Eastern reflector, 11 January 1907

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.; --t;
Editor i-oh
rate made upon application.
desired office in
in to fiction
The big event for is the
Jamestown exp
It is hard to get accustomed to
the 1907 mid slips a year
back are yet frequent.
Third Assistant Postmaster
General Madden must have it in
for the newspapers and want to
put a lot of them out of business.
He has recommended to congress
that the rate of postage on vs-
papers be increased from one
cent to five cents a pound. If
h's suggestion should be adopted
K would be a blow to the great-
est avenue of popular education
the country has. Make the
rate five times what it now
Let nothing get in the way of
securing that normal and
is and few newspapers would be trial school in Greenville.
Do not let the water wagon
run in the mud.
Let's mane this year 1907 a
a record breaker in Greenville's
Watch Greenville hump herself
to get a normal and industrial
school located here.
able to live under such a tax,
less there was a large increase
If is to be represent-
in that ad in the exhibits at the coming
would fall upon Jamestown g exposition there
a class of people who can least should be an early move in that
afford to bear it.
While there Is always room
With sixty-one saloons in the
for doing better, Greenville is to city. need not
be congratulated for doing as stand in of snake bite,
wall as she during 1906. though many of them may see
Three measures that were snakes.
inaugurated daring the year will
mark it as a great year for the
town. These were the National
Bank, The Home Building and
Loan Association and the
of Commerce, that came in
the order named. These
are the outcome of an
enlarged spirit of unity that is
being manifest among the
men of the town, and it
will mark the beginning of an
era of prosperity like which the
town has never known before.
For this Greenville is to be con-
Methodism looses a i
able man in the death of
A. Smith, which occurred
suddenly in Asheville, Thursday
K You can wait and see if the
days between new and
Old Christmas will mark the
weather for the months of the
succeeding year. If it does the
first half of 1907 is going to be
Let every man in Pitt county
himself to get the coming
legislature to locate the normal
and industrial school for eastern
North Carolina in Greenville-
This town is the place for such
a school.
Let of your new year
be to put your surplus
money in bank and not keep it
round the house as an invitation
to robbers. Besides taking care
of the money for you the banks
will pay your on it.
Looks like the country is drift-
back to pioneer days in the
Right to Richmond
Monday a
Secretary Taft says he is not
seeking the presidential
Seaboard Air Line and does not expect to be
train was held up by two men the Republican candidate. Ail
who robbed the passengers of the same he would not object to
and shut the Pullman con- having it.
Sometime ago John
Paul body, or what was
to be a remnant of it,
got the and now it is
M sword that has been brought
out of the scabbard.
The number of fatalities from
the wreck on the Baltimore and
Ohio road near Washington City.
Sunday evening, has increased to
fifty two.
Heart Strength
Strength, or Pot
on weak In a hundred Id it.
actually ft ii ah no a
tiny little that really I nil at fault.
This or Heart
mint more power,
more controlling, more governing
the Heart must
to fail, and and kidneys
tho me controlling
clearly explain why. at a Dr.
Restorative In the Mat done ranch
and ailing Heart. Pr. sough
of all this painful,
popular to
and waiting centers. It
It offers real. heart harp.
If you would have strong Heart, strong
u with
A Seattle woman to free
from a husband who mis-
created her. by attempting
but failing in that she tried
a court and won out.
and every heart
with Yuletide joy.
This the same difficult pro m itself at every re
u same.
We come to your and here with all your
troubles and let us show
We're in Holiday attire have the things a Man buys for
himself and appreciates most. We can, also, fill the Boy's
Stocking us satisfactorily as the Man's.
Indians on the western
frontier are getting on their war
path and giving some
they, get
they are sure enough.
The newspapers that have been
coming since Christmas report
the usual number of holiday
In this fortunate sec-
e were none of
The people have in the past
contended with bad train
but the railroads never gave
poorer service than in the pres-
The is one place you
have to pay as you go, or, to be
more exact, pay before you go.
Therein Uncle Sam sets a good
example children.
Another great railroad system
has lost its official head.
President Cassatt, of the
Pennsylvania road, died sudden-
in Philadelphia Friday.
Some folks think it is smart to
speak at a col-
just because they know
collection cannot be forced in
their case.
Spencer Blackburn made a
long step the bounds of
of decency in the charges
against Governor Glenn in con-
with the contest matter.
Blackburn must have fallen
down in his hopes of getting a
big Federal appointment, as he
has given notice that he will con-
test Hackett's election.
Spencer Black turn has served
notice on Congressman-elect
Hackett, of the district,
that he will contest the election.
Blackburn charges more fraud
than he is going to be able to
Governor Glenn has given the
falsehood to Blackburn's charges.
That was to be expected, as no
one knows better that they are
false than Blackburn himself.
Marion Butler says he expects
to be in the United States senate
again in less than ten years.
He will have to change his
from North Carolina if he
A Roosevelt Third Term
League has been organized in
Chicago. Trying to force it on
him any way. it seems. Better
let him stick to his proposition
not to be a candidate any more.
Greenville Getting Interested in the
Mr. J. Lyman, Babcock, of
Norfolk, who has charge of the
exhibits to be made by the Nor-
folk Southern railway at the
Jamestown exposition of the re-
sources of the section traversed
by this railroad, was in Green-
ville today and met with the ex-
committee of the
of Commerce with a view of
getting exhibits from this sec-
After talking over the
matter the committee invited
Mr. to return to
Greenville on the 9th and ad-
dress the Chamber of Commerce
at the banquet to be held that
date The invitation was ac-
and every member of the
organization should be present
This section should be well rep-
resented at the exposition, and
presented by Mr. Bab-
cock offer an opportunity that
should be embraced
A change in the plan
our new building
from to stories
made it impossible to
finish it by Jan. sO
We have moved,
to remain only till our
new store is ready.
Write for and
Price List.
Geo. S. Mgr.
Owing to an arrangement
with Mr. C. E. Spear, his
in the watch and jewelry
business, Mr. J W. Taylor, our
optician, will be in Ayden till
Bout February 1st, and will do
eye or optical work at the same
old stand for those
services till than. and
of the of
At Greenville, in the State of North
Carolina, at the of business,
Fancy Protector
Bath . Etc, Etc
Loans and
Overdrafts secured and
S. Bonds to
Due from National
fr Hanks
I books and
go 7111.18
Sot- s
nit-kit sand
Lawful money reserve
Legal-tender notes
Redemption fund with u.
Treasurer cent of
Capital Stock paid
Undivided less
and tuxes paid National cotes
Individual deposits
to Ml
Time of
checks Of a
votes and bills
We'll lay aside your selection until Christmas, and
we'll make any exchanges desired after Christmas.
Total 162,867.48
State of North Carolina,
County of
J. W. the above
named bank, do solemnly swear
the above is true to the best
of knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
17th day Of 1906
E a
S. E
Whole- retail and
Fun Dealer paid
Hides, Fur, Bar--
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Be
Mattresses, Oak Suits.
Baby Carriages, Parlor
suits, Tables. Lounges, Safes P
and Gail Ax Snuff,
High Key West
George Cigars,
Cherries, Peaches,
Pine Apples, Syrup,
Meat Flour, Coffee, Meat
Soup, Lye Food, Matches
Seed and Hulls,
Garden Seeds, Oranges, Apple-,
Peaches, Prunes,
Glass ware Tip
wooden ware, cakes and
Macaroni, Rest
New Sewing Ma-
s and numerous other
cash, come see me.
S. M.
Phone 55-
The New Year
Finds me at the same stand, on door north of M with
-------a complete line of--------
Groceries, Canned Goods.
Pickles, r, Cheese,
Coffee, Cakes, Candies,
Fruits. Tobacco, etc.
thank ever; customer for his patronage during the
past year and ask that it may be continued.
It will pay you lo visit my store and see my stock.
J. B
out for your Christmas shopping, select
t-s well it
Our line of Holliday Goods
We have e lire of chairs to t j purse both willow
Oak, toilet sets, art s couches
sets, and many
other suitable for to numerous to
w. hut in
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and
Ties and Bags.
Correspondence an
Cotton Buyers and Brokers h
lock ,
And Herein lies The
is Right
Drop In when down town Holliday shopping
r to satisfy.
y Owner.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Negro for Liberty but i Re-
Two pistol shots drew a crowd
to the vicinity of the court house
Saturday afternoon. A
had been arrested on the charge
of stealing a turkey and while
officers had him at the court
house awaiting investigation he
gave them the slip- It was while
the making for the alley
behind the Reflector building that
Deputy sheriff Dudley fired the
two shots after him that attract-
ed the crowd- The
in the alley and in the
hope of losing his pursuers
though the Greenville Banking
Trust Co's building to
street Seeing people running
out there the put out down
Evans street crying him,
catch as he went, thinking
by this to take attention from
as being the party want-
ed. This did not
Hooker tripped him up, jumped
on him and held until the
officers caught up. The was
taken back and locked up. He
was not struck by either of the
shots from the pistol.
Bomb Thrower Wrecks Bank.
Philadelphia, Jan.
a loan of and
failing to get it, a man who has
not yet been identified dropped a
bomb in the Fourth Street Na-
bank today, blowing him-
self to pieces, instantly killing
Cashier Z. and
injuring six others, one or two
of whom may die The only clue
to tho identity of the bomb-throw-
was a bunch of keys found in
a portion of the clothing attached
to which was a plate inscribed
Steele, Garner.
Two Probable Candidates.
Washington, D. C. Jan.
W . will be the
nominees of the two
-parties in 1908 in the opinion of
Representative Bryan's
nomination by the Democracy
there seems to be no ob-
served Mr. and it looks
now as though all the great
influences the Republican
party which stood by
are striving for the nomination
of the vice president. Mr. Fair-
banks is the real choice of the
conservative element. Of the
G. O. P. the conservatives com-
pose the majority of the party
and that is the reason Fairbanks
will be the nominee for the
I predict that with Fair-
banks and Bryan as the
dates, the Nebraskan will be
elected president by a bigger
majority than was
T- J. Pence in News and Ob-
s cf Confederate of
Confederate of Raleigh
Southern to the core, by
adopted yesterday, a
new record in appreciation of
service and ask the As-
of North Carolina to give
pensions to the who as
servants followed the fortunes
the Southern Confederacy,
and were true and faithful.
Resolutions requesting that
fifth of pensions be
to be those of
faithful to the
were last night adopted by
L. Branch camp of
Veterans, and are as fol-
Whereas, L. Branch Camp
U. C. V- believe that rec-
should be given the
worthy who folk wed
the fortunes of the Southern
Confederacy as faithful
Resolved That all
resident of this State, who as
servants in the Confederate
army, rendered true and faithful
service to their s, shall be
entitled to a pension in proof of
such service.
Resolved That a copy of
these resolutions be sent to the
General Assembly with request
that provision be made for said
pension by adding a fifth class
to the pension act.
Commander Stronach was
pointed a to present
the resolutions to the General
Assembly. Raleigh News and
Statement of Profit aid 1905
By amount of on hand last statement
dispensary com.
water and lights
ending December 31st, 1905,
Stock Statement Quarter December 31st, 1906.
To amount of stock on hand last statement
purchases this quarter
S 3.740
By amount of sales this quarter
Less profit
expenses paid 6.591
amount of inventory December 31st, 1908.
Percentage of profit 27.09.
