Eastern reflector, 13 July 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

i- ON
Now that
I. 6-
th smoke has
from Congress
it is interesting to
not.- that this has been
one most remarkable
on record in the amount of
legislation passed for the
of the public and the number of.
have been in- Mr. W. Satan,
Muted by the Sunday evening .
.,, I
Mr-. T. J. hunt
H. B. Tripp n a
with the
David Jar Vick
returned from St. Saturday
Mr. Mrs. W. J.
retained Saturday evening from
against trusts
Greenville's Big Department Stores.
Naturally the party in power
will take tho whole credit of the
performance to themselves. But
that is i i where it belongs. To
c of the Republican par-
R is
i for the way he I us.
handled -i proceed
and th e-s can i. -1 an I i
n ; h him In f if
t hi I i be. ii f the II i
ii he
he i- In . i i
ll r v if ill leg was I i e
In . all h e session
i ever there it ail
i- on
Loll iii live I a- l ad i me
el -i-
dent i. . I., in j
l Dem i lie .
cit. thus won in i of
h,. ll at is con ii a
with the help of Di
w h
knew u the i force
Another bad a by
Gov. Printing
been i It u t I i.
be red that
held up four hours nil
waiting for h
back from the
Printing Office and n it did
come there were no than
three typographical err. i ii. It,
the Sundry i
lie item, appropriating
building hi
was lei; in after
both houses had voted to
it. Now the Government
Office has spoiled an
t on copies of the Con-
by a most
amusing mistake, that of mix-
up a speech of Mr.
of Georgia and Mr.
of Minnesota. Vi hen is
considered that Mr Livingston is
quite as deep n
as Mr. Tawney i u
it be seen this to
the Record read iii a van
skit. ii was
funny to either the gen
named and it cost
a pretty penny to i o,
the whole edition. other
mist a like sort h been
discovered in the Record and
does not a- though the
great iii print shop
the present .
could any longer held as u
Skinner. I
ii R.
. lies el n- Hi.-
Hot Weather Merchandise
A. and . I
. ll r
, i
I, . can
Of Those Coming and Going
, -.-p . at-Ll n
I . i. I. r e t
i i
i-. c. T i. b
. .
I i --. . j.
. . , , .
. Ii
r I I I . hind .,
. r. in Be.
. . I , I- . i
,. l, ii Ii. it i-
l of
V- is visiting
y. Raleigh.
must dang,
us j
with c lass of
anarchists are not
and cabinets Th i
plunder the multitude
only kill a man, now .
and always they die
deeds and then
with the rich, . .,
sanctimonious immune
I it different. i
the i
revolution, can check his carter.
if is due to this . r
t that i;
i Burns Armstrong, a f.
secretary of the I a-
felt it duty t warn
i rs of the j
class in of the
said he to the bankers,
He ti only what
has told us all. J tut
j equal and justice
I can this f om i
repetition of the of
j the Immune n
furnish ,,
they will sun y
at and
only hemp for
I , port i the condition
At lie, r, the State of ,
. of
Loans Disco its
ii ,
cured 474.34
r s. Bonds to n curs
r. I
Bank t
i i i 1,831.01
D ii . H l .
. 24.707.07
n state Q
Hank. 10,716.71
ii ., d n
a ., ti
l In -K- dud other cash items 187.82
other National
money reserve lo
Hi .
Bpi ,
I,. . 3,45.00
k. . . a S,
ii r -i of
ch . 825.0
Is in plentiful beauty and cheapness here
The thin, y, cool tor June Selling are Beady for your inspection and in quantities to your de--
over e list below and then come let us i you the goods, which must be seen to.
Colored Dress Goods
Beautiful cool lawns in small
dots and figures, small and large
patterns and solid colors f r to cent
per yard. Brown dress linens, percale,
figured madras and gingham.
White Depart-
inch French lawn yard
inch Persian lawn to yard
Inch Persian lawn to yard
inch Handkerchief linen to yd
inch yard
inch I linen to yard
inch Union cotton, but
almost as pretty as all linen for more
money at yard.
Lovely dotted swiss, the real imported
kind, in small neat designs from to
figured madras for shirt waists
and dresses this seasons newest patterns
from to variety great
and patterns lovely.
Laces Embroideries
We are showing many pretty things
in this laces we have baby
Irish French, Germany, I
Round thread Val in all
overs, bands and edges Batiste Baby
Irish combined from the loveliest ban I of
trimmings of the season, we are showing
it in exquisite patterns, suitable for very
sheer materials as well as the heavier
kinds. Black baby Irish all overs and
bands to match.
Our Notion depart-
you, as we are showing
many useful and novelties.
Fans Yes we have all kinds and sizes
some l and large
and breezy in silk, and gauze.
The silk gauze fans, with real fine dainty
decorations and Ivory sticks are lovely
and as cheap as to others
with cheaper sticks and cents.
Shopping bags in white kid, white canvas
and fancy leathers in black and colors from
cents to
Pretty white wash belts embroidered
and some with detached buckles in
and pearl, the range from to
belts, leather bills, silk belts
all prices.
Ladies hosiery in black and white
gauze, some plain, some embroidered,
some lace boots, others lace all over, all
sizes and
Infants and in black
and all sizes from to
Ladies and infants gauze vests, short
long sleeves.
and Daisy waists for boys
and girls, cool comfortable, all sizes
tops and cords and ruffles
stamped linens, embroidery silks and
made waists in ladies sizes,
handsomely trimmed with embroidery
and lace, some look like hand embroidery
prices from to
Plain a Fancy Black
. j
Batiste, French lawn, Silk mulls, Per-
lawn, Mercerized madras end many
other pretty wears from to yard.
is ready to meet your wants in cool, comfortable
Corsets good makes and desirable models.
G. Corsets Lacing Corsets in d Batiste for slender, stoat, and Medium figures
at each, Good a sizes for and
Our stock of House-
keeping linens
Should meet your approval. All kinds of
Towels, Bath rags, table Damask. Nap-
kins and Doilies. A good assortment
right prices.
Toilet Tooth Powders, Tooth Brush
es, Hair brushes, and combs
T. Lena Powders, per box, others at
111.511. M
Ital i i
ed pro
i. i
I bunk i.ti
. ;
. Mil
i , . i Id
State North
i Pitt.
I, J, . above
. . do solemnly war
to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
J. W. AYCOCK, Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 21st day Of June
P. J.
E. A.
Is ready to serve you with best r r and a prices, You should see our splendid show
cf Oxfords, Court Tics, Pumps end Sandals white Canvas Oxfords and pumps
in Ladies sizes.
The I ace Curtains, Window Shades, Regs and squares we are showing
much to the comfort and appearance of your home.
Don't to give this a chance to show you of the many pretty useful things we have here
Nearly every boat and train brings us something new and desirable, we always have good values for you.
J. R. J. G.
Editor and Owner.
Twice-i-Week- and Friday.
County Officers on Salary.
The fee system so far as it relates
to county officers in will be
a back number first Monday in
next December. After that date the
county officers will receive salaries
and all fees to their
offices will be turned over to the
county treasurer The innovation
will not make a deal of differ-
once to the officers affected, and as
to those who will assume the duties
of their offices for the first time when
the law goes into effect, it will make
no difference at all. The county
treasurer will feel the effect of the
change more than any other officer,
perhaps, for his salary will be from
to less than the
in fees which that officer now
receives. The law making the
change from the system to the
salary system is known as the
don act. It was introduced in the
house of representatives at the last
session of the by Dr.
who has been chosen by the
Democratic primaries to servo
tent in the It does not
apply to any other county, although
there are some which, like
have special acts of the
making a similar change
as to their officers. the
don act the of H will
receive annual salary of
He will allowed to have an office
deputy a salary of not less than
a year, the amount to be
the The
sheriff will have authority to
point a jailer who shall receive a.
of less than S- a month
He may appoint OM or mare
ties III every township. The
ties shall serve court and the
like and shall the usual fees
their All other fees
pertaining to the of sheriff
be collected by that officer and
turned over to county treasurer.
The clerk ti the Superior Court
hall a of an-
and shall have an allowance
of hire and
assistance. The same provision is
made for the register of deeds as for
clerk. The treasurer shall
a -salary of a year. All
county officers aim make monthly
of collected by
them, turning same over to the
county fund, f he
may at any time
officers to make an exhibit books
to collects fee a fee that
should he collected by him is pun-
as a
A Publication Deserving Liberal
Mr. M. Tesh, traveling
representative f The Merchants
Journal Commerce, of Raleigh,
came in Wednesday
pent the night and toe forenoon of
today Mi. is not only
a good newspaper man but he is
speaker before an
as was shown in a de-
talk be at the pray-
in the Baptist church
lat-t night, tie is the kind that
credit op m the
of men.
We are also glad to note the
splendid the
Journal and ii making.
It grows better
every issue. The July
number was devoted lo the recent
convention at Morehead City, con-
a full ac-
count of the proceedings and Illus-
with of prominent
members and officers of the Mer-
association. The Journal
is entitled to a liberal support I
was largely through Its influence
that unjust tax was
repealed by the last legislature,
that alone is enough to entitle
it to the every
merchant in North Carolina.
Greenville vs
A. base ball team should not be
judged by the of a town be-
cause Robersonville one of the
best teams in Eastern Carolina.
They played Tarboro a shut out
game a few days ago, to in their
favor. Greenville is strong too,
so you may look for a good game.
