Eastern reflector, 2 November 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

your home an
place for your
Dr. at the Far-
Institute Monday. We
would like to sound these words
in every community in the
Along with the
of the farm must go
her and vastly more.
cork of the
of the children
the farm. Attractive
in the way of
well kept
Kill . . in this r
; it also your
, oven though it be
to remain on the
far-. farm i
r before
i I i n I and the
bead. Financially speaking, a
n of the right kind p
but ten-fold
the ; is i e b l
j; . report published
. the number of .
of c. i this season up
i at This
is the same as last
Poets a id students of
e far away look.
Nature probably backed the
camel up to win the animal race.
Occasionally the first to pro-
pose a is the last to ac-
m Vast Difference Between
end Mere
v. comes from a
Latin word which means is law-
or it is permitted, or it is
lowed, and, therefore, by leisure e
not mean idleness, but a space of
nine during which or a condition in
v are at liberty to do as we
. i come
t the which we
are the of pro
i . business r occupation
which we t our pleasure
devote to something other than that
which is regarded a in
life It is token for granted that
,. .-, should have some work
in f. lie duty or
v Ii it to k illy to
if a
Hind upon his e
if he ire v fa I
. i ii life, it
s to call him wan
in this sense, is one
. most i
to u
.,. in sec
. loin J Ii in v
. self cont v d an I
it we of them as
Tl. to
, . The; om-
., r work
tin i time
. . r the
. s well lone. trust I i
. re mm i work e I
mid , n o isl; . who cannot
the interruption and who
regard with impatience everything
u doe immediately fall in
with a in hand. The former
, to be called the of
r and the fashionable name
the do i changed into
w sh to emphasize the fact that j
leisure something to do with
On Thursday, 1st.
1906. Hon. J. Crimea, H.
Whedbee, F. G. James, the
county candidates and ether
. pa will
the peon l th; political y -s-
of the day.
Let everybody attend on th
field day and hear prominent Pitt
county D discuss the
issues of
Brass . arm features
will make the occasion enjoyable.
F. C. Harding,
Chm. Dam. Ex, C m.
W. L. Brown, Secretary.
in a n r
I . i i-
Ii , . I , r. i t
l- III .- l
. . i . i i
i- r i
on. u.
I. . h i
U i
If I w
. Elliott.
J. S. Ross.
law and rule. It implies a right to I
command ourselves and is the
of that tyrant which does
more to ruin life any
h . man to aim at
i ; his daily duty in a .
Servant Problem Solved.
have solved the servant prefer ,
said the woman with the com-1
pressed lips and the determined
eves. I
asked the other per- ,
have. When things get to such
a pass that the hired
three days out in the week, want the
use of the parlor every Other
and Sunday afternoon, want me to
play soft love songs while tiny are I
entertaining their beaus in the j
on other evenings. t
the privilege of dictating I .
cedes and meats I shall buy, i
the right to wear my clot and
bonnets, dictate whether or no I
shall keep a dog or a i
in having house d or I
furn . to ac or I
i , ell, hen s are rs they
than it.
V I-. N UP.
, 1.1 i .
, I .
r. vi
in Vocabulary. is t he mini use-
hi mill
ex of
la avoid
in he-
t in lie
U- i
In Etymologies. are com.
e mill the i-t
iE. In
by with the
I lie, I ill
u ii i,
In They are
,,,.,,, and re In the
or., r in ii boa us
In in A;
is a Dictionary. No
I muck In-
i Is In the
The International has
to illustrations,
new words, revised Gazetteer of the
World, and a revised Biographical
Dictionary, etc. . It received
at th
Fair, St Louis.
REE Test IS in-
for the family. Also
I of An . i C
i.- lie can
mi e, i
, . n
have a
. . ,
Am steam should
and the imprisoned genius,
once let loose, prove as difficult to
as the fabled one of the
bra s bottle in the
I say this without re-
ape to the admirably q u
ors who direct our
and operas, mot i f our I
and tin; majority of our iHer Turn
A teacher in one of
school-, lays
of young children in
before her. The i
were in addition, I she
I lay four egg- on the
pointing to n c
boy at the head of e
three, i-- many would
The had boy, who
of the class, bad be i
take her tin
. if
Three C
During the mil e
rs of at then
coronation won- three
crown as king of
the iron crown of Lombardy as king
of Italy and crown M
kaiser-of the holy empire.
The first was at
the at and
the third at Rome, but Karl V. was
the hit who received
the imperial crown at the pope
heads. -n
IT is only by reason of the ultimate, thorough
knowledge of women's las and th
other that D Shoes m achieved
y the eye and
to the foot. S they fit
as only Dodd can fit- Thirdly,
their large sale permits them to be sold at a moderate
price. This store secured and controls the sale of M
splendid shoes, because it believes them to offer the
wearer more real value and satisfaction than any others
to procure. New styles now ready. Clad to
show even though you do not care to buy.
J Editor and Owner.
e f I I ill b. Give.
Streets. If you have anything SchooL
to do. do it promptly, then go; Bethel, N. C. Oct. 1906.
home. Home is the place for On Friday evening the
boys. About the street corners hers of the Athenian Literary
and rooms they learn to society of Bethel graded school
talk slang, and they learn, to. rill give a party for
swear, to smoke tobacco and to the benefit of the literary fund.
do marry other things which they There will a varied and interest-
Might do.
Attend to your
warily the peers try ti evade
decisive issue, the collision
com a between th two
of hereditary legislation and pop-
representative government.
that time arrives, and it
may be nearer at hand than v
imagine, we may look forward to
Train A City.
N J.,
wrecking of a three-coach,
business and
, musical program, a number
of entertaining contests and a gradual transformation of the
then go home. If your business games, and several special hereditary chamber a senate
is play, play and make a features, making quite a The liberals arc
We to see more or less pledged not to
play good, earnest, healthy The charge for admission will b; create new hereditary peerages
games. If we were the town cents. The public is But by a judicious selection of
council we would give the boys a I Refreshments will be served. bachelors and childless men. a
spacious play-ground. It would I Ail the work of the school is life have been
have plenty of green grass moving on well; the I introduced who will if steadily
trees and fountains, and broad being the largest in its history increased permeate the upper
spaces to run and jump and play this period of the school year,; house with a liberal element.
suitable games in. We would and the attendance very fair. j At present we have practically
make it pleasant, as lovely as it I The literary society has been j no chamber of
be. and we would tell them doing very good work. vision.
to go home.-Ex. I , The society holds a monthly
for Race Troubles.
White people in the North are
no considerate people
against whom they may have a
grievance or a prejudice than
are white people in the South.
The problem of adjusting the
relations of two so totally
different as the white race and j Trusts are productive of
the race where they hive
to together in the same com-
is difficult under any
circumstances, and it becomes
increasingly so where the
r co Li present in large
an where many of its
ill-disciplined, idle.
and of instincts. Yet,
while Sou, people can know
it, it true that Northern
to have a majority . which not
United for October.
that North automatically V to to
should have a compulsory measure V
The next debate will
be held on November the 10th.
on the question that
harm than of good results
by the House of ; n us when
their Liberals an i a
ant. What i
j able men representing all j
of the who
a compete t and
senate. II j one i
the ending of the
But of its mending, and ;
drastic fashion, th .
The Jr. . club which
has disbanded through the
summer months was reorganized ; indeed most urgent
Saturday afternoon, October House of Lords, Part,
27th, at the home of Miss Ruth Present and by W.
Cobb, who with her usual Stead, in the American
opinion ii not to be dismissed as entertained the members Review of Review, for I
worthless. Tie subject is in- to their joy.
not First, then.
Forty-Two Will Hold
Next Tuesday there will be
the West Jersey elections in forty two states and
Railroad this after- three territories. Oregon. e
i. . at least passengers per- d Vermont have-already
and the list may reach the ed l officers and of
of when all is known. t;. sixtieth congress. In
While crossing a draw- three of the states a governor
bridge spanning the waterway ether state officers
as of them, a
which Atlantic City in ten, minor state officers or
from the mail land, the train left- of the supreme i-
the track and plunged into the two, congressmen and a
water. The passengers in the lure, and in seven congress
first two with one or only, elected.
two exceptions, were drowned, ma is to vote on a state
Up to mid-night bodies have and Arizona and New Mex-
been recovered and it is believed ten i joint
that at least and possibly The terms of thirty United
morel., still are in th sub- States senators-fifteen Demo-
S th, that
terrible 1907.
Meadow wreck I Louisiana, Mississippi. Kentucky
d at, half-past and Arkansas have
The train, mads luted Democrats, and Georgia
i in carried at least pas- while Maine and Oregon
a. number of tick-have legislatures which insure
hold by the conductor. the return of Republicans Of
That is uncertain, how- the twenty-two states in which
;. . how ti u x- i
the train, end until all a
helm have been taken from will elect d
cars, it will not senators, fourteen are
p to give the true now represented in the senate
the I Republicans and eight by Demo-
A national house of
List of W Shall Not is to elected-
congress with members.
,.,. . , . , I The present house is composed of
he open season in which game; .-, u, ., . i ion n .
. , , Republicans and
iv . . . crate. Maine has elect-
District to
Meet President a Confer-
there car. be no immediate or
wholesale remedy for these
race troubles. Improvement
must come through a great man.
channel.;, there must I .
patience and
best of bot. races n
do everything in their now r to
restrain i men,
or white. Eve i ti
there mist be i re com
police , rural a
well as an.
must bee for.-ed w h the
most s IV
rices must Le
mad to give an a count of them-
selves, and where worthless and
vicious are the
and must be
and rewarded. Mobs,
riots, and lynch law, whatever
the remedy no evil-.
and make a bad situation
worse. i j penal systems of
the S States must be
greatly improved. Temporary
servitude of vicious in
The officers
Miss Ruth Cobb,
Miss Myrtle Warren.
elected as
maybe killed begins Thursday.
November and continues to
Below is given a list of birds
which y killed and those
not .
, it; Miss Florence Blow,
Pattie Wooten. treas. Leon N. V
Va. Oct. -As-
ed four Republicans. Oregon two
and Vermont two.
