Eastern reflector, 15 June 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

A Democratic convention of Pitt
county will i held t the Brought by Love for
house at o'clock . , .
A. June 14th. 1906, j , heir Son.
the purpose of selecting out of the
various Judi- to
and Congressional convention, j was
The Democratic primaries I noon
the purpose of selecting delegate
county convention will b. his wife from
held at the various voting he
respective by
Rector L. of the
of Pitt county on
day of 1908, at o'clock P.
It. At these j rim met Demo
voters of the
townships will delegate to
the county convention to held
Nothing too G
It will be rev die I that several j
months ago. while suffering under
the grief of in from her
bright boy of or seven
t the of .
township be entitle i to city.
number of sensation at the
t the county was ex
pressed for both Mr. and
upon its rote for Govern, i
to w i
Beaver Dam
Crates i
intend . .
It h.- i nil i
of tie v
his formed wife. After recovering
her self-inflicted injuries,
ad by a pistol shot. Mrs
returned Spray and was allowed
to see her child. A reconciliation
C between the estranged couple
if, place resulting in the ceremony
I not a
h -a x that
in be
i mi d t it gives much
um-f e Hr. and
ti . -K Kt-view.
i if trouble between
we are always looking for something
working to secure values and styles
to other stores, when
each township will l at y Metropolitan street
primary meeting to r , ,.,,, u-.
delegates to the county
in accordance with the
of the party.
By order of the committee.
L. I. Moore,
W. L. Sec'y.
in mi r of law I
Mr. Root
trouble baa with
All the trouble
e sen e i coil bar
ons. and tariff lords in this country
have ever ha I. In been with the
people they have been robbing. The
ice little like Mr.
Root, have never given their em-
Will b. M, , .
began to paper patterns we began to investigate.
said to ourselves,
t,, d why the e knows.
The v m is forgotten in
i f r tie brute
outraged i
iii ,
by this U be so
When is lynched be-
of horrible crime, the
victim is then- in sight of her
Men sisters and
live in the Mime
A lot of good hand-made
B for sale. Apply to W. T
ti N
Th i irk t
or i ,
. d ,.,.
. i,
i link
to all of
. f
, .
i J f fiat.
, no Journal added a Pew
wind, iV., ,.,. ,,. th.
any oiler ,,,.,.,., Chart
each This ,,, how the
to hi pa t I, a a.
It ll a n . who ate h
in and Mothers , .
that by the aid of Chart each
They their r do own sewing
On ll l i
and run same risks each.
day of then hive had their
by the
cries ;,., victim beastly
Just, they her heart
broken sobs, have seen her blood
Where it stained the earth, have
Perhaps her in the agonies of
death. Therefore, the lynchers
the case the standpoint
f the it victim,
Would Die Id
if it did
Lia sine hi June.
id a
win u picas n,
m, f . , .,
II r,
This Section of Raleigh and
Expected to Be com.
in Four Months.
Wilson. X. c, ;
large force of Italians am veil
here from .;
are quarter-d h .
i-a. . ,
find bound Railroad in
this city. Tic ., the rail-
road will hero be pushed
rapidly the direr
until ii i,. the working
fro; thin I u
loud completed to
tin. Ai soon a-
l n W. -j
hum atria
, . i i mi In-
In is.
I u
ii i-ii . all
. hi h . in
n s SMITH,
i IV.-t
Wilson in the
i n ii
Sot it
Ail warned
under t unity law, not t
employ, in h
my -on, K. Smith.
tall age. I.
i . I
any In- where
N. V
Journal -f Com
thereto be .-
i- with Teddy
in for
and the Republican
leaner . pulling the
other way. The la they
will on doing nothing.
Slot , . . ,
i iii . , Court.
II K . . i. A.
v . ,. will, on
M ,. .;
in . h. r ,.,
to Hi.- Ii ., . , ,
aid an., i
in Hi.- . ., i ,
in town ii. I,.,,,,.
ll. u. i w if
ii.,. of
ranting on
town th.-
William on Hi. v. in
rail In, av.-
land In town on
. Mid
i l ,.
K- A. I . T.
of In
n , ,,. , a-
Hi R n a. t
than, n , an-
, . y I., i.
A. a . it-.
I lat ,
. s a- IT.
But is still another point to consider.
terns are all new, no old styles, no ancient creations, all
new, up-to-date and perfect in fit and style and so
The Ladies Home Journal Style BOOK
Free At Our Store. Come And Get One.
We are leaders In Dress Goods Silks and
J. G.
I v
J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
W. H.
Response to Address of Welcome
to Assembly
in Raleigh.
U hen iS asked to perform
task it was not on
I would say, or
how I it. Last winter
when you. city extended its kind
to us to meet with you,
there was little delay in
it. wanted to come, and
were i id we hid the opportunity.
Liter when those whose duty
it to this program,
I in so had no choice
loft to who should fill this place.
For so long a time had I been
coming here, and so well
known was love and my ad-
for this city, its people
and us cordial hospitality that
the lime light fell to me. It is
good to be It is well to be
here As I sat a few
moment ago and listened to your
kind, cordial and eloquent
come, saw the many you so
freely and heartily tendered us,
realized that they were realities
ours to enjoy in truth and
indeed, felt like exclaiming,
body to have few
in such a city and aiming
such i
Twenty years ago a few
thoughtful and a few
public spirited friends theirs
that there was no
zed among the teachers in
Carolina. They saw the
necessity of having
to propagate
i to consider
conditions, to ask for
hi ion, to instill pro-
pi the s,
to create and foster a love for the
work, to stimulate activity
for the cause.
Acting this suggestion they
met up in the mountains,
th it laud rises to kiss
a that atmosphere
so , so stimulating, so
I thought and work
,. plan tor
begin with such
Inn i , . p which was to
a crow through all the
. they come go. Thus
Buck became the birth-
place Hie North Carolina Teach-
era Assembly.
years it
baa in education.
Its been marked by
Wisdom I
It in task to re-
in tonight
what it has It has
been a us ill to
in North Carolina,
u from which
lie i- ii every year with
new courage for
the Hit I that lay in his
path It .- ibis that has
eve. In. local
e- through
the yea is, but today is
of these here assembled and those
who be here during
mouth to see a wonderful
transformation there has been in
this particular.
It has appealed to the
dual, it fas endeavored to per-
the i. has gone into
legislative halls and there plead
the children of the State. It
stands today the most body
Carolina for its
development. Its work is
Its meetings have
It he s met away up among
the mountain peaks, as they
pierced the skies in
have buoyed us up
ward 3rd onward to higher en-
and purposes.
welcome was cordial. It has
met In the beautiful summer
if the where
cu lore, delightful scenery and
mi -ii-Hidings all united in making
our stay pleasant. It has gone
down and again to old ocean's
where summer crowds,
splendidly rigged delight-
breezes, invigorating and
billow- their grand
march across the world of waters
all sang their most cordial greet
and inspiring welcome. It
baa met also in that beautiful city
the center, with it busy. bust,
progressive, live citizenship,
a city which is reported as asking
for almost every thing on the face
of earth and getting about all
she asks for. Here was that royal
welcome which we he last
But it seems exceedingly fitting
in this 1906, marked as it is
by the finest educational spirit that
has ever our borders
in our history, that we
should come to our own beautiful
capital city -the that in all
the years of has felt
and shown interest in it that no
other in the State approaches.
What wore could we ask, what
could we to
satisfy every
place than we have here
Here are your beautiful
and men, here are splendid
homes genuine hospitably.
Yours is a city of with a
membership led by
ministers whose walk and words
lead to a higher lite. Here is
our loved capital in whose
walls have gathered men of the
past who history. Here are
our lie institutions that the
product outgrowth of a Chris-
civilization. Here we may
in with our State
both executive and judicial-
men whom to meet and greet
life and thought for
work. Here are your public
your hall of In
are gathered that which of
all people the world should in-
a body teachers. Here is
the city that is the undisputed ed-
center of the State with
its splendid system of graded
schools, with the only college
the that not only tits pie.
pares young men for the learned
but trains alto
ii.- map of I hands that they may go out In life
in and giving us land that long Ml need of
are the pride Of by their skill and training
l inning. has; can their part in the Indus,
s adv the consolidation I trial development of the Slate;
o with better its Christian
in it. i . , i fit, until today they female colleges, training the
are being built at the rate of heads and hearts the young
one a day for every day j mm. who enter their walls so that
It is this body that North Carolina may have that nest
schools i
years has demanded that the conn- of all Cod's gifts to
superintendent be unfettered
allowed to do his best work
receiving a reasonable
for the same. Today this is
dawning as a reality. More
teachers doing better work,
with better pay, has been its cry.
One has but to look the faces
educated, Christian homes.
Last be mentioned but by no
means least, here is the home
your great dailies your re-
papers. There can be no
estimating the power of the Press
when it stands for best politics,
the best in morals the best in
religion. This assembly could
never have gained prestige it
now has and holds had it not been
for the hearty support it has
ways had from the newspapers.
With all these things here pres-
with the splendid cordial
come you have given us, with the
love we already had for the city,
which has been increased since
hearing you, we can hope tor a
Just after one of those terrible
inundations that sometimes comes
to the city of New Orleans from
the great Hoods of the father of
waters, leaving in its train suffer-
and devastation, three ladies
were discussing what they would
do for the beautiful city if they
had the power. The first said she
would build high walls either
side of the river at right angles to
its bed and just above the city so
that when the rushing waters
the swollen stream came their
fury they would be forced
channel again leave the city
untouched. The second lady said
would not do this. I would be-
gin away up at the source of the
river and build each side of it
walls gradually rising higher and
higher until they reached the city.
I would thus prevent the waters
leaving the channel and
this way save the The
lady said, would do
neither of these things. The
waters might in some and
expected moment rise to such a
height as to break through or rush
over these walls and then our
b city would be swept by
one great rush of waters from
map of the earth. If I had my
way I would do would
raise our loved city so high that
the snows might melt, rains
might descend and the km Is might
c but the mad, rushing,
raging waters would never even
touch streets, it would be so
high above
This is what we would have this
meeting plan to do for North Caro-
Let us by the dissemination
and of education,
temperance raise
the State so high in civilization
that ignorance, prejudice, super-
violence and crime
even it-borders. Conditions
are here favorable tor a forward
step. We ah cad j feel the
ration of gathering. Our
coining i a to
it-, we shall lie May you
share our joys.
