Eastern reflector, 12 April 1907

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. ,,. ,,., m
you to
W, Manager
for Daily
We have a list
i their mail at
Authorized Agent.
Miss Brown went to
Friday on a visit to
and returned Saturday
on noon train.
clocks and anything farm,
F. Lilly has purchased the
Barnes residence and
will move there this week, W.
J Hemby will occupy the
to be vacated by Mr. Lil
on West Railroad street.
Mrs C. S. Carr of
has been spending several days
with her brother, Dr L. C. Skin-
C. A. Fair and W. J. Boyd
went to Winterville yesterday
Do you wish to buy a house
and lot in Ayden. or a valuable
near Have you
Having as administrator
with the will annexed of Me. G. Rog
era, deceased, late of Pitt county, N.
C, this notify all persons having
claims against the estate of the said
G. deceased, to exhibit
them to the undersigned within twelve
months from the date this notice or
this notice will be pleaded in bur of
their recovery. All indebted
to said estate will please make
This the 15th day of March.
John A. Staton.
Julius Brown,
duly before the
court of Pitt county as ad-
of the estate of Samuel
a deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the
f e immediate payment to
understated, and all persons having
claim, against said estate must present
i on or before the
of March. 1908, or this notice
will be plead in bar of recovery.
March, 1907.
B. T. Cox,
. of Samuel Stocks.
Patrick con-
ducting a cotton and insurance
to the town of Grifton, N. C, tS
day dissolve CO by mutual
12th. lax.
W. H. Kilpatrick.
i Joseph
., v., nave you
needing attention in my for sale We will buy or
win to in the very s We insured, is
i., r b your house insured If not you
S i
Last Saturday our went
over . Winterville and pi. l
the boys of that place a
,, your.
should Bee and have it in-
sured at once. We make an
extra effort in collecting ac
i counts. Place them with us.
Loan and Insurance Co.
ball. J he score stood, we learn, g p. V. before you
I to m favor Ayden. I buy seed or feed oats.
Brown, of Greenville,
fr .
ever brought to Ayden.
spent Friday night with
E t
d P- Lilly Co
M. M. Sauls has the finest and
est of Pens
J. I
Call it the Drug Store and Be
c m t
. ; M. M. Sauls.
Monday nearly all day fearful
fires were raging in the
I woods just south of
Colonel and P. t;.
request the of your
at the marriage of their daughter
Nina Cherry
Mr. Charles Coston Skinner
on the afternoon of Wednesday
the seventeenth of April
nineteen Hundred and seven
at two o'clock
at Jarvis Memorial Church
Greenville, Carolina.
No cards sent in town.
W ill be at home after the first
L. A. Arnold enters end claims tin
following described vacant land, b
Lying in township, county,
N. C, oh Indian well swamp and Plat
branch, adjoining the land of loll
Mow. s. s. Arden Milli
Claude Cannon's John S.
Lawhorn and others,
more or less.
This March 4th. 1807.
I. A. Arnold,
Any person or persons
to r interest in fore
scribed land must Hie pro
writing within the next thirty , i
they will be barred by law.
, , R. Williams.
raker ex-o
North Carolina .
Pitt county, m sup
Florence Willoughby .
n . , We really think smoke was the of May One
densest, blackest, we ever saw. hundred and seventy-one East
F At times the scenery was per- Eighty-third Street in the
P. E. who has been con Brand, at the same time York,
fined to his home for con appalling to behold. We have Best peasant hay at F. V.
heard of no damage only to the Johnston's.
out n tie street timber in its path. corn for sale at
Go to E E new Dr. Ricks, of F-V. Johnston's.
market beef, fresh meats, j spent a few hours here Why Some Girls Marry
wage and fresh day.
some of them. I Jumping from a moving
got a hustle on them Saturday tram one day this week Ed Gar-1
his life by women marry. He is a modest
being violently thrown to the i Most men think j
to ; and almost ST
Merchandise carry doubt some one his inquiries addressed to about
full line of Meat, Lard Can wanted heavy dam- girls these
Don't buy before giving a bad rule that won't wished to marry in order
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co. both ways. that they might go
Blount, formerly of ,
ton, has bought, the interest of here Wednesday.
Edwin Tripp in the hotel and will The Rhodes Comedy Company
two here
has had much experience th,. tn .
line and knows how to . . T C their own homes.
cater to the wants of the public. , ,. Four looked forward to
moved his family here Charlie Rhodes is truly a family.
extend a cordial welcome f wonderful and to see him Not one of girls
such area pleas- i-rm is fully worth th love as a motive for matrimony
M charged. Either the little god had
p Tripp and family will move . , land, dins arrow or they were
to and take charge, want everybody to closely ashamed to admit the fact
Hotel Pamlico, We coin- watch the Ayden department ubiquitous
, the next month. Our that n explain.
. most excellent best d progressive mer- Seed
Paint be sure have some-j sale. ,
and you must read , meal
w . sale cheap, Whole-;
change w. i, went up the sale Co-
g T
cash mark- Con, , on an See F. V Johnston before
Cornelius .
The defendant above named will
notice that an action entitled as
has been commenced in the
court of Pitt f,
plaintiff from tile defendant an
divorce from the bonds
the grounds that ;,;,
set out in tin- complaint and th
will further take
he is required to appear at tin
term of the Sup, nor court
county to be held on the seventh
day after the first Monday in t
it being the 22nd day of April,
at the house . f said coin
Greenville, North Carolina and
or demur to the complaint In .-
or the plaintiff will
court for the relief demanded
This the 13th day of March,
C. Mi
F. G. James, Atty.
virtue of a power of e con-
J exec-
I delivered by W. Brown
Brothers, on the
January. 1906, and duly re-
the office of re later of i
m Book J B
r will the
of Apr,. 1907, expose to pub-
the court house door in
i to the for
following p in
he life e
in id to ,
. county
e of Tar River,
W. Brown,
May and W
as the B. V,.
to I.,
I. 1907, is
Jess W. Up
h day of Mai
Ra .
land I.
i tract or
on the
d joining the
I. Fleming
n home
more or
u the
Hid 6th
life estate
I, Bros.
had and Livery
beat Ac
t suit the
N. c.
c. b. mum,
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry No-
Light and Heavy
Prices to suit the times.
e Ayden Mill Company have
have ,, t,. j are in first-
This is a loner needed
this so, they promise the best when
in is needed.
Ten because they could then be,
able to amuse themselves
Five because their husbands
would enable them to travel.
Seven so that they would own
Please take this as ,
special invitation to vi
us when in Norfolk, .
we will expect yen
Exposition if not .
IS THE 01- i
Write for Price list.
We sell direct
to user.
Piano with the
An M
i j
he one
mil discounts
alts secured
. and fixtures
om banks an banker
NO ft I h
PI i
I ,
r. 22nd, 1906.
Capital stock
is fund too
. profits less expenses
inn , to
i cashier 710.04
, 1.01
won. ., f
i. hi.
W. A. Harden,
Ayden. N. C.
of Kinston,
to the family of
J. i
will be
Please with one of those
Pens at Saul's. Call and
R C. Cannon and went to
and returned from Greenville
pens on sale at Saul's
store at to
Fountain Pens with any and
. P for sale at
Saul.- ,.
r I,, in,. f and be-
l. B. Cashier.
extended visit to her aunt. your hay.
lure, to her
home Monday.
Miss Stella Winterville,
Drove in Man Hole.
pleasant people and much liked
and a pleasure
to of the liked
M in having a first class y People
Call at Drug to meet them- Such
ire this much need people are always missed in any
Two colored men riding in a
alter a pleasant visit to Miss during the storm,
Emmie left for her in an open Hush
home sewerage system on
is much talk concern-
mg the chiming of marriage bells rain so that no damage
won. resulted their horse in falling I
J. A. and wife have L Tn buggy was broken ,
left for their home in Ohio. Mr sometime to get the I
several months a special i that has occurred since work be-
course in Theology at the on the
Special Session of the Leg-
or Years
. ht the entire
of w. Taylor
I e public, r.
ill work
Mrs. R C. who has
been the family of her
brother, J. E. Brown, left
her home at Tunis, Tuesday.
Out two miles in the country
Special to Reflector.
Jefferson City, Mo. April 2.-;
On the call of Folk the
Missouri legislature convened
today. It will consider
for the regulation of public i
corporations and dram
, .- ill work u . the country T T ,
to my care to give entire safe- the old homestead There be a stirring
action. Fry me. C. E. Spier, j of Henry Harrington was entirely I in which all
I . , v . Will want in ,., i i. .,
sol. i the patronage of the No one knows
-i Ayden and community how the fire originated The loss
sis with
ladies of the haS returned
and rePorts the condition
will want to know about things.
I have taken up a stray year
ling running with my stock.
Looks about one and half or two
u w two
last Friday Mrs- very much near-
night. We have not heard the Proved. white color, and apparently
at of receipts, hut learn J. h PM . Owner can get same
. g same
o proving property and
s. J. Crisp.
Fremont and Wilson.
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
election of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
n -i
Truth in to Fiction.
VOL, No.
Battleships of Fame Ready
for Exposition
C. Invites That I to All Eastern Blanches of A C. I.
to Visit Them- 8th, 1307. new train n,,,, Va. April lO.-The Have Double Daily Service.
cf Issuing
Among the South- vice was inaugurated n
dry goods houses are Win- Weldon, N. C, and N- now at navy
Whichard Co., of Norfolk, . trains Nos. and for is ready for V. the train service on the Plymouth
Va. Th Whichard Bros., who lowing schedule. exposition, rush or- branch of that toad, and a
on on
battleship Texas, The Atlantic Coast Line has At the regular meeting of the
yard, Portsmouth, a double daily board of Thursday
night, th following
organized and control tow com-
are from Pitt county.
North Carolina. The progress of
North Carolinians is
wherever they locate, and their
firm has established a business
that at the forefront of
Norfolk's commercial interests.
This firm desires that merchants
visiting the Jamestown expo
their house head
quarters. This invitation is not
gives with the Idea that every
merchant visiting them are ex
to bay a bill of goods,
but because such visit will be
of mutual advantage. There
no firm in th South where the
personnel of the members com-
creator business ability
and a desire for down-homers
welfare. These North Carolina
boys knew how and the
Merchants Journal.
Daily Ex Sunday
to the i Sect that she must the end of this branch
8.25 am Weldon
8.40 am Halifax
9.03 am Tillery
Spring Hill
am Neck
be ready having been strictly Weldon and I
10.18 Oak
10.60 am Parmele
am Greenville
11.39 am
am Ayden
12.07 pm
12.30 pm Ar Kinston
Tram No. will afford
at H,
No. for Norfolk and
points at Parmele with train
No. for Plymouth and No.
for Washington and intermediate
Train No. will afford con-
at Parmele with train No.
for Plymouth, No. for
Washington and No- for Tar-
and intermediate points-
Effective same date trains Nos.
complied with The same in- hi made. i
came for the does not effect the schedules at
cruiser another point, trains arriving at the
old warrior, which fought; same hour as before
beside the Texas in the rain of A new train has been put on to
shot and shell Santiago, Weldon at a m for
was conspicuously involve I with and return to Weld in at
p m. This train passes
controversy chat followed the Greenville South at aldermen the town
battle are to be stationed a. m and at p.
at the exposition, and bot have m. Capt. i S. Lair is in w seventy-five thousand
be the duty of cell of said reg-
remain at he i in his
aid ward as hereinafter
nine o'clock a. m.
o five o'clock p. m. for the
days preceding
the Saturday next preceding the
said day of election with their
i of registration, prepared
the to register such persons as may
of North C no ma at its be emitted to register.
of passed an act which further ordered that said
was ratified on the day of . ,. ;,, held in the various
March, wards in said town on said date
allow the town of at the places to
to issue Ponds, authorizing the i ward-In the grand jury
board of aldermen of the town room at the court house
of to submit to ward-At Winslow's
qualified registered voters of said on Fourth street,
town the question of empower- Third ward-At the old Forbes
said b of on Points.
Fourth ward-At J J.
before the opening,
of the tough
looking Texas and the
i store on Five Points.
Pi ward -At Kin,; s stables
near Five Points.
That for the of hold-
r i election
4-021 been made ready sixteen days of the new train. d due and payable, thirty
The pres- Bill Wooten, who after date and bearing in-
ad formerly been the rate no greater named persons are
x per cent p r annum, here appointed as registrars
and and super- ran th, train between V; K t
of the Brooklyn, will Plymouth. . w--j, c .
revive memories of both the are made the as
tie that beaming Sunday morn- heretofore
the harbor of Santiago for g . , ti,.
and the unfortunate branches the r- d the pose of paying or otherwise,
followed the battle, branch had streets of said
involving Admiral pen- service,
ship, which was
York Willed
Her Proper y Cat.
New York, April and will be operated
Roosevelt is the sole l tween Tarboro and Plymouth
under the will of Lulu B. Grover, i stead of between Tarboro and
of No. Lexington avenue,. Kinston as previously. Schedule
which was filed in the office of
the surrogate today No petition No. No.
Daily except Sunday Daily except Sun
was filed with I will and the
value of President Roosevelt's am Ar
beasts are. therefore , .
know,. part of
will, which is very reads am
as Everett
give to Theodore Roosevelt i
at my death everything that is
furniture, per-
property, jewelry,
estate, ail money in bank
to my credit and my cat, Snow
Drip Low, 2nd everything that
is mine. I owe to Theodore
a debt greater than I
can ever pay in this world, and
in this way I wish to show I am
He has been my
good angel who spread his wing
of shelter, my peace through
life and was my true friend
in trouble. gladly give my
little all to him and only
it were instead of so
small an amount. I hope he will
accept it in the spirit I give it
and with God's
It has been announced that
President Roosevelt will accept
the estate bequeathed to him and
turn it over t some New York
The cat is being cared
for now under directions issued
by the President.
School Dormitory Burned.
11.57 am
Ar Plymouth
Effort to Charter of Nashville.
Special to
Nashville, Tenn.
Sunday School Rally U
Next Sunday.
I Sunday wars a day much en-
joyed at the Memorial
Senate r Porter has introduced church, even though the weather
a bill to abolish the charter of was disagreeable, ft was the
the city of Nashville so as to rid I the anniversary service
the city of saloons. The meas- of the church, and a good
the church, and a good sized
be pushed by congregation was present at the
Senator Porter, but is being morning hour.
criticized and discussed
by members of the legislature, features of the
i who do not agree upon the mat-
Some them think it is
line catting off a dog's head to
care him of some disease. The rent
is considered rather harsh,
and as using a disturbance of the
W. M.
Prof and
Re. J. E. As
L .
and aiding in establishment
of a training school in or near
the town of if one
shall be authorized by law, and
further providing that the pro-
of the sale of said Ponds
may be used by s-aid of
aldermen of the Green-
ville for either of the aforesaid
purpose in such proportion
as slid board may deem proper
and for no other purpose.
And whereas, the said act
authorizes and empowers the
of of the
town of Greenville to fix the
time and place for holding said
election in the various
First Registrar W- E.
Judges of election
Charles and J.
Second, Registrar L. W.
Lawrence. Judges of election
J. White and w. D. Pruitt
Third Registrar C. D
Judges of election,
J. S Tunstall and J. C
Fourth Registrar H. A.
Judges if election
L. Brown and T. R. Moore.
Fifth Registrar D S.
