[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
Tar Heel Baptists Moving Up-
Livingston Johnson return
ed yesterday afternoon from th-
which it session at Chat-
Monday night
In speaking of the convention Mr
Johnson it was the largest be
ha- ever attended. There were
over two thousand delegate en-
rolled, and hundred visitors
who were not delegates, making
number in attendance
between four
M i.
were more from North
for many years.
toe-, ever made; for-
and a Inge i
of converts year than in any
previous year. The home board
and four thou-
more tin- year than
d. liar de the board,
the home board reported no
j,., . debt the foreign
bond was b en-
A of new mis-
were sent out last year.
to urgent calls for more
workers, will
In- made because of indebted-
less. On the other hand the
ordered to its opera-
. , ;., by per cent
Ins St Fourteen new
i. appointment, and
m expressed them-
ready to go an as the visit over near Old Fold,
way opens. The greatest meeting
Sunday after noon when
t. of was
I. A Committee on
Drought in B
I-. that the home
of one man, or
m e, if thought best,
meetings where
m t in the South. There
considerable opposition at first
the meeting Sunday afternoon,
removed practically all this from
the minds of those who understood
the way in which this work is to
on. Perhaps a meeting
Ct spiritual power as of
Sunday afternoon, was never
known in the history
It was keyed up to the
blab, the of
and of
Unusual power were made by
rt-e and J. B.
F. C, of
City, and Len G.
ton, of Atlanta.
. ,,,, l ,. t ;
. n u
A. O Clerk bad
S h
p to
mi A o- S I. .
spent Sunday
Secretary of , Bryan
Grime-was in town
are always glad to see him come
Quite a number of our people
attended the reunion at Greenville
the but poor for-
got the day and lost ail.
The farmers report much softer-
f the wan- lain. Tobacco
com and all very bad
Eon, Miss Ada
Ward ere out e Kind y.
I. J Gibson and Sun-
day in
W. E. Tucker and family spent
Sunday with . S. Galloway and
B. G. May home Sunday
and played a while
Levi services at
Parker's Sunday.
sou spent Sunday I T. F.
tor and wife.
Mr. Einstein, attend-
ed the rink here Friday
Mrs. I. O. with her com-
Forbes, has
got home a several day
Whit the Hen Does.
North Carolina's Part.
is gratifying to North
to know that our State has
gone up from seventh to fourth in
the list of States in contribution
to foreign i, But she has
made a richer contribution in men
and women. The preach-
in the country, George W.
born in North Caro-
and of lending pas
tori in other State are from North
Carolina. J. P. Love, assistant
secretary the Home Board, is
from North Carol inn, When it
became necessary to a
dent of the Woman's Missionary
Union, auxiliary to the Southern
Baptist convention, eyes turned
to Fannie B. S. Heck,
next convention goes to
but Greensboro made
plucky for it and will get it
day before
News and Observer.
We are frequently -too frequently
told of the great things men do;
how they dig into the earth or build
upon the earth or dam up the
and irrigate the earth, but the great
of win h we boast so
much into insignificance
compared to the records achieved by
the ordinary lien
The cackle of hen that has
laid an egg is modest and
com paired mans noisy
bluster about their business.
in the noise
made, the hen the far more gen-
In two months lays more value
than the annual production of all the
gold mines of the States
Every three months she produces
more than the year's production of
pig iron.
Her eggs for six months are worth
more the capital stock of
all the banks ill New charing
In less than two years could
pay off the national debt.
The annual report the
of agriculture shows last
year the eggs of the United States
Were worth more than the cotton or j
he wheat, inert- than all the potatoes
the barley, the the sugar
cane and the rice practical-
equal the dairy produce and are
by the corn crop of a
bumper corn year.
u And the hen made a new record
last week On one day there were
in New York over
cases containing eggs.
The hens business for one day in
one city amounted lo
we are always looking for better; always
working to secure values and styles superior
to other stores, when
The town of Kinston and the
Western Union Telegraph
are at outs over the question
removing poles from the
pal business street. For to
comply with
removal of the poles the telegraph
company has been indicted by the
Fun and Serial Stories.
An slimier lit Hector
writing l. out
wherever and signing a
name than his own, though
we think lbs are
detected, be it
more if it wood print sum
a of tun right here
be and be III
to long he
will be Borne Inn
A- t
began to sell paper patterns we began to investigate.
said to ourselves,
Is the leading Womans Magazine. It is first class and has never done anything in a second class way.
knew that its reputation was at stake. Our investigation convinced us that the patterns are as high grade as
the Magazine
Furthermore the Ladies Home Journal added a new
which makes these patterns much more desirable than
any other pattern. They furnish a Guide Chart free with
each pattern. This Chart shows exactly how the pattern is
to be put together. It is so comprehensive that a child can
understand it. It's a boon to ladies who are inexperienced
in garment cutting and garment making. Mothers advise us
that by the aid of the Guard Chart furnished with each
hey train their daughters to do their own sewing
But there is still another point to consider. The pat-
terns are all new, no old styles, no ancient creations; all
new. up-to-date and perfect in fit and style, and so
much more easily understood than other patterns that
one trial will convince you and make you a regular
Free At Our Store. Come And Get One.
We are leaders In Dress Goods Silks and
Trimmings, Etc.
The cotton States produced In
gallons of cotton
seed oil. North Carolina pro-
pint i
a l-i. , . .
i i
no; . i
i i .
.ll t
D J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Delightful Program and Delicious
The League of the
church held their
monthly literary meeting Friday
which a reception to
the membership f the
church was The program
was rendered in the church, and
was followed the reception on
the church
The exercises of the
were and
instructive, subject being,
His Life and Works.
favorite quotations were
members of
the league, much was
in the subject. A
carefully prepared paper was read
by Harry White, the subject
Courtship of Miles Bland-
This was followed by a
by Miss Helen Laughinghouse,
who all
The address of the evening as
delivered by Prof. H. B. Smith,
who spoke forcibly on the subject
of the evening. Prof. Smith spoke
toe pure, clean
Longfellow, contrasting it
lives of other poets of this
other holding
life up as something real In history
to be emulated by others.
At close of the literary pro-
gram was
e I lo t grounds, where
a delightful reception give l
large grove
light by with seats
tastefully about
if. The were
by a of
ladies Hie who gave
every to the
The was very much
by all until the lateness
of hour compelled them to
leave their homes.
Too much cannot be said in
praise of those who had in charge
the making of arrangements for
this occasion.
Register of Deeds It. Williams
issued to
couples since last
Manning and Ella
H. M. and Fannie
Alex. a id Debby Man-
Harper and Mamie
Win Kittrell
Representative Small has in-
a bill which may be of
great importance in the drain
age and reclamation of the swamp
lands, particularly of Eastern
North Carolina. Recently Rep-
of Min-
introduced a bill
the receipts from the
sale of public lands in certain
States to the drainage of swamp
lands in those States. The
of States which now have
public lands is comparatively
small. Mr. Small has redrafted
this bill, making
changes, the principal of
which is that the funds can be
used for draining swamp lands
in any State whether having
public lands or not. The bill
provides that the United States j
shall be reimbursed by easy pay-
for the expenditure re-
quired in the reclamation.
bill of Mr. Small further pro-
that lairds located in the
State and susceptible of
may also drained under
provision of the act at the option
of said State.
As North Carolina still owns
large bodies of swamp lands
which are after the tic
has been removed, unless
they can be reclaimed, it will
seen how the State could utilize
this act for its benefit. These
swamp lands in North Carolina
are owned by the State Board of
Education, and any improvement
or enhancement in value would
increase the assets of our public
Mr. Small states that the idea
is not at all impracticable,
that really conditions may be
such in the near future as to re-
in the passage of the bill.
Texas, which has no public
lands as well as the delegations
from other influential State.-, is
actively favoring this legislation.
And why not We are utilizing
the proceeds of sale of public
lands, and there is no possible
reason why should not use
part of the same funds for
the surplus water from
swamp lands and, thereby, open
up to settlement lands which will
be infinitely more fertile and
News and
Thursday evening at her home
on Washington street Mis Mary
L-e Smith charmingly
a number of her friends in honor
of her birthday.
The met at the door
by Smith who
received them and i in
the parlor.
After the guests arrived
all went out on the lawn where a
number of games were
After of that
hack to the parlor when- tune
passed away by
both vocal and instrumental.
Delicious dainties were served
by the hostess assisted by Miss
Lilian Carr and Bar-corn i tun
and Cecil
At a late hour the
declaring Miss
ideal hostess.
Those were Mi-sen Mar
Smith, Lillian Can, Mary
Lillian Lillian Whit-
Whichard, Margaret
Lucille Cobb. Mattie
King, Susie Warren Allie
Greene, Carl
Cecil Cobb, Wilson, Nor-
man Warren, Oscar Greene, Willie
Wilson Tom
Farmville C, May
Misses i and Mary
have returned from A. C. approval-
college at Wilson.
A. J.
Willie Barrett returned yesterday
from A. C. college
closing exercises of the
graded school were held
in opera house last night.
school marched up in a burly,
C, May
The tariff has come up in another
guise or rather in an old disguise.
A few months ago it will be
there was a threat on the part
of the Secretary of War by
the administration to buy ships and
material for the Panama canal with
the world as a market. All the in-
industries of the States
Bet up a lusty squalling at this
business. idea of
buying any where for cheapness when
paying a double price the infant
could be fed. Well in some
the agitation was silenced. The
brave words of the Secretary of War
proved to be an idle threat.
can ships and American goods were
bought and thousands of dollars
were paid than if they had been
in tire open markets the
world Now it appears that some
steam dredges needed for the canal
he bought in Scotland for sixty or
seventy thousand dollars less per
dredge than in the United States
and Secretary Taft who has a frugal
mind is after foreign machines
and is arguing that the Panama ca-
is not in the United States
is not affected by tariff restrictions
and that the manufacturers of this
country have no claims that the
government in an enterprise like
this need respect. The President in
a letter to Congress states the
course of Secretary Tuft has his full
The Pure Food bill which passed
the Senate some time ago and which
it was supposed would go through
the lower House without opposition
is in reality opposed by a powerful
lobby working night and day. All
of the which will be in-
affected by the a
lull adulteration of nave
West V. C. May 1906.
