Eastern reflector, 26 July 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

The Savory Roaster,
Is far superior to any other
Roaster made, not an ounce
substance lost. Other roasters
waste from to percent
The Savory seamless roaster
needs no water, grease or
of kind.
to be let alone. Retains ail
and flavors, the i
the toughest fowl. One great
feature of the Savory roaster
the oval bottom, with
nary Bat both m n the
cooking has no chance to ac-
and is I
up in of pan.,
bottom this meat juice
a m to the lowest
; the bottom,
turned Into steam and condensed
on the surface f the neat Ins
condensation continues
,. has b come through
i. the temperature of the
re In the t aster, when the
condensation stops and bi n
of the logins.
The Savory roaster is sell last-
and self wrong.
,. , off to oven
. he beat re i i
jack t, which applies a
the roast from a
. Vi roaster a class
itself. Is guaranteed to
Eat faction when used
to directions. Buy one, take
it the directions,
it thirty days, if not all we claim
forth, return it to us we will
give you back your money, pro-
the roaster when return-
ed, is in good condition.
See our window display
roasters. We be
glad to show you. Call and see
J. G.
This is in charge of W. Parker who is author-
to represent
PLACE different
makes of Womens shoes to-
Ask ten women to
make Nine of them
will pick the
SHOE. We have test-
ed and proved this. There
must be a reason why
QUALITY outsells
all other women's shoes in
the world.
C- S.
Won a free railroad ticKet to the Jamestown
in the drawing at C. T. store Saturday
railroad to the Exposition will be given
away next Saturday night and the special
prices will continue at his store this week Every
purchaser to the amount of gets a ticket
ling him to chance at the free railroad ticket.
The Baptist University For Women, Raleigh, N. C
Farmville, N.
J. Stanley Smith and family
left today for Booth Bay Harbor,
Maine. They were joined in Tar-
by Mrs- H H. Shaw Mrs.
Smith's mother. They will visit
relatives in Boston on their way
up. Mr. Smith expects to return
in fifteen days but Mrs Smith
and mother will remain until
, , T.
Lula Lee Joyner. of Lit-
visiting her aunt. Mrs.
J. F. Joyner. of this place
Quite a party of young
people came in on the Norfolk
Southern train from Greenville
today. , . .
J. T Thorne and wife. Misses
Agnes Moore and Ada Tyson.
B. Turnage. B. Lang, W.
G. Gay. and Redding fields left
Norfolk to take in the
Jamestown exposition.
Horse thieves have made
another raid in our community.
Last Saturday night Mrs J. A.
stables were entered
and her drive horse was taken
away. Tho stables of Mr. Red-
ding Lewis was robbed also of
one mule. No clue has
been learned in regard to Mr.
Lewis missing team, but Mrs-j
Taylor's horse was found near
Greenville Sunday, being taken
up by a colored man who found
him in his field with bridle and
i lines thrown around his neck and
i no other harness. Charlie Joy-
i son of Mrs. Taylor, took the
house home this evening.
J. J family, Ft rm-
ville, left today to spend several
weeks out at their commodious
home Old Sparta, in Edge-
E. and Miss Vic-
were married at the
home of the bride, Mr. J, F. Case,
about o'clock p. m. J.
Smith, Esq., of Beaver Dam,
officiating. Immediately after the
marriage they departed, not for
the Jamestown exposition but
over in Beaver Dam to the home
of the groom's father, J. G.
ford. by a host of
invited guests, where one of
those old fashioned country wed-
ding sappers awaited them. We
, hope the young couple may ever
be as happy as appeared on
this eventful day.
Farmville N. C. July 1st 1907.
To whom this may concern.
This is to certify that I suffered
with constipation and
for years. In
fact my stomach trouble was
contracted during the civil war
while living and serving on the
frontier with Co. E. N. C.
Reg, Daniel's Brigade. Upon
returning from the war my
health gradually became worse
until my was such,
that I almost gave up to die I
was treated by the best skilled
physicians within reach,
without results,
and finally I was advised by Dr.
C. J. to discontinue
all medicines and drugs and try
the waters of Green Spring, on
the late Howell Joyner's farm,
which I did. From that day I
never took another dose of
cine, and to my surprise in a few-
I found that I could eat
any thing I pleased without any
unpleasant feeling or burning
I sensation in my stomach. My
constipation was changed into
and instead of retched
and tired some nights I enjoyed
sweet rest and blissful sleep.
In two months I gained from
lbs. to lbs. Furthermore
during my suffering from
I had on both my less
what the doctors pronounced
eczema ulcers, which were as
large as the palm of my hand.
I began bathing them in the
I water and they healed in two
weeks without leaving the least
sign or scars. Twelve years have
elapsed since I began using this
water, and I have not felt the
least of indigestion or
seen any sign of ulcers I can
truthfully say I only wish all
suffering humanity knew us
much of the virtues of the waters
Painter and Designer.
All work guaranteed.
Prompt attention to orders.
R. E.
Farmville N. C.
Slop Brick-
The clay and the best burn-
ed Brick on the market. Orders
tilled on short notice.
and Wilson Streets, Farmville, N. C.
General Merchandise,
For Cash or on Time
Queen Quality Shoes for Women and King Quality Shoes for
on, Shuck and felt Mattresses.
Complete line of in the way of Goods, Clothing,
Groceries, Hardware, Feed stuff and
Farmville N. C.
will buy r soil your
-V. C
Architect and Builder.
work a
Office over Darden Bros, new
Farmville, N. C.
Open all hours of the day.
Optician and Watch-maker,
Glasses Fitted. Examination of
eves free.
All watch and clock work
Lang building, Main Street, Farmville, N. C.
New Firm. New Store. New Goods.
Close cut Prices.
Fine Clothing a
You make no mistake in trading with us, for you get
the best goods at lowest
Perfection Quality and shoes for Ladies and gentlemen
at their out price, fancy goods,
General Merchants
Main and Wilson Ms, Farmville, N. C.
Dry Clothing, Heavy and
Fancy Groceries. Fur-
Stock rind Fertilizer.
Carpets. Mattings and Rugs Agents for
Complete line of
Guns, Pistols and Rifles.
Coupons with premiums for every dollar in cash trade,
and see our stock.
We frequently take other
makes of pianos as part
payment for a
In some cases we have
our expert factory men
thoroughly overhaul and
put them in fine
on. We then sell them
at very low prices on ea-
payments If you
that you don't wish to
pay the price for a new
Piano, let us tell
you about what we have
in these instruments. If
later, you wish a new
we will take the
old one back.
Write us about it
L. C. Street. Mgr.,
Norfolk Va.
The Piano with the
Sweet Official
Piano Jamestown Expo-
Old Stand, Main Street. Farmville. N. C.
Complete stock General Merchandise-
Cash or time solicited
Buyers of Cotton and Country Produce.
Meat, Hay, Corn, Oats and Fertilizer in car load lots.
Everything in Dry Goods and Groceries.
Distributors of celebrated Shoes for Men and Women.
Agents for Moil Laundry C -Jets each
Art school, including Oil.
Normal Course, elective for A.
Applied Design, and Chin Painting.
B. degree, special short course
mime, gymnasium, and
a in the Club, to
of the Green Spring as I do.
W. H. Wilkinson.
Analysis of Green Spring
water, made by the State Chem-
at Raleigh is as
Contains total mineral matter
on grains per U- S.
gallon 16.92; consisting chiefly of
calcium carbonate, and in small
Stray Ho Taken Up.
I have taken up at the Ingle-
stock farm, one boar hog,
color blue, marked hole in
right ear, swallow fork ear.
Owner can get the hog by prov-
same and paying costs and
expenses. W. S. Dickinson,
stock farm
Broke His Neck.
a colored man
who worked for Mr. E. M. M
market, fell off a
wagon this morning and broke
his neck. John was sent out in
country after a load of beef,
and was to have a well filled
bottle of whiskey with him. It
is supposed that drank so
much that he lost his balance on
the wagon seat and fell off.
There was a small wreck be-
tween here and Grimesland on
the Norfolk Southern road,
Monday, that delayed the train
a few hours. No damage of con-
sequence resulted.
Horton Hole
Farmville, N. C.
Polite servants. Best table the
market affords at all
Buss meets all trains.
First good rigs
and horses.
B. S. Smith,
located on corner and
streets. Transient
and permanent. Reasonable
rates and prompt attention.
J T. Thorne.
Main Street.
Farmville N. C.
Everything in an
Drug Store. Good line Oils and
Pants. All kinds of soft a.
I o through the season.
Open a. m. to p.
day lo a. m. ,
Farmville. N. C.
Tonsorial Emporium.
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Experienced Bar-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
Clot hi u repaired, clean
ed and pressed.
Jeweler and Beal Estate Agent j
Watches and Clocks repaired on short
notice. Work guaranteed.
R, T.
quantities of sodium chloride, Do you want beautiful teeth
chloride, magnesium and healthy gums Use our
carbonate, oxide of iron, silica, antiseptic tooth powder
water. I Coward
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Enlarging a
Parker's Old
Farmville, N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Cans
and Wagons.
In fact any kind of work in
wood and iron.
All work guaranteed.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Clause Held to be
by Pritchard
Asheville. N. C. July 22.-
The Federal court was jammed
and crowded with interested
spectators today when at i
minutes liter twelve o'clock,
Judge J. C. Pritchard rendered
his decision in the ens corpus
proceedings instituted last week
for the release of District Pas-
Agent J H. Wood and
Ticket Seller O. C. Wilson, of
the Southern Railway Company
convicted and sentenced to the
county chain gang for violating
the new State rate law The
decision of Judge Pritchard or-
the release of Wood and
Wilson and declaring the penally
clause of the new rate law
constitutional required fully half
an hour in the rendering.
The of the court in de-
unconstitutional the pen-
clause of the while
entirely unexpected hire, never
excited intense interest.
Prior to the rendering of the
opinion Judge was re-
quested to postpone the decision
Of E. J Justice could
arrive in Asheville. it being
toted that he was then on his
way to this city. It was stated
that Governor had
graphed the request, but Judge
Pritchard declined to grant this
request. h that the State
ably represented
Stokes, N. C. July 1907,
W- W. Thomas returned home
Raleigh Wednesday even-
Dannie Barnhill and Miss Liz
of Everetts, came
Ir Saturday Miss Dora
They Sen-
Ex-Sheriff G. M Mooring re-
timed from Norfolk Saturday
Lillian Stokes, who has
hen visiting relatives near
returned Saturday
Miss Jessie House, of Oak City,
has been visiting Miss Nan-
m- House, returned home yes-
G. M. Mooring went to Oak
H. S. Congleton has gone to
Missouri to see his brother, who
s very sick.
Davenport, of
in town Sunday.
L H. Roberson and R- H.
Thomas filled their regular
at. Sunday
Mrs. W. StoKes went to
Charlie Gurganus. of Raleigh,
in Sunday evening to visit
Miss Entertains in Honor of
Misses Skinner and Bryan of
Miss Emma enter-
at her suburban home last
evening in honor of Misses Skin-
and Bryan, of Greenville.
The first prize, a picture, was
awarded to Miss Skinner and to
Miss Bryan was presented the
second prize, a book. Mr. Paul
was given a match holder,
were served during
the evening. Those present
Vere Misses Sarah Staples, Lillie
Bennett. Lucy Wray, Nettie
Marion Womack, Gladys
Cummings, Jamie Bryan, Ida
Womack, Bessie Terry. Ethel
Skinner. Emma Mrs.
A. D- Ivie. Messrs. Sam
Joe Robt
P. H. Neal, Paul Fetzer,
Cummings, Robt. Wray,
Carl Craig, Hugh Hubbard.
Reidsville Review.
Drowned off Coast.
San Francisco. Cal., July
In one the worst marine dis-
asters in the history of the Cali-
coast, between one
and hundred and fifty lives
were lost, as far as has been
learned, by a midnight collision
between the steamer Columbia
and the steam lumber schooner
San Pedro, in Shelter Cove,
twelve rapes southwest of the
county line,
between twelve and one o'clock
yesterday morning.
Important Occasion fur Farmer of
Under an made
by Congressman John H. Small
an agricultural meeting will be
held in the court house, on Fri
day. August 9th, beginning at
There will be present two ex-
perts from the bureau of plant
industry. One of will be
Mr. who is one the best,
equipped men of all the United
States department of agriculture.
He conies very highly com-
mended. He is well informed on
tobacco culture, but is an all
around good man. The other
men from this Bureau will be
Mr. who is an expert on
cotton. Mr. will bring
with him one of his devices for
testing cotton seed, which is a
simple arrangement whereby
farmers can screen out poor seed.
There will also be an expert on
drainage, probably. Prof. J. D
There will also be an expert
from the bureau of public-
roads, probably, Mr. Spoon, who
is most familiar with the con-
of sand-clay roads. We
have these materials in our East-
counties, and this method
appears, at the present time to
afford the best solution con
better public high
There also be an expert
from the bureau of forestry. The
conservation of our forests is a
most important matter,
become more important in the
future. This man will have
him views, and he will
be able, to give an ex-
which will be exceeding-
Each of these men will make
short concise talks, in which they
will lay down a few
important and make
them perfectly to the
will talk about
twenty minutes. I will wish you
to take charge of the meeting,
and I will also nuke a brief talk,
at the close.
This meeting will in no wise
conflict with the
conducted by the
Slate board of agriculture. The
main object is to bring our people
as far as possible, the beneficial
results of the work the United
Stales Department of
MRS. A. W.
The Interment tn be in Oakwood
This Afternoon.
It will be learned with much
grief by many friends that Mrs.
A W. Setzer, formerly a
young woman of this city is
dead. She passed away
day at the home of Mrs John D.
R. Allen, of this county, where
she had gone to spend the sum-
mer, death resulting from
fever and heart trouble.
Mrs. Setzer, who was about
twenty-eight years old, was the
wife of Rev. A- W. Setzer, who
for the summer has been preach-
in Winston. She was the
daughter of Mrs. S. D. Harrison
of this city, and was Mrs. Luke
White when about four years ago
she became the bride of Rev A.