Bills payable
Pitt county's part of the first
one hundred thousand dollars
apportioned by the State to
lengthen school terms in the
various counties where the school
fund does not run the schools the
required time, is The
number of children of school age
this county is
Handy Book.
The Bank of Greenville is dis-
tributing an almanac that is a
very handy and useful Look. Be-
sides the calendar of the differ-
months it contains a com-
of all officers,
State, county and municipal, in
the States of Virginia and North
I Una, Rives the dates for
Register of Deeds Williams has
issued marriage licenses o the
following couples since the new-
year came
Watt Parker and Marietta
Will Forbes and Pearl Evans.
J. H. Whitehurst and Lucy
Frank Owens and Tabby
William and
William Greene and Florence
James Williams and Bessie
J. O. Warren and Delia Hat
Louis Blow and
Joe Roberson and Una Spell-
Henry Randolph and
Eli Savage and Katie Ran-
Arthur Teel and Eliza
Cash Statement for Quarter Ending 31st,
Sept. By amount of cash on hand
sales quarter ending Dec. S.,
Dec. To am of stock purchases this quarter
miscellaneous expenses paid
paid county
on hand in banks
of petty cash on hand
Dispensary Commissioners.
Interesting Events the Or-
Raleigh, K. C. Jan. 9th.
We have experienced our first
visit to Raleigh on the eve of the
assembling of a session of the
General Assembly, and to
that the experience was inter-
is not more than half ex-
pressing the situation
of both the senate and
house of representatives began
arriving early. A large number
were on hand by Monday night
and every incoming train Tues-
day brought more With them
came candidates innumerable for
the various positions to be filled,
and Tuesday was a day given to
hard work the candidates and
their supporters.
Of course more interest
Hit No. Shot.
Mr, D S. Powell, a large mer-
ant P was
on- fired at him and struck him
in the breast with No. shot.
Mr. Powell is quite seriously hurt
but recover. There is no
clue as to who did the shooting,
a man had made
threats against Mr. Powell and
the supposition is he is the one.
over blood
hounds and the d i- the
trail and ran it to the coal
re if was lost. The
jumped strain that
passed soon after ting.
A Story.
The South is prosperous as it
never was before. Ii has ii;.
material advantages than it ever
had before. Except for th mat-
of it is i
well governed as it ever was
before. Before the war
a little handful of wealth;
slave-owners, whose devotion
public duty was often
more pretended than real
Now the South is ruled by all its
white men, and even such evils
from corrupt corpora-
arc less menacing to good
government than those which
grew tho supremacy of
fewer than
8.000 rich
.,,, i ere is a good story I picked
Baptist School Progress, up A dollar looked dis-
The Memorial Baptist Sunday at a penny and boasted,
school on Sunday elected the am bigger than you To
following for this which penny meekly
O. D. Rountree, supervisor i rm. j n , , i
W. H. superintend-; chairman of
I lam brighter and prettier than M London,
J. F. Stokes, You are dull and copper
i and the again
J. J. Cherry, treasurer. bound to agree. Still the
i dollar boa am worth
W. P. Edwards, assistant sec-i
rotary. you. I can buy a
times as much as you
at- Impatiently the Denny I .
kiss Jamie Bryan, assistant at all may be true; amendment was offered
organist. ., .; Democrats in good
to r lain
Mrs. T
tared in the speakership of
house than for any other p ace J at the home of her
to be filled Bun wore four on Second and Green Streets,
aspirants for this honor, and
previous session has
ever shown more able men from
which to make a selection.
These were E- J. Justice, of
Guilford county; Walter
of Rowan county; W. C-
Dowd, of Mecklenburg
J. S. Manning, of Durham
county No i could be given
in advance of the caucus as to
which of these candidates would
The caucus m.-t in the bill of
the house of representatives at
S o'clock Tuesday B
of Hertford, was made
She was in her eighty-fourth
year, and has been an invalid
for several months past. She
was buried this afternoon
at three o'clock in Cherry Hill
M T.
ducting the burial e n The
pall-bearers were Messrs. L. W.
Tuck. , E. E. Griffin, . B.
Wilson, J, L-
and A r n.
January 1907.
the caucus and H; r
of Chatham, lIer-
A motion was made that I I sand
all Democratic members of c
house of
officers, and members
of the Democratic press be per-
to remain in the caucus.
Announcements with
organist . . ., . . an
The school made splendid pro-1 l am than bi
grass the year and now the dollar with wounded This en i
the largest enrollment in its his- vanity, And how d f ,
Because I to I .,.,
Tucker, Policeman
Clark and Revenue Officer Miller
captured an illicit distillery in the
Branch section on Sunday.
. hear that distilleries were
broken up in the county in the
past week. We hope the good
work go on. until there
is not one left in the county.
Confessed His Guilt.
Huntington, W. Va-- Jan.
Percy Martin, of Atlanta, Ga.
was arrested by Chief of Police
Dawson of this city, charged
with being one of the bandits
who held up a Seaboard Air
Line train, miles south of
Richmond Now Year's eve. In
an hour after his arrest he con-
fessed his guilt and delivered to
ho officer a five hundred
diamond ring which had been
a from one of the
and he tells where most of
money ran be found.
Martin says that he and his
pal, arrested in Richmond, and
. in jail in Mecklenburg
Va., planned the robbery in
Washington, D. C. After com-
the crime they walked
all the way to Norfolk, Va.
Martin came here about three
years ago from Atlanta and be-
running on the Chesapeake
and Ohio Railway as a news
boy, but ho is married. Martin
will hold here awaiting the
arrival of There
was a reward of six hundred
offered for tho arrest of tho
, with a round
, was adopted
Sunday-school and church and call of the Democratic
you don triumphantly replied I responded to their
the penny.- J- N- Booth in names.
talks on
.- t
There is a surplus in the state
treasury of about and ;.
surplus in the penitentiary ac-
count of making a bud
of about the
will have to appropriate,
not counting a still greater in-
crease that will come from the
taxes of this year. Ample pro-
vision can be made for all the
State's needs from its revenues.
News and
It be hoped that the leg-
appreciates the
of few new laws as much
as the private citizens of the
state do. It is to be hoped that
most of the coming session can
be devoted to a full consideration
of the four or five really
matters to be brought be-
fore the legislature. Usually so
much time is lost in considering
vast volume of other business
hat some really important
are not considered as
u they should be.
Winston Sentinel.
No Fire.
A foul due at the home of Mr.
II. A. White, on Greene street,
Caused an alarm of fire to be
en Monday afternoon. The lire
department responded to the
alarm but found no fire. The flue
had and filled
tin room with dense smoke,
of tho
Round table
announced by
.- ; . in
Upon If
It . pro-
gram n I . from
the ; -.-. we
i and
my tench ill
ice of
I , , table
et meet-
in this way. We
three v- fine me
The motion
all nominating eel
. ms
speakers w. in order.
the of E.
J. Justice.
ton, of . presented
the name of W. C. Dowd. Rep-
J. Julian, of
Rowan, presented the name of
Walter Murphy. Re ires
Parsons, of Richmond, presented
the name of J S- Manning.
Representative Laughinghouse,
of Pitt, the
of Murphy. Several others of
the members made speech
seconding the
different candidates whose names
had been pr id.
The vote or rat ballot
Justice Murphy
Manning Sec .
Dowd Murphy Man-
Justice having
a majority of . ti ho was r
the of the caucus
n in on
The folio via
Chief clerk,
Wilkes county, I y a .
Reading clerk, B. P.
of Wake county, by acclamation.
Engrossing clerk, M. B. Ki
land, of Haywood county, by
Door-keeper, John A. Lisk, of
Montgomery county, first ballot
Assistant D. H.
of is c
In assignment of seats in
tho Represent Laugh-
and Jones, of Pitt,
best c
Make sac.
this midwinter meet
of you
attendance so far
for Ii
r had.
rd on
W. B dale,
.-; Schools,
Office the
. in
fit-. I HI
. . . th
, as ti
So .
C Craven
of Ash
use and
i arms,
veil, of
and . .,

Ax Accident on Captain Dixon's Steam-
boat Uncle Resulting n Death
of the Fireman.
The new year was I i in
at New Bern with a fatal
But bad as it was we may .
was fortunate- it did not
any later as there might
been other fatalities
with it. The boiler of the steam
Uncle Sam
half past in the morning and
Hardy Bennett, fireman,
The boat h was the prop-
of Capt. Tom Dixon was
lying at her place at of
Pollock street and was
up for trip on the river. Some
of help were busy g.
ting ready for the trip, and were
in a small boat near the
Sam Messrs. D
and Pr were inti s iv
marked l ha-
ha ;
II .
b. Li
th,. dead
The bod
Wants Libel Warrant
Atlanta, Ga. Jan. sin-
hope the New York Cot-
ton Exchange will issue a war-
rant for libel against me, as it
threatens, for this will bring out
, in the courts the have
when extended
ward its own
This statement as made by
sud Aeronautical
Norfolk. Va.
As might
pated, the
vi it'll steal
nut of the
inking that the
aged it up,
of the
that the
I he was afraid
. n I.
Mr r i
. i
. in the
.,.,,. . i
birth, was not slow
the sentimental
sic of an
mi, such
,. ii to many-
Fa The
this invitation was
M lO
i and hearty, and
Jordan, president of th
Southern Cotton Association, on
his return from New York and
Washington today
I left Washington,
agents of the Post
were authorized to inspect
the warehouses of the
of Cotton Exchange and an
will the best of their
on the waters
I i-res of Roads
Ids ye r, land of Emperor
. .- with Eng-
e r
. on
v e
.; he s
lite v
minutes New
examination of
cotton stored there. This will
disclose the truth of my
believe Gen-
will investigate
land herself the palm for thoroughly the charges hue
and power. Germany will be; and
at by a squadron of her, for j will be .,
war vessels, and possibly I
the unset regiments
most perfect military Fires Up.
on earth, and not
of the Fatherland in Virginia mince
such an assemblage L
of her power and her pride, will,,
Germans and he indicated that it would
and their child-, of
y section of for
. n, fa the of
ed soldiers of the Twenty-fifth
Should i. infantry. He declared that lie
was in chief of the
army and navy of the United
Slates, and that he knew his
ties and powers. He had not ex-
these powers and had
violated no provision of the con-
and no law in dismissing
men He had given about
as much consideration to his
legal powers in this case as any-
body else and he was satisfied
with what he had done.
. be
to ;
p roper t
equal bu
i and
i the shipper
to the end that
in ;. safety to
. -t
ducts to and
. h
. e
Rue Curing Develops the Stimulating Aroma and
Found In Schnapps that Satisfies Tobacco Hunger
There are three ways used by far-
for curing and preparing their
tobacco for the market; namely, sun
cured, air cured and flue cured. The
old and cheap way is called air cured;
the later discovery and improved way
is called flue cured. In flue-curing
the tobacco is taken from the field
and suspended over intensely hot
flues in houses especially built to re-
the heat, and there kept in the
proper temperature until this curing
process in the tobacco the
stimulating taste and fragrant aroma
found in Schnapps just as
green coffee is made fragrant and
stimulating by the roasting process.
Only choice selections of this ripe,
juicy flue cured leaf, grown in the
famous Piedmont country, where the
best tobacco grows, are used in
Schnapps and other brands
of high grade, flue cured tobaccos.
