Eastern reflector, 31 July 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

the people
rd i to
f-. n-e or big i
I to k v-j
one who has sold h loud of
with for the psst
years. oft the Greenville
market I Lave always, a-
err, at all times, looked after
net interest in toe sale to-
if you will Mil
we with me I will the future, a
i have in the past, that every pile
f. in n printed
J . . i
on a letter
i it well looked alter
season you find me at toe
you at all with i
. T. Hooker, e, of Green-1
in it, bit those j bet . f mi ace.,
out and
lie to set the ex-
we all th bid-
. -n state,
in saying am in a
p. m to look j
after font -n lie-;
Y u
H t i. is
ii i- or
e . to
kill W SE, . Co.
p. i. A.
. Mi night P.
This is sound c. even
home trade and
such to the cf
advocating I ad they all
. read and heed
J. the duty M to patronize
me but at the tine
the duly of these Lome con-
t- to patronize the people,
V I y giving em work as
preference to other, by Dr V. A
not at French, G.
printing dons at home, but he l H. the
t-. when he e. of Odd with I
Of if there t to known
be obtained, M Kt No.
ability or the Tb JUt will be coin
of town or city h p and ltd meeting
lint not before, and he d nest Light,
to picture such condition in
to labor. Thia EXCESS
apply to ever- town and
ind hence no hard-1 anywhere. There seems to ho a grow-
place welcomes new-comer-. t mg that this country is be-
. ii i .
from a logical,
t to
n people.
Kick Foreign Labor.
N. C.,
The strike of
stills was this
import ail I
in s form the North to lea in the
after; Th- e-
es of the three mill-
and all operatives
Because a or in
the id a of n
the y
to fill th- v i bill
pot -Hid
it. Thy did
in overrun with
and slip shod
pars. would gainsay Hie
good Put there are
in one's hones
that some of tin in the
nun- couldn't mike
lining else and
any real work
fire h in their
hands than a com field . if they
hail to work it. Super nous and
inefficient work in the
field is as useless in any of the
fields of material industry. Slip
-hod for any old
name of philanthropy
ought to he
of fellows are not real
agents, but are getting
salaries an easier way than work-
on corn.
Tb. pen a or
We hay i
Style j.
as t. d rain
the mid th.-
Bake --ii all
e I null-
or at lag
mt-e ii In
it is tine hi
yea. ago the
nil I
C II I i
f In I. I I
sea I tie ma a i i
for I m .
to i Ire, in get h .
I, i nil . i. mi
e., , l an reputation.
arid X. Li
if Urn I
,, l In i ii.
Bast b
rat n b
, . . . wain
. ., . i I i
n . will I
, , , a spa I , en-
, , has -i.
. I, . I I'M ;
, ,., i i. , in a
, , ,. m i v the l
., ,,. -i tract land in
, , i.
-u ,. i And the
, l mil will take notice
, to at the
t .,.
on ii,,.
cu in said or
u. for
relief Bi
the 24th day of July
D. C.
e Court
of the of
At in the State North
June 1906.
r. in. a ml .
Overdrafts and
p s. to mm
Rands 116.011
in., Hunk
nil 24,191.01
I in. fr Banks and
Hunkers 10,111.11
Due from approved n w -.-
is other Items
. . other n
I, .
;. . money tea
i . a notes I la i
Red option lab V M.
Undivided .
p uses and la- paid
Total 114,519.88
Stale of North
W. , , of the above
named swear that
ti above -i strut- lo best
of my knowledge and belief.
J. W. AYCOCK, Cashier
Subscribed and sworn lo before me
this of June
Correct Attest
H W.
L E.
We purpose making July a busy d
making it a Bargain month.
All Summer Goods
to make room for the new fall stock. The
Reduction includes;
J Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Colored Lawns,
Black Lawns,
Dress Ginghams,
Ready-made Shirt Waists,
Lace Hosiery,
Ladies Belts and
Ladies, Children
and Infants Slippers.
An early will mean money saving to you.
Of New York Plotters to Get
Hawley Pardoned.
nor Robert l;. of North
guardedly to-
night the report of bis having
been hi Id up by a gang of Tam-
many men in Near York city and
and with if he
r. to a for a
Bowery swindler, who was serving
s the North
lent in 1.1.
The fact that a governor bad
been ed to such an outrage
has been suppressed carefully
a year for fear of creating
political prejudices.
The as related
by lose to he governor,
he was the guest
of Tammany as one of the
orators at the Fourth of July
summer. Governor
Glenn Lieutenant-Governor
of Louisiana, another
guest, at the the
ceremonies were lo. join a
going Island.
There a deliberate effort,
the, governor, to get
him drunk, several of the party
intoxicated. The governor
however, had been discreet and
was They stopped at
restaurant and wine
was ordered.
Scarcely had they seated them-
selves hen one of the
leader it from
bis pocket n legally drafted par-
don favor of a gold-brick artist
mined or Halstead, then
doing time t Raleigh, North Caro-
but whose headquarters were
the Battery Four-
Attempt Made to Pardon.
Thinking the governor was
to sign anything
by that time, the leader remarked.
a favor, governor. We
would like you to sign this and let
man back to New York.
told the leader
tin. pal had been presented
to him just he left home tor
mail's that he had
looked Into the case, and de-
in lie negative. He was
sorry, bin he could not
the ., even lo oblige bis
hosts. The man is reported to
have ugly, shouted
tin would not get
out alive the not
Hun allege a
was bra
The rose the
table and
I friends in this
crowd I they would come on
this side of Ilia table, for there's
like to I. doing here
of lbs
an attitude Of help-
leas lion.
Now, do your
is ii-
by .-
in hell I'll sign that par-
Led Plate Unmolested.
The related to carry
out f gov-
and he the
He to his hotel
his own
The died in
prison a few ago, and his
wile applied to the governor fur
permission to take the body from
the State for re-
her efforts to free-
d for her husband the
BY R. M.
Whereas the Great Spirit has
seen lit to to take from our brother
J. J. Elks bis little one, therefore
be it
Resolved, 1st. That
Tribe No. extend to Brother
and bis family their heart
felt sympathy in this sad hour of
their bereavement. While it seems
hard for us to lose one of our loved
ones, yet we should remember He
who giveth taketh away and
all tilings well.
Resolved, 2nd. That a copy of
these resolutions be sent to brother
and in our daily
T. While.
R. A. Forbes.
I have been informed that there
a report being circulated through
the country that if W. M. is
nominated and elected as Register
of Deeds of Pitt county that I would
charge of the office. I want
to say to the people that there is
truth in the report, that the re
port has been circulated for the
pose of damaging W. M. Moore in
the coming primary and election.
I want to say further that if want-
ed office from the people of Pitt
county I am man enough to ask for
it myself.
T. R.
State Committee Meeting.
There will be a meeting of the
members of the Democratic State
Committee on Monday August
at o'clock p. in. in the Senate
Chamber in tho city of Raleigh, for
the of electing a chairman
and secretary, four members of the
central committee from each dis-
and the transaction of such
other business as may be necessary.
attendance is desired.
F. M. Si in in s,
mini Dem. Slate Ex. Com.
A. J. Field,
Cob Covered.
Mr. Noah Forbes, of R. F. D.
No. found an ear of
corn his and brought it to
The The striking
about Ibis ear of corn was
the grains covered
the end the cob, finishing
it off round, and nut leaving the
B. W. King returned
Friday evening from a trip to his
firms over in Craven
He tells us he thought, crop were
bad enough in Pitt count , but ho
found even worse in Craven.
He also said he so much
water along the roads and in the
fields as at present.
Reported for Reflector
One of the most enjoyable affairs
of the season was a moonlight
given Friday night
by the men of town com-
to Miss Rachel II.
Borden, of Goldsboro. Slight
Two Boys Start Walking to Farm-
Saturday when Policeman W. H.
went home to dinner, his
son Wallace, about years old,
aid I will walk to
if you let The policeman
showers in the only made e . , . ,. , .
ft. ,. having finished his dinner by this
time and, night policeman
and his usual time for retiring just
after out and go
Ion Wallace took Joe,
night, it j
the moon brighter at
seems . for it was half
brightly, adding greatly to
the evening, The
party left the landing about nine
clock on which
was beautifully lighted with
lanterns, and went fifteen
miles down the liver where they
landed at Hull
delightful refreshments
served. Afterwards they headed
homeward, and the was
made me. by In
brother, and
I About an hour later or more
his wife him that
I Wallace and Joe were both gone
y an I to be uneasy
about them.
Mr. after looking
about town and failing to find the
boys went to a livery stable and
, secured a horse and and
which all the , , , . . .
L . r. . , went to look for them.
I hey reached the home landing at
hall after twelve, and amid much
merriment all went up to
room, and danced there
about an hour, which made a very
pleasant ending of the occasion.
Among th km- who were present
Miss Nina James with Jack
Goodwin, of Philadelphia
Miss Alice White with Ballard
Miss Anna Howard, of Kinston,
Tom Moore.
Miss Rachel M. of
Goldsboro, with Walter B,
Miss Mary James with Burney
Warren. , 1.1
Miss with Car
Miss Alice Blow with Mark
Miss May field Ray
Miss of Hander-
s in, with Fred Forbes-
Miss of Richmond,
Miss Helen Jenkins, of Gastonia,
with Frank Wilson.
Miss Mae Lather
Miss with Kin-
Miss Phillips, of with
Miss of with
Miss Skinner with Cecil
Miss Willie of Snow
Hill, w th
Miss Maud with Andrew
Miss with
Miss Fremont, with
Alex. Blow.
and Mrs. J.
W. Aycock Mr. and Mrs. W.
II. Wilson.
she had arranged to have the gov-
to New and so
be could not deny
of his conversation with Wallace at
dinner time, lie took the road to
Farmville. After about
he overtook them about
sore. When be asked them
where they were going and
them about the matter
lace said papa, you said get
out and goon, and we did
Policeman said boys
were hitting the road in a lively trot
when he overtook He
brought the boys back with him on
the buggy. t
An Officer and Two Colored Men
Wounded, One of the
Latter Fatally.
There was another difficulty in
the town of Sat day
evening, in which Policeman T. J.
Tally was seriously cut by two
colored men, Thomas and Sherman
Grimes, father and son, and both
were shot by the
one fatally.
The trouble started in the store
of the Grimesland Supply Com-
where She-man Grimes bad
gone and a quarrel with Ml.
R. M. Elks, a of the firm,
about an owed
them. The became so
the store that
T. J. Tally was called. When
officer arrived the was very
disorderly and resisted the officer
as the latter was getting him out
of Mine. the officer and
got out to the street Thomas
father- of Sherman, went
up the two assaulted the of-
Policeman Tally the
elder Grime on the temple with
his billet but this did not stop the
attack. He then broke away from
the two and drawing his
gun them to stand back.
of obeying the or they
renewed the attack when the
who was already cut in four
places, shot them both,
the in the bowels
and the older one in the leg.
This stopped the difficulty and
men were all placed
in the hands of physicians for at-
Officer Tally's cuts were
found to be quite serious for
Politeness and good mariners
are two of the crowning virtues
of life. They are
cheap in point of cost but
in point
Knowledge and -wealth and hours wan
mail is a mil ho hue
and his self-respect.
he is practical
n he loses
man is beaten
i a it.
There ii a great ho-
Mini the governor bust . , , , , .
en and a dogged Ins
between to do a thing An-old
and determining to do it.
position may possibility,
nay, may be an actual condition
with one; of
politeness and good can
largely negative these things
which ought to be helpful to any
and all who possess them. A
young man's politeness counts
much more with many people
than his money or his de-
and it ought to. Becoming
behavior under all circumstances
is a hotter adornment for a
young man a young
than college degrees, dress
or any externals which giddy
society might must appreciate.
remember how, in the days
of out- boyhood, a plain but
courtly farmer, whose hands
were hardened with toil and
whose face was burned with the
summer's sun, used to tell of the
joy lie in observing
the politeness and good manners
of a certain young who was
always careful on the country
church yard to speak to every
one in a polite agreeable
way. This good and
farmer, who bus lung since gone
up to receive bis reward, saw
nothing so attractive in his
young man friend as bis polite-
and good planners. T be
In- strong
fellow in appearance, and
handsome to loon upon but
a qualities wen
as to their
For a while Sunday morning he
unconscious but improved
later and today is reported able to
be up is thought that Sherman
shot wound in the bowels
will prove fatal. He was report-
ed in a dying condition today.
The other Thomas Grimes,
is not seriously wounded beyond
being disabled for a time.
Church Dedicated
On Sunday morning build-
lately erected on Dickinson
venue, west of the railroad, for
the worship of the T
congregation, was dedicated with
ail appropriate service The
exercises conducted
by Rev. Thomas of
Kinston, and Benson was
preached by Dr. D. B. of
Columbia, C.
n-i a
upon the faith and b.-
ginning of his discourse n de
reference to the handsome bu
in which they worshiped,
and said was well known to all
present that this edifice been
one through the unceasing
efforts of
Mrs. Her
was in the work when she begun
it, and though confronted by many
obstacles she to be dis-
and the building stands
as a monument to her
then delivered his and
as he concluded said that
this house to the service of
God it had been given ft name
Chapel, t
This was a memorial to Mrs.
who died the time the
building was completed. A
window memory of Mrs.
has placed in the build-
on the west side of the pulpit.