The base ball learn has elected
Thompson, for next
The ball team will play the la-it
game of season today with the
Audi-tie team.
In of set back to
early in season, it has made
quite a creditable showing, having
a game with three State
during season.
has been suspended for
this year and the time for i-
up by cadets in target
practice, which is quired by the
government. An excellent target
range has been provided by Lieut,
the commandant of the
cadets. Some of the cadets have
made excel lent shots at long range
All the classes literary o-
I ave elected their officers
next year. The work of all
literary societies has
bad unusually good attendance and
much more interest has been shown
in the society work than during
any year before
final examination will close
on the Commencement
27th nod closes on the
morning Gov. Glenn
is to deliver the this year
to the graduating class of
wiling men.
and alter singing combined in fight the measure and
lead in prayer . Prof.
Then followed of
Mr. Henry Jackson.
Out of the pupils
six were winners of
which were awarded for
I These six, Misses
I Darden, Lang, Pa
Hal Turnage, Jack Lira
and Harvey Turnage have not been
; or during the school
so far their light appears
While tho movement against the
drug trust H Inch unlawfully controls
influences the price of drugs
mid medicines has its
in Indiana, Attorney General Moody
and others in
here are really back of it I In drug
trust it is alleged have been guilty
of violations Sherman anti-
year. Those who made the and the to
et average were allowed the break up the monopoly is me of the
being ushers on this most movements of this
Casino and wore school colors.
F. D. in was
then u i induced by Prof.
This week has been one of
lions in the Serial s in which Sena-
Railroad for Snow Hill.
Hon. Larry I. Moore and Mr
i of tho and Pamlico
Sound Company were
town last week. It is their intention
to give Snow Hill a branch lino lo
connecting with the inc-
line now They
ask that Snow ill and vicinity give
f and right of way to Farm-
ville and they will the
at water on tho north
side of the creek, or for they
guarantee to cross the creek and lo-
the depot in town. Mr. W. J.
Jordan is endeavoring to raise the
amount by subscription and at pres-
has more than raised.
Snow Hill Laconic.
Charlotte will occupy the band
wagon this week and there is no
fear but what she will acquit herself
Happenings of Interest in North
Dr. Atkins, of the Wes-
tern N Carolina Conference.
was ed -as one of three
the general conference
of the Methodist at
The man who so brutal-
killed his wife at was
convicted of murder in the
degree and sentenced to be bunged
Little Gibbs, aged
tears, wee accidentally shot in the
head by
old y. afternoon, i ear
this City. She was killed instant
is said were
and that buy didn't know the
gun w s Coast-
who spike of him in none o I Bailey, of Texas of
terms. South Carolina, and Lodge, of Mas-
J urine Winston gave us a strong
and able speech on
I Every man the county should
; have heard it. Iris to be
to the Farmville
people will sink deep into their
that they will go for-
ward the enterprise, give
their every advantage,
the President of the I
Stales, the Attorney and
were the principal figures.
in his disgust and over
the alleged desertion
dent in an alleged legislative deal or
conspiracy by which it was
the Southern Senators would have
improving the school and making I the prestige of passing a drastic
it possible for every child to at- railroad rate hill accused
Prof then added a few
dent of double dealing, bad faith,
and mendacity and let out h
words, the had told his plenipotentiary
people to persevere in the good Chandler some ugly things
and thanking the faculty about the senatorial constitutional
their good work during the year, as represented in that heavy
Miss Annie Perkins, one of our legal triumvirate of Ohio,
Fine Shoe Exhibit.
ninth window of C. S.
store is an attractive ex-
the famous
shoe. shoes are displayed
on glass shelves, behind then
is a handsome picture of the facto
in which shoes are made
display and picture aw
under the effect of
lights at night.
graded left for
home in Greenville Saturday.
The Pickets Comedy On. of
Vow York, will give nights
performance in the
opera this week beginning
Thursday night. Those who were
present, during -their last trip
Farmville only to be re-
of Wisconsin, and of
Pennsylvania. Senator Lodge was
not in the Senate chamber during
tho Senator
but the echoes reached him from
afar and rushing to the
phone he got no less a person
Theodore at the other end
it. Hastening back to the Senate
minded of coming. For Senator Lodge took
entire n have never en- floor and amid great excitement,
seeing any company so much said that the President had told
as Pickets that the alleged lo have
Co. j been reported by
Mrs gave a very enjoy- I was unqualifiedly false The
aide porch party to her been to be
Happenings of Interest Over the
Selma, Ala., May A shock,
supposed by some to be an earth-
quake shock, occurred in
wood, county, early to
day. The tremor lasted about
a minute and woke
dents of the town. No damage
was done.
New York, May
I was report-
ed today as greatly improved, and
it was said that she had the
most comfortable night since her
Condition became serious. The
family are now hopeful of a com-
Norfolk, Va , May
Tucker, president of the Saving
Bank of Newport News, Va , com-
suicide in his room over
the bank Newport News today
just as Chief Police Reynolds,
of that city, open his door to arrest
him upon a warrant charging
defaulting in the sum of
Washington, D. C , May
House day killed the bill
making it a crime for any one
giving out advance information of
the official reports of the
and ether executive depart
to stop crop re-
ports. bill was tabled by a
vole of to rejecting the
conference report.
son of Mr. A. L.
Potter, who is carrier of the mail
on H. F. No. I, died Sunday
morning at Ins home about a mile
west el Greenville. The burial
tuck place today.
in a very awkward position for eve-
believed that ho said
what Chandler said what he said
about and
In short ho took no pains to
conceal his thoughts. Tho
dent is nothing if not talkative and
when he opens his mouth to talk
discretion goes to the winds. His
discreet friends do not report even
the purport of half they hear him
say less do they repeal bis
Devil to on the Re-
publican Ship aid
Boss Caught No
trouble, toil and
trouble burn
and this might be
Shakespeare's description of tho
Republican situation, wore he
waited back to this world again.
The Radical is turbulent,
national and sensational.
Judge Prichard refuses to say
morning to the
mer Mary Ann
thinks hard thoughts about the
and in turn the
has his pack
hard on the trail of the
and father I
weary of the chase, is look-
for some friendly tree to
climb. Mr. insists
on calling a State convention
and Romulus Zig Zag Linney
conies along saying that there is
grave danger if such one is
held it will be inside walls of
the penitentiary. Then comes
that staunch old Republican
brave, Judge Bynum, calling
many of the leaders of the party
cut throats and rascals, always
in war, never at peace and
ways with their hands in tho
pockets of the
But not only does tho turmoil
and the strife exist in this State
but it extends into national
realms, and the immaculate bell
Teddy, is in the toils.
He is in divers straights. Sen-
Bailey says he is and
Tery common clay at that Mr.
has him fast on one
prong of his pitchfork, and ex-
Senator Chandler accuses him of
double In bis traits he
i to a point of order. Sphinx
like, and in tones stentorian de-
Angus thou bast
notwithstanding proof
is there in black and white
against him. Like Nero who got
his inspiration to write a poem
from sight of burning so
this state of Radical upheaval
had like effect upon one of
our townsmen, who is sometimes
visited by Muses, and this
morning gives us the follow-
sample of his musings.
The poem is an heroic with
pin fairly the chaotic state of
fairs in Republican circles. It
is entitled, ode to
and goes as
lie- but Teddy.
And is a mall of clay,
He his out steady,
Hut lie cannot make them stay.
Chandler he takes up taking
And so does Till man
Everybody lies in bunch
Hut our Big Man.
and Aid rich fall out
They fuss and fuss all day
Tiny cuss a while and then pout,
No one cares what they
George is keeping quiet
Behaving like a man.
Everybody scraps this bunch
But Mary Ann.
In tones of mirthful glee. says, rascal,
dare lo speak to
Moody takes to joking,
does Till man
Everybody jokes this bunch
Hut our
Charlotte Observer.
k. v
B f of In
Mortar. It-1 mid
A on I he
. if Pitt North
ti Hook 331-3 th
win public mI.
door In fr to
on Monday. May I.
lo wit A err
land in
of town of
villa mow within
-f known KM No
No h. Ill- of
company culled
and Pitt r-
swum i i
to h north .-i- J
m fa-, i
i i to iii--
Wit n oil f-H I-
lunar on r
I i
i day of
l A.
qualified th-
Clerk a
h. 11.1 is
to all t
in . ml
all I th
-all it the Mum to tin
for mi or the h d
r notice will i lend in
ii .- of
Friend, Toil l Worth
Suppose You Stop Sec
X 1903-
at Hug that y
little girl of
-asp which
She bad from
limp lb-pp
no pi.- i hid I feel
I of
i Mi mil h ll of
ii nix
N. C.
o Publishers
and Printers
C T. Big
The Opening.
We will place on sale during the two opening days an immense line of smart, up-to-date hand
ready-to-wear Hats Possibly one of the greatest selections Of Hats shown in this city.
APRIL 10th
Store long since established an enviable reputation Trimmed and Untrimmed con-
showing the latest Bud newest In imported Hats, we show the latest ideas, while l de-
signs our own start will equal them in beauty and excellence. Our
passed even her previous record-breaking Remember the Opening dates
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 10th and 1906
I Not Quite
often you can get a
or driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
es. Our line of tools
t is all could desire, and
we will see your tool
box not lack a single
You get Harness,
Horse floods,
Is The Moon Inhabited.
Science ha proven that the moon has J
, an atmosphere, which makes life in
; some form possible on that
I but for human who a
I hard enough time on this earth our-,
j Hitters cure Bilious
Malaria. Chills, and
I dice, Torpid i
complaints. General
and weaknesses.
as a Tonic and An-1
for weak persons ,
the aged, it induces sound sleep. I
by J. L.
Price only
We an entirely new
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can old Brass Col-
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
t Mr-iii fully as good as now
i any unsightly
knobs or on the bot-
regular lengths
L. and
Head inches
per lb
A sample of
Rule, wile full
will be
sent on application.
Manufactures of Type and
High Printing Mater
N. MM Stall. p
D. W.
Ill-All U IN
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
Come take a look, whether or not, its always a pleasure to
D. W.
N Carolina.
Steamboat Service.
Strainer U, L, leaves
hi ;. for leaves
in. for
at with
Norfolk Southern Railroad for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston all other
joints North. a Norfolk
with all West.