-e is fusion in only on
Nebraska- where th
he birds. of the
Mocking birds, thrushes, though in other
to t.
the business part of
mi . . was over, a contest was ,.,
, j i
feature the after-, at
n n. A;
. is C the lucky. t
re a beautiful
b j as a pr
work of the little cooks j first suspected suicide, but this
W s next shown by the dainty was exploded to the mind of the
refreshments which wore coroners jury at Last which
after returned a
verdict of asphyxia-
r s,
. a
JO vi
N Ca
dead in .
i i re
-of Mr.-.
. i. Charlotte
morning. Both win-
and the gas jet unlighted was
turned on full force. Some at
p ired by them.
The club will be entertained
by Miss Marguerite Higgs at
next meetingI peckers, yellow rs,
native red birds, o.
chine swift;, ;
warblers; s,
i gull- of all species,
or strikes,
h and
corn- pelicans, w;.
es or and all
wild non-game . ; also
nests and
The following are by
statue . cl-red game birds and
may L i tie open
at Methodist Church.
Mr Mrs. Leon F. Evans,
and John F. Evans and J. D.
on the
escape from
Greenville and
chain gangs under the Southern j hanging to him.
system only makes these men
the more dangerous when turned
loose again. If they are a men-
ace to society, they should be
kept under restraint. If there is
a chance to make decent and
law-abiding men out of them, it
from the country, united
vii t, serving a three the Sunday morning
roads, made his service and gave music that
camp near Shel- pleased and inspired the
came to Ration. Mr. John F. Evans with
was seen here skill manipulated his
morning with which added much to the
the chain of the occasion. Such
An effort music prepares a preacher for
slates R i r Demo-
candidates for
have been -d or en-
by one of m. t of the
or parties.
As usual, there is one stale
ticket the South
Carolina leads
this year i
tie.-, are tho
tickets in . field e Ind
L ague,
Jefferson, American. Anti-Ad-
Jon. Republican,
season and in manner and Lincoln
prescribed by law in the various of them, how-
are confined to
to catch him but he got out preaching and a congregation
of the way
and could not be
A Card.
It is rumored that I have ac-
the nomination to run on
the Republican ticket for justice
should be carefully provided that the peace of my township, and
AM I Uriah I'm
I wish to say that I'm a Demo-
and will vote a Democratic
ticket, and not a word of the
rumor is true.
This Oct. 27th,
J. J. Moore.
N. C
their serving shorter or longer
terms f r police offenses or for
crimes should make for their re-
formation rather than for their
hopeless debasement. Further-
it must be better under
stood in the South that educated
are not the dangerous Rev. Mr. Eubanks, the faithful
ones. quite thee loved pastor of the First
it hurts the to be educated B church preached his
there must be something ,
with the school.-From farewell sermon on Sunday
Progress of the in the night the subject being
American Monthly Review of Two Ways of
Reviews for November.
The Republicans of this
district have out
Theophilus Edwards, u
county, as a candidate for
We are pleased to not that
above named parties have
agreed to be present next Sun-
day to aid in the singing.
Wrecking Train W-
Trains A-ere all hung up Sun-
day on the main lire of the At-
Coast Line- A wreck
curred Pear ville, between
Goldsboro and Wilson. The
wrecking train went down and
cleared this wreck, and on the
way back to Rocky Mount that
train was also wrecked. All
trains then had to stop until a
track could be built around the
wrecked train.
Plant Destroyed.
N. C Oct. 27th.-This
morning about o'clock the
with his family this week for his plant was totally de-
home in Virginia. Eubanks -d by lire. The plant was
is a true servant of the living in operation till o'clock when
God and he will be greatly miss-it was shut down. The Are was
ed. good wishes of all started by shavings in the boiler
respective of d; nomination go room catching
counties, Loons, grebes,
swans, geese, ducks, rails
or marsh hens, coots,
plovers, shore or beach birds.
snipe, woodcock, sandpiper.;, mists or in f
wild Independence League
turkey, grouse, partridge,
ant bob-white, dove, robin b in the
meadow lark. different states is; South
The following birds are Carolina; Alabama, Florida.
The Socialists have tickets in
states, the Prohibitionists in
Socialist Labor in seven, Pop-
not protected by law, viz Eng-
sparrows, owls, hawks,
crows, blackbirds, jackdaws and
A non-resident must secure a
hunter's license from county
clerk before hunting in the State.
It is illegal to ship from the
State the bob-white or partridge,
grouse or wild tor-key,
snipe, woodcock, or any protect-
ed non-game birds.
The Rev. R. Hicks 1907 Almanacs
The Rev. R. Hicks has been
compelled by the popular demand
to resume the publication of his
well known and popular Almanac
for 1907. This splendid almanac
North Carolina,
S, Delaware. Mon-
Nevada. North Dakota,
cut, Colorado. Idaho, Michigan.
Minnesota, Missouri. Nebraska.
New Hampshire, South Dakota.
Wisconsin, o, Illinois.
Iowa. Kansas. New York.
G. Indiana, Massachusetts,
Methodist Church at New
Bern Gives
New N. C, Oct.
The missionary
ever made in this city was
subscribed Sunday at the
Methodist church, when
Wilmington. N. C. Oct.
II Esq.,
counsel with George L.
for the mutineers in
t sentence of
. with Judge
Thomas in the Unit-
ed C h re today, the
m -is is now be-
to e
Court of the States in
Washing ion. Attorney
Harry is in receipt of a
letter from Department of
Justice at Washington suggest-
that tie President would like
to talk over the case him
and making an appointment for
him to call rt the white House
on .-5th.
Cos m
line of least
the down-hill haul
ti the the ever-growing
commerce of country is more
and m seeking an
through Southern Our
reign now
a year, will double
as w ill our coast-
wise trade, bit the number of
our ports can be very slightly in-
en used even if
be expended. Nature ha fixed
I the location of our available
ports and forever tot t limit
their number As com-
expands, Southern
must grow in and
must naturally follow, and the
, vast commerce, of which we
hive seen only the beginning.
I which, will soon through the
South, will be a mighty factor in
the building of railroads, the
growth of cities the
if .-. from other
tries a other sections. There
an few countries on earth which
have h a . relation
I to th -r- of productive
. n the one side and the
the other
as The human mind
it fully grasp wonders
the coming in this
Heaven-favored section.
Record, i m
Matthews Must Serve
Raleigh, N. C. Oct. The
I supreme court finds no error in
the conviction and sentence of
Dr. J. Matthews. Greens-
to twenty years in the pen-
for poisoning. The
peal was made on the ground
that the law in this state does
not admit of the conviction and
sentence for .
in the case of by pois-
that there is on y first de-
and a l be hanged
However, the S int court,
Chief Justice Clark the
opinion, holds the -71
and of the
construed to . in
a prisoner is guilty ; t
second degree leT, nu.
whether the kill. is by pois-
or other means.
is now ready. For sale by was donated to the cans a of
t postpaid for foreign missions The pastor,
dealers, or sent ,
cents, by Word and Worts Pub-
Company. Locust
I street, St. Louis. Mo., publishers
of Word and Works, one of the
best dollar monthly magazine's
in America. One almanac goes
with every subscription.
Rev. ti. T, stated that
no particular had been
made to ii the
The had been
in way and
the church had
been met.
Register of Deeds, R. Williams,
license to tho following
couples since last report,
G. and Dot a
John Phillips and Sarah
J. Gilbert and Georgia A.
S. Sutton and Rosa Cannon.
A. D, Rose Viol I Ma
Geo. Bernard and
John H. Moore Jennie

ids, Millinery and C
OCTOBER 9th. 1906.
display ox f Pattern Eats and Millinery
Mint to tit
Years ago, when John Wentworth
was governor of New Hampshire, a
man named Ban- came down from
Coos county laden with a tub of
butter and a few yards of homespun
cloth as a gift to the governor in
exchange for an appointment as
of the peace.
The governor received Mr. Barr
kindly and inquired from how large
a settlement ha had come.
is only one other besides my-
said he. he is no more
tit for the office than the
The amused governor signed the
necessary pa and waited some
for i Her to go, will
a to do. The
. illy if there
s .-.- else It could do tor
I n Mr. Ban
v gel my
o hi k me what you gave me
i That shall I tell
Bo.-ton Herald.
Was C. of It.
Ir I .- about Secretary
. . l up and
a seal In a car
IS Old i that
to applied to Phillips Brooks. TIm
converse of it Is the story of a man
arose a lady
ear and
will one of two gentlemen to th,
u Globe.
Tracing the origin of the joke,
it appears t be due to the memory
of Bill to .-.; that, so as
j are, the famous American humor-
father. As he told it, he
was riding in u crowded London
coach when a stout woman got on
and remained standing. arose
and announced that he would be one
of throe men to give the lady a seat.
The point of e joke, as told it,
that r. J of the occupants of
the coach had any remote inkling
of the humor of the
i n . . . . at. f
j milliner 14.-4 e- H I . J M -r
i i ft House
on Mm day. the
ck m. the
I In lie
land- of 1st-
I W. II. Slid Si
Inn It I. II
S In Hie ii if
Wiley William-. -id
. to the hairs tutu I-
In two In II i-- in
I fiber e. y II Ii I- I
i i . i i. 1- u In
ere Ii I I
I is
Y O.
I have ed trip o
th- conn y test wright-. and
If any have
overlooked and will bring
Wrights and to
on the first Monday in N
I test them here on
C E.
I s W
I Tie partner-thin 1-m- i-.-
tut eon the mid
ed in the of
North Carolina, under
the name of Ii. V
Tobacco Coin puny, has n
dissolved by mutual consent
E. will continue
business under the same name
and at the same place, and we
extend to him best wishes,
and bespeak for and his
bit the most liberal patron-
Persons holding claims against
the said will present the
to Mr, E. Ii. Pick en, Green
N. C, at once.
This the 24th day
E. Ii.
J. G. Penn.
O. W. Dudley,
J. P. Taylor,
So Tired
It may be from overwork, bat
the chance are Its from In-
active LIVER.
With a well conducted LIVER
can do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be kept In
by, and only by
II, ,. i f i y M
w ism. i. o H a-a ii d day
y, i r. r. as . a i
, ,, . . . Mil In
Ho l. i- I .-a . i s U
,.,,. . . r ii. i. Ii . e lit
,,.,,. . . s. . of
i ,. , , e If -d -t is
, . . , f . i . f I.
