Eastern reflector, 24 July 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

of Interest in North
Mrs. Nancy aired
and old-- woman
Bow an dud
The a train at the
comity was
-d this mailer of a
goes over to another court
an bill.
prisoners in
came near making their
escape ending nut of the steel
cages and brick wall.
the plot in
tn of the prison-
The t has appointed two
Carolinians, William
a as ;
I en the world
the bet
to n
A correspondent of
York Sun. after attending the
recent Republican State
paper that Republicans in
North Carolina will enter the
coining campaign united for the
Brat time in years, and they ex-
tn send two Congress can-
adds that they
predict with great confidence
that two years from now North
Carolina will cast its electoral
the Republican candid,
ate for One is
about as to be realized as
the other. The is, however,
that this fall the Republicans
will in all probability lose even
one Congressman they now
have and as to the vote
of North Carolina in it will
go to the Democratic candidate,
whoever he n
J. Moore, of this
her daughter, listen to Mr.
Daniel The wedding
is to take place tome time in
Moore one of
Washington's young ladies,
and is a of toe late
r. Edmund . Hove. Mr. Fowls
promising layer lure and a
son of the late Got. Daniel
Conditions Under Which
May Become Govern-
Washington, July sec-
of the treasury authorizes
the following statement.
A large number of banks have
asked to be designated depositories
of public money. To these the
secretary has made the universal
to leave with bank one
third of the proceeds of why
ma hind sit nay buy under bid
the government,
purchased bonds at par as
These offers have
been in the u , to email banks.
He now offer general,
but limits such deposits- to any
one heal to 11,000.000.
secretary calls attention to
the circular invitation for bids
wherein the government reserves
tie right to permit bidders offer-1
tog the highest prices to increase I
the amount of their purchases.
This reservation, the secretary
lays, was made to avoid the
a between
bidders and will be exercised to
anyone who has
bid above
A g i f on a clay road
is a thing, but the more this
ii to gravel the better.
Good gravel would be far superior.
The exact amount of Band to use
will generally have to be deter-
mined by experiment in each
locality. Apply the Band when
the road ii wet but not rutted. It
will not be of much value- till it
becomes mixed with the clay
thus forms sort of artificial hard
pan. On the other band, if sand
is applied to hard dry clay it will
be a positive nuisance until wet
comes and allows it to
become mix d with the clay, It
is only suitable for roads of com-
light traffic.
Dram Drinker's Argument.
The dram is apt at say-
lea and c flee are stimulants,
and those who use them are
on par with the liquor consumer.
But, did coffee or tea ever make a
husband beat his wile, stain his
bands with blood, or dishonor his
own Docs the mayor have
to issue a proclamation on election
day, closing th coffee
fear of Horn.
Forgiving and Forgetting.
people have a habit
seems to have been
of making the remembrance of
man s sin more severe
than His punishment, hence
what they mete to him in
remembering and constantly
harder to bear
that what they him to
fer from the punishment. Now
when yon forgive a person
do subject him
to the or linger-
torture of louver reviving
Some men seem to carry not
record of a man good parts.
lint the chronicled
of every evil deed he has
One said well when
i that there is an
nil forgiveness in this
-a kind of hedgehog tor.
shot out like quills,
who has offended
him before the
their indignation
scorch bin burn Ins,
into and when they
have d Ii i sufficiently
ii fiery fists
him. E
Report of the condition of
At In the Stats of North
Carolina, at the close r business,
June pith, 1908,
and Discounts
r s. Honda to
24,197.07 I
If there is any one change
needed as far as elections to con-
are concerned it is an
to the constitution
the terms of
the of represents-
Under present conditions
baldly has time to get SC-
to bis seat In the house
before he has to begin
plans to get there
Sentinel. ,
L. s. Bonds
Banking house, furniture,
Due from National Hank
Due from Slate Banks and
approved reserve
Chi and other items
Notes of other
money reserve in
notes 3,45.00 1,234.96
Redemption rum with S.
p r cent of.
Total 114,619.81
stock paid In
less ex-
and paid
National bank
Individual deposits subject
to check
Time of deposit
checks outstanding 15.19
State of North
county of Pitt.-
J. w,
named do solemnly swear
statement is true to the beat
of my knowledge and belief.
AYCOCK, Cashier I
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 21st day Of
Correct Attest
E. A. Jr.
e making July a busy month Dy
it a Bargain month.
AH Summer Goods
; to make room for the new fall stock. The
Reduction includes
Colored Lawns.
Black Lawns,
Dress Ginghams,
Ready-made Shirt Waists.
Ladies Belts and
Ladies, Children
and Infants Slippers.
An early call will saving to you.
i awl Owner.
and Friday.
At a Porch Party in Honor of
Her Miss Mabel
Craft, of Wilmington
and Miss Sue
of Wilson.
R. ported for
One of affairs
of the n the porch party
by Miss
Can, to her guests,
f and
Corbett, of Wilson.
and Mies Lil-
Can at the hall en-
and ushered the guests to
rte parlor where were re-
Wilson and Miss
Jamie Bryan, and introduced to
the guests of honor, Misses
to the rear end
the where fruit punch
and Alex, The porch was
entirely covered with
vines, lighted by
The color scheme bring pink and
white, was carried out
with many -oils paper
from the to the
The yard which very large
was tilled with rustic seats of all
and lighted by
and it a a moat b sight
to see i lie young ladies on the lawn
telling jokes, pk; sing-
good time.
At o'clock the
in parlor were given
questions Hit Revolutionary
war. with different objects in the
room i
Comparison Shown in Report
of Department of Commerce
and Labor.
That more Is being taken
to the Sooth for investment in
than to the New England
States is shown in the startling
comparison just made by the De-
of Commerce and Labor,
which states that four times as
much capital was invested in the
Southern States since 1900 than in
New England.
In North Carolina, where
was invested in 1900,
is now engaged in
the State the sum
of in-
crease of cent. The
amount of wages paid out mM in-
creased and where the
cost of materials used in 1900 was
last year it amounted
to Same figures are
given of Connecticut, and show
that her in capital
ed is only per cent. New
shire shows only an per cent,
increase. on the other
hand, shows her capital to have
In the five years by
per cent. Virginia is below her
Southern States-with an in-
crease only per cent. South-
Carolina shows increase
cent. These figures
significant in showing that the
trend U working its
South and at a rate which indicates
that a few the Southern
Slates will rank with New Eng-
land in manufactures. Factories
for common goods rank in the
Several tied for the prise it south, second;
was finally Miss
and was given a very
won by , resented
. M Miss Craft. Then to the
where a was
suspended from above, forty
stars the for-
tunes, your past and future,
alter dainty refresh-
served carrying out
the colors of pink Mis
Lillian Can was dieted
colors, and never
prettier this v.
This was rather a
a it was the first of
it kind ever held here, about
and it wax
by all.
her and timber products third,
with flour and grist mill products
They Cot Skinned.
No, Postmaster has
not been in a scrap. He has just
been to where he went
fishing with the and it was
the Mm that took the peeling off
cf him. Paul and Bob
are about badly skinned
And they fish wouldn't
Hindi Up I
Under Shed Where Men
Are faring Tobacco.
S. M. R. H
together, had a close
tell from n mad dog a few
. It was Mr turn U
Mr. Harris
asleep. dog came under the
ham r and fell in i. lit in front
mid near
t in and when
lie called Harris to
wake him. When
Mow many women can
these questions without
Do wear any articles of cloth-
which makes you feel
Do you eat food y know
with you
Do you give yourself little time
to dress that you have to rush
through lift appoint
Is your bath a pleasure and a rec-
real ion
Do you keep your dry and
Do you drink plenty of pure
Make Their Mark Everywhere.
We print here the report of the
ordination of one of North
choicest men, recently
entered upon in
was held yesterday in the
church in which R.
pastor of the church. waR ordained
to the lull work of the Goer-el min-
silting in the
were Bond. C
W. Marion; O R
Theodore Hansen,
G. Canton; S. W
Cassidy and C H of
Wichita; Dr. I. If. and
W. A. I Elliott, of Kenton. Tl-
deacons present were Messrs. John-
son, Dexter man. Me
and The
met at Rev W.
waR election chairman and Rev.
H Bond clerk. After the roll-
call of delegates and formal
of the council. Kin-
introduced the candidate,
R. Fleming, Jr. and the ex-
fly the council was be-
gun. The candidate was asked to
relate bis Christian experience, call
the ministry and of
lief. The by the
was and
his finished, the went into
executive it expressed
its unanimous of the can-
b fitness he
council was very favorably
ed with his keenness of mind and
excellent preparation for Vis work.
At o'clock the
were conducted by W.
ion sermon,
Vision of by A. J. Finch;
prayer or ordination. C W.
band of fellowship, O
charge to the candidate, Dr. I. M.
Clark; charge to the church, Theo-
The choir sang mi
anthem and Gertrude
an a solo, Pilgrims of the
The services were very
throughout and the time spent
was very profitable. members
of the council were unusually
ed with the and tie
church burs is to be
in having such able young
as their pastor
Be Ii. L s a MM
boy, a young man
brains, and character
ts a son of Mr. Ii R I Jen of
Chicken Rode from Wilmington
N. C. to Point
Without Paying Fare-
Conductor Hart
Claims Bird.
