Eastern reflector, 23 October 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Customs of These Sieve Holding
Natives of Africa.
The lire on the
Wok of the Kongo between
and or between the
twentieth mid twenty-second
of east longitude, and to
long in the I
to By
of the I
d forth men, others
the and yet a third kind
These .-lave.- are
glares birth or men sold for
Ti ire well treated, and
an island on
Much i i who ire i
I rm
when a man, not
In-. .
obtain one.
i i mi
of the
One I
m- i a
y. mi the
, d
. their h i
fends. H ti
and wrestling
mat. i The
tor a I red. S i are
burial, but In I
i in t ii the bodies,
ton i in which they are
i e colored.
i. Here in life after
. id a spirits. They think
Their J. and friends are
always thorn, all hough
they cannot be teen. Their god is
named account of
origin of the white mid black
curious. I sent hi i are always
ton, on earth to see what ;
the races of mankind were doing.
he was well re-
so he gave them a white skin
sad m knowledge, among
the Africans he was received,
hi black and stupid.
One of myths entertained by
; this people that Kongo and
, Its tributaries were created
the tears of the tribe weeping for
favorite chief long ago. The moon
ft supposed be an immense ship
in conveying the souls of
the dead to and the stars
are tin eyes of the dead, who sleep
Brass, copper or tin vessels
used in ring Id as
Points to Remember Win Preparing
Vinegar used for pickling must
be of the best, whether cider,
wine or grain vinegar. Never l I
it longer than five or six minute.-,
unless you wish to reduce its
. of the . id m these met-
. . . t in pro n
son in pit
earthenware is also affected by
the action of the vinegar. Use
of porcelain or granite ware for
the cooking no glass or
ware jars fir keeping them.
W i n the jars an- filled the
gar must completely rover the
fruit. Tie the spices up in
less whole
the I i
i the mustard pickles, i I
. etc., an Indian saffron called
turmeric is used.
A very small quantity of
; i in kin j the pickles firm
, the u-e of alum is an
i o-i r u i
,. i e. layers i i-
rs ., are beating v. ill
The C to cf China.
If i . with gold it
i ever I with M
as a dull in effect and i
causes i c gill to rub off.
Hot water d .- no harm. It is I
t r soft, if no rain water be
is an easy r to hod it
well, hen reduce it the proper
temperature. The softer the dry-
in o it the mo- ,
the articles are out of the
rinse in cold water is to re- i
the Besides, many j
a- are due to the sudden
from hot to cold water.
There is quite a difference in
quality and flavor of wild ducks.
The canvasback and redhead ducks
best cooked without
Menu a pity to stuff
these fine birds.
Mallards, teals, and
wood ducks may stuffed with rice,
hominy or potatoes nicely seasoned
with chopped English walnuts. Can-
and redheads are vegetable
hence the flavor is sweet.
Like Patriarchal of OW
In his of a Year's
Tl . I and East-
Mr. gives a
n m n dings in
A ,. Hi was s
hearing before a
.-t in-
t . , . .we
bud a
I the
ho lo
ii re
yo i
is m th
swiping In
the cu
Of i
fore d,
of h. for
i a
. ii I
in, in
. with
lent, ho i
do h
. . e the
his its
, to III.
Do yo .
lie is mil
I j-; i
i I ii on,
I i-
. I i
Cod, child. It
You shall not
Bleeding Gums.
Where there is bleeding of the
gums table salt is good. It may be
gently rubbed into the gums or a
little used on the brush. Camphor
is also a good thing to use where the
gums are not very firm, and a gm d
powder that can put up by any
druggist is made of half an Ounce
of gum camphor, two and
ounces chalk and
and one-half ounces of pulverized
orris root.
Keeping Lemons
Lemons should always well
d in warm water before they
., pi is to be
. i. , lion it will be
found the of a 1- -on
i- anything but clean. To
j m i up put them in
.; cover with cold
I . the water every
r four J he lemons
will a month.
Ingrowing flails.
For . re nova the
nil i e of pa-
too spoonful
. . pour i ind
e nail on s d until re
, . . a few
j Ii v the mutton
tallow, lard will lo or any kind o
t and as l as an be borne
Every charm and grace of
nine footwear finds expression
this season in
shoes. No fashionableness of
costume will cover a neglect of
footwear, for are not woman's
credentials to refinement signed
by her shoes and her passport
therefore should be the
If you have never n a just try one pair. It
will work wonders in e locks your These claiming shoes
can be found here in a lull assortment styles and sizes.
The cloaks and furs are here in great abundance of
styles and prices. We have the newest and most
styles and yon should give them a look before buy-
a, -mos
no mending. They are the ideal
stockings for Winter.
Never wrinkle or come down as they fasten securely
at the waist. They are made of the best yarns and
only nor-poisonous DYES are used in their construe-
I Egg HY
As we lay In the
you away.
But mil
Bath do Ml
Ami now Is hi
and com lo play
For nine long months you.
Bo you needn't make n fuss.
For we shall guide you.
Aid you'll I .- I . . I. v
be i
T i ailed on I wit-
fan ll province, to
their -av. and on their confirmation , .
mi the he gavel January, the
orders to two of his satellites to, the primrose; March, the violet;
March for and before him the April, the daisy; May, the haw-
p. n, ho added to thorn; Juno, the honeysuckle; July,
right, daddy, you the water lily; August, the poppy;
your own. Put con-1 September, the morning glory;
and composedly the hop blossom; November,
back to his place. I the December, th.
No. -14 price only
No. price only
No. sizes to price only
No. to price only
We heartily recommend that you give Fay a
fair trial.
J. R. WM. G.
j mis i him -1 j.
m m
J Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Republicans Still Bid for The
The following is a
from the National Republican
Campaign Text-Book for
year, which shows I an
Whereas, our kind lieu ten- Boy Beats
y Father in His wise providence
Ii is P fit to remove from our;
chap i midst to His Heavenly abode our;
brother Robert M.
fore we the members of
i church, The
Endeavor and Sunday school
You j can't t away with
I these beys. ,. II h
their own way of
into lands o
He I
A i . j
; t
ii. i n i
till bidding for the
. , ,. I e North Carolina,
for the .
Congressional can m, 1906
page i
i lore as
to i be i i of
i i
to the I
than l i
of North ;
in qua I a
In North v. i
Resolve 1st. That though we
cannot understand the
of Providence, yet we bow
humble submission to His
Divine Will, I v and be-
that all things
i pay it.
in ll
ism is colored citizens,
although a minority f the
are given participation in
the control
counties and States, and are
elected to public office in
these respective units of our
governmental system; in the
South, the stronghold of
racy, the colored citizen is being
systematically disfranchised and
from effective
in the conduct of public
affairs, and each year witnesses
a narrow of his political and
civil rights. The mere mention
of the facts well known to every
observer of the times will suffice
to indicate the relative attitude
of the two gr- at political parties
the The
Republican party believes in the
political equality of all men with-
out reference to race or nation-
and this belief it has sup-
ported by the most costly and
sanguinary war in the history of
our national history. The Dem-
party believes in restrict-
the citizenship
class and has written her
I opinion into the
I tut ions and practices of nearly
every Southern State where that
party is dominant.
party believes in doc-
so expressed by
President K n
up. n do
it r
I it
i i . i i i and
irk lo
f true to every
interest of the church and its
societies. One whose life ex-
which always marks a faith that
leads to our Lord and Savior,
who was always willing, patient,
loving and forbearing and of a
gentle and affectionate
He filled his place in all
departments of church work
with honor to himself and credit
to the church. While he will be
greatly missed from our meet-
yet we will ever cherish
the of his
faithful service and devotion,
3rd. We hereby tender our
heartfelt sympathy to his grief
stricken wife, father, brother
and sister, who were so much
devoted to him, also t all
who are sorrowful because
he is gone from them. To
these there should be this com-
thought, that he is now
with our Savior, free from all
suffering and care, and at rest
for evermore.
4th. That a copy of these res-
on our minutes
chief. it with all their mis-
chief, the home that ,.,
a boy in it is w-ll it's not just wiring me i t r
a ch on
In hi the hell in
the editor's desk at home land th .,,,,.,
pip and sack of tobacco, and may p th, .
when the night is
am m. pi I ., . A ,
r q on h
out ll A doll from
i i to the I
tack was i re
i to C. T
i down to load up ,
found be filled with bits
of paper he had cut up. As we fifty bushel
talk paper, and live on paper he was hon to kiss i good
wind, but he hadn't learned
. . i Denver Post.
that that boy must have I
concluded we could smoke paper,
e R y
Collage A
in Gets , i, ,
A End of the
kick was
. and
A New Question.
the consideration by a juror
of a case in court, Two
members of a jury in Durham so
considered it, and refused to
work on . -y; thereby causing
a mistrial in an important suit
T jury deliberated until
Saturday night, when
two of the members then an-
-ii that it was then Sun-
day id as they could not work
on refused further dis-
of the case until Monday.
court was required to ad-
at midnight Sunday, so
there was nothing for the judge
Black Jack, N. C, Oct. 1906.