Line up for Black,
pitch; Blow, catch; James,
Lassiter, short; 2nd;
1st; Forbes G. left; Boot
The boys are practicing daily fol
this game and a good may be
expected. Game called p.
Do Not Nomi-
date for Congress
in Fifth District
the Republican State con-
that escaped our attention just at the and the congressional con-
of the fifth district, met
in Greensboro Tuesday. The State
convention was a boisterous affair,
A Reference That is Appreciated.
A issue of the
and of
in lo a reference to The Reflector
Black Jack, N. C. July 1900.
Walter Mills Prince Bur-
roughs, who been
relatives near
home yesterday.
Henry went to Ayden
Mrs. G. Johnston
day to spend sometime over the
rivet with
J. a B. L. and
others from here attended
at Bed Banks
Miss Maggie spent
day night Sunday with Mies
Daisy Porter, Red Banks.
J. O. Johnston attended church
at Chapel Sunday.
A. O. Clark,
spent Sunday afternoon here with
his people.
Harvey Cannon and
were here awhile Sunday.
G Porter, of this place, spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
his parents.
J. K. and wife spent a
of Sunday with relatives
near Galloway's X Roads.
Mrs. H. A. of Green-
ville, spent a part of last week
with Mrs. R. M. Williams.
Mrs. returned
Sunday evening from down the
road where she has been visiting
time but is none the less
though we were a little
late in it. The
is no paper in North Car-
that serves its
with greater and fidelity than
The Reflector it has
urged men to stand
together to co-operate for the
development of the community. It
has been a strong factor in the city's
growth and persistently hammers
for additional railway
when the business men of the
city, who were to receive all the
did not manifest enough
interest to any aid.
Now Greenville has a good set of
merchants Their stores are mod-
mid tiny have a good
They have done well, as it but
they neglected to show the pro
per in promoting their city
and we trust that the earnest
peal made by the Reflector will
cause them to pay more attention to
the right between Blackburn
aid Ail on- over the chairman-
ship of the Stale The
desire for this position was caused
ii carrying with it a consider-
able the of
Federal in the State
Adams the tight by a good
I n com e. did
not make nomination,
matter In executive
committee. This is Congressman
Kitchen's district, and it looks
like the Republicans are afraid of
It is stated that tor the fiscal
year ending June
landed at New
York, breaking all records. The
year aliens
Ellis Island to
make their home this country.
The total -number of arrivals of
immigrants at all ports in the
United States during the
year The
high figure was in 1903
when the total number was
During 1905
. units came from
Italy dropped to
place the first time In j
the total from that country having of Winterville,
M, Pace, of
ham Russia third
with 184,63.7, while Great
Win with The
ed Si 1820, or in eighty
i-ix the total number of
arriving in this
been approximately
including year's
During 1905 the number
through Ellis Island, New York,
was Boston admitted
Baltimore stood with
Montreal, Canada,
Holder stations, stood fourth,
having admitted
was here awhile yesterday.
Mrs. W. H. Adams, who lives
not very from here, had an-
other stroke of paralysis yesterday
Death of M. B Crowell.
Nm Va., y B.
Crowell, Southern I be
Old Company
with offices at is of
disease. He was aged
and lived at Old
The Dewey
Officials of the Navy Department
are greatly pleated over the news
from Manila of the safe arrival at
P. I , of dry dock De-
way. it was first proposed
that this steel structure
be towed half way the
world many wise sea dogs shook
their predicting that the
expedition would meet with
It was a trip marked with
several but none so
as to damage the big craft. A
was made from Chesapeake
Bay on 28th last. Never
in the naval annals of the
world has such a feat been attempt-
The July of Plantation
Life has come from the
is . mailed to The
content of this number are excel-
lent, embracing many articles that
are and useful. The
popularity of this publication
the people in its
in circulation, begin-
May copies, go-
to in Jane and in
July. It deserves to be the
home of every in
First Bile New Crop.
July first
bale of this year's cotton crop
was sold at auction here today,
and brought cents per pound.
It was shipped from
Star county, The bale
was knocked down to the high-
est bidder in front of the Now
York Cotton It will
be shipped to Liverpool. Eng
France Sop plant England the
world's Banker.
N. C , July 1906.
Rev. B. E. of Ayden,
I tilled his regular appointment
France is now playing tho here Sunday d gave us a fine
Carolina, died i that came next with
town He; Francisco admitted
in admitted and all otter
States ports admitted
The United States pints ad-
The United
are becoming more more at-
tractive to the foreigners and
lie well the
could be kept
market Slid
Th delight
fully on
by In
her Oil
of u and
. Mabel of The
time away a d at
present were Misses Mat-
tie Kin-, Olive
of Washington, Allie
Greene, Mabel King,
Lucille Cobb. Margaret Blow
Warren, Mary Smith,
Ayers, Sadie Mary H.
Jones, of Washington, Willie
Cecil Cobb,
Wilson, Greene, Bas-
With The Consolidated
Mr. D. A. of
Danville, has to take u
position with the Farmers
Tobacco Co. He is one
the best all round tobacco wart-
to the trade and
is a strong addition to the
market. The Consolidated
I scaring his
The Consolidated is rapid-
growing with the
farmers and will do
the coming
Jack N. C, July 1906.
J. H. been very
sink of improving-
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Elks died yesterday.
Louie G. Mills accompanied by
and Clara Mills at-
tended services at Red on
last Sunday.
C. Jr., and
went the Sue-
day to see their best girl.
Miss Minnie Diana returned
Sunday from an visit to
We regret to know that our
young friend Jess e B yd is
from a y bad at tact-
of this place,
went ft Chocowinity today.
Mrs. and little
daughter ere
our midst to the
light of her many
of tho d's banker ; England
claim to the title when
J. B. Galloway with his sister,
Miss Hellen and Miss Lucy Gal-
went to war in Africa, i
spent Sunday in town.
A generation ago, had to go and bis sister
to London to feel the pulse of tho Mils Addle, of Greenville, were
international money-market. To- visiting here Sunday and Miss
War Vessels t and , hiding.
i by Leading lowers.
A . i
BritainItaly, the I Stales of America
and m Mm ell 1906,
and building, ti
boats and built and
building, e i u a
White Paper recently.
The number of
thee countries is Russia,
Germany, Italy,
Slates, Japan,
Coast defense vessels,
France, Germany,
United States. Japan,
Cruisers of Ml
Britain, Fr nice, ,
Germany, Italy
Torpedo vessels, torpedo
destroy era nod
Great Britain, Russia, Germany,
United States, ill.
Great B i
Italy, United
Great Britain is the y conn-
try rot el tin
the building
is shown i-
armored cruisers, torpedo
boat destroyers and
Six first-class hips,.
torpedo boat destroyers, tit-
boats mid
Four first-class
ships, first
class protected torpedo
boat destroyers
ships, armored t second-
class torpedo-
boat destroyers and submarine
Four first-
class battleships, armored
torpedo boat destroyers,
torpedo boats and submarines. I
Eleven first-clap
battleships, armored cruisers,
scouts and t
Four first-class battleships,
armored cruisers,
protected cruiser, torpedo Does
destroyers and
day, one makes a better
in Paris.
Tho strides toward financial
which la
making have most rapid in
tho past the that
time French investors have
up many million francs of
Addle stay some time with
Mrs. J. O.
Quite a number of our visitors
will leave us Monday and Tue-day.
Leon Fleming was in town
Mrs. J. L. left Monday to
her mother,
who has been them
foreign obligations. They fur
Great Britain With to Greensboro, also
of the capital that went to visit her father,
the Boer they loaned Caleb Smith, of Hill.
amounts to Russia,
practically supplying money
needed In the straggle against
Japan ; they provided Germany
with 11,000,000,000 marks In
1904 to on her
industrial enterprises
they took a liberal amount of the
last loan, over of
A. weal home Sunday,
ti's attended prayer meeting at
Black J Sunday night,
Mr, and Mrs. G. Moore spent
Sunday night at F. Ward's near
Greenville Takes Part.
The Morehead City
dent of the Charlotte Observer,
mentions Miss Nina James, of
Greenville, as one of the
pants in a sacred; concert at the
Atlantic Hotel Sunday evening.
Miss selection was
which she sings delight-
Curds are out announcing the
r last of Miss j.
to Mr. T. Strickland
Rural Delivery Routes.
On July 2nd there were
rural delivery routes in operation
in North an increase of
in twelve It will be a
gratifying fact to only
two routes have been discontinued
during that time. There are now
B total of applications for new
routes ponding. The number of
for the establishment of
routes received from North Caro
totals 2.327, of which
have reported adversely.
There are more in opera
in W. W. dis-
other in tho State.
Ho bus routes, Mr. Small
Mr. Claude Kitchin Mr.
Thomas Mr. Mr.
Patterson Mr. Page Mrs.
Blackburn Mr. Webb
Mr Gudger The number
r i lies turned down in
Blackburn's district is
and finally, they supplied
rowers in tho United States with
fully 8100,000,000 during the
tight-money period of last win-
and now financing the
bond and issues of of
our greatest corporal ions.
As an by-
Charles F. in Amer-
Monthly Review of Reviews
for July.
a larger number fat
in any other
Wilson, Tuesday, L, and observer.
hundred and six
p. m. at the home of Mr. and
Boyd, near North
Monday, Ed. S. Battle
will sell a herd of And dairy cattle
at Tarboro. See advertisement.
Clearance Sale.
