Eastern reflector, 6 November 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

One's Own Country
Taking a Trip Abroad.
Going abroad enjoys the pres-
of many generations and its
are deep It has
all claim to distinction, however,
and nowadays is not a thing to talk
short among your friends
y, . to lore to
ti. The tourist party has mad
the undertaking so commonplace
that to have whizzed through Eu-
Implies neither a long purse
nor slightest originality of in-
was once crossing in a
which contained an
master roll of touring Americans.
who were making their
felt inclined to put
m a small airs about it
cowed and abashed. The
V most of their fell
.-. d i. at the only
sci who enjoyed the slighter
distinction was a veteran who
his twenty-sixth rim
the pond.
Far he it from to decry .
enlightening es of
in the old where e.
and novel aspect of
People and things arouse the
refresh the tired mind.
But for one American who return-
in a wholly refreshed and satisfied
condition will find you
who will confess lo numberless
because of petty and organ
swindles and extortions waged
the Yankee in n
land, and to futile annoyance over
bad hotels, poor railway service an
a civility that is won and held only
on a cash ha sis.
Largely because it has been
for man of moderate in-
come to s end one or months
abroad f r a considerably r
outlay thin he could tour his own
country, he America
last instead of and it has been
uphill work to induce people who
travel to listen to II e of the
undiscovered land .
en Gate. It e o ass,
ever, that the f New
York to is
worth talk arm much n-s the
trip to I. it Par's, H -re
are . th at no I
time the average
with n J
or win y v la
study his Land before lie
to the -1 n Tn
let a e.
in Magazine.
So Many Ana Identical That Much Con-
fusion Constantly Remits.
Any horse owner may give his
whatever name he chooses, as
no law will prevent him doing so.
However, it is safe to presume that
in the case of a valuable animal
bred for racing purposes the owner
rill take good care that the. name
. the quadruped be such as
ere confusion with that of
any other race horse. Newspaper
era are debarred by the copy-
rig . law from duplicating the
names of rival publications, and the
restriction applies to theaters,
. road houses, etc.
i , enjoy, in common with horse
o. the privilege of giving their
i name which may . their
look the r, It
will convince any one of the
many owners have
. I naming t VI --el-
inextricable muddle ha
resulted from the repetition
When a ship's name is free from
in the ship's own
the evil is not great, as the
of referring to the nation-
of the vessel will avoid all eon-
in. When, on the other hand.
same names are given several
vessels flying the same flag,
the modern shipping trade Theseus
who ventures in this labyrinth with-
out the thread of Ariadne in the
shape of a clew as to some
of the ship he is endeavoring,
to identify finds himself baffled at
every turn and constantly facing the
Minotaur who appears in the shape
of doubt and needless anxiety. Brit-
as representing the
larger share of the total tonnage
owned in the world, have
in no small measure for
state of affairs. Among the
names especially relished by
those evoking memories dear to
heart of the loyal Britain have, of
coarse, been repeated with the
it is expected when you
travel yo i ill n eel very
people ii h bankers, a
the . noted ; . etc., bill
don't. An n worn
v has j re I
i n a trip. e says II I on
and in the
would get lo to
while she had mil
slip; I
to .
tho ;. .
hotels flu
I ill I
lo ell
tit lo a
he r a r.
I n .
In, lies an I I
of I but
Hail d it was
., I The bride was
n ;. . her in the office where
tho . was a bookkeeper, and
they Lad only one week h.
Mo W. late senator from
Km- Cat made politeness n
of One day hi
bi r
bore of his ac-
with a
,; he I
. he I
pi T
said In .
f, r, . m d him back
d with both hands,
co mi
a in
Sailing Shoes According to Hoyle.
There is an enterprising dealer in
men's shoes Boston who, at one
live, was accustomed to display
sticking out of each pair of shoes
in his window three new bills.
Tho accompanying announcement
I to read something like
of a kind beat two
one occasion a bright voting I
nil undertook to get the better of j
the dealer. Entering the store, he
to the proprietor, sell
-1 according to the rules of
poker. I
was the reply.
wear size No. said the
bright young man; me up
two pain of
When he Led received the shoes
be tendered in payment thereof
said the proprietor,
those shoes come to
according to said
bright young man, with a
i of a kind
responded the suave
i o they don't beat four
nines. Six dollars,
His Herd
-lid Mrs. press-
a handkerchief to her
eves. man, me
cousin man i-. If there's
of a good thing he's
ways a little to wan Bide. If it
hadn't been for that he'd be in bis
home now of in the hospital,
understood that
thy backward off the stag-
and fell clear to the
said the district visitor,
but puzzled.
said Mrs.
with a fresh burst of tears, if
he'd fell a hit more to right
there was a great pile bricks,
it would have broke his fall
in stop kind and
helpful to said little John-
is that asked bis mother.
it's this At school to-
day I saw Tommy done- patting
pin in the master's chair, so just as
Si , master to sit down I
M ids Hr Feel at
v. to dinner
with d his wife to one of
end as they
a in to served
Her hostess looked
. d guest with a
a so unhappy when
go to a club. No r
mat ts with his
His wife may plead and
she can't possibly compete wit
the service of a phi re as th
Just at this moment the
waiter gracefully tipped
plate of soup in her lap.
she said to hi
pulled ; way t The master
sat down and when he
got up he licked mo for nulling
away the chair, and then Tommy
licked me fur interfering.
Yes, I'm to stop
London Express.
Length of the Law.
Some Idea pf tho balk of the
English be obtained by
Adverting to. the fact Hint a single
statute, tho land tax commissioners
act. passed in the first year of the
reign of IV., measures, when
unrolled, upward of feet. If
ever it become necessary to
consult the fearful volume, an able-
bodied man must he employed
three I ours in coiling and
rolling its Answers.
ff sap
Editor and Owner.
f S.
is only by reason the maker's intimate, thorough
women's tastes and the requirements
f-el that Shoes have achieved
First, they the eye and
I distinction to the foot. Secondly, they fit
as only con Et Thirdly,
their large sale permits them to be sold at a moderate
price. This store secured and controls the sale these
splendid shoes, because it believes them lo offer the
wearer more real value and satisfaction than any others
possible to procure. New styles now ready. Glad to
show even h you do not care to buy.
la Connection With the Christian Mis-
Dunn, Oct. 30-The sixty-
second annual meeting of the
North Carolina Christian Mission-
Convention convened here
today- The day was given to
the proceedings of the North
Carolina auxiliary of the Christ-
Woman's Board of Missions,
presided over by Mrs. J. Boyd
Jones, of Wilson, This
is national in scope and
has been engaged in an ever
field of usefulness for over
thirty years. First brought into
existence at a general convention
at Cincinnati, O , with a
of about it has
raised many
of thousands of dollars J
now supports missionaries in the
needy part of the homeland, it;
the Kentucky mountains, tie
new western states, some
of New England, where
making great
Good Attendance and Good Mr.
Today. We, members of Company
There was a good attendance j volunteers
of people here today from the American war,
sections of the county to the to express our regrets at
Democratic rally. The meeting. fellow,
which was held in the court Victor Cox. We
house, was presided over by ex- at him corn-
Senator F. G. James who made a
short, ringing speech and then
called on the county candidates
to announce themselves.
Most of the candidates were
present, and with the exception
of Representative Laughinghouse
and to duties.
Officers and Members of Co. E.
Oct. 1906. N. C. V.
Lost a Child.
A telegram received by Col. I.
and Senator they only . o,,. , ,
made brief of their f Wednesday afternoon,
candidacy The two mentioned daughter, Mrs. E. L.
spoke more at length upon tho Brooks, of announced
issues before the people today the death of the latter's little
WES The burial took
these Secretary State Place at Nashville.
J. Bryan Grimes was
and the speech of the day, i Two Deacons Elected.
arousing much enthusiasm among
his hearers He rehearsed the After the prayer meeting in
records of the parties in the the Baptist church, Wednesday
is making great in-
roads Jamaica, India Nation and State pointing out the night, an election of two deacons
other strongholds of held to m vacancies.
heathenism and
Miss Rosa Loftin, of Kinston,
read the report of the
Mrs Calvin Woodard, who was
absent .
The afternoon session began
at o'clock with the singing of
,, Need Thee Every Hour
Mrs. Preston B Hall read the
third chapter of and
led in prayer after which the con
sang My God
to Thee .
