Eastern reflector, 2 October 1906

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t H. E- A. MOTE, Manager.
N. C.
II, . J-t-
Manufacturers of
Doors, Blinds,
And all Kinds of Turned Work.
Also Dealers in
etc. m j
orders will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction
At the Close Sept 1906.
and Discounts
b fixtures
from is and
Bank i
i S.
, profits, Less
subject to
currant expenses
. i
N r .
C. of l
. ashier of the named bank, do solemnly
wear the above statement is true to the of my
edge . d belief,
Subscribed and sworn to before
this 10th day of Sept.
Notary Public.
J . L. as
A. G. OX,
i MAS. Directors.
I , , .
rational Entertainment-
from different
i .- The of frontier vivid Ml
The only M In p- touring A th
c i I is ti i
I ;,, i -i i Burning n v p
. L
from e. T t train d to
your I Prince Lu sea a -ii i
i Troupe Wane rs tr
Native Africans from the province
American Australian Boomerang Thrower
Bea landers Troupe of Arabian Acrobats Mexican Ru
in Magnitude. Unsurpassed in Mont.
Reviews bi Detachments of all a-
Fresh months New
India pi ant. Drove of Camels. Only bent
Island Two performances daily at i.
H p Seats people under sun and ram can-
K veil son sale day show at Coward s
spectacular Free parade with-
charge at o'clock a.
i-xi i
And look through our before buying. Each article
of merchandise has been selected with great care as to quality, style
price durability, and the usual high standard excellence ha
been maintained.
The New Cloaks and Rain Coats
are coming in every few days, the variety is great and we are ottering
some splendid values. Ladies Full length Rain Coats, well made in
the latest styles, double breasted, belted, and trimmed with
braid for the better grades run up to 118.00 and includes the
new style.
The New Dress Goods.
are ready tor your inspection, the showing includes the season newest
offerings, such as Broadcloth, Batiste, Voile, Serge,
ma, Flannels, Wool Mixtures and Plaids, ask to
see our special Chiffon Broadcloth at yard.
The Silk Department.
is and sparkling with good values, Crepe de
the real double width in lovely shades for
22-inch Crepe de in perfect shades tor So yard. Our
Taffeta Silk in black and colors is worthy of your attention, price
yard. New Plaid Silks mi all shades and Combinations.
The Notion Department.
Contains the newest of the seasons novelties in Fancy Back Combs,
Belts, Shopping Bags. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery.
Ribbons and Underwear, Ladies 1-Button length Black Kid
Gloves 18.00 pair. and Colgate Powder box.
Colgate Dental Powder box. Cashmere Bouquet Soap cake
The Ladies Home patterns tor tall and winter are here, price
and The Fall Fashion Book and Fashion Sheets
will not regret paying this store a visit, tor we have many inter-
things to show you.
J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Motion for Severance Allowed
and J. K. Barnhill First Put
On Trial-
Continued from last issue.
I Sun
day in bis yard, him
again dark pin- my house.
I remember the Sunday
of assault cm Teel. that
day at my brother's Burn-
bill, we all attended church at
grove and went to
bro tier's. Saw K.
bill at church, he up and
spoke to As we were leaving
for that Mn, Brown
children came up. brunt
said about whipping
Mr. Teel while there.
hi that Son-
day, saw J. K. and
poke t him.
bill, bis character is
J. K, character is good.
am one of the
named in indictments in this mat-
I did not go to house
the of the assault, was
never at but once
that two Went to
Ht Hickory Sun-
day, saw Jim them D d
Dot take my and buggy out
that Sui day night. Teel to
id d
not gel u pis going to
him. He me if wont rT
Sunday let anybody have
my I told In in
no. He said he had billowed
buggy luck there, it looked like
the last track been made
He told me to go look at my
turned out aid Id
him In see for
be he would take my word for
it. b rues
on I spent Sunday sight Si
borne, t in room wit
Have never beard any
body whip-
ping there are no
on me
Ores x ruined--1 know
Went to hi IV
even ., . bi-
court. I look d
at track Teel pointed oat and it
drove horse lit
locked up I W,
is nets before
I refused to make State
all one h i
from my to
would j; Teel told
mi tho r been followed
from house home
my gate, say my horse
was in i riven that night and l
in- Inquiry to
it. he ml
l ll U
inn .
V l i. I,
ah Mind eve
c ml
wont on homo. Saw
o'clock toM
. and
I him
had ii up u the
d 11.1 was
I heard white g
when me Teel.
Henry is my
-law, did not I never
Of ii V .
John Manning- married my sis-
he was white capped before
Teel was. made no effort to find
out who it was while capped him.
was at A. the night Mn-1
nine It was the 4th
Sunday night in March. I have been
accused of being a pally to the
whipping. I have been charged
with and am indicted for
it. beard that L C James and
Teel went to and bad me in-
I was not in crowd that went
to never heard any body say
he ought to be whipped. I heard
that Teel said I had been to
and swore to a falsehood,
feel about it and be ii was
not so. On the Teel was
peached at iii-
Jack, did not preach lb
but n tin in ii borne,
there dark, OB my
way home Jack
I He
tired that about ck,
I not going to
the following Tuesday, made no
inquiry about Jim being in the
white capping, I thought he was
not wounded much if any and did
not bother about it. He is my
lie-direct never heard any
report about my connection with
whiskey except what Lem James
lam not guilty of Such
W W House testified to good
character of both Barnhill
and Teel. J S Brown and Wes
Martin also testified to good
character of Barnhill
I live at place with
tho Teel w as
II Mail lied. Walter
and lived at
hen. and got
mat at . was in
and come down to give them
no keys They both went to
bed very soon after coming
one went out of the house again
lint night that know of
got up at the usual time next
mi ruing
woke up
and myself both.
there. have not heard ll--
her say was o'clock when
iii Did not, hear say
lie sorry he went.
Saturday f went down the
river to attend a Ash fry, but they
no I got back next mom-
lag limit en red men
, line with I left
place and to
met Jim Barnhill
t re who lie hail to
fry. I told him there not
he went I went Oil
railroad afternoon look
at Stokes for Oakley.
myself went to sec
girls at It was in
I intended going
on train bill told
in mil I
I with him.
Zeb I
I in him
w I;
Is Wynn and
. i In I
i . Linn . I III . .
I V fl O e ll I II. Ir
I. him .
re l to
., , the S
v- . Raid there about i eel I
kn b id re
i ml plat e about and i
Moore k ya down to .
Court here took s to
o'clock Wednesday morning,
was n considerably
did no I few days after attack He me Cross
ray how many went into room. be did not know if Le could night to Mr.
I haul logs for Zeb
JACK BOWELL. on plat for u with
Am years old, he when I jaw them Sun
log about
or Wednesday of following week
know anything about it., LiVe u. place borne The load Briley and
reopened Wednesday morning.
to be a very long one. the defend- saw where- latch was broken off anybody b the crowd.
ant being tried mi three different door, did rot bear the shooting.
Into dwelling It was after breakfast when I went
house, conspiracy, assault to I did not say at Go.
older to shorten the; in April court I
State consented to accept
a verdict not guilty the;
count of conspiracy and the court
was asked to eliminate all the
evidence introduced bearing on
Walter the stand
to continue his testimony, but fur-
question him being
objected in a incompetent be was
stood aside.
I am one of the defendants in
tn s matter, live at Sheppard
First saw Barnhill on Sun-
day at Tom he asked
me money owed rim tor
oxen. Next saw at Oakley,
asked him about some tobacco
and went by Oakley to get to-
it was directly on our
way home. Saw him last that
night about o'clock, he, Wool-
ard and myself silting in front of
Nelson on opposite side
did not break
in house and assault him
knew of.
I mean
to say It don't know
broke in In
I live three or four hundred
yard from W. J.
the night his house was
en. Mrs. Teel came to my house
next she said she did
no recognize any of them,
l live quarter mile from
went to his house about light
next morning after trouble, stay-
ad a short while. did not
any suck en wire fence. asked
Mis. reel were tho parties dis-
guised and sin; said they were
not. She was at my house the
following and I asked
her if she know any of them and
she said no. i at
house Monday night and ho said
be reckon he was mistaken about
shooting at any one in his yard,
It might have been a plum tree
on opposite side of path.
Cross heard pis
shots inroad, fain wife of
Hen Ward, he went to
when bell rang. He heard
horse comb g by.
live three quarters mile from
, am wife of George Bed-
dick, went to house next
morning Mrs. Teel said she
ti- ck and put in man's
was man with slim
little red chin beard.
rotated to any of the
day night, names
in- who hi After they left
The defendants counsel hate
talked the mailer me to
what knew. Teel was not home
when was there. I n Teel
and myself are have
never given each other any
trouble. Went to his house later,
and talked with him, did not tell
I did hear bis wife
make the statement. Did
bear Teal say anything about rec-
Court; took to o'clock
Recalled -I did not to
house the night of attack, there are
no gun shot wounds my person.
When I left Oakley that night with
Walter we went home,
reached thereabout went by-
way of Stokes, from there went on
by swamp church. People
live along read from Oakley to
Sheppard place, we passed by W
house. A colored man
named Jack Unwell lives on doe
buck place near road. Alter get-
ling home we went in and saw
Claude M and Tom
we put up and wont to bed.
I slept down stairs with Tom
and Moore slept
up stair-. Got up at usual time
morning. Tuesday morning
was time I about white
Cross several
parties in bar loom a Oakley
other defendant among
Think we had all been there before,
I lived at Sheppard mill at time
of assault, Saw that
at home, he got
thereat I went in room
when he called Claude and looked
clock Had been asleep before
went to bed with me
He said a few words about the
to be done next day, he
house is close to road. Heard , or. is go to
Briley pass that night a
little pi-t o'clock, had got
and was smoking when he pas-id, Live been there
heard and to-
Cross examined-Have not; Williams that night,
known Briley long but knew bis ; Haw , ,.,.,
parents. Did not tell Mr. Roe. going Nelsons,
buck that I expected they had ; ,, ,,,, c nU
something to do with it I
they passed my late. II Cross was
heard somebody telling K hailed
about it and they Briley had me then,
in it. Mr. Thomas called
Dame and said he he was
there. Then I spoke that to-
passed my o'clock
Live at Jim
remember Teel
trouble. Between and o'clock
that night I went to to
going toward I knew It
was without going out to see
him, did not try to see him and
never saw him. got cent
of money have never
mentioned to him. Told
Roebuck it was directly
o'clock when Briley pan ed, Roe-
buck did not say it was much
later than that.
