Eastern reflector, 19 April 1907

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I --7
G. James, pf Green- Bought Half in a Davie
was here yesterday as Farm for
counsel in case before the mayor.
J. w. w,
Miss Earle Tucker, of
has been visiting Miss Anabel
E v.
haw u
,. their m
. tab
hear bestowed on the hotel
the excellent new manage-
of Mr Sharpe Blount
C. L. Cannon returned to
Harry Skinner. Jr., of City Friday. Lil is
The Asheville Citizen says that
it is not generally known that the
man who allows his land to be
Many are the compliment we
distillery, or even en the
it on his land without
his knowledge or consent, is in
dim, r of having his land con
On Friday afternoon at Ayden
a nun Mack Taylor fell
off of the log carriage at the
mill of the Ayden Milling and
Co One of his
legs was broken in three place-s.
was here as , -d all
K--1 distilling is
, . , him leave. He is one of the j confiscated.
boys everybody likes. In Asheville a few days
t H. of Greenville,
F Lilly Co
David b will occupy th
residence recently by B.
on Tl i street
If you are i in Cook
Stove- and i I it will pay
you to quality prices
j;. . a has moved
the on
I to lie
More i . J- Hines on
For I I ch goods
seed m
F. L t to was here Friday. by Jacob S. Sain, in Davie
moon train yesterday, Miss Florence com- was offered for sale on
b, finest and reside at the proceeding,
Fountain Pens
an as
duly qualified before the
parlor court clerk of Pitt county as
of the estate of Samuel
I deceased, notice la hereby
I given to all persona indebted to th
I rotate to make immediate payment to
the undersigned, and all persons having
claims against said estate must present
i- a the for payment on or before the
h If interest in W of 5th day of March. 1908. or this notice
will lie plea I In bar of recovery.
This 5th day of March, 1907.
B. T. Cox,
of Samuel
Kilpatrick coo-
ducting a cotton and insurance business
in the town of Grifton. N. C, has this
day dissolved co-partnership by mutual
consent. Joel Patrick withdrawing from
said firm.
W. H. Kilpatrick.
t d aw
Dr Joseph Dixon
and surgeon.
. Uric Ki ft
N. c.
We ire informed Mr in connection with an
Hart, while laboring under men- Sain hid sent to
strain last Saturday to buy the half inter
, who advertises him-attempted suicide. It is pat est was offered at public
iRK i a
time to have
more or less.
This March 4th, 1307.
to .;, they always our.
th best .
Mn la, II. from
near Star
Wanted car loads of
which we
my highest cash price. Don't.
L. A Arnold enters and claims the
following described vacant land,
rely well Lying in Pitt county.
, got It. may have to CH oh well swamp and Flat
time- the or branch, the John
new church v . Moore, S. S. Smith. Arden Mills,
of Kinston.; his Claude Cannon's heirs, John S.
f p preached the sermon and was as i
and Jones, the pastor in charge.
a very large crowd was present Thee is y- he
J . . tore an
Disciple nave a nice , , j, , , it
it is both an
and credit to the town. to th Th .
I move
S e F. V before you bound evening i No
buy or feed oats, for it m , at
pr U with
Hit of N
N. to two Places. a connection
c d i
days of pa c. H of Kinston. his bid
C ill
Feed Livery
Nice Conveyances,
rices suit the
N. C.
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods. No-
before us Yours to
serve. F Lilly i Co.
At the regular meeting of the
town con Wednesday
night, J. M. Blow was appointed
and J- J. Stokes and
Exam Di
for an
mar of
,. Mr. C. C
i Nina Cherry
i eve i takes
Jarvis Memorial
church in
. very large crowd was present There is he
was L i- could nu i-
passed pleasantly. Our m . ,.,
friends have a nice I. , ,, , , it
title Heavy
--K v
must file their protest in
Any person or persons claiming.
or interest in the foregoing de-
. must file their protest in
v within the next thirty days, or
t y will barred by law.
. O
Prices to suit the times.
on in
to buy a house
and o a, or a valuable
farm, Have you
either We will buy or
sell, i your life insured, is
your. insured II not you
inspectors of see us and have it
A . sured once. We make
election, on the first Monday in , . ac
next, for town i them with us.-
Ayden Loan and
said town of Ayden. The books
of Registration for said election
are now open and will re-
main so at the office of J. M.
Blow as the la requires.
Go to E E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh fish.
W. E Ho ks has been
pointed by the board of county
n as registrar
thee ; the
a in
Early Saturday night. any
U but one of the clerks were at, this section to go to
supper a to one of return the same day.
the rear windows of the store of present it takes two d .
f L Co., pulled the trip No c.,. s in
the and tried to late enough nearly every en-j
open the window Mr. K. W. tag to-have . mi-e
Cobb, the store, with the train from
at the and fright-1 wait had
him away. Mr. Cobb says beyond instead of at Farm
it was a tall
black bat and a loner overcoat.
The most will be
pleased with one of those
i at Saul's. Call and
Dr. L C. Skinner. J. J. Hines
and B have been
re-elected as dispensary
for another J.
B Pierce as manager.
Perhaps some day those
Kinston trips on part
About half an hour later one
to be the same
he was till and wore
a black slouch hat and long over-
coat, broke out the glass and
sash in the lower section of the
window in rear of Mr W L
repair shop Mr. Moore
was at the time in the front
of the building talking v.
a friend, but ha., no burn
mg. He saw the and pot
hi gun to shoot him, but the
of two of our handsome business of them walk
to our
a memento of across the room ran off.
school in in accord a lovely bird i Best peas and hay at F.
. . . I T 1.-
with a special act of
got a hustle on them Saturday
and e the a good
. with the sprinklers.
A good La and will work good
to those . up this new
enter rise.
W. I ; and family left
n i . for a
Washington after
which a short
before return-
at, Lard Can
i, buy before giving
me a trial, Lilly Co.
There were a large number of
Odd Fellows to leave here
Thursday for the purpose of at-
tending the district meeting of
that excellent order in Washing-
ton tomorrow.
If any Paint be sure
and see E. E. Co
At a meeting Tuesday evening
of the stockholders of the Ayden
bank a dividend of per cent
was declared, of which was
added to the surplus fund, the
remaining per tent was divided
the stockholders. If this
is not a good showing, then our
idea of a successful business is
at fault.
exchange corn
for o or t Lean, Healthy Sheets
weighing from to pounds-
If preferred I will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Darden,
ltd Ayden, N. C
C. L- Cannon came home Tues-
day from Morehead, where he
has a position as pharmacist in
a drug store, to spend a few days
with friends, relatives and
Others mostly.
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say nothing of the
in having a
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need-
ed article.
I Johnston's.
Fountain pens on sale at Saul's I Harding to Speak.
drug store at to R
or safe at the close of Miss Nancy
school, at Hanrahan. on
night, 12th. In his address he
will also the
training for teachers and
the b issue to secure the
of the school in Pitt county,
Drug Store.
have bought the
business of Taylor
and respectfully solicit the pat-
of the public. C. E.
I all work
to my care to give entire
faction. Try me. C. E. Spier.
I solicit the patronage of the
people of Ayden and community
in everything pertaining to the
jewelry business- Give me a
trial. C E Spier.
New G. W.
has opened a millinery store
on Main street in rear of Cannon
Tyson's store and will be pleas-
ed to have ah the ladies call and
examine her stock which is of the
latest patterns. She has also a
first-class milliner Miss Same
Rives employed and sure
ctn satisfy all and anyone.
Mrs. Alice Spier and
Bessie, Mrs W. W.
Dawson, Miss Misses
bushels corr. for sale at
F. V.
Got. to Speak.
The Bryan Grimes Camp of
Confederate Veterans will hold
its annual reunion here on Fri-
day, May 10th. Ex-Gov. T. J.
Jarvis has accepted the invitation
to deliver the
bags damaged meal for
sale cheap. Greenville Whole- ;
sale Co.
Please this as our
special invitation to visit
us when in Norfolk, and
Exp if not be
Write for Price list.
We sell direct from i
to user-
Piano with the
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
just received a new supply of furnishings and material
in their undertaking department.
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to serve I he This is a long needed
want in this section and they promise the best when
anything in this line is needed.
d Co.
secured -S
Furniture and Fixtures S
Due from inks an i bankers
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin 1.7088.10
Nat. bit notes other 2.100.00
Capital stock 118,800.00
Surplus fund 2,700.00
Undivided profits less expenses 2,894.12
Dividends unpaid 00.00
Deposits to check 151,386.86
Cashier's checks outstanding 710.04
LINA., I ,,
op put. i
I j. K.
sworn to -f o
, . Mar, W rt i C
Notary Pf
Soon Be Ready.
Mr. W. H. Jr., says his
brick plant will be ready to begin
work by the first of May. The
Dawson, misses engine and boilers arc in position,
Hattie and Willie Freeman, John and the other machinery is looked
and George en, were d n b . ,
here from in at fa .
upon the dedication to set it up as soon as it
Miss Miriam Johnson, of Win-
after a pleasant visit to
Misses Carrie and Mattie John-
son, returned home Monday.
Josephus went to
Greenville yesterday.
Rev. J. R. Moose, a
from will lee
in the Methodist church
here May 23rd.
Rev. E. G. Wells, of Kinston,
spent from Friday until Monday
with W L.
meeting will be
conducted here during the com-
week by Rev. B E. Stan-
field, the pastor, assisted by
Rev. R- F. Taylor, of Hookerton.
Hooks Gardner have moved
their insurance office from Dr.
Dixon's building over to an office
in the hotel.
All kinds of stock feed at F.
V Johnston's
See F. V Johnston before-
buying your hay.
Marriage Licenses
Register of Deeds, R Williams
license to the following
couples since last
Frank Taylor and Hattie
J. Vincent and J.
Charles and Alice
Claude Evans and Queenie
Smith. ,
Lewis H. Elks and Mary h.
Henry Blount and Kate
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been standard Cotton and
Tobacco in South
because great cue is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
V. Editor end
S- i
. , j,, ;
; .
If In the County, ll the first in tie
costs no more a
to be loci in son e
or never. It ii the only chance in a
It makes
goes it all Hie future
Eastern It makes it the, county which
H other counties
and the center ed-
effort shall
If county we all time
tors i; to ours. ,
H it connects this county directly with the State
it be a State and always hereafter
supported entirely by the State.
We but ore ti had every dollar we give re-
mains here in he county and to help up county
through all the
will every two years giving appropriations and
these school These will be spent here every
year and buildings which go to build up the county
L I in the county it will place an opportunity at our very
to lit and prepare for a successful lite at the least possible cost.
S. it will furnish us a thoroughly trained teacher for every country
and town school in the county.
It will, therefore, make this county stand first, educationally, in
the State, because as is the teacher so is the school-
Holding this position will increase the value of every piece of
property in the county. It is an indisputable that wherever
is in the forefront there property has the best values.
II. It is now a contest between a number of counties as to where
this school shall be located. Will Pitt county, with the prospect the
future it has allow some other county to come in and secure the prize
To locate with us only feeds the hearty co-operation of the
It would a calamity to the county not to have this now.
Whether we wish it this school be established some-
where in Eastern Carolina. Wherever it is located we will have to pay
the same amount taxes for it that we would if we had
the school. Is it not wise to have the school and get all the benefits that
would coin, it we would pay the same for its maintenance if
located elsewhere
The East pays one half of the State taxes. There is not one
dollar of the appropriated to any institution for whites east of
Raleigh. Is it not time we should have at least one of the State's
Some county gets one this year. Shall it be Pitt, or will we let
j o elsewhere
The question now is, and the decision of which decides whether
we get the school or not, will the people of the county vote to authorize
the County Commissioners to issue a small amount of bonds to make it
positively certain that we shall get the school Ii they should issue the
a man who lists worth property would pay cents a
year his share the locating money. If he lists worth of
property he would pay per year, and if he should list worth
of property he would have to pay only a year.
You can run no risk in voting this bond issue because ii the
is not located here no bonds can be issued even after we have voted
to authorize it. This would be what he would pay with
valuation of property. As the valuation of the property increases his
payments would decrease.
The citizens on the 7th day May,
vote on a proposition to authorize the Alderman of that town
to issue interest hearing bonds. It is certain that the vote
on tins proposition will be in of issuing bonds to be used by the
Board of Alderman as far as may be necessary in locating the school in
the coon of Pitt. The citizens Greenville in addition to paying the
awl on the town bonds will be taxed also their share of the
Interest on the county bonds so that this is clearly a case where the in-
of the town and county are the same and one in which they ought
t work harmoniously to-g-ether to accomplish this great result which will
I be alike beneficial to
Those who have made such a stubborn and gloriously success-
Might in getting the bill through the did so with full faith
that our people would stand by us when it comes to locating this school.
Will not every man rally now and let us make ours in truth and deed
what has. been so conspicuously begun We wait with confidence your
answer at the polls on the 14th day of May.