. ,. i, . I n I.
s- ll e b M v . horn- a
ii i lie it- of
c Win. i o . I era whole
e -s ore
Tin- ii. t
C. r H
p F sin
You Stop and Set-
Hi- in, N
Mrs pi .
in that your Re
us entirely lined our little
very ease H,
covered a great part of her body.
She had eczema from
the lime she was three old,
she six years old.
-mm am I feel
i I . i . of
i i. I I. . i m of
i fin six j III-. -l mi ,
To Publishers
and Printers
u . new
i r n h
are ; ending, we
e Id Col
limn aid P- ad
it. and
good a u
knob- in hi lint
Column and Head
L. S and
Head inches in
and per
A of refaced
will be
of Type an;.
High Grade Printing Miter
D. W.
And Provisions
Not Quite
How you can get a
nail or screw or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
is JO i and
re will that tool
box not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
fA a W
j Cotton
j Ties always on hand i
Fresh kept in-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Ca in a.
; in i in
Lemuel Teel
Ida Tool
e . w
i r a- bOT
c- In ti-t of
of VIn torn i
in r in, i i I .- will Mir-
I Ii r Hi lit in r i i i I t
e-r at
f t,. i , , , day of November It the day
i . o L -a
. Mon-
day of November mot, it 6th day
of 1906. court of said;
comity In N. O . him or
complaint In said action, or the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
demanded In complaint.
This the day of
O. Moore
Clerk Superior
for Plaintiff.
. for
lie for u
A the be
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail Dist ii-1
White Paint,
Colors, and
Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
line. It I it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
At close of Sept 4th, 1908.
and discounts,
a .
Furniture and
Due Bank
Cash items
old Com
ii ii bank
.- .HO
Capital stock paid in f 25.000.00
Surplus 12,500.00
Bills payable 55,000.00
Due to 998.84
Cashiers ck 558.87
Carolina. County of Pitt,
I, C. S C of above named bank, do solemnly
swear the above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief C. S. CARR, Cashier.
Subscribed and
and to
a day of
R. O.
F. G. J
E. G.
Al CLOSE OF 4th,
Loans D-
Due from
A note-i 8,170.00
stock pd in
Undivided profits
Hills payable
sub to check
to lit . to-
too. are
not in in
glass i lie n difficult of
these id because it must be
dona expert to the
i nil k from
The In -t kind for clear
.- lade from solution of
of and half a
pint of into an open
mouthed bottle and mA in the sun
until it It lie
shaken well every day and
used should be strained I
through a clean lawn
When ready for the gluing Ilia,
broken glass nieces he well
in hot suds. on
the dried. J with a
hair brush
should be on the edge if both
pieces mill when are nicely
together bands or clean;
strips of cloth
tightly around to hold the
well together until the
If the cement has been properly
made the break should really not ls
visible when dry, for the reason
many cracks look jagged when
mended is because the edges have
not been well joined and, bubbled
of air getting in, reflect the light,
milking the ragged, broken lines
glaringly apparent.
that is part metal and
glass should not be so difficult to
fix over, particularly where the two,
materials meet, for often a paste of
sifted plaster of peril mixed with
the beaten white of an egg will
make them strong and good n
new. This work must be done quick-;
for within five minutes after;
putting it on the pieces it hardens
and holds the metal and glass or.
china tightly together.
Two metal pieces should lie
mended with solder. To do this the
edges should first be carefully dust-
ed, washed if they are very dirty
and rosin brushed over them. Then
when fitted well together and tied
in place a stick of solder should be
laid above the break and a hot iron
brought down lightly on it. When
the solder cools the melted rosin
may be removed with a cloth dipped
in alcohol.
State North Carolina, j
County I Pitt. f
I, J. R. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn
the abort is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. J. R. DAVIS,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 11th day Sept.
Notary Public.
T. L.
Man In Moon In Germany.
The Herman legend tells us that
ages ago an old man went one Sun-
day morning into the forest to cut
timber cut a bundle
of fagots and swung them over his
shoulder and began to trudge home.
On the way he met s remarkable
looking with a face as
bright the sun. you know,
old man, that it is Sunday on earth,
when all men rest from their la-
asked the stranger.
on earth or Monday in hell, it is all
the same to said the hardened
old wretch.
bear your bundle
said the stranger as he vanished
from sight. A moment later the old
sinner and his fagots were deposited
on the moon, where they stand to
this day, a perpetual warning to all
Sabbath breakers.
A Patient.
won't help you
you need is a complete change
living. Get away to some quiet
country place for a month. Go to
bed early, eat more roast beef,
drink plenty of good, rich milk, and
smoke one cigar a
A month later the patient walked
into the doctor's office, lie looked
like a new man, and the doctor told
doctor, your advice certain-
did the business. I went to bed
early and did all the other thin- ;
you told me. Hut, say, doctor
one cigar day almost killed me
first, juke starting in to
at time of
body's Magazine.
Not In the
The young pastor examining
and asked the
class in front of him if any
of them could tell anything
the Apostle Peter, A little girl
raised her hand.
up here, my little
the minister. am much
gratified to see that you have re-
membered your lesson. Now, tell
the school what you know about
The little girl was quite willing,
and commenced, Peter,
pumpkin eater, had a wife and
couldn't keep her, put her in
Rut they cover where he
put her, on of the general
. on
b -eel Car
some passengers make it a
practice to hold up fare- on
a conductor on one of
street car lines. they do,
you wouldn't be running a cur
a reek before you would gel on to
some of their methods.
conductors have some sort
of n system of collecting fare.
Some take the faces the
as guides, others take in the
general appearance of the
while others go through their
cars in certain systematic ways
to the man. I have a system
which may seem old, I have
found it e good one, and I
ask same passes twice
for a far . as many conductors v hoe
memory is not good are obliged to
do, nor many fares get awry from
fares look
at a cravat,
especially in men with
faces, are frequent-
nearly alike, so much so that one
smoothly shaved stout lean looks
like the smoothly shaved stout
man, but their neckties will he
is also deceiving to at-
tempt to identify men by their head
covering, as there will he a dozen
men in the car with l re style
of straw lint on and
with c f i at in
winter, but who come to neck-
ties you have a ii-- on for
the reason th; won't find two
neckties exactly in a full
of men.
with 1- I go
to the hat for identification. While
ladies may wear the same general
style hat, either down over the
face, up from the or on one
side or the other, you never
see two hats t hit are trimmed
exactly alike.
see. it is a r duty to
led fares, and when we a
passenger is holding a ticket it
is also our duty to Insist that it be
surrendered, so our identification
should accurate to save trouble
for all concerned. There are some
passengers who always have their
fares ready to hard to the conductor
his approach. There are
others who never produce fare
until a specific demand is made by
the conductor for it. and then the
search for the ticket or the cash
begins, and not until then. These
passengers go upon the rule that it
it not moral turpitude to heat the
company out of its legal fee for
transportation if the fare lie not
demanded by the company's agent,
that the company is under
to transport them free of
charge if they are overlooked by
the conductor, and that they are
under no reciprocal obligation to
pay for a service rendered them.
Brooklyn Citizen.
A Disgusted Shah.
When a shah of Persia was visit-
England he frequently expressed
his contempt for the mildness of
English law. So he was finally taken
to order that he might
see a gallows, lie at once manifested
great interest in it and, expressing
a desire to see how it worked, asked
the governor to hang a mail. he
governor explained not
at the time a man ready for the
experiment, whereupon the shah ex-
pressed his contempt. Hut he in-
that that was of no
one of said
he. pointing to his suit, each man
of which probably trembled in his
hoes. And very t indeed was
the shah's disgust when lie found
that he could not prevail upon the
governor to do he wanted.
He been courting the girl for
s long time. It happened Sun-
day night after church, were
silting on tie sofa, and she look d
with ineffable tenderness into hit
noble blue eyes.
she murmured, with a
tremor in her voice, yon till
me once you would be willing to
do any act of heroism for my
Man, and gladly reiterate
that statement hi r d in
con dent tones. noble Woman
of old was fired with a am-
a braver resolution, than
Tom, want u to de
really heroic for
darling is
to be your We've
been Ion r
Look deeper than the Surface
Make a careful inspection of the material and w
If you will came h.-re and do A
and Winter models of the note I
You will find that in of materials and ins. as well
is in cut and lit, the costliest the
torn tailors-but at half then- pr and, v.-u be that
all we have said, or all have beard in favor of
f is absolutely true.
if fashion, made of quality
in a wide exclusive weaves. to
The Chester Held, with
an I pressed side seam also as well
Fashionable fall Wearing.
May be here n h profusion of and makes to sot
tastes for day, or dress
t if if if if if f r if f f
C. L. Wilkinson Co,
ii -U U U . u . u
At Sept. 4th
Capital Stock paid
and 5.012
stocks, bonds mortgages m
ore a Fixtures
Ranking House 4,100-00
me Banks
Clash items
-liver Coin 1,17.12
Undivided Profit- fix-
Bills 40.000.00
Time of 11,330.93
Deposit subject
County of Pitt,
l, James L. Little, the above-named bank, do solemn I
that the statement true to the beet of my knowledge
Subscribed and sworn to before
this of K
There are many bird- which
the male female . the same
call, such as the the rook,
the New Zealand parson bird and
the gull, and to the highly
musical ear u difference in
pitch may be perceived which would
escape the ordinary observer. With
the true songster there little
in the vocal organs of the
two -exes, although the mules of
species sing better and more
continuously the
L. H. EVANS, Supt.
E. A. Manager.
Manufacturing Co.
i Doors, Blinds,
And all of Turned Work.
All orders will receive prompt

Entered in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at office in Pitt and adjoining
Truth in to
The Eastern District
As of county
of schools, embracing
twenty two counties, while in
session at Windsor, lust week.
adopted a resolution endorsing
Prof. W. H of Pit
county, succeed Prof. J- Y.
State superintendent,
in case the latter is elected pr s-
of the Normal and Indus-
trial College and accepts that
Such endorsement of Prof.
is most timely. There
is not a man in North
qualified to succeed Prof.
Joyner and till the office of State
acceptably. He
has spent twenty six years as a
successful teacher and for fit-
teen years been t
of schools in Pitt county. The
marvelous advance the schools
of this county have made
his management are as high en-
of his ability as an;
man could receive.