Smith. I of election
Warren Jr., H. L Coward
It is ordered by the
board that notices of said
bond election required by and
for in said act given
by the
in the Greenville It
a newspaper published the
of Greenville, an I that
; aid notices signed
said town a. which and attested
place the qualified registered this
voters of said wards . ,,,.,. th , ,, .,.,,
town i tor or,.,,,,., ,.,;,, . . ,,;,
It was also intend
The j against said i
music for And whereas,
Special to Reflector.
Exeter, N. H. April
Hall dormitory of Phillips
Exeter academy was destroyed
by fire early this morning Thirty
five students jumped from win-
but none were seriously
. f one of the
was badly burned-
Jerome Attacking Thaw.
New York, April 10.-District
Attorney Jerome is today sum-
ming up the State's evidence in
the Thaw case He fiercely at-
tacked both Thaw and his wife.
He says Thaw should be held
accountable for the killing of
White, his being no
legal excuse for murder-
Al s i t
the opponents that measure
common cause with the
Nashville opponents, to down
Mourn tin Dead Bishop.
Nashville, Tenn. April
The death of Bishop Cranberry
at Ashland, Va. last week is the
Oakley, N. C, April. 10th.
J. M. Highsmith and J. Whit-
went to Greenville Monday.
Rev. J. D. Bryan filled his reg-
appointment here
J. E. spent Saturday
night here with his family and
left Sunday for Florence, S C.
Mr- and Mrs. J. K.
of Winterville, visited in town
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Minnie Moore visited in
Martin county Monday night
Miss Reba Corey is visiting in
the section-
Mr and Mrs. J. E. Congleton
spent Sunday in town-
Elder M. T. Lawrence, of
Hamilton, will preach here next
Sunday even-
at o'clock in the C. B. H.
lodge building.
Mis- Martin Rawls and Mrs
S. A. and little
Martha Latham, visited
near Washington Monday
and Tuesday.
The sad news reached hero
Friday of the death of Mrs.
Whitehurst, which
curred at her home a few miles
from here Friday morning about
o'clock. She leaves a husband
and six to mourn their
loss. She was a kind and .,,.
donate wife and a loving Friends of the family in Green-
mother. She was a member of ville regret to learn of the death
th-Free Will Baptist church aid-of Miss Satchwell. daughter
had been for many year. Wei Mr and Mrs. Charles Satchwell,
extend sympathy to the
that said of alder
men shad give twenty days
notice in so.
conditions to affect the rally day in th own OX Greenville
a temporary and subordinate school, but the no of said elect
The charter children not And whereas, said act pro
I , u i and the rally was d that the said board .
bill, which also proposes Sunday. Still . of said town of Green
of the instrument, for the day reached ville shall order an entirely new
largely into the Nashville fight, registration of the
on a disagreeable and I
said at any
i nine see fit order said election
., r. , .
he at
up , if
. ,,. i It is . that the
board the
The long tour of Clans-
now nearing its end us
Geo. H. has arranged
for an indefinite run of the play
in the Academy of Music. Nor-
folk. Va. in connection with the
festivities of the Jamestown ex-
position- Since September last
, , i j the company has toured
of mourning and a
grief in the South, where his
virtues well-known. The
Methodist denomination especial-
mourn hi, sudden departure,
as he was very dear lo all the
thousands of of that
faith who have known of his
vices for many years Bishop
Cranberry was also well-known
at the North, and in many
pits his death mentioned
with genuine regret and sorrow.
His engaging personality endear
ed all who met him. especially
the young people of the flocks to
which he ministered.
Honor Roll.
The following is the honor roll
for District No. Greenville
Ora Crawford, Ethel Clark,
. .
which occurred Monday night,
in her 15th year The mother
of Miss Satchwell was formerly
Miss Eva Williams, of Greenville,
and a sister of Mrs. W- B. Green
and daughter of Mrs. Caroline
of ready to-v
. i .
the globe one and half times,
and has performed the play in
of the chief towns of the
South. Among the most notable
of these engagements have been
those in Richmond, Norfolk,
Nashville, Memphis and New
Orleans will
open at the of in
Norfolk in on Monday, April
29th, two or three days after the
formal opening of the exposition
and it is expected that the slay
will run there all Bummer, h i s
rumored that in the latter part
the season it author, Thomas
Dixon, Jr., will put on a new
play based on his recently is-
sued novel, The
latter is the third in the
series begun with
Leopard's and continued
Died at
Mr. Oliver Carr, who has been,
manager of
near Bruce, in this county, for
Mr. R. R. Cotten for several
years, died there morn-
at o'clock, aged ye rs-
Mr. Carr was a good man and
highly respected by all who
knew him. He leaves a wife and
five children to mourn his death.
was buried at o'clock Mon.
, . mien i- ire
ground near Tar
twenty days
N w therefore, the board of
. ; of the town of Green-
in regular meeting
bled on first in
1907, it being the 4th day
of April, do in pursuance
authority conferred upon
them by act, order that an
election Lil- held at the various
places in the several
of said town as herein-
after fixed and designated, on
Tuesday, the 7th day of May,
for the purpose of taking
and ascertaining th will of the
qualified voters of said town on
said proposition, at which time
and places those entitled to vote
may appear and vote for or
against conferring upon the
said of the town of Green-
ville the authority to i u .
sell said The said act .-.
quire; those favoring issuing
said bonds to vote a written or
printed the word.-,
thereon and th
opposed to issuing said bond
vote a . or printed ballot
with the words Bonds
It is further ordered by the
hoard in accordance said
act. and to accurately
who are qualified voters in said
town that an entirely new
of die voters in the
wards of said town be had and
the same is hereby ordered, and
that each of the registrars
named shall give at least
ten days notice at some place in
his ward and in the Greenville
Reflector, a newspaper published
in said town, that the
books for said election are
in his hands and that all persons
entitled to register may come
with all
and poll i r I ; of
-aid r . ,.
It is ii of h
named iv , ; -s of
fail as
a , . town
be and h i; I iv . th
t fill raid v in by the
p me . suitable ;
son qualified to act I
as registrar or of
It ii further ordered by the
board and that the judges of
fore named, shall make their re-
urns of said election to he so
held by them upon blanks to be
furnished them by the clerk of
this board to the board of alder-
men of the town of Greenville,
on or before eight o'clock P. M.
on the day of M y,
by delivering a sealed copy
of their returns under the hands
and seals of the registrar and
judges of election of their said
wards, one I o the clerk of this
board, and on i to the mayor of
the town of Greenville, and it
is further ordered that
board m lei in the mayor's
in the tow i E Greenville on the
said 9th, day of May, 1907, at
winch time they will
open, c and declare the
result of said ion
Jefferson City. Mo. April
i accordance with the call of
Governor Folk, the legislature of
the State o. Missouri came to-
in extra session today
The specific subject named in the
call To such
as may be necessary to pro-
for the regulation of the
rates of public corporations, to
provide legislative enactments
tor the enforcement of the dram-
shop laws throughout state
to provide for the removal of
derelict officials, to for
enactment with an
clause for the
race-track gambling.

II of
How Firm. Obtain i
the for
mi of I he recant
congress was the on.
fr e alcohol law for ti
slit of .-
t. I a
law. i as m
i r
ti. to g
i s . .
t . or i
j or
Concur with this i i
C n i was
. invest d
I fur I
I of s-t re
ed potatoes,
will . dry in d
i r
th. They s.
. I, very i for
fattening stock, but a
o an ire not
enough tor table me.
As ii i limed of j
them will make of
the i lies
the farmers the gen
them. The terms and a u
on which the potato i .- be
obtained are set forth ii . I tier
fee from the
at Washing i by;
and Industrial Mer
of Norfolk r Rail-
way. as
I beg to state that w. have
received a supply of the.-,
from and
that they were imported in an-
of a demand for some
product from which ale
could be manufactured. These
potatoes in their native home
are said to be very prolific and
like other potatoes are abundant
starch product rs, hence they are
suitable for the manufacture of
alcohol. These potatoes are
originally of German origin but
like most European potatoes
be at all adapted to
American n, This feat-
however n mains to I e
In-. experiment.
In the conditions
these potatoes may
be n I, I beg to advise you
that i having
for growing
in. i an is willing to urn
a comparative test, i e.
varieties aside by
aide similar conditions with
some well known American
an. I who is willing to re-
port the his trial to this
office will receive from us free
of charge, amounts as may
seem advisable t. place with him.
You say that you have received
many inquiries regarding these
potatoes and would suggest
that you put us in touch with
these people as soon as possible
as our supply is
In view of the above, it would
be veil for farmers and others
interested in this subject and
who are desirous of making ex-
with these potatoes to
write at once to Mr, F. L. Met-
Norfolk, Va., or direct to
the Department of Agriculture.
Washington. C. agreeing to
the above conditions request-
some of the alcohol potatoes
Proceedings of the Board of
The board of county
B i. is met in regular
session on the first Monday, all
the members being present.
The folio aggregate
amounts were out of the treas
For paupers county
home superintendent
th insane court
house jail s
and ferries roads 1.1 ;
court costs record books
and blanks Confederate
. . smallpox
s -ewer
convict guards
rs register of deeds
court -15; sundries
g stock law territory
J J. es was dis en-
ear commissioner for the town
of Ayden.
Brown was elected cot-
ton weigher for the town
I ,
J. K. Mills, to
. -i each per month, and
N B. Little month.
v., r added to pauper list-
re were several ,
from taxes charged
, I
The following were appointed I
tax list and for
Beaver Dam. G T Tyson. W
Smith, Smith.
row. H A Parker,
Bethel S M Jonas, Lit-
Robert Staton.
Carolina- W Little. A B Con-
I- R
Grimes, M
Cox, Venters.
Cannon Er
Jenkins. Richard Wingate.
G. Dupree, J.
H. Smith. R.
R. L. Joyner, R.
E Belcher. W R. Home.
D Rountree,
J. W. Allen. L. A. Mayo.
-W. L Nobles, J. R.
Ira M. Moore.
Swift C. Gaskins,
E F- fox W. S. Roach.
The order was made calling
the election to vote on the
of issuing bonds in an
amount not exceeding
which has already been pub-
About Home
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
If so the first thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
The man who Insure his Ht I
wise foe his family.
The ran who insures his health
is wise both for his family and
You may Insure health by cord-
It. It Is worth guarding.
At t h e first of disease,
which generally approaches
through the LIVER and
itself in innumerable ways
save your health.
Not Quite
Hum you rail get u
-i raw driver or
a good
tool for
our I in of tool.
w your tool
box . tack a
No proper s surpasses this for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now
reasonable prices and on easy terms.
is indication that property around
G is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the Jot the
it will cost.
This property is located only minutes
walk from the business part the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
and terms.
wise Counsel From the South.
When tin- the
the skin a of salve can save more
discomfort, in buying salve look for.
the on tit. box to avoid any
be sure you the
Witch Hazel Salve. Sold
Jno. I,. Woo tin
If there were mark down bar-
gain rates in charges,
would women want want the
whole family sick so as to get
the benefit of them
Offers advantages
for reaching the public.
When you want good Work send
your orders to
v .
I J p.
I Corey
And Provisions
j Cot mi
lies always on
Fr, kept con-
,. in stock. Country
III Produce Ho. and Sold
D. W.
An th.
of re-, Into the origin
composition of tho manna of
which even to the
ill. the
. y on of
en for
lo flint it is n
of mushroom which under fa-
toil attains.
considerable many
weighing n or more. It has
an , and in
it that
tho manna of Scripture answers in
its description closely to tho
manna, the Persian
In the of tho pen-
of Sinai, especially in the
manna is collected
by the Arabs sold to tho monks
of St. Catherine, who supply it to
the pilgrims visiting the convent.
Full Satisfaction.
A musician n young banker
were dining at a continental
a dispute, ran high be-
tween At last tho musician,
a music hull up and
pulled out a cord, which tho banker
at ones accepted and put in
Two later they met
n a public park. At once tho mu-
you have not given mo
I have, to the fullest
cool answer.
gave mo s ticket for your concert
last night, went and sat out
performance to the end. What.
more you An-
end Wit.
The is receiving a
few friends In bachelor
Among them is The
latter, having allowed his cigar
go out, throws it without ceremony
on the carpet. In order to give
him a lesson in good manners th.
little viscount stoops to pick it up,
but to
stand his intention,
the butt,
, lOT. l
be hands Inn.
N. C.
At close of business March 1907.
and discounts Capital Stock
i Surplus funds
2,861.19; Undivided Profit less
; Expenses paid 7,648.61
1.000.00 Time 25.242.64 I. r.
2,688.81 121,161.90 I
Overdrafts and
All other Stocks, Bonds
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
National bank notes and
U. S. notes
I Expenses paid
1.000.00 Time 25,242.64
Due to a
2,104.82 Cashier's checks
886.00 outstanding
S . .I. S of o do s i mu
ti above u the best of my
, belief C. S.
. . i l
of Feb T ; A. M
At the close of Business, March 22nd 1907.
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts secured
and unsecured
All other Stocks, Bonds
Furniture Fixtures
Banking Houses
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
National bank notes
and U. S. notes
Capital Stock
funds 25,000.00
Undivided Profits less
Expenses paid 16,926.67
. Q,
Cashier's checks
outstanding 581.78
State of North Carolina i
I Little, Cashier of the above named bank, do
Subscribed and sworn to before
me. this 28th day of March, 1907.
Notary Public.
Correct-Attest; .
J. G.
Come in and examine my
be. leave t announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
r for
White Lead, Paints
Colors, and an
Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better
t It It a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We that you wilt with your
order whenever yon want good paint for any
Have a car load and
can you Prices.
N. C.
M Home -Sen-
Overman to Address on
May 8th.
N. C, April 8th, 1907.
Saturday night between eleven
and one o'clock the fine new res-
of Mr. M. 0- Blount, on
corner of Railroad and James
one of the handsomest
homes in the town was burned to
the ground The fire was caused
by the accidental overthrowing
of an oil stove, and it made Rich
rapid headway that though Mr.
his son Marvin, and Mr.
J. D Bryan labored strenuously
to extinguish the flames, it was
apparent that the house
doomed Practically
could saved from the
second floor where the fire
The lack of water prevented
any checking of the fire. It
oily owing to the united ard
efforts of neighbors
that the fire did not spread to the
buildings. At one time
the Blount hotel, feet away,
caught fire. The heavy rains
of Friday night and Saturday
were fortunate for the town, for
without them no power could
have prevented the rapid spread
of the flames and the probable
destruction of the town the
rain of sparks and cinders blown
upon the roofs by the high wind.
Mr. Blount had just completed
his home and but for a recent
having blown down his
wind mill would have had water
in his house sufficient to have
saved it. His loss is about
insurance Mr-
J. D. Bryan. Mr. sales-
man, and Miss Jones, of
the milliner for Blount
Bro., who were inmates of
home, lost all their
The management of the graded
school are happy to announce
that Senator Lee Overman, of
North Carolina, will deliver the
before the graduating
class on Wednesday, May the,
eighth. The patrons of the school
consider themselves more than
fortunate in having this
to hear the State's most
graceful, ornate and forceful
speaker; and hope that every
one that car., will come to hear
this great leader of the people
and true friend of education
he graduating exercises will
cur immediately after the ad-
dress; the certificates will be
presented the five
by Senator Overman.
The school children and the
of the school enjoyed a
rare treat on Friday night,
March 29th, in the lecture of
Hon. Blount, of Wilson
It was truly a feast of reason and
flow of soul.
It was a succession of word
pictures, of humorous and witty
sketches and anecdotes and burn-
eloquence Any one who
has not heard Mr Blount has a
treat in store for him. We hope
to have him in Bethel again-
Hon. S M- baby
is very ill with bronchitis,
having just recovered
Mr- Bill Manning's two little
girls have been quite low with
pneumonia, but are mending.