Hundreds of imitation brands are
on sale that look like Schnapps; the
outside of the imitation plugs of to-
is flue cured, but the inside is j
filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily i
sweetened air cured tobacco; one
chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco
hunger longer than two chews of
Expert tests prove that this flue
cured tobacco, grown in the famous
Piedmont region, requires and takes
less sweetening than any other kind, j
and has a wholesome, stimulating,
satisfying effect on chewers. If the I
kind of tobacco you are chewing don't
satisfy, more than the mere habit of
expectorating, stop fooling yourself
and chew Schnapps tobacco.
Schnapps is like the tobacco chew-
formerly bought costing from
to per pound; Schnapps is sold
at per pound in cuts, strictly
and cent plugs.
R. J. R. Tobacco Company. N C.
hen by .
N t
. signed
. n ill- board
I city has or
. to be held Pol
ion of
has for
Act in
5th. on I
; the
sec . .
crop year ;
The truck farm
have acreage at ail
points. F years pi M
crop has failed to pay the
farmers a they arc
wisely in reducing the acreage
and giving more attention to
supplies.- East
Carolina News
The of 1907.
News and Observer, which
now goes daily to over
subscribers, will give fuller
better reports than ever of the
proceed of the General As-
It is on the spot and
will and print
One dollar will get
every day dining
V, Ii.-
permitting the
sale of
repealed, and
a chance to
., constitution the
ion of the traffic.
Thai a reformatory for youth-
criminals be established
That the movement of freight
trains on Sunday be restricted in
r as the State can reach them.
I hat a II.
to d. with means and
Fighting Squirrel.
Did you ever hear of a tame
squirrel fiercely fighting people
If not, read this. Sheriff Milli-
ken s son. Jack, has had a tame
squirrel in a cage for about a
year, and last week he let it
loose. It ran about the yard for
a while and then fiercely attack-
ed the colored woman who
washing clothes and ran her inti
the house. Liter in the day
it attacked a colored girl in the
yard and bit her in the face and
on the necK and clung to her
until she ran into the house and
it was knocked off of her and put
t in the age. Pittsboro
T. U. Cherry,
aged about
ill,, iv a hid-
of the W died Thursday night.
. . I-
.- tot Oath of Office.
New B N. C, Jan. 2-
Judge Owen H. Guion and So-
Larry I. Moore were In-
ducted into their respective
and solicitor of the
Third Judicial District yesterday
at the home of Judge Guion.
tho Peace S- R. Street
id oath on a Bible
Guion for the
can and
the news
you the
Josephus Daniels. Editor,
Raleigh, N. C.
of sixty
When a woman goes shopping
the pitch of her voice depends on
whether she asks for silk or
These frequent
wrecks attended by large loss
life are horrible. Another
in kit
thirty-five people.
Three Minutes too Late.
Vicksburg, Miss. Jan. 3- Will
Harvey, a was hanged at
Miss., today three
minutes before notice that his
sentence had been commuted
reached the sheriff of
county. Today Harvey's
notified by Governor
that the sen-
had been commuted to
imprisonment for life. He
the sheriff
but the latter did not reach the
telephone until three
after the drop fell. Harvey
was sentenced to be hanged for
the murder of Pete a
in March last-
o'clock. The service
was conducted this afternoon in
the Episcopal church, the inter-
being in Cherry Hill
Deceased leaves a little
son, and is also survived by two
sisters, Miss Leila Cherry, of
Greenville, and Mrs. Anna
White, of Sampson county.
I .
mil d nun.
hi k
,. this
t .
I bu .
i-ii day
heir .
lie 20th
Mi.-y AT-.
Save Your Hen
Having this day
C. Moon, Clerk of the
of Pitt County, as
will and testament of
ran notice
.-D. holding
to ail
All ,
I Iof the e-
U of Walter deceased
been is.-u. in- by
me Superior Pitt
county, notice is here .
holding claims against said De-
late to present to roe fir pay-
duly authenticated, or or before
day this
notice Will be plead in bar of their re-
Ail persona indebted to
. state ore requested
payment to me. This the 28th day
of November
. .
i to for on or
in bar of
to .
payment t
of I
C. L. I
Executor of Elizabeth 1-
Jarvis Blow.
virtue of decree of i
i to
. No.
ore D.
. to
. duly
. 21st
. e will
of th-
i old
; kin
, f. We
see always
have time to about
all a
ltd .
ii. W.
an ;
has i
t I ill
the i i
she i.- , .
tern. he .-., i
to held
. from
the said
notice that
at next
it of Pitt
i i
State Temperance Convention
As chairman of the North Car-
Anti-Saloon League I here-
by the friends of temperance
to meet in convention at
January 24th, at noon. The
convention will adjourn on the
I have applied for reduced
railroad rates.
This convention will mark a
crisis in the progress of our
cause. A number of
important questions will be dis-
cussed, among them I under-
stand, the question of State pro-
For this reason,
for others it is important that we
should have a substantial and
thoroughly representative con-
and it is assured that
some of our foremost men will
be present and take part in the
J- W. Bailey.
Jarvis Blow
All will that the
Arm White, composed of J.
A. Webb and W. H. engaged in
the and exchange horses and
etc, has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent, W. II. White having
all the interest of J. A. Webb in
an I to said business i the lease
of the stables, all n and
account, and all
on hand.
All persons firm are here-
by not Hied to settle with W White,
successor of Webb white, who will
business at the same place
This Dec.
j. A.
t d w w. II.
therein . i
. I. Parker and i
i --ill on W
j .
i -i ii. th--
lot or r .
,. . of
, inscribed foil.
I on north by
on the east the lot of Pr i
on the south by the lot A. D
Oil he Belcher St.
one-half of an acre,
This the day of
day of January, i; i being the
i at
. I
i land
day of January, 1907.
of ,,.
N. C. and
implant in
Having qualified before
By vi.
A. Cox and wife to J. A. on
the 28th day of November, 1905 which
appears on record in the office of Reg-
of Deeds of Pitt county in Book
J-8 page which mortgage was
thereafter for value assigned to K. I.
Griffin, the undersigned will sell for
cash before the court house door in
Greenville on Thursday, 17th day of
January, 1907, the following described
lot situate in the town of Winterville,
N. C, and bounded as
On the north by Main street, on the
west by street, on the south
A. Kittrell and wife's lot on the
cast by II. B. Dixon and wife's lot, con-
three quarters of an acre more
or less.
This the 17th day of December. 1908.
R. Griffin
J James Attorney.
with will
of Jane
hereby given to all persons
the to make
to the undersigned, an
of a mortgage executed by having claims against
i pay-
i all per-
I estate
are notified to present them pay-
on or before the 26th day of No-
1907 or this notice will be
plead in bar of recovery.
This Nov., 1906.
A Moore.
ti tit Ia,
poi i i
it . mi
of Kilpatrick Patrick con
ducting a cotton and insurance business J. Holland, containing
Another tract
By of authority vested in me
by deed trust executed by W. G.
Hathaway and wife, Magnolia It. Hath-
away to the Bethel Banking and Trust
November the 27th, 1905, in default
of payment of note of same date
by said W. G. Hathaway and
wife, will on the 15th day of January
at noon, at the Court house in
Greenville, Pitt County N. C, sell to
the highest bidder for cash the following
described tracts of
tract of land bounded on the ninth by
the lands of Jesse on the east
by J. B. Bullock, on the south by
Little and on the wast by D.
acres more
f land
, 8-i I in
Nor Ii
ii apt
. r
i Norfolk
via folk,
A Sot o.
to el
without notice.
J. J. Agent,
N. C-
H. C- General V and
P. Agent, a.
M. W.
For of land,
acres, near Reedy
known as Kittrell land
Apply to H. R.
F. D. Mo. N. C.
A man's pond
Si . i a spec
v . a. examples.
. .-. II
ii .
j t t
I .
. r
i th
. t .
Greenville and
i i
Misses i
C Raincoats and Furs.
These Reduced Prices to stock
High Garments
The Variety is
I Mixed
and Plaids.
i in
Plain White and Cob
10-4,11-4,12-4 Sizes
Just now the genius of our
people is the development of the
resources of the country. We
are using government energy
and money to conserve the forests,
to build irrigation dams, and to
a variety of other things that
help to promote the amazing pros-
which the is en-
joying. It is easy to work
existing tendencies, and is
hard to work against them. Ten
years from now it may h
statesmanlike to try to per-
young men to goto
sea as sailors and our capitalists
to like the Germans of
today, in merchant .
But at present our young men
nave more than they can do on
land, at better pay than a .
faring life will ever afford; and
the land pursuits give op-
fur mental as well as
material progress that are de-
the sailor boy. We
-imply too prosperous, at pres-
to be obliged to take to
ocean freighting a
The disappearance of our for-
mer merchant marine was doe
to the fact that there was
much money to he made in
railroading, agriculture, and
manufacturing here at home iperiod following the
War, that our capita and
with one accord refused in
meager harvests of the sea I
the rich and certain return.; a
forded by the development
the Valley and
farther West From .
gross of the in
American Monthly Review I
Reviews tor January.
Value of
Advertising is not an exact
science and probably never will
become such. In this field lathe
empiricist in his glory, and Inter-
beyond expression are his
efforts at times. The whole
problem is one of
attract attention, to arouse
j curiosity, to beget a need, and,
ti to make a sale. It bears
the same relation to business as
coal to an engine; it is the fuel
of commerce and gives it both
steam and power. Re-
turns fr m Its employment are
not easily ascertainable. But
it is generally conceded than
economy in advertising is poor
economy, and large stores, in the
re e of their business,
Iii v.-- -a ti; y decrease
their ; appropriations.
Those who live by means of ad-
v, ill live as long as they
advertise; those who cease will
die. Nothing illustrates this
like patent medicine advertising,
Sales are numerous while print-
Ink i.- r to, but signal-
fall off when it is not invoked.
Wall Street Summary.
. R .
t . litmus e
; ; y , t, ,
Our line of Holliday
is E
We have a line chain to cult your i t low
and Oak, rugs, to lei Beta, . ,
sets, chain, wagons, s, an i any
other things suitable for gifts to nun to
And Herein ii s The Bea
Drop In town Holliday s
Yours to satisfy.
Elegant Furs
Furs of
Mink, etc
a. e mm
ii;, in- Arrived.
The engine for the material
train of the Raleigh and Pamlico
Sound railroad arrived here.
The connecting switch with tin
Atlantic Coast Line is being
in and as soon as car.-; for th
material train can be had true.
laying will begin on the new
It matter how
business man a fellow may
lie may be competent In
respect, honest,
liked by all his fellow men. If
Indulges too freely in
liquors he can not sue.
People are afraid to patron.,
such a because they don
know when he may be found in
drunken condition and unable to
attend to his business. When .
man engages In business of an
kind where he comes in
with the public he had better
cut strong drink entirely. Man
an otherwise successful man has
been driven to the wall by g
New, latest, and up-to-date Fall and liter
Woolens, Dress trim an i
Cloaks, we only have space to give you -rice
but have lots goods and will take in
showing you
our store your a
lowest thing
1.00,1.25,1.50 per
for Ladies tie
ii its out and the 3.00
Percales and
school dresses in
i .
i cunt
Our underwear is complete
n Ml
t of men marry

j. v
Editor and Proprietor
raw made upon application.
i office in and
president's next message
is ever
for suicides -two in two
News of wrecks.
murders and is
up most of the space of
Wilmington is making a record daily papers. With many, life is
a commodity-
It may be that Mr
is a liar, but let those who feel
offended tell him
That is what Mr. Hackett
Locks like- Spencer Blackburn j has very
w i . one lime too
tors a
dining the next
the b speaker for the
The man a to
is packing his grip for
Now let Perkins toll who gave
him that letter to carry to the
newspaper offices.