W. Setzer, She was a very love
and attractive young woman
and had many friends. She
leaves three small children
The remains will be brought to
Raleigh and the interment will
be in Oakwood cemetery at half
past two o'clock this afternoon.
Raleigh News and Observer
Mr. Setzer was once pastor of
the Memorial Baptist church in
Greenville, and many friends
here with him in his
Home on Vacation.
Rev. R- R. Fleming, one of
Pitt county's best young men,
who is pastor of the Baptist
church at Newton, Kansas, is
spending a vacation granted by
the church with his father, Mr.
R. R. Fleming, at He
was in Greenville today to see
his sister, Mrs- R. D Harrington,
and to shake hands with his
many friends here. He will
preach in the Memorial Baptist
church next Sunday morning
and night, and our people will
appreciate the opportunity of
hearing him again.
Pritchard Ought Not Have
Gone and Done
May Come Over to the
Way of
Washington. O. C, July
President Roosevelt is
by the action of the Cir-
Judge C. Pritchard in
granting a writ of habeas
to of the Southern Rail-
road convicted of violating the
State laws of North Carolina.
Neither President Roosevelt
nor the Department of Justice
desired Judge Pritchard to issue
his writ of habeas corpus.
of the department o Justice
hold that the case was purely one
for the State courts, and that
Judge Pritchard when applied to
by the Southern Railroad should
have refused to act. His
ion is called here the worst shock
Roosevelt's administration has
yet received.
It is said here the road had am-
that ii could have
obtained a stay of execution and
taken an appeal to the State
Court. From that
an appeal could have been
taken to the United
court These officials say
that the action of Judge
ard is the first case on record in
which federal courts have inter-
in a purely matter.
The President is embarrassed
by the appearance of federal in-
just at the time he is
seeking to secure solid
from the South to the next
Republican nominating
for himself of his legatee.
To make matters worse, Judge
Pritchard must be supported to
the end. The department of
justice is momentarily expecting
a request from him for a posse
of United States marshals to en
force his orders. While acting
Attorney Russell n
to intimate what course then will
be followed it is known that the
force will be furnished
Asheville, N C. July -At
a conference tonight attended by
President Finley, Vice-President
General Counsel Thorn
and Humphrey, of the Southern
Railway; Judge J. H. Merrimon.
as counsel for the State,
States Assistant Attorney Gen-
E. T Sanford submitted a
proposition looking to the settle
of th.; railway rate dispute
between the State co and the
States court The
was forward to Governor
Glenn by wire, and it was stated
by unofficial advices from
that the would ac
Mr San ford's proposition.
The nature of the proposition
could not lie learned.
Asheville. N. C-.
While Southern Railway officials
they have not as
yet asked Judge Pritchard to
take any step to stay the
Judge Long at Raleigh,
who imposed a fine of or
the Other
are today being resorted to settle
the conflict between the Federal
and State courts. Assistant At
General Sanford, of the
department of justice, is here
for the purpose of mediation and
it is known that the State
here are in
with Governor Glenn in
connection with peace proposals.
Judge Pritchard declines to
make a statement for public
but it is understood that he
has proposed to the
of the State that if all inter-
with the orderly pro-
of his court cease,
he will not interfere with the
sheriff of Wake county in his at-
tempt to carry into effect the
judgment of against the
railway company, but will use
his good offices to have an appeal
curried first to the State Supreme
court and then to the Supreme
court of the United States. Such
an appeal has been taken by the
State in the habeas corpus cases
Interesting Items Gathered Here, There
and Every where
Faison, N. C, July
section is now in the midst of
shipped on Saturday crates,
with the Monday shipment shoe-
about as well.
Mr Chelsey Jordan, who lives
in the country, near here, is the
father of children. whom
are living, six of these married
in the last six years, one each
r. twelve are still his home.
Wilson Times.
Mt the as-
of the congregation at
Central warehouse, where the
revival is in progress, a runway
tern swept through a crowd near
the city jail and Mrs- Robert
Martins was struck, knocked
down and seriously injured-
Atlanta, July 2.1. President
Jordan, of the Southern
Cotton Association, will probably
investigate the new spray of
which is said to he an
preventive of wee-
and it he finds that it does
the work, he will probably rec-
it to formers as a means
of getting rid of the pest.
Engineer A. J. and
Conductor T. A- Allison were at
dinner yesterday afternoon be-
tween and o'clock, someone
i limed into the cab of witch
engine No. 1668 standing in the
yards near the Southern freight
depot, turned on the throttle and
hurled the string of box cars
hard against the side of
Dunn's big brick building.
The end car. No broke the
heavy back stop on the elevated
track, leaped across a foot
alley, crashed through the strong
wall, tore down a great section
of shelves, cut through great
piles or goods, and never stopped
until it had penetrated more
than of the store.
No exact could be had
yesterday afternoon as to the
loss. Some said that
would cover all of the damage
others estimate the loss at
a much higher
Corporation Commission
ration commission made public
this evening a statement of th-
reassessment of railroad am
other public corporations in the
state It shows railroad
advanced from tr
The assessment
Atlantic Coast Line is
per mile; Seaboard Air Line
Southern Railway
North Carolina
division of the Southern.
giving; this division
valuation of 110.673,762 against
last assessment
The assessment
lines A. C L .
Seaboard Air Line.
against same amount last
assessment; Southern Railway
miscellaneous roads,
Governor Glenn to the Rail-
Selling at
Unlawful Rate and Suits
Will be Stopped
Asked what he thought of the
of Hie jury and the s. n-
of the court in the can of
vs. T. K. Green and
Southern the Governor
is about what I expected.
Upon the testimony
know after a sharp con-
test, we in
tint Eastern School,
There are now
ties for the county and there-
fore for yon, There now an
absolute forward
movement along all lines. We
to let tin world know the
resources and of the
county. We need to consult, with
each other and plan together
that this may be done. We can
move if we will. The only
is will we do it We can now
have a great institution of learn-
in our very midst from which
there will go out an influence,
enthusiasm, and spirit that will
stir this old county from center
to circumference- Coming with
this will be general development
In every portion and section of
the county. With these things In
view the Chamber of Commerce
of Greenville has decided to re-
quest the citizens of Pitt to meet
in Greenville on Monday, August
the 5th. at o'clock m. for the
purpose of discussing ways and
means and for planning for the
further advertisement, and ad-
of the county. We
desire especially that each town
and village unite with the country
surrounding it and have a large
delegation present on the above
named day If we will come to-
we can accomplish some
thing. Whatever is done tor our
progress we may expect to be
instrumental in its being done.
We shall hope for a great meet-
on Monday, August and
that results far reaching in their
power and tendency towards a
greater uplift along all lines will
speedily come
By order Chamber Commerce
July 19th,
C. E. Bradley Sec
J. L, Wooten, President
North Carolina's
Speaking to the North Caro-
Press Association More-
head last week, Congress-
mi n John H. Small treated his
hearers a most lucid
cf the project to which
he has devoted his tireless
the inland waterway from
Norfolk. Va, to Beaufort. N. C.
The project is a vast one, and it
will take several years to com-
the entire route but the
first of it will be
ed in at least eight months.
The proposed waterway would
much for North Carolina;
indeed, its groat possibilities
cannot now be in
addition to opening new fields of
commerce, it would fully
solve the problem of
with which the North
State has had to deal. The com-
of this waterway would
put an end to the freight rate
discrimination which every
merchant in the state suffers
from, and those towns on the
coast where arriving freight ears
are almost a novelty, will be
brought much nearer to the marts
of supply.
While the inland waterway
commission has several great
waterways under consideration,
there is none which can confer
greater benefits on any one state
than will the which will
make Beaufort and adjacent
of commercial
Beaufort itself will
lie able ;. up direct trading
with the and West
ladies, and she will hive direst
communication with the great
shipping of the east.
The stole of North Carolina
owes much, and will owe more
to Congressman Saudi, whom
The Citizens regard us one of the
biggest men in the state. The
Norfolk Beaufort waterway has
long been the summit of bis am-
and he has night
and day to make it an
fact. He seeks no credit
for himself, however, claiming
that the loyal support of his
friends has been largely
mental in bringing the project
to a successful issue Asheville
A Tr
Washington, D. C. July
Lieutenant-Commander Victor
Blue, of the navy, was
ordered to duty on the battleship
Carolina, with a view ti
his detail as executive officer of
that vessel, when she is put in
Commander Blue is a native of
North won especial
distinction in the war with Spain
by landing in Cuba from the
gunboat Suwanee, penetrating
into the interior for twenty miles
and communicating u General
Gomez, the insurgent leader,
that the Suwanee would furnish
him with arms and supplies.
Special Rates two Days.
The Atlantic Coast Line now
gives excursion rates, for
the round trip, to Norfolk on
both Tuesdays and Fridays,
tickets good for seven days.
no evidence
offered t
to show the rate was con-
and therefore
the jury was compelled
to convict, and the judge was
right in putting the fine on the
real offender not the agent
simply sold the ticket under
will be your future
the Governor was asked.
he said,
the course pursued by th
and Coast Line railroads. If
they will acquiesce in the law
like the other roads have done,
then further indictments will
be made, but if they persist in
selling tickets at a higher rate
than I cents. I will instruct the
State's attorneys to aid the
tors in new bills, and in
prosecuting the same, until those
railroads obey the law, or the
of highest jurisdiction
declare the rate act
I have before stated, I
regret this conflict; I want it
settled, and if railroads will
the evidence is taken
and court passes upon the
constitutionality of act, in
the meantime selling tickets at
rate fixed by he statute, I
will aid i hem in hastening the
Hearing of the case, s all
s and asking all
suits If however, they refuse
to recognize the law. and as a
fines, coats and odium
attaches -o and I heir
agents, who persist in obeying
thorn in defiance of law. o
have no one
as the
v stop, when law
i; News and Observer.
Under a the
News Observer
Mr. Thomas E- Green, lab
selling tickets for the Southern
railway, and who gave his
promise to Judge Long not to
again sell tickets
two a cents, was not
on duly In the ticket office of the
Southern railway yesterday.
Supplying the place at present is
Mr. R. H. the
ticket agent.
Seen on tho street yesterday
afternoon and asked ii he would
say anything as to his future
work, Mr. Green declined t
make any statement, It can be
stated, however though W-
that Mr. Green is
in tho employ of Southern
railway, and is yet be assigned
some particular field of work
I ha road, which will not
include selling
Fatal Jump
u Reflector;
N C. July
Preston Jones, of Providence. R.
I , one of the Tarboro base ball
team who has pick with
typhoid fever f r about a week,
committed suicide last night by
jumping out of the window of
his room in the second story of
the hospital. The fever
had rendered him delirious and
he became so unmanageable that
the nurse went out to get
Before she returned Mr.
Jones jumped out the window,
and striking on his head his skull
was badly crushed. He died In
a short while. His people were
notified by wire of his death.
Deep millets at S. M

k Honor of
Clark. Craft,
Kin, Gods-
bro and Lillian
July . 19th.
most charming crowd
on Third
street from A
not have found
Misses Lillian Carr and
Fountain the u
with beautiful on the
o'clock the guests were
a and
which was written a .-an factory,
am number for the
Se answers all h-an with w
A refreshment were
served which were enjoyed I-.-.
and Rue Clark,
Marv and Julia Horn
and Patrick Carl W
Norman and Blount
Interesting Gathered Her,, There
and Every
old hoy in
Greensboro was n
bull dog and he killed h- dog
with a pocket knife.
You must now pay your
babies on the trains. If your
child is only six months of age
must pay half fare. Do not
forget this when going on train.
Law specifically says -nun-
do- five go Free
July 19.-The rail-
road ticket agents, it is reported,
are beginning to make themselves
disagreeable to the higher
in having to bear the brunt
of violating the law, and take all
tho are getting, t-
running risks of getting In
jail. Wholesale resignations are
being seriously
learn that the Atlantic
Coast Line has issued circulars
to its conductors and ticket agent
saving that if sell
a lower rate than
the rules of the company, they
will be guilty of contempt
the i in pro-
now pending bet ore th-
federal Free
PressT. R. Rob-
gave oat the information
yesterday that the Wilmington.
New Bern. Elizabeth City and
Windsor divisions of the
militia, composed of about
officers and men, will encamp
With the first brigade at James-
town. August to
The naval will blunder
the command of Cant Thomas
E. Daniels, of New Barn, com-
of the naval brigade.
News and Observer-
th, a
a Hard Jolt.
Kev. Anna Shaw, president of the
American Woman Suffrage
Mid iii an address in
for false pride
is a l- college settlement work.
pride I men the belief
the poor regard one as noble
and fine license one
rich. Servants dependents
have to encourage this false
in us. but ii little settlement work
coon undoes the mischief.
know a Philadelphia woman.
She is proud because her great-
Stile of North Carolina Pitt County.
In the Superior Court.
Hamilton Pant Co. vs A. L.
Jackson Bro
By of an execution directed to
I he from the Superior
court of PHI. county in the above en-
titled action. will, on Monday, the
day of August. 1907, at o'clock M
court house door of said county, sell to
the highest Udder for cash to said
execution, all the right, title and
which the said A. L. Jackson defendant
has in the following described real es
t to wit;
A certain tract of hind in Pitt county
end bounded follows m Coo-
township, the land of
Hardy Johnson. J. J. Jackson R. K.
and others lying on the
Little creek, contain-
acres more or and known as
the Allen Jackson Parker
Also one lot situate in I he town of
Grifton and bounded
at a stake S. Woods corner
and running with his line S. K. -2,
poles, thence N. R ft take
theme N W. 181-2 poles to the
thence with the
s. ft. to the beginning deed
in look page
. Also one other situate in the town
of Grifton; and being one half interest
following described land to-wit.
Beginning at a stake on Pitt Ft.
from Pitt St. running N.
W. a distance of ft V U Jackson
line, with said A. L. Jackson line
s. US W, a distance of ft. thence
K. a distance of ft. to Pitt St. thence
E. to the beginning,
said lot being known as livery stable lot,
recorded in book L. S
Also one other lot situate in the
of Grifton. beginning at a stake, comer
of known as Brooks alley and
Queen and s. E. a distance of
ft, N. E. ft. to a stake.