Shippers older their
freight via care Norfolk
Southern K,
to change
wit boot i ice.
J. Agent, Green-
Mile, N. C.
General T. and
t. Va.
KING, v. p G. M.
; . i
R. L. Caw.
Greenville, N. G.
Fife, then
Dr. Restorative
has so successful in
curing these brain-wrecking
that there is every
to believe that even the
most hopeless cases can be
i , . I, if not restored.
We Le pleased to refer
any thus to many
the blessing of
after years of hopeless
r l.-Tin fever
an t- ,; I. t v
. I I v. .-i
I . mi . I f
t i. , i . i.
, i -i . l ii-
I i . . for the
i He mi
r . ho .-on-
. i
1.1 . In
,. . ii. T. , J of the
coM find his bod;
v. j- ii . i from to
I i n . v Y
; r. t K i . i . ii it.
for th bell r, I. t
Mm over ill , i i hi but
v. light i . lust
aid then lie n w-ll
we he
to an If one
wishes a k a
this, r- I lo .
E. if. Lincoln. Ind.
Dr. Is sold by your
druggist, who will guarantee that
first bottle will benefit. If It
will refund money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
m ii
Bad Makes
Bad Blood.
Yon not make in a
unclean as u in up
and disintegrate f-l as it
II it weak. and
foul the will In-
liver and hail,
The Dr.
Medical Discovery are l
to cure all u-
is made up a
alcohol in
instead the
alcohol. Now this i of a
instead d a
like in
cure of weak a nil I ho
M. H.
says of
dyspepsia It excellent
nos.-, It Is one of lat
the In
especially It there Is r
It Is a
will many cases of PI
and aridity,
and in sin forms of
chronic the r
and excretory the Intestinal
combined. In Just the
with Golden root Stone root,
Black Queen's root.
and Mandrake
U In Ur. Medical
Discovery, there ran no us
great efficacy In the cure of ell stomach,
liver and intestinal disorder- and derange-
Those several Ingredient have
the strongest endorsement in ill such
cases such eminent medical leaden as
Prof. R Med-
College, I A
M. Medical I v of
Pa-; H. is,.
New In if.
Edwin M Hale. M.
Prof, at M. I.
M. I. Authors of the
the medical men of our
Who can doubt the curative of
a medicine the ingredients of which have
such a
Constipation cured by Doctor Pierce
Pleasant Pallet. One or two a dose.
U ft Mm and
were with my stork. Own
Near Five Points on Easy Terms.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C
were ,
by property pay
K A II K. V. E. No.
nth. 1st
H. A.
An Kn . r was called
to the to oiler final
l. lined
en man,
expect to to
know said
you'll have to go
lo the oilier
said Hopkins, sighing
the consoling
pastor, ought to be thankful
you've here to
ant the
A mouse endeavored convince
a of the advantage of wear
a long tail.
said he. not admitted
to the best society, like myself, and
I do not doubt this is the sole
son. Certainly u long toil tines give
one an
While the two friends were
. swooped down upon them,
and each betook himself to his hid-
plate. The rabbit was fairly
hidden, the mouse was easily
discovered drawn from his place
of refuge. Into which ho had not
time to draw his boasted badge of
society. As the oft
prey the remarked quietly,
friend, the mouse, would have
been better had he not beer
quite so
Birds ore very in the
making of their toilets. Some use
water only, others oust and water
others dust alone. Wild ducks,
salt water, ill only
in water fly inland
twenty or thirty miles in order to
get a fresh water hath. Sparrow a
take kinds and
dust. They are not r about
the former, but the latter only
the and , t will
The partridge u loam
Scratching the turf, he
loosens a square foot of r eh,
late colored loam and bathos
his sleek plumage. Ail h love
a hath of ashes, lie who walks
through a field that recently
been burnt will note every
while n disturbance in the charred
ash heaps, and up, shaking a lino
cloud of ash dust, many birds will
The Way Insects Are Gathered and
Prepared For Use.
The history the cochineal In-
sect was for a long time very ob-
and lit one time the species
in commerce was
f grain. It was not
the close of the seventeenth
that it was discovered to
of insect origin. The insect is a
live of Mexico, where it was raised
by the Mexican Indians long before
the country was discovered by the
It is now cultivated in
sonic the West Indian islands
and in a feW western stales,
but it i- in Mexico only that it i
raised in sufficient quantities to
form an article of commerce. The
insect raised mi the cochineal
tree, or Indian or which
is a species o cactus.
The cochineal i- collected
the middle of December. The
insects are removed from the tree
with a knife, the edge of which has
been blunted, or are carefully brush-
ed oil with a squirrel tail. This
i performed by the women.
insects are usually killed by the
plication of heat, by linking in ovens
or by the heat of the sun.
When the cochineal arrives in the
market it is in the form of a small
grain, having a convex and a con-
cave side, but with little re-
semblance to body of an insect.
It is used for dyeing crimson and
scarlet and making carmine.
Cochineal alone yields a purple col-
or, which, when mixed with a
of tin in acid,
may be changed to a most beautiful
scarlet. The discovery is said to
have been made in this
A man who was making a
placed in his window an
extract of cochineal made with boil-
water, and in some way a vial
containing acid was
broken over it. This acid changed
the purple dye into a most beautiful
dark red. and by experiments this
man found that the tin
ed in the acid caused tho change of
color. An ingenious dyer at Leyden,
Holland, brought the discovery to
perfection. The secret afterward
became known, and a large dyeing
establishment was erected in Paris.
This accident occurred years
A and Its Penalty.
For kissing a stranger in a mo-
of exuberance an eighteen-
year-old waitress at has
been sentenced to fourteen
The offense took place
at the railway station two nights
ago, and tho injured man complain-
ed at once to the police, and the girl
was arrested. So impressed was tho
magistrate with tho heinousness of
the rime that he increased the
verity of the sentence by ordering
the girl four fast days in tho fort-
and also directed that after
completing the sentence she should
banished from Bohemia and sent
her I in
Loiter to Pall Mall
The Fox and the
Reynard a knowing animal.
The are much tormented by
fleas, but when the infliction he-
comes too severe they know to
rid of the insects. They gather
the hark of trees moss, which
they carry to a stream deepens
degrees. Here they enter the
still carrying tho moss in their
mouths, going backward, be-
ginning from the end of their tails,
advance till the body,
with the exception of the mouth, is
entirely immersed. Tho fleas
this proceeding have rushed in
rapid haste to tho dry and
finally to the moss, and the fox.
when lie has. according to his cal-
allowed sufficient tune r
nil the Hens to take their departure,
quietly opens his mouth. The mo
floats off down the stream with its
burden of and when it is Oil
of jumping reach the fox finds ks
way to the bank much relieved.
Mexicans Have uncovered That the
Explosive a Producer.
An American business man of
Monterey who a visit a few-
days ago lo a mining camp situated
near the city was surprised and mys-
to hear one Mexican miner
say to his as they came
, from the depths of
I to the to-
and take some dynamite with
The American superintendent ex-
plained the
was not an invitation to
take a drink of some new brand of
liquor, as might be he
said. two Mexicans are
Rends. They actually cat
dynamite and get drunk on the
It is a fact that many of Mex-
miners of the peon class arc
dynamite eaters. It is a vice that
rapidly spreading to all of the
mining camps in Mexico. J. C.
a prominent American mining
man of the y dis-
said concerning this new
of dynamite soon learn
that it is a powerful stimulant and
that the effects of intoxication arc
pleasing while they last beyond the
most excruciating of an
Opium dream. Dynamite is
for the purpose of smash-
things, a tiny bit of it
through the veins smashes the
whole end of care and blows dullness
into atoms.
usually is very
dainty and exact in his method of
about the introduction of a
high explosive into his system. The
preferred way to do is to cut
off a small piece of per cent
about the size of a pea. This
dissolved in a small glass of mes-
cal or and the draft is quaff-
ed down with a gusto that comes
from plea-ant anticipations. The
performer this trick then rolls in
his blanket and stretches himself
at length ill the cool shade. It is
said that very soon his nerves begin
to tingle, and stranger dreams come
to him than the weird visions in-
amount of dynamite con-
an ordinary camp
to taking it into their
,, . in Wilt above described is
1.1 .- appreciably affects
the explosive
mi on I he regular work.
, re i- a large and increasing
her ton Mint
the most imaginative of per-
sons could have invented. It may not
i be assuming too much to state that
eventually dynamite will be
at saloons as much as are to-
and alcoholic drinks and the
will be as distinct a
class as the or ordinary
Monterey Let-
in r News.
Having consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. in
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed in
We will carry an up-to-date line of.
Hats, Shoes, Dress
In Groceries we will have at all times a full line of the very best goods, not only
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, but all kinds of
Canned Goods, the finest brands
w. ran anything you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices
COUNTY and prices of our goods will please you.
the Sm Can Malt
A sun glass, you know, is a con-
vex lens, has the power
collecting the sun's rays into one
point, called n Many
hue one, using l
to they do
The Mu la lice ti-l
Clue I f I I
in- a.; ,,; inn I
III ,;. r.
V. i
. of the I
. , the it.
. in be reserved liar-
. . d i., . lit one t t 1- tin e
A effect
with concave
,. to reflect
., thorn to the same
n have road the old
who, in
. lire to the Lo-
. the city.
t fire to
picas of
the of m and
silver i distance sixty
Pf Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
The Hardware Man.
. n
tn l
furniture Cash for
Bides. Fur. Cotton Bead, Oil Bar-
Turkey, Red
I tends, Mattresses,
I m Carriages, art.-. Parlor
units. Table, P
and Ax
. , . Henry George Can-
led Peaches,
Pine .,
Meal and Oat
. Oranges, Apples,
Dried Apples,
Current, r
j in. Tip T -lee
k and
. i. Best Batter, New
. ;. . rood. and
vats .- i
n de-
., r. to all
.; .
; , .,
-i-r ,, , .
. r t
H . to
. mil
. must
or,, or I
p i ii iv-
t . M S,
ii in
T .
. J. WHICHARD, K-iron and Proprietor.
in th II l N. second t-lats matter.
i upon application.
office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to
tine v
N-n I r ii said
the bill.
me no longer on
in- d lint Ian
As they have at last
,, I I
, hi i . io . t t-.-
i in other
the t m Ii om
el Or
re-i is
much as the stores.
