Eastern reflector, 22 March 1907

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J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
we take
and writing for
in arrears We have a list
all who receive their mail at
this office. also take orders
r Miss Smith after a pleas-
Fred of Kinston. spent visit to Mrs. B. F. Manning-.
day very pleasantly here yes- has returned to her home
lat Fort Barnwell.
If you arc interested in Cook
. Watches, clocks and
needing attention in my line
i will to in the
best and latest style C. E.
I all work entrusted
to my care to give entire
faction. Try me. C. E.
A North Carolina editor
announced that just for one issue last week.
Oakley, N. C. March 13th.
J. L Perkins, of Stokes, was
H. A. Gray went to Washing-
ton Friday.
E. made business calls
in Robersonville Friday.
Z. V. Whitehurst made
calls in Bethel Saturday
J- K of
d Heaters it pay
you to examine quality and prices
that Cannon Tyson are making
Rev. T. II. King his reg-
;. I cheap goods go
to E. E. they
Ha t and
wit . i x . new
v, ti car loads of
. S fa which we will
Day h Don't
sell us to
serve. F- Lilly Co.
W. J. Boyd and W. EL Hooks
E E new
t fresh meats,
sausage and fresh fish.
Dr. M. M. Sauls is quite sick at
his home and his presence is
badly needed at the drug store.
Ail art wishing him a speedy
Merchandise Broker-I carry
a full line of Meat, Lard and Can
buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
W A Hardy and wife, of
Greene county, spent
with the Luther
If you need any Paint be sure
and see E. E. Co.
Miss Eason, of Snow
Hill, spent the better part of last
week with her cousin, Master
exchange corn
for o or -i Lean, Healthy Shoats
weighing from to GO pounds-
preferred will pay cash mark-
et e for same W. A.
ltd Ayden, N. C-
W. J Hemby has been to
and r fro a Beaver Dam
p family who
Were t to the mother of
The will be
pleased with one of those
I . Saul's. and
I solicit the patronage of the
people Ayden and community
he would tell the truth. Here
are a few choice items from the
the sorriest man
in town, advantage of the
summer rates Sunday and went
to the city to get drunk on dis- j was here Saturday and Sunday
liquor. He with friends
the money from his wife. She Miss Reba Corey went to
Spier. Works in the cotton mill a; night, j Greenville Saturday.
He sleeps all night and loafs all Miss Lela Manning, of Bethel,
day. Mrs. is devoted to spent a few days here last week
her husband. She recently visiting her brother, T. A. Man
threatened to pull all the hair out j
of another woman's ho ad because Skinner and son. expo.--e to nub.
that woman had said that her of Ayden, spent and
in everything pertaining to Sunday the neighborhood.
Si me Sophia he wore another new Chief Police James visited at
dress and new bat to church last Winterville Saturday and Sun-
Sunday. war the cynosure day.
of all eyes., Her hat cost and Jim Taylor went to
the making of her cost Sunday and returned same day.
Mis. Ins notified the Mrs. H. A- Gray, Mrs. J. E.
editor to say that she will
part of the summer away at the
Her husband, whose income
nth. has to rent of Mrs. John .
duly qualified before , of Kilpatrick A Patrick con-
court of Pitt county as ducting a cotton and insurance business
of the estate of the town of N C has
blocks, deceased, notice is hereby day dissolved
given to all persons indebted to consent. Joel Patrick withdrawing from
to make immediate payment to said firm.
the undersigned, and all persons having Dec. 12th.
claims against said estate must present W. H. Kilpatrick
the same for payment on or before the Joel
5th day of Match. 1908, or this notice t d w
will be plead in bar of recovery.
This day of March,
B. T. Cox.
, of Samuel Stocks.
trial. C- E Spier.
Manning Brown, a colored
man, an employ- of the Ayden
Lumber Co. had the misfortune
to fall under a car and break his
cons cotton
F Lilly Co.
M. M. Sauls has the finest and
best supply of Fountain Pens
ever brought to Ayden.
Call at the Drug- Sine ard
cure one of those
M. Sauls.
All sizes and reasonable prices
the best Fountain Pens at
Sauls Drug Store.
Unfortunate Redbreast.
Tuesday of this week Mr. Dal.
las Lee. of township.
killed a robin which several
weeks or months ago had the
m to have a stick driven
through its body. The stick was
about an eighth of an inch in
size and nearly twice long
to go through the bird.
It went through the breast and
out at the back and the top end
was a quarter of an
inch. Below its breast about an
inch cf- the stick showed and
had worn slick. At the
entrances above and below the
flesh seemed to have healed some-
what the stick. When
Mr. Lee saw the bird it was
seemingly well and flying around
other birds. The
dent t, the poor bird must have
happened when a tree fell or
during a storm. The mystery of
it all is how the bird lived and
flew around with a stick through
its body. The bird was on
at this office for two days
seen by several persons.
Smithfield Herald.
By virtue of a power of con-
inn mortgage deed exec-
and delivered by Jesse W. Brown ,
w j Brothers, on the
K 1st day of January. 1906, and r
-1 the of deed
I of Pitt county, in Book J-5. Pun
i lie sale before the house door
Greenville, to the highest bidder
the following parcel of bind to
life estate of Jesse W.
Brown in and to that certain tract or
parcel of Situate in Greenville
township, rut county and on th
North side of Tar River, the
Z. W. Brown, w. If. Brown
estate R. J. May and W. J. Fleming
known as the B. W. Brown home
ace, containing; acres more o.-
Or Joseph Dixon
Earn St
a N. C.
Sales Feed and Livery
Nice Conveyances.
to the
N. C.
C. B
TO J. H.
in Dry Goods. No-
a house, hire a cook, a nurse, pay
the r and the doctor- He
also has lo pay town taxes
When the Tom
Doyle, went into bankruptcy last
October it was found that poor
Jim owed him more
than anybody else in town.
Taker Montclair thinks there
I .
ceased had several relatives an
many friends in this section
Died Under on. Dirt.
Last Monday afternoon at
works of the Midway Brick Co ,
a mile west of
station at this place, where clay
was being taken out the dire
caved in and buried Chas.
-n AYDEN, N.
At the of business 1906.
the o town property
June. Two or three have
listed since he opened the books
this morning. They are among
the large property holders. If
Mebane and his f
Mebane, both colored. The lat- j
Loans and
Furniture and fixtures
Due from banks an i bankers
Cash items
i stock
167.61 Surplus fund
was extricated in a
condition, but it is believed he
will recover, while the
one could buy for former being much
was not reached until
life was extinct. The
as we are informed, had the con-
notes other 3.671.01
less expenses
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to check
a checks outstanding 1,688.26
he would certainly be in luck.
We would give name of
I J. B. Smith. Cashier of the I .
distinguished gentlemen,; M to day keep . the above am t
but they are prominent
the church and we do not
wish to embarrass the minis-
The members of the S.
S. Poker Club, who have for the
past eight months been doing
business in the rear room of the
brick mills going. To save a
great deal of digging they dig
under for some distance and
split the over-hanging ledge,
and it in this way the men
were caught. The recent rains
m Li
lo b
pi j and
It. ashier.
The Salisbury Post has this to
say of Galloway, the
representative from
Despite the weight of years
and wife, of and physical infirmities Capt.
had softened the dirt and it
barber shop, are thinking of broke q
pending operations for the sum- Gleaner,
mer. These young sports say
they have no fear that Chief
Police will molest them
Charleston, S C. have been vis-
the family of J. E. Jones,
Mr. Guthrie returned to his home
yesterday and his wife will re-
main sometime longer with her
pens on sale at Saul's
drug store at from to
J. R. Jones, one of Uncle Sam's
from Fortress Monroe, is
at home a visit of several
JOsephus Cox and J. F.
Winterville, were on
our cotton market Saturday.
Can Nobles who has been very
sick is much better.
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say nothing the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Drug
and secure this much need-
ed article.
Everett is home from
Scotland Neck a visit to his
family h Owing to the sick-
of one of his children he will
remain several days.
Fountain With any and
all size points for sale at
Drug Store.
I have bought the
business of J. Taylor
and respectfully solicit the pat-
of the public. C. E.
C. A. Fair and C. R. Williams
went to Winterville yesterday.
Swift Galloway, of Greene, is
the juvenile of the house.
captain, would you
say should you choose to write
your own I interrupt-
ed as he was entertaining a dozen
of us in the house between
today with reminiscences.
would he replied
Galloway, lame in both
legs, cripple in both hands, blind
in one eye; seeing very
with the other, deaf in one
ear was until the last expiring
breath on the firing
Somebody Move.
has yet actually taken
hold of the idea that a
and bath houses on
front would be a good thing.
Getting time to start in if such
a convenience is to be
ed by summer.
to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
Superior court clerk of Pitt county as
administrator, with the will attached
of the estate of E. A. Coward,
ed, notice is hereby given to all persons
Indebted to the estate to make
payment to the undersigned,
and all persons having claims
said estate are notified to present the
same for payment on or
day of February, 1908, or
in bar of
This Feb. 27th, 1907
Willis Dixon.
of K. A. Coward.
R. F. D. No Snow Hill, N. C.
in their and nightly
gatherings. Their only reason
for suspending operations is that
funds have run low.
will begin at the old stand
first next.
called Ed Bates a thief
one day last week. Ed went
alter him and made him show
Alyce and Mr. Mario.
Monk at the Baptist parsonage,
Sunday afternoon. The bride is
a very ordinary girl who loafs
the drug store and post
office most of the time- She can
drink more coco-colas than any
old soak in town and she is as thin
as a woods rooter in July.
She is not a beauty at all and she
has a voice like a and
a gait like a goat. The groom is
an ordinary loafer. He lives off
the old man and isn't worth a
a cart of shucks. This couple
will have an unhappy life, an so
the editor has no congratulations
to Light-
foot Sunday night on
The trouble with him
is he live up to his own
He is the stingiest man
Now, in the good old summer
time when the Bob Whites make
music in the golden wheat fields,
all the day long people drive out
to the edge of the town to see a
piece of coat tail suspended from
a barbed wire fence. It is all
that community has of the editor
who dared to tell the truth for
once. The paper suspended pub-
Killed by Story.
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bennett,
wife of Fred K. H. Bennett, of
Trenton, is dead as the result of
a funny told by her husband Overdrafts Secured
a week ago. She laughed i
u .
heartily that she burst a blood; Due from Banks
vessel, and death ensued after Cash Items
several days of intense suffering. Gold Coin
years Mrs. Bennett's Silver Coin
A THE CLOSE OF J N. 26th, 1906
sons were drowned together
while swimming in the
The Bennett's were at dinner
when the husband told the fatal
joke, which was about a young
man who telephoned to his wife
that six or eight of their
were coming to dinner and
that she had bettor get a slice
of ham for the meal.
The wife laughed until she be-
came unconscious. Despite the
best medical and surgical skill
that could be procured, Mrs. Ben-
nett suffered great agony before
she passed away.
Loans and Discounts Stock paid in
2,842.78 Surplus Fund 1,000.00
348.59 Undivided profits 2,713.79
Deposit 2,537.75
84,615.42 subject 57,844.55
st of ray
Which side of the trust
a man Will take largely de-
pends on whether he is on the
outside or inside
Disputed About Rent.
Savannah, Ga. March
P. Harrell, of Dodge county, was
shot and instantly killed tonight
about o'clock by Mrs. Sallie
The grew out
a dispute about rent, Mr.
owning the house in which
lived. He had gone
there for the purpose of collect-
the rent upon being re-
fused payment he told Mrs.
that he would have her
put out, whereupon she drew a
a pistol and shot Harrell twice
through the heart and brain.
Mrs. was arrested- Mr.
Harrell a wife and several
State of North Carolina, i M
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named
y swear that the statement is true to the b
and belief. J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-j
ore me, this day of Feb.
Notary d
At the close of business Jan- 26th, 1907.
Rev. J. W. Rose, of Edenton,
is in town in the interest of his
paper, the Baptist,
which he publishes in connection
with his pastoral work.
Loans and discounts
Due from Banks and
Cash items
Gold coin, j
ind other U. S. notes j
J 5,075.89
Capital stock 5,000.00
Surplus fund 2,300.00
Undivided profits
Bills Payable 718.48
Time certificates of
deposit 2.184.60
Deposits subj. to check
checks out-
standing 960.25
Certified Checks
State of North Carolina, County Pitt
Cashier of the named bank, do solemnly
is true to the best of my
swear that the above statement
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to
me, this 2nd day of Feb.
