Eastern reflector, 1 June 1906

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w w
D. C, May
if Panama-canal are
chuckling over the though
Chat after all these action
by . on the type of
this session that the whole
will hare to so over or
the President will be forced i pro
on own initiative, which he
has u right lo do under the law.
looks as though the nest place
where might be a clean-
is tho ill office. The big
i- . u shape than it
been for sat Hie examiners
are n behind in their
in t me i and there is
prospect their catching up
This means if a man puts in an
application for a patent it will be
months before the government
ready to take a look at it
Hull it may be a year or two
vi; i. tin patent is ready to
is principally
U office. He is a
, for a
long tune, and like H
Other officials who a
term on a fat salary he let bis
department .-. into the
vanning itself. The result is
though force has re
Couple From Came
Here to Wed.
Friday alter noon Mi.
Brown and Miss Maggie Chestnut.
i f Kinston, were married M
the me of Mr. A. L. Potter.
Elder W. H.
couple from
K night and
it to Snow Hill where an
effort made to
get license. They then came or.
here were aid to come in
tow I stepped home of
and sent in
it- license a preacher.
bring married came
a and I i evening
hi in t i k to
fol t
when sh
is said to
ride ed in
mi from here
i girl. She
now years old.
i i
Nothing too GOOD
Miss fa
nick pa
Mrs. H.
been increased by Congress, turner
I i kit more time
good . to smoke.
and gossip. The is
meantime and there is
pros I the force catching up
vita it under present manage-
The patent is one of
the departments of the govern
meet that is supporting. It is
than that. The office
now not only its own way Inn
has brought in a revenue
to the government
There is prospect that there
will be a battle royal over the prose
ration of the Standard Oil Company.
No one doubts tint such a
is contemplated, though the
Justice tries to look
wise the Commissioner of
is more mysterious than
ever about the A good
enough reason h t the coming prose
is that it will be good politics.
Whether the corporation will be
convicted or not is a question. In
of all the lucky escapes it
had in the past it is very doubtful
it will.
u street,
Stokes has been quite
i of
; , on Second
Hooker has been
at In r home
e F
. ,
How to Interest.
If you wish to deposit money
i m u specified ii get inter-
net, In log it to and take
one our Time
The National Bunk
Greenville, N. C.
we are always looking for better; always
working to secure values and styles superior
to other stores, when
began to sell paper patterns we began to investigate, we
said to ourselves,
Seventeen Mutes Confirmed--An
Impressive Service.
It is sold t one witnesses
a impressive in its
and solemnity, as was
that held in St church
last night, v lie i seventeen deaf
mutes won received into
church by the rites
. here are only
or deal mutes in tho com-
night seventeen
of these r taken into com-
wit the
chancel wen
the lit. J Cheshire,
of tho Hoc hi North t
ma, Rev. J. mis-
tn tin i oaf mutes in the
fit S ; i, Rev. s. s.
Bost, rector St. Philip's. Tl a
was r. id by Mr. Boat,
Mi fallowed and
t c that was
laid in .
Bishop Chen made a short
t work among the
leaf, v i-h Mr.
sachet a in the
Hum was being
Mel id, which per-
the i was like the
at ion. whirl, packed tho church
the doors, was profoundly
The deaf mutes hung
Don every word.
while being
or face, and graceful in form
Id repeated in the
lam . the
My God to
Miss all the
an accomplished elocutionist, I
is a product as
near callable of curing the
majority of diseases as it is
possible for Modern Science
to produce. The use of Bro-
makes pure blood.
is not a miracle
but simply the result of the
scientific the
chemists of the
present century. At the
first symptoms of fatigue
headache or backache, which
are often the forerunners
disease, send for your
physician if you will, but, if
yon take you may
find that by the time he has
answered your call, that the
symptoms have disappear-
Use as
ed. Live a life.
If you while so
doing, we any
doctor's bill on de-
proof of illness.
We don't want you to invest
a however, until we
have bought the first bottle
For you. Kill in the coupon
under this advertisement
and n ail it to us, care
to write your name and ad
dress plainly, and we will
send you without any cost
to you whatever a full size
I package to try. No matter
what your trouble is, write
to us con-
Co., New York.
J. L. Wooten will give his
persona guarantee that you
will receive an on
your nearest druggist for a
tree bottle if you send us
coupon. Be sure to write
your name and address
nearest dealer is t.
My disease is.
It you think you need
at once, or if you have
used it. it Is to be had
first class druggists.
J. L.
Exclusive Wholesale Agents
or N.
H Is class and has never done anything in a second class
at investigation convinced us U
the Ladies Home Journal added a new
which makes much mote desirable than
other pattern. They furnish a Chart free with
each pattern. This Chart shows exactly the pattern is
to he t It is so that a child can
it. It s to who are
in garment cutting and garment making. Mothers advise
that by the aid of the Chart furnished with each
train their daughters to do their own sewing
But there is still another point to consider. The pat-
terns are all new, no old styles, no ancient creations; all
new, all up-to-date and perfect in fit and style, and so
much more easily understood than other patterns
one trial will convince you and make you a regular
Free At Our Store. Come And Get One.
We are leaders In Dress Goods Silks and
and though she does not speak
orally, her reading in was
more eloquent and impressive
than words usually are. Many
people in the congregation
thought they had never attended
a more inspiring and helpful
vice. Durham Sun.
J. G.
D J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Another feature of the bill
which is of the utmost
requires that after May
1908, no interstate carrier
engage in the transportation of
commodities of its own in
with shippers over its lines.
This is intended principally to
break up the control that the
railroads now exercise over the
business in
and over the
business in large part. It re-
mains to be seen whether this
part of the law can be carried
out as to made really effect-
As a rule, the coal business
of the railroads is organized
although the stock of
the coal companies is owned by
the railroad companies and the
presidents the coal roads are
tho presidents of the companies
that mine and sell the coal. Per-
haps the most complete
now existing in America is the
anthracite-coal monopoly, and it
will be next to impossible to
break it up. For most great
trusts and combinations it is
easy to present a strong
cal based chiefly upon
the economies resulting from the
of united and co-
operative methods on the large
scale for the wastes and
of the old competitive sys-
no argument at all
can justify a due to the
seizure of the whole supply of
some commodity that is
tn article of general use by a
a i-i or a group of
common whose proper
unction i- not to traffic in com-
to carry other pea
pie's the lowest feasible
prides. tie railroads which
touch the anthracite field of
Pennsylvania had always been
limited absolutely and to
their functions as
the users of anthracite
coal would not today be paying
much, any, more than one-half
of tho present price of coal.
From Pi ogress of the
in the American Month-
Reviews for June.
Cruel Jab.
At a of
ii i -fin was
man, win veil
ailed, the office several
ii . and exclaimed in a
loud-nine v
hum is John Smith Did
v paper that I was a
did was the
.- i of
Didn't that was a
i shouted Smith,
a shark
and ft
I did declared the
-one paper n-
ii been our
down be was
nil of the editorial one
r prints stale
A Democratic convention of Pitt
county will be held at court
at o'clock
A. M. Thursday, June 1906,
purpose of selecting
to various State, Judi-
and Congressional conventions.
The Democratic primaries
purpose of selecting delegates
o the county convention will be
held at the various voting
of the respective townships
of Pitt on Saturday,
day of 1906, at o'clock P.
M. At these primaries Demo-
voters of respective
townships will select delegates to
county convention to e held
at Greenville on 14th of
township will be entitled to
the number of delegates,
to the county convention based
upon its vote for Governor for
1904, to
Heaver Dam
Contents No.
Virginia and Carolina Wed at
At Hotel Bertha Tuesday
there were a bride and groom Who
away from Kinston to get
groom was Mr B. I.
Jones, a man with head-
quarter at tin
bride Miss o
It in the same old story.
couple were in love, there was ob-
to the marriage by
of the young lady, an
was carried out. Mr.
came to Greenville from
the road on
train and the night
Next day he procured a marriage
license, obtained a carriage
horses and started toward
In the meantime Miss Chadwick
left Kin-inn in a with a
and came in direction.
The two teams met in the road
somewhere between
Ayden when Miss Chadwick
the buggy and took a in the
carriage with Mr. Jones.
turned about and drove back to
Ayden were married o
rival there by Rev. B. K.
They continued journey to
It hoped that a full attend
whom Democratic voters of
each township will at their re
primary meeting to select
delegates to the county convention
III e i-i- with
ti hi of party.
By order of the committee.
L. I.
At an informal meeting of the
Baptist Wednesday night,
arrangements were completed for
the welcome to pastor, J.
K. who was married at
to Miss Belle
Ho will reach
with his bride Friday evening,
a public reception will be tendered
at th Mr.
Mrs. It. K from loll
ii. N. C, May
Kev. J. It- of Pantego,
bis regular appointment at
church at their place
day morning.
Too Timothy hand was just fine.
We had a rain here
night and Sunday. The
are all smiles now.
Will Hodges and wife,
were our town
;. and sinter, Mi
Helen, spent Sunday
will. Miss Myrtie Proctor.
William of Greenville,
i-pent Sunday Dr. Jones
Little Lizzie Galloway i spend-
sometime wit i little Man
Minnie Buck is her
sinter, Mrs. T. K. Proctor.
Mi-. and children,
of spent Friday
Mrs, W.
Mi-s of this
place, is visiting Mrs. C. G.
Oakley, N. C. May
This section is full of potato hugs
and drummers.
Mr. and Mrs. James RoebucK
spent hers w. th their
Mrs. II. A. Gray.
The rain has come, the next tiling
is grass.
L. Williams returned home
Sunday after spending a few days in
Martin county.
II. BOSS returned to Charles-
ton, S. C, last week after spending
several days here on business.
E. has been sick but ii.
much better.
James Robersonville.
was hero Saturday.
The 15- H. met here in their
Closes With Splendid Concert.
The public school at
aught by Miss Ada Ward closed
Tuesday night a splendid
Ad Immense crowd was
present and every feature of the
was greatly
After all had been
sated in the beautifully decorated
nail, Fred one the pupils
a brief address of
come. Following this Mr. W. M.