There ire still quite a number
of coses of measles in the com
but the disease will soon
wear itself out for lack of n
as there will soon he none
left who have not had that g
Misses Blanche Mayo, Bertha
and Effie Crimes went
to Friday to visit the
Misses Davenport
All of our folks aw proud
the showing The Reflector and
Greenville have made on the
question of the location of the
astern training s We ex-
to win out.
B-other Whichard. our hearts
in are with you.
Mrs R. J Grimes, after
a few days will relative in
n home Tuesday.
Mas Moseley, of
is visiting her brother J. R.
After a very cold spell we are
again having some fine weather
H. L Jenkins, of
is in town on business.
Mrs. John Mayo spent Sunday
in Tarboro with her son, E- L-
and Margaret
Howard, of Wed-
with Mrs. Robert Staton-
Th Way Artist Helped
In I. I u Ital-
i. r and
who one I
St Peter's, I I to an-
other branch of ornament for
Home. Many of the most beautiful
fountains had already been con-
In Hie
The Height of the In the Tim
of Louis XIV.
The oldest buttons i it is.
the museums and the col-
re the gold ban
en. Mycenae I he lime of the
and also tin -i
i of I. r
Mrs. Norman, of
spent Wednesday in
town shopping.
On account of wreck on the
Line between
Bethel last Wednesday, the mail
train was very late;
the people in the city did
not their mail until the fol-
lowing day. How the wreck
happened is unknown, and we
were very glad to know that
one go; hurt.
Several of the people of the
town witnessed a marriage at
took place here Wednesday. The
contracting parties were Mr,
Ward and Miss
of Williamston. Brother Martin
united the and after the
marriage they left for their
h in Williamson.
Judson Blount left this morn-
for Oxford to spend a few
We are having lots of changes
and vacant houses in Bethel.
Mrs. Edwards and her three
daughters of Scotland Neck will
move here to put up a sewing
Lester Jones is very sick with
measles and pneumonia.
at the mo
. d ma I
i., ft are
of i i
I Jet V
I of the
Mrs. Bob Peel and daughter, tabling no than
lb.-- i on a
ii .-. i en
e these, i h i Be
time were still in good
may have inspired him to
LINA OF 1899.
The General Assembly of North
Carolina do
Section That section five,
of chapter one and
teen of the private laws of 1899,
be amended by adding at the end
of section five the following
whenever any alderman
elected in any ward in said town
shall remove from the said ward
from which , he was elected, to
any other ward within the said
town to permanently reside
therein, it shall be his duty to
resign as alderman from the said
ward and upon his to do
so, the said board of aldermen
shall at its next regular meeting,
declare said office of alderman
from the said ward, vacant, and
proceed at once to from the
said ward a successor for said
alderman, so resigned or re
moved from said ward.
Section That this act shall
be in force from and after its
in the General Assembly read
three times and ratified this 21st
day of February, A- D- 1907.
their lie
. d a- he was
to some new
in . I there, and there
of one fountain which
I ears I i have been added a
and in which a
it supported by .
to that which Ben
cop .; II-
ever ti may he, in Hone Ben
may l m to he the creator
monumental fountain, a feature
nous in the city.
Who tin i loves Home but will ac-
knowledge a debt of gratitude to
the man who set or
open the foot of Spanish
who reared the dripping
ton draining conch shell m h
on the piazza of the
Who v ill not thank him for his sift
of the famous with it-
did its go I I
plunging horses, its reckless
of and material, ii-
wealth of spouting stream V r
although erected many years aft r
the of Bernini, still i- id n
and the original plans arc Ii .
Prince Doria posse c bi I; Ii
for the group. Ai t
all through f
he ti and time to r. Id
number, and Rome owes to I i n
less than twelve of her founts.
meet all of II
the ti o
blow their horns
i . of the Moor, and the i
,,. form symbolical of i h
II . recline in sleepy i
stand in tho gar-
den, in the Villa Mattel, etc., a;
arc nil marked by the e
invention and largeness of
the garters, tho cuffs and hat
The friendship is a I of the monarch.
and must urn r are obliged to admit, with our
coats and ever, oats garnished with
miserable little cloth and bone
fairs, we cut a poor figure in the
button business compared to
dudes of the days of XIV.
Paris Figaro.
Atlantic Coast Twice
Two wrecks tr- freight trains
on the Atlantic Coast
Line, Wednesday afternoon, and
all trains were about
four hours in con e
One of these wrecks was about
two miles above Bethel, where
in some unaccountable way live
cars were thrown the
and about
bully torn up. No v
hurt, though
jumped out of without
injury. It took several hours ti
get the track cleared and re-
The other wreck occurred
Scotland Neck, where two
derailed. This was not so serious
as the wreck near Bethel an I
trouble here soon
i so train could pass.
Mr- Daniel
Mr. Beverly Daniel, aged about
years, died
noon today the ho n of Mr.
H. Harrington ho
lived, was i
j tidier and e . He was
father of Mrs. J. S. Norm in.
of Greenville,
How to Well.
Do courteous to all, but
with few, and let those few be w
tried before you give them your i
of glow
and withstand the shocks of i r
pity before it is entitled to tin
pollution. Let your heart feel
the afflictions and distresses
one, and let your hand give in
proportion to your puree,
always the estimation of the
widow's mite, that ii is not even
one that that char-
All, however, are worthy .
the inquiry, or the deserving i
Do not conceive that fine
clothes make fine men any more
than fine feathers make line
A plain, genteel i m . I-
mired and obtains more credit than
lace embroidery in ii. of
tho judicious and
Washington in a letter to h
Scrap Book.
They Shaved.
It all the German papers if Au
gust, 1838, appeared an n ;
signed by the king of Bavaria for
bidding civilians on any
wear I e- and
commanding the o
lo arrest tho offenders an I
m by force. Apparently
ii a necessary, for, i -i
account of the time,
leaves from
mode to I i
royal order, and not one person
The ancient Anglo
Saxon was not so Hi
re long hair and a
no hoard, and when he
by the en N i
. he wore bis hair i
ever, to exaggerate tho
tween the two races,
also I
l; ; I th
beyond a bl are ii , it re
i to the I
. i ii for-
ii , an
of the b of that i
n. ii i- ii-
I, Mon
. . i
. id I .--
.-- but-
I . es.
J Hi by
Jim to I be
. i Two ad
butt,. diamond
ii . i, Four diamond
bi ,
r item in the same
for the king's vest, forty-
old buttons, each set with
. bi and clasps, for-
I h were of
five diamonds each and forty-eight
of one diamond each,
; clasps for the doublet
of the king, of which were
I of five diamonds each and
of one diamond each,
addition there were seven or-
. d clasps of three d
presents, or-
Thai up a total of about
8.000,000 for t e ; of
for the single year
The preceding year Louis
XIV. received a lot of buttons
were valued at
these ions there is no men-
of the diamonds for the -hoes.
Brides Are Hungry.
How would a bride in this
try lo fast on her wedding day
until after sacred ceremony,
iii- after en luring tho hardships of
a farewell given tho day be-
fore r Yet this is what a Russian
girl is I to do. As the mar-
to be fashionable, should not
occur until evening, ii may easily
be in what an exhausted
stilt to commence her new
p I of life. Be
there are men, these r be-
obi ed lo . the brides-
i eel A person.
I en ring
age follow i
mo m
i in and diver, which is
I the tar. Tho
. ail is alike,
i is unlimited.
Lo I All
did get on in
wrong in geography again
the join
ed the an in east or of
confluence .-f the am
i re.
Same Child later,
and you want i
know, my -on
Son over a
-Where is Cm
river, father
think it's somewhere in Africa o
Asia. I forget
His Way Pairing.
A number of j, n ago a small
town in Maine an important local
. ion was lo place, and there
was strong i the
d Democrats, Hi
ram Morse, tho blacksmith, was a
strong Democrat, but many of the
farmer- were Republicans. On the
morning of the election a farmer
came to have his horse shod. The
blacksmith said to
busy. You're a Republican, and I'm
t Democrat. Let's pair off. We'll
neither of us vote, and it will
amount to the son e as if both went
to the Tin- was upon.
After el,. t on found out that
Morse had i air. off with live Re-
reproaching n
never having mar-
a lit lie
friend for
when her Ii i id,
in .
,. he . I e cut mo
out married you if he had want-
The lady started.
cried. didn't
he do it,
says he owed me a
the husband explained, with a
v, . ,
tax an
1.1, i i i-i

as second class matter Jan. 1907 the post office at
N. C, inter Act of congress of March 1879.
Advertising rates made upon application.
A desired at every port office and
in to
If uncertain about the fruit CORRECTION AND
wait until it gets ripe,
you can tell-
.- r
The the president talks
about it the worse plight lieges
himself in.
Even though the president
called him a liar,,
sticks to it
The J. exposition will
for bridal
March and cold-
i. is do right
v i . weather it cord breaker.
of these days the ins
idem nay learn that a
r. ;. Ii. r docs not make him one.
President Roosevelt up and
says that Mr. lied.
He was hardly expected to say
If Teddy culls many more
liars ho may get on the war
path before be reaches the
James lo fair.
does not desire
to do any man or institution an
injustice and it is to
c any m stake it may have
Some days ago. in comment-
in on the misdeeds of i
lo q mt cashier I
of M t Charlotte National
Bank w. said have been told
that high officials of the
t are among the
est in
We rote tin words upon re-
v. h we supposed were
been in-
I by i reliable source they
; re n t ti and we gladly re-
them d every part of the
seems to refit ct
upon tie officials of said bank
Well conducted banks are use-
institutions and we would
nut knowingly injure them.
Their usefulness depends
largely upon the confidence the
people have in their manage-
and we would not
justly say anything to impair
this confidence.
Reports from the trucking
of the State arc that
crops suffered seriously in the
recent cold snap.
Ii is unlucky that Thaw had
money to put up such a
trial there not be much
left with him when it is over.
It is now certain that this
school will located
this year at some point in
Eastern North Carolina- The
legislature has ordered such a
school to be established and has
left it to the State Board of Ed-
to locate it It is certain
that this institution is to be
a Dart of the tern
of the State and that it will re-
main where it ma., be located.
The people of Pitt county
should therefore well understand
that it is now or never. They
can secure the school if
they will, but they must
do it this year, not next.
In fact they must make
their decision on the 14th of May,
I Ion that day they vote
for bonds will record them-
selves in favor of securing the
school. If they vote against
bonds they will by that act say
they do not the school es-
in their county We
cannot believe that any of our
people will so vote. Our
is that the people of Pitt
love their county and that they
take a pride in its growing pros-
and influence. The
of the school in our midst
will give an impetus and an up
that will soon The rumor is out from
mace it the county of the of the
ii j State will test the validity of the
act of the recent legislature re-
Remember that when the Passenger fares to 1-4
registration book open for the The railroads may know
their own business, but we be-j
it is bad policy to continue
a fight in this matter.
Even if they could prevent the
A good motto for every voter
in Pitt for me and
my house, we favor bonds to
cure the Eastern training
The man who argues against
bonds to secure the location of the
the Eastern training school in this
county, argues against both his
and the county's interest.
What it will cost to get the
tern training school located in
Pitt county will only have to be
paid once, while the benefit the
county will reap from it will go
on through years without
It matters not in what section
of the county a man may live, he
should be in favor of bonds to
secure the Eastern training
school. Such a school will
fit every of the
and all neighboring counties also
staggering under
a burden of bail. It
looks to as though the courts
proposed to bond him for the full
amount he stole.
Chicago has just passed through
throes of a mayoralty con-
test, but New York know
elected two years
A Chicago News suggest Taft
and Fairbanks as a harmony tick-
et. A sort of lean
and streak proposition.
The Daily Free Press, of Kin-
has reached the age of ten
years. Ii is a paper that has a-
laces, in-
and edges to
from to cents.
See our line ready made black
silk underskirts, from to
Pulley Bowen.
See our line of patent
leather pumps. Bowen.
Yard wide black
price, at Pulley
O of an April moon.
Bloom of the rose's, breath of spring.
Sweet the wood with green
Where the robins build their nest
Queen of the months, to the barefoot
When waters whirl and swish.
The pole and line is all to him
That likes to catch the tinny fish.
April fair, to lovers thou art.
A dream of Paradise true,
Where pure only dwell-
So welcome to thy of blue
Mrs. W. G. Williams,
Greenville, N. C.
Much of the so called friend-
ship of the day is but pretense.
J It exists only in name and as
I soon as it ceases to be
it is dropped. The
friendship that continues the
same in prosperity and
is to be prized, but all other
kinds are worthless. It matters
not how hard a man may
to do right and make a
of life there is always some
loathsome reptile, some worth-
i wretch who is to drag
Oxford ties, at Pu i
Bowen's. down, to blight his hopes
and blast his fondest ambitions.
The loss of money and property
and .
cents. Pulley Bowen- not the man
. . , can in th business
Our stock is now complete in world; far better to lose your
ways been active in advancing ladies and misses Slippers and money than to lose hope and
the interest of its town and Shoes- Pulley Bowen. ambition. Dunn Guide,
is no single en-
in Kinston worth so
much to the town as the Free
coming bond elections, every
man must register , he cannot
We would like April better if j vote. in the town of
it was treating us better. must register both J
j the town and county elections. act becoming operative for the
If we have only their words to while those living elsewhere in being, it would only make
for it, why is not Mr. the county must register for the the next legislature more
of as Mr. county election. The town mined in passing a law to reach
R will take place on Tuesday. the railroads. and
the 7th day of May. and the made lower than under the
The to whom it re-
B Luke was engaged,
has come out with a flat denial
usually deny such things-
center, was so easily taken
in l- lie Li. How the
do to be humbugged
In the past week we have
giant ed over the bank statements
published in a number of our ex-
changes, and find that for
size of the towns the banks in I
Greenville and Pitt county are
the peers of any of them.
county election on Tuesday, the law- better
14th day of May. Keep this and give the ,
straight in your mind and do not a fair trial so that
fUR PATTERN HATS have been made for
several seasons by a lady that runs a
stylish Millinery Parlor in the most fashionable
of Baltimore and her Hats this season ex-
all others. She improves with age. Come
to our Opening and buy one of those stylish Hats.
JAMES will try to please you.
Of course we do not expect he
other towns wanting it to agree
with us, but there is really no
question about
in Pitt the best town in which to i
Eastern training school for
bods to beheld next, teachers. In health this
Tic rt suit of that town cannot be surpassed. We
tier, mars much to the county, good water works, electric
; lighting and power and sewerage
systems, all owned and operated
by the town. It ample trans-
facilities and is almost
I get the nor the elections may both see
advantageous. The Re-
has all along been of the
There are two bond elections that the railroad, had
before- people of Pitt county, th
Place Your Orders For
The I ave st me names out in
Chicago- Dunne was the Demo-
candidate for mayor and
was the can-
The election was held
Tuesday, and what done
for Dunne was a plenty
There are to be two elections
next month on the of is
suing bonds one for the town on
the 7th and one on
the 14th- It must be borne in
mind that entire new registration
is ordered for each of these
and only those register
can vote-
Some cf you fellows who have
had in contemplation the
chase of a building lot in Green-
ville had better not wait too
long about it Do you think
after the brick making plant
gets to the new railroad
gets to running trains, the east-
training school gets located,
the sewerage system is com-
the paved and the
town gets a cotton mill, that
you can buy property as
as now If you i
the exact center of district
which the school is intended to
one in which only the people of
the town vote, and the other in
which the people of the town
and entire county vote The
cent bill in the legislature of
1905, there would not have been
a passenger reduction bill con-
by the legislature
amount bonds to be issued by
the town is not to
and by the county is not to RANDOM REFLECTIONS.
exceed So much of the I
proceeds of these bonds as may
be necessary is to be used to
We will make Tobacco Flues this season
at Warehouse where is
plenty of room.
