Up against the bulkhead, 15 June 1970

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]


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This is the third edition of 'Bulkhead'. It's clear by now that we're here to stay.
fach issue looks better than the one before, and unlike some G| papers, we haven't
folded after the first issue. We're now long overdue for a critical look at ourselves.

What has happened to us in the first three months is that the writing, layout,
printing, and distribution of this paper has virtually been forced underground. In
fact, we have faced many of the same problems with this paper that the inmates of
San Quentin faced putting out their underground paper, "The Outlaw." Our civilian
and GI photographers have had their film and cameras taken from them. Our active
duty writers have been court-martialled for trying to get the Navy's side of the story,
and our distributors have been harrassed and in some cases busted for passing out the
paper. The compartment cleaner chief at NAS Alameda has even offered 24 hours
liberty to anyone who turns in a brother he suspects of being associated with ~Bulkhead. '

These conditions have forced us to do almost all of our newspaper work off-base.
Articles are smuggled off-base, where they are typed, set on a page, and printed in
secret by the people not intimidated by the military agents of the ruling class. The


only way we'll be able to make this paper more responsive to the needs of Bay Area
lors is if you work with us in putting it together. We people who put out "Bulkhead!

are tuming our hate of the military dinosaur and our love for the people it oppresses

into energy

You see, we are bound by hate and love both. That's a bond that's

hard to break. AII we want now is for more of you to share this feeling with us. The
clicks, buzzes, humms, and rustlings of shuffled papers are the music of production.
Our machine is like no other. Why not join us at our next ~Bulkhead! production meeting.

Call 549-2172 for the time and place.

We'll be the first to admit our mistakes. They include the following: (I) the

~BulkheadT is not yet really a Navy paper.

It's treatment of the news is still too general.

(2) We have not gotten enough letters-to-the-editor. (3) Because we are forced to

operate eigay we have not been in close enough contact with one or two

bases here. (4


We have not really explained our twelve point program in detail.

We're sure that you're all on to many of our shortcomings. The only way we can
recognize them and deal with them is if you tell us, either in person or through the
mail. Remember, this is supposed to be your paper.

If we were putting out a supplement to 'Navy Times', if we were putting out a
sea scout monthly, we would be able to clear the paper through base authorities, sell
it in the commissaries and cafetarias, and pass it out in barracks without any trouble.
As long as we'd be putting out a paper which did not challenge the security, the
authority, and the legitimacy of the US Navy, they would have no reason to stop us.
The Navy is not fighting us because we're putting out a newspaper. They're trying to
squash us because our paper and our organization are against everything they stand for.

We are armed with the truth, and we are not kidding around. Their organization and
their lives are built on lies, and they aren't kidding around either. For these reasons we
are partially underground. We expect no mercy from their laws, their courts, or their
prisons. We do not believe in asking permission to make a human revolution. We know
that those who try to openly exercise their 'rights' have always been bitterly disappdnted
to discover that they have all the rights in the world only until they try to exercise them.

But you ask, "If you are underground, how are we going to find you ?" Our paper
and our office are like the top one-tenth of an iceberg. But our strength lies underwater,
in the unity of our organization both on and off base. And no seaman who has ever
seen an iceberg ever forgets that it's the part of the iceberg you can't see which sinks

the ship.

Commie- Pinko-
Prevert Blues

The brass has told many people that
MDM is a communist supported movement,
and that much trouble can come to you
for possessing this paper. Every one of
those charges are outright lies.

MDM is mainly a donation-supported
group. We are not communists, but rather
freedom fighters. They cannot legally
prosecute you for being in MDM, or for
reading or possessing 'Bulkhead'.

MDM was organized to make a better
military by making it a democracy. The
brass cannot let you have democracy with-
out a fight. The only true power they
have over you isfear. From your first day
to your last they must keen you scared,
uninformed and subjugated. We are show-
ing GI's that they have nothing to fear
from the Pig. This strength can only come
from unity and knowledge of the UCMJ.

Brass all over Galifornia know the
nower of MDM, and fear us. They are
losing a grio on the oppressed enlisted man,
and cannot legally do a thing.

