Eastern reflector, 15 May 1906

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Have Reunion, Hear
Fine and re Hand-
has the day
that glad the hearts the
veterans Confederacy who
lay their arms forty-five
years mo. Though
t -mingle of the
ha marked a further
t Hi- are yet
Hie noble heroes
Mid days bring
th together etch other
an talk Mining
of ire past Though they
lost that great straggle are
in the knowledge
faithful duty
as Saw It, and happy that
they esteem and love
their countrymen. out old
soldier meet together they are
ways happy and light hearted.
The do not meet to celebrate a
v i over some foe,
yet their conning together in a great
n They brave men
at d have done nothing for which
they should their heads in
shame Tl v lost property,
brothers, hut they retained their
poi honor and pat
although they are
their low, all this is
eclipse by glad
that the;, were men. We lost
our but on the account of
bravery we gained admiration
from men -ill parts of the world
But only it a joy to them to
it also a pleasure
to those who are younger to have
them with and to join with
them observing the day. We
never do too much showing
of their deeds of
bravery heroism.
The m Grimes Camp of Con-
federates met at o'clock this
in court house to
tr intact such business as
c before camp was
. to order by the commander,
Maj. H, who greeted his
with appropriate
words. H. A. Blow
the roll Occasionally as
y North Carolina and
Pitt and going to days
pr ceding and leading to the
revolution war, down the
through the civil war, he
pointed out North Caro-
bad taken in making the his-
of the nation. As to the last
war he said North Carolina
ed more on the battlefield and
sacrificed at home to support
the army than any other
lie said North Carolina lost more
men a seven days tight around
than five other states
lost in the four years of the
The valor of Pitt sol-
was most strongly portrayed
In all the trying scenes and battles
of the war, and many acts of
heroism were pointed out
the speaker, participants in
of these betas men sitting
before whom he called by
Vet, said Col. Grimes, while
Pitt county was valiant in
she hail done practically nothing
to preserve history. In her
wen renown and heroes
slept in unmarked graves. We
are unmindful the glory of our
dead He hoped for when
the county court house should be a
temple fame and on its walls
should be placed tablets bearing a
roster gallant men n to want
the war.
It was a speech and the
statements made were backed by
such statistics as to show that Col.
Grin e had gone deeply the
records and incidents of the past
to search out and to light
such valuable historical
It would helpful to ,
lug generations if his speech was,
made a n attar of record
be preserved.
At the conclusion of the splendid
peach came an incident not the
program, when Mr H. W.
bee stepped on the stage in
i the Daughters of the Con.
presented Col, Grimes a
magnificent The
in words most beautiful
Col. Grimes responded
After in opera
some Diane on the roster a bountiful dinner was
reached, the solemn word ,, the court house lawn.
told be had pave over the one in any way
river. with the arrangements for en-
committee consisting of CD. of the veterans did
A I. Blow, W. G. If nil duty, and it was tie a glad
Little and o. them. Greenville i glad
Was appointed t- resolutions for veterans.
memory of those who had
in the year. The Woman.
Us it Harding was
. J If happen to know a woman
. of the type you
the cam . J
. . . , tempted to call her by a
At the t of , ,, , I
. . . I harsher name than that. Pettish,
the veterans
, ., . i . ., self-seeking, malicious, fiendish, all t
in i the court house and
, . ,, . .,. . seem to be words more nearly
cemetery . , ,,
. i. . i , . . i . . uncomfortable trans-
the jg liters of the Confederacy
the graves of
,. . . . . t see why I am
With Bowers, mere was a
; ; always left till last o he
line of the i
The procession returned to
we held, I e as
carried out, a very Inge crowd which he
; never written to ; r
.,. visited, when you come within a
block of door ; always overlook-
ed and These are
live woman makes her family
friends miserable
When she was a girl she was
A scene was the
tie in to
Ch if
lift Helen
a grand i . of Gap.
The songs were much enjoyed by
ways suffering from fancied slights
All In r life she ill i lo dis
tress herself by imagining unkind-
intentionally directed to her.
Her old age will be peevish and
I I i herself and all
Bryan Gr. tn the by fretful complaints i I
.- I. Her p
-as is
Harding happy in his form
vanityd iv woman U- ,
b I been I t the about elf and about others
and at his he would have no idea for conjuring
the v- it with a who. . up slights. If she n m
Mi. C. Raiding hi hive i M, upon occupying the
made speech presenting the center of I in her own
but h bis a m th s was n. would dis
done b Prof. W II cover h a
who always equal to ail d but just one of the
His ,, the world is
gem. , ; , smile upon
tin Grimes, the oral i rid.
the , Air more than an
hour, and bis speech was the best
an that has been
heard in county. He said he
man here, and win- fir
years attended to re
in opening the draw for lo
pass, died
Greenville's Department Store.
We should like to tell you about all the pretty new goods
we are showing, but for want of space can only
mention a few, you must come in and see
them in order to appreciate their richness and beauty.
hi .
D J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
The New Dress
here in variety. Flowered
Silk Tissue in exquisite and
designs, in pink, blue and
green from to yd, with
to match.
Sheer Cotton
in Persian designs, lovely for
dresses, in leading shades at yd,
with drop linings to match.
Wool Finished Batiste
All cotton, sheer and dainty, ideal for
shirt waist suits, for to yd.
Thin Sheer Lawns
Batiste, Swiss and Barred Muslins,
in flowered designs, dots and figured,
from to yd.
Woolen Dress Goods
in Batiste, Mohairs and Panama, from
to yd, in black and cream.
White Goods Linens
Thin, fluffy, sheer, dainty materials
in white, suitable for all occasions are
here shown. Fine dotted Swiss, in
little dots and flowers, French Lawn,
Persian Lawn, India Linen, Wash
Chiffon, Sheer Linen Lawn, Brussels
Net in white and colors, Embroidery
Heavy Sheeting Linen, Irish
Linen, and which closely re-
real linen.
New Silks
Dress Silks in pin stripes
checks in dress patterns. in.
Chiffon Taffeta in the leading shades
in. Taffeta Silks
in black and colors.
Embroideries Laces
We have been accorded many words
of praise for the e gathering
of new dainty novelties we are show-
in this department. We have
Baby Irish Laces in all overs, bands
and edges. Maltese and Val. Laces in
match sets. Round thread and Ger-
man match sets. Dainty French
Embroideries in match sets and
Baby Irish and Batiste combined in
lovely patterns which form the new-
est in the Embroidery line.
Silk Warp
inch wide, at yd, in perfect
shades of lavender and old rose
Black Wash Goods
are liberally provided for ladies wear-
black, our stock is large and the
variety showing materials for
separate waists, skirts and dresses.
Dainty wash Collars in Lawn, Pique
and linen, in ail white, all black and
some with colored embroidered dots
and figured. Lace stocks, Lace Scarfs,
Lace and Batiste combination Collars,
Turn Overs, and Collar and Cuff Sets
in dainty French Embroidery.
in t new lace and embroidery
combinations. Long Crepe Scarfs in
Persian designs.
Fancy Goods, Notions
The variety and styles beautiful
Bead Necklace, Bracelets,
Gilt Belt Buckles, Ribbons,
Fans, Dog Collars, in great variety of
styles and grades. Dainty Gauze and
Lace Hosiery. Stamped Linens in
Centerpieces, Shirt Waists and Tray
Cloths. Hand Drawn Linens,
to use in Bureau Scarfs, Wash stand
Scarfs, Table Covers and Tray C
VOL. No.
and Friday.
. s, . w -t
. .
Our SHOE DEPARTMENT contains the best makes and styles.
Ladies White Canvas Court Ties and Pumps, sizes 1-2 to from to a pair; Misses
and sizes from to
White Kid Button Shoes, spring heels, sizes to at pair.
Gents in all kid and patent leathers, sizes to at C 1-2 to
Ladies Patent Leather Court Ties, sizes 1-2 to from to ; all kid, same Style, to
Mens Patent Leather Oxfords, at and
Men and Boys Tennis Oxfords from to
We have never shown a prettier or more complete stock and we cordially invite call.
N. C.
it you please, I
of Ir.
from Mr.
from Mr.
Mr. Fleming
I have no for any
W e a wen
in our guild county who would
us sud true
any, they may be, that
Democratic may
to nominate But it is my
honest in interest of
the party slid tot and
good win Democrats
to end, one time, the three
men who nerved US SO faithfully
honestly the Legislature
two years av ; that is to Jas
L Fleming for the Senate, J. B.
Little J. J. to
House. you know, fellow
they better lilted
to serve our interest, now they
have already served one term, and
they have know
our needs. No good reason be
advanced for change
nod I do hope we all come
together as and nominate
them for the places which so
honorably tilled, by acclamation,
have no strife or bitter tight
I write this in the interest no
mm, have candidate, but I do
it honest conviction
is first time ever subscribed
ray a en-
but I do say, all
come and
beat wishes the party
I subscribe
Establish Home for Aged
The Grand Lodge of Odd
low held an
Goldsboro this week. The
pal u
i i. tin being
orphanage a
I no
T. M Slovens,
Durham; deputy , rand master,
warden, II M,
of grand B. J.
trustee of
N Jim hi. i f
next year
at E i i h
K. W.
F May, 10th 1906.
K. M. Lang returned
t m today with his daughter,
nine who had at-
the deal dumb school
a. mat place.
Hiss Will Harper, of Snow Hill,
is visiting Mrs. N. W, Askew.
Miss Hooker, of
is with Mrs.
is spending the week in
doing dental work.
Miss Morrill has returned
alter spending
run time in training school.
of the in t
Of the lesson win. Tuesday
in Hall, the spa-
was tilled
inure women and
graceful dancers.
Dug Up Bones of Soldiers.
While excavating for the
for the new Cramer build-
in the re the county court
house, yesterday morning, work-
men dug skull several
bones, supposed to tie the remains-
of British who were
let red during Revolutionary
ill side of the old Queen's
Museum, one of the first colleges
in the which General
Corn wall is made his head-
during bit short sojourn
u the Hornet's Nest, as he termed
Several human bones were dug
p in excavating for the court
k a. The notable explanation
the discovery of the skeletons
s that a number of British
ho killed in the Battle of
in skirmishes Station,
ere buried in the tut
The Tint
Was Mr. Irving right in his
of objection
to playing in
be did not like to
as alluding to
the fact that ho wore armor only
in frost Would it not rather
refer to the long wait behind the
scenes, because the Ghost does
not appear between Act I. Scene
and Act III., Scene And
thereby hangs a tale The late
John Ryder, when playing the
GhOSt At the Princess's would
change his clothes in the inter-
val and go out into Oxford et
to buy, perhaps a bun. Kean,
who was nothing not
disliked this and issued a
doc ran that members of his com-
should retain their cos-
during the performance
of a play. Next night the door-
keeper of the pit entrance was
startled by a sound which re
him of the arrival of the
at Don
supper. In a moment he
was to see the
Ghost of Hamlet's father, armed
at tile point cap-a-pie,
pass his t and vanish into
Oxford street. Bus drivers and
passers-by saw with amazement
the armed cross the road
and enter the public house op-
There the sepulchral
visitant, in a voice, de-
a pint of stout, lifted
his beaver up, drank it and
stalked back to the It
is said that Kenn gracefully gave
way this When even
graveyards yawn, surely stage
managers may wink. -Pall Mall
Falkland, N. C. May 1906.