Movie, one of the school committee
men, introduced Prof. W. H. Bags-
dale for half an hour.
As usual he gave his hearers much
to think about. He congratulated
the community upon large
enrollment of school
good work done, but impressed
fact to keep pace with the
educational movement and the
progress of the times in we
live, Grimesland must go forward
by erecting a large school
that will accommodate all the
children of the community
teachers increased pro-
Following the address the con-
cert was given by pupils with
Song, school.
Pa Begins to
Helen Boyd Elijah Proctor.
Heard Them
Maggie Moore.
Song, Miss Louise Ward.
Play, Godmother's Book
Dorothy, Mary Proctor.
Godmother, Dollie Hodges.
happenings of Interest in North
K. of Durham, came to
this place yesterday, stopping at
This morning
chambermaid going to lo-
room l mini him in
condition. In his room were found
a number of bottles Containing
poison. What he hi d taken could
he determined or has not been
at this time. who were
called stated, however, that it
impossible lot him to survive.
Charlotte, X. O., May
applicants to practice med-
this State who stood the
examination before State board
lat week, have failed, accord-
to announcement of the
chairman of the board today.
i- something of a calamity to
the but
the Slate it is believed, i
making efforts to
raise the
large increase in of
who have failed to pass.
Durham, N. C. May
of a attempt at suicide
been received here from the
northern part of the county, the
victim of her to end
life is Miss
daughter of Henry Franklin. The
attempt was made Saturday
and particulars could not be
learned, account of relatives
to secret the affair.
Miss who is about
Red Biding Hood, Blanch , home of he
Babes in the Woods, Henry
Aladdin, Knott Proctor.
Jack the giant killer, Herman
Bleeping Beauty, Susie Proctor.
Golden Hair, Emma Carson.
Tom Thumb, Ed
Recitation, Deacon's
hall on the 20th with quite a good Elijah Proctor.
Mrs. Nancy Williamson, of Beth-
el, visited Mrs. Sallie Williams lure
last week.
We are very glad to note that
Mm. Nash Hardy is very
Daisy Parker
from where she has been
visiting friends for some time.
There was no service at Oak Grove
Hiss Rosa Skinner, one of
charming young ladies, is spending
a days this, old Pitt's garden
J, J. Jones and T. F. Nelson
went fishing last week in
creek. They muddied tho creek a
distance of miles, brought home
as many as two horses could pull, to
say nothing of the two or three wan-
on loads given away. They
muddy the next week from
Plymouth to Weldon.
We now have water w irks and
soon will have lights, of course
Louis Duncan.
a shot gun and to a tobacco
barn, some two hundred yards
from the house, and placing the
breech of gun against a rock
attempted to pull the bin
could not reach it. She then
a stick hailing
pushed trigger and the gun
fired, but the movement of
V. O. May
Mi. John Bell, foreman on the
railroad, for
Company, died suddenly
day night at We
his dear relatives here,
Mrs. L. K. Ricks, Miss Olive
and Miss Mary Belle
Ricks have gone an extended
vi-it to relatives and friends at
Ed wards.
P. P. Stallings, of Richmond,
was town Monday night.
T. B. of Belcross and
J. of Raleigh, are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O.
W. M. Ward and Mr. Peck, of
Bern, visited our town Wed.
Mr. Brown, of wag in
town Tuesday,
Mrs. F. G. Whaley left Tuesday
morning for a two weeks visit to
Mrs H. Phillips, of Suffolk.
Mr of was
Rev B. E. of Ayden,
tilled his appointment
Sunday and preached an
Miss Lula Sexton, is out again
after a severe of measles.
Mr. Vance, of Georgia, was in
town this week.
P. H. Harrington and Robert
Minton Sunday Washing-
Freeman Georgetown,
S. C, arrived tonight will he
bee days.
Mrs. If. B. Philips made a short
visit last week
to her home in
Saturday, accompanied by H. P.
Rev. of Wake
here Tuesday.
H. II. Stanley spent Monday in
Willie Kicks, of Greenville, was
in Mm
Mis. O. O. Calhoun, who has
body saved life a- the loud we
Intended for her heart went I
From What we hear we are moonlight.
in nave some new neighbors
Broad street.
We will not take to tell
the drummers that visit om
I hey are like the------we
have with us
Monday morning
I and o'clock, a mob of two bun-
died masked men, at
assaulted the sheriff, battered
down jail door and
V. Johnson, a while jut
earned turnabout a mile Iron town
Hong, Hies Myrtie Proctor.
Pantomime, girls.
Man at the
Holt Faucette.
Cradle s Several girls.
Your Own
Lucy Anderson.
Recitation, shall I
Drill, Eighteen girls
Recitation, Several boys.
Mary Proctor.
Tableau, Girls.
Vocal and Instrumental music,
Misses Moore and Ward.
Just before the c inclusion of
program Miss Ward in a few winds
thanked the committee of
school for the manner bad
of its mark. Her breast
away, however, having
lung on side of
am no but I know a few
tilings. have seen nice Corn
rye of late. came in a jug,
Charlotte, N. C. May
of the oldest in the
South, Porter, who
lives In Mecklenburg is
dead at the advanced age of one
hundred and ten years. She
a few years after the
lion war and has the distinction
of reached a more advance
age than person all
to f
d years old
and lynched him, after , . ,
tinny was riddled with bullets aid u
work, to all who
had helped her making the
closing a success, to
people to Superintendent
f their
Miss Ward ha- had a
school that tested hr efficiency
as a teacher. The enroll was
above CO, and the excellence of the
closing concert showed the
of the work she had done.
is town
and making- line ad ranee both ed-
and commercially.
Black Jack, N. C. May
Jas. II. who has been
attending Whitsett Institute,
home last week.
E. L. Clark went to Greenville
Mis, Jennie Forbes, of Green
I ville, spent Friday here with Mrs.
G. S. Johnston.
A nice rain one more time.
Farmers to see such a nice
one. more like
a living.
Miss Bessie Adams spent
day in and with Miss
Little Cole been very
for several days. We hope
she will soon improve.
G. H. Minion family have
back to his home in Bertie
alter a short residence in
N. C, May Be-
tween midnight and one o'clock
I'm e broke at the extensive brick
lino it of Mr. V. A.
a 10-s of
Mis. Abram spent a
with her people.
Henry Mill to Greenville
Wednesday on business.
How Tillman Lost An Eye.
Although his worn old
enough to serve in the Confederate
army, was a
school hoy of fifteen when the great
struggle began. He knew that at
sixteen lie must join I lie Confederate
forces, his brothers wrote back
from the field entreating him to get
as much education possible,
cause war might last so long that
be would never again he able to
to school.
liven at night Tillman would con
studies, carry
pine I not into the
woods and lay down with big
books i. lie was a lank, tall
silent boy, dictatorial and brusque,
this place and but a natural student heat of
his sister, Miss Daisy, spent Bat- the pine torch bis left eye,
and Sunday House, I and a plunge in cold water brought
vis ting relatives and friends. on B destroyed it. It was
Mason and Oscar spent U,, following
Sunday afternoon
Mrs. Noah Cox and her sister,
Miss Eva, were here a short while
Farmers are still selling out
tobaCCO, look out for crops.
this mishap that prevented the
youth from serving in arms against
tho for
takes more than a
manner lo make up lack
business in religious work
Many men in;. -1
Ten . i tin
I just clip oil one tn
Di. v I. Fleming, this
who has at Hamilton,
recently Mood the examination for
fore the state board of
passed with mark-
c .

All our lines are complete in
Summer Wearables
. . . Such as . DRESS CLOTHING, ShOES,
An inspection from you invited. Come, whether you
or not, will certainly save you money.
A Snake in Church.
At one of our colored places of
worship a few Sundays since con-
commotion was excited
when attention was drawn to
door, where a good sized snake
I making it entrance, if
I all surroundings the rep-
j some were ii-
to a remembrance of the r-
den of and of the i pinion
the devil paying tin- con-
a visit. It was in
peculiar occurrence, and for the
valor of a few. there would have
been mere service at that church
that day. and likely, for many
lo com,. Winston
the Nelson
T- and t sell same
I l
lie. d of Mine. Apply l
A Ayden. N.
Our Department is full of good things for the
old and the young. Come and see us.
C. T. Big Store
Friend. is World
Suppose Stop See
Isn't it Wonderful
K. 1903.
I pleas-
i i k i Remedy
cured our little girl of
. bud case I which
of her
Him-had from
I Ml w eel's old,
w old. She
low i . , i I feel
I i,. of
t symptom of
II I six year-.
I Not Quite
often you can gel a
thing jOg,
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool and be prepared for
r-enc es. Our line of tools
is all i could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
Al useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
I J- R
Is The Moon Inhabited.
Science has proven that the moon has
atmosphere, which makes life
some form possible on that satellite,
but no-for human beings, who have a
hard enough time on this earth of ours,
Hitters cure Headache, Bilious
Malaria, Chills, arid
dice, Dyspepsia, Torpid
Kidney complaints, General
Debility and Female weaknesses.
as a general Tonic and
weak persons and
the aged. It induces sound sleep,
Fully guaranteed by L.
Price only
D. W.
i i. in
in And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
N. C.
To Publishers
and Printers
whereby we
mil old Col
limn am Fl-ad
aid thicker, 111.1 make
as ., ,.
;. . Inly
knobs ti bot-
Column and Head
regular lengths
l. s. and
Head Ruled inches in
and over per lb
A ample of refaced
will be cheerfully
sent on application.
of Type nil
High Grade Printing Mater
N. Ninth Street.
Steamboat Service.
L. leaves
Washington daily I except
at U a. in. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
in. for
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Southern Railroad t r
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, and all
North. Connects a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shippers should order
freight via Norfolk, care
Southern K. R.
Sailing hours subject to change
without notice.
J. J. Agent, Green-
N. c.
H. General T. and
r. Agent, Norfolk, Va.
H. K. KING, V. P. G. M.
North Ca i
FitS, then
J Epilepsy
a heavy
Sickness tight
The LIVER i.-. i. scat of nine
t root of the whole b
restore the action of
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
p. R. L.
Greenville, N. G.