W ft. to Brooks alley.
then with said alley w. to
the beginning, and being known as the
J. Brooks stable lot.
This of July
L w. Tucker
grandfather, n carpenter, happened
to own land that is now worth mil-
lion. her haughty way she did
some settlement work during
mi old woman who it
she virile.; every few days. She
carried the old woman jellies, tea.
olives and such like luxuries. And
she was secretly pleased with the
attention she attracted a- she
up and down the narrow, squalid
neighbors stare at me a
mod she said complacently
ill lie bound for said the
old woman. . suppose they are very
certainly are. the busy.
the old woman grumbled.
doubt they question you
about me a good deal
they do,
smiled again,
For Sale Frank M. Wooten,
tee of the estate of f- Ricks
are of order of the
James R. referee in bank-
in th- court of the United
the Eastern District of North
Carolina, re dared in the matter of
Ricks, bankrupts, the
will sell en
day August 1907, at M. at
I i in the town of
Greenville lot be highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate of
of Ricks, bank-
i. Described as follows to-wit.
A certain tort of land In
township, Pitt county described
tract of land in township
in around the be-
ginning at a knot a corner
B. and Calvin Mills lands.
and runs W. B. Dixon, Al-
Mills and Mills North lit 1-2.
North West
piles to of Samuel Elks
grant I hence with that line which
is now lire North
tea edge of the
Burnt said Smith's corner and
is this made a division comer be
and I. H. Mill
I In the Court.
i Before D. C Moore,
Sidney Woolen Charles Woolen.
Ra e H. J. F Wooten and
Herbert E. Wooten.
By Virtue of an made in I he
above Special by l. C.
of the Superior court.
11.- 7th day of Ma. the in Fixtures
ad commissioner ill .
day of June. nm.
expose to the court Items
House deer in to Gold Coin
bidder for cash the I Silver Coin
th. Pitt
North a in Swill
-m THE
Um and Discounts Stock paid in
Overdraft Secured
profits S
1,825 w-
she asked sweetly.
said the old woman, j.
mo dressmaker, and t
do at
The Modern
II. c
food ; die
to tell an
in aid he said.
Iv .
. tween said .
you tell I thence with an agreed line,
ix spirit man rested
tor instance, tho
said Mills and said line runs
I across the Burnt
West poles to some chopped trees m
lb. run of Well branch m
Calvin Mills line; thence with his line
and the run of mid Well to
some chopped said Mills corner;
thence w th another of his lines north
151-1. poles to the beginning
cent two hundred and sixty six
and one half more or The
is to reject any and all
This 18th. el July 1907.
Frank M. Wooten,
Trustee in
. . lie
I lie oilier day
Trunk township, the of
T. H. Fleming. J M- the.
Green lands d others, and
or is. and being the
lands as the Charles
Wooten Home This sale will be
made for partition.
This the 7th cay of May. . i
F. C. Harding.
Commissioner .
r- u
I, J. H.
ii ill
-i ii.
e. . .i- i ii to
i st of
In Greenville
upon getting the Eastern Train-
School the Gold Leaf most
heartily felicitates Brother
Whichard of the Reflector to
whose untiring efforts no little
of the credit for success is due.
No paper ever worked more per-
and intelligently in pro-
any cause and in we
hour of success this fact should
not be overlooked-as is too
Cold Leaf.
To Wash Down
Pawn and small feather or
pillows which have become
toiled can washed at home with
Little trouble and expense,
j.- . a day. for the dry-
is . I you need
.,,, ;. . u gentle
water, and
one of the mi , i
. id n a
l tho man said.
wall proudly with
. to clerk.
in next door, and we'll
show here gentleman what
ii. walls is like.
run into the house.
The I shouted through the
wall M
an hear
sir. can hear John
builder, looking
can yo see me he shout-
sang out John.
sir. see ye.
-The builder turned to the pros-
walls fur he
Boston Globe.
Having qualified as of
John Pierce, deceased, notice is hereby
riven to all persons holding claims
said estate to file the same
with the undersigned wit bin twelve
months from the this notice or
this m tic will be pleaded In bar of their
All persons indebted to the
said estate will please make in-mediate
to me.
This June 17th. 1907.
H. A
Administrator of John
quilt or
and ,
you i
i I I
iI ii
. . III
. . .
. .
Up to
trust kind of
a conference, for that
a said Governor Shel-
don of it is conducted
ho unfair, to be
to I e suspicious, is always to
Tho man ii Ii
error and makes a fool of
There was a very suspicion-
countrymen who went to New
to lights, Coming to i
y, t he
to find that the
to this splendid building cost
Ho mounted the steps , or
, .,
umbrella, sir, said a u-
formed extending hand
countryman jerked beck his
hushed scornfully a.
turned on heel.
there was some cheat
about ft when ye got in be
of j Sale
State of North Carolina, Pitt,
In the Superior court.
H. W- vs J- M.
By virtue of an execution d-
to the r m
the Superior of Pit county
in the entitle action, I will.
on Monday, the day of Au-
1907 at o'clock M. hi
the Court House door w
county, sell to the highest bidder
for cash said
all the right, title and interest
which the said J. M. Williams.
defendant, has in following
real estate, to-v it
in Town-
ship Pitt county ;
stake on the Greenville roan,
Mrs. R P. corner.
531-1 E. poles,
thence N. E. 571-2 poles to
the run of Otter creek, thence
up the run said creek to the
county bridge at the
rend, there down th wad lotto
. Also one tract
I n i. town ;
u at j
at a stake M. P
i n f nor. N. E.
, a stake in B. M.
In, o on the mill road, thence
mill road to the
I o. thence down the
road to i
O o r.
J V.
.,,,.,. . 18th.
Hi.- i-i r--
mis is.
ill l
i a
i hum
m Nat
ind other U. S,
Suite of Count, of
I W H bird the above named
is true to the best of my
ii pi
in nil
I Deposits subj. to check 23.753,06
cheeks oat-
edge urn
sworn to be-
this 27th day May-
T. Carton
W. H Cash e
in-Snow Hill
raid Hill i
be Magic No.
H. Me.
much v th liver and Indies
hence u
Hours Every
end known as the test
p . in Division o; three
d lest on Kr
the of y
Willis ii. Williams father of J. M- J-
This day j
I. W. Tucker sheriff.
f TO
on Third
We have just received our
new line of woolens for spring
suits. Come and have a look.
All of all kinds -i
a limited
i in
to and Funeral
Bulb Pot plant for Winter
plant-. aid Shade trees
great variety.
To Liver or
Bladder I Other
o and if
it cure will refund
your money- a
full of
j mi if it viii then
UNA SOL until
entitles yo
t. i, b
f bottles
given away. I -M this op
Raleigh, N. C. Phone
Hi. -ate II. Mir-
Bruit store
A family is very useful to teach
men not to any
on himself.
will nun -u Ii.-.-.
of Lr
and my k on either the
or vs
Heart or are mere-
la of a ailment. n i
the of
U the result your ailment
ml lie Hie Weak Sc. inch
And the
Heart. II. haw their
nerves, wee
weak vital He. In
m el-it.- Una
No other I i-V n e t
the n. . M- r
inc. or
u-e h.-
Write to-day I tree Jim
Dr. k
Weak Women
If you can
rival is
smile your
I wot.
pleas ant. good remedy
ho .
Ii i-
every or
; contains opiate-
Spate. i--v and tar and
tastes I syrup.
Children like it. H
the man who An
free s.,;.;, of
at o ll real
disturbs your Stomach,
Heart or Kidneys, then try el
Coffee imitation. Dr.
Old lava and Colt e
in flavor and taste, it has not
iii it.
Health Imitation in made
from pure toasted or cereals,
with Malt. etc. Made in a min-
No tedious wait. You will
like it. Ly T. K Co.
a rule, oilier are the
best judges of importance.
All stomach trouble are quickly re
leaved bl a little after
each meal. to th.
seat of the trouble. the
supplies the natural
digestive Juices and what
eat. It is a clean, pure, harm-
less remedy. Don't your
Take a little l after ea h
meal and it makes you
feel. Money it lull. by
John I,.
Drifting with the tide is
way to get anywhere; the tide
flows both ways.
Bert Barber, of Wis.
have only taken four do. of your
and have
done for me more than any other
ever done. I am still
the rills as want n perfect
Mr. Barber refers I. Kidney
and Bladder Pills, which are
for Backache, weak
of the bladder all urinary
A treatment for
Sold I. Drug Store.
The way make
to make a fortune.
admirers is
There is no indigestion,
matter how irritable or bow
will not speedily relieved by
the of The factor in
the any disorder is rest, and
the only way to eel rest is to actually
digest the food fertile stomach itself.
will do it. ll a scientific pro
vegetable acids containing
the very .; nun ll healthy
stomach. It conform to the Pure Pi
and Drugs Law. Sold by I W
A woman who at-
the h In
11- hi Ii many horse-
from diseased
l. and
, mi ind On
the -lb. . t one i-
l I lie that this i
not tine, hut there is .
room for mu. b in
About the
nary and
by Hie in
groom, i- or filing th.
tooth worn down
on one tide and lean-
side sharp and
Hut u p. hear anything
.; treat-
them. if they or
gums U- beyond
remarked, ex-
pain it must be to have,
a cold put on sensitive
or a nerve OX-
mi- reasons
en- a adds tho
and Driver, aside from his
Web as a
Mention inter-
in part
of a spent, in collecting
. printing cobwebs. The process
i- ea v. Let him get the
; sprayer, put in it some
mg thinned turpentine
and from a tube.
Then lei him lake some old window
glass or a few denned photo
and go in quest of clear web
a good lie will find it in an
outbuilding or fence in the open.
When found, let him spray it, then
bring ii U dry plate of glass behind
it inn lift it from its moorings. In
about two hours the web will be dry
and so hard that the plate can be
Wished without any injury to the
From plates thus secured he
may make prints to his heart's con-
tent. To make combination
put tho over any Clear
negative and print through both of
them,. For printing the webs them-
selves blue print be used
to advantage, inasmuch as it
A well dressed man, whoso gen-
appearance and hand baggage
indicated his recent arrival in this
country, stood in the ticket line
tho Grand Central station. When
he reached the window he asked
one ticket to
the ho was
told, and, up his belong-
he took bis place at the end
another cue.
-aid when his turn came.
the clerk asked. Io the distress of a
long string people who had just
a minute In train.
said the
end the agent
reeled lie in outside to show
the man where he get ticket
for and for the third
time he tie last in
long lire.
tho officer.
have time for
York Tribune.
IO halo
k and ll
b. la la
but an beak
In Shout Con la
all all blood
Ha M
ad and
u about
la wall
Night Cure
are by
i toe
of you h
or of t heart
expand puff
hurt This crowds the heart and inter-
with its action, and in of
Up the heart Mad.
Dyspepsia Cure
what you et, the strain off
of heart, and contributes nourishment,
strength end health to every organ of the
body. Cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the and
Tract, Nervous Dyspepsia and Catarrh
it the Stomach.
would m by
ti, and I vary wk
a of and it gave ma
Attar I am
had end was In a bad a I
with It. I took
Our for four and it ma.
at You Eat
About home
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
f so the first thing to consider is a
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better lot
The aggressive man is usually
only a polite way of referring to
your quarrelsome friend.
For scratches, burns, cuts, I
bites and the many little hurts common
to every family,
Witch Salve is the best remedy.
It is clean and heal-
Be sure you DeWitt's. Bold
by J. L. Drag Store.
Don't ail your family skeleton
People know enough about it
when it is kept locked in the
Piles get quick certain relief
from Dr. Magic Ointment.
Please note it is made alone for Piles,
and its action is and
Itching, painful, protruding or blind
disappear like magic by its use.
glass jars
Sold by Drag Store.
Some women can fool you about
whether their complexion is made
up even when you it.
Mothers who their children
Cough Syrup invariably
it. Children like it because the
taste is so pleasant. Contains
and tar. It is original laxative
cough syrup and is unrivaled for the re-
lief of croup. Drives the cold out
through the bowels. Conforms to the
Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by
Jim. I.
of India.
A revolutionist who
the fatuities of tho
to groat excitement by
the fantastic statement that ill
epidemic not exist and
that the deaths weekly at-
to it really caused by
the of drinking wells by
government was
ed the other day to two rig-
imprisonment. An
who dropped harmless balls
into wells, alleging that be did
so order of the government, was
condemned to eighteen
John L.
No proper surpasses for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now a
reasonable prices and on easy terms. There
is every indication that property around
is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the lot the h
it will cost.
This property is located minute
walk from the business part ox the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
and terms.
L.- I.
N. C
Fire Timber.
Government tests of fire killed
have demonstrated that this
wood is good should
as thoroughly seasoned timber
as-far as its use is concerned.
killed limber cheeks when
for any length of time.
Ibis is an obstacle in the
its for some purposes.
which hat by lire should
be rally used within one
after it killed, but
railroad ties been mad
from timber killed fifty years
Private on Drill.
Enrico the far famed
ho was a youth of nine-
teen was drafted into tho Italian
army. His drill sergeant reported
him to Major for singing,
but tho major discovered something
unusual in bis voice and, after
reprimanding the sergeant,
promptly aligned Private Caruso
to spend all the leisure that his mil-
service allowed in study with
tho teacher of tho band.
tor with ft he times must
to advertise judiciously he must have space in a paper
the people read.
ii cults announcement direct to
people and brings result,
When you warn good
P Send your orders to The Reflector.

am Mil
as claw matter Jan. I. at the post office at
i Act of congress of March
tit mace upon
desired at in Pitt
froth in to
The Reflector takes great pleas-
and pride in it, orientation
of today's issue. We have en-
in its columns, give
a simple, of
the town her yet the
half been but
is to civic
pride of the community and
engender within our people a
more general realization of what
we .-e as a town and the
and possibilities before
At Durham Carrie Nation used
her ammunition on the tobacco
and whiskey joints pot a
rest for the time being.
