Eastern reflector, 28 September 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

have sometimes
complain that Great Brit-
had much to learn from
in the matter A the encouragement
given to art and the
lamp post in are artistic,
Mid an enthusiastic Scotch
at the when I
was walking along the boulevard
with him day. And he was right.
The French cannot turn out any-
thing inartistic. at-the
and character of their statues.
am the from
cannot turn a corner without
coming upon a statue, and every
has one or more
honor of people who were never
heard But it may pointed
out to those critics of England
of doing things that the French
method has its obverse. Statues es-
when they are good statues.
are certainly pleasant to behold, but
M. municipal councilor
for the St. George district of Pans,
fa up in against the
creel ion of and marble
in the thoroughfares of the aft.
He grudges the space occupied
the public promenade.- by the cm-
of the eminent. time
he says, chock the
mania which has seized our content
One o;
in the world, says J. A. Ed-
in tho Engineering and Mining
Journal, ha bean
in Now Mexico. It is
a spring saturated with sodium
water weighs
and pounds per
the water of this spring weighs ten
and two-thirds pounds. The
of the spring is a little over
degrees F. As the saturated
liquid overflows and cools it forms
a crystalline mass like ice, which in
the course of ages has spread into
a snow white bed of solid sodium
salts miles in extent and as level
a lake. The warm brine, Mr. Eddy
reports, is inhabited by a minute
shrimp-like organism, and a species
of plant found growing in the dry
expanse of sodium sulphate.
John Forrester, living northwest
of Moron, boasts of the fact
he has lived fifty-five years and re-
sided in Kansas since and y I
has never Wen on a train. Mr.
Forrester doe not have any
fear of riding on a train, bat
has never had occasion to ride.
times his children have made
I up a purse to have him take in
i of the Sunday excursions, but as
Our gardens, our squares
and our promenades are invaded by
innumerable images. We re-
the advance of this bronze I
marble army, which spoils the per-
of our streets and the bar- ,
Bony of our London
religious principle are against n
on the train on Sundays he ha
each time refused to take the trip
a Journal.
Rewarded t Last.
Here a woman whose sense
gratitude was not misplaced. The
wk. of IV
In biography of the via has left a legacy of 3.000 to
painter, who at one time acted I local comic paper to which she w
Swing master to Queen Victoria, a lifelong Her will
W P relates an amusing directed 1300 in
illustrating her wit. i should be spent on a
One day in the course of a I banquet, to which the staff of t.
the queen let her pencil fall to the I paper should be entertained in re.
ground. Both master and pupil I so the will
stooped at the same moment to pick I reads, many pleasant
it up, when, to the horror of Leech, spent in perusing its humorous Ml
there was a collision,
head striking that of his royal pupiL
Before he could stammer nut an
apology, however, the queen,
Mr. Leech, if we bring
together in this way I ought
to improve
As the desire to give advice to all
persons and upon all occasions
to be natural to mos; human
being, the following told M
a well known woman writer may not
be Without interest. While
at a working club a writer of
successful novels asked tho members
tow much they Mined and advised
them to put aside a certain amount
each week from their wages. A few
later the novelist's
rang, and one of the members of
the club presented herself She had
come to ask what the income of her
late adviser was and to suggest what
percentage of the same ought to be
pot in the bank.
Trivial Causes.
In most unhappy marriages th-
of evil has bean trivial. A
says, the maxim in a
married man's condition is that
band and wife be
When two persons so
Reason For Hit Joy.
decision has gone against
in. I've go to pay Miss Weber
. for breach of promise of
dear fellow, I am delight-
;. . hands
too are delighted
Excuse me. but it is
or me to, hide my feel-
I'm to her, you know.
Husband with bettor
half concerning purchase of
The lease is for year.
that's not
long enough
enough for us, b i
think of dear bale, till
ed out when he's
probably an invalid and infirm
otherwise truthful
sometimes ks about himself.
Marion Butler i again
in the pa I
good an opinion of each other as to j than is worthy
come together for life they will not a. can talk a stump
differ in matter of importance, ,, has against
cause y think each other , . ,
respect and . re prepared for
relief. But for
aw natters they made no Where get rich is
rations, and hence springs ll-e out thing the man
f tie home lie was smart
Comfort In That.
healed up yet
Don't it m
feel bad
The .-
mom I mil take a bath i a
healed t
to fix.
, e line at g
Even a wise man money
K be nor
, -I
ii i I i
i . v I
II, u I . , . .
I ,
was n ran with a
much difficulty in break
ii g la a bat
I, sin i
hi J n .;
Bl u
v of
. . hi and
, to in a new
I in N.
es. Apply to W. Jeffreys,
F. C. W
V J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
Our Buyers have returned from the Northern Markets and
in a few days our store be crowded with
New Fall and Winter
you are invited to see.
Our stock will be complete in every department, our buy-
have been careful to provide th best and newest in each
lice represented in our large collection Merchandise, as
usual a high standard of quality has been maintained and the
lowest prices consistent therewith
We Have Just Opened a
small shipment of Long
Black Silk Gloves.
should call early before sizes are broken up.
Watch this space for announcements of new
few days. Visit this store often and keep an eye on our new
and Friday.
mi n
Motion for Severance Allowed
K. Barnhill Pint Put
on Trial- v
There such interest through
t the comity in what is known
tho white ease, and the
trial of it having been set for to-
day, there was a large crowd at-
and the court house was
filled when court was called to
order at o'clock. for
sides were Solicitor
L. I. Moore, Blow F. G.
James C. B.
the State; Donnell
H W. Whedbee, Julius
Brown, J. I. A. Sugg,
and S. C Wooten the
When the Solicitor called the
i there was some delay because
witnesses not answering
names. He announced
at with the presence of two more
ho were expected to arrive on
the train the State would be
to proceed, notice was
that he desired to try J. K.
Mr. for the defense
ante I to lie heard to
and trying
defendant at the time, when
were in one bill of
let men I
Solicitor Moore argued that the
its witnesses and was
y to proceed as to J. K. Barn-.
but might not be ready
o certain of the defendants.
t was a right of the State to try
as and
a coarse would work no in-
wry to any defendant.
Mr. Whedbee argued it
be very unjust and
t this late day to separate and
any o e of the defendants;
bad indicted under
ill, had plead not guilty together
e tried jointly.
Gov. for the State argued
that he did not see why the de-
should raise any point as to
he be tried. If he is
be should be acquitted,
id if he is be con-
I our statutes the
has every advantage of the
ate. If the defendants are tried
ether the defense will have
challenges and the
two, while if tried singly the
will have four challenges
Hid the state two. To
can work no hardship t
for cited
decisions that
av of right for a
an it, jury to the State for th.
to have twenty four
with only two for the State.
with lour for the
two for the State will enable
e selection of a fair jury and re-
tin a fair trial which was all the
Mr. Whedbee for stated
hat the only point matte by the
was simply an objection to
w as it existed and he thought it
ask the court to
the defendants a law
existing. The Solicitor had
the bill jointly and the de-
be tried
Solicitor Moore stated that the
me gave authority to
id in hill jointly gave him
to try nay one or more of
Judge Shaw stated he could
fee where any injustice
could lie done the defendant
by severance, and the
Lily point on which he hesitated
i the was the
expense of t or more
He allowed the motion.
State announced its
to proceed. Io the regular
jury for the week were some re-
lated to defendants and one to par-
ties on both were
who bad been
subpoenaed as a character
witness, and one bad
formed and expressed h's opinion
the defendant Barnhill were
excused. It nearly U o'clock
expressed content
with the jury and the following
were W. H. Porter,
H. B. Smith, J, H. House, D. W.
A. O. Clark. Sylvester
Boyd, J. B. A. L. Thigpen,
Adam Gaskins, J. W. Smith,
R. Corey, Frank
Just as the jury was empaneled
J. of Raleigh, and A. R
. of who
are course for arrived.
W. J, Teel. man on whom
tho attack was was the
first witness introduced and
I live miles southeast of
Bethel, miles from
miles from Oakley, miles
from Stoke. Eight members of
my family. About o'clock
third Sunday night in April last
the door at my house entering
bed room was broken my
wife and four little girls were
asleep in room with me. The
crash of door made loud noise. I
out my pistol. A mo-
later a hand was placed in
my face. I began shooting and
tired several times rapidly. I
was caught by elbows on each
side. I pistol against some
one and Some one grab-
bed my pistol. The parties then
dragged me across room to-
wards door. My wife jumped up
and struck matches I then saw
two men in the room. I
one of them
and all the other was
William Briley. My wife sail
are you doing here, you
Barnhill shut his
eyes to try to keep her from rec-
him. They dragged me
on towards door and in put-
ting my hands to brace against
door post dropped my pistol. I
called my boys from up stairs
and one of them handed me gun
already sprung. The two run
out of house and I tired at
them down path. Sent one of
my buys to ring farm bell and
some one tired at him with pistol
I shot again with gun in
from which pistol shots
B. F. Ward Bob Parker
were of neighbors to arrive.
Cannot My how many were in the
assaulting my house. We
took lanterns and guns and went
out to where the parties bad
Saw signs where they had come
up to old with and
unhitched; followed tracks where
had walked my house
to the old house where buggy
tracks were. It is about yards
from my to road. We fol-
lowed buggy tracks Indirection of
Hickory Grove, at cross roads the
turned towards Oakley.
The at that time lived
at Oakley. My son and another
party followed tracks one
buggy went in another
ion cross truck
went up to
After milking investigation In
my i hi mi I found two hats and
. one of the huts was
through. Several switches wore
found in yard. The door to my
had an ordinary knob
when open door it
one in the lock and
drew out the others.
from front porch is direct into my
Two beds and cradle
were in the room. The parties to
me had to go my
wife's feet, as I slept on back of
Cross not
told any person . not recognize
any of the parties attacking me.
A of names were called to
all of which he answered no. I
gave The an of
the attack a few days after it
curred; did not tell editor I did
not recognize any one. Mr. Ward
and Mr. Riddick came to my
soon after it occurred. One
of the followed was
specially like a mule
footed track. I did not say that
track was made by
horse. I never said it was a
Bethel and Conetoe crowd
ado attack on me. Never heard
my wife tell any one a
fat man was in the crowd. I
told that J. K. Barnhill was dead.
did not report that Briley was
shot stomach. Did not say I
put the pistol against J. K. Barn
body null fired. It was dark
I could not see who it was
against. The match was struck
by my wife after the shooting
Two men were in the room when
match was struck, don't how
ninny were first in the room. I
did not tell Zeb that if
would testify again-t Barnhill
and he could go free and
get money besides. I never tried
to overhear his
talking in H tel Bertha.