At conclusion of the sermon
and some remarks which followed
by Rev. Mr. Chapman In eulogy of
Mrs. a church was organ-
eight persons presenting
themselves for membership .
A offertory
Miss Meta and Mr. Paul
of Rocky sang
A large i A
the dedication .-.
Men Thrown Out in the
the more
making address tin-
Tammany meeting l out
party of men to see the
The were not
en, so far us but the
try to get me
I learned that these
men had been by the wife
of man in our to
get me drunk so that I could be
of begging or requesting
me to sign a pardon, they made an
demand, they were
downright insolent about it, too,
I picked up my
hat, turned on my walked
out. I cannot tell who they
New York American.
man was saying
lie meets young
poverty, think poverty , w, , forgotten,
act long you or never to have learned, how to
will be convinced there Let all j
but poverty for you. that two of
ill qualities are as
well as disease; and the mind is at
much liable to infection as
the. body ,
They swearing In
police and special constables and
deputy sheriffs ill in
ration fur the Republican state
convention. The Republican ma
Secretary and tho
J railroads do., anything to
the crowning virtues of all life,
and especially lite,
and good monitors
everywhere. Scotland Neck
Why is it that Norway is constant-
increasing her marine
and built besides sail-
vessels during the past year
she pays no Is it be-
cause Norway has a tut ill for
and tho United States stand pat
This morning Dr.
of Columbia S. C, and Mr. Lam
Lawrence, county,
who are the guests of Mr. Mis.
W. M, King, were returning from
tin depot to Mr. King's home In
vehicle belonging to the latter.
While Fifth street opposite the
of Dr. Laughinghouse,
horse they were driving be-
came frightened at a goat and
heeled around so suddenly as to
the buggy over and throw
both gentlemen out. Dr. Clayton
tell in the sand and escaped with
only -light braises. Mr. Lawrence
was less He fell on the
curb of the sidewalk and his face
was painfully cut and bruised.
Resistor of Deeds, Williams,
issued the following licenses since
last report.
Strickland and II
Interesting Sequel to Ocean Trip.
A few weeks Green-
ville F. J.
Forbes, Eugene Wilson and W. Q.
Ward, went on a pleasure
trip. While some distance at
ocean on the steamer Princess
between and New
York, a note was written on a
piece of brown paper, placed in a
bottle with a piper stopper and
overboard. The note
is the remains of F. J.
Forbes, Eugene Wilson and W, G.
Ward's trip to New York July
1006- If found return
either of the above parties at
North and a
reward of will be
The young men little Idea
of ever hearing from it again, bat
today Mr. Forbes a letter
from Mr. Baden Martin, n druggist
at Pa., dated July 28th,
enclosing the written at sea
and he on the
beach at Seaside Park, N. J.,
10th a quart bottle.
It is up to the v. ii-
the; will forward the promised
Cannon me alarmed about the
outcome of the congress; cam-
and have w -y little
confidence in the,
managers must be
for protection that fosters trusts and I nuts for win is on
high prices. the anxious seat
w. has started
work the nice n he will
basil on he Ham White
ville. A
number t been sold and
it a ill be a pretty part of the
town. J. W . who was
to get a bail
on this I his
new home there this week.,

C Co.
C. L.
The foundation of success in a
way is ECONOMY. There is
nothing which helps you to save like
keeping your in a bank. Do
not wait until you have a big deposit.
We accept small ones as well. We
pay interest on Time Deposits. If
you carry a account, come
in or us.
Greenville, N. C.
We pay i on Time Certificates,
or on money deposited for
stipulated time percent.
Accounts of merchants, far-
ad individuals solicited
R. L. Davis.
Jas. L, Little. Cashier.
Having Fun With the Portrait
Painter and Doctor.
If there is any truth in what ex-,
pert jesters tell us, the world's
of original joke is ludicrously
dozen or two at the very
outside. An early investigator into
this momentous question, a certain
who lived some
years ago, put the number in his
at exactly twenty-one. The re-
searches of did
not extend far e as China,
there is no impropriety in asking
now whether Rome of the jokes
which abound in the literature of
the Celestial empire are entitled to
the honor of originality or not.
Here are three
A careless barber, trimming n
pay particular attention to this part
of the human his
Kent to great and
you doing my left car
asked the victim. sir; I've not
quite finished the right ear
I fancied you were trying to
pas through to the left without go-
A portrait pointer without
by a friend to paint
a likeness of himself and his wife
and hang it in some conspicuous
place, so that would customers
might judge of his skill. He did
so. and his father-in-law the next I
time he called immediately saw the
picture. asked the, visitor,
woman have you represented
r. do you not rec-
your own
was the indignant an-
you intend that to rep-
resent my daughter, how dare you
paint her sitting thus intimately
with a man whom I have never
before and who must lie an entire
stranger to The painter's
feelings need no lie described.
The gibes at doctors are
able. The following is a typical ex-
One of the judges in the nether
regions dispatched an imp to
world of ours to out and brine,
back a good doctor. the
imp was instructed, come to
the house of a doctor which I
you descry no complaining ghosts
you will know you have found a man
of the kind The
set but in front of every j
door lame to there
an immense of angry spirits
pro running t they had
suffered when in the flesh at the
hands of e medicine man. Final-
however, reached a house
where th ire is but one solitary
ghost backward and forward.
i.- my he said to
must be a clever
When the imp came to
make inquiries, however, he learned
practitioner had barely
been in practice for a
Nothing Unusual.
Two neighbor were confiding
their troubles to each other over the
back ard fence separated their
said Mrs. Higgins,
husband is a
I give yon my word that
all upstairs rooms are
and the roof leaks whenever
it rains, and can't get Henry to
do a thing to
not any worse off than
I Mr-.
know my husband used to he a
ruM on a
just as true as I stand
here. I always have to get up in l he
morning and make the
There is unwritten i i in Eu-
rope relics of attempts upon j
royal lives as well as the
for treating the wounds
d in sin shall be
J. There was it solemn as-
i In to w
the i of the instruments
ii i a l e death Em-
press and of
i-ed in post-
in The custom
is based tn , certain upon
ii. hut more solidly upon
d mi mi ion to pr the
relics from into the hands of
i j
It was , in this
matter to to pieces the weapon
which had been employed. When.
however, dagger was secured
with which the priest. Martin
no, d to murder Queen Isa-
of Spain, rather more than
half a century ago. the blade was
found to be such finely tempered
steel that it resisted every effort of
file and stone. Something like a
panic was caused when the news
got abroad. The Spanish peasants
imagined that there must be magic
in the blade.
So a cabinet meeting special-
summoned to deal with the crisis,
and it was determined to submit the
steel to influence acids.
proved successful, and all
used for the like purpose
have undergone similar treatment
knives, swords, daggers, revolvers
and bombs.
i Batiks
Silver coin
Nat, US. note
l 986.1
tat of North Carolina, J -I , ,
f Pitt.
R. Davis, Cashier of the hank, do
th best of
and a i
y me, this
v. Johnston
T. L.
M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
As authorized agent for Daily
we take
that pleasure in receiving sub-
and writing for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
job pr in
H. B. Tripp, of Creek,
visiting relatives here. This is
his old home.
For can apples, corn
tomato, e, apply to B. K
at On.
L. C. Arthur was here
When your attention
J. W. Taylor,
the man to do of the fall session,
to K. K Go's
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
Miss Annie Joyner is
this week with Mrs. A. E. Garris
A beautiful line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy and tinware
at J B Smith Bro
B. H. Jones at Windsor
conducting a meeting there u i-
A full supply of Trunks.
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels and
Snit Cases, at J. B. Smith
The graded school ground is
being preparatory
AT N. C.
At the close of 1906.
One H. P. Boiler
One H. P. Center
One No. Saw mill
One saw and C.
One Power Press.
This machinery is months old and will be sold It
as good as new, purchaser solid or inserted tooth
HENRY agent
i . v
Tinting Office
Apology Unnecessary.
In the days when it was common
for the younger son to go into the
church one of these young gentle-
men had charge of an outlying chap-
el. A Sunday or two after his
nation be found himself there in
the with only the sermon
in his pocket that he had preached
there in the morning, and so the
unfortunate curate had to give it
over again. He began after service
to make profuse apologies to the
clerk, when that functionary polite-
stopped him by
bless Master Charles,
don't take so We never
tens to
That Keeps Out Heat.
An Austrian inventor, Richard
is reported to have
made a new kind of window glass
whose chief peculiarity that it
prevents the passage of nine-tenths
of the heat of the sun's rays. It is
well known ordinary window
glass allow- nearly nil of the heat
derived from the sun to pass
through, but, on the other hand.
intercepts all heat coming from
sources, such as a
stove or the heated ground. This
is the reason why heal
under the roof of s
If covered with glass n
hothouse would, it is claimed, be-
come a cold house, since the heat
could not into it. One
set forth in favor of the new
glass is that a house whose window
were furnished with it would re-
main delightfully cool in summer.
But in winter perhaps the
not he so agreeable. St.
Louis Post-Dispatch.
Boy Trained as a Getter.
Various are the measures
which women to get seats in
street cars. On a Broadway car re-1
a dainty woman entered, no;
companied a hoy of about six.
dressed in a fashion and
twirling a tiny walking stick.
will get a the child shrieked
they go-, in. always get a I
seat, don't we,
paused before a good looking
man. who pretended to e
in n newspaper, Ostentatiously -lie
reached for a strap. said we
always pet a scat cried the boy in
a high key. lie lifted his an
it struck paper, apparently by
accident. The man arose, and his
tormentor rumbled into the seat.
The man n to him had to get
to make room for whom
her well trained was urging to
sit down. 1- stand, and
one young woman was rude enough
to York Press.
and 921.324 M
Furniture ft Fixtures
Due from Banks and
I ash items
Gold coin,
S Iver coin National bank
and S. notes 2,119.4.
Capital stock
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
certificates of
subj 32,799.21
checks out-
Total 48,883.78
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
Colors, and and
country Ready Paints.
A Revolving Heard.
they call the with the
revolving is being examined
medical society of Prague,
subject's name is ft. He
Sums his head around naturally as
as the shoulder and then twists
it farther with his hands till he
looks completely backward, with his
chin above the line of the spine.
Try Thia One.
Did you try this one Take
any number between one and nine.
Add one to it. Multiply by nine.
out the left hand figure. Add
Add the original
iv ii. .,
i . ,. vi
Two Service Yarns.
Frank Smith ha- a number of
mail carrying contracts in San
Francisco. wagons take the
mails to and from the and
trains, lie was able t operate
his the the
quake, bill he then going the
second day. The deport-
complimented him f r getting
the wagons out the second day, hut
fined him for not having them at
work the day.
That reminds one of a mail car-
in Maine who took the mails
part of the way in a canoe. One day
the canoe upset and the carrier was
drowned. The
sent an inspector up to the
route, found how of iris route
the carrier had covered up to the
time he was drowned and prorated
his pay to that Francis-
co Argonaut.
During Lord Kitchener's recent
visit to the Indian frontier
he inspected a new fort, lie
was astonished to find that it had
been so placed as to be commanded
by a nearby hill. The officer who
had chosen the site was present
with the party, and Kitchener call-
ed him forward. Instead of the out-
burst that the staff expected
merely held out his hand and
you, Colonel
What a capital place for a
fort do begin to
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison Una. It it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
ate of O f Fill,
I. H. H. Taylor of the above named solemnly
swear that above statement is true to the of
edge and belief. II. H.
Subscribed sworn to be-Correct
. a . . ROUT.
ore mo, this day f April i .
A. . M. O
Notary I
is sure to pay you,
your work if yon want to Le
Julius Brown, attorney at law,
cf was here Tuesday
night. Mr. is prominently
spoken of as a suitable candidate
for the next Legislature from Pitt.
He seemed be looking after his
Merchandise carry
a full line of meat, lard and can
goods. Don't buy before giving
me u trial. Prank Lilly Co.
The beautiful double of
the J. It. Smith Co. are nearly
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-
grips, satchels, hand bag,
and suits at J B Smith Bro
Cox again
after his spell of fever.
I keep on hand a
line Bluff at lowest cash
prices Such hay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and hulls, brand
and ship stuff. Frank Lilly Co.
Misses Agues Dixon and
Johnson an- the summer
with relatives the country.
You win unit Wheeler and
con hewing machine.
Prices way way down H.
Tripp Bi. to Early Hotel.
We are see Mr. Martin
back again at bis old place in the
depot. He went home some days
ago quite sick.
full supply of hay, grain, hulls,
need meal, bran, ship Bluff,
always Cannon and Tyson
W. E. Cox held services
the church here Sunday
For carpenters tools, grind stones
t n-; e pulleys, at J. K.
Toe Baptists of
district bold their union meet-
at ck church near here,
next Several
a very large
to be present.
The Free VI ill hold their
line. at Bethany, near
here, the day and a very
large i- expected there also.
Our slip. e s must go, the season
it well advanced. The prices now
will Internal the most buy-
and Tyson.
The U the Free Will
tilt Ii Is progressing finely.
who are in need of a cook
we en., make it to bis interest
see us a.- have bought a solid
car load, expect them to arrive
next week,
J. M. Nelson, one of our best
a c from ; visit to
Dover He says his
whom he was
i to get back to
old Pit it is the best
place ye.