Miss Lizzie Anderson read the
report of the Little
Miss Alice Hines,
showing . work for the year
and good collections. The ban-
was awarded to the Oriental
band for largest collection,
The a
was conducted
by Mrs T- King, of Green-
ville The title of Mrs. King's
paper was Ex-
Mrs Watson
paper by Mrs E. R- on
the subject of Value to the
Soul of Giving
A by Mrs W Brown,
local superintendent of the Km-1
Builders, was read by
Mrs F B Hall The subject
was Straight in the
a Highway for Our Lord
under Democratic rule and
-showed that every man should j W. M.
go to the polls next Tuesday were elected. The
and v the Democratic ticket service will beat an early
Pitt county Democracy is
right, and the rally today will help
swell the majority the ticket is
going to receive next Tuesday
Delivered to
the Sheriff
and Gives
W. H. Harrington, Jr., against
whom there was an indictment
charging him with being one of
the parties making the w
cap assault on W- J. Teel, last
Man Has a Pair That He Has
a Quarter Century.
If all Indiana farmers possessed
a pair of boots like those of Logan
Ping, who lives near
county, many boot dealer
would be forced out of business
April, and who had since evaded the trust would
the officers, was recently severe blow-
rested in Charleston, S C. He that won't wear out
was brought to Greenville Wed-1. A of a century ago th
evening by Deputy Sher-
R. L Knox, of Charleston,
and delivered to Sheriff Tucker.
He was taken at once before
Clerk D. C. Moore and gave
bond for his appearance at
term of court and was re-
Governor Glenn offered a re-
ward of for the arrest of
Harrington and his delivery to
the sheriff of Pitt county, and
boots were made by William
Williams, the village shoemaker,
who was known for mil s around
for the excellent quality
of his work. The boots
shoes which went
small shop of log
ed may of wearer
Ping is now
seven years old, and I
wearing the boots he
twenty-five ago. In
from hi
if till
this reward was paid to Deputy las hundreds
Sheriff know
Knox by Sherill
for a chance to get
near Mrs- Alice Roosevelt Long-
worth, who accompanied
husband here on a campaigning
tour, hundreds of frantic and
hysterical women pulled at one
another's hair each
other's clothes at
The South--The Enricher.
Many scientists are viewing
with alarm the possibility of a
deterioration of soil, which some
claim may eventually threaten
the world's food supply unless
the experiments to secure
gen from the air should prove
commercially successful, and thus
make possible the constant refer-
of the soil. Already
tor R.
The End of the Book
Club was very delightfully enter- j
L Wooten was the star performer This,.
on Tuesday, the is from a dispatch from ;, the rich prairie States are
Quite a number of visitors and describes a scene commercial fertilizers a
were present The literary pro-
gramme for the afternoon was hair in generous quantities from world
Remains of Classic Greek the heads of their friends who I
Architecture chanced to be near them, and
The Acropolis, the hill of classic j who handled their rail lent
buildings, by Mrs Harry Skin-
to see Mrs. the
The Parthenon, the only per- unveiling ex
feet building in the world-by claimed, Aid
Mrs R. O. A -hf Quoted
d . u . t i graph was evidently
o. Pericles, by Mrs J. L Little y
It is not easy to prove that a
I railroad accident is a sure
that no one
really to blame They are now
baying that that Atlantic City
train was purposely
on Sunday by river pi-
in a spirit revenge be-
they had trouble with
man L
A Deed that Will Live.
of Mrs Jefferson I
revived a beautiful
story that never to
lie i . the South, and
i mg . n . I women love the
land v its.
its heroes, this
miles over the wilds of Brown
county, but the boots have de-
time and usage. A few
small patches have been
Mr. Ping says, but he con-
the boots practically a.--
good as new today.
To the method used to tan the
leather the wearer attributes the
lasting qualities of the boots.
This method Shoemaker Williams
kept to himself, and those who
wore his boots and shoes declare
that his secret process was far
better than any in use today.,
Longevity is a characteristic
of the Ping family.
lived to be eighty years old and
her father died at the age of
Indianapolis Star.
The Supreme Court of this
State, when it was. Republican,
id that, in the distribution
of public school money
white child of school age shell
, have the same amount money
and cotton and iron, it is; equally j per as a c . and
no more; and the child
not shall have same a,
but the capita as any white and no
and last year Ohio used
tons. The South holds a
monopoly on fertilizer-
making materials, such as
rock, etc. Europe
draws it phosphate rock mainly
. sec. and Louisiana
now d the mar-
market of Eu. ope and America-
Strong as the South is in coal
. in
the numbers
as strong in phosphate
and it can
its own
be told around Southern fire- star
and treasured up with our
crown jewels. It is simple brief
and touching.
When Jefferson Davis lay a
All of which must be
humiliating to the
heroic past the President's daughter. But
story ought he cannot reasonably expect to
; was
the per
Asa mat.-i of fa t it
Mrs. I of other sections and o.
r and her countries. Great is the South
bridge tender who had been helpless, manacled, brutally-
It will strike treated prisoner in Fortress Mon-
he av man that if hated beyond all reason by
d a against it republican loaders, Mrs.
caster to him than to Davis went North to work for
ill a hundred and let him release. Her counsel told
theory is advanced her that there was but one thing
chief of police, but it to do. and that
hold water. Fifty years man of
such fast
Charlotte Observer.
These are the w
publican .
by Chief V
T. .,
the case of V k
of the
. s at th
That y.
company. His is n Solomon.
Then are many t. that he
does not .
A TENT HOTEL. Yo . wore a child are not willing t-
to id what you I have -taxes divide J equally
Very nearly all of the Char thought, and him m
Town of .
reason people ha .
ed voting
u Live
ii people could
have found who would
the accident was an
let of Providence for running
rains Sunday, but now no
one says this. We are getting
i accustomed to doing any and
everything on Sunday that we
not regard it as work or as a
After a while we'll do things
n Sunday that we would -be
shamed to do now during the
reek. The door is open or
to get the
people who visited th
Exposition put up at
the most remarkable hotel
that has ever been built- It
two st but covered four
the acres of ground and nobody ever
party to sign bond, found out how many rooms it
This man was Horace j Being a temporary concern, it
to him Mis Davis went not equipped with electric
hen she had told her story,, bells, but in each o- m
Mr- extended his hand f was a small flag. So
and said, will sign j the guest wanted anything
the He did and Mr. would stick the flag on the out-
Davis was set free, his door and possess bis
Out that noble act of Greeley's I soul in patience We know of a
cost him a seal in the party cf Statler's guests who
States senate and he suffered a went to Fans, spent I
loss of more than thirty thousand day there got back at it
besides He knew what it would I to find that their
B if- ; that boy a
Slat j to him in sympathy. Be his
chum. Do not make too many
cast iron laws. Rule with a
vet hand. Help have a
Answer hi .
pranks. j
Sweat over his conundrum
ms to Rec- do for him in the North, and the signals bad yet been s-
Limber up you
game of ball or a
You can
th. path
That boy has a
tiny reaching
mountain peaks, lie
i .
die two hen the
white people paid the gnat
such taxes
quoted dictum of
Justice Furches. was over
ruled by our present Democratic
Court last f, th
. of Lowery ;, i e-11
held tint it .- not
on i school
is p r
but i school t
tn . an length
ye rand that number
all be employed at
, vii es tile board mi V
II be
Solicitor Daniel Resigned.
News and Observer of
said that Solicitor W.
Daniel, of Weldon, has sent
ins resignation to Gov. Glenn
has accepted it and
Mr John H. of
to fill out Mr. Dan-
term. Mr. Keens the
for the office of Solicitor in
Mr. Daniel has served three
as Solicitor and has made
one of the best prosecuting
in the State. He has re-
because he is the Demo-
nominee for the State Sen-
Lexington Dispatch.
Double Daily Express Service.
The Southern Express Co.
today began handling express
shipments on the special train on
this branch of the Coast Line
operating between Tarboro and
Kinston. Mr. K. C Burnett,
route agent, came down to com-
the arrangement. This
gives Greenville a double daily
express service and will increase
the business of the company as
well as prove a great convenience
Tobacco Sales
sacrifice was deliberate. His We are again million times his weight in gold.
tame ought always to be of freaK hotel by a
along with the memory of I schemer which it is proposed for
the great Confederate chieftain. the Jamestown Exposition. This
is to be a tent hotel with
for 20.000 people. It
is proposed to use regulation
army tents, with floors and iron
beds, it is to connected with a
central office. The tent hotel
worth a prop
According to the report fur-
by Mr. C. W. Harvey,
secretary of the Tobacco Board
of Trade, the sales of leaf to-
on the Greenville market
will be lighted by electricity for the month f
There will be no need red
Neck to people here.
hand grenades and reels
of hose, for if it catches afire,
a man can whip out his pocket
knife, rip open the wall of his
room and step forth to safety.
The tent hotel is a great scheme.
