Eastern reflector, 26 April 1907

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J ,
I in
w I j cotton Methodist
As top had snow Sunday
Mr i V
f .
J. W. wont p the- here . from
road view.
yA will
Bryan's Meeting to be in interest
Edgar Worthington had his
horse to run away Sunday and
break to pieces
m Wilson brought a cabbage special
the inside of it . . .
Meet Accident. . j
Monday afternoon Mesdames
in the trap,
., floe
be the means of re- j b thrown out,
n insurance
Patrick withdrawing
Massachusetts Demo-. fog painfully bruited i V . ID
resident, but now of was
Mount, spent
. . i
you arc lAm IV,,, m, M,
Stoves an I Heaters it will pay
G. R. returned
u in quality and prices New
that Cannon son are making .
. . ma lea
i Gr
i. i
hi good
to E. -v. Co.,
j car loads of
. for which
. . I cash price. Don't
ell . . us. Yours to
C L Tyson and wife were
visiting in the country Tuesday
Go to E E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh
Dr. W. W Dawson, of
was here Tuesday.
Our merchants,
got a hustle on them Saturday
and gave the streets a good
drenching with the sprinklers.
A good idea and will work good
to those will keep up this new
A Horton has been to Green-
ville this week on business.
J. A. Harrington, one of our
boys of the grip, been away
down on the briny deep during
the week and reports a success-
trip. the kind of
business men Ayden out.
Those that the public eye.
Merchandise Broker I carry
full hue of Meat. Lard and Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
Mrs. A. W child, of
Winterville, spent the week with
Mrs- W. E- Hook.-.
If you need any Paint be sure
see E. E. Co
Monday night we are in-
formed that the stork visited
the home of Mr. Sam Wilson,
a few miles from here, and left a
little child, the like of which has
never before been seen in this
The little one is well
formed with the exception the
place where eyes ought to be
the surface is perfectly smooth
and there is no sign or token of
an eye- There are six fingers
n each hand and six toes on
each foot. When we last heard
from it, it was living and pros-
finely. Mr. Wilson is
well known throughout this sec-
and there is not nor has
there ever been any deformity
among the membership of his
family and this remarkable
is truly amazing
exchange corn
for or Lean, Healthy Shoats
weighing from to pounds-
If preferred I will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A Darden,
ltd Ayden, N. C.
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say nothing of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need-
ed article.
The registration books for
No. in town-
chip, town of Ayden, are in the
hands of J- M. Blow. Those
desiring to vote on the school
bonds will have to register be-
tween now and May 4th.
Rev. Mr. Hamlin, an
list from Texas, accompanied by
Mr. as singer, be-
ginning next Sunday will com-
a series of meetings in the
Disciple church here. They Bate
been conducting a meeting for
the past three weeks in on
and up to the present have had
accessions to the ch urea.
wish to buy
for reached the
Special to Reflector.
New York. April Kith.
Flames swept the roof garden of
the New York early this
was totally ruined by water
a. house
lot in Ayden. or a valuable
. . near y Have you
sale We will or
s- Is your life insured, is
your house insured If not you
should see us and have it in-
,. d at once. We make an
extra effort in collecting ac-
is Place them with us,
Ayden Loan and Insurance Co.
will be a whole heap of
married people tomorrow-
The most will be
pleased with one of those
Lain Pens at Saul's. Call and
Misses Nannie and Le Nichols
and Esther Blount were in
Greenville visiting Saturday
pens on sale at Saul's
drug store at from SI to
Sallie Rives spent from
Saturday until Sunday afternoon i jig
with parents in n , , , .-
. . J. M Cox s dressing machine
Fountain lens with any j j
all size points for sale at and he start ll
Drug Store. soon-
W. E- Hooks an child-. U is very cold in our section
and Miss Annabel Kittrell for April. Tobacco plants are
been spending several days not growing much.
l. country with R. H. John has been right
i sick for the last few days. We
other faction I ad-
by Henry M. y.
Quincy., Charles H .
Fitzgerald and I ingress
Those on the
on the lakes
he price of
mine to domes
tic nut from f 1.80 to pea
to nut, pea
and to
coarse slack from to
cents. reductions will
sown follow.
rices the
N. C.
C R.
Cox Mills. April 17th.
We have learned J. W.
Potter, near Cox Mill, says that
he has a chicken with two bodies,
four legs, four feet, four wings. sale
two necks, one head and two i sale Co.
honor .-
the close of d riot
No Greenville township w
Jasper Corey, James H. Corey,
Preston Cory, Worthing-1 v
ton, Travis Ernest
for sale at
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry
and Heavy
Prices to suit the time.
Tripp Hart Co
Hill. Hattie Button, Teacher.
bags damaged mewl fr-r
Gr Whole-.
All kinds of Stock feed at P. j
See F. V Johnston b for.
buying your hay.
Th Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
just received a new supply of furnishings and material
in their undertaking department.
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to serve the This is a long needed
want in this section and they promise the best when
in this line is needed.
I have bought the
of the public. C. E. I Miss Lillie Carroll, daughter
business of J. that he is
and respectfully solicit
of Southey Carroll, is right sick,
Miss Lena Dawson came up but we hope she will recover.
Monday morning from a visit to Miss Bertha Coward, from
i near Timothy, spent last week
all work th Miss Carroll.
to my care to give
They have started grading
streets at Cox's Mill and we hope
faction. Try me. C. E. Spier.
AH the teachers here,,
attended the banquet in Green- We think
ville Friday evening and the in-1 it will be a town after awhile,
Saturday. They report a Some of the girls are talking about
starting a store
nice time
I solicit the patronage of the
people of Ayden and community
in everything pertaining to the j gave a pound party
jewelry business Give me
trial. C- E. Spier.
Chapman, who is a
teacher at the school
day night. She had a large
i crowd and all enjoyed them-
Mrs. Edwin Tripp , . , -i
children left yesterday for Wash- hoPe.
with husband another party before her school
who ha taken charge of the UP-
Pamlico hotel in that town. This
is an excellent family and will be
badly missed in Ayden-
New G. W.
has opened a millinery store
on Main street in rear of Cannon
Tyson's store and will be pleas-
ed to have all the ladies call and
examine her stock which is of the
latest patterns. She has also a
first-class milliner Miss Sallie
Rives employed and ft els sure
she can satisfy all and anyone.
Hooks Gardner have moved
their insurance office from Dr.
Dixon's building over to an office
in the hotel.
Wednesday we went to Green-
ville and on our return were ten-
an ovation not only
prising but one that would have
caused lads less brave to shudder
and think if this were home or
had pandemonium broken loose
in our absence. Not only oar
white and colored friends
delighted to honor us, but every
poodle and bull pup was at the
depot to express an appreciation.
There were smiles, handshakes
and every kind of joy
but that which impressed us
most and left a deep imprint en
our memory was the
mass of mixture, between
poodle and boll pup in a wrangle
over our feet and between oar
legs in their efforts to show which
could tender the most
greeting. if Uncle
Oscar Evans says that he
tobacco leaves larger than a
Li Roach, from near
Timothy, spent last week at W.
F- Carroll's and returned home
J- H. Stocks is in business;
He has put up a barber shop at
Cox's Mill
L. N. Edwards is having a big
store built at cox's Mill. We
hope him good luck.
11-1 ST.
Please take this as our
special invitation to visit
us when in Norfolk, and
we will expect, during
the Exposition if not be
Write for Price list.
We sell direct from maker
to user-
Piano with the
of hits lid, 1906.
Furniture and
Due from banks an
Nat. bk 2,100.00
Capital stock
Surplus fund 2,700.00
Undivided profits lest expenses 2,894.12
Dividends unpaid 60.00
Deposits subject to check 51,386.85
Cashier's 710.04
I ,
I J. B. Smith, the do
the above t i to the of my k now led and be-
I,,,,. J. U. SMITH,
and sworn to before I B. SMITH
m;, this 27th of Mar, F
Notary Pf I Dir
lbs Bead t W
The are invited to be
present at the following times
and places to hear a free, open
and forceful of the
bond issue now in the
April 20th. Gov. T- J. Jarvis,
Prof. G. E. Lineberry and Supt
H. B. Smith will
Stokes, o'clock p.
m. April Ben. J. L- Flem-
and H. W. will be
present and speak.
Greenville. Monday, at
o'clock 22nd. A number
of gentlemen both-from the town
and will address the
The speaking this day will
be in- Let the
people from every the
Uncle county be and bear these
Pierce had not come to our rescue
we would have soon been aD
appreciation. Thanks to-
two Uncle
fee other places
in tie will be made in a
few days.
For Twenty-one Years
F. S.
Norfolk. Va.
have bean Cotton and
Tobacco n the
because great caM is
election of V
Ask your dealer
goods and don't take
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
D. Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
April Term in
I guilty, judgment suspended
payment of costs.
Charlie Holt, carrying
pleads guilty, lined Greenville, N. C
The April term of Pitt and costs
court convened at noon Mon- Dee I read with great profit ard
day with Judge Waker H. King and Irvin Harris. the admirable letter cf
presiding and Solicitor u L. gambling, plead guilty, . n u .,
representing K F. Harding on tie
The Women All Favor It.
Thomas Best, carrying con-.
State. Mr. published in y.
in since he was
appointed solicitor.
The grand jury drawn for the
term was composed of the
W. L lore-
man. D. D. Gardner, J. B. Oak-
John G. Taylor, J. K May,
B. F. Manning, J. I. Nobles, J.
and costs in PaPer yesterday. I w h
in Pitt county could and
assault read this letter. Mis.
Governor Glenn Favor Folk
of Pi i
Although Governor of
The Reflector is glad that the North Carolina, is not unmindful
women of the county are taking of the fact that i resent en-
much interest in
A Dozen Stales Have Reduced the
Railroad Kate.
deadly weapon, guilty.
Samuel Jones, abandonment,
plead guilty of
M. Wooten, William carrying concealed weapon, also
B. J. Skinner, John Not H. resisting and was sent
C. S. Stocks, C. L. to the six months.
Wilkinson, J. A. Smith, D. C The while cap cases were con-
Dudley, W. G. Little, Joseph tinned until September term.
Lang Caraway, removing
H. A. Blow was appointed
officer of the grand jury. George Parker, carrying con-
Beginning his ch to the guilty.
grand jury Judge Neal said he
only address the body . Jim Wright Hanrahan, carry-
briefly, as he was a little late in mg concealed pleads
arriving, but if he had arrived guilty, lined and costs,
in the morning and found W- L. Forbes, larceny, guilty,
going on as was sentenced months to be as-
in when he reached the signed to roads. Judgment
court house speaking in Le- pended in two other cases,
half of the Eastern training . j. . M.
Judge Neal said he aid Leslie Blount. Jake West, John
wish to be considered as med- Dawson, Henry Cox, carrying
with matters in which he Concealed weapons, not guilty,
had no concern, but felt that it Glover, affray, pleads
would not be out of to say guilty, fined and costs.
a word regarding a matter of
such great importance as this
school. It made his heart throb
with joy when he saw that the
was going to have a train-
school for teachers and the
possibility of Pitt county
should interest every citizen
of the county While he was
not of the class that
education as a panacea for all our
ills, yet he was ready to say an
educated citizen makes the best
citizen An father
does not always an
ed son, but an educated mother
means educated children If we
educate the girls of today who
are to be the mothers of the
next generation, it means the
children of that generation will
be educated. The value of a
training school like that proposed
to be established cannot be
Then addressing himself to
the grand jurors Judge Neal re-
red briefly to the importance
of their office and the
resting upon them. He
referred to the too
commission of
witness stand, and the tam-
-ring with jurors in the effort
to ii them, evils which
he said
He paid a
a man who would perform
duties of his office fearlessly and
After the close of the charge
and the grand jury had retired.
Judge Neal ordered the sheriff
to permit no one to pass out the
door. He then had the clerk to
write down the names of
enough good men in the
to compose a jury and those
were called up and as an
extra jury for the work to avoid
in getting
when other jurors are needed.
It was a wise step and shows
that Judge Neal does not believe
in the time of the court being
The following cases have been
disposed of
Norman Hawkins, failing to
list taxes, pleads guilty,
upon payment
of taxes. The same
disposition was made of similar
cases against Peter Hines. James
Harris, colored, John Patrick
and Marcellus all plead-
George Taylor, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty.
Will Edwards,
Lam Whitehurst, W. H.
and Thomas Chestnut plead
guilty of carrying concealed
Bud Dupree and Zeno
assault with deadly weapon,
U alter Jackson, assault with
; deadly weapon, guilty.
Clarence Dupree, Grover
Smith and James Jackson,
fray, Dupree not guilty, others
guilty, fined each and costs.
Joyner, Alonzo King
and Irvin Harris, gambling. Joy-
and guilty,
not guilty- Joyner sentenced
months to roads, King fined
a. id half the costs.
