Eastern reflector, 28 June 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Speaking. the
the Truth.
Doctor Told
Two or three ago Dr.
was one of the
physicians of His;
practice many pa-
tho city limits, and
these ho in a
One day he now horse,
ho wan much pleased
mill be discovered that tho animal
an Insurmountable objection to
of kind and could not
lie made to one.
this period it was
to bridge in order
lo b any one of the surrounding
town, the doctor d to sell the
Ho did not think r
mention the animal's peculiarity,
iii .- much too honest to n
went him. and after n e thought
lie advert
which he inserted in a
bay horse, warranted sound
obi. kind only reason for selling is
tin- owner Is obliged to
How a Actor Overcame, an
E. H. a few days before
he Bet out on his London venture
talked at a farewell about
tun presence of mind.
a dilemma unexpectedly
crops he said, manage, in an
awkward to master it some-
how. Hut I never acquit myself
with tho brilliance that marks the
typical anecdotes of stage presence
of mind.
tell of a really remarkable
ease that in Cincinnati.
It was a melodrama. The hero in
the second act stood in the bow of a
soliloquizing love, while
the waves and rocked.
waves were made in this
Blue canvas was spread loose-
This department is in charge of W. Parker who is author-
to represent The Reflector in Farmville and vicinity.
Practical did
it necessary, Elinor, to
the baby nurse
Hygienic I actual-
caught her giving h bath in
water a third of a degree holier
than the physician had ordered. We
can't afford to risk baby's life in
that reckless manner. Bohemian
the alimony was a
lion V
the p r
he paid it without a gram
in the world did she ever
quarrel with Filch a man
ran LOOKED is A
over the and under the can-
tome twenty or thirty supers
la n their ks, kicking and roll-
and I with their anus.
Di d that at per-
there was a e hole in
h canvas. the I Bi
r talk id passionately m
the head f u super suddenly
The head looked
I. scared way, and quick us his many customers.
Everything has been very
quiet the past week except the
weather which has been running
its 1907 schedule. General green
even seems slow in making
annual June charge on our far-
Tobacco continues to button,
cotton still suffering from the
nights, corn is looking a
little stronger.
Our merchants seem to be
taking life easy, while our me-
are steadily hammering
their time away The railroad
forces have passed us by, both
Norfolk and Southern and East
Carolina, and now we arc patient-
waiting for a regular
Some of our
remarked today, we might soon
look out for a palace car, for
Assistant Vice-President Sunder
land, of Raleigh passed though
on horse hack inspecting our
depot and line.
Ed. Edwards is in our town
placing and curbing on
some our streets.
Maybe the light man
will some day put in his appear-
or the water man may stroll
along to quench our thirst. Our I
brick manufacturer opined his
of 100.000 last
morning and Tuesday-
night had sold and delivered the
last load. He says he could Have
more if he had had them
Mr. Belcher knows exactly how
to make and burn them to please
Painter and Designer.
All work
Prompt attention to orders.
Farmville N. C.
Manufacturer of
-lop Brick-
Tile best clay and the burn-
ed Brick on t; Orders
tilled on short notice.
I have four gentle good milk-
gallons per day, calves to months
old. Sold under guarantee,
and Wilson Streets, N. C.
General Merchandise,
For Cash or on Time
King Quality Shoes to
and Felt Mattresses.
Complete line of everything in the of Dry, Goods, Clothing,
Groceries, Hardware, Feed and
Furniture Second Floor.
Queen Quality Shoes for Women
Farmville N. C.
will buy sell your reel
Building, Main Street-
New Firm. New Store.
of General
Farmville, N. C.
New Goods.
Close Cal; Prices.
Cents Fine Clothing a
You make no mistake in trading with us, for you get
the at lowest price.
tho actor shout
hon tho head d
In- radii;
the ; of the deep
Ai r poor soul gone to la.-t
Views of It.
Rivera- yo ; tired of
IV. a telling hie
wonderful of adventure in
Hit person
Brooks I . mind that
h as hi always tel em to
toe r-i , I,. . . to meet
Tl, .; . very ex-
V. indeed. Why, they
van have on their
door- and window their
can't get and associate with the
of their
But For the Poor.
remarked the good
without saying that
is the best
replied the wise man,
you get prominent enough to
and start playing the
Blaine and the Bore.
A notorious Kore came to see
;. when he was
of state. Mr. Rhine was
Still, he was polite. lie was ex-
bis engagements made
it impossible to talk to tho
would be glad to see him the
next day.
asked the bore.
Mr. Blaine made an elaborate con-
of his engagement book.
at o'clock tomorrow
ho said. I glad
to ice then. You understand
the hour, do yon not Ten o'clock
shall be said the bore.
cautioned Mr.
I say o'clock I mean
o'clock. You must be here on the
; minute. Promptly at
replied the bore. And
he vi away jubilant.
asked William E. Chan-
who was present, did you
a precise appointment
With that You do not want
to see
know replied
I fixed the hour with exactness and
impressed it on him so I shall know
when to
no nun so
Hot Weather
The Rev. K. W. Webber, a Maine
Press, minister, who was located for awhile
in a Georgia town as pastor of a
A Law Nature.
The rain was
Somebody had made an
to this conversation
you ever know of a rain
didn't asked a querulous
York Times.
Safer Behind the
man with fifteen wives was
sentenced to a year in the
wager something handsome
that he dreads the when they
let him Plain Deal-
enjoy writing
answered the youthful
enable you to lay tho
for your uncertainties in
and punctuation on some
not all written rotten.
not all la rotten written.
not be
We the of
all la written rotten-
la. an the rotten not
vet wot be written
W re a
church, occasionally re-
late; this
lie was talking with William
Dodson, ex-president of the Georgia
you feel the heat
greatly down here in the summer,
l Mr. Webber of
the southern
it doe. get pretty warm
here Mr. Do I-
on, time I feel too warm
think of ; vi-it I on e made I
Boston, and it tends the cold
all over
en Chivalry.
Senator Tillman
at a dinner in Washington,
thing abhor. Mime, though,
in untidiness pluck, and I hope
the will never come when a
conversation as was recently
overheard in a New York club will
be typical of American chivalry.
York approach-
ed n friend and whispered
to kick
next time he see me company.
lie in here now, what
would ran me to
The sale of lots on last Thurs-
day was very satisfactory, there
some over twenty lots sold
to some of the most prominent
farmers in our community.
Townsend and Windham
just what to do with real estate
placed in their hands, and they
have quite a number of vacant
lots that will be on the
market, so any one wishing to
purchase can get all necessary
information by addressing or
calling on the above named
Our friend Bill Jr.,
who was so severely stricken
with paralysis a few days ago,
was brought home last Friday.
He is slowly improving, we are
glad to note, and hope he will
soon get en his feet again.
will tell it anyhow, the sun
is shining
The children of the late Mrs.
P. R Hooker wish to extend
their sincere thanks for the many
expressions of sympathy shown
during the illness and death of
their beloved mother.
J. B.
tAt Parker's Old
Farmville, N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Carts
and Wagons.
In fact any kind of work in
wood and iron.
All work guaranteed.
Dr. G. E. Weeks,
Office over Bros, new
Farmville, N. C.
Open all hours of the day.
General Merchants
and Wilson Farmville, N. a
Dry Heavy and
Groceries, U Fur-
lure. Stock Feed, and Fertilizer.
Carpets, Mattings and Rugs- Agents for
Complete line of
Guns, Pistols and Rifles.
Coupons with premiums for every dollar in cash trade.
and see our tack.
Davis Old Stand, Main Street, Farmville. N. C,
Complete stock Merchandise-
Cash or
of Cotton and Produce.
Meat. Ha, Corn. Oat and Fertilizer in car load lots.
Everything in Dry Goods and
Distributors of Shoes for Men and Women.
C i -it each.
to the
If you live within
miles of Norfolk you can
Cut out
this advertisement and
present it to us at our
store in Norfolk, not la-
than August 1907,
we will give you
credit for the total cost
of your railroad or steam-
boat fare to Norfolk and
return on your purchase
at that time, of a
or a Player-
Only one credit on any
one instrument.
are sold
from maker to user,
the dealer's profit
write for particulars.
to save this ad-
L. C. Street Mgr.
St. Norfolk Va.
Piano with the
Sweet Official
Piano Jamestown Expo-
Tonsorial Artist.
Farmville, N, C,
Comfortable chairs, lights,
sharp tools and expert bar-
Optician and Watch-maker,
Glasses Fitted. Examination of
eyes free.
All watch and clock work
H. C. Turnage, of Turnage,
was the guest of his sister, Mrs
Martha Joyner, Sunday. He in
forms us his loss by the hail
storm quite heavy. He had
one hundred acres of cotton that
had been chopped over ard
twice when the hail
struck it. He now has a good
stand since planting over.
We heard today several car-
of Farmville would give
I the class of orphans expected in
Farmville next Saturday night
a drive out in the country Sun-
day evening to visit the Green
Spring. at the spring
were during the week and
everybody we hear of is
coming to the picnic next Tues-
The junior of Farmville, wen
on the ball grounds practicing
this afternoon. They say they
are going to just beat the socks
off the Snow
Horton Hotel
Farmville. N. C.
Centrally located.
lated. Up-to-date
Polite servants. Best table the
market affords at all seasons.
Rates Reasonable.
Buss meets all trains.
First class livery with good rigs
and horses.
B. S. Smith,
located m corner and
and permanent. Reasonable
rates and prompt attention.
Farmville. N. C.
years in
j T.
Main Street.
Farmville N. C.
Everything found in an
Drug Store. Good line Oils and
Paints. All kinds of soft drink s.
Ice through the season.
Open a. to p. m. Sun
day to a. m.
Tonsorial Emporium.
Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Experienced Bar-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
t repaired, clean-
ed and pressed.
Jeweler and Real Estate Agent.
Watches and Clocks repaired on short
notice. Work
Farmville, C.
Fresh Meats, Beef, Fish.
Local and Richmond Products.
D. J. Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Officials Pan on
The Norfolk rail-
road has its line of
new road between
and Washington,
train was run over it
This train
the who .
tour of inspection. Th's.- j
F. S. Gannon, president; C. O
vice president. M.
dent, and R. E. L Bunch, traffic
manager. W P. Marshall,
dent engineer, accompanied the
officials on the trip.
The train reached Greenville
little past noon, and after spend
a few minutes here went on
to Farmville. It returned to
Greenville a little before
o'clock, and after looking over
the depot site here the officials
left for via Washington-
The editor had the pleasure of
meeting the while here
and talking briefly with
President Gannon expressed
himself as pleased with
as he found them along
the road and gratified at the
prospect of business for the road
from the section through which
it passes. He the track
laying is now finished miles
above Farmville, and the remain-
miles to Wilson ought to
be completed in twenty days
When asked as to the probable
time it will be before the regular
train service can begin over this
road. President Gannon said he
thought this could be safely
counted on by the middle of
Work is progressing on
a temporary building on the south
aide of Ninth street to be used
until the handsome depot between
Ninth street and Dickinson ave-
can be erected. Much of
the material for the depot is
ready on the
This Parse
said the railway claim
agent, come across queer
things The
thing in my experience was the
case of a minister.
man was hurt in a rear
end and gave
damages. At the end of
the year we got a letter from
that ran like this
salary and the
accident caused me to lose it for
a twelve month My medical
expenses were My board
at a mountain sanitarium for six
months was Other ex-
due to this accident were,
in round numbers, total
Now I am back in the
pulpit again, as well and strong
as ever, and I have of your
money on my hands. Not being
entitled to that sum I do what
any other minister would do in
my return the money to
you as per
was that for
said the claim agent. min-
are a wonderful lot We
the back to this honest
minister and he gave it to char-
in our name. Ex-
Resolved 1st That as God in
His goodness ha seen best to
take our beloved sister, Mrs.
Pattie Hooker, may we resolve
anew to endeavor more strongly
to follow Him so closely that we
may meet in the glorious morn
the beloved face we miss so
Resolved 2nd That in
the loss of our dear sister the
Ladies Aid Society of the Chris-
chorea suffered the loss
of one of its most faithful
Resulted 3rd. That a
copy of these be sent
to the Carolina and the
Greenville Reflector for
also a copy be to
member of the family and one
be spread upon the minutes of
this society.
Committee from the Ladies
Ail Society of the Christian
Mrs. D. W- Arnold,
Mrs. J. L. Carper,
Miss Alice Lang.
System of Water
Works the Factory.
this morning
of the Building
Company was burn-
ed, and entire plant narrow-
destruction. The
it located on the Atlantic
Line just north of the
tobacco factory.
The fireman of the lumber
plant went to the boiler room to
replenish the fires In readiness for
the work of the day- He had
thrown one load of shavings into
the furnace, and while gone out
to get another load some of the
the burning shavings fell out and
set fire to things around the boil-
In a few moments the room
was enveloped in flames.
At such an hour the
town deep slumber, and
not people in other sec-
of the were awakened
when the factory whistle sound-
ed an alarm. In fact there is so
much blowing of whistles here
in the early morning hours that
people are less liable to observe
a whistle alarm at such an hour.
The fire alarm gone at the mar
house was also rung, but
even this did not awaken people
far from it Still fire-
men and citizens heard the
alarm to hurry to the scene and
do effective work. A line of
hose was quickly run from the
nearest and the fire
was confined to the boiler house.
The main body of the factory
caught fire several times but by
good worK was put out and the
valuable plant saved.
The damage to the boiler house
is estimated at about which
is covered by insurance
The effectiveness of
system of water works
was practically demonstrated at
this fire. But for the abundant
and convenient water supply,
only a heap of ruins and ashes
would now mark the site of a
factory. In this one in-
stance more than was
saved. Greenville was wise in
putting in her water works sys-
Wife Child for
S. C. June
greatest sensation that has ever
stirred this town reached a
max yesterday when the
of the Baptist church, at
a conference called for that
pose, excluded its pastor, Rev.
C. M Billings, from the church
ard dismissed him from the
pastorate. This action
came as the result of a report
which had been circulated about
conduct with his
a neat colored girl,
who had been in his employ for
several years. The story v. as
get on the min-
but the
proof of the charges was not
cured till letters by the preacher, I
Oakley N. C. May 1907.
J. T. and J. R. Jenkins visited
Mount last week.
Mrs. S. A. Congleton and baby
are right sick.
Mr. W. J. Whitehurst and
children are visiting here.
Rev. W. Winfield filled his
appointment hero Sunday p. m.
and preached an eloquent sermon
to a large crowd.
Lewis of Winter-
ville, spent Sunday here.