If they show it up on
much w it it t
a to remove all
Washington from
n long as lie
J. a e
,. ii C. Lot l
t,, i in mind again by
th. ate
a,. in. for that
e i in Salisbury.
. L it him a
IV haul
., III ll
. have that
One K town it. reported I.
inhabitants of whom
the i ll
arc i
ml oilier three are
i hope fur the ilium's, I
much for the loafer. It
. idle in I he t. the
ii-.-m,. r in worn and do Inner
or the town-
A learned gentleman was bilking
to us about the bad plight President
Roosevelt has got in over the Till-
min A mailer concerning the
rate bill, and recalls the
fact that we have never had but one
President who would net lie
one was we asked
without thinkingWashington, of
The Scotland
muddle which we
the Wilmington
an-i tin- former paper to
ii- commented.
I'll id o-c is by the juvenile ed-
of the
are fur him in his
but it has I nil a win
to self-dependence. Per-
haps Editor ignorance
comes of his failing to take San
i hi he don in
i . Hi- told
, . i i and
lint Ii-
i among
should a inn to
W Whichard hi a
has not,
it. he
up , ., n tongue P
ii tin i. and i o
c N , is pretty way to w n i
a fur e
i g g The
his out
of the school as to forget the
principles of root, end
dodges what be can't answer by
oat that he is
n. . Yes, v have
a not go far before
finding a man ho could mil tell us
the way, though he made out he
I was the privilege and tin
pleasure of the editor of Tin
Commonwealth to spend a
in last week. We found
that town live and prosperous
with every indication of
tn come.
was the
of graded school
time has been
the management of that
men Rev. T. II. Kin;
Ho was superintendent of ti
graded school this
year when he rave up
work and devoted his
time to the ministry, settling at
Lit Grange. When some months
a they needed a mac to take
charge of the school interest
Grifton Mr. King kindly cam.
finished up tin- school
He had a good corps
and the exercise.- tin
losing results of Ho
vi Mr. King is in
in as well a
he is known, and i
that lie Would i
in the sellout next session
many of the pupils were deeply
moved and passed by and bade
him farewell in tears. The board
if trustees did all could
p him but h l f. It to
Prof H. county
of Pitt, is one
most progressive and
superintendent in the
State, and giving his entire time
to the work he ha
in building up a most excellent
Inning the past three years
the writer has bid occasion t.
observation of four points
county and believe
no county in the State has
a superior system of pub
ard doubt if any
county its equal. Prof.
has made a veritable
revolution in the school interests
Pitt He made a
pleasing address to the people
Grifton in the interest of their
oho i.
It was . writer's pleas-
to make a few remarks be-
fore the
Pitt county shows signs of
pleasing prosperity in all Inter-
The towns, schools and
are all prosperous and
peace and plenty and happiness
abound those good people,
with whom it is always a pleas-
to Neck
History of the Progress of the
1.0. R. M. in Greenville.
Tribe He
Improved Order of Men was
instituted at Greenville N. O.
of April, 1903, a
membership o. e
Since that time one hundred
riven pale have been
j into the tithe. P baa
for the sick a d i son
other purposes 1.330.72. has
in wampum belt a. d
over 1500.00 worth regalia
a.; i and
It has recently up a binary
and club room that is open
i- for the use of its men bet-.
From the influence of
tribes have at
Falkland, Boo Hill,
In and
a total
of two hundred
, i ti ii in-.
I M. three we. ks
V in-
i it sent brother F. M
a representative to ll
council who was
-I e on law.
i . council 1904
I e i- area Senior Sign.
d i hi Sachem,
f i filling the honorable
with credit to f. and the
older, be was in 1900 elected
iv. to the if
U t Males. S.
. ha- also by
i . put . ii the Great Board
I his is rec-rd for
on, i.-1 , ii nil i jg
objects, achieve-
the noble work it
.-- on, ll should c in mini the
not only
ii lied Man, bin
patriotic American
us as of Wind
. i strive
in ii i in- moll,
older. May Council
Unit hen
he walk of this bun
and with flame that sin I
never In dim.
May Men gather
with hearts attuned
in sweet sympathy for each
and iii,
others u
lasting treasures
in ii-,. duly I.
1.1 i hi freedom,
. d charily.
In c may a.
the that the
I the
Spirit intended men to me t
away from the trail that all
of the earth shall follow.
In the i Friendship,
the smoke of our lire arising l
the Great Spirit, spread the i
nun I lie Brands on
, our souls with
o fur
A-.- in name
. I lie id human H
. d i all mankind
in guide.
If yon knew the care
taken to have our suit
fabrics all-wool,
strictly fast-colored and of
serviceable texture
If you knew the skill
employed to Insure durable
linings and trimmings-
If you knew the talent used
to make our Suits faultless
in style and fit.
If you knew the high
class of the Tailors who do
the sewing.
You'd know why we
guarantee them so
why wear-
continually grow in
We're showing the styles
of the hour, and nothing
would us more pleas
show them to
You needn't of buy
-just come to see
what's what.
TRY TIMS MACHINE in your horn
ten If you don't And
it the mot beautiful, up-to-date and
machine on the market, we
will take ii back. II yon like it,
we know yon we will make you
prices and that will lie entirely
i . elsewhere until
Sou sec and try the NEW ROYAL.
y so doing you will save yourself
money, machine that
will positively please you hotter
other, ,
f Come see us and make
v W CO.
N. C.
f a it the Bit
of the April
in the of
Company a time limit with
la which of said later
ville .
present and make proof of
said company, was made i
tin- being until the 1st day
September id
Now therefore, I. I. L. Kittrell, Re
appointed by the court in
hereby notice to all per-
sons having claims of
to their said claims
with me and make due nod
the same on or
before the 1st r the
term 1806 of -aid court, p this
notice will be plead in liar claim
as is provided by law. Station
L. L
This the 19th
Pulley Bowen
We inaugurate Our Spring Season by
putting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
Slab Wood and Strips re-
to one horse
August 1st.
We have no trash or Special Sale but
we will have the latest and things that
were obtainable in the American markets
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
desirous of seeing the NEWEST
to call at our establishment and feast then-
eyes. Very truly yours,
Fresh Pies, Cakes and
Bread daily Special orders
for Pies sent early in morn-
will be filled in time
for dinner.
Choice line of Fruits and
Candles constantly on hand
I also handle leading
brands of Cigars and To-
Give me a call.
J. M.
Norfolk. Va.
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
. . . i the foods, yon other
i. i I it it e m, tin ll when it
Don't put on table think ll in
at no stun.- win to bad. ; nut in a froth
tuck of
Canned Goods, Package Goods,
ultra. Sour and other In
I I keep the beat in
hip for i Hue,
door to C. T.
Our Specialty
Reflector Job Printing Office.
This department is in J. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
A good deposit at a will
make yon feel more
Make a beginning with yon
have bidden away for safe
the next time you come to the
Bank of Winterville. can
keep it safer than you c-an.
Nice- line of hI-
ways on band Barber
the excellent Winterville Notice the new sprint; goods at
High doing. , Harrington, Barber Co.,
The of tn
commencement of
came to
day The closing day w
perhaps the notable in tie
history of the There
an throng
from Pitt other
present, the of the
school covering Mich h large
as to in it wide
In the pa-t Winterville High
school has a Tutors on
and other occasions
Tooth and Disk Harrow at
Barber Co.
Farmers make money by ex
changing their cotton for
meal at Pitt County Oil Co.
Our meal analyzes Pitt Co.
Oil company.
Furnishings for the house we are
ready for business, and extend
to all, to visit our
buy for can
suite you kind and price.
Any one in need of a plow will
do well to go to A. W. Ange A Co.,
get one of those Chill-
ed are the beet on
the market.
all kind
ii H in-1
A nice lot of new Bug
Robes at Harrington, Barber
, Cu.
store, e-e the beautiful of
which we have plane.
out on easy
that even poorest haven. u- . Cox Mfg. i
In n-t I -nipping b.
Thinking you in ad- car load. The people
v,.,.,. i, patronage, we are yours tee
to serve, Eastern Carolina Supply
Co., Winterville, N. C.
Oar of floor just received,
nice at
Harrington, A- Co,
men of national
doctor- of divinity,
Put County Oil is
shipping seed meal by the
con-; car load.
they are Cox cotton
Woods high grade garden c.
have years be-.-u lite
-1.111 .-mil in fast
I Iii-iii the
-tore of B. T.
presidents and nicest line of dress shins ever B Candies, Apples,
I from J.
C I at the store.
of college-, Alton at great in Winterville at
daily the school I Harrington, Barber
people assembled there have beard
no more able and scholarly
the one d-m.-i.-l
by Hon. K K. of
Neck. His was
Ti h He Ins sub-
hi- b.
eloquence and
the audience. He said
is great unless founded
upon truth. Take away truth and
this old world would crumble
into nothingness. may stand
on the of the mighty ocean
and be enraptured with its great-
as we watch rolling
lows of the wide sea come in and
lash the we may st mil at
the foothills of some
mountain look with
to its lofty peak which rises
it kisses the skies; may . ,,
Cotton Plant-
lit in some magnificent hall and
be entranced with the music- of
superb but these de-
lights pale into in
comparison with seeking
The introduction the
to the audience was made by Rev.
T. H. King
At. the conclusion Mr.
address the m all styles and sizes and prices very
proficiency were presented to the reasonable. Harrington Barber
class by W. H. with A Co.
most timely remarks. White's Colic and Kidney Cure,
receiving in the the combination kidney medicine
college preparatory course .-lock and a sure colic cure.
I, tin Chapman, Kit- at the Drug Store
Lela Roach you expect to exchange your
and Ada and J. II. fr you can same time
F. Taylor; in the far your when
course Misses Hattie Black- ginned at the
Co. Oil Co. is
day, shipping lots
f mi- ll HI ll
For One now bat made
of beet h-p, f r
I .-1 a i- tiat A W An. , ., t ,
get t; In
If you want
you can eat ,,. v
indigestion, go A. W. ant
get mat n m
he that is made out
nm-i lot of
shown in Winterville can now la-
seen at A. W. Ange A Co. Get
your pick they going.
