Eastern reflector, 15 February 1907

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Falkland Township.
amt received of L. W. Tucker, sheriff, tax list
amt refunded to general fund for loan previous
December 3rd, 1905
of audited claims paid by treasurer
paid treasurer's commission
Amt on hand December 2nd, 1906
of audited claims outstanding December 2nd, 1906
Farmville Township.
To amount received of L. W. Tucker, sheriff, tax list
By amt refunded to general fund for loan
to December 3rd,
of audited claims paid by treasurer
paid Treasurer's commissions
Amt on hand December 2nd, 1906
Greenville Township.
To amt received of L. W. Tucker, sheriff, tax list
To amt expenses road fort
from sale of old bridge lumber
By amt refunded to general fund for loan previous
to December m
amt of audited claims paid by
paid Treasurer's commissions
Amount on hand December 2nd, 1906
Amt of audited claims outstanding
To amt received of L. W. Tucker, sheriff, tax list
By amt of audited claims paid by treasurer
paid Treasurer's commissions
Amt on hand December 2nd, 1906
Swift Creek Township.
To amount received of L W. Tucker, sheriff,
59.78 2,689.70
By amount of audited claims paid
paid treasurer's commissions
Amount on hand December 2nd, 1906
Amount on
To amt rec'd of L. W. Tucker, sheriff, tax list
Amt due Samuel T. White, treasury De-
of audited claims paid by treasurer
Treasurer's commissions
Amt on hand December 2nd, 1906
Amount audited claims outstanding
To amount on hand Dec 3rd, 1905
To amt received of L. W. Tucker, sheriff, tax list
By amt of audited claims paid by
paid Treasurer's
Amount due Samuel T. White, treasurer,
To amt received of L. W. Tucker, sheriff, tax list
By amount of audited claims paid by treasurer
By amt paid treasurer's commissions
Amt on hand December 2nd 1906
Amount of audited claims outstanding
North County,
I Richard William, Register of Deeds, in. and
for fiscal year ending December 2nd, 1906.
Given under my hand at Greenville.
This 12th day of December, WILLIAMS,
Register of Deeds-
K HARD, Editor Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction .
VOL. No.
of One of Pitt's
for Jury Reform.
The argument made by Mr.
of Pitt in the
house, yesterday in the debate n
the Parsons bill to give the State
an equal chance with the
In capital cases, was high-
complimented by the
as well as advocates of the
bill. In the course of his
Mr. Laughinghouse, said
in part, and said
bill my earnest and
support, because I consider
it wise legislation, much needed
legislation, and a step in the
right direction towards securing
fairer criminal trials in our courts.
This bill, if it passes will be pro-
of good results in the
more certain conviction f the
guilty and acquittal of the
innocent. For many years I
have been an of this
kind of legislation I have long
ago been convinced that under
our present system of court trials
in capital especially with
reference to the large number
of challenges
lowed defendants and the very
there was any reason for this
provision, the long, ions
ago when a defendant could not
testify in his own behalf it does
not exist now and has not for
ranks. Whether this is because
the are always best fitted to
till our highest positions and
have the highest claims to re-
cognition I have no desire to dis-
cuss, but it does show that the
many years. There is no people bear no prejudice and I Trial
for its continued
It should be stricken out
want to say I share with them in
that generous feeling. Some
our law books and we should my best friends belong
sub what right, sensible I great profession, and on many
and just in its place. Only a few occasions I have gladly given
w ks ago a Superior court judge my best support to some
holding court In lawyer in his am-
my county in his charge to the I for political honors
grand jury called attention to But all lawyers are not alike
this very matter in forcible in character, nor do they practice
stating that it was an the same virtues. There are
reasonable to allow
challenges and on
lint of it the task was quite
difficult, and often an impossible
one to convict guilty men His
charge the time was reported
at some length in the columns of
the Greenville Reflector, an able
excellent newspaper, and wish I
had a copy at hand of that issue
of the paper so I might read to
you Judge Meal's timely words on
this subject.
We can understand of course,
the advantage it is to an
appealing for a defendant
in a capital case to have the use
f peremptory challenges while
scrupulous men in their ranks as
we find s men in other callings
or pursuits of life A lawyer
who is lacking in honor and in-
who res to corrupt
practice to put money into his
pockets, is an evil in any com
His influence as far as
it goes is pernicious and
of all that is good and
That ethical of the
legal profession, lawyers
duty is to his client, b.
accepted with some limitation
In fact it is rejected by many
eminent lawyers who take
position that first duty of
the lawyer is to the State, to
some might think think me hos-
tile to lawyers, I concluded would be well to my. If
el understood
SP vi and I hope
ceded in doing so.
Trial by jury, Mr. Speaker,
has come down to us with the
approval of the centuries.
jury system is the m st
arid vital part of the
machinery, and yet in certain
cases jury trials are
j nothing less than a farce and a
l failure. This is not d to the
system In itself, but there-
suit largely of unfair and
privileges given one
side in selecting a jury as
against . The bill
j before us seeks serious
giving defendant
Greensboro, N. C, Feb.
in that rt- An event of mere , usual ii.-
-t was the wedding of Mr. O.
Leslie Grubbs Miss
White Thursday evening at six
o'clock. marriage took
plaza at the home of bride's
For April Court.
H. Bryant, J. S. Rollins, B. J.
Skinner, J. Gardner, W. L
Wooten, Joseph Lang, James
H. C. Rufus Gal-
Wilkinson, Woodie
y. D. C.
home was artistically de- rated
with Southern smilax, and the
walls were with vines
Banks of smilax covered the
mantels, on which stood
and the Stat
When this i
more likely
jury box who
the evidence
the same numb r
we will be
m m in t
i . i i
but will prop
Forbes, W. s. Fleming, J. J No-
John s, Jr. S. A. Jen-
kins, J. ;. Taylor, C. V. York,
J. B. p. m. Kilpatrick.
i mount, Job
consider and weigh the evidence
r I verdict accord
getting a packed .- will be
greatly lessened, and the
few allowed the State, guilty j the State is restricted to organized society
men to often go of
justice, foul murderers too often
escape from the dutches of tie
law and no forth fore handed
again among the people with
conscious guilt rest upon their
souls. If this bill becomes a
law it will materially strength-
en the proper administration of
our courts, and perpetrators of
capital crimes, whether they be
high born or lowly born, rich or
poor, white or black, will be less
four in selecting a jury; bur when j Hughes, of New York, known as
we know it is unfair and a great and learned lawyer and
and operates as an injury to to be a man of cleat, habits
public interests in making the land high ideals, recently deliver-
conviction of the guilty quite ed a notable address before the
and often impossible, as bar association of the Empire
publicly asserted by a Superior State. In that address he con-
to have juries packed
. in
their behalf notwithstanding the
activities of the shrewdest law-
employed in their defense.
Two years ago as a member of
this house I earnestly sought to
have a bill enacted into law re-
, the number of
challenges allowed defend-
ants charged with capital crime
and r the State and de-
on an equality in that
respect. It passed this house
but failed in the senate or as I
row remember was smothered
to death in the committee. It
failed because of opposition to it
by lawyers in that body I do
not mean to say that all the law-
senators fought it but the
preponderance of influence was
largely that way. I state this
because it is a fact and not that
I question their right to do , as
they choose.
We are sent here, Mr. Speak-
people, to legislate for the pub-
lie good, to pass laws in the
interest of the many and not of
the few. to remedy defects, if
any exist, in. present laws so as
to make them effective and
serve the good purposes for
which they were intended. The
before us contemplates
changes and improvements
whereby fairer court trials may
be had in certain cases. The
of the Kill seem to me to
admit of no controversy and
should receive the hearty
val of every member of the
house. The State and a defend-
ant charged with capital crime-
should have the same and
rights in selecting a jury. Why
a defendant in this day and time
is given peremptory challenges
and the State only is more than I
can when considered in
the light of reason or justice. Why
court judges, and as is known
generally by the public, it is our
duty as to this
unreasonable provision and put
the State and defendant on the
footing. In North I
of this striking
disparity juries are packed for a
defendant the prosecution be-in-.-
powerless to prevent it. On ac-
count of it jurors have been so
selected that it was practically
known what their verdict I
be b fore a witness was even
beard upon the stand. A shame-
it is. and it calls f r
hands, I know
whereof I speak en I say that
packed juries have cleared d
when the evidence
beyond question proved them
be murderers. I know cases
where criminals have been ac-
through the disreputable
and corrupt methods of attorneys.
These are ugly and I re
fer to them with shame that
can be under our criminal
And right here, Mr. Speaker,
is a good opportunity for me to
say that I have sometimes been
misrepresented as well as mis-
understood as respects my
ion of and feeling towards the
legal profession.
I may be considered by some
as perhaps prejudiced against
I may be considered
by some as being perhaps care
less and extreme of speech con
corning lawyers. I want to say I
am not so narrow of mind or
malignant of heart as not to
justly the worth of
an honorable, high minded law-
wherever I find him. I ad-
mire and esteem many true and
noble men of that great
I know such lawyers here
in the legislature. They are val-
members and the state will
be by there services.
That profession furnishes able
men to fill the highest public
positions within the gift of our
people. I believe our delegation
. in congress, the two senators
remarkable the nine congressmen with
one exception, are all
lawyers take re-
which array them against
the public and using
still stronger language he said
that one who in
involves such
ism is a traitor to the interests of
the people and commits
I commend those utterances
They are worthy to be printed in
the largest type and placed in a
golden frame to adorn the walls
of every lawyer's office in this
land. My admiration is great for
any lawyer who holds to correct,
just, and high id and jealous-
follows them in the practice
his profession as well as in
the other activities of life. I am
not mistaken, however, when I
say that some lower the stand-
ard, disregard it entirely, and
with no sense of morality or ob-
ligation to the public, resort to
methods that are corrupt and to
tricks that are dirty to
an end in view. Of such
I have known and have
occasion suggested it expressed
my opinion in no timid or dubious
words. I express my honest
Convictions openly and boldly and
I thank the good Lord for
me that way whether it
pleases everybody or not. Our
courts arc necessarily under the
control of the judges and the
lawyers and a large
rests up in them as to the
record of our State in dealing
with and punishing crime. A
practicing lawyer as a part of
the court be a support to
the judge in applying the law to
the guilty and not prostitute his
talents in any case or under any
circumstances to thwart or de-
feat justice. I hold that any
man, no matter what his
title or profession may be,
who gives his efforts to or
in having a proven
and turned loose
on society, commits not only a
grievous wrong but does that
which makes him an enemy to
society and an encourager and
promoter of crime. I have
somewhat digressed from the
subject pending before the
.-in a
rendered will mire often
conform to the law and the
By the n i n-
bar of peremptory challenges
making it fair and to
both sides, will improve th
personnel of juries and
our courts in the trials of
eases. Our juries should he
composed of intelligent,
men who have a proper C in-
of the responsibilities
and obligations r sting upon
them, men and
sound-hearted can brush
away from the
of capable men of
unbiased judgment who can
distinguish between a fancied
or imaginary doubt and an ac-
reasonable doubt in
at a just conclusion it is
true all this cannot a
sured by passing this bill, .
am convinced that when
equalize tin
R B Sum-
M Wind-
lust before the ceremony
Miss i played a part of
and Miss Sadie
Dick sang very beautifully.
