prett;
1 haven't seen any on the campus. Wha1
the matter, girls? You aren't going to
such a cute trick get by without nabbing are
Glamour says your B. Q. (Beauty Quo-
tient) is definitely lacking if you think run-
ning a comb through your hair preserve s I
wave better than brushing. So on with the
Every College Gal needs a hat on which
she can count for anything from a football
game (where?) to church. Such a hat is
the sou'wester, a hat for Sunday, Monday
and always. Hatlie Carnegie introduce
in filt with front turned back showing your
pretty face (don't look at me!). Other such


� p
t hal �� ich is re;
�' 1
'A . 1 �
r f ui

face. �
� .
li will say j
. � v day. th-
ing a
' � - laj
ick. a

Eels, Frogs, Old Estate, I horns
All Add Up To One Hike By V'AA
With The Armed Forces
by Rosalie Brown
Cpl. Jack Edwards is becoming so fami-
liar to the campus again that it seems like
eld times. Come February, Jack has been in
the army a year. Yes, the staff members
well remember the day we came to school to
find no sports editor for the paper. Since
then Jack has been fortunate enough to get
home several times, and has been stationed
in Ohio, Maryland, and Georgia. While in
the peach state he was stationed at the At-
lanta Ordance depot. Jack said he missed
ECTC but there were plenty of cute Georgia
peaches in Atlanta. He was a company
clerk. Last week Jack was transferred to
North Carolina State college where will
study engineering.

Sgt. Bill Gaddy, who was a student here
until last February, stopped by on his way
home a few days ago. Since he entered the
army air force he has been "gadding" about
from one school to another taking aerial gun-
nery training. He is a waist gunner in a
B-17, Flying Fortress to you. Bill says this
is very exciting. Bill is stationed at Salt
Lake City, Utah, and expects to go over soon.
I asked Bill how he feels before going up and
he says he always get a sensation "kinda like
when you go into a ball game (While here
in school, Bill was outstanding in basket-
ball). Bill said he hadn't seen a tree grow-
ing for six months until he came back to good
old Carolina.
� �
by Hilda Moon
Bro' Rabbit in his reknowned br
patch had nothing on the few faithful and
courageous WAA members who penetrated
the "depths of the wild woods" bordering the
mill stream, Saturday afternoon, November
Before passing out of the realm i civili-
zation we explored the decaying remains of
a famous old estate. Since the house, excuse
me�the manor, is still in use, we restricted
our discoveries to the outlying portions and
so happened upon the old swimming poo and
bath house. Sitting there beside the dirty.
stagnant water, surrounded by trees and
a lot of people by showing up all over the
world for that matter. A letter from John
R. Anderson tells of his surprise in finding
a copy lying on his desk at Hampden-Sydney
college where he is in the Naval Y-12 unit.
"I got a big thrill out of reading about the
things my old friends are doing around the
college and a verv homesick feeling came over
me for ECTC He has to say of the Y-12
program, "it is the greatest opportunity for
the young men that has ever been at-

Cpl. Milton Truckner, who is now in
Laboratory school at Fitzsimons General hos-
pital, Denver, Colorado, writes that he Is still
receiving his copies of the paper. He says
that every issue brings back memories that
he won't forget. "The days I spent at ECTC
were the happiest ones, I have ever spent and
I hope to resume my studies there after the

Alex Barber Xoe, called in college
"Andy is a prisoner in Germany. A radio
broadcast was picked up by his parents sav-
ing that he was all right. His brother, Jack,
and sister, Elizabeth, are both graduates of
Charles Little, a technical sergeant in
the army is reported missing in action. He
was with the American army in North

On October 25, Col. Claire L. Lirce, U. S.
Army Air force, presented Mrs. Lester
Meeks an Oak Leaf Cluster and an army air
medal for her son, Lt. Tomas Meeks, who was
I "
v. hen we 1 I to rais I
found �
. on such n
d suddenly r

W i eacl � ilds" a
and v id THORNS
� er, we took . � lay w it h
3 call : eeis. Did I -
play with�
what Tarzan's i
thai v � �. decid
a little nerv t of muscle,
ti ied it (sv ape vii ind we
' didn't anywhere, literally
' ively.
tiling thr briei 3 my�
tting m - Finally
waning, we turned
ain in civilization we stopped for rei -
' 3 i ur resolutions about di l
with full stomachs, hurting feet, sci ii
ed legs, torn clothes and drooping hair we
straggled ba campus ready and rai
for our Sat'dy night dates. Well, ready a
The Teco Echo seems to be surprising killed during an air battle over Germany last
June I He was a navigator on an Ann i
bomber. The Purple Heart, posthumous
aWi r Lt. Meeks was presented to his
?me He was a former
student of this coilef