If any need
peanuts or peas
you can get A. W. A of
Va at the lowest prices.
If you need any I u
planting go to A W. Ange
He and small,
and fill lime.
which v rue d
i-ii-l him-is in a- out Iron.
a Prince or a Dan
at the
will -11 toy .
bushels of Oils
Barber ft Co.
The A. G Cox Mfg. Co. is .
in a position to ii ,
A H. Taft
A. H.
y. H. Rick-
n two large nice A
h. Taft, The Old Furniture Man has sold
H. Ricks an interest in this re Furniture and House
Furnishing business. Our
Mattings, Jen
Felt bed loom
Suits, Rugs, and
are complete It
us. we will
rt Squares
in the home is
ours to p ease
is arriving daily If are wise your
A. W. Ange Come houses by painting with f
u-cl the bi-st at Invest prices. and country paint,
A i-f line of and dress sale by A. W. Ange C
g. d. received at A. W. Ange i No need of good
to see them and , when Berber A
received a lot, and to catch your eye. we only
Any one in need a good cart that they will sell cheap. ask a visit to our Furniture-
one that will last render H ., Co is Store, where you can get
service just sell lose . . . Cook
A. G. C. and etc. I
If you want a nice Slip. T have Just We especially note the at-
go to A. W. and prices to suit all. our line Hugs.
Co and you can get thorn H
A. H.
Framed to Order
Wash Go Sale
will do well to
A G. Cox Mfg Co.
Trunk- and valises at
has the nicest lot ever shown in
If you want r lo-
go to i, i .
For hay, corn g-i
The A G. Cox Mfg. Co., are still loll Barber Co.
The Pitt Oil Co
en and Sowers. They have
already shipped out about
Any one need of the
old reliable planter and simple
guano sower had letter write or
see them at once.
Nil line of boys suits at H. L.
Another large shipment of shoes
Men's and youth's Curtains. Table-1
tn, at A Co. Spreads. Toilet Sets. Lace Cur-j
Window Shades, Mat-
now, ore tings, Floor Oil Cloth, Couches.
tan and Nannie House G. C.
The debate by the Vance
in the afternoon was a
treat. query was
that the Philippine Islands should
be a
L. Parker, S. Carroll and J. H
Fry, the in Buck, J.
T. F. Taylor. These
in. i. speeches
inn to men who
bad in detune.
Put Co. Oil Mill.
If you want good seed Irish
potatoes go to Harrington, Barber
The A. G. Cox Mtg. Co. are still
shipping cotton planters and guano
sow. is by the car load, if you
need any you had best write
see them
All sow-
and wheat can be supplied with
mowers, rakes, reapers
at Harrington, t Co.
Be sure not to forget fin-
Parlor Suits, Suits.
Hall Hacks and Carriages
believe we are in u position
tn satisfy the taste of the mo-I
Fastidious with anything in our
will ; line. However, for H
highest price seed cotton. trial will be appreciated.
Big line of hats and caps
received, latest styles. t t f
Co. CO.
At the Close Business. April 6th,
We have received our full line
consisting of
and Discounts I
Overdrafts, unsecured
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Bunks and
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Nat. Ilk and other U. S.
f mi
Capital Stuck paid
I to ck.
Cashier's Checks out
will be on sale
. to these goods,
of North
County of Pitt. J
mil trim and good
men was lbs contest those iron
i hat the A. W. Ange Co.
E. ID. Hilliard, H. B. Smith and J. silver table Ware
B. about out to, guarantee at a bargain.
reach a decision. did Dually
I, Ii. of the above named bunk, do solemnly
that the above statement is true to the my
,. and belief. L Cashier.
and a worn to before
me, this Kith day Of April,
give it to the negative, but only by
a narrow margin.
See us. B. T. Box J
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
to ship col ton and
A splendid was given sowers by the car load,
direction n.-
Literary Society that , drag store.
was a fitting close to the exercises. ; Robes at
Everything about the commence- Barber Co.
from to end was of a high AU of yellow
If you nave cotton seed In sell or.
exchange or phone Pitt Co.
Oil their prices the
highest. j
for one home I lot
Boy a Pipe from J. H, C Dixon Main in W
N. C being next to the residence
of Guy Taylor, the lot contains I-
acre of land the house is a good
roomed house, and well
order and on
tn.-s-ii in d
. a well as
the it
lie i I .
h i ii i
. with a bargain for some
at Barber Co f
Try a bottle of Kid- j particulars Me OX write,
a sure cure for all Kid- j SPARKS
troubles at Barber Winterville,
In the Window at S
Hit .
This, is the much talked of Income Policy issued by
Over Sold JANUARY 1st 1906
H. A. WHITE District VI
We are sole agents for
None Better Made
W Are
and Clothing .
and Men's FINE SHOES
A National Hank
Is the supervision of
the United States govern-
They are required to submit to the government sworn
statement Five times a year. The Stockholders are
., d responsible tor Double the a their stock, winch
be paid in. in CASH, and held in tact for the
ii t the depositors. Further., the Bank has to add to its
account each year before declaring dividend. I his
more to the depositors
A. war correspond- The Honor of
But, writing in London Opinion and
on the unequal talent t
found m tin- house of
t a story heard of cos
aim n- once mistaken for Bernard
S lie and Mr. Shaw were on.
line Turkish bath, I;
.- over tin I
VI attendant nine ;
. . , it year
. .,
i. . ;
Mr. .
i to
I . be I id . ml down he .
the attends a
was In- the pr J
go. ill before a rail. lie
go he said. man
. . mistake me f r I
. . The attendant
sir. you
I he same sited feet.
To the World.
. i- to be
i. .- the
,. whether I
r l ii a.-e of short
to be Mi
An lion set out in K.
a-here treat pyramid
i by the investigators. First
the of the c
and then the ,
the muted from ii- pi
donate size. The swinging ;
will be the I
exerted In the
pulling I he pendulum
it- mil the weight
lid can lie estimated, and I
i then be
laud Iv.
, .
re .
. , . I
j .
. i .
v In
II el
above and solicits your account.
. red to start an account.
. e, Pres. J- P-
J. W. Aycock, Cashier.
Loans and
securities, etc.
Banking House
Due from Banks
Oath items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
182,408.87 paid lo
hi t Profits less Ex-
and Paid 15,088.06
-4 to check 190,983.77
I checks out-
2.779.50 standing
A Model Landlord.
Lord i known n-
of the l-l landlords in bunion.
When was r-
modeled a short time Lord Ca-
a- approached by a
which asked him to the
property to them. To which the
will it. but
upon your granting new lease to
one who is in that street, so
that no is turned
year- and so that they will have am-
That mode a difference of
to Lord In
if he had it
a condition that sort In
would have got more than
he did.
Children and Studying.
Dr. a specialist
as the result of numerous and
observations on school
and older students, fixes the
amount of intellectual work
the normal development
a Tor pupils from five to
years of age, ten hours a week.
eight year-, twelve hours;
ten twelve years, twenty-one
twelve fourteen
twenty-live fourteen to
teen fifteen
years, thirty-live six
teen seventeen years, forty
seventeen year.-, forty-
five hour-, and eighteen to nineteen
years, the maximum of fifty hours.
re .-
. I he
the I
. r.
. I
. and a few lines
., . popular. These
. were taken
. on a single
. . , dated i-
in Eu-
. of I
. .
. .
,. rill.
ii n
in, s
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
. C.
Capital stock in
Undivided profit 850.54
sub to
, . i. . printer
K-an in-
1- b
,. . V .
. . .
I . . i
. Ill
. . the name r
. l r
g, was
lit . a workman in
. the idea Ii in. The
give Gutenberg the honor
and I the date of his success-
practice of art at The
entire European ever
printed from types bears
1.1- Carolina, I
I Pitt.
I It. Davis, Cashier of hank, tin
the statement is true to the ht if my
I- iv and belief.
and sworn to be-
in-, this 6th day of April
Notary Public.
T. L.
Di rector
Ayden, N. C May 1906.-
As authorized for Daily
and Eastern we take
treat pleasure in receiving sub-
and writing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
tor job printing.
The net profit of the dispensary
Its first were
your by
them with
Town aDd County lead
and full line colors, kept at J.
R. Smith A Bro.
We are pleased to learn that
A supply of Trunks
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels
Suit Cases, at J. R. Smith Bro.
Mrs. W. K. Hooks and
are visiting her parents out in tin
like bales of cot-
ton have been bought and
from this point the
Price paid
All of the non-resident
of the graded school have pone
to their various homes for tin
summer Miss Alyce Taylor, of
Virginia, Brown, mm
Hamilton, Long White
ti V . , . , ,,, f
I. Ii
, . e .I ll- I v.- I. L III-ti
in the e i i
hi t i. de of pi Their m, i
.; gr,
Mr. A. R. Holton, who has teen head, Scotland Neck These
. r.
, .- .; l
North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the ab bank, solemn I
wear that the statement is true the best of my
tad belief
subscribed and sworn to hen
me day of Apr
You Pay For it
In higher pr you buy Good j on Credit, as the
tut must make up his losses out of some-
noticed how complete
Iv the word has superseded
the ubiquitous in
p.;, mi observant
conversation the
formerly one
have. or way, lady.
is now substituted
in One is so address.-.
I- and oilier public place.-
ear-, ever in fact.
the change
It prevails now to a certain
en t in all eastern cities, hut to
. . ii,. i de in
aim Faust on its
It bore the name
and was
print- at Monti in As Gut-
his name on all
of his books the date when they
were issued, there is some doubt
when the appeared or how
were issued. Gutenberg's
great work was his Latin Bible,
which appeared in 1450 and which
is often U the
book ever printed on movable
Jefferson's Idea.
Joseph Jefferson was a strong be-
in early marriages, and he
never missed an opportunity to
press In- convictions upon
men. In an address at Yale once be
abominate bachelors. The old-
grow the inure conceited
the become. was talking to one
and I asked why he did not
lie parried the question by
me about different young
a ho known, finding some
f;. with each one. Rut it appear-
ed it all of them had married.
are in danger of getting
I said to him. had bet-
berry up before it Is too
said the bachelor,
are j as good in the
know I I the
there danger of the bait
bee ii ling Everybody's
At the close of business April 0th, 1906.