V. I'll Dip, aid paper rooting,
w or short joints
pipe m It Smith
J. ii. been to
Allie of was
.;. shopping.
K W. . and son went to
Mm day.
The baby of Mrs.
Julia died here at the home
of her father, A. Thurs-
day and will be buried
It Lad been lick for only
a very short while.
C. Nobles has a very
We want to make room for other
stocks and in order to do so we are
offering very cheap bargains in sum-
mer goods- We must move them
way and have put a price
on that will be sure get
them off Now is the time to get
value for your money.
A Tyson.
Miss Nina Cannon i- away a
visit to Miss Nannie Taylor, near
Car load V. Crimped roofing in
suitable lengths to cover residences
churches, school barns
shelters, stables cheaper th
shingles and very labor, a J.
K. Smith Bro.
To the who does the
.records death, tells
marriages which arc
and beautiful
brides, and also writes
on we say, t
the who ad
and many there seen. to i
bi- read rs
expect the
per man to praise
words certain things am
sons, also to criticize certain
ether e
lie says good and p
i o
a course, and
is said it; hut v.-
he is with
Ni-w, do not the
a newspaper c or c d.
as .
they to
inn m d
lie lg till
go in.- editor
and for
says they
in- ii . e.
do d
a Fountain.
A man in at he
snot on
Oh an
W. . W J. BOYD-
General Insurance and Merchandise Brokers.
We wish to that we our
selves together for the purpose of conducting a gen-
Insurance and Merchandise Brokerage
in the Town of Ayden and Vicinity. We will
represent none but the most reputable concerns,
and any part of your business you may see fit to is
favor us with we will thank you for and feel very
The recent heavy rains have-
so washed the dams, bridges
and highways in many places as
u stop all passage and
traffic over them, and under ex
At the of business June 1900.
W. C. Sunday at addition lo
For a nice present bey a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
Miss Crawford, of Winter-
ville, has been visiting Miss Annie
Core, Hay a Lime always
on at J. K. Smith i Bro.
W. F. Hart and wife went to
Kinston Tuesday and came back
Wednesday afternoon.
M. Edwards family are
off in the lovely city on the
Misses Myrtle and Ruth Burress,
of Richmond, Va. came Monday
and are visiting their sister, Mrs.
In order to reduce, our , huge
stock preparatory to we
will make prospective buyers ex-
low prices. J. R. Smith
Mrs. Theresa Burroughs, who
has here on a visit to the
her father, D. G. Berry,
her home in Neck
Tuesday evening.
Nice new repacked North
Cut Herrings at J. R. Smith
B. C. Cannon wife and V.
J. Boyd and wife spent Thursday
in Greenville.
FOB large nice new
single story brick stores located on
Avenue in the Town of
den can rive tenant possession
J. It. Smith Bro.
Miss Meta after
days pleasantly spent with
Miss Helen has returned
to home in
Misses Blanche and May
came homo Wednesday
from Kinston. They were
by Miss Alice Hodges who
will spend several days here on a
The left a twelve pound
Jeweler at the home
W. Taylor Sunday night. Mr.
Taylor says lad before learning
the jewelry however,
must first ream to skate and then
love the mil- then be will
have boy right.
I have taken up one black bar
shoat, weight about
no ear marks. Owner can get same
by paying charges.
It. F. D. No. Greenville. N. C.
He in , one Could be
e b
Loans and Discounts,
Overdrafts Secured
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks,
Cash 11.18
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin, 907.32
National Hank notes and
other U. S. 3,129.00
Total, Total.
I, J. R. Smith, the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statements true to the best of my be-
lief. J. R. SMITH,
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits
Dividends unpaid
Deposits subject to
and sworn to before
this Jay of June 1900.
J. B.
If yon are troubled with
eyes or have a difficulty in obtain-
suitable glasses, it not
how difficult your case, call J
Ayden, N. C, who five yen
experience with some of the mm
obstinate cases. He never tail-.
give patients sat act ion or
money refunded. Over rive
of Pitt Greene and Lenoir
best people to Ms
and Give your eye
work if you satisfaction.
CUTTING DOWN RURAL DELI V establishment of rural delivery
ROUTES. I If the government furnish-
led the and buggy, it would
have bad some right refuse to
establish a route in a section u here
the roads were bad, but
Till Cum.
Talking a In high cur, Mr. C.
W. -cit The a
tint about feet.
As tali d Mi a- t
it has fir .
I Ii
. Ill ,
f S f n H.
, ,.
. x i. f s A
r.-l to all
. a
I. ail
, all
oil or
Inn or -bin
. i l
ii o la a Parka.
for Spring
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Hr k
Ayden, N. C.
T time Liquid
Veneer. It makes
look new. There will be no
Old, dull looking furniture or dingy
woodwork in where this won
r is used. No
or necessary. Liquid
Veneer is not a varnish, but a surface
food and cleaner that builds up the
original finish and makes brighter
than ever.
It instantly restores the brilliant
newness and finish of Pianos,
Picture Frames, Interior Woodwork,
Hardwood Floors all polished,
varnished or enameled surf aces.
moves scratches, stains, dirt; and
dullness. V., J
A child can apply
but a piece of cheese cloth
and there is no drying to wait
s PRICES ft.
Trial bottle, . . U.
N. n-
Works Injustice to the People of
North Carolina.
Some months ago this paper
warned the Southern
that, the Department
which would
the number of
routes in this and other
are sparsely
settled. Some our
thought this paper saw a
and gave out interviews
saying that they bad
hat the abolition of routes and re-
of service would not be
Later they found that
so-called were
too to rely upon. At that
paper raid that unless
took action depart-
would put in operation
hut would convert Borne daily
into thrice a week or
ice a week routes after
went home. The majority in
Congress refused to do
and the result predicted in
bus happened. The
son Times of yesterday shows
he first blow has fallen in Wilson.
regret to that
the 15th of two daily rural
be discontinued,
and fifth, the third will be
changed to an
the fifth will he
as the carrier furnishes his con-
what business of the
government is it whether the roads
are good or bad of the
are building good roads
put in repair until the
have their regular meet-
the Monday in August
and their attention called to it
and their official order obtained
before the work clone.
In the meantime the public is-
compelled to go many out
of the way and otherwise
and delayed. This speaks
louder than any other argument
in favor of having at one
commissioner at the .
who should be authorized by the
board to dispose of all sue.
emergency cases. On
three of the principal roads in,
Greenville road work- and
dams recently built by con-
force has been so seriously
damaged by the Hoods f, to
make passage impossible, and as
this is the county -k if it is
repaired at all it will ha e to
done by order of the
As there is no com-
missioner living in Greenville,
and no one seems to know who-
to apply to, this condition will--,
continue until the first Monday,
Anticipating that some may- i
conclude from our remarks that-.
other sections are entitled to the
same consideration as Green-
ville, we answer that if the-
wheel of fortune continues to
turn it really seems that .
time is now past ,
it has been quite a little while
since she had any representation
on the board. Besides, Giver.--,
and the establishment of
rural delivery increases the dis-l vie being county seat and
position to be taxed for
roads. To deny routes, therefore,
until good roads are built is put
ting the cart before the
Raleigh News Observer.
Large Convention in
The Democratic convention of
the sixth district at
Fayetteville, after an all and
all night, and part of another day,
and to number
live hundred, finally
i's labors this morning when
It, L. Godwin received the
There were lour
d In A. Brown,
II. L. Godwin, H L. Cook G.
P. Patterson. Ii hard
every man practically
ti his strength for ballot
alter ballot. Finally there was a
in touch with every section of
the county, communication could
had from any part of the. j
county very quickly and publicbusiness of any kind could .,
more easily facilitated. In the
interest of all the people of the
whole we make the above
suggestion. No one section of
the county should be
for or against in any
matters pertaining to the public
The peace in the Philippines
continues to show itself in an
war and loss men.
is to be a little
nearer the North pole than any
other explorer reached.
is the beginning lie d
policy of the
to discontinue those mates
are not considered
If all the postal service that is skin Diseases on Man or
not were Beast,
much of it be This Ointment has been used
Stopped. In fact there ti an nearly two hundred years with
. Z ,. . . , , , success In
deficit upon whole postal treatment every
vice the tar-payers, , j
rural delivery set vice in many it has effected
Carolina is new. The people do cures where remedies had j
close together all the While we do claim
The early bird ice worm
the early chicken catches gapes,
and the early riser catches the ma-
ho mil n-. the chair-
next time indicates that
Blackburn yet remembers the lean-
book poem at first you don't
succeed, try
this Ointment will cure
, everything, we say a fair trial
f some years. And yet the people, convince any reasonable per-
are entitled to the service. that It equal to any. and
Carolina pays tax to the I superior to most of the remedies
government about all the re
turns it gets from it is the
service. For the department
to insist such rules as will a
deny service in sparsely settled
bi is to refuse to give to this
State its fair of rural de-
livery All along there bus
been a hard fight to get routes in
State, Mr. Insisted
that good precede the
for skin diseases the market
This Ointment is made by the
Ointment Co. Green-
ville, N C. and is for sale by
druggists at or
Live and let my live
With all that's good to
Unto the poor some cash I give,
The balance I give
Drug Store,
The Dans of Mt. Olive has Lit
up a novel plan of increasing
its at the same time starting a
savings account for the comers.
The plan is that bank give f as
a birthday present to start a savings
account every new
ed that parents the child will
add to the amount, making a
total of for which certificate
bearing -I per atom will be
issued in the name f baby.

v- v AM
am Proprietor.
hi is second
rules application.
id Pi and
to fiction
b I jG,
In matters Greenville
over and
to a realization of it when too late
experienced several
in the past, and in
to a r-
No town of consequent fills it
of-does its dory
citizens pi are
able to afford it, th
to Business can readily
go Id the mountains, or
springs for recreation. Phi how
multitude who cannot
the large per
at home and toil
on year and by the
fruits the more
rest spell The
stay-at-home claw,
and recreation, in it to all
her Citizens, arid it can be provided
in no better way a park.
Greenville neglected this until
has well
out of reach. Even now there
are only one or two suitable sites
will soon gone
should be Hone without delay piano
has bad a
it was not M bud
the recent one in Wake
f one dues not make a
Swallow, the prohibit
preacher In can
stir up of a rumpus.
There is a good deal of work for
man with the but the
is not being worked overtime,
although there is sad need for it in
many places
The republican have had such
had luck with reforms that they
have concluded in future to stand
pat and let the tariff still plunder
Brazil and Costa Rica have both
modified their tariff on import,
Are they afraid of stick
Secretary with
Morton must congratulate
himself in mil of the rail-
road business just in time to escape
r rebating and then it
held department of
that he escaped.
the two Big cigarette
given away of the
lacks in that city.
As is usually the case when a
millionaire passes the
of Russell a
over what he has left e-
Several gentlemen the office
of register of deeds, only one of
them can get it Those who fail
take their defeat good
and in the right spirit.
of the Rich Square
Times, says he has been running
that paper fifteen years and
never permitted a whiskey
in its columns Editor
Milliard of the Scotland Com
goes this better
saying in the nineteen years be baa
in that Do whiskey
has appeared in it. The
can raise the limit over
both these. This paper licks but n
few months of being twenty five
yearn old and has never carried a
whiskey advertisement, and never
will so same band guides
destiny. We can say like both
the ether brethren such
been offered us and the
money was but principle
was of higher value than
money. We could not
advise people to use what we
believe it was wrong and hurtful for
them to use a newspaper
places an advertisement in its col-
it is recommending it to the
people who rend it.
No state in the union and es-
I lie
the past ball century
has excelled North Carolina in
the production of men who have
achieved prominence in politics,
in professions and in mer-
life. Hut, the pity of it
i;, a great number of these
North Carolinians, won
fame, power and Health iii many
fields of human in-
stead of remaining in North
Carolina, have given their
and toward
the development of other states.
Think of what Old North
State would be were it not
for this fact Put in spite of
this and other hindrances the
State has advanced steadily
along all lines, and no on
earth is at present inure inviting
for young men of ability, energy,
purpose and determination
With our wealth of natural re-,
sources, educational advantages,
temperate atmosphere, etc.
what a grand and inviting field
t Olive Tribune.
The recent attempt to punish
those Anson county lynchers
called Attention very forcibly tn
one fact namely that the
against lynching while it is
growing, is not yet strong
enough to guarantee the
of lynchers. Public
at some will get
to the point, we believe, where
lynching will not be tolerated at
all. It has not yet gotten to that
The last fiscal year shows a
balance of trade in our favor of
after allowing for
exports and imports of the
metals The year previous
the balance was
Those vast sums would seem to
be a char gift by the people of
the United States to foreign
for there has been no
reciprocal return as far as the
government statisticians have
been able to discover. Why do
we apparently give Europe over
a year more than we
receive- That is a disputed
question. It is quite possible
that the government statistics
colored to prove we sell more
than we This great drain
has been going on for years and
balances would to
represent an invisible debt ac-
against the States
on account of interest charges
and travelers expenditures
than an accumulation of for-
in our favor.
The movement in
co, which is giving the government
much concern, is gaining
great strength its
Mexico fir the Every-
where there is a feeling of unrest
where the people are exploited for
the benefit of an oligarchy of wealth.
