The Teco Echo, December 6, 1940

Number 5
ECTC Is Host
To Northeastern
vain, Hankner
Dittmer Named
D, nartment Heads
ECTC Programs
New Angling Angles
By Lijrfia Finer
Yep � here's another fish thrill to catch one, for they are
story�or have vou heard this from twenty-four to thirty-six
inches in length. One of the fish
lt� ' , A1 .� . ' decided to find deeper water
Behind the post office in a this summer and jumped out of
iddy biddy pool the pool. Of course it was kill-
:im lota of iddy fiddies and ed. However, in spite of the fact
that the fish are good jump-
ers, the high wire fence a-
is a pool behind the I round the pool is not to keep the
�and it does have fish from jumping out, but to
prevent the children's falling in.
Authorities say around fif-
teen million people will be go-
ing fishing this summer�if
the fish aren't conscripted with
some mamma fiddies too . .
Bet some of you didn't know
This pool was built at least
. years ago as a sys-
r cooling the water for
tee ant. It is approximately
e and a half feet deep, thirty
� wide, and contains one hun-
; pounds of mud crap.
ugh these fish are not
84 Opposed,
16 Approved
Interviews Staged
Because Of
Recent Controversy
�dible. it would be a fish pool.
by Clifton Evans
A survey conducted at ran-
dom among 100 students on the
campus showed that 84 were
against the type entertainment
liVl ?! I that is presented to the student
of us. If you like to, hf)d f� East Carolina Teachers
n-dig out your hook andI � f tW
line come spring-and join the "gg J wM rnnHlptpd a,
crowd�but not at the college
Home Economics Clubs
Of State Convene Here
1 Hate Him
ig, of
1 0'
fad I
� ion
' , Helen Marmr(t Jenkins
Miss Lois Swain of Salem
I l t" was elected president of
the State Student Home Ec-
mics Club Association by
172 delegates from 25 high
Is and five colleges at the
eluding session of a two-day
meeting held at East Carolina
Teachers College. Friday and
Saturday, November 22 and 23.
Miss Swain succeeds Miss
Agnes Watson of this college
Miss Erma Edwards of Cary
High School is the new secre-j
tary, and Miss Edith Horse
Id, also of Salem College, is
publications representative
Greetings were extended the
delegates by Miss Krtherine
Holtzclaw, head of the local
H me Economics department
the opening session Fri-
day afternoon.
"The Home and National De-
- theme of the convention
as discussed by Dr. John Bar-
clay of Wilson. Also at the
afternoon session Miss Virginia
Ward, assistant supercisor of
Home Economics in North
Initiates Ten
New Pledges
Alpha Iota Sorority
its observance of rush
with an informal tea
the Home Economics
I e.v
This survey was conducted as j
I a result of the controversy that i 3g
I arose in the Student Opinion ;
I Column of the Teco Echo in 55
order to get a more thorough
sampling of student's attitude
toward entertainment.
During the student survey an
effort was made to choose stu-
dents whose views would give a
good cross-section of campus
opinion. Students interviewed
were members of all four class-
es, including two of the class
presidents. Athletes, musicians,
dramatists ,and journalists all
were asked for their opinions
began and the result was decisive�
week 84 to 16 against the entertain-
held in ments.
Depart Here is what a few students
say about the situation:
hM. '
si� iAj&r
Noted Writers
At Congress
"My trip was unusually in-
teresting and quite profitable
stated Dr. Lucile Turner, re-
cently chosen head of the Eng-1
lish department of East Caro-
I lina Teachers College, who at-
memUrrwereesnted with Bill Merner: "If variety is tended the thirtieth annual con-
fhe Ins and purposes of the i the spice of life then we're Hiisml
club and the benefits derived � tainly not getting much spice. 1 ci1 of Jeadiers of English m
from membership with the Why not get someone who can .ts that
sorority were explained. . smgmething besides d- MJ
wfrrseTwelrtg SWB "EK�Abeyouni "It is the; sides "the representatives from
of a college in rounding every state in the Union, there
he education of its men and were those from Honolulu and
women to take steps toward China.
using their ideals and stand-
Blalock And Rodgers
Attend New Jersey Meet