Capital stock 5.300.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits 1,168.23
Time certificates of
deposit 3,146.00
Deposits subj. to check 20,935.62
checks out-
Certified Checks
Loans and
Duo from Banks
Cold and silver
National bank
other U. S.
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. of the above named solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to best of my
edge and belief. M. O. Mount, President.
Subscribed and sworn to
this 12th day of
H. Taylor,
Notary Public
Therefore h to males up an i p it th price
at tire lowest figure. cash arid avoid the ac-
counts or getting charged to I sell an
thing you want in th way
Hay, Corn. Oats Bran, Ship Stuff. Lime Groceries.
Oysters as a Nerve Cure.
Over in France, says What to Eat,
there has been discovered what is
called Hie oyster cure for
Bess, It consists in eating all the
Orators a person van consume to
exclusion of oilier foods until the
Cure is effected. The theory i-
in nervous disorders mi excessive
amount of phosphorus is
ed from the system. This lost can
be compensated by taking food con-
a large amount of phosphor
US. It is said a patient taking
this cure can eat rs fresh from
the rate of about six doz
. C
I U announced i. -i
I sell any I for the of ill
I . mi i r. . and tin
man who has be a her i
i ii Ii. r
hi pill ;.
Iv.-. of i our the horse
and .
May Bo
A child is horn in the neighbor-
lie- physician gets
flu. The editor gives the loud
lunged youngster and the happy
parents a and gels When
it is christened the minister gets
and the editor gets It grows
up The editor pub-,
another long winded, flowery
article and tells a dozen lie- about
the and accomplished
the minister gels and a I
pine of cake and the editor gets;
In the course time it dies;
the doctor gets from to
the undertaker gels from la
while editor publishes a
of death an obituary
two columns long, lodge and society
a of poetry a
free card of thanks gets
No wonder so ninny editors get rich.
Care of the Hands.
Unless the bands are thoroughly
dried after washing in cold water
they will almost invariably Is- chap-
pad, ointment, cold cream
or glycerin well into the
hands before going lo bed will keep
them in good condition, and a pair
of gloves drawn on after
anointing is still better.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better, than
the Harrison line. It has i it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Trices.
Baker Hart
seriously ill at bis home, near here
. for some time, is so much
ed as to be able U ride about. In
fact we are he was
Ayden This h
gratifying to his many
We are agents for ready
mixed taint. are
old and reliable,
Jesse Sauls, of near Fremont, is
here on a visit to his Dr. M.
M. Sauls.
Our White Goods, Silks and
are pretty. We
most cordially invite the ladies
to call. Cannon Tyson.
J. H- Cobb, of was here
J. B. Smith Br. have just
received a car load of alum
salt. Also a car load Lee's
cultural lime for peanuts, etc,,
The Masons held their regular
semi-monthly meeting Toured
E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please yon with
their new line of heavy and fancy
Will hat returned
from Not folk.
Hay corn, oats, meal, bulls, lime
windows locks nails Cross
cut and tools at J
Johnnie Matthews, Vance
has been her on a visit.
Wednesday evening, near
den, at the home of the bride's
father, Mr. Wyatt Harries Mr.
Manning and Miss Ella
Harris united in marriage.
J. J. performing the
corned herrings at J. R.
Smith Bro
J. A. Davis has been in
young ladies have tendered them
selves very popular with our
pie by their pleasing
friendly intercourse and social re
added to which other
attractions that go to
make presences not
appreciative, but very much
ed. We will gladly
welcome their return.
Go to E. E. Co's
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
H. ll.
was Tuesday.
When your eyes need attention
J. W. Tun optician,
Ayden, N. C. is the man to do
your work if yon to
Mr. of Everett, spent
one day during the week F.
That was a nice write up of
Ayden our neighbor The Free
Mill but brother
slighted the drug store, the
and the handsome little
of the town. Surely broth-
you noticed those love-
we've been wearing
lately. Our brother is a good
writer and he is generous too. We
know he didn't to hurt us.
He just forgot. A; den is so big
you We excuse h m. We
how it is.
We our inability to give
the closing exercises of graded
school here the write up,
but we were sick at the time and
unable to get the facts We
much disappointed and our
items even were under
trying circumstances. We ask
and we feel sure it is
as our friends
this lime, our health is the
That the graded school in
Ayden during the past was
a decided success is admitted and
appreciated by our people. The
faculty was of the highest order
i lie progress made by pupils
i was evident and most marked. In
the possession of such a school and
its magnificent management we
heartily our com-
Advisory Committee
Jamestown Exposition.
Before he accepted the chair-
of the advisory commit-
tee of the Jamestown
former President Grover
Cleveland had devoted time and
thought to the enterprise v. Inch I ,
, . ,. . Give him
bad Ins hearty commendation.
upon their good fortune-
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw ft i a honor and a credit, and the
Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. B , and ti be here-
Smith Bro. after from it are
The skating rink is com- encouraging,
and the hearts of our pleas-
seeking folks ate beating high , NOTICE
in joyful anticipation of a good Having made arrangement t
time. in ii e Nelson
Latest styles in cloaks and wrap Truck and also t sell same
for and Ladies I will be pleased
also a nice line of Zephyr
tore at J. R. Smith Bro.
David Jones left one day this
week for the Wash
to be fur
Get the Cox cotton planter the
best on the market R. Smith
have been i-
the commencement at W
during the week.
cars cotton seed
net d of same. Apply to
J. A Griffin. Ayden, N C.
I will pay highest cash price,
upon closing exercises . .,
. ,, . i, j I sell your seed until you see me,
the Wilson e college -c
Frank Lilly St Co,
the past week.
has been in doling me week
on business.
For can apples, corn
apply In E. E.
ft Co.
F. G. have
of goods from
i In a short
Cotton seed hulls., meal, wheat
bran, ship stuff, hay grain
always on hand at lowest market
prices. Cannon Tyson.
A ill glass
nips, tinware
; steads, Suits,
Cannon new Center Tables, Chairs Cradle,
if Or Ladies Misses and Children , Springs. Mattresses
arrived. We carry a high Lounges, Cook Stoves and n
great many other things an
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-
scopes, grips, satchels, band ,
mid suits cases at J R Smith
I always keep on band h
due feed stuff at lowest
prices Such as hay, oats, pun .
cotton seed and hull-,
and ship stuff. Frank C- .
a lull line of meat, lard and i
goods. Don't buy before
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co
For grind -i.
lump rope and pulleys, at I
ft Bro.
For Spring Housecleaning
T time try Liquid
Veneer. It
look new. There will he no
old, dull looking furniture or dingy
woodwork in where this won-
is No
or necessary. Liquid
Veneer is not a varnish, hut a surface
food cleaner that up the
original finish and makes it brighter
than ever.
It instantly restores brilliant
newness finish i it Pianos, Furniture,
Picture Frames, Interior Woodwork,
Hardwood Floors and all polished,
varnished or enameled surface, Re-
moves scratches, stains, dirt and
A child can apply it. Nothing
bin a piece of cheese cloth is needed
and there is no drying to wait for.
Ni. M
To Mr. Hugh Gordon Miller,
New commissioner of the
exposition, Mr. Cleveland said
that nothing ought interfere
With the success of the
planned for the celebration
of the first white settlement upon
the domain now embraced with-
in the limit of the country we
proudly call the United States.
have fittingly celebrated
the four hundredth anniversary
of the discovery of America.
The three hundredth
of the settlement of James
town is hardly less worthy of
Commemoration. A great
cannot bring to mind its
small beginning and its
growth through such a
as the Jamestown expo-
company contemplates
without stirring in the hearts of
its people their best patriotism
and the sincerest devotion to the
principles which have made this
nation great. And such patriot-
ism and such devotion so com-
underlies American in-
that their soundness
and strength are absolutely
to our strength and
hope, therefore, that
will be lacking to make the
exposition successful, its an
agency for the stimulation of our
national pride and increase of
our faith in free institutions.
President Woodrow of
Princeton University, Colonel
Henry Watterson, Cardinal Gib-
and the other members of
the committee which Mr Cleve-
land heads are heartily in ac-
cord with the former President
in his enthusiasm for the
of the exposition. Colonel
Watterson is
nothing that can do either per-
work if yon want
Car V. Crimped rooting in
suitable lengths to cover
churches, school bans
shelters, stables much cheaper than
to Lord, amen
. a-
ii the
i . . for
V York
ii la-
in lint
C . , . y
d in the faith it. hut
ii i., ;. ; ., , .
old mo i- and
I p -lei it i
lies, etc . claim
other lie hut
of their chord and
this-innovation causes of
us who perhaps do not know any
better In begin i.,, believe hat
we a e after . . lot e-
shingles and very little at Irving in get hack home.
R. Smith ft Greensboro Record.
Calico and at
per rent reductions in white
slippers and goods, at
K. Smith A-
Call For Convention.
In pursuance of a resolution
adopted by Democratic Con-
of tin-
First Congressional
Carolina; a convention is
called to meet in Elisabeth City, N.
Ci on
o'clock p in, for the purpose
nominating a to represent
aid district in the Sixteenth Con-
of c United States.
Th- American
is for the
with an income of
a year pension of a
month fr-tn the government. On
the groin d of
for manual be in now en
to get the pension in-
creased to is certainly
nothing with the Chen
Found in Bed.
Miss Julia
.-h .
h.-i n I e . Ml It. S .
near Swamp church,
in ,
i, For
some had been slightly
d i t a able to get about
and lad been
. it. of the
household went her to
bleak fast -In- dead. She
was an woman
an I held in hem a
ho knew
everyone n , s real
now, and n
with the.,, i n p, ,
. b TOM th.
tills lo.
K. spier.
f My.
or as an editor that I
will not gladly do to advance its
interests. I do not think I need
elaborate the many claims which
so obvious an undertaking has
upon the country. It seems to
me that intelligent people every-
where will concur in the opinion
that old Jamestown must be
General Insurance and Merchandise Brokers,
We that associated our-
selves together for the purpose of conducting a gen-
ard Brokerage
in of Ayden We will
represent none but the most reputable concerns,
pert of business you may see fit to
favor us with we will thank you for and feel very
How's This
We offer Howard tor
,.,. tut ,., ,., ,.,.,, b
w. ti. ho. known K
for Um last is rears, him
Ions Hide ti,, an
made hi.
ii,, Ike blood Bill
.- -en
b Hie. Sod by all
I i
N. J.-
the u business April 0th,
Concerning Rugs.