Jim Overton and sister. Miss
Lessie, of Stokes, visited here
lira. Matilda Taylor and little
Miss Bell Warren, return-
ed Monday from Winterville,
where they had been visiting
her daughter, Mrs- J K.
were read at the church i M- Mahala Highsmith left
conference yesterday, to the to-visit
girl who had fled to
berg, S. C, cleared away the
Bi, on toe Streets of
C T-
day sale opened this morning
at o'clock. The
minute the doors Were opened
the store was packed with
buyers taking advantage of this
never-to be-forgotten bargain
carnival The price on every
piece of merchandise been
cut and slashed beyond
Service N. S. Between
On Monday, July 1st. the Nor-
folk A Southern railway will be-
gin train service on the new line
from Washington to Greenville
and Farmville For the present
there will be one mixed train
way daily except
Train will leave Washington
at a m reach Greenville at
Everything in this, the a. m., arrive Farmville
store p. m. Returning will leave
gone Farmville at m. Greenville
over and remarked at that at p m. arrive Washington
most up-to-date mercantile
in this county, has been
can but tempt the eager shopper j
Besides the numerous bargains
given, last but not least, is the
free trip to the Jamestown ex-
position, with all
road fare hotel bill and all that
I; is with a sense of
profound sorrow that we
the death of our much be-
loved sister and co-worker, Mrs.
Pattie Hooker, therefore be it
First, That we bow in
n and resignation to this dis-
of divine will and pray
God's blessing upon all those who
sorrow in this separation.
Second, In the death of our
beloved sister th C. W. B. M.
has lost one of its oldest and
most faithful members. We miss
her sweet face and kindly
We extend our sympathy
to her loved ones May they fol-
low in her footsteps and ever
look to Jesus for comfort in their
Third, That a copy of these re-
solutions be sent to the Mission-
Tidings, one to the Carolina
and the Watch Tower
publication. Also a copy be
upon the minutes of this
society and one be sent to each
member of the family.
Committee from the C. W. B.
If. of the Greenville church.
Mrs. D. W. Arnold,
Mrs- H- T. King,
Miss Minnie Tunstall.
least vestige of doubt and made
those who had teen the preach-
friends shudder with the
horror and of his con-
duct, the like of was never
before known in this community.
These letters addressed to the
girl at berg told, in
many terms of endearment, of
the love the minister bore for
her, that he could not live with-
out her presence, and that in
order to be with her at all times
he would leave his borne, his wife
and all his go with
even to death.
Before coming to
Billings preached at Waynesville,
N, C, and
S. C, and other places.
Reported trouble of a nature
similar to that here was circulated
on the man at Waynesville.
Billings married an invalid wife
in North Carolina and to them
was born a boy. who is still quite
The pi condition of
his wife and the youth of the
child greatly the
of the offense against society
and the church
Billings has wisely left for
parts unknown as the
is considerably aroused
Some years ago Mr. Billings
was for a while pastor of the
Memorial Baptist church in
Greenville. He made some
friends here who learn with re-
of his disgraceful fall.
her daughter, Mrs. W- J. Madly.
S. A. Congleton went to
Master Wilmer Nelson fell
Saturday afternoon and sprained
his knee. He has not been able
to walk any since. We hope he
will soon be himself again.
Master Elbert Andrews, of
Rocky Mount, is visiting his
grand parents, Mr and Mrs. J.
T. Jenkins.
Levi Whitehead, of
Winterville, was in our town
J. E. Hines went to Rocky
Mount Sunday-
Mrs. Jenkins and sister
visited Mrs. F. F. Nelson Mon-
You miss the chance of a life
time if you do not take
of the special price sale now
going on at C. T-
p. m. These trains make
close connection at Chocowinity
with trains New Bern
and Norfolk.
The Myers running
on between Washington
will make the trip Greenville will be
en away free through the gen-
of Mr C. T.
Every buyer of or over gets a
coupon and the on holding the
lucky number on the last day of
the sale will go lo the exposition
as the truest or f.
after Saturday. June 29th.
Two car loads trunks, valises,
suit cases and hand bags, being
sacrificed at C, T.
special sale.
A. M.
Examinations for admission to
the North Carolina College of
Agriculture and Mechanic Arts
will be held at the county court
house on Thursday, July 11th at
o'clock a. m., in the office of
the superintendent of instruction.
These examinations are required
by law, and are intended to save
the expense of a trip to Raleigh,
Young men industrial
education should be on hand
C. T. is going to give
one free trip to the Jamestown
exposition. Attend his big sale
now on learn about it.
Glad Tidings.
Mr- E. U. N. general
manager of the Merchants
Stock Liquidating Co., of
who is here conducting the
special sale for, Mr. C- T. Mun-
ford, received a telegram this
morning announcing the arrival
of a fine girl at his home. It
makes him wear big smiles.
boards, bed steads, trees,
chairs, center tables, baby car-
go your own
price. Must be closed out in
days. special sale.
The Bolt Know.
Attorney General Jackson, of
N w York, was in Al-
a certain that had
been offered him.
was a slim he
said. reminds me of the ex-
of the rod agent.
the days when ill world
swore by lightning rods, a far-
mer had two costly ones put on a
new barn. But only a week or
two later there came a violent
thunder storm, the barn was
struck, and in a few hours all
that remained of it was a heap of
charred refuse.
day the farmer sought
out the lightning rod agent.
lightning rod you sold
he shouted. Here's my
new barn been struck and burn-
ed to
said the agent.
sir; by
the day
at night. Last night.
The agent's puzzled frown re-
a little.
he said was a dark
night, wasn't
course it said the
farmer. was pitch dark.
the lanterns
The agent looked amazed in-
he said, you don't
mean to tell me that you didn't
run up lanterns on the rods on
dark Ga-
Go to the Jamestown
as the guest of C
The lucky number at his special
sale win a free trip.
Greenville managed its cam-
for the location of the
Eastern Training School provided
for by the last Legislature with
promptly. who are slight- decency and order- A good guess
drummer's samples of
straw hats, all styles, are being
sold at special sale at
less than cost of production.
tJ I O
White ants ere eating out the
wooden rafters in the Smithson-
Institute at Washington and
a force of men is now trying to
exterminate them with kerosene.
The government is also carrying
on a campaign again rats. Be-
tween ants, rats, and
railroad magnates the govern-
This floating item is credited to
the Lamar
a man was a bootblack or
janitor before he rose to success
and local eminence he never fails
to refer to it He boasts of it
He's proud of It indicates that
he has in him the stuff to rise
under circumstances that were
unfavorable and discouraging.
But suppose a woman who now
belongs to the leading set in town
has one time worked in some
one's kitchen, do you suppose she
would ever refer to it Really,
what would she do to one
who would refer to it in her
presence The man glories in
work. The woman is
e of hers once she gets beyond
i . She is an economic factor
Then she has to be, but never
from choice.
Fact, isn't it We hadn't
thought of it before, but one's
own experience confirms it. The
average man who attains a little
prominence or accumulates a
little property likes to boast of
his success. It is to his credit
that he has accumulated some-
thing and he the most of
it. In fact it takes a very little
rise to set some men boasting and
the best of them will sometimes
magnify their difficulties and
their success. But did you ever
hear a woman boast if she has
attained prominence in the social
circle, or even thinks she has,
that she has cooked or washed or
any other sort of labor
Not one in Sometimes you
will strike a candid soul, but
they're extremely rare. To hear
them they have got-
ten up a little ways, and some
times when they
think they were born with silver
spoons in their that for
I everything had always been
ready to hand- In fact when
you know they've been reared in
poverty, and everybody knows it,
some of them will pretend they
don't know how to do house-
work, sewing or anything, and
act as if they had been reared
in fairyland. Strange, but a
Hotel an j Stands Destroyed.
to Reflector.
Jamestown Exposition, June
A destructive fire early this
morning swept a large territory
of hotels and lunch stands
around the gates of the
grounds. The fire start-
ed at o'clock m me third story
of Berkley hotel. This with
other hotels and hundred
lunch counter's and soft drink
stands were destroyed. The
Inside Inn just inside the grounds
from the fire was saved by
work Five people lost th. r
lives in the fire ard
were injured.
Laces and embroideries mark-
ed down to cents, less than
half price, at special
Follow the crowd to
special sale, Every purchaser
to the amount gets a coupon
trip the j
Robin's Appreciation.
About six weeks ago Hugh
of Lock Haven noticed an
old robin fluttering in the
in front of his home as if it had
been injured Mr. caught
the bird after some little effort.
He discovered that one of the
robin's legs was which
rendered it almost helpless.
Taking the redbreast into the
house he washed the bones,
plied splints an I en. fully band-
aged the leg and k the robin
a prisoner. To Mr
prise the grew r,
and a few weeks the leg was-
to be us as ever.
The robin was en i's freedom,,
but in appreciation of the
performed by Mr;
the robin comes about the
house many times every day and
ht s become so tame that it
eat crumbs from Mr
The bird has a nest in a near
by tree and on called by
Mr. invariably flies to
him and perches on the vines, a
fence or some other object near
where Mr. may happen
to Record.
They have had a big
the treasury department over
the installation of a
the white
men and women of that office.
The white men always remove
their hats in respect to the
women, but the walked
about in an manner
with his hat on and when request-
ed to remove it, told the man
who had made the request to
mind his own business. Later
in the day another white man
took an insult from him, but
toward the close of business,
emboldened by these successes.
he shoved a white man away
from the water cool rand then
he found that he had a
mistake. He was hammered all
over the room and to
finally escape with his life. It is
a mistake on part of the depart-
officials to try to force
gross on their white in
the manner they have been
doing. It invariably stirs up
hard feeling, demoralizes the
service for the time-being and is
of results to the colored
Ladies muslin
ready made garments, m k d
down half price, less than . i of
i the cloth in then, at C- T. Mun-

Biscuits An In Britain and
Crackers Are Biscuits.
In ilia used
in i-
.- don't is
f i r-
i.- a
; . pi and
. . .
i rest, a
. i
I i- are
a Mick i .;. a
jacket i mi
i- arc rolls; -at-ken are
bin is. crack-
a tan
beer i- bitters;
a n . i- i . i- p-r-
in roasted;
i- wheat and
are I is in x. a rooster is
a cock, and a is a turkey-
co k.
., i i i n howl
align l U a bureau is a chest
of i- -i l i- n roe. thread
rot ton i I . i- is
calico, Ii i a horse is i
pi. horse; a lap is a rail-
way r . . a trunk is a
A fr i- a ; .
hardwire ire an a
An More a o In .
a a
a f More n hosiers;
a -tore A tidy it an antimacassar; stub
a cheek is a counterfoil,
and ah ova button are run link-.
A r; k. I i a book-
and buying a ticket is
a locomotive is an en-
mi e in. a driver
is a a a stoker.
and a freight train a good train.
Driving is a wagon is a
n balky hone a jibbing
horse, and a a bearing
A v i- a lumber i-
wood, fagots,
white pit e, deal
A i i comforter, and u
is n quill.
sink i- neat; cute is
is smart is clover,
and clever i- Post.
are caused by Inc ; n.
. . . . . ,
, i of hi- th. r heart tr u-n pa., . .
nu Mil up --1
It with its in of
what you ea strain off
of cc nourishment,
ard organ of
and .
Tr. .; L-i . .
. , . f wash.
ally i i -j m-
v A
I r NO N . . a. r.
h. .,. ii Hoc
c. k . o.
. .-.-. Ill
John I. Wont en.
His Profession.
The father a family
himself an emigration office and
for tickets.
many are inquired
the agent.
wife and
and went
the .
I'm- i. in. thirty;
y wife, a
of ;, in-
the about
child end is
on m
The ; . were raised
so much almost formed
Gothic ii i It's forehead.
pi p- in, repeated
Tin- i-i n -In I father paused
a i. i Inn, -tv. ore would stop; then u
it ho
don Graphic.
hi i. Ml tic I a score of yours
tin shiftless colored hoy
rial ; inc h i after being
n i of
v.-- sentenced to i.
term in the penitentiary,
where he was set to loam a trade
On the of his return homo he
met a friendly white acquaintance
; they put you at in
in to make an hon-
est Ii it ft II
Bill, and i
, i
At teach t-.
be .
done in do shoo
hop, salt. pasteboard
Stop That Cold
To check with
HUI tot To -f. v coM
with . I r to t-t It t
to It To l
will butt
i-n or
i. j an
do physic, for the
j U feel
l over, think of
hall -our
And don K
lies In
for the p. k. t in boxes of
on your you
J. W.
About home
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
if so the first thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
Sam White Property.
No proper surpasses this for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on easy terms.
is indication that property around
Greenville is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the lot the
it will cost
This located minute
walk from the business part or the town.
See Sam White and let him explain price
and terms.
f ii t
The man who Ma H. la
wise for hie family.
The who Insure hie health
Is wise both for his family
You may health by
tag It. It Is worth guarding.
At t h attack of
through LIVER and
fest In Innumerable way a
And save your health.
D. W.
And Provisions
Ties always on
A of Nature.
n I ii child crying
mill the woman u
th . mil listened,
, mid too. Hear the the
Tl ere it
the mat r her. She has
.- . her too hurts.
ail. she'll feel a whole better
she lets up. If I could scream
an, like tor at night
win I up, I believe i go
k to sleep
York Press.
advertise have space pap
the people read.
fills the bill, for it carries your announcement direct to
the people results.
I r. sh kept -on-
in stuck. Country
ll Produce Bo. Sold
Nor t h Carolina.
North Carolina. In the superior
Pitt county. Before D. c Moore
J. C. and wife
it. A. Ella Dawson.
The defendant Ella Dawson, w
hereby take notice a pr
instituted in
court of Pitt county entitled J.
ii. A. Dawson and Ella fort
purpose of making sale of a
tract of land situated in swift no
Township county for division
and the said
one of the defendants In
Special proceeding, will further
I notice that aha is required to appear.
office of the clerk of the super
I court of Pitt county, at Greenville.
I the June, 1907. and r
I or demur to the complaint of
i plaintiffs or the relief therein
ed will be granted.
of May. 1907.
D. C.
clerk superior court Pitt county.
Not Quite
How you MU get, a
thin-- I
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a
tool box and lie prepared
. m i pencil's. Our
is a you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J P.
A man n
wife who everything quite lit-
II.- came home and said lie
would take to the theater n id
presently he found her stuffing
forts of eat int. a
bogs. arc yon
lie asked, and
just v.- . . six
want good
Send your r to The Reflector.
Jesse Sutton, Sr., enters and
acres, more or less, of
land lying in township,
county. N. on South side of
river and on well branch.
ginning in the John
line in the north side of Round
then north with said Haddock's
I his beginning corner on south side of
glade swamp, thence
with the Wm. Haddock Patent
the Bryant Dixon line, thence up
I well swamp to the Mills pit-
line to a pine on west of said
thence cast with the line
the branch cornering on Mills line rear
tar kiln bed on south of Sledge
then south to Jesse Sutton's line on the
north side of Round
with the Sutton line to the beginning.
This June 10th, 1907.