Many of our beoiiess were harrassed
and some even brigged on totally phony
charges. They only made us stronger be-
cause our Brotherhood is stronger than
their oppression.

We cannot help more of you brothers
without your aid. The oublic must be
shown the military is corruot and outdated.
This we cannot do without you. Remember
that with us you can break the lifers'
stranglehold. So ignore his idle threats.

Power to the People
Richard Gould


On | June 1970 at about 1500, the
captain of the attack carrier USS Midway
made two announcements. But we are
only concerned with the one pertaining
to MDM, He made it clear that the ship's
officers had intercepted, opened, and
read the letters intended for other members
of the Midway. They had handed them
over to the captain. Only after he had
inspected the contents of the envelopes
did the captain let them be distributed.
He said we were free to read the contents
and make up our own minds whether or
not we agreed with the information in
them. This is a constitutional right given
to all citizens of the USA. Nice of him
to allow us to exercise this right, wasn't
it? But to this 'privilege' he added his
own subtle command by saying if one had
been sent to him he would hand it over
to ONI and let them handle it.

We also know that on 2 June 1970 he
held a forum which was a real joke. He
made it clear that he had unleashed the
ONI dogs on MDM. He also in his own

subtle way made the following accusations
against MDM:
|) He said the ~Bulkhead and the pam-

phlet 'Military Duty, Service or Subser-
vience ?' contained misinformation from
sources of questionable reliability.

2) Because the return address reads
~Student Research Facility', the captain
thought students had something to do with
the paper.

3) Following his ridiculous assump-
tion that students were writing a GI paper
he got even more lost by questioning how
students could pay the cost.of the'Bulkhead'


Our answer to your accusations, oh

1) MDM is an organization of active
duty GI's. The 'Bulkhead is written by
active duty Gl's. Aren't GI's a reliable
source? The pamphlet was written by a
newly reborn Army GI for the Student
Research Facility. Isn't he a reliable
source ?

2) Because of ONI harrassment and
brass harrassment on base, we have an
office in Berkeley at 2214 Grove St. We
share the office with the Student Research
Facility. There are no students in MDM
except students in military schools.

3) We do not get any funds from Hanoi,
Peking, Moscow, Cuba, or any foreign
governments. We also do not receive our

funds from the CIA.

No, captain, the dissent is RIGHT
MAND. The GI's in MDM get funds from
their own pockets, from ads in 'Bulkhead',
from contributions we solicit from sympa-
thetic civilians, and from fund raising.

Food for thought: if the Nuremburg
trials proved one thing, they proved that
each GI is responsible for his own actions.
How many German war criminals went to
their deaths with these words on their lips ?
oBut | was only obeying my orders. "

signed, Members of MDM

imprisoned on the USS Midway


Well, it's true. Big Brother here at
Tl is sneaking around, peeping through
keyholes, listening at holes in the wall.
Brain police are like maggots in the

Last week the fascists herded every-
one in barracks 209-8 over to investigat-
ions for mug shots. It seems that we at
MDM have the brass extremely paranoid
at Tl. It seems that two brothers, Dave
Chapman and Rick Gould had nine pictures
taken when everyone else had only three.

It also turns out that NISO (the Navy
answer to the CIA) has been showing peo-
ple pictures of brothers Rick and Dave and
asking about their political affiliations
and beliefs. Then when brother Rick was
called to NISO about another man's state-
ment, the Pig decided to find out first
hand. Rick didn't deny or admit anything.


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His reply to the charges and a sneakthoto
of him and brother Dave was, "So?".

The brass can only contro! people who
fear them and are apathetic. Our brothers
from MDM here at TI have no fear of the
fascists because we know, that with all
their power, they still fear the Movement.

Brother Dave was stopped one morn-
ing for not wearing socks with his uniform.
That means the pig must be hiding every-
where to watch us dress and do many
other things.

The Gestapo is everywhere, but they
are useless as long as our Brothers are
there. And we will always be there to
protect and defend our Brothers.

