Eastern reflector, 5 April 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

ii haw
J. M. I LOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
for Watches, clocks and anything
ix we take needing attention in my line
, will be attendee in the v
We hare
ran eons cotton
. i. . Saab has the finest and
best supply of Fountain Pens
brought to Ayden.
or more glorious conquests. He
is just simply gone.
J. A. Newell and wife
from the country, were visiting
the family of their son-in-law,
W. L. last week.
The Rhodes Comedy Company
gave an entertainment here last
evening and will give another
tonight. It is a good, clean show
and had a nice house.
If y
y u I
to ., always
. car
price, Don't
el us to
. Co. new
mar fresh meats,
lit at, Lard Can
Gr Don't fore giving
Lilly Co.
If . Paint be sure
and see E. Co
exchange corn
the Drug Store and
cur one of those excellent
M. M, Sauls.
wont to
Thursday after two
I am this day years old. In
the providence of God Almighty
I have k pt For in Him we
live, move and have our being.
lie has guided and fenced me
and all for me in the way of
preservation. By the grace of
G id am what am.
But few are living that are as
as am. Why is it they are
gone the way of all the earth, and
I am still living on earth God
Having as
with the win annexed of C.
deceased, late of Pitt N.
C. this is to notify; II persons having
claims against the estate of the said
G. Rogers, deceased, to exhibit
them to the undersigned within twelve
months from the date this notice or
this notice will pleaded in bar of
their recovery. All persons indebted
to said estate will make
This the 15th day of March. MOT.
John A.
Brown. Attorney.
U A. Arnold enters and claims the ,
following described vacant land,
duly qualified before the
court dart of Pitt county as ad-
of the estate of
Si deceased, notice is hereto
given to all persons indebted to
estate to make immediate to
the undersigned, and all persons having
claims against said estate must present
the for payment on before the
day of March. 1806, this notice
will be plead in bar of recovery
This 5th day of March.
B. T. Cos,
i of Samuel
The i con-
ducting a cotton and insurance
in the town of Grifton. X. has this
by mutual
consent. Joel Patrick withdrawing
said fr in.
W. H. Kilpatrick.
.,. , Joel
ltd If
Dr Joseph Dixon
, .; .,
more or less.
This March 4th. 1907.
G. A. Kittrell. of Winterville, do account of His matters.
J. A Nichols of Kinston. lit is because it seemed good in
in to see us yesterday. His sight. Having obtained
question is the all mercy of the Lord continue to
i topic now and is being this present time.
if one is with the spirit to
appreciate life as the creation
lie undersigned, will
day of April.
L. A. Arnold.
Any person or per ma claiming title
in the foregoing de- ca-h the following parcel of land
land must Ale their protest in The life i W i
. .,.,
sale before the court do
Greenville, to the hi -best lie for
ca-h the following parcel
. The life of V
writing within the thirty days, or Brown in and to certain tract or
they will be barred by law. parcel of Situate in Greenville
, ,, R. Williams. township. Pitt county o on the
Taker ex-officio, Norm side of Tar th
Feed and
i Ice Conveyances.
rices to
N. C.
North Car a
Superior Court
w in Dry No-
Land of W. Brown. if. Brow-
estate K. J.
Cornelius agitated. As soon
as court is over we
take off the streets
him to work He need
els bad.
Ayden has had two ires do that divorce from tie bonds
the week. The first was the and unto men. ;. u fully j
kitchen J. T Smith Jr being diligent in business and will further take notice that j
which from a ,. l
flue and came very near ls county to be held on the seventh Mon-
of the said Jesse W. Brow n.
s and put God, and values it as The will take
, , , , notice that an action entitled as above
xis a favor above anything that man has been commence. a the Superior
can earn or deserve and is obtain for the
from the defendant
mortgage on the said 6th
to suit the tines.
P. C. Hardin, ,,,,,,,. y
pens on sale at Saul's
drag store at from to in the middle of the day.
Fountain Pens With any was insurance
all size for sale at I DavidS Smith of Greenville,
Drug Store j here Thursday on
U i- and a pleasure, Ten trains a day is no bad
Gardner entirely coB. quiet and thankful graces
Both fires occurred life To seek not what
men own, but to seek their j
and happiness, to speak a word
of encouragement to the despoil-J
dent, to relieve such as are op-
is good proof of good
I . i will to men. To escape
to s-iv or showing tor a town of our t. ii i j
first class T.,., ., ,,,,. i, j luting touch of ungodly lust and
fair. Call a, here to live righteously and
secure this much godly in this present evil worlds
j Mrs. J. F. has attain a purity far more
I have bought the to Greenville during the week. than ill-gotten wealth
clay bu Taylor. Cox and wife went up can bestow. To so live as
and the pat- ,. , r . ., , , ,
of the public. C. E. on business. to have a conscience void of of ;
William Smith living near here fence toward God and man
I all work jolly old plies a feast that kings might
to my to give entire of age. He is cultivating well covet.
faction. Try me. C. E. Spier, a crop this year and has been life has not been equal to
patronage of the farming all his life and does what I to be, for
Ayden i rid community know the use of doctors nor any I have failed to utilize or
in everything pertaining to the their tricks Mr as I ought. How much
jewelry business Give me a a h . , I longer I shall live is unknown to
r s noise is years i i .
u v. spier. . when a boy it seemed that
Yesterday about o'clock old was a very
umber mill of Charles gentleman himself, while he can't aged man, well stricken and
Smith a a ate- hf
m . ,.,. , ,. just the same and always on today the Lord God so
. blesses me that life is not a bur-
from and was torn but a joy. To Cod all
APRIL 1st.
Prior to that we are offer-
Piano withe the
Official Piano Jamestown
St., Norfolk,
The Ayden Milling and Manufacturing Company have
in department.
They have also purchased a hearse and are in first
position to serve the This is a long.
want in this section and they promise the best when
anything in this line is needed.
N. w.-cs;.
of business Jan. 1906,
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts 167.61
Furniture and Fixture 610.69
Due from hanks and 26,828.51
Cash items 135.60
Gold coin 100.00
Silver coin 5.663.03
Nat. bk notes other 8,671.01
Dividends Unpaid
to check
I J. B. Smith, of the above sou swear
the to true to the of my be-
P. C
in, 2nd day of Feb., i
STANCH. HO. ., ,
. ice we are in
the custom f thanks are due for His
one s Easter hat seems to be the I mercies who has so me
that have never been so sick a
single day of my life that I did
not wait on myself, and for
many years I have been able each j
formed. is a heavy loss we will take occasion to
Mr. Si can ill afford to mention is the same old
sustain sue a bronze, without a feather.
On alighting from the noon I The new ten-room residence j day to attend to the labors of
is a No. have it cleaned j Miss Jeane Morrison returned
and repaired by arrival of even- Wednesday at once re-
and then walked off. her position with
Curiosity shop, Will Smith Mercantile
and proceeded I
to investigate going to
rear him who received the
package and lifted his coat tail, i
is here on business.
Barnes of Wharton
l -j. i up yesterday to visit
when there appeared to the long- T
vision of many standing by a
. beautiful shining quart the
dead remains of what was said
their friendship If I ave
enemies it is unknown to mi-
ll there is a man on earth to
whom I would not do a kindness
it is to me-
If it is the will of God I would
love to wear my armor girded on.
me to the end of my appointed
race in life, and fall asleep in
Jesus instantly after life's day of
labor is over. P. Gold
Wilson Times. 25th.
Friday a went to the
camp of the Ayden Lumber
to be good old rye. e are. Company while the hands were of the 22nd of
informed the necessary in the woods at work. He March 1907 about six o'clock
apple made a general swipe of all and wise kindness vis-
pie order. everything movable. Pistols,
Mrs. Dr. Blount went to clothing and quantities
returned from Greenville Friday, of provisions he appropriated to
John It- tells us some-j his own use and silently stole
time last week a thief broke into j away to the depths of the dis-
his smoke house and carried away forests and not since has his
much desired angelic form been
seen by those who wish to see
him most and those we
who do not love him best.
about pounds of good old
C. A. Fair has been to Aurora
during the past week.
Dr. of Scotland Neck, The treatment which will be ac-
a special and very corded him should he ever re-
visit to Ayden from turn, we presume would not
day until Monday. Surely the cheer the conquering hero or de-
doctor has some sincere friends flight the honored statesman in
the home, of Mr.
W K. Clark and took away their
infant son, Wiley Jay, age
years months and five days.
his round for greater triumph ltd
I have taken up a stray year
ling running with my stock.
Looks about one and half or two
years old. in poor condition, near-
white color, and apparently
unmarked. Owner can get same
by proving property and paying
cos s. W. J. Crisp.
R. F. D. No.
March 18th 1907.
For Twenty-one Years
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
selection of materials.
Ask your dealer for
and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
trade mark is on every bag.
i m u
Editor and Owner.
Truth in to Fiction.
VOL. No.
a Chicago Man o.
and Poll
The is
precinct The said books shall
be opened on Thursday, the
eleventh day of A, ill. 1907
closed for ration at sunset I
on Saturday, the fourth I
day of May 1907.
the time fixed by law.
taken from . h ii for the purpose of holding
the the board of said election, the
county at the following named persons are
hold hereby appointed registrars
the General and judges of for the
Chicago. April
Association will to-
night consider the matter
the to give
this city m it ion on I h
eastern committee
According to H. C.
North Carolina do
Section That the board of
aldermen of the town of Green
ville is hereby authorized
empowered to issue bonds in the
name of the of
in such den . ins forms
as it may
streets, and aid in
training in
of .
a y
b lard of .
ling a
. near the
if one
A id the
are I
Rigid Boat
Sp -K-. to Sector.
New York. April
boat, tug and barge captains
of North Carolina, at voting precincts
D- c of th,
Much authorizing the Registrar.-I W Smith. Judges, Chicago is suffering from amount not exceeding
county commissioners R A Nichols and E S Parker. fact there is not thousand dollars
able thirty
their date.
Section That said bonds
of the county Pitt to
to the qualified voters of said
Hie question of
.-id issue sell
at bearing coupon bonds in
a sum not to exceed fifty thous
sand rs, to run for thirty
For Regis-
Harris. Judges, K A single railroad n
Parker and W W Bullock. who not a member of the com
For Bethel Registrar, is the most
to an
id to us ouch of the
eds of lb
f sea. as issued by the New
they may proper, and said the Federal Hulls and
any Service, have
,.,,, by a new and
Section T I ten stringent order from
years from the rat . providing that
E O Burroughs
House, Sr and W J Rollins.
For Carolina Regis-
Robertson. Judges,
ant rate organization in the en
tire country. The greatest in
crease of rates have beer, made
act, the board of aldermen of the . ,said town shall i to set aside ; ,. . ., , ,
a i c n , -.-, j i.
of said I . fund w .
shall bear interest at n. said bonds rate than six per cent, per an at maturity, and for this purpose ,;,,. ,,,,and th. int. rest shall be S tax not vis,, r,
interest G C Judges, e. , , ; ; , ,,.,,., . ,
to exceed super, cent per John Overton and Thad j the said bonds shall in no case U every one hundred , ,
or taxable property , of
for lass than every .
not to exceed six per cent per
annum, the proceeds of the sale son
-of said binds to be used to aid
in establishing at some point in j J Elks. Judges, W L
a training for WooLen and J O
by changes in the
and although Chicago and the s n-v
are Interest d
in the cistern classification they value.
taxable p ill v
said town
i be held, at the a d M L This it,
nous young of said Greenville
may for
and to appoint
and conduct said
time in June, after the excursion
opens, th
, ,, ,, o y . , , ,
And said act Henry and W A B New York, April town taxation until this act are r.
said board of for Regis- at the of will be , become due and die Hut t. is act shall
r J T Judges, R L given the performance of J j be in force from and after its made, and there will
for town taxes Thai ratification. be two mm In the summer at
, . w . , -.-
at k hick time and place C Woolen. caught the popular favor to for of In the General times when the ski
qualified of said k L Little and Vi I an extent that it ran out of on Mid bonds M the times and ratified. expecting them.
to h
An. I act author- Judges, Jesse A Stoke and L J took place at the
aid board to a new Chapman. Great Southern in Co-
of the it further ordered that the Ohio, the at the
j be posted royal household, the
Now ti board of published in accordance with the performance at
county c of Pitt provisions of said section and Chicago,
county. regular ion as- that said notices be signed by,
ambled n Brat Mo in j him as chairman and attested by
April 1907. t being the rat day, the clerk of the board. in
of said do in
of the s lo--------- .
them by sat i act, order ti an . r.
election be held at the v; I April 5th. Washington, April
voting in said a Hon J. L. Fleming and interest was manifested in the of the town
of Pitt, on Tuesday,
collect each year a sufficient
pedal tax upon ail of
taxation, which are now or
hereafter be embraced Ii the
subjects of taxation, the
charter of said town, i . in
at a
j Provided, that th s collected
. under this act for I
of said interest coup I as
i said, shall be used for
at purpose, and it shall the duty
New Y -There will be a
, . , ,,, i, Bridgeport, A-
gathering -t the
from three great
English speaking c I
the meeting will c
row night. Th
ling board will hold its
meeting of all ts mi
tax-.; an that England will a t. c mi
under said charter represented by i is .
On Friday night, April 5th.
Hon J. L. Fleming and
four-j W. H. will speak to the appearance tonight of Madame coupons are paid to cancel
Archer, sends two
and the western part of
United States la ed
by members,
President David Starr Jordon,
of Stanford Univ Th .
last two days, and
will be a which Andrew
preside. A i in
t i so who will are
W Bright, professor of i
Fir the first time in it- rt
the annual session of the ti w
V irk Bast Conference
from today until th
Anvil. Bishop Ha in nu
d ii thee e,
fOr S
n it Rev. . i
a.-v. i.
and place i, those led
to vote may ear and vote .
against conic upon t he
board of rs
the authority to issue and Bf
said bonds. The said act r
quires those fa f
said bonds to a written
printed ballot h the words
there on, and those
opposed to issuing aid bonds to
vote a written or p ballot.
with the words
therein. The said t further re-
quires that the poi Is shall be
opened and the d election
conducted and held in the man-
prescribed by la v for the
election of members of the Gen-
Assembly, And t he
and judges of
several precincts she. I ,
their returns, upon blanks
furnished them, to the
board of county I
at the court house,
Carolina will thoroughly tho phenomenal coloratura not destroyed by the board of aider
plained and reasons why exceeded even by Patti or Lima men, and the treasurer shall make
Pitt county should have I do her flawless into- such report and turn in said
this school. Let every man, nation, and the bell like as often as he- bat said
woman, boy and girl come out ties of her that she coupons,
and hear these gentlemen. A excels. In her style she com-1
all is good in the Ital-
and German schools
v--r the latest
of th
good evening is promised
one who
M. T. Spier,
Jas. R. Davenport,
J. J.
Ponce D Leon
Special to
Fla. April
T. Wilson t of the city by
best his, S the opening feature
. That the board of
aldermen shall not issue said
bonds or any of them, nor levy
nor collect said tax until they
shall have been authorized and
empowered so a major
voters of said town, at an
to be held at such and Democrats
place as the said board shall vote on
Republicans u a
fl tor.
art voting today
the Democratic primary. They
that the are interested
in the welfare of the city, and
shod be allowed to vote without
questioning of their party
birthday, on Tuesday,
at home near Grimesland.