Briley lives about from
Stokes, his character and
of good. Have known
J. K. Barnhill since he has been
in that neighborhood, and never
heard anything against him
Character of T. W. White-
good, character Jack I
am indicted
Federal court.
get some whiskey for my wife who
was sick, Barnhill put hi head
out and asked if -h- was
sick much, be slept at Will urns.
r. in-- was very contused
I. H. Little d to character
of witness Una Little, also to
character Barnhill. also
testified to character Teel, J.
R. J. T. Jenkins and
H. R. I to
W. J. Fleming testified god
character of Briley, and Sane
testified to good
C. Forbes
to good character of T. W.
about miles from Oak
went to church Easter Sunday
and spent of day
Miss Taylor's. Saw K.
bill Saturday night, a;
stayed there balance of night. morning and at Mrs
lace, he
In am
ed- not e-
mi, the do
. I ml I
I v home. think
Mrs. Teel any
1.1 in I- h
Am husband of lady on
in Teel describe
the man whose face she put match
in, said he a kind of tall
man with face roil chin
Claude Moore up stalls in
different room from
old, lived with Briley a
months. Claude was to
wake up when they c inc. Wool-
ard struck match, he came In
tho door, it was unlocked. I
stopped staying there alter this
trouble got out. None of us
said hoy came in at i
First heard of Pas
Tuesday, m till a
man named him.
Never been to court before
Looked at clock because I want-
ed to know what time ii was.
might have boon a tow minutes
past alarm
; id
filial I
. .en ii Jung , Keys to Told Ii
they caught no fish. J. K-. I
hill carried me to Stokes
evening, did not ask
was going to Oakley
told him Briley had gone to
W. J. B.
live in Bethel, saw Teel a
I remember testimony of witness
Gurganus. I was talking to
about buying out. Wynne
said he wished he could get out of
it, hut it had no reference to white
cap case. saw that Sun-
day night, he got up and rode with
i me as far as my gin house. Went
to his store later and several of us
were in there together, I left about
o'clock and saw Barnhill no
more that night, lie came In room
where sleeping Nelsons
about light next morning, saw him
about his place of business
the day.
Cross by my-
self that night, Wynne, Barnhill
and Charlie . bad been staying
there. Barnhill did in
until about day. after I left
store got lo house a man come
there with between there loosing for tap Bog
and o'clock. I left ti ere about I ere laid it was him. went out
and he was still there.
Saw Barnhill evening
my home, he came between
o'clock and kit about It is
about a mile to Oakley,
was with Think Barn-
hill had on a tan colored shirt.
Saw quite frequently
in last six months, shown
he know I
Testified to good character of
Cross tn good
character of Teel, also said Teel
told him about the white capping
said he had recognized some of
the parties.
Lived at mothers 1-1 miles
him that A
,., , , ., . from y at lime of I el assault.
cap that lo, ks like . ,
c it is it .
I iii w. I put
I e ,;. and ll
. . u
Saw r
o'clock I . . I I lo get
In; r.
, . ,
put it the .
I k
, , , ,.
hill. I . ,
tho . ho
led. ,., ., k
would n the I hilt
bill night ; . , , , . ,. , . ,
, ., with Bin it n
Ml. Is, . . , , . , ,,
. . in and
clock. Saw vi eel and
e ore in f re
then in and went toward
Stoke-. Barnhill about light
Monday morning between Nelsons .
. Do not remember to have read m-
and . .,
were present.
when first hi

i vim i i i
of blue aim i roar
there o i I
th patter i i a I of fall-
v a lie the
thirty w i for
valor, onto, ; s f
the w and those th were . men, Al-
ready us i
mi e I . I
cider plan of attack, lire
it i that are to
abandon the cried
But the shook his j
dead. wolf would soon a
half as
a prize as
tiny have lost
Aye. net so ourselves
In proportion to
have ion out l a and
No. no; I
they are a and we
hear from ii but
It may tie some hours fir a you
will take my advice v.- w I rive an
sleep, fir you are I can I
by your ores, s c. .
Without it as I
Do was to the
last pitch of human en .-.-. a Amos
Croon and the Seaman had already I
in th--r Muskets i
and sunk sleep under e I of
the . Tl o .- up- .
to say few . comfort
to the Adele, and t km,
himself down upon a couch.
he the dreamless sleep of ex-
When at last be was
aroused by a fresh spin d musketry
Are from the woods the sun was
ready low in the heavens, and the
mellow of evening the
bare wall of the room He sprang
from his coach, seized musket
rushed downstairs. The
were gathered at their loopholes once
more, m ill and
were whispering eagerly
is it, Are they coming
he naked.
up to said
peering out at the corner of
the embrasure, are gathering
thickly at the east fringe, and yet the
comes from the north, it is not
the Indian way to attack across
open, yet, if think help is
coming- from fort, they
The wood in front of us Is alive with
said Amos. are as busy
as beavers the
they are go to attack
from this side and cover the attack
by ii fire from the
Is what I cried the
the spa-- gins up
here and all the except live for
The words were hardly out of his
when a shrill yell rose from the
wood, and in an instant a cl of
rs burst and charged
the bowling, i m and
and In the
air. of those in I or c
in, .
y . i a .
and H them v .
been f
,. .-r.; .;
the of their
Q v. lie oil a-s
again on to tops
the palisades and ;
down upon Inner
while they had to load,
and then, chi their . Hoy
e rod head
i. above
Tho din the I v at In-
the shouts and the
tho ; t S as
and tho terrified of the
women i one
dreadful uproar, above c i A be
beard the high, shrill oil
Imploring his to
fast. With Du t nun, De
and hi was
ever In the forefront of -ht
to desperately did they fa heat
and butt l i,
hawk, that at At.
the pain ids
slain or a
when a fresh burst i
face, which
Of Its defenders. Lb II n an
Instant tint tho is tot and
that only one thing sees the
thorn for he
d. and, rushing at a
gun, his flint and -u I
fired It straight Into the Out k of the
Then, as recoil d tot an
Instant, he stuck a nail lit, touch-
kola and It home a blow
the of bis cm Dashing
cross tho yard, he spiked the at
the other corner was ha at tho
as the of the garrison
rare hurled against It by the rush of
assailants. The Canadians darted
In and swung the ponderous mass of
rood Into position, breaking the leg of
the foremost warrior who bad striven
to follow them. Then for an Instant
bad time for breathing and for
terribly reduced,
left weary
it. had
had Peon
I hi r . as a very evil
one. guns been
I hey he turned
, v d, or. all further
been vain. Put
bad saved
tin . i anger. The two guns
the river face and the
were safe for were commanded
by the Ii lows of the nonce. But
their u Is rs were
and who were
ii-o . l c.
while a had
by a tomahawk and
COUld raise las
. la la . id wore
uninjured. bad a
bullet hob In bis and Amos
was bleeding from a out upon tho face.
a few shots from the
windows suffice to clear tho
sure, for It was nil to their
Sim. but on the other hand the
had the shelter of the
now, and from farther side of It
up a tire upon the
windows. Half a of the
the fusillade, while the
leaders consulted as to what bud best
be done.
have twenty-five women and
fourteen said tho seigneur.
am sore you will agree with
me, gentleman, that our duty is
Some of you. like my-
self, have lost sons or brothers this
day. us at least save our wives
canoes have passed up
the said one of the Canadians.
the women start the
can get away to the
well if you c.
this also, for
be held until
e of ex-
. think It would be
get your men out of
see how It Is to
. j-
. lit
tut What Is
Io make attack upon it No. no,
gentlemen; there still nearly a
score of us. and when the garrison
Icarus so proceed, which
will be by tomorrow morning at the
latest, they will certainly scud us re-
you stand by the fort I will not
desert yet It
Is a pity to sacrifice men for
canoes will hardly hold the
and children as It cried
but two large
end four small. There Is not
for u single
Tho Iroquois were very quiet now,
and an dropping shot from
the trees or the stockade was the only
of their presence. The twilight
was gathering In and tho sun bad
ready beneath the treetops.
Leaving a watchman at each window,
the loaders went round to the back of
the the canoes wore lying
Upon the bank. There were no signs
of the enemy upon the river to the
north of them.
ore In said Amos.
clouds are gathering, there will
Is luck, Indeed, since the moon Is
p past the answer-
ed la; wonder that the
have not cut us the
but it is likely that their canoes
ha re gone south to bring up another
an hour it might be dark enough
to i
think tint there is rain in those
clouds, that will make It darker
Tho women and children were as-
their places In each boat
wen- assigned to them To Onega, the
Indian wife of the who was
us wary and as experienced as a war
sachem of her people, the command of
the women was
Is not very far,
Is but h league or
I do not wish to leave yon,
Amory. We have been together in
dear love, you will tell at
the tort bow us, and
they will us
the Io that, and I will
I useless.
Onega has mo to load a gun. I
will not be afraid, Indeed I will
must not ask It, It Is
Impossible. Child. I could not let you
stay. It Is for my sake dear. You
do not know what a load It will be
from my heart when I know that you
safe. And you need lot afraid
for mo. We hold the place
Adele was silent, but her hands tight-
upon his arm. Her was
still endeavoring to her when
a groan burst from the watcher In the
window which overlooked the stream.
Is a canoe on the river to the
north of be cried.
many warriors are In ask-
ed the seigneur.
cannot see. The light Is not very
good, and it is In the shadow, of the
way is It coming r
Is coming this Ah, It shoots
out into the open now, and I can see
she goad Lord be
is it cried De la
is not an canoe. There
it but one man in it He Is a
cried Du
springing up to the window. but
a madman would venture into such a
nest Ah. yes; can see
him now. lie keeps well out from the
hank to avoid their fire. Now he Is In
be turns toward
is a said one. craning his
are there Is
can see his said an-
other, -it is h Franciscan
Au later there was the sound
of a canoe gr upon the pebbles,
the door was unbarred, and u
strode In attired in the long, dark
gown of the He cast a
rapid glance around and then, step-
ping up to De laid his band
upon shoulder.
You have not said
he. have caught the evil seed be-
fore it had lane to root
do you mean, asked
the have made some
mistake. This is my good friend
Amory de of a noble French
is do the here-
tic and Tied the monk.
have followed him up the St. Law-
and have followed him up tho
and would have followed
to tho world's end If I could but
bring him tick with
father Your seal carries you
too the
would you take my friend,
go back to France with his
wife. Then Is no in Canada for
Du Unit burst out laughing.
