Eastern reflector, 5 October 1906

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teal is
n likely
teat to
on through
back. Size
Ml. K. A.
huh K.
d on
i scar
de by any la-
ii the skin;
our H
Bl I
bail body t r .
I i made a
Worn here is no
that Bent
out i
scar doe- not indicate six
that s a wound, i- die
kin retracts. It is a scar
I ill that was lift
aid healed by . n I
c- not a; If a hail In Ins
Recalled- I
Monday alter trouble,
went to Joe Williams, who
for to get
went i s to get key
Tom cap was
own v. i i t be cap
won at tit, his
cap had white buttons on ii.
Character of Teal is good. Some-
time after the while capping he
told me he recognized two of the
parties as and
Teel me i two
the it very
week following the I
went with deputy lo
in custody we with him
to bis room in clothe, in
changing he baled from
waist up; saw ii. wounds on
f . r. vs.
I went out to arrest
I. K.
n i
both shifts;
to -a o
h war-
character is
This i t-irony on i
both sides.
court that speeches would
made on each side, Judge I
advised time
Ci in it no
exceed on each side.
. T. made
opening tIt
St and said he i as i
all the most case
bad ever i sUrd III
His made a i
and was folio-
ed II. W.
the speech for
speech the
of the after, session f
the com
At ;, session
of Court -ii.; e- w p b
and Pi- mil
tor defense, Li i. -tame, Solicitor Slav.
good for -i eel
Got, Aycock t- ; e to
speak alien., lie I
close the argument th
to followed by Judge S
charge j
s M.
Teel me follow-
In seemed
distressed said he would tell
about later. Afterward
he told me recognized
and i
a . .
A Ml It
Wat .- .
after i
lug I,
was in
ft . nut did not
w ho they were.
Recalled i told T. W.
If bis brother
would Sta he
could act ; d d.
The . closed.
W. i was recalled for
said lie defend-
arts . . i. toe Monday
We have taken up two Shouts
one black male with no ear mark
one red female With ear marks,
weight about BO pond
Owner can get same by paying
charges. J. other
Ii. V Kn l. C,
Dr. H. I. Char
N will lie
Hotel Oil.
l . , Ku-
Oct. 12th, in
Oct. 10th. for the e
m and throat, ii.
Two hundred and
In a i
mill S. Good
i to C. W. .
Tarboro, K. c.
I have taken up .;
d i
c gt t i
pro; , at j
May. G
I i
n n y.
. i i
i i
and H p
R r
Dru; Mi c. A
charge at Id
i i .
the .
a . Thrower South
Arabian Acrobats
I hi Merit. T
ii- , all
V Herd . I
Only herd
. d cattle. Two
10.000 people sun and rain
seats Mm day Coward k .
and Free Street parade with-
o'clock a.
, -v i. n
Store News
And look through our mammoth stock before buying. Each article
merchandise has been selected with great care as to quality, style
price durability, and the usual high standard excellence ha
been maintained.
The New Cloaks and Rain Goats
are coining in every few days, the variety is great and we are offering
some splendid values. Ladies Full length Rain Coats, well made in
the latest styles, double breasted, belt eel, and trimmed with
braid for 85.50, the better grades run up to and includes the
new style.
The New Dress Goods.
are ready for your inspection, the showing includes the season newest
offerings, such as Broadcloth, Batiste. Voile, Serge.
ma, Mohairs. Flannels. Wool Mixtures and Plaids, ask to
see special Chiffon Broadcloth at yard.
The Silk Department.
is and sparkling with good values, 86-in Crepe de
double width in lovely shades for yard.
Crepe de in perfect shades for yard.
Silk in black and colors is worthy of your attention, price
yard. New Plaid Silks in all shades and combinations.
The Notion Department.
Contains lie newest of the seasons novelties in Fancy Back Combs.
Belts, Shopping Bags. Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Hosiery.
Ribbons and Underwear, Ladies lO-Button length Black Kid
Gloves pair. and Colgate Talcum Powder box.
Colgate Dental Powder box. Cashmere Bouquet Soap cake
The Ladies Home Journal patterns for fall and winter are here, price
The Fall Fashion Book and Fashion Sheets
ill not regret paying this store a visit, for we have many inter-
to show you.
D J Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Bill's Wild West Show.
THe far . i-t
Pawnee Bill how. which will he
in Greenville Saturday, Oct. 6th,
are mere interesting than the
public generally
a a
learned that leaver
life's time and
I. who have of the are
given an opportunity of coming
contact with people are only
known to them described by
travelers and explorers. It co. J
by every one that it the
most complete assembly of strange
people that have ever been
brought Not only the
opportunity given to see this con
of n it but the unheard
of opportunity to study their mode
of living, their industries, tinny
at range and manner of
warfare. The far east baa always
been tn Interesting and the
many t range and weird tales that
writers of have related of the
inhabitants of that tut away clime,
have been woven Into prose
ind poetry. The tales of
and have not
Ibsen one bit by
writers for made
dent by the and
cloth that many of these from the
Orient the Bill Shows
i There are others, particularly
South Sea I-
Australian and
Island whose
wearing apparel is not so gorgeous.
There is but of it, for in their
clothing is but little thought
of. A breech cloth, string of neck
beads and nova ear rings
t but
corning in .-.; i. t with the
of has been
. when in
mock battle their
religions they have
condescend in wear beautifully
woven grain In the
huge tent d the congress
of nations, have an horn
before the performance in the
arena adjoining and inure can e
of world's strange
people in Mine, than during a
time from i-o ks.
Complaint of Changing
There is m among
who sending children
to the because of the
wholesale change of books that has
been made graded school
here not r to us the
adopted the State board,
there seems to be
the complain at the change. The
people bad already purchased a
apply of boo s for last session that
were hence they com
plain at having to no throw away
those a my go to the ail-
no t buying new
coastal of North Caro-
stretching back from the At
for a distance of
more to the highlands of the Pied
plateau, a region of many
great none of
which are more important from an
standpoint than the
underground water supplies now in
investigation by
branch of the United
States geological survey. The
studies have already demonstrated
that there are few in this
region where good water not pro
curable, and at many points
are favorable for obtaining
supplies. These artesian
flows are specially strong in the
lowlands along the coast. It is
probable that all of these waters are
suitable for domestic use, but some
contain ingredients harm-
in certain lines of
The work now being carried on
includes a of geologic
conditions which govern the occur-
of the underground water, a
determination of the depths to
various beds, and
estimates of the quantity of
they may be expected to
yield- The quality of the water is
also being investigated. Special
effort will be made to indicate the
uses for which the available supplies
are best fitted, and in places where
the waters are inferior in quality
better supplies will, if possible, be
It is probable that sufficient ad-
data will have been collect-
ed by the field men this summer to
enable the publication of a report
during the winter. This report will
avoid far as the discus
mission of technical questions, and
the matter will be so prepared and
that those interested can
readily obtain from it detailed in-
formation concerning quantity
and quality of the ground waters of
any part of the area. Copies of
tins report will be obtainable with-
out cost on application to the Di-
rector of the Survey at Washington,
D. C
i i t.
i the i
In c
Of ed; also
. . i
at on h op
Store Improved
J. i. M have ha I
the old front, in en
out and replaced with a hand
a much bet appearance.
Opens With Large
The graded school opened
morning with an attendance con-
than that of any
previous year. All grades are
well attended, and it was especial-
gratifying to note the splendid
enrollment in the upper grades,
was present, made
a brief well received talk to
the children.
teachers are as
Misses of Milton, N. C
of Wade, of
Kan Pa.,
of ill
Cox, o
ville, and Mi K R
. k
n pub in honor
of the Dr. on
Of ill will
. d, a Dr.
was well known In Green
Meeting With Greenville Baptist
Saturday morning's of
the Roanoke Union was opened
with devotional by T. L.
The moderator appointed G. L.
Merrill, J. W. Nobles and U J.
Austin a committee on time and
place of next
G. E. of
in the Association, was
corned to a scat in the and
to participate in the
J. W. Nobles. G. E. Lineberry,
H. A. J. E. G. T.
ii G, L. Merrill made
helpful and interesting on
the subject of discipline.
T. J. Crisp, J. T. and J.
E, made valuable
on pastoral
The afternoon Saturday
opened devotional exercises
by T. J.
subject of revivals
methods in conducting them was
discussed by J, T. Jenkins and G-
L. Merrill.
G. T. spoke the
work at Farmville and a committee
consisting of W. H.
Noah Biggs and T, L. Vernon
together with A. G. Cox. of the
to look into the advisability of
curing a lot and a house
of there immediately.
T. L. Vernon power in
and how to obtain it.
The giving
discussed by H. A. Willis, J.
K. and G. T.
missions was the
subject before the Union at
day evening session. G. T.
kin of
among Baptists River
especially in
of Roanoke Union. W. II.
spoke the special needs
to meet these
money, more men, mire wisdom in
of missionaries and
fields of operation.
Sunday morning a mass meeting
was held in n the
Sunday school. The addresses
were in the interest of the orphan-
age at by H. A
Willis, T. L. Vernon G. T.
the ad-
dresses a collection was taken for
orphanage amounting to some
At o'clock G. T.
delivered an address on the sub-
of State missions.
