Eastern reflector, 1 February 1907

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The festive
Mothers who give children
Laxative Syrup j
it. like it the i
taste is so pleasant. Contains hone I op is a queer
and tar. It laxative marsupial with a tail,
cough syrup and is unrivaled for the re-. i., i.,. . ,
lief of croup. Drives the cold out but he Was a new
the bowels. Conforms to the role and was
Pure Food and Law. Sold j e tr i m
Jno. L. K. Kendall's sow In
Sh The sow had a
-p. , . . ., . but the number one
The camel must be all right . . . w
wise nature wouldn't have back diminished every night my
One morning Mr- Ken-
who lives in the main pan
ed him up.
Croup can positively be stopped m Shelby, found one Dig
mutes. No , K
devoured, but he could not
first solve the mystery. One
morning one pig was in the
apart from its mother, then he
searched and found
in the stable the
which had
en or distress your child. A sweet
pleasant sale Syrup Ur.
Croup Cure, noes the
and it quickly. Dr.
lure is croup alone, remember
docs not claim to a ailments
It's for croup, that's all, Sold I y
Bryan's Store.
To stop a cold with i I
safer than to let it run and cure it after
wards. Taken at the
will head all colds and
Grippe and perhaps save from
Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Prevent .
are toothsome cold cure tablet.
in cent and cent boxes. If
you are chilly, if yon begin to sneeze.
try hey Will surely check
the and please you. Sold by
Bryan's Drugstore
and Children's
Cloaks. Raincoats and Furs
stylish and
Variety is
I OF ;
and Plaids
fsee our
Plain White and
10.4,11.4,12.4 Size
ant burs
Elegant Furs of
Mink, etc.
Kate Outdoor life is Rood for
nervous people. It occupies o
mind pleasantly. s
Rocky Mountain Tea, cheers th
heart and makes life worth
cents, Tea or Tablets.
under a log
thief, a big opossum,
devoured nine pigs. The
sum was killed and he had
When the cold winds dry and tH
the skin a box of salve can save
In buying salve look for
the avoid any
be sure v ., gel the original
v Witt's Witch i Salve. Sold by
Jno. L.
up the Complexion,
tr and tone the sit int. can best
a dose or two c
Early Risers. Sale little
a The a
i knows, by
Jno. I.
like as well as maple
is one mother wrote of
Laxative Cough Syrup. This
modem cough syrup is free
from;. or narcotics, contains
Honey Tar. Conform to the National
Pure Food and Drug; Law. Sold by
Jno. I. Woo ten.
Its wonderful power goes .
the seat of your trouble, vitalizes
strengthens every part of y Tribe
body. hat's what Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea does.
cents. Tea or Tables.
Drug Store-
Doe. Coffee disagree with you Prob-
ably it does Then try Dr
Health Coffee. Health Coffee is a
Of cereals and
nuts. Not a of real coffee, re
member in Dr. Health
yet flavor matches closely old
add Mocha coffee, your stomach
heart or kidneys can't coffee
drinking, try Health Coffee, is
nourishing and
It's even for the child
by T. B. go
Mr. E. A. Coward a member
of the drug firm of Coward
Wooten, at this place, died at
o'clock Saturday evening at
the home of his sister, Mrs.
Dixon, near in
Greene county. Mr. Coward had
been in poor health for some
time, and a few weeks ago
s went to the home of his sister.
He was a member of
of Red Men, of
Greenville, and was buried Sun-
day afternoon with the honors of
that order He was also a
of the Masonic fraternity and
was held in high esteem not only
by the fraternities to which
belonged but by all our people.
V who is subject to at-
tacks fr m suffers from a
morbid . reed of iii- treatment for
s starvation,
and one-fourth and toast. On the
hand you can eat as you please
digest the by the of a good
thus giving stomach
equally as much Test. Bat what you
please a little for
after your meals. It digests
what you by Jno. I,. Wooten.
mm Li
Truth in Preference f a
Makers Are Doing,
year passed third reading
was amended so as to
that in districts where the
collected fall short of the salary
In the Senate Thursday
was animated discussion on the i the solicitor is to get only the
bill of Senator Buxton which is of the fee.
Food don
lacks one of the essential
digestive juices are i
Then, too,
It's to tell our readers
about a Cough Cure like Dr. Dr.
For years Dr. has fought against
the use of opium, or
unsafe ingredients commonly
cough Dr. it
has the Pure Food Drug Law
recently enacted, for lie has worked
similar lines for many years. For
nearly years Dr, Cough Cure
containers have had a warning primed
on them against opium and oilier
poisons. He has thus made it
possible for mothers to protect their
children by simply insisting on having
Dr. Cough Cure. Sold by
The medicine that sets the world
The remedy on which all doc-
tors agree.
The prescription all your friends
are taking, is
Hollister's Mountain Tea.
Wooten's Drug Store.
Tiles get quick relief
Magic Ointment. mace
one for it works
and satisfaction. Itching, pain-
protruding or blind piles ear
like magic by its use. Try and see
Bryan's Drug
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's cure.
We, the undersigned, have known Y.
J. for the last years and be-
him perfectly honorable bu-
transactions and financially able
to carry out any obligation his
firm. Wadding, Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Halls catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and mu-
surfaces of the system.
sent free. cents per bot-
Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's Pills for
a Woman Mad.- of a Rib.
A young lady having asked a
surgeon why a woman was made
from the rib of a man in prefer-
to any other hone, he gave
the following gallant
She was not taken from the
head she would rule over
nor from his feet
lest he would her;
but she was taken from his side,
that she might his equal;
from under his arm that he
might project her; i, near
his heart that he might cherish
and love Mire.
painful Ion.
lion i u ed for f. Ki do it
a solution . i It digest
what eat, and corrects
the lire rood and Drug Law.
Sold here by Jno. I. Wooten
is whit Mrs. Lucy
said taking
Cure. Hundreds
. i cf
stored to perfect
health by rem-
well if you
have. It deprives the system i
and the
women weaken. ;
j enables the stomach and
to assimilate all cf the whole
; It nourishes
. the ind rebuilds weak
j and cures
constipation, sour
risings, t all
and retail Grocer
ire Dealer. tor
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Par-
Turkeys, Egg, etc.
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits
Carriages, Parlor
Tables. Lounges, Safes P
and Ax
Life Tobacco, Kay West
George Cigars,
Cherries, Peaches,
pies. Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Meat Flour, Meat
Soup, Lye Food, Matches
Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges,
Nuts, Dried Apples
Peaches, Prunes,
Glass and wars Tip
wooden ware, cakes and
crackers, Macaroni, Best
Gutter, New Sewing Ma-
numerous other go.
Quality and for
Cash, see me
The Corporation Commission I
has secured from Judge E. B.
court, a mandamus against the
Southern Railway, the
company to show cause before i Digests What You Eat
him at Feb.
5th, why connection should not
be maintained with the Atlantic,
Coast Line at This is a
proceeding independent of the
suit for penalties instituted some
days ago by the Commission
against the Southern for refusal
to obey the order of the Com-
mission requiring this
Hats s
Sf H lit.
Examination for Carriers.
On Saturday at the graded
school building, -an
Weak to
Ki I ;. like
not tn
i i ill. . i
a v. ; r . to .-
i i
u It i- of
was held by Postmaster R. C.
Flanagan of applicants for car-
in the rural mail delivery.
There is a vacancy in the
vice in this county, the carrier
from Ayden having resigned. I
The following persons were ex-
A. L. W.
J. Hemby, J. J. Stokes, J. H.
Cheek and J. A. of
den, and W. E. Barrett, of
Farm villa
or Is I
. i
ii . . .; . and
Notice is hereby given that the
reward offered by the county
of Pitt, additional to the reward
offered by the State, for the
arrest of James has been
withdrawn. Persons interested
should govern themselves ac-
L W. Tucker, Sheriff.
Jan. 19th, 1907.
S. M.
Phone i seen.
A Good Calendar.
The Medicine
Company of Chattanooga, Tenn ,
sent us one of their calendars
and weather charts for this year.
It gives a forecast of tho
every day and is one of th
Snap Beans
of Bad
j Beam on the
round-pod kind.
Baa from
Di our Do-
. Catalog for MOT,
in lull of
i.-iv. of Deans,
to for
Wood's New Seed Book
for gives the
seeds for market-gar-
and kinds to
prow, and the way to
or S
M Early Vi an, or
U car Special
to prevent usury and extortion
It parties lending
on household and kitchen fur-
from charging ever six
cent on such loans, the
of more to be a misdemeanor,
and the party to double
the interest-
Senator Odell introduced a bill
t limit the poll tax in North
Carolina to not exceeding two
dollars in cities and towns, and
not in excess of two dollars for
State and county This not to
affect special districts or
for municipal bonds now in
To prohibit corpora-
from holding more th .
acres of land in North Una.
To regulate th run-
and like conveyances without
animals as motive power over
roads of the State.
Officials of the railroads
before the senate com-
in regard to bills
to reduce rates-
In the house Representative
introduced a bill
to create a shell fish commission.
Murphy, To give-
railway conductors of
To furnish protection
from fire at the Sc Home.
To require attend-
on public schools for
wee i each year of children
between the ages of and
Raleigh. N. C. Jan. 25-The
lower house of the general as-
today tabled the Doug-
lass bill to prohibit the
sale of dope drinks at soda
after a lively discussion
during which intro-
of the bill, referred to
soda fountains as children's bar-
rooms and engaged in sharp tilts
with a number of members.
The most of
its session to the of
the bill to pay solicitors
each instead of fees, with the
final result that so much
developed that the vote was
and the bill made a
order for Thursday of
next week. There seems to be
question as to the
ultimate the bill
to six o'clock
evening the senator committee
ox- railroads and house committee
on service
arguments on the
bills for rate reduct-
ion and railroad regulation,
whole time being taken up with
a masterful speech by A P-
Thom, general counsel for the
Southern Railroad Company,
Washington, D. C.
In the senate a bill intro-
to increase the salary of
the governor. There were a
large number of local bills in
both the senate and house.
At Saturday's session Senator
Turner introduced a bill to fine
judges for failure to be
present to begin court on Mon-
day morning, unless they can
show by certificate of
that were detained by sick-
After some discussion the
bill was tabled.
Senator Drewry offered a bill
proposing the issuing of
four percent thirty year bonds to
enlarge the State capitol and to
build a library.
Most of the other new bills in-
were only of a local
Will Appear Here March 25th.
Beginning March 4th the Rich-
Trio, of Charlotte, com-
s intro- i of three of the best known
To amend in the South, will be-
gin an eight of North
Among the
law relative to punishment for
to put the State on an
equality in criminal violations
defendants in the selection
of jurors; to regulate the hours
of labor in factories and prevent
child labor at night; to provide
instruction in public schools as
to effects of alcoholic drinks and
narcotics; to provide for the
of pools, trusts and
At Monday's session Senator
Fleming, of Pi it, introduced a
bill providing for twenty
court judges and twenty
solicitors in the State, an increase
of four each.
Some o her Senate
bills To man-
and sale of adulterated
paint in North Carolina; to pro-
for the uniform stamping
of gold and silver articles; to
prevent the manufacture and
sale of adulterated foods, drugs
and liquors
In the house Representative
Dutch net bill,
notwithstanding an adverse
committee report, came up and
after four hours debate passed
second reading.
New bills of general
in the house Tore-
quire banks holding deposits of
state money to pay
same; to give
reasonable restrictions in fire in-
policies to prescribe
on bounds convict camps; to
provide a relief fund.