Wash Vines, carrying
weapon, not guilty-
Simon Brown and Wiley
Brown, with
deadly weapon, plead guilty,
sentenced- to be as-
signed to roads. In a case of
forcible trespass against same
defendants judgment
David Daniels, larceny,
J. S. Ross, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
fined and cost
Benjamin Peyton, larceny,
guilty, sentenced months to
Brown Carr, larceny, guilty,
sentenced months to roads.
John Ed Askew, assault with
. pleads guilty,
lined o
Charlie Curtis
Taylor, house broking and
larceny, guilty,
ed years, Taylor years, be
assigned to roads.
Harding puts the whole
in a nut shell and she does
it so well that it must carry con-
to all who read it. I beg
to suggest that you publish it in
your editions that circulate in
the country and i scatter
it broad cast among the voters-
In my in work-
for schools I have always
found the women, in the fore-
front of the battle, ready to do
and to dare whatever needed
insure success. They have an
inspiration to the onward
movement and much of
the credit for the beautiful well
kept school houses recently
erected in Pitt is due to them.
Now if we can only the
young the old-
enlisted in this movement to
build up in Pitt a
institution, its success is
certain. I therefore appeal to
the good women into th
fight, at once, and to work for
the location of this school in their
county till the going down of tie
sun on the 11th of May. The
location of this in Pitt
means great, things for the boys
and girls who are to-be the men
and women of the near future.
If these good women will make
up their minds to have it, it will
surely come. will cost so little
in money to get it that they will
not be imposing any burdens
upon the labor and property of
the men.
Wife, tell your husband who
gives in of prop-
for taxation his tax will
cents a year and that you will
pay that for him about Christ-
with a dozen eggs.
Tell the husband who gives in
worth of property that his
tax will be a year and that
he can pay that with a half bar
rel of corn, but that if he can't
spare the corn you will raise five
chickens for that purpose On
the morning of the
the children around the
table and say to their father
at these and when you go to the
ballot box vote throw wider
open the door of hope to them
and make it possible for them to
enter into the higher and better
things of
J. Jarvis.
The following exhibit of pas-
the the Democratic rate legislation the past
th i u nomination of or within the t
school. They realize that it will; Bryan, he does not think the and rate reduction by decree of
be of benefit to them convention would make shows how general
in training them for their w, k a mistake if should go South the two cent standard,
in teaching a.-n; give them op- j for its hi e. At
could get in no
other way.
We wish to commend to very
person in the county the letter
of Mrs Walter F. Harding that
was published Monday. Mrs
Harding is a graduate of the
Governor said last
South is entitled this
recognition, and will not be
very long before a Southerner is
chosen as the candidate of the
Democracy for the Presidency.
St Normal at Greensboro, There are many able men in our
is in position to speak with section of the country who ire
on the subject of of tin's high honor.
school for the training of teach Personally, I do not think a bet-
She knows the benefit of it, j man could be selected than
and she wants to see Folk, of Missouri. He
Women of Pitt county have cut, his heart is with the
opportunities a training school and he done thing,
will and the per pie like
These columns are open who does things I
others would to the Missouri governor would
the matter. j peal o the American people as
Speakings on Bead
Below we a number Blocks at Auction.
of appointments for speakingu i i -ii i to
school issue will be
discussed at earn of these places York. April vast
by gentlemen who are holdings of the Ogden estate in
informed as to every de- i the section of the
t lit of the measure. With a I the Bronx, including the
great question like this before Dart of city blocks
th. county for its consideration -in all more than 1500 lots will
the. people owe it to themselves be M at auction today and
to go out and hear this matter
Simpson, Wednesday night,
April 24th.
tomorrow, in the street
salesroom- In the number of
parcels to be offered sale is
probably the largest ever an-
or in
approximation to it, has been
applied rigidly to the widely
varying conditions of railroad
travel in the United
cent bill
passed by the house and is pen-
din- in the senate.
Ohio -Two cent law enacted
last year.
West Virginia cent bill
North Caro -1 and a
quarter cent bill i . i
Alabama-Two and a half
bill was passed,
cent bill passed
to roads earning a
year gross per mile.
of cents
fixed by railroad commission.
cent bill
cent bill passed.
cent law en-
North and a
half cent bill passed-
South Dakota-Railroad com-
mission authorized to order two
and a halt cent rate.
Indiana- -Two cent bill passed.
Illinois Two cent bill passed
Missouri-Two cent bill
Mi Is, Thursday night, in this city, as shown I y
j the fact that two days have been
Friday April j get aside it. The Ogden
h. at o clock p. m. the
a. m. was originally owned by id
Falkland, Friday night an uncle of Recorder
25th- ; who built the famous
Cox Store, Apr mansion on th estate known as
at o'clock m-
i Ayden, Saturday, Av at
o clock
X Roads,
May 1st, at p. Special to Reflector.
night . A
May y mg
Blackjack, Saturday. May Alumni
Big Barbecue.
Who Pays for
Who pays for the advertising
of the m and
business the
for is returned ti
fourfold in increased profits.
Not the purchaser, for he buys
cheaper from the advertiser and
has a better assortment and
fresher good i from.
. of the university of Virginia,
will hold their annual banquet
tonight at the commonwealth
club. The following distinguish- worth of advertising would bring
Registration Closes.
From questions asked several
times lately, all do not seem to
understand just when the
books for the coming
bond elections will close. For
the county election the
is now in progress and the
books will on the of
Saturday, May 4th, the election
to be held on Tuesday, May 14th.
For the town election the books
will be open only three days-
Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-
day, May 1st, 2nd and
election to be held Tuesday, May j
7th- New registration in
A fourth grade boy was
over his grammar lesson and
wanted to know what part
speech a certain word was. He
was told to get and learn
how to find it. have no rule
to find out he complained.
a rule, work it out with
this, put in a little fellow of
the primary as he
left his drawing for the time
being and held, out a foot rule.
not tor voting in these elections.
Voters of the county must
for the county election only,
while living in the town of
, Greenville must register for
pons and were each fined and both and town
New Work for Telephone Girl.
A story illustrating the many
the county and town is necessary requests made of tel-
girls is one told of a
Sedan woman who was going
out shopping for a few hours,
put her baby to in its car-
and taking down the
Keep this matter straight
William Hanrahan, appeal
from mayor's court. j and do not fail to register,
guilty, sentenced days to
-v v
; i vphone receiver, placed it beside
the sleeping child.
Then she notified central of
i. her
T- G.
Stokes N. C. April
W. i. Stokes and Di.
made business
to Washington Monday.
J. W- Perkins and J. J.
went to Greenville
J. J. of this
an Miss House, of Mar-
tin were happily married
at o'clock Monday evening
at home of J. J. Gray's near
this place, Mr.
cured his girl Sunday morning
and went to Greenville Monday
for the license and was married
Monday night by Esq. D. A.
E. K Whichard, of Whichard,
and Miss Susie Ross, Stokes,
attended church at Hickory
Grove Sunday.
L H attended
church at Parmele Sunday night-
We are hiving lots of sickness
in this and the doctors
are having all they can do.
Who. then.
portion of ti
. is Of l
prim to ad
eduction and the interests of
community. If you have never
looked at it in that light, it is
worth thinking about If
. as by
alive i- enter-
way to the
c the of
ed gentlemen are Dr
Aldermen, president of the
Mr. Brewer of
the Supreme court; Hon. Janus
Bryce, Ambassador from Eng-
land; former Senator Carmack;
Professor Thomas Jefferson
Coolidge, of Professor
John Basset Moore, of Columbia
A and Mr. Roscoe C.
Nelson, of Richmond.
additional profits, you would
advertising free and
ahead of the game besides.
The who lost the
trade and profits which you
gained would then be bearing
your advertising expenses as
well as adding to your profits.
Steamer Burned.
The trestle near Mr. L. C
Arthur's on the new railroad is
nearly completed and the track
laying will cross and goon
In this tine any kind of
prediction is unsafe, but
, iv
Special to Reflector.
New York, April The
steamboat Pioneer, plying be-
tween this city and Newark,
was burned at her pier this
Seven of the crew
escaped suffocation from
the fumes of the burning cargo.
Funeral of Mr. Daniel.
The funeral Mr. John L.
Daniel, who died Monday night,
took place at o'clock Tuesday
afternoon, the interment being
in Cherry Hill cemetery.
vices were conducted by Rev.
M. T. Plyler and the pall
were Messrs. A. B.
ton, T. R. Moore, Wiley Brown,
D. E. House, T. F. Christman
and F. M. Hornaday.
Vocation can now get up and
Concert Tour.
The Oxford Orphan Asylum
singing class of will stare
upon its eastern trip the first of
May. The second or western
tour will, probably, begin the
last of July, after several weeks
interval of rest by the class at
the institution in Oxford.
The excellence of these enter-
known t the
of North Carolina.
The work of our
homes appeals both to the heart
and to th.- Judgment It merits
our sympathy and support. In-
in this cause is
great and it is growing.
The patronage accorded these
concerts year has been in-
creasing. They have been a
true success and we bespeak for
them even enlarged success this
Parsonage Family Growing.
A young lady has at
the home of Rev. and Mis. J. E
at the Baptist parsonage
We hope the young lady will de-
a noted singer and
added to church

. i on his lonely
-ml i
. dun vi-
I ho ad
o u ed brain.
I walked more the
foil, i I
About Home
If are too it ii because
i If v n I
i i eat are I v
i i do not haTe
Dyspeptics You Contemplate
e too fat it ii because
Dyspepsia Cure
Owning One
t that n
I I in a
i I
t, but it is a
. . . .
Di ii You
f so the first thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
The man who Insures Ma Ufa la
wise for his family.
The man who Insures his health
la wise both for his family aid
You may Insure hearth by guard-
It. It la worth guarding.
At the first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the LIVER and
.-i Itself la innumerable ways
And save your health
I Not Quite
How often vim can get a
nail or screw or
lucking. Have a
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is n i could desire, and
an see that your tool
box not lack a single
useful article.
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Of course
ill v
to .
weak heart inn ; .
. that i
M . t t N V
v and lime, mi n p, r.
I I n p
. v lira t
Mi tail. I . I Ii
s why. . Dr
in the
. . . rig II Dr
. pall
i it
an I Inc I h i i I It i
It . . A n i-
I b. om i r
r I
No proper v surpasses this for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now a
reasonable prices and on easy terms. There
J P.
in All i; IN
that property around
is to be higher, and w
longer you defer buying the lot the
it will cost. , .
This is located minutes
walk from the part town.
See Sam White and let prices
and terms.
i Office why don't
I , ; w York
i I. yon
pi ml
fa . you said
. that
Bi-.- .
lit you'd
en v
d ;
i i
I Mi
op Talk.
And Provisions
Ties always on
kept con-
in stock. Country
end Sold
North Carolina,
i .
I Ii
I ,
I iv ail
Pi i i lure aid tor
Bides, ton feed,
ids, Turkeys, etc. Ho
-tails, Oak
Tables. Lounges, Safes
A Ax
Life Tobacco Key West
George Cigars,
Meat Meat
Meal and Hulls,
Heeds, Oranges,
ts Dried Apples,
Peaches, Prunes,
Glass wars Tip
wooden ware, cakes and
crackers, Macaroni, Best
Butler, New dewing Ma-
and numerous other goods
Quality and chop for
S. M. Schultz.
i.-1. y it.
you i . will r r in
oat- . l
i. .
land Plain l I
t do.
t up a hope
C be might with
i ante lie t i .
I full of
I spot had her eye on
I the bottom of th
Offers advantages
for reach the public.
want good Work send
you orders to
Buyer Brokers is
m, tiNe-
and Orleans
r. K. L.
a i
day of
tax ; H
and c
cost, fl
cost, or
cost, a
At business March 1907.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured and
unsecured 2,861.19
All other Stocks, Bonds
Furniture 2,683.89
Due from Banks
Cash Items 2,104.82
Gold Coin 886.00
Silver Coin
National hank notes
U. S. notes 10,062.00
Total 192,808.28
Capital Stock
Surplus funds
Undivided Profit less
Time 25,242.64 I
121,161.90 I
Due to
Cashier's checks
C. S.
; S t n bank, do s
wear it above i of my
., I.
and ore to before I
hi. st of Mar
Deputy C. S. C-
J. Ii
close of Business, March 2nd 1907.
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
All other Stocks, Bonds
Furniture Fixtures 8,872.82
Banking Houses
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
National bank notes
and U. S. notes
Capital Stock
Surplus funds 25,000.00
Undivided Profits less
Expenses paid 16,926.07
. q.
Sub CM 127,351.89 149,909.94
Cashier's checks
outstanding 583.78
State of North
I Little, Cashier of the above named bank, do
Subscribed and sworn to before J
me. this 28th day of March. 1907.1 w WILSON
Notary Directors.
Come in and examine my
be; to announce that we are
and Retail
Whits Lead, Paints
Colors, and
Country Ready nixed Paints
There la no line in the world better
Harrison Una. It has it a an u
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you win favor us with
order whenever you want good paint for any
Have Just rec a car load and
can you Special Prices.
cc hart
N. C.
Mills, N C. April 20th
Kindly all me a little space
in your paper to speak a
word in favor of this bond issue,
especially to the people of Swift
Creek township.