He was torn April 2nd, 1827, and
is an active man for his years-
and Mrs. W. H. Ricks
who are
voters that a new reg-
of the voters of said
county be and the same
three tier his of Greenville;
after said election son, Mr. J, P. Wilson and
And it is further ordered, that I , ,, of Grimesland; Mr. and
for the purpose of definitely and F. J. Mrs. O B.
ult, of Washington, spent
with him. A
s dinner was served,
by ordered, and that each of the; ate heartier or
registrars appointed no than Mr.
to register the voters, shall I could tell a t
immediately give notice in his
voting precinct that the
books for said election
are in his hands, and that all
persons entitled to register may
come forward and do so. It
today of th celebration of Pence
de Leon's standing Florida.
The change of of the
point, of which, notice shall be
given for twenty days in
some newspaper published in the
said town, and at said election
those favoring the issue of said
United States taking possession as and the levy
Of MO city, Will open the and collection of the tax
come forward
shall be the duty of the registrar
of each precinct, between the
hours of nine o'clock a. m. and
sunset, on each day
the an.
Special to Reflector.
tomorrow. Each day a
grand parade follows th open-
event, being different each
Philadelphia, Apt
daughter of .
Mrs. Atwood
York, and a niece of Mrs.
Doctor and
of New
s mar-
for twenty days Whelan. of this city,
ceding the second Saturday be- today to W. Denison K
fore rM t-
election at Fort Worth.
s ; j .
. . l
I. re.
CM o i
Forth Worth, Texas, April
The city is in the throws of a
city election, and in addition is
holding the charter election.
At the city election there is a
lively time, but not much com-
petition, the candidates having
been practically at tho
primary, which was equivalent
to an election. The charter j
in order to save time and,
they would support the
ticket that carried the primary.
Man lo Decorate Exposition
Mr. O. E. Warren, proprietor
of Riverside has gone
payment of the said bonds aid; to Norfolk t begin an important
coupon shall vote a written cu-1 work assigned him. The North
printed ticket with the words Carolina commissioners have
thereon, and those the contract
shall vote a written to landscape, furnish plants and
superintend the of tin
grounds around the North Caro-
State building a tho Jam
town exposition. There is no
doubt that under his direction the
work will be well done.
or printed tic et with the words
board of aldermen shall order an
entirely new registration of
voters, and the said board of
aldermen may call an election
under this net, at any time may
see lit after giving the proper
Section That the said bond
may be issued for the purpose of
constructing, extending,
and maintaining the sewerage
system now in course of
ii for the purpose of
Of . improving the
Facts Coming to Light.
Special to Reflector.
New York, April 2.--The sen-
of the day is an old letter
published in which he
says he personally contributed
towards the election of
President Roosevelt. The letter
also states that Roosevelt asked
him to raise towards
It out fund
secure election.
trapped tar ; i i of
ii the c A
me i r peril an I had
to fight r the A m m
were so badly injured they
had to betaken to h
A Record of Which th is
The Reflector publish , the
of th seven hanks
in Pitt county, show i; . 11-
of their bu on the
22nd of March, end Ii mike a
record that can b p I to
with pride. Beside throe
splendid b . this
Bank of Ur . I ,
the Greenville i
Trust Co., and th . a
of ; hero
banks at Tour other I in the
county, all of I he n -I c v
t . .;
clank of th B .
-v.- i th in . of
an I the . i a in-
tor ville,
This in . in
the conn and e-i .
is admirably officered man-
aged. The men and the
Unions the full
of the public The deposits n
these seven banks on the -2nd
of March aggregated only a
fraction less than ibis
is creditable to people th i
county as well as to the banks.
Mrs. -lane Savage, of Wilson,
who has been visiting her
Mrs. C. T. re-
turned home
Mrs. S. M.
Tuesday evening from Rocky
Mount, accompanied by her

Man Think of Women and
man of Men.
Host i
iv .
en ., certain
t,. man-
v v
even, r a
i the
, i . Id
Oliver Smith enters and
claims acres more or
vacant land
township, beginning at
Haddocks coma-o weal
Isaac Mill's patent, up Long
Branch, adjoining the
Fred Haddock's
This Bra day of V .
Oliver Smith.
title i
d must
the thirty, . days. or
they will
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
a i
that a
, mat-
lei . , an
n mi i eat
i . to i with hi
ml i an ill it
coat w some-
time n i woman
,, mi p ii a fen man
. t .; n ill never
her l o on to the
general It
s pr i on an very hard on
the men to he fool.
men. the other hand, are
no at nil i rd
v to he
and an
is easily ,; youth and
beauty no men explain the
i . on. Many
men arc think the
kind of n power in women
exists in i
sense and to i.
with fa
, .
I i .
and I
I P. .- th. D. C Sin
. i
i;,, i I nth
;. of F I
i n-
I it e to or
. . bed at .
their protest man
within the next thin
they will bi barred .
Taker ex
f so the firSt to consider is a goon
lot in a desirable location and you can-
i b better in a lot than the
The man who Insure Baa M
for his family.
The man who Ms health
u wise both for his family
You may Insure by
It. It Is worth
At the first of disease,
which approaches
the and
innumerable ways
save your health.
I Not Quite .
you can a
nail or screw drive or
Have a
tool and be prepared for
ea. Our
is a and
we will tea your tool
does lack a single
useful article.
. .
Hit. a
t in,, i
i .
. , ;.
to I .-.-.
I , . . .-, .
II . .
i -n I
. . i
an pi i t
II ii .
f. W
t as
You get Harness,
No i surpasses for a desirable
Sire h home. Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on terms,
is that properly around
G is going to be higher, and the,
longer you defer buying the lot the
it will cost,
property is located only minutes
Dr. walk from business part ox the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
and terms.
r mom
m nil
D. W.
Ami Provisions
Cotton and
Ties always on
c ,
i. . the
i . mm
I . pi
in. i
I o I
y in th
. n i. is
. gold to the
who supply it to
. i j the convent.
m and ii young banker
n i r
. AI la--l o bum
. .
i I, , I pi in Ii
. Al a the
sen i
. the f
wen I and i to
to end.
i i An
y .
ii. r.
I . Quick Wit.
little receiving a
few r , m I.,
Among t is
Utter, Ii ring allowed Ins cigar
go out, i it with mi
en the In order to
him a lesion in manners
little VisCOUnt to pick it up.
but feigning to
In intention,
leave the butt, my dear
low. Take a fresh cigar.
And he hands him the
Is Figaro.
Hi Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought Sold
D. W,
Ii G H E N V I LI.
N Is
This beautiful stallion
was imported from France by
Brothers, Columbia,
Ohio. America's leading import-
L is well known this
imports France to
America the finest stallions of the
French breeds, and is one here is no place in r State
of the We hope the far- where one is more needed-
and horsemen of Pitt county j The French coach horse goes
will appreciate this fine all countries. No where
brought here to improve henna his equal, lie has
horses This well known firm the most the most
has placed a number of these and speed; he is the
fine stallions in this State and I race of France and the
s. s.
Dealer. Cash
V. . ton
etc. Bed
v Carnages,
s Tables. Lounges, Safes
Gall . Ax
i i-h Life Key West
George Cigars,
Pine apples,
Meat Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat
Lye Matches
Seed and Hulls,
Nut-;, Dried Apple.
Peaches, Prunes,
Glass and Tip
imp. w ware, and
Butter, New Ma-
and foods
Quality and for
come see me.
S. M. Schultz.
easiest keeper of the different
breeds of horses- The kind for
our people to raise sells for the
highest prices in the markets.
All lovers of One horses are in-
to cull and see this fine
Civil only
Offers advantages
for reaching the public.
When you want good Work send
your orders to
and Brokers In
took, Cotton; Grata and
to Ne
and Kw
N. C.
At close of business Jan 26th
secured and
and 2.63,8
Mother Stocks, Bonds
Gold Com
Silver Coin
and G
pa hi
Bills payable
Due to
Such Mean
One of the little mean
that too often seen now
in railroad circles was
at Pembroke Saturday afternoon
The Seaboard, westbound, and I
the Atlantic Coast Line, south-
bound, due there at the same
time were about the same min-
late. On I his particular
the Atlantic Coast Line
passed right in front of the
. nose of the Seaboard engine and
were from
three to five on the
Seaboard train that wanted to
, to points south of
They wen off I train
. within to -o yards o.
Atlantic Coast Line train when
Legend of Solomon and
of the Lord.
-o thew neither ham-
nor ax no any other tool
iron heard in the house while it W
lie above
A Sneak Bill was gotten
the to a Lawyer
Out of
Wei Exist.
. I,
We have been
to having y s
and the defects of in great
v. business world paraded
A remarkable story comes that to
th re s else
on the except tho
could l- o ll I into
likewise nameless, though we may
are in possession of all the , K
full of
is are w
, . us from an unexceptional
the building of nameless here
The reason and the shall
N the perfect
I. I I
upon application
real doubter of the story,
l rue, and runs in tins . They are
to i ii i little con ones who come to th
i a i
m, that the above ,, v,,,
.-,.,,, w Wore
,. el
A. M
i ii.
the latter pulled out the
. . . HO I
, r tan.
p. i
R 0-
passengers did on to the
Pullman Line
others had to spend the night m
Pembroke. The night before
part of them had had to do the
I same thine;. Do we wonder that
ii is sometimes so easy a
j be against a
In the
Andrew of U.
Military telegraph
At the close of Business,
I Special to
Now York. March -An
Capital Stock h one of the
Loans and Discounts 25,000.00 guests tonight at and
Overdrafts secured n J funds dinner at Manhattan I
, ; n If end to th
the I
in the . ii b
; tint
j . , o to sec tin build-
ins Hi d, Solomon pray. I to God
.,,. , .- i be concealed
from the until the
Immediately after he
mode a stall from a the
l;,,. . ,,. Ii was
. .,,, . end leaning upon tins
a upright
town in question they i ;
lawyer who has in practice loyalty t
or thirty years mm o
and of whom during that tune conspicuous except in I
it has notorious that he has lo the I
been pilfering small benefit
from n
law books of State m in
presented itself. understanding that th
Bonds I Undivided Profits less
Furniture Fixtures
Banking Houses
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
National bank notes
and U. S. notes
County of
Cashier's checks
named bank, do
and belief.
and sworn to
me. this j W. B.
MNotary Public.
Come in and examine my
horse steel flows wire
the military
telegraph corps. It was at Car-
suggestion that at the
outbreak of the civil war that
four were sent
the Pennsylvania lines to Wash-
and the corps, from this
small beginning, was enlarged
to about twelve hundred men.
David H- Batts. one of the
four, this special
reunion and dinner- He and
filbert Chandler and Charles A.
Tinker were cipher operators in
the war department, and none,
it is said, were closer than they
in confidential relations to Pres-
Lincoln. They were Known
as -he
corps now number less than two
hundred, about sixty whom
promised to be present at the
dinner tonight.
Combine Form; by
. ,.;,., raw him that
ho was
did i tor upward
whole Still the worked
m ht, thin
I eon watched
,,; ., , been closed in
Ml thin time. . the legend soys,
white I account says
red were pin;
i j ,; j way and the
. . p.
,, ii,., ,;,., i i I'M r
. ho sos,
selected four i position of evil is a
or five old of stealing,, destroy-i.
most T them dating exposure, and
of right is ever I o
for the steal-i Wrong mUst hide tr to live
of a pocket book ten or more d to
. th . ,
years the lawyer Journal
in a drug store a
saw the theft and told the drug-,
gist of it. we are getting
too fast. It is said that recently
March -To-
on which the
too last. ,
the merchants have been in the Special to
habit, when a clerk sees York,
coming, to have the clerk to I morrow the- day
out bill against him Paraguay will open,
stolen articles, which as a rule, from the ear-
he pays without question,
theft referred to was a
,. i ,;,, , , that
ore I depth unto thorn
the tiling o tr.
On one some remarks
.,. ;. . once famous
,;,, . , .,.,. to a man who
not barred by statute of
During the recent session o are very creditable
the legislature a bill was started in Quantity, all parts
lier dates having been caused by
the drought . which had had a
very disastrous effect upon the
country. The exhibits from
Special to Reflector.
New York. March, 28.-A new
T-1 and what promises to be -n
Hi development, in the dry
M goods business has come
to the front in the formation
the Empire Dry Goods Company.
; along lines suggested more or
n less remotely, by the
Company and its string of allied
stores. company is
a combination and the out-
growth of opportunities and,
needs appealed especially to,
several of the larger stores
retail located in Boston. Buffalo,
Rochester, and Akron. Ohio.
,,. Accordingly he
t,. the afternoon,
him at in a noted hotel. Mr
said the visitor,
the mom in a towering passion,
have been making free with
my name in very improper man-
and I've coma to demand
rose cad, s
I in the center of room;
began to sing -Black Eyed Susan
most delightful style. When
he had finished the song he
i coolly. sir, that has given
In quality and quantity, all
the senate and pushed through j of . states having
the legislature so that, . in the
even the member of he house Especially has this
from the country under consul-1 excelled in sending ex-
though a lawyer, did I gasoline and
not detect its character, which
provided that larcenies of prop-
of less than ten dollars in
value should be misdemeanors
and prosecutions for them
in two years. Court is in session
in that now and on the
12th of this month a
air engines for
pumping water on cattle ranches
which have been worked so that
the could see them in
operation. Many cotton gins,
Hour-mill, starch-making ma-
machinery, and
machinery for making butter,
copy of the act was drawn on the the of col
. the an
judge and solicitor to the
peanuts, and breaking of
case and they are here in
great quantity, and are exciting
The judge was asked to have an g among the
order made dismissing the Much trades
prise of both, when
against the lawyer
, against the defendant, the United States as a
complete want j refused to do but offered to consequence of exhibiting in the
thousand people, j statute,.