To Pitt l
The time draws mar for holding
county convention. we
will be
in the next Legislature. It is
vastly important that we commit
no error in so
It. is vastly important that re-
of personal feeling and
regardless the section of bis
residence, we name man who
can us to our
cal benefit.
Falkland township will a k for
K. B. Cotton
E-q for the Legislature.
And mark tins because we are
convinced that there are few indeed
who could at this time make us so
useful a representative possessed
of a very wide acquaintance all
over he could an
influence that would require one
lent well known the whole term to
A farmer who lives his farm
and is dependent upon bis farm
he could do other espouse
tin- conservative of the
and public
Industrious, progressive, and
advanced in bis views, and am-
for i in- of his
and Slate, we warrant that if he
is sent to the Legislature
there will be
tor the good of old
Junior Order Cannot Have Home.
I May
State P. Vance to
day a report from the law
of the National Council
Junior Order United American
amendments t
the n as pasted at
the last ting it the North
In Salisbury last Bab-
In III n poll
in i Mi e approves
ti making
is executive
but disapproved and declares the
t to article section
Increasing the per capita tax for
the of building
a i home in the
Stale illegal in c
It appeals building and
maintaining of home
is unconstitutional from the fact
that it is not of the objects of
the order and the members can
be taxed pay that is
not in the injects the older
The National Council has for one
Us and
;, orphans
and the
count Is puses.
A Drummer Among
A drummer by the name of John
who was stopping at a
hotel in Vt, when the
was session,
his hotel, the was the
mu of most the
says Boston
When supper was announced
legislators rushed in and took their
places, began to call upon
each other to pass food,
the from Brad
fold please pass the or
the from Essex
pass the or the man
from Portland please pass the
This did not suit the drummer
ho bad unable to get any-
thing, and during a brief interval
of he turned to the colored
waiter and the
from Ethiopia please
pass the
Charging for Announcement.
The Reflector states
that it will make charge for every
announcement for political office
and for all communications in the
of individuals for any
particular office. This is reasonable
and correct and The Common-
wealth quite agrees with The
As out neighbor well it
o I takes a good deal of time work
to keep up with such things
campaign MOM, publish-
of papers are entitled
for such work to extent
of the cost, at
Neck Commonwealth.
An Old Drum.
Mr. Oliver Smith brought with
him to
Thursday an old drum that saw
service through through the civil
war. With a look of much
faction he beat it upcoming
One remarked
may get to heaven, but he
will never be happier than be is
with that
Mr. Joshua L. tells us
that his and himself were
kept busy all day Sunday
lire the words. They finally
In putting it out.
N. C , 1806.
Although was one hour
lain last we up
our work by o'clock went
out to the school room of col-
round the superintendent
on the stave,
education, -and wound
up but discourse by introducing
the speaker who bad been in that
line fur some time, Hon. E. E
the introduction remarks
the a very grace-
mi could
see from his bearing
he was small to handle the
subject .;,,. ii .-i I i
Imaginary from
up into
mountains of and found
all imaginary of
followed their tributary
down, to end
their and them
all more or less
a Jack imaginary
not real. the most all the
difficulties we dread so much are
so real as we want to suppose,
mat the great between
two areas a mouse to tit-
that all you have to do lb
to take hold of the us lb
dilemma difficulty places you
and shake all the of
goon rejoicing it
not so much of a difficulty all.
What we deem difficulties are a
great many limes the opportunities
for the development Of
theme or the great uses
us Ills to
John while
jail, overcame me
difficulty of his position by giving
the Waller
Scott gave us the Waverly
which occupy a front
literary the telegraph
system that now Hashes liens
around world quick as thought
the steam navigation,
all are nut
of minds of men who brought
them existence under
With difficulties overcome ii,
destroys all that is imaginary and
shows forth the real blessings
tortured in in of men that nave
His of the
the plow boy and the dude
was a and came
down, when the dude nail asked
the boy all manner of questions
about the crop and the bey getting
of The
dude buy if he was
not a fool. The boy told him
was only thing
and a fool that fence.
But, says the speaker, there are
and have been men who have to
contend with real difficulties
cited his audience to
iii- la A. H.
Greek, French, American. Di-
the obscure boy his
day who fought with manly vigor
the difficulties that always oh-
tract the pathway of the ambitious
is quoted Dy modem men as
great orator. The great
Frenchman, who by his
planted the of Republicanism
into the heart his that
gave freedom lo and thou
our own Georgian, who but a mere
statue, a
strength w ill power, a mouse
of a man, but an to tram-
under foot all the difficulties
that beset his pathway to fame.
And there are scores of others
that could be named Vander-
not who have been
guilty of success by the will of
asserting the manhood them-
selves. Withal it was a great
All along a or less
die, my position on
has been maliciously con-
by some, honestly mis-
understood by others.
Tc the former class I never
attempted any explanation, know-
that he ho willful
resents is among those who
hear Concerning
the latter I have been heretofore
wait lime cir-
to put me straight
their always that in
the end will
Now, however, I am constrained
a sense of justice to myself
and others to from my
usual rule HI d to make
myself understood,
a cm which appeared
in The Reflector of May
by Mi. M. T. Spier, gives evidence
of decided apprehension lest my
article recently published in the
News and Observer copied
from same by your paper reflects
upon the senatorial career of Mr.
J. L. Fleming. By way of
nation permit me to say, that my
attitude toward railroad influences
in the Legislature has been made
so a man
though he he a cm under-
stand In publishing the.
to which Mr. Spier
had no of Mr. Fleming,
nor did it enter my mind that even
a most vivid imagination would
i a single idea therein
any way to him.
I i to impress
forcibly that so as know
S I. is
as far removed from
as any other Senator that
body of winch he was a member.
My belief is but for the article
of my friend. Ir. C. M. Jones,
which my name for
the Senate, Mr. Spier would not
his friend's
Vindication, belief coupled
Dr. kindly article
prompts inc to-state I have
told a single voter in the
county that I would he a
date the next senatorial
nation, I have
by many urging me to
My has in-
variably am not seeking the
nomination of any position.
It Mr. Fleming to go
back to senate, and the people
nominate him, he shall have my
most cordial support.
In conclusion, I wish to thank
my friend, Dr. for his kind
letter. am always grateful for
every consideration shown me by
the people of my county, es-
from tho people old
a people whose honesty,
Entertain Friends at Hotel Bertha
Never has there been p t ed
together under one roof in Green-
ville a fairer or lovelier set of
than that which on
day met at Hotel
honor to the elegant
reception by Mesdames
Vines and
upper Halls and parlor,,
were changed into bower- of
beauty by lights flowers
and fair women.
The i Were met at the d
of the stain by
were ushered into the parlors
where they were served to punch
Misses Cobb, Nina James,
and Limits Fm of North
Then a merry party gathered
in the balls and
parlors aid in unique
contests, in which
prize, a fan, was by
Hiss Bertha Patrick, the other a
lovely plat;, by Mrs. Permit, and
the booby by Mrs. King.
Amid the lights and the flowers
to toil strains delightful
music rendered by the
bud, the guests were served to
delicious refreshments,
Among those present
II L. Cam, Harper,
i.-i, Hairy Aycock,
Coward, C.
H. A. White, Ernest Par- ,
Ferrall. House, Cobb,
. Li. tie, Mo-e
James White, Woodward,
Hooker, John Hicks. and
Misses Cobb,
Nina James, Lizzie Nell
and Lottie Shu i
Bertha Pat tick, Woolen,
Annie Brown.
After enjoying the
music until last of the
hours set for entertainment
were ended guests Hug
voting the
entire success, sir-
thanks to their -is a
most evening
Kills Cotton.
Reports from all punts of
county i
that a good part of the Cotton that
had come up was killed by the
fros. cold Wednesday mi ht.
Mr. T. J. Davis, manager the
Elba Manufacturing Company,
and yesterday received
scores from
for cotton seed for
One man u owns a large pi in
stated that he would have to
plant acres of cotton over
purity and bravery have j again. Quite a number of far men
faith, A people as good w mo began plowing p
the best. A people with whom ., . . , .
have spent s
fighting for a good government I Charlotte Observer,
under the Democratic The,
know in , I know them, and love
for confidence have; The graded school at Farm.
always imposed in me, and it was close next Friday
kindly that prompted ,,, ,,.
my friend Dr. , ,
to reference stale
by Mr. Spier. I do not recall that Will speak at Friday
Dr. made any unwarranted , night. A letter hum him says he
statements, did he Intimate certainly be there. The pub.
anything that would possibly re-
to the discredit or hurt
J. J.
him lo come. We enjoyed it
much but space forbids fur-
it was our pleasure to see
the best North
here on this
Prof, W. H.
by of his office, Pitt
is cordially invited to
and hear this distinguished gentle-
man and magnificent speaker It
will pay you lo hear
Sermon to
N. M. Watson, of
ton, who is to deliver the address
at the closing exercises of the
graded school on the
has been invited by Green-
ville Lodge A. F. A A. M. to
preach a special to the
Masons while here. Mr.
accepted the invitation and will
head shoulders above any
a great mind, in the State in the I preach on
the line.

mi vi p
C. T. Big
The Millinery Opening.
We will place on sale during the two opening days an immense line smart, up-to-date hand
ready-to-wear Hats. Possibly one of the selections Of Hats ever shown in this city.,
APRIL 10th and 1906.
The Big Store long since established an enviable reputation tor Trimmed and Millinery, corn
showing the latest newest In Imported Hats, we show the latest ideas, while the de-
signs our own stall of trimmers will equal them in beauty and excellence. Our C has
passed even her previous record-breaking achievements. Remember the Opening dates
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 10th and 1906.
B, of of sale
Wm delivered
W t
,, A White on day
and duly recorded In the
once of Pill County. North
. the
In for tub. to
i- bidder, on Monday. My hid.