Jesse Sutton,
Any person or persons claiming title
to or interest in the foregoing de-
scribed file their in
writing with me within the next thirty
days, or will be barred law,
H. hams.
A Fortunate Texas.
M r of St Louis
I nave Ii on Dr.
I Tills, n
t ever before tried so
es of malaria and They
don't nor gripe, at John L.
N. C.
A; of business May 1907.
Capital Stock
Surplus funds
Undivided Profit less
Expenses paid
Loans discount
Overdrafts secured and
All other Stocks. Bonds
Due Banks 1.41
Cash Items 618.27
Gold Coin i
National bank notes and
U. S. note .
Bills Payable
time 27,1581.0
to a
3.2 5.99
, i. i
.- I
in to th best of my
th May
. S. C
Ashley Home, of Clayton
Candidate for Governor
Clayton, N. C, June 8.1907. then staggering. But In 1898
To the Democrats of North Caro- he bad no sympathy for any
movement looking to a fusion
Ashley of this place, is with Sutler, Russell, and
a candidate for sub son. He was outspoken in de
to the action of the demo- any such proposition,
state convention He came to the state convention
I have known Mi. Home all f in 1898 and threw his whole in-
his life, and feel that it is not out in favor of a straight
of place for me, of my own fight.
knowledge to state what manner If there is one idea in Mr.
of man he is He is a native of Home's mind, or if there is one
Johnston county; is sixty five motive in his life which
years old; had a common school over all others, it is his
education, but in early manhood opposition and hatred mono-
volunteered as a private in and continues. He has
the individual
to his future advance- j right or to the left, but who has
He be content to consistently fought the party's
the people in the office of b for more than forty years.
C. O LAUGHINGHOUSE Confederate army, and following always stood f.
t lose of May 18th 1907.
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured 1,400.88
All other Stocks, Bonds
Banking Houses
Demand Loans 18,665.81
Item; 1,031.52
Coin 71.00
Silver Coin 1.085.62
National bank note
and U. S. notes
Capital Stock
Undivided Profits less
Expenses paid
Notes and bills
Bills Payable
Cashier's checks
Reserved for Interest
the fortune of the army of north- and in of the freest com-
Virginia for four years, and He does not in
surrendered with at i any law gives man an
His record as a soldier is over another, and he
without blemish. , believes that any be-
After the war ho had neither tween two or more men, or two
the lime nor ability to more companies to restrict
his education. Necessity competition, or to create a mono-
ed Km to go to work- The first is a crime against human
year after going home he and ought to be punished
Vetted a crop, then clerked in a in th severest manner. He is a
store, and in 1867 began practical trust lighter. Not a
for himself. He prosper buster on paper, but a man
ed, made friends of his customers, I who has systematically and earn-
and many of the men who began fought monopolies in the
to trade with him forty years ago i only way he found it practicable
are still his customers and friends, to fight them.
Hi . North
L Little. Cashier o t the above named bank, do
that the above is knowledge
lid belief.
Subscribed and sworn to e
this 28th day of May. 1907.
Notary Public. I
J. G.
Come in and examine my
As a farmer and as a business
man he has been successful and
he has also embarked in other
When the cotton-oil industry
became important he was one of
the men who organized the first
lines of business. Now he is re- cotton-oil mill in Raleigh When
as en of the most sue-, he ascertained that the
men in the state. While can Cotton Oil Company had ob-
he large lines, and is control of that mill, he
engaged in banking, insurance, j sold every dollar of his stock and
manufacturing, merchandising, retired. When it appeared that
he is still a large and active far- j the fertilizer business was going
mer. He is not merely a farmer. into the hands cf large concerns,
on paper, but every day during he was one of the men who help-
the crop season a visitor would ed-organize the
be apt to find him in the field,
actually carrying on large, active.
i i
Your t it e,
We bag leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Reta for
White Paints,
Colors. and
Ready nixed
There is no line in the world better titan
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
for honorable wares and
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
ever worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
Fertilizer Works, near
the city of Raleigh.
and successful farming opera-1 were made to buy that mill
And so well does out, Mr. Home opposed it and
he keep himself on market prices offered to become for
of farm products, that many will the future of the mill himself
that during several recent provided it was kept
years has published cotton letters dent. A few years ago, when
w I lien have contained whole it appeared that the American
some advice the farmers with Cotton Oil Company and the
regard to holding their cotton. Southern Cotton Oil Company
This advice has proved to be well would control the cotton seed
governor for four years, and at
the end of the term return to
private life. He will not attempt
t use Um office of
stepping stone to any
Mr Home will mike a
canvass of the prior to the
convention If nominated he
will take the stump and ably up-
hold the Democratic
ii able to make, and will make, a,
strung and vigorous canvass,
but he will not expect busy
to come out and hear him
speak when h is canvassing for
as the standard
b of his party.
Mr. Home's personal life, is
without spot or No
person, however much he
differ with Mr. Home in politics
or otherwise, can found who
would impugn his personal honor
or believe him guilty of improper
act. He h vs bean a moral
man all his life. He was a
man when temperance
and prohibition not popular.
As far bacK as 1881 he voted for
He has always
stood for temperance, for th
home, and the church.
H i has always been a progress-
man and. while by far
largest tax-payer of his section,
has voted for
taxes for and good roads,
and has red everything that
promoted the welfare of his com-
regardless of its
effects upon him.
Mr. Homo favors the strict
enforcement of the laws passed
by the last general assembly
regulating railroads and
them to give better service
at reduced rates. He believes
in holding to their
duty and within the law, and
doing this with a strong bold
hand- He has always favored
requiring railroads to perform
their duties vigorously, and at
the lowest possible rates and he
never rode a mile on a railroad
pass, believing that
should serve and not boss. More
than thirty years ago when the
rates on cotton between Clayton
and too high, he
a wagon train and sent
the cotton through the country
Mr. Home is such a man.
you want a man for governor who
fill the office well, who has
never done and will never do an
unworthy or improper act, who
will never do anything that will
require defense, apology, or ex-
Ashley Home is such
a man. J. T. Ellington.
S. Asks
founded, and there is no market of the south, and they j
ting the money it saved the farm- might coo and re- railroads, m disgust.
rs of the state, and they were prices, immediately him to name what he
not slow in pressing their Home assisted in the building of g-J
a, ,,,,; mil, I I m
exceeded. H has always op-
posed the granting of special
favors to railroads. In 1885 he
was a member of the State sen-
ate. The Richmond and Dan-
ville railroad prop to build to
Murphy, if the State would do-
business propositions a very which mill is now owned and
and Controlled by Clayton and
He was one of the organizers run independently. It provides
of the Cotton an independent market for seed,
and he has established and furnishes independent of
warehouses somewhat en the other companies fertilizers,
line of the bonded warehouse He president of the
now advocated by that Cotton Mills. In 1902 many
association. i North Carolina mills favored
He has always been a straight, going into a combination, so as
regular and organization demo- to effect it was said, large econ-
He has voted the demo- The proposition was made
tickets as they were print-, to Mr. Home to have the
eL i ton mills included in the merger.
when He declined to even submit the
Ham was making sch headway Proposition to the stockholders,
among the people, he opposed it, I The fate that merger justified
but he understood hard the wisdom his course.
The Norfolk and Southern Rail-
way Company has tiled with the
Corporation Commission the maps
showing the lines of road that it
time ago be exempt-
ed by the Commission from the
of the new rate law as
as several
days ago.
In its petition asking a
and revision of the de-
as to the Pamlico Division
of the system, the railroad
l. That the
will constructed have a to-
cf miles, of
which is entirely new con-
and the remaining 72.8
miles is composed of what may
be designated as the Washington
branch and the Bel-
haven branch winch
is really new construction.
It is p tinted out further in the
petition that the Washington
branch extends from Washington
to s Ferry, and was
merely a logging line from
Washington to Plymouth that
was extended by the company to
s Ferry last year, and the
Belhaven branch extends from
Belhaven to Ferry.
The Washington and Belhaven
branches, since their acquisition
by the railroad, have been and
are being made new, being
reconstructed by co;
of curvatures, strength
of roadbed, etc. Everything
both of of these branches is
new except the roadbeds.
It is further stated in the
that operate the Pamlico
branch successfully, it is
to establish a line from
Washington to New Bern
that is now in course of
construction; that owing to recent
construction and conversion of a
logging line to the passenger
vice the travel on the Pamlico-
division is very light and
that it all be con-
as newly constructed road
and that it is i both for
railroad and people that there be
established upon it a uniform
passenger rate.
The Commission is considering
the in the o, me
provision of the rate
bill putting it in discretion
to exempt from the operation of
law certain roads constructed or
in process of construction after
January first
News Observer.
Tillman Strikes it Rich.
free the use of several m
convicts. Mr. Home was ,. . ,
anxious as any to set that work
completed, but he though the; South Carolina, is the latest
Richmond and Danville was to enter the lists of under obligations to build it at the that jack
under which He was of the first m n to
were suffering; and. advocate the formation of home
denouncing their movement insurance companies, both fire
many unwise men treated to the outflow
them with and of North Carolina money for
thy, dissuading them from Insurance. He was one of the
its own expense. He voted
against the donation of the con-
and was one of the
tors who signed a protest against
the measure.
recently chased a mining
property in the district on which
an exceptionally rich strike has
been made. Assayers report
that the vein is unusually good
This is a brief account of Mr. 2nd may in time make
Home's life. He is in the race South Carolina statesman a mil-
today. He is encouraged by j Senator Tillman has
promises of support from every. his property the Pitch
section of the State. We believe fork He hat
he will be nominated. to sell any interest in is
In conclusion. I beg to if the company will remain
, want to support a close corporation,
the democratic party, but of the North for Mr. i
never denouncing them. the If you Hail
country immediately life and tare companies successful business man, and a, Th . ., , . to Clayton, populism never made One of the rules of his business long farmer, for the office, i Friday evening did
any and one of the life is to give the preference, Mr. Home is the man. If vicinity of
headway, was practicable Jo do so. to want a man who has been a ion- Several barns and outbuildings
the wise and kindly manner in and of were and two large
which the farmers were treats
by Mr. Home and other Demo- As far as it is possible to do so, is the man. It you want a man Much
After the fusion of pops.- he taboos trusts and monopolies. who has been a leader in the in- done to crops,
and Republicanism carried From the purchase of the oil development of his sec-
the and when many em- Home is the man. If
felt that it would be best property he always gives the you want a man who has always
for us to make some arrange- to local dealers and stood for good roads,
with the populists by dependent companies. education, and morality,
which the state could be redeem- Mr. Home is not identified Mr Home is the man. If you
ed, Mr- Home was outspoken in with any particular faction of want a man for who
injury was-
his denunciation of the move- the party. He is neither
Six or eight years before nor radical, so called. He
he had been moderate and con- is a Democrat plain. If elected
in the tn office, he will not endeavor to
tint Up i
U.;. re Ci . son a I
will give his whole time to that
office and who will not aspire to
other positions. Mr. Home is the
man. If you want to support a
. a. i . .New Officer.
At the annual communication
this morning, of Greenville Lodge
A. F. and A. M, the follow-
officers were elected for the
W. M. King, W. M.
W. L Brown, S. W.
H. B. Harris J. W.
W. B. Wilson, Treas.
J- J.

as class matter Jan. 1907 at the peat office at
C. Act congress of March 1879.
raws made
A correspondent desired at every post office In and adjoining counties.
in to fiction
-COMPLIMENT TO GREENVILLE. The fellow who predicted
would be a summer
While talking with a number gees his
of citizens here, Friday after-i
noon. Governor R. B. Glenn re-1 Less work and more pay seems
marked want to say this be the idea of labor unions.
compliment of the people of j After awhile they will want four
During the stay of or five hours to constitute a day's
Greenville is attending Durham and Wilson occupy
her own business. unenviable position in the date
giving record of crime.
Are you listening Tomorrow
to tell the
It is in order row a days when
a public man makes a for
f The sun has thrown off his sensational reporter to ac-
spot a and gone down of things that
onus. he did not say. Then thing possible to set forth her
our board in your midst, not one
word has been heard from any
one in disparagement of any
other town competing for the
training school, and the board
Governor Glenn in this com-
touched the sentiment
that has been uppermost with
Greenville from the beginning of
the contest for the school.
While this town has done every
Any body who is able live
without work has a right to quit
work when he wants to. but there
ought to be some law to prevent
labor unions ordering a strike in
any line of business that results
in serious inconvenience and loss
to the general public.
I comes the denial to fill more space.
your ear to the
this week to hear a noise like the. is in he
training school. that he
l San Francisco.
is mayor
we see no
own advantages for the location
of the school and to fortify her-
self to make a successful bid
it, she has made no fight
any other town trying to get it
The big turtle ha-; been
tared, time for the an i T a; of the towns COmpeting for
school are Eastern North
sea serpent to lob up.
Liquor are on the in-
crease, but men go right on
drinking the stuff.
Those who were clamoring for
summer ought to be satisfied
with this kind. It is making
do about.
The Charlotte Observer may-
have observed the fact that
Greenville has hounds
that deliver the goods.
the jail for their cases
tried before
Carolina and all of
are good towns, hence we have
That was a nice tie sensation no occasion for town's fight-
sent out from the in Though some
exposition about the girl sticking
a hat pin in a sailor them
that wear sailors stick hat pins
in them, the elastic string under
the chin having long since gone
very unkind and disparaging
things have been said against
Greenville elsewhere, this town
has passed them unnoticed and
off red no retaliation, Green-
They are not tumbling over
each other fast to indicate that
they in a cotton factory
In Greenville. Remember a sub-
list has been placed at
The Reflector who
help start factory. Re-
member also, the town that egos
n to help itself get an enter-
prise is the town that gets help
According to the Charlotte pa-
President Roosevelt should j
send Franc a card of in tho
a and made by far
the best bid for the location of
the school. As to site, health.
accessibility, and every other
advantage desired for the success
of the school, Greenville is on
pissed by
men will be written on
faces hem an i
out style except with the little ville entered the contest deter-
folks. mined to win it strictly by her
own merit, and she does not
Greenville expects to get the want it any other way.
Eastern Carolina Training school
for teachers. This town and
did the bulk of j
his Ananias club.
It is said that dogs were
killed in Germany last year for
food. The only redeeming
thought about that is, it makes
of i
Greenville wisely concluded
that making the bid for the
Eastern training school along
with the other towns, on the
I of June, ended the matter so far
i as anything they could do, and
not been going wild over it
i since then. All that remained
the bids was for
the composing the
Stile of Education to in-
the sites offered, as the
law i Mid render their
decision, Greenville
in the wisdom of these
and patiently awaits
r verdict
The walls of the office of
Superintendent W. H. Rags-
dale are decorated with pictures
showing the recent educational
s Pitt county has made.