Dr. Mil.
has been so successful in
curing these
diseases that there is every
to believe that even-the
most hopeless cases can be
benefited, not fully restored.
We will be pleased to refer
any one thus to many
who enjoy the blessing of
health, after of hopeless
a Hon
when two f i y flt of
worst ho m i
I ,,
for him, without
ho i i that w
sent to for tho
throe tut ho con-
to prow
him home July 1901 In an
lie hid lost mind almost
entirely, lie hardly Knew of
family; could not even find bed;
was a total lie had from to
Ills a day. We to
Dr. and the first
bottle was see a
for the have Riven It to
him ever and tie baa had but
two very spells Since la.-t
and then he was not well other
ways. We pronounce him cured, its ho
can work go anywhere. If any
wishes to ask any
this, they are st liberty to do
1-1. if. Lincoln. Ind.
Dr. Is sold by your
druggist, who will guarantee that the
bottle will benefit. If It falls, ho
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Nature's Way Is Best.
The ind
KIM of a-
If fill low
Hi men that is
wrought out
of much
tin- us of
by skillful In
m of
bark. root Seal root.
and root,
In cast's of lung,
Is, therefore, remedy
for bronchitis, chronic
catarrh and kindred ailments.
The above native have the
tram the
loading medical a of all tin-
schools of practice, for tho not only
of tho diseases named above hut also for
Indigestion torpor of or
constipation, kidney and
bladder troubles catarrh, no matter
where located.
You don't have to take Dr.
say-so alone as to tills; what he claims
for his i hacked by the
writings of the most eminent men In the
medical profession. A request by postal
card or letter, addressed to Dr. EL V.
Pierce, N. Y., for a little
of extracts from eminent medical
endorsing the Ingredients of his
will bring a little book
that worthy of your attention If
needing a safe, reliable remedy of
for the of almost
any old chronic, or lingering malady.
Dr. Pellets con-
Ono little is a gentle
laxative, and two u mild cathartic.
Tho most valuable book for both men
and women Is Dr.
Common Sense Medical Ad-
I visor. A splendid
J volume, with engravings
colored plates. A copy.
t will sent
n to anyone cents
j in one-cent stamps, to pay
L I the cost of mailing t
Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N.
Y. stamps.
to its
h ail
t in a.
In till other i is 1.-
. for
of It
Charity Cook.
T. . Wiggins avail
and Edward-.
G. I-11-1-1- and Mildred
Frank and Mary
Anna Bu
Daniel and Emma
Abram Clark
Editor B. E. f the
f ii in hi-
pen -i. when hf
Keck .
to . i hi.
which i n- hi d
lovely ton i-f
mile, below
ruck Mr. A. G. In
pine Mr. in
and supply Hie railroad
and oilier and this was
beginning f
in h w developed into
built a town.
Mr. soon tie idea
laying town, mid being a
man deep and abiding moral
are Known
in ins Christian life,
a condition with
to real estate on it there
or sold for ninety-
in in- yearn.
la the home of the
and many
manufactured that thriving
town which but a ago
was a vast pine forest. Among tin-
many things
under Mr. Cox's are
ion planters,
back-bands, flue buggies
other things. It is a general
ion, felt and fr expressed, that
do man N has done
more for than A.
G. done f r Put
and the tow., of
The town presents many
i in pretty homes, well
ranged employment
for all who want to work, good
water and a healthful
perhaps the moat attractive
of in he educational in-
I but renters
villa High
From the very there
hid been go. d school
there but about years ago
G. E. a young
man of sterling worth, scholarship
and ability, commenced work
of laying the foundation to- a good
institution of learning. Win
High School, like many
other great and good
had a modest beginning, bin it has
already developed into ore of the
finest and most efficient e id use-
institutions of the kind in all
me country. There are good
commodious building, one
i building and
girls. The school
has of oaring for from
eighty to one hundred boarding
One thing has been developed
in the strenuous debate in the
Senate on the railroad rate bill
and that is that Vice-President
Fairbanks is a most incompetent
presiding officer.
Thomas A. great
is on a lour
i this -late. He i, searching I'm
i ca which is
said to have been found in
North Carolina
H. A.
Mr. Carnegie says he would
work for a dollar a day, if it was
necessary. How many dollars
be makes every day out of work
of other men and through the
virtual monopoly, the tariff on
steel, is the question that inter-
the American people.
of Those Who Fall From
Any Great Height.
who fall from any great
height have little or no recollection
of their sensations the actual
tailing remarked the am-
surgeon us ho put-
ting the arm an accident victim
in splints. they know
started their fall, b i tho man-
and sensation fulling is
ways a blank to them. It seems
most as if nature was kind enough
to dull their senses, they
would no horrible sensations.
was celled to a man
who Inn fallen thirty feet from n
roof, lie was seemingly conscious
when we picked up, but he
could not remember the process of
his fall, lie remembered that ho
Stepped on a nail, which started hi-
tumble, but he did not remember
In- grabbed at an eaves trough
and that lie tried lo jab bis jack-
knife into the shingles. Hut n
low workman saw him do those
things. my mother fell down-
stairs there was every indication
that she tried to grasp the banister,
she did save herself for an in-
the fourth stair from the bot-
tom and that when she finally
reached the floor turned a com-
somersault. But she
only that she stepped on her
dress and pitched down.
man who fell from a
roof had the presence of mind to
against u projection so that
lie landed on a roof twenty feet be-
low. Hut he had no recollection of
that fact. He merely remembered
that the scaffolding broke. Often-
times a fall is accompanied by a
somersault in -the air, a hurtling
against some projection which
the fall and a grabbing at
things; but, although the victim
i be when lie is picked
up, lie remembrance of
path downward seems
to I e an utter blank to him. I really
believe it is nature's of
venting a falling person from lie-
Doming hopelessly New
York Press.
Having consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. Ricks in
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed in
We will carry in up-to-date line of m
Hats, Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions,
In Groceries we will have at all times a full line of the best goods,
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, but all kinds of
Canned Goods, the finest brands
We can supply anything you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest
COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods will please you.
The Republican frauds and
scandals are being somewhat
lost sight of in the political ex-
at Washington, but an-
other batch of indictments
against men accused of timber
telling and a further postpone-
of the trial some of those
indicted for frauds,
not to mention tho consular
scandals, reminds us that the
past six years have produced
more, frauds, scandals and graft-
than ever before.
Attorney-General Ellis, of
Ohio, has been invited -to Wash-
by the President to con-
fer about the prosecution of the
Standard Oil trust. If more in-
formation is really wanted on
this attorney-general
of West Virginia might give
some evidence, especially of the
connection of Senator
with the octopus and its donation
to the Republican campaign fund
of that State when was
electing a legislature in his in
The senior member of n large
York house tells the following
as ii ii incident of his junior days,
The house that time
n dozen male and
stenographers and one yo
This young person a
beauty of the blond type
but practically worthless as n
The junior partner brought
matter to the attention of the
senior and suggested that she be
The old man smiled quizzically.
ho said, pay
that young lady a month.
pay a dozen young fellows each
per month less than they could
probably get
stay with us. Think it
The young lady was not dis-
Piebald savages are among the
people and things of which A. E.
Pratt writes in Years Among
New Guinea He
the most part their bodies
were brown, but they were marked
with pinkish patches unevenly dis-
This marking might be
due to a disease, contracted from a
too constant fish diet, but if wen
a disease not discover that
gave any discomfort.
must be set this fact, that I
observer one nun in whom
markings In r.
he was quite . h colored. n
There piebald ere
. i re I t
i . . led shun i their
Come in and examine my
Yours to
H. L. C A K K
Our specialty
Reflector Job Printing Office.
Wholesale Grocer an.
Dealer. Cash paid for
Rides. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
r-. Egg, etc. Bed
Oak Suits, B
iii, lounges, P
Lire Key
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apple
Pine Syrup, Jelly,
Wood, K Oil,
Meal and J fulls,
n seeds. Oranges, Apples,
Dried Applet, Peachy-,
and Ware, Tip a id . c
. ., Best Batter, New
.- i
a-Bl -a
LOts For Sale
Near Five Points on Easy Terms
Call on or address

WHICH Editor and Proprietor.
in th- post t Greenville. N. C. class matter,
rates made upon application.
A corresponds. I desired at every post office in and adjoining counties
in to fiction
Offices must come high in Ala-
It cost Hobson some over
just to get the nomination
Judge Spencer B. Adams was
made chairman of the Republican
State e and the
convention will be held in Greens-
July 10th.
The judge and solicitor of I lie dis-
have skirted an investigation
Wade-thorn find the
lynched the white man there a few
ago That is just a
of time and money, and is like shill-
the stable door after the bur
has gone.
mi I
It is reported that the Chinese
Emperor is attain.
for a man of his weight. Senator
Barton seems to be sitting on the
lid with remarkable confidence.
A Texas paper says Mexico a
bad place for a penniless man.
Strikes us that a man without h
penny cannot cut much figure any-
If and could come
b to earth during the month of
June and hear some of their descend-
ants list taxes, they might wonder
times have changed.
An has invited President
Roosevelt to take a balloon trip with
him from New York to Philadelphia.
Perhaps the President does Dot want
to he disposed of so easily.
i goes hard with some
ye to their purse
And in the i f instances the
m ire they have worse they
of the United
have a c
of of
wealth are. but likely to
interest in legislation has
far its aim Hie welfare of the coin
The Southern railway may cruet
the Raleigh News and Observer,
me doubt it. The Press is a right
powerful thing to run counter
The people are leading these
and the Press has weight
For quite a while the liquor
has been a very quiet one in
Greenville, and one seldom hears
about it. The people have
satisfied with the way the
dispensary here is managed and re-
it as such a great improve
over tho open saloon as to have
thought of ever returning to the
While the of the people
are satisfied with the improved con
there are some who are con-
watching an opportunity to
gel saloons back and who would take
any advantage to get the town
under control of the whiskey in-
Hut this kind do not come out in
the open, and it is usually by some
secret move or blind that they en-
to carry their point. It has
been intimated that right now there
is a movement to capture enough of
the nominations for aldermen in the
primaries Friday night to get in con- of
tr. then have the dispensary con-1
ducted in such a manner as to make
If the Russians
Senator ought to get some
pointers from Mr. on
of getting legislation
ed while you
The question now whether
President is home
because he knows the Pennsylvania
railroad is rotten or because he
thinks it isn't.