Ste. Anne, said he. you
could take us all back to France at
since you followed us here
and since there is no getting sway we
may settle this question at some later
A groat brown cloud had overspread
the heavens and the had fallen
so rapidly that they could see
gleam of the river in front of
The savages in woods and behind
the captured stockade were quiet, save
an occasional shot. Suddenly a
loll red glow began to show above one
of the roofs of the cottages.
have set It on cried Du
must go at once,
for the soon be as light as
day. In in There is not an instant
to lie
There was no time for leave taking.
One Impassioned kiss and Adele was
torn thrust into the smallest
Canoe, which she shared Onega,
two children and an girl.
The Others rushed into their places,
in a few moments they had pushed
off and had vanished into the drift sud
tho Tho cloud had
broken and the rain pattered heavily
on the roof.
i lad for this
Du will prevent the
cottages from blazing up too
But be had forgotten that, though the
roofs be wet tho Interior was as
present should be very much
yon will said De
la sternly, you are under
my roof and that you are speaking of
But tho friar was not to be
st said ho. whipping a
paper out of his bosom. is signed
by the governor, and calls upon you.
under pain of tho king's displeasure,
to return this man to Quebec. But I
have you now and I never leave
you until I see you on board of the
ship which will carry you and your
wife back to
Do could hut admire tho en.
orgy tenacity of the
seems to me. father, tint you
would have shone more as a soldier
than as a follower of said he,
dry tinder. He MA hardly spoken
before a great yellow tongue of
licked out of one of the windows, and
again, until suddenly half of
roof fell In, the cottage woe
blazing like a pitch bucket The
hissed and sputtered the pouring
rain; but. led from below, they grew
still hither and flashing
upon the great and
trunks to burnished brass. Their light
made the the manor
house as clear as day and the
whole long stretch of the river. A fear-
yell from the woods announced that
had seen the canoes.
are rushing through the woods.
They making for the water's
cried Do
they must pass cried the
Ste Wane. down
the cannon and ore if you cannot
had hardly reached the guns
when two large canoes filled with war-
shot out from the
below the fort
you are our best cried
De la for her as
passes tho great pine tree. Lambert.
do you take the other
The two wrinkled old artillerymen
glanced along their guns and waited
for the canoes to come abreast of
The fire higher higher, and
the broad river My like a sheet of dull
metal, with two dark lines which
marked the canoes sweeping swiftly
down the center. One was fifty In
front of the other, but In each the In-
were bending to their paddles
and pulling frantically, while their
comrades from the wooded shores
whooped them on to exertions.
The fugitives had already disappeared
around the bend of the river.
Ac the first abreast of
the lower of the two guns the
H. A.
Having consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. is one
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed in
Dry goods and groceries
We carry an up-to-date
Hats, Shoes, dress goods, Notions, Sc.
n Groceries we will all i fall or the very best goods, not
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, coffee, but all kinds of
canned goods, the finest brands
We can supply you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices
COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and price. of our goof's please you.
Wholesale retail a
aides, Far, Cotton Oil Ba
Turkeys, B,
toads, Mattresses Suits, B
y Carriages,
Tables, P
and Ax
Henry George Can
Cherries, Apples
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk
Flour Sugar, Meat, Soap
Lye, Magic Food, Oil
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
Jen Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts
Candies, Dried Apples,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Ola.
and China Ware, Tip and
War., and Crackers, Mai
Best Batter, Nev
Roy-l Sewing and
i good and
Cheat Com
u i i i lit i . -t
Same when it conies to buying
w at to t. where to bay, and you are going to pay is where th
Co m-s in.
My go and prices will convince you that this is the place to
buy in quantity.
Hay, Corn, Oats Bran, Ship Lime and Groceries.
When you in this Hue it will be to your interest to
In for
by tin
official information has
been received at this department .
W. H. Jr. late of the
of Pitt stands charged with
and assault upon W. J. Tell,
whereas, it appears that said v
H. Jr- has lied the State.
or so conceals himself that the i
nary process of law cannot be served
upon him.
Now, therefore, I, B. Glenn. Gov
of the State of North Carolina.
virtue of authority in me vented
aw, do issue this my proclamation
a reward of One
Dollars for the apprehension and deli
of the said w. H. Jr
to the Sheriff of Pitt County at the
Courthouse in Greenville N. C. and
so enjoin all officers of the State and
all good assist in bringing
said criminal to justice.
Done at our City of the
day of July, in the year of our Lord
one thousand hundred and
and in the one hundred and thirty-
first year of our American
By the Governor.
To whom Them Presents Mai
ii my satisfaction, tr
record of
I tor the voluntary dissolution
tin- unanimous of th.-
I In nine., that The
National Halve
of this Stats, Whose la situ
In town of
of North Mun
th and
thereof, up whom process may he
his compiled with the requirement
Chapter II. of mi,
to the issuing .
Certificate in.
Now. Therefore. I, J
of the State of N do here-
by that the i corporation did. a
the th day of fit. In my
duly executed and c writ
to the dissolution of c
by s
which consent and th record of the r
ire n nu my all
ones provided bf law
n in v I have hereto
my hand and I my
at Kn this day A. t.
J J. Bryan
ll of
m- I the
of Pitt of
he of Wick
thereby to all In to the
to make Immediate payment to the
and all
sud e same for
on or before the day of
notice will be plead tr of
recovery, Tat day of A us.
W. I.
Five Points Grocer.
In addition to Full line of Heavy
and Fancy Groceries we carry a
line of Hardware such as Home
Chains, Plows, Also
ware, Tinware. consisting
Chill Tonic, Liver
Regulator, Quinine, Soothing
Syrup, Nerve and Bone Liniment
Call me anything, in the
above lines
Five Points
in and examine my
Tours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent
. C. . -at.
I expect to be New
about two will
be closed in-m 22nd, till
hat pleasure m
recess to,
in arrears. list g,,,.,
Of all who receive their mail hi Prices way down
this office We also take orders n to
or job o
, We have on one .
will be glad to i. B.
price on tame. pram, ball
J. R. Co. . on seed meal, ship stuff,
,.,,, on hand, Cannon and Tyson
i , v V
tomatoes, c, apply to ,.,. e,
, J. K. i
To any who are in need of a cook
we can make his
to see us as we have bought a
tr load, and expect them to arrive -II he pres now
Cannon Tyson. interest the most buy-
Buy the i Cannon and Tyson.
tor J. B- Kr h hoy a
at W. Taylor's. Ii
children have been
Light on Dairying.
In OM of the modal schools in
i world's stock of town first grade teacher was
a on the She
trying impress on the young
the various uses of tho milk.
cheese, had been
posed of, and she wanted some
Might to tell how the farmer
surplus milk to the pigs.
Leading up to tin-, she asked this
iv, children, after the farmer
made all the
he needs and uses who milk be
wants for his family, what does ho
do with Che milk I lint ill
silence followed for a mo-
and hen little hand
ed frantically. The teacher smiled
and said,
it hack into the
piped Woman's Home
Com pa n ion.
pig is. very use-
an ii., ., young
cow . called an
stomachs of the cow is
shaped. leaves f the
The is called a
. lives on
farm arc i a
cow is i tor to gel milk,
but w jg for to
m cows have
and . d bulls. The
ma ill
flesh of the lamb called
twee Co.
your eyes need
J. W. Taylor, optician-
Ayden, N. C. is the man to do
your work if yon to be
Our line is now cum-
we will be glad to
yon cur stock before buy-
J. B- Turnage A Co.
u lull line meat, lard can
goods. Don't buy before
. me trial. Frank Lilly Co
infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. A. died last
morning and was bur-,
i Tied in the In the
we a big stock ,
of good drew and
J it- Tunings,
keep vii band u
line stuff lowest
j prices Such bay, oats, con,
reed meal and bulls,
to give
J. B. C-.
in improved
call to et- and we
will be pleased quote yon prices
J. B. ft Co.
Go to B, E. Mail Co's new
market beef, fresh meats, sail
sage, and fresh
For good cat ten cents com
to Os. J. B.
Too lo Bo True.
A with n
for conservatism was
ed by a callow hopeful friend
seeking to an in-
tended investment
wants me to take some
stork he says will pay
at per rent per annum and
is a sure he said.
The financier stroked his
he said slowly,
T should prefer per cent
with a
Home Companion.
Here is a thing which all cigar
smokers might observe with profit
to themselves. Before lighting a
cigar bite oil the end and, placing
the be lighted between
lips, blow through it. In this
you get of a lino dust that ace
in a when it is
which is apt to your
chords and Injure your voice. It
a valuable hint to m
there are quite a of
opera never light
a cigar until v have blown oil
the To failure to do this
may be -i part e
throat which steady
smokers are
There Was No Hurry.
Stern of mien and keen of eye,
the school was examining
the boys in arithmetic.
he said, just set
one more sum. If a col falls down
a b- well, and for two
feet -limbs up it falls down three,
how mg i take to get out of
One got hold of a slate, and
after filling sides of it with a
mass of figures for another
ions. snapped
the inspector, -haven't you the.-e
eat will never gel
out of well
he n hurry, replied
boy; plenty of time and
heaps more slates. If you
enough I'll bring the little beggar
out in An-
ago a porter named f-
i , , t-ii- I in r i en
employed Billingsgate I ,, vi, m.
I Shall to Sneak Door to
to Beg My
One of the bitterest disappoint-
in Schubert's life
In 1818 he
sent n selection of his compositions
to the poet's songs to
What precious pearls of music were
among the songs of
and those
from the sad melodies
d sum billy Wanderer's Earl
Buy a Fish-
J. B. Co. The King of
We want to make room for other j and the to
stocks nun in to do so an of Villa Goethe, who had
offering very cheap in sum-
We must move them turns
Peer got
out way and have put a price
on them that will sure t get
them oil Now is the time to gel
tin value your money.
m or
acres cleared hall
mile Ayden. Good well water
and out houses. Land in
blah state cultivation. Apply
N. C
When she entered the ear it was
I to that she we- angry. Her him,
chin was i in the and her lips
were i rigid line. The car
as i. e- seat was
so p . her way up
I front
ionI car j-. i
. .,
n, I
i her
lied the i en
a tall, . ii .
at, ;
an ear only for stiff
tin n in fashion in took no
notice of Schubert's music and ft
his letter unanswered. Sot until
Goethe appreciate the ex-
value of the
lay neglected in his
I. was then that
mine r sang
Earl In him.
. S delight
e i e little ion with
his friends to the
villages in the or
on the and it was in
of tho small inns, with a
p re country wine before
c. i de-
v. . by the
red him as a drunkard
com -e, go n lien he
f- . wine. i an absolute
t e not lose ho faculty
-i under tho sad-
. He .
of I
was ill in hos-
From London In a Sack.