Grade Books
and signs which proudly bore j duty
the name Alpha Iota.
A formal candlelight service
brought the initiations to a
and at this time the secrets ards of appreciation for real i � J urnern
ternational council explained
Students have been re-
quested to watch the bul-
letin boards relative to
the time lor turning in
tirade hooks. Boxes will
be placed on the seeond
floor of Austin. In case,
y o u ' v e forgotten, the
gra4e books are supposed
to be placed in a self-ad-
dressed envelope. Yes, the
student furnishes the
"Authors, admin-
rf the club were revealed to the
new members. This service was
Reid: "The entertain-
istrators and supervisors were
. there in small numbers: high
also hd in the Home Econnm- ts are Win to say the school, college "W
�reSrSU '� fe&e on the pr-ne
�roU11d a table beauty deco on -eyjjdg- comp-I H� SETT
get that, why have one at all? banquet were outstanding writ-
Rosalie Brown: Enjoyment ers of the day: Mark an Dor-
the coremony by candlelight, the 1 of a higherentertainment is an fle.VlLeth Page, who come "tolhis"play! -Roommate,
Economici rasea ,ere distributed amongimportant jstep toward a well-1 infpoetr, J� of ar0 sW !poinp to pull our
beds together this night. Pro-
with American
� roses, this being the
rolina, told of the organiza- fiower. After an
ion, aims and activities of the ceremonv by
candlelight, the
Everyone Had
Quite A Scare
At 'The Skull'
.)? Rosalie Brown
Oh! Mama! Why did I ever
Doris Blalock, president of
the Woman's Student Govern-
ment Association, and Walter
Rodgers, president of the Men's
Student Government Associa-
tion, will attend the 16th annual
congress of the National Stu-
dent Federation of America in
New Brunswick, New Jersey,
December 27-31.
The convention will be held
on the campus of the New Jer-
sey College for Women.
As the theme of the conven-
tion delegates from colleges
throughout the United States
will discuss "The Role of Stu-
dent Government
Each year East Carolina
Teachers College sends the presi-
dents of the self-government
organization to the convention
in order that they may acquaint
themselves with practices used
by student government organ-
izations of other colleges and
universities in solving problems
that arise.
National Home tconomics,rftses were distributed among i important sw ww�� � v�cu 'z�' - account of
A Nation. ! each 0f Lhe ten new members. rounded personality ; JJ�J tJZok The
Following this session, a tea The following girls honor- Rosa Farrior: "Poor consid the writing ot h?r �0K �
held in the College Home ed with membership, for i eration for the regards of the'Tree of Liberty,
nai thei ire-
f a thou-
; � plen-
feel th same
. :ng to
" self�that y i
. ise he won't
a date, he's indif-
n't like vou. he
was held in tne uouege nomeed with membership, tor; eration or ine re8�"� �� �� n.�JH the novelist
Management House for faculty their character, personality and student body have been the En Bromfield tne noveiisx,
advisers, and one in the recep- high scholastic record as com-1 tertaii mem '
;rn rooms of the department
. i HOME EC on Page Four
Grads Return
Despite Cold
Despite the promise of a
-iv elsf�or dreary day to come, over 200
merce majors are: Carrie Mae program for the year I uffA
Mann. Zora Waller, Katherine Smut Burks: "Should spending,
Davenport, Dallas
Hilda Tew, Claire
Martha Wheele
Audrev Dempsey,
Lou Corbitt. nor appreciate
fessor Vorheese is going to raise
the dead but you can bet I ain't
gifted going to be anywhere near!
These and many other'com-
ments could be heard on the
Howard, I mon7y"for"good orchestras and I JnK ! "ucIrtr p
Claire Jenkins, have better dances rather than! S1 Se cast, and breathless an-
.ss, Pearl House in presenting programs 25"�; discussed at group I ticipation of the students, "The
ey, and Tommie the students neither understand hah jSgPto Fwr Skull" was given. The house
nor appreciate. I See GONGKbbb on rage t backed" that the swoon-
A Big Time
Had By All
At Carnival
:en up witn
od. It won't
dro ! In
lelp you dis-
worst stage
mea when
one you
on girls!
but don't
(iown. "Faint
�r won fair lady
i head ne'er won
You aren't going to
finding fault
Yep, Library Is A Busy Place
I � en in.
i n Lr
umni of East Carolina Teach-
ers College gathered November
16 to celebrate Homecoming.
During the morning the
group met in Austin Auditor-
ium with Miss Estelle McClees,
Alumni Secretary, presiding.
Speakers'on the morning pro-
gram were Mrs. Elizabeth S.
Bennett, president of the state
alumni association, and Mrs.
Leon Fountain and Mr. George
S. Willard, erpresentative alum-
ni. Also on the program was
(Secret Pas- president L. R. Meadows, who
Of course there are made the address of w?elcome.
cases! You'll Mr. Denton Rosscll and the
to Dorothy Dix to Womans Glee club rendered
il what to do about that, special numbers.
- tie thing, though that's A barbeque luncheon was
' Wln you try to served in the dining room, caf-
re him or say you "hate; teria style
you are in a bad fix. movie was shown in Austin
ign that vou still Auditorium and a tea dance and
Im P. S. This article social gathering was held in the
acked by actual experience Wright Building from 3:00 to
is purely fictions! Any Re- 5:00. Billy Knauff and his
lance to true experiences orchestra furnished the music
James R. Gullege, the head
By Virgil Ward
The busiest place on the cam-1 full-time trained librarians and
pus at night is the main read-114 student assistants who work