We expect to be able to supply all who
want them if we can get iron fast enough.
Leave your orders with
will find yourself mistaken.
People get strange ideas in
their heads sometime. A gen-
who spent Sunday near
Falkland back and told us
that another gentleman out there
said he had read an article in
The Reflector that Greenville did
not want the Eastern training
school for teachers to be
by the State, but that the
town was going ahead and es-
a school of her own. The
gentleman in question has seen
no such statement in The
tor, and we cannot understand
how he any such idea in his
head. Greenville does want
the State school located here,
and is going to leave nothing
done co secure it. The Reflector
has been for the school from the
beginning of the fight,
used and use its
you influence to secure it.
By a Contributor.
So far. Senator Forker has not
laid the blame on the president
cure the location of the Eastern the Ohio floods.
training school for teachers at are going to erect a statue
in Pitt county. Ev- in Boston. A sort of
cry of the county is inter- set-off for .-. Lawson.
this and every vote j The recent flurry in Wall street;. .--,.
should vote for the bond has thrown a great many second- H I L Ii C
If it should require the entire automobiles en the market
amount of the two bond issues
though that is not
cure the school, it will be worth
every dollar of it to the county.
Such a school located in the
county is going to benefit every-
body, both in increased
advantages and value
of property.
There are already too many
written laws, and some of the
written are better than the writ-
Greensboro has not yet quit
talking about the palmist, but
such should
have squealed.
The baseball fan is no
counting the days to the opening
game. He is now counting the
Philadelphia feels a little
since the San Francisco
of contentment with
When those Chicago boiler
makers the resulting
silence must have been almost
Of course, Senator Burton will
try to get even with the v
dent, but his jail record is a dis- R Y
stands by the
says a Georgia exchange. But
she doesn't want be
she will stand near the
head of the mule.
A Little Farm Well Tilled
Will Make You
But too Much Land is a
You want to sell some of yours, you, and cultivate
the rest of it better You've got the land, we'll find the j
buyer Just send a description of your land and tell us
to sell it. We'll do the rest. I
It U a Ions time before MT,
, , , . ,. Mansfield hat declared for
out win ,. ,. ., ,
a third term, is a sign
i term idea is rather
in the popular.
miles from Greenville on R, P. R. R. We will sell a
limited number of building or tot. wishing to
purchase a home or lac. -v. can get one cheap
by buying now.
Sin is located a good community, with a nice.,
school convenient and store, saw mill and brick making
plant close by.
W. L
I This department is in of F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory
Miss Cox spent
day and Sunday with Miss
Annie Carroll.
Lam Taylor of Kinston,
spent Monday and Tuesday here
with his daughter, Mrs Frank
Deputy collector Lewis H. ox
was here on business Tuesday
M. G Bryan is visiting
mother near Stokes this
I w
A. and
Protect yourself from the sun Extra lino of white goods
v- by getting a large hat at opened at B. F. Manning Co.
. Harrington, Barber Co. The town authorities have
mo v-r- We were glad to W. C pointed J. W. Harper registrar
Vincent, of Bethel, Wednesday for the coming town election. w- and
as he passed through on his way a new line of tin ware just Sunday in Ayden
out to his old home. j at Harrington Barber A- L. lectured tea
The A. G. Cox i large crowd here Sunday alter
make flues for the sea- Mr. and Mrs. J. K. the dangers of bad
son at the same old as who had been visiting relatives for young men- He sold
last season. Oakley, returned home quite a number of his books.
Mis Bessie Sams went to I Monday morning.
Greenville Friday evening. I, and men's fancy silk
Anew lot of fresh flour just I wear at B F.
arrived at Harrington, Barber I Manning Co.
See our new assortment of
We came very near having
serious runaway Main street
Friday Two
t R. F. Mr.
nine f-
a w-ts.
John and Carrol
to Friday and
The A. G. Cox M Co. has
still on hand a full supply of
their Tar Heel Cart wheels.
Send us your order we assure
prompt shipments.
Revs. W. F. Fry and T. H.
King returned to their homes
Wednesday alter having conduct-1
ed a most successful ten day's
revival at the Baptist church
At the close of the Wednesday
morning service the ordinance of
baptism was administered to
A new lot of nice and
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Mr and Mrs. J- K Barnhill
left Friday morning for Oakley
where they will spend a few days
John Nichols, who had been
here for several days with
left for Kinston Thursday
Another large lot of shoes just
in at Harrington Barber Co.
The Methodist and Episcopal
Sunday schools gave an Easter
egg hunt Friday afternoon to the
children The-y certainly enjoyed
suits of all sizes are
ring at cost at B F. Manning
Miss Ives, after spend-
sometime with Mrs. J D.
Cox, left Friday for her home at
A large delegation of Winter-
ville Council No Jr. O U. A
M. went out to the May school
house Wednesday at and
laid the corner stone tor the
building and presented a Bible.
Prof. G. E. Lineberry delivered
the address and that heard
him speak o it in highest terms.
Prof. closed the
with some most appropriate
remarks of encouragement to the
school and community. At
the audience reassembled and a
concert was given by the school.
Miss Cox spent Thursday
with Miss in
me famous dress
shoe for ladies and gentlemen at
h. F. Manning Co-
W. H. was
evening on his way
t Greenville from the closing
at the Maj school
h e.
. G. Cox Co., are
receiving orders for their
n . and most up to-date
a buggies.
j Cobb, of Cobb's
was here on
to of B. T.
i- A for T. W. Wood
Misses Nannie Braxton and
Lizzie Pow ell went to Greenville
Secure a at
Barber Co.
Keep your horses, boys, and
chickens in a healthy condition
by giving them Pratt's food.
B. F. Manning Co.
When you realize how much
it is to you to have the
faculties of a good bank at your
disposal, consider whether or
not you could do some friend a
good turn by convincing him of
the advantage of carrying a
bank account, and by
to the
missionary work of this kind
cost and is
by the bank, and may be
the point In friend's
career to prosperity J. L.
J; n, cashier,
j Manning Co.
don't understand it
j says a middle-aged man of av-
for Meeting,
day April 13th, 1907.
a. m. Devotional
Reading minutes of
last meeting.
review of the work
belonging to the May boys I just don't of the Betterment Association for
came frightened at the train, and to get anything ahead. By the year, W H.
one of them became tin-. all my expenses are, Some suggestions as to the
They did not run very far have anything left. future work of the association
people no smarter I j by the president, Miss Betty
not earning any more than I j Wright.
do seem to get along first rate. Some things that
Why don't I have De-age us, Prof. G. E. Lineberry.
however, and no serious damage
was done.
Get the shoe
tor comfort, especially for older
me. are going. B. F.
Manning Co. have them.
Miss Keel, of Norfolk,
left for Greenville Friday even
after having spent sometime
with Misses Pattie and Evelyn
Call and the new
line of Straw Hats just arrived
a . A. W Ange Co.
L. L. Kittrell went to
vi today.
The A- G. Cox Co., are
in position to fill your orders
promptly for the old reliable
Cox Cotton Planters Simplex
Guano Sowers.
j. F. Bar wick and C. A. Fair,
of were here Tuesday
afternoon on business.
good as new East Carolina Sup-
ply Co Winterville, N. C.
Sheriff L. W Tucker, of
Greenville, was in town
The genial Spring days will
be here a comfortable
couch will be a luxury. A. W.
A Co. has them at a bar-
Get your choice groceries at B.
F. Manning Co.
Pure eggs
sale by Mrs. G. A. Kittrell
A new line of dry goods and
not. just opened. Ladies,
come examine them.
A. W. Ange Co
Miss Cox left Monday
evening as a delegate to the
Women's Baptist Missionary
which convenes in Golds-
this week.
A. N. Ange Co. know how
to buy shoes for comfort,
and have just
opened their large line of fine
We had another runaway Tues-
day but no serious damage was
Miss Miriam Johnson spent
Sunday in Ayden visiting
Cost will be added to those
who are in arrears taxes for
the year after April 1st,
1907 Chas. W. Smith.
Th A. G. Cox Co., are
still shipping the reliable Cox
Cotton Planters and Simplex
Guano Sowers to both North
and South Carolina. Send us
your order we assure prompt
Remember that the A. G. Cox
Co. will continue for the
coming to make tobacco flues-
The A. G- Cox Co. are
now receiving orders for their
Handy tobacco trucks even
though it is early in the season
B. F. Manning Co. know
what their many
want in the line of slippers.
They have just opened them up.
C and see them. They are
T Cox Bro. have
seeds and flower ail
kinds at the drug store.
is powerful
Bank of Win- tonic an female
S and diseases.
B. T. Cox Bro.
what amount you can
save a d deposit it in the first
thing. J. L Jackson, Bank of
List of those who are in
rears for taxes in the town of
Winterville for the year 1906
Braxton. W J
Braxton. A B
Braxton, E W
Cooper, Rowan
Cooper, Rowan Son
Cooper, J
Coward, Warren
Cox. A D
Dal. Calvin
Evans, D B
Electric Light Co
Elliott. L F
For st B D
Fair. C A
Grimes, Oscar
Harrison, Wm H
Johnson, J R
Johnson, Mrs H L
Kittrell, G A L L
Lane. Henry
Little. J B
Locust, F L
Manning, O C
Manning, J A
Manning, E C
May, J R E H
Morris, Madison
Nelson, H D
Smith, M M
Sparks. J W
. Tyson, Frank
Tucker, E F
Vincent, W C
Winterville Canning Co
Yancey, Albert
CHAS. SMITH, Collector.
A 5-minutes talk on the
year's work of the
Association by the president,
Presentation of
prize for most improvement to
school grounds and houses, Gov
T. J- Jarvis.
Presentation of the
Grimes medal, F. G. James
Presentation of the
Arthur medal, F C. Harding.
Presentation of the sec-
prize Woman's Betterment
association. Rev. M T-
Presentation second prize
Grime's medal, Supt H. B.
Presentation second
prize Arthur medal, Rev. J, E.
Address, Mrs. R. R.
The meeting Saturday will be
the last one held until next fall,
We are anxious to make it the
best educational ever
held here- I desire to earnestly
insist upon every teacher in the
county being present and also to
invite those who are not teach-
to be with us. It will be seen
by looking at the above program
that it is one which promises to
be exceedingly interesting. I
cordially invite everybody who
is interested in educational
to be present that day and
help us make it count for good.
The Woman's Betterment As-
will have entire charge
of the day's work and this alone
insures a feast to these who
W- II.
Co. Supt. of Schools.
At the Close of Business, Mar. 22nd
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts secured 67.39
Furniture and fixtures
Demand loans
Due from banks and bankers 2,188.18
Cash items 8-40
Gold Coin
Silver coin 278.45
Nat. bk 1,280.00
Capital stock
surplus funds
Undivided 15.20
Bills Payable v.
Time certificates of deposit
Deposits subject to check 11,060.68
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, J. L. Jackson, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly
swear that above is true to the best of my
edge and belief. J. L Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before ,
me, this 30th day of Mar, 1907. j. p.
Notary Public. A. Q. COX,
Hie New Year
mp a game
r north
every customer Tor Mi during
past year It may be continued.
It will pay you to visit store and see my stock.
J. B. Johnston,
question. AH styles, pleasing
all sizes for every man,
at prices that should be more
than we ask-

AND i I-
second class matter Jan. 1907 the post office at
N. C, mi Act of congress of March 1879.
Advertising rates made upon application.
desired at every post office and adjoining
in to
If uncertain about the fruit
wait until it gets ripe,
you can tell-
The more the president tails
about it the worse plight he
himself in.
Even though the
called him a liar,.
sticks to it
J. exposition will
for bridal
i i,. v l March, and cold-
en i is making 1907 do right
weather r cord breaker.
t n c of these days the
idem learn at calling a
r does not make him one.
President Roosevelt up and
says that Mr. lied.
He was hardly expected to say
If Teddy calls many more
liars ho may get on the war
path before he reaches the
Jamestown fair.
Reports from the trucking
of the State are that
suffered seriously in the
recent snap.
I. is unlucky that Thaw had
money enough to put up such a
trial there nut be much
left with him when it is over.
Th does not desire
to do any man or institution an
injustice and it is always glad to
C ct any m stake it may have
me days ago, in comment
the misdeeds of
Jo . . the a cashier
of Charlotte National
said have been told
high officials of the
i are among the
lat in
words upon re-
i we supposed were
since been in-
i reliable source they
re n t and we gladly re-
them d every part of
which seems to
lie . of said bank
; banks are use-1
and we would j
not knowingly injure them. I
Their usefulness depends
largely upon the confide the
people have in their manage-1
and we are would not
justly say anything to impair;
this confidence.
i i
It is now certain that this
school will located
this year at some point in
Eastern North Carolina- The
legislature has ordered such a
school to be established and has
I left it to the State Board of Ed-
i to locate it It is certain
that this institution is to be
a part of the tern
of the State and that it will re-
main where it ma., be located.
The people of Pitt county
should therefore well understand
that it is now or never. They
can secure the school if
they but they
do it this year, not next,
in fact they must make
their decision on the 14th of May,
1907. If on that day they vote
for bonds they will record them-
selves in favor of securing the
school. If they vote against
bonds they will by that act say
they do not want the school es-
in their county We
cannot believe that any of our
people will so vote. Our
is that the people of Pitt
love their county and that they
lake a pride in its growing pros-
and influence. The
of the school in our midst
will give an impetus and an up
t to the that will soon
m;. it the county of
all t
A good motto for every voter
in Pitt for me and
my house, we favor bonds to
cure the Eastern training
The man who argues against
bonds to secure the location of the
the Eastern training school in this
county, argues against both his
county's interest.
What it will cost to get the
training school located in
Pitt county will only have to be
paid once, while benefit the
county will reap from it will go
on through years without
It matters not in what section
of the county a man may live, he
should be in favor of bonds to
secure Eastern training
school. Such a school will
fit every of the
and all neighboring counties also
The Daily Free Press, of Kin-
has reached the age of
years, ll is a paper that has a-
Abe staggering under
a burden of bail It
looks to as though the courts
proposed to bond him for the full
amount he stole.
Special lot laces, in-
and edges to r-v ten.
from to cents.
See our line ready made black
silk underskirts, from to
Pulley Bowen.
See our line of patent
leather pumps. Bowen.
O light of an April moon.
Bloom of the rose's, breath of
Sweet the woods with foliage green
Where the robins build their neat
Queen of the months, to the barefoot
we waters whirl and swish.
The pole and line is all to him
That likes to catch tinny fish.
April fair, to lovers thou art.
A dream of Paradise true,
Where pure only dwell-
So welcome to thy skies of blue
Mrs. W. G. Williams,
Greenville, N. C.
Chicago has just passed through
th. throes of a mayoralty con-
test, but New York know
elected two years
A Chicago News Taft
and Fairbanks as a harmony tick-
et. A sort of lean
and streak proposition.
Much of the so called friend-
ship of the day is but pretense.