In Mississippi a was
lynched by a mob of thirty of
his own race. Being a man
bad character, they took the
shortest route to get rid of him,
following a bad example that
been set them by their
Even two and three quarter
cents would have been a great
deal better than three and a
quarter. If the legislature had
been a little less radical the
people would no doubt at this
moment be enjoying the half-
cent reduction, but in trying to
grasp too at one time it
looks mightily like we have lost
all Charity and Children.
Editor Johnson in writing the
above, must have overlooked the
fact that in the legislature of
1905 Representative Laughing-
house, of Pitt, introduced a bill
providing for cent passenger
fare- This bill passed the house
by an overwhelming
but the railroad lobby
ed in getting it killed in the sen-
ate. If that bill had passed and
gone into effect there would
boon no pas fare bill be-
fore the last legislature. The
failure of the bill at that time
made it an issue in the next cam
la a Place
Things Art
Iii Harper's Robert
write of curious
old time customs
unique conditions in Guernsey, one
of the Channel
found that in everything
wide y distributed, many going
to northern eastern cities,
the good to be thus accomplished
by attracting the attention of
the outside v Greenville.
what she is and she has to
offer, can hardly be calculated.
Today contains more
and more information con-
than any
other paper ever publish d.
To business men who have
so liberally supported the enter-
prise, and without hose aid its
success would have been
we extend our thanks.
They have proved in this, as they
do at all times, that they are ever
ready to support any project that
will benefit Greenville or aid her
in her further growth ard
Loyal and progressive they are
today making Greenville the
town of her she in Eastern
North Carolina.
Because of the of, am the legislature
whooping cough in some 1907 took up the matter the
than in 1905.
have only them-
selves to blame for the situation,
us. hit upon the cat w
town it untold benefit, with of giving a whooping cough L. ,. h.
six thousand copies. T, ,
Guess you mean a whooping,
They are still arguing over
It certainly is gratifying that
is making much rapid
ii pi ogress. The
r of Commerce
could hardly have taken a better
step than the to establish a
rest room here. It is going to
be a certainty and ti at in the
mar future. Such a room will
be a great convenience and com ,.
for to the women throughout expressions,
the county who come here shop-
ping or to spend the day. They
will show their appreciation of
interest in their com tort on
and if they showed a disposition
of fairness the people they
would find the people ready to
be fair thorn.
We have no desire to butt into
what caused the explosion on the this mess anent the conflict of
battleship Georgia that between the State
several men their lives. Too late and Federal Courts, but we feel
., , . f to ask if one ever
for that now, as no amount of
. . . before heard of a governor a
argument can bring the Stale issuing an open letter
back to life, and where such to Superior
quantities of explosions are Court It may be all right
gathered together an accident is and proper; we are just asking if
likely to occur any time. like was ever before clone
c . ,. t j ;, t., Greensboro Record.
safest thing do is keep the . . . ., ,
i Whether it was done before or
men off battleships . .
j not, what is the odds Must there
,. . T i ti d precedent everything
During the past The Re-1 , , ,, .
Sector has published a number that had
of excellent articles taken from to have i beginning somewhere,
the State papers, that kind and if Governor Glenn wants to
We see it suggested in an ex-
change that the talk of sending
all our warships over to the
Pacific coast, in order to ward
off a possible attack
has a ruse it That is to
leave all over Atlantic coast is the place that i
lent. Men are of tits
protected for the time being t ,, ,.,. .,,.,.
i- jut cent smaller limn
l i red ice
I of la ii one i by
and divide by thirty-two,
is given
ships. Here we are, holding j.,., for shilling.
peace conferences and at the; day or quarter
same time pushing preparations
, or- with other islanders
for war. The best thing would with for parts of rents
be for the peace conference in wheat and
get every nation to agree to dis-, ,,. ,,,,.,
for chickens likely to specify
the i. i i in ii ii i length of
U m ii tn Fell or devise
real lie is not a free
as to bring strong pressure to
bear upon Congress for a big
appropriation to build more war
arm every war in the
world and use the ships for com-
If there was not a war
vessel in existence you would
never hear any talk of war be-
tween the nations. Universal
disarmament would be the quick-
est way to secure universal
The between the
graph companies and the union
operators is about to be settled
without a strike. That is good for
all concerned.
The war between
the United States is all in the
newspapers, and will likely not
be anywhere else.
reference to Greenville in con-
with the location of the
Eastern Training To
read these articles ought to till
the heart of every citizen of Pitt
county with pride. For Tin.
Reflector and the people of th-
county we desire to thank the
make a good move, as he did in
this we are to
set why there shoe Id be any ob-
raised to it
Ii was rather a dull day this
week on which some railroad
agent was not indicted for
passenger rate law.
The Anson county lynching
case now on trial at Mo roe, does
not draw like the rail-
road matter at Raleigh.
Counsel in th i trial
have actually tire of it
The public that way for
some time.
Keep cool is good advice, but
keeping cool is another matter.
the part of the business men of
the town.
There has not been blow-
The m in who is filling Editor
King's place on the Durham
brethren of the Press for their Herald, while the latter is taking
in the press convention at More-
. head and going a fishing, is put-
It has been made clear that mighty good stuff in
North Carolina can enforce her place of King's spicy paragraphs-
laws, in spite of the attempted term of court
interference of a federal judge. in beginning on the
Now that this fact is established
22nd, has five murder cases for
about the special edition of I Governor Glenn gives out a state- But when it is that
Where so lying is
on. as is note J in the Hay wool
case, it is no wonder that the
lawyers got to calling each other
if Out article in Tues-
day's Reflector was pied, every-
body tried to read it, judging
from the way they have been
I us about it.
The Reflector, in fact it has not
been mentioned in advance in
print, nut it is here to do its
own talking-
that if the contending rail- Wilmington has about sixty bar
roads will acquiesce and obey rooms there be much
the la a-s, the suits and at this murder record.
j will stop, otherwise they
The railroad agents can expect the
neither tie unwritten law nor L , , . There are various reasons given
Brainstorm. They go at their to seethe rail- suicide
violations with their eyes open, roads and their punish- but the Chicago man who killed
ed, but they should be made to
keep the laws just as other
are to do. We hope
the railroad rate trouble is near
its finish.
Wonder if the railroad agents
will make good road hands.
There is one consolation, they
will not have to work extra hours.
The heat of was
too much for the Elks and
of them had to drop out of the
parade from prostration.
One trouble with Federal Judge
Pritchard was that he could not
be in both and Raleigh
at the same time.
Looks like the railroads with
the aid of Judge Pritchard have
stirred up a hornet's nest
We can look for big
stories when the editors get
Vi e are betting that the State
will come out on top.
himself because he was tired of
raising potato bugs is the latest.
A Chicago paper suggests that
he might have raised turnips.
It may depend upon the kind
of glasses one looks through, but
reporters of the Durham Sun
and the Durham Herald have
very different ideas Mrs
Carrie Nation.
The Asheville Citizen's cartoon
of Judge Pritchard meeting him-
self coming back, was the best
hit of the whole thing.
The has the right
indefeasible to the to
part of land, and the other
have the to remain-
If there are no children and
the makes a deed of sale, it
be publicly announced, and
any one of kin us mar at the
may the
and purchase the land himself.
easily understands why land re-
mains in fame families gen-
man dies, leaving personal
property. ; i into as many
share-, on.-, us there are
The eldest ion select two
shares, the children
one each in order of age,
the original division, insure fair-
having been nu. by the
youngest, who, perforce, takes the
share that is finally left
Perhaps when one makes that
conversational blunder which is
known us u it is best to
Fay nothing whatever about it. Ex-
only renders n had matter
long a lady was visiting
studio of a . i. l painter and
Irving to make lie elf a- agreeable
a possible in return r a welcome
and afternoon tea. She enjoyed the
pictures, in N case they
lo her inn i idealized,
-he from one lo another, civil-
expressing her
she to her hostess,
tell me about them Who
j i-
don't know charming, but
if course I can't speak for the like-
i try to ho said the
art; t
I I know And
who is the very pretty lady in
other, with some
A that
when use .
lull d with h I Hie
time ;
of Then, later on,
there was a i in
where cloth
was i
Pint i
I I his first
K . . ii win ii i .;. years
old. AI Hull i Id a
. i . ii I the
I. . i . . ltd Ii
a- If. . I . in
i of that
earn I n i I uttermost
parts of the . i i, I, n IS
In Iii . el -c . I much
i me i. i i i . i New York,
end lie tin I.-
The Anson county lynchers, .
next move is Governor
It looks as if Greenville's train, tried last week in Monroe, were ; ,.,., and we hope he win
school is to be a dangerous acquitted. Nevertheless the i one.
affair as The Daily Reflector now J
agitates the need of a hospital.
Durham against them. You cannot
, .,,. ways tell what a jury will do.
Oh, come off. and don t give it
to us like that. has Southern railway legislature is
already got the training school took to make a cat's paw of Whether the State will
on the the policy of Agent Green, but Judge Long submit to this, Of whether Judge
Judge Pritchard takes the law
i ; own hands and says the
cotton, Ii
material was us in the eleventh
century. The Moors made
this which was striped, so
in time com-
in hence in low Latin
in in
and in Gorman
tells of waist-
coats with gold and in the
eighteenth century there many
references to worn by
great ladies. Today in the south
tabby means a striped stuff.
Pounds of Modern Geology.
The i geology con-
of two schools, the one in-
on the doctrine
other on the of
uniformity. The former regard, i
those changes which have manifest-
place in the history of t i
. ., vi , planet as occurred at
t enacted by the North , Vi; ,,.
Judge Pritchard run down to is not of the heart, we would
Raleigh and then run back again. like to have a good place in
which to care for the m properly
This has been a strenuous week
in the Old North State.
The Reflector is to agitate things reached clear over him
we haven't got. That is the struck higher up-
way to keep things coming our
way. there is nothing danger Thirty dollars
school, it ii and to learn
not likely to make any of us Southern railway that it is
sick, but if any of the dear girls better the law.
should happen to get sick, and it ,. .
Keep your eye on Greenville
; see a town that is
Fact is. a hospital is not a bad
thing to have handy.
Buying property in Greenville
is a safe investment.
is greater than the
of North Carolina, is a
matter to be shown later.
The report from
ville that just across the
lint the dog eating monster
has appeared again and
around at night devouring every
that comes i n reach. May
the generation of that monster
increase and a few of them find
their way over into North Caro-
on the principle of the in-
variability of the laws nature,
affairs hive always.
gone at the same rate ill
the way as they do now. Of
this school Sir Charles
died was the
York American.
It Worth
A passerby at
; ii n poking a dollar hill
through a crack in n Ii walk.
under the sail are you do-
see. replied the
Irishman without looking up from
bis work, minute
pod ii nickel through this crack,
now putt a dollar through
to make it me to
pull up walk get
with many cf fa-
kip, Chief
among his lie. certain Cup-
i i. e. . of the clip-
per i hip
old mm ii oil to fill the
mind of Hie i hero of San
with r of
rid es-
capes from the i ii I-her in
lo. the
of Hie youth and stirred his
ambition. In 1808 the hoy who is
now president raised a fund by pop-
subscription for the purpose
of a tor the officers and crew
of the all of whom were his
Al head of n delegation of
youngsters lie visited the ship when
it next come int. and with due
ceremony Hie library, con-
of forty-five volumes, to the
skipper. The presentation
was made by Mr. When
reminded a few days ago of this
event by an old friend the president
said he remembered it perfectly
frequently he had wondered if
any of the or crew of the
Rival were .-till alive and if so if
his speech.
it was a mighty fine
raid he. so did Cap-
St. Louis Republic.
What W May Come To.
the leader of the
Russian d labor party, was
marveling in New York at the
strength of the unions of
that I grasp the size and
power of these he said.
Smiling, see the point of n
that I railed to understand coming
over on the boat.
American woman told ma
this story. She said that a young
bride was found one afternoon cry-
bitterly in the smoking room of
her i
my said an elderly
matron, is the matter with
sobbed the bride, go-
to leave George Hear me, I'm.
going straight hack home to moth-
exclaimed the matron.
George already proved unkind
Well, they're all alike,
the weeping bride interrupt-
ed her.
she said, her shoulders
shaking with grief. i- n
dear. He's perfect. Rat that brute
of a Henry Simmons has refused to
buy Mrs. Simmons ii new dinner,
and District No. of
Amalgamated union has been
ordered out on a
Met tho Emergency.
said President
Wilson of Princeton,
youth of our laud now behold ex-l
annual ion time approaching. I hope
none of them will he so ill prepared
and i as I student
whom I heard of lost year.
young man is he sat wail-
for his oral examination in
Greek saw passing down the lino an
extract of extreme difficulty.
passage would inevitably flunk him.
There was to lose. What
was he lo S
desperation hold of
a frail fellow student, who was
to epilepsy, and, though tho
young man was . well at tho
he parried him s if ho
were in a lit.
his return ho got easier
This department is l. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory
Picture frames made to order
by Eastern Carolina Supply Co.,
N. C.
Miss Jennie Brooks, of Kins-
ton, is visiting relatives and
friends here this week.
Th e famous mower;
with reaper attachment is the
thin to harvest your oats with, j
Get one at Harrington Barber
Co u
We sell Laughlin, Eclipse and
fountain pens.
B. T.
We have on hand a few copies
of the history of the San
co disaster. Usual price 14.60.
Our price, B. T. Cox
V Bro.
Now is a great season for
traveling. Go F- Manning
Co for trunKS.
You just ought to come down
and see the nice and up to-date j
Hunsucker buggies being turned
out almost almost every day by i
the A. G ox Co.
Bring wheat to the
Una Mfg. Co They
are now to make first
class flour-
Blacksmith work prompt-
at Mfg.
We have just opened a nice
lot of beautiful rugs. A- W.
Ange Co.
R. Son have moved
their stock of goods to their old
stand and A. W. An go Co will
occupy brick store. They
will use it for a store.
Lawns, laces, organdies, ham-
going at a at
Barber Cc.