The labor people even here are re-
rolling against the Republican
which has through the tariff and
trusts fostered monopoly at the
of the great mass of the
f man on earth have a good
of Clothes for his money, it's, certainly the-
He not only is entitled to it but he also wants it
Now we, make it our business to
in fine vary. K
Good Durable. Suits
We think this fact has been noised, abroad,
by the number of Workingmen who are com-
here for their clothes.
Our Suits are made from strong
fabrics in neat, good looking in con-
Styles that are correct and tailor-
ed as well and strong as it is possible to make gar-
workingmen, our kind of Clothing,
They are never troubled with seams ripping, but-
tons coming off or a general state of suit collapse.
We back Suits With our strong guarantee
of back, if anything goes
Frank Wilson,
The Georgia peach grower
much trouble get-
ting earn to ship their This
recalls the trouble the North
berry growers had from the
same cause.
The talk of cutting off some of the
rural free delivery was not
all talk, as is shown by what hap
at Wilson in one route being
stopped entirely and others changed
to three times a week. The people
living along the rural routes should
not relax their to increase the
business of their routes if they want
l hem continue in operation.
That sounds like a big fish story
sent City to the New
York giving an account o,
attempt to. I hold-up Governor
II Was visiting in New
k a demanding him
i pardon for n gold brick
v I
g Ur North Carolina
ii in
J .
According to the. reports
Oyster tho president has
taken charge of the Republican
congressional congressional cam
and is optimistic
about the result, Tho commit-
ten hinted that it must have
money or disaster will follow,
aid the president will no doubt
attend tO this necessary part of
Republican politics From whom
can Mr collect funds
to elect a Republican Congress
It would be useless to call on the
life insurance companies now, as
in the last campaign, for the
policy holders are watching tho
management of
much closer than in The
president has evidence collected
by the bureau of corporations
against many trusts, that if fol-
lowed up by the department of
justice, would convict those
Will they
to prevent publicity
The natural resource for Re-
publican campaign funds is the
protected interest and
that are sheltered the
la But they would
v require a promise of
with the tariff
i in
all I mi
we will begin Monday July
23rd, selling our ox-
fords, figured lawns, laces
and embroideries at cost.
The price on all Dry Goods and
Notions will be marked down low.
Pulley Bowen
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by
putting on display the newest
ideas to he shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that
E were obtainable in the American markets
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
ti desirous of seeing the NEWEST
j tn mil at our establishment least their
Shoes at
2.50 AC
Shoes at
Lawn at
1-2 cent
Percale at
Very truly yours,
A. F. C.
hams at
Jas F
Our specialty
Job Printing Office
With private secretary Loeb
sitting on the of the box
tabling the third term
boom and in Camilla, Fair-
banks and Cannon have the field
to themselves for awhile. As
ling as hot weather Fair-
banks the beat II lie
count of bis well known
Ask to g or. your Bond when you can get It a small cos,
We can sign Judicial Binds etc In FIVE MINUTES
u apply Any Boil to be filed in the Court Issued at
Cal on or write
The U. S. CO , Baltimore Md.
A. WHITE, General Agent, or
H W. WHEDBEE, Attorney
Greenville, n. c.
department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory
If you value safe
of your wife and children you
will not keep large sums of
about the house. By putting
your money in the Bank of Win-
you free your family
the danger of being robbed
and murdered and at the same
time increase your wealth.
Helen and Lucy
way, of are visiting
Misses Kate and Chapman.
takes the place i
We Bell it.
B. T. Cox, Bro.
J. B. spent part
the Dear
He returned Thursday evening
Nicest line of dress shirts ever
shown in
Harrington, Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Chapman
pent Wednesday night here with
bis parents.
We still ha a few cop-
of Teachers Bibles, we are
to the trade at very low
B. T. Cox, Bro.
The familiar whistle of oil
mill is heard again each day.
Go to the drag of B. T.
Cox Bro for T. W. Wood
Son's high grade turnip and ma
Miss Myrtie Proctor and little
sister spending some time with
Mis Dora Cox. Miss Myrtie is an
old pupil of W. H. and a
staunch friend to it.
Nice at Harrington
Barber Co. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. of
Tarboro, who were happily mar-
last Wednesday, are
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank brothel
is an old pupil
of the W. Ii. and has been work-
in Tarboro hosiery mills
the pat We wish them
a happy and prosperous life.
Another large shipment of shoes
all styles and sizes and prices very
reasonable. Harrington Barber
Many improvements are taking
place in town. A. G. Cox. is
ore of his large stores fin-
up on the interior, and his
residence has recently received a
new coat of paint makes it
one of the mint build-
in town. The force of I
working on the streets pro
nicely also.
If you want a nice shirt or lie
go to Harrington, Co.
Wear-glad to learn that Mis.
G. K. who has been
sick, is improving.
X. need of not having
pants Harrington, Barber
Co., have just received anew lot,
that they will Bell
Misses Nina
Fannie Tripp and
returned to
Darning, after having spent some-
time the family
For fruit jars and rubber go
to Harrington, Barber Co.
Godfrey of Black Jack,
brought the rural free delivery
inspector Friday evening. He
go over the routes from here.
His is H. A Barber.
Straws tell which way the wind
blows, just notice the stream of
customers going in aim out from
Harrington, Co's.
The carpenters are putting the
school buildings in excellent shape
for the opening of the fall term,
Sept. A cumber of
rooms have already been engaged
and nearly every mail brings re-
quests for
All colors of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber
Carrol happened to the
misfortune of losing one of his best
by this morn-
about o'clock.
Mi spent Friday In
For hay, corn oats go o
Harrington, Barber
It is hard for mom people to see
in advertising their bus-
Home of the here
who arc advertising this de-
tell us that people come
and tell them that they saw toe
in The
tor in this way the people
know who ha the article desired
the people know what you
nave for tale.
Farming implements of all kinds
at Barber Co.
Nice line of fresh
on baud Barber
A car load of received
at Co.,
A large lot of suit ca-es,
and of all and
has arrived at the
Hie large A. W. and
Co. Those wishing to visit
the summer will need a good
traveling trunk. See them for
We have just received car
of fancy house hold
which our line so complete,
it would be difficult for a
to something we haven't
in furniture. Eastern Caro-
For Victor machines
mid music Extern Caro-
Supply Co.
was in town Friday.
Roy Cox wont to Greenville
Iron natures
great household remedy. A con
cent-rated Mineral Water. Slops
blood from
lion. Liver com-
plaint, Female weakness, cots
-ores etc. For sale at the drug
B. T. Cox, and Bro.
The man who
and to another because he
has failed to got what ho wanted
is worth nothing to any party.
Durham Herald.
A. W. and
sum oil i-
,, .
All qualities of calico
Good at
energy, president Roosevelt, it i
said, baa decided that he
leave affairs of state for long
where cinnamon bears are
tn be found in their native wilds.
So what be more appropriate
then to ship the cinnamon bear, to
lay, where he is needed-
Such an amusement this
might prevent the President from
becoming entangled in the
can factional fights in several states
even declaring war against
b just to ward off the ennui
by lack of
The A. Mm are
making to quite
a lot n desk.
They been
ear. I is
order fir
come- New
We will admit advertising
repays its cost to any
business. But after all the
thing itself and its quality for
less money than it can be had,
else where is the bes. scheme
we have found yet. However it
is being demonstrated to us by
mail orders we are constantly
receiving people of a dis
who have sex n our stock
and made about prices.
East Carolina Supply Co.
A Horse.
The horse of Scales, color-
ed, cut quite a caper down near
union station yesterday
at o'clock. The animal
feeding In vacant lot to
the west of the station, when he
frightened and broke loose
carrying with him a large section
of across tie to which be
fastened. Sandy horse
his so the
animal ran against him, knocking
him down and then jumping over
horse took out fr
left. In the mean
horse pursued the
rough of his way. until h
reached the union station. Heir
he up against the concrete
sidewalk; he fell twice, but as
arose A little girl
win hanging on the iron bat that
the station lawn, and
in she saw the mad horse
towards her she presented
him with her back. She
In around and hung over the
rod her stomach. The
came on and fell sprawling at her
The Washington Star
that an official of of
Justice has received by express
from Colorado a young cinnamon
bear. It is something like a white
on his hands, says the Star,
and lie does not know what to do
with it. Why do not ship the bear
to Bay and give President
some little pleasure lie
could hunt that bear for weeks in
the gloomy solitudes of Oyster Kay, I three minutes.
with the aid of the secret service
men and an adroit cowboy to . . ,
j Busy tunes with the farmer.
bruin for future It would I e tobacco curing will lie followed
better for the bear and allow the j fodder pulling, and then comes
president to let off his superfluous cotton
Scared, the gill loosed her
the rail and dropped mi
he horse. The animal scrambled
in his feet the girl rolled oft
from the tear,
It all
A It Taft H. Rick.
A H. Taft
Greatest Dealer's
p Price.
sell for cash or on
easy terms
You will find complete
line at all times
We are sole
for Enameled Beds.
lOurs to
Pictures Framed to Order
Save the Worry
The Hot weather brings you
without adding to it worrying over what to
by for dinner or stout
Canned Goods, Package
happened in less than Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee,
Winston Journal. ,,,,.
Tea, Cakes, Candies, Fruits, as I carry, tho and buy-
are easy and all saved It will lake it to
visit store and son what I carry.
can find one door North of
J. B
We III t U Ml to our friends and patrons our sincere for the liberal
bestowed upon us the past season.
, mt erected three it was the intention of its management to build up a per a sound
neg basis. Our business has increased with the years, and we trust to be favored with your the coming season
Each Customer, as well as each Pile of Tobacco shall have our
Personal Attention, and we shall endeavor, as in the
past, to make The Brick headquarters for
High Prices, Fair and honorable treatment,
It affords announce in this connection that
Win be associated with us the coming season. Mr. is too to the planters, or
to need any commendation at our hands, suffice to say with his Judgment at the command of our
our facilities for conducting the warehouse business, assisted as we will be by an and competent force,
In ever U puts us in better position than any other warehouse in Eastern Carolina, at all times, to secure for our
friend prices their Tobacco. When you come to GREENVILLE, always
Always make the BRICK your headquarters,
and when your is ready to sell, bring it where will rail it to the a tor you. Again thanking you
for your liberal patronage we beg to remain, Your
LASSITER and Successor

ere; v.-
i. a r-
Still Goods at Sale
Doz, Ladies
1-2 to 1-2, 1-2
value going at cents will
be on Saturday.
Come and be convinced.
i . C N I
K Your Eye on he March of
Inn T Hr tin beat for the money Do not
until I complete line of Men's youths and boys Clothing. They tit and have style
Sugar Ladies n it n
Good Apron ginghams
Reduction n mILLINERY
India in
, i ice .
K id lit
i ts ii ch
. cents, i-eh
i . ; ;
to fit all Prices to suit the man or
women who know worth a hard earned dollar. A look
w ill confines, you try n will there is none
better Rid going at Men's
all Patent 1.09. Men's 3.50 Patent
leather Button Oxford- 2.49.0 Boy's 2.50 Patent leather
One wide black
only China Site
Ladies hem-
stitched last Beta.
Dress Ginghams. Best
hams now 1-2 cents.
cent quality now cents.
Vi 7.50 Suit full
Style for
Suit, full spring
Mill's suit lull spring
style for
Boys two piece suits to
Double Breasted
suit 1.10
Mens Grey and
we 9.78.
Man's suit full sunnier
M i full
while our Rices
Double Breasted
lad suit
Doable Breasted two
piece Blue Flannel suit 1.98
Youth Breasted M
Worsted suit
two piece suit. Cuff
cost you in thine to
iii that employee have
legitimate light to vacations,
; i down upon fail one
storing of criticism
be ever bad sub-
awn, employers, spoke and
age. his theory, for a
the open discussions in
throughout the
world were devoted
to the Ml
right has a clerk to de-
or expect pay for
time for which ha renders o
not the
to which he
pats bis the
financier The
line in m
the things Sage said
about vacations were
think the vacation habit is the
of abnormal or distorted
business method fail to see any
legitimate tail. If a man
will only take an interest in bis
w love ii, will need
t ling else to i him. and
who learn to love their work
succeed. A man should
v. easy, be economical of bis
time, conserve I is .-., not
worry. It's worry, and not work.
makes the hair pray.
we were to reverse the
conventional order of and
of the demanding
two weeks the employ-
demand two weeks,
work without pay as a condition
the clerk in bis em
ploy, what a tremendous bowl
In M years, he said he bad not
lie however, on his 89th
Friend, b
You Slop Sc
bat H
N. C. March 1901
Mrs Joe take
Plating that your Remedy
has entirely cured little girl
a very lad case of eczema,
a peat part of her body.
She had eczema from-
the time she was three old,
she was six years old.
is now perfectly well and I feel
that I speak too highly
ii. She not had a symptom of
yearn. Respectfully,
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely Dew
process, on which patents
are tending, whereby we
can old Braes Col-
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
Refacing Column and Head
I regular
L. S. and
Head Ruled inches In
A sum pie of re faced
Rule, full
will he cheerfully
sent on application.
of Type and
High Grade Printing Mater
N. Street. p
in Winston Mr
C. L b night a
stock ff dry goods that had
been thrown on the market there
The purchase was made his
firm O. L. Wilkinson Co., and
will be disposed of in that City.
Wilkinson Win
on a few days to arrange for
on the business M
i another n,
he firm, h is gone there Co lake
of if
No Clock Yet.