ing room of the library, the; in reiays
James Y. Joyner room. Its'
twenty-four large tables are us-j o-raHimfp
ually full to capacity making it! librarian, is an A B. graduate
necessary to use the upstairs of Duke University and holds
reading room to accomodate the his B. S. and M. A. degrees in
overflow. The center of attrac- library science from the Um-
tion is the circulation desk be- versity of Illinois. He came here
hind which five or six of the in 1936 directly from graduate
girls work. Thev are kept in work at the University of Illi-
constant motion passing books nois, but before that time he had
across the desk or checking i considerable experience as libra-
them in I "an at Texas A. and M at
staff. She has charge of the
courses in library science which
were offered for the first time,
and heads the cataloging depart-
ment. She came directly from
the University of Illinois, from
which she received her M. A.
Each of the 14 college girls
works approximately seventeen
hours a week. Some of these are
on self-help list, paid by the col-
lege or by the N. Y. A. Some
work behind the circulation
desk ready to help every person
was so "packed" that the swoon
ing ladies couldn't even fall
over. Instead they remained
tightly wedged in their seats,
with their closely hovered to-
gether neighbors holding them
Of course you've heard of
audiences "reacting Well�
the witnesses of the spine-chill-
ing (literally, too) drama, "The
by Criss Humphrey
A bitterly cold night, along
with tests galore, put a damper
(I hate puns, don't you?) on the
Phi Sigma Pi Fraternity Carn-
ival Wednesday night, and dis-
couraged a large number from
attending the fun: but taking
all into consideration, a rather
n i c e-enough-to-be-comfortable
crowd came and seemed to en-
joy themselves.
As I wandered across the
In the past five years the
growth of the library has been
greater than in all the twenty-
six preceeding years. There are
now 2 reading rooms, a period-
In the afternoon a ical room, reference room, a text
book room, and other rooms
used for special purposes. In the
past five years the number of
volumes has doubled, there
now being around 35,000; the
card catalog has increased from
chanical College, and then head
of the circulation department of
the University of Texas.
Miss Margaret Sammon, who
is the senior member of the staff
in point of service, received her
training at Bessie Tift College
in Georgia, and George Pea-
body College for teachers. She
has charge of all circulation and
day's activities te'rmi- j thirty "trays to 120; and the tier periodicals. Miss Sainmon also
During the all-day meeting, nated with the football game of stackshas increased fifty per gives (fga�BpShgS:
which has occupied two "days with High Point College at the I cent and can now accomodate Each section in F�8�"?
heretofore, a large number of; Guy Smith stadium at 7:30. , sixty thousand volumes. Last' n rn
recent graduates of East Caro-
lina Teachers College were seen
in attendance.
NorthCarolina Stete College at who enters the library, while parted choir) will come march
either at typewriters or in the
filing room.
Dr. Joyner, whose picture
hangs on the wall of the library
to the right as you enter the
Eighty-two of the visitors
spent the night on campus dur-
ing the week-end.
year. $8,750 was spent for books the jfall term,
and $1,000 for binding.
The staff is composed of 3
Miss Sue Hudson came last
year as third member of the
later for two years. There is
also close personal connection
because he is an uncle of Miss
Sally Joyner Davis.
Skull" did some reacting not floor to the other side, J was
to be 'compared with. Some ! almost bopped on the head by a
cried. (Janie Eakes, particu-1 foot-ball which was being used
larlv) Others bit their finger-1 as a basketball by a few zealous
nail's, lovers locked arms (?)� I folks . . . I got over safely,
and very effective screams were however, and found three cute
offered all over the house at entertainments: dart-throwing
appropriate times. at a baseball field target; a
"Soon the great doors will fortune-teller, whom I discover-
swing open, and they (the de ed later to be lrgil Ward; and
a zoo. on the outside of which
bore the following sign: "See!
Dog Without Legs; a Red Bat;
Monkey and Ground-hot The
monkey turned out to be a mir-
ror (nothing like insulting your
customers) ; the dog � you
guessed it�a hot-dog; the red
bat, a brickbat; and the ground-
hog, a sausage�grr!
Over in the extreme right
were Way Ian, Jimmie D Polly
P Margie S. and Red Mc. with
a few others dancing to ye ole'
pick with Jimmie W. doing an
Indian War Dance around some
couple. At nine o'clock there
was a free demonstration show
ing down the isles If they
hadn't been afraid of bumping
head-long into "some poor de-
parted soul" I think perhaps
quite a few students would
have left at that point. But
door, has been closely connected grimely they sat on. Even
with the school in many ways. Louise Park, who, by this time
He was chairman of the board, was one perpetual scream,
of trustees from the time of or- There's a time and a place for
ganization in 1907 until 1919 everything, but, some people
when he resigned as state superjust couldn't see the necessity
intendent of Public Instruction, of that, coffin. (By the way
He also served on the board "Smut how did you like it?)
I had to have my sweater
blocked the next day. Mar-
garet Futrell on one side, and
See 'THE SKULL' on Page Four See CARNIVAL on Page Four


