Eastern reflector, 29 June 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Much been aid about the
bet time advertise, and it
n girded us a sort of
loss of energy to carry on en-
curing the hot summer months.
This has all changed, however,
and only the inexperienced ad-
bothers himself or any-
one else about the time to
for tin experienced
what his line
may be, is fully of
that the time to advertise is
all That this is
appreciated by the lead-
lag concerns the country is
proved by the i sum-
mer campaigns which carry
out. e advertising in
lime be
from that of the winter,
bat there should be no let up
whatever in the advertising.
Some j put forth
i not the only man
ever made a fool excuse for bin;
living ail around us.
Policemen Causey
arrested Sim Osborne on a
charge of bigamy. lives
on South is a
operator for the s. .,
a few miles from tie
city. He came here since Christ-
mas about, two. ago
married the of
living not far from
where, he worts. How the in-
formation was secured Os-
has wile Dot
known, but tin.- makes no differ-
for arrested he
made f saying
that lie did not know he
any law, for his wile
had to husbands
he was it led to two wive-. He
was locked up. He about
years of age.
in connection
with the second marriage of Os-
borne may make interesting read-
The wedding only
Greenville's Big Department Stores.
Hot Weather Merchandise
Is abounding in plentiful beauty and cheapness here.
The thin. Huffy, cool materials tor June Selling are for your inspection and in quantities to
Glance over the list below and then come let us you the goods, I
lie appreciated.
meet your de-
be seen to
. . T, a few Sundays ago at
that the summer months . i . , ., of Miss
re dull, out l
so tin ask the man who has
i d they v-ill that he
. t at in doldrums over the
of the differ-
is the result of his
one time is better
another to advertise, it is
luring the so-called
made so partly by the
Summer time is reading time.
People read all papers more
thoroughly now than in the
Use newspaper space
oftener BOW than in the big seas-
on. Attractive cuts with well-
worded advertisements offering
a definite price that yon know is
n good value, can have only one
stimulation of summer
business. Then never let up
even for a base ball game Keep
everlastingly and you won't
know there is such a as a
dull season. You won't even
think o how hot it is. Mountain
seashore com
and various
other specialties are needed now.
Advertise then and deliver them.
Make the delivery part a feature
can be sold all th
time if properly advertised. And
the majority of people now look
to the newspaper advertisement
t tell them what you have and
what, are Mer-
who is a ii . j
Surveyor Gild list. A
few hours utter Miss
lied d , am th r voting
man, to whom she was to
marry on the same day, rived
claim her for a bride. This was
W. S. a popular young;
of Greensboro, who was I
gaged to the young lady in good
and, having armed j
with the license oilier
being complete, he
as expecting easy His
Chagrin he his
expected bride was lo
another man can be mote
imagined than he cm
now solace in fact that be
is clear of the present domestic
infelicity of the unhappy couple.
Journal and Commerce.
A issued by the gen
passenger agent of -he Nor
folk and Southern railroad, entitles
all delegates attendant
to a rate of half Ac re-
fare when returning.
To obtain this rate it is necessary
to fire whoa going to the
and tenure a
of attendance from the secretary
presentation to the railroad
ticket agent. Blank forms have
been issued the general
agent and will be in the band-
of secretaries.
A. L
Chairman Democratic Congress-1
Colored Dress Goods
Beautiful cool dainty lawns In small
dots and figures, small and floral
patterns and solid colors for to cent
per yard. Brown dress linens, percales,
figured madras and gingham.
White Goods Depart-
inch French lawn yard
inch Persian lawn to yard
inch Persian lawn to yard
inch linen to yd
inch yard
inch I linen to yard
Inch Union cotton, but
almost as pretty as all linen for more
money at yard.
Lovely dotted the real imported
kind, in small neat designs from to
figured madras for shirt waists
and dresses this seasons newest pat eras
from to variety great
and patterns lovely.
Laces Embroideries
We are showing ninny pretty things
in this laces we have baby
Irish French, Germany,
Round thread Val in all
overs, bands and edges Batiste and Baby
Irish combined from the loveliest of
trimmings of the season, we are showing
it in exquisite patterns, suitable for very
sheer materials as well as the heavier
kinds. Black baby Irish all overs and
bands to match.
The mayor
is a Mend the A cir-
i m i lows
I be ordered
the petiole
J i I I tie
The ii committee i t to
close to
i lie i . lie
would its I i I e hi n l Vi
QUO i Louse d i d the
-ti, ;. I i To i- lino
the ii I mi
I Inter
Kill. I ii i. u 1.1 I lie
i .- re. i. In lie hoped
t . i t m i i w II the
. i. Mo, ii en-
f i- tea holiday i
in sod I be i oils of
. Oil I
. . chill ii. i
e i b-i
me too
I'm- mayor
For of Deed.
I hereby myself a
candidate fir of Deeds
of Pitt county, subject to the ac-
of the Democratic primaries
and county convention.
W. M. Moore
N. C.
Register of It. Williams
issued to the following
Cherry Blanche W.
House and C. Man-
Win, Potter sod
John Annie
Our Notion depart-
should interest you, as we are showing
many useful and desirable novelties
Fans Yes we have all kinds and sizes
some so small and large
and breezy in paper silk, and gauze.
The silk gauze fans, real fine dainty
decorations Ivory, sticks are
and as cheap as 11.00 to others
with cheaper sticks and cents.
Shopping bags in kid, white canvas
and fancy leathers in black and colors from
cents to
Pretty white wash belts embroidered
and some with detached buckles in guilt
and pearl, the prices range from to
Guilt belts, leather belts, silk belts
all prices.
Ladies hosiery in black and white
gauze, some plain, some j
some lace boots, others lace all over all
sizes and prices.
Infants and hosier in black
and white all sizes from to
Ladies and infants vests, short
and long sleeves.
Nazareth Daisy waists for boys
and girls, cool comfortable, all sizes
tops and cords and ruffles
stamped linens, embroidery silks and
Ready made waists In ladies sizes,
handsomely trimmed with embroidery
and lace, some look like hand embroidery
prices from to
Plain S Fancy Black
Batiste, French Silk mulls, Per-
lawn, Mercerized madras and many
at each, Girdles, all size, for and each. stout, Medium figures
Our stock of House-
keeping Linens
Should meet your approval. All kinds of
Towels, Bath rags, table Damask. Nap-
kins and Dollies. A good assortment at
right prices.
ii a
Toilet Soaps, Tooth Powders, Tooth Brush
es, Nail brushes, Hair brushes, and combs
Talcum Powders, per box, others at
r. T. A.
hi i -I i j- g coming he
a m
elm H buyer fr tin
on the
O He hi-
wife will leave in a days
Greenville, the good
We hope then
nun will
1.1 . i
A Journal.
From e nave seen in ad- ,
Vance July number of
Lite la going to be a gem. I
ii- i-1.-
has had no
and while
every especially should
have it in his home, it
matter the e--
and u sell, The
office of Plantation Lite in in the
building with The Reflector,
you can always find someone
to wait on you you wish to
or have other
with it.
. , the best and styles at prices. You should see our splendid show
of Oxfords, Court Ties, Pumps and Sandals for Ladies and Children white Canvas Oxfords and
in Ladies sizes. r w
The Lace Curtains, Window Shades. Rugs and Art squares we are showing would
much to the comfort and appearance of your home.
Don't g this store a chance to show you some of the many pretty and useful things we have There
Nearly every boat and train brings us something new and desirable, we always have good values you.
D J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Sees and Hears Things.
Grifton, N. C, June
We were visited with a wind
and rain storm Sunday evening
blew down a deal of
Sometime or other, or some
lime atonal o'clock p. m.
the 1-t in July, at
graded reboot building in
the old folks and all
folks that is who want
t j see what the of Grifton
will be doing, can be spending
their evening by lending
their lo the Episcopal
services, which will begin
at the above named date and
place, the
f our friend, C. J. Tucker,
one, all and j do in us In
these But day evening exercises,
thereby the means
salvation .
We do this to detract
the Sunday schools of this
place who hold their meeting in
of each Sunday, but
to give our people a service of em-
enjoyment of
At last meeting of Grifton
Lodge V. A. F. A. Bf.,
elected for the ensuing
year, were W. M., C. J.
S. W., C. T. J W., W.
II. Sec. J.
J It i- a duty t chronicle
of Mrs. W. J. Kittrell, who
died since our last. A good
man is gone and Ines of in
rain. Me
with the bereaved
Way the plot -of lug baud of
our Father God ever be over them
through life. .
We notice first time in
years fathers are
Sue town laws ordinances
which does away the plea of
ignorance in his honor's court.
The victim's ears will no longer
ling with the the echoes of told
you when he is hauled
We hurt pleasure of a call
cur genteel, clever L.
O. links, of Atlanta. Luther is
Heel whom
ever body
The Bank
The st of Bank of
at the close of
on the 18th, as made o the
in Commission, appears in this
paper. This bank makes a re-
for dull
time of At the meet-
in May was paid in
dividend to
lowered surplus
the of the previous
but surplus and
profits yet
time, as large the
Toe of Greenville
is that stands high.
Miss Mamie King Becomes the
Bride Mr. W. J. Turnage.
At o'clock this morning in the
Christian church a pretty marriage
was solemnized, the principal par-
ties to the event being Mr.
W. J. Turnage and Miss Mamie
King, Kev. Moore as
i i man.
The decorations of
were in splendid keeping
such an occasion most pleas-
to the eye. From the ceiling
across the pulpit were festoons of
white and from center
which hung a mammoth horse
shoe of white flowers. Both the
pulpit and choir platform were
covered in white, the latter
b H kid with palms, ferns pot
Just previous to entrance of the
Miss Held
King, Goldsboro, skillfully ten
on the This was fol-
lowed with a beautiful violin solo,
Melody in F, by
Miss Mabel King, of Goldsboro,
who is only years of age. Mrs.
H. H. Moore in sweet voice
Toe then under the touch
of Miss Blanch King swelled
bridal party entered in the
f lowing
First the minister, Kev. II.
Moore, then the ushers up the op-
aisles, Dr. L. and
Mr. E. A. Sr., Mayor F. M.
Woo Mi. K.