J It exists only in name and as
soon as it ceases to be
it is dropped. The
friendship that continues the
same in prosperity and
is to be prized, but all other
kinds are worthless. It matters
not how hard a man may
o fright and make a
Bowen's. of ls some
, , I loathsome reptile, some worth-
A new line Of wretch who is to d
Oxford ties, at , , , ,
Bowen's. his
. . ., . and blast his fondest
The loss of money and property
cents. Pulley Bowen. not the greatest loss a man
n , , . can sustain in business
Our stock is now complete in world; far better to lose your
ways been active in advancing ladies and misses Slippers and money than to lose hope and
the interest of its town and Shoes- Pulley Bowen. ambition. Dunn Guide,
is no single en-
in Kinston worth so
much to the as the Free
The to whom it re-
ported J B Luke was engaged,
has come out v. a flat denial
The rumor is sent out from
Raleigh that the of the
State will test the validity of the
act of the recent legislature re-
Remember that when the Passenger fares to 1-4
registration books open for the The railroads may know
coming bond elections, every their own business, but we be-
must register . he cannot it is bad policy to continue,
We would like April better if i vote. Loop.- . the town of a in this matter-;
it treating us better. Greenville must register for they could prevent the
j the town and county elections, becoming operative for the
If we have only their wards to J while those living elsewhere in time being, would only make;
take for it, why is not Mr. the county must register for the next more deter-;
as of belief as Mr. county election. The town mined in passing a law to reach
will take place on Tuesday. the the rate might;
the 7th day of May, and the be made lower than the
published in
changes, and find that for
size of the towns the banks in
, Greenville and county are
W u usually deny things- L peers of any cf
J-- Tuesday, the P--J-T. It would b. better
number of our ex- i day of May. Keep op and
straight in your mind and do not law a M that
nor the elections roads and both see
is advantageous. The
has all along been of the
opinion that if the railroads had
accepted the Laughinghouse
cent bill in the legislature of
C. T.
MARCH 26TH AND 27TH, 1907
PATTERN HATS have been made for
seasons by a lady that runs a
i-y Parlor in the most fashionable
pvt of Baltimore and her Hats this season ex-
cell all others. She improves with age. Come
to our Opening and buy one of those stylish Hats.
JAMES will try to please you.
easily taken other towns wanting it to agree the
in by the
do to be humbugged
in Pitt
to crested
for to be held next.
Tl c of that
much to county.
The lave names out in
Chicago- Dunne was the Demo-
candidate for mayor and
was the can-
The election was held
Tuesday, and what done
for Dunne was a plenty
There are to be two elections
next month on the of is
suing bonds one for the town on
7th and one on
14th- It must be borne in
mind that new registration
is ordered for each of these
and only those register
can vote
j p of Pitt county,
Of course expect he. in which the p of
town vote, and the other in
Place Your Orders For
Tobacco Flues.
with us, but there is really no
question about Greenville
the best town in which to i
the Et stern training school for
teachers. In this
town cannot be surpassed. We
have good water works, electric
lighting and power and sewerage
systems, all owned and operated
by the town. It ample trans-
I es and is almost
the center of the district
which the school is intended to
Some of you fellows who have
had in contemplation the
chase of a building lot in Green-
ville better not wait too
long about it. Do you think
after the brick making plant
gets to the new railroad
gets to running trains, the east-
training school gets located,
the sewerage system is com-
the streets paved and the
town gets a cotton mill, that
you can buy property as
as now If you to you
will find yourself mistaken.
1905, there would not have been
which the people of the town . . .-,
. a passenger reduction bill con-
and entire county vote The . t. , . t
,, by the legislature of
amount bonds to be issued by
the town is not to exceed
and by the county is not to;
exceed So much of the
proceeds of these bonds as may
We will make Tobacco Flues this season
at Warehouse where is
i room.
We expect to be able to supply all who
want them if we can get iron fast enough.
By a Contributor.
So far. Senator Forker has not
be necessary is to be used to laid the on the president
the location of the Eastern for the Ohio
Leave your orders with
training school for teachers at
are going to erect a statue
People get strange ideas in
at in Pitt county. Ev- of Boston. A sort of GREENVILLE, ft Q
n of the county is inter- set-off for . . Lawson. THE OLD RELIABLE FLUE
this and every vote j The recent flurry in Wall ,,.
vote for the bond has t a great many I E
If it should require the entire automobiles en the market
. j amount of the two bond issues
who spent Sunday near
Falkland back and told us
that another gentleman out there
said he had read an article in
The Reflector that Greenville did
not want the Eastern training
school for teachers to be
by the State, but that the
was going ahead and es-
a school of her own. The
gentleman in question has seen
no such statement in The
tor, and we cannot understand
how he got any such idea in his
head. Greenville does want
the State school located here,
and is going to leave nothing
done co secure it. The Reflector
has been for school from the
beginning of the fight, has
used and use its
influence to secure it.
though that is not
The baseball fan is no
counting the days to the opening
He is now counting the
, N. C.
cure the school, it will be worth
every dollar of it to the county.
Such a school located in the I Philadelphia feels a little
. . . since the San Francisco
county is going to benefit every- . j
,,,. of contentment with
body, both in increased
of property.
and value
There are already too many
written laws, and some of the
written are better than the writ-
Greensboro has not yet quit
talking about the palmist, but
such should never
have squealed.
When those Chicago boiler
makers , the resulting
silence must have been almost
Of course, Senator will
try to get even with the w u
dent, but his record is a dis- Y
stands by the
says a Georgia exchange. But
if she doesn't want be
she will stand near the.
head of the mule. i
A Little Farm Well Tilled
Will Make You
But too Much Land is a
You want to sell some of yours, you, and cultivate
the rest of it better You've got the land, we'll find the
buyer Just send a description of your land and tell us
to sell it. We'll do the rest.
It a long before that Mr. Richard
. , . . for
out will . i. n i
. a thud term, it a Sign that I
be no letup discus, Una idea is rather
in the
miles from Greenville on R. P. R. It. We will sell a
hunted number of building or hr wishing to
a home or a . can get one
y buying now.
Sin in located In a good Community, with a nice
convenient and store, saw mill and brick making
plant close by.
This department is in of F. C. who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
M .
Protect yourself from the sun Extra line of white goods just
f- by getting a large straw hat at opened at B. F. Manning Co.
Harrington, Barber Co. The town authorities
print-tn v
Miss Cox spent
day and Sunday with Miss
Annie Carroll.
Lam Taylor of Kinston,
spent Monday and Tuesday here
with his daughter, Mrs Frank
Deputy collector Lewis H. ox
was here on business Tuesday
Mrs. M. G Bryan is visiting
near Stokes this
J. W. Harper registrar
i-i for coming town election. a A Ange and
I We were glad to see W.
i Vincent, of Bethel,
r. f r- ; as he passed through on his way j A new line of tin ware just re-
out to his old home. I at Harrington Barber
The A. G- Cox Co- will Co.
fr t B. F
f- carry-
John and Carrol
to Friday and
j Sunday in Ayden.
A L. lectured to a
large crowd here Sunday alter
make flues for the Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Barnhill, noon or, the dangers of bad
son the same old price
last season.
Bessie Sams
Co. has Greenville Friday evening.
The A. G. Cox
still on hand a full supply of
their Tar Heel Cart wheels.
Send us your order we assure
prompt shipments.
Revs. W. F. Fry and T. H.
King returned to their homes
Wednesday after having conduct- j belonging to the May boys he-
ed a most successful ten frightened at and
revival the Baptist church one of them became
of the Wednesday able. They did not run very far.
morning service the ordinance of I however, and no serious damage
baptism was administered to was done.
had been visiting relatives for young men- He sold
near Oakley, returned home quite a number of his books.
to Monday morning.
and men's fancy silk
A new lot of fresh flour just at
arrived at Harrington, Barber Co.
We came very near having ;
serious runaway Main street
Friday Two team
etc at B.
Program far Meeting,
day April 1907.
a. m. Devotional
Rev. Mr.
Reading minutes of
last meeting
lit review of the work
See our new
ham burgs, laces
Manning Co.
don't understand it
says a middle-aged man of av-
I just don't of Association for
the year. W H.
Some suggestions as to the
i future work of the association
seem to get anything ahead. By
time all my expenses are
paid I have anything left.
Other people no smarter I aw by the president, Miss Hetty
A new lot of nice and
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Mr and Mrs. J- K Barnhill
left Friday morning for Oakley
where they will spend a few days
John Nichols, who had been
here for several days with
left for Kinston Thursday
Another large lot of shoes just
in at Harrington Barber Co.
The and Episcopal
Sunday schools gave an Easter
egg hunt Friday afternoon to the
children They certainly enjoyed
suits of all sizes are
going at cost at B F. Manning
Miss Ives, after spend-
sometime with Mrs. J D.
Cox, left Friday for her home at
A large delegation cf Winter-
ville Council No Jr. O U. A
M. went out to the May school
house Wednesday at and
laid the corner stone for the
building and presented a Bible.
Prof. G. E. Lineberry delivered
the address and all that heard
him speak it in highest terms.
Prof. closed the
with some most appropriate
remarks of encouragement to the
school and community. At
the audience and a
concert was given by the school.
Miss Cox spent Thursday
with Miss in
famous dress
shoe for ladies and gentlemen at
B F. Manning Co-
Prof. W. H. was hero
evening on his
t Greenville from the doting
e at Maj school
. G. Cox Co., are
receiving orders for their
n . and most up to date
bi. buggies.
i Cobb, of Cobb's
ads, was here Friday on
to of B. T.
Ac Bra for T. W.
Misses Nannie Braxton and
Lizzie Pow ell went to Greenville
Secure a. at
Barber Co.
Keep your horses, boys, and
chickens in a healthy condition
by giving them Pratt's food.
B. F. Manning Co.
When you realize how much
benefit it is to you to have the
faculties of a good bank at your
disposal, consider whether or
not you could do some friend a
good turn by convincing him of
the carrying a
bank and by They have just opened them up-
to the bank A lit Lie C; ll and see them. They are
Get the shoe
for comfort, especially for older
me. Ti are going. B. F.
Manning Co. have them.
Miss Keel, of Norfolk,
left for Greenville Friday even
after spent sometime
with Misses Pattie and Evelyn
Call and the new
line of Straw Hats just arrived
a. A. W Ange Co.
L. L. Kittrell went to
vi today-
The A- G. Cox Co., are
in position to fill your orders
promptly for the old reliable
Cox Cotton Planters Simplex
Guano Sowers.
J. F. Bar wick and C A. Fair,
of Ayden, were here Tuesday
afternoon on business.
For Sale-A
good as new East Carolina Sup
ply Co Winterville, N. C.
Sheriff L. W Tucker, of
Greenville, was in town water
The genial Spring days will
be here a comfortable
couch will be a luxury. A. W.
A Co. has them at a bar-
Get your choice groceries at B.
F. Mai Co.
Pure eggs
sale by Mrs. G. A.
A nets line of dry goods and
just Ladies,
come examine them.
A. W. Ange Co
Miss Cox left Monday
as a delegate to the
Women's Baptist Missionary
Union which convenes in Golds-
this week.
A. N. Ange Co. know how
to buy shoes for comfort,
and They have just
opened their large line of line
We had another runaway Tues-
day but no serious damage was
Miss Miriam Johnson spent
Sunday in Ayden visiting
Cost will be added to those
who are in arrears taxes for
the past year after April 1st,
1907 Chas. W. Smith.
Th-A. G. Cox Co., are
still shipping the reliable Cox
Cotton Planters and Simplex
Guano Sowers to both North
and South Carolina. Send us
your order we assure prompt
Remember that A. G. Cox
Co. will continue for the
coming to make tobacco flues-
The A. G- Cox Co. are
now receiving orders for their
Handy tobacco trucks even
though it is early in the season
B. F. Manning Co. know
exactly what their many
want in the line of slippers.
not earning any more than I
do seem to get along first rate.
Why don't I have De-
what amount you can
save a d deposit it in the first
thing. J. L Jackson, Bank of
List of those who are in
rears for taxes in the town of
for the year 1906
Braxton. W
Braxton. A
Braxton, E
Cooper, Rowan
Cooper, J
Cox. A
Evans, D
Electric Light
Elliott. L
For st B
Fair. C
Harrison. Wm
House, W
Johnson, J
Kittrell, G A L
Little J
Locust, F
Manning, O
Manning, J
Manning, E
May, J R E
La whom,
Nelson, H
Smith, M
Sparks, J
Vincent, W
CHAS. SMITH, Collector.
us. Prof. G. E. Lineberry.
A 5-minutes talk on the
work of the
Association by the president,
Supt. J. A. Arthur.
Presentation of
prize for most improvement to
school grounds and houses, Gov
T. J-
Presentation of the
Grimes medal, Hon F. G. James
Presentation of the
Arthur F C. Harding.
Presentation of the sec-
prize Woman's
association, Rev. M T-
Presentation second prize
Grimes medal, Supt. H. B.
Presentation second
prize Arthur medal, Rev. J, E.
Address, Mrs. R. R.
The meeting Saturday will be
the last one held until next fall,
We are anxious to make it the
best educational gathering ever
held here- I desire to
insist upon every teacher in the
county being present and also to
invite those who are not teach-
to be with us. It will be seen
by looking at the above program
that it is one which promises to
be exceedingly interesting. I
cordially invite everybody who
is interested in educational
to be present that day and
help us make it count for good.
The Woman's Betterment As-
will have entire charge
of the day's work and this alone
insures a feast to these who
Co. Supt. of Schools.
At the Close of Business, Mar. 22nd
and discounts
Overdrafts secured
Furniture and fixtures 926.88
Demand loans
Due from hanks bankers
Cash items
Gold Coin
Silver coin 278.45
Nat. bk 1,286.00
State of North Carolina,
surplus funds Undivided
Time certificates of
Deposits subject to
County of Pitt.
I, J. L. Jackson, Cashier of the named bank, do a
wear that the above true to the beat my
edge and belief. J. L
Subscribed and sworn to before
day of Mar, 1907.
Notary Public,
J. K.
G. E-
A i
New Year
Find me same old i
ii a
ii i in
r north
missionary work of kind
cost i.
by the bank, and may be
the point in friend's
career to prosperity J. L.
n, cashier. Bank of Win-
T Cox ft Bro. have
seeds and flower ail
kinds at the drug store.
tonic and regulator for female
s and diseases.
B. T. Cox Bro.
tiE, HA, CAKES, ,
every customer Tor Mi the
year It be continued.
It will pay you to visit my store and see my stock.
J. B. Johnston,
question. All styles,
all sizes for every man,
prices that should be more
than we ask-
and at
C. S.

m,.,. , .
The I
North Carolina do
Section That chapter
hundred and fifteen f of the
private acts of one
tight and ninety-nine
be me is
mended as by
ire; out a of section two of
act. except the first
said section h s in the
place the par stricken out
the lining
the southern bank of Tar river
at line between C T. Mil
and Johnston.
souther o with U r
boundary of Frank
land to
Greenville and Washington t
men to be elected for a of
one year and the other of said
be for a
of two years, and said ward
shall each and every year
thereafter one alderman
of office shall be years;
and the fifth ward shall
elect each and every ear one
aldermen whose term of office
shall one year.
Se.-. That said chapter one
h and fifteen of
t . private acts of one thousand
I hundred and ninety-nine,
i the fur-
With A. L. C. at
the influence of the
corporation commission an agree-
his been made between
the A. C. L the N. S.
railroads important
connections will be male at Kin-
and at The
cf these connections
will necessitate a of
schedule of three
trains on the Beaufort division
of the Norfolk Southern and
two n the Atlantic Coast Line.
Norfolk Southern train No.
Schnapps Tobacco is Hide ENTIRELY from Flue Cored
Tobacco Grown in the Piedmont Country.
