Eastern reflector, 8 March 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

J M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
. C.
A- authorized cent tor Daily e Hardy and wife, of Greene
lake county, are visiting at H- C.
trip writing receipt
. e
this tab
Mil Wax well Die far Little Children.
Montreal, Que. Feb
Maxwell and sixteen
perished in a fire which
this afternoon in the
building of the
School. The school was
located in a brick two-story
building in the east end of the
u The pupils out at the graded
school observed Washington's,
birthday last Friday. and a by two
speeches, and other whose parents are
Oliver Smith enters and
claims acres more or less, of
vacant land in Swift Creek
From time to time we have in-
Haddock corner side column that
Isaac Mill's patent, up Long are few reasons, and Dec-
b i oil.
The lire started
r I sources of amusement were very
We an pleased t- learn that instructive and interesting. We
J. A. who has been con are informed the occasion was
fined to his room Tor sometime, very pleasant indeed.
is to be out Mrs G F Marion left Friday
If you are interested in Cook for High Point to join her
.- I Heaters it will pay band, Mr. Marion, who is in bus-
yon quality and prices there.
that i n arc making H, Ormond left ,
Several from here expect to day to visit relatives at
The teachers were
and work of getting the
ii out of the building be-
an. The kindergarten depart-
Isaac Mills patent, up Long are few reasons, and i
Branch, adjoining the lands of them u
Fred Haddock's and , pow any
mans money should be idle
This day of Feb. 1907. single day
. Any person or persons claim who owe
title to or interested in i . money they get to some
described land must We insist again-and
file their protest writing so only in the hope of
in the Town of N. C
withdrawing froS
j St d H
W. H.
i .-,
lay And this is i-v .
of persons
what money
I .
Mock, H
N. C.
B. Williams.
Entry Taker
at for several days
next Tuesday even- Richard Wingate went to
has been something morel G. and Gideon
than bales of cotton sold two well known traveling
the mark t here this week. finer, spent Wednesday in town
W. E. Ho ks l ft yesterday We are glad to know that Mr
. , . , . hi act-
his debts as fast as he can-
One dollar properly
ENTRY VACANT LAND. discharge ten one dollar
George Washington Smith i n- every day; and this
seated on the second and claims acres more o, makes it do the work of a ten
was b re that loss land in
occurred. The children j ten times A
is improving.
The Odd Fellow and
For fresh and cheap goods go .
to E. E. Co., they always lodges are in flourishing
, , ill. i . t I, I ti . . J .
nave the best.
man Smith has accepted a
posit,., with J. It- Turnage
car loads of
for which we will
Day highest cash price. Don't
ell before seeing us- Yours to
serve. f. Lilly Co.
There arc still some streets in
that a little repair work
upon them would not be very
much OUt of
Go to E E new
market beef, fresh meats,
Sausage and fresh
with an entire
new company and new plays will
be here 13th and 14th.
Merchandise Broker I carry
a full line of Mint. Lard Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
If you d any Paint be sure
and see E. E. D. Co
The Disciple church
dedicated first Sunday in April,
Rev. C. v.- Howard, of Kinston,
ii g the dedicatory
; he church is a hand-
some brick building and is a
credit to our a
friend and the community,
k the debate at the
Sen st Wednesday even-
, We are
v. ho w re present
i . a high order and
. . ch credit upon the
. . pi d, as
we'll the faculty of this
U. . , of Greenville,
J. R Turnage has been to
Nov. i this week on a visit
conditions, they have to do
at every meeting.
I have bought the entire
business of Taylor
and respectfully solicit the pat-
of the public. C. E.
Moore is at home from
Oxford on a visit to his family.
II L. Sauls, of Fremont, came
Monday to visit his brother, M-
M. Sauls.
W, E. Hooks returned from
Watches, clocks and anything
needing attention in
will to in the very
and latest style C. E
Mr.-. B, E. received a
telegram yesterday morning an-
the serious of
her daughter, at
I all work entrusted
to my care to give entire
faction, me. C. E. Spier.
Sheriff L W. Tucker of
Washington Mills. Sallie Cox, W.
ii. Haddock and others.
Washington Smith
This 23rd of Feb. 1907.
the Ian ling found the
lower hall full of smoke. Into
this they refused to descend,
though the this time was
Huddled together on
the stairway at first they re-
treated to the rooms from which
I hey had come. When lire.
men arrived an ext ladder
was placed in position and a
large number of children were
rescued in this way u.
. . . . m things to do when
Assisting In the work -Mis.-, you are down and out is to
Maxwell. The lire by this come in.
was making its way upwards, Probably one reason why mis-
and the smoke was growing so loves company it because it
dense that even the experienced ls no drink alone.
fireman not stand it. Cap-
and then C can
pay and s, the circle
winch a dollar may make in one
Any person or claim- X If
interest in the fol- ;, State would
lowing described land must file J principle one year
their protest in writing financial of our
-m V or
they . HI be barred by law ; Put your dollar on the rounds at
j . to best.-
Scotland Neck Commonwealth.
Feed lid Livery
to mil the tint
in- Dry No-
Prices to suit the times.
Hart Co
Carson endeavored to get
Miss Maxwell to go down the
ladder but she refused and
to Creditor.
she was found lying on
the floor with a little ones beside
he. All those who perished
died from asphyxiation.
I building was unprovided
with lire escapes,
Greenville, has been i. our town
luring the week
Will Alexander tried his darn
to kick up the entire cement
walk in front of the drug store
Saturday morning and it was all
Miss Daisy of Richmond,
Becomes Bride of Rev. A. T.
t m or recovery.
This 7th,
Willis Dixon,
If P n toward.
ltd rt w N-
fry of put,
I J Ii. ti. I.,
U m U . h ,,
H HI, cashier.
if Wilmington.
TI wedding of Daisy
Hancock, daughter of Mr. W T.
Hancock, of North Twenty
ninth street to the Rev
N; C but more ,
city, took place quietly at o'clock
he patronage of the afternoon in the home
bride the Rev. Calving.
. , ;,
Notary lei
it -on in
to in .
F. went to Hookerton
and Hill Tuesday on
is firm and he informs
hi d . trip His
is a good firm and n for-
to the point as one of the
best b houses in our
W. has moved his
; to the house former
w . S. II
. re
having a banquet sometime In
April A big time is in view Ii
first year of the or-
. The order has
and is
with only nine
. h
the w
the om. unity.
w exchange corn
I Lean, Healthy Shoats
to pound.
If preferred I will pay cash mark-
et for same W. A. Harden,
ltd Ayden. N.
K. W. -Smith went to Green-1
vi Thursday.
It. vi. president of
thy Music of
Tennessee, has been spending a
pertaining to the
. business Give me a
. , CB Spier.
I . and Miss
Anna Belle Kim-ell spent
and Sunday at H.
n the country.
cons cotton
F Lilly Co
H, -M Sauls has the finest and
r supply of Fountain Pens
ever brought to Ayden.
Owing to the inclemency of
the weather Rev W-K. Cox was
regular services
in Hi i Episcopal church here
For the first time in a long
while there are one or two
cant residence in Ayden.
Rev. Mr. a
minister will preach in
nary Ba church here next
Mrs. W. J. Jackson after a
visit to her son, w. C.
Jackson, has returned to
home in the country.
Stancill Hodges and wife were
on a visit to relatives In Beau-
fort county last Saturday.
Miss Louise Fleming Of House,
spent tin with Miss
Lee Nichols,
In to a telegram Sat-
announcing the death of
an aunt in Nashville Miss Nannie
Nichols left Saturday morning
for that place to be present at
the funeral.
Blackwell, of the First Baptist
church. No Va.,
The announcement of mar
c mes in the nature of a
i. many friends of
bride, who is prominent in
i. a
Mr. King, who is now engaged
in educational work, was, before
he took it up, pastor of Fairmont i
Baptist church, He took his
degree Richmond
college, and also the master of I
theology degree at Southern
Baptist logical seminary In
Lou Ky,, and now pas-
tor of
ea in King a
Mr. and Mrs King, alter
return from a trip,
be at home at M Nona Twenty
th street Richmond
he most will be
pleased with one of those
Pens at Saul's. and
pens on Saul's
drug store at to
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say the
in having a first d
Call at Drug
this much need
id article.
Fountain Pens with any and
size points for sale at
Sauls Drugstore.
J H.
Loans and Discounts Stock paid in
alts Secured Fund
. I.
g g
H o
Fixtures Deposit
from Hanks 84,515.42 subject to check
ash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt. f
w the bank, do
ti true to the beat of my
and belief. j. K. DAVIS, Cashier
and sworn to be.
fore me, this day of Feb
Notary Public.
B. L. , S,
AT N. O,
the of business Jan. 1907.
Call at the Drug and
cure one of those excellent
Pens.- M. M, Sauls.
All sizes and reasonable prices
Misses Grimes, Blanche
Mayo. Elizabeth Jones and Ber-
came over from
Tuesday evening toad
I he and were
Tennessee, been spent a prices were
the past week in Ayden
Loans and discounts
Cash Items
Gold coin. i
bank V
ii id other U. S. notes
deposit o CD
subj, to chock
a is out-
State of North Carolina, Pitt
I. H of tho ., i u , ,
wear that the above statement , T
edge and belief. beat of my
H. Cashier
D. i. W Owner.
in to
VOL. Mo.
C, March 5th.
be of Eastern training
Hid Murder
Oakley, N- C. March
P. S. of Robersonville,
Two were hanged in was with us last Sunday.
F bra -y at Farmville, Va., Section went to
, One of these, Washington Saturday.
of North Carolina, I wish toM gone
of a number of burglaries he had
to nay a few words.
more needed at this time
than a training school in our
own locality. Every citizen
in this part of State
ought to become thoroughly
aroused and enthusiastic and
help support B
good mean
the and uplifting of
every one of its citizens. Our
people do not want to be the
illiterate class of people in
the State, in order to
vent this, we must fight faith-
fully for our as our fore-
lathers did in g our
Education of the children
so badly n today There
are two great reasons for
The tee make
mistake in teacher
from part of the State
or perhaps another State, whose
chief object is to teach for
not that she has
the slightest interest in
child, or even tries to pro note or
advance the child; thus, this is
one great reason we
need an Eastern training school,
s that we may educate our o . n
girls who understand and who
are in sympathy with the child.
2nd. Another reason that the
child doesn't advance as rap-
idly as he should, -o doesn't re-
th. proper encouragement
from the parents. Parents, you
who read this, think of it in-
quire about your children,
fest some Interest, and you will
great and marked
So many of our citizen enter-
th wrong idea concerning
our training The object
of this school is not to i age
any other school, nor by any
means to damage the grand and
noble work of Dr. Charles
Iver, memory w II ever
be loved and cherished, but it is
for this; to train and to educate
properly and thoroughly our
own girls.
So many of our are
greatly annoyed and troubled in
securing their teachers. Why is
this Because many of our girls
who are anxious to teach, are
not competent. Quite naturally
those living nearest colleges
have the best advantages, and
are more in demand. Feeling
their importance, they flatly re-
fuse to come East, saying that
our climate is unhealthful, thus
if we had a training school of our
own; we should be independent,
and could furnish our own
who are anxious, ambitious
and competent. It is now to the
every citizen of North
Carolina, as well as Eastern Car-
to become interested, and
educate your children, as the day
is now at hand when a person is
judged and valued what he
knows, and not by what he is
worth, and it should be constant-
borne in mind that the child-
bis covering
portions of West Virginia,
and North Carol a.
Among North Carolina towns
mentioned he said he broke in
four at Ayden. While
lie did not mention Greenville.
hi might have been the same
party a burglary
in this town, as it is recalled that
a house was broken into here a
few nights after the burglaries
in Ayden. This was followed
by reported burglaries at points
above here, indicating that the
of them was moving
up the railroad Robersonville.
Williamston, Tarboro. Enfield,
Halifax and Weldon and other
places were named by Ruffin as
towns where he had broken in
house.--, and alter leaving this
road he visited towns between
Weldon and Durham.
Uncle Salary.
The National Magazine under
a title of Sam's
salary of the president,
vice president and entire cabinet
for the year is collected from the
beer drinkers in one day.