The Legislators will have
enough i if they attend to
the important that will
come before them. But as usual
they will have a thousand little
things demanding attention.
years ago the cost of
running the Legislature was
Two ye ago it
Congressman Livingstone and
President Jordan, of the
The crank who threw the
bomb and wrecked the
Southern Cotton association, are bank was on his way
after the New York Cotton Ex-1 South. We are glad that we
change with a sharp stick, and were spared of such a character,
ask the government to issue a
fraud order forbidding the use of
the mails by the exchange.
Governor Glenn has instituted
action for criminal libel against
Spencer Blackburn for charges
Things that Blackburn have the latter made in a letter to R.
been to be get- Hackett giving notice that he
in as bad shape as the con-1 would contest Hackett's election
himself. News comes
from that the Tar
Heel club and the Tar Heel Pub-
Company, both of which
he was the head, have gone in
the hands of receivers to wind up
their affairs.
to congress
Every regiment of sol-
in the United States Army
has been ordered to the Philip-
pines- We wonder if will
stop the quarrel over the Browns-
ville affair. If
At many places throughout
the South the keep
the celebration of new year as
emancipation day. At several
such on the first
resolutions were adopted
denouncing President
Roosevelt for discharging the
soldiers of the twenty-
comes and every heart
with Yuletide joy.
This is the same difficult problem that presents itself at every re
We come to your rescue and here with all your
troubles and let us show
We're in Holiday attire have the things a Man buys for
himself and appreciates most. We can, also, fill the Boy's
Stocking ts satisfactorily as the Man's.
Fancy Vests
Bath Robe
Shirt Protector
Etc, Etc., Etc.
Indigestion, constipation come
. there be go like rent and tax day and
ion in the future for senators sorrows, if you take
,. . ,. u lister's Mountain lea,
spend their time wrangling over . ,
, . I the greatest remedy n to
a regiment of shooting mankind- cents. Tea or Tab-
up a it would be better for S. Drug
it to be a Philippine town than st re.
one in the United States.
Spencer Blackburn tries to night oiL
throw all the responsibility of
the charges against Governor
An author's brightness isn't
due to the burning of
We'll lay aside your selection until Christmas, and
we'll make any desired after Christmas-
We do i. t believe Blackburn
will shirk the responsibility as
easily as he
t water wag-
of the first week
. Sultana
b t. f . v k
to With proper Glenn in a letter over his
economy it can be reduced to
.- and sh
Before work starts on the
depot for the Raleigh Pamlico
Sound railroad is a good time tr
, . a union depot
b . road and the
tic Coast Line. Something in
of Commerce
. You . . . in the push
if y . to keep up with
Gr-v .-.
Eastern . a n
school .
N will help our town
more than a community interest
foster d am our
Tl of Com-
j in ; . a spirit, and
every b of Green-
ville the
his .
. I not be t-
ti . .
did . it . many law
. I more c
the d of clothing y
wear . winter r
and no Id-
.-- . others inter-
i t redone by
general . y h set
gees ft
.; r. n Blackburn and
Pr id In
j ii lovers
. not the first
between to
If were only a f.
and himself might well
be and
Top of tho afternoon to the
Board for refusing
to grant to operate a dis-
i Greenville,
The ion of the legislature
Manning on the 9th promises to
to a.- one. Many
matters of Slate importance will
be acted upon.
n railway has put
Into slower schedule
for its people
would rather travel slowly than
wait all at the station.
. re pleasure
in . v pretty
tun there, if it
do a The New Cotton Ex-
el suit for
libel Liv-
n, d
Jordan, the South-
. C . ; ti for the
q the
. id order against
than to let ii ran after-
wards. Taken the
will head off all cold and
off on somebody else. He says Grippe and perhaps save from
, . Pneumonia or Bronchitis.
letter was without his ;,.;, toothsome cold tablets
and cent If
N. C.
N. C.
Ai close of business 12th,
and the use of his
was a forgery. All of which P-;
sounds like the appellation
Mr Hackett to Mr. Blackburn is
chilly, begin to snooze,
surely check
I. by
Bryan's Drag Store.
to tell our readers
even more applicable. Evidently a out a Cough Cure like Dr. Or.
,,., , For Dr. has fought against
somebody playing the role a the use of opium, chloroform or other
ingredients commonly found in
. . Dr. Snoop, it see
has the Food Drug Law
ti. , ,. recently enacted, for ho has worked
Reflector has never felt .,., . i-o,
. . . ,. . years Dr, Cough Cure
containers have had a warning printed
of any enterprises in Greenville on them against opium and other
poisons. Ho has thus made it
than has come from the possible for mothers to protect their
ti u d i- children by simply insisting on having
ration of Home and n,, Cough Cure. Sold by
in the matter.
and discounts
Overdrafts secured and
unsecured 5,663.96
-ash items
Sold Com
Coin 2-19,75
National bank notes
notes 8.003,00
Capital paid
Undivided profits,
Bills payable
to i
Due to
Cashiers ck
Loan Association and the .
of It is really
the talk of the town what these
two organizations are doing.
Out of them has grown a spirit
of 5-operation and unity of
pose that is far in its
effects. Business men are pat-
ting their shoulder to the wheel
and working for the
of the town and sec-
tic n as never before and it means
that tho near future is going to
bring rapid development Let
the good work go on until the
entire community works together
as one man.
Bryan's Drug Store.
The more dignity a man has
the less use the world has for
Croup can positively be stopped in
minutes. No nothing to sick-
en or distress your child. A sweet
pleasant and sate Syrup called Dr,
Croup Cure, doc; the work
Cure croup remember It
dos not lo a dozen aliments
It's for croup, that's all. Sold by
Bryan's Drag Store.
A woman has but little use for
a man who thinks he is the
whole thing-
Piles get quick from Dr.
Magic Ointment. Remember it's made
for it works
and satisfaction. Itching, pain-
protruding or blind piles
like magic by its use. Try and sou
Bryan's Drug store.
Standard and the Laconic,
weekly papers formerly pub-
at Snow Hill have
under the name of
aid Laconic, and will It.
published I ya
This we k marks the beginning
of the legislature. The outlook
is for an interesting session. No
body of law b in late years
has had the opportunity of doing
more for the State than the
present one will have- There arc
some good laws that should be
enacted and some bud ones
should be repealed.
The coming together of citizens
of the town and county to work
for a common purpose will be th
condition at
banquet .
It is going to i
town a
There was an application be-
fore the board of aldermen
Thursday night for license to
establish a distillery in Green-
ville. Up until some months
there was a distillery in operation
here, because of violations of
law the government closed it.
Tho people of the town
lated themselves that the
out of business, for
its operation was a continuous
source of annoyance to the town,
and every time there was
before the aldermen for
renewal of there was a
fight over the question growing
out of a disposition to refuse the
license because of frequent com-
plaints of violations- As the
town has been rid of its
effects for several months,
it would be a very unwise step
for the aldermen to allow the
distillery to start again, and to
do so would be a hindrance to
the town. The Reflector be-
that if the sentiment, of
p n
The camel must be all right other
wise nature wouldn't have back-
ed him up.
your whole hotly,
makes rich red blood Drives out
impurities that have collected
during the winter.
Rocky Mountain Tea is a family
cents, Tea or Tablets.
Wooten's Drug Store.
One Hundred Dollar Re-
ward for any ease of Catarrh can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure.
We, the undersigned, have known
J. for the last years and be-
him honorable in bu-
transactions and financially able
to curry out any obligation made by his
firm. Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Halls catarrh cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and mu-
surfaces of the system.
sent free. Price cents per bot-
Sold by all I
Take Hall B Family
That's the house the doctor built,
The biggest house you see;
Thank goodness he don't got our
For we all drink Rocky
Drug Store
Does Coffee disagree with you Prob-
ably it does Then try Dr.
Health is a
of cereals and
nuts. Not a of real coffee, re
t c
i -i el. J North Carolina. County of Pitt,
i, C S. of the d bank, do solemnly
swear the above statement is true to tho beat of my knowledge
a id C. S. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
mo, this of Nov 1906. V A. M
Notary Public J.
At the Close of Business, Nov. 12th 1906.
Be n roes i
Stock 125,000.00
Surplus, 25,000.00
bonds mortgages
Banking 4,100.00
and Taxes Paid
iv vi , j. i;
County of Pitt.
I L. Little t of the above-named bank, do
that t . , ten to
., i j.
. before
, ; Nov.
J. G.
Prof H. B. Smith, Messrs J. L. Little, J. w. Wiley
Brown, B. S. Evans, Herbert Harry, A. R; Y. Monk
and many others of Greenville.
S. PriChard N. c.
I- There's a sense of
Safety and of Security
Tn the possession of Policies of Fire Insurance
issued by that from tho
fact assets aDd
r . .-,.,., , . , j .
. . . i i V
. I t hi
department is in Charge of F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory
Money deposited in a bank is
Banks always
proof safe.
Even though burglars should
crack a bank safe, there would
be nu loss, as all banks carry
insurance to cover all
there is on hand at any time.
Bring your deposits to the
Bank of Winterville and be
against paying debts twice
as your check serves as a receipt.
Miss M attic Corey, a
of W. H- S. left Friday evening
to spend Saturday and Sunday
at her home in Greenville,
Protects your hands from the
cold winds by getting you a new
pair of gloves. B. F. Manning
Co., has them of all kinds
grade for mer, and
Mrs. H. M. who had
been visiting relatives here, left
for Greenville to spend some time.
Sell your cotton seed to the
Pitt County Co. The
the highest prices for them-
Bryan, one of our
brightest boys, has accepted a
position with the Raleigh
Pamlico Railroad Co.
A full line of fancy randies
end fruit at J r. Carroll A Co.
The Vance Literary society
elected for the spring
term on Friday night as
J. D. Rogers, of Onslow, pros.
F. C. of Jones, vice pros.,
R. T. Cox, of Pitt, sec., Paul
Taylor, of Lenoir, treas. David
of Lenoir, marshal, Paul
if Lenoir, supervisor.
All cotton seed hulls
promptly filled at the Pitt
Oil Company.
takes the place of Cal-
We sell B. T. Cox
Mrs. J. W. Harper and
some time with
parents Blackjack.
Go to Tl. T
Cox A .,. f T. S
b h j
C. A. Fair, of was in
town Friday evening.
Pitt County Oil Co., are
pared to fill for cotton
seed meal promptly. They will
be glad to give you an
Miss Olivia Cox returned
a visit in o i .,, Fri I y
evening, by Miss
Mary Cutler, of Washington.
, apples, nuts, raisins
fancy candies of kin .;
J. B. Carrol Ca
Rollins went to Parmele
on business today.
X B. Little and fan
to Greenville A i where
they will make lb . i ire
home- We regret very much
indeed to give them up. Our
B. T. Cox, ft Bro.
Miss Julia who is
teaching near Red Banks, passed
to to Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. A. Fair.
The A. G. Cox Co., has
on hand a supply of the fa i
different We would
therefore be glad have you to
call see our stock and let us
submit you prices hat will r
interest to you
Our people i to
move. R. G. Chapman has
ho I,. House
Those in need of dry plastering
laths ready bundled, see L. L.
Kittrell who will be glad to fill
your order.
Highest grade flavoring extra
ts at J. B. Carroll Co.