Metsel Simmons is taking his midsh
� s training. He writes that Billy Greene,
Wilej Brown, Floyd Woody, and "1 an h
at good oh Northwestern working as hard
as bed, out we a ant to stay for at least eirht
more weeks becaUM then we get the gold
i'lani He ays that Nick Zuras graduated
the last ot October, and Frank Coiner is en
a destroyer in the Atlantic and thinking not
too much of the set-up. Simmons was a little
puzzled to find all YM and YW news on a
Page of the first is.wie. Remembering, no
ooubt, the arguments on religion he and
many others had in the staff room in the
YYu 71 lhty vvere here- mde him wonder
w hat had come over Jenkins. We wish these
i s lack these last few weeks and hope they
" 'U be visiting us with the "gold braid" very
M- "
In lb
( om i
ity d

1 - 194
� any-
.1 hi
I , eifg
the g��
finer i on
� Uttte
Lwi �n a
he and
m in �
a wonder
-ish ag;
hope th�;
raid" veD
Win Over Commandos Monday
Would Make Marines Champs
i randeli
amura! Football
�i. next week. As
ress, the Marines
of Joe Laasiter
have a four
. .� Of HUH' M-I-
t ictory Monday
i o m m a l
fifth it was
� Commandos
13-6, and the
lead, four u
Brown Leads Way
As Marines Take
Decisive 25-0 Win
Junior-Sophomore Team
Field Hockey Champions
( hampionship
n �
� � a