In the afternoon the subject of
missions was by
T. L. Vernon, H. A. and
G. T.
Sunday evening a sermon was
delivered T. Jenkins.
X g.
R. T Bell, mi Elizabeth City,
the Mr. and Mrs. J.
O. week.
Mr. and Mr. O. G. left
Monday In from
there will g. t. the for
their health. Mr. Calhoun has
been sick we hope he
will much improved.
Hon. Udent the Charitable Brother-
hood, lectured in behalf of the C.
B. H in the Hall here
Sunday morning.
Mrs. G. Whaley, who ha
been sick for several
slowly Improving,
A anted at cents per
dozen. Beaufort Co. Lumber Co,
We are glad to see P. H.
the street again.
W. A. Stilley, of Goldsboro,
Tuesday night town.
Dr. L. E. Tuesday
in Greenville on business.
The Methodist revival will be-
gin the third Sunday in this
month. Mr. Hornaday, of
Greenville will assist Mr. Stan-
Preston who has been
in tie of B. C. L.
Co., has gone to Rocky Mount,
having secured a position there.
Tery, of Norfolk, spent Mon-
day in town.
H. M. Jenkins, of Washington,
spent the day here Wednesday.
R. Williams, W. L. Brown and
W. J. Homes, of Greenville, at-
tended Masonic here
T. B. who baa
been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
J. O. Bobbitt, baa returned to her
J. P. and W. T. Harrell
spent Sunday in Washington.
Jack spent Sunday after-
noon very pleasantly at Mr. Car-
Messrs. Mitchell, of New Bern,
Little, of Washington, Davis, of
City, of Charlotte,
F. P. Stalling, of Richmond,
Duke, of Suffolk, town last
Building and Loan.
The directors of the Home
Building and Loan Association
were in monthly session
afternoon. There was not much
except hearing the report
of the secretary and treasurer.
This was most gratifying
showed the good work the
is doing. A new series will
begin in
and hooks for subscription to
the stock will open in a few day.
Tie Hist series is carrying nearly
a thousand abates and the second
series is also exp to be large.
tint they not doing what i
for them to if
I d
en.- on i L in all
were t . and the
i . one i i
Farmers Should Use Their
The Farmers Consolidated To-
Company continues to main-
its line record in leading the
Greenville tobacco market on high
prices. According to the report of
the secretary of the Board of Trade,
during the month of
were sold on this
market pounds for
an average of per
hundred pounds. Of this Con-
sold 981.164 pounds
91,722.02, an average of a fraction
over per hundred pounds.
Deducting what the Consolidated
sold from the total of the mar-
leaves pounds for
an average of
per hundred, which gives the
cents per hundred, higher
than all the other houses obtained
A further of these fig-
discloses the fact that
of cents per hundred
pounds obtained by the
ed put more in the pock
of the farmers who with
company than if they had sol
with other warehouses. At the
same time i t can be i that this
difference of cents per hundred
pounds on what was sold at other
was a loss of f 3,345.52 to
those farmers who did not sell with
the Consolidated. The figures
speak for themselves, and the won-
that the go on losing
money like this on a crop they have
worked hard to make when they
could easily save it. By the
old adage dollar saved a
The benefit the is to
the farmers Dot end with get-
ting them higher prices than other
warehouses, but all who are stock-
holders in it receive their share of
the profits arising from the
in cash dividends at tho end of
the season. In three years these
dividends have aggregated per
cent, and this year will carry the
total up to at least per cent. It
looks like every tobacco farmer
ought to able to ace that it
would be to his interest to have
stock in tho and sell
his tobacco their ware-
houses. When prejudice takes
out of your pocket it time
to throw to the
Tho Farmers Consolidated To-
Company is admirably con-
ducted on business principles, and
it is tho beat organization for far-
that has over yet been put on
Grimesland, N.
Tuesday morning Ben
Mayo Warren of
Grimesland, gave a most plea-ant
boat party to the guests of Mrs. J.
O. Proctor, Misses Palmetto and
Julia Taylor and Fannie
The boat left Ferry for
Washington where the
served cold fruits, etc., as
an to n
repast to come. Tl o barn yard
fowls were
of occasion, and it was said
that the generous host managed
the disappearance of two entire
chickens. The cake was
fine and every one took a
generous share.
The party went on a sight see-
expedition at Bay Side where
the sights were
numerous lumber mills.
From here went to Aurora
where they were met by Mr.
Mayo, who entertained them moat
royally at his home. Toe follow-
morning was spent taking
pictures and noting places of in
this charming little
village, where every one seemed
interested the pleasure of
From here they visited the his
little burg of Bath. After a
good at the Water's House,
they went to see church
in North Carolina,
church. This venerable old
well the wear of
ages and good for several
to come.
From Bath they went to
and registered at Hotel
for The carnival
was center of excitement
where confute battles raged thick
and every one had at least one
mouthful of the pink and blue
From Washington the party had
a beautiful tide back to
Grimesland. The
expressed themselves as
had a most enjoyable time.
every w j.
.Thia la rough awl on open
cotton H
h .
vis tractive
p ;. men
since one in. f of t the Chi
in the mi of I
Baptist ti ; a
denomination l as
est responsibility.
But, whit there
many Baptists are
and the contributions show
. i
Will in Raleigh.
The Wake County
Protection Association
will meet in Raleigh on the 0th,
and L. Joyner, president the
. Ida ed
. has ;
invited to I
I i of his
Farmville, N. C, Oct.
graded school opened today
with bright prospects for the
rare, is a thriving
little town, if yon don't it
why just give her a call.
Herbert Bundy improves very
Mrs. Burt Smith is very much
We have learned that H. W.
Wilkinson is going to move to our
town. Come, Mr. Wilkinson, we
are glad to have just such men as
you are.
Frank Tyson sister,
Rosalind, reported a good time
while ii . g Mrs.
Willie .
. .
the .
. I
.,;. I in
i a as an e . and
the to the
mi a inter-
n lull enthusiasm
Late are growing rapidly
i North Carolina,
and with such well equipped
j men as they have in the
Union they to
go forward with increased
the mo
i i by
B . . were I
i i an
pound-. total sales for Aug-
and x, tho sea-
son v . ; 1,348 pound,
illy i . that
. b lie
couldn't keep it and that it
was a

PM I n ll
Dry Goods, Millinery and C
J T -n Hats and Millinery
I- .
I I I ; , i
Clerk Court of Pitt
. undersigned, on the day of
on the t
lo- I hereby
to the Estate lo make o
the and all tors raid,
present their
to the undersigned,
t-r the date of Not ice. he
Notice will be plead in bar I
Tills the day of Sent
K. i i
on t he of
P. O. James Atty.
I lat. i ,. one gild
k i .
BO pounds,
in ,.
f in by proving pr id p I
l l.
Near Track,
N. C,
Sake .-, .
I have taken up two male shoal
running my Id, one black
one pi in .,. ipounds enc . h mark
round ,. n ,
i in M ft. . tier i
get name idem . and
H'S B. v. . land, X.
Tl a i a i
r I, o
wishing to .- i-
town 111- ii ii i,. kind, will do a ell
lo call on mi office Green
ville, N. C.
I i
Lemuel Ti i-
Tie win take
been c- u in. i , -i In Hi ,
of lilt tor ft divorce the
mi i iii--
ii- n hi-
i . i.-xi of tin-
wild to I e on lbs Mini-
the i Hi d
r of
i-t in N.
In action,
will to Court the relief
in en
Toll day i-iii.
Clerk s Court
Julius Brown,
ii .-i
To Return,
count Coming and
and final limit Sept,
Ii. I'm -fur; her call
n new ; Ticket A gent or
T. C. White
W. .;.
Mai r.
a, in. for Greenville; leave
Com j id W i Ion
Norfolk road for
New York, Boston and all other
North. Connects a Norfolk
with points West.
Shippers should order their
via Norfolk, care
hours subject to
limit notice.
Agent, Green-
H. C. General T.
f. Agent, Norfolk.
M. K. KING, V. P. M.
the of
Pin fr
r i Grimes, colored to
th.-ii who tin on
July. the Town
and in th.- of
with and lie r hi
t hi ran
in i ii . The raid
he i t ; i
hi n very
a. habit i f
and c or So ears iii. i
lead i . i-.
in r f the
U f r
w n. i Mayor
a a iii Morin .- . i I an
i . and
Mil V , i It I
. i I nil . i I . ill N
. in ii I. i . . l
win . l ll Hi I b the i i
i .,. . ; .-
I ii i . i I . . I ;. l . i re
i i i t t i ltd I'M t
t . , . i t. . I ii. fill, i -r
i i . i . i . i i v i
ii Li. i I e . i I in i i. Mk
h j I in i . n i
. I t. III J i l . I I . I i U
. ; i-I i i ii j at i l laid
Deed. of i ale earn.
Thin I'll,
.- i
. h .
, J art i i i
This is Worth Reading
Suppose You Stop and See
Greensboro, N.
Mrs Joe take pleas-
ore in stating that your Remedy
ban entirely cured our of
a very bad case of eczema, which
covered a great part of her body,
bad eczema from
the time she three weeks old,
she was six years old, She
snow perfectly well and, I feel
hat I can not speak too highly of
t sin- not had a of
i for six years. Respectfully,
and Printers
on v bi patents
. j we
can Col-
I and thinker, in d make
fully d as now
v. hon
or I on the hot
ml i lead
I., s, i
i I in
I .-. per
. till ; .