A detective was to come and
work on the case.
I went to bed about o'clock
the night of the attack. It was a
dark night until about o'clock.
There were marks on faces of men
room they had been
smutted as if made with a
found in yard
next day. I was sitting on floor
and the men were each aide of
me holding my hands and trying
to get pistol from me when my
wife struck the match. I have not
discharged any of the States wit-
I did not abuse Mrs, Julia
Ward for telling anything myself
and wife had said. I Lave talked
with some defendants witnesses
but never threatened any
the of the cross
nation court took a recess to
o'clock; p. m.
Upon reassembling of
Monday afternoon the cross exam-
W. J. Teel was
I did not tell J. A. Staten that I
did col have
said my wife did not recognize any
body. Have never said the par-
t e- blew out the matches as
fast as my wife struck the-u. I
did tell Mr. Staten that the parties
bad something on them the
color of an I carried the
hats caps to Bethel show-
ed them, but not for the purpose
of teeing they to any
one in Bethel. I had already
who the cap belonged to
exhibited hat with four holes
in it and with a pencil showed how
all the holes were made with one
I have known Barnhill since be
was a boy, it has been some or
since he moved from my
neighborhood, but had seen him
frequently. Have also seen Briley
at times. I did not see particular-
Iv how they were dressed that
except as they run off from
my house; they either had on
jumper jackets or their coat
tails pants; Barnhill did
not have anything on his head as
he ran did not tell John
or J. F. Brinkley that I did
not recognize any of them. I did
not tell Tom during recess
of today that some one blew
the matches as fast as my wife,
struck them. I did tell him that
I had been told by another party
that Barnhill had said I could not
recognize him by the matches be-
cause he blew them out
as fast at my wife struck them,
did not tell one that the
parties were driving a
I told Mr. Reddick that a man told
me that he bad said I
had told him did not recognize
anybody. said
man to me I will tell him
that he told a lie,
is witness put-
porting to be location of his house
mini- and from this he ex-
plained how he followed the
The was an hour
I got to
He told me he did not go
where with his buggy that night
I him if any hail
his horse the night before. I told
him his bad been
my house to his that
night. I did not tell that if
he said to the I would
take his word tor it. He said
there was a harness print on the
did not tell Tom
that did not to convict
of the parties. I did tell Tom
t it Zeb would tell
the truth I would do all I
could for hint.
hats cap. These are the ones
I found my loom neat bed.
is shown This
sick was found children
my After I tracked
I went lo Oakley; found
at Mr. Nelson's lied. It
was about o'clock p. in.
and Walter lived near
mill, about miles
Re-cross went to
Nelson's house in Oakley and saw
Barnhill in bed asleep. I ate din-
at Nelson's. Did not say any-
thing to Barnhill.
sirs. w. J.
I am wife of witness preceding
me. I remember night of trouble.
No one but family was in our
A crowd broke open
door, room,
my feet after my l
screamed when door broke open
and called the boys up to
come with gun. Mr. sh t
or times. en they palled my
off of bed I got too
and went t, mantle and got two
matches which I By light
of match I saw two men have my
husband on floor. One of
them looked me straight in
and shut his eyes to keep me from
recognizing him. H; was a
faced broad man. I said
are you doing here you
The boys run down stairs
with gun banded it to Mr.
Tell sprung. He went out
porch with gun, I started to
farm bell, but one of buys
got to bell with u
book she location
house room in which I hey
slept. It was with son p.
that this testimony was I
did not recognize of pat-
ties but Mr. Teel told me light
that he Barnhill
and Briley. The bate and cap
were found in our room. The
tack was found outside with the
Cross Mann-
Mr. Ward and Mr.
are out nearest neighbor. Mr.
Ward came there. do not re--
call any conversation with him or
making any statements in
Mis. Ward came to
m house early that morning and
we had some conversation, told
her they might have been
disguised, do not remember saying
anything to tier about hats mid
cap, nor of telling I did not
recognize of them. I have
talked with Mr. Riddick, never
made statements to any one about
Mr of the parties having red chin
beard. We live about mile
from Hickory Grove . church,
vice held there the Sunday be-
fore this attack, many people pa-s
ed going to
I did not notice par-
ties making attack, was too
roads front
Oakley tracking buggies saw
the tracks they were folio I
ed, the man who looked me in they need not go fur-
face looked like something had toward They
across bis face. The took another fork of road and
full faced with lowed to
and place his chin, stable
am related to of the Cross
ants, Charlie Wynne; my
is related to Zeb
I am years old and
of J. A. Teel. I the sick and
carried it to house it was
hanging on a wire fence near path
leading to house.
my father are live a mile
apart. I looked in room where the
boys in bed. They were
under the cover. him wear-
gap at Oakley at the tour-
some other boys wore
caps. also saw him wearing it
around his bar
house is across railroad from
bar. I slept in room
I remember the occasion of I to and heard
in Mr. house. I cross railroad during the
saw defendant Barnhill that day. j night. The cap was submitted to
said-he going to Hickory I the jury and hair was found inside
Grove. I also saw him at Oakley I it about a hole in top of cap.
that day coming from the old mill, j also submitted,
going in direction of Hickory I
I first saw about or
o'clock, next about o'clock. I a ice dealer in
his gate I Washington. I shipped ice to
after dark that night. told Mm Barnhill at April 14th,
I had fed his horse, he said I will first shipment made to him
give him more fodder. I
helped in I'm on
Cross him
going to Hickory Grove that morn-
next time I saw him he was
also going toward Hickory Grove.
live at Oakley and Barnhill left
bis horse buggy my
Do not think either was
out of stable night. I
saw Barnhill ab dinner time
next day. lie was lying on plat-
might have
coming from Sheppard's mill
when I saw him Sunday, as
travel way. Buggies
might have passed that night
without my
I live miles from Parmele
from Oakley. I date
that assault was made at
Briley came to my house that day,
he came that morning took
dinner. In the afternoon Barn-
hill also came to my house. He
told Briley he wanted some words
with him and Briley went out
talked to him. Barnhill left
going towards Oakley. It is
miles my house to Shep-
mill. Briley my house
between and H o'clock that even-
and went ton aids he
would have gone home that way.
He hitched up bis horse before
this year. was shown wit-
That is a bag we shipped
Cross cannot say
that this is the identical sick that
ice-was shipped to B in on
April Ice w is shipped to
other points same kind of sack.
Sacks are with consignee's
name on tag.
W. J. Teel was d d
the sack was not where his little
girl found it the day before the
and he had never seen it
before she found it. I did not nut
the in the cap, it was picked
up in my room.
I know J K. Barnhill. To the
best of my belief the cap shown is
I saw wearing it
I was at Oakley the Sunday
night Teel was attacked. I went
bar a little after sun-
set. Second time there I saw
Barnhill, Briley,
and Wynne, of these
are It was o'clock
Cross was also a
grocery stoic where the bu was,
I do not remember Briley getting
a box of tobacco to carry home. E
live in Oakley and it was nothing
unusual to see the crowd there on
Sunday night. I heard no unusual
talk, hum we'd there
with me. I think got
off the train coming from direction
of w
horse was
to lay house alone. I suppose b
went to see a young lady who M Ml . ,,,. ,,.
at house.
from the direction of the
eh and lei; in the direction of
My family was pres-
Bar hill Briley
out. Briley had a dark
I date Teel was at-
tacked, I was at a my
sister's, Mi.-. Nelson, Barnhill,
I Zeb and
Wynne boarded there, there
about dark. I went to Jen-
kins about o'clock and saw Barn-
t;. ii. win
I about
o'clock I found
door broken open, showed me
hats and where pistol
ball bad struck ceiling. We look
lantern and fin racks
to old where b
bad b en slopped.
and the
that went toward Oakley,
tracks were looked
Ike had broken dew. Al Grin-
do d a folks road other buggy
hill and at the lot- tracks cut road an.
gin house putting o
away. I left Mr.
followed an on towards Oakley.
One buggy went up road
o'clock and returned to my sis- turned around Wu followed on
Did not see anything of nearly to Oakley and met Clyde
Barnhill there. I did not go and then turned back and
bed before IS o'clock and Barn-1 took another track that went to
hill nor any else came In Teel told mo ho
house during that time.
shown To best of my
knowledge it is cap.
I saw him wearing it around Oak-
I got up before sunrise next
morning. saw and
on lied saw Wynne
op the railroad. On my way
knew who two of the parties were.
He said one of the parties lived
way below Stokes. He said they
were Barnhill and B ii.-y.
morning when Teel told mu
of parties, hut he said from he
Continued on page

Daily. Stronger
Goods, Clothing, Furniture and House Furnishings
than ever before. See our line before buying.
Much has been written and
much has mid of
trial development of the Southern
States j the past few years
still it is to realize
the extent and the rapid-
of the
ably one of the fields which we
are meeting wild the most
of the manufacture
f Beginning with
output far behind the New
the Dumber of our
has increased so rapidly
that we have pulled further and
tier lo the front until today the
number of bales hard I l by the
Southern stand comfortably
Id advance of the New England
mill consumption. Figure t
issued by of New
Orleans cotton exchange, covering
the year August
show that for toe time More
began, the South out
the New mills.
Against bales taken by
New England Bills, of
South handle Tins is
more than twice tin- number
handled the South in 1897, and
times as great as in
speaK themselves.
Another New
R. L, Smith bus purchased
from Mrs. C. J. Forbes what is
as the Starkey lot in
South Greenville. Air. Smith
will move back the old house and
build a handsome new residence
on the front o the lot.
town it in the lo sell, n
inn wishing to e
town lot laid-,
do well call on me at my
in N. C.
bf Mm of
Pill for Hie
mid colored to
F M town, who
of July r-o. th Town
and in
-he . and . in with
u.; or -o
If -I hf . r ii- i i if law fan
not b on h w. Maid Thoma
a large.
right, weigh at out or
wear a n lid
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talking Mr lo old, a
CHM renown i i n i t-.-u
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w If N, Mayor
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if e t f pal-contained In
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h ii fl tin lire I I. J n VI
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III. if t
A a i i i i .-
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, the bowels, and ore
as an
Bell peculiar In
. from poison.
To Return, Ac
count Dome Coming and
9th aid b
1-01 tin i In i
on Tic let A or em-
T. C. l bite
W. J.
I r.
N. C.
Steamboat Service.
Ft. Miner L.
V daily
at a. in. for Greenville; leaves-
Greenville daily
at in. tor
Connecting at with
Norfolk Southern for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston and all other
joints North. a Norfolk
all points Wet.
Shippers should order their
via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern K. K.
bailing hours subject to change
without notice.