Power to the People
signed, The Political Prisoners

of Treasure Island


On Friday, May 22, at about 9:30am
the pigs came to 209-8 to byst 4 people
for possession of weed. In f¥�,�ir travels
they managed to kidnap 9? others. How they
went about it is like reading "The Rise
and Fall of the Third Reich. "

While downstairs at the MAA office,
someone upstairs allegedly called them
~pigs'. How did they know anyone thought
enough of them to waste their breath unless
they were paranoid of the truth? They
gathered 9 of us, everyone on the top floor,
excluding the watch (how did they know he
didn't do it?). When they couldn't extract
a ~confessionT there, they herded us into
the pigmobile, four of us, some in only T-.
shirts, were forced to ride in the back of
an open pick-up truck.

When we arrived at the main gate, we

were informed they only wanted one of us
and we could stand there until 6am. It was

cold and windy there, too. Then one of
our brothers had his beads stolen. When he

asked for a receipt he was told by some
chief who was straight out of Crumb's Head

Comix, that he would get one when he was
~goddamn good and ready to give him one',
which was never.
One of us went to dispencary and over-
heard the pigs talking about how they could
~ make a believer out of us 'punks' by driving
through a car wash with a prisoner in the


TI's own suver Dick Tracy does it
again. He found four more brothers of
209-8 that he could fuck over while just
trying harrass one brother who is an
active participant in MDM. The four
brothers had special 'detail' at the Com-
missarry Store where the MAA ran the
brothers liberty instead of barracks 209-8.
The MAA at the store told the brothers to
put a chit in for liberty on Friday, May

29, 1970, so they could have the three

day holiday along with he rest of the base.

When you run such a chit through,
you must have it cleared by every office
which holds your records. They went to
discipline because their records were
kept there. Then they were told to take
the chits over to super Dick Tracy or
Tough Tommy to have them cleared. Like
the shithead he is, he disaoproved them.
Since when does the Navy let a civilian
or a blundering stuvid moron such as ,
Prettyman sign a chit for a military man's
liberty ?

He doesn't have the name Tough
Tommy for nothing. It wasn't good enough
for him to disaonrove the clits. He ran
out of his office and over to the billetting
office and had all four brothers pulled off

our brother was to be taken to the barracks
as soon as possible. This enraged the most
active fascist of the whole abortion, BT
Sweat. He said that he might be back by
6am. This happened at ||:30pm.

At 12:j5am, the doctor was informed
of what was happening, and called the
main gate and issued the order again. He
was then taken to MG, handed a report
chit, and when he tried to read it, had it
snatched out of his hands and told to read
it on the way to the brig.
reply when asked what he was going to. the
brig for was, "Any fuckin' thing | can

of special detail.

Being the asshole he is, he fucked
over three other brothers so he could sub-
jugate and harrass me because of my pol -

itical beliefs and my association with all
my brothers at MDM.

Super Dick Tracy, not being so tough
or smart, has fun and builds his ego up by

His (BTI Sweat's)

ommy retftfyman

No one in our group was informed of
Article 3l, our rights.

Five of our brother who wouldn't, or
rather couldn't sing, were put in the "back
room". Then the brother who had been to
sick bay inquired about the medical order.
In two minutes they were herded into the
back of the open pick-up, and driven to
the barracks at 45 mph, base speed being
25 mph.

This is just atypical example of fascist
Oppression and subjugation at Tl. This type
of criminal justice must come to a scree-
ching halt.



holding up my records and statements for
as long as he wants to, in order to harrass
me over my political beliefs. Tommy likes
to keep you a political prisoner for as
long as sixty or ninety days.

Prettyman does this because he is
paranoid of MDM. He'll try to make a
man change his political beliefs by hold-
ing him prisoner in 209-8, by holding him
prisoner in the Navy.

Because of MDM, me and others like
me can be helped and shown the way to
use the UCMJ and other methods to out a
stop to the bullshit Prettyman tries to do to
all the brothers in 209-8 and around TI.