Notary Public I
W. H. Cashier
D. J. W Editor and Owner.
Truth in to Fiction.
in the Life of
Crover Cleveland
1837 in Caldwell, Essex
New Jersey.
1841 with
1835-Started west in search
of employment and located
1859-Admitted to the bar.
assistant dis-
D candidate
for district defeated.
sheriff of Erie
Mayor of
lo by largest majority ever
given candidate in that city.
One Visits Brick
Residents of the Church
section, not far from the Ala-
mince line, in the today,,
if a hail storm yes-
afternoon about six
o'clock. No damage was done,
the blowing of numerous
barn doors from their hinges by
a high wind Buggies and other
light vehicles standing in the
the pen were twirled around
and about, but there was no dam-
age done. One man said an old
cat with four kittens on a box
had bad luck. She was not a
great distance from a pond
I the sent the box and kit-
into the water. After the
Storm was over curiosity led the
A Summary of the New Laws.
It has been the custom to The
Observer correspondent
of the Legislature, to
look over the list of the acts in
to get the which are
most important to the people of
North Carolina, he is able
now to furnish them.
To aid the Orphan-j health to provide for small percentage of these passed.
Marion. of by Those which did pass
To allow elections to of a hospital in Moore
townships or school district c To amend the by
; . the writing companies having over
by physicians. capital to invest the
excess in such manner as the in-
Governor of the man to investigate and he said
the box had lodged against a
raft in the he pulled it out
and found kittens alive and
well, but rather wet.-Greens-
State of New
president of the
United States. 1886-
Miss Fran Folsom.
Defeated for re-election
by Benjamin Harrison. J. M. Moore Dies Suddenly.
1892-Elected president for I The of the death
time, defeating President j M morning
Harrison. was a shock to a host of friends,
1892-.-Retired from public life I but few knew he was sick-
and up residence at Prince-. been indisposed for two
ton. N. J.
It is now years since Mr.
Cleveland first assumed the
of the house
Only five other presidents lived
so long after their inaugurations,
and these were the two
Jefferson, Madison,
weeks or more but did not take
his hod until last Thursday. His
trouble was at first thought to be
indigestion, but Sunday some-
thing like tetanus developed, and
he passed away at o'clock this
James Moore was
of age, and eldest son of
I Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Moore He
and No president horn in and was a
in the past half boy when his father moved
except Mr. Cleveland, has to Greenville in 1889 to take the
survived his inauguration for Agency
which was
of the Atlantic Coast
In he married Miss
The following are the most
resolutions which were
Requesting congress to vote
for tin- Appalachian Forest Re-
serve and asking the governor to
go to Washington in th interest
of that measure.
Endorsing th; second Hague
Peace conference.
Endorsing the Jamestown
position, appropriating
more to allowing the
Carolina building sold and
the proceeds used by the com-
Making a gift to the
comer North Carolina.
Urging congress to improve
the upper Cape Fear river.
Also urging it to prohibit
To secure a change in the con-
so senators will be
elected by a direct vote of the
Bills were passed eliminating
whiskey from the following
Burke, Lincoln, Ca-
Cherokee. Macon. Cabarrus,
Cleveland, Rutherford, North-
Stanly, Scotland, Cum-
upon the subject
To require deaf mutes at-
tend the school at
gin ton air.; to limit the attend-
to North children.
To require weeks attend-
each year of
tween ages of and b.
To a safe and
water supply for
schools, public and
Creating a system of public
high schools, the number for
county t b fixed by the I
Stat- superintendent of public
instruction to not less
one or more than four.
t . orders,
r Meal of
A great of attention
given railway matter-.
more than was Durham. and
the record of Gen- Grant. by the wife and la lit- and Mecklenburg.
Princeton. N J., March j son. He also leaves a father
It would require a bushel basket, and mother, one sister and three
to hold brothers,
other messages of and buried with the
honors of those fraternities at
o'clock Tuesday afternoon, the
Cherry Hill
received today at home
of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cleve-
land on the occasion of the interment being in
birthday of the
dent A number of the felicitous j Greater
greetings were forwarded to Mr Jg
Cleveland, who is now enjoying An q more than
his annual spring pleasure trip nary importance to
in the South, visiting his old interests of and
friend, Gen. E. P vicinity was opening today
at Georgetown, S. C. It is to j of the greater Louisville expo
these regular hunting and fish- Scores of workmen
trips that Mr. Cleveland at- have been busy for weeks
tributes in no small measure past getting ready for
health at the age of three occasion and today they gave
score and ten. way to the public. The
It is interesting to note that was formerly opened by
the twenty-five men who have President who touched
served as president of the a button in the white house at
States, eight of the first Washington. addition to an
twelve who filled the office lived j elaborate display illustrating the
to be years of age of older, industries and of Louis-
of the thirteen who fol-
lowed in the office; of chief
of the nation there where
but four who lived to the age of
seventy-Presidents FUlmore,
Hayes and Cleveland.
Of the first twelve presidents
John Adams lived to the age of
died at
Thomas Jefferson at John
Quincy Adams at the age of
and Martin Van and An-
drew Jackson at the age of
and respectively.
Of die last thirteen presidents
none ha; attained the age of
James Buchanan, the
oldest, died at the age of
Millard Fillmore was at the
time of his death and
ford Hayes away soon
after he had reached his r
villa the exhibition an
interesting exhibit of articles
from the treasury, war, navy
arid departments at
Washington The exposition
will remain open till the end
counties were allowed
to improve their and very
large bond issues were allowed
to be voted on for this purpose
in the counties of Franklin,
Forsyth, Durham, Rowan, Wake,
Granville and Buncombe, rang-
from to
At no session of the
have charters granted
to so many railways, the follow-
is the North Carolina
Union; Southport, Northern
Western; Raleigh Winston-
Idem, Northampton
ford; Western Carolina,
Randolph Cumberland;
Graham comity; Washington
Vandemere; Dover
Elkin Allegheny; Virginia
Eastern Carolina; Virginia
Carolina Southern; Deep River
Farmers Creek; Alleghany
Piedmont Southern; Southwest-
Greensboro; Seaboard
Great Western;
Kinston Carolina; Monroe
Southern; Franklin Smoky
Mountain. Bills were also
passed allowing Buncombe,
Henderson and
ties to subscribe stock for a com-
railway between Ashe-
ville and Rutherford; to allow
following bills which pan
To fix the maximum
rate at cents per mile.
To regulate freight rates and
prevent unjust dis
To prevent put.- winking in
passenger cars.
To require railways to keep
To conductors and station
agents to arrest drunk, disorder-
or boisterous persons.
To allow railways to construct
belt lines at towns
To the directors and
one of all railways
to a citizen and resident of
this State.
To allow the corporation cons-
mission to union depots
in towns if 2.010 persons.
To street railways to
separate sec
To prevent of
in bans t, and also to
stealing of and
railway property.
greatly power
of the corporation
Oilier important o a
miscellaneous character are
s i d
R an
of ii gs into
the tr a y logo t the c
To rate tub i pi i
To require the commissioners th
of agriculture and the beard of am
agriculture to be practical farm- ;, prevent the
id i in
To require purposes,
rained nurses.
to protect rs and
n waters.
amend th
-11- . f cloud on
T el
conventions and punish
frauds the-eat.
r s
the use of the
companies by
lie penitentiary to r
of life
it i be used for re-in-
. . available in
of of the
p y,
iv r a of
c for
y demand
loan m c
pro f.
regulate the form of life
i tracts b; requiring
form of all policies under
lie submitted to and
To pay half to officers I proved by the insurance -om-
witnesses where no true before the company
bill is found. cm issue said policies, this act
To extend time for obtaining to be July
land grants. To allow the insurance com-
To regulate osteopathy to employ an actuary
create a State board of and accountant to calculate and
leek up the books of the
To protect companies.
e keepers. e a general penalty
To prescribe the hours of provisions of the
vice for railway for which no special
penalty has been imposed.
To establish a board of To provide for
bit an for the assessment f
real estate.
To the hours of the
labor children in factories.
To amend the landlord and
tenant law
To so amend the general road
I that county
commissioners waste law.
case of
injury or sickness, due to
vice at fires by levying a tax of
i of per cent, the prom
of fire insurance companies-
in order to secure this the
t must comply with the
let the working of roads by
c by sections
To enable the State to make
proof of the possession ex
key licenses, issued by the gov-
in prosecuting off-
tax to
To . of a
life insurance is the
in limit the poll
cities and towns.
for the display of
To restore dentists to their,,. State flog on all courthouses,
former dignity as doctors- sch other public build-
To and ;. ,.
exclude all persona ex j To exclude minors under
those concerned in j from pool rooms, bar room-, etc
To prohibit corporations from
Disaster to Banish Ship.
By cable to
Danish training ship Viking,
which was undergoing repairs in
the- ship building yard here, was I the consolidation of
blown over during a storm early
this morning. There were -100
workmen on board the ship at the
time and it is believed fully of conversion of the Wilkesboro
them were drowned. The men to a steam or
were precipitated in the sea with-1 electric railway,
out a moments warning,
storm coming suddenly upon the
West End, the Asheboro
Montgomery and the Jackson
Springs railway; to allow the
The Greenville Memorial Baptist
church will hold its j ship Many of the bodies
service on Sunday L and the search the
in April, at which it is hoped, to be is in school matters, bills
every member church D
who can attend will be
The church was organized I Your attention is called to the
the latter part of March, 1827. and I millinery announcement of the y-
the anniversary exercises, which opening of Mrs. L To establish a manual training
have of late years been regularly Co. It will take place Tuesday school in the mountains,
occasions of and Wednesday, March To establish a teachers train-
interest The same Sunday will be 27th. It will be worth your school in the East.
passed in-
the Stonewall Jack-
son Training School or reform-
as r.
technology at
for felonious assault.
To allow benevolent
to receive, buy, hold or
Bell real or personal estate.
To regulate sales of leaf to-
on warehouse floors and
require reports to the
To prevent usury and
To extend for two years the
time for settling the debt.
To promote public decency by
punishing people for using
cent signs, writings and pictures
in public.
To allow the Governor to
point special police for water
power, transportation and con-
To provide for the care of the
mentally deficient by providing
special institutions for them.
To prevent the sale of
or misbranded . foods,
drugs, medicines and liquors
To increase the number of
challenges in all cases less
than capital.
To allow the governor travel-
To allow judges to send
boys under to the reform-
or county home.
To extend the crime of
so as to include keepers
or inmates of disorderly houses.
To prevent and punish trusts
prove; tine public improvements
by other by prevent-
occupancy of land for right-
To all telephone lines
under the corporation
To promote the oyster
To punish fraud in giving
cheeks, and
agent and not
of the .
Sunday . Ir
To create the office of fish com-
To require express companies
to pay claim fur loss or damage
co property.
To secure immigration in North
half from the- State, half from
the agricultural department
To secure a statue of Zeb
Vance to be placed in Statuary
hall at at
To fix the salaries of State
officers and t o require fees to
turned into the State treasury.
To make general election day
a legal holiday.
make the pension
an increase of
There were bills of car-
increased appropriations
for all the State institutions,
some forty in number.
insurance bills
m I . ;
ii; at his r . den ion the
of pen and
after an
.- of days with
Godwin was native of
county and moved
to Greenville years ago
his residence here
the remainder of his life, lie
is survived by his wife and
two daughters, Mrs E. C.
of and Mrs.
Wells, of Old Sparta.
funeral was held at
o'clock this aft in Cherry
Hill cemetery, ices
ed by Rev. J.
pall be in rs were Messrs. W. B.
W. L. Brown, W. M.
Iv iv.-. C White, C T. Mun-
d. u C. Flans ran, B, F.
and v Ormond.
To authorize the State board of were
but a
T. Cow II is sick.
R b Evans . very sick
Wiley Brown is at
home with grip
C. D. Rountree, who was sick
several days is out again.
Sometime afternoon
the residence of Mrs- M. A. White
East Third street, was broken
into while all the family were
away from home. Nothing
missed from the house, but there
had been a general ransacking
of trunks and drawers as if the
thief was hunting for money.