be decided
noted that
a iii score
- by a
f Lassiter'a
xpecting �
There is
I for the
Cal has
' -rl 1 '1 S t
vy, 10-7.
� t play
� the
Bit J��hn (harlton (with the li�ht ;vat and big smile) seems to enjoy
talliag �ne in an intramural touch football name between the Marines and
( nmmandos.
Marines Top Commandos
In Crushing 36-5 Triumph
Johnson's Outfit
Gets 13-6 Victory
Over Marine Six
oring in ��
fast F-tepj
oe Lassi-
md don't
� � � for an aver-
tall . � i lidn'1
S luthern Cal
il thai Pei nsyl-
ole Penn
� re But
� Davidson
f )'Tli(
Stanfield .Johnson's
mandoa in the seventh prame of
the intramural football series, 36-6.
i field-day victory gave the Ha-
rii es an edge in the series, J to 3.
The lone Commando marker came
i � a pass from Captain Johnson to
Fenner Boyd in the first two minutes
of play.
"Big" Cliff ('randeli tied up the
ball game two minutes later, in the
first period, taking a long pass from
"Lefty" H n Brown.
In the second period, the Marines
the lead when Brown threw an-
other of his pass bullets into the
waiting arms of Captain Lassiter.
Th�' half trulcd 12-6, since none of the
tries for extra point were good. The
f � i half of the game was played
Monday, November 8, but since rain
The field Hockey season at ECTC
has been concluded with a three-
game tournament in which the jun-
Joe Lassiter's fast-stepping Ma- Ulls ,uu sophomores defeated the
lines rolled up four touchdowns Mon- noIS iim freshmen, winning one
day, November 1. as they defsatedI ame, 3 to 1, with the other two be-
Stanfield Johnson's powerful Com- j j, scoreless ties.
mandoa 25-0. The Marines took the. Original plans called for the sen-
lead in the series by this victory i()rs all( juniors to play a team com-
? to 2. posed of sophomores and freshmen
"Lofty Ben Brown threw all fourlut it was dscidsd by Nell Murphy,
of the touchdowns passes, despite the ,tl( f fjt.i, hockey, that the com-
pact that his ankle had been spiked.jpetition would be keener with the
The first of his touchdown passes hega experienced freshmen playing
came in the second period vheniwjtn the seniors. This decision, how-
Sailor Bill Kittrell took one over his ,V( uas ,U)t matje until after Jun-
shoukler. Clifton Crandell took the. jul. j)ot had piven precious
next as he was standing in the end cnewing gUM to the seniors.
But chewing gum not withstand-
ing, the experience of the seniors was
not enough to overcome the lack of
experience of the freshmen and the
Junior-Sophomore outfit was the
ictor, and Dot had some consolation
Captain Johnson led his Comman-
dos to a hard-earned 13-6 victory
over Joe Lassiter's Marines Wednes-
day, November 3, evening the series
.one. Kittrell took another and
Crandell finished off the scoring for,
the day when Captain Johnson of the!
Commandos tipped one to him in an
attempt to intercept it.
Only one of the tries for extra
point was successful. Brown fired a
bullet in to the arms of Crandell in
the end zone for this one.
The Marines gambled and lost on
five other scoring chances, though
they dominated the field all after-
noon. The Commandos did not
threaten in the entire game.
Good defensive players of the day
were Marrison Leggett and Keith
Cummings for the Marines. Captain
Lassiter did good work on the de-
fense in the back field. For the
losers Captain Johnson and Ed Bed-
dingfield starred,
Score by periods:
Commandos 0 0 0 0� 0
Marines 0 6 13 6�25
over the loss of her chewing gum.
The teams were closely matched
and the competition keen, as indicated
by the scores 0-0, 3.1 and 0-0.
Hilda Moore, of the Junior-Sopho-
i lore team, led her charges to vic-
tory in splendid fashion by chalking
Up two of the winning tallies. Cap-
tain Amanda Etheridge came up for
a third tally. Their skill was equally
matched by Varna Carraway, only
scorer, Annie Barthamew and Cap-
tain Dixie Chappell of the Senior-
Freshmen team; but they were un-
able to minister the extra punch to
put over the winning goals.
Standouts Picked
On Varsity Team
For Field Hockey
Fourteen girls have been chosen
from the two field hockey teams on
the campus for the varsity team.
Under the constitution of the Wo-
men's Athletic association the mem-
bers of the varsity team will receive
25 points towards awards and will
have a picture in the annual.
The varsity team was chosen by
Nell Murphy, head of hockey, Miss
Nell Stallings, adviser, and Lee Bled-
oe, president of the WAA, following
tournament in which a team com-
posed of juniors and sophomores de-
feated a team composed of seniors
and freshmen.
Members of the varsity team are
Amanda Ktheridge, Lee Bledsoe,
Dorothy I'eele, Caroline Register,
Annie Bartholomew, Molly Brown,
Dixie Chapell, Margaret Hall, Bob-
Mo Brewer, Penny Smith, Lucy
r e 7 a u I Winston, Hilda Moore, Jean Matt-
captain oi tennis and was a member ,�
Jones, Langley Begin
Last Part Of Training
Maxwell Field, Ala Nov. 10.�Two
souths from Fast Carolina Teachers
College, Greenville, N. C, Douglas R.
Jones and Carl V. Langley, have re-
ported to the army air forces pre-
� flight school for pilots at Maxwell
i field, Alabama, to begin the third
phase of their training as pilots in
the U. s. Army Air Forces' expand-
ing program.
These aviation cadets are receiving
nine weeks of intensive physical, mili-
tary and academic instruction at
Maxwell field, preparatory to begin-
ning their actual flight training at
one of the many primary flying
schools located in the Army Air
Forces Eastern Flying Training Com-
Cadet Jones, who attended East
Carolina Teachers college in 1U41-
1H43 played basketball, served as
of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity.
Cadet Langley attended in
by the chapter. It was unanimously
approved that we meet our budget by
personal subscription rather than by
outside activities.
bewa and Nell Murphy.
(Mary Elizabeth Crawford), Mrs.
I John Y. Lassiter (Leila Pleasant),
Mrs. H. L. Dale (Maydc Reynolds),
Mrs. Stephen Wallace Derbyshire
! (Anne Richardson), and Miss Caro-
line Richardson and Claris Smith.