Following these came Miss Lena
King, sister of the bride
of. honor up one aisle, and Mis-
Smith, bride's maid, up
other. Each of ladies
gowned in silk
carried bite
The bride, robed in a handsome
going away suit of taffeta
am currying bride rose, entered
with brother Mr. S. King,
while opposite them came the
bis best Mr.
ceremony that made the
couple and wife was
soft strains or
adding lo it.
Mr. and Mrs Turnage received
a number of beautiful
presents. The couple on
morning for a bridal tour t
How Mr. Cherry, of Caro-
Won a Maryland Bride.
Mr. James B. Cherry, of Green-
ville, N. C, who is will known in
this city an intimate of
Mr. John Jr.,
today when he visited
that he was the
romance. But Mrs. Cherry
smiled, for she declared even
own mother knew no bing about
ft seems that Mr. ho-e
family have readers of
for many, many cine
in this city before
and was to
Home and
North B
then Mis It
W. Scott,
county, was there too. She was
ill i-he always wore a cheery
smile as she fluted about
for the sick.
The little cap and gown of the
nurse uniform the gentle mm
nurse . BOB a deep
impression upon heart of Mr.
that he returned to
home he did n it well
long, and his thought was of
nurse who was to kind to him
the in
Finally, it
he have a and, of course, no
one else would do.
Miss So always willing lo
take care the say
the the call o
That was in
and as patient grew stronger
Cupid a war-
His duns flew thick and
and Mi. Cherry and
nurse from county were
As Father Time tore oft
from Ins the new
of the patient grew worse and
nurse she could not even at-
tend wounds, so Cupid
just laughed and two
victims to his list.
Finally matters leached a crisis
Thursday, same old
treatment that bad been handed
down since olden was
for the
patient. It. win- a hopeless
and Rev. Dr. K. Cox, rut
N. C,
Raymond of
Democrats of Third Judicial Dis-
Select Judge and
The Democratic judicial
for third district held
in court house in this city this
afternoon nominated a
to succeed Judge Henry K
am a successor to L. I.
Moose, solicitor for the district.
There was r. pretty good attend-
convention held outside
district, and Pill and Craven
very full delegations. It was a
line body of which
the in spirit
harmony prevailed throughout.
absence of the
lit L. V. of who
Wm mount
Mr. A. D. Ward, of was
as temporary
called the
Mr. Ward mice a selling
object of
nU W. T.
convention Capt
I was made
the set-
down to
A roll cell s
every one f
Pit .
Nominations I'm judge were J-
order and
d lo Mr. James A.
Bryan Craven, in a very happy
pi nomination
Hon. Guion,
m. T. D. Junes,
and rend resolutions of Jones
county endorsing
Mr. F. C. Harding, of Pitt, arose
and a I III H -i of Mr
he the
name of Mr. as a candidate
for judge, moved Mr.
nomination be by acclamation.
I Galloway then called Mr-
II lo chair and alter
a tribute to hi
Mr. Mr.
was unanimously
Iii roll call for nominations
Who in a Town
r- ma; w small
do not help to make a town lively
The man who
contributes to public
or voluntarily assists sup-
porting y of the pubic
is not worth coaxing to
remain in a town, and should he
t move out it is always a
matter unit.-.
and not mere ciphers that count
something. a
. ,. . i i.
It is interesting to go out
look at Mr. D- D. crop of
growing tomatoes, just south of the
town He has a large of
them, several and they grow-
in clusters. They arc begin-
to ripen and in a few days be
have plenty of
visited his parents here
Henry Stanley of
is branding a few days in this
Miss Margaret Ormond re- city
home last week after I the death of
spending several weeks in , the three year old d
at the home of Rev. o. Mi. and Mr-.
A. L.
Miss Mary
of visited
at the home A. L.
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. N. J. Ormond i Son.
son Kev. A. L. Ormond, of
and we regret to learn
that she has been unwell since
leaving home.
for solicitor, yielded to
tor candidate, and
Greenville could do K c H
light but lie knot.
For a tour I lie
lo make
Mi. has to go
hack to hut Mr-.
Cherry she ii mean
she go old
home and nurse,
Mr. and Mr. J Nick
man Pasted way.
n, Which led In It It'll
V I., lit nil tills moil
T e child us burned u
mouth or mine u-, and
recovered from
Gallant Conductors
do not the
Coast Line any better or
Mrs. E. L. left last I than Captain
Friday for Oxford where she Hawks and Woolen at passenger;
will spend about three weeks I trains on this road. The way tiny
visiting friends. And Earnest
does not like to keep either.
J. M.
attended services at M. Delight
last Sunday.
Work is progressing on the
of F. W. Clare, on Fifth
street. It will be a
when completed.
bundled tho crowd to kin-
was pleasing to every
Crowded trains never
them, their is marked
by such courtesy
as to win deserved esteem.
It is now up to tho Panama
Commission to show that a lock
canal can built on a
name of i lie
bent, Hon. Larry I. Mr
of Craven, seconded
the nomination
that it be made by
which was carried
Hon. T. D. Wan en,
aid Mr. J. K
Mi. was and a
being made for a
responded in a very
acceptance, was
long and heartily.
Mi. . Craven,
mi behalf nominee and the
made a
before Mr.
a en-
t rec Judge
who hue been
u for years and who
retires the bench,
following cone
were name
several counties to serve i e
four .
Webb; V
Greene, B. W. Jones,
Warren; W. T, ;
P it, F. Harding.
Tue then adjourned
Kinston Had Day
Ki does not do things by
halves, and that town
did herself splendid credit in the
manner of entertaining the
number of visitors there
day. residences and
were gaily with
bunting flags and Masonic banners,
and the words hung
out everywhere. Thousands of
were in attendance, and
notwithstanding inability to
jet h special i ram to go over, Pill
county was well Had
our people earlier that the
noon would reach
ample time for ex-
and bow well the Atlantic
Coast Line would n by
special train to return at the
from here would have
been many times, larger.
A of the Grand
Ma-on- was held in the opera
house noon, and following
this a great procession of Masons,
and citizens
moved to the park
the Robert memo-
hospital East
Here immense platform and
harbor bad been erected for the
-peaking, with Dr. H. D.
per, Sr., as master of ceremonies
program was carried out
smoothly at u
Addresses of welcome were made
by Mayor N. J.
of and Mr. J. W.
behalf of St. Lodge
s. V. A A. M., which were re
Lieut Frances
lodge laid comer stone of
charily annex to the hospital
which had erected to the
memory of Mis. Parrott
by her the Parrott.
w d by addresses
formally charity
annex to the of lady
of the hospital and acceptance.
came principal address
of day which was delivered
Gov. B. B. This address
was simply both
delivery, was
worth the journey to Kin-
ii several times over to bear it.
Tue heart of every North
who heard it swelled with
emotions of at t noble
of our
high tribute be paid to state.
While much of bis address was
t emphasizing
great principles industry,
it was none
less pleasing and lo
every woman and child
the vast audience, one could
at such a speech without
a desire lo live better, do
nobler grander deeds, and be
more helpful to his It
was a as inspires to
mar Inn and
Tue people North
Carolina are great admirers of
for bun became higher after
to tin- address. His
noble re utter-
of man,
people love him for me great good
he is doing In half of his stale.
The second regiment band, as-
by several
men, made music I r occasion,
and part our s took added
much lo Us
Alter the no
a bounteous dinner was
served in one
a About i thing
in in people
lo eat all lull I
for while .-
there was plenty t i spare
The lie
Wife the Vanceboro Murder
Makes Threats and is Arrested.
The wife Henry the
began to act
queerly in that city yesterday, and
it was to arrest her. She
was using and
language to that she
would shoot everybody in Vanceboro
She was brought to Sew Horn last
night and in jail and she
will be examined next week to as-
certain Lit It is
said she attempted to a white
woman Bern Journal-
The Judicial Convention
rd district did itself honor in
renominating Hon. Larry I.
Moore, of Pitt, by ace
He is a native of county.
He was first elected solicitor in
1898 and re-elected in a new dis-
in 1892. He is an able law-
and has made a faithful and
popular official.
Mr. Moore is one of the wisest
and most progressive of the
younger leaders of Democracy in
the State. He several
represented his district on the
Platform committee at the State
Convention and has always rune
true. He is well-grounded in
Democratic principles and is
ready to fight for his conviction-
believing that Democratic gov-
means the death of
privilege and subsides, that
public service corporations
should be regulated, passenger
Winston. Then the grand freight fare and
such powers conferred on the
Corporation Commission as to
make it an effective agency in
serving the public. The people
ought always to honor such men
if they would have their inter-
and Observer. I
sine Press, was spent in by the
Near midnight on June the 19th
the dark angel of death visited
the home of B. W. Killie James
of Pitt county took away
their year old daughter
She had been sick only two days,
but oh. how she suffered, yet she
was patient and sweet to the last,
knowing each one that came to her
bedside. No death bed scene could
have been more beautiful or
after a of
pain she exclaimed, papa I
thought had by th
and with hinds clasped
looking Heavenward sang
little verses of songs sin- had never
been heard singing And we
that listened must be
with angels. Besides
father and mother, she leaves four
brothers and to mourn
her absence. The Uriel entire
family is most d ire i to all,
but you slum d not dear
ones, she is ill a more beautiful
home waring you.
Miss Annie White from
Kinston i
Commercial Can, Dover.
nor Glenn held a short
there which c mid not be as long
as anticipated because of his de-
on an early train to meet
another engagement. The chili
has quarters and on this
occasion proved that it could en-
royally and generously.
The spirit that seemed
among the Kinston people was
that could not do enough for
their guests.

and SON,
Hanan's Famous Shoes
Mr ha many years end J.
vicar Shoes. Call r.
k t e
A. G. tho war correspond-
writing in London Opinion and
Today on tie unequal talent to I
found the house of commons,
tells u story lie bean of a
who was once mistaken for
Shaw, lie and were once
iii the same hath, lying or.
slabs, with over their face
The attendant along and
touched the coxcomb .,
Mr. he said
The coxcomb bounded to his feet,
all aglow with at being mis-
taken for a man of intellect After
he had robbed down he gave
half a sovereign, for
II to Net to Either th
Ear or Now.