In behalf the body I
Hi in their mum- allow me to
thank you fur this joyous
We shall appropriate to our
use the many things you
have generously Should
we others which you have not
t if such a thing i-i
we shall and enjoy
from what you have
said that your response
would be are yours,
them to heart's
this little prophecy When we
have been with you these few days,
when we hive met. mingled aid
as . go we try will
the fondest
genuine f th
able mid soul inspiring meet-
body bus ever .
will lie
will begin a and
w for the uplift educationally
of ibis old State to
place which we earnestly hope and
believe she t- soon to
Ii Slates
this great Union of ours.
To and to this
to you to us, may there come
from this hopes, new
aspirations, new determinations,
new strength for the great
that is now committed
and for the continued success of
which we largely responsible.
N Delegates to State, Con.
and Judicial Con-
In spite of rain generally
weather there was a
good attendance the Demo-
convention held
the court house today for the
of selecting delegates to the
Slate, congressional Judicial
The committee was called to
by L. I. Moore, of
the county executive committee
a brief strong speech setting forth
the principals of the Democratic
part; favoring principles
to none, as contrasted with the
principles of the Republican party
which class legislation d
H is mention if the name of W. J.
as the leader of Democracy
was greeted with
The called the roll of
L. Blow win elected
of convention,
W. L. Brown and D. J.
The strength of the convention
for judge resulted in Morrill
The strength for corporation
commissioner was called for, but
this vote was taken J. J.
was on motion
en the privilege of the floor. Mr.
spoke relative to
the corporation and the
in hoping its affairs and
A vote was taken as follows.
A little spirit was injected by
the offering of a resolution instruct-
the delegates to the
convention for John H.
Small; and at the same time
bis vote the fast mail
appropriation. A was
offered for this resolution which
was followed by a motion to table.
The motion was lost. The follow-
was then adopted.
Resolved That the Dem-
voters of Pitt
convention assembled, instruct hi r
delegates to cast the vote of Pi t
the congressional con-
for the Hon. John P,
The we appreciate the iii-
fidelity of our
the Hon. John II
in looking after the Interests of hi-
constituents and instruct
to the
nun to vote his
yet we do not endorse his vote f n
last mail to
in. in-j ii I-.-i way. but regret
the same.
motion the delegates from
county to the judicial
inn were instructed to vote for
II hi. L I. Moore for solicitor.
The following was
Resolved, Thai we demand of
i be corporation en
of the now
made by the telephone
Thai we also demand
hat pay a lax for i n,. use
the highway equal to the asses--
cent- on the hundred
to the cm-
of ill cannot lie I today u . log to the
X C-, Jane 1900.
G. S. went to
mouth and returned
Town election passed off very-
quiet. Several changes in officers.
J. I. James i- i mayor.
Several from here attended
church at Swamp Sunday.
J. O. Williams wile
Sunday at Mis. William's uncle
O. K. Has-ell.
W. R Whit-hard Pride;
of his
We do not to tie behind
every body else, we will no
want any county offices this
Miss Taylor visited
If lust week.
Augustus Whitley and M. C,
two of U-bi
Sunday here.
Mr. and Mis. T. K. Nelson
in ice cream supper
night the
voting ladies in the neighborhood,
whom there are a good many.
Ross and Mrs
Nelson and -Miss Flower were
H. A. little son spent
Sunday p. m. in
J. E. Hines
Black Jack, N. C. 1906
Robert spent
with Ins daughter
E. L. Clark went to Washington
Gelid and Clara Mills
spent Saturday night and Sunday
up the road visiting friends-
J. O. Johnston attended church
at Parker Chapel, over the river
G. U. Dixon and wife,
spent Sunday with
relatives here.
k returned
yesterday from a visit to
sister Cox Mills.
Elder G. S. Johnston who ha
visiting relatives
Greenville, returned to his home
J. C. Galloway, of Grimesland.
attended Sunday school here
is sick. We
hope he will soon net
B L. spent Sundry up
toad his best n
Miss Mills Walter Mills
from here attended at Red
Thad Smith, of
was here
R. M. Williams went tn
ville Thursday on business.
Mills went to
Saturday returned Sunday.
W. II. Arnold wile wont
Greenville yesterday.
child of Mi.
mil M .-. W. J.
ville, at
morning. The child bail been
sick some lime, and was
to about ten days
hope that the salt would
The were today
at I be family burying ground in
Greene county.
Mr. null Mis J. Kin
r the Mm.-
at the marriage sister,
Mi. hi shun
Ti .
sixth of e.
In t Y .,
At after July tenth.
No invitations sent in town.
N. C.
A plenty of grass is the
farmers those days. H
Miss Nelson, of
-lent last week with Miss
Mi-s Allie lat
relatives near
H. J.
Robert Wilson a- in is h-
am Sunday.
Little Letha and Gr . K of
then rand-
Mr. K B.
Exum spent in
J. M. Smith w-es in
night I-
Several from
men's meeting in W i
d the
The Democrats of Greene
live the
W. Warren.
Register of T.
Mouse of Representative
K. Herring aid H.
Bud R De
Selma, Richard-
son, the who was shot
day night by Ms- Pearl Jones,
distance telephone
here while he was endeavoring to-
an t. the central
for a, he
o-i bis death-bed, of
tug died at o'clock
His accomplice in
The by
Cot you a Pine.
Hereafter the by mis- ,
excuse will cos. a line of
The post office has
a rile tn tins
effect on Hie numerous
Ii is mi .
by n ruling th, that
yon look over your in iii before
the office, any letter pot in.
your box by mis he re
turned the poet office
a penalty g-Mi
to do so
The United States Court now
in session has brought to light
sou. rather deductions
H tn the Illicit ,, whiskey.
A deacon in the
and a delegate tn the lust
State Convention, was tried,
found guilty, mill convicted of
i o i i
serve his . if There three ii to
name if man. but the Sam of law violated
verbiage would
nut prevail where letter of
the law, as well the spirit, had
violated. It is
that tho recurring trails of of-
fenders in the Federal Courts
arc but as object lessons to the
uninitiated who would desire to
learn the ways and moans of
Mr. IV- , ,
were much Tiny
his own and the
grown season.
Several colored people recently
here to work on truck
around Norfolk.

Hanan's Famous Shoes
This Shoe has stood the test for many years is
worn by all men who wear fine Call in and
look at the low cuts today.
o. hi of
; i 1908.
i id
Ht.-i i
Fie ii I
Banking st
fr en Banks
i loin
Silver Coin
Stock paid
Profit law Ex-
eases Paid 15,688.06
; i
. ; Deposit to check 190,983.77
Cashier's out-
I g J ;
North w
County of Pitt.
L James L. Little, the above-named bank, do
swear that the in true to die best of my knowledge
L Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to O. HOOKER,
day of II, R.
second m
V b
We have i I i r l v n in hand
ant and Engines v to as described
low which w I o p.
One EL P. Cunt Engine bean used one
season, which a- x ll 125.00, P. O B. N.
One II P II i i i ., ran r one J year
only, for P O B,
II I Pub Tar Boiler, Alias Make one
yet old 1300.00 P. O. B. Ox
One a. 1135.09 Durham, N. C.
One H. P. m, g as F.
O. B. All then be sold at an early
to I be Aral m who applies
The General Liked Him Better Than a
Jackson was us pie-
.- in as ho on
foot, -the Washington Star. The
pr in o Presbyterian elder had rid-
den in his youth in West
in for an uncle, which act
in later he was not proud. At
the be; lining of the v war or-
thereabouts sonic of his
n with a war charge I
hie for ii man of growing I
an. bright military
been up to that date a
undersized sorrel gelding very
. up , h hit one
carload captured by his command
some on the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad and cons to
Washington. particular
the general gave the name of
Fancy, although from all accounts
of Confederate soldiers it fell far
short of the title in equine at
tributes, except in one
had a fancy whenever the command
halted for lying down and rolling
like a dog. What the general liked
most about him, aside from his quiet
manners, was bis gait, which lie
himself described as being as
as a Evidently animal
was of the hobby horse species.
The mount selected for Jackson
was quite another animal in blood,
disposition and spirit. On a certain
review the general, dressed in a new
uniform in place of the dingy gray
lie had long worn, on the
Odd mounted on Ins blooded char
per, but when the struck up
to the Chief and his men
burst into loud cheers the hors
bolted, threw and trail-
ed the new uniform in tho dust
Fancy was never thereafter
placed in his affectionate esteem
lie Mile i in his u
and was on his back
in the evening of May
when lie r-
the won his tin- j
timely death. For n long time Fan-.
was after I
but was by at
ale soldier nod subsequently given a
home in the family of Jackson's fa-
Morrison, Lincoln
county. N. f. Fancy lived to n most
extraordinary age, living in 1888,
His skin was prepared by an expert
attached to the Smithsonian
and is the Confederate
You Pay For It
In higher prices when you buy Goods on Credit, as the
Credit merchant mast makeup his sea out of some-
. Therefore I,., no losses t m . . a I p the
i it the lowest figure, a I a,.,; ,;,.
or ; s , , . ,
ling .-,
. i
i i .-, i.
Instructions For Repairing a Mirror
That Has Become Spotted.
Equal puns of following for-
are used for the purpose of
repairing spotted dis-
solve sixty grains of nitrate of
in ounce of water, and pour
the solution quickly into a boiling
of grains of
salts in one ounce of
cooling tho liquid
and make up to twelve fluid ounces
with distilled water.
i sixty grains
of in one of water, then
add ammonia until the precipitate
is nearly and then make
up to twelve fluid ounce, as A.
To renovate the low
pro, pi as i i I lie
part. marking off
with a . e and
chisel, lay the glass fin I on ii- face
apply the silvering compound.
Mix equal pan- and pour
the clear glass, allowing the so-
to flow evenly over tho bare
Distilled water should he
and the solution kept in black
bottles. Absolute cleanliness is es-
to satisfactory
ton Traveler.
To Clean Brass Beds.
Brass bods, chandeliers and lac-
goods may be improved won-
taking a soft rag, put-
ting a little sewing machine oil on
it then going over the bod or
fixtures. The oil will remove fly
specks leave n luster. It docs
not harm the lacquer. Don't be
afraid to use a elbow grease.
But never use such things as onions,
lemons, benzine, turpentine, gritty
i soap, acids or lye, winch will all
ti lacquer more or lets,
coat of verdigris if tho
article he every day
two after the removed.