In the senate Tuesday Senator
introduced a bill to build
an entirely new State capitol at
a cost of
No new bills of special
were introduced, but quite
a number of bills passed third
Tho house did a heavy day's
interest on
relief against u n-
Carolina, to all the
and towns of importance cast of
Charlotte. The tour will be
by Mr. O. V. Kessler, of
the Schloss theatrical circuit,
who has engaged the musicians
at considerable expense. The
trio will appear at Greenville
March 25th. In announcing the
tour of the Richardson Trio, The
Charlotte had the fol-
before now has North
Carolina had a musical
of sufficient reputation and
artistic ability to attempt a tour
of the State, but Manager
is confident that the tour
planned will be a financial as well
Bethel, N. C, Jan. 28th.
Misses Lydia Roberson and
Mayne Ives, of
visited Miss Lucy Manning last
Miss Carrie Bullock I
Sunday after a visit of some
weeks to friends in
Mrs Willie Carson visited
friends in Tarboro last week.
w. L. i cf Ayden,
spent Sunday in Bethel on his
way to his former home near
for a short visit to his
C. S Harris, of Raleigh as-
State Chemist, was here
Saturday on Lu .
Born on the 16th, to Mr. and
Mrs. X. L. Mayo, a son, E. L.
lion S. M. Jones paid a brief
visit home last week. He is a
member of important
committees, though -i
as an artistic success. Each of j member of th house is already
the musicians in the trio are well posted on the ins and outs of
known and they have no is alive to Pitt's
in the State. Mr. Richard-1 interest,
son, leader of the trio, is one of The people in this section are
the best known musicians and preparing for the potato crop,
violin soloists in the South. He I The Bethel Manufacturing Corn-
has been in Charlotte several shelling out lots cf barrels
years, during which time is installing machinery to
built up an enviable reputation greatly increase their capacity.
for himself and the musical The Society
organization that bears his graded school has
the Richardson Orchestra offered a gold medal to the best
Band and the Richardson trio.
Besides being a musician he is a
music composer of no mean
Mr. Karl Von
the piano soloist, is probably
without a peer as a piano player
in the State- His technique and
tone are superb- Herr
medal for the best
has bean offered by
the superintendent of the
notice state-
of the Bethel
Trust Co., that their earned
equals one half of th
stock. This is a good show
the third member of trio, for so young an
a cello player who made an having been in business
able reputation at Washington loss than two and on half years,
and other large cities before
coming to Charlotte and with
whose work no Charlotte critic
has found
Getting the Jury.
New York, Jan. -Fifty-one
on the calendar, disposing wore examined in rapid
a large of old bills, j fire order today in the effort to
The most important new bill in complete the jury which is to try
by j Harry K- Thaw for the killing
Laughinghouse to enlarge the
powers of the corporation com-
Parkers Chapel, Jan
It snowed pretty for a while
Sunday night.
J- A. Bland and L. G. James
were callers at House's Station
Misses Eva and Minnie House
attended the basket party at Sta
ton's Mill and report a lino time.
L. Whitehurst and
Whitehurst were in our vicinity
Miss has been
visiting her brother, Ashley
Tripp, returned home
Miss Nonie Whichard, of
Station's Mill, has been visiting
Miss Minnie House.
Mis. B. A. Tripp is spending
sometime in our
Miss Fannie House went to Cum
Swamp Saturday and returned
There is going to be a basket
party at Parkers Chapel school
house Friday night, Feb. the
public is invited.
T. L. Little and wife spent Sat-
night near visiting
W, E. Tyson, of Gum Swamp
was in our neighborhood a while
of Stanford at the end
of the day's session two names
had been added to the jury roll,
making m in all. One
and on. have
thus far been examined.
That there is an increasing
difficulty in finding men who are
willing or competent to serve
was evidenced by the fact that
on the first day of the tr three
jurors were sworn from among
nineteen one of them
being excused by
the court- On second day
three jurors were secured in
among thirty-one
while today it required the win-
of more than one-fourth
of the entire special p of two
hundred men to secure two
members of the necessary twelve
and the citizens of tho
arc justly proud of its fine
seed oats. Frank
A perfect town is that in
which you see the farmer
the home merchants, tho
laborers spending the money
they earn with their own trades-
men, and all animated by a
spirit that will not purchase
abroad if they can be bought
at home. The spirit of r
city between man and the me-
tradesman and laborer,
farmer and manufacturer, re-
every time the
town a perfect one to do
in. should
always be desired, even where
attainment is barely possible, we
presume, but a perfect town
must be denominated a great
rarity until we reach a more ad-
Marriage Licenses.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to
since last
Z. P. Vandyke Addie R.
T. A. Allen and Lillie Hudson.
John G. Stokes and
Leon R.
John Stocks and Malissa
L. B. Mills Dora Smith.
Wyatt Darden and Elizabeth
Joseph Blow and Lula Tyson.
Henry J. Taft and Lula
Expression of a
A bill was introduced in e
I legislature to give a pen-ion to
Mrs. Stonewall Jackson of
per month. was
fed by the love the people of
North Carolina have for this
distinguished woman and their
reverence for the of her
husband. After the bill
had been introduced Maj. John
W Graham, a member of the
legislature and a kinsman of
Mrs. Jackson, wrote advising
her what ha i been done and in
reply received the following let-
v. Trade St., Charlotte,
N. U.
January 25th.
John W. Graham,
My Dear
You s of the apprising
of Me introduction of a bill
, tO
pension of per month was
certainly a great surprise. I
most appreciate this
loyal tribute to the name of my
hero-husband, and tender my
heart-felt thanks for the prof-
honor and benefit, but I do
not feel that I would be J
in accepting it l am
mod that the laws in North
Carolina limits all pensions to
those who have not of
personal property, as I
do not come under this
law I respectfully request that
the bill be withdrawn. I would
suggest that the
which has been so magnanimous-
proposed in my
to the relief of the
destitute widows of Confederate
veterans. It would also please
me far more to see our honorable
assembly take measures for a
reformatory for the good of the
Trusting that I have not been
ungracious or unappreciative, I
am, with love, your affectionate
A High P it boy fell head
first down an elevator shaft an,
was killed
About bales of cotton on
th railroad platform at Lion
G liege were burned Saturday.
In the burning of a house
by colored people at
a woman and child
lost lives.
A Mrs. Johnson, who was an
inmate of the hospital Dur
. ha j, was strangled to death by
swallowing her false i th.
Joseph Howard, of T
while struggling with n
over a gun, discharged
the was . led.
Two Durham boys were
playing with a small rifle when
was discharged, killing one of
hem. It is the same story often
A. . a merchant of
Clinton and retiring sheriff and
treasurer of Sampson county,
made an assignment
side the liabilities in his
business he i; said to be
behind in his accounts
with the county.
A i
noon a r train ran into a
wagon drawn by two mules as
the latter were crossing he
The wagon was shat-
both mules killed and the
driver so hurt that it is
no will die.
Miss Davis, of Trent
township, during the Christmas
holidays gathered two lemons,
w- two and a half pounds
each, from a bush which has
grown- She now has a m
over lo inches in circumference
on the . Free
Horse Goes o Church.
II. B. Smith, of this t has
a remarkable bay
which appears to have more
religious instinct than the ma
i , of animals
, Mr- Smith for i he last to
draw the family to the village
church. In the last years
there have only two Sun-
days on which didn't
have to carry some member of
the family to church. The sec-
occasion was a few Sundays
A year ago the was
Walter Vines and Nellie into the yard f little
Sunday recreation and nothing
The Boot of our Boyhood.
A salesman for a
b and shoe house carries with
him as a mascot a boy's boot
with red leather top and a cop-
par too-
found it in Fort Dodge,
he said. was among
the stock of a shoe dealer there
and I asked him for it. It is a I
great curiosity now, bat in my
early days on the road I sold
thousands of
The red topped, copper toed
boy's boot has dropped out of
existence. No store in Kansas
City sells them. The salesman
said they manufactured.
Kansas Star.
Light Snow.
Sunday was one of those dis-
agreeable days on which people
love to stay by the fire. In the
evening there was a drizzling
rain that sleeted as it fell, fol-
r Ho-ht snow early in
more was thought of
until the far distant toll of the
church bell was heard. Then
th- horse pricked up his ears,
and realizing that he was late
started off at a quick pace f i
the church. He went directly
under the shed and took his ac-
place where he re-
until it was time to go
A couple of weeks ago the
horse made his second appear-
at the church alone. Mr.
Smith had placed in a
stall and had left the stable door
at a
. He
Ruining Their
A western r re; r
The other day
happened to
mer receiving some
it office at the
noticed that they came
certain mail order hi .-
noticed that the goon
right in his line and same he has
carried in his store for He
approached the far-
mer and have sold
you every have there
or less money than you paid the
Chicago house and saved you
money why
didn't you say answered the
the I have i two
county papers for a year and
have never seen a line about you
soiling these goods. The Mail
Order House sent advertising
matter asking for my trade
I they got it. If you have any
bargains why didn't j
them in the paper so we can .
they arc
That ended the mt and
the merchant went to corral
other ;
and explained to them that th
mail order house was
their business.
A Thought for the Di.
The aphorism.
in his heart so
a men
slightly ajar. The old bell tolled e whole of a
exceptionally loud and long and
could not resist the call.
In some manner he slipped his
halter and made his way from
the stable to the church, where
he remained until the service
was over. The parson patted
the horse affectionately as he
trotted up to the door, and then
he started on his
man's being.
tensive as
but is
o reach out to every
condition and circumstance of
his life. A man is literally
what he thinks, his character
being the complete sum of all
his thoughts. Allen.
Another supply of i.
cigars best cents smoke in
Book Store,

,. i
fT J opened a o
Family H
Call tin me you
i f
JO. C. t.
h. for
f so the first thing to consider is a god
m a desirable location and you cannot b
better suited in a lot than tie
The Whole Town
Your Elbow for
e Day I
No property surpasses this for a
lots cm bought now at
reasonable prices and on terms,
is every that property
Greenville going to be higher
Tel phone defer buying the lot
it will
his property located only
the business of
Ba Averted.
Tails. staircases jut -f com
especially In
where I art dark or
built with turn. The frequent
. loin falls sled
iliac i mi of or
I . I K led ill-
If all were according to a
of be breadth.
A lull Is apt lo
be bad enough, for nu adult .;
may nonces, bill
f U HI till l lUll Is lint
l ; i. fatal; . It La
; i i do-
to ire is
i -i i-1 lo it.
ii i la that Is
l ii of i i
I h A may
to walk with ease, but it la a
it a
y . . , ; H ill. nil
losing its balance, stairs have
ii however,
tho n m heroine h
to I hat lie dashed up
without any
more lo hi it be
walking on a Motion be-
purely mechanical, any
t ii of will, and the muscle of
r nu; eh e
t i lift the i to tho h hi
on the stairway m ml
, The stride u c
. I . . u-. i a i I.
So Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the chances arc its from an In-
active I
With a conducted LIVER
one can do of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning
It can be k healthful action
by, and
Not Quite
A a
i .;
or i. or
gar .-.
tool I be an ii for
i enc
to i ,, and
v., nil, . p bat tool
i;. s .
ii estimate or S S CC f
i , y fall . I
i l- used i Is
to pitch, Ii
a trip Is to . On narrow
; e a
hand rail on side. The Instinctive
clutch loll wing a canal k I
u. and
You get
i Horse
j Is. I Ii nay In obviate
,.; ho t, all J
I at least In the matter of
V irk
your residence
Thais AU
Did ever hear n Ice
fence not one made of
made of prickly
to protect one from tin rattlers ,
I keep them That Is what Murk
You Sec
toil, and
See Sain and let him ex
and terms.
r.-G. WEAR
Home of Greenville, N. C.
not, but
XI j the Arizona build, and Mrs
. . J. j only way to keep these deadly poison-1 lire staling that your
i i bit -t-T away h building m of -e , .; . , . . , ,
II of n i, cured our f
I thorns grows on the desert. very bad which
As the tents hare no d are covered ; great part of her body,
not sot much above ground, It
would appear easy for Mr. nattier to from
effect nu entrance. Imagine sen n I ho lime she t; fee old,
C Into bed some cold she w She
night to strike ll rial my J
I skin of n snake, and where ll ml I led
to . . . am J of
Mil- Ill I
; m of
f r-i P I
I To avoid Hill men who work i. the I
I mines have a will. ,,.
, go near I Is Ii
built closely knit i noes i id i
tents, go
out, and beyond the rattler iii ,. IX .
firs Publisher
Buy Your Mules
and Mules
J. E, is
I man i buy your mule
r. .--. from the and stools farms of the Middle i.
thereby saving you the middle
1-C I all the nay Want,
. .- w it has
r. ., lid in L tot Go I it
i c j your self ll In ells y u r lime avid will
I treat you light at or
, if a i P Bi
Ayden and N, c.
of tho sort nil
.- ; In .-,.
from birds and mill. . i
r . i i
many n lies I f lb, I .
; tho thorns i i r
, i small
i its in this
It is u ii i p
it grow
m .
I i if i i
Bi Hie . o
I. iv .;. The; i
and wild ll t y an I i In a I
i M v i- .
t p of nod lit eyed
Daily an
be, . with g
Ian eve
be . . . ounce-l
J ho limits.
c . . When yea good
u ii p . it
it I-. t letter or
editorial, that i I and
Ion i K i
to res i i r extend
bey a I and
i, . .;. ins i-
is mt it be acquired
a practice. Never try
see how I i you can make your
i ,. but V a n
super it or word, i
brief us a i In lo
e will n I i i will .
I where tin i I fellow
will i D
n E goes to
l . iii i i
people whose trade
want and the way
to get it is by judicious
Try it and
your order ; to
. u
, j .-. h I
and Printers
We have an i y new
.-s, on . i . ; a lent
art j end j . . y we
brass Col-
; r, make
ll . . now
. obs or on the lot-
. i
I. B I
H In
i over
A sample i I
I I i lieu-
. win bu
c and
High Grade
. ii is ii I
It Ir
. i r
-en . I ii away
VKit ll I; . y
What Is I ti i .
it Old . I v
back i i a to I
I .
j ; not i travelers
do of -i-i
l l I i i .
way . k folks net
I my aunt
Betsy. Mrs.
II i Is i i a I'm glad
lie I I call, fur I
I exactly
how n . Weekly.
Cotton Bagging and
. Ties always on ha id
Large quantity of new type
and stock recently
this department.
i no.
when ti ire's a Mg
why do they always have
, In . I U v
i, ii . son, i i you for-
got earlier
kepi ton-
In stock. i
Produce Bought n I
D. W.
a R B B N L E
North Carolina.
. in . . H
I i
I this
M. c
At close of business 12th,
and discounts 1159.087,16
r loured and
Duo from an
Cash items ,
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
National bank notes
S notes
paid in
Undivided profits,
Bills payable
ill i IN ,.;. ,.
Rail Road Up-To-Dale.
the president of
asked the man who Mr. Morton Bill to
I 202,543.03
tat in, Pitt,
,. , j. bank, do
, above is true to best of my
called at general offices.
down in Washington, at-
b th, session
replied the i b .
i the
the In.
State i J C
, gar
at n L
I i t I
i ind
t .
i to before
I lay of Nov 1903.
A. M
Al of 12th 1903. g
j . . i
Bills payable
i I
c m
One Quid
in .-.
ire in tho g
n. rs w I. v
reduce the
; i fr
n grange
far ii ;. t got
running the blame
Servants Live Up to Their
Morton has in-
a remarkable bill in the
to apply
. . to his own New
over, unless it shall be
,. ed to other
; by h m may
a fancy to it.
ho bill is
I . i Is
.-; It
that any cook,
; aid, butler, i
a or other hole
i, who shall have c
r in writing or orally to
,.,. or pi ons in
. . Part; I
may be i U.
the D
.-i i . i,
i all
I r
that recent
from Belgium and G .
is in
vantage of the example by
South Carolina in
Europe for white labor to
the deficiency which
the Southland. Th
State, d
with con
Georgia i
the i ii to way.
her will be
on and p I
be Lo .
. if So .
f Hi us
i and ll fall to d
. .,
ha expired
, ,, of a t
, pun
a the of the
i in.- j
check out
en i
. are
in l-
i m
. ,. , ,,,
i pend-
t Carolina, i
sworn to fore
mo this of Nov.
K, v.
Come in and examine my
l M
The Man.
Where the Would do Wall,
Forcing the little daughter and
little sou to drink whiskey a
father n Georgia has been sent
to the for thirty
days. Pity he couldn't have been
there for life or thrown in-
to pr mo cage where the brutes
who pray upon the bodies e
i n beings The
was three years of age and
boy five. Yet neither their
i years, or the bond of love
t it should exist between parent
i children was to
. the craven and
i ha gave them liquor, lie fore
. to drink it and they natural-
got drunk. Then he was
re and sentenced to
for thirty days. Per
was as far the law could
go, but it was not far enough.
An Inhuman mortal,
wretch such as the object in
Georgia deserves If anything
m ire punishment than the
who hides in tho bushes, or
awaits around the corner and at-
W. i tempts to assassinate an
Co i likes a Good Move.
Tho county
have hired the county chain
gang to construction company
putting i i the sewerage
iii and Super-
b Lawhorn with his
about forty men mi
the work. These men are
dirt, too, and when they
tart in on a there is some-
thing doing. It was a good
to put tho convicts on the sew-
i-age work. The time of year
has c no v who work cannot
the roads to good ad-
vantage, and by ; th
work the
county is getting good pay for
their time instead of
care for th at dead
through the remainder of the
winter. They will make en u
on work n
good equipment of team
o i the county roads.
Mr. L. C.
Al present there is i r I
. flab r, i i y ;
continue forever, and if it is ,, in case
. and
cent person.
to demonstrate
are opportunities in the
with climate, its easier
its less costly living,
organized labor ought
do more than any f
agency to check the immigration
in which it claims now to o
great n G
manufacturers and o
the South would An
can labor lo the pi i of
tongues and method i n
w a friendly
from the Ea it and N
Child I Law
. C . i
Vain, i- iii his re
law or tho v ion to .
qualified rs in en.-;
town or township, of a law r
All b
misdemeanors. Chas E.
, the justice, an-
that here-
it I
weapon c ; that
each and individual con-
i i
trying concealed w
. i, I to the l ids.
If tho
pi . i-i v h
will decrease Hal-
matter one may
of just
ill bi i I h ha hit
. is o
i ;
. . . laity
will I i
. j- mall i
We leave to announce that we arc
believe is good
for wife beaten the lash should
be employed in such eases.
only v. to reach the brute is
brute Lot him feel the
BI sting of the whip as wielded by
the strong tinned
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints
Colors, and an
Ready nixed Paints
There Is no line in the world better
it h n it century
reputation honorable waves and honorable
If you UM the Harrison Paints you need I
never worry quality.
whenever paint for
Have just a car load h
you Special
Baker Hart
Learn to laugh. A good laugh
is better than medicine- Learn
how to tell a story. A well
Is a welcome sunbeam
the sick room The world Is
too busy to care for your
and Borrows. Learn to stop
croaking. If you cannot see any
good in the world, keep the
bad to yourself. Learn to h
your ad i and pains under pleas-
ant smiles.
No one cares whether u have
the earache headache, or
Don't cry. Tears do
will enough in novels but are
out i I place in real life. Learn
to meet your Mends with a
A good humored man or
woman is always welcome, but
the dyspeptic is not wanted
anywhere and is a nuisance as
well. Above all, give pleasure.
Lose no chance of giving pleas-
ore. You will pass through
w Hi on
;. th ; j .
sh w any hum in b
Mr. C Johnson, of Grifton,
I to a Free Press rep.
that he thought the
of I I
Si is . o I i for a
tobacco p I hi i ear.
, mI kn w when I've over
. en many new tobacco barns
and such s
as I've Been this In e
year, is everything
is going to I scarce-
know what I'll do, yet, though
think I'll put in a good deal of
cotton as well as i bi
v; to be In a position take ad-
van v of one If the other is a
And in ii Mr. i la
. la ii probable th I
b en p low .
tho ages i f an I years ti
attend chi
Secondly, th n o i
to read and write l
in work in any fa tor
widowed mother or dis-
d father Is
u ml or of.
has no other i
That no .
shall be i
any i
, .on
not .
men at it is . a
. ed and of-
,; .- eh e Ban t
ti off- n ml y
I be a
for all m . i
, this n i n b
ll is claimed,
tic to ope Ives d will
Th all i e and
J i
by tho n
its ere
a thou i i ,;.
I .,, . r crops f r L
our farm rs
is m.
lo Snow Hill.
We h
. that the present
o he Ni Southern Rail-
road C i ii a through
i from Beaufort to Rah .
I .
C l
r .
all I i en
i I lit. Th
being the best i
-v i ;
, in Gr M I r for-
. to give his
Baying he did v an
, .
-1 ; . Bi
he off ii--. hut this state-
in i some ho
i trust he i hi.
ill v. h n
,. n-
., id , . . . . ; ,
i i .;. hi
i to drag n
ii .
e Cow.
., .-. h
i i
patch up e old
on tho and bi i ; . .
train Raleigh .
A large pan in . let her
.-. nil the grading h will he all
now; do not fer . i
it, ;
this way again
km, i from Wilson in i ha,
. . Prom ;, ,
It only a matter of a u,
will here and re
i .
ill not pass
vi . is I
Snow Hill St house., occupied by opera-
of a in the suburbs of
were destroyed by Bra
. i his hay for sale
I F V Johnston. ti d
We thought it would he a col I
day when tho Thaw trial started
CO .
, Ton l pr i
. and
son i a. w
; girl to be
. life i one o .
. who
his acts and life o. the . nu
principles above
General Lee will be a i ;
this ill

Entered as second matter Jan. 1907 at the post
N. C. under Act of congress of March 1879.
office at Greenville.
made upon application.
respondent desired at every post in Pitt adjoining
in to fiction
Edit, rs are not entitled to any
more gratuities at the hands of
railroads than other people, and
think a large of the
editors of North Carolina neither
ask nor desire such
At the same time the
err. should not be prohibited from
making legitimate advertising
contracts and any
looking to that end is
The biennial auditorium
in Raleigh has been re-
This winter is giving the ice
man and the coal man both an
It be well
you -gain to watch
to remind
A correspondent of the Char-
News who signs
Country Writes that
paper the following sensible let-
Although I am not a
person. I beg to be allowed
to express my feeble views con-
the reformatory. lam
j not in favor of such an
for two
It will in nine cases out
of ten encourage vice in the
young criminal, as he or she
knows there will be no punish-
but a little work and con-
but otherwise a very
good home for a certain length
of time.