We bug t. announce that we arc
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints
Colors, and an,
Ready Paints
of Railroad and
more I've
the most
i ever
want to out consequence
to a panel a jury and let tho statute,
Me fellow j be argued before it in open court
I fa the usual way. Thia
and the case continued
the next week to permit.
and Na-
that they lawyers for the the per capita
Special lo Re
N. Y. March 28-
from East and West, j
anting the organizations,
lot order of Railway Con-
dawn and tho brotherhood of
Trainmen, moot here
today, have a largo attend-
They are expected to
ratify the action taken at the
meeting of the same
March rd, when tho
chiefs if tho orders .,
act on the complaints
organizations. The g.
not affect tho integrity of the
the leading counsel wren a nun
other lawyers the de- that the per capita public n-
, in the United State.
in Delaware and fed . Served to is The total indebted-
of ,. S in courts in public indebtedness
his bill is supposed to i
And in except
; isn't it a dainty dish to set before, f, , to
the king Charlotte Observer.
. , have
pace lilies, I
ii s.
is no line in the world better
It my
honorable wares and honorable
you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor w with your
.,., you want paint for
a car load
Special Prices.
Czar's Attack
London. March, SB. -This is
the day that the according
to a St.
ordered Grand Duke I
to occupy Fin-
land, as commander of the
been made
Sing to ii away with a
plat Teddy's
, . ; . i
,,.,., cheese
Bank Statement.
iv the Dike.
Special to Reflector
w March
i.-., in ts .
quick dis
i laid
sit i
;. i.
. i -t-
i.-, of temper, o
Under a call from the
It is hard to imagine I a a N ion
in could he so depraved , r makes
a child from the home of of
no matter , which
A man of such a
is on a level . . . a
n Farmer.
and II
II March 28-The Sates Z S
i Greenville ma
i a fine showing of its
it c corporation e
handler. the best and its
of articles in this number and u. divided pr
j stronger.

.,. i i
el J in. at the post office at
K. of March
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and
to fiction
What Charlotte
She will heard
Japan wants the
would like to The boys g t on their
and have to take the
consequences when they do.
it a i. Twelve cadets have been
at the proper e. South Carolina Military
A at for mis-
I conduct
When a town already has pro-1 Those who can afford it might
prohibition it takes a do well to keep a supply of both
temperance step by establishing cad and ice on hand to be ready
a dispensary. That is what for weather emergencies.
Dunn did the other day in voting i
by a majority of ten to
a dispensary in that town. This must have fooled
even the ground We ex-
Dreams have peculiar effect he got back near to his hole
on people sometime. We were and is wondering if he had best
reading the other day of a young crawl in again.
married mm dreaming that he
was chasing a pig and catching Lawyers do fanny thing
the animal by the ear. His times because they cannot run
wife's screams awoke him and the courts. In Raleigh, the
she wanted to know why he f other day, a lawyer not liking
was pulling her hair so hard. Judge refusal to allow
An I an ex-mayor of a Kentucky ; a case, hand-
town dreamed of a tire and led back the retaining fee his
threw himself out a second client and started to leave the
mother aged forty-four People
with else to do can now
busy themselves with this latest
relationship puzzle.
On the same day a
Ryan wants to, take the rail-
roads out of Wall street He'd
like to put them in his own little
calls President
A million dollar fire is a big
to a town. One that
weather m
k r y
vi South Boston, Va,, The Charlotte Mr.
of th . i .-;. Tobacco has been a shrinkage of
Co. . .;. and a huge number of in the financial world
c II .-.;.
man paid for a picture, to the railroad
and another for a dog. says the Baltimore Sun, Then
Which is further evidence of the another goes in and gets
present high cost or living. j trimmed.
After the Thaw trial will Josiah Flynt. or whoever
mending of some rep- coined the word
which were more or less never dreamed it would get
frazzled by the to the San Francisco degree.
v NeW h has not occurred
York has been sent to jail, a cir- to the sleuths who are looking
which gives Mr. H Sams missing
more room to work, but in Chicago, to search the
also food for reflection gentleman who has been par-
in that
The cartoonists are represent- performance poker game.
the president playing tag T.
m among the presidential
window, but that is not so court room. Judge Jones ordered I . . to tuM a tooth from
the jaw of a lion is not likely to
waste any time in asking his
patient whether it hurt.
strange happening in Kentucky, j him to return, telling plainly j
that he was in the case to stay.
I he never gets touched.
Some people act very much
they thought a man could bun
indefinitely without money.
First thing you know y will
hear real estate moving in
vile loud to wake y u up.
than its share of
having recently
having more
fires, several
visited that
This between seasons of the
year puts up a problem to the
W. . the Chicago North
has been
heard i again. Hi is in
Paris rigging up a balloon in
which to conduct the voyage
when gels beyond point
walking is not good.
The publication of
with the that he
, has; personally contributed to
been an actual shrinkage of that Roosevelt
much money, th- wonder is an J the latter
Carie Nation appeared in the
Boston State house to harangue
the legislators, but a she
couldn't talk the
police escorted her to the
elevator and rang the bell.
The report that Mr.
donated to up
him to Lift the Chinese was ex-
it has hut if that for that purpose, He appears to have
it gone, out it ,. u-m ., ., dropped six bits on the pate for
much water has been squeezed I tho m
Cutting off two-thirds of the
liquor prescription business,
in Charlotte, under the law
enacted by
is i good for first
two weeks, but there is let
out of stocks we fail to see that
any harm has been done. Sure- the last
there is no less money in ex-
a bad . is. recalled that
Judge Porker, the
housekeepers as to what to get
for table.
A Carolina reform and i. that it
hanged last Friday for murder. injuring
in a business way is
, not in Tel
com- just before the
candidate, made the
charge that the corporations
Grover has been a were large contributors to the
t advocate of tariff re- Republican campaign fund, which
Put tariff reform could . n
, . charge Roosevelt
not be without somebody .
losing . and some and denounced
being hurt in a as false. Now that the facts
way. In fact no great re- it is that the
form is ever had without loss to president himself was knowingly
somebody. Any on- who statement.
Sneaker Cannon is reported to
have had the time of his life on
the trip to Panama, but as he
manages to nave the time of his
life wherever he happens to be,
there seems to be no need of
getting excited over it
are so many women in
asks Goo Health.
because th doctors
need the money.
The hat has had its day
d t. c fair w i an rs can He preached hi own funeral
look lo .-
He had better been putting his
preaching more into
practice instead of killing an
tin nit nth is over the
v. ill b
on a u n the destination will
read Norfolk
people are looking
Greenville now because they
realize this town will be doing
the near
Charlotte has climbed up to be
the biggest town in X th
It splendid newspapers
have had much to do with
it there.
woman for her money.
It always mi The Reflector
feel good to learn of a new enter-
prise for Greenville, h it is
Surely it Will hurt somebody, gratifying to believe that a cotton
but the poi it to consider in mill is an acquisition this town
making a reform is the to will have in the near future. If
and not the harm to there is a town that weds
the few an enterprise, that town
Greenville While it would be a
Servants of good sticking
ties are few and far but Mr. Clement, who
en u i great help to the town, Green-
the newly made as-
ville at the same time possesses
MARCH. 26TH AND 27TH, 1907.
HATS made for
by a lady a
stylish Millinery Parlor in tho must fashionable
of Baltimore ex-
coil all others. She improves with age. Corns
to our Opening and buy one of those stylish Hats.
JAMES will try to you.
one in Chicago has been given a
for staving with one attorney general of the
years. A good Sate. Is quickly getting for a cotton mill that
thing being reported from sell in eye.
is about as remarkable day an fer pardon of
as the sticking servant. two prisoners in the penitentiary
. he rd by the W
capitalists will not fail
longer to is an
abundance of material,
Stock paid in
Fund 1.000.00
It will be to get
with a d , t f Due from Banks
discovery he of the attorneys applying for the f J, Cash Items
more last fire Won asked him to say nothing . Considering it from both Gold Coin
about certain had need and the Silver Com
profits 2,935.48
Deposit 2,437.75
Mr p v Besides the knitting Loans and Discounts
claimed that a of State. Mr. E. Overdrafts Secured
is going to the Present reporting the case for u a Unsecured
the New- and server and one of the cotton mill Furniture and .
n e ,, subject 70,987.20
Cashiers 366.05
out of ashes than can lie
pie to serve been
judges el election, as last
legislature passed a law
the pay from to per
users of his will get-declined to make any promises,
the ashes from if everybody attorney gen-
The reporter looks like they
should soon be coming together.
nay per coal era, used some Intuiting Ian-
ward The report-
the at the assist-
The trial has taken bag. A and but
another turn, Judge Fitzgerald traded a fine house and lot others
having appointed a lunacy town to an Indiana man for I present would have been
mission to pass upon his sanity, Ia stock of goods the latter a
dismissed the jury owned in that. State and which
They arc telling it on J. B.
Duke, the tobacco king, that he
is courting again- And it is
another widow, too. He ought
to haw had sufficient experience
by now.
one and then another is
mentioned as a possibility for
the Democratic nomination for
president next year, but it
not seem to jar Mr. Bryan's
Greenville real estate is some-
thing worth while to watch.
he valued at When the. The county commissioners
goods were to the Hen have called an election on the
man he found them question of issuing bonds not ex-
practically worthless. and the town,.
there is a suit in court grow-1 aldermen at their meeting Thurs. prohibit ion law is being enforced
e day night win ca an on i in Kansas, there must be some-
By u Contributor.
Undoubtedly one way of
swollen is
the money out of
The revelations of graft seem
to have shocked San Francisco
almost as much as the earth-
A Kansas man asserts that he
recently saw a rat with
As the authorities insist that the
folk; were wise not to let the amount of Both
their present row over the these bond issues are to apply
of the East Carolina Normal to securing the
the Eastern Training School
School out had r. m o u
secured the legislative the Training School for
Charlotte Observer.
We did not know any row was
The alienists should also ex-
all of its members continue to
Teachers in Pitt county. There is,. ,. ., ,
. III the Jamestown exposition
not a man in the town or . , ,.
, ,, . ready for the opening, in
in progress over it, So far as j but who should vote for these I it will be unlike any
our observation has gone, the bond issues. No investment the j other that was ever held.
campaign from the of county and town can make would j The man who introduced that
star of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
J. R. Davis, Cashier of above-named bank, do solemn
y swear the statement is true to the best of my
and belief. J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
me, this day of Mar.
Notary Public.
At tho close of business Mar- 22nd, 1907.
Loans and discounts
Furniture Fixtures
Due from Hanks and
Cash items
bank V 3.876,56
end other U. S. notes
Capital stock 85,600.00
Surplus fund 2,000.00
Undivided profits
Bills Payable
Time certificates of
deposit 3.426,14
Deposits subj. to check
checks out-
Certified Check
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
agitation for the school ha i been yield better returns. The bill in the I. W H lard of the above named bank do
conducted on a high plane. Of, fit of such a school located among legislature, may be that the above statement host of my
The mar who contemplates several towns want on and or. through V to convince constituents , and W. H
it would show school, but the rivalry between i ages to Come, increasing as not niche Subscribed and sworn to j
in not waiting to them is bitterness, year Do claSS me, Mar I BLOUNT,
purchase. There is no likelihood no strife, whatever to opportunity to TOte for the A Dakota man aged sixty has T.
hat prices will lower. a row. of twenty-
boa married the
Public J
This department is in of F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory
We nave on sop-
fee of Bible, w ff-
the trade a
B. T
Hats to suit you at B. F. Man-
Co- They are also carry
a line pants
The A. G. Cox M Co. has
on hand a lull supply
their Tar Heel Cart
Send us your order e
prompt shipments.
A new lot of nice
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Another large lot of shoes just
in at Harrington Barber Co.
suits of all sizes are
going at cost at B F. Manning
Protect yourself from the sun Mr. and Mrs- J. O.
by getting a large straw hat at spent Sunday here
Harrington, Barber Co. with Miss Elizabeth
The A. C Cox V Co. will
Quite an interesting game of
baseball was played here
day afternoon between the
make flues for the sea-
son at the same old price as
last season.
W. G. Lamb, of Williamston,
was here last night. the W. S. H. beys, resulting iii a
Anew lot of fresh flour score of seven to four in favor
arrived at Harrington, Barber i Ayden.
graded school boys of Ayden and
We were glad to have J. R.
j Smith, K. W. and Mr.
of Ayden, with
the afternoon service Sunday at
famous dress for the old reliable
shoe for ladies and gentlemen at planters Simplex
Manning Co. Guano Sowers.
The A. G. Cox Co. are Those in Miss Barker's de-
still receiving orders for their Winterville
nice and most up to date Hun-1 who made honor
Get the shoe
for comfort, especially for older
me. Ti are going. B. F.
Manning Co. have them. church
Call the new I
line of Straw Hats just arrived Mrs. Mollie Gray and
a A. Ange Co. Miss Mary, Beaufort county,
The A. G. Cox Co. are I are spending some time with
in position to fill your orders; Mrs. Maggie Butt.
Miss Olivia Cox, accompanied
sucker buggies.
Go hi Store K. T.
Cox rim i W.
Bod's null
Secure a at
Barber Co.
Keep your horses, boys, and
chickens in a healthy condition
by giving them Pratt's food.
B. F. Manning Co.
Miss Lon Cobb, of is
Spending some time with her
sister, Mrs. J. L. Jackson
your home by cover-
your floors with nice matting
A. W. Ange Co. has it at a
Cox, an aged an most
highly respected citizen
near Ayden, was here Friday.
Misses Cora Carroll and
Chapman attended service at the
Baptist church Wednesday night.
Our farmers are planting
corn these beautiful days.
H. A. White, of Greenville,
was here Thursday.
J. K. moving into
the Rouse house where he will
begin housekeeping.
