Eastern reflector, 21 September 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

A In Which Ivan Won With
Some ago Russian and a
Turkish officer were having a dis-
as to the superiority in
of r respective soldiers.
can prove to you on the
aid the
men are he called
buy me a pound of to-
come at
The turned on his
heel went out. the
officer, taking out his watch,
orderly is walking straight to
the next comer, lie must
now he is turning; new lie is
opposite the white mosque; now he
the now he is
St now he i- buying
tobacco; ho is back; C. that else-
Th. Picked.
There was another
in Masonic temple opera
Friday night to witness tie
presentation of by
the company. p a
was good and the he
the act were splendid.
The songs fobs-
thing new here and much enjoyed
The close their engage-
tonight aid should have.;
good audience.
is called to the
i semen I of
he if on the us;
Bow he is at the door; And
Russian called out,
The Turkish officer, showing no
sign of surprise at the precision
of this Russo-tobacco
promptly broke
My soldier do that
every day m the and he
where in this paper. coin
has a large and well equipped
plant turn out work
promptly. It is a home
is entitled to the patron
age of home people. Their
It satisfaction i-
on every order.
U Convention
The State
convene in the
to Ali and see that Move Chapel, in our city, on the
u inc a pound tobacco. , . . . ,
My it em
Following the tactics of the
officer, the Turk pulled nut his
is cur invited to attend ell
the services. The
desire us to say. will appreciate
and went assistance in entertaining the dIe-
the street; now he is pa-sing the pal- j -rates. There Mil be about fifty of
pooch bazaar; now noon and he them. If yon can help, phone lo
u saying his prayers; now he is Mrs. M, King.
drinking at the stone fountain; now
Ali hails him and asks him
about my now is
paying the tobacco; now he from Chapel Hill. He
coming back by another way; now has made first alternate for
Frank Wilson returned Friday
he is on our street; now he is at the
door; now
shouted the officer.
is my
. haven't found shoes
the appointment from this district
to U, naval academy
Annapolis, and will soon leave t .
enter a training school there pie-
to the examination.
Report of the condition of
At in the
Carolina, at the close of business,
asked Mrs. husband.
I hour about Sam-
the lady answered.
you have anything lo tell, why don't
you tell
near. Well. Samuels was
home the other night when
J footpad shot at him and the ball
a late key in Samuel's vest
and his life was laved. So
you hut good a latchkey and Discounts ft
,,,., . ,, . ,, II , Overdrafts
Indeed. If Samuels had been; cured 1.1116.44
home at a reasonable hour; p. s. Bonds to secure
i use, fin
e to Ins wife, and if
n had m been for that latchkey; Due from National Bank
a rich widow now. go if I reserve I 287.801
you for a latch- De ft m State Banks end
t i . i 6.27 it,
key ton have to bring back Cheeks and other cash
that one. That's. Motes of other National
all. to led now, and If Bark
you I lo read lave to go Fractional
going home at a reasonable hour Hoods to secure
would have met footpad
he carries
to the i . and waste the
, i, Lawful reserve in
COal. I. I
French Politeness.
n From
ever, i, on . of his
nation, and a- very much
i 8,322.00
Hi . n ii S.
Treasurer percent of
plea I an A in who had
Tinted Franco, told me an
an French
that the
. on i to the
he in the
car g am
jeers i .
wot., rained upon Ii m,
i . ,
i Total
Ital Meek paid in
divided less
s tall s paid
i I-
g 13.800.0 I
Individual subject
to i heck
j , Time of deposit
. Cashier's checks outstanding in
ll ii i
i. born urn
Stall of Ni ill
1.1.1 Of r.
w . Aye i- r i om
. in i. ii i tin w ,. i . ., M
i v. .;. -i ;. , , . i , .
. I n I . . i . ;, i hi i .
I I l . i i i i
i .
. t
John and I pro i t be
did think I was to blame f.
II, . i.
i . . i i p
I .
i . i i
I i i, i in l i,
fl i V I i l i j l I
II Al. I Bi
Ni Bare Track,
K. v.
lo-id and aw.
Department Store News.
Our Buyers have returned from the Northern Markets and
In a few days our store will be crowded with
New Fall and Winter
which you are invited to see.
Our stock will be complete in every department, our buy-
have been careful to provide th-t best and newest in each
line represented in our large collection Merchandise, as
usual a high standard of quality has been maintained and the
lowest prices consistent therewith will prevail.
We Have Just Opened a
small shipment of Long
Black Silk Gloves.
You should call early before sizes are broken up.
Watch this space for announcements of new
few days. Visit this store often and keep an eye on our new
l J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
September Term in Session
Thomas Shaw win is
presiding at this term of court,
arrived on forenoon train
and opened court at noon today.
There was a large c present
the court room being practically
filled. Solicitor, L. I. Moore
present the State.
The first business was the
of the grand jury and the
following were chosen and sworn
L. H. Pender, foreman, W. B.
Wingate, D. C. Davenport, J. H.
J. Jr., John L.
Carper, B S
Cannon, Lot J. W. Elk
Washington Mills, J. B. Pierce,
W. J. J. B. Tucker,
C. D. Joyner Win-
gate, J. R. Edwards, W. H.
Three who were drawn offer-
ed excuse for business reasons,
but Judge Shaw declined to
grant these, as he said he made
it a rule not to excuse any one
for reasons. Before
beginning his charge to the
grand jury he briefly cautioned
the audience preserving
in the court room.
Owing to his weak condition
physically Judge Shaw he
was not able to deliver a
charge, but, would only
call attention to a few important
matters that they might under-
their duty. There are
three qualifications to service on
a grand jury. A man should
first have common sense, he
should he should have
to perform his duty. It
matters nm if a juror
with the law, it is his duty to ob-
serve the law as he it.
Those not connect d with the
court may the laws and
and have the right t vote for
representatives in the General
Assembly who they believe will
change such tows as they think
but every one con-
with the court in
tin- should
that every law is right
It haw said that under
properly laws an
innocent nothing to fear
and a guilty nothing to
hope for. I'm is true Ir U
innocent Dim to be of
crime. The m may bi
as he should . but In of
the public In upon
his a be will over after
be t, Tn grand
jurors care-
in In a true bill
iii man. On the
he should
no 1.11
. f
down crime
man give-
law and I e U
and c
Ilia I a.
Tin- gin
; lad i
Mi . .,.
o mi lie i
laws -i
I,.,. . .,
V e
,. . i ,
learn the
Km man i free, mid if he
approve of th
h live- world is
C to -o
he ii., ,, .
After Hi conclusion
charge court n-r m o
i is
liar of the court
inc d
to j
the keeps
ii a
i contempt for Hie
that in- can go
crime when he
; tin effect
f, law
i no
nil . keep
lie i- id to
in-oilier class
l of I
II. at will
i i illegally
. ii the
y lines lie-
I me i
i from society
I reassembling of
the docket was
called. What known
white cap case was set for Monday
nest week.
Two men
enough to the court
This ed the large
that they must keep quiet,
would know the
goo why.
The trial of docket was
taken up and cases
James carrying con-
weapon, pleads guilty, sen-
six in jail to be
assigned to roads.
Sam Turnage and Cotton,
fornication, plead guilty. Torn-
fined and costs,
as to Cotton.
T. L. Sellers, assault with dead-
weapon, pleads guilty, fined
Brown and West Ward,
adjudged contempt of court for
talking, Brown fined f and
Thomas Vines, failing to list
taxes, pleads judgment
pended on payment of costs and
Guy Turnage, failing to list
taxes, judgment suspended on
payment of costs and
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
fined f and coats.
Will carrying concealed
weapon, sentenced
days in jail to assigned to
William Ward, assault
deadly weapon, pleads guilty.
Brown, assault with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment
SUS on payment of costs.
Simon plead
Bruce slander, pleads
guilty, judgment suspended on
payment of and good
Edwards, carrying con-
weapon pleads guilty.
Will Turner, Larceny, guilty,
sentenced years in jail to be as-
signed to road. In another case
against this same defendant the
verdict was not
Paul carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, sentenced
months in jail to be assigned to
grand jury returned
bill rape Cox.
James Chapman, assault with
lined a. c -sis.
Jam s Bell, guilty in
two cases, also guilty one cu-e
of burning.
Levin Will Grimes and
Grime-, assault with
weapon-, Lewis guilty,
sentenced months in jail to be
signed to Made
Harris hi assault with
in jail lo be at-
Hawkins, win.
Hi and costs,
Of New Industries and Industrial
Development in the South.
Chattanooga, Sept
more important new industries
established in the South during
the week ending today are shown
by the following list compiled and
b Tradesman.
Among the concerns most
capitalized may be mentioned
cotton mills in
with capital; coal, iron
and lumber company Alabama,
v smelter in Indian
Territory with
company in Oklahoma, with
oil ard company in
West with
and many other important
tries capitalized at from f
to The for the week
as given out by the
contains the
North Carolina.
ware companies.
ice and
cold storage
and power
Concord, n mills.
ring company.
Nashville, supply com-
A Town in a Southern State but
not of the People-
Toe Hon- mi Post is responsible
for information that
ville Texas, the recent
with the soldiers
is not a Southern town.
It is in the south, it is
true, but its people are not south-
The Post says that
ville was first settled in 1846 by
Mexicans, Gen. Taylor's army
lowers, and
No slaves w ere ever owned there,
and former slave-holders are
to lie found among its present
population. This estimate at
is made up as Mex-
Northern people,
discharge I Federal
their descend nits,
That being the of its
in ii in small wonder that
fie colored troops found It u hot
place, climatic illy and otherwise.
Certainly the Northern papers
have been Browne
ville as a b outrage,
must revise their opinions. B I
ii-. the thirteen him-
en i e e is one of the
lot Chronicle.
If K.
licenses lo the following
sine last report.
and Lizzie
Wilson and Baltic
Edwards and Mary Alice
Nathan and
Kan v-.
I Announced
On Sept.
I-. lit ll c I of Mis,
c. alter
I'M s Richardson
Mi K. II Miami.
w given honor of
bridal party, upon this
the engagement Mis
Rogers, S, ,
Mi. Joni .
i N. c , was an-
The to take
place mi Dee. III I
Mr. is a member
doing a large a Greer-
ville, a popular young man
both in business socially.
Miss Roger was one of the
in t
a-t and made a
i i her stay She
a lady of many
President of the State Normal
College Expires on the Bryan
Special to Greensboro.
Burlington, N. C. Sept.