2nd. In nine cases out of ten
More than likely Thaw wishes
he could imitate the weather and
thaw out of it.
Mark it down that an invest-
in property in Greenville is
worth while. No chance to lose
on it.
It is much easier to issue bonds
than it is to pay them, and the
legislature should go slow in that
Stricken In St. Lei. Hotel
Nothing like changes. It is
not every section that can show
spring, summer and winter
weather all in one week.
The weather man
a youthful is harder to his about t for
convert than an old one- His a while, but next Saturday the
mind is so stubborn and per- ground hog will take charge,
it does not yield to kind
has faced bigger
cannon than the one who is
speaker of congress.
wrong If a railroad wants space
a newspaper and the editor of
such paper Is willing to accept a
mileage of equal value to fa
the space used in payment a ship subsidy is hardly more
such advertising, it is purely a of him
business transaction that
The capers of Spencer Black-
burn show the kind of man
sometime send to
only the two parties concerned.
Justice's bill offered in the
legislature to deny newspapers
and railroads making such con-
tracts is beyond reason- It would
as reasonable to Carnegie say;. re
a law that would deny an editor ,. ye see d
the privilege of accepting He is not in
farmer's wood or produce the wish.
account, or the mer-
chant's goods on advertising If the trial itself does not
Neither is Mr. faster than getting the jury
prop compel railroads to in the Thaw case, it maybe com-
advertise in all newspapers by the 4th of July,
towns touched by the railroads
wise. would be unfair to the
Lo force them to
where they did not want to
or it was t to their interest to
so. The law regarding con-
between newspapers and
railroads would be better to re-
main as it is.
W t h-salary no and
congressmen almost twice as
as governors it is no won-
if the latter prefer a change
For a long time The Reflector
on the of a
manufacturing plant hero. Or.
man came along and spiked our
gun tor the time being by want-
i v lo know where a site was
convenient the railroad and
not far from town, that would
clay in
quantity to keep a brick making
plant running. We asked who
had such a site but nobody an-
But how is it now It looks to
us like the Raleigh Pamlico
Sound railroad has brought this
very opportunity. Some of the
nearby tuts through which the
road is graded how an
dance k day. Why not some-
body look into this There is
already a demand for brick
and the demand is grow lg
larger. Buildings would so up
much faster In Greenville if
material was not so hard U-
ho will -wart brick factory
The free seed distribution by
congressmen having been cut
out, people will have to look
for what they plant in
their gardens.
treatment and there is nothing
him or her to appeal to, to
arouse better feelings, as he or
she has no conception of
man or womanhood. They never
have been men or women and all
labor is lost with them, but ex-
will run on-
But any criminal, lawless
he may have been, has had in
his life one period
thinks with better feelings and
will reform at some time in his
life. I think if a girl or boy is
mentally strong enough to con-
and commit a crime, they
must be physically strong enough
to bear the punishment in one of
the institutions which we have
all over this State.
There is no need of having so
many degraded girls and boys
Let our lawmaker make laws
and them Let
there be a e school law;
The report now is that
has sent in his
as governor of Jamaica
That is what he ought to do or
be put out.
W. Vanderbilt has
cleared his skirts of the personal
where he x dodging charge. The mayor
St Louis, Mo., Jan. 27.-W.
P. Fife, capitalist, died suddenly
at o'clock today at the St.
Mr. Fife was in the hotel lobby
chatting with friends when he
became suddenly very ill, and
soon lost Dr.
was hastily sum-
from the Southern Hotel,
across the street, but could do
nothing for Mr. Fife, who died
shortly after the doctor's
Dr. says the death
was probably due to a heart at-
tact, but is not positive-
Coroner Baron has been
of the death and will hold an
has been inquest Monday morning.
Mr. Fife's son who is now in
Denver, Colorado, has
of his father's death.
The body has been sent to the
morgue and will remain there
until the has been heard
William P. Fife was born
about fifty years ago in
His father was W W- Fife, a
trader. The elder Fife
to Thomasville toward the close
of the civil war and resided in
the latter town until his death.
W. P. Fife married about
of New York says he is a years ago, Miss Whitford, a
dent of that city and pays taxes
The papers can palm off an
old and call them
dents of the Thaw trial without
their readers being much the
wiser. If pictures satisfy
public curiosity it is about all the
papers are after.
Congressman W. W. Kitchen,
Carolina dis-
himself as a
candidate for governor in the
next election. There must
be something attractive about
being governor when a man
is willing to give up a position
Of course all the
who go before legislative
committees do not want
fares reduced, but ; is
the people's side of it to consider.
allow a teacher unrest. dis-
and to punish reasonably I of the fifth North
but firmly refractory Let j announces
us have a law that a man or a
woman must pay an debt,
do away with the
law, which makes a bad
nail out of an otherwise
honest one. a liquor
law to keep a dry town dry; now
as it is, the liquor flows in a
town all the same regardless of
law, its has merely been
changed and dear physicians
i and get the profits.
If get make
men and I am convicted
they would raise honest larger, in Dem-
and there would be no use what-j and population, but we
ever of manual training schools have serious doubts as to whether
and reformatories.
Staton Mill, N- C, Jan 28.1907.
There were regular services at
Great Swamp Sunday.
Miss Nonie Whichard is spend-
some time with Miss Min-
We are having lots of bad
weather now.
We are going to have a wed-
ding in our neighborhood soon,
but are asked not to tell who.
Elma Whichard, who has
been very sick, is improving.
Miss Eva House is spending
sometime with Miss
There was a basket party here
Friday night with large attend-
Walter Tyson and Miss Fannie
House attended church at Gum
Swamp Sunday.
Langley, of Green-
ville, is spending a few
with Miss Elma Whichard.
A- R House was in our neigh-
Mr and Mrs. J. F. Whichard
spent Sunday with J D. Bullock.
Miss Eva House returned home
Sunday afternoon.
daughter of Col John D- Whit-
ford, of and is
by two children. Miss El-
mer Fife and W. P Fife, Jr.
For years r. Fife was a
tobacco salesman, travel-
for several North Carolina
factories. e was a man of the
world and was given to
Twenty years ago this
month, while Rev. R. G. Pearson
was conducting revival services
in Charlotte, he was converted.
A little later he took a prominent
part in a big Y-M. C. A. meet-
at Wilmington. He then
gave up his position on the road
and threw himself earnestly
into the cause of religion, hold-
large and successful
revival meetings throughout
and other States,
who w. t to.
like it this way
but some warmer
fallen in with the Spencer Black-
burn class. He denies the
of the letter.
Senator scored on the
president when he got his res,,.
through the senate
for an investigation of the dis-
For criminal stupidity,
playing ass
in general, takes
the Charlotte News.
Not the prize yet. So far he
and Blackburn are about a tie.
The Re has put bricks
in some people's heads, at
they have gone to talking about
a brick manufacturing plant.
Keep up the agitation, gentle-
men, and lets get to making
All Jamaica being indignant
over the action of Governor
shows that they
needed and wanted assistance,
ever, if he did say they could take
care of themselves.
He ought to be named
The bill to increase the pay cf
senators and congressmen from
per annum has
passed both branches of con-
and only awaits the
of the president to become
a Now the scramble to be
elected congressman will
renter than ever.
is the
f stagnation.
The Reflector is anxious to see
The suggestions in next to the
closing paragraph are especially
timely, and if adopted would be
of far greater value to the State
than a reformatory.
this is the proper time to extend
the corporate limits of the town.
It has not been long since the
town put in water works and
electric lights, and just now a
sewerage system is being con-
Only a part of the
According to The Reflector's in hand for the sewer-
way of thinking the Chamber of age is not vet dear just
Commerce took the right step in how tho
that for the pres- A bond issue has been
corporate limits of but as that will have
town remain as they are. We be submitted to a vote of the
lave made no calculation in the result is
natter, but a gentleman who has
so tells us that the territory
embraced in the proposed new
Boundaries would add about
in valuation and about
The taxes derived
from this addition would be
to the cost of the
street improvements and the
extension of water and light
vice to the acquired territory, j
until an election is held.
If the corporate limits are ex-
tended it will mean more ex-
for streets in the new
territory and for extending the
water and light to people
living in the sections that are
proposed to be taken in. If they
are brought in the corporate
limits and apply for water and
lights the service will have to be
Until the town gets in better j Provided for them. Now if the
to meet sue expenses as
this is it best to leave the
as they are.
Speaker Cannon expresses his
displeasure at what North Car-
newspapers have been say-
about him recently. He may
boss congress, but ho v ill learn
some of these days that he can't
boss newspapers.
tons Timothy hay at
V. Johnson's. ltd
town is prepared to make the
additional outlay necessary for
this it is all right to extend the
corporate limits, but if not, then
it is better to defer a while.
Of course we are open to
on the question, but the
present Opinion of The Reflector
B that tho corporate limit had
better be as hey are until
town gets the
paid for.
sewerage in
with a salary of attached j the sobriquet of
for one that pays only
speaker, possessed a pleas-
voice of great carrying power
and preached to good crowds
wherever he went.
After some years of this
work his throat failed
him an he war. forced to give
up preaching. He had. a
lated some money and this he
invested in the oil wells in the
Beaumont region of Texas,
which had then just sprung into;
fame, and later invested in
Western mining stocks,
associated with the Great
Western Oil Refining and Pipe
Line Company and the Great
Gold Mining Company,
having offices in the Missouri
Trust building- in St. Louis.
His friends in this State, and
he had many-, believed that in all
his dealings he was honest and
trustworthy. He had frequently
declared that the money he
hoped to make out of his mining
and oil speculations he expected
to apply to the promotion of
work on the Dark
What success has attended
these venturer is not a matter
of common
The man who makes money in
a community has a duty to per-
form to that community. It
may be that he has made his
money by his superior business
ability, and that he would have
done as well anywhere. That
does not alter the case If his
gifts are great his
is equally as great. No man
placed on for the sole
pose of making money, and the
man who has this as his ideal
had better never have beer
born. It is not an act of
hut the performance or a
simple duty for the man who
has nude money to pass a
little of -t for the
community, oven though he
never to see a dollar of
his contribution
Oakley, N. C. Jan. 1907.
James Keel, of Rocky Mount,
was here Monday.
W. R. Whichard, of Whichard,
was here Monday.
J. K Nash
and Lewis of Win-
spent Sunday in Oakley.
Eli of Hamilton, spent
Sunday Monday Pi re.
Elmer Parker had his hand
hurt last Saturday with one of
them know it was load-
Mrs. Matilda Taylor went to
Sunday to visit her sis-
Mrs. Moore, who is very sick.
There will be preaching next
Sunday It a. m- at the C. B.
H. hall by the Rev. J. D. Bryan,
Mrs. Mary Mizell went to
Sunday and returned Mon-
We are glad to state that J. E.
Fleming and Ben, are
both improving. They
both been very sick for several-
James Bryan, one of Grin-
popular merchants, was a
caller here Monday.
Will Jenkins spent Sunday in
Mrs. Mary A. Barrett, widow
of the late William A. Barrett,
departed this life at the home of
her son, near on
day January 26th, 1907. Two
sons and many are left
to mourn her death. She
consciousness almost to
her last breath, and in her fare-
well words said the Lord had
promised to send an angel to bear
her soul home to glory, where
she would be at rest with loved
ones gone before. W-
The annual banquet of the
Confederate Camp of New York,
was held in the
Wednesday night Mr. James
W. Osborne, of Charlotte, was
one of the speakers and his sub-
was Constitution and
That is a matter
of much moment at present, and
The Chronicle hopes to get Mr.