Misses Annie and Gussie
Lawrence left for their home
near Grifton Thursday, where
they will spend Saturday and
When you realize how much
it is to you to have the
faculties of a good bank at your
disposal, consider whether or
not you could do some friend a
good turn by convincing him of
the advantage of carrying a
bank account, and by
to the bank officer. A little
r. work of kind
c you nothing and is
a. by the bank, and may be
the -urning point in some friend's
ca- to prosperity J. L.
cashier, Bank of Win-
W. F. Fry, of Goldsboro,
came in Wednesday to aid Rev,
T. H. King in the revival
meeting at the Baptist church-
He is preaching some strong
sermons to large
The interest is increasing.
Several have made profession.
Misses Mollie and Kate
Chapman went to Greenville
Wednesday on a shopping tour.
G. Briley killed a
Tuesday about four miles from
here. He had not done
damage we are glad to report
Misses Kittrell and
Minnie left this
morning for the Normal and In-
College at Greensboro,
where they will take a special
. the training depart-
by Mrs. Henry Stokes, spent
Sunday here with Mrs.
Miss Helen Cox, of Ayden,
spent Sunday with Miss Hattie
List of those who are in
rears for taxes in the town of
Winterville for the year 1906
for the week, ending March the
30th Dixie
Luther Russell, Tommie Wilson,
Clyde Chapman, Myrtle
horn, Lucy Belle Langston
good as new East Carolina Sup
ply Co Winterville, N. C.
The genial Spring days will
soon be here a comfortable
couch will be a luxury. A. W.
Ange Co. has them at a bar-
Get your choice groceries at B.
F. Co.
A line of dry goods and
notions just opened. Ladies,
come examine them.
A. W. Ange Co
A. N. Ange Co. know how
to buy shoes for comfort, Johnson, J R
and They have just Johnson, L
opened their large line of Joe
be aided to those j
who are in arrears taxes for T F i
Th A. G. Cox Co., May. J R E H
still shipping the reliable Cox I David
Colon Planters and Simplex Morris, Madison
Gun no Sowers to both North H D
and South Carolina. Send us m m
your order we assure prompt j J F
shipments. Sparks. J W
Remember that the A. G. Cox. Sarah
Co. will continue for Tyson, Frank
to make tobacco flues Tuck-r, E l
Braxton. W J
Braxton. A B
Braxton, E W
Cooper, Rowan
Cooper, Rowan Son
Cooper, J
Coward, Warren
Cox. A D
Evans, D B
Electric Light Co
Elliott. L F
Fair. C A
Grimes, Oscar
Harrison, Wm H
House, W L
Cox spent Sun-
day at home.
Adopted by the Mother's
of Winterville.
Whereas, it hath pleased
Heavenly Father to remove from I
earth one of our members, Mrs. I
Mary Smith, who will be sadly
because of her intense i
devotion for the Mother s Work,
for the excellent Christian in-j
that she always exerted
and for her untiring efforts for
the betterment of every home in
Resolved 1st, That we bow in
humble submission to our
2nd, That in memory of her, i
and her unconquerable zeal in I
this work though tottering with
age, we will re-double our
in this line.
3rd. That we extend our,
heartfelt sympathy to the
of her family, knowing that
our loss is her gain.
Mrs. A- Cox, Com.
Burned at New Bern.
A disastrous fire occurred at
this morning, at
o'clock which destroyed J. M.
Arnold's stables and horses
and four entailing a
loss estimated by The Journal at
The fire started in Ar
stables, which was
burned, communicated to Mrs.
Richardson's boarding house,
which was entirely destroyed,
and its contents. Occupants of
the boarding barely had
time to escape with their lives.
Kinston Free Press, 2nd.
CHAS. SMITH, Collector.
Overdrafts secured 87.88
Furniture and 925.118
Demand loans
Due from banks and bankers 2,188.18
Cash items 8.40
Silver coin
Nat. bk 1,280.00
Vincent, W C
The A. G- Cox g Co. are Canning Co
now receiving orders for their, Albert
Handy tobacco trucks
though it is in the season.
F. Manning Co. know
I y what their many
men want in the line of slippers.
They have just opened them up.
Call and see them. They are
B. T Cox Bro. have garden
seeds and flower seeds of all
kinds at the drug store.
tonic and regulator for female
weakness and diseases.
B. T. Cox Bro.
Miss Meta Dew, matron at the
dormitory, returned Tues-
day evening from Fremont,
where she spent several days
visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
who spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ange, re-
turned to their home near James-
ville Wednesday morning.
Rev. E. Cox held Easter
services at the Episcopal church
Sunday afternoon. A large con-
was present. ,
Miss Mable Kittrell is visiting
Misses Hattie and Janie
this week
The revival services at the
B .; list closed last, night.
of Win-
reaching than
he past week.
i one of the
of the State.
fears ago and
led his work,
equal success
will be
Notice is hereby to the voters
of Pitt county that the board of county
at their meeting on the
first day of April, it being the
day of said ordered that an
election lie held at the various
places in said county on Tuesday. May
14th, 1907. for the purpose of taking the
sense of the qualified voters of said
county on the proposition to confer upon
the board of county of
said county the authority to issue and
sell interest bearing coupon bonds, of
said county, not to exceed the sum of
fifty thousand dollars to run for thirty
years and to bear interest at a rate not
percent. The proceeds of
the sale of said bonds to lie used in aid-
in erecting suitable buildings at some
point in Pitt county for a training school
for white teachers, and the excess, if
any, of the fund arising from the sale
of said bonds, after securing the
of said school in the county, to be
used in the purchase of machinery for
the use of the convicts in working the
public roads and to aid building and re-
pairing bridges in the county of Pitt.
A new registration of the voters has
been ordered for said election, so that it
may be definitely and accurately
who are qualified voters at said
election. The law authorizing aid
election requires those layering the
I i issuing of said to vote a written
or printed with the wolds thereon,
1.18 , and those opposed to vote
1.06 a written or printed ballot with the
words thereon The
registration books will open on Thurs-
day, April and close at sunset
on Saturday, May 4th, 1807.
who register can vote.
By order of he board of county com-
missioner Pitt
This the of V . I
K. Chairman,
Richard Williams, Clerk, Id
question. pleasing;
patterns, all sizes for every man,
g ml at prices that should be more
than we ask -2
At the Close of Business, Mar. 22nd
Capital stock
surplus funds
Undivided profit 86.20
Bills Payable 2,000.00
Time certificates of deposit 1,292.00
Deposits subject to cheek 11,060.68
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt. I
I, J. L. Jackson, Cashier of above named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this day of Mar,
Notary Public.
I,. JACKSON, Cashier.
G. E-
a. ;. cox,
New Year
Find me at
i no
thank every Tor hi, of rind the
past ear and oak it be continued.
It will pay you to visit store and see my stock.
. B. Johnston.

and Proprietor
. cl HOT at the post office at n
I B of .
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in and adjoin, counties.
When a town already has pro-1 Those who can afford it might
prohibition it takes a backward d well to keep a supply of both
temperance step by establishing on hand to he ready
a dispensary. That is what for weather emergencies.
did the other day in voting
by a majority of ten to
a dispensary in that town.
This weather must have fooled
even the ground We ex-
Dreams have peculiar effect he got back near to his hole
on people sometime. We were and is wondering if he had best
reading the other day of a young crawl in again.
in to fiction
What to would like to
N n it asleep.
She will be heard at the proper
The boys t on their
sometime, and have to take the
consequences when they do.
Twelve cadets have been .
e I ft am South Carolina Military
A at Chariest for mis
Japan wants the I
Fey sake let her haw
then .
was chasing a pig and catching Lawyers do tiling- BOOM
the animal by the ear. His times because they cannot run
wife's screams awoke him and the courts. In Raleigh, the
she wanted to know why he other day. a lawyer liking
was pulling her hair so hard. Judge refusal to allow
an ex-mayor of a Kentucky a case, hand-
town of a fire and back the retaining fee his
threw himself out a second client and started to leave the
mother aged forty-four People
with nothing else to do can now
busy themselves with this latest
relationship puzzle.
On the same day a
Ryan want to take the rail-
roads out of Wall street. He'd
like to put them in his own little
calls President
man paid for a picture, to the railroad
and another for a dog. says the Baltimore Sun, Then
Which is further evidence of the another goes in and get
present high cost o living. j trimmed.
After the Thaw trial will Josiah Flynt, or whoever
me the mending of some rep- coined the word
ions which were more or less never dreamed it would get
frazzled by the to the San Francisco degree.
The green goods king of New Se it has not
York has been sent to jail, a cir- to the sleuths who are looking
which gives Mr. H for Uncle Sams missing
more room to work out m Chicago, to search the
also food for reflection. gentleman who has been par-
in that continuous-
J he cartoonists are represent- performance poker game,
the president playing tag
among the
The veterinary surgeon who
presidential j,
ante. Fairbanks is so thin that back circus to pull a tooth from
story window, but that is not so court room. Jones ordered, he never the jaw of a lion is not likely to
any time in asking his
patient whether it hurt.
n.; n
; t
A million dollar tire is a big
him to return, telling
. to a town. One that ., . , .,
that he was in the case to stay.
South Boston, Va., The Charlotte News quotes Mr.
Thursday, the plant j S. assaying
Some people act very much
they thought a man could do bur.
indefinitely without money.
of th
Co. i
w. ;
First thing you know y u will
hear real estate moving in
Ville l enough w
High is having more
than its share of tires, several
having recently visited that
This between seasons of tie
year putt up a problem to the
rs as to what to get
for fable.
The has bad its day
i. w t c fair wearers can
t com-
is over the
the destination will
read Not folk
mi people are looking at
Greenville now because they
realize this town will be doing
the near
i Tobacco i has a shrinkage of
.;. and a huge number of in the financial world n
the last
been an actual shrinkage f that
much money, wonder is where
The publication of
letter with the that he
the Chicago North
be explorer, has been .
it has gone, but if only that
heard t again. He is in
Paris riggings up a in
which to conduct the voyage
, has been done,
when he gets beyond the ,
much water has been
out of fail to see that,
Curie Nation appeared in the
B State house to harangue
the legislators, but as she
couldn't talk the
police escorted to the
elevator and rang the bell.
n- th hoc contributed
elect President Roosevelt I. The- report that Mr
donated 0.000 to up
that the latter him to the Chinese was greatly ex-
for that purpose, He appears to have
six bits on the plate for
walking is not good.
Cutting oft two-thirds of the
liquor prescription business,
in Charlotte, under the law
is good for the first
two weeks, but there is
room for
places the president in
a lad light It is recalled that
just before the last president
election Judge the Dem-
candidate, made the
charge that the corporations
Grover Cleveland hat been a were large to the
t of tariff re- campaign fund, which
tariff reform could e Roosevelt
not U- v somebody.
. and some and denounced
being hurt in a false. Now that the facts
In fact no great re- have it is seen that the
form is ever had without loss to president himself was knowingly;
Any or. who making a false
there is no less money in
foreign missions.
Speaker Cannon is reported to
have had the time of his life on
the trip to Panama, but as he
manages to the time of his
life wherever he happens to be,
there seems to be no need of
getting excited over it
are so many women in
asks Health.
because the doctors
need the money.
A South Carolina reform and i. that it
banged last Friday for during
in a business way is
in i
It always The Reflector
He preached hi own funeral . Tel feel good to learn of a new enter
prise for Greenville, h it is
I Surely it will hurt somebody, gratifying to believe that a cotton
Charlotte has climbed up to
the biggest town in
Up splendid newspapers
have had much to do with c tr
it there. discovery he has mad
just before the
He had bitter been putting
previous preaching more in mill is an this town
practice instead of killing an a the to will have in the near future. If
woman for her money. I the and not the harm to there is a town that weds such
the few an enterprise, that town is
Servants of good sticking quail- While it would be a
ties are far between, but; Mr Hayden Clement, who
one in Chicago has been given a the newly made office of as-
medal for staying with one attorney general of the pg a m
twenty-five years- A good quickly getting
-longer to grasp. There is an;
abundance of material,
MARCH. 26TH AND 27TH, 1907.
HATS have been made for
several -i. . by a lady that a
stylish Millinery Parlor in the
I of thin seagull
cell all others. She improves with age.
to our Opening and buy one of those Hats.
JAMES will try to you.
Chicago is about as remarkable pi pardon of
prisoners in the penitentiary
as the slicking servant.
M R. 22nd, 191.7
an is going to
are handy and shipping facilities
good. Resides this, the knitting
for I mill already here would be a
was . he rd by the Council. Stock paid in
It is claimed that a Of State. Mr. E. E. , , Overdrafts Secured 1.000.00
It will be easier now to get
to serve as and
reporting of the cotton mill Furniture and of Deposit
with a the News and server, and one Hue from
of the attorneys applying lo K . Cash Items ch ks U ding
both Gold Coin
fir more . , asked him to say nothing
out of ashes than can be about certain had
coal. Wonder where the, presented. The reporter
election, as last I to make any promises,
law when the assistant attorney
stops burning coal
I toward him. The By a Contributor.
It don't pay in at the assist-j Undoubtedly one way of
bag. A attorney and swollen is
traded a house and lot nearly. of others money out of
standpoints-the need and the Silver Coin 855.70
, . . , . Notes
looks like they
the pay from to per
The Thaw trial has taken
another turn, Judge Fitzgerald a nearly
having appointed a lunacy com- that town to an Indiana man for j present these would have been
mission to pass upon Mb sanity, a stock of goods the latter a fight.
and dismissed the jury owned in that State and
They are telling it on J. B.
Duke, the tobacco king, that he
is courting again- And it is
another widow, too. He ought
to have had sufficient experience
by now.
First one and then another is
as a possibility
the Democratic nomination for
president next year, but it
not seem to jar Mr. Bryan's
he valued at When the. The county commissioners
goods were shipped to the Hen j have called an election on the
man he found question of issuing bonds not ex-
practically worthless. Now I seeding and the town
there is a big suit in court grow- j -Mermen at their meeting Thurs. prohibition law is being enforced
out of the trade. . ca an on j Kansas, there must be some-
n r the of issuing bonds to j thing radically wrong w the
Our northeastern North Caro-, . M . V. . soda fountain in that State.
The revelations of graft seem
to have shocked San Francisco
almost as much as the earth-
A Kansas man asserts that he
recently saw a rat with
As the authorities insist that the
The alienists should also ex-
the Thaw jury to see if
Una folks were wise not to amount of Both
their present row over the i these bond issues are to apply
of the East Carolina Normal to securing the ,
until ,. all of its members continue to
School break out until they the Eastern Training School for be
secured the legislative- De
Observer. Teachers in Pitt county. There . .