Mrs. Spivey and son returned
to their home at Kenly Thursday
morning after having sprat some
time here at the home of E. A-
See our new assortment of
hamburgs, laces etc at B. r,
Manning Co.
We deeply with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrington
in the of their baby a
day or two old It was interred in
the town cemetery Friday.
Hamilton arc the thing
for shooting on gun outing trips
fishing, etc. this sunnier.
Barber Co.
Rev. Henry Haddock, of South
Carolina, preached excellent
sermon at the Baptist church
Wednesday night. He will
preach again Sunday night.
belts umbrellas
for summer use at B. F- Man-
Miss Mattie of Seven
Springs, is visiting Miss Olivia Cox Bro,
Cox this week-
Tobacco twine, lanterns,
handles, thermometers are need-
ed in curing your tobacco. Get
them at B. F. Manning Co,
There were regular services at
the Free Will Baptist church
Pants for the next sixty days
must be cleared out for fall stock
at greatly reduced prices,
A. W. Co.
Keep the troublesome flies out
of your house. They carry germ.
Window screens are the things.
A. W. Ange has them.
Our farmers must be getting
for curing tobacco from
the number of trucks and flues
being carried out daily.
of hands will beat
those of the A. G. Cox Co
They mad tobacco trucks
Keep your lamps and lanterns
in good trim. Get your
at Barber Co-
Root paint, varnish, stains,
coloring etc, at Harrington, Bar-
Remember the A. G. Cox
Manufacturing are still pie-
paring to make their up-co-date
Pitt Co. No school
should be with out them.
The A. G Cox Manufacturing
Co. are still preparing and doing
nil in their power to their
order for tobacco trunks,
; even though the demand for
is this season than
i Look for a m at the nice
j Tobacco Flues being almost
; turned out by The A. G-
Co. We guarantee good
I goods at prices
i J , work done at
I the Carolina Milling
A large line of umbrellas and
i parasols just received at
Our merchants have l
the comfort in good level aide
walks made of cement.
Carolina Milling
Co. are prepared to
grind first meal for you
any tine Wood work a
Notice-Our st. ck of station
must go. We must make
room for our immense stock of
new goods now coming During
j the next forty days we will make
, special prices to all our customers
on our box papers
B. T. Cox Bro.
T. W. Wood Sons 1907
; nips and seed can now
be had at the drug store of Dr.
B. T. Cox Bro.
Try a tree brand pocket knife.
They are under
hey are kept in stock by B. T.
BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
Mrs. J. R Johnson and Master
Jimmie Ray returned Friday from
Ayden where they spent some-
time with relatives. They were
accompanied home by Miss Car-
Johnson, of Ayden.
A. W, Ange Co. have a
large assortment, of trunks,
valises, suit cases and telescopes
that they will at greatly reduced
prices for the next thirty days.
See them, they are beautiful.
etc , at W. Ange Co.
A large lot of chairs and other
furniture just arrived at A. W.
Ange Co.
Rev. B. B. Stanfield, of Ayden.
was here Friday on
Bring your chickens and eggs
to Harrington, Barber Co.
Highest prices paid for them.
Miss Olivia Cox has returned
from a visit to Ayden.
Keep cool these hot days. Get
your palmetto fans at B. F. Man-
Miss Tripp, of Oxford,
is spending sometime with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs- Bryant
The famous Hawks glasses at
B. T. Cox Bro Don't neglect
We had a delightful shower
Friday which reduced
the excessive heat.
For Sale -The Nichols house
and lot on corner near Winter-
High school grounds. House
is new, and conveniently
located Terms easy.
G. A. Kittrell
Winterville, N. C.
Mrs Louisa Cox and Rev
Henry Haddock spent the day in
the country Thursday with
your chic and eggs
i to A. W, Ange Co. and get
j the highest prices for them.
All of turned work at
the Carolina Milling Co.
full assortment of enamel
ware at Harrington, Barber
The demand for the Handy
tobacco trucks and flue are great-
this season than ever before.
The Farmers and all are begin-
to see the necessity of
goods of good material made
by the A. G. Manufacturing Co.
with its many years of experience
in this line of work.
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co- expecting shipment of quite
a number of their Handy
co trucks axles and will then be
in position to fill your order-
Publication of Summon.
North Carolina, Pitt county
In the August 1907.
J. L, Blond and A. Bland.
E. R. A fl. and the
The defendants, E. It. A. B.
the Lauderdale, in
the above entitled action will take notice
that an action Leon commenced in
the superior court county
led us above, said action is
brought by a
which will lie specifically
in the complain
to tiled in arid action, n real
situate in the state of Carolina
defendants will further
take notice that they are requested to
appear at the next term of the superior
court of Pitt county, to b.- held on the
2nd Monday before the 1st Monday in
September, It being too 19th of Au-
gust 191.7, at Court House in said
County, in Greenville, North Carolina,
and answer or demur to the complaint
in said Action, or the plaintiff will
ply to the Court the relief demand-
ed in said complaint.
This the 6th day of July 1907.
, , Moore,
superior court, Pitt county
Something In Which Far
Excelled the Moderns.
Ill the days of Nero the
dotted realistic plays, often
null actually burned to death
and slaughtered on the stage.
in the production of
the death f Hercules
depicted the actual burning
to death on tho stage of a con-
the great Greek actor, be-
in tooling simulated
When in
lie wag supposed to
break into tears over urn con-
the ashes of Orestes.
The audience often wondered at
his deep, woebegone sobbing. It
seemed to penetrate their souls and
make them shudder. It after-
ward discovered that in the urn
the tragedian Bad placed the ashes
f his only son,
A rather grim piece of realism
was out in a play,
Glory of produced in
Philadelphia, July 1807. In the
play the execution of Major Andre
was portrayed. Before his
as a spy in 1780 Andre wrote
plays and painted stage scenery. It
was a curious coincidence that the
scenery used in the play ill which
his execution was depicted had been
painted by Andre decades before.
During the production of a mys-
tery play in France in the seven-
century a man who took the
part of got his neck tangled
in a rope during the production and
unwittingly hanged himself.
A passion play was performed in
Sweden in 1518. An actor who
took the part of a Roman soldier
was carried by dramatic en-
that he plunged his spear
into the side of man represent-
the Christ and killed him.
Uttering the
thus with
Thai If do lose I low a thins
That none but would keep,
an named Patterson fell over
dead while playing the Duke in
tor Perhaps
you remember the death of Ed-
Kean. While playing Othello
Kean fell over dead after
Sometimes in trying to attain
effects a manager outdoes
himself. Tree was
to a rehearsal of thunder
ill His theater. London.
There was u loud Tree rushed
behind the scene. not a
bit like he shouted to
the man who operated the
me, replied the
man. Mint was real thunder
Again Mr. Tree during
a production rushed excitedly back
of tho scenes and began berating a
for not blackening
to represent a And
he found that he was talking to a
real North
Johnny Wat a Sport.
It happened in, Sunday school.
None of the children had studied
their lessons, apparently, SI for
Johnny, the new boy, he wasn't
supposed to know much about it,
said the teacher,
was it swallowed Jonah
giggled Willie.
you tell me who
continued the
can search
who swallowed Jo-
asked the teacher, a little
severely this time.
Tommy, wasn't
declare ejaculated the
. teacher. Then turning to tho now
boy -lie asked, who
I lowed
said Johnny.
the Weekly.
Mr. n
e ,
of PI I
r i ho
. ,;,. . ,
,. ;. lie c if
; . i M
. in d
line. Mr. m- rattled in
Ilia via- i n. I o a look
the . I called,
George, you know it ain't
lite to throw toothpicks round
the front
An audit for Daily
and writing receipts for
e in We have a list
. ail who mail at
We also lake orders
ob printing
Mrs. E. Hooks is spending
the week in tie country with her
later, K. H. She took
the children along.
For fresh and cheap goods go
to E. E. Co., always
have the best.
No. got the box of candy
at Saul's drug store Saturday I
J. R. Smith Co. have just re-
a car load of lime.
There will be held hereby in-
the first Monday in August,
P-107, an institute
teachers lasting four weeks.
All colored teachers are request-
ed to attend.
candy direct from
factory at Saul's store.
Go to E E new-
market for beef, fresh meats,
sausage and fresh
Misses Anabel Kittrell and
Earl Tucker, of Grifton, are
here visiting.
Merchandise Broker carry
t full line of Meat, Lard and --an
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
Rev. J. C. Caldwell, of
will preach in the Disciple church
Friday night.
If you need any Paint be sure
ind see E. E. Co.
Miss Eugene Morrison, the
very popular saleswoman in the
millinery department of the J. R
Smith Co. leaves today for a visit
to her home.
exchange corn
for or i Lean, Healthy Shoats
weighing from to pounds-
erred I will pay cash mark-
et price for same A. Darden,
It Ayden, N. C-
Mrs. J. W. Miss Sal-
lie Bet and Miss Julia
Burney spent Thursday in Green-
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say of the
in having a class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store secure this much need-
ed article.
Miss Annie Joyner. of Kinston
is here on a visit to friends.
Miss Juanita Savage, a charm-
little Miss from Greenville,
is visiting relatives here.
If you can not be
dated and fully satisfied at Saul's
store, yours must be a
hard road to travel.
Turnip cabbage and seed only
the best at J. R. Smith
B- A. James, of Mt. Olive
spent part of last week with his
brother, J. S. James, near here.
Every member of Eureka
No. K- of P- is requested to
be present ac the meeting next
Wednesday night as important
business demand their
Saturday 27th inst. our Disciple
brethren will hold an all day
meeting at Rountree Rev. J.
C. Caldwell, of Wilson, will
preach Dinner will be served
on the ground and everybody is,
Mass., May
I Messrs R Co.
Ayden. N. C.
For fear that there
I may be a slight misunderstand-
I on I he part of some of our
i customers regarding the
tee upon our patent and Dull
shoes, we wish to
; emphasize the fact that same
j exists and has not been with-
We want our i is and
all wearers a to
j know that we will continue to do
we have done in the past vis.
guarantee the vamps of the
Patent and Bull not
to break through before the
sole i worn out.
In the event of a Burt Pat k-
; contrary to this guarantee,
the from whom the
shoes were purchased, is author-
to replace with a pair.
Yours very truly,
and Field.
We have just received a ship-
of mowers and
rakes. Terms easy
J. R- Turnage
We have for sale one I. H. C.
hp gasoline engine. W ill sell
for cash or on time,
J. R. Turnage Co.
cons cotton
meal. F- Lilly Co
Strayed or red
bull, six years old this
heavy duck legged, left
a has a hole in it bored with
white spot in flank weighs
thousand pounds. Five
dollars reward to any pet sun
bringing same to me. This June
18th, 1907. John S. Hart,
Ayden, N. C
it you wish something nice
buy a box of candy from
at the drug store.
child of Mr. and
Mrs. j. A Harrington died Sat
and was buried in the
cemetery Sunday afternoon.
Call at the Drug Sore
cure one of those excellent
Pens.-M. M, Sauls.
The most will be
pleased with one of those
Pens at Saul's. Call and
Big lot cots latest styles, very
comfortable at J. R. Smith Co.
Bring us your Huckleberries
pay you quart i. R. Smith
Best tobacco twine lanterns
and at J. R. Smith
Everybody i
buys candy from s
drug store.
Lost, Liberal Reward-Gold
brooch, piece, with clasp
pin, lost on main street of Ayden
between railroad and R C. Can-
The ladies and the girls all
like candy. The kind
at Saul's drug store.
A specialty of stationery at
Saul's drug store.
For mowers, rakes, huskers
and shredders, come to see us.
J. R- Turnage Co
The very best and cheapest
hair brushes, combs, and pow-
at Saul's drug store,
Go to F. Lily Co for hay
grain, cotton seed meal and hulls.
Nitrate of Soda,
your crops when you lay it by at
J. R. Smith Co
Mason jars, pints quarts and
half gallon a J. R. Smith Co.
Big lot of calico, best grade
per yard at J. R. Smith Co.
Bring us your beeswax, wool,
hams, shoulders, chickens and
eggs to J. R. Smith Co.
Sauls guarantees all he sell,
especially candy.
Dr Joseph Dixon
Ayden, N. C, July
Mrs. H- G Burton
by her nephew, Master Tom
Edmundson and hr little niece
Selma Edmundson left Friday to
visit her mother in Edgecombe
A pertinent remark that of
Pr. Saturday
pays and my
ad in your paper pays me
Miss Jennie Coward, of Kin-
is Mere on a visit to her
brother, W. J. Coward.
Miss Letha Burnett, of Farm-
is Mrs W. J. Hem-
by here.
Miss Louisa Forbes, of Green-
ville came Monday to visit the
family of A. Horton.
Rev. L. Chestnut, a native
of and a well
known teacher and minister in
the Disciple church throughout
Eastern Carolina died at Spotts-
Court House, Va., last
Saturday. His remains arrived
here on the noon train Monday
and were at once conveyed to
the burying ground in
Greene county where they were
laid to rest that afternoon. His
wife, eldest son and eldest
daughter came in on the same
train. Mr, Chestnut has
relatives and warm friends
in this section who deeply
loved ones in their
sorrow. They may have the
consoling that, he was a good
man and his was a noble calling.
evening while out hunt-
with a shot gun John S.
Hart fired and killed two rabbits
at one shot. J. W. Moore how-
ever did him one better. Mr-
Moore espying a large rat en one
of tho shelves in his store caught
up an a r and with one ball
I bagged two whoppers
Don't say rats for this is good.
W. G. Walker,
ponding Secretary of the N. C.
Missionary Society, preached in
the Disciple church here Sunday.
Dr. L. C. Skinner came home
yesterday from his summer
Mrs. R. I. Corbitt left today
to visit her mother in
A. B. Walters, of
spent Friday here.
One room two story dwelling
at One four room cottage
I at One nine room two story
dwelling at Six vacant
lots all in the town of Ayden. N
One thirty-seven acre form
just outside corporation at
All will be sold on easy terms.
Ayden Ins. Co
n. c.
Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions,
Light and Heavy Groceries etc.
Prices to suit the times.