J. J. i Agent,
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and
t. Agent, Norfolk. Va.
M. K. KING, V. P.
is Worth Reading
Suppose You Stop Sec
it Wonderful
Greensboro, N. C. March
Mrs Joe take pleas.
me in stating that your Remedy
has entirely cured our little girl of
a very bad case of eczema, which.
covered a great part of her body.
She bad eczema from
time she was weeks old,
until she was six years old. She
s now well and I feel
bat I cannot too of
t She bas not hail a of
t for six
i J W,
To Publishers
, arid Printers
entirely new
are ending, whereby
can reface; bid Brass Col-
and 4-
pt. and make
them fully as
without any unsightly
knobs or the
L. s and
Head i in
and over per
A of re f need
Rule, full
will cheerfully
on .,,
Pointers Co
Type and
High Miter
N. Ninth Street.
I Not Quite I
often -nil gel u if.
S. done a X
. nail or a ,,. or
lark in; i .
i. and prepared I
r l I line
U ;. I yo den i-e,
. ill .-. j i
ft i
Von get
jg Morse Goods,
in VI l l. IN
And Provisions
Cotton and
Ties always on hand
l-r kepi cm-
.-- Country
ht and Sold
D. W.
North Carol in a.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
i i I it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want food paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
I N. C,
. i
the of business 88th, 1906,
Loans and discounts
Due from Batiks
Cash items
and other U. S. notes
Capital stock , 8,800.00
Surplus fund Tim
profits 1,171.30;
Deposits to cheek 88,799.81
checks out-
of S
I, H. H Taylor Cashier of the named
swear that the above statement is true to the host of my
II. II. Cashier
edge and
Subscribed and sworn to be-
mo, this Snail day of April
Him A.
Votary Public
J. It.
AT CLOSE OP SEPT. 4th, 1906
Loans 189.864
Due from H inks
Cash Items
Gold coin 478.00
Silver coin
Nat, 1.8 notes 8,170.00
t IS, HO
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits 056.70
Bills payable
sub to check 31.777.00
State of Carolina,
County Pill.
I, J. K. Davis, Cashier of above-named bank, do solemn-
swear the above statement is to the hist of my
knowledge and belief. J. DAVIS,
T. L.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 11th day of Sept.
Notary Public.
Neat Job Printing
Our specialty.
Reflector Job Printing Office
Continued from
In a mi running up
a a
tilings Amos
He the
again again; then lie ran
a the the
then came lo I lie
ruins of the
i- no Bin of n
d ho. are
i lo I lira ill
villages. ii may
tartan or may adopt, tun humor
him. seaman,
arc yawing lacking
here we
all sail in
Unit I his head.
friend is a brave said he,
he thinks that with four men we
an follow a hundred I
him, Amos, the will
bear us Mid the
be will in- with
the el of Jeroboam, ire
.-ii ilium
But Mint waved aside the
sire laid be, we
in- .- and be the of
-e ill Mi-. Maria losing tin a
then, at Bk.
are In mouth
BoW. Till was I
t. he e I
. in
This t . mil
i .-. a- nil
ii we have come through
r. we on ii-
r ml i i II toil
wild out H Mon
mid on wore and
T. II Ml
an a I all mid bin e
. would
. we hilt I.
as we can la
is hanging over III
a. so turned their
Inn journey, their
lie leagues which
were .
Dark as It was, an
swiftly as
never the
. see. however,
wan taking a
that which they had gone in the mom
lug, twice they caught a of
tin- glimmer f id river upon
; while before
wen the which II
second la
where the side they could
m . 1.4
.- am ton of
in hi They are another pain
lo yon know they ill
Hie within the
was Oiled with amaze-
at this man who
n. his sleep could a
when Hie very tree trunks were
to ordinary Unit
nailed a little to watch the canoes
then his line, lo Hie river
plunged Into the woods lime more
they came to the edge of
clearing. I'll was lo skirt
this, as he had done others, when sud-
he, De
and pushed him down
a Clump Of while Amos did Hie
A man was walking down the oilier
side of the open space, lie had just
merged was crossing It diagonal-
making in the direction of the riv-
Mis holy was double, as
he out from Hie shadow of the
trees they could see he was an
in full war paint, with
leggings, loin cloth and musket, floss
his heels came a second, and a
third and a fourth, on and on. until it
seemed as If Hie wood was full of men
and line would never come to
an of all came loan in the
fringed of a hunter, with a cap
and feather upon his head, lie passed
across like the others, and they van-
Into the It was live
before Pu Mini thought it
safe rise their shelter.
you count
hundred and aid
you thought tint there were
u hundred and
cried lie
you do not understand This is
a band. took r e
blockhouse must he over there, for
their lies between and Hie
liver. In camp are now
nearly warriors.
at Marie these devils will lay
some for Their are
by land and water, and
there may a thousand In-fore day-
break. We must push oil and give our
had one who was dressed like
a while remarked Amos.
and the moll deadly of the lot.
His was a Patch trader, his
mother an and he
name of the Bastard By
Anne. I MON to
and I may pay before this h
was breaking as the
entered the gale
of the early as It
was Hie and
families wen- all afoot. De
through and
to who had hers-It
down to meet him. so
met Mich
With his around her. they
the great ball.
said the old n
man. his court y how. an
deed to we u safe
I II In i J air on II
hut for of V mi
doubtless hungry and weary V ,
you are yourself again, I
for the ear is
Mint el toned at ti
Is his tidings of
will have r
M Mi s .
la, and a u
to in
We cannot our
to be altered handful
of said the seigneur.
to yon. den- I.-
you he such
people while you are up my
when I played last with
lie of
is dead, all
bis said block-
house is 11.-. smoking
seigneur raised Ills eyebrows,
told him Unit ft
would he taken unless cleared away
which i to the
walls are all dead, you
. hundred and
. ; . -1
, , Hie river, and
. , . , .,. Moose
I is
. I I
I ; no
Then I mil I few
shall live
., , . till . I to also,
sou's face
. oil
An we
in your
will excuse the unit
which mar the pleasure of your
time mi h me n
come here I v I
cleared all these vermin from in; es
will excuse now. is
are one two which
my lie you are a
tried soldier, and should he glad of
was bright daylight now. mil the
square Hie
was led . an anxious crowd who
had learned the evil he
party under Pu and
de la N had already left
mid at the order of seigneur
two wee vow secured with huge
bars of oak Into iron staples on
either side children were place
In Hie -1 an with f--
women lo watch them, while the
were I old off attend to the.
bucket to reload
The men bad been paraded, two
of In nil. were divided
into now for the Of
each part of the tin one
It had lip to II
few yards of Hie river, which not only
relieved from the it
face, en idled lo got
water r big I
of a rope from the stockade.
heals canoes of Marie wet
drawn up oil hank Just II
wall v precious HOW
lug a a us of escape ill m
else fail. The fort,
but n few goo up the river,
He la Sane had already lent
messenger lo With news of III
danger. Al least it would he I poll
on which might retro it ill d
c . the
And d the might
worst was lo
n as
it, had
in a i the II
now It . the .
his pipe in ii s mouth,
,,;, i-e every ill
lion n The
very sir r nine feet high II id el
of stakes, which u Hi
h , a bullet. ill
was I long,
for the the defenders
r III trees
in a of the attack, while
son w 1- my that more twenty men I
utmost for each face. His face
cued us he thought of Hie I
who had c. so far in II I
keeping and of the women and
whom he had crow ling
the fort.
Would it not he better if you eon
send the lie
to the
very gladly do so,
dear, if w ail
we ma is it tonight If II
J .
we are able to do what
semi to be a trade
to sell goods at less
than value.
This would not seem
strange if the goods were old
out or style or damaged.
But with
of the newest and most
make, this is
to who do not know
that we put every
to make advantageous
chases and always give our
the benefit of
C. L. Wilkinson Co
Al close of basin. is I I
I's -I I , I . Recur mil
. and
in from Ban In
silver Coin
v- mil bank
s notes
Duo a in. 1.34
T. . ,
North of Pitt,
I, S. of the above named bank, d
above true to tin l my
and sworn to
me, this 11th day of II. O.
Public G
At the Close of Business, Sept. 4th 1906.
r. inking 4,100.00
Capital Stock paid
Undivided less
and Paid 13.878.48
Bills payable l 1,000.00
Time of
Deposit subject 112,040.88
check out-
North M,
of Kit I
I James L. the above-named bank, do solemn
that the statement above ii to the beet of my
Correct attest
and to before
this day of
K. W,
I l ll V i V I t I t I I I I V I I I
o Same thing it to baying
,,. i. where to and what you are to pay is where th
H conies mi.
My and prices will convince you that this is the place to
my quantity.
Hay, Corn, Oats Bran, Ship Stuff, Lime and Groceries.
When want anything this hue it will be to your interest to
Leader In j rices for Cash

i i ,
Entered in the post office Greenville, N. C, at second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
yard and father shot them with
gun from porch. My brother
went to ring bell, they shot back
ad I beard balls strike house.
We then went back oat and
I lowed tracks around to the Oakley
road where all the tracks come to-
re, her Did not see my father
. . . ever set me in another. White-
back home, he said .,
in to
I live in Martin Heard
Wynn of the matter in
presence Briley and
I was then working
in Oakley. Heard say
pet out of this I'll be d d if yon
Some people act as if they
thought that other people whom
they owe mike out bills and hire
collectors to take them
just for the fun of the thing.
They seemingly never stop to
consider the additional expense
they are causing the roan who
has favored them with credit by
making the collector call so
many times before a bill is paid
In all it is more or
less to extend credit,
and it is the duty of every one
who can do so to pay his bill
promptly the Bret time it is
Of nurse it may not earl-
, . Charlie in buggy
convenient to do this every time,
but when It is not the debtor
should put the creditor to as lit-
inconvenience as possible. The
failure of one man to imp
n his obligations may
be the cans of similar failure on
the part several others. Men
to a certain extent are depend-
pendent up. u each other in bus-
and the breaking of one
link may for a time render the i broken
whole chain useless.
I went to party and gave
check for return premiums,
parties did not surrender
policies. I am also clerk in post-
office, have never been turned out
of it; was accused of taking
am still clerk in
iv did take the of
which I was accused. My father
is post master. The policies was
ordered to take up were prop-
of and
When check back four
months later I did not have money
to pay it.
i live between an I Oak-
av Monday
going to-
Stokes Also
Sunday in -i nil g going toward
was there at Mr
Did not talk to Barnhill. The
he was going was one way
to go to mill.
Croat Ia
them returning from Stokes they
i hey had hay
W. a.
I live at Stokes; remember the
Sunday night Mr. house
in. Sunday I saw
until became
he took up the tracks in road and
billowed on to
We could easily follow tracks.