Dark Bill,
Special to
Nashville, Tenn. April 18.-
the provisions of the dark to-
bill which has
used much speculation among
tern, last
By this, Mr.
it a may fell the man-
without becoming a
J There is absolutely
i limitation under the proposed
to the right of the
to sell his leaf tobacco to
person he pleases, the
oil consumer, the deal in
tobaccos the manufacturer,
exporter, the country
or say one
is also not de
; or without
fit in person. In fact tho
dispose of his
in lines the
Louis the oldest col-
man here, died Friday night.
He was known to be more than a
hundred years old and claimed
that the records showed he
was 116- He was a good man and
esteemed by both white and col
people. He was a minister
in the Primitive Baptist
and preached as long as his
strength would permit him to
meet appointments. He wad
n old time always in-
and believed that man
should bread by the sweat
of his brow j
i. Honor of Mr.
and Miss Jame-
The last few days have been
full of activity in Greenville's
social circles, there series
of brilliant entertainments in
honor of
of Mr. Charles C Skinner
and Mist. C. James-
Saturday evening Mrs. S.
Carr en at cards at hr
home on west F It
was the 24th anniversary of her
brother, the groom elect, and the
party was in his honor.
The decorations and
the occasion were
Whedbee proposing toasts to the
bride elect. Every member re-
with an appropriate
Tho guests were then ushered
in the dining room where the
color scheme was carried out in
pink and the table being
decorated with pink can lies,
smilax, carnations and maiden
hair terns, the cream and cakes
also being pink and whits
Italian band furnish-
ed music for the
Monday evening
another in a i i
at the home of Mr. and , .
B. West .
Mrs is a sister
groom elect, and ho.- many
,, friends made her home
rate and the residence presented
a beautiful scene.
Mr K- Hymen has presented
The Reflector with the muster
roll of Pitt Rifles, taken
May 28th. MM, as our boys were
departing for service in the Span
war ft will
in w , h the roll
present were Misses
Jams. Cobb, Lottie
Blow, Nell Skinner, Mary James,
Kathleen Ballard
Nell Nelson Charlotte
Whedbee, Win-
Skinner, Irma Mes-
dames H. L.
O. L. Grubbs
H- A. White, E. B. Chas.
Skinner. Messrs. C. C Skinner,
Frank Skinner, T. G. Skinner,
Jr , L. C. Skinner, Harry Skin-
Jr., James, R. L.
Carr, H. L. E. B.
and H. A. White.
Euchre was played and the
souvenirs were little spinning
wheels for the ladies and pipes
for the men- After the games
the were taken to the din-
room where refreshments
were served.
Monday afternoon at her home
on Greene street, Mrs. Herbert
linen show-
in honor of niece, the bride
The guests were received at
the front door by Misses Charlotte
Fennell and Mary James and Mrs.
Leslie and taken back
In the library where Mesdames
T. J. Jarvis, H. L. Fennell, and
A. B. White received. Mrs. Fer-
and Miss Irma Cobb served
At o'clock Miss James was
blind-folded and led into the
parlor by little Miss Nell White
and placed in a chair under the
umbrella, which was of pink
decorated with roses and earns-
and suspended on a gilt
rod with pink ribbon
The ribbons were also drawn by
little Miss white, and the linen,
which numbered about sixty
beautiful pieces, was showered
on the bride elect.
The receiving lino consisted of
Mr. and s. Mr.
Mrs. H. L Fennell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Russell
and Mrs. F G. James.
The quests were at the
door by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
White, as by Miss Margaret
Skinner with Mr. Charlie James
In the commodious and taste-
fully decorated hall Mr. and Mrs-
Stuart Carr served punch to a
merry crowd who persisted in
drinking impromptu toasts to the
bride and groom elect who stood
near by, radiant with
Misses Whedbee and
Winnie Skinner conducted the
guests to he dinner room, where
the beautifully decorated table
invited all to partake of the gen-
hospitality of the hosts.
The color scheme of green and
white was so artistically com-
in lace and glass,
silver, bonbons, cream, cake,
that it needed only the final
touch of merry guests and the
music of the well known Italians
to complete a perfect scene.
Mesdames House, Little,
Harry Skinner. Calhoun, Mosley,
and Miss Ethel Skinner officiated
in the dining room with the
grace and affability which gives
the finishing touch to such
The cutting of the bride's cake
was the occasion of much mer-
The shilling was won
by Miss Nelson, Halifax, while
Miss Margaret Skinner became
the possessor of both the magic
Hug and the fatal thimble.
It was an evening of unalloyed
pleasure which the bride and
groom elect may interpret as
indicative of great future
at the home of the groom's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
The house was fully decor-
aid the occasion was en-
livened by the music of the Ital-
The receiving party consisted
of Mr and Mrs Charles Skinner,
Mr and Mrs E. B. Mi.
and Mrs Stuart Carr
Punch was served by Miss
Margaret Skinner and Mr. Bert
In the dining room delicious
were s by Misses
Ethel Skin-
and Mrs.
l The bridal p
lumbering ma increased
by the t Mrs. Wade.
I of New York, who arrived on th i
train, coming
illy to attend the i,.
I nuptials Her handsome
and charming o .-
won for her at once a place
m th esteem of her new I. lends
Another special and
feature of the evening was tin
music rendered by Miss
lames, the bride elect and Miss
Lottie Blow, and e entire even-
was characterized by the
same joyousness which pervaded
all the ante-nuptial event-5.
Nose. ,.
-A n
created excitement
a cigar-,
when became sud-;
J it .
so . on lire. The man.
pi u pain, ;
V is ii d horrified
i . a shop,,
where the blaze was extinguish-
ed. It found that he
h a The real
or; an bad gone under in a
and he went to a
I I pi i artificial
lose, i had i n supplied
on of cs I instead of
. his mishap.
F f time Hie Free Will
, t have conducting
i a their church
., ii Greenville, though the
tool not meet regularly
afternoon the school re-
and tool, on new life.
Rev. H. is
supervisor of the school and the
new officers elected are W. M.
superintendent; J. T.
A in me, assistant superintend-
Alias Daisy
The will now
meet regularly every Sunday
at o'clock.
and Peace
Special to Reflect r;
Washington April
National arbitration and peace
congress hold a d tonight in
this city, to which President
Roosevelt was invited, but had
not been able up to the present
to make sure that he at-
tend. The committee that
the invitation to the
president Andrew Car-
Ex-Secretary of State
Foster; Justice Brewer, Prof.
of Cornell University;
Judge George C. Holt, of New
York; Prof. T.
of Columbia University, and
Robert Erskine Ely, secretary of
the executive committee of the
Carl Grey
Special to Reflector;
New York, April 17.-Earl
Grey, governor general of Can-
will address tonight the
national peace congress. Sir
Robert Cranston Lord Provost of
Edinburgh, and William T.
Stead also speak, besides a
number of other distinguished
Tim cup was then evening the bride and
passed to each member of e with the bridal ed that he is unable attend.
Sans Miss party and visitors, were enter
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
. J. L. Wilkinson and Rosa Er-
W ti.
Rodolph and Judith
jeans Dupree
Eddie Tyson and Malissa
George Johnson George
John Hopkins
Alfred James and Hattie
Cannon and Flossie
Redmond Rozelle
Owing to a invitation
to meet the chamber of commerce
of Wilmington on an important
matter on the 18th inst., the
same date selected for their
speaking in Greenville,
dent C C. Moore writes that it
will be impossible for him and
Mr. E. D. Smith to meet their
appointment i l Greenville on
that day. This is very much re-
but Mr- Moore says he
hopes they can make another
date for Greenville at an early
day. J. J- Laughinghouse.
Special to Reflector;
New York. April
this morning from the city of
Mexico state that it has been
visited by a severe earthquake
shock lasting several minutes.
The people were badly frighten-
ed, though the shock was at-
tended by no loss of life nor
property damage of consequence.
It is feared that heavy damage
has occurred further southward.
Mr J. N. German, of Rich-
has purchased the Ber-
A Hooker prise house
property in the tobacco section
of the town. He has already
commenced remodeling the build-
and will At it up with
proved machinery to operate as
a plant will
strengthen the Greenville
.-., .

a Delightful Party In the
night the Young People's
entertained a jolly
lewd of our younger sot in the
op and a
n was spent. The
g attendance.
Miss wit
Miss A
Chicane April
A Bunch of lack on its Travel
to Reflector.
Passenger j New April
and traffic officials are worrying Thirteen Club of Now York City
over the question whether they started today on a special train
can maintain higher rates on in- Washington over Central
traffic than the sum of railroad of Now Jersey. The-y
the local rates in the various visit President Roosevelt.
states- The rate between all who is a member of the club,
must be reduced and over Sunday at the
from to per cent, if tho capital They left New at
states continue to pass laws and they leave Washington
at mid light Sunday. There
recently He
a i I rate ex-
ruck, i
its-. Mac S wit Ba
c ,. . , points, the commission
M with
i and board and
om home, all
ed the sum of I i , warned
between i the law not to
would re or to in way
nth.-- H M
St. .
Jo n SI i
TO. Cits
I R, in i
Tin- of the
pang r n tow-i.
it evidence
tat at was ex-
and unreasonable, and
m . d e obliged
lathe contrary
to main i i though rate.
railway law-
the Supreme court
the Stan- would not
in the opinion. Some be-
that the highest court will
decide that the State
I constitutional because of their
n , . feet upon inter state traffic Test
cases soon will be brought in the
western states with now cents
a mile laws. Several conferences
have been held, but the only con-
reached so far by the
railroads s to fight in the courts
every two-c law which has
harbor her.
Tins t April,
ltd A . , Coward.
Ha. administrator of
ii of
I . I i i i
; . iced i
i , m . Or
the 21st March, r
i, will p I in of
All j i Co laid
will p mediate payment,
r March, 1907.
.;. Administrator.
of J.
A pi from
tokes brings in i of the
of the residence of Mr.
I. that
between 1-
night. No particulars passed a western state,
ere given as to how the lire if reads win in the United
The building was en- j States courts on every two-cent
rely destroyed ard only a part law which has been passed,
f the furniture was saved. eastern roads will take steps j
he loss is about and upset the fare laws of
carried insurance Indiana. Michigan and
building for and on states
for in the Pitt
Halving administrator of
v. U i ceased, late
of Pitt, county, North . Molina, this is
to notify ail having claims
the of the laid deceased
to exhibit them to the undersigned on
r before t. of March, 1908,
this will be pleaded in bar of
All personal indebted to laid estate
will please immediate pa v merit.
This the 21st day of March. HOT.
Paul W. Brooks, Administrator.
F. H. James, ltd
This man bought a supply of tobacco with-
out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste
of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering
qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at
less expense than cheap tobacco.
SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this
paper so that every chewer has had an
opportunity acquainted with the
facts and knew that are not used
to product the cheering quality found in
the famous Piedmont country flue-cured
tobaccos, that SCHNAPPS is what he
ought to chew. Still there are chewers
who accept other and cheaper tobaccos
that do not give the same pleasure.
Some day they'll get a taste of the real
Schnapps- -they'll realize enjoyment
they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS
long like kicking
SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere in
cent cuts, and and cent plugs. Be
sure you set the
Last Meeting for Present School Term.
The Pitt County Teachers As-
held its monthly
ranch of the Mutual
ire Association.
u Advanced.
North t learn with
of h advancement
f a number of young men
this State in the naval Humphrey as quarter
Midshipman J. I. London, general of the army, to
on of former State Senator himself, his old of office ex-
i.- ad- today. Colonel Karl
Gen Succeeds
war department has announced
that the president has
ed Brigadier General Charles F.
W in the
era, late of Pitt county, The weather being
beautiful and it being the last
Hun-elf. Mr. to exhibit. meeting of the association, for the
them to the within twelve term, the
fl- London, of Pittsboro,
lanced to ti. of
lieutenant Bruce U. S-
V-, has t first
Lieutenant Cotton is a son of
Ar. and Mrs. R. R. of
and i is friends -e-
at cement.
11th cavalry, will
on the 18th inst. to
General Alfred C. the
. month- of this notice or present school
notice will be pleaded in bar of attendance was very large
The their recovery. All ,
t.- estate will make he program of exercises
payment. the day. as previously published.
15th day of March, 1907. ,
John a. was carried out and proved most,
, ,. . interesting. After this had been
Brown. Attorney. , J r .
i completed several prizes were
. awarded-
L. The an Crimes for
the best paper on Pitt
history was won by i
AT THE CLOSE OF 22nd. 1907
Stock paid in
Fund 1,000.08
profits 2,935.45
Deposit 2,437.70
Cashiers 366.05
and Discounts
rd rafts Secured
from Banks
Cash Items
Gold n
State of North s.
Co f Pitt.
M in
of Pitt
this i
i c n
Trenton, N. J. April The
I Build Factory. New Jersey legislature took a
i on the lot, ,,.,., It will reconvene
of and on for the consideration
r.-. re based from of measures which may be voted
V R- 1- by the the governor during the re-
. Co. are being The senate passed con-
the first of current resolution providing for
as of
c late
North Carolina,
all i,
. of th
account of age. d exhibit them to the
on or before the day
of March, or this notice will be
i I in liar of their recovery.