It will lay idea in the
shade and that is something we
thought never could have been
pounds at an average
of per pound. The total
sales for the three months since
the season opened were
There will be 15-1,000 square
feet of floor space in the ma-
and pal-
ace at the Jamestown exposition.
Four Ballots.
There will be four ballot boxes
at the polls next Tuesday and
every voter can deposit four
ballots as
One for the State officers,
the corporation commissioner
and superior court judges.
One for Congressman.
One for solicitor,
of the Legislature and
county officers.
And one for constable and
Let every voter be sure to go
to the polls and deposit all four
ballots, and read them care
fully before voting
The board of
lay night, s
.-. for the Raleigh
I S railroad, asked
to cross Dickinson
Bonner's lane with a
e so this road could connect
the Atlantic Coast Line at
point north of the Imperial
The matter was defer-
to a later meeting.
The cemetery committee re-
l id that a new fence had b. en
around the cemetery.
C. S. Forbes was paid for
in near the culvert
if the graded school on Evans
In the matter of the
between W. T. Fleming
Leonidas Fleming, both
claimed to purchase the
lame lot in Cherry Hill cemetery,
board decided that W. T.
Fleming had priority of claim
that a deed be e-
to him for the lot.
The market committee was
instructed to have the vacant
of the market and guard
lot also to have
ho roof and ceiling the mar-
t house painted.
The officers made their reports
during the past
The chief of fire
is instructed to the fire
hose and make re-
of condition, and that
hose b tested once a month.
Th 1- of the dispensary for
q ending Sept 30th
show . for the quarter
to stock on
lands a per inventory
of the fire com-
e and colored.
from poll tax for
were allowed and
aid to
Tl re is -o question about the
intensive farming,
good labor conditions;
with labor so unreliable and
uncertain as it is now. there is
no plan open to
the farmers of this region.
Making land rich makes its
easier, less expensive
doubles the yield for
amount of labor. We have
heard of a by some author,
title .
and there in ire
or logic in than many will
admit or realize.
Of course I be
to every farmer to
ten acres, or ten aces to
the h .-,. but the title of such
a . i .
. areas
the plan of all w
the near future in
about to say .;
farmers n . s.
Neck Commonweal .
Boy Still Missing.
Lenoir, N. C, No Rev. J.
II. Nelson is still unable to gel
any clue as to tho bouts of
his son, who
about five weeks ago.
Several Lenoir people have join-
ed with Mr. Nelson in the search
for his son. to no avail.
There is some n suspect
foul play as the young man left
with between n in his
Miss Dora .
from Ayden Friday c fling.

ill all.
is only by reason o the maker's intimate, thorough
knowledge of women's and the requirements
of her fed that Shoes have achieved
excess. First, they satisfy the eye and
to the foot. Secondly, they fit
., omens feet as only can fit. Thirdly,
their large sale permits them to be sold at a moderate
price. This store secured and controls the sale of these
splendid shoes, because it believes them to offer the
wearer more real value and satisfaction than any others
possible to procure. New styles now ready. Glad to
show even th h you do not care to buy.
Hint the
Years when
governor -f New Hampshire, a
man named Barf came down i
laden tub
butter and a few yards of homespun
a a ft lo the governor in
i exchange or an appointment
tier of the pi
The governor received Mr. Bart
inquired from how
a had
is other man besides my-
he. he in no more
I fit for the office than th
Hie amused governor the
and waited some
I t; for caller to go. which he
i . , in to d i. Tl e
j. inquired if there
W, . .; he . I for
in. Mr. Barr
If. hen I y
. , r mo what you
,, I it shall tell
Boston Herald.
Gill Was Capable of It.
T.,. n In up
las In street oar
u the oM i J i that u
lo i . i pi lo I i-.
it la tin of a man
., lady em. in
crowded car and politely
trill one U UM
a Globe.
Tracing or of the joke,
appears to be due to the
. Bill to say that, so
j an, the famous
.-. its father. As he tow it, lit
in . crowded Lon
coach when a stout woman ,
remained standing, Bill arose
announced that he would e
of three men to give the lady u seal
The point of the joke, as told it.
was that of the occupants
the coach Lad any remote
of the humor of the
So Tired
It may be from overwork, but
the chance are its from an In-
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept in healthful action
by, and only by
W. . I. H Hi I
, a
Ho k
nil in
;,. I- Ml II
l. f.-ll .
. II . Of
, e
, f I'll in
. . . I ii . or in
,. . f
, .-I in
.,. of mini.
i- P
a. I- M
. in--
ii i ii. i i-
. . i . i .
ii. ii i-
You Step S
,, ,.,. i ii iVi .
r -i in i in if
. r. l . H I
hail I
he line I
years old,
-low pi i If l If el
tin- had s il, l
. Vi. in pi-
I ft, the land of He
i a VI. II and mi-i
heir. T- r.
. m ,. S W
,. It
I trip o
testing a d
measures. If any have been
i vim will
and to
I vi on the first Monday in N
vi-u will test them ham on
C B.
J. W.
partnership heretofore
i the
in the town of e,
county. North Carolina, under
firm of B.
I torn has i
i, . i u . St i
r. K j business urn land at the p e
to him
mid bespeak for and hie
I age.
Persona h el st
the said the
K I. en, Green
vi N. V., n
the day of
I, G
W. Dudley,
P Taylor,
and Printer
an entirely
on which pat
are ending, whereby
can reface old Brass C
Head Rules, I
and ma
them fully as good as now
an without any unsightly
knobs of feet on the hot
and Head
Rules regular lengths i
L. s and
and over per
A sample of
Rule, full i-
will be t
Printers Iv Co
of Type and
High Grade Printing Mater
n. Ninth
Id. w. mm,
Groceries j
And Provisions
Tiff on him
Pr sh kept .
ii -i
Produce I
Not Quite
How you a
me done -a X
. iii in- mi m driver or
fir Have a
in prepared for
ii ii i line of tools
S- . desire, and
will your tool
m dues la.-k a single
.- -i article.
Of Course
S get Harness,
J. R, I
Nor t h Ca
In Superior
Pitt County
Lemuel Toil
Ida Tool
i. mm it , a-
n n In nu. prior nun
of I in Ci i i fur n ill vi-re Hi
of i iii-
not-.-.- l
I hi ii xi I- or i
hi II
of t in- or said
In N and or
In action.
apply lo the Court for
ii-n in
day of
P. C.
Clark Superior
for Plaintiff.
I who i ruled J II
the know.
I t of
S he an
i .
. r in, , to Iii-
Ii as oil j all r woe
., . in Ii Ii. he it
man in hi p I
,., . . and
broad, forehead,
. I T
nosh; eves. l by
ii. hi
j. when he talks ll
him; a
n I a large
hard and
h ; k .- announce that we are
Dist i
nix.-u Paints.
. r
,; . fas an
i;. i-. , Hi ., . then I
, . ,., all gainful and ten
ii, ii . n en urn s
There is no line in the world better than
H It hi it a century
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need f
never worry quality.
We trust that you with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
,. . Have just a car load
can give you Special Prices.
Hart I
Second hand Mail
The who was his
;. ,., in
boxes in tie rural j , not know .- such largo he said,
had u pop i f I;
but I'm- ma I l
,. . . hi, an i I
. r , y one in tow i
co j ii either
out of I
III -I can explain lie
, . ;
. .-I new h bid we have
. f over -1
ii mi r I hi
,. new .
.; hi
. our
1.1 i-o In
drew the
. ,;
Peter end.
. . . the
I. , ; II
, . em-
lain- In
n u-
In I he i
of r b
I a rat. Tl i
. bro .
-I,. . . See
. .
I ,.
n, c.
Look deeper than the S
in-p-r-t material and w
If you vi l . Autumn
I Kin b-lit u I
will r i . as well
a and iii. they .-.-.,. ,
. . i; ., and, u satisfied
. l i .
u K
. ; i, . . ,
. v
ti r.-.
;.,. I.
. . i 11-. and
.- fr t.
tie rial bank notes
notes 10,111.00
stock paid in
,. . .-,
Moll d i.
Due tn i
;, in
. i-
. a Vi
it In
. , . New
. .
, . I
. I'll
C. L V . . So.
t of I above named bank, do
in m true to the best of my
S. Cashier.
. to Correct
day It.
lo- G. J v
. , i Public v
SEPT. 4th,
Trans t
e from
Cam. IS
Gold coin 478.00
coin Is
Nil. notes 8,170.00
stock pi in fl
sub to check 81,777-0
of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the bank, do solemn
swear that the ye statement is true to the best of
knowledge and belief. J. R.
hill ft
r in
lire I f tin hour
. hi i- J
. I,,,,. -----ml of his
iv. for In-
.,,. Ill
. are ha f an I t M
,. , , ,, lily limn
house, mid in
.; I , mi are kepi
Tho Duel.
the beginning
to humor in tin- duel.