When the train with the
party reached Durham and the es-
committee was hurrying to the
opera house to hear Mr. Bryan one
or gentlemen remained in the
train. To one of them Dr.
said, suffering with acute in
digestion and think I will remain
here a minutes. Later he went
up to a drug store to get some
The drug stores were closed,
so lie returned to the car and said
to some friends sitting near that he
was in pain. One of them gave
him some medicine, but it gave
no relief. He was in conversation
with State Treasurer when a stroke
of fell upon him. He
gasped twice, fell back and was
dead. Dr. C D. Jones, of Hills-
one of the escort committee
was summoned and applied every
effort lo life, but Dr
was and death had been
The shock to the party the
train cannot be conveyed- A hush
fell upon every heart, and there were
tear- in the eyes and sorrow in
the hearts of those who loved him.
As the train reached a
crowd had assembled, Governor
sorrowfully ed the
sudden death of Dr. and the
loss to the State, and said Mr. Bryan
had not lie to speak while the
dead body of his friend was on the
Black Jack, M. O. Sept
Elder W. H.
of Greenville, spent a part la.-t
week here.
left Overton, Carolina; H.
Greenville; E. K.
Full County Ticket Nominated.
Convention met
in the court house in Greenville
Saturday at o'clock. It was
largely attended, that is to say
large for the and
was, perhaps the largest, best
attended and most
convention the Republicans
ever held in the county.
R. C Flanagan In calling the
convention to order in a short
speech made a few re-
marks that were received.
He named E. Victor Cox as
chairman, and H. T. King
temporary secretary. Mr. Cox
in assuming chair made a
short talk.
The temporary organization
on motion was made permanent.
On motion a committee con-
of one from each town-
ship named to retire and
recommend to the convention
candidates for the county
o In the absence of this
committee Col. Harry Skinner
was on and the
convention in a conceived
and clean cut speech, which
seems so have pleased the con-
The committee through its
chairman to
the following which was on
Senate, H. T, King, of Green-
House, B. M Whitehurst, of
Bethel, Eider Fred
Clerk. Joel
Sheriff, I. Fleming, Green-
of Deeds, W. W.
Surveyor, D. S. of Caro-
County Commissioners-- John
Of Those Coming and
for her home near X
The protracted meeting here
closed yesterday with the
ten additions to the .
Godfrey Porter and J.
Tucker have returned from
a trip to Washing
ton Oily. They report a pleasant
Dudley and Fan-
and Eva House t
left Sunday
for Hickory Grove where
he nice tiny.
O. E. and wife
Sunday for their home
Mis. Audi VI, .
v ho
Mis. G S. Jo union, lei
y for
Many the
church here Sunday.
V. Johnston, f
Mire Minnie H in.
Mies Dora C x, who has been
fen with relatives
yesterday for hot
i en lied Hunks.
Sonic of
s .
Daisy Porter, who has
i spending a few days here
i with Mi-s Smith,
to her home d pear lied
ii .
s C. Mills this
a over the river.
E L. Clark went to
J J. Jones,
Mai cellos Falkland.
The ticket with few
is better than we thought they
could do. There are some very
good men on the ticket. We are
sorry see them leave the Demo
erotic party. We think they are
a mistake, but this is a
ii of the amendment the people
feel act d as
pie The Ki accords
this privilege to them. We shall
give a fail show, but it is
idle to think for a moment that
will poll more to
1.000 perhaps not more, than
ticket will be
by an majority of
thousand we our
is no
danger for Dem in this year
of 1906.
Twin Girls
Whom Carrier W. f
R. F. D So. I route in the
, morning, lace
wreathed in smiles on both
-id--. The i f gather-
ed and
of twin
ii n at his in me mad him
Reflector sept
J. Mooring spent Sunday at
D. C. Moore and J. G.
spent Sunday at
It this is the equinoctial season
it is a few of time.
H. B. Hardy, of the R
News and Observer, i- in town.
Miss Mary Bernard
evening for a visit to LaGrange.
Miss Lena spent Sun
day with her parents in Washing-
V. G. Tyson to Winter-
ville Sunday evening returned
J. T. went to
Sunday evening this
OMen Cobb left Sunday for
Tarboro where he has accepted a
Rev. F. D. went to
evening where he
preached at
R. B. Wiggins, of Boston, who
been visiting at
left morning.
Joyner came in Sat-
evening from to
visit her brother, O. L. Joyner,
Mrs. Charlie Whitehurst, of
Bethel, came in evening
to visit her father D. D. Gardner.
Miss Octavia Rivers, of Hen-
who was visiting Mrs.
A. H. Taft, returned home y
Sunday gave us a decided
of weather indicated that the
fall season hat come in earnest.
Mies Elizabeth Ball, of
was Mrs. J. A. Lang,
returned home Sunday
O. T. Tyson returned Sunday
evening from the western part
where he had
his health. .,
Mrs. L. II. Lee and Miss
Cromartie returned Saturday
from Baltimore where
bad been buying millinery
for Mrs. L.
A. E. Fulcher has sold his dry
goods a taken a
the hardware store of
Baker Hart. ., ,, .,
Mrs. Junes returned
Sunday evening from Baltimore,
where she has been buying
goods for C. T. Mumford.
Register of Deeds It, Williams,
went to Sunday to
indexes of records with a view of
selecting a system in use this
W. P. El wards has resigned his
place at the e A H. Taft
. and taken i ion as book-
keeper ware-
Mrs George of Lit; in ;.
her -i.-i.
Km lies, returned
. wore Vis-
Mrs. O. J.
There may no real happiness In
riches, bill these is real
in poverty.
Admitted to Practice.
before I lie no. n recess of
court T.
t court the
by Supreme court to
Mr. John of Greene
county, to practice law. At the
request Judge Shaw the oath war
administered to Mr. by
and he was duly
to the practice of the bar
The Name Was Missing.
i us a very nice teller of items from
Mills, hut n the writer
j failed to sign Ins or her name to
us know who sent we can-
. p them. As many times
i s has been called to the
. the Dames of writers
g with letters for
it does look Hike people
would sign their name- to such let-
Denmark, of
I spent Sunday here.
t Mr.

back, .
the I.
the .
-Who i
Voice- III l
w.- ,
Wall I
Paris Ii .
r i
. i M
I . .-IS
. . i I .
l n
an hour
dot mini
I V lie
I Ii Mt. The
u, i i party of . , .
el OR II .
hack l
over side there I ; .- i
Now we are ready for I
yard en
vessel lay nil rising awl
the warm. boat dash- i
her brass v trained moil
her -if
their Angers their .-
to open They grinned mid
their h
their sole were three r i-
men upon p sip. ho C.
on deck . Instant, w ill his drawn
word In his hand,
up two of be cried.
stand here the head of
sergeant. n a-. I
you call it k- ,,.
awake down the-e mid be .
lire. You , me with me. Corporal
. is captain of
am, mid
tut. are I
thought j very minions to pet
away, but as loaf as they paid
passage it was no of mine.
An old man. Ma young daughter ant a
young fellow your age In some
sort of
of the
king's guard. Those are the. I
have conn-
you wish to take
old man is n asleep.
the maid is in a cut-in and tut
other la the
you had beet
think you that yon dare d It
alone lie has no arms. W In true, but
he is a well grown young fallow. Will
you not have twenty men up from the
Some such thought had passed
through tin head, but die cap.
remark put him upon his mettle.
ma, mild he.
this ladder, you
down the ladder and straight
on. He lies between those two cloth
looked up
with a playing about the
of his grim mouth. The wind was
now in the rigging, and the
of the were bumming Ilk-
two harp Amos Green
lounged the French
who frill the end of the rope lad-
the mate,
with n of water In his hand
remarks in very bad
French with the crew of the boat be-
neath him.
The officer made
black, an open book lying across I
free leg Jutting
with the heel of the foot resting be-
I tween the
A boat had been lowered by the Gold-
on Pod. and the unfortunates
conveyed No
of r food or was to be found
or anything save the paddle and
the Bible, which lay across the
race. Man. and
child had all been a day the
least, and so. with the prayers
I Used upon the seas, they were buried
from the side. The small man
had Ural also to be lifeless,
Amos had detected some slight
flutter of his heart, and the faintest
was -ft upon the watch glass
which was held before mouth.
Wrapped In a dry blanket, be was laid
j Hi.- U at. and the mate forced a
I few drops of rum every few minutes
j between his lips until the little
of life which still lingered in him
nil Tilt be fanned to a Mean-
while Savage had ordered up
the two prisoners whom he had en-
sorry, said the sea-
man, -but you had to come
with us. see. or we had to stay
with you. They're waiting for me over
at Boston, and so in truth I couldn't
tarry. Which would you prefer, to go
with us to America or to go back
to France, If I can And my
way. if only to have a word with that
fool of a
we emptied t bucketful of
water over his and priming,
dye see. so maybe he did all he could.
But there's where that thick-
is. over
see it; I see It Ah. If my feet
were only upon it once
H. A.
Mm n
hi deck with
hi face us grim as ever, but with a
dancing in h. gray
down the ladder which led Into the
hold. The corporal followed Mm, and
had hit cheat level with the dock when
the other had reached the bottom. It
may have been something in
Savage's It may have been the
gloom around him which startled the
young Frenchman.
again, he shouted.
think you are at the
I think that you are best down
my said the Puritan
from his gesture, rutting tho sole of
his against the man's chest, be
gave which sent both him . ltd
the ladder crashing down on to the
officer beneath bun. As be did so he
blew his whistle, and in a moment the
hatch was back In Its place mil
clamped down on each side with Iron
The sergeant had swung round at
the sound of the crash, but Amos
Green, who had waited for n,,. move,
threw bis arms round him and
hurled tin overboard Into the inn.
At the same instant the
rope was set red, the creaked
buck Into position once more mid
FOR two days the Golden Rod lay
becalmed close to Cape In
Hague, with Hie Breton coast
extending along the whole at
the southern tho third
l came a sharp
and drew rapidly away
I from land until It was but a vague,
dim line which blended with the
am frightened shout my father.
; said Adele as Mood to-
by the and looked back
at the dim cloud upon the horizon
which marked the position of that
France which they were never to see
do yon mean, Adele My
uncle is hale and hearty, and be will
accustom himself u this new
It only could tie so But I fear. I
fear that he is over old for such a
change. He says not a word of com-
plaint, but I read upon his face that
he Is stricken to the
Te was about to suggest that
the voyage might restore the mer-
chant's health, When Adele gave a cry
I of surprise nod pointed out over the
she Is some
i thing floating upon the sea. I saw it
; upon the crest of a
lie looked In the direction In which
she pointed, It was so far from
; him that he make nothing of it.
hilt sharper eye than his had
; glance of it. Amos Green had seen the
girl point,
a heat .-a the
Tho New England seaman whipped
up h .