Osborne's for the
fit its readers Charlotte
bushels seed oats. F. V.
It is thought placing solicitors
of the State on a in place
of fees will at least put a stop to
the practices of some solicitors
of sending seventeen bills where
one would have answered the
purpose. Astute
this was done so that if one bill
failed to land a person, another
v. it might be recalled
that he fees in all the cases,
where nine times out ten one
was amply sufficient, and also
nine times out of ten the county
paid the
department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
, . ., For gentle
R. H Hunsucker went to Grit- we, broke q. A-
ton Friday. N. four in Body.
Sell cotton seed to the time of the Washington. N C , Jan. 29.-
County On Co. The when you w .,,,,,,. to city
the highest prices for them- to think about breaking your, this morning of the
Mrs. Allie returned to j and Come and the Will Cl a at Old Ford,
her home at Stokes Friday morn-; at liar-; two miles from I his place. The
after visiting her sister, Barber Co. They took yesterday
Mrs. M. G. Bryan, for several work
I Those who are exposed to the
All for cotton seed hulls rains and snows need to pro-
y with good
coats, rubber boots, rubber shoes
and Get them at
Barber Co.
One town lot and new house con
promptly filled at the Pitt
Oil Company.
Capt Levi Whitehead is build-
a car house near the depot
takes the place of Cal- three rooms conveniently
We sell it B. T. Cox to business section of town
o, for sale. J. Ed Nelson
Miss Chapman came in We now nave on f
evening to spend Sunday Bible, we are
at home She is teaching near the at
Mr. W. F. Carroll's place.
Get your seed oats, and gar-
den seeds of all kinds The A. G. Cox Co has
. r. on hand a full supply of
Barber Co. heir Tar Heel Cart
The Bank of Winterville has Send us your order we assure
the sign made of pennies prompt shipments,
which is very suggestive.
to the drug of B. T.
Cox Bro for T. W. Wood by securing you a rubber storm
turnip and rubber boots
I or shoes. These protect your
It sea v-
wagon with
B. T. Cox,
We are looking for some large
snows yet. Be prepared for it
Made at Six Count
by Mr. H. A While.
One of the most unique events
of the season was a six course
luncheon given by Mrs. Herbert
A. White to the Sans club
hospitable home on Greene
street Tuesday afternoon, to an-
the approaching mar-
of her niece, Miss Nina
James, to Mr. Chas. C. Skinner,
York City, which is to
be in April.
The color scheme of the dining
room was red and white, the
decorations consisting of hearts,
cupids, etc At each plate were
. favors consisting of cupids
his way and nestling in red carnations to
which were attached place cards.
also sealed envelopes in which
were enclosed a heart with the
initials of the bride and
the words
The announcement was made
by proposing a
beautiful toast, a
b passed to each all of
whom responded in good taste.
The last course served was ices
in heart shaped and cakes
in the shape of hearts on which
were the initials C. J. and
Miss James is the daughter of
Col. F. G. James and has
ways been one of the leaders in
social life here and elsewhere.
Mr. is a Greenville boy
and son of Mr. Chas Skinner.
He has risen to prominence in
the commercial world and resides
in New York where he has
And the is applicable in Belling Clothing as
to the building of a man's
was in a
friends on his way
when opposite Mr.
K. R. n
into the road fired five shots at
Clark, four of taking oft .-;
in his body lark was brought
back to this city and taken to I by the hostess
the Washington Hospital where
a surgical examination was made
and his wounds were found to
be very serious Ha died this
A coroner's inquest was held
at the hospital this afternoon
and the jury brought in a
the deceased came to
his death by a pistol in tin
hands of one Andrew Wiggins,
The Dr. Joshua
stated that Clark made an
Miss Mary Cutler, after spend-1
sometime visiting relatives
here returned to her home in
collars, lines,
and plow castings at
Barber Co. They
keep the best qualities
H. A. White, of Greenville,
has been elected president of he
Pitt County Oil Co. He was
here Friday looking after the
interest of the mill and some of
those in authority tell us that he
is planing some good improve-
in the management of it.
He is a wide awake clever man
and an excellent business man-
The cold weather is not gone,
you will need to cover your plant
beds. Get plant bed cloth
at Barber and Co.
It was that
Hamilton, who i- in the railroad
service at Rogersville, Tenn.,
was killed by an explosion a few
days ago. We have been In
formed that Joe Hamilton,
Texas, was the man who was
killed. are glad to give this
The A. G. Cox Co.
still shipping their Cotton Plan-
Simplex Guano Sowers and
Economic Back Bands to
parts of both North and
South Carolina
Lessie Overton, a student
of W. H. S., left for her home at
Stokes Friday evening to spend
Remember that the A. G. Cox
Co. are still
their up to date Hunsucker
W- F. Carroll was hen; Friday
evening. He says that the far-
in his section are making
good use of the pretty weather
and are in excellent spirits.
Zackariah W alters, of Pant- go
was here Saturday and car
a beautiful wagon mad by
A. Cox Mfg, Co., for him
by special at far. He will us it
in deliver
Hiss Meta Dew, matron at the
girl's dormitory, is suffering
from an attack of rheumatism.
for indigestion and to
purify the blood, A. w. Ange
A pretty line of dry goods
daily at A. w. Ange Co-
Little Ruth Lineberry, fell a
few days ago and sprained hr
arm, but we ore glad to see her
out again.
J. W. Brooks, of the Red
Banks section, was Friday
J. B. Carroll and C. Smith
went to Greenville today.
statement, of one of the American
Tobacco Company's large
plants in that city.
that he knew his assailant Dy
sight but didn't know his
The murder seems to have been
the culmination of some trouble
arising over a woman. A
of men are scouring
in search of Wiggins, but as yet
he still at large-
Tries to Commit Suicide
City, N. C, Jan.
excitement was
CM at the here this
when a well-dressed
woman a stranger in this city,
to commit suicide by
overboard, but was
rescued by a spectator. She
claimed that she came here in
quest of her husband, H B.
who had deserted her.
city she found
aboard a schooner, and created
a scene by declaring that he was
her lawful husband, which he
emphatically denied. The woman
a marriage
n which me had been
scratched dually ad-
that he knew the woman,
and had lived with her in Nor-
folk and that they bad one child,
but. they were not married.
A reliable traveling
stated that he knew the woman
and her people lived in
Camden, N. J , and that hr
parents were worth -00,000
dollars or more. claims
that the woman has a in
Salem. N. J. Chief Police Bell
has wired for
For Sale.
We have acres of
land for sale in Eastern
North Carolina, in the counties
of Beaufort and Craven, situated
within from to miles of the
Norfolk and Southern railroad
If interested,
F. C Harding,
Julius Brown,
w. Greenville, N. C.
Wood's Seeds.
Irish Cobbler
Seed Potatoes
have proved by odds tho
most productive Extra Karly Po-
in cultivation. Head the let-
from truckers, in our Now
Descriptive. for
tho dealers in
Seed Potatoes in tho
Second Crop
Northern -grown
all high-grade Mil Col and
grown especially for seed
Write for prices and WOOD'S
1907 SEED BOOK, nit
all seeds for tho Farm Garden.
free on re-quest.
Richmond, Va.
Notice is hereby given that
will be made to the Gen-
Assembly of North Carolina,
at its session of 1907. to peas an
act amending the charter of the
town of Ayden in Pitt County.
E. G. Cox, Mayor.
This day of Jan.
I mo d
health as well added to
comfort. A. w. Co., has
hem cheap.
The famous shoe
is a beauty. Every pair is
B. F. Manning Co.,
carry them in stock.
Dainty ties of all styles at B.
F Manning Co
h en you lose a check or note
it is very different from
money, for you can immediately
give notice to the bank to stop
payment on it. Then if the fin-
attempts to get it cashed, he
will meet refusal on the part
the bank officers Deposit your
money in the Bank of
and be on the safe side.
There is no kick coming over
the improved weather.
There was a baptismal service
at the Baptist church Saturday
night when the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Mumford, of
den, received the ordinance of
baptism. They returned to Ayden
Sunday morning.
Get your seed oats at A- W.
Ange Co.
A. G. Cox and R. H. Hun-
went to
on special business.
Chas and C. H.
Langston were in town Tuesday.
J. D. Cox went to Washington
Monday on a business trip
J. Hendrickson, of Rocky
was here Monday a-d j
purchased a small pony from G
A. Kittrell.
Misses and Wright, of
Kinston. were here Tuesday in
the interest of the
a Masonic paper at
J. S Ross has accepted a
with W. L. and will
be glad to have his many friends
give him a call.
A. W. Ange Co., offers
tickets to those paying cash
for purchases from up.
These coupons when presented
entitle you to some piece of goods
in value according to amount to
A car load of oats corn just
arrived at Harrington, Barber
Call and examine the
corn planter at
Barber Co.
A lady's hand bag found in
the the Eastern Carolina
Supply Co. some time ago-
Owner can get it by proper de-
Bryan has W for patronage during the
his work with the past it may be continued.
Pamlico Railroad Co. J to store and see my
Capt. A- White, of Green-
ville, was here Saturday on bus-
Before moving Into our
new and permanent store
we want to sell all our
used and
go pianos Every
is put i i thoroughly
goo I condition by our
export workmen, and are-
Among thorn, one that
we offer for only
i no that cost now
yours f- r
for description of
these and
All Bold easy monthly
S. Mgr.
-it Street
I have taken up spotted
yearling with no horns, about
years old, marked swallow fork
in left ear and half moon in
right. Has been at my place
about months. Owner can
get same by proving property
and paying
D. II. Williamson.
Jan. 1907, Bethel, N. C.
New Year
Finds mo at same old
stand, one
door north of
B. Johnston
. .-
Is a store- that studios. to in n who
have the idea.
Ho matter what price you have In mind, we work to jive the
most clothes satisfaction. Prom every point regarded, a Forbes
always makes good the claim of correctness.
And isn't one of your reasons for buying n suit.
you are after the very latest form and your money's
C. S.
wish us the
Wishes all Friends and Patrol
x ear.
every one patronage during the past
ear and continue your visits at the

e rt r
F i
e older
i n-
, o
i . .
Ion V.
. i
of V-
, .
b . i s
an I
. L.-i
On .
F r
ri .
Parker's Chanel. Jan. 23rd. 1907.
We having lots of pretty
weather and the farmer's are
A. K. had the mis-
fortune to his buggy broke
down on Greenville bridge S
, . farmer, has moved In our
. and we
g i; luck.
, ; H, use went to I
Saturday and returned
Sunday. ,
j, c. wan and son,
Washington, were with us
Tripp is spending
some time with her brother,
. . Minnie House
Saturday night and Sun-
Miss Sallie n
y Grove.
Johnston, of Black
w this weeK
-lo , ,
, smith and J.
,. v callers in our
hood Sunday.
l Little and family spent
Saturday night with A. R.
House's people.
Lee and
in our vicinity
Miss spent Sun-
night with Miss Eva House.
J Jones spent Saturday
in Greenville with his son.
R. L Dudley, of Greenville
was in our neighborhood Sun-
lay evening.
Miss Linda spent Sat-
. .-. night with John Jones
Can to Greenville.
