East Carolina College Basketball Tournament trophy

East Carolina College Basketball Tournament trophy
Officials hand trophy to basketball player at the end of the East Carolina College Basketball Tournament. Dates from negative sleeve.
March 01, 1954 - March 06, 1954
Original Format
10cm x 12cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
Copyright held by East Carolina University. Permission to reuse this work is granted for all non-commercial purposes.
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Sarah Shepard Swartz Mar 07 2010

What a thrill to see this photo of my grandfather, Jim Butler!  This archive is indeed a special treasure.  I know he would love this collection!

Anne Butler Shepard Mar 07 2010

Pictures 1 and 2 include pictures of my father, James W. Butler. I am so happy to see these!

Anne Butler Shepard Mar 07 2010

Pictures 1 and 2 have pictures of my father, James W. Butler. I am so happy to see them!

Emily Anne Shepard Scott Mar 06 2010

Another picture of my grandfather Jim Butler that I had never seen before..I am so glad to see these!

Sonny Russell Dec 14 2009

left to right: Bobby Hodges,Jack Boone,Mr.James Butler,Don McGlohon

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