This is to notify my friends
and patrons that have moved in
Tyson's Stables in front of mar-
house I thank you for past
favors, and solicit a continuance
of your J. H. Kittrell,
Take Warning.
My son Edwards has
left my house without cause and
without my consent. This is to
notify all persons not to give em-
to. house or feed said
Edwards. Those so doing
will be prosecuted according to
law. He is of dark complexion,
tall about years of ago, and
has a tooth missing in front.
This July 5th. 1907.
m w. Elias Edwards
Contractor, Builder, Tile Setter.
Plans submitted fur-
on application. All work
Turn key Job when r
N. w.-.-.
At the of business May. 18th, 1908.
Loans and discounts
secured 1,227.88
and Fixtures 610.69
from banks and -12
Cu.-i items 20.80
Colo coin
Silver coin TUX.
Nat. bk notes other
Capital stock
Undivided profits less expenses 270.19
Dividends unpaid
deposits subject to check
cashier's checks outstanding
Certified Cheek
U i
I J. If. Smith, Cashier the solemnly swear
the above true to the best of and be-
lief. J. B. Cashier.
Notary L.

Other Important Step by Chamber o
There were a considerable
number of business men at the
cf the Chamber of Com-
in the mayor's office Fri-
day night, it was the best attend-
ed meeting in sometime
and several important mat-
ten. ere considered-
Tin committee previously
to consider the establish-
and the chamber decided that
be taken to provide such
as early as possible. A
consisting of J. L.
little, G. Maye. J. S. Mooring
Wood and Wilson Get Out on
Habeas Case
In Hands of Jury
Raleigh, July, 19.-When
Wake Superior court reconvened
this afternoon at General
Counsel Thorn, the Southern
Railway began his speech to the
jury Ticket Agent Green
being the closing
The jury ought to get the
late this about
Asheville, July 19.-District
. Passenger Agent Wood and
. Wooten was Wilson, under sen-
work in with of days on ff
. i by the city police
boar directors to Bus end. court for the
the s
committee appointed to rate law. were taken before
Ian for Judge Prichard on a writ of ha-
of Greenville as the , at this
.-, morning. J. G. asked
for of the hearing
reported After some
was decided to defer
ion until the corner
the is ready
and have it in
n of having the
. . at some place
railroads was dis-
I, a C consisting of
it, E. A. Move, Jr.
take the matter up with
the railroads.
Si. L Fleming made
remarks relative to
linty and further
pro. ting in the train-
and committee con-
J. L. Fleming. W. H.
and J J- Laugh
appointed to prepare
an address calling together re
until his father. James H Mer
employed by the
State, present. Judge
Prichard granted the request
set this hearing for this
afternoon, Bud remanded Wood
Wilson to the custody of the
deputy marshal. Bends in the
sum of 1200 were allowed and
indicted agents were once more
in the enjoyment of their
Prompt Payment of Insurance.
the courtesy of the
Supreme Council Royal
a check for has been sent
to Mr S. M- Schultz. treasurer
of Zeb Vance Council No.
to be paid to Mrs Helen Virginia
Watkins. widow of Mr S A.
who died about a month
ago. Mr. was a member
of Pocahontas Council, of Nor-
The promptness of this s-
action is shown in the fact that
only tWo weeks ago a relative of
Mrs. Watkins told Mr.
Ticket Punchers in
all in Raleigh,
on Trial Agents
Have Been Arrested
he gas a member of the council
at Norfolk, and asked Ids advice
as to how the policy should be
Mr Schultz kindly
Defying the federal court and
its writs of habeas corpus issued
the day before. Police Justice
Reynolds at Asheville yesterday
tried J. H. Wood and
q Wilson, representatives of
the Southern railway, for viola-
ting the new state passenger
rate law. and sentenced them to
i thirty days on the county roads
offered to look after it and wrote -chain of Buncombe
to the Norfolk council, that lodge county. The justice first fined
in turn sending the facts to the. and when the defendants
Supreme officers, and the check
sent at once
Gentle Art of Pleasing a Husband.
If you have a brand new
He Did-After That.
A young who persisted in
whispering loudly to the lady
who accompanied him to a
phony concert, telling her what
the music what sort of
what to do with him but are quite
certain that you want the dove
of peace to roost in the family
martin box down in the back yard,
give that husband sugar. Don't
bother about being either
or reasonable. For to take
inscrutable reason a man prefers
to think that while hi is a reason
incarnate, a woman has no
son intuition. It's
a harmless delusion, and let him
enjoy it- And so, the
clear, cold light of reason shines
like a searchlight in your brain,
keep it to yourself. Searchlights
refused to pay a fine he ordered
them to the county roads. Their
terms are to begin today.
Judge Pritchard hurried home
last night from Raleigh, where
he had gone yesterday morning
band and are a bit a hand in
Another writ of habeas corpus is
expected he gets to Ashe-
ville. Judge E. Boyd. of
he United District
for the Western district of North
Carolina, aim called from
in the
proceedings. Interest in the
ease fever beat in
is city and;
Wood is district passenger agent
there. These two men were
rested Tuesday and released
Wednesday morning to avoid
Judge writ of habeas
corpus. Judge Pritchard left
A U a heavy
Skit mas make a Ufa pars a.
LIVER U the neat of aloe
I oath i ill at
SO to the root of whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore action of
LIVER to normal
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
Do Not Neglect the Children.
At season of the year the first
unnatural of a child's bowels
should have immediate The
beat thing that can be given is
cholera and
followed by oil as direct-
ed with each the remedy. For
by all and Dealers in
Remarkable Rescue.
That Chan fiction.
more been Hi
the little town of Fedora, Tenn . the
residence of C. V. tapper. He
was In bed. entirely
of th
a passage was coining
so on. caused serious
to every one of his
neighbors. Presently
better for battleships and town Wednesday the two
dangerous places along men re-arrested and spent
A tallow dip is for lam-1 custody of an officer,
altar. in default of bond, and carried
Devote your spare moments to before the court yesterday morn-
of th. lungs and throat. I
Doctors tailed to help me. and all hope I
had win n I begun Dr. ,
New Discovery. Tarn instant
idly, and it-
three weeks I was .,
cure for and cold
at J. I.
store. Trial bottle flee.
of of
The partnership heretofore existing
between A. H Taft and W. H. Kicks
in the town of Greenville under the firm
name A. H. Taft and Company is
this day dissolved by mutual consent.
A. H. Taft will continue to do business
in the store next to Taft and VanDyke
H. Ricks in the store next to
Fleming and Mooring. Those indebted
to the firm will make their payments
according to their contracts with the
firm and a settlement is request-
ed. Each debtor will be notified at
which store to make his payment but
no one need wait for such notice
make his payments, lie may ca I at
either store and earn of us will be glad
to see him and all other friends to whom
we return thanks for their patronage
and of whom we solid a continuance.
Greenville, N. C. MR
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton i
Ties always on
I kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
.-.--v,his eyes and said to his com pan-
annoyance keeping the sugar bowl well
immediate As for being brilliant,
he closed speech you
make will not attract and rivet
At yesterday
i court proceeded with
trial of Agent Green, and
i your man's attention, so quickly of evidence was
of all parts of with your eyes shut
county for a conference on no idea lovely i
you ever listening to and lastingly the simple re- The argument of counsel
W . . i n in ii t t
mark that you wonder what you-
done to be so lucky as to g t
him. He listens to that speech
with delight on with
J. L. Wooten. owing to ten-
pressing duties, tendered his young man. twisted himself d
as president the I about said
motion a meet-1. man, did
, , r. i l. listening to music with your
was railed for Exchange.
July 30th, to consider the
has made an efficient,
president of
it is regretted that he cannot
continue to hold the position-
The School.
The Training question
has been decided and the
Both Wanted Him.
The way of the crap shooter is
hard. Chief of police Smith, of
Greenville, came to the city to-
day, looking for Sam Brown, who
is wanted in Greenville for shoot-
crap, pistol toting and gen-
cussedness. Upon
of Sheriff Nunn, Chief
upon, and j Smith drove out to the county
stockade and found his man do-
has been settled
let us hope wisely. for So
Now let us come together Greenville when
pull to make it a State and j Supt. N. B. Wooten gets
do everything in our power for with him.- Kinston Free Press,
its growth and uplift. The board
has received some
criticisms, being charged with
being influenced by mammon.
I for one be every man on
the board is of the highest type
of manhood, each and all
realizing his duty to the State.
the people and themselves, and
were all times actuated by the
highest sense of duty, and each
and all of them, realizing the full
meaning of the word. duty.
can see no reason why these men
should have been or should be so
adversely criticized for the post-
of their decision or in
allowing each community to
amend their bids, any more so
than the agreement or disagree-
of any other jury. There-
fore let us all bury the hatchet
and go to work for the Training
H. B. Hart.
Rocky Mt., N. C, July 15th,
Rock Mount
for hustling Greenville
It won the Eastern Training
School for teachers and is justly
elated over its success. Such
pluck and public spirit, such de-
termination and unanimity of ac-
as the people of Greenville
and Pitt county put forth de-
serves to be rewarded. New
Bern, Washington, Elizabeth
City, Edenton, Rocky Mount
Tarboro and other places
were bidders for the school also,
and all made a good showing, but
the capital of Pitt carried off t h-
prize. Greenville voted
aid the county of an
to secure this
Gold Leaf.
Solid Car cf Ears.
Mr. W. S. Cobb, of Lumber
Bridge, was in the city last week,
and told an Observer reporter
on Wednesday he shipped a
solid refrigerator car load of
roasting ears, 20.000 in number,
to Philadelphia, to be used at the
great feast Lodge gave to the
visiting Elks on Monday-
He says that he will be ship-
ping and
ons early this week. Fayette-
ville Observer.
greets it with a
happy smile on
it joyously on
asks for it on Saturday
and on Sunday hurries home from
church in order
it a comfort in a world that de-
so much, that so
mercilessly, to pass your exist-
with an individual who asks
for so
Lindsay Patterson-
will be made today and the case
is expected to go the jury this
evening- Judge Pritchard was
in Raleigh yesterday but took no
action, thus avoiding the
Greensboro Indus-
trial News
Raleigh, N- C, July 18- To-
day has seen the prosecution of
the Railway Company
in order to hear it once Ticket Agent Green pressed
And when all is said, t without interference from the
court to the point of all
the evidence being in and con
tending counsel agree that
shall begin at o'clock
tomorrow morning with two at-
to speak on each side,
speeches limited to half an hour
each. The of the
jury consumed the morning
and the testimony for the
prosecution this afternoon. This
was merely proving sale of tick-
ts at old instead of the new
cent rate, with the point scored
by the Southern the sale in-
the rebate coupon as a
special contract which the de-
claims makes no violation.
He Fired the Slick
have fired the I've
carried over on account of a
sore that resulted kind of treat-
until tried
Salve; that has heal.-d the ore and
Hal me a happy writes John
Garrett, of North Mills. N. C.
teed Burns, etc , by John. K
Wooten druggist.
D. W.
North Carolina.
P. Road
Wednesday, July 10th, the
State Board of voted
to locate the Eastern Carolina
Training at Greenville.
The vote stood three tor Green-
ville and three for Kinston, final-
a Kinston supporter went
over to Greenville and then the
vote was made unanimous.
Greenville has put up a game
fight for the school from the
beginning- There are no better
builders for the future than the
men who are now directing the
affairs of Greenville and Pitt
county. Only time can measure
the value of such service as they
are now giving their town and
county. Greene county is glad
the school is so near. We trust
that with this school at Green-
ville it is only a matter of a few
years before the scarcity of
teach-rs now felt in Greene
county ill be a memory With
nil our heart we congratulate
Greenville. Snow Hill Standard
Asheboro, N. C, July 19.-
Doctor Lacy Foust. was acquit-
here today of the charge of
manslaughter of Miss A
pros was entered in the case
We regret to learn that th
Raleigh Pamlico road are
some difficulty in securing a
substantial foundation for their
track at a point called Summit
Hill, near Cross Roads.
It seems that after cutting
through a hill, and removing
square yards of dirt Many and sharp legal lilts char-
order to secure a proper grading, j the sessions,
that they struck sand with Judge Pritchard, of the United
a number of springs. Circuit, court, arrived on
This is giving their civil early morning train and there
was intense interest as to any
a very difficult problem
solve, especially since it has
ready cost so much in securing
the proper grade. It is possible
they may have to drive a good
deal of piling, if cut around
he hill. We the
may soon be able to overcome
the trouble This will prove a
valuable road for Wilson and we
hope it will soon be in operation.
Wilson Times.
Notice of
J C and wife
R A and Ella
By Virtue of a decree of the
court of county, made bf l. C
Moore, of the Superior court of
said county on th- 2nd day of 1907,
in a certain proceeding
J. C. wife has-
berry are and K. A.
and Dawson are defendants, the
Commissioner, will on Mon-
day day of August expose
to public sale before the c house
door in Greenville, to the highest bid-
for cash, the following tractor per-
of land to wit;
Situate in the county of Pitt and
State of North Carolina, ill Swift
creek Township, the lands of
Major Gaskins, Allen W.
Gaskins and I reek, con-
Acres more leas
This sale is to lie ma for partition
among the in this
the 2nd of July,
c. Harding.
ma .- . , r-a.
f Kings i
to Gr
Miss Nannie Bridgers Hood
gave a delightful party yesterday
afternoon complimentary to her
cousin. Miss Pattie Wooten, of
Greenville. N- C.
Those present Miss Pat
tie Eleanor
Roland and Ethel
Miller, Bettie Maggie
Powell, Nannie and Pattie West-
brook, of Mount Olive. Mary
Dortch, Mary Norwood, Julia
Allen. Bessie and Sallie Powell
Pansy Short, of
Dot Lena Griffin, Hattie
and Masters
Yelverton, Ivan Norwood,
George Norwood. Will Allen.
Connor Aycock, Will Winslow.
