Eastern reflector, 8 June 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

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Auto Car.
Mr. Fm y, i f Kin-
lien awhile in
n. ti car, lie
i on
me from a j
Hi The car I.
. y half n
we i i Hoy
Briley and Fannie An-
R, I Jones and Jennie
Bates and
L. II. and
G. J. Joyner and Spell,
O. Mason, Jr., a d
den on.
Eli Harris and J
we are always for better; always
working to sea re values and styles superior
to stores, when
Ladies . on b
began to sell pap . us we investigate, we
said to ourselves,
d. i I
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new that its . convinced us that the patterns are as high grad
e Magazine
grade as
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v i S I , . . i
C- I ha II t a a
mo I
Free At Our ;, Come And Get One.
We are i Dress Goods Silks and
, , etc
J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Township, N. C. June 4th.
A- ii e time is approaching for
the people Pitt county to select
good and faithful men to represent
in me legislative assembly, I
to call attention to the fact
that there has been so much writ-
ten about railroad lawyers
the people and the
corporations at
it becomes very important that we
should have a representative in
the house of representatives
who is not dominated by the in-
of the great railroad
We should, I think,
have at least one lawyer in the
house of representatives, but it is
very that we have a
lawyer who is not a railroad law-
I to recommend for this
a wan of tine ability
and attainments, a good lawyer
who is on the side of the people
and is not a railroad lawyer. That
man is Mr. Julius Brown, of
N. C.
Mr Brown is a young
lawyer of high and
ability, and I feel confident in
that interest of the
people be in hands if we
M . Brown to the Legislature.
He is not a railroad lawyer, but a
who was raised
mid interest
y allied with the
He knows their needs
to the Legislature
me. interest
Board of Aldermen for Next
The town election passed oft
very quietly Monday, quiet in
that attention had
c tiled it hardly be told
an was progress. The
result was in with the
nominations made at the previous
primaries except in the ward,
where E. M. wan run a an
independent and defeated B. T.
Bailey, the nominee. One scat-
vote was cast the fourth
ward and with these exceptions
everything was for the
The voting was very light, not
more half the strength in any
ward being shown. The
of votes cast was as
First M.
B. T. Bailey
Second S. Spain B.
W. Mosely
Third H. Tail
Fourth K. Hooker
Carr W. F. I.
Fifth J. Wood-
They begin their term of office
n July 2nd.
Greenville Gets Increase.
Washington, D. C, June 5.-
North Carolina postmasters will
fare well in the annual readjust-
of salaries now being made
under the direction of the first as-
postmaster general. On
July the salaries of sixteen post-
masters the state will be
ed, the increase from
to in each
The salary of tie at
Greensboro will he from
to a year. The in-
crease in are as fol-
Albemarle, to
Beaufort, to 91.8000; Bur-
to Carthage
to Chapel Hill.
to S 1,300 to
Dunn, to
Elkin. to Fayette-
to Goldsboro,
Greenville, t
Hendersonville, to
is cl
i township will heartily
Ml. Julius Brown for
the Le and we heartily
d him to the people of
Pit cm i . w. w. Bullock,
N. C, June 1900.-
K. Ward, of was
Miss Satterthwaite is
spending., few days in Washing-
H. M. Jenkins, Washington,
was line Friday.
ft. W . of
was lie
B. C of paid
us a call Monday.
G. G. of Washington, was
here Saturday.
K. R, lost a fine
mule Thursday.
Miss Latham, of Aurora
Miss Li ii.- Ward in
Mi. m d W. M. Moore were
the J J.
an-1 w i Sunday,
report all crops doing
and they area
J. went to
re received the
v ii.
Mr. Henry Case
of your presence
Mr. Irving Curtis Gary
on the evening of Wednesday the
of June,
at seven o'clock.
First Presbyterian Church
Fulton, New
Will be at home
After September the first
Rochester street
Fulton, New York.
Black Jack, N. C. June f
E d t G. Johnston returned
Sunday from
where he had been con
dieting a quarterly meeting.
Misses Mattie Mills
returned a visit to friends
last week.
Misses Maggie Smith and Maud
J. S. ail
the commencement at
; last week.
J- O. has
he last few days, but is
Grover from near Had-
dock's X Roads, spent Sunday
night with his brother,
at this place.
Miss Bessie Adams returned
home yesterday from a visit to
J. Dixon, E. L. Clark,
Charlie Parker and Dixon
all attended I In Ayden
Misses Edwards,
Maggie Hudson attend
d Si; Li lay school here Sunday.
Elder W. H
conducted services here
and spent the with
G S. Porter and E r,.
at Salem Sunday.
A warm
crops look
Adams and Maul
M-inker to an lee cream
Friday night near Haddocks
X Road
afternoon here
nit ii friend.
The R V. D. can from here
2.221 of mail
Burroughs went
K Cox and Mi-
J. II. Mills to Washington
county matters.
Increase in Acreage Will Reach Proceedings the Commission-
The hoard county commission-
w- r In regular session
on Monday, all the members
Condition of the Crop
on May 25th Was
Washington, June crop
estimating board of the bureau of Orders were drawn on the treas-
of the de- as For
finds the total area paupers county home sup-
plies repairs
t health bridges
and ferries jail
court lion-.- conveying
prisoners jury tickets
planted of cotton the
State this year to be
acres, an of
1.686,000 acres, or 6.2 percent, as
compared the total estimated
acreage planted last year The
average condition of the growing
crop on May 25th was 84.6, as
compared with and at the
dates in 1905. and
1904 respectively, and a ten year
per cent. The
percentage of acreage in the
states and the St
is compared year,
toe condition of crop,
on May 25th are shown
he folio lug
No. F.
N. C. June 1906.
The in j Angel of Death has
tin- household of Brother
J. U. Latham, and its blight
touch upon unrest and
tenderest flower bis home.
The prattling music of baby's
is Still, and the
flickering of a little
bis silently faded away,
its place fills the cold
shadow of grief and sadness.
For the heart in a lo-s
costs blanks . ,
a, . . . like this, is no nor cure
attorney 8.5; register deeds . , .
sympathy and hope.
For Embezzlement.
Earnest E. who has been
working at the A. C. L. station
here for a few was arrested
Monday and taken by the sheriff to
Greenville where he is charged
with embezzlement. was
at Farmville for the E. C.
road and there fell behind in hi
Mr. Bridgers endeavored to help
he came here and
cured a situation. Since be came,
we are told that he gave a
his month to pay for
Farmville shortage, Mr.
trying to permit him to, b
monthly payments, make the
The bonding company however,
a view was not
so charitable as Mr. Bridgers, so
Jessie the company began a
with the result that Vick, who is
clever young was taken to
Greenville where he gave bond
What defense he s, if he
denies any this re pin-
tut not been able to ascertain.
T is said f. he about
Ten it
commissioners 536.80;
sheriff general roads 960.-
Greenville raids 71.28;
dock law 8,070.47; stock
The treasurer and
of health tiled then monthly
The following changes were
made in list; Alex
Greene mt at per mouth,
John Pollard and family reduced
to 2.50 per mouth.
worth increased to and Will-
Bernard to per mouth.
A. G. Which constable of
Greenville township, tendered his
I resignation which was accepted-
of successor
until July meeting.
Joe was ed
superintendent of roads
at a salary of
month, assistant, to
same salary as heretofore.
The public mad petitioned for
at May meeting b ginning at Ma-
con and through
to road at Frog Level, was
ordered laid out; also the road
beginning at road and
through of W. J.
others to Kin m
Therefore, lie
we member of Cove-
I. O. O. K. lamenting
the misfortune Ha
Brother Latham lily
and in the
Love and Truth, do extend to them
our heartfelt love,
bowing o the in-
And we point lo them
for comfort, the Ore it While
Throne, around whose base, in
sweetest harmony the little bales
are to their
That a copy
lie sent Brother Latham, a Copy
handed The Daily for
publication, and a copy be spread
upon the minutes m our
L. Carr. ti. C.
E. E 8.-C.
A Democratic convention of
county will be held at the court
house in Greenville at o'clock
V. M. Thursday, June 1906,
the purpose of selecting
the various State, H-poi ts commissioners in lay-
.; Congressional con vein I out roads ordered
The Democratic lot were made.
the of selecting delegates The following levy of taxes was
the county convention will la-1 made for the year
at the various voting For purposes cents on
of the each of
f county on S
day of June, 1906. at o'clock P.
M. At these primaries the
voter- of the respective
townships will select delegate- to
i county convention to he held
at Greenville the 14th June
Each township will he entitled to
upon Us vole
for Governor
I N. C,
While W. H. Mitchell and wife
were on their way home from
church yesterday, about four
miles east of town, their horse took
fright and dashed away at break-
neck speed, flinging the occupants
of the buggy violently to the
ground. Mr. Mitchell's left
was by the fall and bis
skull fractured. He died as
result of his injuries about eight
last night.
Beaver Dam
C, June 1906
Miss Lucy in of
here Saturday and Sunday.
F and little sou
Sunday at Bet In
and wile
R Sunday.
F. L. of the A C. L.
spent a pan of
last and on at
this place.
and Edward White-
bus , of Bethel, here
ens say are quiet, out
cams week.
Miss Hi of
spent with Miss
Jens Inn
of Stoker,
Miss Minnie
Mis William-
came Monday and took
charge of the Oakley school. Miss
-ell taught here last year. All
are pleased to see her back again.
Dove has charge of
the passenger train this run for
a days, Conductor Ellsworth
having called to
on arc mm of
One of our neighbors has the
lie-t cow in the state. He put a
sweet milk in a jug to
a lake mile with him. After going
the mile the milk the jug had
turned to
property and cents
each poll.