New Jersey Legislature Recess All a indebted to estate
. make immediate payment.
This the of March, 1907.
E. Leggett
i J. Davis
j that
Howie and f.
b in
is to
lo solemn-
bust of my
Quinnerly, of Quinnerly school
at The second prize j
on same subject pen I
won by Miss Arline Joyner. of
Joyner school, near Greenville, i
The Arthur medal, for best
paper relative to education in
Pitt county, was won by Miss
Carrie Chapman, of
FARMS FOR SALE. ; school at Centerville. and the
I have three farms that are offered second prize was won by Miss
I Annie Whitefield. of the same
Sal mid sworn ti be-
ii , of
J. V.
Notary Pb
James Atty.
lay the will begin
a la brick build-
rig on this lot in which to carry
its buggy n and
l,, The build-
will bi feet, three
Stories. Th John Flanagan
is any-
Thaw Case a Mistrial.
I New York. April
afternoon, the jury in the
case its inability
a verdict, a mistrial was
the jury discharged,
he jury stood for murder in
degree, and for
I on the ground of insanity.
was remanded back to jail
will be again tried next
All lawyers left the
except though it is
may also serve
it the October trial.
biennial instead of
President Roosevelt Delivers an
Special to
Washington, April The
president delivers an address to-
day at the of a
to the members of the First
Volunteers Cavalry, or Rough
Riders, at the Arlington
this afternoon. A copy of
Mr. Roosevelt's book,
Rough was placed in
brass bound box in the corner-
Indexing Records.
Register of deeds R. Williams
the books for that
and is now at work re-
the records in his office.
Hie indexing system adopted by
r, Williams is one of the best
It will take many
to get all the indexing
on the new books,
Br it is done any deed,
re or instrument recorded in
office can be referred to with
New Stock Exchange Opens.
Special to Reflector.
New York, April The
produce . opened its
new stock exchange for
beginning industrial
and mining stocks. The list in
eludes as many as industrial
and mining stocks.
Bah .
M home place containing -its acres.
acres cleared. Beat of tobacco school.
and cotton land. house, I The prize offered
two tenant houses and all
farm buildings.
Also one farm of acres two miles
from Black and one farm of
acres in Beaufort county.
Calvin Mills.
R. K. D. No. Winterville. N. C.
In Superior Court
by the
Woman's Betterment
for greatest improvement
made in school building and
grounds, was awarded to the
school at Centerville,
and the second prize
was awarded to Ballard X Roads
The speeches in presenting
these prizes were made by ex
Gov T. J. Jarvis, Prof. C. E.
Lineberry, Mr. F. C- Harding,
Rev. M- T. Plyler, Supt. H. B.
Smith Rev. J, E.
It is a high compliment to
school that four out of
I six prizes were won by that
school and its pupils.
papers in the
medal contests and the commit-1
tee who examined them say they
North Carolina I
Florence Willoughby ,
The defendant above named will
notice that an action entitled us above
has been commenced in the Superior
court of county to obtain for the
plaintiff from the defendant an
lute divorce from the bonds of
Upon the ground that are fully
set out in the and the said
defendant will further take notice that
he is required to ;. at the
term of the Superior court of said
county to be held on the Mon-
day after the first Monday in March,
it being the 22nd day of 1907,
the court house of said in ,
Greenville, North Carolina answer all high credit upon the
or demur to the said tic-1 authors. or the plaintiff will apply to the t v
court for the relief in said
This the 13th day of 1907.
V. Atty.
At the
Loans and discounts
Furniture Fixtures
Due from Banks and
Cash items
Silver coin bank
other U. S.
lose of Mar- 22nd.
stock 5.600
Surplus fund
Undivided profit
Time certificates of
Deposits subj. to check
checks out-
standing 724.22
Certified Checks
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. W H Cashier of the above named solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
and belief. w. H. Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to be-
me, this 28th day of Mar.
T. Carson
, Votary Public
Nicaragua Surrenders
Special to
New Orleans, April 12.-Ad-
vices here today state
that President
rendered the forces.
This will put an end to
Dr. King's
New Discovery
Guaranteed for all
of the county
have had a good year's work
both in their schools and in the
association. They have
the high standard in Pitt
county, educationally and so-
and are entitled to the
gratitude and commendation of
all our people All the schools
will soon close for the session.
The every
tn the county a pleasant
vacation and hopes to
see all back among as
school open
n-rt .
Steamer i.
m fur
duty Sundays
n fen
Norfolk A By. Co. for
Norfolk, Philadelphia
New York, and all other
points North. Connects at Nor-
folk -with point West.
Shippers should order
freight vis Norfolk,
ft Southern
H. C- General F. and,
To sufferers of Kidney, Liver or
Bladder Troubles. Other
say a bottle and if
cure we will refund
your a
full free bottle bf
it benefits
use SOL
This advertisement entitles you
to a bottle at
Only a number f
. miss this
to test
Notice if hereby that I have
levied on. and will on the 6th
Mrs. Mary Smith, lot. Win- B F 1-4 lot Patrick President Ac ions
SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES, tax and cost. lot I
Augustus Smith. acres. Cox, lot Peyton, tax and cost, j
tax and cost, 4.1. William Tucker. 1-4 lot, Hes-;
John Sparkman. lots, tax and cost. 1.77. Special to Reflector.
5-m Vines lot April 15.-What-
the B F acres, and tax and cost. 2.67. lever may be the present purpose
State of North and county of COSt. 6.61.
Pitt for the year Mrs Turnage. lot,
L. W. TUCKER. Grifton. tax and cost,
John lots. Winter-
ville, tax and cost,
Louis B Williams, acres, tax
acre-. an, cost,
Bryan; Andrews.
Home, tax and cost,
Briley, acres.
Home, tax and
Malissa Carson. lot. Bethel,
tax and cost. 4.67.
John lots, tax
cost. 5.99.
W F Edwards, acres, Par
acres, tax
and cost
J R Ellison, acres, Johnson, and cost,
tax and cost 6.09. V. V. Harris, acres, Lang-
Samuel Edwards. acre.--, tax and cost, 1.57
Horn tax and cost, 10.87. Johnson, Pea
Gabe Jenkins. acres. Home. den. tax and cost.
tax and cost. 2.01. B N Owens, acres, tax an
M D Lewis, acres, cost.
tax and cost. Abram lots.
J L Rouse. acres. Int. tax S
and cost. P Taylor. acres,
J S Tillery, lot. tax and cost. and cost.
A G Whichard acres. Which- and pf President R
ard tax and 11.54 .
W. William. acre th to action on the
C D, tax and cost. j part of the general government
Annie Ward 1-8 lot Perkins, restraining corporations engaged
Ricks. and cost.
Anderson. acres, Pol-
lard, tax and cost. 2.99.
Chas Atkinson, acres. Bells
X Roads, tax and cost. 3.4
J O Briley. acres,
tax and cost. 4.31.
N Askew, at res, P. Road.
and cost.
Sim Cameron, lot, tax and
i cost.
Mrs. W A Hammond. acres. Watt Pa acres, tax
Everett, tax and cost, 2.11. cost,
Knight. acre. Hill, tax RA Stamper. lot. tax and
and cost, 2.51. cost.
cost, 6.62.
acres, tax and
acres, A.
C Brown, lot,
Pitt St, tax and cost.
J W Brown, acres. B
Brown, cost, 11.90-
James. acres, A. W. ; John Brown. Jr. lot, Patrick,
tax and cost. j Eaton, tax and cost,
Ransom Mobley, acres, tax. Boyd, lot, Greene St.
and 4.34. d , 54-
II IS acres, tax and ., ,. , lot and
tax and
B A lot.
cost. 1.88
Miss Nannie E Little acres
la k and 5.2
Ed acres,
Mizell .
Robert Mitchell. lot.
COSt, 1.66.
J J Redding, acres. Bel-
tax and cost,
Lucretia Wool en, acres,
Home tax COSt, 22-
Dudley Williams. acre R R F.
swift creek.
W. B Bland, acres, t ix
and cost.
J R Sr. tax and
cost, 8.75.
acres, and
laud Clark acres, tax and
cost. 4.07
G. W. Gardner, acres tax
A L Jackson. lot. tax
cost. 10.36.
Bill King, acres, tax an I
cost. 1.69
acres, tax and
if Vines. acres, tax and
cost. 8-39
Martha West. acres, tax and
Henry White, acres, tax and
cost. 6.36
Henrietta Whichard, acres,
tax cost, 5.18.
W H Boyd, acres, W Clark,
tax and cost,
HA Boyd. acre.
and --ks;
J W Campbell, acres. N
H-X Roads, tax and cost
N W Campbell. acres. H O,
C, lots, acres, Proctor, tax tax and costs,
and cost, 3-85 Calvin Dawson, 1-4
Abram Cox, acres, Thor Higgs, cost, 3.45.
commercial Knitting Mill.
acres. Plant, tax and cost. 102-97
Peter cherry, acres,
tax and cost, 4.13
Redding 1-4 acre, Mill.
tax and cost. 21-
A B Daniel, Reed St, tax
and cost, 7.88 banquet,
John H Daniel.
Brown, tax and cost. 6.56.
to Pitt County
Carolina Club had already won
a reputation for delightful enter
but in none of them
has it excelled more than in the
Friday evening, com-
j to the teachers Pitt
Davis, 1-4 acres. Mill, county
A large number of teachers
from parts of the county were
tax and cost,
B Evans, lot,
Marcellus tax tax and cost. 3.12.
and cost
Tom Dunn, acres C Root,
tax and cost,
Oscar Haddock, acres C
Root, tax and cost 6-48.
George B Haddock, acres,
acres, R A S, tax and cost.
J B Hill, acres, Tar River,
tax and cost, 6.97.
W S Blount Sr. acres,
ton, tax and cost, -47-
Warren Coward, lot, Winter-
ville, tax and cost, 6.31.
A D cox. Winterville.
tax and cost,
Daniel cox, acres,
tax and coat. 2.37
John D cox, col., lot l,
tax and cost. 6.74.
S cannon, lot, Ayden, tax
I cost. 16.18.
Edwards, acres,
and cost, 2.66.
J Edwards, lot, Winter-
, tax and cost, 4.27.
ill Forbes, acres, tax and
co. 4.93.
J A lot, N Grifton,
. and cost. 4.60.
J A Griffin. lots, acres.
as L Elks, acres, H M,
tax cost. 10.79
Joseph Forbes, lot, Reed St,
tax and cost, 3.29-
rooming, lot, Reed St,
tax and cost,
W B Greene wife, lot, D
Ave, tax and cost.
J Frank Greene, 1-5 acre, Mill,
I tax and cost,
Mrs. M D Higgs, lot.
tax and cost, 9.97.
Ayden, acres, near Ayden, tax
and cost
W P lot, Ayden, tax
and cost, 5.62.
A L Jackson. acres, c creek,
lot, Grifton, cost,
A L Jackson Bro, lots,
Grifton, tax and cost,
Jackson, lot,
W M Jenkins, lot, Winterville,
tax and cost, 2.42.
W J Kittrell. lots, Grifton,
cost, 13.21.
A C Manning, lot inter-
ville, tax and cost, 6.18.
Madison Morris, acres,
present, also many of our town's
j people, and they made a
of which any county might
be proud. For several
hours the club parlors were a
continuous scene of mirth, music,
beauty and brilliancy.
At o'clock the
were summoned dining
hall where an elegant menu
served. This was furnished by
the Ladies Aid Society of the
in interstate trade, and especially
with reference to interstate rail
roads it is certain that the
of the government along,
these lines will be emphasized
during the month of April by
proceedings in the two most
remarkable and important s
now pending relating to these
subjects. One of cases is
that against the Standard Oil
Company and the other to dis-
solve relation between the
Union Pacific and the in
Pacific railroads. In both in
the complaint of the
government is that the acts per-
formed by these great corpora-
are in violation of
law, d
amount a conspiracy in re-
of interstate trade. The
Case against Standard Oil
Company will come up for
answer today In tin United
States circuit court in St Louis.
The case involving the Union
Pacific and the Southern Pacific
railroads will be heard before
the interstate commerce com-
mission on Thursday next.
Clear up the complexion, cleanse the
I th ii beat
or two of De w
Little Earl- Safe R
pills with a The
everyone Re -n
Jno. I. Wooten.
They like the wall u
hi what one mother wrote
Laxative Cough Syrup,
modern cough syrup is I
from any opiate or Contain
Pure and S
Jno. I. U
may not bring l
possessors happiness,
seem to get along comfort i
even sympathy.
Nearly everybody who I
tacks from n
morbid ad of a treat
is three fourths star, .
and one-fourth milk and
hand you can
by the of
int, at
. much rest. K e what i
pie ,, little
-h it you Sold . -i.
the warbles an
Alabama poet All right, ho it,
e I with it. i
M. Hodges, lot, tax; Baptist church and of
W H Harrington, acres,
Moore, acres,
acres, Dudley, acres, Dudley.