A writer as follows the
abode of a colony of herons near a
large city in this The her-
of which I am writing is situ-
in e piece of swampy woodland
not from a
main traveled road, one at-
tempt to cuter the confines of this
city of birds and he will immediate-
lie aware of the
the place. At 11- he will be greet-
ed by a few from
members the colony, the
u were, and
s he inadvertently steps n a
Loans Discounts
Furniture 1.630.50
Due from Banks 18,886.62
Cash Items 9.39
Gold coin 496.00
Silver coin 1,179.11
Nat. notes 1,432.00
f the that v . . king re
II. A he I
port, w arise as
will ; I. I. has
take for V r- j; .- by the
Capital stock pd
Undivided profits 1,986.54
sub to check 40,233.37
dint gr . it one could
-a ,
be mm
i rustle
r of i i bird
vies I . the
I I . Of-
i to weighed once forts u n . . can be
doubts entertained by to ; . f and
to the of i
estimates. whether the I voice
he a i art of short or lit herons anything bu
i I lo settled.
Kn is to set out in Egypt, r- ; of
where the pyramid will nail t
utilized bi First, hod-i-s
the of the lid will
i mined and then I lie weight
I he earth from its what
size. The swinging of
will lie the From the
exert e I
i half
I met
t from the
i . is
lie called
. ii i the
Id t an early
c one had a
i i ling so. especial-
ii little solid ground,
m water and de-
; ii,
a true to th bet of
and J. R.
W J.
and swum f
me, this day f
At the of June 18th 1906.
I .,
a items 2-172 U . i
C paid
. . f depot
-i to
n tin n n pendulum from
its the weight of the
ca . and that
if tin And yet, despite
which i- known- -can , u lie i- features, it is
, .,.,,. altogether a delightful place to visit
; for one who is a lover of birds.
a Occasionally a resounding
is as owning from some of
.,. i,,., landlords m the fall of a young one
B i North Chelsea, was re-1 lo of
a short ti. ago Lord Ca- hen
was a
which asked him to sell not
properly to them. To which th
At tin-close of June
Loans and discounts stock 5,300.00
Overdrafts fund
Furniture A Fixtures profit 1,174.30
Hi. Carnival,
Cashier of the bank, do
t t lie above is true u. the o-st
. to
, this day of June. 1906 W
ft l,
drop is or sixty feet. But they
must be able to climb again into the
will sell it. but I moat
upon granting new k .
ever.- one who is in street,
that no one is out live ; to
m of n .
J desert t in
That made i difference of
to Lord In
word-, if he had sold it outright f
without a of that sort he
Due from Harks and
Tankers lid
ash items u l-
i National lank
oilier U. ft.
year- so will have an
pie notice r
or F
. r -i i u .,
he ii;.
Dr. Dukey, a specialist
as the result of numerous
observations on school
and older students, fixes
amount of intellectual work
with the normal development
as For pupil.- from live
eight year- of age, ten hours a week .
eight to ten year-, twelve hours.
ten to twelve year-.
re to fourteen
fourteen lo Of-
hours; fifteen to.,,
in ho-- i-1
miles ii hi. on
wide of from
to twelve inches of ram a year and
coveted . id- d
of a e lone
stones, nu k drawings and
Ii the region
must have gradually n;. hut
that the divert conditions are
and rain belt is
extending more and more .
the north.
Live Duck
j. Berger of Anthony, who i.-
duck -hooter. In
two pairs of
six-1 ducks for decoys, The
duck, arc
to the
II Rel Boiler
One P. Center Crank
in No Sawmill
One BO saw and c
One Power Press
This machinery i- old aid will
deal . i pa . purchaser
saw either or both.
grounds in small baskets.
i-. and to nineteen To ,,.,
years, the maximum of hours.
W i- i. I nil-
use a light leather with
buckled attached to a long
shore cord is placed about their
necks a weight or anchor tied
to one foot. This, however, does
not diminish their ability to swim,
and when placed in the water they
to the limit of their shore cord.
For results they make the old
wood decoys look like
i Traveler.
While in Via on her last
vi- i
upon ii ii to run the
notice Now
t I has superseded
. in
P pi
won con versa l on the
. one hear.
. la I
. or way, lady
is now h
. I I.- i- o ad lie
public I i
re in fact.
; the
i i no lo n
I in ii . .-, but to . f
i . in
N.- I .
certificates of
deposit 2,309.50
Deposits subj. to check 32,799.21
checks out-
standing 72.67
ale N lib County of Pitt, k
I. H. II la- ah i r of the above named solemnly
swear that above statement i true to the best of my
and belief. H. H Taylor
Subscribed and sworn to be-
ore me, this day of
8-m j. q
Notary Public
tin tun Ii i
c i
i . ,
You Pay For
n- i
Over in I'm i . . What
for hit
m i in i all the
a per . ,., l .
lit tin
i is
In . i-
l v t
i i
; i-
id from
in higher Goods on Credit,. ; h
merchant make up his out of ls- h
r-f y-v a w i the sea at i don
J -q h
A ring ill be
player.-, i chair
an tin. without a chair
stand in the mid lie, A
is git en i ii h pen on. Tim
pot n n in the center then calls three
number-, and the who have
the n called must i
places i th h other. Tho one in
the middle to ail empty
seat before tho . an I the one
without i -eat then the
and iii this way the game
have no loss to make up and put the price
the lowest Pay , avoid charging
in- -s charged to you I sell any
want ii Hi
I Oats Stuff, Lime and
i n
I .
i. iv, i
curious pan of tin . I ;. is that I
W i- iii daily use, either in
trim-it or in loading unloading
male bird feeds his male, flying
to and from the truck while in mo-
and, unlike some human
who pay for their tickets, be
has never known to miss his
train. The starting signal
finds him at his post near the
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
v Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
Harris n line. t u i. i I It
reputation fr honorable wares and honorable
If you Harrison Paints you need
We trust v W favor us with your
orders whenever you want good- paint for any
Have just load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
death OF d a. CHERRY.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent
-.-. . C. a
A Hardy and
and take Friday to visit relative at Whit-
that pleasure -h- R new
in arrears. We have lint market tor beef, fresh
all who receive mail at sage, and fresh fish.
this office. We orders for a abort while and
for job they will to Norfolk to spend
James Keel has Do- sometime with
A line of crockery, glass
Lumber out and
B. E. Co. all a, j K
possible to please you Dawson, of
their new line heavy and fancy Mis. K. O.
Mrs. George n-
lat Friday from
a visit to
For apples, lore
tomatoes, c, apply to E. K.
a Co.
Miss Myrtle of Kin
ton, Is visiting Mi-s Cow-
F. G. A have
moved of goods from
out to a short
distance from
Dan of was
here yesterday
Bed Steads, Suits, Dresser
Center Tables, Chairs Cradles,
Bed Springs, Mattresses
Lounges, Cook Stoves and a
great many other things are
kept up stairs. Cannon Tyson.
B. P. and wife,
Beaver Dam, spent the day
day here with relatives.
The sign of the is I
When your attention j
J. Taylor,
It lie i I In
I. m g. . i. Mk HI III IO--
is fetal-,
ill t y few
U m
mil . Nye, of Winter-
w.-ii- evening
A mil supply of
Suit Cits. , hi J. K. Bro.
sick for
Chi V. Crimped roofing in
SUM able b to cover residences
stables much cheaper
shingles very little labor, at J.
K. Bro.
Jesse Cannon, who bas been sick
for several weeks, is able to be out
n at cents
per in
nod goods, at J
it. H. Jones a
i d n i- He i hi i is
optician, m ;
is the man to do u.,,
r -r . h
hi J. W. is
lie any occasion.
B. T. h
your work if yon want to be
and Bob
of have
been here to see girls. i splendid sermon at the
cars cotton ed, Sunday on us this day our
will pay highest cash price, don't daily Besides b a
your seed until you see me. Poacher he is a good editor.
Frank Lilly Co. I Core, Hay always
Mrs. wool up e at J- B-
read Friday morning. Dr- J- Black
preached two splendid
sermons Ht the Christian church
a lull line of laid and Day.
good-. Don't giving i our
B a trial. Lilly Co preparatory we
B. T. Dickerson has gone to prospective buyers ex-
bis old home. This is bis low prices. J. H. Smith
first visit in three years. Br,
A full line of valises, tel- Kev. D. W. is is holding a
grips, satchels, baud meeting at
and suits case- J Bro church near
Miss Florence Hardy, of North Car-
ville, ha on visit to Cut Herrings J. It. Smith
Mis. J. If. tins Bro,
to r W, Cox held services ill
, , , , , . th. I here
I always keep built h Till . , hi
due at roB nice new
prices Such M hay, coin, located on
col ton seed and brand Town of
and ship Stuff. Prank Co.
Hook, I. bee., to . ,
the morning of June
Mr. A. Cherry of
passed fully from
the cares and c diets of earth to
Fur some his
not in all III
no ion no r neaped ins no-.
of e trow hi-
Iii- last ill. . Up
w willing to
U d in all things. All
v.- 1.1 tit lOVIng
n i's h I e mid d ;
d ., I
h home a
., ,. 1.1- . . ,. i
Kl r M. T.
i , He was buried
Masonic honors in the
deceased was born June 12th
1851. Io the tail of 1899 he was
mi in Sallie L. Mayo with
whom he lived with great hap-
God blessed this union
but now heart of the wife is
torn and bleeding. May God give
her consolation, resignation and
hope. The loved companion is
; lie a
lieu n
has failed.
in his
y. He a
looking more lo the
e ml of than lo himself.
writer has a
mole nature
ban his, or one considerate
of he rights and feelings of others,
-o free from envy, jealousy
little that so
f-ii mar a tine character. Surely
hi life was living, leaving
b bind him an influence of lasting
those who knew him
his embrace into
en, another link in the chain
of to their hearts lo the
eats above, that may meet
the beautiful some time.
He leaves a loving wife, two
sons and two daughters, besides
a hose of relatives and to
hi virtues be
ad knew him, and following
the of living so
in his character,
shall call them to
the spirit land, they
. without fear or dread
go on earth and awake in
B. E. C
rot what you
of Interest Over the
Country. Under the You
of his and Stewart Sue What You Want, Ask
is the cause given by Knight, who Record.
a. c. minified to Brunswick jail Baltimore, has recently
charge with murder by the a leaflet to Hie
net's jury. Knight admits he In w with which many
own knowledge and its advertising pa-cs las
his suspicions were on body should study Mm
a may only.