iten nnisi
alf was pi
i i � nd half turnet
at three all. Johnson threw both
touchdown passes and scored the ex-
tra point after one of them.
Ben Brown brought about the lone
Marine touchdown when he took the
ball on the Marines' 25 and in three
plays ran 75 yards for the score.
Later in the second period. Captain j
Johnson threw a long pass to Fenner
Boyd to set up the score and a short
The score
Pritchard and Jean A.beyounis were
visitors on the campus recently Lor-
raine teaches public school music and
is in charge of the glee club in the
Murfreesboro school. She also teach-
es private lessons in voice there.
the Marine;
periods. In
ing the game, the one to Boyd for the tally
,ed Wednesday. remained tied unti
into a riot, fourth quarter
ring twice in both an
third period, it was on
Jean is working with a tobacco corn-
in Greenville and is giving voice
lessons to beginning students, while
studying voice under Mr. Fischer.
They were both voice students of dis-
tinction here last year, being stars in
completed Plans were made for a
Christmas bazaar. The treasurer re-
ported twenty-five paid members.
At the close of the social hour of
games, a delicious salad plate with
coffee was served.
On November 1, the chapter met at
home of Miss Annie Bason. Miss
i Clyde Stokes and Mrs. Paul Jones
i (Ruth Barhee) were associate hos-
Raleigh Chapter:
The Raleigh chapter met at the
home of Mrs. J. C. Holland on Thurs-
day evening, October 14, for their
regular bu mess and social meeting.
Mrs. Join H. Harris and Misses
Greenville Chapter Meetings:
The Greenville chapter has had two
meetings this year. The first met
Friday night, October 8, in the new
classroom building and the bridge
tournament was held Friday night.
Mildred Herring and Hannah Ireland I November 5, in the same building at
estt rn
Advisers Aiding
With Publications
Crandell a
rain, who took a long aerial
ter. Crandell caught it in
one. The Marines second
the third period came after
erceptejd one of Johnson's
midfield and ran it back
bo the six-inch line. Then
from Captain Lassiter to
� Marines went into a 24-6
to Boyd that put the game
Ed Beddingfield passed to
Johnson to make it 13-6. con-
cluding the scoring for the day.
Leggett was good in the Marine
line while the Commandos power-
house was Jimmi
for the
early in the
, , x , the opera "Martha.
Johnson tossed '
Goldsboro Chapter:
The Goldsboro Chapter held its
first meeting last week and made
plans for further meetings.
Charlotte Chapter:
The first fall meeting of the Char-
otte chapter was held September 29,
f"r had.
last game beforeleaving
Score by periods:
Marines0 6
Commandos0 6
is, Teco
; Dr. E. T. Brown-
r the Tecoan.
rial . � icr. He
b th business and edi-
�� : - years. He has
� i for five years.
I � k the annual
in the student's
. later thej will gi
. -mate that have
and succeeded in life
rnts Students
�en business
. ara and be ays he
have done a good
business adviser
Pit es O' Eight and has
Dr. Flanagan's coin-
that h thought n would be
ther magazine for the
. � g ampus information
iumn. He praised the
and iikes the way it has
: i- Be-t
if in, like Doctor Flana- j
� ��� adviser for the
I i E ght. This is his first
� �� Teco Echo. He
for both publica-
an -aid, "I don't
n �r off the record.
J a; that is, the
least ruled�that the
il . have all responsibil-
� � I i their mistakes
In the final period, Keith Cum-
- : . another of Brown's touch-
es on the Commandos' 25.
lb- cut to his right, dodged a would-
. � kl feinted the safety man and
reached pay dirt in full fashion.
Later in the fourth period, it was