After having a jolly good time
from five to seven, refreshments
were served. All left voting
Hood a most delightful little
hostess. Goldsboro
The friends of Hon. Ashley
Home throughout Eastern North
Carolina are pushing him to
front for the gubernatorial
and be will make a
strong candidate.
intervention on his part in the
trial. He held conference with
District Judge Purnell in the
Federal court offices, General
Counsel Thorn and other counsel
of the Southern railway, being
present much of the time. But
he left on the afternoon train for
without issuing any
process or making any apparent
move in the case at all. There
was an intimation that the cases
would be allowed to proceed to
the conviction and sentence, but
habeas corpus oilier process
would probably issue in tho event
of imprisonment.
Charlotte, July case
against City Ticket Agent T J.
of the Southern
Railway charged with
of the new tale law, was
withdrawn today in the Record-
court, for the reason that
similar cases being tested at
and Raleigh.
Jury IS. The grand
jury today returned a true
against agent South-
Railway at this place
violation the cent pas-
Guaranteed for all
Stray Hog Taken IV
There is a hog, marked square
bit in left ear and slit in right
ear, taken up with my hogs and
been fed by me since February
1st. 1907. Owner can get hog
paying for feed and care and
identifying some. Hog weighs
about CU pounds,
C W. Scott.
it I Greenville N.
J. D- Cox enters and claims,,
about acres, more or less, of
vacant land lying in
township, Pitt county, N- C ,
west side of Creeping swamp I
adjoining tho lard of Jesse
ton. Sr. A. G. Cox. J. B.
and others.
This June 20th, 1907.
J. Cox.
Any person or persons claiming
title to or interest in the fore
going described land must
their protest in with mt
within the next thirty days,
they will barred by law.
R. Williams.
Entry taker
Saw Mill
About one o'clock Thursday
the saw mill of Mr. W.
B on the Brown farm
about miles town, was
destroyed by fire. It is not
known how the fire started, as
the buildings were in a bright
blaze when first discovered.
The loss on buildings and ma-
was about which
is partially covered by insurance.
I of
In o
A Carson,
By virtue of directed to
I the undersigned the Superior
Pitt County In the above entitled
will on Monday i of
WOT o'clock M hi the
I Court House door of said
for cash to satisfy
execution, all the right, title and
interest which Sid J I. A. Carson,
defendant, has In the follow described
real estate,
A certain of land in Pitt County
Township, adj lands of
J. Blount lands,
at the four prong
thence with J. J. Carson line to the
Blount line, with the Grey
to the B. F. Ward line,
with B. P. Ward line to a canal
in Creek, down the
said creek to the G. W. A n
draws line, thence with the said An-
line to the containing
by estimation one hundred and fifty
acres more or T. A.
t arson owning a one half interest in
the above described land. This 8th,
L. W. Tucker, sheriff
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county
executors of the Last Will and
of It. Hooker, deceased
notice is hereby given to all persons
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and a
parsons having any claims against
estate must preset the same, j
authenticated, to the undersigned
payment on or before 25th
June, or this notice will be
in bar of recovery.
This day of June. 1907.
T. E. Hooker.
T. M. Hooker,
W. E. Hooker.
Executors of Pattie R. Hooke
Littleton High School
Entrance and
on certificate.
Faculty of experienced coll
Scholarships from leading
Expenses extras.
Health conditions unsurpassed.
Prepares for life or college.
Thorough instruction.
Home influence.
Good library.
No Saloons.
Time to enter Sept.
For information and catalog
address. Z. P. Supt,
Littleton, N.
At close of May 1907.
Loans and discounts
secured and
Ail other Stocks, Bonds;
and MB-
and Fixtures
Due from B i
Gain Items
Silver Coin 330.99
National bank notes and
notes I
i a pita I Stock
Hue to a
North Pitt,
I, C. S. Cashier of above named bank, do solemn
tar the above statement is true to the beet of my
d belief. C. S. CARR,
sworn to before
if of May H A. WHITE
O. S. C- J-
The Bank of Greenville
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box be prepared for
emergencies, our line of tools
Is a could desire, and
we see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse SI
I Corey
The Eastern Training School,
the coveted prize, has been
awarded to Pitt County. We
hope that there are other
things in store for us, and
tender the services of this bank
and its resources the up-
building of every legitimate
enterprise o. our town and
Come in and examine my
we leave to announce that we are
and Retail
White Lead, Paints
Colors, and
Ready Paints,
There is no line in the world better
lit n line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and
dealing. .
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
ever worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C.
Taken from Custody of Sheriff
Judge Long, He is Now Guest of
Wake County Criminal Court
Raleigh. N. C. July 17.-T. E
city ticket agent for the
Southern Railway Company in
Raleigh, was today taken by
Judi-e out of the custody of
the sheriff ard the defendant in-
to attend the sessions of
court from session to session
giving bond or
recognized by the court for his
appearance. Thin move was
en in order to intercept a writ
of habeas corpus from Judge
Pritchard directed to the sheriff
demanding the body of the
oner- It is t lie intention of the
sheriff to answer the writ by Bay-
that the prisoner is not in
his custody. Judge Pritchard is
on his way here, but what action
h; will take is a matter of con-
This morning when Judge
Long Superior court
for the prosecution in the
case against Southern Rail-
way Company and Agent T. E
Preen C. R. Aycock and
E. J. Justice appeared and
lodged a motion for the
trial of the prisoner on the
ground that there was a move on
the part of the counsel and
Green to delay any trial until the
arrival of a process from the fed-
court to take the case and
custody of the prisoner from
j the state court.
Ex-Judge A. C. A very made
answer for the that
had just from his home
; in Morganton, and had had no
I time to investigate as to the
rights of his client or confer with
associates as to the best course to
pursue. What he wanted was
time to prepare for the proper
defense of Green, whom he had
been retained to defend.
E J. Justice, of counsel
the prosecution, arose to inter-
Judge A very in his re-
marks to the court, but was cut
If with the fling that he
was not there preparing any
material for the text campaign,
but solely for purpose of
and defending the
rights of his client.
In a statement from the bench
Judge Long took the position
that if it was the purpose of
counsel for the Southern to
and delay the court and in
the end deny the jurisdiction of
this court and strive to have the
prisoner by a process from
the federal court, then no time
would be allowed.
On behalf of the Southern, F.
H. Busbee made answer that tor
the information of the court he
would say that he had been en-
gaged in the preparation of a
plea to be filed in this court, but
he could make no pledge as to
whether it would be approved or
used when the counsel
came to confer regarding the
The answer of Judge Long
question is, do you propose
to recognize the jurisdiction of
this court, or will you seek t
this court's proceeding.-,
with writs from other
The answer was that the defense
might, after file a
i plea as to jurisdiction, but no
not to take the case to the
j federal court through special
process be elicited from
j counsel.
The outcome of the cross-firing
I was Judge Lon
that he would call the case for
hearing at twelve o'clock. The
general understanding was that
a writ of habeas corpus was
expected to arrive from Judge
Pritchard on the 12.45 train.
Counsel went their way.
However, just before noon,
Long summoned the
in the case before him and
read to Sheriff Sears a
order from the court directing him
to surrender prisoner into
the custody of court, and
directing the prisoner to remain
at the bar of the court when in
session was because
it was known that a Writ of
habeas corpus was expected here
from the federal court at any
time, the sheriff
produce the prisoner before the
federal judge, and the
custody of the prisoner the
sheriff would vacate this writ,
and no such process could apply
to Judge Long while holding the
prisoner in his own custody.
h can be forced to trial at
the of the court
Two Married.
Major Henry Harding is much
in demand these days as a joiner
of ties
Wednesday evening a colored
couple. Walter Knight and Bettie
Walker, who had first visited
Register of Deeds Williams and
armed themselves with the prop-
or implement, took themselves
to the office of Major Harding for
him to put on the
touches, which he did in good
Early this morning there was
a call from a white couple
run away from county
and came here to get married-
They started on their journey
about o'clock and were
before many people were stir .
ring. Not knowing just who to
apply in for license they first
sent for Clerk of the Court
and hustled him out. Ho
the wrong man to issue kind
of document wanted. Deputy
Register John Williams was the
next officer captured. He was
not fully satisfied as to the age of I
the bride-elect and Register of
Deeds Williams was sent for. I
The license was soon all right. I
and a hurry call went to
of Major Harding who
came down and soon had the
happy couple joined. They were
Mr. Edward Little and Miss Fan-
Baker. They returned to
Greene county immediately
the ceremony.
and the School.
The announced on
Wednesday that the East Caro-
Training school will be
at Greenville. Amongst the
various towns which made effort
to secure the school Greenville
stood first with the committee,
and barring the local interests of
the towns which made effort for
the school, we believe the people
of the State will agree with the
decision of the committee.
people of Greenville and Pitt
county have shown a laudable
enterprise in the matter from the
very beginning. Indeed, as we
remember it, the first movement
for such school came from Pitt
county. Certain it is that the
people of that county have
heroically for the school,
and they have nothing
done to have the school located
at Greenville. All the
which made application
also did well, but Greenville out-
classed them and won. We con-
the town of Greenville
and all the people of Pitt county
on the victory, and we tin-
school may be a great blessing to
the good people amongst whom it
is to I o located. Much depends
upon Greenville and Pitt county
as to what shall be the success
of the school for the first few
years of its existence. With the
liberality which may well be ex-
from the people of Green-
ville and Pitt county and those
in adjacent counties, the school
will take a high stand from the
first and will fulfill a good mis-
The Greenville Reflector
thus invites the com-
towns to the laying of the
corner stone of the
the other competing towns
have an invitation in advance to
come to Greenville to the corner
stone laying of the Eastern Train-
school Greenville and Pitt
county will welcome
them and show them there is no
unkind feeling arising from the
contest. Neck Com-
Greenville has been selected
as the site for the Eastern Train-
School for lady teachers,
which was authorized by the last
Legislature to be established in
the eastern part of this State.
There was quite a contest or
competition between a number
of towns for the proposed school.
Kinston. Rocky Mount. Wash-
New Bern. Edenton and
Elizabeth City all made liberal
offers, but Greenville
and won the prize.
It certainly speaks well for
the liberality and
of and Pitt county
that the town should
in bonds, and the
an for the,
school other competing
towns also exhibited much public
spirit with their liberal oil
Tl e liberal offers made by
these towns indicate a degree of
enjoyed by them that
is no doubt to
persons. AU of them, like many
other towns in the eastern part
of this State, rapid-
with in the past few years
These liberal bids also indicate
that the competing towns expect
the proposed training school to
be a much more important
than is indicated by the
t small appropriation
made for its establishment.
The no though that this
was only the enter-
wedge, and that much larger
appropriations would be made
by future legislatures. In this
they will probably not be mis-
taken. Pittsboro Record.
Greenville Deserved to Win.
The inducements offered by
the competing for the
Training School are exceedingly
creditable to their public spirit
and interest in education. Green-
ville deserves the prize he has
won. not only because aha
ed the biggest bit
because her distinguished n,
Gov. Jarvis, had more t -an
other man to do with winning
the fight for the establishment of
On 15th is
to have an election on the
of prohibition against
Wednesday afternoon Mayor
Wooten received the following
Boston, Mass., July
Frank M. Wooten,
Greenville, N. C.
Hearty congratulations for
Greenville. Success, long to
the training school.
Two Boston Tar Heels.
It may strike the average man
as a strange thing that the
of North Carolina, with
the large appropriations that are
made to it by the State and it
splendid prestige as a seat of
learning, should furnish so few
of the prominent leaders in our
political life. The two Senators
of the United States are Trinity
men; a third of our congressional
delegation are Wake Forest boys,
and our solicitors, judges,
and other prominent
come largely from the de-
colleges. All this,
too. in the face of the fact that
the Chapel Hill alumni are
as loyal as a band of Masons, and
in the various conventions are
always on hand to pull the wires
in favor of the graduates of their
alma mater. There must be a
reason why the University
lag behind the others in the race
for the offices, for everybody
knows that office is a passion
with the average Chapel Hill
man, and many a fond father for-
sakes his own church college and
sends his boy to the University
under the mistaken notion that
his chances for political promo-
are increased by having be-
hind him the influence of this
great college. A very wise and
observant gentleman gave us the
reason the other day, we are
giving it to The U
appeals with peculiar power and
force to the families of the well-
to-do, and especially to the
living in our cities. As a rule
the city family are much inter-
in the of life,
want boys to appear
well. They emphasize the
of manners, and they sup-
pose they are right in sup-
that at Chapel Hill, the
home of the fraternities, these
things have especial attention.
We have heard of the
sneering at the awkward
and ungainly students at the de-
colleges. On the
other hand, the denominational
college makes its appeal to the
Wake Forest College,
we dare say. enrolled last year
less than two boys from
cities. fellows from the
cornfield find congenial air about
the church college They have
no polish and do not need any.
They know that a cultivated
brain will take care of the smaller
matters that pertain to the out-
ward man They would be about
as graceful as oxen on a ball
room floor, but on the platform,
in a contest of mental
strength, they know exactly
what to do with themselves.
time was when these crude
country boys had no
then Chapel Hill the
statesmen Now, however, since
the way has been opened, these
strong, sturdy giants from the
plow ha; dies have come into
their own. and the soft handed
gentlemen from the cities are
outclassed. We submit these
remarks, which, as we
have indicated, we picked up
from a man who has gray mat-
his own and sit
to good purpose We honestly
believe the question is answered
Charity and Children.
To b; at Jamestown Exposition
-town . Ya.,
July 19.-His Royal ii,
Prince second .- n of
Crown Prince Gustave. and
grandson of King of
Sweden, will arrive in ton
Roads, on the Cruiser,
August-19, and and will remain
at the exposition ft lays,
August and The
United States Navy will kin in
and firm
that the . he
will receive attention will
The 19th will be i to the
paying and receiving be
followed in the evening I
at the Hotel Char, rain
e s M
On the 20th he will be red
a banquet at the Virginia
Norfolk, Virginia, by the Swed-
Vice Counsel. Henning
The arrangement
for program on the is vet
to be made, but which will no
doubt be a round of receptions
and calls.
There are sixty naval cadets
accompanying the
and they will be given
a grand ball on the night of Au-
gust in the convention hall,
Jamestown exposition.