All schedule B. and C taxes
same as state.
For stork law in Greenville
Falkland, Farmville, Beaver Dam,
and town-
ships cents on each
following number of delegates, . in township cents
the county convention based valuation; Winter-
f rotation f-
the n day
on each valuation.
For special school
. den cents on each
. and cents each poll;
I Farmville SO cents each
So many inquiries are coming to
me daily if it. t r- t . m e up-.
induce to
Yon engage your rooms
by J. L or
Mr. N. C.
Your you one
fare the
these re-
not on sale at your
buy your to
Raleigh d a receipt from
you have
I ought-lien a lo Hie
w lieu you and I
gel ,,.
U hen y on eel t
fir Hie nine an
lake I'll ll
see 111-
I Would n,
You .
i quire
i lo-
ii Mi.
lie lunge of
ll . Jo,.
. .-s III PUt
d tin- ling.
a y work
It hop
of the
that a attend-
Democratic voters of
each township will at their re
delegates to the county convention
in accordance with the
of the party.
By order of the committee.
L. I.
W. L. Sec'y.
Lloyd Jasper, aged mouths,
infant son of Mr. Mrs. R. F.
A ; in of measles Monday
afternoon at their home in South
Greenville. Toe remains were
taken to Farmville today
Monday night a block of stores
of Dover were destroy-
ed by fire, causing a loss of
and y
summer sci
valuation cents each
poll; each
valuation and cents each
Public roads township
cents on valuation and
cents on each poll.
The committee appointed to as-
settlement the sheriff
for taxes
report, was accepted and
ordered recorded. The report
showed settlement in full. The
total amount taxes collected by
the sheriff from all sources was
He was allowed as in-
on general t
and on special taxes From
large of taxes collected
for the year this is the smallest
insolvent list ever allowed in the
county, shows splendid
on the part of Sheriff Tucker
and bis deputies.
I will he ii a lite
J way I cm.
. Sip- Schools.
Call for
nil to an or of
for Third
1- hen by to meet at
in the of
st N. Tuesday day
June 1906 for
a for and a
for Solicitor of said dis-
The Democratic Com.
if the various counties com-
posing the district will cause
delegate to Judicial
to be elected in accordance wit
tho of organization of the Dem-
May 16th 1900,
p. C.
Chairman. Secretary.
The nights are getting more like
cotton growing neither.

Hanan's Famous Shoes
This Shoe stool th test for many years is
by all men wear fine Shoes. Call in and
at the low cuts today.
At close of business April 6th, 1906.
and discounts
liver 6,415.38
and 2,486.81
from Manse
item 987.18
Child Com
Silver Coin
u s notes
Capital stock paid in
Undivided profits,
Subject . ,.
to check
Due tO
Cashiers ck
pr ii of Pitt,
ill the above named bank, do solemnly
v -if die is true to the best of my knowledge
C. S. CARR, Cashier.
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to before
m-. day
Notary Public.
At the Close of
Overdrafts, secured
Clicks, securities, etc.
Hi. House
I Banks
Cash items
US, April 6th 1906.
IN oral Stock paid In
S 25,000.00
Undivided Profits less Ex-
and Taxes Paid
i subject to check 180,988.77
checks out-
standing 2,960.00
North Carolina, I
County of Pitt.
Times L. Little. Cashier of th
l-r statement above is
to. I lief
Mi inscribed and sworn to before
on. I in of April, Hi
bank, do
e to the best of my knowledge
J. R.
Give a Faint Idea of the Awful
Immensity of
Some people find I curious
in mentally distinguishing
tween and planets. Again
and a.-an they hear that are
that planets arc worlds,
that a sun is not world and that u
planet is not a star, and their con-
fusion of mind on the subject re-
mains untouched. Vet the
is not really to
and to it clearly is quite
to any understanding of the
heavens. Our sun is a brother
to all those twinkling point-
lie scattered over night sky.
Our world is not a star, but a planet,
to the few shining but non-
twinkling bright bodies
pear to wander slowly among the
stars. The planets belong to our
solar of them, without
exception, that we are able to
Other planets belonging to other
stars may and doubtless do exist in
countless millions through the
verse, but we have no power to de-
their presence. They, like the
planets which belong to our sun,
shine by the reflected brightness of
their particular star, not by their
own intrinsic radiance, and so they
cannot seen at a very great dis-
Any watcher with eyesight
and telescopes such as ours gazing
from the region of any star in the
sky outside our solar system would
see nothing whatever of the planets
or the of our system. lie
might make out the sun as a more
or less dim star. lie would not be
able to detect Jupiter or Saturn,
still less our little earth.
And it must In- remembered that
every single star in the whole
verse lies outside our solar system,
with only one exception. That ex-
is our sun. So by the solar
system we mean the little family or
kingdom of one star, known to u- as
the sun. and that star is one of tens
of millions of stars which all to-
make up the enormous
system, and that stellar system
is doubtless one of very many, per-j
haps millions, of stellar systems, all i
of which together make up the
universe, using that word in its
older and not in its more modern
Canada, New York and
Were Shaken Up.
Canada, York and
experienced a terrible shock
on Vii. I A
i on of the occur-
sit the time,
heavens serene, there
was In u mar like the
noise ill ii ; re. re.
the ,. with
real ope. n I
shut , . iii u
b ran i,
i Cracks
in l walls of h .-
a- red
n the I Is
. . .
. ; v. lie be
am . . , .-, I
on of I -cm
was very The
shock half hour liefer
it was r. bill an lo a
quarto; of an hour after it started.
Three other shock.- occurred the
same day. The second there
was a more violent shock, which
I, long time, night
some counted no less thirty-
two shocks, which were v
tremblings of the earth
did not July. Many trees
were lorn up and the profiles of the
mountain- seemed i-i
changed. Springs and small streams
were-hied Up. Wilier-
and the
in rivers formerly
vine -o altered as to he
two hills were thrown down
and formed a of land which
draft- CM
Fm K x
from B
Cash Items
Gold coin
Ni iV S I
stuck el in
flu s
sub t. ck 34.018.70
glut f
I Pit.
I. J. H. hail
and belief.
mi- of my
J. R.
d d to be
for this h f A i
J. V.
. M. NO,
T. I.
l I. IS.
At the close of business April 6th, 1906.
led an eighth of a mile j Loans and discounts
the St. Lawrence river. The island Overdrafts 271.38
of Ann became larger than j Furniture A Fixtures
it was before the channel of the j from Banks and
river was greatly Bankers
Cash items
Realistic Game.
The youngsters had been consign-
ed the London An-
strict injunctions had
been laid upon them to a nice,
quiet In a few moment.-,
however, sounds as of a thunder-
storm, with dash of boiler
from the room, and mother
rushed up. on us,
she exclaimed. are you
doing ton must not make such
exclaimed one of
the darlings, are only playing
This scene is the storm at;
sea. and all of 11- except Tommy
recked people calling for
Mamma's attention was then
to Tommy, who, crouched in
a corner, was emitting doleful
what is Tommy
she asked.
is the
lie is the ocean shrieking
in the teeth of the
Gold and silver coin,
National bank and
other U. S. notes
You Pay For It
v St
thing you want in th of
Cigar Boxes.
spicy odor that you notice
in the cigar said the dealer,
from the wood of which it id
made. It is not because it is
with the tobacco.
the contrary, the tobacco takes the
flavor of the wood. That is the
son that particular kind of wood i-
for the boxes of all the
cigars. It is Spanish cedar. It i-
an expensive wood, porous
spicy, and the only which has
been found to improve the flavor f
a cigar, Tobacco, a- know.
quickly absorbs any odor with which
it i- brought in contact. All cigars
costing from a thousand up-
ward are packed in Spanish cedar.
The cheaper cigars usually come in
boxes of
How He Thought Kings Should Die.
Cramer was Voltaire's Geneva
publisher. At a rehearsal of one
of Voltaire's tragedies M. Cramer
was finishing his role, which was to
end with some dying sentences. Vol-
objecting to the manner in
which that death scene was played.
cried out in accents of scathing
scorn. you lived like a
prime during the four belief.
in I-. but ill the fifth you die like it j
being Subscribed and sworn to
could not help in kindness in- mo day Avril
tillering. said ,, ,. , .
you expect
have to he at the Public
of dresses fatigue of getting up I
such long parts if you thus upbraid
the contrary, think
they all deserve the greatest
your hand-, and as to I
my friend Cramer. I declare that.
far as I am a judge, he dies with the j
same dignity lie
Voltaire raised his brad and
glanced defiantly at
lie cried, you have
kings to kill kill them your own
way. me kill mine as I
Note- and Queries.
Capital 5,300.00
Time certificates
Deposits subj. to
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. of the above named solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
M. O. President.
J. B.
It J.
Where She Had Seen
Dr. Hook, a Yorkshire
vicar, afterward dean of
was not a man. An old
says of
boy. Waiter Hook,
might almost have
one of those on whom i-
to have died her
lie was very fond of com-
on his own ugliness and re-
with great amusement some
of the handed
bu had received.
one occasion the good vicar
saw little girl looking
his face.
said he, don't
think you've seen me
yes, I
saw you the other day climbing
up a pole and I gave you a
One Thing at a Time.