J. E. Green spent Wednesday
night in Grifton with relatives.
Mr. John Brooks of the Red
Banks section was here Friday
Several more electric lights
have been put in the school
grounds thus lighting them up
There is still a great demand
for houses here. People want
to come and we sincerely hope
this emergency can be met.
For gentle
well broke. G. A- Kittrell.
Winterville, N. C.
The time of the year has
when you farmers are
to think about breaking your
land. Come and the
disk at
Barber Co. They do
excellent work.
Those who are exposed to the
cold rains and snows need to pro-
yourselves with good
coats, rubber boots, rubber shoes
and Get them at
Barber Co.
One good mule ten years old for
sale. Harrington, Barber Co.
One town lot and new house con
rooms conveniently
located to section of town
for sale. J. Ed Nelson
The Bank of Winterville ex-
tends to its depositors sincere
thanks for their patronage
the past year and solicits their
co-operation in the future,
them that prompt attention
will be given to all business.
J. L of Greenville, was
today on business.
In behalf of all the
firms that advertise through these
we extend to their many
for the patronage
ring the past year- They solicit
your trade for the coming year.
Provide yourselves with a good
overall suit and working gloves
for your work. J. B. Carroll
Co., have.
i a most
food and makes a
dish for the strong as or the
delicate. Get it at J. B. Carroll
A car load of hay
at V. W. Ange Co.
Miss Pa who has
been spending sometime with
Mrs. M. G. Bryan, returned to
her home Stokes this morn
for ten II don't
; i -date I
, a
, make
j . . i until
ii tee id ll NEW ROYAL.
C J. Jackson returned to Wake
Forest after spending the
days with his mother, Sun-
day morning.
John David Smith has accepted
a position with B. F. Manning
Co. for this year.
Frank Harrington and Ernest
Braxton left Tuesday morning
for Raleigh to attend the Grand
Lodge of Masons which convenes
there this week.
A. W- Ayer who had been vis-
relatives in Martin Co. re-
turned Monday morning. Mrs.
Ange and children will re-
turn in a few days yet.
S. D. Chapman, who is
suing a course in pharmacy at
the University, returned there
after spending the holidays here
with parents.
R. V. Johnson, of Grifton, has
on in the store
of H. L. Johnson for the year.
J. S. Cox resigned his position
with the Beaufort County
Co. on Christmas, and is now
working in the insurance
in Greenville.
Several more new pupils en-
W. H. S morning.
A. G. Cox, Board of
Education, attended the meeting
of the board at Greenville Mon-
Having duly qualified before the
Superior Court clerk of Pitt county as
administrator of estate of S. H.
Spain, deceased, notice is hereby
to persons indebted to the estate to
make immediate payment to the under-
signed, and all persons having claims
against said estate must present the
same for payment on or before the 4th
day of January. or this notice will
be plead in bar of recovery.
This January 1907.
J. A.
of S. H. Spain
Stray Taken Up.
I have taken up a Jersey
heifer, red color, about one
year old, in poor
marked swallow fork in each
Owner can get same by prov-
property and paying costs.
Z. V. Vincent.
R- F. D. No. Greenville, N. C.
t d w
Buy Your Horses and Mules
J. E.
Horses Mules.
W, N. C.
This is the time of year to buy stock and E, is
the man to buy your horses and mules them
direct from the breeders and the stock arms .
thereby saving for you middle i i ; .
R. L. Smith is away buying
stock and will be back last of
week with one hundred head of
horses and mules- Jan.
Notice is hereby given that the part-
heretofore existing and doing
a general merchandise business In the
town of Grifton, N. under the style
and firm name of Patrick t Tucker, was
on the 1st day of January,
solved by mutual consent. J. L. Pat-
rick retires from the firm, C. J. Tucker
assuming all liabilities and he being
authorized to collect all accounts due
the firm. J. L. Patrick,
O. J. Tucker.
Jan. 5th, 1907.
setter dog, white and
black spotted, black head and
white feet, answers to name of
Suitable reward for
N. C.
By virtue of the power Of sale
contained in n mortgage
deed executed d delivered by
Jordan k. Mills wife, Ola Mills,
to Guilford Williams on the
19th day of December, 1905, and
duly recorded in the Register
of Deeds office of Pitt county,
No th in book page
the undersigned will expose
to public sale, before the Court
House door in Greenville, lo the
bidder on Saturday,
February 2-d, 1907, a tract or
parcel of land lying and being in
the county of Pitt and State of
North Carolina and described as
That tract of d in
township at the pub-
road in i Mils lire,
running with
line to Susan Jane Corey,
thence with her tine to
Stocks line back o aforesaid
road, thence with said road to
the beginning, tabling
acres more or less, to satisfy
said mortgage deed. Terms of
sale cash.
Ibis the day of January,
F. E. James atty.
.ii r . , .
. i . . , v o
i will the place Mr.
i,.; iii vacated
. i lie hi rang
these Machines
W N. V.
I have taken up a red and
black spotted female hog with
lour pigs. The hog weighs about
On pounds, marked smooth crop
and under slit in left ear and
crop in right. Owner can get
same by proving property and
paying cost. J, Tucker.
Grimesland, N. C-
Jan. 1907.
Practice in Si tie and
or sell for What you get from him lo bi
-r do not have to keep it. Co to see him and dud out for
ho sells cheaper, gives you will
i you right at either or stables
On the first of January. will
take up the practice of law at
Bern, and ill spend a large port of,
my tune at point, formed a
partnership at r the
Dunn Mr. Guion having been
elected Judge retire i from practice Jan-
I shall continue with
Mr. w. Long and will be present at
every court, and at other times
in Lo
that may my
To ail matters in which
I have been employed I will give my
careful attention, ad be present
such times as may be necessary to
look after the interest of my
clients. my desire i the eve
there is any n alter call l my at-
concerning litigation pi
that . In to
Moore ft Long, Greenville, N. C. Mr.
Long can be seen in person about y
of these whenever my
vices are desired in
be secured through Mr. .;. part-
in Greenville will he confirmed
as under firm n
Your tr
By virtue of a mortgage executed and
delivered by H. A. lore and wife,
B. A. . on
14th day of .
was I ii th
lice of the Re . r Deed of I
County in book page
gage being given to secure
duo for I
undersign will sell the
Court House . i Sat-
the 2nd j I-. la f, th
following described track of land, .
the county f I
township, lying on of In-
Well by
lands of William . tin north,
on the west ft mas Cox,
deceased, on the soul I ;
i n the
lands of Marshall i .
acres, more or I . n me land
deeded said ii. A. ire I y the
ails. S Nov. 14th
I it .
Lani Sale.
By virtue of a decree of Superior
f Pitt c mi in special
Winslow, Sales
Ayden and Greenville. N. C
J. M. MOORE Bl .-
e -r I
of Werner's Fashions
No. 1432, entitled . s.
Morrill, Sun
assets the r I mi
will sell i . . . u
door in
day of . ; . Ii
described piece or i land situ-
ate in the .
ville . , i
Road, . I of T. ii. ti
Alfred Moore,
John ling
more or less.
This the 1806.
D. S. Mo; rill, Co .
F. G. James y.
B u
n r
Pitt com
of .
having duly
a ix .
will and i
Holton, to ill
persons holding
estate to null
for .
on or before
1908, or this
of their .
to said estate lire rd tn
i .
of the Last W I I Teal of
Jarvis Blow, A, . .O r
. .
. p h
By virtue I
delivered by II. .
th Hi rd toll fro,
lay of March,
corded In the the , . . ;
of I Co y in
full value transferred way,
Court , Si I
b foil hi
lie i
tow, .
the i.
J It
Saunders a id . i known as
the Major Jordan containing
.-. the
J i.
f G Ally
you wain
Try it end be

. -w .- i
this st
Greetings, thank
patronage in the
; i e wish to all for
Greenville Determined to S
Eastern Normal and
The general
eighty r
various sections of the
appointed by Chaw
Commerce of in
interest of securing
of the eastern normal and
trial school at this point.
thoroughly for
work in hand. Prof. W.
following special C
will i
H. L-u
W. L.
O. L
D. J. W
W. M Li
C. M
B Li
of the
pry quarter of
. . m-; the report
. vs.- of the
i been great,
l ,. .
i ; again,
y if of
rs in
ft Earth-
a re in many
and untold
; s a result.
d s were the
New Year
. .the Tar has been a good in ever
, trot the new cue will lie even Better.
I r n gs been a good one with us but if high
I tic I is an
Will be Better.
L. C
Little. R. I
A. C
Smith. W.
Both the
and th
should I
of every
T f
. I
to the
and floods,
. v been
, is; but
have fallen
negligence f
.have caused
. ., i. . ,. ,.
. v
. which are now
wee from
i, ,. c.
in things.
in cur
. j
school. The
o mi will es-
a normal and industrial
I school at ; int in the
i tern part of the Slate, and no
I town has better advantages than
i Greenville to offer for it. The
purpose of the committee is to
set forth these advantages and
offer such inducements as will
bring school here.
Railroad Last
The Baltimore American gives
the following table of the great
railroad accidents of th past
March Adobe, near Pueblo,
Ca. collision. Denver and Rio
over killed, operator
as ;.
Hay Pa.
railroad; killed, w
May-8, Louisville. Ky. Louis-
ville and Nashville railroad;
killed, hurt.
p Loan Growing.
s of the Home
e ting Wed
ii transacted
th the association
. mi Stock
members. Applications for
more in loans have been
approved and steps were taken
to get the money to make those
loans. The affairs of the a
are in excellent condition
and it is doing much in helping
people get homes.
At the home of the bride's
S G Burroughs, near
Williamston, Miss Ida Burroughs
was married to Mr. A W. Out-
of Scotland Neck, at
o'clock . m., December
Rev. G. T. of
Scotland Neck, performing the
ceremony. Scotland Neck Com-
Black Jack, N. C. Jan. 2.1907.
Misses Mary and Martha
went to Greenville to day
James H. Clark left Sunday on
his way back to Whitsett.
Misses May E. Midgett and
Mills spent Saturday
night wear with
Mrs. J. D. Williams.
Miss Julia Cox is near Green-
visiting Misses Fannie and
Eva House.
Walter Dixon, who has been
attending school at Whitsett, has
been here visiting relatives for a
few days.
Miss Lula V. Mills left Sunday I
for Winterville to attend school j
Godfrey S. Porter went to
Washington to-day.
J. S. and visited
relatives near Ch. Sun-
Porter spent a part of
last week here clerking for
Johnston Porter.
A. O. of Grimesland, was
here a while Sunday visiting
Clark i i-
tiding a few days people.
Elder S. Johnson went over
the river Sunday to spend a
days with relatives.
Miss Maggie Lancaster,
Washington, has returned from;
a visit here to Mrs. J. B-
ThU t
effectually cur
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
Aid ALL DISEASES arising from a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion
The natural result Is good
and soils flesh. Dose elegant-
easy to swallow.
Take No Substitute.
I Not Quite
How you can get a
or screw driver or
A Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
Our line of tools
In to j could desire, and
we that your tool
box does not lack a single
M. useful
. You Harness,
; V oil en ion
husband i t brute
. able worn in-
you beer scolding
course I
i tie back
and used
than that He yawned.
Stop and Wt
. . i. N. V
An Joe pleas
. . i. in Hi
a of her
tin lime, was three we old,
she was old. She
s low w-ll hi d I feel
Mr- W. H- Forbes and Miss
Pearl Evans were married at
Wednesday evening at
the of her brother, Mr.