J. R. J. G. are
a July clearance sale of all
summer goods to make room tot
fall stock. Their advertisement
will tell you all about it.

The time tor Clearance Sales has moved up a month or more. Formerly then August, now July. The factory agents
are even out selling tall goods before the selling Summer Stuff began, even now solicitations are made tor next
delivery. The wheels commerce are spinning. To keep pace with this Clearance Sales, swift and
fa-it, is now the order. Nothing is to be carried over. So profitless is this sale to us that no goods
can be charged or sent out to see at July Clearance Sale prices. We have planned to sell all Summer Goods, have taken
into d consideration the great loss of profit at such reduction as we are making means. We take the loss cheerfully, wisely,
believing it to be the best kind of business sense to clean while the wearing is at its height.
All the ind Lawns have
n reduced to and yard.
The and Lawns are to
sell for
The and Lawns are to
sell at yard.
reductions in the Wool
Dress Goods.
Big lot of Ribbons to close at
greatly reduced prices.
Great reduction in Corsets.
All the Millinery Goods to be
closed at half price.
White India Linens, worth
to close at yard.
Val. Laces and Insertions
worth to to close at yd.
Fine China Silk worth yd
to sell for yard.
30-in Taffeta, guaranteed all
colors, worth 91.26 yard, to
at yard.
Best Bleaching at yard.
Best Ginghams yard.
Ladies White Belts, worth
to sell for
Ladies and children's Fans,
worth and to sell for
Ladies Hats
worth 11.25 and 11.60, to
sell for piece.
All the Hosiery to sell at great-
reduced prices.
Ladies White Duck Sailors,
with feathers, worth to sell
Ladies Lace Collars that even
sold at and to sell for
A big lot of R. G., C-B and
W. B. Corsets, that are worth
1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and to sell
for This is your Corset
B A Embroidery Silks, also
the worth the skein, to
sell for
Ziegler Bros. Slippers for
ladies, misses and children re-
a third.
a Shoe
as good as its name, worth 2.00
and 2.50, to close at 1.75 and 2.00
We also carry the Irving
Shoes and Slippers for ladles
and misses. None better
The 2.00 Slippers for 1-75
2.50 2.00
3.50 3.00 .
A big of Silk Umbrellas for
men and women. and 28-inch
and to close
at This is a great
la chance. Ask to see
The All America Slippers in
Tan. Pat. Loathe.-and Gun Metal
for men, the best 3.50 and
Shoes made, to sell at 2.75.
The Hanan Slippers in Pat.
Leather and Gun the fa-
Shoe for men and boys,
and the best Shoe on earth, to
close at 4.00, worth and 5.50.
Just a few sizes ft or you would
not hear of this price for the
Hanan Slippers.
Negligee Shirts that
were and 1.50, to close
at All the new patterns
just received.
Mens Panama Hats that are
worth 7.50 to close at We
can tit you if you come early.
Young Hats in the Sailor
shape, the newest things and
best quality. The 2.50
to sell at 2.00, the 2.00
to sell at 1.50. Other makes
that were l -50 to close at
The Serge
been reduced from 15.00 and
18.00 to Suit. This is
your Serge Chance.
The two piece suits in serges
and in Flannels the much worn
suits these days have been re-
from 9.00, 10.00, 12,00 to
the low price of 7.50. This is a
great suit chance.
The and suits
have been reduced to You
should see these suits U really
know their real value
Men's S and H. Suspenders
worth to sell for pair.
A big lot of Trunks and suit
cases to sell at greatly reduced
prices. This always been a
great and has
grown greatly in recent months-
Every item is of the wanted
ties, while the Iota last the re-
prices will hold but
try and get the first pick. Tim
reductions will last until all sum
mer goods are sold. We never
carry goods from season to sea-
e. l. Wilkinson
la Probably the
to Man.
The oldest game known to man
is The origin of this
or mimic battle, at Goldsmith call-
ed it in his translation of Vida,
dales hack to It is rich
in legendary anecdote, and its
nomenclature has been trans-
through all change, in
from the tongues of
the to the latest.
A peculiar thing about chess,
with its combination of idle amuse-
and extreme mental toil, i
that it is the only game sanctioned
by priesthoods of all beliefs. The
principal piece in the game derives
its name, king, from the Persian
shah, or ruler.
Many men whose names have
gone down posterity, such
Charlemagne, Tamerlane, Frederick
the Great, Charles XII. Voltaire,
Rousseau and Ben Franklin, have
been devotees and students of the
Chess is Asiatic in origin, and
originally more attention was paid
to it by Asiatic student, and
than by men of western
tries. Of late years, however, its
popularity has greatly increased
among western nations, and nation-
chess tournaments now held
by experts from nearly all countries.
The history of chess may be
into three -the age of
the primeval Indian game, extend-
from its origin down to the sixth
century A. the age of the me-
chess, from the sixth
to the sixteenth century,
the age of the modern chess, from
the last of the sixteenth century to
the present day. Of course many
changes in the method of play took
place in the course of development
of the game, and as it is played now
it is different from the game the
ancients knew.
Chess has been played in nearly
every country. Chessboards have
found among the ruins at
and in the Roman Forum one
may still see the outline of a check-
roughly scratched on the
stone walk by some senatorial page
of Caesar's time. In the orient both
games have been played from time
Tho Refreshment Chance.
A charming old lady who was so-
inclined, but who was kept
rather closely at home by the pres-
sure of many cares, n-ed sometime
to exclaim, do just love to drink
out of somebody el-e's
A fitting pendant to this
anecdote is another of a little
girl whoso supper invariably con-
of bread butter, milk and
apple same, a monotonous diet, of
which she frequently complained.
One day she was asked out to sup-
per at a neighbor's. At n late hour
the hostess found that no apple
sauce had been prepared for the lit-
guest, so she sent one of the
maids to the child's home for a sup-
ply. The little girl on returning to
her mother was enthusiastic about
the delightful visit and particularly
about the when
she had been allowed to pour milk
and cream for herself from the
little pitchers.
oh, such -nod apple sauce,
the r
Many Japanese women gild their
teeth. Women of Arabia stain their
fingers and toes red. In Greenland
women paint their faces blue and
yellow. In India the women of three
high castes paint their teeth black.
A bride is anointed from
head to foot with grease and saffron,
Borneo women dye the hair in fan-
green, blue and
scarlet. In New Holland sears made
carefully with shells form elaborate
patterns on the women's faces. In
some South American tribes the
men draw the front teeth, esteeming
as an ornament the black gap thus
Hie Explanation.
A bishop, recently returned from
a tour of his diocese, according to
a i, brought
tins Tie was th
, aw.
I of
of the pillars of the Q
community. teak was
piece de resistance, the guest
sawed at it with such energy that
its toughness was
Finally the host it
to do something to save his rep
for hospitality. fine
he and ten-
. Rut, you i we have to keep
tic knives very dull on account of
It I
iS.-ii .-. Luxury.
alt ti greatest luxury known
k i central Africa. In some sections
among the poorer inhabitants salt
among the bet-
I. , a man who eats salt with
h- fund is considered n rich
In some tribes where salt is
not so scarce children arc so food of
it they may be seen it
like our American children would
piece ; mp sugar.
M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent
A agent for Daily
we take
pleasure in receiving sub-
writing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all ho r their mail at
We also take orders
job printing.
G. COS is a busy man. He
and is now in
Neck on business.
k. i. ail Co, will do all the
mi to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
Nannie a very
charming lady of Greene
Go to E. K Go's new
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
Mr. Jesse Cannon is so much
proved as to be able to come out.
John Coward, of Willow
has been here on a visit to his
bi other.
Mrs. R. H. Garris from the
country was here visiting
her daughters.
A line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware
at J B Smith Bro
J; J. Smith has returned from
Norfolk and Pine Beach.
A full supply of Trunks.
N C, July
Mi. ,,, vis-
,. i
J. V. M i lutes
J. K. aid Miss Mary
Taylor I in Greenville
sect ill Sunday.
I. H. Little came in Saturday
from Elizabeth City.
L. F. and wife and
came up last week from Hobgood
to visit bis father.
Oakley had a dance
on 4th until The after-
noon program was a fight. No
done only a good
Granted to Rural Route
I A.-.-, Bun,.,,,
-ii i all
country from Washington
who has been Grips, Satchels and
U, km Cox for the past Suit Cases, at J. R. Smith Bro.
has. returned to her
For peaches, apples, com
fee, apply to E. E.
ft On.
Mrs. J. K. Smith and children
have been visiting her father,
Elder in the
F. G. Co. have
moved stock of goods from
out to a short
distance from here.
Mrs. B. and Mrs.
Louis Williams left yesterday to
visit friends
Bod Steads, Suits, Dresser
Center Tables, Chairs Cradles,
Bed Springs, Mattresses
Lounges, Cook Stoves and a
great many other things are
kept up stairs. Cannon Tyson.
Mm. Luke Mills died at the
home of her husband near here
and was
was a
daughter of Mr. who
lived Greenville, was
as a mo. t estimable lady.
The sign of the is
When your eyes need attention
J. W. Taylor, optician,
i the to do
work be
Harvey Cox, of Winterville,
made us . very pleasant visit last
a lull line of lard can
goods. Don't buy before
a Lilly Co
iii and the
m; t . lift hi-
he e mi m hi me accompanied
Mis. had vii-
A Ml line if trunks, tel-
Hi d Suits eases at B Bro
has returned
his in
also take a
a hospital. Mark
in young mu and i-
to make a
I Keep on hand a
led at
as hay, com,
coll. brand
mi. Frank Lilly A-C.
day O -.-no. here he
a a and
creeling a
us i .,.,,
her. to Jive. will give him
family it
You ii Wheeler
son machine.