I the Jamestown exposition
We did not know any row was not a man in the town or county j u ready for the opening , that
in progress over it, So far as who should vote for these j it will be unlike any
our observation has gone, the bond issues. No investment the j other that was ever held.
campaign from the of j county and town can make would The man who introduced that
agitation for the school ha ; yield better returns. The lick-the-editor bill in
of North I .
of Pitt. J
I, J. R. Daft, the above-named bank, do solemn
y sweat statement is true to the beat of my
and belief. J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
me, this day of Mar.
Notary Public
At the close of business Mar. 22nd, 1907.
i and discounts
Due from Hanks
Sold coin,
Silver coin bank
ind other U, notes
Capital stock
Surplus fund 2,000.00
Time certificates of
subj. to check
a checks out-
standing 724.22
Certified Check
Greenville real estate is some-
thing worth while to watch.
The mar who contemplates own-
some of it would show
in not waiting to make is d by year around Do not
purchase. There is no likelihood no strife, whatever to to vote for the
hat prices lower. a row. bonds.
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. W lard
I. W lard of the above named
conducted on a high plane. Of fit of such a school located among legislature, may be the above w n V heat of
towns want on and or. h to constituents and W. H
school, but the rivalry between age to Come, as not the I Subscribed and
A Dakota man aged sixty has
n a of twenty, while
his sou the
If me, day Mar
Public J
R. J-
Thia department Is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
Cox spent Sun-
now nave hand u f
it of an
a. I
B. t Q.
Hats to suit you at B F. Man. m
Co. They are also carry-
Protect yourself from the sun Mr. and Mrs
by getting a largo straw hat at spent Sunday here
Harri Barber i with M m g, h J.
The A. G-Cox will
make for the Ma an interesting game of
BOO at the aim old price was played
afternoon between the
W. Lamb, of Williamston.
was hen last night. W. S. H. beys, lb a
Anew lot of fresh Hour score of seven to lour in favor
Harrington, Barber Ayden.
. ,.,,. . ., were glad to R.
Get the King Cotton ,,,,,, j
., r Smith, K. W. and
for comfort, especially Older . ,
, ,, . Browning, of Ayden.
me.- are going. B. ,
i afternoon service Sunday
Manning Co. have
Call the new I
line of straw Hats just arrived
a A. W Ange Co.
The A. C. Cox Co.
in to till your orders
promptly the old reliable
a pi
The A. G. ll g Co. has
still on hand a lull
their Tar Heel Car
Send us your order assure
prompt shipments.
A new lot of nice
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Another large lot of shoes just
in at Harrington Barber Co.
suits of all sizes are
ring at cost at B F. Manning
Shoe for ladies and gentlemen at i
B. K Manning Co.
m Guano bowers.
The A. G. Cox Co. are
still receiving orders for their
nice and most up to date Hun-
sucker buggies.
Go tan of rt.
d ii I N v. l
null l m I
Secure a at
Barber Co.
Keep your horses, boys, and
chickens in a healthy condition
by giving them Pratt's food.
B. F. Manning Co.
Miss Lon Cobb, of is
couch will be a luxury. A. W.
Ange Co. has them at a bar-
Smith, K. Smith and Mr.
; the afternoon service
I the Baptist church.
Mrs. Mollie Gray .
Miss Mary, of Beaufort county,
are spending some time with
Mrs. Maggie Butt.
Miss Olivia accompanied
by Mrs. Henry Stokes, spent
Sunday here with Mrs.
Those in Miss Barker's Cox
of the jg., Cox, of Ayden.
High School, who made honor Sunday with Hattie
for the week ending March the Kittrell.
I Dixie
Luther Russell, Tommie Wilson, I
Clyde Chapman, Myrtle
Adopted by the Mother's
Whereas, it hath pleased
Heavenly rather to remove from
earth one of our Mrs.
J. O. f Smith, who will be sadly I
of her intense
devotion for the Mother I
for the excellent Christian in-,
she always exerted
untiring effort for
the betterment of every home En
1st. That we how in
humble submission to our
2nd. That in memory of her,
and her unconquerable zeal in
this work thou ring with
age, we will r. -double
in this line.
3rd. That extend our
heartfelt sympathy to the
her family, knowing that
lour loss is her
Mrs. A- I. COX, Com.
graded school boys of Ayden and
horn, Lucy Belle Langston
good as new Fist Carolina Sup
ply Co Winterville, N. C.
The Spring days will
soon be here aim I comfortable
spending some time with
sister, Mrs. J. L. Jackson
your home by cover-
your floors with nice matting
A. W. Ange Co. has it at a
an aged an most
highly respected citizen from
near Ayden, was here Friday.
Misses Cora and
Chapman attended service at the
Baptist church Wednesday night.
Our are planting
corn these beautiful days.
H. A- White, of Greenville,
was here Thursday.
J. K. into
the Rouse house where he will
begin housekeeping.
Misses Annie and Gussie
Lawrence left for their home
near Thursday, where
they will spend Saturday and
When you realize how much
benefit it is to you to have the
faculties of a good bank at your
disposal, consider whether or
not you could do some friend a
good turn by convincing him of
of carrying a
bank account, and by
to the bank A little
work of kind
c t you nothing and is
u. by the bank, and may
urning point in some friend's
to prosperity J. L.
cashier, Bank of
W. F. Fry, of Goldsboro,
came in Wednesday to aid Rev,
T. H. King In the revival
meeting at the Baptist church-
He is preaching some strong
sermons to large
The interest is increasing.
have made profession.
Misses lb-van and Kate
Chapman went B Greenville
Wednesday on a shopping tour.
G. v. Briley killed a
Tuesday about four miles from
here. He hail not done
damage we are glad to report
Misses Kittrell and
Minnie left this
morning for the Normal and In-
College at Greensboro,
where they will take a special
course in the training depart-
ore of
and have already
attained much success as teach
Misses and
Kittrell wen. to Greenville today
F- T OaT. of Greene county,
passed through this morning
en route to Littleton where he
has two daughters in school.
Get your choice groceries at B.
F. Co.
A line of dry goods and
notions just Ladies.
Come examine them.
A. W. Ange Co
A. N. Ange Co. know how-
to buy shoes for comfort,
and They have Mrs H L
opened their large line of final ;
Cost will be added to those
who are in arrears taxes for
the put year after April 1st,
1907 Chat. W. Smith.
List of those who are in
rears for taxes in the town of
Winterville for the year 1906
Braxton. W J
Braxton, E W
Cooper, Rowan
Cooper, Rowan St Son
Cooper. J
Coward, Warren
Cox. A D
I. Calvin
Evans, D B
Electric Light Co
Elliott. L F
For st. B
Fair. C A
Grimes, Oscar
Harrison, Wm H
Johnson, R
Vincent, W C
Winterville Canning Co
Yancey, Albert
Langley, Joe
Lane, Henry
Little. J B
Locust, F L
Manning, O C
Manning, J A
. Manning, E C
Th A. G. Cox Co., are May j K h
still shipping the reliable Cox I David
Co ton Planters and Simplex , Morris, Madison
Guano Sowers to both North Nelson, H
and South Carolina. Send M M
your order we assure
Spark's. J W
Remember that the A. G. Cox. Sarah
f i Co. will continue for the
to make tobacco Hues
Th-A. Q. Cox Co.
now r. orders for their
Handy tobacco trucks even
though it is curly in the season.
F. Manning Co. know
what their many
want in the Una of slippers.
They have just opened them up.
Call and see thorn. They are
T Cox Bro. have garden
seeds and seeds of all
kinds at the drug store.
tonic and regulator for female
weakness and diseases.
B. T. Cox Bro.
Miss Meta Dew, matron at the
dormitory, returned Tues-
evening from Fremont,
where she spent days
visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
who spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ange, re-
turned to their home near James-
ville Wednesday morning.
Rev. W. E. Cox held Easter
services at the Episcopal church
Sunday afternoon. A largo con-
was present.
Miss liable Kittrell is visiting
Misses and
this week
The revival services the
B-.-, Hat c cloned last night,
Never have the people of Win-
had the opportunity of
h bettor than
they have during the past week.
R-.-. W. F. Fry is one of the
leading preachers of the State.
He was hero two years ago and
God greatly blessed his work,
and he met with equal success
this tin.-. he baptism will be
at a. m. today.
W. .--. .
and re-
1.98 pairing in county Pitt,
1.67 A new of the has
for Mid
election. law
2.471 election
I AI I of to
at New
A disastrous fire occurred
early this morning, at
o'clock which destroyed J. M.,
Arnold's stables and horses
and four entailing a
by The Journal at.
Tho fire started in Ar
which was
burned, communicated to Mrs.
Richardson's boarding house,
which was entirely destroyed,
and its contents- of
the boarding horse barely had
time to escape with their lives.
Kinston Five Press. 2nd.
Notice Is given to
Ens board of
at their mooting on the
April, It Being tho
day of MM nth. that an
election lie held at the various
in county on Tuesday. May
1907. tor the of taking tho
of the of said
on tie- to upon
of county of
said county authority to issue and
interest bearing coupon bonds, of
county. to th sum of
Arty to run for thirty
years to hour interval at a not
to exceed fix percent. The
the sale of bonds to U-used in Sid-
point In fore training
for white teachers, and the excess, if
any. of the fund from the sale
of said bonds, after securing the
of said in the county, to be
used In the purchase of machinery for
the use of the convicts in working the
the best of
clothes made a
visit to
will enlighten on
p all sizes for every man,
and at prices that should be more
than we ask-5
A new
been for said election,
j, may be definitely and
who are voters at said
. aid
vote a written
u I or printed with tho thereon,
1.10 j those opposed lo vote
1.06 written or printed ballot with the
; SO words thereon The
books will open on Thurs-
day, April . and sunset
on Saturday, May 4th,
4.57 who register can vole.
he board Of county coin-
Pitt county.
, This the .
l u. iV, Chairman,
SMITH, Collector. Williams, Id
the mans
At the Close of Business. Mar.
Loan and 1,684.18
Overdrafts secured 87.89
Furniture and
Demand loans 800.00
Hue from banks and 8,188.18
Silver coin 878.46
Nat. 1,888.00
Capital stock
surplus funds
Bills Payable
Time of
subject lo ch
tits 787.88
State of
County of Pitt.
I, L. of above named bank,
swear the is true to beat of I
edge belief. J. L JACKSON,
and sworn Correct
mo, this 80th of Mar, I
New Year
me at
tame old
h n
I lie of
every hi. th
pus ear J it may be continued.
It will pay you to visit n j store and see my stock.
B. Johnston.

I I .
S to
The of Norfolk New March 29- All the
or rather Hebrew of Now York
of all the coast towns and City, well as in all quarters
white to the globe where their wan
against high railroad i have trod,
rates to and the Jamestown tonight feat
neglect with tin Seder
thing. They say Iv. Great
and ,. attends the feast
stick torn.
That is the advice given by
Judge R. T. Bennett, in The
and In
the young nun
of the country. Conditions have
changed for the better and it
can no longer said that there
is no opportunities for the young
man to make I living on the
farm. Judge Bennett tells of it
in his characteristically
. N, the visitors from ht, which has I en way. predict for the
Schnapps Tobacco is Made ENTIRELY from Fine Cored
Tobacco Grown in the Piedmont Country.
The Imitation Brands Have Schnapps
Quality Only On the Outside
Of the Plug
all over i who go
the exposition will
times I
lodging n; than they in
have n a.
a ere
high rates charged
. In tels, and Nwas mer exp in i i ls
cu T his i
will pr It pi
the cleansing of homes,
the i I nary tab i
, k n utensils, so that the i
i p sated to the r
, . m not be i I u
Tl . . ere hundreds of quaint ob
on the coast in with
., festival commemorative of
deliverance of i
amount .
d. it i
who e
C .
to look
i-i .-.
j , . ,
. r
into i
. c at
. t u
It .
,. .
at the s
e r
tho i
.; .
. j
and, i,.
or. it
i . i
what Ins
; , .
m . us
, in i
. v i .
, j i ; from
the ; .
. . r d and to Reflector,
few per- London, March
eon nil h i id, d those who events
on of
the K
. t of
the unleavened
s .- the baking
. hundreds
a; tor many months
. bakeries this
tho said
i worked six
year to produce
is i
in I
. f i
pit have
very tang. As reports past
. paid
the proper
I . . ., I
i state feel tho by spinners and combers, ,
to expect the pen i tutor market has responded
v.,. .,. general movement by sharply
farmers during the
years. he period
unmatched prosperity. The
output of gold has de-
that mot I percent,
since 1896- By this. I it
takes SO par cent leas of the
leading products our Indus
trial life to buy ten dollars of
gold than in Moreover,
we have so rapidly to
time the sobering lesson of
farm life that a youth
reared upon a farm should
solve never to go more than one
mile from a cow's He
will stagger the farmer of
1907 that we ever lingered about
win at sowing.
man. who gives patient and sad
to his work, will
save in ten ears a
reasonably assurance against old
age All agencies close to the
farm point precisely to
Judge Bennett deplores the
passing of the and would
him than vol-
the basin of the
it and the footstools
agree with
. . , class of labor.
lat now great
Hundreds of imitation brands are
on sale that look like Schnapps to-
The outside of the imitation
plugs of tobacco is flue cured the same
as Schnapps, but the inside is filled
with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened
air cured tobacco. One chew of
Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger
longer than two chews of such to-
The color, size and shape
of the tags, plugs and packages of
certain imitation brands of tobacco
have been made so much like
Schnapps that they have often been
accepted by buyers under the belief
that they were getting Schnapps.
Sufficient proof has been secured
to establish the fact that certain
brands are infringements and in
of the trade mark laws, yet the
trade will continue to be imposed
upon these until the suit
already entered and now pending to
protect Schnapps is decided. A
great many of these imitations arc
Claimed to be as as
Schnapps, but there is only one gen-
Schnapps. Be sure the letters
on the tag, and on the plug
under the spell S-OH-N-A-P-P-S
and then you have most
wholesome tobacco produced, with
just enough sweetening to preserve
the mild, juicy, stimulating quality of
the leaf tobacco. Expert tests prove
that this flue cured tobacco, grown
in the famous Piedmont region, re-
quires and takes less sweetening than
any other and has a wholesome,
stimulating, satisfying effect on
If the tobacco you are chewing
don't satisfy you more than the mere
habit of expectorating, stop fooling
yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco.