The last king of Hanover, before
that state was incorporated into the
Prussian kingdom, was for many
years blind. There was living at
the court an English lady. Mrs. Dun-
can Stewart, who, with her wit and
learning, entertained his majesty,
The blind king delighted in her con-
and for many she
would save up every Interesting
story she heard so as to tell it to
him. It is that one
day she was telling him a story a.-
were out driving together.
id;. horses started and tho
about to upset.
do you not go on with your
said the king.
sir. the carriage is just
. to
i- the coachman's
tho king. you go on with
What most call and
earnest on political
and topic- arc mud-
headed medleys of knowledge
fact and opinion. know
such and such a thing i- an evil and
they opine that they see a way to
amend it, and if wiser people point
out to them that the evil would not
be so amended or that greater
Would accrue from I lie attempt
only feel that their
arc affronted and opposed by cold
blooded calculations. This kind
opinion is often as confident as ac-
A Great
Sir. the famous
. tiding
1- i of
had dining
i gent lei
d a Mil If In
. last
plentiful r the I
signaled to
m to I
that led tho
ml .
i cut it
We beg announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
d for
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It ha behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .--
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
S a , . O, t
As authorized agent for Daily
and we take
treat pleasure in receiving sub
and writing receipts for
an ears. We have a list
all ho receive their mail at
11.1-. We also take orders
Ii . L. James Thursday
W. J. Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. died yesterday
g at the home of its parents
Main was buried to-
Miss of
after a pleasant visit to
Mrs. A. L. el I. has
turned to her home.
Go to E. E. Co's new
market for beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh
Mrs. W. L. House, of
ville, returned to her borne
day after taking in commence-
By attending the orphan child-
concert you encourage
Miss of Winter-1 aid work
ville, been visiting Miss children of North Caro.
during the past week.
Reserve buildings by 1906
painting them with
Town and County lead
and full line of colors, kept at J.
K. Smith Bro.
Mies Rosa Randolph, of House,
is Miss Ida Edwards.
Messrs. and Keel,
Wilson, and Will Green-
ville, were here Sunday a visiting.
Rev. B. B. two lit-
daughters are visiting up in
Caswell county.
There w -s a very large crowd to
come up on the train Wednesday
to take in the commence-
Leon who has been
home since back
to Philadelphia to resume a
be held up to that time.
Cannon has come
Ii, Greensboro where she
has attending the K. I-
Ii Smith Hi . just
iv. load of ground alum
v . a cur load Lee's
inn mi,, lime peanuts, etc.,
be a special
cation Lodge, A. F, A
M. I at a.
in. t of officers and
pay f dues.
, hi I Co. will do all they
In please you with
their line heavy and fancy
Mrs. J. G. Jenkins, after a
pleasant visit to her children here,
left for her borne in Grifton Wed-
Hay corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
windows locks nails Cross
cut saws mechanic tools at J
R Smith Bro
C. T. Burroughs, wife and child,
of Scotland Neck, who been
Miss Coward, of Green-
ville, is her sister, Mis.
The sign of the is
When eyes need attention
J. W. Taylor, optician,
A yd en, is the man to do
your work if yon want to be
pie 1-111.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw.
Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. R.
Smith Bro.
but somehow it doesn't seem
to materialize. Tiling is a lovely
for the streets. It is
much in evidence.
Latest styles in cloaks and wrap
for Misses and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
tors at R. Smith a Bro.
If a skating rink proves a profit-
able investment, why couldn't it
cotton factory or some other useful
industry be more so
Get the Cox cotton planter the
best on market at J. R. Smith
Those pumps recently planted
He beauties and that hose, well.
rain is needed we
banging it on a gourd
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
new brick block 1-
will have ,
brick stores that would greatly
III and credit
of any town. II a
I If.
-M .
I an i
i p I ,.; o
put a of
i-n table which must go
at per yard. Tyson.
of pleasure profit, attend
the concert of the singing class
from the Oxford Asylum,
June h, at
o'clock p. in.
Ii is what pluck
energy will The success at
by Hook Boyd,
agents and brokers, is
Though only in bus
for a short while, yet one to
realize vast amount
of business done by them might
well be amazed Such men ate an
addition to any community
arid much to its development
pi ogress.
A beautiful line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware
at J R Smith Bro
For a nice buy a novel-
clot k at J. W. Taylor's. It i
I for any occasion.
A lull supply of Trunks
Telescopes, Satchels and
Bun Case.-, at J. R. Smith A Bro.
L. I. of
I spent the day here yesterday. He
mi adorers before
i Will Baptist a
very public,
winch he left on the
bis home. Mr. Moore is
i popular in
in people glad to have
III ii lining I Ill-Hi.
Car load V. Crimped roofing in
suitable lengths to cover residences
churches, school barns
shelter-, stables much cheaper than
shingles and very little at J.
H. ft Bro
Calico and at cents
per great in while
goods, at
Ii. A Bro.
117.670 Naval Appropriation Bill
June sen-
ate today passed the naval
lull and also gave consider-
able attention lo conference re-
port t. e railroad bill.
Tin- only Important amendment
made lo naval bill ens the one
me of the navy
lo submit the plans of the proposed
lug to before pro-
with Its consideration- The
provision fr this vessel supplies
or only
in the The
bill curries a total
c in
At the foe-
tors of the Home and
I Association, S. C
; tendered his resignation i- .--
I rotary and treasurer to
at once, N. G. While
was elected to succeed him.
new secretary will be found at
the insurance office of H. A
White, where shareholders car
call to pay their weekly duos of
transact any other business con-
with association.
The Embezzlement Case.
The M-e the young man
who agent the East Caro-
Hallway at char-
with limits
belonging to company, will
come up for betting
having bond
The American
Company of Vow York, in
was ha-
lo the
and P. G. James
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-
grips, satchels, baud
cases at J R Smith Bro
forget the Oxford Asylum
class night at
the family of Capt. D. G., once a
Berry, to their home
it .
herrings at J. R.
iii i.
Job . no has re-
I i a vi-it down
Km apples, corn
inn, f Grifton
day to lake in our new
ii . There were many
up- on i he evening but
the ii wan a pretty well
balanced they seemed
t., , j visit very much.
C me .,i; I have
III s ck from
A; S a short
. II was a visit n
i v.
, i, springs,
i dining
o wash stands
I ear and need and your
ant. Let us give them a big time
and a Int purse,
L. Tucker, of was
here Monday listing State and
I always keep on hand a
due feed at lowest cash
prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and hulls, brand
apply to E. E.
ft c.
i holies
ship stuff. Lilly Co.
M n carry
single i
till ,
. Iv,
lister tor th tow u of
Hod Steads, Suits, Dresser
Center Chairs Cradles,
Bed Springs, Mattresses
Lounges, Cook Stoves and a
groat many other thing.-, are
kept up stairs. Cannon ft Tyson.
Dress goods, Broad cloth,
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
trimmings, lining white
-I Ii Bro
a lull line of meat, lard and can
good-. Don't buy before giving
in-- h trial. Frank Lilly
For carpenters grind
I hemp rope and pulleys, at J. H.
A Bro.
V. and paper nailing,
with Ion,; or short joints
pipe at J. R. Smith ft
You w ill find Wheeler
son and Singer sewing machine.
ices way way down at J. H.
Bro. next to Early
Drunkenness rowdy ism
S i fir as
is it will be. We.
a police right. was j
last Saturday even-
He has been and will be
backed and by our best
citizens. That is also in evidence.
It has been a long felt need here
our best people now
that they have the right man. He
can act that the power and
the wealth will be at his command.
On this all good citizens here are
determined. The lawless element
to the contrary.
For Spring Housecleaning
lime try Liquid
Veneer. It
Ionic new. There will be no
old, dull furniture dingy
woodwork in homes win-re this won-
is used. No
Veneer is not a varnish, but a
food and cleaner builds up the
original finish and makes it brighter
than ever.
It instantly restores the brilliant
newness and of Furniture,
Picture Frames, Interior Woodwork,
Hardwood Floors and all polished,
varnished or enameled surfaces. Re-
moves scratches, dirt
A child can apply it. Nothing
but a piece of cheese cloth is needed
and there is i. drying to wait for.
M. SAl
Durham, X C , June g, Ben
Kr eighteen or nil
of trade a effort lo
bis lite this He
in rear
i, t Hill in an
unconscious and
bin lay empty laudanum
bottles, two were tilled.
addition to the empty bottles
there was en empty bx bad
tab el.-.
Live men Head
can't, The of
energetic u, u
columns of
We guarantee
one are lair,
est all r
Do so at living ices, t
land ale never
Look their
when lo be
to call on your i-
men who ate
up with the time and from w .,
yon can ob am a bargain. T ,
are not to let the iknow their purpose
themselves of honor. i e
means making themselves a d
goods They ,,,
in- an I Harp
.-ends th tin.- refrain
In at a score of
years do man in public life bawl
reversed and so ad-
himself. now
knows you for what you
honest, and generous
st , to an
Her of a naturally
tenacious of
own and the rights, an
earnest yet unwilling even
in a moment of excessive
to from your most
bitter enemy frank and manly
recognition of the credit justly
his clue, squarely and successive-
risen to with the sympathetic
helpfulness of tho noblest Ho-
of all. Fortunately
Indeed is he who possesses
friendship of William B. Allison
log To have established, in a
single debate, a reputation for
as a lawyer, an
orator, and a statesman, among
colleagues of genuine and rec-
ability; was an achieve-
worthy of a or a
Sagacity, determination,
courtesy, supplemented by
tin; faith of one's fellows, make
for and retain true leadership.
Joseph B.
Greeting Conviction, the
age thereof and the respect
therefore be yours.
i Greeting
To have said more to Mount
Toddy might have resulted in
some one being culled a liar.
I. , are doubled with your
eyes or have a obtain-
suitable glasses, it not
how difficult your case, call on J.