, Unintentional,
snapped tho fin-
I per on on the opposite
et cur, thank
you j. to stare at me, if you
madam, ho said.
M intended. I am
, ., madam, ht
monocle i
ha Wanted a Full Course of Treat-
and She Got It.
An American lady went into a
French hairdresser's establishment
in Berlin to gel a shampoo. The
; a tall, thin man, with
all grace and suavity of a
forward in
. i he door
me a treatment
for y . p. mi. said he,
b low, with a wide .-;. ;
. . and I I my n notions
bout I ii -I; mid I m re-
p i
about . as if the v as
h the hinds of is
re. inhere do
. art
hi re. i . ; I the lead
r a slab affixed
to f the room,
up is n stood ii long lino
The mi . the
.; thus much
. ready asked
wait, if you First,
; u she said, point-
to a bottle.
The hairdresser nodded.
pi .
t mi may rub i-i
of She pointed d jar of f
familiar lotion.
will be excellent, ma-
a good rubbing with
she i i on, i an open
bowl which a
replied the lad;,
a -a;, if you pi she
The or Ibis
bill lie as be bid. Ev-
i v pi the
id I t -mi
she had . and produced a
curious of in a applied.
brown liquid a sham-
she asked, with grow-
doubt a lie finished.
ho replied polite-
v. it on madams
But, yon see, I eating
you call when
came. bow contained
The Face.
A single vertical wrinkle between
the eyebrows .-how- strict honesty
in money mailers. broad
en. the nose, making rather short
thick above the
gives in a re a broad double chin
Lines ding downward from the
angle of the mouth toward the chin.
marked, show a tendency to
sadness and melancholy. The line
r in ii g fr lite eyes show
for el n as
the i o p fin rows framing the
mouth In the leper lip. The
ore i lie ally v a pay for
n ;. i f channel
of the lei r. V. I en one bus
. ; re I parts n
the lips, ed. I hey in-
ate n . i for I i
the lip be I . well
oped . mi v
power over a strong
for loving and w If spirit.
Costly Water.
More is paid for in
a single .;. I ban u for liquor
in a week, though few purchasers
are. aware of the quantity o water
they pay for. A ten turkey,
for instance, is but three pounds
solids and seven pounds water, and
there are six pounds of water in ton
pound of ; ii bile i be percent-
age of w ii r in beef or mutton is
Salmon and mack-
ore half water, though
a . in a proportion
of fluids. Sixty-live per cent of an
egg is water, and there are about
two ounces water lo the pound of
butler. Vegetables run from to
so per com of water, even
dried pens contain a small
Token an average per
cent of all expenditures for food
is paid for Muter. There is no way
Sh- Up on Prayer.
One know of in
so sleepy when she bed
i i- haul work for
her to up her mind to
the good night A few nights
ago -In dropped her head upon
earlier than usual.
II eye inspect n features.
-ii ,. .,,, . I a apology a.-
. ,, . .
explanation in all
too lute to show proper
He bad left the cirri-Chic
and at once
OF N. C.
l , ,; I i- i US
s . c ., . ,
.- , . in
to off a prayer in
style. The first prayer over,
Ions came another one, and .-lilt a
third. About tin time her mother,
surprised st the turn proceedings
bud ; kl little n v. hat
she ma I rs.
i lit
going to say el c ;
now I'm awake, and then I can go
two week; without saying
-n- i. V i's I
H ; ,.,
u-h 13.80
l et ;. i
v . i; i,.,
-i s I
j.-. Mill I, Si
M. Mi .
I . ; ,
I i . ,
I. K . c
i i.- .- n -b- f
tn l. D . i mil -r.
;. . . i t-
I ii ii is n f v
, L k,
J. i. i is.
AT N. C.
At the close of business April 6th, 1906.
and discounts 120,402.36
Overdrafts unsecured 271.38
; I-
from and
i s
i ii silver coin,
Vi bank and
other U. S. notes
Capital stock
Surplus fund CO
Undivided profits 1,108.23
lime of
deposit 3,140.50
Deposits subj. to check
checks out-
Certified Checks
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. of the above named solemnly
swear that the above statement is tree to the best of my
edge and belief. M. o. Mount, President.
and sworn to be- y
ore me, this 12th day of April
H Taylor,
Votary Public
an t w
Wholesale and Retail H; rib-
White Lead, Paints, i
Colors, and and
country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than a
the Harrison It it c
reputation fur honorable wares and
dealings. D
If you use the Harrison Paints you
never worry quality.
We trust that you win i your
orders you wan p for
Have just a car load and
can you Special
. K
J. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
. . C.
Ai- for DAILY
Kiel we take
receiving sub-
i writing receipts for
fl.-. i arrears. We have a list
i receive their mail at
i- Weal-to take orders
Mi- Pa of Winter-
visiting Mi-
last week.
I . Co. will do all the
possible CM to please you with
their new Hue of heavy and fancy
W. F. Hart came up the
On to K. E. Co's new
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, fresh fish.
Mrs end
of Elizabeth City, after h
visit lo the K I.
yesterday for
A glass
ware, fancy lamps, tinware
at J K Smith Bro
B. E. N U. Whit-
our farmer
with whom to be general
I why not, are
tr n day In a visit down the clever fellows.
Km an peaches, apples, corn
apply to E. E.
Mary Kittrell, of
several very pleasant
Cum Nobles h st
I i.,
n .
i Co. have
stock of from
out to a short
-.- from
of Greenville,
i . day as counsel in a
. re justice's court.
Bed Stead-. Suits, Dress, r-
Tables, Chairs Cradles,
Springs, Mattresses
Cook Stoves a
great many other tilings are
pi Cannon t Tyson.
Mis and children, of
lie visiting Mis. H. C.
The of the drainage is
eyes need attention
J. W. optician,
in , N. C. is the man to do
your Murk it you to be
la. Savage and Master
e. no left Saturday for
i at J. It. Smith
e has gone to
, days. doctor,
at the drug
yet his
in.-- that jolly
mi. i.- the same.
. curs cotton seed,
highest cash price, don't
n . . see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
. i ho has, been
nine came home
v. i .
vi n-
I. I
I. I
ii i i
Skinner, of
a. visiting her
In . L, C.
i .-. carry
lard and can
; my before lag
, i Lilly Co
. of Green-
i . on a visit to her
valises, tel-
baud bar,
. K Smith Bro
., here is a
. . v , besides
there are
. V
sections, it i
No rowdyism
, i. la allowed.
a Ii lid
. .-it-, com,
ii Lilly A
. . . lb
A full supply of Trunks
Grips, Satchels
Canes, at J. R. Smith
Clarence who has been
attending school at University
came Home night t.-
spend vacation, Clarence is an
Clever us well as
y. i h id we are a i
lo l ck. In fact
e him a
Car load V. Crimped
suitable lengths to cover
shelters, stables much cheaper than
shingles and very little labor, at J.
at cents
mi great reductions in white
dippers and summer goods, at J
Smith Bro.
For a nice present buy i novel-
clock at J, W. Taylor's. It is
fin an occasion.
For carpenters stones
I hemp pulleys, K.
Smith A Bin.
V. and paper -flog,
with or
ml pipe at J. K. Smith A
styles in wrap
I'm Ladies
ii-o a nice hue of Zephyr
tors J. It. Smith Bro.
We have our summer
voiles, have Hit a of
values on the table which must go
at per yard. A Tyson.
inn at K. Smith
hi , s, H A a
at J. Korder lo our
sin lo we
will in prospective, buyers .-
low prices. J. If.
Nice new repacked North
J. If. Smith
. Bro,
F nice in-
s brick
the Town of
five tenant
J. K. Smith A Bro
Your Eyes.
If you are troubled with your
eyes have i in
n g suitable glasses, ii matters not
now your case, call mi J.
an expert
N. C, who has live years
experience with some the meal
cases, lie never tails to
salts action or then
refunded. Over live hundred
Pitt Greens and
, .,., iii I- his honesty
i II vi- It
. n
V bile it is not to betaken with
seriousness, following from
the is a
tine hit i interesting read-
It is the custom for corpora-
and various associations of
business and professional mm
to secure legislation to advance
their own Interests. At a meet-
of the State Medical Society
in Charlotte last week the
ability of Certain legislation was
Suggested and some of the doc-
tors said, truly, that the way
to get it was to go to work for it;
that if the Stale Medical Society
would exert its influence proper-
it could control the politicians
and secure it wanted,
or words to that effect. This is
preliminary saying that the
which furnish nil
the publicity and do most, of the
work schemes of other
folks, i no
i hi tin . interests, but
arc frequently to suffer by
adverse . It is time
to be up in. .; bi be-
loved. The newspapers can, if
they will, . the
and Legislatures and eve-
else. l at
least one i i r man will U.-
in the next I.
John M Julian, i f Salisbury
P and The Landmark now.
moves that I.- be instructed to
If to .-. i g
for the To
begin with we suggest that he
have a law passed faking the
non-payment newspaper bills
subscription and
felony, After pass-
a few such mild measures as
this he might see his way clear
to ask for ti more drastic meas-
such us compelling eVery
family to take at least one news-
paper, etc. We may think of
other things later, but
these will do to begin on. I
The Landmark's motion is pass-
ed we will move to add as a pen
ally that case Col. Julian fails
secure the passage of these
and similar measures that he be
expelled from the North
Press Association. We know
it will be necessary to
this to cause the colonel to
a on He
never would Incur that penalty.
S. Web overlook-
d the n o i important measure
Cal for Convention,
,, , i ii, . ;. s
, . i, fib.- In Mrs. M. BI.
our sweet little
Sauls i extend our
thanks and only hope we
may be so at a very
early date
You will find Wheeler and
son and Singer machine.
Prices way way down H.
Bro. next to Early Hotel.
Ayden, N. C.
to nil order of tin in
Judicial e
we came if J for th I bird Judicial District i
down is I., railed h.
l and i . ; i on j ,, k,,.
i . too. u N. C., i day
. tor the purpose
, a candidate fur Judge end u
for Solicitor of said dis
Tho Democratic
of the various counties com-
posing the district will
to said Judicial
lion to be wit
the plan of
This May 1900,
L. V. F. C.
For Spring Housecleaning
new. will be no
dull dingy
woodwork in where won.
is used. N.
or Liquid
Veneer is a varnish, bill I
food and cleaner that builds up The
original finish and makes brighter
than ever.