The last legislature
fifteen thousand dollars to
establish a training school to be
in some eastern county.
This is to come from the
taxes. If there wire to no
whatever and the county
were to its to
locate the school within its
every one would vote to
give permission. Why
you would say,
will help the We can
educate our daughters at less
expense and it will help to build
up the
The man who sells a good
many cattle, will see a greater
market his what
school is which doesn't
give the students beef The
woman who sells eggs and chick-
en--, can take them herself, to
Greenville, where even now, is
an easy market for all the sup-
ply. The fruit man can do like-
wise. Any enterprise, which
will cause people to congregate
in one place is a call to each of
these, for people must be fed
and the the town-
must feed them. The town can
supply them with dresses, hats
shoes, etc. but the country
those who raise cattle, hogs,
fruit, chickens, etc., must sell
them three meals a day. An en-
that brings more
to the county must, of
course be a benefit.
Now, if the school would help
us, if we had no tax to to
get it the benefit will be the
same with the tax. In this, case,
however, you would he
small tax to the same
benefit. You have to decide
whether this benefit will be
live cents worth each
You may say you have no chick-
ens or cattle to sell and no
to send to school If you
haven't any, in ten years your
children may be running
raising cattle and send-
their children to this school,
which helped to establish by
to give twenty-five cents
on every thousand you had,
for its The school
once here will be carrying on its
when your grandchildren
are the voters will be looking to
them for meat butter and
eggs, for carpenters, plumbers,
teachers, seamstresses. As long
as the State of North Caro-
is a State the school will be
and children
your children's will
get the benefit,
While all will acknowledge
j that it will help, the county, some
may net feel it will benefit them
personally and therefore vote
against it That might be
if we were to ever have
another chance at it But we
have not. Now is the time- It
is coining to some county. You
-the man with the vote-are
you going put it forever out
of your reach because you
can't see it will help you A
pay twenty-cents, for
wouldn't have the thousand.
Say you have only five hundred,
the tax twelve and
one half cents- For two hundred
and fifty dollars worth of prop-
it would be six and a
cents. Eggs are now a penny
each. Seven of them would pay
on that much property-
If the school goes r
county, that county gets all lie
I have pointed out, while
you get Still you will
be taxed for your part of that
the legislature has voted
to maintain the school. u
see that whether you want to or
not, you will have to pay that
tax, even though the school is net
Now, Mr.
Voter, won't you pay twenty live
cents extra to get it in the a
Sit down find estimate your
property. Think whether you
will pay twenty-five cents extra
ti get the school in the county
or whether you will pay r
part if that to some
other county.
It's up to you. voters of Pitt,
to say which can best afford
to do- On May the 14th are y u
going to vote to help some other
county or yourself
Mrs. Walter F. Harding.
Strong Argument in its Favor.
It had been
ed that a speaking on the mat-
of the Eastern training
would take place in the court
house at noon M Jude
Neal not arriving until the noon
train there was no court during
the morning, and it was decided
that it would be better for the
speaking to take
T ringing of the bell a little
past o'clock assembled a good
sized crowd in the court room
which was first addressed by
Senator J, L. Fleming. He
pointed out how in past years
Eastern North Carolina had been
practically ignored by the
in locating State
ions, while this section
was taxed year after year
to enrich the Piedmont section.
He also that of our
in the East, and because of
our having as much right to
help from the State treasury as
any other section, had name the
movement to establish the East
era training school. Senator
Fleming then went into the dis-
of the bond issue to
year from now you may change
your mind, but the chance will
be gone. It will be in some other
Your vote will say one of two
things-, it will say whether you
will pay twenty five cents on
every thousand you have or
whether you wont pay a quarter
of a dollar to insure to your
children and grand-children the
advantages of having a good
school in the county. They may
want the school, but tiny wont
have any vale in the matter.
You are to say whether
school, with all the good it
locate miles of
shall come or the go
CO m other county.
Some of you arc
not able top y twenty five cents
on every If that is
true, then you wouldn't have to
secure the and plainly
showed the duty of the people of
the county to vote for it- His
speech was strong and forceful
Ex-Governor also
one of his practical speeches on
the question rig the great ad
vantage the school will be to Pitt
county how little it will cost
the people of the county to get
it. His argument was so plain
it looks like every one who
heard him could see that it is his
duty to vote for the school.
In closing hi.-- appeal G .
it so happened
he was- shot down on the battle-
field on the day of May.
That was the last fight in which
he engaged for the
lie was again looking to the 14th
day of May on which the bonds
election would be held, and he
this would be the last
fight of his life in behalf of t.
cation for the children of Pi
county and North Carolina, and
he did hope that the result w mid
be a great majority in favor of
the bonds for the school.
Its Proper Sphere It Is a Noble and
Serviceable Quality.
the higher level curiosity
a noble and serviceable quality,
without which no great thing can
be done in science or literature. It
intellectual curiosity which
a man like Darwin in his
long and patient labors. He was d
find out the how i
and he all the in
A a curious person for the ;.
arrangement of details. He
was observing and i.
and overlooking.
hi tell
still i
i-. -till asking what
to pi Without ; the
half his I
i ; ill-1 I
n i Ii to pet i he m
Ii . If ii the affair o
r, ii i- base; if ft e
; be world, it is great.
dies within i an
is hopeless and hope I
I it may be a val
I . . . of a
. I it the .
man in ill have an
. . . the affairs of his
r he i ever will take the ti
to i What he is told
he almost certainly forget,
while a touch curiosity v ill store
u ever information and
watch i very passing incident and
catch hold of every suggestion in
real on.
By a by the history of every
one, old young, will be in the
man's poss is.-i m. f c if he
an ignoble man, then his know
will intolerable; if he be a
sympathetic man. it will be most val-
In the Ban way a physician or n
lawyer will be greatly helped by a
legitimate regulated curiosity
about his fellow creatures. And it
must that if curiosity one
kind make- a man detestable
of another kind makes him
The popular idea that all snakes
hiss is I when anacondas arc
in question, if we may believe u
close observer of the
The sound they make is more like
a growl than a hiss and has
well described by a traveler as a
roaring Their powers
of are sufficiently won-
to make exaggeration
credible witnesses testifying
to the fact that one has been known
to swallow a horse, while bullocks
are not infrequently attacked also.
Few nonscientific readers, by the
way, are aware that not only do the
jaw hinges of the boa tribe become
dislocated in the act of swallowing
a lame animal, subsequently
their proper position by means
of the elastic tendons.
that the skull hones separate
centrally, so the whole con
n sort of quadrangular with
apparently indefinite powers of ex-
Pot ii .-.
teach r. Tl
neither i
can the spirit
in which it is
. . act-
. i .
mat i . but
who .
Normal and i
who fun
m were
. ,
ii .
die and western
average p
the middle or
part of North Carol,.
culture than one of i-
class right here
of our adjoining
so. will s me one ad
Has cupid captured
Normal and
have they been enticed
the borders of the Old
State by a .
they embark on the
so early
Alma Mai r then the
and Industrial should
and id
school D c rid
However, we let
what it i worth and c
once to the
r n be
tees for this Eastern tr
school ought to be guide
in fairness and i -i
school that shall train teal
not an academy for the I
m the -sons and
of well-to-do parents at t
of the public.
Furthermore, since we I
be taxed to train
we not have a word about
especial training
In the first place train S
to appreciate the
of their calling, i cl
in the place the
while the pupil is j
re; that they are res
for the deportment of
from the time he
father's irate on his
The Tailor Bird. until his
Sewing ins so ingenious an art
that it must reserved for the ha- Train i to lie honest,
alone, the tailor they have no right to
man n
bird, the Ion
and posse the
i I place their
in a Ii tin
i i end. With tin
pier rows of
two es of lie then
alternate th
leaf, at I t Hat, i i n
whit Ii Hi y we
cotton Tl
the ;
bird n .
salary tor i
e r i ;
or j
i. and
i d
i j
. . can
bus of cot them.
ton ;. . . el
Mr. A. Spivey
Invites yon to I a en
tho of his daughter
Mr. Elias Allen
April the
en seven
at one thirty o'clock
Baptist Church
Kenly, North Carolina
At home.
North Carolina.
Rain I Palls
miles I . i
C I .
i an the
. no i
Seine i In com
p- i th
. level
a; ova
i -an us
Io r a sum-
t and i up to
; above tho tea.
.- tails.
M instruct
ct to
wort I worry
. em
them to spell, for
h and
upon them th fact i. at
is the very .
et i
them the i
m to
; and g
so very learned to
but the surest was
a country
I ,. I .
I . II
i i i in Aunt
Idle; .
to h--
see a post curd from Mr
Aunt Sail-.- what
she was
His She's on
peal to the higher faculties
and the best
is that
by King Solomon.
Train them to revere i
holy Bible, and all its teach
to so conduct
their d lives
inspiration, for they lab
, tor a day or tor a rear,
The employees the Bea
of the Norfolk it
em presented
L. Dill, for years has
superintendent of the
beautiful silver service.

;. m mm i. mm
a. J.
Entered as class matter Jar. the post office at Greenville.
N. C. under Act of congress of March .
If you have money to invest
you had better put it in Green-
ville property.
Of made upon
desired every port office in MM n
Wonder if those fellows hunt-
for the North pole would
it if they found it.
in to
Mark this n ten
years Greenville will lave
The stranger in town
day was impressed with the fact
that Greenville is a J pressed
If you want your children to
be taught by better teaches s
you should i the
One nay the
crop tut escaped the freeze.
While the fruit was pretty
generally killed, the recent freeze
did net nip the baseball blossoms.
Trying to thaw dynamite or
start a tire with a kerosene can
are dangers of about equal mag-
Raleigh soft drink dispensers
Any man in Pitt county ought
to think seriously of the
before he makes up his
u vote against bonds to
secure the Eastern training
A little discrepancy has been
disclosed in the management of
the university of Wisconsin. The
accounts were short.
Somebody else has probably been
doing plain stealing.
It has been said so often that
farmers will not organize, will not
stand together for their common
interest, that it has come to be
accepted almost as an established
fact. Those, however, who think
that such is the case, should
have witnessed the proceedings
the annual
of The Farmers
Co. on the 18th
inst. The editor of The Re-
was present on this
and witnessed the proceed
We have attended a good
many strictly business meetings
of s men and never saw a
more orderly business gathering
of as large a number of men in
our lives. There were present
a. least five or six hundred of
the judging
county and receive the benefits the pile of
We are
thing to cat left.
end wherever it may be you will
the problem M
of changing the or paying do our to et
the t
of such an institution being for that day as many
in our midst not and
Certainly Greenville will the meeting was attracted to
street cars some of these days. in strict business order. There
G- biggest
on the m but it is making
will Lie of tho envious think it is
j to
are only
b- a to be on the other
and oppose every good
i. that is started.
If ti e people only had as much
interest good roads as in some
other improvements, what a
county Pitt would be.
Hearst had best up his
mind not to be disappointed if
lie whole country fails to take
t notion to run after his third
It will be a long step from South-
east Greenville to the park and
from Southwest t j the
wharf. Just watch us grow.
Ever see a little dog run out
and bark at a flying train he
With other things going
on and in contemplation around
lie, we only need the
That is what
We had hoped it was all over thought was going to stop just
for the time being, but now they
have gone to investigating the
charge that one of the Thaw
jurors was with
were no murmurings of
or discontent. re-
port of the year's was
trade, a review of the work
plainly laid before the Stock-
holders, the changes and
to the company with
for the future, and an
outline of the future policy of
folks remind us of when the company.
It was always so and will ever
be the same when
some try to build t.,. others will
No, the Reflector is not Green-
ville crazy, either. But it is
training school to make Greenville sane, and thinks to tear down, s the build-
the grow by leaps- can see of the things this been in the majority the
i town is going to do.
Charlotte is not going at it in
a way. The citizens of that Mrs. Thaw. Harry's mother,
tow-are taking an interest in says she can raise a million
world keeps going u
spite of the croakers.
local politics and are asking for
what they v
The conference may
if necessary fT his bail- but the
must have been a rich crowd of, on when there
i them mixed up in the anything to scrap over The
The Greensboro policeman I Bible is pretty good a on
sucked through a hot pump When the committee from the ard Mys that
be and
has been from of Commerce cal son Mast shall
force, that kind of drunk fr help let the help
Considered us bad as any other-
Present Roosevelt Kay be
to things o more his
th; of that five
pound stick the people of
Brownsville, Texas, him.
There is much
work to be done between now
and the of bind
Senator Simmons has stated
he will resign as chairman
of the Democratic commit- that while it was
The president of the company
stated that he would be glad to
answer any inquiry he could
about tie business and invited
all to ask for any
they desired. He stated that
the Farmers Consolidated To-
unlike many corpora-
which did not invite its
stockholders to in its
proceedings, desired the stock
holders to come forward at least
once a year and make such in-
as they wished any
suggestions from them would be
that i order to
well, the company de-
served to succeed, it was all
and necessary to have
the full co-operation
of all the stockholders, that he
wanted a full and free discus-
of all matters pertaining to
A registered package contain-
sent by mail from a j
Wilmington bank to New York,
was stolen in sit. The gov-
has been investigating
but failed to the money.