At the close of the Prince's
visit to the exposition, the cadets
will leave for Washington. D. C,
His Royal will go
to Oyster Bay. thence to
Providence and New York.
at the latter place he
will participate in a dinner given
y the Swedes at the Hotel
on the 29th of August. At this
celebration there will be
hundred students from
C Kansas, who
will also participate in the
Every year these stud-
hold a and
g will b; made by the
officials to have them
visit the exposition during the
Prince's stay to participate in the
musical features
Treat Father From
A feeble old man with a sad
face tottered up to a deaconess
who was waiting on a corner for
a car. he b
I've wanted to S to you
for several days. People say
that you are kind. I do not
need money, but I kind-
I live with my daughters.
They-they would you be
willing to come and talk to them
They would
The deaconess took address
of the old man and called a few
days after- tiresome to
have father sad the
daughters, is so old and
With an upward prayer to God
for guidance, tried
to give the young women a new
vision of d ii v. Father had car-
ed for ten i and now
that he is old and helpless, he
was entitled to c i e. After
a moment of quiet prayer ho
deaconess rose to go. The older
daughter with tears in her eyes
thanked her for her words.
treat father better from
this time she
shall have the sunny
A few days later, the old man.
with an almost beaming face,
said to
are so kind to me; every-
thing is so different- Why. they
even planning to have a
birthday party for
know I am almost eighty year
old Then he added with en-
arc to be invited
to the
Not months later, in a
quiet service, the two daughter.
gave their hearts to Christ
is now a Christian homo, father's
sunny room the happiest of all.
There he awaits patiently the
coming of the Eng-
land deaconess.
A. M. E. Zion Church.
There will be services at York's
Temple tomorrow as
Sunrise prayer meeting at
o'clock. Christian Endeavor at
a. m. Preaching at a m.
and S p. m. by Rev. R. Henry
Sawyer. Morning subject
sends a message to a
Evening subject
great day of God's
Sunday school at p. m. and
class at
made of
gold coin, bearing date 1843.
Reward for leaving same at

The Savory Roaster
Is far to any other
Roaster not an ounce of
substance lost. Other roasters
waste from to percent
The Savory seamless roaster
needs no water, grease or
of any kind. It simply asks
to be let alone. Retains all juices
and flavors, renews the youth of
the toughest fowl. One great
feature of the Savory roaster is
the oval bottom, with the
nary flat bottom roaster the
moisture brought out of the meat
by cooking has no chance to ac-
cumulate and is burned and dried
up in the bottom of the pan. In
the oval this meat juice
flows continuously to the lowest
point of the bottom, where it is
turned into steam and condensed
on the surface of the neat This
condensation continues until the
roast has become heated through
to the temperature of the
in the roaster, when the
condensation Stops and the brown
of the roast begins.
The Savory roaster is self bast-
and self browning.
bottom is raised off oven
by the outside heat-retaining
jacket, which applies a uniform
heat to the roast from all sides
The Savory roaster i in a class
to itself. Is guaranteed to give
satisfaction when used accord-
to directions. Buy one. take
it home, go by the directions, u e
it thirty days, if not all we claim
forth, return it to us and we will
give you back your money, pro-
the roaster when return-
ed, is in good condition.
See our display of the
Savory roasters. We will be
glad to show you. Call and see
PLACE fifty different
makes of Womens s to-
Ask ten women to
make Nine of them
will pick the
SHOE. We have test-
ed and proved this. There
must be a reason why
QUALITY outsells
all other women's shoes in
he world.
A. Clark, of Grimesland, drew Jamestown Railroad
ticket at C. T. Big Store, Saturday night, July 13th
Tuesday's Jamestown Rail-
road Ticket given by C T. Big
Store July 20th Holder will please come f and get ticket
The Big will give
M one Tuesday's James-
town Railroad Ticket on
A .- Saturday night, July
to the person. Each dollar
entitles you to a draw for this ticket
This department is in charge of W. Parker who is author-
in Farmville and vicinity.
-l l- trill i B m m
returned from a delightful trip lo
the Jamestown exposition-
F. L Allen and family are
spending a few days in Ayden
visiting W- L. Tucker, father
of Mrs. Allen.
One of the events of Farm-
ville will be the marriage of Miss
Ruth May. daughter R. J By-
nun, Farmville to Mr. Richard
B. Havens of Tarboro The
to be on account of her charm-
manner and loveliness of dis-
position, is a social every
where she happens to be.
Mr Havens is not only a trust-
ed representative of the East
Carolina railroad in whose em-
lie is but his affability
and integrity has made a host
of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Havens
will leave on the morning train
on their wedding trip for the
north, taking in the exposition
on their route.
Greenville. August
It is quite certain that a large
majority of our farmers are not
Getting as good results their
arming operations as is possible
without increasing either labor
or expense.
Take for instance our great
crop, corn. Do the 2,750.000
acres planted in corn produce
what they should Can we not
increase the yield and the net
profit by better methods Do
we select the see a in the best
way Do we plant the best
Are the right kinds and
amounts of fertilizers used and
applied in the best way Is our
method of cultivation the best
and done at the least expense
I the crop harvested so as to
secure the greatest feed
from it and at the least expense
As long as the average Id
for the State remains be ow
teen bushels per acre it is certain
that the average man still has
much to learn about growing corn
and it is probable that the best
corn can also loam some-
thing and still improve his
The purpose of the farmers
institute is to discuss such
questions relating to corn culture
and similar questions all
other crops and farming opera-
If the of the
county will come out and
such questions a view of
increasing their knowledge and
improving their farming this
institute may be of untold value
to the county-
Remember the date. Green-
ville- Thursday, Aug.
Mr. J. F. Stokes, of the North
State Mutual Life Ins. Co., of
Kinston, today a cheCK
for payable to heirs of the
late Mrs- L. A. who
carried a policy in that company.
In the year that the company
has been in business it has had
only four death losses.
in lien-
. HI I I I
I die island
i fee and
e if led root so
it hen
i mi i ill-id f
;. i. C I layer of i in k-
Some of tin
enough to house on,
and part t it enough
lo a
;. Ii it
u I Hi
Tho In Spelling
A colored man
Savannah, ;., has
upon the
Office over Darden Bros, new
Farmville, N. C.
Open all hours of the day.
We have a number of very
lots in the town of Farm-
ville, for sale at a very reason-
able price.
We also have a beautiful farm
near the town
For other information apply
Farmville, N. C
and Wilson Streets, Farmville, N. C.
General Merchandise,
For Cash or on Time
Queen Quality Shoes for Women and King Quality Shoes for
Cotton, Shuck and Felt Mattresses.
Complete line of ever-thine in the way of Goods,
Groceries, Hardware, Feed stuff
Second Floor.
both the
the alphabet mill numeral .
This of Hone recently
built ii small of
six tun her ti
ate. Maritime law require the
of a on
Evans applied to the
tom house to haw bis A
ed to obtain a When
the surveyor treat w Isle of Hope
to measure
ed when on
We frequently r
makes of pianos as part
payment for a
In some eases we have
our t factory men
thoroughly overhaul and
put them in tine
on. We then sell them
at very low prices on ea-
payments If you
that you don't wish to
pay the price for a new
Piano, let us tell
you about what we have
in these instruments. If
later, you wish a new
we will take the
old one back.
Write us about it-
L. C. Street. Mgr.
St. Norfolk Va.
Piano with the
Sweet Official
Piano Jamestown Expo-
Stray Hog Taken Up.
I have taken up at the Ingle-
stock farm, one boar hog,
color blue, marked hole in
right ear, swallow fork ear.
Owner can get the hog by
same and paying costs and
expenses. W. S. Dickinson.
stock farm.
Farmville N C. July 1907
Well, things in general seem
to be on the boom, the past week
crops especially, corn seems to
he shooting up cotton
up tobacco drying UP. if not in
the fields it is the barns, cab-
even have the swell head,
and in fact some of them have
even got the head.
Peaches and apples are ripen-
while Mrs. and
water are showing there
colors, and forget old Sol,
not to warm us all up,
but among all these we have
other blessings to x proud of,
for Install v fair Luna in her
gentle array, accompanied by
the gentle zephyr of some mys
sea seems to smooth our
pathway while we journey along
through happy i j just
after struggling through the
ban of the day.
But hello conies there
Miss May Whitaker, daughter
of Dr. W. H Whitaker, a
physician of Nashville, is
visiting her friend, Miss Eliza-
beth Gay.
Miss Ellen Parker, a charm-
young lady of Washington, is
visiting her cousin, Miss
Miss Bessie Roberts, of
Ga., is visiting at the
table home of Mrs. May, near
Miss Lula Lee Joyner, of Lit-
is visiting Mrs.
J F. Joyner.
Miss May Exum, of Snow Hill,
is visiting her Mrs. Mac
D. Horton.
Miss Acidic of
county, is spending sometime
with Mrs. S. M.
Dr. C. Oil.
C. C. Vines and Tucker,
of Greenville, were on Our streets
Mr and Mrs, J. W. Parker
returned from Morehead and
report a glorious trip They say
the hotels are all full but plenty
of room in the surf yet
Miss Jennie Wells,
most popular milliner merchant,
returned today from Goldsboro.
Mrs. T. Miss
Agnes Moore, Miss Ada
and Miss Mary Joyner have just
Lang Building, Main Street, Farmville, N. C.
New Firm. New Store. New Goods.
Comply General at
dose till Prices.
Gents Clothing a
You make no mistake in trading with us, for
the best goods at lowest price.
Perfection Quality and shoes for Ladies and gentlemen
at their cut price. Ladies fancy goods,
General Merchants
Main and Wilson Farmville, N. C.
Dry Clothing, Heavy and
Fancy Groceries, Hardware, Fur-
Stock Feed, and Fertilizer.
Coupons with premiums for every dollar in cash trade
and see our stock.
Davis Old Stand, Main -f
Farmville. N. C.
, stock Merchandise-
Cash or time solicited
Buyers of Cotton and Country Produce.
Meat, Hay, Corn. Oats and Fertilizer in car load lots
Everything in Dry Goods and Groceries.
Distributors of celebrated Shoes for Men and Women.
Agents for Mon and
Horton Hotel J.
N. C.
Farmville X. C.
lated. ,, , thing an
Polite servants. Best table the Drug Good lino Oils and
market affords at all season .
Buss meets all trains.
First livery go d rigs
and horses.
B. S. Smith
located u Vi and
and permanent,
rates and pi- attention.
All kinds of soft
Ire through the season.
Open a. m. to p. m. Sui
day to a. is.
Farmville. N. C.
years in
Artistic work guaranteed
Enlarging a
Tonsorial .
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced Bar-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
repaired, clean-
ed and pressed.
Farmville, N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Cans
and Wagons.
In kind of work in
wood and iron.
All work guaranteed.
Optician and Watch-maker,
Glasses Fitted. Examination of
eyes free.
All watch and clock work
Greater Greenville
The Queen City of Eastern North Carolina and Home of the East Carolina
Training School. Industrial Center of a Rich Agricultural,
Tobacco and Trucking Section. Excellent Transportation
ties, Climatic Conditions and Hospitable People,
Coupled with the Energy of Hustling Business Men, Make
this an Ideal Location for the Manufacturer, the
Home Seeker and the Artisan.
Most Liberal Advantages Afforded to Manufacturers and Jobbers Seeking Desirable Location.
county, of which la
the county la lo-
as to railroads,
character of soil, diversity of crops
and of climate. The
are rich and productive for tIn-
most, part. The is mild and
delightful, very nearly perfect.
Within Its boundaries are to he found
. variety of soil meeting the require-
of every crop Indigenous to this
latitude. While there are many mills
and factories, Ha principal source
wealth lies agriculture.
many years cotton reigned king,
but gradually crops became more
versified, truck farming and fruit
growing was Introduced, In
became a favorite product,
gradually Increasing In quantity and
quality until to-day, Pitt county ranks
as the finest county
in the world. Cotton still has Its loyal
adherents and sends large quantities
to market. Grain Is raised In
dance and large acres of ground are
devoted to truck farming.
A striking example of the rapid de-
of small cities in
Carolina, during the past fifteen years,
is afforded by Greenville, the county
of Flit county, and In fact,
the last decade. Its growth has
been truly marvelous.
Greenville is located on the south
bank of Tar river, twenty miles from
where the Tar transfers Its waters to
the In turn, emptying Into
the Sound.
many of neighboring cities.
Greenville Is not a modern town, but
bears the prestige of colonial exist-
It was founded In 1771, and
was called In honor of
Governor Josiah Martin, the fifth and
last royal governor of North Caro-
In the name was changed
lo In honor of General Na-
Greene, of Court House
fame. for long, long years, a
staid, quiet, village, some say even
communication with the out-
side world being maintained by boat
travel, both for freight and is.
Ill 1890 the Atlantic Coast Lino Rail-
road entered the town, It
at Weldon and Kinston, with other
roads, and Greenville awoke to a new
era of progress, and energy.
Backed by several years of remark-
able and prosperity, with a
present population of Green-
ville rises to assume the dignity of a
manufacturing, commercial
community, out of
of natural advantages and ac-
quired attributes that place her in
first rank. Today, in the put,
in time lo come, the agencies have
been the advantages.
geographical location, unsurpassed
mate, a community of Internal In
which business principles have been
judiciously applied the management
of business affairs, tin- thrift the
the shop and the combined
force of a loyal, progressive and hard-
working people.
There is a good old phrase, par of
s good, old poem, tear to oar
of school
make the In Greenville, Her
chief resource is the character
culture of her men and women.
with them carries out the
Impression made by their
dial hospitality. They are prosperous.
they are healthy, they are happy, they
are and the newcomer soon falls
into the strain of cheerful optimism
makes of life in Greenville.
Perhaps the first thing the
home-seeker looks after is
Now Greenville's are
her pride her school children her
greater pride. A well sys-
of public schools prevails. The
attendance has Steadily increased and
Instruction Is furnished by n full
. .-w-

Eastern reflector, 26 July 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 26, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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