Eastern reflector, 18 September 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

m . i
v. . gM. Little Bib Caught up Here an
to There Th
an- just
like men in the of New mullets at M
One day celebrated Ed-
ward Everett was riding along a
road in Massachusetts. At a
blip 1.1 pretty girl got t. the
ear and took vs. ant eat by his
tide en reel conversation
her . much entertained
her fresh vivacious com-
. When the was entering
ton determined to
. am said bland-
you like to know
who it whom have boon
answered the girl,
turning her e.
The statesman smiled benignant-
Tin-- at him
He again, for the mortify-
thought hi- name could
to lier not yet taken
form in hi serene mind.
The pa became oppressive.
the girl bethought
she said desperately
you live in
Glass Thai Keeps Out Heat.
Cotton baskets for Mile by J. O.
Prof. W. W.
Tuesday evening fr.
J. F rt Tue--
day a trip
This is going to be big
week on the t.
judging from the --z- at the
breaks an far.
Two hundred aDd girls
bye in a Dew
mil in N. C. Good
wages. Apply o C. W. Jeffreys,
Tarboro, F. C.
For H. P.
engine, in first class condition,
reason selling, we have to
Commercial Uniting Mills
Those having real .-state in
town or in country to sell, or
to. wishing to real e
late, lot- or will
do west to call no MS at my office
N. C-
I have taken one gild DO-,
black k across back weight
pounds, marked
mt in ear
fork in left, Owner can get
by proving and paying
Near Track,
Greenville K.
aDd w.
The whole stale will rejoice
the indictment the man
son in will lead the
discovery of Mt. I
son who so mysteriously
a year and a half
ago. Kit can be the
child as
there it HO severe
for man There are
people who have
IS I'll
that child
An Austrian inventor, I that it had teen kidnapped.
is reported to have wanted to
nude anew kind of window
whose chief is
prevent the of nine-tenths -h-w l In re-
of the of the sun's rays. It is Mr
well known that window I in
glass allows nearly all
derived from the sun to
but, on the other hand.
intercepts all heat coming from
sources, such as a
stove r the heated ground. This
is the reason why heat accumulates
under the roof of a hothouse.
If covered t glass a
hothouse would, it is he-
Hue you have the motive,
e hope there is
saddle the Crime
A Political Forecast.
There are strong indications t
come a cold house, since the heat there will be a revolution
could get into it. One which has
forth in favor of the ,
is that a windows I , , ,
wee with it would country. Already there
delightfully cool in summer, are
But in winter perhaps the and two
would not . agreeable. St. hence there will probably be
more political changes than In any
campaign during the past quarter
of a century. In many of the North
em States both are
and demoralized; mid no
one is wise to forecast the
I alignment of parties in
I Morning Star.
Louis Pi t-Dispatch.
Will th- of
Pin I hi
of s r. to
I . . f Hill
. nil I
, I--- f
, Mill I fit Hi
Hill M Hi. . r I I II
.,., it . ii ii. m
is Mrs. Lucy
said after taking
Cure. Hundreds
of other weak
d j re-
I stored to perfect
by s
YOU may
I well if you will take
i ., Ind
n. all t I
men, i organs
. r weaken
Dy Cure
stomach and r re I organ
to all cf ti o-
the body, aid rebuilds the weak
restoring I h and strength.
m. constipation, dyspepsia.
sour r. . . ,. heartburn all
i i
. I , I stout IN
I, ; , , f i. ii . . i
I . ., r
, . i
. . I
. . i Grim
W I. S. V i
n M i
. . i mi I
i,. i,, . i . ,. r. y -f
l . V i
i, i l . i , I . ill
ii. in , . i i I I
will -X. I
i I
i, ii r i
Hi. of fin i ml M
; n ii n
In Or i -m
Jim vi I , l
Digests What You Eat
Department Store News
Our Buyers have returned from the Northern Markets and
in a few days our store will be crowded with
New Fall and Winter
which you are invited to see.
Our stock will be complete in every department, our buy-
have been careful to provide th best and newest in each
line represented our large collection en Merchandise, as
usual a high standard of quality has been maintained and
lowest prices consistent therewith will prevail.
We Have Just Opened a
small shipment of Long
Black Silk Gloves.
You should call early before sizes are broken up.
Watch this space for announcements of new
few days. Visit this store often and keep an eye on our new
D J Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Odd Device. Judge
Stroll on
N. Y., Sept.
the annual county
at Genius
Lake, fully persona wit-
P. Lawton,
walk under water with
with a new contrivance with which
be has experimented.
Although demonstration was
the inventor still refuses
to allow anyone to inspect the
device, he has not yet
perfected it.
After the judge adjusted the
device, which covered only the
face and left the top hack of
the bead exposed, waded into
deep water until completely
merged. A M that be carried at
the end of a pole gradually
closer and c to the w and
then moved on u Hue parallel
with shore. After fifteen
the i merged from the
water device
bis face.
Two Doing Rocky
The Reflector would rather see
Greenville beys remain at home
and help to build home, at
the same time it gives us
pleasure to that they meet
I with when go else-
where engage business.
Io Rock v the other day
we ml two of our who are
making L. T. Bland
proprietor of the hotel
there and his success is almost
He has had the hotel a
few mouths, yet in this r time
has built such a
with the traveling public that his
i- foil every Lee
keeps an idea hotel In a
place, an table,
his rooms are f
he gives every at-
I things go a long way
H winning travelers
Another boy in
Rocky Mount Hill He
a in the drug
there ii ml in-
him exceedingly
popular. i is a
young man forging bit
way to the a
h w fit Rocky
man in of D.
been there
aid h among he lead-
dry the
having a largo
brick More erected in to
c hi
It is staled
Vii E Stevenson in a
. . public men with
in- h i iii eon tact, lie
Juts in in wit i
for i of
and his i i of tin in
will In- ii m ion. Mr.
n i. . the v
observer; tut in acute anal-
vis, his to
popularity Ami can
write a story a- he can toll
it will he a treasure-house of
I Minor, for a st be was
never I tie Ob-
George Slays Pleas Oaks
and is Held Under a
High Point, Sept. an
inquest here this afternoon over
the body of Pleas Oaks, who was
killed this ling George
there was sufficient
to slayer over to
court in the of
he was unable to give.
homicide was committed
early this morning in the
part of the city came up
i in I up is
now in jail.
n- story of the crime, as
learned from witnesses, is as fol-
Pleas Oaks came to the
of drunk and en-
gaged in an altercation with him.
Oaks attempted to jerk off
porch when he was ordered off
by latter. struck at.
meets a black-jack,
he had bis sleeve and las
to his wrist is now
on the dead man's person. He
shoved inside his
own door. Once inside
reached for his pistol on the
tel and after ordering the
premises three times, shot him
dead as Oaks was trying to brain
hi in a black-jack.
wife and Mr. Mike Mo were
It is also learned that was
trying to b intimate with
wife, this being the real of
there which led to
What Greenville d i o
way of felling tobacco no other
need to do
Th it Out From Raleigh.
From time time the State pa-
have had something to say
about that class of lawyers known
variously as and
who as soon as a person is killed
or injured by a nil-
way, to house and get the
taking chances,
charging no fee but agreeing to
take half of the damages which
may tie received. Old lawyers,
men, are heard to
express surprise that these
g i on yet are loath to take
the proceeding necessary to disbar
who do thing, but at
last there is to be a test
brought before the Court
and pushed by an eminent lawyer,
wine i jar n t a few of the
stay in Carolina.
case is now being prepared nod a
lawyer who is say-
will drop and
So net nine, may he d me
this el- lawyers, tint we
II, m be mid in passing
if hi t solicit
damage sun ease and bung them
on were disbarred
oh an d-
i the fraternity In
Noun The class i-
the general
Announce a in
th Third
Kin-ton, N. The
r public n exec Hive
, district ran
i Julian F
c to
lion O. the n
,. lot In this
i, i. was no
lot A
H i of Ore . end
., o i. a in race
i M . who v.
tin nominee who live- in
Colonel Sugg i
lie Kit .
No Slid
There will lie no the
Greenville market on
h Cole
will want to take in
i the show.
JACK nets.
Black N. O. Sept.
G. Porter and Raymond
left tor Baltimore
Washington City, Philadelphia
and other points of
S. C. Mills, Miss Hills,
J. O. Johnson and Miss Julia Cox
meeting at Pa--
chapel last iv.
Fannie House and Mrs,
of House, are
visiting i m our
Miss of H id-
X Bans, is visiting here this
H. H. Mills is glad of
a baby gill.
Little Miss is
on sick list this week.
Misses Smith Maud
Hanker returned
visit near
Miss of Shel-
is here for a few days.
Samuel of is
in our mil-r
B. L. Clark went to Greenville
Dr. W. H. of
was here a few days ago on
G. Porter others
church at Banks Sunday.
G. W. Cox and wife returned
from New Bern and
J. D Haddock, of Ayden,
last week here.
A. O. Clark, B. M. Elks and
Harry Dunn, of Grimesland, were
Misses S Mills, Maggie
son Edwards left Sun-
fir Winterville High school.
Elder came in Sunday
d began Sun-
night and will last about two
The attendance has
most excellent so fur.
W. L. Hurst and wife, of Win-
are here for a few days.
A Needle in His
For some time A. Y. Ricks has
suffered severe pa n- at intervals
in the fleshy portion of his leg
below the Me says lie
pealed to all
but was told be only had
One day recently
an i x himself and
as a r moved a needle from
the limb. The pain
ceased and he lay hi is all light
DoW. The needle was bright
medium size, with the eye broken,
It seems that there are
dung a business
in this who are on
the subject of newspaper
It they give the
an ad it i because other
does, or else on the
ground of the local
paper. Either of these classes
will actively to ac-
due that made a single
sale then
And reason is plain. They do
not gnat It with purpose of
it pay. v d a
in their in the
th- average one
sale tor tenth
d it would only be
that any to return to
the store.
Ii is these who advertise
method or n,
if solicited, den and that
actual if Hi. of
will newspaper.
Audit i- vet due to
local met chant who refuses to
learn -en the value if homo
advertising, mall order
houses in the large cities read such
bountiful results from
-mailer cities. These
n-e- use the mail-, and the
in the -mailer t s see the
Inn Bins and mil
seeing a lung that the local
merchant advertises, the out of
town gets the business.