, in ridicule the
phi ,. -1- between No-
and Tho
mi round and may
so loaded that m
pares tho regulation
might in- hit without biting
hurt. The system of firing by word
f no time any
dim I., he taken.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 11th
Notary Public
T. L.
Extraordinary Disaster.
A marine disaster of an
extraordinary character is reported.
Tho good shin Agathe, from Ham-
burg, laden with barley, reached
where the are, and
vat beating op the river. An
ox watched the vessel from
bank. A carried I he
hip a little off her e e,
result that
n I
I , j . iv
. ult
I,,,,,,, inn
Par .,
I nth
II m lb
. km H bu
.; ,
. ,, the In I, I he Is
, , , .
ant of I he i-i I .
i. .,;.,,,,. in n mi of
. . Lin
fl ,. ; , .
. , , holy .-ii-,. of the
r 1-
upon necks of
I o, the
is . a-
always dwelling in the .
In. daughters were very r I
u. go with fall ;
stupid lady of acquaint
finally them b
,, an, ii,,,, ,, ii us follows
their astonished have
had the of a limo i getting
foolish girls to come me.
always do dread being bored
lint promised would
hurry i huh.- of your
and then k away Immediately
Generous Bernhardt.
If Sarah earnings
have been enormous her
i, know her parish
I, when lived in the line
never appealed in vain to
relieve cases of distress.
, bond
. a items
I . .
. . I
bi in pa. . i
Monti Carolina, I
County Pitt.
L. little, the above-named bank
. that the above is true
to beat of knowledge
and t n
It. W. KING,
. R. M
E. H. EVANS, Supt. E. A. Manager.
Greenville Manufacturing Co.
Manufacturers of
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
And all of Turned Work.
Also Dealers
it was removed with an open guaranteed.

A. H
i w
ii t N. C, at second class
., ii n
. post office
in to fiction
Furniture Problem
This month and one more,
then we will rub out and start
November brings in two big
events election and
Of courts Thanksgiving
comes after e election.
t i getting time for the
The man convicted of murder
at Va. and laughed
when of death was
passed upon him, certainly had
his nerve
the Tammany lead-
is threatening to sue all the
newspapers that have been car-
him. He must want to
publicans to spring something occupy moat of his time in court
el re to try to make sympathy after the is his hands
for their side
It is practically all over now ,
turn out at the elect, m an. m fa
administration at
furniture Sale Com pet t on is Brisk and
Furniture Sale Claims are many and loud.
swell the majority.
From what arc Baying
about the wash tub right
that are going, is
likely to get in trouble.
when it comes to distributing
Federal patronage. That is
about all the ticket in this county
is running for, as no one on it
expects to be elected. They;
Report it come up from have bulk of the
Republican speaking at Winter- therefore are doing all they
ville, Friday, indicate that some can to men to
of them are to the end. them- Are
white men in Pitt county who
Compare the men of the two want take the place of the
in Pitt county, and it in Re ranks
ought not to take half a second
decide which ones to vote for., The Lexington asks
what is the use of worrying with
The Charlotte News is g the Republicans every campaign,
up the doctors of that city f. r adds that the Democrats
issuing so many whiskey pie- should roll up such a majority
As usual the in 1906 that the Republicans will I
decide it. There is but one
test. That sale is best and most important
i . i Prices on the Furniture
Com dud be to please.
Men want
or nothing,
other n en wouldn't
wear wool, if they
it for nothing.
So we've all sorts of
good Underwear to
suit and many
Men. of minds mind
All Grades
All cotton, Cotton
and mixed and
good that
is suitable for
Underwear white
and colors, medium
We fit all people.
Pictures Framed t Order.
is right.
The is no of throwing
away your tic t by
voting for a Republican- y
one cast that way will be as g d
never be heard of again. That
o what we ought to do for
hem here in Pitt county. The
did not start out
to 2.50 per GARMENT.
It would take pages to de-
scribe our different
and style, o we'll
sum it all up by saying
come here for the best of
The King Cloth
No, you need not be
at anything the Republicans
They see their finish, and
their are lost to
Judge cf the
gave the New
such a
ti. county commissioners may
p. I ; pen to
Every LOW then the Dukes
on this side of tie pond, and the;
on the other
bob up in the and give
tie pi a chance to
talk about div re in high life.
It is not to again re-
min I i very in Pitt;
county to go to the polls and vote
OH election day. You fall short
of your duty if you stay at home
that day.
Watch the Business of The
North State Life
days in October have brought to the Home applications for Insurance to
One hundred and Seven Thousand Dollars,
Since beginning In August than
Democrats it is not a question
your ticket, but how
large shall the majority be
out next Tuesday and help swell
First Vice
Second Vice President
Third Vice President
Didn't happen in the South
this time. Out In Franklin, Ohio,
the to-v n marshal was shot and
killed by a whom he was
trying to arrest- This incensed
the white people of the town,
who not only tried to lynch the
who committed the crime,
but also went about
them out of the town
N. J. SOUSE. General Manager and I Jen Counsel
J J. of Agencies
W. B.
E HOOD Treasurer
DR JAS. M. or
HENRY TULL Medical Director
J W. GRAINGER, Par man
J. K. HOOD, Druggist,
J, A. and
M PARROTT, Physician.
E J and Insurance.
V. MOSELY, and capitalist
J- F. TAYLOR, Manufacturer.
P. C DUNN, Manufacturer
D. Merchant and
N, J. ROUSE, Lawyer Ba
H. D. HARPER, Dentist.
R C STRONG. Banker
Tin. array of names a list of some of
the most business and men in
Home Office
Kin st on
Ordinary Department.
are Issued in amounts t.
or more.
Intermediate Department.
Polices are Issued in amounts of
N F. S
Manager Branch
ti. C
department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory
-r MM m n
coma A full line of e. Hunters in need of best baled
a, , U A C, sh can them
Hie-e need ice Co,
P an i A Win
and money is in
in and
Indian from lien,
who are in in
v a
by th- amount to m
st i.;
F. C. NYE.
Winterville Dent.
C. A. of was
here Friday afternoon,
Call large line of
shoes B. F.
Manning Co. They will give
you bargains.
The season is now at hand
most of the are
lousing their and of
them are worn about not
bodies in which to their
corn Now do it let this worry
you any longer for the A. G Cox
Mfg. has on sup-
ply of these bodies and would be
glad to supply your needs.
R. H- Hunsucker is having
ii-n.-l l a
ml .
P M, Fe ale
r t .
U. ma i ,,.
I have taken up one unmarked
stray hog-, red sandy color, weight
about or pounds. Owner
can get same by proving property
two large houses erected on and paying
lots near his residence. lie is
one of our most bu.-- .
men, who sees that if our
town is built up rapidly, we
W. M. Jones.
Greenville, N. C.
must have good, comfortable
Mrs. of buildings to attract the best
parents. to it.
Elder and Fred . . , ,
, We are our entire f
U i-. pa.-.-f c,. special prices
it will lo intent to see
B. T. O x, Br. re buying elsewhere an
and fifty and
i. a new kilting
in ii in N. C. Good
w-t e. a to C. W. Jeffreys,
. .-.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
before ill bargains
now and
cent goods
goods no
spent Friday
III I i. I V c p
D. several others same way.
iii me trade at very low
B T ,
Harrington Barber and o
The Republican candidates
were here Friday. After the
J. M. Taft, relief operator in county candidate had announced
the absence of J. E. Green, re- themselves the legislative
turned to his home at Hobgood made speeches. They had
the first of the week. a respectful hearing from a fair-
The business done through the good sized crowd most of whom
Bank of Winterville for October were Democrats,
amounted to more than forty one The Hunsucker Man-
thousand dollars, thus making by A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
an excellent record. How could are still in demand. Better send
we get along without a bank order-
Frank Carr one of The school season is here and
county's leading citizens, was need a com-
here Thursday. winter suit. B. F. Man-
Nice sun dried apples fresh Co., have all
and bright at J. B. Carroll Co. See them for Prices-
Miss Cora Carroll war, here the line of
Friday afternoon shopping. She and gents umbrellas we
will begin teaching Monday. Harrington and Co
FOR SALE. One-half acre Good nice three crown
corner lot with three room dwell- at J- B. Carroll Co.
conveniently located to school Anybody in need of a stylish
and business part of town- For to date dress will see A. W.
see Ca
particulars see with mohair
j a. Manning. and nice shirt waist
Winterville, , C. goods.
