Eastern reflector, 11 May 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

D. J.
Tl I Mi I V
Entered In th.- malt, i
MM ill
A correspondent i .- In adjoining
in tn
Li .
By I lie rime i r
will moving
.-hit i . i.
r, of i i IV. lo-
not n him.
more man up in the west L. F
deserted I ho camp mi.
gone over in the i
it .
I in h
i I in I .;
M In K counted.
ill I or n ii
i i ally t.
w ill t new
l-i I I , . I,. ,
I'll. . . i whether their off n e v j ,.,.
statue of limitations.
he . p-y
tn in in . i will.
the I'll-ill. in ii. I in remarks
man iii the muck rake.
s tee
for en
Here's to the old soldiers. May
it v
i P
inc n i r. lion
pr r
ii X
Some of the sensation centers
of r-j in
I id
in i.
to tin
11- i- wen , . i , t
ire . l-n-el
r I i
-in, petition and in.,
me ii the trout lie i
J i I a tram Li-
l He and .
any declaring it would Dot pay
la j ill wan on as
x-1 i i ill, it has to i t
paying the
has. The name
down this way. It too petition.-
even extending into years, to induce
Coast lo p-it
t on
I mud Finally as an i X
. I was put on
. and It he
i in last
i a then it i
I hull pay . live. In Hi
if there is a train covering th.
will mile where
n en i . m II at pays ax well
this one
it, p
to e r i
. ,,.,,, i-
as to the connection n their
r ad h the oil trade
ire ons,
a I. w
Bill re in no y,. that
mil Mil
lie iv
t In i. ii I Ii
C d. i,
. id
i . r i p iv i I,
New Y i- in
Me only i I trim are hint in
h art I V were a
hit. a
ii, nun they had
a few in
never in.
The man with a comfortable Shirt is
pretty sure to be all over.
It take ail expert to tell when a Shirt is but it takes an
to It In to mm well-shaped, the
lie too the mast not be cut too low or too high.
when a man once finds a comfortable
shirt, he comes back for the same brand
year after year
Blurt Mt they are in look at the
Shirts at all if they see the light box.
us more business every season, lets us buy more Shirts and . ons,.
sell bitter we did the year before.
Don't think you can duplicate anywhere the Shirts we are selling.
marl this down a
are few i
p,. line
e. me
h J
wen eat n o- h
the Ra party is
fur tin-new recruits.
Tomorrow is Memorial Day. and
will be observed in Greenville with
reunion rimes camp of
Confederate veterans. Hon. J-
Bryan Grimes, Secretory of Stole,
will be orator of the. day.
Almost legislature
meets is confronted with a
for a new county. And the
next will be no exception,
as a movement is already oil looking
to the formation a new county out
apportions of Haywood
Mid Madison-
in type will g ma
e air and i J
, . in i nib ill
ill Hie
A fl I at in
. I aper
I in am
, i, , k El A SI
,.; I., t fur mil
own ignorance e would he tempted
the same paper l
The King C
in at II
A. June
the purpose of n den
In I lit-
and c mi
Tin l
purpose of
in the d
m I- v Ml
I i , I , ill rt
I , i, iii P.
; M. At
Little voter- of
the county
bat's m Greenville on the It of
fill Each will ii i
fiat ain't too ninny f r following
tell what I bat the
The Neck its vote fill
,,. Oil-in- it to i
-i-j,.,.,.,,. .
, t I
Out Int N. I
i i-l i
shipments from
f North Carol i
n were last week the largest
record. More than a thousand car
loads were shipped week
The result the heavy shipment
glutted Northern and
Monday tie went all to pit
In some the berries sold as
low as -i per It is bad
for tho
ll select
lull oft lie .
order of
W. L Sec'y.
By announcement published else
where in paper it will be seen
that the campaign in this county
will formally open next month.
The county convention to select
delegates to judicial, congressional
and state conventions will be held
on Thursday, Juno 14th, and town-
ship primaries lo delegates to
t . convention will be bold
the Saturday
May K
. , I
is I , , .
, i
. ma Jr, e
received at tin- .
from i. Creak.
can at j, n, a full at
point. Hi,. voters o
ii in and , , will at their
arc unable to i
t are the cause
if the disturbance. Fur
weeks there been
which is to have
to ahead yesterday, which w
election day While there
few at that place,
of American
iii rod there.
t tin- request of the Stall
Department the Navy Depart
has ordered
II H- Si
senior in command of the
lint at Sin Domingo, to sum
a warship at once to
to protect American interests
from the rioters.
is really two is-
lands, both Of which are small.