Fuller, en
market. London, made a bet that h
would jump from London bridge
tied up in a sack, his only
being that ho should be
ed with o knife, which he was not
to open he touched tho water,
with which to rip open tho sack.
ITo succeeded in accomplishing the
feat and when picked up by some
friends in a ho it was none the worse
for his dive.
Ar Two of Impurity,
and of a
sir in living room , a In oping
or waking, has d
anon. Without
and unless t . i
pure i be
although it and a proof of tho
in . to r
environment to i . I in
of at ion of I u lit
can he borne with seeming
There are to forms of impurity
in the and solid. The
gases, those resulting from
from the lings, and in city
houses from the little unnoticed
leak.-, from the gas pipes and from
defective plumbing, are the most
Injurious. removal of these
free ventilation h open win-
and op.-n is most
But of little
ice in the removal the other kind
of is to say, tho
solid particles of
which arc always floating in the air
of houses is well in that of the
A beam of sunlight entering
through a half closed shatter makes
visible this dust, and one looks
with startled eyes on the beam
which lights up the floating
the wonder growl that the
lungs are not made solid by this
stream of dust flowing in with every
breath. Fortunately the nose and
the moist lining of the air tubes are
designed to filter the by arrest-
these particles before they can
enter the delicate air chambers of
the lungs. They do their work well,
but not perfectly, and the greater
the amount of dust the more they
fail in their function.
First Matrimonial Agency.
The title agencies
mil ought
attention in our time, when re-
quests for marriage the journals Sunday August th
in the form of gross or jocular and nineteenth, between John
sometimes serious d a gold wish-
That may seem to be a new
of modern life, yet M.
Henri in La
says tho real originator
of this industry was one
In the last days of the empire ho
set up in Paris sort of universal
agency which would supply furnish-
ed apartments, domestics, wives and
do St.
Workmen engaged in trades
i . r-
acquire disease of lungs from
I the inhalation of dust.
Dust particles are injurious not
only mechanically, but also and
chiefly because they act as carriers
of germs.
Since it is impossible, to remove
entirely by ventilation, is
necessary to do is practicable
; to prevent its dilation h
the Settled is but
inoffensive. when the troll
but ignorant
flops it into the air with a feather
duster she only rouses the ling
lion. Brooms and feather rs
are relics of barbarism and should
be banished, The damp cloth for
furniture and the mop and carpet
or for floors, or, best of all,
j tho vacuum process, are the modern
civilized agents of cleanliness. These
gather up the dust and do not
of a decree In tile Superior
PHI Comity u in a
.- h. Lail--. grinder
tote the Court
Thai Ira. I a of the
W. II. others
en i ii lot
t. In the
Se c heir of John Ti be-
HIT in M
ml ii an
mi l w h r, hereby
the I I Is II I e else.
r. 1.1. I I
V O.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Block, Bast St.
Ayden, N. C.
bone, set pearls u
diamond in the center. Liberal
for the finder.
Vivian Parker X.
tie work
is your time save
V by coining to us for
I have taken up one black bar
shoat, weight about
no earmarks. Owner can get same
by paying charges.
R. F. Greenville. N. C
ply scatter it in the air, where it is
invisible, but
Tho Honest Office Soy.
A Baltimore lawyer had
a new hoy, and teat Hie
boy's honesty he put a twenty dollar
under the inkstand on desk,
, letting the v . in ho
i went out to lunch. On hi return
a couple of Inter the note was
gone. A quarter occupied its
Tale with and horror, the
sufferers of Liver or ,,. .,
Bladder I Other
child school requisites; i fact urea say a bottle and If
tablets, pens, era- It cure we will refund
have also a great assort-
S in I.
for use
plain or hemstitch-
say a.
i full size free bottle of
if you, then
SOL until
This entitles you
to a bottle SOL at
ho shouted,
left under this ink-
Eland. Now there's only a quarter
there. How do you explain
boy smiled brightly.
he said, after you
gentleman called with a wine and
bill that he knew you were
to because if
iv of social cur-
DRUG , fr
Only a limited of but ties ,, ,
inkstand. Here's
given away- Don't miss this
V to
musician. .-.
flower is hi
the land i the lily, ha
for its
is W and
Ireland I hi n
i .
roe i
of I
I i and
i unpaid
A Up In Vault
A pr. i -it
me n hit great weakness
inability to stop
retiring. In he is
v ho
i all is I day.
i i him to i
of ii f the i of his
bi net . at the i
that he cloned the of his
I said,
the current of
your thoughts when you have your
business for the day as you
change your environment or as you
change your dress for dinner when
you go home in the evening. Turn
thoughts to your wife and
v. joys and cares. Talk
to them, play games with them.
Read some humorous or entertain-
-tor or some strong, interest-
book that will lift you in
of yourself out of your business rut.
Go out for a long walk or a ride.
Fill your lungs with strong,
air. Look about you and ob-
serve beauties of ire or
a bobby of cue kind to which yon
can turn for I and refresh-
when you your regular
business. He master of your mind.
Learn to control it instead of
lowing ii to control you and
over you.
Hang up in your bedchamber in
a conspicuous place where you can
always see it a card bearing in bold.
Illuminated characters this
Shut off all thinking process of
every kind when you retire for tho
night, relax every muscle, let there
be no tension of mind or body,
in a short time you will find that
sleep will come to you as easily and
naturally as to n little child.
The habit of thinking after going
to bed is fatal to all freshness of
work. These men have not
learned to lot their business in
their offices or factories when they
quit for the night, so they drag it
home, bring it up at the dinner
and depress the whole family,
or if they do not talk about their
problems their anxiety and absent-
mindedness totally unfit them for
the of
families. The; are absorbed in
tin problems of their vocations that
they do not know what is
around them. They do not Know
to relax, to unbend, to Test, so
they lie down -op with all their.
burden, just as a tired camel lies
down in desert with its great
burden still on it.- hack.
It is a great art to ha able to
shut the gales in the mental
power house on retiring, to control
oneself, to put oneself in tune with
the infinite, to oneself in
with those about him, in
with the world, to expel from
the mind everything which jar-,
all and
the . i f our pea v and
happiness, I we go to -I .,.
S. in Si Magazine.
An tent Cue t.
When Mi.-- Phoebe . I u
r. i in her to
t . where I as
cook several
ed briefly .- had tun ed
i in led to-
. i . i hi next
evening, ed hoc
I . to the mis of tho house-
i i c go toil
me tin I let n a a
on lucky number. Miss
she .-. id gloomily, guess I known
now how was
i lei at
Id M . I wed
t, how
very lad looked
to check, .
i i 677.1
Tho Life i .
Coil ;
that r Total,
I, J. Smith, c shier of the above-named do
that the statement in true to the best of my and be-
lief, s J. R. SMITH,
Subscribed and to before
me, day of Slept, 1900.
weighing LOGO
after twenty-four blows of
. . but makers said
It was calculated for a lighter blow.
Daily News.
m l
Twain. you .
hired younger men. These u I
lows Lave lost their teeth, of
they don't speak Arabic
J They speak

V J ii
TH. reflector
stared in post office iii N- C, m i
Advertising rates d id application.
Arm office counties.
i ii i
It is geld i It
is punished, bi i I
escape pun .-i I
T. effector. was
first asked about Hie conversation
I,. M by Mr. Mi
r I stem misc.
, Live on r id m Stokes
formed I a M a waste
Oakley. the night of
of time and money
the reel . or
the trial a per u . ,., , , men w
with any crime of ward Stokes,
lad r of road lea I
While who
good, that of ex iv. C buck.
cock iii I Character Fleming, proceeding
. ,.,, u good I live on r ad
i.-. between Stokes and mill
has be
fore a Pitt count;
Ex-Gov. T. J. jams uttered a
great truth in hist speech
the jury in white cap in
a man engages
the illicit sale or of Thomas that passed there
whiskey he bids bye to law some after From my
Tack Howell lives on my place, las
character I. Beard some
that nigh going towards
do not what time it
as or who the were. Mr.
Thomas was telling me about the
white capping some days later and
I in presence of
It looks very much ox-
Governor Aycock said in his
closing argument to the jury in
the white cap case, that a
of not guilty would a
declaration that every man in
Tour. i-ii around Oakley that
went to my father's and
-pent that with W. J. Man-
Greenville Wed-
and back t Oakley
I beard testimony
I . m
I he to
i borrow i y
so I a from
i if i . what i
i . did i i hear the
related. I
iii yon going to
n-. ; ck was known wit-
I carry i. to
.- i i v. like it
I, i . came to
; . ; . get two
in t- ii. i .- n ii we k and of-
t iv. . i did
cot g bat night and d-;
, , . was
. u l i t had
j , i . p ; ;. I
i, Jot kl . , , i . i i
-I ., j I in i . DO, wolf off
a, ii ; year or stopped
a i . i i. . ii stayed
i i . . i i
, Ii I it my room
Mil in
cap Sunday night
t Mary Taylor,
She was teasing ma about failing
to g-i -i crown at tournament
said had to a mourning
lay I her not to put
it Inn put SIM also put a ho on El-
mer cap. No wounds are
on my person.
Cross years
old, have lived in Oakley about
j years, work for and
house to mill miles, and to
tokes miles. was sub-
by both State and defense.
Cross examined-Think Mr Blow
was first i f I talked with
getting under Thompson around their stills and
Thomas told me that opened, a barroom of my
was accused of being in white cap-
ping. The buggy going by fast
that night woke me up, it might
Pitt county would hive t- arm haVe or
himself it defense of his own
as he could no
to th law to protect him
Judge Thomas J. Shaw has
closed a two weeks term of Pitt
Superior court, the first he has held
in this county. He is an able
judge and has made a host of
in this county. Judge
Shaw was feeble when he came
here to begin the court, and though
the docket has been a heavy one he
has held up well under the severe
Before court Friday
evening Judge Shaw
that he had witnessed more per-
jury this court than had ever
before under his observation.
He said if he had to hold another
court here he would send some
twelve or persons to the
roads for as the county
such example. Judge
Shaw further that he w h
the that Pi-
is dominated by whiskey i Hi.
as long as exists a
reign of evil may be expected to
continue Judge words
are true, and should the
blush of to the cheek if any
self respecting
End of First White Cap Trial.
The white cap trial that began
morning ended lite Fri-
day evening in a verdict of not
live days of the
consumed on the in-.-.
Only one defendant, J. K . Barn-
hill, was on trial.
case was a strongly fought
one from beginning to end, there
being an able array of counsel on
both sides. In all witnesses were
placed on the stand for the State
and for the defense.
The verdict of the jury was a
miscarriage of justice, as the State
established a clear case of guilt to
unbiased d.