January 1st the
smokers of cigars and cigarette
have provided for the salary of
the supreme court of the United
States, for the ensuing year.
snuff consumers
the public health and marine
hospital service.
tax on oleomargarine
and renovated butter pays the
expenses of th. national
I homes.
players West
Point military
tax on same
es paid percent of the Span
Bill Passes House Unanimously.
The following telegram re-
here a little past noon
today, brought more good news
to the people interested in the
training school for teachers in
E stern North
Raleigh, N, C, March
W. H.
Greenville, N- C
within last five minutes school
bill passed third reading in house
Alex L. Blow.
Nothing else is looked for now
but for the senate pass
the bill, and then the school is a
Did you ever notice that the
colder it gets the more inclined
is the door to stay open
more for its progress than the
people of surrounding
counties. Those of you who have
daughters whom you are con-
J L. Corey and wife, of Keels-
spent Sunday here with Mr-
and Mrs. J O. Williams.
J. R Williams spent
and Sunday at
The basket party last
week for the church was a
all denominations taking
part, and baskets was pretty
boys bid lively, and all en-
joyed it very much, ail
well pleased by having spent a
delightful evening and helped a
noble cause
Rev. J. D. Bryant his
Sunday p. m to a
crowded congregation. He
preached an eloquent i.
We are glad to state that W
E. Homing, several weeks
of sickness, to be out
Miss Mary Taylor visited at
many from
ville Stokes Sunday to
The weather is delightful; our
farmers are putting in good time
tilling the soil and planting
A. Hare
Did you ever hear anything
like this Does it tit your case
If so, there is f r improve-
When does your Lodge
are your
many have
petitions before tie
your Lodge in a good
your your in a
much are your annual
dues to the
T don't
are your duties as a
M don't
you suspended for non-
payment of dues, or are they
paid in
induced you to become
are you to a
Appropriation During Short Session
Approximate a Billion Dollars.
Washington, 4.-More
money has been appropriated
during the short session of the
digress, which pa-
at today th . during
any previous session
mount, as near as can be
mated, approximates a billion
battleships were
for th navy and
corps of th- army was
reorganized and enlarged A
service was
granted to the
can and civil and like
provision was made for army condition.
nurses. For riv r and barb
improvements the appropriation-
Increased were .
r. vie pr
dent and t h .
I of Hot ,.,, Bill.
March Th. -a
o Police and Officer I from the N.
who were . h rep-r .-
night by th h -the
Com Walker, at the tun- that Assembly on Tuesday
,. m
resisting the of h . training
contraband r, a o
Hospital in a Ph house went into consider.
precarious condition, really a i,,;
between life and death.
The attending
to hold out much hope for
t recovery of of t i
wounded man, it will
a be th can
i opinion of th
providing for
in it r i Car-
o I
Bl it, the
I. it w s a
b intro-
. c I rec .-d the
arrest of Walker, the m support senate
at Dunn last night about house , j
effected by and had received the
K. endorsement of the senate
M L. n . n
I Ill u
house of representatives Atlantic Ca
its members, ambassadors,
ministers and
office clerks and
The public made .
i f
i i Line in search
had heat his
s committees on
u but a small
a pr but in other re
ts, was of the
. pas- i freight f. hit had passed the
r an ticket for
. i j Inquires in b , ;
fir information from the Mr Smith
to educate for
of day will make the men j prepare to send them to the
and women of tomorrow- As our training school. and
so will our State be.
In order to enjoy good govern-
and prosperity the
of each and
should be
become interested and remember
you are living in a wonderful age
prosperity. Those of you who
child; haven't thought to this matter in
noticed and the proper light, consider it care-
fully, and although your
It is my earnest desire, that an may have been scant and
Eastern training school may be limited ought to make you
established at an early and the more anxious about
that Greenville may be the for children, realizing the time is at
town. No people will be hand when a good, thorough,
more t tn i o
id no
when a
Will a merchant who is wise
ever cease to advertise Yes
when the grow upside
down; when the beggar wears a
crown; when ice forms on the
sun, when the sparrow weighs a
ton; when gold dollars get too
cheap; when women s
keep; when a fish forgets to swim;
when Satan sings a hymn; when
girls go I on gum; when the
small boy hates a drum; when
no politician schemes; when
mince p e makes pleasant dreams;
when it's fun to break a tooth;
when all lawyers tell the truth;
when cold water makes you
drunk; when you love to smell a
skunk; when the drummer has
no these things all
come to pass; then man that's
wise will neglect to advertise-
rooms of congress regard-
the ship subsidy the
currency measure and the bill
the hours of
than any other pend-
legislation Ship subsidy
lied hard in the lat hours.
other two measures became laws
as the session closed
The immigration bill, one of
the measures over
the long session, was completed
under the spur of t u president
he might t the a
Japanese .- by riving the
imp . u. ti y
The r the ad-
mission o lie .- to the country.
A for the
of an a-
bank in the The free alcohol law la t
session was modified lac
distill the waste pr C-
of the farm to be debar, v d
and d for arts science.
The right of. appeal
cases was th gov-
a measure I to
strengthen tie anti-trust
by affording a
whereby the Supreme court
pi.-s upon the constitutionality
and construction of such laws.
An investigation was author-
regarding the condition of
women and child workers.
The inter State commerce
commerce commission was
to ascertain if the ex-
press companies of the
road rate law of last
by selling and
handling on consignment fruit,
vegetables and oysters.
Reed Smoot was retained by
the senate as a senator from
Utah, ending a four con-
The senate ratified treaties
with Santo Domingo and
The president was
to use his good offices to
prevent atrocities in the Congo.
The sen also launch d an
exhaustive investigation of the
him with a re-
Walker had shaved off
in a .
The bid the endorsement
f the governor, t.-e council of
state the superintendent of
his mustache and his face blacked.; instruction, and
He was taken in charge
Sheriff Watson, of this county,
and J. B. of Fay-
an t
for safe keeping-
Excitement was intense
all night, but all is quiet today.
Puzzle .- Clerks.
Cleverness is one of the
necessary for every man
who is employed in
for he meets with
kinds of freaks in the shape
letters peculiarly addressed.
jokers appear to think
I that all the postal clerk has to do
i; to solve ea
Recently at the Boston office
received ed
with a line
drawn under the
over the The letter
i went out the same day it was re-
and reached Mark Under-
id, Andover, for whom
j it was intended, and the postal
who solved the riddle did
not he had done anything
brilliant. It was all in his day's
work. Boston Journal.
Heartily Endorsed.
With all heartiness The
commends to the people of
the State the Richardson Trio, of
Charlotte, which is about enter-
e a tour- composed
of a delightful of gentle-
men, with Prof. Don A. Richard-
son at its head, and will not fail
to entertain any audience which
how to appreciate music.
Charlotte Observer.
Greenville is to have the pleas-
of hearing the Richardson
Trio in Masonic Temple opera
house Thursday night, March
he act-
i president of the State nor-
c at Greens
Mr Blount d the bill on
ii; ground that the establish-
of a training school in the
east might damage the Greens
b school, and several is-
normal graduates in his
e u bed written him and
u g id that he opposed the b ii.
Blount further explain d
t at tho bill hid the cordial
of if me
was so drawn i ti r i
all parties, .
not central G ire.
Tho bill pas- , i .
by an i -on r
i third re
Mr. . of All
i the bill j,,
said the -of east
were to it. had
always and far in
and all parties had agree . n
bill. Mr, of l
the I ill and said he
hoped it would pass without a
dissenting Mr. Remedy,
of Sampson, also spoke for the
nil, and Mr. Dilling, of Gaston,
in urging it said it ought to pass
the house unanimously. Messrs.
Haywood, and
Swam, supported the
bill, Mr. down
the House by he stood
at S. M.
The kickers on the farm are
not so hard to get along with as
the kickers in town. On the
farm there is the kicking cow,
and our long eared friend, the
mule, while in town there is the
old mossback who wants all the
municipal improvements without
paying for them. The cow may
be sold for beef, the mule traded
o r-u-, hut but a
f I rid of she Kicker, j
What is Love
Ask not of me. Love what is
Ask what is good above;
Ask of the great sun what is
flat footed for and was going
to vote himself u for
it. for the west aim t had it all,
and he thought it was time the
east was getting a little bit.
Mr Stephens withdrew de-
for a i- and the bill
passed its third reading almost
unanimously, amid loud applause
and hand slapping.
Cm Write OB Post Cards.
By an order the
issued a . months
go, and which into
rt M Is . cards
are at liberty to Bend a written
on the left half of the
front, tin- right half being re-
served instead of the whole face
of the card the address
This may done on any
Ask what is darkness of card, whether it be one of
night; the old which bears
Ask sin of what may be forgiven;, notice side for the address
or not; and without the
Ask what is happiness of heaven j
Ask what is folly of the crowd;
Ask what is fashion of the
Ask what is sweetness of thy
Ask of thyself what beauty is.
prepayment of anything more
than the rate applicable to post-
cards, which is one cent within
the United States or its island
possessions, and Panama, Cuba,
Canada and Mexico, and for
other counties two

I it git
k git blue
de binds
n me
. it full
., ;.
n on me.
if winter,
kin be.
is t. i b ms
. ;
w arm a
.;, .
farm ; i of
ates th
at n I,
v- fast
Got. Calls Upon Chief
Virginia and South
A requisition has been issued by
Governor Glenn of North Caro-
for the delivery to Wake
county officials of
kins, who is charged with
wife and child The,
prisoner is under arrest
Call. S. C. and Deputy Sheriff
John Banks has gone t hereto
g him to Raleigh.
Another requisition is one
i upon the Governor of
for Robert Wingate, who;
in Edgecombe county
r assault with criminal I
He is under arrest in Smithfield, I
Va Mr. Prank
named to bring him
to Edgecombe.
Oliver Smith enters and
claims IS acres more or less, of I
ant land in Swift Creek
township, beginning at Charles
her form of wealth taken Haddocks corner on west side of
he i The Isaac Mill's patent, up Long
, D Branch, adjoining the lands of
ease Fred Haddock's heirs
in 1880 t This of Feb. 1907.
in 1906 In IS Oliver Smith.
Any person or persons claim
in United States fog title to or interested in
turn doubled. In the last described land must
We have passed Great they be barred by law
a and all other nations in R. Williams.
d coal. The Transvaal Entry Taker ;
in gold, but far behind in ENTRY VACANT LAND,
silver combined George Washington Smith en-
, grew claims acres more or
Mn 1896 to vacant land in
r, , ,. in i ha United township adjoining tn lands.
P. Smith. D. C Smith, and,
m 1896 yielded Cannon Mills.
id in its value was Washington Mills. Sallie Cox. W.
10.000. in the same ten B. Haddock and others.
went up from Washington Smith.
to and coal Th
Any person claim-
About Home
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
so the first thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not be better suited in a lot than the
A light purse U a heavy
makes a light parse.
The LIVER U the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
go to the of the whole mat-
thoroughly quickly safely
and the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
Not Quite
r striking figures in the lowing land file
summary for 1905 their protest in writing with me
natural gas, within the next thirty days, or
petroleum. they will be barred by law.
and salt. In
Working day of last year,
worth o miner-
is produced in this country
nation approaches our
this kind, and it
ed that none could
unless China opened its
But China has
a sealed country in this as
respects, and so
as lacked the
faculties in de-
the earth's mineral
proper surpasses tins for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on easy terms. There
is indication that property around
G is going to be higher, and the
longer you defer buying the lot the
it will cost.
This properly is located only minutes
walk from the business part or the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
and terms.
you want good Work
orders to
Judge's Decision Regard
to the Saloon Business.
lie decision handed down
jay by the Circuit Court
S- R. holding
has no more
to license the sale of
siting liquors than it has
gambling, is upheld by
courts, ii will close
saloon in the State,
held that the
liquor has no legal
on the ground that it is
e of the in common
of citizenship, since
is dangerous to
health, morals and safety,
ed. cannot make lawful for I
t that which Is unlawful
it contravenes the fund-1
principle of government,
K words, the legislature
t legalize a menace to pub-
nor can the State
guise of a police
to the public morals.
f the saloon business.-
Di -patch.
to have bad
an automobile.
Horses Kick
died of lockjaw at
Stewart last
The disease resulted
by a horse ten days
Dr. Peebles was a veter-
who tame here
three months
d had made great success
work The remains were
to county, for
can a
iv, r or
. live a
v l.
i .; I Id i tools
s -i yo i coil and
el your tool
mi lack i Ii
nail in
w. nil.