I in , i be
on a
F Iv Cc
, ll
J th
i ii a r t i
North Caro
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison It ha it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
page a
oil i Into tin- forest
But tin one had
round It to do before lied. The
Flemish bud pref I his
I i hi i;
he hi i hi r
brain, and nun. war cry. be
waved blood weapon
his head sod n Into inn w re
knelt. IV
aw a limit Joy
in Ins eyes. II, rose to him,
he rush, I in he Bred both bar-
of his pistol Bastard's
An instant Inter a of
rushed over the writhing body, the
captives fell warm friendly hands
which grasped their own, and, looking
upon the smiling well known faces of
Amos Savage and Du Unit,
knew that peace bad to them
at lust.
And so the refugees came to the end
of the mils their i for that
winter was by in peace at
Ste. Mario, and in the In-
having carried the war to the
upper St. Lawrence, the travelers were
able d Into the prov-
so lo
the . Ni where n
warm welcome awaited them the
of The
between die two men was now so
together by
lo I-
At the close of business June 1906.
Loans and discounts 124,386.82
Overdrafts 681.12
partners in trading, and the
Of the . c at hist
as , in the of
Urine and on
it had . . in the salons
of allies.
As to Captain Ephraim Savage, he
returned safely to his beloved Boston,
where he his ambition by build-
himself a fair brick upon the
rising ground in the northern part of
whence he could down
Up ill the In tilt river
the bay.
The manor of Ste. Marie
was restored to former pros-
hill Its was from the
day he had lo.-t his wife and son a
Changed man. He grew leaner, fiercer,
less human, forever beading parties
which made their way into the
woods which the
ages themselves In terrible
of their deeds. A day came at last
when he sallied out upon one of these
expeditions from which neither be nor
of his men ever returned.
Curious Climatic Conditions
In Siberia.
Sakhalin, on the eastern coast
of S presents n very curious
anomaly of climate. The island is
bathed by two cold ocean currents,
in winter nothing protects
against the icy northwest winds
touting from Siberia. AI the sen
I the i falls .
the ground till i end u
May. the seashore ii very cold.
Farther inland, however,
as high up, i . male is
th i to I.
is ii. elsewhere. often
observed in Siberia n id in
central Europe that i inter
is greater in the ; is and
the valleys, and the highlands
have u iii milder b era
Ii is as if the denser cold
lated in the lowlands. This fact is
very .- in our climate.
There are . very good ex-
of it. Ail the trees and
shrubs of a valley have been Known
lo lie killed by frost, while above
a certain very clearly marked
out, on the mil or the mountain, the
vegetation not suffered all.
The i ,, r often flows from the
toward their bases.
is what takes place at Sakhalin.
they soon The air ,,
the . ,, . , , . ,,
regions of the island and on the
coast. The higher regions have a
elevated temperature. So it
happens that the lower parts have
an arctic ion, while the in-
altitudes have the
of a temperate zone, some-
times subtropical.
birch, the ash, the pine, the
fir abound in the low regions and
form often impenetrable forests,
but toward the i enter of the island
appear bamboos, hydrangeas, azaleas
and other plants that one is greatly
surprised to meet and whose pres-
can he explained only by the
altogether abnormal climatic
of the island.
Due from Ranks
Silver coin National
and other U. S.
Capital stock 5,300.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits 1,174.30
Bills Payable 6.000,00
Time certificates of
deposit 2,309.50
Deposits subj. to check 32,799.21
checks out-
standing 72.57
Certified Checks 28.20
of J u
I. H. H Taylor Cashier of the above named solemnly
swear that the above
and belief.
statement is true to the best of my
H. H. Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to be-
ore me, this day of April
1906. Sam. A. Gardner
Votary Public
M. O. It LOU ST.
Loans Discounts
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Gold coin
Silver coin
Nat, notes 8,170.00
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits
Bills payable
sub to check
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the bank, do solemn
swear that the above statement is true to the bust of nay
knowledge and belief.
Sub scribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this day Sept.
Notary Public.
Cyrus Smalls time largely spent
In discovering the I
Ins of things animate and Inanimate,
while Mrs. Small, as it seemed, was
equally vigilant attempting
forward something of which she could
say. you can't pick flaws
she this happiness
would be hers. A certain roan In
inherited wealth under be
circumstances. It was his
the law. hut when the court award-
ed It him lie stood up said that.
In view of all the in the ease, he
believed that property belonged of
right to another heir. His action was
looked upon as a one.
Mrs. Small was loud In her
of praise.
said her husband,
a tine tiling. Few men would
have done It, and why he felt
so awkward to stand up there am say
what be did. lie showed ho felt
embarrassed by the way be
Small. I should hope you
would not Bud his
when he was doing such a grand
no; I have no wish lo
said Cyrus, if hail been on the
platform, all those people, I
should tried to too out a little
Settling a Bet.
The quiet of the room in which
the answers to queries editor
was disturbed by the entrance of
two half grown One of them
his hat addressed
and this feller have made a
lie said, we've agreed to
leave it to Ho bets that if all
the turkeys that was last Christ-
mas was placed in a line they would
reach around the world, and I bet
they wouldn't. Who's
have, my answered
the man in the chair. might
placed a mile apart and
Neat Job Printing
Our specialty.
Reflector Job Printing Office
The Way,
The late C. Paige had at one
as a the son of a very
particular friend, a pleasant, gentle-
manly young fellow, but always ready-
to make n he or to take hand In a
game, on this account it was
thought by his to
him to Boston a limited
with hope of breaking away from
old associates and of getting some
business energy Into him.
Mi. Paige gave him same good, whole-
some advice aid started him along in
business, particularly instructing
to bis name re public to
let the people know ho was etc.
Not very long after this Boston de-
but Mr. Paige very late one evening
was to call at a nearby
station. The It
bad got Into . noisy game
an was it not ire he
had been Cleaned out of everything he
young sold Mr. Paige.
is nice, i.
sir, you told ma to get my
name before the
Mr. replied,
I didn't toll you to have u Judge and
Jury go it to the advertising
Union Herald.
would still he in a line, you
As they turned and went out of
the room the boy who had acted as
spokesman was to hand a
small coin over to the other with
great reluctance and distinctly
heard to
I can lick
you a nickel on that,
replied the other boy.
The Today.
With regard to their family life,
the Zoroastrians at are mo-
except in a few
cases where Mohammedan influence
has lid to polygamy, especially if
the first wife has borne no children.
The sentiment of the as
a rule is strongly against dual mar-
In the home the wife
pies n freer position than among the
Mohammedans, There was no
of seclusion, and the
the women gave was one of
modesty and dignity without any
special shyness. Like the men, they
have to a particular of
dress to distinguish them from
women. They do not wear
veils except on the street or in the
bazaar to avoid insult or unpleasant
V. Williams Jackson
If You Seek The
Highest Class Clothes
At Prices
clothes in every detail are the peers of the best
garments come here and examine
he Fall and Winter models of the
Fashionable Clothes
No effort has been spared by the makers, and
no available tailoring skill left make
CLOTHES the best that can be produced.
You can see that in the smartness of styles, the beauty
of the workmanship and the excellence of the materials
and if you try on the garments or your size you'll
surely buy, especially if you've been wearing fine made
to-measure clothes
She Merely Wanted Bill.
A dear old lady who had never
left her native village before
ed last summer to pay a Hying visit
to Portsmouth to see her son, sail-
M. The excursion train landed her
at the harbor station. Wandering
down to the pontoon in a i
fashion, she was hustled into a boat
by an entertaining boatman and be-
fore she recovered from her as-
found herself by the
side of the Victory.
Looking up in awe at the in
old hulk, i spied s
face beaming her from a port-
hole. Immediately light
her brain, and she yelled
out, this the navy
was the apologetic
tell our Bill I wants
she commanded.
the tar.
my Bill. He's in the
was the lucid Ad-
in conservative and ultra fashionable single
breasted styles-embodying the latest fashion
though in a wide range of smart patterns in worsteds
tweeds and A fa to
of distinguished cut and finish-in new fashionable me-
or dark gray In or herring,
A weaves, to
Autumn Hats, to
L. Wilkinson Co.

Editor and
Entered in the post at Greenville, N. C, second clan matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
fruit to
Of coarse too e who hold
-Hi from it-ration,
km Butler and went to hear his ago Mm papers
, g
the Republican party h re-
This is a
j fives for
A abort v hi e
were eh
Congressman of giving
n t in
not to mo eat any
in the court house Tues-
day, expected him to say things
they ti id not believe or agree
yet they were looking for a j engaged in
better speech heard, manufacture of in that
Taken all together it was a poor
effort, falling far below a man of
his opportunities and reputed
ability. In fact it was the b me
Butler of fusion days, and his
speech was in main given to
praise of President Roosevelt
and the and
abuse of ex President Cleveland
and the D party. He
discussed no issues whatever.
After dealing awhile with Nat-
matters in which he
ed that the Democratic party
bad never kept a promise and
Claimed that the Republican par-
had fulfilled every pledge, he
turned to the State government.