With the advice and help from my
brothers in MDM, | used the lifers' own

rules and beat them at their own game.
By taking the issueT to a request mast, me
and three brothers got put back on special
detail. When lifers realize that we're

organized and can fight back, theystop
fucking with us.

put the pig in the brig
power to the people
signed, The Political
Prisoners of Treasure Island


AY |

On May |6, twenty-five bases around
the country called off Armed Forces Day
on the suggestion of the Pentagon. In
some cases, bases were totally closed and
GI's restricted to base because the brass
felt the necessity for extra people to be on
hand for 'riot control dutyT.

Since MDM was already considered a
major threat to military security in the IIth
and 12th Naval Districts, it was fitting that
NAS Alameda prepared for an armed-land
and sea invasion. What's outasight is that
WE forced them to show their real face.
There was no display of too-shiny brass and
too-well shined shoes and too-well discip-
lined squads of troops. Instead there was
just evidence everywhere of a brass scared
shitless. Its gates were locked, its soldiers
confined, and its power mobilized to defend
itself from us, the people, you and me.

While Alameda brass were scanning
radar scopes for sub units of the Peoples'
Navy, while Hamilton and Travis airmen
paced nervously on scramble alert, ready
to intercept the fighter-bombers of our
PeoplesT Air Unit 5, 3500 people had
gathered in a sandy lot near Fort Ord.
Marching to show support for the GI's at
Ft. Ord was the order of the day. Under
threats of parking bans, community har-
rassment and CID provocation, people
gathered in good spirits hoping to meet
and rap with GI's.

While marching to the main gate of
the fort, marchers could be heard cheer-
ing as GI's would flash fists and peace
signs from the other side of the barbed
wire and concertina wire. All this time
helicopters filled with CS gas droned
overhead waiting for the slightest provo-
cation. At this point the people piled up
in front of the gate. Marchers tried to rap
to MPs, but to no avail. People felt that
it just was not enough to march up to the
gate and then turn back again; they wanted
to break down the barriers between them-
selves and the GI's.

Later that day at the rally, a message
was read to us from an MDM brother who
had managed to have this note smuggled
off base. "The brass. . . are reacting as
if they were under attack by another armed
army. They have closed the fort totally.
They issued live ammunition to the GI's
who were forced to pull riot control duty,
and then took it back from everyone ex-
cept the handful of lifers they knew they
could trust. They have barricaded every
gate. They have developed elaborate com-
municgtions systems. They have put lights
and 'restricted area' signs around the stock-
ades and SPD. They have made all the
brothers pull a full day of duty to insure
that they won't be able to rap to you. They
are locking us in when we work and posting
guards at the door They are even making
us keep all windows closed to be sure we
can't hear anything. .. ."

Here's a message to you Pentagon
strategists who're clipping this article and
xeroxing it in triplicate. If you thought
May I6 was heavy, you ain't seen nothin'
yet. This is only the beginning.

: 4
nab geg Fo es,
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y Pe ns a

Deak Salidcaad psa a body. He gave you g head. In that
ead he placed a very delicate mechanism
better knows as a brain. That brain stores
a lot of knowledge. Why not use it? Put
that brain to work and stand up for what
you believe in. Fight for the cause. You
stand one of two ways. You are with us,
or in the silent majority, afraid to stand
up and be counted. Why? You do not
want any trouble. You do not want in
the brig, or whatever the case may be.
We are not looking for trouble either. All
we want is what we are fighting for, and


Two years later | got drafted. | re-
ceived the same harrassment, almost the
same living quarters, the same rotten food,
and we all had the same uniforms. Many
guys kissed ass so they wouldn't have to do
no hard work. We all had time to do. They

didn't know my rame, but brothers, they
had my number!

| feel more people should know how the
Navy is. This is why I'm writing this letter

to tell how it has made my life and my mar-
riage so difficult.