To hundred fifty miles
the truck of a car, run-
at of about forty-five
miles an hour, is experience yet
unheard of, bat it chickens could
talk, there's one in i his city today
could furnish enough leading
ii, fill columns
That chicken reached
Point last night on the truck
of mail ear on passenger
Mo. over the Lies
from N. C It is
in hen and it is no the
its trip. venturesome fowl
a now the property of
Hut, who brought the
to this lie for
this story.
Hi-mi after train pulled of
Wilmington lit the morning,
was called In
the h-i-,
on the of the mail
ear. It wan a sort of and as
there was no chance of collecting
n fare from the -handler,
generous hearted conductor
t-i far hen would ride,
it every stop u was taken
under the car and I here still sat
I be bill. got our to
look at her and station agents noted
the novel but the tramp
chicken was not
when Point was reached
Captain Hart lo lift her
her seemingly
the Captain, I am
this hobo luck to
on u ex pens
Grenville, July 23-1.
We, the undersigned of
Greenville, Lodge So. A.- F.
A. M., regret to learn that a re-
port is in various
sections of the county, that certain
who are with
violating the criminal law of the
State, will not be convicted because
they are Masons. This is absolutely
and without foundation.
Masonry upholds no man In he
violation of the law, but on the
enjoins and require a
strict and
to the law of
Every man, when he Ian-noes a
Mason, receives the
charge to wit;
you are to be a
quiet and peaceful citizen, true to
your and to
not t
disloyally, but patiently
to authority and conform
cheerfulness to the govern
of the country in which you
live. In your demeanor,
be particularly careful to avoid
censure and
We embrace opportunity to
the idea that any good
Mason will suborn himself to pro-
a guilty brother.
K. B. Griffin,
L. Brows,
Junior Warden.
of Interest in
Carol ,
few at
min ton,
H. M. a fireman on the
bunch of the Southern
railway, Was in a wreck near
Saturday night.
After having the twenty four
hours, the jury T.
of Raleigh, charged with
burning a house to get the
was not guilty.
A charter has been granted
the Mount and Wilson
way company, that proposes to
an electric road between the two
While playing in a . f base-
ball at Durham. Saturday afternoon
John Redmond, a young married
man. was lightning and
killed., Several others were shock-
Do you take plenty of in -which Congress mad
the open expenses h
Do you do todays work only,
leaving tomorrow's burden until
tomorrow is today
Will Pay
It has gone out through at
least some of the Republican
press that President Roosevelt
has said ho will pay his own
traveling expenses,
standing Congress has made an
appropriation of for that
purpose. If Mr,
sticks to his proposition and re-
fuses to accept the appropriation
for his
expenses he will call
appreciation of many a tax
Big Meeting Expected in
on July
There that the
counties this section of the
State will be well represented at
fie special Suite meeting of the
North in-
Association, sailed by President
John Cunningham for July
in this city. The work
and several neigh-
boring is rapidly
prosecuted by energetic sub
branch Mr. K. J.
Delegates will attend the
meeting from all the newly firmed
associations. It is
probable that there will
gates from the
The realize their
only effective weapon
oppression of trust A young fellow who had
t the op
for in a
a to put a
no; take whit
trust is pleased
payer in this country. Win
Do you plan work and it is right or wrong for Congress
to save time and steps, or I to pay the
fell on dog be was
and do you dip first one thing and , expenses the people will applaud
and was later n,,,, another blindly
. Do try to be cheerful,
or do you fuss and fret and worry
bays an
couple met, courted, and
within an hour. In New
York they might also have
and parted in the same
-period, Md still have had enough
time to tell their troubles to the
That is rapid transit,
but then in these days the th-
court is of
honeymoon. In Charlotte on
Tuesday a trial
by cluck.
about everything and everybody--.
Savannah Press.
It would be amiss for the
men likewise to ask themselves most
of these question and see how hon-
est answers can be given.
The Right Way.
Tc Chatham
postmasters should be elected
by the people. Such a method of
choice would be vastly preferable
to that now
him when refuses to accept
it. Many of the pain people
think of a Hilary
a man can his own travel
expenses, and so he can.
Scotland Neck Commonwealth. I
The catches l
going and coming. Ho baa to
or the meat inspection, thanks to u
congress, and has to pay
the Beef what it seal lit lo
charge to make up
by the packers in
of the meat
on h- bright
best friend ad-
it, ii this cm,
but t e
crop, will be
, mi wet in about two
be at the mercy the
. to be
. i .
The Orphanage.
The annual report the
Orphanage at Thomasville,
published in and
by General Manager M. L.
shows some interesting
facts. During the year
fatherless ones were cared for ;
received into the institution,
discharged. Although the
orphanage community passed
through epidemics of whooping-
cough, and pneumonia,
only two children died.
The farm of the orphanage,
like the farms or the world, is
the of the institution.
The orphanage farmers serve all
the departments, look after their
own business and help feed the
hundreds of little ones.
The shoo shop pays most, we
are told, in training it gives
the boys, and e wood-working
department pays expenses, and
save the institution by pump-
water. Boys receive
able training here, also, but
there is great need of an endow-
to strengthen the
and make it a first-rate
wherein the hands of
youth may be taught to do
The fiscal year began with a
debt of but the actual
debt now is and it would
have been only about half as
much had not several thousands
been spent on needed improve-
nun , and only await t
the called meet
y 26th i to put efficient
active y to
Lo at there will
II, the i .
., . Colin lei
a ;, v an
, , .
Of county.
Old is
Lewis the
old man
be was away about years,
old, h beaver
I today. i-l three
j-s well be
but ii- dis one's
good for dis wedder I put it
on The old man he is
feeling and may not
r much Any way he is
are man for his age and
a i . than most
i. lie bad his shovel
while . .; the
into the habit of spend
evenings away from was
brought to his sense in i be
One afternoon his father r-nm-
to him and asked him if had
any engagement for the
The young man had not.
I'd like to have you
go somewhere with
The young man himself tells
what followed.
I said.
shall I meet
suggested the Columbia
Hotel at half-past seven; I
was there. When he
he said he wanted me to call with
him on a lady. One I knew
quite well when I was a
he explained.
went and started
straight for home.
is staying at our
he said.
thought it strange lie
should have mt de the appoint-
for the Columbia
those circumstances. I said,
we went in, and I
introduced with all due formality
to my mother an I sister.
situation struck me as
funny, and I started to laugh,
but the laugh away. None
of the three even smiled. My
mother and sister shook hands
with me and my mother said
that she remembered me as a
boy, but hadn't seen much of me
lately. Then invited me to
a bit funny then,
although I sat down, and she
told mo one or two anecdotes of
my boyhood, at which we all
laughed for u little. Then We
four played games for a while,
When finally retired, I was in-
to call again, I went up
stairs feeling pretty small,
doing a good deal of thinking.
asked his
I made my
that my mother was
woman, and my
going to call ago
enjoy their company and
to cultivate their
Register of Deeds R.
issued . to
couples l

i i
,. .
1- t
The time for Clearance Sales has moved up a month or more. Formerly September, then August, now July. The factory agents
are even out selling fall goods before the selling of Summer Stuff began, even now solicitations are made for next
delivery. The wheels of commerce are spinning. To keep pace this progressive age, Clearance Sales, swift and
fast, is now the order. Nothing is to be carried over. So profitless is this sale to us that no goods
can be charged or sent out to see at July Clearance Sale prices. We have planned to sell all Summer Goods, have taken
into due consideration the great loss of profit at such reduction as we are making means. We take the loss cheerfully, wisely,
Relieving it to be the best kind of business sense to clean up all summer goods at a sacrifice, while the waring is at it height.
All the Be Lawns have
n reduced to and yard.
J . and Lawns are to
The and Lawns are to
sell at and yard.
redactions in the Wool
Dress Goods.
Big lot of Ribbons to close at
greatly reduced prices.
Great reduction in Corsets.
All the Millinery Goods to be
closed at hall price.
White India Linens, worth
to close at yard.
Val. Laces and Insertions
worth to to close at yd.
Fine China Silk worth yd
to sell for yard.
36-in Taffeta, guaranteed all
colors, worth yard, to sell
at yard.
Best Bleaching at yard.
Best Ginghams yard.
White Belts, worth
to sell for
Ladies and children's Pans,
worth and to sell for
Ladies Ready-to-wear Hat
worth 11.36 and 1.60, to
for piece.
All the Hosiery to sell at great-
reduced prices.
Ladies White Duck Sailors,
with feathers, worth to sell
Ladies Lace Collars that even
sold at and to sell for
A big lot of R. G. C-B and
W. B. Corsets, that are worth
1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and to sell
for This is your Corset
B A Embroidery Silks, also
the worth the skein,
sell for
Ziegler Bros. Slippers for
ladies, misses and children re-
a third.
a Shoo
as good as its name, worth 2.00
and 2.50, to close at 1.75 and 2.00
also carry the Irving
Shoes and Slippers for ladles
and misses. None better
The 2.00 Slippers for 1-78
u 2.50
A big of Silk Umbrellas for
and SO 28-inch
I to close
at This is a great
la chance. Ask to see them.
The All America in
Tan. Pat. Gun Metal
for men, the 3.50 and 4.00
Shoes made, to tell at
The Hanan Slippers in Pat.
Leather and Metal, the fa-
Shoe for men a id boys,
and the best Shoe on earth, to
close at worth and
Just a few sizes . ft or u would
not hear of this price for the
Hanan Slippers.
were and 1.50, to close
at All new pattern
just received.