Schnapps is like the tobacco chewers
formerly bought costing from
to pound; Schnapps is
sold at pound, in cuts,
strictly and plugs.
R J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Sale N. C.
the now great
the while k.,. j , farming great, r
the rapacity of
r to needs of
V m. 28.-
v a reached last
Iv the copper mining
fit t
v. k
the district
ii . the
if the larger com do not
ill of
Ii; -up ill c n i-us is
pa. .- r ed
u ll have if
ch. son of its
i finally n
;,, A meet
for t. .- put f is in to- j
la meantime
; I eared. de-
tail a
I . The
pi w a shall be
ail h r Is cents u
r n . and
when i ii-- I. An agreement
bit n sin liter nun
com n ; i now b ins
turns It Is
that, so far from alack-
was thought at one
u III ;. the may
ti em till
out any exception or
apart too ready
the speculative cu mint
I lira and simple. The
it r of weak bean in Bel-
I Plate Wool sale at Ant-
resulted in
of the
bales, being sold, either at
auction values, or at a
stocks low.
t transit.
Aged Dead in
Philadelphia Home Presumed to
Been Accidental-
; sine h.
low hi
Charlotte C.
s m the ling aide by side on a bed in their
and the i home here,
wt II to fol-
for Ii
years old. his wife Annie.
foster it. years wire found dead
this afternoon, asphyxiated by
illuminating gas. A terrier
lay dead beside e v.
A deputy sheriff, who
mons for debt, I Poets
The Stale of education
has named as B ard of
of Carolina Teach- try.
era and Training School, that Friday's
by the Legislature of
the to hi Id office
from the fifteenth of March
For six years. Ex-Governor. T.
. Jarvis, C.
Wilson, of Scotland Neck; John
C. Parker of Trenton. For four
J It. Leigh, of Elisabeth
V. T. cf Kinston;
n. mi of Banner
Mount; J. C
Can; to I
and Observer.
In Ki
D. S. h
Special to Redactor.
Topeka, Kans, R
primary for the selection a
Republican candidate . n
press in place of Congressman
Curtis, resigned to become
United States senator, is in
today, selection will
voted for at the election on May
the district is over
nominee today is certain of
All candidates expect
Daniel R, Anthony, of Leaven-
worth, editor of the Leaven-
worth Times, have withdrawn,
that he has no and
will be
j j j administrator of
g rut North
lust la I,, nil
i I mi
no tin-in to tho
occur. today., I
A.-. he two-cent tare bill is pass-1 in oar their recovery.
there is nothing imp. All indebted to
lies Moines, Iowa
are t
will adjoin n ;.
week m April, ii .
a day ; v
g from the fact
newspapers wire
still on the doorstep, the police
are inclined t. believe the couple
have been dead since
Thursday night
The stop cock of a gas tin
the was turned on and
the e was tilled with gas.
a good position
and had no apparent reason for
suicide, save tin- few debts
which the deputy sheriff went
to the house id collect When
last seen Thursday night both
the old man and his wife seemed
in good spirits and the
who the
asphyxiation was an accident.
The fact that the couple were
fully when found, how
ever, and were stretched cross-
By Newell i.
Christmas is the day for child-
hood, but Easter Sunday is the
March day for the mature. No woe
Christ enveloped the grave
in a golden cloud What a
procession cf great ones march-
toward the tomb Gone all
the heroes of the Victorian era
in England Gone all our Con
school of essayists and
-1 poets Gone leaders in the
Young Son A Dramatist.
Wise of the bed lends
touch of mystery to the case.
Crucible Steel Pay Dividend.
to wait for.
Harris Will Do Hasted
Special to K
S. C
Harris, tho North
. h to tho murder of
lire, Morgan will be
barged today. It the first
hanging that has ever
in county.
Thaw Pleases His Lawyer.
New York, March
counsel are i much
I delight with the clear answers
l la giving to questions asked
him in the examination before
the lunacy commission. They
believe the commission will rend-
its decision tomorrow and
pronounce sane.
Special to
Jersey City, N. J. March 25.-
The report for the year of the
Havana Tobacco Company
that is a deficit of
Net earnings.
received during 1906, were
after deducting expenses of
interest paid on IS
percent gold bond;
leaving the y , t
from other sources order U I
met its first charges,
Army and Navy.
A methodist
done replied one
of tho congregation.
you asked the
.-, . said
in tie y.
knee i
i .
., March,
Administer tor
All . ltd.
Special to Reflector,
Pa. March
Steel company is paying its
dividend The regular
is percent
administrator of is being paid
x, Tho for the
to notify all persona having claims I Past six months, from which
against tho said deceased this dividend
them to
or Ix fore the 21st day of Marco, 1808,
or notice will be pleaded In bar
their recovery.
All persona Indebted to said estate stock.
ill Please make Immediate payment.
This Hist day of March,
Paul w. Brooks, Administrator,
r. u. James, ltd i
paid, slightly
world of finance and invention
Gone i fathers and mothers
little But this
morn tells us that the
all-loving and all-powerful hard
Of God has lifted the soul over
that little named death,
and set it down in that land
where the day has dawned and
the shadows fled away, where
the wicked cease from troubling,
where the weary are at
Christ death the
king of terrors. He left it
the king of mysteries. He found
the grave a black hole where the
soul vanished into lie
left it a golden door where God
and the soul met it in the name
of an eternal friendship. He
found death by the
skeleton and the scythe; He
lift death an event so beautiful
that earth's lilies not sweet
enough to garland a man's tomb.
He found death with one color,
black, turned the black to
gold; Ha found death with one
song, a dirge, end transformed
it into a symphony. What
hoped, Christ knew.
Speaking with authority, Ht
said, not your heart be
Special to Reflector.
New York, March
though his oft-expressed wish
see a performance of one
the many classical plays
by his father has been stead
opposed by his parents,
year old Mansfield,
s of Richard and
has written three acts of a
act drama entitled
play is I lid in the chivalric
when was in How
Master Mansfield not
proposes to complete it, but wit
his father's consent to stage tr
production before he reaches h
teens. Notwithstanding
the boy has been th;
of a governess and
to ire discipline in a pr
school, lie has managed
acquire technical qualities
play writing and seems to ha
provided for plenty of Costume
fascinating scenery,
villain, and a noble hero,
a princess in
Mrs Mansfield says Gibbs is n
precocious, but has heard
father rehearse selections
Shakespeare preliminary to th
production on the stage, and h
always been writing
their being able to stop him. J
more than per cent per annum j troubled. In my Father's house
on the preferred mansions; I go to
Having duly qualified before
court clerk of Pitt count as ad-
of the estate of J. u Butt,
deceased, notice Is hereby given to all
indebted to estate to
make immediate payment to the
nil persons hating
wild estate must present
the WM for payment on or before
the 5th day of Harsh, twos.
This 6th day of March, or this
notice will be plead in bar of recovery.
I. T. Cox.
of Butt
as of
II. Ellis, deceased, of
Pitt county. Ninth Carolina, is to
notify, nil persons having eon
estate the iv
to n or
II kite lilt day of March, or
; be pleaded in bar of
ii till to said estate
Will n immediate payment.
. . Jay of March, 1907.
II K. Administrator.
An Increased Dividend.
Special to Reflector;
New York, March The
dividend of the Company
is being paid today and has been
placed at two percent quarterly,
thus placing the stock on a
eight percent, basis, while in
addition it pays extra dividend
of one percent.
Japan Floats a Big Loan.
Special to Reflector.
New York, March the
non-redemption period of Japan's
pare a place tor These
words make soil rich indeed for
the of Easter, to wave
of Kidney,
Other ma
say a bottle ant
it will
your We say
full 11.00 size bottle of
POL if it, th-
use until
This entitles v
to u bottle
Only a limited number I
, . m
on the day dedicated to the away. Don't miss this I
mortal to test
Telegraph Companies Advance Rates.
Special to
Chicago, March The Wes-
tern Union Telegraph Company
today announced an advance in
Steamer L.
n m for
rates of percent to take effect at
Monday. The Postal Telegraph meeting at Washing U
Company will make the
V,. . , . i nil
l i, that are offered
expires tomorrow, i- ,. ;
,;,.,. ; i , I
Sin Ii. Ni
l i ,.,,.
pars should order
N .
, . ,. . r.
to hurry up for the
placing of the sum required
i lie was 250,000.000
h of been at
cotton i.
Also of two
from Jack, one
i it .
r i. i,
u ii .
t n
F. No. j
j r.
N. C.
II. C. I
M. w.
Special to Reflector.
Dennis in, AU
of the cents ad- i
on ranted by the
i to Have Children of
th Out
Tho Friday Afternoon Whist dub
assembled the
f its on upper
. . commerce
were bands
short. The wore in n
. till tho ton announced
her two Clarence, n
of and Site of
Least A r for Which or
Count. Can Bonds
The State Hoard of Education
Offers a Coarse of Study Leading to
the Degree of of Ml
Former students of
The Cold Weather
Sets in
ends The time gained Ly the and Industrial C
I U. I. ii . I
teen, had picked up s little
u tho from
, do to game n
after i-o many hod taken
to come, she could think
n, other way to got two
. i children would at
, fill
i. ,, . , ,.
tho all the
in chorus. The hostess
Every one delighted.
Clarence Gwendoline were
duly summoned and introduced.
They their modestly, the
the local shippers in the
been improved so that most
the has Ii d,
i he shippers
which would otherwise have
beer added. The railroads made
up their delay in shipping, they
having caused the delay that
much loss to the
and have harried r
the postponement
granted Th local shippers
thus made a profit of a
I quarter a dollar a ton, which
j means a great deal, as the iron
shipment was of large
matter of bids and the site
established st the
as well as I
will interested to know that
ordered to the opening of the in
recent session the fall of 1907 a new coarse o
Residence Telephone.
ladies promised to assist them on
snotty points, and the com-
There were two prizes offered,
re of considerable value.
Even woman present up
to have one of prizes
any cost The game was entered
Into with abandon, and too quarter
shown to any one. So far from
needing any
Gwendoline to hold their
own pretty well. In they Boom-
ed perfectly home that when
in tho stir .-i of excitement s
tailed lo adhere strictly to the
rule Clarence would call attention
to the error gravely
line with ladylike dignity. Tho up-
shot of game was that when the
afternoon was ever and tho Baal
count was made Gwendoline
were in possession of both
The ladies took leave their
hostess in a body with profuse
thanks for tho pleasant afternoon,
all declaring they had just the
loveliest time, she had been so
sweet to all they really
But as the door closed after the
Inst smile and there was mi
ominous in the rank of the
Friday Afternoon whist club.
nice to have who
can play whist so said one la-
sweetly, with a small gleam In
her eve.
agreed mother.
must be so nice to he able to bay
lovely prizes then keep them in
the Ami there was scarce-
any sarcasm in her voice at all.
New York Cross.
study leading to the
There are a number of cities in, Bachelor of Music will
i East Carolina which are after This course is not
the school, among these Eliza- strictly anew but
both City, E ration or the music
ton, Tarboro, Rocky Mount. Kin- course winch was discontinued
Greenville, while possibly at time the present degree
there will be in the contest for; courses wore adopted. When
the J , the new courses were adopted
and Wilson, with other by the faculty the number of
places yet to be heard The recitation periods a week was
rules to govern d from twenty-four to
All bids will be received and eighteen. this reduction
all heard in j the number of
; the way did not seem op n
y to In
Special Reflector,
Atlanta, April The Al-
Baptist Conference com
u a great revival in this
city today, the like of which has
never been seen in this
city or in the South. There is
one evangelist for each one of
j open meeting Wednesday, June
in Raleigh.
Under section of the for formulating a
law, bids for leas than degree course in music, as
I for the construction equipment faculty did net see
of building cannot be dent amount of time could be
For Rates
Telephone anS
From the South
When the cold
of salve can save
In salve look ton
on the box to avoid any
and be sure the
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold
Jno. L.
If were mark down bar-
rates in charges,
would women want want the
whole family sick so as to get
he benefit of them
is not Included
secured lo do academic
the practice work in music.
After careful consideration,
Calendar Curiosities.
There are some curious facts
about our calendar. No
can begin on Wednesday, Friday or
Sunday. same can
be used every twenty years.
always begins on the same day
of the week January, April as
July, September at December. Feb-
March and November also be-
gin on the fame days. May.
always begin on
days from each other from
vary other month in the your. The
first and last days of the year are
always the Mime. rules do
not apply to leap year, when com-
is made between be-
fore after Feb.
i rod The sue
this amount.
No bid will be considered .
that does not offer, in addition to. After
tho minimum of for however, a plan for estimating j kinds of choice cut
building a d equipment, Bite j the practice periods which meets en in season attention
of i the lie Wedding and Dec on
i Pol ill
, of the Southern ample
List church will be in charge of As soon as
ii S baptist in the at least twenty five the approval
In addition, the head acres Is desirable to secure ., ,.,,,,,.,,
,. music faculty has been worked plants. and Shade trees
. . , great variety
the work Each church will; June IT, the State Board of
provide for its own evangelist Education will visit and inspect i
revival will last for a full j all sites offered in the bids. the demand for clauses of
beginning today. All the g teachers.
pastors and will or county may be be-
each day at noon at a fore or
the Complexion,
r I tone ti
I l i
Little Early Risers, Sat
n The pills that
Jed by
Jno. I. Woolen.
like the taste an well maple
what mother wrote of
Cough Syrup. This
in i Ii tree
opiate or narcotics, contains
H in to the it
Par nod and Drug haw. Sold by
S tO
may n t bring their
ha ; they
get ix liable
. i three rt-
I mi n . I. . the
. . I a pi,
the d if a good
t, thus t th stomach
. is much re . you
. . ill ill I
I I . . Ill
t ; I ii designed to meet
Raleigh, N. C.
For those teachers in the
. rural who wish to teach
meeting to a bids and , in which all the features the News and Ob- music in addition to their
work will be talked over, work.
and a general consultation held For the supervisors of
as to the method to be Pursued L S-t in our public schools as
the coming meetings Great, . . ,. ., .
are expected from the
Viand combine
win ks of Satan.
upon the
To Strength n Miner's Union.
there is a growing demand for
j this class of workers in our cities
Special to Reflector.