I. K.
I hitched up that Sunday morning
about o'clock and started to river
to fish fry, met road told
me they caught no I turned
back and went to Hickory grove
church. After church I went to Tom
Williams to see who beard
was there and about
some money be owed me. I went
to Oakley and in afternoon
took a nap.
Later went with to Mrs.
Williams and remained there until
about o'clock, then went out
about my place of business where
asked rue about getting a
box of tobacco. Taylor boy came
in and was talking about
puppy On way from Mrs.
to Oakley and I
got up with and rode
as far as his house. While In my
lace . in and Wynne
came, several were there. After
the left
and I my place and
out in front Nelson's where we
talked for Mime time While I
was at Nelson's eating
Zeb called me out
Rogers wanted to borrow my
for next day. As
and off I asked
to get the money for me as
soon as he could, they went to-
wards Stokes. I then went to
Williams and wont to bed. AU
dropping to sleep Ernest
Carson came and wanted some
liquor, it was not o'clock so I
did not let him have It. j had
been staying, at Nelson's before
this. A colored man also
between and o'clock to
get for his wife, it was
Geo. Little. I stayed there all
night and got u; about day break
next morning, went to
and changed clothes; went to
Stokes about hour after sun op
to get hay, Wynne was with me.
We examined bay at both Stokes
and Perkins store, bought aim
from Perkins, pat one bale of it
on wont back to Oak-
Train came along while we
were in stables, Dr. got off
train and went in his office, I went
there to get medicine for my
throat. After getting back to
Oakley a tout o'clock I
down bed and slept an
own. got up that Sunday morn-
about or o'clock, Wynne
and occupied same
room with me, Whitehurst and I
slept together I started to
Hall that morning on river,
went by way of Stokes nearly
to mill; it was not near-
est way to Yankee Hall. I started
by to see if had gone to fish
fry. I met walking up
road, he told me they were catch-
no fish. Before I met
I met John James and answered
yes to his question if I was going
to Hickory Grove. It was
lock when I got back to Oakley,
went to Nelson's where I got down,
had been boarding there since
February. Think was
there, No was room when
I went to sleep after dinner. I
got up and went out to
he did not tell me that morning
he was coming on train. Wool-
ard and I went to Mrs. Taylors
and stayed until o'clock; we
both got up and rode with White-
when he came along. Don't
know if and I ever wen
to see girls together before, or It
we rode with Whitehurst
before. called over names of
parties embracing all defendants
who were in store
Ate supper about
o'clock. kept waiting
around bar after getting the
co. Do not know that I ever had
in my barroom on Sunday
night before. It i called miles
from Oakley to
and I stayed out and
talked about three quarters
hour they left, then I went
to Williams. Whitehurst told me
Bryan wants to see
but it was Cap Rogers. my
way to William's Frank Stater
hailed me and asked me if I had
changed my boarding place.
did not keep me awake all that
night after whiskey. I would not
let Carson have any. to
sleep and did not hear clock
or My clerk let the
have whiskey when he came for i
between and o'clock
I raised window and asked
about his wife. I tiled an
affidavit for continuance at April
term because of absence of Gus
Little who said in affidavit called on
me at my that night in Oak-
to get whiskey. Don't know
why I did not say in affidavit that
he called on me at home Will-
I swore to affidavit. It was
my clerk who let Little have
key. saw me the
same night Gus Little did. When
I left Williams and wen to
sons I lay again, I Car-
son put his heed in d or and asked
ii iv. to sleep all day. Hid
n i -1 that changed my
V . and were in
room Brought t along be
cause it said I shot in
body. not walk to train
it and Dr
Do not know what of the
doctor at April court. He was my
doctor for a while. Wynne
with i i- use both
wanted hay There phone from
Oakley to St which we
could r i hay. lay down
on in I an lour, felt
like lying d Zeb Whitehurst
did not take my bloody clothes out
of room that morning, colored worn,
an washed the shin for me. Joe
Williams did not u White-
had taken the bloody
room I had better be care
fill. I had heard it and asked Joe
about it. That is not why I am not
putting W on II
spent Tuesday night with W J
Manning, he has been helping me
in the trial. I do nut know if lawyers
employed for me I was
Manning that night at his house
about white capping. Wednesday
n first time heard I was accused
of it. People told me
Oakley and looked
and saw me in bed, I got out of
room about J o'clock
I never got Manning to
send to Teel and offer him f
for the cap. Joe did not
tell me that he offered Teel
for the cap and that Teel replied
the whole liquor interest of the
county did not have money
enough to make him tell a
about it. I did not bear until
May that Teel had said he
me. I read the article in
The Reflector, and know it said
Teel staled he two of
the parties. Never brought cap
here out of my trunk until this
court, brought it for in -i time
yesterday morning. I heard next
day after trouble that Teel had a
cap which said to be I
do not know that this cap was
shown Joe Williams and be said it
was cap I wore. I
do not know that Joe Williams
told Mr. Gray Little that my
bloody clothes were in the room
and that he tried to keep me out
of that but I just would
I am indicted in Federal
with helping to con-
whiskey. I am not charged
with helping to whip Manning.
I drove something like miles
that it was ordinarily
warm day my horse was tired.
Put the horse up in my stables at
Jenkins stables is
about yards from mine. Do
not know where Whitehurst went
that day, he was out driving that
am witness
ed yesterday who said Taylor
had sown bow in my cap, and have
the cap with me today,
Save not worn the cap much since
Miss Mary Taylor was recalled
and examined Parker's cap and
said it was the bow she put there.
The defense at this point closed
its testimony, the State Intro-
further witnesses rebuttal
of testimony defense.
I talked with Teel about
o'clock Monday morning after
assault, Teel with others came
to my store and asked if I heard
the news, told me white caps
were after him the night before
but did not whip him; said he
recognized two of them. Later he
told me the two he recognized were
Barnhill and reel's char-
is good.
Gross was during
same week he told me names of
parties he recognized.
on 5th
Furniture Problem,
We can solve it for you.
Furniture Sale and
Furniture Sale Claims ire and
What decide it. There Is but one
test. That sale is belt and most important
that offers you
he Lowest Prices on Furniture You Want
Come and be convinced, to please.
Pictures Framed
Watch this
for our
Jas F Davenport,
Save the Worry
The hot weather brings you
I without adding to it by w
r With a stock of
Grocer Canned Goods, Package
Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee,
Tea, Cakes, Candies, Fruits, Ac as I carry, the buy-
are easy and tho all saved It will take no argument to
convenes you of this if you visit my store and see what I carry.
You can find me one door North of
J. B
Neat Job Printing
Our specialty.
Reflector Job Printing Office
This department is In i P. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Hasten Reflector in and territory
. Cox Co., are
The Bank of wants
all the farmers in the
orders for their
A line of fancy i
i . and mil at I. Ii. Carroll
O. L.
Teel of matter in n
presence soon after it occurred,
-nil be two
how they
I i r open, drained him off ,
by of matches
Ids wife he d i.
community to leave their j moos Economic Back Band to
money with for
when they sell their crops. It
is more convenient to pay your
get a receipt when you do so.
The returned check is a legal re-
V, Brooks, T ,
of .- .-- he
day W. II, s.
m attending the Lades in need of tho
It in can find them
One of the strongest of
shoes ever exhibited can be found .
B. F.
, aid
i and i i
ii. to . today.
cold sloppy days will soon
be here Those in need of
es, rubber boots and
I its u . i qualities will
do i i B e A, Vi . Ange Co.
. for them.
ii. ; . Ila ming Co.
A he I. I are roost cordial-
it. of dress
I goods ever shown in the town of
H a. C.
and best Hoe boss at
i 1st ever
i me at a. u .
highest grade
We are prices Hour at J. Carroll and
outranks, grips and hand bags
A. W. Ange and
Mil- i Myrtle Proctor
students of
in Bun
at Hit. ion
Burlier Co.,
the to wait a few d
and i stock of y . d
I tog, i iii-v u
them them.
ionic early and get the
II Barber A C i
School, tablets, pencils,
a i t i -it u Car
Rev. Smith and little
son, of C, are
relatives here, is
Be will preach at
the church
at All are
invited t. bear
Shoo s one
Black one black
BET. J. E.
Dim time I saw Teel r
be said he knew one if
parties and thought he knew
Have known
his is good.
n. a. ix-.
one mile from U
mill, caw Barnhill
o'clock going
mill and he before I
returned home and had
to look at clock, r l
miles -loin my lo Hickory
ii. I.
Teal in Greenville a few
rod color days after the trouble
marked hole in left ear about told me he
o up same and j,,;,., two of but did not
then they were, j i
i ii u it ii i p of a I
i I l i. , Md
ab I in of pr I. m
A full Hue of summer silks all
at cost. Co.
Nine corned mullets at Barring
Moore, of were pleas-
ant visitors in Friday,
t We have just received a nice I Barber
me of horse collars. A. W.
Ange and Co.
Mi-- Kate Chapman is visiting
and white waitings, all
washable, at cost.
her brother near
A now lot of the latest of
furniture just received at A. W.
Ange and Co.
Lee a student of W. H
left today to spend in
I Dover with his mother.
Hon; George E. Hood, of Golds-1 at Barrings
delivered a most excellent i Barber Co.
lecture on the principles of the
A nice of drugs always on hand
Junior Older of United
last night the
of W. if, After c. n-
the voiles, lusters, at cost.
excellent school, he Harrington, Barber Co.
began his address by a beautiful grade of calico at cents
of Just per yard and cents, quality
as the flowers of the field the at cents at Harrington
myriads of differ in and Company,
selves yet there is a beautiful i Nicest and strongest line of
harmony in them all so does i shoes ever offered in Winterville
lift men into a broad at Harrington Barber and Co.
plain above the petty jealousies of j Nice line of fresh
life and into one Harrington Earlier
P D. Winterville N.
Pants for
Pants for
J for
Pants for
Pants for
Harrington, Barber Co.
You lo well t
A. G. Cox before
your winter buggy
robes as they have the and
most up line ever shown in
Winterville. Call to see him
let him submit you samples and
lest prices.
The A. G. Cox Mfg Co., have
jest completed a nice buggy for a
Virginia sport and we think we
can those of Carolina also.
The school desk interest seems
to increasing very rapidly.
Bead to A. Q Cox Mfg
sympathy d.
It goes into the homes of the poor
and carries the of life time
distress and enters the
palace carries sympathy and
brotherhood that the
human and gold
Is to purchase.
Mr. the all
present in his effort,
we id lo him a most cordial
ion t come into our
t the place of
We sell it.