Prof is one th
State's leading educators, and
the work he has in his
county and his interest in the
assemblies, the
of superintendent
the Bummer schools and his con
with the State sub-text
book commission have given him
a reputation that extends
the mountains to the sen.
If Prof. Joyner is elected
accepts the presidency of
we believe ninety per
cent of the county
of the State would favor
Prof Ra for State super-
school work throughout th
qualifies him for entering
upon the duties of the office and
keeping up the standard of
educational progress. He is
man who should succeed Prof
What fakes the
work to try to fool in
voting their ticket Wonder
they will sprint- next,
H Is a Vary and a
Sturgeon can trace it lineage
bock to the which lived
long time ago, before the
rocks had hardened Fossil
sturgeons indistinguishable from
The Republicans of Pitt
have certainly fallen into dirt
straits. They have almost
reached the point of
Turkey is reminded that his
of popularity is drawing
near again. Thanksgiving and
Christmas be u
It is all over so far as
goes. Those
he books can come out and vote
6th, then that over,
The Republicans themselves
they have
cone about their necks in some
on in, this
G View of the State
Congressional Election.
Governor Glenn, who is just
from a two tour in
Western North Carolina, where
o spoke principally in the
Eighth and Tenth Districts, says
that the outlook for the election
f Hackett and Crawford is most the corresponding portions of the
excellent, and that will be skeletons of the modern species
el by safe ml He e
., ii, . the s head its
believes the u
next congressional delegation bony plates or bucklers.
North Carolina will be The wont is long and mouth
About twenty-live
News Observer
. all t. the fresh waters and
of the no horn regions.
are very prolific, a large
male from to
3,000.01 e . They foul small
. which they suck
into i. The common
and rivers
i. Trouble at the. Gin.
They are having some trouble
in operating Mr. Hooker's gin
plant on street. A large
electric motor was in- sturgeon of the
iv.-ii- i in i n-
i en wouldn't ;
wear if
it nothing.
So we've soils of
good t
suit and Hit many
Men, of minds
All Grades
All cotton. Cotton
and mixed and
a I Wool. We've
good fabric that
is suitable for
Underwear, v,
and colors, medium
grade and luxurious.
We fit all people.
stalled but a was found in
While wafting for this
to be the steam j
formerly used was brought
into requisition and the cylinder
head to off.
will W i
crop. That is a bumper-
Greenville ought to be taking
step- now to make a
tit at the Jamestown expo-
The pi says that
Hughes stand in the same boat.
He is for him first, last and all
the time.
Some of the North Carolina
Republican politicians can put
the blush on when it
comes to
Don't think that because the
ticket is going to be
elected any way, that there is
no need for you to go out and
vote on election day. It is your
duty as a citizen to vote, and
the stay at home man does not
have proper interest in his gov-
The way to rebuke
Republican canard mongers is t
to the polls on election, day
vote the Democratic ticket.
Make the majority as large as
The Standard Oil Company
as by the Ohio
That will not necessitate
in in of oil,, so
consumers need not be alarm
Million Dollars Worth of the
Staple in One Day From
Wilmington, ,
C. Oct.
More than bales of cotton,
Valued at over two million
were exported Messrs.
Alexander Sprunt St Son,
British . steamers that
from the custom house today.,
f of the will go to
Liverpool, and the,
men . The ships are the Lord
the Huron,
Four steamers are left in port
for cotton cargoes and are being
loaded as fast as
Chairman F. -C. Harding,
die Democratic county executive
has managed a
lid campaign in the one now
drawing to a close. The result
be a big Democratic vote on
dayOne of the best informed col v.--
men in town was discussing
politics and remarked don't
see how even a self respecting
could vote the ticket the
Republicans have put out in Pitt
this What think
the men of Pitt county,
who are hesitating about how
they will vote, of this
Praised Everywhere.
4- left on the
Sunday night train and there has; slower,
not a stock company
popular chord as did
those actors Not on the j the year 1780. Some of these fish
stage but on. the street they; brought in at that time were found
were given a generous and hear- to be 1806, nearly nine-
of Europe and North America has
known to weigh as high as
Sou pounds.
The lake or rock sturgeon was
once very abundant in the great
lakes and the Mississippi at-
n weight of pounds,
though the average is Ion. Its
hides arc reddish, often with
spots. The shovel nose
con. very common i i western
southern state, is a pale olive
and sometimes five feet long.
On the Pacific coast the while
attains a weight of from
The Russian sturgeon has been
to attain a length of twenty
to feet and a weight of
It is this species,
once extremely in the
Danube. Volga and other large riv-
which has furnished the sailed
roe called The sturgeon's
bladder is used for isinglass. When
sturgeon is its flesh is found
to. be firmer than that of oilier
fishes, well flavored, though some-
what oily. Generally sturgeon meat
is dried, smoked or salted.
Young sturgeons grow very
although after the fish has at-
its growth is much
hut continuing for many
the Great at-
tempted to introduce the a
kind of sturgeon, into Prussia about
to 2.50 per GARMENT.
I It would take pages to de-
scribe our different
style, o we'll
sum it all up by spying
come here for the best of
f satisfaction.
reception. New Bern Journal.
The agency existing between
i. and J. W. Mills
from Sept. 1st; 1904 to this date
is hereby discontinued. All per-j
ons notes or accounts
through said agency for horses
or mules, are hereby requested
to at once
same. All notes and. accounts
will be found at my office in
in Greenville.
This Oct. 1906
j. E. Winslow.
years later. The Russian
are believed to live to
or years News.
One matter that may come
fore the board of aldermen
it.; next meeting will be the use
of work during
Christmas. There a
tax for the sale of tire
works in town and also an
prohibiting the shooting
of fireworks in town, but hereto-
fore the ordinance has been
pended for a day or two at
Christmas. Of course in
pending the ordinance the bur-
den of responsibility for any
damage that may result is on the
town. As to the license tax the
dealer in town has to pay, there
is some complaint over this, too,
as there are stores outside of the
town, yet within reach, that can
sell without license and thus
have the advantage of the deal-
in town. The fire works
is a knotty one from every
standpoint It might be best for
the town not to suspend the or-
at all.
Says the Max ton
Republican speakers had
but few hearers,, Saturday, a
majority of these were Demo-
Democrats always did
have curiosity enough to want to
find out what in the thunder a
Republican could say in defense
of a party that was always a
die -race to itself, always dis-
t ed and humiliated North
and wouldn't fail to do
It again if it had rope enough.
Vote the straight. Democratic
ticket and your conscience won't
lash you for doing anything to
bring reproach On the Old
North Star.
Whereas we have been false-
accused of being Republicans
we therefore wish to say to our
fellow citizens through the col-
of this paper, that we are
staunch Democrats.
L. F. Elliott.
J. S. Ross.
hive weigh-
K pounds it lat, red
black Knitted, in left ear.
Owner can by proving
and coat.
J. V. May, Greenville, N. O.
Report of the -o no it ion of
At Greenville, Id the North
Carolina, at the of
Loans and
secured bud
V S. to secure
S. Ponds
and f
Due from National Rank
Due 11- n
and other cash items
of other National
and cents
reserve in
fund V S.
-r of
Jas F
Is hr-hr m Thursday.
will, th- or
I U B if
ll l
f . i ii ,. i lo Ii ins, i
t c l i
-U I I t I I
in an I m-
I 326.00
Capital Stock paid in 60,000.00
Undivided profits, less ex-
and taxes paid 771.87
National hank notes out-
standing 12.500.00
approved reset
to check
me certificates of deposit
Notes and hills
of deposit fir
money borrowed
Total 141,380.98
North Carolina,
County of Pitt,
J. W. Cashier of the above
i. bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
J. W. AYCOCK, Cashier
Subscribed sworn to before me
this 12th day Of Sup Kl
F. J.
Correct Attest
H, W.
New, latest, and up-to-date Fall and Winter
Goods, Shoes, Silks, Woolens, Dress trimmings and
Cloaks, we only have space to give you a few price
but have lots of goods and will take in
showing you
Make our store headquarters
Dress goods in solid colors.
Plaids and mixed, the
newest things at
1.00,1.25,1,50 per yaM.
and for the
mi and most comfortable made Oil
3.50 and
Percales and Ginghams for
school dresses in
12.1-2 and cont
our underwear is complete.
Neat Job
Job Printing Office
m i w
This department is in of F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
the fall of the year has come A lull line of
and money is in greater circulation,
those in and on the
routes leading out from here,
who are rears on subscription
to Daily Eastern
will a great upon us
by handing the amount to me at
earliest convenience. Receipts
will be promptly,
also solicited
Mrs. Pat Cobb and daughter,
Miss Lou, of Conetoe, are visit-
Mrs. J. L. Jackson this week.
Call and see the large line of
daily arriving at B. F.
Manning Co. They will
you bargains.
We are glad to see J. E.
Greene out again after a brief
spell of sickness.
taken the place of
We veil it.
B. T. Bro.
Mrs. F. C, Nye went to Green-
ville Tuesday evening.
V Cop
ii ii i Bible, hi- in-
id trade at very low
B. T. Cox, Bro.
and it at Cm foil Co
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bobbitt,
of were here Sun-
day visiting Miss Elizabeth
to Mrs. Bobbitt
Tin i- i Win
pants am-i-11 and
l o. n
Miss Berths Newton, Mr. and
Mrs. W. K. of Fort Bar.-
well, were bare Sunday
Misses Newton, Bessie
Sauls, and Mary
dents of W. HThe season is now at
when most of
their corn and
them are worried not
bodies in to their
corn Now don't let this worry
you any longer for the A.
Mfg. Co., has on hand a full sup-
ply of these bodies and would be
glad to supply your needs.
We are ottering our entire cf
goods at special low prices
and it will be t our int i. pee
re buying a. d
come before i I i a I, s
are i cent goods
and goods now
Ml i and several others w y.
I, o
Hunters in need of best loaded
shells can got them at J. B. Car-
roll Co,
G G. was here last
week installing a new piano for
A. G. Cox.
Misses Cora and Sadie Carroll
were here Sunday attending
at Baptist church.
I I .