There showing
nobody j the old school buildings in many
being the hardest month in know.; how much of what the county and the new
year, and this month is not going says to believe buildings that have supplanted
. on the record.
The soda fountain tax is and
the skating rink levy The
merchants and all sorts of traders
have to pay tribute. The Monroe
town government evidently
needs money for some purpose
and is going for it
reminds us to say that
such unreasonable license taxes
is a good way to check the pro-
town, and drive men
with money to invest elsewhere
to in business.
ground for i divorce in this
The a a i-elect have ca i-
cussed and axed up the slate ready
for Monday,
not so
but what you en it as
the same, town,
is in the
yet a a term, .-;
his d served. S; th
so a; he is concerned
might as w Being
A confessed criminal Ml
weight. . v n if much
he should be tr- . Without
Charlotte Observer may
have observed the fact that
Greenville has some bloodhounds
that deliver the
ville Reflector.
Doesn't our contemporary sup-
pose that dos would
have done as
June ha; the reputation
Plantation Life Suspends.
Mr O. L- Joyner. editor of
Plantation Lit . announces in the
June number that
will suspend the present
He has made it an interesting
magazine, and we regret that
circumstances have caused
him to stop it Mr.
time is so occupied with
business matters, that he
does not have time to give Plan-
Lite the attention, re-
Queer Are Men.
Men are queer. A mar. will
borrow a chew of tobacco and
most of them will set their teeth
into the plug right where some
other man has gnawed out a
The view the members of the I Education inspecting sites offer-
State Board of Education have Jed for the location of the
taken of Greenville today, training school,
hem that we have a good town, them that the East is a
fine section and has some good
We sympathize with the Mt.
Olive Tribune in the loss that
by fire
ca; right The and The fools are not all dead, but
entire plant of the paper was de- of has a call-
was an of the at
i Columbus, Ohio. To prove
With the prospect of cotton dent contention that
prices next fall, the farmers who not attack a man
have sold their crop in under
around ten cents are going he entered cage
The tour of the State Hoard of I at home from wife r
indicated in chew. Offer him a piece of pie
from which his wife or
children had taken a bite and he
no of Education here
their mistake,
then. The record
h pi
point to with pride. At home
that on the visit of the he not drink out of a glass
or cup from which someone of
the family has drunk. Call him
into a back stall of a barn and
he will stick the bottle neck half
way down bis throat in order to
get a swig after a half dozen
fellows have had the neck of
the bottle in their mouth. Yea,
men are
PLACE fifty
makes of Womens shoes to-
Ask ten women o
make Nine of then
will pick the
SHOE. We have
ed and proved this Thee
must be a reason
all other women's shoes in
the world.
Friday, the gentlemen showed
much interest in these photo-
graphs and marveled at the
advancement Pitt county ha
made- It is safe to say that it
impressed them that a county
making such improvement in
school buildings is a good place
for the location of the training
animal chewed him up
considerably. He might claim the
When one town can advance; that his entering the cage was
its claims by running but it was fool-hardy
to say the least.
other town, it is getting
down to small business. The
same rule will apply to
Since the president has slipped
away to Oyster Bay for the sum
mer, the Ananias club seems to
We quarrel a lot with the Lord
but he brings things out all
right. People imagined from
the quality of the weather for
the past two months or more
that the wheat corn crop
would short, but
be doing business elsewhere r., ;,.; wheat is ally on for i
at the Or possibly
new club is
to his. appropriation.
The statement is made by a
City correspondent,
of the
channel between Pamlico sound
and the ocean is to be let by con-
tract. This will be a contract
with considerable money behind
it, and bidders for it may be
active. The proposed channel is
one of the connecting in
the inland water way system,
the measure Congressman
M has been working
. rs while for and toward the construction of
tar is
Record congress has made a large
Keep the Boys at
Some people think it a mystery
that notwithstanding good ad-
vice their boys grow up to be wild
and reckless young men. If
these boys were taught from in-
fancy that home was the proper
place for them after dark,
than prowling around the
streets, annoying well and sick
people alike, much of this
tery might be explained, and
men with better moral
character and more intelligent
minds would be the result No
parent need expect pure morals
in a boy that prowls the streets
at night, even if he does go to
Sunday school.-Fort Mill Times
When the merchant a for
fair hp in rates they
ask mere than is
light audit pay rail-
roads meet them half way
and discus. the on its
c s.
Big Store
s offering a complete of
Dry Goods, Shoes Hits,;
and Millinery
Yon can't go wrong by inspecting our you certain
be pleated with the price.
New Year
mo same stead, d Mir north of
thank every customer his patronage during th
past year and ask It may be continued.
It pay you to visit my store and see my stock.
J. B. Johnston.
This department in in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
The A. G. Cox M f Co. has Picture frame. g
I on hand a full supply of by Eastern Carolina Supply Co.,
I their Tar Heel Cart wheels. Winterville N. C.
Send us your order
prompt shipments.
The boys are getting their ball
ground in excellent shape for the
game tomorrow
We sell Laughlin, Eclipse and
Parker fountain pens.
Rev. T. H King filled his
regular appointment at the
church Sunday morning and
night His sermons were of a
high order. At the morning
B. T. Cox Bro.
We have on hand a copies
-of the history of the San j Dr. D. S. Chapman left
co disaster. Usual 1.50. jay afternoon for Greenville,
Our price, B T. Cox; where he has accented a position
Bro. again with Coward Wooten.
The school grounds are Miss Nannie Braxton left Fri-
now as the grass has just day morning to be present at the
been mowed- The of i annual Masonic meeting at the
The program was followed by
a short talk from our much be-
loved pastor. Rev. B E- Stanfield
which was very instructive and
much appreciated.
The famous mower
with reaper attachment is the
thin r to harvest your oats with.
Get one at Harrington Barber
Now is a great season for
traveling. Go F- Manning
Co for trunKS.
the school will soon be out.
F. C. Nye and Theodore Cox
went to Greenville Tuesday.
You just ought to come down
and see the nice and up to-date
Hunsucker being turned
out almost almost every day by
the A. G Cox Co.
Frank James and family left
Requests for of
High came in
students, music
pupils, and about boarders
is the record for last year. The
prospects are bright for the com-
W B. of Ayden,
B- T. Cox Bro. have just re-
Oxford orphanage, which meets
G J. Jackson is away this week
at Asheville where the conference
cf the Y. M. C. A. is in cession.
He is a representative of Wake
Forest college-
The report came in yesterday
morning that a be r had been
men in the neighborhood of
Bryant about two miles
from here Several our
well equipped with
suitable for dispatching
animals of this type, left
for the scene, but no one
had the opportunity of seeing the
Miss Dora Cox, after a very
The A G. Cox Mfg. Co., ship-1
two solid car loads of their j
Handy tobacco trucks Tuesday;
morning. The farmers all over
the State are to see
the necessity for these
The A. G. Cox Mfg Co., are
daily shipping out the best to-
flues at the lowest price,
Send us your orders
All who want lime for repair-
furnaces or buildings can
find the best quality at A W.
Ange Co.
the Carolina Milling
Co. are prepared to
grind first meal for you at
any time- Wood work also a
B. F. Manning Co, have
opened up a nice line of Canned
goodsNice assortment of glass ware
just arrived- Harrington, Bar-
A large line of umbrellas and
parasols just received at
barber Co-
Get your wood work done at
the Carolina Milling
The regular mission meeting
of the Baptist church was held
Sunday night.
Look for a moment at the nice
Tobacco Flues being almost
turned out by The A- G- Cox
Co. We guarantee good
goods at lowest prices-
a nice lot of Teacher's pleasant stay of ten days at
Bibles, flexible binding. Asheville. returned home
from each.
Laura Cox and Theodore
Cox went over the river Sunday, e
Good meal is a luxury.
your corn to the Carolina Mil-
Rollins went to Green-
ling and Manufacturing Com-
They grind at any time
during the week.
Mrs. E. E. Cox, who spent
some time with relatives at
Seven Springs, is at home again.
Her health is much improved.
Those in need of tobacco sticks
will do well to see L. L Kit-
who will be prepared to fill
James King, of Greenville,
was here Tuesday
Lawns, laces, organdies, ham-
bergs going at a at
Barber Co.
Mrs. A. Johnson d
spent in Greenville.
See our new assortment of
hamburgs, laces etc at B. r,
Manning Co.
Miss Lain Chapman spent Sun-
day with Miss at
Hamilton rifles are the thing
for shooting on gun outing trips
fishing, etc. this
Barber Co.
We are glad indeed to an-
that Dr. J H. Hudson,
o recently passed the state
l has decided to locate in
. G Cox Mfg. Co are in
no.-. i i to fill your orders
r the Handy Tobacco Trucks.
S- ; us your orders at once be-
rush comes.
v. T. H. King returned to
LaGrange Monday evening.
Prof. Cecil will begin teach-
in r a class in book keeping here
A. W. Ange Co. have a
large assortment of trunks,
valises, suit cases and telescopes
that they will at greatly reduced
for the next thirty days,
them, they are beautiful.
tonight at the academy-
Mr- and Mrs- L. F- Elliott,
Carload of hay, just in A. W-
who had been away for several
days visiting relatives and friends
in Granville county, returned
home Tuesday, They report a
grand occasion at Oxford last
Tobacco twine, lanterns,
etc , Ange Co.
Misses Olivia and Hulda Cox
spent Sunday in Greenville.
A large lot of chairs and other
furniture jut arrived ac A.
Ange Co.
arid eggs
Highest p- thorn.
cool hot days. Get
your t B. F Man-
C .
Hawks glasses at
B. T. Cox Bro
your eye.
went to Greenville
The members of the
Sunbeam society of Winterville.
organized by Miss Laura Cox in
1901, are indebted to her the
most delightful outing of
season, a picnic which was given
them on Thursday last-
It was an ideal day to spend
in and shortly after
the train passed about twenty of
our young people hailed the
coming wagons and
with cheers and in a min-
were off for of
action. After a jolly six
miles the pond of Frizzle
was reached and it was decided
that as that was the best fishing
ground in the county everybody
should stop for the day-
on the men had boats
filled out and they lost no time
in Making a start Judging
the readiness of the young
ladies to row there was no
about their having tun.
At last dinner was announced
and such a dinner as it was. The
way spring chicken did fly. cab-
ham and cake disappear,
as never told- The fishing
feature of the occasion was the
most fun of all. Immense shad
ard chubs we hauled in
ties and the young ladies proved
splendid cooks.
four o'clock desert was
served by the young men who
so kindly found a quantity of
green apples and the question of
where came from was left
Around the mill were lovely
shady walks, but these
proved insufficient for
the games of Master Cupid, so a
few couples lingered in the boats
so late that it before
the merry party was finally
ready for home But as all good
things have to come to an end so
did this but the memory of the
day will remain when the sun-
burns and aching brows are a
thing of the past.
Bring your wheat to the Caro-
Milling Mfg. Co- They
are now prepared to make first
class flour-
Blacksmith work done prompt-
at Carolina Milling Mfg.
A full of fresh drugs at B-
F. Manning Co.
have just opened a nice
lot rug. A- W.
A Co.
at R-
Manning Go.
The A. G Cox Mfg Co. are
Still manufacturing their nice
Pitt County School desks.
belts and umbrellas
Don t neglect, fa use at b. f. Man-
What is the matter with the
people of Morehead City So far
Reason, no child has been
carried up and away by toy
o sis, no nigger has been eaten
by a shark, no sea serpent has
been sighted and even the Char-
whale has not made a call.
But the State Press Association
is to there next month and
then the advertising
may be made
A girl at Utica, N. Y., com-
suicide on the eve that
she was to wed. Apt as not some
married man in his haste to
be consoling and leave the
that he is a soothsayer,
remarked in tenderest tones to
the heartbroken groom that
turns out for the
Knows His
to me a man of your
standing in the community ought
drive a better looking
the summer boarder said.
trade mm for the
fastest roadster in the hull
said Farmer
berry. horse knows just
what to do when he meets an
He cavorts around an,
topples over breaks up a
buggy shaft
i cents harness,
I'll bet I've collected as
much as hundred dollars
from the owners. The
Id horse is all
land Plain Dealer.
by Quiring.
.- . . recent that
men i how In make
houses i Y. tares f cert in yet In
a crude it. kind ii by man-ii to efficient
But lower
have for making their
house- in i or of similar tic
and hardening Tho
cliff Willfully built homo
is indeed wonderful structure, es-
when e take Into
tin- way in which
bird work. u boy
or a girl Irving to make
structure of mud mid handling tho
I- f
; L
r. Mini i . ;
n ; . the
. . i. . iron
-i the strength of the
wall. Tin- i.-
robin oilier
do when mix u supply
of and other
and even their con-
of mail.-From
and in St. Nicholas.
. i
A for Daily
we take
a ml writing receipts for
In We have a lint
-i Mil who receive mail at
thin office. We also orders
ob printing
For fresh and cheap goods go
to E. E. Co., they always
have the best
Go to E- E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sausage and fresh
Merchandise carry
a full line of Meat, Lard and can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
If you need any Paint be sure
see E. E. Co-
exchange corn
for or Lean, Healthy Shoats
weighing from to pounds
If preferred I will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Darden,
ltd Ayden, N. C
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need-
ed article.
Call at Store
cure one of those excellent
M, Sauls.
The most will be
pleased with one of those
Pens at Saul's. Call and
Ayden. N-C. June
Thursday in company with J.
J. Smith and boys we went
over to Snow Hill to see a game
of ball between our home team
and the team of Snow Hill. All
along the way we found the crops
in a most excellent condition, es-
the grain crop, tobacco
and corn. Cotton was rather
small and had a seedy appearance
but if this hot weather continues
it to will soon be flourishing. The
country along the way is
magnificent. Some of the finest
residences and outhouses we have
seen in the country for a long
while and in any section We
arrived all safe and sound and
put up at Hotel where we
fared and all right.
At the game was called
and while oar friends went with
the beys we stayed near Law-
Morrill the girls, and
we are so glad we did for they
are not only pretty and just as
sweet, but, Oh Lords-1 they
an holler. is not one cf
them but what has a fine pair
of lungs, they kept us with a
case of mean grins all the
but we enjoyed for you know
how it is yourself.
Everything has an ending so
did the game with a score of
to in favor of Hill and
then we bade our friends adieu
and at o'clock found our-
selves at home more. So
a pleasant trip.
Misses Helen Galloway and
Fannie and John War-
and Mr Elks, of Grimesland,
spent a short while here
Misses Olive Butt, Clyde
son and Tom Dawson are visiting
Mrs. F. G.
John Coward, of Snow Hill,
has been here on a visit to his
brother, R C. Coward.
Miss Nancy Coward, of Green-
ville, spent a couple of days here
last week with friends.
J. R. Turnage and W- E.
Hooks are in attendance upon
the meeting the Grand lodge
of the domain of North Carolina
now in session at Elizabeth City-
Mass., May
Messrs J. R Turnage Co.