A man in a portion to know
whereof he speaks told the Re-
that be never saw freights
i badly congested as at present
He says there are now at
it freight a
Point at Hob-
. at Richmond and
r Biding between hero and
fun, of them billed
all of these cars are
laded with for the con-
of the Raleigh Pam-
railroad. An extra
train v some o b
comes into Greenville
;. every day The delay is
i v side tn t
Id the
You Know About am
hat You Are Chewing
. v
, .- C.
it n
An item intended for Winter-
ville department got separated
the letter in Wednesday's
. r, which gave it the appear-
of a local item. It was in
to Rev. T. H. King
,; the Woman's Mission-
try in the Baptist church
Sunday That none
may be misled by the item we
will state that the service is to
be hold in
A Killer,
r E J. Murphy.
There is real pleasure in chewing
the best tobacco the
best tobacco the famous
Piedmont Country.
Only choice selections of this
well-matured and thoroughly cured
tobacco is used in making
and others of the Reynold's brands,
as shewn by the Internal Revenue
statistics for a fiscal year, made the
wonderful growth of six and one-
quarter million pounds, or a net
gain of one-third of the entire
consumption of chewing
tobaccos in the United
I es.
identity, chewers cannot resist
and they schnapps
SCHNAPPS cheers them
than any other chewing to-
and every man that chews
SCHNAPPS parses the good thing
makes other
the fact is now es-
that there are many more
chewers and pounds of
chewed, to the population, in
States where SCHNAPPS
was first sold than there are in th
States where SCHNAPPS has
yet been offered to the trade.
SCHNAPPS is like a cup of
Java coffee, . just
to bring out its natural, stimulating
qualities. SCHNAPPS pleases
classes of the rich, be
cause they do not find a chew
really pleases better at ad
price; the peer, because it is
economical than the large o
plugs and they pet their
worth of the real snappy,
mating flavor so appreciated by
lovers. imitations
much more sweetening
SCHNAPPS. They are made
way to hide poor tobacco
For the man who chews
for tobacco's sake, there is no
. .,,. i-i-.
. . M. I
,, . W-. w
persons were baptized
g . pond last Sunday
united with the Free Will
church this place.
r. the newly an-
postmaster at tins
taken charge of his .
H Phillips, from n here,
Miss Jennie n, of Pain-
were married last
pupil of b seminary
Sold at per pound in
of Swift
Creak t Pitt county, who
was in the city this
Curs. Strictly and Plugs
Land Sale
By virtue of a
The Free Press of killing two
wild turk sys at one-shot
I week. iii-. weighed pounds,
i Mr. ha--, been
in hunting wild turkeys
re spent Sat- luring the last
hob- ;., h . -he knows
I Ivor or
Other J November,
say 1-b i; a bottle if duly
core will of the
On the first of January, I
and wife, take up law at
. S S. Smith on the and fill spend a pa-
which for
did in the of- partnership at that under
f Deeds of firm name f More Dunn,
Guion having
night with an
rt Whichard, near
c years H
i i up
Free Pr s.
i i.
turn .
et naval
;. e attack
. e
h not until ; Myers
. absolutely no other way j disabled on her trip down the
it, Thai is to say, .
in v. r
i con to make the
.,,., be so in
love that they cannot live to Greenville today,
from their beloveds. The m win take a few days to
agreement marriages and ready to
because single
considered a disgrace are her stead until rep.;
v gone into ancient history.
are even bachelor.
they are
0- com in
res T car. lei
and the
In a sir discharge girls any
T e Confederate Give a thought to
t on the where; many them
institutions or hoW
. Fed- large firms No
e one to them maids
I sin fact there are men
who would like to be w
ii e
duly qualified before
look after the
It is my desire in the
any matter to to m
. on
. the
e . t. i I. Lamb
c l-e
,. .,.; id could not be
t casual
I it
or four of
ed Whit-
v i. Cut off from I
ling so
i h force, I
.; ed on mi
had th only
B .; t UP
; ,;,. b d In n
., . truthfully say
. f , hi word is
I u have said i
, To be re, any . s's sol-
I be
ind to i y
,. word ;
mo., than they co
do i . to his
, ; pr i one.
And this
disappointment in many
If every man's word were g
the world would be
far better and the that there
is in people would be develop
men would h
each other
ere they
are And their
delightfully To
sure, women as a class
do not well as
men in this generation, but that
; i for. The boy
is born into a trade atmosphere
and has been for centuries. As
a child, against more
are new to the
world, but in they are
her and more com-
p Rather than
marry for the sake of a home,
women should support them-
selves, for in nine cases out of
ten, if no love exists, she v. ill
either have to do it anyway or
everlastingly dun her husband
funds.-Home Magazine.
A . do Gr en-
ville except remark-
ed to today old town is
certain Of course
is yet to those of us who are
here . very day it is not notice-
able as to those who seethe town
in a while. But she
keep i v forward all tho time.
administrator of the estate of S. II.
Spain, seed, notice i h u
. late
I of the of B Holton,
the by the
the i
Son-con ,
of January.
a are desired In any matter the
be secured through Mr. Long- My.
in Greenville
rt f as at present under tho
. t;.
The Clerk f the Sup
d, and .
it said state
for payment on or
CoinMoore and
.,., , Yours truly.
deceased, and
dissolution of
be plea I ii bar of
Adm. S. H. Spam
Bradley Host have moved
their jewelry the
street to th store form, u-
pied by J. r. Davenport,
,, that they might have more
room to put in a larger stock.
By of n
I , I. K.
Moore on
1904, which deed was duly recorded in
X-7 page the undersigned will sell
the 6th
1907 the following
. land,,
tow lying
, of said It.
Holton, is hereby given lo
holding the said
state to present tin m, duly
for it, to the u.
,., before the Brat day o. January
1908, or notice will be
to all accounts
C. J. Tuck
Notice la hereby given that the
existing and
hand- hi
town N. I under the
and name of Patrick
on the 1st of January,
solved Iv mutual consent. J. I
was a
bi A
-ard. near n
, The funerals Wei
under the auspices
Red M a lodges from
lads ville and .
Ormond, of
spent I are with
i Ira
. . Hart a;
. mercantile bust
of En-
a r
u the teachers in tho graded
She entered upon her
y makes
i now
of this sch
L- Cannon gone to
to accept a
lion pharmacist in a
Lil fellow ant
shall all miss him
forget magistrates and
meet in Ayden, first
in February
Anna Bette Kittrell spent
m Friday until Monday in
Tripp is a tripping on a
level. He has a young
iv at home She came on
but has concluded to make
trip permanent; at least she
stay awhile.
of Mr. John
n left for the asylum at
last week They
H. and K.
at the home of her husband
here night
M F. has been to visa
the of Pitt during th
Mrs. E. L- Brown has gone up
the road on a visit to friends.
Both the graded and the
seminary are well attended this
There is a splendid
of teachers at each and
with the excellent
pals in surely it could
mt be otherwise. Ayden at las
U to be congratulated on i
good schools.
There seems to be something
tickling Jim Alexander way
down in the heel of his shoe.-.
is it, there is only one
r. than himself, who semis to
knew, and they wont tell- He
s certainly jolly about some-
Judge Neal is beyond all doubt
a good man, a good judge and
we presume a good lawyer, but
in opinion of many he
some mighty big mistakes at the
last term of Pitt Superior court.
A. L. Blow, of Greenville, was
legal business .
Considering the season right
much cotton has been sold on
our market during tho past few
Farmers and Business
Mr. J. in Bab ,
of the
era railroad, who is working in
the road
in the interest of an exhibit at
the Jamestown exposition, will
be in row, Sal-,
the subject It is especially de-
that as many far rs as
possible be present,
cock will give them in
the method
crops fore for
There are I
for farm
A small
a gr
work of
r a man s
more h back up a
. age
; . one
and Pitt county farm
to win some of them,
. Notice cf ton.
O-car Hooker
drawn from
Smith Co , composed w
and Use Ho
i's principle pi
town of I
the said fin is hen
by mutual con I
,. .
was a member of of the
fat day of January
IS Executrix the firm
John It.
of the last Will and of
R. Holton, deceased.
Jan. 5th, 1907.
. i.,
of Pit
the being four lots
at a I
by I R said
n to the
would be
for most people. I usual
Scotland Neck . Journal.
Vertical Handwriting.
It is probable by this time the
man who invented vertical pen-
for pupils in the public
schools has passed to his long
punishment Charity requires
us to hope that he will not be
a knowledge
of his crime compels the belie
that he cannot be. The slow,
practicable method which has
been impressed o- millions of
children, only to hamper them
through life, must have been
devised by a most sinister ant
malevolent mil d-a mu
which re-
North Carolina, I Before D. C. Moore,
put Clerk Superior
J. I
I n id
Herbert Falkner and wife. Susan Falk-
and pi
of a decree made D. C.
clerk of tho Superior Court
Pitt In the foregoing- on
the 23rd day of January under-
; ,. will, we SEnd
day of February 1907 to public
at the curt door in
ville -o the highest bidder for cash tho
following d parcel of land to
H i
of the Ayden and lie road
daily i
at G a m for V
Greenville daily except i y
Connecting at Uh
Norfolk By. Co. tor
Norfolk, Baltimore. Philadelphia
New York- Boston and all other
points North. Connects at Nor
t d aw t
W. H.
f . via Norfolk, care Norfolk
virtue of the con-
in two mortgage
by Foreman to
l s Perkins on the 17th day of Ky
which were re- subject to chant
the tho without notice.
CHERRY, Agent,
N. C-
, Sale.
By virtue of a decree of the Sup
court of Pitt made in I
g No. entitled
administrator, of Samuel
I p to land
.,. .;, the . med
the court
,,,, order the,
r of of Pitt
day . 1907, the foil
scribed piece or land
. In o of Pitt and in
villa lying on the old
cL adjoining the Ian la h.
Alfred Moore, James Flanagan f
John containing 39.1
, , . . .-ill,, I- .
General F and -qUO
with tho of P. Agent, Nor Na,
trans M. W. Supt. P. G. Atty.
erred for full value to
By vii- fa mortgage
s crook of
said ditch; thence again down
ft i ., W chains to
. r crook of said ditch, near the
. r stump and 68-100
t . with the lack III
85-100 chains to a
e stump the corner g of H. n-
Smith thence with said Benjamin
I and
to end of the ditch in Per
thence t- .
C ill-
Place on the corner of I will sell before w E.
Race Track,
roan with the center
;. ping a d
. , . ,.
, . r r ,.; n.
tWo I, .
CUrt the tract.
.,,. f. .; -1 . . and tho
tins 9th t f J .- i Alloy fr-.
. . John K ton
This January 1907
j n Galloway
f Q Atty
en and a host relatives
m her death.
Saturday evening a s in
v. Biggs Cox came to Ayden
a wagon load wood,
driving in
Fri and ran away
the wagon o. ,
,.; n
a land, demolishing
skinning the young
almost from head to foot,
upon investigation by the
was found to have
ed no serious hurt- A little
lament a big- crowd and the
us was over.
Taylor, an old and high-
citizen of Ayden,
has been in the
here for a number of
family has gone
to live. Ayden
ill to lose such people
it is with regret that
and presence will be felt
appreciated ever they
wish them
success in their w n m
e regret very much to learn
the son of Mr. Big rs Cox
was a runaway
Saturday is in a i in-
n, it b ion
that he received.
as well as external in
es. We i. hope his
not so serious as
and that tho I
speedily recover from his
tries, met with a
some two years
and has been n cripple ever
Sallie Dixon came over
i Greene county Tuesday and
The farmers seem to be taking
advantage of this rice weather.
They are hauling their fertilizers
and right many of them have
broken up considerable
There were a large number of
wagons, mules and here
A force of hands are at work
on Third street placing
and filling up the old canal. It
will be when completed a de-
Ed into his
handsome in v residence on
Main street.