If the local will try
note arrival of out own
packages it will be object
son, and one which he should
heed. It means that money w inch
should pass his
to another place, at d
i canst-his own homo people
not know of his
To voters of t e 3rd Judicial
District of North Carolina-
I lie office of has always
been declared to be ti non-political
The present incumbent, Hon. L.
I Moore, held the office two
terms, years, and now seeks to
have the people elect him for
of four years more.
To mind, mid tho mind of
a mass of people, he
has by his own act. disqualified
from holding office
longer and should re He
has accepted of
Twelve Months on Roads a Rail toad p nation at it salary
Unloaded bun I of three dollars per
year, to
Pamlico Sound Road. It i
In Superior court
Tuesday a young man named
was tried for that the of
a young girl in the ;, of is
y. with interests of rail-
and other corporations
can servo but
attorney, el
arise, u ill, and lid
can two
for he the
and the els
, will hold the w is ii it In i led and asked
to put to a
in-1. file s on Id t he
snapped th. her
the gun Al-not but
who gnu tied
in blew be pip bead
Th young man the I
Ye v
gnu was a led, but tie Was
ma h.
I tie
Relative to Averages Made by
the Consolidated.
following ought
to convince every tobacco
that it is to bis interest to sell bis
tobacco with the Farmers
dated Tobacco Company.
market sold in month of
August pounds at an
average 8.91 with our average
included. Consolidated To-
pounds of this at an av. r-
0.06, making a of
per hundred above
Deduct our cents the
average of which is
and it will give you the average
the other
the same sold, which is
Take this from which
is made
Tot Company, at d it
ill give you the difference
e its per higher
than the other es
This means
mute money in the pockets
farmers in one mouth than it
nail sold at other houses.
Now, if we can sell your
for most money why don't you
let us sell it We are to
prove to you n the sworn
statement of the secretary of the
in hi id that this is a tine
of YoU have
worked to raise and prepare
v our crop tobacco fie
and it is a duty that yon owe to
yourself and family to sell y,
tobacco wherever can get
most money. You don't get
money for the tobacco
-ell with the company but at
the d of season get every
dollar of commission
from of your tobacco back
the running expenses
Then is nut warehouse
in the slate that has made as high
averages as the Consolidated T.
bacon Company has Blade iii the
pa-t three years why it is
that can't res Dial it
is to their to patronize
for the of
this Company am unable to fee.
warehouse men and their
nave statements
to the ill. ct tin. i are ill
and trill give mote
than . tun house on
the market, Our monthly state
in. which is r i to, shows
that th e are not
Hue a m I it does seen to
n t time that the were
waking up to the fact they
making a great mi-take in not
selling their tobacco with the Cm
Throw away OUt
the house that pays n
Si utter i, b and
lie warehouse i- p
i t J cc mi .-
i you will make no mi-la
me a load on above
dates, a- I u
in on one of the best .
, I in.;.it-
V ill- fill hi ll i .
Tl i v. . . i
I . I . s. Hi .
Small, of the dis-
is in today on
bis way home from the Bryan
me ting in New York. When
s. en at the Hotel by
Observer's correspondent and
Baked for bis opinion of the Ne-
speech Small
said. is t o doubt it
as a great speech a ad that if was
entirely satisfactory to
of the people who it. We
a good of
Carolina there,
oil Ci. v. and Sena
ton, aid we to whoop
things up a little.
I said it was a
-i e and I like it,
but in two I f.-el that
possibly it mistake was made.
One of the-e was his statement
concerning State and government
ownership of mm and the
other was that be did not go into
socialistic question as deep as
be might have done. In this mat-
his of it v as shallow
and superficial, I it would
have been better bad be spoken on
ibis in a deeper and more
dignified way. However, as far
as bis allusion to and govern-
Duration is
concerned, I I express the
of many of the Demo-
in my State when I say that,
while it was mistake to
bring that matter int. the speech,
it was simply the speech of an in-
man and not the speech
a candidate, for presidency
though I have not the least doubt
that Mr. receive the
nomination at the Democratic
convention to be the successor of
Mr. on the
continued Mr. Small,
many people have been in-
by newspapers that arc
unfriendly to Mr. Bryan the ex-
tent that, instead of taking the
speech as a whole picking out
the good points aid
bail one out, we have gone at it
the other way aid are trying to
see how much fault can lie found
with it. The
of the country are
for this.
the all in all it
was n good one I have not the
hast doubt, as I -aid, that Mr.
Bryan will be the tho
Democratic party, at the next con-
for the presidency. We
want him in North Car-
to months on the chain gang
W ton Kilter i e.
u c n
i fur
tho Judicial id of
North Carolina, I ask till the
right thinking voters, vote
for, and elect me to that position
with tho assurance on my part,
a and Meetings
union meeting of
the river association will begin
i. Memorial Baptist I that I will faithfully perform the
here on Friday evening the I duties the office to Utmost
Sunday this and
continue through Sunday. A pro-
meeting will follow the
of my
Isaac A.
Ill, N.
Sept. 10th, 1906,
i. ire was so
take in iii- he
brought the to tho Be-
ll. i- i- top of
on which are several line
looking p they
pear to be nut The
deception l so complete that a
number of people who have it
thought actually
grew the pine bush.
Will Be a Reception at Befits th
Greatest American.
The press is already
speculating ti. on the manner
reception be given Mr.
Bryan while on tour through
n ii Ion et he t lint the
i worked up
i M l . Hi Ml l l
i m . -Ill ; . ii as
ii col i i
ii South . . as Mi.
l . lid, it is
;. . more-
iii Ii is i III. i to be
lie hi ration of
i he . . owned
s ll toads and the South believes
th M. i I,. .- man that
cm lead there light successfully.
It in be put down light now that
Mi. Bryan's m in the South
will and without
any simplified
bi i
When yon come to court re-
where The
is and call in for a receipt.

con-tin it.
would u a pi
A b
free lip I t I
in . .;. the j
Interior of tin- . t
day. i v-as . in
band o
Wide Ill i.
detail i-1
light- bin r ;
lighter i Ink
teeth. V
peak u
Bill it iv.
was not
Ill l i
I ll
shot lea cold through Fran-
was that, of all
men upon earth, ho whom she
most dreaded and whom she had least
thought in
she screamed.
It Is
little It la I. We are re-
stored to each arms, Bee.
after this
Maurice, bow yon have fright-
me lion c you he so cruel
Why would you n
it was i sweet to sit In
ii think I really had
you to myself all these years,
none i i Ah. line
I have often longed for
I have yon, Maurice; I
wronged i. Forgive
We Dot fol Ill our family, my
may kill ma if you she
be simply,
still i Hew along, Jolting
staggering the deeply rutted
country road. Th had passed,
but the growl e thunder and lbs
glint a lightning Hash were
to he heard and side
f tin heavens.
are you taking she
at last.
my little
why there What would you
do to
would little lying
tongue forever, It shall deceive no
would murder You have
stone for a
is true. other was given to a
my sins are Indeed punished.
Can i do lo
will s,., i
have sword your side.
Maurice. Why you nut kill Die.
then, if you i re n against
Why do you i-i puss it through my
assured that I would have done
so had I not an
will till y At I have
the right of high Justice, the
and the tow, I there,
and van try. It
Is my privilege. Tins pitiful
king win not bow lo avenge
you. for the i . mine and he can-
not II i making en-
of ever. r
lie opened mouth again and
laughed at ii i device, while aha.
every limb, tamed away
from his cruel face lad glowing eyes
and burled bet in
more she Had to forgive her
for her poor lift, Bo they whirl-
ed through the i behind the
horses, the and wife
saying tint hatred and
fear raging In their hearts, until a
brazier tire all down upon them
from the angle a keep and the shad-
ow of pile loomed vaguely up
In front of them in the darkness. It
was the ninth- of
ND thus it was that Amory de
from -I
the which
i .
i . . pUt
. I I .
.; M-.
. t t-
. vi . U
. at i .-.
. y hi i i .
ll; , I II v. , .
el I
II v
. . III
be .
. iv
. -I
.- f
. I a sone In i than
i ye. i l bin
l lie in- .- n-- the blue coal
and I if th kin;
the n eel I tin dark coal
it i man of pence, lint
a Iron In
his ii Not ii void did -r of
m took
quick Heps forward mid l the
Ii . be us p i
for n I. at the
was n with a era. Me n break-
egg, and the bar flew Into pieces.
gave a dreadful cry,
clapped his two hands
to lie-id and. running across
the toil over, a dead
Into tin i beneath,
i, as n Do had
the ax and faced
had for the Instant been
too a-1 to Now lie
those strangers had
come en and his prey.
s- lie shrieked, turn-
line cried De
with a voice and manner com-
see by my
coat what am. I am the body
ant of the king. Who touches me
you roared Mon-
men at arms hesitated, for
the fear of the kin was as a great
v. over all
in their Indecision.
i lie cried, Hie
own favorite, and If any to
a lock her hair I tell you that there
Is not a living soul within this
who not die a death of
Id men. cried
the seigneur furiously,
lire prisoners, your
you to detain
did. The escort brought
never men. There is devil-
try ii tills. Bill they shall not
me iii mi- own nor stand
own wife. No.
They shall not and live
i ,.
. ll
i , ;. I el
. i i
. in-, master
. . mid
. ; the of his
lip-, he writhed round in
the grasp, shortening his
word, it through brown
beard and deep Into the throat
rt. lei back with a choking
cry the from Ids
and his wound; but his
could his weapon
and the American, aided by a
of the retainers, dragged
him down to the scaffold, and Amos
had pinioned him so securely
that he could hut move his eyes and
his lips, which he lay glaring and
pitting So ware his
own followers against Mar-
was well loved among them
that, with ax and block SO ready.
might vary have had her
way had not a long, clear call,
rising falling In a thousand little
twirls and nourishes, clanged out sud-
the still morning air.
pricked up lib ears the
sound of it like n hound at the hunts-
man's call,
you hear,
was a
was the call. You.
there, hasten to the Throw up
the portcullis and drop the drawbridge
Stir yourselves, or even now you may
sutler for your sins It bus
been a narrow escape,
may say so, friend. saw him
pat out his hand to her hair even as
you sprang from the window. Another
Instant and be would have had her
a,, d. But she is a fair
i ever my eyes rested upon
a Id a not flt that she should kneel
here upon these He dragged
her I long Mack cloak from
him and made a pillow for the
less woman with a tenderness and deli-
which came strangely from a man
of his build and bearing.