Mens Panama Hats that are
worth 7.50 to close at We
can tit you if you come early.
Young Hats in the Sailor
shape, the newest things and
best The 2.50
it 2.00, the 2.00
at 1.50. Other makes
re 1.26, 1-60 to close at
to sell
to sell
The Serge has
been reduced from 15.00 an-i
18.00 to Suit. This s
your Serge Chance.
The two piece suits series
and in Flannels the much worn
suits days b.-en re-
from 12,00 to
low price of 7.51 This is a
The and 9.00 suits
have been to You
should see suits really
know the r real value.
Men's T and H.
worth to sell for pair.
A big lot of Trunks and
cases to sell at greatly ,
prices. This has always a,
great and
grown greatly in
Every item is of the wanted
ties, while the lots last the re-
prices hold good but
try and get the pick. The
reductions will last until sum
mer goods are sold We
carry goods from season to sea-
Always Hop For a Man Who Is
of an Ordinary Cur
I have seen a few wretches in my
day, but I never saw one so utterly
lost to decency that ho could not be
flattered by the friendly attentions
of a strange dog. There is great
lesson in that. matter how
we try to seem to ourselves
and others, a small voice within
will not let-us forget what
we are. In the presence
of our kind we brazen. Th
calm of a child sometimes
shakes our self confidence. The
knowing look of a dog it.
There it something in
that perplexes the
man and disorganize his in-
tuition. Man is so made that whet
he cannot understand exercises
influence over him than that
he can. In the presence of
many phenomena he reveals himself
and quite unconsciously. He
is then no longer master of the
of his soul. lie drops his
grotesque outer garb
his brazen shield falls to the ground,
he either cowardly retreats or
succumbs without resistance.
There is some hope for the man
who is capable of feeling ashamed
in the presence of an honorable dog.
That man has avenues open to turn
for advancement. His soul is still
fit for expansion. Hit bruin is some-
thing more than a dried nut. His
heart has not turned entirely into a
thing and valves. When
a dog greets him he thinks
better of himself. Unconsciously he
that am, I am
not so bad after all as I might be.
You can't fool a dog, and a dog if no
hypocrite. Therefore I have good
me which he The
fellow is a little surprised at him-
self and not a little nattered. If a
noble dog shows him marked favor
he becomes almost
mediately. If several dogs should
display groat preference and
for his person he would soon
become unendurable to society
quite too vain for association with
men Contrariwise, should dogs
bark at him generally or perchance
should one him lie would not
fool himself good enough to
ate with snakes, but would forth-
with get himself locked up as a
of hysterical rabies, and if he
had any pathetic at large
they would at once insist upon
the dog put to death.
For my own part I have learned
a great deal from dogs. f I am
they set me the example in
early childhood. If I am faithful U
a friend through his disgrace and
disaster I cannot deny that a dog re-
vealed this nobility of character to
me for the time in my life. If
I have gratitude, I saw it first in a
dog. If I have enterprise, ha did
not neglect my early lessons. If I
have initiative, so had my first dog
friend. If I am affectionate, so was
he. If I am patient in adversity
and without arrogance in affluence
could not have acquired this poise
of mind better from men than from
d gs. If I am watchful over weak-
entrusted to my care, if I am
forgetful of self in guarding my be-
loved, if I have the courage of
convictions, if have any heroic in-
I could have had no better
teacher than a dog. Indeed the love
of dogs, their association and ex-
ample have tilled my life with joy.
Guitarist Magazine.
owe my salvation to three
words you he wrote.
all the world was me you
said, trust
If every boy or girl who has made
mistakes and astray could have
such a friend a great many of them
would return to a normal life. The
feeling that somebody believes in
trusts matter what others
believe or the heart.
Criminals are sometimes totally re-
formed through the consciousness
that somebody still believes in them,
no matter how low they may have
fallen. Could we realize how much
trust and confidence would do
for a man when everything else has
failed we should be more generous
of our in our fellows.
Many Such.
Old Mrs. B., a lady notorious for
her saving habits, one morning
the doctor's surgery, leading
a healthy boy of nine years.
Mrs. said the doctor, our
patient from
airs. B. replied. much
with him, should laughed
doctor, pinching his red cheeks.
appetite, said the
boy's voice.
exclaimed the
he doesn't need an
gracious, replied
Mrs. B. in horrified accents. want
you to give me to j
appetite less. eat me oat
afore month's K
is up if tile i
down -Scored He rt I.
Manager and Authorized Agent-
. . c.
As for
ml k s Reflector we take
that in receiving
. d writing receipts for
those in i ears. We have a list
of all who their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job printing.
Miss Lucy who la at
the sanitarium in Wilson, is, we
re pleased to very much
For can peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, fee, apply to E. E.
Joyner, of is
visiting Johnson.
When j eyes
J. W. expert
Ayden, N O. is the man to do
your work if yon want to be
Mrs. M. VI. Sauls and Miss Bur-
returned Wednesday
evening a three weeks visit
to d, and now the doctor
nays be is himself again.
Merchandise carry
of meat, lard and can
goods. buy before giving
me trial Frank Lilly Co
Elmer is home from
fur a short visit to his
A full line of valise, tel-
satchels, hand bar,
suits case at J R Smith Bro
N. of Washington,
light here.
I always keep on hand a
line fed at lowest cash
prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and brand
and ship Frank Lilly Co.
Stokes and wife,
Stokes tow , were here yesterday
You Wheeler and
son and Singer sewing machine.
Prices way way down H.
Tripp Bro, next to Early Hotel.
Ayden, N C.
Watt Parker, of Beaver Dam,
l full supply of hay, grain, hulls,
cotton seed meal, bran, ship stuff,
always on band, Cannon and Tyson
Miss who has
been came
home Thin-day. Miss Ella
berry came with her ind will
i-end days in the
For tools, grind stones
hemp tied pulleys, at J. R.
, n A Bl .
Mrs. Skinner and Mrs.
Greenville, spent Tues-
day afternoon here with Dr. Skin-
Our slip Oft must go, the
is well advanced. The now
will interest the most buy-
Cannon and
Miss Bonnie of Wharton,
is hereof to her sister,
Mrs. B. S.
who in need of a cook
can make it to his interest
to us have bought a solid
ear. load, and expect them to arrive
K. Go's .-
market for beef, fresh meats, can
sage, and fresh fish.
A beautiful line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware
at J R Smith Bro
A supply of Val ices,
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels and
Suit Gases, at J. R. Smith Bro.
We want to make room for other
storks and in order to do so we are
offering very cheap bargains in sum-
mer goods- We must move them
out of the way and have put a price
on them that will be sure to get
them off. Now is the time to get
big value for your money. Cannon
Car load V. Crimped roofing in
lengths to cover residences
churches, school
stables much cheaper than
shingles and very little labor, at J.
R Smith Bro.
A. J- of Farmville,
has en here during the week.
It wasn't a Missouri editor
but a printer's devil who was
going through his first
on forms.
The paper was late and the boy
got the galleys mixed. The first
part of the obituary notice of a
had been dumped in the
forms, and the next handful of
type came off of a galley
a recent fire. It read like
pall bearer s lowered
the body to the grave and as i
was consigned to the flames
there were few if any regrets
for the old wreck had been an
eyesore to the town for years.
Of there WM individual
loss, but was fully covered
by The widow
thinks the editor wrote obit-
that because the la-
partner of her joys and
sorrows owed him five
For a nice present boy a
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
Corn, Oats, Hay Lima always
on at J. R. Smith Bro.
In order to reduce our large
stock preparatory to we
will make, prospective buyers ex-
prices. J. It.
Nice new repacked North Car
Cut Herrings at J. Smith
for large nice new
Story brick stores located on
Avenue In tie Town of
can possession
August 16th, i
J. It. Smith Bro.
V. Crimps and paper ling,
with or short Joints
pipe at J. R. B
The summer clearing sales
the stores gives opportunity
main hunters.
Bedsole Who Shot on
Excursion Sues At-
Coast Line.
A suit for damages against the
Atlantic line, perhaps new in
civil j to this has
in Cumberland
County Court.
of the suit is thus told of in
day afternoon's issue of the Fay-
Men.--. Robinson Shaw, a
well km law firm of this city,
and Mr. W a leading young
member of the bar, today instituted
against the Atlantic Coast Line
Railroad, operating the branch At-
and Railroad, between
Sanford and Wilmington, the papers
returnable at August term of the
Superior Court,
client being Bedsole. who killed
Ah xii n on an excursion
and Wilmington, on the
night of Saturday, 7th inst., or the
early morning of Sunday inst.
The damages are not. so far, spec
stated, but it is understood
that a large amount will be
complaint of the plaintiff
Bedsole is set forth as
when the excursion train
started from Stedman
declared bis of
wearing that be
never get to he
was drunk and disorderly, and
showed himself to be heavily-
armed; that on the excursion train,
i be plaintiff, so far from provoking
trouble with deceased
brought a reserve seat a
locked that managers
train left said train
in the
starling to unlock the car
which Bedsole was sealed, was
warned by not to do to,
ks would bairn or let I
Bedsole; that bluffing; that be did
unlock door of car; that
entered with two revolvers In his
hands, whereupon plaintiff, in de
of his own life, took
plaintiff slates That, consequence of the disorder, con
fusion and bad management on
said trail; ard on account above
all of the cloud upon him
that, in said bad
he Was forced to
commit a homicide, he has bee i
seriously and
General Insurance and Merchandise Brokers.