When the matter is at
in its true light, we do see
how any voter in the county can
be opposed to issuing . . i to
secure the Eastern training
The Edgecombe Advocate is
tho name of a new paper that
has been started at Tarboro. with
H. C. Bourne manager. The
The bandit who walked into; first number is an attractive pa-
the of the Northern Ex- I par and filled with excellent read-
press company, at St. Paul,
Minn, and at the point of a
pistol compelled the clerk to
open the safe and hand him a
package, had his nerve
with him.
Some people have the idea that
the teachers training school lo-
in Greenville will be of
benefit to the town only, and not
to the county. On the contrary
the school would be ten fold more
benefit to the county than to the
own. Look into it and see
where the public school teachers
in the town or in
the country schools- There are
ten times as many teachers in
the country as in the town,
therefore the country be
the greatest beneficiary of the
training school for teachers.
Every man who has a child to
educate, or to see his
county progressive, should vote
for bonds to secure the
If every tobacco grower in the
county could have been present
Thursday seen the
of pleasure on the faces of
the stockholders of the
Consolidated Tobacco Company,
as their dividend checks were
handed out, it strikes us that it
would have made every one of
them wish he was a member of
the company. In four years that
this company has been in opera-
its dividends have
per cent. It strikes us as
being a fine business
of which lack only per cent, of
paying for itself in four years.
The man wants the earth who
would wish for anything better-
The only wonder about it is that
every tobacco farmer does not
try to get in the company and
sell his crop through it.
who stand aloof from it
prejudice are cutting
if the of
a good profit business.
tee, and the committee will Le
called together this summer to
choose his successor. Finding
somebody to fill the place as well as
Mr. Simmons has done will not
be the easiest thing the party
has had in hand
Why will not some people use
as much judgment regarding
voting for bonds as they do in a
business enterprise If a man
could invest one dollar and get
i n rs in return therefor, he
would jump at
To establish the Eastern
training school in- Pitt county
will bring the county more than
ten fold what it costs the tax
payers. Yet we hear of some
people who are opposed to the
bonds to get the school.
We think the Raleigh minister
who wants the penitentiary guard
hanged for shooting and
escaping convict, wrong
opinion. Of course killing the
convict is a matter of regret, but
criminals are sent to for
punishment and it is the duty of
of guards placed over them to
keep them in confinement. It is
useless to place g lards over
unless force can be used in
keeping them when necessary-
The prisoner who in defiance
flees before a guard with a gun
is risking h.--. lift in the Imps of
escape, and if nothing but shoot-
will stop the guard who
does I rot be held
necessary tor the company to be
managed by aboard of directors
yet the directors were selected
by the stockholders and unless
they took an interest in its
they could not act
in the selection of men
He showed that this company
was managed on the same
principle precisely as the gov-
of the State and nation,
that the officers were merely the
servants of tho stockholders and
that the who managed
the affairs of the company and
elected its officers were them-
selves elected and received their
power from the stockholders.
The whole proceedings were
characterized by a spirit of per-
harmony that is rarely wit-
in so large a number of
people. We seriously doubt if
any equal number of well drilled
and experienced business men
would have transacted their
business in a more perfect spirit
of unity than was shown by these
tobacco farmers who own and
constitute The Consolidated
Tobacco Co
We rejoice with the tobacco
farmers in the success they are
making in their efforts at
If their present policy
is continued and the spirit of
co-operation and harmony
as we witnessed it at their
annual meeting, we make the
prediction that before many
years, and it will not be many
either, the tobacco farm-
of eastern North
will have built for themselves
the most perfect business ma
chine for taking care of their
product ever by any
farmers on the globe.
Travelers Get the by
The stranger perhaps more
get a single of the
true and ancient Spain than by ac-
quiring the habit of traveling third
The seats indeed are hard,
but the company is usually excel-
lent, charming in its manners and
not offensive to any sense. Here a
constant series of novel pictures is
presented to the traveler, who may
quietly study them at leisure. Per-
haps it is a dozen merry girls on
their way to a festival, packed tight-
together and laden with .
Some of the more sedate
them near mantillas, some bright
handkerchiefs on their heads or go
with hair uncovered; but, however
they are dressed, to whatever class
they belong, they are all clean and
Or perhaps it is a less crowded
carriage one enters. There are two
middle class Spaniards and a peas-
ant group of fat, jolly mid-
aged man in a peasant's cos-
but clean and new, almost
stylish; a woman of like age, one of
those free, robust, kindly women
whom Spain produces so often, and
a bareheaded girl, evidently
her daughter, though the man seems
a friend or relative who is escorting
them on their journey. By and by,
when we have been some hours on
our journey, he lifts from the seat
in front of him the large, heavy em-
Sancho Panza was always so anxious
to keep well it and
draws out one of the great, flat, deli-
Spanish loaves and throws it
on the woman's lap. Then a dish
of stewed meat appears, and the
bread is cut into slices, which serve
as plates for the meat. But before
the meal is begun the peasant turns
round with a hearty It is
the invitation to share in the feast,
which every polite Spaniard must
make even to strangers who happen
to be present, and it is as a matter
of course politely refused,
Before long the black
leather wine bottle is produced from
the wallet, and the meal proceeds.
At its final stage some kind of sweet-
meat appears, and small fragment
are offered to the two middle class
Spaniards then, with a slight
half movement, expressing a fine
restrained by the fear of
offering any offensive attention, to
the foreign also. It is not
improper to accept this time,
now the leather bottle is handed
round, the middle class Span-
avail themselves of it. though
with awkward
Edgar the novelist, was
asked by a young lady at ten if ho
thought that the use of quotations
a good thing.
are only said
Mr. they are ex-
was once a witty Irish-
man, E. Fitzgerald,
made excellent use of a quotation
in a political speech.
this speech he was re-
interrupted by a butcher,
the proprietor of a sausage
making plant. An adherent of
finally took offense at
the butcher's mocking remarks and
you Leave politics
and go back to your sausage ma-
butcher glared at the man
I had this speaker in one of
my sausage machines I'd soon make
mincemeat of
Mr. Fitzgerald quoted
from the platform, with a
thy servant a dog that thou
do this
Sentiment is growing every
day for the bond issue to secure
the location of the Eastern train-
school. There was
on the part of some not
it to the county
being bonded, but as they be-
come informed as to the faces
and contemplate the benefits
that will arise from the school,
they come around to favor the
bond issue. To defeat this
re would be the worst day's
work Pitt county has ever done,
but the outlook now is that the
county bonds will carry by a
good majority. As to the bonds
to be issued b the town, the
people of Greenville are so near
a for them that no
it heard.
By a Contributor.
Some one has
thrown a bag of old rusty nails
into the machinery of the
weather bureau
An esteemed contemporary a
copying a paragraph about Mr.
Taft being called jolly
but the Cubans, got
jelly The mistake goes,
There are clocks in Penn-
new State
house They were probably put
in for the purpose of enabling
the grafters to avoid working
It is reported that Mr.
is now to go down into
his jeans for a wed-
ding gift for his brother At
that rate it should not take long
to get the whole family married
If the party who started a run-
or that the president is threaten-
ed with nervous prostration will
make himself known, he may gel
a seat right next to Mr. Harri-
man in Ananias row.
Why the Actor Was Sore.
An actor without funds
aged in way to get a sec
ticket on a line
steamers running between Seat-
and San Francisco.
The voyage between these
points consumed the better pat
of three days, and in view of
fact that his finances were
low ebb he solved the
in this The first day
he slept all day to keep from ea-
remained up all night t
keep from sleeping. The
day took physical
exercises. On the third day
could not stand the strain
longer and went down in tie
dining room and ordered the bet
meal on board the boat.
eating this meal he could see n
his mind's eye a picture of a all
in the in San Francisco.
After finishing his meal e
said to the
do I owe
replied the waiter, your
are included in your
San Francisco Argonaut.
MARCH 26TH AND 27TH, 1907
PATTERN HATS have been mad for
several seasons by a lady that runs a
Millinery the
of Baltimore and her Hats this ex-
cell all others. She improves with age. Come
to our Opening and buy one of those stylish Hats.
JAMES will try to please you.
This department is In P. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
a r Co has Protect yourself from the sun Extra line of white goods just
still hand a full by getting a large straw hat at opened at B. F. Manning Co.
Heel Cart keels. Co. A .
Helen, attended services p at
the Methodist church Sunday.
They returned to their home and fancy
Grimesland Sunday after-
Send us your order we
prompt shipments.
Dr. B. T- Cox left
morning for Norfolk where he
took the daughter of
Carroll to the hospital to undergo
an operation for
A new lot of nice spring and
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
J. S- Cox, express messenger
on the AC. L., is at home for a
few days.
Another large lot of shoes just
in at Harrington Barber Co.
Theodore Cox. Bryan,
W. J. Bullock, Misses Mollie
Bryan, Hattie Kittrell and
Kate Chap attended the
closing exercises at Smith's
school house Wednesday night.
They report an excellent enter-
Go lo drug of B. T.
Cox A for T. W. Wood
high grid Hod
Frank White has returned
from Richmond. He report
Mrs- White improving.
Keep your horses, boys, and
chickens in a healthy condition
by giving them Pratt's food.
B. F. Manning Co.
A certain one of our young
men is busily arranging to begin
housekeeping at an early date.
Wonder if he intends to live
alone We expect to hear from
him later.
Dr. Nash, of Greensboro, will
be here next Sunday morning,
April 21st to aid Pastor Stan-
field in a revival meeting which
will through next
week. All are most cordially i.-.-
to attend these services.
L and little Son
Aldin, accompanied Miss Lon
Cobb to her home near
Friday afternoon.
Another milling and
establishment has just
been added to the enterprise of
our town, under the manage-
of A. D. Cox and Wm.
Smith A grist mill, and a wood
shop will be operated. They
are prepared to do excellent
Prof G. E. Lineberry, Misses
Elizabeth Boushall and Effie
Barker left last night for New
Bern to attend tho Baptist Sun-
day school convention of the At-
and Neuse Association-
They will represent Antioch Sun
day school. Prof. Lineberry is
also the program for an ad
J. D. and
Smith went o Greenville
a number of our young
fol s went to the entertainment
a last night.
r Mollie Bryan, Louise
Sn and Lizzie Combs
v t to Greenville today.
i pure white
j for sale by Mrs. G. A. Kit-
Winterville, N. C.
The A. G. Cox Co. has
on hand a full supply of buggy
bodies and seat in the most pop-
Miss Fannie Rollins, of Stokes,
is spending some time with Miss
Mollie Bryan.
You just ought to come down
and see the nice and up to-date
Hunsucker buggies being turned
out almost almost every day by
the A G. Cox Co.
J. R. Smith of Ayden was
here Tuesday.
The season is now almost at
hand when most of the farmers
will likely need trucks to haul
Tobacco to and from the barn.
The A. G. Cox Co. are
now preparing to make good
many their
The A. G- Cox Co- will
make flues for the sea-
son at the same old price as
Dr. Nash who came to assist
Rev. B. E. Stanfield in the re-
at the Methodist church,
was compelled to leave for his
home Monday morning on ac-
count of sickness We regret this Braxton. A B
hose for summer wear at B F.
Manning Co.
See our new assortment of
hamburgs. laces etc at B. r.
Manning Co.
List of those who arc in
rears for taxes in the town of
Winterville for the year 1906
very much. Mr. Stanfield is
the meeting so far
by himself.
Th.- genial Spring days will
soon be here a comfortable
couch will be a luxury. A. W.
Ange Co. has them at a bar-
Miss Rosa Moore, of Farm-
ville, spent Saturday and Sunday
with Miss Hattie Kittrell.
A. N. Ange Co. know how
to buy shoes for comfort, style
and durability They have just
opened their large line of fine
G. E. Lineberry went to
Greenville Tuesday evening.
Th.- A. G. Cox Co., are
still shipping the reliable Cox
Co i ton Planters and Simplex
Guano Sowers to both North
and South Carolina- Send us
your order we assure prompt
Pitt county Oil Co , is
to enlarge their plant- The
new machinery is arriving daily.
The A. G- Cox Co. are
now receiving orders for their
Handy tobacco trucks even
th it is early in the season-
Mr, E. T. Griffin, of Spring
Hope, purchased one of G. A.
ponies this week.
B. T Cox Bro. have garden
seeds and flower seeds ail
kinds at the drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cox ac-
services at
is fa powerful
tonic and regulator for female
weakness and diseases.
B. T. Cox Bro.
The Methodist church here
having been completed
mot j than a year, was decided
Dr Nash preached the
dedication sermon was an
excellent one. A largo
was present.
We just received a large
roofing. See us
prices before buying. A.
Ange Co.
E. A. left
morning for Kenly where he will
be married to Miss Lula Spivey
at Wednesday.