An aisle through which the
I ling party entered w; s
formed of white gauze ribbon.
carried by Cray Bradshaw with
Joe Morton George
with Gena Adams.
and Tom Copeland with Kath-
Denny. All the little folks
re in white
First to enter was the maid of
or, Miss Kate who
wore white crepe de chine en
train, with trimmings of pearl
and lace, carrying bride's
Following her came the bride, in,
a wedding gown of white decision of importance to all
with high satin and of trade mark
veil. She carried a shower awarded Judge
of of the valley and
maiden hair ferns, and entered
U S Spain.
Jurors for March
Firs; week ,,
ham, R it
or. Rowan Cooper, A B Hudson,
EKing, C L Tyson, j Had-
dock, -i B Hudson, R M Elks, J
Second week C A Elks, L
lark. E H Foley. R S Evans,
John S Gaskins, D C Barrow, C
AH tuck. Marcellus Fleming, CT
J R Pippin, J D Flem-
we. Cox. L S
Parker. FA Pat-
rick. E F William, W H Arnold.
Va., Feb, 1907.
with her sister an I dame of
Mrs. Joseph P.
m white crepe de chine, trimmed Co- of
in real lac and earned
Pritchard in the United States
Circuit Court of this district
The question involved was
whether the Allen Brothers To-
I i u.-1 m its
i plug to-
equalize the number of too-p- , ,
challenges, allowing th me
and his best man, color, and slant f ring, but
side.-. -I-Minus, of different as to from
in that direction in the trial of;
capital cases and guilty men
difficult to escape the officiating
the law through was
juries packed in their behalf.
It . ., el deeply the importance of .
tins kind of legislation. I be-
it will have a far reaching
for good. To defeat the
bill would mean to keep upon
the statute books a law that
shows unreasonable partiality,
rank and gross favoritism, to
men charged with capital crime.
I believe in laws applying equal-
with special privileges to
none, in trials under our jury
system. Let the innocent go
free, but let not the guilty es-
cape through the weakness or
partiality of any provision in our
To reduce the commission o
crime it must be promptly and
adequately punished To check
the crime of murder which seems
to have little fear in our state,
murderers must be convicted
and forced to pay the penalty.
When we make the number of
peremptory challenges lair to
both aides, establish an equality
in that the good results
will soon be seen in our courts by
the more certain conviction of
the guilty. By passing this bill
we perform a duty we owe to
every peace-loving, law-abiding
citizen of our State, and I for one
shall always feel proud of the
earnest support I have given to
it on the floor of this house.
wishes, which were
showered upon the young couple,
the wedding gown was changed
for a dark blue traveling suit.
Mr. and Mrs. Grubbs then drove
to the depot and took South-
bound train No. for a trip to
Florida. Upon their return they
will reside in this city.
Mr. Grubbs is the of the
Southern Express Company in
this city He came here about
eighteen months ago and in that
time has made many friends
among the business men of the
city. He has the esteem of the
men him, as well as the
confidence of his company. His.
bride is a beautiful and
young woman, ard is
quite popular the younger
social set- Many handsome
presents were received by then.
Among the
guests H. A.
and N. G. White, of
Mrs. Frank Morton, of New-
Mrs. Daniel Webster, of
Mr. I. M. Minus, of
Raleigh News
The bride is a sister of Mr. H.
A. White, of Greenville. She
has visited here often where she
has a host of friends.
Tobacco Co. of in-.
X C, on its plug
In the t. on motion of
the plaintiff, the R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co., that a restraining
order be issued forbidding the
defendant company from further
imitating its tag, many affidavits
were submitted tending to show
that owing to the similarity of
the tags, the
co, purchased by dealers at a
lower price, was sold to
chewers for
In a decree signed Judge
Pritchard. the Allen Brothers
Tobacco Company is enjoined
from manufacturing, up,
advertising, or offering
for sale plug tobacco bearing a
tog identical with or like the
said tag of the complaint, known
as the tag.
According to this,
can even in
color, shape, or style letter-
th trade mark of another
manufacturer, n though the
wording be entirely different.
During the snow work on the
sewerage system and track lay-
had to
I Dicey Worth-
Alfred Tripp and Elks.
J. T. Pope and Ada E Cast.
J. D. Peed and i Gladys Sow-
Martha Moore.
Joe Wilson and Patsy Ann Cox.
John Robbins and Martha Sta-

D Spot.
IN-ilia n i;. -t spot on
Fin ft i Islet la
i;, u i . . . between
t. . i
. ; i .
r lo the
ks i i n
l .
Kay r i i;
flue, i .
i ;
w. i M. i T
Is ;. i ,
I n ll t . . . ,.;
. .-
fuel. -I
It's a o
I u-1
r . .,.,,., .
n.,.,,.,,,., i .,.,,.,,, . t -en i-i
i Ii .-
lit n
I . i i -h . . i ,.,, .,
there's n n i.
r. to I i t ii.-
rim.-II of till ii no white
l paint
era in
lively n pa hi
the i . .-.,
the i .
I eon lie con-
. i . . I it
e was his fir
reduced i i the I
c ; ill wan a Unit ha
Dot sell. Ill i ex tie
canto to I vain a
money on several I
was i n m h l i sell The funny
part of it was that
couldn't sell a to s t
He Anally realized that he
elect in ideas . . I c
himself strictly to painting picture,
while i attended to the sales. At lust
he got other liners my line. Rod
be actually -a n living
pawnshop Philadelphia
At . . ill i-i
the trial of v. i Hustings when
moot of th . -ed had gathered In
the anteroom I r stalked up am
down the r i i In
way. of
speeches of Pox .-in l Sheridan,
lag not ii about Burke,
this omission mid anxious
for some from the great
authority, last contain himself
no lunger and burst
didn't yon like my
replied Dr.
calmly eying his excited
speech was oppressed with met-
dislocated by parenthesis and
His Shaky Sent.
A small Canadian Into the
room his eldest sister was en-
a masculine caller.
the youth
yarn take
Ta t C sail-
rm smut
Mr sop
and be
.- . a.
A Fairly Big Fish.
Paddy bad been telling the story of a
big pike be caught, too to get into I
the boat, that he bad to ho towed
behind i th e gaff In it. it must be
Then followed
i rue weight I
ii know l know, but i
I t I the bl you
ever e. I
i . he eve
saw. I, Pi i
. i r a
o. I v i -II
a could
this In.-red
is n i
. . . I i .
. the
i. I . .
in, a i
, of mi id
If it least it can be
y to u fair
You Contemplate
if so the
ring to consider is a
lot in a desirable location and you can-
be better in a lot
in, . M,
. i i make any ad i
e .
i . . , nth I
. surpasses for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on easy terms. There
is every indication that property around
A light purse Is a heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER is the seat of nine
tenths of all diseasego to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
Not Quite it
How often you can get a
or screw driver or
Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies, Our
is a TO could desire, and
we see that tool
box does not lack
useful article.
II I or fourth day, v, very
Of Course
You get harness, ft
Greenville is to be higher, and the
you defer buying the lot the h
j p
This properly is located only minute
walk from the business part ox the town.
White and let him explain prices
lien you want Work
order to
Ii M m
H iv . a o i-h.
ll i Mi.- art f i
tier, sweeter,
r No to Fooled.
Hf nit- t n f
may . Nut I know hat
. in
of Dissolution.
Oscar Hooker having
from ii in f i.
Smith Co, composed of U L.
and bad
principle place of business in
the Greenville, N. C,
I the said is hereby dissolved
by mutual I nun and at-
In u the t
. lakes all the t-s
ail Recounts which were
Farmville and S ow ill places
and all persons ow-
firm debts contracted at
said therefore.
please make payment to said
O-car Hooker.
And said L
the notes accounts which
w-To cunt tit Wash-
o paces of
business, all persons owing
said firm d at
said Washington and
pi be
s of
K L h having purchased
the interest of Hooker in
all and mules o by
the firm of L Smith
he It L. will
to run Sale mid
at the same place, and will be
to h the patrons of the
former firm favor him with a
continuance of their patronage.
This the 7th day of January
1907. R. L. h
Having sold to R. L. Smith all
my interest in the hones and
mules owned by the firm of R.
L. Smith and Company, he will
continue to run Sale aid Ex-
change stables at the same old
and I take pleasure in
commending him to the favor
and patronage of the public
This the day of ax
1907. O. Hooker.
D. W.
for i
tin- i. j,.
It only i i, mi
fr I
-i I hi-Ml
Offers advantage j
for reaching the public
And Provisions
j Cotton Bagging and
I Ties always on
In stock. Country
ill Produce Bought and Sold
North Carolina.
. NAt dose of Jan
i drafts
d and fixture ., .
other Stocks, is
rd 10.000,00
Due from B i.- 25.950,62
Gold Coin
and IT S
to t
Cashiers ck
Shortage of Sheriff
Clinton, N. C, Feb. 5.-Fin-
investigation into the
fair of W. defaulting
treasurer of Sampson
and general merchant of
Clinton, shows his shortage with
the county to be larger than was
It now looks Cora and
reach which and Chapman spent m I
hi mercantile j B. Ti
will amount in
I large portion has been w
r- .-, out-
Cox Mill, N. C, Feb 1907. ed into an area equal i
Misses Sadie Can less than half of T.
Hudson Myrtie Stokes spent I. lo
Tuesday night with I i . ,
Cox and Miss
P. ire attend , ., , Mace-
I t Sunday.
Hollie i
Page attended church at Mace- the iron I I
last Sunday. trade of all Europe, aim
on ; ; Sadie
to o
i to
i of the
their reports.
I S. T. W tr as-
board of education,
; and April
re drawn.
. ; of about
Carolina, of
I, O. of tho above bank, .
the . is true to best of
C. S. I .
Subscribed . At;
m . f Fib V. . M Ml
ii. 0-
. i.
At Close of
a. b
I .
no ;
, 16.6
me v in
ran . Sheriff has
himself since filing his
i o a and his
are unknown. His
W. A Mis H. lion
I . . I.
M i
D. C.
i and he n
the tax books and is
. balance i
I on them. The fail.
ill is
ways. There is no
. i treasury to
c ii expenses of the
pay vouchers o the
school teachers.
made to meet
lions and it is hop I
ii J i.
. . . ;
Lillie Car.
Mr- and Mrs. c.
. , .
. .
-i. i. r j
; .
c i .
ii prayer
I i
Miss Am H. S.
. . Cox
their son,
Mrs. St-
o line t-1
. . ii bill and sworn to before
Isl dew, of Jan
. .-.
Correct Attest
it. W. KING,
pressing will pres-
discharged. This in
the worst failure of an
that has ever
. counts.
Come in and examine my
The day when it could be said
that North Carolina has no liter-
ind musicians of the
; has passed. Th
the and at the same time
j has Come an awakening in the
r J worthy of this
musical is Don Rich-
. has won fame as
refusal to allow th legislature
,,. ; , .
h . wall Jack-
J Churches.
Newton . C, h.
haul.- for the return to ii.
i ow my
n .
. f
violinist and a music
Mr. d
Hi e.