Where tracks turned in road dirt
was turned showing was
going at fast speed. My father
told me he recognized Barnhill
and Briley.
Cross examined Do not re-
member exact time my father told
me it was Barnhill and Briley.
Father went off twice, it after-
noon when he second time
and I think it was then he told
Re saw sack that
morning early hanging on wire,
also found some large switches on
path and road
which were pulled from
tree near where sack was
I am son of W. J. Teel, was
sleeping that night with my
brother up stairs. About
o'clock heard noise of door break-
followed by pistol shots.
I got gun gave it to Frank.
It was over when I got down stairs
had gone to ring the
and I look rope from her hand
rang it. They shot back to-
ward house. Mother told me that
she and said two
men were in Father
told me be knew them.
I live n Mr. land, was
Walter he got off train at; i live n
Oakley, he lives at aroused that night about o'clock
knew who were, We
tracked them by aid of lanterns,
There had been heavy dew on sand
and the had broken
I was with fl h went up
to Teel called
him out and asked him w he
went with his horse that night.
laid he had not been any
where. I married Ted's
not know how many people
to Seal's, several others
names went while i was
of defendant-, is my nephew.
At a few minutes to o'clock
court took a recess until o'clock
Tuesday morning.
of court this
morning, Tuesday, the court house
was again filled with i-
spectators and witnesses
Testimony for the State was re
mill, I went to Bethel on train;
did not see return on
I Barnhill at S
Monday morning. Dr.
had pone to Washington. Did
see defendant after that
Barnhill came to my house
that buy some hay.
c. w. WYNN.
I know defendant I
was in Oakley that night
about 9.80 t
Mr. Jenkins. We to at fast gait.
I remember date of assault upon
W. J. Teel. On Monday morning
following I up from Wash-
on the and saw de-
Barnhill meet Bas-
hill's bar and some boys
talking inside. Briley,
were inside. I
poshed door and walked in.
Heard some one say ling
him they
hushed as soon as I went in. I
asked for a bottle of
and got it. They asked me where
, was going.
Gross have
been called on to pay the beer.
Ben went with me,
had opportunity of hearing
I did, was close behind me, the
was slightly cracked open.
had a dog in there.
said not hi nit no
Barnhill asked Wynne you
j; hi; to leave and he answered
Cross I went to see
about some ha I been in
Oakley a few days. The parties
were nil in gin house. Do not
know that they were discussing
dissolving any relation.
TIm Slate rested.
The defense then began its
the first witness being S. G.
William-; who said he saw Teel in
Oakley the day trouble in
Nelson's store, he said his wife rec-
none of the parties, struck
two matches which went out. then
struck another which also went out.
Some one asked Tell if he. z-
ed any one and he replied lie could
not say that be did, if be had
two or three more witnesses to sub-
he believed he
identify them. I have known Barn-
hill since he has been living in Oak-
bis character is good.
Cross mi hi II run a
bar in Oakley and worked at a
still, have heard he was indict-
ed in Federal court- Never saw
him in his bar on Sunday as I was
not around there on Sundays. I
heard of people there on Sundays.
Never heard until recently that he
was connected with other white cap-
ping cases.
I am brother of defendant Barn-
hill. I met Teel here in April
court, he said to I see
you have been resurrected, I
thought you were I said
yes. you thought you had killed me,
he replied I did not you
were in it, I slid not recognize any-
body there that
here gave names of several he said
were present and heard the
Cross lived at my
then. was
gun on en I drove my
Buggy drove by went as far father's buggy that night to Frank
Tyson's across creek, left buggy in
road on return home. I know W
H. Harrington, Jr., have seen him
several times since that night. I
to Greenville in a
wees after the trouble occurred. I
came when was sent for, others of
the family were over here. know
Briley and and Adrian
father's house about
miles from Whichard, he married
my sister. Do not know if he was
I know W. J. Teel, his general shot. I him over here and he
character and lame. I was not injured aid
Character of Charles Bullock good, did use crutches. He had not
Had conversation over telephone heard that Teel had my
next day and he said he
had but did not
tell me phone who they were.
Cress mean by
reputation both what people say
Furniture Problem,
can solve it for you.
Furniture Sale Competition is Brisk and
Furniture are many and loud.
What decide it. There is but one
test. That sale is best and most important
that offers you
he Prices on the Furniture You Want
Come and be convinced. Yours to please.
Pictures Framed to Order.
by noise like something
down. Looked through
but could not see anything. In
few minutes gun tired. I put
clothes and hurried around there,
gate was wide open. George rung
bell, Mr. Teel white caps had
been there. We found hats and
caps in room. While George was
bell the crowd shot at
Mr. Teel asked me to hold
as my house near where
around and came back and
Cross shot j
them from behind milk house in did not come
yard, milk house is right by tree.
not know color of horse that
drove by, have never told any one
ii wan a gray horse, could not see
the horse but heard the buggy.
brother, but had in neighbor-
hood that my brother was in the
Thigpen, G- A. Clark, J.
a. Webb, C. E. Fleming, K. S.
t stayed a few minutes. Do ml know. never heard and E I Mayo,
night at the depot- at d, anybody against Tad or j mentioned by John E. Barnhill in
they went together to the horse was Bethel Monday even-j his all testified that they
outside. ling, had hats cap with him. heard the conversation between him
I asked him if his wife recognized and Teel and that the latter said he
office. I wanted to see Barnhill
previously tried to m an
engagement with him, saw him
at platform at Stokes, he
raised up and had a few
with me and lay down again
i B he m
I to the night of Teel if recognized them,
words trouble about o'clock. Frank character is good, never
did not know who was there.
Watch this
for our
Jas F
I had
ii r.
with Teel
Teel called for my heard anything against him be about his anybody in
About o'clock p m I sent a gay j over. I found door broken,
to tell Bin bill I wanted to see w lanterns and followed
him. also saw Teel that day track Teel took
he told me about the followed tracks
e around by Sol Jones, turned to
left at forks of road to
j and on to Hickory grove.
we then went back. The boggy
track we followed came road
m. o BLOUNT.
told that three were In hi
house at time of assault,
that Ids wife Struck the
Barnhill and
in was tr to
D not the time I dune so. was not
mad with Barnhill because he id
it to ma, I was not sum
in. special term of court.
Teel has never asked me what I
lid testify t I owe talked
never fol-
lowed tracks further and never
saw Teel and my father while they
were foil other tracks.
I am sou of W. J. Some
men came to our that
night. First thing I
with it. I am an of door being
agent. The i I knew
have had lawyers to collect what was going on. I went down
out me for
Mi. feel is good, Charles
character is good.
Have known Teel -0 years, know
to be
other tracks near his character and reputation
go id.
house that night, it was on Street in
Greenville a few days later. He
I know character and reputation M lie did not recognize either of
of Teel, it is good. Character of them but his wife thought she
knew two of them.
Cross did not say
that his wife did any
of them but that he did. lie had
been talking with other gentlemen
when I walked up.
u. I.
I had conversation with Teel soon
after trouble occurred. He was in
Greenville. I asked him if ho had
any idea who the were. He
went into detail of the assault, but
said it was in the dark and he did
not any one This is
first court to which I was
e I as Teel came to me
street this morning and said he
Save the Worry
The hot weather brings you
my break fat.
I saw Teel in Greenville Wed-
after tho trouble and inter-
viewed him about it. He told me
he recognized the but did
care to say then who they were. He
told me confidentially at a later
time the parties ho recognized were
Barnhill and Briley.
Cross not
without adding to it by OBI w
r supper. such a stock of
Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee,
Tea, Fruits, as I the and buy-
are and tho all saved It will take no argument to
you of if i visit stove and see I carry.
You can find me one door North of
nuns collected. The company had
ordered me lo take up pol- just going out.
date be told me names
stairs with gun. parties left stated in -f.
I heard him say did not
room The were I interview he said he
Some in some of the parties.
J. B
Neat Job Printing
Our specialty.
Reflector Job Printing Office
This department is in charge of P C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
The Bank of Winterville wants
all the farmers in the surround-
community to leave their
money with it for safe-keeping
when they sell their crops. It
is more convenient to pay your
get a receipt when you do so.
The check is a legal re-
One of the strongest
shoes ever exhibited can be found a
B. F. Co.
We are offering prices
on trunks, grips and hand bigs
A. W. Ange and
We have just received a nice
line of horse collars. A. W.
Ange and Co.
A new lot of the late it of
furniture just received at A. W
Ange and Co.
the of C
We sell it.
B. T. Bro.
Nicest line of dress shirts ever
in Winterville at
We still have on hand a few cop-
of Teachers Bibles, we are off-
to the trade at very low
B. T. Cox, Bro.
Go to the drug Store of B. T.
Cox Bro for T. W. Wood
Son's high grade turnip and
A full line of highest grade
ion made overalls at special bar-
gain at J. B. Carroll Co.
All colors of paint, and yellow
at Barber Co.
A full line of fancy candies
and fruit at J. B. Carroll Co.
o Co.,
friends to wait a few days
and examine of goods
before buying. They are in nor-
cities buying them.
The A. G. Cox Mfg
voiles, lusters, at cot.
Barber Co.
Best of calico at cents
pr yard and cents, quality
at cents at Harrington
and Company.
Nicest and strongest line of
ever offered in Winterville
at Harrington Barber and Co.
Nice line of fresh groceries
on hand
The town tax books are open
will be at the store of B. F. Man-
Iron nature-,
great household remedy. A con
Mineral Water.
blood from cuts. Cures
Kidney trouble, Liver com-
plaint, Female weakness, cut-
sores etc. For sale at the drug
store of B. T. Cox, and Bro.
Miss Nannie Nichols will have
dry good depart-
in the large store of B. F.
Manning and Co. will be
glad to have her host of lady
fiends give a call.
The young men will do well to
see H. Manning Co., before
buying their fall hats. They are
offering special bargains on their
entire line.
I have taken up one sow, weigh-
about if fat, rid
and black spotted, in left ear.
Owner can get same by proving
property and paying cost.
J. F. May, Greenville, S. C.
I have taken up two shoals
running in my field, one black and
one weighing about
Both marked
Co., and round hole in
receiving orders for their fa-1 smooth crop in left. can
p d . same by and pay-
Economic Back Band to be A
shipped direct to Baltimore.
cold sloppy days will soon
be here. Those in need of rub-
shoes, rubber boots and
. charges.
R. F. D.
C. R. Ha i
Grimesland, N. C.
I have taken up one gild hog,
boots of all qualities will j black k across back weight
about pounds, marked under
do well to see A, W. Ange Co.
for special bargains on them.