J. O Johnston attends church
at chapel Sunday and
returned to his home here Mon-
Miss Lula Mills, who is
the Winterville High school,
came home Friday and returned
Abram Dixon and his sister, i to do but order a mistrial. This
he mock marriage at the
la . a brilliant .
and i I
inc .
song, i
. In ich the I i
the .
i .
. IT, . .-
., rs and
in the pathway of ihi. . followed the
Is and ring-bearer, then
maids of honor, and last, the
lovely bride leaning on the arm
of her father. The groom, with
his best man, joined her in front
of the dignified bishop, who pro-
to unite them in the bonds
of padlock.
After the ceremony they re-
it i is
t is
I Jar-
,. he
Mrs. L. C. Mills and Miss Re-
Mills all went to Washing-
ton Saturday.
L. F. Stancill, of Washington,
was here Friday.
E. L. Clark, who is clerking
for C. T. in Greenville,
came home Sunday returned
Abram Dixon
is the first instance of
the kind on record and there
may be some judges who would
into the matter to
see if it had any bearing on the
law against contempt of court.
But can thinking about and talk-
over a question at issue
called That is what
the Chronicle puts up to the d-
bating society. If thinking
I. to the i to
l . on any
he could find on which to lay his
hands. The first thing he saw-
was a string of cars standing on
a siding near the old freight de-
pot. There was only one means
of egress into this switch; the
other stops up against
tired to the strains of South Elm, so the officer got a
wedding march, and a lock and
the congratulations of the as- locked to the
guests in the halls and .,., way
parlors. The ceremony the there was no
beloved we are j a one of
herein the sight of the he to what
dean and in the face of this as-. When a shifting
company to join engine came along to take out
the cars the engineer saw that
he would have to pull up the
track to get the cars out and
he also saw that
have to be pulled
W. H. talking can be construed as work
a copy
on um . i
be sent to the Adams went to New Bern Sun- and that sort work
is a
family and a to the
Watch Tower and Reflector for
J. A. Lang,
C . E. Society
Latham, S. S.
i n
Li . i i th
o. purpose to
exclude colored men from any
in the control of local
high in
e Democratic counsels of his
stated the
fest intention of the Democracy
to as far as possible,
the colored voters of the country,
and in a recent speech
South passed through
scenes of turbulence and disorder
rape and riot. By amend-
to State Constitutions,
and by legislation the whites
the have secured control,
for the time being, of their own
focal governments, and the col-
r ; no longer a political
f; ii a State south of the
Here is a frank ad-
i that Democracy no
long . sorts the time-honored
maxim i governments derive
just powers from the con-
sent of the and that
only a portion of the citizenry,
are in the opinion of its leaders,
entitled to a voice in public
Republican party en-
courages the highest character
in the the Democratic
party seeks to degrade it. No
Republican Legislature has ever
laws inimical to the
A. C.
with .
I .
of Sunday, then re are
. . , many more sinners in this world that ye now tie your hearts to-
rt than had counted on, Char- the rope of
. i m here lotto Chronicle. . ., i
Id the Will thou have
this man and this woman
firm padlock. If any one can
show just cause why they may
not be agreeably joined, let her, f
speak now, or forever after hold ti,, cars
her peace, along and over the ground, so he
require and charge you was stand-
both, as ye will answer before the
faculty, who are supposed to Finally an hour or two
all hearts ;,.,.,,,,,,,, peached
the movement of all feet, through tho of some
that th
I B. Convene
e C
this i . I con
y tin i ii of the two
, ii th vi it.--
in No
convention of the l
of C v. ill co i
ii . ear.
is new- . i
night by
in Ti I phi .
. armer us
her produce In a
pan . i a also a
i an in the town a few
cap k from to
mar. northern terminus of
the combined roads, and
N. C, the southern
mites away who has many
regular told me that
had half her load sold
before leaving home, How
i this woman for thy governing
. lie Will t ii
, 1-it
. , n
. lie
in Mr. , . . ,
e . ,.
th speed ,
now in session in r o worth y I boo
which influent- . th b Ion is wife will lei
, select Norfolk as its n t meet- i the .
place, and also from M . J.
H. to Mr. J. .
Mr. Mason and Air.
Steed were sent from Nor
be paid
i i
money would
and cars
. h
minus. The Pamlico, Oriental By telephone. Many farmers
Western Railroad was sold do net the immense ad-
the Atlantic North Carolina
Railroad and certain matters
the John L. Roper
Company, brought
into the consolidation, were
disposed of as planned.
progress, happiness and comfort
or any class of citizens;
Democratic legislatures, on
the other hand, have enacted
laws which make it impossible
for a colored person of refine-1
vantages and labor-saving
in the telephone. Ry
its use. one may learn from the
city village the state of the
market, the probable demand,
any shortage that and be
prepared to take advantage of it
promptly, while Mr.
is finding out too late that there
was a brisk demand for the very
goods he had lo sell. Market
reports in weekly papers are
history when received
to travel in decency from
one part of the State to another.
No Republican governor would
dare veto a measure for the
cation of any class of citizens in
the rudiments of knowledge
that is just what has recently
been done by the chief executive
Mississippi. The Republican
party is on record as being in
favor of the most liberal policies
with respect to education,
believing that no other position
is consistent with the
of our
secure, if possible, the next , ,
meeting for n an .
their efforts have
This means that
twenty-five and thirty
, n .
v. Ii v he I put
have this man for thy obedient whereupon
husband Wilt thou promise found some y about
R. E. him wisely and well
to Wilt thou be ever constant and
i. e
n sud-
his person.
in thy upon
his nurse, his time and his
p. r, and forsaking all else, en-
between I to spend his money as
thousand thy husband will earn it
more people will visit Jamestown for
Exposition and Norfolk in
when they come .
will spend almost a week as
guests of this city.
At St. Louis i years
there were about
and delegates alone at the meet-
to say nothing of the people
attracted lo that city incident .
the convention. It is believed the faculty sane
that the exposition will bring as let the same stand, day or back on w
many if not more people thin d I night, summer or winter, time boy ha
St. Louis, and it II i or no Charlotte Ob- .
want w. ,. . , i ., .
m, , to its capacity to entertain
advance information. The expected. Norfolk
graph also comes in handy.
County Canvass.
The Democratic candidates are
having interesting meetings at
their appointments tor speakings
over the county. They had a
large crowd at May's chapel on
Tuesday and, also at Falkland
Wednesday. The prospects
point to a larger Democratic vote
than two years ago.
From Life,
There was a lady W h i
hastened to the nursery,
to her little
what do you mean
shouting and Play
quietly like Tommy. See,
doesn't make a
course he said
the little is our
game. He is papa coming home
late and lam
When to Pa.
All exchange says the wise mer-
chant will cease to advertise
I when trees grow upside down;
woman when the beggar wears a crown;
I when ice forms on the sun;
The steps forth, the when the sparrow w.
ring is produced, and the man when gold dollars too cheap;
this ring when worn keep;
wed and with all my a fish forgets to
kisses thee swim; when Satan sings .
. and when the girls g i
fun to break a . w u n all
tell the truth; when cold
Wilmington, N. Oct. makes you when
Early this a the j when
; r I e
Fire in Cotton Vessel.
was discovered under the
third hatch among b lies
of cotton. the aid of the
local fire department and the
pumps of the compress, the fire,
which seemed to have been
for some days, was
these things all i to pass;
then th man wise will
neglect to advertise.
Two women like to -tail a fuss
and then leave their to
fight it out.

Th f run of Pitt
r- of i. M i
.-. h of
f diM--1
. u to -II i Ml
i. t
fit- in.; in i . -i- T kM
if o i m
t th i
. i. n d . ll he-
will in t r i l. r
h r
Pattern Eats and Millinery
N ;
v in -1 Ten Vs. i
i f. MR I'll m .
i . M m
m my t . . -V ill l. . . n Mid hi
What Joaquin Said.
II is related that when Joaquin
Mill.-r l to go to tin- races
he r Pi-
A- no accompanies
I . pug ,. . for. rd to not our
,. , on the
may be that
the idea
. . . II
. .
I go at
i r.
l , . i . r
i . , . ,
i .
. , .,. IT.
. I, .
I . . i .Hi Ira la J
i . .
, i, i . I. h. I
l.-. M I . i
. . I i
,. ,, . i . . . I .
I Ill I I .,. I .