The Hardware Man.
a high tree that thing
temperament -the spark of gen-
M When he plays his very
H soul is in his
M a of him. His
H skill and technique are perfect.
but they are to be taken for
his genius shows in his
tone and which
easily recognized.
Mr- Richardson, with
will give a recital at
Greenville soon.
Mrs. Julia Jackson, thonged traffic today. Th
widow of General Thomas J. has been one the most in
of sting
. I . the city,
the of ; H-i .
IN b I m
I a month. In her letter kM by both factions have been
the provision which her State and the
; . k for . if I, an ear
that the amount heap- against the
the relief T
widows of confederate i disPensary faction has been
is. and h
In this day of pension and the opposition f
bing, Mrs. Jackson B r- Beaman
example to those who are j The latter has do
j wonderful powers
in their at so eloquence. The, s
a month. The en very little outside help
rolls arc paddled with Meetings were he'd
in teach m to do
son is a genius the
musical genius
produced. He has
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
Colors, an,
. Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line In the world better man
line. It has behind it a century
for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint
Have Just a car load and
can give you Special Price.
Baker Hart
. , .
It was pleasant to see ex-Gov-
Jarvis in the capitol
day, and doubly so, since it is
guaranteed that he has recovered
from his recent serious illness.
He is here as chairman of the
Greenville delegation that will
present the claims of that pros-
town to the committee
on education this afternoon if it
is decided to establish a normal
school to be located in Eastern
North Carolina. It looked like
old times to see him in the
He has served as speaker
of the house and president of the
senate, and for nearly seven
years has occupied the executive
office He began his services as
member from Tyrrell in the
days following Reconstruction
and the
in these stormy days, and has
since been a leader in the
religious as well as
the political life of the State
Raleigh News and Observer.
Mrs. Cut
The Sans club was de-
entertained by Mrs.
Stewart Carr on Wednesday
afternoon at her lovely new
home on Fifth street. We were
glad to have w us at this
meeting two of our charter
friends Mrs. of Mt
Airy and Miss of
The literary program for the
evening consisted of two very in-
selections read by Miss
Whedbee and also the
life of by Miss Nina
the names of tens of
of well-to-do men and n
who are accepting from t. v-
j eminent as a right what
go to only the destitute and in-
; firm Mrs. Jacks.;. is poor.
; She has no estate to main- j
and t her in her old
age, but she lives a simple life
and maintains the dignity and
self respect of a noble woman.
It was a graceful act on the
part of the legislature of North
Carolina to offer such assistance
to the widow of a southern hero,
but her attitude thereto illus-
those qualities of southern
to which were large-
due the glorious achievements
of the southern armies.
the churches and pray-
were offered for the success
of the prohibition movement.
The majority against the pen-
cotton and a
During 1906 the wealth of the
South increased for
every day of the year, Sundays
included, or a total
The actual increase in
assessed value was
and this was on the average
per cent, of the true value. The
amazing magnitude of this gain
of a day is strikingly
shown by the statement of the
London Express, which, bemoan-
the inability of Great Britain
t keep pace with America's
growth, put the Increase in Great
wealth at a
Contrast the South's increase
Of 17,80 a day Great
Britain's a week and
then think of the future.
Great with
few natural resources, de-
pendent upon the outside world
for nearly all its foodstuffs, for
much of its iron ore, for all of its
of Bord of Commit
Mrs. jlarge
of its
square wiles of coal, of which
All the members of the board
were present at the monthly
meeting on the first Monday.
Sums as follows
were ordered paid from the
For paupers
county home
dent health court costs
witness tickets jury
tickets officers grand
jury court crier convey-
prisoners jail
court house executing
Barrett bridges and
ferries sewerage
publishing annual statement
stationary commit-
tee commissioners
register of deeds general
roads Falkland roads
Greenville roads
county stock law
The sheriff, treasurer and
of health filed their
monthly reports.
The sheriff was granted until
first Monday in May to settle
taxes for 1907.
It was ordered that the sheriff
be paid cents per day for
feeding prisoners in jail.
The superintendent of the
county home was ordered to
have the cemetery there en-
closed with wire fence and to
run a fence between the parts
for whites and
An additional pauper allow-
of was granted Al-
meta Smith for one month.
The hoard entered into a con-
tract in.- K Con-
Company to hire the
bli. d
We pray
rs t i
r ran .
th. m mer . its
iv. yes
. ions fair,
i- who assemble
-bag and the
the cake
v than the rest.
has. . . towed these
Parkers Chapel, Feb. 51907-
There will be regular service
here next Sunday Rev. W. H.
Laughinghouse will preach.
We are having some bad
weather now but we can't expect
to see it good all time.
Mr. Ed Whitehurst has moved
in our neighborhood and we hope
he will like it
W. H Highsmith and J. J.
Whitehurst was in our vicinity
Sunday afternoon.
Fannie E. House and
Bertha L. Johnston spent from
Saturday until Tuesday with
their aunt Mrs. R. R. White-
L. O. Whit, of Oakley
was in our neighborhood Sunday
W. H. and Miss
Minnie Lee House spent Sunday
afternoon with Misses Fannie
and Tripp.
We all are expecting a good
time Friday night and i hope we
wont get
David House and Joule John-
spent Sunday at . S. Dix-
A. K. came front
Rocky Mount this morning.
Hubert Bland has resigned his
position a sawer L.
and Ed Whitehurst has
Hunting for Trouble.
am tinting; for iii the
of . out
pains, or a ease of piles th
Salve wont quick I j
Churl.- Walters,
Co. No use hunting, Mr. it.
Hi .

Entered a second matter Jan. at the post office at
N . C, under Act congress of March
rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to fiction
two-thirds of the students at the
Greensboro normal from
territory near to it, while the
ASTERN NORMAL SCHOOL BILL, have been schools without build- remote sections were denied the
for these schools. He urged j telegraph companies at the mercy The judiciary of the
that the school asked for be es- of unscrupulous and legislature made an unfavorable
showing in forceful persons who would jump at an; on the Dill looking to re-
argument State could not opportunity to get on the form in the jury system by which ,
a better investment. j most frivolous pretext. There the State would not be kept at
Representative W K. Jackson, re already ample laws covering such disadvantage in the matter
of Beaufort county, spoke briefly J liabilities of com- of challenges. This question
in advocacy of the when negligence that the people are getting
and money, but
The matter of establishing a two things are absolutely
normal school at some in to have a school- they are
Eastern North Carolina, a bill to pupils and teachers- By way of
purple now pending in the digression be expressed pleasure
legislature, is of vi to at seeing a suggestion from our
Greenville, this I excellent State superintendent in
among those at work in compulsory
get the school. The commit
tees on education of
senate and h of th General
C education was horn-
His own ideas had under-
a change in this particular-
to think the idea of
advantages of it. therefore the
Eastern school should be
Mr. W. C Rodman, of Wash-
of the precedence
the State has for the passage of
the bill now the
by pointing out the
of two such schools in
the west that exist by State aid.
He spoke of Eastern North Car-
or loss to persons whom they of these days there will be a leg-
serve. Even under the existing that will make the need-
laws such companies are made to reform in the law.
surfer unjustly under the plea
an when there
W. S.
son. of Rocky Mount. Mr. E.
Assembly, held a joint meeting
night to e now looked upon it
bill State had just as
from those towns which desired much right to sty that a
to get the school. id his child to school as
The first speaker was Prof. S.; to pay
L. Sheep, of Elizabeth City, who I to educate the children and
spoke n-ed of train I make them better citizens, and
teachers and the difficulty in he hoped this
ting them to serve the o Is in take that direction
the Eastern section of the
With such condition ii is imp was to
make the educational a school, out thank
that day has passed and the
demand now is for trained teach-
to instruct the children.
gave some figures showing that or otherwise they cause damage and more interested in. and C
O en
A caucus of the
members of our General
decided to have no
at this session looking to the
extension of the
of the constitutional
amendment. That is
The people of the State at the
ballot box adopted the
amendment just as it is
devotion to and ardor for and it should remain just as it is
and just until the people at the ballot box
When a business is so say change it.
dent upon human agencies, as J
telegraph companies are. and There has been introduced a
; every energy being exerted to bill in the legislature to
been no damage nor even
much but the
serves an excuse under the
law of jumping on a corporation
and recovering for imaginary
However, if a
graph company does actually
damage to a person it
should be required to fully com
existing State institutions
that no man desired to take from
any of them, but that the remote
sections of the East should have
an institution in reach
hurry the transmission of mes- age immigration to North Caro-
P I sages, it is but natural that
intentional errors
The bill carries with it an
sometime appropriation of the.
advancement is
He also read letters fr m
prominent t forth
the need an East n
; th it it be e-
I. Pr Sheep s id this
mo . .,, spirit i
the n college
. c such
ii f ; I
the union
make proper educational advance-
with only one normal school
for training teachers He called
a . t of i. States that have
three to nineteen such
schools. County
in Eastern N Carolina are
seriously handicapped in their
work by th inability to get
trained teachers for the sell
I. Gov ,
; ext to address
the e, and was greeted
with applause a arose. e
ho regarded of
th and the proper cave
of the insane as the two greatest
matters c me before the
legislature. Some French writer
said me write the songs of a
nation and I care not who writes
its This be para-
phrased me educate the
children of North Carolina and I
care not makes her
He plead earnestly for the
of the Eastern normal
He pitied the man who
could not look his
section an i fee an interest
in the whole State. He said in
advocating the establishment of
this school it was without a word
of hostility to any institution
already existing. If what
man in North Carolina had been
most useful to the State in the
last ten years, he would
say Charles D.
and if asked what institution
had dona most for the State he
would say without peradventure
that it was the normal and
trial college at Greensboro.
While not assuming to dictate to
or instruct the committee, he
would say that the legislature
could crown itself with glory by
putting at the disposal
, I cur, even though there be Provision that this money is to
Representative of , . , out of the funds of the
made brief performs perfect
remarks in closing the Th e has bill to encourage immigration
before the committee. The claims telegraph operator for twenty L think ft a step in the right,
the normal school were three years, and with a practical out we do not think
, ,,, knowledge of the details of the; that part of it to take the
Every n
for trained men and women, and of being the one important me
before this session of the
the same requirement should
In our was not
asking that
in Eastern
iv united knowledge of the details
t, -l is in position to see out of the funds of the,
. s high order, I , F agricultural department is right.
ii L. i . l. , slice in the measure now pen- , . . . . , . . ,
calls land has distinction r Tb might do if the immigrants
gag. ding n the legislature and to de-Were to be
that, no such measure should i but the mills, the
become a law. and other industries are also to
against not one, . ,,,., .
, . . , There is also another side b by this
J was ., ;. wants
before th committee., y to come in. but it wants
The hop me bill . . . ., . . mechanics and laborers as well.
. ,, some of the being . . , .,.
will receive the favorable report . . , , , . t .,.,. The appropriation should come
and that fund and not
pars it. f T Z Tr , T n
law. In North Carolina bear all the expense of the.
people and for a trained teacher
for every in North Car
These determine
tiny of North Carolina
Emphasizing the train-
for teachers he is the
teacher so is the I. The
past fifteen years has shown
wonderful progress along
lines. In many
ties through the advantages of
rural mails and public libraries
the people in advance of the
teachers that can be obtained for
the schools- The towns are able
to control all of the trained teach-
and they have made pro-
but these teachers cannot
be obtained for the rural
It is a mistake to get
ties to consolidate districts
and erect larger buildings unless
you can give them better teach-
He said he stands for any
movement that means more
trained teachers for the schools.