Vi . Taylor, an
Ayden, N f., ho h five
He never to
or their
an rein Over five hundred
I'm and Lenoir
in-.-1 people to
him your eye
It ion mi,,
General Insurance Brokers,
We wish to have our.
selves together for the purpose of conducting
and Brokerage
in the Town cf Ayden and Vicinity. We will
represent none but the most reputable concerns,
and any part cf business you may see fit to
favor us. with we will thank for and feel very
at ,
I -0 n i-i ass, bad at
i ore e in the sec-
mi . limit- much to
is,, d life. A third
h h
on the himself. one of
reason- is
a it a of
ll tin, e
I .
farmer L-e-p.
market by
or by his dally
in the case of
ordinary produce, occasionally
important staples, he
of a rise
i inc
good. It they are bail his
c go
waste of time involved in
h oiling mud is apt to lie
I is in-
to think it makes no
d maybe he wouldn't lie
winking that day, it
just in tins neglect lo make the-
I In. oilier
is is . -i. ii, i that all.
Hands keep ail the lime on
farm as ii la be kept con-
work in m a in fun luring
pi ml- A element of waste in
In using I mil is wear tear
I noises,
VI IO be
, u, r th
a, i- I, lb- -rain of
mud man
if only no
I In- ,, winch
ill the in old
a Dirt and shift-
lo gel
win, d i. . in
keeping i p Ii I e
I his e-ii. clean
from a , i .
men of all sorts
are Huffing II to keep
. , ate
line- Ii order in.
a ii I is
a I-. There is no reason way a
during many
eeks I, e ea .
The i in
town hands. With unanimity of
i n ch Mr.
if ton said i- the chief uh-
to I t in In r
hill en
i of
e -i
l- in
a i
the of
v lull- lot n i w.- i j n
In I -iv . u
I ins. a well 1.1 on ii ii i ii I in I lo.
lie vi i it. v ii Ms I;. I
re n i i i l tin Iii-,
and via- m in death
King's New ii iv. ii com-
hi ml me and i
well i vi i It clues I
colds In on
Weak i n
I. Woolen
Trial bottle free.
I., and Discounts, f
I nil and Oil
Overdrafts Secured 13.07
lie In Hanks,
sh i ins,
i Ii Com,
other I . c
Capital stock paid in,
Sill plus I
Undivided profits
Dividends unpaid . 016.00
Deposits subject to cheek, 45,007.8
A ii i n lo see
So girls take tin- advice,
lo it o'er,
Drug .-tore.
-S S C,
e I A I
Ii- Ii i- j e up Mi by
.- ii ml . 111-.
of inc , of
work the her am.
Tin- i- a i n e n
last in 1890
nil- lake, tie I ,. i at
that lime being
ti to
n Truck a in I o t sell
I will be In in
In ,
Apply to
n, N. O.
n .-vi
I, J. It. Smith, f the nun do solemnly swear
the statement is true to the last of u y know led a and be
lief. J. If
Di rector
Bill and sworn to before
Ibis 11th of April
Notary Public.
Always have your church buy
oil at barrel prices. let
them pay 91.00 a gallon for canned
oil, which ought to coat but
cents a gallon Ready mixed point
is about half oil and half
oil fresh from the barrel, and
add to the L. paint,
is semi-mixed, and you then get a
mil gallon of at the lowest

If they set canned beef before
you it is beat t line with thanks.
Entered in the Mt office Hi Greenville. N. C, M second class mailer,
Advertising rates made upon
A correspondent desired at every office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
The reports say the Chicago meat
packer have set out in a hurry
clean house.
The furniture trust has
to advance prices N-
use to kick a- nil the
If they keep trying th--v The Chicago packing house dis-
may yet hang those down is than a festering sore,
in Georgia.
The Pennsylvania railroad has
ad. phonographs call out
at union stations,
th. v will talk plainer than the fellow
rabble men in the death of Senator
who i nobody
It is alt clear now why the people
lead of so many cases of poisoning
eating canned meats.
I l-
The nation lost one of its most
Arthur Gorman, of Maryland.
It the President's special message
to Congress regarding the Chicago
packers does not turn the stomach
against canned meals, nothing else
At tin meeting Wednesday night
we bop the Water and Light Coin-
mission avail give further
to matter of putting on Ty
electric current. It is one of Green-
ville . an sooner it might advantage
inaugurated die nine i can be , to draw a big
We are
going up to to lairs,
think an enlargement ii-
would In
If mania
more around Durham
will ow up in tin
the development of that
will help the town.
crowd here. A celebration with a
crowd would not be against bus
We beard t that it
s pin Pain-
Sound Company in
r. property here ad
joining sue already selected for
a Hi-put, ti i a I office
at. this This is a
s- men
he interesting them-
selves in- If tin re is a possibility
i I i- ml
.-in i.
lie should I. f
to them
increasing the
of e town and developing new
enterprises They are just such
needs other
towns along route of the road
want them will work with the
view of securing and
cannot hope to if no effort
is made in that direction. Right
BOW la the Greenville should
have an active chamber of
or board of trade looking after and.
If the county would
slick to the law and make double
tax apply whenever a person failed
to give in tales, you would few
them the appointed
taker and waiting to list before
the board of commissioners.
London has put the ban on Amer-
canned meats and refuses to
buy. Folks on this side of
would also do well to draw in-
line on Chicago bit
It is nut that a news-
pa e. of a
t. . . out, tint is
.- t
m- I. i ;
. . . solved its
;. last issue
t i . this to
II . v. .,. K .
. ii H
I --ii r
I n
XI. bl t
h- . t
tie. d Mich an
i the
i is license i e
ball tie
Good if lived up
to bring the
eh them will be
. I veil
a I
n ii tit to lee for hum ii-
it, ill either try bleW
Ii m ti I- a
i hi id be t t.
In . t j .
ft, A Cc.
Ho where you or how
s you'll need lo b
Clothing and Furnishings
to co
This Store is to every
waNt in this comic en on the essentials and also
the and t.-. prices good
Outing Shirts
Smart, stylish things in Homespuns, blue
Serges and Superbly made, ready to put on
and wear, and they will wear.
Gen A. Miles says he
tried lo tell them all about this
packing business ago,
nut Has up. lie says he lost
from eating the
A particular an in
The sheriff Wake county has
resigned his as his
reason that the fees were too small.
Taking into consideration that he
whitewashes the re- i got out of collecting the tax-
about to grab a
pencil and say that as doctors
were o bitterly
i illy toady to do ;.
can each
won Id not to report n a all
brother, looking a little I. r-
r the very next item in
Landmark covered the All at tempting piles for best grade goods,
and s Your honest dollar find bargain
the proposition in the
first that
port of existing in the
Chi ago meat packing district and
allow such outrages to health and
es of the county, to not of
all other fees the we fail to
see wherein he had good grounds
lo go on the for a kick course he had a
people of the country can put a stop j right to resign if he wanted to, but
to ii by refusing absolutely to use be might have been
any meals. The latter about it.
course would he any event,
We should not think it was v.
comfortable tor young king of
the alumni address of the
at s-oner or later.
Hill He spoke for two and ll dangerous
-aid. Here it
-.- e
I an Hi the II e ling
of the State Medical Society in
Charlotte bod It db-l
Dr T T.
W-h will be piloted,,
f i me o R-
I-.- hi in the
I III We .
th-ii a
hi i
As an I MS
i an-ii M.-i men
t lie
f i I
ii -ii l-. sic i- in t in
The King
Bo wen
correspondent of the because a man is a ruler
observer designates it, t move
less sorry We fail to Ba Wifely. lion an
bow much more could have been ex- they m,.
Every man, woman and
State owes to the board of
cal examiners for North Carolina a
vote of thanks for their earnest effort
protecting the public against
form of incompetence in the
ii H lion profession. This hoard real-
i. i that without proper
r in in average mind
i-. i in its entirety the great prob-
of . has for the past
I years been urging all young
who contemplate the calling, to
. ; ire a degree from a recognized
o or university, before entering
peeled from such a not
or improving their c 1.-
by i- no,
At the meeting of the hoard of
rectors of The building and
Loan Association, held Monday
night, several applications for loans
passed upon and granted. The
will soon be making its
felt in the of
the town, livery that is made
will mean a new house.
When yellow fever about
New Orleans the government makes
to stump it out, sparing
school. It is to be hoped money nor labor to protect the
ill medical colleges will adopt , against the scourge. Yet
right in the heart of Chicago the
packing district is a worse menace
to the of the people of the
country than the yellow plague, and
it is allowed to go right on spread-
disease and death.
as human life and health
in the care of men with
I this progressive step, the
of medical examiners at their
held conjointly with the
North Carolina Medical Society in
Charlotte last week, called the
of that body to the fact that
upon sufficient proof, the board
stands ready to exercise the right,
given them by the law, to rescind
the license of any physician who is
of immoral character, or who is the
victim of any drug habit as
cocaine, and ll.
Ii should leas in- u
to the Stair to k
men are instill. lo
the veil .
Some people do remarkable things
in this world, and shun- wonderful
endurance and fortitude, but a story
comes from up Pennsylvania
is too much to The story
goes a man was caught under
the trunk of a tree which he was
f . pin-
under it. In this position he
dug his linger nails mid after u light, occupation in
The Jew of America s-u the
balance of us many good exam-
in benevolence and charity.
They are a people who never
withhold hand from a brother
in need or adversity, and it is
said to their credit that one of
their nationality is rarely found
an alms house. A recent dis
patch Chicago tells of a
laudable enterprise they have
undertaken. It
Jews of America propose to
raise to the
white plague. Members of
the national Jewish
order, the council of Jewish
women and Jewish people in gen-
will insure their lives for
the benefit of the National Jew-
Hospital for consumptives,
which treats tuberculosis with-
out irrespective of
to this effect were adopted at the
annual convention of the hospital
trustees and delegates at the
Auditorium Annex today. The
money will be used to sot-k out
consumptives In tenement and
c ingested to send them
to Denver for
treatment of six
months or a year; teaching
. r
Iid .
the pi in . I. .- e
to to the day
current in two or three weeks.