N. Y. For the regular music teacher
vacancy ma by death of j whose is of course,
Burnett, will he giving instruction in instrumental
Special to . j j for the music
Pa. April I the term. would or-1 It is agreed that the
President Mitchell, of the b-filled at special j piano teacher should be able to
Union, is expected tuns ordered by the governor sing and direct church choir
here this week with a large force I today but as the chorus that supervisor
of organizers to make an effort of Burnett of vocal music should be aide to
to win back the many mine especially petitioned the play en the piano hence, during
workers who have deserted vacancy be not tilled, the and senior years a it
the past year. There nor has left it vacant- in allowed which.
dealers; in
a nice line of staple
goods on
clothing, shoes. hats,
caps. hardware and
Country aid Sold,
iV. G.
the warbles an
. All right, ho it,
and git through with it; they
need pretty soon to help hoe
. don't th ch
, the juices are nos
i used for relief. it
of v I . Ii its
v., and corrects the
eon forms to
the Pure and Drug Law.
Sold here by Jno. L. Wooten
Ex Senator Carmack insists
that he is a private citizen of
with a keen interest in
it;, issues.
was c ; in. elf to
and ii id .bed; that
j or lea it I it t hoy got
I . . I, it I, I was In-
. k j u. to
. th ire
so id I ; Mrs.
of .
Co., if . . i fold
now only members of the
union out of the 170.000 mine
Workers in the anthracite region.
The men lost interest in the union
after the three agreement I
with the operators was made last
Drop in th; f Ice ;
enable the candidate
lo Join to devote most of he
Paid In
The records of the court
at county,
a little town near the British Co-
lino, hear testimony to tho
financial stringency of the early
. county in the
heart of the lumber country, and
there was no money to he had,
became currency
of the land. Tho court records
show that John Smith
shingles for
Tho hooks show further Hint tho
fine was paid, it was an able judge
who could so accommodate tho law
to ailing conditions. New
York Bun.
In the early days of English low
it was a custom for the to
send t of gloves to the counsel
their and
even to the judges v. ho w re to try
them. Those gloves were usually
the cloak Tor a bribe, Mrs. Croaker,
for example, presenting Sir Thomas
More with a pair lined with
which he returned. A bribe given
in such circumstances continued to
be called long after
gloves bid ceased to hold a place in
the Herald.
. a
owe for dinner I had the
other she said to Henriette,
tho little girl waitress at the Italian
table d hole. am paying for it
now. You won't forget, will you,
Special to Reflector.
Watertown, N. Y. April
The Watertown Ice Company
has made substantial reduction
ii ice bills, the price dropping
year's cost from
t to fifteen pounds delivered
dairy for the season, Other
quantities are to cost correspond-
less, this is considered
significant of the fall that will
generally be registered through-
out the State.
Admiral Retires.
to Reflector.
Brooklyn, April 1.-Admiral
Joseph B. commandant
of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, was
relieved today from his duties,
his retirement for age having;
been reached. On the 21st of
he was given a reception,
which was very largely attended
by all the navy officials of the
post, and many officers
. .; c
time r
to vocal or . n, lie.
In addition to the music
hire tho course is a
in language , history,
lit etc. The ,.,
course the college, winch
lead to a diploma was a popular
one and quite a an
worn who . it are n 1.1
work in some
school, some teaching music e,
and others
both music and the
usually taught in our Is,
T. e recent Legislature has in-
creased the annual appropriation
and made it somewhat
Special to Reflector. with the needs of the j
Lima, Ohio. April t. it
of officers of the Belle- M be possible to make further-
Bridge Company, re-1 improvements
ho .
ind hi
He. an
a I lings.
Dr g-
I. free.
Olympia, April L-Senator
Jones is g arrangements to
I settle his business in order
that he accept the position
member of the railroad
which Gov. Mead
open for him take as soon
I as his private business is out of
York has bee .
X w
i . . all
. 1.- r p
Rub i . e.
r, in,
IT r,
. f
suiting from the grand jury in-
of the bridge trust are,
set for trial today. The names;
of the defendants arc
from time
lion and
iv.-r by
Register of Deeds R. Williams
Trial to Go On.
moil it
Special to Reflector.
New York, April The
jury called in court
today and dismissed until
Thursday, it appearing that the
lunacy commission will not be
ready to report before that day.
lawyers feel certain the
r . I a d
Secretary and Treas-
Miller, and directors
to the following
couples since last
J. r. Bright and Mono.
W. J. Garris and Minnie Tripp-
J. II- Ward, Jr. and Lucy
Elbert Morgan and
Albert Green and Nettie Chap-
Robert Grist and Hattie Brown.
Walter Knight and Lou Dupree.
John James and Catherine
William and
Mr. R. B. Shaw Dead
Mr. R. B. Shaw, of Washing-
ton, died in Williamston Sunday
morning. He was a musician
.,.,, tuner and was well
4th The flotilla of do known in Greenville, having
Goes Down Half S Dollar a Ten
Special t Reflector.
Buffalo, April The price of
coal was reduced today half a
dollar a ton in this and in all
other New York It will
begin or. May 1st to advance ten
cents a ton and will advance
every month at the same rate, as
has been the practice for years.
Landing of Ponce De Leon Celebrated.
Special to
Sc. Augustine- Fla. April
The celebration of the landing of
Ponce de Lion began today. It
st CURE the
Ur. King's
OLDS Trial. V
S for
A .
F, rt ire I,
in,., r .
. i
fro . . y
dis i .
w m
it Ii .
ill . ;.
t, .
v on
II .-
,;, ., .,
boats is participating
spent much time here in past
. .
. ,
won Hoer;
;. .
Cold or a nearly always pro-
I run lo the
and -t pi. cat
M the system
Pot want me
and N,
c; . containing
Opiates. Kennedy's L . -v and
Tar bowels, . no
Relieves Colds by working out
of the system through a copious action of
the bowels.
Relieves Coughs by cleansing and
strengthening the mucous membranes
throat, chest, lungs and bronchial lubes.
For Croup, Whooping La
Bronchitis, all
Colds, Lung and Bronchial no
remedy Is equal to Kennedy's Laxative
Honey and Tar. Children like it.
up In BOo and at the
., , i

. ,,. ,,., m
you to
W, Manager
for Daily
We have a list
i their mail at
Authorized Agent.
Miss Brown went to
Friday on a visit to
and returned Saturday
on noon train.
clocks and anything farm,
F. Lilly has purchased the
Barnes residence and
will move there this week, W.
J Hemby will occupy the
to be vacated by Mr. Lil
on West Railroad street.
Mrs C. S. Carr of
has been spending several days
with her brother, Dr L. C. Skin-
C. A. Fair and W. J. Boyd
went to Winterville yesterday
Do you wish to buy a house
and lot in Ayden. or a valuable
near Have you
Having as administrator
with the will annexed of Me. G. Rog
era, deceased, late of Pitt county, N.
C, this notify all persons having
claims against the estate of the said
G. deceased, to exhibit
them to the undersigned within twelve
months from the date this notice or
this notice will be pleaded in bur of
their recovery. All indebted
to said estate will please make
This the 15th day of March.
John A. Staton.
Julius Brown,
duly before the
court of Pitt county as ad-
of the estate of Samuel
a deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the
f e immediate payment to
understated, and all persons having
claim, against said estate must present
i on or before the
of March. 1908, or this notice
will be plead in bar of recovery.
March, 1907.
B. T. Cox,
. of Samuel Stocks.
Patrick con-
ducting a cotton and insurance
to the town of Grifton, N. C, tS
day dissolve CO by mutual
12th. lax.
W. H. Kilpatrick.
i Joseph
., v., nave you
needing attention in my for sale We will buy or
win to in the very s We insured, is
i., r b your house insured If not you
S i
Last Saturday our went
over . Winterville and pi. l
the boys of that place a
,, your.
should Bee and have it in-
sured at once. We make an
extra effort in collecting ac
i counts. Place them with us.
Loan and Insurance Co.
ball. J he score stood, we learn, g p. V. before you
I to m favor Ayden. I buy seed or feed oats.
Brown, of Greenville,
fr .
ever brought to Ayden.
spent Friday night with
E t
d P- Lilly Co
M. M. Sauls has the finest and
est of Pens
J. I
Call it the Drug Store and Be
c m t
. ; M. M. Sauls.
Monday nearly all day fearful
fires were raging in the
I woods just south of
Colonel and P. t;.
request the of your
at the marriage of their daughter
Nina Cherry
Mr. Charles Coston Skinner
on the afternoon of Wednesday
the seventeenth of April
nineteen Hundred and seven
at two o'clock
at Jarvis Memorial Church
Greenville, Carolina.
No cards sent in town.
W ill be at home after the first
L. A. Arnold enters end claims tin
following described vacant land, b
Lying in township, county,
N. C, oh Indian well swamp and Plat
branch, adjoining the land of loll
Mow. s. s. Arden Milli
Claude Cannon's John S.
Lawhorn and others,
more or less.
This March 4th. 1807.
I. A. Arnold,
Any person or persons
to r interest in fore
scribed land must Hie pro
writing within the next thirty , i
they will be barred by law.
, , R. Williams.
raker ex-o
North Carolina .
Pitt county, m sup
Florence Willoughby .
n . , We really think smoke was the of May One
densest, blackest, we ever saw. hundred and seventy-one East
F At times the scenery was per- Eighty-third Street in the
P. E. who has been con Brand, at the same time York,
fined to his home for con appalling to behold. We have Best peasant hay at F. V.
heard of no damage only to the Johnston's.
out n tie street timber in its path. corn for sale at
Go to E E new Dr. Ricks, of F-V. Johnston's.
market beef, fresh meats, j spent a few hours here Why Some Girls Marry
wage and fresh day.
some of them. I Jumping from a moving
got a hustle on them Saturday tram one day this week Ed Gar-1
his life by women marry. He is a modest
being violently thrown to the i Most men think j
to ; and almost ST
Merchandise carry doubt some one his inquiries addressed to about
full line of Meat, Lard Can wanted heavy dam- girls these
Don't buy before giving a bad rule that won't wished to marry in order
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co. both ways. that they might go
Blount, formerly of ,
ton, has bought, the interest of here Wednesday.
Edwin Tripp in the hotel and will The Rhodes Comedy Company
two here
has had much experience th,. tn .
line and knows how to . . T C their own homes.
cater to the wants of the public. , ,. Four looked forward to
moved his family here Charlie Rhodes is truly a family.
extend a cordial welcome f wonderful and to see him Not one of girls
such area pleas- i-rm is fully worth th love as a motive for matrimony
M charged. Either the little god had
p Tripp and family will move . , land, dins arrow or they were
to and take charge, want everybody to closely ashamed to admit the fact
Hotel Pamlico, We coin- watch the Ayden department ubiquitous
, the next month. Our that n explain.
. most excellent best d progressive mer- Seed
Paint be sure have some-j sale. ,
and you must read , meal
w . sale cheap, Whole-;
change w. i, went up the sale Co-
g T
cash mark- Con, , on an See F. V Johnston before
Cornelius .
The defendant above named will
notice that an action entitled as
has been commenced in the
court of Pitt f,
plaintiff from tile defendant an
divorce from the bonds
the grounds that ;,;,
set out in tin- complaint and th
will further take
he is required to appear at tin
term of the Sup, nor court
county to be held on the seventh
day after the first Monday in t
it being the 22nd day of April,
at the house . f said coin
Greenville, North Carolina and
or demur to the complaint In .-
or the plaintiff will
court for the relief demanded
This the 13th day of March,
C. Mi
F. G. James, Atty.
virtue of a power of e con-
J exec-
I delivered by W. Brown
Brothers, on the
January. 1906, and duly re-
the office of re later of i
m Book J B
r will the
of Apr,. 1907, expose to pub-
the court house door in
i to the for
following p in
he life e
in id to ,
. county
e of Tar River,
W. Brown,
May and W
as the B. V,.
to I.,
I. 1907, is
Jess W. Up
h day of Mai
Ra .
land I.
i tract or
on the
d joining the
I. Fleming
n home
more or
u the
Hid 6th
life estate
I, Bros.
had and Livery
beat Ac
t suit the
N. c.
c. b. mum,
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry No-
Light and Heavy
Prices to suit the times.
e Ayden Mill Company have
have ,, t,. j are in first-
This is a loner needed
this so, they promise the best when
in is needed.
Ten because they could then be,
able to amuse themselves
Five because their husbands
would enable them to travel.
Seven so that they would own
Please take this as ,
special invitation to vi
us when in Norfolk, .
we will expect yen
Exposition if not .
IS THE 01- i
Write for Price list.
We sell direct
to user.
Piano with the
An M
i j
he one
mil discounts
alts secured
. and fixtures
om banks an banker
NO ft I h
PI i
I ,
r. 22nd, 1906.
Capital stock
is fund too
. profits less expenses
inn , to
i cashier 710.04
, 1.01
won. ., f
i. hi.
W. A. Harden,
Ayden. N. C.
of Kinston,
to the family of
J. i
will be
Please with one of those
Pens at Saul's. Call and
R C. Cannon and went to
and returned from Greenville
pens on sale at Saul's
store at to
Fountain Pens with any and
. P for sale at
Saul.- ,.
r I,, in,. f and be-
l. B. Cashier.
extended visit to her aunt. your hay.
lure, to her
home Monday.
Miss Stella Winterville,
Drove in Man Hole.
pleasant people and much liked
and a pleasure
to of the liked
M in having a first class y People
Call at Drug to meet them- Such
ire this much need people are always missed in any
Two colored men riding in a
alter a pleasant visit to Miss during the storm,
Emmie left for her in an open Hush
home sewerage system on
is much talk concern-
mg the chiming of marriage bells rain so that no damage
won. resulted their horse in falling I
J. A. and wife have L Tn buggy was broken ,
left for their home in Ohio. Mr sometime to get the I
several months a special i that has occurred since work be-
course in Theology at the on the
Special Session of the Leg-
or Years
. ht the entire
of w. Taylor
I e public, r.
ill work
Mrs. R C. who has
been the family of her
brother, J. E. Brown, left
her home at Tunis, Tuesday.
Out two miles in the country
Special to Reflector.