Of .
. nil Harness,
i i a
Offers advantages
for reaching the public.
And Provisions
Notice of
i having with
drawn the in f R. L,
Smithy I composed R L,
Smith Oscar Hooker, which
i.,. and bail
s u of in
of Greenville, N.
Hi, ., iii-in is hereby dissolved
by mutual consent,
this date.
ii the the said
Oscar all tin
and a which were con-
noted at Greenville,
and S ; ill
of business n l persons ow-
firm at
sail p iv therefore,
ma payment lo sad
Oscar Hooker.
And said R. L Smith
the notes and which
were at
and V u p aces of
business, all owing
said vi ins at
said and
in a l- Smith
our hands and
. Ii s ah of
R V, Smith,
l; L h
the interest Oscar Hooker in
all Horses mules by
the Arm I, Smith Co.
-ad it. L. i
lea at, the same pl c, will be
;,. ii to h the the
favor him with a
o their
T is the 7th Of January
1901. I Sui-h
Having sold to It. b. all
interest In tho
the of It.
L Smith and he will
Continue to run Sale and
change stables at tho same old
and lake pleasure in
commending him to the favor
Mid, patronage the public
tho day of
O. Hook
i Ties always on
j kept con-
In stock. Country
j Produce Bought and Sold
i ill
D. W.
N or t h roll n a.
Co of el
bill is I
is clear
that it I
of the
W. B
in the
will bu
space ill
lots he
that of
than th
has end
sides I
electric I
graded i
N. C.
At close of business Jan 26th, 1807.
unsecured 5,871.02
lire and
All other Stocks, Bonds
and 10.000,00
Due from Bin
Cash item
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
bank note
s notes
; 200,18.53
Capital paid in
Undivided profit,
Bills payable
lo II
Duo to .
Cashiers ck
of Pitt,
I. d of above named bank, do
wear that is true to the beet of my
m i ii and in before
me. i of Fell 1907
Notary Public
A. M
R, 0-
At be Case of Business, Jan. 26th 1907.;
i re
Capital Stock paid lo
Undivided Profits
Bills payable
Cashier's checks
That gawky boy of
gainly, gaunt, shy,
as he is, writes
A. in The March
tor. You nag him. You
at him and ridicule him. Did
you ever realize how it hurts
You ought to realize it for it is
not long since you knew how it
felt. You would have stood
pain like a man so your
j boy. You would have borne
privation like a stoic, and so
your boy, and there would have
been a grim sort of enjoyment in
lit, for the joy of resistance is
j fully awoke at fourteen.
But you could not ridicule
and he cannot, and yet there is
sly a day when you do not
cause him discomfort
The boy's mother never does
this. She loves every
movement of her boy. She loves
ibis long legs she loves to
hear his raucous voice. She
I smiles at it. tor. and at him. and
if is smile of genuine amusement,
there is love in the smile.
and love in her eyes, and he
; knows it and adores for it.
If he becomes depressed and
he his
troubles in his dog. which sits
in front of him gazing at him
an almost human expression of
sympathy and puts his paw
his master's knee.
A bit unfortunate, isn't it,
that your own boy is obliged to
depend on his mother and his
dog for sympathy and affection,.
He gets none from you and
little from his brothers and sis-
It is true, isn't it
My friend, if paid as
95,000.1 C
North i ,.
County of i
I, L. Little, Cashier of the above-named
swear that the statement above
and belief
sworn to hi fore
Ml dun 1st of Jan
bank, do solemn
rue to the best of
Correct Attest
J. O.
B, W.
much personal attention to the
development of your boy
as you do in raising the two-
minute trotter,
or the Black Strain
Jubilee or or in beat-
or in your game of
whist, you would be astonished
at results.
Come in and examine my
A Lawyer that at a Rem-
for the Tobacco
North Carolina.
A prominent lawyer in North
I who lives in the
section, sends The News
and Observer the following
which is presented here
for the consideration of the fen-
of the most effective in-
in the hands of the
tobacco trusts with which
competition is the
tax on tobacco. In the
old days when Buck Blackwell
and Washington Duke laid the
foundation of the magnificent to-
business that was the nu-
around which has grown
UP the all-powerful tobacco trust
the peddler was a liar
In every hamlet in this Stale.
There were hundreds of little
factories scattered over the State
and the men who raised tobacco
were paid somewhere near what
the weed was worth.
now, if a man would
the field of with
the tobacco trust, first thing
that he runs up against is the
organization by the trust
of the selling department. He
manufactures his tobacco and
goes o the merchant to sell
and the merchant politely
tells him that he cannot handle
it; that it is not advertised and
that he must handle the
brands of the trusts;
he could not secure other goods
of the trust that he must have,
if he permits independent goods
sold in his store
says, I make
a market for my goods,
I will sell direct to the CO
I will peddle my
just lire there arises
before him the wall of a
peddler's license there
by our lawmakers,
framing e revenue bill,
gentlemen of the general
why not give the
dent manufacturer of tobacco an
New Immigration Law.
The new immigration measure
will provide for very exhaustive
in-.-, of many points.
Meanwhile, great efforts
going lobe made to distribute
tho newcomers more thoroughly
throughout the country, and
lest for success.
particularly in Southern
and industry. At present,
we are receiving
the rate considerably more
You ,
We beg to announce that we arc
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints
Colors, and an.
Ready Paints,
There Is no line in the world better
Harrison It has behind it a
reputation for wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with
order whenever you want good paint for any
Have a car load and
give Special
Baker Hart
N. C
than a million a
of thorn coming from Italy, an
I other quarter from the races of
s. another
t r from Russia, and the re.-
the Islands,
and scattered sources. situ-
requires the most
study and analysis. If these
now factors that make up the
bulk of our immigration should
be rifled or restricted in some
fashion, public opinion
j will support congress in
after the been
by a showing of
deniable facts. At present the
country is in great need of labor,
good kind of immigration is
in the long urn
our industrial life itself, as well
i sour social and political
depend upon the
j character of American
and it would be a fearful mistake
to here classes of
undesirable in vast
merely to meet a temporary
i in tho labor market.
From Progress of the
in the American Month
of Reviews for March,
by repealing all taxes on
of manufactured
By you will lay the
for great enterprises and
encourage competition against
the tobacco trust, which is a
blight and a curse to this State
Nothing Remains New But for
to Pas it.
The following t re-
here last night
a good feeling to many
people in Greenville;
Raleigh, N. C. March 1st.
Greenville, N. C
Eastern training school bill re-
ported favorable by
J. Whichard, Jr.
The bill f school
. been r I
. by the committee,.
i, and i as then ref to a- fr
j that the latter
ll made a favorable . ,
, nothing remains except
lo pa-, in,
the school W .
hear soon this has Cone.
Then will come e selection of
location by the State of
Immigration For Farmers.
A bill is now before the Gen-
to establish a
Department of migration.
Whatever be of the
desirability a good class of
immigration for the
communities, whether or not we
need improved in and bet-
ideas more than need new
farmers and home-makers, the
fact remains that a number of
States are making efforts
and no inconsiderable headway
securing and
settling good farmers in available
territory. In South Carolina the
efforts of Commissioner Watson
are unflagging. Tho German
steamship reached
Charleston a F w ago
her second call pass
numbering this however,
only Not was d
by the Federal i
These immigrants are of a good
class, and while some are
the others are largely of
the agricultural class. One
them Is a farmer of some men
and will buy a farm and
down. In North Carolina there
is demand labor
-which will have effect upon
efforts mad in this to
cure immigration. A
statement by Secretary
of the State Agricultural Depart-
, , . , was a
on .
a and a loud
i 68.000 i
laborers are , the
iera needing number of
i or . by ha
hem, losing all
How of
Coming from us we
approach n i
so white the eyes
rest upon it Mount Petal
lo, the mountain of pumice stone.
It stands against
of dark volcanic under in in-
tense blue sky. Below ii the
beautiful emerald green Eolian m
pumice arc worked
with us es i u i
There ore no galleries, no stays or
pillars, There is no woodwork of
any kind. Tho men mine
are paid in proportion to the
i f the stone mined. There-
i ire their cure i- to produce
fine, I stone. When man find
o vein of One lie follows the
lead w is or not. f
i i i in, so much I lie worse
i him. Tho work is
it pays relatively well, Tho
on the bu
women children of tho mine
lo the workshop of A-
on as ii lies tho sorted and pill together
to quality. The lighter, finer stone
is called Tho second v
is known a and tho
third choice etc.
The pieces are packed just as
they i from the except-
one very
tho ore Iliad down, be-
cause i use and
breakage lowers tho mercantile
value of The files used
large, and tho filing is done
women. As soon as a piece is
filed ii is wrapped separately in pa-
per and placed in tho tun to
lie shipped. Pieces of inferior
are not wrapped in paper. They
are placed in the tuns in fine
It i claimed the filing
is healthful work, but is hard
to In the room where the
women wield tho Bias the air is n
dense, powdery while. The line
pumice dust of is
held iii the mid in such n
every of respiration
must loud the raucous lining of
the . passages. The women who
file tho stone breathe the air from
morning till night Even a very
inhalation causes an exceed-
disagreeable sensation of
So ii is presumable
the industry is less harmful to the
exploiters of mines than to tho
women who pass their lives inhaling
of alumina. It has boon
said that tho work brings in
good Tho
pay is cents a day, but to earn
that much n woman must work very
fast. The pay is
because labor is in that
ill paid.
The painters and decorators were
at work in the dining room, and the
good housewife was anxiously
about, giving to
how this and should done,
tine of the was tolling
about his attack of colic
v. hen she should y u
would eel sick Why you keep
your month closed while yo i work
replied man,
like to v. h I
painter you'd You'd ho dead
with inside of II Your
mouth i pen all tho The
re I of the job i ii lied in
York Pi
for Friday j
The new pipe organ now
in tailed in the
and upon which Mr.
C, w
his organ recital
night, was built by Mr. M
Mi Her, the eminent pipe
builder, of . Mar
land, who has already
s for more than
churches throughout the Unit
States. The organ
devoted entirely to
of pipe i i .
ion of be
The the i i
perfect harmony with the ch
t of the church; th
of finely selected
wood handsomely
the front pipes d to bar
with the church
Following are the I
lions of the organ in
Compass CC
Compass CC
foot Open metalS
foot Dulciana metal
i foot wood pipes.
I font Flo.,.
wood in pipes-
-1 foot Principal metal
foot Super m ;
Violin Diapason 12-
grooved metal
fool Stopped Diapason
wood pipes.
Ac i metal pipes.
fool metal
Oboe metal
foot wood
a o and two
lover with
the i at their
feel v n i
that was a
were I
d to I i girl and aid
u I
i to I
what yo i can
She replied,
The i
II wood
Swell to Great
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Swell to Croat Super
Swell Tremolo
Bellows Signal.
Wind indication over Manuals.
Porte r i. rear.
Piano to
Balanced swell pedal.
f every-
A We., r Sort
A in
on l oil
is the
i and ii
t he
I .
I .
Old Church J for
There were I; congregations
. . the Method I church Sunday,
both ; and evening, and
i were
i service by Presiding
i was the last
lo be I in the old
than he building has been
pr and will be dis-
mantled preparatory to the lot
e r purposes.
Many people were attracted to
the church Sunday night,
i ; i ;
and associations through
thirty years use as a house of
and there were many
eyes a they passed through
tho portal for the time.
; h h church
behind, it will be held in
mi long as life shall last.
st Sunday the first worship
he Veld in the Memo-
. . he new
i pi and the open-
will be a i i day rot only
or our friends, hut
for the people of the town
All the congregations
i the th- , . ,. , . of the town will worship to-
make them v that day in the new
banner. i
i. i

En e el MS matter Jan. 1907 the post e at linen
i of 1879.
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired every post in Flu and adjoining
in to
The legislature is running If the trial goes on
bills now like corn through a there i be more crazy
Are we here in the South
sight of the silver dollar
The Jamestown Tercentennial Those who have fields
Editor Wade Harris, of the of the
Charlotte Chronicle, is a regular
prize fighter, but he never hits
below the belt as witness in round numbers would regret such a condition of
The Reflector thinks; about upon affairs, but there would be no
that I he Chronicle and the; pounds, buildings, and exhibits. I in the cities The
Greensboro Record are But that sum will , dollar is as
s u a seem e
for anything else than to run
trains by.
pie than Thaw.