I . , . 1- .
that word l
it refer to Liver Pills and
Are you constipated
Troubled with
Sick headache
ANY these and many others
Indicate Inaction of the LIVES.
Take No Substitute.
I Not Quite I
Bow often you gel .,
thing done i ;.
nail or tore driver or
J Bar n i
tool and he pr pare. ,
i .
will rob that your t. ,,,
SB boa
ii i
i , . ii day of
. . I. r i i.
, . n
ii. I
i . i
.-. it
Ii ;.
I .
. i
II, i . C
IN I I .
. I. I . I- . I
I ll t. .,, , ., . y
,. , i. . . within
ii, . in.
n i i i . I, . i .
j. r. mks
i of
I. r. a ii.-
Of i r
You get names., .
Horse fl Ac. ;
J l
, Corey
H pi
w . , .
Bask Hand Bag.
Aft. i . nil in the
children id in two lines
each other, within throwing
. pi I 1.1 the
game by fa ;
the bag behind him i i rd the
posing line. If ti
caught by in that line,
without leaving hi ; i
one for the
If, however, it falls I In I
fore coming within
. . the j
,. -in. ha
or .
; , me h-i
n en,
ho o. ii Id one .
thieve i., um until he was
captured. The mayor gave a ban-
in honor of his faithful do;.
The dog with laurel
seated upon a crimson velvet
cushion was served first with
every Let us hope the may-
or careful to select only those
dainties dear to hearts and
their stomachs too. Otherwise the
banquet might not have served its
purpose of making glad a dog hero.
I This i Reining
N. C. March
Mis . e ,
bus entirely cured our e of
vi r. pane of .
d ii purl
th ti we old.
six years n . She
h i and I
i-1 i o l
. . , i HI. Ill of
l i J I i .
To Publisher
and Pi
k ,,. .,,. i .
i. i n i ;
n j . ding, i J we
r. i-l Col
. . . I
. k
;,. i
;. . r I . . . . .
. . . . I
T. i
Head in I
a,,.; r I
A ii-
i.-. will . illy
h idle i.
Printers i; Co
if a
i Hi ll III I
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging
Ties always on hand I
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold j
D. W.
aV t-
at water
to th c
net i
be moved
Iron by shifting l
Iran p
ill K
; .
supplies abundance a
water to
ll of house II -P
place reservoir.
During . we will have a c
in actual operation A representative from
t.- i thoroughly all points.
HO. and BISCUITS will
during week. Come in any day
intend to buy or not. The
ill n you in future.
N- O.
During this week only, we will ac-
give free with every Majestic
Range sold, one Handsome Set
Ware, well worth This ware
will be mi our
Look deeper than
Make a careful of the
th M
models of the
W. Main St.
You will in of i
in cut and they costliest creations the s
ion, at half their prices; and, yon be
all we have said, or all that In fa F-l
f e is true.
made of handsome suiting of
in a wide assortment of exclusive weaves, is to z-
Inches long,
hack an pressed side so in
Kala Coats, to
Fashionable fall
May be here in n profusion of
B day, afternoon or evening
C. L. Wilkinson Co.
I hat
4th, 1903.
h eared
D.- ;
.,, . .
stock paid in
Bills payable
i .
tO i
i ., d .
,. ,
Setting the Table.
Lay the cloth even and straight.
Place the knives and spoons at
the right of the plates with the
handles just reaching the edge of
the table, the knives nearest the
plates, with the sharp edges toward
them; the howls of spoons up.
Place the forks the left with
the tines up. On the right and
the point of the knife place the
The be folded Hut
and one side.
To dry clean laces wash in either
i. i ,, r II tin dual
. ,. . . ii i I lie
i . i
i- way a
. i. i . . i.
rue . ; i
i before i
I.,;, i
. i,.
N. C.
U-- 4th,
Loan DI
Dun from B
Cash Items
Gold coin
Nat, U.
State of North
County i
id .-1
Hills payable is e
-n . sub to k 81.7;
i ;,. i process
i . ; I
, i clean I of doors,
i r of
, of an i . the
,. , ling will be
. i.
. . it.
I f out and Hie
lo try
. i , i e oil on a
, , . , . n over it a
i ill . the starch
.-. mi I remove any dirt
ii ,,.;, i , ,. collected the
. I of tho which
i oil the garment. It will
. . gloss to the clothe. As
;, oil ii ii there is no
For Dry Skin.
Tho following formula will not
ii -kin, i a it grow
on face. Do not use soap
or ii the r re. To cleanse
,; ,, i ,. en i i . r,. Cleanse
D. Anthony's
School Rebellions.
Susan Anthony, tho eminent
of for
fifteen year.- a before begin-
her public career.
Brought up in n of
IV ,.; i loin i
ii id u
v I. and
, lie i i i tin I ;.
I.Unit her . I ml
. in, .
Hint to the Governor.
Years ago, when John Wentworth
was governor of Sew Hampshire, a
man named Ban came down from
Coos county laden with a tub of
hut and a few yards of homespun
cloth as i to the governor in
exchange appointment as
The governor received Mr. Hair
I. . inquired from how e
c bud come.
i- ., y one other man besides my- I
-aid he, lie is no m
the i tho
. i . , . . ,.
., . .
Little Joke at
. I
iv I among
I . ii of n
.,. r. of
, . i i -I. the
. , . , mi lOT of
. . e at.
. , i took
. r
i o n n I in
In t i u mi lie com-
he . die knew
,., i I. iii-
i soil , i. . lurch
I r, N . lied
I and con. life,
lie went be. In h's i-. a n-
in- had
, .
i tin
rest of Hie
.; III
I, J. R. Davis. bier of the above-named bank, lo solemn
that tho statement, is to the best of
knowledge and
Subscribed and
fore me, this 11th day Supt.
Notary Public.
T. L.
; rains;
i . , one-
I-. make
To Remove Ink From Paper.
Ink can be removed from paper,
if the is no too old, as fol-
Take a of
lime and add just enough
to cover take a cloth,
moisten it in the mixture and
not the stain gently, it
will slowly one
cation is not sufficient try a second.
I .
i r.
. hill
Mil A the
Ir , i h
v ,. I iv i.
in i
by lie
over. .-. for
very r and lien c led
But she ii el every n . with
spirit, i and readiness and
ways conquered,
of the for her sue-
said an old school friend,
that nobody could ever tell
it happened what Susan
would do or how she would do it.
We only knew there was one thing
not in. She had
more courage and than
any woman ever
Companion. ,
. i
I L.
. . i
, . .; v. of n In
I. . i .
Tracing the or n of
ii in lie due lo the i
Bill Nye to say that, so far
p an. the An
i i . ii- father. As m I old it,
rill in a i i
eon. v hi ii a -i i . d
and r mi standing
. I
I . . n t ii f .
r. . . i .
I .
. i.
SO it i I
one's i
Ti .
to I
She should ha
He wont deplore lack of
. a
I i in
, of .;.
i . i . ho
. d .
In i I
. i . i. u I in I some
j n .- I .
How an I ; n
zinc nut i like this How am
. I that in
i vi. did you
didn't write only copied it.

A com
. C. m
Mb I-.
. to fit
not i
can use
out their loss.
co id-
I i
; . to polls and v
time i day-
n I f the
i into
we will come Hearing
how late the train is.
Top cotton, bottom cotton and
middling cotton have all fared
badly in the recent
; department Bays that the coming
I wheat crop
bushels. Now it is up to the
campaign managers
Watson says he is not go-
nun e for Wat-
use it owes
n k If all
little ;
would ado i
. d foe u a n
the D
book lied about
But think what trouble the cam-
book might
to with the postal i
it had told the truth about him.
Things have reached a
pass when people can't leave
home an hour or two in th.
time without their houses
entered and d.
We believe the Charlotte idea
is a good one. In that city a
washerwoman who kept clothes
out overtime was arrested. The
trial went against her and she
had to pay a line of and cos;.
The weather man guesses
right frequently and again he
misses it as bad as any of us.
They are about I I Start up that
Thaw case again. It would be
more in keeping with the season
put it off
The Democratic county
dates had a line meeting at
Bethel today. There was a large
i good speakers and much
sold .
in i.
that it i want to bi t-
leased I contract,
them to i
b it i
The storms on the
I . a is one
on Thursday as another
s towns.
s do
pub c
fund got him
trouble, no that he parted with
large a sum, but because it
was in direct violation of the
civil service w.
, . sharper
. I ell as a on
.,. .-,. Go ind got a few
checks cashed. It served to
give the city some advertising.
The death of Mrs.