The Hunsucker baggies Man-
by A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
are still in demand. Better send
Theodore Cox went to La-1 them your order.
Grange Friday on special
and returned Monday.
Nice sun dried apples fresh
and bright at J. B. Carroll Co.
FOR SALE.-One-half acre
corner lot with three room dwell-
conveniently located to school
and business part of town- For
particulars see
J. A. Manning.
Winterville, N. C.
Rev. T. H. King filled his reg-
appointment here at the
Baptist church Sunday morning
and night. He returned to La-
Grange Monday evening.
B. T.
T. W,
Ugh and
SI -t-ll
Rev. J. E. of Green-
ville, will preach a special
to the Improved Order of
Red Men of this town in the
Baptist church here on
Nov. at o'clock. All are
cordially invited.
young men will do well to
see B, Manning Co., before
buying their full hats. They are
offering bargains on their
entire line.
Rev. W. E. Cox, of Greenville,
was here Monday night.
An lino Va-
an r grips at hand just
B. Manning and Co.
Ernest Manning, of Greenville,
was here Sunday.
We hung it ream n On
ill. any
thing we ever i the in
Barring on Co.
Grover left Tues-
Miss Sadie Little left Saturday
afternoon for Conetoe where she
began teaching near there Mon-
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., have
just received an a car
load of their Pitt county school
desk Any one in need of desk
will do well to send them their
We now have the Hue of
ladies ever
carried Harrington and
Good nice three crown
at J- B. Carroll Co.
and Miss Hat-
tie Kittrell spent Sunday in Gold
Point visiting Miss Lydia
returned Monday.
Anybody in need of a stylish
up to date dress will see A.- W.
Ange Co. before buying. They
are over stocked with mohair
goods, silks and nice shirt waist
The A. G. Cox Mfg Co., are
now receiving daily orders for
improved cart We
your orders.
New lines of fine dress goods
arriving daily at Harrington
Barbi r Co.
Miss of
Greenville, who spent Saturday
and Sunday with Miss
Cox. returned to Greenville Mon-
day morning.
The plow is the
thing for tearing up rough land.
You can find them at Harrington
Barber C .
co p U lino of Fall and
Winter goo Is
ready fur inspection t Dine
o'clock Wednesday morning Oct.
Thursday All are invited to call
ii .-I i.
i- i
r, I
A con
I A h . r.
i I. v c mi
., cut-
tie tn
I have La.-, -n one unmarked
stray color, weight
or Owner
can get same by proving property
and paying j.
M. Jones.
R. F. D. Greenville, N. C.
ii ll i
ii U i
III a. n.
W C. . tin
l. --w
Notice of
We, the undersigned, have by
mutual consent dissolved co-
partnership and offer the entire
of goods consisting
m at cost. A
discount offered. For
terms and particulars address R.
J. Little Co,, Conetoe, N. C.
R. J. Little,
J. H. Clark.
We will pay the highest mar-
price for chickens, eggs,
corn, peas or anything in that
J. a. i Ii-id-n J
n. I, W i
nil ii.- v-i
o t AND
V II -All ll
i rill,
. . II
In he ii . -h h i . r. I-of N a -n lie.,,
i H
ii-t in in p
r. n l --ii ll 1.--
. i r mi m-1
T l lip i.,
ll, III
Th fl
i II
Ell, -1
will e
l i r
l pi,
line- N.
I I if
Mrs. James Burton Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. James
At Home
Thursday afternoon,
November first
Four-thirty to six-thirty.
All friends cordially
. at our new with the J.
day morning for Rocky Mount .
R. Smith and Company.
The Morrison.
m ;
The new shelters in front J.
B Carroll R. G.
on business.
to be
Send order to A. ii Cox
Miss left last week man's Eastern Carolina Supply
to begin teaching near Greenville
in need of the
and patterns can find thorn
at B, F. turning Co.
L. L. Kittrell went to Green-
ville Tuesday evening.
Yon will do well
at A. O. before
us Have nicest
most up to-date line ever In
Call to see him
let him submit yon and
Mrs. O. H. Jackson and
Co's. stores is a great improve-
The deposits of the Bank of
Winterville have increased over
during the past two
weeks, thus making the excellent
showing. Farmers, bring your
cotton on to market. We have
the money to pay you.
Miss Mollie Maynard has re-
turned after having spent some
time visiting relatives and friends
in Raleigh and Nelson.
Why use that old
who have been machine of yours when you,
in Raleigh, Goldsboro can brand new ROY-,
Morehead, returned home Tues- for the next few days
day afternoon. at CO.
Excels In Vocabulary. It is the moat use-
In of
Io avoid
Excels In Arrangement. t-
In Its
Excels In Etymologies. mm.
n i-e not
I'd o i -l
In Pronunciation which Is
letters, in
Excels In art-
am In the
of of tho
Excels In its Appendix Is a
Excels as a Working Dictionary. No
m, inn, Ii In-
in In the
The International has
to pages, illustrations,
new words, revised Gazetteer of the
World, and a revised
Dictionary, etc. It received
at the World's
Fair, St. Louis.
Test tn In-
for family. Also
Q. C. CO.,
Papa Plays a Low Down Literary Trick
will be boys, but come
us have been on earth so that
we forget the pleasures that
pealed to us in the of our
observed a well pub-
in the federal bail
think can best illustrate the
truth of this fact by relating, a
of what happened in a family of
ray friends.
little Willie went to bed
the other night he was careful to
hang his juvenile ho Unit
the pockets would be turned to the
nail. The action caught the c
his fond mother and she
to investigate as soon us
had the youngster to tweet
and gentle dreams.
of finding a deck of
cards, a corncob pipe or real
as had fearfully anticipated.
the guild woman found, to her mind,
something a whole worse- a
blood and thunder novel, one of tin
kind that deals in daring
mushy love and heroes by the
peck. But you know tho style. You
have reed them. So I,
or more.
horrified mother made no
attempt to hide the pain that
flickered around her heart,
and thing three
at a dashed into the
she cried in a tone
i pore to her
look at this thing I found
in the pocket at Willie's trousers
hurt said
without going into the spell
of spasms seemingly necessary m
such occasions.
he added reflectively.
guess I had better lake i-are of
stuck the obnoxious novel
in his pocket, and then followed a
long parental r eon
of training the generation in
the way it should grow. A few
evenings later, after little Willie
been put to bed, the husband
turned to his wife with cheer
said he, T picked up
rare piece of literature today, an I
thought perhaps if you had nothing
else on hand would read it
right, I don't replied
the wife, who probably thought she
had no alternativepapa began to read and
ma became intensely interested.
The clock struck midnight, and paps
dropped the book with a sigh.
getting late, dear. We
finish the book tomorrow
arc only a few more
pleaded the wife,
I really can't sleep until I know
how the story turns
encouraged papa continued
reading, and did not stop until the
end was reached.
Minnie, what do you think
of he asked as he laid the work
answered Minnie.
did you ever get it
the book you found in the
pocket of Willie's was the
smiling Indianapolis
Bright Sayings.
The London Truth's puzzle de-
recently awarded a prize
to author of the following
men of amusing things said In par-
A pitman was exceedingly proud
of the wonderful scholarship of his
son. day ha the lad
through an examination as
what am
Now what
Plight what gen-
is up
an the first
mistake y t t
Still, it ain't a very lug blunder
only said of
Fate of a Mule.
The surgeon of a large hospital
was paying a visit to the patients
when he came to a cot where lay
an Irishman, who was not bearing
his pain very bravely, for be was
groaning loudly.
come, my re-
the surgeon, and
bear your pain like a man. It's
use kicking against
groaned the Irishman, who had been
severely kicked by a mule,
tin the of a
How Cot Them.
policeman says
your husband gave you those black
Mrs. to screen
her he didn't, your
you gel
bin i on
will mo, your honor.
come and go like a
h. rick;
-i for you.
Furniture Sale is
Furniture Sale are many and loud.
What it. is but one-
test. That sale it, jest and most important
that offers you
t Prices op. the Furniture You i
Yours to please.
Pictures Framed t Order.
P Bowen
X, G
Save the
The hot weather brings you
without to n by c i
a of
e., Goods, Package
Goods, Pickles, Butter Ch Coffee,
Candies, Fruits, as I the and buy-
easy and tho all i ll will t do argument to
convened you of if a , I carry.
You one dour of
J. B

Remarkable Values In Mens, and young
Suits Overcoats.
most inexpensive Suit or to
W X production oil our Clothing
they are better values than obtainable else where. The
same care is taken to give our customers best. is
not the equal suits or Overcoats in Pitt county. It will
pay you while to lo over this of Clothing. It
means more for aid values you d else-
where. It is not possible to describe the elegance of our
Clothing. You must see the line to it.
A Guaranteed Raincoat
shown repress t he and view o K s s lino of
tin Deed no i to Dressers have m by their y
other make . f bids to mention one of our line attention is
A BLACK inches long, Military Shoulders,
value, Price
A Black made as above 1-. the best value
Grey WORSTED, With a black pin stripe, poof worth
form loose fitting, finest coat on market
Price . 25-00
Is humping things this year. E farmer
V they sell To-
ft w AM M higher and it is a
Farmers movement working to organize
and et one of
bed s made
ere n none b
hi PIANOS are
Hi dealer,
direct from maker to u-it
you the middle
man's . n
D. up us a line and let us
It'll you all about it, a d
how we help to own
sweet piano
I et us to I you of
died i f who
have bought and
m Ad-
S, If,
. Man
ii t n U ran
Let the Negro Distinction.
We are lad to see that some
of the and lead-
are getting on the right
track with reference to the
worthless class among their own
The in the past
serious mistake of sympathizing
with and taking the part of the
one of his race, no matter how
grievous the crime he committed-
They have not made any
in the social or moral con-
of the individual.
The must make a dis-
and condemn the worth-
less one of their race and stand
by and uphold those who try to
live right and to be somebody.
So long as uphold one
of their number who is a
or moral just so long
the race will be without the
and interest of the white
people which they so much need.
Catawba County News.
The Reflector force is again in-
to Jimmie for a
least of Puffs on
day. The funny thing to us is,
how Jimmie can the exact
time of day when we are hungry.
But he does it all right and ins
our hearty thanks.