Many years ago there was a
movement that for a time looked
like it would lead to pulling a
clock in the house tower
Hill clock ha- never got there.
the and
equaled as an
in their
ere recognized, as they
properties In
system from that poison. i--
No Substitute.
D. W.
And Provision
N. S.
Steamboat ServiceSteamer L. leave
Washington daily
at a. m. for leaves
Greenville daily
at m, for Washington.
Connecting at Washington
Norfolk Southern Railroad for
Norfolk, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston and all other
joints North. Connects a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers should order their
freight Norfolk, care Norfolk
in R. K.
balling hour- subject to change
without notice.
J. J. Agent, Green-
ville, H. O.
H. C. General T. and
Agent, Norfolk, Va.
M. K. KING, V. P. G. M.
I Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Save a good
S tool box and be prepared for
Our line of tools
all l could desire, and
A will see that your tool
box not lack a single
Bi useful article.
You get Harness,
S Horse Goods,
V sea
Cotton an
m Ties always on hand
Is The Inhabited.
has proven has
which life in
some form satellite,
hut nut for human beings, who have a
Fresh Good kept me.
in stuck. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
1- R. L.
Greenville, N. V.
hard enough time ours,
Electric Bitten cure Headache, Bilious
nest, Malaria, Chills, and
Dyspepsia, Dizziness Torpid
and Female weaknesses.
as a general and
for weak persona and especially
the aged. It induces sound sleep,
Fully guaranteed J. L. Wooten-
Having made arrangements to
sic the Nelson
Truck and also to sell same
a will pleased to
in need of tame. Apply to
J. A. Griffin. N.
Doctors its
We boon to
women known as Dr.
Dr. John one of the Editorial Staff
of The says
is one of of the
arts as a
ls for a-
hare a
more fully
to It u that a Is
or in tin- hark,
of tin-
of Ir-
the of women.
of heat In the of the
due to a
Of the
i. from or an
abnormal of the
and i
in lower part of
If more or MM Of the
re no invalid woman can do
better than take Dr. pierces Favorite
Prescription, one of the leading
of which Is Unicorn root, or
anti the medical properties of which it
most faithfully represents.
Of Golden Seal root, another prominent
Ingredient of
Prof. M. D. of Haft.
nett Medical College, Chicago,
la an Important remedy In disorders of
the womb. In all conditions
and It Is i-l.
Prof. John M. M. D. late of
Cincinnati, says of
relation to Its general effects on tie
Sere W in
Were t -ii It
Is Vie tome mm in
Prof. M. D. of Jefferson
Medical College, says of Golden
Dr. Prescription
all the above in-
and cures th diseases for which
A .- r. and
c .
. . i
ton. and ; i. ; . . I. ;.
a i ill-
slog, Ii- .
other day h to I i
dog hi of
it;. .- i. 1.11.1
story tile vi near
the -Me .
Admiral and
It happened when in
command of the I'm Hie
The admiral started on n tour of in-
of the in his fleet
Th- Way Indian. Try to th
of Fortune.
All Indians are and
have many ways which they en-
to the goddess
me, or. a- t call it, make
either bring them good
or to of luck.
Bach has her n peculiar
medicine, which must made in
t nun peculiar way.
an Indian will quietly
leave go it. ., hilltop
ravine and pit there alone the
hot sun for hours, hoping thus to
induce the power of medicine to
and abide with him. Another
Indian on coming to a stream or
pond will strike the water with hi.
hand or or tomahawk or
weapon, at the same time uttering
a prayer the Great Spirit to send
good medicine, or he will
Lip some the water in a vessel and
. MY
One with
him as r
curred until lie
There he In t of his dog tor
an for he
I ho dog coming up the
if propelled from
a AI mod with
anger. over lo
who had his pot
Captain at the foot of the
roan d the admiral,
do you mean by kicking my
wared in return.
have kicked dog if ho had
been the personal property of the
He chewed the legs
off two pairs of fifteen dollar i-
and destroyed on edition de
luxe of the naval
To Clean a Pot.
To remove rust from a kettle put
into it as much hay as it will hold,
fill it with water and boil it many
hours. If the kettle is not entirely
for use, repeat the process. It
Kill be certainly effectual. Bub the
spots on the stove with sand-
paper, then with sweet oiL
If a small bag of is
the kettle when making apple or
ab jelly the flavor will be
and it varies the
e,. . effort. A few leaves
. inti
, flavor.
it on the ground where grass
growing before taking a drink.
matter how thirsty he may be.
Others make a particularly strong
and good medicine by standing
ill the rain until their hair is
thoroughly wet through. If the rain
lasts but a short time it is thought
that the medicine has been broken
and will lie Some of
the Indian make medicine
standing in the water and cut-
ting their arms and leg with a
knife, believing that the deeper the
cut the more powerful will be the
Indians also have what they call
medicine horses, medicine dogs,
medicine arrows, medicine begs,
medicine bones and medicine images
of men and all of which ere
supposed to bring their owners good
luck. The medicine horse U often
and decorated in the most
fantastic manner and is thought to
be able to carry bis rider safely
through every battle. The
cine dog is used to bring good luck
when on the and sometimes
to cure or prevent disease. So long
as dog prove to be good
cine he is from the pot, but
woe lo him when his medicine fails.
for Into master's stomach ho
goes as soon us water and lire and
strong teeth can take him.
Medicine bugs are very common
are supposed to he filled with
good medicine that will ward off
disease, bring good luck and
the wearer from all harm
haul or light. Whenever an Indian
ill luck he is quite sure that it
was some one or some-
thing broken his medicine
and ho will immediately endeavor to
out who or what made th
break and to repair it by making
good me inc.
Hut, after all. tic Indian in not
alone in his medicine making. The
white an has his medicine dogs,
horses, tots, birds and goats, only
he calls them mascots. He has
feet and horseshoes and
coins, but lie laughs at the medicine
making the York
They i for the life of them
agree on the name for the newest
hoy They didn't disagree, not
just couldn't or
a name. At length somebody
that they compromise o
that no possibility of a name that
had over been used, a secondhand
should by chance be
the en. i was suggested that the
letters the alphabet be put in the
i hat and drawn out one by one
a collection was drawn with vowels
and consonants sufficient to
a brand new name. It was
done, and to this day he bears the
name of The next boy
in the family hears the mime,
ed upon in the same manner, of
Can't Stand by Themselves
A great many plants are not
strong enough I upright by
then-selves. as they cannot
enough bud it i lie on
ground an- clamber
up their .
i I see it
you can id a . such
as a . v or .
twisted I i i to
keep it . ; upright , o.
an m I.
pall it rill
the poor I . n and it will
house In a Tree.
A singular maple tree on the
bank of the Oder, Herman., t
is at u century old, and has
twisted and cut into a kind
circular house of two stories. A
firm, leafy Hour has been formed by
causing the branches to become
gradually woven together. Above
this is a smaller second
formed, and the ends of the
branches have been woven solid
walls, in which eight windows on
each story have been cut.
H. A.
A Needle and Thread Tree.
The tree fur-
a needle and thread all ready
for use. At th tip of each dark
green leaf is a thorn needle
that must carefully drawn from
its sheath At the time it
slowly unwinds the thread, a strong,
smooth fiber attached to the needle
and of being drawn out to
on a
of cardboard so that
lit of six
M in the ac-
ll j
diagram. The puzzle
then is to take away three counters,
so that the remaining nine counters
shall describe three squares only.
The solution is shown in N. The
twelve counters form the six
squares A. It, D, E, whereas
upon the and being
removed the squares C, and E
only are left.
way up lo the
Is deep, cradle I snug;
Lies little babe like I In a rug.
Blue era are peeping;
Now they shut tight.
Baby In sleeping;
him night.
high, way to the sky
Warning of the Green Light.
old sea captain was talking
about the colored signal lights of
ships. the he said,
lights were white. The colored light
is a comparatively recent invention.
I once knew a young Scottish sailor
to whom the new colored lights were
an unknown thing. As he stood
the wheel of his sloop night n
big steamer hove in sight, and the
boy saw the great red green
lights for time.
rammed down the helm with
a loud yell.
c he shouted.
the shop
soon murmured the
visitor Badly.
tip What are you
live I you hit week
for a Free Press.
Having consolidated stocks of H. A. and John A. is
store we are pa. to furnish customers anything needed In ;
Dry goods and groceries
We carry an line
Hats, Shoes, dress goods, Notions, Sc.
In Groceries we will have times a full line of the very best goods, not only
, staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, coffee, but all kinds of
canned goods, the finest brands
We can supply anything you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices for
COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods will please yon.
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
lit V
in hint you are
buying goods C
is where the
V is i U y
ode Same when ii comes to
at to . to buy, and you are going to pay
will youth it this is the place to
H iv Com Outs Lime and Groceries.
L i In Low prices
S. M.
furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Rides, For. Cotton Seed, Oil i.
Turkeys, Egg, etc.
Mattresses, Oak Ba
y Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
lofts, Lounges, Safes, P
High Life Tobacco, Key West
He Can-
pi Peaches,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk
Flour Coffee,
Lye, Magic Matches,
Meal and Hulls,
; den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nuts
Dried Applet, Peach,
and Ware, Tin and
Wait, Cakes
Beat Butter, New
Sewing and nu-
other go and
Cheap cash.
see me.
eat to
Mr C. V. York, the observer at
point, us that the
hero to this date has
been inches. The rainfall
the month of June was
Desirable din
LOis For Sate.
Near Five Points on Easy Terms.
Call on or
SAM Greenville, N. C

Of Those Coming and Going. Governor Glenn a
t , e portions of
Daily Reflector July from the New York
W. B. Parker went to I to the that be
j in New York ac the point of a
, and threatened
h to gold
J. C. i brick swindler. There were no
F. M. and the Governor did not
f, -r. but did
M. P. went h.
ton thin .
u-l called plain speech on the
of the Governor.
The frets have in the
P. T. Anthony went to , of this paper
bis morning. but the Governor was
Helen of out a
f Franc
vent to Virginia
L. R. Baton it-It Sunday for
OhM tattoo,
i i .
Robert went to Vii-
I ion R at h t.
Pro. V . II.
tn Raleigh
re u. from
1.1; t to
V.T. M.
L. I. Moore
from New i.
Mis ion ft lb me. n
for Atlantic Oily.
Mary Went hi
R. F. returned Friday
evening from
Charles ft Ida
evening from up road.
C. II. Mayo K.
veiling from Virginia Mm .
J. R. Moore and
went to Virginia Beach today.
Scotland Pi Ida; .
Mi. B. id let
for Bf-cu.
lift home
Dr. I. Fri-
day and i the W.
W, King.
Mrs. Florence In-y mil
a visit to
John Ivy Smith or bed
from South hen-
he playing ball.
Kiss Willie
Hill, who bad been Malting Mr.
retained home
Mis. H. C. , f
who had been
Z. T. in we this
Mrs, I.
Sleek, i i; ii-mi to
Visit ii j full t-
I'm -ii Bl , Littleton,
who c . her slain,
Mrs. V . it turned home
Mr. and Mia, A. A.
-hat bis
On the day his big
l. it ill last year
i . n
and ml it-, by prominent
Ben logo
dine With Al the
dinner a asked
t advantage and j
feeling thin
j -up Gov-
Mi v was that such
M should be made at such a
time, and courteously declined to
a a at a din-
party. man, evidently
under liquor, then
the be
and his
with an d threat-
manner. In a second he
be had struck the wrong
man. Governor Glenn turned to
to his hosts and expressed surprise
hat they should permit such an
affront to be offered him, and with-
drew after giving expression to
ids resentment in North Carolina
English, but free from
His hi the man, re
turned with the Governor to the
city, a.-d in every way possible
regret a d
The Governor i-need that
the was not c at by
a a- d was as unexpected to
it was to him, accepted
their an and
gave no publicity to the incident.
But though the story as printed
a- embellished and in important
was untrue, the
f. hat at a at
an attempt was made to ox-
toil the Governor a promise
of peril n most
nary circumstances, by unheard of
demand, is true. Moaned
of a Executive
has been chronicled. It
nails more like a y of the
frontier days than an aftermath,
a Fourth in the
metropolis, With a
weaker man, or with man who
Could ha induced to drink, the
plan ii have been
hut with the and
Chief Executive
Carolina the attempt result-
ed in it disgraceful failure
taught base con-
a lesson will not
loon forget They made a
Newt and
the ii r, J A.
y, k tun id borne today.
i .
I party
i . iv night
had h big
in l .
Mr, I
Di i
Being asked Ly en many my
friends why I do pet and fl
canvass tor tin
i I I take this
if a
I promise all I will
i n in id hi I
that all I c office, I
will . me I I not go
lo personally id as for
re all,
r the
tug and rapid
can till with
i-Hi- ail i
See Frank
f on corn,
Johnston low
satisfaction o every one. Hoping
that the ill see that hare
a chance In township. am,
Yours truly,
II. C.
Car load of corn just arrived at
Frank V, Johnston's.
e purpose making July a busy month d
making it a Bargain month.
All Summer Goods
to make room for the new fall stock.
Reduction includes
Colored Lawns,
Black Lawns,
Dress Ginghams,
Ready-made Shirt Waists,
Lace Hosiery,
Ladies Belts and
Ladies, Children
and Infants Slippers.