Even Thaw himself is said i
c getting irritated because the
rial drags along so slowly
trying .
illy dodge
. t .
flag r a season there
b sat from quart r.
ten more day o- s
r r Rn sew
other Imp measure rot
yet completed.
President Clew
and me he
i forgotten how long he
A ho get the j
. making several
hoping it
. tot i
Greenville should not
on the matter- of t
em training school for t ac
It should n t allow .-i
after so mu
.to i
o o .
oft w g a i
for much in the way of reg
i i
. . i fan
settle i n
eye as to is
T dispatches say that
Suit has been brought by
bi rs of ht-r family again-t Mr.
Eddy, the head of the Christian
Scientists, to i her an
her affairs, and that
much consternation in Cl
Science circles has resulted.
Do you want . i m go d
estate put it in
ca i s.
ii i-v for the
if you
i has scheme
I ti s
. i ran in
r i i r a hole i.
iv i t
. i no
On Saturday evening
Glenn named Mr. Charles I.
of Beaufort, as
of this district to
Mr. L. I. Moore, resigned. While
we had hoped this appointment
to county, the
gov. has made a good
ti; . In fact either the
gentlemen applying for the
have filled it credit-
ably. Though a young man, on-
ye of age, Mr
has reached high distinction
as a lawyer and in
public life. He was born in the
western part of the State
moved to in 1893
and f eight years edited a
paper ii that town. In both
1900 and 1904 he was Demo-
presidential elector of his
will make bull
it been during the
of the railroad rate
in the legislature th it
members wanted their own
ills to pass so that it might
bear their name.
T Reflector is r-f the n
th the forgetting
railroad regulation enacted into
la iv at time belongs to Rep-
J. J. Laughinghouse,
Pitt country, and if the bill i
o be designated by the name of
member it should he called
Laughinghouse passenger
It is that in the
iv I i introduced
a bill which
pass die h that session
by a vote of to but never
get through the Tins
th entering
. regulation of
railroad rates.
that Representative Laughing
o is his bill an
aroused in it throughout
was the cause of the
railroad rite regulation plank
I being placed in the platform at
ready for another season,
minds us that summer will be
and lye.
The General Assembly of North
Carolina has passed the
committee report on railroad
rate m, and the bill fix-
passenger fares in this State
at two-and-a-quarter cents per
mile is now a law A bill for
freight rate regulation quickly
. . . . This movement for a training
followed the passenger rate bill, , , , .
. , ,. I school for teachers never in
and before the week is out.
if not before this is read, that bill I
will also law. These two bills
will save millions of dollars to the
people of North Carolina, and if the east craft; and the I
the legislature had accomplished f have also agreed to send large, as well at much less
else the entire I numbers of their soldiery to the The West and South made
else entire but at t. e same friendly rendezvous fight an appropriation of
this alone would want and must to pay for
amply r. paid the State. thing for themselves. v to I upon data furnished the ting silver dollars, but the ma-
be sure The east is nothing States Government and was too strong for letting
if not modest Because there is the other that them remain in the treasury
normal school in the west there participate, has figured that there the banks paid for sending
toe a school in the. he in ham in them back and forth from the
other ways. For will continue to be more or
every nation in the world of them afloat. Congress
there is a pt-n Roads the . treasury. If they practically
at Raleigh there should fighting craft that from circulation there
be a penitentiary at Greenville, an outlay of, will not be much regret felt for
r some other in the east And it News.
., and i
n the teachers strike
t u next summer.
. . c. bred brother lost out
. . contemplated Ohio appoint
but Senator can-
. for it
at first on the
rial page Durham Herald
s tells when Joe King
of town without saying so.
a good It
. not the
it in State a
announcement of has.
and seaside
as is a Stale
mean bewilderment or monotony.
it, they can operate a balloon
right from the capitol.
at have a T
Record. illustrating the evolution of the the ht print
That is all right keep fighting vessel from the passengers who
nave ridden on their trains a
number of times, and been
it up if you want too. At the
same just witch and you
will see that the East gets some
t or know the reason why
It is going to get that training
school, too.
Another indication that sum-
mer is coming is that the seaside
days nation down to the
present time.
The display of commercial and
passenger in ordinary use
in and Hampton Roads at
the time of exposition will
Mr. Rockefeller's advice to
doers rather than critics of the
present a feature of deeds others must seem to
f as great as any that the ex- Bigelow like another
position could give, particularly
to all inland visitors. And the
resorts have started up sea Roads
pent stories. Atlantic City ac-
A Philadelphia man who-e wife
. the first one.
Monroe and the Rip , was killed by d
the navy yard at Norfolk, refuses to the
and the shipbuilding it is worth Soft
Newport News will easily comes pretty near .
Democratic State con-

was also the first member of the
Clarkton Express asks present legislature to introduce
it pay to be a passenger fare bill, it being
it does or not it i
t but lots of
Representative Winborne and. represent, apart from a
c in c- l-i i historic an outlay
Editor Simpson amicably settling f ,, ,
, . ,. , ,. M another And
their differences and making up features are mA M may
without a scrap, is much better not be found in
value of a wife in Philadelphia.
An exchange declares that
there would be more
of the others where else along the Atlantic men
Coast-Prom Jamestown in money.
Tercentenary in i do
American M Review of et US then.
there is so much
i no
Glenn has a way u.
liking up now and then
s last, letter to the
was to and
result ; ;
Now the legislature hurry
up and pass the conference
for a cents railroad fare.
And let this be followed quickly
with the passage of the bill for
the Eastern training school for
at lice
this session. Of
j the freight regulation
measure, by which be
the unjust
in freight rates against the
interests of North Cir-
was a natural consequence
following ti i general interest
by the discussion of
the fare reduction.
hence the
Mme. singing
long enough to attend a bull fight
in Mexico. In this particular
tight the matadors were women,
and the way they killed hulls so
delighted the singer that she gave
Reviews for March.
i.; Behavior.
over near the goad
Providence are acting
going on.
one of them a large roll of bills, here recently anyway.
One of my grave, dignified stow-
The Foreign Element oar Social
and Industrial
So generous is the
of the foreigner to many
classes of occupations that the
departure of that element would
honor of bringing completely disarrange, in many
the proportion of persons
is largely due r , a.
gainfully employed- The native
generally composing
. X it.
en. Jed to the credit
Greensboro is having a
squabble of her own. The
men of that city want the
to give them authority
Senator of Wisconsin,
has grown weary of the game
sent in his resignation. He
said being senator required him
to make too much sacrifice. No
doubt there are plenty others
willing to make it
issue bonds at their own
while the people do not want
the aldermen to have such With congress adjourned and
In that matter the voice j legislature soon to
f the people should prevail.
I there will be nothing left but the
trial. The president will
The of The have to break again, as
Farmer was a special corn something must happen to keep
number, containing much in- the reading public occupied.
formation relative to the
of a crop of corn. This
the so-called prosperous and in-
in many com-
would not balanced
by workers in humble callings.
Mines and quarries would lose
two-thirds of their workers;
proximately the same proportion
of the servant class would
pear, as would considerably
more than half of the 10,000.000
wage-earners absolutely
to all the manifold activities
of complex modern life,
a native white remnant and the
to houses, and to
work upon the street and in the
office, shop, and home Even of
and persons
in the minor commercial callings,
the proportion would dis-
proportionately large.
tin of in
b inkers, manufacturers, and
corporation officials, lost by the
departure of the
would be close of
total number In fact, of
all the classes of
Wherever you find
is to be followed by a special n , . . .
., . . f., F R. B. Glenn he u usual y on the
cotton number of the same paper.
district and made a vigorous a publication is valuable right and that is where he
canvass in both campaigns For to farmers. m to appoint
two years he was attorney of t , delegates to a to dis-
Atlantic Carolina The South cu th,
road, and has also been court defeated the bid at
and city attorney at h's the suggestion of of work d
He will fill the . that State to refund to North it would take cart of -t. e
it r credit himself on self much with much f y, V,
to the district those repudiated bonds. discussion. view of Reviews for March.
was telling me about it the
ether day.
said he,
strange thing is happening over
in our in
the world is said I.
replied my steward, the
hogs They arc acting as I
never saw them before. They
are actually rubbing their tails
bing their tails
sir, it's a
fact. It seems it is some sort of
a disease that peculiarly affects
that part of the hog's anatomy,
and he goes to a pine tree and
until the tail is
We have more bobtail
hogs in my section than you can
shake a stick
Christian Advocate.
Remember the Organ Recital
organ recital is something
now in Greenville so we have a
new treat in store for us. The
recital night will be de-
and delightful, and we
hope to see a large attendance.
Mr. Freeman, who will
at the organ, comes to us with
high and large ex-
p in conducting such re-
We are sure those who
attend will o away with glad
hearts and higher aspirations.
will to every one
who beholds the beautiful church
l .
U Ho, in State
hi of business,
Jan. 1907.
Overdrafts secured H
cured 2,63.1.20
U S. secure
and fixture 2,504.08
Due Hanks
rs 8,745.01
Due reserve
for house 240.76
of other National
and cents 175.16
reserve I .
fund U. S
Treasurer .
. 625.00
and taxes paid 2,762.14.
bank out- , . .
Individual deposits subject
to check 84,926.07
Time of
deposit 7,586.50
checks out-
49.68 92.562.20
Notes and bills 5.173.02
The Agriculture
has already been . T us meet these expanses.
over tine. if ,.,. From I is our c.-
State of North Carolina
J. W.
and hears music ,.,.,, do swear that. I
incurred to the
expenses in these my and belief.
We are now pressed for, W. A Cashier;
to urn
for . and
hope . go
make a literal
T. J for Committee.
i. o. . Jan.
J. E.
L. W.
O. K H
This department Is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
H. A. White of Greenville, Oats, corn and hay just
president of the oil mill here was at
here Friday. A- w- Ange Co.
For gentle ponies, I Go to the drug store f B T
fell broke. G. A- A Bro for T. W.
B. J. Pulley and W. A- Bowen
of the firm of Pulley Bowen,
are both in Northern markets
buying new goods.
Well .
Winterville, N. C.
A- D. Cox and William Smith
have purchased a lot on
they will put a grist mill,
mill, planing machine, etc. The
is being put on the
The time of the year has
when you farmers are begin-
to think about breaking your
land. Come and the
disk at
Barber Co. They do
excellent work.
J. J. John, of Richmond, rep-
resenting a large machinery
Company there, was here Friday
on business.
Paul Taylor a of W.
H. S. went to Kinston Friday
evening to spend Sunday at his
home near
We hear the
ken of very highly by those
who attended the play at Green
ville Tuesday night.
Mattie a
dent of W H. S. left for Green-
ville Friday evening to spend
Sunday at home.
We now nave band a f
of Bibles, we are of-
to the trade at very low
B. Bro.
John Roanoke Rapids,
is spending a few days here
with his brother and sister who
are in school
The A. G. Cox to Co. has
still on hand a full f
their Tar Heel Cart
Send us your order we assure
prompt shipments.
J. S. Farmer, the excellent
traveling representative of the
Biblical Recorder, gave W H S.
a very pleasant call some days
ago He conducted the opening
exercise, after which he made an
excellent talk to the school-
are always glad to have him with
us for he always com s bringing
sunshine and encouragement.
We are looking for some large
snows yet. Be prepared for it
by securing you a rubber ft
coat, and a pair of rubber
or These protect your
health as well us added to your
comfort. A. w. Co., has
them cheap.
suits of all sizes are
going at at B F.
shoe for ladies and gentlemen a.
B. F. Manning Co.
The A. G. Cox Co., has
just received a full Car Load of
welded fence of
heights. We feel sure
it would to your best interest to
call to see us and let us quote
prices that will be
Miss Taylor, who
pent a few days at home
from the grippe, returned
Friday afternoon.
Miss Maud Holliday, of
Grimesland, is visiting relatives
and friends week.
The A. G. Cox Co., are
still receiving orders for their
nice and most up to-date Hun-
sucker buggies.
Theodore Cox, who spent last
week at Wilson, has returned
W. H. Rouse is having his res-
painted which adds great-
to its appearance.