Davis carries sorrow
the entire Smith, where she was
loved and honored to a degree
enjoyed, by no other woman.
the wife of the of the
Confederacy she became dear to
The Republican postmaster of
Greensboro and the chairman of
the Democratic executive
of Guilford county have
bet on the result of the
in that county. Isn't
a case-for the next Guilford
rand jury
h v b r with the
Southern p r
coll i
to w .
P f
i i
of How
e ; lit.
I, . , , believe the
could, would
every in North Car
In on th registration book
I tract from
If they d
t H
the hands
Secretary Wilson announces
that the corn crop of the year
ill exceed bu .-
he largest in the country s
ht exhibits powers of
;. ti
. e . party is re-
for it. Washington
our correspondent I
Washington D. Oct. 1806.
Some interest has been
ed by the statement that there is
a shortage of in the St.
Louis sub-treasury. That there
is either a shortage of this
amount or a similar mistake in
book-keeping is generally
and both the export
of tin. treasury depart-
and the officers of the
service have been put the
case to run down the deficiency.
There are more rumors of cab-
changes and report has it
now that Postmaster General
will be sent to the
treasury department on the re-
that i I I i . co n
u ck from St, Petersburg and in
all probability i the
general's seal the
table. Who will succeed
General Moody
the i n ii still an op-
i it is quite prob-
able that Secretary on
will be sent to the department of
justice and that some new man
will be brought in to take the
position as secretary of the navy.
The Supreme court has made
an order in the case of the Unit-
ed States Senator Burton which
will give him an interval of
about two weeks before he will
have to go to jail to serve his
sentence for before
the departments while he was
a Senator of the United
States. Senator Burton was
convicted of having acted before
the post-office department
paid attorney for the
Grain Company, and while
he claimed that he was not
violating the law, he has
E-n sentenced to pay a fine of
and serve six months in
Where tr Overdrew. Have Fallen
. fur-
n a era .- v.
ons. you
i. en I by i i road-
an in
sir. saw it very
as co
d puzzled
e n w word. 11-. r
a u
sneered the r, between
and c m ti
Bi . w i no with his own
e in . y pi duly, sir,
among the other lawyers, though
you are not
In another a blow
against the character of a
witness forcibly recoiled.
were in the company of
these he was asked.
two friends,
two thieves, I sup-
pose you
may be was the
dry retort; they are both law-
The blow that destroys the
effect of an adverse examination
is occasionally more the result of j
accident than of effort. I
In a trial not long ago a very
simple witness was in the box.
and after going through his ordeal
was ready to retire. One
Mr. . has not
in attempt been in to induce
i Lei . or
t h P
tin v
II . V .
is so
good tailoring
the a that th
their shape i-
their good I
. and
i wear
i right
, keep
Here you see
more of the
wing from Louis-
b to
n as to Lo
rs of th , n . o
p a
, an i
e age. Where will you
i, i
o the . I
from home It is for the
other is ton n o settle
Republican h i d to
i ; He
aid in day
Give them
the registration books ard every
By an occasional
General has an-
met . i hat there is i ii in
t Ties
i a
A I . was
d for the
i effective
., bi mi by th
i . I
I late ins Ii is of i m-
and causes. The on
ii to the effect i all railroads
provide I o on
which shall be posted the arrival
and departure of trains thirty
minutes before they are If
a train is late the board shall
show as nearly as when
it is expected. If indefinitely
late the cause the delay shall
also he bulletined and also an-
to the passengers on th
delayed train, t with
at . xis . n n of
i ,
I .
, o . pounds. i i
get ii g property
., pa
W. M. Jo .
P. lie, N. C.
different story to what I
have bold,
Is it not
i n your oath. I demand
to know who the persons are
who have attempted
sir, you've tried as
hard as any of was the
It ended the examination.
Majestic Range Exhibit.
Beginning on Monday, 22nd,
and continuing a week, Baker,
Hart will have another
tic range exhibit. A
from the factory will be
here to demonstrate what
excellent range will do. Every-
body is invited to call at
store and see the exhibit. Hot
biscuits and coffee will be
served to all who call. See the
large advertisement in this j
The Political ii State.
Senator Simmons is reported I
as saying concerning the
situation his
looks fine, fine. The
publican campaign in the E
ha i c for v.
causes, one being the fact
it Marion Butler Look charge.
He is n it only odious to I he
but also to a large
element of the Republicans, who
do not at all relish th
he has acquired and has
I say in my speeches I
say here now, to you, that if
Butler should now or at any time
in ten years get control of the
Legislature one of the very first
things he would do would he, to
take steps to validate the
tax bonds ard other bonds which
the people of North Carolina
have repudiated as fraudulent
A to Voting
Each voter must ha e resided
in the Sb two y
month in I county and I
months. el I in
on has no i
, i n i . four m. i I
y rote ii. precinct om
removed or which he
. prior to his removal.
if See.
designed with
rare skill by
the finest man
ors in the bus-
Our showing of high
grade gar-
for men is a rev-
advance in the sci-
of tailoring. The
best-dressed men
where are buying
these splendid clothes;
there is no why
you should stick to the
slow, expensive tailor.
And See The
New Styles.
You are as welcome to
look as to buy. We
can fit you perfectly
whether you are nor-
or unusual build.
Our prices range from
86.00 lint
r c to
be a virtue, but we can
Ht your pocketbook as
as your figure.
Frank Wilson
Furniture Problem,
We can solve it for you.
Sale Is Brisk and
Furniture Sale Claims are many a id
decide it. There is one
test. That sale is best most
that offers you
Prices on the Furniture Yo-i Want
convinced. Your; to
Pictures Framed to Order.
I ; I
i b building an I n ex
New York will spend
a creditable display at
the Jamestown e position. Her
state will one of the
Neat Job
Our specialty.
deflector Job Printing Office
is in r. C. w .
it the Reflector in
m. J
As tin- I . . me, A. G Cox Mfg o, r
and money is orders for .-
w the
din el i Baltimore
i territory
routes I
who an .
in the H
Ii i en
will e
i ii I ii. if,
J- F- Parrott. of Ki
I H. S. XI I v
a October He is one
of the leading physicians of the
us an
lie lent address. All arc invited to
i. .
Ml i
I. ,
l r,
i . ; I i . . r.
. . . be
W I.
P. Man.
E. A. Cooper wont to Green-
ville today.
Call and the large line of
shoes daily arriving at B. F
Manning Co. They will give
you bargains.
Miss Cora Carroll was. here
Friday afternoon shopping.
B. Br.
Elder Fred left
this morning to till his regular
appointment at Hickory Grove.
We mi i mil i
of we fl
to the tr. e very
B T. Cox, Bro.
N. Jacobi, of the firm of N.
Jacobi Co. of was
here Friday.
Nice sun dried apples fresh
and bright at J. B. Carroll Co.
Rev Mr. is aiding Rev.
T. N. Manning in the meetings
at the Free Will Baptist church
this week.
FOR SALE. One-half acre
corner lot with three room dwell-
conveniently located to school
and business part of town- For
particulars see
J. A. Manning.
Winterville. N. C.
J. left Thursday for
the State fair to hear
speak Friday.
Go to B. T
Cox . R . T W ,
Son's turnip and rota
bug d
Miss left Fri-
day evening for her home at
Pikeville. She will teach this
All kinds of fancy candies, just
arrived at J. B. Carroll Co.
Johns n, a student of
W. H. S. left this morning lot-
Oak City to pend Sunday with
his par
men's g
i Is
. C and o
to i
;, . of
i ii ii On
thing we f r
in. I Ci
A. G. Cox is improving the
sidewalks in front of the concrete
stores by paving it with concrete
slabs. May the time come when
all our side walks will be
ed in this way.
desk interest
to be Increasing very
Send your order to A. Q Cox M f
An old fashioned spelling
match was held in W. H. S. Fri-
day evening between Prof. Nye's
and Prof. rooms.
The contest was close and
All the students enjoyed it
as well as being greatly profited
by it. This is an excellent way
to become good spellers.
in need of
patterns can find thorn
B. Manning Co.
Hunters in need of best loaded
shells can get them at J. B. Car-
roll Co,
. i . Min. great household remedy. A eon
bl Hid Cures
i. i i ii. , i u
, V i outs
mires For at the drug
t II. T. Bro,
The deposits of the Bank of
Winterville have increased over
during the past two
weeks, thus making the
showing. Farmers, bring your
cotton on to market. We have
the money to pay you.
You will do well lo i;
A. G. Cox
r as have
not up I- -dale line aver i
Call to w lit
lei yon i-i
pi ices.
gloves We
for his
to the
Pitt my.
The you . ten do well lo
. . before
buying hi I . They
offering . i I Ids on their
Miss Helen Connor, of Mars
Hill, is . p arrive today
to take J. j . i her department
in Win.
line v
r p Ii
Was lie . u no i.
visit. i i
;. -f
p m.