Ga., June M
Stewart, section foreman of the
Seaboard at Ga.
columns of all new.-
which it says
F. Cox, Mayor if
land, Fla , in a letter to the Man
Record under date
shot instantly killed Cy O-car M ;
his last nigh. ,
Knight shot him twice in the back
then he tin d seven shots into
his body. The body was found in
the front of Stewart's home
Los June th
overturning to-day of an
bile in Colorado strict, Pasadena,
while going hour,
the subsequent explosion of
tank and Inn mug of the
machine, Mrs. J-
Id jean obi, roasted to
of Pasadena,
chauffeur, was burned so
that he will die.
Mm Jones
On night Pearl
bun f the plucky girl
who two weeks previous shot and
killed a in defense her
h nor, attain aDd
once brought to her
aid. K supposed to de ire
for our killed, went to
and on pore near a
window to m, men she
sent a ball through
window t bun. lied.
people of Helms re very
much and
prof eel Miss at all
on business He was cubed
by phone u large
Mr. ad-
You will hut
and machine.
Prices nay way down H.
Bro. next to Hotel.
The section
in c invention
which in today.
We have our summer
voiles, have ml selection of
J. B. Smith Bro.
Mrs. Joe Long, of spent
Sunday with friends.
Mrs. H. C. Ormond spent Thurs-
day and Friday in
New lot cigars,
best at
Book Store.
V. Crimps paper rooting,
Pumps with long or short joints
and pipe at J. B. Smith
If you are troubled with your
values on tho table which must go or nave , in
per yard. A I it matters not
Miss left now caRe ca on j
tor a visit up the road.
For tools, grind stones
f hemp rope and pulleys, at J. K.
Smith Bro.
Dr. M. M. Sauls tells us of a
delightful evening spent with bis
friend, Mr. W. C. out
Id South Ayden Friday. The
doctor surely had a nice time as
he and his friend are now bead-
quarters for retreat,
their better halves bring away for
the pun the summer.
Oh, how these tied
fellows Mull enjoy the
blessedness of we more fortunate
old Such is life.
Pea n at J. K.
an expert
Ayden, N. C, who has five years
experience with some of the most
cases. He never fails to
give patients satisfaction or their
money refunded. Over five
of Pitt Greene and Lenoir
best people to testily to bis honesty
ability. Give him your eye
if you want satisfaction.
For Spring Housecleaning
lime try Liquid
Veneer. It everything
look new. There will hi- no
old, dull looking furniture or dingy
woodwork in homes Inn won-
is used. No
or necessary. Liquid
Veneer is not a varnish, a surface
food and cleaner . builds up
original finish and makes it brighter
than ever.
It Instantly brilliant
newness and finish of Pianos, Furniture,
Picture Frames, Interior Woodwork,
Hardwood Floors and all polished,
varnished or enameled surfaces. Re-
moves scratches, stains, dirt and
A child can apply It. Nothing
but a pits., of cheese cloth is needed
and there is no drying lo wait for.
Regular ate.
The threat of President Roosevelt
that if the people of Arizona an
New Mexico do not vote now lo come
into the Union as one Stale it will be
fifteen years before I an-
other chance, is all In
1909, when Democrats will be in
power, territories will be ad-
in spite of Republican
gained from reading ads in
the Record i
worth more than the
price for a whole year
You doing good work for the
welcome Mr. Cox to the
ranks the readers of the Man-
Record who find it
advertising pages of so much
interest and value. As recently
said, a man who wants real
about almost anything
that relates to business
can find it in the lo
advertising pages of this paper.
These pages constitute a great
medium of be-
tween buyer and seller.
dictionary and the ency-
are no more essential to
l e student or to the man who
wants to know things and know
them right than are the
pages of the
Record to the tens of thous-
people not only in the
South, but elsewhere, who at
tunes have occasion to look
just the things covered in our ;
advertising columns. It matters
not what you may want to buy in
the way of machinery of equip-
t supplies or
skill mineral
if you cannot find what
you arc after in th
write to tho Manufacturers
Record and we will put you in
touch without cost with the
who provide what you
in the habit i f studying
these and ever-
changing pages following
the old advice of Storekeeper
you sec what
w mt, ask for
Springfield Daily
in the sundry civil
, at ion bill granting the
I. for traveling-
; uses,
Hut anyhow we had better
bis way to the extent of
year, or men more, than
. upon him railroads to
carried about at their ex-
ii-, thus creating for them an
against the public
will not be lost sight
, should people pay taxes
i servants to travel for
Officials in
Branches of the public service
ii d for traveling on
the law
provide that when the President
ravels on public
should be u, ,
ti pay the President and
friends to travel
or to make i u
campaign speeches, is not a j s-
for taxation of a I the
If the political t
which the President owes
wants him to join in n
political campaign, it d
bear the espouse.
have taken up one black bur
shout, weight about pounds,
no ear marks. Owner can get same
by paying charges.
R. F. D. No. Greenville. N. C.
Human M i.
A I i was told marks
blood i borne of j
swell i. n u i r. of line,
K y., i i
i i. i. n is i tin
and . 11.1 ill n I
i- m-
me aim
well r in i
chronic colds sod
Weak bunts.
i. U. Wooten unionist. and
bottle free.
General ranee Bickers.
We wish lo we have associated our-
selves together for the purpose of conducting
fend Brokerage
in the Town of Ayden and Vicinity. We will
represent none but the most reputable concerns,
and any of your business you may see fit to
favor us with we will thank you for and feel very
is par is -in b.-i
it vii. t I e
I I in-
tie League
Clubs, alls
jubilee f the
puny was held gave
a- bis reason for be that
appropriation was tor a
Philadelphia is
I ii in snob mayor,
hut in ha Ii
a partisan
II ii d hi
r i e n.
r of Pill Alia if
.- iii-l t
iii- . n. . r the
art. will l
In M- r -i All
. . . n.
in.- .- of I A
of K.
i t; In
, Court.
it h v. k. a.
H V tin to
ii- i-i, from l- f
it l -l i will. Oil
m ii. of July.
lit dour vi n l
f i. -In- n hr-r for i.
I ill hi k
l -i. .- Ha. I K- hair
ii owing to wit-
i t ii. v., f II-
n mi if i . . Joel M r-. W. H
t e .
fr Pill
H . in town -I m
by ill
; he l
hi in
em II
j I i f
I -I i. . i .; . i l
s. , Inn In .
I i
Hi- f K B.
-v mid -r.-.
Ur II l.- i
by M h i s .
, hf- ii .
v ii on . i d
he Nelson
Tobacco and I
v a
v .
N. C.--
At the of June 18th,
Loans and Discounts, TO in
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks,
I huh,
Silver Coin,
National Hunk notes and
Surplus fund
Undivided profits less
other U. S. notes
.-. unpaid
ids no l
to check, 87,842.80
Cashier's 630.72
OF H ,.
I, J. R. Smith, Cashier I it k. do solemnly sweat
that the above statement is tine to the of my i be-
Subscribed and sworn to before
Notary Public.
me, this 22nd day
. h. th- hi. I I. II.
th- . r I.,
In ii l . i .-.
i iii O- i. .-
I, it. ml .
-iii-l .-.
i III hi.
i. l ll II. ,
or till, win re In e. r
I .
i. u
r-r. of
I Oil .
Dr. Joseph
Ayden, N. C.
All persons are hereby
under of the law. not to
employ, harbor or in soy way as-
wist my son, Herbert K.
Io years, spare
lo age. He left home v
mud will
as to where-
J. J. Smith,
N. C

D. J.
Entered in the post office at N. C, is clan matter,
rate made upon application.
correspondent desired a every office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
J b decrease the use of canned
be followed by fewer
es of ptomaine poisoning.
is inquires
a contemporary. Well, a good
example there's trying to
and standing pat
If anything is offered you out for a tariff that creates and bolsters
the can it might be well to inquire trying to do
if it came from Chicago Washington Star.
a guard is to a con-
who tries to escape e see no
use in having a
What to do the streets is a
problem we hope the incoming
of aldermen can
The annual cry is again raised
in Kansas. A larger wheat crop
than there are hands to harvest.
i Pity that so much grain goes to
waste with so many loafers in
country and so many half
fed people.
Those would be
bout as side playing with dynamite
as to be pursuing the course they
The anarchists will not even lit
the young of pet through
hit- honeymoon without getting after
hi 1.1
be suicide mania is attacking
even the colored people of
one of that race trying to the job
-with a razor.
In the public building bill report-
ed in Congress Monday, several
North Carolina towns are stated to
get buildings. The lucky places are
Washington. Salisbury, Ainu ton.
High Point and Hen-
Some of these days we
hope Greenville named in a
list like that.
It is announced that President
will make a trip to
the fall to for himself
about the
has ten remarkably
from burglaries, but this is
Done the less a reason that our
be careful not to
City. Howie's famous town,
i- over two millions short in ac-
That beats the shortage
. of the rest of OS have to lug
during lira dull months.
must not feel small be-
cause Washington on one side of us
sud on the other side are
going to have public buildings
This burg must get to doing some
h on its own account. If the
will hurry up and deliver
the goods we will be first to have
day electric current.
years, s connecting link between the
present and the past.
Under this old oak tree Chief
Powhatan bis Indian warriors
often assembled, three hundred years
ago On Powhatan street, about
three hundred yards distant,
Red Men's wigwam will be built in
the time of exposition. A site
has been selected for the
by John W. Cherry, of Norfolk
chief executive of the Improved Or-
of Red Men, and Great
of all the tribes of lied Men. It
is now up to the Hoard of
the lied Men I League, to approve
the selection made by the Great
This will probably lie
done at the meeting t be held
The Rod building at the
exposition will be unique and at
tractive many It ill be
an immense woodman's lodge, con
with lops and decorated
with trophies of the chase and all
kinds of curios Indian relics
Furs and skins will lake the pUce
rugs and
building will conform as nearly as
possible to the ideal hunter's lodge.
This quaint building will be used
by the Red Men as a reception hall,
museum and resting place for the
Red Men and their friends.
In the United Suites are more
than members of the
proved Order of Red Men. Many of
them will visit the Jamestown expo-
and the Red
will be their headquarters. This
order had a building at the St Louis
exposition, two years ago, but it was
on a small scale and like
Commodious and handsome
building to be constructed at the
Jamestown exposition.