Ring Out Sweet Bells Of Christmas
Soon citizens of the United States will commemorate another
Christmas Day. while those abroad will continue to suffer from
devastation and pestilence the war has brought. Instead of red
berries on boughs of holly, those abroad will be greeted by
splotches of crimson from the wound of a soldier fallen in the
battle. Instead of beautiful Christmas carols, the nerve-racking
roar of cannon fire pounds against their ear drums. Instead of
fervent prayers to God, they must worship a maniac disguised as
a human being who calls himself Adolph Hitler. Instead of spend-
ing Christmas together, mother and child must hover in a bomb
shelter while father stubbornly resists the onslaught of the enemy
on the field of battle or in the air. Ring out sweet bells of
Christmas. You are music to people of the United States.
Intoxication On The Floor At Dances
The fact that some of the boy friends of girls at East Caro-
lina Teachers College saturated their tonsils with intoxicating
beverages has been in evidence at the last two dances. The boys
who did this did not get out of control to the extent they had to be
ushered from the dance floor and saved themselves and their girl
friends some embarassment. Members qf the council will be
compelled to take action unless the condition is eradicated. Irre-
spective of the love element that may be involved, a girl should
n�t invite a boy to a dance if he is going to need whiskey to stimu-
late his dancing muscles before going on the floor. Any boy who
has no more respect for a girl than to drink before going to a col-
lege dance, where all practices of a gentleman should prevail,
likely will cause her both embarrassment and regret later in life.
If you have such a boy friend, girls, the most logical procedure
is to ditch him. If this is none of our business, then let him con-
tinue drinking and subject both of you to embarrassment in the
December g
By Barbara Keuzenkamp
Majority Favors Aid To Educate Poor
Government grants of money to enable poor families to keep
their children in high school would be favored by seven out of
every ten persons in the nation, a recent poll conducted bv the
American Youth Commission and published by the National'Edu-
cation Association, reveals. The poll was undertaken with the
cooperation of the American Institute of Public Opinion, of which
George Gallup is director. The question asked was: If a family
are so poor that they have to keep their children out of high school.
do you think that they should be given aid hy the
The purpose for which the British Navy was built is being
achieved as the recently reinforced Mediterranean fleet steadily
tightens its blockade of Italy's outlying possessions and seriously
menaces Fascist supply lines to Africa.
It has been pointed out in naval circles that the Italian force
recently engaged by British Warships and planes off the coast of
Sardinia was protecting the vital communication route to North
Africa with the hope of keeping beyond the range of British naval
units, and in failing to do that the effectiveness of the Italian fleet
was reduced until it has only one battleship and possibly only two
heavy cruisers to protect oversea lines of supply.
The Italian invasion of Greece has enabled the British to
establish themselves at Suda Bay in Crete, and from that point
to set up a patrol on a 500 mile arc. Suda Bay is only 250 miles
from the Libyan coast and therefore the Italian routes to ports
on the African coast are virtually blocked by the British.
With the whole of the Mediterranean now under British
domination the Admiralty hints that a British offensive has been
turned on in hope of knocking the weaker end of the Axis out
of the War. With Italy out of the war the vigilance of the Bri-
tish in the Mediterranean could be relaxed and a major part
of the naval forces there could be sent into the North Atlantic
convoy system where they are sorely needed.
Nazi Germany, after concentrating months on bombing
London, has been giving attention to the Midlands of England,
the industrial section of Great Britain. An "area demolition
technique is being used rather than the old spot bombing of a
singh target. The new technique, developed especially for ette dominates) emphasize color
congested areas like the Midlands, seeks destruction of the ob- combinations. Net dresses come
jective by destroying the city. One of the best defenses against ' in varying purples of the dahlia
"area demolition however is its own cost. It is doubtful whe- combinations, in the peacock
ther Germany can spare bombs and gasoline to carry out the j blue-to-green range, and in com-
method in making import inroads in vital production there. inflations of brown, rust and
The Greeks claim advances all along the entire Albanian I yellow. Black taffeta dresses
If you have trouble keeping
your hat on, here is a new
"trick" that has won the favor
of all the leading milliners. It
is simply this; you remember
the old time bicycle clip which
used to be snapped around the
trouser-leg at the ankle, well it
has been improved upon and
sewn into the hat structure
with the result that your hat
really stays on. The clip grips
the hat to the head firmly yet
gently, and is completely out of
One outstanding feature of
Molyneux's London showings
this past week, is a rather large
number of models, both formal
and informal, with Moyenage
sleeves, puffed at the top, and
tight to the wrist. Keep your
eyes open for this style of sleeve
as it is not only very new but
also very flattering to wear.
Youthful looking evening
dresses (the full-skirted silhou
To the Editor:
"Children should be seen and not heard
which most of us are familiar. It seems that som
leaders have never grown up�mentally at leas
-A let
that the children can attend high school? The poll revealed that
not only seven in ten favor the proposal, but six of the seven are
willing to support it by paying taxes. Twelve per cent were found
to oppose such a measure: twelve per cent qualify their answers:
and four per cent have no opinion.
Regardless of the fact that there is a bill now before Con-
gress to extend Federal aid to schools by appropriating funds to
raise the level of education in poorer states, only 50 per cent of
the public recognize the truth of the claim stated'in the question:
Some people claim that certain states are so poor then cannot
afford schools as good as thost in other parts of the country. Do
you agree or disagret
government so Front but admit the Italian opposition is growing. Premier j a(M color with V-shaped in-
Mussolini has shaken up his high command and is massing new � ses in the skirt in several tones
troops in the front lines of the Albanian battlefront for counter- I of blue, while chiffon dresses
attacks deisgned to turn the tide of victory toward the Fascists are most popular in coral-red,
The new troops comprise the 11th Army, formed onlv a monthi with a newer trend toward
ago. which has been given this task of turning back the Greeks dahlia purple accented