It instantly restore, the brilliant
finish of Piano., Furniture,
Primes, Interior Woodwork,
Hardwood Floors and all polished,
varnished or enameled surfaces. Re-
motel stain., dirt and
A ran apply it.
but a piece of cheese is needed
and there no drying to wait for.
Trial eta.
human ii. A, i
a by
i I- eon n i .
II nun
. lie l II II BIS I
sever, I n i I i i ;
mil i en.- death i I b nail
I. I. I . II
. el ,, I n
. i ever u h i
mull, and curs
Weak lain is,
v .
bottle tree,
mat should be enacted into law
Every newspaper should be
granted of a
to do business in certain
territory, the number of papers
to be limited in towns and
ties according to population;
newspapers not having a
not being allowed to
late in another's territory. With
this arrangement and every
compelled to take a
per and pay for it, we are con-
strained to believe that the
would pick up a little.
N. C, June
Clops are thriving now after
pretty rains and warm
Misses and Susie Moore
Myrtle Proctor are spending
with Misses Ward,
Miss Holliday, alter
-pending some time lends
Greenville reached borne
day accompanied by Miss Maud
of Greenville, who will
d a days our city,
J. . Proctor Bro. with a
u umber of young men of this place
Washington took quite a
t trip down the river lo
Beach on Mr.
boat, the
Mrs. H. C. Boyd and children,
are visiting C,
family, this place.
Miss Abie May Owen, alter
several days
ville. got back borne Thursday.
Mis. O. and little
Susie, went to Ayden
A. Proctor, of Tampa, Fin.,
is spending here with
Mrs. J. I. Satterthwaite and
. i. of spent several
here last week with relative-
Mi-dame- C. M, Jones and D. G,
Moore went over the river Sunday
Galloway and family
pent Saturday night Sunday
with W. S. Galloway, of this place.
W. E. Tucker and family were
tow u Sunday.
J. L. Gibson wile went to
Fleming, from near
las accepted a will.
J. O. Proctor Bro. We are glad
to have him with us.
Superintendent Smith and Teach-
The of trustees of Green-
ville graded schools met Monday
Prof. H. B. Smith was
Misses Irvine, Harding, Taylor,
Rhodes, Rogers, Bennett Cox
were as teachers.
ville, was elected to teach the
high school The
sixth grade will not lie
elected until July meeting
the board.
dent Smith made a
report to heard of
of the the past
We will later publish
some extracts from it.
Smith and Irvine
Hauling, Rogers, Bennett and Cox
will attend school of
the Booth at during th.
All persons are hereby warned
under pi law, not t
employ, or hi as-
slut my son, Herbert E.
d ,
tall for . He left home
Slid I will
any as hi- where.
J. Smith,
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brick Block, Bast Railroad
N. C.
Th.- CI.
, i- in . .- v
lean- of n t.
la In an i.-r. h- mi.-i.
-I to In payment
I-the i nil of
e. r. within
or will be plead in bi r of
r,. or -in .- i
On I state
P. ti James
j .; . i i the
i s
nth i ten re I i It to tho
or f r mi. . After two
racks he called on the professor and
stated that he left his
with him had called for it sad
would gad of
from him. It was returned without
any criticism or suggestions. The
student, well pleased with his own
production, was intent on having
the opinion of his and call-
ed again and, to the
asked what hymns would be
appropriate in with It.
The professor replied. most
appropriate hymn I can think of is
lay me to
Under Conditions.
did the editor
your -ion- asked the
believe he liked it very,
there are in the
faculty s-ell as in
the to create. The same
i vary according to
suggested that, and ho agreed
me. He said a man
found him . If on u i island
with no to d i l ray
and i directory,
he i n i mi ii r
Having made arrangements t
, the Nelson
i Tobacco Truck alt-o to sell same
, I will be phased to
; in same. Apply to
A Ayden. a. C.
I l ,.,
Insurance end Brokers.
We wish lo at we have our-
selves together for the purpose of conducting
era Insurance and Merchandise Brokerage
in the Town of and Vicinity. We will
represent none but the most reputable concerns,
and any part cl business you may see fit to
favor us with we will thank for feel very
Al the
In his I. of
Kl en, chief jut i of Eng-
land, I i up
men am who
One Sir Seymour,
Q. e i talk
. ill you I lie i t.
more aid lit sell,
. i ,
i- Set if you
. . the learned gentle
Iran. h n
-i I . i . .-I
i m the pi ,
Th.- ti n i i- used,
ton s low, to I
but red
why should it be culled blue The
p. comes Spain, where the
lie- true their
I the if the Moorish
. r blood is blue,
while of common people i
Week. It 1- likely the r
the of
Spain Moor. The blue veins
the Spaniards . be seen by
reason of their fairer
but those of the Moors could not, ,
Collections of Things.
When boys an iris
should try to stop for a
minute mid wonder if it will be
something that they will be proud
ab. Stamp collections teach
great deal history
us of teach g-
and history, and pictures and
curiosities are worth
Sol . fads of
in In ml w In boy or a girl
puts lime and energy into hunting
for j should b
I that j
pie In.
nil of saying
man who
of them
in . mag-
.-.-. m hi-piTs
the it;
laughs, tin chirps, the
h the cries,
the rps, the snips
lie the sir-
row chirps and the willow
wren the
i and I nuts,
null Fixtures
Overdrafts Secured 1.1.01
; from Bunks,
en s.
Hold Coin,
Silver Coin.
N . ; t . I-
Capita stock paid in,
Undivided less
expenses, Ml
Dividends unpaid 510.00
lo check, 45,007.01
I, J. K. Smith, Cashier of lbs above-named solemnly sweat
hut the above Statement is lo the of my be-
lief. ; J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, this 11th day of April 1906.
It lie
Iran's ,
The national floral emblems
England, rose; Greece, violet;
Scotland, thistle;
Italy, lily; Spain, pomegranate ;
Francs, Ireland,
shamrock; Egypt, lotus; Wales,,
Canada, the Japan,

O. J. Editor and Proprietor.
Entered in the post office at Greenville. N. C, as second class matter,
rates made known upon application.
A correspondent desired at every port office in Pitt and adjoining counties
U fiction
That Maryland should have
a man years old to succeed
the late Gorman in toe
States Senate, gives a
If girls were learned how t
more of them could protect
of I,
There is a matter of great and
vital importance to all the people
of the county of and
ally should it be of great concern
to the people living in the
and this is a public hospital,
sanitarium. There is not
themselves against the assaults i provision made for
black brutes as the Selma young weak, debilitated and Buffering
humanity, in our county. We
have come on from one genera-
to another, depending upon
ts of the overworked doctor,
to ride all the way from five to
twenty-five miles to give relief to
sick and Buffering ones. We
have done this so long that it
has become second nature, and
we hardly how to expect
anything different. It is true
the importance of the people semi- .
r r , that Pitt county is better bless-
men to the next Legislature, than most of the of
lady did.
corporation commission re
framed the Southern railway from
the night schedule out of
R until the petitions and ans-
can be fully investigated.
Recent events still further show
both Senate and House, who are not
tinder the control or influence of
the State, in having nearby com-
physicians to minister to
the needs of the sick and suffer-
in most of the rural
At the same time a much
greater measure of relief could
be obtained if there was a pub-
lie hospital or sanitarium where
the physicians of the county
has opened a sum-
mer campaign against the
and will spend WOO a day in the
extermination pest. By get
tins rid of the it is hoped j be privileged to send their
city clear of yellow fever patients for care and treatment.
There can be no greater evidence
progress than a step in this
, ., . , direction, and if properly
railroad, his hands are , , ,,,, . , v.
and it the people would pro-
and he committed none of the and think
that has been exposed, about it, it would be done.
But his did, and they For a number of years past
to get relief. We say tins be-
cause a physician called into such
a home realizes the situation aim
surroundings, and he knows it is
not worth while, it is perfect y
useless to try to induce these
women to leave home go to a
hospital, so they say nothing, but
do the very best they can with
the means they have to give re-
lief. While, if there was such
an institution us we have been
talking about in the
poor, weak, frail and debilitated
women could go and be treated.
The doctor called into such a
realizing the situation,
he could take immediate steps to
get them away from home and
into this place of rest and re-
The amount of re-
lief and satisfaction that would
follow if there were such in-
in our county would be
immeasurable, and the souls that
would be made glad, and the
hearts that would be made hap-
would be countless, and they
would rise up and bless the
builders of this institution all the
days of their lives. Citizens of
Greenville and Pitt county, get
your heads and hearts together,
and without further begin
work upon this institution that
will bless mankind long alter
your days on earth are past.
Plantation Life
The foregoing strikes us
forcibly that we publish same
with the belief that Pitt county
has in it a sufficient number who
will take hold of the proposition
in a business like manner and
complete right away such an in-
as has been described.
I r Durham man
t What's the mat-
-in- mill town so many
e e i ml re it
em f the fa
i ,. I If. X.
as- their candidate for
s. th entire Stale
els an in
i i f
Marriage of Popular
Couple in Pitt County.
N. C. June
Tuesday no-mar
Mr. and Mi. r C. Miss
K Mr,
wee wedded.
K- r the Ii
tire n
and pi--nuptial entertainment.
n lei
Mm- ilia
Va. indicating her
ii of .
The in linage j was
in the parlor, the Dolor
win me . mid white The
I hay was a
palm-, lei us and el.
The bride wan hi-
in a
gown Alice cloth
t- ma en a a bouquet -i
pen-and ft-m.
Kev. B. x Qua
n- i iii- I the in
language el. an., devout.
The best p ace t u buy r Clothes
Was and a- the bride
has made such rapid g m -he
e of rare I. liens-.
f I tends were SI I he
din by the
a -d hi- veil with, punch. Mrs. U.
H. Norfolk, gracefully
presided bowl. From
might have been the scape goat for
several of the physicians of the
county have in their own private
way. discussed and agitated this
and there is no doubt
Are Federal courts lo be used they have done purely
refuge for corporations when they and solely from a humanitarian
want to override State authority standpoint, for the physicians of
is getting to look that way in North the land are not only a i than ho will invest his money
strides of late that many diseases
not long ago considered hopeless
are today perfectly curable, if
taken to hospitals properly
equipped. All our sister towns
have hospitals, and as a drawing the guests were Invited in
card to desirable M
such institutions pay handsome.