J. H.
Has just in the Store op-
J. L. with a brand
new stock of
new and fresh and
will sold at very lowest prices
A first class Is run in con-
with tho store where
rs be in any
style or sold by measure. Give
me a
J. H. Starkey.
LOST. On the railroad yard at
Greenville, a pocket book con-
about a trunk check
and small ring A liberal
reward will be paid finder by
leaving at Reflector office
Mrs. C T. Gardner,
Salisbury, N- C
Schnapps Tobacco is Made ENTIRELY from Flue Cured
Tobacco Grown in the Piedmont Country.
The Imitation Brands Have Schnapps
Quality Only On the Outside
Of the Plug
Hundreds of imitation brands are
on sale that look like Schnapps to-
The outside of the imitation
plugs of tobacco is flue cured the same
as Schnapps, but the inside is filled
with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened
air cured tobacco. One chew of
Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger
longer than two chews of such to-
The color, size and shape
of the tags, plugs and packages of
certain imitation brands of tobacco
have been made so much like
Schnapps that they have often been
accepted by buyers under the belief
that they were getting Schnapps.
Sufficient proof has been secured
to establish the fact that certain
brands are infringements and in
of the trade mark laws, yet the
trade will continue to be imposed
upon these until the suit
already entered and now pending to
protect Schnapps is decided. A
great many of these imitations are
claimed to be as as
Schnapps, but there is only one gen-
Schnapps. Be sure the letters
on the tag, on the plug
under the tag spell S-C-H-N-A-P-P-S
and then you have most
wholesome tobacco produced, with
just enough sweetening to preserve
the mild, juicy, stimulating quality of
the leaf tobacco. Expert tests prove
that this flue cured tobacco, grown
in the famous Piedmont region, re-
quires and takes less sweetening than
any other and has a wholesome,
stimulating, satisfying effect on
If the tobacco you are chewing
don't satisfy you more than the mere
habit of expectorating, stop fooling
yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco.
Schnapps is like the tobacco chewers
formerly bought costing from
to per pound; Schnapps is
sold at per pound, in cuts,
strictly and plugs.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, N. C.
II. A.
Am Still Selling
Ladies Dress Men's and
Hats, Shoes and Notions.
At and Below Cost
s Give us a call
Also Heavy and Fancy and
Soft Drinks.
Dice Mid ear
tor nil
Horse by d . week
Ha virtue of ., an i n
.,, . l l M
th. tool ;,. , ,,.
It,, an will .
la -n
. o Ian i in
,,, In town
J, of R H h.-K ,,,., , ,
, l
-fa- n
with Drat an
ha M l,., ,,,
I n ,,., ,.,
on Bum,
Come In and examine my
3430.1 WAS H-
Yours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
J M.
The j will go down
into y a period of great
has been on
I a so to and the
I destruction of life and
property has been enormous,
i The eruption of Vesuvius, the
i earthquakes which wrecked
r, ,., . r, . I San Francisco and Valparaiso.
A- Mil for Daily Kev. W. E. Co, of Greenville, the which have raged
i the th China seas, the
Episcopal church here Sunday storms which have devastated
I., h
fey. R. H. Jones has returned
BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent
. C.
-hi-. hr a from his visit to Buffalo, N. Y.
Miss a who has
been spending the summer at
her old home in Md.
came back to Ayden last Thurs-
day and will remain through the
winter. Her many friends are
delighted to have her with them
t K. nil t
market n
We were mistaken in our last
items as to the death of Dr. M.
M. sister at Black Creek.
It was an error in the telegram
a lull in.- f neat, lard and
Miss Stokes left here on
the train yesterday morning.
I .-i j hand a
tine i t
ml -f tiff V u O.
Great Scott is Ayden to go in-
to outer darkness, where there
must be wailing, stumping of
toes, breaking of necks and great
calamities among the people
Good Lord deliver us way
of the transgressor may y-t d
us into ways and dangers that
re frightful and breakers of
bones. Help us brethren
is well The
will most
r I , at
Claude Manning, while driving
the countries of the
sea and Gulf of Mexico
these are b. t a few of the
usual of natural
energy which have the
In the midst of all these things
humanity stands helpless This
is the lesson of these disasters
that while man has made
strides in science and art
and literature, while
and there seems to be no limit lo
inventive genius no one has yet
been able to harness or direct
the tremendous forces of nature.
e can storms, but we
I cannot control them; we can reg-
j the occurrences of earth-
but we cannot protect
shocked and
i . u naPs some of these days the m-
saddened last night when it was of man will rise
learned that Mr. h. Victor Cox. to these material things, and
efficient and obliging post- the power of will be greater than
A nice one farm
or leas
acres cleared .
oat in
win . . I i. Apply Io
J. Cox.
Mr. L V. Cox Takes His
Ayden, N. C.
town was
master, had taken his own
the movement of matter. It is,
Mr. Cox completed usual The
duties in the a
arrival of the evening and the.
closed the office about o'clock nature to
Later he went through the
Phone office that occupied a part j ream of
minds to picture man
We are readying c our fail line of
and it gives us pleasure to say our
stock th s fall is as complete as can
make It, Our line of Men's and boy's
clothing is this season
and if call our line,
will convince you our styles are
the latest and prices as reasonable as can
be We have striven hard to give
our goad val for the least
c in
of the same building
the keys
operator and passed on to
themselves in utter disregard of money possible and with the celebrated
j k we can serve you.
more complete this fall than ever, and we think
none better
the supreme controller I wen save yon We pay special attention to this pa t of our business
the only the with trices right. In our shoe department
hinted, we have the celebrated -Queen shoes women. Every pair
as he was at such a consummation and ard shoes for men
passing through, the operator more recent writers nave dwelt made. l
asked if he wanted the lights upon the subject with evident
turned on, but Mr. replied delight. In the meantime, we
that it was as hp stand s
as he nature on sea
would be in only a few minutes-1 and land. Beside these
Soon after he got in his room of its tremendous energy.
there was a f a pistol the being, despite
followed by the sound of a body becomes a
e i , mere must bow in
f humble before a power
telephone operate out; which ea him st, ,.
for assistance, an a physician; He raid,
and several friends hurried to
Mr. Cox's room. They found Happiness.
him lying dead upon the floor
with a pistol ball wound near his
heart and the weapon with which
his life had been taken lying
near his body. The body
across Swift Swamp yesterday, , to the
met with the accident of having prepared for
remained until
and sue. int., the body o fins when the
bone a very . place.
i . r E. Victor Cox was a son of
L. C. Boll and of Kinston,
have been lire on a visit to their
Mrs J. T. Smith, Jr. t
Mrs. Blanche Weeks is
ind Neck.
Mrs. Ben Smith attendee
It's a mere habit.
Some people hive it by nature
The rest of us have to cultivate
It's hard work, but it can be
It means forget injuries
and hurts and i
It means to permit
t dwell on anything
ard shoes for .
e. We have recently Inc our furniture stock, and are in position to sell
lowest possible prices. See our line of suits and roll foot steads. We
also rave in stick some very rockers et very low prices. Buy our
Felt mattresses.
We your business ard if you will come see us we assure yon
treatment. Satisfaction at our store or your
Leader in Low Prices.
Dr. Joseph Dixon
November the
Mrs. G. W. Cox, now
ts of Greenville, and be-
It .
th aged parents is
is is visit-led b on brother, two sis- i
-s, and Clyde Cox. and live
of Ire . He about to
n legislature.;
H served as p
last several
-a and discharged the duties
the office with marked fidelity.
He was both a and Odd
Fellow and was buried with the
of There
was an unusually largo at
funeral, showing th es-
teem in which he held by
on the train , k i
i a l I Until a government official
for Littleton where . tho is In charge
th. Mr. E. G
y and
Is to brighter
day, with no
hi ,, i I K i in mi-, ii ii i-h-
in, et , . ml
; ,;
N .
Va e maturity, I
Em f. o,
i . i
p i-o
association of Primitive
at last week.
W C. came home Fri-
day from . an where he has
upon the
cot rt us a juror.
Palmer, of Hook-
last Thursday night
here with Miss Ida W. Edwards
and left
she will visit friends.
There were regular services Cox, brother of the
in the Free Will Baptist church
There was a fine crowd here 24th
Saturday hear the speeches f black, red spotted sour, fork
Hons. J. Bryan Grimes, F. G. crop and two slits in
James and Harry ll ear
The gentlemen were well
pared for the occasion and their
speeches were of the highest
order and were of effect. Every
one can rest assured that next
Tuesday old will de
her duty. She has never failed
in her loyalty to the Democratic
party and never will. It is just
imply ridiculous to talk
J. L Hobgood, Esq., and
family from the country spent
night with J. R.
J. A. Harrington will move
from Lee street to Third street
near the Methodist church, Joe
Gordon will move on Main street
near the graded school, and
James Jones to the home now
u for
r-n-. pi era
Owner by coming forward
property and paying ex-
of advertising, damages
etc. can have same. This Oct.
24th 1906. B. R. Wall.
Ayden. N. C.
Why a Democrat Ought to he Proud.
A party that closes still houses
and builds school houses instead
is a party to be proud A
party that keeps the money of
poor fathers to buy bread for
his hungry children instead of
spending it for whiskey is a par-
to be proud of. A party that
appropriates money to care for
the brave Soldier, to
make his last days comfortable is
a party to be proud of. A party
that appropriates money to care
for the unfortunate insane is do-
a work that is grand and
glorious and is a party to be
occupied by Mr. Harrington. A party that
folks. money to give the poor-
est child in the State a chance
Nice cement walks are being to be a man or a woman in the
laid in front of the new brick world is a party to be proud of.
tore, Catawba County News.
. I
note aper for use
nil tints plain or hemstitch-
The mainstay of social
SAULS, Druggist.
are paid by ii.
To of i Liver or
n and if
it will refund
n We say
full o bottle of
It it In i yon, then
i use SUi- until
This advertisement entitles you
to a bottle SOL at
Only a limited number of
given away. Don't miss this up
to test
N. w.--
At the, Goose of business Sept. Mb. WOO.
i n the n
a suit I or
taxes on above
so .
As u.