Col. William Jennings Bryan is
going to attend a session of the
Mikado must have
presented him with one of those
bomb-proof vests, too.
Senator Aid rich says
will adjourn by June
that there are seven bills which
New limes, or old nine-we'll
climb I. Mn,
oil I lie ll
So t.
wound oar I K i
the world much
a simple song
New times or old fin
life appeal
try t i u
still a t
journey end-.
We'll ft mi close to
we'll recognize our
F. L. in At laid
The Ox Whip Used
G. Aldrich and S.
Moore, merchants of were
ling through River
Village Sunday in Mr.
Calvin Humphrey, a eon-
stable and a well known resident,
signaled to them to stop. The m l
chine did not slacken its speed,
as it whizzed past Humphrey wielded
a long ox whip, the lash striking the
in fie f ice.
The auto suddenly Stopped and
the men ran to Humphrey and ask- j
ed him what he by plying
lash on them. Humphrey, after a
few words, again struck
Humphrey said Monday; j
pie with autos come up here
think they've struck a of fools
it and be easy to vote out if
. i , u i sure of quieting Father
nun her election is called on it
reopen barrooms.
scheme, and will not be so
it is necessary to can make a man's
senator must be counting on an do f and sit
. . ,. I machine and laugh. These
among B ran up against
I kin I of fool
want to
The Demo-rats of Halifax county
are talking of nominating and elect-
Editor E of the
Rutland Common wealth, as
one of the in the L-e-
for tint county. They
might search for years and not find
a better for representative than
Mr. Billiard lie is above reproach
in every walk of life and always
stands on the side of right.
they ought to get a few suggestions
from Gen. Wood. Nobody ever
ard to work if those who are resurrection in
lied with present conditions are in-
different to the situation. It is the I Commissioner Sargeant says that
of every man in every ward to there are unregistered Chi-
Friday Highland in the country. But he inti-
do his duty. Watch for tho enemy merely because he
in society and put down any move i not made Commissioner of
that would attempt to again migration sooner.
the evil upon the com-
The North Rig.
I i the people of
Id have polled off another lynch- ; and old. DOt in ten
, a North
ll it they should see it
has followed North Dy in
, , ,, , , ,. m irked a prominent citizen to an
s lead and lynched a white;
j Observer reporter yesterday.
week, there were flags and
. , . ,. ,. ,. Haw, hundreds of them, every-
tax listing tune, , . f,
where. Not one flag the Old
brings many poverty state T j
I heartily in favor of a North
. Carolina flag being placed in the
lake an inventory of you , . ,
J general assembly room of our
have the first day of June and give graded so that our
in your taxes accordingly. children might know the emblem
of their native State. I would
The while man that was lynched
at Wadesboro was a tic. That
makes the matter all the worse.
The Statesville Landmark
the marriage a Mr. Goodnight to
a Miss I That was a
rejoice to see a North Carolina flag
floating over the Carnegie Library
and other public building, so that
everyone might come to know what
it locks like Charlotte
While all the family of a man
near Dover were away from
a entered the house and
a valise containing more than
in money. Every few days we
read of occurrences almost like that.
It is very hard to have sympathy for
people who lose money through such
gross carelessness, when there are
plenty of good banks it could be r it
in and kept safe. If hanks
ch people for taking care f
their money, there might be
excuse for biding around the
The banks not only take
care of your money for nothing and
let you draw it out just when you
please, but they will also pay you
interest on it if you let remain on
as long as six month.
Don't take the of keeping
hid somewhere the
Durham entered suit again-t a
cotton mill situated seventeen miles
above the town, because the mill
emptied its refuse into the river
from which the city took its water
supply, and won out in the courts.
Greenville for more than a year per-
a distillery I hut did as
filthy as could Lu
to n mi the river
i w
above when ids ton took
supply. It finally got so bad that
the town required the owners of the
distillery to enter into bond to keep
the clean. Matters went
on without improvement and recent-
notice was served on the owners
i hat both their license and bond
were forfeited. If the mill starts up
it should be required to take a
I cation less dangerous to health.
i; Littleton, N.
C in Cottage
by Beach V. will be opened
as Summer hotels. The
fall College,
begin work
the College, at foliage
at home will lie to to
young men who make
ate Address J. SI.
Ltd N. C.
A . Taft W. H. Rick
A. H. Taft Si Co.
Greatest Furniture Dealer's
We sell for cash or on
easy terms
You will find
line at all times
We are sole agents
for Enameled Beds.
to please
-Pictures Framed to Order.
Deaths in the
Ur, Augustus a well-to-
do d ed Tuesday at his
home about lour miles from ton.
Moire died Tues-
day at home in Carolina town-
ship. a years old
an i six daughters and five
eons, all of whom are grown.
Mrs. B H. of Greenville,
is one of the daughters, and others
of the children recently lived
Mr. Zeno Moore and Lit-
Ellen and Moore.
Wash Goods Sale
We have lust received our full lire of WASH GOODS
consisting of
All persons are hereby warned
under penalty of the law, not to
employ, harbor or in any way as-
my son, Herbert E.
aged years, spare bail,
tall for age. He
in mil f will
any information as hi where-
J. Smith,
N. C.
May 1904.
Wool and beeswax wanted for
Courier Pigeon.
Mr. J L. of Stokes,
us this morning that one
of the men on bis
ed a pigeon last in the joist
of his Sometime
early part he happen-
ed to look overhead and discover-
i-. pigeon. On killing t i e GINGHAMS. CHAMBRAYS, PERCALES
discovered it was a fan lei
bud on
each leg with E -No.
lot the
Liquid Corn
Au was
h- on a native
in the -ti-t-p side of
a sleep bill lilting cm n,
The prospector stopped for a chat
the nothing
loath for a in the shade from
his , as
friend, how in the world
do you get the corn down the
hillside after it la ready for bar
the stranger.
In j the laconic and
discussion followed
the reading, before the State
cal y yesterday, of Dr.
interesting paper on the col-
treatment of the insane, and on
better point was made or more in
proposition laid down
than that no person should be
ed for his or her care in any of the
hospitals for the insane in the State,
is the law that certain classes
shall be charged and it is
with all it is all wrong.
The person who has paid taxes all
life and whose estate is still pay-
for the support of
institution, is as much to
i jg
unfortunate who has nothing to
on. should stand
on the
be on sale Monday. Everybody cordially invited
to these goods,
Jas. F. Davenport,
You save when A n the snorts, you loose when you any otter
It is poor policy to buy but the best, especially it comes to
Don't put just table and enough. Th
same money at my store will get the best to be hart. I have just a fresh
stock of
Canned Goods, Package
Butter, Cheese, Coffee, Sour sort other articles in this
also Fruits and Confections. And I keep the best in Clears Tobacco
Jut try me for the best of everything In the Grocer's line.
This department is in F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
A. good deposit at a bank ill, Miss Kittrell returned i
make you feel more j from a visit to Stokes i i .,
Make a with what yon j
have for keeping i f yon want good Irish
the next time yon come to the go to Harrington, Barber
Bank of Winterville They
keep it than can. j Harrow at
much d have
. come to our beat Is glad,
Nice line of fresh groceries
ways hand Hat i Barber
H. filled his
at the Baptist
Saturday Sunday with
three excellent He went
out to Hopewell Sunday afternoon
to fill his regular appointment
A. G. Cox Manufacturing
us that they are
now prepared to supply de-
for their Handy
Tobacco Truck promptly.
are expecting a very busy season
and if you of
you will do well to place
your order immediately.
Prof. Q K. Lineberry spent Sun-
day at home with his family. He
went to Monday
morning and came back Monday
and wheat can be supplied with
mowers, raker., reapers and binders
at Barber Co.
Miss Meta Dew, the matron at
the girl's left Monday
afternoon Fremont to spend her
much needed vacation, and
Nannie assistant matron,
will spend the summer at the home
W. B. her uncle.
We otter our silver table ware
Mies Fannie Rollins, who ha
visiting the family of M. G.
Bryan, left for this
Buy a pipe from J. H. C. Dixon
at the drug store
Barber Co.
Misses Lessie and Abbie Carroll
me having a neat cottage erected
near the residence of Dr.
They now live about a mile from
The A. G. Cox Manufacturing
have just received a car
load of iron for Tobacco Flue.
They can supply your need.
Car load of flour just received,
nice and fresh, at lowest price.
Harrington, Barber Co.
Nicest line of dress shirts ever
shown in Winterville at
If yon intend trucks of
e, for they nil
suite in kind and
Fanning implement, all kind.
at Hailing, fit O.
A nice lot of new summer Bug
Hobos at Harrington, Barber
A Co.
F sale one house lot
on Main street in
N. C being next to the resilience
of Taylor, t ;
acre or mil the la a good
roomed house, and well
with out house, a bargain fol some
one. I will sell for cash. For
further particulars see write
L. A.
tell which way fie wind
blows, notice the stream of
customer going in and out from
any kind in tobacco i
ibis season, yon cannot do better j
than to purchase a set of those I Try a a Dan
Trucks from the A. O. Jim Dixon at the
Manufacturing Company, They Ml Store will show them
ate and durable I can be
used in foot rows.
Forrest is a
c near the I
A. W. Ange. Mr. Forrest j and catch your eye, we
is one of our best young men and ask a visit to our Furniture
we are glad he is to j Store, where you can get
locate permanently. Cook Stoves,
w. h. House went to I Bicycles, etc.
We especially note the at-
our line of Rugs.
Tapestry Curtains. Table-
Spreads. Toilet Sets, Lace Cur-
Window Shades, Mat-
tings, Floor Oil Cloth, Couches.
We've got the site,
The Serge
Suit is the
go this
For sale by
The case is
If a man has one Summer Suit, it to be a
Serge Suit.
If he has two or more he to a Si it
among them
For his comfort, for one for his
another; and for the service get
out of the Suit, for a third.