Have you seen new
proved coffee-mill at Harrington
Barber Co It will take your
Carolina Milling
Co. are prepared to
grind first class meal for you at
any time. Wood work also a
A new arrival of trunks,
and hand grips at A. W
Ange Co
Knitting thread already
pared at Barber
Braxton, E W 2.50
Cooper, Rowan 3.67
Cooper, Rowan Son
Cooper, J 1.12
Coward, Warren 1.97
Cox. A D 6.01
Calvin 1.09
Evans, D B
Electric Light Co 3.33
Elliott. L F
B D 1.37
Fair, C A 1.17
Grimes, Oscar
Harrison, Wm H 1.71
House, W L 6.99
Johnson, J R 1.42
Johnson, L 5.00
Kittrell, G A
Joe 1.00
Lane, Henry
Little. J B 2.84
Locust, F L 1.36
Manning, J A 1.67
Manning, 1.95
May, J R E H
Morris, Madison 2.47
Nelson, H D 1.91
Smith, M M 1.18
J F 1.06
Sparks. J W 3.80
Sarah 1.50
Tyson, Frank
Tucker, E F 4.57
Vincent, W C 1.08
Winterville Canning Co
Yancey. Albert
CHAS. SMITH, Collector.
good as new East Carolina Sup-
ply Co- Winterville, N. C.
That a Student in
Paris Could Stand
A drop of water, even three or
four drops, falling on the head
seems a thing unworthy of at-
nevertheless in Chi la a
slow and continuous dropping of
water on the head has been
found to be a method of torture-
under which the most criminal
abjectly howls for mercy
Win n a in the
stated this to his the
other day one of the students
laughed and said
that it would take a deal of
that sort of thing to affect
The professor assured him
even one quart of water dropped
slowly onto his hand would be
beyond his endurance. He
agreed to experiment.
A quart measure filled with
water was brought in, a micro-
sec hole was bored in the bot-
tom and the performance began,
the professor counting.
During the first
drops the student made airy re-
marks. With the second
he began to look less cheer-
then gradually all his talk
died away, his face took on
a haggard, tortured expression.
With the third hundred the hand
began to swell and look red.
The pain increased to torture.
Finally the skin broke.
At the four hundred and
drop the
edged his doubts vanished and
begged for mercy. He could
bear no
TH E i
1st. They have more style than other Hats soil regardless
2nd. are finished sup to other makes
on and look better than any other H
Possible Fate of This Old World.
Lord Kelvin, the well known
British scientist, foresees that a;
the world prows older earthquakes
will grow bigger until it is to lit
supposed that Jamaica and Sumatra,
latest of earthquake victims, will
sink into sea. In the distant
time when the central fires of the
earth are burning themselves out
Lord Kelvin believes that
quakes will occur only at
of a few millions of Put
even when the has been cooled
down to a uniform temperature
throughout and all further
by shrinking has ceased a new
terror looms on the Kelvin horizon
a shattering and remelting of the
earth by collision with some other
While John
were attending an Odd Fellows
celebration, unknown parties en-
and ransacked their farm-
house near Parkland, Okla , and
secured cash representing
his Switzer's entire savings.
Put it in the Bank and
this risk J. L- Jackson cashier
of Bank of Winterville
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. are now in position to
orders reasonable prompt
l Back Bands.
this season and would be glad to,.
,,. j,. i Do not. to send them
apply year needs. we glad to
Mi. sis
Effie Barker and Prof. G. E.
Li returned from New
Bern Monday morning.
Miss Lela and Claude
Tho sales for the old reliable
t-ox Cotton Planter and
Sowers has been very
I great this season. However,
the A. Cox Co. are
Burn.-y, of were here; to fill your orders the
fame received
Why Rubber Tires Got Hot.
When an automobile is running
at high speed the rubber tires are
rapidly warmed, and the heat some-
times becomes very great, with re-
injury to the rubber. Tho
cause of this accumulation of heat
in the tire is ascribed to the knead-
of the rubber, which generates
heat faster than it can be radiated
away. For this reason
have found it to be an
to have metal parts in the
tread, such as tho ends of rivets, in
contact with the tire, because the
metal, being a good radiator, helps
to carry off tin boat to the
True Story of Domestic Life.
In great distress and dismay,
the announced that
the door to the gas range was
broken, and that until it was
fixed there could be no more
baking. She summoned the
to come over and
take a look and to make the
necessary repairs. Would he
the man right away He
would. And two days later up
drove a wagon containing two
men and a lot of tools that would
have led one to think that a
plumbing establishment was
about to be opened.
Into the kitchen the men
waltzed, inspected the stove and
shook their heads ominously
much after the manner of the
great doctor who would impress
a patient that a severe cold or a
chill was a really alarming illness-
They looked at the stove. They
thumped it hire there. The
detached door, with one of the
hinge pivots broken half in two,
was critically examined.
a good deal of time to
bore it out and we will have to
order the new pivot from the
factory. That will get here in
five days. Cost you 3.50 to fix
do anything till that
gets said his pal-
Visions of baker's bread for
another week stared the house-
hold in the face. Just at a time,
too, when there was liable to be
of company.
The old man of the house a
sort of Jack-at-all-Trades, viewed
the wreck, and then resorted to
his tool chest.
had borrowed it
and failed to return it. An old
bolt was found, one that had
been picked up in the streets and
carried home, was next brought
to light. Nut was removed, a
screwdriver was bought for
cents, and in about six
the door was on as good as .
The man has not yet come
back to fix the
New Year
Find I
old tend.
h a
door north M
u line
every M patronage during the
year and ask that it maybe continued.
It will pay j on to visit my store end see my stock.
H A. W E S
you have the satisfaction of
knowing it Is the latest
, I
J. B. Johnston.
of Fashions, Greenville, N. C.

Editor Reflector ;
The l in educational
in North Carolina are great-
to a multiplicity
State institution, and rightly so.
It is . r to have a
few n well ported
. r than a huge
For this
iv i that the
. any m r
long tin is n-
; I k that few if any
i s;. . . d. The
, i.
at ti
c large-
tut i
b i-
will .
ii i re v
be I.
c dill
. i
r; of.
M i v l.
ti. t ; I .
i i i .
Sic . . i
Hi I
; . tor,
nothing. Five years ago, we
Guilford for at
onetime, and it paid and paid
well, increase in taxation
will be very Blight, and surely
when one that even if
has only students
if each girl spends an
average of
the aggregate some of
per year plus the State's
would make it ; richly
ind in every
way. the county that gets
will reap a rich reward.
In my judgment Pitt has a bet
. r chance to will the
any other county in th
If the , pie will
rally I of the school
eve ii will be award-
d to us. B. Smith,
re led School.
Mrs. Cherry Better.
Mrs. S. A. Cherry, formerly of
Greenville but now residing in
San ford. Buffered a second stroke
of paralysis Friday. Her
Mrs. L James who
rived at Sanford early this morn
telegraphed back that she
found her mother better.
Lost Boy
Special to Reflector.
York, April -The kid-
. Marvin boy has bee n
i Y. The
hoy's lather partially
by pictures.
My Letha Coward,
my hid and board and ;
absented from home, all
persons are hereby warned j
penalty f the law not to
employ her or to in any way
harbor or shelter her.
day of April,
Willis Coward,
, , . .
y i
. . t.-
;. . . red
; . i Ii
. r
r to mo
. It
; o and county can
e will be offered to secure the
establishment of the school But
we must have enough to outbid
the other towns and com ties
W. .,
a deal .
that i
The i Hi.
. Ty.-on
qualified us administrator
George H. Ellis, deceased, late of
put county. Ninth Carolina,
having claims against
the of the said deceased to ex-
them to the on or
the 21st day of March, 1908, or
this notice will be pleaded in bar of
their very.
All persons indebted to said estate
will plea e make immediate payment.
II. E. Administrator.
Greenville r. g.
u efforts of Mr. B.
estate man,
. en closed here
a great deal for
I i- about
owned by Messrs.
. E. Warren,
mes Turnage, all
Having qualified administrator of
Nancy E Wetherington, deceased, late
adj u. d it was all I rough claims
in the deal. against the estate of the said deceased
Three ways are used by farmers
for curing and preparing their to-
for the market; namely sun
cured, air cured and flue cured.
The old and cheap way is called air
cured; the later discovery and
proved way is called flue cured.
In flue curing the tobacco is taken
from the fields and racked in barns
especially built to retain heat and
there subjected to a continuous high
temperature, produced by the direct
heat of flame heated flues, which
brings out in the tobacco that
stimulating taste and aroma that
expert roasting develops in green
coffee. These similar processes give
to both tobacco and coffee the cheer-
and stimulating quality that pop-
their use.
The quality of tobacco depends
much on the curing process and the
kind of soil that produces it, as ex-
pert tests prove that this flue cured
tobacco, grown in the famous
region, requires and takes
sweetening than tobacco
any other section of the United f
and has a wholesome, stimuli
juicy, taste that
tobacco hunger. why
prefer Schnapps, because
cheers more than any other
tobacco, and that's why chewer
Schnapps pass the good thing
one chewer makes other
until the fact is established
there are more chewers and
pounds of tobacco chewed
population in states where
tobacco is than there an
those states where. Schnapps
yet been offered to the trade.
A plug of Schnapps is
economical than a much larger
plug of cheap tobacco. Sold at
per pound in cuts.
and cent plugs.
The property extends fro a
little south if Fourth street to
r, Third and Fourth
sire, ts extended both pas;
directly through it. and it is one
of the
to exhibit them to undersigned on
or the day of March, 1908,
or this notice will pleaded in bar of
their recovery.
All terser to said estate
will I case payment.
Th. . ti t -r March.
X,. Administrator.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Compaq
I pieces of property around F.
, . Greenville
I wish to to the people headed
Pitt county this i tax
Editor Reflector.
I want to briefly state what a
vote for bonds means and what
est educational op; that chasers and it is their purpose to late or
has vet presented itself to Improve the property and put it c. this notIfy
m for residence lots.
to us.
No has ever be able to es-
the value of a great col-
a community. I
thing that s the standard of
on the
people in an
degree. Being a
of Guilford, I have known
that county before the establish
mt State normal am
college, as well as since
its establishment. There is ab-
no comparison between
conditions then and now. The
people are better live
bettor and ha have more
cut of they are hotter off in
is per-
it . n and
its in hi ii in-
ere bes ;
county Ii of the
State m and col
at its county seat. Greens-
j training school
I 1.1 e f the
i; North Carolina. There
are Si ti c g s of
. d
T u r;
v I w .; draw pat on
II the largest
col ii he S . It he
i y th and bi
in Ni Cm
put e of ii e will
be for the
lie Is. Tl f
ii teachers for their
and rightly so- as
the by, good teachers
and mow scarce.
Few pie realize what a
cult task city and county
have in securing
suitable teachers for our schools.
The grows more u nil more
difficult each year, unless we
get f, it is only a question of
a very , years when we simply
cannot g I good teachers
for the i i els. If we can only
secure the Eastern training
school here in Pitt, there will
be no mere trouble teachers
in the future. If we are to
maintain a public school system,
is it not the part of wisdom to
provide a supply of teachers
We are asking for a bond issue
of the county to aid in
securing the school for Pitt. As
Pitt has no bonded
Pitt county, N.
the the
Mi-. UMr. Bunting was ,,. iv them ,.,.,. . u. .
to close the deal Mr fro . the this notice or
and told The Reflector that j this notice will .-.; h
his company would
at once on I u property.
be This tic 16th day of March, 1907.
wind on
next to the river
laid, and the
hill side
in proved and
in- j opened for a park. The location
s ideal, and that section built
up will be a beautiful part of the
John A.
Brown, Attorney,
qualified administrator of
Leggett, deceased, late
of county, North Carolina,
this is to t Ii r
i en b it tie -h
deceased to inhibit them to the
on or before tie 21st clay .
March. 1908, or this worth
. in bar of
He of March,
E. I
Atty. Ltd.
her. by that I have
will om the 6th
1907. sell the court house
the following de
estate for tax. due the
H and
year XI i.
Andrews, acre-,
Ix and cost,
Briley, acres,
and cost.
Carson, lot,
lost, 4.67.
lots, tax and
acres, h Int. tax
lot, tax and cost.
acres, Bells
and lost. 3.4
icy, acres,
lost, 4.31.
A Hammond, acres.
cost, 2.11.
light, acre. Hill, tax
Is, acres, tax
Mobley, acres, tax
acres, tax and
A-d, acres, W Clark,
acres, N-
is, tax and cost
acres, lax
acres C Root,
07- ., j
acres, C
id cost.