G. A Evans, and half miles
i from Lev. D. W. Ar-
new rear
with and the
V. all and a
We thank every one for his patronage past
and ask you to your visits at the .
an i ;.
July I, San.
runaway mine car kills
July N. C
Seaboard; known dead.
July Diamond Lake, Wash.
Train ran into lake; imprison-
ed passengers and train men
drowned. Great North railroad.
August Jamestown, Pa
Pennsylvania Railroad; killed.
September Toledo, Ohio.
He Staff at Home.
like a
lately- You his
wife got the burglar scare and
bought one of those pretty little
i- handled
at l speak to of
i. not n m
-ii ,
j. w. urn.
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an i new
process, on which patents
are whereby we
can re face old Brass Col-
and Hi-ad Rules,
and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any
knobs or feet on the bot-
defacing Head
Rules regular l s
as Mrs.
i it the slightest noise,
ti . any on prowling
house after
on hi
through open
Rock Island; killed
Eng. Great Railroad;
killed. injured-
October Atlantic
City. N. J. Pennsylvania rail-
road; killed. train of
three cars dropped into the
November Lawyers,
Va. Southern Railroad; killed,
including President Samuel
Spencer, and injured.
December Washing-
ton. Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
road; killed, injured.
According to this list per-
sons were outside of
South and the South.
Prepaid Charges.
There is a very considerable
complaint that the express com-
are of a chronic
fault in collecting charges on ex-
press matter at the delivery end
of the line, where the charges
have prepaid at the starting
point. This thing occurs
very often that there is a grow-
i iV ii feeling that there is
thing wrong in the
How many
stances there may be where pi
paid charges are collected at the
delivery end and the double col-
is never found out, no-
body can tell. The frequency
of the cases where it is found
out, is sufficient to show that
the fault is a great one and
growing one. If the express
companies themselves don't stop
this fault, it is important that
penalty laws shall be made
which will lose them more
money than they make by the
practice.- Charlotte Chronicle.
We hold that whoever makes a
or a solemn vow to be
better or do better, is helped by
such frame of mind, whether he
s keep the on and
vow or not The very that
one the point of desire
for better things is a score in
his favor on the side of good.
i differ cone
., year vows. Sumo
many vows are made and L. S. and
broken that they would better
I be left off. This is true if the
person who makes the vow ail
I the while maintains the men-
Ital reservation th-it he will
if convenient, but
will feel at lib. u
o.- v Such a
the t of a genuine f
and amounts to nothing
But even a desire in the soul for
better things and for improve-
is Then, in the
matter of new year vows, we
believe that the making of them
leads one to an ideal, and
without an ideal no one
et rose to better things
So rejoice to believe that all I
ugh tho land there are man
made solemn vows b
d and men to m
sweeter tor
. i ; ; . .
these vows may
ii many others will be Kc
and over par
A sum pie r. raced
f, i
will f heel fully
i. pile if Inn.
Type and
. Siren.
D. W.
And Provisions
,,. and
I always on hand
in faith, and so the world
will be better. To who
ha.-, vowed for better things
there is one pleasing reflection,
and when they begin to
i upon them,
they can lean on the
Almighty one, who will support
them if they trust Him fully.
Scotland Neck Commonwealth.
A girl hopes that the veil of
the future will prove to be a
bridal veil,
Fr.-sh kept con-
in stock. Country
I Produce Bought and Sold
If you do not think
needs more to lino
one for rent.
Destiny dopes a man and then
proceeds to hand him a gold
D. W.
North Carolina.
Dr Joseph Dixon
iv. . k Block,
N. C.
Loans and Discounts Pd m
Secured 1,608.87
of Deposit
Cashiers el
Furniture and
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
f V Carolina,
f Pitt. f .
I J R Davis, Cashier of the banK,
the above statement i true to the
ind belief.
for- m-
-I ind it
R. Ii.
odd are some of the errands
by the royal in
Britain. At on seaport,
s sealed packet
. be across the channel
v. r care of the for
,., . M i w c. mid a
u .-i .
i v. I. . r
t Ah the
little amuse
It role that Icing run
neither, therefore.
At the close of business Nov. 12th, 1906.
Loans Hid discounts
Furniture Fixtures
Due from Banks and
Cash items
Gold coin.
i . bank V
other S.
Capital stock t
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
Bill, Payable
Time certificates of
Deposits subj. to check
Canter's checks out--,
Certified Checks
. Ii
LI. . Is well that
the service is for other
the nominal
the late Victoria's reign
these used to
carry to continent In
and of n special and pot
pro f.- one or the British
bins bonnets for her
relatives, all sorts of
for Hie late
at Berlin mid even barrels
of native oysters for the embassies at
Paris Vienna.
many years, moreover. It was th
practice of the messengers to call each
week on their way back to
at where they received from
court kitchens a box of special
of which Victoria was
very and which she believed no
body could make as well as the head
pastry cook of King Leopold's kitchen.
This box of biscuits was solemnly seal
Am of
I In- I M- r
when of the
was continually
the the tempera-
the sale of least.
to do so. In fact, this as null
Interest in the of the Hi. ;
was. like many oilier
bis. but an i
for years. are y i.
to dim- be I the tr;.
Tonight I shall time
the answer.
Oh. are
taken. You will with
led the friend into bis and
him upper place at bis table
poor man bad not had such a .
for a long time, win
Into his writing room
colic., said, is a mailer
that I you tomorrow a
The came the next day and
day after this, and
years op to his death. One day
over, he told Dumas as h. in
bread he did not earn lb
could not continue.
nm not able to earn my
I shall not Come again. Tell
whit way I can be of service to
thought I moment; he i
can do me a favor.
You may go to the new bridge every I
day and take the temperature
you must know, is of mo-
in the matter Of the sale of tick-
Could you do
Tribe Installs
and Enjoys Tout.
No. 0-
U M held its
Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, H of the above named
above statement is true to the best of my know
lief. W. H
and sworn to be-
me. this Nov.
1900 A- T. Carson
R. J.
Come in and examine my
The Hardware Man.
The fellow answered
and from that time on r
official seal and than conveyed with
Infinite care to Windsor by way
Dover and News.
to Dumas every day, the
thermometer showed so many
In the
I Announcement
We be leave to announce that we are
and Retail
d for-
White Lead, Paints.
Colors, and an
country Ready nixed Paints
ii.,. Me a Ball Vet-
to Hustle.
There was n salt water who,
for reasons of his own, a
berth as first mate in a big passenger
steamer on the great lakes. He a
capable seafaring man, but he did
know what meant until lie
went aboard at The lake skip-
per to whom he reported for duty re-
marked In the most casual
give her a coat of paint this
morning, if the son stays hot and
dries in good shape, give her a see-
on I coat this
The salt water mate staggered In bis
tracks and made amused protest.
was a 6.000 ton vessel, and giving her
two coats of paint was several
work by his reckoning. The lake skip-
per was a poison of discernment,
wherefore he bad pity on his new mate
and forbore to deal harshly
explaining with a tolerant
right, i suppose you'll have to
learn to move lively after snoozing
around salt water all your life. Yea
just pass that order along to the
and tell It's got to be done, and
then you sit up and take
The took the order calmly, as If
It were in the work, and by night-
fall the big steamer was
span with two coats of paint from her
water line to her guard rail. The sailor
from deep water had learned his
I in the ways of the great lakes
the navigation season, when the
bard driven shipping must lie forced to
do twelve work in half a year.
Ralph D. Paine Outing Magazine.
The l runts.
Trust were sometimes dealt with
in old England.
records of the
company show that Monday. July
the mayor
London, sent for the masters and
twelve of the most worthy of
to at the guildhall for
selling dear ale. After dispute
price quantity of mall,
wherein the late
declared that the brewers had ridden
Into the country forestalled the
malt, to raise Its price, they were on-
In the penalty of
which objecting to, the masters were
ordered lo be kept In prison In tile
chamberlain's custody until they should
pay it or find security for the payment
There is no line in the world better
the Harrison line. It has behind it a century
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Pries
Soap N really q now fa hi
the out
were it i .
tho i ill Washing
builds, was only
tin very It infant
the In water drying
on a napkin
f who probably
u n community than any w-
ton bathed in water rub-
bed oil. it
ti us. but does,
which ml.
Ob unman think delightful.
A before a
beating his when
to roach his
boor, by n king him if he did not
know his wife the
she Is, not to carry
ninth replied
who of course did cure
about the temperature, replied v
am very
obliged. If you only knew
you are doing
things to be -pure,
and a followed in t
wigwam. hi n e
d Men in
the h-m
, . i . . .;
i I .
.-. Ormond wile,
. ; ii f
d the excellent
. i the on
. i . l
I I ,,., .
C. M e, ii .-
. S Mo i Sag
F. Edwards, Re
U. W. Keeper of
C. E. Moore, First
J. E. Second
W. T. Fleming, First Warrior.
D. C Dudley, Second Warrior.
J N. Hart, Third Warrior.
A H. Taft, Fourth Warrior.
W- T. Lipscomb, First Brave,
Hugh Second .
C. Pearce, Third
i-. Ward, n
Randolph, n
I tr
Three things to
Three things to govern- temper,
and conduct.
Three things for which to D
home and country.
Three things to true, the
beautiful and the good.
Three about which to think
ft, death and eternity.
Three things to in-
and promptness.
Three things to
and Ingratitude.
Three things to wise, the
end the Innocent.
Three things for to wish
friends and contentment.
Three things to admire dignity,
gracefulness Intellectual power.
Three things to of
heart. Integrity of and cheer-
. I
, of
glove manufacturer took from
cabinet a pair of brown
gloves. gloves are made of
he said. look well
first glance, but examine them care-
Look into the skin. The skin,
though soft and line, revealed close
examination a great many cut.-, and
and scratches. None of these
went quite through. Nevertheless their
effect was to weaken the gloves great-
cuts the
manufacturer, what bar
out of You never get a
akin without them; hence you
Ion the I skin a g
glove, light so much H
heroine an early age a muss
scars. Their torn hides are of
When made the first balloon
ascent from London in ITS I he had for
fellow passengers a cat, a dog a
pigeon. Such was the cans
by this ascent that a jury,
on the of n criminal, return-
ed a batty of acquittal in order
to miss the spectacle, while King
George in. broke up a meeting
council to the progress of the
balloon. It was In year,
178.1, that an adventurous Dublin
Mr. made a
loon ascent end was knighted
by the lord for his courage.
i. i
i i it.
were spread in ti
am Mill n i .
f oysters, cracker . pickles,
nO, fruits and was set o
by caterer W. C.
It was a most pleasant
i in and every one present n
joyed it fully. While yet a
the Red Men are
rapidly and the influence of the
order is far reaching.
Tribe has a
y and social club room in
connection with the wigwam
this is a source of much pleasure
and benefit to the members.
n- a
The sensitive is found in the
it a difficult lime
in humor to do
is found
political The unit
bin With sensitive
is found III all avenues of
man Most generally he
Don't be one.
will you that
I pen-
tilt Just as
soon an
.,, q clean
a y
Is an-
I .-.
with terror
and clasping his companion's
fit m-m that there sign
nays i v, i lit ye Second
Wot t
that there sign on brick
It nays Ike, we've
got Iron in our I wonder la It
now.- Chicago News.
n noise and got w,.
r lie I I saw n
u the Decision of the Aldermen.