He was stooping over her i
there came the clang of the falling
bridge, and an Instant later the
of the hoofs of u troop of cavalry, who
wept, with wave of plumes, toss of
manes and jingle of steel, into
courtyard. At the head was a tall
horseman the full dress of Hie
guards, with a curling feather in his
hat. high gloves and his sword
gleaming In sunlight.
face brightened at the of him.
and lie was down In instant beside
bis stirrup.
he cried,
Sow where In
did you conic
Ii been a prisoner. Tell me.
111- did you leave message n
Am the archbishop camel And
place as arranged. That is
Why this p or woman I see yon-
has had to leave the
thought as
trust that no harm has come to
friend and I were Id time
to save her. Her husband lies there.
lie is a
likely. Hut an might
grown bitter had he had the same
have him pinioned hove. lie has
slain a man. and have slain
my word, you have
did you know that we were
that Is an unexpected pleas
did not come for us.
we for Hi.- lady. Her
brother was to hove taken her in
his carriage. Her husband learned It.
and by a lying message lie coaxed
her Into Ills own. which at an-
other door. When found
that she did not and that her
rooms were empty he made
ml soon learned how she had
arms been seen
on Hie panel, and so king sent mo
here with my troop as fast us we could
and yon would have come too
late had n strange chance not brought
Us hero. I know not who was who
waylaid us. for this man seemed to
know nothing of the mutter. How-
ever, all Unit will lie clearer after-
ward. What Is to-be done
have my own orders. Madame la
to he sent to and any
who are concerned in offering her
are to be kept until the king's
pleasure is known. The castle, too,
be la-Id for the king. But you,
you have nothing to do
save Hint I would like well
to ride into Paris to see that nil Is
right with my uncle his
that sweet little cousin of thine
By my soul. I do not wonder that the
folk know you well in the Hue St.
Martin. Well, I have tarried u mes-
for you once, you shall do
as much for me
all my heart. And
Versailles. The king will be on
fire to know how have tared. You
have tho best to tell him.
Without yon your friend yonder it
would have hut a sorry
Will be there two
will some In the stables
bar. Tick the best, since you have
lost your own in the king's
The advice was too good to be over-
looked. beckoning to
fin-en. hurried away with him
to the while with
a few short, sharp orders, disarmed the
retainers, stationed in. nil
over and arranged for the
removal of the lac i for the
her husband, An hour later tho
two friends were riding swiftly down
the country road, inhaling the sweet
air. which the fresher for their
late experience of the dunk, foul
of their dungeon.
TWO days after Mine, de
tenon's marriage to the king
there was bald within the hum-
walls of her little room a
meeting which was destined to cause
untold misery to many hundreds of
thousands of people.
The time had come when tho church
was to claim her promise from
lief pale checks and sad eyes
showed how it bud been for her
to try to the pleading of her
tender heart by the arguments of the
bigots around her. She knew
of Prance. Who could know
them better, seeing that she was her-
self from their stock had been
brought up in their faith She knew
their patience, their nobility, their In-
dependence, their What
chance was there that they would con-
form to the king's wish A few great
nobles might, but others would
laugh at the galleys, Jail, or even
the gallows, when the of their
fathers was at stake. If their creed
were no longer tolerated, then, and if
they remained true to It, they must
either fly from the country or spend a
living death tugging at an oar or work-
In a chain upon the roads.
The and Fist Plug
Tobacco m
The Reynolds factories, equipped
every modern appliance for producing the
best chewing tobacco by a clean, sanitary
and healthful process, under the direction
of men who have made the business a Lie
study, are located in the of the Pied-
belt, known to
the world as the
best productive
soil for tobacco
with an aroma so de-
pleasing and
appetizing that it created and popularized
the fondness for chewing tobacco.
Only choice selections of this
matured, thoroughly cured leaf are in
SCHNAPPS and others of the high-grade
Reynolds brands, and expert tests j
that this requires and takes a smaller
sore the the tag under Ha fag cam S
amount of sweetening than any oilier kind,,
and has a wholesome, stimulating and
effect on chewers.
schnapps is the brand that made the
Reynolds factories famous as the
of the best and most popular brands
of stewing tobacco, and made necessary
enormous growth
from a small factory
in 1875 to the
est flat-plug
the world.
The men who
started the
Reynolds Co., in 1875, are directing it to-day.
There arc a greater number of manufacturers
making claimed to be just as good
cs SCHNAPPS than any commodity
yet there are more pounds SCHNAPPS
than the total of all
or tobacco of
C-H-H-A-; -F-S, CO., V N. C.
H. A.
Having consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. la
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed tn
Dry goods and groceries
We will carry an up-to-date line
Hats, Shoes, dress goods, Notions,
in Groceries we will have at all a full line of the very best goods, not
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, coffee, but all kinds
canned and Package goods, the finest
We can you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices
COUNTRY Quality and prices of our goods will please you.
a of
he of Wick I.-. notice
h hereby lo all prisons lo the
lo make t
and all hiving claims
against fop
or before day of
1907. or notice will be plead of
their l in j n i,. u . it,
i f
N. C.
Contractor, Builder.
Tile Setter.
Plans and estimate
tarnished on application. All
work guaranteed Turnkey job
when over desired
. . . . iii.
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. L,
The Hardware Man.
M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
lb agent for Daily
I we take
at pleasure in receiving sun-
and for
in arrears. We have a list
ill who i their mail at
i office. We also take orders
. Mi hi and Gardner
they . i in- in
others u have gone
eKe. We locate
have on one
.- will be Mad to make you
s on
has gone
I ii lo accept J. K. Co.
i been
J. H. Tingle, of
on a Yesterday be
lite of to
i. II. , country
can apples, corn
nut. ill , ; I to
Mi- of Aurora,
here lust
t-k. left for home Sun-
and accompanied by
Urn I who reports a
viol I
in need of a cook
re we can make it to interest
see as we have bought a solid
load, and expect them to arrive
week. Cannon Tyson.
metal rooting new
Will baptist eh ii i eh has
line, placed position
ill veil to the appeal
This is
tat of the ever here.
J. B.
I B. G. Cannon, went to
eyes attention
W. Taylor,
in man to do
work if you want to be
J. C. Spier, of Spring,
ti train
is now com-
we will lie glad to have
inspect before
J. Co.
J. mid
the northern
lull line lard and can
His. Don't giving
lie a trial, Lilly Co
f n- i a big ti
dry ii d and
pg. It i- ft- Co
I. I., W. K
K hat ii-ii in the
d i -11 lo
T band
rices b. oats, ruin,
-r.-i brand
id snip Frank Lilly A On.
Miss Kiln of
Buy ii from.
We room for other
Hi I i mi i it- we an-
very ii in
lier move
f he m-i.- ii ii price
n he t gel
em nil . i- lime to gel
value i in inn Cannon
j ii id 1.1-
in Ion
i e line, i in ii to
Mr- i n
kit to her Mr-.
ml Mis. tn
For hone farm
Is acres more or loss
cleared within half
of Good well
and out in
of cultivation, Apply lo
en, N. V.
at the hen
of Mr. father of the
bride, i ear here. Loon
Miss Lela Win
untie I E. t-
Phillips. The
n with Miss
born; Ira with Miss
Josef; t with Miss
Ail lie Will with
Miss Annie
the party went
to home of Walter
at where a
supper bad been prepared
all enjoyed a pleasant even-
expect to lie in New York
for about two we-Us my office will
be closed Aug. till
Sept. 3rd. J. W.
that be
sat up with the two email
of Mr. William aged
respectively ii ears, one of
bad typhoid lever and the
other a congestive chill, and
within two g the
both died were laid out on
same This was rather h-
as well as very sad.
There are four other members of
Mr. family two of
whom are at this time seriously
ill. He and a small infant being
well in the house-
hold, Mr,
sorely not only in
particular but be is quite a pool
man la undergoing a severe
He the
of whole community. We
wish hie loved ones may
soon be restored his
troubles at least
will lei and
son sewing machine
Prices way way down at J. H.
Tripp to Hotel,
F. Lilly, one of our popular
pleasure Tuesday of a visit from
H. Lilly wile, J, M.
and George Lilly, all Maple
Cypress. visit was the
pleasant Mr. H. D. Lilly, his
lather, who has been afflicted for a
number of years, had not to
see bun before in eight years,
the surprise the old gentleman
at the and development of
amazed Mr. F. Lilly
visit u
l for the day
devoted and o
t lie a pleasure of his
aged parents
are highly
must have In en to
folks. F. Lilly is one very
lies and moat
us maid in high-
m in be.
ll i i h disc plow
ion, out
J. K. Co.
i supply of grain, hulls
co Ion M-ed meal, In an, ship
always on band, Cannon and Tyson
The all right
the vertical
life, g and el
in ii.
Our slippers go, tin- season
is i II The
the most buy
and Tyson.
For boy a
. i
. -Mil -I o .
i. Ill unveil
call to see we
mil he pleased e
J. B. I'll in lie Co.
Go to B,
market ft. -h mints, sun
-1 .
t coll e t ti cents
tO US. J. R. i in age
I. K Tn .
u i in- a -I
,., ,. A . d The South can at lightning ape-d
tie that ex- o r .
of cotton manufactures om
from the United States allowed I i -Ii
an increase for last two fiscal u. . A
years, ending with it i n
Cotton year runs from i . . a
to August-show an .,, ,, , . ,,.
of from in to ,,. , .
half of these cotton .;.,
cloth sent to China, the increase
a bird, b a-d
in this being from , ,.,.,.
to 129,814.075. The figures over ,.,.,. ,
for exports from other ,,. , WIth
countries for the Mm
period are not available, but our ,,,. aW
in respect is .,,, ,., UH,.,
compared with that mil g to term firms
Great Britain, though that , ,.
try depends upon us for most of
At the of th
aim s in Ills
l a . up of settle beside
a ma,
and beard. red.
Mae and two little gray
yea. Which twinkled out under
Inure limns His long, thin
fare was and
j where, fanning in
g from tin- corners of eyes It
sot In nil e
It was of tn,. same all
as darkest walnut, it
have some
out of a . a grained wood, lie
clad in a blue serge jacket, a pair of
rod smeared at the knees
with tar. gray worsted stockings,
large over ins coarse,
mi beside him. i
hi the of a oaken
. was a weather silver;
In lint His may it hair was
u short,
Mil. em a a .
these years.