It's n i said be,
ii ; ;. i Maybe It's been washed
off ii .-, rue ship or gone adrift from
I I hard down. Mr. Tom
ii Just so hap that I
am In ii . f n boat at
lull Inter the Golden Rod
had swung round and was ruining
swiftly down toward black spot
which still hoboed and danced upon
A they her they
could see was project-
over her side.
a man's cried Amos
But grim grew grim-
mer. u man's said he.
Is a boat beside us, and you
may take
God, what happiness Corporal
the boat Let us push off
you a few things first.
Lord, who ever beard of a man
like that Mr.
Just sling a keg of water and a barrel
Of meat of biscuit Into this boat.
Hiram Jefferson, two oars aft.
It's a long pull with the wind your
teeth, hut you'll he there by tomorrow
; and the Weather Is set
j two Frenchmen were soon pro-
i Tided with all that they were to
require and pushed off with a waving
of huts a shouting of
The yard was swung
again, and the Golden Hod turned her
bowsprit for the west.
But while these things had been done
the senseless man beneath the mast
had switched his eyelids, had drawn a
little gasping breath and then
opened his eyes. Old had
come upon deck, at the sight of
tho man of his dress he had run
forward and had raised his head rev-
Is one of the be cried.
Is one f our pastors. Ah Now
Indeed a blessing will be our
But the man smiled gently and shook
his fear that I may not come
consolidated the two stocks of H. A. re and John A. Is one
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed in
Dry goods and groceries
, We carry an up-to-date line
Hats, Shoes, dress goods, Notions, Sc.
In Groceries we will have at all times a full line of the very best
the staples like my
Meat, Flour, Sugar, coffee, but all kinds of
canned goods, the finest brands
We can supply you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest f,
COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods please you.
the bucketful of salt water soused
down over the gunner and his gun
putting out his and wetting
his a shower of balls from
the marine-, piped through the air or
rapped up the planks, but the
boat was dog jerking In the
short, choppy waves, and to aim was
Impossible, in vain the men tagged
and at their oars, while the
Runner work d like a maniac to re-
tight his and to replace bis
bout bud lost its weigh
while the was flying along
now with every sail bulging and swell-
to point Crack went the
hist, and live little silt
an the mainsail showed that her charge
think that yon had best take the gal
below to the
Amid u solemn hush they along-
side this lonely craft which hung out
so sinister a
was n thirteen foot cockle-
shell, very broad for her length and
so flat In the bottom that she had been
meant evidently for river or lake work.
Huddled together the seats
were three folk, a man In the dress of
s respectable artisan, a woman of the
same and a little child about a
old. The boat was half full of
and the woman child were
with their faces downward.
Hie fair curls of the Infant and the
lark lock- of the mother washing to
and fin like water weeds tho
surface. The man lay with a slate
face, his chin cocking up to-
ward the sky. his eyes turned upward
to the whites and his mouth wide open,
showing a leathern crinkled tongue
n rotting leaf. In all
huddled in u and with a single
still grasped In his hand, there
crouched a very small ma skid
in the dying
this Journey with said he.
the Lord has called me upon a farther
Journey of my I have had my
and I am ready. I am In-
deed the pastor of the temple at
and when we the orders of the
wicked king I two of the faithful,
with their little one. put forth In the
hope that we come to England.
D; on the or t day there came a wan
which swept away of our oars and
all that was the bread,
ear keg, and we were left with no
hope save la him. And then he began
to call us to him, at a time,
the child and then the woman and
then the man, until I only am left,
though I feel that my own time la not
long. But, since ye are also of the
faithful, may I not serve you in any
way before I
merchant shook his head, and
then suddenly a thought flashed upon
elm. and he ran, with Joy his face,
and whispered eagerly to Amos Green.
Amos laughed and strode across to the
said Savage
Then the whisperers went to De
lie sprung In and his
eyes shone with delight. And then they
went down to Adele In her cabin,
she started and blushed turned her
sweet face away and patted her hair
with her hands as woman will when a
sudden call Is made upon her. And
so. since haste was needful and since
i Wholesale retail an
Dealer. paid
aides, Par, Cotton Oil
Turkeys, B, Red
salts, Tables, Lounges, Bares, P
and Gail Ax
Life Tobacco. Key West Che
Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apples
Pine Apples, Jelly, Milk
Flour Meat, Soap
Ly, Magic Matches, Oil
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar
e'en Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut
Dried Apples,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Cl-.
Chins. Ware, Tin and w
Wart, Cakes Crackers, Macs
Beet Batter, New
Sewing and
Quality and
Greenville Livery
Can famish nice and
Wages tor all occasions.
Horse- boarded by the day, week
State of North Carolin
Whereas official information has
been received at this department that
w. H. Harrington Jr. late of the
of Pitt stands charged with
and assault upon W. J. Tell, and
whereas, It appears that the said w.
H. Harrington Jr has fled the State.
or so conceals himself that the
nary process of law be served
upon him.
Now, therefore, I, R. B. Glenn, Gov
of tho Stats of North Carolina,
virtue of authority in me vested
do issue this my
a reward of One
dollars for the apprehension and
said W. H. Harrington Jr.
to the Sheriff of Pitt at the
Courthouse in Greenville N. C. and I
do enjoin all officers of the State and
all good citizens to assist in
to justice.
Done at cur City of 16th
day of July, in the year of our Lord
one thousand nine hundred and six
and in the one hundred and thirty-
first year of our American
By the Governor.
Sales room in Jams building.
Fresh Pies, Cakes and
Bread daily. Special orders
for Pies sent early in morn-
will he filled in time
for dinner
Choice of Fruits and
Candles constantly on hand
I also handle leading
brands of Cigars and To-
Give me a call.
J. M.
crease vigor, banish pain
No remedy equals
For Sale by J. W. BRYAN
N. C.
Contractor, Builder.
Tile Setter.
Plans and estimate,
tarnished on application. All
work guaranteed. Turn key job
when ever desired
The Five Points Grocer.
In addition to Full of Heavy
and Fancy Groceries we carry a
line of such as Horse
Collars, Back
Chain. Plows, Castings Also
ware, Tinware. consisting
if i i, Chill Tonic, Liver
Regulator, Quinine, Soothing
Syrup, Nerve and Liniment
Call me for in the
above lines
Phone Five Points
Mary had a little lad
Whose face was fair,
Because each he had a drink
Rocky Mountain Tea.
before the
Clerk Hut of
. .,, MU ,,
lie of Wick Harris deceased, notice
e to all person Indented to the
estate to make Immediate payment, to the
and all persons having claims
said estate must present the same for
on or before the 30th. day of August
1907, or this notice will he plead In of
their recovery, rule day of Ail,
of Wick
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
v -.- . C. -.- m
As authorized for Daily
and we lake
bat pleasure in receiving sub-
and writing receipts for
those arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. also take orders
or job
B. bat returned
to bis in It was
B. H. Can is and not H. Gar-
as d In nor last to
whom he administered the rite
We have hand one
and will h glad to make yon
price on same.
Everett who is in Scot-
land Neck electing a large brick
tore for merchant, of
that place, spent a day or so
his family last week.
has gone
to to accept a
R. Co.
CA large crowd left here
day to attend court in
For can es, apples, corn
tomatoes, c, apply to K. E.
ft On.
A. M. Mosley, is here on
our cotton market. The fleecy
is to come in.
To any who are in need of a cook
tore we can make it to bis interest
to see us as we have bought a solid
car load, and expect them to arrive
next week. Cannon Tyson.
The graded opens here
next Monday the 24th.
Buy the
for women from J R.
ft Co.
beet friends are
attending Greenville court I his
week and its lonely
When your eyes need attention
J. W. Taylor,
Ayden, N. C. Is the man to do
your work if yon want to be
Mrs. H. C. Ormond ha re
from an visit to
Charles n and wife, were
is now com-
and ii glad lo have
yon inspect before buy-
J. Turn A Co.
Miss Lizzie m
ville, who all ended here
last has prep
to entering the graded school.
J. J. Hints i R
have Iron the northern
If the mimed by
the lat
-re i r H those
named hi the by
them, will always
be r Win Tin indeed a
pitiful hard ran for
material i c
Broker. I
a lull line meat, laid can
goods. Don't bay before diving
me trial. Mill
H ; -lock
of dry goods ill
log. J s Co.
h line i
d ii rand
and ship ; X-
Buy a hi from.
J. K. -j Iced
We to room oilier
Stocks am in to so i-e are
offering in
mer nils
out of lie way pill n price
on tin in that will be t gel
them off. Now is the time to gel
bi value for your money. Cannon
A nice one horse farm
Ai I expect lo be New
n y bike Will
be closed Aug. till
Sept. 3rd. J. W.
W. M aid ate
in county.
son Hinger dewing machine
Prices way way down H.
Tripp Bro. next to Early Hotel.
J. B spent Sunday
We are pi. to D that his
Miss Lucy, has almost en-
recovered her recent
of dUe plow or col-
get our prices before buy-
J. U. Turnage Co.
little porch
vogue, are said to be exceedingly
That is what those who
seem to tell us, and we
reckon n is
fun supply of hay, grain,
cotton seed meal, bran, ship stuff,
always on hand, Cannon and Tyson
J W. went to tin-en-
ville Friday.
Buy the vertical
life, mowing machine, arid tel
from J. B.
Prof. principal
traded school is expected to reach
Ayden tonight. other teach-
will arrive week.
Our slippers must go, the season
it well advanced. The prices now
will interest the most economic buy-
and Tyson.
J. J. Edwards Sou will move,
into their new this
For a nice a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion,
to give satisfaction.
Ayden church has
called B. H. Junes to serve
them year.
For in improved
machinery call to see us we
will be pleased lo you prices.
J. R. Turnage ft Co.
Go to E. E. Go's new
market tor heel, fresh meats,
sate, and
good e at ten cents conn-
to see J. B. Co
J. B. Turnage Co.
We have jun a case of
the stockings for
tidies and children.
are good ahead
We pretty school
will e here and they
conjunction with our girls
from country town will
certainly lend and
in that will
only prov- but will
a. d out
souls to Tis grand to
; how
more delightful the
when Hi ex come, and we get back
in their smiles and
live in tie atmosphere
breath . Oh, they will be goo;
old limes and the they
come the we will he.
we by-
Mr. of
pi embed in
I. J. Smith, on
the e lie-
a Norfolk, came
Lot live veil
oped toes I
others very
much i thumb on n
hand, with joint, and rail
It did have the dead
appearance is generally in
such was large, strong
and healthy. Noun who saw i;
had seen the like before.
