Eastern reflector, 3 August 1906

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in, nun
Thou all thou company.
Talk Over the Wires.
Their is gone out to all the
and their words to the end
Hie world. Pi,, six,
Tb shall be divided by
Ai vii,
Pu j . tut ill. . and a
f Mid yen, v,
were employed in that
Mink day and night. I On. n.
We have no Blight against this
great Company. xx,
shad this Company
in. nil are about
come down
the middle the laud, another
The city mi divided
three parts. Rev. xvi, lit.
people xBe damned Mack, xvi,
What is this iv,
Forget it Pro. It,
Evildoers shall be cut off.
They went to their own com-
and reported. Acts, iv.
Line upon line, line upon line.
parties shall come
et r
will hear, Isa.
Nor to b another i.
line, II x.
Will they not pay toll v i
. . P
not be lawful Mo
toll. Kara, vii,
trust nothing pay,
, v I
X . . I
W kick ye.
. i
Twenty and
, .
may changed in some,
in Slate Law lost it A their
A daily rate fur every day. II old time ardor making big claims.
. i
.; i
A ml kept back part of the price.
Avis, v,
Is there any Job,
I know not the number thereof
Search may be made In the book
of the records. iv,
He the number.
is Rev.
T I understood the number. Dan.
When I call, answer me speed-
When North Carolina
exhibit at the
the folks will feel very much
they have
fa V
The announcement Is made
Thomas of Georgia, former-
a chief of the bib e-
to the Democratic fold.
Orange would double
if she hid of
work Orange, V , l
That is the way
double by watering.
I railed lint he gave me II.
one the to
AV. J. the
from his
newer. Cant, v,
they waited according to
their order, I vi,
Call row, if there that
will an.- . Job, v, .
Where I he receive Ia,
Let every man be to hear
and slow to speak.
Thou didst call I Sam.
Call thou and I will answer, or
let me speak,
me. Job. xiii,
They could not take hold bit
words, Luke, xx,
Ye have heard my conversation
time past. Gal. i
Except ye utter easy to be
how it be
what is For ye shall
into air. I xiv, y.
We great plainness of
Except they give a distinction
Hi the it
I xiv,
I had ratter speak live words
with than ten
. tongue.
xiv. lie
r I ii in my , in
i no speech nor language,
should not have been
cur off, l.
II he cut off, and r. who
. U.
A w i rime to hare
been over the county
during the last week-,
has bed her I
proportion, it the
baa thing n
It Is g tn. t a sort a
a at
the pie counter he see-
the whole going to
It reminds us l e
heard one load
w is Inn;.
J. R. and J. G.
The t of a shoe is the
I Buy a pair of and you be
surprised at their faultless fit, at the
they impart to your gait, at their handsome
distinctive style.
feet that drag to your
lead feeling. i
I here u. n of dress that can thwart
i wen i fl s, Interfere with her pleasure, or
irritate her an shoe, wear
a D i i J your foot troubles
J, B. J, Ge
The farmers of county
mis opportunity I
mi several-ill t of in me-
institute -e i. i .
. i
the It is
to c the ex hi. in
in. s
an go l i i en
Job, xv
The .-I of din
lo. I.
lo hath st etched the Hue
i lie S h u r.
granted a i -i .,
party,, to
the i ii -i
V .
i .
e latter
, I , .
of . was Ivand
com puny was under
New Jersey but
never domesticated this
new company will now fight
for tho exclusive right to
Unit name this and it
promises to be a big
s i r
i -r J i .
.-,. . ,. . t t . ., , . i.
id ,
. v v- in ;
. i . i.
D J Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Price Have Been Steadily Getting
Higher in the Last tight
The of most absorbing
interest to I he people of I he
country at time is tie constant
increasing cost cf Prices
have been higher
and higher during r he past six or
eight and have now leached
the point the pinch is tilt
by in all stations cf life.
And they are talking about it.
Official will lie
by the government within the
next few days advance in
the cost fond, and
supplies during
The report
the Bureau on retail prices
1906 will show that the cost of
meat, floor, vegetables and other-
articles of food its up
ward flight that period. A
further admission will
be made that there was no
ponding in crease in wages
1905 to the higher prices
This is the tune that re-
port show daring the present
era of prosperity an in
the cost of living
gain wages. This
account in large part for the
volume of
which stems to be all over
the country that household
see are all
Curiously enough the advance
in i rices it not to the pro-
ducts of the factories and
whose goods pass several
hands before reaching the cm-
The farmer who sells his
potatoes direct to the c has
boosted prices
else has. The housewife return-
from market with a sad story of
extortionate demands by the but-
man, the chicken seller and
the dealer in beans pens and to-
Without the excuse that
the wicked and the robber
tariff are responsible, the dealer
in these homely commodities d
their prices kiting the
pet pie foot the bills in the good
old w
paid cents a quart
two ago and last
fall the price was Oft ti a quart,
a h,
tie other Similar stories arc
heard in every
Popular priced restaurants an
driven out business by
steaks cent chop. A
Washington proprietor of a
dining-room lost
during May and June of
although pat i on Has
in the
of a year age. w
moderate have stopped
the cost
lumber r building
gone up away
h. hat is the t
th condition Who lieu, i
n in who
, n that the pie-
i. ii i-1 j i plot
u small
and lS with it
i and exhibit
; s u ts i
f skin f
this quest I a Ii a bell
a . n. at
now, coming cam
be discussed on tin
stump. real.
that it is ft Itself to tin
front and ring how
will answer it. The increased cost
of living will be a big fact-r in tie
all Washington
News and
But Prices Much Bet.
Than Opening Last Yea-.
The tobacco market
began the new today with a
very flattering opening. Owing
to the rains recently
which have kept the farmers
crowded trying to save their
co as fast as it could be cured and
Having them little or no time lo;
grading, no one looked for much to
come in at the opening, yet the
sales were larger than
AU five of the warehouses bad a
fair amount on sale the prices
most gratifying, rum be
tween f 17.50 per hundred.
The opening prices this sensor,
fully over last season.
The warehouses are all well
equipped with good working force
off the season in good
shape. The crews are as
Dow Beaman, floor manager.
D. Spain O. E. Harris.
B. T. Bailey auctioneer.
Parham proprietors.
T. floor manager.
N. H. and W. L. Hall,
W. T. Burton, auctioneer.
T. proprietor.
Hardy, manager.
J. I. Smith and B. F. Hooker,
H. A. auctioneer.
1.1 DATED l O.
Operating both the Farmers
Star warehouses.