Pi way way down at J. B.
it to
have I. . I our summer
have put a selection of
values on the table which must go
i . u inn A urn
For carpenters tools, grind atones
t rope pulleys, at J, B.
, ts at J.
Miss Laura Cox, cf
has been friends
C, A. Fair and wife spent Sun-
slay afternoon in Winter
Miss Ella Wayne came up on
the train from a visit
down the road.
Car load V. Crimped
lengths to cover residences
churches, school barns
shelters, stables much cheaper
shingles and very little labor, at J.
K. Smith Bro.
Phillips left Monday to
attend the Republican convention
Greensboro today.
For a nice present buy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
The Masons installed fol-
lowing Thursday
T. F. Johnson, W. M; R. W.
S. W; J. J. J. W-
J. R. Smith, Treas; J. W. Taylor,
Sect; C. E. Spier, S. D; J. O.
gate, J. D; J. B. Rives, Tiler; J.
Bart and W. F. Bart. Stewards,
Corn, Bay s. Lime always
on at J. R. Smith .
order to reduce our large
preparatory to e
will make prospective buyers ex-
low prices. J. R. Smith
Vice new North C--
Cut Herrings at J. R.
A Bro.
large nice I
single story stores on j
Avenue in the Town of
can rive tenant possession
J. R. Smith Br-.
v. roofing,
with long or short joint.
mi pipe at J. R. Smith
badly broken.
Court Saturday at p in.
Judge W. A. James Mayor
I. Jam. are up
United States Chas,
H Treat, says we more
lulls. That is true and we hope
they will be long In
this way,
Point, V. here last week on
Mrs. Gray Corey at Bob-
Hardy i- chief of
lice Ibis plane.
H. A. and family
Sunday in Martin comity.
Mis, Pennie Mis-II returned
in and opened
school Mi,
and of
were here Sunday
Miss Reba last week
in visiting
S. G. Williams and family
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John
Highsmith near
J. E. left Monday for
Rich mood and other points on
T. F. Nelson and family spent
Sunday mar He
Milton Highsmith is on the
sick list.
Miss Lucy from near
Bethel Mies
were evening,
J. ii Sun
bis h,
General Insurance an Merchandise Broker
CUr- of in.
together for the purpose of conducting a gen-
Insurance and Merchandise Brokerage e s t. m. effect
the Town of and Vicinity We
represent none but the most reputable concern
and any part of your business you may see to
favor us with we will thank you for and feel very o.,,.
ed and i , must sub-
mil a plan M i i ,. a list
of materials to be used, a -1 these
must be a for-
mer order department as to-
general of
material will he acceptable to
new older also grants the
privilege to those who wish, to
make boxes for rural routes. f
I they are Submitted to a fir- or
ed by the of
accepted, the
by the Postal or
something similar, by
the department must be
The rule will likely be-
in who want i
their own boxes, provided
have the required sorts of
AYDEN, N. J.-s
At the of business June 18th, 1906.
Loans and Discounts, f
Overdrafts Secured
Furniture and Fixtures
from Ranks, j
Gold Com,
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes and
other U. S. notes
Capital stock paid in, f Surplus fund Undivided profits
expenses, j Dividends unpaid 222.00
Deposits subject to
nil f hank, do solemnly swear
bat the above statement is Hue to the best of my and be-
J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, this 22nd 1906.
If yon are troubled with your
yea or have i obtain-
suitable glasses, it matters not
-w difficult your case, call on J.
Ayden, who bas live years
some of the ohm
H never falls to I
or their
refunded. Over five red
Greene and
e-i people
and ability One your
if want
Vita will A.
i. o
Mn ii,,
end ell
. th or he
I. a.,.I i . ii, i,,.,
Mil. i i J,,,.,. ,.,.
n.-i. o
have taken up one black liar
no ear marls. Owner can
by paying
Mali lone
K. F No.
of of I'm U
of to
books to be used in
public the State. Prof,
left Monday evening for
Raleigh to this duty
which will about four
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brick East Railroad fit.
Ayden, N. C.
T lime try i.
Veneer. It everything
look new. Then Ix- no
old, dull looking or dingy
woodwork in when this won-
is used. No
or Liquid
Veneer is not but a
food and cleaner the up
and nukes it
It instantly restores the
newness and finish of Pianos,
Picture Frames, Interior Woodwork
Hardwood Floors and all
varnished or enameled surfaces. Kc.
scratches, dirt and
A child can apply It. Nothing
but a piece of cheese cloth is needed
and there is no drying to wait fur.
Regular ct.
Capital stock pd
Undivided profits 1.066.04
to check
Due from Banks H
Oliver coin 1.1711
Nat, notes
North Carolina,
l b--
,.,, , He is true to the beet of
named bank, do solemn
true to the ohm of my
T. L.
K. L. IS,
Commits Suicide.
Mr. Frank C. who mm a
grocery store at 1200
street, owned a named Hill.
Yesterday some
called to take Air. to in
an Bill looked
fence at
alter bis master
of tell into a de i
study. A fit
took .; of him. He r
his finish, i hiving
he decided to end his
in some way. Therefore, e
jumped the back
ed down to railroad .
along the fide of
bis ,
in sight. Bill looked first
way the other, but m. t
whiff of smoke could he .
But, having plenty of lime,
waited. C
his purpose fell to
glass the end of an empty Ix x
Some time later a fast freight
Came from toward Pineville and,
in blew a
loud blast. Old Bill became
I lightened, jumped on the track
nil was killed instantly. That
. last of a good horse. His
mangled dragged
Inn yards up track and tossed
II like go much
M. M.
At tee close n
and i
Furniture Fixtures
in I arks
i National ban
and it y,
Tragedy on Sunday Excursion.
ville, July
was on an ex
between Wilmington
mil this at
hum tun
II lie
certificates of
Deposits to chock
checks out-
ti ids in883.78
Human Blood Marks.
a tale of horror told mark tot
human in lbs home of J .
Hams, a well of liar,
in, iv ago
had severe of
and was rear when i began
Dr. II com-
I mail i.
well ever ii.
colds and Bron
and the only known cure for
Weak bolt.-
J. L. Druggist. 1.00
Ki n
ti. II.
I Subscribed and sworn to Attest.
me, this day of
A. Gardner
e. . killed
2.81 with
rs who had a
outing on the was passing
county. Rising in a
crowded coach, and displaying a
revolver each hand,
who was the worse for drink,
tint he was going to kill
body in the ear.
That you exclaimed
who sprang to feet
pistol in hand, and taking
aim, fired. The bullet struck
in the forehead, killing
mu instantly.
At gave
up to county
authorities. The deal man M,
grasped his
chamber leaded, ;
hint was a jug of w i . ,

and Proprietor.
in the post office at N. as second class matter,
rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in and adjoining counties.
f It does t n ninny
g in l-k fl-r e fry as
U doe big
cards i windows saying,
One of is not
ha- just grow.
in to
its 34th
and next and doesn't
week will out of a bank. If you
-it i
If a deposits at the
birth of a child and at each
succeeding anniversary of the birth-
day a number of dollar to the
number of years, the amount by the
time the son or daughter is twenty
one old, computed at per
cent interest, compounded semi-
will equal This
would be a substantial nest to
begin life with. The man who de-
i posits only cents a week, draws
per compounded
will have to his at the
end of five years at the end of
doubt Butler feels in ten years at the end of twenty
that his end of the machine years and at the end of forty
. ., . I The man who saves
won in the over the chairman-
a week at rate would
republican stale
is Greensboro's day and the
fight at Greens
in a victory for Adams.
come forward with her
fist bale of of the new crop
Charlotte News, the largest
afternoon paper in the
State, h is passed the in
worth at the end of forty, years the
snug fortune of f Leslie's
nearly a million one the ways in which
grants a coming to and loan
we can't see bow Europe
her census I savings each week and putting it
where it will interest, in a few
Mt.- must be seeing the
F . good sum accumulated almost with
as he he to be
d a.
years a home be paid for or a
good sum accumulated almost with
out realizing how easily it was done.
The Democrats have nothing to
When R. D Douglas, editor of the
fear from the last
News, gels in the
, , , and will lose no sleep over
tic lo has been ;.
appoint-. may not be s
i be of If John C. Drewry is not defeated
paper to keep it going.
in the nomination for the Senate in
i Wake county it will be no fault of
War in his. the News Observer.
speech told the
Carolina Republicans were no. j The president says he eats
fit That is what moat in but hard boiled break-
the share n
in question has been in
years and mi las
Building and l-an art
the host n In
the people for putting aside a
saving and investing i
whore it pays well
want the money and the bank
ii to loud you quietly put. up
the stuff the bunk wants ; then
I on I lie right and side of
pas and the thing's
So brass band and
. Fourth of July parade about that.
It is all very calm transaction.
Now needed Start
them. Want more business en-
If there's r om for
CHRISTIAN'S CC start then.
It ion wanted Show induce-
better than the other
towns are showing. More
j wanted Go after it More capital
to convert your faith
into works Pot up the stuff
to and
Sell This Useful
A. n enterprise in
in the f a
to tine and put on the mar-
in ii meet
demand that
The . of the
Joyner. Ola
Those urn all well known
men of hive
have lite
a I i I v make a of undertaking.