Cannon and little
Irma, Fun-
day afternoon here visiting rel- t
J. U. Cox went to
G. E- Lineberry and J. R. Car-
. Greenville Saturday
spirit ha-,
Two in ire new houses are in
Miss Annie of Roanoke
Rapids, is visiting Miss
sec re a at Hi r
Barber Co.
John Flanagan, of Farmville,
was here this week that old worn out collar.
chased a pony of Kittrell , Barber Co.,
Lawrence Kenney St Louis
used an old pair of shoes as de-
posit boxes and secreted in them
His wife, knowing
about it gave the shoes to j
some poor people who doubtless;
appreciated the gift after they
learned its Bring that
hidden money to the Bank of
Winterville and let it
D cause your team to suffer
with sore shoulders on account
Baring duly qualified before the
clerk of Pitt county as ad-
of the estate of J. L. Butt.
deceased, notice is hereby given to all
indebted to the estate to
immediate payment to the
and all persons having
against said estate must present
the for payment on or before
the 5th day of March, 1907.
This 0th day of March, 1908. or this
notice will be plead in bar of
B. T. Ox.
of J. L. Butt.
C. S. Smith and Joseph Buck ones.
went to Greenville today. ,. T.
Sow millet for your cows, It
The A. G. Cox Co., has an excellent for them. B.
a full supply of their Cox Bro. have the teed.
Tr Heels Carts and would full line of the
supply your needs. choice flower seeds.
A large shipment of
flour just received at Harrington
Barber Co,
I will attend the following
times and places for the purpose
Fresh drugs kinds at ti collecting taxes for the year
last call
F. Manning Co-
Keep your horses, boys,
chickens in a healthy condition
by giving them Pratt's food.
B. F. Manning Co.
The Pitt County Oil Co., is
putting in a dynamo for its
use. Mr. D- Job of Green-
ville is here installing it.
The season is now at hand
when most of the farmers will
likely need carts and wagons for
hauling their fertilizer and etc.
Therefore sh you need any
of these ill will be your
to call or write A. C. Cox
Co. and let them quote you their
low prides.
American Herbs is the thing
indigestion and the purification
of the blood, A. W. Ange
can supply you.
An up line of large
just received by A. W. Ange
Dr. Cox is a very busy man
now as there is much sickness it
Yet he is in excel-
spirits, It is a boy.
The Spring days will
3-on be hare a comfortable
will be a luxury. A. W.
Ange Co. has them at a bar-
Rev. N. H. Shepherd, of
it, will preach at the
Church tonight
March All are
de to bear him.
Get your choice groceries at B.
F. Maiming Co.
hear y complaint
about the bad condition of the
just at this time. The
farmers and traveling public
never realize full extent of
loss sustained to vehicles
and teams by this bad condition
of affairs. The time lost also is
enormous. Suppose a farmer
lives five miles from market, he
can make probably three loads
of fertilizer per day, carrying
1800 lbs at a load. If he should
have a good road, be could carry
lbs, thus gaining nearly a
load in a day. The good road
would also benefit him in the
same way during the
season. Labor, teams and
are very thus it
would be to the interest of every-
one to invest more in straighten-
draining and grading our
roads and have our highways in
a condition that would be a
it to our boasted civilization.
This is a problem worthy of con-
from a strict business
The Pitt County Oil Co. has
in a phone which will add
greatly to hoc of the
and also to its pat-
F. was here Mon-
Our clever and efficient R. F.
n u- farriers can face these cold,
wet days With a spirit
since th salaries have been
raised. Success to
1900. This is the last call for
taxes for that year and persons
owing should meet me and settle
or costs added.
L. W. TUCKER. Sheriff.
Bell's X Roads, town-
ship, Wednesday, Mar. 6th, 1907.
C. D. Smith's Store, Beaver
Dam township, Thursday, March
7th. 1907.
Bethel. Bethel township, Sat-
March 9th, 1907.
Grifton, township,
Saturday, March 9th, 1907-
Falkland, Falkland township,
Monday, March 11th. 1907.
Farmville Farmville township.
March 12th. 1907.
of this
selected for the official pi-
of the Exposition, the
sweet toned
Those grand instruments
will be used exclusively
in the Music Hall and
Other Music rooms.
This selection did credit
to the of the
Board of Governors.
will show like good
discernment if you also
select the
Write for particulars and
Piano with the
At of Business, Jain
Loans mid
Furniture and
Duo from banks and bankers
Gold Coin 6.00
Silver coin
Nat. bk 1,107.00
The Department Stores
J. R. J. G.
Capital stock J
Time certificates of deposit
subject to check
State of North Carolina, J
County of Pitt.
I. L. Jackson, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
and belief. J. L. JACKSON, Cashier.
Subscribed and to before Correct
this 6th day of Feb., j. F.
notary Public A. Ki. COX,
New Year
r north f
RU TOR a KS, Etc
thank ever, cub torn r or h patronage the
past year and ask that It maybe
It will pay you to visit store and see my stock.
The expert cutter and fitter
did good business for us on
Saturday. He left Monday
but we have a man who will
take your measure if you
i get here in time.
Call in and let us take your
measure for a Spring Suit
Fit and guaranteed.
e. S.

to pass an act that will
prevent unlawful and
combines that tend to destroy
c business, prevents competition
Specific Promises Made by the
n . d, ,,. and reduce prices. Every
Platform to the r
. p d be encouraged
pie of North
T c . to extend its Business and to
Two to , . , . , ,
build up its interests, and as
Yesterday the governor sent a this is intimately, every
brief pointed to should be them,
Assembly It is when in
When Parents are Unwilling the Child.
Marry Anyway.
fever seems to
have struck this community and
two more haw occurred in the
last days It is in
with the old saying that in most
when parents oppose their
or agree j children marrying in some
from the message that the m tit, they act illegally, they opens the way
the Demo- ought not to expect to be treated to carry out their wishes.
platform made to differently from others
stand on as well as to get in 0.1. law. and we will b
When .- read m the sen- false to our pledges unless we J On Miss Valeria
ate senators, who when pass some act that will forbid Fleming left here on the morn
ins train presumably to go on a
visit to friends at Mountin . t w h id voted corrupt s.
to nit the heart of the rail- is needless for me to toll
bill and given scant V that great injury is She kept on to Halifax whereby
the Holt Aycock upon the jobber, merchants and she was met by
bills, looked solar other business men of our State j Dr. E. F. Gray, of Richmond,
were attending when they cannot get the same where they were married A
their dearest relative, and when ties as are given I message sent to the
the reading clerk h d finished towns in States with no
the wise and st message natural advantages than
that will be led from we haw, and we must do our
ply to the senate re- best carry out the pledge to
stirred the r of bus- stop th unjust discrimination.
that ought
w n some that ought to be Insurance
who do not desire to to be required
i i let and the
pledges of D plat-
t- i. who looked funeral like
was being
t. i; rs who vote in th
ire they
t , r the mess.
w i I less and when
th g clerk
doing ace
a certain per
cent in of their earn-
in State, re they
are doing business, and not be
to over nine million
dollars each year out of North
regret that the criminal
had read the were not amended, but i is
motion too for that
conclusion I have one mere
to print I
copies. That was good, it request that I earnestly make,
to by every voter that is your honorable body
in the State, for it shows that take up the question of salaries,
the govern r believes that .-very employees, then,
of be the clerks, then coming up the
kept pref- had
to the employees and
father Mr. Fleming,
advising him of the marriage
that they had gone to Richmond
Morning attended
r, college in Richmond last
year, and it was while there she;
met Dr. Gray and the love
up between them culminated
in marriage.
Near noon Sunday just as Mr.
C D. R pun tree was reaching
from attending the morn-j
service in the Baptist
a youthful couple went to his
home armed with the proper
license and requested him to mar-
Th were Mr. George
of township
of Bethel
tow; shin
h is always
and was not long in
with the r wish
of th Governor
ceremony book at i office, he
off hand made nest
of it. W e hi d finish-
see now they can live do
Honorable The G efficient work what
living increased as it is. I
remarked to th- young
Assembly of North Car now receive. is a
On y . to to deal lastly
n- this class of pub-
This man bought a supply of tobacco with-
out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste
of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering
qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at
less expense than cheap tobacco.
SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this
paper so that every chewer has had an
opportunity U get acquainted with the
facts and know that drugs are not used
to produce the cheering quality found in
famous Piedmont country
tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS what he
ought to chew. Still there ore chewers
who accept other and cheaper tobaccos
that do r give the same pleasure.
Some day they'll get a taste of the real
realize what enjoyment
they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS
long they'll feel like kicking
SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere in
cent cuts, and and cent plugs. Be
sure get the genuine.
fore end of this th He servants who are least
General Ass and a great live at the present rates, and I
deal to be done in am sure the people would approve
to keep the pledges made your action.
of joy lit up bet r- faces that
I as they
re in sight ,
to be Named 4th.
It is now a fact that
I. Moore has tendered his
nation as solicitor of the third
judicial district as is shown in
the correspondence given below.
It is regretted by people
this step,
but the reasons in his let-
are good He is at present
serving his third term as
tor and has made a m- st
Several people going by from officer He has also
in to witness helping to Greenville
by us to the people These things I earnestly lay
party in North Carolina before your honorable body, ask-
through its -m. promised h,, you vigorously push the
unconditionally to do certain matters referred to, to the end
things. that we may go before the people
Called to
We pr a
.; i r all
children in the
We pledged
the cur
of the State and say
kept the faith
News and Observer.
c until all
rent insane
are car d
T To materially and sub-
passenger rat ;
reduce freight rates and rental-
To pass laws as
seemed best so stop unjust die
of railroads against
North Carolina towns in favor of
other p with no greater
natural advantages; Hi.
To enlarge the
of the Corp Commission,
so as to enable them to remedy
many existing evils;
To enact a
F. K Mill and Martha Short.
Wooten and Lydia Du-
M. S. Jenkins and Mary E.
and Katie
during his here, and
counsel and influence in this
, particular will be missed.
The that ha
come to Mr. Moore of stepping
a civil practice
. Judge Guion at New
night at o'clock, Chief of Police Bern, is one that no man could
and two policemen, well let pea i by, an I he w i wise
Buckingham, accepting it. At the same
raiding a blind tiger, were to give s practice the
down by a n Ton Walker, attention required and also faith-
the proprietor of the blind tiger, fully the duties of so-
was in-1 is more than one man
killed. Chief of Police hence he
Gertie was through the j the latter.
head and mortally wounded, and I Mr. Moore's host of friends in
was sh county will always wish him
in the and side. There; well, and there will a cordial
hopes of his greeting here whenever his bus-
I calls him this way. Green-
regret I accept your resignation
as solicitor of the third
district, the same to take effect
March 1907.
I cannot make appointment of
your successor before March 4th,
therefore desire you to hold
the office until March. 9th in
of an emergency.
No official in North Carolina
ha; ever discharged the duties
more faithfully than
you have. You have prosecuted
fearlessly ard wisely, and have
a- the same time protected those
who were not guilty. You de-
serve the commendation of all
for your faithful of i
With kind regards I am,
kinds of all of choice cu
rs in Special attention
Wedding Funeral
Pol plants
and Shade
N. C. Phone
Pitt Superior Court
V. and
Keel. Johnie Keel, Oscar
Ida Keel and H K Keel.
By virtue a decree made by
HOOK, clerk of Superior court
county. In the above entitled
m. Devotional
Eof minutes
work in the
ind and third grades.
Arithmetic in the fourth
grades. Mi s
in the third and
lea, Mis. Etta P.
low I teach
W. H SUe
Supt C W
was so bad at the
last masting that we
you. From the
am will see that
Massey, of Durham,
for us He ha a e
in his
a special friend of
I want to ask every
the county to be pros-
Is meeting, if for no
for my sake There
meeting of the
after the adjourn-
k association
by the officers that
a short while to this
teachers who in-
the contest foe the
for the great-
in school
Kid grounds wilt
land in their names
next Saturday or
debarred from con-
This is made
by the fact that the
will be the last
the teachers during
id the prize will have
at the April meet-
will be mad
next Saturday
W. II.
Supt Schools.
Will Not Appoint to
Three Souther governors and
Mr R. H. editor of
the M are
To be Located in West and b Called
Considerable interest is m in-
in Washington in th
scheme launched in the Pacific
Northwest to form a new Scale
R. L. Johnson,
rum the i
A Beautiful Creature. Powerful, Grace-
Of the many beautiful Contractor, Builder, Tile
in Central ard
to the a of the in
. o . to b called Lincoln, in honor
Southern .