Ladies in need of the
and patterns can find them
at B. P. Manning Co.
Strayed Sept. Shoots one
Black one white and black three
red sandy color
lb marked hole in left ear. Finder
will be paid to take up same and
notify me
Alonzo Smith
R. F D. Winterville N. C.
Pauls for
Pants for
Pants for
2.00 Pants for
Pants for
Harrington, Barber Co.
yards Laces and
at cost Come early and get the
Harrington. Barber Co.
School, tablets, pencils, pens
at a bargain at J. B. Car
roll Co's.
All the ladies are most cordial-
invited to and examine
the largest sop nicest hue of dress
goods ever shown in the town of
Winterville at A. W. Ange Go.
Largest and best line of shoes at
in right ear and swallow
fork Owner
by proving and paying
Near Track,
Greenville N. C.
ll-Id and
We have taken up two Shoats
one black male with no ear mark
one led female with ear mark,
weight about ponds each.
Owner Can get by paying
charges. J, Brother
R. F D. No X. C.
the ever in
Winterville at A. W. Ange and
Strictly highest grade
flour at J. B. Carroll and
Co's store.
A full line of silks all
at Harrington Barber A Co.
Nice corned mullets
ton, Barber Go,
Fancy and white all
washable, at cost.
Lee i of It
S., left upend In
Dover with his mother.
herrings at Marring
ton, Barbel A Co.
A nice i- d -1 so hand
at Go's.
Bed Blossom tho Honey Bee ea
Cold or a Cough nearly always pro-
water all runs lo tho
eyes, nose and throat instead of passing; out
of the system through the liver and kidneys.
For the want of moisture the
dry and Nearly all other cough cures
are constipating, especially those containing
Opiates. Kennedy's Honey and
Tar rares the bowels, contains no Opiates.
Relieves Colds by working them out
of system through a copious action of
the bowels.
Coughs by cleansing and
mucous membranes of
the lungs and bronchi tubes.
For Croup. Whooping Cough, La Grippe,,
Bronchitis, and alt
C Ids, Lung and Bronchial affections
remedy is to Kennedy's
Honey sad Children like it.
Put up and at the Lab-
any of them and asked me if it
was so. I to answer him.
Cross examined-He did not tell
me about his wife striking matches.
He said it was in dark he was
shooting wit i he could
not tell who he was shooting at.
I saw Teel in at re
the day after the trouble.
in Bethel
had one
got to church late and did not g
in. Did not see him I talking n
any one behind church, he did no
get out of my sight while r-.
got out of buggy and op
in crowd. Do not remember
we talked back. T
was not mentioned and never he u
say ought to be
I the night
was attacked. I spent the
night at got there
about an hour by sun. Nelson
and wife were about to leave when
I arrived. Mrs. Barnhill and I
occupied room together and Mr.
Barnhill and boys occupied another
room. He went out to get
but did not stay out I saw
hat and one cap with him, said he him come out of room next morn-
had left another hat home. He in-1 Jimmie Warren, who work
there came in about o'clock,
to me here he pistol
one of assailants body when
he shot. He spoke that they were
marked like Indians
w. C. MINES.
I had a few words Teel
since the trouble. He never fold
me about recognizing; anybody, hut
I heard him tell W. J. Manning
he did not recognize any one.
Do not remember what day it
examined. W. J. Mann-
was the man Teel was talking
II and I heard it while passing by
J. K.
I saw Teel in Bethel the next
week after the trouble, and asked
him are the white He
said he could not any
body that was there.
Cross met while
walking in opposite directions and
other I just asked
him to see what he would say. Am
not related to any of
Here Mr. for defense ask
ed to introduce an affidavit made
by Teel at April court asking for
continuance of case by he
could contradict testimony of Teel.
The State objected to introduction
of affidavit unless all of it could be
admitted. The State objection was
overruled and the affidavit was read
At court took a to
o'clock p. m.
Upon reassembling of court at
afternoon session the State, by
consent t f
a character witness. He
said he knew character and
of Teel and it was
The resumed
I am brother of
I lived in the time of
trouble at Had
with Teel on Tuesday or Wed-
follow I asked if he
knew any of he said no,
but that he had an ides. Had
another conversation with him
after were, arrested. He
told me my brother had better
torn State's evidence to save him-
self. At time Teel came
to me in store and said-I haven't
got the ring leaders but am
to get them. had better
turn mate's evidence and I prefer
it lie your brother or Charlie
He said If my brother
would furnish evidence desired ha
get any reward wanted.
Criss examined He always told
me he wanted th.- truth about the
matter and my brother
could give it. He told me he did
not think my brother and
were as responsible as others in it,
and wanted to get all ring
got supper and went up stairs to
tied Barnhill had to pass
room I was in get out
of house. I closed hall door, but
door rooms stood open all
night. I went home next morning
after breakfast. I was there when
Teel came up Monday morning and
heard Hay he would take
word about his
being driven night.
hill off walking Sunday even-
after I got there but was
by supper. Tom and
father came there and for
Cross i
did not go when he drove up,
I do not if horse was,
driven that night. -aid be
was going to Jimmie Taylor's
when he left evening, he is i
my cousin.
I work for was
there April. He was home
Sunday. I went to church
came back o'clock at night, left
buggy at Ed about half
mile away. I got simper and
went to bed, saw Barnhill his
bed as I went through room. Did
not near Barnhill go out
I got about
next morning, be was not up
I was in lot when Teel up
and called and told him
ho had tracked a horse bogs
there and see if his horse bad been
driven, Barnhill told him come
see, but Teel said he would
take word for it.
Cross harness
horse, very little
sign of sweat. Am not related to
Barnhill. Do not remember if
fining to school is the most important I of a an
be should have durable, go id fitting Cloth is.
We're schooled in the art of providing Bin Clothe i. We've
our lesson by practical experience.
Cheviots in Black. and Fancy well made
and tin. moderate price suits know of 12,50
suits of pure Fa icy Cheviots and
Scotches, extra well tailored . . 5.50
Double Breasted suits of the very best of fancy Cheviots
and Worsteds. Excellence in every I
Also a full line of Boys Shoes, Hats and Caps.
Don't send the Boy to school next Monday without a new
suit. He's been promoted,. new class
get him a new suit.
The King Clothier.
J. T.
I married K.
daughter, sister of Barnhill.
spent the Saturday night and
Sunday to trouble at
morning about
o'clock we all went lo church at
Hickory grove. J. K. Barnhill
was at Hickory grove and talked
with Went back to
home after church, and stayed
there until about an hour by sun.
As I was leaving Mrs. Jennie
Brown and children drove up to
spend night there. None of de-
came to while I
was there.
Hun lull went to house and
pistol before going out to talk
I am wife of Barnhill.
Sunday about went lo church
at Hickory grove. Saw Jim Barn-
hill there. My husband Stayed
home all Sunday None
of defendants came to our house
that day. J. T. Nelson and wife
who were visiting left that
about the time Mrs. Jen-
Brown and children
spend night. My husband then
went to Taylor's while
he wax gone T. H. Barnhill
father d up looking for him.
We were eating supper my
husband we all retired
about o'clock. Warren came
in I. got his supper
went lo bed. My did
go out during night except
for children. I was present
morning when Mr. Teel tame
up. My husband did so to house
and get a pistol when Teel called
I saw Barnhill Sunday in
his dining room, sew in in
that evening pas my house going
towards Taylor's.
I of ; s-
sault on Teel. cm
to i house about an hour by in
and left
going in of home,
Pulley Bo wen
Tobacco Pack Barns and Cot-
ton Gins
ins urea.
Reasonable Fates.
Apply to H. A. WHITE
Dr. W. ll, Ch
N will be in ,
at Hotel Bertha, Thursday t.
, the Vi l-
day Oct. 12th, the hotel
Kith, for the
, ear,
and fitting
It is sure to pay you

BY A. Of
-J , , -v-V . i see us. are
will g , for the
W and i B my that ,. ,,. ., ,,,
the are there .-,,. , ,.; ,
a It II.- , we had best . on our
i. an. r that I . r x
v . , , t, a . me
w on
Save be end if we that fl v . v
w,. -V. I g bat for her r.,. ,.
k we advance ,, . ., w
. must wait U v,
bear where their war ,, u v ,. ,.
n we are our
i . ii mi furl now.
a Hi are two Ir I here
very for off.
. wt where
SI M .-. While .;
i pa l-e
ii is mind Hi-it It will not
before we
so It law
v Well her., The
old and ii sou would fain
. . in their adventure,
.- .
liven many pi
i i t
. be Hi ire ire nightfall.
v. ill lies mill for
Mil Hie liven of many in
; . ,,,
v . .
j ,.;,. r, ., ,., . , w
Hen m m . . ,
the Km
r ,. They
; .and
water that an con find
no trace. And now we shall In this
clump until nightfall, for we are little
over a mile from Kort and It la
dangerous to go forward, for the ground
Dec more
And so they remained
among the aiders while the shadows
turned from to long, and the
white drifting clouds above them were
tinged with the pink of the selling no.
Unit himself into a ball, with
between his teeth, dropped
nil. light sleep, pricking up his ears
and starling at the slightest sound.
The two Americans whispered together
for time, at last the soothing
hum if a gentle breeze through the
lulled them off also Cati-
alone awake, his nerves
g a strange, sudden
shadow which bail fall, u upon bis soul.
So Br and so vivid that it was
. ill a start be suddenly to
himself and found that the was
on in the forest and Hull In
bad and baa ready
tor a start.
asked the
pioneer. Have you board
but the hoot lug of the
lo me in my sleep that I
in the
I hear as asleep as
u I I hear. Hut now
me close, and
You are a woodman
-I woods are
although we
to miss
in. a as Brown Moose
on the with a
for a sin ill object
H. A.
wall I o
, ,
. lilt .
. . . . .
four, Now
. . ;
I, . don.,
i I .
I,,. i If I
. are in hand, and his conn
.- had drawn
consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. la
paving prepared to furnish our custom anything needed in
Dry goods and groceries
, We will carry an up-to-date
Hats, Shoes, dress goods, Notions,
In Groceries we will have all a fall line of the very best good., not only
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, coffee, but all kinds of
canned goods, the finest brands
can supply anything you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices
COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods will pleas, you.
Tb I
. . Ill -I
-I. t . and be
g to . he I
iiw Ii and el l
and pr
Tills is Id In-.
an re n m
d is. . down
an . Ii won
. . an a lad a
his I It.
. see, tot
ii. heel mart of
let us f w
ad see
we I.