Poor House, acres.
Home, acres, Langley,
acres, I B J, acres, H T Dan-
tax and 75.25
Martha Harriss, 1-4 afire, Pat-
rick, tax and cost, 1.77
John Hardy, acres, H
tax ard cost, 8.06.
Henry 1-4 acre, Hines,
3-4 acres, Arthur, tax and cost,
Freeman Hemby, 1-4 acres,
tax and cost, 2.21.
Ada Hemby, 1-8 acres, Shep
tax and cost,
Nelson Hopkins, acre,
Lane, tax and 5.24.
Hopkins, 1-4 acres,
tax and cost, 3.70.
B J Jenkins, lot, Evans
tax and cost, 3.15-
H F Keel, acres, Home.
acres, Stokes, tax and cost, 16.63.
Robert J King, lot.
dark, tax and cost,
Bridget Latham, 1-4 lot, Pat-
rick, tax and cost, 2.45.
William Lilly. lot,
t x and cost, 5.84 fl
Ed acres.
Home. acres, Brown, acres,
Seine Hole, cost,
raw oysters, turkey, ham sand-
chicken salad, beaten
biscuits, salted waters, cheese
straws, pickles, celery, coffee,
ice cream and cake. The
were hand painted cards
bearing a four leaf clover and
motto for tied with
the club colors, green and yellow
The hall was also festooned with
the club colors.
It was one o'clock when the
entertainment ended, and many
expressions of pleasure the even-
had afforded were heard
from those in attendance.
Club certainly acquitted itself
most creditably on this occasion
and received hearty thanks
of the guests. The club is a
credit to Greenville.
lots. Winterville, tax and cost, Swamp lot,
Ben Morriss acres, tax and
cost, 3.49.
Mrs P lot, Grifton.
yearn, tax arid 19.83
Mack Manning. acres tax
and cost 7.81.
Ben Peyton. lot, Ayden, tax
and cost, 4.62.
tax . u co-.,
Roils , lot, Grifton tax
and cost.
Mrs. Stocks, lot, Win-
tax and 6-32.
Donnie 1-4 lot, Shep-
tax and cost, 1-85-
Samuel Obey. 1-4 lot, Brown,
tax o u
Price 1-4 lot. Mill, tux
an, cost, I Hi
h Mill. and
I A Sugg, I lot, dark St, lax
1-8 lot
St, Spell,
tax and 4.38
Stancil acres
cost 2.69.
Eliza acres,
and cost, 4.76.
Rising From the Grave.
A prominent manufacturer, A.
of N. C, relates a
mot remarkable experience. He
three of
Electric Bitten. I feel like one
the My troubles
in the Diabetes stage- I tally
believe Electric Bitten will me
permanently, for it has already Stopped
the liver and bladder complications
which have troubled me for
Guaranteed at J. l. Wooten Druggist.
National Arbitration Peace .
Special to Reflector.
New York April The an.
n of the
of the national arbitration peace
congress in this city, for the
three days beginning today, in
z series of meetings
that ought to stir powerfully the
peace sentiment of the country.
Thai; such a congress may be es-
needed at this time is
evident to those who have fol-
lowed the preparations and dis-
preliminary to the next
international conference at the
Hague. It is proving to be very
difficult to bring that assemblage
which strike at the
of and not oven the
British premier's proposal for
t limitation of armaments
seems to obtain much of any
backing aside from our own gov-
Campaign Cash Publicity.
Special to Reflector.
New April 15.-The
Roosevelt controversy
over the contributions for the
campaign has resulted in a
call for a meeting for tomorrow
night at the Victoria hotel, by
the National Publicity bill
The call for the meet
is signed by Perry Belmont,
chairman, and was issued at the
request of a majority of the
members of the executive com-
and law committee of the
society. William Jennings Bryan
and Samuel Gompers have wired
that they will attend the meeting
to advocate a national law com-
the publication of con-
to and expenditures by-
national and congressional com-
Other prominent speak-
address the meeting on
the same subject
nil count . It, PATENTS I
j hi. I It. l I. n,,,.
it. it fr
It ml. I,
May Forecast Government's A. J
Hague Conference.
Special to Reflector.
Washington, April 15.-
Root and John Barrett,
director of the Bureau of
can Republics, will attend the
meeting of the International
Conciliation committee, which
tonight, and continues
until the will make
addresses, and it is believed that
Secretary Root will forecast the
attitude of this government at
the Hague conference to be held
in June A further explanation
of i country's attitude toward
the continents is
a so expected from
will need pretty Boon to In
the c- patch.
lacks some one of the t
the juices
properly balanced. Th n
i .-
that m l
painful indigestion.
be used for relief.
a solution of vegetable acids. Ii
what you eat, and the
the National Pure Food and Dru I
Sold here by Jno. I. Wooten
Ex-Senator Carmack
he is a private
Tennessee with a keen interest in
its moral issues.
Neighbors Got Fooled.
was literally coughing I
death, and had become to i
my bed; and neighbors
would never leave ii but the
fooled, for thanks be to God,
to try Dr. Hi
It took just four one dollar bottles lo
completely the cough and restore
me to sound writes Mrs.
Eva of Stark
Co., Ind. This of cough an I cold
cures, and healer of throat and lungs,
is guaranteed J. L. Wooten Drug-
gist. and SI. Trial bottle free.
The Cold
Sets in
Get a
It saves expos
It saves j bills
It means convenience
Wise Counsel th, south.
When the cold winds dry an -k the
a box of salve can save more
discomfort. In buying salve look for
the name on the box to avoid any
and he sure the original
Witch Salve. Sold by
Jno. L.
Stat Ohio. City TOLEDO,
Frank J. makes oath that he
is senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Co., doing business in the City
of Toledo, County and State
Notice is hereby given to the
of Pitt county that board of
commissioners, at their
first Mm day of April, it
first day of said month,
insists election be held at the various
citizen of places said county on
l sense of the qualified voters of
county on the proposition I i confer i
the board of county commissions
the authority
sell interest bearing coupon bonds
county, not to exes d the sun
fifty thousand dollars lo run for th
years and to bear interest at a rate
to exceed six percent. The proceed
the sale of bonds to lie used in I
inc; in erecting suitable buildings at
point in county training
for white teachers, and the excess
any. of the fund arising f run the I
of said after securing the k
of said school in the county, to
used in the purchase of machinery
of the convicts in working
public roads and to aid and
A no of the voters I
for election,
may definitely accurately
tamed voters at s,
election, Tn i law
election requires those favoring f
issuing I Is to v a
or printed with the
and th tee opposed to
a or ballot with
words thereon TM
registration books will open on Thu
A 1907, a sun I
on Saturday, May 4th, 1907.
who register can vote.
By order of he board of county co
and that said firm will pay tho sum of I of
for This the of 1907.
and every ease that cannot be cured b
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribe. I
in my presence, this of
her. A. D.
A- g;
Hall's taken
and acts directly on the blood and mu-
surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials free.
F. J. CO., Toledo. O
Sold by all
Take Hall's Family Pills for
The scientists to explain
this peculiar weather, but it is
all guess work.
R, W. Kin j, Chairman,
Williams, Clerk, id
Machinery is tho
canal a thousand times quicker
the shovel the Erie.
Machinery produces the L-
paint at times less cost for
than if made by
The L. M. Rives the best job in
world, because M. Zinc harden
A M. makes L I
paint wear like iron for to IS yea.
It only gallons of this
ruled paint gallons of
Oil at gallon, paint a mS
sited house,
If any defect exists in L. If.
will repaint house nothing.
Sold by Ii. Greenville.
.;. Read one a hundreds of such
have with NERVOUS for past yea
and have received more beneficial and last results from the
PANACEA MINERAL than Prom any other remedy
It rives me great
own ease and marl
have received more beneficial results from
MINERAL WATER than from any other re
the many have had prescribed for me.
to testify to its marvelous results in
others I have personally
Mrs. Marl ha P. Taylor,
r. i . . Newport News. Va. I
Send orders to S. Prichard, Greenville, N.
miles from on R. P. R. We will sell a
limited number of building or store Th wishing to
a home or a place fur can get one cheap
by now.
S. is located in a good community, with a nice
s convenient and store, saw mill a id brick making
plant close by.
A Farm Well Tilled
ill Make You
But too
You want to sell some of yours, you, and cultivate
the rest of it Letter got the land, we'll the
buyer Just send a of your land and tell us
to sell it. We'll do the rest.

I mm-
J l I I I II
IS i
as class mutter 1907 at the port office at
N. c Act W
Advertising rates made upon application
A correspondent d-sir-ii onto In mm
There is a Coddle crock up in Texas has passed a law j
near Concord- trading in futures in
Perhaps that is where the state. This leaves only three of I
coddles come from. the cotton producing States that I
do not have prohibitive future I
Which is the wiser, the man
who seizes an
j carried a shower bouquet of
lies of the valley.
Brilliant First She was met at the attar by
New Men vial the groom who came through the
Since the announcement a few Pastor's study with his brother,
months ago of their engagement, Dr- L- c- Skinner, of Ayden, as
, , .
opportunity and Greenville has eagerly looked best man.
books. three exception are j forward to the marriage of Mr. was
forward, or the man and Ten- Charles C. Skinner and Mis Nina performed by Rev. M-T.
in ran t in
rejects it and goes backward
We have been shown James, than whom there is soft melody coming from
letter from a the New
Bay women of the
NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, APRIL 1907 county Do you want York cotton exchange comment-
your daughters We on this, in which was ex-
So many explorers are going to are trying to give them to opinion that cotton
Will you speak a word Hum
coal for the season
This is April only in name, tin
weather being very e
The second
trial will not so
nous at the firs .
Ii it for the North pole
i that there are
some pleasant chime
meetings of outing parties.
The i I
ease of i i i
At lie we pit dieted
i aw continue
um I thawed it
said, in my
nil nun and he
Washington is again
himself prominent
around the white home, helping
i e president make appointments
not among us a more pop liar the organ as the marriage vows
couple were taken.
The eventful has come, and
with it every auspicious surround- s Wedding March the bride
to make a happy union of out the aisle
.-peculation ad and will be for i hearts. All that was anticipated by the attendants.
son time. The is I was fully realized, for it was in-; Immediately after the
o is the nun that is a among those who , the beautiful marriage. F C
It was the first marriage to take
place in the new Jarvis Memorial
Methodist church, and this also
to his county The man w ho producers will be bent by the
votes for its progress Who is J enactment of these laws
The callers were
received in
the man that cares for the girls future speculation. With
of the county i; H the man j such speculation removed the
who votes to give them price of cotton can become near-
stable fix. d in accordance
with its value, based upon supply
and demand Under the
a; the least possible cost
r visited Every now and then a South-
l is. district of the City era man is mentioned as suitable that has existed
m that he making f r presidential nomination.
the I .
an v
i ;
lie v i
added interest to the occasion. b and T-
Nothing that devoted friends and Mrs- H-
could think of and plan to lend At the parlor door they
beauty to the scene was omitted. received by Dr. L. C.
The windows of the church Skinner with Miss Mary James,
screened and the electric the bride and
lights made the interior brilliant. groom m the Parlor were Mr.
course a man is as
i approve this
, much entitled to it as
posed- J
else, but we expect it will be a
It if the papers long time before one gets it
It be as reasonable in a
no Won
. ,, , i j i. man to say he would not a
ii tie bad weather could be
St, i
wit; t. quit talk n r
slopped by the same rule
house or property for
his children to enjoy after he
has passed as to say he
case at to establish a
the conclusion of the first trial t. give them better
; lea Is to the conclusion that they
No, Greenville is taking no think the best pickings are gone,
interest in a base ball club this
If you want to put i county I
head in march progress, Most the lawyers with
vote fur the bends to secure the drawing from the Thaw
Eastern training school.
price is never settled and i decorated in green and white,
not governed by value, he the alcove behind the
of gambling that exists P a Pyramid
c and Mrs. James, of the
bride, and Mr. and Mrs Charles
Skinner, parents of the groom.
Mrs. James was gowned in white
palms and ferns. Sometime Marquisette over taffeta trimmed
through speculation in futures L hour for with satin and lace, and carried
also a evil and has caused the ceremony. o'clock, friends a bouquet of violets tied
of the couple were arriving at e- Mrs-
the church in large number, and was gowned m
the edifice was soon filled. and earned
RANDOM As the bridal party entered . t
the church and passed up The Party in the
the financial
of many
By a Contributor.
aisles to their
library were Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
season, there a. u l.