, State president, the
rota , Ai, plan com templates the cutting off twist, their spread and
a discus , , ; a i,
Africa two the larger
and the sable, be swarded
the place. Of these the for-
is a veritable king of the for-
est. The of
the i horn-, their spiral
i and
n. All
. key ,, i . .
Tor a discus .
Idaho and the
almost too small to
a glorious
of Oregon and Washington picture which is
to form the new State, which j by few other denizens of the t.
would thus have an area of about The table makes sec
square miles and a Long, massive, horns, form-
. . i i i ms, in a n
of Its lea I
cities would be Spokane,
and Colfax, Wash.
A I.
of the problem.
position is taken that the of
of the race question at any
Among the gov-
of the South win
stated their objections in brief
telegraphic to a
newspaper, are as
F- Ansel, of
any to the
Acting G John I. Moore,
of request
been made of mo for such
G v R. B. Glenn, North
I think the
unwise and of no
. the
Governor B. B. Comer, of Ala-
will not
appoint delegates ti the
J E. White, of Atlanta,
one of th; of the m we-
following North
Carolinians interested in the
J. W Bailey, Edwin
.- r
perfect semicircle, rise almost
and close together from a
ward in a sweep, they lose their
and Idaho, with the
, , i , to in
named as the capital ; .-u Adi, n a
The of the State involved body, narrow shoulders and
are almost unanimous in the I graceful limbs, a glossy black hide
agreement would shot with russet gold, brilliant
be a good thing, but whether white patches the eyes and
, . . ., . I an id the . color, a
they can bring congress ,,;,.
is complete. Seen t
. and i rs
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
and ;.
Greenville, N.
way of thinking is another mat-
The senate is exceedingly
jealous of its power and it is
likely that greater influences
must be brought to than is
apparent to secure the
permission of the senate to the
formation of the f Lincoln.
From the fertile prairie
W. L
at and R. B.
In a letter to the
nor of Virginia he names four
propositions at the hands of the
Kansas, no longer poor and pop-
but prosperous and in-
to be there
comes a surprising statement
Perhaps k would be surprising
if anything which hippo in
in- native . I m n
tare I
His la
i L
sensible day of
far distant.
in South A
by the w.
to soil land for part
The undersigned w
Yours very Monday, thoU day of March
R- B expose to sale before the
. house in Greenville. N. to the
tract of land to
a of
on a
First The white people of the j Kansas had any longer the
must get together better I to astonish the nation. At all
people of
a bolder,
than at
The whit
the South should
more constructive front
must shift the em-
of our thought con-
ten ion from the to the
Fourth- Therefore we should
originate a. d set forth through
a representative commission a
program, of
our highest conscience and cur
resolute in
with principles
of the Christian
it i and
combinations, and
trusts and combines that illegally
wrongfully oppress the
rights of the people.
were the
made. Have we the
congratulate you on the
passage of the bill enlarging and
supporting our charitable in-
likewise upon the
I hat you will pass a bill
in to passenger rates,
which will great relief. I
informed that bills
John a c
. non.
Moore Pore- weighs about wears
a light hat. has a habitually
Louis Vines and Alice Wig- scowling face and would be
by any-
John Boyd and Sallie
Greene and Annie
premises Morris, ;
The Assembly will Hold
Durham, N. C. Feb. The
next session of the North Caro-
Teacher's Assembly will be
held in Durham, June 11-14.
This is the decision of the
committee to
t. e meeting place. This
committee met in Greensboro
Saturday night, and care-
considering the several in-
. , which were tail before
a warm
desperate character. , , , . , tire situation, decided
him at the time of the is the best place for the
shoot. . was a white man, a he would be glad of any I next session.
stranger the city, who opportunity in which ht The citizens of Durham, the
been apprehended and is now in aid the growth of the tow n and chamber of commerce, the
Etta tie comity jail. The wife o f ,,,. teachers, of e city schools and
Walker has been locked up for of the faculty of Trinity college all
E safekeeping. He is a ginger-1 The between invitations
cake mulatto, about years of him and Governor bear in assembly ard the people of the
five feet eight inches his resignation city pledged sufficient financial
New Bern N C to . the officers of
Hon. R. B. Glenn, governor, that will contain some of
Raleigh, N. C. the most distinguished educators
lecturers in the country.
. , . Superintendent
On account of increase in through whom these invitations
my civil practice demanding my were extended, has received a
time, it has letter from Secretary R. D. W,
for me to tender to you my Connor expressing the thanks
and being In Greenville township.
the lands of H
John Tucker. Ar
Noah Forbes and S Tunstall,
known as the James home
containing one handled and fifty i
more or sale is mar-
This the 5th day
Pays Advertising.
Who pays for the advertising
Before buying your seed oats
Louie S. Forbes and Anna see Johnston.
Dorsey Harris lo
Peyton. , Having before the Superior
clerk of county .-s
I Of the last will and testament of J. M.
A Pie notice is hereby
and of the committee
res,; nation as solicitor the fol. and
third judicial district.
Highsmith, of Bethel. r
killed a pig
to all Indebted to the ea
immediate payment
estate are
notified that they t present the
the carrying out of the, of February that tipped form before the
other are before at pounds gross or this notice will
both of the branches of your Pounds dressed. This is rot the;
Honorable Body. I feel large hog that k
would not be has killed for the last
my duty if I did not again j five years,
earnestly and emphatically ask i The life of this good old man
you to pass a law would be a good one for his race I
reducing freight rates, and right- to follow. He started In ifs
any wrongs committed by I years ago with nothing;
telephone hi cf best
Also, Pitt county, and h's
power to encourage is his bond anywhere he is
advance all legitimate enter- known- B.
Executors of J. M.
offered by the citizens of our city.
I find it is impossible for me Th assembly last year met at
keep up with my practice and
attend to the duties of my confidently expected that even a
without serious injury to my larger number will attend the
health. I beg therefore that you Durham meeting. It is probable
will accept this resignation to that a special will
j e l u i be run i Durham to Norfolk
date from the 4th of March, 1901. to carry the teachers in a body
With assurance of high esteem to the Jamestown exposition.
I beg to remain, This feature of the session will
Yours be a gnu-
L. I.
In reply to the foregoing Gov-
wrote tile
Stray Taken Up,
I have taken up three red
white cows, one unmarked, w
two marked
crop in left car swallow
right Owner can get same
proving property and pay
costs. W. E.
Near Race Track,
Greenville, N.
To sufferers of Kidney, Liver
Bladder Troubles. Other
say a bottle am
it will
your We say
lull free bottle of
and it benefits you,
use SOL until
entitles y
to n bottle at
Only a limited number -f
in away. Don't miss this
v to test
pays for the advertising
The non-advertiser of
. .
i r
e .,
Hon. I.
Your letter received and with
-d a
Kern, N. C.
server hr
s. M. Jones, of
gallery, it shewed
up too, one of tr-s
Steamer It.
Washington except
at II a m for
at Washington.
Connecting at Id
Norfolk By. Co. fol
N- I- all
Vi I. nil West.
, pars order
p. oH
I. t if J
. .-.
i. Agent,
, N.
H. C- i- , y-i j ml
i .
e on
j passenger rate bills
reported the
and the report
prescribing a flat of merchants and other business
cent rate The men Not the advertiser for the
promise between the co.-tis returned to him four fold
house committees. , pr Not the
the bill a special . . o'clock today, for he buys cheaper
I made it a special. from the advertiser and has a
o'clock better assortment and fresher
j may expect to have Who, then
ant matter settled
The long
. the passenger rate
terminate in course. A just proportion of the
j-s of the legislature money ho loses by his lack of
initiative or enterprise finds its
ire of the matter it the printer to cause the
pry senator and , , .,
tentative, and of education and the
p North Carolina, interests of the community.
to adopt the bill. If you have never looked a
committee's re it in tat -u worth
the about If
I keeping the pledges . ,,,
party in the worth of advertising would bring
reduce passenger additional profits, you would
have your advertising free and
be ahead of the game be-
at Estate. sides. The non-advertiser who
Jr., has engaged lost the trade and profits which
Estate business and you gained would then be bear-
sell property on your advertising expenses
He takes a large as adding to your profits,
to call at-
some valuable u , ,,,
We do not. Here March 25th.
here at Mr violinist,
with accompany, will
He is a at Greenville soon.
fine business will use his pet instrument
find Be- j on this tour. Mr. Richardson is
lever was a more, a crank about the tone
real estate in- j his violin and it annoys him to
events, it is asserted that
i s authority from the
legislature of that common-
to engage a press agent
who shall be expected to set be-
fore the people of the effete east
the abounding attractions and
bounteous which
it offers to persons who wish to
improve their condition in life.
For states such a policy
might seem worth Cut
not for Kansas. For that com-
has managed to keep
pretty consistently to the fore in
news chronicles ever since the
early days when strife was
hot over the- issue whether
its should be slave or
free. To go back f a few
short years, who can forget the
fame co on Kansas by
Simpson the the
bearded, and Mary Ellen Lease,
of strident I and the
measured vocabulary How
shall the rise of populism, or the
plagues of and the
cession of droughts which had so
much to do with creating that
form of political belief, be erased
the public mind And
there was Carrie also,
with her little hatchet and her
ant cs which attracted the
of the whole country. Like-
wise do not the rest of as,
in less favored climes,
hear, at the
times and seasons, because their
lands grow such huge crops that
they cannot get men enough to
harvest them And is not the
prosperous condition of the afore-
s lid farmers reflected
in the published accounts which
voraciously relate how their bank
balances are swelling and how
they are beginning to discard the
and of time-hon-
memory for gasoline whiz
cars costing many A
press agent for Kansas, indeed
The idea is
; i i-
and the AI the
pros I in . -opt . i om ;
, I .
the . c t only in
In re the Dutch . i
the African of
y I . no . . to
Here the l
the mill is
cousin, the roan, over r-
and northeastern
The in
few comparatively
in British At-
; -1 i i I . l i
. ides. Fur, ton reed, . i
I-, etc. If
ads, Oil; Suit
i y ii ts
i . . i ii a
. v
. l Ti Key o
George Cigar
ea, i ft. j up,
Meal Coffee,
. Mario Food, Matches
Oranges, .
Nut. O ; D-1 d
Prunes, Kai-
s Glass Chi a War
Wooden ware, cakes
Macaroni, I i
r, New Sewing M i
ill in wand
i p f
When the cold the
Kin a of salve can save
In salve
. in.- to an
and be sure you original
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by
i the
I tone .; If can b
i . i . ii
,. I . i that
k . . i. n .
Jno. L, Wooten.
like the as well at maple
is what . wrote of
. . Syrup. This
co . .,. is free
. . contains
. tar. N
Pure rood Drug I. . Sold by
. ,.
. . j h
. a
. . -Mil Hi U i, for
i three starvation,
. last. On the
. . r hand you you
. . is much i . iii what you
. , take . for
i i digests
II Jno. L. Wooten.
. . Bee i hi
. i i I
or . nos
I that I es and
to. . iii m should used t r. it
;. I i . . . H
. you cat, and coin
. . i . . . conforms to
la; Drug Law.
. L.
and ship stuff at Frank
i . ., .
from the others by no dig.
in scenery or
mate, exactly the contrary
tin. in, tho
in A. Park-
Cd ;
on . .-.
. d, an
the i. ;
us i .
I., i on probation.-
caused by If you eat a
. . j much, or if ; j to
of . you no
causes the stomach to
puff up
This crowds ti rt and
j . v . its g a tho cot of
Dyspepsia Cure
what you cat, I ; i off
and health to
Cure. id I Q
lining tho . .- ;.
if the Stomach.
and around Green-
have another instrument not ex-
good water and
a splendid
a strong building
and a
, improve-
I attract people to
II many of the new
want property.
had so bright a
The early it. To save
Raleigh At Pamlico Ms annoyance and secure the
best results on the tour, he will
carry a special piano,
by himself and his piano
accompanist, Mr. Von
from the large factory at
Baltimore. Mr. W. E. of
the Southern
at Charlotte, will accompany Mr.
for solo
in a Dipper.