Now let everybody push
ahead to make the day current
profitable. Get your motors or
fans in readiness for the cur-
rent. No need of to do
five hours freed himself. Then
a broken leg and crushed shoulder
he I live miles to nearest
the training school there, pro-
them, if necessary, with a
loan to be used in setting up u
business after being
as cured.
An ordinance has been
by the city
Which Is expected ti t e
place out of Die .
mat it ill be
lawful for in, Q or
P ore
of r ti in
or to m agent
representative the of
idle or g
is for any
other intoxicating
he of
II of o
this shall
before Hie be
not less nor
more than each
every As a result of
this ordinance one agency hi.
already quit the an
charge saying he bus do money
lose on the business. The
guilty of breaking
will be cited held. the mayor
every day if per-
and have money to pay
out or up
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by.
putting on display the newest i-
J ideas to be shown in I
J We no trash or Special Sale stuff but
l we will have the latest and best that
J were obtainable in the American markets
k and we cordially invite the Ladies that are I
f desirous of seeing the NEWEST
to it our establishment and feast their f;
es. Very truly yours, .
the you
kind, It is poor policy buy but the best, especially
Don't just anything en and think ii en
money at my store will be bod.; put,
stock of
Canned Goods, Package
I Cl Sour n. ell r ant lei k h
i I Ill , I Ami I l-i ii -1 o . . I j
tor In line.
Our specialty
Reflector Job Printing Office.
This department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
A good deposit h. lank i, Hun.-as. L. Notice the new
make you feel more ville, mm Barber Co., lie fore
Make a with buy for
mute yon in price.
have hidden for keeping Mfg. Co.
the next time y u to the
Bank of Winterville. They can
keep it than car.
come to make our
Mm. children,
of are visiting Ml,
E. E. Cox, mother and
Nice line of groceries
ways band
Rev. W. K. COX tilled hi-
at the
Church Sunday hi Isermon large
congregation war to hear
A. G. Cox
that are
now prepared m supply ail de-
for the r Handy
Tooth and Di-k Harrow
Barber Co.
The A
Company have just received a ear
load iron Tobacco Flues.
They can your need.
Car load of flour just received,
nil and at lowest price.
Harrington, Barber Co.
new men aldermen I e d
their last J
K. Johnson, mayor; A. G. Cox, W
C B. T. Forrest
slid J
F. was
pointed lister for The
regular of business
line of dress shirts eve;
a in ville at
recent rains have
the cotton up the
Tobacco Truck prompt T., y here are busy chopping l
ate expecting a very busy season wart
A H.
A. H. Taft Co.
l H
, in,
If yon Intend trucks el
If you want a nice shirt or tie
I go to Harrington, Barber Co.
and if you of these
you will do to place
your order immediately. any kind In
Leonard Hamilton, of this season, you do better
spent Sunday and Monday here.-than to purchase a set of those
and we are Trucks from A. G.
always glad to see bun. COX Manufacturing Company,
strong and durable can be
and wheat can be supplied with the foot rows.
mowers, rakes, and binders
at Harrington, Barber Co.
Miss who had.
r . I For hay, corn and oats go
a . Barber
ville, j
Quite a number were town . u .
, the H. d.
Tobacco Truck made by A. G.
Try a set and e
We often people -l
the dull but yo go
We I around the the .
implements of all kinds
at Hailing, Co.
A nice lot of new summer
Robes at Barber
Straws tell which way the wind
blows, just notice stream of
customers in and mil
Life is t short to f with a
common garden when A. W. Ange
Co., have wire of all
W. H. Harrington,
Ir, spent the day here. -r,. ., , ,
Ms family. ,A I I of lime J j . ,,,,
Minnie Cox the efficient
of the in
to Saturday
thirty were present Re-
were s and every-
seemed to enjoy
Y lion -e id your orders for
rs. 8-1 n . tier e-111 home
Saturday p- ding a;
mule r,
MM . I.- .
in, at i;
Greatest Furniture Dealer's
I 1.1 II
Mis. I-
In 1-----. , F.
iii. mi
f ii- dun
Mil I.year ski-. .
. i .-
During a Mm gm mug -i.
he con-- v
a I one
p. in. a th
. M En
.- M
H, resigned n-
College a -1 mi
in at
Ma .
of th
Mfg. Co., which went
into the of Mr. L. L. Kit-
an receiver it
was sold by an sale by
Hon. Jae. L Fleming, of Green-
ville, and was bid by W. L,
House for
our price
Tennyson's poems, regular
. A G. Cox price
1.11 a
,. r i. u., i- regular price our price
of nice iron I ,
Longfellow a Birthday books,
price our price Boo
supply you with in
boil notice, if them
your tiers before the
Mist Helen G Grimes-
it, is visiting Kate and
complete works, reg
In His stops, regular price
our price
Pilgrims progress our
New Testaments, regular
We sell for cash or on
easy terms
You will find a com
line at all times
We are sole agents
for Enameled Beds.
lours to please
A. H.
Pictures Order.
canon in . a. price
On, was bill Nye's regular
that It Will tie converted into a I Manufacturing
lumber I watch the way
Ilia. at. Cl. Bryan left Sunday and shipping Tar Heel Wagons
to visit b.-r mother, Mrs. and Buggies you
St conclude that, for them at least,
Nice at Harrington-, there is no such thing.
Barber Co. Harrington and Co is the
Misses Vivian place to get your Spring and Sum-
sou, Gold Point, in Mon- mer goods. They have just what
day evening to be present at want, and prices to suit all.
. Men's and youth's pants, all
are former pupil a. L.
S. we ate delighted to see sizes, at Barber Co.
them back. demands for Tar Heel cart
Jno. H. Carroll wheels i great now, and any
morning to be on road several I in of WHIP will
days for A. G. C x Mfg. d. write or see the A. G. Cox Mfg On
Nice line of boys suits at H. Trunks and valises
vi ; mi an I we f lino fitly price our p -ice
buggies, cuts. In addition to the above mimed
u , we offer others at greatly
h ad other out I , , P . . .,
prices for the next do
m to be especially Cal, and examine
n tobacco before the expiration of that
of nicely made
for their tobacco trucks, thy
looked to me like baby buggy axle-
At the Close of Business, April 1906.
toll Goods Si
Loans and Discounts
large shipment of shoes
all styles and sizes and prices very
reasonable. Barbel
in Oxford
will i-i the
night, June
8th, at i Muck. Keep this in
mini add I- line out to In--1 them.
N i need of not having good
pant- Barber
Co., received anew lot,
. II B , hustling Supt.
of the County Lumber
Co., was i town a few
Tuesday evening.
For new log cart made
beet material will sell cheap, for
father particulars see L. L. Kittrell.
If you need a nice Rug just call
at A. W. Ange A Co and you can
get one, too-
Jno. It. one of
most win in town
B. F.
B. S and
b. d ill inn to
h O, In
We , i Ii IT
b i ii t
Overdrafts, unsecured
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks and
X it. Bk and other U. S.
paid in
subject to ck.
ton Barber Co. I paid
Big line of bats and caps
received, latest styles. Harrington
I State of North M
of PittThe buggy, t , L Cashier of the above bank, do solemnly
bodies and stats made by the A. U. swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
and belief. L. JACKSON, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
Cox Company
to indicate they
thin line of work. j me, this day of April.
All elms of paint, and yellow , JAMBS B.
at Barber
For sale one house lot
on Main street to ville, dot
N. C. being next to the
of Taylor, the lot contains i d to eye we only
, . . , a visit to our
have received our full line of WASH
will be on- sale Monday. cordially invited
; these goods,
as. F. Davenport,
acre land house is a good
roomed and well
with house, a bargain some
one. I For
further particulars see or write
The A. O. Mai
made Just like
in they looked just
to me. They said they
I .-,
Store, where you can get
Ask your friends on Bond when can et at a
We especially note the at-
our line of Rugs. We can Judicial Bonds for Guardians, Administrators FIVE MINUTES
Tapestry Curtains, Table-
Spreads. Toilet Sets, . An g be in the Court at once.
Window Shades, f
tings, Floor Oil Cloth. Couches,
Call on or write
H. A. WHITE, General Agent, or
H W. WHEDBEE, Attorney
Greenville, N. C.
Parlor Suits, Bedroom Suits,
Hull Racks and Baby Carriages
We believe are in u position
. to satisfy lie taste of the most-.
r i fastidious with anything in our i
,. s However, chances for a
n . i. u J
. Carolina
Ii -i
in.; nice, I'll
be any . t ,.

Don't fail to bring this Does it cost yon a single Wednesday, Thursday, Only one Aim In
. Friday and Saturday, posit-
price list along so we can to if we these low prices
prove every item. telling you the truth Try hold good. of this hole.
Columbia remark--. Friend, i IN R -d n.
Suppose Stop We-
for lie- in hi with I Isn't
in i-i come Green-h-m. N I 1903.
Not if the patch is in tie Mrs J-
Hut if the patch were me in v r I;,
I'll- unusual would not a lots entirely rated little of
presentable coming M very bad case which
a treat part her
i from
v j the nine she t r-e week- old,
-ix old. She
i la now perfectly e-l mid I feel
I of
h-i h of
i it I'll years.
J W.
Ladies Shoes, Dress Lawns, the yard.
To prove to the masses we make no false state- held m a Sale but nothing ever reach
during this sale we will sell Standard best Gran- of disposition to sell all
at per pound. ounces to the pound
Only pounds to one
By Actual Inventory worth Of
Bargains in true form to cover and spread Greenville and
vicinity from end to end.
man lie more
WORD that word U
it refers to Dr. Liver Pills and
Arc you constipated
Insomnia ,.