O. L. Joy president.
W. ti. Dall, Jr., secretary and
B. J. Cobb, treasurer.
D. A. auctioneer.
W. B. Roebuck, floor manager
at the Farmers.
Ola Forbes, manager at the Star.
IT. M. Wall J. T. Pratt,
book keepers.
A. A. Forbes and C. F. Mead-
general assistants.
At no time has Greenville
stronger of than are
on the market this season,
will work the
in keeping Greenville in the lead
of the Eastern markets. Tue
F. W. Clare for American To-
K. O. lot Imperial To-
Andrews Bailey.
G. B.
W, T. ton.
H. S. Hardy.
W. Harvey.
HI, Garden Co.
S. J. Parham.
T. A. Duke.
E. II. Thomas.
it. S.
G. F.
and Go,
A. Person for the
There will be some other buyers ;
of Interest Over the
and Bum ling like a dog and rolling
writhing on the ground
suffering from an acute attack
William Garrison,
street bit three
men last night being gotten
under control.
Houston, Tex , July
returns have been received to
show that in day's
T. M of re-
a plurality of the ii a
rotes e will go into th-
State with at least
voles strength
for us second choice to
assure tie
Pa., July 29.--
When Samuel a well-
returned to bis home
to-night he his wife
and two children dead and a third
child from wounds.
Who find the shots has not In en
learned. Indications limit to rob-
as the motive. Au
had also been mads to set l
the home, hut in
time to extinguish
had in tied
Io your Friday's of The
Reflector, you mention the fact
only one can be
for register of deeds, and
that those who defeated for the
nomination should take their de-
feat in the right spirit. I as one
the candidates, promise yon my
support of the whole
ticket as by
convention at Ir
seems to u e that no true Demo-
can afford to do otherwise,
it would be the height of folly ti
forsake, or to do to in-
the grand old party ha
always been the friend of
s -in hem while to forsake it,
I say, for one v. ho has tried alway-
to place the black yoke on mi
What for the sake of a petty
office, our backs on all
hold deal in I he way of good gov-
No, I refuse to believe
i hat any one of he good men men-
for in Pitt county,
ill lie untied from so small a
cause as defeat for office.
If there ever was a time
Democrats should tight out their
differences in a
within the it is now. With
ever increasing graft in high
trusts drawing their
cords lighter us every day,
the comes to Us
from the Chicago packing
above all the increase of th
crime I y the black man
in the South, I do not see how
one for anything but to
keep beloved Slate in the
Democratic column.
I have that re will be
much Splitting of tickets this year
men who want lo vole for the
man not the Let me
urge on you, fellow Democrats
that the danger is not, and will
not be soon passed. are
Republican leader in the State
who, they can once get into pow-
again, will the
some way, thus
to themselves continuance in office.
Once take away I lie protecting
power Democracy the
the most in m and many will regret
question, st the poll.
of Mr Camion, he all hi
Ayden, N. C,
Sometimes I s. it you a
communication which y
published, . Ho
to ice at tie
of the I h- party ii com-
convention on the of Aug-
I did specify
gentleman at the because
I had not learned the
sentiment as any
particular individual. how
popular sentiment seems to
have centered on II C. r
Greenville, C, Aug. 1906.
At a lull ting of the Green-
ville Tobacco Trade Mr.
R. W. King was unanimously en
dotted County Commissioner
because entire Tobacco Board
of Trade believe him to be the man
for the position for the following
l.-t. Because a
should reside at the county seat.
2nd. Because he is
familiar the reeds of all
of the county.
3rd. Because he could be easily
with from all parts
of the county day or
The citizens of Greenville as w
as all our farmer friends know the
difficulties under which they leave
labored in reaching the town be-
cause of the almost impassible
condition of many of the
leading to thereby
causing our market to lose
thousands of pounds of
tobacco annually.
We earnestly appeal lo our
farmer fr cuds throughout the
county co-operate with US in
the of R. W.
King, whom believe will do
in his power to a. cure
much needed in
deplorable sit nation.
R. B.
G. F. Evans.
O. L
F. D
Geo. S. Prichard,
Pennsylvania Announces
of Roads
Will Probably Follow.
Philadelphia, Pa ,
a railroad company
today a of Its
maximum one way passenger fare
from and cents to cents,
At the same time it was announced
that hereafter thousand mile books
will be sold for each the cash
deposit required being
done away with This action will
involve a of a
through fares from the south aid
g to the vast amount of w. k
by reason of the changes
the new rate of fare will not e-
operative for tin e,
probably November It is as-
that the Ii; s
which reach New York by way of
Cincinnati and tie n
meet Pennsylvania
company's reduction by t
of fares so that all southern
passenger whether by y
of Washington, Cincinnati, o
Louisville Le on an
ancestry, is of old
We owe it a- a duty to our family
and to our Mod, to help make this
a government for and by tut
stock, the best, purest an we this by
et ever made. Should If receive opposing all who are in league with
the endorsement his party trust-and the like.
its co for the office Register
of Deed-, lie will Kit
ed, but will in every prove
him el of the o or. A
I i Iciest Integrity, he i peer of
the beat. Honest
Highest of all
he will carry into
tho the
and when his . office
-hall have expired It v
won the h.-
public. That success u b his
i- the earnest desire of i. so n
, ii v. I'll I how,
. i
if. r
To be held in tho court house at
Friday, August.
Morning session will open at
o'clock sharp, unit session
at Dr. IV.
Mi London, An-on county. Pea-
nut Ly T. K Browne,
by A.
rim feeding farm animals, by
Mr. Sutler. The improvement of
cotton ml corn seed ,
II. an-. N. f
1.0 i r e am is
lie . I
In en ii Ii-
Mr. . i aided ,; desire.
I. A , i II In I II H
It all m . . m
b ii .
N. Aug.
of recent
pa. t occurred here this morning,
o'clock when
Jr., sou of ex-Mayor
John W. died of heart
I., nine other c. t . ions
He left a bride of just seven weeks
having been married on June 12th
t Mies Eva Cox.
. .-. ;.,.
be given .
or the i
none but
will Le discussed.