If n rug has rather a
the be.-t may obtained
placing it so that nap i- against The ii by
the is, running toward
it This is particular true of an Ard . i .
i oriental rug, for in this way the If i I
be . ., .-.--, the pile, bringing , t a pan m. my.
Boston Herald. shades to the best
for bat t
grade class o; footwear.
Stutter and Wheeler
Wilton sewing machine.
or on easy J. H. Tripp A
Bro, West st, Ayden, N.
For a nice present bey a novel-
clock W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
You will find Wheeler and
son and Singer sewing machine.
Prices way way down H.
Tripp Bro. next to Early Hotel.
Ayden, N. C.
Needles, oil, band and
all makes of sewing machines at
J. H. Tripp Bro. Ayden, N. C.
kept up stairs. Cannon it Tyson,
Dress goods, Broad cloth, Hum .
-ilks, lining u d w In
goods at J It Bro
Bed steads,
single and double, rockers,
and chairs wash stand
dressers tables at It Sum
ft Bra
V. and paper . ;
Pumps with or
and pipe at .
bushel- I ;.
ll S.
-t in I, i. el . W-l
w -d Si in- r i-
. . i
I., l ii-. . i gs
ml -i iii- I., ii I I nil K
Or. Me I
me nun I H
roll ever It h
co m-on
it k own cur-
., and
,. . ti fill
Overdrafts Secured
-1.- from Hanks,
id Coin,
Silver Coin, 1,483
i Hank notes and
oilier U. S. notes
Capital paid in,
Sin plus fund 2,000.00
Undivided profit less
expenses, L'S
Dividends unpaid . 510.00
Deposits subject to check,
Cashier's 100.58
Same as of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes
Hats, Gent's and Ladies fur-
goods. In fact
everything kept in a first
class general
store sold at greatly
ed prices.
Always have your church
seed oil at barrel prices Don't let
them pay 81.511 a for canned
which ought to cot Inn
a gallon Ready-mixed paint
is ab, half oil and hall paint.
Buy oil fresh from lie and
add it lo I, ft M, which
semi mixed, and you yet a
full gallon at I
i OF
I. R. Smith, Cashier of the bank, do solemnly swear
i ii the above statement is true to the best of and be-
J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
i- i r
it-1 m ii.
SI II .-.
A Tobacco
depend ml hat
as i
I i
k so
be right, lo
be it must
contain at least
on. with
, I ,.
en,.,. i.,
w N. V., m
Booth Ht.
The Norfolk Southern railway,
the Dew coast system which will
have it headquarters at
will hare its lines almost wholly
within North
Some of the lines are ones, to
to speak, have just been
built or are course of construe
it all means a wonderful
development in the eastern
country, which i practically an
unknown land to the
North Carolina. It is a
cent of the State, and some
of it could only be leached from
Wilmington by going to Norfolk
taking sailing vessels which
touch the immediate coast
part of the country.
The Norfolk of
Wednesday says the new
Frank Gannon, tie
recently elected president of the
Norfolk Southern rail i aid
it lines, was
; ii m ii the
I .
I, N. C. May .
. ml Ir II
., the run t v heel
run.-1 to
t General
i- ibis writer it,
. t e County Out-
.,. , -i. , . f has per-
i, i from the
in to name
line of I he natives for lbs
lie i and claiming
he privilege ii. accorded
. i; . will asK, at
lie next Ci n for
nomination Mr. Julius
Brown I., county of
Put the
in the
North Camilla
Mr. Brown has spent most of his
lite on the farm, nearly all i f
his people make living from
the He,
therefore, knows the hardships
and needs of the farmer
that his is identical with
the interest of the farmer, and in
addition to his of the
farmer and farm he is a lawyer
and has been In the practice of his
profession three or four years at
Bethel and since the of this
yea at Greenville, while he
yet lime to become
i i, lawyer, he has
, mark- is rising
. . in is a man
i i i. i. a
ti us , aid a
peels i -is , m t
that within n
time Norfolk would Uri-m . i
best South port
He also expressed
confidence the fatal e develop
of the a
traversed by the Norfolk d
Southern and of which Norfolk of Hie life
the natural outlet and gateway. reeds mid
This confidence, he declared,, est in the farmers , stated,
was not to himself, knowledge of the law, no
but was shared by tome connection with the rail roads or
f the ablest and most farsighted other corporations, we believe he
and business men is the best to represent us, and
country, as evidenced by the fact though he is now living Green-
that the new Norfolk and South- ville. Bethel him
em underwriting of sixteen a- one of her sons will ask that
dollars was oversubscribed lo
lays, when money at a high
premium. He declared
would b the policy of his road to
hasten this development as rapidly
e nominated
as possible by co- operating
each and community on n
line in the of its home
interests, By such it
that Norfolk will profit
there are many
slum d
develop rapidly,
I- in lie and it ha.- III.
. i el g eh
. by Mr. is
j r bin i- an
i . i . . .- in
m i
. ii ii. lie
ii.- in id iii i ii
I i- reason
be . the
.- I III II s
. h H 1.1-
e I Hie
see in
i u d
V .
u hi
a great extent i
Ci style
which used to die i h
a R i-
ever, i i-i
till the
i tO do business Not minx
years ago . b .
trade with Carolina
by ii of the
Meet, man.; winch used be
tied up a nut wharfs
i the fertile Hyde county
Hi and nun taking out mer-
ch the
lied to see eastern
n Carolina develop but we
the . which
it . open her However, we
. will find a way
i Hume share of the develop-
la the liver has
a low stage as to
-n n
make it the boats to
gel along.
Nothing too G
we are always looking for better; always
working to secure values and styles superior
to other stores, when
Ladies Journal
began to sell paper patterns we began to
said to ourselves,
Is the leading Womans Magazine. It is first class and has never done anything in a second class way.
knew that its reputation was at slake. Our investigation convinced us that the patterns are as high grade as
the Magazine
added a new ft-
tine these eh desirable than
i v o I i m Guide Chart free with
each pan m Tl ex- I ow the pattern is
in pin i getter. It is so . a ran
it. It a boon tn i who are
in i and garment n. Mothers advise us
she aid el he t bar with each
tr their .
is a product as
r the
in of as it is
t. produce Tim use of Bro-
makes pure blood.
is not a miracle
I b ii simply the result f the
chemists of the
j- i century At the
first symptoms
i headache or which
are of ten the forerunners
disease, send for your
physician if will, but, if
you take you may
mi that the time ho has
answered your that the
symptoms have disappear-
Live a life.
If you while SO
doctor's on de-
and proof of illness.
We don't want yon to invest
ii ii however, until we
have bought the first bottle
for you. Fill in the coupon
under this advertisement
and mail it to us, taking care
In your ad
dross plainly, and we will
send you without any cost
to you whatever a full size
package to try. No mutter
what your trouble is, write
to us. Cot respondent's con-
Co., New York.
L. will give his
p that you
will r . v. an order i n
your nearest for a
free ti IT send us
coupon sure to write
your and address
My nearest dealer Is in.
M disease is.
If you think you l Bro
once, or if y. u
used it, it Is to be
at all first druggists.
J. L.
or Greenville, N. C. -I
But there is still another point to consider. The pat-
terns are all new, no old styles, no ancient creations; all
new, all up-to-date and perfect in fit and style, and so
much more easily understood than other patterns that
one trial will convince you and make you a regular
Free At Our Store. Come And Get One.
We are leaders In Dress Goods Silks and
Trimmings, Etc.
J. R. J.
WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
VOL. No.
T and Friday.
Adopted by Lodge No.
I. F. May 22nd
The angel of has
visited the home of our brother,
Sam While . away I be
spirit of his child, and
while we bow with bumble
to the will of God realizing
that that is born must
yet it seems the more sad that
parents should be bereaved of to
a loved one.
Therefore be it resolved that we
in friendship, love and
truth our heartfelt sympathy to
Brother White and his dear wife
this their hour grief, and
assure him that our heart as well
as our baud is always open to a
Resolved second that brother
White be furnished with a copy
of these resolutions a copy be
sent to our daily paper for
Detailed Estimates For all
Incident to Construction
of the Panama Canal.
Black Jack, N. C. May
There were regular services here
Sunday with a large
Miss Lula Mills returned home
Friday from where
she had to
Miss Canute who has
been visiting here returned
to her lining Sunday, near Had-
docks X Roads.
U. and L. R. Buck returned
last week from High
Mrs. fl W. Hudson, has
been very ill with typhoid fever,
passed from this life Saturday and
was laid to rest in the family
ground Sunday,
of her fathers, to await the
mom. She leaves a
band and friends to grieve
G. J. S. Will
and Miss Mills
attended the commencement at
Miss Eva House, Greenville,
has been relatives here
returned home Sunday.
Mrs. O. E. Whichard,
by her sister, Mrs. Hen-
ricks Harris, spent Saturday and
Sunday here with their parents.
T. J. O. Holiday,
of were in this com-
Mi-s Mollie and
and Mire Eva
Boyd spent Sin afternoon
Miss Maggie
F. V. Julie i ins, of Greenville,
and Miss Minnie attend-
ed church here Sunday.
Charlie Harper and bis sister
went to Greenville Saturday.
A. O. Clark, Mrs. J. O. Proctor,
Mrs. Jennie and others of
Grimesland church here
J. O. went to Green-
ville Friday d returned
Miss Lula Mills, of
was the guest Misses Mary and
Martha Williams Sunday.
Remember the date for the
pose of the Farmer
here Saturday
26th. Be sure come.
Mis. Dead.
Lula Cleve, who
Mrs. Lula Cleve, who last
Thursday was taken to a hospital
in Norfolk, died there Tuesday
night. The remains will reach
Greenville this evening and the
funeral will be held tomorrow
i afternoon.
More extended notice of her
will be made
Washington, May The de-
tailed estimates for all expenses
incident to the construction of
the Panama canal for the
year ending June 1907. wore
sent to the House today by Sec-
Taft, transmitted through
the treasury department.