Ointment is a
and owned by
and while Ii line
more or loss many
is first to put it
generally on the market. It an
fur all kinds
and rover
used proven a It las
been placid on sale in
slur--. sample boxes and
mg matter distributed, and as fast
as can he pushed it will he put
in s in oilier towns
and get Not the curb-stone
but the folks who
do thing- are the ones who build
a town. Get busy, and make
your town grow, instead of
lounging around to
others make Do your
part. Gazette
Killed By a Negro.
. July
Wilson, of
was and instantly kill-
ed -ii a train near
this afternoon by a
Prisoner in his Sher-
W I son's deputy immediately
shot and killed the
was very He was recently
His young wife
tS i w
the folks in the State already
fast. They are less dangerous than
a d lemma Good roads are civilizers of which
town went the became county stands much in need,
mat toe milk supply a bond issue will be the
has o and
Iii her
pie v
. BE
I-eye been
a canvass i f
was a little
more than could
place e on
quickest best way to get then
ton all
No Mill Made Clothes HERE
Our garments are not ground cut just any
way in order to make them cheap enough sell
tor a
This stoic never handled it
never will and shams of any sort are never
sell the solid
Men Tailors who,
while they sew the
garments together,
knead and work them
into a shape that will
stay there.
but clothes
are hence, while
most Men are clad, the
majority never knew
the sensation of wear-
well-fitting and
stylish Raiment
number is constantly
increasing--have learn-
ed that the Clothing
they buy hue is
Copyright 1906
A Co.
Frank Wilson
The hue Republican Slate con-
In Greensboro snows
.- has yet u long road hi
i reaching the point of
It is a day when Asheville or
do not in th head
I ins sum, thing unusual It is
murder- a an assault or a
i- trial almost any day.
Were so engross
for the
slop to overlook
a legalized primary
is shown in Wake e
There the candidates for Democratic
are the , fr,,,
in joint debate, and the i rt-, ., not recall
fight within the party is as bitter, in the gs.
not more so, than it would be be-
and Mad-
A. F. C. Gingham,
now cent.
Figured awns
1-3 Off.
Oxfords 2.25
Pulley Bow en
All stylish
tween the candidates of opposing
parties. We cannot any reason
in the primary.
These quiet and dull
days Greenville should be
an to the people. If
bed several good factories
with a of wage earner-
The at Greensboro
has white waitresses in the dining
room. Recently one of them was
insulted by a man whom she was
serving at the table. The girl's
prompt rebuke to the insult was to
hurl a plate his head with good
effect, cutting a gash in his scalp
that bled profusely. Good for the
being paid every week there
u oil ,., That kind of defense of one's
would b-brisk times all the
through as the town de-
trade arising from
honor is commendable.
crops, dull
may be when
. -1 III
Ii, in
hum .
i,.,. la I
it a m ,
The reef t State con-
in Greensboro was the
in size of any party has
held in many years. And when
hi think of th there
involved on y a
fur spoils tint
it s
Regina Oxfords
3.50 3.00
Jas F Davenport,
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by
putting; on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the American markets
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are K
desirous of seeing the NEWEST g
to call at our establishment and feast their
eyes. Very truly yours,
Our specialty
Reflector Job Printing Office
Ask your friends to go on your Bond when you can get it at a small cost.
L. of Kinston,
was killed Tuesday
The father and m m .
on u v the roof,
W; for c, In
a bidder once
to I lie
ii d . I I n I
Th- r
H If I
t e
Cal on or write
and GUARANTY CO , Baltimore, Md.
g H. A. WHITE,
V H W. Attorney
department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
We know borne people who are
afraid to entrust their money to
a bank for safe keeping. They
may be honest In their A
lank fails once in a long time.
People continually being
having the savings of
years burned up in their houses.
for every loss caused by Dank fail-
there are ten caused by failure
to use them. The Bank of Winter
ville pays interest on time deposits
It the safety of your
Mrs. Chas. Smith and little son,
DeWitt, left Saturday to visit for
some time near Dover.
Nice Harrington
Barber Co.
Prof. O. E. Lineberry spent Sun-
day at home with family. He
is all smiles. There is one more
girl the girl's
line of boys suit at H. L.
D. R. Chapman, of Greenville,
came down Saturday evening and
spent Sunday and Monday with
his parents, returning Monday p.
A Car load of lime just received
at Harrington, Co.,
and Frank Ed-
of our most excel-
lent mer, up tho road
report an
Harrington and Co is
place to get your Spring and Sum
mer goods. They have just what
want, and to suit all.
Maiming went to Green-
Nice line of fresh
ways on baud Burlier
Stokes went
today .
It is a little out of to I
carts wagons, but the Tar
carts and wagons seem to sell at all
seasons of the year.
B Carroll went to Kinston
today on a pleasure trip.
Prof, G. E. Lineberry left tins
lo lie th. road
large shipment of shoes
all styles and sizes and prices very
reasonable. Harrington Barber
Elder T. N. Manning filled his
regular appointment at old
Sunday morning, preaching an
excellent sermon.
Mo need of not good
pants when Barber
Co., have just received anew lot,
that hey will sell cheap.
F. F. and J. D. and Misses
and Cox
at Ayden Sunday. Miss
also spent Sunday night
Straws tell which way the wind
blows, just notice the stream-of
customers going in and out from
Mrs. E. O. Manning and
Di-k Harrow at
Mr Mr-. C. A. Fair and
little were
i-in our town Sunday
I id jut
Dice and fresh, at lowest price.
Harrington, Bat Co.
H Mo day morn-
In .
line of dress shins
hot M inlay N.
C. Fire
Point He J. L-
of Ibis town ii local runt.
If want a nice or tie
go lo Harrington, Berber Co.
Mr and Mrs- Frank
here fr Morehead h .
they ill spend
For hay, end
Ham Barber
W. H t i.,
All c of i
Kev. E Cox. of Greenville,
spent Monday night with his
mother, E. E. Cox, rat lining
Tuesday morning.
Farming implements of all
at Co.
Mrs. Agnes and Miss j
Hanoi were town
A nice now
Robes at Harrington, Harbor
J, Ross, one of town com
is over the
last have
taken up their abode at bis home.
Ii of hats and caps
received, latest styles. Harrington
Bin I m r
. M, Ii. of
s poems,
price our price
Tennyson's poems,
price our price
new goods
we have low
A of . tor
other goods a d be
Two at Hotel Tucker.
Th's Alex-
of Ayden
came up on
the train, each bringing a colored
prisoner to over to Sheriff
to ha by
until September
guest sent up fur
deadly weapon,
the one from for carrying
regular I
regular price our price
Longfellow's Birthday books,
regular price Go, our price
Josephus complete works, reg-
In His Steps, regular price
our price
Pilgrims progress
New Testaments, regular
price our price
Bill Nye's Remarks, regular
price 1.00 our price
In addition to the above named
books offer others at greatly
reduced prices for next
Call and examine them
before the expiration of that
Yours to Serve.
B. T. COX,
Km fruit jars and rubbers go
to Harrington, Barber Co.
If you want cheap go
M. Ange Co-, They sell
it at cents per yard.
The A. G. Cox manufacturing
have sold over of their
Tobacco trucks this season,
are rapidly orders
If you are needing new
co flues or repairs for your old
ones send your order to the A.
G. Cox Manufacturing Co. They
prompt deliveries.
The A. G. Cox,
Co. have recently received a
ca- load of the famous
burg Electrically weld-
ed Poultry and Farm Fence, and
can furnish any height you de-
You are
ed to call and examine their
stock and get prices. They can
also furnish barbed wire and
Pitt Get the Honor.
Prof. W. H. of Green-
ville, was elected chairman of
sub-text book commission on its
organization in Tuesday.
A . H.
Greenville's Greatest Dealer's.
or on
A woman feels she has a right to
nag just the way a does that
he has a right to come borne lain
poof judgment to ten
a is pretty when another
mu hear you.
For Year Ending 30th, 1906, Greenville, N. C
We sell for
easy- terms
You will find a complete
line at all times
We are sole agents
for Enameled Beds.
to please
Pictures Framed to Order
on hand Inn M,
I tin. V.
en June
hand Jane
cash hi June
J. for year to Hal.
freights and
and county
Mock on hand -Tune 30th v.
cab paid Town County
1.391 u I
is th it I l
f -I in it ,. v ; ,,.
I. II.
I . J. Vi
. -j. . n .;,
Save the Worry
The hot weather brings you
enough discomfort without, adding to it by worrying over what
y for breakfast, dinner or a upper. With such a stock of
Groceries. Canned Goods, Package
Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee,
Tea. Cakes, Fruits, as I carry, th selecting and buy-
are easy and the all saved It will take no argument to
you of his if you visit my store and see what I carry.
You can find mo one door North of j
We take this opportunity of extending to our Mends and patrons our sincere lot patronage
bestowed upon us the past season.
was first years ago, it was the intention o tiling a i sound
basis Our business has increased with the years, and we with coming season
Each Customer, as well as each Pile of Tobacco shall have our
Personal Attention, and we shall endeavor, as in the
past, to make The Brick headquarters for
High Prices, Fair and honorable treatment.