Did borne one tell you not to
things; Greensboro has found a new vote for the school bonds If
for corn juice in so he advised you to vote to lo-
policemen drunk. It is to a some be-
is little short of i Buck a hot air rubber tube. Now your own county and still
how many leaders a demand for such tubes may be for Head-
just now making a noise like a
kicked on the
April seems about the altar, the choir f; C S. Carr
to keep out of the molly Lohengrin's Clio James
Sam Parish, of Nor- ,
folk, presiding at the organ. J and
First came the ushers in, t. ,
. u- -the throughout
couples up opposite aisles, ., ., , ,., ,
it u-, residence were beautiful as
Messrs. Charlie James and Harry . . , c, , t t , , as elaborate. The hall was
Skinner, Jr., J. B James and
has lost his
bull dog. And just at the time
v. hen he needs him most
The way to pronounce the
name of Chicago's new Frank Skinner. T; J. Moore and and green with ropes of
G. Skinner. Jr. W.
Organized effort to buy votes
Hooker and N. G. While. Each can beauty Parlor in
sweet peas,
the gentlemen wore Prince the library
vised you to still Day half of the Albert coat, trousers with Plants-
vise a j . nil pay d q In room the
himself of the State and have these, were by Mesdames J. L.
The man who allows silk hat in hand
not to oppose the kip build up other parts of the rises out of the Following these came L Wooten
bonds to secure the Eastern State to the hurt of our county. I of the bride's maids singly up J i
dissension, decorated with crossing in front W. and F.
You say yo-i don't want any garments of a true prophet. passing behind the altar rail.
It is difficult to know whether i These were Misses Kathleen
Judge Parker's sympathy
with Mr Roosevelt or Mr Charlotte Fen-
in the campaign Nell Skinner,
as Mr.
but he knows a
great deal mote about politics.
is to be hoped the
will the price of
with so near at
training school, goes on record
what is best for the
The best way to put other
ahead of Pitt
and at the same time
make Pitt contribute largely
trial is getting cut to the progress of other counties,
of Hit I Li perhaps the
it Hi on to
keep folks reading the
Thaw can be packing his
to that proposed trip to
The trial is just
about over.
When they haven't got any
thing else to do in Spain or
Russia they throw a bomb, and
it is mostly nothing else
Several towns in the State are
getting rid of the denizens of
red light districts under the
law enacted by the last
This is going to be a good
building year in Greenville.
You can hardly go on the street
now without seeing some kind of
work going on.
Fines amounting to do
not cut much of a figure with a
rich paper like the New York
Herald, but the Herald will not
be likely to do so any more.
is to oppose the Eastern mg
but a trained teacher. One-
of those new teaching go
out of the work every year. That
will give next year forty
in Pitt county. Where are
you to get teachers to fill
these vacancies There is only
v, l rain some To do this
you must a school.
who are known to be op-
posed to the county What do you is
bonds to secure the Extern asked us every now and then,
training school, are quite active know what
in seeing that those opposing the know Greenville is fixing to
bonds are registered. This gives get such a hump on herself so
a hint to those favoring the to surprise even the
bonds to get busy. j us, to say
. . . of the mossbacks-
, Bringing the teachers of the, . . r
people of the town you
together and giving them the i stop her with a cannon
opportunity to meet and know Or ; her in bounds with a
each other, as was done at the stone wall. And the fellow
of other sections who
Were caught by washing ma-
chine rights have no room to
laugh at the victims of the palm-
in Greensboro.
, The world must be getting bet-
Three big railway systems
A Western,
Club banquet Friday
evening, is helpful to the
interests of the county.
No county in the State has a finer
body of teachers than Pitt and
they are enthusiastic in
As a matter of course the
committee of the Demo
era tic party will its chair-
man next year. It and the party
have both had enough of Mr.
Thomas There have,
been suggestions of Senator
Martin, of Virginia, by papers
that State, for the succession.
We do not know of his
but there is one. man, of
whose for
f with who
throws himself before
the wheels of progress in the
effort to stop them may expect
to get run over.
That is Senator
Simmons, of North Carolina. He
has the genius of polities rad is
A Ohio and Southern- ff
have been in conference with an . . , V.
inter-denominational church com- at
There is this thing for the
of Pitt county to consider;
The State is going to locate the
Eastern training school in some
Eastern county. As it is to be a
State institution, county, in,
the w bear its proportion
ate part of support
it. Whether Pitt county gets
the school or not, every nun
the county Will pay
chairmanship we do know his taxes for it. Then why
of whom we can speak with, not very man in the county do
mission and agreed to abolish r engineering the party to pleased with events,
Sunday excursions.
victory as any man
be made chairman-
all he can to get the,
Pitt county- By getting
this county be largest
sues an appeal Mr.
to have mercy
It is safe to say that it will be
a long time before any more
letters will be written from the
white house to Dear
or Dear Mr.
perfect kiss, asserts a
Missouri professor, was invented
by a woman. But we will wager
that some man put his mouth
into it.
It is not quite, dear whether
Mr. Roosevelt's slight
is being caused by the r ail-
roads, the liars or the third term
A belated exchange remarks
that the country is unusually
quiet The country in his
neighborhood must not be read-
the white house bulletins.
Mrs. denies that she
aspires to the the
D. A. R. She probably thinks
one presidential boom in the
at a time is enough.
The fact the a rich
woman has made King Ed-
ward laugh by her funny stories,
leaves no further . doubt
superiority of American humor.
We are told that Roosevelt is
standing pit, bat an important
creation with reference to the
Irish vote is whether Pat will
stand Roosevelt too
I .
is sending out
his senatorial speeches to
They ought
the united States to buy an
island; aware all the
ahem up tn
them stay
there I governor have
at the 13th of a ban
he out that
program ii I
Irma Cobb, Margaret Skinner.
Lottie Blow and Mary Higgs.
Each of these was attired in
The decorations .
and green. The
table was festooned with smilax,
bride roses and marriage bells.
The piece was a
ice on a silver waiter h
in smilax, a cluster of bride roses
thrown over it with Cupid rising
. . , i -j out of the roses- A two course
white dresses and carried I , . , .
menu was served, the ices being
pink carnations tied with white
Next came the dame of honor,
Mrs. H. A- White and maid of
honor. Miss Mary James, up op-
aisles. The dame of
honor's costume was of white
crepe chine and the maid of
honor's pink liberty silk, the for-
mer carrying white carnations
and the latter pink carnations.
Immediately preceding the
bride was little Miss Ada James
as flower girl, in white chiffon
with lace trimming and carrying
pink carnations.
The entered with her
father, Col. F. G. James.
She was robed in full bridal cos-
tome of white Duchess satin en
train, trimmed with
vet, Duchess lace and
in bride roses-
The wedding presents were
displayed in the library. These
were very numerous exceed- I
handsome. Among them
was one from the church in
recognition of the bride's faithful
service as organist, and one from
the Sans club of which she .
was a member.
Italian band was
stationed in the upper hall and
rendered delightful music
the reception.
The couple departed on the.
train for an extended
tour, after which they will beat
home in flats. New York ;
City. The bride's
gown was a suit of Mack
and white with Persian
ming and hat to match.
The hearty good wishes of all
go with the happy couple.
of stylish m
AND 27TH, 1907. f
made for
by, Mr that a
jut tau . n.
cell all other. She with
U and MRS.
This department Is i i F. C.
resent the in
who is to rep-
Winterville and territory
. . , Protect yourself from sun
now on r cop- by a hat at at B. F. Manning Co.
U-1 . ff- Harrington, Barber Co.
m .
i in
n- a try
Mr. and Mrs. Frank White left
Friday morning for Richmond,
Mrs. White will undergo
an operation in the hospital
The A. G. Cox M Co. has
still on hand a full supply of
their Tar Heel Cart wheels.
Send us your order we assure
prompt shipments.
Claude Adams happened to a
serious accident a few days ago
by getting his fingers mangled
in a machine at the A. G- Cox
Mfg- Co's. shop. Dr Cox
dressed the wound
A new lot of nice spring and
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Another large lot of shoes just
in at Harrington Barber Co.
Miss Louise Satterthwaite,
accompanied by Misses Anna
Little ard Ethel Ives, left Friday
afternoon to spend Sunday at
her home at
suits of all sizes are
going at cost at B F. Manning
Miss Cox returned Fri-
day afternoon from the
of the Woman's Missionary
Union at Goldsboro. She re-
ports an excellent and profitable
The A. G. Cox Co., are
still receiving orders for their
nice and most up to-date Hun-
sucker buggies.
Prof G. E.
an address at the closing of
Misses Belva and Pansy Dixon's
schools below Haddocks
Roads last night. They united
their closing exercises, being
adjoining districts.
On to the of B. T.
Cox Bra for T. W. Wood
Son's hub. l op i i
Misses Effie Barker, Elizabeth
Boushall, Bessie Sams and
lie Bryan attended the banquet
tendered the teachers by the
Carolina Club in Greenville Fri
day night.
Keep your horses, boys; and
chickens in a healthy condition
by giving them Pratt's food.
B. F. Manning Co.
F C. Nye, G E. Lineberry,
F. C. Perry, Beaman, L-
R. Buck and Theodore to-
went to Greenville today.
Miss Taylor, after spend-
some time with her sister
White, left Friday for her
ho in Lenoir
you realize how much
fit it is to you H have the
of a good bank at your
consider whether. or
not could do some friend a
turn by convincing him of
of carrying a
bank account,
to the bank officer. A little
missionary work of this kind
you nothing and is
by the bank, and maybe
-the turning point in some friend's
career to prosperity. J.
Jackson, cashier, Bank of Win-
Dr. CO. H- Laughinghouse,
of Greenville was in town Friday
Miss Eva to
Friday evening to spend
Sunday at .
Misses Cox,
Butt, Hodges, Betti s Bride-
era, Kate Chapman, Clyde Chap-
man. and Hattie
attended the
children, r
The A. G- Cox Co- will
make flues for the sea-
son at the same old price as
last season.
A new lot of fresh flour just
arrived at Harrington, Bar
Get the shoe
for comfort, especially for older
are going. B. F.
Manning Co. have them.
Call and the new
line of Straw Hats just arrived
a . A. W Ange Co.
good as new East Carolina Sup-
ply Co Winterville, N. C.
Sheriff L. W Tucker, of
Greenville, was in town
The genial Spring days will
soon be here a comfortable
couch will be a luxury. A. W.
Ange Co. has them at a bar-
A new line of dry goods and
notions just opened. Ladies,
come examine them.
A. W. Ange Co
A. N. Ange Co. know how
to buy shoes for comfort, style
and durability They have just
opened their large line of fine
Cost will be added to those
who are in arrears taxes for
the past year after April 1st,
Chas. W. Smith.
Th A. G. Cox Co., are
still shipping the reliable Cox
Cotton Planters and Simplex
Guano Sowers to both North
and South Carolina. Send us
your order we assure prompt
The A. G. Cox Co. are
now receiving orders for their
Handy tobacco trucks even
though it is early in the season-
B. F. Manning Co. know
exactly w hat their many
want in the line of slippers.
They have just opened them up.
Call and see them. Thy are
Miss Buck, daughter of
Buck, died Monday
evening at o'clock con-
She had been linger-
for some time, yet she
her suffering with Christian
patience to the end. Three
brothers, a sister, a father and
., , ,. . . . , a step mother are left to mourn
their sad loss. Just blooming
womanhood in her seven-
Elder T. N. Manning filled his year, she was cutoff with
regular at the Fret bright prospects for a useful
church Sunday
The funeral services were con-
Misses Mattie Gray, at J Methodist church
. ,. . , i Tuesday at clock by Rev. B.
Cox and Olivia Butt went to at;
Will Baptist
Greenville Tuesday.
E. her pastor, assisted
by Rev. B. F. Taylor. Nearly
,. ,,. all the pupils of W. H S. were
A to ware just to their last re-
at Harrington Barber Aspects to her who had attended
several sessions of the school
and men's fancy silk and was an excellent pupil, held
hose for summer wear at F. in esteem by both her
Manning Co. i teachers and schoolmates. At
the conclusion of the services,
See our new assortment of; her remains were borne
hamburgs, laces
Manning Co.
etc at the Byrd burial ground where
she was laid by the side of her
, mother to await the final
don t understand it Bereaved ones, you
a middle-aged man of our sympathy, and we pray
I just don't
seem to get anything ahead. By
the time all my expenses are
paid I have anything left.
people no smarter I are
and not earning any more than I
do seem to get along first rate.
Why don't have De-
what amount you can
save a d deposit it in the first
thing. J. L Jackson, Bank of
List of those who are in
rears for taxes in the town of
Winterville for the year 1906
that God's Holy Spirit may com-
fort you and help you to be sub-
missive to His will.
Guard the Sea Coast With Sea doing
Life Boats.
Braxton. W J
Braxton. A B
Braxton, E W
Cooper, Rowan
Cooper, Rowan Son
Cooper, J R
Coward, Warren
Cox. A D
Dal, Calvin
Evans, D B
Electric Light Co
Elliott. L F
For -st. B D
Fair. C A
Grimes, Oscar
Harrison, Wm H
House, W L
Johnson, J R
Johnson, L
Langley, Joe
Lane, Henry
Little. J B
, Locust, FL
B. Cox Bro. have garden Ma O C
seeds and flower seeds ail Manning, J A
kinds at the drug store. Manning, E C
is a J R -A
tonic and regulator for female David
weakness and diseases. i Madison
have just received i large J F
best roofing. See us J W
buying. A. W.
priced before
Ange Co.