About all he could do in the lat-
was a comparison of th-
ion administration of
the Democratic administration of
reading a lot of figures of
expenditures in the two years
made the sleeping
charge of Democratic
without giving any
nation whatever of the fig-
in the latter year were
This part of his speech was
almost with that deliver
ed by United States Attorney
Harry Skinner at the recent Re-
publican county convention, yet
lacking Mr. Skinner's eloquence
and oratorical ability.
Mr. Butler could not -close
without t of
the opportunity to pat him-
self on the back. He went
into his own record somewhat,
making the great with
thumbs stuck in arm; holes of
vest ind body thrown back that
in all his life ho had never com-
a dishonest act. And the
audience smiled. The speech
made no converts to Republican-
ism in Pitt
county This was an h to
join the Republican Its if they
wanted n and not
be, troubled for it. Thus the
Republican party was made a
refuge fur s, inviting
them to come within
be free from the clutches.
Do conditions differ very much
from this down here in the East
Lately there has been much talk
of the Republican party getting
recruits and expecting to poll a
larger vote than formerly. Who
are these recruits Go in the
sections where blind tigers and
moonshine -tills have been most
numerous and will be found
Those engaged in this illegal bus
and allies are loudest
in their of the Democratic
party. Why Because under
laws enacted by that party men
caught illegally in
whiskey are prosecuted for it.
When such prosecutions are go-
on have you not heard the
expression is going to hurt
the Democratic Why
such a suggestion Why will
men under prosecution, for
crime their abettors leave
the Democratic party and go to
the Republican party if it not
because they look upon the lat-
party as a refuge under
protection if in power
they can engage in
suits and be free from
or prosecution This is
worth considering by those
who have regard tor y
and order and respect the law.
Newest Styles in Correct Clothes
P Style is one of the that you can count on
lilt In our Fall and winter there to stay by
expert tailors who know what style is
It is worth a good deal to know yo i Cloth s
are right in this respect, with the right
quality, and fit as well.
You can feel that way about whit buy
guarantee everything we s.-11. Ton will that
our styles are exact duplicates of the f table
worn in New York and other large cities that our big
enables you to perfectly suit your individual taste. Let
us show you
The Latest
Fashions for fall.
Copyright 1906, by T
are the thing, with long, narrow and semi-shaped backs. The newest
ah idea Is to have no vent in back, though men men prefer side or vents. All
re this year, and those cut either or nearly so, are con
II the best style. Colors are mostly dark mixtures.-black, blues, and browns,
fl though are still very popular. Plain colors are always stylish.
in Overcoats to
he latest s the Flare model, of which you get some idea from the picture. This is a semi-fitting gar-
with wide and a deep vent in back, made of the new worsteds and other fabrics Coats,
both In ind form fitting, are more popular than ever, while the a garment always in and Bo r-
Coats also the fashionable over-garments of the year.
S, our
-garments or the year
Splendid Showing now, when it is at its Best.
The King Clothier.
with the In have him re-
elected. On the of this
Solemn agreement entered into by
and between Senator an
honorable man and a gentleman for
the Republican and tins
i list who honesty,
the Republicans voted fer
and him In lend
Marlon Butler the con-
gall and brazen effrontery
to stand up here in the court house
in the presence of several Demo-
Possibly we will find out when , o
they make Cuba good.
If Greenville does not get up
and hustle it is her fault.
advance in cotton in the
last few days is what pleases
the farmers.
The farmers who have been
holding for ten cents will soon
have a chance at it.
Wilmington are
trouble but this time
it is among themselves.
The at Oyster Bay
can a rest since the
dent has returned to Washing-
The colleges themselves
down on hazing, and the recent
action of freshmen at
and Trinity is calculated
to bring the brutal practice into
disfavor with the students.
Tears, and with much
of cried out am an
man. I can look my fellow
man squarely in the face and say to
him never since my boyhood
days have I ever done a
Great what are we
coming to This political
gade must have thought that he
had struck a section of country
where the people were as easily dis-
posed fooled as are the people
from his native county, but not
This happens to be the home town
of Harry Skinner and through him
the people know more about Butler
than they do in most sections, be-
sides the record of Butler is too in-
famous for the people of any section
of the State, be they ever so isolated,
not to know when he uttered the
above statement he was deliberately
lying. The people here have not
forgotten that only a few years ago
when there was fusion between the
Republicans and the Populists that
Butler entered into a solemn agree-
with the Republicans that if
they would elect him for the long
term to the United States Senate
when Senator term ex-
he would use his influence I
The servant lent has been a
very perplexing e in this section
the South for some years.
only are sen scarce the
majority of those in service are in-
competent and
pendent There is no reason
his condition of affairs should
term expired what do we see continue indefinitely. The
Why we see tins man reared
back on his heels and staled
loud so everyone could hear him
that he bad never a dishonor
able act, deliberately going back
on his sole ii i agreement and
was doing thing in bis
P in
to Senator
in i hi i- in t but-
did n in- ft, mat
he d and if it
had Don he
would Senator
fin to whom
be had his acrid word of
honor he support.
Ate You One
There about i classes o
town-killers, and every town is
afflicted one of more
First, those of town to
do trailing; . I hose
who ore opposed improve-
third, tin
a quiet lo one of push and
business; who
Hie tow; filth,
those who deride public-spirited
men; sixth, tho e oppose
movements not originating with
those who
oppose every movement that dies
not to them; eighth,
those who seek to
or of
keepers have remedy in their
own During the latter
parrot Octobers steamship is to
arrive at the
from Bremen with live
and wives and servant girls
Already the of e
in a have engaged
domestic It
is probable Hint all of this first
cargo of five will
readily find homes South Caro-
the will
other cargoes in time every
home in Carolina can be
supplied with servants. The
change to white hired help is
bound to come time. The
housekeeper might just
well herself to lace the
problem now. The people
will be over by
steamer are of the very best
class, and cow is the chance for
i hose a ho want servants or
to up.
Register of Deeds R. Williams
issued licenses to the following
couples since last report.
Ralph and Maude
Taos, W. D.
Furniture Problem,
We can solve it for you.
t- Leadership
Furniture Sale is Brisk and
Furniture Sale Claims are many and loud.
What decide it. There is but one
test. That sale is best and most important
that offers you
he Prices on the Furniture You Want
Come and be convinced. Yours to please.
Pictures Framed to Order.
Save the Worry
The hot weather brings
without adding to it by w
r supper. With such a stock of
es. Canned Goods, Package
Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee,
Tea, Cakes, Candies, Fruits, as I carry, the buy-
are easy and the all saved It will take argument to
you of if you visit my store and whit I carry.
You can find mo door North of i
J. B
This department is in charge of t. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
A full line of fancy candies
and fruit at J. B Carroll A Co.
liar be r A ask
friends to wait a few
The Bank of Winterville wants
all the farmers in the surround-
community to leave their
money with it for safe-keeping
when they sell their crops. It
is more convenient to pay your
get a receipt when you do so.
The returned check is a legal re-
needed improvement is
being made around the depot
the convenience of those hauling
One of the strongest lines of
ever exhibited can be found at
B. F. Co.
Rev. Claudius Iv Smith, of
Washington. D. C, held service
at the Episcopal church Sunday
morning at o'clock.
ale Mrs. A. G. Cox, Messrs.
F. C. Nye, B. H. and
A. O. Cox attended the Union at
Greenville and report an
excellent service.
Tho large new engine for the
plant has come and will be in-
stated in a few days.
Another crowd of pupils entered
W. H. S. Monday morning. The
enrollment now will reach near
two hundred. Miss Minnie Cox
will assist in the music and En-
takes the place of
We sell it.
B. Bro.
Prof. H. Lindsey, a noted
lecturer and entertainer, will give
an entertainment in
H. Wednesday night,
Oct. Tickets will be on sale
Wednesday all day,
line of dress shirts ever
Shown in Winterville at
Harrington, Barber Co.
We had the great pleasure of
Rev. H. A. Willis, pastor
of the Baptist church at
to preach for us at the
church here Sunday night. A
large congregation was present to
hear his able sermon on education.
He left for Monday morn-
We still have on band a few cop-
of Teachers Bibles, we are off-
to the trade at very low
B. T. Cox, Bro.
Rev. Claude Smith, who has
been spending several days here
with relatives, left Tuesday even-
of Seven Springs, Mr. and
Mrs. Atlas of Seven
Springs. Mrs. K. H. Von Eberstein
and daughter, of
Jessie f G. theirs f good,
Smith, of Sanford, Fla., Kev.
Claudius Elizabeth City,
Rev. W. E. Cox, of Greenville.
J. B. Little Sunday
evening from a visit
Cox Mfg Co., are
receiving orders for their fa-
Economic Back Band to be
snipped direct to Baltimore.
The A G. Mfg Co., have
jest a nice buggy for a
Virginia sport aid we we
can those of Carolina
The school desk interest
to be increasing very rapidly.
Send to A. G Cox Mfg
Ladies in need of the
and patterns can find them
at B. F. Manning A Co
Largest best line of at
the prices ever in
Winterville at A, W.
A full line of Bummer silks all
at cost. Harrington A Co.
Nice corned mullets at
ton, Barber Co.
Fancy and white all
washable, at cost.
Barber O o.
Nice corned herrings at
ton, Barber Go.