Little Beatrice Nye entertain- A. q cox Mfg Co., are
ed a few of her little friends receiving daily
Friday afternoon, improved cart We
her fourth birthday. oUr orders.
lo the of K.
Cox A Bro for T. w. ft
Notice of Dissolution.
We, the undersigned, have by
mutual consent dissolved co-
partnership and offer the entire
stock of goods consisting
merchandise at cost. A
discount offered. For
terms and particulars address R.
J. Little Co,, Conetoe, N. C.
R. J. Little.
J- H. Clark.
We will pay the highest mar-
price for chickens,
corn, peas or anything in that
Friday Poorly Attended.
If the Chamber of Commerce
is to accomplish what it ought to
do for Greenville, the business
men must take more interest in
it than was manifest at the
meeting Friday night. There
lacked one of being a dozen pres-
which was a very small per-
cent of the business men in the
Several matters were dis-
cussed, but the only real
that could be transacted
was adopting the report of the
committee on constitution and
by-laws appointed at the last
It Chen decided to adjourn
to Monday night, 12th inst at
which time a board of directors
will be elected and standing
committees appointed. It is
hoped a large number of
will be present at that
time. Every one who feels an
interest in the progress of the
town should be there.
In Court
I K. Mud L h
K L Jackson.
Mr. J. W. tie general
industrial age. of the Seaboard
Air Line road a talk with a
Washington reporter, gives
some views of industrial
in the that will be
read with pleasure by all people.
He says, with truth, that
man who has not been through
the South in the past year or
two, can hardly imagine the
progress made toward the e-
M e Fall a. W Dr
Shoes. Silks. V i,. trimmings an I
Cloak,, we only ll r ., a price
lots of goods and will take pleasure in
snowing you
Make our start yo headquarters
Dress goods In colors.
Plaids and mixed, the
1.00,1.25, per yard.
o and i
things out and the m
3.60 and 4.00
i-s f r the Noblest
Comfortable made a-
w i ink-
i rm.
i id-
i th t u f
t h- in
r. s Id a ;.
for .- th -t
, n. in rum. . i
-ii. b
. r
ii riv M . I m
i iii r-l
h--1 am h.- ii. t
Of I i
Percales an for
school dresses in figures
i and cent
our underwear is complete.
New lines of fine dress goods
arriving daily at Harrington
Barber Co.
.,. . , The plow is the
Miss Nannie Nichols went to for tearing up rough land.
Greenville Friday. You can find them at Harrington
Call and see the large line of Barber at Co.
ladies and cloaks at B. The A. G. Cox Co. have
F, Manning Co. They are off- Just shipped a car load of their
them at a bargain. Pitt county School Desk. Better
Misses Stella Croom, Louise send them your order at once.
Selma and
Nannie Little, students of the
W. H- S. left Friday spend
Saturday and Sunday at their
The young men will well to
see ;. V, Co , before
buying loll are
Offering n
Miss Susie Hurst left this
Dur p He line of Fall and
I Winter millinery goo s will be
reads tor Inspection
I o'clock Wednesday morning Oct
All are invited
I at our new with the J.
R. Smith and Company-
The Misses
Why use that old sew
morning for Oak City where when
for the next few days from
Wei mill in
flannels that any
thing we ever saw for
Harrington Barber and Co.
school desk interest seems
to be increasing very rapidly.
Send your order to A. G. Cox Mfg
Ladies In need of the
and patterns can find them
at B. P. Manning Co.
Tea will do well to see
at A. G. Cox before
a .
lino In
all lo see
at CO.
I hive taken v,
lag pounds if fat, red
and black spotted, left ear.
get same by proving
property and paying cost.
J If. May, N
N i- that on
Mil, t
will to n Hi rt the r
it K.
iii ii t the
of iii- Kali K.
if h i l . r. I H I h
i i and
; p -u . i w
on. i ii -i i kitchen .
. of
of its The
work has advanced .
even those ac ; u- en-
, but Dot entirely
satisfactory, became the results
accomplished are but a
part of what would be attained I
if the necessary could be;
We are face to
with the greatest labor problem
we had to contend in many
The South
labor and must have it Tote I
problem is being solved by E. J. j
Watson, Commissioner of
for South Carolina, who
is Charleston
steamer five
selected immigrants Mr.
Watson says that these
people are one hundred and
fifty farmers in families, who
pay their own way. the
sort of immigration to turn into
the South. The progress and
development the South is re-
only by the lack of labor.
That being supplied, this country
will go forward at a still more
rapid Chronicle.
House Farm
KM. I Home live I
u iii a
I e
la I f,
Junes L. N.
II .
The Publisher's
Claims Sustained
Bo we
United States Court of Claims
Tho or
It in
In every
In part, with
It to meet the
of genera-
We are of the opinion that this
clearly and accurately
work Hint tho
It now been re-
clued In every tins been corrected In
generation which of popular
that the world
it is to add refer
to I ho in our work
I he In of
that In tho past It
will be the source of reference.
hi tho Fair, St. Louis.
Language of the Umbrella.
There is a language of
las as of For instance,
every part, I Oil B it
Hie and of a I on a
will indicate tint
To open it quickly in the
street means that somebody else's
eye La going lo be in danger.
To it quickly signifies that
a hat or two will probably be
knocked off
An umbrella carried over n
woman, the man getting
but the drippings of the rain
When the man has the um-
and the woman tho drip-
pings it indicates marriage.
To punch your umbrella into a
person and then open it means
To swing your umbrella over
your shoulder signifies am
making a nuisance of
To trail your umbrella along
the footpath moans that
behind you is thirsting for you
To carry it at right angles
your arm signifies
eye is to be injured by the man
who follows you. This is
ally a woman's way of carrying
H. A. HI
N, G
You will be interested in our
Save the
The hot weather brings
Mill Men be
The government is to pros-
North Carolina cotton
men for violation of the la-
contract law. This fact was
made known though not
officially announced, i. i state-
from Assistant Secretary
Murray, of the Department of
Labor and Commerce, who de-
that the government has
decided to deport the English
textile operatives under arrest
at Charlotte and Gastonia. There
have been twenty-three of these her umbrella,
foreign operatives; an umbrella quickly,
arrest the number was it is frighten a mad
to t
break fat. With
es, Canned Goods, Package
Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee,
Tea, Cakes Candies, Fruits, as I carry, the and buy-
are easy and tho all saved It will do argument to
you of if you visit store I sou what I carry.
You can mo one door North
J. B
Our specialty.
Reflector Job Printing Office

Values In and young
a Suits and Overcoats.
. A S
Suit or to
production our Clothing
they are Ii . values than obtainable elsewhere. The
same-care is customers the best. Therein
not the equal Mitts i in Pitt county. It will
pay you a short while i over line Clothing. It
means st. e i r yo i and values you don't else-
where. It is not possible to describe the elegance of our
Clothing. You must seethe line to appreciate it.
n U h
s. ,. is.-.
n n if
The i. A Guaranteed Raincoat I
The cuts t the m-- v s s line of
s ii ill tO . U u i 1-1 I i, . . ,.,,, .,
tin . f a v i.- k, ,, w ,.,,
A BLACK i i-hes M value, . 3-6
A Black L- the value
Dark i iV. i . . i . s i proof worth
i. n- f rm lone tin in w j
L c
Ladies Goods Men's and Boys
tag Hats, Shoes and Notions.
At Below
Given a call
Also Heavy and Fancy
r vi f . N
hi oil
t .
unity the Farmers of this
Stock Price
i .,. i , I PI ii offer for
. tin bout
i i . . I ; . ;
I ,
inn, three miles
bred hogs, young
i the
in farm . reason sell-
i i
with for lined I am ordering sale of
if the farmers will buy this stock at anything
. ; to ix-1
i n future Is to have an annual sale of improved stock. Here is a I
. M Ii of the or Pollard China blood.;
i us in i he sale in such a manner that every i
Is hump I
I . . . -U
I J i. I I It
i he chant i to purchase. In other words can
a like. in this branch l arm in i
r attend
J. M.
just opened in Store -j.-
J. L will a i rand
new Mock if
ii new and
will very price
-i class is run in con-
ii with the store
t is be w in any
style or sold by Give
me a ell.
J. H. Starkey.
.-x- w
I have taken up a cow and calf
Cow is in Rood condition, black
with white list across shoulders,
feet nearly white about
five months old, dark color.
Owner can pot same by proving
property and paying costs.
Near School House, West
of Race Track.