Rev. Mr. Morton, a
minister from Tarboro will
preach in the Missionary Baptist
church here next Monday night.
Rev. R. H. Jones, of the Dis-
church. Is over in Martin
county recuperating.
J. A. has a pair of boys
now an I seems to be extremely
happy as a result.
Another President Nearly in
W. V. Pulley and party of
Southern Railway officials, on
their way Raleigh to appear
before the legislative joint
on had a
row escape from being
ill.- this .
n fact the train they rare on
lid run into an open B and
the thing
wreck of the train was tin fact
that the train was moving oil
from the water tank and was
running very slow.
this date.
in the ill
Oscar lakes all die u
and which wore con-
meted in their Gr .-i e,
and S ow Hill
if and all
-mil a
p tho-i-f
make payment to
And said It. L. Smith t
notes . I
V c ,. aces
and all persons owing
said bi
i d
places, -v i make
A lull and Clothing. Dry Goods,
for the hoUse . I wake
id I order.
. . . ; .
. ii- was
to ;
r e
. . icy foil I
. you
. .
. .
. so i's
which ,
Al the goose
., h .
the . ,. ; ,.; L b,
O. r.
i; l, h having Coin,
-11 mules o
sad will con
.,, .II
. I
i.,. . .
hi . I
N. w
business Nov.
ii e
ii t
. Capital paid in,
fund 2,700.0
1.11. .
I to check,
1.846 I
,, pa
j. day January .ii. L
n inn s-
ii the sum
; v
Sold to
,;. interest in e-
, ,., ow ed by Hi- I
L, and he will
a it nun to run Bate n .
, Stables tho
and I
him w Hie
,,. the public,
the 7th day
1907. O- Hooker.
Certified Checks
; r the
., ; i .
;. i- ,. Hie f my
. R.
all lo
m .
I Nov,
RT ,
B. C. i N
. ho
changed an grocery and have
added an . ti vi., new stock of
Dr Joss
Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Bryan
request the pleasure of your
at the of their daughter
Mr. O. Leslie Grubbs
on Thursday the seventh of
nineteen hundred and
at half afar six
Three hundred am
Greensboro. North Carolina.
TO J. H.
Dealers in Dry Goods, No-
Light and Heavy
Prices to suit the times.
k HI .
Ayden C.
Nice Conveyances.
Prices to suit time.
N. C
. An c
ha,. th , at ht price.
will th
line of GROCERIES.
.-I I
I .
, S.
I, lie I
. .
or v any
kin . .
on the s
P i A
; , I
h r
One u
1-3 I
, n
. price
on I
One up-
. co ia Our i,
I price H
on easy terms.
g CHAS. M. g
d of Security
the possession of Policies of Fire Insurance
issued by from the
ample assets d
. . Involved. No
Policies can a bu hint and
get , not already
none a.
r A H Gal
Fred in.
-i t. , W J. L. Little,
Brown, R. Evan B. Breedlove, J.
and many others In Greenville.
S. PH chard c.
I . , been
h y w to . it
be done to put in the sewerage
. . ii i no small job.

Raincoats and
II a. m Devotional exercises,
Rev. J. E.
Reading of minutes and
roll call.
Number work in the
first, second and third
Mis- Lela Brown.
Arithmetic in the fourth
and grades, Miss
Reading in the third and
fourth grades, Miss Etta
How arithmetic,
Supt. W U.
Question box, Supt. H
B. Smith
I. p. m. Adjournment.
The above program is one
which promises a good day. Let
every teacher be as required b the rules governing
attendance upon these meetings.
We have bad full meetings. Let
u- this up through the
believe you will do this
without further
County of Schools.
Sat-1 with Prob-1
. it . . .
Health , P
cereal mid
Nut a l re
member ii Dr. Health
yet flavor matches Java
coffee. your
r can't coffee
a dots to .
In buying look for
u avoid any
the original
Sold by
Jno. I. Woolen.
Sold by
r. e.
I. little
I with a The
everyone knows. . by
Jno. I.
it's healthful, wholesome.
It's good for one as the other.
The more you take the better you
sleep eat. Makes people
happy. That s what s
Rocky Mountain Tea
cents, Tea or Tablets.
Wooten's Drug
They like . taste as well
mother wrote of
s Laxative
cough syrup is
Pet need
The Variety Is
P Safe.
and Plaids
it's tell our readers
about a Cough Cure Dr.
years ha.-i fought
Hie of opium, chloroform or other
ingredients commonly found in
couch Dr. it
baa the Pure Food Law
recently enacted, for he worked
along similar linen for many For
nearly Dr,
container have had a printed
on them against opium an
poisons. He has I made it
possible tor mothers their
children by simply g on
Dr. .--hoop., bold by
H n's Store.
see our
Plain White end
Deserves a Medal.
Years ago a little woman ii.
northwest Missouri was left a
widow. The long illness of her
husband exhausted their little
resources, an I when the
band and father were laid away,
the widow found herself pen
with four children.
She did not sit down to weep
and repine. Her grief was p,
but her duties were h Se
faced those duties bravely
performed them well- With her
own I hands she
for her little flock She kept
them v. ell fed and well clothed,
and gave them every
advantage. During -ill
these years strenuous labor
and heavy responsibility she
found time to scatter sunshine
Into many dark places. Her ex-
ample an inspiration to the
people of her community.
Her three boys grew to
young manhood and started
in life for themselves. All
of them are model citizens and
have achieved success in their
chosen One is a
prosperous lawyer, another a
successful physician and the
other a civil engineer whose
is recognized throughout the
country- The youngest child, a
daughter, was a success ml
teach r for several years, and a
few weeks ago was married to a
wealthy merchant
The little mother, old in years
but still young in spirit, is now
enjoying the veiling of her life,
free from worry and from care,
happy in the knowledge that
she has performed her full duty
as a mother and as a citizen-
In the distribution of hero
medals should this noble
woman be overlooked
is our watchword. Se-
only the choicest herbs
and roots known to
No spirits or harmful drugs.
Rocky Mountain
Tea is purity itself. cents,
Tea or Tablets.
Wooten's Drugstore
front or contains
01.11. far. conforms the National
rood and Drug Law.
Jno. I. Woolen,
. he is subject
better. suffers from a
.,,,. ii ad a treatment for
n starvation,
a in On the
; ; d M please
. it mu ii Eat what you
i . for
all our meals. It
. Jno. I,.
. the
la .- 11.1 essential
o juices are
,,,,., . Then, tin,,
, . . . ,. uses sourness
.- ion. for
f. it
; ids.
meat, and eels the
. ; .
Pure and Drug Law,
Bold here by Jo. L.
Mothers who give
Laxative Cough invariably
it. Children like it because th
taste is so pleasant. Contains hone
tar It laxative
I ii unrivaled for the re-
of croup. the cold
through the bowels. to the
Pure Food and Drug Law- Bold by
Jno. I. Woolen. I
When Freedom from the
Unfurled her Standard for all
to see,
These words in black
add white
Rocky Mountain
Drug Store.
V Two
If you are too fat it your food
turns to fat of muscle strength.
If you are too lean the f at producing foods
; that you eat are riot digested and
Lean, people do
Croup can positively be stopped in enough Pepsin in
while fat
n and not
pleasant and safe Syrup called Dr,
Croup lure, does the work
does it quickly. Dr,
Cure is for croup alone, remember- It
does claim
It's all,
To slop a cold with is
safer than to it ii after-
wards. Taken at the
will head off all col-Is and
and perhaps save you from
Pneumonia or Bronchitis.
are toothsome cold cure tablets
selling in A cent and cent boxes. If
you arc y, ii. -n to
try They will surely check
the co i. and please you. m
Bryan's Store
HOW'S Tim,
Dyspepsia Cure
contains all tho juices that art
found in a healthy stomach, in
exactly those proportions necessary
enable the stomach and digestive organs
to digest and assimilate all foods that may
be is not only a perfect
but it is tis-
sue tonic well.
Sour Stomach,
Heartburn, Palpitation the Heart and
Constipation. You will it.
; Digests What You Eat
Rests the stomach. the
issues and gives firm flash.
One Dollars
ward for any case of Catarrh that can- -i.
not tie cured Hall's Catarrh
ft CO O. .
W , the undersigned, have known P.
for the years be- f la
him honorable bu- V
s and financially able f-g
to carry out any obligation made by his
, ,.
Oft., V S
Elegant Furs
Elegant Furs
Mink, etc.
Col on be Utilized by a
that the plant of the
Gray Manufacturing Company,
this city, is to he con-
into a paper pulp factory.
The Carolina Company,
which controls the plant, owns,
a process for making high grade
paper from cotton stalks, a ma-
that is a waste product
an encumbrance the ground
after the staple is gathered. It
is estimated that the company
will to produce twenty
tons of pulp daily.
out any
firm. Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
cum Is taken internally
directly upon the blood and mu-, i,. ,
of the system, -n
for cons tip
All persons are hereby warned
not to employ in any way
our son, Elijah Moore, color-
ed, aged about years, well
grown an n. who left home
without our permission. Any
person dial this notice
will be
Jefferson Jones.
Delia Ann Jones.
N. C, Jan 1907.
lit ll.
. no; in
. . control mid muds
. . and it
i .
quick relief K
one for Piles- it works cur
satisfaction. pain-1
protruding blind piles l V ,
like magic by its use. Try and see ;
Bryan's Drug
Ii the
I ., I, i
Stray Taken Up.
I have taken a Jersey
heifer, light about one
year old, in poor condition,
swallow fork in each
Owner got same by prov-
property paying costs.
Jan. 1907.
V- Vincent
d ,
Dealer, Cash paid
Hides, Union Heed, Oil liar
nils, Egg, etc. Bel
Steads, Oak Suits
Hal y Carnages, Parlor
Tallies. Safes P
and Ax
Life Tobacco, Key West
Cherries, Poaches, I p
pies. Pine a-plus, Syrup,
Meat Sugar, Meat
Soup, Lye Food, Matches
Seed Meal Bulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apple-,
Nuts. Dr ed i
Poaches, Prune, Kai-
china wars Tip
ware, and
crackers, Macaroni, Beat
Butter, New flawing Ma
numerous other go
Quality and for
o ah. see me.
S. M,
Snap Beans
most productive and the best
strain of Red
Beaus on tho
true round-pod km
be robs out
, out Ito-
the WM
of Snap Beans,
Early or other
to write for
tux special prices.
Wood's New Seed Book
for WOT gives tho
about needs for market gar-
and kinds to
now, said Ibo way to grow
them. Bet on request
. . ;
C Owner.
Truth In Preference to
A Hill To Be Entitled An Act. To
Authorize The Board Of C I
To Issue H In The Sum
prov the Public s of
The Genera Assembly of
North Carolina do Enact;
Section That, for
pose of g
roads of Pitt county the board
rs aid com
hereby authorized, empowered
and to bonds of the
county to an amount wt
in denomination
not exceeding bearing
from the i thereof at
not exceeding the rate of
per interest
coupons attached payable semi
annually at such time and places
as may be by said board
of county
bonds to be of tenor, and
transferable in such aid
the principal thereof payable
such time or times, not exceed-
thirty years from tho date
thereof, and at place or
places as the paid board of
may deli
Provided, that none of the
bomb, by this act
hall be disposed Of either by
sale, exchange, or
otherwise for a lass price than
their lace value.