Durham Dry c,
here last and
the Compaq's
The reminder i the
will In on at one,
of cost, the starting
The new firm w put a desired that aim
complete stock of oh ling, dry I dance of farmers be t
iii i--i as tun i, i j e I this end you are urged lo
i i i. sire
. I
. . ,
. I
he i, I
who go to the James-
town Exposition next says
a contemporary, hare the
the Virginia
act forbids the
of any gratuity to an agent, em-
or servant without th
kn or consent of the em-
Guests at hotels will
therefore be taking risk of fin
and imprisonment if they
the usual practice of tipping wait-
and other attendants. It is
not likely to prove a drawback t
the but the law ma
become to stranger-
all of whom cannot be expected t.
lie familiar with
barn quickly anything they t
to know nil visitors to Vwant to know that lb
lipping nuisance is unlawful i
that State. A nuisance is
the tipping business is. A
at a hotel would much rather have
added to his bill the amount he is
supposed to be under obligation to
disburse tips to be coin-
polled to keep his hands forever i;
his pockets, feeling for money.
will not hurl the
for it to become
known that the visitor will be
the necessity tipping every
he comes in contract with
This is a bad custom that
cans have gotten from are
it has become so diary
in this country I lie man
d es not lo it Is danger
of falling under in pi o
and few, i the
nave the moral . lo i la d
n II , r.
N. C, Aug.
If. A. Gray made call
in Washington last
W. A. t
visited here last week.
J. R. Williams
from a trip to the seaside.
Deputy Dudley, of
made business
here last week. r
J. B. Whitehurst and
Miss Minnie, spent Wednesday in
Misses Mary Taylor and Pearl
J went to Stokes and Beth. I
shopping last week.
Mrs. J. Cherry, of
spent one day last week h
Nash Hardy returned from Win-
Thursday .
W. C. has
position with the A. C. L. at
Miss Hill, of . is
relatives this neighbor
J. E. of Roberson
spent Sand here .
of Bethel, spent
and Sunday here with
his sister, Mrs. T. F. Nelson.
A dozen young people from
this Notion went to
to attend the union Saturday and
are glad to note that Mrs
Eli is Her
many friends have cm very
her for seine n l.;.
B. B. Mi of d, was
a here Sunday.
Columbus of
was here Sunday with one of Oak
i. t
with T N i in th. mar-
kit business
disposed C.
L. a
large dry good- stoic
sent and to induce your
do the same.
man ho . . . i
man tally the a
a even
died y in i .William a. i. . y
went I i ho in e-i
self defense.
I Li I
. . .-
i he u
i. I
ti t k
S. I
u at
. Mr.
i of evil
. .
man a
. i i
. i told
i him for not
tin t two shots, but
and Kincaid

C L Wilkinson Co.
Still Going On-
The foundation of success in a
way is ECONOMY. There is
nothing which helps you to save like
keeping your in a bank. Do
not wait until you have a big deposit.
We accept small ons as well. We
, pay interest on Time Deposits. If
you do not carry a account, come
in or write us. j
N. C.
We pay Interest on Time Certificates,
or on money deposited for a
time percent
Accounts of merchants, far-
and individuals solicited
K. L. Davis.
I,. Little. Cashier.
Having Fun With Ilia Portrait
Painter and Doctor.
If there is any truth in what ex-
pert tell us, the world's
of jokes is ludicrously
mall- a dozen or two the very
outside. An early investigator into
this momentous question, a certain
who lived some 1,500
roan ago, put the number in his
at exactly twenty-one. The re-
Marches of did
not extend -o far eastward as China,
m there is no impropriety in
now whether some the jokes
which in the literature of
the empire are entitled to
the honor of originality or not.
Here are three
A careless harder, trimming a
customer's car Chinese harbor-
pay particular attention to this part
of the human his pa-
to great and uneasiness.
you doing my left ear
the victim. sir; I've not
quite finished the rigid car
fancied you were trying to
pass through to the left without go-
A portrait painter without
was by a friend to paint
n likeness of himself and his wife
and hang it in some conspicuous
place, so would he customers
might judge of his skill, lie did
and his father-in-law the next
time he called immediately saw the
picture. asked the visitor,
woman have you represented
sir. do you not rec-
your own
was the indignant an-
you intend that to rep-
resent my daughter, how dare you
paint her sitting thus intimately
with a man whom I have never seen
before and who must lie an entire
stranger to The painter's
feelings need not be described.
The gibes at doctors are
The following is u typical ex-
One of the judges in the nether
regions dispatched an Imp to
World of ours to seek nut and bring
back a good doctor.
imp was instructed, come to
the house of a doctor before which
you descry complaining ghosts
you will know you have found a man
of the kind The
set out, hut ill front of every
doctor's door he lame to there was
an immense throng of angry spirits
proclaiming the wrongs they had
suffered when in the flesh at the
bands of the medicine man. Final-
however, he reached a house
where there as hut one solitary
ghost flitting backward and forward.
is my he said to him-
self. mast surely he a clever
When the imp to
make inquiries, however, he learned
that the practitioner had barely
been in practice for a
Nothing Unusual.
Two wen- confiding
their troubles to each other over the
hack yard fence that separated their
said Mrs.
husband is a
give my word I hat
all our upstairs rooms are
and the roof leaks whenever
ram-, and can't get Henry to
do a to
any worse off than
I Mr-,
know husband used to be a lire-
man on a
just us I as I stand
here. I always h veto gel up in Ilia
and cake
Youth's i
To build a railway connecting the
Russian settlements in Siberia with
Alaska would necessitate laying
down about miles of track.
The chief obstacle is the Siberian
tundra, which a would have
to cross before reaching
strait. Tundra is a native word
the vast expanse of swamp
and marshland, interspersed with
numberless stagnant lakes,
for thousands of miles
across the arctic zone in Siberia,
n summer time the tundra is like
a wet sponge, into which even a
man sinks knee deep at every step,
and consequently the natives
venture any distance from
home save by lake or river. From
May to October the settlements are
Completely isolated by this vast
ocean of swamp. It is only in win-
when the tundra has been cow-
with a layer of hard frozen
snow many feet in depth, that those
people are able to move from one
place to another in a dog or rein-
deer sled. The tundra section of
the proposed railway line Harry de
the explorer, estimate
would cost about 8100,000,000, for
every wooden cross lie would have
to be imported into this treeless
Hit First Great Caricature.
the famous French
caricaturist, gives this account of
bis first caricature. One day while
serving in the army n a young man
he called on M. the famous
military pointer. he
soys, me kindly and ad-
vised me to go on. before I
give you a definite decision go back
to barracks and draw me something
said lie. bring it to me
next week, will give you an
went back
to barracks attempted to draw
the regimental scullion.
ling as the idiot stood
there looking at me with his mouth
open make nothing of
him. so, wit absolute injustice, I
gave him two for being
such a fool and gave it up. Next
day on u plate of writing paper I
drew my from
And so Conn first great
caricature made.