A nice of drugs always en hand
at Barber
voiles, lusters, Ac at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Best grade of calico at ts
per y and cents, quality
nutting at cents at Harrington
Barber and Company.
Nicest and strongest line of
shoes ever offered in Winterville
at Harrington Barber and Co.
Nice line of
ways on hand Barber
The town tax books are open
will be at the store of B. F. Man-
A Co.
great household remedy. A con
Mineral Water. Stops
blood from cuts. Cure,
Kidney trouble, Liver com-
re buying. are in
buying them.
at cost. Come early and get the
Harrington. Barber A Co.
Strayed 5-5 Shoots one
Black one white and black three
red sandy color
lb marked hole in left ear Finder
will be paid lake up same and
notify me
R. F. D. Winterville N. C.
Pan's for
O-l Pants for
Pants for
Pants for l
Harrington, Barber A Co.
yards Laces and Hamburgs
You well t
at A. G. Cox ,
your buggy
robe as have the nicest and
most up to-date line ever shown in
Call to see him and
let him submit and
Introduction to Or-
know this
is cheap and the cry is largest
for cheap things. we
have investigated this part of our
business and considering tie
high quality of the Crown
especially since the
have been added to
their and design sf
former years, have concluded
are the goods for us
to We cannot to
handle shoddy instruments, in
order to meet prices asked for
inferior goods.
There will always be some buy-
w will demand high grade
goods and we shall continue to
to that class. We finally
believe that the day is not for dis-
when people will realize
worthless organs and
they hove at low
prices and will look more to
qualities and They
will awake to the fact that what
they thought cheap was really
very dear.
We wish to ask c
of this line If the best
Contrary to your statement in
Tuesday's issue of The Reflector, I
beg to state that the State text- j
book law does apply to the graded
school here, and everywhere
in the State except Charlotte.
The school is growing older
graded. This
of affairs necessarily requires
without any exceptions, all
book snow in the
children, and last year,
be during year. It i-
to suppose that we can lit
children to books; we must
books to tire peculiar needs of each
grade. When the time
comes, the same
that were used last year a
supplementary matter will be
We invite the
of nil the schools in Pitt
unite with us use
me supplementary text books
so that we get a reduction
prices, thereby saving the people
every cent we possibly can.
class school we
have ho. ks. I fully
comparison of tic number, kind
and prices of books used here
with those of any other first
graded school in North Carolina.
H B. Smith,
The Reflector was mistaken
in that part of the article re
to which said that the
school here was not required to
use the books adopted by the
State board, but in that only.
We were giving complaint just
as we had heard it of the seem-
useless changes.
Of course if the books used
last year are to be used later
and others not bought, it may b
that for the entire year th
changes may not seem so
cal. have no desire to offer
criticism unless it be just, and
shall not so without occasion
. is desired and at prices which
plaint, Female weakness, outs i , . ., , are to the buyer and
For sale at the drug,
we be glad to show you
sores etc.
store of B. T. Cox, and Bro.
Miss Nannie Nichols will have
where he dry good depart-
will be rector of the Episcopal in the large store of B. p.
there in the future. j Manning and Co. She will be
Go to the drug Store of B. fl. her of lady
Cox A Bro for T. W. Wood give her a call.
Son's high grade turnip and I ,. . , ,
seed men do
F. Manning Co., before
was a most delightful buying their fall hats. They are
day to Polly Smith and ; offering special bargains on their
Louisa Cox and Mr. Mrs, A.
G. Cox. Mrs. Polly
her eighty first
Mrs. Louisa Cox her
fourth Mr. and Mrs. Cox their
twenty-sixth anniversary of their
A full line of highest grade
ion made overalls at special bar-
gain at J. B. Carroll Co.
School, tablets, pencils, pens
at a at J. B. Car
roll Co's.
that any instrument you buy
us we will up anything
we said it.
Eastern Carolina Supply Co.
It not be a had to
organize a
military company in
Tract of land containing 1-2
acres, acres in Green-
ville township west of
laud of B.
Moseley and M's. Jack-
sou. Apply ti E J. I.
Winterville. N. C, R F D No
Demand Loans
Due from Banks and
Nat. and other U. S.
A. W. is in a fine
these days. There is a little
at his
All colors of paint, and yellow
at Harri Barber Co.
A full line of winter
sacks, hose, men's working
gloves and negligee at a Gold Coin
B. Carroll and Co.
At services were
at the Episcopal church by
Rev. Claudius Smith, which
Rev. W. E. Cox, first grandchild
of Mrs. Smith, her thirty-
ninth one. After the service, all
assembled in
porch of Mrs. E, B, Cox, where a
lost inviting was spread.
All Mrs. Smith's were Subscribed and sworn to before
ma, day of 1906.
present Air. Mrs. Will Notary Public
At the Close of Business, Sept 4th 1900.
Loans and Discounts I c ital d m
Furniture and Fixtures g Undivided
currant expenses 93.36
Bills payable 1000.00
Time certificate of deposit 2100.00
Deposits subject to ck. 6785.96
State of North
County of Pitt.
I, J. L. Jackson, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly
swear that tho statement is true to tho of my
edge and belief.
J. L. JACKSON, Cashier.
G. E.
CHAS. Directors.
Has just opened in the Store op-
J. L. Wooten with a brand
new stock of
Everything new and fresh and
will be sold at very lowest prices
A first class is run in con-
with the store where
Oysters will be in any
style or sold by measure. Give
me a call.
J. H. Starkey.
W-- urn
i j n home
tho market, we
. it,
will make you
will lie entirely
ten iv
it re .
will take it
we know .
prices t- i
By so
any other.
Come and see us make arr
l when until
a machine that
you hitter
Watch this
for our
Jas F
Pulley Bowen
Winterville, N. C.
I W. H. Smith of town-
ship do hereby declare myself a
for Constable no the
Republican ticket. If I am
I will serve the people to
h-p bent of my ability.
Tobacco Pack Barns and Cot-
ton Gins
Reasonable Rates.
Apply to H. A.
Neat Job Printing
Our specialty.
Reflector Job Printing Office
It is sure to pay you

, .-.
. , ,
-l , i
ti tin ; . I jut of
t , I
tin- i v. ti I
v . , i th Ills
i in and
n Ilka i. Kill five i
cm ii lei i the i m tad ;
bur t in . ., c The I
Ii of the r i I wit
la i b i Ibo i
i i i
the I of
lbs i Already I see
white coat of i . the brown
tut of -I.- lie
c. of I I
whole I r- gt v-
larger l, while
away the bend
can a a i ere in log dot.
which had to the I
tide and bad I
of I.-- trees. Another min-
and were out
the bank waring cap In ii-- air,
while of the of
He t la the end be the
Ti d I
j i II I .
lie f. and
l w not ct
l . one
of lay
ion IV a t
, i net I
ii .
i i V Ir , to
V lit I y
w i . Then
they ran en
the o .- r
. ll p
era lifter
i . r t
fifteen warrior In nil. In fr
and n I. nil ,, I .-. lib
ken and . deer, so
was on; -lie question.
w a b much
will said De
la s-. -that you are under
that you of
But the w to he
be. a
paper out of b i
by r c r- w. an upon
the k .
to re i Bat
have . I r
W i
IV I the
i-.-s- t of the
in . M i .-. he.
; i m of it Upon ht
face, r. v a be
C. I . I , fr -n
bar i I flag -r
In i and -i.
i i
grating upon
the i . if very
a little
luau with m Ii , t and a gilt
rapier i his knew.
He as keel touched bot-
tom and. the
. dear be cried,
bare bold y e like n
i ;. in n not desert
a on . He have loved
the i-1 lei have been
. dead. My wife is
In lb
i. of Fort St. Louis
. end b
. l all he said
at tail one taken on
account of of a paddle.
Three were drowned two
There v. as u French lady It, I
II i u i u
n have taken her boa-
poor Well, If you are
enough to join us. your
we follow after them
without i of Ii Tea
of in., will .- ti guard the
house you ,. have their
TUB ill He
i i burst i. they
i their
la rat it to them why any
m a place of
In order to i la their
power It down
to in. a i ;
ban ll over
him to j he unarmed,
h t- throat between
the two while the
,, ii ii the bank to u the
ii ii of Be
r pal
band laid cold
ha me
that nil la well you that you arc
limn, why did you come
stay behind when I
knew that were their hands
We have through much to-
we cannot now. What
la death. Adela Why we be
afraid of
am not afraid of
m m ail all Of It.
They could but follow on wait la
patience for whatever might befall
All day -v pursued dreary
the Indiana but Adele, In
her former was foot-
sore and before evening. It
s relief to therefore, when
the red glow Of a great tire beat sud-
through the tree trunks they
came upon an Indian ramp In which
was i greater port of
war party which bad been driven from
Marie. Hire. too. were a number
If the squaws who bad from the
M and in order
to be nearer to the warriors. Wigwam
bad been erect all round In a circle.
and before f them were
-i tripod of sticks. In
the evening meal was being
the center of all was a very
tire, which bail been made of
placed in a circle so to
have a clear apace of twelve feet in the
middle, A pole Hood up In center
of this Clearing, and something all mot-
with rid mid black was tied up
it. lie stepped
in front of that she might not
see the dreadful thing.
have begun already,
said Onega it will
be our turn next, and we shall show
them we know how to
have not used us said
De they will keep
us for ransom or
The Indian woman shook her head.
not deceive yourself by any such
said she. they are
gentle they have been with you It
Ii ever a that you are reserved
for the torture. Tour wife will be
married to one of their chiefs, but you
and I must
to an Those
dreadful words shot a pane through
both their hearts which no of
death could have done. De
bead dropped forward upon bis chest,
and he and would have fall-
en had Adela not him by the
-I fear, dear she
may happen bat
not that, for I swear to you that I shall
not survive
Ai they entered the village
and warriors had rushed
toward them, and they walked through
a double line of hideous which
and gibed and bowled at them
tiny passed. Their escort led them
this rabble and conducted
them to a hut stood apart.