Prof G E. Lineberry,
by A- G. Cox and R H
went to Ayden Sun-
day night to fill Rev T H-
King's appointment at the
Have you seen new
proved coffee-mill at Harrington
Barber Cot It will take your
eyeThe season is now almost at
hand when most of the farmers
will likely need trucks to haul
Tobacco to and from the barn.
The A. G. Cox are
now preparing to make good
many of their
this season and would be glad to
supply your needs.
Rev. T. H. held services
at the Baptist church Saturday
night, at the close there
was a baptismal
You just ought to come down
and see the nice and up
Hunsucker buggies being turned
out almost almost by,
the A.
on hand a full, supply of buy
Fresh W
eggs for sale by Mrs. A.
Tyson, Frank
Tucker, E F
Vincent, W C .
Winterville Canning Co
Yancey, Albert
Special to Reflector.
New York, April
board of trade and
is holding a conference to-
day at which they are discussing
the establishment of a fleet of
sea-going life-boats to prevent a
recurrence of the dis-
Prominent members of
the board took the ground that
the United States government
provided at different points
along the coast big life-saving
equipped with wireless
telegraph apparatus, and able
to go to sea in all kinds of
weather, and aid vessels in dis-
tress- It is claimed that such a
boat stationed at Point Judith
Harbor of Refuge could have
reached the scene of
collision in time to save
life. The present government
life-saving service, it is charged,
is not properly equipped for sea
service, except in cases where
vessels are actually ashore.
CHAS. SMITH, Collector.
Per Single Copy,
Sample Copy Free.
frank queen pub. co.
iv. u Maw
At the Close of Business, Mar. 22nd 1907.
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and fixtures 925.38
Demand loans
Due from banks and bankers 2,188.13
Cash items 8.4
coin 278.45
Nat. bk 1,288.00
Capital stock
Undivided profits
Bills Payable
Time certificates of deposit
Deposits subject to check
They have more other Hats sold
They are finished superior to other makes
look better than any other Hat
3rd. They wear longer
on the market.
H A. W E S
you have the satisfaction of
knowing it Is the latest
Total 119,787.881
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, J. L. Jackson, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly I
swear that the above is to the best of my
. , Cashier. r
to before
day of
S to his in
a I every
the death past yr U
of his . , to visit
Mr. lira, A. -ii, .
Sunday visiting near
Mil II
u during
ore see my Mack.,.,
I ,
Home of Women's Fashions, ft. C.

ii j n
A gentleman in this city has
received a letter inform
about cotton in
the South on the following
the efficient ass
laborer; if not why
. is the number
mills in the
g, is the capital in-
is the increase for
the past throe or four years
What is the number of
people employed in the us
percent of the
is northern
the South a practical
of the of
cotton f not,
We have I from differ-
sources w to these
queries e,
c t is m guessed
a ,; . Ail the
a a . are p-ob a u
enough torn t retirements
of on want g
. a an
I.- -re as oil
i . -e are all w
. perhaps ht cent,
men, wagon and
N hi
not e
v whether efficiency
. a equal to that of
is or It not
i- so i a cot
ton mill a- ti labor On the
work in cotton seed
,,. , .,. more
than labor in th heavy
hot sort of work.
The number of mills in the
South is about
Capita invested.
Increased tin three years, -0
per cent.
People employed, 126.000.
supported directly,
People supported indirectly
The South
bales of cotton
The South bales
of cotton.
The States spins
ire hire crop is
ported n m ed by
from we t.
-or., of
.- illiterate, but public
schools by the
is reducing
this racy rapidly.
Northern capital
per cent
mere than this his at
times en invested by Northern
and con mission men.
but and re-invest to
prom their business
The Has no monopoly
of the of cotton and
probably will have,
i Some reasons why not.
We now manufacture only
2.000.000 bales out of twelve and
w have reached the limit of
available labor. The cotton
mills limit of available labor.
Ea Henry Baa
A Cold or a Cough nearly always p-
water all rum lo the
nose and throat Instead passing out
system through the kidneys.
the want moisture the
dry Nearly other couch cures
constipating, those g
Kennedy's Laxative Honey and
Tar moves the bowels, contains no Opiates.
About H
Do You Contemplate
The man who Ha a
wise for hi family.
The who I Ma ha
is both for I
You may Insure health by
lug It. It U worth
At t h e first attack of
which federally
through the LIVER and in.-
In w
Owning On
And save your health.
w H U
an n
. Renews . by them
um a copious action of
K Toughs by at.
mucous membrane
,. mi ,
and all
L .- CO
is to Kennedy's
Children like it.
, of E. O.
iV f
tiny nerve that
II. . I r
I r. morn
to and the also
a a
has In n
lot and ailing
eh. all painful.
It real. ht
If you would M-n.
j. W.
if so the first thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
No surpasses this for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on easy terms.
is t v indication that property around
is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the lot the h
property is located only minutes
walk from business part or the town.
See Sam White and let prices
and terms.
I Not
Mow often you can get
or screw driver or
Ker lacking- Have a goo
too box he prepared fr
emergencies. Our line
is a yo i could desire, an
we Hint tour to
box does not lack a
useful article.
Of Course
. You get
i Horse Goods,
; j p.
D. W.
And Provision
Cotton Bagging
Ties always on
kept co
In stock.
Produce and So
The in the South are
cent, idle for
lack of la
Our people are as yet
ed and only
cheapest kinds of cot-
ten It will be a
we can develop
km skill to compete
with t e French in organdies,
the in muslins and em-
the in knit
goods and England in
We have-no ships to carry
our goods to foreign countries, v
in some of the above
we compete with the for-
in our own markets, I
the foreign markets they
the advantage of better
edge and skill ship to-
export their own f . v
Even to hope to
D. W. Harden
North Carolina
S. H.
Dealer. Cash
Hides. Seed, J.
rel, Turkeys, Egg, etc.
-tads. Mattresses, Oak
and Gail A
Life Tobacco Key
pies, Pine Apples, Syrup,
Meat Flour, Sugar,
Soup, Lye Mai
Seed Meal and
Nuts, Dried AI
Peaches, Prunes,
Glass china
numerous other
Quality and
come me.
S. M.
a. -I,
In only-
must have to
the trade in cheap
to the
might be -Bold Cl
Sot the
JOB i u
When you want
. Va.
t ft, Co . Ti,. and i
ii .
l- K La t
Greenville M,
for Guests
N. C.
A of business March 1907.
Capital Stock
Surplus 12,500.00
Undivided Profit less
Expenses paid
Time 25,242.64 ., for Saturday. April and
I committee accepted the tender of j not
outstanding 459.78
rafts secured
tier Stocks,
bank notes
U. S.
Sta fir u ,. i
curious what original ideas
people leave in
v that
j bout, re-
i the- b -i of my
. .-. CARR,
I to
better II n her I
d m .
I- Mum
Special to Reflector. Back Jack N c
Pa. April They organized a Sun lay
Among the entertainments here Sunday with a large
ranged for the foreign guests at a crowd present.
Carnegie celebration is a trip L. Clark and daughter,
around by river The went to Greenville Thursday.
foreign trip has been arranged The measles are in this r-om-
If any one that has
th-m don't get them
the steamer Island Queen, will be lucky,
the Island Museum Com- a. O. Clark, Grimesland.
The party will be taken spent Sunday afternoon near
for a trip up the as j
far as stopping to Do you all get any fresh fish
see the Homestead Steel Works, j If don't et on the road near
and the plant of be National Black Jack and you can get all
Tube company at you want i. you will just hand
Then the boat will take the visit- the money to them as they piss .
ors up the t as by
far as the new plant Elder C. u
at A short fine st for us night
the Ohio river, through Davis and spent the night with Elder i T .
Island dam, so as to show S
on, i I I
i i . know
. . e i i in
At o'clock Wednesday even-
at the home f the bride in
;. vi . Mr.
i and Mrs. Judith
w. re Rev.
., ;
A. the close or business,
. and Discounts
Stocks, Bonds
Fixtures 3,872.32
ling Houses
from Banks
I Items
bank notes
U. notes
March 22nd 1907.
Capital Stock
Undivided less
Expenses paid 16,926.67
Time , . Q,
Sub 127,351.89149,909.94
Cashier's checks
development of the upper Ohio
valley from an industrial stand-
point, will complete the steam-
boat ride.
Upsilon Convention.
. . Y irk Sun.
We are having lots of rain re-, for o
We heard of corn m-
over a week ago. It may , ,.
in . i . ,
an i of the I em
mini I
be gone down by this time.
Misses Sadie Edwards and Mag-
e t lire
New York, April
convention of
Upsilon Fraternity will be held j
today And tomorrow with the
Delta Chapter at New York
The Delta Chapter will
also celebrate its seventieth birth-
day at the same It has
had the longest continuous ex-
of any of the numerous
here Sunday night.
its prim
of gs
county of Pitt. ,
lames L. Little, Cashier of the above named bank, do fraternity are represented
chapters of college fraternities
now located in New York City.
j-The chapters the
that the above statement is convention ban-
in in no.
v i i e pitch a
a lo note heard,
but. if one . f pipe emits a
m note, beats will lie
I in lite Hero i- the
i i i i- in
ii . i -i .
I i .; in
If air ii the is charged
with lire rap, trill produce a
not i that produced
by clear air owing to difference
of density, in n
The growing of of beat in the telephone give
wage-earning worn n are just as warning of the presence of
human as if they were house- sensitive to presence of
h m w is appropriately
corn the occasion and
the marriage was an
pretty on WM Mollie
T and
Prof W. H. best man
The wedding march was played
by Miss Bessie Patrick as the
bridal party .
way r d the parlor.
The I i .
bed in carried a
large bouquet of carnations.
As t hi arrived they
I-.-.- door by
Misses Lizzie Joins Mae
Whitfield. Punch was served in
the hall by Alice Lang
I . ii. In the
. Ming room ices served by
Bessie Ha I and Liz-
i h i r of presents
yen large and beautiful. Many
iv were i to witness
lie con and i c
ore was
nil ;
ed. . I
v av
. i
. i
ii i
it be demonstrated th t
there exists a tor croup
housekeeping- a term that is
as familiar, perhaps, as
which greater advance
in ease and
and sworn to before
128th day of March. 1907.
Notary Public.
J. G.
will be-held tomorrow night
at Astoria.
Come In and examine my
Memphis. April 11.-The
convention of
the Christian En-
opened in
to stay the 14th All
cessions are being held in the
wives, and just as fond of home.
Often more so. There are house-
wives who weary of their para-
break down in its
service. But the woman who
works in mill or shop, behind the
counter or at the desk; studio
or hospital, church or school,
that woman appreciates a home,
and needs it.
Here is a large and growing
market, a steady market, a body
of respectable citizens of all
classes who do demand the home
hi us Tl
o e,
We beg leave to announce that we are
and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better
i It has it a u
for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your;
whenever you want good paint for any,.
Have fist a car load and
give you Special Prices.
Court Avenue Presbyterian present, sad don't like
Church. Sunrise -will it- It is either ii food
also be held in the a small, cold
Presbyterian and it is too expensive. Moreover
venue L boarding-house does not
The junior rally on Sunday right ground hi man
expected to be for rest
most prominent feature of the recreation.
gives you a place to eat and a
place to more.
Bating and are tot
living. You the emotion;
of hi me life,
of special catering
and Litigation.
A sequel Emperor William's
journey to Munich last fa
m the form of a carious
Hi majesty stopped at a wayside
station to shaved, and a local
Socialist newspaper stated that the
member- of an association of
veterans the barber
shop in obtain the lather scrape
from Hie royal face, adding that
delectable mess was distributed
while n played
I the national anthem. The veterans
I did not like this story and sued the
I paper for insult. The trial,
which has just taken place,
ed everybody, including the judge.
with laughter, but the decided
the editor must a for
Overstepping the bounds of
I Bask of Franc; Advances Bank Rite.
By Gable to Reflector.
Paris April H.-The .
exodus from France, which has j and you gel g
been increasing in counterbalance the loss excel t
junction with the money crisis
abroad, especially in Berlin
New York, is occupying the
minds of the critical and
cal financiers, while recent
rise of rate by the Bank-of France
has drawn the attention of the
commercial world to the same
object. The Bank of Fr to-
day raises the rate once more,
this time to four per cent-
Dock and Buzzards.
This is the way the Lexington
Dispatch neatly and concisely
sums up the whole
There is not going to be any
split in the Democratic party
and if there were a dozen it
freedom from care and labor.
The business woman has e
and her wants
recognized and met.
I was talking on this subject
to a Woman's on the lower
East Side. I described to them
how a block of tenements could
be treated a or an
apartment house built, in which
The Whist British Boy.