Loans Discounts
Due from Hanks
Cash Items
Silver coin
Nat, notes 1,432.00
Capital stock in
Undivided 1.986.64
Depot, sub to check
State of North Carolina, Ha
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. J. r. DAVIS,
A Story.
The Tribune of London ill speak-
of gives this
story of the Irish pa-
in high
strung keenly intelligent man
was put a task for which he was
that of pulling
trolley of stone through the
quarry, ail many a time a poor
wretched I criminal, sympathizing
with the armed man, would give
on extra lull to spare his disabled
chum. A few months ago
was down hill and
was start Id to see this Christian
criminal at the
to say,
bought hi whole stock and a day
or two hit set him up in business
with a in and heller
have kept freight, Mr. so
help me, I the poor fellow pro-
One H. P. Rot Boiler
One H. F. Center Crank
One No. Saw mill
One CO saw and C.
One Power Press.
This machinery is months old and will be sold cheap. It is
as good as new, purchaser can have solid
In tho when was common
for the younger son to go into the
church of these young
had of an chap-
el. A Sunday or two after his
nation he found himself there in
tho afternoon with the sermon
in his that he had preached
there in the morning, and so the
unfortunate had to give it
over again. He begun after service
to make profuse apologies to the
clerk, when that functionary polite
stopped him by
bless Master Charles,
don't take on so We never
tens to Tit-Bit.
The of Byzantium.
Apropos f the queen's
new title, i of Jerusalem, there
to that designation
in L don, Princess
Sin lives quietly in We-t
and is married to an
mill has sons in the
English a She calls herself
of and Empress of
Byzantium Although rich, she
keeps up a n slate and receive
her adhere united on a dais and
with a can. v above her head. The
members various so-
her well. She attends
the special ices at old chap-
i of St. M in
the city, am leads the Jacobite pro-
i i once a year deposits
wreaths on o statue of Charles I.
To Clean a Pot
To remove rust from a kettle put
into it as much hay as it will hold,
fill it with water and boil it many
hours. If the kettle is not entirely
fit for use, repeat tho process. It
will certainly effectual. Rub tho
rusty spots on the stove with sand-
paper, then with sweet oil.
Apple Jelly.
If a small bag of spice is placed
in the kettle when making apple or
crab apple jolly the will ho
much improved. Rid it the
eek Athletics.
The games aroused
such in Athens that, two
wealthy ks, Messrs.
and t, have given
to the for the building
of u mi. at Athens. The
building mi will he per-
intended by Crown
Prince The Swedish
system of g mastics will be largely
followed, a , if present plans are
carried out, of the Swedish
army will employed as instruct-
on. the first three years
tho expenses will be de-
frayed by founders.
t In Tune.
ave made and
Mid the critic, as
La was too for
see yo
though the
asked lite p
natter with
who took criticism
about as as a small boy
Subscribed and sworn to b-
fore me, this 23rd day of June
Notary Public.
I At the close of business June 1906.
Duo from Banks
Silver coin National
ind other U. S.
Capital stock f 5,300.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits. 1,174.30
Bills Payable 6.000,00
lime certificates of
deposit 2,309.50
Deposits subj. to check 32,799.21
Canter's checks out-
standing 72.67
Certified Cheeks 28.20
I, H. H. Taylor r of the above named solemnly
that the above statement is true to the best of my
II. Taylor Cashier
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be
ore me, this day April
A. Gardner
Notary Public
M. O.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Paints,
Colors. and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
sure to pay you
M. BLOW, Manager
and Authorized Agent-
. C.
A- agent for Daily
aim we take
i oat pleasure In receiving sub-
i mid writing receipts for
in rears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
For can apples, corn
ac, apply to K. K.
A Co.
Mies C mile of Oak
City, is lie e on a visit to her sis-
Mrs. . C.
When eyes need attention
C. is the to do
win yon want to be
Mrs. Pi ice, after several
her mother, Mrs.
I Shoo, n-i trued to her home in
i . carry
;. lull line of lard and can
buy before giving
ii trial. Frank Lilly Co.
R. C. and wife have
CUBS from a week's visit to
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-
satchels, baud
suns cases It Smith
of Bonn-
tree, friend. Miss
It i v, were hers
I always keep on haul a fill
sine fed stuff at lowest cash
prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and hulls, brand
ship sniff. Frank Lilly Co.
Mrs. J. and
an- visiting in
You win Wheeler
son sewing machine.
Prices way way down H.
Bi i. nest to Early Hotel.
Misses Mary Taylor. Pearl
kin.-, and
h. hi Wen- III of Annie
the of the
run listen.
ply of grain, hulls,
need bran, ship
always on Cannon and Tyson
Miss Maud Nixon came down on
the train yesterday from Green-
ville and is topping with Miss
Nancy Oswald.
For carpenters grind stones
I hemp rope pulleys, at J. B.
in ilia Primitive Baptist
Onion on our mid the Free
ill i i near here,
hip ii I ii s of
I through Ayden
during Both
re and the
I'll-- ill lo all
v. i i mi. d,
Our must. go. the season
is well Tho prices now
will lbs most buy-
and Tyson.
I meet with the sup-
roads in Ayden
i, the 4th.
o me in need of a cook
ii to bin interest
have bought a solid
expect i hem to arrive
is visiting in
The .
next Palm
To any
Stove we
in tee oat in
Miss M
v. paper roofing,
bin,; or short Joints
pipe Smith
ii. j. ids Hardy, of Green-
ville, has i visiting her
His. H.
Nice m Car-
Miss a trained nurse
from Wash arrived Friday
lo nurse M
a sou Henry i I
Ville, who i- i I i ill
Some I r. I I
In order lo n.
make prospective
low prices. J, It.
B. W. Ring, of v s
e Friday.
E. Go's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
Mrs. Taylor and Mi-
Janie Kittrell, of Winterville,
spent from Saturday until Monday
with Mrs. U. A. Fail.
A beaut Hoe of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lumps, and tinware
at J B Smith Bro
Miss Nina Cannon has come
home from a visit.
A full supply of Trunks.
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels and
Suit Cases, at J. R. Smith Bro.
Misses Lula Stella Tucker,
of Banks, been
visiting Mrs, W. J. Boyd.
We want to make room for other
blocks and in order to do so we are
offering very cheap bargains in sum-
mer goods- We must move them
out of way and have put a price
on in that will be sure ti get
them off Now is the time to got
big value for your money. Cannon
ti Tyson.
Minn Nelson, of Winter-
ville, Miss
Myrtle smith.