Durham, N. C,
this afternoon Thomas Browning,
a young white man attempted
Joseph tho
lawyer and diplomat, said at a law-
lawyers couldn't do better
to be gentler in our
cross examinations. in
cross examination never, never
pays. This is a truth that I
saw proved in ii damage suit. In
this suit o cross examining lawyer
shouted at a witness in
there, in the overalls
How much are you paid for telling
than you the witness
retorted, you'd o in overalls
A celebrated English authority in
a well known work entitled
on Pay-
makes the following won-
Ii is well known
to prodigious sums mom
compound int -i will increase. A
so improved from the ; i
I it is to say,
per cent compound
by haw n
n i than could h i m
in i globes
equal tn the in
and all solid l I.
, a i.
. ,; et-
A you ho h
with tho
suicide by drinking two ounces of polite and
of laud No cause is given
for the deed, He had purchased
the drug from different drug
stores and after pouring the con-
tents of the bottles into a dipper
the A physician
called Late tonight is
aid he will live. He
A-ifs but no children.
s. ii . to discover tho form
for himself found it to
an invitation. The Chicago
News gives the which lie
J. Henry Newton declines
with pleasure Mrs. Raymond's
. . t her
i OR
All persons having claims against the
partnership firm of Coward A Wooten,
which claims wherein existence on the
19th day of January arc
and required to exhibit the same to V.
M. Wooten. the surviving partner.
within twelvemonths from the date of
notice. P. M. WOOTEN.
partner of Coward
This Feb. . 1907.
Neighbors Got Fooled.
was literally myself to
death, and had come to weak to leave
my bed; and n. , predicted that
would never leave it alive; but they got
for thanks be to God, n v as in-
to try Dr. King's New Discovery.
It took just four one dollar homes
completely cure the cough and
me to good sound writes . Ir .
Eva of Stark
Co., Ind. This King of cough and cold
healer of throat and lungs,
Is guaranteed by J. I.
and Si. Trial bottle tree.
-v I . ,
.-.-ally I -la.
. , -i
. .
. Ml
N. Y.
Bi I
I .
at tit in
lira pi
r n
.; SI to
ti tablet, That
i Hun pain
i sell
i In ,.
I i a blood
ii an . Mood
c i a
r. Headache
I It -i pressure
It. red.
i it don. H's ooh
. . You'll
i mail ton
I Practices in State Federal
opportunity t
From the Grave.
A prominent manufacturer, A.
of N. relates a
most remarkable experience. He
less than three bottles of
Electric Hitters. I feel like one rising
from the grave. My troubles is Bright
the Diabetes stage- I
Bitters will cure me
for it has already stopped
liver ind bladder complications
which. troubled for
i. L. Wooten Druggist.
Price only
Harry Skinner, Jr.
II. W.
LAWYERS. Greenville, N. C.
Practices in all court.
1.- K
v.-ll. Long
N. C
Pa Cases only.

M. BLOW, and Authorized Agent.
AH,. i- BUN Kl i-l -1;
and writing n
Watches, clocks and anything
needing attention in my line
will be to in the very
best and latest style C. E.
I g all work
to my care to give entire
-turn. Try me. C. E. Spier.
Sheriff L. W. Tucker, of
,,., . . en ii. o town
during i n week.
i rime, of Maine, who has
i vi Mrs.
. Cook
you t. . aw prices for m
are making
Guilford Cox, . i Greenville is
. relatives.
For fresh and cheap goods go
to EL E. Co., they always
have the best.
W. M s went to and re-
turned from Tarboro Thursday-
Herman Smith hat accepted a
position with J. Turnage
W. E. Hook and wife spent
h e afternoon Tuesday in
Wanted- car loads
Seed for which we will
my highest cash price. Don't
before seeing us Yours to
P- Lilly Co.
A real large crowd attended
the Clansman at
y d l
Go to E E new
market for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh
We are pleased to see Ed Gar-
out on the streets after a
prolonged sickness.
Merchandise Broker-I carry
a full line of Meat, Lard Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
Peter Hines took in the Clans-
man and says it was K. Rut,
he. didn't laugh one
If you need any Paint be sure
and see K. E. Co-
exchange corn
for S or -1 Lean, Healthy Shoats
weighing from to GO pounds-
If preferred I will pay cash mark-
et price for same W. A. Darden,
ltd Ayden, N. C-
or Odd Fellows
went to from
here Wednesday night for the
if organizing a lodge.
J. R. Smith went to Greenville
as a special minister
and grand mogul
extraordinary to bring and
i any Odd Fellows who
night hive strayed or got lost on
their trip i i
The most will be
pleased one of those
Tens at Saul's. Call and
Fountain pens on sale at Saul's
drug b ire at from to
Miss Davis came home
Friday evening from the v
son Christian College in honor of
her birthday and to visit her
She returned to Wilson
Monday evening-
Misses Gussie and Annie Law-
came over from Winter-
ville Friday on their way to
visit their parents in Greene
county. They are attending
the place
misses Anna Belle Kittrell. Sal-
lie Quinnerly and Master
wore in Grifton
from Friday until Monday.
. S. Blount, of
; y Ayden. We
are i Mr. Blount
pate-, moving at an early
. A; i n extend him
family a cordial
by Miss
There was a
at he depot and we are told
s sighs in sight and several
youngsters are still a
I solicit the patronage of the
people of Ayden and community
in everything pertaining to the
jewelry business Give me a
trial C- E Spier.
cons cotton
i in, F Lilly Co
M. M Sauls has the finest and
best supply of Fountain Fens
r brought to Ayden.
Call at t he Drug re and s
core one of excellent
M. Sauls.
size- and reasonable a
ill.- v y best Fountain Pens at
Sauls Drug Store.
We take it from the News and
that the Hon. L I.
Moore will resign at an early
date his position as solicitor of
the third judicial district of North
Carolina, and that four
cants are aspirant- for the
Messrs. C. L. of
Carteret; L. V. Morrill, of
Greene; and J L. Fleming and
W. of Pitt. The Patrick.
first named we know only by
reputation and he bears a good the livery business
a u
CU i
J a prominent
wealthy farmer near Or-
Mr. was
ex-Confederate soldier
was held in very regard
those knew him.
Letha of Farm-
were guests Mrs.
. j. Hemby during the past
Airs. Dinah Jones from near
Farmville, has been visiting
her sister Mrs- J. S. Ross.
Hon. Johnston Nichols
A Norfolk Southern Special
Freeman, Traveling Blind
Tiger, Near Kinston.
Kinston, March -Shortly
midnight this morning a
special train on the Norfolk
Southern, killed Free-
man, white, about two mil a
from Kinston. The train was
running from Goldsboro after
the performance of Clans-
and struck a band car at
a sharp curve just beyond Neuse
river bridge.
Freeman and his son, about
ears old were on the car with a
number of jugs of blockade
whiskey. Every jug of whiskey-
was except one gallon.
Young Freeman jumped from
the car before the train struck it
and was uninjured.
It is thought the elder Free-
man was too intoxicated to real-
the danger. Ho was struck
on the head and both arms and
both legs were The
train returned to Kinston with
the body, which was buried
this afternoon.
Having duly qualified the
court clerk of Pitt county as ad-
of the estate of Samuel
notice is
given to all persons indebted to th-
to make immediate payment to
the undersigned, and all persons having
claims against said estate must present
the for on or I the
5th day of March. or this notice
will be plead in bar of recovery.
This 5th day of March, 1907.
B. T. Cox,
of Samuel Stocks.
of Kilpatrick K con-
duct r g a cotton and insurance business
in the town of Grifton, N. C, has this
day co- by mutual
consent. Joel Patrick withdrawing from
said firm.
Dec. 12th. 1906.
W. H.
Captain and Mate in Position
Twenty-four Hours.
Elizabeth City, N- C, March
4th. A message by wire
here this morning of the
perilous experience of Captain
and Mate of the
schooner Loren , In Pamlico
Will Johnson, a young man
living on George Worthington's
farm near here, died Tuesday
evening about o'clock. Mr.
Johnson was an industrious,
energetic man and held in high
esteem by those who knew him.
He leaves a wife and four small
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say nothing of the
in a class
Ten. Call at Drug
and secure this much
ed article.
Fountain Pens with any and
all i a points for sale at
Drug Store.
First day January. 1907,
no charging at Saul's drug
and after said date is
promiscuously advertised any
and where. But alas as
truthful as we thought the
tor to be, yesterday we caught
him in an act worthy a good
cause. He was charging Jim
Alexander's soda fountain.
I have bought the entire
business of J. W. Taylor
and respectfully solicit the pat-
of the public. C. E.
name as a man fully
for this important office and he
would, if appointed, fill it most
creditably. As to the other three
they are our warm personal
friends; anything that we could
do i o advance the interest of
either would afford us very
much pleasure Mr. Morrill and
Mr Fleming are as we take it
surrounded by circumstances
very favorable to a successful
life in their noble profession.
Endowed with no small financial
means, a practice sufficient to
gratify any young man just on
the of a lofty
and surrounded by friends
who will see to it that the future
holds in store for them grander
things can, we
afford to await, Mr. Whedbee,
blessed too with numerous
friends, a cultivated
mind, honorable, just and con-
yet a poor man.
Struggling hard for a
of himself and family
and for this reason and this
son alone, would like
to sec the honor fall at his
door- Either of the four are
good men. true and tried and
either would make us a
Mrs. F. T. Carr. of Willow
Green, and daughter Mrs. G. W.
Darden. of Farmville, spent
Monday with Mrs Dr. Blount.
Things were certainly lively
with our merchants last
day. nor their clerks hard-
seemed to have time to say
. Ayden is no dull town
are crowds here nearly
every day and they bring money
and they spend it, too. That's
what makes the old mare go. If
you don't believe come and see,
there may be a dollar here for
Don't forget the Phillips Com-
Company in the opera house
here Friday night, 8th inst.
Miss Earle Tucker, of Grifton,
came yesterday to visit Miss Sal-
lie Bet
We would hate mighty bad to
travel from here to Kinston and
back as some folks do without
any visible results.
from to visa Ins
father at this place.
Sidney Carr, of Greene, spent; About noon the
Sunday here. , which is ab fourteen Sons bur-
Sam Frost has been on a and piles regularly between
to Marlboro. Hatteras and Elizabeth City, on
Malone Tucker, from near her way to Elizabeth City en-
spent Saturday night countered a gale, and
with W. E. Patrick sized The captain and his
Frank Patrick, of Greenville, mate in gaining a
has been visiting his uncle, C. L. on the bottom of
overturned craft and lashed
C L. Williams has purchased t with ropes where
of T. W. they remained until last night.
being over twenty-four hours
Sunday in that they were in this perilous
position. They were finally
baby y reached by the captain of a
howling daddies in Ayden. It's boat. A considerable sum
Ed Patrick time. Great of money and some valuable
when will the papers were lost.
T. W. Hart spent
Another of those
By virtue of a power of sale con-
certain exec-
and delivered by Jesse W. Brown
to Randolph hi rs, on the
1st day of January, and duly re-
corded in the office of register of deeds
of Fill county, in Book M Pace
the undersigned, will on Saturday the
6th day of April, expose to pub-
sale before the house door in
Greenville, to the highest bidder, for
cash the following pan-el of land to
The life estate of Jesse W.
Brown in and to that certain tract or
parcel of Situate in Greenville
township. Pitt county and on the
North side of Tar River, adjoining the
lands of Z, w. Brown, M. Brown
estate R. J. May and W. Fleming
and known as the B. V. Brown home
more o
less. The estate to be sold under the
foregoing mortgage on the said 6th
day of April, 1907, is the life estate
if the said Jesse W. Brown.
This day of March.
Randolph Bros.
F. C. Harding, Mortgagee.
r Joseph
Hi. .-
N. C.
Feed and Livery
Nice Conveyances.
rices to suit the
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry No-
Light and Heavy
Prices to suit the
N. J.-.
At the. of Jan.
Loans and discounts .
Furniture and Fixtures 610.59
Hue from hanks an j banker 26,828.51
Cash items
Cold coin 100.00
g v, r coin 5.568.03
Total I
Surplus fund 2,700.00
Undivided profits less expenses 2,414.24
Dividends unpaid 60.00
Deposits subject to check 54,729.99
Cashier's checks outstanding 1,688.28
I It. Smith, Cashier of
ii i- my wt
re . true U
the beat be-
J. K -Ml II,
or oil and f
m , hi- tins
We are that Cam Nobles w
who has been threatened with
appendicitis, is very much better I A mothers patience is at no
Mrs. Carney, of Rocky Mount, time so taxed as when she has to
is her a visit to friends. deal with who la the an-The Phillips Comely Company fortunate possessor of a bad tern-
have an engagement here on the P. One often sees however.