I.- I real property, to A err
mil piece or parcel of and in
he Pitt, near the town
vine within the town
and known No.
v. In the plat of In
Company called
ml described
and Hilt streets Slid
I will
north J-4
Pi hence north l i SM
feel and f. i J to An
lb on easterly to
the containing one acre more o
before the
of fill county
of H, U I notice la
in all Indebted t.
nuke payment to
and all persona claims
same to Mia
for payment on or before
March. or will be plead
Friend. Worth Reading
Suppose. You Stop and Set
Isn't it Wonderful
N. C. March
Mrs i- take
me in your Remedy
entirely cured our little girl of
i very bad case of eczema,
a great part of her body.
She had eczema from
the time she was three old,
she was six years old. She
is now perfectly well and I feel
I speak too highly of
t Hi.- has Dot had a symptom of
it for years. Respectfully,
J. W.
To Publishers
Not Quite I
How often you can a
nail or driver or
Have a good t
tool box and be prepared for K
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all could desire, and
we will see your tool
box does not lack a single K
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. P
and Printers-
We have an entirely new
on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col-
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
Refacing Column and Head
regular lengths
Refacing L. S. and
Head Inches in
and over
per It .
A sample
Rule, full
will be cheerfully
sent on application.
high, a ,
Monday. She was . High Grade Printing Mater
r, M, Side . ad I. Witt Wt. P
leaves four live daughter-.
It is only the genuine reformer.
who but little and saws a lot f i
,,.,, Steamboat Service.
It is asserted that the
a sum antidote forage. L. leave
Happenings of Interest in North
H. Strain, an aged farmer
of Wake county,
by hanging himself with a
plow line.
now mail
in the city.
unsurpassed. Come in and take a k. whether you buy or Dot, its always a pleasure to show
N. C.
Is The Moon Inhabited.
proven that the moon has
which life in
some form possible on satellite.
for human beings, a
bard enough time on this earth of ours
Bitters cure Bilious
ms. Malaria,
dice, Torpid
Debility Female
m a genera and An
for weak
for the aged. It Induces sound sleep
guaranteed by L. Wooten
M daily
a. in. fur Greenville; leaves
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Southern Railroad for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, all other
North. a Norfolk
nil points Went.
Snippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern K. K.
bailing hours subject to change
without notice.
Agent, Green-
Hie, N. U.
LUG INS, General T. and
Agent, Norfolk, Va-
K. KING, V, P. G. M.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton l;
III Ties always on hand
Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
When the skin is sallow tin- sys
requires acids.
Fits, then
Dr. Restorative
has been so successful in
that there is every;
i, to believe that even the
most cases can be
I . it not fully restored.
will be pleased to refer
any thus afflicted to many
enjoy the of
health, after years of hopeless
n that
two years by of
i . t and ho II I
fir Mm. without relief. After
I . n I I M
, to the
l ;. in. Los import. Ho
I . n. i B-
to won .
I i i ma I. In
condition. id lost mind
entirely. ii i rho
i t
. a .
l i N
lull . i . .,,.,
i i . i. . i . i It to
Mm . I but
1901, i. i v i not well other
ways. We him n no
can work and p. If
v iii ii -v .-.
tills, tin y HI l .
k. ii. ind.
Dr. Is sold by your
druggist, who will guarantee that the
first bottle will benefit. If It falls, ho
will refund your money.
Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
Hot Only Do We Inspiration From
Nature, Bat Health Wall.
For who run-down and
who or
or torpid
fiver, with In
and t. turn to Minn tonic or
which will Nature
and help to on and
tin- into its proper It
s more that
most valuable health wiving
agents are to be found In forest plants
Nearly forty years ago. Dr. Pierce,
now to the
and Surgical Institute, at
N. Y. discovered that by
principles from native roots, taken
from American forests, he could pro-
duce a medicine which was
efficient in curing cases of blood disorder
and liver and stomach trouble as well as
many other chronic, or lingering ail-
This concentrated extract of
Nature's vitality he named Med-
It purifies the blood
the stomach and liver into
condition, thereby helping the
digestion and assimilation of food which
feeds the blood. Thereby it cures weak
indigestion, torpid liver, or
and kindred derangements.
If you have coaled tongue, with Inner
or bad taste in the morning, frequent
headaches, feel weak, easily tired, stitches
or In side, back gives out easily
aches, belching of gas, constipation, or
Irregular bowels, feel flashes of heat
with chilly sensations or kin-
point derange-
of your stomach, liver and kidneys,
which the -Golden Medical
will correct more speedily and
than any other known agent. Con-
no alcohol or habit-forming drugs.
All Its Ingredients printed In plain Eng-
on wrapper.
The sole motive for substitution is to
permit the dealer to make a little more
profit, lie gains; you lose. Accept no sub-
.-ti for
Constipation causes and aggravates
many serious diseases. It is thoroughly
by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
One a laxative; two or three arc cathartic.
I III. w .,
were running my . -i chi
get hi e a i w
V II Kilt, c. K V, K. l. Kit Kill, laM
of the Perpetuating Croat
One of I lie cl. cf of t-
d the of c .
ii p ii-vi-d
i . . i i t ill
con raid like her.
more until it was
ed, then
fertility I
ere not in tin
but they in
ill cm. i i i-
by I; the of tin
American I lint they ,.
in policy
It is
be n, -t it
vise we certainly lime them
originated Ilium in
ago is
nature is
men of large estates today at it
Whenever one f limn dies
his will is published rediscover that
he tad in death
was to preserve his fortune
pass it on unimpaired t- bis tie-
He bequeaths tire balk
cf it to as few people as possible and
even then it in hands
trustees, so that it may continue
one management retain its
unity as long as possible. If the
law permitted it, he would bequeath
it all. just a his ancestors did in
England or some other European
The evil of keeping a large for-
tune intact is just as great when it
is involuntary, and the evil all grows
out of the fact that the man who in-
a fortune is an entirely
character from the man who
makes it and that the fortune itself
in the hands of founder plays an
entirely different part in civilization
from what it does in the hands of
his Chronicle.
To Her Art.
one of the lesser
paint.-r.- of was as conceit-
ed her ability a- she
was us for her exec use
of cosmetic of nil kinds, Her
was a study enamel, and
penciling, the
the more i ii nine. On
one occasion a certain who
her in much lost a
to her.
he asked. in . , ,
m m, she
I can
well, lie replied.
bowing If oat.
Outside and
The ingenuity of people who think
they are ill when they are not quite
triumphs over any external evidence
of health. A very Gorman
workman went to a physician and
complained of being very unwell.
said the doctor, you
tick it has no you from
am fat on de outside, but on
de am so
Desirable Build
Lots F r
Near Five Points on Easy Terms
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N.
war- S
Good Root Beer.
Take a pint of bran, a handful of
hops, sonic tender twigs of spruce,
hemlock or cedar, a little bark of
with roots handful of
of burdock, plantain and dock
two of dandelion. up in a
gallon of water, strain, add a spoon-
of ginger, a quarter cup of mo-
lassos a cup of yeast. Let it
work, then bottle.
To Relieve Insomnia.
A very simple method of inducing
sleep in eases of persistent insomnia
and one that has succeeded where
many drugs have failed is to simply
administer a moderate amount of
liquid food before the patient goes
to bed. This diverts the blood from
the brain to the abdominal organs
and takes away the cerebral excite-,
that precludes sleep.
Keep Iron Hot.
The best y to keep an iron hot I
is instead of using the ordinary
which lets the air
through to the bottom of Iron,
lake a clean brick and set it on the
stove for half hour before using
as a stand for the iron. This keeps
the heat for a long lime and saves
having to heat often.
A Household Glue.
A glue which will resist the
of water is made by boiling half a
pound of common glue in one quart
cf skim milk. Another method is to
oak the glue till soft in cold water
and then to dissolve it on the stove
linseed oil.
Luminous Ink.
A luminous ink may be made by
grinding together
n calcium sulphide and a very
thin solution gum and
The writing will have to he
exposed to strong
Combs village bar-
. as
yon; honor, your whiskers
on the side than on I In
loft. That's, take it, because you
on that particular side at
Customer What
pity I meet you curlier in e
friend I'd have learned
sleep on the crown of my head.
Wrong In Head.
A Yorkshire mill worker charged
with having set lire to a large hay-
rick was d on the ground
that ho was not altogether
for his actions. One of the
witnesses, a typical Yorkshire man,
to the belief that the
oner was in his
mention any occasion
which I ho prisoner behaved in n
to warrant your
; he was by the prose-
answered I lie
I-. on. e I f a crown
i h for
to, n.-cl as the wit-
i . it in
witness a
a th wife,
ii. tour rules of
arc any
on limit a- the fond
she replied, bending anew
over the of figures in her
beautifully bound account book.
told mo ii e tray to save
wan . buy things;
we would save the amount the goods
Would have cost US. So I have
.-ireful to sol the exact price
everything I have wanted to
but lilt I could not afford. find, in
adding it up, it to 1684, but
only hive in cash on hand.
There I wrong
That Illustrates th.- Faithfulness
of Dogs.
Ned was a handsome Bismarck
setter, brown coat, white vest ant
always wore white gloves on his
paws and in the dog kingdom war
considered quite a dandy.
lie trained to hunt, which hi
did without an error.
He and his young master hail
been out gunning, and on their re
turn home the master called
attend to the unloading of some
cars connected with hi-
business. Close to the railroad
a wood pile, and on this he laid
gun. After he was through he I
into the house, forgetting all about i
his gun.
For three days the dog never left
the wood pile, not even to cat or
drink, and whenever any of the fain
would come out he would act
Strangely, run and bark and then
run back to the wood pile. The
young master remarked that poor
old Teddie was acting so peculiarly
he was afraid ho was going mad and
would have to he killed.
At last a suggestion was made to
go to the wood pile, lie went, and
the on his approach nearly went
crazy, and there he found his gun
This was the cause of his strange
actions, nil doing without food or
water for three days and nights.
Here is iii eighteenth century
fish story. It is told in a letter
written by a traveler in Russia to t
woman in England. A vessel laden
with the latest fashions from Paris
was run down in the channel of St
Petersburg. next th
writer says, salmon was caught
in the Neva dressed in a while satin
petticoat, and in the same were
found two largo end with muslin
handkerchiefs around their necks.
The sharks and porpoises were ob-
served in gown- of the taste,
hardly was a fish did
not display some of the freshest
Parisian fashions ever visited
Willing to Prove It.
Ethel Vladimir, they
say you are a fortune hunter and are
only marrying for my wealth.
Tell me it is not true.