About one year ago my husband and |
were married. About one week before our
wedding he got orders so he went UA. When
| became pregnant he stayed UA to see if
he could get a job. It was hard to find one
because of his situation with the Navy.
When he went back, my nerves got so bad

an Army brother

Dear MDM,

| lost my child. He served his time in the

brig. | didn't get my allotment check
until September. When he got out he
went UA to get a job again. So when

it was time for his next duty station, we
didn't have enough money to get him

When he went back this time, the
judge asked him why he went UA again.
He told him that he had to support his
family, because | can't live on $100 a
month and he has not been paid by the
Navy for over a year. They took away
his pay and he went from a 2nd class
all the way to a fireman's apprentice,
which is next to a recruit. The judge
told him his first obligation was to the
Navy - his family came second. So my
husband asked him who supported his
family, fed them and clothed them. The
judge said he was not obligated to say
because he was not on trial.

| am pregnant again so he went UA.
The doctor told me if | want this baby |
can't work. Before he got a job to sup-
port me, the Navy picked him up. He
was gone only 34 days but they are trying
to get him for 67 days. His counsellor
told him he could expect from 4 to 6
months in the brig.

| cannot live on a hundred dollars
a month and get things for our.baby. You
just can't keep an apartment and support
a baby on it. My husband is an epileptic
and it came back just recently while he
is in the brig. He hasn't had it for over
5 years. All the Navy is doing about it

is es him doped up on darvon and

All | can say is | don't see why we

should be treated this way in the ~richest
and freest' country in the world. ,

a Navy Wk

Dear MDM,

tourscore and seven years ago our fathers
brought forth on this continent a new
nafion conceived in liberty and dedicated
to the proposition that all men are created

equal. Do you believe that all are equal
todayT? Now we are engaged in what
might turn into a civil war. Are you wil-
ling to stand up and be counted for.what
you believe in? The men who fought in
the battle at Gettysburg believed in what
they were fighting for. Why can't you?
They fought because they had a reason.
Give me one real reason why we are in
Vietnam? You don't know do you? |

see no reason why we are fighting some-
oneel ses' battle when we are not wanted.
Don't you agree? In the discussions to
which this interest has given rise, and in
that arrangement by which they may
terminate, the occasion has been deemed
proper for asserting as a principle the
rights and interests of our cause. If they
will not listen to words, then I say give
~em violence. If they will not fight with
word, then neither will we. God gave

the only way to get it is to fight for it.
Don't you agree?


Brother Pepper:

We read in your letter that you were
readly to fight, but you never told us
what for. If you believe that all men
should be equals today, then that leaves
you at war with better than half the
world's population: women.

There's nothing good or honorable
about just fighting for a cause. The USA
is fighting for a cause in Vietnam. The
ruling class of America needs new mar-
kets for its products and new resources
for its factories. Without the oil and
rubber of Indonesia, without the tungsten
of Thailand, without the cheap labor of
Asians, the American economy would

take a nosedive which would make this
recession look like a minor dip. Then the
ruling class tells its puopet ~dita brass
to tell its soldiers that they are fighting
to keep Ky and Thieu in power and to
keep communism from American shores.
Our task, as revolutionaries within the
American military, is to expose the lies
we're force-fed in the military, expose
the brass as the darlings of the American
corporate dite (see our article on ~Brass
in the Corporationg), and then organize
enlisted men and women in the military
as a power to be dealt with.

This is what we're for. If you'd come
down to our office on 2214 Grove Street
in Berkeley, we'll tell you how we're
fighting for it.

Dear 'Bulkhead'

When | was about seventeen years
old, | visited a cousin of mine who at the
time was serving a five year sentence in
Louisiana State Penitentiary, and the
things that came down on those guys were
really bad. When | first got there, | had
to go through a lot of red tape just to see
him. Then | went ona so-called tour.

Six to seven men shared a very small cell
or room. A mess hall that was nothing

but a long room. | heard from many people
that the food was rotten. Then | found out
what kind of trades these men were taught,
so they could get a job when they got out.
Dig, they learned how to repair shoes,
become auto mechanics and many other

low paying jobs. | was also told that most
of their time was used up on useless hard

labor. But if you were a brown=nose you'd
get something really easy to do.

After seeing the mess hall, we went
on top of this wall where there were guards
who stood with high powered rifles. From
there | could see all of the prison yard. In
the yard | saw all the men had short hair
and the same uniforms who were being mar-
ched. These men weren't known by their
name, but by a number they were given.