We wish to we our-
selves together for the purpose of conducting a gen-
Insurance and Merchandise Brokerage
in the Town of Ayden and Vicinity. We will
represent none but the most reputable concerns,
and any part of business you may see fit to
favor us with we will thank you for and feel very
t sf
AYDEN, N. v.
At the of business June 18th, 1906.
and Discounts,
Overdrafts Secured
Furniture and
Due from Banks,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Hank notes
other U. S. notes
Capital stock paid in, f
Surplus fund 2,700.00
Undivided profits less
expenses, 618-59
Dividends unpaid . 222.00
Deposits subject to check, 37,342.36
Cashier's 630.72
I, J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my and be-
lief. J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, 22nd day 1906.
R. C.
Due from Banks
Cash Items
Sliver com V
Nat, not.
stock pd in
Undivided profits 1,986.54
sub to check
mm, K time
v Mies.
is. Misses
M. and
. Miss
I V.
well n. a. d
to ail
o awl mi
. ii on or
I . Hi,
I III . f ,
it Put A
of N Carolina,
of Pitt.
I, J. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 23rd day of June
Notary Public.
week. Cannon Tyson
and John Randolph
been hire during the weak.
Harrison, old colored blend
from has to
V was a day with
the M here. Io the
they ere and
much At noon they
tool; a and to Hotel
Tripp partook of a
bounteous prepared by
mine ho-t Mr.
Mrs. Edwin Tripp. I fas an
and Vi. Tripp and his
Bert excellent lady can rest as-
sured the will long
and appreciated by
the Mason In the afternoon the
lodge was the
of into, be
business trans
There we o a large
Masons present and the
n most pleasant one.
Mis of Kin-
visiting Alias Helen
If yon are troubled with
eyes or have a difficulty in ,
suitable glasses, it matters not
how difficult your case, call on J.
an expert
Ayden, N. C, who live years
experience with of the
ewes. He fain re
give or
money refunded. Over five hundred I
of Pitt Greene Lenoir
best people to testify to bis honesty
and ability. Give him your
work if you want
I have taken up one black bar
boat, weight about pounds.,
no ear marks. Owner can get same
by paying charges.
R. F D. No. Greenville. N. C.
a aw
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Block,; East
Ayden, N. C.
For Spring
T lime try
Veneer. It makes everything
look new. There will no
old, dull looking furniture dingy
woodwork in homes this won-
is used. No
or necessary. Liquid
Veneer is nut a hut a
food and cleaner that build up the
and makes ii brighter
than ever.
It instantly restores the brilliant
Picture Frames, Interior Woodwork,
Hardwood Floors and all
varnished or enameled surfaces. Re-
mores scratches, stains, dirt i and
dullness. t
A child can apply it. Nothing
but a piece of cheese cloth is needed
and there U no drying to wait for.
Trial bottle . Regular . . . . eta.
T. L, B,
AT N. C.
At the close of June 1906.
Loans and discounts
Overdrafts 681.12
Duo and
Cold can.
la National bank
and S. 2,119.43
Capital stock 5.300.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits 1.174.30
II II- 6.000,00
Time of
deposit 2,309.50
Deposits subj. to check 82,799.21
checks out-
standing 72.57
Certified SO
Comp i if
of t; Cr
Reported for Bi f
One of the
given I re
Ethel Skinner i
Sue Corbel i
Craft of
The pail-T hall vary
with furn,
potted plants aid flowers,
Ethel Skinner Frank
Wilson received in fr
gave all a cordial
Lilian Carr and Ba-
received at the I'm.
introduced the tin-
visitors, Jamie
Blount Pierce received in the
hall where fortunes and l
all kinds were played.
entering the parlor the
ladies were presented with very
large hearts by Miss May Whit-
the young men smaller
hearts by Margret
the men in tarn presented their
hearts to the moat attractive
lady it was found that
Miss Lillian Carr received the
highest number and was given a
beautiful boon entitled
low and she gave same to
her guests, Misses Corbett and Craft
they drew tor the prize and the
The most attractive feature of
the was a recitation by
Miss Pearl of Rich
entitled which
was enjoyed by all.
is a charming lady,
and very and has made
lids herd.
The Mi Ceremony was
the guests drew
for the brides maids, bridegrooms,
bride aid and at
The wedding
us by Carr,
the . maids came in
and stood the sup-
posed to In the bride-
groom did t same, Miss Margaret
Skinner game in as maid of honor,
Miss May carried the
wedding rug on a big sofa
The bride, Miss Pearl
came in leaning on the arm
of her supposed father,
the groom, P
entered with his best man
Home, the ceremony
formed by Walter Wilson, J .
A big reception was held
wards, and t of
all kinds. Dainty refreshment were
Those Misses Lil-
Carr, Sue Corbett of Wilson,
Mable Craft of Wilmington, Jamie
Bryan, Mary James, Frances Bag
well, Ethel Skinner,
May Whitfield, Lee
Brown, Nellie Pender,
Willie Snow
Hill, May Pearl Lenten,
stein, of Richmond, Va., Lizzie
Wilson. Will
Dock Frank
Wilson, War
V alter Ames Brown,
William John
Cecil Blount
lb urn in Moore.
ate of at ill tin
I. IT. ii Taylor
car the
edge an belief.
ii ii. i i i i I
of the above named solemnly
statement is to the beat of
II. H. Taylor Cashier
and be-
i this V-mI day Of April
Votary Public
sure to pay you.
E. B
Soldiers in
the S. Senate,
of whom thirteen were
i In the lower house there
e thirty-two who
Union at my and twelve were
It The total I
war soldiers in
forty-one yea after is a
Advertise in Town Papers.
City, Mo. July
Foil., addressing
retail o
rural m.
town papas.

Editor and Proprietor.
ft. J.
as second class matter,
In the post office at Greenville, N. C,
rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pit. and adjoining
to preference to
Another Pitt Boy.
The Mt. V with
an authorized capital of
and a paid capital
has been organized in Mt.
and b the The
orators are X. T- K el, H.
A. Jordan, R. J. and L.
C. The new
will do a general wholesale and
retail supply Sir. Keel
another of those Pitt
county boys who is miking hi
mark in the world.
When Wellman the North
pole we hope he will not keep it to
himself but let the rest of us know
The Wake county primary row
will soon be over and people who
the Raleigh papers will feel re-
at the end.
First thing X. Glenn Williams
knows he will draw his cane on a
man who is and a funeral
procession might result.
of waiting to die officially
the Republican postmaster whom
the Greensboro waitress whacked
on the head with a soup plate has
died sure enough.
Some of the papers have publish-
ed Capt. picture, but no
knows whether it looks like
him or not. Any other photo
would have the same
The way Adams
burn making up is
are now slobbering over
each Other almost as eagerly as they
wen- recently denouncing each
Ten d a is the size of
fines is entering up
against the Southern for
blowing whistles in
town It is not yet muled if the
fines are being paid-
Norfolk may think they
are work a by setting up a
line to convey race
around t a city ride on
cats. But their
absence fr. in the cars will be very
satisfactory bite people.
husbands who fail to
having to go
into court and tell how come. One
of them was relieved of 01,700 and
his wife too The non support law
might be good effect in
ether quarters of the State
Bedsole may get damages out of
the railroad. It depends on the
kind of jury the goes before.
As the county convention draws
nearer the candidates get more
shaky and active.
When lightning goes to striking
in base ball games the players had
better look out.
The neighboring towns that are
having lot auction sales might give
the impetus to Greenville. Such
sales advertise a town and start
buildings a going.
You Greenville business folks
Why don't you wake up and organ-
a chamber of commerce, and all
get to working together to make
more business for the town
the Wake county primary held
John C. won the
for State Senator. It
will crow for th
and Observer to support him.
The Ohio sheriff who holds a war
rant for John Rockefeller, says it
will be served immediately on that
gentleman's return to this country.
But when he is going to return is
another question.
The wanton destruction of timber
in this country past, is now
being exemplified by the
of railroad lien from
The to be paid on
this contract is cents each, in-
tin tariff tax of cent a
cubic ht, S to cents on each
railroad re. The price for
American tics on the Pacific
coast is said to be j cent each, so
the tax will have to be
ed it If cents more per lie to
protect our lumbermen from the
pauper labor of Japan. Here
some bin for the pr to
net upon of stand-
A local newspaper is absolute-
to any community
It is the home paper and letting pauper tin-
the people of the community undersell the American pro-
touch with each other by giving duct. Then too. if the tariff duty
them all the news of their own on timber increased it would
neighborhood and county. For the denudation of our for-
,, . , . . , j Jests, which the protection system
that alone Of value and I ,,, . , ,
J . desires, by placing
worth far more than small on e of foreign
umber. Ii is hardly to
subscription price. They keep
the local pride and progressive
spirit aroused and in various
ways are worth far more to a
community than a community
ever spends on
Under the law a railroad
can be punished fir charging
than its published rates and the
shipper for paying as much as
for giving rebates. This was tech-
proven in the conviction of
the three packing companies and
the Chicago, ad
railroad cases Kansas City. Of
course the crime committed was
say that the more cosily ties and
rails can be made, the higher our
freight rates are bound to be.