The best way to get children in
the schools is to put trained
teachers in charge of the schools.
A trained teacher is able to in-
both parents and children
in the schools. There is a most
difference in having a school
open so many months and in ed-
there is quite
a in keeping school
of the institution at Greensboro I teaching school.
and them to go ahead and.
erect a great building a . i-
to Dr. s of
Governor Jarvis said there Raleigh and out the in-
but he think we
have a normal school that will
train the young women to teach
the common school
North Carolina.
W. H. of,
Greenville, next spoke before
the committee. He said he was j The Reflector is not
not here to antagonize any j those who think it right
Union in the State, and not a corporations just because they
word would he utter against I corporations. At the came
one H i stood for the greatest; corporations should bear
number of educational i- just portion of taxation,
i to the great st number of and such as exist for public eon-
j are something like immigration bureau.
I offices. More than three fourths
Wanted Messenger boy,
of these have to
at d in connection with railroad
the and.
Western Union Telegraph office. I
m s
and upon the
for support should be re-
quired to their affairs
so as to conform, safety and con-
of the public. This pa-
per has already its open-
ion as to railroad regulations,
that there should be a reasonable
reduction in both passenger
and freight rates, but
to that end should be fair both
to the public and to the rail-
n tads.
But there is another matter
we wish to speak of now- The
eagerness of some men to strike
at corporations seems to
them to unreasonable extremes
which appear to be taken with-
out due consideration of the con-
sequences, either to the corpora-
effected or the people whom
the corporations serve. Such is
the nature of a bill now pending
in the legislature in regard to
telegraph companies- The bill
provides a penalty for
negligence, or to put it more
plainly to punish a telegraph
company for what might be con-
by a complainant of any
short comings among the thous-
ands of telegraph employees,
regardless of whether the com-
has suffered any dam-
being one and the same person
because the telegraph business
is far too to justify
pendent telegraph offices at such
points. Statistics we have read
show that the average telegraph
receipts at fifty odd of these
joint offices is less than per
month, eighty odd less than
per month and seventy odd less
than per The first
duty of the man in charge of
these offices is to the railroad fur
which he is agent, commercial
telegraphing being a matter he
can only attend to as time from
his other duties permits. If
delay should occur in handling
a telegram under these
stances, and such a law a
in the bill in question
should be in force, the telegraph
company could be penalized
while it would in no way be
responsible for the delay, yet
there would be no penalty rest-
on the railroad employing
the agent to attend to its
This shows plainly that
the telegraph companies could not
afford to take such risk by con-
Owing to the bad weather I
will extend the sale seven
days longer.
offices left in the State.
The contemplated bill is unjust
; and dangerous and ought to be
age whatever in i killed-
n fire of o o
business at these small
points which are Open purely as a quality at quality quality at
matter of ion I f r this season with Winter
II Goods, To make room for want to close out Winter Goods at
only independent offices could be
open at which the receipts are
large enough to pay the expense
of conducting them, there WE have received S hi line of in an,
hardly be a hundred telegraph all colors suitable for whole suits or waists.
PLAID in Black, White, and Ti i. St inches
i Mohairs in Black, White, and T inches wide it
WE have of Wool inches wide at In Black
LIGHT i . and American Prints,
ice are advancing yet and may be
GOOD Bleaching t cents hut will
regular price cents our
in abort
in to nobody
This la a most unjust an u the tails to
reasonable proposition and If
supply of trained teach- enacted in a law would place the
. during sale at
I Gingham r advancing yet, will nil
I during days at cent,
WE hay a of Gingham bought at old price, will
I at old price
,. . , ii formally
than a slap In o r m id.-u last
ALL Winter good will he knifed and I springs re bl
This department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
A. W. Ange left Friday even-
for Jamesville, where he
will spend a lay or two with
relatives and friend .
For gentle ponies,
well broke. G. A- Kittrell.
Winterville, N. C.
Arch Fleming and Julius Ben-
students of W. H. S.
left Friday to spend Sunday at
their respective homes.
The time of the year has
Oats, corn and hay just COMMITTEE FAVORS CANAL,
A W. Ange Co.
Go to the drug i Is. T.
Bra for T W.
Miss Laura Cox, who is teach-
in LaGrange graded school,
came in Saturday morning to
spend a few days at home.
Elder T. N. Manning filled bit
regular appointment at the Fret
Senate Favorably
Senator Sim
Appropriate for
Channel From Pamlico S
Notice to Creditors.
Having before the Superior
court clerk of Pitt county as executor
but will of J. M.
notice is hereby
given to all indebted to the es-
make immediate
the undersigned, and all persons
n claims against said estate are
I that they t the
; on or I for.- the 11th day
of February, 1906, or this notice will
. ad in bar of recover
day of Feb. 1907.
L. A.
w it. s.
virtue of the power of sale eon-
-i I. ed it. Trust
when you farmers are begin-1 Will Baptist church last Sunday.
to think about breaking your
land. Come and the
disk at
Barber Co. They do
excellent work.
The funeral of Jas. Butt, who
died Tuesday, was postponed ,
until Thursday morning at i
o'clock on account of the arrival
of some of his relatives from
Washington. Feb. .; ; A. I. Jack-
. . , ; son and wife Stella Jackson to Wm. H.
importance to North London day of
transpired today while
n the register of deeds
. North Carolina, in
the and harbors commit book i.-h page us, the undersigned
of the Senate was in session. the
court . inn to iii-
committee favorably on Monday the
ported the amendment of noon, three
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co., was tor p. M. an
Joseph Dixon, manager of the I
here Tuesday afternoon.
announce that
Mrs. Polly Smith, who has been
very sick grippe, is
Those who are exposed to the
cold rains and snows need to pro-
y with good
A w. Ange returned Monday
from accompanied by
Mrs. Ange and children who had
been visiting there for sometime.
A. G. Cox and several others
went to Tuesday to load
coals, rubber boots, rubber shoes; some machinery which he
and Get them at
Barber Co.
Miss Mattie of
Ayden. is visiting at the home
of Mayer J. K. Johnson.
We nave band sop
e i.-11 i Bible, we are off.
the at very Ion
B. Rio.
Butt and Lonnie Tripp,
of attended
of J. L. Butt and returned
to their homes Thursday.
The A. G. Cox Co. has
still on hand a full supply of
their Tar Heel Cart wheels.
Send us your order assure
prompt shipments.
Rev. W. E. Cox returned to
Greenville Friday morning after
a stay of several days here.
We are looking for some large
snows yet. lie prepared for it
by securing you a rubber storm
coat, and a pair of rubber boots
or shoes. These protect your
health as well added to your
comfort. A. w. Co., has
them cheap.
We are glad to report Esther
Johnson improving.
Prof G. E. Lineberry returned
from Raleigh evening.
The wise man begins early to
build a reputation at his home
bank. Readily and con-
deposits even though they
be small v establish a record
for him on the banker's books
and in the bankers mind be of
greater value in later years
than all endorsements and
his friends can give
him. Deposit your savings in
the Bank of Winterville.
The school children have been
enjoying the snow yesterday
and today Happy is he that
has plenty of good dry wood
stacked back. Now is the time
to enjoy the royalty of a good
suits of all sizes are
going at cost at B- F. Manning
Winterville High School has
exceedingly fortunate in
securing Congressman W. W.
Kitchin, of to deliver
the literary at the close
of the session May 17th. He is
not only an eloquent speaker but
he is also a fine thinker. A rare
treat in store for all those
who hear him.
The famous dress
shoe for ladies and gentlemen at
B. P. Manning Co-
We are glad to see Miss Meta
Dew, who has been suffering
from rheumatism, out again.
B ill went
Friday owning
purchased. He knows
exactly ho a- to handle machinery
and also to make a success of it
it is installed.
H. A. White, of Greenville,
was here Tuesday looking after
the interest of the oil mill.
Miss Elizabeth Boushall,
teacher in W spent
Tuesday in Greenville visiting the
graded school there.
The Vance Literary society
will celebrate Washington's birth
day by giving a public debate
The query la, Resolved, Thar the
government should own and con-
its railroads and telegraph
W. L. Gay, J. D.
gem, and D. Ii. Jackson will
represent the affirmative. P. C.
Perry, A. W. and R-
T Cox will support the negative.
The boys are working hard on
their speeches and we predict
appropriation of
digging a channel from Pamlico j One tract at a stake at
sound to the ocean, giving
, , , ., . S .,. , lino S. E. 13-l-Z poles, thence N.
foot depth, f his is the third feet to a stake, thence North
section of well-known
I street, with the middle of the
waterway, which S. W feet to the begin-
Small and others have so
long advocated, and this work
will be of immense
to a large section of the
State, whether or not other
dollar is ever appropriated. Of
course the all-important question
now is whether the
will stand in conference.
Senator Barry is minority con-
on the part of the Senate,
and the Arkansas Senator says
he will insist on retaining
the item in the
Also one half interest
certain Intel land in the town of
Grifton, bounded as
at a stake on Pitt -street feet
from corner of Pitt and Queen
with A. L. Ii S. W.
distance of thence S. E, ;
of feet to street,
thence East -Id feet with street
to the beginning.
Also one other tract of land in the
town of at a stake
on Queen . i from comer of
Queen sire, i.; and running N.
W, to a Stake, thence North
B, feel to a stake, thence S.
E, feet to corner
. of J. C.
river and harbor line, thence with . Gaskins line to
as long as
avail anything.
the House committee has been
consistently to this
measure, but Chairman Burton
will certainly have to give way
to Senate conferees in
matters and this maybe one of
The committee also favorably
reported the amendment of Sen-
Simmons, which is designed
to secure survey of the Beaufort
harbor for a 30-foot depth.
Senator Overman went before
the committee and urged the ac-
of amendment
T . trust
Of sale cash.
This the 1st day of February
Cape Fear projects, and a fur-
hearing will be held in a day
or so. when the committee will
make a final disposition of the
matter. This is another meas-
they will fully sustain for
record of the past debates. The
public la cordially to be
Miss Mollie Maynard, who
has her home for the past
year with Mr. and Mrs J. which Chairman Burton, of
has accepted a p at House committee, has never
Thomasville orphanage as head
. matron in the dining depart-
She has many friends
here who regret to see her
leave. We wish her
c s at the orphanage. She left
f r Thomasville this morning
We heartily approve of Mr.
speech on the
present jury system. be-
in giving a prisoner ever
opportunity for a fair and
impartial trial, but we think
that is enough to be asked.
Miss Cox spent last
night at home.
bu. seed oats at F. V.
tons of Timothy hay at F.
V. Johnston's.
Before buying your see- oats
see F. V. Johnston.
You better note what the
sheriff is saying about taxes,
Cost will be added after this call.
pianos because
they best stand the con-
use of students.
Let us show you what
College Presidents say a-
bout it.