(randeli once again. This time he
took his pass from Cummings, to con-
Chapter Meetings Held
By Alumni Association
Burlington Chapter Meetings:
This Chapter has made an excellent u.j ;tt the home of Mrs. J. R. Harris
Felton, playing his -tart. On September 15, 1943, Mrs. ,ya Miller). The girls brought
Jennings Bryan (Letha Jarman) and their knitting or sewing, and a social
Mrs. Jake Mayo (Sophia Jarman). hour was enjoyed before the business
the retiring president, were joint meeting.
hostesses at a delightful out-door j ju. officers for the ensuing year
supper honoring the former teachersare as follows: president. Mrs. Buck
and welcoming the newcomer t arrington (Shirley Miller); vice-
After the supper a wall-attended president, Lucy Hanks; secretary,
business session was held. At this Mrs. J. R, Harris (Yera Miller);
time the follow new officers were treasurer, Mrs. R. A. Hand (Pearle
elected: President. Miss Ella Moore; Daniels); publicity, Mrs. E. H. Stegall
vice-president. Mrs. Anna Outland J (Rosalind Satterwhite); adoption,
Parker; secretary, Miss Clyde Stokes; Mrs. Fred Sprock (Louise Kittrell)
were assistant hostesses.
An enthusiastic business session
was I "Id with Mrs. Harris, president,
presiding. Reports were given by the
following c o m mitt e e s chairmen:
Membership, Mrs. G. E. Crawley
(Ethel Yick); Program, Mrs.
J. E. Holland (Allah May Hordan),
Ways and Means: Miss Ruby Gar-
ris; Sunshine: Mrs. Richard Coke
(Inez Winfield); Scrapbook: Mrs. J.
M. Newsoaa (Ellen Renfrew); Social:
Miss Mildred Herring; Year Book:
Mrs. B. J. Ray (Anne Whitehurst)
and Miss Hannah Ireland.
After the business session bridge
and Chinese checkers were enjoyed.
At the conclusion of the games re-
freshmenta were served.
New members welcomed into the
Chapter were: Mrs. R. A. Martin
the college. These were both success-
ful meetings.
At the November meeting of the
Chapter 28 tables were set for the
annual bridge tournament. Many
prises were generously donated for
favors by the Greenville merchants.
n and
and (
Many friends of Mrs. Kate Beck-
with. long the Lady Principal of the
coring for the day. Neither
a try for extra point and ! "
was 36-6 at the 'nd of the
Treasurer. Mrs. Baxter Ridenhour;
Reporter, Mrs. Jake Mayo.
On October 4. this chapter met at
the home of Mrs. R. A. Sharps. The
game was unique in mtercep-
Brown intercepted five Com-
passes, Beverly Cutler three,
aptatn Lassiter two, proving
that the Marines's defense was alert.
In the line, Leggett was in there rush-
ing the passes on every play, driving1
i and getting through. Crandell,
playing right end. was there, too.
y periods:
college, will be interested in the an
of her following members were joint hostess:
granddaughter, Barbara Beekwith Ty- Misses Ella and Millie Moore, Jack
ler, to Lieutenant Martin Strickland, Curtis, and Annie Laura Wilkerson.
Ill of the United States Army Corps. The meeting was called to order for
The wedding was celebrated in Saint business, by the new president. Miss,
John's Episcopal church, Washington, Ella Moore. Plans for eight month- j
�ore I'H'l
Plans were completed for sending
Christmas packages to the three
ECTC boys, who are in the armed
forces and who have been "adopted"
Call For That�
"If It's In Town We Have It"
i sc
D. C� on October 19, 1943.
ly meetings in the school year were
Last year's graduates Lorraine
- 6
"Where The Gang Eats"
Morton's Bakery
in Bakery Goods
Palace Barber Shop
Your Patronage
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PAGE FOUK - " -�� .T �
East Carolina Students Donate $394.12 To War hund