Ayden, N. C.
For fear that there
may be a slight misunderstand-
on the part of some of our
customers regarding the
tee upon our patent and
shoes, we wish to
emphasize the fact chat same
exists and has not been with-
We our customers and
all wearers men's shoes to
know that we will continue to do
we have done in the past vis.
guarantee the vamps of the
Patent and Bull nut
to break through before the first
sole i worn out.
fa event of aBort Pack-
to this guarantee, j
the mi whom the
sh es were purchased, is author-,
to replace with a new pair.
Yours very truly,
and Field.
on a
pens on sale at
drug store at from to
cons cotton
meal. F Lilly Co
Mrs. Edwards and
have been here
visit to her brother, but
returned to their home in
Irish potatoes are being ship-
from here in right large
quantities considering the sea-;
son. They are quoted from
to S per barrel.
Mrs. Joe Long and children, of,
have been here on a
recent visit to friends-
G- W. and wife are taking
in the Jamestown exposition.
Mrs. S M. Smith, of Fort
Barnwell, is here on a visit to
her daughters, Mrs. B. F. Man-
Jr., and Mrs. J. A.
M. M- has finest and
best supply of Fountain Pens
ever brought to Ayden.
Sunday night the wife of Big
Six, a colored man living
died Yesterday Big Six,
in company with a friend, came
here for a coffin. Before leaving
he visited the store of J. J. Hines
and made some purchases. Upon
being politely asked if there was
any he replied with loud
ha my old woman died last
The clerk expressing
s Big Six said God
she did and the box I
am going to put her away
Yet they say ignorance is bliss.
D. Gibb has moved to the new
residence recently built by R. H.
Garris on Third street.
M. M. Sauls is off on a visit to
friends in Fremont.
J. J. Smith told us Saturday
he had last week a bale of
I cotton in Norfolk for cents
per pound, the amount received
for the bale being
Miss Lizzie Blount came up
j Sunday from Grifton and spent
the day with her brother, W- S.
I Blount.
We learn tat E- G. Cox and
his excellent family intend
here about September and
making their home in Greens-
The citizens of
without an exception will regret
very much should they leave for
there is no family in our midst
for whom everyone has a higher
regard and greater respect-
We have been informed that
the family of Charles Skinner, of
Greenville, anticipate moving to
Ayden at an early date and leak-
this their home They will
certainly meet with a cordial
Miss Anna Belle Kittrell, of
Grifton, spent Saturday and
Sunday here with Mrs. W. E.
Dr of Greene
who recently stood an
I nation before the State Medical
Board, we arc told he will locate
in Ayden for the practice of his
profession. The citizenship of
such men as the doctor is to be
greatly appreciated by any com-
Miss Baker has accept-
ed a position in the insurance
office of W. E. Hooks as steno-
Tripp Hart Co
Dr Joseph Dixon
J- B. Pierce has come home
from Seven Springs where he
has for some time
He looks very much bet-
Mrs. W. E. Hooks has come
home from a week's visit in the
Miss Lula Smith who has been
away for a week visiting, re-
turned home Sunday.
Irish potatoes are being
shipped in large quantities- The
price for them is very much off.
The farmers are shipping too
Lost, Strayed or red
Jersey bull, six years old this
spring, heavy duck legged, left
horn has a hole in it bored with
a bit. white spot in flank weighs
about one thousand pounds. Five
I dollars reward to any person
bringing same to me. This June
18th, 1907. John S. Hart,
Ayden, N. C
is it
Ha -H
A Play.
A r v i ii. ; I
i one occasion
struck a good tiling
when who looked at
ii-- hail of money earns
and a friendly of
poker. The game ran along very
smoothly for awhile, and at last,
when o; inc moment came,
that dealt to
the guileless Granger tour queens
and gave kings.
course betting became in-
right away, and niter all
the i it a
clown the i laid
down bis four kings and the
showed four aces.
the money, gasp-
ed tho astonished ho
nearly fell in a ii if
have the beer do it. Bill I'll
darned if that was the hand dealt
Neglected He.
I use your a
woman asked the cashier in a res-
She wound the mil of the
receiver around her finger and
do think of my
she naked, wheeling herself around
for inspection,
And she
the price confidentially. Then
a conversation followed. The
telephone receiver dandled and
bumped while
its holder ran mi lint. After
several had elapsed tho re-
to her i for the
At the Goose of business May.
and discounts
Overdrafts secured 1.227.83
and Fixtures 610.59
Due from banks and bankers 9,882.42
Cash items 29.80
Gold coin 290.00
Silver coin 1.728.15
Nat. bk notes other U. 1.538.00
Capital stock
Surplus 7,525.00
Undivided profits less expenses 270.08
Dividends unpaid 27.00
Deposits subject to check 39,360.07
Cashier's checks outstanding 607.84
Certified Checks 4.00
I J. R. Smith, Cashier the hunk, Co
tithe above statement is true to e best of my ard be-
J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
Coax sot Attest
and sworn to re
in . this 27th of May. 1907. I JOSEPH DIXON
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
received a new supply of furnishings and material
in i heir department.
They have purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to serve the This is a needed
want in this section and promise the best when
anything in this line is needed.

I .
Greenville has a citizen who
is known to possess a strong
grip, and in times past he took
pleasure in making; people wince
when he would shake hands with
them. Once he met a farmer
friend on the street, and as they
Five T hi Greenville.
Five members of the State
Board of Education were in
Greenville Friday on their tour of
inspection of in com-
petition for the location of the
Eastern Carolina Training School
for teachers.
Secretary of State J. Bryan
One cf Where tie
People Are Robbed by Smooth
At least two Rowan county
men have been skinned to a
finish by agents for a washing
machine. The machine, which
ordinarily retails for from
cents to is sold for
by the agents and is really a val-
invention. But the
retail price is not where the
hook hands he gripped down Grimes was already-in Greenville.
heavily. The farmer was so, being summoned to a sick child
the moment that He left here Thursday
Snatched his away and to be with the board at Rocky. hurt
note the man on the cheek Mount and Tarboro. and
With a slap. Apologia, turned to Greenville that oven- i w to f
were exchanged and the Auditor B. F. Dixon also
Of. --a. came to Greenville .,.
i recalled to by and spent the night here
g papers of an as the guest of ex-Gov. T. J.
in Jarvis
1st except that the con- ant Governor P. D.
in was different The news Winston and Attorney General
item that Mr. A R. D. Gilmer, could not
v; Goldsboro Head- the other members of the
ii i a man of iron grip boar,;. the , both having
a practice of engagements
. when shaking hands
Governor R. B. Glenn. Treas-
R B. Lacy and
dent of Public Instruction J. Y.
arrived on the forenoon
as to note their
r e squeeze.
A it who had been one
h i- warn I him not to
it act Mr.
k . the warning, but
met liter-
for a
hake, i clasped hands, the
in squeeze followed, when
the merchant instantly pulled
back and began pounding the
i head and bring-
the blood freely.
hi i he
chant i .
The Merriest Soul of the Board.
At o'clock carriages
bled at tie office of County
Superintendent W. H.
in Masonic Temple building,
which was headquarters for the
day. Here Mr. H I young re
took charge and directed besides.
movements for the day.
First the carriages with escort
of citizens went to the depot to
meet the distinguished visitors
and they brought down to
the office of Superintendent
in the following
a right
One reduce the cost,
of the right to would
make it a gift ard all others
would put a bonus of in the
pockets of the seller. In the
two instances referred to the
buyers were scarcely to
make the outlay of but they
saw so many millions ahead that
they strained several points and
acquired the right which, of
course, turns out to be worth
In Montgomery county, the
Post is told, these agents reaped
a harvest.
One young man who had just
bought a horse and buggy for
which he paid was selected
by one agent Who found that the
fellow in cash
He got his horse, bug-
and his victim got a
gold brick. A from
Montgomery says this is but one
case of the kind in that county,
and adds that the life of any of
the agents turned trick
Chewers who read
the information
given in this space
in next week's paper
will then know why
SCHNAPPS and other of
the as shown
by Internal Revenue statistics
for a fiscal year, made the
there would not be safe in th.
State Auditor B. F. Dixon is
the joker cf the State Board of
Education. He loves a joke any
time, any where, and when
opportunity offers he lets it come.; p
He came to Greenville ahead of
the other members of the board,
and while with a
party of friends in
dent office. Friday
morning, got off this
look just like you
are alter something. Let me
tell In Rocky Mount they;
ottered me a town lot to vote to
locate the school there. Tarboro
raised it. and offered me ten
acres and a mule to vote for that
town. It looked too much
graft to accept either
so instead of giving you a j
chance to tempt me I am going
to submit my own proposition, j
If you will change the name of
Dickinson avenue to Dixon
avenue, and pave it. I will vote
Governor R. B Glenn in car- Post,
with ex-Gov. T. J. Guess these are the same
and Col. machine right fellows
Secretary of State J. were working Pitt county
in carriage with a few months ago. If folk's
Wooten and chairman of
County Commissioners R. W.
Treasurer R. R. Lacy in car
with Senator J. L. Fleming
and Mr. R. J. Cobb.
Auditor B. F- Dixon in
age with C.
house and Mr. H. A- White.
Superintendent of Public I n
J Y in carriage
with County Superintendent W.
H. and Mr. J. L.
Representative J. J. Laughing-
house and Editor D. J. Whichard
were in carriage to escort
General R. D. Gilmer.
would read the newspapers like
they ought to. they might escape
being taken in so easily Dy such
wonderful gain of six and one-
fourth million pounds, or a net
gain of one-third of the entire
increased consumption of
chewing and smoking
tobacco in the United
N. C.
The Threatened Telegraph Strike.
Scarcely less than the railroads,.
the telegraph companies render a j
vitally necessary public service, I
and the threatened
of that service through an
strike is deal a very e-1
matter. Those classes of
business which are, by their
have most to fear.
i the I
Dr. Kings
New Discover
Guaranteed tor oil THROAT ard
A I J rib BUSINESS, MaY. 1907
and Discounts Stock paid in
Overdraft Secured
Furniture and
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Fund 1,000.08
profits 3,422.66
of Deposit 2.652.51
37,006.4 sits subject 63,846.45
Notice is hereby given that I will
ply to the Board of County Commission- f
eta at their July meeting for to;
retail liquor for six months in the
but scarcely of
There were many other prom-j any portion of the public is secure R
citizens of the town and all against loss or serious
parts of the county in It goes without saying
office to meet the honor
; ed guests-
Governor dined with Col.
that if a strike is called those
who call it will assume a very
grave responsibility; in fact, this
looks like one, of those cases
where, in the public interest,
compulsory arbitration of differ-
might be required by law.
Appeals by business interests to
He was promised that the
change of name and paving shall r. V-c
both be done. I James. Secretary Grimes
Another thing- said by Dr.
Dixon was not intended as a joke, Lacy with Dr. C.
but was expressed in such Auditor Dixon
vein of humor that we are with ex- Gov. Jarvis, ,
tell it The board was just fin-. dent Joyner with Mr. T. E. Hook-
inspecting the last of the material result. Because
sites offered for the school here. . afternoon was devoted to
when jovial doctor I different sites of-
saw Greenville as I; here for the school and in
have viewed it today, if some driving over and viewing the
man told me that this town town.
was on such a high elevation.
and had so many splendid u- j c,
and beautiful bluffs surrounding j s Lucky Mar.
it. and that man had been Waynesville. N. C, July 19.-
than myself, I would have Henry Lee, a on
called a liar. If he had been; the battleship Island, and
the larger man, I would f t t . i
kept my mouth shut until I got
I. J. R.
u and heM-f.
he bank, do solemn-
Is true to the best of my
t- day of
J. V.
then told my wife that
had told me a big
Beautiful Service in Memorial
Baptist Church.
After the conclusion of the
regular service in Memorial
church. Sunday night. Rev.
J. E- administered the
sacred rite of baptism to
son of W. T- Lee, of this place,
had a narrow escape from the ill
fate of the Minnesota's launch.
tic was at Norfolk and was in-
by old on the
Minnesota to spend the night with
them. He accepted the
but was influenced to go to
see some girls instead.
Grace on sight drafts has been
eight j abolished in North Carolina, by
persons who had united with of the at its
church is a result of the recent L
protracted meeting. It was the of on
first baptism to take place in the
new pool that has been con-
in the main auditorium
of the church The pool is in the
choir gallery, between the organ
and pulpit, and commands a
good vie from all parts of the
room. The pool surrounded with
palms and flowers, with the min-
and candidates in the midst,
made a beautiful scene.
service was very impress-
The church will extend the
hand of fellowship to the new
members at the communion
vice to be held the first Sunday
in July.
July On that date
sight drafts become demand
The National Bank, by J. W.
Aycock, cashier.
The Greenville Banking and
Trust Co., by C. S. Carr. cashier
The Bank of Greenville, by
L. Little, cashier.
This week will complete mun-
for the fiscal year,
and the recently elected board
of aldermen will take charge
By Edward Hearne.
Yesterday those men they came.
To sec about the Training
And as the others say,
I hope we wont be fooled.
The Committee met them at the train.
And they rode around a let.
We did not have any rain.
But the day was mighty hot.
nothing in the nature of an ac-
convulsion of the body pol-
threatens, the President, de-
to follow the
precedent of moral inter-
by him in the
anthracite coal strike, has simply
turned the matter over to Com-
missioner of Labor Neil, who
can only investigate and report
after the trouble is over No be-
despotism unknown to
the law will be exercised in this
case. The dispute, except for
such aid as may come from
official quarters, must be settled
between the disputants them-
Steamer i. leave
Washington daily
at a m far leave
Greenville daily Sunday
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk ft By. for
Norfolk. Baltimore. Philadelphia
New York, Boston and all
points North and West.
Shippers should order their Furniture
f eight via Norfolk, care Nor Duo from Banks and
Southern By to.
Sailing subject to change Gash items
. . DAVIS,
J. J. Agent, Green-
ville, N. C-
II. C. General F and
P. Agent, Norfolk.
M W. Supt.
Happenings in North Carolina.
The most raid of
moonshine stills that has taken
place in the State was made in
Stokes county Wednesday.
Thirteen stills ard ten men were
captured- Twenty seven officers
took part in the raid.
The Chronicle says Charlotte
is enjoying watermelons.
Gold coin. j
Silver bank
Mid other U. S. notes
At the costs of May- 18th,
Capital stock 5,600.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
Time certificates of
Deposits subj. to chock
cheeks out-
other Loans and discounts
State of North Carolina, of Pitt,
I. H Cashier of the above-named solemnly
An Old Knife.
Mr. Jesse L. Smith, of
Dam township, on Tuesday
showed us a very old pocket knife.