The uniformed members of Red
Men will camp on the regular
camping ground. will
wear the old colonial uniform worn
Report of ti
lion of
At in North
Carolina, at the close of
Loans and
Overdrafts secured sad
V S. Bonds to secure
Due from
Due fr in state Hanks
Due from approved
Checks other cash
Notes of other
Lawful reserve
Redemption fund with U.
Treasurer per
Capital stock paid
Undivided less
National notes
Individual deposits
rim of
Cashier's checks id
sum of
i of
I. J. w. of the above
bank, do solemnly swear that
the above is true to the best
of my knowledge belief.
J W. AYCOCK, Cashier
Subscribed and sworn to mu
this of June 1906
F. J.
Correct Attest
II, W.
E. A. MOTE, Jr.
When Greenville wakes up with
chamber of commerce or
of be more
in the of improvements
town bi
A read nu bank statements
in ought to convince
the banks are safer
to money than to hide
In his speech at
Wednesday Governor Glenn said
Carolina spends annually
for liquor while only
f 8,000-000 is spent in conduct-
the affairs the state ad-
ministration for
education. Men of North
this is something to think
about It is appalling that we
spend for to every
for education, and that the
drink bill taxes the state nearly
times M much us the ad-
of state costs,
say nothing of the increase
crime, poverty and Buffering
that drink produces. Can any
rational man look at such a con-
and not favor
Great on all Goods
to catch
it i all h. C. dubs
him M- of Re-
. an party. Thai was the same
Hi e played in the Populist
he heavy lines imposed on the
Kansas mads for violating the
laws, the way they are
going for the ice trust in is
refreshing. Let the good work con-
When the next of county
selected town
of Greenville should hum u member
on it and that should be
chairman tin- It has now
been years since the town had a
mi the board.
see it stated it Dumber
State convicts has beep, reduced
with only in tin;
and no more for
of work. When the fall courts
get busy there will be , in
. the of recuperating mumPreparing for a Unique Building
at the Jamestown Exposition
Uniform Rank of Red
Men's League on
Camp Grounds.
Norfolk, Va., June the
beautiful grounds of the Jamestown
Exposition, where in years gone by
roamed the native red of Amer-
monarchs of all they surveyed,
will be encamped to 9.000
formed members of the Men's
who come to visit the ex.
position next year. In addition to
the uniformed Red Men will
members of the
Order of Red at
exposition during Men's
September 18th The red men
Us have passed sway and the pretty
point of laud, was once their
favorite camping ground, has la-en
transformed the Jamestown ex-
position grounds. The famous old
live oak tree, wherein centuries past,
the original red men held their pow
like a grim sentinel.
It bas for nearly . thousand
1-2 Cent
and Mad-
A. F. C. Gingham,
now cent.
Figured Lawns
1-3 Off.
2.75 cent
Ladies Regina
Oxfords 2.25
AH stylish
A Few Words to
It make much differ-
what stores say about
their Men's Clothing, if they
can't prove to their patrons
that what they say is true.
Nothing- makes a man so
disgusted as to be sent on a
fool's errand-to waste his
time on a wild
It we weren't certain that
our Clothing was better than
other makes, you can make
up your mind to one thing
we'd never risk exciting your
ill-will by saying so.
We'll say this, though, that
we've got Spring Suits to sell
at 7.50 1.50 and 15.00
that you say, when you come
to see them, that we didn't
blow enough about
We're interesting a great
many Men these days and we
would be pleased to talk the
Clothes quest ion with you
Pulley Bowen
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by
putting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Stile stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the American markets
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
desirous of seeing the NEWEST
to call at our establishment and feast their
eyes. Very truly yours,
3.00 Ladies Regina Oxfords
3.50 3.00
Jas F Davenport,
the famous of
times and will
sent an up
the reminders
of the past, to he seen at Red Men's
the exposition, will
be a reproduction of the three ships
which brought the first English set-
to three hundred
years Mo On Red Men's day these
ships will in the and
the reception of the settlers by
the Indians on shores of Hamil-
ton Roads will be reproduced in
at same spot where whites
wore received by the in
in . old live oak tree on
the exposition grounds.
Our specialty
Reflector Job Printing Office
Ask your friends to go on your Bond when you can get It furnished at a small cost.
We can sign Judicial Bonds for Guardians, Administrators etc., MINUTES
after to be filed in the Court issued at once-l
Call on or write
S. FIDELITY and GUARANTY CO., Baltimore, Md.
H. A. WHITE, General Agent, or
H W. WHEDBEE, Attorney
If. C.
I This department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
A good deposit at a bank will
make you feel more
a beginning with what you
have hidden away for safe keeping
the next time you come to
Beak of Winterville. can
keep it safer than yon can.
Mies Mary left Monday
morning fur the summer school at
Nice line of groceries
ways Barber
It is a little out of season to k-1 I
carts wagons, but the Tar
carts and wagons seem to sell at all
seasons of the year.
W. E. Hooks, of Ayden, was in
Tuesday afternoon.
All farmers sow-
dog and wheat can be supplied with
mo wen-, rakes, reapers and binders
st Hamilton, Barber Co.
Nice Harrington
W. H. to
Nice line of boys suits at H. L.
her large of shoes
styles sizes prices very
W. B. Wingate
to attend j
Nu need of not having good
pants when Barber
Co., have just received a lot,
they will sell cheap.
Mrs. W. H. returned
from City
If yon need a nice Rug just call
A. A Co and you can
get one, too
Maj. Henry Harding,
Mom I
Straws tell which way the wind
blows, just notice stream of
and out from
Life is too short to fool with a
common garden when A. W. Aug
Co., have wire of all bights.
T. H King,. f flit
ed bis regular here
Sunday He
two excellent
If you wont, Hamburg at and
Hamburg at and Met ladies
for nail at A Ange
Co's. They have a large
The A. Q. Cox Manufacturing Co
tell us they get more orders for To-
Trucks Hues the
is doing well, Judging from
their shipments of late we thin the
tobacco crop must he improving.
Tooth Di-k Harrow at
Barber Co.
The gang U at work near
here now. Toe work they do
helps the toads but
we can never for good roads
until the old county pulls herself
together her
spin by issue of bonds for
good roads. will be
until the people are
to the Mod but the
bond issue Tor rued is com
Car-load of float M mm
nice at lowest price.
Harrington, Co.
Nicest Hue of shit Is ever
shown in Winterville at
Harrington, Barber Co.
increasing demand for
bodies and seats made by the A. Q.
Cox Manufacturing Company
to that they are
in thin line of work.
All colors of paint, and yellow
at Harrington u Co.
Mis Myrtle White, Pollocks
was visiting lend.-, here.
Miss Olivia left Monday
where has a position as teach-
A car load of lime received
at Harrington, ft Co.,
J. K. Cooper went to Greenville
If you want a nice shirt or tie
go to Harrington, Barber Co.
J. K. Ruck wife took the
afternoon train for Greenville Sat-
For hay, corn oats go o
Harrington, Barber Co.
. E. Cox will preach at
Episcopal church next Sunday
afternoon at o'clock.
Harrington Barbers and Co is the
place to get your Spring and Sum
goods. They have just what
want, and prices to suit all.
and Vi-
returned from a visit
in country Tuesday.
Men's and youth's all
sizes, at Barber Co. m bet at
t b i . Point.
J. Carroll went up road
E. C S. Co. for Kimball
organs, Sewing Cook
Stoves, and
Winterville, C.
M. J. Bryan Monday in
Times somewhat dull,
that doesn't stop the
We have been having some
heavy rains lately. Some hail
reported, we are not able to give
extent f damage.
The pathfinders t- E. C. F.
Co's store will the spot under, Price
astonishing conditions when New Testaments,
the variety of goods pertaining to
the Furniture line.
Eastern Carolina Supply Co.
Winterville, X. C,
Mrs. Q. E. was In town
We hum that laid
the Winterville V U. shop i-
located will be -ale soon.
is good location for
nice We hope
one will set
its advantages build
Mime d- . . e there
s poems, regular
price our price
Tennyson's poems, regular
price our price
and Byron's
regular price our price
Longfellow's Birthday books,
regular price our price
Josephus complete works, reg
price 1.00
His Steps, regular price
our price
Pilgrims progress our
A H. Taft
IV. H. Rick.,
price our price
Bill Remarks, regular
price 1.00 our price
In addition to the above named
books we offer others at greatly
reduced prices for the next
I days. Call and examine them
Miss Vivian left
same day.
Trunks and valises at
ton Barber Co.
Big line of bats and just
received, latest styles. Harrington
Barber Co.
For sale one house lot
on Main
N. C. being next to residence
of Guy Taylor, lot contains
acre of land the house is a fund
roomed house, well
with out a bargain for some
one. I will sell for cash. For
further particulars or write
Notice the new goods at
Harrington, Barber Co., before
buy for they can
suite you and price.
Farming implements of all
at ring, Barber Co.
A nice lot of new summer Bug
Robes at Harrington, Barber
Furniture going out from the
Eastern Carolina Co. by the
wagon load.
the expiration of that
Yours to Serve.
b. t. cox,
At the Close Business, June 19th, 1908.
H. Taft Co.
Greenville's Greatest Furniture Dealer's-
We sell for cash or on
easy terms
You will find complete
line at all times
We are sole agents
for Enameled Beds.
a oars to
Picture; Framed to Order.
Loans and Discounts t 8,500.00
Overdrafts, unsecured 277.37
Furniture and Fixtures 958.98
Due from Banks and
Bankers 2,290.27
Cash items 22.20
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Nat. Ilk and other U. S.
notes 010.00
Capital Stock paid
Undivided profits, less
currant expenses
Deposits subject to ck.
You save when ton the neat loose when any other
It is poor policy to buy hat it
12.904.39 I
State of North
County of Pitt. j M
I, L. Jackson, Cashier of the above id bank,
swear that the above statement is true to. i ii-st of
edge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 28th day of June, 1906.
Notary Public.
i solemnly
J. L. JACKSON, ashier.
Correct At
A G.