In this day of progressive ad-
no man will place the
lives of his family in a town
without a hospital any quicker
Carolina. We hope a clash between t men, but are
a-. . . , . . liberal and humane. We
State and I- authority will not , ,, . . ,
approach this question with a
great deal of trepidation, for we
are not unconscious of the light
in which public institutions of
be the outcome.
The of the North Carolina
where there is no tire depart-
A public hospital for
the and Rev. W. K.
Mini Elisabeth Jonas, who
a bouquet bearer, and Mr.
tie bride, who gave her away
Alter the ceremony the guests
were levied in the dining mom
when- was mm veil a most delicious
Wedding hi last. The
decorations were green hi d white
One good reason
why buy
r ere J-
l j new-
o change tit fashion
spring it
buy from a store that
Keeps up wild the
styles, as this
store is all
Ail our
goods are fresh from
the best known
of class
Clothing and Furnish
and better still,
are the very of
their We
have the latest mod-
els from the best
known Clothing Man
in the
world. Look around
then come here, for
quality, style, fit and
the right price we
can satisfy you. Let
us show you the new
The King Clothier
Pa Bo wen
members of the United Sen-, this class arc held some
ate is easily recognized, and honors j but looking at it from the
came to them accordingly. Senator appoint of humanity, and re-
. . , , . the great good that would
Overman has been made a member . ., result to all people, are
of the Democratic steering commit-1 to go on record as favor- immigration it will bring,
tee of the Senate to fill a vacancy it. If the business men of for the great good it will do, for
Pitt county, that will open its -ii-ii The presents
doors to all men, that
special fat ors to no one
but will look only to the
public will be in every
way most beneficial. In fact it
is a public necessity, we need it
caused by the death of the late Sen
Gorman, of Maryland. Senator
Simmons has been appointed a
of the committee on commerce.
Greenville will take hold of this
question and the business inter-
of the county will enlist in
the cause it can soon he an act-
reality. With such men as
J. L. Wooten, R. J. Cobb, S. T.
The Southern railway ignored the j While, . L. I. Moore,
restraining order of the Corporation j Harry Skinner, and hosts of
and changed the j Greenville at work for the
of the night train leaving it should
; i it r- n The physicians of
ah If Corporation . ,
. . ., . . , have for years, to the
sum is without authority to enforce writer's knowledge, used their
of its orders, it should either efforts to tho
be given that abolished.
f it is he a commission ii name
only with no of
then its e
to the urgent necessity of an
institution of this kind, and we
believe they hays done his
purely and entirely with
the comfort it will give, for the
money it will save; we can have
it if will only get together
and construct it.
People all the State regret
the continued illness of
in their dealings with the public I i.
. . motives. The country
It is sent out from Washington
that Senator Simmons, m of
the democratic executive committee
of North Carolina, favors mid
Aycock as the presidential ticket of
That ticket is all right.
by tie Were
flue oat
and g much
Mr. ii d Mr-. for a two
Hy other pot nil in the
of Western N Oar--
Ii a.
the were Mr.
Mr.-. E, B. Miss Margaret
Skinner, W. K. Kev F
Little and Mrs Fleming, of Green-
ville; Mrs. H. H. f Not-
II B Phillips, F. M. Phil-
lips Miss Julia Phillips, of
Suffolk; Mis. A. L. Miss
Jones and Mr. Carrol
Jones, Baltimore; Ge . H. Cole,
P. H Harrington, Mr. and
VI re. J. O Bobbin.
The is a sister O-
G She
is woman of charming personalty
hi ran- intellectual gifts. She
is asocial favorite in North Caro-
mid Virginia
Mr. Clary is a
man and for the A.
C. L at Port Norfolk.
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by
putting on display the newest
to shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
we will the latest and beat tilings that ,
were obtainable in the American markets
we cordially invite the Ladies that are
desirous seeing the NEWEST
to call our establishment and feast their
Very truly yours, j-j
resignation of the sheriff of
Wake county because his fee had
been cut down, when after the re-
ho was still making
more than the governor of the
State gets, is starting the agitation
again that public offices should be
-operated on a salary basis instead of
the fees system. The
would i I thing for the
state if it would change
Drew officer . ,
Ii .
especially should feel a big
interest in this thing; they should
agitate it, talk it, and in a short
time they would have it. The
writer knows two or three very
wealthy men who would
to the erection of an
of this kind if people
themselves would indicate a de-
for it, by contributing them-
selves t its building. There are
numbers upon numbers
fer in
One of our subscribers who called
to ask about it. seems to have mis-
the article in The
tor a few ago relative to the ex-
rights of way, h
railroads sash of
this idea he is mistake
Hector thinks railroads
value for a way dam-
, s
r women in the country who e to the land of any person in
are physically unable to prepare posing it hi t it
a tho u., . , ,
ti,.,,.,, , for the owner of t he land to
H , y
every stop in ,, lime right
I out this j in i t he
simply and solely i
abolish ,,,. I. tn
II e
i go
th wiN m
through it.
At the opening session of
Superior Court Monday
three grand jurors failed to answer
to their names and were fined
a-h by Judge Bryan. The law re.
quilts the attendance of witnesses
and jurors and when they fail to re-
it is the duty of the court to
punish them unless they can give a
proper explanation of their conduct,
a judge can turn up at court a
day era half day late; he can ad-
in middle of a term and
inconvenience hundreds of people as
well as impose hardens on
He is not punished hat he
o III There should he some
way to compel ii judge In preform
hi . lies wile Landmark,
You v I I in
kind, It is 11-1 I
you when yon any
it to
i.- t m Ml ii g it till V and ii II com u I.
mi ; i. i. Le I I i i i a
st ck of
Canned Goods, Package Goods,
Puller, fen , i f e, r
SI I I i s. And p II o M H ii in.,
for tie Lest J In be
Printing Office
This department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
A Kin beak
make you fee. w.
Make a
Bank of Winterville. They
keep it safer man
G. B. dime
borne aid
Sunday I-is
Nice line -f
ways on
ft be little out of season to
WU and wagons but the Tar
and wagons see. sell at all
of the year.
Several of our young people at-
tended Church at Red Banks Sun-
and wheat he supplied
mowers, rakes, reapers and
t Harrington, Co.
Nice Robes at Harrington,
Barber Co.
H. of
pastor of the Baptist church here,
came over from Ad-n Saturday
at o'clock. After the
sermon he Mies
Cox and Mr. Lewis Cannon.
Nice Hue of boys suits at H L.
Another large shipment of shoes
all styles sizes and prices very
reasonable. Barber
A Co.
No seed of not having
pants when Harrington, Barber
Co., have just received anew lot,
that they will sell cheap.
Joshua Manning carried a load
of furniture out into the country
Monday for Carolina
If you need a nice Rug just call
at A. W. Ange Co and you can
get one, and cheap too-
Miss Helen Galloway, who has
been visiting MUses
Kate Chapman, home
Straws tell which wild
blows, notice the stream -f
customers going in aid out from j
Harrington, Bit it d
Life is too short to fool with a-
common garden when A W.
have wire of all bights.
If you wont, Hamburg at and
Hamburg at and ladies
collars for call at A W- Ange
They have a large
Mrs. Chas. pasted
-through town on her way to
ton to visit Mrs. Will
who is with fever.
The A. fox
tell us they mere orders for To-
Trucks and lines when tho r
crop is doing well. Judging
their shipments of late we tiling the
tobacco crop must be
A. W. Ange is oil a few
this week on a visit tn his father,
near We hope him a
pleasant visit indeed.
Tooth ii ml at
Barber Co.
I ii ii I ill
nice sod fresh, at lowest price.
Barber A
one of dress shins ever
in Winterville at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Misses Carrie and Henrietta
Wesson, matrons at the
dormitory, left Tuesday morning
for Brunswick
counties where they will spend the
visiting relatives and
The demand for buggy
and seals made by the A. G.
Cox Va Company
e that they
. i-i III. id
All ; i and
ii a
A car load of received
at Harrington, Co.,
If you want a shirt or tie
go to Barber Co.
For hay, corn and oats go o
Barber C.
Harrington Barbers and Co is ill
place to get your Spring and Sum
mer goods. They have just what
want, and prices to suit all.
Titos. A B. F. rd,
in town Mm looking alter their
mi My.
Men's and youth's all
sizes, at Barber
Trunks and valises at
ton Barber Co.
Big of hats and caps just
received, latest styles. Harrington
The residences of A. D. Cox and
B. D. are Bearing
For sale one and lot
on Main street in Winterville,
N. C. being next to the residence
of Guy the lot contains i
acre of land the house is a good
roomed house, and well
with out a bargain for some
one. I will sell for cash. For
further particulars see or write
Notice the new goods at
Harrington, Barber Co., before
you buy for they can
suite yon in kind price.
Misses Laura K Chap-
Mi. of
died at his home near
Tuesday. He
Was old. He leaves
children Mid grand children
mum i, their
B. F. Tucker
men, went to Green
vi lie this
Sue the E S.
Stoves, and
c. N
From whence came you
Tramp From a town in New-
York called Jerusalem.
Sheriff What is your business
Tramp--To learn to Subdue my
appetite and my living
from an indulgent public.
you are a regular
tramp, I presume
so taken and
wherever I go.
am I to recognize
you as such
Tramp By size of my feet
and my appearance.
Sheriff -How do you know yourself
to be a tramp
seeking grub, by be-
often denied but ready In try
Sheriff-How did you gain
lo this town
Tramp By a good long
Directions For Making a Small Q
of Soap.
Take one-half can potash, one
pint of cold water. Pour water on
stir till melted. I'm
gloves on something around
your mouth, a- the of the
potash are apt tn make you cough.
Set away for two or three hours or
overnight. Midi n ii howl or some-
thing that the inside will not come
off. Melt three
grease and of
If is wanted for toilet
soap i -cut. rose or violet,
pour in . and
fur minutes. Put paper in
pan pour snap in. 1-t
it harden for two or days and
cut in
. for cleaning
can. . i ii i . . ;. For water or nine urn
least two of lire
several lumps of soda. For the oil
cruet use warm water a little
washing to remove tho
Then put in a of rice
with warm , shake vigor-
and rinse in clear water. Jo
not use the soda in vinegar
A. H.
Pi ice.
We sell for cash
man. Lydie and Prof. G. j tramps.
;. left morning
for the at
will dining
summer school. Others
are intending to go next
Farming of all kinds
at Barber A Co.
Mrs. L Cox, who has been
visiting relatives and friends
Greenville for several days, re-
turned Saturday evening.