Mr. Smith says the knife war
given to him some years ago by
Mrs. Eliza Phillips, who was then
years of age. Mrs. Phillips
told him the knife was owned by
her grandmother who died during
the Revolutionary war. The
knife has a slightly curved
die and the blade has worn down
keen and small- It is well
served and stronger now than
most modem knives after they
have been used a little while.
North Carolina I In the Superior Court.
Pitt County. I Before D. C Moore.
Sidney Wooten and Charles Wooten.
Shade B. Wooten, J. F. Wooten
Herbert E. Wooten.
By Virtue of an Order made in the
above Special Proceeding, by C.
of the court, on
the 7th day of May, the undersign-
ed will Saturday the
9th day of June, 1907. at noon,
expose to public sale before the court
House door in Greenville, to the highest
bidder for cash the following tract of
land to
in the county of Pitt and
State of North Carolina and in Swift
Creek township, adjoining the lands of
Fleming. J. M. Wooten, the
lands and others, and containing
acres more or less, and being the
lands formerly known as the Charles
Wooten Home place. This sale will be
made for partition.
This the 7th day of May, 1907,
F. C. Harding.
swear that the above statement
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
me, this 27th day of May.
Votary Public
The No.
Number three is a wonderful mascot
o. H. of Oder Grove, Me.,
according to a letter which reads
Buffering much with liver and kidney
trouble, becoming greatly
aged by failure to find relief, I tried
Bitters, and as a result I am a
well man to-day. The first bottle re-
and three bottles completed the
cure Guaranteed best on for
stomach, and kidney troubles, by
J. 1- Wooten druggist.
Stray Hop Takes Up.
I have taken up at the Frank
Johnston farm four sows and six
shoats that swam across the river
and were in the field- Owner of
these hogs can get them by
proving same and paying are not serious.
J. B. Johnston.
Fire Chief Hurt.
Fayetteville, N. C. June 19.-
Capt James D. chief of
the fire department of this city,
and president of the State and
National Associations,
at a last night had an ankle
sprained and suffered
bruises. Although his injuries
they are very
is true to the best of my
W. H. Cashier
sufferers of Liver or
Bladder Troubles. Other
say a bottle and if
it cure we will refund
your We say a
full size free bottle of
and if it benefits then
use SOL until
This entitles you
to a bottle U at
Only a limited number of bottles
to test
Don't miss this op
to Release Hi From
Grasp of Iran Bars in the
Infant of Mr. and
Mrs D. L. Die--Fun-
Death in a distressing manner
came yesterday morning to
18-months-old son of Mr. and
Mrs David L who live
n Villa Heights. Some time be
tween midnight and o clock the
child's head became caught
tween two of the upright rods at
the head of the iron bed In which
he was sleeping. When found,
about o'clock, by an older sis-
he was dying and although a
physician was summoned his;
forts were unavailing. Death re-
from strangulation.
Unusual features of the affair
are the facts that both of the
parents of the child are deaf and
-dumb, while possessed these
faculties. Whether or not
parents infirmity contributed
aught to his death through
inability to hear his cries is not
known The funeral services
were held yesterday afternoon
from the residence at o'clock,
being conduct d by Rev. W.
Smith- The interment was in
Sugar Creek graveyard.-Char-
latest scheme of he south-
Cotton Association,
to a special from Columbia
The Charleston News and
is the organization of cotton
banks The proposition to he
placed before the farmers and
business men of the whole South
during the month of July, the
special says, is the organization
of what may be called cotton
In other words, it is
proposed to do a banking
with cotton as capital. In
the language of E D. Smith, cot-
ton is the South's currency and
there why it should
not be utilized as a basis for
banking as well as silver or gold.
In any community where the
and local business n
can secure or
as capital it is planned that they
shall organize a company and
erect a warehouse, which must
be according to regulation,
plans. Then they will be ready
for bu and will propose that
any farmer or any number of
farmers deposit with them their,
cotton, just as they might de
posit money with a bank, Sup-;
posing that bales of cotton;
are deposited in this way and
placed in the warehouse, with
insurance guaranteed by the
company and no storage charged,
the company would proceed to
utilize this cotton just as
bank s the y deposited
by its customers.
Taking the warehouse
for bales of cotton, the com-
would go to a bank, or any
other concern or prison
money to lend, and borrow money
upon these receipts at the cur-
rent rate and the current price
of cotton. With this money so
borrowed the company would go
into the local market
chase other cotton, say Dales,
which would be placed in the
warehouse Then upon these
bales the company would
r, in go to the bank and borrow
i and with this money
go into the local market
i-. id purchase other cotton, say
i bales. These bales would
I in be placed in the warehouse,
upon them the company
would borrow money with which
again to enter the market and
purchase other cotton, say
bales. This operation could be
kept up the borrowing cap-
of the cotton was exhaust-
ed, but this would hardly be
at any time, and it would
be possible to return the original
bales whenever the owner
made demand.
All of this reads mighty well
on paper, but to our mind the
Southern Cotton Association is
putting too many irons in the
fire The warehouse plan is all
practical and
when the farmers undertake to
do a banking business with
as capital, they are more than
likely to get into trouble. We
hope the Mecklenburg farmers
will think twice before investing
in the cotton banks. Aw, the
price sand is selling not it,
would probably more
table for them to invest sand
Open to
Some days ago The Reflector
made to a movement
s to establish a
plant here with no.
than capital.
inquiries were made by
wanting to take part in the
enterprise as to whom they
should apply for shares, the
was not ready to
give out at the time
Now the convenience of
those who are a
list has placed at
i The Reflector where those
desiring to do so can subscribe
for the number of shares they
wish to take in the factory. The
shares will be for each, and
the company will be organized
when the total subscriptions
This is a home enterprise, an
a cotton factory one of
needs. You can show
your faith and interest in p
of the community by
coming promptly to subscribe
shares to help organize this
The spirit of that
I has taken hold of Greenville in
years, ought to make easy
to secure enough subscriptions
to establish this cotton factory.
The sooner the requisite, number
of shares a-e subscribed the
sooner organization can be per-
and work on the factory
need of a t
Little Early
s-11, pill, sure pill. to
effective. Drives away
Headaches. Sold by John U Wooten
Drug store.
When you want a letter
it's a sure sign it won't coma.
For scratches, hums, cuts,
bites the many
to ever family, w
Witch Hazel Salve is rem-My.
It is coaling, clean heal-
Be sure you fret
J. I. Drug
A where we could
hock our troubles would fill a
long-felt want
A prompt, pie remedy for
coughs and Kennedy's Lax-
Cough Syrup, It re-
for every member of family.
contains and does not
Contains honey and tar Mid
tastes nearly as good as ample syrup.
Children like it.
Drug Store.
We would suspect how
good some people re if they
didn't tell us.
Bert barber, of Wis., says
have only take lour doses of your
Kidney and Bladder and they have
done for me more any other mod-
acme has ever done. I am taking
the as I want a perfect
Mr. Barber refers to Kidney
and Bladder Pills, which are
for Backache, weak kidney,
of the bladder and all urinary
A treatment for
Sold by J. I Wooten's Drug Store.
Mi Ion.
Two days ago a citizen of
Louisburg happened to be talking
to a in Raleigh about
the extortionate express charges
on mail packages. He cited an
instance that a charge of
five cents was made for carrying
a small hand-satchel from Dunn
to Louisburg, though the con-
tents of the little satchel were
worth little more than the ex-
Is there no rem-
from high express charges
in North Carolina
On the day following the above
conversation, the New York
World printed the
Adams Express Com-
cut a melon for
its stockholders yesterday The
I news was not announced until
after business in Wall
I street had ended, but the cutting
will probably do something today
in the way of knocking holes in
; the funeral pall which has over-
financial district
before, in 1898, the
Adams Company cut. a
huge melon for its
was a melon,
just half the size of the one
handed out yesterday.
to a per cent
; I distribution on stuck.
capital of the company con-
Si ts of which
generally quoted at par
value of Adams is a joint
stock association which was
formed in 1854 On a basis of
the shades have a par
value of but
stock has u i
a share, or a total of 136.000,000.
melon will
be distributed in the form of
collateral trust percent bonds,
as the 12,000.000 was dis-
nine years ago. For
; each share of stock a shareholder
i will get in
It is because express com-
cut such watermelons that
they must charge the public two
j prices for carrying express pack-
j An express company is a
I public service corporation. It
out ht to earn fair dividends for
its stockholders, but govern-
regulation ought to be such
that the public would have re
rates on express packages
before such watermelons are out
for News
A man's idea of a close friend
is one who will lessen up
There is no indigestion, no
matter how irritable or how obstinate
will not be relieved by
of The main factor in curing
the stomach of any disorder is rest, and
the only way to get rest is to actually
for the stomach itself.
1-. will do it It is a scientific
vegetable acids containing
the same juices found in a healthy
It to the Pure oil
and Law. Sold by L. Woolen.
For Twenty-one Years
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because care is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
Remarkable Rescue.
Music has charms in the
where the houses are a mile
That truth is stranger tn fiction
has once more been demonstrated In
the little town of Fedora, the
C. V. Pepper. Ho write.
was in bed. entirely with
hemorrhages of the lungs ail throat.
Doctor failed to help me. a id all nope
lied when began taking I Ir. King
New Discovery. Then ins an re
cam. Tho coughing soon th.
bleeding diminished rapidly, and
three weeks was able to . ;
cure for and
and Wooten s c.
store. Trial free.
All stomach trouble are quickly re-
by taking a little after
each meal. goes directly to the
of the trouble, strengthens the
digestive organs, supplies the natural
digest juices and digests what you
I eat. It is a simple, clean, pure, harm
I leas remedy. Don't neglect your
Take a little after
meal and see how good it makes
feel. Money back if it fails
John I,. Wooten.
I'll your pain tree,
yon a penny-
my Pin Tablets can do. will
mail you free, a Trial of them
Headache, Toothache. Period
pains, etc . are due alone to blood eon
Ml. Dr. Headache Table's
simply kills pain by coaxing away the
unnatural pressure. That is all.
Address Racine, Wis, Sold
by Drug
It isn't always
man who does the most cheer-
Piles get quick and certain relief
from Dr. Magic Ointment.
; Please note it is alone for Piles,
I and its action is positive and
Itching, painful, protruding or blind
i disappear like magic by its
I Large glass jars
I Sold by Drug Store.
Drivers delivery are
always there with the goods.
free sample of Dr.
store. If real
coffee disturbs your Stomach, your
Heart or Kidneys, then try this cl
Coffee Dr. has close-
matched Java and Mocha Coffee
in and taste, yet it has not a
single of Coffee in it. Dr.
Health Coffee Imitation is made
from pure toasted grains or cereals,
with Malt, Nuts, etc. Made in a min-
No tedious wait. You will sure-
like it. Sold by T. F,. Hooker Co.
Every Man His Own Doctor.
The average man Cannot afford to
employ a physician for every nil-1
mentor injury that o-cur in his
family, nor can be afford to neglect,
them, as so slight an injury as the j
scratch of u pin has been known to
cause the loss of a limb. Hence every
man must from necessity be own
doctor for this Success
often upon prompt treatment
which can only be had when suitable
me at band. Chamber-
Remedies have been in the
for many years and enjoy a good
reputationColic, Cholera an.
Remedy for
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
coughs, croup and whooping
Chamberlain's Pain B anti-
septic onuses, burns.
sprains, swellings, and
Stomach and I aver lab
lets for constipation, and
atom ch ,
for diseases of
the skin.
One bottle of each of these live prep-
cost s but For sale
Druggist and Dealers in Patent Me-I
Cannot be Cured
by local applications, they
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an con-
of the mucous lining of the
Tube. When this tube la In-
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en-
closed. Deafness is the result,
and unless the inflammation can be
ken out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will he de-
forever; nine cases out of ten
are caused by catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mucous
We will give One hundred Dollars tor
any case Deafness by Ca-
that it be cured Hall s
Catarrh cure. Send for circulars, free.
J. Toledo, O.
I Shelf Razor's clean Towels
work guaranteed
Cosmetics A Specialty.
Hot and Cold Baths
j Thanking one and all for you
and hoping for your con.
nuance, I remain,
S. . NOBLES. Prop.
Sold s,
Take Hall's Family Fills for
Panama Canal.
Machinery Panama
canal a thousand times quicker than
the shovel dug the Erie.
Machinery produces the I.- M.
paint at times less cost for labor,
than if made by
The L. M. gives the best job in the
world, because L, M. Zinc hardens
L. M. White load and makes L. M.
paint wear like iron for years.
It requires gallons of this
gallons of Linseed
Oil eloper gallon, paint a mod-
If any defect exists in L. If. Faint,
will repaint house tor nothing.
Sold by H. L. Carr. Greenville.
N. C
It's a pity that poets live
food for reflection.
Show of Play Ground.
Special to Reflector.
Chicago, June 30.-A practical
demonstration of organized play
school children of all
ages will he a feature of the con-
of the playground
of America, which opened
here i his morning for a session
of three days- The object of the
association, of which President
Roosevelt is the honorary
is to encourage
throughout the country to main-
as part of an educational
system of physical training and
character building, play-grounds
conducted by persons qualified
especially for this purpose.
will mail you free, to prove merit,
samples of my Dr. Restorative,
and my Book on either The
Heart or The Kidneys. Troubles of the
Stomach, Heart or are mere-
symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't
make the common of treating
symptoms only. Symptom treatment
is treating the result of your ailment,
and not the cause. Weak Stomach
inside nerves--mean
weakness, always. And the
Heart, and as well, have their
controlling or inside nerves. Weaken
these nerves, and you have
weak vital organs. Here is where Dr.
Restorative has made its fame.
No other remedy even claims to
the Also
biliousness, had breath or com-
use Dr Restorative.
Write for sample and free Book.
Dr. Racine, Wis. The
sold b Drug
Do Not Neglect tho Children.
At this season of the year the
unnatural looseness of a child's bowels
should have immediate attention. The
best thing that can be given is
Colic, Cholera and
Remedy followed by oil as direct-
ed with each bottle of the remedy,
sale by all and Healers in Pat-
He Fired the Stick.
have tired the walking-stick I've
carried over HI years, on account of a
that resisted even kind of treat-
men , until I tried a
Salve; that has the -ore and
made me a happy writes John
Garrett, of North Mills,
teed for Burns, etc, by John. L.
Wooten druggist.
Many a married man
Cough Syrup invariably
i it. Hold-on like it because the
is so Contain
tar It is original laxative
is Unrivaled for re-
of croup. Drives the cold out
the bowels. Conform to the
Pure and Drug Law. Sold by
Jno. L. Wooten
Laxative I
Cough Syrup
Relieves Colds by working them out of
the system through a copious and healthy
action of the bowels.