When you buy a
you buy from the
maker and save the deal-
other piano stands
our climatic changes like
Send name and address
for proofs, and for spec-
offers while in tempo-
Piano with the
our is badly broken y. i we have on hand a few of
very best patterns that we have season and for the
we sell any pattern or style at a red notion from to ; n it
9.00. J
It will pay you to buy one of our coats though you would
have an opportunity to wear it season. The time to sell
Is short but the season to wear is just at hand. We have three
months yet to wear winter goods but only thirty days to sell ate
these prices. Call to-day, don't wait until your size is gone.
The Department Stores
At Business, Jan. 26th
The A. ti. I a
Dead men are only fit to
it cemeteries. If they are de-
dead, dead all over, we
tenderly lay them away fin the
sleep tomb; but if they are
dead to all the enterprise, out of
the narrow plane of their own
interests and yet persist in walk-
around, moving their dry
bones, calloused hearts and
consciences where real business
is wont to throb and pulse
with vigor, they arc inly like
th i drone bee.-. In the way until
death and
arc stung to
outside the hive
still shipping Hair industry. Twenty
bi to ,,
A. Cox b Co., ha.-, are worth more to th
j ii i a full Car Load of
i i welded cf
, II r h . ts. V e feel sure
interest lo
l us d lei
prices will be
public generally a ran d
thousand of useless material
lies around like rubbish a stream that is
and to turn mills
r. s. Yes, live men bless,
and dead men curse a town.-Ex.
Loans discounts
Furniture and fixtures 980.98
Duo from bunks bankers .
Cash Items 18.00
Gold Coin 6.00
Silver coin
Capital stock
i of
Deposits subject chock
of North Carolina,
Comity of Pitt.
I, L Cashier of the above named bank, do sole.-. iv
swear that the above statement is true to the u-. of my kn
edge and belief. J- L. JACKSON,
Subscribed and sworn to before i
me, this 5th day of j F HARRINGTON,
Notary Public. A. COX,
u f
mo a. old me door
. . . . w, ii .- lino i
S, Etc
thank every r u. the
past year it nay be continued.
It pay you to store and see my stock.
J. B. Johnston
IRISH LINEN at per yard.
from to per yard.
The Waist
. I at to per yard
PREN -i yard
Drop in when Sown tow i And let us show you our elegant
line before it la You em now and have them
male up ready for the sales.
J. R. J. G.

V N C F.
Mr. Has
. Mr
Fall Am. Friend are
Pol ;
the of Aldermen.
n mot in
r Thurs-I
i being
. . .-. o re-
on the
15th of
the ti-1
,. i
. tutu
terr, I
Schnapps Tobacco is ENTIRELY from Flue Cured
Tobacco w the Piedmont Country.
The Imitation Brands Have Schnapps
Quality On the
Hundreds of imitation brands are
on sale look like to-
The outside of the imitation
plugs of tobacco is flue cured
but the inside is J
with . flimsy, heavily sweetened
air curt i tobacco. One chew of
long in two chews of such to-
. an
. . A tie I
bat i .
; i
h i
lie color, size and shape
gs, plugs and package f
brands of tobacco
, . made so much I ;
it they have often been
the b if
ere i Schnapps.
.; .
ml is I k
i which is o
Greenville. Tl.
n d
. d the
has been secured
to the fact that certain
; i an in
lat i . . laws, yet the
trade y c j be i
upon ; these until
it . and now pi
protect u decided. A
great many these imitations arc
to be as as
Schnapps, but is only one gen-
Schnapps, lie sure the letters
on the tag, and i imped on the plug
under th ; II S C-H-N
and then y e -1
son v .
. i
the m Id, icy, ; quality of
the leaf s ; tests prove
that this flue cured i grown
in the unit t region, re-
Ire i and . . sweetening than
ray other and has a wholesome,
-0 effect on
If I you are chewing
don you in e than the mere
h r f . rating, fooling
chew Schnapps tobacco.
is like the chewers
formerly bought costing from
to r . Schnapps s
sold at per pound, in cuts,
strictly ice. and plugs.
. . of G
vis Rufus
. m in a
w into the
s ire of Ra Bros., but
wing a word of
R, F. I TC
, , j
w id a II-
tax year be
. was
X Carolina wants to
same motion I her best fool forward
could .
ti Trip A
years .
then a
from his native
.,.,. ,
Messrs. S. M. Schultz
S. tried
. . Ct . j
the a
. . be- we hi
I . Io. the el
H of the J. L. N CO
.;. . .
in two Deeds
Foreman .
P, flip ,;,.
. hi ; . . wit eh
i- i;. the of
look puKe and Hie .
in Book 0.7 which two
resources and ac- mortgages the
Paul I
th world, Che or
South Carolina I. furred for full t.
for an exhibit
w ; in land ii t have
land in Austria . cast his since
. Ai He landed
in N spent some years
phone and though it had b. . tor and light plant
ii. and those around the
showed I .
and live light
water customers
customers were
for c
in lout, Saturday
a. Jamestown. . . 1907, flu
Charleston Post says it is too be two loin or of la i
decorated with palmettos,
sheaves rice and other
in i-
. . . m
.- , ti. -i
Ki . tori
. and trees
eon Place corner
the past month, characteristic vegetation. South and
The ., Court of
Pitt county hi v day
i upon
of A R, land
having duly to law
a of the
is here given to
home and kindred, and a carriage was sent over to House
. correspondence between
himself and mother, had led
to bring the family to Green-
ville. They spent the at
each to suppose that the Hotel Bertha and next morn-
was dead. Recently through started out right to
the aid of friends they located
other and an exchange of
letters expressed their delight at
knowing that each was living. Mr.
at once decided to visit
his and for that
purpose left Greenville this
He will sail from
New York on the 16th for
men, and from there will go to
Austria. His address while
abroad will be
Austria Europe.
His host of friends in Green-
ville wish him a happy voyage
and safe return He asked
to tell ail good bye for
him, and said he would return in
about two months. It Is hope
to induce his mother to return
with him and make hen home in
Fact to
About acres row
the world's
The left side of face is
ways the i
French is the language that
best over the telephone.
Employees in salt never
gt cholera, scarlet fever, in-
of colds.
um In
roach their destination at Shel-
Ind. Capt Hawks took
charge of them as far as Weldon.
and there saw them properly
transferred. The foreigners
seemed to appreciate falling in
the hands of people down this
who were ready to help
them out of their trouble.
The bell n the Kremlin, at shews up. To be sure, one is
Moscow weighs
It is the world's biggest-
France give per
cent of there incomes to the poor.
This gift averages a
For cents, in the House of
Commons restaurant, a Member
f Parliament gets a chop,
bread and a bottle of ale,
ail of the best quality.
Not too
Though dearly bought
many of us learn that we
are too ready to the
motives of others before we have
just cause. We often think we
have studied human nature so
closely that we can easily inter-
the action or course of others
into something wrong, when the
truth is, we are entirely
in our conclusions. When
do things for which they
ought to be condemned and
sured, we are excusable for con
and censuring; but
en then it is good to place as
good construction as possible on
such acts- In the we may
be mistaken in our conclusions
of disfavor; and if so the lighter
our condemnation of the other
person the less will we have to
regret when the whole matter
not called upon to trust and be-
in those whose reran are
net such as to give us reason for
such trust; but mild judgments
against those whose courses we
do not fully understand are
than too harsh criticism has-
Neck Com-
It was ordered that
cent street lights be at the
corner of Latham and Third
streets and Jarvis and Fourth
streets in West Greenville
The board endorsed a
to have a bill passed
by the General Assembly ex-
Greenville from the fire
waste law-
It was ordered that all surface
privies on the four blocks be-
tween Third and Fifth and
j and Washington streets
be d to make connection
with the sanitary sewerage of
the town on or before May 1st,
1907. any non-compliance being
subject to a fine of for every
day such connection is neglected.
Alderman Carr. having
out of the fourth ward from
he was elected, tendered
his resignation as a member of
the board, and on motion action
on the resignation was deferred
to a future meeting.
Bills were allowed and ordered
paid amounting to
The board adjourned to a
special meeting to be held on
Tuesday night, 12th.
Jamestown to represent the
est pecan grove in the
States. From Charleston's
will come the only MOT TO CREDITORS.
, . ,, duly qualified before the
plants grown in America. Both Superior Court clerk of Pitt county at
Mi. Sheppard and the f of
m. deceased, notice is hereby u
Ta Growing Will all persons indebted to the estate to
on specimens of their plants- payment to the under-
en ed, and all persons having claims
said estate must present the
if Holton, notice
, . m th said
I .-state to present them, duly
for mt, i- undersigned
. before ii, . . , y of January
or this e will be plead in bar
of their recovery. All
tn ere to make
immediate payment to tho undersigned.
This the fat day January, A. U.
Mary Francis Executrix
John It. Spier, executor
of the Last Will d Testament of
Alonzo R. Holton, deceased.
Jarvis Blow, Attorneys,
By virtue of a decree made by D. C.
Moore, of Superior court of
county, in a certain special proceeding
entitled E. J. j. C.
Gowan, and others, The
said will on
Saturday, the 2nd day of March 1907,
expose to sale before the court
house door in to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described
parcel of land to wit; Situate in Con-
township, Pitt county, bounded
on the north the lands of W. B.
Stocks, on the east by the lands
W. Braxton, on the South by the lands
of K. J, Heath, mid on the west by the
lands of James Ross and Marv Ann
Cannon, the same being lots No. y. W.
and the division of the lands of
Martha Moore deceased, containing
acres more or less.
This the 1st day of February
F. C.
Samples of phosphate rock will
go from
North Carolina can show pal-
from Smith's island, moss
and rice from Wilmington, but
it has no pecans to speak of,
and of, tea. it has none. But it
has all sorts of textile
and can show more
ties of home-made furniture
than any State in the Union. It
car show gold, silver, iron, cop-
almost all the known
gems, including one that is
same for payment on or before the 4th
day of January, 1908, or this notice will
be plead in bar of recovery.
This January 4th, 1907.
of S. H. Spain
To sufferers of Kidney, Liver or
Bladder Troubles. Other
say a bottle and if
it cure we will refund
your We say a
full 91.00 size free bottle of
and if it benefits thou
use SOL until
found nowhere else in the world. This adv entitles you
In hard woods it will take the i SOL at
North Carolina puts her best given away. Don't miss this op
foot forward at Jamestown, the to test
world is for the time going
to get an idea of the real great-
of the Old North State.
Charlotte Chronicle.
It is impossible to avoid
accidents in the running of
machinery. This being the case
we continue to have from
time to time trouble with the
street lights. It would be wise,
until we have streets and
side walks, for the town to have
some emergency lamps for the
bad dark places on some of our
Kilpatrick Patrick ton-
ducting a cotton and insurance business
in the town of Grifton, N. has this,
day dissolved co-partnership by mm
consent. Joel Patrick withdrawing from
said firm.
Dee. 12th. 1906.
W. H.
Steamer L.
am fur
dally except
Connecting at Washington
Norfolk for
Norfolk, Baltimore. Philadelphia
New York, and all other
points North. Connects at Nor-
folk will, all point Wost.
Shippers should order
freight via Norfolk, care
Southern By. Co.