The board of aldermen held
in adjourned session Friday
night to consider the application
the regular meeting to
a distillery in Green-
After a full discussion the
took a ballot on the
ill and license was
y a vote of to two, one
iterator being absent. This
of meets the
of a large majority of
if citizens of th i town .
Another important mutter de-
at this meeting was the
of a street from Fifth
Greenville, to
Dickinson avenue near the At-
Coast Line The
street committee was ordered to
have this street opened. This
matter was first considered some
years ago, but until this action
Friday night definite action was
not taken.
own. C
The s v . re
of the
i month.
e . .
and light reported
. e electric and two water
had been added during the
The revenue received from
service during tip.
The report of the
for the quarter ending Dec
sales amounting
inventory of stock on
percentage of
i I
v board ordered that the
report be
I.-. r- in
The following
Whereas the Board
the town
me n. .-. t a
and I Colic for
of young at
point in i. w-
and whereas, v.
that the of
many of
are using their c to
said institution to be lot
Greenville, and we
believe that the town of
; an ideal place for the lot it ion
f said institution, and desiring
o aid in possible way to
lave said institution located in
our midst.
Now be it resolved
by the Board of Aldermen of the
own of Greenville that we will in
very way financially and other-
wise not inconsistent with our
as officers of the town, aid in
the endeavor to have said
established, and to have the
located in our town; and we
hereby pledge to the committee
of our citizens who have
this matter in charge, our ear-
nest in every
and legitimate way.
The donation to the public
library of was
cased from to
fiscal year
Accounts were paid amounting
The sum of was ordered
transferred from the general
fund to the sewerage fund.
The latter part of December
Mr. J. W. Tucker and Miss Sus-
an A. Branch, daughter of Mr.
D. N. Branch, were married by-
Elder C. L. Little at the hitter's
home near Ayden, where the
couple went to have the
performed. They took a
holiday bridal trip to Lenoir
county and returned to make
their home with the bride's
Keep up the work and every
man do his part to bring the
eastern normal and industrial
wicks-Mercy The to Greenville
my husband's lie bad heard the
On night, Jan.
the boys of the town gave
girls a very delightful
in the Perkins opera house-
The hall was very brilliantly
illuminated and tastefully decor-
for the occasion. At
o'clock the crowd assembled and
were delightfully entertained
until o'clock when refresh-
were served. The follow-
Misses Estelle Greene, Lucille
Cobb, Mattie King, Mary Smith,
Susie Warren, Lillian Burch,
Mae Draper, Octavia Rivers,
Maggie Dixon, of Rocky Mount,
Loraine Home, Bessie Haskett
and Mary Oscar Greene
Lee Cecil Cobb, Bill
Patrick, Frank
Key Brown, Walter
Wilson, Alex Blow, John
burn, Willie Wilson, Percy Forbes
John Bagwell, Carl Wilson, and
Charles Haskett.
Mrs. Robert Greene,

M. , Manager and Authorized Agent.
. C.
G. Smith has moved
his family here from Green
y and taken a position with
I. R. Smith
Our mini
i advanced- The prices now
rill interest the buy-
r. n and Tyson.
For land cheap our go
Co, always have
f v. I Jon hand,
task of . We handle Go m f shoes
f ;,,. v. Misses and children.
four. boon Every pair soul under strict i
on ac- guarantee. On overcoats and
,. . as e e C
; ,,,,,,,,. please you in both quality and
man Br i we
v, b .
fall who receive their mail
. e i
Mr- C. K. Johnson has m
hi family to J. R.
;. a vi old i
woman died last week. I
line and
Winter i ii goods
ready tor t nine
;,; day m
means ,; through
I, hind and tender arc invited to call
. all of I
. w, in
, Simple
I until
Every one
the other to
comfort. Our
I .
. ,.
. ; would
, . I
Hi, w . are
. i . describe
the lea
They were
We .
drugs. Cam ;
. turn
ore where he
. . the
. Alexander
v r
. at pi the J.
R. Smith and Company.
The Mi a on.
Mr. J. t
a .
m Can there.
Mr. W. H a id wife have
just returned from Snow Hill.
Mr- H. C. has
to his residence on main
r. Ba a mini
of i
Florida, is visiting relatives here.
,. . next
excellent . back
Miss i. n of
Mi . .,. .
A the f Joseph
Mr. Hen M
Ga kins in
i B. Stan
performing .in
A in I line o Men and Clothing Dry Goods, Grace
needed for the and form, make a habits. The attempt
. . j. is wild
We have a f e- pianos taken in
exchange for I
which we offer at price
that you cannot to miss
the opportunity.
One Bach
upright, R
case, 1-3 octaves
perfect condition
price price
on easy
good condition
price Our
on easy terms.
Geo. S. Mgr.
of Baker la
on a cf to
a prominent young society man
i of Alexandria, was arrested in
Winchester yesterday, charged
with attempting to murder on
Saturday night at her home, in
j Winchester, Alexander
the mother of Mu
I Baker, a girl renowned for her
and accomplishments in
; the society of this city, Washing-
ton and Baltimore and several
Brooks had been engaged to
be married to the girl, but the
engagement had recently been
caused, it is said, by
the interference of Mrs. Baker,
who was opposed to on
account of his alleged dissipated
From the South.
n the cold win and the
i at much
look for
the name to avoid any
. j the
Witch Salve. by
Jno. L. Wooten.
cleanse the
and tone can best
Little Early Safe little
. . that
everyone Bi
L. Wooten.
like the as well as maple
what one mother of
Syrup. Thia
Honey Tar. conforms to the
Pure food and Drug Law. S old by
Jno. I. Wooten.
rive their .
. r -if
it CW it the
and tar It original laxative
unrivaled for the re-
cold out
through the bowels. Conforms to the
Pure j I Law. Sold by
everybody who
i, h suffer from a
dread I for
v i i
and on mi Stand toast. On the
. , i yon please
aid f a food
ant, ring stomach
re.-t. Eat what you
I i little for
j It
what you e Jno. I. Woolen.
don't digest Because the
lissome c i if the
. or digestive
on bas Then, U-o,
g I that causes and
-i i for
used for relief. it
n . It
conforms to
National Pure Food and
Sold here by Jno. L. Wooten
tot to order.
. .; I
I from Banks
.I Bl
. i
i ,., at
. LL.
i J
worth a I
of .
was held in
. . I
. ch .
. re
;,.,, C. At
. i i, tonight L. B.
Branch camp of Confederate
, I
passed petitioning the in-coming
. . to make a new
. i . tin
f n t the southern
an i rid to
their rs bi d others
I. . Coin,
M rial Hi
H, a es
. ,
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profit less
Dividends unpaid i .
to chock, 56,355.20
Cashier's 856.48
Checks 725.00
mother of Miss Baker is said to
be the culmination of a
ed spree of several weeks.
shooting took place at the Baker
home, whither Brooks had gone
I in an attempt, it is presumed, to
press his suit-
Several shots were fired, but
fortunately none of them took
effect, the revolver proving to
have been defective. Miss
raw I ; n
the breast of Brooks
shot in an I to save 11-.
life of her mother, whom Bra
protested to the last hi
would kill.
Brooks is now in jaiL Char-
If you cat ft
are by
too if you .- q
attacks cf Indigestion, you have
breath, rapid bests,
tr ;
Indigestion tho stomach to
swell, and puff up the
This crowds and
f res with its action, and in tho course of
tho heart becomes
Dyspepsia Cure
is and contributes
health to every organ of the
F, r I Sour
r J, V. Bl of the i
th . is true to the best of J
J. if. SMITH,
and sworn to
of Nov,
t Bit
digests what you takes tho strain of
heart, -M contributes nourishment
and Digs
l i .it I x Stomach,
la v
. . I NICHOLS, K. T.
I- 1-. tut m n I
. I with It. II
.c. Mends, O.
What You Eat
Torn Washington
t, pi and
known even to
spent Christ-
Si J J
.;. is r
mi n i by i
, . . i pi era-
l at
i u Dainty
note i tor use
all tints plain or hemstitch-
Tho mainstay of social
kinds of Xmas goods a Also Heavy and Fancy
The bi it drinks dispensed at. Fountain.
i us for Santa Claus.
j. N. Alexander Co.
The New Year
Rejoiced at
The members of the First Pres-
church of High Point,
observed the coining of tho New-
Year by holding a sunrise prayer
meeting. The attendance w ts
good and a deep devotional spirit
characterized exercises. Rev.
E. L. Siler, pastor of the church
addressed the congregation
and Continuing
with Appropriate t
also added to the of the
half hour so devoted.
At the close of the b Mr.
E. A. Snow, and
the Snow Lumber
of High Point, I that Lite
church would t I ;.
Year's present
tho U an
owed that company, .
was n the manse
on the church. The
company wipe.- out.
obligation remains, that t
which is being paid by tho mi m-
through a B.
High Point i
i i
ii Um
I . .-. . r
, .
J . II
I, ,
. i
, H . . ., Moot
r. . . Till I
II k limply
t . . r I.
. r. Ill COO-
. II
at i ad illy
with her parents.
Joseph I
k, East t
Ayden, N. C. I
to an
E. S r, his
,. r in d jewelry
. 1.-. W. Taylor, our
. hi in till
L, and v. ill do
; at the
,,;, ., ;. those desiring his
Finds mo at tho same stand, one door north of
--------a complete lino of--------
Canned Goods,
Coffee, Tee, Cakes, Candle.
Fruits. Tobacco, Cigars, etc.
II v , customer for his during the . , Up
p ask that It may be He killed them .
It Will m
T Southerner
Head of
Dr. C. A.
stands at tho head of the
class. Monday two deer
Raleigh, N. C. Phone
All kinds of all kinds el
. in v. attention gin
Editor sad Owner.
Truth in to Fiction.
VOL. No.
is. should Now
be Repealed-
The General Assembly of North
Carolina convenes early in this
month There is a strong
throughout the Slate in
favor of the
ed homestead exemption laws.
or rather to have the laws
in order that they may not be
the subterfuge of the indolent
and dishonest debtor This
was enacted to protect
credit but its operations were
designed only for the financial
depression immediately after
the close of the war, and at the
present it is well recognized that
of the murder of
Walter Lovitt, of
township, was today hanged in
Greenville in the enclosure be-
tween jail and court house.
The execution was strictly in corn-
it hinders rather than protects j the jaw and was
only by the number of
Sylvester Barrett, colored con- carrying out of the sentence
commercial transactions. The
best business men of the Stale
believe it ought to have been
abolished years ago. In 1833
Hon. Cyrus B. Watson,
from Forsyth county,
the repeal of this
it was only by a small
margin the repeal was de-
Since this time, various
industrial and commercial or-
have taken an in-
in the repeal of this
and there is but little doubt that
a great majority of the people of
North Carolina desire that these
laws be abolished. Certain it is,
that the credit, in trans-
actions of every man not worth
has been destroyed, and
in order to trade, these men
have had to execute mortgages,
whereas v. the homestead
exemption, they could have
traded upon an open account or
a simple note. It is easy to see
this la has worked to the de-
of the very men it was
intended to
Reported for Reflector.
The first meeting of the End
of the Century Book Club, for
the new year, was held at the
home of Mrs. J. G on
The business session consisted
chiefly of completing the
for The Chamber of
Commerce banquet January 9th.
It is the intention of the Ladies
of the Rook Club, to contribute
to the library, an amount equal
to that given by the town.