R II. is a business
Bryan North Carolina for
a series addresses. He will
have a cordial welcome and
audience-. He does not come into
Today Pol, William Jennings Interesting in Opera
enter given by little
the hi baT
strange hut i , . ,. ., r .
, , , J. Co
people whom he has visited be , . . , ,.,.and the warmth
welcome he is the
do not with i
all things but
who know how to receive
treat their In this in-
stance visitor is one who com-
the personal and political
of a vast majority of the
of which he is the
national leader. He is the
first and only choice of this
majority for the presidential
Domination in and cannot
that in North Carolina
be is the hands of his friends.
As for the others,
of the population, he has
its unqualified respect, regardless
of political differences, by reason
of ability, his rectitude, bis
bow came yon here,
thought that may-
no had Neon taken down by
I was. It Is the third ship
In I down, but
have never kept nit down I went
in M so opera Ion
y To M-
always at are
sun I draw h h
The program us pub-
w.- earned out
and the marriage went
in The
the like little grown
and their was as
cute and winning as could be.
The were
land sale.
By t in
in n
i. f id lo-l I. a
Kl. the -m.-r
III M i.
m in. th- u I-
of In
the of Die
parity, courage and undoubted R
welcome there will be
not a note. His dis-
and his are his
passport to tho good graces of his
hosts, and he will find
in tho cordiality and
courtesy to be expected of a hos-
and friendly people. Io
behalf of all them we can ex-
tend him a warm welcome to North
T Hi f e
1st. W ; i I
. I ii r Ii,.
Sf In two u
hid i h arr. an
in ids
in i
Live Cremated.
Mr. Joseph G. Davidson, one of
the best known farmers in Lorn;
Creek township, had the
tune Wednesday night to lose nine
horses, six cows, two a
quantity of feed stuff and
and sonic implements in .
fire which bis barn
stables. total lo-s will
to not less than and
it may teach mire. barn was
Urge and contained much newly
bat-vested feed stuff, etc.
The fire is not
known. Mt. Davidson was
shortly after o'clock by
one of his tenants, who had
the hops. The build-
was enveloped in
building was
enveloped in flames and
nothing could be saved, except two
horses that Mr, succeed-
ed in driving out. building
was practically new and could not j
be iced for The nine
horses were not less than
each the cows each.
Th f Flu Coast
in cf i
n . i; i ,. i . . ii i n u,
ii th- of i l,
is i hi. n i
t. n in in to
t M I In i of M
t tn-i r y
to tho
-r th- of this or This
In of
Tun la n d of Sept.
Susan R.
. on th- of
I , i i II
. James
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Ayden, N. C.
papers, pens, pencils, ink-,
etc, at Book
Now is your time to save
money by coming to us for
children's school
tablets, pens, era
we have also n groat assort-
of Dainty
note paper for use
all tin is plain or hemstitch-
The mainstay of social
A N. C.
Lost O i
nineteenth, between Capt John,
King's Mud w.-h-
set suit .
diamond in
for the finder.
Vivian N. C.
k so
I have taken up one black
shoal, weight, about
no earmarks. Owner can get same
by paying charges.
K. F D No. Greenville. N. C
To sufferers of Kidney, Liver or
Bladder troubles. Other
say a bottle and if
it cure we will refund
your We say a
full 91.00 rive bottle of
and if it benefits you, then
use SOL until
This advertisement entitles you
to u bottle SOL
Only a limited number hot-Mo
away. miss this op
to test
I oh-
RESOURCESand k paid in,
Overdraft Secured fund
and is less
Due from Hanks,
unpaid . ;
h check, 11,002.4-
cum. -i or loss
about i. bin hilt; trip to Wilmington.
mile of Ayden. Good . r regular in
mid out houses. and
cultivation. lo , ,
J. and
C inns, 89.30
Silver Coin,
Bank notes
. notes 5,045.00
In the middle of
A few Is and tho
leaky had
few been
In and w.-r.- more.
a pron outer; i-r flt
they found u . t-
of a flue
from ii.
cot ion
to lake . V
SB of
i on m.
n I corncob pipe
deeper than the Speed-
well sank, tun not as the
came up
swain to tin bent, found tin--
crawled Hind was in g you,
for I lean . dial
hack to pick i. up, an
passed in the darkness.
what w-
up boat sail and make
for OUT
per such real as for there
is to be
in- by u upon his
to his fret,
The tat-
was wave, his friend
read in eyes.
What Is it.
It is cumins; to pieces.
have been watching it. You SM Unit
crack Which extends backward from
the cud of our Two hours ago
I could Scarce put my hand Into it.
Now- can sUp through it with
Amos walked to the of
funnel shaped recess found, us his
friend said, a green sinuous
crack extended away backward into
lbs caused by toss-
Of the waves or by the terrific
pact of their vessel, lie roused
out danger to
if she springs a leak we are
. been thawing
pretty fast as it
They could see now that whole
mass was brittle and honey-
combed an rotten.
cried Amos
I . . have sworn that heard
We are nil
must have been my
walked lo tho
w ad face the cave and swept tho
n with Ills eyes. should lie
the truck of some said he.
the fodders and the herring
We're south for
I reckon. Hut we can't be
mile from Port
we're the line of the St. Lawrence
What is i;.
Tho hunter was with
bis ear his head forward.
his eye. like a
man who Intently. lie was
about I., answer i-
a cry pointed to back f the
It b. widened ii mt they
bad Iced ii last until it was now no
Ion lie-., it a p
o said the
I way, an the r
foil. . it was very dark as
-l. with h Ii d
on mid little
if blue sky
heads, their
way. until
. . and
opened Into a tarsi- s-ill.-ire cf
was C
and from r f.
h el it in
each e. .
with four sorts i SOD
sol. i. to ling colony
i th- s. The squadron
had ti coin however, and
the was n . his way
the hope of up the
others in river. lie had a
company of of
the stair of his own Ii St. Val-
The n.-w of with
several of his attendants; throe
let friars, Jesuits bound tor th
in a down
Indies on th v y to Join their
bands, two nuns and ten or
twelve love of
die hope of their
drawn across the seas.
There was peace between l-inland
a-id at present, though feeling
ran between and New
York, the French believing, and with
some Justice, that the
were whooping on the demons
who them. and his
men were
on board, though the ship was so
crowded Unit they had to sleep
ever they could cover and space
for their bodies, The too.
bad be.-n treated ill an even more
kindly fashion, oH man and
Interest of
De bad during the ex-
his uniform for a plain
salt, so except f. Ills
there is nothing to
show- that be was a from the
army. Old v.-is now so weak
that lip was the of
questions. his was forever at
his side, an I the soldier was diploma-
enough, after u at
to say much
in I so their was still
On the day after the rescue they
Sighted in In the south,
soon, running swiftly before an east-
wind v the i of the cast
end of Ail Then they sailed
up river, though from mid-
I channel tit.- inks on either side were
hardly lo be seen. As shores
rowed In they saw the wild gorge of
the river upon the right,
with the smoke from the ii. fishing
and trading of
Streaming up Shove the pine trees.
Thence the ship on up the river
past Bale. Amos Green, leaning
on the bulwarks, slated With
eyes at vast expanses of virgin
woodland, hardly traversed save by an
occasional savage or hardy
de Then the bold out-
line of Cape loomed up in
front of them. passed the rich,
placid meadows of
of and, the settle
aunts of ill island Orleans,
saw the broad pool out in
front of fall i of
the high of Point
the cluster of v.- in ion tho
gall three
far from .
n eyes
. I
rang it
A Ii
i up u
n C II I i.
e of
l Idle
. i.down I
I i A
I up
i rum
call hail i pounded s
right won.
died round it- comer and
trough In Amer-
The Oil
Since he a
p Ill . Its
roots. and
upon for
i if
leek II
i ., i tin-
J. R Smith, Cashier of ,;.
that above statement is to the best of my am, e-
lief. R. Cashier.
c i i . A tit;
Notary Public.
is n ere
.- paper upon It Is
an order all Huguenots
dominions . give up errors.
mi pull him or i by.
I have l Tin are many
or my subjects who at
fault in tin-- matter, will ab-
it when learn it is my
wish lit
do so, p. you follow
The young had
dead . i . his
feel and opened mid hi-, hands
j ii., III Hera
an. I., i i n ,
lats, d nil .- so over
. lira l I paid no heed
the group of refugees who had
i gathered round the stricken man. Hat
I turned head from S
lids fell slowly over
. out
. Amur he ii i-
A SI- n
. e.-u
Is i.
,. old nun,
. t
beads i-
the cry.
in s
. he ashen face.
the sacraments of

i. in the post at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
rates made know IT upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in and adjoining counties.
in tr
will have The sadden death of Dr.
logo into quarters It Chides D. which
has had a popular summer. red on the train between
and Mon-
In holding for ten cents the afternoon, was a severe blow
farmer is not demanding and loss to North Caro-
more for he as one of the State's
to get best citizens and foremost
, among the -rs of the
ville ought to get up a , .
South. His place M president
nice exhibit, especially of to-, . , .
the Normal and Industrial,
for the Jamestown expo- hp
such excellent service for the
At Greenville,
Furniture Problem,
We can solve it for you.
. i B
woman of the State, will hard be
Already the attendants arc to till
that Judge Shaw is holding i
this term of he is doing EASTERN N C. SWEPT BY
With some little exception the
Republican convention made
good th.- promise to get out a
Considerable Dane In
A storm swept over
eastern North Carolina yesterday
morning and damage
It is easy to judge the position toe place that
of those railroads which being B-
not give reduced rates to the
Bryan in this State
At an hour yesterday the
situation on the beach
very serious aDd for a time h
looked like of the house
would he swept away, for
it r portion from the Carolina
Even the coin cob is about to
come in for its day. The state-
from Washington
to the effect that
made from them.
The Republican convention
lay was not so large as
anticipated. Even the looked-for I Yacht club south was by the
speakers elsewhere did not waves. were some two
Up hundred people on the beach and
not more than fifty these J were
able the be
fire all communication with the
mainland wan cut off. The la-t
car from the beach was about
the morning, and the
next party to
about o'clock, having
the sound in
The damage done on the beach-
was .; , but n it as bad as was
feared early yesterday morning
when the sea was breaking over
beach with such fury. It was
impossible to learn
afternoon or last dam-
age done on Carolina Beach for
th wires were down. The lat
message from the beach was t
the morning at that
time the tide was high up on
the but damage had
,, There is hardly a possibility that
the Republicans can a single
man on their ticket in
Jut the Democrats should not be-
cause of this be idle and do
in the campaign. Every Dem
in the county should be in-
to go to the polls and vote
so as to make the vote as large
as possible. There is no
that the Republicans, though
far in the minority, are bettor
organized than they have ever
been, and they will do every-
thing possible to make votes on
their side.
it w called a mass meet-
and everybody invited to he a
elf appointed delegate, the
county Saturday
followed its old time method of
pointing a committee to select a
ticket, the ticket, of course, having
being arranged by the
bosses. In making The motion to
appoint the committee for this
pose, Col. Skinner said in
substance that wisdom of a few
Furniture Sale Competition is Brisk and
Furniture Sale Claims are many and loud, j
There is
test. That sale is best and
that offers you
The Lowest Prices on the Furniture Want
Come convinced. Yours to. please.