Miss v ,.,. will have
ch n of part-
i ; . i r B. F.
i. She will
glad i i of
. i
an strong -t lino
shoes Winter fill
and Co.
A full i of v audit s
and fruit at t o
Tin- e in need
pants see P. and
o. ii-
We our entire I in I
I . i. low
I I . in f
them i i n I
h v i I ilia i- . n
. in . cent
ii v and i ids nu
i others w y.
are for Trunks
valises Barrington Barber and
We now i the line of
Indies umbrellas we
ii ton and
The is now groat
buggy bad an-i seats. How-
. Mfg Co., are
till your . m
. C. arc
daily orders
The in
The Youth's Companion an-
ii. ices among I he
issues n 1907 two hundred
practical papers, serviceable t-
young people who have their
way to make in their
on worthy ideals in every
relation of life, useful in the
the regular
series, the Doctor
Two hundred and fifty
stories humorous stories, char-
stories, stories of life on
the farm, in the great cities, on
the sea, in the wilderness.
Among them will be five serial
stories by five Companion favor-
Hamlin Garland, Adeline
Knapp, Ralph Barbour, Grace
and Holman F. Day.
here will be a series, also-
based upon incidents in
can history, illustrative of life
and times in America from the
ti st colonial planting to the close
of the Civil war.
One thousand short notes
concisely, clearly and
the important news of the
times in public affairs, and in the
of and industry.
Three hundred contributors
giving assurance that every need
and every taste among
on readers will be
Governor Folk of Missouri, Ed-
ward Everett Halo,
Col. T. W.
Commander Eva Booth of
Salvation army. Gen. A. V.
and Ion are
among them.
Two thousand one-minute
stones, anecdotes, bits of humor
sketches which take not more
than a minute to read. They are
always new, always well told,
and in great quest by preachers
and after-dinner speakers.
A full announcement of the
new volume will be sent with
sample copies of the paper to
any address on request. The
new subscribers for 1907 who
send for the new volume
at once will receive free all the
remaining issues for in-
the Double Holiday
Numbers; also The Companion's
Four-Leaf Hanging Calendar for
1907, lithographed in twelve col-
ors and gold.
Subscribers who get new sub-
will receive
in cash and many other special
award--. Send for informal ion.
I Companion.
Ill Berkley Street, Boston
The f the Demo-
party in . county will
speak the following times
I day. Oct.
i i
Friday. Oct.
i die. Saturday. Oct.
Black Jack, Saturday, Nov.
Hon. J. H. will
with he candidates
Hon. John II. Small will
with the a at Bet
Oct. at Farmville, Oct
and Black Jack. Nov.
Jas f
. . latest, and , i liter
Is, Woolens, rim end
Cloaks, we only have space to . u a few
but have lots goods and will pleasure in
showing you
Hake your
Dress In
and mixed,
c win
. n times
X Oct. b.
it ,
N v.
union Dockery sad
Ho v Till
. l . f- II in.-
i Hi
It. c. KI
E, See.
I will be at th.; following place
for the of
taxes fur the year 1908. All
. his luxes are requested to
an pay same.
ii n ship
v. ii,
Farmville, Farm
ill N v ck
ii. -v.
of Pitt i
. N
partnership heretofore
between the
d iii the town of e, Pits
o North Carolina, under
name of B. Pie
dissolved by mutual
r. K B, will continue
business under same name
at the same place, and we
extend to him our best
bespeak for him and his
the most liberal patron-
Persons holding claims against
the said present
tame K. Green
e. X. at once.
I his the 24th day An
I. G.
O W.
P Taylor,
newest things at
1.00,1,25,1,50 per yaM.
for ladies the
things out and the most comfortable made at
3.50 and
Percales and for
school in figures ind
1-2 and cent
our underwear is complete.
i L G
On Thursday. November 1st,
1906, m, -1. Bryan Crimes,
Whedbee, F. G. dames, the
county candidates and other
prominent speakers will address
the people on the political
of the day.
Get everybody attend on this
field day and hear prominent Pitt
county Democrats discuss the
issues of the campaign.
Brass band and other features
will make the occasion enjoyable.
F. C.
Chm. Dem. Ex, Com.
W. L. Brown, Secretary.
Bo wen
Whereas we have been false
accused of being Republics
we therefore wish to say to our
fellow citizens through the col-
i i hat
;., i
L. F. Elliott.
i. S. Ross.
in tn
K .
K. en i line Fill and
i- millinery goods
tor inspection at nine
Wednesday morning Oct.
. ., are invited to call
. i ii with the J.
R. Smith and Company.
The Misses Morrison,
Notice of Dissolution.
We, the u reigned, h i
pa i offer re
d . I.
terms and , R.
Little Co., N. C.
R. i Little,
II. Clark.
pay the i m u
, j price tor chicken i, i
corn, peas or anything in
If registration is not attended
to this week it will be too late.
Books close Saturday.
I. -I
V rt . I I. W II .-.
V i i that
.-- III vi i
th No i i
-ii i, r
mi tin i
In K-i . i
of . lit i
forth ill
hi c th iii id.-1
r. nil I ah SUCh I
i i
n of of .
r Ml
V i in i . tins I
. ,.
. i
i b-i
, ; .
i , it In i
i u town i i I . i. ml
I. K II i tin
of r
i, iii-t Um m k i
-i .- I III
k . i
My I I I
, m ml f mi
, ,. , r I l I B ill
i M ii by Hi
s R Mid III
i Thin
I u d iv of
Hy V O Attorney
Save the
lie hot weather b you
. -e
r nipper
. With
c Canned Goods, Package
Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee,
, Dandies, Fruits. as I the and buy-
i tare ea and the all saved It will take do argument to
yon of this if you visit nay and see what I carry.
You can one door
J. B

, I.
Warren F. Dan II, the wealthiest
man in ill N.
H., is in
manner. S
day a.- i
,. ,.
, .
I . i
have i
and saw I
; . if ill
The directors of the graded
n fierce were mildly surprised yes
the shoemaker. aw making to get a long letter from
in the colored
i all the ,
wherein it set
m . the board n list pro-
i -r-r for the school, the
pupils being
H. A.
I I. . i- I
, .
t in
hunted Mr. Dan el n
took supper tow ; the S
York man's i
it true ., eat i
panics r in i-
Ur a i i
thus it
r sea the j. I . I
and i tin
panics. rial I'm
i. and i i i
the n i i .
ill re
be that I
in not
same in the i i
d.-t I ,
187.1 no doubt,
i .
i and i-
tut tin
. . of the . i the
V i
hill . ; . for
if it.
t to
tin to till
w i
. as
II ., to
I its to know
for it. ill
I n-s th. the
. . I . pi Voting
Mi tin have
hours of
.- . needs an i
to him. I
being a i . There la
ways a c in ii tap
of .
in church,
o Sunday school and
the bible . Li--. The corn
Ii n an;
can for a man
E i an Cells.
the Saul
. i- that lie
.- subject to
of building I h Ii
I. the flu
. I a .
i the e was
, i . he t aid and
the who
I go without a ii the
pupils together
e to get the wood to
-.-. Monroe Journal.
i n
or i
i i. v .
cows or make the
. I
ill- or is
. re
I i, milk I he
on i.
piano sing ind
i Spirit,
i. .
i .
in .
I ,.
I I i
r . tissues i
lo try to
. he I
d i or i
. I to have taken II .
I cells for those
of m . ,. n.
Ii . to his
into tissue to give them
Tie Campfire.
tin- army
the kaiser's temporary
consist of a camp house of
In addition to steeping and
. moms, the has a large
room, h Ii serves also as
and re i i room.
tits complete
Ire i
it tin
will, by committee, in-
candidates for the
ask them to vote tor
such measures will give
chants some protection in the
the matter of Belling goods to
bad i The merchants
. re they are helpless now to
e money from men who will
pay and have nothing be-
homestead exemption.
have from time to
i asked for hotter collection
will do their best to
pledge the legislators to some
measures will give them re-
lief. Just why an honest man
should object to a law to c impel
to pay what he honestly owes
apparent At present the
i are on the side of the dead-
and the legislator who is
i i v. to enact laws to force
to pay their debts should
i be elected. Land
i imp
be x
I .
ill I
II ,.
i be .
. I lie
. . White ma
the l-i.- tor
i i .
in .
i in iv n either
i cloth
ilk, in .
I . greatest
i owes
.-t entirely j
it although
ti I, not taught all;
toil gave
v i many ago a man up
. county, with
skill, invented
for moving cotton
from old water . ins
in vogue and dumping the
into the creek. He thought
ad done his fellows a good
by making the seed
i. About fifty years ago there
. law in Mississippi forbid
my under heavy pen to
dump cotton seed into running
Cotton seed in those
days were a nuisance,
V. hat a change in the value of
cotton seed then and now A
bushel of cotton seed now will
bring about half as much as a
bushel of corn will bring when
put on the market. Instead of
being and a
poor gully-filler at that, cotton
seed nave attained a place
by the side of corn
. i lore than that r can n.