I ask deck
soft white my
good Tho nil mill and
have two empty bunks you
lo I'll
have i-
no or ;
U t w
111.-her raw material. With more
trade relations, our cot on it.-
no o
i t-
d. d bowing mil mm .
business with foreign t me
ought to go ahead of all other of
To. Xe Journal Cm ; u
. will Ilium
the iii-1 B
of our of i
a decided all said the
the man, think of the time
fact met g during the last that's past, and hope it will come
especially this
was largely to replied
m disturbing efforts the a rag time, for in
Asa t-
manipulate blister
up the by
of actual
force prevailed over
the price Was
adjusted to be-
real supply and d. to
benefit of all concerned
Wilmington Star.
In Bros. Circus
Au exciting
any other enterprise
would charge a of all
lo exhibit,
United shows, to he Thurs-
day, Sept. offer
tree us the
open air attraction. It is silver
as death's
hi hand ii is a real
Twice daily,
parade and at
p. in., D a
Parisian belle, is raised to the
very apex a frail
inclined plane where she
Now is your time to save
money by coining to us for
tablets, pens, era-
have also a great assort-
note f for use
all tints plain or
The mainstay of social
M. M. SAULS, Druggist.
We're all
glad fiat's
gone for
A. -ha
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Ayden, N. C.
Mia- of new
pane, ink-,
etc, at Bo
King's a--d e, . Wish-
bone, Set . N an I
ill center. i
fur the
Vivian N.
I taken up one bar
boat, weight about p
no ear Owner can get
Mali lone Tucker.
K- F D. No. B Greenville. N. C,
d aw
Po Kidney, Liver or
Bladder troubles. Other mi ii fact tires say a bottle if
it cure we will rotund
your say n
full size bottle
if it you, then
use SOL until
This entitles yon
to a SOL at
Only a limited number of b
ti miss op
to test
i oF
At the
I and
Ha Secured
i n
Mac I
i . tins. paid in.
pi is fund
. ideal
ids i .
subject to check,
Coin, ,,
Bank r
N. notes 5,045.01
to Inn waist
I y n lei belt.
lie bad been occupied lo
-n if ran for-
In ever
of you here De
t . i Is my friend i
i h-Ii I
bid. the
said the in
Nev; bad retained from J
soon .- your fool is mi her .
If Providence sen-.- us with
title. Ami bow nil gone
well. I have to tell yon
De Ins relatives were f
too I with tn
a ti In Call-
bis tale in a few hitter
Pie Unit Ii s-n
Iii in. Ills Mn- kin
tin- ruin haul
upon tin- of
as is the of i
only of her lover and Ills mis-
she listened to his story,
hut the merchant tortured to his
feet when he heard of the revocation
of edict.
mil I tO be
am I to do I am Inn begin my
fear, said lie
heartily. are oilier land lie-
not for inc. No. no; I
old. thy band is heavy upon
thy servants What shall I
whither Hindi I lie wrung Ills
Ills perplexity,
Is with him. then.
asked the
mid Ilia leave the
are Protestants
the king win not abide their
in an bad the
merchant's in his own I
great knotted list There ii broth- I
in Ida grip and I
weather I
this see him
through, Tell that we've got i
country where lit in like u
bung ii i
la free lo all Tell him dial
if he to the Hod is
waiting With her and her i
hen we ill said
lie hull la- tn I iii I
lo Ins
Illicit. orders will be out.
t it laity be
my I'm-
what yea can mid
the re-t. a
alL-a ll lull
And so last It
till it. I live i of the
lie ,
r ; a . i . live, three
I I'll . a
. I-- ii .- ii inn.- weighty
cs up a t -l. . were the
e t of
i -e V v. Hie ll.-M few S
mini Which led i
. i
Ilks I i tin- early i
. . ii I. ;. It I,
i . . .
. i I all w i
I . I . i ;
i . i I
i hit
, i . i i
i sea .
I h of II
i .-
i ii a to.
I Ir , i
of -r as fed
a i and
of and comfort
in S
. i d .
. ,
The ,
a I I -i
Into I
are always in hollow of
ii. i red, ob,
thing to feel Ills
n e r
with as, I Cat-
his arm under of the
old man. Is have
rested Ami yon. Adele. pray that
yon will go and my poor
for has a weary
now in--, and rod
and your
will he behind
When father had left
the dock He made his way
again to where Amos arson tho
captain were
mil glad to net
said lie. I fear that
may have trouble
see the white which
the hank of the river.
Twice within tin- last half hour I
have horsemen spurring for dear
life along it. Where the and
are yonder Is lion
thither it these men went. I
know not who won ride so madly at
such mi hour .-s they were the
of king. Ah. la
a third
On the white tin ml which wound
the green meadows a dot
he which
with great rapidity
n of t-e s mid then reappeared
again, making for tin- distant city.
Captain drew out
gazed at the rid
In- as In- snapped it
up again. Is u sure enough.
I can ace of the
which he on bis side.
I think that we hill have wind
soon. With we can show our
heels ii, anything In
bet i gill-y an hunt would
ore -haul ii- now
lie who. be could
speak little had leaned in
America to it pretty well,
looked at Amis
fear that we shall tiring on
this good said he. that
the Inns of his and ho
reward for having befriended
Ask him whether lie would not prefer
lo us on the north With
our money we might make our way
Savage looked I
eager eyes had lost
of their
said lie. ho that you
understand of my
tell that I n laid
to heat. Any man that was ever
shipmate with me would I -II you
I lust Jim my keep
my course as ling as let
I lye
in- i . a ,
. M
talking his
front the e
In .
lie ,
i; in
the I
. it
.-. II
; .
. shrills
y it v.
a i
of I
c i mil
i of
hid been
; can-
. , an i
. i . I
lay in
id i
; ii t
. f
of r
I, It. Cashier of
ha la true to the beet of my
K. ill.
Public. I
i .-
i ,
i I nut i
i . i .
i i . i i The
w had fallen it.- . I'M I ere
v. ii en to drive them s up in
ll. i
in i Ai n
thought e she
could manage there we got
i .
will you Bleep yourself,
A litter f spruce boughs
ll sheet birch hark over
I .
to l
. full , i ill .
come I
a i
. . ,,
r I
e I . In i
n I
j i in
hi .
s once
I I ml they go
sir. take
i, in- you'll
; . will
i . II only

J. Editor
In the it N. C, as second .-la. matter.
made upon
Id adjoining
over f e
U not . ea
in Maine
The K-
but i time
where they are i
Ten c
the minim m r
It ought never
than that figure.
., o
ea fur cot
to bring u.-
Tin t Landmark says
. ; as rule the
fairs humbug
it the state fair the list
AIM is true enough, yet the
who attend are not
bugged, they know in
l what they are going to
get for their
One man sued
for fifty cents, and the ease I
the Supreme That is I lb
ado about
If Secretary visit to
North Carolina any
good for the Republicans i must
jet show itself
North Carolina will belong to
Mr. Bryan next weak. He
get a cordial
through the State.
Kr. Matthews, editor o
the Charlotte died in
-Jay night in
j for kidney trouble. This la
third of occur-
among the widowed
f Charlotte, the Observer
lost to brilliant members of
its stiff. Means- and Aler
Sir. Matthews was one of
the writers on and
hit- death i a serious I if
At Greenville,
. HI
Oil S--
-J BY steam
The, were never in
better position to hold c
and if the oilier fellows wan it
they must name on up to ten
Looks like is g tag
to do something. Several
in the Navy Yard at Nor-
folk hare been given hurry or-
to get in readiness t pro-
to Cuba.
NO itS.
Ti is small that the
So I ton Morocco was willing to
let go out of the country
he found what of -i
lion have to play
Mr. Bryan say; it must be
govern men control or owner-
ship, or it will not be long before
the railroad will control and
own this The latter
is almost the case now.
It is doubtful if President
will ever succeed in simplifying
beyond the joint reached
by the man who invented the
The upon that the looted Hippie
bank is in be reorganized indicate-
that there must have some
money in Philadelphia that the loot-
did Cot get.
William Waldorf
is engaged to a poor
is to marry a
poor doctor. There must be some
philanthropy left in mil-
families after all.
About only way that tills ad-
ministration will ever succeed in re
vising the tariff is likely
simplifying its spelling.
In spite of its being much out
the courts keep on will season, the indications are that New
get most of the revenue rs ill suffer from another i.-
in Jail. Mot tong since two wore next January,
convicted . county
g Editor Deal, and the hoping for American Inter-
Federal court tn has as a reason
just convicted a former deputy j did not succeed
collector for fraud in the c
duct of bis office.
Hearst has at last landed a
nomination, the Independent
League hiving put him op fur
govern r f New It is
only an empty lion r. like some
Republicans this way are
going to get.
TO .
Furniture Problem,
We can solve it for you.
e a
Furniture Sale Competition, is Brisk and
Furn it tire Sale Claims are many and loud.
What decide it. There is but Jone
test. That sale is best and most important
that offers you
The Lowest Prices on the Furniture You Want
Come and be convinced. Yours to please.
Pictures Framed
m. . .
1.1 -All Length R. R. Cars. i which
r d. Quadrupeds. v- i
People and Animals.
Talk of the Times abroad
and at home.
Only Shows which have
the globe
The price on all Dry Goods and
Notions will be marked down low.
We are now selling our
ladies oxfords, figured lawns,
i , and embroideries at
., IDS Cage, Dens,
. Star
.-. TRAINS Jolly Clowns.
I 3.00
Shoes at
Lawn at
no Equals. They are in Marvelous Wonder.
The Year a Beat Treat.
Seals tor Persons beneath our Sun and Waterproof Tents.
U 2-50 2.0
. Shoes at v
SI fl
Monocles are about to lo oh; U
in the English army The
v, r. to rejoice to
m that even one is
JOE and Over
Borne scientist is putting up
the claim that a disposition to I too
general meanness ii a boy
be removed by an operation on I n will be a sad
the brain. The old
way of removing it was an
slipper on another
part of
We fail w
to the
children but it had as
well be explained now that they
cannot spell quite all the words
in exercises the way they
plea c.