He -1 y . the trail, with
his musket r I the
others folio it I
lint there w
life fr
of Si Idol i
and -r i
Tin y are I I
is the
off. They he n i i
you can see a
then I hi ., r el
w o go . I
Lie . ml we
hall i if
A rod
mold .
crouched, and
ed I. i.
the n . , .
Ten re
no kl behind
Whispered Mint.
yon seen
do you know.
saw a squirrel come from hi;
hole hi the great while m
rip scuttled back as i
had scared bis
hole lie can see down Into
you think that they know
we are
tout k f bis
y h w move. It
I like ii ii one trunk
r Hi P.-
,.,. Ii be Her ii were
.; then he
. and ; I , lines one
i s two shadows. Then
. in nil was still once
In an Instant there
r . the bushes the
Ii looking creature that ever
i . chief
He man. and
bit bristle locks and eagle
I bl . lock like n gin lit In
for a good feet lay
l . i, hi beaded and the
I p c of his b -a One
s . I In Boot,
is to a dog
. the ball A fowl. His gun
n.-i forward, and he crept
knees, peering.
; . Li., hurrying on, a breath-
caution. Two
I l v all I a lad of fourteen.
i . ; armed In the s fashion.
Ii pa i i face.
. Just of the bush
v o . of the
b. t
,,. if, and with
mi i In feature. Another
be bad warned his com-
I sprang and
i, i In the
i v . heard a dull
. ,. as .-ii ii splutters way
Into n roll i tree, and fell
i . . striking I
Tl i i i.
i Ii lei
I nil
I It, I
i ;
i i.
. Brow
. raw ii i
In -1 .
I i
i i
i. r.- i
lo lie was a mighty
away, leaving o red
figure . Ii under the silent trees.
As they passed on they a
glimpse the lad lying doubled op
among the bushes where he bud fallen.
The pioneer walked very swiftly until
i,. me to little stream which
down to river. Hero he
bis and leggings
Waded down i; with
half i. mile o ho.
Trucks when
th. find ho, this will
throw them off, for It Is only on run-
it, . i .
i , i , . ill . the
ii The will be safe,
l ,.,. m- v is .had lay H ere forever than
expos.- wile i i such
are if ever devils
earth. And now we are
the very of the clearing.
mid blockhouse lies yonder among
the dump of maples. Von did not
come n near l
and yet tie Latinos Is as old a
as De la We can scarce
see now. hut yonder, near river, Is
where he exercises bis
He does so said Amos.
see n dozen of them draw u up in a line
No and the men
cried contempt.
is us you say, however, for I can see
them with their open
and each as stiff straight as a
pine slump, to see
them stand . that there was not
an Indian i
On I. in from Hie bashes
as be . ml four men crossed
the In the direction Um
lino of men who walled silently
tin-in the They were
fifty and ye. none of
raised hand or voice to
their approach. There was some-
thing uncanny in the silence, a
. -o came over Unit's face as
ha red in front of him.
he st
They had cleared the clump of trees.
and the the blockhouse
should up In fr n I of them.
There was It.
. . ti i e i ion
Unit, i fr
to an I danger,
shaken and dismayed. Then,
With ran Bl the lop of his
spied toward the line of figures.
AS they drew nearer they could see
through the dusk that was not in-
deed ii line. A silent and motionless
Officer Stood out some paces In
front of Ins silent and men.
They were lashed to low post
willow withes, some twenty of them,
naked all twisted and screwed In-
to every strange shape which an
body could assume. For n mo-
the tour comrades stared In
lent horror at the dreadful group.
Then each noted as Ids nature bade
De staggered up against
a tree trunk and leaned bis head upon
bis arm, deathly sick; Do Unit fell
down upon his knees and said some-
thing to heaven, with Ills two
hands shaking up lit the darkening
sky; Ki ill in examined the
priming of Ills gun. with a tightened
lip and a gleaming eye. while Amos
Green, without a word, began to cast
round In circlet in search of n
Hut In. was on bis feet again
Tobacco Company
Is humping things this year. Every farmer
BECAUSE they sell To-
higher and it is a
Farmers movement working to organize the
Mary had a lad
Whose face won fair,
he hid a drink
Of Mountain Tea-
ls ,
so T, In I I i
to ti
ii a wins
the f j
His or
or this n In
i vigor, pains
No remedy
I l-v H
For Sale by J. W. BRYAN
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. L.
IA. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
. s -s- . C. -v
Mi ,
As -tent for
we take
hat pleasure receiving Bub-
and writing receipts for
I in We have a list
A all who receive mail at
this office. We also take orders
Mrs. J. T. Br., attended
Primitive association at
Great last week.
We nave on hand one
and will lad to make yon
price on
J. H.
Elder C. Bland has been
upon association at
I Great c-v.;
For can apples, corn
c, apply, to E. E.
, Mrs. D. G. Berry left
friends in Wilson.
To any who in need of a cook
we can make it to his interest
. see us Ob we have bought a solid
load, and expect them to
week. Cannon Tyson.
W. J. Boyd has re-
turned from a visit to Greenville.
We are in note many of
farmers ill have their cotton,
as a clear surplus
bl this i product owing to
for their to-
crop. under
these they can bold
col inn for any reasonable
Thursday night the Masons of
phis conferred the degree
the Eastern Star upon several
lies, wives daughters of
of members of the lodge,
J. W. was waster
of ceremonies. I
Boy the
e for w from K.
age Co.
I, W. expert
N . is man to do
four n yon want to be
Rev. W E i ox conducted
in Episcopal
Our Fin e line is now com-
in H .- in have
. i. stock before buy-
. a, Co.
Geo. Ellis, ville,
here on a visit to relatives.
lull line Inn and can
is. Pi l buy bet. . giving
a A Co
I i- on Mr. and
A died last
and was bur-
Bil in lie i tery in the
Don. I w
i. a big stood
-null- and
I mite CO.
ii in veil and Miss
visit lo
I; an on a
I. at
I ilium
hi ll
band I.
at lowest
oats, coin,
nil brand
Lilly C
, of Winter-
l. nils.
. in do mi ho are
ll . in sum
V i ,
ring vi i. . ;
T I II III, ,, I,,
, ii In . n. i ii i ,. ii price
ill be gel
Now is tin. to get
for your money. Cannon
i; A one horse farm
JUt ,
ii-of . water
bouts s. I. in
h n cultivation. Apply to
J. o .
n, N. C.
Ai I expect to be in New
for shout two my will
be closed Aug. till
Sept. 3rd. J.
V rs. Marion Crawford of Win-
ville has been here on a visit.
sou and Sinner machine
Prices way way down H.
Tripp Bro. next to Early Hotel.
n. C.
Prof. Dora
Hornaday, He; me Brown. Lena
and Miss Barnes have
arrived and taken charge of their
respective departments in
graded school.
If in need of plow or
our prices before
J. B. Co.
We are I Prof. iV. H.
of Greenville for a
short while will have charge of
the department presided over by
Miss Mary Long Whitehead ow-
to her being unable to be
present at this time on account
of We w ill all be
to nave Mr among us,
but all i f us will be mere than
please to learn of Miss White-
head's recovery and will gladly
welcome her return here.
fall supply of hay, grain, hull
cotton seed meal, bran, stuff,
always on hand, Cannon and Tyson
Miss Lucy Turnage, of Or
left here on the noon
train Tuesday fr Winston.
Bay vertical
life, mowing e, and tel
from J. H.
Mrs. Eugene E Edwards, of
a to
Our slippers must go, the season
is well advanced. The prices now
will interest most economic buy-
Cannon and Tyson.
t Olivia Berry ard Ida
G. Edwards spent the day yes-
out in with
Mrs. George Cooper.
For a buy a novel-
clock at J. W. It is
for any occasion,
to rive
The graded school opened yes-
with pie. There are
yet about to enter.
J. B Turnage Co.
For anything in improved
machinery call to us aDd
will be pleased lo quoit yon pi ices.
B. In Co,
Truth verses Fiction is a
sometime discussed and
but for unadulterated
lying witness stand in the
court at- Greenville
a spectacle would oven
make the devil shed tears of
Go to B. E. A
market beef, fresh i-an
fresh fish.
Fur ten cents com
J. H.
their from
print-. of
resolves created
friction be. ween I he doctors and
newspapers. The then
did some resolving on their own
account, with the result th it the
mortuary reports
in c
giving the name of the de-
ceased the disease, and
the name of the h
or failed to cure patient.
physicians became so weary of see-
advertised in
reports that they were
glad to return to the good old way
of their professional
in the advertising columns
of the papers. If publication
of their daily shortcoming will
work as well on the railroads, why
it's just the thing Gastonia
Certainly Not Because Look
We Do Them.
A man does not take oil his hat
to a lady because he looks nicer
without it. The instance of bald
men would lip alone sufficient o up-
let such explanation.
He does it because you must
do when you meet
a lady or your civilization
to pieces, and taking off your
at is easier than taking off your
or lying face downward on
the pavement.
The primary point is that you
must do something, not that you
must do something beautiful. And
as long as cultivated people cannot
grasp this fact they will find their
efforts quite futile in dealing with
what they often consider the dull
of the middle classes or the
vulgarity and morbidity of the
In so far as the bourgeois thinks
it more important to wear a Sunday
hat than a becoming hat he is per-
right. It is important;
the religion of the tribe is more
than the pretty appearance
Mr. Jones.
In so far as the charwoman thinks
it more important that her husband
should have a funeral than
a pretty funeral she is perfectly
right. It is, more important. De-
is a human
sentiment as and a much more
pressing one. Any healthy savage
would understand the charwoman's
sentiments exactly and perhaps
alarm her with, demonstrations
He would per-
the sentiment of a Sand .
hat. T believe in myself.
I think in N many mat-
represent ;
common sense and moral minimum
of humanity. There is nothing
which I so sincerely respect in
ages their widespread and
ally ascertained disposition to wear
top Illustrated News.
People Can live on Under th.
Stress of Circumstances.
inhabitants of Paris once
under Henry IV. during a siege
on the most repugnant meal-. All
which even
growing of
the pavement, into
soups. In u ere . I .
for this e in
i r- of
during u ;.
and the i es o . Ob-
from a nearby cemetery.
during the sic re of
Pans in 1671 t.-. still in mind.
pie ate almost all of the
garden. One of the
butchers sold monkey and urchin
meat, and canal rat as well as dog
meat became A baker's
family consumed during the siege
their entire c, all their
an aged tradeswoman
stayed in her basement for days,
living during all that time on
but cheese. The polar
knew even worse meals. Tho
pioneers of the pole considered raw
bah and polar near meat delicacies,
and Nan-en is authority for the
statement that he and his men were
exceedingly delighted when they
succeeded in baking cakes with
oil. tarred rigging
of the ship and from the lichens
which were found the desolate
rocks not tho strangest
SOUPS were made.