Sailing hours subject to change
without notice.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent Green-
ville, N. C.
H C- F
P .
M- W.
North Carolina,
Before D. C. Moore,
Clerk Superior Court.
W. J. Tripp, J. U Brown and wife.
Annie E. Brown and Tobe Tripp,
Herbert Falkner and wife. Susan Falk-
and Bessie Tripp and Sally Tripp.
By virtue of a decree made by D. C.
Moore clerk of the Superior Court of
Pitt county in the foregoing on
the 23rd day of January 1907 the under-
signed commissioner will, on the 22nd
day of February 1907 expose to public
safe at the court house door in
ville to the highest bidder for cash the
following described parcel of land
Situated in township
county of Pitt, beginning in the center
of the Ayden and Greenville public
opposite a ditch thence down said ditch
degrees E chains to a crook of
said ditch; thence again down
ditch N degree W 143-100 chains to
another crook of ditch, near
head thence S 671-2 degrees
passing a pine stump and 58-10
chains to a stake, with pointers in the
back thence with the back
degrees W land 85-100 chains to
large pine stump the corner S of Ben-
Smith thence with said Benjamin
Smith's line W and
to the end of the ditch in Persimmon
branch; thence up the of said
branch to the Ayden and Greenville
public thence with the center of
said road W and 29-160-
a beginning containing and
5-8 aces more or less.
This sale is made for partition.
This the 23rd day of January
F. C. HARDING. Commission.
Stray Takes Up.
I have taken up three red and
white cows, one unmarked, wear-
Brake, two marked smooth
crop in left ear, swallow fork in
right Owner can get same by
proving property and paying
costs. W. E. Nichols,
Near Race Track.
Greenville. N.
furnish horses
. u n,
of tho condition of
l, in State t
at ton close business,
The General Assembly of North
Carolina do
Sec. W. J-
S. Harper and Robert
which shall not less
which shall on not less OF
one pint, and not more than in S I
gallon, and it shall be unlawful G
. . -I . I I K
John Camden
cent bequest to Queen Victoria sup-
any manager or an assistant f- Keel, , u,
other person to Open A consort built present
Robinson, D. j Qr , w
I i K u .
; and any
. Ida K.-
violating the By i,
. I , ii.;. r
I war Keel, -n place among
, , , , . . . vi.-l
and they are hereby appointed a m-,; ,,
dispensary board of commission-
f r the town of Bethe
Pitt county, whose term of of-
shall begin on the fir. t
day of April, one thousand nine
hundred and seven, and eon-
guilty of a mist and
upon conviction lined or
in the in of the
The said
rd shall have power to em
2.504.-8 of the first shall continue and de-
of the second two years- m
of the third three years, and prosecution persons, firms
.-. Its
S. lure c
Premiums hi V. S I .
I .
Due Mal
res .-,
Due trim Stale Hanks a wins
8.745.01 their successors their or viola
m I .-.-. . , ., ,
r ho
Note of other th. board of
with remain- persons to r
in, unexpired term of borrow money and shall j
of do proper
of Bethel in joint session on no, to law to
first Monday in April of each. carry out the true intent this,
625.00 a
.,,. Sec, Provided further that
; in case of resignation or mars shall. ;
otherwise the ,,, and shall turn a
Lawful money
Hank, viz;
notes 7.2
fund wit
Treasurer ca .
i terms sh expire shall be elect- and , ,
the board of com-
or . com
. in
. . .
, . ,, .
. I
; . I
nut- of Pitt
. for .
I con will on
. do.
Lo th
w e-
if I .
. . ,.
. . i . . I ti
, is in-i I
great and was as remarkable
as an of Ho was
ed at Kl college,
., as a ban I
, Inn. At the of
I ; In .
lie me u eon-
Solid lived tie
. . big ii was
i ,
i- to avoid
ill i Ii,
. .-. I
. i t
. , In the M
v . , .
to his I f
. manager or i
Capital .-- ,., ;, ii I i .
mI in-
taxes paid
deposit 7,586.50
chairman .-
.-to call a meeting of by him or them over to the
., above named election board said dispensary board at
anytime, said least once a
be to all vacancy
. era
I Sec. It shall be
all , . . ,
. , r , . before the Monday in each
board of commission-. ,, ,.
month of t he year pay one third
earnings over to the
treasurer the town of Bethel j
to used for public improve-1
meats of said town; and
third of earning shall
paid o. to the general funds of
; ti.
ease of
the dispensary hoard of com
missioners herein named in
, . u ,. of this act meet at
State of North Carolina. , ,
County of once, and
w. electing of its
named bank, do solemnly swear that ., Pitt and one third of
f -.-
ed further that they may elect ,. , ., ,. . , , ,.,
. ,., , use graded school
any one said board in absence
of said chairman to preside at
any meeting.
The Whole Town
at Your Elbow for
Per Day
W. AYCOCK. Cashier
Subscribed an-l in b-fore ma
of Jan., 1907
J. E.
L. W.
Taken Up.,
I have taken up a Jersey
heifer, light red color, about one
year old, in poor condition,
marked swallow fork in each
Owner can get by prov-
property and paying costs.
Jan. H, 1907.
Z. V. Vincent.
R. F. D. No. Greenville, N. C.
t d w
N. C.
Practice in State and
Sec, I, The dispensary
commissioners before entering
up in duties of office shall
make that they will well,
and truly carry out all the pro
visions of this and if it shall
made to that any of
the dispensary commission-
have violated his oath or
en guilty of a malfeasance he
shall be removed, from office by
the judge of Superior court of
the judicial district in which
Pitt county is situated, or the
judge holding the court of the
same, and may upon
find or imprisoned in the dis- j
of the court, it being the
intent of this section to make
any violation of their oath
the said commissioners or and of
or any in of-
Sec. said board
elect of its own dispensary
commissioners treasurer
A Telephone
in your residence
said money to be paid out by i
order of board of education of.
y; provided, further, it;
shall be I . or said treasurer,
of the . to make air
such re to as maybe required
by the of education of Pitt;
county, and pay all moneys
the Bethel graded
school as the board
in nay direct in said
district of Bethel graded school i
Sec. All laws in conflict
with the establishment of this
dispensary as provided in this
act are hereby Pro-
further that this act
not affect or alter either in part .
, , , i. to try Dr. King a New Discovery.
or in whole any or clauses i took just four one dollar bottles t.
.,. , ,
I n
t till
tin . called
I . l II nil II
State I
Th.- man did, Hi I
, ; for I are
at Is t If I
; ., c ;
,,. ; never de i. I i
a case that Is manifestly
you can make
the other
said Lincoln, can set
whole i . I i
make trouble for tin-1 widow and bet
you belongs
v. do
Not If I pay you
for all money you are
was the reply.
Neighbors Fooled.
was t mys to
death, and had become to weak
my bod; and neighbors predicted that , ,
would leave alive; but they got .
fooled, for to ii id, I was in-
I V, Too.
The wooden boards had marked
fl .
rotted off and were raked up In
day when the a
fr 1.1 the O. A. II wall
I II I de
II he -i-
,., foil lb If
. i v h ,
to Captain I m d lo
heaped their II in-
1.1 hr-l r place and d
That afternoon widower,
drifted, with th r -I of rid, to
cemetery. When he saw the
and flowers above II; h the
astonished Swede fell to
of laws that are now on cure cough,
., ., . me in food writes mi.-.
statute hooks no further the ,,; Stark
sale of through by
dispensary in the town of
herein provided for.
This act shall be enforced from
and after its ratification.
Co. Ind. This Kin of c nigh cold
cures, and healer of throat and lunge,
lie guaranteed by J. I. Woo. Drug-
gist. and Trial bottle free.
be exclaimed
taller bane smart too
nil and sum
yoke on pule
fighter -Youth's
hut be lore entering partnership at ,
shall give bond in the sum of and retired
cure in all its and
Hull's Catarrh Cure
I The readers of this paper will be
NOTICE TO CREDITORS. pleased to warn that there i at least
. . , ,. one dreaded disease- that science ha
IN. U. All having claims against the .
t u dispensary, but entering partnership firm of Coward
Contractor, Builder, lie Setter. J . , wherein existence on the
. upon the duties of said he, ,,,, of 1907 are notified
the same to F.
j, i M, the surviving partner,
Tern key job when ever de- not less than one thousand j months from the date of
aired. to the of North this notice. F. M. WOOTEN.
Surviving partner of Coward
payable to the State of North
; Carolina for the faithful perform-
S of hie duties of
in 1866.
dispensary board
Sec, That on the first Mon-
day in April, or as soon there-
j the
If. I W board shall one
K VA- I on one of the
J Bethe
f sale of spirituous, vinous
Cotton and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
This Feb. 1907.
ltd St w
N. C.
Harry Harry Skinner, Jr.
H. W.
LAWYERS. Greenville. N. C.
Practices in all courts.
and malt liquors, and shall elect
and place in charge of said dis-
one manager, and other
assistant managers if deemed
and they may require of
said manager or assistants a
bond in any deemed
Sec, That the said board
of dispensary commissioners shall
purchase all the liquors, and
necessary and proper
for said dispensary.
Sec. That the said
board shall make all rules
and regulations for the
of said dispensary not in
with other provisions of
this act and the law of the Slate.
Sec.,, That no liquor of any
Ruin From the Grave.
A prominent manufacturer, Wit. A.
of N. C, relates a
most remarkable experience. He
taking less than three bottles of
Electric Bitters. I feel like one rising
from the grave. My troubles is Bright's
disease, in the I fully
believe Electric Bitters will cure me
for it has already stopped
the liver and bladder complications
which have troubled me for years.
Guaranteed at J, L. Wooten Druggist.
Price only
I have both these kind for sale at
reasonable prices At my stables shall be sold in said
th court house can be on Sunday or election
found at times a lot of good , ,. before sun -rise or ., P sum
HORSES AND MULES set of any day.
Call and tee them wan further
a good animal. no honor shall be said in
said dispensary except in
en bottles or jugs,
Get Oil suit
and hive it Cleaned and
, pressed. I do all work In
this line promptly add as It
should be done.
I also have a lull of
samples for suits to order
and can save you money
on order me a
Paul Mi trick
Catarrh being
a, constitutional disease, requires a con-
treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucus surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in do-
its work. The proprietors have so
much faith in its curative powers that
that they have offered One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
J. CO., Toledo,
Sold by all Druggist,
Take Hall's Family Pills for
retail Grocer
re Dealer. paid
Fur, Oil Bar-
Kg Bel
Oak Suits
Carriages, Go-
Tables. gates J
and a A
Life Tobacco, Key
cherries, Peaches,
pies, Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Meat Flour, sugar, Coffee, Meat
Strap, Lye Maine Food, Matches
Seed and Hulls,
Seeds, Oranges, ,
wan Tip
cakes and
Macaroni, Meat
Butter. Now sewing mi
Quality a for
see me.