An early call will mean money saving to you.
I i
in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to
resent Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
If you carry your mine with
you, your are In danger
E. B. Croaker, W. IS. Bland and
Claude Chapman were here Moo-
robbed, if you it at home day exhibiting anew patent of a
there is danger being
Kink id
dancer of
ed; if you put it in too
Winterville it is in
neither for our safe is tin- and
burglar proof, s we carry
sufficient burglary to
protect your interest.
Miss Cox returned
Monday evening after
friends in Kinston, and
Springs for several nays.
ii . f
We sell
B. T. Cox,
A large crowd -t
Sunday to attend
-the union.
line of shirts ever
in at
Harrington, Barber ft Co.
Mies Dora Cox
to several fin-iN
night In honor
Proctor, of and
and P.
O. House, who e i
our town and Ml
Myrtie Proctor
We still f
of Teacher Bibles an off-
to the a very
B. T
Miss Myrtie who
several days with Mies Dora Cot,
returned to her home in
land Monday.
For hay, corn and go
Harrington, Barber Co.
Mrs. F. C- Nye went t G-en
It h hard for people t see
tie in advertising their bus-
Home of the met chants hero
are advertising in this de-
tell us that people c mi-
I tell them that they me
tor in this way the people
know who hits the article
Let the people know what, you
nave for tale.
will admit advertising
repays its fold to any
business. Bat after the
thing itself its quality for
less money than it can be had,
else whore is the bes scheme
we have found yet. However it
s being demonstrated to us by
mail we are constantly
receiving om people of a dis.
who have n our
and made inquiries about prices.
East Carolina Supply Co.
Th- stock holders of the A. G.
Cox M Co. their
annual meeting Monday evening
All the old were ed
and the found to be in ex.
for Ker twins
Every Have a
1st C.
B X, C
2nd f-
lite, Henderson, N.
3rd Ci B. K.
Oxford, H. C.
4th Mrs. It. P.
New Bern, N. C.
5th J.
N. C
The prize papers
be published in o f this
paper, one week during the
next five .
A H.
X Taft
Greenville's greatest
K Dealers.
I. Rid
Arden Tucker happened to the
of getting hie hand j the -t year
cut one the machines of
the A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., Monday.
Farming implements of all kinds
it Barber Co.
Smith went to
Nice line of fresh
on band Bailer
A car load of lime received
at Harrington, u Co.,
A large lot of trunk, suit ca-e-,
and telescopes of all and
has arrived at the
the large store of A. W.
Co. Those wishing to visit
i in c t a
traveling trunk. Bee them for
Iron natures
they made Planters,
Guano Sowers. 1268 Tobacco
Truck, about back bands
for plow They also made
quite a lot buggies, and
and carts, hut no figures on these
on were given. They have
made and are making buggy
and seats and school desks
in large
The A. G. Cox. Manufacturing
Co. seem to have made another hit
with the r school desk. We learn
that is quite a
them, s having already
made several counties
They are making
preparations to supply the demand,
and will be clad to
, y if you are needing good desks
your school.
Pitt County f In Superior Court,
Carolina Hal; way
T. W whiten a White
a and Swain
guardian f h
T, W. Whitehurst,
above emit e-1 rails-, Till
a proceeding, en-
titled at above, has
Superior court
before the Clerk, to c right
of way for the plaintiff's railway
a tract of land in
township, Pitt in
said defendant int
said defendant will further take
that he i required to appear at the
Clerk of
said county on Friday th
August in the
and answer or to petition
and or
i;, v for
be relief therein demanded,
the 24th day 1906,.
we sell for cash
easy terms
You will find a complete
line at all times
Go to the iii of B. T. j great household remedy. A con
Cox Bro for T W. Wood Mineral Water, Stops
guide i and
Nice Harrington
Barber Co.
Theodore Cox, one of finest
business men, spent Sunday
in Morehead reports an excel-
lent trip.
Another large shipment of shoes
all styles and sizes and prices very
reasonable. Barbel
Anna and two
nieces, bad been spending
with relatives and
friends, home
near day.
If you want a nice shirt or tie
go to Harrington, Barber Co.
Cox, who l-d been
visiting her cousin, Miss
Eunice Bat grave, f
returned g.
No need of nit having
pants when Barber j
Co., have just received lo.,
that will i-i-
Prof. -pent
at home with
For fruit and to
to Harrington,
Ilia. mil Mile
Janie II
Monday in
Straws tell which way the wind
blows, nonce the if
customer.-i in it-id out from
m d children
returned to after visiting
relatives here tor K,
T, Cox accompanied back.
All colors of yellow
at barber .
Cox spent Tuesday at
Ha n rah an.
A. W. Ange and Cc. are clean-
out summer goods cheap.
1.50 cents
1.25 cents
2.00 1.60 eta;
SIB ,. 1.75
3.00 ,, 2.19
All qualities of calico at -lets.
Good at this
rainy weather.
S. L. Ange, of Jamesville, is
his son, A, W. Ange, of
this town.
J. B Carrol happened to the
of losing one of bis best
barns by this
about C o'clock.
Lev Holliday Flem-
h -c
blood from dues
ton. Kidney Liver Com-
plaint, Female weakness, cuts
Mires etc. For sale at drug
it-re of B. T. Cox, and
Contractors of wood and brick
buildings. See us for low-a
pi ice. Prompt attention
J. B Cooper,
W. S.
Thaw having consented to accept
the insanity-
that he has more sense than ho
credited with.
here when we are all wrest-
ling with the ice man the Orange,
Va . Observer has gall
get your winter's supply
One evil at the time
sole agents
for Enameled Beds.
Ii y to
-s Framed to Order
Save the Worry
weather brings you
n-l it by worrying whit t
s uh a
or M
To sufferers of Kidney, Liver or
Bladder Troubles. Other
say a-bottle and
it we will refund
your We lay a ,
full Tree of I for
Canned Goods,
you Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee,
DRUG STORE Tea, Cakes, Candies, Fruits, as I carry, the and bay-
ill It will take do it no
and sea what I carry.
av Only a number of It w
given Don't miss this op you of Ins if you visit
Ply of You me Ma
We I Ii to our friends aid patrons oar sincere thanks for the liberal patronage
bestowed upon us the past season.
was first three years ago, it was the intention of its management
basis, Our has increased with the years, and w; b.- with your r
Each Customer, as well as each Pile of Tobacco shall have our
Personal Attention, and we shall endeavor, as in the
past, to make The Brick headquarters for
High Prices, Fair and honorable treatment.
It affords us announce in this connection that
MR. W. T.
Will be associated with as the coming season. M . is too to the plant s.-a,
to need any commendation at our hands, to say with at the command of our
our facilities for conducting the e business, assisted as w will b; by an and competent force,
in ever it pats us in better position thin any warehouse in fit it era all times, to secure for our
friend prices for their Tobacco. When come to GREENVILLE, always
Always make the BRICK your headquarters,
and when your tobacco is ready to sell, bring it where experienced judges will sell it to the best lot Attain you
for your liberal patronage we beg to remain. Your friends

sizes, f-
Still Offering Goods at Sale
Doz, Ladies
1-2 to 1-;
val. c going ; i certs will
be display Saturday.
Come and b i convinced.
Keep Your Eye on he March of Progress.
will with a has been Life of business is buying the for tie money Do not
buy u tee line of Men's youths and boys Clothing. They ht have style
But granulated Sugar Ladies Summer
Good Apron ginghams
Great Reduction mILLINERY
Ladies Fans quality
Check value
India Linen in
one pieces while they
last 1-2 and cent
Cambric m cents inch
La cl
to fit all ages. Prices to suit the man or
who knew the worth a hard earned dollar. A look
will convince you try a will there
better, Kid going at 1.69. Men's
8.00 all Patent leather Oxfords 1.99. Men's Ladies hem-
stitched last
leather Button Oxfords 2.40. Boy s 2.50 Patent-leather Dress Ginghams. Best
hams now 1-2 cents.
cent quality cents.
One yard black
only Silk,
Item its i
O trend's
Wens 7.50 Suit full
Style for 3.99
Macs 10.50 Suit, full spring
style for 0.98
Men's 12.50 suit tall spring
style for 7.08.
two piece Suits to
Mens Grey and
Min's 16.00 suit full
Boys Double Breasted
i lad suit
Boys Breasted
piece suit
Men's 17.50 suit fall
Boys Breasted two
piece Flannel suit 1.98
f; Youth Breasted Mixed
Worsted suit
Youth two piece
pants 4.98
suit. Cuff
Come v bile our sizes good.
It costs V
you nothing- to look.
And Cause Much Inconvenience
to Consignees.
It is a poor role will net
work both ways. If a car load
arrives and
is not ii within a specified
of hours, the railroad
for every day the ear
minus cl. the
band if the railroad the
shipment for days or even weeks
in hum-it, I he consignee must
nut it of the
inconvenience sustained by the
delay. f the law a
p to collect
in e Iii-iii a it
git he the consignee
redress against the transportation
co delay
We can cite a few instances that
will show the carelessness of trans
companies in handling
a New
II left i tie in ship
Part of ii Green
ville two weeks before I lie remain
f i he sh hi rived, and
he delay would have In en
f ii which
hi P mil
lie weeks a
going up
spend Inn the
train be was on at Km
be saw a cur load of
on i In- I rack. Keel-
stepped t at it and
that to a it
lie car of
, not having been moved in
all that time, and there is no tell-
bow much longer it wailed bu-
ll re In tin
Sometime ago Mr. K. Greene
had the machinery shipped for his
i . I inn-, de
for weeks transit,
him much inconvenience and loss
On 7th of July
with which the
In In install
day electric was shipped
Chicago and
These are a few if such in-
stances as are common
and there seems no
able excuse lot Tin I ram-
made liable
Friend. Ii
You Stop and
Greensboro, N. O. March 1908.
Mrs Joe take pleas-
stating your Remedy
entirely cured our little girl of
i very bad case of eczema, which
covered a great part of her body.
She bad eczema from
the time she was weeks old.
until she was six years old. She
is now perfectly well and I feel
I cannot speak too highly of
it She has not had a symptom of
it for six years. Respectfully,
To Publishers
and Printers-
an r.-iv new
on Ii
are pending, w
can reface old Brand Col
and Head Hales,
pt. and thicker, make
them fully as its now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
Column and Head
Rule lengths ear
I,, s
and over per
A sample of refaced
Rule, full
will cheerfully
Printers Cir
of Type and
High Grade Printing Mater at
N. Ninth Street. Philadelphia, p
the digestive
the I .
tn their
recognized, I hey pM-
. poison,
c wear
D. W.
And Provisions
fies . on
kept on-
ck. Country
I D. W.
I North Carolina.
. R. L. Caro.
Steamboat Service.
Steamer L. leaves
Washington daily
at a. in. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
at m. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with.
Norfolk Southern Railroad for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
York, Boeing and all other
joints a Norfolk
nil Wei-t.
Shippers should order their
freight Norfolk, care Norfolk
A Southern R. R.
Sailing hours to
without notice.
J. J. CHERRY, Green-
ville, N.
General T. an
f. Agent, Norfolk, Va.
M. K. KING, V. P. O. M.
I Not Quite
Bow often yon run ti
thing nut
or mi-
w. Have a good
X he prepared for
emir line tools
, desire, and
S we will see Unit your tool
y not luck a single
ft You get Harness,
f. P
Is The Moon Inhibited.
Science ha proven I .,
re, n in
on satellite,
but for i
enough time on
. II .
i i i .
i Torpid
Debility and Female
m a general and
for weak
for the it Induce sound
guaranteed J. L Wooten
Having made arrangements to
manufacture the
Truck and also to sell same
a will lie pleased to
Greenville, N. G. I iT
A Trite Saying.
It Ii i trite that no b
than bis stomach.
Golden Medical liens
he stomach-put It in u
pure, rich the liver
to expel the poisons tin-
body and thus curt both liver and kid-
If you take this natural
purifier tunic, you will
your system in day
pint of rich, that la
m the brain The
weak, run down.
condition which so many people suffer
from. Is usually the effect of poisons In
; it is often Indicated
or on the skin,
I all
well as a- tonic that
one forceful.
It is the only for sale
for like that
drugs, and the
very Ingredient Of which has
of the
writers of this Some of these
endorsements are published in a little
book of from standard medical
works and will lie sent to any address
on receipt of therefor by
or card. K.
N. Y. It tells Just
what an- made of.
The Words of for the several
of which Dr.
are by leaders In all the
several schools, of medical practice, and
them for the cure of the
for which the Medical
Is advised, should have far
more weight with tho sick and afflicted
than any amount of the so-called
so conspicuously flaunted
the public by who are afraid to let
The Ingredients of which their medicines
com posed tie known. Hear in mind
that the Golden Medical l's
or on every
wrapper, in a full list of Its ingredients.
Dr. Pleasant Pellets cure con-
invigorate the liver and
stomach bowels.
Dr. great thousand-page Illus-
Common Sense Medical Adviser
-will be sent free paper-bound, for Si one-
cent stamps, or cloth-bound for stamps.
Dr. as above.
He Was It.
It was Oliver Wendell Holmes,
was it not. who was asked after he
made a trip across the ocean if
lie had done any literary work while
on board the ship and answered that
be been a contributor
to the
Somewhat similar is an anecdote
related of a Now York merchant
whose business bad required him to
make several journeys to Sun Fran-
and luck during the year.