In the year the well digger i
Simon of near Chart
was entombed by, fallen sand and
remained so for five days, ;
nothing to eat or to drink. In
some miners in Wales were rescued I
from an entirely flooded mine after
ten days, still alive. The water had
i i to china.
of a ii.-t Id th Superior
r r. in ii ml i i it I,. i r
rt-. in -r
;. I
f on
it. r-
pi T-. -i of land In .
t rut i a th of the lite
Ell W. H.
tug it I t
n Sin h land
lit vs i 11,1111- . int
to fl of John ho
Ii n g acre
i i th i u r
t, l i . . in
I . ll
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brick Block, East at,
, N. C.
nineteenth, between John
d ville, sold
Set with f
diamond in the center. Liberal
tor the finder.
Vivian Nvie
g ii , writing t i
v i, suggests
is publish a d lily
ii of Mains
trains were late and
how Lite I were. Th m-
in v In Hie
pub. ti i subjected fail ire
ail as
I ll a
ii I e wail
In 11.11 kl
up i he in s i
in- bale strained the
many people with
railroad The
of the publication of
duly railroad lit
inn. it have in
r- In a western slate a few years
ago, it we nut, the
resolved in
I he newspapers was impute
Inn I, i it do any Rood
any way, Unit they
Now is your time lo save
money by coming to us tor
children's school
tablets, pens, era-
I have taken tip one black
boat, weight- about pounds
no ear marks. Owner i et
by paying charges.
K. F D. Greenville.
To sufferers of Kidney, liver or
Bladder Troubles. . Other
a bottle and
it we will refund
your We say a
we have also a great assort- free bottle of
. it it benefits you.
note paper for use entitles you
all tints plain or hemstitch- to a bottle SOL at
The mainstay of social
given away. t miss tins up
to test
ye i
J paid in,
nil SI H ii pi ;.
i .
imp ml . .- HI
Deposits subject to check,
Loans and
Overdrafts tired
Due from Ranks,
-I; I
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin.
Hank notes and
U. notes
Total, 158.672
J. H. Smith, Cashier of -it tank, do
that the above statement i.-. due to of my and
lief. J. SMITH,
and sworn to before
me, this 8th day
Notary Public I
. r
upon the east face, and T
they n rush there before
said Unit
The fire had Brown
fiercer the side, that Illinois
fended by De and It was plain
that the main force of the
was fathered st that point.
very log trunk and cleft and
with n of
had a for u few
and we have lost five We
. ii., en .
had best have all In to
lions, if I
can scarce bone lo hold it when they I
re twenty to e
our we can keep
their canoes from in-r. so we
send our women away
had Intended to Co so. Will you
take of the north You
come to with ten of a safe
The in on--
rattle now the if
the air was full Of bullets. The
assailants were nil trained ah its, men
who lived by and In
whom a shaking hand or a din. eye
meant poverty and hunger. On the
other hand, defenders were also
skilled in Indian and wise in
every and lure which could pro-
themselves or tempt enemies
to show. They kept well to aides
of the loopholes, watching lit-1
tie crevices of the wind and loins j
swiftly when a chance A nil
sticking Into Hi. air
from behind a where one
bullet at least had guile hut
there was to aim at save a puT I
and Mash from among the leaves or
y of a warrior seen for .
ail Instant as he darted one tree
trunk to other. Seven of
bush the red Basil with gray
and the bullets sang iii a
stream through the loopholes.
had a little hole for
himself about a foot above ground
and lay upon his face. Infilling and
firing in bis own quiet, methodical
fashion. Beside him stood
be I can
act snare . man to g rd them and
I them a guard
are on the
arc right. It would be mad-
have i. the e
with y. With
teen men . M. will
-1 j i fare a It
-i ii the p . ,., .
take r id -in
be enough to the
we food and .
have flour and smoked enough-
to see ibis matter A- to
we have our ires
draw upon.
have not time tn any of
these asked the soldier
They would in lie bet-
at least l dear patch
of brushwood round the birch
east fine and
e of forest, It is goal cover
for their
that be fired
I think I might do bet-
said might bait a
trap for them there. Where Is this
powder of which yon .-V
major d Is giving
out powder In the main
Am. up-
stairs and returned with a large linen
bag his hand. This he filled with
and then, it over
he carried nut to clump
bushes and placed it m the base of
cutting a strip of the
dark Immediately above the spot
with a few leafy branches and
fallen leaves he the powder
hug very carefully over, so It
looked like a little hillock of earth.
Having arranged ail to bis
he returned.
think that we are all ready for
I the seigneur. would
that women and were In
Has any one hoard
-3 ;
I thing of I
the best ears of any of us,
said rue from
beside brass -corner cannon,
thought that be heard shots u few
be has come Into touch of
hike tea men and go
to the withered oak to cover them if
they are retreating, but do not go an-
oilier yard on any pretext, I am too
short banded already. Perhaps,
wish to
I could not
can do no more down here.
What do you say to u round or two of
They ascended to upper hall,
where came and at by her
band, while the swarthy Onega crouch-
ed by window, looking keenly out
Into the forest.
are rushing from the
cried Onega.
crows said the
nobleman. can finish the Mine
later. that the deal lies
with you. Let us see what It all
Ho bad already rushed to the
window. Unit, young de la
and eight of the covering party
age. his mouth set grimly, his eyes running with their heads
from under his down drawn
brows and bis whole soul absorbed ill
tho smiting of the De
was bearing like an
experienced soldier, walking up and
down among bis men with short
of praise or precept those lire words.
rough and blunt, which bring a glow
to tho heart and a lush to the cheek.
Seven of his men were down, but as
the attack grew fiercer upon his side
it slackened upon the others, and tho
with his sou I hi
ten men lo lie
la was out bis
to he when u shrill scream
from behind them made them
look round. Onega, tho Indian wife,
was wringing her hands over the body
ward the stockade, door of which
been lo admit them. Here
and there from behind the trees came
little blue puffs of smoke. As the
gate Into place the little
the brass at corner
gave ii flash and a rear, while the
whole outline of the wood traced
In a rolling cloud, and shower o
bullets up n-ail i-i the
wall like upon a
Having II Adela to the care of her
Indian hostess her for
her lo keep from windows. De
bis musket and rushed
downstairs. As he passed, a bullet
piping through one if
row embrasures in
a little blotch of lead the
site wall. Tho had already
n with
of her son. A glance showed that the
bullet had pierced his heart and that descended
he was dead. Unit the door.
thousand Hie n, you
we . . fresh u I of a
an Instant the
ii fa-c a shade the
. i which held out the little gild
sin. like a branch in the wind.
lie In die upon
the Hi l of he
we should some more
men j I he
An a . ll he . n n . was
had ;
v. re
e i
I .
the I. I.
i i
.;. ; i
. . ,
es, Ai i
. i
lie ll
I u i.
It in
I . . ,
Bid i i tree
I. . mill gin . the
tan do. in;.
the hug. and there ii . mi i i
i on the i h use and
swayed i hole lino
a- though tin were ill
In a breeze. I p tn the
mils of the trees went the bin o i n
I a-.-e
I i
. .
a h
. in
. the
It 1.1 bl II
i .
; .I .
i i .
. I
de, how, et, the n
. in. c. broad
fire, and of
I., n struck b w
th . u h
With bis .
she hi
do It,
lie asked,
seem to be

t H. E- A. MOTE, Manager.
N. C.
II, . J-t-
Manufacturers of
Doors, Blinds,
And all Kinds of Turned Work.
Also Dealers in
etc. m j
orders will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction
At the Close Sept 1906.
and Discounts
b fixtures
from is and
Bank i
i S.
, profits, Less
subject to
currant expenses
. i
N r .
C. of l
. ashier of the named bank, do solemnly
wear the above statement is true to the of my
edge . d belief,
Subscribed and sworn to before
this 10th day of Sept.
Notary Public.
J . L. as
A. G. OX,
i MAS. Directors.
I , , .
rational Entertainment-
from different
i .- The of frontier vivid Ml
The only M In p- touring A th
c i I is ti i
I ;,, i -i i Burning n v p
. L
from e. T t train d to
your I Prince Lu sea a -ii i
i Troupe Wane rs tr
Native Africans from the province
American Australian Boomerang Thrower
Bea landers Troupe of Arabian Acrobats Mexican Ru
in Magnitude. Unsurpassed in Mont.
Reviews bi Detachments of all a-
Fresh months New
India pi ant. Drove of Camels. Only bent
Island Two performances daily at i.
H p Seats people under sun and ram can-
K veil son sale day show at Coward s
spectacular Free parade with-
charge at o'clock a.
i-xi i
And look through our before buying. Each article
of merchandise has been selected with great care as to quality, style
price durability, and the usual high standard excellence ha
been maintained.
The New Cloaks and Rain Coats
are coming in every few days, the variety is great and we are ottering
some splendid values. Ladies Full length Rain Coats, well made in
the latest styles, double breasted, belted, and trimmed with
braid for the better grades run up to 118.00 and includes the
new style.
The New Dress Goods.
are ready tor your inspection, the showing includes the season newest
offerings, such as Broadcloth, Batiste, Voile, Serge,
ma, Flannels, Wool Mixtures and Plaids, ask to
see our special Chiffon Broadcloth at yard.
The Silk Department.
is and sparkling with good values, Crepe de
the real double width in lovely shades for
22-inch Crepe de in perfect shades tor So yard. Our
Taffeta Silk in black and colors is worthy of your attention, price
yard. New Plaid Silks mi all shades and Combinations.
The Notion Department.
Contains the newest of the seasons novelties in Fancy Back Combs,
Belts, Shopping Bags. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery.
Ribbons and Underwear, Ladies 1-Button length Black Kid
Gloves 18.00 pair. and Colgate Powder box.
Colgate Dental Powder box. Cashmere Bouquet Soap cake
The Ladies Home patterns tor tall and winter are here, price
and The Fall Fashion Book and Fashion Sheets
will not regret paying this store a visit, tor we have many inter-
things to show you.
J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Motion for Severance Allowed
and J. K. Barnhill First Put
On Trial-
Continued from last issue.
I Sun
day in bis yard, him
again dark pin- my house.