Directors I
rut u tour v Th
at best . i nut
l of
Canned Goods, Goods
el and art in this
Confection. I the in Tobacco
t- . r U i . of
We take this opportunity of extending to our friends and patrons our thanks for the liberal patronage
bestowed upon us the past season.
was first erected, three years ago, it was the intention of its management to build up a permanent a sound
basis. Our business has increased with the we trust to be favored with your patronage the coming season
Each Customer, as well as each Pile of Tobacco shall have our
Personal Attention, and we shall endeavor, as in the
past, to make The Brick headquarters for
High Prices, Fair and honorable treatments
It affords us pleasure to announce in this connection that
MR. W. T.
Will be associated with us the coming season. Mr. Lipscomb Is too well-known to the trade, planters, buyers, or m
to need any commendation at our hands, suffice to say with judgment and experience at the command of our
with our facilities for conducting the warehouse business, assisted as we will be by an and competent force
In every department, it puts us In better position than any other warehouse in Eastern Carolina, at all times, to secure for our
friends outside prices for their Tobacco. When you come to GREENVILLE, always
Always make the BRICK your headquarters,
and when your tobacco is ready to sell, bring it where experienced judges will sell it to the best advantage you.
tor your liberal patronage we leg to remain, Your

W j
f .
r- CO
, w
ft to
Cf Q,
n g
o o
it refer to Dr. s Liver Pills and
Are constipated
Troubled with
Indicate Inaction the I
before the
T. notice In
All Indebted to the estate t
to the
d, all having claim
the to
top on or before the MM
f May. or notice will I plead In
Sir I day of Mar,
. T. Whichard.
Stop Set
o, K
V i-
. i -h
veil . .-i-.- ., z , .
in i i i. ii- .--I
l f e K l.
well mo j f.
r. ., .,. ., f
i f i .
y of Court
-I It Ill
J. K. W II.
i . land for the
. will
lie u-i door III
. Mat the
of In
I of in T and
ti land which
r . the of
all e e Ilk.
and acre more
of th- of
-i cert ill ii d- i
M. mid wife.
Mr I. W on Hi
I r-
i N i to
X-. will
I. ,
M r
i iv. f
. f ii .--I Ni j
-I- Ill f TI III I
I'M It- avid M
hi. and k
-f I. h and i
ii i i. la It iii -i
. r 1.1- hi -m K .-mi. Tin Lund
. r- -r- in-e i. i-
i in
in r d, int t
Tr m In. f y i w-.
Mr I. W K
J ft. C.
I Not Quite
How often you can pet a
nail or screw driver or mi-
lacking. Have a good
K tool box and lie prepared
P Our line of tools
j. is all i could desire,
S we will see that your tool
box does not lack a
useful article.
You get
Horse Goods,
of --------m
Is Moon
moon has
urn form
f-r human who I u
. th enough lime on
. r Torpid
as a
l r
up the It
-l I-.
I Price only
To Publishers
and Printers
We have new
r whereby we
can reface old Brass Col
limit and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
Column and Head
regular lengths
L. S. and
Head Ruled inches Id
and over per
A Rumple of
wile foil
will be cheerfully
ant on application.
Printers Co
of Type and
High Grade Printing Mater
N. Ninth Strut. p
Steamboat Service.
w n
I ii i ii. in. for
I ii in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington
Now York, nil her
a Norfolk
-i all Wet.
order their
freight via Norfolk, cure Norfolk
A If. J.
to change
I. i Agent,
Mil-, N, C.
T. and
r. i. Not folk, Va.
M. K. V. V. G. M.
B. W.
hit l
ii i
lies always on hand
Fresh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
R. L. Carp,
Greenville, N. G,
has been so successful in
curing those
that there i-
t hopeless
I, it not i- -i-
We be
one .
who enjoy blessing of
health, after years of hopeless
have a that b-M fever
when two years old, followed by nm
worst type, and he
Incurable. hundred-, dollar
for Mm, without relief. about
fifteen yearn he bod that
him to for the-
Insane, at He
nearly three year, but he con-
to grow
him home July 1902, In an awful
condition. He had lost mind
entirely. Ho hardly knew i of
family; could not even find his bed;
was a total wreck. He had from ft to
fits a We were urged to try
Ir. and tho first
used, could a
for bettor. u it to
him ever aid I hi but
two vi-v Knee t
and I was riot well
ways. We i- ha
can work and r. ., a. If any
wishes to i. y
they are at t- d i so.
B. if. Lincoln,
Dr. la by your
who will guarantee that th
bottle will benefit. If It h
refund your money.
Miles Medical Co.,
Trust to Nature.
a many Americana, both men
and -a, are pale and puny, with
poor circulation. have 111-
by hasty eating
or much
beverages, or by too close
to home, or and In
the stomach must be treated
In a natural way before th.-y can rectify
their earlier The muscles in
many such people. In fact in every weary,
thin and portion, do their
work with difficulty. As a result
la and lasts
Th- demand for nutritive aid is
ahead of the supply. To perfect
health lame, nerve and
muscle mat the blood
muter arid return to It certain
others. It Is necessary to prepare the
the work of up from
the food what Is to make
rich, blood. m Nature
for the remedy. There certain
roots known to the Indiums of this
country before of the whites
later came to the of
the settlers and are now
rapidly in favor for the
of obstinate and liver troubles.
These are to he safe yet
the liver and blood.
Th s.- root. Queen's
root. Stone toot,
root. Then tin re Is Buck Cherry hark.
The medicinal principles in these
native root when with
as a make the most
and tonic and liver In-
combined in just the
right a- in Dr.
Golden Medical Where there
Is bankrupt vitality such as nervous
had nutrition and thin
Mood, acquire the
Hi and all the tissues feel the
favorable effect of this sovereign remedy.
Although have
aware. the value of the
above few have
use I pure as a solvent and
for in varying amounts,
Tin- Medical l a
of the
the above mentioned
and no
alcohol or harmful habit-forming drugs.
Circlet of
as itself is the
ting. Among the Italian. of
and seventeenth
it was for women to
give their lovers which con-
tho r
were I f--r -.-
for the
gold her
there aha
a token of love you
is u I will keep for
mi of
. the word
dins f r i-
a favorite
years. Dry-
Don Se-
o close as not to lie p
are each counter-
and hit had
In the modern for rings
is Men a of the
-love of of superstition and
The of loading
jewels, which
in his day,
lingers with rings,
joint is adorned precious
is stilt in a
in the is not
Wet exterminated, while many a
belle like U- wear, as
id the Empresses and Do-
rings Which cost
and And she does often
as did her Roman
jaspers and
Hie joints of her
Willing to
A farmer in the of
took himself as
better hull a damsel
as kit i. maid. Th
mads no
in new position than
begun to herself the sirs of
and the other
the fans resented
ii- . i I her with
A week two
to a
. r the ;
. r In id, hit
i .
Ice i i i el
r tin would
, till ; I raged
ft Wat T. Men, and th
A blind man was his
using nil
cane us it for f-.-et. Across I
bis chest was s placard tin j
legend, am and suspend-
ed by a chain around his neck
a small tin cup, a convenient j
It was broad daylight, and lit
knew that stretch of walk so well
that he felt very little fear of ac-
He was about the middle
of the block, so he did not have to
look out for step down from the
to the cross street.
arc many pedestrians out that
tar on Washington avenue, and no
one is going to run ruthlessly into j
a blind mar,.
He was striding bravely akin
when, to his utter astonishment, he
collided with a rapidly moving ob- j
fact. The object was a man, who
grew angry, for the impact had
dislodged his hat. It had also
to hurl the blind man back-
ward, that he must have fallen
had it not been for the man who
to the rescue and who
the story.
you got any
man cried.
better pick up hat, you
the disconcerted
replied. think it was l
You ought to look where
you are
en I look where am go-
Can't you see that am blind
It is you who ought to look where
aping and not go bumping
into a blind
that blind
know. couldn't tell, you
see. I am blind too. I'm sorry I
knocked your hut. I'm afraid I
can't help you it. I wonder
which way it
The other man was staring blank
at Then he his
forward, upon the other blind
man's said in a broken
blind people get selfish,
ill 11.0 world to get out
of our way. I didn't mean to talk
Io n I
time the witness to the
little hail nicked up the
I lull, dropped u coin into each
cup on, saddened but
for priceless gift of
Louis lobe-Democrat.
The Public.
A had given an
account of himself while
en us was very
whoa told by the
he would not
In; lats a permanent
he asked.
I attend to business.
ail right that
. i. the superintendent
trouble is. two your
gone. there
many from
as the maimed condition of
hand. Most people are
in regard to an infirmity of
kind, and, although they do
nm wish to be unkind, they object
in contact with it.
I been obliged turn down
I other fellows who
were Ne-
When Germany In Cow-
test cf
J. Harry, letter known
as Dick, of Irish parentage, is, or
lip.- been, tho Democratic boss of
Fifth ward, Manchester, N. H.,
fur a long time
as alderman. Christian L.
Wolff was during Dick's term of of-
alderman from the ward
in the same city, in which
Germans reside, he being of that
nationality. Dick r got
one one morning there
a different story.
Dick was plumbing Inspector, and
was a master plumber. Dick
H. A.
Bel two trances;
if one-eighth
ounce; oil of lavender, fifteen
drops; oil of fifteen
drops. Mix thoroughly. Apply to
the eyebrows with a tiny toothbrush.
once a day until tho is
, then often.
, ointment may be for the
I eyelashes also, I n ease t should
lie very carefully applied. It Will
tho eyes, as any
it into them.
came into the office one Monday
morning a few minutes late, as
usual, with a broad smile on his
face, and announced that
would be in shortly and that ho
Would have some fun with him, be-
Wolff was u member, had, contrary
to its usual custom, indulged in a
bloody the day before at it
clubhouse at
did show up, and as he
came in Dick straightened up
chair and Us Ger-
mans were good to ourselves
How Ho It
A party of
Senator Lindsay and
of tho were passengers oh
train last fall on
way to attend the opening of
Before the party retired for
night the senator had
them to partake of the contents of
a flask, which he returned with re-
care to depths of his
dress suit ease.
In the morning as the train was
wending its way through the Alle-
mountains a member of the
party who had risen early perceived
the senator pacing up and down
the aisle, an expression disgust
and dismay upon his genial
the matter,
asked the oilier.
was the reply.