While on one of these long trips,
lie bail exhausted the
cl reading matter ho had brought
him, be was showing a fellow
passenger a bundle of tho popular
magazines that formed u par of
the supply.
don't seem to have tin
Monthly remarked
Die passenger.
exclaimed the Sow York-
or. the overland monthly my-
Why H Lingered.
A mini was accused of having
Stolen a pair of trousers. There
were several witnesses, but I
was rather meager, and so the
was acquitted, lie was told
that ha could go, but he remained.
His lawyer, to whose successful de-
be mainly owed bis liberty.
hinted to again that lie was free
to depart, but still he slaved.
There being no more cases to
heard, the court was getting empty,
when tho lawyer, growing impatient,
tasked, with some asperity, why he
didn't go. The injured, innocent
man whispered in bis ear. fact
sir, did not like to more till the
witnesses had left, tin-
sir. I have got on the
trousers that I
Got the Job.
The man who at a civil service
examination for answered
a question in municipal government
with Ilia to do with
quirting a has been eclipsed.
At the last examination at
cants for tho lire department one
candidate seemed to have difficulty
in answering several of the
lie finally gave up trying
and wrote after each
don't know, but I want the
lie pot York Sun.
Game That Requires
Quick Thinking-
The players are seated in a circle
around room, and one takes a
throwing it
another, calls A time-
begins counting ten rather
quickly, and the person to whom the
handkerchief was thrown must
name some place, river, mountain,
person or thing with
some country of Europe before
number ten is reached. It may lie
arranged that the person answering
Correctly puts the next question. If
incorrect or unable to answer u for-
must be paid.
players must
or often the one who throws the
handkerchief ill look at one
throwing in quite a
game may be made more
as well as interesting by
special countries, and for older
flayers a century may be given, and
he belonging to
it . f-t
Incident of Early
Rivalry In Dakota.
One of the acts of Abra-
ham Lincoln as president was to
point Dr. William Jayne as gov-
of Dakota territory. It rest-
ed with the governor to determine
n hat point in the territory should
the capital until such
lime as the legislature should select
a permanent seal of government.
Therefore there was a great rivalry
among the little towns in Dakota to
secure the favor of the new govern-
or. In connection with this rivalry
I he author of Brief History of
South gives this
It was reported that Governor
Jayne was driving oat from Sioux
City to look over the Dakota towns
before he determined upon the
seal of government, and the
enterprising town of Vermilion en-
prepared a great banquet
in bis honor.
Presently a carriage containing
two well dressed gentlemen was seen
approaching the village from the
east, and n committee of citizens
vent out lo meet it and welcome
new governor. The two men were
invited to accompany the committee
forthwith to the banquet ball.
There they partook of a line dinner,
and several hours were spent in
The guest of honor thanked the
people sincerely for their courtesy,
spoke of his good impressions of the
country and declared bis Intention
lo settle, among them
This declaration was greeted with
cheers, but at that moment
or carriages drove
through village, slopping
for a then driving
Inward Some quo brought
word into the banquet ball
and his party bad
through to without giving
Vermilion to do him
honor. the chairman turned
In the guest at tho banquet and ask-
The is Interior of For-
i- inhabited by a men of blood-
thirsty -a i ages, chief
is to forth on bead bunting
Few strangers
some intrepid Japanese
have cut penetrated far
r the wild mountain country
h is the home of these savage-,
icy appear to be akin to the
of Borneo, but no definite
of I heir language or habits
has yet made, though interest-
i. nil be found iii Consul
voluminous book on For-
For hundreds of years the
trill's, eight iii have with-
stood their enemies, who have
been able to penetrate to their fast-
It remains to be seen what
success the more systematic
will achieve.
It seems almost incredible that
of a military force
should not be safe from raids of
these head hunters, but it was the
case a few years ago. At that time
the tribes crept in the night
upon a of tho Japanese and
made with a score of heads.
Their usual method is to
stalk the Chinese of
when they are engaged in tea pick-
The savage creeps lip
served In his victim, transfixes bin
with his .-pear, secures bis bend and
is lost in a moment in the neigh
Senator Hour's Staircase.
Senator sitting with lib
wife on the porch of his house in
Worcester when two wagons drove
up and I lie men unloaded live
boxes on the sidewalk.
on earth is ask
Mm. Hoar.
Tho senator out peon
at the boxes. Then he
dear, these
the fro i an
borne of the Hoar family in
land. bought when was
replied Mrs. Hoar, not
u whit impressed. what do
you intend to do with it. may I
The senator was
At last be said with great dignity,
Hoar, that is merely a
Merely a Trifle Less Bad Thar
Others, That Is All.
Seriously speaking, a funny story
is no laughing matter. Humor is
one of the world's great institutions,
a thing to be approached with rev-
to awe, us something
cold as the pole, imperishable. s the
pyramids and often a great deal
more ancient. If we abase
before ancient and holy thing-, mi
we afford to laugh at the capon of
the convict chimpanzee, who
point of ancestry antedates the
and Joshua
our baronial halls
Funny stories, furthermore, an
usually based on something which
is not funny all. Their points.
in fact, often depend solely upon
an unsympathetic view of some
groat human misfortune. What i
more pathetic to a sane mind than
a funeral or a harelip or a divorce
or a mother-in-law Yet. hades
bow useful they have be-
come in vaudeville
I don't think that there arc
really side splitting stories
World. Some are merely a
sad than others; that is all.
admirable is the calm philosophy
the man who refused to rile with
bis mother-in-law at bis wife's
be explained,
would spoil the day's pleasures for
And yet there are persons so
careless as to regard this mere
And so the endless procession
anecdotes files by, none of them, as
I have said, really funny, but some
loss sad than the others. In
fife jocund days of heraldic
mien the woods were teeming with
knights and the sense
of less particular than
nowadays, every king had a jester
lured by the week, the clown
with a certain
made all bis jokes
Nothing more than a it
stick. When jester came to the
point of the joke the
bladder smartly on the Thai
was a signal. So the
uproar was deafening. Those were
golden days to live Ir-
win in Success
H. A.
A boy was standing a stall
where a was selling cherries
one day when be saw u coin lung
tho ground and honestly picked
it up and it to the
laid the farmer.
like this you will
get on well. Here, take u
of cherries.
said tho boy.
said the farmer.
would liter you would give
Tho the boy a hand-
you mo to give
them yon the man.
e your hand i bigger than
i i
Ancient Use of Concrete.
The use of concrete masonry prob-
ably begins with Romans,
employed it in road building and
foundation work. Coining down
from the time of the the
ancient city of
walls existing at the present day in
which are buried large
stone. These walls are in a good
state of preservation the present
fuel, so much so that
still bear the prints of the boards
which made up the forms which
held the concrete in its
state at the time it put in. It
is an interesting matter to note that
the modern practice of putting large
masses of stone in concrete masonry
follows exactly the scheme used in
building these ancient walls of
dad This method not only
reduces the cost of the resulting
fabric, but also makes it stronger.
Scientific American.
Having consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. is one
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed in . J
Dry goods and groceries
We will carry an up-to-date line
Hats, Shoes, dress goods, Notions,
In Groceries we will have at Jail times a full line of the very best goods, not only
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, coffee, but all kinds of
canned and Package goods, the finest bran
We can supply you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices for
COUNTRY PRODUCE. prices of our goods will please you.
Curran and tho Tailors.
the famous orator and
wit, never hesitated to his
friends fur the sake of a On
one occasion the Merchant
guild Dublin gave a banquet, to
which he was fact, lie
v.-.; I lie guest of honor, lie kepi
am all evening. There
were just eighteen of his entertain-
took his leave
wailed till he reached the door
with a smile and a bow said.
now. gentlemen, have I In
of laying good night to both
of lie made his escape before
the eighteen tailors realized the
joke, and it too Into to
catch him.
Sudden Change of Mind.
Pulling and blowing, the fat pas-
began to i limb to the upper
berth in the sleeping car.
hard work, isn't said
the man in the lower berth.
answered the fat
a man my
much do you weigh, may I
on Take ex-
claimed tho oilier, bis hair basin
to rise on end. rather
sleep in the upper berth anyway.
The ventilation is
go Tribune.
In Germany.
Tho German patent office comes
in for much censure One would
suppose such an Institution lo exact
no more of hi en tori I In ti i needed
to nay current expenses, but in
reality charges are so high that
the state pockets half the income as
profit. It is pointed out that
poor inventors matters arc almost
as they were
after inventing the art of
lived in poverty and final-
A Surgeon's Story of an Operation and
a Grateful
A veterinary surgeon who bad
won reputation was once summon
ed by T. to come to his
to attend Hebe, u favorite
elephant, who had hurt her foot.
was a splendid and
worth a small fortune. The surgeon
told the story of his experience and
its results in Our
had stepped on a nail or a
bit of iron, and it bad penetrated
the tender part of her loot. She
was in intense will.
with pain.
Long before we reached the in-
closure in which she was kept we
could hear her piteous trumpeting,
and when we entered we found her
on three legs, swinging the sure fool
slowly backward forward and
uttering long of anguish. Her
keeper you be afraid,
Hebe's got But I own
that felt rather and shaky
as I wen up In the huge beast.
The men employed about the
show came round us curiously as I
bent down to examine the foot.
While was doing so as gently as
I could felt a light touch on my
hair, and as I turned and saw the
great trunk behind me it had an
awful suggest
shall Live to cut. cut
I -aid to her keeper. lie
said a few words in some lingo,
Intended for tho elephant's
understanding only. Then he shout-
el with the utmost, coolness,
Well, made one gash with the
knife. I felt the grasp on my hair
tighten perceptibly, yet not
Cold drops of perspiration stood
out nil over me, and I hesitated as
to whether I should go on.
I cut I managed
to call out.
the response.
This stroke did the work. A mass
of fetid matter followed the knife
the abscess was lanced. We sprayed
the foot, packed it. and bound
up. The relief must have been
mediate, for I'm on my hair
relaxed, and tho elephant u
y of Open Air
Timidly the old custom of open
air eating is being revived. Many
are having their meals on warm
days in their gardens in London or
i the country. At hotels on
I the proprietor no longer re-
fuses to serve ten in the open, and
at most of the suburban clubs lunch-
eons and dinners may eaten on
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
V i h r i it . i w w it ire
Same thing when I to buying
w to Kit, where to buy, are going to pay is where the
cornea o.
My and prices will you that this la the place, to
in my quantity.
Hay, Corn. Oats Stuff, Lime and
When you want Mrs Hue it will to your Interest to
Lander In Prices fir
The rack l mail boxes in the
lighthouse department building on
Island is with some
names -tH n as Inning a
unit .-ii. f
.-ii. . he . One
box i another star-
lies I III
in ii by i--
and the reader
not familiar
Ids as to the
appellations it.
.- loured by
i bob
and for the of
those lo the i y has not
boon cleared it may stated
that the Daisy the Darling of
tho letter are mil. young la-
dies, but the limits employed by
department in its work along the
coast in this section our seaboard.
i .pro
Wholesale and
furniture Dealer. let
Bides, Cotton ,
rein, Turkeys, Egg, r-.;. Bed;
toads, Suits, Ba
Carriages, Parlor
Milts, Tables, Lounges, P
and Gail
Tobacco, Key Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
nod Cherries, reaches,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk I
Flour sugar, Meat, Soaps
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cation .-red Meal and Hulls, Gar
Oranges, Apples,
Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and
Wan, Cakes and Crackers, Mao ,
dices, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing and nu-
other Quality
quantity. Cheat
see me.

in, nun
Thou all thou company.
Talk Over the Wires.
Their is gone out to all the
and their words to the end
Hie world. Pi,, six,
Tb shall be divided by
Ai vii,
Pu j . tut ill. . and a
f Mid yen, v,
were employed in that
Mink day and night. I On. n.
We have no Blight against this
great Company. xx,
shad this Company
in. nil are about
come down
the middle the laud, another
The city mi divided
three parts. Rev. xvi, lit.
people xBe damned Mack, xvi,
What is this iv,
Forget it Pro. It,
Evildoers shall be cut off.
They went to their own com-
and reported. Acts, iv.
Line upon line, line upon line.
parties shall come
et r
will hear, Isa.
Nor to b another i.
line, II x.
Will they not pay toll v i
. . P
not be lawful Mo
toll. Kara, vii,
trust nothing pay,
, v I
X . . I
W kick ye.
. i
Twenty and
, .
may changed in some,
in Slate Law lost it A their
A daily rate fur every day. II old time ardor making big claims.
. i
.; i
A ml kept back part of the price.
Avis, v,
Is there any Job,
I know not the number thereof
Search may be made In the book
of the records. iv,
He the number.
is Rev.
T I understood the number. Dan.
When I call, answer me speed-
When North Carolina
exhibit at the
the folks will feel very much
they have
fa V
The announcement Is made
Thomas of Georgia, former-
a chief of the bib e-
to the Democratic fold.
Orange would double
if she hid of
work Orange, V , l
That is the way
double by watering.
I railed lint he gave me II.
one the to
AV. J. the
from his
newer. Cant, v,
they waited according to
their order, I vi,
Call row, if there that
will an.- . Job, v, .
Where I he receive Ia,
Let every man be to hear
and slow to speak.
Thou didst call I Sam.