S. M.
Dickens was twenty-seven years
when. In 1880, lie moved from
street to Devonshire terrace. George
lived for some In
Devonshire In this celebrated
I ii. kens wrote no fewer than
ten of his Old
tin Man,
Bottle of and
Cricket OB the and
race was situated at the corner of the
road used to he called
the smallest terrace In
If you are
pet have
Pepsin in El while aB
. ; and no
Dyspepsia Cure
contains ail dire;, e juices that
found in a healthy stomach,
those proportions necessary to
stomach and d a
to and assimilate all foods that may
be eaten. is not a perfect
but it is a tis-
sue building tonic well. cure
Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,
Heartburn, Palpitation of the Heart and
Constipation. You will lie it.
Digests What You Eat
Rests the stomach, rebuilds the
gives firm flesh.
or .--,.
The late Judge Saunders of North
was noted as an but
be had a poor memory to the weight
of the fish he had token. On one
a friend, trying to entrap
Id, Judge, what was the weight
f that big you she
h reined to his
Id. what I V
time e
lit or after
I tag sine to
that mo Y
if hot during
J u t
lunar Is
f resell
their th. noon and
Weak Women
To Hut,. I on
r nut oh war, tn
Om to Ii
Ii. bin
r-m. all
all all
Thu Night m
Work i on ton- and
visor and
visor, and
to For a
Night Cure
Wood's Seeds.
mires on the earth.
searching for lost
JR. are you looking there or
I moat have driven It yard
Bu ,
hit. atone, air.
times distance.
backs u-
i ii tell
En ,;. often line to Ii
u. thin i
disguise. Mr, when
ho of i
. Is the
of V
some b.
Irish Cobbler
Seed Potatoes
moat Early
Read the-t.
from OW
I k foe
We , ill
Seed r
Second Crop
l i
Write prices
BOOK. I Mal it
tree on
t. w.

And What the Law Makers are Doing.
The Senate Committee on
Salaries and Fees Monday re-
ported affirmatively a substitute
As For fresh and cheap goods go bill fixing the salaries of the
ml we take to E. E. Co., they always State officers. The substitute is
BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
. Writing
have the best.
In the bill as introduced in the
present legislature to pay the
who receive moil officers salaries
or job
Wednesday evening in C d
township at the homo of
bride I F. E j.
unit id in marriage Mr. H.
Page, of Ayden. to Mrs.
the the bridal
party drove in c g to the
borne of the in this town
where they will make their
We are displaying a
line of Art Squares end Rugs
Cannon o.
We re very much to learn
of the serious illness of the lit-
of J R. Smith at
his on
i;,, is la king forward
to a i a delightful
time at the entertainment here
next w by the Williams Com-
Co which will open on
Thursday night and continue for
three nights.
If ; i are interested in Cook
fit v . Heaters it will ray
you . . quality and prices
that Cannon Tyson are making
Mrs. I-on Nichols, of Beaver
Dam, has on a visit to
her daughter, W. J. Hem-
Miss Ida G. Edwards came
homo Tuesday after making a
long visit in Kinston.
Wanted- car loads of
Cotton Seed for which we will
pay st cash price. Don't
sell before seeing us. Yours t
. F. Co.
Mrs. W H. has re-
from a visit to friends
in She was
by her sister. Miss Haze-
let who spend several
days in
Fr. taker, of
ton, has been here during the
week vi his sister. Miss
Rube A hi taker, one of the
the graded school.
Go to E E- new
beef, fresh moats,
; and fresh fish.
a f Meat, Lard and Can
Gr buy before giving
me I- rank Lilly Co.
If Mr. F little
bill of pub-
instead of fees, the high and
office of superintended
of public instruction
ignored. Certainly this high
office is worthy of some consider-
at d, too, something might
have been said cone the
offices of coroner and surveyor
Maybe our conception is a little
strained and we failed to read
aright. We are, however, open
to correction from the bureau if
If you need any Paint be sure
and see E. E. i tail Co-
Miss Anna Belle Kittrell spent
from Saturday until Monday
visiting her father in Grifton. t
Freddie the little two and a
half year old daughter of Mr.
R Smith, died Saturday morning
and was bur;
for the bills of Senators Webb
and Turner. The salary of the
governor is fixed at
per annum. The fees are taken
away in m the other State
a flat salary is
scribed for them Their salaries
arc in the bill as
State Treasurer
State, and he shell
receive o other compensation
or fees; the
and in addition thereto he
shah be allowed his actual ex-
in attending to the
business of the Stair,
whenever it is necessary
for him to leave the city of
for that purpose; the State
Auditor. the Insurance
the Super-
of Public Instruction,
Man Long Dead Turns Up.
About years ago a colored
man named Burney left
the Swift Creek section of this
county and went to Florida.
John owned a piece of land on
which there was a debt, and
after he was gone his creditors
took over the land and what per-
effects he left behind.
Time went on and nothing being
heard from John he was sup-
posed to be dead, and a year or
two ago his children started a
suit to recover possession of the
The matter took on a new
phase last week when John
turned up alive and well. Learn-
had been done by his
children to recover the land he
decided to take the matter in
his own hands- He came to
Greenville Monday to consult the
lawyers who had charge of the
suit and had his own name en-
as suitor in place of his
with no allowance for John says he only wrote two
ling expenses; the chair- letters daring thirty two
man of the Corporation and never heard
,. . ion and the other two from his people while gone. He
,. ., members of the Commission recently got the idea in head
air. , ,, , i,.,,
shah each receive a to his home and
in full compensation became. His children be-
their services as members of the small when he went away
Corporation no recognize him on his re-
Smith has another little daughter
quite sick and grave
felt as to her recovery-
An expert physician and a
General, Secretary of State,
Insurance Commissioner and
officers therein referred to,
shall collect the lies which
come into their hands and which
may be authorized by law. and
turn over the same to the State
Treasurer to be deposited by the
Treasurer in the General State
There were a number of new
local bills and much work done
in clearing the calendar of old
Moseley Bros., have moved
into the room of the K Hector
building recently vacated by
Best. They are fit-
up a nice office.
Timothy hay. per Ion, at
F. V. Johnston's.
family have the sympathy of our
whole community. He has lost
two children within the past two
We handle Goldman's Shoos
for women, misses and children.
Every under a
tee. On and Clothing
Cannon Tyson can please you
in quality and price.
The recent snow has afforded
much . for o
people in the way of
and snow balling
Mrs. W. H. enter
friends last Friday-
even at an ice cream supper.
John A. has been
pointed rural mail carrier from
this point in place of J. B Pat-
rick, resigned, C Williams
is substitute.
Spirits during the past week
have been of an exhilarating
in our town, but just the
atmosphere has cooled down.
The William.- Comedy Company, fading without vote in j A
but at the Thigpen A
, , . i H Keel Johnie Keel, Oscar Keel,
senators took its place on
the calendar its third and By virtue made by I
A full line of Boys lathing. Dry Goos and
Everything for the house and term. I make
of to order.
J J. ES-
At the of business Jan.
and discounts
Over rafts 167.61
Furniture and Fixtures
from banks and bankers
ash items
Silver coin 5.568.03
Nat. bk notes other 8,671.00
Surplus fund
profits 2,414.2
20,828.51 unpaid
subject to check
For all kinds of feed stuff at
lowest prices see F. V. Johnston.
Mike and Frank
of Geneva, N. Y., have located
here to c induct a merchant tall-
The house also had a busy day faring
in clearing the calendar of bills.; of the
bills was up toward
after a spirited discussion passed drying the streets
i. bier's checks outstanding
. 13,500.00
if tile
is cu
second and third readings.
There were no new bills of gen-
importance introduced
several of a l nature
The house Tuesday passed the
Bickett bill to provide for the
I of the mental defectives of
the State, it was sent to
and passed its second . E G
But a short while is left in
which to pay your taxes for 1906.
S e the rave costs.
In Superior Court
Id be enacted into
a k. . v please tell
us Id
t. one throughout
the i . There are pub-
in township
that would easily require
m rant, and there are
in the good old
. of Pitt, Divide up the
am as proposed by Mr.
Fl bill, how far and how
mu d all sections be ten-
Certainly Mr Fleming
pi all alike, surely
be no pets to favor.
Th ; I it as a whole the bill
i the town of
O is working for as
w ii great re-
the passage of such a
m We favor good roads
am . favor taxation for the
PU all Sections
i treated alike, but this
on system we have always
d I and shall condemn so
as we know and consistently
cat reflecting on any-
believe Mr- Fleming
is but believe if he will
r he . will realize
I for the benefit of the
onto road system of
bi is an absurdity and
can . redound to the benefit
of a few.
We fail to see how any such
idea as the can be ob-
from reading the bill as
Thursday, Friday and
is the talk of town. The
company comes highly
Major Smith is at home on a
visit to his p.
W. ii. Harrington, of Green-
ville was a pleasant caller at our
-M- Jenkins, of Washington,
was here Monday on business.
A. B. Forrest and family re-
turned Saturday from a visit to
relatives in Goldsboro.
Mis; Mary Cecilia Rowe, a
trained nurse from the S. R.
Fowle hospital at Washington.
is here in attendance upon the
little sick child of J. R Smith.
W G. Smith had a house
Saturday night, all
three of his then came to see
him. Tl e the little bed,
the baby's crib and even the
cradle were In demand.
the extension table for break-
fast was run the house,
or whether they a hand
around affair we have not
learned, but this we Jo know, it
was a good set of folks ass m-
bled there, for there are none
better among us.
final reading today, The bill
, . ates the Hospital Com-
i to consist of five
who shall appointed by
the Governor. The Commission
is directed to make additional
provision for the care of the
mental defectives of North Caro-
and their duties are
scribed in the bill. Five hurt-
.,. d thousand dollars are
to carry out the
ions of this act. for which not
more than shall be avail-
able for the year ending
1307, and a like amount
is made available on the same
date annually until November
1910. If in any one of these
years the revenues of the State,
n ii other wise appropriated,
not be sufficient to met t
made in this
a it, then the State Treasurer is
authorized to borrow enough
money to make out the deficiency,
and he is authorized to provide
for the payment out of the rev-
of j ear.
Among the new bills in th;
senate was one by Senator
Fleming to allow sheriff's a fee
for seizing illicit distilleries.
A larger number of bills were
ratified than on any previous
In the house Representative
Whitley introduced a to pro-
for good roads in William
township, Martin county.
There are also a bill by
Representative to pro-
additional pension for ex-
Moore. cleric of Superior court of Pitt
county, in the above entitled special
pr to sell land for partition,
undersigned will on
Monday, the is of March 1907,
, . to public sale before the court
, ,;., a N. C. to the huh-
e-t bidder for cash, the following de-
tract of land to Lying
., in township, J m
county, adjoining the lands l f
L O Arthur.
Noah Forbes and J S Tunstall, and
as the James home place
containing one hundred and fly acres
or This sale i made for
P This the 5th day of
Julius Brown, Commissioner.
Dr Joseph
Brick Block, Baal Railroad
N. C.
Shake in Virginia.
Charlottesville, Va., Feb. II.
An earthquake of considerable
violence was felt throughout this
section at o'clock this morn-
In Charlottesville dishes
were rattled at the breakfast
tables. The shock was recorded
at the University of Virginia by
Reed, assistant to Confederate soldiers
Prof. legs; and by
the Leander j Pitt to prohibit the giving
The tremor lasted about I of liens on crops grown on
twenty seconds. f another.
rs v
Sales Feed and Livery
Nice Conveyances.