B. Bro.
Annie was in
town Id evening
We to see Messrs. P.
Buck i . F. It. of Black
Jack, here Friday,
hired dress shirts
The town tax boots are open and
will be the sure of B. F. Man-
great household remedy. A con
Mineral Water. Stops
blood from cuts. Cures
Kidney trouble, Liver com-
plaint, Female weakness, cuts
sores etc. For sale at the drug
st B. Cox, and Bro.
Miss Nichols will have
charge of the dry good depart-
in the largo store of B. F.
Manning and Co. She will be
glad to have her host of lady
give her a call.
The young men will do well to
see 8- Co., before
buying their fall hats. They are
offering special bargains on their
I, Grade
of I
J Barber Co.
. II and Ward,
left Friday to
lay at their
I . hand a few mp-
Bibles, we are off-
trade at very low
In- I, i.
Vi ll hi
II .
will p
i ; It
ti don't find
i market, we
. . a ii. land
I entirely
. iv h ere until
, yourself
i a that
. you batter ilia
i make
V. Ange and Co.
Cox, Bro.
Little who
i days on his farm i Demand Loans
i, returned home i-
spend in
near Pt,
Goto I rag Store of B. T.
Cox for T. W. Wood
hi h and
Miss . ah Parker, who has
been vii III i; her parents re-
turned to Washington this morn-
A full lino of highest grade
ion made- overalls special bur-
gain at J B. Carroll Co.
At the Close of Business, Sept
Loans Mid Discounts 9,945.00
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks and
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Nat. Ilk and other U. S.
Capital Stock paid in 5,000.00
Undivided loss
currant expenses 93.36
Bills payable
certificate of deposit 2100.00
Deposits subject to ck. 6785.26
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt
I, J. L. Jackson, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly
sweat the above is true to the best my
J. L. JACKSON, Cashier.
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
of paint, mill this day of Sept. 1906.
a Harrington Burlier It. JOHNSON,
Notary Public.
A. G. COX,
G. E.
tell me later they were
hi I and Ted's
is good.
character while he lived in my
neighborhood was good, I
him until he was grown.
mil Barnhill is good.
testimony of
George and wife. I
made no such declaration in their
presence as they stated.
George Teel and Teel
were also recalled mil said no
such statement was made by their
I have heard George Reddick
say that be was summoned over
here to April coin t, but that he
went to the lawyers and told the a
he whatever about
it. got to about o'clock
the of the attack. Teel
snowed me where he had shot in
the and I saw door broken.
Crowd gathered and we followed
in-i tracks out to old then
followed buggy tracks around to
forks of road leading to Oakley
I with Teel to Oakley that
day, he has never said In my pres-
that he did not any
of them, but the first thing
morning he said he did recognize
them. I saw the hats and caps at
was preaching at Hickory grove
that day, I did not go. Never
heard of a that
community. I will swear that we
could plainly follow tracks of the
buggies. I did not follow tracks
beyond fork of road leading to
Oakley because my sou met us
there and said that Mrs. Nelson
had told him in Oakley that Barn-
hill, and had
gone in their loom that night, took
their clothes, put on
clothes and left there
would be some mischief and white
capping to take place that night.
Because my sou told this we did
not follow the tracks further to-
ward Oakley, I am lust cousin
f both Teel
Had conversation with In
Greenville MOD after trouble, he
told me a of broke in
his house and how he defended
himself; that his wife struck
bis boy run down
stairs gun, said he
two of the parties; day
Teel told me
hill positively and was unite
At of Thurs-
day afternoon the recalled
defendant Barnhill and asked it
he would submit to an
of his person by a physician,
and Barnhill consented. Dr. A.
was selected to make this
examination, and with certain of
counsel on both they re-
tired that purpose.
s Fancy .
the best moderate price know of
Breasted suits of pure wool, Fancy cheviots and
Scotches, extra well tailored 95.56
a Breasted suits of tho very best Fancy Cheviots
Wot Excellence in every I t i r
Also a fall line of Boys Hats and Caps.
Don't send the Boy to school next Monday without a new
suit. He's been promoted, new class
get him a new suit.
The King Clothier.
Pulley Bo wen
Tobacco Pack Barns and Cot-
ton Gins
ins urea,
Apply to H. A. WHITE
It is sure to pay you

The Big
Is receiving Daily. Stronger Line of Dry
Clothing, Furniture end Furnish
than ever before. See our line before buying.
L . ii. u
r n f
i -J I
Working For
An occupation which does not f.
re in statistics, nor
. . . I
id to tho I
. .
, h f
. editor th
r-SIr. . II .
i i I -I
. i .
. .
Our .
i i .
Ala i Ills i Id II . i . I . i-.
not dizzy and l him lo .Convention
will convene in the
Chapel, in our on the
and 7th of October, The pub-
in cordially invited to attend all
the services. The
desire to say, they will
ate resistance in tuning the
delegates. be about
them. If you can help, phone
to Mrs. W. M. King.
To Return,
count dome Coming and
Jubilee Week
ard limit Sept.
further information Call
Ticket A gent or
T. C. M
W. J.
N. C.
R. R. CO
N. S.
Steamboat Service.
Simmer L. leaves
Washington daily
at t a. i. . for leaves
Greenville daily
at VI m, Washington-
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Southern lot
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Burton all other
North. meets a Norfolk
with all West.
Shippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern R. K,
Sailing hours subject to change
without notice.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and
t. Agent, Norfolk. Va.
M. K. KING, V. P. G. MThose real estate i
town or to sell, or those
wishing to purchase real
town lots ii i ;. land, will do we
to call on me at my office in Green
ville. N. C.
friend. This Ii Worth Reading
Suppose You Stop a See
r H
Greensboro. N. March
Mrs Joe take pleas-
me in stating that your Remedy
has entirely cared our little girl of
a very bad case of eczema, which
covered a great part of her body.
She had from
the time she was three weeks old,
until she was biz years old, She
too well and I
Will b Hip of
Pill Hi for lie
nil c lo
h mm l. n. who M
of July Mi- ,
In Hi- .
I too highly of
int b on Th
I. M or
It lint it . t When
or old, n
It. n
d th- of of lb
l i I
w H.
virtue of the power off alt
certain M
t Peyton and
Ii I. I S f
hi ii dull in
i I ft i i f N- t
. in h i I. k . hf
V i i r- ti Ll lie . j . I , U . i
u. i . t Ii. I. ,
I -i oil I I. h o
a n j o i
Hi i ii i III Mi n . it i
II ii i . i t i I i . I . in v ; u . ,
i w. p v iv i 1.1 Mt in Hall
j i t ; ii. Vi , i . l in I i
ft i. . ti i;, i i.
t. ii i. i. u ii laid pi ,
It . in .
f S.
I. M I s
H It . All ii
i the i organs,
i tho bowels, and aw
In malarial M their virtue.-.
I bus not had a
i for six j Respectfully,
. . I. W COBB.
To Publishers
and Printers
We have new
on h patents
are pending, whereby we
can relate old Brass Col-
and Head Rules,
pi. and thicker, ard make
then fully as now
and any unsightly
knobs or f-et on the hot
Column and Ii. ad
L. S. and
Head Ruled in
and over per
A sample of n faced
. I.
. t; ,,; . Iv Co
I h i C M
. Of
You get Harness,
. i hand
. . con
In stock, Country
Produce and Sold
North Carolina.
f ex
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
At the close of business June 1906.
Loans and
Due from Ban Its
Silver com National
and other U. S.
Capital stock f 5,300.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
Time certificates of
Deposits subj. to check 32,799.21
chocks out-
standing 72.67
Certified 28.20
of North C
I. H. H Taylor Cashier of the above named solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
II. H. Taylor Cashier
M. O.
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
me, this day of April
Sun A.
Votary Public
Loans Discounts
Due from Banks 10,219.83
Cash Items
Gold coin
Silver coin
Nat, bk notes 3,170.00
Capital stock pd
Undivided profits 2.055.70
Bills payable
sub to check 31,777.66
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
Come, Not if
do Ml they will lie
in- baud
fear. The u long start, and tin-
women her., eta as well lb
j men. these canoe the Mo-
are m the in-
birch barks ire use. In
I tiny ii ii Impossible to
we bare do
It will hold a man.
It Is the friar
I am in that Sly place
Is with
lie Bung open the door, rushed out
was about to push off the frail skiff
when some one sprang past hi in and
a blow from a hatchet stove in
the side of I lie boat.
Is my said the friar, throw-
down ax and folding his arms.
have found yon and you shall not
escape me
The hot blood flushed to the soldier's
head. and. picking up the ax, he took
a quick step forward. The from
the open door the grave.
face of the friar, but not a mus-
twitched nor a feature changed us
he saw the ax whirl up In hands
of a furious man. He only signed
himself with the cross and muttered a
Latin prayer under his breath. It was
that which saved bis life.
lie hurled down the ax again
with a hitter curse and was turning
away from the shattered boat when
In without it Warning, the
great of the manor house crashed
Inward and a flood of
burst into the house.
WHAT had occurred Is easily
explained. The watchers In
the windows at the front
found that It was more than
Beth blood could endure to remain
waiting at post while fines
of their wives and children were being
decided at the back. All was quiet at
the stockade and the Indians appeared
to as absorbed as the Canadian In
what was passing upon the river. One
by one. therefore, the men on guard
had crept away had assembled at
the back to the shot and to groan
as the remaining canoe sped like n
bloodhound down the river in the wake
of the fugitives. But the savages hail
one their head who was as full of
wiles and resource as
The Flemish Bastard had
watched the house from behind the
stockade as a dog a hole,
and he discovered that
the defenders had left their pus. With
a score of other warriors he raised
great log from the edge of Hie forest.
and. crossing the open space
he and his men rushed it
against the door With such violence
as to crack bar across and tear
the WOOd from the hinges. The Brat
Intimation Which the survivors had of
the attack was the crash of the door
mid the screams of two of the
gent Watchmen who had been seized
scalped in the hall. The whole
basement floor was in the hands of the
Indians, and and his enemy
the friar were cut off from the foot of
the stairs.
Fortunately, however, the manor
houses of Canada were built with the
one Idea of defense against Indians,
and even now there were hopes for
the defenders. A wooden ladder which
COUld he drawn up In case of need
hung down from the upper windows to
the ground upon the river tide. De
rushed round to this, followed
by the felt for the ladder in
darkness, it gone.
Then. Indeed, his heart sank la de-
When- he fly to; The
boat was destroyed.
lay between him and the forest, and
they were In the hands of lie
Suddenly he heard a voice from some-
where In darkness above
me your gun. It said.
sec the loom of some of the heathen
down by the
Is I It Is I, cried De
with the ladder or I
am dead
a It may a
said the voice of Mint.