Jefferson City, Mo. April 2.-;
On the call of Folk the
Missouri legislature convened
today. It will consider
for the regulation of public i
corporations and dram
, .- ill work u . the country T T ,
to my care to give entire safe- the old homestead There be a stirring
action. Fry me. C. E. Spier, j of Henry Harrington was entirely I in which all
I . , v . Will want in ,., i i. .,
sol. i the patronage of the No one knows
-i Ayden and community how the fire originated The loss
sis with
ladies of the haS returned
and rePorts the condition
will want to know about things.
I have taken up a stray year
ling running with my stock.
Looks about one and half or two
u w two
last Friday Mrs- very much near-
night. We have not heard the Proved. white color, and apparently
at of receipts, hut learn J. h PM . Owner can get same
. g same
o proving property and
s. J. Crisp.
Fremont and Wilson.
F. S.
Norfolk, Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco guanos in the South
because great care is used in the
election of materials.
Ask your dealer for
goods and don't take substitutes
said to be just as good. See that
the trade-mark is on every bag.
n -i
Truth in to Fiction.
VOL, No.
Battleships of Fame Ready
for Exposition
C. Invites That I to All Eastern Blanches of A C. I.
to Visit Them- 8th, 1307. new train n,,,, Va. April lO.-The Have Double Daily Service.
cf Issuing
Among the South- vice was inaugurated n
dry goods houses are Win- Weldon, N. C, and N- now at navy
Whichard Co., of Norfolk, . trains Nos. and for is ready for V. the train service on the Plymouth
Va. Th Whichard Bros., who lowing schedule. exposition, rush or- branch of that toad, and a
on on
battleship Texas, The Atlantic Coast Line has At the regular meeting of the
yard, Portsmouth, a double daily board of Thursday
night, th following
organized and control tow com-
are from Pitt county.
North Carolina. The progress of
North Carolinians is
wherever they locate, and their
firm has established a business
that at the forefront of
Norfolk's commercial interests.
This firm desires that merchants
visiting the Jamestown expo
their house head
quarters. This invitation is not
gives with the Idea that every
merchant visiting them are ex
to bay a bill of goods,
but because such visit will be
of mutual advantage. There
no firm in th South where the
personnel of the members com-
creator business ability
and a desire for down-homers
welfare. These North Carolina
boys knew how and the
Merchants Journal.
Daily Ex Sunday
to the i Sect that she must the end of this branch
8.25 am Weldon
8.40 am Halifax
9.03 am Tillery
Spring Hill
am Neck
be ready having been strictly Weldon and I
10.18 Oak
10.60 am Parmele
am Greenville
11.39 am
am Ayden
12.07 pm
12.30 pm Ar Kinston
Tram No. will afford
at H,
No. for Norfolk and
points at Parmele with train
No. for Plymouth and No.
for Washington and intermediate
Train No. will afford con-
at Parmele with train No.
for Plymouth, No. for
Washington and No- for Tar-
and intermediate points-
Effective same date trains Nos.
complied with The same in- hi made. i
came for the does not effect the schedules at
cruiser another point, trains arriving at the
old warrior, which fought; same hour as before
beside the Texas in the rain of A new train has been put on to
shot and shell Santiago, Weldon at a m for
was conspicuously involve I with and return to Weld in at
p m. This train passes
controversy chat followed the Greenville South at aldermen the town
battle are to be stationed a. m and at p.
at the exposition, and bot have m. Capt. i S. Lair is in w seventy-five thousand
be the duty of cell of said reg-
remain at he i in his
aid ward as hereinafter
nine o'clock a. m.
o five o'clock p. m. for the
days preceding
the Saturday next preceding the
said day of election with their
i of registration, prepared
the to register such persons as may
of North C no ma at its be emitted to register.
of passed an act which further ordered that said
was ratified on the day of . ,. ;,, held in the various
March, wards in said town on said date
allow the town of at the places to
to issue Ponds, authorizing the i ward-In the grand jury
board of aldermen of the town room at the court house
of to submit to ward-At Winslow's
qualified registered voters of said on Fourth street,
town the question of empower- Third ward-At the old Forbes
said b of on Points.
Fourth ward-At J J.
before the opening,
of the tough
looking Texas and the
i store on Five Points.
Pi ward -At Kin,; s stables
near Five Points.
That for the of hold-
r i election
4-021 been made ready sixteen days of the new train. d due and payable, thirty
The pres- Bill Wooten, who after date and bearing in-
ad formerly been the rate no greater named persons are
x per cent p r annum, here appointed as registrars
and and super- ran th, train between V; K t
of the Brooklyn, will Plymouth. . w--j, c .
revive memories of both the are made the as
tie that beaming Sunday morn- heretofore
the harbor of Santiago for g . , ti,.
and the unfortunate branches the r- d the pose of paying or otherwise,
followed the battle, branch had streets of said
involving Admiral pen- service,
ship, which was
York Willed
Her Proper y Cat.
New York, April and will be operated
Roosevelt is the sole l tween Tarboro and Plymouth
under the will of Lulu B. Grover, i stead of between Tarboro and
of No. Lexington avenue,. Kinston as previously. Schedule
which was filed in the office of
the surrogate today No petition No. No.
Daily except Sunday Daily except Sun
was filed with I will and the
value of President Roosevelt's am Ar
beasts are. therefore , .
know,. part of
will, which is very reads am
as Everett
give to Theodore Roosevelt i
at my death everything that is
furniture, per-
property, jewelry,
estate, ail money in bank
to my credit and my cat, Snow
Drip Low, 2nd everything that
is mine. I owe to Theodore
a debt greater than I
can ever pay in this world, and
in this way I wish to show I am
He has been my
good angel who spread his wing
of shelter, my peace through
life and was my true friend
in trouble. gladly give my
little all to him and only
it were instead of so
small an amount. I hope he will
accept it in the spirit I give it
and with God's
It has been announced that
President Roosevelt will accept
the estate bequeathed to him and
turn it over t some New York
The cat is being cared
for now under directions issued
by the President.
School Dormitory Burned.
11.57 am
Ar Plymouth
Effort to Charter of Nashville.
Special to
Nashville, Tenn.
Sunday School Rally U
Next Sunday.
I Sunday wars a day much en-
joyed at the Memorial
Senate r Porter has introduced church, even though the weather
a bill to abolish the charter of was disagreeable, ft was the
the city of Nashville so as to rid I the anniversary service
the city of saloons. The meas- of the church, and a good
the church, and a good sized
be pushed by congregation was present at the
Senator Porter, but is being morning hour.
criticized and discussed
by members of the legislature, features of the
i who do not agree upon the mat-
Some them think it is
line catting off a dog's head to
care him of some disease. The rent
is considered rather harsh,
and as using a disturbance of the
W. M.
Prof and
Re. J. E. As
L .
and aiding in establishment
of a training school in or near
the town of if one
shall be authorized by law, and
further providing that the pro-
of the sale of said Ponds
may be used by s-aid of
aldermen of the Green-
ville for either of the aforesaid
purpose in such proportion
as slid board may deem proper
and for no other purpose.
And whereas, the said act
authorizes and empowers the
of of the
town of Greenville to fix the
time and place for holding said
election in the various
First Registrar W- E.
Judges of election
Charles and J.
Second, Registrar L. W.
Lawrence. Judges of election
J. White and w. D. Pruitt
Third Registrar C. D
Judges of election,
J. S Tunstall and J. C
Fourth Registrar H. A.
Judges if election
L. Brown and T. R. Moore.
Fifth Registrar D S.
Smith. I of election
Warren Jr., H. L Coward
It is ordered by the
board that notices of said
bond election required by and
for in said act given
by the
in the Greenville It
a newspaper published the
of Greenville, an I that
; aid notices signed
said town a. which and attested
place the qualified registered this
voters of said wards . ,,,.,. th , ,, .,.,,
town i tor or,.,,,,., ,.,;,, . . ,,;,
It was also intend
The j against said i
music for And whereas,
Special to Reflector.
Exeter, N. H. April
Hall dormitory of Phillips
Exeter academy was destroyed
by fire early this morning Thirty
five students jumped from win-
but none were seriously
. f one of the
was badly burned-
Jerome Attacking Thaw.
New York, April 10.-District
Attorney Jerome is today sum-
ming up the State's evidence in
the Thaw case He fiercely at-
tacked both Thaw and his wife.
He says Thaw should be held
accountable for the killing of
White, his being no
legal excuse for murder-
Al s i t
the opponents that measure
common cause with the
Nashville opponents, to down
Mourn tin Dead Bishop.
Nashville, Tenn. April
The death of Bishop Cranberry
at Ashland, Va. last week is the
Oakley, N. C, April. 10th.
J. M. Highsmith and J. Whit-
went to Greenville Monday.
Rev. J. D. Bryan filled his reg-
appointment here
J. E. spent Saturday
night here with his family and
left Sunday for Florence, S C.
Mr- and Mrs. J. K.
of Winterville, visited in town
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Minnie Moore visited in
Martin county Monday night
Miss Reba Corey is visiting in
the section-
Mr and Mrs. J. E. Congleton
spent Sunday in town-
Elder M. T. Lawrence, of
Hamilton, will preach here next
Sunday even-
at o'clock in the C. B. H.
lodge building.
Mis- Martin Rawls and Mrs
S. A. and little
Martha Latham, visited
near Washington Monday
and Tuesday.
The sad news reached hero
Friday of the death of Mrs.
Whitehurst, which
curred at her home a few miles
from here Friday morning about
o'clock. She leaves a husband
and six to mourn their
loss. She was a kind and .,,.
donate wife and a loving Friends of the family in Green-
mother. She was a member of ville regret to learn of the death
th-Free Will Baptist church aid-of Miss Satchwell. daughter
had been for many year. Wei Mr and Mrs. Charles Satchwell,
extend sympathy to the
that said of alder
men shad give twenty days
notice in so.
conditions to affect the rally day in th own OX Greenville
a temporary and subordinate school, but the no of said elect
The charter children not And whereas, said act pro
I , u i and the rally was d that the said board .
bill, which also proposes Sunday. Still . of said town of Green
of the instrument, for the day reached ville shall order an entirely new
largely into the Nashville fight, registration of the
on a disagreeable and I
said at any
i nine see fit order said election
., r. , .
he at
up , if
. ,,. i It is . that the
board the
The long tour of Clans-
now nearing its end us
Geo. H. has arranged
for an indefinite run of the play
in the Academy of Music. Nor-
folk. Va. in connection with the
festivities of the Jamestown ex-
position- Since September last
, , i j the company has toured
of mourning and a
grief in the South, where his
virtues well-known. The
Methodist denomination especial-
mourn hi, sudden departure,
as he was very dear lo all the
thousands of of that
faith who have known of his
vices for many years Bishop
Cranberry was also well-known
at the North, and in many
pits his death mentioned
with genuine regret and sorrow.
His engaging personality endear
ed all who met him. especially
the young people of the flocks to
which he ministered.
Honor Roll.
The following is the honor roll
for District No. Greenville
Ora Crawford, Ethel Clark,
. .
which occurred Monday night,
in her 15th year The mother
of Miss Satchwell was formerly
Miss Eva Williams, of Greenville,
and a sister of Mrs. W- B. Green
and daughter of Mrs. Caroline
of ready to-v
. i .
the globe one and half times,
and has performed the play in
of the chief towns of the
South. Among the most notable
of these engagements have been
those in Richmond, Norfolk,
Nashville, Memphis and New
Orleans will
open at the of in
Norfolk in on Monday, April
29th, two or three days after the
formal opening of the exposition
and it is expected that the slay
will run there all Bummer, h i s
rumored that in the latter part
the season it author, Thomas
Dixon, Jr., will put on a new
play based on his recently is-
sued novel, The
latter is the third in the
series begun with
Leopard's and continued
Died at
Mr. Oliver Carr, who has been,
manager of
near Bruce, in this county, for
Mr. R. R. Cotten for several
years, died there morn-
at o'clock, aged ye rs-
Mr. Carr was a good man and
highly respected by all who
knew him. He leaves a wife and
five children to mourn his death.
was buried at o'clock Mon.
, . mien i- ire
ground near Tar
twenty days
N w therefore, the board of
. ; of the town of Green-
in regular meeting
bled on first in
1907, it being the 4th day
of April, do in pursuance
authority conferred upon
them by act, order that an
election Lil- held at the various
places in the several
of said town as herein-
after fixed and designated, on
Tuesday, the 7th day of May,
for the purpose of taking
and ascertaining th will of the
qualified voters of said town on
said proposition, at which time
and places those entitled to vote
may appear and vote for or
against conferring upon the
said of the town of Green-
ville the authority to i u .
sell said The said act .-.
quire; those favoring issuing
said bonds to vote a written or
printed the word.-,
thereon and th
opposed to issuing said bond
vote a . or printed ballot
with the words Bonds
It is further ordered by the
hoard in accordance said
act. and to accurately
who are qualified voters in said
town that an entirely new
of die voters in the
wards of said town be had and
the same is hereby ordered, and
that each of the registrars
named shall give at least
ten days notice at some place in
his ward and in the Greenville
Reflector, a newspaper published
in said town, that the
books for said election are
in his hands and that all persons
entitled to register may come
with all
and poll i r I ; of
-aid r . ,.
It is ii of h
named iv , ; -s of
fail as
a , . town
be and h i; I iv . th
t fill raid v in by the
p me . suitable ;
son qualified to act I
as registrar or of
It ii further ordered by the
board and that the judges of
fore named, shall make their re-
urns of said election to he so
held by them upon blanks to be
furnished them by the clerk of
this board to the board of alder-
men of the town of Greenville,
on or before eight o'clock P. M.
on the day of M y,
by delivering a sealed copy
of their returns under the hands
and seals of the registrar and
judges of election of their said
wards, one I o the clerk of this
board, and on i to the mayor of
the town of Greenville, and it
is further ordered that
board m lei in the mayor's
in the tow i E Greenville on the
said 9th, day of May, 1907, at
winch time they will
open, c and declare the
result of said ion
Jefferson City. Mo. April
i accordance with the call of
Governor Folk, the legislature of
the State o. Missouri came to-
in extra session today
The specific subject named in the
call To such
as may be necessary to pro-
for the regulation of the
rates of public corporations, to
provide legislative enactments
tor the enforcement of the dram-
shop laws throughout state
to provide for the removal of
derelict officials, to for
enactment with an
clause for the
race-track gambling.

Eastern reflector, 5 April 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 05, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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