It seem as though we were trying to make
m n u
The Suits this Season have fit-
ting backs and broad king
your trade and your good will.
and returned
If you want a nice shirt or tie
go to Harrington, Co.
For hay, corn and oats go
Harrington, Barber ft Co.
You are doubtless familiar with j Parlor Suits, Bedroom Suits,
guarantee at a bargain. I the old saying, best is cheap- Hall Racks and
K. r, This true of the We believe we are in a position
. u ., .; Tobacco Truck made by the A. G. to satisfy the taste of the most
Manufacturing Company.
Try a set and
We often hear people talking of
the dull season, but if you will go
around the of the a. O. Cox
Mrs. J B-Little and her two lb-1 Company and
tie daughters, and the way they making
ma from a visit to House and shipping Tar Heel Wagons
Tuesday morning. Buggies you will
Nice conclude that, for them at least.
Barber Co.
fastidious with anything m our
line. However, chances for u
trial will be appreciated.
Eastern Carolina
Supply Co.
N. C.
of a drew I
I t h in
K. , s W H
ion j. in it'll ind for partition.
mi r will ill
I h r in v l
id th
of byline
r land upon K kit
, now r th of
tun s
and aim the dry of
Rev, W. E. Cox will fill biB reg-
at the Episcopal
church on the first Sunday June
at p. instead Monday
at p. m-
AU colors of paint, yellow
at Barber
J. E- our excellent depot
agent, spent Monday night in
with relatives.
Try a bottle of Kid-
a sure cure for all Kid-
troubles at Harrington Barber
Prof. E. left Tues-
day morning for Kinston, La
Grange and other in the in-
of the American Book Co.
Nice line of boys suits at H. L.
Robert Smith, W. O.
H. Ormond came over from
Tuesday to assist A. W.
Co. in taking an This
is one of our most and
progressive firms.
large of shoes
all styles and sizes and prices very
reasonable. Barber
On last Sunday evening at eight
o'clock at the residence of Mr.
Samuel Manning, the father of the
there ii no such thing.
Harrington Barbers and Co is the
place to get your Spring and -Sum
mer goods. They have just what
want, and prices to suit all.
Men's and youth's pants, all
sizes, at Co.
The demands for Tar Heel
wheels now, any one
in need of same will do well to
write or see the A G. Cox Mfg Co.
Trunks and valises at
ton Barber Co.
Big line of bats and caps just
received, latest styles. Harrington
Barber Co.
Now that school is over the boys
will dig all the earth worms in
reach and feed them to the little
Woods high grade garden seed
have tor years been the most
southern seed offered trucker-,
and in east Carolina. You
cm find them at the i
store of B. T. Cox a Bro.
At the Close Business, April 1900.
Loans and Discounts t 4,710.00
Overdrafts, unsecured 5.80
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from and
Hankers 6,533.88
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Nat. Bk and other U. S.
Expenses paid 211.03
Pulley Bowen
Capital 4,9011.1 in
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by-
putting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale but
we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the American markets
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
desirous seeing the NEWEST
to call at our establishment and feast their
eyes. Very truly yours.
State of North
County of
I. Jackson, of the above named bank, do solemnly
that the above statement is true to the boat of my
edge and belief. J. L. JACKSON, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this day of April. 1906.
Notary Public.
R i
Our specialty
Reflector Job Printing Office.
The for
by the A.
Cox Manufacturing
A Good Reason.
Two Irishman were digging a
One of lug,
ts in line work.
Buy your Candies,
bride, Mr. Alexander Harris, M- from j.
Miss Debbie Manning were
married, Elder T. N. Manning
performed ceremony in the
presence of a large number of rel-
and friends. They will live
in Winterville.
White's Colic and Kidney Cure,
combination kidney medicine
for and a sure colic cure,
at the Drug Store
seems to indicate they man, about six feet lour
he in height, the other one
a little, puny man four
feat, six inches. The foreman
C. Dixon at the. drug store.
No of not having good
pants when Harrington,
Co., have just received anew lot,
that they will sell cheap.
For new log cart made
of best material will Bell Cheap, for
father particulars see L. L. Kittrell.
If you need a nice Hug just call
Ask your friends to go on your Bond when you can get it furnished at a small cost.
came along to see how the work
was and noticed that ft yOU apply
one of them was doing more work
than the other. he
cried out, is it that little
Dennis who is only half
your size, is doing nearly twice as
down to his
C. A. Fair, Ayden, was in at A. W. it C, and you j Ain't he nearer lo
town Monday
get unit c .
We can sign Judicial Bonds for Guardians, n-s etc., i i
Any Bond to be filed in the Court issued at once
Call on or write
The U. S. FIDELITY and GUARANTY CO., Baltimore, Md.
H. A. WHITE, General Agent, or
H W. WHEDBEE, Attorney
Greenville, N. C

Hanan's Famous Shoes
This Shoe has stool the test for many years Is
worn by all men who wear fine Shoes. Call In
look at the low cuts today.
N. C.
N. C.
At close of business 6th.
I and i lS f
Ponds. I.
iii-l Ski
ii.- nun ;
i Com
lid U S note 10.24 i
f , . i
Capital paid in X MK
Surplus ,
Undivided profits,
Tune 21,817.27
ck 580.68
i i . . Cut,
; v the above named bank, do solemn
., i is Hue to the best of my knowledge
C. S. CARR, Cashier.
and r- before I Correct
me, this 11th V J. L. WOOTEN
II A. Will PR
Notary Public. A. M- MOSELEY. g
N. C.
t th; in ids.
K I,
rill i
Capital Stuck paid in
Undivided Profit leas
.-n.- cheeks out-
. f
I, I. Lid bank,
to the of my knowledge
and sworn b
tut,, day A mil, K.
Burning the Dead and Renting
to the Indigent.
There is nothing in Belgium, not
even a marriage, to which to much
pomp and belong as to a
It is the most important
show occasion -f a career, and the
expense must be a bear; on
family, for one
in details c
torn are necessary for d i i
if such ceremony can be prevented.
When n death occurs crape i- not
hung upon the door, but a notice i-
to all friends and relatives.
when folded is about the size
fa sheet commercial note
not placed in an envelope, but
so the is written on
lie outer section, a black
an inch deep.
the receipt of this notice cards
ire left the house by men, who
-all and represent the women of
the No woman attends a
funeral, may he her near-
est and dearest ho lies dead, nor
any women go to the grave.
Grief always appeals to one's
but it is difficult for a for-
of stock to as-
grief with the usual funeral
procession that one sees in Belgium.
The hearse is gaudy with gilt and
look- top heavy with its ornaments.
It is much like a circus chariot in
but shape. The driver wears a
fantastic hat and cloak. The hearse
indrawn horses with trap-
of and two. sometimes
men follow it clothed in high
pointed hats with streamers quite
to the r waists and long flying capes
of black with more streamers. Then
a line of carriage , the more
the Letter for popular esteem. It
is not necessary to have any one in
them. Often the men who ride are
I have counted twenty-
live carriages, half of them
the vi ii can buy out-
right for their dead. The other
hire the grove for as
a time as they con afford, maybe n
year, live years, ten years and very
rarely twenty-fire years. Then it is
taken for occupant.
Those opponent of cremation
who have sentiment as an argument
it are asked to think of this
way of which must one day
the alternative near the
large new coffin is placed
upon the remains of the former
less one cares to remove what may
he left of what was once the home
of a soul. For the very poor there
is a harder lot still, as they cannot
hire a grate. The potter's field is a
large ditch, into which the bodies
are placed and covered with quick-
lime. Does not cremation seem even
in a sentimental way preferable o
this out graves explains
why there are no old time grave-
stones. asked the workmen around
the place, is the old part of
the burying and received
for answer, isn't which
a around proved. The oldest
.-rave could find was hut twenty-
live years and was a per-
the workmen explained, to
the letting of graves, and the in-
elsewhere verified all their
The Spinning
The or web machine
of the common garden spider is an
object worthy of the careful study
of owner of a microscope. It
consists of four united masses, each
by a multitude of hole.-, the
openings being imperceptible to the
naked eye. These several holes
each permit the passage of a single
thread. Some idea of the
fineness of these threads may
l, gained when it is known that the
spider's thread as we sec it is made
up of upward of minute webs,
from each of the four spin-
masses. These 4.000 separate
threads unite at the main opening
of the making the single
filament which the spider
its web.
i French Soldier Whole
Belonged to
It was a singular fact that Mar
the but of the
French marshals, offered in him e ;
i constant of the i
the of army i
v he
i or. Throughout almost the whole
his long ha r
. U
i, era.
ever e the
. ., .
i I w
. ; .-. v
I I .
uh Banks
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profit
sub to
e I. I
ail e
In u he
a r
. row
bad a pi-
. to his
it into
of St. in
us n el i if
Algerian war in 1835 lit- pro
the of r
there to lei hi- I ; to down
shoulders again. r. years I
also in Colon I
bareheaded, led
;. ha, and his long. tat
in the thick of the
as a rallying sign to the u
they swarmed breach.
Alter this war
of hair had already so f
that superior I
command him to cut
who I
once tailed him in u
in Paris, and by way of
affected to have mistaken for a
doctor of philosophy on account of
his hair.
The Emperor Napoleon
once venture to I
for wearing long hair.
The response was v.
he said, hair
He did not cut it. It floated
through the French and German
war, becoming legendary among the
soldiers. Long since it became snow
white and fell upon the old mar
shoulders in his declining
flays, and it clustered about them as
his in slate in Paris.
f Pm. f
I, J. K. Davis, Cashier of the above-named hank, solemn-
above is true to the b-.-t of my
mi. and J- R- DAVIS,
and sworn to bf-
in-, of
J. V.
Notary Public.
W. M.
At the close of business April 6th, 1906.
Loans and discounts 820,492-25
Overdrafts unsecured
furniture v Fixtures
front Barks and
Cash items
Gold and silver coin.