Yes, it is time to stop apologizing to
youth. It is time to start listening to them.
The youth of today are among the best ed-
ucated people to ever live on this earth.
From this education they have also become
the most humanitarian of the earth's inhab-
itants. They believe that a democratic form
of government will work only if the law-
makers allow it to work. The dissent on the
campuses of today stems largely from this
deep belief in a democratic form of gov-

ernment. The United States Consititution
uarantees that Congress cannot abridge

the right to free speech, but Seaman Roger
Priest was given a bad conduct discharge
from the Navy for publishing an anti-war


he Constitution guarantees that no
one shall be held in involuntary servitude.
But we still have the draft.

The Constitution guarantees that all
men are equal in the eyes of the law. But
see which is granted permission to rally if
permit applications are submitted by a pro-
war. and an anti-war group on conflicting
dates. Better yet, tell me what would
happen if a black family tried to move
into "good ole" West Frankfort. | venture
to say that the most "Chirstian People"
would cast the first stone.

The Constitution guarantees the right
to select the men in prominent positions of
our government. But who selects the men
who run? Certainly not the people. The
Constitution guarantees that only Congress
can wage war. Buf Took what the President
did in Cambodia. For the first time in our

nation's 200 year history WE ARE THE
AGGRESSORS. Yes as much as our
God-fearing, flag-waving Silent Majority
hates to admit it, WE ARE AGGRESSORS.

Today, approximately 40% of the col-
leges in the United States are closed bec-
ause of the War Protests. Don't you think
it's time our ~Silent MajorityT realized that
they are now a minority. Don't you think
that our government realized that whenever
this many people are dissenting to govern-
ment policy that it's about time to re-eva-
luate the issues ?

| will admit that the Communist nations
gleefully watch the campus disturbances.
But | can guarantee that this nation was not
founded by a 'Silent MajorityT.

| would like to close by quoting the
philosopher Stephen Byington in saying,
"It can never be unpatriotic to take your
country's side against your government. It
must always be unpatriotic to take your
government's side against your country."

continued on page 7

" : ;



| have been to many other Marine
Corps indoctrinations before. But the
propoganda that was unleashed upon us
at 'Domestic DisturbanceT (Riot Control)
training, on the 28th of April was so
unreal, that | could not believe it.

We have training once a week, and
| knew that riot control would eventually
find its way into the curriculum of the
lifer pigs. It started out with the hippies.
We were told that the hippies from Berk-
eley and Frisco plan to take over Treasure
Island, not to just occupy the B of A or
the post offce, but to "kick every Marine
and sailor's ass. "

"Men, they want to come here and

take a chunk out of every one of your
asses. " hate you because you have

short hair (like we have a choice) and

they are going to come here and kick
your ass. Are you going to let that .

happen ?

At this time the boots and non-Vietnam
vets yell no.

"Are you going to let the dirty hippies
piss on us and spit on us?"

This time one of the Viet-vets could
hold his piece no longer, and explained

to the men that the people who comprise
these riots have tried every peaceable way.

All non-violent efforts have been exhausted
and a lot of the rioters are veterans too.

. so many friends that | saw killed in Nam)

But this Marine was shouted down by the
people who have not seen what is huppen-
ing in Vietnam first hand. And then the
discussion was turned to the real reason
why we are in Vietnam. This Marine Gun-
nery Sergeant had the audacity to tell us

that our immediate goal should be to fight
CHINA (800 million people) with GROUND


At this point, many of the Nam vets
began shouting Peace, and the lifers were
shouting War, and the discussion was com-
pletely disrupted. The Gunny told everyone
to go outside, and have a cigarette to cool
off, and then return in five minutes. Well,
we're tired of having to listen to fascists
talk their Kill trash. So when we left the
class, we didn't return.

To all of you lifer Marines who may
be reading this article, when you are lay-
ing in the mud with your arms and legs
blown off, and your buddies are dead (like

remember that you could have participated
ina Peace Movement. Then and only then
would you have the opportunity to raise a
family and strive to achieve your personal
goals for life. But-if you remain in the
same train of War thought that you are in
now, then you deserve what your fate

is certain to be. DEATH. Not by the

Chinese or Vietnamese forces, but killed
by the capitalistic War Machine that the
United States of America has become.