The estimates aggregate
They are contained
rive heads and are given in
such details as to occupy twenty
printed pages. The subdivisions
Pay of officers and employees
other than skilled and unskilled
labor on the isthmus
for skilled labor on the isthmus,
for unskilled labor on
the isthmus, for
chase and delivery of material,
supplies and equipment for the
isthmus of Panama,
to authorize the loan to the Pan-
Railroad Company under
the terms expressed in the act
of Congress of February 27th,
1906, for the purchase and de-
livery of new equipment and
for mis-
expenditures, cable
and telegraph
ard printing and traveling and
incidental expenses on the
V May
Z V made a
i-. to R
for S mil Carolina Thursday to
B lull
Ne v York Saturday.
T. F. Nelson spent two days in
last week.
The is emit men Lewis,
and spent one day with u-
are up their work
and th- merchants say an
also up.
G many from here attended
at Hickory Grove
was tiers Sunday the guest of bis
brother, J. K.
G. S. Whitfield
Mm i at Tillery.
Mr. Mr-. J. S Cherry, of
here Sunday.
Greenville Boy President of I.
A M.
Mr h. H. Pender h- received a
letter hi- nephew, I
Pender, who is in mechanical
department of the Cristobal,
Panama, in the
says lie has there
eight in i .-. Hid While
is made inwards
very ha- been
He also hi-
in. i. he
ii from lbs hit
There are
it I. e been
a charter the I
i of Me
a lodge than.
was made of the
Happenings of Interest Over the
Franklin, Neb, May
bailed today for forty-five minutes
hailstones as large as baseballs,
crashing through roofs killing
smashing windows and destroying
crops. This was followed a
ruins, lasting more than an hour
during which nearly live of
water fell. Railroad tracts were
washed out in many
phone systems are
The minister Chile,
Mr. Hicks, has notified the State De-
that the Chilean govern-.
has accepted the invitation of
the to participate in the
naval and marine exposition Ham-
Roads next year
of the of sell I.
of Jamestown. Minister Hid.,
writes that the Chilean navy will be
el by the cruiser
In no position in life is the man
with whims more out of place,
and more of a bugbear and
stumbling than in the bus-
world. Do we not all
know people who allow their
whims and moods to govern
them They never stay
Ons day they are the of
politeness, they work like
they are approachable and
it is a pleasure to come into con-
tract with them. The next day
one is liable to find them in a
positively ugly temper, sullen,
or cranky, or so hateful and
that one is glad indeed to
depart from their presence.
why this hideous
Simply because have
given away to that feeling of
don't care whether school keeps
or They have a headache,
or the blues, or they up on
the wrong side of the or
they too late last
or they may have any one
of a thousand different
in feelings or disposition,
son has any right to make others
the victims of his moods. It la
is much of a sin to be
and to make others very
of the fact, as it is to
steal a man's purse. There-
suits are vastly mere far-reach-
Cultivate stability, learn
to control your moods. If you
must have an off day occasional-
lock yourself up and vent
your ill temper on yourself, or
wait till after business hours
make the furniture and other
inanimate objects the confidantes
of your woes. But the bust
to overcome moods is not
Novel of North Car-
Wild Horse Hunt-
ed for Months.
As has been before stated The
Herald several month- a-o Mr. I.
L. Smith, son's Mills town-
ship, bought of Mr. H. D.
ton a black stallion that raised
as a wild horse Mr. Smith car-
him to a tobacco barn
Inn. there but in some
way Inn.,., got loose and got
out and has been running at large
in that section since.
He has been n source of trouble
expense also great
to the people of the
His headquarters
during the were on Mr. J.
farm. He spent bis
under an old crooked tree,
he drank water from Popular creek
and ate fodder and pea vine hay
from the stacks in the fields.
He has been run several times
with other horses and dogs, some
times as many as a hundred people
being in pursuit of him. Pens and
lots were made but could
net him into All efforts to
catch hi in failed.
Recently he had started to eat
lbs you crops, making due head-
way on oat.-. people of the
neighborhood had decided that
only tn get rid of would
be to kill him.
Last Monday Mr. J. W Flowers,
who lives at the Watson Pineville
place township, came
with a large number of dots and
took a contract lo catch the horse
He started
at Monday and
caught him Tuesday after noon.
look only three or four hours
for rest night. Rested
help in men and dogs bad to he
called in Tuesday morning. The
horse finally broke himself down
running and bad to give up He
was to late in
the day Tuesday.
evening he ran into a
billed a place
on his shoulder Mini leg a-
large en h man's face. It is feared
th t i a ill him worthless
f w k if ii dues not kill him
Burial of
The funeral of Kiln, th
two-year old daughter Mr. and
White, took place
Sim. was .
W, E. Tux,
The Interment was In
Hill n pall
bearers e e K M. . IV T.
If U a N.
y. j I,.
Woolen, H. Moore. M.
Hodges, J. L. James, I. Tow-
ard, H. C. rt, Cart
and H. A. White.
M . .
mi i , I lies. a. mi I
I, mi He , i, i I
; d lo i i i
i e i U i- I , it
in IV
Cotton Acreage.
CC. Moore, of the
North Carolina division of the
Southern Cotton Association, has is
sured the last blanks to the various
cotton countries for reports on the
a planted in cotton this year,
and condition of the crop. He
will for Jackson, Miss. , to
the meeting the states
In his last letter to the growers,
Mr Moore says; will boa
of the officers of the
Southern Cotton Association at Jack-
in, Miss., May for the purpose
report on acreage,
want this report to come out
in the government report
want it to prove to so
that it cannot be success-
fully They want so
lair as in inspire the confidence of
government officials and every
line interested in cotton. Not only
but want it for our
own II is a decrease
we want to know just what
decrease lo If there has
been an we want lo know
just what that increase is.
is no one bad
as the man who known nothing
about the of bis own bus-
The cotton farmers above
all people should know the evict
condition of the cotton
It .
y i I
v. . ,,
i his
. I ii iii.-
That statement is almost ax-
that the enforcement of
the law is never more rigid than
is demanded by the public con-
science which is really the chief
foundation upon which the law
rests. This is almost universal-
true, but it is especially
to the matter of public
taxation It is not a pleasant
duty for the tax lister to
the or justice
of the return made by a citizen,
and if the citizen intentionally
forgets a certain part of his as-
sets when giving in his proper-
even the most hone at of list-
is apt to accept without a
the return. Moreover,
the public appears to have ac-
quiesced in this state of affairs
until it has become such a mat-
of routine that it has ceased
to excite comment or protest. It
is generally be-
a doubt-that there is not a
county in North Carolina that is
receiving upon all the
property that under the law is
subject to taxation. On the
night of the thirty-first day of
every May Ninth Carolina prop-
values are by some unseen
force shriveled and shrunken
until on the first day of June the
property of the State is all per-
Some of our wealthiest
men are comparative beggars;
many of our well to do citizens
have scarcely enough to keep
the wolf from the door; the rich
are poor and the poor are poorer
--at least such must be inferred
from tho property admittedly
owned for the purpose of
And yet we see the school
hampered and cramped by want
of see the streets of
our cities little more than
try country high-
ways are not macadamized, our
bond Issues are increasing and
multiplying, while the tax rate
mounts steadily upward.
Whom have we to blame Our-
one else. Year after
year we allow some men to pay
taxes, while other men give but
a beggarly pittance of what they j
should give for the support of
the city, county and State gov-
The problem of is the
bread and butter question of
public life. It is the source
from which the commonwealth
its various subdivisions
must draw their living. It is,
more than the tariff or the
standard, the regulation
of trusts, or any other of the
questions upon which divide
ourselves into hostile political
groups, the all Important prob-
to be considered. And yet,
how little attention is accorded
it, despite the combined facts of
importance, and the unanimity
of opinion upon it
The problem Is not to convince
men that it. right and just for
every property owner to bear
his just proportion of the burden
of taxation, Tho only difficulty
is in arousing such a degree of
public interest in the matter as
to force a reform.
We do not accuse the tax list-
dishonesty, for they
generally honest men. Hut we
do say that the degree of loose
that is latitude
given to the would-be tax dodger
tn shirk his and legal taxes
once cripples the public
treasury and imposes an unjust
ii oil man u lists. Ins
I property fairly and honestly and
tn with the same do-
. . i . . i. i as ti e
The Free Pass Amendment of the
Senate to the Railway Rte
Our readers have had the news
that the Culberson anti-pass
amendment to the railroad rate bill
was adopted. When the rumor got
abroad that the rate bill was to carry
an amendment that would kill the
free pass industry, a great howl went
out from all parts of the country.
We believe that Salisbury and
made special prayers to Senator
Overman to see what could be done
in l he way of serving the free pass.
Well, the much dreaded Culberson
amendment was voted into the bill
and free passes arc to be cut off
except to
Officers of the railroads and their
Agents of the railroads and their
of the railroads and
their families.
Attorneys of the railroads and
their families.
Physicians and surgeons in tho
employ and their families.
Female nurses who served in tho
civil war.
Ministers of religion and
Inmates of hospitals and
and charitable institutions.
Destitute and homeless persons.
Destitute and homeless persons
transported by charitable societies
hospitals and their necessary
agents employed in such
Inmates of the national homes or
State homes for disabled volunteer
soldiers or former union soldiers or
Inmates of soldiers and
homes, including not only those who
ever entered, but those would
he able to if they felt so dis-
and those on their way
lends after being discharged from
the homes.
Persons who are either traveling
with some lire stock or going lo
travel with some if they can get the
Laborers who are going from one
place to another where they think
they can et a raise in wages.
Ii seems from this that even brick
yard hands can get a About
the only class of citizens that
haired out those who arc barred
in jail. The anti-pass law
might properly be called a law of
exceptions. The editorial fraternity
does not seem to be specially pro-
for unless it comes under tho
head of and homeless
which, translated into plain
means tramps. The ant-
piss amendment seems to be pro-
with more pockets than tho
jacket of an driver.
Charlotte Chronicle.
Come Out
Oil- dialect
comes to us in another
same somebody
else's name as before. He must
earns from cover and let us look at
Ii i or spell his I name, other-
wire the yawning
will him.
he pays his debts to his fellow
The time is now short before
lax listing will begin and now is
the appointed time to discuss
the matter and to that
is Indus-