Farms for Craven,
Wake, Beaufort and
counties in North Carolina
and Virginia. Tell mo
wants. R. E. Prince, Raleigh
N. C. d. s w.
On the railroad yard at
Greenville, a pocket book con-
about a trunk check
and small gold ring A liberal
reward will be paid finder by
leaving at Reflector office
Mrs- C T. Gardner,
Salisbury. N C
Dec 5th, I will
expose to public sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, all my
horses, cattle, hogs, fanning
utensils and household and
en furniture. This sale will be
at my home place on Great
Swamp. Levi
at an I . one of
There c n
sold to dealer, but
direct from maker to
swing you the middle
man's i
op us a line and let us
you all about it, ad
how we help you to own
this sweet piano.
Let us tell you of
cf who
have bought and
S, Norfolk,
n. Min
J-n. Gran
bi street.
I they sell To
higher and it is
Farmers movement working to organize
I of -i I mi ,
i ;.,
mi win .- i f,, ,. , r ,,.
an, of i
or lot ,, , i .,
county of Km a i i i ,
i if . of a .
the In. ,.,,,,,,. r,
a to ft .
i l .
will. ii,,,.,, feet to ,
with ht
f-et lo
containing I f an
M th
pi a m. , , being l
r I v
Greenville Livery and
i-nfor all occasion-.
boarded by i lie
Come In and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
have a
also tat- 1-
f all i
L 111.-
Harry White and Miss Lillie
Bennett came down Tuesday
from Greenville with Misses
Clyde and Cox.
t K.
t lie-11 a.-,
Ayden had prominent visitors
this week in the persons of F.
M. Wooten, Mayor, and Capt J.
T, Smith, chief of police,
mil Hi . i laid and ca,
all t
Mr. and I. L.
who have been visiting friends
in this community for several
days, left for their home in
k. I-,. I. I'll
lint- a
Such Ii u , in--, nun.
. n-, 1-, Ii
and i-- A
R. F. Johnson, of Kinston, was
Our ah In-
is well Hip
will ho n. nil-
hon e at
Mrs. F. G. Whaley made i
for early date. a sad death Greenville
and our whole people deeply day.
sympathize with those who are of C
near and dear him, and that spent a . vs in our midst
their sorrow may soon pass this week.
away, and the sunshine of
brighter reflection may bring
them the realization that all
for the best, is our sin-
The following gentlemen were
Tuesday in attendance upon
the funeral of the late E. V.
Roy Flanagan, Harry
Whedbee, Herbert White, W. C.
Hines, A. B. Ellington, T. J.
Moore, W. E. Hooker, W. S. Whaley.
Mrs. S. . and
Mi .
were guests of Mrs. Ricks W I
for E.
Ii. of Washington
visited our town this week
day night from Va.
Mrs. Booth and children, of
Virgilina, are visiting Mrs. F. G.
HaAtkins and F. M. all of
River Lodge No. K. of P
L. James, Jonathan White,
E. E. Griffin, Julius Brown. S
C. Wooten and J. Z. r of
Covenant Lodge No. I.
F. ,
A nice one
H mote i
acres ,
ml Ii v
Feminine Cashier in Missouri Never
Taken in by Forgers.
All the bank cashiers of the
United States are men. The
exception to this almost
rule is in Joplin, Mo.,
where Mrs. F. V. Church.
cashier of the Bank of Joplin, is
with a number of won. n assist-
Elder Phillips came home s, has carried o
day evening from a visit to South
Call on E. Dali Co. foe
your they will
bargains r. d treat you nice.
Th re
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bobbitt
Sunday in Winterville with
Mrs. J. Cox and Miss
Mr. Einstein, of Kinston, rep-;
resenting Einstein
at Hotel Leggett Tuesday
Oscar baby has been
quite sick but is slowly
P. H. Harrington returned
Wednesday from Aulander.
where he attended the funeral of
his mother
H. H. Stanley, who was badly
hurt several days ago, is very
much better,
Mr. Dawson and
Hellen, of
in our town. Miss
is teacher of
public here. The
commodious school
nearing completion
and if us pleasure say our
stock h is as complete as we can
make- i. Our line of and boy's
Clothing h good this season
and if you call inspect our
we will convince that our styles are
in latest and j as reasonable as can
be made. have striven hard to give
our . values for the
celebrate ch in stock
money possible and with ti.
W we can serve you.
Our line of dress goods is more complete fa than ever and we think
only the latest styles, i this In our shoe
shoes f Every
men, none better
are in position to sell
y famous and
Miss Bessie J, . our furniture sod , and a
. E f line of BU -o
and if nothing prevents school
will open the 12th inst. Prof.
will be here the day of
the g and will deliver one
of his excellent addresses.
public is cordially invited to
present, especially the parents of
the children and all people into,
The teachers of this
of the bank for a
number of years. Aside from
the president, T W. Cunning-
ham, formerly of Joplin,
land the vice-president, Phil Ar-
aspirants for no men have been em-
here made vacant ployed In the bank for almost a
by the death of the E. j score of years, and it is known
V. Cox with strong probabilities as of the most
in favor of H. Phillips. I institutions in Missouri-
E. E. Co carry a nice stockholders of the bank
Of candy, oranges and freely admit that to the women;
apples. Call on for same, employers of their Democrats Have
E. G. has appointed owe much of its success and number of
temporary postmaster. j, growth calls for a rooms
If you need any paint be sure employers,
to call on E. E Co. They are m. to its ex- this an-
st If.
years ago Mrs. and tin r.
h entered the employ of
became teller,
.- -d a time occupied both
her k
with the promo-
or your It ref
The farmers are now having
corn shuck
Leader in Low frizz
November is not making much
school are trying to make it the cold part of it
Or h
Block, I
n v.
The Home
paint will cover over
as and wear as long
as any and a good price.
John D. Grimsley, of Snow
Hill, was a visitor in
For g i and cheap flour go to Finally
E. Co. always have was rewarded
s in State,
v by any Demo-
rt his old party
over to t.
Pittsboro Record.
i r
j l . i
K;. l I.,. in,, .,,
I ,
I I II .-Hit in c i. i .
i goods on hand.
tune next week some of
the heads of the
Republics. combine will have
to the cashier's post. She
became so fascinated with the
work that aft her marriage to
Mr, Church she declined to re-
taken a terrible shrinkage. position with the bank
hard, yet prediction is coming -u. afforded her
true, i j will be
the cry.
Carry County Product
E. E. Co, there you will
get the highest market price.
The sad death of E V. Cox.
rumors one of the most
and conspicuous figures in
the business circle of Ayden.
His was an active mind,
lull of animation. In
every undertaking before him
in i the and her
band now live at the Keystone
where is relieved of j
, . distasteful duties of house
I., j
accommodate the miners
district, who are
paid their week's wages
day night Joplin do not
t. until of that
evening. Often bank of
Joplin cashes an aggregate of
Now is
money by to
children's school
tablets, pens, era-
we have also a great assort-
of Dainty
note for use
all tints plain or hemstitch-
The mainstay of social
; V
Viv la
tin- Ii
Park i-1
n i.
To . i
it t ct re v e
lull 11.09 In.-
i 1-iv or
and if
will refund
i and it it bun-tits yon, th-n
SOL until
Ibis entitles
. SOL at
Only a number of s
away- i- p
to test
he lent zest and vim to the worth of checks for the
in view and often m the two hours
his purpose. A lawyer O'clock. As the
by profession, his patronage in the district is exceedingly
lucrative and by no means small, j . elegant opportunities are
As postmaster he was courteous smooth forgers,
and polite, and the general con-j Such has been the efficiency of
duct of his office was often -om-the cashier, however,
by those in higher been tricked into cash-
authority for the neatness, paper.
, N.
. If
For Infer l.
on Or
Sec'y and Treas
promptitude and correct showing
always presented. As a citizen
Once a young man presented a
check at the window. Mrs.
he was retiring in his disposition, church readily detected that the
yet respected and esteemed for check a forgery, and asked
his candor, uprightness and around to a side window to
strict adherence to those receive his money. In a few
pies of honesty and good minutes the private watchman
which he seemed to employed by the bank answered
in a very high degree. His summons of Mrs. Church,
death is a serious loss to this yow. man was arrested
community and his place will afterward sent to the
be replaced at any very
I onus
hue from
Silver Coin,
Bank notes and
U. S. note
Total, 58,672.21
Save Your Dollars
And they will come in handy a There
no way of saving than to buy goods where you can
get cheapest. I have
Capital took paid in, no
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
Dividends unpaid . 102.00
and can sell same at very lowest also carry a
I, J. B. Cashier of the above-named bank, do r wear
Unit the is true lo the beat of my and be-
lief. J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
i but Attest
Notary Public
and can save money on these. See me before
m -mm i
TI I Mil

to Ba Played To Spot From
With and Clothing.