The oddly enough, is
though the name has I
famous by an
Among all the noises yon hear in
the noisiest in
lite world ll r is m i pr
i. In Vi
. you sill hear wins
lie, ii first
Dal Li
i i It i.- not only the
ah whistle, two r n one
for ; growler, with frequent
Ii i- boy. Th i i
el flat in a fairly
but i.- scarcely
n moment in which you can-
not detect the so of the boy and
his whistle. Chronicle.
Tree to Escape From Cow.
came near being a
. a few days
i-o at the farm of Mr. L.
about three miles from
own. Mr has a large
nerd of tattle and they were
field. In the
of the field there was a very
pretty patch of crimson clover,
and as the cows were not vicious
ho sent his little and
another little boy on the farm to
the cattle off the clover. ,
The other little boy left
I appears j to for
and while he was gone one of
the large Hack Angus
a young calf, attempted to cross
over into the clover. went
o drive her calf bee
separated from the cow and
seeing the little boy near her
she i toward him. There
happened lo be a large
tree by to this
ran with all possible
speed, the cow after him.
Mr. ii. r to be
near by and hearing the screams
of ran to him-
He found him slicking to
the body of true which was
him I reach around,
but he was hill. , . , i manfully
out reach of the c . mil
screaming for at i i
his voice. Lord, mo i .
me When Mr. Joyner
him I e
n. begged
i. r
School Be
. r . hi.
to a of
the secretary of the public
committee, London annually eon-
i ton of food-
the kuchen and laundry space; this more
was condensed to business
its; prepared food of ex-
furnished more
than they could provide it them-
proper accommodation
for children on the upper floor
and and also some
ion for rest, relaxation and
amusement of the adult
dents; all this costing less than
wouldn't help that thing their
the Republican party. The leaving them free to doubt the
dieted split would be over
questions of public policy and
whether men shall be read out
of the party because they differ
with, say, Mr. Speaker Justice-
Men who a.; leave the Demo-
party would
never, think of
with an aggregation
political pirates and cut throats,
pockets, nod
who-are daily off the
heads of good men
the State because
they to express a prefer-
for Blackburn for State
dusks they don't go u
than two-thirds arrive by water
and less than The
shipments Include 1.000,000 tons of
meal, fish butter, egg,
laid, etc.; tons of and
vegetables, including sugar and
fruits, and tons of
grain and Ii is pointed oat
in the report the
mm; in of inspection i-i Inefficient
that is largely
told as. butter.
family income. They were
ready for it, a woman. Char-
Perkins Oilman in the May
Capt, Vincent Hurt.
News has that Capt Z.
T. Vincent, a conductor for a
train on-the Atlantic Coast Line,
from a train broke
his He was carried to the
Coast fine hospital at. Rock
Capt Vincent was for-
j a resident of this place
and his here to
learn of the
Neck Commonwealth.
Vincent has made his
home the last few
many friends here
. A Sign
On avenue there is a
florist's which no little
curiosity on account of the peculiar
partnership name-. gilt
above the shop reads,
The question as to
if really pa or not
immediately presents itself. It is
exists between the two.
Our Army.
The United regular army,
which is regarded SB the basis or
skeleton of a much larger army in
time of war. is probably both as to
and men beat physically,
the most intelligent,
. most
equip j
b .
Special to Rector.
X J., April 13.-Pas-
county has a wry good
tom in having its school boards
assemble twice a year. Today is
the day for the meeting vat the
beginning of the year, and
for the end of the fall term.
The hoards meet at the office of
the superintendent of schools,
and discuss methods and ways
and means of bettering the stand-
ard of educational affairs in the
county These meetings have
been found very profitable in re-
for the schools.
Gift and
The visit of the. University
and Orchestra to
Greenville much pleasure
to our the recital
the opera house Wednesday
night was a real delight. The
selections by orchestra, glee
club and were received
with such that encores
followed. There some ex-
musicians and splendid
voices- in the and
the young composing it re-
credit upon the institution
they represent. They will re-
a cordial welcome any time
they come this way again.
Federal Court Jurors
Samuel O. I,. Joy-
Tier, John
.-Pierce, J. O. Proctor and K. B
Bynum have been. drawn
Pitt county to as jurors in
the court at New Bern
beginning on the 22nd.
. .,

J ,
I in
w I j cotton Methodist
As top had snow Sunday
Mr i V
f .
J. W. wont p the- here . from
road view.
yA will
Bryan's Meeting to be in interest
Edgar Worthington had his
horse to run away Sunday and
break to pieces
m Wilson brought a cabbage special
the inside of it . . .
Meet Accident. . j
Monday afternoon Mesdames
in the trap,
., floe
be the means of re- j b thrown out,
n insurance
Patrick withdrawing
Massachusetts Demo-. fog painfully bruited i V . ID
resident, but now of was
Mount, spent
. . i
you arc lAm IV,,, m, M,
Stoves an I Heaters it will pay
G. R. returned
u in quality and prices New
that Cannon son are making .
. . ma lea
i Gr
i. i
hi good
to E. -v. Co.,
j car loads of
. for which
. . I cash price. Don't
ell . . us. Yours to
C L Tyson and wife were
visiting in the country Tuesday
Go to E E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh
Dr. W. W Dawson, of
was here Tuesday.
Our merchants,
got a hustle on them Saturday
and gave the streets a good
drenching with the sprinklers.
A good idea and will work good
to those will keep up this new
A Horton has been to Green-
ville this week on business.
J. A. Harrington, one of our
boys of the grip, been away
down on the briny deep during
the week and reports a success-
trip. the kind of
business men Ayden out.
Those that the public eye.
Merchandise Broker I carry
full hue of Meat. Lard and Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
Mrs. A. W child, of
Winterville, spent the week with
Mrs- W. E- Hook.-.
If you need any Paint be sure
see E. E. Co
Monday night we are in-
formed that the stork visited
the home of Mr. Sam Wilson,
a few miles from here, and left a
little child, the like of which has
never before been seen in this
The little one is well
formed with the exception the
place where eyes ought to be
the surface is perfectly smooth
and there is no sign or token of
an eye- There are six fingers
n each hand and six toes on
each foot. When we last heard
from it, it was living and pros-
finely. Mr. Wilson is
well known throughout this sec-
and there is not nor has
there ever been any deformity
among the membership of his
family and this remarkable
is truly amazing
exchange corn
for or Lean, Healthy Shoats
weighing from to pounds-
If preferred I will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A Darden,
ltd Ayden, N. C.
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say nothing of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need-
ed article.
The registration books for
No. in town-
chip, town of Ayden, are in the
hands of J- M. Blow. Those
desiring to vote on the school
bonds will have to register be-
tween now and May 4th.
Rev. Mr. Hamlin, an
list from Texas, accompanied by
Mr. as singer, be-
ginning next Sunday will com-
a series of meetings in the
Disciple church here. They Bate
been conducting a meeting for
the past three weeks in on
and up to the present have had
accessions to the ch urea.
wish to buy
for reached the
Special to Reflector.
New York. April Kith.
Flames swept the roof garden of
the New York early this
was totally ruined by water
a. house
lot in Ayden. or a valuable
. . near y Have you
sale We will or
s- Is your life insured, is
your house insured If not you
should see us and have it in-
,. d at once. We make an
extra effort in collecting ac-
is Place them with us,
Ayden Loan and Insurance Co.
will be a whole heap of
married people tomorrow-
The most will be
pleased with one of those
Lain Pens at Saul's. Call and
Misses Nannie and Le Nichols
and Esther Blount were in
Greenville visiting Saturday
pens on sale at Saul's
drug store at from SI to
Sallie Rives spent from
Saturday until Sunday afternoon i jig
with parents in n , , , .-
. . J. M Cox s dressing machine
Fountain lens with any j j
all size points for sale at and he start ll
Drug Store. soon-
W. E- Hooks an child-. U is very cold in our section
and Miss Annabel Kittrell for April. Tobacco plants are
been spending several days not growing much.
l. country with R. H. John has been right
i sick for the last few days. We
other faction I ad-
by Henry M. y.
Quincy., Charles H .
Fitzgerald and I ingress
Those on the
on the lakes
he price of
mine to domes
tic nut from f 1.80 to pea
to nut, pea
and to
coarse slack from to
cents. reductions will
sown follow.
rices the
N. C.
C R.
Cox Mills. April 17th.
We have learned J. W.
Potter, near Cox Mill, says that
he has a chicken with two bodies,
four legs, four feet, four wings. sale
two necks, one head and two i sale Co.
honor .-
the close of d riot
No Greenville township w
Jasper Corey, James H. Corey,
Preston Cory, Worthing-1 v
ton, Travis Ernest
for sale at
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry
and Heavy
Prices to suit the time.
Tripp Hart Co
Hill. Hattie Button, Teacher.
bags damaged mewl fr-r
Gr Whole-.
All kinds of Stock feed at P. j
See F. V Johnston b for.
buying your hay.
Th Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
just received a new supply of furnishings and material
in their undertaking department.
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to serve the This is a long needed
want in this section and they promise the best when
in this line is needed.
I have bought the
of the public. C. E. I Miss Lillie Carroll, daughter
business of J. that he is
and respectfully solicit
of Southey Carroll, is right sick,
Miss Lena Dawson came up but we hope she will recover.
Monday morning from a visit to Miss Bertha Coward, from
i near Timothy, spent last week
all work th Miss Carroll.
to my care to give
They have started grading
streets at Cox's Mill and we hope
faction. Try me. C. E. Spier.
AH the teachers here,,
attended the banquet in Green- We think
ville Friday evening and the in-1 it will be a town after awhile,
Saturday. They report a Some of the girls are talking about
starting a store
nice time
I solicit the patronage of the
people of Ayden and community
in everything pertaining to the j gave a pound party
jewelry business Give me
trial. C- E. Spier.
Chapman, who is a
teacher at the school
day night. She had a large
i crowd and all enjoyed them-
Mrs. Edwin Tripp , . , -i
children left yesterday for Wash- hoPe.
with husband another party before her school
who ha taken charge of the UP-
Pamlico hotel in that town. This
is an excellent family and will be
badly missed in Ayden-
New G. W.
has opened a millinery store
on Main street in rear of Cannon
Tyson's store and will be pleas-
ed to have all the ladies call and
examine her stock which is of the
latest patterns. She has also a
first-class milliner Miss Sallie
Rives employed and ft els sure
she can satisfy all and anyone.
Hooks Gardner have moved
their insurance office from Dr.
Dixon's building over to an office
in the hotel.
Wednesday we went to Green-
ville and on our return were ten-
an ovation not only
prising but one that would have
caused lads less brave to shudder
and think if this were home or
had pandemonium broken loose
in our absence. Not only oar
white and colored friends
delighted to honor us, but every
poodle and bull pup was at the
depot to express an appreciation.
There were smiles, handshakes
and every kind of joy
but that which impressed us
most and left a deep imprint en
our memory was the
mass of mixture, between
poodle and boll pup in a wrangle
over our feet and between oar
legs in their efforts to show which
could tender the most
greeting. if Uncle
Oscar Evans says that he
tobacco leaves larger than a
Li Roach, from near
Timothy, spent last week at W.
F- Carroll's and returned home
J- H. Stocks is in business;
He has put up a barber shop at
Cox's Mill
L. N. Edwards is having a big
store built at cox's Mill. We
hope him good luck.
11-1 ST.
Please take this as our
special invitation to visit
us when in Norfolk, and
we will expect, during
the Exposition if not be
Write for Price list.
We sell direct from maker
to user-
Piano with the
of hits lid, 1906.
Furniture and
Due from banks an
Nat. bk 2,100.00
Capital stock
Surplus fund 2,700.00
Undivided profits lest expenses 2,894.12
Dividends unpaid 60.00
Deposits subject to check 51,386.85
Cashier's 710.04
I ,
I J. B. Smith, the do
the above t i to the of my k now led and be-
I,,,,. J. U. SMITH,
and sworn to before I B. SMITH
m;, this 27th of Mar, F
Notary Pf I Dir
lbs Bead t W
The are invited to be
present at the following times
and places to hear a free, open
and forceful of the
bond issue now in the
April 20th. Gov. T- J. Jarvis,
Prof. G. E. Lineberry and Supt
H. B. Smith will
Stokes, o'clock p.
m. April Ben. J. L- Flem-
and H. W. will be
present and speak.
Greenville. Monday, at
o'clock 22nd. A number
of gentlemen both-from the town
and will address the
The speaking this day will
be in- Let the
people from every the
Uncle county be and bear these
Pierce had not come to our rescue
we would have soon been aD
appreciation. Thanks to-
two Uncle
fee other places
in tie will be made in a
few days.
For Twenty-one Years
F. S.
Norfolk. Va.
have bean Cotton and
Tobacco n the
because great caM is
election of V
Ask your dealer
goods and don't take
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
D. Editor and Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
April Term in
I guilty, judgment suspended
payment of costs.
Charlie Holt, carrying
pleads guilty, lined Greenville, N. C
The April term of Pitt and costs
court convened at noon Mon- Dee I read with great profit ard
day with Judge Waker H. King and Irvin Harris. the admirable letter cf
presiding and Solicitor u L. gambling, plead guilty, . n u .,
representing K F. Harding on tie
The Women All Favor It.