A nice lot of new summer Bug-
Robes at Harrington, Barber
A Co.
Furniture going cut from the
Eastern Carolina Co. by the
wagon load.
The pathfinders to the E. C.
Go's store will reach the spot under
astonishing conditions when finding
the variety of goods pertaining to
tho Furniture line.
Eastern Carolina Supply Co
Winterville, N. C.
Tim A. G. Cox Manufacturing
Co. has just received
axles made like buggy axles,
In fact they looked Just like baby
buggy to me. said they
had got them fur their tobacco
trucks, so I could not s-e
they were going lo so
but I hey assured
making the best truck-
on and there would
were you received
end of a police
man's billy, applied to my head.
did the policeman
dispose of you
took me round to the
S. E. and W. where we found the
city marshal, police judge, and jail-
or, and many questions were asked
did the judge say
to you
advised me to walk in
regular and upright steps and to
give up tramping.
you be off or from
Tramp I'll be off if
you let go my collar.
way you
what are you in
which by my own
endeavors, and the aid of others. I
hope never to obtain.
My friend, you are now the in
institution whore the wicked
from troubling and the weary an as
bad as the rest. will now be
conducted to die
by a flight of five or more stairs.
Instead of corn, wine and oil the
wages of ancient tramps, yours will
he bread and water for live days,
and when you and your
ions escape from this place, divide
be any trouble an mi aiding Ii fin I y into parties of three each,
j take a bee-line for Portland and
where soup houses are open
CUT PRICES all winter. For the present you
follow the turnkey and fear no
r danger us long as you behave
regular yourself.
price our price
Tennyson's poems,
price fide our price
regular price our price
Longfellow's Birthday books,
regular price our pries
complete works, reg
In His stops, regular price
our price
progress our
New Testaments, regular
price our price
Remarks, regular
price price
In to above named
hooks u off t others v
. i-d i. S. l.
It. T.
Mr. has come home to ex-
plain. While he is explaining how
and his other associates got
so much mining stock and mi much
money from coal
wouldn't it be well also to explain
how his company managed to ct so
many millions from the
the States and the District of
Columbia for n by means of
tho so-called union station act Men
who cheerfully receive bribes will as
Cheerfully low
and Bliss gel mil o
iii. -i H ii station graft for the
I Tell till, Mi.
A Kitchen
When frying ham or pork or any
fond that i- apt to spatter a x -11 n.
newspapers spread around the
will prevent the but unsightly I
grease that into the wood .
and are so very to remove.
tacked to the wall at
the back of the range and spread
around on the before com-
to blacken I lie stove will
catch all the dust and black lead.
You will a
on Buying Beef.
Fine, well beef is distinguish-
ed the bright red color of the
lean, which be marbled with
fat; by the pinkish of tin-
fat, and the suet being firm
beef is lean, the ill
colored and the yellow it is not
good. Did has a streak of
horn tic fat and
lean of the sirloin and ribs.
Lay I I articles in the sun
wet with Mid-. this does not
answer chop extract the juice
from two onions and bail with
half a pint of vinegar, till ounce of
while soap two ounces of full-
earth, spread this when cool,
on the scorched part when i
Wash in dear brief. I
treat a scorch us you would
any other.
For a Shabby Carpel.
To brighten u shabby carpet put
a of vinegar into a pail
of warm water and over the
entire with tin- mixture. The
carpet be thoroughly
brushed, and he taken
to merely ii with the vinegar
and Allow it to dry
before walked upon.
We are sole agents
for Enameled Beds.
to plead
We have received our full line of WASH G
consisting of
a general beef should In-
cut thin, la.-a sirloin
tin- i- considered the moat
eaten so
that the joint tan be i over to I
be CUt. rue should be cum-
should I.- cut in the middle,
the Cellar.
A cellar mill lie often
dried hi iii -I ii peek of fr.-.-n
lime an be. A peel, of
lime will about
or more than three -plaits of water,
in th.- n or milk
house may so--1 lie dried.
It in often In prevent the
pile of velvet from -i; i r in
stitching it. and n plan i to
place a piece cf material
on it. linger.
resting on will Hat ten the j
Pealing Hint.
B silver knife lo peel s
and the will be i
as when a steel is used. TI.
acid of the fruit acts I
on the iron in the letter case, but j
does not affect the silver.
will be cordially invited
to these goods,
Ask your friends to go on your Bond when you can get it furnished at a small cost.
We can sign Judicial Bonds for Guardians, etc., in FIVE
Any to be filed In the Court issued at once
Call on or write
The U. S. FIDELITY and GUARANTY CO., Baltimore, Md.
H. A. WHITE, General Agent, or
H W. WHEDBEE, Attorney
Greenville, N. C.

g g S w
S g
rt i
f ,
f -I
, o
-Z .
I Oil
C R D that word U
-i ;. d
S. k
I ii -m.
i .
i i i i.
Will of
Take Publisher
I . U -i. . ,, M . in
I I I III . i
-II i .
t,. . I i . i .,. ll- I'll. .,,
I I'll . . i. n
By ,
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I i I, ., ,. ,
I rill . Iii ,., ,,
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I till n ,
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I. Hi .
r , i. . . . , , . t
; . i.
I. n -I. i in . r- .
. . . ,.
-I . i .
i-i . .- r
t IV
M- .
M . t Quite
j Type m
. Ill i -Ml -t I
will ., i . ,,.lOX I.
;. M ii,
r. OS SC g
in ll a. in. fur Greenville leave
. , will
York, n and all other
to. c y
I. . h I .
N Norfolk
A . K, R,
mil ct to
i . a i.
i i . . i
i. ii . . i,. in i
r .- , i . , i
ll ll . I r i r- ll I
I- ll I III-
. . i- i Ml I
i in-Ill. n. -a.
i .
. .- i. i-. i
. , i
I .-,
. -lit, Green
hi T. and
i .
, . . -i.
.; .
i . Nerf
.- L in
i- every
to i. i . en lie
i em be
to refer
ins of
North . I
R. L.
Greenville, N. G.
.; in
. Ill
. ii bed
IT. . . ,; ll
i .
for . n to
two vi v i i.
I i . i . i II . r
cur., us ha
-I V I. . . . r-.-. Y
r nil
ti.-i. ii. . t i i i
K. II. Ind.
Dr. Miles l by your
i that
bottle win It It ha
will money.
Miles Medical Co., Ind
A Wonderful Record. U liE,; Hi
in. by
Dr. I i. -.-.--. favorite
i a inn.-
all Hi.-
an anti-i r-
and I
about n nUt It
cur.-s lb.- back periodical
the In pi
region, up ,
pelvic drain, s.V and
Incident ,
is the
the ma ken
which are not afraid in prim
formula, on the Unit
their Into
It is the mil medicine fr
woman, every which has
the most r-
and writers of our day, recommend I
It for the fur which
In ii is the only
medicine women, sold
rough drugging, which not con-
a large of alcohol, so
harmful in the l an. to
women, Ii has more genuine
cures to its credit than all oilier
for women combined, having
saved from the
operating table the surgeon's knife.
It has delicate, weak women to
I strong vigorous health virility,
making motherhood possible, where there
was barrenness before, thereby brighten-
lug and making happy many thousands
of homes by the little ones to
strengthen the marital bonds and add
sunshine where a ml despondency
had before.
Write to Dr. it. V. Pierce, He a
fatherly, professional advice.
U a plain. envelope,
Address Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. do not
They effectually the
The People's Common Sense Medical
j. Adviser, by Dr. Pierre, Plus pages, is sent
receipt of stamps to nay expense
of Send one-rent slumps
for the book in paper stumps
for the volume. Address
a in in
Mires Hi.
h I-
, .-,
i h
Happenings of Interest in North
T. s, a prominent lawyer
f Fa t- t vi e, died in Ki I
p.-. evening where be had
pone for treatment in a
He was I i of J. A.
of No
Kn s--,, , in. Mi-. M.
o'clock i h- I s
j . in The
lied to ll h ii.
i a which Ii- i
in . in fie .
ran away, tin w g Mrs.
on tin i it-, m , .
Was fractured and she
June A
on Ii . m to
be effect ii u . limn .
known u was
and id i-iii. mi
J I i i Walton, N
I he lie but
it bin brother was the
last man with him. The dead
mail of age, the
ion Mr. Dunn, mid leave
u ii three
. . ,
. ll pi
all. in Pearl
Junta, the i . i- operator
this shot fatally
i a who.
. iii own
an upon her.
Mine is a
w-iii at
. III t she
of others and for t-n-
service of
She united the
lunch when only a girl, and for
ii. A.
is a
lo-r if at Ii n- i-i . i e .
She know-
loved by the whole comma ill v,
having her entire life lo.
showed, haft reloaded her -I
-i-ii She rill i
i i-i duties a- i ,.
p. and i o i
A i- ,
growing, I he of i. t
her a me
revolve-, a
citizens and visitors of tin. i.-.,.
up and tie
line are contribution money to
purchase a gold medal lot her.
That industrious Republican,
United States linden, of
New Jersey, who is also president of
the Prudential Life Insurance Com-
is very rich and the following
example of how ho accumulated his
millions should act as a warning to
insurers lo examine
a policy before they
Kale Wright, of No. K 125th
street, New York, been paying
R devotion of kingdom
on was loyal,
remains laid at real in
I Hi-cemetery on Sunday nor
. . , .
J, Harper, of n-,,.,, and
this pine. The
were W. M, lung,
J F. Dixon, E. M
I. John T. Flanagan, S.
Smith, W. J. a
Mr. and Mrs. James
of Kinston, who had been
Mrs. Will Ling, ti
Mrs. Mart E. of
I as home a i-ii to
bet daughter, Mrs. John Sum P.
Miss Annie of ,
vi filing Um Alic Hines,
Mr. and Mrs.
an are enjoying the
this we
Li r-
Is .
consolidated the stocks of H. A. and A. Hick
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything net hi
We will carry an up-to-date line
Hats, Shoes, Dress Notions,
In Groceries we will all a full line of the very best goo;
the staples like
Sugar, Coffee, but all
Canned Goods, the finest
twenty-five a week for fifteen
a Prudential policy that
called for the payment of l iii when
her mother died. She has already
paid and the insured
The is day, and
of paying and went into conn with d with
attempt to compel the issuing of
a paid-up policy. She claims the
company baa turned a deaf tar to
her numerous petitions,
t special favor offered to
issue a paid up policy for
the policy did not tall for
such n hi., concession. No won-
Dryden is rich and controls the
I,, part . him- of
Jersey and can elect
-tales Senator.