Lord my dear-
est, would marry you if you were
Ethel Prove this, my
own Vladimir, and I shall lie
Lord the
of your vest fortune upon me,
yourself destitute, will
you in the of the whole world
1-. of Hit
I've lie n
anxious to hi in
mine who i- on such an
trip to South Africa.
II. I've n
from h r. all
i ad ii i II urn
re I j. I
i she i
Hot Water
Before a water r w p it
away it ought to be slightly inflated,
lays a careful Other-
wise the sides adhere to each
other, and in pulling them apart
the bag will certainly b
In case the precaution has
been neglected and the parts have
adhered some water with a few
drops of ammonia should put
into the and a few min-
a thin, dull edged piece of wood
may be Inserted carefully between
the two pieces of rubber.
. A.
Having consolidated the stocks of H. A. John A. Ricks in
store we are to furnish our customers anything needed in
n We will carry an up-to-date line
Hats, Shoes, Dress Notions, Sc.
In Groceries we will have all a full line of goods, not only
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, but all kinds of
Canned Goods, the finest brands
We can supply anything you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices for
COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods will please you.
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
H. L.
The Hardware Man.
I of Comptroller of the
i -i n i. -Where-
u ti. tn the
. that
l Hunk the
I of PHI and W
. I with
III i .
I. , with tie-
. lie 1.11 11.--. t it. f. M k i,.
mill .,. I. t
The of
in Hi- -ii in,, in the
. lit and of North Carolina, la
. Hi i of
i him-
I Hi-
mi my hand and
its .
roller th Cue
Hy a
of In Hi.,
entitled, Kiln r W II,
petition to mil land for pan It Ion, t .
I In- lion-., . r ill
May lath ; . Ill-
Having duly the ,. . ,,., ,,
Superior of ; V
of Emily j fl f
hereby to all i
May In I the n r. 1.1 1.1 .
i.-i-r land, in ii.- payment to the If
r., now resides, the sail that mutt i
h- i the for before h
, . 24th day of WOT, or j Ban.
Norfolk. Va.
lies of April.
I. I
I II , ,, .-.,,,.,,
, ;,.;.,, ,,,.,.

and Proprietor.
in the post office at Greenville, N. second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A desired every post office in Pitt and
in to fiction
The m Star shows a
60.41 bit of wit in
from re-
union express nothing bat
it was a great day and every
one p
a time.
The song will have to lie changed
a Clay
God for and
good streets for Greenville should
lie the cry until are
It will probably turn out that
the propose battle-
ship has gone up in smoke as
the money will have to be used
to help out San Francisco.
The Administration must keep
its weather eye open or the beef
trust be running
embalmed beef in on the San
Francisco sufferers.
The railroads t e trusts
have a strangle hole on the
American In spite o the
earthquake on pretty near
Everything else.
Republican senators tried to
Senator La by re-
to listen to his speech on
rat.- but the
people in the galleries listened
The railroads took tho
big stick away from him and con-
him that he really has no
back hone.
funny the world is It
turned cold enough for lire jut as
o m as the coal miner's strike was
declared off.
If Nun wants any more
horse j no Key s hones they might
home without the
and expanse of going to France
alter them
The Lord is always Rood to
but it He is extending His
men-its this year. The Landmark
published a statement a few days
ago that a certain Superior Court
judge, whose term expires
year, would not be a for
re-election, whereat we expressed
gratification. The in qua
is a good man. an honorable
m in, of correct habits, but he is
suited to the work on tho Superior
Court bench his retirement is
the best thing for him and the
Sow the news that an-
other judge will not be a candidate
for re election, whereat we give an
extra whoop or two for joy. He is a
good man and we wouldn't hurt BIS
feelings the feelings of tho first
mentioned, but the fact is
he knows little law, lacks decision
and is utterly unlit or the work. Of
correct habits, honorable and up
right, it isn't pleasant to say these
things, but it is well where-
ever he has held court, that he is
entirely to the work
is the best thing for
him and the people Sow if Bob
P. and a few others we Could
mention would get down the
Court bench would be in very
fair always, that
is retained.
P. the modesty of Land
, ark i it talking in this
connection its own townsman.
street is figuring on a plan
in finance San Francisco. but down way the people
into the hands of that crowd opinion that Judge Long, of
The Dressy
The Swell Tail
ors of New
York are
up for their
trade this sea-
son more Blue
serges than
ever before.
Nothing so
not h
good for look-
well at all
times as the
Blue s erg e
Our Serges are tried
true, and we guaranty
them to be
A Co., Chi.
tee our
to be right every
be about the next worst to the
and lire for the stricken
in his-
day or two i- to the
of frost in much of the
colt, n belt .-I. injured the pros-
new crop
Among other things
wall's is better streets and the
to turning that sob
in their mind. Progress
lie the constant
We cannot see why the
should keep on hating and
the South it was lie
and to the
The spring weather has been
such as to favor the idea of the cot-
ton association for a small crop this
year The weather has been any-
thing else but favorable and at this
early stage of the season the prospect
of a crop are very poor. J
mm i.
President II. ha made
an entire change of front in
r- paid lo the late bill and Hopped
right over tie side of the rail
reads, showing that ho, too, is under
the control of the corporations.
When highest official in the
land shows such bad faith it is
is one of those who
should be retained He is one of
the good judges in the State.
the Landmark intimates there are
others who can serve their
State better retiring
ll-ll Jones, the coachman, will
have some trouble identifying him-
self at the judgment, coming out of
the grave marled for Paul
Jones, the lather of the American
A United Democracy.
chairman of the Demo-
the King Clothier.
convention of Kansas in
his address to delegates
sounded a hoy note that will
have interest in Massachusetts
to make the people wonder and shows that a united
absence of from the East to the West
and North and South is again to
I be an accomplished fact.
Judge Waller Clark's idea, n
eh t
or non church affiliation
that indicates he
,.,. ear.-s. We doubt, if
j I r not
greeted Congress.
very cordially u
n him the
when met, but all the same tie
candidates for r
It'll I Hilled
Ci unwinder Harding showed
lie In d n. i how lo and flan the enemy when
he dipped the drummer's mil
of r h ii It brought a smile to the
Drummer Tuten was
ah- the hi
piece when he discovered was being spirited away.
The News and Observer predicts
William Jennings will
be in
Seems that with ourselves our
was making tin
same sort of prophecy in 1800.
Salisbury Post.
But you know even the
it light In his
guessing, so why not wait and see if
the News and Observer can make
good on its prediction.
of disruption ahead of the
if it In be controlled
a few bosses and corporations
in their interest.
of said he,
in a recent speech , . n
I this slogan across the
a and over the
should be held and mountains to New Eng-
such changes in the Federal land, are for free raw
union will give the people more material, ad we are willing to
. . . . , . laborer of the east
v in government, is based on . .
,.,,, . , hides in competition with
is ,., . . . ,, ,,.,,,.
lour bides, because the beef trust
I us even of our hair, and
then sells the balance to the
eastern manufacturer at a high-
and fixed price, so that the
poor are Our
en have
resented us long enough. We
are in favor of the old fashioned
doctrine as enunciated by Sam-
and re-enunciated
of a tariff
for revenue The time is
when we should protect
trusts capitalistic
Protection, as declared
by the republican party, is now
used as an aid to the rich to be-
come richer and for the poor to
become for
Tie Merchants
win III rapidly lo
prominence and success under the
of II. n.
has Commerce, of
and In known as
I he Merchants Journal and Com-
The publication office will
continued Raleigh, and the sane
work heretofore done for tie
merchants and men may be
According to the press dispatches
from France, the Tinted
States h's run on a neat fake in
the John Paul Jones matter. The
goes i hat the bones, reputed
to be those of John
which were dug up and escorted to
this country by the fleets of two
nations, and were only recently de-
posited in a mausoleum at Annapolis
vi n h great pomp and ceremony,
the bones of John Paul Jones
all, but of William Jones, a
coachman of notorious character
Too bad
The Woman.
If you happen to know a woman
of the you are
doubtless templed to call her by
harsher name Pettish,
self-seeking, malicious, fiendish, all
seem to be words mote nearly
her uncomfortable trans-
don't see why I am
slighted; always left till last be
consulted ; never written lo j never
visited, when you come within I
block of my door; always overlook
ed and These are the
moans with which
tire woman makes her family and
friends miserable
When she was a girl she was
ways suffering from fancied slights
All her life she will continue to dis-
tress herself by imagining unkind-
intentionally directed to her.
Her old will he peevish and
embittered to herself and all
about her by fretful complaints and
Supersensitiveness like this is
simply an form of
and vanity. If the morbid-
sensitive woman ought
about herself and more about others
she no idea for conjuring
up supposed slights If she were
not so bent upon occupying the
of the stage, in h-r own
she would speedily dis
cover that she not all a target
for but just one of
many upon whom the world is r
lo if she will smile upon the
the Democracy of
Republican senators seem to
dread to vote on the ease,
and many of them intend to re-
the bargain with
the Morn, n church by Perry
Heath in 1900 which gave the
Republicans the electoral rote
It is easy to borrow an umbrella
in fair mother
Any one can live on love alone
for a few minutes.
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by I
putting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in i
e have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that J
. were obtainable in the American markets
I we cordially invite the Ladies that are
t desirous seeing the NEWEST
to call at our establishment and feast their
Very truly yours,
Mr. and Mrs.
n quest I he pleasure of
Mm v
Mr. Win
ii Thur-day
June seventh
bond red and six
Went Suet
At lion e June fifteenth
M On
burn up in
freeze to death in May.
the wool on a
. . beck is as
and I r, ,. ,
curlier the the finer
j will be the
. . the est goods, lose when
v U but the best, especially when H
just on-our table and think; it is en
tan e n i v at store will get to be had. just
Goods, Package Goo
Butler, , d other
also Fruits and C keen the best in Clears and To
me best
Our Specialty
Reflector Job Printing
I I th eye. we
This department is in charge of J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
A deposit at bank will
make you feel more independent.
Make a with what you
have hidden away for safe keeping
the time yen come to the
Bank of They can
keep it safer than you can.
Debby Maiming
a few days this week
brother Ernest Manning.
Nice line of groceries
ways on band
Alice Tripp was in town
Friday evening shopping.
Any one in need of a good cart
one that will and render good
service just all lo or the
A. G. Cox
Quite a large from Win-
the closing
at Wednesday
night, and reported an excellent
If you expect to exchange your
seed for meal you can same lime
by taking meal fur your seed when
you have at the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
Henry was in town Fri-
day evening on business.
If yon want good seed Irish
potatoes go Harrington, Barber
a Co.
Quite a large wind from Win
went over to Aden Friday
night to attend th I
The A. G. Cox Mtg. Co. are still
shipping hi planters and guano
Tooth and Disk Harrow at
Barber Co.