. i
Couldn't Believe Him.
Cut This and Save It.
A correspondent of the South-.
Plantation writes as
th.- Rower of a w known
either said.
After a worry argument
in which neither scored;
two Irishmen decided to fight it
out. It was agreed that
It has
i I ave i a re
pulmonary consumption
but mi a umber of cases
ha 11-1 bleeding at the
lungs, and hectic Bush was
. cheek.
Alter trying this remedy
my own satisfaction, have
thought required
that I should says he's hat
world. It is th t know he said so,
the tight would cease.
they had been at it j
about ten minutes one of tin m
fell and at once
I've had
But his opponent kept on hit-
ting him until a man who was
don't v. u let him net;
said the
at. p.
with coffee sugar,
r ,, , can t bi a word
victor, without relaxing
forts, he's such a liar you
he says.
end of July, .
ii co
old plants are g
it pt in Smith enters and
dean., Th must i claims acres more or less, of
be co . Creek
., township, beginning at
. r Cl
n It is for Mill's patent, up Long
ti adjoining the lands of
Up I
y t . , f .- .
, . , day of Feb.
m d blood Oliver Smith.
I the Any or persons claim
. tin the to or interested in tin
. in described land
I States, Canada and Me their protest ii writing
f the human r
a up and keep Entry Taker ex-officio
tint; for use. .- .
i Washington Smith en-
acres more
About Home
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
f so the first thing to consider is a goo
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
Cremation is one of the most
ancient methods of disposing of
the dead Before the
of the Christian era,
prevailed among all civilized
nations, except the J.
and Egyptians, l how-
ever, gave way to earth
Cremation has had a revival
during last few years, and
from one crematory in existence
in 1890, and since the others
have been added to he list each
year. Cremation is common in
Japan, where per cent of the
d incinerated. The first
crematory in the United States
was built at Washington, Pa,
in Dr Le and
the firs, incineration there was
that of the body of Baron de
Palm, which took place in Dec-
ember of the year This
was the only crematory in the
United States until
Women investors.
stock in the
vacant land in
township adjoining th lands it
his is the p. Smith. C Smith, and
statement mail.- by Vice- Claude Cannon, Noles Mills,
resident Thayer. About half, Washington Mills. Sallie Cox, W.
r, to b- per cent, Haddock and others.
, e George Washington Smith-
f l of the This d day of Feb. 1907.
greatest railroad are Ai person persons claim-
title to or interest in the fol-
it is not to be presumed lowing described land must file
hat th. army of the fair sex their protest in writ with me
half the shares within the next thirty days, or
. .- . they will be barred by law.
f the. company, their portion Williams
still be very large Taker ex-officio-
That might, if they so
exert a powerful
in management of the
s affairs be
But are not
for speculative
ms. They bought
stock for investment
only, and they are wisely-
intent to let the men manage
S affairs.
What this great aggregation,
women investors want is
ire dividend. of them
only a few snares, but the
come must be in many cases a
factor in life.
Big Crops.
Who small-grain raising
a thing cf the past with us
colored man. tenant on the
Canady place, sowed five
of at last season and
a crop of bushels
Over in Pitt county j
. William Cox on one ace of
id five bushels of oats
d raised to feed,
mules, one horse and one
for one year. That shows
mt can be if our people
r to do it. Kinston Free Press.
proper v surpasses this for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on easy terms.
is every indication that property around
G is going to be higher, and
longer you defer buying the lot the
it will cost.
This is located minute
walk from the business part or the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
and terms.
Child Drowned.
The one-year-old child of Mr.
Alex Anderson wandered off
from hi.; home in New Hope
township Monday afternoon and
when found two hours later was
laying in a ditch, about
from the house, life being
extinct drowning The par-
and other children were in
he back the little
strayed off. Goldsboro Head-
A small wagon with shad
attracted a crowd almost like
it had been a load cf
The price was in
King at Jamestown Exposition.
Norfolk. a. Visitors to the
exposition will have
to see the greatest
of trained wild animals
pr gathered in the United
ates. the animal
is now on his way from
ere he has been
for the transportation of
i animals at his London arena
d bis Paris hippodrome to this
and here they will be
b those now in winter
in Richmond. Va.
latter are those which
ring the summer months are
own at Island.
first in
s country was at the World's
r in Chicago when his spar-
g kangaroo attracted wide at-
The trained lion,
e, a savage beast, despite
training, was next before
i public and very nearly
led in the Paris hip-
When you want Work send
you fixers to
The man who Insures Ills life Is
wise tor his family.
The man who Insures his health
Is wise both for his family and
You may Insure health by guard-
It. It is worth guarding-.
At ill first attack of disease,
which generally approaches
through the LIVER and
itself In innumerable way.
And save your health.
Not Quite
Offers advantages
for reaching the
Bow often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
Have a good
tool for
Our lino of
Is a and
that your tool
box does not a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P.
D. W. I
And Provisions j
Cotton Bugging and
Ties always on i i
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
o i e
t It
N. C.
At close of business Jan 26th, O
unsecured 5,871.02
All other Stocks, Bonds
from 25.960,62
Gold Com
Silver Coin
l- ti notes
stock paid in f
Undivided profits,
Bills payable
30.141,31 at n fl
to nick i
Due to
Cashiers ck
Carolina. County o
f, C. -S t above named bank, do
t h it i- to the best of my
C. S. CARR, Cashier.
i in
Feb 1907.
Notary I
A. M
R, O-
At Close of Business, 26th 1907.
, ,., ,.
paid in
-l ll i
Oven. ,
p, . .
Doe it
i , .-
ii , j
Bills payable
Ran i
. i no
. i .
. binding
It is not often that one dose of
office is enough for a man- Usu-
ally when he tastes it once he
smacks his lips and cries for
more Not so with State Sc
tor J A. Holt, of Guilford
One dose to have
as the following
he wrote to his home paper, the
In a humorous way you ask
what I am a candidate for. I am
going answer seriously. I am
I a candidate for restoration to the
position of first lieutenant in the
little home I left at Oak Ridge
sixty days ago. When I get
back into that little Eden I ex-
an angel to stand at the gate
a flaming sword forever
forbidding me to pass its portals
again into the political field be-
I accepted the of my party
and my countrymen and I have
tried as best I could to act for the
people. My votes and speeches
far as they might affect mat-
of public welfare have in-
variably been for those in-
principles of human lib-
el civic righteousness for
which the Democratic party
stands. The result of the work
of the legislature is before the
people for their approval or dis-
approval. On all public
my vote is on record.
thank the people for their
and c ; of
approval, as well as c i
I ., . I I
. ;
A Great Occasion Last Saturday
Reported for Reflector.
Saturday morning, March
most interesting; Mycenae
the Pitt County
I ii.
v . I
9th a
meeting of
Association was held
in the Greenville graded school
building. A large crowd was
and each one enjoyed
the interesting and instructive
meeting was opened with
Thou Almighty
after which Rev. J. E.
read a Scripture lesson and I'd
in prayer-
A few announcements and en-
remarks wen- mule
by Prof. He con
the association on
large attendance.
Miss Peace read an excellent
paper on to teach reading
in fourth Her
thoughts and suggestions e
most helpful, only to fourth
grade teachers but
Dr. J. Carlyle, f Wake
colic . ad i the
; All w re d
to see fan or
us. He was in
i. A. h
in a ppr i
Ir, I
i i art h
is y i
The of the Craze In the Tim
of Louis XIV.
The i buttons present
the museums and among the col-
n- ore the sold
I i the
ions ken
Schliemann also those found in
the tomb of I. The latter
were ti I tho re in
ties They are
of gold and of colored glass,
imitating garnet. Buttons detach-
ed iron copes and religious gar
i lie middle i I of the
renaissance have also been
B i i chest things of ind
beyond u are I were
worn by i. mis XIV. M.
hi he tor of
and ii in I I lire
in -ii tor-
. an official
i I-- of that pen .
i. It is us
. . ho eighty dim
h . I'd 180,0
and i
I lose fix a ind but-
ton .
. I by
It- Mar .
for r . seventy- i die-
Mi I i
I Two i
i. s, i
i I
. i
el .
of ha
Southern R
To farmers along
Norfolk Southern
encourage our . . fa
; I field products the owl
i w w theN
em O m
e . ,.
in I
red that ,.
Best do n de
d not
B n I k s
i- I i C
t i
i i .
I ii ii h
s .- i i . is
that lie hi i b if trust he
did i in i. Quite a nun
.- id would see us t.-
They must have been
blind, or tomorrow hi
a am.
then be
c n for
and Aurthur m t
this, the last I. for
present school year, will be an-
not c One man told us other great. it ion.
beg i announce we are
for -r-
White Lead, Paints
Colors, and
Country Ready Paints,
There is no line in the world better
m line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
order. whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
months that he would pay
as ho got some money.
The man would not lie, of course,
he has not a cent since.
Franklin Times.
Dora A. Hornaday.
Mice That Were Tipplers.
A correspondent In
some years ago I had
to early one morning
into a miscellaneous store kept
by a who also kept liquor
bar. As entered the shop I
noticed a mouse reeling across
the and I remarked to the
shop-keeper that the mouse
seemed to be hurt, but his reply
astonished ire
He said that mouse and sever-
others that infested his shop
were confirmed drunkards. Dur-
the night they regularly
drank all the liquor which re-
in the glasses which the
soldiers had used in the evenings
for their drinks.
Meat Burned.
On last Friday miming
J. Braxton of near Reedy Branch
church, had the misfortune to
lose a great quantity of meat in
his in fact all that
he had put up for the year. Not
only his, but also the meat
of one of his tenants
burned. Fortunately the house
was saved by strenuous efforts.
It is supposed that some of the
meat fell the pit in
which there was some fire
pared to smoke the hanging
con, that it caught In a
and so-n wrought much havoc
before it and the
fire extinguished.
Powder Magazine on Board the
Exploder, With Effect
March 12- A
disaster curred here this
evening. The powder s
on board the French battleship
blew up at minutes
past one and as a result
Capt. the command-
of the battleship, Capt.
chief of stair of the Me
squadron, and from to so
jackets are dead. While
Rear Admiral run and i
of other men are suffering I
from injuries, some of them e
in their extent Naval cir-
are aghast, an i the public Is
by the appalling
coming so Boon after the
loss of the French submarine
in which men ;.
Where Are Hungry.
Hot ml i bride in i;. in
ire i . i on her day
ired i my, and
iring the of
given i
ton i i i- n
is to do. the
. to should nut
ti i evening, Ii easily
iii . in lint an
. -in- i- lo i
I life.
i with
age follow .- in
i , ii tare of
in I which i;
. mod ti the altar, Tho
bridesmaid not all dress alike,
their is unlimited.-
London An
. i
A fair sized greeted
Way Pairing.
A number of ago at a
town in Maine an i
was lo take c, n
was strong rivalry . the I
Hid Democrats, Hi-
ram More blacksmith, i
strong rat, bill many of
were tin
in of tin- election a
i l have bis horse she, ,
. -aid l I
j y. You're a Ii n .
n pair off.
of in vole, it
am if both d
Exposition on the
Soul . n . in
o and I u . to spec
awards of merit and diploma
by the authorities i
addition to the above
All ;
to this matter should be
to F. L.
Land an Industrial Agent,
Norfolk, Va.
the Ethel Morton Company I This m.
the comic opera in it found out tin
Masonic temple opera house. Vi
temple opera House,
Wednesday night, the
attendance was not as large as
th- company m I was
really a pleasing performance
publican Ian
from beginning to en and the r
enjoyed it. There are.
voices in the east
and they gang with
The us
game i especially
Manager Courtney ex-
pressed ids intent n f .
here season,
and if ho e assured
of a large house
r. a bad
r i having mar-
i r i. a
i you ii lie bad want
The started.
cried. didn't
do it,
owe . n
explained, with
The of Voice.
When you live in hotels a
deal as have mere or less
summer, you the power
the human voice to o
the opp .
O, what a harsh,
. is there are in
n's voices too Th
of it
Tho other morning was o
the b a ii at the bathing
ii heard some one ca
in discordant tone
th it set my nerves a-tingle wit
their acid sharpness. The
called and answer
back in a peevish way.