Piper From Cotton Stalls.
The extraction of oil from cotton
seed ad led greatly to the farm
earnings and wealth of the
It now looks us it cotton is to make
another equally a-, profitable con-
in the hap of paper
from notion lit present coin-
On a small this has bee i
done, hut a t
it to by tried on a large
corporation has been
We can fit yon with a suit.
As a general a very
thin man or a very fat man
pays the penalty of his size
when buying clothes.
He'll Not Do It
We can fit any man with a
Suit and fit him correctly
be he ever so
We'll charge h m no more
than if he were a regular
shape. Now, sir, if you
have been troubled in get-
ting clothes to fit you
we ask you to
S. a Co., CM.
mating in favor of j formed with capital to We have suits made for extra
against the public test the
slim shirt, stoat man and a for y u, Sir
whatever your shape
Two 16-year old white at
were convicted of burglary
the degree and sentenced
three years each on the roads. That
is starting them in early. A re
would be better for that
The Boston freak who made
nail keg of his stomach wished he
hadn't before the doctors got
i h rough cutting him open to remove
Asheville is in jail for
trying kill himself with a pinto
and failing the job. If he is so
to shake the city better let
him go out. try again
Cast your eye the territory of
which controls the trade
and you will be convinced that
ought to be to in
crease the population of that
and thereby make more
Nothing will do this faster than
Men may talk a lifetime, as
of what ought to be done to
increase the growth and trade of the
town, yet accomplish
than they can do single handed.
On the contrary a good chamber of
commerce or board of trade to
bring these individual ideas together
and after things collectively
would accomplish something.
and enterprises to increase
the army of wage earners are not
going to be forced on us. Such
things come by effort and the
e he effort the larger the reward.
are enough things needed
tare to keep a chamber of commerce
tine. f f
,, I i o
announcement published
elsewhere in this paper over the
signature of the three
I officers of Greenville
Masonic Lodge is commendable and
timely. It is well known to the
that certain of this
are under indictment charged
a grave and certain per-
sons no have cir-
the silly rumor that because
these men are Masons they will be
defended and shielded by other Ma-
sons. Well informed persons know
that this is contrary to the teachings
of Masonry, as one of the great
of the order is obedience to
law. As to the matter in question
every true Mason stands ready to aid
the law in bringing any guilty
parties to justice, and the announce-
above referred to shows the
position of the lodge and that it will
not perjury on the part
any member to one who is
we will begin Monday July
23rd, selling our Ladies ox-
fords, figured lawns, laces
and embroideries at cost.
The price on all Dry Goods and
Notions will be marked low.
Shoes at
Shoes at
Lawn at
Lawn at
1-2 cent
Percale at
A. F. C.
hams at
get one of new lucky
, a . at
Jas F Davenport
Frank Wilson,
Pulley Bowen
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by
putting on display the newest
ideas to shown in
R We hare no trash or Special Sale stuff but
S we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the American markets
we cordially invite the Ladies that are n
desirous of seeing the NEWEST
to call at our establishment and least their
Very truly yours,
Our specialty
j Reflector Job Printing Of flee
That French newspaper who
tried to Rockefeller to
give an interview with a check
for is a back lumber.
An American reporter
Ask your friends to go on Band when you can get it at a s
all cost
have tried to get a We can sign Judicial Bands for etc., in FIVE MINUTES
from there you apply Any Bond to be filed In the Court issued at once
would have been a lively inter-
view tore enough.
in t tie in i v nun-
i -i. It.
. . . d k-. ;.
Gal on or write
S. FIDELITY and GUARANTY CO , Baltimore, Md.
H. A. WHITE, Agent, or
H W. E, Attorney
IT. C.
This department is in charge of F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Reflector in Winterville and territory
J are not usually
raids in a day. It is only by care-
and constant they
are To save your
deposit it in the leaving de-
of Bank of Winter-
Miss Cox, who had been
visiting at the limn of U. E. Jack
eon, her uncle, returned home
Wednesday evening.
Nicest line of shirts eve
in Winterville at
Harrington, Co.
Hisses Eva and
went to
day morning on a visit to relatives
and friends.
Nice Harrington
Barber i, Co.
force of It work on
the streets are putting the
and sidewalks in good shape.
Another large shipment of shoes
all styles and sizes and prices very
reasonable. Harrington,
recent heavy rains have
many people to put down
deep pumps. Good is not
only essential to health but one of
the greatest luxuries that a
can possess.
If you want a nice shirt or tip
go to Harrington, Barber Co.
mother of
Mrs. A. Q. Cox, spent several days
her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Jackson, in the country.
Mrs. W. J. Wyatt, of
is visiting relatives and friends in
the town and
No need of not having good
pants when Harrington, A
Co., have just received anew lot,
that they will sell cheap.
Miss May who had been
visiting in the
passed through on her way home
the of week.
For trait jars and rubbers go
to Harrington, Barber
Rev. C. Q. Wells, pastor of e
Missionary church in
will ail Rev. T. II.
Sunday i-
evening. All
Straws tell which way the wind
blows, just nonce the of
customers going in a-d out from
The stockholders of the Pitt
Comity Oil Co., held their annual
meeting Friday July
lowing officers were elected for tin
L. Kittrell, vice
B. Little, See. and
Josephus Cox. E. K.
C H.
R L. Cm R. J-
mill will begin
about 1st., will
be in position to fill nil
of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber
Mis. Cox left this morn-
for Greenville, where she will
some time with and
and Disk Harrow at
Barber it Co.
A rather thing happen
I'd the Mr. Jno. H.
Smith a few days age. He had
missing his small chickens
for some time but could not dis
cause. He found an old
hen with her font hung under a
plank in the yard, lifted the
plank and the hen ran off. He
lowered it without noticing any-
thing. Next day he to
remove the pink and f mud a large
turtle in the mud underneath the
plank. He easily ac-
count for
chickens. He quickly dispatched j
and fresh, at lowest price.
. Barber Co.
Manning and Frank
Greenville to-
Manning has accepted a
-1 Wiley Brown, of
, regret to Mr.
A nice lot of new summer Bug
Robes at Harrington, Barber
A Co.
P. O. Dunn, of Kinston. was in
ii awhile Friday on
Bit; line of bats and caps
received, latest styles.
Barber Co.
For hay, corn and oats go to
Barber Co.
It is for some people to see
the in advertising their bus-
Some of the chants here
I'll-1 are advertising in this de-
tall us that people
mil tell them that they saw the
d lie I in The
tor and in this way the people
who hat article desired
Let the people know what you
tin sale.
implements of all kinds
it Barber Co.
Nice line of fresh groceries
ways on baud
A car load of lime received
at Harrington, Co.,
Harrington Barbers and Co is the
place to get your Spring and Sum
goods. They have just what
want, and prices to suit all.
s poems, regular
price our price
Tennyson's poems, regular
price our price
price our price
Longfellow's Birthday books,
regular price OS. our price
Josephus complete works, reg
In His Steps, regular price
our price
Pilgrims progress oar
New Testaments, regular
price our price
Bill Nye's Remarks, regular
price our price
In addition to the above named
books we offer others at greatly
reduced prices for the next
days. Call and examine them
before the expiration of that
Yours to Serve,
B. T. COX.
Miss to
Friday to spend several
days relatives.
J. B. Little went to Greenville
Henry Nelson went to
Friday morning.
A large lot of suit cases,
of all sizes and
grades j arrived at
the A. and
Co. in
the summer gm-d
traveling S , lot
We have just one car
of fancy house hold furnishings,
which our line so complete,
it would be Difficult for a custom-
to we haven't
got in Eastern Can-
Supply Co.
For Victor talking machines
and music tacks see Eastern Caro-
.-supply Co.
The A. G. Cox Man. Co are
making to quite
a of their splendid school desk.
only been in
desk is
establishing quite a reputation.
order for this season
comes from New Bern.
Of Those Coming and Going.
Daily Reflector July
Julius spent Sunday in
K. F, Butts went to Henderson
E. G. Flanagan went to Wilson
B. K. left Saturday even-
J. B. spent Sunday at
Mrs. Evans returned
from Virginia Beach.
Wiley Brown returned Saturday
evening from Littleton.
F. M. Smith returned this
Maggie Savage and brother,
went to Whitakers today.
F. J. Forbes returned Saturday
evening from Norfolk.
returned Saturday
evening from Mansfield, Ga.
W. M. King returned
evening from Mount.
H. W. of
Mount, came
Miss Willie return d
Saturday evening from
Percy and Earl Forbes
Sunday from a visit to
W. B. Brown and son,
left this morning for Hew York to
buy goods.
Miss Bessie to
City today to Methodist
district conference.
Mrs. P. C. and Mrs.
Harry Skinner left this morning
for Morganton.
Rev. V. D left awn-
Oxford to conduct a meet-
near that town.
K. Lassiter went to
ton today to take part in a game
of ball.
Miss Clyde Cox went to Ayden
Saturday evening and returned
W. H. came from
New Bern Saturday left this
J. H. Barnhill to Bethel
Saturday and returned
Sunday evening.
George Ellis went to
ville Saturday evening
ed this morning.
J. sons, John and
went to Ayden Saturday
Mrs. Abram Cox, Ayden
who ha been visiting Mrs. Nancy
Tripp, returned home Saturday
accompanied by Mrs.