Farmers make m by
changing their cotton seed
meal at Pitt County Oil Co.
Our meal analyzes Pitt Co.
Oil company.
Furnishings for the house we are
new ready for business, and extend
an invitation to all, lo visit our
store, and see the beautiful line of
furniture, which we have planed
I ask a visit to our Furniture
Store, where you can get
Cook es,
We especially note the at
., . v of Rugs.
f Curtains.
Spreads. Toilet Sets. Lace- Cu r-
in . Window Shades, M-.--
i in
d well ,
They are the best on
the market. . t i .
at Barber A , ,
A nice lot of new
to deal out on easy at Harrington,
that even poorest shall have no
thing when see fr.
excuse for their homes not
furnished. Thanking you in ad-
for patronage, we are yours
to serve, Eastern Carolina Supply
Co., Winterville. 5.0. I are r
Car load of flour just received,
, Woods high seed
ave for years been-be ,,,.
seed truckers
and S
tings, Floor Oil Cloth,
Parlor Suits. Bedroom Suits.
Hall Racks and
We believe in a p
to satisfy taste tho
fastidious with anything in our
line. However, chances for a
trial will be appreciated.
Eastern Carolina
Supply Co.
y. A
sold W
of this
nice and fresh, at lowest price.
Harrington, Barber Co.
The Pitt County Oil is
shipping cotton seed meal by the
car load.
line of dress shirts ever
shown in Winterville at Apples,
Orange f,,,,,, ,
Dixon at the
Mew furniture is arriving daily
at A. W. Ange
get bee
A new and
t at lowest
sale by A ,,. ,,
ts i,
i family
goods just received at A. W, Ange
Co Be sure to see them and
get your pick.
If you want a nice pair of Slip
go to A. W. Ange A
Co and you can get them. He
; . , . w you inn in. Me
by the ear and if ,,, i .
. . has the nicest lot ever shown In
need any you had write or
If you want a nice shirt or tie
go lo Harrington, Barber Co.
them at
the school there.
Ben Forest is preparing to build
All farmers anti-i sow-
and wheat can be supplied with
mowers, rakes, and binders
at Harrington, Co.
Be sure not to forget the
tare and those iron bedsteads at
A. W. Ange Co.
s new the residence of
A. W. Ange. We are glad to
know he is to build here,
for we want to see town keep
going on to the front us she
been in the past.
they will sell
Spring ad Sum-
you want, and prices
Wen's and youth's pants, all
For hay, nets go at Barber Co.
Harrington, Barber for
The A G. Mfg. Co., are still
making shipments of Plant-
and guano Sowers. They have
shipped out about of
etch now. Any one in need of
old reliable Cox planter and simple
guano sower Ind write or
see them at OHO.
Nice line of d suits at H L.
Another large shipment of shoes
We offer our silver table ware very
guarantee at a bargain,
See us, B. T. Box A Bro.
Misses Abbie Cur
roll are now placing material for,, ,.
building them a new house. They I , . . ,
. . I for stock a sure
reasonable. Harrington Barber
or On
White's Colic and Kidney Cure,
I the combination kidney medicine
have a nice which is just
Opposite Dr. B. T. residence.
The A. O. Cox Mfg. to.
I ,.,, any , e
in need of trill j we
write. seethe A. G. Cox
went to
Tins your home
P don't find
it the in.- and
-i market, we
will take It bail . ii you like it,
we know yon v V . , u will make
prices t will he
t- ti NEW ROYAL.
By so i will save yourself
money, a machine that
will positively better than
any other.
Come and see us and make
Winterville, N. C.
Taft IV. H. Rick,
-3. H. AFT
hi at. Man of Greenville has m.
Mattings, Royal S
Felt bed Room
Suits, Rugs, and Art Squares
to please
A. H.
Pictures Framed to Order.
It was only a year or two ago
that Senator Lodge voted to
Trunks and valises at strike Wt the imprisonment
ton Barber Co. clause of. the anti-trust act and
now he proposes imprisonment
price I c for railroad managers guilty of
Big Hue of and cm rebates. Has Senator
latent tr Lodge repented or is he trying
trying to fool the people.
at the Drug Store
The Pitt Co. Oil Co. is running
day, end shipping lots
net to ship cotton plant ,,, ,
guano sowers by the car load.
u. iii i. . For new log cart made
Miss Bryan closed her ,,,. i . o . . , . Of best material will sell cheap, fir
school at Wednesday . . T , . ,
,. particulars see L. L. Kittrell.
night with an excellent entertain-;
and home Friday.
We are glad have her hack with
Buy a pipe from J. H. C. Dixon
t store.
If you need a nice Bug just call
at A. Ange A Co and you can
get one, and cheap too-
If you want good Hour, that
you can eat without any trouble
with indigestion, goto A. W. Ange
A On., get some of that flour
h- that is made out pure
At the Close of Business. April nth.
r i r.-
Loans and Discounts 4,710.00
of Black
in town evening, Mi
is our test tanners
and we are always to see him. wheat.
Nice Robes at Th
show., in Winterville en now l.
W. P. J, seen at A. Co.
went to this morning your they going.
Mi- B van went
B the
wet to mom-
Overdrafts, unsecured
Furniture and Fixtures
Hue from Banks and
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Nat. Ilk and other U. S.
Expenses paid
Capital Stock paid m
Deposits subject to
Cashier's Checks out-
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
x. III.
L t of. the above bank
.,. f . tho above statement is true t
e nicest lot of men's pants edge and belief , , ,
n in Winterville can now be .,.
Subscribed and sworn
this day of April, till if,.
If any in need of Notary Public.
peanuts or field peas for planting I
you can get them A. W. Anne
J- F.
L- L.
Get ready to and have a
goo tune com-
mere met k eon on and is
going to I e Hi given.
Be sure
If you any
ling go A. W.
A C,
We have Just received cur full line GOODS
consisting of
be on sale Monday. Everybody cordially invited
las. F, Davenport,
it-II vi
blows, jut notice ft emu i-l
of paint, and yellow j f T
Barber Co I
bottle of Kid-
a sure cure K
troubles at Harrington U
led by I Mores of
bus both I in evidence
Extremes Met
lock ere
h-ii-m. faces
I lot to the of The
Him life ,,
in the
Iron j in arms who wen-
j on by their
Infer this
company of Infantry that the
of Pitt county is all right.
eon on seed to sell or Tie A. c
exchange .,,,,.,. p, w
Oil arc the t r
X no
tun ,,.
The Oilier skating
for season. It
iII amusement
people town,
; ones, and been pro
for the managers.
m -a m m a w . ,,. . m H
This is the much talked of Income Policy issued by
Over Sold since JANUARY 1st

We are sole for
m r
we arc b
Better Made
We e in fine Pass
Goods, Clothing .
Ladies and FINE
A Who Was Only Speaking
Generally About Teeth.
about a
remarked man who
ordered and chicken bash for
lunch. least isn't to
it's curious. You
take teeth and th finger nails,
said c- ; i
-A linger row, l
i kw
use We
need our or our finger nails--
not s certain length any-
keep sprouting right
i along, just n if we did and just as
long we
don't said the
man. pausing his hand over the
top of his head.
your nails do any-
, av. But you just get your
crop of teeth, and they've got to do
you. There's nothing more coming
understood there
the baby teeth. That's so.
But that's only another instance of
the foolishness the whole arrange-
How do we start in With-
out any teeth at all. Then we begin
cutting They worry us night
and and make us drool all over
Ten Couple United at
Same Time.
and most remarkable
redding since the world began took
piece at When the great Alex-
had conquered Persia,
to the victors and vanquished
lie lice he de-
a festival. No.
i . people lie ordered to
married, i it.
Well. Alexander himself was to
the daughter
; ram; of his chief
re I e united to ladies from use
noble ; Persian
lie of his
marry Asiatic women
people married at mice.
I . I they to
i t up . I for so
a cast
i. .-id.--. They had the
i n a plain
i. , a vast i war
pillars sixty feet high
It hung and spread with tin
t ii,. . ah tie the gold tin
pro which
would ii eyes blink.
building were
.,. . i r- for hundred
while for the remain-
10.000 nil outer court was
and hang costly tape-
and tables were outside
h.- c US . OF 6TH, 1906
an- A-
III. . i
Hi Hanks
;. mi
U no-M In i
I en ii check
I. . f ;,.,.
I. K. . l -f if I l. b-ind,
If ill. slut- H ti ht of
Miff. J- R-- DAVIS,
to h-
m-. 0th f
V. M.
T. L
T lAt 1916.
paid Io
our labs so that we must have our
white dresses changed even- few tor the multitude.
tours, and the wake us up A seat was ear,
so that our parents have to carry u f
to us and give u. I semicircle on
ling makes royal throne. Inch bridegroom I .,
fiends of us in after life, and not received a vessel
that, the disorder our little and when the last of
and send us into announced by
from which we frequently die. j without the
.-, v. i the banquet hall and took
me something their places.
keeps up for about And don t
rears, an
tor two . ,
gone through bridegroom stood up separately and
Law . l l-ii ,
h Kn
Ma,,., b- 190,083.77
Items out-
I .
with all that, you'd suppose
might he provided with teeth
u;., B.
I ill
I Little, bank, do solemn
the invent .
V III I In- H-l
day of April,
V v
life. Hut The last stomach
tooth is hardly in the
front tooth begins working loose.
And then there's toothache. The
fir-i toothache. My land Then
your mouth gets filled with
the teeth cloves arc
ed in them and cotton batting soar-
ed with creosote that takes the
all off the inside of your mouth- .
and chloroform and all
manner of Stuff. You go through
the mental anguish of having a
string tied to some cuspid or
and to the handle of a door. You
are taken to the dentist and obliged
to a toothbrush.
Then the new teeth come, and that she was right.
have to be straightened. Then j Before committing herself to the
it it noticed that one has begun to I obvious task lira poked her
like to speak
vowed, this ring now
and so on. No. The
was very simple. The king
his hand to kissed
her as his wife, and the other bride-
grooms followed his example. That
was the way. Then came the
val, lasting live days, with music am-
of play acting
. of Scum
A New Dish.
It was Tuesday morning, the
clothes had been dried
folded the day previously, and com-
sense pointed the fact
it was ironing day, but caution,
Scandinavian Tillie. the new maid,
was not going to make the mistake
of ahead before being sure
At the close of April 6th,
Undivided profits
Loans and discounts Capital stock
Overdrafts unsecured fund
Duo from Barks and
rash items
Gold and silver coin.