I expecting to see sod
uncouth nursemaid, and to
surprise beheld the
el mother of the boy.
Now. woman's
is always irritable and peevish
just like the boy, and who
say her voice is not responsible
for it
One of the worst tempered
I know married a woman with
sweet, low voice and an
disposition. He is now
Iv changed You know,
simply can't all I
yourself when everything t
peaceful and soothing all
and soothing all around
It seems to me if
realized this there would
more happy homes. Kate

w ;
J. iND
as second matter Jan. at the lost Gram
N. C, under of CO of R arch 1879.
in raMS upon application
desired pool in
, I
With other things of the
way Mr. Bryan is again occupy-
space in the papers.
If you want to get on the safe
side cf an investment a Green-
ville real estate dealer is not a
i bad man to see.
The As Easter bonnet time draws I
Vice-President Fairbanks is on
a speaking tour in the West just
like a campaign was on. Must
be trying to work up his chances
for the presidential nomination.
Being Formed to
One of the prettiest horses we
ever saw is now on exhibition at
the stables of R. L. Smith Co.
It is an imported French coach
and is not quite
years old. The horse is a beau-
chestnut color, well shaped
body and alert movement.
is from the best coach
breeders of France, is registered
by the French government and
has a long pedigree with
of credentials.
This horse was imported from
has suspended for the near the might be changed
time The government to works
would be thousands cf dollars The present is certainly France last year by
From way the s.-.-.
if- is chi re to new
. t
adj urned, State i.; g
to b gain.
thousand i cf i out France last year by
it tip. Kitchen says the et of Columbus, Ohio, the
in Mm AM. ; those soldiers, as the in- importers of fine animals
a fabrication out of the
affair is all out his way
; rain
lea. i
c . ; i
,, . ,, , .
II that other
ii tor . tun.; in resorts are going to have
; ex-
to ha d he
a ah . j
at it by j
o many
s .-.--.
re Lie body
. death.
f b.
iv at all-
J. . title , .
e . w hasten I
the -no of a I i
i to cute for dam s
up ; a c fee of a
to hustle to hold their own
s those in the vicinity of
ma a hue is not Norfolk the coming summer, as
to work the garden. m-st people who can get sway
was brought to Green by
Mr. Harry Lawrence is
thoroughly familiar with his
qualities. We understand that a
of people in this n
Oakley, N. C. March
Eli and wife vis. ed
in the Oak Grove section Sunday.
J. L. Williams and family of
Winterville, visited J. J. James
and family here last week.
James of Oak Grove,
made business calls here Friday
Miss Martha Rawls visited
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Minnie Moore visited in
Martin Saturday and Sunday.
Whitehurst, of Rocky
Mount, was shaking hands with
his many friend, here last week.
Mr. and Mrs C. H. Ross
their little baby by death
day night. It was interred Mon-
day p. m. in family burial
A few people from here attend-
ed church at grove Sun.
Roebuck, of Mar.
Funeral of Mr. J. M. Moore.
The funeral of Mr. J. M.
Moore, who died Monday morn-
was held at o'clock this
afternoon in the
church, the conducted by
Rev. R
The interment followed in
Cherry Hill cemetery, the
vice at the grave being conduct-
ed by the Masonic and Red Men
fraternities, both the lodges here
attending in a body.
Mr Moore's was
in the Masonic at Tarboro,
being a resident there at the
time of taking the degrees, and a
delegation from that lodge con-
of Gen. John W. Gotten,
C J. Austin, F. p. Pulley. J.
Frank Lisle and J. H.
came down to attend the funeraL
cup f,. homo want co take in
. brick plant
. . No one complain that the
i . people are not interested in
national, even international
. questions. In the campaign in
the eighth congress district of
.-. while to try to build Virginia, principal issue it
interested in improving homes, I tin, spent a few days here
is forming for the purpose cf week with her sister, Mrs H. A.
buying Dactyl and keeping A Gray.
here as a bread horse, arid that a j J. S. Cherry and family of
the stock has Stokes, at J. T.
ready subscribed.
price of the horse is
of what is v
la i a ; is a
f r
i me
t v.
more that he will not run
is giving
Andrew Carnegie i in the
president again, Looks like some , ,
would .,,., , ,. , educational
are slow lo believe t he , . .,
report to
, . . v.
one h
;. I I
; ii . concern lo
to his
of will be
f his claim
whether this should sell
Inlands. It
ii u can t hold the town ,, , ,,
I question so vital
that district,
n . by tin-
party t the country in
n. She is going spread her
i ii- and cover the now territory
They have extracted the
from Mr. Roosevelt once
d .
a i
and then we read
i or city has gone
v,. An
made Rock-
Since the lawyers have has to give
beating around the bush on the city of New
in dodge and decided on a done more
com large of plain murder, there by dividing this big sum
a more speedy I giving
nation of the Thaw Mail.
i that need it worse
than Mew Y
a Contributor.
The removal Postmaster P.
is the way the tern- Smith, of Charlotte, and the
s keeps growing B. Spines to
. no great him, shows that the
. . president Ii tie love for lie
The r-i. k ; van f
of the whiskey
sellers to see that one of the
b . I ex soldiers hag male a cont.-s- money storm,
regard to the v, t at l Everybody hates a successful
that h
J. S. Mooring, of Greenville,
spent Sunday in this section.
Miss Blanche Mayo, of Bethel,
spent a few last week with
he sister, Mrs. W. J. Little, near
Leaves a Remarkable Family Record.
Mr. J. G. reached
h Saturday night from
bedside of his aged fa-he--.
William Bowling, at
in Durham county, and on Mon-
day a telegram t at his
father was dead.
Capt. Bowling was in bis
year and his life was a remark-
able one. He lived to see the
eighth generation of his family-
three generations of his
We regret to state that Mr.-.
Belcher improves very and five generations of his
s descendants all coming within
Joe Williams went to Green- the scope of his years.
C H. Ross came in Monday, great-great-grandchildren,
He was absent at the time of the of them now
of his little child.
iv i s waiting for Mr,
have another I
G Reflector
L . .,. n n id the
h is . . i due note the
elected to establish a wonder what Senator F
. in the east and have to say
h i ts that t e school will be
Li G;
very much, brother.
We thought your
would bring you around to
our way of thinking.
Oar o th r
Observer. A fire broke out
res to
, t id only i to be popular is to
a re.
The suffrage bill
talked to death in the British
of What a
The last created the
office of assistant attorney.
general of the State with a
, i the p- m who thaws
1.600 a year. s s
Clement, a young lawyer of
bury, has been appointed to the always iposition.
As they have gone perhaps we
floor of the hear tho th
about one o clock;,, ,. , . , ,.
Saturday morning and gave the The
building and plant a narrow j at business
escape from destruction. An Charlotte mill men
hour's hard fight ti e about them, and there seem to be
fire, work on the paper hardly regrets that the trial fell down,
stopping i-i the meantime. The
loss was about
g me poor deceived creatures
had a ten faith in that
they crawled around his body
death, thinking that by
town lg the hem of his gar-
hey would be healed of
their It is needless
to say that their faith got a
jolt. One crippled woman
who was helped by her
to reach the body, thought she
could walk after touching it, but
when turned loose fell m d
nearly killed The
of some people in Mrs. is
about similar to this.
If an editor daring to express
an his paper on any
matter before the legislature was
influencing that then there would like to have an oil painting
jaw advanced
scientific theory that deep and
the cause of
disease. Notice what a
percentage of us are healthy
Tho activity with which Lon-
don has tackled municipal own-
and woman's suffrage,
may eventually cause the
try to be the home of real
says ho is will-
to sit by the president and
him all day long We
are few in the State that can
plead not guilty. We thought it
was the privilege of a
per to say whether it thought a
matter right or wrong.
Wall street seems to be feeling
the pinch. But watch out, the
threatened panic may be for a
purpose. When stocks dump
considerably see i f there is not a
gobbling up of bi lumps of them
and many small holders frozen
of Mr. Roosevelt taking some of
Mr. advice.
Mighty mean of the Iowa leg-
to Cummins and
Shaw that way. It expressed its
presidential preference by voting
for Roosevelt, for Cummins
and for Shaw.
A wave fifty feet high broke
over the steamer La T e i i
her with, water, it
is said i
who v r
on her the only s
who enjoyed it, the h
to em
Mr. W. K. Dad, Jr.,
Another hobby The Reflector
has been for a long time is
coming in winner on fie home
stretch. That is a brick
plant. Time and again
this ratted attention to
the need of an enterprise in
Greenville and tried to show that
it would not only be a great help
to the town but also would prove
profitable to the promoters. . ,,,.,.
now have the pleasure of Charleston, S. J ,
stating that is soon came Monday on account of Mr W II t u
have a i his sick mother, Mrs. Settle town died a
Mr. W. H. Bail, J.-., has Belcher. .,
a of land,
acres, on I
of railroad from the- i n, , , ,
Lumber , , , ,
factory, and has already Augusta, Ga, March 10th.-A
commenced ere buildings j terrific fire which started this, Mr S,, Uh S
preparatory for the plain. He morning is raging and sweep. th I
has also placed an order for the business section of H I
machinery of capacity -city. The Augusta Chronicle seven children
to make brick per day. ting plant and Western bar of brothers and sister
The land purchased for this I Union Telegraph Company I took place a
purpose contains an have beet, destroyed. burial ground
of clay, and experts who have j The Chelsea hotel is --j
given samples of it a the are in a NOTICE TO
Near Close.
New York. March is
expected that the evidence in
C. S. makes hi, Easter i the Thaw case will
You could and in that event the c ought
not do better over i. ; . i r,
guarantees fit and
nor is fine for,
making brick. Mr. expects
to be ready lo making
in a month.
Having July l .
of Pitt c .
of tho or
notice hereby
persona indebted to the eel to
make Immediate payment to
and all persona
laid estate present
for payment on or before
the of
This 6th day of or
notice will be plead in bar of
H. T. Cox.
Adam, of j. l.
i ; i U -l i i-
F. S.
Norfolk Va.
have been the standard Cotton and
Tobacco in the South
b i care is used in the
ti of material.
your dealer
and don't
i to re good, See that
is on every bag.
This department i F. C. NYE, who is authorized to
the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
George of Willow Elder Fred left F. C. Nye went to Scotland of ten as possible.
Green, was a visitor this morning to fill his appoint- Neck toddy visit the graded J. p. Carroll Dr. B. T.
There is a great z of
fertilizer being hauled from
here from the number of cart;
and wagons seen earring and
going. The better plan is to
make the land improve itself by
the proper notation of crops,
sowing cow peas and clover
here Friday.
We now . f
lea . c-
to aV v-i
B. T. Cox, Bro.
Jimmie Carr. a student of W.
H. S. left Friday to spend Sunday
at his home near
Hats to suit you at B. F. Man-
Co. They are also carry-
a pretty line of pants.
Those who come in from the
country farm work in good
progress. The planting season
is near at hand.
When you trade the store
the merchant can use your check
as easily as the cash. The man
who does your work can use it as
well If you have occasion to
send it through the mail, it is
cheaper and as safe as a money-
order So deposit your money in
the Bank of Winterville and you
will readily see the convenience
and safety by so doing.
Mrs. W. L. House and children
left Friday evening to spend
some time with relatives in
The A. G. Cox Co. has
still on hand a full supply
their Tar Heel Cart wheels.
Send your order assure
prompt shipments.
M. G. Bryan, our clever post-
master, made a business trip over
the river Thursday.
A new lot of nice spring and
summer pants just opened at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Miss Mimic Cox went to
Greenville v morning
on a tour,
Another large of shoes just
at Hickory Grove.
Protect yourself from the sun I
by getting a large hat at
Barber Co.
went to lie to day.
An up to late line of large rugs
just received by A. W. Ange I order.
J S. Cox left for Rocky
Mount on a
Call and the new
Straw Hats just arrived
a. A. W Ange Co.
The days will
soon be here a comfortable
c Mich be a luxury. A. W.
Co. has them at a bar-
Get your choice groceries at B.
ft Co.
will be added to those
who are in arrears taxes for
the p year after April 1st,
Chas. W. Smith.