without German aid. j lighter lavender tints. Strik
Rumania glows again in its Balkan hot bed. The Iron Guard, ! inK dresses in varying shades of
in staging a blood purge against its former persecutors, is causing champagne are accented with
the throat of civil war to show the little Balkan nation as it �'her metal cloth or seouins.
struggles to overcome the effects of the recent earthquakes in Without a doubt, dances will be
Revolution has broken out among the 4.000.000 in- colorful this winter season!
must in ouur pans oj me country, j to � mai area. Revolution has broken out among the 4 000 000 in-
Of these 50 per cent, more than half in- habitants of Sovietized Bessarabia because of public indication
dicated that they are willing to pay higher Federal taxes to equal-
ize educational opportunities throughout the nation. Twenty-
seven per cent think that there is no state so poor but that it could
not support schools as good as those in the more prosperous sec-
tions of the county: and more than one out out five persons indi-
cated no opinion on the subject.
This is something to be considered, teachers of tomorrow!
over scarcity and high prices of food, fuel and medicines.
Toward A Bible-Conscious America
There was a time when America was Bible conscious. The
Puritan refugees who settled our shores in the 17th century had
few hooks Reside the Bib
Digging For Dirt
Phi Sigma Pi
Phi Sigma Pi, national hon
orary education fraternitv, in-
By S. H. O'Vell
Gobble, gobble.�"hie" etc.�er pardon please, it must have
been something I et or drunk er something . . Ah yes. just a few-
more days and we'll all be like that again. It grieves me to think itiated eleven new pledges" Tues-
that well all have to suffer this same dark brown feeling after day evening, November 26
the Christinas holidays. Ye old rag (with apologies to the ed.) ! New members are Philip
is about to fold up its pretty little pages and dream of old Saint Garris, Russell Beddard
them who do not have to be mentioned here, ha
spirit of enthusiasm and leadership at times; but
to say for the others, except to offer our sincer,
To an observer in the grandstand it looks
sonal display than a cheering squad. It reminds
frog from the little pool who hasn't the sagacil
the big pool there are many frogs much larger
utter lack in the qualities that go to mako a . J
obvious on one occasion recently that a little - ;
remarked to his father: "If I couldn't get any ch
than that I wouldn't have any at all
I speak the sentiments of more than one
campus when I say that we are sick and tired i
insipience. Besides being drastically ashamed 3
on the part of our so-called leaders, we f� I
worthy of the finest in support�the kind
devoid of personal activatiton, the kind of supj
retic and full of the fire of group enthusiasm
If all of our cheerleaders persist in giving one-man
shall gladly do our best to find an opening witl
tures of Barum and Bailey and count it our gain
What we need, want, and should demand
port, more vigorous but dignified leadership e
egotism in our cheerleaders.
To the Editor:
There are few times in the life of any indr
comes imperative that the majority rise and
enforced�yet, here on this campus, we find
face with one of these emergencies. Why is I
small part of our student body satisfied by our
Committee and this satisfaction paid for with I
entire group. Why are there such a small n .
on this committee and why are they not chosen
a cross-section of campus life be represent'
ever really given, by this committee, to the ty;
that the average student wants and enjoys?
These and many other questions are I
through our minds as we become aware of th I
students, ARE NOT getting our money's worth
tainment fee. WE. the student body as a wh
stand nor appreciate "entertainments" such as I
with j Seville" yet we sit idley by and do nothing wl
Operatic Relaxation is paid for by our parents a
but these entertainments are educational is tin
tain members of the faculty. ARE THEY? Wl
say that he really learned anything from our
Since when are we forced to put our relaxati i
level? If it's the educational quality that we'i
why not increase our tution and include thes
Why can't the students vote on the type of ei
they enjoy and should like to have presented I
our numerous Mass Meetings would afford ai
tunity for some such plan to be started. Wh i
a hundred students reveals the fact that 86 it
rather enjoy better motion pictures, have son
band down for a dance or concert, or have a n
tainment�then it's time that thev take steps I
Well, do I hear a motion�this is election v ir
to carry on the spirit of our democracv and mal
the majority the law? It's up to you, each year
ment Committee has something like $5,000 to
wholesome relaxation for the students of this
that it's spent for something that we like and f
Lee, Columbia, Brown. Rutgers, and Dartmouth, began with
faculties of theologians whose main purpose was to give ade-
quate training to ministers of the Gospel. Behind this emphasis
in the new nation lay a century of the all but universal employ-
ment of The New England Primer in the elementarv schools
from Maine to Georgia. Almost wholly a paraphrase of the
bible, it served as the basis for the study of spelling, reading,
writing, as well as religion.
Somebody has said thai
momentum of those old Bible-conscious days, but the movement
is rapidly running down. Sponsored bv the American Bible
Society, which is about to celebrate its 125th anniversary the
churches of the nation will celebrate Universal Bible Sunday again
on December 8. The occasion offers the best chance in many
years to step up the momentum of interest in the Bible. We
heartily join in, for we believe that more of the Ten Command-
ments and the Sermon on the Mount, as well as some of the solemn
warnings of the prophets, without which our nation would have
crumbled long ago, are badly needed now. How long has it been
since you have read your Bible seriously? Get it down on De-
cember 8 and help make our beloved land a Bible-reading nation
We're Not Cloaking: Anything-
Some comment has arisen about letters in the Student Opin-
ion column being signed with an anonimous name and leaving the
reader in doubt as to the author. The editorial department of
the Tcco Echo knows the author of each article that appears in
the Student Opinion column and you are at liberty to avail vour-
self to his or her identity. Frankly, we don't see that it makes
much difference whether or not letters to the editor bear the
fw?" the Writer when the" aPPear in the paper, except
that the identity of the author helps one to evaluate what is said
in the letter. There are many persons who have good ideas, but
are modest about expressing them. Naturally when this per-
son has a letter appearing in the Student Opinion column he is
going to be reluctant to have his name attached when it appears
in the paper, even though the name accompanied the article.
1 here are others who say what they think and don't mind telling
the world about it. We want students to use the column. And