Wire and
and Re
and Drivers, Expert Wonderful
. Educated
Horses Ponies. Dogs.
and Bare
n at
1-2 cent
Percale at
Jas F
Everything Wealth can Conceive.
Al the presidential
to put their booms cold
a criminal to say as r
r ,, , storage for the summer except
., . , . . . , .
Vice President Fairbanks. AH
there are some but as a to. do with WM ,
all families are It slip his into bis breast pocket.
rare that an entire . .
beneath level of re- There will be many an
though such are pulled from the
found. At time i of the to provide the
there are many families that are so new text-books ordered by the
unfortunate as to have
HArPY T I fl F R C
Save the Worry
The hot weather brings you
ilk . I i . , . . . . A la.
with adding to it by c mi
dinner or supper. With such a
Canned Goods, Package
M Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Col fee,
.-.-IV sail-, mi Ii
a black commission In the public schools.
It seems a pity that our
them, ii sort of
come a common expression when
Is Overtaken a crime to try
to it he belongs to
a respectable
standard without having a com-
revolution every four years.
Charity and Children.
Tea, Cakes. Candies, Fruits, as I carry, the and buy-
are easy and the all saved It will take on argument to
convenes you of if you visit my store and sen I carry
You can find one door North of
a Mt
Overwhelming moving Miles of Wealth and Splendor. Open Dens of Fierce Wild
Beasts, Herds of Camels, Five Bands
of Music and ail Exclusive New Novelties.
AND P. M. Doom Open One Heir Earlier for a tour of Peerless
and attendance of the by
J. B
Neat Job Printing
Our specialty.
Job Printing Office
. I
This department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
Your mom v hidden at home
is worse put it
and let it be
for you. It dangerous
to have much at home when after
people know it. The Bank of Win-
will pay you on time
and and
Tommie students of W.
H. left for Oak
to spend Sunday at home.
B. F. Co., have just
moved into their store and
returned from tho northern
markets they purchased a full
line of of ladies, gents
hats, caps and
a large Hue of The
goods arrived and are ready to
be shown. They cordially invite
all to and examine their vast
stock before buying elsewhere.
H. G. and Calvin
went Greenville I
takes the of Oslo
We tell it.
B. T. Bro.
J. B. Little went to Kinston
Nicest line of shirts ever
shown in at
Harrington, Barber Co.
went to Green-
ville today.
We still have on hand a few cop-
of Bibles, we are off-
to the trade at very low
B. T. Cos, Bro.
Eider Fred left
day to till in at
Go to the drug Store of B. T.
Cox A Bro for T. W. Weed
Son's high grade turnip and
Josh went to Greenville
No need of not having good
pants when Harrington, Barber
Co.-, have just received anew lot,
that they will sell cheap.
Mai lie Hill, who has been
visiting relatives here returned to
her home at Thurs-
For fruit jars and rubbers go
to Co.
f A. O. Cox went to
A granite and tin
ware at J. B. Carroll Co.
Mis. J. L. Jackson left Thurs-
day to some
time relatives.
All colors of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber Co.
just returned from tho
northern markets where we have
purchased a lino of
shoes, hits and caps, also a largo
line of notions. We cordially in-
and our
immense stock before buying else-
where. A W. A age sod Ob.
We are glad to barn that little
John David Cox has undergone
an operation at St. Hos-
No folk, and is doing very
A nice line of groceries
always hand at J. B. Carroll
A Co.
Harrington Barber A Co.,
friends to wait a few days
and their of goods
before buying, are nor-
buying them.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. are
still making this Pitt Co. School
Desk and are in position to till your
orders promptly.
new ed.
vice for fastening sun tops to any
seat original and
right. Ii will be to your interest
to him before purchasing your
Mrs. G. W. Wynne, who
been visiting at the home of James
returned to her home In
8.00 Pants for
Pants for
SI Ml Paul- for
Harrington, Co.
Mi-- returned to
her home in Washington, after
visiting here several days.
yards Laces and
at cost Come and
Harrington, Bailer Co,
Misses Katie and Kate
Chapman went to Greenville
School, tablets, pencils, pent
at a bargain at J. B. Car-
J. F. Joseph Bar
and Henry Corey,
from Baltimore Thursday evening.
They report hot weather there
All the ladies are most cordial-
invited to and examine
the largest nicest line of dress
goods ever shown in the town of
Winterville at A. W. Ange Co.
Do you want to aspire your
girls to tho modern ideas of
If you do, the
In mi p must carefully nursed
and supplied with up
Drive you this
way. We can supply you with
both staples and novelties. Boar
in mind, make a specialty of
of crown
Supply Co.
Rev. B. W. lectured to
a large congregation at the
here Wednesday
night on the benefits of taking the
normal course offered by the San-
day School Board at Nashville,
Tenn. Several joined the
He also lectured for min-
to the of W. H. S.
Thursday morning on toe kind of
literature they should read.
For Cash.
We arc now offering entire
line of men's Summer Pants at
cost. We must have room for
fall stock, and are to make
this sacrifice.
Miss alter spend-
summer at Seven
is DOW at home a. to the
light of her many friends and rel-
largest and best line of at
prices ever in
Winterville at A. W. Co.
highest grade
flour at J. B. Carroll and
Go's store.
A full line of summer silks all
at cost. Harrington Barber A Co.
Irwin Baker, Joe Tyson, Leroy
Venters and sister, of W.
H. left Friday evening to
Saturday with their parents,
Nice corned mullets at
ton, Barber Co.
Fancy and white all
washable, at cost.
Hamilton, Barber Co.
We are lad to that
George E. Hood,
will deliver a Friday
night, Sept. 28th, in the
H. S. under the
Junior Order of
United American Mechanics, of
thin The public is cordially
invited to be present. He is an
excellent speaker a id all should
hear him.
Nice gs at
ton, Co.
yards nice lawns
voiles, lusters, at
Harrington, Co.
In spite of tho A.
Cox Mfg Co , jetting orders
for their handsome and
A nice of drugs always en hand
at Barber it Go's.
Host grade of calico at cents
per yard and cents, quality
at cents at Harrington
Barber Company.
Nicest and strongest lino of
shoos over offered in Winterville
at and Co.
The Vanes Literary Society
nil., i its st 111-cling
he fad term were
is Mad-
D. Ii
Jackson, d Wind i vice-
i ; U. T. of Winter-
ville, H. Perry, of
; Jack-
son, L. N.
IS veil Springs, Mar-
Nice line of
ways on hand i Barber
he town tax books open and
will be at the store of B. F. Man-
Do want to aspire your
girls to modern ideas of house-
keeping If you do then same
must nursed and
supplied with up-to e
Drive your wagon this
way. We can supply you with
staples and novelties.
in mind, we can make a
specialty of Organs.
Eastern Carolina Supply Co.
Iron natures
great household remedy. A con
Mineral Water. Stops
blood from cut. Cures
Kidney trouble, Liver com-
plaint, Female weakness, cut.
sores etc. For sale at the
-t re of B. T. Cox, and Bro.
Pair Tar Heel cart
for sale by tho A. G. Cox Mfg.,
The A. G. Cox Mfg., has just
received a nice line of coffins and
You may not want one,
however, should you specially
need one or more here is
get them at once.
If your school house needs
desks scud your orders to the
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. They are
making large quantities cf thorn.
I have up one sow, weigh-
about pounds if fat, red
and black spotted, in left ear.
Owner can same by proving
property paying cost.
J. F. May,
I have taken up two in
running in my field, one black and
one spotted, weighing about i
pounds see . Both marked
derail and round hole In right,
smooth crop in left. Owner can
get same by Identifying and pay-
charges. C. It.
R. F. D. N.
Calmly Dignified Most Try-
A great man whose wife was de-
voted to him, but was subject t in-
sane attacks of jealousy and resent
was once visited hi-
try house two old time friends.
He welcomed them marked
cordiality, and, seating be-
tween them on the mi soon
in confidential conversation-
While he was listening
to say and replying
to an argument which seemed to
him more plausible than logical the
door hind was suddenly open-
ed, and from it emerged hi- wife,
with an angry face and a pail of
Without a word she deliberately
Upset the pail and drenched him
from head to foot. The two friend
sprung to their feet in astonishment
caught of the resentful
woman retreating into the house
a triumphant air.
The man who had been subjected
to this shower bath arose without a
word, went into the in
ten minutes returned to the piazza.
having made a complete change of
His friends still in the yard
and were wishing that they could
transported by balloon or magic ear-
pet In their own homes, where they
would not be witnesses of strange
and embarrassing domestic scenes.
Their host called to them and
placed the chairs on the plans.
When they were all seated lie re-
the conversation with the
simple remark, was Baying,
my and then went on with
the discussion, picking up tho thread
it had been dropped and
no reference to what had hap
He was quiet and dignified and
did not betray in his manner a trace
of the mortification and annoyance
which his wife's attack
must have caused.
A weaker man would either have
appealed to his friends fur sympathy
or striven to for the
strange and irrational conduct of
the woman. He had neither
to make nor cue uses to
lie strove to put his friends at
by diverting their attention from
the painful exhibition of his wife's
Infirmity by engaging in
mated conversation.
So successful was lie that the three
were soon laughing, chatting and
arguing together as though nothing
unpleasant had happened.
When the time came for the two
visitors to drive to the station to
take a train their host said
to them at the gate with tho re-
that they had had a delightful
afternoon together.
The great man loved his wife and
knew that she was not responsible
at all times for her caprices and re-
Unwilling to talk about
her infirmities, even with old and
trusted friends, he acted with rare
possession and good taste in
maintaining rigid silence and
them to infer for themselves the
for his
Mens Shoes
Our Men's Fall Shoes are rich in those features
style and workmanship so pleasing to Men who are
about their Shoes.
Graceful, dignified shapes, with an artistic touch in every
line. Fashioned from the very best leathers by the leading;
Shoe Manufactures the Country, they are sure to please
the most discriminating Shoe buyer. We've a fine showing
latest Fall and Winter styles from which to make a
Kid. Patent Kid, Patent Colt, Metal Calf, are the
Leathers. Button and. Lace Styles. Extreme or
Conservative Lasts.
We can do you a power good, Sir, when you
to buy your Fall Shoes.