.- competes with the i
the and the-
of food. Pro
to our fathers l he
d has d d
l u , h
show in i
i I i .
forty-two Hi
n b
ii r
oil i.
ii co re
i . . h i
ton ii lard I there is
iii I fat of hog.
olive in a fancy
I with a I
ah in in with th i
i there in v
n Southern
i is going ti ran
i live oil out the .
N, U
Is humping things this year.
, III i . in
L. I and fan
of i- id burg, V.
of . . spent
night w
They left next for Dixon-
to visit Mi's. R. Dixon,
i y. t mother,
V .
II . . . , .
I . . V.
it . It
Goo. of . was
lore on his to
to attend the
his brother, O.
. i . I i
j i I
I and i j
H. L. i of Greenville,
Fas here Wednesday
with hi.-, friends.
. i
. i . I , III,
. I Hie . II. IO
ii i u you unit in
BU. O.
ii J. S. i Inns left Monday
A one bone firm
. more or
J ;. i rood I
. Lin
II .
B. G. Hi
I. Hook in
went to
Wednesday to write a large
policy. All our
ii in hustlers
an l arc known and patronized
ii. merit.
We n from the New.-, and
i lb our old friend v.
Cox, formerly of Winterville
is n int; a washing
at Wake Forest. The
demanded to mucH
Mr. C ix cam to the college
relief, We nope him
f .
are i . U
ii in the calling.
Prom now until the 27th for
i Everybody ought
and should register and then
vote the democratic ticket. Rally
boys and do the thing proper.
;. Mrs. Maggie Redditt and Mrs.
T. R. Lee. of Kinston, B.
Brown and wife, of Hobgood,
I were here this week in attend-
upon the funeral of the lit-
Alfred Nichols and his gr of Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
w, Luke are building a Brown.
3rd street. Lorenzo Warren and
is building a nice age of Greenville, have been here
on Lee street. . during the w
Mn ii n, Misses Olivia Ida G.
raw u and R. C. Cannon, C
loud, expect to L Cannon and J. A-
i A i Raleigh taking in the fair.
f Ohio, have moved to Ayden.
I will enter school at the
try to prepare the ministry, j
o, fr,,, ., . . , j,,
, well in. coil, prices now. h rooked
A. E. of has
a lot will build
at an early day.
i . at I our
em Hi i .
their I lo go i
under the ii n.
i- their independence. i
i their u to
K on George III.
hired that there
no on i-
Among the many
k attached to the doe.
are Tucker.
Tucker, I- I -i-l tucker,
Culvert, Thomas
John T
Jr.; Joseph Hutching, and
adopted u
Ii taken Into
lit tendon that h Iva
turn . ii in i port mi m .
m . stamp l
I Hint our I
; n ii to i i . ; i .
e ii colony i
ii -1 openly . . Ii
i of I mid I, which .
i ruin ;. i
em i . Ions .- . ,, . ,.
inn. lo l Hi.- . i .
on I
lo Ilia i
It m Ii ii . i .
to i. Infill .
Will HI , . ,
. .
h .
v i
hi la .
be mad .
c car.
. lea are
as ran
u give
win . c,,, ;
n t we can serve you.
Our line of dress goods is more complete this fall
special to
S shoes or women.
i i, we think
our business
e department
very pair
i , and shots for i ten, better
at and are in n to sell
r ; , lowest possible j rices. See our line of t s and roil foot st we
; SOme low Buy our Royal
v can i upon i., mattresses J
Hi ; i t
l and if you us we
treatment, action a our store or your ref
hi his l mi-
Mil i i nil hi
th h i u
e en . . ;. i
tun u
i. we will by all
and in ii. Which Divine
baa put Into our defend
In ii. full of,
arc viol in
i i of free born .
J. i I., taxed only by
of own and ii none u J p
If we to II
Hi. . m p act all
; . . i hi., rt i II lie lout and v
and our pi i In Am.
of Hi- Invaluable privilege
I- . ., toe
ed shall In r us
prop, r . up n m.
i r l
n v
V .
Leader in Low Pi
Master Hellen
opted n position in
tore of -i. Sauls.
ii j
i .
. . ti
Tl i is ii.- i
II I lie i look re
i ii Ken
i . Edwards from Hook
i yesterday and
i train a trip up
p I they sell Tc
higher and ti is
movement working to
, ,
i e l
t never lived
i by n
if i i the
K iv a ah
. i.
.Livery and
i. nice b and all
by the
. , i
in a
for his fa-
. de i
. the things are
. . n, not to
her r know n
Food and Now
ml utilize the cotton .
t ill
model I I
n . I i
look, that
A Libel on
Hue tough as we nave to get
. I j -i-if. K.
I. i, Mu
I m I ii I inly
tin-- H
i I it ii. II OH
I, . i. . -oil full
mI ill her. Na Ill
it Tn of
III i mi south
i i . r, i -i mi north
Hi t -mt I fl
i , i-t u-k
the Yankee would if el th-w-ii u. h
. , ,, i in i , more It. and
rich he COUld grOW COtton I. IV M.
.,.,. , by T. . nth,
. without the lint t HUSS t lie I I to
truth all the
in me, but I . . any-
l met. To go
has ml in comfort i m must i
row ii i that pun
ii hi pocket, with
h r .- i facing the
all the good out of the cot ion i
cotton surely would be
king. That man who Bald I
Come In and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
before i who t i
for lo i mi abrupt ac-
l OH
i outs,
. mill h
. Frank Lilly On.
U. F. Early, proprietor of the
h at this place died
Tuesday morning at
Early had been in
MOT i for several years and
to his room for
ma prior to his death.
be was a unassuming
and In high re-
He moved here from
county and previous to
war had been in
c . i He was
v of the late civil
and a staunch Democrat,
i. in the Ayden
. yesterday afternoon.
a very prosperous
of Greene county died
suddenly at his home near
Monday evening
had been in Ayden during
day and seemed to be in
good health. After sup-
he went out in his yard for
purpose and on his return
of his heart and died
Hit twenty minutes.
. L Tyson went to Greg-
i Tuesday.
i ml
i . I the
i r r Ii
. l
i . , I .
I. The h'M r
oh ii n in i-
. rd bear ii- dome on
Ii he i are
with i . and ii not
i to every oak
or of
H re
. n
rt .
In .-. n ii.
i in.
B .
I of
Dr. Joseph Dixon
Brick St.
Ayden, N. C,
w On pi,
d Fin
i w i
, , i,. ii,,
H. ii Under.
mi N. i .
j . k aw
i US r
Now is your time
money by coming t-. for
children's school requisite
pi era
e at unit ii ,, I y.
Al I I i , IS
Kill .
i in ills .
Net i
Ti a above i-. ,
t lion else n v. .-. ., h -.- .,. i .,
plus to mi In ml I; men
a n- i aid by the .- ion
She About
A examining
the Sunday of a
a few ago
the i just in of him
if any member it tell
thing the Peter. A
little girl with a face
rained her hand. up here,
little said Hie minister.
am much gratified to see that
you have
tell tin- m yon know
little tut
quite r to her
and -i, e,. et
pumpkin eater, had a and
eon Id keep her; her in
The school never nerd where he
put her on of the
uproar. l
In of Kidney, Liver or
Bladder Other
say a bottle
it t we will refund
your We say ;,; AND
full free bottle i f i K lee, id once
we have also a groat it ,.,, of dues, at
mi-hint Dainty nae SOL until pay meats of ;
for use entitles you
all tints plain or hemstitch- bottle l VA
. i 5-1
luxes on above
. ., Only a limited number of bottles
mainstay of social ,., I.
M. SAULS, Druggist.
Total outlay
rent for weeks, per
to test
me not
i Less cost above rental
an. in
At the of
Entrance fee
T paid
Less interest earned
Loans and
your wife you
cot homo so late lust
Why, boy, the dear
woman pelted me with
did you that hi ark
she to
the flower out of the pot be-
fore threw
Overdrafts Secured
Due Hanks,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
Other U. S. notes
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund 2,700.00
Undivided profits less
expenses, 730.80
Dividends unpaid . 102.00
Deposits subject to cheek, 41,003.48
Cashier's 677.87
HI I e the use
Ii yen I's Ii s cost
s now on
K AND i , i ON.
