District Governor visits Rotary Club

District Governor visits Rotary Club
Officers of the Greenville Rotary Club are shown conferring with District Governor Ralph Wellons. Left to right are Wendell Smiley, secretary; Charles B. Bissette, president; Ralph Wellons, District Governor; James Butler, past District Governor; and N. O. Vannortwick Jr., vice president. Date from negative sleeve.
July 27, 1954
Original Format
12cm x 10cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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Joyner Digital Collections Feb 21 2014

Thank you for the information, Ms. Lewis. We pulled the article associated with the image from our microfilm holdings of the Daily Reflector and the accompanying caption is as follows: District Governor Visits Rotary Club- Officers of the Greenville Rotary Club are shown conferring with District Governor Ralph Wellons who made his annual visit to the club yesterday. Left to Right are Wendell Smiley, secretary; Charles B. Bissette, president; Dr. Wellons, James Butler, past district governor; and N.O. VanNortwick Jr., vice president

Jan Lewis Feb 17 2014

I showed this photo at the Greenville Evening Rotary Club meeting on Feb. 10, 2014. Dr. G. Earl Trevathan identified the gentleman next to Wendell Smiley as Charlie Bissette and the gentleman on the far right as Ollie Van Northwick. He said that the portrait on the wall is of Paul Harris, founder of Rotary International

Emily Anne Shepard Scott Mar 02 2010

My grandfather, Jim Butler, is the second from far right.

Candace Pearce Mar 15 2009

Wendell Smiley, Library Services ECC, likely Secretary of the Rotary Club Far left.

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