when you submit a letter sign your name and specify whether the
name will appear with it in print. This will help us in pleasing
those who are more interested in "who said what" than "what is
you because there are a lot of "Jimmies" on the campus . . . and I
Frances Roebuck might even get mixed up . . such a calamityI pfli Sigma
oi, oi. The Fraternity Carnival was pretty good the other night, ! Phi Sigma chapter of Sigma
but believe me . .I'll never forget that "Hooch Show" they , Pi Alpha, national honorary
put on last year with Matt McBrayer as the feature attraction fraternity for students in
wow. . remember? Dining Hall Quip: Good food, good meat modern languages, initiated
Wiley Mayo says that his theme is "I Get a Kick members into the national or
"Christmas sing" and refresh-
Relations Club
The regular monthly meeting
nf the International Relations
Club met Tuesday night, No-
vember 26 at 7:30 P. M. with
To the Editor:
What does the Junior Chamber of Commerc
our entertainments. Three years ago the stud
going in with anyone to give our entertainments
seems as if the Junior Chamber of Commerce is c i
them in some way. Now this is not a criticism of 1
they are very cooperative in everv way and it
right to cooperate with them, but on the other ha:
Out of CornYa' know the kind that Ya' squeeze out of "stalks ffanVzation"Wed fhould hav,
unningonthe �?�� ihho wLpY I �y Elizabeth Beas- formal ceremony in the " Y" I not incurIZ TZlli)he enterinm
ley said that she wanted Joe Staton for Christmas in her letter hut.
to the "Jolly Old Gent and the girl in 318 Cotten wants a brand ! The meeting closed with
new shiney diamond-studded frying pan . . boy, oh gal, a fried
e?x for breakfast . . gosh, what a treat. Helen Wolfe, we take
back what we said in the last issue and declare now that we love
ya . . Yes sir, every ounce of you�we love. Foo-losophy: All
Skoits is posing�"cept one . . excuse me. Mustard Maness, .
cepttwo (Adelaide Reid and . . . gosh, I blush easily). Walter
Morttz suggests to boy not to make a long distance call (especiallv
one that cost what one makes with eight hours work) to a girl
such as he did to Ada Rose Yoiv. Chuck McFee might get out of
the stronghold of football playing . . but Margie Selby has cer- j the President, Maude Sawyer
tainJy got a strangle hold on him. Then there was a girl named presiding.
Martha Brooksiwho wore a practically strapless evening gown Interesting reports were
to the college dance . . ehutie nearly deserted her and . made bv several club members
SSmSt nwt?!? J�meJmUk � a� right after Bobby Hollar then introduced
going to Black Creek (???) after the latest-what cha'callit . . . Clifton Evans who read some
oh. romanceand Arkme Mercer. Virginia Whitley makes a new very interesting letters from an
years resolution that bigger and better marriages are in order�
first name of Joe, isn't it Ginny? Scoop of Week: Hurry up with
that shovel, bud. Merwin Frazelle and Erlene Sawyer are just
one more couple to the high school . . . Some people sav that
high school romance is puppy love�I doubt it. We hate to do this
because this young (?) fella' has almost become a permanent
instructor around the place, but Donald Brock savs that since he is
leaving (definitely) Christmas for all the girls that want to kiss
him goodby to form (?) a line in Austin Auditorium next Wednes-
day at four o clock�sniff, sniff, and please don't push. It's a
shame that some girls who get a letter written in red ink from
Raleigh won t show them to their prof.�namely, Jesse Keith and
Dr B. B. Brandt. You know�"Dot" Spence must be prettv good
�1 ve been hunting a long time to get something printable�no
dice, tho -Norman Mayo and Virginia Cross seem to be egging
it on�and on�and on.
Well, here's hoping that Santa brings the library smaller and
more congenial reference (?) rooms . . And I do mean reference
rooms.�and thanks for the tip, Lucile, we don't want to
English girl which gave us
an inside picture of the war in
Thirty-six new members were
then voted on and a motion for
adjournment was passed.
Lyle R. Starling Heads
Freshman Club
Lyle Reid Starling is presi-
dent of the newly-formed
Freshman Club of Young Wom-
en's Christian Association. The
Club supplements the Junior
"Y" cabinet.
Other officers of the club are
Carol Leigh Humphries, vice-
president; Gene Faulkner, sec-
retary ; and Lois Seasons, treas- j settled
4. � � �" "� -iic ciiici Ktiiiini'iu coil aI
not incur even a moral obligation in this respect.
oh -1 fm 5?t.adv1�cating "trucking to class" or d M
H ! , dlni??uha11 but l do think a little variet)
tianments would be a relief.
P. S. Dear "Student"
RarblrPn�fbQbIy-nSu0neT0f the PeoPIe in back of vr
alreadv �SeV1"evbut m SUre T Mother J j
are aHyrffP 0W as far � the dances an
oTdfffprnAand W,e should have lentv of them a!
eniov ZUyPt �f entert�inments. You more tha
d?fferent?n f in,bTUSe "Jittbugs" and "book
b t erTn hYlonVrVn8 bUt the JitterbugS Seen '
Dear "Bored
at alMhanv T" laSt letter in the Teco S� i
doubt SrS �Ul rtainmenta. Ther, be
is more CK nf t0 their cultural value, but
boj"Sftehers" ani �th�Se e"tertaients than ther, - D C-
Youi don't ut afectio"ate parlor dates
- Udon like the music we have at our dances. Whai
Tho name (A
�' the!
wrong with the music at our Emerson � ance"
sscawr1 littie r?h�d -
We hearAhat you have a sympathizer on the ran:
)f the stude
ituation. I
�Lbr n.d.inany Section VThT state. You are helping
that around Rfi rJl . sympathizer or.
he wholeJiSLZS � the 8tudents were disaatisfic
whe? 1e m?dettncusSltUati�n- Maybe We " &t '
In our opinions we ha
ye a variety of entertainments ��
mernT eTcVylr 1 �f ha� OT
it is the entertainmif �r �? &g0 lt was the food: this year
rut HneLnment committee; next year you will want �
James Whitfield-Editor-in-Chief
Pauline Abeyounis William Harris
Ruth Pollard Frances Southerland
Mary D. Horne o. D. Andrews
George LauartesSports Editor
"Mutt" Andrews Fenly Spear
Reporters: Pearl Edwards, Martha
Brooks, Lena Mae Smith, Mary T.
Bailey, Barbara Keuzenkamp, Betty
Keuzenkamp, Harold Tavlor, Eliza-
beth Meadows, Margaret Moore,
Chri3s Humphrey, Laura Strickland,
Maude Sawyer, Merle Outlaw, Nell
James, Clifton Evans, Margaret Rus-
sell, Christine Hellen, Rosalie Brown,
Norman Wilkerson, Maribelle Robert-
son, Margie Davis, Edith Powell,
Lydia Piner, Laura Herne, Thetis
Gurganus, Ruth Hinnant, Julia Coff-
man, Smut Burks.
the entiSl"nlcTmittec could collaborate directly ��
-ortainment committee perhaps the differences could
Sincerely yours.
A Reader.
mast cmnjEnmUm onim
associated GoBeeiale Press
Distributor of
Published Biweekly by the Students f East Carolina
Teachers College
Mary Agnes Deal.Business MamA
Rose Carlton Dunn Ellen McIntts j
Emily Murphy Mary Long Fo0
Jessie Keith Mary Harvey 9
Entered as second-class matter December 3,1925, at the U. S.
Poetoffice, Greenville, N. C, under the act of March 3,1879.
Nttiooal Advertising SerrtcMnc
xt t Member
North Carolina Collegiate Press
� i1
-I j
� pg1
- 1v to1
IV r-