It affords us pleasure to announce in this connection that
MR. W. T. UP
Will be associated with us the coming season. Mr. is too wall-known to the trade, plants bay or
to need any commendation at our hands, suffice to say with and at comm of our
with our facilities for conducting the business, as will b. by ii and competent force,
in every department, it puts us in better position than any other warehouse in B lit MM Oar at all times, to secure for our
friends outside prices for their Tobacco. When you come to GREENVILLE, always
Always make the RICK your headquarters,
and when your is ready to sell, bring it experienced will sill it t the i 1.1
tor your liberal we beg to remain. Your
nil I I l

-l as
C -t
r. O
S fir
WORD that word U
It refers to Or. Liver and
Are you
Sick headache
ANY of end many
Indicate Inaction of the
lake No S
of War.
of now i. I. w .,
i,. ,, . ,,,
f .,.,. .,,,.,,,
in r .
Hi . f ,
I Not Quite ill
i now yon cm, get a
or driver or an-
a good
tool lo be prepared
enc M. Our
It all i could desire, and
we will sen that tool
box out u
Mend. Tr Worth
You Stop and tee
it Wonderful
N. C. March 1903.
Mrs Joe take
in that your Remedy
has entirely cured our little girl of
a very bad of eczema,
a great part of her body.
She had eczema
the time she three weeks old.
until she was years old.
is perfectly well I feel
that I cannot speak too highly of
it She has Dot had a symptom of
it for six year. Respectfully,
Jo Publishers
and Printers
have an new
ending, w
can Col-
and Head Rules,
It. and thicker, and i
an any
or fowl on
s and
and over per
a Of i f
i You get S
A Horse Goods, 5-
I P.
Printers y Cr
Manufactures j
High nine
j N. Ninth Street. P
N. s.
Steamboat Service.
a, iii. i ii leave
at m. for
Washington with
Norfolk i for
Von. and all other
a Norfolk
should order their
St . U. I;.
-u to change
not He.
J. Agent, Green-
iii-. S.
U. X. and
f. Va.
V. p. m.
Is The , ., u.
the moon has
in. re, life
for human who have a
lime on u
iii-s-, Malaria. Ci ills,
ill- .
Iver, raj
and female .
a and
i. i in sons
r illy guaranteed by J. L.
I'D. f.
IN i
i r
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
i Tits always on hand
kept con-
in stuck, Country
Bought and Sold
FitS, then
Dr. Ken
has been so successful in
curing thee brain-wrecking;
diseases there is every
reason to believe that even the
most hopeless cases can be
benefited, ii not restored.
We. will be j i refer
any to many
who I. of
health, after o;
have i eon
when two . i . i v nu of
Ilia worst ii I .
I r .
tor . . r n out
lift-, II MUM I I i
sent J r
at i ;,
a I . I. . ,
i . i .
D. W.
R. L.
Greenville, AT. e.
. i . .
I Ill I
i . i . .,.
I .
I . ;.
Dr. i ii .,
for i Loll
I I c. T
i very II
j i tin
I i. . We i .
I Ill iiUna, in. .;
E. IIDr. . . . i an I by your
dial the
II lam, h
will your money.
Co., Elkhart,
i l
. .
Hi i
i .
. I.
. f
Having made arrangements to
manufacture the Nelson
Truck and also to sell same
J will b pleased lo
anyone In need of same. Apply to
J. A. Ayden. N.
The Best Guaranty Merit
Is Open Publicity.
Every bottle of world-
famed medicines the great
at Buffalo. N. Y., has printed,
upon It wrapper all the Ingredients
Into its This fart
alone places Dr.
a nil bar They
cannot be classed with patent or secret
medicines because they are neither. This
Is why so many unprejudiced physicians
prescribe them and recommend them to
their patients. They know what they
are composed of. and that the Ingredients
Are those endorsed by the eminent
medical authorities.
The further fart that neither Pr.
Golden the
treat stomach tonic, liver
regulator add blood nor his
for weak, over-
broken-down, nervous women,
-contains any alcohol, also entitles them
to a place all by themselves.
Many years ago. Dr. discovered
that chemically pure of proper
strength, Is a better solvent and
of the medicinal principles
In our Indigenous, or native,
plants than Is and. further-
more, that it possesses valuable medicinal
of Its own. being demulcent,
nutritive, antiseptic and a most efficient
Neither of the above medicines con-
alcohol, or any harmful, habit-
forming drug, as will be seen from a
lane- at the formula printed on each
They safe to use and
potent to cure.
Not only do physicians prescribe the
above, medicines largely, but
the most Intelligent people employ them
people who would not think of using
the ordinary patent, or secret medicines.
ingredient entering Into the com-
position of Dr. Pierre's medicines has
the strongest kind of an endorsement
from leading medical writers of the
several schools of practice. No other
medicines put up for like purposes has
any such endorsement.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con-
Constipation Is the cause of
many diseases. Cure the cause and you
-cure the disease. One Is a
and two a mild cathartic Drug-
sell them, and nothing Is
Easy to take as candy.
Good Men Should Stand Together.
A man ought tn for the
if he stands hut if he is
sincerely for the right ho will
ways find other men are
standing for the thing Eli
thought, he was the only man
serving the true hut there
were seven others who had
bowed the knee to
The triable with them was that
while they hid never the
knee to they did not come oat
and take their stand in the great
on Carmel.
There are plenty of men in
the world. They are always in the
majority and could win if they would
stand up for the right cause and the
right man as as the had
and selfish men stand up for men
who represent their views. The
trouble with some of is that
they prefer to see Wrong elevated
than to the Some
prefer to keep the trade or favor of
men known tn So wrong rather than
to do their duty Others still do
not wish to offend their wife's
the members of their church or
or a powerful interest that
might otherwise throw a
their direction. Therefore they sit
idly by while the forest of Evil and
march to victory. They de-
it but pipe out, t
help it. I didn't want to any
But the nun who hive civic
increase and in every con-
test when they are aroused they
win. Wrong and Evil stand
before and Good in the open
field. The duty of every good man
is as much to make for
good government as to refrain from
personal wrong-doing If he
shrinks from making himself felt in
a cause that means better things,
he cannot evade responsibility for
the evils that corrupt and
threaten his own home- Raleigh
News Observer.
Lady Win Prize.
Everywhere yon torn find a
group of cud pi avers, bridge, five
hundred are all
The hotel gave a progressive
six-handed party Saturday
morning, the which was a
dainty ribbon
holder, was won by Mrs Jim
Fleming, of Greenville. One
two card parties are given each
week for the of the guests.
Morehead City correspondence
and Deaf.
one in 1,200 W-1
bill d in
was in the
report on bind deal In
United I But
issued by the census The
conducted under the
ion of I. n
Origin of the Expression Hunt-
You often hear or see the
n hunting and
it may he that some our readers
lo not know how it originated or
it means. It is the name given
to the Indian's heaven, which his
imagination paints as a prairie well
with buffalo and other
game, with no one to molest him or
make him afraid. From this
arose the custom of killing the In-
at the burying ground,
so that he may enjoy sport with it
forever in the other World, for they
also believe that the pony will ac-
company dead master. That he
may have his weapons ready when
he gets there, they bury with him
his rifle, his pistol, his bow and his
quiver of arrows. Thus equipped
he goes to the hunting
where Ire will enjoy end-
less sport.
Where Four Meet.
The United states is the only
country in the world that has a
that is to say, a place
where four states meet. Look at
atlas and you will see Colorado,
Utah, New Mexico and Arizona
touching each other. At no other
place on the globe do four state-.
territories or provinces unite to
form such a junction.
The spot is on a spur of the
mountains, and few tourists visit it,
partly because it is not easily
and partly because
few people think about it, A
monument marks it. however, erect-
ed by the government surveyors.
The point is reached by a trail lead-
from the road from I lie
Springs in Colorado, in the Ute res-
to the San Juan river.
President but to
Edward Young, old
n art i-i o lice, u is
talking the y of c brevity
of s i i . of
writes tie
of the New York World.
the summer of
then chief of the bureau of
tics. I was on official delegate from
the United States to the eighth cs-
of the international statistical
congress held at St. Petersburg.
During my stay there I became in-
with Huron An-
H. A.
drew My last interview with
him was at a dinner in the palace
of the Grand Due
The Pole.
How many of you can tell why a
barber has a red and white striped
pole as a sign Tn the olden time
barbers were also surgeons in a
small way. particularly in the opera-
of bleeding. To assist the op-
it was necessary for the pa-
to grasp a stall, and the bar-
always kept one ready, as well
as strips of cloth for bandaging the
patient's When the staff was
not in use the bandage was tied to
it so that they might be together
when wanted, and the barber usual-
hung them at his door as a sign.
In the course of time, however, a
painted pole took the place the
door of the one used in the opera-
and thus came the sign.
A Tallow Projectile.
Perhaps you might smile with in-
credulity if any one should tell you
that it is possible to lire a tallow
candle from a gun with such force
that it will pierce a board, but it is
true nevertheless, The reason is
that when the candle reaches the
hoard every particle of matter com-
posing it is in n state of intense
At the moment of contact
part Vies of matter composing
the board in a state of rest, and
us density of the candle multi-
plied by its velocity is greater than
the density of the board el rest the
greater force overcomes the weaker
and the candle breaks through
makes a hole in the board.
Choose live cards out of a pack,
it one in your mind, then spread
all five out fan fashion, faces down,
and. grasping some one's rigid
in your own. tell to his
and command him to draw the
particular card you have in mind.