Thomas Best, carrying con-.
State. Mr. published in y.
in since he was
appointed solicitor.
The grand jury drawn for the
term was composed of the
W. L lore-
man. D. D. Gardner, J. B. Oak-
John G. Taylor, J. K May,
B. F. Manning, J. I. Nobles, J.
and costs in PaPer yesterday. I w h
in Pitt county could and
assault read this letter. Mis.
Governor Glenn Favor Folk
of Pi i
Although Governor of
The Reflector is glad that the North Carolina, is not unmindful
women of the county are taking of the fact that i resent en-
much interest in
A Dozen Stales Have Reduced the
Railroad Kate.
deadly weapon, guilty.
Samuel Jones, abandonment,
plead guilty of
M. Wooten, William carrying concealed weapon, also
B. J. Skinner, John Not H. resisting and was sent
C. S. Stocks, C. L. to the six months.
Wilkinson, J. A. Smith, D. C The while cap cases were con-
Dudley, W. G. Little, Joseph tinned until September term.
Lang Caraway, removing
H. A. Blow was appointed
officer of the grand jury. George Parker, carrying con-
Beginning his ch to the guilty.
grand jury Judge Neal said he
only address the body . Jim Wright Hanrahan, carry-
briefly, as he was a little late in mg concealed pleads
arriving, but if he had arrived guilty, lined and costs,
in the morning and found W- L. Forbes, larceny, guilty,
going on as was sentenced months to be as-
in when he reached the signed to roads. Judgment
court house speaking in Le- pended in two other cases,
half of the Eastern training . j. . M.
Judge Neal said he aid Leslie Blount. Jake West, John
wish to be considered as med- Dawson, Henry Cox, carrying
with matters in which he Concealed weapons, not guilty,
had no concern, but felt that it Glover, affray, pleads
would not be out of to say guilty, fined and costs.
a word regarding a matter of
such great importance as this
school. It made his heart throb
with joy when he saw that the
was going to have a train-
school for teachers and the
possibility of Pitt county
should interest every citizen
of the county While he was
not of the class that
education as a panacea for all our
ills, yet he was ready to say an
educated citizen makes the best
citizen An father
does not always an
ed son, but an educated mother
means educated children If we
educate the girls of today who
are to be the mothers of the
next generation, it means the
children of that generation will
be educated. The value of a
training school like that proposed
to be established cannot be
Then addressing himself to
the grand jurors Judge Neal re-
red briefly to the importance
of their office and the
resting upon them. He
referred to the too
commission of
witness stand, and the tam-
-ring with jurors in the effort
to ii them, evils which
he said
He paid a
a man who would perform
duties of his office fearlessly and
After the close of the charge
and the grand jury had retired.
Judge Neal ordered the sheriff
to permit no one to pass out the
door. He then had the clerk to
write down the names of
enough good men in the
to compose a jury and those
were called up and as an
extra jury for the work to avoid
in getting
when other jurors are needed.
It was a wise step and shows
that Judge Neal does not believe
in the time of the court being
The following cases have been
disposed of
Norman Hawkins, failing to
list taxes, pleads guilty,
upon payment
of taxes. The same
disposition was made of similar
cases against Peter Hines. James
Harris, colored, John Patrick
and Marcellus all plead-
George Taylor, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty.
Will Edwards,
Lam Whitehurst, W. H.
and Thomas Chestnut plead
guilty of carrying concealed
Bud Dupree and Zeno
assault with deadly weapon,
U alter Jackson, assault with
; deadly weapon, guilty.
Clarence Dupree, Grover
Smith and James Jackson,
fray, Dupree not guilty, others
guilty, fined each and costs.
Joyner, Alonzo King
and Irvin Harris, gambling. Joy-
and guilty,
not guilty- Joyner sentenced
months to roads, King fined
a. id half the costs.
Wash Vines, carrying
weapon, not guilty-
Simon Brown and Wiley
Brown, with
deadly weapon, plead guilty,
sentenced- to be as-
signed to roads. In a case of
forcible trespass against same
defendants judgment
David Daniels, larceny,
J. S. Ross, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
fined and cost
Benjamin Peyton, larceny,
guilty, sentenced months to
Brown Carr, larceny, guilty,
sentenced months to roads.
John Ed Askew, assault with
. pleads guilty,
lined o
Charlie Curtis
Taylor, house broking and
larceny, guilty,
ed years, Taylor years, be
assigned to roads.
Harding puts the whole
in a nut shell and she does
it so well that it must carry con-
to all who read it. I beg
to suggest that you publish it in
your editions that circulate in
the country and i scatter
it broad cast among the voters-
In my in work-
for schools I have always
found the women, in the fore-
front of the battle, ready to do
and to dare whatever needed
insure success. They have an
inspiration to the onward
movement and much of
the credit for the beautiful well
kept school houses recently
erected in Pitt is due to them.
Now if we can only the
young the old-
enlisted in this movement to
build up in Pitt a
institution, its success is
certain. I therefore appeal to
the good women into th
fight, at once, and to work for
the location of this school in their
county till the going down of tie
sun on the 11th of May. The
location of this in Pitt
means great, things for the boys
and girls who are to-be the men
and women of the near future.
If these good women will make
up their minds to have it, it will
surely come. will cost so little
in money to get it that they will
not be imposing any burdens
upon the labor and property of
the men.
Wife, tell your husband who
gives in of prop-
for taxation his tax will
cents a year and that you will
pay that for him about Christ-
with a dozen eggs.
Tell the husband who gives in
worth of property that his
tax will be a year and that
he can pay that with a half bar
rel of corn, but that if he can't
spare the corn you will raise five
chickens for that purpose On
the morning of the
the children around the
table and say to their father
at these and when you go to the
ballot box vote throw wider
open the door of hope to them
and make it possible for them to
enter into the higher and better
things of
J. Jarvis.
The following exhibit of pas-
the the Democratic rate legislation the past
th i u nomination of or within the t
school. They realize that it will; Bryan, he does not think the and rate reduction by decree of
be of benefit to them convention would make shows how general
in training them for their w, k a mistake if should go South the two cent standard,
in teaching a.-n; give them op- j for its hi e. At
could get in no
other way.
We wish to commend to very
person in the county the letter
of Mrs Walter F. Harding that
was published Monday. Mrs
Harding is a graduate of the
Governor said last
South is entitled this
recognition, and will not be
very long before a Southerner is
chosen as the candidate of the
Democracy for the Presidency.
St Normal at Greensboro, There are many able men in our
is in position to speak with section of the country who ire
on the subject of of tin's high honor.
school for the training of teach Personally, I do not think a bet-
She knows the benefit of it, j man could be selected than
and she wants to see Folk, of Missouri. He
Women of Pitt county have cut, his heart is with the
opportunities a training school and he done thing,
will and the per pie like
These columns are open who does things I
others would to the Missouri governor would
the matter. j peal o the American people as
Speakings on Bead
Below we a number Blocks at Auction.
of appointments for speakingu i i -ii i to
school issue will be
discussed at earn of these places York. April vast
by gentlemen who are holdings of the Ogden estate in
informed as to every de- i the section of the
t lit of the measure. With a I the Bronx, including the
great question like this before Dart of city blocks
th. county for its consideration -in all more than 1500 lots will
the. people owe it to themselves be M at auction today and
to go out and hear this matter
Simpson, Wednesday night,
April 24th.
tomorrow, in the street
salesroom- In the number of
parcels to be offered sale is
probably the largest ever an-
or in
approximation to it, has been
applied rigidly to the widely
varying conditions of railroad
travel in the United
cent bill
passed by the house and is pen-
din- in the senate.
Ohio -Two cent law enacted
last year.
West Virginia cent bill
North Caro -1 and a
quarter cent bill i . i
Alabama-Two and a half
bill was passed,
cent bill passed
to roads earning a
year gross per mile.
of cents
fixed by railroad commission.
cent bill
cent bill passed.
cent law en-
North and a
half cent bill passed-
South Dakota-Railroad com-
mission authorized to order two
and a halt cent rate.
Indiana- -Two cent bill passed.
Illinois Two cent bill passed
Missouri-Two cent bill
Mi Is, Thursday night, in this city, as shown I y
j the fact that two days have been
Friday April j get aside it. The Ogden
h. at o clock p. m. the
a. m. was originally owned by id
Falkland, Friday night an uncle of Recorder
25th- ; who built the famous
Cox Store, Apr mansion on th estate known as
at o'clock m-
i Ayden, Saturday, Av at
o clock
X Roads,
May 1st, at p. Special to Reflector.
night . A
May y mg
Blackjack, Saturday. May Alumni
Big Barbecue.
Who Pays for
Who pays for the advertising
of the m and
business the
for is returned ti
fourfold in increased profits.
Not the purchaser, for he buys
cheaper from the advertiser and
has a better assortment and
fresher good i from.
. of the university of Virginia,
will hold their annual banquet
tonight at the commonwealth
club. The following distinguish- worth of advertising would bring
Registration Closes.
From questions asked several
times lately, all do not seem to
understand just when the
books for the coming
bond elections will close. For
the county election the
is now in progress and the
books will on the of
Saturday, May 4th, the election
to be held on Tuesday, May 14th.
For the town election the books
will be open only three days-
Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-
day, May 1st, 2nd and
election to be held Tuesday, May j
7th- New registration in
A fourth grade boy was
over his grammar lesson and
wanted to know what part
speech a certain word was. He
was told to get and learn
how to find it. have no rule
to find out he complained.
a rule, work it out with
this, put in a little fellow of
the primary as he
left his drawing for the time
being and held, out a foot rule.
not tor voting in these elections.
Voters of the county must
for the county election only,
while living in the town of
, Greenville must register for
pons and were each fined and both and town
New Work for Telephone Girl.
A story illustrating the many
the county and town is necessary requests made of tel-
girls is one told of a
Sedan woman who was going
out shopping for a few hours,
put her baby to in its car-
and taking down the
Keep this matter straight
William Hanrahan, appeal
from mayor's court. j and do not fail to register,
guilty, sentenced days to
-v v
; i vphone receiver, placed it beside
the sleeping child.
Then she notified central of
i. her
T- G.
Stokes N. C. April
W. i. Stokes and Di.
made business
to Washington Monday.
J. W- Perkins and J. J.
went to Greenville
J. J. of this
an Miss House, of Mar-
tin were happily married
at o'clock Monday evening
at home of J. J. Gray's near
this place, Mr.
cured his girl Sunday morning
and went to Greenville Monday
for the license and was married
Monday night by Esq. D. A.
E. K Whichard, of Whichard,
and Miss Susie Ross, Stokes,
attended church at Hickory
Grove Sunday.
L H attended
church at Parmele Sunday night-
We are hiving lots of sickness
in this and the doctors
are having all they can do.
Who. then.
portion of ti
. is Of l
prim to ad
eduction and the interests of
community. If you have never
looked at it in that light, it is
worth thinking about If
. as by
alive i- enter-
way to the
c the of
ed gentlemen are Dr
Aldermen, president of the
Mr. Brewer of
the Supreme court; Hon. Janus
Bryce, Ambassador from Eng-
land; former Senator Carmack;
Professor Thomas Jefferson
Coolidge, of Professor
John Basset Moore, of Columbia
A and Mr. Roscoe C.
Nelson, of Richmond.
additional profits, you would
advertising free and
ahead of the game besides.
The who lost the
trade and profits which you
gained would then be bearing
your advertising expenses as
well as adding to your profits.
Steamer Burned.
The trestle near Mr. L. C
Arthur's on the new railroad is
nearly completed and the track
laying will cross and goon
In this tine any kind of
prediction is unsafe, but
, iv
Special to Reflector.
New York, April The
steamboat Pioneer, plying be-
tween this city and Newark,
was burned at her pier this
Seven of the crew
escaped suffocation from
the fumes of the burning cargo.
Funeral of Mr. Daniel.
The funeral Mr. John L.
Daniel, who died Monday night,
took place at o'clock Tuesday
afternoon, the interment being
in Cherry Hill cemetery.
vices were conducted by Rev.
M. T. Plyler and the pall
were Messrs. A. B.
ton, T. R. Moore, Wiley Brown,
D. E. House, T. F. Christman
and F. M. Hornaday.
Vocation can now get up and
Concert Tour.
The Oxford Orphan Asylum
singing class of will stare
upon its eastern trip the first of
May. The second or western
tour will, probably, begin the
last of July, after several weeks
interval of rest by the class at
the institution in Oxford.
The excellence of these enter-
known t the
of North Carolina.
The work of our
homes appeals both to the heart
and to th.- Judgment It merits
our sympathy and support. In-
in this cause is
great and it is growing.
The patronage accorded these
concerts year has been in-
creasing. They have been a
true success and we bespeak for
them even enlarged success this
Parsonage Family Growing.
A young lady has at
the home of Rev. and Mis. J. E
at the Baptist parsonage
We hope the young lady will de-
a noted singer and
added to church

Eastern reflector, 19 April 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 19, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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