ANY of these symptoms and many A
Indicate Inaction of the LIVER.
m N. C.
Take No Substitute
c Printers
By virtue of a of the Superior Court
of County made tn the proceed- I
K vi W II.
. i-- i.-. h-II land for partition,
r- . will sell for
Court lion door In
on i May the following
I raft of land, In th-
of and In Township and being j
t land upon which I
Sr. now . the of I
the Hardy I
nth more
dry of
F. l. JAMB
By virtue of the power of contained In
M. Foreman and wife. Fore-
man, to Mr I- w on the
of June. duly recorded In the
of office of county. North Caro-
Una. In l-f.-k X-T. pare Bit. the will
In public rial , before the court
in U the
Monday, Inn i. a certain or
i f i I i .- m. being In the county
of I'm and Stale of Carolina
follows, That lot In lie
Of on which the -I M
i d now I
and v- i
on el reel and Lark i in f-et
or. sir ft. I he m hI
j m. by The
, to la hereby m
an lo
day it
Mr . I. W,
We have an entirely new
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Braes Col-
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
without any unsightly
knobs or feel on the bot-
Column Head
regular lengths
Refuting L. S and
Head Ruled inches in
Caught with the Goods
No now thing for lorn like this to to No ill or Fifteen
tingle purchase. If and are
of ten m a drop of for far
do with, yon cup nearly
are our
life to we link
Not Quite
w. How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box be prepared for
es. Our
is all JO i could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a tingle
useful article.
pay our bills r collar, else will do for us. Rain came to late every one knows
while we are thankful, time and delay has j
Instead of pay for beautiful n all colors extra wide Instead of cents
best Boys and girls of you pay for new Dress Goods Ill
stead of you for Ladies Summer Instead of you pay for Men's pants In-i a
for Men's Suits, light colors, newest
A heavy business cloud hangs over Building
No easy task before us to crawl out when the intelligent people see good Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods,
Furniture. Garnets, etc. for Fifty per cent off on every dollar.
54.00 you pay tor Oak I carved any Instead i yon pay
tor Suits all sizes. of yon pay tine Instead of 1.75 you pay for a Rocking chair
solid Oak Instead you pay for splendid Gingham per yard Instead of 3.00 you pay for Mens Patent
You get
Horse Goods,
Sixteen ounces to every pound the
barrels best Granulated Sugar
Special arrangements made for four days to sell in our Grocery department with others beginning
Wednesday Morn, June, 6th at o'clock promptly.
Is The moon Inhabited.
Science has proven that the moon has
an atmosphere, which in
some form possible on that satellite,
hut for beings, who have a
hard enough time on this earth ours,
Bitters cure Headache.
Malaria. Chills, and
dice, Dyspepsia, Torpid
Kidney complaints. General
Debility and Female weaknesses. On-
as a general Tonie and
tiler for weak persons and especially
the aged. It induces sound sleep,
guaranteed by L
Price only
Never ire t i I re been such preparations and at no time when we p
the. people their own Can w possibly do any more. To help us in this event, we
especially invite ail merchants and out of town store keepers. We positively draw no lines, your
money is lost s good and is ore great cause. We need it.
Pairs Misses Slippers 2.25 VI Dining Room Chairs
Gold price to the farrier brings the biggest crowd of purchasers on Friday
tie one.
e E
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
per lb
A of refaced
Rule, win full
will h cheerfully
sent on
of Type and
High Grade Printing Miter
N. Ninth Street.
Steamboat Service.
Oh. for Greenville; leaves
ii in.
Railroad for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, all other
a Norfolk
order their
height via Norfolk, care Norfolk
St in K. K.
bailing to change
nil bout notice.
J. Green-
N. ;.
H. ;. General T. and
f. Va.
M. K. KING, V. l. G. M.
P. R. L. Gm.
Greenville, N. G.
ha been successful in.-
curing these l
diseases that there is every
to believe that even the
hopeless cases can be
benefited, if not restored.
We will be to
any one thus to many
health, after years of hopeless
11.- i
nil Hint
for the
I, i, Its
i, con-
I- im almost
V . of
Ills tied;
from to
. lire. try
. first
II to
I I J but
trays, We as ha
can work and so
to ask .
this, tin y rt I i so.
E. if. Lincoln, ma.
Dr. Is sold by
who will that
first bottle will benefit. It It ha
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
-1 Ii -1
. -I
r in
o in .
. ; lit,
mlv i n I'll
; .,
i r
Nature's Way Is Best.
Tho and
chronic, linger-
cum of w
sued Dr. i
Ho uses natural that Is
extracts from root,
prepared out by
the expenditure of time and
money, the use alcohol,
by skillful combination in just
Used as of Dr. Pierre's
Golden Medical Discovery. Mack Cherry-
bark. root. Seal root.
Stone rout, ever
their influence cases of
and throat trouble, this
is, a sovereign remedy
for bronchitis. chronic coughs,
catarrh and
The above native roots have the
possible endorsement from the
medical all the
of practice, for the cure not only
of the disease named but also for
torpor f liver, or
obstinate kidney and
bladder troubles catarrh, no matter
where located.
You don't have to take Dr.
alone as to this; what lie claims
for his is backed up by the
writings of the most eminent men iii the
medical profession, A request by postal
card or totter, to Dr. K. V.
Pierce, N. Y. for a little
of extract from eminent medical
endorsing the of bis
medicines, will bring a little hook
that Is worthy of attention if
needing a Rood, safe, reliable remedy f
kn mm for the cure of almost
any old chronic, or lingering malady.
Dr. Pleasant Pellet cure con-
Due little is a gentle
and two a mild cathartic.
The most valuable for both men
and women Is Dr.
Common Sense Medical Ad-
volume, with engravings
and plates. A copy.
will be
to anyone sending cents
one-cent stamps, to pay
the cost of to
Dr. Pierce, Buffalo. N.
Y. stamps.
the weekly
on u policy if
on the f
old babe unloving
Experience in Racing Children.
Top was
it in Ir- IO
be give h
H. A.
in k. .
ll T HIM
How it Arose, and Still
Merrill A. In livery-
body's for -lune, gives,
an his striking leading article,
the fol
lowing account of the of
invention of marginal
gambling was what made bucket-
shopping possible. As long as
-trades were actual and the things
bought and sold were actually
transferred and the whole price
was paid, there was no room in
speculative markets for the keep-
of the bucket-shop.
was a quarter of a century
ago that transactions on loading
stock and cotton exchanges mid
boards o trade the in
where prices originate and are
Deal were consummated at 111--
with greater ease than
on legitimate exchanges, where
rigid governed each trans-
action, and where red tape had
to be tangled, unraveled, and
tangled again. The counterfeit
transactions perfectly simulated
the genuine. The counterfeiters
used quotations established on
regular exchanges. There was
nothing to prevent, since those
quotations were gathered by the
telegraph companies and
to anybody who paid for
them. Places where the
-rs held forth stood cheek
by jowl with the offices of
brokers there
was do apparent difference in
their appearance. But the keep-
f bucket-shops held out to
all who wished to gamble the in-
of for
their money. They charged
small com missions, waived in-
upon supposed
to be advanced to cover
between margins and full
values, required narrower mar-
gin would be accepted by
regular broker-, and, as an it-
magnet to attract pat-
to accept orders
for in fractional
lets. Legitimate exchanges
countenance trades only when
made to fixed units or multiples
thereof, the minimum being foil
shares of stock, bushels
of grain, holes of cotton, and
soon. The keeper
accepted orders for five shares
of stock, bushels of grain,
and five or ten bales of cotton
bucket- hop keeper went
on the road lo -teal all the
that might chance to cross
path. II- never had
m --i -V
note the hi
m down clerk or
office boy, th life
For years the people of Golds-
have been abusing the
roads entering that city for not
building a passenger depot, and
now that they have a chance to
get one it is headed off by an in-
junction. The railways have for
a long time expressed will-
to build a union depot if
the citizens would agree on a lo-
cation. This the latter could not
do because some of the business-
men on the main street, where
the trains now stop, would not
to have the depot
further from the center of th
town Present conditions be-
came such a nuisance that
peal was made to the corporation
commission to settle the dispute
between the two factions. The
commission decided upon the lo-
thought to be the beet by
both the railroads and the ma-
of the citizens.
the few who do not want trains
taken off the main where
no depot can be erected, could
have their way they have
sought the aid of the courts and
have had a restraining order Is-
sued against the contemplated
location of the depot. The order
was issued by Judge O. H. Allen,
to be heard by Judge Al-
in 20th.
This, of course, will delay mat-
and the traveling public will
be just that much longer sub-
to the great inconvenience
which has already existed for
far too long a time. The few-
persons in who object
to the building of a passenger
station there seem to forget that
the public has some rights and
privileges which should be re-
and they are doing eve-
in their power to
vent an improvement on the
present inconvenient and annoy-
conditions which confront
ever person arriving in or de-
parting from their city. The in-
junction will hardly to
more than the delay of the pro-
posed change and an annoyance
and expense to the railroads.
Wilmington Messenger.
set for a too I m . i. m
how I on -I
to my baby, all Mil
until I pt I z
to ii-, I,
her lie
-be looked foolish a.
-lie was
t Ii, I've i iii lei ,
are as no call
i rare up . . ,,. , .
someone an Having consolidated the two stocks of H; A. and John A. Ricks in one
up ii i i I I
n e
Ion plot
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed in
We will carry an up-to-date line
I W. i. I
at is known Hi.-
i- pin
i l he Iii m I he
i violin iv i in- i
a We rotund
Fault the Clock.