Students of East Carolina Teach-
ers' college contributed a U'tal �t
$394.10 to the United or National War,
fund drive conducted in the city and
, t campus last week. Faculty
and workmen of the
ti ited slT.1 for a total
; m the institution as a
Students Offer
Varied Answers
TeWar Queries
tl was $260.11 al ove
�I i turned in by theMany varied answers were obtain-
�, college. Last year'sed f om tu i rtl who filled in a
1 Cai lina seventhquestionnaire, recently distributed by
lies ea in thethe Tec i Echo, concerning problems
to the World Stu-arising from war conditions.
S udH ndle Drive i an � t the WAccord ' � to this questionnaire, air is the favorite branch The WAVES is the
, . �' the Young� erred 1 ranch of the women's ser-
ciation, head-while th nurse corps ran a close
campus. Samnion a equally divided
president of the�1 the question of whether women
t �Christian association, , drive and carry-hould be drafted into the armed services. Exactly a"1 per cent of the stu-
1 � �n "� the campus. 1; y night ' ' ; � is "hursdaj . Octob r 28, � colU cted indents q tioned, all of whom were : answered "yes while the other 50 pi r cc nt answered "no Seventy-jve x r cent of the students queried lo nol elieve in war marriages, and
. � year, wasne girl answ red, "Yes, if anybodyll
: S gma chapter ofn arrj nw,
A pi a, national 1 nors rjTl ere re numerous varied sug-t ons to what should be done � rlitl r alter the war. One of the 1 unique answers was "put bint
i a cag and charge a dollar admis-
The Student Coopera-ision until the war debt is paid
was - cond high with aAnswers to the question "What shortages caused by the war affect
Pers ��n ass In 'ryou most?" were evenly distributed
al canvassing, tween hose, shoes. e,a and food.
249.60 was added to the"Men" was answered by one girl.
�iti n. An at-Most of the students thought that
"e t ' ntact evers stu-e United States should dominate at
i lieit eontri-the peace table, while a few thought
�: � canvassing, tha it should be a cooperative affair
SaI for the menbetween the United States and the
tits, Fi anc - 1 anstall for� d nations.
More Than 1200 Service Men
Entertained At ECKTTgi I all
Government Asks
More Draftsmen j
To Aid With War
Ov.r a hundred draftsmen are be-
iought by the r. S. Civil Sarv.ce
Commission for work in Federal
agencies thai i- neces ary to
pro eeution of the war. Entrant
salaries range from $1,762 to 13,163
ar, including pay for th
,f overtime incorporated m the 18
hour Federal workweek.
Draft men of all type- are needed,
I Soldiers, sailors, marines, coast-
I guardsmen and fliers�more than
200 of .hem have been guests of the
college daring the social hour from
8:80 until 10:30 on Saturday nights
.nee registration September 21.
From all parts of the country, Cali-
femia, Maine, New York, Texas,
IN th Carolina, from numbers of
array, navy and marine bases, these
: men have drifted to East Carolina for
: week-end leaves, too short to visit
hen respective homes.
i From Fast Year
This means of entertaining service
m n has grown out of the Saturday
i night and Sunday afternoon recrea-
; inal hours of last year. Sunday af-
ternoons were devoted to ping pong,
checkers, volley ball, darts and other
imes. College girls acted as hos-
t esses.
ti naj hour is being considered.
( ommenta of visiting service men
indicate that camp leaves spent on
("apt. Jimmy Dempsey
rticularly ship, electrical, and me- j jr U. Vernoa l
anieal draftsmen, as well aa top Uate from Green vi .
raphic draftsmen. Agencies need- pieted hU 5� mifwion
Continuation of the bundav recrea- - �i ,
types ol peraonnal m tin ritorj :in w n� ��.
greatest number- are the leveral bo- United States aa an ii
teaus of the N'avs Department, the) if, �r Lieutenant 1.
,e East Carolina campus rate high Coaat and Geodetk Survey of the De- lho � ,),�� ,
ith all branches of the service. Ac-paiumnt of Commerce and the ��a�ar adI
.ording to one marine, "The only Geological Survey of
ling wrong with the set-up is that ol the Interioi
E TC is too far from Cherry Point 11 artment an-
and his solution to the problem is
n ove Cherry Point nearer to Green-j Qualified engineering draft-men in
Captain Jimmy Dempsey
Stationed On West Coast
i: �
been transferred to the air inspec-
tor's office at headquarters of the
nd Bomber commaw
ington state, according " inf rma-
tion received recently from Fort
?rge Wrig
is stationed.
Captain Dempsey, who wears th
(Continued from Pace One)
oad to Tunis to report what they
M i �- the way. Colling-
and I is c mpani ns shouted to
Brown, Ellis Bedsworth, Clifton
Crandell and Keith Cummings.
The faculty is represented on the
committee by Dr. Herbert Rebarker,
i Capt. Jimmy Dempsey, former East
�Would you be willing to be an old'(,aroliim stud�nt from Wilson, has
iid and live in freedom?" This
��' ' � '�'��� fcion caused a meat deal of dis-
' ' ' " S1 : Ki n"u,i :
turer, posed it
l ' . ' ��:l" at Easi Carolina last ton mvivt.(j .recently from Fort tired soldiers the" news