Car load V. Crimped rooting in
suitable lengths to cover residences
school houses,
shelters, stables much cheaper than
shingles very little labor, at J.
K Bro.
Miss Bessie Smith, of Fremont,
ii here a visit to Miss
Elder Thomas Clark, of
while here
upon the Primitive Baptist union
was the guest of W. K. Hooks.
For a nice present boy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion,
M. M. Sauls has moved into
large two story residence recently
erected by George
Main street, O. C. Noble will
occupy the one vacated by Mr.
Lee street.
Hay a Lima always
ha at J. It. Nun I ft Bro.
Elder of Martin
a Primitive Baptist minister,
preached the Disciple
here Sunday afternoon.
Hart, who has been
at his home with fever, is
very much better will soon be
Chief Alexander is making
many long needed and decided
i in pi our streets. He
has the entire town almost under
a thorough drainage system.
N. C-,
I felt for sometime that it
would be good for the entire
if we bad one competent com-
and reading your article a
few I have been
more about it.
may be entitled to a
commissioner she has
had one for some time or because
of in some
but i in.- is a in
most about it.
disorders various
parts of the that mi.,
with member of
it is so
to see a commissioner the
is never and thus
Interest of may t
lie for, jet
blame the be-
cause bad no knowledge
I have no lo of the
the board, but I am sure they
bear me out in saying, i
they I we
to gel.
Ii we looking a
we it to
locate our where he could
have all the about
in possible. And why
board of
overseers for the county, and lo-
one in our seat where
be can keep touch with every
part the county st same
time lie in easy reach of any
having business with the com-
I am sine Greenville could
l-h some good man lo place
just now an it i be a
good fur county can-
If I might lie muted to do to
I would suggest the name of It.
King for this place, he
every part of the
is known by tie people, and
this would make it possible for
him the needs of the
I have never spoken to Mr.
King about matter and it may
b he would serve, yet I
that my views are the views
of other-, and if he can't serve
Greenville can a suitable
that nil will If
foiled. A. ti. Cox.
General Insurance and Merchandise Brokers.
We wish to we have associated out
selves together for the purpose of conducting a gen-
Insurance and Merchandise Brokerage
in the Town of Ayden and Vicinity. We will
represent none but the most reputable concerns,
and any part of your business you may see fit u
favor us with we will thank you for and feel
At the of business June 1900.
One Man As- J
Loans mid Discounts,
Overdrafts Secured
Furniture and
Due from Banks, M
Cold Coin,
Silver Coin,
Bank notes
other U. S.
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits
Dividends unpaid 222.00
Deposits subject to
I. J. R. Smith, the above-named hank, do solemnly swear
that the true to the best of my and be-
lief. J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, of June 1906.
Not try Public.
Your Eyes.
If yon are troubled with your
eyes or have a difficulty obtain-
suitable glasses, it matters not
how difficult your case, call J.
an expert
Ayden, N. C, who has live years
experience with some of the most
obstinate cases. He fails to
give patients satisfaction or their
money refunded. Over live
of Pitt Greene
people to testify
and ability. Give him your eye
v. if you want satisfaction.
In .
have .
k. I
i ii.
f I'll In A
, In nil I--T.-I
i .- mil,.
ii I i. r-. .-
mi . l nil
-Ill H, ISSI.
Hi. I. lurk, r
I have been informed that there
is a report being circulated through
the country that if If. J is
nominated mid elected as Register
of Deeds of Pitt county that would
take charge of the I want
lo say lo tho people that there is no
train in the report, mid that the re
has been circulated for tho par
of damaging M. Moore in
the primary and election.
I to say further that if I want-
ed office from the people of Pitt
county I am man enough to ask for
it myself.
T. Moore.
I'm; large nice
story brick stores on
Avenue Town of
den can rive possession
J. R. Smith Bro.
I have taken up one black bar
shout, weight about
HO ear Owner can get
by paying charges.
R, D. No. -2.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
. ,
Ayden, N. C.
A. A. Andrews
in lead He
bi ought us one today
on lie .
For Spring Housecleaning
lime Liquid
-1 Veneer,
look new. There will l; no
looking dingy
in where won-
i worker is used. No
la v but i mi
food and clean bail tin
ii mil in than ever,
i It Instantly
Pianos, Furniture,
Interior Woodwork,
Hardwood Floors and all polished,
moves dirt and
A child can apply it. Nothing
but a piece ii needed
there ii no drying to wait for.
N. C. July
The of J. R. Spier will
present bis name before the com-
county convention for
as a her of the Board of
County Commissioners of Pitt
county, and In doing so they have
no apology to make, for he is well
qualified and peculiarly fitted to
this moot important Mr.
Spier is one our most
one farmers and has at heart
welfare of all till
people II only, I no mil
our is
sally known and
by Ills no i Jobi
He served mil in
I If last an.
his I v -ml need
no comment at
Mr, r is In iii i bin d lbs
place than a i i v. because he
has served in ibis
us old Baying goes
the and people will
make no n i
lo this i
To my friends and fellow citizens
of Pitt
An the time for holding
convention is I wish
to have a word with you. I am
again asking at your hands the
nomination tie re
I have served you
twice in this capacity and feel that
have gained a knowledge of the
work to be done, which will
me to serve you better than
I have no platform of
my own and no pet bobby, but
will at all times do my best to car-
out your wishes as best can,
consistent with the principles of
the platform of the Democratic
party. I have at all times done my
best to serve the people Pitt
county whatever place of trust
they have placed me, faithfully
earnestly and conscientiously, and
if at the coming convention, you
should again me with the
nomination, I promise to use my
best efforts to serve you as I have
done heretofore, and if I am not
i following
ii at
;. from that to
u Saturday
Talley tried to am- t
He . the
was by
Tom hit two
When the officer led upon,;
i e men tons i i bin, Dr.
a the call
of the ;
Dr. received a severe
blow from Grimes.,
several of the drew their
knives and closed f i . the
and bis when Mr.
Talley, in life,
and Tom Grimes in bi. The .
i. Talley
cut him very
back and shun
It is probable t
Grimes will die. to um .
this writing do
arrests has been made. Another
miserable of
have a mother eat, six or eight
yearn of age, a very smart and faith-
cat, but never before have I
seen or heard of a cat acting in the
manner as she did.
One morning recently as arose,
and my way to build a fire in the
stove, the cat met me in the door.
She began mewing and rubbing
against me. did not pay
attention to her. but noticed that
she would run off a short distance
and come
When my wife got up the eat
her sumo way, and
to fee the cat, but she would
not pay any attention to tho food.