. . 1 Trd


r .��' thaI
.� �S


6, 1940
page three
Basketball Season Begins After Christmas
at j
I' 1
I you aren't
� be a

kfied i
It at hornet
tents s
big arjru-
this y�r
1 want to
ecty �
could be
Tie Sidelines
George Lautares
Pirates, who heretobefore have been labeled
i nger opponents this year, arose from their
bowled over severaJ strong teams in winning
ight-game schedule. The Pirates lost to State
.ire now in a tic lor the Rig Five Fresh-
Jtaged a strong comeback after trailing in
v 1 l and High Point in a close 6-0 thriller
ar ran up a total of 143 points against 70
Only one team was successful in plunging
d fensive lino, anil that team was
�ah that spelled defeat for the Pirates,
jh Pomt came on a pass. WCTC threw passes,
: i very trick in the bag in their victory over
Blocking Trophy
To Be Presented
In Near Future
Award To Go
To Best Blocker
On '40 Eleven
"Best Blocker Award"
Please Turn In Your Ballot At The TECO ECHO Office Not
Later Than Saturday, 9 A. M.
14 Kutztown
,0 PJC
18 Wm. & Mary
0 State Frosh
18 Guilford
0 High Point
44 Naval
� am is tn bo complimented on their won-
�rt. The work of Craven at end. Young
al jjruard, has been consistently good, j
M( Fee, and Wilson Schuerholtz provided'
thai were responsible for several of the
Votes have been pouring in
fast for the "Best Blocker"
award. The trophy, which is
given each year by Mr. M. P.
Fox of the Fox Mutual Lift In-
surance Co will be presented
to the football player on the
E. C. T. C. team of 1940 that is
voted the best blocker by the
townspeople. The voters have
I been casting their ballots
through the Daily Reflector. Qeorqe Lautares
Mr. Fox has presented a si- � . ��
milar trophy during the last two At the end of this quarter.
years In those two vears, how Donald Ratnck Brock will re-
ever the trophy went to the ceive his diploma and one of
best all-round player; while the most popular boys ever to
blocking ability, along with attend ECTC will bid his Alma
sportsmanship, is the only re-i Mater adieu
Popular Athlete
Receives Diploma
This Quarter
Coach Christenbury Holding
Daily Practices With Boys
Pirates Outclass
Apprectice School
In Grid Finale
Prospects Good
For Successful
1941 Court Five
quirement for the award this
Bill Shelton. of Danville. Va
received the trophy in 1938: and
Mervin Frazelle received it in
1940. Frazell is a senior at E. C.
T. C. this year, and Shelton is
Men's Intramurals i n
Volleyball will begin im-
mediately after Christmas.
Sheets for signing up are
on the bulletin boards in
the Post Office and in the
gym. All men interested
in Volleyball are asked to
sign up now so the sched-
ule can be made out and
play started immediately
after the holidays. Volley-
ball will count points to-
w a r d an intramural
has started and already Coach ChristerT-
ys in shape for the early practice games
Christmas holidays. Newcomers to
lack Young. Bob Young. George Ro-
.1 Peterson from Brevard College, and
Maryland. Several of the players from
w out for drills, and others are expected
vote on the most valuable Pirate
: this honor will receive the Fox
� i by Mr. M. P. Fox of Greenville.
, � � '�. Jack Young and Jimmy Gia-
� Standouts of this season and one of
the award. Last year, the winner
� lay d end for the Pirates.
� � several Pirate basketball play-
arsity sports is a stipulation of the
lort, the ruling states. "It is a Federal of-
udent receiving pay for NYA services to
Hege varsity athletics As said
the ruling will prevent some of
ttermen on last year's basketball team
asketball team this year.
Donald first came to ECTC
in 1938 and immediately became
a campus celebrity by starring
on the Pirate basketball team.
The following year, he again led
the Pirates through another
successful basketball season by
tVacing'in'the CharlesIVCoon leading his team in scoring,
Wh �.Vinnl in Wilson Brock began his basketball
Tinnin will ceTs'e at noon carreer at Trenton high school ter having been in two auto
Frdiay and "the Award will be After graduation he attended! mobile accidents within two
made at a suitable occasion next State college where he played weekg, time He was on his way
week. The orginal plan was to one year of varsity ball under ECTC-Guilford game
present the trophy at halftime Coach Doc Sermons. At the end automobile in which'
l,f the final home game of the of his sophomore year, he ac g����� over near
Pirates but this could not be cepted a job with JteUmj Raleieh He suffered severe
done. due to unforeseen circum- ��a - �f
voting has been plentiful Unique went to Denver and school only a few days
Joe Williams
Joe Williams is improving af-
East Carolina's Pirates fin-
ished their football season here
on the college field November
22, with a swashbuckling 44-7 !
defeat to the Naval Apprentice
School of Norfolk.
The intial Pirate score came
with less than three minutes of
the game gone, with acting cap-
tain Gianakos falling on a fum-
ble kicked on the Tars' three-
yard line and Wilson Schuer-
holtz bucking it across two plays
later, McFee adding the point
from placement.
From that point on it was a
scoring parade with the Pirates
crossing the Tars' goal once more
in the first quarter, twice in the
second, once in the third, and
twice again in the final period.
Schuerholtz crossed the double
lines three times during the
game, with McFee and Roberts
adding two si-pointers each.
The two extra pointts chalked
up came from the toe of McFee.
While McFee and Schuerholtz
were the offensive giants of
the game that was to be expect-
ed by their past performances,
the surprise package came in
the play of Stuart Tripp and
George Roberts.
Coach John Christenbury has
begun regular practice with the
basketball hopefuls of E. C. T. C.
Since the Thanksgiving holidays
the squad has been holding daily
workouts and will be in top
shape when the schedule begins
after Christmas.
Christenbury has not chosen
a definite first team as yet and
is alternating the different boys
I in hopes of finding a smooth-
working five that will give a
good account of itself on the
Standouts in the practices
have been George Roberts,
elongated center; Wilson Schuer-
holtz, shifty guard; Peterson,
Simpson, Hint on, Bob Young
and several other contestants
for a starting berth on the first-
string five.
Donald Brock and George
Lautares, mainstays on the
team last year, will be sorely
missed this year. Brock grad-
uates Christmas and Lautares
: did not report for practice this
Remington Rand, Inc.
121 W. 4th Street
Phone 2918 Greenville, N. C.
Friday night, two weeks af-
ter his first accident, he was on
and "the race promises to be a played in the National
close one with several boys re- Pro Tournament. � Greenville-Rocky
ceiving many votes. An award Since; he has.been a q I g tehoS game at
will also be given to the Green- "1� well- RoSy MoSnt when another ac-
ville high school gndder by Mr. ma. Brock has fnlavew cident occured wrecking the car
Fox. Mr. Fox hopes to stimulate known tc all basketball plaers oe oc ived a deep cut
interest in football by sponsor- and coaches in this sectaon He b�fly. Joe recu P.
ingthis contest. The Greenville has participated in n n tour ����� iaTh other �a in
football fans have cooperated naments in surrounding towns o �whesinje y
� �- J&StSL M� g? � ing now
T3BJThis share' "� -oollhS q
i interest has been unbounded.
Curtis Perkins
418-420 Evans Street
Greenville, North Carolina
r the Varsity Club play have been post-
. hristmas holidays. Already Director Bn-
nt to fill the manv good roles in the play.
� Thi Skull, was well received by lrrge
According to an announce-
! ment made this week, the bas-
ketball schedule for the 1940
season at East Carolina Tea-
chers College likely will be com-
pleted during the Christmas
all league have begun practice and soon play
e been held at night in the gym: and
X holidays, league play will be in full swing.
inder the direction of Miss McElwain. Athletic
Delicious Peanut Sandwiches, Fresh Daily
In The "Y" Store�The Very Thing With
Your Favorite Drink
� EC
r?s outstanding athletics have asked me to
mn something about the men's �f ��;
� who has used the shower room, is aware
East Carolina Teachers College were a small
tv of funds for such improvements then the
� room that we have would be excusable.
e hundred students, a magnificent nasium
n(i a beautiful campus such as we have,
and deceiving to have such a Black
nce we do have a beautiful gym why
m that will enhance that beauty, and not
J 7e if some of the college heads who are in-
and intramural activities were to take a
r k mi.
Royal Crown Cola
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There is something delight-
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And you welcome the refreshed
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Carolina Sales Corporation
Third & Cotanche Sts. Dial 3143

December 6, ,
Alumni News
- - By - -
Tin FifU en Chapter
A group of East Carolina
Teachers College alumni living1
in Kinston and vicinity met
Thursday evening, November
21. and organized a local alum-
ni chapter. Miss Hannah Turn-
age served as temporary chair-
man. The following officers
were elected for the year: Mrs.
Ned Carwile (Frances Harvey).
president; Miss Hannah Turn-
age, vice-president: Mrs. P. E.
Shoulars (I.eta Williams), sec-
retary-treasurer: Gladys Swin-
dell, reporter. The chapter will
meet four times a year. Miss
Emma L. Hooper, Miss Mamie
E. Jenkins, and Miss Estelle
McClees assisted with the or-