I'll for cried
Amos, and an later down cam
the ladder. De and the friar
rushed up It. and they hardly had their
feel upon the rungs when a swarm of
warriors out from the door and
poured along the river bank.
It was a very small band who now
held the last point to which they could
retreat. Only nine of them remained
the s the two
cans, tic friar, De
the major dome and two of the
The stone staircase ran
up from kitchen lo the hill,
the which had been
ed across lower pint by two
seemed as
enemies above, but the lies aged soon
found that if they attempted to
upon they were as
I watched as ever. The major
passing a
and a light was killed In by a
. and both
Alum and old seigneur h d narrow
the ii eastern
ii; f I and
. bi fall
leg, I ii warm col
. the he of Hie
drifting clouds. o stood at
I ow
. eye i.-ll oh a dork spot upon the
canoe coming
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and to be-
fore me, this 11th day of Sept.
Notary Public.
T. L.
Neat Job Printing
i Our specialty.
Reflector Job
Ires- i . i
The can
end the
Witt h.
face to
the whole
were still laid out ore
table, with the tricks
h other, us they had
there was something
Interest to
not c
bite or sup. xi .
with death Nature still
cried for her dues, and the hungry
men turned savagely upon the
the ham and the cold wild duck. A
cluster of wine stood
the buffet, and these bad their necks
knocked off and were emptied down
penned throats.
For four hours sounds of riot, of
dancing of reveling up from
the storehouse, and the smell of
open brandy casks filled the whole air
once the quarreled
-mi i . and
river la the
j There is
i In Instant they had nil rushed to
the opening, but Du sprang after
and pulled them angrily toward
the do you wish to die before.
your be cried.
said Captain
who understood the gesture if not the
words. must leave a watch on
deck. Amos, lad, lie here with m
and lie ready if they
The two Americana and the old
held the barricade, while the eyes
of the otters were turned upon
approaching boat a green broke sud-
from the only surviving
is an he cried.
your excellency. It Is so. and
It is the lame one which passed us
then the women have escaped
trust so. Hill. alas, seigneur, I
fear that there are more in the canoe
now than when they passed
The little group of survivors waited
in breathless anxiety while the canoe
sped swiftly up the river, with a line
of foam on either side of her a
long forked swirl III the waters behind
They could see she appeared to be
very crowded, they remembered
that the wounded of the other bout
wore aboard of her. On and
on, until as she came abreast of the
fort she swung round, and the rowers
raised their paddles and burst Into a
shrill yell of derision. The stern of
the canoe was turned toward them
they saw that two women
were seated In it. The one was Onega
and the other Adele.
Charles do In None, seigneur de Ste.
Marie, was a hard and self contained
man, hut a groan and a bitter curse
burst from when he his In-
wife in h. is of I kin. men,
from whom she Ii for little
mercy. even now Ills old fashioned
courtesy to his guest had him
turn lie with some words of
sympathy, when there was a clatter of
darkened of
the window, and the young soldier was
gone. Without a word he had lowered
the ladder and was clambering down it
with frantic haste. Then, as his feet
touched the ground, he signaled to his
comrades to draw It up again, end.
dashing Into the river, he swum tow. rd
Canoe. Without arms and lit
a plan, he had but the one thought,
his place was by the side of his wife In
this the hour her danger.
But there was another whose view of
duly led him from safely into the face
of All the Franciscan
had watched as a miser
winches his treasure, filled with the
thought that this heretic was the one
seed which might spread and
spread It choked the vine-
yard of the church. He, too, clambered
down at very heels of his prisoner
and rushed into the stream not ten
paces behind him.
And so tin- watchers at the window
aw of sights. In
midstream lay the canoe, with bur.
den of dark warrior, and two
men crouching the of h
Swimming madly toward was
rising to the shoulders with
of every stroke, and be-
hind him again was the tonsured
of the friar, with his dark
long Hailing gown floating upon the
surface of the water, in his seal
had thought too of own
powers. lie woe a good but
he was weighed and by his
unwieldy Slower aid slower
grew his stroke and lower and lower
his head until at last with a great
shriek of tuns,
he threw tin his band and vanished ill
swirl of the river. A minute later
the Watchers, hoarse with screaming to
him to return, saw De pulled
aboard the which
Instantly turned and continued Its
course up the river.
cried Amos
have taken him lie is
have seen some strange things Is
these forty years, but never like
of sold
The seigneur took a little pinch of
from his gold box and flicked
the wandering grains from his shirt
front with his dainty lacs
de has acted like a gen-
of said he.
I glanced round bin and
shook his head. are Only six
said he. the are
up to some deviltry because they are so
are leaving the cried
the who was peeping
through one of the side windows.
can It mean Holy Virgin. Is
It possible that no saved See
how they throng through the trees
They are making for the
On the river the single ca-
which held the captives, was
speeding south as swiftly as twenty
piddles could drive It; but, save this
one dark streak upon the blue stream,
not a sign was to be seen of their en-
. . i ,.
If You Seek The
Highest Class Clothes
At Prices
clothes that in every detail are the peers of the best
made-to measure garments come here and examine
he Fall and of
Fashionable Clothes
No effort has been spared by the makers, and
no available tailoring skill left to make
CLOTHES the best that can be produced.
You can see that in the of styles, the beauty
of the workmanship and excellence of the materials
and if you try on the of your size you'll
surely buy, especially if you've been wearing fine made
to-measure clothes
in conservative and ultra fashionable single and
breasted styles-embodying the latest fashion
though in a wide range of smart patterns in worsteds,
tweeds and , v to
Autumn Over
of distinguished cut and finish-in new fashionable me-
or dark gray in plain or herring-
bone weaves, to
Correct Autumn Hats, to
C. L. Wilkinson Co.

teal is
n likely
teat to
on through
back. Size
Ml. K. A.
huh K.
d on
i scar
de by any la-
ii the skin;
our H
Bl I
bail body t r .
I i made a
Worn here is no
that Bent
out i
scar doe- not indicate six
that s a wound, i- die
kin retracts. It is a scar
I ill that was lift
aid healed by . n I
c- not a; If a hail In Ins
Recalled- I
Monday alter trouble,
went to Joe Williams, who
for to get
went i s to get key
Tom cap was
own v. i i t be cap
won at tit, his
cap had white buttons on ii.
Character of Teal is good. Some-
time after the while capping he
told me he recognized two of the
parties as and
Teel me i two
the it very
week following the I
went with deputy lo
in custody we with him
to bis room in clothe, in
changing he baled from
waist up; saw ii. wounds on
f . r. vs.
I went out to arrest
I. K.
n i
both shifts;
to -a o
h war-
character is
This i t-irony on i
both sides.
court that speeches would
made on each side, Judge I
advised time
Ci in it no
exceed on each side.
. T. made
opening tIt
St and said he i as i
all the most case
bad ever i sUrd III
His made a i
and was folio-
ed II. W.
the speech for
speech the
of the after, session f
the com
At ;, session
of Court -ii.; e- w p b
and Pi- mil
tor defense, Li i. -tame, Solicitor Slav.
good for -i eel
Got, Aycock t- ; e to
speak alien., lie I
close the argument th
to followed by Judge S
charge j
s M.
Teel me follow-
In seemed
distressed said he would tell
about later. Afterward
he told me recognized
and i
a . .
A Ml It
Wat .- .
after i
lug I,
was in
ft . nut did not
w ho they were.
Recalled i told T. W.
If bis brother
would Sta he
could act ; d d.
The . closed.
W. i was recalled for
said lie defend-
arts . . i. toe Monday
We have taken up two Shouts
one black male with no ear mark
one red female With ear marks,
weight about BO pond
Owner can get same by paying
charges. J. other
Ii. V Kn l. C,
Dr. H. I. Char
N will lie
Hotel Oil.
l . , Ku-
Oct. 12th, in
Oct. 10th. for the e
m and throat, ii.
Two hundred and
In a i
mill S. Good
i to C. W. .
Tarboro, K. c.
I have taken up .;
d i
c gt t i
pro; , at j
May. G
I i
n n y.
. i i
i i
and H p
R r
Dru; Mi c. A
charge at Id
i i .
the .
a . Thrower South
Arabian Acrobats
I hi Merit. T
ii- , all
V Herd . I
Only herd
. d cattle. Two
10.000 people sun and rain
seats Mm day Coward k .
and Free Street parade with-
o'clock a.
, -v i. n
Store News
And look through our mammoth stock before buying. Each article
merchandise has been selected with great care as to quality, style
price durability, and the usual high standard excellence ha
been maintained.
The New Cloaks and Rain Goats
are coining in every few days, the variety is great and we are offering
some splendid values. Ladies Full length Rain Coats, well made in
the latest styles, double breasted, belt eel, and trimmed with
braid for 85.50, the better grades run up to and includes the
new style.
The New Dress Goods.
are ready for your inspection, the showing includes the season newest
offerings, such as Broadcloth, Batiste. Voile, Serge.
ma, Mohairs. Flannels. Wool Mixtures and Plaids, ask to
see special Chiffon Broadcloth at yard.
The Silk Department.
is and sparkling with good values, 86-in Crepe de
double width in lovely shades for yard.
Crepe de in perfect shades for yard.
Silk in black and colors is worthy of your attention, price
yard. New Plaid Silks in all shades and combinations.
The Notion Department.
Contains lie newest of the seasons novelties in Fancy Back Combs.
Belts, Shopping Bags. Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Hosiery.
Ribbons and Underwear, Ladies lO-Button length Black Kid
Gloves pair. and Colgate Talcum Powder box.
Colgate Dental Powder box. Cashmere Bouquet Soap cake
The Ladies Home Journal patterns for fall and winter are here, price
The Fall Fashion Book and Fashion Sheets
ill not regret paying this store a visit, for we have many inter-
to show you.
D J Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Bill's Wild West Show.
THe far . i-t
Pawnee Bill how. which will he
in Greenville Saturday, Oct. 6th,
are mere interesting than the
public generally
a a
learned that leaver
life's time and
I. who have of the are
given an opportunity of coming
contact with people are only
known to them described by
travelers and explorers. It co. J
by every one that it the
most complete assembly of strange
people that have ever been
brought Not only the
opportunity given to see this con
of n it but the unheard
of opportunity to study their mode
of living, their industries, tinny
at range and manner of
warfare. The far east baa always
been tn Interesting and the
many t range and weird tales that
writers of have related of the
inhabitants of that tut away clime,
have been woven Into prose
ind poetry. The tales of
and have not
Ibsen one bit by
writers for made
dent by the and
cloth that many of these from the
Orient the Bill Shows
i There are others, particularly
South Sea I-
Australian and
Island whose
wearing apparel is not so gorgeous.