When my younger daughter came
out the cat did her the way
and she took a notion to follow e
cat. folk wed tho cat about a
hundred and fifty yards from the
house to a grave yard. There
went all around the grave yard but
could not find anything, so she
came back to the house, but the cat
would not leave the grave
yard. She would call and call Hie
cat but could not get her from lite
grave yard.
A i -hurt lime elder
daughter concluded would go
and see if -he could find anything.
She mild not find anything, so
sic went back to tho but the
cat would not leave the grave
My younger daughter did not seem
to be satisfied, so went again,
and as it happened went to the con
where the cat a as, and stooped
favored with the nomination tor
the place am asking for, I wish . saw
hero to say that I shall do my best
to secure the election of
ever the convention nominate-.
New my fellow I in
t announcement, u I cm
see you from the is
the county
Hie this method of asking you
for support the primary
on lbs 11th day of August and at
the convention on the 15th.
T, listing that I may again be your
, I in remain.
Yours very truly,
II. Little.
a large rat In a heap of
where the mil could not get
in. My daughter look the. rat out
of the and towards
the her
to kitchen,
she wont out to
it, Inn en i bothered
i e.
I v v Smith.
As the passing
through this I i lay be-
go badly in i . I
v. Can II .
i on .
it b from the i
i put tho i
Hi .
. I
. mills- i
i- n
No ore bus jet maid id . ,,. desire, and tin
two ; i will an mil
brought . offering u suggestion e
Mr. A. A. I.
hi ,., K
. , in Una
weigh L .; ,,. .,
which He i. He
Bays he is waiting to Ira
anybody who can the
on tomatoes.
board i .
I i of
v be i in the tax levy
In view- of tho
e by i I. t excessive
e I poor pros-
pit business full, taxes
and an he as low a-cm be afforded
He WOUld an , .,,;, .
c and every i. ,
in the of will r the people to have
him. J. C. Co k burdens upon them.

In the poll e. V second elate
made knowS
A correspondent desired port
in to fiction
,. A E.
I -I . .fin-
Cut She Not Stay
Greenville is an old town.
Many, m
what could he
the a-1- m of
this town
change ii.
other s, however, as tin
years rolled by and another gen
any years it has nestled on. The idea was
here on the banks of Tar river,
much longer than the
oldest person now living
u. -if portion
conceive I of having business
t concentrated,
this wax by ; the
Evans street between Third end
houses held
hands in 11- at the
of rem -vine the bores id
oration has come up hi the s
of filled its allotted space
in the niche of time and paWed
on. characteristic of these
succeeding generations is that
they seem to regard. ancestors buried in the old
as a, finished town, j In ,
wOrds lived, in
their present, regard-
the town as large enough for
them Mild Their- gs,
and giving little or no thought
as to the needs of the
to come after
In spite of this
has gradually o g
her cords, extending bur turn
and increasing her population,
and if so no away no
longer hall.-a aim
as n business bar rooms have gone, and though
Greenville is yet in many
i. worth more to Greenville n.
no tin n the cotton crop
as live years
And so things the
f. lies always
in with their id-as in
ways she is anything else hot a
dead o t.
The story l. carried
bit this is enough to
the point Is t a
X it at all. i is a
of Coll
. butted by or the
of j. Then
s who that picture
too existed step
have h been taken for the improve-
mom of the town
as in ; is unit s. it
been so th tough all t e past gen-
and will be so to
In of this goes
works, i light
graded This
to the
mind. Going to tux us to doth
with bonds. Don't need any
era traveled the sleets b;. the
I of smoky kerosene lamps
and they a-e good enough for u-.
forward, not spasmodically, y t
gradually and steadily, and some,
if these days will be aroused t
the reality of possibilities.
Our children are entitled to thing are needed and will
oil .
yard in th- h.-art of this section.
but the idea of advancement
prevailed ii d that location
d a block of
the c iii up time as mine
e in the town there
a around to extend
I he limits and have
sections Some
n s were in
than we had If a
lire water the
in buckets, and if you can't
it out let it burn up Away
with your bonds and improve
But they did not
at their bidding the
and improvements are both here.
Once more Along with phys-
Improvements some
must be given in and
safety of both tie- present and
coming generations, and th
movement started t rid th-
town of the numerous breeder
of intemperance, poverty and
advantages come in their course. The
finished town had as
well make up their minds to
out of the way and cease
efforts to block the wheels
But The will not try
w write about it all one
j m
J Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
and Friday.
open saloons.
i d n few were built out j was blow to kill the
but of the folks for SUre to be
th idea brought to life again But th.
Vest these hot days
we find the most attractive Suits in our
now. are composed of Coats and Trousers.
The fabrics are Series, crashes, fancy cheviots
John is ii i,
sheriff did not upon land- in ht and dark shad.
in They make the coolest clothes that a man can wear
Carolina i
and look well.
realize how hot a vest is until you have
why our
j, me- without one.
Two piece Suits are so
of and to I
a of hemp
what is heir head-, at the thought of the
here th- ever getting oat
exceed t Wink e They lived to see it differently,
when I. his Toon what was known as the
sleep an on the Clark field on the market
him In their But the town bobbed up
day they the town was and a large section of this
finish and would never any property . street and back
I into now called
In the went to colored
the civil people and another good location
co e residences in later years was
comprised ab mi twenty live
ii is there were five
streets wit the river
crossed five other streets
running ii and n
in this area was
to be such an
Then started
and some residences began go-
up over there, to be
with that same town
prophecy rain that the town
room never get far in that d-i
between I But it went just tie
scattered, same until
Greenville be-
nil approaching I while as building another
section wet of Pitt street, by
Put street , big of the town.
There -i
at the top ill h
the river
in getting filled up with cabins and
Fourth s e. ; one j shanties was lost to future de
lire n Second streets, I purposes. If
a store and coach shop
at the
and irk property had
been held w th till view would
have brought good prices for
nice s
the at intervals
aft r the a.- lb -re would
corner of and Third st -eels,
one or two stores ab mt the
of and Fifth, a few
stores here and there on Evans
street and the old hotel Co-
street years known
as the These were
thought to be enough for all time
and to the people of t; good
old days the was finished
So well satisfied were the
of that day and time the
abundance of room and the size
of the town, that one of the
section--, all between Front
street and the river,
to In most
towns today lying a ed to have a tobacco market in
the river is looked upon as Greenville, even that met with
a most desirable location, opposition. The finished town
for residence and business, but adherents wanted the farmers
nob so in Greenville. us to plant only
beautiful than n re-i c i ton as a money crop,
i h would ruin the town and
county both if the farmers
wont to raising tobacco. Des-
n -I . to the of this class
. . u. market came right
iii la ii of a f Gr
vile There always
of a railroad, on the
other hand there
the latter bringing up
same overworked finished
idea that the town was big
enough and need a rail-
road no how But along in the
latter the came and
the town kept right on growing
And when the movement start
We are now selling our
ladies oxfords, figured lawns,
laces and embroideries at
price on all Dry Goods
Notions will be marked down low.