I've lost the better part of
said Senator
cork came
have always held that when S
man is wrong he should admit i
frankly at whatever sacrifice to
exclaimed his
only one of
closest told ire
you had never been known to ml.
done so if I had been
Having consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. Rick in one
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed in
We will carry in up-to-date line ,.
Hats, Shoes, Dress Notions, Sc.
In Groceries we will have at all times a full line of the very best not only
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, but all kinds of
Canned and Package Goods, the finest brands
We can supply anything you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices
COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods will please you.
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
Our specialty
Reflector Job Printing Office
The largest and
best Newspaper
North Carolina
Every day in the Year, a year
The of to
VI d and to pages
It bandies more news
State, national and
foreign any other North Car-
is I as a news medium,,
i filled with excellent
wetter of a miscellaneous nature,
issued Tuesdays and Fridays, at
per year, in the largest pa-
i money in this section. It
c insists of to pages, and
I prints all the news of the week
local, state, national and foreign,
Charlotte, N. C.
I .
i. evil the
. J
she added, with a
quick perception of the situation,
gin ye it mun I'll say
to Tit-Bits.
able din
Th On
doesn't seem to be
inning out as wail as it
remarked the first schemer,
way that we can meet
in this
meeting cur
and Times.
LOts For Sale.
Near Five Points on Easy Terms.
Call on or address.
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C.

I I. fl
on Who
To Her Father's
Selma. night be-
and o'clock, at the
I dam of father in this place,
. re was B bold attempt of some
parson to enter the room
. Mist- Pearl Jones, but the attempt
w is foiled by the use of a revolver in
he tame hand that exactly
I weeks before so successfully
dispatched her would be assailant.
Miss Jones was relieved at the
telephone office about U o'clock,
home and bad eaten her
lunch and pone into the
sitting room, where e was talking
the rest of the family, when
dining re in door was heard to
Her who was in
room at time I into the
r saw n one
, , fastened and
; in the room. Pretty
n s me was beard walking
N. C-, June
Frank James, of
was here Sunday.
W. J. Andrews returned to
Rocky Monday.
W. J. of Rocky
spent Friday Here.
Miss Mizell visited
Tarboro Saturday and Sunday.
Mis- Lucy Manning mid little
sister, Carrie, were here Friday.
Jim of Stokes and
sister, Miss lassie, pent
with Mrs. B. Mine- and
G. who his been
section m puce, b
moved r. Till where he
a like the one
be held hue He left
with lies v i-lies of all
We up t learn Mis
. in front f Mine I K K i quite sick.
in . room Had y from,
ii, it already retire, saw I His
f. r-i man ll e window of will remain a few days.
ugh the ace between Mr-. K. Nelson spent
I, , the shade and the hi d S with near
ll, n called , Beth
P however r. Miss J, k. limes spent a putt i.-l
there with In pis-1 week and
D J Editor and Owner.
Big Department Stores.
Hot Weather Merchandise
, gone.
is. and hid
t from the railway
n went and woke Mr W
tie-1 d, a engineer,
v 1- a mi tin r . and the two
, pi mil in he yard in
but could find no one Mr
. Li in another one
Hit hand at tie
1.1 ; h be i
ha l-en sent to bis residence
see bin about something, and
d ; i . w which
con v. to tie plant
. I the at
e bad ; sew him.
. his residence, whew
be made n inure
I could
id g. Then hoping the
over he Allowed Mr
I retire and .
lief ore had tie p
lilies Hearing noise
a man stumbling on the porch
front t f her room, through
lier wind w, hut unfortunately the
Culprit the ball entering
the around porch. He
heal I to jump from the porch
lit being dark
had trouble es-
without being seen. There
t; mi Oakley
church at Oak grove Sunday.
that refused 18.15
and are now taking
must have cash to let.
Two mad dog- killed in
meek, line fox
--1 i by S. and
Conductor who
ms in wreck near i
in his train.
a caller in this city hist week.
Willis T. of Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Whichard, died
o'clock afternoon at
their home of cholera
The was held this
noon the service being conducted
by Rev. J- 1-- Greenville.
The Pitt u branch of the
L. hold its mi e-
1.1 the court house in
ville, hi eleven h. m
. I h, All town-
ship s u I lie L. C. A.
In urged In send
Is abounding in plentiful beauty and cheapness here
The thin, fluffy, cool materials tor June Selling tire neatly for your inspection and in quantities to meet your de-
Glance the list below and then come let us you the goods, which must he seen to
he appreciated.
Colored Dress Goods
Beautiful cool dainty lawns lit small
dots and figures, small and large floral
patterns and solid colors for to cent
per yard. Brown dress linens, percales,
figured madras and gingham.
White Goods Depart-
his tracks he left
son after which e meeting vi I lie open
to I he public, and all who tire
in the walk of the as-
invited to
It- 1- Pres.
W, A. B. Bee.
A lady saw in n op
window ti that she
I ed went and the
j is the she
lid, of at fur com in your win
of the Confederacy are to
The Daughters of the.
inch French lawn yard
inch Persian lawn to yard
inch Persian lawn to yard
inch Handkerchief linen to yd
inch yard
inch Irish linen to yard
inch Union cotton, but
almost as pretty as all linen for more
money at yard.
Lovely swiss, the real imported
kind, in small neat designs from to
for shirt Waists
and dresses this seasons newest patterns
from to variety great
and patterns lovely.
Laces Embroideries
We are showing many pretty things
In this laces we have baby
Irish French, Germany,
Round thread Val in all
overs, bands and edges Batiste and Baby
Irish combined from the loveliest band of
trimmings of the season, we are showing
it in exquisite patterns, suitable for very
sheer materials as well as the heavier
kinds. Black baby Irish all overs and
bands to match.
Our Notion depart-
should interest you, as we are showing
many useful and desirable novelties.
Fans Yes we have all kinds and sizes
some so small and large
and breezy in paper, silk, and gauze.
The silk gauze fans, with real fine dainty
decorations and Ivory sticks are lovely
and as cheap as to
with cheaper sticks and cents.
Shopping bags in white kid, white canvas
and fancy leathers in black and colors from
cents to
Pretty white wash belts embroidered
and some with detached buckles in guilt
and pearl, the prices range from to .
Guilt belts, leather silk belts
all prices.
Ladles hosiery in black and white
gauze, some plain, some embroidered,
some lace boots, others lace all over, ad
sizes and prices.
Infants and hosiery in black
and white all sizes from to
Ladies and infants gauze
and long sleeves. .,.
Nazareth ant Daisy waists
and girls, cool comfortable, all sizes
tops and cords and ruffles
stamped linens, embroidery
cottons. j-.
Ready made i
handsomely trimmed with
and lacs, some look like hand embroidery .
prices from to
Plain S Fancy
Batiste, French Silk Per-
lawn, Mercerized madras
other pretty wears
; .
i .,,.
and J- of the United
arc In a at I lie
and de drew forth the
fir coat i I displayed its to
dazzle lady. She look out her
check tell you what I'll
sh- . I. you
check f and
I i j h here lo seethe
for coat Don't tell
it it i hundred and twenty
dollars. him it ten hundred
dollars I maybe he will buy it
rue- Col furrier Lowed and
smiled. Hi had seen this of
. time
wish you i and the la-
depart Her husband she with our ea-
in a mood unusually tractable teemed contemporary, the Mon
roe Enquirer, that there
arc still a few men who won't
pay for a newspaper, there are
by no moans as many of this
sort as there used to l; and
they an- becoming scarcer every
. in Even now are so
her that the name of such a
tut fellow on a sub-
a at
Jamestown Exposition.
ways and means
from the Virginia division at
meeting in
a plan For I be raising of
funds, and suggested that
of tho I i In
the country make a
to have cards admission
which will entitle them to all the
of building. AI
the close of the exposition it is
proposed t i sol the
proceeds to go the general
treasury of I i.
THE CORSET DEPARTMENT to meet your wants in
X J. X X Corsets in good makes and desirable It
G. Corsets Invisible Lacing Corsets in and Batiste for slender, stout, and Medium figures
at each, Good Girdles, all sizes, for and each.
Our stock of House-
keeping Linens
Should meet your approval. All kinds of
Towels, Bath rags, table Damask. Nap-
kins and Doilies. A good assortment at
right prices.
Toilet Soaps, Tooth Powders, Tooth Brush
es, Nail brushes, Hair brushes, and combs
Talcum Powders, per box, others at
had i K at a
that morning. Be
therefore, to go and look at
That evening Ms wife
i with unusual care She
T i-i moat beautiful She
I ugh fur coat were the
i i when In t home.
Von i
had it
to my mother. it
J Hi bus moved bin
here from lie
the tailoring I
book. A name like
that on a nice, clean list of paid
up subscriptions looks like a lone
black sheep among a large flock
white ones. The great ma-
he- of readers of
, today nay their papers in ad-
and in doing so have
learned how to make the pub-
fed En-
The Shoe Department
Is ready to serve you with the best makes and styles at prices. You should see our splendid show
of Oxfords, Court Ties, Pumps and Sandals for Ladies and white Canvas Oxfords and pumps
in Ladies
The Lace Curtains, Window Shades. Rugs and Art squares are showing would
much to the comfort appearance of your heme.
Don't fail to g this store a chance to show you of the many pretty and useful things we have
Nearly every boat and train brings us something new and desirable, we always have for you
J. R. J. G.
. g-
iv -world
th hr
Unit, who
The county branch of the
L will regular m.
urn house is Green-
ville, at eleven a. m.
of the L. C. A.
the county are urged to send
The meeting will be
to the public, all who are
the work of the as-
cordially invited
K- B- Cotton,
W. A. B. Hearne, Sec.
Marriage Near Grimesland.
At historic old Trinity church to
day Mrs. Mary Smith was
married to Mr. James Gordon Beck-
the ceremony being performed
by the Rev. N. Coll in Hughes.
The bride was given away by her
brother, Col. J. and
the groom's best man was tho Hon-
h. N. Hackett, Democratic nominee
for Congress in the
District. The maid of honor
was little Miss Helen Kline
daughter of Col. J. Bryan Grimes.
The ushers were; Messrs- Win.
Grimes and II.
Grimes, of Washington. N. C
This a marriage of unusual in-
to all our people. Mrs. Hack-
is the daughter of the Gen-
Grimes, and her family
for many generations been
closely with section.