The Imitation Brands Have Schnapps
Quality Only On the Outside
Of the Plug
thence an i
the i r
the western
ton's I .;.
course v
f said i ad i
if the i
wt r
western .-
I em
said am e
S T. A I prop i th o i
r course in a d reel
en the Ra end P
by striking out all which passes at
. ; n Ham m minutes ear-
to I o. act .
to make connection at New
after the word. with the A. C L train
. , h will . leaving
, , . minutes. No. the
the Norfolk Southern will leave
part minutes later in he
raid begin at a afternoon to make
u., o. h bank of at the A. C
Tar rive- u line
T,, , . , , p. m., thus in-
. i Johns on. connection with the A. C
a it course with L train from Weldon, No.
I'll of Frank on the Norfolk Southern
to the Greenville be minutes later, passing
and V,
i .
an third
road, thence a
. with said road
and third street
extended t th western
said town in a northerly
sound division of the N r- direct onto th. no
folk -1 S at easterly coarse with the s
wet mend of the Tar river
v. at point where
r iv the co
Kinston at p. m. instead of
p. m. and make connection
at with the A. C. L.
from Wilmington.
The date when these schedules
go into effect is not made known
vet. Kinston Free Press-
The second ward shall
south eastern corner
lint ward, thence in a wester-
direction with the southern
boundary of first ward, third
southern boundary of the right
of way i railway, thence
a westerly c with
southern of
at Mew Ban.
A disastrous fire at
early this morning, at
o'clock which destroyed J.
Arnold's and horses
Hundreds of imitation brands are
on sale that look like Schnapps to-
The outside of the imitation
plugs of tobacco is flue cured the same
as Schnapps, but the inside is filled
with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened
air cured tobacco. One chew of
Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger
longer than two chews of such to-
The color, size and shape
of the tags, plugs and packages of
certain imitation brands of tobacco
have been made so much like
Schnapps that they have often been
accepted by buyers under the belief
that they were getting Schnapps.
Sufficient proof has been secured
to establish the fact that certain
brands are infringements and in
of the trade mark laws, yet the
trade will continue to be imposed
upon these until the suit
already entered and now pending to
protect Schnapps is decided. A
great of these imitations are
to be as as
Schnapps, but there is only one gen-
Schnapps. Be sure the letters
on the tag, and stamped on the plug
under the tag spell S-C-H-N-A-P-P-S
and then have most
wholesome tobacco produced, with
just enough sweetening to preserve
the mild, juicy, stimulating quality of
the leaf tobacco. Expert tests prove
that this flue cured tobacco, grown
in the famous Piedmont region, re-
quires and takes less sweetening than
any other and has a wholesome,
stimulating, satisfying effect on
If the tobacco you are chewing
don't satisfy you more than the mere
habit of expectorating, stop fooling
yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco.
Schnapps is like the tobacco chewers
formerly bought costing from
to pound; Schnapps is
sold at per pound, in cuts,
strictly and plugs.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company n. C.
the iron
said railway at tin line between
the House and Atkins property
and T. II. M ire's land, thence a
in Ar
burnt . to
, boarding house,
to the western boundary of said was entirely destroyed.
town, thence in a southerly and its contents of
street, and third street extended
a northerly course with a ditch
to the old plank road, thence a
northerly course in a direct line
to the eastern side of roadway
between the James L. ,.
the Perkins prop
at the s corner of
the said Perkins prop
thence with the eastern
said roadway or lane to the
southern side of the Greenville
d road, thence will
the southern side of said road to
a opposite R. A. Tyson's
southeast co thence across
the road to said Tyson's r.
thence a northerly course with
said eastern line or a
line continuing in sum.; direction
to Tar river, an easterly
course with the bank
of Tar river to
Sec. That said chapter one
hundred and fifteen of tin
sets one thousand
eight hundred and ninety-nine
be, and the Same is hereby fur-
a -i. by striking out
all of section four of said act
and putting in place of said sec
four id the
an election shall held
annually on the first in
June of each and every year, by
the qualified voters residing in
the several wards of said town Evans
for the election of aldermen, and Evans street
with the western bound- boarding horse
of .-aid town to the Gr. tin.
and Falkland road, thence in an
easterly direction with said road
. d street, and fifth et
to the eastern bound-
l aid town, t in a
northerly direction with the
eastern boundary said town to
the Greenville and Washington
with the boundary
of said town to the beginning,
eastern comer of first
ward. The third ward
shall begin at the
owner of second ward and
thence with the southern bound
of said ward and fifth street
to live points with Die .
avenue to the western
boundary to said town, thence
with the western
four ice, entailing a RECEIPTS CROWING.
in The Journal at
Toward the
There is not a better index to
the business growth of a town
had than its and
hair lives., is making a
2nd. showing r that line.
Postmaster Flanagan has given
us some figures from the records
in th tell
the gratifying in bus
M t, late
tin.- u to .
said to m to the
. or -1st
of March, or notice will c
p e in bar of
All it- t. to said estates
the bank of n. t.
Loans and Discounts Stock paid in
Overdrafts Secured 299.5 Surplus Fund
Undivided profits
Die from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Deposit 2.437.7
subject 70,987.-.
, A
r. ti-NOTICE.
Hied as
as administrator
Nancy E
Pitt county, this
r lite z.
a. having
said town to
pleaded in bar
to said estate
boundary of re-l-y-
the first ward shall elect one
each every year
whose term of office shall be one
year, and the second ward
shall elect at the election to be
held on the said first Monday in
Juno, one thousand nine
and seven, two aldermen,
one of said aldermen to be
dieted for a term of one year,
and the other of said aldermen to
be elected for a term of two years,
and raid wad shall elect each
and every year thereafter one
alderman the term of two
year-; the ward shall
elect at the election to be held
on the first Monday in June one
hundred and
seven, two aldermen, of said
aldermen to be elected for a term
of two years, and said ward
shall elect each and every
thereafter one alderman the
term of two years; find the
fourth ward shall elect at
the election to be on e
first Monday in
and nine and seven,
two one f said
fourth ward shall be
five points at the -1 of
Evans street and Dickinson
and running thence with
Dickinson avenue and the rod
of third ward to w . stern
boundary of said town, thence in
a southerly direction with the
western boundary of said town to
the south western corner of said
town, thence in an easterly
with the s bound-
of said town to Evans street
extended, thence with
extended and
in a
in v a.-.- make immediate payment.
at n the day of March. 1907.
V. Brooks, Administrator.
K G. Atty, ltd
i Having qualified as administrator of
George H. Kin.-, of I
Pitt county, Carolina, this is
notify, all persona having against;
the the deceased
them to the on or
before day of March, or
this notice will be in bar
to said estate
. payment.
I'm.-; i. of March,
K, bills, Administrator.
. J y.
For the year March
st. 1906, the total receipts
were for the year
ending March 31st, 1908,
and for the year ending
March 31st. 1907,
This shows an increase of
a tad dollars the p wt year
At the rate of
office is making it will not be
b Greenville is raised
to the class
qualified a administrator
. with the win annexed of ale. Li. Rog
deceased, late of Pitt N.
C. this is to notify all persons having
claims against the estate the said
; Me. G. Roger, deceased, to exhibit
them to the undersigned within twelve
I month.- from the date of this notice or
this notice will be pleaded in liar
their All persons indebted
to Said estate will please make
This the 15th day of March,
John A. Staton.
Julius Brown, Attorney.
f North Carolina, ,,,.
of Pitt.
M Of
I, J. It. Davis,
I- an I belief
-1 a l
day of
if th
Mar. I
of my
l V
At close of Mar. 22nd.
course to the beginning at
five points. The fifth ward
shell at the
of and Evans streets, at
live in a souther-
c with Evans street and
the line of ward to the
southern of said town,
thence in an easterly direction
with the southern of
said to the south eastern
corn r of the corporate limits of
said town, thence in a northerly
direction with the eastern
of said town to south
corner of second ward, thence
in a westerly direction with the
southern boundary of second
ward and to the begin-
Sec That this act shall be
in force from and after its
That all laws and
clauses of in with
this act are hereby repealed,
In the General Assembly
mid ratified, this
day March, A. D., I
I have three farms that are offered
for sale,
My home place containing acres,
acres cleared. Best of tobacco
and cotton land. Good two story house,
two tenant houses and all
farm buildings.
Also one farm of acres two
from Blackjack, and one farm of -10
acres in Beaufort county.
Calvin Milli.
It. K. D. No. N. C.
Loans and discounts
Due from Hanks and
Cash items
Cold coin,
Silver twin bunk
ind other U. S, notes
deposit, .
j Deposits to check
In Superior Court
North Carolina I
county. I
Florence Willoughby
Cornelius I
The defendant above named will take
notice that an action entitled as above
has been commenced in the Superior
court of Pitt county to obtain for the
plaintiff from the defendant an
lute divorce from the bonds of
upon the grounds that are fully
Set out in the complaint and the said
will further take notice that
he is required to appear at the next
term of the Superior court of said
county to be held on the seventh Mon-
day after the first Monday in March,
it being the 22nd day of April,
at the house of .
.- r an .
r demur to e in ac-
or t. ,. . . . ti
court for the relief demanded in said
This the 13th of March, WOT.
D. .,.
K. G. . Atty. for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given to the voters
of county the board of
commissioners, at their meeting on the
first April, it being the
first day of said ordered that an
election be held at the various
in said county on May
4th, 1907. purpose of taking the
sense of the qualified of
county on the proposition to confer upon
the board of county commissioners of
said county the authority to issue and
sell interest bearing coupon bonds, of
said county, not to exceed the sum of
fifty thousand dollars to run for thirty
years and to bear interest at a rate not
six percent. The proceeds of
the sale of said bonds to be used in aid-
in erecting suitable buildings at some I
Pitt county for a training school
for white teachers, and the excess, if
any, of the fund arising from the sale
of said bonds, after the
of said school in the county, to lo-
used in the purchase of machinery
the use of the convicts in working the
public roads and to aid building and re-
pairing bridges in the county of
A new registration of the voters has
been ordered for said election, so that it
may be definitely and accurately
who are qualified voters at said
election. law authorizing . aid
election requires those favoring the
issuing of said bonds to vote a written
Total 34,290.38
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt
I. W H Cashier of above named
swear that the above statement is true to
edge and belief.
beat of my
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 28th day Mar.
T. Carson
Votary Public
y l
or printed with the words thereon,
and those d to vote
S written or printed with the
words thereon The
will of en on
v. h, , aid close at sunset
May 4th,
who register can vote.
By of board of county com-
missioners of Pi it y.
This of 1907.
Richard Clerk, Id
Steamer L. leave
daily except
at a m for
Greenville dally
Connecting at
Norfolk A- for
Norfolk, Baltimore Philadelphia
New York, Boston and all other
points North. Connors at Nor
folk h all
opera order
f via Norfolk, care
S Co.
. ll i-
N. C-
I. C- Genera V
P. Na.
To sufferers of Kidney, Liver or
Bladder troubles. Other
say a bottle and if
it cure we will refund
your We say a
full size free bottle of
POL and it it benefit then
SOL until
ad v entitles you
to a bottle SOL at
Only a limited -f bottles
given Don't miss this op
Notice is hereby given that have
on. and will on th
of May. sell at th curl
in Greenville, the
real for me
o . Pitt for the year -j-
Bryant Andrews,
Horn . tax and cost,
RE acres, I
tax ad cost, 8.52.
. Briley,
Home, lax and cost, V
W J lot, U
cost. G Si
tax an st, 1.07.
W M Jenkins, lot. Winterville,
tax and cost, 2.42.
W J Kittrell. lots, Grifton.
tax and
Mrs N
i. . tax and cost.
AC Manning, lot l inter-
of Lie, tax and cost, 6.18.
M Morns. acres,
Winterville, tax and cost.
Ben acres,
Mrs P Grifton,
years, tax and cost St
Mack Manning, ac -es tax
and cost 7.81.
Martha Harriss, 1-4 acre,
rick, tax and cost. 1.77.
John Hardy, oil acres, Harriss,
tax aid cost, 8.06.
Henry Hardy. 1-1 acre. Hines.
acres. Arthur, tax and cost,
Freeman Hemby, 1-4 acres.
tax and cost. 2.21.
Ala Hemby, 1-8 acres, Shep
; tax and cost,
tax and Hopkins, acre,
Lane, tax and 5.24
1-4 acres.
tax and e st,
Ii J Jenkins. lot, Evans St.
tax and
Cold Weather
Sets in
Get a
Moore, lot. taxi H F . Home,
cost, acres, Stokes, and cost, 16.63.
Pitt County Oil Co. lot, Win-, John Kine. I Patrick,
lot, ,,
J King
tax a
J t . acre.-, lo
and cost 6.0
Samuel Edwards,
I Home. tax. d cost, 10.87.
n acre.-.
I tax and cos;,
M acres. v-
I tax and
Mrs. . Nelson,
I acres, tax and cost,
J Rouse, acre.-I and cost.
. lot, tax
tax and cost,
Chas on, ,
Roads, t and cost. I
o acres,
tax and i . 4.31.
.- May, tax and
M-s. W A
Everett, I and cos;. J
Knight, acre-
and cost.
W E Parker acres
tax and cost. 11.36.
Harvey Stancill, acre
X Roads, i e. Bells X . ids,
tax and cost,
. . tax and cost, 65.36
n Peyton, lot. Ayden,
.; i-i. King, i lot
, . 1.1 lot, . c. I xi cost,
tax 2.86. Bridget Li . L-4 .
Rouse, lot. Grifton tax rick, tax and I .
t ,.
Mr. Sarah Stocks, Win-
tax and cost. .
Smith, ac es,
a , . 1st,
Mary Smith. it. Win-
lie, tax and costA Smith. acres, COX.
tax d cost. 4.1.
Sparkman, lots, Win-
tie, tax and cost. 6.60.
,. acres, tax and
cos . 6.61.
Turnage, lot.
tax and cost 00-
. lax cost,
L B Williams, acres, tax
Residence Telephone.
It saves exposure
It saves doctor's bills
It means convenience and
Clear up the complexion,
and tone You can best j
do or two of
Little Early . I-
pills with a The pills that ,
everyone by
Jno. I. Woolen. I
is what of
K- i. 1.1 1.- Syrup,
. .,
ail lilts
Ha .
Jno. Wooten,
may not bring their
possessors but they
s to get a comfortable
with nit even sympathy.
cost, 6-62,
acres, A.
L C James,
tax and cost.
Ransom Mobley,
and 4.34
c Bridgers,
tax and cost.
Corbitt. Sr.
Swain, tax and cost.
V 2-5 Par
acres, Matthews, tax
W Harrington, acres, tax
and cost. 1.77.
V. Harriss. acres, Lang-
tax and cost. 1.57
Johnson, Pea-
den, tax and cost,
B N Owens. acres, tax and
Abram lots,
W F Taylor, acres,
and cost, 3.45
lam Whitehurst. th acres,
J B Stancill. tax and Ricks, tax and cost. 4-41-
. cost, 6.36
Henrietta Whichard, acres,
tax cost, 5.18.
W H Boyd, acres, W Clark,
tax and cost.
HA Boyd, acres, tax
I and
J W Campbell, acres, N-
H-X Roads, tax and cost
N W Campbell, acres, HO,
lots, acres, Proctor, tax
I and cost,
R G Son township
acres C Swamp, lot.
N W Askew. P. Road,
tax and cost.