Frank Wilson,
Pulley Bowen
Shoes at
2.50 OAK
Shoes at
Lawn at
Lawn at
1-2 cent
Percale at
A. F. C.
hams at
on an
view of the
has never
ville and no
to redeem
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by
putting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the American markets
H and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
j of seeing the NEWEST
to call at our establishment and feast
t eyes. Very truly yours,
Neat Job Printing
Our specialty
Job Printing Office
Ba Ball August 7th. at
Tue game of ball scheduled
o b played August been
postponed August 7th.
has a good team, read
the line up; Turner J. P. J. I
Smith C, Lassiter R. d,
-t- t-
Ask your friends to go on your Bond when you can get it a small cos
We can sign Judicial Bonds for Guardians, Administrators etc., in FIVE MINUTES
2nd, r. you apply Any Bond to be filed in the Court issued at once
L. F. Center.
Blow K. F. Jim Turner pitch
the game for and Mark
Lassiter of Hill first
Proctors boat has been chartered
and a good will go.
Fare round trip cents.
Cal on or write
S. FIDELITY and GUARANTY CO , Baltimore Md.
H. A. WHITE, General or
H W. WHEDBEE, Attorney
Suggestions From Judge
To The Charlotte
the law as it now exists
in this Stale a person is
From one point of view it is not
that revised version of
the Scriptures have not replaced the
authorized version, the old King
text. There are the
Charged with the commission of a of not simply a life time, hut
capital offense and
placed on trial he may challenge
peremptorily jurors and the
State only four. From an
experience in practice of law
and five years work on the
bench it is to my mind I hat
statute to he changed so
that in trial of the offenses of
arson, rape, murder and
the State
ought to have same number of
challenges as prisoner. It is
my deliberate opinion that
will help solve the lynching pro-
As I go OVer the State and try
young boys for commission of
crime I become more and
pressed with the
for the establishment of a
reformatory to which youthful
criminals basts. I would not
suggest in it- inception the outlay
of a large sum of money by
State, bat one just large enough to
save bad boys and
make oat of them good use-
I am sure we can
bring good out of this and think
ire to make
Very many times I have had my
heart to bleed when as a II
became my duty to send boys lo
jail, and the
good looking boys; boys
bad too much promise of good
to be sent off with thieves
and murderers hardened
and yet were so bad and
they ought rot to
have been tuned loose on society
the public. I have made up
my mind to make an effort, con-
ducted on honorable bases, to
have these two statutes written in
the laws my Stale.
do ex to fall I am
addressing this to yon to ask fr
co-operation. The
I will ask at your if you
agree is that at pro-
yon thee two
laws your piper, and
will signatures to petition-
I will send forward
same to of th- Gen-
assembly. I expect to or-
ibis in
in ibis state, while
inn to who is bun
holding court every I
have undertaken the and
am to win. t shall be
able to off r any pay for your
t or space and only recompense
we shall be able to gather will be
conscious of saving help-
ed our
yon advance your n ply, I
Yours very
of generations and even centuries
connected with the form. Its
rich, sonorous sentences and phrases
are in profane and
religions literature of the English-
speaking people. They live in the
hymns, in the prayers, in the
mons, in books and in the
thoughts and memories of millions
of l people ; ministers and
laymen alike are devoted to the old.
Sentiment plays Important art
in life and habits of all mankind
it looks as if it will be a long,
long time before will prefer the
new, for say old is
And this, too, in the face of the fact
that the authorized version is full of
inaccuracies, abounds in words which
have become obsolete and whose
meaning only the well educated
know. Scholars and critics and
teachers and leaders in religious
thought continue to point out the
unwisdom of not discarding the old
Bible and accepting the new, but
their words are unheeded, and their
exhortation disregarded. It is true
that increasing numbers use the re-
vised versions for references and
study and comparison, but the old
some how stands its ground and re-
mains conqueror over all comers and
apparently will continue such for a
long while
Rev. L. S. Etheridge, of Grifton
M. E. Church.
Rev. L. S. pastor in
charge of the Methodist church at
Grifton for the past year, died in
the Robert Bruce
hospital at o'clock
of cancer of from
which be baa sufferer for
about X years.
Mis Elsie Warren, of Washing-
ton, is visiting
Mrs. Mary Manning and Mrs.
RoW Tucker spent a day or two
with friends in last
Walter in Greenville
M. F. Dickens morning
Township, Aug.
We are glad to learn Mr. R. R.
Cot ten's name will be presented to
the county convention on
for of the members of the Leg-
This township has wanted
Mr. in the Legislature for
some time. We know to be
with every interest
of the up to date in
bad been in
idly and his Congregation fir where he will spend all line of H- had
voted him a vacation In which to days. much experience in State
lo re, tin his health and Chief of Police II. II. land is well and known
bis in the. vicinity of over the State, all of which would
it d to him lo the
it e, at ex-
by revealed
v.-r i l
nope of
K. T. Pulley spent Thursday In
Washington on business for
Arthur Gin is ha ac-
a position with the
Mr. K be. v I i Lumber Do., and now
during entire re-ides with his family at No.
of Sympathy.
The man will W hailed as a
lie who will the
that exists in every
en Half of us have no coots
and other half have cooks by
th. in not live up to title.
are few women of this
ho can, or will, a de-
i-fl-l will traipse into
m's kitchen anywhere after
do their work in
manner slip away
home about
I hem what can for
the m in who a cal In de white
man's Domestic
is a farce; and it is
a, tor results attained
in South Is more
I ban the white servant
. Hill
hope of rev by
doing, to submit loan
but extent me inner
was learned the of an op-
was and
performed to remove the
He was accompanied by his wile
during his stay in the hospital.
she remaining by his side until I bl-
end. Preparations are being made
to lake the body to for
interment at his home and the
sad leaves on this evening's
Mr. was about
years of age and a widow
and six small children. was a
Godly and notwithstanding
his lily infirmities labored earn-
u the ministry for the ft
gave unsparingly
i-e I s. It is
ii I i sail and that
s to the this com
m and I'M at
Grifton. Frees Pres-,
I take
Pitt . a man for
Deeds a in career can-
not be excel d, a man we nil know
t be honest true his c
affairs C L-
go to the front with
a whoop.