Put and Mike were
in a saloon. Pal
looking at the cock. Mike
i what are you
I. at the f
i that click Pat .
Mike i raid
i on th
are I
Pat, am going to stop the
MOT I S 111-1-
Dr. ft n
. y , . ,
Sold By J. W. Bryan.
The Cincinnati inquirer, so long
looked upon as die organ of the
Ohio Democracy, appears to have
hitched up with ring, of
which boss Cox is a light,
for it praises
vote t lie railroad rate
bill. Hut this the
lo stem the current of reform in
Ohio is evidently not relished, for
even the Republican county
a e den raker. The
Democracy of Ohio can pet
very well without the
e, always been an
man of the sea on their backs to
drag down to the corrupt level
of the machine.
Hats, Shoes, Dress Notions, Sc.
In Groceries we will have at all times a full line of the very best goods, net only
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, but all kinds o
Canned Goods, the finest brands
We can supply anything need to wear or to eat, and pay highest
COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods will please you.
The Republican lobbies of the
House of Representatives in Wash-
are now furnished with
ii i benches for the
of those Republican states-
men who nave visions of Democratic
successors, and there are many who
take this pessimistic view of mat-
That our high tariff prevents trade
between the States and the
Republics of America south of the
Caribbean Sea is shown by the gov-
report but percent
I imports comes from the
United States We cannot expect
countries to deal with us,
we raises harrier against trading;
with i
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
. .
Our specialty
Reflector Job Printing Office.
Wholesale retail oar
Dealer. Cain raid for
. it. i hi i Heed. Oil
i- hug, Bed
and Gail sis
Key West Che-
root- George Can-
es. Milk,
Food, Matches, Oil,
Meal and Gar
-eM-. f Ira Apples,
and Ware, Tip and
ii and Crackers, Macs
Best Barer, New
I and nu-
other Quality and
see tie.
When choosing a wife shut your
eye; it's a sporting because,
after all your wife is choosing
-a at
M K-
LOts For Sale.
Near Five Points on Easy Terms.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C.

Professor Thorn;. Augustus
of thinks there
annul he i department of earth-
quake prophecy established. Pro-
Augustus believes
that, with i earthquake
soon lie able lo fore-
tell great quakes and thus
lire and property. Japan, notes
Jagger, baa kept op a system of
observatories for
in my years in order to see what
he dune in the prophetic line
if i he Japanese experts have
ever bean able to secure any real
the fact never been
noted. Even Dr. Jagger is silent
usually no authorized
Clerk Hurt.
-re i- a i sec the At-
aim two north
sod it was not serious
is a mystery.
While trim
In was
u ; city and near
-one reason the
it- without one
naming. Due to this
lie, the of the
a hit on the head and his body
terribly and painfully skinned.
Mr. Arthur the clerk
Nothing too G
that particular point.
, , , ,
conic when chose-,was also in Hie can, Ban his
arm broken bis limbs bruised.
B the c inductor and the
I is true ;. often preceded j , ,
, , clerk, us the reached
, 1.1 this city taken to the Fowle
mid sounds. i . . , ,, . ,
nut m imply that a
, . ,, , of Atlantic Coast
a-- ill iv, lice they may
cur is I times without any fur-
en -e ii in short, i
u add to be it as
I Dr. It
et T. B,
the time the
accident k place. ware
ii .-. ex .I up . a- son as possible. Th-
the a; j e I
ken . g,
.-i am
All sure signs
earthquakes thus for discovered .
i- e did not
a- de she
left for Tar-
i noun.
tar discovered
. tin-. mi
imagination after the event.
p Van Winkle Outdone
Aft-, f OF
years from county, of h DEEDS.
he was a native, the Rev. An
Johnson a tat ago
to lied Springs from Texas. He is
n of
It is nil difficult to imagine
the venerable minister feels like a county to
strange m . u strange land. So
many e have taken e hi
J the fifteen year
X. C,
. l
desire he attention of
a i-
fail in near will lie
select a man
ice. but to of his two terms,
years of absence there is a
-1 When he left i- third term, a new man will
Robeson county was be selected in
a will
Johnson rec lo the of
any place with which he was the name of L.
be was a of sterling qualities
man us of age. w good an
I. very aged people i I man in Pi county. Mr.
them remember Mr. a all over
be went away, as a gladly support
child then old would be mil e will make a splendid
ich .
be f
years now. It be hoped
that Mr. Johnson will enjoy his
vi-it, and live many more years f
remarkable life.
AMonster Ghost
the mys-
tery muled bi on
I air streets this morning,
I Mind under the build
ins a which weighed three survive
Bethel, N. June,
At hi- home in Town.
ht,, an ill . of
Mr. t,. Nobles died
tins father, two
For several months tin- hi use
with it ti .
fled I if unearthly noise-
them in the dead v
sounds .
i y and volume alter I hi
if tenants, and the
neighbor was used.
house has been shunned,
Last night, u result e n
plaints, . re pi ,, , n
and vi red the n .-.
Now Orleans Dis
ti p.
u e
i ell. I . .-in I,,.
in I hi ii Iwar lid
In M.
. mas hand-made
ii sale. Apply 1-1 T
Bethel, ,
A Card of
Mr. ii J. ; n
to lake thin of
f, . i. public
rally, l the p appreciation
fie , ., i y
I tn in t in during
the a I. . ,. owing in
I t. r- Ike
la . a.-1.1.1.,
m ., aid
laid . . . ,
. tor ,
I till- .-.-
i of ,
ii.- day
. rad in
T .
i ion.
and beau-
t sun-
t- e oh made
bear. is J.
. Mi
.II. I
w J. ,.
111.1 a
White pi ,.
t Ilia
.- for n . t
much lower
I i pen in.
I , ,.,
w I l
, .
. if nil
are warned
penalty of not .
ploy, harbor or in any . as
s-i sou, Herbert K.
it. He left Inane without
I will
h t 1.1 any information hi-
J. J.
l . . up em there and
I .
May 1301.
N. 0.1
we are always looking for better; always
working to secure values and styles superior
to other stores, when
began to sell paper patterns we began to investigate, we
said to ourselves,
l-n l.-i , the H. a m-w I
lure which make- these much mote I-
any pattern. They a Guide u
each This shows the
to he put ft is so that a ,
It u boon In ladies who are
in and garment making. Mothers advise
that by aid of tie Gun id with em h
train r r- do their own sewing
i i-
iBut there is still another point to consider. The pat-
terns are all new, no old styles, no ancient creations; all
new, all up-to-date and perfect in fit and style, and so
much more easily understood than other patterns that
one trial will convince you and make you a regular
The Style BOOK
Free At Our Store. Come And Get One.
We are leaders In Dress Goods Silks and
J. R. J. G.
N. C.
WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
Twice-a-Week and Friday.
Interesting Things Told by
N. C, June
were to shake the hand
of our young friend, Thomas A.
who has just returned
Lome from Trinity College, Dur-
ham with his sheepskin, a grad-
of that institution. In look-
at his diploma, we up
against old times when we wore
a buy It was all writ
tin in Latin, a dead language,
and by the way, I don't see any
use continuation of
dead languages, except in the
two professions of law and med-
and I bore is only feet
difference in these two. When a
doctor makes a mistake it is bid
six feet in the ground, and when
a lawyer makes one it is exposed
six above ground.
are pleased to know that
Capt. W. J Hope is somewhat
improving. Hope he will
to do so.
Mrs. W J. Kittrell is quite
V. Lanier has been down
this way this week putting up
tombstones for some of his pa-
is a great improvement
going on in town. New
buildings, now painting, etc. Ev-
seems to be busy at
Work nut
The Oxford orphans gave
an exhibition of their singing on
the the inst., and
the little
jest as any of in
demonstrating about what they
km v, the old folks, young
folks, all sorts of folks. We
f worth.
The pi st master at
having n signed, the patronage
of was turned over to
the office. R. F. D.
gives Grifton live routes.
Mrs. M. A. T. Green, who has
been sick for sometime
we are glad to learn is
Our little people seem
to be very busy, which shows
good their line of bu-
From the looks of so many of
our ming people, hauling
n bay shipped here it
doe- like some of them
and build up hay
far ii a in very
Ins one sporting old
widower, can walk a plank
or climb a tree same as a
coon. Now hero old man.
I thought you were cripple, but
din den's 1.1 Lookout
Old Vanderbilt will have
to put one eye upon you,
He you can't guess who it is.
Don't speak at
Held in A i the Townships
primary of
-nil met in the
mi to appoint
. F.
hi of
U ale
lull ,
instructed for L. I.
Moore solicitor and J. U.
ware selected
with vote of town,
and south side of the river.
The primary was held at
1.1 The strength the
primary for judge showed
Morrill Fr
commissioner, HI.
from other
have yet come
iii- h
coin I hull I
bit and
i- i
Brilliant Wedding Margaret
Cass and Charles
Thomas Lipscomb.
From Dally of Ty-
Pa., we take the following
account of a brilliant wedding that
will be read with interest by
Gr e. Hi- people, as is the
home of the Broom's parents, and
ho is well known and a great
favorite here. Messrs. W. T.
Harry W.
Greenville, among tin out
at wedding.
Herald says-
before annals of
could there be recorded
such a magnificent nuptial event
of last evening, the
of Mies Kerr Cass
of Tyrone, and Charles Thomas
of Columbia,
For several days In mini id
brute's parent-, Mr.
mil Mrs. Joseph Kerr Cass,
Lincoln avenue, had been a scene
of loving and pie-
entertainment. The guests
comprised a happy
and with exuberance
ninth, sunny smile
and the abundant hospitality
hi-In inc, all combined so
were perfect days.