; 8th inst. Tickets at usual that there is a lack of knowledge
prices. Remember the 8th among women as to the
at opera house of Hooks Card- proper way to manage such
Although bad temper does not
rank as a vice, it ultimately
may be as harmful and makes
Loans and Discounts
Really it seems there is no end
to last year's cotton crop in this
section. It is coming on our
market every day. Last week more unhappiness in a home
Cox receive a check than almost any other fault
for more nine hundred Parents, therefore, who have
. o lot him i their children's well-being at
Due from
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Stock paid in
Fund 1,000.00
Undivided profits 2,713.79
and of Deposit 2,537.75
, subject 57,844.55
eh ks ts ding
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
v swear that the statement is true to the best of my-
for a lot sold by him one day.,
After spending several days
away friends in various
sections, Mrs. H. C. Ormond has
North Carolina, I In the Superior Court
Pitt County, Before D. C. Moore,
Sidney and Charles Wooten.
Shade Woolen, Joseph Floyd Wooten
and Herbert Edward Wooten.
The defendant Shade above
named will take notice that an action
entitled as above has been ed
it becomes totally
It should be wrestled with
early, and overcome if possible
As punishment for an outburst
of temper, a holiday or promised
treat should be or the
child should be sent bed. The
young naturally crave for praise
and love, so perhaps the most
effectual and moral way to deal
with this is to inculcate in
the child the dread of going
in the Superior court of Pitt county for, trough life unpopular and dis-
partition and the said defendant Shade
Wooten. will further
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to he-
re me, this day of Feb.
Notary Public.
J. R. DAVIS, Cashier.
notice that
he Is required to appear at the court
house in Pitt county on the 25th day pi
March 1907 and or demur to the
complaint in said action or the plaintiff
apply to the court for the relief
demanded In Mid complaint.
This the 4th of March 1907.
D. Moore.
Clerk Superior Court.
At the close of Jan- 26th,
and discounts
it is quite possible to alter for
the better if he really wishes to
do so-
But before taking measures to
cure a child's ill-temper parents
should endeavor to probe the
matter to the root, and so
the cause of the little one's
to Creditor. irritation. It is so usual for
Having duly qualified before the children ti be happy and light-
Superior court clerk of Pitt county as hearted that is more
often than not the outcome of
ed, notice is hereby to all persons some physical infirmity, and if
indebted to the estate to make . . ,. . , ,
to the undersigned, this be the cause judicial treat-
and all persons having claims a child's body will be
more just than
Furniture Fixtures
Due mil Hanks and
Cold coin,
Silver coin bank
U. S. notes
Capital stock
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
B lit Parable 718.48
Time certificates of
deposit 2.18-1.60
subj. to check
checks out-
Certified Cheeks
S of North Carolina, Pitt,
F. II W Cashier of tho above named solemnly
swear that tho statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief.
said estate are notified to present the
same for payment on the 27th
day of February, 1908, or this
be plead in bar of recovery.
This Feb. 27th.
Willis Dixon,
of E. A. Coward.
R. F. D. No Snow Hill, N. C.
The bill to extend the
limits of Greenville and
amend the charter of the town
passed legislature.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
me, this 2nd day of Feb.
1907. S. T. Carson
Notary Public
H. Cashier
it to
D. Editor and Owner.
P to Fiction.
his appeal was almost
a short time
was nearly raised, so near that
when be announced at the even-
that only of the
the balance
It was a great
i and everybody was
At o'clock in the after-
Have Their
Senator J L. and
for was lacking, Representative J. J. La ;
was quickly house and S. Jones are home
aft-r having
people and c
legislature of
It was Senator
a layman s service was
bald. Ex-Gov. Jarvis led
making a most
talk J. F of
was the
the hour and his sub-
was He said our
had been pointed out
most ; on earth.
g the question,
wealth he said .
not land,
bounds of
lumber re re;
The ac cut shows about scenes and
the r or of the new Jarvis of
in th
All of is finished
man the
Memorial church But one must
enter t the Full
port of this beautiful of
On passing in pf the main en-
the visitor Is first attract-
ed by On three stately arches
resting on strong columns hack
of the chancel. The pulpit re-
is just back of the center
arch, the organ to the rear of
the one tithe right, the
entrance to pastor's study is
under one to the left- The
room is a with
and huge girders, having
a seating capacity of four
The circular pews are of
the best oak of fine finish. The
other woodwork within is native
cypress, brought to a finish
to the oak fine
windows add much to the effect,
especially the very appropriate
designs of the beautiful memo-
rial windows. They all gather
Any in the vestibule of
the front entrance turning to
the left enters tho main body of
the church at the other side from
the and passes
down the inclined to the
chancel along a broad aisle, there
being two main converging Ii
in the tarn
is by the
pr e
consists if one n
of feet
capacity an radiator.;
111-1 square feet of
towards the ft the
but, a turn to the right, brings
one into the Sunday room,
separated from the church by
three lifting doors hanging
on wire cables.
The church is lighted by
tr city,
of brass and nu-
m lights-
A twenty-two nun Ired and
fifty organ has
The ladies parlor is in front of been inst a id every part of
the Sunday school room, and the the building is complete. More
class rooms extend alone the side dollars have
of this large room from the par- ally gone into the church, apart
back to the library. Rack of fr m he lot on which it stands,
this main Sunday room, i A detailed description of the
into which the ladies parlor and carpet, pews, windows, organ
the class rooms by folding altar furniture, etc. would re
the infant room quire too much spice Suffice
and two adjoining rooms for the it to say. Hi it for dignity, solid-
primary and junior classes. intellectual simplicity and
Sunday school apartments are j qualities o e d
well appointed and ample for the find a
Jarvis SI
P Keen in lOOKing
OUt upon such weather. Yet
is God's op- the it
in torrents. It was indeed a express the interest all felt devout heart that did not feel this happy occasion. The pastor
keen disappointment in looking announced the names of
sons received by letter into
is God's op- the membership of the church a
and what a glorious, this first service.
GREAT DAY FOR THE METHODIST joyous clay it proved to be even if Dr. J C. president of
AND GREENVILLE. the weather was bad. Dr College, preached. His
veil said near the close of. was purpose of the
the morning service church, tho medium through
Powerful aid Good Music bright day this for so it was. which God sneaks to he
Subscribe the The first service of the day was j We will not undertake a synopsis,
It had the making of the
weather he would select a differ-
kind from what we had Sun-
day. But God rules the weather,
as He all things else, and
He to make Sunday's
weather such as tested men's
faith and their spirit of devotion.
It I the day for the opening
of the J- Jarvis Memorial
M. E. Church, South, the
new house of worship which
our Methodist friends but recent-
completed- It had been de-
by the congregations of the
other churches to close that day
and all worship together with
their Methodist brethren and
rejoice with them in the com-
of their building, and it
was the wish of every one that
the day would marked with
pretty weather.
But not so- The Sabbath
dawning was as dreary as a day
in -1 the f I
earth ma n came down
tho Sunday school which was to as space will not permit, but it
hold its first session in the was a great sermon, delivered
splendidly appointed rooms of with Dr. usual power and
new church. Of course
weather made it bad for children
to get out, hence the attendance
was smaller than had been hoped
and planned for. But a goodly
number were fact
the attendance was large
enough to dispel any gloomy feel-
that m have found lodge-
in Superintendent
heart and make feel
joyous instead. Every one in
attendance was presented
an appropriate souvenir, a large
card containing handsome
of the church and of ex-
Governor Jarvis in whose honor
the was named.
At the regular morning
vice the minister of the other
churches in town occupied seats
in the pulpit with Pastor Plyler.
I a
After the sermon Dr.
made statements regarding the
new church building and told
why he felt a deep interest in it.
Here, without calling any name,
he paid as bight to ex-Gov.
Jarvis as it seemed man could
utter, referring to his loyalty and
labors for his country- his
his town and his church,
summing up by pointing
to the beautiful edifice
as the crowning achievement of
his life. Following this he saw
there were some and
in connection with the
structure that need to be paid
for, and he was going to ask for
the modest sum of for
this purpose, the subscriptions to
be payable any time during the
he is
the way response was made to
God had s
the earth so th
could not be in-
the price of
is too uncertain to e
fixing former
-a. right here in Pitt
which the owners would
to give to keen
om paying en if. while
were other lards
not be at any price,
is the I rue basis
. wealth, for cur money is in-
worthless and is only
a value by the stamp the
places on it. Not
standing army gives us
.- for that is th joke of
he world, not our navy for
hat is yet in its infancy, but r
wealth is our men. He
portrayed the true, the ideal, the
Christian, the unselfish man in
language at
were beautiful. While spa,.
i of he us, the
in o pay high tribute
Dr. again .-
basis of is sermon
Jesus calling
Him. He said never
nation or a
call was to
When He wanted a
done he found the man .
in calling the individual
i not look at his
his circumstances, but looked
these at the man. He
lake the humblest aid a-
His purpose through
him. A number of notable in-
stances of this were forcibly re-
to. Like the morning
Or. spoke with
fervor and eloquence and closed
with an earnest appeal to men
and women to heed God's call to
them follow Him instead of
wasting their lives in the
of society or in pursuit of
this world
Mr H. H. Freeman, of Wash-
City, was organist at all
I he services, and the singing of
choir was excellent All to-
the day marked an epoch
in Greenville's history, and on
not to be forgotten by the pres-
Mrs. R. M. Watson, of Wilson,
who came i vi- Mr. G S.
Prichard and attend the opening
of J church, de-
the by
Fleming's s color, at of the
second term and he was vi
prominent in the senate
a leading ; art in deb L; and
Lei iv. champion of
it was also ; pr tentative
L sec ti r
use en hip . i
. him a useful m
lie was and
f. live in . fighting
for measures
lo best interest of the
a i-l on a
r he d
R Jones served
h- first term, ard while not
being heard the
ten as men of longer experience
h iv a m useful
in high regard
colleagues as abound
and co. member, being
and firmly for the right.
these gentleman to
their people with a conscious-
of having served them
faithfully. They are entitled to
the of their
s At the morn-
she sang that
in the afternoon
Ended Mrs.
m has a h, melodious
v. moist
in the con
C J.
touching ad-
merchant who will have
spring- goods to sell should be
talking about them through The
Marriage License.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
has issued the following licenses
floor -of- since last
George Elliott and Addie Hales.
Charles Smith and Mamie Les-
Ed Lewis and
Ronny Greene and Bet
Richard Stewart and Nelia
Samuel Short and Addie Dan-
John Julia
David Ellis and Rena Joyner.
Oar young C. S.
wore nothing but smiles
It i;
to jay.
Knoxville op Temperance
Knoxville. Tenn., March
Knoxville, by a majority of near-
votes, decided today that
the saloons must go. Under a
state law granting incorporated
cities the right to say whether
or not they desire saloons an
election was held as an
of sentiment. The result
was a majority of for tern
Six months will be
given the saloons in which to
close Today's election was
featured by memorable scenes.
women and children
ed the streets before the polls
opened and all during the day
women worked at the polling
places, requesting the men to
-1 rotes for
J r
The Methodist church and the el in this house that is the
people of Greenville are in- the church and town
to our distinguished town- With him was a work
lion. Thomas. J. Jarvis. heart-a labor love
, ., , j-1 , i j. spired him to see it brought to
the splendid n . , . ,
completion, and no head was
a picture which is shown more bowed, no heart
on this page. While the j with more grateful thoughts
m ambers of the church and in the public worship in the
Mends have no doubt done their building than his-
part, and nobly so, it was mainly
through his efforts that an
of such beauty and
evolved out of the plan to
build a new church. His gen-
his wise planning, his
close scrutiny of minutest detail
in construction and his financing
In recognition of what Gov.
Jan-is did in making this build-
possible, and his services to
his church to his State, at a
conference of the membership of
the ch to select an
ate name for it, the vote was
unanimous that it be call
Jarvis Memorial M.

Eastern reflector, 8 March 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 08, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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