National bank and
other U S notes 3,186.21
t 5.300.1
certificates of
subj. to check
checks out-
of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. M of above named
swear that the above statement true to the best of my
edge belief. M. O. President
Subscribed and sworn to be-
me, day April
H. H Taylor.
At close of business 6th, 1906.
and discounts i
Overdrafts, 8,415.33
Bonds, 1,000.00
Furniture and fixtures 2,485.84
Doe from
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Nat Una built a J ,,
stock paid in f
The Professor Not tn
For some time George Dexter
Clark, former of the
city committee, has been
greatly deceived by the resemblance
which C. D. of
Smith college bears to spent ii the
live Window II. of Bait-1
His con fusion of the two
led to many amusing interviews, in
which was asked
D -posits
Tine 21,817.27
to chock
biers 580.58
Carolina, County of Pitt,
i, l. S. Carr, the above named bank, do solemnly
swear is true to the best of my knowledge
and C. S. CARR, Cashier.
and worn to
me. tins 14th J- L.
J. MOORE. H. A. will
i rs
You Pay For It
In Credit, as the
Credit mist up lo oat some-
losses tip and put the price
at th- cash an i the charging of ac-
counts or getting somebody to you. I sell any
thin you want in th way of
Hay, Corn. Oats Stuff,
What i-. i.
I ask-
ed Tillie Com
With Dictionaries.
an inti hour may he
any of a good
tell you that
were in the earlier times mere-
while queen
mount at first or
An earl an pope was the
same m mid and kaiser
both meant Lord is the
once a table housewife, knave
was limply a boy and meant
a captive, the name of the
laborer oil the villa of an old time
gentleman we get the name
A pagan was originally
a country while is the
panic word as valet. Our students
dictionaries lit-
more closely than the majority
arc hundreds of men in
-aid a in
a downtown in-
directly adding to the income of the
corporations controlling the
business. A man wearing an
pair of shoes, sometimes only half
worn, purchases a new pair and
leave- hi- old ones b-.-re. Gradually
others accumulate, and in time then
are. a hundred pairs. These
arc placed in pasteboard boxes,
j, wrapped and tied. About once
, other lines month a dealer in secondhand foot-
than those by Clark. the
Matter, culminated on a train to
. . ,. , , the course a
Springfield u short time ago, when f
scat, opposite ca,, , ,
,. , . once awhile, lint most
Raisins his voice so that it could , ,
beard above roar of the train,
Mr. Clark veiled, about that
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
for x
White Lead, Paints
and am
I v Ready nixed Paints.
now Man r that
hi.- p rs. II
liquor demanded the.
astonished know 110th-
about any liquor
of course you per-
Sir. Clark. introduced
it Into the house.
nothing said Dr.
you Ed-
asked Mr. Clark,
also realize a profit Belling
the shoe, again after they have been
repaired and York
A Reminder.
Cheaply Hello, old man Yo.
seem to be in brown study.
hello Yea, I am
You see, my wife asked me to
at tho market for something and
can't think what it was.
Cheap; Here, have a cigar
that'll help you to think.
Thanks. Oh, yes, I r
now. It was cabbage st
There is no line in the world better
the It ha It
reputation for honorable wares and
i dealings.
If you use the Harrison Paints you
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with
orders whenever you want good paint for
Have just a car load a
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
Our Specialty ,
Reflector Job Printing Off
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
.-- . cN. C May. 1906.
As authorized for Daily
and we take
treat pleasure in receiving sub-
and writing receipts for
in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
The old were
well from thin point
buildings by
painting with
Town County lead
lull in e colors, kept at J.
Hiss Mime has to
Seven Springs for a short visit.
We are agents for ready
mixed paint. These paint, are
la bad, but
is finely.
Our White Goods, Silks and
trimmings are pretty. We
most cordially invite the ladies
to call. Cannon Tyson.
J. R. Turn went to
J. R. Br. have
a ear load of alum
It. Also a car load Lee's
lime for etc.,
Jesse Sugg, Of Greenville, has
n down this week concerning
E. K. Co. will do all they
to please you with
new line of heavy fancy
Deputy I. Dudley was
ere a short while Wednesday.
Hay com, oats, meal, hulls, lime
lucks nails Cross
saws and mechanic tools at J
Smith Bro
Mis. Mai Smith, of Winterville,
s her grand daughters,
rs. F. Q. and Miss
Isabella II
. herrings at J. R.
Tr.- j.
Winterville, were here
For can peaches, apples, corn
to E. E.
The graded closes its
session here tonight with
from Prof J. B.
Wake Forest.
Cotton seed meal, wheat
bran, ship stuff, hay and. grain
trices. Cannon Tyson.
At a meeting of new board
f town commissioners Stancil
w elected treasurer,
W. Alexander police for the
A. crockery, glass
an-, lanes lumps, and tinware
E. G. Cox, J. J. Luther
J. and
merry-go-round bas depart-
ed. leaving however
proprietor very divided
profits of the last with the
Knights Lodge this
place, which Our
friends very highly
this kindness and tender
A full supply of Trunks.
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels and
Suit Cases, at J. R. Smith Bro.
W. J. Boyd and W. E. Hooks
t of our most progressive young
wen have formed a partnership
for conduct of a brokerage
business. They are both
wide awake and we bespeak for
success in the beginning.
E. Co's Directors of The Home
market beef, fresh meats, Building Loan Association in the
sage, and fresh fish. I office of he President at l
The .-Luting link is a go, tomorrow morning. It is
have been taken, important every member of the
is now Board attend,
the next two weeks all will c.
be complete.
W your eyes need One of the moat interesting rig-
J. W. Taylor, optician, in is El-
N. C. is man to a student
work it yon want to be
Your Eye.
If yon are ti milled with
have in
K -tile u-las es, it matte-
how difficult your call J.
W. Taylor, an expert
N. C, who hue five
with some of the most
obstinate cases. He never fails t.
give patients or
money refunded. Over five
of Pitt Greene Lenoir
and ability. Give him eye
work if you want
Car load V. r Hiring in
j lengths to cover residences
churches, houses, barns
shelter-, much cheaper than
shingle- and very labor, at
R. Smith Bro.
Calico I cents
per yard, great reductions in n
and Hummer at
K. Smith ft Br.
There will be a
balls a small country t in
He has
A pretty lady gave us a . . . . , . , the most courses in
flower one day this week.
Since we have sporting in.,,
all other girls say University of
we are the only is now working tor
dandy in town. we get there, the of M. A. at Harvard.
Rev. Z. will lecture in Here he is taking some of
Methodist church in Ayden hardest in the
evening, May 15th, 1900,
p. m. His subject will be
its people, its customs
its Everybody invited to
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw-
Paw Bread Trays at J. B.
Smith Bro.
Dr. R. H.
county, has
practice of He is a
g ail in ml college
has a practical experience of two
i ears comes among us
inn and now it behooves
our to Dr. Phipps a
Latest styles in cloaks and wrap
for Misses and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
tors at J. R. Smith Bro.
Get the Cox cotton planter the
best on the at J. R. Smith
cars cotton
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell your seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-
grips, satchels, hand ,
suits cases J R
I always keep on hand a
For Spring Housecleaning
housecleaning time try Liquid
Veneer. It makes everything
look new. There will be no
old, dull looking furniture or dingy
woodwork in homes where this won-
is used. No
or Liquid
Veneer is not a varnish, hut a surface
food and cleaner that builds up the
original finish and makes it brighter
than ever.
It instantly restores the brilliant
newness and finish of Pianos, Furniture,
Picture Frames, Interior Woodwork,
Hardwood Floors and all polished,
varnished or enameled surfaces. Re-
moves scratches, stains, dirt and
A child can apply it. Nothing
but a piece of cheese cloth is needed
and there is no drying to wait for.
Trial battle
Regular . eta.
m. A. ; . r
from here have been at- feed sniff at
ending the meeting of grand prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
f Odd at Golds-1 seed meal brand
stuff. Frank Lilly ft c.
I III. Ills V. c
Tyson's new
Ladies Misses and Children
lave arrived. We carry a
trade class of footwear.
sell hi and Wheeler
. For cash
on mi- J. H. Tripp ft
pro, West man st,
For a lib e present buy a novel-
clock at J. W. It is
lie any occasion.
You will Wheeler and
n and Si 1-. i- machine.
lees way H.
. inn Fatly Hotel,
Human Blood Marks
ks of
in lie J .
i.- I I 11111-. 1.111.1
. ii I
severe of
a lull line of meat, lard can w. death when
in in- n
a trial. Lilly Co
For carpenters tools, grind stones
j lump pulleys, at J. It.
ft Bro.
A Reform in Union.
Glory to the
orators bring things to
lass. Lead the Governor,
some of who have spoken
in this county have given
poodle dog habit down
country. The Governor jumped
on it with both saying God
deliver us from the women
fro about poodle dogs
and turning their babies over to
nurse.-. We me delivered.
Since strong and timely
Happening Over the Male.
c u
the Mi
is law
The informs us that
Dis poll lax by May
The town . b
speeches against this follow old customs. The
habit, we have not seen a single I of that quaint old are
woman in L county nursing advertising for for the
a poodle, and since then not a
single lady has come on th,.
rolling a lido in the buggy
where the baby ought t be, If
there has been a single case
since these speeches we
heard of it That's reform for
you. Not a single woman has
been seen to kiss a pet dog in
public for a week now. Th
offices of chief of polio.
and lamp lighter.
Anarchists, nihilists, red
and their kind generally
believe in destruction. They
rebel against and
would put an end to it. prop-
custom may be dead for good declare, is robbery,
who knows Very few ladies in tear down and
set tire to property
Their main dogma is
dynamite, and their chief
Monroe, or the county even, now
let their dogs sit in their laps at
public gatherings, and one has
gone so far as to notify the old is bombshell. Well,
nun that he must get rid of nave destruction
a of his rabbit dogs that as can hope to ac-
around the back door laid in
lick the skillet at every people driven
The evils of the day from homes to starve, and
go down before the onslaughts hundreds of millions of the
or. the orators. We even ex- choicest valuables the hand of
to see the big britches and
the middle-split hair go the
board next. Great evils of this
kind can't always withstand the
The in San Francisco
Washington, May Sm-
of army
received a telegram
from Lieut. Col, chief in
the Department of
that there are
cases of smallpox
among the earthquake vie can in disaster,
j cases of typhoid fever. I to themselves, to their
The must rigid precautions have or to tho u-
been to their spread, j to which they profess
I devotion, it would be
i interest to learn of what they
It has arid that in Washing suppose this compensation con-
ton City a white man is regard id If they cannot show any
almost as good as a hereafter
after they get the law
in operation on the street cars tho j
dynamite and from
former will feel that he is equally as this time
man can produce turned to dust
and ashes. And now what gain
have they in this awful carrying
out of their designs In what
way are they advantaged that
San Francisco has been
lated The terrible convulsion
of nature, followed by tire, and
even aided by the enforced use
of own ad
agent of destruction has
wrought such havoc as the world
has rarely witnessed, and if the
extremists, revolutionists,
hold their peace and never
people by
of land.