Prices to suit the time.
the of my Look led ind be
J, R.
, If.
Notary Directer
Overdrafts Secured
Furniture and
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Stock paid Fund
348.59 Undivided profits
of Deposit 2,537.75
subject 57,84-1.55
Cashiers 12-1.25
479.46 74,220.34
State of North Carolina, q,
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of bank, do solemn-
swear that the statement is true to the of my
knowledge and belief. J. R. DAVId, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this day of Feb.
Notary Public.
W. U,
l R. L. DAVIS,
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods, No-
Light and Heavy
suit the times.
Tripp Hart Co
At the close of business Jan- 26th, 1907-
and discounts 5,300.00
from Banks
Gold coin,
Silver rain bank
other U. S. notes
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
Time of
deposit 2.184,60
Deposits subj. to chock
cheeks out-
standing 960.25
of North Carolina, Pitt,
I. W. H Cashier of the above named
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
W. H.
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 2nd day of Feb.
D. J. Editor and Own. r.
in P i ice Fie
VOL. No.
the Atlantic North Carolina
railroad, though if they had
waited four month, the
. would have been in
Exposition .- been con
This was the last of tin
, railroads to be
j bill ,. because last
. profitable. One o.
; acts of that syndicate
be throttled in the
fighter who
stands and keeps
During the recent debate in the
House he devoted his speech
the most part to
th cry of poverty
as a some
Ti e
figures he quotes ;. to show
enormous gifts which
roads have from the
people and the methods which
have followed for the ; 1-
poi-e of deception as to real
worth and earning
Sena-e, . rates in violation of
the st the lease
. ; not be done.
In round numbers the State
taxes were two and s half
lion, county taxes
half million, the
. s were one and a half mil-
i, . a total of eight million
of The railroads last
year, North Carolina
and North Carolina pro
through rate business, re
over eight million dollars
net profits over and all
is, and over and
above per c int the
L which they testified in
To r ad
history is to
gain a better knowledge of the
real condition.- underlying
reason and pointing the justice
of the demand s
said in
The report cf the Southern
court was the true value of
property, and this without
out the one hundred thous-
and dollars and other exorbitant
salaries and the money for
lobbying, and the control
ownership of new.-papers and
other illegal expenses
ion Cm- Thus, we are wrongfully taxed
mission shows that the North
Carolina Railroad pays its lessees
over one million dollars overall
operating expenses, including
taxes, this upon their own show-
Decision of the United
States Supreme Court, n
vs. Chicago Railroad, C S.
Reports, holds if the
Legislature rates that will
enable railroad to earn four per
cent, on th s value of the
property, after purging out f
without representation by th
New York syndicate more money
annually th in the p lay up-
on themselves for State, county,
city and school purposes h
must be that the one
hundred thousand salary
to a railroad president is as truly
collected directly and absolutely
out of the people as is the salary
of the Governor and Judges.
Notwithstanding this i
tribute illegally
Pitts Feb. -The most
witnessed to this
. I a today
; a blizzard several p ah
of thunder heard and a flash
if lightning came from tin
i, can ling a I
complication of col
and I n
pi sons.
Professor John A. Bra hear,
of the Alleghany Observatory,
ho through
Press th dis-
of the ate t
sunspots ever called to at-
of the
when seen regarding
The disturbance today was
the m remarkable
known. In view of the gig
sunspot, expected an electric
disturbance today. I
. I -1 would ti Is
the form of the aurora I
that and
communication would be
y affected
the disturbance was
.,.,. j
who served it- do n
to be
. c
. . in h of
town, are be
y will an ear
of n s sing
Dixon, Jr's.
us play. .fortune the t of
sonic I pie hi
rod a date for .
.- y p of this .
. express, d desire to
and the opera
all e
m with any present-
the play, only to I ; I
bad been made r
. v it attended Mr. Dixon's play
rial car . t e
t, fearing from I
Id., and
. . of a play
. . to our
a-id i
high grade A l
i a two I
and hi pipes every; mi
. ., i. t .
. ; i rs
I in of ac-
the I
.-. i
. the
Is in, to I ave
.-- r
m I id I a r
n n I u
. m. i;
house manager wan in .- r
and learning by ; , pr K . poaching th
that the business manager am ;. The
.; J . and
I the t , i in, . ,;. , ; . ,
. aH Green. , . ; WM . and
hid been disarranged, at on ville join in them. the indolent, those
a an interview with hi . ; ,.,;, or cam
. Operating exposes, extravagant of us, they will not
salaries and illegal expenditures, sufficient trackage, cars
the courts cannot interfere.
This lease of the North
which cost the loss B
nothing. is now earning
one million dollars which is
four per cent, on twenty-five
million net profits, which
State ha practically donated to
them and which, With the in-
creasing population and business
will steadily grow far beyond
that figure, unless we
people by down freights
The State of North Carolina
originally a majority
the W. W. and It. and
Raleigh Augusta, and Caro-
Railroad and Western N
Carolina Railroad and the A.
State proper-
In an evil it was in-
lobbyists to part with
its ownership of the W. .,
and the northern syndicate
bought it. today
six per cent interest m
times what -the stock cm
them. By an inducement given
the Republican president of tie
North Carolina Railroad that
property was lease I and the
lessees thereof are in the y
t practically a donation
from the State of twenty-five
million Another
procured at a a
in ex than re for State bonds,
the stock the Raleigh
ton Railroad an Raleigh Au-
and Immediately watered
the stock six fold. They bought
out the We tern Carolina
to freight prompt-
to keep their schedule or t
refrain from killing both pas-
and employees. They
act upon the maxim, i
cheaper to kill men and pay to
the them than it is to buy equip
thus, the railroads
State arc run, not for th;
accommodation and
the public who chartered
them, but to furnish I
dividends to the I
syndicates who by hook and
crook have acquired them.
are impoverishing the State by
the enormous sum car-
out of it and preventing our
proper development
rates upon traffic and travel.
and no loss by the agreement
mo themselves, not to invade
each oilier-.-, territory by build-
new railroads. They have
., parceled om the owner-
ship of our good State among
into spheres of in-
News and Ob-
want t sponsor f r an;
illy, however
it was very
the low temperature at
noon today the great
which is mil a
a miles wide, co
e an an a of about 3,540.000
a. miles, was direct
earth. The is
active. Taking these facts
e ii i not bard
one to stretch their
a connect e cause of
disturbance with the sunspot.
Then again there is a white line.
a ; miles long running
through the spot, and in
f this white line is
co today,
additional phenomena which
in Allegheny the ; 11-
d an n
view of so
Greenville. Th re w
lb lieu overcome of
a long jump from Nov. reason the day of Jan.
News. Va., to Greenville, it pleased God, our Supreme
Grand Mast r, to call from
a was seen to g
by train and ti
was . closing of a a
u here on th
Lodge No. F.
. A. our b I and
bi-o h A. Coward I
This is a big g to fr m labor, and as
gt such a famous play as
C. aim it is going to
the readiness of the
this section to have attractions
of I i- co
ville- It costs no small sum to
Clansman here,
big promises were
people of Greenville o 1-
and The ;
they are going to
their appreciation in tin
house man
. . I R
is n-t
The grand jury at Clinton
, investigating the financial
.- of Sampson county n
the bills of indictment
. A. W. former
sheriff of the county,
iv made an
. for embezzlement of State
and county funds and
I amount O or
Is . ill. were also found
. V. A. T.
railroad less than four thous- j. r or
and dollars per mile and
lately bonded and stocked it for
per mile, on which the
people of that have to pay
freights and fares high enough
to pay dividend and interest
They simply swallowed
turning over
the tax without
settlement for the previous year,
and for failure to require him
to give school fund It, all
against J. It- W. J
Faircloth and C- E. on, th
, .
Una Central. Not long since a present board of,
. s;,. ,.
Company, d the lease of
Will was in town
. i. might have
He loitering in
.,.,, ,.; the when
along shambled a man whore-
ore sidewalk room than
absolutely needful for
ins. Being at-
by the sanctimonious
.-. that will takes along
the man baked, scanned
.,. aver from I.
id to crown and meekly In-
,., are you a preacher
. have that honor,
., hi . without wrinkling
you mind telling n-
,,. you
not, am a
Seeming at his
i the no b
. ;. b Will could re-
cover ii turned am again
n him
Preacher, he an as
meekly, as before.
is in your
in Greenville.
we lots of bad folks here and I
am on.- of the sinners
among them. Would you
for , ,
Before Will could make reply
to this confusing appeal
Brown leaned against build-
., quietly shaking under
not allow
The w ; will
. law to prices f
seats and when the sale will
begin, the arrival of th
being awaited for this bi
determined. Every-
body who can should witness
The and we do n l
there will be a vacant
seat in house the
of its appearance.
. his m-
i y and of friends
the loss, j cl
ii w in humble to e
divine will of Hi a who ;
well. Therefore, be
1st. That Greenville
his a true and faithful
IV as
. duties
j . That a
in l Asylum .
, r ard y
r , . red the mos r-
. -v. r in. a v
w 1-1
i a on our
or ; . bi sacred to
ti I
; a, ti ma bi bed thereon.
a c to the
family, m to the Or-
land Eli r
for .
E. E. Griffin, .
II do j the
people . South-
as presented in
. a. play
his b . heartily
it, and b i
to it,
v.- kindly the Id
.; ; i BO i id Or c
. . felt the
of th . rs of wrong, the
. of I e Ku Klux K .
play j- call d to
th I and . ill a
h y heart with the
that en r n t
.- of our people, I I
ti as last
. count y one .
the play i- u ; ; South and I b
. . rec iv d
thinking p p
ill appear in J
op e
it will
Mrs. Mary Saith Dead.
Mrs. Mary Smith, aged
years, died in
morning at o'clock.
was one of the noblest women
North has ever
and has exert, d at great
influence through Pitt and
rounding counties. A sketch
her life will be later
The take place Ti 1-
service wing
held at the Episcopal
Be Harris .
C. B. . a d.
. n . man
hi Ian . I Mr. J.
C. . r, B I, in
trading told
i,. May. one of the clerks, that
he years old, had be n
Register of Di B. Williams
. issued the I .
ii. and Laura
Jefferson and Li II.
;. Janie Bell.
W. D. Ad . I
j lie Smith.
i ,
Augustus and Jen-
; and Phyllis Rog-
Jacks . n Maggie
. . . .-
1- Mr.
earth to ti. I v.-. Id.
Mrs. , who a
, I
., Nov. . I
. us four .
. r being
i. I.
. . . . ;
Nana Br and I B.
. ;
. um . of I
ii son in her
.,,. was . .
the in i I m h at
u r was
that . exempts
filled with odd
a e . to
. and
i re was
The . r.
. ail n at
. ,;.
. . .-.,.
. o'clock
e ., r
on. A large
wed the
re .- their last resting
Che I were
Z. Boom and Harp Messrs. tor, D, B.
House, L. A.
Randolph, ii- C. J, L.
Little, P. M. II. A.
White, D. L James, W. E.
Flat and B
I . j jg-J r, j. Cobb an J D. C.
are living. The old man may birthday, M
stretching, but if his United .
J -r for

Eastern reflector, 15 February 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 15, 1907
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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