National bank and
other U. S. notes
Capital stock
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
Time certificates of
Deposits subj. to check 20,935.52
checks out-
standing 28.18
Certified Checks
The Barrow family possessed ;
dog named If addressed
instantly obeyed all
reasonable commands, but if spoken
to crossly the sensitive dog crept
under the sofa and sulked. At such
times us she wished to be alone
was Mrs. Barrow's habit to hold the
door open and remark courteously
to discriminating animal.
go out. my And
Growler, wagging a cheerful tail,
Due evening while Mrs.
reading by her evening lump a
Juno bug entered the room
an I behaved as June bugs
do. The absent minded lady, con-
of the disturbance it
caused it. rose
abstractedly, politely opened the
door the great light of the
family, murmured
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I M O of the above named bank do solemnly
swear the above statement of
edge and ballet w
Subscribed and sworn to be- STATUS,
ore me, day April
Votary Public
You Pay For it
In higher prices n Goods on Credit, as the
Credit merchant m make up his out of some-
Therefore have no losses to make up and put the price
at the lowest figure. Pay cash and avoid the charging of ac-
counts or getting charged to you. I sell any
thing you want in th way
Hay, Corn. O its Bean, Lime and
F. V
An Island i
The island of in. in the
Atlantic, is ; of ll u
admiralty authorities and borne on the Ii t as a
being as r. tender to one of
majesty's sh us war. I ho
island i- governed by a cup-
and the men
royal are
to rules a they would lie
on board ship. Tin e no
in land, so there arc no
rents, rate.- or taxes. The flocks
and herds are property and
the meat is in rations.
Marconi Anticipated.
An and an
were disputing about the
tn-e advancement of the two ancient
peoples whom they were studying.
cried the
gist, n
which prove they
an i i
f in
Curious With They Warn
All over the orient the footman
has no At Co i
he seems to be brutally treated
elsewhere. There the drivers
teem to n- to run with-
o i but in
a of cries with
warn a They
the particular part of his
which is in thus
nut for thy loft
have a cure for the
ii right
i blind beggar, out for thy
And I he blind beggar, feeling his
with the stair in hi- right hand,
at once hi, turns to the left.
woman, look out for
I ft .
burden thy load is in
It wall r carrier, look out for the
tail end of pigskin water bot-
son of conceived m
the Bab El have a I are and
look to thy camel's left pannier, or
it will be
farmer, awing around
buffalo so that left buttock
may not strike on my right
carter, why dost thou let thy
cart project across the
group of four stand-
in in roadway, if the
toe 1.10
. n . u
ill- t
ii . . V, u.,
h; Jerome Hurt.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
v, Ready Nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It his J it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
whenever you want good paint for any
Have Just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
. C.
As authorized for DAILY
and we take
treat pleasure in receiving, sub-
and receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
or job pi
Since out last items there have
been two deaths here. On Friday
night the in child of Mr. Oscar
died and was buried
day Saturday night
the of J. A. Harrington died
and was laid to rest Sunday
noon. Both were buried
cemetery. The bereaved
parents the sympathy of tin
entire community.
buildings by
painting them with
Town County lead
and full line colors, kept at J.
It. Smith ft Km,
We regret to learn that our
is sick with
measles that J. J. Harrington
is i to his home fever.
We hope both may soon recover
and be able to
We are agents for ready
mixed These paint i are
old and reliable.
The colored man who was so
seriously shot sometime ago is very
much improved there are
strong hopes his ultimate
win Tyson.
Our White Goods, Silks and
trimmings are pretty. We
most cordially invite the ladies
to call. Cannon Tyson.
Mis- Clara Forrest up
M a visit down the
J. B. Smith have just
received a car load alum
salt. Also near load
cultural for etc.,
Mir-St II after a
vi-it to p can e home
day. She win ace by
friend, Hiss Tucker,
K. K. A Co. will do all they
possible to please yon with
their new line of heavy and fancy
Saturday was a day in
were brass bands,
a town of colored folks, plenty
of DOOM in but under
the a lively,
jolly set it was one of the best lie-
crowds we ever saw. We
never of a disturbance. It
hi I v I he purpose of all to
have a good, time and they
com, meal, bulls, lime
windows nails Cross
tools at J
B Smith Hi ,
is a visit
to his uncle, . II
c trued herrings at J. it.
Mm. It. Savage came home
a visit In Green-
For em p--ones, apples, corn
r Jam i
over the river
P. O. Bud
moved l Inn .
out in
apply toE. E.
Smith and little
came home from
Co. have
ck of goods from
n, a short
distance from in re.
Mrs. J. T. has re-
turned from a visit the country.
oil, baud and repair for
all makes of sewing at
J. H. t Ayden, N. C.
At a meeting of the directors of
the graded school, Friday night
the selection of a principal was
left open until another meeting of
the board. The following
re-elected as teachers for the
grades for the fall
Misses Alyce Taylor, Mary Long
Brown, Dora
Hornaday and Mrs. F. O.
Mrs. will
have charge of the depart
A full supply of Trunks
Telescopes, Grips,
Suit Cases, at J. B. Smith Bro.
The rain just came right, There
are many light
Go to E. E. Go's new
market tor beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
By attending orphan child-
concert you encourage
aid a most work tor the
homeless children of North Caro
Una. Entertainment at Ayden
June 7th,
your eyes need attention
J. W. Taylor, expert optician,
I Ayden, N. c. m the man to do
your work if yon want to be
S. Hart and James A.
Griffin returned from their visit to
last Thursday and report
an exceedingly hue time. What
can't tell you about
cities, lovely women,
huge crocodiles, prodigious
tors and such like one need not
travel to South America to find
out. it was a trip but
says it don't begin
to touch the Old North State.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw
Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. K.
The remains of Mr. Claude
accompanied by his
brother, Mr. Watt
rived Friday evening,
next morning were taken to
the family burying ground
with Ma-
sonic honors. There were very
many Masons to participate tin
and a large crowd was
present to attest their regard and
esteem for the deceased. Mr.
man, being a member of the
f J. W, Bro , who
Ayden. He
leaves two brothers, Messrs. J. W.
W. H. of this place,
and Mrs. Calvin Tucker,
who have the heartfelt
-j everyone.
styles cloaks
fin- Misses and Ladies
nice line of Zephyr
nits at K. Smith Bro.
cot tun planter the
best market at J. K. Smith
cars seed,
will pay highest cash price,
-ell your seed until yon see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-
satchels, hand bag,
Slid suits cases at J R Smith Bro
I always keep on hand a fill
due feed stuff at lowest
prices as hay, oats, corn,
meal and hulls, brand
mil-hip stuff. Frank Lilly Co.
-t mil huh of meat, lard and can
good-. Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly
For carpenters ton's, grind stones
i hemp pulleys, at J.
Smith Bro.
Hod Steads, Suits,
Tables, Chairs Cradles,
Bad Springs. Mattresses
Lounges, Cook Stoves and a
great many other things are
kept up stairs. Cannon Tyson.
Broad cloth, Henri-
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
-ilk-, trimmings, lining and whit
goods at J B Smith Bro
Bed steads, mattresses, springs,
single and double, rockers,
and wash stands
dressers tables at J B Smith
I, Bro
V. and paper rooting,
Pomps with long or short joints
and pipe at J. K. Smith
peas, bushels peanuts.
J. O. Proctor Bro,
Cotton seed hulls, meal, wheat
bran, ship stuff, hay and grain
always on hand at lowest, market
prices. Cannon Tyson.
in- and wile, of- Your
i, it-mi If yon arc with your
J I. Edwards. .- or bares
s D-. L. C. glass, matter- nut
cm el ., in the I how difficult your call on J.
hospital at an expert
ed f it- nit is. While
going he ft
died, ill- remains were
back to yesterday.
If you would an evening
pleasure profit,
IDS Concert of the singing class
the Oxford Orphan Asylum,
at Ayden, 1900, at
o'clock p. in.
A line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and
at J B Smith Bro
Cannon Tyson's new
for Ladies Misses and Children
have arrived. We carry a high
grade C ass of footwear.
We sell and Wheeler A
Wilson sewing For cash
or term- J. H.
Bro, West st, Ayden, N.
For a nice present bey a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. is
for any
You will find Wheeler and
son and Singer -cw in.- machine
Prices way way down at J. H.
Bro. to Hotel.
C, who has live years
experience with Some of must
never to
give m
P. M P AND Nil IN- r. It Mr.
Col. the manager of
Hon. admits
he is tile attorney the At-
North Carolina Railroad
Co., but he it ought to be
considered little importance, be-
he is the attorney of a lesser
refunded. Over five hundred and bis salary is small.
of Pitt Greene end
best people to testify to bis Honesty
and ability. Give him your eye
work if you satisfaction.
Car load V. Crimped roofing in
lengths to cover residences
churches, school houses,
shelters, stables much cheaper than
shingles and very little at J.
R Smith Bro.
Calico Gingham at cents
per yard, great reductions white
slippers and summer goods, at J.
R. Bro.
So much has been said of the Alli-
son and Bailey it is
mil to keep them distinctly in mind
in order to understand the
about them.
Mr, proposed to in
tin- Hepburn rate
de-it in inferior courts
the United Si ales the power to
preliminary injunctions or restrain-
pending judicial review
of any by the interstate
Allison proposed to vest in
circuit and district courts full
jurisdiction to hear mid determine
all arising under the low, and
therefore, conferred the power of is-
suing preliminary injunctions
it-straining orders.
Russia is In have
government, but the czar draws the
lineal the
of the York
For Spring Housecleaning
lime try Liquid
Veneer. It makes everything
mm look There will be no
old, dull looking furniture or dingy
Woodwork ill homes where this won-
is used. No
or necessary. Liquid
Veneer is not a varnish, but a surface
food and cleaner that builds up the
original and makes it brighter
than ever.
It instantly restores the brilliant
finish of Pianos, Furniture,
Picture Frames, Interior Woodwork,
Hardwood Floors and all polished,
varnished or enameled surfaces. Re-
moves scratches, stains, dirt and
A child can apply it. Nothing
but a piece of cheese cloth is needed
and there is no drying to wait for.
Trial . . . . . cu.