Pictures Framed to Order.
R. R. Cars.
l i. Aid-. .
Dens, Floats.
J FAIRS-300 Star
Jolly Clowns.
I v
, est. Most Novel and
of the Times
at home.
Supreme Court Affirms Lower
The Supreme court has affirmed
the action of the lower court in
They no They are In Wonders.
The Year's Best Treat.
Seats Persons beneath our Sun and Waterproof Tents.
murder, which went on and others.
case of Sylvester Barrett,
peal from county. Barrett
was one of the tried in Jan-
term of Pitt Superior court for
the murder of Constable W. J.
Lovitt, of Farmville township, the
crime being on the night
of January 20th. The jury
ed a verdict of murder in the first
degree as to Barrett and was
sentenced to be hanged Feb 16th,
but his counsel took appeal to
thus chosen was better than the de- Supreme court.
including Jolly, and
Fearless Wire and On
Acrobat and Boneless Marvels, Dashing Race
Rider and Drivers, Expert Bicyclists, Wonderful
Jugglers, Astonishingly Educated Bis
Horses, Ponies, Dogs,
and Rare Fierce Animals.
liberation of the entire body
bled; that he be opposed to
nominations by commutes in his
if there was any prospect of
in the county, but as they
were in tho minority, without a
prospect of victory, the question
was to find who they could get to
run on the ticket, therefore under
such circumstances he favored
pointing the committee.
t The self filling Parker fountain
gen is a wonder, Book
Jerry Cobb, the accomplice of
Barrett, was convicted of murder in
the second degree and sentenced
years in the penitentiary. He is
now serving his sentence.
To Cotton
i.-- owning or or
to their names, their
and alto their
may submit to them a proposition
which may be to their substantial
I shall appreciate It If any of my regular
correspondents, to whose eyes this adv r-
may come, will MM me a hat of
the and of cotton
their locality,
All will be
treated, address.
Now York
w- .-------
it a
l pun
to iii
KITH . u
. J i I , CUM .
it u v Hurt .-.
i m a
; a t -i-, ,
I L . , I I
v mi
A Q U I X A U V I Q ail
Watch this
for our
Jas F Davenport,
Save the Worry
The hot weather brings you
without adding to it by w
y or supper.
With such a stock of
Groceries, Canned Goods, Package
Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee,
Tea, Fruit, as f carry, tho selecting and buy-
are easy a id tho all saved It will take no to
convene yon of if you visit my store and see what I carry.
You can me one North of
J. B
it is sure to pay you
This department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
Pants for
Pants for
U for
Pants for fl
Barber Co.
Kev. W. B peat
bis mother, Mrs. E. E,
returned Tuesday
with yards Laces and Hamburg-
at cost. Come early and get the
Harrington. Barber Co.
Rev B. E. tilled his
regular appointment at
dist Sunday afternoon.
in his prevented
. is preaching at
School, tablets, pencils, pen
and ink, at a bargain at J. B. Car
roll Co's.
W. H. of
was in town Tuesday.
All the ladies are most cordial-
invited to examine
the largest nicest line of
goods ever shown in the town of
Winterville at A. W. Ange C .
Mrs. M. Q. Bryan, who
spending some time with relatives
near returned borne
Largest best line of at
the lowest prices ever offered
Winterville at A. W. Co,
Society, of
Winterville School, very
pleasantly entertained lac alt j
new Friday evening,
Sept. 15th, 1906. ball was
quite dropped with the
society colors, and many beautiful
potted to
the scene. Altar an
solo Miss Cox, Mistress of
a very
and most talk in
of the society.
Strictly highest grade
flour at J. B. Carroll and
Co's store.
Some interesting contests were
then entered into, such as
apples in a tub of water, and
cutting for ring in a cake,
Miss Bessie E, Sams being the
lucky one in the ling contest.
A fall line of summer silks all
at cost. Harrington Co.
Refreshments consisting of
ice cream and were
served and each girl declared the
evening to been most de-
Nice corned mullets at
ton, Barber Co.
Fancy and white waitings, all
washable, at cost.
Nice corned herrings at
When you your cotton or
tobacco bring your check to the
Bank of Winterville and start an
account with us. It pays to
have money at work for
you. A horse not work
Is useless so is money. We pay
interest on time deposits.
Prof. -I. A.
of graded school of
pent Tuesday afternoon .
Prof. Lineberry.
B. F. Co., have just
moved into their concrete store and
have returned from the northern
markets where they purchased a full
line of of ladies, goods, gouts
furnishing, shoes hats, caps and
so a large line of The
goods have arrived and are ready to
be shown. They cordially invite
all to come and examine their vast
before buying elsewhere.
Miss Ella May was in town
Tuesday evening shopping.
takes the place of
We sell it.
B. T. Cox, Bro.
Frank Carr, of Greene county,
passed through here Tuesday for
Littleton win he will enter bis
two daughters school.
Mrs. Agnes Blount was in town
Tuesday shopping.
Nicest line of dress shirts ever
shown in Winterville at
Harrington, Barber Co.
B. F. Tucker, R. H.
and J. B. Little went to Green-
ville Tuesday
We still have hand a few cop-
of Teachers we are off-
to the trade at very low
B. T. Cox,
Jno. of Richmond, is
visiting relatives in town.
Go to the drug Store of B. T.
Cox A Bro for T. W. Wood
Son's high grade turnip and
J. L. Jackson spent Sunday with
relatives near C
A. G. Cox went to Greenville
Miss Nannie has ac-
a position in the I
of B. F. Manning Co. We
are to welcome her to our
A nice line of granite and tin
ware at J. B. Carroll Co.
Several more new pupils enter-
ed W. H. Monday morning.
The boys are making things lively
playing ball
All colors of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber Co.
J. E Greene spent Sunday
We have just from the
northern markets where we have Co-
purchased a line of yards nice
dress goods, furnishings, lusters, Ac
shoes, hits and caps, also a large
line of notions. We cordially in-
Pair Tar lice -art whee s
tor sale by A O. Mfg.,
The A. G. C x Mfg, has just
received a nice line of coffins and
caskets. You n it want one,
however, should you specially
need one or more here is the
place to get them at once.
I have taken up boa-,
about pounds ii fat, red
black spotted, in left ear.
Owner get same by proving
property and paying cost.
J. F. May, Greenville, S. C.
I have taken up two male host
running in my field, one
one spotted, weighing about
pounds Both marked
and round bole right,
smooth crop in left. Owner can
get same by identifying and pay-
charges. C. R.
R. F. D. N. C.
Miss Nannie Nichols will have
charge of the dry good depart-
in the large store of B. F.
Manning and Co. She will be
glad to have her host of lady
give her a
If a man hasn't any other bad
habits he can always even the
score by going into politics.
Harrington, Barber Co.
In spite of poor crops, the A. G.
to come and examine our I Cox Mfg Co., are still getting orders
immense stock before buying else-
where. A. W. Ange and Co.
George from near
go, was here and entered
his Selma, in W. H.
A nice line of fancy groceries
always on hand at J. B. Carroll
A Co.
Barber Co.,
their friends to a few days
and examine their stock of goods
before buying. They are nor
them buying them.
. Cox Misses
Cox and Cutler spent Sun-
day in Greenville with Rev.
Tho A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are
still making this Pitt Co. School
Desk and are in position to fill your
orders promptly.
Joseph Butt is moving into his
near the Baptist church.
Mr. Elliott will the Fair
Have you new ed
vice for fastening sun tops to any
seat original
right. It will be your interest
to see him before purchasing your
for their handsome buggies and
A nice of drugs always
at Barber
Best grade of calico at cents
per and cents, quality
at at Harrington
and Company.
Nicest and strongest line of
shoes ever offered in Winterville
at Harrington Barber and Co.
Nice line of groceries
ways hand Barber
The town tax books are open and
will be at the store of B. Man-
A Co.
Iron natures
great household remedy. A con
Mineral Water. Stops
blood from cuts. Cure
Kidney trouble, Liver com-
plaint, Female weakness, cuts
sores etc. For sale at the drug
store of B. T. Cox, Bro.
If your school house needs
desks send your orders to tho
A. Co. They are
large quantities cf them,
National Bank of Greenville Installs
The Electric Bank protection
Co's. double automatic burglar
alarm system has installed
by the National Bank of Green-
ville- It is the most complete
of alarm that
has been invented, and the com.
installing keeps a standing
offer of 11.000 to any one that
can and defeat the object
of the alarm.
Cashier J. W. and
Teller F. J Forbes, showed the
reporter the bank and
explained alarm system. The
battery clocks and switches that
operate alarm are located
within vault. gongs
are placed either Bide of
th vault door and a large
placed on the front of the
outside. The interior the vault
Is lined metal and so connect-
ed with the of the
alarm that every inch of the
face is protected and an attack
the vault at point will start
the to ringing and at the
same time turn all the lights
the When the gongs
thus started they will ring for
or the vault is open-
ed and the mechanism switched
off With such a system the bank
is absolutely protected against at-
tack by burglars.
clock it the vault is con-
that also sounds the
largo gong in front of the building
for seconds at each day.
With a feeling of pride,
as well as pleasure, we now
announce the arrival of our
Men's suits for fall and
winter wear.
Our Garments are far
to the ordinary sort
that confront you every-
where, and they come to us
directly from the workshop s
of the World's most noted
many a new turn
in the fall fashions, and we
feel sure that you will be
interested in every detail.
We shall take pleasure in
showing you all the fresh
ideas the style kinks, an-
we will drop a hint by say-
that there is nothing
like making your selections
early, before the very best
things are chosen.
Very truly yours.
Some time ago e pA
made an effort to ad.
or near
the of building shops
the price f real estate
was so high as to make it
fur them to locate.
they went to a
settlement th tee miles
from here, I ought a big
of land where their shops
will be out. A gentle-
man here now offers railroad
ten acres of gratis, one
mile the town.
would make an ideal site,
it is probably be of
service to the railroad company,
or of benefit to the
No bow h de-
a its bard
not to believe his flattery.
Pulley Bowen
How The Will End Hazing.