A H. Taft W. H.
A. H. Taft Co
Greenville's Greatest Furniture Dealer's
We sell for cash or on
easy terms
You will find a complete
line at all times
We are sole agents
for Enameled Beds.
A. H.
Picture Framed to
. , . . , . ., .-
Save the Worry
The hot weather brings you
enough discomfort without a to it by worrying over what to
by for or supper, with stock of
Canoed Goods, Package
Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee,
Tea, Cakes, Candies, I carry, the selecting and buy-
are and all saved. It will do argument to
you of if you visit my store and sec what I carry. v
You one door North of
J. B
auks for the liberal
We e j o
I. a a n n i n
w- -reed.
Tobacco have our
Each as well as each the
MR. W. T.
GrEENVILLE, always
LASSITER and Successors,

Corsets, all
lengths now
Still Offering Goods at Sale
Doz, Ladies
81-2 to
value a. will
be on
come and 0.-
stimulate the TORPID LIVE,
regulate the and are urn-
equaled as
la malarial their
re widely a
cm peculiar properties In
the at stem from that poison,
No Substitute.
Keep Your Eye on The March of Progress
ms with a been Life of business is buying the
will it lock a.
tut until line of Men and boys
best tor the
They lit
Do n t
granulated Sugar Ladies Summer
Good Apron ginghams
Keep Cool.
Check value Gets.
India Linen in
sad cent
Cambric cents.
Dimity now fl cents.
India Linen, only a few
Slice to fit all classes and apes. Prices to suit the man
women who know the laid earned dollar. A look
will convince you and to try a will there is none
better. Kid going at Men's
3.00 all Patent leather Oxfords 1.90. Men's 3.50 Patent
leather Button Oxfords 3.49. Boy's 2.50 Patent leather
On I i black
Chin Silk,
or t
Ladies Handkerchiefs hem-
led last
Dress Best
hams now i
cent . now cents.
One. ballad an Co-
nor In the W
the menage sent by the cm-
press of Ch to
there appears this
of at the Ce-
There is nothing but what ii j
possessed, M that there is really no
need for the produce of outer bar-
in order to balance supply
and demand. However, as the tea.
silk and porcelain produced the
Celestial court arc indispensable ob-
to the different states of Eu-
rope and thy kingdom, for
reason we hive m our grace and
ii established the for-
hon at Macao in order that
all daily needs may be duly sup-
plied every one in our
riches. Rut not. thine
envoys have made considerable de-
and above what is pro-
by precedent, in such
wise as to run seriously counter to
the prim of recognizing the
bounty of M Celestial court to dis-
a id its nurturing care of
the barbarians. Moreover,
the court exercises a con-
trolling s. over all
tries and is benevolent to in an
degree. instance, those
in Canton province do not
come from the kingdom of England
If they were all to
clamoring in the same way and
wantonly to pester us with requests
impossible to concede in this style, I
is it to be supposed that we could
always go nut of our way to grant
Friend. i Worth
Suppose You Stop and
Greensboro, N. C. March 1908.
Mrs Joe take pleas-
In that your
has cured our little girl of
a very bad case f eczema,
covered great part of her body.
She had eczema
the time she was three old.
until she was six years old. She
is perfectly well and I feet
that I cannot speak too of
it She has not had a symptom
it for six years. Respectfully,
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col-
and Head Rules, lit. and thicker, make
them fully as good as now
without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the but-
defacing Column and Head
L, S
Head in
Me. ea
Full foil
for 3.19
CO full
style for
18.8 it
style for 7.98.
Wins Grey
Men's bait full summer
Men's 1-W full tn
style 18.00
me our sizes good.
two piece suits
B Double
tit CO
Double Breasted
piece Flannel suit 1.08
Youth. Breasted Mixed
suit u
nth two puce suit.
costs y u nothing to k.
I The Moon Inhabited.
science has proven that the moon has
mi atmosphere which makes life In
some form possible on satellite,
human beings, who have a
bard enough time on this earth of
Electric Hitters cure Headache, It,
Malaria, Chills, and
Kidney complaints, General
Debility Female weaknesses.
as a Tonic and
tor weak persons and especially
for the aged. It induces sound sleep,
Fully guaranteed by J. L.
Not Quite
How often you can set a
nail or screw driver or
Have a
tool and be prepared for
en r rat es. Our
is nil could desire, and
we see that your tool
box not a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
will b
Ilia Printers Iv Cc-
of Type
High Mater
N. Ninth Street. P
Steamboat Service.
W daily Sunday
M ti a. in. for leave
Greenville daily
at for
at Washington
Norfolk Southern Railroad fore
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,.
New York, Boston and all
North. Connects a
with all points West.
Shippers should order
freight via Norfolk, care
Southern It, B.
Sailing subject to change
without notice.
J. J. Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk, Va-
K. KING, V. P. G. M.
tell why
, a rod and white striped
In the olden time
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
How of
bather has
were also in a
particularly in the opera-
of bleeding. To assist the op-
it was necessary for the pa-
to n and the bar-
always kept one well
as rip- of for bandaging the
When the staff was
not in use the bandage was tied to
it so that they might be together
when wanted, and the barbel usual-
hung them his door as a sign-
In the course of time, however,
Sainted pole took the place at
of one used in the
and into the
D. W.
North Carolina.
Perhaps -on might smile with in-
credulity ii should tell
that it is . hie to lire a tallow
candle from a gun with such
that it will pierce a but i-
true nevertheless. The reason
when the candle reaches
board every particle of matter i
posing it i- in n state of intense
At the moment of contact
the particles of matter
the hoard in n state of rest, and
us the density the candle multi-
plied by ii- r. is greater than
the density of the I at rest the
greater force overcomes the
and the candle breaks through
makes a hole in the board.
R. L. Carr.
Greenville, IV. e.
made i
I be
Truck and to sell am ;
be to ,.
of same, I
i. A.
Thai Ilia mi. rs and
recommend. In
cacti and every
Dr. Medical Fl
of weak
of stomach,
torpid liver, or
and all
MM or re. H is
a for all such chronic
or loAf M
and as bronchial,
throat and
with severe It
toot so good fur acute colds and
t for or chronic raises It Is
specially In producing per-
cures. It contain Hack bark,
Golden Baal root. Stone root.
Mandrake and of
which are highly praised fur
ail the affections by such
eminent medical writers and teachers
Prof. of Jefferson Med. Col-
late; Prof. Hare, of the Univ. of Pa.;
Prof. M. of Ken-
Med. College. Prof. John
Ling. M. II. late of Cincinnati ; Prof,
M M. U. late of
Prof. Edwin M. Hale. M. D., of
Med. College. and
others equally eminent In their
of practice.
The Medical is tho
medicine put up for through
for like that has any
snore any number of ordinary
Open publicity of its formula
i the bottle wrapper i the best
of merits. A glance at this
formula will how that
Discovery contains no poison-
aw or harmful agent and no alcohol
used Instead. Is entirely
and is a most
Ingredient in the cure of all
a well an bronchial, throat and lung
There is the highest medical
authority for its use In all such cases.
The Discovery is a
extract of native, medicinal roots
and Is safe and reliable.
A booklet of extracts from eminent,
medical authorities, endorsing Its
mailed M oh request.
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, S. Y.
r that letter.
o easy. lie
new what
. dis.
of Reference Which Are
of Annoyance.
do said the
people who make the books of refer-
would have some regard for the
plain people. You take up the most
and to book of
reference and try to find anything.
Why, you wander about in a
of references until you finally
down the prey in some obscure
corner under a caption which could
only have occurred to a pedantic
other day I wanted to find
out about the great Duke
of I took from my
library the book of reference
I know mid turned, of course, to
found lots of things under
and among them
re was only one of
hi worth talking about, and
i. s- e happened to be plain Jack
L f were ciphers,
en I i cures what their names
who got up that book
of it; . as well as you do
vb wanted to con-
hi. ; the Duke
of Mai -i is. only one worth
ii turn to
did t the biography
of the .
I will y . it w.
wanted to how
-the duke's family l
play his lee .
the prig I'd I.
turned to
found the same
cares the
ton and Mi .
Smith or Jo
had the on one
however. I turned to to
what cross o ho could
up on The name of the
first was under
I know what
name was, lint evidently be does
. out him. If did
he'd gel o a new edition of his
blamed hook just to put in that
York Press.
of Skirts That Have
When a walking skirt commences
look shabby or, indeed, any
that it out of doors,
first of all, to air thoroughly, then
carefully remove every stain and cut
oil the worn binding around the
bottom edge. If tho waistband is
pulled out from much pinning or
the skirt is commencing to
because the band is a little
tight remove that, too, very careful-
Sow hang out of doors until
the sponging remove has
when the skirt may lie given
a new binding ground the bottom, a
new waist bawl, letting out a little
of fullness from the plaits tin
buck and replacing all hooks and
eves that arc necessary. Give
skirt a thorough pressing, using s
not a hot, and taking
e. on tho wrong
or v inn on the right
r- Mid iron till Hang
i t twenty lour hours wear-
wrinkles that are made
in it i it la dry are
art to . n it . A skirt
f, is . to a
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
H. A.
. j
Having consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. is one
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed in
Dry goods and groceries
We carry an up-to date
Hats, Shoes, dress goods, Notions, Sc
In Groceries we will have at all times a full line of th; very best stools not
the staples like J
Meat, Flour, Sugar, coffee, but all kinds of
canned Goods, the finest brands
We can supply you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices
COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods will please yon.