Loan Discounts,
Overdrafts Secured 663.21
Furniture and Fixtures 610.59
Due from Banks,
Cash 811.30
Gold Coin, 200.00
Silver Coin, 1,232
Bank notes and
other U. S. notes
I- B
Kn once
dues, at
p. i of at
Less i oat for weeks, at per month
of home
of h me not counting enhancement
Less cost above rental
lea in
I. fee
T i paid
Less interest i an oil
Thus t has coal en
62-r i.-. cent, per annum. Scares
N. J TE and Treasurer.
on s
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund 2,700.00
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid . 162.00
Deposits subject to check, them cheapest.
Cottonseed, Meal And Hulls
Your Dollars
And they will come in handy a There is
no better way saving than to goods where you can
I, J. K. Cashier of above-Mated
that the above is true to beet of and be-
lief. J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
and can sell same at very lowest also carry a full
line of
and can save money on these. See me before
. . .

One's Own Country
Taking a Trip Abroad.
Going abroad enjoys the pres-
of many generations and its
are deep It has
all claim to distinction, however,
and nowadays is not a thing to talk
short among your friends
y, . to lore to
ti. The tourist party has mad
the undertaking so commonplace
that to have whizzed through Eu-
Implies neither a long purse
nor slightest originality of in-
was once crossing in a
which contained an
master roll of touring Americans.
who were making their
felt inclined to put
m a small airs about it
cowed and abashed. The
V most of their fell
.-. d i. at the only
sci who enjoyed the slighter
distinction was a veteran who
his twenty-sixth rim
the pond.
Far he it from to decry .
enlightening es of
in the old where e.
and novel aspect of
People and things arouse the
refresh the tired mind.
But for one American who return-
in a wholly refreshed and satisfied
condition will find you
who will confess lo numberless
because of petty and organ
swindles and extortions waged
the Yankee in n
land, and to futile annoyance over
bad hotels, poor railway service an
a civility that is won and held only
on a cash ha sis.
Largely because it has been
for man of moderate in-
come to s end one or months
abroad f r a considerably r
outlay thin he could tour his own
country, he America
last instead of and it has been
uphill work to induce people who
travel to listen to II e of the
undiscovered land .
en Gate. It e o ass,
ever, that the f New
York to is
worth talk arm much n-s the
trip to I. it Par's, H -re
are . th at no I
time the average
with n J
or win y v la
study his Land before lie
to the -1 n Tn
let a e.
in Magazine.
So Many Ana Identical That Much Con-
fusion Constantly Remits.
Any horse owner may give his
whatever name he chooses, as
no law will prevent him doing so.
However, it is safe to presume that
in the case of a valuable animal
bred for racing purposes the owner
rill take good care that the. name
. the quadruped be such as
ere confusion with that of
any other race horse. Newspaper
era are debarred by the copy-
rig . law from duplicating the
names of rival publications, and the
restriction applies to theaters,
. road houses, etc.
i , enjoy, in common with horse
o. the privilege of giving their
i name which may . their
look the r, It
will convince any one of the
many owners have
. I naming t VI --el-
inextricable muddle ha
resulted from the repetition
When a ship's name is free from
in the ship's own
the evil is not great, as the
of referring to the nation-
of the vessel will avoid all eon-
in. When, on the other hand.
same names are given several
vessels flying the same flag,
the modern shipping trade Theseus
who ventures in this labyrinth with-
out the thread of Ariadne in the
shape of a clew as to some
of the ship he is endeavoring,
to identify finds himself baffled at
every turn and constantly facing the
Minotaur who appears in the shape
of doubt and needless anxiety. Brit-
as representing the
larger share of the total tonnage
owned in the world, have
in no small measure for
state of affairs. Among the
names especially relished by
those evoking memories dear to
heart of the loyal Britain have, of
coarse, been repeated with the
it is expected when you
travel yo i ill n eel very
people ii h bankers, a
the . noted ; . etc., bill
don't. An n worn
v has j re I
i n a trip. e says II I on
and in the
would get lo to
while she had mil
slip; I
to .
tho ;. .
hotels flu
I ill I
lo ell
tit lo a
he r a r.
I n .
In, lies an I I
of I but
Hail d it was
., I The bride was
n ;. . her in the office where
tho . was a bookkeeper, and
they Lad only one week h.
Mo W. late senator from
Km- Cat made politeness n
of One day hi
bi r
bore of his ac-
with a
,; he I
. he I
pi T
said In .
f, r, . m d him back
d with both hands,
co mi
a in
Sailing Shoes According to Hoyle.
There is an enterprising dealer in
men's shoes Boston who, at one
live, was accustomed to display
sticking out of each pair of shoes
in his window three new bills.
Tho accompanying announcement
I to read something like
of a kind beat two
one occasion a bright voting I
nil undertook to get the better of j
the dealer. Entering the store, he
to the proprietor, sell
-1 according to the rules of
poker. I
was the reply.
wear size No. said the
bright young man; me up
two pain of
When he Led received the shoes
be tendered in payment thereof
said the proprietor,
those shoes come to
according to said
bright young man, with a
i of a kind
responded the suave
i o they don't beat four
nines. Six dollars,
His Herd
-lid Mrs. press-
a handkerchief to her
eves. man, me
cousin man i-. If there's
of a good thing he's
ways a little to wan Bide. If it
hadn't been for that he'd be in bis
home now of in the hospital,
understood that
thy backward off the stag-
and fell clear to the
said the district visitor,
but puzzled.
said Mrs.
with a fresh burst of tears, if
he'd fell a hit more to right
there was a great pile bricks,
it would have broke his fall
in stop kind and
helpful to said little John-
is that asked bis mother.
it's this At school to-
day I saw Tommy done- patting
pin in the master's chair, so just as
Si , master to sit down I
M ids Hr Feel at
v. to dinner
with d his wife to one of
end as they
a in to served
Her hostess looked
. d guest with a
a so unhappy when
go to a club. No r
mat ts with his
His wife may plead and
she can't possibly compete wit
the service of a phi re as th
Just at this moment the
waiter gracefully tipped
plate of soup in her lap.
she said to hi
pulled ; way t The master
sat down and when he
got up he licked mo for nulling
away the chair, and then Tommy
licked me fur interfering.
Yes, I'm to stop
London Express.
Length of the Law.
Some Idea pf tho balk of the
English be obtained by
Adverting to. the fact Hint a single
statute, tho land tax commissioners
act. passed in the first year of the
reign of IV., measures, when
unrolled, upward of feet. If
ever it become necessary to
consult the fearful volume, an able-
bodied man must he employed
three I ours in coiling and
rolling its Answers.
ff sap
Editor and Owner.
f S.
is only by reason the maker's intimate, thorough
women's tastes and the requirements
f-el that Shoes have achieved
First, they the eye and
I distinction to the foot. Secondly, they fit
as only con Et Thirdly,
their large sale permits them to be sold at a moderate
price. This store secured and controls the sale these
splendid shoes, because it believes them lo offer the
wearer more real value and satisfaction than any others
possible to procure. New styles now ready. Glad to
show even h you do not care to buy.
la Connection With the Christian Mis-
Dunn, Oct. 30-The sixty-
second annual meeting of the
North Carolina Christian Mission-
Convention convened here
today- The day was given to
the proceedings of the North
Carolina auxiliary of the Christ-
Woman's Board of Missions,
presided over by Mrs. J. Boyd
Jones, of Wilson, This
is national in scope and
has been engaged in an ever
field of usefulness for over
thirty years. First brought into
existence at a general convention
at Cincinnati, O , with a
of about it has
raised many
of thousands of dollars J
now supports missionaries in the
needy part of the homeland, it;
the Kentucky mountains, tie
new western states, some
of New England, where
making great
Good Attendance and Good Mr.
Today. We, members of Company
There was a good attendance j volunteers
of people here today from the American war,
sections of the county to the to express our regrets at
Democratic rally. The meeting. fellow,
which was held in the court Victor Cox. We
house, was presided over by ex- at him corn-
Senator F. G. James who made a
short, ringing speech and then
called on the county candidates
to announce themselves.
Most of the candidates were
present, and with the exception
of Representative Laughinghouse
and to duties.
Officers and Members of Co. E.
Oct. 1906. N. C. V.
Lost a Child.
A telegram received by Col. I.
and Senator they only . o,,. , ,
made brief of their f Wednesday afternoon,
candidacy The two mentioned daughter, Mrs. E. L.
spoke more at length upon tho Brooks, of announced
issues before the people today the death of the latter's little
WES The burial took
these Secretary State Place at Nashville.
J. Bryan Grimes was
and the speech of the day, i Two Deacons Elected.
arousing much enthusiasm among
his hearers He rehearsed the After the prayer meeting in
records of the parties in the the Baptist church, Wednesday
is making great in-
roads Jamaica, India Nation and State pointing out the night, an election of two deacons
other strongholds of held to m vacancies.
heathenism and
Miss Rosa Loftin, of Kinston,
read the report of the
Mrs Calvin Woodard, who was
absent .
The afternoon session began
at o'clock with the singing of
,, Need Thee Every Hour
Mrs. Preston B Hall read the
third chapter of and
led in prayer after which the con
sang My God
to Thee .
Miss Lizzie Anderson read the
report of the Little
Miss Alice Hines,
showing . work for the year
and good collections. The ban-
was awarded to the Oriental
band for largest collection,
The a
was conducted
by Mrs T- King, of Green-
ville The title of Mrs. King's
paper was Ex-
Mrs Watson
paper by Mrs E. R- on
the subject of Value to the
Soul of Giving
A by Mrs W Brown,
local superintendent of the Km-1
Builders, was read by
Mrs F B Hall The subject
was Straight in the
a Highway for Our Lord
under Democratic rule and
-showed that every man should j W. M.
go to the polls next Tuesday were elected. The
and v the Democratic ticket service will beat an early
Pitt county Democracy is
right, and the rally today will help
swell the majority the ticket is
going to receive next Tuesday
Delivered to
the Sheriff
and Gives
W. H. Harrington, Jr., against
whom there was an indictment
charging him with being one of
the parties making the w
cap assault on W- J. Teel, last
Man Has a Pair That He Has
a Quarter Century.
If all Indiana farmers possessed
a pair of boots like those of Logan
Ping, who lives near
county, many boot dealer
would be forced out of business
April, and who had since evaded the trust would
the officers, was recently severe blow-
rested in Charleston, S C. He that won't wear out
was brought to Greenville Wed-1. A of a century ago th
evening by Deputy Sher-
R. L Knox, of Charleston,
and delivered to Sheriff Tucker.