No. who horn
. Mat. l-mil, at . , .
I in may expect life to be a
lain l-l.-o- el In
North Oar picnic.
add follows, ,
of B. T, J. s.
her. on Head air.-.- I u .,.
a one-half and S I f
la n Hi.-h. law of I ,.,., ,, . i .
K. H. K, f,
inn In K F, I of Catarrh Unit l-r
and w. Hair Catarrh
f h ii a a ,.,,,.,.,.,. , ,. ,.,,,
Hie wife . ,
Tue Tucker and. the have known K i
are defendant a. for the u an,
,,,,.,. ,, , .,,.
day of April, u.
BIT K I Wholesale
A- I r, , lire I. taken
rue me i have
lire- I'll on i III. Mi
mill In the only known ours for
and .-.-
of the free
per battle.
Al. Q, fit's
N. w.-e-
At the of business April 6th, WOO.
in the original
ii. n,
f II
N i ,. lo
a e u., u. and
II hi n- r of -v
in the South well be
Yes, and you is n-
ire just
as n u
A Duly of Citizenship.
There some people who h. d
affairs as if fearful of
to think that
voting aid is
and that should
in political matters. To
that this is a co.-
is I, Every
at bis k
life may be, i to
bis state to discharge
duty voting, w n
vote be one the most
Important dune
and forfeits, tor the time being,
the light to criticize u,
ads of those Who ale to
office. is too to
hold office when Le is to do
so- better the class of
who vote hold office the nun
will be the i -i
of public .
purse I ;
o . . p-
s i n V nine
of all
in L-i
. l
i O. T
y r Si V
-1 restore i -e . in i ti e
tune .
to th j. and
Bed Steads, Suits, is
Center Tables, Chairs, Cradles,
Bed Springs, Mattresses
Lounges, Cook Stoves and a
I Loans and Discounts,
bland e. Furniture and Fixtures
use I,; Secured ;
i In n the ti i rib
.-Ii -i me
v.-, apply I
Salve, and a box . Cash L sins,
great many other things are n-e
kept upstairs. Cannon Tyson.
Capital stock paid
SO . , , ,
plus fund
Undivided profits less
expenses, j
cloth, Henri-
Is Silver Coin,
National and
other U. S. notes
d , and repair fol
Inn e . i e In,
. H. Tripp Ayden, N.
There will be a
association in
k den Saturday before the
in May, 1906.
are cordially
trimmings, lining and white. Joseph
and double, rockers,
tables at J K
A Bro
V. d pup. r km II j,
with or
pipe J. R. Smith
Ayden, N. C.
For Ah In. .
. l-ll-h N e -mils
O. P, Ir.
II lib N
IS i dividends unpaid i . ;
.; to cheek, 45,197.6
Same as of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes
Hats, Cent's and Ladies fur-
goods. In fact
everything kept in a first
class general
store sold at greatly
ed prices. , f i
Presbyterian Church.
Always have your church buy
seed Oil ill let
them pay a gallon for canned
oil, which ought lo cost but
cents a gallon Ready-mixed paint
is about Lull oil and half paint.
oil fresh from the barrel, and
to tho L. paint, which.
is semi mixed, and you then get a
full of paint at tho lowest
is upon a properly hat
Total, Total, i
I. J. K. , Cashier of the Ml On i
I the is line to lbs lust of
k. VI Hi,
and -ii. to
Iliad of April
. I.
L. ix
Do .
N -i
i crop la
i. . an . ,
; V lid ll ; .,. t
i . I
I. mo . h am
., or
, .
. . .-v u .-. t

Washington. May ;
Rather late bit U tune to be ; .
with the drug , . ,
She. . ; I L .
foreigners claim, there is no N U.
practice, in which they .
invoked. Of then, M, ate. . Hi I I
extending over the I.
Sob country. there b the .,. will
of manufacturers who. him f. i.
Then there are
who dispense these med nm
to the retail rode and again
is an n of retailers
the public Ev-
tho including ll
,. with whom you and laud
men fr . house,
know, mi hie love
II tr e. II. that
,.,., It
and i. prohibited u. In
I. . . die- K
,,.,,,; and medicine a. of d and M M.
I, .,,, . refuse to supply him-
A Short
i in
therein is meal of tho am i
I lie Department
has enough i
Nation to proceed against the three
under the Sherman nU-
; a conspiracy In re- favor Mr .--
. I of which it That
he first case is to election and no
up for a speedy hearing gr ,,, m,
much more than
e .;,. logical to ; of ought
, to have n
on . eon.
sand is. But it to have c . . t-
he ft i that in dis-
t u from common white or
i-. . Band, it is
B sh i
heavy sandy
left after the lighter sand
an soil carried off in hydraulic .
mining. There are many natural
deposits of sand also in the
river beds and on the sea o sat
is spotted with
them and he are many deposits
inland also w the practical val-
of the sand, which was
guessed at years that
it is made up almost wholly of min-
And some of them are very
Wee., it he it will
for With c aid f a--
what is
N- d M u-
Baker is critically at,
h- mile In the country. I
II- . of
Our town passed off
la Monday, Ff.
B B.
and J. ;
, of
City, was here I
B. B. and
spent Washington, j
K. H. Flaming to Washing-
Ion Friday.
Mr. Mis. i Moore and
little son, Wesley f Grimes-1
land, were visiting here
Fernando Ward J. J. Batter
church Sunday to T. H.
Lawrence, of Hamilton, preach.
The aid cold nights the
past we k did aide dam-
i., In section.
D. R. Willis, of Washington,
was Id
L. to Greenville
G. . Gable, f
Register of f B. Williams
since last
William and
and Baster
Ellison. ,
and Tail.
Southerner says that in link-
wells at Tarboro, overflow
water was at the depth of
or feet.
is a product as
near capable of curing the
majority of It is
possible for Modern Science
in produce The
pure blood.
is a miracle
but simply tho result of tho
of the
century. At the
. symptoms of fatigue
i headache or backache, which
are often the forerunners
of disease, solid I'm- your
physician if you will, but, if
you take you may
that by time he has
answered your call, that tho
symptoms have disappear
Use as
ed. Live a life.
while so
doing, we any
doctor's bill on de
and proof of illness.
We don't you to invest
a I until we
have the bottle
you Pill in the coupon
under this advertisement
and mail to as, taking care
to write your name and ad-
dress plainly, and we will
send you without any cost
m whatever a full size
package to try No matter
what your trouble is, write
tn us C i eon
Co . Sew York.
L. will give his
that you
will i. an order on
your druggist for
free If y m -end us
coupon sure i i write
your name and address
My i is
v t. .
you need Bro
at once, or if you have
used it. It is to be had
at all first
j. L
Exclusive Agent
or Greenville, N
Nothing too GOOD
we are always looking for better; always
working to secure values and styles superior
to other stores, when
began to sell paper patterns we began to investigate, we
said to ourselves,
the Magazine
Home Journal added a
mote than
any oilier Guide Chan with
each pattern. This shows exactly how the fern is
to he put get her. comprehensive a d ran
understand it. a boon to ladies who are
In garment and making. Mothers advise us
that by the aid with each
train their daughters to own sewing
But there is still another point to consider. The pat-
terns are all new, no old styles, no ancient creations; all
new, all up-to-date and perfect in fit and style, and so
much more easily understood than other patterns that
one trial will convince you and make you a regular
Free At Our Store. Come And Get One.
We are leaders In Dress Goods Silks and
Trimmings, Etc.
J. R. J.
J WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Annual Meeting of Stockholders
and Election of Officers.
The meeting of the
holders of Bank of Greenville
was held on the 15th office
v of the stockholders
were well pleased with the
of the cashier the
the business of
past year. paying out the
usual dividend, was left in
profits from
inns of the year. The surplus and
undivided profits now mote
than one and a half times as
as capital stock.
The following officers were re-
elected for the
R. L. Davit, president.
J. A. Andrews, vice president.
James L. Little, cashier.
Waiter G. Ward, assistant
and teller.
M. L. bookkeeper.
Robert Ii. collection
A. Andrews R. W
King, T. Hooker, J. G. Move,
R. L. Davis, O. Hooker, J. R.
W. B. J. L. Little.
The Bank of is the
oldest here, is admirably managed,
and stands high in the emulation
of the people.
Valuable Suggestions How
Pack and Sell the Crop.
May. 16th.
Bishop Strange preached to one
largest congregations ever
assembled in
Sunday night, and all enjoyed the
We only wish inch
a man be with us every San-
day to awaken town to a duty
they are all so careless in. The
bishop was by Dr-
. Merrill while in town.
Miss Sophia Hart, of Tarboro,
who has been visiting Mrs. J.
Stanley Smith, returned home
Rev. A. F. filled Mr.
Moore's appointment in the Chris-
church Sunday morning, and
at night all went out to the
Mrs. Lucy Moore left today for
the Christian college commence-
at Wilson to be present at
the graduation of her daughter,
Rosa, one of
brightest and most lovable
Lawrence Morrill, of Snow Hill,
came over and Sunday
his mother, Mrs. Sam Morrill.
The on Friday night by
music class was high-
by ad. Everyone
jg part could i have done more
credit to themselves and their ex-
i ban was done.
Governor Francis D.
Winston will deliver the address
for school o. this place
on the opera house.
All attend.
A. J. l it today for Wilson
to be present.; i lie graduation of Ids
J Ml-- Mary, who
finished a literary
A. C.
Mrs. John T
class gave a
Monday night to an
audience The recitations by
Misses and Lila Fields
were especially enjoyed.
A informed in the
business of growing and
gives the following timely
When a crop is matured and ready
for market, just half tie work is
done. remaining half is to
house, pack, sell and receive
for them a fair sum of money, which
is due every farmer that com-
his part of work, and give
value received. While many men
grow a crop others
make e failure in grading their
stock which is very important
Herein the secret between
success and failure, profit and lose,
so your potatoes close, as it
always pays to do so, put your
twos in a package to themselves
and the number in a package
separate and apart from the cull
and twos. If it pays t do a thing,
it pays to do it well. If tho market
is grade them, if it is low and
weak be sure and grade them, for
without being packed as they should
have an elephant on your hands.