Call thou and I will answer, or
let me speak,
me. Job. xiii,
They could not take hold bit
words, Luke, xx,
Ye have heard my conversation
time past. Gal. i
Except ye utter easy to be
how it be
what is For ye shall
into air. I xiv, y.
We great plainness of
Except they give a distinction
Hi the it
I xiv,
I had ratter speak live words
with than ten
. tongue.
xiv. lie
r I ii in my , in
i no speech nor language,
should not have been
cur off, l.
II he cut off, and r. who
. U.
A w i rime to hare
been over the county
during the last week-,
has bed her I
proportion, it the
baa thing n
It Is g tn. t a sort a
a at
the pie counter he see-
the whole going to
It reminds us l e
heard one load
w is Inn;.
J. R. and J. G.
The t of a shoe is the
I Buy a pair of and you be
surprised at their faultless fit, at the
they impart to your gait, at their handsome
distinctive style.
feet that drag to your
lead feeling. i
I here u. n of dress that can thwart
i wen i fl s, Interfere with her pleasure, or
irritate her an shoe, wear
a D i i J your foot troubles
J, B. J, Ge
The farmers of county
mis opportunity I
mi several-ill t of in me-
institute -e i. i .
. i
the It is
to c the ex hi. in
in. s
an go l i i en
Job, xv
The .-I of din
lo. I.
lo hath st etched the Hue
i lie S h u r.
granted a i -i .,
party,, to
the i ii -i
V .
i .
e latter
, I , .
of . was Ivand
com puny was under
New Jersey but
never domesticated this
new company will now fight
for tho exclusive right to
Unit name this and it
promises to be a big
s i r
i -r J i .
.-,. . ,. . t t . ., , . i.
id ,
. v v- in ;
. i . i.
D J Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Price Have Been Steadily Getting
Higher in the Last tight
The of most absorbing
interest to I he people of I he
country at time is tie constant
increasing cost cf Prices
have been higher
and higher during r he past six or
eight and have now leached
the point the pinch is tilt
by in all stations cf life.
And they are talking about it.
Official will lie
by the government within the
next few days advance in
the cost fond, and
supplies during
The report
the Bureau on retail prices
1906 will show that the cost of
meat, floor, vegetables and other-
articles of food its up
ward flight that period. A
further admission will
be made that there was no
ponding in crease in wages
1905 to the higher prices
This is the tune that re-
port show daring the present
era of prosperity an in
the cost of living
gain wages. This
account in large part for the
volume of
which stems to be all over
the country that household
see are all
Curiously enough the advance
in i rices it not to the pro-
ducts of the factories and
whose goods pass several
hands before reaching the cm-
The farmer who sells his
potatoes direct to the c has
boosted prices
else has. The housewife return-
from market with a sad story of
extortionate demands by the but-
man, the chicken seller and
the dealer in beans pens and to-
Without the excuse that
the wicked and the robber
tariff are responsible, the dealer
in these homely commodities d
their prices kiting the
pet pie foot the bills in the good
old w
paid cents a quart
two ago and last
fall the price was Oft ti a quart,
a h,
tie other Similar stories arc
heard in every
Popular priced restaurants an
driven out business by
steaks cent chop. A
Washington proprietor of a
dining-room lost
during May and June of
although pat i on Has
in the
of a year age. w
moderate have stopped
the cost
lumber r building
gone up away
h. hat is the t
th condition Who lieu, i
n in who
, n that the pie-
i. ii i-1 j i plot
u small
and lS with it
i and exhibit
; s u ts i
f skin f
this quest I a Ii a bell
a . n. at
now, coming cam
be discussed on tin
stump. real.
that it is ft Itself to tin
front and ring how
will answer it. The increased cost
of living will be a big fact-r in tie
all Washington
News and
But Prices Much Bet.
Than Opening Last Yea-.
The tobacco market
began the new today with a
very flattering opening. Owing
to the rains recently
which have kept the farmers
crowded trying to save their
co as fast as it could be cured and
Having them little or no time lo;
grading, no one looked for much to
come in at the opening, yet the
sales were larger than
AU five of the warehouses bad a
fair amount on sale the prices
most gratifying, rum be
tween f 17.50 per hundred.
The opening prices this sensor,
fully over last season.
The warehouses are all well
equipped with good working force
off the season in good
shape. The crews are as
Dow Beaman, floor manager.
D. Spain O. E. Harris.
B. T. Bailey auctioneer.
Parham proprietors.
T. floor manager.
N. H. and W. L. Hall,
W. T. Burton, auctioneer.
T. proprietor.
Hardy, manager.
J. I. Smith and B. F. Hooker,
H. A. auctioneer.
1.1 DATED l O.
Operating both the Farmers
Star warehouses.
O. L. Joy president.
W. ti. Dall, Jr., secretary and
B. J. Cobb, treasurer.
D. A. auctioneer.
W. B. Roebuck, floor manager
at the Farmers.
Ola Forbes, manager at the Star.
IT. M. Wall J. T. Pratt,
book keepers.
A. A. Forbes and C. F. Mead-
general assistants.
At no time has Greenville
stronger of than are
on the market this season,
will work the
in keeping Greenville in the lead
of the Eastern markets. Tue
F. W. Clare for American To-
K. O. lot Imperial To-
Andrews Bailey.
G. B.
W, T. ton.
H. S. Hardy.
W. Harvey.
HI, Garden Co.
S. J. Parham.
T. A. Duke.
E. II. Thomas.
it. S.
G. F.
and Go,
A. Person for the
There will be some other buyers ;
of Interest Over the
and Bum ling like a dog and rolling
writhing on the ground
suffering from an acute attack
William Garrison,
street bit three
men last night being gotten
under control.
Houston, Tex , July
returns have been received to
show that in day's
T. M of re-
a plurality of the ii a
rotes e will go into th-
State with at least
voles strength
for us second choice to
assure tie
Pa., July 29.--
When Samuel a well-
returned to bis home
to-night he his wife
and two children dead and a third
child from wounds.
Who find the shots has not In en
learned. Indications limit to rob-
as the motive. Au
had also been mads to set l
the home, hut in
time to extinguish
had in tied
Io your Friday's of The
Reflector, you mention the fact
only one can be
for register of deeds, and
that those who defeated for the
nomination should take their de-
feat in the right spirit. I as one
the candidates, promise yon my
support of the whole
ticket as by
convention at Ir
seems to u e that no true Demo-
can afford to do otherwise,
it would be the height of folly ti
forsake, or to do to in-
the grand old party ha
always been the friend of
s -in hem while to forsake it,
I say, for one v. ho has tried alway-
to place the black yoke on mi
What for the sake of a petty
office, our backs on all
hold deal in I he way of good gov-
No, I refuse to believe
i hat any one of he good men men-
for in Pitt county,
ill lie untied from so small a
cause as defeat for office.
If there ever was a time
Democrats should tight out their
differences in a
within the it is now. With
ever increasing graft in high
trusts drawing their
cords lighter us every day,
the comes to Us
from the Chicago packing
above all the increase of th
crime I y the black man
in the South, I do not see how
one for anything but to
keep beloved Slate in the
Democratic column.
I have that re will be
much Splitting of tickets this year
men who want lo vole for the
man not the Let me
urge on you, fellow Democrats
that the danger is not, and will
not be soon passed. are
Republican leader in the State
who, they can once get into pow-
again, will the
some way, thus
to themselves continuance in office.
Once take away I lie protecting
power Democracy the
the most in m and many will regret
question, st the poll.
of Mr Camion, he all hi
Ayden, N. C,
Sometimes I s. it you a
communication which y
published, . Ho
to ice at tie
of the I h- party ii com-
convention on the of Aug-
I did specify
gentleman at the because
I had not learned the
sentiment as any
particular individual. how
popular sentiment seems to
have centered on II C. r
Greenville, C, Aug. 1906.
At a lull ting of the Green-
ville Tobacco Trade Mr.
R. W. King was unanimously en
dotted County Commissioner
because entire Tobacco Board
of Trade believe him to be the man
for the position for the following
l.-t. Because a
should reside at the county seat.
2nd. Because he is
familiar the reeds of all
of the county.
3rd. Because he could be easily
with from all parts
of the county day or
The citizens of Greenville as w
as all our farmer friends know the
difficulties under which they leave
labored in reaching the town be-
cause of the almost impassible
condition of many of the
leading to thereby
causing our market to lose
thousands of pounds of
tobacco annually.
We earnestly appeal lo our
farmer fr cuds throughout the
county co-operate with US in
the of R. W.
King, whom believe will do
in his power to a. cure
much needed in
deplorable sit nation.
R. B.
G. F. Evans.
O. L
F. D
Geo. S. Prichard,
Pennsylvania Announces
of Roads
Will Probably Follow.
Philadelphia, Pa ,
a railroad company
today a of Its
maximum one way passenger fare
from and cents to cents,
At the same time it was announced
that hereafter thousand mile books
will be sold for each the cash
deposit required being
done away with This action will
involve a of a
through fares from the south aid
g to the vast amount of w. k
by reason of the changes
the new rate of fare will not e-
operative for tin e,
probably November It is as-
that the Ii; s
which reach New York by way of
Cincinnati and tie n
meet Pennsylvania
company's reduction by t
of fares so that all southern
passenger whether by y
of Washington, Cincinnati, o
Louisville Le on an
ancestry, is of old
We owe it a- a duty to our family
and to our Mod, to help make this
a government for and by tut
stock, the best, purest an we this by
et ever made. Should If receive opposing all who are in league with
the endorsement his party trust-and the like.
its co for the office Register
of Deed-, lie will Kit
ed, but will in every prove
him el of the o or. A
I i Iciest Integrity, he i peer of
the beat. Honest
Highest of all
he will carry into
tho the
and when his . office
-hall have expired It v
won the h.-
public. That success u b his
i- the earnest desire of i. so n
, ii v. I'll I how,
. i
if. r
To be held in tho court house at
Friday, August.
Morning session will open at
o'clock sharp, unit session
at Dr. IV.
Mi London, An-on county. Pea-
nut Ly T. K Browne,
by A.
rim feeding farm animals, by
Mr. Sutler. The improvement of
cotton ml corn seed ,
II. an-. N. f
1.0 i r e am is
lie . I
In en ii Ii-
Mr. . i aided ,; desire.
I. A , i II In I II H
It all m . . m
b ii .
N. Aug.
of recent
pa. t occurred here this morning,
o'clock when
Jr., sou of ex-Mayor
John W. died of heart
I., nine other c. t . ions
He left a bride of just seven weeks
having been married on June 12th
t Mies Eva Cox.
. .-. ;.,.
be given .
or the i
none but
will Le discussed.
Durham Dry c,
here last and
the Compaq's
The reminder i the
will In on at one,
of cost, the starting
The new firm w put a desired that aim
complete stock of oh ling, dry I dance of farmers be t
iii i--i as tun i, i j e I this end you are urged lo
i i i. sire
. I
. . ,
. I
he i, I
who go to the James-
town Exposition next says
a contemporary, hare the
the Virginia
act forbids the
of any gratuity to an agent, em-
or servant without th
kn or consent of the em-
Guests at hotels will
therefore be taking risk of fin
and imprisonment if they
the usual practice of tipping wait-
and other attendants. It is
not likely to prove a drawback t
the but the law ma
become to stranger-
all of whom cannot be expected t.
lie familiar with
barn quickly anything they t
to know nil visitors to Vwant to know that lb
lipping nuisance is unlawful i
that State. A nuisance is
the tipping business is. A
at a hotel would much rather have
added to his bill the amount he is
supposed to be under obligation to
disburse tips to be coin-
polled to keep his hands forever i;
his pockets, feeling for money.
will not hurl the
for it to become
known that the visitor will be
the necessity tipping every
he comes in contract with
This is a bad custom that
cans have gotten from are
it has become so diary
in this country I lie man
d es not lo it Is danger
of falling under in pi o
and few, i the
nave the moral . lo i la d
n II , r.
N. C, Aug.
If. A. Gray made call
in Washington last
W. A. t
visited here last week.
J. R. Williams
from a trip to the seaside.
Deputy Dudley, of
made business
here last week. r
J. B. Whitehurst and
Miss Minnie, spent Wednesday in
Misses Mary Taylor and Pearl
J went to Stokes and Beth. I
shopping last week.
Mrs. J. Cherry, of
spent one day last week h
Nash Hardy returned from Win-
Thursday .
W. C. has
position with the A. C. L. at
Miss Hill, of . is
relatives this neighbor
J. E. of Roberson
spent Sand here .
of Bethel, spent
and Sunday here with
his sister, Mrs. T. F. Nelson.
A dozen young people from
this Notion went to
to attend the union Saturday and
are glad to note that Mrs
Eli is Her
many friends have cm very
her for seine n l.;.
B. B. Mi of d, was
a here Sunday.
Columbus of
was here Sunday with one of Oak
i. t
with T N i in th. mar-
kit business
disposed C.
L. a
large dry good- stoic
sent and to induce your
do the same.
man ho . . . i
man tally the a
a even
died y in i .William a. i. . y
went I i ho in e-i
self defense.
I Li I
. . .-
i he u
i. I
ti t k
S. I
u at
. Mr.
i of evil
. .
man a
. i i
. i told
i him for not
tin t two shots, but
and Kincaid

Eastern reflector, 31 July 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 31, 1906
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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