Bridge Tournament
At thr Woman's Club, on
Friday evening, November 15,
members of the Raleigh chapter
the East Carolina Teachers Col-
lege Alumni Association spon-
sored their annual bridge tourn-
ament. The following commit-
tees served to make plans for
the event: Mrs. 0. K. Joyner
(Christine Vick) and Mrs. J. L.
Marcom (Augusta Woodward),
ways and means; Mrs. Henry
Chadwick (Bronnie Estelle
Cogdell), publicity; Mrs. J. C.
Holland (Alia May Jordan).
Mrs. R. J. Ray. Mrs. John
Terry (Estelle Chamblee), and
Miss Alice Penny, prizes; Mrs.
J. G. Weaver (Martha Sloan
Stewart), Mrs. J. L. James
(Wainer R �ss), Mrs. J. 1 Mar-
com, Mrs. E. H. Browning (Fan-
nie Elizabeth Brown) and Miss
Mildred Herring, decorations:
Mrs. C. H. Baker (Carrie Mae
Ward. Mrs. (). K. Joyner. and
Miss Ruby Garris. tables: Mrs.
R. F. Noble (Mamie Cutler)
a n d Mrs. William Gravely
(Margaret Olivia Tyson), res-
ervations. Mrs. R. F. Noble is
president of the Raleigh chap-

The Charlotte chainer of the
Alumni Association hold its Oc-
tober meeting at the home of
Mrs. J. R. Harris (Vera Mill-
er). Mrs. B. M. Bennett
(Elizabeth Stewart) visited
with the group and discussed
plans for the chapter's program
for the year. The November
meeting was held with Mrs. H.
G. Bradford (Janie Staton) at
three mettings were arranged.
Several contest proved to be
much fun. Miss Lela B. Stan-
cil and Mrs. James Ray Pitt-
man (Marie Moore) were win-
ners in these. The December
meeting will be held with Mrs.
Seth Muse (Dorothy Crump-
her country home near David-
son. The secretary, Mrs. H. J.
Steagall .(Roslyn Satterwhite)
reports that the chapter is
gradually increasing its atten-

Hi ah Point
Members of the High Point I
Chapter of the Alumni Associa- j
tion of East Carolina Teachers!
College held their November:
meeting with the president
Miss Ruth Modlin, 212 Lindsay1
Street. Miss Betty Fleming
served as hostess along with
Miss Modlin. Plans were made
for the second half of the vear.

Rocky Mount
Mrs. B. M. Bennett (Eliza
both Etewart) was the guest
of the Rocky Mount alumni
group for its November meet
ing which was held Monday
evening November 18. at the
home of Mrs, F. L. Greathouse
(Eula Proctor). Mr. Bennett
spoke to the chapter members
on several topics: the building
program of the College, the ac-
tivities of local chapters, the,
recent talks made on Home
coming by two of the former
students, and the book of poems
written by Mrs. Braxton Craven
Page (Gertrude Cook) which.
has recently been published.
Mrs. R. M. Taylor (Ethel Shel-
ton) is president of the Rocky :
Mount chapter.

A '�( n
Members of the Ayden chap
ter of the East Carolina Teach
ers College Alumni Association
met in November with Mrs. S.
H. Underwood (Viola Gas-
kin-). Mrs. Lee McLawhorn
served as associate hostess.
Mrs. Staton Ross (Josephine
Dixon) presided over the busi-
ness part of the meeting. Hos-
tesses and places for the next
century poets to Harriet Mon-
From Miss Irene Hand, form-1
er critic of English in Green-
ville high school, who was pres-
ent at tiie convention, Dr.
Turner brings "Greetings to
friends here
Continue from Page One
of magic, featuring "Tricky
Sam" a prominent N. C. negro
magician, who made quarters
disappear and appear in the
most ungodly fashion�it gives
me the creeps to see such things.
Next he experimented on Jim-
mie W. and after giving him a
cup of water to drink, took a
knife and cut (?) his stomach
open, inserted an innocent look-
ing funnel, and here came the
water! (You should have seen
Jimmie blush). After this T.
Sam had a show in a room to
the side, and really had the
crowd puzzled with more tricks
with the quarters and Russell
Beddard as his victim.
Following his show, was the
main event of the night, the
crowning of the Queen, who
turned out to be the freshman
nominee, Eloise Owens. The
crown was palced on her head,
and a gift was given her by
James Whitfield in behalf of
the Fraternity. Miss Owens
will be the guest of the Frat
Banquet next May on Founder's
Continue from Page One
To supplement these discus-
sions there were exhibits of
n e w books, manuscripts of
noted contemporary poems and
letters by famous twentieth
Continue from Page One
Tommie Harris on the other,
turned into typical "cling
vines Don't know why they
thought I'd be any protection�
but they sho' hung on!
All and all, though, just about
everyone lived through it, even
if they did age a couple of years.
There is one thing that leaves
a question in our mind. What
was the idea of DuBose wearing
another (?) mask?
Perhaps if we had known
what a horrible experience was
before us, when Dudash veiled
"YOO HOO, anybody home?"
The answer would have been
merely an echo from the empty
seats, "no body home
Valuable Premiums
For Snapshooters "
Snapshots develop-
ed and printed on
guaranteed sparkl-
ing velox paper-6 or
8 exposure rolls
toil, SOc
Continue from Page One
dining hall. Later in the eve-
ning they attended the Chi Pi
Players' production, "The
The second general session
opened Saturday morning with
Miss Watson presiding. After a
treneral business session, led by
Mrs. Mabel (). Gotten, Student
Club Adviser, who brought news
of the state association, mem-
bers of the Greenville High
School presented a play, writ-
ten bv their advisor. A movie
"White Lake Camp Life" fol-
Group meetings were held
with Miss Frances McGregor,
Assistant 4-H Club Supervisor,
leading the discussion of the
high school delegates. "Loyalty,
Americanism, conversation and
production of foods, and pro-
duction of Community Moral"
�ViT&r. hmd of for the student
the Home Economics Depart- The delegate
rnent of Meredith College, led the local
the college group using as her formal bang I
'Be Art Angel This Christm
Give Him A Gift From Our Men's Store
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Complete Line of Christmas Gifts
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Barrymore Xaraine Day
Double Woman Trouble
Rosalind Russell
B. Aherne Virginia Bruce
cooler milder better taste
Chesterfield is the smoker's cigarette
Hunt the world over and you can't find
the equal of Chesterfield's right combination
of Turkish and American tobaccos the best
tobaccos that grow in all of Tobaccoland.
Do you smoke the cigarette
l-JLl J

"The Christmas Store
Again its 'the time of the year when
every one thinks of others. Join the �
Happy Throngs of Yuletide Shop- �
pers Everyday at Belk-Tyler's.
Hundreds of Gifts for the Entire &
Greenville, North Carolina


bv rJ
at thf

The Teco Echo, December 6, 1940
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
December 06, 1940
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