On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Cass entertained the bridal
and their house at
There were
covers, and tho table
were pick and white sweet
peas. bride's gift to each
tier maids, preceding wedding,
pins green
gold set with The
presented to tho ushers
curt-links hearing
mm hie In and bi
wedding took place at In
Furl church last
evening. There
the decorators, Pen
Philadelphia, was ad-
i rat inn of all beheld it
TI e pulpit platform organ
loft were completely covered with
a mans of stately palms with over
hemlock from the
d trimming the Banked
this e
pal were great clusters of n on n
lain laurel flower, dulled
with whit
peonies. Peeping the
a ray were the gracefully sweeping
and the completeness decor-
scheme was by huge
clumps of ferns.
It was shortly after n o'clock
that the church was opened
it as quite filled by
invited guests. For the half hour
ton- ceremony, the organist,
I. nil of
gave a that was
He played the
wedding chorus from
by Meyerbeer;
by batiste;
in Star
Wagner; an
lie hour for
arrived, at o'clock wen
familiar -1
step, entered.
Inc officiating minister.
T. with Mr. Lips-
comb his best Christie
of Columbia, at the
right passed down the side
aisle, the bride's
at the stool. First
party passing down the
aisle the ten J
Palmer and Albert
Douglass, of Columbia,
Guion, of Greenville C, Fred-
and William L.
Rowe, of John P.
St. Louis- Charles A.
Cass, bride's brother, and
Robert B. Wilson, of Tyrone;
Walter of Davenport, la;
and Robert E. Barn well, of Boston.
Then followed the six
Miss Hall, of Ridgway;
Miss Jane Lloyd, of
Miss Aleta of Columbia,
S. Miss Marie of
Cleveland; Miss Faithful Ames, of
Miss Rose Luke, of
New York. The maid of honor,
Miss Anna Cass, sister,
preceded lie bride
who was upon arm of her
costumes of the ladies were
charming. The bride was most
radiant with a gown of
white liberty with court
elaborately trimmed in
She wore a
bridal veil with a of lad-
entwined with orange blossoms.
Her only jewel a pearl
diamond pin, gift of the groom.
She can a
bouquet of of the valley and
pale orchids. This
was arranged, so that it
was afterward divided into
parts, each a for
presentation to the bride's maids.
a gown of lace with
in white silk,
maid of was very
attired. wore an Em-
sash, as did six brides-
maids were uniformly
white radium silk, with bodices
of lace, trimmed with
embroidered satin buckle.
Each of maids carried arm
of fern
while pansies cluster, with fall
ends of a variety of delicate
terns, mass being held by rich
ribbon. The gowns of
many others company were
mother, Mrs wore an
especially It
was of beautiful
white crepe. The men of the
Inn no while pansies.
Arrived min.-
bridal party
id mil in
Mr. conducted
I In tile folio, the
ride hen g away
lather, the groom bestowing n
as pledge of troth. The c u-
At its conclusion
wedding man h, w hen the
lowly united Mr. and Mis. Lips-
tho attending in
match from
Immediately fallowing
reception was held 10-
the spacious borne of
Here, too,
achieved wonder. In
several rooms the mantles were
They were deserving. The
bride is a of
et d with
graces of heart disposition that Happenings Interest in North
give her most enduring charms Carol
of She is elder j
daughter of Mr. Mrs Joseph j A man died of
Cass. Mr. president of caused by
Morrison Cass Paper Company, his band with a nail.
is a director one of
large shareholders West
Virginia Pulp and Paper com-
He is also of
Winston Haling a I
iii -111 which visited Ml. Airy
the of Mr. G.
Welch ms struck by
the First National bank of Tyrone, building and a
and e of I except p ices on tower
place. Like the bride,
groom is of distinguished .
He is sou of T. Lip-
who possesses extensive
at Greenville, K. C. The
groom is in excellent young man
He is
of Cot-
ton Warehouse Company, a in
of the cotton warehouses in
I tie southern slates.
While the company chatted
were regaled,
Ira, of Philadelphia, play-id most
the spacious laud-
overlooking busy rooms. A
wedding was served the
dining room by Caterer John
of It was
sumptuous and delicious. The menu
deviled crabs, chicken
croquette and peas,
chicken salad, rasped nil-,
ice and ices, strawberries,
cake, ml
There was a dainty box of
cake for each bridal
party sat down to an
table in pink room up-
Here menu
baskets, .
cress, new peas and
potatoes, Roman punch, a
salad with French dressing, crack-
ingenious fancy
creams, bonbons, coffee and
rolls. achievement will a
conspicuously successful one.
The gorgeous display of Its lie-
stowed upon the bride excited full-
est Nor were
to be placed in the spacious room
that the guests saw, For
a handsome residence, completely
furnished, at Columbia, B. C , is
the costly and magnificent gilt of
tie bride's father. The bride's
mother presented her a inns-iv
chest of Hat silver,
est The parents
bestowed a tine a
and lea set, The
bride's uncle, John G. Anderson,
presented her a grand piano.
Besides, she received a
of rich jewels, beautiful cut
glass, art work-, and other tokens
of esteem. A gift that spoke ex-
was a en
navel silver dish the
Columbia Light I a Ian try which
groom is the red captain.
Mr. and Mrs. the
Inviting; strains of In
memory, on the
were consumed by
The lightning killed
a dog, but none of tin family was
injured. The loss is estimated
about with insurance to
the amount . 1,200.
who came on the morning
train, it was learned that William
a farmer residing on
the edge of county, near
this by himself
with a plow line. was
or -10 years old and bad been
married limes. Family and
tumble- are given as
cause of bis rash act.
A line bull belonging to
a resident of Brooklyn was
ed recently for appendicitis
a id is doing well. Lithe append-
ix was found a snail roll of human
hair, which prove to be a
of strands of
his locks- Human hair is
practically indigestible except to
the ostrich. A mouse of it a
to the appendix,
Most burn their combings
in the kitchen stove for luck.
Appendicitis is u horror- I met
a man a few days ago,
healthy lo look upon, who told me
he bad appendicitis and would
have operation as
soon as he get money
and leave of
There is nothing
Formerly appendicitis was
much obscurity its
flex-is were attributed to
tenure, The earliest and full ac-
count of disease was not given
till Thus we are just twenty
years in grasp of the death-
dealer. L the
Itself does not constitute,
I hough starts, and
so long as only appendix i
there may be ills,
com foil, there is no real pain,
occurrence pain giving the sin-
mil peritoneum,
smooth membrane covering all the
bowels and lining the abdominal
has become
perilous which
covering of
Second Charge
preliminary trial
E VicK, agent tin;
Railway Farmville,
Justice tin. Peace
tree iii substance
showed at various Vick
had taken u v . J. the
railroad and e
t t I i s
; report of Vick ed
no in
and was d to in
the sum hi- appear-
Superior com
action against Vick was
brought by the American Surety
Company, New York, in which
lie was bonded a-
and ilia Surety
claims in-
it i all
there is Vick in
natter. Mi, V,
Com piny of
America, of was
present as
at the Alter
it was over reporter that
Vick was in company
a- hi the
he a
for which want-,
to hold f as soon as
railroad case is dis-
for extended in the ten or
moon tour and all their destination lo
is their own precious change social habit and
nun i in , . .-.-. i
hair fern, peonies and be in New York time is will,
lock. visit at the home of a tough meals, lob-
rounded with areal t N. O. They l;
ii Willi greet J or meats, mm-
When you rush to tho
and actually find
that for which you bar-
gain have you really
You have secured for fifty
c -tits an article which la worth a
dollar; or have bought for
a garment which was
worth ton.
Hut bow did ii that
the merchant could afford to-
sell the goods at half price P
Why, he, in turn, got
bargain when he purchased. He
must have tho goods at one
third, two-fifths
of their tin- value before he
could tin in at one-
When you got your bargain
Somebody had to lose one-half
the value lb,, goods. Who
was bat somebody U was not
the merchant. Oh, no. He does
business fur the there is
in it, and lie is to his
reasonable gains, The loss did
not full on bin. you
for one-half o; tho and got
tho other halt for nothing. Up-
on whom did it Upon tho
weakest man ill the line of
now v on in KANSAS.
dock, dusters of laurel en- i he at home September
iterated meals, ,
drinking has
men with peonies. bullet Columbia, with the disease States hi
vase of American
beauty loses. The bride's table
was decorated with white roars,
lilies valley white
in the receiving line Mr.
Mis. Cars, lit j u
William T. Lipscomb, the groom's
; the gloom, and
their of wedding
A happy social
with formality
geniality heartily present,
passing of the
young couple mo-t
dial felicitations
a. C.
The infant son of Mr. and Mis.
w. farmer
a days ago
at their home Mount.
Mrs. T. received a
telegram Friday evening
the death lather, Mi
C. H. Moseley, which at
his home in Drakes Branch, Va.
He had reached advanced age,
Mrs. Lipscomb has the
of many friends her now.
the beverage being too
I for health, is
more than lei
cent, of all
under the thirty. Further
Ml per cent tint cases am
I Press.
A lot of tablet going
t Reflector store.
Potato will begin a
w days.
Mr. Joel
algal at bis
Tyson died
home about I miles
lowed a
and started
up i,, deliver tho
in ts owner. The
their beads dial b-i
war and every one that h
met on paying what ho
owed the paper. One man wiped
out a debt often years standing.
On his return to his be
found R load of bay, bush-
els of corn, ten of
toes, a load Wood, a bar-
above He was Vol id turnips
seventy years of age. a brought in. All the country ed-
soldier, farmer are now ti ti borrow
good lie leaves a wife; Winchesters. Kansas City
but Journal.

Eastern reflector, 8 June 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 08, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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