You do not want any potatoes in
your barrel of number ones that is
mailer than a turkey egg, for if you
put smaller ones in with the larger
ones, do not fill up very fast
damage the sale of the better
goods. inferior goods may be
sold though it is not advisable to
put on the market as it has a
tendency to lower the market on
the better all means do
not allow them to sun burn as they
are very hard to sell at all and bring
a very low price on tho market.
In order to have your barrels well
filled when the consumer receives
you must fill well at
lie sure that they are well filled be
fore letting them go. Fill your
barrel half or two-thirds full and
then shake well, fill up am
Pastor Will Bring Bride Back
With Him.
Rev. J. E. pastor of
Memorial Baptist church, left
this morning to be absent until
1st. He will spend the re-
of Ibis week with
near Henderson. On Monday,
21st, he will deliver the alumni
address at the closing exercises of
Institute. Next week be
will also attend the commencement
at Wake College and from
there will go to Henderson
to spend a few more at his
old home. Wednesday evening,
30th, he will wed Miss Anna Belle
Hoyle, of Wakefield. and will re-
turn to with his bride
on Friday, 1st.
Foreign Contributions to Sin Francisco
In declining to accept aid for San
from foreign countries
President Roosevelt seems to have
got the worst of it. The empress
of China sent her mite
to her representatives in the
coast city, Canada sent to
the mayor and the Cross found
its way to taking in the
by Japan. This goes to show
that President Roosevelt does not in
least in the way, and that all
countries desiring to send
money to San Francisco can do
The bond issue election in
county Saturday
for for macadamizing
roads was defeated by a very
small majority. Tho good
advocates express determination
to push the measure again as
soon as the law will permit. The
change in favor of the bond is
sue the past few weeks was
wonderful and its friends had
hoped to give Rockingham the
It is doubtful if the average
annual income of lawyers, in-
all members of the pro-
-good, bad, and
13.000. While a
few are able to command large
fees and pile up comfortable for-
tunes, the majority are far less
fortunate. And the lower strata
of the profession contain an
number who live from
hand to mouth, and many of
whim are undeserving of any
sort of a living in that
although they might be
worthy of respect if engaged in
for which they were
fitted by nature and attainments.
In all professions is
ways room on and by the
same token there is always a
crowd at or near the bottom.
Among the may thousands of
lawyers, doctors, and clergymen
whom the schools grind out eve-
year there are not a few who
have mistaken their calling. As
mechanics or laborers they might
have lived useful lives, and all
lives that are useful, in that they
contribute to the welfare of com-
are honorable. There
is no way of rendering any
service to the Creator. Tl e
only way to serve Him is to serve
His creatures. Therefore, the
truest and most acceptable man-
of showing one's love to the
Father of All is to live tho kind
of life and, in right spirit, to do
that kind of work for which one
is best fitted. It is infinitely
more creditable to assist in feed-
clothing, or housing one's
by honest toil on
the farm, in the factory, or in
I distinction of being the first
m, end then fill up the third county in the South to vote
time and round it up on so it bonds for; this purpose on its
will show up full and be full when
first Sentinel.
the destination is reached. Now do
not fill the barrel and give it one
bounce from edge to edge and stop
at that, be take hold of the top of j
the and shake it thoroughly
until the potatoes stop rattling;
which can be detected by a close ob- j
while you are doing the
work, for these potatoes are to be
marketed in the far North and
West, are thoroughly shaken before
delivery, so you see it is very
that the package be well
Fellow Voters of Pitt
We are about to select a man
the office of register of deeds M
our county for term, a
man who cu will serve e
people of the
and for that very office
there is not this county a better
man than J. C. Lamer, of
He is a man, who-
life we know. We know him to I
Industrious, r com
ail his
Twenty-five years of his life
has been close touch with all
the people of He h-
for years a
f. r . I
and in office he
has proven be has all good
qualities which a public servant
have. At all he has been
willing and prompt in rendering
service to the public to the
his ability, when the opportunity
itself. He has on every
occasion given of his time,
his means to the support
of the Democratic party,
constantly for white supremacy
and good government. For
deeds Pitt can elect
no man than J. C. Lanier.
In a row between at the
j of Southern Western
I railway company, near
man was killed and three others
seriously wounded.
A colored man
while using a
In putting up a wire
fence, was instantly killed by a
Pulp And Paper Mill
It Va, May
a pi j in i lie establish at
Rapids, a hunt miles I
fun. N. the
live, and mi Wild
a large fol
I lie paper
The property a. the point,
which has
water power. home
, t company are o be in I
i, ., is
. i
f -i
ii a
k i.
maximum of
a in of and It
is said has
been A charter i-
d for.
To By 1907
Pamlico Sound Railroad was let a
few days mo to Northern parties
who will building of
same, are under to
same by May 1st year.
The eighteen miles already built
were done iv the railroad company
bu. moved too slowly
so win.
men . ho make .
Vi Times.
N. May
J. W. Dawson, of Washington,
visited our town Tuesday.
Misses M i n me I and Jan
Tyson, o. Greenville, spent several
days with Mrs. L. E. Ricks last
Jay Scott, City,
11- ii Tuesday night in town and
a of Mr. and Mrs. J.
O. Bobbitt.
Mr. of Greenville,
pent a in
i bis
Mis. A. L. Jones daughter,
ii are visiting her
O. O.
In. L. E Kicks and Mr. Maj
in Greenville.
Mi. of Hamilton,
peat Tuesday night u
E. filled his
at the
. church Sunday
H. B. Phillips
Z. P. Vandyke,
M town Tuesday.
Jack left Wednesday for
nil home mi t of
There was quite a number vis
at Hotel Tuesday
had the night in
private homes
Black Jack, H, C. May
Quite a number cf the people;
from here attended church a. Red
Banks Sunday.
Miss Mollie Walter
the store than to pocket Washington
ed millions in stock operations. Mrs. R. J. returned Sun-
But let us go back to our text, j day from where she
fees. The Now York has visiting friends.
World in its evening edition of j A good many our people
the 11th instant states that it is to on the tenth. They
understood that Mr. a time,
fees as counsel for the Arm-1 Many of the farmers ire plowing
strong committee in the up
investigation will be it like the cotton
And the World submits;
that six arduous
work of incalculable benefit j, , .,
., ,,., . Miss Forbes, of
to the public this is certainly r, ,, .
r , . , were here a while
not excessive. The World m ,
Tuesday evening.
Miss Maud left
day to spend week with Miss
near Haddock X
A O. Clark aid R. M. Elks, of
crop will lie short this year.
Mrs. Proctor, of Grimes-
further submits that this tee I
decidedly modest by contract
with the charges of the eminent
counsel arrayed against Mr.
and our contemporary I
adds those interesting items. , ,
,,. ,, ., . spent Sunday evening
Hornblower's bill for
services in the
controversy was Mr-
Cohen charged for mi.
covering a period of
five months. Mr Joline's
bill was for Mr. Root's
was of like amount. Mr. lip-
pew's yearly retainer was
cannot bu
truthfully alleged against any of
these able attorneys. The Man-
Fire Insurance Company
receivership developed another
Interesting instance of large
gal foes, a Her the law-
bill was paid
a. H J.
B. F. D. carrier from
says while serving his yes-
an old stopped him
asked if he were a church
member, and if so, to pray for it
to lain. He said the over
are so it
Mrs. Susan Green-
ville, spent a few days here last
W, H Wynne, of re-
turned home yesterday.
The Girls Returned.
was left to the creditors. The n tn ,
,. .-,, j Mr. W. J, limes, who left hero
estate William paid nut ,. .
in fees, which with nil bloodhound to
was alleged to have been re- help for two colored
by Mr. Hornblower's girls who bad lost a week in
. ., , Jones county, returned Tuesday
Everything considered, Mr . , ,, , it
would have Ho the
been cheap at The
State U Still in his debt. It is
under a new obligation to him
for bis example of moderation
and honesty in legal charges.
There are thousands of men
bid was met by a message
advising him that the
lost girls bad shown up at their
borne. They had reappeared as
suddenly as they had disappeared,
Congressional Convention.
we have seen no
of it yet, but learn ability In
yet living and in the enjoyment leading to the supposition that in
of adequate fortunes who can formation had reached them that
member when great lawyers bounds were to be put on
worked for less than a tenth of j their trail and they decided to re-
the average fee lawyers of
,. , veil, i r i
ii-ti Ci lit
the twentieth
century. Has the upward tend
fees been accompanied by a
corresponding increase of
for useful
turn rather than be run down.
dead Ins I. Inc
if fell
while dressing
Items Around
G ii. n, N. Cl May 1900.
I know how it I th the
have car
bur can of -v
i i i as any the
States fact they are
second to none. They are lull of
aid explode,
keep us all humor,
earlier No. particularly. You
would if you could hear
tell bi- p ting water
seed that came mil of a
Inn. is as far
is I can yon will have to get
him tell now be raised them.
J. B. Jones, of
i of meetings at
the Disciple place
limit,, his opening
subject was, for each one, saint
examine themselves,
and see rotten places
were, and to take for
their standard to measure them-
selves by sod t in being
whatever, as human nature is so
frail that if were to ;. that
for our standard we find
that our idol would be lacking in
the so for a
good pattern.
Ground was broken for
a line to be erected for
R. Harvey, one of our
i ii I business man of firm
It. Harvey Co.
K. L. Blow, of Granger, was in
meeting con-
ducted by Mr. Jones, who is
getting his coal fire in the
forge preparatory to take a weld-
beat it.
night, as an-
night, his text
was of He
set out his stakes, in God
Bible which
a very
manner He shewed we
bow to gel faith increase it,
also how great of us
lo.-e by trashy
works of u en-
He told con-
that DO mutter what the
believed it made
no difference God's plan of
salvation, for all those who believe
and put their trust
the Son of h
writ n looms
upon the lei's vision they will
Mud that ii is everlastingly too
too late too late Brother
Jones winning
which men to b i
he is in
in -ave souls by
and narrow way r at
leads on to glory and to God.
it call f. om Dr W .
today. The doc t
I looking the picture of d
he a
We are proud to say W. J.
Pope is much improved, but still
Hope he will entirely it-
cover his health and strength.
Light on
William auditor of the
Carl was test-
ed he. e last uh
theft cf iron ticket
wagon of the
in October, 1901, he was
treasurer of that e The
robbery, it is occurred at
N. C. arrest was
made by Sheriff Earn and Deputy
seized while at work the ticket
wagon, handcuffed, hustled into a
waiting automobile and taken to a
railroad station miles away.
From there he was taken to Co-
Extradition papers have
been prepared and he will be
taken to North Carolina for trial.

Eastern reflector, 15 May 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 15, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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