N. O Total.
I, J. K. Smith, of the do swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my and be-
lief- J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
I C ova
Notary Public
Save the Worry
The hot weather brings you
without to it by
r supper, w oh a Block of
e Canned Goods, Package
Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee,
Cakes, Candies, Fruits, Ac as I carry, the and buy-
tag are easy and tho all It will take no argument to
you of if you visit my store and see what I u
You can And me door North of
J. B

j ii
In Hollywood Cemetery at
Richmond. Va. Oct -The
train bearing the body of Mrs.
Jefferson Davis here
about half past o'clock
Boor id s met at Elba,
an u n by
a i. i. Taylor i I
i c . ed the ladies of
funeral part from Now i r
to the I fife Hotel. The
members of the Davis family
Ayden. N. C. Oct. 1906.
To the officers and members of
Eureka No. Ayden.
N. C
We your committee appointed
to draft resolutions, beg leave to
submit the
Whereas, it has pleased
Wis Providence to remove from
ti cm W. a
and bow in humble a
who came with the remains were. will of Him, our Great
Mr. a . i .
i s
and and Mrs.
A Ii,. m s
we e met Io-
., i- Vi
and I I
t . V
e i ti
people a
v. ere I con
R , C
A ; ,
After the a
was formed and the march was
taken up I t-
The procession was made
up of the Ideal of the
Seventieth regiment of Virginia
volunteers, a company from
the Richmond
local and visiting camps
of Con federate and sons
of daughters of the Con-
and Confederate Me-
Associations. There were
representatives in from most
of the States which made up the
Confederacy. the head of
the procession General
Stephen D. Lee. of Mississippi, their numbers became in many
Chancellor who what is
be it i red,
. r Broth r in-
and his family our
in their hour
I .
. we would .
n a
. . in the red
a I
things well.
Shaw is
is the
est task w God in His n
It look six thousand years to
develop a people into whose
hands He dared commit then
own political
This is a great truth, and yet
the Republican party boasts o;
its wisdom in giving the ballet t
a great horde of ignorant black
men less than three hundred
years removed from savagery
and but a few years removed
from slavery, who by virtue of
in civilian garb, as chief marsh-
all of the parade.
At the cemetery there was an-
other large gathering of people.
The service.-, which were brief.
were conducted by Rev. Mr.
Forsyth and Rev. Dr. Seagle.
The Howitzers fired an artillery
salute with the guns which were
issued to them by the
general government and two
of the infantry fired
volleys over the grave.
A noteworthy personage at
was James Jones,
a colored nun who drove the
Davis family carriage during the
war and who now lives in
N. C. He attended the
funeral of President Davis and
Hiss Winnie Davis and though
now bent and much en-
insisted on being pres-
places rulers of their masters.
The Republicans dared by
statute to repeal God's eternal
law of the races and the ages,
and now they glory in their
shame and folly. Raleigh News
d i
i e great
tut on all good things,
tin e i who constantly
seek to i For
the bet i fit of those who have
by the action of those who
have always managed to break
in at time and in a
dozen different ways cause in-
ice, we give the follow-
rules governing; the proper
use telephone, taken from
the Richmond
call a man to the
telephone for a social chat
B hours.
waste the time of
by talking longer
i .
Don't Central and
Weldon, Oct. William
Perkins, the mail cl
on the Weldon and
branch, and Miss Virginia Mi s-
grove were i
at the home of the bride at Roil-
Hill, Charlotte county, Va.
Mr. Perkins is a splendid
young man and stands high with
the officials of the railway mail
service. The bride is said to
a lovely and charming young
woman- Raleigh News and Ob-
,. Wed-
la; Mr. Perkins is a
Every charm arc grace of fern
nine I. era finds t
shoes. i fashion
frill i, , f
footwear, for are not woman's
credentials to refinement signed
by her shoes and her passport
therefore should be the
If you have never worn a try one pair. It
will work wonders in the looks of your These charming shoes
can be here in a lull assortment styles and sizes.
keep others waiting.
your number only,
is an imposition on
use office
b. r gossip over
th. . . If you must tell it,
t u the
Their Supper.
The simplest, most straight-
forward acts are often fraught
with a dramatic power which
elaborately studied art would
fail to produce. Much homely
tragedy is contained in the d d
of a poor woman related in the
Chicago Chronicle. Quietly and
modestly she entered a barroom
and advanced to her husband,
who sat drinking with
She placed a cover I dial
the table and .
you d be too busy to come
to supper, Jack, I've brought
to you here. Then she departed.
The man laughed
He invited his friends to share
the meal with him. When he
n . ired the cover from the i i h
r con- y
I . slip of paper, on which
hope you will enjoy your sup
per. It is the same your wife
and have at home.
b I
. i sot, weigh-
pound if fat, red
and id left ear.
pm-r. I J. F. Greenville, N. C.
bur i,
i H Cl . ii. I
. I. I.-
I t- K of
all the hi tin
of r. l cow, i ho.-, i
t r n and
i pl w, ha if f.-. i I wag
E Pia
The cloaks and furs are here in great abundance of
trices. We have the newest
L .-
Ml A
Ml W
Need no mending. They are the
stockings for Winter.
Never wrinkle or come down as they fasten securely
at the waist. They are made of the best yarns and
only are used in their
Roll and
No, -It sizes price only
No. size-. to price only
No. sizes in
No. 23-t price only
We heartily recommend that you give Fay Stockings a
i air
J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
For Betterment of Public School
in Pitt County.
I Reported for
On Saturday Oct. 13th. at the
graded school. Greenville, N. C.,
I was organized the Woman's As-
for the betterment of
public school houses of Pitt
I county.
The meeting was called to or-
by Miss Dora Hornaday.
pro. tern. The first
business in order was the election
of officers.
The officers elected are as fol-
President. Miss Betty
Wright; vice president, Miss
Dora secret and
treasurer. Miss Annie Perkins.
president, rice
and secretary retired
to select i ,
Prof of l, spoke I
very fittingly Dr. t
founder and promoter of this
Misses Boushall, L. Mooring.
i Blanche Mayo, Ada Ward, Eula
j Cox, Mrs. Bobbitt together with
the officers constitute the j
committee. This committee
was instructed to draft a j
for the approval of the
j association before its next meet-
The officers of the teachers as-
have kindly consented
to give the last half hour
meeting for a session of the
Womans Betterment Association.
The township vice-presidents
are as
Beaver Dam Miss Dell Clement
Miss May Brooks,
Bethel Miss Elizabeth Jones,
Carolina Miss Anna Spain,
i Miss Addie Johnson,
i Miss Mollie Bryant,
Falkland Miss Mary Brown,
Miss Ada Tyson,
Greenville Miss
Miss Ireland
Swift Miss Lilly Pair
These vice-presidents are re-
quested organize, as best they
can, an association in their re-
townships before the
November meeting of the
The-Woman's Betterment As-
Li not merely for the
but for every woman of
Pitt each woman should
be vitally interested in the pub-
He schools of her county, for it
to public schools we look
for our future citizenship and
So far as improving the
of . is c we,
las teach I
In ii . cl
i V, ithe re.
i ask your help.
V kins secretary.
Young Lady Finds Lost Ring Through
a Vision.
you ever know a dream
to come Royce Tucker
asked the editor the other day.
was the reply
have you got something to tell
about one coining
Whereupon he said, that one
of his lost a linger ring
somewhere in her room, and
though she searched diligently
failed to find it. Afterward she
went into the country for a visit
and while away Miss Tucker
dreamed that her ring was under
a tablet on the bureau in her
room. Returning hone she
looked at the place indicated in
her and, sure enough,
th u as the ring.
Perhaps some ether of our
. can tell as re-
markable an incident of a dream
coming true, if so let us have it.
by Tribe I. O R. M.,
N. C.
Whereas the Great Spirit has
seen fit to visit the home of our
brother, J. F. Harrington, and
take from him his little son.
Theron, be it
1st. That we bow in humble
submission to the will of the
Great Spirit and rely upon him
alone who can comfort.
2nd. That extend
bereaved family our
sympathy, trusting
they can no longer whee
trails of this life bet
reunited with they
the shores of tho Ha
Ground, where the council
fire of love forever in
3rd. That a copy of these res-
be spread upon our rec-
a copy be sent to the be-
family and a copy be sent
Reflector for publication.
J. A. Manning, f Com
E. A. Cooper. I
Bethel. N. C. Oct.
The Democratic speaking here
Saturday was well attended.
M. O. Blount is Laving a two-
story dwelling house erected near
he d This will be quite an
addition to our little town.
Mrs. Elizabeth L. of
Bethel, died on the 15th inst., in
the 71st year, of her age. She
had been in feeble for
some time. She left two sons
and many friends to lament
their loss.