He was taken at once before
Clerk D. C. Moore and gave
bond for his appearance at
term of court and was re-
Governor Glenn offered a re-
ward of for the arrest of
Harrington and his delivery to
the sheriff of Pitt county, and
boots were made by William
Williams, the village shoemaker,
who was known for mil s around
for the excellent quality
of his work. The boots
shoes which went
small shop of log
ed may of wearer
Ping is now
seven years old, and I
wearing the boots he
twenty-five ago. In
from hi
if till
this reward was paid to Deputy las hundreds
Sheriff know
Knox by Sherill
for a chance to get
near Mrs- Alice Roosevelt Long-
worth, who accompanied
husband here on a campaigning
tour, hundreds of frantic and
hysterical women pulled at one
another's hair each
other's clothes at
The South--The Enricher.
Many scientists are viewing
with alarm the possibility of a
deterioration of soil, which some
claim may eventually threaten
the world's food supply unless
the experiments to secure
gen from the air should prove
commercially successful, and thus
make possible the constant refer-
of the soil. Already
tor R.
The End of the Book
Club was very delightfully enter- j
L Wooten was the star performer This,.
on Tuesday, the is from a dispatch from ;, the rich prairie States are
Quite a number of visitors and describes a scene commercial fertilizers a
were present The literary pro-
gramme for the afternoon was hair in generous quantities from world
Remains of Classic Greek the heads of their friends who I
Architecture chanced to be near them, and
The Acropolis, the hill of classic j who handled their rail lent
buildings, by Mrs Harry Skin-
to see Mrs. the
The Parthenon, the only per- unveiling ex
feet building in the world-by claimed, Aid
Mrs R. O. A -hf Quoted
d . u . t i graph was evidently
o. Pericles, by Mrs J. L Little y
It is not easy to prove that a
I railroad accident is a sure
that no one
really to blame They are now
baying that that Atlantic City
train was purposely
on Sunday by river pi-
in a spirit revenge be-
they had trouble with
man L
A Deed that Will Live.
of Mrs Jefferson I
revived a beautiful
story that never to
lie i . the South, and
i mg . n . I women love the
land v its.
its heroes, this
miles over the wilds of Brown
county, but the boots have de-
time and usage. A few
small patches have been
Mr. Ping says, but he con-
the boots practically a.--
good as new today.
To the method used to tan the
leather the wearer attributes the
lasting qualities of the boots.
This method Shoemaker Williams
kept to himself, and those who
wore his boots and shoes declare
that his secret process was far
better than any in use today.,
Longevity is a characteristic
of the Ping family.
lived to be eighty years old and
her father died at the age of
Indianapolis Star.
The Supreme Court of this
State, when it was. Republican,
id that, in the distribution
of public school money
white child of school age shell
, have the same amount money
and cotton and iron, it is; equally j per as a c . and
no more; and the child
not shall have same a,
but the capita as any white and no
and last year Ohio used
tons. The South holds a
monopoly on fertilizer-
making materials, such as
rock, etc. Europe
draws it phosphate rock mainly
. sec. and Louisiana
now d the mar-
market of Eu. ope and America-
Strong as the South is in coal
. in
the numbers
as strong in phosphate
and it can
its own
be told around Southern fire- star
and treasured up with our
crown jewels. It is simple brief
and touching.
When Jefferson Davis lay a
All of which must be
humiliating to the
heroic past the President's daughter. But
story ought he cannot reasonably expect to
; was
the per
Asa mat.-i of fa t it
Mrs. I of other sections and o.
r and her countries. Great is the South
bridge tender who had been helpless, manacled, brutally-
It will strike treated prisoner in Fortress Mon-
he av man that if hated beyond all reason by
d a against it republican loaders, Mrs.
caster to him than to Davis went North to work for
ill a hundred and let him release. Her counsel told
theory is advanced her that there was but one thing
chief of police, but it to do. and that
hold water. Fifty years man of
such fast
Charlotte Observer.
These are the w
publican .
by Chief V
T. .,
the case of V k
of the
. s at th
That y.
company. His is n Solomon.
Then are many t. that he
does not .
A TENT HOTEL. Yo . wore a child are not willing t-
to id what you I have -taxes divide J equally
Very nearly all of the Char thought, and him m
Town of .
reason people ha .
ed voting
u Live
ii people could
have found who would
the accident was an
let of Providence for running
rains Sunday, but now no
one says this. We are getting
i accustomed to doing any and
everything on Sunday that we
not regard it as work or as a
After a while we'll do things
n Sunday that we would -be
shamed to do now during the
reek. The door is open or
to get the
people who visited th
Exposition put up at
the most remarkable hotel
that has ever been built- It
two st but covered four
the acres of ground and nobody ever
party to sign bond, found out how many rooms it
This man was Horace j Being a temporary concern, it
to him Mis Davis went not equipped with electric
hen she had told her story,, bells, but in each o- m
Mr- extended his hand f was a small flag. So
and said, will sign j the guest wanted anything
the He did and Mr. would stick the flag on the out-
Davis was set free, his door and possess bis
Out that noble act of Greeley's I soul in patience We know of a
cost him a seal in the party cf Statler's guests who
States senate and he suffered a went to Fans, spent I
loss of more than thirty thousand day there got back at it
besides He knew what it would I to find that their
B if- ; that boy a
Slat j to him in sympathy. Be his
chum. Do not make too many
cast iron laws. Rule with a
vet hand. Help have a
Answer hi .
pranks. j
Sweat over his conundrum
ms to Rec- do for him in the North, and the signals bad yet been s-
Limber up you
game of ball or a
You can
th. path
That boy has a
tiny reaching
mountain peaks, lie
i .
die two hen the
white people paid the gnat
such taxes
quoted dictum of
Justice Furches. was over
ruled by our present Democratic
Court last f, th
. of Lowery ;, i e-11
held tint it .- not
on i school
is p r
but i school t
tn . an length
ye rand that number
all be employed at
, vii es tile board mi V
II be
Solicitor Daniel Resigned.
News and Observer of
said that Solicitor W.
Daniel, of Weldon, has sent
ins resignation to Gov. Glenn
has accepted it and
Mr John H. of
to fill out Mr. Dan-
term. Mr. Keens the
for the office of Solicitor in
Mr. Daniel has served three
as Solicitor and has made
one of the best prosecuting
in the State. He has re-
because he is the Demo-
nominee for the State Sen-
Lexington Dispatch.
Double Daily Express Service.
The Southern Express Co.
today began handling express
shipments on the special train on
this branch of the Coast Line
operating between Tarboro and
Kinston. Mr. K. C Burnett,
route agent, came down to com-
the arrangement. This
gives Greenville a double daily
express service and will increase
the business of the company as
well as prove a great convenience
Tobacco Sales
sacrifice was deliberate. His We are again million times his weight in gold.
tame ought always to be of freaK hotel by a
along with the memory of I schemer which it is proposed for
the great Confederate chieftain. the Jamestown Exposition. This
is to be a tent hotel with
for 20.000 people. It
is proposed to use regulation
army tents, with floors and iron
beds, it is to connected with a
central office. The tent hotel
worth a prop
According to the report fur-
by Mr. C. W. Harvey,
secretary of the Tobacco Board
of Trade, the sales of leaf to-
on the Greenville market
will be lighted by electricity for the month f
There will be no need red
Neck to people here.
hand grenades and reels
of hose, for if it catches afire,
a man can whip out his pocket
knife, rip open the wall of his
room and step forth to safety.
The tent hotel is a great scheme.
It will lay idea in the
shade and that is something we
thought never could have been
pounds at an average
of per pound. The total
sales for the three months since
the season opened were
There will be 15-1,000 square
feet of floor space in the ma-
and pal-
ace at the Jamestown exposition.
Four Ballots.
There will be four ballot boxes
at the polls next Tuesday and
every voter can deposit four
ballots as
One for the State officers,
the corporation commissioner
and superior court judges.
One for Congressman.
One for solicitor,
of the Legislature and
county officers.
And one for constable and
Let every voter be sure to go
to the polls and deposit all four
ballots, and read them care
fully before voting
The board of
lay night, s
.-. for the Raleigh
I S railroad, asked
to cross Dickinson
Bonner's lane with a
e so this road could connect
the Atlantic Coast Line at
point north of the Imperial
The matter was defer-
to a later meeting.
The cemetery committee re-
l id that a new fence had b. en
around the cemetery.
C. S. Forbes was paid for
in near the culvert
if the graded school on Evans
In the matter of the
between W. T. Fleming
Leonidas Fleming, both
claimed to purchase the
lame lot in Cherry Hill cemetery,
board decided that W. T.
Fleming had priority of claim
that a deed be e-
to him for the lot.
The market committee was
instructed to have the vacant
of the market and guard
lot also to have
ho roof and ceiling the mar-
t house painted.
The officers made their reports
during the past
The chief of fire
is instructed to the fire
hose and make re-
of condition, and that
hose b tested once a month.
Th 1- of the dispensary for
q ending Sept 30th
show . for the quarter
to stock on
lands a per inventory
of the fire com-
e and colored.
from poll tax for
were allowed and
aid to
Tl re is -o question about the
intensive farming,
good labor conditions;
with labor so unreliable and
uncertain as it is now. there is
no plan open to
the farmers of this region.
Making land rich makes its
easier, less expensive
doubles the yield for
amount of labor. We have
heard of a by some author,
title .
and there in ire
or logic in than many will
admit or realize.
Of course I be
to every farmer to
ten acres, or ten aces to
the h .-,. but the title of such
a . i .
. areas
the plan of all w
the near future in
about to say .;
farmers n . s.
Neck Commonweal .
Boy Still Missing.
Lenoir, N. C, No Rev. J.
II. Nelson is still unable to gel
any clue as to tho bouts of
his son, who
about five weeks ago.
Several Lenoir people have join-
ed with Mr. Nelson in the search
for his son. to no avail.
There is some n suspect
foul play as the young man left
with between n in his
Miss Dora .
from Ayden Friday c fling.

Eastern reflector, 2 November 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
November 02, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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