There is but of it, for in their
clothing is but little thought
of. A breech cloth, string of neck
beads and nova ear rings
t but
corning in .-.; i. t with the
of has been
. when in
mock battle their
religions they have
condescend in wear beautifully
woven grain In the
huge tent d the congress
of nations, have an horn
before the performance in the
arena adjoining and inure can e
of world's strange
people in Mine, than during a
time from i-o ks.
Complaint of Changing
There is m among
who sending children
to the because of the
wholesale change of books that has
been made graded school
here not r to us the
adopted the State board,
there seems to be
the complain at the change. The
people bad already purchased a
apply of boo s for last session that
were hence they com
plain at having to no throw away
those a my go to the ail-
no t buying new
coastal of North Caro-
stretching back from the At
for a distance of
more to the highlands of the Pied
plateau, a region of many
great none of
which are more important from an
standpoint than the
underground water supplies now in
investigation by
branch of the United
States geological survey. The
studies have already demonstrated
that there are few in this
region where good water not pro
curable, and at many points
are favorable for obtaining
supplies. These artesian
flows are specially strong in the
lowlands along the coast. It is
probable that all of these waters are
suitable for domestic use, but some
contain ingredients harm-
in certain lines of
The work now being carried on
includes a of geologic
conditions which govern the occur-
of the underground water, a
determination of the depths to
various beds, and
estimates of the quantity of
they may be expected to
yield- The quality of the water is
also being investigated. Special
effort will be made to indicate the
uses for which the available supplies
are best fitted, and in places where
the waters are inferior in quality
better supplies will, if possible, be
It is probable that sufficient ad-
data will have been collect-
ed by the field men this summer to
enable the publication of a report
during the winter. This report will
avoid far as the discus
mission of technical questions, and
the matter will be so prepared and
that those interested can
readily obtain from it detailed in-
formation concerning quantity
and quality of the ground waters of
any part of the area. Copies of
tins report will be obtainable with-
out cost on application to the Di-
rector of the Survey at Washington,
D. C
i i t.
i the i
In c
Of ed; also
. . i
at on h op
Store Improved
J. i. M have ha I
the old front, in en
out and replaced with a hand
a much bet appearance.
Opens With Large
The graded school opened
morning with an attendance con-
than that of any
previous year. All grades are
well attended, and it was especial-
gratifying to note the splendid
enrollment in the upper grades,
was present, made
a brief well received talk to
the children.
teachers are as
Misses of Milton, N. C
of Wade, of
Kan Pa.,
of ill
Cox, o
ville, and Mi K R
. k
n pub in honor
of the Dr. on
Of ill will
. d, a Dr.
was well known In Green
Meeting With Greenville Baptist
Saturday morning's of
the Roanoke Union was opened
with devotional by T. L.
The moderator appointed G. L.
Merrill, J. W. Nobles and U J.
Austin a committee on time and
place of next
G. E. of
in the Association, was
corned to a scat in the and
to participate in the
J. W. Nobles. G. E. Lineberry,
H. A. J. E. G. T.
ii G, L. Merrill made
helpful and interesting on
the subject of discipline.
T. J. Crisp, J. T. and J.
E, made valuable
on pastoral
The afternoon Saturday
opened devotional exercises
by T. J.
subject of revivals
methods in conducting them was
discussed by J, T. Jenkins and G-
L. Merrill.
G. T. spoke the
work at Farmville and a committee
consisting of W. H.
Noah Biggs and T, L. Vernon
together with A. G. Cox. of the
to look into the advisability of
curing a lot and a house
of there immediately.
T. L. Vernon power in
and how to obtain it.
The giving
discussed by H. A. Willis, J.
K. and G. T.
missions was the
subject before the Union at
day evening session. G. T.
kin of
among Baptists River
especially in
of Roanoke Union. W. II.
spoke the special needs
to meet these
money, more men, mire wisdom in
of missionaries and
fields of operation.
Sunday morning a mass meeting
was held in n the
Sunday school. The addresses
were in the interest of the orphan-
age at by H. A
Willis, T. L. Vernon G. T.
the ad-
dresses a collection was taken for
orphanage amounting to some
At o'clock G. T.
delivered an address on the sub-
of State missions.
In the afternoon the subject of
missions was by
T. L. Vernon, H. A. and
G. T.
Sunday evening a sermon was
delivered T. Jenkins.
X g.
R. T Bell, mi Elizabeth City,
the Mr. and Mrs. J.
O. week.
Mr. and Mr. O. G. left
Monday In from
there will g. t. the for
their health. Mr. Calhoun has
been sick we hope he
will much improved.
Hon. Udent the Charitable Brother-
hood, lectured in behalf of the C.
B. H in the Hall here
Sunday morning.
Mrs. G. Whaley, who ha
been sick for several
slowly Improving,
A anted at cents per
dozen. Beaufort Co. Lumber Co,
We are glad to see P. H.
the street again.
W. A. Stilley, of Goldsboro,
Tuesday night town.
Dr. L. E. Tuesday
in Greenville on business.
The Methodist revival will be-
gin the third Sunday in this
month. Mr. Hornaday, of
Greenville will assist Mr. Stan-
Preston who has been
in tie of B. C. L.
Co., has gone to Rocky Mount,
having secured a position there.
Tery, of Norfolk, spent Mon-
day in town.
H. M. Jenkins, of Washington,
spent the day here Wednesday.
R. Williams, W. L. Brown and
W. J. Homes, of Greenville, at-
tended Masonic here
T. B. who baa
been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
J. O. Bobbitt, baa returned to her
J. P. and W. T. Harrell
spent Sunday in Washington.
Jack spent Sunday after-
noon very pleasantly at Mr. Car-
Messrs. Mitchell, of New Bern,
Little, of Washington, Davis, of
City, of Charlotte,
F. P. Stalling, of Richmond,
Duke, of Suffolk, town last
Building and Loan.
The directors of the Home
Building and Loan Association
were in monthly session
afternoon. There was not much
except hearing the report
of the secretary and treasurer.
This was most gratifying
showed the good work the
is doing. A new series will
begin in
and hooks for subscription to
the stock will open in a few day.
Tie Hist series is carrying nearly
a thousand abates and the second
series is also exp to be large.
tint they not doing what i
for them to if
I d
en.- on i L in all
were t . and the
i . one i i
Farmers Should Use Their
The Farmers Consolidated To-
Company continues to main-
its line record in leading the
Greenville tobacco market on high
prices. According to the report of
the secretary of the Board of Trade,
during the month of
were sold on this
market pounds for
an average of per
hundred pounds. Of this Con-
sold 981.164 pounds
91,722.02, an average of a fraction
over per hundred pounds.
Deducting what the Consolidated
sold from the total of the mar-
leaves pounds for
an average of
per hundred, which gives the
cents per hundred, higher
than all the other houses obtained
A further of these fig-
discloses the fact that
of cents per hundred
pounds obtained by the
ed put more in the pock
of the farmers who with
company than if they had sol
with other warehouses. At the
same time i t can be i that this
difference of cents per hundred
pounds on what was sold at other
was a loss of f 3,345.52 to
those farmers who did not sell with
the Consolidated. The figures
speak for themselves, and the won-
that the go on losing
money like this on a crop they have
worked hard to make when they
could easily save it. By the
old adage dollar saved a
The benefit the is to
the farmers Dot end with get-
ting them higher prices than other
warehouses, but all who are stock-
holders in it receive their share of
the profits arising from the
in cash dividends at tho end of
the season. In three years these
dividends have aggregated per
cent, and this year will carry the
total up to at least per cent. It
looks like every tobacco farmer
ought to able to ace that it
would be to his interest to have
stock in tho and sell
his tobacco their ware-
houses. When prejudice takes
out of your pocket it time
to throw to the
Tho Farmers Consolidated To-
Company is admirably con-
ducted on business principles, and
it is tho beat organization for far-
that has over yet been put on
Grimesland, N.
Tuesday morning Ben
Mayo Warren of
Grimesland, gave a most plea-ant
boat party to the guests of Mrs. J.
O. Proctor, Misses Palmetto and
Julia Taylor and Fannie
The boat left Ferry for
Washington where the
served cold fruits, etc., as
an to n
repast to come. Tl o barn yard
fowls were
of occasion, and it was said
that the generous host managed
the disappearance of two entire
chickens. The cake was
fine and every one took a
generous share.
The party went on a sight see-
expedition at Bay Side where
the sights were
numerous lumber mills.
From here went to Aurora
where they were met by Mr.
Mayo, who entertained them moat
royally at his home. Toe follow-
morning was spent taking
pictures and noting places of in
this charming little
village, where every one seemed
interested the pleasure of
From here they visited the his
little burg of Bath. After a
good at the Water's House,
they went to see church
in North Carolina,
church. This venerable old
well the wear of
ages and good for several
to come.
From Bath they went to
and registered at Hotel
for The carnival
was center of excitement
where confute battles raged thick
and every one had at least one
mouthful of the pink and blue
From Washington the party had
a beautiful tide back to
Grimesland. The
expressed themselves as
had a most enjoyable time.
every w j.
.Thia la rough awl on open
cotton H
h .
vis tractive
p ;. men
since one in. f of t the Chi
in the mi of I
Baptist ti ; a
denomination l as
est responsibility.
But, whit there
many Baptists are
and the contributions show
. i
Will in Raleigh.
The Wake County
Protection Association
will meet in Raleigh on the 0th,
and L. Joyner, president the
. Ida ed
. has ;
invited to I
I i of his
Farmville, N. C, Oct.
graded school opened today
with bright prospects for the
rare, is a thriving
little town, if yon don't it
why just give her a call.
Herbert Bundy improves very
Mrs. Burt Smith is very much
We have learned that H. W.
Wilkinson is going to move to our
town. Come, Mr. Wilkinson, we
are glad to have just such men as
you are.
Frank Tyson sister,
Rosalind, reported a good time
while ii . g Mrs.
Willie .
. .
the .
. I
.,;. I in
i a as an e . and
the to the
mi a inter-
n lull enthusiasm
Late are growing rapidly
i North Carolina,
and with such well equipped
j men as they have in the
Union they to
go forward with increased
the mo
i i by
B . . were I
i i an
pound-. total sales for Aug-
and x, tho sea-
son v . ; 1,348 pound,
illy i . that
. b lie
couldn't keep it and that it
was a

Eastern reflector, 2 October 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
October 02, 1906
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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