Somehow or other he will in-
variably pick out the very card yon
commanded to draw.
he beside at dinner
he asked this question, is
it that Mr. a Republican,
is a candidate in opposition to Gen-
also a
my return to Washington
early in November I called on the.
whom I met as ho was
caving the White House, and after
thanking him for my appointment
to the congress told him of the
question that Huron asked.
the cigar from his
mouth, lie gave the reply might
have been made by in the fol-
lowing wanted the
office and I
making tins long
Having consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. is on
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed In
We carry an up-to-date line
Hats, Shoes, dress Notions,
In Groceries we will have times a full line of the very best goods, not
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, but all kinds of
Canned Goods, the finest brands
We can supply anything you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices
COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods will please you.
he replaced ma cigar and walked of Pitt m
.,,., of E A.
to all p mum tn
the m
and parson e
-r---ii r the to
me in. Ht Bethel N. Q.
attorney, N. on or
the -lay of or notice
tie In of
ThU July 6th,
Come in and examine my
to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
id Groceries.
be to your interest to
Your battle is half won if you know before hand what yon are
going to do. Same thing when it comes to goods knowing
what to get, where to buy, and what you are going to pay is where the
saving comes in.
My goods and prices will yon that this is the place to
buy in any quantity.
Hay, Corn, Oats Bran. Ship Stuff. Lime
When you want anything In this line it
I in Leader In Cash.
Our specialty
Reflector Job Printing Office
Desirable din
LOts For Sale,
Near Points on Easy Terms.
on or address
WHITE, Greenville. N. C.

t mm rm
a. I arming I
at the Mi A Hi
in honor of Mi-m-
Jones. Sara Mm.
O of
received the front
Misses Avers and S
Jones, the parlor door they wen
by Misses Olive Bur-
banks and Sara B
At o'clock an exciting
run-deal two
-t distributed among the guests.
being the
one was presented with the
She it to the
unit girls. As there were
they drew for it and Mies
Hi if . id Henderson, was
lit- i t.
A to a course de
-us was
T were
Greet, Mary S.
Mae Ayers, Olive
Mary b. Lilian
Mary nm-, Lucille
Wilson, Nor-
Delightful Evening at Carolina
An informal reception was held
Wednesday evening in the Caro-
Club rooms, complimentary
to the visiting young ladies
Greenville. The occasion was a
delightful one, and was much en-
joyed by the large
the was
t sue
pa-sing and
huh together her
i exceedingly pleasing
Vocal ejection-
were is. by MM T. E
Hooker and Gotten
Jack .
B Well
Those present Mi Nell
Miss inch ; J
well with F M.
Mae Whitfield H
house, Mus Lottie
ford, with Carey
of i, with W. j
Warren, Percy Miss Lottie
lie and Edward i Jack Senders, of Washing-
ton; Miss Mary Higgs with
An Relic.
Moore, Miss Nell Skinner with W .
B. Wilson, Jr., Miss Ada
Mr. John the even-, with Tom Hooker
of his life in the retirement Ty Be Higgs. Mrs J A
lie old homestead five
west of town after a long use-
of his forbears-has
in a of dwelling carefully
T K. Hooker,
Lillian Vincent.
Mes- s- PranK A. at-
K. J.
the body of the j ., . G ,,. U.
but stately coach in which.
LaFayette rode into this place on the I
Occasion of bis memorable and his-
visit to Fayetteville 1825.
Mr. Mott one time bad the
harness which
in light on the backs of
ink hones of the chariot; but
the vandalism of one n
another, callous to sentiment and
greedy of by piecemeal
these reminders of the past. Fay-
That Burs Witching.
Deputy Sheriff u
that the mates of the
i very their
wake neighbor-
hood with their and. pray-
He says will a
little extra they
get way. One of the boarders,
a colored female, is also her
leisure developing a
for drawing and poetry,
I he deputy left at this
e shows.
of the condition f
At Greenville, in the State of North
Carolina, at the close of business,
June 1900.
Loans and Discounts
Overdrafts scoured a id
S. Bonds to secure
U. S. Ron-Is
Duo from National
The of W, J.
possessions as fixed today by the
cm my assessor for taxation, is
This does not include
in government bonds In
which the of hi Unit
book were invested which
not assessable.
In 1896 Mr. Bryan paid taxes
on worth of property. His
total taxes this year will
The property at Fairview
at and the ad
; tracts of laud bring the
farm up to
Mr Bryan's personalty is fixed
at reported
cash, other Items on his persons
heal of .-it tie, Du-fr-r. State Banks and
. I
bogs f bees, en, Due from approved reserve
hay, jewelry, items
and silverware, 1600; f
goods, Banks
. . , Lawful money reserve in
watches and wk,,
and wagons,
this Mr
owns The Commoner, which
la assessment at
Mr. Bryan's six of horses
n -In at
called on lbs county
I-. id tin- too
a. Neb., i. New
of North Carolina,
County of
I, J. W. Aye ck, the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above is true to the
of my and belief.
J. W. AYCOCK, Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 21st day of June
F. J.
Correct Attest
find with U M,
Treasurer per of
Capital stock paid i 000.00
and I-i
National bank d .
Individual deposits
Tim certificates of 1,985.50
I checks
T men ho were
e. in. i
i--. i been
. I. i.-i-t on
Cl bey d.
;. I . Bennett, of lit. Olive,
U dead In his bed Wed-
Liter his air
T. M. Merrill, alter viewing
the walked out on lb porch
i -y.
CI e a r a n c c
We purpose; making July a busy
making it a Bargain month.
All Summer Goods
to make room for the new fall stock. The
Reduction includes
Colored Lawns,
Black Lawns,
Dress Ginghams,
Ready-made Shirt Waists,
Lace Hosiery,
Ladies Belts and
Ladies, Children
and Infants Slippers.
An early call will mean money saving to you.
U J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Adopted by the Republican
i. State Convention.
The platform was adopted
ten o'clock at having been
written by I he committee during
the recess between the afternoon
and evening sessions
The party North
Carolina OUT assembled
at N. O.,
1906, all the people
of the State upon prevailing con-
at unquestioned off
policies en-
forced resolve and de-
following to be a sum-
of their beliefs upon the more
vital quern ions of present interest
and action they will take if
given power in the State.
claim for
President Roosevelt that
it baa every reasonable
demand if the the reform-
the worker every field of
human endeavor, that it has
the upon a basis
not to be shaken, it has vastly
extended our foreign commerce,
so added to the
wealth, that it has kept the
peace; at home and promoted it
abroad, that it has the
national revenue wisely and with
honesty, that it has laid
bare and with iron band
of official or corporate
to light by
vigilant agents of ts own choosing,
it hearkened to the voice
pressed in all lands and
gave sympathy when forbidden by
law to give more that t has aim-
ed with true and constant purpose
to reflect In its every act the h-
est and finest aspirations of
American people, northern
southern, eastern and western.
We state with regret the ac-
that laws of
have not been
by the Democratic
lions, threatened then as now with
ghost of their destruction,
and we pledge to con-
and perfect the common
school system by the
until a good education
in reach of every
We shall advocate one or more
reformatories for youthful
and i- people that,
given poser, no man or
woman, white or black, lack
the State's care, be the cost what
it may.
We congratulate the
of the State upon the removal of
the Atlantic North
Railroad from the of active
politics, but denounce the refusal
of State Democratic l to lei
the light of publicity shine upon
the evidence taken behind
which lid lease of
of State property.
Graft was admitted but never
suffered i thus showing
in marked contrast a national Re-
publican, as against a
i-nit-c and
further denounce method of the
Democratic party in appointing
n committee of
partisan Democrats.
If Democratic testimony is
to be taken, the present corpora-
commission exists eh ii H for
the purpose of drawing salaries.
We ourselves to m I.- i
efficient. At present it is a laugh-
stock of well-informed
but no less a upon the tax-
The Democratic party for
years vaunted its friendship
for the Confederate soldier, while
him in many cases, an ob-
of The
cans by their votes in
Assembly have ever shown
their friendship for this honored
now daily
We doubling pit-
now received by these veter-
ans if we secure a legislative
majority shall vote as promise.
We favor restriction of
the servile ion now com
to this country from Europe,
to Federal offices, which
with charges and counter-charges
have given undue
y the Democratic press, and
mi- Hi.- democratic
been enabled to retain its hold
upon the State government by
appeals to race prejudice,
to the disorders and
from the war and
days of as well as the
manifold repetition of the state
that all Republicans are
It is therefore now resolved.
That the State executive
of the Republican party be and it
is hereby instructed to assemble,
and and every member there-
of, in Greensboro, N. C, on the
first day of September, 1906, and
on the first days of March and
September in each every year
I and shall then and there
before adjournment consider up-
for appointment to all
Federal offices in North Carolina,
the ti mi- of snail
e next six d to
to the appointing power in
each instance a suitable person
for each position, except in such
districts as are represented a
Congressman. That no
application be
unless the applicant shall state in
his application be will sub-
to the action and
of the committee without I'm
Resolved, That the executive
committee in making
i ions for appointment Federal
positions snail observe well that
he applicant has the of
bis local party friends, addition
in being well qualified tor the
Both Towns Played Good Ball
and the Game was Snappy.