Tho American consulate is at
a Pit re, on the eastern
island, and the capital of the
province is
is about twenty-
five miles from Santo Domingo.
. Woman.
ind Hie
, hi one it-
w difference .-
first child mid a
Who m.-t
stands her.
Who now the
by her by
i all. him.
l. e-let e Incest
i k.
ho-l-e II I
H-, .-. i Hum a- l
. f
y . . t . -I. b
l a
,,,. -To.
way of
i really department
Las the lit two
mules and an escort Hint were
in have
Sherman on In
We will Our Spring Season by
putting on the newest t
ideas to be shown in
We have DO trash or Special Sale but
i we will have the latest and best tilings that i
were obtainable in the American markets
we cordially invite the
t seeing the NEWEST t
J to call at establishment and feast their i
Very truly yours,
with the old
. .
miles i h
d ms knocked
t. b lien by wine in i
. . . . I in. i. I
ii the Home and ed
. r which was
He that
lie young lady was alone,
alter withdrawing and eating the
food he returned to the
knocked her down, beat he- th
face, tied a around her
mouth and chloroformed her. Ilia
purpose robbery, but after
rendering the young lady
he tied without
the home.
w us mire a
I.- against Hie
I. disease Von may talk
and preach progress all
hut not until the
. people of a
community firmly resolve to rise up
hi their and bury old
a. deep as is a
in join, heart end soul i
ii. procession n
days the old are
and he might as well apprised of
the fact for his own good Ho can
no more before the enlighten-
of today the owl can be-
fore the noonday sun. Let
the old fogy betake himself to his
den and get out of the way before
he is run
i-a way to
v , mi. I t lot. en other
,,, f ,.,,,., it
.,, n table and think I.
V I I in a
I hi.,
Canned Goods, Package
, Sweet
I u, aw la Hot,
door to C. T.
Is By and in
, money to y for what they
U yon have what they want advertise it and you are to
We've got the site,
visit our Furniture
to II J- H. PRY. who is authorized to rep-
Reflector in Winterville and territory.
ii-.A at a la k
Make with
have hidden for safe
the next time y
Bank of Winterville. They can
keep t than you can.
Joyner, a
Winterville High
night and
Nice line or
ways on band
mid Lb-
apt -t i
night and Sunday t K.
Any n i f a
one that win la-l K
jail to the
M- of
was town Tuesday
If yon expect co
fur meal you same time
by meal far your w-ed when
have at the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill
Bryan, who ha
Norfolk forth-
attending a then-.
home tight In
e c a
Mr-. M
,,, Irish
to In
and Di-U at
their c
Oil IV.
Our Pitt Co
i .
for we are he market.
new ready for and , ail
Ian invitation to all. to vi-it r Co
A nice lot of now summer Buff-
yen bill
I .
do well t
in th-
e, Co , In-fore SetS,
for they lull .,,., Will
-I . ii u .
in a plow win I
W c., Hall
and of those Oliver o i
They Hi
ii hi
will c
ill Mil H.
store, s-e the
furniture, which we have planed
to deal out on
that even the poorest shall have no
fur their homes not being
furnished. Thanking you in ad
i t
lo ill.
If yon
t i
The A. MU.
so is by tin- and if
Died any .
see l .
been u
All fat men sow-
and wheat can he supplied with
mowers, rakes, reapers and
at Harrington, Barber it Co.
. rile
v, ho has
patronage, we are
. ,. Carolina Supply
N C.
Cat of flour just received,
mot fie-h, at lowest price.
Harrington, Co.
The Pill Oil is
hipping by the
lint of dress shirts ever
in. iii at
New Is arriving daily
it A. Coma and
., t lowest prices.
A . dress
received st A. W, Ange
Co Bf sure lo set and
lid pick.
If want a nice pair of Slip,
pars go to A. W.
Co and you can get them. Ho
has nicest lot ever shown in
u or tie
It you
lo II ill II gill .
, ii slid oats go
The i
I; .
. U I ed of till
I nil i in. simple
. ii . o In t ire ill
II .Nice Hoe of boys suits at H L.
Rev. Vermin, of
came down Sunday night and . , L
j Another large of shoes
preached sermon here n . i ,
T T all and sizes and puces very
the Baptist church. We hone n . n .