Of course you boys and girls all Spots on carpel
how to play but clothing are not , remove.
you may not know all the games out dust t may
be with them. I on the
D know in the chalk
. , ,, . , . . is not at hand,
o. B is played m the p;, or on w
; . f the fabric if can get
U I the from the hand to ,, ,,. If not. apply a paste the I
he; round; are the eats. ,. to the right side cover
place your left hand to the Just. Leave it thus j
r twenty-four hours. Now lay i
h thicknesses of tissue or
paper over the chalk and
moderately hot iron .,
paper as the
the surface. This is best
by working from the wrong .
f nil the oil is not extracted,
with the lightly closed,;
i and linger
the to one a
J. k now be thrown up, and,
while lie is the air, one of the
lour 0.1 the ground must be
up and put in the well.
Re eat the operation with
me I. and fourth
. be t
Tl., I. . DOW I
leaving the dead cats in a
Now may be tossed up, and
this I its l ;
n j u k do
It is t lie It
boy- girls are sometimes
over the spelling of the great
name. It is written in three
-it ways- Shakespeare.
and ii of
these is right The i-
ally preferred, though many of our
best scholars write it
that is right because
bis signature appears in
that form. At the same lime it
should be remembered that the
name appeared as Shakespeare on
the title page f books he
I, and this warrants the
lief th he accepted it as the
spoiling, in spite of the auto-
There is very lit-
authority for the form
Ten Square Feet.
the have a elm- i
I o one gallon of water add a one
can of of lime and
r of common washing
so h. Allow it I
When l ti. ti into
fruit . or jugs. A
in a of water will
. the most soiled clothing,
Ii . perfectly. It will cut
a-e and dirt out of cooking
sinks drain pipe-. Dilute
lie water for except for
clothes. tightly cork-
I and plainly
Horseradish Sauce.
Put Lot .-. sauce; an over the fire
tablespoonful of utter and a
tablespoonful of Stir and cook
until blended, -n add
cu f I of strained soup stock, h ,
a of milk, half a
of salt, five whole peppers and a
of bay leaf, live minutes,
move bay leaf and peppers, add
three of grated horse-
radish, a minute longer an I
Care of tho Baby.
Don't give the baby any kind of
pie so called q that raw food or any kind of fruit.
M much in vogue among the pupils I Don't give the infant coffee, tea,
at tunes. It is, is the beer or any liquor or kind
square and J food except that is
ten feet No and I'm n an scribed.
or girl trips over it The infant sleep alone in
and I here is r differ- crib. Don't let the baby .-
thinking in a room near the Don't
have unnecessary clothing in the
mere u . I en square reel means the baby is kept,
an area equal to a
measuring ten feel on one ride and
one fool on Hie the parallel-
grim contains, therefore, ten
feet. Ten sepia how-
ever, h . no ten
feet on h of its Bides, which,
lore, col us feet.
Tommy's Doubtful Compliment,
A teacher instructing a class
f boys, and ml half an hour
faying to drive into their beads tho
i. man tho
lower animals, lint with
little sue
Care of Hairbrushes.
A way to clean
is spirits of ammonia and warm
water. Take a tablespoonful
ammonia to a quart of water, d ;
the bristles up and down in
water without wetting the bf .
rinse in clean warm water, sill.
well and in the air, but not ill
the in. Soap and soda soften
and will turn an ivory back-
ed brush How.
. ; I i.
. b a pig,
her by
VI He Worn. I.
A boy said
not . fl in till
was afraid last i
kit. hen elf ;. all lone
I was
by .
but I
It to
av fully
a foolish b replied
as mother, ; ,, ,
I of
find ate ,
Ism in .
To . nose J
Sea For Jan.
lire of
two- wax, Heat
gel hi r, mi . well and put away
needed. When it is to he use. I
a lump of on lop of the jar or bot-
in scaled and press it down
v. a hot shovel. This will
it, th.; Ill
Gr.-- Pie.
torn .
up id cupful , j
;. id one half j
in I
-mi e; juice loin
one .
h ill II i.Ill .
ill I.
and r
t I
. soil dot
a . n
in v . looks Ii
i of .
. .
pen a v-
e V
full if tin
full ill, s- ts
b y
We guarantee
be exactly as we .
If you will avail
this you will re-
a greet saving.
ladies Elbow gloves
red, white and
blue, golf
and So cents.
if d
A ft o m-s.
i v t; to
;. a. it lit
v I
I.-, ii-s
i . ; . s
i n
offer you
in i his line. Big
values in j
Pattern Hats and I
ties, Eats made
me Om
y- display.
i I II;
i S
II buy it. right you it. Hoy-
every Suit
. Boys i-It and 1.00
icy futility. Dark
Si till mil.
kid s
. I II I I
ii. gloves
Mt i
I vi s
I J t i
U v
i ii i
M i. V.
ii ii brand
Steads, Solid
Solid Oak chairs.
i u
i Is,
and enamel and
ii r
. c.
i of i
I ll ,
i throw
. I
Th . ho
f I;. , . ,
-A I-M Tau ha . I.- .
On. dear, m l
Or I I
their m
Their u, . n ,
I lull ill.
To sit with i ii. . . Sour out
I ii.-
its ca
or d then
ill not
be hung i.
n dry
too Ii
i .
at the
and Main Street, GREENVILLE, N. C.
i J Editor and Owner.
ml Friday.
K hi
President C. C. Moore Secretary
T. B. Parker Far Behind in
No Relief
Not Paid.
The financial condition of the
North Carolina division of e
Southern Cotton Association is
poor. President C. C.
Moore has been laboring day and
night for almost a year to build
up the State organization and so
far has received but for his
services. His salary is
per year. Secretary T. B. Par-
was to receive He
is yet to draw his first dollar of
salary. There is nothing in the
treasury and the prospects are
rather slim for much in e
future. No effort has yet been
made to pay the State assess-
of for the support
and maintenance of the national
organization. The South Caro-
division has already paid its
assessment of in full.
North Carolina has not even
made a start.
The only method for raising
money for the support of the
State organization is to have the
county officer to n sure to
collect the cent levy on every
bale and forward the State's
share of three cents to the
proper authorities. Little
has been paid to raising this
money in the past, and hence
the present deplorable condition
of the State treasury
When I resident Moore started
out on s of the State
in September, he was forced to
sell one o his horses BO as to
procure tho needed funds for his
is. Such a condition of
things cannot continue much
longer. Che Observer.
Effected a Cure.
your husband as
much as tie
friend of the
no, replied the hostess
doesn't smoke at all now.
rejoined tie
Mar. I Bent Win of cigar
only Last
she rep lie d.
what broke him of the habit.
Daily Ne r.
It Fell Get and was
to Owner.
Mr. Jesse was return-
fro n Washington, Saturday
evening and as he was about to
get off of Capt. Ellsworth's train
at Parmele, picked up a
in the aisle. The purse contained
Mr. reported the
matter to Capt Ellsworth and
asked him to make inquiry for
the owner. This Capt. Ells-
worth did on his way back to
Washington and found that Mr.
H. S. Congleton, of Whichard.
who was returning home from
Baltimore and changed cars at
Parmele, had lost the purse. Mr.
Congleton came over to Green-
ville today for the purse and
was very glad that it had fallen
into good bands.
Great care should be exercised
by the property owner who is
going to buy paint to secure the
best and most economical paint,
as often big claims are made for
inferior paints. A poor paint or
inferior paint mere stimulant
like a treacherous expensive
which gives only temporary
relief to the home, while Town
And Country Paint is a perfect-
pure paint the result of over
years of good paint making ex-
and at the
right price from Hart
who are estimated be the
distributors of exclusively
high grade paints in the State.
If your house Zen for the
need of paint write them for
color card or see them at once.
Good Shown.
The second series of stock in
The Home Building Loan
Association began Saturday
nearly shares taken and
others spoken for. The i
series has nearly share operation. This is a fine show-
. an association six
Bridge Completed.
N C, Nov.
gr i railroad connecting
and Morehead City
rue -mi today- Master
Charles the
y old so of Charles
L thy, drove the last
nail completing the bridge This
structure ii feet long and
has two draws- The train will
run Into Beaufort in about a
week Beaufort is expecting to
have a big celebration when
station and all the
railway through town and the Y
and connections are completed
her in I Tangle.