A. Voter.
Richard H. Johnson, of
specialist on
of eye, ear, nose and throat, will
be at the office lbs.
house for n
ginning August 13th. d ;.
The candidates will all be in
evidence between now and
primaries next Saturday.
Drink and the gang drinks will,
you. swear off and you go it alone,
for the liar room bum who drinks
your ruin has a of
his own. Feast and your
are many, fast and cut
They'd not mad if
treat bad if their
have ran bold. Steal if
can pet a million, for then you can
furnish bail it is a groat big
who out on I'm lit
lie ones go to and
will come,
fail lo arrive, for low are men
have money to spend I; now yen
arc still olive.
The Norfolk at-
to the done
men teachers
graduating of pay in the
public schools of Norfolk. Male
it ii now receive
a year on entering the set-
vice of the public schools of Nor-
folk. year they receive
an increase cf and for each
year they receive in-
of until they
11.450, after they
receive miking their final
salary f
F. L. i-pent yesterday
J. B. of Greenville,
Thursday at the Hotel
C. D. r, alter a lengthy
visit Washington
has returned home is
bis old position with
Beaufort County Lumber Co.
Mrs. Butler, sister of our es-
teemed townsman, Dr. L.
K. Ricks, who has been spending
several days here, has returned to
her home in Pantego. We hope
that she will again gladden
hearts with her presence in the
near future.
Mr. was
in -he last week. He reports
considerable a along the route
from h e to Kinston.
baa started in with our
ditto and a big shower
Stanley and Chief
Henry Stanley were in
Several of the young people at-
tended preaching last Sunday at
Hancock's church.
be of use to him in the I. -in-; e.
He is conservative, and we feel
safe in saying no man would come
nearer watching over the interest
of all than Mr. Cotten, and that
Pitt will serve her best
interest In sending him to me
Legislature. Respectfully,
D. J. Holland.
Aug. 4th.
Having seen letters from
and Bethel townships, endorsing
Brown for Representative
to our General Assembly, the
citizens and Democrats of
Carolina do hereby concur
and agree with and Bethel
townships in the endorsement of
Mr. Brown, and we feel sure he will
get the hearty support of Carolina
township, and we ask the Democrats
of the south side of the river to
unite with us in his nomination.
James H.
James B.
H. A. Gray,
Eli Rogers,
J. E.
T. F. Nelson,
W. H. Wynne,
J. I. James,
J. S. Warren,
J J. Gurganus,
N. L Gray,
V. Whitehurst,
J. Jenkins.
If ever angels weep over what
mortals do in this world, they
must have apt over what took
place Lincoln last
We are informed John
Keener and Traver started
to got some brandy
on the way. The little seven-year-
old boy of Mr Lawing died from
the effects of what he drank.
countrymen, think of a child
seven years old going into eternity
a victim of strong drink.
We cannot save some men
are set in their are salves
of strong drink, but in name
of humanity, let every man who is
a man raise his voice and use his
vote and his influence to save the
mothers and children from the
curse of strong
The extent of the
industry the South is not
generally understood, its
interests attracting meet at-
Yet in 1905 there was
more than a billion and a hall of
capital invested in manufacturing,
producing goods worth two
lions. The increase in capital in-
vested and In products shows a
larger in the rest
of the country increase in
capital in the five ended
1905 was per cent, against
per cent, in c unity at large,
and the increase of product was
44.4 per cent, per
cent. In the y t Toe
South is no long- ins of
promise, but per-
and mi
a year null the
i of
I in ii in
six are
ii I am
Eight years ago, our
sea, J. C Lanier wanted
Register of Deeds for our county
several of the
this State have laws
which abolishes the and
out he that the people want- , places the
ed one else in that office,
he did not let his name before
I convention. Four years ago,
with the same ambition he again
t among the people to learn
wishes and
he was not the .
for the office and
places the county officers
salary., it has proven
to the people. In the recent
primary election in Wake we
every candidate for the
pledged to have bu-i.
enacted for that county. These
raws provide that the officers shall
Charge the same fees us are allowed
by law, but they are required to pay
Why is it that no one want In
live in the anymore Cities
are full of people who live from
lo whose total
wealth la-represented-by the on Mrs. M. II.
they have on. go by
these persons never have a
the proud farm; has. II
begin in
I a r. the s
-i j.-. i i.
no that
hi an i-ff i in h i in-
l -III
. I ts N i.
N In I ., ills ft
ill r e. .
i in ire I'm
. i k i -i.
in i it
be ii.
i. , t
I i . lot 11-
Broiler Kills
Thursday Mack
ins, a colored led about years old
and living with his lather,
dropped of race into the county treasury,
after paying the salaries of the
whatever excess there
stronger I iv -.- , i is applied to repair con-
o men u j , roads.
for u- , county is s large county and
sH; fees paid to pub-
i, i . is in fact
Mid elect him.
u i
what is. Of
bf paid to the several officers. We
feel such a law would not
the of candidates, but
add greatly to die fund for
improvement the public roads
Buy Now.
So long babies are born into
the world long will the world
continues to advance, and so long
will real estate continue to
advance in Now is the time
for the young people to buy real es-
It will never be cheaper. If
you haven't the money take stock
in the building and loan association
and borrow tho money. It will
prove a good
Entire Family Drowned,
N. Y., August
family was drowned by the
capsizing of a boat on Lake Neap-
near Fulton,
were Mr. Mrs- Reinhold
and their two
girl of twelve years and
a boy, about nine years, a six-
mouths-old infant daughter
Town Financial
The Reflector today begins pub
the statement
entitle for t
This statement will and careful
the the delegates to the
. . . i, held in
printers can then . . , , ,
on Wednesday. August
fiscal year is made at tins
in No township, in
handling a pistol which he
will as a whole
was not loaded die- energy to get
flip hi. V He hall Ills Of
has. year old sister -V.
there is one . tho g-a
people on farms and, the intestines in o
rm cities.-
the town.
It is folks
for a hurrying day
current so fans can be
Beautiful Solo
As an oft Methodist
mo n Miss
is visiting Mrs W. Aycock,
sang It was
beautifully rendered, with Miss
Helen and
delighted the c
has a
Without any
in placing the machinery,
i thinks I
to turn on day .
t i. i
in Greenville i.
, .
n mi--
jg and buy-
will lo
Printing Office

Eastern reflector, 3 August 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 03, 1906
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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