The A. G. Cox Co., are
still shipping the reliable Cox
Planters and Simplex
rs to both North
and South Carolina. Send us
your order we assure prompt
A car load of hay at A. W
Mrs. Smith and little
son, DeWitt, went to Greenville
Remember that the A. G. Cox.
Co. continue for the
coming to make tobacco
Misses Helen Galloway, o
Grimesland, and Lydia
of Robersonville, spent Sunday
E. Hooks, of Ayden, was
in town Tuesday evening.
s. Jno- Warren and
of Bethel, were pleas-
We pay
charges on all on are
Stare, X- C-
We A e For Easter.
in at Harrington Barber Co.
The ladies of the Missionary jam visitors here Sunday.
Society of the Baptist church- Rev u E of
will observe next week as the den appoint
week of prayer I at the Methodist church
suns all Sizes are .,,, ,,;.
at cost at B. F. Manning s
The very latest novelties in
Wool and Cotton Dress Goods.
Ready Muslin Under-
wear. Shirt Waist, White Tail-
Skirts, and
We have- a full line of
for Men Youths and Boys,
Hats, etc
Come in and see our swell line
of Ties.
i i
In the spring time a young quickly turns to thoughts
to an trimmers are now in The Northern
Markets and we expect them to have the best line of
ever shown in Greenville. announce our opening later.
C. T.
was accompanied by
Mrs. Stan-1
We wish to announce to our
friends and patrons that our
stock of
is more varied and complete than
at any previous season, having
been carefully selected, in north-
markets by MISS BLANCHE
CROMARTIE, our experienced
assistant Milliner. BER-
GREENE is at the head
of the trimming department, her
artistic skill is too well recognized
to require comment by us MISS
will assist in
waiting on customers, will
find her affable and attentive.
Thinking for your liberal
patronage in the past and prom-
Chas one of They return- to exert our every effort to please you in the future, we invite
St was here awhile e borne Monday to cur store. Our will take
Rowan Cooper and AND WEDNESDAY,
Friday evening on a busing
trip. sucker are
famous as jurors,
shoe for ladies and gentlemen at of the school boys
j ten Jed church at Hancock's
I Sunday.
Tho A. G- Cox Co. are
. I now reserving orders for their
and more are expected next H trucks even
week. though it is early in the season-
Rev. B. E. of Ayden s now ac
was here week in when moat of the farmers
t capacity. begin to use a cotton and
The A. O, Cox Co . are guano sower. AM we ask is just
s receiving for their to remember Old Reliable
B. F. Manning C.
Winterville High
to enroll new
Five entered last Monday morn-1
question. AH styles,
patterns, all sizes for every man,
and at prices that should be more
than we ask
l. and most up to date
st. buggies.
Cox Planter Simplex
Guano Sower made by the A. G.
aw moving their Cox Co.
to their new plant,
a-., i in a few days they hope to
bi ready for work.
t the drug store B, T.
for I, W. Wood a
Bob's grad rota
Secure a at
Barber Co.
Harvey Cox and Elbert Smith
went to Greenville today-
Misses Elizabeth Boushall and
Bessie Sams went to Greenville
A large shipment of best
flour just received at Harrington
Barber Co,
Fresh drugs of all kinds at B.
F. Manning Co-
Mack Ellis, of Kinston, is here
at the bedside of his brother,
George, who is critically ill with
pneumonia and appendicitis.
G. E. and family
went to Greenville Monday after-
Willie Bullock who has been
detained from school by an at-
tact of pneumonia returned to
school Monday.
N. C Jackson of Ayden came
over awhile Tuesday evening-
It is with sadness that we
announce the death of George
Ellis Greenville. He died
this morning at o'clock, after
having suffered only a few days.
Keep your horses, boys, and He
a brothers and sisters to morn
their loss. He will do buried
Thursday at the
chickens in a
by giving them Pratt's food.
B. F. Manning Co.
We arc to see Mayor
sir r-
of grippe.
American Herbs la the thing for
of tho l.
can you
Mr G. H. Ellis, who re-
led hero some years con-
, t
L W J a shoe repair business on
Fourth street, died this morning,
your home by cover- and appendicitis,
your fl I with matting at home of his a, Win.
A. W. Ange Co. has it at a He sick
some ago and went to his
In opening our new department we beg to say to
the ladies cf Greenville that we are prepared to
offer the choicest and most up-to-date line of
MILLINERY ever offered in the both in
Street and Dress Hats, embracing all the latest ideas of
domestic markets. We will show trimmed
suit all classes of trade, from low grade to the finest
effects that can be produced Our designer and
ELOISE has been trimming pat-
terns in one of the largest wholesale houses in the
east. She has held some of the largest positions
in tho south, and to see her skill in designing will
be a treat to the lady buyers- In Dress we will Tar
exceed other seasons in showing better and more varied
styles than ever before, and we can furnish any style of
head wear to match dresses of all description. Call and in-
our new department before buying, as we feel as-
sured you be more than pleased with styles and
prices. We will announce day of opening later,
The New Year
Finds me old ma door north cf
CO- . C S,
every his
past yr.-i.- U be
It will pay visit my store and see in v stock.
tie B. Johnston.

AND 4TH idea of vowels once ob-1 for him, for he knows them
the consonants will fail analytically and synthetically.
into line without much formal It is of ;. aid in the
instruction. spelling lesson. Ho knows how
Most teachers haw it a t. take to pieces the word to be
goad to have the pupil to construct its parts,
the unknown words upon And lastly it is of invaluable
a board during Study to n pronunciation.
Upon those of to I with He and the end-
fate arc fortunate to syllables by the teach r for the often to
teach in well ordered and to pronounce just before sentence or government
graded town in recitation r drill in sound of or
Read at Meeting Greenville,
N. C. Mar 9th.
a come
the blunt sound
to the this way the may be
third and fourth grades up n to the more After the mechanics have been
thoroughly prepared for their difficult words of the next day's foundation, how
work and in which the new grade j, and try their own powers ever, it is to be that
and step of cutting into syllables under they are only the foundation upon
in a well planned whole, the teacher's Alter which we may begin to build the
of is feel that it will be found real art of reading. The child;
. the word together has acquired the tools but he is
Schnapps Tobacco Is Made ENTIRELY from Flue Gar
Tobacco Grown in the Piedmont Country.
The Imitation Brands Have Schnapps
Quality Only On the Outside
Of the Plug
i- only to tarry out
and ; m
i we f
an- i to d
of a
a have the class nothing bettered unless he has
. i
again in been aught how to use them on
an id a of the word rather how to forgo them in the
I . third int thought and ex-i
I for
i re- i
i g
i . e
. re y . r
i a little contest
at h the
a them
id an i ac-
. o m
pros- in.
With end in view the
o. encourage
in every
; hie. i lea is vary the
ii s a period by giving.
t pupil book or mag-
e a ;,. marked to
I the
. i th e n by
I e pupils tell the
. ii . h class.
; . the
r om
i a ks
in jig g,
-a o . i g
Hundreds of imitation brands are
on sale that look like Schnapps to-
The outside of the imitation
plugs of tobacco is flue cured the same
as Schnapps, but the inside is filled
with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened
air cured tobacco. One chew of
Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger
longer than two chews of such to-
The color, size and shape
of the tags, plugs and packages of
certain imitation brands of tobacco
have been made so much like
Schnapps that they have often been
accepted by buyers under the belief
that they were getting Schnapps.
Sufficient proof has been secured
to establish the fact that certain
brands are infringements and in
of the trade mark laws, yet the
trade will continue to be imposed
upon Dy until the suit
air enter c v to
pr led. A
ii ms arc
to be as
Schnapps, but there is only one
Schnapps. Be sure the
on the tag, and on the p
under theta- spell S-C-H-N-A-P-I
and then you have m
wholesome tobacco produced, w
just enough sweetening to
the mild, juicy, stimulating quality
the leaf tobacco. Expert tests
that this flue cured tobacco,
in the famous Piedmont region, i
quires and takes less sweetening th
any other and has a
stimulating, satisfying effect
If the you are
don't satisfy you more than them
habit of expectorating, stop
yourself and chew Schnapps
Schnapps i like the tobacco
formerly bought
;. per
costing from
in cu
. N.
did ; or; to this
Ti a Se-r. ed in or,; . . ,
en .
i r ;.
; i i-
p no Ion;. r
. It
. . tire t
; w
. tin. t .
. T. . i.
r . .-and ; u them to th r to
PI ;
. .
y ,
i n . r . is
v r
. . K i
. . . v. ill
Th or folk i has
just c a line
I-1 .- ; a aw miles
A T- ; Starr.
I n
the red
be at vi ,
. . Mar . of
I be
j , ., .
the medium z lock
. ti. p v;
rel fore. The large
were already cents
. which
I reading be ;.
ti.- as well as to
The d with the avert re
; fold he
hes a on in
of i. ; r if indeed ;.
hazy idea may be called a
at all, he . as no feeling
forth- sentiment of the
he is reading and he has
to encourage him in the 3rd place
to do any reading at
home the lesson is
a something entirely outside h s
life interests.
by means of eye f t
c m ear for v
and the ab Mice
m more natural
The training of th-
the most of all
to go about perhaps because it
necessarily indefinite-
It is only by original
experiment. The maybe
led from accenting Tor them-
selves simple well known
words to their judgment
will learn that
first of these problems is upon the
hardest perhaps to deal which carries the
Nothing may be accomplished den of
he has mastered the
of the mechanics of read-
A good way in which
start in the training
is to a number of
from the lesson name is
given at the and
have prepare for a
k C m i
n . ; a to
ll a r which
-tea thorn come to class.
n ; . red read it to
t- the other n embers. A. child
of ten works for
criticism of
s than for
time the lesson i;
different members may
take different characters,
the class deciding which reader
in- On
r; r user t add; interest to I
a r read some short i
of j or poetry to the
It Lo forgotten, how-1
more difficult words of, ever, that the real of
They reading class is to teach the pup LI;
-0 read and this aim will
be he
been induced to want to
That child who has learned
on joy, and will, habit of enjoying reading has
find out syllables. already conquered half his
seldom accented as the suffixes cation. And that teacher who
Bern and trains
enter the city P. O and
and thence to the
end the line a t wet
the Beaufort division,
through freight service
Norfolk is expected to prove
benefit to business
it will -rive a direct com-
She U
the wing com-
I which w lat Friday .
the under-
Sieved, humble and respect full
to leg to bring th. following
e with Norfolk and f w .
north by water trans
consideration with
The freight and with
, trains will a distinct service
the trams running on, T a Compositor and I
e Beaufort division.
little been said of tit
has been from Wash-
r is an
a g
V . . MM
, h f a, ho
. J ; .
; Sh-. Woof . lo
and Hi I ,
I . S.
named win take n tics that an
in o c t coin
, the the land
; in in said
i and the defendant
will take
he is t. at the
v county on
Man 1907 and an I or demur
action o- the p
will apply Co for the
demanded in said
day i March 19.171
lesson in the old
way, c-on-con-s-e-n-l -sent-
consented. C-a-r-Car-o-o-
H-n e line, Caroline. Aft the would
and prefixes is already familiar,; keeps the aim this
etc habit always in mind and
Tb the observer pose has grasped the key-note
I this thorough training in the of mental culture. Every school
of words will seem have a complete and will
towards New but.
the has bean pushed
rapidly, the track having
been done by machine at
of a mile a day. The P. C
and W. handle the business
out of and Oriental.
Work will soon he pushed on
the Railroad,
a property controlled the
Norfolk and Southern, to Halls-
ville and Kenansville in
county, it is understood, with
the ultimate purpose a
terminus a station on the A. C.
j-, about Magnolia or lower.
at present I have m it
seems to
myself. So, I kindly
Crave o beseech your to
take me in your Com-
in day or night. The
Poor Petitioner awaiting for your
honor's valuable reply.
For which act of I
shall pray long life and
I beg to Respected Sir.
Yours most Obedient Servant.
Singapore Eastern Daily Mail
lesson five minutes drill easier
words from the at, random
or from the room will
serve to familiarize the pupil
with the letters and their sound.