I remember the Sunday
of assault cm Teel. that
day at my brother's Burn-
bill, we all attended church at
grove and went to
bro tier's. Saw K.
bill at church, he up and
spoke to As we were leaving
for that Mn, Brown
children came up. brunt
said about whipping
Mr. Teel while there.
hi that Son-
day, saw J. K. and
poke t him.
bill, bis character is
J. K, character is good.
am one of the
named in indictments in this mat-
I did not go to house
the of the assault, was
never at but once
that two Went to
Ht Hickory Sun-
day, saw Jim them D d
Dot take my and buggy out
that Sui day night. Teel to
id d
not gel u pis going to
him. He me if wont rT
Sunday let anybody have
my I told In in
no. He said he had billowed
buggy luck there, it looked like
the last track been made
He told me to go look at my
turned out aid Id
him In see for
be he would take my word for
it. b rues
on I spent Sunday sight Si
borne, t in room wit
Have never beard any
body whip-
ping there are no
on me
Ores x ruined--1 know
Went to hi IV
even ., . bi-
court. I look d
at track Teel pointed oat and it
drove horse lit
locked up I W,
is nets before
I refused to make State
all one h i
from my to
would j; Teel told
mi tho r been followed
from house home
my gate, say my horse
was in i riven that night and l
in- Inquiry to
it. he ml
l ll U
inn .
V l i. I,
ah Mind eve
c ml
wont on homo. Saw
o'clock toM
. and
I him
had ii up u the
d 11.1 was
I heard white g
when me Teel.
Henry is my
-law, did not I never
Of ii V .
John Manning- married my sis-
he was white capped before
Teel was. made no effort to find
out who it was while capped him.
was at A. the night Mn-1
nine It was the 4th
Sunday night in March. I have been
accused of being a pally to the
whipping. I have been charged
with and am indicted for
it. beard that L C James and
Teel went to and bad me in-
I was not in crowd that went
to never heard any body say
he ought to be whipped. I heard
that Teel said I had been to
and swore to a falsehood,
feel about it and be ii was
not so. On the Teel was
peached at iii-
Jack, did not preach lb
but n tin in ii borne,
there dark, OB my
way home Jack
I He
tired that about ck,
I not going to
the following Tuesday, made no
inquiry about Jim being in the
white capping, I thought he was
not wounded much if any and did
not bother about it. He is my
lie-direct never heard any
report about my connection with
whiskey except what Lem James
lam not guilty of Such
W W House testified to good
character of both Barnhill
and Teel. J S Brown and Wes
Martin also testified to good
character of Barnhill
I live at place with
tho Teel w as
II Mail lied. Walter
and lived at
hen. and got
mat at . was in
and come down to give them
no keys They both went to
bed very soon after coming
one went out of the house again
lint night that know of
got up at the usual time next
mi ruing
woke up
and myself both.
there. have not heard ll--
her say was o'clock when
iii Did not, hear say
lie sorry he went.
Saturday f went down the
river to attend a Ash fry, but they
no I got back next mom-
lag limit en red men
, line with I left
place and to
met Jim Barnhill
t re who lie hail to
fry. I told him there not
he went I went Oil
railroad afternoon look
at Stokes for Oakley.
myself went to sec
girls at It was in
I intended going
on train bill told
in mil I
I with him.
Zeb I
I in him
w I;
Is Wynn and
. i In I
i . Linn . I III . .
I V fl O e ll I II. Ir
I. him .
re l to
., , the S
v- . Raid there about i eel I
kn b id re
i ml plat e about and i
Moore k ya down to .
Court here took s to
o'clock Wednesday morning,
was n considerably
did no I few days after attack He me Cross
ray how many went into room. be did not know if Le could night to Mr.
I haul logs for Zeb
JACK BOWELL. on plat for u with
Am years old, he when I jaw them Sun
log about
or Wednesday of following week
know anything about it., LiVe u. place borne The load Briley and
reopened Wednesday morning.
to be a very long one. the defend- saw where- latch was broken off anybody b the crowd.
ant being tried mi three different door, did rot bear the shooting.
Into dwelling It was after breakfast when I went
house, conspiracy, assault to I did not say at Go.
older to shorten the; in April court I
State consented to accept
a verdict not guilty the;
count of conspiracy and the court
was asked to eliminate all the
evidence introduced bearing on
Walter the stand
to continue his testimony, but fur-
question him being
objected in a incompetent be was
stood aside.
I am one of the defendants in
tn s matter, live at Sheppard
First saw Barnhill on Sun-
day at Tom he asked
me money owed rim tor
oxen. Next saw at Oakley,
asked him about some tobacco
and went by Oakley to get to-
it was directly on our
way home. Saw him last that
night about o'clock, he, Wool-
ard and myself silting in front of
Nelson on opposite side
did not break
in house and assault him
knew of.
I mean
to say It don't know
broke in In
I live three or four hundred
yard from W. J.
the night his house was
en. Mrs. Teel came to my house
next she said she did
no recognize any of them,
l live quarter mile from
went to his house about light
next morning after trouble, stay-
ad a short while. did not
any suck en wire fence. asked
Mis. reel were tho parties dis-
guised and sin; said they were
not. She was at my house the
following and I asked
her if she know any of them and
she said no. i at
house Monday night and ho said
be reckon he was mistaken about
shooting at any one in his yard,
It might have been a plum tree
on opposite side of path.
Cross heard pis
shots inroad, fain wife of
Hen Ward, he went to
when bell rang. He heard
horse comb g by.
live three quarters mile from
, am wife of George Bed-
dick, went to house next
morning Mrs. Teel said she
ti- ck and put in man's
was man with slim
little red chin beard.
rotated to any of the
day night, names
in- who hi After they left
The defendants counsel hate
talked the mailer me to
what knew. Teel was not home
when was there. I n Teel
and myself are have
never given each other any
trouble. Went to his house later,
and talked with him, did not tell
I did hear bis wife
make the statement. Did
bear Teal say anything about rec-
Court; took to o'clock
Recalled -I did not to
house the night of attack, there are
no gun shot wounds my person.
When I left Oakley that night with
Walter we went home,
reached thereabout went by-
way of Stokes, from there went on
by swamp church. People
live along read from Oakley to
Sheppard place, we passed by W
house. A colored man
named Jack Unwell lives on doe
buck place near road. Alter get-
ling home we went in and saw
Claude M and Tom
we put up and wont to bed.
I slept down stairs with Tom
and Moore slept
up stair-. Got up at usual time
morning. Tuesday morning
was time I about white
Cross several
parties in bar loom a Oakley
other defendant among
Think we had all been there before,
I lived at Sheppard mill at time
of assault, Saw that
at home, he got
thereat I went in room
when he called Claude and looked
clock Had been asleep before
went to bed with me
He said a few words about the
to be done next day, he
house is close to road. Heard , or. is go to
Briley pass that night a
little pi-t o'clock, had got
and was smoking when he pas-id, Live been there
heard and to-
Cross examined-Have not; Williams that night,
known Briley long but knew bis ; Haw , ,.,.,
parents. Did not tell Mr. Roe. going Nelsons,
buck that I expected they had ; ,, ,,,, c nU
something to do with it I
they passed my late. II Cross was
heard somebody telling K hailed
about it and they Briley had me then,
in it. Mr. Thomas called
Dame and said he he was
there. Then I spoke that to-
passed my o'clock
Live at Jim
remember Teel
trouble. Between and o'clock
that night I went to to
going toward I knew It
was without going out to see
him, did not try to see him and
never saw him. got cent
of money have never
mentioned to him. Told
Roebuck it was directly
o'clock when Briley pan ed, Roe-
buck did not say it was much
later than that.
Briley lives about from
Stokes, his character and
of good. Have known
J. K. Barnhill since he has been
in that neighborhood, and never
heard anything against him
Character of T. W. White-
good, character Jack I
am indicted
Federal court.
get some whiskey for my wife who
was sick, Barnhill put hi head
out and asked if -h- was
sick much, be slept at Will urns.
r. in-- was very contused
I. H. Little d to character
of witness Una Little, also to
character Barnhill. also
testified to character Teel, J.
R. J. T. Jenkins and
H. R. I to
W. J. Fleming testified god
character of Briley, and Sane
testified to good
C. Forbes
to good character of T. W.
about miles from Oak
went to church Easter Sunday
and spent of day
Miss Taylor's. Saw K.
bill Saturday night, a;
stayed there balance of night. morning and at Mrs
lace, he
In am
ed- not e-
mi, the do
. I ml I
I v home. think
Mrs. Teel any
1.1 in I- h
Am husband of lady on
in Teel describe
the man whose face she put match
in, said he a kind of tall
man with face roil chin
Claude Moore up stalls in
different room from
old, lived with Briley a
months. Claude was to
wake up when they c inc. Wool-
ard struck match, he came In
tho door, it was unlocked. I
stopped staying there alter this
trouble got out. None of us
said hoy came in at i
First heard of Pas
Tuesday, m till a
man named him.
Never been to court before
Looked at clock because I want-
ed to know what time ii was.
might have boon a tow minutes
past alarm
; id
filial I
. .en ii Jung , Keys to Told Ii
they caught no fish. J. K-. I
hill carried me to Stokes
evening, did not ask
was going to Oakley
told him Briley had gone to
W. J. B.
live in Bethel, saw Teel a
I remember testimony of witness
Gurganus. I was talking to
about buying out. Wynne
said he wished he could get out of
it, hut it had no reference to white
cap case. saw that Sun-
day night, he got up and rode with
i me as far as my gin house. Went
to his store later and several of us
were in there together, I left about
o'clock and saw Barnhill no
more that night, lie came In room
where sleeping Nelsons
about light next morning, saw him
about his place of business
the day.
Cross by my-
self that night, Wynne, Barnhill
and Charlie . bad been staying
there. Barnhill did in
until about day. after I left
store got lo house a man come
there with between there loosing for tap Bog
and o'clock. I left ti ere about I ere laid it was him. went out
and he was still there.
Saw Barnhill evening
my home, he came between
o'clock and kit about It is
about a mile to Oakley,
was with Think Barn-
hill had on a tan colored shirt.
Saw quite frequently
in last six months, shown
he know I
Testified to good character of
Cross tn good
character of Teel, also said Teel
told him about the white capping
said he had recognized some of
the parties.
Lived at mothers 1-1 miles
him that A
,., , , ., . from y at lime of I el assault.
cap that lo, ks like . ,
c it is it .
I iii w. I put
I e ,;. and ll
. . u
Saw r
o'clock I . . I I lo get
In; r.
, . ,
put it the .
I k
, , , ,.
hill. I . ,
tho . ho
led. ,., ., k
would n the I hilt
bill night ; . , , , . ,. , . ,
, ., with Bin it n
Ml. Is, . . , , . , ,,
. . in and
clock. Saw vi eel and
e ore in f re
then in and went toward
Stoke-. Barnhill about light
Monday morning between Nelsons .
. Do not remember to have read m-
and . .,
were present.
when first hi

Eastern reflector, 28 September 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 28, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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