The action of
class at Agricultural and
Mechanical college unanimously
deciding to expel any
guilty of hazing a freshman,
is the exhibition that
come to our attention many a day.
The offender, wit n the brand and
stamp of his class upon him, will
be dismissed by the faculty.
The only effective way of put-
ting end to a disgraceful
tom is to have the crusade stun
with the student
Dyspeptics Barns and Cot-
ton Gins
A man would like smoking even
more than he does If was against
If you art too fat it is your food
turns to fat instead of muscle strength.
If you are too lean the fat producing foods
that you eat are not properly and
Lean. thin, stringy people do not hay
enough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat
people have too much Pepsin and not
for Dyspepsia
all the digestive Juices that are
found in a healthy stomach, and in
exactly those proportions necessary to
enable the stomach and digestive organs
to digest and assimilate all foods that may
be eaten. is not only a perfect
but It Is a tis-
sue building tonic as well. relieves
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,
Heartburn, Palpitation of the Heart and
Constipation. You will like it
Digests What You Eat
Rests the stomach, rebuilds
tissues and gives firm flesh.
Reasonable Fate s.
Apply to H. A. WHITE,
I In bottles Two
lies, in an
q dollar
Prepared at th.
Chit, ago. A.
Neat Job Printing
Our specialty.
Job Printing Oft
i I

I. i
Is receiving Daily. Stronger
Goods, Clothing, Furniture and House Furnishings
than ever before. See our line before buying.
i I
. i .
What Fat, Off Oar-
man Wouldn't Stand For.
He a little, fat, off
and ho called at the corner
grocery for the purpose of paring
a bill of a few standing. Aft-
taking his money the groom
handed him a cigar and
you arc square,
dot I queried the
square, replied
the grocer.
the puzzled
you arc all square
the grocer.
Fritz was silent for a moment;
then his face flushed, and, Wringing
his fist down on the counter, he ex-
I no
more you I pay
mine pill like a and you
make a say I
I know I
as a I like dew
choke. My you
Lord There is one
great trouble in your country in Ht
opinion. Blood doesn't count, yon
tow n or in country to sell,
those to
town lots or will
do well to call me at my office
in Gr. N.
Will lit t th town of d
North for the
Thorn an colored to
the I'd town, who on
d of Jut r-ft the Town
if and in the of
Sherman rut the with a
and led or o
l, i i-r. of i- c,,,
not on Tie Thomas
a large.
height, weighs at out or . o
wears a h n.- aide very
lightly when
talking h j or r,. old, a
lender In Odd I a
of of of
of i i i ;. i.
W . Mayor
By w s
By virtue of the Ml contained In
a certain executed and de
I . Mary Peyton and
to Helen n u
I. i i . N the
i of i f t. of Fill vi in t. North
i I i II I . r- . age -h-
M i. lit . . t
n i
ulcer cm I r i l. i d
a n r i. If If-n a
in i . f in in
Hi i hi i i m f. o t 11.-
In vile. Inn In in U
I ii mill et I ill.
fee t h a I t
to th e i g to Mud
Deed. of i ale
of i .
To Return. Ac
count Dome Coming and
Tickets on sale 8th,
10th, limit Sept.
17th. ii call
on Ticket A or
T. C. M bite
N. C.
Steamboat Service.
Washington daily
a. m. leaves
Greenville daily
at m. for
at Washington with
Norfolk Southern Railroad
Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York. Boil, n and all other-
a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers should order their
via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern R. R.
hailing noon to change
without notice.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. O. General T. and
r. Norfolk, Va.
M. K. M.
Friend. This ii Worth
Suppose You Slop See
Isn't it
N. C. March
Mrs Joe take
in stating that your Remedy
has entirely cured our little girl of
a very had case of eczema, which
covered a great part her body.
She had eczema from
the time she was three old,
until was six years old. She
is perfectly well and I feel
that I cannot speak too of,
it She not had a symptom of
it for six Respectfully,
J. W
stir the TORPID LIVES,
strengthen the
the bowels, and tin-
as an
In districts their
v. as
p., properties in freeing
.; from that poison.
Not Quite Bow you can get a
ii r
nail or driver or an-
lacking. Have a good
tool box and ., j. i;. fir .
enc . I
Is I yo ; , . , i
will see I tool I
look fR.
. Ml
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an new
on patents
are pending, whereby we
can old Braes Col-
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or ft-ft on the bot-
Column Head
regular lengths
L. S. and
Head Ruled inches In
and over per
A Mm pie of re faced
will be cheerfully
on application.
Printers Iv Co
of Type and
High Grade Mater
N. Ninth Street. Philadelphia. P
D. W.
in am y in
Cotton bugging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept ton-
in II ck, Country
Produce and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
If It Ills it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
lonely sen
one contain who at any mo-
snap found
In a few Bl-
and this pure
I dying pas-
tor, who arm in
as lie the word
I- then forever one.
Ere one
toilet I real aboard of
i. flock
from hid found their
At the close of June 18th, 1906.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts 631.12
Furniture Fixtures
Due from Banks and
Bankers L 7.63
Cash items
Gold coin, 885.00
Silver coin National bank
and other U. S. notes 2,119.43
Capital stock 5.300.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits 1,174.30
Bills Payable 6.000,00
Time certificates of
deposit 2,309.50
Deposits subj. to check 32,799.21
checks out-
standing 72.67
Certified Checks 28.20
I, H. H. Taylor Cashier of the above named
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. H. H. Taylor Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to be-
ore me, this day of April
1906. Sam. A. Gardner
Notary Public
Loans Discounts
Due from Banks
Cash Items i
Gold coin 475.00
Silver coin 3,405.181
Nat, bk notes 8,179.001
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits
Hills payable
Depot, sub to check 31,777.06
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt. f
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the bank, do solemn-
swear that the statement is true to the best of
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 23rd day of June
Notary Public.
Job Printing
Our specialty.
Reflector Job Printing Office
the v.; J kept at
en, eye at
a gale.
The upon her
sail drawing aim and
aloft, so Hint by tin- cud of tin. third
week Amos and were
out limy
would look upon their native land
we should make land by
my said
tomorrow And what will it
Desert. Cape Cod, Long Is-
we are in the latitude of
the St Lawrence are more likely
to see the coast. Then,
this a day south.
or two at tilt moat. A few more
and shall bay myself fair
brick lane
ton, l i t look down on the
Hie or Mys .,
and see the ships So
I would end my life In peace and
The male's watch was
from to and the moon was hill-
brightly for the hour of It In
the ear y morning, however, it clouded
Over, and the plunged in-
to one of those dim. clammy
which lie on all that tract of ocean,
j So thick s t . I the peep one
could Just make out the loan of the
I could see of
or the Jib. The
. wind northeast, n very keen
j to it, and
with her lee
touch of the water.
, at very
cold die mate up and
I down his lour
shivered together under the abettor of
, And then a moment
one of up. thrusting his fore-
finger Into the air and screaming.
a white wall out
of at the very end i, tin
I the struck with a
j force which lier two
I like in a
her to an to a and
I of and wreckage.
j mate bad shot the length of
poop the shock had
. escaped from the falling mast, while
, of bis for- lull two had hurled
the gap which yawned
In the bows, while a third had
bis bead to pieces against the
of the
forward t the whole front part
of the vessel driven Inward and u sin-
seaman silting dazed amid
spars, flapping sails
lashing cordage. It was as
dark as save the white
crest of a leaping wave, nothing was
to be seen beyond the side of
male was peering round
In despair at the ruin which had come
ho suddenly upon when he found
Captain at his elbow, half
clad, hut as wooden and serene
said he, at
chill air. you not smell It, friend
I found It cold, Captain
age, but I set It down to the
Is a mist ever set around
them, though the Lord In his wisdom
knows best why, for It la a sore trial
to poor sailor men. She water
fast, Mr.
The other watch bud swarmed upon
deck, and one of them was measuring
the well. Is three feet of
he cried, the pumps sucked
and John
to the cried the captain.
clear away the longboat
and let see If we may set her
has stove two
cried a
Jolly boat,
is in three
Captain what can
De eagerly.
and her father bad bean wrap-
mantles and placed for shelter
In lea of
him that he can take bis spell
at the said the captain to
Amos. Amos, yon a
handy man with a tool. Into yon-
longboat v, a
For half hour Amos
and trimmed and
not much time, Amos
the quietly.
float now, though she's not
quite water
good. Lower away. Keep up
the pumping there. Mr. lee
that provisions and water
as much as she will hold. Come with
The seaman and captain swung
themselves down Into the tossing boat
the latter with a lantern strapped to
bis waist. Together they made their
way until they were under her man-
bows. The captain shook bis head
when he saw the extent of
away the foresail
It he.
and Amos cut
away the with their
and lowered the en of then I Pap
an i the it
and dragged It a toss the mouth of
huge gaping the
he naked.
mid a half
, i- lost. put
my i bet en bet plank tor
as I i Keep the
going there Have you the food and
Witter, Mr.
, the bows.
boat lire n ire than an hour or
two. Can yon see anything of the
The mist had thinned away suddenly,
and the glimmered through once
more the great lonely sea and
the stricken ship There like a huge
was the piece of Ice upon
which they had themselves.
must for Can-
There is
chance. Lower the pal over
Well, then, her lather if she likes
It better. Tell them to sit still. Amos,
and the Lord will bear us up If
we keep clear of foolishness.
You're a brave lass for all your
Hugo. Now the keg and
the barrel all the wraps and cloaks
you can find; the other man. the
Frenchman. Aye. aye.
you have got to come Now Amos,
the you last, friend
It was well that they had not very
far to go, for the boat was weighted
down almost the edge, and it took
the balling of two men to keep In
check water leaked in be-
tween the shattered planks. When all
were safely their places Captain
Savage himself aboard
again, which was but too easy now
that every minute brought the
nearer to the water, lie back
with a of clothing, which he
threw Into the boat. he
v his
Li Tom-
, i. It is n my way to give my
more once, rush off, I
The out with a beat
gave a cry but the stolid
New Fettled down to their
oars pulled off.
boat leak like a said
mate. v. ill take her to the berg,
leave yon all there If we can foot-
and go lack the
But they token fifty strokes
before Adele gave a scream.
she cried. ship Is go-
hail d lower and lower In
the water, i with a sound
Of rending planks, she thrust down
bar bows like n diving waterfowl, her
stern Hew up Into the air. and with a
long cocking noise she slot i
and swifter, until leaping
waves closed over her high poop
tern. With one Impulse the boat swept
round again and made backward as
fast willing arms could pull it. Rut
all was the scene of the dis-
aster. Not even a fragment of wreck-
age was upon the surface to show
where the Golden Rod had found
lust harbor. For a long quarter of mi
hour pulled round and round In
the but no glimpse could
they of the Puritan seaman, and at
last, when hi of the the
water was washing round their ankles,
they put her bead about once more
and made way in silence and
with heavy hearts to their dreary
Island of refuge.