M. M. LA
Human Blood
a tale of horror was told by
human blood In homo of .
limns, a well known
Ky., in v, -I i
the lings,
v. .- i, i, when i ink-
In. King's New
curd mental i have
it, n i
colds and Bron
lathe only
I it, i- s .- i
J I. ,, , l-l
Washington Post, a great
of President Roosevelt's,
says. is expected that the
Department of Justice will pros-
the coal roads as vigorous-
as the Santa Fe was prose-
Precisely Harmon and
Judson. who had been employed
as special counsel to prosecute
the Santa Fe, were dismissed
because they really wanted to
prosecute it; and Paul Morton
who had been a party to the
of law charged against the
Santa Fe, was put in the cabinet
and with a fine coat of white-
wash from brush,
was put at the head of a life in-
The Post should have added
that the President will prosecute
the coal trust as vigorously-and
effectively as he prosecuted the
beef trust; and will probably re-
Charles E. Hughes and
the courts for the
of forth same reason
that he reprimanded Judge
Humphrey in the
expressed in his muck
Too many so-called progressive
people are always looking for an on
to butt
He modestly underestimates his
power influence. He is the
attorney of a that is the
backbone of the great Merger sys-
North Carolina and
it is backed by the
A lawyer is sometimes
bigger than bis is an
Instance. On the day after my
card announcing candidacy
the News and Observer, that p-
I pub an item that
Franklin had gone to New
Bern. It was no doubt supposed
by the oppressed shippers
the lire of the A. N. C. R. B.
that Mr. had to New
Bern to take steps to stop over
charges, nod reduce the excessive
and rates complained of
ail along the line. But instead
for the suffering shippers, it
was to secure the valuable services
of Col. the attorney of
that road, in- campaign,
was it Did not Col. Pearsall
begin bis campaign within
less two days Col. Pearsall
introduced, that same week, the
resolution of instructions in the
Craven county convention, did he
He tailed to tell the
that he and his chief have
over the railroad-.
My have not
It has been said that the great
Southern Railway Company passed
over ii sable
living in western part if
the Slate, Bason, bee, King.
Means, Caldwell
Ii win, and c their, and made as it-
chief counsel Col. W. B.
of Washington, N. C,
account of his great
political power. When the State
witnesses what happened in
upon of Col.
and Mecklenburg untie,
the line of the
magic hand,
will -lain,
wiser than he knew.
Under magic wand of tail
attorney for the A. N.
and he
ii a. Set in mot mo along the S. A. L.
I , Atlantic Line
in toe southern, be would be
t. set the effect -f his let.
int., ilia- like all
over the a-d of hi- navels
that the allied n
It costs them nothing Free pas-
Will the descendants of t men
of Mecklenburg, the
Cape Fear aid Halifax submit to
How will the Democratic
meet this question at the
polls If it nominates the
date p. n at ion Commissioner
secured by the manipulations
the railroads, what can be said or
done to defend such action. It the
people will lie allowed to open their
eve-, they will see who it is that is
getting through resolutions of in-
who 1- suppressing
news of my position and campaign.
Jacob A.
Graham, N. C, May 1906.
Do you know that your money
will only buy about two-thirds as
much now as it would before the
present tariff bill was passed
Yet that is the lesson shown by
Dun's Index numbers of com-
prices for May 1st being
whereas on July
1897, it was so
now only buys what bought
nine years ago. These high
prices are very largely caused
by the Republican policy of pro-
which while it apparently
produces prosperity, really tugs
at your pocket book whether you
are a farmer, a professional man,
a storekeeper, artisan, or a
laborer. The only man that does
not suffer by these high trust
prices is the comparatively few
who extort these high prices
the protection this
General Insurance and Merchandise Brokers.
We wish to we have associated our-
selves together for the purpose of conducting a gen-
Insurance and Merchandise Brokerage
in the Town of Ayden and Vicinity. We will
represent none but the most reputable concerns,
and any part of your business you may see fit to
favor us with we will thank you for and feel very
v N.
. the goose of business April 6th,
1.011 and Discounts, 17.92
Overdrafts Secured
Hue from Hanks,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Hank notes
other D. S. notes
Capital stuck paid in,
Surplus fund
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid .
Deposits subject to cheek, 46,697.6
Cashier's 190.511
Total, Total. 857,833.00
I, J. It. Smith, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
that the above statement is to the best of and be-
. J. B,
Huh sworn to b fore
in . of
N-- art Public,
. t A N v iV
1- .
Chairman confesses
that the attempt to the
dirt at Panama without due
preparation was a grave mistake
and although he does say so,
in so many words, he evidently
thinks the President has been to
blame for the hurry less
plan of operations.
China chums to have coal enough
to last the world years. It's
a shame for China to jar the coal
rust in that way just at the time
when the trust has no friends.
Atlanta Journal.
Island Torture.
I no worse than the terrible ease of
Piles me years. Then i
advised to apply
salve, less than a permanently
write j of Bugles,
k till Hums and Sons
Ike magic Stoat
II qualified tutor
m th
in-, n Mn, 1-
r , n- . i . . y
I T I e.-l-O I , I. I- r ii r
ill ha ,,
f i lit l
I , ho i-h-a-l in
Say May,
M. T.
r E.
Same as of
Dry Goods, b, Shoes
Hats, Gent's and L- fur-
goods, in fact
everything kept in a first
class general
store sold at
ed prices.
Greenville Presbyterian Church.
Always have your church buy
oil at barrel I Don't let
pay I a for canned
oil. which ought, to cost but CO
en's.-. gallon Ready-mixed paint
half oil and half paint.
I oil fresh from the barrel, and
i- I. M. paint, which
and you then a
II mill n of paint at tho

How a South Carolina Man
es His Cow Do Double Work.
There undoubtedly is some
connection earthquakes An old colored man down in
. . t county. S- C, is working a
and vi C for .
, milk cow to limit. lie plows
hen there are great exploit ab mt
with large extrusion of lava and ,, up and .,
Other matter there is often great load of wood to town, goes back
disturbance in the vicinity, and and old cow until
severe earthquakes result. drives her u.
In fa X, the most frequent earth town with another load of wood on
arc in volcanic re- ,,.,, u a the pro.
As to the relations
volcanic in work cow.
part I the world and earth- as hard an
quakes in another, the evidence politicians an
a somewhat Yet it the old prohibition cow.
i a a fact that the earth-
quake m the Mississippi valley.
in US, ceased when the vol-j
of Vincent, in the West
Indies, broke out. and he is Mr. J. Frank
perhaps a suggestive remarkable story,
between the eruption of which be for;
and the earthquake in San He going up the river
, day, in a launch,
. disturbances apparently greatly
accompany earth, excited coming down the river at a
to rate. diving
,, ,. ,. Close behind the was H
the Hour ,
,., bent on it capture and
but often are . ; .
. . the chase continued until the
the reaction against vibrations . ,. , , , ,. ,
. . ,,., rat shot into in a hollow log
received the shore, this
, .,,. i on the edge of tin- water. I he gar-
rebounding energy .
, . . , . started into tile how after the
the shore a tidal wave , . , . ,
could go neither way. Webb
hall hundred feet high.
washes over th and add ,
. . , took a boat struck the
to damage of the , , ,
, , and tried to fasten him
Mien ii catastrophe was ,.
, ,. ., . hut he cot free
y feared in connection with San H
but with little reason,
as the Golden Gate and the
heights of Golden Park A large lot of good hand-made
would have diminished or Buck for sale. Apply to W. T
a large tidal wave.- Bethel.
From Unstable Terra Fir
ma, by N. II. in the
American Be view
for June.
Two bad tires occurred here
in out of which one fatal-
happened. The first alarm
was sounded after in a
fiction of the inhabited
most exclusively by
Four were totally destroyed
The Episcopalians of Indiana , house badly dam-
aged. The loss is eat i mated
i. their diocesan convention,
resolutions that show
that this body, among others
the danger that con-
fronts Christian churches in
fact that so large a per cent. , f
its membership is made up of
men whose business methods are
at best questionable, and, many Instances, absolutely
We hoard the state-
the other day from a re J. W. B. Battle is doing such a
liable source that investigation I thinking that this paper cannot put
s that most of the shameful I into words his lie
Instances of graft and betrayal a car load of farm supplies,
of financial Interests committed land Thursday, had his teams
After the fire had been
extinguished the remains of a
w. man were found in one of the
buildings, She has not yet been
identified, as she bad only been in
he house a few Bern
to thou- keeping are furnished
by men prominent in a church
which known far and wide for
the st rid orthodoxy of its creed.
And if this be true of such a
church, certainly it would seem
that the church
half of it
This morning the teams returned,
when they went to find the car,
it was not to be found,
Mr. I tattle by
mistake the car had been taken to
Norfolk supposing it to he empty.
versa to Utter its note-, of We rejoice that we were not near
warn merely to this intelligence was
general and to our
against the sins of its Southerner,
big rich to proceed to action
of a more definite kind and to
particularize in a way that will A Card.
show that acts and business request of a few friends,
methods curtain kinds I this method of announcing
only with a Chris
pi . but a
in or the pursuit of the
same will lead to ecclesiastical
my self as a candidate for the
t of Deeds for Pitt conn-
, subject to the action the
Democratic primaries and the
exclusion from convention, if nominated,
ship in the Christian
I. Chill lotto Chronicle.
I will be and will faithful
form the duties of said office.
Being buy with farm work, I
shall make no active canvass for
the noun nation, hut trust that
some friend in each township will
see that I have showing.
C. Cannon.
About three miles from Mobile
Ala, on the
a bail game in
field, came up m-
vivid lightning
which in the midst of th.
crowd of sped -tors, kill-
mat some
leas The held was
Strewn with hits of
from ho were killed or
ii and the
presented a terrible
A dollar taken new mm-.,
, ,. Ml, Will ,
fr m tile one ,., i-h.-k no
,. .,, ,;.,. in MM
ti- wax mi on suits. m
killed were white,
. , . I
rs, and two were a m
Mr W.
of the power In
I M. and lore
lira i. W mi I he
duly In
,,., I'll I county, North Caro-
In X-7. pane H. the will
l .
III I nil
M Nine or
. lot In
f on . Mid J. M.