Sim Cameron, lot, tax
A L Joyner, l lot, tax and cost,
Watt acres, tax and
cost, 14-
RA Stamper. lot tax and
Ben Vines, lot, tax and cost.
tax and cost. 37.49
Abram Cox, acres, Thor
tax and cost,
Marcellus arson,
I and cost
Tom Dunn. acres C Root,
tax and cost, 07-
B C Evans, 2-r acres, Indian
Well, tax and cost,
Oscar Haddock, acres.
Root, tax and cost.
B Haddock, acres,
acres, R A S. tax and cost,
J B Hill, acres, Tar River,
tax and cost,
I Swamp, tax and cost, 97-
Stephen Leggett, acres,
Well, tax and cost,
Louis Smith. acres. Creep-
S, tax and cost, 3-49
C O Brown, lot, Corey, lot.
Pitt St, tax and cost,
J W Brown, acres. B W
Brown, tax and cost. 11.90-
John Brown. Jr. lot, Patrick.
J lot, tax and cost,
Stanley Boyd, lot, Greene St
tax and cost,
J c Bern lot. tax and cost.
, W S Sr., acres,
ton, tax and cost, 21-47-
Warren Coward, lot, Winter-
tax and cost, 6.31.
AD cox, Winterville,
I tax and cost,
Daniel cox, acres,
I tax and cost. 2.37.
John D cox. col., lot. Ayden,
I tax arid 6.74.
lot, Ayden, tax
I and cost. 16.18.
Elias Edwards, acres,
I tax and cost, 2.66.
I James Edwards, lot, Winter-
ville, tax and cost, 4.27.
Will Forbes, acres, tax and
cost. 4.93.
J E i lot, N Grifton,
I tax and cost,
J A Griffin, lots, acres,
acres, near Ayden, tax
I and cost.
J c Harrington, acres, tax
I and cost. 20-
W P lot, Ayden, tax
I and cost, 5.62-
A L Jackson. acres, c
II lot, GriftonA L . a .-on ; ,
. lot,
tax -wt, 3.7-.
commercial Knitting Mill.
acres, Plant, tax and cost,
Peter cherry, acres, Latham,
tax and cost. 4.13
Ida Clark, i acre, Patrick,
and cost,
Allen 1-1 acre, Hines,
and cost,
Redding Cooper, 1-4 acre. Mill,
cost, 21-
A B Daniel, lot. Reed St,
and cost, 7.38
John A Daniel, acres.
Brown, tax and cost, 6.56.
Stephen Davis, 1-4 acres. Mill,
tax and costs.
Dawson, 1-4 acre,
Higgs, cost, 3.45
General Dupree, acres, Para-
more, and cost, 7.77
B Evans, lot,
and cost. 3.12.
Jas L Elks, acres, H M,
cost. 10.79
Joseph Forbes, lot. Reed St,
tax and cost, 3.29-
Lewis Forbes, acres, Will-
and cost, 6.11
Fleming, lot, Reed St,
and cost,
J M Foreman, lot.
and cost 3.58.
W B Greene wife, lot, D
Ave, tax and cost, 8.71.
J Frank Greene, 1-5 acre, Mill,
and cost,
Mrs. M D Higgs, lot,
and cost. 9.97.
F. M. Hodges, lot, Res,
and cost, 12.29.
W H Harrington, acres,
Moore, acres,
acres, Dudley, acres, Dudley,
. r.-,. HT
William Lilly. I lot,
t x am cos;. .
Home, acres. Brown, acres,
Seine Hole. I x in C
Swamp. lot. and
cost, 1361,
Andrew Mo . i lot, Mill,
tax and cost, i
Lane tax
and c-st.
Donnie Muir lot, Shep-
tax and cost, -8-j-
Samuel Ob y. t, Brown.
and cost,
B E lot, Warehouse.
lot, 23-15
Perkins, 1-4 lot, Higgs,
and cost.
Whitman Price 1-4 lot, Mill- tax
and cost,
Eu Mill, and
cost, 67-
J Smith wife, acres,
Forbes, tax and cost,
Mrs- M B Smith, acres, Will
lama, tax and cost,
I A Sugg, lot, St. tax
and cost, 8.06
Robert Spell 1-8 lot Sheppard
St, Robert Spell. lot Shep
rd, tax and cost,
Stancil acres tax
and cost 2.69.
Eliza Tripp acres. Home
tax and cost,
B- F 1-1 lot, Patrick
lot lot
lot Peyton, tax and cost,
William 1-4 lot. Hes-
tax and cost, 1.77.
Vines 1-2 lot Patrick
and cost, 2.67.
A G Whichard, acres, Which-
ard and cost, 11.54.
W. Williams, acre
and C D, tax and cost,
Annie Ward 1-8 lot Perkins.
and cost,
B A Foreman. lot, U and
cost. 1.88
Miss Nannie E Little acres
and cost. 5.23
Ed 1386 acres,
Sarah Little, lot, tax and cost
Robert Mitchell, lot. tax and
cost. 1.66.
J J Redding, acres. Bel-
tax and cost,
Wooten, acres.
Home cost. 22-
Dudley Williams, acre R R F,
SWIFT creek.
W. B Bland, acres, tax
and cost, 16.21
J R Bu k Sr. acres, tax a
cos, 8.75.
Jacob acres, tax
and cost, 14.00
Chapman Son, acre
tax and cost
L L acres, and
Clark acres, tax and
cost. 4.67
G. W. Gardner, acres tax
and cost, 20.36
William Gardner, acres, Sal-
Bland, U-x and cost, 4.87.
A L Jackson. lot, and
cost. 10.36
Bill King, acres, Us
COt, 1.69
Nancy 2-3
and cost,
acres. and
Vines. acres, and
cost, 8.39
Martha West, acres, tax and
Henry White, acres. and
cost, 2.75-
U-. urn
Cosmetic A Specialty.
n Told
i I for you pas
i your cod
. r
. , Long
o n. c;
I i .-i- m in Civil only
IS. I.
I Hides v 1-. . cm -la
-t . n-.-- Suit
Lore a Ax
T Key
e, p
Meat Flour, V
Nuts ; Dried e .
wins .- J a Tip
Who, and
I V.
; ,.,. Sew Mi
p f r
c all. Come see me.
S. M. Schultz.
Fleming, Props.
., in Mi-mes section
In and
over by a
pines 1- razors sharp
you for past
-i-k you I., c when
and Brokers
hi. and
.- to Ne Tot
Mr- Roosevelt thinks that New
York needs more religion. He
has been trying to beat into Wall
Rising From the Grave.
A prominent manufacturer, A.
of N. C, relates u
most remarkable experience.
A f leas than three bottles of
Electric Bitters. feel like one rising
from the grave. My troubles is Blight's
disease, in the Diabetes
believe Electric Bitters will cure me
for it bus
. . us
v have mo for
L. Wooten
N b I. . id bu
. .- the o. ft
m o a it
. . it 1.1.
. an . . can e please
. . lid of
the I
m i.-ii p it what you ;
lake a .
. Sold by . I.
the warbles an.
Alabama poet. All r h
and k with it; th -y
will pretty .- in h sip hoe
the cotton patch.
Tb tilt M
Cold or Cough nearly always pro-
all runs to
eyes, nose and throat cf passing out
system through the liver and kidneys.
the want of moisture the bowels become
and other cough cures
those containing
Opiates. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and
moves the contains no Opiates.
I ill .-.
. one of th .-
. digestive juices are nos
food that cause sourness and
for in
ti mi for f, it I
. a retail Ii digest
j at, and th den
.-. f con form to I
Pure I aid Hr
he .- by Jno. i. n
Ex Se Carmack insists
that he is a private citizen of
with keen interest in
its moral issues.
Relieves Colds y them
-f system a . action
Coughs by c-.-- sing and
I of
Croup, La Grippe,
ma. Bronchitis, all
.--. Lung and -I no
y is t, laxative
and Ct it.
. SOc Lab.
Got fooled.
was literally coughing f I
death, and become to weak to leave
my bed; and neighbors predicted that I
would never leave it alive; it
for thanks be to God, I was in-
to try Dr. King's New Discovery.
took just four one dollar bottles to
completely cure the cough and restore
to sound writes Mrs.
Eva of
Co., lad. This King of cough and cold
cure-, and healer of throat and lungs,
i guaranteed Ry I. Wooten Drug-
gist. and SI. Trial bottle free.
I- I.-I , . . ,
mi.,. hundred i.
. Ii is
i. . . .
I i in i. it . .,,
. power,
In it. J ,,
i a n
, so moon,
I tori.-all idling Dr. Sh
popular ;,;.; to ill--
, It real,
n you have
an with
Panama Canal.
Machinery is digging the Panama
canal a thousand times quicker
the shovel dug the Erie.
produces the L- If.
paint at BU times less cost for labor,
than if made by
The L, M. gives the best job in tie
world, because I M. Zinc hardens
L M. White lead and makes I. M.
paint wear like iron In to years.
It only requires- gallons of this
paint and It gallons of
Oil at paint a mod-
If any defect exists in L. M. Taint,
will repaint house tor nothing.
Sold by L. Carr. Greenville.
Stat Ohio. City OF
Frank J. makes oath that he
partner of Arm of
Co. doing business in
of Toledo, County and State
that said will pay the sum of
iNK DOLLARS for each
and every case that cannot be cured by
the use Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before m .- a subscribed
in nay presence, this day of
A. 1888.
i. U Johnson,
Contractor. Tile Setter.
Puns submitted and estimates fur-
on . i. All v,
. .-
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
and acts directly on the blood and mu-
surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials free.
F. J. CO. Toledo, O
Sold by all Druggists,
Take Hall's Family Pills for
The above reward will be
given by the fence commission-
of Pitt Co for evidence sue-
to convict parties found
of or otherwise
the fence or
open around the Stock
Law Territory
Thus Feb. 1907.
T. M. Hooker, Secy.
Skinner, Jr.
II. W. p,
Practice in the courts,
in 1866.
i-W. CO.
Cotton and Ian Hers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags,
Correspondence and shipments
W. L. Co.
Country Produce Bought Sold.
Dr. Kings
New Discovery
IDS Trial.
All kinds of all kinds of choice cut How-
in season Special attention given
to mid funeral I
stock, Pot plants for Winter
Rosebushes, Hedge
plants, Evergreens and Shade trees
Raleigh, N. C. Phone
B- K. L. arr,
Greenville, Y.

I --7
G. James, pf Green- Bought Half in a Davie
was here yesterday as Farm for
counsel in case before the mayor.
J. w. w,
Miss Earle Tucker, of
has been visiting Miss Anabel
E v.
haw u
,. their m
. tab
hear bestowed on the hotel
the excellent new manage-
of Mr Sharpe Blount
C. L. Cannon returned to
Harry Skinner. Jr., of City Friday. Lil is
The Asheville Citizen says that
it is not generally known that the
man who allows his land to be
Many are the compliment we
distillery, or even en the
it on his land without
his knowledge or consent, is in
dim, r of having his land con
On Friday afternoon at Ayden
a nun Mack Taylor fell
off of the log carriage at the
mill of the Ayden Milling and
Co One of his
legs was broken in three place-s.
was here as , -d all
K--1 distilling is
, . , him leave. He is one of the j confiscated.
boys everybody likes. In Asheville a few days
t H. of Greenville,
F Lilly Co
David b will occupy th
residence recently by B.
on Tl i street
If you are i in Cook
Stove- and i I it will pay
you to quality prices
j;. . a has moved
the on
I to lie
More i . J- Hines on
For I I ch goods
seed m
F. L t to was here Friday. by Jacob S. Sain, in Davie
moon train yesterday, Miss Florence com- was offered for sale on
b, finest and reside at the proceeding,
Fountain Pens
an as
duly qualified before the
parlor court clerk of Pitt county as
of the estate of Samuel
I deceased, notice la hereby
I given to all persona indebted to th
I rotate to make immediate payment to
the undersigned, and all persons having
claims against said estate must present
i- a the for payment on or before the
h If interest in W of 5th day of March. 1908. or this notice
will lie plea I In bar of recovery.
This 5th day of March, 1907.
B. T. Cox,
of Samuel
Kilpatrick coo-
ducting a cotton and insurance business
in the town of Grifton. N. C, has this
day dissolved co-partnership by mutual
consent. Joel Patrick withdrawing from
said firm.
W. H. Kilpatrick.
t d aw
Dr Joseph Dixon
and surgeon.
. Uric Ki ft
N. c.
We ire informed Mr in connection with an
Hart, while laboring under men- Sain hid sent to
strain last Saturday to buy the half inter
, who advertises him-attempted suicide. It is pat est was offered at public
iRK i a
time to have
more or less.
This March 4th, 1307.
to .;, they always our.
th best .
Mn la, II. from
near Star
Wanted car loads of
which we
my highest cash price. Don't.
L. A Arnold enters and claims the
following described vacant land,
rely well Lying in Pitt county.
, got It. may have to CH oh well swamp and Flat
time- the or branch, the John
new church v . Moore, S. S. Smith. Arden Mills,
of Kinston.; his Claude Cannon's heirs, John S.
f p preached the sermon and was as i
and Jones, the pastor in charge.
a very large crowd was present Thee is y- he
J . . tore an
Disciple nave a nice , , j, , , it
it is both an
and credit to the town. to th Th .
I move
S e F. V before you bound evening i No
buy or feed oats, for it m , at
pr U with
Hit of N
N. to two Places. a connection
c d i
days of pa c. H of Kinston. his bid
C ill
Feed Livery
Nice Conveyances,
rices suit the
N. C.
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods. No-
before us Yours to
serve. F Lilly i Co.
At the regular meeting of the
town con Wednesday
night, J. M. Blow was appointed
and J- J. Stokes and
Exam Di
for an
mar of
,. Mr. C. C
i Nina Cherry
i eve i takes
Jarvis Memorial
church in
. very large crowd was present There is he
was L i- could nu i-
passed pleasantly. Our m . ,.,
friends have a nice I. , ,, , , it
title Heavy
--K v
must file their protest in
Any person or persons claiming.
or interest in the foregoing de-
. must file their protest in
v within the next thirty days, or
t y will barred by law.
. O
Prices to suit the times.
on in
to buy a house
and o a, or a valuable
farm, Have you
either We will buy or
sell, i your life insured, is
your. insured II not you
inspectors of see us and have it
A . sured once. We make
election, on the first Monday in , . ac
next, for town i them with us.-
Ayden Loan and
said town of Ayden. The books
of Registration for said election
are now open and will re-
main so at the office of J. M.
Blow as the la requires.
Go to E E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh fish.
W. E Ho ks has been
pointed by the board of county
n as registrar
thee ; the
a in
Early Saturday night. any
U but one of the clerks were at, this section to go to
supper a to one of return the same day.
the rear windows of the store of present it takes two d .
f L Co., pulled the trip No c.,. s in
the and tried to late enough nearly every en-j
open the window Mr. K. W. tag to-have . mi-e
Cobb, the store, with the train from
at the and fright-1 wait had
him away. Mr. Cobb says beyond instead of at Farm
it was a tall
black bat and a loner overcoat.
The most will be
pleased with one of those
i at Saul's. Call and
Dr. L C. Skinner. J. J. Hines
and B have been
re-elected as dispensary
for another J.
B Pierce as manager.
Perhaps some day those
Kinston trips on part
About half an hour later one
to be the same
he was till and wore
a black slouch hat and long over-
coat, broke out the glass and
sash in the lower section of the
window in rear of Mr W L
repair shop Mr. Moore
was at the time in the front
of the building talking v.
a friend, but ha., no burn
mg. He saw the and pot
hi gun to shoot him, but the
of two of our handsome business of them walk
to our
a memento of across the room ran off.
school in in accord a lovely bird i Best peas and hay at F.