Teach vowels, their differ-
sounds and the fact that one,
or more than ore grouped to-
will be found in every
syllable and he will r w .
divide the word into its
by the number of vowels. With
the teacher library filled with books
be of many devices I which a child may understand
to avoid the monotony which If school
i has not that library the next
the child s interest object upon which it should bend
advantages all its energies is the securing
of one.
to lag, but
The pupil is master of the
word before him. It is no
longer the bewildering whole
which he must learn and m
a Chinese student must
the words
but, a of
now how to at
a Truly,
Only on Cards.
people have
stood the recent ruling of the
Writing to ho on the front of
post card, thinking it
lid to
the nary
government p-i card The
ruling does not to the lat-
longer have a the
a Car Down.
Deputy Sheriff W- J.
armed with an execution
against Southern Railway
Besides the great lumber to the depot today and
in the section to be traversed
by that blanch there are vast
trucking interests to be served.
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified before the Superior
court clerk of Pitt county executors
last will and testament of J. M.
deceased, notice is hereby
all persons indebted to the es-
to immediate payment
the undersigned, and
h said
To of Kidney,
Bladder troubles. Other
say a
t will i r
year We say
full free bottle
if i benefits you,
SOL until c
Only limited f b
away. Don't, miss
to test
Washington daily
at a m for
daily Si
chained down a passenger car
standing on a spur track next
to the old freight station on at Washington.
South Elm Street The Connecting at Washing
was issued to satisfy two Norfolk
judgments held by Mr.
against the South-
em, one of them for and -vi I.
ether for The car order
I was chained to the J
was No It i
arc i , vi.
. that j No ls
before the day I that now the railroad y
i if I. J. Agent,
they intend to put th C
Greensboro H,, G.
i in. s.
at by Police After
Loaf Search.
N. C. Marsh
E. Jr., Pitts-
Pa , to
tune left him by his father,
whereabouts has been
own, was located here by
this afternoon.
is a mechanic, and
ployed in the railroad shops
of the Southern railway.
id not know of his father's
B, and had not heard that his
had come into a fortune
ago by death of
lather's r, James Me-
ell, Harris Pa.
Harry Fitzgerald, of
Pa., recently asked
of to aid him
eating his brother,
were sent here, whore
was last heard of but
ace of his could
until Monday.
go Harri
to claim his fortune- He
wife and six children.
Little Lady Wrote Park Official to
f Her a Baby.
Now March
Secretary Frank of the
park opened his mail
yesterday morning he found a
letter addressed to
C Park, New writ-
t in a slopping, hand,
reading as
Avenue, Detroit
Mr. Plea bring
Frances Stevens a baby b a
white baby, you bring clothes,
Frances Stevens.
like you Mr.
Mr. touched by I've
appeal wrote a reply, which
Little We are
out of now. hut expect a
new lot in soon- We shall not
forget you when come.
Si Park
by Saul of Tarsus, Is
Still In
If yon were suddenly asked to
name the oldest city in the world
which is in a nourishing
would lie your answer
In nine out of ten the per-
son to whom such a query might be
would hark hack to
Greece or He would
wrong. The oldest city ill the
world is Damascus.
lyre and have crumbled on
the shore, is a ruin, Palmy-
is iii a desert, and
and Babylon from
and tho Euphrates.
remains what it was before
the day-, center of
and i e of
in the desert, presidential
with and sacred
ma extending through thirty
It was near Damascus that Saul
of Tarsus saw the light above the
brightness of the pun. The street
which is called Strait, in which it
was said still runs
fork on the Southbound Industrial in to be
N C . March
-Work the Southbound industrial
been temporarily to dose
Mr. H. E. Fries, down by night
Closed Down.
Wheeling, W, Va., Thursday,
it of the company.
engineer's office in
i city will be maintained.
Ir. Fries expresses the
I that the suspension of the
will only temporary.
s action, it is held, is the re-
of adverse railway
i in North Carolina and other
States, which has
o. account of
water. The and
jobbing district is under water
and a break in the gas main and
shortage of gas Is adding to the
Cincinnati. O., Thursday,
Reports from all over
State indicate great damage by
floods. In many places the con-
an. The Miami
i stocks, making it river is the highest of this . a
to financiers to put
money in new roads. The
amount of money already
on the southbound,
however leads
who e inter st id to he-
e that the road will be built
as recent railroad
can be and the
market becomes more
son Two hundred were
Hooded at Lima. The Ohio river
ha reached the line at
many points.
re- i
I'm i
i in i
secret ; i
. . to have one
. his he was
hi in this
. .--
; i Persia, and
art of inlaying wood and steel
with a silver, ii kind of in
engraving and sculpture unit-
ed, keening, with which
Ills and are
s Book.
lowing recess appointments of
were made at the
forth D.
John B Spence, Char-
William J. Leary, Sr.,
Thomas H. Dickens,
Held; Willis Percival Edwards,
S. M. Hambrick,
y; W. Eugene Miller,
Frank Roberts. Mar-
John R
Cotton Report.
According to the report of the
was pinned up to March
2nd, bales of cotton.
The number pinned in this State
is given at The report
claims that cf the total 428.000
bales were ginned before S
1st, last year.
If this report approximates the
sinner's report which will soon
be made public, cotton may be
expected to go somewhat higher
Evacuation Day in
A Nugget of Wisdom.
Express publishes
i of profound
you pull down the town
is your home, you are
down yourself, and when
build it up you build up
and your neighbor.
banish from your mind the
idea that all good things
or in some other local-
Mass., March
usual notable ceremonies were
held today commemorating the
evacuation of Boston by the
British. The bay section of the
city was well decorated with
flags and bunting when the
William- booming of the guns on the war-
ships the navy yard and
from the forts in the harbor and
the ringing of bells in the city
inaugurated the day's exercises
In the military parade, which
was the spectacular feature of
the day, were all the available
men from the marine barracks
and a . considerate force of
from the navy yard.
procession was reviewed by
governor, the mayor and
other dignitaries.
Fluid resins or oil from several
different trees are extensively used
in the Philippines as varnishes, due
of thorn, culled oil of . pale
yellow liq n h, but it
becomes dark and ms after con-
tact with air. I in i
it dries and firms a
hard varnish. It is also capable of
heir in a lamp. Another
natural Is i .
of It is white when
fresh, but darkens after expos re
and makes a very tough ram
Oil of is ii third variety, in-
others in its r
properties. Chemical analysis
shown that all these wood oils i
entirely hydrocarbons known
i he From
In for
on the box to . . i-i i in i ., . the
. Sold
I -.-. n.
to use the
. e dam-
. . -id
. it
i Is,
c i me of Ii
Jo Definitions.
An i sh the of
Samuel Johnson in London recalled
some of the remarkable
that in inserted i
dictionary. Among them i it the;
least curious was the one
Ii was de I cs
reticulated or
at equal n i inti
in . ti m Other
amusing d h
a of Hie rated
by some
a woman, ;. . not a i c
ran e nu o I
any one without i
England to mean pay I I iii treason to his
just one time
As Little as
Five Cents Per Day
places one in residence.
Jno. I.
Clear ;. . i toe
. II -St
of D
The pills that
e Ki n ed by
Jan. I. U
I maple
s . . , wrote of
K i . Co
in ,. . fee
y i contain
H i the N
Jno, I. Wooten.
Meal I; . hi .
. fur
relief. that i
and . mi the
, it much
hat you
. for
w .
th . . nos
, . .-
. and
. in. K
., .
a-. Ii
. r for keen
elasticity, tho
manufacture was
Tamerlane carried tho
. i
v. hi .
. .
H ere by
. i . it
an . Law,
Jno. I. Wooten
I l I.
i I i .-
Id I h
. i
i in A
mo like
by mo an
Kansas Star.
r ire
,, . . ,., .
. , .
.,. .,,.
n, vi-
. II I
. ii rs.
A Specialty. n
Hot and Cold Baths i W t
, . -1 I r
. in . all
. I r
. w. Arithmetic.
Napoleon used to make mistakes
in figure . and positive as
arithmetic I to be. lie could have
worked oat the most complicated
problems, and yet he
could rarely total up a sum correct-
It i- fair to add that these
were always made without
intention. Tor example, in
the number of men who ware
to make up his battalions,
or divisions, ho always used to in-
crease the sum total. One can hard-
believe that in d so he wanted
to deceive but he
thought useful to exaggerate
strength his armies. It was no
use mistake of
kind. He refused to admit it and
obstinately maintained vol Hi-
Good to Eat
vol .
i water and let
, T i.
tOo. par
I your town all the
an legitimately bear. It
will do you no harm and
. cost you nothing, and above
patronize home
Board of Education.
Tie legislature re-elected the
board of education for
county to serve two years
i from July 1st. The board
of A. G. Cox, L. C.
M. O. Blount.
board could not easily
improved upon. It is com-
led of gentlemen thoroughly
to the educational inter-
s of the
I. A.
R. S.
Executors of J. M. Fulford.
service again,
I Centenarian Passes Away.
Mrs. Teel died recently
her home nearly three miles
mi town. Her exact at
a i is not
t sh-- was thought to
a old.
Honor Memory.
Charleston. S. C, Marsh 18.-
The universal regard in which
the memory of John C.
is held was given expression
throughout South Carolina and
States today by ex-
commemorating the 125th
anniversary of the great states-
man's birth. Public schools,
colleges and literary and
cal societies throughout the State
Held special exercises in honor of
the day-
Calhoun was born March
1872 The old home in which he
lived, near Pendleton, this State,
is being carefully looked after by
the of Clemson college,
which owes its existence largely
to the fact that the great states-
man's son-in-law in his will left
all Calhoun plantation, a grand
property of acres, together
with the historic homestead and
fifty odd thousand dollars, to the
State of South C to par-
fill. and
, a w h the
; n , f the State
i at education.
. . . k.
. iii id .-
Arkansas .-. . . of tho
reporter paper c . u
death . mo by i
editorial i A
on . I nil found
the ed tor i s f
about iii in i
has been a sud loss,
visitor sail loss
and looked tho room.
I um plea; lo m he went
on. at the
melancholy event by bulging up
fiend Crowned.
raid. do yon
the visitor, pointing. ho
crape, the
the world. dates some 4.00 I
year.-, k and Ii was written in
Egypt, n o r e for
tho . given is to short-
en by n th, and on
the line so i i to construe a
square. And this, though far from
i near u for mo
nave long . convinced that the
. . i but it i;
only in . . in they
able to demonstrate this. A
professor named
published demonstration,
which was a i by tho
tide world i
N. C
. t- iii Cases only
Phi In
Recipe Book
i award
i o. l.-Ho.
ii i nit int
lie and
re Dealer
US, Inn .
Turkeys. etc.
t ad. Mann
s Tables, Safe.-.
mid Gail Ax Snuff,
i h Key
lies. pies, Syrup, i
Meat flour,
p, ii Food,
and tin., ,
Nuts, ; Dried
P aches, P. K
; hi i i
I I. Hi st
. r, n -sewing Ma
d f
Ii. come
Clover U I am
.; ;Cold or a always pro-
w rail runs to
; i I of pa
i i era
. want In ; . i
Ni .
n ; ;
ii r
. . , -J
B f r
ET H ,
Bl I
III I is
Lang l.
I ad Tar. C
i action of
. C
. it.
tat all f;
EB y
by i.
men has lo i exploded the at-
i bi creed of the
it. Ii is now well known
that no cranium, not even that
which tho mighty intellect
of i, reveals on its outer
aspect any certain signs of the
development within it The
ii Harry Skinner, Jr.
H. W.
All claims against the
partnership firm of Coward Wooten,
which claims wherein existence on the
tilth day if January 1907 are notified
to exhibit the same to K.
M. the surviving partner.
within twelvemonths from the date
notice is. WOOTEN.
partner of Coward
This Feb.
In ,
pun I .
u-i. .;., and to
. c i That
.; c
tan Kb it surely
. ;
lift ;. v v .
f ;
J n I that 1-
c . r It. lira I l p
K III . I .-. . ;
Well, Coil-
a I war,
at . . , ;.
t and
I.- . in
J-W. h CO.
Cotton and handlers of
Tics and Rags.