Relieves Coughs by cleansing the
membranes of the chest
and bronchial
pleasant to the taste
as Maple
Like It,
DeWitt i Bladder Pills Sure and
It is not a narcotic or dope but removes
the cause. Get a bottle and try it for
headaches, sour stomach, indigestion
or colds. It's liquid-affects
mediately- pleasant to take. boW at
drug stares.
Dealer. Cash aid
Hides, For, Cotton Seed, J.
Turkeys, Eng, etc. Bop
steads, Mattresses, Oak
Bitty Carriages,
sails Tables. Lounges, Safes d
and Gail ft Ax Snuff,
i Life Tobacco Key West
George Cigars,
Cherries, Peaches,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Meat Hour, Coffee, Meat
Magic Food, Matches
Seed Meal Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apple,
Nuts, Dried Apples,
Peaches, Prunes,
china ware Tip
imp. Wooden Ware, cakes and
crackers, Macaroni, Best
New Sewing Ma
Shines arid numerous other goods
Quality and for
cash, come see me.
S. M. Schultz.
You can afford it
cents per week
Success in life is accompanied
by increase of enemies. That's
I why Rocky Mountain
has so many it's a
success. cents. Tea or Tab-
lets . Wooten's Drug Store.
n o
On stale in warm
weather. C to my store for
you will find the article ever
pays for a
R. L. Johnson,
Contractor, Builder. Tile Setter.
Plans submitted and estimates fur-
on All
Turn key job when ever

Fortune Hit Friend
.-. . tho Chance Away.
n who was lb-
. I called Um
man who was
; year clothes.
ii who ran away his
have happened
to him if n had lingered I don't
and lie doesn't, but he ran
away, arid the man who staved
He probably wouldn't
opened his mouth about the
p ha read in a news-
of the death of licit man.
contained the in-
hen the man land-
ed h built up a fortune he
BO i rots in his pocket. The
man ill read the death notice
I he gave the
fellow the dollar or he wouldn't
tn men hit the town on
the They had been
.; for ks. The man
, . . r-uh pennies- when
i. . . landed. The
had a little money.
. d more his
It i In the latter declined. II
what he had asked for.
Then the two men starred to
The first place to which they
applied was a retail dry goods store.
The ii reliant said ho wanted a
young make fires, sweep the
. o dust the counters. The
. had the small
sum of n o icy had the first option
,, d r. Tho other who had
the dollar got the
When he. drew his first
week's he tendered the loan
to traveler. The latter
decline I, ll told Hie young man
wait until he was better able,
Tho remained open
a year. At the expiration of
that time the man had his pay
advanced per rent. He sent
friend the of the loan
with interest.
The benefactor was still looking
round. The man with tho of
Sored him a place in tho store, but
it was refused. There wasn't emu
ready money in the job to suit him.
years later the 08.50
tan was advanced to the place of
lead salesman. He sent again for
and offered him a
flare, but this was also declined. A
year.- after this the man
was admitted to partnership in tho
which by this time was the
spent retail of the young city.
made his quondam friend
another offer, but the latter was
not ready. The pay was not
A little while afterward the
retail hone established a wholesale
business. It was a great success.
The young man who had
the dollar was placed at
the head of the wholesale concern.
e more he offered his old
factor but the
de and for the
res .
The business kept expanding.
v. is today one of the big-
cc ii west.
lied tho r day
was quoted a million and a half.
He had made it in year-.
man who told me the
who ran from opportunity, as
he d it, Is looking for a job
in New that
give him in r and keep his body
cut of ; tor's field when he is
New York Sun.
His Third Marriage.
An interesting case of
regarding the third time is
n Lahore paper. An in-
the city of
per lost two wives in quick
and was to con-
tract a third marriage when he re-
the following mandate from
the relations of the
are told that when a man
already lost two wives third
also dies very soon. In order to
the angel of death you are
requested to marry a doll, an.
thereafter some and marry our
laughter, who should be your
wife and not your
The man did as ho was told. He
married the doll, then gave out that
he was ad, buried her with great
pomp, and proceeded to marry his
fourth wife.
Failed to Convince a Skeptic.
In a discussion of the occult with
Julian the following
was told, much to the
of of the followers of
Mine. Blavatsky, who happened to
Blavatsky and a party of her ad-
were traveling in
halted one evening at a small
for supper. There they were
joined by Hawthorne and
Colonel After supper,
served in the en. Blavatsky
for a and.
This department is in charge of W. Parker who is
to represent The Reflector in Farmville and vicinity
A Dry Bath.
A Scotchman was once advised
lake shower baths. A friend ex-
plained to him how to lit up one by
the use of a cistern and colander.
and Sandy accordingly set to work
and bed the thing done at once.
illy be was met by tin
friend who bad given him the ad
being ask how ho en
bath. said he,
I liked it am
quite dry
a ho hi to take
ed h
t, piled, i-
i a to stand
was tine
being In an especially good humor.
to the
she compiled,
of the onlookers.
The spot where the gathering
took place was more than ideally
beautiful, and after several
incantations a shower of roses
descended, covered with dew and
out of apparently n clear sky.
A lovely full blown
rose fell m front of Colonel Me-
and Blavatsky commanded
him to tear the leaves away see
what was concealed in the heart of
the flower. One by one tho petals
were scattered on the ground, and
lovingly concealed in the heart of
the flower was a splendid ring, with
a fiery ruby for a cuter stone and
surrounded by diamonds.
were silent with
amazement, and the ring was passed
from one to another for Inspection,
while Mine. Blavatsky gave u
lecture on the possibilities of
her own particular world.
The ring was finally handed to
Julian Hawthorne, who, lifter a
close examination, remarked
am glad to see, madam, that the
artisans of your clime arc
o our refinement of gold. The
ring i- marked I New
York American.
was the subject
for discussion. Each member
responded to roll call with
quotations. Mrs. W. C.
Askew read a sketch of Mendel-
life and Mrs. J. T. Smith
I rendered as an
I instrumental solo.
A guessing contest furnished
; amusement for awhile.
and fruits were served.
Mrs. F. M- Davis and Miss Ada
Tyson were the invited guests-
The picnic at Green Spring
I ground Tuesday was a great
about people
Tho game of ball between
and Green spring clubs
resulted in a score of to in
favor of There was
dancing and other amusements
throughout the day. Ex-Senator
W. It. Williams made a short ad-
dress in which lie gave a history
of Green spring and of incidents
surrounding it in his boyhood
days. Dinner was abundant and
the ladies of Farmville sold
cream for benefit of the
Christian church. Spring water
was used plentifully by every-
Mrs. Charles Cobb and Mr.
Whichard, of Greenville, are
spending the week with relatives
in this section.
Mrs. Brantley, of Norfolk, is
visiting Mrs. P. T. Atkinson.
Alexander Graham Bell, the fa-
of the telephone, was
discussing flying machines. Pro-
Bell speaks with authority on
this subject, for it is his
kite that give- the unit upon which
flying machines must lie proportion-
ed, and
has been due to his observance of
the principle enunciated by the
great American scientist.
go very awkwardly about
raid Professor Boll. ail
invention- tho first step- are taken
with an awkwardness that to later
generations seems ludicrously in-
credible. Indeed at the start we are
like the two men with tho plank.
man asked another to help
him carry a long and heavy plank
home. Accordingly they stooped
down, back to back, took it up and
of course they couldn't make any
progress with it.
No, said the after
awhile of balking.
both turned around and
were face to face. With tho plank
on their heads they stood in this
strange posture, regarding one an-
other stolidly for some time. Then
tho first man said
the beggar down. Jack.
No two nun can carry one plank.
Ill take her home
Hot For
Hot water ha- far more medical
virtues than many believe. Because
it is so easily procured many think
it There is nothing that
so cuts short congestion
of the lungs, sure throat or
as hot water applied
promptly and thoroughly. Head-
ache yields to frequent application
of hot water to tho and back
of the neck. A towel wrung out of
hot water and held to the face will
generally give relief in neuralgia
and toothache. A napkin wrung out
and put around the neck of a child
suffering from croup
bring relief in ten minutes. A tum-
of hot water taken in the
morning half an hour before break-
fast will help of stomach
Very hot water will stop
To Take Out Paint.
Equal parts of ammonia and
will take paint out of cloth-
no matter how dry or hard it
may be. Saturate the spot two or
three times, then wash it out in
A of oxalic
acid dissolved in a pint of hot water
will remove paint spots from tho
windows. Pour n little in a cup and
apply to the son with a swab, but
sure to allow the acid to
torch the may he
with it. care
ipf leach of
ii ;
n ;.
Painter and Designer.
All work guaranteed.
Prompt attention to orders.
Farmville N. C.
Manufacturer of
Slop Brick-
The lost clay and the best burn-
ed Brick on the market. Orders
tilled on short notice.
and Wilson Streets, Farmville,
For Cash or on Time
Queen Quality Shoes for Women and King Quality Shoes for
Shuck and Felt Mattresses.
Complete line of ever in the way of Goods, Clothing.
Groceries, Hardware, Feed b
Second Floor.
I have four cows, good milk-
old, average to
gallon per day, calve;. I to months
old. Sold under guarantee.
Farmville N. C.
will buy sell your real
Lang Building, Main Street, Farmville, N. G.
New Firm. New Store. New Goods.
stack- of at
Close Prices.
Gents Fine a
You make no mistake in trading with us, for you get
the nest goods at lowest price.
Parker's Old
N. C.
All kinds of repairing of Cans
and Wagons.
In fact kind of work in
wood and iron.
All work guaranteed.
Dr. G. E. Weeks,
Office over Darden Bros, new
Farmville, N. C.
Open all hours of the day.
Meant a
Thomas A. was
at Atlantic City the
for Increasing the brilliance
the coat of a jot.
of these devices have
bait a he said, o,
know what a mantle
Then you'll a
overheard in a hardware dealer's.
woman entered tie-
shop and
got tho c things
improving; a
A said the dealer.
is a complete set,
and mantle, all
don't want the said
the young woman. gut the
metal part and the chimney, hut
little white is busted. It
only of t want-
Having duly qualified before the
court clerk of Pitt county as
executors of the Last Will and
of R. deceased,
notice hereby given to all persons in-
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all
persons having any claims against said
estate must the same,
authenticated, to the undersigned for
payment on or before 25th day of
June, 1908, or this notice will be plead
in bar of recovery.
This 25th day of June. 1907.
T. E. Hooker.
T. M. Hooker,
W. E. Hooker.
Executors of Pattie R. Hooker.
PIANO You will get the
most satisfaction and
pleasure if you a
PIANO Because, in ad-
to its being a fine,
high grade upright piano
to be played in the
nary way, it has in its
that which
when desired, enables
any member of the
without any musical
education, to play any-
thing from popular song
to grand opera. These
wonderful instruments
are Fold from maker to
on terms.
Send your name and ad-
dress for are to.
L. C. Street. Mgr.
St. Norfolk Va.
Piano with the
Sweet Official
Piano Jamestown Expo-
Farmville, N, C,
Comfortable chairs, good lights,
sharp tools and expert bar-
Men's cloth-
cleaned and
. L
Optician and Watch-maker,
Glasses Fitted. Examination of
eyes free.
All watch and clock work
General Merchants
Main and Wilson Sis, Farmville, N. C.
Dry Clothing, Heavy and
Fancy Groceries, Fur-
Stock and Fertilizer.
Complete line of Carpets, Mattings and Rugs- Agents for
Guns, Pistols and Rifles.
Coupons with premiums for every dollar in cash trade. Call
and MM our
Davis Old Stand, Main Street, Farmville. N. C,
Complete stock Merchandise-
Cash or time solicited
Buyers of Cotton and Country Produce.
Meat, Hay, Corn, Oats and Fertilizer in carload lots.
Everything in Dry Goods and
Distributors of orated Shoes for Men and Women.
rs each.
Horton Hotel
Farmville, N. C.
Centrally located.
lated. Up-to-date furnishings.
Polite servants. Best table the
market affords at all seasons.
Rates Reasonable.
Buss meets all trains.
First class livery with good rigs
and horses.
Farmville, N C. June 1907.
The Magazine Club met with
Mrs. W. R. Home in her
table country home last
day afternoon. The club always
hails with delight the time for
Mrs. Home to entertain, because
they know what a charming
hostess she is and a treat
is in store for them.
Mrs. Mollie Tyson has been
sick some days.
B. S. Smith,
located on corner and
i s
and permanent. Reasonable
rates and prompt attention.
J. D- Cox enters and claims
about acres, more or less, of
vacant lying in
township, Pitt county, N C-, on
west side of Creeping swamp
adjoining the lands of Jesse
ton, St., A. G. Cox, J. Mill
and others.
This Jane 20th. 1907.
J. IX Cox;
Any person or persons claiming
title to or interest in the fore-
going described land must flit
their protest in writing with me
Farmville. N. C.
and Fancy
J T.
Main Street.
Farmville N. C.
Everything found in an
Drug Good lino Oils and
Paints. All kinds of
Ice through the season.
Open a. m. to p. m. Sun
day to a. m.
Tonsorial Emporium.
Staton Clark, Proprietor.
Farmville, N. C.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Strict-
Sharp Razors, Clean Tow-
repaired, clean-
ed and pressed.
next thirty days, or years in
they will be Darted
Enlarging a
Jeweler Real Estate
Watches and Clocks repaired on short
notice. Work
Farmville, K. C.
Fresh Meats. Beef, Fish.
Local and Richmond Products.
mi ms. i
i i e .
-ii r.
D. J. WHICH Editor and Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
From the Greensboro Telegram
of June 30th we fol
lowing extract from an
with Governor
ho was evident in
At each the
committee was if
enough land had not been offered
for site, they have more,
and in one th land offered
was said to be worth an
acre. It was this of gen-
made the trip de-
said the governor, but
out of this wonderful enlarge-
of original bids, grow the
he aid, which resulted
in the boards postponing action
until July so as to allow these
additional offers to be made in
writing. Greenville, for in-
stance, had not only offered over
but the choice eight
fine sites containing from to
and to each site
the committee was assured that
if the State needed more, it
We fool sure that the
reporter of our esteemed ex-
change misunderstood the
Grenville filed its bid with
the State Board of Education on
June 5th in writing and sealed,
as required by the rules of the
board- The bid was
from the town and
from the in
money, and the cost
of the site selected. With this
bid the representatives the
town and county filed with the
board options on sites in four
different localities These op-
were signed by the owners
of the property and their wives,
and are duly acknowledged by
the and privy ex-
of the married women
taken before the proper officer.