The manner in which s
of are to be
settled has been announced by
the Rev John Roach of
Chicago, who told the minis-
that woman's belief in the
inspiration of the Bible was a
sufficient refutation of the
never saw a destructive
said Mr feminine
form, for a woman gets her
knowledge by
inspiration. Man with his
logic gen all tangled up, but the
average woman knows. If Mr.
with his logic is also
he has got himself
into the scrape of the
Cretan, who said that
Cretans York
Evening Post.
in town are
f diphtheria. They
ire the horn s of It. F. Wind-
th street and J.
C. on Lane.
Girl Killed by Gun Discharged.
Oxford, Nov. 8.- News has
here of a very distress-
lie; accident a few miles from
Oxford, near Mountain Creek, a
few days ago, when Miss Hazel
Currin, aged daughter
of Mr. and Mm. Matt Currin.
killed instantly by the
dental discharge of a gun in the
hands of the young lady's broth-
a little boy of years.
ii Refused.
M. C, Nov.
The much mooted bridge matter
has been disposed of for the
present at least Judge Thomas
before whom the case
was argued last week, has an-
his decision, which is to
the effect that he will not grant
the injunction asked for. The
plaintiffs will appeal to the
Court and the case will be
fought out there.
Mr. E. T. B. Glenn Dead.
Macon, Ga., Nov. 3-E. T. B.
Glenn, traveling auditor of the
Central Railway and brother of
R. B. Glenn, of North Car-
died at his home on Bond
street this morning in his 48th
year He had been ill several
weeks. A mother and four
survives him, besides his
R. B. Glenn. Gov.
Glenn will be present at the
He was here
days this week and had gone
back home after a supposed rally
of his brother. The funeral
probably take place tomorrow
rags Leans
Constable W. B. Savage leaves
this morning for Greenville, N.
C, to get the blood hounds re
purchased by the county.
A full grown and he is
to be well trained, has been j, r
chased and two puppies
which are six months old. All
are fully blooded hounds and
when they are brought to the
city the had bitter
watch out when they get it in
their head to comm.-. murder.
There were so many -re and
was found to locate
the criminals that the
decided to purchase
The dogs W be given a trial
n Monday and Constable Savage
expects to get back to the city
on Mes-
Constable Savage arrived here
Sunday evening to examine the
logs which were purchased from
Mr. W. C. Hi m . The dogs
were given a test l id . a v. i
e taken to
row, Mr. -have
a reputation for goo-1 i
running down Is
A Long
An Irishman with one jaw j
much lien from a tooth I
lie wished have pulled, entered
he office i
into the
Buffering Celt was
and saw lie
pa g
face, be positively refused
open his Being a mar
the dentist quietly in-
d assistant to push a
the leg, at
hen the Irishman open d hi
to y II the dent st I
at the y m
n was over, d intuit
. as much as you
. ad
n .
d. ed, as h ran his hand r
the . which assist-
ant had inserted the pin,
d I think them roots that
Jack, N. C, Nov.
Elder G. S. Johnston filled his
regular appointment at
creek Sunday.
J. W. and Abram Dixon went
to Sunday.
Harry Dunn and Miss
of Chocowinity, were
here yesterday.
C S. Porter and others from
here attended church at Salem
Several of the people from
here attended services at Mass
dona Sunday afternoon.
Mills, of W. H.
s home Friday and
returned Sunday.
Miss Maud left Friday
visit friends near Haddock's
X Roads.
J. O. Johnston attended
o at Bear Creek Sunday.
Miss Mary Midgett, of
co county, came in Sunday to
teach school here.
Mrs. G. S. Johnston spent Sat-
and Sunday with her
sister, Mrs. W. P. Buck.
Abram Dixon lost a fine young
horse last week with blind stag-
Charlie Mills, W. H. and Geo.
Adams all went to last
W. A. Hudson is very ill with
typhoid fever. We hope he will
soon get better.
Nor ft Every
Old covers Herself in ; and
Buries the its Deeper
. . ii . .-
r a
i i i
. by MO ma-
ii it is Re-
members as-
publicans majority
. ball it.
returns while
Her vote than in
Le slight Republican
From All Over the as Received in Telegraph
S Tuesday v.-r, a good day for The Times says at Hughes
the North Carolina s elected by 40.000 to 50.000
did wt solid state ticket,
delegation. , Evening Post
look at Pitt , d Hughes, claims at
i Hughes election by 40.000
Hearst's cam-
rent states
believed Hearst had safe major-
Buffalo-At p. m state
despite claims to the con-
Lewis S. Chandler, candidate
Connor said that
. ., , , ,. pendent League and Democratic
. give Hughes a plurality ticket, when told that he had
-t and Erie county been elected said should be
very sorry to be elected
returns of
City give Hughes 6.966 plurality.
C county gives Hughes much gratified if I am elected as
. ; . . Hearst 3.842. it now seems to be to be
complete but-
City gives Hughes uncertainty. I understand, how-
plurality. ever, that my election is pretty
New first World assured, but whatever my
bulletin says returns indicate be my feeling is
has about but
majority gin Kings county. .,. j .
The flashlight
the st; j is but
Utica Complete gives
Hughes Hearst
World bulletin says s
are that majority
The Herald says entire Tam-
many judicial ticket elected by
large majority.
cities and
in gave Guild,
for governor
Moran dis-
last year gave
and will lie
while cities am
i. runes year they
that Ii Li elected- Bartlett
Try City c impute gives The in
Hughes Hearst f. In this State t one
and eight
ins 9.761. Re; loss OKLAHOMA.
Bay Sh Reports far received
I home, gave Democratic majority
Syracuse Ci I y complete gives
Hughes Hearst
Democratic gain of 1904.
Hearst said
early tonight few telegrams 20.000.
I have received arc
in . convention.
that Governor Hock, Re-
is re-elected by less
t be- Deep
I believe v. II win.
I will win. I
tut if is cut i
The Herald say.-, indications are ,
that Hearst carries Great No
York by
Bays it now
had carried
1.500 and
interest in election in
Crawford is elected
I Republican ma-
VI Demo
rats in I
The drain
The Brooklyn
looks like Heart.
Erie county by
Greater New
The Times says indications
Hughes is elected by ma-
but Democrats possibly slow, Republicans elect congress-
claim state from
to 54.000.
. quiet in
elect Demo-
Dem vote here about the
same as last year-
Republican, elected.
New towns are
reporting; early and indicate en-
tire publican state ticket and
all Congressmen by
phi as large as two years
The vote for governor is large.
plurality of 1904 will
i. much reduced, but
point to his re-election.
large vote was
polled in state. Democrats are
elected in 4th. 5th and 8th dis-
Republicans carry state
and will control legislature
ting United States Senator.
Raleigh her was
tine all over State. Re-
turns show larger vote than ex-
ed, running only a little
-dent votes.
Returns up to o'clock
pear to show election of
in and Crawford in 10th dis-
gained votes
in Blackburn's home county. His
total gain so far is Crawford
made gain in Hay wood.
carried Iredell by
Sta y by
heavy gain in city of
Dem carry State by
proximately 45.000. According
to careful estimate they
elect s Fight was
Thorn, s, W W.
L. Goodwin. R. N.
. ; . Hackett, E. Y. Webb
and . Crawford.
We ii ; time and space
ogive only the total vote
the different received
in the county. Later we J
publish the full vote by town-
Slate Ticket.
For Congress.
Small Wood
For Solicitor
2.20-3 Edwards
For Senate.
Firming 2.331 King
For Representatives.
e 2.141
For Superior Court Clerk.
Moore 2.385 Patrick
For Sheriff.
Tucker Fleming
For Register of Deeds.
Williams Bullock
For Treasurer.
For Coroner.
Laughinghouse Patrick
For Surveyor.
For Commissioners.
and 10th districts. The
en elected are J. H.
Kitchen, C. R.
W W. W.
elect balance of state ticket.
The Word says indications at
p. m, are that Hearst will have
60.000 in Greater New York and
that Hughes will come down in
Bronx with
The Herald says Timothy
Woodruff claims the state for
Hughes by
At o'clock it was stated at
Democratic headquarters that
election of Hughes was not con-
ceded by I state committee. No
estimates of pluralities being
men. and
governor, by about
I King
turns indicate large Republican
gains as compared with last year.
Milwaukee-Early returns
from interior towns show David-
son, Republican, running two to
one against democrat-
Is stated from re-
liable source that the Democratic
candidate for congress in ninth
Tries to Catch Stream of Water
Mr John Ivey Smith's hull
dog created lots of merriment on
the street Monday afternoon.
Policeman George Clark was
having the street sprinkled from
one the hydrants. The dog was
attracted by the stream from the
and ran out to catch it,
and for several minutes ran back
and forth grabbing at; I
and cutting up all
The dog did mind the water
at all and his capers were very

Eastern reflector, 6 November 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 06, 1906
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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