Correspondence and shipments
Neighbors Got Fooled.
was literally coughing myself to
death, and ha i to to leave
my bed; and predicted
would never it alive; but
for thanks be to God, I was in-
to try Dr. King's New
It just four one dollar bottles to
completely cure the cough and restore
me to good writes Mrs,
Eva of Stark
of cough and cold
and r of mid lungs,
Is guaranteed by J. I. i Drug-
and Trial bottle free.
k ;
Ruing From the
A prominent manufacturer, A.
of N. relates a
remarkable experience.
taking lass than throe bottles
Electric Hitlers. I feel like one
troubles is
the Diabetes I rally
believe Electric Bitters will cure me
permanently, fur it has already stopped
liver and bladder complications
which have troubled me for
L. Wooten Druggist.
Price only
Practices in
K. L. Carp,
R. L. Johnson,
Contractor, Builder. I Setter.
Plans and s
on application. All w
Tern key job when ever de-

j, ft,, i LOW, Manager . d Authorized Agent.
v. . Itake
script ions and receipts for
, . , their wail
i. T age
f r i m
l B
J. R. Lock for a L
it will ;
y, , iii qua a i s
U ft . i are
i will leave
th . for Si Car-
. i . will represent th
r J cheap goods
to Co. they always
V . wife, Sn
vi r here
Wanted- car loads i l
. which we will
nay hist cash price. Don't
sell be fore seeing us- Yours to
serve. F- C .
Ralph Johnson, of
hi. I
Go to E- E. new
market for fresh meats,
sausage and fresh fish.
spent a very pleasant h with
us Wednesday.
a full line o Meat, Lard and Can
Don't before giving
me a trial, Lilly Co.
Robert Anderson, of y
Mount, is here.
Mrs. j. and
are or. a visit I Hi use station.
If you need any Paint be sure
and E. Co
We i l E.
continues quit sick out at his
borne on hire street.
exchange corn
for or J Lean, Healthy Shout
weighing i to pounds
et price for same W. A. Harden.
Ayden, N. C
Miss I, of is
it friends and
taking in the opera.
Can Nobles is so much in
pro i i able to c urn
down, lie had a hard time.
The will be
plea ,., . i nose
Saul's. Call and
Hart is now living in
Ca. on West rail
road set.
i . Bale at Si u
Cl banning who has I
in a i north
can I i noon.
P g . riff S. Dudley
was a yesterday.
It i . I and a pleasure
to . of the
in having a first class
Pen. Call at Dru
la cure this much need-
ed article.
B. F. Manning and L L. Kit-
v were here
with th s yesterday.
Fountain Pens with any and
all points for Bale at
Saul Store.
,;., em shad might
be c. late day.
There to be an over-
abundance here Thursday and
still they were one dollar.
I have bought the
clay business of J. CW. Taylor
mm respectfully solicit the pat-
of the public. C. E.
I all work entrusted
to care to give entire
faction. Try mo. C. E. Spier.
I solicit the patronage of the
people of Ayden and community
in everything pertaining to the
business Give me a
trial. C- E Spier.
Watches, clocks aim anything
needing attention in my line
will be attendee to n the very
best and latest style C. E
meal. F Lilly v Co
M- Sauls has and
Iv in Pens
. r brought to Ayden.
pt I'm e a
while at
. as the bi of
a ii . . the mis to
have a piece a to
I p the
a him on
Ii r was a I boy,
i j serious
in He s he i
h ad. for ii will stand the proof.
and n as able i
lie I Fount. Pens a
. ire.
Now the
has about passed it behooves
e i citizens, who
pleasure and would like to pleas
end the coming dull
to for pastures
. j ; Is anew that their
wishes i be real
zed. There is the park. This
place so nicely adopted
for a resort to thus.- who enjoy
delightful shades and
scented breezes, where all can
rather and mingle in sweet com
The aged to ponder
and think of tho past, they
to participate and drink in the
sweet reflections t might
have been and still t
The little ones lo gambol
and play on the w grass
and I . the cooling oaks.
Then there Is the rink, where
pleasure and mirth go in
hand to s y
cheek. vigor an I n
to the human form. Let us
pare for the feast and never
it be said Ayden is a dull town.
The Harry Company
gave us two very pleasant per-
this week. Mr.
c change
in characters and and
for a show its class is above
the ordinary.
W. I. House d family of
spent Sunday with
Will Alexander.
II went to
and n from Greenville
Leslie Turnage has come home
from a tit to Durham.
Miss Janie Kittrell been
visiting Mrs. Dr. Blount.
B. F. Early received a
telegram Friday informing her
that her daughter. Mrs.
was critically ill at Point.
Mrs. Early left on the morning
train Monday.
the country has been visiting
May Smith.
Joe Jones a member of the
Fortress Monroe after
a ten days visit has returned to
his pa t.
The ladies of the graded
with the assistance of
some of the students and other
home talent anticipate at an
early date to give an entertain-
for th purpose of raising
funds toward the enlargement
of the library at the school.
This is indeed commendable and
worthy a noble purpose The
entertainment we are sure will be
of a high order. The teachers of
this school are highly cultivated,
I have traveled much and by
and observation are fully
competent for such an under-
j taking. We expect an enter-
rich, rare and
J On the noon train yesterday
the remains of Miss Maggie
were brought here
from Tarboro- In the afternoon
th were carried out
and laid to rest in the
family burial ground. Miss
thing; on was years cf age and
many are the friends and
who mourn her death.
yesterday about one o'clock
Mrs. Mary Manning wife of Mr.
Charles Manning, who lives
the of Ayden,
bad B severe stroke of paralysis
and died within about two hours.
She leaves a husband and two
small children, the youngest
about one week old- Her re-
mains will be today.
I. L. Rollins, of
was a visitor here Friday.
J J Smith has returned from
Norfolk where he has been on
cotton market several
A. n, of Green
was selling cotton on our
market Monday.
Miss Edward--, of Kin-
is visiting Miss
Dr. D. L. James and wife, of
Greenville, spent Sunday with
. family of C. A. Fair. We
had the pleasure their
. i tit and spent a very pleasant
hour with them.
If our people intend having
that park it is time something
was doing. Somebody take the
Black Jack, N, C, Mar.
There was quarterly meeting
here Sunday with a large
Frank Mayo family, of
Greenville, attended services
here Sunday and spent the after-
noon with W. L. Clark.
Miss Emma Johnston,
Greenville, is here visiting
this week.
Miss Julia Cox left today for
Ayden where she will spend some
time visiting
E. I,. Clark, of Greenville,
spent Saturday night and ;.
Miss Fannie House and broth-
duly qualified the con-
court cleric of i as ad- ducting a cotton and insurance
the estate of the town N. C-, has this
notice Ii hereby
given to all persons indebted to th-
to make immediate payment lo
the undersigned, and all
claims against said estate must present
the me for payment on or before the
fin day of March, or this
ill be plead in bar of recovery.
This 5th day of March. MOT.
B. T. Cox,
. . of Samuel Stocks.
Saturday night and Sunday
visiting uncle. G S. John-
A good many of the
land people attended church here
Miss Bertha Coward.
ville, and Miss Eva House, of
Greenville, spent Sunday with
Miss i Jessie Clark.
J. . went to Green-
ville today.
A O. Clark, of Grimesland,
spent with H
J. Smith.
John S. Dix n, who
school at Ayden, came home
Friday no I Sunday.
Miss Dora Cox, of Red
Banks, spent a part of last week I
visiting Miss Dixon-
Porter and wife attend-
ed services here Sunday and
spent the afternoon with Miss
Maggie Smith.
W O. Cox and family spent
lead, ethers join in and do j Sunday afternoon with Henry
By of a power of sale
certain mortgage deed exec
W. Brown
David, of spent to on the
day dissolved co by mutual
Joel withdrawing from
said firm.
Dee. 12th.
W. II.
Joel Patrick.
Ur Joseph Dixon
N C.
Sales Feed and Livery
to suit
N. C.
1st day of January, 1906, and duly re-
corded in the office of register of deed .
f in Book J-8
I will on Saturday the
day of April, expose to pub-
sale before the court house door in
Greenville, to th. highest bidder, for I
cash the following parcel land to
. Hie life of Jess.- W.
Brown in and to that certain tract
parcel of Situate in Greenville
township, county i on the
North side of Tar River, the
lands of Z. W. Brown, V. M. Brown
estate R. J. May and J. Fleming I
and known as the H. w. Brown
ace, containing- more or
less. The estate to sold under the f ,.
foregoing mortgage on the said 8th Heavy
. t St. it t
in Dry No-
lot s op until the is an as- Dixon.
Miss returned to
sured fact. None of us will ever hep LIABILITIES,
have cause to regret it lure to her Mrs Abram discounts
Many from here Are in
dance up, court in Greenville, Dixon Mills
this week.
We are having some
weather at present The farm I coin
At the
G. W. Cox, of Greenville, is
here on a visit to his son, E. G.
much time at
No Bend Issue for Reads in Pitt
Early in the session of the re- school and returned yesterday
Jodie Dixon mot his foot cut
very had Saturday but is getting
along very well at present.
Miss Lula Mils home
Friday from high
cent legislature a bill was intro- j ENTRY OF VACANT I AND.
to give Pitt county ,. A. ,.,. .,,,
to vote on the question of is- following described vacant land,
,,, i u I Lying iii township, I
I bonds for the ,.,, Indian well swamp and I'll.
pose contracting good roads I branch, adjoining the lands of John
in the county. A com- of this S. S. Smith, Arden Hills,
bill was sent The Reflector for
. , Lawhorn and others, containing
that the people of or
th county mi and ex-1 This March 4th, 1907.
press their sentiments if desired, i i. a. Arnold.
l seems that many people are Any person . persona claiming title
now under the impression i de-
, -ii i , . i. . bed land mint tile in
the bill passed and that such an ,.
election IS to be held sometime they will be barred by law.
this year. But this is not
Alter the bill was intro-
the legislature it
not called up again, hence did
Ii. Williams.
K. Taker
not pass
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds K Williams
issued licensee to the following
couples since last
John W. and
Austin Gaylord and Hettie
North Carolina I
Pitt cow
In Superior
Cornelius Will,
The defendant above take
an action entitled as above
has been commenced in the Superior
of county to obtain
plaintiff from the defendant an
lute from tin- bonds of
upon the that are fully
set in the complaint arid the
defendant will r take that
is required to appear the
Henry Hill and Annie term . the Superior said
Warren and Celia Ann
,, ,. alter I lie in March,
it being the 22nd lay of April, 1907.
Abram and Alice I house county Ii
o. . I Greenville, North and
.,, , ,, , ,, to the c in
or the plaintiff
Edward Williams and
This the 13th day of March, 1907.
D. Moore.
V. for
Herman Sped and Lizzie Cory.
Joseph Burney and Georgia
Oscar Roberson and Frances
I have taken up a stray y r
ling running with st K.
about on.- and half or two;
year.- old, in poor condition,
white col r. and
unmarked. Owner can get same
I proving p and paying
COS s. W. J. Crisp.
K. F. D. No. . C.
March 18th
IS lid
Having as administrator
with the will annexed of Me. Q. Rog,
era, deceased, late of Pitt county, N.
C. this notify all persons having
claims against Um . of the said
Me. ii. Rogers, doc eased, to exhibit
them to the with n twelve
months from of this notice or
this notice will l pleaded in bar of
their All persona Indebted
to said estate will make
This the day of March. 1907.
John A. Staton,
Julius Attorney.
APRIL 1st.
Prior to that we are Otter-
Piano the
Official Piano Jamestown
Undivided profits less expenses
Dividends unpaid . go yo,
sub . et to check
Si., .
I J. It. t. -ii,.
the above is
el In f
In 2nd if
f i n
lo I
.,,,, t
In . f and
I. It
t it Vile
. r
Stock paid in
and Discounts
Overdrafts Secured 2,8-12.78 Surplus F U nil 1,000.00
848.69 profits
Furniture and Fixtures 1,680.60 m C t Deposit 2,537.75
Due from Hanks 84,515.42
Cash Items eh ks o ts ding 124.25
Hold Coin
Silver Coin 479.46
Slots of North t
County Pitt. v
I, J. It. Davis, Cashier of do solemn-
.-i to th my
and belief. J. B. DAVIS,
and i t
ore me, this day of Feb.
I dO. ,
J. V. JOHNSTON, it. L. v is.
Public. r
At the close of business Jan. 1907.
Loans and discounts 5,000.00
Hanks and 718.48
Hankers of
Cash items L deposit 2.184.60
Gold to cheek
ind other U. S. notes
Silver hank
it u i
it i i Clicks
Total , Toto,
Suite of North Carolina, Pitt,
I. W H of tho above named
the statement is to tho best of my
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to ,
me, this 2nd day of M.