Missionary Rally Day was ob-
served at the Methodist church
yesterday, it being the th
Sunday. The program which
m elaborate n
in- in a creditable manner,
evidence of
fact that the children had be
well trained. It was a d
occasion, and everybody seemed
to enjoy it.
How to Get On.
Say. do you know the kind of
man who's just to the world's
mind. The kind the world
lose. The kind that folks grow
enthusiastic over and take oil
their hats to
Why, it's the nun who does.
He's the man Not the fellow
G. James and , Chemist Intends to Fill, Issue an Appeal to Men.
people of Men With Strong . The following been
county on tho political issues of
lay. congress will co sent to it, the reformatory com-
et everybody attend and hear Harvey Wiley, chief of the King's Daughters
chemist of the department of this .
curate a the Men of North
r. C. Harding,
Chm. Dem. Ex. Com,
W. L.
to The of
f alcohol on the North Carolina, at their last
a com-
f . I , T
been course, i of
pi at and Mrs. Nannie is an idea
the sole of strong is i by
what f t
i . I in this i
in v. . . . . d
The N. C. Division C. A. to Organ-
in Districts.
i . . mow
fit pi known
. . . Wiley
hard, facts,
the state i .
. your
careful in-
i i ; We
i no e
than one .
in this
i or
in i
n this work
whose grandpa
there; not
the man who would if he could;
not the gentleman i
to some man
does, now, today. Frederick
burg Journal.
Request to
In a few days The Reflector
will begin sending statements to
subscribers of what they owe the
paper. Those who feel interest-
ed in saving us the trouble and
expense of sending these State-
can do so by coming in
and paying without for
the statement. Rut if you do
get a statement please attend to
it promptly, as th i money due us
is needed.
conference today with all forms of alcohol, from the real
few months to devote their from hard and to
forts to district rather than straight whiskey, then to the
organization. President Moore highball and then cocktail.
to central points in the and from that delicious
cotton belt and
gather together the county
in the adjacent counties
for conference and carry on
through the the work of
cation in the bringing of the rank
hie of the cotton growers
into the fullest possible
in the work of the
first of these district
meetings is to be held within the
next week or two
to the finest
Whispers have been heard that
another poison squad was r-out
to begin doing business in Dr.
Wiley's laboratory. Dr. Wiley
confirmed the report today.
is he said,
time we shall use food products
I then explained the salt-
peter squad will be on trial for
about four weeks. For the first
two weeks they will be fed the
purest food, and in the last two
Our Neighbor Town Has Cause to be weeks they will get the saltpeter.
Pi or Milkman
by Three
. Lester B.
of a small
hi life a necessities,
In. i i thrust upon him.
Within six months three
have died, leaving him
First two aunts living in the
west passed away, making
Tis sole beneficiary of their wills.
Then a brother, who left home
when lad to follow the races,
died, after naming Harris the
sole their. The brother left
more th in 8100.00
Mr. and Harris, who have
four children, celebrated their
good and their twenty-fifth
wedding anniversary the other
day. They moved into
town to a finely furnished home
from their little rented farm.
At celebration Mrs.
i e a Worth gown that cost
hundreds of dollars. Among the
gin s's were patrons of
old route.
Marriage License.
-of D R. Williams
I following
i .
id Mary A.
Edward Smith am Maud Ty-
Lonnie Williams and Lela Bar-
William and Pearle
Again t Standard Oil
Ohio Thirty
Two Hours.
Findlay, Ohio,
the of . jury t
aid i of
u ti r y r.
in viol pi t
tine a I law
The penalty i a fine of from
.-. to S H. lay iv-
for . of the of-
e, it if from
six to I v. m i.
The Standard of
Ohio, ha given notice that it
will file a motion for a new trial.
The next step will be for the
. to impose the
To state, the suit, the
and the appeal is
important particularly because
it initiates an entirely new
method of proceeding against
alleged trade
is by confirmation and affidavit
instead of by grand jury indict-
After the verdict had been
read. Attorney stepped up
to the bar of the court as the
jury was leaving the box and
said he wished to make the mo-
for a new trial in the case.
He was assured by the court
that the motion would be enter-
whereupon he returned
to his hotel.
Pr of Such an Institution,
rt of a day
An Unusual Case
Wilkes is hard to head. About
two weeks ago Mitchell Wood
went to Pres Hayes, in Mulberry
township, and sold him a calf to
i license u
Gene I gins. Next day
he was d, went back,
i i id ti
the calf home. A few days later
he again took the calf to Pres,
got the money and came to town
and bought the license. He was.
married soon afterwards, but
his bride refused to go home
with him and still refuse to live
with him. It is something new
in the marriage line.
A wreck occurred
the A. . at Dunn Friday
nigh. . o'clock,
tor . a
The cause of th
i p
it H if the,
few Lei beam ; id v
i , .
nU groove by
railing the engine ii I
its piling the freight ear
on it and the
i fireman, con and
. in under the a
had bi en
in the employ of the company for.
eleven years was held in
high i. by the company. He
and unmarried
and lived at Florence, S. C.
Damaging Cotton.
The recent rains have done
still further damage to cotton.
Farmers coming in say that seed
are sprouting in the burr.
We a day in
our first
visit to that town in a number
of years. The progress the
town has made is almost marvel-
The business section of
Main street has been nicely
The Best Christmas Present for a Little
When your Christmas present
is a year's subscription to The
Youth's Companion you give as
much in good reading as would
paved and beautiful brick stores v,. ,., ,,.
the. V history or travel or
there . ., .
No, v.
relics bong
ii pleasant to nine
changes, what
i the splendid hos
that d r
th I th
in char re D. T. and
ii r two of the best
bi id in the
East. We were shown through
the institution by Dr.
Taylor, and much
heard of it we were not prepared
for such a revelation.
The building i . el. . one
of two stories and
m d mo I g
have been contribute n
to Tin i . lion, i need
u r r that The Companion
will i or
co . boy. the girl, every
other member of the family,
will insist upon a share in
There i other present costing
so little that goes so far.
On receipt of 31.75, the yearly
subscription price, the publishers
send to the new subscriber The
Companion's four leaf hanging
District Meeting of Superintendents.
Prof. W. H. left this
morning for Windsor to attend
the meeting of the North
tern Association of county
of schools This
association embraces twenty-
two counties in this section of
the State. Prof. is
president of the body and has
been since its organization.
An Matter.
It is the duty I lento-
in Pitt to
once his name v i th
registration books two years ago.
Those who have moved from one
precinct to another should get a
certificate from the registrar of
their old precinct and see that
their name is enrolled on the
books at their present precinct.
large enough to care for ,,,,,,,,. fol.
patients at one time. It is fa
heated throughout by steam and certificate for the
fitted for gas and electric I of the
Full illustrated
of The Companion for 1907 will
be sent with sample copies of the
paper to any address free.
Subscribers who get new sub-
will receive
in cash and many other special
awards. Send for information.
The Youth's
Boston, Mass.
lighting. The wards, halls, of-
reception and operating
rooms are appropriately fur-
the of surgical
Instruments and medical
is the science
and skill have produced. There
are fourteen trained nurse; con-
with the hospital, not all
engaged at the same time in at-
tending the patients, but a re-
serve force kept to be sent out Berkeley Street
on call where their services are
it in nursing the sick, Its
, , ,. ,., ,.
has grown so in
favor. It is a credit to the
physicians and attendants in
charge as well as to the town of
Washington. We long for the
time to come when Greenville
can have such an institution
Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Tennessee and Virginia. Why is
not North Carolina on th . list
Her boys are as well worth
as others, her men and
women as and
yet her criminal i are
hardened . ire
by association with those more
vicious than ourselves or have to
be sent to other stat s f r
that there m ., be no
doubt of the duty and
ency of having a re for i school
in this state, we mention the
following statistics;
The majority of are
that they save per cent of de-
in their
The percentage is much
i-i the case of youthful than
adult offenders. In some cases
pet cent, and more of the
youthful criminals are re-
claimed. In Nashville, a
n in the presence of the re-
form stated that of the
1,800 only had been
known n I urn to
Prom in
f .
ii Is
r . n d,
of ts, Tl i
our ;
sax to SO.
A boy is clothed,
Ii in . at
a cost of is paid annually lie ling
If the weal h do-
pen's upon its i rs, W in-
crease i lass Ly
boys co n t e
i, ind in I k i a
the if. i um-
be fed and the
Ci me t- aid n a ave
the boy . by i r i that t leg-
in an
for em.
The Ladles Aid .
; .
. i.
n will
The moon would shine if it
had a chance.
Just think of it, Christmas only
two months off.
day. Oct, at
noon. II G.
V. Who I the
Chm. t ,
L Brown, try.
Ohio has i
to erect a building ex-
at the Jamestown

Eastern reflector, 23 October 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 23, 1906
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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