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
V battle won if you know are
, . Same when if to buying
v i to r. where to hoy, and you are going to pay is where the
Ii. and prices will convince you that this is the place to
in y quantity.
Hay, Corn, Oats Bran, Ship Stuff, Lime and Groceries.
yon anything in this line it till to y to
In t i
Von Germany's great sol-
was most laconic. lib
knew to a word in
what language
him would lie proposed. health
of royal master would be sub-
in four words or twice
many, because, as be reasoned, bis
hearers knew as much the i
n as be did. was on. c
a bet over a t t-
propose, man it v.
Von d
in i i -rd-
at nine. He lost. Thu i
old on i word i
at e mil of sentence, ;.
Lord another la- I
conic Hi- note to his
tan -cm one in Ind.
serves for i sample, you are up
and have your breeches on, come
here; if not, come without
Tartar on the Teeth.
The remedy for tartar on the
teeth will be of in
the color, live worth of
powdered pumice stone, an orange
tick and lemon. Sharpen the ;
to a flat rut the lemon in
and dip stick info the Union
juice and into powdered
pumice. Rub over the spots
until are be care-
to the teeth also.
with warm water.
Yon should ii e this only when
not oftener than once in two
week. the pumice if used often
the way the
thins was told lo r e.
there's always mere than one side
to a story.
course, there are
always as many sides to a story a.-
are people to
you that when you
ask your little to recite it
makes everybody feel like going
why do you do
An Exploded Theory.
yon believe all men are ere
equal, Mr.
by n long shot. Why, that
baby mine knows more now, a
tho he is only three days old.
than some people ever
Cleaning Carafes.
Rice is invaluable for cleaning
carafes and oil and vinegar cruets.
Tor a water or wine carafe use
least two tablespoon fills of rice am
several lumps of soda, the oil
cruet warm water and a little
washing to remove the oil. I
Then put in a of rice
with warm soapsuds, shake vigor-
and rinse in clear water. D
not use the soda in vinegar cruets.
It en Bag. f
An American traveling in
engaged the services of a
Arriving in Austria, the
asked the servant to register
name according to the police
of The man re-
plied that he had already
ed tile order and registered him as
an American gentleman of
how did you my name
asked the master. can't exactly
pronounce it, but I copied it care-
it is not was the reply.
me the The
was brought revealed, instead
of a very plain name of two
the portentous
Warranted Solid
An j dinar, Light.
is ; to have an-
of such extraordinary
as to obscure the sunlight
thus described in an old number
the Gentlemen, On the--
of January, in a,
light, far above the ,;
time was o'clock in the
and it soon faded away.-
At T, however, east to west,
streams appeared like river, of-
bright A general of.
was caused by these, but
faded the north.,
their disappearance being
by shocks which were felt
all, but which did no particular
Desirable Building
LOis For Sale.
Near Five Points on Easy Terms.
Call on or address

All Hr,
j r f
by a ft .
stimulated by
, they
, .,. H of
-mile, ought to be the
These seventeen are now in .
them t. have a
time, at l if tier i-
ft the metropolis t
i. i.
The of the bet
. m I tie mo-T par
. t in the these d
. old
i ha fear-l. She
. n C
., like tier t Ann
, . .
, i .-Wed he
rd dance. But
., m i-i i-
I .
yearns W rd I
i . n w f- K
. r The
. it f I h Bl
Into which born and
moves, ,,. ,
seventeen -y
i , After they haw had
lit lime of their life here, .-.
v ill go bark if they r.
Our is a hard,
The happy South k--.-
N Mail.
I C i n
to a third
nomination have been in a rein of
admirable good humor. The Time
sends today from
L an interview in which he
puts very cleverly the situation a
regards himself and Mr.
program. didn't get nil
my said, Mr. Bryan, re-
erring political joke the
day, f doubt her what
he did get fit him
The V the
of re-
f in shown the
ere tempted to
era of an
pattern with hie tar-
t up i an-1
pr i less thin
f ,
, h on.
t rake Mabel
K i I, Mil inf t of Mr.
in J. R. His
Kn i .
t the of Him who
things l
with Brother Co y wife
ind family in their
would them to
said little children to
a is able heel us in every
time of
Boo a of
and Io Brother
Corey and family
b Relief-
J. W.
of of
take I t. k
who .- k
with me for the tine
. the G
I Up always, a- on-
fr at all times, after
if will to sell
I have in the
season i at me
come you at all times
IS. T. Hooker, ore -t i-
be-f . fl
H we all the b
in the i
safe in saying that I MB
to look
, after he-
Y o vi i
Th o
ll. I
. . r
At Greenville, in the State of North
Carolina, at business;
and 53,263.80
U. s.
house, fur-
Due fro a National
Hue tr -i State Bank .
Oho approved reserve
. and other rash Items
other National
r on- money reserve n
U Si
f p
t. Moore., an-; m s
the I r
declined to u r
Mr .
ye .-, . unable u i
. a, ire the
. ,
, . . , I
,,. d soil e on way.
bush pending
. . , . lien In which
i I us hi been Re-
,,,. to
I .,,,. p id law
stork paid i i
p and p .-
National bank not
st-kn Unit
I ,
.; -i
a ,
, -i r f
, r m .-a. iii
. . ,;
ii w
We making a busy d
making it
J . -i
All Summer Goods
to make room for the new fall stock. The .
Reduction includes
ii nil
is i
, q
.-or North
of Pitt.- IS.
I, J. w.
Stan men
of an , , i i
ii above
I -I I ,
C .
Subscribed and n fore me
J i
r . i i
ii. w. K,
K. A. MOTE, Jr.
For R Deeds
l hereby
and county convention.
W. M. Moore
N. C.
Colored Lawns,
Black Lawns,
Dress Ginghams,
Ready-made Shirt Waists,
Ladies Belts and
Ladies, Children
and Infants
An early call will money saving to you.
I D J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Dunlap la jolt a
waiting for that dynamo to t
ii ml when it does show up the day I
will lo
The Local Merchant Can Hold
His Own Against Them if
They Will Follow
heir Example
In the damage inflict-
ed upon business, of the local
the competitions of
the mail house the South-
western Manufacturer and Jobber,
of City, i inclined to be-
Hi the home dealer
would have no difficulty in hold
log his own for the fact that
the mail Older house is invariably
an advertiser.
th power that enables
the mall order people to divert
the dollar f the farmer from the
till of the country store into their
They advertise and well
They full descriptions of
their show them
invariably print
the prices. How else could
they It is by heavy
advertisement that they succeed.
Io a
year in vii forms of
is no thing with
with houses. Their annual
heavy volumes
are out by the cartload,
They reach almost every
the country by their cir-
and letters; they
with the rural delivery car-
they expend effort, time and
money in getting the addressee of
in every neighborhood and
hamlet in the entire country.
They advertise by sending
a d papers to every home
where there is a possibility of sell-
five cents worth of
Moreover, they employ talented
in their correspondence de-
manager with often
number of devotee hie
entire time to tie and
complaints of dissatisfied cue timers
Genial pleasant letters ate
written, regrets for mistakes,
assurances that the
make it right, and a strong stale
that such a valued
will get
advertisements in in-
direct f
The mail order horse endeavor
to get into direct personal
with every possible customer.
Th.- local might
by a like course. Let him
the of the mail
house and meet them on their own
grounds them with their
own the local merchant
should as carefully, II
he would the method,
cl good, the o
strongly n.
as lie mail
to hi
lie might find a very
t in a short time.
Peebles, who has
in the past bad mo-
on the Superior Court
Bench, is holding court in
Mecklenburg county for the first
time. Monday, after convening
court, he took to deliver
a sort of introductory speech
the bar and in which he dwelt
interestingly upon the rights
that witnesses are entitled to.
bis remarks were timely, as it is
often the case that some lawyer
is found who rough shod
over witnesses irrespective of
their rights much less
feelings. Judge Peebles, of
course made no personal thrust
and his remarks could apply
with equal force to the oar of one
county as well as to the bar of
another He stated that he
would not allow a lawyer to
duly a witness, nor
he allow a party to a suit
to be treated properly. If a
lawyer treated a witness or a
party to a suit improperly and a
verdict was rendered for the
party the lawyer represented he
would set the verdict aside,
though if an adverse verdict was
rendered he would permit it to
Relative to the legality of a
judge setting verdicts aside on
grounds we are in the dark-
but there appears plenty of
light from common sense,
able standpoint, for lawyers who
unduly witnesses de,
serve to lose. There are cases,
of course, where witnesses
parties to suits may need
and criticizing severely,
but there are many more cases
where witnesses especially are
and they do not de-
serve it- Its true that a witness
may not always possess a good
character, but it seems hard if
fate makes him witness a crime
that he should be made to suffer
fur it, and it is not right for
small tilings in the life of a
to be picked- up and flaunt-
ed vividly and harshly before the
people merely because accident
may have placed him in the wit-
chair. It is be duty of
every judge, like Judge Peebles,
to protect witnesses from undue
criticism and in doing so they
will be but following a plain line
of responsibility and will well
merit the gratitude of the people.