Mr one the
strongest He supply anything to wear or to oat, and pay hi st
t has been co h COUNTRY PRODUCE. Q prices of our goods will please
of meeting here for i h s
No. I. O, O.
will on Sunday afternoon l
p a . in house
in id ii ii in com
i ion of their
The each in the
to render a
lodge will also render a
on Unit occasion.
II. II. Moore will
n a re i
his i.
baa a trained linger who . tie
choir adding much to thee.
Mrs. J. V mist charm-
entertained Magazine
on f y evening
to After regular and
re tiling of last in a
delightful carried out
Hisses and .
and j
ices and fruits were
ed, after which they adjourned to
meet next lime with Mis. Will
Miss Gussie hi, of a
is visiting Misses Bead and
N. C.
Examination K- Carriers.
One July there vi
in an examination to
a register of for
rural free delivery fol
m, other j between of IT, and
years, of good mu i charm.
short dresses will lie I r.-.
ants who.
Ii .
-ill tin
or it, .,,
w SI
. lie
. for i i-
. . ,
M. felt
. -I
I In .
n IV- lit
Odd Fellows are without
to Join The public is cordially
Invited attend,
L. James,
K. A. Col
L. II Render,
who wish u take
must apply to i he
it Greenville on or June
Mis. G H. Atkinson, of is In a
secretary of V. from which any
A died suddenly at Asheville might may he -d
On Friday
night she delivered the
add test at lie which ,. .,
metal Asheville, and was u
with ii during for a burglar awl
address. mm hi the
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
The Hardware Mar.
ft I-ST.
Cur specialty
.- i
fleeter Job Print
I i
paid for
and nu
Tin Animal,
fight of
ills OS ,, .
i .
I . i-1 pan in
. II
. . bud
. . .
. . . hi
nu I i
. . . . ,.
. fellow.
-j m
n nu . d y for a
iii began, and alter
the round
to his con r ti I y
like a
in the at the ;
man had one .
I I-, looked
n . it of third
round the We nit. When
lo I
Ii I
do .
don i
Sever i
LOts for
ear Five Points on
Cell on or address
ville, N. c.
. -j. s .

an Occasion
Secretary the Mend.
he is talking
the revision probably will be
Congress has business for
almost weeks without anyone
being called a outside of a few
committee headings.
An inquisitive respondent
mats to know all those
i i re vegetarians
Couldn't i newer lot the packers, but
certainly ought to
Senators Burton and Smoot can
now rub each other don with an i-
. now.
,,., . rep rt is the
T, ., whole lot
Gen Miles to be able to say
Id u
i it It Bits Caught up Here an
There That Arc Interesting.
excessive rain damaging
Bushels of corn at Frank V.
ad. s w.
For Sale brick,
ca . per Hemby
V. V. No. , N. t.
With of sickness
round town more
that all premises should be
kept clean-
Supt. A. Dunlap tells us that
the additional machinery has
shipped tor providing d electric
V Johnson for low prices .
D J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
Greenville's Big Department Stores.
Hot Weather Merchandise
y v Johnston for special
The R Hector hub
u th- be
w. mid beeswax
M. Schultz.
I have taken up one bar
s t. about CO pounds,
no ear marks. Owner same
by paying
abounding in plentiful beauty and cheapness here.
ft materials tor June Selling are for your inspection and in quantities to meet your de-
T the
be appreciate d.
any i
at the C-r y. And if they do. h.
will take precautions to see
; re no led.
What a mannered thing
tattling a
Men after a more In
thin swell n of lately
With I crawling to-
century mark, the adjourn-
of cornea appreciably
nearer in spite of of leg-
i IS retired from
public life id i -in h not heard of
for a
R, X.
Greenville. N. C
It ; SI
. hog, a
J. Cox,
No. i.
Wire ti
, . BY
j. w. PK r A
Cotton Norfolk, i
gt ow
Bankers Brokers,
Norfolk. Va.
Hew York
A- o'clock on Monday
July will sell at th late
U. home place Heave town
snip, S.
. . , ,, .
Due saw mill complete with belt,
l and saw, all perfect
will guarantee to cut
inch in hours Reason
telling no i r to saw. out -i-
steel in perfect
order, running y, boiler
pounds cold water pres-
lire, The Mutual Machine
Co., Washington, N. C One Si-Horse
Power Engine in i o bet-
made One 18-Horse Power I
One 16- Po Engine.
good as new.
Saws. One Wood Saw. almost
Seed Crasher. One Grist
Mill with belt, shafting, mill
pick-, mill This mil is noted
ii-. good is in
running order, one set of Rocks
most new. feet with
complete. rang-
loot to five feet. One
Ii with sell-feeder condenser
bell, In perfect running
login a bale of cotton in I
minutes. I Cotton Press good as
Dew. Lots of things goes
with a -aw mill, gristmill
and cotton sin. Terms of sale one
cash of sale, balance when
All property
must lie in ten days
A a e lot of hand-made
Buck sale. Apply W. T.
Bit he .
Colored Dress Goods
cool in i mall
dots and figures, butt
patterns and solid for to cent
per yard. Brown cs percales,
madras and gingham.
White Goods Depart-
Inch French lawn yard
inch Persian to yard
inch Persian lawn
inch Handkerchief linen to yd
inch yard
inch Irish linen to yard
inch Union cotton, but
almost as pretty as ell linen for more
money at yard.
Lovely dotted swiss, the real imported
kind, in small neat from to
for shirt waists
and dresses this seasons newest patterns
from to variety great
and patterns lovely.
Laces S Embroideries
We are showing pretty things
in this laces we rave baby
Irish French,, Plat
Round thread Val in all
overs, bands and edges Batiste and Baby
Irish combined from tie loveliest of
trimmings of the season, we are showing
it in exquisite patterns, suitable for very
sheer materials as well as the heavier
kinds. Black baby Irish all overs end
bands to match.
Notion depart-
should rest you, es we are showing
useful and desirable novelties.
Yes we have kinds and
acme gr end large
breezy In paper, and gauze.
The silk gauze fans, real
decorations incl Ivory are lovely
cheap as to 53.50 others
with cheaper sticks and
Shopping bags in white kid, canvas
end f leathers in black and colors from
cents to
Pretty white wash bells embroidered
and some with detached buckles is guilt
and pearl, the prices range from to
Guilt belts, leather belts, silk belts
all prices.
Ladies hosiery in black and white
gauze, some plain, some j embroidered,
some lace boots, others lace all over, all
sizes and prices.
Infants and in black
and white all sizes from to
Ladies and infants gauze vests, short
and long sleeves.
Nazareth and Daisy waists tor boys
and girls, cool comfortable, all sizes
tops and cords and
stamped linens, embroidery silks and
Ready made waists in ladies sizes,
handsomely trimmed with embroidery
and lace, some look like hand embroidery
prices from to
Plain S Fancy Black
Batiste, French Silk mulls, Per-
lawn, Mercerized madras and many
ether wears from to yard.
is ready to meet your wants in
Corset;, in and
L Future-.
ft Aug.
July Lard
f Mi
. en.
. Our stock of House- I
keep Line is
Should meet your approval. All kinds of
Towels, Bath rags, table
kins and Dollies. A good at
ii prices.
. Ill
. . , r- w -i
. .
II S i
, . .,, , . -i it. n-
. . ,,. , ,. i- Ii
, . ,. ii- r -n l-i--
I, ,. ,, .- i ii .
A. I-.
,, , i ii i- in
I. HI .
1.1-. ii,.,
Toilet Soaps, Tooth Brush
es, Nail brushes, Hair brushes, and combs
others at
The Shoe Department
Is to serve v V U the best -1
Potato Quo Hi n .
P iv, j. uses quote i on
potatoes today in the Northern
I i l
White l to Bid
Hose to mm-g
Rod and White BUM ,,, , ft
of In
I, n-, Hi- I i
mid hi I ;
or Io K
i; ;
.,.,,. . III ,.,,.,
, , . r.
By. i. i
. i i hi. of
of I
-ii i. . . i
. , , . .-,. i -i
l. Hi i i.
ii, --I i i M
M i, , mill i .
Ir-i I ii ii I'll -I
. . Ill i I o
by wisps
. in is . i
a u c show
to serve yen nine . r. i
in of Court . Cat . pumps
in Ladies .
ace n . Window I F. r. Art are rS v. . add very
l- we always have good for y
. j. u.
Loss Will Reach
if. greatest
fie 11- of 1901,
v h properly loss of about
the sacrifice of
at an early
morning the water
For h the entire harbor
on i side, the flames
being with kept within
fines of wharf of the
t- Miners
the south
tide a battle fought
prevent n wholesale
l-y spread from
members of the Essex
U two tore It
i- believed the missing
mere bun or jumped
i d were drowned. The
JOAN second
Five other were rescued
with the Mary,
narrowly escaping
in the or drowning,
as en- to make
vessel from
as the for-
mer boat away from the
burning steamer.
. June
th i- good headway
am, the farmers a miserable
Misses Boss and Lillian
Thomas, of visiting
Mr-. W. A.
Mis Susie went to Green-
Coroner's Jury at Selma Heart
Evidence in Case of Miss
Pearl Jones.
Selma, the pres
at least, the killing of the
Bud by the
brave little telephone operator
Miss Pearl Jones, of place, is
a closed the matter
will be to rest until the
of Superior com t
this county. So far as Miss Jones
is concerned it is a thing of the
this, as tie result of the
jury having completely
exonerated her.
When she the room
every eye was upon her
and there until she was
excused and left the building.
This seemed sufficient
to unnerve bi-r. Instead, her walk
was as steady s a soldier and she
was an as if she had been
duty, from be search-
Her voice was
s and
being both graceful and good
looking, she completely
many of whom ha;
never u hi r More. She
her story deliberately, using good
language, and impressed every
present her candor sin-
Among other things she said she
had the
such an attack had prepared
a pistol she
kept by her when
she duty always
hand she was
one room to On this
night when opened the
door she thought she could hear
something Inn saw until
Passes From Earth to Her
Mrs. Pattie Bynum
nearly years and widow of the
late Mr. W. R. Parker, died a few
minutes past six o'clock Sunday
at her home in South
Mrs. Parker was in Farm-
township August
At the ago of I J years she united
with Antioch
w as by Be v. George
She lived
the year when she
m to At the
of the Christian church
in her membership was
here where it remained
her death.