Desolate as It was. It was their on y
hope now. for the lead was Increasing,
and It was evident that the boat could
not be kept afloat long.
The cliff face I them was
and It glimmered and spar-
all over where the silver light f l
upon thousand facets of ice.
In center, however, on a level with
the water's edge, there was what up
to be a huge hollowed out cave,
which marked the spot where the
Golden bad, In shattering herself,
dislodged a huge and so.
amid her own ruin, prepared a refuge
for those who bad trusted
to her. This cavern was of the rich-
est emerald green, light and clear
the edges, but Inning away into the
deepest purples and blues at the back.
Tint It was not the beauty of this
grotto, nor was It the assurance of
rescue, which brought a cry of Joy
and of wonder from every Up. but It
was that, upon an Ice
and placidly smoking a long corncob
pipe, there was perched In front of
them no less a person than Captain
of Boston.
said be,
I tell you to row- for an iceberg I mean
you to row right away there, see.
and not to go philandering about over
the ocean. It's not your fault that
I'm not and so would have
been If I hadn't some dry tobacco and
my tinder box to keep myself
Without Mopping to answer bis com-
reproaches the mate beaded
for the ledge, which had been cut Into
n slope by the of the so
the boat run up easily on to
the Ice. Captain. seized
dry clothes and vanished Into the back
of the cave, to return presently
In body and more contented mind.
The longboat bad been turned
down for a seat, the grating and
thwarts taken out covered with
wraps to make a couch for the lady,
and the bead knocked out of the keg
were much frightened for you,
Amos bad a
heavy heart this night when I thought
that I should never see you
Amos; you should have known
Some People Expect New Shoes
And seldom
ed They buy kind. Tue
that a shoe should feel
from the start is unknown
them they have
felt the luxury of putting on
rightly made shoe.
The Hanan Shoe
offers more real comfort when
new than their kind of shoes offer
months of starts
out a smart, stylish shoe and
ends just its smart and stylish.
There are not so many such
people a; time used to be.
know this because we sell so
many more Hanan Shoes than we used.
Maybe you would like to prove
C. L. Wilkinson Co.
At of business 4th, 1906.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts, secured
and fixtures
from Banks
Cash items
National bank
US notes
Capital Hock paid in
Undivided profits,
Hills payable
Tim m,
Due to A
Cashiers ck 558.87
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, C. S. Carr, Cashier of above bank, do solemnly
wear that the above statement is to the best of my knowledge
and belief. C. S. CARR, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
me, this day of V
Notary Public.
At the Business, Sept. 4th 1906.
Stocks, mortgage.
ft Fixtures
Banking House
line from Batiks
fOld Coin
Capital Stock paid in 825,000.00
Surplus, 25,000.00
Undivided Profits less Ex-
and Paid
payable 1,000.00
Time of deposit 11,380.98
Deposit subject to check 112,946.88
Cashier's checks out-
North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn
that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge
ind belief JAMES L. LITTLE. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
this 10th of 1906.
it. KING,
J. R.
battle U h i v i rut a
Same tiling when It comes to buying
w at to where to and what you are to pay is where th
comes in.
o- convince you that thin is the place to
Hay, Corn. Oats Stuff, Lime Groceries.
When you anything in this line it will be to your interest to
Leader In Lo. for Cash-
It is sure to pay you

below was wot us by
It prominent and
of Few mud it gives a good
Mi of how the thinking men of
fin c to look upon
Let us r first the
of mm. v hat is it It is a
series- of great pulse-beats, whose
flood his
fixes its life. if i dammed
tort t the mountainside, it
the has
it stagnant for generations
and d the world its
sweep. Theories, creeds and in-
hallowed by age are
cast ms rubbish on the scarred
bills mark its
The old world has been
and a new one has. in the
dawn of the twentieth century,
The is
the new century with the imperial
crown the ages on his brow and
of the in his
The old fought against
in their courses -the re-
tide the con-
of supreme nationality
and world mission.
The young South greets the new
era and glories in its manhood.
He his voice in the cheers of
triumph which are ushering in
White Man.
Our dimmed of local
W e dream of the con-
quest of the of
steel have knit State to Slate.
Steam and electricity silently
transformed forces
earth, annihilated time and space,
and swept the barriers the
ocean from the path of
men. The steam shuttles f com-
have woven continent to
con ti Dent.
I believe that Almighty G d has
raised up our race in this world-
crises to establish and maintain
for weaker races, as a for
civilization, f civil
and religious liberty and all
of good government.
la this hour of crisis, our
and Stripes that has
never been defeated and never
will be, has been raised over ten
millions of semi-barbaric black
men in the Philippines.
we repeat the farce of reverse
the order of nature, and make
these people out If
not, why should the African here,
who is our equal, be allowed
to imperil our A crisis
in the history of
human race. Tue nation
gird her loins and show her
right to master the
future or be mastered in the
struggle. New questions press
upon us for solution. What is
ii today in the dawn Being bad all the time is
of the twentieth Our W
city governments are A stitch in time often lot
by the Negro vote. His of embarrassment.
insolence and crime threat He who loves runs away
ens our womanhood not I will have fewer bills to pay.
White mat.
The African ha.- held
this globe for
years. He hat never taken one
progress, except as
slave of a superior race. I
and San Domingo, be rose
in insurrection and butch-
thousand white men.
and a
ago. He bus ruled the e
beautiful islands since. Did be
make progress with
the White In-
fore him was only
yesterday we received report- of
the discovery of
He L had
trial the Northern States of this
Union, every facility of
and progress, and he has not
man who his added
a feather's weight to the progress
of the Union. Nations are made
by men, Dot by constitutions
and paper ballots. We are rot
free because we can vote. We are
been use or
denied th-
dared might of kings,
freemen. We grant the lbs
right to life,
of if he can be
happy with exercising kingship
over the race, it
dragging us flown to bis
But if he find
in lording it a
ace, let h in for another
which to rule. is
not room for both us on
this continent. We will it
out on this line, if it takes a
years, two hundred, five
hundred, or a thousand. Ii took
Spain eight ex-
the Moors. When the time
comes the Ai can do in
one decade what the Spaniards
did in eight centuries.
I Man, really q e-
in equality, prove it by
your daughter to a Negro in
marriage. That is the test.
and race pride are the
ordinances of life. The
Saxon race is united and has en-
upon its world mission.
This is a white man's govern-
conceived by white men,
and maintained by white men
through every of its history
and the God of our fathers it
shall be ruled by white men
the archangel shill declare
that time shall be no longer
Will Build New Factory.
The John Flanagan Buggy Co.
has from Mr. R. It.
Planting the properly corn-
of Fourth streets,
containing about half a. m re.
Mr. E. O. Flanagan tells us
the purpose of the company
purchasing this property is to
erect a three-story brick factory
building thereon. It is a
location for such a factory.
only in the nth, where a white
Woman is unsafe and liable to in.
of the hellish kind, but
t is f.-t in re; sing in our North-
of a matrimonial agency
pay their money and take their
Even when a girl doesn't lilt
en, States. Shall we longer .,. have , t,.
ate Negro Inspector of while it with some man who
would be out another
ii she didn't go.
and allow our children to
be obliged with
. or public .-
the Will c Kan's
race, lour and
in has come
whet n i lie in might,
break l. d us to
. trike down t,,
i t power, and r
to ii i their birth-
right, which received, a price
legacy, from om fathers. I
in to our I
to do His work in history. What
other races failed to do, we
in this continental fork in Owner flan get Sam
Stealing is a bald I i
i. piers i i
tin -t, v m
. in
red i in fifty girl
k in a new i
mill ii. it. i i, i .
w A p to . . in .
F. O.
I have take n one gild h i .
black k r b .
about no pounds, ii under
oil mi right
did, wild beasts and savage
horded, until out of it all it has
grown the mightiest nation in the
world. Is Negro worthy to
by proving property and paying
Near Race Track,
Greenville N. C.
Our Buyers have returned from the Northern Markets and
in a few days our store will be crowded with
New Fall and Winter
you are invited to see.
Our stock will be complete in every department, our buy-
have been careful to provide th- best and newest In each
lice represented in our large collection Merchandise, as
usual a high standard of quality has been maintained and the
lowest prices consistent therewith will prevail.
We Have Just Opened a
small shipment of Long
Black Silk Gloves.
should call early before sizes are broken up.
Watch this space for announcements of new arrivals each
few days. Visit this store often and keep an eye on our new
J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
The Great Statesman Had More
Early Advantages Than Most.
Verily we must abandon the
belief that Andrew Jackson be-
longs to the class of American
youths who rode to fame and
fortune by their own efforts,
aided by help of family and
Never did he taste the bitter
cup of physical want, of hunger
and cold, of helpless spirit
breaking poverty. Never was
be home and loyal
friends and a sufficiency of the
comforts of life. Never was it
bis lot to suffer that humiliation,
that mortification, that inward-
bleeding wound which the proud
nature writhes under when thorn
is no money in the pocket, no
change clothing for the body,
no welcoming light in any win-
in all the world as the liar-
a day its end and
wretched night comes on.
Poverty Why Andrew Jack
on never his whole life had a
genuine what the cruel
Pew men have been more
indebted to the
gent affection of a self
Few sons of poor
parents have had such
ages as were bis lot; a few lads
of poor parents ever did such a
amount of manual labor.
Compared to the rugged, self-
taught Benjamin Franklin. Rog-
Sherman, Abraham
Andrew Johnson, Sam Houston,
Francis Marion and Nathaniel
Greene, the boy ho d of Andrew
Jackson almost assumes the
of been cast up-
on beds of
Tom Watson, in his magazine for
Difficulty Conductor and N-
Incites Whites and Blacks.
and last in-tit It looked as though
a real riot was inevitable there.
White blacks were armed
with pistols and
everything in hue
that could be had Animation
was order d all Hie
ton- for an uprising was made.
The the tr able, all
I can learn, began Jays
age. M hen Pup, Bl, a freight
com whose inn i from here
f U a a train
John got
s C.
Bel i i the
go on p I cars and release
the hi , .
When U wont u lop
order- of the ho began
to curs i engineer and
and it is slated that
Bell threw a rock at
When so
or in, the
tor drew
on Li baud,
ran and r
conductor and bad
suspended from the service
c After a thorough
however, the
rs In
l-pin as rel iii d
i along
nine impudent .