The literary program was
devoted to descriptions of the
most noted reviews of Classic
Rome, Byron's beautiful verses
from Harold or the Tomb
of Cecelia were read by
Other papers were read by Mrs
Brown, Mrs Arthur Mrs
At conclusion of the liter-
program, was a prize con-
est -i hen, which being cut
for was won by Mrs
and presented to Miss
Peirce, Mrs house guest.
After refreshments were served
the club adjourned until its next
meeting. January, when
Mrs. House will entertain it.
All Next Week.
Williams Comedy Co.
will be the attraction at the
Temple opera house all next
week. This company has been
here before and the people know
them. They will piny at
prices, and cents.
On Monday night the ladies will
be free if accompanied
by i lady or gentleman with one
paid reserved seat ticket, ticket
must be purchased before seven
o'clock on Monday even
This company has an abundance
.,. I. o-.-l
witnesses allowed by law.
The crime for which Barrett
was hanged committed on
Saturday night. Jan. 20th. 1906
had warrants
for the arrest of certain
them Sylvester Barrett
and Jerry Cobb, who had
general disturbance and as-
parties on the highway.
The constable summoned par-
ties to assist in making the
rests, and they went out to look
for them. Lovitt was standing
on the back of a in which
were his father and Dr. C. C.
Joyner, when they met two
in the road The
demanded the to
halt, as he had warrants for
them, and as he stepped off the
buggy one of them shot him.
The officer lived but a short while
after being shot- The
fled but were captured during
the night.
Judge B. F. Long was holding
January term of Pitt Superior
court. The grand jury found a
true bill for murder against
Barrett aid Jerry Cobb,
they where arraigned and trial
set for Thursday, Jan 25th. The
trial came to an end Friday
when the jury returned a
of murder in first degree
against Barrett, it being proven
that he fired the shot that killed
the officer, and a verdict of
in second degree against
Barrett was sentenced to be
hanged on the 16th of February,
and Cobb was sentenced to the
penitentiary for years.
Both appealed to Supreme
court, hut later the appeal for
Jerry Cobb was withdrawn and
he is serving his sentence-
Barret's appeal was heard
by the Supreme court at the rail
term when the judgment of the
lower court was affirmed. Gov-
Glenn then set Nov. 15th
as the day of execution, but at
the request of parties who were
trying to get a commutation of
sentence gave Barrett a respite
until 18th
So long had it been since the
commission of the crime am
first date Bet for execution of
sentence that the people here for
the time lost sight of the case.
When preparation for the
started in building th
gallows, it dawned upon the
pie that the execution was
almost on the eve of Christmas,
and the holidays might
he marred by a hanging the
governor was to
postpone it for thirty days. Gov-
Glenn complied with this
st on the ground suited and
gave another respite until Jan,
Until the last day those working
to save the from the gal-
lows continued their applications
to the r for commutation,
Inn for mason stated in his
the law.
The day arrived, and the sen-
of the law was duly
The prisoners in jail,
including Barrett, were given
their breakfast at the usu hour
this morning, about by
Deputy Sheriff S. Dudley.
Barrett ate heartily and seemed
to re his breakfast. As soon
as this was over Sheriff Tucker
entered the cell of the con-
man and read the death
warrant to him. Barrett dis-
played no emotion whatever
after the reading.
The Reflector reporter inter-
viewed Barrett to ascertain if he
wished to make any statement,
but he replied there was nothing
he could say. He conversed
calmly, and while realizing that
death was only a few hours from
it had no perceptible effect
on him. He knew it was coming
and expressed a readiness to
meet it. Barrett said the officers
had been very kind to him, and
they said Barrett had been a
good prisoner, never giving them
the slightest trouble. The only-
request he made this morning
was for a drink of liquor and the
sheriff got it for him-
Before leaving the jail yard the
officers tested the gallows to see
that it worked properly.
About o'clock clothing for
the nod man was car-
to his cell and he proceeded
lo dress himself for the ordeal
through which he was to pass
At ll-M Sheriff Tucker called
the requisite dumber of wit-
thirty-six, and proceeded
to tho jail with officers to assist
him. Sylvester Barrett
was brought from ids cell and
ascended th gallows. He was
dressed in a black suit with
d breasted sack coat and
wore a brown cap As his fee;
and hands wore being tied by
Deputy SI; Dudley, one of
the witnesses asked Barrett he
was guilty, and he replied
that he was not Another
asked him if he shot Con-
stable Lovitt or knew who
did it, and he again replied that
he did not and knew nothing
about it. Nothing else was said
and he made no further state-
At the black cap was put
on and rope placed about the
condemned man's neck, when
Sheriff Tucker sprung the trap
and the body dropped about
feet, leaving tho feet about
inches from
Barrett went to his death rs
calmly and deliberately as ever
a man did. After the drop fell
there was but one slight
of the body and afterward
it hung still and motionless ex-
to swing around by the
J. E. Nobles and William
Fountain examined the body and
the heart ceased to
minutes. The neck was not
broken, death resulting in
At the body was lowered
from the scaffold and placed in
the coffin Barrett's people re-
quested the body and it was de-
livered to them and taken out
near for burial.
There was a large crowd out-
side the en closure, but perfect
Cases Disposed of it Term.
Champ carrying con-
pleads guilty,
fined and costs.
Haddock, carrying con-
weapon, pleads guilty,
lined and costs.
Sim Mills, carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, lined
and costs.
Greene, carrying con-
pleads guilty,
lined and costs.
W P. assault with
deadly pleads guilty,
fined and costs and re-
quired to reimburse
J. R. cruelty to
animals, pleads guilty,
suspended on payment
cos Is.
English Mills, carrying con-
weapon, pleads guilty,
sentenced six months be as-
signed to roads
W. H. Harrington. Jr.,
not guilty.
West Gorham, assault with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
Church ills and Johnson Milk
assault with
on Church guilty Judgment co
Untied on payment i cost-
Johnson not guilty-
Jim Williams, assault with
deadly weapon, guilty,
-1 months to assigned to roads.
Will Kinny. assault with
weapon, not guilty.
removing crops,
not guilty.
Thomas Allen, larceny, pleads
guilty, sentenced months to
be assigned to roads-
Burton L. Brown, 4-year-old
of Mr. and Mrs. James
Brown, died at I o'clock Tuesday
afternoon at their home on Dick-
avenue The sorrowing
parents have the sympathy of a
host of friends-
Funeral services were held at
the residence at this after-
noon, conducted by v M T.
Plyler, interment following in
Cherry Hill ; Th. all
bearers were Harry
Ben Taylor.
Phonier; for at E-
On Monday night there was a
meeting of the chamber of com-
in the mayor's office to
discuss the matter of extending
the corporate limits Green-
ville, and to confer with Mr. Bab-
cock, representative of the Nor-
folk Southern railroad,
to an exhibit at the James-
town exposition. Owing to
meetings in progress
same time the attendance was
small, and th extension of the
town limits was deferred to a
Mr. Babcock outlined the plan
for an exhibit of the resources or
this at the exposition,
and consisting of R.
O. S T White and K.
J. Cobb was appointed to
range with him the details for
lite exhibit. It was decided to
I old another meeting with Mr.
on Saturday, 26th inst,
at which time the farmers of the
county are especially invited e
be present, as it is desired to
interest them in making an .
of their crops-
Several prizes arc offered I
on this exhibit. The
best ears of corn second
the best water
melons each, second be t
the best bushel of sweet
potatoes and of Irish potatoes
second best
for the best tobacco
for other crops. It
be worth while for the farm-
no. a
Greenville, Jan. l
In view of the far that inti
on of farmers a w ill a
and buyers that
all been sold and there
remains only a small rem
of the crop in the hands of
farmers the Greenville to-
market ems it advisable
and t the intern of the farmers
t urge them to n ark
remnant as early as possible.
Their reasons for urging this
as There are several
buyers here e gaged in buying
certain long
as grades of are
sing n . i quantities
the buyers in getting a
this grade there is
not much danger in the price de-
but when it becomes s
that it takes a long time
a package and there is
as to whether or not a
package the buyer
is likely to get off the market
Jo . d do
this in order to protect
to prevent hiving on
several ; u Is
packages of tobacco.
The board of trade believe.
that it is to the best o.
the farmers and it is on this
account that they urge the farm
to sell the remnant of
co held by them, and in
order to get the full benefit of ail
tobacco farmers will do well to
the county to be present heed the shove suggestion.
on the 26th and learn the do .
of the exhibits Pitt can
make a fine showing at the ex
position and should do so.
Pitt on
in appointment of commit-
tees by Justice f the
house of representatives, Pitt
county's members are on tho fol-
Representative Laughinghouse
-Chairman of committee on Fed-
relations, also on committees
on pensions, on library, on
tees of University.
Representative ed-
on agriculture, on man-
and justices of
the peace, on Ash and fisheries.
Oakley, N. C. Jan. 1907.
C. H. Ross, of Virginia was
here last week.
Mack and wife, of
Goldsboro, are spending
days hare,
Capt Flowers has resigned his
position as section master here.
Mr- Cherry, of Wharton, has
been appointed to fill the place.
Will Highsmith, of
was here Saturday calling on
J. O. Williams went to Green-
ville Monday.
We only killed two hogs buS
have eat back bones-
E. ii.
T. Hooker.
T A. Person.
t mi.
Register of IV; Is fame has
issued licenses to the foil
parties since last rep
B T. Jacks r an I .
Alonzo Eva d ;
a few I horn.
and Li i Man-
Edward Nichols and Ida
I. W. and Vii Whitley.
C. and Cora Rob-
has. Cannon and
and Nancy
For Relief of Prisoners Awaiting Trial,
Representative J. J. Laughing-
house the first week of the
introduced a bill for re-
lief of prisoners awaiting trial.
From what we learn of this bill it
is a good one and become
a law. The features of it rue
that any prisoner in jail
trial can. upon his request, work
upon the roads. If he is convict-
ed at the trial he is to be credit-
ed on the sentence for the ti
already E quite
to be paid by the county
commissioner.; for the time
has worked.
Levi Holliday and Myrtie B.
J. E. Hines, of Norfolk, spent p
and Mollie Ma-
Sunday at home-
H A. Gray spent Sunday with
his father, Henry Gray in the
Gray Carson, of Bethel, was
hero Sunday.
Good many of our people are
court in Greenville this
Miss Mary Taylor had com-
Sunday from Winterville.
C. caught a mule in
in,; rabbit box Saturday night.
Ned and.
Joshua Pitt an
st s in
W. R Sharp . ;
loin Manning and family and
Mrs T. F. on and family
took a trip up the road Sunday.
Big fox hunt Friday. men, i
dogs and no fox.
We learn that little
j Ross, who has been .
sick for several days, is
law as this would
the prisoners I. a from wore
it would be conducive . Mr. Gray
health by permitting them to b w
at work out in the air instead Barnhill Is one of Pitt's most
confined in jail. It would also be and Miss
beneficial to the county in lady of rare
the prisoner would be doing and accomplishments. The
for bed and mi best wishes
while being held in custody and to this couple.
. ; . .,, fl, Frank Warren and wife, of
Tyson an L
. ; Par-
and Rosa A.
Hugh who the last
years has been canvassing
Virginia, came in Tuesday after-
noon to visit his father and rel-
bushels of Jumbo I and
one hundred .
ton Peanuts per f
b. Grifton, N. C.
J. A. Johnson Bro.

Eastern reflector, 11 January 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 11, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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