The of lawyers who
indulge in such wanton practice
is small, but it should grow
smaller Some lawyer may in-
in such conduct
hut then he should be
sharply reminded of his
Black Jack, K. O. July 1900,
Crops in this are
damaged on account of the rain.
The farmers would rejoice to see
a few days of fair weather.
J. W. and wife went to
Washington last week.
Meets in Greenville Aug. 10th.
There will be a Farmers
held in Greenville on Fri-
day, August 10th, and every
, r and every one interested
Miss Julia left yesterday to
spend a few days with Miss
E. F. Clark went to Greenville
last Friday.
Porter and John S
attended at
and church at
Hon. Geo. H. Cole has returned
an to
Baltimore, and other
Mis. F. G. and Mrs. H.
B. Phillips spent Tuesday in
Greenville shopping.
Mrs. J. O. Bobbitt and Miss
Elizabeth left this morn
for the latter's borne in Nor-
Elder G. left last
to go over the river where
be will spend some time with his
Prince Burroughs Charlie
Harper left Saturday for a trip to
Washington to
There were a large crowd at
Sunday school Sunday. It looks as
if the school is very
, Smith and bis sister, of
were here Sunday.
Bight many of oar people
ed at Pleasant Hill
John and James Clark went
the road Sunday.
Miss Jennie Buck, of Ayden,
who has been visiting Miss Mag-
left her home Fri
R. M. Williams want to Green-
ville Thursday.
A. J. Johnson, of Norfolk, was
here last week.
F. L. Stancill, of Washington
were here yesterday.
in farming in Pitt county should
lay aside everything and devote
that day strictly to the one idea
of getting all there is out of the
exercises of the institute.
There is not a farmer in the
county, it makes no difference
how smart or how good a f
he may be, that cannot get many
lesson that will apply to
his particular case by attending
this institute.
Another gentle
men who come here and
in holding these institutes a-e in
the employ of the State and
every farmer in the county con-
of Interest in North
Two people were killed at Dur-
ham by the explosion of a gasoline
A. first
mine this State has begun
Attractions for
Mr. M Beat, who for the
past seas in gave very f
vice as manager of th Masonic
temple opera g resign-
ed hoc of other
the temple committee of
I. has
near Webster, in Johnson lie Masonic
county. j with D. J.
c induct L m-e for the
have been Issued for the latter placed
nearly five hundred of iD , he,
Greensboro fr to pay tax on ,,,,.,. is ac ,., ,
opera an I
Two North Carolina bunk,., at knows aC the it he-
and get attractions nave air
part of the been booked th c
bonds, the former season pron.-
the latter
A highway robbery near
a holding up a
white man at point of a pistol
him of his money watch
and coat. The was arrested.
tributes toward defraying this j New Bern, July
expense, and unless the farmers I the
Railway at Jacksonville, between
Marriage Near Greenville.
Tuesday at the h o j
lier parents, I miles from Greenville I
the presence of relatives and
friends, Hoover Boyd
married Strickland.
Rev. I B. performing I
The entered the prettily
decorate-1 with her brother,
C. the groom with his
Miss Lizzie Strickland.
After the wedding they were driven
to where left on the
other places of interest.
Strickland is one of Pitt
county's charming young ladle.
Mr. Strickland is one of Wilson's
promising Their
many friends bespeak for them a
future- They will
N. V. July
Not I authorized the
of my for Clerk of
was print
paper mention of mil
For years I have id
tree ballot, ard worked
for the
e house ring
in Put county ha had
time and n-
And dim t propose bet
any , of -I ,
ping Stone mini r
k III- pa. I I-
me man . I
Care to be i
near the farmer class growing
and now the is
eliminated from politic, the
Republican parts i lining up to
its ill give battle this
more especially
Many Hied of ring
and i. e tenure of may falter
their allegiance to Democracy,
or there is color line to light
now. Respectfully,
c. l,
The Municipal J and En-
of New York is the
for the following regarding I be
active little city of Wilson, N. C.
town has introduced a
new of
racing. a hobo the
be is arrested
cerated in the lockup.
several have been accumulated
the whole lot is marched out into
the public Across this a
line is drawn the tramps art-
told line up. Hardly has the
ragged lib when the
I rout j them,
hide whip band.
ham that one mile down the road
i a ditch that Barks the corporate
of the At a given
are to for
inch, and in to be
that hobo a hose
i i mil
he in to be I reeled to meta a
II . ii an he will cause Is
ml his life
show some interest and come
out to these meetings the money
thus expended is thrown away
The managers of these
are skilled and
farmers themselves, they want
assist and aid the farmers in
their work, but in order to get
benefits of the institute work the
farmers themselves must take
an interest in em They
not only go out to them,
but as the institutes belong to
the farmers they should ask
questions about matters on
which they want information.
The writer has known Dr.
Tate Butler, director of farmers
institutes, well for some
considerable time and we know
to be a conscientious, hard
king, practical man, deeply
in love with his work and
to aid in advancing
promoting the agricultural in-
of the is
In speaking about these mat-
some time ago Dr. Butler
said to us the farmers of
Pitt county would manifest a
sufficient interest and me out
in large numbers that he could
very easily arrange for two
or ire institutes instead of one
each year and instead of
only one day, if the
desired and indicated the desire
by presence, several days
could devoted to work,
but that the poor encouragement
and the small attendance that
We have had here in tho past was
not an inducement to hold more
Now, farmers of county,
let us put our county in the lead
a an agricultural county. We
have as g mil farmers and as
the best Greenville
yet The mm
will alert to secure the
tractions on the road.
r-t at
N. C,
To the Democratic raters Pitt
county. We the cit-
and voters of town-
ship beg to the name of J.
J. as a candid for
nominal ion to Legislature from
the side of Tar Mr.
is a resident of
and his
will enable to represent his
this Mas
by lightning burned
yesterday. near
by were damaged, The less is
One of the most pathetic and
pitiable sights ever seen in
was that yesterday afternoon
Hargett between
and street. AI fellow countrymen on the North
man and his blind wife ere side of river to an
ejected from the r borne, supposed-1 and we know of no other man
became bad failed to we believe would represent us
They and their s satisfactorily. He has always
were put out on the
News Observe
N. C. July
Miss Mae Bailey of Suffolk. Va
is the guest Mrs. F. G.
on Bobbin's boulevard.
Rev. Jamie spent
at the home of hi. father, Mr, J.
D. Winterville.
Miss Mamie Is the
guest Mrs. F. G. on
Grove lane.
City W. T. Sledge spent
between and
P. H. spent
J. Ogle Million is spending
bis at bis home
Miss Margaret leaves
morning for New York
where sue will sail on the steamer
for China, to
u ii it- her missionary duties.
Registered at the Hotel Leg It.
O. B. Vb., A.
been a Democrat, a
advocate of educational advantages
and moral uplifting in
the community in which he reside-,
and we believe he will receive
hearty support, of the Democratic
party nominated and we ask the
South side of the liver to join us
securing the Domination for
Alphonso Ward.,
Jasper Langley,
J. H. Gurganus.
V. E. Perry,
M. G. Waters,
J. T.
W, ii, Williams,
George Williams,
R. It. Fleming,
O, II. Little,
W. A. Whitehurst.
Mod as can be found of Washington, D,
Tax D
It ca not lie denied that there is a
good dial of taxable property this
which does not contribute one
cent in the way of taxes to support-
city, state and county govern
It does seem that there
should In- someway of making these
people in their share of govern
There is one thing
sure, the poor man can't dodge his
and all have got
do is to indicate a desire for
methods and more
in order the very
beet skilled practical
from the State depart-
If we will do this Dr.
and In associates will
lion. Geo. H Di, Jo
B. E.
regular appointment here Sunday
Line the mark us ,,,
hunts -he a . I Go ; ,,. if he M ,,,,,, .,
line then breaks and
off go The marshal and
his leap upon their wait-
horses aw after
Hying tramps, up with
them and spurring ambit ion
of the laggards with sharp waring
fruit their As a mat
of no in been
dogged, but belief in the
of last the ditch i-
no tramp once
run the race ever been known
to return town
only a or two farm-
era lie will neither have the
Interest nor to spend
much time with us.
Remember the day and date,
Friday, August the 10th, be
certain to come out.
O. I
M. Schultz.
When a young gets so that
he will pay any attention to
the teachings of his we do
not think a reform school will do
him much cl
Church Dedication.
The church
will he dedicated next Sunday
The o
will be conducted l
Clayton and Rev. Thus. Chapman,
A Invitation is we, did to
everybody d He service.
Rev. Mr. Chapman will pi each
at the on Friday and Sat-
nights, y and
previous at the dedicatory services
He has to come up every
time. If ho does not do so his
wages, if he is an of some
other party, are Ii
working r he to go
down in bis jeans and up tho
amount. The man who dodges the
tax assessor is man of means
here the the schemer
thinks the chief cud of life is
financiering of any kind
B. The man who gives in his property
n its lull value has to
tax dodgers
and the rich both are
any m re taxes than
a poof men
More High
Mr. B. T. sent The Re-
another till of com as
a to t he one sent us y
Mi C W. This la-t one
Th. i
loath lo
they have to.
fill to lop
rich men will
i y,
in i
just a few inches of
shorter other.
mark just as some
hi fact, the average
I- that there is a.
he governs himself
If there is anything
hie country, it is a

Eastern reflector, 24 July 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 24, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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