Haddock, acres,
A S, tax and cost,
acres. Tar River,
1st, f
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
r of r,
indebted to said estate
Henry Sheppard, agent of i
the Southern Express Company,
met with n Thursday
evening, that tame near result-
seriously. was
from the depot on the
wagon load- d with express. On
Dickinson a- the driver run
the wagon in a bad place on the
street caused it to tilt so far
Mr Sheppard was
off backward. He fell across
curbing of the side walk and
heavy keg out cf ts
on him. Fortunately o
bones were broken but ho was
painfully bruised.
tin Growing.
annual meeting
of the
Consolidated Tobacco ,
was I. Id i. a V.
present The bus-
was hearing the report
lent L. of the
. I year. His
r the The defendant above lamed will take
. ,. ha i ti- notice that an action entitled as hove
tote . . ,
condition, and all wen; ,.,,.,,,, Pitt county to obtain for the
gratified at the announcement plaintiff from the defendant
percent dividend after pay- lute from the bonds
ex- on the grounds that are fully
mg ail , complaint and the
I his makes a total ,;, further take notice that
percent the company has paid he is required to appear at the
in dividends since it was organ i term of the Superior court of said
four years ago. We do not
I- an
and t
this day of
i have three farms that are offered
My . containing acres,
i i cleared. Best of tobacco
and land. house,
two tenant houses all
f; mi
Also one farm acres two miles
Blackjack, and one farm of
in Beaufort county.
Calvin Mill.
R. F. N.
. Car
Ii . Court
The taxable property this year
will be about and this
will Increase from year to year.
The interest on the bonds will
be a year To raise the
money to pay the interest it
be necessary to levy a tax of
in in to Scents on the
worth of property, poll tax
ca not exceed cents.
The man who lists worth
of property will have to pay to
cents. If he lists
worth of property he will have
to pay 2-1 to If he lists
will have to
pay If he lists
If he lists
worth ho will pay
If he lifts worth be will
The man who lists only
worth of property has as much
to vote bonds as
the man who lists worth,
but I beg him not to do it. The
man who lists worth can
send his and daughters to Loans and discounts
Chapel Hill.
or elsewhere. The poor Furniture
. ,, ,,. ,., Hue from Hanks and
man is not able to send his Hankers
to school and his sons items
daughters arc dependent Gold coin,
upon home schools. There are Silver bank
many Inns and girls in Pitt
county who would make strong
I men women, ornaments to
and leaden of public
thought, if they had a chance.
appeal to their fathers and moth-
to give them a chance. The
of -May is the time, the
lot box the place, and a vote for
for bonds the means. The rich
man ought to be willing to give
the small amount required of
him help the children of his
Loans and Discounts Stock paid in
Overdrafts Secured Fund
Undivided profits
subject to check
Staff of North Ha
of Pitt.
I, I. It. Davit, Cashier of the bank, do
the i-i true to b-t
F M I-
At the close of Mar- 22nd.
i stock
i Undivided profits
q irk c-7 certificates of
I Deposits subj to chock
o re checks out-
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. H r f the above named s
ind other U. S. notes
swear that the above
edge and belief.
statement ts true to the best of my
W. H
Subscribed and sworn to
day Mar.
T. Carson
know a better business enter-
pi in which farmer.; could en-
The success of the company
has been so marked its op-
will considerably
enlarged for the coming season,
for in addition to increased
in Greenville it will also
operate two warehouses on the
The Mexico Earthquake-
Special to
Texas, April
More than a thousand people are
known to have been killed in the
recent earthquake in Mexico
Mexican government is
tuns fur
Ar i r- many
. r perished
poor neighbor,. after the Monday in Hare A vote for bonds means great
it being the 22nd day April, 1907, things for the boys and girls
live in the country places.
or demur to the complaint in said ac- A vote against bonds means to
ti Of
court tho relief
This the 13th day of March, 1907.
D. C. Moore.
F. Atty. for
thing of tho struggle
before him them and
. i
Simmer L. have
Washington daily
sh the door of hope in the face for
thousands of them. I take
this deep interest in these boys M washing ,.
and girls because I know some
it r perished in the
thousand disaster.
Dr. King's
New Discovery
hat lies
what an
mean to them. I
ave passed along that way my-
self and am now near its end-
J. Jarvis.
for all
Fire at Hope
worth Ton
st ires, a bank and a hotel were
burned, the lire starting in the .
To sufferers of Kidney, Li
Bladder Troubles. Other
say a bottle
it cure we will
your say
full i 1.00 size free bottle of
SOL and if it benefit you,
use SOL
This entitle
ti, u bottle
i Sailing h subject to e Only a limited number
t n ,. . . I
T. Agent; to t- -t
Norfolk for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia
New York. Boston and nil
points North. Connects at Nor-
foil all point West.
Shippers should
f eight via Norfolk, care Nor
A- S I- i .
John Brown, Jr. lot, Patrick
lot. Eaton, tax and cost, 4.4
Stanley Boyd, lot, Greene St
tax and cost,
C lot, tax and cost,
Peter cherry, acres, I
tax 4.13
Redding cooper, 1-4 acre, Mill,
tax and cost.
Stephen Davis, 1-4 acres. Mill.
tax an l
i Dawson, 1-4 acre,
Higgs, tax and cost,
B Evans, lot,
tax and cost. 3.12.
Jas L Elks, acres. II M.
tax and cost, 10.79-
Joseph Forbes, lot. Reed St,
tax and cost, 3.29-
l lot, Reed St.
tax and cost,
W B Greene wife, lot,
Ave, t ix and cost,
J Frank Greene, 1-6 acre, Mill,
tax and cost,
Mrs. M D Higgs, lot.
tax and cost. 9.97.
F. M. Hodges, lot. Res, tax
cost. ill.
W H Harrington, G acres,
Moore. acres,
acres, Dudley, acres, Dudley,
Poor House, acres.
Home, acres, Langley,
acres, i B J, acres, H T Dan-
tax and cost. 75.25.
Martha Harriss, 1-4 acre, Pat-
rick, tax and cost, 1.77
John Hardy. acres, Harriss,
lax and cost, 3.06.
Freeman Hemby, 1-4 acres,
tax and cost, 2.21.
Ada Hemby. 1-8 acres, Shep-
tax and cost,
Nelson Hopkins, l acre.
Lane, tax and cost. 5.24.
Hopkins. 1-4 acres.
A boa.
No Bond. be Sold the
Training School it Located in Pitt
Some people have formed very
erroneous ideas about th bond
election to be held May 14th for
the of securing the lo-
cation of the Eastern trailing
school in Pitt county. One of
these ideas that we have several ,
n. i . j . disturbances may have cut
times heard expressed is that ii the resources of the great spend-
should be earned who have left untold i
tn coffers of the hotel men
the army of subordinates
have fattened on tho
by the Am. r
Many noted in the Lon-
don metropolis will be mi sod,
for a lack of spending n
which took is i in Wall
Favor of bonds and the school
lie located elsewhere than in Pitt
county, the county commission-
won't sell the bonds any way
and proceed money for
other purposesIn order to set the public right
on this question and let those
holding such an idea see the
error of it, the following letter
was addressed to Chairman R.
W. King and through to
the board of commissioners, ask-
a statement from them in
regard to the matter. The an-
from these gentlemen shows
that the money will be used for
no other purpose but the school,
and if the school is not located
in Pitt county not a dollar of the
bonds will be sold used for
any other purpose. Tho letters
Greenville. N. C, April 15th.
Board Co. Commissioners,
Ayden, tax
ion, lot,
acres, tax
Ai tax and cost, D , h th .,
J Jenkins, lot. Evans St. , ., . . ., . ,
tax and cost, 3.15. ported that if the people snail
H F Keel, acres, Home. vote the 14th of May in favor
acres. Stokes, tax and cost. 16.63. of Issuing bonds that the board
Robert J King, lot. and will issue the bonds and
t x and cost, 5.84 I established in the county of Pitt
acres, or not. and use the money tor
Home, 28-1 acres, Brown, acres,; other purposes. Will you kindly
Seine Hole, tax and 2-1.26. of
A K seres, this question for publication
Swamp, lot, Greenville, tax and M . , ,.,,., .
1361, D Whichard.
Donnie 1-4 lot. Shep-; Editor
tax and cost, 1-85. Greenville N C
Samuel Obey. lot, Brown,
tax and cost, 75-
London, ii; London
purveyors to the tourist class,
ire greatly worried over
American tourists who every
year fill the old Metropolis. Ten
new hotels and scores of new
boarding-houses await the visit
in but now a great lot of
easiness his set in lest financial
I everybody who Is
from the stomach suffer fro
. ill dread of a I
i . . i in
ind one-fourth oil k and toast. On t
band can eat
the food by the .
i B B v ii. Hi.-1 , g
i qua v m much r. i. what i,
d take a hi . , .
. i .
. u . . I. .
Men w
the dig I
ix Men Today.
S r.
Jefferson Mo. Six men
will be hanged in this State lo
day, Man in in
Thomas Clay,
Andrew . . John and Ann
leek Brook . in Iron count
John M. Crane, Kansas
Long, in
county. The Supreme court n-
the judgment of e
lower court in each c
Try Li i loll
Prank I , t hut he
t. J.
i n the Oily
i sum
i . . . each
i mot cure by
i i
Sworn to I
mis Decent-
in r, A. D.
Is ltd I
Hall's Catarrh Is taken in my
N an . . . , ; mu.
Sold here by Jno. L. i S
F. J. , i ,. CO., Tole I .
So .
rot ,
to t
I Pi I and Drug La .
. . i . ,.
.- .-
i. i C
. i . i c i
. hock
; back t. i
Line h ma
I rate to the Jami
to and r turn
ten day I Id on i
J. L. CO
. I .,; y
Special to Reflector.
Boston. Mass. April Tin
ease John Lam is set
down for today, . is the
who was-re, y indicted
on a charge of . .,
accepting a for the
pose of defeating tho shoo ma-
bill. The case is in the
Superior court, before Judge
Dinner to William R. Hearst.
lot, N Grifton,
st, GO.
lots, acres,
acres, near Ayden, tax
Klee, lot, Ayden, tax
c creek,
Jon, cost.
A Bro, lots,
lots, Grifton,
ming, lot V inter
and cost, G.
acres, tax and
Daniel. Hot,
-1 acres tax
i lot. Ayden, tax
lot, Grifton.
st, 2.86.
Ii Smith, acres, tax
Smith, acres, cox,
lie Turnage, lot,
and cost,
lots, Winter-
ed cost, U
acres, tax
lards, Par-
pres, Matthews, tax
acres, tax
acre, Pea-
. cost,
acres, tax and
Special to
Brooklyn, N. Y. April The
Brooklyn Independence League
is its founder, William
R Hearst, tonight with a din
This is the
O. Francisco
Editor of Reflector. Mr Hearst will speak
Dear are in receipt of ably Mr. Brisbane will also ask
yours of 15th instant and in some remarks of an earthquake
reply thereto we beg to
The act of the legislature Bryan on a Tour Whitman Price 1-4 lot. Mill tax
Rouse, 1-2 lot, Mill, tax and
cost, 67-
A Sugg, I lot, St, tax
and cost, 8.06
Spell 1-8 lot Sheppard which authorizes us to call
St, Robert Spell. 1-8 lot Shep- election which is to be held pi tax and cost ; May ,., w.
Stancil acres tax , d ., .,, Boston, April
and cost . Jennings
F Tyson, 1-4 lot, Patrick equipping, at some a tour of us
lot lot point in the of Pitt the These meetings int,. n; a.
lot Peyton, tax and coat, . for a training l
i-t lot, h education
tor and cost, . ,. . . . . ,
training of young white men and
women to teach in the common
schools of State end to better
discharge the duties of life, if
such school shall be authorized
and established by tho State
Vines 1-2 Patrick
tax and cost, 2.67,
hos. W. . V, acre
.- cost,
B A Foreman. lot, la
cost, 1.88
Mis.-, Nannie E Little acres
tax and cost. 5.23
New England pro-
league, and
until tho 80th of April.
. I I
. . . . ,,
. . ,
,. .- the . t;
All kin I- u
. In U given
ti Wedding and
is . trees
It cos. a mil-
who commits r.
L i to tin close of mi.
board of education at some point Harry K. Thaw charged th
within the county of
have made quotation from the
of the
lot, tax and I clear that before
cost. 1.66. ,.
J Redding, acres. Bel-
tax and cost,
id cost, 4.41.
w, P- Road.
iron, lot. tax and
acres, tax and
lot, tax and
lot. Corey, lot.
M. . ti
m, acres
cost, i
Lucretia Wooten, acres.
Home tax cost, 6.22
Dudley Williams, R F.
W. B. Bland, acres, tax
and cost, 16.21- r.J Ii Sr, acres, tax and
acres, tax and
Clark acres, tax and
cyst. 4.07
A L Jackson. lot, tax
COSt, 10.30.
King, acres, tax and
cost, 1.69
Vines. acres, tax and
cost, 8-39
Henry White, acres, tax and
RUins From the Grave.
A prominent manufacturer, A.
Lucama, N. C, relates
taking lei a than three bottles of
Bit era. I like one rising
troubles is
in the Stage
believe Electric will cure me
i has stopped
the liver bladder complications
which have troubled me fur
Guaranteed at J, I. Druggist.
Price only
we issue bonds under
murder Stanford White .
Nev the expense win
scheduled at That in-
cost, it is staled, is as follows
this act that two things must fees
assistant counsel.