Pulley Bowen
is what Mrs. Lucy
said after taking
Cure. Hundreds
of other weak
women are
be i re-
stored to perfect
health by this rem-
YOU may be
well if you will take
Indigestion causes
nearly all the sick-
that women
have. It deprives the system of nourish-
and the delicate organs
women suffer and become
Dyspepsia Cure
enables tho stomach and organ
to digest and assimilate all of the whole-
tome food that may be oaten. It nourishes
the body, and rebuilds tho weak
restoring health and
sour risings, belching, heartburn and all
stomach disorders.
Digests What You Eat
have I done, The king
to my room to MS the Children
taught. He stayed. He talked. He
my opinion on tills that.
Could he silent, or could I say other
what I
And so. by your own
you st king's love from mast
virtuous of
bad all gratitude and kindly
for you. You you
nave to often reminded been my
it was not necessary
for you to say It, for I had never for
Instant forgotten
Your hypocrisy mo
If yon pretend to a nun, why
you where nuns are I was
on I what I did did before
the You. your priests
A L I .
You hear of a
lawyer asking a witness a
and perhaps you wonder
what that term means. It docs not
mean a question that is first in or-
or in importance, a many per-
sons think it does, hut a question
leads the witness answer
the lawyer wishes to answer.
For example, if it should of
to prove what kind of hat
the sec wearing the lawyer,
if a leading question were allowed,
might say. ho have on a black
would naturally had
to affirmative answer, just what
the lawyer desired.
Our Mr. Bowen
, . . . tar .-
ms Northern Markets
Purchasing Fall Stock
Watch For Our Mew
GoodsUnit ,
f M ft
t th Lb-
The Whirlwind.
A frame played by any number
of person, all hut one sitting in
chain placed close together in a
circle, is called the whirlwind. Tho
players face inward and one stand
in the center of the circle, leaving
the chair unoccupied. At a signal
each player changes to the chair
next on his mid then to the
next one. the whole circle moving
around thus us fast as possible. Tho
in the middle tries to secure
a when ho does the per-
son on his right must take his
in the center and the
Tobacco Pack Barns and Cot-
ton Gins
ins urea.
, Rates.
Apply to H. A. WHITE,
It is sure to pay you

i i.
Is receiving Daily. Stronger
Goods, Clothing, Furniture and House Furnishings
before. See our line before buying.
, I
i I
N. C , Sept. 13th. I
Lang is visiting
in Washington.
Miss Leslie Harrison, of Ply-
mouth, returned home Tuesday
after a pleasant visit to Miss
Mayo Lang.
Miss cf
has home after a
pleasant to her aunt, Mis. J
F. Joyner.
Miss of Baltimore, has
arrived to he with Mis Wells
millinery as head
Comedy Co.,
New York, are billed here for
20th, 21st and
The past reputation of this com-
to our town will be much
favor for a good
Ward, of Wilson, is
his mother.
Miss Vivian Parker and Leslie
left for Snow Hill today to
lie present at Miss Mary
reception on tonight.
Mrs. W. B. Car, away is at th
Pittman sanatorium for treatment.
We arc glad to she is
along nicely.
tobacco market is
fine. The all seem
for a-- i
are floors are full
every day,
has to
ion the opening
of the Club
will on the h of
thin large in.- hall, this
being the celebration of t in
will be quite a
swell affair and much to credit
of the ladies their wonderful
advance since
two a
Miss Ella Mrs. J F.
Joyner's milliner. has arrived
has arrived from the
markets with all the win-
is going o-i nicely o.
To Return. Ac-
count dome Coming and
Tickets on u- 8th,
and limit Sept.
17th. For fin information call
on nearest Ticket A gent or com-
T. C. M
General Passenger
I Manager.
Wilmington, N. C.
Steamboat Service.
L. leaves
Washington daily
at a. for Greenville; leaves
daily except
at m, A
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Southern for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston and all other
North. Connects a Norfolk
with all West.
Shippers should order their
via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern B. B.
to change
J. J. Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
B. C. General T. and
P. Agent, Norfolk, Va.
M. K. KING, M.
The Gum
This has been one week that the
entire force of
Tobacco Con piny has been kept
busy, and very busy, too, at the old
Gum warehouse house has
sold this week more than a quarter
of a million pounds at an average of
around cent-. Thursday and
Friday it sold something over
Don pounds and we have not heard
a single patron of this com-
plain of the sales. whole forte
I rejoice that Saturday an I
are here to give a
I rest.
stimulate the torpid
the digestive organs,
regulate the bowels, and are tin-
r as an
In districts their virtues
arc widely recognized, as rs-
peculiar in freeing
CM from that poison. Bit
-nutty coated.
No Substitute.
Friend. if Worth
You Stop ind See
Isn't It
Greensboro, N. C. March
Mrs Joe take pleas
in stating that your Remedy
has entirely cured our little girl of
a very bad case of eczema, which
covered a great of her body,
She bad eczema from
the time she was three weeks old,
until she was six years old. She
is now well and I feel
that I cannot speak too highly of
it She has had a symptom of
it for six years. Respectfully,
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
process, on h patents
are pending, whereby we
can old Brass Col-
and Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully us good as now
an any unsightly
knobs or on the bot-
and Head
Rules regular lengths
defacing L. S and
Killed inches Id
and over per
A sample n-faced
Rule, full
will be cheerfully
pent on
Pointers Co
of Type and
High Grade Printing Miter
N. Ninth Street. Philadelphia, p
Not Quite Ill D. W.
How you a
thing do a
nail or s -v, w r or
per Have a . I
tool tor
Is . could .
we will
get Harness,
; Provisions
lies always on hand
kept con-
mat Country
Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
Harrison line. It ha behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you wilt favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
At the close of bush
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts 881.19
Furniture Fixtures 980.03
Due from Banks and
Bankers 10,317.03
Cash items
Gold coin,
Silver coin National bank
and other U. S. notes 2,119.43
Capital stock f 5,300.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits 1,174.30
Bill 6.000,00
Time certificates of
deposit 2,309.50
Deposits subj. to check 32,799.21
checks out-
standing 72.67
Certified Checks
North County
I, H. H. Taylor Cashier of the above named solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
edge and belief. H. H. Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to be-
ore mo, this day of April
1906. Sum A. Gardner
Votary Public
Loans Discounts
Due from Banks 18,885.52
Cash Items 9.80
Gold coin 490.00
Silver coin 1,179.11
Nat, bk notes 1,432.00
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits 1,986.54
Depot, sub to check 40,233.37
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt. f
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear that statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. J. R. DAVIS,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 23rd day of
Notary Public.
T. L. E,
to pay you
i of
War, and pale Jesuit,
la Chaise, piling argument upon
argument to overcome the
of the king. Madame lent over bar
tapestry and roared her colored
in silence, the king leaned upon
ins band i i the
a mail who that he Is driven
mi i yet turn
goads. low lay u paper,
pen h It. It was
for lie i. end it only
needed the . j fa i to make It
the law.
so. yon are of opinion
that if s , heresy in this
ion I . ii-y own
next . be
merited a
you so. too, M.
la Chaise
softly, w for
stronger measure-. I
remarked to you. you
your that . ere
that y had your will
the subject enough to
them Oil to the true
I could think so. rather;
that I could SO. But what
it w is his valet who bod half opened
the door.
Is here,
lo enter. A
happy Hi to have struck
him shall m love for me
will in n matte.-, for if it
anywhere it
my own body
The hail arrived that in-
f his long ride.
Amos Green with the be
come on at all dusty
stained, to carry his to tic-
king, lie entered now and stood with
the quiet ease of n man who Is used
ft. scenes.
hide me tell you,
sire, that i rile of
that Is and that tier
Is n
Louis and his wife exchange I n quick
glance of relief.
is he. the
way. captain, you have served hi
many ways of late and always w
I hear, that Do la
Sail, is dead of the
died yesterday,
I desire that you- Bake
the vacant commission of major to
M. de I-t me be the lo
congratulate yon. major, upon your
kissed the hand which
the monarch held out lo
I he worthy of your kindness,
would do what you could to
serve me, would you not Then
shall put to
am for any
is a very severe one. You
see this paper upon the table, It Is
BO order that all the In my
dominions shall give up their errors,
under pain banishment or captivity.
Now I have hopes that there are many
or my faithful who are at
in this matter, hut who will ale
it when learn that it Is my
clearly expressed wish that they
Should do so. Do you follow
The young man had
lamed deadly pale, and he s bis
feel and opened mid clasped his bands,
are yourself n Huguenot. I
would gladly have you.
then, us n fruit of this great meas-
Let us hear from your own Up
that you, for one, are to follow
the lead of your
The young guardsman still
though his were rather as to
how he should frame his reply than as
to what III should he.
felt that In instant . i.- had
wiped out all the good which she
had done him his past life and
that now. far front being In her debt,
he held a heavy score against her. The
king arched Ins eyebrows and drum-
med his lingers impatiently as he
at downcast face de-
all lids he cried.
are a man whom have raised
and whom will raise. He who has a
major epaulets at thirty may carry a
marshal's baton at Your past Is
mine, and your future shall be no less
so. What other hopes have
have none, sire, outside your
Why this silence, then Why do
you not the assurance which I de-
cannot do It, sire. II Is Impossible.
I should more peace In my
mind or respect for myself if knew
that for the sake of position or Wealth
hail given up the faith of my fa-
yon are surely mad There Is
all Unit a man could covet upon one
side, What Is there upon the
is my
Is it, then, a dishonor to em-
brace my
would a dishonor to me to em-
brace it for the sake of gain without
believing In
sire, a cannot force him-
self to believe. Relief is a i which
must come to him, not be to
my word, said
glancing, with a bitter smile, at his
Jesuit confessor, shall to pick
the cadets of the household from your
seminary, since my hive turned
and theologians. Bo, for the
last time, you refuse to obey my re-
look a
forward, without outstretched hands
and tears In his eyes.
But the king checked him with a
tie . laid
be. Judge a man by his acts. Do
you abjure or
said Louis, turning again
to Jesuit, will ii be as easy J
as you
man Is obstinate, it is true, lull
many others will more
The king shook Ids bead. I
that knew In I be.
I know that you least
will ever give tin boot advice. Von
heard Ilia has been said.