An Inter an old war chief, ac-
companied by two younger and
by the bearded half Dutch
who led the attach upon the manor
house, over and In the
doorway, looking at the prisoners.
The Bastard --tone pipe,
and yet it was he who talked the most,
apparently with of
who to come
round at list to his lion. Finally
the old chief a I- stem
word-, and the matter appeared to be
yon. you
In to the wot i i-i
will e n. it
which ii teach yon
You half I r
that hat
speak to
warrior mi
your bad
a little h
that your fat
The evil face
livid as he listen
words which were
captive. lie I
taking her band,
. . .
i n
. i oil a
your way
i w poor
I hive cast
to the scornful
it by the
to her, and.
i- thrust the fore-
finger into the burning bowl of his
pipe. She made no effort to remove
It, but sat with n perfectly set face
for a minute or more, looking out
through the open door at e
end the little groups of
Indiana. He watt-bed keen-
la hope of bearing a cry or
.k j for . she cried.
eve I ow to tor-
.-. i -i i i
of a sure of it But yon,
m m i are very i
i a hellish
we in b set face to
face. I v. ill be v.-b Hint
a o . y for it
with I
I . . I it l.
yon i . I . i .
the .
hi i our i I
i . He at the .
She to be m the dog who
What ll ill I
He tor-- I.- hair In his helplessness
and in , a it. for my
heart w i i me. What Is the
of death if H In I-
y . eh , p pleaded for yon.
that bad
stricken yon with madness, as could
be seen by your to
canoe, and fiat a would fall
up if you were led to
stake. But Bastard mid that love
came like madness among the
palefaces and that it was clone
which bud driven yon. Then It was
agreed that you should die and
she should to his wigwam, he
had led The war party. As for me.
their heart were bitter me.
and I also nm to die by the pine
Is It to asked He
to make an attack upon It No.
there are still nearly a
core of us. and when garrison
learns that we are so pressed, which
will be by tomorrow morning at the
latest, they will certainly scud us re-
you by the fort I will not
desert said yet it
Is a pity to bravo men for
will hardly hold the
women children as it cried
are but two large
four small. There Is not
for a
The mere very quiet now,
and occasional dropping shot from
the trees or the was the only
of their presence. The twilight
was gathering In and sun bud
rank the
Leaving a watchman at each window,
the leaders went round to the back of
house, where the were lying
Upon the bank. There were no signs
of the enemy upon the river to the
north of them.
are In laid Amos.
clouds an- gathering, and there will be
is luck. Indeed, since the moon only three days past the answer-
ed iii wonder that the
have not cut off upon the
but It is likely that their canoes
have gone south to bring up another
an hour It tie dark enough
think that there Is rain In those
clouds, and that will make it darker
Tin- women and children were as-
and their l .-is In each boat
were to i. To Onega, the
wife of the who
ll wary and as a war
of bet command of
the women was
Is not very fa. said He
is but i league or
I do nut to leave yon,
Amory. We have been together la all
dear love, you will tell them at
the fort how thing ire with i. ind
will bring
do an-1 I will
I will be
Onega baa taught to a gun. I
will net b. i I will
mint not Adele. It ll
It for my
do not know t
from my heart a hi
are And
I let you
load it will be
i I know you
nor In-
i old place
for me. We can
was i her
upon . r vim
still to her when
a groan burst from the watcher In the
window which overlooked the strum.
a tin river to the
north of he
many warriors ore In ask-
ed the
cannot see. The Is not very
good, and It is In the of the
way la It
Is coming this way. Ah, It shoots
out Into the open now, and I see
May the good Lord-he
The Tobacco That Made
Chewing Popular
Man's fondness for chewing is created and
popularized by the i in the famous Pied-
tobacco belt Only selections of this well
matured, cured ore used in making
SCHNAPPS, why SCHNAPPS requires, and
lakes a ant of . than any other kind
and that's why SCHNAPPS has a wholesome,
and effect on chewers.
There are many ions of claiming to
but flavor or quality that
has made SCHNAPPS more than all similar tobaccos.
M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent
. C.
It is made in the Reynolds factories, famous for the best
Chewing tobaccos, by clean, processes, under the same
direction, since 1875, of men who have the business study.
They the largest and best equipped flat plug factories in the
world are situated in the very center of the world's greatest
J chewing tobacco district
If you've never chewed SCHNAPPS, now is th time to get
acquainted with the cleanest, most healthful, stimulating, satisfying
and wholesome form in which tobacco can be used. Do not accept
Has Less Sweetening than
At for Daily
ad e
v pleasure In Motiving sub
writing receipts
in have a list
fall who receive their mail at
this office. i-
aid Fred
left tot Mu Mine
-line in coarse of u lion
miles from Sunday
i i i at at
residence of Worthing-
ton, i i i of i tie l Mr. Ralph
were in marriage by
I. M Blow. B-q. After
lift for the
home of Mr. John Alien mar
Greenville where they pat took
an elegant supper after which the
PM-ii spent
there. The -t r sate ail
by B. S. place For in improved
. u i i call tn see n m
Dave ii.
to make
v on i
hand a-
will be pleased to
J. K. Co.
F while cotton on
J. K, I . ., e market here Lorenzo
A Wat Blank.
came down
from tho form at the close of his
and many people
forward t shake him by the hand.
He accepted their congratulation-
with a smiling face, but his eyes
were on a certain auditor who
in neat. The young lee-
carer I rough the throng
shout an extended his hand to
he said.
the yon
to my ii .- fa
was an to me. I
rare you i your earnest
. . led j
have a
stiff net
said an i
one day,
deed or
i said
it. Viv-
ye ; tell your
, i deed. He
waller I I
That i Jackie.
did he d e inches, I
of Greenville, h e to fall eh
. ii , friend during platform and bis he . r i Hie back and
arm the wrist. died by I Lo don Mail.
to K. K. new
to l-.- in Xi
i .
H. A.
As I
market tor In-sh
for two my will ,
Mir-s Gene Morrison l
from her in cm. and
taken a position in the
of Die J. K. lb
Ayden 13th, Oct.
Mrs Nan Coward son, Eli
in making preparation move at
once people
regret very to excel-
ii i. family leave.
goo I e cents come
to us. J. U. ft Co
Having consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. is one
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed
Dry goods and groceries
We will carry an up-to-date line -Tn,,,
Hats, Shoes, dress goods, Notions,
eon Singer
way way down H.
Tripp Bro, next to Hotel.
Mrs. E. gad Miss
Nina spent
If ii. need of disc plow or
our prices before
ins. J. K. Turnage Co.
Tyson and Ha--
have from
I . supply of hay, grain, hull
c seed meal, bran, ship stuff
always on hand Cannon and Tyson
Mir. F, M.
ville, i-pent one day this week
Mrs. U . J.
apples, corn
e-. apply tn J-;. B,
ft Co.
Mis-C Long has been visit-
O. C. Noble. She
her home
To any who arc in need of a coo
I stove make it to
US as have bought a solid
car load, and expect them to arrive
a lull line of meat, lard and can
goods. Don't buy before
h trial. Frank Lilly Co
Julia Taylor her way
home, at
yesterday for a visit to Mrs.
we carry a big stock
of dry goods goods and
J K. Turnage Co.
Hint, from near
Greenville, visiting Mrs. J. J.
keep baud a
in d at lowest
prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
rent and brand
staff. Frank Lilly
To Add to Your Life.
Toe veteran i got up at
o'clock in u I
get up a up he I years
rising c the com to nearly . hours o .-
n ten to yo i the
listener, . your plan. Only, tip two I'll go of getting r in the morning later ever-
We are r daily our Line of
n Groceries we will have at all times a fall of the very best goods, not only
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, coffee, but all kin is of
canned and Package goods, the finest brands
We can supply anything you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices for
PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goof's will please you.
Greenville Livery
furnish nice horses and cars
Wages all occasions.
Horses boarded by the week
or ti.
ha of Wick
to all to
to make payment to the on
r. all
laid must the for
on or before the day of
or will tie plead of
day of Ann.
W, L.
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. U C A K R
The Hardware Man.
I have taken up one black bar
weight about pounds,
no ear marks. Owner can get same
by paying charges.