. . . I T 1.-
with a special act of
got a hustle on them Saturday
and e the a good
. with the sprinklers.
A good La and will work good
to those . up this new
enter rise.
W. I ; and family left
n i . for a
Washington after
which a short
before return-
at, Lard Can
i, buy before giving
me a trial, Lilly Co.
There were a large number of
Odd Fellows to leave here
Thursday for the purpose of at-
tending the district meeting of
that excellent order in Washing-
ton tomorrow.
If any Paint be sure
and see E. E. Co
At a meeting Tuesday evening
of the stockholders of the Ayden
bank a dividend of per cent
was declared, of which was
added to the surplus fund, the
remaining per tent was divided
the stockholders. If this
is not a good showing, then our
idea of a successful business is
at fault.
exchange corn
for o or t Lean, Healthy Sheets
weighing from to pounds-
If preferred I will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Darden,
ltd Ayden, N. C
C. L- Cannon came home Tues-
day from Morehead, where he
has a position as pharmacist in
a drug store, to spend a few days
with friends, relatives and
Others mostly.
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say nothing of the
in having a
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need-
ed article.
I Johnston's.
Fountain pens on sale at Saul's I Harding to Speak.
drug store at to R
or safe at the close of Miss Nancy
school, at Hanrahan. on
night, 12th. In his address he
will also the
training for teachers and
the b issue to secure the
of the school in Pitt county,
Drug Store.
have bought the
business of Taylor
and respectfully solicit the pat-
of the public. C. E.
I all work
to my care to give entire
faction. Try me. C. E. Spier.
I solicit the patronage of the
people of Ayden and community
in everything pertaining to the
jewelry business- Give me a
trial. C E Spier.
New G. W.
has opened a millinery store
on Main street in rear of Cannon
Tyson's store and will be pleas-
ed to have ah the ladies call and
examine her stock which is of the
latest patterns. She has also a
first-class milliner Miss Same
Rives employed and sure
ctn satisfy all and anyone.
Mrs. Alice Spier and
Bessie, Mrs W. W.
Dawson, Miss Misses
bushels corr. for sale at
F. V.
Got. to Speak.
The Bryan Grimes Camp of
Confederate Veterans will hold
its annual reunion here on Fri-
day, May 10th. Ex-Gov. T. J.
Jarvis has accepted the invitation
to deliver the
bags damaged meal for
sale cheap. Greenville Whole- ;
sale Co.
Please this as our
special invitation to visit
us when in Norfolk, and
Exp if not be
Write for Price list.
We sell direct from i
to user-
Piano with the
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
just received a new supply of furnishings and material
in their undertaking department.
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
class position to serve I he This is a long needed
want in this section and they promise the best when
anything in this line is needed.
d Co.
secured -S
Furniture and Fixtures S
Due from inks an i bankers
Cash items
Gold coin
Silver coin 1.7088.10
Nat. bit notes other 2.100.00
Capital stock 118,800.00
Surplus fund 2,700.00
Undivided profits less expenses 2,894.12
Dividends unpaid 00.00
Deposits to check 151,386.86
Cashier's checks outstanding 710.04
LINA., I ,,
op put. i
I j. K.
sworn to -f o
, . Mar, W rt i C
Notary Pf
Soon Be Ready.
Mr. W. H. Jr., says his
brick plant will be ready to begin
work by the first of May. The
Dawson, misses engine and boilers arc in position,
Hattie and Willie Freeman, John and the other machinery is looked
and George en, were d n b . ,
here from in at fa .
upon the dedication to set it up as soon as it
Miss Miriam Johnson, of Win-
after a pleasant visit to
Misses Carrie and Mattie John-
son, returned home Monday.
Josephus went to
Greenville yesterday.
Rev. J. R. Moose, a
from will lee
in the Methodist church
here May 23rd.
Rev. E. G. Wells, of Kinston,
spent from Friday until Monday
with W L.
meeting will be
conducted here during the com-
week by Rev. B E. Stan-
field, the pastor, assisted by
Rev. R- F. Taylor, of Hookerton.
Hooks Gardner have moved
their insurance office from Dr.
Dixon's building over to an office
in the hotel.
All kinds of stock feed at F.
V Johnston's
See F. V Johnston before-
buying your hay.
Marriage Licenses
Register of Deeds, R Williams
license to the following
couples since last
Frank Taylor and Hattie
J. Vincent and J.
Charles and Alice
Claude Evans and Queenie
Smith. ,
Lewis H. Elks and Mary h.
Henry Blount and Kate
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been standard Cotton and
Tobacco in South
because great cue is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
V. Editor end
S- i
. , j,, ;
; .
If In the County, ll the first in tie
costs no more a
to be loci in son e
or never. It ii the only chance in a
It makes
goes it all Hie future
Eastern It makes it the, county which
H other counties
and the center ed-
effort shall
If county we all time
tors i; to ours. ,
H it connects this county directly with the State
it be a State and always hereafter
supported entirely by the State.
We but ore ti had every dollar we give re-
mains here in he county and to help up county
through all the
will every two years giving appropriations and
these school These will be spent here every
year and buildings which go to build up the county
L I in the county it will place an opportunity at our very
to lit and prepare for a successful lite at the least possible cost.
S. it will furnish us a thoroughly trained teacher for every country
and town school in the county.
It will, therefore, make this county stand first, educationally, in
the State, because as is the teacher so is the school-
Holding this position will increase the value of every piece of
property in the county. It is an indisputable that wherever
is in the forefront there property has the best values.
II. It is now a contest between a number of counties as to where
this school shall be located. Will Pitt county, with the prospect the
future it has allow some other county to come in and secure the prize
To locate with us only feeds the hearty co-operation of the
It would a calamity to the county not to have this now.
Whether we wish it this school be established some-
where in Eastern Carolina. Wherever it is located we will have to pay
the same amount taxes for it that we would if we had
the school. Is it not wise to have the school and get all the benefits that
would coin, it we would pay the same for its maintenance if
located elsewhere
The East pays one half of the State taxes. There is not one
dollar of the appropriated to any institution for whites east of
Raleigh. Is it not time we should have at least one of the State's
Some county gets one this year. Shall it be Pitt, or will we let
j o elsewhere
The question now is, and the decision of which decides whether
we get the school or not, will the people of the county vote to authorize
the County Commissioners to issue a small amount of bonds to make it
positively certain that we shall get the school Ii they should issue the
a man who lists worth property would pay cents a
year his share the locating money. If he lists worth of
property he would pay per year, and if he should list worth
of property he would have to pay only a year.
You can run no risk in voting this bond issue because ii the
is not located here no bonds can be issued even after we have voted
to authorize it. This would be what he would pay with
valuation of property. As the valuation of the property increases his
payments would decrease.
The citizens on the 7th day May,
vote on a proposition to authorize the Alderman of that town
to issue interest hearing bonds. It is certain that the vote
on tins proposition will be in of issuing bonds to be used by the
Board of Alderman as far as may be necessary in locating the school in
the coon of Pitt. The citizens Greenville in addition to paying the
awl on the town bonds will be taxed also their share of the
Interest on the county bonds so that this is clearly a case where the in-
of the town and county are the same and one in which they ought
t work harmoniously to-g-ether to accomplish this great result which will
I be alike beneficial to
Those who have made such a stubborn and gloriously success-
Might in getting the bill through the did so with full faith
that our people would stand by us when it comes to locating this school.
Will not every man rally now and let us make ours in truth and deed
what has. been so conspicuously begun We wait with confidence your
answer at the polls on the 14th day of May.
Dark Bill,
Special to
Nashville, Tenn. April 18.-
the provisions of the dark to-
bill which has
used much speculation among
tern, last
By this, Mr.
it a may fell the man-
without becoming a
J There is absolutely
i limitation under the proposed
to the right of the
to sell his leaf tobacco to
person he pleases, the
oil consumer, the deal in
tobaccos the manufacturer,
exporter, the country
or say one
is also not de
; or without
fit in person. In fact tho
dispose of his
in lines the
Louis the oldest col-
man here, died Friday night.
He was known to be more than a
hundred years old and claimed
that the records showed he
was 116- He was a good man and
esteemed by both white and col
people. He was a minister
in the Primitive Baptist
and preached as long as his
strength would permit him to
meet appointments. He wad
n old time always in-
and believed that man
should bread by the sweat
of his brow j
i. Honor of Mr.
and Miss Jame-
The last few days have been
full of activity in Greenville's
social circles, there series
of brilliant entertainments in
honor of
of Mr. Charles C Skinner
and Mist. C. James-
Saturday evening Mrs. S.
Carr en at cards at hr
home on west F It
was the 24th anniversary of her
brother, the groom elect, and the
party was in his honor.
The decorations and
the occasion were
Whedbee proposing toasts to the
bride elect. Every member re-
with an appropriate
Tho guests were then ushered
in the dining room where the
color scheme was carried out in
pink and the table being
decorated with pink can lies,
smilax, carnations and maiden
hair terns, the cream and cakes
also being pink and whits
Italian band furnish-
ed music for the
Monday evening
another in a i i
at the home of Mr. and , .
B. West .
Mrs is a sister
groom elect, and ho.- many
,, friends made her home
rate and the residence presented
a beautiful scene.
Mr K- Hymen has presented
The Reflector with the muster
roll of Pitt Rifles, taken
May 28th. MM, as our boys were
departing for service in the Span
war ft will
in w , h the roll
present were Misses
Jams. Cobb, Lottie
Blow, Nell Skinner, Mary James,
Kathleen Ballard
Nell Nelson Charlotte
Whedbee, Win-
Skinner, Irma Mes-
dames H. L.
O. L. Grubbs
H- A. White, E. B. Chas.
Skinner. Messrs. C. C Skinner,
Frank Skinner, T. G. Skinner,
Jr , L. C. Skinner, Harry Skin-
Jr., James, R. L.
Carr, H. L. E. B.
and H. A. White.
Euchre was played and the
souvenirs were little spinning
wheels for the ladies and pipes
for the men- After the games
the were taken to the din-
room where refreshments
were served.
Monday afternoon at her home
on Greene street, Mrs. Herbert
linen show-
in honor of niece, the bride
The guests were received at
the front door by Misses Charlotte
Fennell and Mary James and Mrs.
Leslie and taken back
In the library where Mesdames
T. J. Jarvis, H. L. Fennell, and
A. B. White received. Mrs. Fer-
and Miss Irma Cobb served
At o'clock Miss James was
blind-folded and led into the
parlor by little Miss Nell White
and placed in a chair under the
umbrella, which was of pink
decorated with roses and earns-
and suspended on a gilt
rod with pink ribbon
The ribbons were also drawn by
little Miss white, and the linen,
which numbered about sixty
beautiful pieces, was showered
on the bride elect.
The receiving lino consisted of
Mr. and s. Mr.
Mrs. H. L Fennell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Russell
and Mrs. F G. James.
The quests were at the
door by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
White, as by Miss Margaret
Skinner with Mr. Charlie James
In the commodious and taste-
fully decorated hall Mr. and Mrs-
Stuart Carr served punch to a
merry crowd who persisted in
drinking impromptu toasts to the
bride and groom elect who stood
near by, radiant with
Misses Whedbee and
Winnie Skinner conducted the
guests to he dinner room, where
the beautifully decorated table
invited all to partake of the gen-
hospitality of the hosts.
The color scheme of green and
white was so artistically com-
in lace and glass,
silver, bonbons, cream, cake,
that it needed only the final
touch of merry guests and the
music of the well known Italians
to complete a perfect scene.
Mesdames House, Little,
Harry Skinner. Calhoun, Mosley,
and Miss Ethel Skinner officiated
in the dining room with the
grace and affability which gives
the finishing touch to such
The cutting of the bride's cake
was the occasion of much mer-
The shilling was won
by Miss Nelson, Halifax, while
Miss Margaret Skinner became
the possessor of both the magic
Hug and the fatal thimble.
It was an evening of unalloyed
pleasure which the bride and
groom elect may interpret as
indicative of great future
at the home of the groom's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
The house was fully decor-
aid the occasion was en-
livened by the music of the Ital-
The receiving party consisted
of Mr and Mrs Charles Skinner,
Mr and Mrs E. B. Mi.
and Mrs Stuart Carr
Punch was served by Miss
Margaret Skinner and Mr. Bert
In the dining room delicious
were s by Misses
Ethel Skin-
and Mrs.
l The bridal p
lumbering ma increased
by the t Mrs. Wade.
I of New York, who arrived on th i
train, coming
illy to attend the i,.
I nuptials Her handsome
and charming o .-
won for her at once a place
m th esteem of her new I. lends
Another special and
feature of the evening was tin
music rendered by Miss
lames, the bride elect and Miss
Lottie Blow, and e entire even-
was characterized by the
same joyousness which pervaded
all the ante-nuptial event-5.
Nose. ,.
-A n
created excitement
a cigar-,
when became sud-;
J it .
so . on lire. The man.
pi u pain, ;
V is ii d horrified
i . a shop,,
where the blaze was extinguish-
ed. It found that he
h a The real
or; an bad gone under in a
and he went to a
I I pi i artificial
lose, i had i n supplied
on of cs I instead of
. his mishap.
F f time Hie Free Will
, t have conducting
i a their church
., ii Greenville, though the
tool not meet regularly
afternoon the school re-
and tool, on new life.
Rev. H. is
supervisor of the school and the
new officers elected are W. M.
superintendent; J. T.
A in me, assistant superintend-
Alias Daisy
The will now
meet regularly every Sunday
at o'clock.
and Peace
Special to Reflect r;
Washington April
National arbitration and peace
congress hold a d tonight in
this city, to which President
Roosevelt was invited, but had
not been able up to the present
to make sure that he at-
tend. The committee that
the invitation to the
president Andrew Car-
Ex-Secretary of State
Foster; Justice Brewer, Prof.
of Cornell University;
Judge George C. Holt, of New
York; Prof. T.
of Columbia University, and
Robert Erskine Ely, secretary of
the executive committee of the
Carl Grey
Special to Reflector;
New York, April 17.-Earl
Grey, governor general of Can-
will address tonight the
national peace congress. Sir
Robert Cranston Lord Provost of
Edinburgh, and William T.
Stead also speak, besides a
number of other distinguished
Tim cup was then evening the bride and
passed to each member of e with the bridal ed that he is unable attend.
Sans Miss party and visitors, were enter
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
. J. L. Wilkinson and Rosa Er-
W ti.
Rodolph and Judith
jeans Dupree
Eddie Tyson and Malissa
George Johnson George
John Hopkins
Alfred James and Hattie
Cannon and Flossie
Redmond Rozelle
Owing to a invitation
to meet the chamber of commerce
of Wilmington on an important
matter on the 18th inst., the
same date selected for their
speaking in Greenville,
dent C C. Moore writes that it
will be impossible for him and
Mr. E. D. Smith to meet their
appointment i l Greenville on
that day. This is very much re-
but Mr- Moore says he
hopes they can make another
date for Greenville at an early
day. J. J- Laughinghouse.
Special to Reflector;
New York. April
this morning from the city of
Mexico state that it has been
visited by a severe earthquake
shock lasting several minutes.
The people were badly frighten-
ed, though the shock was at-
tended by no loss of life nor
property damage of consequence.
It is feared that heavy damage
has occurred further southward.
Mr J. N. German, of Rich-
has purchased the Ber-
A Hooker prise house
property in the tobacco section
of the town. He has already
commenced remodeling the build-
and will At it up with
proved machinery to operate as
a plant will
strengthen the Greenville
.-., .

Eastern reflector, 12 April 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 12, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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