What do you
She kepi Vi-r eyes fixed upon
tapestry, but her was firm
clear us
Y it have raid that yon are
the eldest of the church If the
eldest sun her. then who will
do her
Louis took up the pen from the table
and drew the paper toward him.
have the then, from
all of he; mi you,
from you. madame; from you.
and from Well, if ill
come from It. may it not be visited up-
on me. Hut what is
lie hail taken a step forward
with his band outstretched,
nut it, cried.
dent mil tire hail suddenly
II all the harriers of
mil seemed f r lite Instant to
that count s of men,
men children of his a faith, all
to r y a word for
and all looking to him as their
pion and
not he cried.
will I've h Mr I your hid
withered II grasped tint pen.
know It. I am it. Con-
all these folk-
children, the young girls, the
the feeble. Their creed Is
well ask the leaves to change
twigs on which grow. could
not change. Al moat you could but
hope to turn them from honest folk
hypocrites. And why should you
dolt They honor yon Tin y love yon.
They none. They are proud to
in your to for you.
to work for you. to build up the great-
of your kingdom. implore yon.
Hire, to think again before you sign
on older which will bring misery and
desolation lo so
For ii moment the king bad hesitated
as he listened to the short, abrupt sen-
In which the soldier pleaded for
his fellows, but ids face hardened
as be remembered bow even his
own personal entreaty had been on-
able lO prevail With this young dandy
of the court.
religion should lie of
France's said he, if my
own guardsmen thwart me in such a
matter I must find others who will he
more faithful. That
In the must go to
Captain de
De commission may
he transferred to
am to serve you no
are dainty for it y
De arms fell to
his his bead forward
upon his breast. Then, as he realized
the ruin of all hopes of life
and the cruel Injustice with which ho
bud treated, he broke Into a cry
of despair and rushed from the mom
with the hot tears of Impotent anger
running down his So,
gesticulating, with coat unbuttoned
and bat awry, he burst Into the stable
where placid Amos Greet
his pipe and critical
i yes the grooming of the bet
Paris To led the
guardsman frantically. If I it in ruined
I may yet be in time to save them, The
horses, quick I
It was clear to the American that
some sudden calamity had b so
lie aided his and the
to saddle unit bridle live
later were Hying upon their way.
and in little more a hour their
steeds, nil rooking and foam Hocked,
were pulled up outside the Illicit house
In the line SI. Martin. He
sprang from bis saddle and rushed up-
stairs, while Amos followed In his own
leisurely fashion.
old Huguenot and his beautiful
daughter were sealed one side of
the great fireplace, her hind his,
and they sprang up together, she to
throw herself with a glad cry Into
the anus of her lover and he to grasp
the bond which his nephew held out
to him.
People New Shoes
And seldom
ed. buy kind. The
that a shoe should feel
from is known
them they nave
felt the luxury of putting on
rightly made shoe.
The Hanan Shoe
otter more real comfort whet,
new than th Ir kind of sh mm offer
after months of starts
stylish she and
ends just, as, smart and stylish.
There are not so many such
people used to We
know this because we sell so.
many more Shoes than we used.
Maybe you would like to prove these facts.
C. L. Wilkinson S Co.
At close of business 1908.
Loons and discounts 9174,797.80
secured and
unsecured 13,226.07
and 2,451.09
Due from Hanks 20,830.05
items 2,590.82
Gold Coin 90.00
Coin 898.17
bank notes
US notes 10,111.000
Capital stock paid
Undivided profits,
Hills payable
t ,,
Due to
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, S. Carr, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly
above is true h the best of my knowledge
and belief. C. S. CAR l Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, 11th day of Sept 1906
Notary Public.
Correct I
F. C.
E G.
Greenville, N. C.
CAPITAL . 25,000.00
We interest on Tim Certificates
or on money deposited for a
stipulated time percent
Accounts of merchants,
and individuals solicited
R. L. Davis,
L. Little. Cashier.-
I v
l l I Hit VI
m .-.- . . . .
thing when It to buying foods knowing
w. at to Where to buy, and yon are going to pay is where th
My go and priest will convince yon that this is the pi ice to
buy in qua . v.
Hay, Corn, Oats Bran, Ship Stun, Lime and Groceries.
When you wan- anything in this line it will to your interest tot
L In , Cash
Job Printing
Our specialty.
Reflector Job Printing Office

A In Which Ivan Won With
Some ago Russian and a
Turkish officer were having a dis-
as to the superiority in
of r respective soldiers.
can prove to you on the
aid the
men are he called
buy me a pound of to-
come at
The turned on his
heel went out. the
officer, taking out his watch,
orderly is walking straight to
the next comer, lie must
now he is turning; new lie is
opposite the white mosque; now he
the now he is
St now he i- buying
tobacco; ho is back; C. that else-
Th. Picked.
There was another
in Masonic temple opera
Friday night to witness tie
presentation of by
the company. p a
was good and the he
the act were splendid.
The songs fobs-
thing new here and much enjoyed
The close their engage-
tonight aid should have.;
good audience.
is called to the
i semen I of
he if on the us;
Bow he is at the door; And
Russian called out,
The Turkish officer, showing no
sign of surprise at the precision
of this Russo-tobacco
promptly broke
My soldier do that
every day m the and he
where in this paper. coin
has a large and well equipped
plant turn out work
promptly. It is a home
is entitled to the patron
age of home people. Their
It satisfaction i-
on every order.
U Convention
The State
convene in the
to Ali and see that Move Chapel, in our city, on the
u inc a pound tobacco. , . . . ,
My it em
Following the tactics of the
officer, the Turk pulled nut his
is cur invited to attend ell
the services. The
desire us to say. will appreciate
and went assistance in entertaining the dIe-
the street; now he is pa-sing the pal- j -rates. There Mil be about fifty of
pooch bazaar; now noon and he them. If yon can help, phone lo
u saying his prayers; now he is Mrs. M, King.
drinking at the stone fountain; now
Ali hails him and asks him
about my now is
paying the tobacco; now he from Chapel Hill. He
coming back by another way; now has made first alternate for
Frank Wilson returned Friday
he is on our street; now he is at the
door; now
shouted the officer.
is my
. haven't found shoes
the appointment from this district
to U, naval academy
Annapolis, and will soon leave t .
enter a training school there pie-
to the examination.
Report of the condition of
At in the
Carolina, at the close of business,
asked Mrs. husband.
I hour about Sam-
the lady answered.
you have anything lo tell, why don't
you tell
near. Well. Samuels was
home the other night when
J footpad shot at him and the ball
a late key in Samuel's vest
and his life was laved. So
you hut good a latchkey and Discounts ft
,,,., . ,, . ,, II , Overdrafts
Indeed. If Samuels had been; cured 1.1116.44
home at a reasonable hour; p. s. Bonds to secure
i use, fin
e to Ins wife, and if
n had m been for that latchkey; Due from National Bank
a rich widow now. go if I reserve I 287.801
you for a latch- De ft m State Banks end
t i . i 6.27 it,
key ton have to bring back Cheeks and other cash
that one. That's. Motes of other National
all. to led now, and If Bark
you I lo read lave to go Fractional
going home at a reasonable hour Hoods to secure
would have met footpad
he carries
to the i . and waste the
, i, Lawful reserve in
COal. I. I
French Politeness.
n From
ever, i, on . of his
nation, and a- very much
i 8,322.00
Hi . n ii S.
Treasurer percent of
plea I an A in who had
Tinted Franco, told me an
an French
that the
. on i to the
he in the
car g am
jeers i .
wot., rained upon Ii m,
i . ,
i Total
Ital Meek paid in
divided less
s tall s paid
i I-
g 13.800.0 I
Individual subject
to i heck
j , Time of deposit
. Cashier's checks outstanding in
ll ii i
i. born urn
Stall of Ni ill
1.1.1 Of r.
w . Aye i- r i om
. in i. ii i tin w ,. i . ., M
i v. .;. -i ;. , , . i , .
. I n I . . i . ;, i hi i .
I I l . i i i i
i .
. t
John and I pro i t be
did think I was to blame f.
II, . i.
i . . i i p
I .
i . i i
I i i, i in l i,
fl i V I i l i j l I
II Al. I Bi
Ni Bare Track,
K. v.
lo-id and aw.
Department Store News.
Our Buyers have returned from the Northern Markets and
In a few days our store will be crowded with
New Fall and Winter
which you are invited to see.
Our stock will be complete in every department, our buy-
have been careful to provide th-t best and newest in each
line represented in our large collection Merchandise, as
usual a high standard of quality has been maintained and the
lowest prices consistent therewith will prevail.
We Have Just Opened a
small shipment of Long
Black Silk Gloves.
You should call early before sizes are broken up.
Watch this space for announcements of new
few days. Visit this store often and keep an eye on our new
l J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
September Term in Session
Thomas Shaw win is
presiding at this term of court,
arrived on forenoon train
and opened court at noon today.
There was a large c present
the court room being practically
filled. Solicitor, L. I. Moore
present the State.
The first business was the
of the grand jury and the
following were chosen and sworn
L. H. Pender, foreman, W. B.
Wingate, D. C. Davenport, J. H.
J. Jr., John L.
Carper, B S
Cannon, Lot J. W. Elk
Washington Mills, J. B. Pierce,
W. J. J. B. Tucker,
C. D. Joyner Win-
gate, J. R. Edwards, W. H.
Three who were drawn offer-
ed excuse for business reasons,
but Judge Shaw declined to
grant these, as he said he made
it a rule not to excuse any one
for reasons. Before
beginning his charge to the
grand jury he briefly cautioned
the audience preserving
in the court room.
Owing to his weak condition
physically Judge Shaw he
was not able to deliver a
charge, but, would only
call attention to a few important
matters that they might under-
their duty. There are
three qualifications to service on
a grand jury. A man should
first have common sense, he
should he should have
to perform his duty. It
matters nm if a juror
with the law, it is his duty to ob-
serve the law as he it.
Those not connect d with the
court may the laws and
and have the right t vote for
representatives in the General
Assembly who they believe will
change such tows as they think
but every one con-
with the court in
tin- should
that every law is right
It haw said that under
properly laws an
innocent nothing to fear
and a guilty nothing to
hope for. I'm is true Ir U
innocent Dim to be of
crime. The m may bi
as he should . but In of
the public In upon
his a be will over after
be t, Tn grand
jurors care-
in In a true bill
iii man. On the
he should
no 1.11
. f
down crime
man give-
law and I e U
and c
Ilia I a.