R. F. D. No. Greenville. N. C
d aw
of n Stan I Court
of I'll n ml.- in n
Kn. Hi.-
r. In October
i at o'clock the
II Visit tO
. . a-, . u e Thai the of the
H 93-00 from. I Ell II. Smith and others and
u I l Mi It lot
i. K. Co. number the
late Wiley and
To the delight of her to of Joyner.
nu In two x urea
j r. ii For mi
ii rule ii-i Ion reference nude
and it us pleasure to
stock th s fall is as complete . can
make it. Oar line of and boy's
clothing i exceptionally tills season
and if you call and our line,
we convince you that out styles are
la I and prices as reasons as can
be made. We have striven hard to
our d values for the least
money possible and with the celebrated in stock.
lurk we can serve you.
face of dress goods is more complete this m , we think
we can save We pay special attention to this pa t of our business
and have bought only latest styles, with prices right. In oar shoe department
the celebrated shoes -or women. Every pair
famous and shoes for men, none better
made. We have recently increased our furniture stock, and are in n to see
you at the lowest possible prices. See our line of suits and soft foot steads. We
also have in stock some very beautiful rockers at very low prices Buy our Royal
tic felt mattresses.
We your business and if you will come too see us we will assure you lib-
treatment. action guaranteed at our store or money refunded
J. R.
friends and especially pupils
alien Mary Long Whitehead nine
y evening. is
in have and
are e pleased lo know
ll . III
he r J tali.
F. n.
Cannon Tyson.
Mi-, of Greene county, she has so recovered from net
visaing Mrs, Robert Coward,
f-i if omen from J. K.
it .
F. family, of Greene
ware in town Thursday,
V i your s
. W, expert
N. C. the man to do
your work ii yon want to
G. W. Cos, I Greenville,
been be week.
ii is non
i ii e
u ii i- . i
recent illness as to be able to re-
duties the graded
We want make room for other
stock and in order to do so we
offering very cheap bargains in
gin lit. We must move
nut i I the way and have put a price
on tin in will be sure to get
them off. Now is time to go;
value for your money. Cannon
Blount was
j in Ayden last week.
. c A nice one horse farm
. . more or h
out -if ti clean-.
a -lie Good m
i i in j. . i in
Now is your time to save
money by coming to us for
children's school
pens, era-
we have also a at assort-
of stationery; Dainty
note for use
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Block, St.
Ayden. N. C.
nineteenth, Capt, John
Farmville, . wish-
bone, set with and a
diamond in the center. Liberal
reward for tin i.
Vivian Parker Farmville, N. C.
E. H. EVANS, Supt. E. A. Manager.
Manufacturing Co.
lull e I
-1 and ii I-- yon, then
use SOL until
all tints plain or hemstitch- to n
. . ,, Only a limited .
Hie mainstay of social given ,,, ,,,.
Manufacturers of
Sash, Blinds,
And all of Turned Work.
To sufferers Kidney, Liver or
Bladder Troubles. Other ,, ,
say a bottle and If Also Dealers M
it cure will refund
. T
given away.
Ail orders will receive prompt attention.
ll f
Bid n
Km i I
y clock
O . I
O. A. Fail
r r
i is h
. . i
m., . i
E II in- h
i , . O. H
i p pet i n as I a i I
the Hot .- M burn
us bet will a two story
brick on the lot for
, Material i now
being hauled for purpose.
i, J, i . i .
that net f my and be-
. i. i ii, Cashier.
ti I I
and to before
me, this i i 1906.
Notary Public-
. i.
ii- i
Leader . I
It is sure to pay
ll i m

Hod. Lee Overman, the jun-
senator from North Carolina,
who will address the people of
Pitt county at Ayden on the Kith.
sod again at Greenville that
night, has risen rapidly during
the short while he has the
Senate, and is fast becoming- a
ti Mire His stand for
the rail-
road rat Mil him
to the front, and amend-
to Mil, limiting
granting by J
courts mid i secured
the face of opp is
of the moat important feature u
law now stands. i
of rote v opp
amend men to the hill w
Senator Orel served
many of the most com
mi t tees of the senate, and took hi
active in all its discussions
and He secured the
of bill in tie senate
establish a national forest reserve
in the Appalachian
bill which has made its appear,
at every session of congress
several but which has
never before been passed. Senator
Overman alto secured important
to the public buildings
bill for North Carolina, all of
which goes to show that ho kept
at all times the interest of his con-
in But
the most important single
achievement of Senator Overman
and Which most vitally con-
the interests not only of Pitt
county but of all North Carolina
and the South as well, is the law
creating a cotton commission to
investigate e courage oar
cotton trade abroad. The history
Of bill is e. Re
me crop
of two ago and the slump
price. Senator Overman became,
that lie should
be made government to pro-
mote our foreign trade in c
prod tit's, and i induced a bill to
establish a commission that
purpose. The bill received the
support Southern member
but seemed Impossible to secure
enough ii Hue ace to bring it out of
committee. Senator
however I to be caught nap-
ping, when the appropriations
bill came to the senate, ho
posed an amendment to that
tins bringing the fairly be-
fore the by active
and wise management and by j
he secured its
consideration and the
became a law. The
commission is now on its way to
the east.
Senator is one of the
party men in the Sen-
ate. His
bis ability aDd bis loyally to his
party, elected him a member of
Ire In fit vacancy
by be l. ah f
hone i the great-
n fad it
been i a tn
His was bar.
at the I d to
both t m be private
dining then
terms n of
We predict fr
I will be at the following place
for the of cc letting
taxes r the year All
curing taxes requested to
meet me an pay same.
Tuesday. Mays char-el,
Heaver Township
Wednesday, Oct,
Falkland Township
Stokes, Carolina
Bethel, Bethel
Saturday, Ayden Con-
Wednesday, Mills
Swift Creek
Thursday, Bells Cross
Roads, Township
Saturday, Farmville, Farm
Saturday, Nov. Jack,
L. W. TUCKER, Sheriff
of Pitt com t
Horses and
John A. Webb who has been
with It L Co. as sales-
man for the past three years,
has now gone in business with
W. H. White in the Harrington
stables in front of the court
house. They will keep a good
lot of drive and work
Horses and Mules
for sale or and will be
glad to have any one in need of a
horse or mote to call and see
Webb White.
t i
. i of nil
I .; . . -i i
, i i. d In Mi i it. T .
Croat J
j-11. on mi nibs New i , Hen
; Camels. inly herd
n. d i i w. per foil
nm i sun and i. can-
Reserved seats son sale day 1.1 ii Wool
e. and
a, i at a.
Store News
And look through our mammoth stock before buying. Each article
cl n has selected with great care as to quality, style
price durability, and the high standard of excellence ha
been maintained.
The New Cloaks and Rain Goats
are coming in every few days the variety is great and we are offering
some splendid values. Ladies Full length Rain Coats, well made in
the styles, double breasted, belted, and trimmed with
braid tor 5.50, the better grades run up to and includes the
new style.
The New Dress Goods.
are ready for your inspection, the showing includes the season newest
offerings, such as Broadcloth. Batiste, Voile, Serge,
ma, Mohairs. Flannels, Wool Mixtures and Plaids, ask to
see our special Chiffon Broadcloth at yard.
The Silk Department.
is and sparkling with good values, 86-in Crepe de
the real double width in lovely shades for yard.
22-inch Crepe de in perfect shades for yard. Our 86-in
Silk in black and colors is worthy of your attention, price
yard. New Plaid Silks in all shades and combinations.
The Notion Department.
Contains the newest of the seasons novelties in Fancy Back Combs,
Shopping Hags. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery.
Ribbons and Underwear, Ladies 16-Button length Black Kid
Cloves pair. and Colgate TalCum Powder
Colgate Dental Powder box. Bouquet Soap cake
The Ladies Home Journal patterns for fall and winter are here, price
and The Fall Fashion Book Ice and Fashion Sheets
You will not regret paying this visit, for we have many inter-
tiling to show you.
J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Proceedings of the Commission-
board the county
met in monthly
on the first all the
Payments were made from
treasury as For pauper
home supplies
9183.43; county home repairs
bridges and ferries 176.-
prisoners and in-
sane election notices
jail costs
jury ticket-, tick-
general Beaver
Dam roads reads
Falkland roads Farmville
roads Greenville roads
Swift Creek Pitt
The treasurer and super-
of health filed their
monthly report-.
of road force, was allowed one ad-
glut, d at per day
until the is decreased to
p Joyner was added to
to receive per
month, and W. B. allow-
was increased to
per month
J. h. was ordered sent to
the county home-
John colored, was re-
leased from poll tax in Greenville
township, erroneously listed.
firs. was
leaded from on
land in township,
It d between the
board of for the
and F. M. Wooten, may-
or, tor the r of Greenville,
on I lie 15th day of November,
1906. or thereafter u
the road force
shall and refill, where
is laid, h line of sewer from
Tar river, a e to diagram of
point the main
sewer is i a ; to the jail
and Ii a distance
jam Provided, that the
town will grant
to the i- of Pitt
county ii i connect a sewer
i I and com .
and for-
.- ml county from
Co-1 tor repairing
To ti e
desire the
columns of The that
have been a and
am now a Democrat, and that the
action the Republican
in nominating me county
surveyor was without my know-
ledge or consent, and I take this
method of publicly announcing
I to accept the
nation of the Republican
for said office. My reason fr r
so doing is that I am a Democrat
and shall support the Democratic
candidates, and I desire to mint
thin announcement to the citizens
This the 4th day of Oct. 1906.
D. Rollins.
pipe from
All seer I iX
; were drawn a-
term of Pitt
The M
jurors for N
w -W. J. Teel, J. K.