The game of baseball here Fri-
day afternoon between the teams of
Greenville and was
about as good for amateur players
as is seen. There was some nice
playing on both sides and the re-
-deep n 2nd. was
slow to get to W .
had a bat with holes in it the
went through.
found it easy to get to
1st. made a two-base hit
tent Ned on to 3rd, from which
point Andersen scored him. Lips-
found nothing but wind
got at 3rd and had
to walk and Forbes finished it by
Bolt showed almost an evenly match-, reach in
contest. A good crowd
ed the game and it was interesting
all through.
The line up was as follows.
publican i cl internal
bearing the whole burden oil
At a regular of
Lodge No. A. P. A
A. M., following officers were
installed for ensuing
Wm. E. White, W. M.
J. A. Purser, S. W.
Buck, J. W.
A. M. Williams, Treas-
W. T. Williams, S c.
Nat M. Lassiter, H. D.
W. C. White, J.
Geo. C. Ga-kins, Steward.
j. w. Stewards,
Hugh Tiler.
in and county affairs,. d j, M by
the upon the subject o I
e, to dear to a of Dative
pat of u. people, is confer-
a I. as relates to j We is a
We favor the establishment
if the Appalachian Park, and RESOLUTION
g its popular
this state to be Adopted by Memorial Baptist
; but its c j c u i
Sunday school.
Perkins, son of J. C.
Tyson, was six when
h- from us. He
as never well, yet he made
. h r I for life. The tender
i cue of those who bad taken into
their hearts the motherless little
i costly with
I out being efficient ; that the doc-
v he courts in very many
counties clogged,
and have been
;. in number and pay.
We are unalterably to
upon the j His will and say,
the great amount the Lord away;
crime and lawlessness that
I aid seem the Increase in We b bereaved
We refute in the spirit L, , are i
I I- . ., ,.,,. tie i the ii In the great
. tongues of
. and others who
. power, made by I d , to
and Dam-
pa pi i . I In
Forbes If
Lanier lb
Blow c
Greenville was first at bat with
Anderson He fanned and Lip-
followed the same
feat. Forbes found the ball easily
but died on the way to 1st.
half of first
A. hit safe to 1st.
Ferrall sent a fly to left Held but it
had as well gone in a net any-
where the direction of
bes. Pops preformed the same act
stealing the
Taylor sent a fly to and
ed the side.
2nd James
went down on a fly. Lanier hit but
could not reach 1st. Blow lifted a
By and three ere out.
hit but
that was all. Mizell knocked a
fly that was like losing an apple at
Ben James. Lane hit and the ball
beat him to 1st.
and Lyman all hit
in succession i all likewise per-
on the first lap.
felt the
sphere but it was no good. Holden
made 1st on a safe hit, stole 2nd
and scored on a passed ball.
ell A. failed to reach 1st and
4th Anderson made 1st
on hit and was forced to 2nd by a
base on balls for For-
bes made a sale hit for 1st.
the two ahead of him. James
Lane died be-
fore reaching 1st, Bullock on a fly
Holden just beat the air.
to 1st again and Lanier
Pope tried his stand on 1st and
W. Lamer to 2nd where the
f a which has
kept to the ear
broken it to the hope now masque-
u in such
of Slate as they deem
that experiment in law-
The Republican
every county and town
be to determine
vole Hie question of
be In its as
as I its offices,
that they them, be
peace -i any
authority the people,
be the work of Republican
its friends I
who look to see it come,
discredited Democratic
iii- in
We charge that the Dim
crane Sate administration baa
lineal n u.-t know
victory us cm come from the
addition one constituency alone
the Alli-
party to
whom alone r In with
owes ti.-
great in rail-
road regulation, female
school education,
in the care and
of the University, A. and
M. College and other Slats
Honest men can e
difference between stealing a
ballot a a
false return of the result of an
election and u false oath the
joint and a verdict
tin- jury box.
is the sense of this con-
town city poll
tux iii North Carolina should
exceed dollar.
And whereas some
have arisen among Republicans on
account of contests over appoint-
was of no avail, and so God
took him to tho-e who had
Since our Heavenly Father in
His loving seen fit to
take from this member of
Hie Cradle R II of our Sunday
we bow in submission to
who is able t
us in inn- of sorrow.
Mrs. l
Mis. Com.
D. J.
latter was also bulled. Lassiter
hit spitefully and scored Blow but
down himself at 1st.
thing was
looking too shaky for the visitors
Holden and they pulled themselves to-
and got busy. A.
down to 1st and worked
his passage to 3rd while Ferrall
was getting to die on the
way to 1st. Pope put himself at
1st and scored Taylor
hit safe for 1st and advanced Pope.
Roberson also made a hit and
Pope. went
after a three-bagger both
Taylor and Lane want-
ed to help score but didn't do
a thing but pump wind and
lock collapsed hunting for 1st.
home boys got a little scared over
the close score and came up for
their last turn determined to do
something. got a
free passed to 1st on Ly-
man passed him on to 2nd by
1st, Anderson scored
mined up
and took 1st himself. Lipscomb
ad one more by scoring Lyman,
but got put out while trying to
steal 2nd. get out some-
how but we could
not tell how come, and Anderson
being napping side
The visitor;
tried hard to tie game but fell
A. got to 1st but
was off guard. Ferrall
worked up to 1st and stole
Pope took a good for 1st
and scored Ferrall. Taylor suck-
ed win s bad it killed him.
came up with one of his famous. Bullock was about to meet the
two-baggers and scored all three
of the others. Lanier struck out.
Blow made a drive scored
James and going to first, stealing
on to 2nd and 3rd. Lassiter found
the air but not the ball.
scored Blow and went to 1st.
Lyman executed a fly to center Hold
and retired
hit but
naves reached l-t. Taylor ditto,
played a y and out they
same fate, two strikes being up
against him when he tried to kick
the third one and umpire Forbes
called him out.
B. Hi
on I v I . I T
out , jam. j. Idea
oil hull, , Hit II i
on i.
Ayden, N. July l, 1906.-
Hi F
the name
of J. L. Greenville, as a
c didst, f. r Register of Deeds
Mr I, i been a life long Demo
has at all times served
the party with fidelity.
The present hits
made a splendid officer, but I
think two terms is
after a man has served two term
it is right that the
be given to some other
good, faithful Democrat whom the
people know and can trust,
Mr. Sugg is a faithful,
man and will serve the whole
of Pitt county with
P. Q.
Miss Lillian R. Whitfield enter-
a number of her friends
Friday evening in of her
guest. Miss Might, of Hen-
The guests assembled at nine
were received at the
front door by hostess.
Miss of Henderson, in
her usual graceful manner,
sided over the punch bowl. The
were then ushered in the
parlor by Miss Mary Smith,
The house was tastefully deco-
rated, the color scheme being red
and white.
At half a ten Miss Mae Whit-
field in a very interesting
contest. After much hard work
the papers were collected. Find-
that a cumber had tied, the
prize had to be cut for, Miss Olive
the received the
Dainty refreshments were served
in a very dainty manner. At half
after eleven the guests
declaring never have to
more enjoyable evening.
Those present were Misses
Whitfield, Mabel
Warren, Mary Smith, V
King, Lucille Cobb, Mae Ayers,
of Washington, Lillian Mary
Mabel Craft, of
Moore, Wilson.
Sadie Blakeley, Mary S. Jones,
Olive Burbank, Lillian and
Jamie Bryan; Norman
Cecil Cobb, Bascom Wilson, Carl
Wilson, Charlie Manning. Lee
Willie Wilson, James
Ormond And Burton.
Atlantic Hotel, City,
, . , ,, . i atonal convention met here today
h , , , , .
at o'clock. B. Taylor,
Firm in Trouble.
August, July
of the financial
of the Iii in of cotton factors
of Alexander Alexander, one
of the largest in the State, develop-
ed discrepancies of about
following disappearance of
Thomas W. Alexander, head of
the firm, and member of one of
the most prominent families
son's pin him on bleacher.
Lipscomb perished between
slate and l-t aid retired
l he side a
e went
to 1st on n I. . owed
iii, to 2nd.
I. ck died too
Ho den gut mil on way to
of Onslow was mads
chairman. Mr. Plato Col-
of permanent chair-
man. Mi, T. T. Ormand of Le-
was nominated on the Hist
After hot fight by the
Ward delegation, Senator D. L-
Several Other Dogs Bitten.
now Greenville has some-
what of a ma I day scare on hand.
Friday afternoon a strange dog
with every of
was seen mi and it
was reported had bitten several
other dogs town,
rabid canine and it
was finally killed on
avenue by Policeman Clark,
This morning another dog sup-
pose i to be mad seen out near
.,. the depot. An effort
Ward, Craven county, with- n was made
i i . t I kill but it o-or.
his name Mr. J. , .
hi. of ow
while did same thing
trying to reach home, it beluga
was nominated. the
A. ever in. i .
Lanier and Blow all hit safe to 1st.
Iron, the pursuers.
Death G. W.
Lanier was caught stealing and ,.
. . , . . City, N.
expired at 2nd, James doing like- collect., of
put the side for this port, one
back the field with a I the most prominent men of
made died early this morn-
likewise, passing Hie
, ; expected, coming an
put o to .
fielders alter the ball and rise at his regular hour this morn- This ought to n
scored Ferrall- he fell back dead,
and did
Ferrall to
Every dog that bitten by the
one should be killed at
Ii Ii too dangerous to take, ant
detriment of agriculture has
found out from its correspondents
that this year's tobacco crop is
acres less than last yen's.
Throughout eastern Q
least, the crop will be
the reduced would indicate
the ,
per com. loss i,

Eastern reflector, 13 July 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 13, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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