These options thus signed were
filed with the of the 5th of
June and are now in their posses-
The board arrived in Green-
ville on the 11.25 a. n train on
Friday, June 21st. and proceeded
to examine these sites. These
sites are known as the
site, the Hi the
Arthur site and the Higgs site.
were each inspected by
the board in the older named,
the inspection being finished
about o'clock. These sites
contain an area from to
acres, and th-y range in price in
the options and in the bid from
to intrinsically
they are worth upon the market
much more, but these are the
prices the owners offered to take
for the purpose of locating the
school at Greenville. These
options and the bid now in the
possession of the board are so
plainly set forth that we think
it is not possible to
stand them. It is left with the
board to select either, and the
of the one selected is to be
deducted from the
So we that the bid
made by Greenville and Pitt
county is absolutely e from
any ambiguity. It will be en-
agreeable to both the
town and the county for the bid
to be published at any time
when the board sees proper to
do so. We make this of
the bid because we have nothing
to conceal or keep from the pub-
Our people have tried to act
in a straight forward business
like way from the beginning,
and so far as The Reflector can
control the situation they will
continue to do
u Hart
One of the foreigners working
op the railroad construction,
near Farmville, was badly hart
Monday. The work train was
about move to get out of the
of the passenger train, when
a sudden jerk caused the man to
fall off the car, and in the fall
his hip was broken.
The streets are soaked to the
Report of Mayor to
Mayor's Office.
Greenville. N. G. July 1st. 1907.
To the of Aldermen of
N. C.
It is my to to
y-ii tho w report for tho
year just That
I tho year, ending
i nix I as mayor heard
case;. this number
jurisdiction of and
from this number appeals were
taken to the superior court, and
there were cases bound over
to the superior
this fiscal year, fines
were collected amounting to
which has been paid
over to county treasurer, for the
general school fund. And costs
were collected amounting to
making a total sum
passing through this
exclusive of the sums
worked out on the streets.
The sewer system is,
completed, there yet re-
to done, the
only which will be finished
and the system tendered the
town this week. There are five
and six tenths miles of sewer
pipe laved, with two out-falls.
There are a few items in the
final estimate under the head of
extra work, the cost of which
can not be definitely stated at
this time, but it can be stated
that the approximate cost the
construction of the system is
including the right-of-
way. is to the credit of
the sewer fund about
which very probably, be
sufficient to pay the
mate, including the per cent
reserve fund held by
the town.
F. M Wooten, Mayor.
This shows well for the
referred to in Mayor
Wooten's letter, and we feel sure
that tho annual statement
of the other departments of the
affairs of the town is ready for
publication it will show up
as well. Conducting the
administration of a town as large
and as as Greenville is
no small and the
officers in charge of this have
much to do in order that
all may be carried on wisely and
The sad intelligence having
reached u f the death of the
little i our brother, L. A.
Arnold, therefore be it
1st That we, the members of
Tribe No. I. O.
R. M., extend to Brother Arnold
and his family our sincere and
heartfelt sympathy in their loss.
We commend them to the Great
Spirit who alone can comfort
them in their sorrow.
2nd. That a copy of these res-
be spread upon our min-
a copy be sent to the family
of Brother Arnold, and a copy be
sent to The Reflector with re-
quest to publish same.
R. C Flanagan.
D. C. Moore, Com.
W. S
was Delighted.
If applause counts for any-
thing, the audience in
temple opera house, Monday
night, was delighted with the
presentation of the
by the
people of Washington. It was
bright, catchy and the music was
Of course Miss Blow
as Princess Snow White,
the of attraction, but she
had good support in the largo
chorus of pretty girls, the
bright boys as dwarfs, and in
the prince and other characters
Mr. Tyler, of Richmond, as tho
prince, came in for a good share
of applause, and the chorus
an ovation when they came
The young people came up
from Washington on a boat
late in the afternoon return-
ed after the performance.
Greenville was glad to have this
visit from them and would like
to see them again.
The party was chaperoned by
Mr. and Mrs. N- S.
And You Get the Right to Sue Road
tor Fire Hundred Dollars.
The last Legislature made in a
penalty of every time a rail-
road sold a ticket for more than
21-4 cents a mile. Yesterday all
the railroads obeyed
the law and sold tickets at 1-4
other railroads charged
1-4 per Judge
and gave a coupon to the
chaser to refund him one cent a
mile for every mile.
a ticket and get a
entitling you to a of
the said a
Raleigh lawyer yesterday who
had taken the pains to read the
law. There are lawyers who
will bring the suits and
person who buys a ticket gets a
coupon giving him a cause of
action with chances
out of one hundred that he will
if i ,
the Streets of Greenville Yesterday
C. T. gigantic
and the throngs of wise shop-
who have patronized this
great bargain carnival since the
opening has roused our
from their slumbers. Yes-
evening C. T.
original wagon was on the street
heralding numerous bargains
to be had at this sale as well
the Free Jamestown trip to be
given away next Saturday night
When going by a certain spot or
main street five r six of the
were discussing
their troubles and wondering
among themselves how it was
possible for C. T. to
sell his goods so cheap. The boys
voice in the wagon kinder made
them lose the chain of their con-
that aroused feel
to such a pitch that they
pointed a committee to send to
the authorities which was done
The results were that not to
disturb these disciples of
from their daily
C. T will
have to drive the chariot and
keep mum. But nevertheless
this sale will last until
this Saturday- Be sure and come
don't forget to get your James-
town ticket free from C. T. Mun-
Miss Whitfield. of Green-
daughter of Mr. N. H-
Whitfield, was married at noon,
Tuesday, in the Episcopal
church at Weldon to Mr. George
of Henderson, Rev. Mr.
officiating- Dr. Henry
Tucker, of Henderson, was best
man, and Miss
of Henderson, maid of honor-
Mr. has a govern-
position at Panama and
was home on a furlough. It
was arranged that the marriage
take place at Weldon,
and Miss Whitfield, accompanied
by her father, left Greenville for
that town Tuesday morning.
Immediately after the
the couple left Weldon on
the north bound train for New
York, from which point they
sail for Panama-
Miss Whitfield was very
and a here.
While all regret her departure
the best wishes of a host of
friends go with her to her far
away home.
to Edward
By Mrs. W. G.
When corner the Bummer's glories.
And sunlight dances o'er the wave.
When Arbutus revels with the moon-
Sweet I crave.
From among the beautiful flowers.
They pluck the fairest kind;
Amid the wood-land bowers
seek sweet Jessamine.
Tulips, buttercups, daisies white,
Roses, hyacinths, poppies red wine,
snow ball, too.
Has no place with Jessamine.
The- wreath,
i i r th,
And Social Preceding.
Some time ago the engagement
of Miss Bessie Patrick to Mr
Cary Mayo was announced.
Ever since Greenville people
have eagerly looked forward to
the marriage of this popular
young couple
Several social functions have
been given in their honor. Per-
haps one of the m st beautiful of
these was a dinner on
Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Harvey at their home on
Greene street Covers were laid
for fourteen and an elegant
course dinner was served.
Those who enjoyed Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey's Hospitality were
and groom Miss
Bessie Patrick and Mr. Cary
Mayo. Miss Bertha Patrick and
Forbes, Mr. W. F.
Patrick and Miss Helen Forbes,
Miss Mary Me leans and Mr- W,
Atkins. Mr. and G.
Vines. Mr. and Mrs.
On Tuesday evening at their
home on Washington street Mr
and Mrs. B. F. Patrick tendered
a public reception in honor of the
marriage of their d Miss
Bessie, to Mr. Cary B. Mayo.
The house was t
orated in potted plants and cut
flowers. At the front door Mr
and Mrs B. E- Patrick greeted
the guests. They were ti en
ushered into the parlor by Dr.
and Mrs. Falkland.
In the parlor Mr. and Mrs-
Patric k were assisted in vi
by their daughter, Bessie
and Mr Mayo, Mr and Mrs. C.
C. Vines, Mis; Bertha Patrick
and Mr. W. is, Atkins, Mis Lot-
tie Blow and Whitehead.
The guests were then invited
into the hall, where punch was
served by Miss Mary Medearis
and Mr. Fred Forbes.
Then the guests were u
into the dining room by Miss
Jenkins and Mr. W F.
Patrick, and Miss Helen Forbes
and Mr. Chas Newton. The
dining room was a study in pink,
this color being carried
out in delicious refreshments
which were served by Misses
Lillian Carr, Mir
Blow and Bryan.
From the dining room
guests into the gift
which was decorated in green
and white. he presents dis
played hen; were numerous
exceedingly handsome,
the popularity of the
young couple.
The most valuable present
a deed to the house and lot,
corner Fourth and Greene streets
from the parents of the bride
Other presents noticed
were a china closet, dinning
table and innumerable articles
in cut glass and Japanese ware.
It was quite late when the
guests bid the host and hostess
good night.
At this morning at the St.
Paul's Episcopal church, the
marriage of Miss Bessie Patrick
to Mr. Cary Mayo, took place-
Notwithstanding the early hour
and the inclement weather, the
church with relatives
and friends. The church was beau
decorated, the windows
were screened and the glow of
electric lights made the interior
The entire chancel and altar
were decorated in green and
white, potted plants forming a
back ground.
At the appoints hour,
ceding the ceremony, Miss
Mary Medearis, of
N. C. sang of
The bridal party entered the
church to the strains of
Wedding March, skillfully
rendered by Miss Helen Forbes.
The ushers were Messrs Fred
Forbes, W. B. Patrick, Chas.
Newton and Dr. C. A. White-
head, of Tarboro, who passed
down the aisle, standing on
side of the chancel. Each of
wore Prince Albert
coat, trousers with gloves
and tie to match.
Following these came the two
honor, Mrs. C. C Vines
and Mrs. each
in white crepe-de-chine with
-v V
is noted for its
and hospitable people.
It has an excellent class of
usually bright children that
would be a credit to any town.
The Sunday school is th
and under the
of Mr i;. H. Cole,
efficient and capable
With e facts it is almost
useless to say th ch annual
children's day services held
there, June o. at night, were a
complete success. There were
about thirty and young
people that had an active part
in these exercises, and each and
every one did his part
well. If any one made
a mistake I never observed it.
Some deserve special praise and
all hearty c on the
manner in which rendered
their parts.
But these could not
have been Than a success,
with such elect ladies as Mrs. F-
G and Mrs.
J. O. to prepare and as-
in the training of the
These excellent ladies
are adepts in such work and de-
serve much praise and many
thanks. A Visitor.
Took a
How Colonel Promptly
is that man limping along
on crutches, with head all done
up in bandage- Inquired tho east-
man of the landlord of the Met-
hotel at lied Dog.
looks as though In- had met with a
replied the
landlord. but jest
That there feller
Kill Waters is his
didn't have no more sense then
toll Jim Peters lie a wuss
liar then Hank Phillips,
when everybody knows the
is tho liar in
then the trouble began, I
interrupted the
landlord. didn't hear
of it till two or three days later,
but when lie kin fee
for what he done to poor
w hat grievance did the coin-
inquired the tourist.
fellow raid Mr. Peters
was a worse liar than the
-That's it. think the
to by hear
a rank ahead
of himself without
New York Journal.
Exact Manning.
said baby's
got hair like I'm pretty rare to have
ha Von mean the baby's
pretty sure tn have hair some day
like you've
mean I The
Car Will Prevent
Becoming Rutty.
Many housekeepers are annoyed
by their flatirons becoming rusty
from dampness in tho cupboard.
This may easily prevented. Be-
fore putting the irons away after
the ironing is finished rub thorn
with a little warm grease on a
of soft and wrap in
thick brown paper. When they are
to used again dip them into very
hot water with a little sods
ed in it wipe them dry before
putting over the fire to heat.
When taken from the for the
ironing have some brown paper on
the table with a little powdered
bath brick on it, and rub the iron
or. this. Have a piece of paraffin
tied in a muslin bag, rub this light-
over the iron, then polish it on a
soft It takes longer to tell
this than the work dona, but
the process makes the iron delight-
fully smooth and easy tn use, and
consequently one may get over the
clothes more quickly.
Apple Jelly.
Quarter and core but do not pare
the apples; put into porcelain lined
kettle, with cold
bring to a boiling point. Turn into
bag and drain overnight. Allow
throe-quarters of a of sugar
to a pint of juice. Boil the juice
ten-minutes- the sugar and
ten minute more. Skim and
pour into jelly glasses and cover
the glasses over with a piece of com
moil glass to keep out dust while
cooling. Next morning cover the
tumblers with tissue paper or tops
and keep Id a dark closet. If the
seems thin cover it with
and let it stand in the sun for a
or more until it thickens.
Orange Peel.
When you have peeled oranges
for dessert do not throw the peeling
away. Instead cut it into
inch long pieces with scissors and
then put it Oil the stove in cold
and lot i. come to a boil. Then
cook a cup of sugar a half cup
of water until it is the consistency
of Throw in the orange peel
and let it boil in the until it
is soft en h be pierced with a
broom straw. Then dip out piece
to Prove Himself.
would never marry a man
who was a coward.
how brave would it
be necessary for bun to lie in order
to win your approval
She Well, he'd have to have
courage enough
Next came the maids of honor.
Mis Bertha Patrick, sister of
bride, and Miss Lottie Blow,
each white net and car-
the prayer book.
The bride entered on the arm
of her father, Mr. B. F. Patrick
wore a handsome going-away
of voile, with
hat and gloves to match. She car-
a bouquet of bride's rose
She was met at the altar by the
groom who entered from the
try with his best man, Mr. W. S.
Atkins. The impressive ceremony
by Rev- W- E.
To the strains of
wedding march, the bride and
groom passed out the aisle fol
lowed by the attendants.
The couple departed on the
rain for on extended bridal tour
North, after which they will be
at home in
Both these young people are ex-
popular, and the best
on a of
careful not to
each other.
Silk L.-c.
and cob
t should
on a piece
be i
are ti
.-., i I or ; old
I. -d
of .- while cal-
d carefully with a
soft brush i i spirits of wine.
If silk lace is much discolored it
slim-Id be in for
three hours being was I.
No starch must I used, and tho
lace must t very
covered while it i ironed.
will he
I fried.
To rill i .- -n if
small stove ,.
and pour e.- ;
and windows. In a few
open the room a-d m
found to entirely disappeared.
Only u fa ml of tho of
carbolic will which will
serve to prevent tho from again
Mixture For Filling
Soak newspapers in a paste of
half a pound of r, ha it no -I
of alum and three quart of water.
Mix together and boil. This mix-
which should be as thick
putty, may be forced into cracks, in
floors, , etc., with a case
knife. It hardens like
neatly and permanently tilling any
cracks to which it may be
Shell carefully six hard I I
Heat up an egg and d mo
shelled eggs in it, then roll in
a mixture of line
ed minced parsley, reason-
ed with pepper, and fry in boiling
fat to a good brown. Place on a
hot dish and serve with hot tomato
sauce poured around.
Wash and peel the potatoes in the
ordinary way. begin peeling
again around and around, lust
if you were peeling an apple. Be
not to break the ribbons.
Drop into fat and fry to
brown. Drain on paper spread on
sieve. Keep hot until all are

Eastern reflector, 28 June 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 28, 1907
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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