K. S. Whitehurst,
Jr. J., S Cherry, W. T.
Robe-t J, B. Car-
roll, B. pp. Tripp,
O. Tyson, 0.0.
t W.
F. . Barnaul, B. E
Stokes, A.
D. . P. Murray,
H. K. Tripp, B. C.
Patrick. K.
P . David
v, , m, A
11.-- M T I
why be Profane
To one who will think and
calmly human speech, it is
really a puzzle why men pro-
In the first place, most
men know else why will
they not swear in the of
ladies or preachers of the
Somehow men who swear just feel
like it is not the polite thing to
before ladies or other
And yet those who are addicted
to the habit will forget their
even strangers
and use profanity which often
time shocks those who bear,
the man who does the
swearing seems almost
of what he has said. While
it is not becoming in any to
anywhere, very
polite and clever
times express themselves in
language which for time
may shock some one for whom the
swearer would have more
he knew him. Recently we
heard a man seemed to be a
clever gentle-
man slip some expression of
for which he afterwards
wished to but did not
get a convenient Opportunity. It
was a small company, perhaps
all stranger to each one
whom was a minister of the
gospel. The company was dis-
cussing some current events the
day, when the one of unguarded
said some things which he
regretted when he that
one of the company was a minis-
Ir would have been so
better if he had left off the
entirely And so would be
better if men in every walk and
life could learn how use-
b s is profanity and would
it of their expressions alto
t dies not emphasize,
but rather weakens tin
does not edify the speaker or the
nearer, is never of any benefit,
bitter t-.
Let hope that sometime men
will i t ii i
Splendid Advancement Through the
The have already
opened in huge
increase attendance from last
ear. The following have
since we last noted
its work about
two weeks ago the following
W. H. Cale
the 7th. and 9th grades,
Miss 5th. and 6th, Miss
3rd, and 4th, Mia
ard, 1st, and 2nd, and Miss Gay
music. The school is fall and is
tine work in the bands of
this corps of teachers.
Ayden opened last week in
charge of the following line list of
Supt. J. a.
8th, and grades,
day Ii Ii and Barnes,
5th, Mi- Whitehead Miss
Brown 2nd and 3rd, and Mi--
1st. This school is rap-
idly forging to the front
La--t Monday the school at Farm-
ville opened with an educational
hour, W. Whedbee, Esq. of
Greenville, spoke for people.
Every one who heard him speaks in
tin highest terms of the address, it
was sensible, well conceived,
and to the point The
attend the first day showed an
increase over last year of more than
pupils. It would be hard to
find a more splendid set of teachers
than these who are in charge of this
J, 8th
and 9th grades, Miss Tyson, 6th and
Miss Moore 4th and 5th, Miss
3rd, and M n-s Perkins 1st
and 2nd.
The rural schools will begin to
open about the and the pros-
are year in tho
work of the county,
Right You Are,
A man who stands on the
corner chewing and spitting,
how the government be
run, the town,
fault with his grandmother be
cause she a i-
Meeting in Christian Church of
H District Union
Chris church in Green
ville on 3rd. Opening de-
exercises were d
b K.
In the of both the
dent and vice-president. K. A.
was elected pr
tern, and he a hearty
welcome from Greenville
to the visiting brethren and
Upon the roll call of
the following
Ayden, C. S,
Grifton, by letter,
K N. D. and F.
ii tree 2.00
U Ii. If Jones 5.00
Wilson, J. B. Jones
At noon adjournment Was bad
with benediction by B II. Joins-
Afternoon met at
opening with praise
J. B. Jo es delivered an
address on the subject
Together With
of was again
called for and Greenville respond-
ed with B. A. and H. T.
Kim; as representatives.
Miscellaneous business followed
with by J. B. Jones,
R. H. and H. T. King.
from the Sunday schools
were then called
total enrollment
average attendance
total enrollment
Ayden, total enrollment
average attendance
Wilson, total
average attendance
total enrollment
average attendance
by J. B. Jones
At o'clock p. to. J. B. Jones
preached an able the
A large congregation was present
and the trillion was much en-
Repels Vicious As-
Tarboro, N. C, Oct. 4.-Last
night about o'clock a en
to red the home of a merchant
here and made a desperate at-
tempt to assault Miss Kidd, a vis-
young lady. She was alone
in her room preparing to retire
and was standing in front of tho
mirror combing her hair when
the brute's face in the
glass, due wheeled around and
was confronted by him. lie said
to mo that ring
Miss Kidd handed it to hi in and
Saturday Oct. 13th 1900.
a exercises
Rev. J. A. If.
a in of officers, and
general organization,
Exhibition of be making,
Supt. II. Ii
tn ad Ires, the op-
this session, Gov, T. J
a in hat e the char,
of the i ins work
year. General n
am Paper What can done
then endeavored to escape, but our rooms Mi-s Bettie
he brute seized her and began c Wright.
her. screamed and I of a Woman's
fought desperately to free her- j betterment association
s If from his gasp. l P m Adjourn
A child that was sleeping; j the first meeting of the as-
the room began crying and this and I desire to make a
the , who re f of every teacher in the
leased his hold and the young j county present. You cannot a if rd
fled to another room where
she procured a pistol.
Sue tired at the
as he jumped out of the
low. Iii the .-i niggle the lady
was bruised the
chest, being blood stains on
her clothing. Mer screams and
the pistol attracted an
crowd of indignant citizens
When they ft ached the residence
Miss Kidd, from the shock and
fright, was in an hysterical
the service of a
to miss this, if you expect to do g.
work this sea-ion. Nothing tells
me more plainly of your lack of
interest in your work than your ab-
from-these meetings, and I say
frankly to you in the beginning th it
unless you attend you need not ex-
to have your vouchers ed
when presented. I
each one us shall bear his part
in these public gatherings and the
teacher who is not willing to so
ought not to be in the work in this
county. It mutters not whether
physician. She was so excited and I your school has opened or not you
ft that it was difficult to
gain any information from her last
are expected to attend. I at
this meeting to get a list of the
teachers where they will teach.
that merchants are a lot
thieves, me lawyers awl joyed Mr. Jones is so Interesting
and one of the strangest
men of the Christian church in
tho work every teacher here
on time and ready to enter heartily
into the program.
rt H.
Supt, , hods.
newspaper men would a mini
to u a whole lot more, is
a nuisance and a
Any town with one
worthies would be
fled exercising cowhide
on tin- of their
one is obliged to live Where
he is nm suited. It things
suit you g i where they will. A
growler and in a town i-
enterprise kilter time.
From lie
a To.,. I DI i Go t See a
am going bl I in i
boot said a I In the
Other to a wild bad her
v do never
phi .
in Contempt Court.-
ii, K ,
B. . i
county, l i
i hi n
the id
ore, in n rd the
i t liquor license to L B.
, who on trial
liquor without
judge presiding,
that be held
further be
in the
Against Saloons.
Tim in riots
prevailed in the At-
weeks ago taught
things iii. some people may n t
have the
after it
i- one i at i
ii. , s .
of the ;. t for a d
. . i I I . I'll,
as the ma m city sit u
mi ii It i t i
ii . i g us the
r f ill
I i
; I . I i
i . I I I
I lie Sate.
Mil ,
will b one u
t. the Ii dies bee
the . i to
ink- place i he More, i. L.
Co. ill i i lay d i n
and O. T I a II i
I. Co. U. in
and Wednesday.
i. . . I In i
. d
day morning wild devotional
by J J. Harper.
The State made hi-
district help on the State
work, which w i-. by die-
e work.
On motion it was ordered
the donation of district funds t
be cu
for one and that tin
In be placed
tin board for t hi
The question con I inning
plan i I .
meetings was A.
J. Harper and i .
Jo en. and on
c to bold o i i i i
I lie till I III and H i i
r i
II. J e
i v i
i .
I. c
i. A.
on the m
I i i-i i h. I
tin u
in and in i
I on e
hi boo I method in . was d.
by it. Jones,
however, s. e present you and your
calm and describes the as, school may be left out and such
In black, of medium not complain. I beg
whom she would readily recognize he present. Let us begin
About one hundred citizens
mediately gathered and endeavor-
ed to in i e, ii- i he
The in this Community is
run pretty high and doubtless
had the been caught last
or today he would have
been lynched It is recalled now
tn a has been seen
king about that vicinity
y sequestering himself in
of the trees f on the
somebody, but as he
alt moved along i
interrogated nothing
thought about the matter.
young lady that
have entered the house in the
very quietly and secreted
himself behind her bed. Who
ever Lie . was. he must have
one who knew the house II
hi the habits of the Milieu-
i .
The young lady is wonderfully
ears old, and has
a to v weeks. She vi here
i, i ,
mini r mid I us
the Aldermen
The board in
session Thursday night,
ail but me the be
Action on i i-y be-
tween W. T. and 1-.
Fleming regarding a in
cemetery was postponed until a
report can be had
Alderman made
ch i i an i id
in hi ad .-1 to
r mi. e
i lit p p reported
i b iii 1.1- i n i-p-
i h i
I . i
i. i
I. i
A vole I i
i .
lie I i
I I . i i .
i e
. it- were i.
I pool
. II
i j in ed i m et u i
I,, Dec. I I.
lie i.
mi . to y

Eastern reflector, 5 October 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 05, 1906
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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