First, that a majority
of the registered voters the
county must vote Bonds
Second, the training school must
have been located in county
of Pitt by the State board of ed-
While we refrain from
advising people how they
shall vote we want, in the
most positive manner, to
them they run no risk along this
line in voting for these bonds.
They may rest assured that if
said school is not located in Pitt
lawyers, detectives
etc., prisoner's meals,
1,1.500; traveling expenses.
cables, etc ,
testimony, Total
jury fees and expenses,
district attorney's salary,
assistant and
judge's salary, witness
fees, stenographers.
court attaches.
h . ii Lo the voter
o Pitt county that the board
i day of April, ft, it g ; u
.- . . aid ;. .,. rod .
at tho various
p in said county oil Tuesday. M
i. . 1807 for the purpose of taking
Sense of the voters of sail
to confer U u
the board of county commissioners
said county the authority to issue and
sell interest bearing coupon bonds,
co ii i to ex the sum
thousand dollars to run for thin
. i to i. interest a no;
. percent. The proceeds
the sale of said bonds to be used i i i. in erecting suitable buildings at
point in county sen
White teachers, and the ex . . Ill
any, of the fund arising from tin
of Is, after securing the
of . in county, to
used In th purchase of machinery for
the use . n. . the
d building and re
; in
a r. j; of the voters has
election, it
i are ill , maw
election . ,
issuing of , . . . .
or printed there.
l . o u tad
n written or pi
thereon . i
r boot . .
lay, . . . u
M ., . h, In . Only
Call .
county com-
the 1907.
. Kin . i
; ii .
The Cold Weather
Sets in
Get a
Residence Telephone.
It saves exposure
It saves doctor's bills
It means convenience and
Read one among a hundreds of such
suffered with NERVOUS op. for pi I year.
and have received more beneficial ; r the
PANACEA MINERAL WATER than from any o her remedy of
the many I have had prescribed for me. It great pleas-
to testify to its marvelous results in my own and
others I have personally
Mrs. Martha P. Taylor,
Newport News, Va.
Send orders to G v. S. Greenville, N.
county there will he no bonds detective service, Total
up the complexion, cleanse the
tone can best
do a dose or two of De Wilts
. .
issued under this act. And we will
further say that if said bonds
are issued that it will be our
duty and our pleasure to see to
it that the money derived from
the sale of these bonds is used to
aid in erecting and said
biddings and for no
It. W. King, Chairman.
D. J. Holland.
J. Z. Brooks,
M, T. Spear.
Neighbors Got fooled.
was literally myself to
death, and had become to weak to leave
my bed; an neighbors predicted that
would never leave it alive; but they got
fouled, for thanks be to God, I was in-
to try Dr. King's New Discovery.
It took just four one dollar bottles to
completely sure the cough and restore
me ti good sound writes Mrs.
Eva of Stark
C- . Thin of much and cold
. . . i.
jar-nit I. V , Dr g
Ti it bottle free.
The probability is that the case
fill cost a half million or more
dollars before see the end of
After the regular business at
the meeting the stockholders
of the Farmers d
Tobacco Company today,
J. J.
made a Strong speech lo the
large of farmers on
the Eastern training school He
showed them the great benefit
that would to our people by
the school being located in Pitt
county, and pointed out why
every one should vote for the
bond issue to secure the school.
In the court house this after-
noon T. J. Jarvis and
Prof. W. II. also made
forcible on the school.
,., ,,., matter
., become more
favor of the school.
miles from on It. r. I, R. rt
limited number of building or store i ts. h i
purchase home or a i. r i sea i .
by buying now.
Si on is located in a g comm
W I a
I i
one cheap
a nice
saw mil . b
convenient and re,
plant close by.
A Little Farm Well Tilled
Will Make You Independent
But too
You want to sell some of yours, you. and cultivate
rest of it better You've got the land, we'll find the
buyer Just send a description of your land and toil t s
to sell it. We'll do the rest.

J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
As for a. l. Blow, of Greenville, was
Md we take was here Wednesday on
and receipts for business,
nose . m ,. Fa a list Sale-75 cons cotton
, . . seed meal. r Lilly Co
Cf all who receive their mail at .
L. L. Kittrell, of Winterville,
We also take w here a snort
day afternoon.
bonds. First has the finest and
Is, and I t. You can't best supply of Fountain Pens
telL , ever brought to Ayden.
f you are in Cook There have been rumors of
. it Mill pay and giving in marriage
to and prices i ii i around our town some
i i are making length of time, but
Mrs. Georgia Baker has open-
ed an establishment for the sale
of ladies
J. F. and family came
home Monday from a visit to
Miss Norma M. has
returned to her home after a
pleasant visit to Miss May Smith.
Beginning tonight Evangelist
Hamlin and his singer, Mr.
from Texas, will be-
gin a series of meetings to con-
three week.-. They have
just closed a very
meeting in Kinston and
Rico New
here recommended-
We regret very much to learn
T. . hie daughter.
Mi.- .-. I of Edward, is
. J. Boyd-
cheap goods go
to E i . Co., they always
The . of the graded
u II give an
opera house tonight
for I of raising funds
to the library of the
Every one should at-
a tie up We hate to
ha our friends disappointed
am i maybe if the low will
there will be something
we sincerely hope they
Wanted car loads of
Cotton Seed for which we will
nay highest cash price. Don't
sell before seeing us. Yours to
serve. F. Co.
W G. Smith, a member of the
J. Ii. Sn Mercantile Co., we
regret to know is very sick with
typhoid fever at his home on
Main street. Mr.
friends sympathize with and
Uriah for him a speedy recovery.
Go to E E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
aid fresh Cab.
A sick being
taken from the train Wednesday
morning caused some little com-
as she seemed to be in a
hopeless and pitiful condition.
Our citizens soon made up a
and sent her to Green-
ville on train from
she will betaken to the
home for the aged and infirm.
Merchandise carry
full line of Meat, Lard Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
M. Ormond and C. L liar-
of spent the
day yesterday with J. It- and
Leslie Turnage.
If you need any Paint be sure
and see E. E. Co.
Graham Jackson visiting his
grandmother In the country-
exchange corn
or I Lean, Healthy Shoats
g m to pounds.
f preferred pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Harden,
ltd Ayden, N. C.
It is a delight and a pleasure
to of the
g- This way of everybody
stay single has grown
s and there must be a change.
Ca U at the Drug Store
cure one of excellent
M. M, Sauls.
Mr i- B. F. Early left Saturday
for a visit to Ahoskie.
Do you wish to buy a house
and lo tin Ayden, or a valuable
farm. near Have you
either for sale We will buy or
sell. is your life insured, is
your h insured If not you
should see us and have it in-
sured at once. We make an
extra i in collecting ac-
counts. Place them with us.
Ayden Loan and Insurance Co.
s Annie and Jesse Law-
i the Winterville High
School, were here visiting
Saturday and Sunday,
lost will be
one of those
ts at Saul's. and
The n
Mr. an
near As
visit to
T J. S
I drug store
J. B. Pi.
Federal co
of the death of the father of Miss
Brown one of the graded
school teachers. We wrote in
last items of his having a
stroke of paralysis which since
has proved fatal. We all
Miss who
s greatly beloved by all In our
Unknown Negro Dead When
Reached Elm City.
Mr. David C. Jame-, of Green-
ville, who arrived in the city last
night on the midnight train from
the East reported a most
usual killing of an unknown
by an A. C L. train, the
tragedy having occurred in the
early part of the night between
Sharpsburg and Elm City
was struck by the
train, on which Mr James was a
passenger from Rocky Mount to
Selma the train being No.
Nothing was known of the
dent until the train stopped at
Elm City, when Lie body of an
unknown was found dead
on the The
body was t off there. This
was I he information of the
affair that Mi. James had op-
News and Observer, 20th.
for Court
Special to Reflector. Monday Neal instructed
Washington, April Sheriff Tucker to send out and
Regis Henri Pose, of the purchase a dozen spittoons to be
Rican government placed in the bar of the
former secretary took possession room, and then he ordered that
of the government of that island any one found spitting on the
today as governor. He is one of door be ejected from the bar.
the younger well-to-do New The judge remarked that the
Yorkers, who have entered spittoons were cheaper
life. Mr. lost is a than the carpet, and latter
of that Post who was should not be ruined, and
numb, red among the settlers of floor ought to be kept tidy as
tame Southampton, Long Island, n possible.
He was born in
L. I. January 1870. In 1891
he was graduated from
Dr Joseph Dixon
Kl tH
Ayden, N. C
Feed and
By virtue of it executed and
liar- delivered by General Dupree and wife,
Victoria to Amos Williams or.
university, and then the day of December. which
Studied law at the university of record ill the office
,, . . . . the Register of Pitt county,
New York. He early main j i book J-8. page the undersigned
an in the political for cash before the court house
r r. ii door in Greenville, on the 18th
affairs county, serving of May, described
several years as a member of the piece or parcel of in the
. I county Pitt and In town-
county committee, ship, on the south rids of Tar river, be-
After serving a year in the New ginning at the gate v
York Assembly, he became
tor of the Rican govern
He next became
and now is governor He
is a p friend of President
Nice Conveyances-.
rises t, suit the
Register of Deeds R. William-;
has issued the following licenses
since last
C Skinner and Nina C.
J. S Pinning and Laura L-
Alonzo Tripp and Effie Stocks.
Will Ross and Dean Mills.
Walter Davis and Spell.
Of main road going
to Grimesland, then running east wit-
said road to the Mogul line, with the
Mogul line to Croak, then up
creek to and with too run thereof to
a big cypress. corner, then
straight across the Bold to the
containing about seres, more or less,
and being the same land sold to General
Dupree Ly Amos Williams and said
mortgage was taken to secure the
chase money.
This April 18th,
AMOS Mortgagee.
G. J auks, Attorney.
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods, No-
Light and Heavy
Prices to suit the times.
Tripp Hurt Co
First Class Work and Reasonable
Prices. Iron Fencing Sold.
Greenville, North Carolina.
d Mrs. Braswell, from
are here on a
numerous relatives
left for Norfolk
i pens on sale at Saul's
at from to
See F. V. Johnston
buying your hay.
lit at.
An Aged Citizen Dead.
Mr. John L. died a little
past midnight, Monday night, at
his home on the corner of Wash-i
and Third streets. He
was years old, and his life had
been that of an upright citizen.
While feeble from age, he had
been in his usual health until last j
I Friday taken sick. J
any and ,,
lay, but grew worse after
a juror in the
New Bern this
Fountain Pens With
, o, grow worse
Sauls Drug i j
The entertainment last Friday supper and soon passed
Bight In the opera house under was a little over six months;
the management of Misses that his aged wife preceded
and Whitaker, lo the better world-
hear spoken as a perfect sue- , , f
The children a II acquitted . , . i
in i he farm and moved his
themselves and
large audience t showed on Greenville in 1885. He
their appreciation by their Ire-1 family B as a
in Having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need-
ed article.
The registration books for
No. in town-
hip, town of Ayden, are in the
ft. Blow,
desiring to vote on the school
bonds will have to re
tween now and May 4th.
Wednesday afternoon in the
town of Kinston R. H.
Jones, of Ayden, Mr. C. L.
Cannon, of Morehead City and
Miss Ida of Kinston,
were united in marriage- Those
of the bridal party who attended
from here were Misses Nina
Cannon, Olivia Berry, Jimmie
Davis and Messrs. D- Moore,
Elmer Gardner and J. N. Alex-
Mr. and Mrs Cannon
were formerly of Ayden, the
groom being a son of Jesse Can-
non, a wealthy and prominent
gentleman of our town and the
bride a daughter of E. S. Ed-
wards recently moved to Green-
ville. They were very popular
here and all join us in
hearty congratulations and best
wishes for a long and happy life
bursts of applause and en-1 served RU
The receipts of night police
the evening were and n
too, was very grain to the
have bought the
business of J. Taylor
and respectfully solicit the pat-
of the public. C. L.
Mrs- W- E. Hooks and
spent from Saturday until
Monday afternoon Grifton.
I all work entrusted
to my care to give entire
faction. Try me. C. E. Spier.
W. J- Kittrell and Charlie Gas-1
kins, of Grifton, came up Friday
afternoon presumably to
the entertainment and be
otherwise amused.
I solicit the patronage of the
Ayden and community
his advancing
m to give up the
years ago,
work about tin by
He is survived Hammond and
Mrs Maggie f Greenville,
Miss Lo vie Daniel o Virginia, j
Mrs. J-L
and leaves seven t.
He also leaves one
T. H. Langley, p of the
was a consistent
Methodist churchThe funeral will take pi.
o'clock this afternoon in L
Hill cemetery.
Encampment of the Army.
Special to Reflector.
Please take this as our
special invitation to visit
us when in Norfolk, and
we will expect during
the Exposition if
Write for Price list.
We sell direct from maker
to user-
Piano with the
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
just d a now supply of furnishings and material
in their department.
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to serve the This is a long needed
want in this section and they promise the best when
anything In this line is needed.
of business WOO.