M Notary Public J
At m
J. Owner.
Truth In Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
to Sing a
Special to Reflector.
New March 26th. -hi-
of today
ending April 2nd- This sum
will be paid in royalties, but the
company guaranteed the
sum, equal the annual salary
of the president of the United
States and the total annually
far excess of that
To fulfill the contact the
diva a passage to
England, she had
f. r today.
Verdict Sight, j
Elizabeth City. N. C, March
20th--The in the case
Joshua Harrison charged with
the kidnapping and murder of
Kenneth i the 9-year-old
son State Senator
Beasley, tonight rendered a
of guilty.
Court convened this morning
a. m. in the fifth day of
the Harrison trial. Solicitor
Ward closed the argument in a
speech of three hours length.
His was one of tie
finest to be made in this court
house He reviewed the
in a powerful manner,
which profoundly impressed the
and the audience, who
got surroundings and
One man was
to jail by the
five days for applauding.
Solicitor Ward
that Kenneth
is living and his mother
will hare h within six
He echoed the sentiments of a
great part of the audience which
has greater any
day since the trial began.
Solicitor Ward his
argument at. a. m. and
Judge Allen began at his
charge to the jury, which he
concluded at p. m. The
case to
Representative Accomplish-
to Reflector.
Washington, March
capital is much interested in
amateur and.
some of the leaders of society
are very gifted in the art of
pleasing with their
of music or readings.
Among the most accomplished
son-m-law of the president, who
as a professional on Wisconsin. James Stephen-
the violin, while songs the
never fail to please, frequently, backer of Senator La
convulsing his His be elected for the
love of music is only exceeded by term, it is expected. This is all
his love of politics The father wants. He has been a
established the college of music
in Cincinnati, and first
the Thomas
orchestra there, and pro-
the annual festival, which
years ago attracted attention to
Cincinnati as a musical a
Bill on Hat
tn Reflector.
Albany. N. Y. March
that has attracted
Melba. the noted opera i York beard of underwriters could and will be imitated
f, has signed a not be represented to oppose the other slates, the many
the proprietor of a talking bill which
ire who pays her to I fire insurance law
Special to Reflector.
St. Louis, March Pa.,
27.- Missouri senate has passed a bill Keystone
that the New that has attracted much derailed
Two in
When it comes to opening j of
of new good-, esp in the
millinery line, .
and three
amends the received here from
so that The hurt.
into his machine for contract shall be stated in is intended to regulate reform crew n
week. The is to another hearing was election movements, to the -x- . .,.c. than fifty for today and it is no in of passing such movements j disclosed ha
dollar.; for singing in the week
. i.
A v. i-. cl
I i
progress. The of under- under like requirements been with some
writers is now represented and imposed upon political parties. mischief.
is piling up arguments against bill provides that leagues,
the measure. Friends of the j committees, associations or so-
hill declared that no statement I incorporated of
made by the insured on his be- formed for the purpose
half should be deemed material to tie character,
defeat or void a policy unless it fitness or Qualification of
was made with intent to or nominees for public
and defraud, unless the mat-; and making reports on
A in Aid of Jews.
i, to actor.
New York, March
the direction of Mrs. Sam-
u-l Mrs. Joseph H.
Cohen, Mrs. Albert Lucas, a
whist in aid of the Jaws aged,
and destitute poor, and for the
rebuilding of the alma houses
destroyed the Kingston earth-
quake will be given tonight at
the Waldorf Astoria. The affair
is expected to be a lively one,
as a large number of the most in-
people among the Jew-
population are ac-
in this enterprise.
misrepresented Increased the I same, shall state in full, in every here today for a week's
session Questions
i item of
. h. will -o up u d n . n
risk of loss, for the that report or recommendation to
the risk was not increased. He s nominees, the
i said that the agent of the insured names and . ell
make statements which sons
were not made to him when the Any i t recommendation
policy was applied for, and there-j furnished or published by such
fore the entire contract should associations which
be contained in the policy, in all of ion shall
order that the ordinary man of j be unlawful, and any person
small means, who is honest, and printing or circulating a report
does not conceal anything where j without information shall be
applies for insurance, should I guilty of a misdemeanor and
know under what conditions not less than nor more
is paying his premiums The than by imprisonment in
clause for jail not less than one month or
lings and household furniture, more than one year, or by
claimed, should be line and imprisonment. The
i heir
barges for a year.
Talked Too Much.
Millionaire for
Special to Reflector.
Milwaukee, Wis.
for the reason that the average
man does not Stand the
terms. He contended also that
the day clause as to a place
being unoccupied worked on in-
justice, as many a vacant
was amply protected,
j pointing-to the fact that when a
Man h closed his house in the
bill also provides for reports of
campaign expenses such as are
required of regular party or-
Seeking a Piece Land Under
Special In i k-cl
New York. March has
i developed that one of the jurors
Ion the Thaw trial Saturday
i night told a companion that
after closely studying Thaw
two months all of the jurors con-
him a Bate man. The
talk of this may make a
mistrial of the ease.
The ladies are delighted
with the two in p
even the sterner sex, though
gifted with n it j i n of
in, much to admire
if it p him
Mrs. L. G., as is
usual with their p . have a
i hats,
id other
i t was
-r the
array of . ids.
i i i at-
. l i i of his
devoted to a dis-
i,. be p . of millinery, spring dress
trimmings and
innumerable. His pattern hats
are beauties and everything in
i keeping with the season's styles.
Roth these openings will con-
tomorrow Pulley
also begin then.
Special to n things in this
Va., March shapes a d .
Ii more co if m e f Ll e and much I.
arc i, South, ton- really to
M .
While this term of civil wait
is getting along veil In removing
cases from the docket, great
The election today to
fill the vacancy occasioned by
the declination of Senator Spoon-
to serve any longer as Unit-
ed States senator from the State
vacation period, there is
less N. Y. importance attaches to any s. far
Tobacco Men
Nashville,. Tenn. March
The tobacco growers of
see, Kentucky and Virginia are
and very grateful to the
legislature for passing
the two tobacco association
said President Fort, who is chief
executive officer of the
He said that the passage
of two bills mentioned ma-
nation in its fight against the to-
trust. This organization
has been conducting a
ed fight for several years past
against the oppressions of the
trusts and in behalf of better
prices for their tobacco, and the
I that they are win
nil. . ii the line. The two
bills passed were strongly favor-
ed by all but a very small per-
of the members, and the
majority fee that they will
now be able more effectively than
ever before to carry on their con-
Tigers Open Today.
to Reflector.
Princeton, N. J. March
The Princeton schedule opens the
season today with a game with
William and Mary at Norfolk,
followed one tomorrow at
Norfolk with and Sid-
con at .;.
After Ling Service
New York, Major An-
J. who been
in military service for some
twenty-three jeans, has
from the 71st Regiment,
quits the service today- Cap-
has received the,
appointment in his place. Color
Sergeant Buford has received
the brevet of second lieutenant
vice, and been retired.
risk than when occupied, and The to secure a large I disposed cf.
when the occupants are moving of land under water Five divorces have Leon made,
about A temporary breach not have, been for white
resulting in a loss which does revived, audit is more than and three for colored.
not increase the risk, he claimed, tie on tills Quite a number of small cases
should therefore, in no way void The grab was have been non-suited.
down, or lather passed along, Hyman Supply Co. vs W. J.
the land board last Kittrell, plaintiff alleging that
The new board excessive homestead had been
matter ii; a com defendant, was
committee has, it
is said, com tided to make a
the policy.
U n. vet., Pennsylvania's
Today Pulley Bowen had
their first opening since adding
a department to their
Lore. So eager w ire the ladies
this el display
of attractive goods, for some
i before the doors were
a large crowd had
in front of tho store.
took of
this and several pictures of the
mo were taken.
When the doors were thrown
open expressions of delight were
h -in from the ladies as the
beautiful pattern hats and other
stylish goods v re ed
and admired. enter rising
firm certainly i a splendid
of i fin
Crowds .-t re i
to Reflector.
Montgomery. Ala. March
Plans are forming in this, city to
secure the location of the
dist Oman's College in this
city, if possible. Active work
has already begun to raise the
sum of the amount
and to secure about fifty
shares of ground. The chances
of securing the college are con-
special to
Philadelphia, March favorable report on the
April 27th, the University at a meeting held today.
Pennsylvania will give its 13th
annual festival, or outdoor meet,
and the preparations now
show that it be the
grandest over given by the in-
and among the very
largest ever given in the
country. s thousand en-
tries will be it, in fact, the
has been grow so rapidly
that the management is fearful
Special to Reflector.
Washington, March 27.-The
Philippine census was issued
March 1906 and consequently
today is the day for the Philip-
pine commission to a general
election for the choice of
gates to what will be as
teat some means to be the Philippine assembly.
provided for the overflow. To
this end a plan his been pro-
posed to devote two days to the
meet, holding the for
schoolboys on Friday, and the
college, championship and
events on Saturday.
is to take legislative
power heretofore exercised by
the Philippine commission in all
that part of the not
by Mores or non-
New York City Bilk
Trying to Track From
Eleventh Avenue.
Special to Reflector.
New York, March 26.-The
long contention over the tracks
of the New York Central Rail-
road in Eleventh has
Albany, N. Y March
other bills from New York re-
transportation and
the transportation prob-
will be considered today by
the joint committee of senate
assembly that is considering
public utilities bill There
bills legislating the present
rapid transit board out of
and the bill providing for
an elective public utilities com-
mission in New York City.
Grady's bill provides that a pas-
may travel as far as he
reached the point where
nation proceedings were com-; pleases for one faro so long as he
not retrace his steps, ail
Hint e. lies connecting with other.
Special to Hell
Washington, D. C. March 27-
The Washington conference of
the Methodist Episcopal church
began its annual session In this
city today. It will sit a week,
and the time will be mostly
with routine work, hear-
reports of presiding elders,
and stationing the preachers for
another year's service, Bishop
is presiding.
Special to Reflector.
Philadelphia, March At a
meeting of stockholders of the
Railroad today the
merger i. Eric
was approved.
Bernard administrator vs
rill a was decided in
favor of plaintiff.
J. L. Elks Robert Brown
was decided in favor of defend-
decided in favor of defendant.
W. H. Nichols vs W. H. Elks
decided in favor of plaintiff,
The amount in this suit
was and the case has lien
in court three years.
One suit growing out of the
recent selling of washing
rights in was adjust-
ed by the notes in the
purchase of such being
surrendered to plaint iii by de-
and further effort to
collect the notes abandoned.
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples since last
win no.
and Mary
J. T. Langley and Mary K.
L. G. Mills and Bessie Smith.
J. Bullock and Jessie Ann
J. J. Haddock and Lizzie Elks.
and Martha
Andrew Howard and Clara
When you want your horses
and mules insured see J. G.
Oakley, in.
C. mi i Mil,
to .
Belcher I-. returned to
Charleston ling a few
days with his
Mr.--. Minnie Brown and i
of Wilson, visited
last we .
W. family, of
Goldsboro, is.-- -n few days
in and around Oakley.
W. A. Andrews and family, of
Mount, visited at J. T-
Will Jenkins went to Bethel
W. W. Willoughby, of Bethel,
spent a part of Sunday in
Little spent Sunday in
the Great Swamp section.
J. . James, Ii. kins,
Williams. Eli and J.
E. attended th burial of
M Leggett, of Martin county,
Sunday. There was a large
crowd present to pay the list
tribute of respect to this good
He was buried with
sonic honors.
S. A Congleton, wife and
daughter attended church at
Oak Grove Sunday.
an i sister, of
Saturday night
ant Sunday Mr. and
s. A. Congleton,
W. of
ard, was on
Deputy Sheriff Dudley, of
Greenville, was here Monday
on business.
On Wednesday March
o clock, at the home of
the bride's mother, Mrs. Matilda
her only daughter, Miss
Mary, was happily married to
Mr. J. K. Barnhill. of Winter-
After the ceremony the
bridal party drove to the home
of the groom's father, Mr J R,
Barnhill, where a bountiful
awaited them.

Eastern reflector, 22 March 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 22, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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