Section Such ant
coupons shall he numbered and
shall be signed by chairman
pf said board of commissioners of
county d by the
of said Bounty
shall bear the seal of
Section A iv. shall he
.-in by the said board of com-
in a book for
that p if all bonds
lo whom, the amount and
security upon terms
i s to count
i money i f
said sinking fund so shall
hive the legal rate of interest in
fr f, ii i ii, i shall be
i t I in tho same
-ti i I; i money
arising from the tale of the
i be to
to survey, to lay out, t-i
and build, Improve and
m the public roads of said
count;, by con or otherwise,
. . id ding maintaining
ill . convict force as may from
t. be assigned work
on said roads.
S c ion . That the bonds
her provided for shall be
d in some safe deposit
or bank to be agreed
UP by said board of
and the treasurer of Pitt
county, and only drawn out on
the joint order of the said board
of and the treas
of said county, as needed
for carrying out tho purposes of
Section When any of said
bonds are sold the proceeds sh-II
turned over to the county
treasurer of county, who
keep said funds and all
other funds provided for in this
act, which may come into his
hands from other
funds, and he shall p separate
accounts of the same and said
y treasurer, before any fund
for in this act be
paid over to him, shall execute
an i bond payable in the
ii iv inner in a sum least as
great OB the sum that may come
hands by reason of this
for his faithful
if keeping of the i, render
an in
first Tuesday in Ma in the y r
it being the .-, day- f
the month of May. At
i election all voters In Pit
county qualified to vote in .-aid
election may vote a written r
ticket. Th
th purpose of Ii may
a written or .
t e words Road
. in, and th
oppose the this
shall vote a ticket with
written or
thereon. And if a majority i a
the voters of Pitt county I
lied to vote at said
lion shall vol.-
bonds provided for in
be issued and sold B
c to the provisions
contained. The said election
shall be held in the manner pro
for by law for the election
of the General As
except as is otherwise
differently provided for in
act. There shall be a now
of aid voters of raid
c fop said election,
books for new re-.
shall be opened
the of April, 1907, at
. Ive o'clock noon, and t o
the 4th day of
The registrars and judges if
election of each precinct shall
meet at their respective precincts
on Saturday, the 4th day of Ma,
1907, at nine o'clock a, m and
shall hear any complaint for n
fusing of registration and also
all challenges which be
date of sale, I
each bond and
and in all thin, s h
same as required I h .
Thai all e
the Issuing Incurred by the county
number, on account at meetings i
made any person admit-
to registration, but no name
shall be erased from the
list notice to
i r nil and a h and i
may be n
after the n
the have been i Hid
i i he of
fie registrars an I judges of
shall the
mil of oner for the
r I law
At Hi do
t . i .
of i
of th
p is the mum than above ate .
. ft was in
of d ; m
to meet the part as
v .-.
There w-y committee
quite n or of bills
and man
new bi Is i., Some
to . a
tax to support one or more
. I
the in of
i Bin d farmers.
l i- also a
cumber of i
To provide for pay of
to pr
. ,
the escape f
to protect the
f Western N rt i Caro
the interest in
I to regulate labor in
n mills.
I in senate
with . long debate
bill to solicitor
basis. After being
as not ;., become op-
until 1901 it passed second
reading. There wore several
bills but all of practically
nor importance.
In tho House there was a
from Martin county asking
the homestead law
In to pay tin-
mi on said bonds and create
a fund for taking up order out of the provided
said bonds at maturity and sup-
the chain ganger con-
force, and establishing
and maintaining
by of imposed n of Pitt later than the
by i act shall be paid rm their
for in this act.
Section Tin board of
commissioners of county
shall audit and ascertain the ac
lie roads of said county of Pill in counts of the sheriff for all appointed one registrar am
good condition the board of com-, taxes levied and collected under of election for each
.,, i Monday In 1907, and
l no list of so appointed
shall be published for tWO weeks
iii newspaper published in
county during the month of
March, There snail be
missioners for said county, or
other authorities vested with
levying taxes for said
shall compute and
levy at the time of levying other
taxes a sufficient special tax on
all polls, all real estate and per-
and all other sub-
of taxation which said com
this act, and make settlement and registration
of the same between said sheriff and election shall be held in all
and the county treasurer, and like the elections for
said board of commissioners may members of the
prosecute any necessary action, are held, except as is other
for the recovery of any or differently provided in
road taxes any officer this act. At the close of the
failing to account for the same.
Section That board
election in each precinct the
votes shall be counted and re-
missioners or other authorities of county commissioners shall turned, over the signatures of
now or hereafter may be allowed
to levy taxes upon for any
pose whatever, always observing
constitutional equation between
the tax on property and the tax
i Provided, there shall
; be at any time levied in the
of Pitt, for the purpose
of road improvement, and
all expenditures made
by this act, a tax greater
than twenty rive cents upon the
hundred dollars of property and
rive cents on each poll.
Section That it shall be the
duty of the board of commission-
of the county of Pitt, to an-
invest any and all moneys
arising from the special tax for
sinking fund in the purchase of
any of said bonds at a price
deems advantageous said
county by said board of
and to be agreed upon
between them and the owners
thereof. lat in
use the funds derived from the the registrars end judges
sale of the said bonds for or a majority of them, to
purpose of constructing and
proving the public roads in said
county in such manner as to
them may be deemed most
and effective.
Section The said treasurer
shall not be allowed any
on receipts of the amount
the board of commissioners for
the county of Pitt. Abstracts or
blanks for this purpose
shall prepared by said
board of commissioners and
furnished to each precinct,
and the registrar or one judge
of election shall be chosen as a
received from the sale of said messenger to transmit said re-
bonds, but for the paying out of
said amount he shall be allowed a
commission of one half of one per
provided, however, he shall
be allowed the usual commissions
allowed county treasurers for
receiving and disbursing the
amount collected from
taxes to pay the interest on said
For the
of the wishes of the
voters of Pitt county upon the
question of issuing such bonds
sad the as
ail siting A n j.-,;
turns to said board of
Said returns shall be
executed in triplicate. One cop
shall be transmitted as aforesaid
to the board of commissioners of
Pitt county, one copy to
clerk of the Superior court of
said county and one copy re-
by the registrar of each
precinct. On the second Monday
May. 1907, being the
day of said month and the
Monday succeeding the election,
the beard of commissioners for
the county f Pita shall meet as
shall and y
II led to vote at i I
have voted
id . h the
I t r in this l
I lied and sold. At
election h Id under th b i
person who shall not have
a ,
. the registration b
open for registration, but
II become entitled to
it ration after said
ion books were closed, an be.
entitled to r on the
if election and vote.
T. . a majority
if tho voters of Pin county
led to vote at the here-
ore provided for shall fail
to vote, Road Improve.
m it at such o In
event tie same in
be again submitted to I e
of Pitt county, order
i the board of s of
com at tine
. time as said board i
designate .
n the year 1908 and the year
Provided that if at any
election a majority of the
of said county d
j any election .-hall
Road Improvement
lien no election shall be
told on said Question, but the
of commissioners of said
i c shall proceed to issue
mil bonds of said county to
an amount not exceeding
manner and for the
i up. e,
here shall be n new
nun V and every election,
lion. Such elections shall he
Iv in manner
I for by law for tho
of in
hi except i. other
d in
ii act, he co
In of Pi i count j hall . i
I a d r. ; such
i m appoint one registrar
I I judge of . i fur
e u-i and n of the
persons so I be
published for two weeks next
succeeding appointment, in
B new -paper in
said county.
The registrar of each precinct
hall be furnished with a
book by said beard of
and it shall be
his duty the hours of
nine o'clock a. m. and sunset on
each day, Sunday excepted. for
twenty days preceding the
day for closing the registration
books, as hereinafter provided,
provided to keep open said reg-
book for the
of any electors residing within
such precinct entitled to
registration. The said
hooks shall be closed for
registration at sunset on
the second Saturday before
such election. On
Saturday during the period of
registration the registrar shall
attend with his registration hook
at the polling place of said
for the registration
It shall be the duty of the
registrar to attend the
place in his precinct on the Sat-
preceding the election
from the hour of o'clock a. m.
to the hour of o'clock p. m.
when and where the said book
shall be open to inspection the
electors of the and any
of said electors shall be
to object to the name of any per-
son appearing on said
Provided, nothing herein contain-
ed shall prohibit any elector from
challenging objecting the
a n
-d and i
ires of
or i
i boar i of c th A a
or la for this p .
b furnish d i; i I b lard of
on of el in eh ill ;.
i -n a I i
lit the said . Said re-
i- I i
. ii mi i sh ill
ail to I
of commissioners for the
of Pitt, one copy to th
dark of the R r co of
county mi I . i
i by re
On Monday next succeeding
the election the
for th of
met as a canvassing board
and shall receive tho said
turns of election,
and judicially pass upon
same, and declare the v-
election, If a
voters of Pl
t-i Mich II
i rated Road Improve-
then the bonds id
fir in i his act shall be Issued
and sold according to the pro-
visions set forth,
Section Immediately aft i
passage of this act tho seer
State shall send a
i. d copy of the same to there
deeds of Pitt county.
Section This net shall be
force from and after Its
the Law Art
I tho ii Sen
tor PI ming i d a bill i
establish tin i n norm
sell ml in Eastern North Carolina.
He ids introduced n bill to
Pitt commissioners
work convicts on other work than
county roads, and one to prevent
theft of cotton.
Tho other new bills were a
local nature. A petition was
presented from of Bethel
to extend corporate limits,
and to permit a vole on the
of dispensary, saloons and
prohibition. A large number of
bills passed reading, am
the divorce bill making ten
separation a cause for divorce
passed second reading by n bare
majority of This hill brought
out a long argument-
In the house Representative
introduced a bill to es-
a normal school in
North Carolina.
Representative in-
a bill to provide for the
and support of th I
State University. This bill
on annual appropriation of
and a special
ion of for two years.
Representative Rod well
a bill to repeal the crop
lien law.
There were several new bills
of minor importance. By special
order the bill to enlarge the
powers of the corporation com-
mission was taken up and die
cussed at length. It passed sec-
The joint committee en rail-
roads and corporations continues
daily to meet and hear
relative to the bill
the ton year
I ion
also a petition from
a petition from
Bethel, Pitt county, ask-
for a dispensary.
Jones a bill to
establish the dispensary. There
no bills of general
ice among the new ones intro-
At Saturday's session
introduced a bill .
.- r-or
ii i , ,,.,,.
Senator lei. ,. -i-,
bill the , ,,,
election ii ,.
I, .,.,
. i liquor
at the of R .,;.
Jones next
day afternoon, us the date
for hearing advocates and
of the bill t allow the
in Pitt county,
vote on the question of
bit ion or dispensary,
r at Hit e-
Oakley, X, c. Feb.
Luge crowd out to
Sunday morning.
J. S. Cherry and family, of
Stokes, visited iii neighbor-
hood Sunday.
Several of our business men
went to Greenville week,
We have a new barber In town
a shave, as eta a pull out.
Will Highsmith. of
was here business Saturday.
S Williams and family-
spent Sunday in
S. A. is all smiles.
Its a young lady, a week old.
W B. Roebuck and family, of
spent Sunday here
with S A- Congleton.
Sam Mizell. of Williamston,
was here Sunday.
Miss Mary Alligood. of
ton, is visiting relatives here.
T. F. Nelson and C. Belcher
went to Greenville Monday.
J. L Perkins and family
Susie of g,,.
were here Sunday.
Jes. of
S e

Eastern reflector, 1 February 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 01, 1907
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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