Nothing too G
we are always looking for better; always
working to secure values and styles superior
to other stores, when
Ladies Journal
began to sell paper patterns we began to investigate, we
---S said to ourselves,
s the leading Womans Magazine. It is first class and has never done anything in a second
new that its reputation was at stake. Our investigation convinced us that the patterns are as grade
e Magazine
the Hone Jon ma I added a new
tore which j none desirable than
oilier a Quids Chart free with
each pattern. This Chart bow exactly how the pattern is
to be Ir is o con a child can
it. It s a been to Indies sue inexperienced
in garment cutting and making. Mothers advise us
that by the aid the Guild famished with
They train their rs to do their own
But there is still another point to consider. The pat-
terns are all new, no old styles, no ancient creations; all
new, all up-to-date and perfect in fit and style, and so
much more easily understood than other patterns that
one trial will convince you and make you a regular
Free At Our Store. Come And Get One.
We are leaders In Dress Goods Silks and
J. R. J. G.
D J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Whereas, Our kind and loving
in His
lions in tn human life,
taken death from
dearly be-
hived Lull Cleve,
. 1-the of the
And His Name Was Washington.
A very funny thing in
the c mt morning
There a me against one
Henry Davis, for eight home
and on o e the parents, when K v.
John Edward of Green-
Wedding at of a Prom-
and Popular Couple.
a pretty wedding here last even-
Ladies Aid
, M
tUt church do hereby preacher the P
it .- though from Hi.- evident- that the
this sail employing the
of Providence, vet we in wife cf the defendant Davis, and
to His divine will, mat given notice
knowing and believing II.-
ail g- well.
Hi I'm- ii Saturday
That in the death his wile, Ac, Davis
of our don sister, the societies would not
a all, one who , h copy tin
was i i earnest to him
to ever j interest the societies I a row followed.
church, one whose and that the preacher put
walk all those sweet on his hip pocket, Ac
Christian grams which for
murk b that is close crow
Master, always willing,
patient, loving and forbearing.
She never foiled in duty
a-a preacher, if in
ville, N. f Miss Annie
Hoyle, daughter Mr.
Hoyle, a
The parlor was prettily
and the wedding music
by Mis- Lillian
before the sang a
lovely solo. ceremony
most impressively performed in
A. D. Hunter, pastor of in.
Baptist Then
were many beautiful gifts
The groom is the sou
Thomas , of Franklin
A Democratic of Pitt
will he in- at ti
house in Greenville at o'clock
A. M. Thursday, June lib,
the purpose of select
e- I. I be van
I and
D no tic ;
up.-1 of selecting d .
the be
day of June, 1906, o'clock P.
Al these Dent.
voters of the
all i delegates to
he to
Greenville on the l lib of
Each township will be entitled t.
he following number of delegates,
the county convention
Nominate Candidates Alder-
The several the A is alway.
; k lo deli,
, m , , . th f
voted i, ed in men
a- a the hearts if
. if Greenville's
seldom . ,,, . ,,
will c., . . , . . , ,, Le
;, ,. half past
in the No. a
. . sec-
V; meat MP
e feel i- ,., ,
the . the rhythmic be of their
good hands.
gentle in manner, he a gun. The preacher
and true to friend-, carry a gun. Col
he filled her place in oar not
as only like her could do. He said no. f.
mis.-, her from meet- Sugg naked if he was willing to lie
lug, hi, iii tor one. ii.- Bald yes,
fondest recalled hi-, in, whereupon searched
h , aid .,
be found revolver,
sent. Though gone Ami ins name
if he administered ,,,, ,, ,, u., ,
, M Us .
.- A
ii., i-
Sweet in m in q and
he carried
forgo, ten.
That we huh.
. ii, -i, hearth
path . to grief stricken mi u whom to tenderly, a
who i our much loved
HI Mm, . ;.,.,,
to nil iv . who are
-lie . from us.
all it.- . .- an. old be t I- -m-
thou e is .-
Who took ., i-he in lie I,,,,
care, i.,
, of he
comfort a d sustain u i
In h air o Ii in.
a copy if
In.- of Ii I us a
t . our
for sister. In; i
y l 1.1 in lie family a
a c-i. a- a u-
l . th.- same.
It. Ii
Baptist church at Greenville,
where he is highly esteemed. The ,
attractive I ,.,.
young woman, with a host ;.,,
a of a Carolina
family of this ,;.,.,.,
News and Observer,
. ED.
. .
Hi., , .; Ii
man h;, acclamation.
. a ex
,. the w ,.,.
in ,;
Mis. reach
in-1 No. I
a reception tendered j.
them in.,,. a- the Br ,.
Embezzles of Railway of ,
J Phoned that a attend-
. u . the voters
each township ill be at their re
Tea, until h
; a- id , the Carol inn
hi Farm ville, was this
tented in Tarboro on a
a repress
of the m
, New York, which concern
. d lilt
He was
to Greenville and this
; was lake before the Jut-
. c . Peace, C.
who at
our i.
street's which was attended
I I i
The guests were rec Primary i,
door by ii.
I .- Mm .
F. . y.
. i . i. .-.
I for ., II i;.
ti el .
I e u
I I .
H. full W. , . ,.
in chat.
B and stroll
. the
. . , w
,,. . .,,. of
bee and Mrs. J. J.
Mr. and Mrs. were
-i d pail
by Air. Mrs.
Mr d Mr.-. i. , ,,,,
lie bl dress was f
delegates to the c , .
in with the
ti of I he party,
. the r an nil .,.
I. Ma .
. I Hi. s .
Mies in,
Sheriff Down Nero With
A on someone broke
the In e Mr,
from town, aid
sloe Hie. i. n. Today while
Mr Ft. as in town he
iced . . shirts on a
named Ben
can eye Mr. Flem-
aid M d. Fleming went
after Sin looker help eaten
in en. . ran all the faster at
the the officer. The r
ill called but the neg-
gave no to- to ibis. At a dis-
n a hundred yards
shot down. The
ball we it . through
ii lase.
Misses Lena Matthews and ;
received at
room door. ii., , ,
i- in tie custody f. in tun,
to . won-
ii ill Bryan, ., s t.
is years old,
. bin to been regarded as dining wax
exemplary man. with out II
, he has been in the em- and lighted with wax I
of the railroad company, silver
Mi. Mini Mrs. ,;.
over trim- WOMAN GRADUATE.
Receiving Diploma Female
. A.
II .
., ,
. o
n- i.-I-
the of is em-
. is to the
a nor the
hi ii-t the agent personally
the in the claim
e under the bond tie
The will he
held the the count
convention on the 11th.
is not to make
but only to select
to slate, congressional and
conventions Another
Sheriff Has a Negro He Would
Like to Locate.
The who
Tucker fleeing from
. Hie. it
d -nil, an or
from justice. He first
i- name as but
has c several other names as
his. He also said be had been i ,
the p and was yet tine a
year there on a sentence but did
net nay lie had escaped.
He is a in this
ion and no one seem- to
him. would like to
lam if the is an escaped
convict or if he is wanted in any
neighboring for crime. H
is ginger cake color, feel ti
high, weighs about
pounds is bow legged.
of a large number
bridal presents
then friends.
I leather cone .
in a, ii ,
II . a fin i
I , sis deacons of ,
live other friends, a ,
ail from ten .
beautiful toilet sit , .
a, solid ,.
Horn i in- class.
Mrs, aid
woman e
lei in most cordial we com .
Mr. A. L. Potter was driving
made too short a turn and I tie
one wheel the
The take up was
that the shafts and cross
bar of the buggy were broken.
Co ,
I Its
. Out hi ii .,
i-; . . . ,. , I, t.
j,, .,.
s graduating nut till
j from any e .met i. is several
years ago, . . , . , ,
w is rt hi her . . i,.,.
h . with
the matter, kepi In in, l, with
Mis. . ,.,. ., v
lady, . Mi . ii.-
a soil i .
navy, and a. awarded the . . J
to receive Mule
of bit
. ;. v., iv. n
; and the
to by g Benson
captivated lit
,, s U
u; iv Hen tie
1- now an , u, g
in ,, -i,,,,,
. ,
I mi ti-.-
. ;.,, the ward.
8.0.111 .
. . ., ., .
W. Kn .
I'll . ,
J. .
d .
i. J. . ,
a . , ii , ,. ., ,.
was , .
J. A. .,,,,,.
V sloe to
to . pond to
of their big
fl. fried Mel
boiled, ham,
-f,;, .
. was p,
. Ii
. lug waters
i. the l .
Al met on th,
songs on
sh ires of
M be
. but ,. ,.,,
; picnickers.
Mr. and
with their boats
I . s . .
Rev w.
ii. i;. .-i -a . K
occupied Hi the
Church day. lie
as I g
in . ii . . made
an y
school He . the
c e . .,
i .; i a
j . the e
to iv a -a ,
Mr. Mr,.
to Him
happy day II
i an i love.
yea. . hi
I Begs, o Mr. hie
Greenville Goes Forward
A was here
win. had twenty-live
years lie ban seen Greenville,
lie expressed at teeing
little crossroads tillage of
Frank Wilson who had . .- .
will beheld lending Chapel now such
turned Saturday
ice, and be has , Ii . in
the lit was heard
gladly on Sunday.
f Mrs. Benson, Che diploma Is
dated July 20th, 1840.
Snag us that I,
son of K. B. Gotten, a Lieutenant
commander the navy, are
Our Thanks.
Friday evening Mr. W. White noting the rainfall at this
brought us some ripe May 1900, 8.30 inches. U
we have seen this season. They In one month during
were very year June i, inch, ,
Today Mr. A. I. Potter brought minimum
a bucket wry nice , ,,
inn, .-
m h sympathy
d ,; mouths
; -i lira. J.
y at
hi ii a m
ii. c .
Mr. O. v. York, observer
government weather station here,
gives the following .-res
lute place at
afternoon Cherry
sen, c being con-
r. If. II. Moore,
areas were Messrs. T.
B. Hooker, II. s. Spain, N. W.
t op Condition
The report issued to-
day . the condition of the cotton
at 81.75, increased

Eastern reflector, 1 June 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
June 01, 1906
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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