This paper does
not represent the views of the

US Navy. Neither do the views
of the Navy represent us. And

that goes. for the US government

We do something they dont do.

After a nice weekend, far away from
the lifers, it is standard procedure to re-
turn on a Monday and again face the fact
that the Marine Corps is really fucked up.
Take for example what happened Friday
night while | was far away on liberty,
not even distantly relating myself to the
military machine. It seems that some
juice freaks, one an E-5, came into the
barracks late Friday night or real early
Saturday morning, and started making
noise, kicking lockers, and causing an
all around disturbance. They woke people
up, went into the Squid (Navy) barracks,
and punched some of them around, while
provera fights with people who they
ad just woken up. And somehow, a mat-
tress was burned.

why people comprising the Armed Ser-

Now the hole in the mattress was only vices must get together and rule ourselves.

about as big as a half-dollar. | have big-
ger ones on my mattress. But the Ist Sgt

decided that it was time to make a big

thing out of somethina. So he said that
we, the people who are supposed to live

in that barracks, would have to have a
field day (scrub the walls and such) every
night after work until someone admits to
burning the mattress. The Marine who
did it was probably drunk when he did

it, and can't even remember if he did it
or not. But regardless, everyone is sup-
posed to suffer. There are quite a few
heads in the barracks, and we don't cause
disturbances when we come in at night,
and so don't feel that we should have to
put up with this illegal infringement of
our free time. It is just one more reason

If it is necessary to defend this country
from outside aggressors, then we will
stand ready and tall. But we must no
longer allow some high-ranking, rich,
non-combat-eligible lifers make our daily
decisions for us. If you want hair, then

_ we can get hair. If you do your job, why

should they ask you to look like a lawn
mower ran over you? We must relate to
each other, and strive to participate in
and learn about politics. We must organ-
ize amongst ourselves and get together,
and stand together when the shit hits the
fan. We owe it to ourselves, living and
serving the richest country in the world,
to maintian the military as professionals
with no infringements of our basic per-
sonal or constitutional rights.

a coffee WOUse at
1927 Haye











Dear Brother:

Although we disagree with some parts
of your letter, we wish to thank you for
expressing your thoughts to us. We will
attempt to answer your letter by comment-
ing point-by -point.

Yau give a series of Constitutional
guarantees followed by their practical
contradictions. The Constitution is a paper
law like any other. Those laws got on
paper because people fought long and bit-
ter struggles for what they thought their
rights should be. For example, a consti-
tutional amendment granted voting rights
to women. That in itself did not guarantee
women's rights. Women themselves strug -
gled for and won that right only after many
years of fighting. And only their continued
vigilance guaranteed that the paper law
meant anything.

On your point that this is the first
time that "we are aggressors". The North
American continent was colonized by Eur-
opean powers. In order to set up those
colonies, native Indians were bought off,
moved out, or decimated. What was man-
ifest destiny if not the continuing westward
expansion of white power? Colonial ag-
gression necessitated the ~slave traffic.
Westward expansion demanded "coolie"
slave gangs. And now capitalism demands
new markets, new resources, and cheap
labor. We are just beginning to find out
that America has been the aggressor from
the word ogo.

Referring to your fifth paragraph. Yes,
we do believe that the issues should be
re-evaluated. Even that is an understate -
ment. However, we can't leave it at that.
We believe that the only way we're going
to get our rights is to fight for them.
Neither Nixon nor the Congress intends
to serve them up to us on a silver platter.

If you'd come into the office, we'll tell
you just how we're fighting now for the

rights we think are ours.



To Concerned Peoples of MDM,

This is to inform you that we on Al-
catraz have not changed our stand. Our
goals remain the same. Even though our
differences with the Government are many
and their actions against us are harsh and
unjust, we will not stop short of victory.
Victory for us is that Indian people of
America will be accorded the respect and
dignity that is the right of all free men.