; much a is
. others who came
Hi-is ere knocked
ii i
and d
I I.
up as
What authority to allow bail
has in a ease where a
by him to
gate a homicide finds that a
person did the killing
does not declare that there were
any extenuating or cir-
connected with ac-
of the Where the
is to have occurred
under circumstances which
it to be a case of In
the first or in the second degree
baa he power to do anything more
than issue a commitment for
accused Does the give him
the tight to grant the accused
privilege of bail in such cases Is
not such proceeding solely within
the jurisdiction of the judges of
the superior and of the supreme
who can determine by a
on a writ of habeas corpus
tier it is a bailable case
of 1905 section
declares that many persons as
are found by
of the coroner's jury be
taken and delivered to the sheriff
and committed to and
same section provides for the co.-
making a report of his pro-
next term of
Can coroner
do anything but send to jail or dis-
Admitting, however, that there
is law for the coroner fixing
amount of bail for a person
found by his jury to be
responsible for the death of
another he should have regard to
the nature of homicide and
fix the in a sum in keeping
with the character of the of-
That being so, does it
not strike our readers that n-
five hundred dollars is a very
small bond to require in a case
where the victim was shot down
without provocation; in fact,
while acting in the capacity of a
peace maker We feel sure that
most who the
before the coroner's jury
in this city last Friday or who
read it in the papers yesterday,
surprised to learn that bail
had been fixed for the person
charged w that crime at the
astounding low figures of twenty
live hundred dollars.
Too little value is put life by
our people. Homicide is not re-
with the horror that it
should be. Men with little prov
-c with nine at all shoo
a The deed
a slight sensation for a day;
i he is to trial after
the cannot any longer lie
nut is
acquitted or allowed to submit lo
a grade of homicide much below
the one the lac in the case
it to lie and a light is
Imposed. it
that this placing of small value
I life by a to
increase disregard for
among the people When
slates o rs by their official act-
that think lightly
they help to make life
wore unsafe and are Ina
for the lei ling
which Rained
n rue awn ma
they have the right to take the
of life and death in their
own right to draw
the ever bandy pistol and shoot
to avenge a wrong or an
nary one. Wilmington
For Needy Students,
Greensboro, N. C, Sept.
State Superintendent of Public
Instruction Joyner suggests a
to needy girls seeking
as most, suitable form of
testifying regard for
Di. and the form of
most suited to bis desires
he be beard to speak.
Mr. Joyner, just as be was
the train for this
speaking of the proposed
bronze statue to he erected to the
memory of Dr, on col-
campus, said he be
glad to contribute to such a test
and then
ever else is done by a grateful
people to memory of Dr.
I knew bis will well
enough to know that one thing that
would please most would be
the establishment of a large loan
fund at the college that so
well to aid young women of limited
in North Carolina to secure
the education and the power and
Messing that be gave bis life lo
make possible for
down as fist as they came.
of the race
threat f
k . etc., made.
T in . fl of
white p.,. to make
a amber armed Hi m
any i
in Tuesday,
. 2nd.
The Selfish Man.
The one who from
the rest of mankind, one who
has talent and uses the same for his
own individual aims and desires,
the one who plays to the galleries
always looking for and seek
praise for himself; is the man
who is a and has no
rightful place in the progress of
world and the scheme of life. Look
over field of action in any de-
athletics, sci-
society, you will
find that unless those engaged
share unselfishly in the management
and all work together, destruction
follows. In politics the man who is
looking for his own interests alone
is the one who will Boon be out of
a job.
In athletics the individual who
possesses talent skill in some
particular branch, and uses the
same for the applause of the grand-
stand will sooner or later
the team on he
In the business world,
when a man begins to think
that talents the safe-
guard his film, ignore
ideas aid plans,
follows; and in the social life
is a distinct
Unsurpassed in the Show Line.
A very large crowd attended
Cole United Show in
Greenville Thursday, and the
verdict of all that it was
cleanest and best circus that has
been here. It does not seem
that this aggregation of per-
formers be surpassed. The
bareback riders, tight
wire lists, trapeze performers
and trained were
their feats. There were a
number of clowns and their capers
was a source of constant amuse-
menagerie was large
and some of specimens
rate and valuable, lot
of never seen.
lie handling such a
. It is man
strictly on business
There is a place for every
man and each one is exactly in his
place at the right time. j
Mitchell, press agent of
the circus, is one of the
of clever gentlemen,
calls on newspaper people and
extends them every courtesy, but
takes pleasure in showing
explaining interesting
ShootS Negro.
Mi T.; L. Bland, of
hotel Herbert Mu-
head, were before the
mayor Thursday. Mr.
ii to keep off hi
times, as the Int.
persuaded Mr.
to leave him. Mr.
Bland finally told him he caught
points in the handling of great
With such record as Cole
Brothers are
rill their circus
they come this way another sea-
N. C. 1906
with relatives
Belle has
sick list the past
few days.
Miss Bessie Harris, of is
visiting Miss
K. T. Langston family, of
spent Sunday his
brother, O. H.
J. A. spent and
with friends near Farm-
Misses Kate Chapman and Hat-
tie of
Miss Eva Langston Saturday and
went to
G. L. Carr, of Snow Hill, was in
the neighborhood Tuesday.
Hi i Langston and sister, Miss
away attending the F.
W B. T. of Ayden.
Dull went Snow Hill
Monday and returned
Misses Hattie and Carrie
Smith spent Saturday and Sunday
with Misses and Vesta
Mr. and Mrs. Fred of
Scow Hill, spent Sunday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs
Governor Glenn Requested to
Inaugurate This Movement.
Greensboro, N. C, Sept.
following address to the
of North Carolina was issued
To people of North
Charles Duncan
mo-i in many things that make up
for the of State,
has his work. He has
himself to his
selfish lite will bean
to children. In view of
all he bas done, and all that
he been to we believe
hat lei people should take
immediate action to perpetuate his
memory. Let us cast in bronze
his noble form and face, let
bis statue keep guard over the
Institution which be brought into
being and made great.
We the gov-
-talc to appoint a
to take in charge plans
for n and creation
such a statue, we request
to receive and ac-
knowledge subscriptions to a fund
to be raised for this purpose.
George T. Winston,
W. H. Osborne
C. G. Wright.
K F. Wharton,
Z. V. Taylor,
I H. Robertson.
Andrew Joyner,
E. J. Justice.
him on his again be
him. again
went and Mr
Bland proceeded to pat his word-
execution. He twice,
bat neither shot took effect.
mayor hound over to
court a flit bond each.
Body Mount Bee rel.
Mill Move to
Dr. H. O, Hyatt will move from
to Wilmington on Got,
1st, to establish office I here
lie has bought the record books of
patients, practice and good will of
Dr. W, V. Galloway, the eye. ear,
throat who
will retire to his farm Edge-
comb county.
Haywood Jones, of Wharton,
after spending few days with his
Mrs. U.
returned to his n
Miss Maud who
has been spending
with her aunt. Mrs. K. K.
has returned tr her home near
in Three
Suffers Second Fire Loss
N. C, Sept.
the second time in past three
months property of Mr. J. B.
Dunn, by fire.
morning of July 4th his
residence on Dennis street was
completely destroyed, entailing a
loss to of two
thousand dollars. Again on Fri-
day morning bis saw mill about
four miles, was
burned. His loss in this
is estimated at about five hundred
Mr. says that
fire was probably occasioned by
the being left
open and the Mind which
during night Mowing the
sparks to the shavings around the
mill, thus to
t be mill sheds. The Hie occurred
about o'clock the
Pawnee Bill's circus comes
The Kb.
A kiss is a proposition.
Of BO use one, yet absolute bliss
to l lie gels n
nothing, the young man In- to
d it and the man his to boy
it. baby's the lover's
privilege, the in To
a wiling to lied
woman, hope, and to maid,
Ono of the things you can't
buy on credit is experience.
Signs of Deterioration of Character.
When you are satisfied with me-
When C. ill I Ml
When do not feel troubled
by a peer d work, or when a
j. i I yen at
it i.
When o are to do a
thing st fir expecting
to do i. later.
n you i untroubled
in the of system-
less surrounding- yon
might remedy,
When you can listen without u
protest to stones.
When your begun to
cool, and you no longer
the same standard of
that you once did,
in u you do not at .-
eat your mother, as you o,, ,
did, b ill at ease with her.
When you begin to think
lather is an old logy.
When begin to
with people whom yon would not
think of taking to your home, and
whom you would not the
members of your family to know
bat you
September in Session
The following cases have been
disposed of since last
John Lewis assault
deadly weapon, guilty.
Ed Avery, assault, pleads guilty,
judgment suspended.
Ed burglary,
Dock Daniel, assault
weapon, pleads guilty, sentenced
to jail months to be assigned to
carrying conceal-
ed on. pleads guilty, sen-
i months jail to be as-
signed to minis.
Josh Williams, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty-
sentenced to jail months to be
assigned to roads. ,
Bill Phillips, larceny pleads
Laura Murphy , larceny,
sentenced days in jail.
W. by man and Eddie
Barnhill. affray, plead guilty.
James Taylor, assault with
deadly weapon, pleads guilty.
sentenced to jail ti months to be
to roads. In another
case judgment was suspended
Hedgepeth, larceny,
sentenced to jail months to
be assigned to roads.
Spicer assault
deadly weapon, pleads guilty, sen
jail to be ass
to road. In three other cases mat
h judgment was suspended
good behavior.
William Rives, assault an high
way, guilty of simple assault.
Sylvester peddling with
out license, pleads guilty, fined
and cost.
T. B. Cherry, assault, pleads
guilty, sentenced to jail
to be assigned to roads.
Morris, assault with
weapon, sentenced three
months in jail to be assigned to
Joe Applewhite, carrying con
weapon, plead- guilty,
lined and
Alfred assault with
weapon, guilty, judgment
Simon Hooks, l with
deadly weapon, In
another against e
ant be was found sen
fenced to days in jail lo be as-
signed to roads
Joe d Griffin,
aft y, lie
and hull costs,
tin c
Drank an, in
dead y we I. gin
J k Davis, i- ripe I.
pleads i in
dining b
to pay
i -tin,
.-l i v
I e
hill, If h
ll mail i U i id. I; . i- -Is.
Id Wei I
sen I
jail lo in- o o i
a of
-is and
n in
. in
a same
James Bell fur home burning
war . , e years, In for
Judgment was suspended
during good behavior.
John Lewis Williams for assault
deadly weapon,
red In to tie
assigned to roads.
William Ward w nit
sentenced lo jail for months to
be assigned to roads.

Eastern reflector, 21 September 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 21, 1906
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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