Tin- gin
; lad i
Mi . .,.
o mi lie i
laws -i
I,.,. . .,
V e
,. . i ,
learn the
Km man i free, mid if he
approve of th
h live- world is
C to -o
he ii., ,, .
After Hi conclusion
charge court n-r m o
i is
liar of the court
inc d
to j
the keeps
ii a
i contempt for Hie
that in- can go
crime when he
; tin effect
f, law
i no
nil . keep
lie i- id to
in-oilier class
l of I
II. at will
i i illegally
. ii the
y lines lie-
I me i
i from society
I reassembling of
the docket was
called. What known
white cap case was set for Monday
nest week.
Two men
enough to the court
This ed the large
that they must keep quiet,
would know the
goo why.
The trial of docket was
taken up and cases
James carrying con-
weapon, pleads guilty, sen-
six in jail to be
assigned to roads.
Sam Turnage and Cotton,
fornication, plead guilty. Torn-
fined and costs,
as to Cotton.
T. L. Sellers, assault with dead-
weapon, pleads guilty, fined
Brown and West Ward,
adjudged contempt of court for
talking, Brown fined f and
Thomas Vines, failing to list
taxes, pleads judgment
pended on payment of costs and
Guy Turnage, failing to list
taxes, judgment suspended on
payment of costs and
deadly weapon, pleads guilty,
fined f and coats.
Will carrying concealed
weapon, sentenced
days in jail to assigned to
William Ward, assault
deadly weapon, pleads guilty.
Brown, assault with deadly
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment
SUS on payment of costs.
Simon plead
Bruce slander, pleads
guilty, judgment suspended on
payment of and good
Edwards, carrying con-
weapon pleads guilty.
Will Turner, Larceny, guilty,
sentenced years in jail to be as-
signed to road. In another case
against this same defendant the
verdict was not
Paul carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, sentenced
months in jail to be assigned to
grand jury returned
bill rape Cox.
James Chapman, assault with
lined a. c -sis.
Jam s Bell, guilty in
two cases, also guilty one cu-e
of burning.
Levin Will Grimes and
Grime-, assault with
weapon-, Lewis guilty,
sentenced months in jail to be
signed to Made
Harris hi assault with
in jail lo be at-
Hawkins, win.
Hi and costs,
Of New Industries and Industrial
Development in the South.
Chattanooga, Sept
more important new industries
established in the South during
the week ending today are shown
by the following list compiled and
b Tradesman.
Among the concerns most
capitalized may be mentioned
cotton mills in
with capital; coal, iron
and lumber company Alabama,
v smelter in Indian
Territory with
company in Oklahoma, with
oil ard company in
West with
and many other important
tries capitalized at from f
to The for the week
as given out by the
contains the
North Carolina.
ware companies.
ice and
cold storage
and power
Concord, n mills.
ring company.
Nashville, supply com-
A Town in a Southern State but
not of the People-
Toe Hon- mi Post is responsible
for information that
ville Texas, the recent
with the soldiers
is not a Southern town.
It is in the south, it is
true, but its people are not south-
The Post says that
ville was first settled in 1846 by
Mexicans, Gen. Taylor's army
lowers, and
No slaves w ere ever owned there,
and former slave-holders are
to lie found among its present
population. This estimate at
is made up as Mex-
Northern people,
discharge I Federal
their descend nits,
That being the of its
in ii in small wonder that
fie colored troops found It u hot
place, climatic illy and otherwise.
Certainly the Northern papers
have been Browne
ville as a b outrage,
must revise their opinions. B I
ii-. the thirteen him-
en i e e is one of the
lot Chronicle.
If K.
licenses lo the following
sine last report.
and Lizzie
Wilson and Baltic
Edwards and Mary Alice
Nathan and
Kan v-.
I Announced
On Sept.
I-. lit ll c I of Mis,
c. alter
I'M s Richardson
Mi K. II Miami.
w given honor of
bridal party, upon this
the engagement Mis
Rogers, S, ,
Mi. Joni .
i N. c , was an-
The to take
place mi Dee. III I
Mr. is a member
doing a large a Greer-
ville, a popular young man
both in business socially.
Miss Roger was one of the
in t
a-t and made a
i i her stay She
a lady of many
President of the State Normal
College Expires on the Bryan
Special to Greensboro.
Burlington, N. C. Sept.
When the train with the
party reached Durham and the es-
committee was hurrying to the
opera house to hear Mr. Bryan one
or gentlemen remained in the
train. To one of them Dr.
said, suffering with acute in
digestion and think I will remain
here a minutes. Later he went
up to a drug store to get some
The drug stores were closed,
so lie returned to the car and said
to some friends sitting near that he
was in pain. One of them gave
him some medicine, but it gave
no relief. He was in conversation
with State Treasurer when a stroke
of fell upon him. He
gasped twice, fell back and was
dead. Dr. C D. Jones, of Hills-
one of the escort committee
was summoned and applied every
effort lo life, but Dr
was and death had been
The shock to the party the
train cannot be conveyed- A hush
fell upon every heart, and there were
tear- in the eyes and sorrow in
the hearts of those who loved him.
As the train reached a
crowd had assembled, Governor
sorrowfully ed the
sudden death of Dr. and the
loss to the State, and said Mr. Bryan
had not lie to speak while the
dead body of his friend was on the
Black Jack, M. O. Sept
Elder W. H.
of Greenville, spent a part la.-t
week here.
left Overton, Carolina; H.
Greenville; E. K.
Full County Ticket Nominated.
Convention met
in the court house in Greenville
Saturday at o'clock. It was
largely attended, that is to say
large for the and
was, perhaps the largest, best
attended and most
convention the Republicans
ever held in the county.
R. C Flanagan In calling the
convention to order in a short
speech made a few re-
marks that were received.
He named E. Victor Cox as
chairman, and H. T. King
temporary secretary. Mr. Cox
in assuming chair made a
short talk.
The temporary organization
on motion was made permanent.
On motion a committee con-
of one from each town-
ship named to retire and
recommend to the convention
candidates for the county
o In the absence of this
committee Col. Harry Skinner
was on and the
convention in a conceived
and clean cut speech, which
seems so have pleased the con-
The committee through its
chairman to
the following which was on
Senate, H. T, King, of Green-
House, B. M Whitehurst, of
Bethel, Eider Fred
Clerk. Joel
Sheriff, I. Fleming, Green-
of Deeds, W. W.
Surveyor, D. S. of Caro-
County Commissioners-- John
Of Those Coming and
for her home near X
The protracted meeting here
closed yesterday with the
ten additions to the .
Godfrey Porter and J.
Tucker have returned from
a trip to Washing
ton Oily. They report a pleasant
Dudley and Fan-
and Eva House t
left Sunday
for Hickory Grove where
he nice tiny.
O. E. and wife
Sunday for their home
Mis. Audi VI, .
v ho
Mis. G S. Jo union, lei
y for
Many the
church here Sunday.
V. Johnston, f
Mire Minnie H in.
Mies Dora C x, who has been
fen with relatives
yesterday for hot
i en lied Hunks.
Sonic of
s .
Daisy Porter, who has
i spending a few days here
i with Mi-s Smith,
to her home d pear lied
ii .
s C. Mills this
a over the river.
E L. Clark went to
J J. Jones,
Mai cellos Falkland.
The ticket with few
is better than we thought they
could do. There are some very
good men on the ticket. We are
sorry see them leave the Demo
erotic party. We think they are
a mistake, but this is a
ii of the amendment the people
feel act d as
pie The Ki accords
this privilege to them. We shall
give a fail show, but it is
idle to think for a moment that
will poll more to
1.000 perhaps not more, than
ticket will be
by an majority of
thousand we our
is no
danger for Dem in this year
of 1906.
Twin Girls
Whom Carrier W. f
R. F. D So. I route in the
, morning, lace
wreathed in smiles on both
-id--. The i f gather-
ed and
of twin
ii n at his in me mad him
Reflector sept
J. Mooring spent Sunday at
D. C. Moore and J. G.
spent Sunday at
It this is the equinoctial season
it is a few of time.
H. B. Hardy, of the R
News and Observer, i- in town.
Miss Mary Bernard
evening for a visit to LaGrange.
Miss Lena spent Sun
day with her parents in Washing-
V. G. Tyson to Winter-
ville Sunday evening returned
J. T. went to
Sunday evening this
OMen Cobb left Sunday for
Tarboro where he has accepted a
Rev. F. D. went to
evening where he
preached at
R. B. Wiggins, of Boston, who
been visiting at
left morning.
Joyner came in Sat-
evening from to
visit her brother, O. L. Joyner,
Mrs. Charlie Whitehurst, of
Bethel, came in evening
to visit her father D. D. Gardner.
Miss Octavia Rivers, of Hen-
who was visiting Mrs.
A. H. Taft, returned home y
Sunday gave us a decided
of weather indicated that the
fall season hat come in earnest.
Mies Elizabeth Ball, of
was Mrs. J. A. Lang,
returned home Sunday
O. T. Tyson returned Sunday
evening from the western part
where he had
his health. .,
Mrs. L. II. Lee and Miss
Cromartie returned Saturday
from Baltimore where
bad been buying millinery
for Mrs. L.
A. E. Fulcher has sold his dry
goods a taken a
the hardware store of
Baker Hart. ., ,, .,
Mrs. Junes returned
Sunday evening from Baltimore,
where she has been buying
goods for C. T. Mumford.
Register of Deeds It, Williams,
went to Sunday to
indexes of records with a view of
selecting a system in use this
W. P. El wards has resigned his
place at the e A H. Taft
. and taken i ion as book-
keeper ware-
Mrs George of Lit; in ;.
her -i.-i.
Km lies, returned
. wore Vis-
Mrs. O. J.
There may no real happiness In
riches, bill these is real
in poverty.
Admitted to Practice.
before I lie no. n recess of
court T.
t court the
by Supreme court to
Mr. John of Greene
county, to practice law. At the
request Judge Shaw the oath war
administered to Mr. by
and he was duly
to the practice of the bar
The Name Was Missing.
i us a very nice teller of items from
Mills, hut n the writer
j failed to sign Ins or her name to
us know who sent we can-
. p them. As many times
i s has been called to the
. the Dames of writers
g with letters for
it does look Hike people
would sign their name- to such let-
Denmark, of
I spent Sunday here.
t Mr.

Eastern reflector, 18 September 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 18, 1906
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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