We are not seeking violence or reb-
ellion, but we are seeking freedom. In
the words of Joseph, "If the white man
wants to live in peace with the Indian he
can... just let me be free. . . free to
follow the religion of my fathers, free to
think, talk, and act for myself. Let me
be free and | will obey every law and
submit to the penalty." That is how it
must be.

We seek your help and understanding
in our efforts for our people.

Indians of All Tribes
John Trudell

PS: Nation follows nation, tribe follows
tribe as the waves of sea, it is the order
of what must be . . . Even the white man
whose God walked and talked with him as
friend to friend must meet his common

destiny. We may be brothers after all we
shall see .


yy VU

P.O, Box 15125
San Francisco 94115


The brass must recognize MDM as an
organized GI movement



We cemand the right to individual con-
science - moral, political, & religious.
And we demand the right to refuse polit-
ically objectionable duty such as riot
control, strike breaking, and imperialistic




All cases would be subject to automatic
review by a board of civilians elected by


This column is open .or your use. This is
the first time we have ever run it. If you
have something you want listed here, send

it in to us in as short a form as possible,
and we'll put it in.

LOST a Martin Guitar (beat up)
around March 21 by a red-haired hippie
mother with baby. Left in a coast guards-
men's car at Sutter and Divisadero in SF.

REWARD. Call Anne Leist 752-6710


phone: 661-5144 San Francisco

offers records at very low prices

Believing that ending the suppression of the American serviceman is an important part
of a larger struggle for basic human rights, the Movement for a Democratic Military
pledges support for the self-determination of all peoples. We are dedicated to using
every means at our disposal to bring about a prompt end to the war in Vietnam, the
exploitation of our brothers and sisters abroad, and the respression, both physical and
economic, of those in our own land. We feel that by remaining silent, the serviceman
has contributed to the denial of this deep-founded right of himself and of people every -
where to live free from intimidation and oppression. WE HAVE BEEN SILENT FOR A


military men having one vote each. We
demand a trial by jury and court of one'
peers by rank. Pluninate all physical cus-
tody before trials. Place the judicial
system outside the chain of command.



End saluting and sirring and special officer

privileges and segregation. End all rank
privileges. We demand the right for an

enlisted men's elected review board of of-
ficer conduct.


Officers and senior enlisted men breed
racism within the service by exploiting and
indirectly pitting service men and women
of different races against one another.
Bring these offenders to trial by the system
described above.


In return for captured American troops in

Indochina, we support amnesty for Eldridge
Cleaver, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale,
Erika Huggins, the Conspiracy, and our
brother war resisters at home and abroad.




The United States military is being used all
over the world to maintain the US empire
which controls the lives of people in other
countries. When those people demand that
we get out, and fight to get us out, we are
forced to initiate a full scale attack on

them in their homes with the most advanced
weapons the military-indisutrial -educational

complex can produce. We will no longer
be puppets tricked into fighting against a
~Peoples War'. We will fight instead to
force these genocidal rulers and the Brass
to get out of Indochina Now.

We've taken ads this issue because we needed the money, and because
it's a quick way of finding out who are friends are. Not every place
in town is out to rip off GI's for their paychecks. Many places are run
by vets who quit the military and settled in San Francisco to open up
either a coffee house or a small store. Others are run by people sym-
pathetic to the GI movement. Those people who supported us with ads
definitely deserve our support as customers. Patronize our friends.

Sin, 7


|'m a Gl who wants to subscribe (free)

i'm a civilian who wants to subscribe.

Enclosed is $5 for a years subscription.

I'm someone who digs what you're

doing and can help with some money.

|'m interested and would like more
information about MDM




city zip

2214 Grove Street
Berkeley, Calif. 94704

send fo:



Up against the bulkhead, 15 June 1970
Up against the bulkhead. Vol. 1, no. 3. June 15, 1970. Papers were handed out to sailors leaving the Norfolk Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia.
June 15, 1970
Original Format
29cm x 44cm
Local Identifier
DS559.62.U6 U6 1970/75
Location of Original
Joyner Hoover
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