� �� an' year. According to the questionnaire, Wright, the post at which he had fallen. f
a Weilons tor g5 H,t. cent ot tiu. stUlit.IU lirv wiij
erry Albritton, u, � tl ir dl.vams of mal
nan, Bar-1" jjostofe stadents couldnot Distinguished Flying cross and Air
dlay ,�� t � t lonirth of the medal with nine Oak Leaf clu-ters foi
The Treasury De-
War Product -
Board utilize statistical draftsmen, ractkal
draftii -
ti- i
vilie. any field are urged to apply, now-
Committee Handles It ever, persons without prenoua expen-
Helen Flvnn is chairman of the -nee in the fields where needs exist
courtesy card committee, which issues may be appointed and trained in th.
invitations to service men in the subject. Women are especially de-
lobby of the Wright building during sired Applicants having training or
the social hour. Other student mem- experience primarily in commercial
hers of the committee are Dorothy! art. interior decorating, etc w
Lewis, Vivian Yelverton, Bessie Coun included any drafting training or ex-
cil and Bena Bateman, and Ben I perienee will be considered.
For positions paying $l,7o2 a year.
requirements are at a minimum. Per-
Hollar and Dr. Herbert C. Haynes.
no words could describe the expres- Two faculty members and two boys
sions on those weary soldiers' faces from the committee receive -ervice
at that moment. He said he felt like
a modern Paul Revere,
glee as To
�resent con
at ti.e leni
be. A number participation in bombing raids agains
he Axis from England and North
wlnle i
ther answers
Drhc Explained
rned fame for himself
ankly prof
as to when the war would end.
d the
-o!e :
drive among tin
various wy- , , g d ix nuitils U) six vcars.
. chapel program x, maJority of l)u. tudents, how- i Africa, eaj
-r. frankly professed no knowledge h" personal pilot of Gen. Ike Eisen-
hower, commander in chief of tin-
Allied forces in the Mediterranean
' theatre of war.
The Second Bomber command, ac-
cording to the release, trains combat
crews and units for heavy bombard-
' ment groups in overseas organiza-
tions at bases throughout the north-
While at East Carolina Captain
I Demnsev played basketball with the
Pirates and was outstnndin
Collapses on Job
After an all-night ride
he finallv
Constantine where he caught
Dr. P.
the W:
� operation of
. t the Greenville j
id gave facts about the
drive in the city and j
Creech explained I
East Carolina Has
312 Alumni Listed
n Armed Services
i plane for Algiers, Arriving just in j
ime for his broadcast, he was near
Lo the point of exhaustion. He broad-
�ast his news and just as the "off
air" signal flashed on. he collapsed.
son, ��. nville and Colombus, Miss.
The captain is the son of Lt. Col.
and Mrs. James C. Dempsey of Wil-
son. He is married, his wife now
making her home at 104 Bruton
avenue. Wilson.
You will be proud of yourself
to see the
! "The Ladies' Store"
szai l' -i.
. I I Si rvice fund and
the money given this
- used. Robert Mor-
out the drive on the
� year and the one
He explained how the
like -1
I � I
East Carolina Teachers college is
represented in all branches of the ser-
ice by 312 Alumni.
Of these 1 IT are girls, they are
Shirley Avery, Elizabeth Beavens.
Sarah Pun M. ry Belle Clark. Rachel
Farrior, Lucy Ivea Clover. Ida Ruth
ing conducting and urged Knowles, Margaret Martin. Nell
contribute. McCullen, Frances Nance, Mildred
Owens, Katherine Jones Page, Doro-
F'TOlJlp thy Parks. Frances Peel. Elizabeth
White Perkins, Frances Sinclair.
ted from Page One) Mary B. Strickland and Edna E.
Armred Force band. Whitley.
� -ay, "I dis- At preent Charles Little and
about grades. Herbert Hemby are missing; and
is mi placing the em- Andy Knowey is a German prisoner.
advice to students is: ()- D. Andrews, John Johnston, Wil-
hii g for which you are ham Sledge, Thomas Meeks, George
: d exci i in this. Whether West and Stanley Woolfalk have been
: ing college as a future killed in action.
: i "social engineering" Thomas Meeks received a decora-
� e confidence gained by tion for action over Germany and
outstanding ability in after his death his parents received
in a

number of extra-curricular activities.
He entered the service as an avia- J
tion cadet September 1, 1941, and re-
eeived his commission April 20. 1042
He attended flying schools at Jack-
Cosmetics, Hosiery and Notions
ROSE'S S & 1l�

jmP rmm I I I I w �- 0
503-505 Dickinson Avenue
I is invaluable for social an
profess ional adjustment
two others. Jimmy Dempsey has also
teceived three decorations.
Best Selections
Super Quality
Eastern Carolina's
Shopping Center
Copyright 194J, LiCGrrr & Mvtis Tomcco Co.
You Can't Beat Their
IS I6111" tha" XVishi"Ston, D.G Wk the
ChesTeZn TtnCaS mighty war -� And
sssasararfthey 7ntits
uw makes it the capital smoke.
Make your 2u32-tStr
better cigarette, '�erneid You cant buy a
i i
laud is
na work

Dresses. j
��,1 I
' '1

The Teco Echo, November 12, 1943
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
November 12, 1943
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