Mr. Hackett is a successful out-
man of
of State Board,
bis have
in Western Carolina
The as presided over by
Carrie Hughes, of Cl
The was tastefully deco-
rated with evergreens flowers.
After the wedding a
was served to the bridal party at
the borne of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Bryan Grimes, At
When a man speaks about go-
back to things as they were
in the long ago, be is sometimes
regarded as old fogy, out of date
of fellow; but we are among
those w ho think that some things
of long would be an improve-
on things at the present.
We have recently heard some
good citizens say that in matters
political they like to see
primaries and county
done away with and just
have one day of excitement for
Have no primary or
nominating convention, but let
election day be appointed and let
every be informed of it.
and then let the voters go to the
ballot box and vote for whom
they please If this were the
tom and it were a misdemeanor
to electioneer or spend money
on elections, would
less excitement and
less hard feelings as a result of
political A township
primary now can stir up more
than a
election in the long ago. If
the people are
to anything it la In political
contest-. Neck
July Sale.
C. L. W Co. will have
A great Joly alt, a
pa; in this pa per
i- ii Ali Minim- r good
v i i ii in tut aid
in- out -1, n i-
price. Tb- sale
ii , tie the quick saves
thousand editors,
were poisoned by et-
meats at
a few days Some of
them were made critically ill. Still
there is a that mot of
them were unused to eating meat
and it naturally made sick.
dieters be ran
Aldermen End Fiscal Year and
the New Board Installed.
Thursday night board
aldermen met at o'clock
morning to receive report of
tax collector And
over the affairs to
report of the shows
graded school
on school
In the handsome nine
dollar now in process of
erection at Wake Purest -College
one ward be called Moth-
Ward. In it will be a
metallic tablet bearing the
names of one hundred mothers,
each name representing a ten dollar
gift from husband, son or brother.
The prompting these
hundred generous givers strikes us
eminently beautiful for in no
other channel does the mother
heart find more fitting
than in the tender ministry be
sick Neva and
Day Current Soon.
fans would be a great
comfort in this torrid
They can be bail as soon as
day current is provided, which
is expected before much longer. In
the meantime those who want fans
or motors might go ahead and
procure the day current
is a certainly and will be ready as
soon as new dynamo
rive be installed at the plant.
insolvent tax list no-
collector to
out was to n. urn
effort to collect as
as possible.
A Id en Hooker,
lie a commit
for publishing the
statement of the town
past fiscal year.
The old boa. d then adjourned.
The new aldermen elect were
sworn in by Superior Court Clerk,
D. C. Moore, as
Is. ward, E. M.
2nd WAld, D. S. Spain And B. W.
3rd ward. A. H. Taft and W.
A. Bo wen.
ward, C. S. And T. E.
5th ward, G. J.
C. S. was elected
and the to
make the following elections , by
Clerk, J. C. Tyson.
Mayor, F. M. Wooten.
Tax Collector, j. C. Tyson.
Treasurer, H. L. Carr.
Chief Police, J. T. Smith.
Assistant Police, G.
Night Police, W. H.
Commissioner, L.
H. Pender, B. J. Pulley J.
The lime of J. L. Little F.
Harding as of the
graded having expired they
-hi re-elected.
B. Hyman wan chief of
lite department and building
The then adjourned.
Many persons think that cotton is
the main crop of the United States,
but in this they are mistaken. The
value of the cotton crop last year was
while the value of the
hay crop was and tin-
value of the corn crop was twice tint
sum. The value of the
was 1885,000,0001 nearly as milch
as the value of our cotton crop
These figures may surprise many
our readers. Record
We have residing a
young mm, who if l are true,
is wonderfully fearfully made.
His doctor said he had iron con-
bis said he bad
of steel; the girls said be
bad a heart of stone; his
declared that there was more brass
to him than anything his
said be had a wooden heed;
others declared he had lots of
sand, while bis admirers declared
h e all and a yard wide.
Educate the People to its
As town expects to be pro-
day electric current in a
snort while, it would not lie a bad
idea for the Water and Light Com-
have the day current
tinted the equipment
hi e i the new
In arrive slid b
l n for
. hi. might Incurs little
expense for a few days,
we believe this would lie more
offset in quickly educating
, to current.
. ii a-line
be past i tints lo
com foil to
derived from fans, audit will
lie easier Inns secure
customers on hot The soon-
people can la induced to use
the current the more profit the
plant will derive from it. A few
fans were placed around for trial
Saturday night, and where one is
tried it is apt to make a customer.
Splendid Driveway Will Be Built
to Jamestown Exposition
Grounds From Norfolk. Va.
Va., June One of
features of
exposition will be beyond its gales.
entire is taking more
interest every
of roads,
stretch from exposition
to of will
-in lesson improved road
by the will
travel between en
every nay flow
until More
than hundred no
will over this
will tie to all
it it .
the wear which it mu-t
endure, solving of in weighty problem best road lot
general purposes will be well
to its duality. all the
were rubber-tired a inn
road would
but steel tires, entirely
to pleasure carnages, but
attached to the heavier
Vehicles for merchandise
wear the ordinary road
Experts from the good roads
division of of
Agriculture will probably super-
vise the construction of this
which will be built by Nor-
folk county. From the city
to the of Norfolk the
will be asphalted, and
length will be less than
one hundred twenty five feet
wide at any
It is, anticipated that this expo-
boulevard will give a great
momentum to the good
in South.
initial cost of a road is
greater than that of an
roadway, bot the costs of main-
is fat lees and repairs are
much more infrequent. The South
has paid as much attention to
avenues of communication between
country settlements villages
as have other sections of the
good roads
figure that millions have been lost
by this neglect o; opportunities.
Every element which enters in-
to the cost of the exposition
will be recorded, and visit-
ors to the who will
use this highway from Norfolk to
the exp 1907 can learn
at any time exactly what the road
cost to build and what is
spent its
Newspapers Accused of Amendments Made in Committee
Hail a An to Omnibus Public Building
Hail Storm a Week Ago.
Time was newspapers
first accounts of any dip
aster bad to afterwards aw in changes senate committee
their horns and comedown a few building and grounds
pee-, but within the few years convening todAy. made public
It has b-en other way. the made during it
first are hardly ever as night's in the
had as the facts afterwards dig- building bill. Among
new items included are the follow
Two persons were jived by
letter Into membership of
Baptist church
Governor Glenn has inaugurated
the best plan of securing
. ants for North Carolina.
He is going to go throughout New
England and perhaps the north-
west and tell people about North
Carolina, and in
Ins own eloquent way. Thus lie
bus ea-t his line those people
w no are likely to make best of
all and he meet,
them face to looks them in
eve and grasp band he
menus Coll ill in-
i in- governor ion is well
ed for this mission, lie studied
the State, knows conditions
that throughout. private
conversation as well public
appearance nothing seems to plea-e
him better than to tell his friends
of the and possibilities of
of North
He is the man to
the of
Happenings of Interest in North
Early this morning at her
in this city, Mrs. Lucy Con-
who was affectionately
known all over the state a-
and the widow the Kev.
Dr, J. A.
an extending back to May
It is seldom that a man attains money out of it.
Some of the papers away from
have been making all
of fun of the stories of that Fla.,
hail storm a week they C-i Clifton Forge, Va.
were over- Dalton, Ga.,
they just say we are all
brothers, the
half was told; it worse than
depleted. Dr. Battle
that the killed a big
fat for knocked
her head off. is unnecessary
to that the Dr. Battle in
is not minister; a preacher
never allow a turkey to live
long enough to be killed by it
it were fa and for
A st conies from an es-
Christian woman; she said
he was ashamed to tell for some
time, but after bearing
she lets it out. She says her
children are very f of croquet
and play every day In the large
yard at borne. She teaches them
method in everything and has
learned them to always place the
balls on a long shelf beside An out-
house so that they will be bandy
when next WAnted. While the
storm was at its height one of
little tots ran to her mother and
balls Are All child
took the hailstones to be
One of the operators in
this office has a fine cow; she was
in mu open lot the bail simply
cut buck to pieces. That night
he says the milk taken from her
was as cold as ice. After
was over a twelve
by eighteen inches was found In
the middle of South Elm street,
mt far from the The
horse to ice wagon ran away
and this chunk fell
Record. .
Reductions in appropriations
made by the are as fol-
Greenville, S. C, to
Florence, Ala.,
Ala., 150.000
to ,
to Portsmouth, Va., 081--
to Ala.
to Albany, Ga., M.
The senate committee made in-
creases in the house appropriations
as following
Marietta, Ga., to 50.000;
Fayetteville, N. O.,
Paris, Tenn , to
to Ga,
to Salisbury,
C, to
N. O., to
Fredericksburg, Va., to
Ga., lb
To general legislation of the
is added a for
tearing down and re-building
public building at Richmond, Va.,
and contracts are authorized not to
exceed with a limit of
cost for building when com
Build a and Bath
The success cf the party down
the last Friday night and-the
use of the gasoline launches in
envying people to and from the
place, gives emphasis to the
R- Hector has made several
times recently that a pavilion and
bath houses on the water front
would be a enterprise,
and much pleasure
comfort to the people during the
These hot days op-
make people eager
to get out to some spot that is cool
and The river affords
ample opportunity such
recreation and comfort, and those
such an enterprise will
meet with good patronage. Boat
bathing and could
all be provided in such an en-
and the investors could
the unique distinction of holding
the exalted position of grand
master of the Masons lieu
tenant governor of
Judge Winston, who honored
his presence
at inf son of Mr J. C.
is now died I o'clock Saturday
cemetery Run-
Bay morning, funeral service being
J F.
re s IT. W
. 17-1
case in Carolina and j The
rte two offices are now hold by I fa Cherry Hill
The grand master's An r- were s n.
was a abort one, but a. . Wood-
that it was with ward and s
and a credit to Hie speak
and the great order has
elevated him to its leadership.
Hotter Masons and better
lens are born of such efforts as
the grand master mad for us
Wednesday. Our
predated his visit and demon-
the fact by tho hearty
reception tendered him Kins-
ton . re
There was a content before the
board of to-
over the of retail
liquor license at, and
both of
those towns against license were
tiled. The matter had not
disposed of when The
to p is. ,

Eastern reflector, 29 June 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 29, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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