January 1892, two years
after coining to Greenville, she was
to Mr. W. B.
as s devoted wife. The
death of her husband a few mouths
tended to hasten her demise,
and it is remarkable that she pass-
ed away on the day set apart by
the Odd Fellows on which to bold
memorial exercises to Mr. Parker.
Her death due to asthma and
complications arising therefrom.
Six years ago Mrs Parker became
a cripple from rheumatism and
was never able to go about after-
ward except by aid of a rolling
She was a great sufferer,
though always patient, cheerful
and uncomplaining.
standing her affliction, she was
ever faithful and devoted to the
her Master. She an
active member of the Christian
Exercises Held Sunday
she filed the first just to lie j Woman's Mission Board of the
sure. When she saw j crunch, and had the meetings held
in the at lit-1 to enable her to take
the firing until she was out of
cartridges. Sue said certainly she
v returned Tues- shot to hit and would have teen
very sorry if he had escaped As
W A. after
ding Mine in Greenville
s. rammed Thurs-
day, d by U J. Which
aid Jr.
h. a caller in
R O. I'm went to Wash-
on .
V. a was in ye-
i. i
J R Which spent Monday
spent Tues-
win. Mrs. L. R. Which-
n, of Stokes, was in
., mi
to 48.50.
potatoes to
Newark, 4.00 5.00
Pittsburgh, Fancy 5.00
-i is now on
It i like
up Vi i . Well, this lust
per quart.
A In-nits on
an id o
s I,, at
cu per t the gross
tin- two cars
aggregate of op-
wail means turn
among the pickers daily
sections of the county
as well or better, and this
means of putting
quite a little of
what Is considered the
full of the
it tinned out, she has no remorse
nor to Sue was
excused the evidence closed.
like the goal, bad
ready voted and the foreman
Selma township, in the matter
I he jury
and sworn to make
in the death of Bud Richard-
son, by whom produced when
where, consideration of
the by us, that
the d Bud
I i shot fired from
pistol in tie hands one Pearl
Jones who undoubtedly fired
shot in the of her honor,
this jury
commends her.
s. Holt,
W. i
It is me
lodges Mini lies of
only gins iii prove the
no sympathy nice
hi re.
part the
Mrs. Parker is survived by
in in-is and two Jo-
J. Bynum, of Mr.
W. U. Bynum, of Wilson, Mrs J
M. Barrett, of and Mrs
Henry Harris, of Falkland. She
leaves children but her
are Miss Ellen Parker
W. B. Parker, of Greenville,
C. of
as of and
of Wilmington.
The funeral services were con-
ducted by Rev. H. H. Moore st
o'clock this afternoon in
Christian church, followed by in.
by the side of her late
in Cherry Hill cemetery.
E. A. Jr., C.
J. L. B.
Williams, T. R. Moore and J.
iK. J. A. Lang, W. J.
H. L. Coward, D. O.
L. lamer.,
t Lodge I. O. O. F. held
its memorial exercises Sun-
day Masonic temple
opera house. There was a good
the were
very program
Doxology, combined choirs
and audience.
by Baptist choir.
Prayer, by ex-Gov. T. J. Jarvis.
Anthem, by the Methodist
Report of secretary.
Duet, by Mrs. T. E. Hooker
Mrs. H. H. Moore, of
by members of lodge.
Eulogies, by E. a. and F.
Address, by Rev. H. H. Moore.
by members of
The report of Secretary E. E
Griffin showed that the lodge had
lost only member by death
during the past year W. R.
he also read
names of all who had died in the
last years.
The remarks of Messrs.
and on the lite and char-
of Mr. Parker were most
bare testimony to
his worth and the loss the com-
and the lodge had sustain-
ed in his death.
The subject of H. H.
Moore's address was
and it was an admirable one.
He spoke not only the
arising from the joining
together of
Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, made reference to
many blessings growing out of it.
The music was excellent and
r, fleeted credit those who ten-
Perfect Cakes Found in Cans in
Ruins Burned Ice Factory.
When an examination was made
today of the of an ice factory
destroyed by fire last Thursday in
each of the freezing cans, which had
been lowered into a tank of brine
just before the; was found
a full sized cake of ice as clear and
perfect as if it had been frozen under
ordinary conditions, instead Of
seething furnace, which had I delicious peaches all-
swept everything before it for two ed Blue Banks, each
Nev, r has there
together a fairer or lovelier f
which on June the tenth met at
Hanks the famous Tar
lo recreation
net home of Misses I Eva
Wilkinson, after
Happenings of Interest in North
Tho Democrat of the tenth dis-
have nominated W. IS. Craw-
lord for congress.
Tho North Merchants If.
tail association meets at Morehead
City this week.
a half squares. basket well filled
Another result of the lire was the good things which was nigh-
killing of many fish, by the water y enjoyed. There was plenty for
thrown on the fire, which, and plenty left. The Farm-
impregnated with nicotine from crowd met by the Smiths
a tobacco warehouse, was conducted ;. u crowd. Never has Fan, ville
to the river by Point d lads lassies
Enterprise. more enjoyable day from
to end. Boat riding,
climbing the sleep hills, strolling
the sand and
. the wild flowers d
v the lovely- listen-
it-; to little bird-
as they to make live
each other, while some love s
re seated beneath the
the grass or the root
a tree, vowing their love for
other. The day was all that
be asked for. M .
of the we e in making the
drive more pleasant.
those present
Harries and Miss Ellen Ty-on,
Frank Thigpen and Miss
Burnett, Henry Hyde
Maggie Gay, bur Stamper and
Miss Eva Tyson
-id Miss Wilkinson, Lon-
Matthews and Miss Blanche
Frank Tyson and Miss Rosa-
Tyson, Ben Joy and Miss
Hearne, and
Hisses and Carmen Flan-
i mo, Johnnie Flanagan and Miss
Mary Belle Joe Smith
Miss Trilby Smith. Haywood
Smith and Mi Vary Smith, Lloyd
and Miss Caroline Little,
Tom at d Miss Agnes
Smith, Smith and Misses
Rosa and Ellen Smith and a good
bundle of stags.
Alter enjoying the beautiful
scenery and the m st bountiful
dinner all departed,
voting the an entire
and hoping to speed just
such another day.
In a wreck of a train near
on the Southern rail-
road eleven cars were demolished.
Representative Small, of North
Carolina, has introduced a bid
which looks to construction of
better and safer mail cars. It
orders the Postmaster General
to have plans prepared for a fire-
proof, bandit-defying steel car.
The bill ought to pass. Both
business and humanitarian
ons dictate this. On the
side, the government is
paying about a year
for rental of postal cars owned
by railroads. So high is this
rental that cars are for in
two or three years, according to
statements currently made in
Congressional discussion. The
government could well afford to
own its cars. If is no de-
certainly should in-
on getting good car's for
what it pays. Good steel cars
ought to be provided without ad-
ding B dollar to the present
It is little less than criminal.
to lock overworked postal clerks
Into the flimsy structures
provided for postal cars,
are smashed to kindling wood in
every wreck, with
chances that the will
be tired and the wretched wight
who may have escaped in
the crash subjected to the more
exquisite torture to
Pullman cars don't telescope
or burn. Neither do properly
constructed day coaches. Tic
number of mail clerks killed
maimed is greater than of
car passengers, yet the a.-.
A colored boy and a man were number of sleeping c
killed at Mt. Olive, Saturday, by passengers is hundreds of
coming in contact with a live wire , greater than of mail clerks. The
e Grandma Made.
The entire force, the editor
to the devil, are under
obligations to
bunch ginger cakes like grand
ma used to make, that was sent to
us yesterday just noon.
They looked good, they tasted
good they wire good,
and very good co send
i on
Several women of Chicago,
graduating last from a clans
in domestic i said to
have received diploma certifying
they are qualified to keep
house for u
were given
a practical exhibition
their skill in the preparation of
breakfasts, luncheons and
breakfast that was shown had
been at
cents and was to satisfy
many the hunger of four persons.
for a ,. dinner consisted
meat, two Vegetables, a salad and
a pudding for tour, prepared at a
In cents. women
who can perform these miracles
deserve good husbands without de-
lay, and husbands with more than
a week.
men on the engine, those grimy
heroes who traditionally
stoics, at their posts and to
death with hand throttle, are
the only class whose chance f
A telephone wire had broken
fallen across an electric light wire
. H. B. Varner, editor of the
Lexington Dispatch, was elected
first vice president of National
Association in session at
Rocky Mount, June
Pearl Jones is the recipient of a j the railroad companies tor l
beautiful locket chain, given I privilege of having its most
by the Atlantic Cast Line force at servants unmercifully
South Rocky Mount, In to red, and the practice ought
i her bravery In shouting the Times
at Selma a few days ago.
one side of the locket her in-
E. t-re engraved, on
the other, the A. L.
Office Rocky
Rocky Mount, N. June lo-
ll Nina Moore was awakened
Wednesday morning about three
o'clock by a entering her
room. Her screams brought her
to the scene at once
the made good his es-
cape through a window. She was of
course, very badly and
was thrown Into an extremely
but is now get-
Killed His Way into Favor
William No. -153 Haw-
thorn street, returned to
yesterday with the
of having bee elected hon-
member of a Maids
club in Syracuse, an honor never
upon a man. Mr
qualified for membership
by kissing all the members of the
club, beautiful young
en, and he was very proud of it.
accidental death on the rail -1 He was in last week on
pares with that of the tint wedding
clerks. . Miss Ethel
The government is r who was before her marriage a
her of the IV.-.-hi r
After the ceremony
at Kinston.
will have a big Mason
celebration on the and .
A large delegation of Masons fro
this section had anticipated gob
over to take part in the
but so far have been unable I
reach any arrangements with
Atlantic Coast Line tor a
train. On occasions in
past it has been easy to
trains for this purpose, but th
time the railroad officials do
even show courtesy to answer
about It, which l
rather strange.
kissed the bride The remaining
members that they should
be declared on that part of tho
ceremony. Although old enough to
be a father to M. he
the add kissed every one
d the women
A meeting of the club was
held at once and Mr. was
elected an honorable member.
Too Much
says discharge the
weather clerk hire another
one. That might not help matters,
but the tonight and to-
has become a
phase. It may keep on that way
until the moon changes again.
In n

Eastern reflector, 15 June 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 15, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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