I, and
and Fixtures
from banks bankers
Capital stock
Surplus fund 2,700.00
Undivided profits less expenses 2,894.12
Dividends unpaid 60.00
Deposits subject to check 51,886.85
Cashier's checks outstanding 710.04
I J. R. h, of the
i true to the
i the above
I and to h tan
mi. tin- 27th day of Mar,
and be-
. ii.
in everything pertaining to
jewelry business me a
trial. C E Spier.
W. C. Smith, who has been
confined at his home for some
time with typhoid fever, we are
pleased to see at his place
I will be in on Wed-
the first day Of May,
for the purpose of
all the qualified voters in
that vicinity of Precinct No.
township, for the
election to be held on May 14th,
on the bond issue.
J. M. Blow.
Miss Earle Tucker, after a vis-
it of several days with
Blount at the hotel, returned to
her home in Grifton Sunday even-
Miss Annabel Kittrell spent
from Saturday Monday with
her father in Grifton-
E. G. Cox is home for a few
days from Wilson.
Miss Janie Kittrell has been
here on a visit from Winterville.
Dallas, Texas, April 23.-The
annual State encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic,
and the Woman's Relief Corps
convened in this city, and will
continue its meeting until and
including tomorrow. The an-
camp fire will be held to-
night the fair grounds Dis-
speakers are here
from the entire bounds of old
Texas, and besides, numbers
from other states.
Teachers for the
San Francisco, April One
hundred and twenty teachers
for the Philippines will sail be-
fore the first of June. The first
of these sailed today upon the
Korea; another party will
leave the city upon the
America, May 2nd. and the third
party of teachers will sail on the
Siberia on May
sale cheap
sale Co.
All kinds of stock
V. Johnston's
damaged meal for
Greenville Whole-
feed at F.
For Twenty-one Years
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
election of materials.
Ask your dealer for Roy filer's
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
in Y c r to notion .
VOL. No.
b Anniversary of Older.
A large number of Odd
low., y from neighboring
lodges, with members of their
families invited guests, as-
i , M Temple
u to the
Celebration Covenant Lodge j
No. c-f the 88th anniversary
of the Independent Order if Odd
After going through the
exercises by officers of
lodge, Dr. L. James was in-
and delivered an inter-
address on the
Old He
spoke of the history of the order
and the record it had made, and
said that while the order cannot
boast of the antiquity of it or-
it can point with pride to
the record of its deeds of charity
and the noble work it has done
for mankind. The order was
born to m to human
regardless of rank or
He paid an
to Thorn Wiley, the
of the order in America in
Baltimore on April 26th, 1819.
Ex-Gov- T. J. Jarvis was then
introduced and spoke on the
of Odd
like all of this great-
est living an in North
Carolina, his address abounded
in earnest admonition, especially
to the young. He ail through
the ages there had a on
between evil and good. Be-
ind the good is God from whom
springs every attribute of
and goodness. Back
of evil is the Prince of Darkness
from whom springs everything
base, vile and degrading. Then;
is no mutual in this con-
are on the side of God
working in with
Him in uplifting humanity
the aide of evil help-
to drag men strew-
their pathway with wretch-
No man can a true
Odd Fellow who is not on God's
side in conflict. first
groat of the order is
service, and no man who is
willing to serve his fellowman is
worthy to be received in its
After the exercises a banquet
of cream and cake was served
the direction of the ladies
of the Christian church. The
tables were appropriately deco-
rated Id the colors of the order
and the souvenirs were paper
discs on which were painted
links and looped with
tiny red, white and blue ribbons.
At the conclusion of the ban-
Mrs. T- E. Hooker favored
the assembly with a beautiful
vocal solo- Italian
was present and rendered de-
music during the
Covenant Lodge i one of the
strongest benevolent orders in
our midst, and its work for good
has been great.
Mast Submit to Today.
. Off for
Parkers Chapel,
San F. April -The Formers are busy in this section
congressional that will planting cotton and plowing up
visit Hawaii o invitation of corn and platting it over.
legislature of that territory We were all glad to have an-
today on the other pretty Sunday evening, as
Buford. which after
at go onto
China with for the
e if C
party is in in charge of George
B. the
delegates from and
consists or H
Piles, of Washington,
P. Hepburn, of Iowa,
with A and
we haven't had many of late,
J. O. Johnston, of BlacK Jack,
spent apart of last week with
his L Little.
Mrs Emma spent this
evening with Mrs. John
Mrs. Dixon and mother
spent Sunday with Mrs
. . .Norfolk the i fa.-
Every 11- an
briny the r boodle,
And they
Lots loin
a like,
AH will fee. at
yon can far
v. ill be there
of Oakley,
the State that l.-e its
and Willis Whitehurst, of Grin- bl, you
w Inland, E U. were in our vicinity Sunday. familiar with
an wife, Michigan, Misses Fannie and so near,
A. L, and wife, a while at A. R. And
J. V. Graff, wife Illinois, i House's todayCharley L and wife. I Misses Fannie, Eva and Min- And there on both
Maine, E. F. Acheson and wife, attended Miss M
Pennsylvania, J. Warren party yes-
Ohio, K. Cole, a nice time.
V. W. j Mrs John Jones
J ., at H. It.
near Branch, w. re
callers in our neighborhood i-
day evening.
Miss Minnie Lee House is
son, Illinois,
Georg.- L,
wife, . Arthur L
Bates, Pa., D. r, a id
wife. New Y Benjamin F.
Howell and wife. . w I
John P. Fitzgerald, N. Y. this week with
P Conner, and wife. Iowa, E. Lizzie near Stokes.
Ellis an wife, Mo. George People report they are catch-
W. Neb. F. P. Campbell, lots of shad at Bed Banks, i
Kan, Fred One man caught eight in set;
Wesley Jones and wife, nets.
and James C Needham, Cal.; M. B. who had the
The party to San misfortune to get his foot badly
Francisco early in June. j hurl on his i some
days ago, is improving.
Fifty Thousand
i i
I ;
day f M y.
T -J. Jarvis.
prepared and
to give the old
i 10th
d by
A dinner will be
boys wore
-but trey are not in our section,
Special to Reflector-. the small was.
Denver. Col. April But j, all now
the annual meeting of the Amer- .Smelting and Refining Com- LOOKING BACKWARD
today a amount of
bonus money distributed. Greenville, N. C, April 29.1922.
In the company
in bonuses in this State. Last j You know that my greatest
year the bonus fund for Colorado h, was be a teacher After
amounted to
the gray a good time. All the
old soldiers and their wives are
cordially invited to come and
partake with us of the festivities
Well, the measles are all round occasion
H. Harding, Camp.
R. W. King, Citizen Com.
An Interesting Crowd
The annual A the
Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society of North Carolina
Methodist Conference that will
meet in Greenville. May 23rd
to a most in-
More than
it will be more, because the
. meeting.
This year learning at the hundred representative women
school I entered the Eastern
Special to
Chicago, May. This is the
last day on which Zion City j
mu lender their submission
to If they do not by
today, he will take radical ac-. Special to
himself. denounced W.
business the company school at Greenville,
the fiscal year has been school in sub-
It is estimate that the It
net earnings will be close to story brick It
is on a hill called
Bryan At Me.
ton's hill. The are
large, with beautiful trees upon
them. After spending three
i at this thorough school I
Me- April 30.-The well prepared for teaching,
everybody who has opposed are high glee in H. ii. who has
taking the occasion for his of the glad time been in the Greenville
an anniversary of have this in, school seventeen years, ottered i
ejection of the late John listening to the great orator, me a accepted it, and
from the church. The Williams J. Bryan. He the third grade,
oversee.-declared he had made for Colby college in children are very bad.
Zion City what it was, and
dieted that he would make the
community the wonder of the
age, and get it on its feet fin-
the fifteen hundred
when he made
is declaration, twelve hundred
said they would follow
t, J. . u ,.
church. His subject is
Value of an
C in Fog.
New York. April 30.-The
have to keep them in the
almost all the time. They
have to go to Mr
Smith. I enjoy teaching very
much. I wonder if I will always
be a teacher
Your true friend,
Pattie B. Wooten.
from every section of the State
east of Greensboro expected
to be present. A committee of
ladies with Mrs. H. L. Carr as
chairman is at work securing
homes the delegates and are
busy getting everything in read-
by May 23rd
Rev. J. K. Moose, of
will preach sermon.
It is hoped that the entire com-
will enjoy these meetings
the presence of so fine a
company of elect women.
Pitt County Boy Wins.
In the sophomore debate in the
Literary Society
of Wake College,
day the medal was won
by Mr. C J. Jackson, of Pitt
county There were a number
of contestants. The medal will
be awarded commencement day,
May 24th.
We in the articles on
hut i is time
f ti I in the county
who are .--
s. I hope you will
allow me the pace, for w
we, as teachers, do realize more
than any one els . the n
of such school, and if we were
allow Pitt county
would be certain
Having had exp in
the rural and graded schools of
this county for a few years, i feel
that am in a position to know
of hindrances to e
progress of many public school
children. Even the interested
patron not aware of them of-
t .-n and believe my sister teach-
will bear me out in saying
face whit h
have never occurred to the pa-
rents as problems at all. The
graded school has solved one of
i these problems so we see that a
pupil there has a decided
over the one in
I school
We do feel proud of the five
graded schools already in our
county, but there are several
of the
left who can't reach a graded
i school. Then a rural
must be established and patron-
But why, the country
patron says, is it so much better
me to send my child to the
graded school anyway Simply
because there you find a class
system which continues from
year to there is a definite
outline of study, a clearly
ranged plan of action, and a
of method which
noticeably lacking Id many of
I the rural schools.
U a school, teachers
change of course, but new ones
are shown they must fall
in as the thread is taken up
I and the work of the predecessor
is d There is the
principal who always to
advise and suggest, and he in-
there must concerted
i action.
But how do we often find it in
the rural school One teacher
comes in and gets the children
fairly launched into phonics and
the wordy truth.; of
grammar and Usury's
Next year another teacher holds
sway, and the word method is
combined with phonic and
is discarded as too hard
and Maury as too old. So it
goes and no wonder the parents I
are heard to exclaim. suppose,
we'd better keep Miss So-and-
So another year, even
isn't such a good teacher. The
children can go on without
to learn the ways of a new i
Now is there no possible
chance to make the
our teachers more nearly
How shall we get them all to be
more uniform in their methods
Our summer school helps of
course, but the work of a week
or two will not suffice.
It is a question of training,
and if a teacher has no normal
training, no matter how many
suggestions are given, or how
much is gathered by reading,
she has after all to depend upon
hero Am native ability in impart-
her knowledge to her
She may have much of that
ability, or she may have little,
but let us always remember that
she is faithful in using that lit-
How may her knowledge of
iShe enters a school,
and there finds and her
teach rs imbibing the
same ideas, and studying
same well defined plan for ii e
ling and enlightenment i f
pupils. In other
they see the entire school course
. and they arc- taught
lead their pupil i by con-
steps to the end of it
N patrons, would yo i n it
rather have a teacher who is
to do this, rather one
. rs from one book to
another with no definite aim in
Do you not your
child s time is at .-take as well
as his wind Then, for -our
child's sake do give him ii at
teacher possible. But we cannot
be the best teachers unless you
give us an opportunity.
Would you call in a doctor to
dross a wound if he never
been taught how to handle his
instruments Would you
inside a dentist's office
if you were not sure he knew
how to treat your aching tooth
The minister must have
theological training because he
to nave the charge of precious
souls. Do you not think
mind is closely enough . to
the soul to need a wise guide
Possibly you will say that
your teacher has a thorough know
ledge of the branches which she
is to teach, therefore she is wise
enough. But I say that she has j
her ready, she needs
normal training to teach her
how to use tools wisely.
This normal training must be
gotten somehow, if you would
have the best teachers for your
Now I hear someone quoting
to me the immortal Shakespeare
to do were as easy as to
know what were best to do,
chapels had been churches and
poor men's prince's
Of thin
that is to i is cur
on . Greensboro, but
. ave we not seen is too far
away for the mass of teach-
to reach it What we would
spend for a -id trip
Greensboro would pay our board
for two months in a Pitt county
training school. n
Out of the teachers in our
county at present, less than
have had the means to
normal training which Greens-
affords. But if the Greens-
normal had been in Green-
ville, more than three times
of those teachers would have
taken advantage of it, and your
schools would be reaping the
benefit now.
Here lies and
ours. Surely you would not
the best help that can come
to you and your county because
you had rather shirk than do
your part.
Remember, may friends,
great is won,
Nothing won is lost
Every good nobly done,
Will repay the
If you have any pride in your
State, in your county, in your
home, in your children, give
them an opportunity to rise. It
is for them that I appeal to you,
give them a chance and will
rise up to call you blessed some
day. G. Cox.
Firs stricken City.
Special to Reflector.
Union City, Pa., April
The entire town was in peril of
destruction by fire last night,
during the burning of r i
factory of the Union t hair
Company. Flames spread in
every direction from the
the fire was not checked
early this morning,

Eastern reflector, 26 April 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 26, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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