. ,,, v Barbel
he will come again, ; . .,
Be sure not to forget the ,., , .
hue's Colic and Kidney Cure,
the Combination kidney medicine
l .-lock an a folio
fry at Harrington, Barber
The A. Cox Mfg. On. la
, . planters by
I car load. The people .
thing when the see it. Therefor
they are using Cox inter
Woods grade garden seed
have years been the most
seed offered truckers
mid You
cm find them at the drag
of B. T. Cox a Bro.
Buy your Candies, Apples,
and bananas from H
at the drug store.
If you are wine preserve your
houses painting them with liar-
town for
sue by A. W. Ange A C .
No need of not g-e
pints Harrington,
Co., have just received anew lot,
that they will sell cheap.
Harrington and Co is the
place to got your and Sum
have just
you want, and prices to suit all.
Men's and youth's pacts, all
sizes, at i j A Co.
for Tar cart
heels ii. treat now, and any n
Trunks and f
ton A Co.
The Pit
highest r cotton.
Big line of and cans
Supply Co.
. H. Taft, X i .
a. h. i ti ft
In two nice s
h. e Old Man of Greenville W
H. Ricks an interest in this exclusive Furniture House
business. Our stocks
Mattings, Royal S
It bed Room
Suits, Rugs, and Art Squares
complete anything in the home is
us. will you.
to please
, home
v don't find
lit market, we
like it,
make you
. until
A. H. Taft Co
Winterville, N. C.
. that
and mall.
is, h n. i
A hank note.
hard, to find nut
Pictures Framed tn
v rs I
iron bedsteads
A. W. Anne Co.
The election was lulu
Monday and a ticket
elected by a good majority,
The winning ,,
J. It. town
J S. A G. Cox, It. D.
at u, B, T. a.
II. B, Little t.
The A Mfg. Co.
mi to ail a and
mi by the ear
; . f Wood
in i ii I y
ii pip. J. II
t in-
beet in town
evening . .
Quite a large w
All o paint, and yellow
Barber a On
. II. went t.
Try a bottle of
., cure for nil Kid-
troubles at Barber
. Co.
W. P. Buck, and little
daughters, of Black Jack, spent
Sunday evening with his son,
Leroy nephew, C. Buck.
If you nave cotton -ell or
or I'm Co.
Oil company, their prices are
i i Store
I In P it Oil is muffling
ti aid aid .-Lipping lot.
of n e
For One new cart
material will Hell f r
L I.
II just call
at A. Co you
get one, cheap tn .
If want Hour, that
with go lo A. W. Ange
ft On., and get Hour
Una la out or pure
w . .
lot of men's ever
em now lie
A. Co. Gel
i i-It lull- me
If ii- v in need of
um tn
A very light,
received, Harrington in r I.,.,.
ft On.
At the Close of Business. April
u Stock paid in
894.88 to
6,583.88 out-
Loans and Discounts
Furniture and Fixtures
Duo Hanks and
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
Nat. Ilk and other U. S.
475.00 over
State of North Carolina, I
County of
L. tho above named bank
I Correct -Attest-
me, this day of April, J. K. HARRINGTON
We have cur full
consisting of
will be en cordially
R. v.
Notary i
If reed any
I. I i.; if. ti A Co.
II.- ion hi ill and small,
ml fan your order any lime.
H-. ., way tin-
in and out from
Harrington, It truer Cu's.
Try a Prince or a Dan
Jim Dixon at the
drug store will show them to you.
bushels of seed Oats at
I la i I in Co.
The A. Cox Mfg. Co. is now
in a to till your orders
promptly for cotton
Anyone keeps up r
at all knows i
lime is and x , .
to the sudden ill. e
juror, tin- trial. In .
bear the of expense
provides complete protection. It insures against all accidents and sickness
bee incapacitated by either accident or sickness it
goes on. It would be better, in our
opinion, if the German idea in this
spool were followed in our i
Sentinel. every
A I s Angeles man has bat a
selling u
shin fur In Now York
win skin u man for much
is insured for YOUR benefit when traveling. Secure a Policy NOW.
Insurance A. WHITE N. C

. i
We iv I. ;
rad Ale i
f I l. I .
It Was Regarded by the Ancient Greek.
Herodotus toll
trill pt the
r it wait Ion d to be
i Hip-
I en .
of the man . sh-
. . i, pi
None Better Mad
. . I I
. I
y i ,
i i . i sway
, . rel to I. .
n s i mi
. . s ,
, .--.--. to
L i
1-1 and thought
; What would I
l . n p . . in
. A A . U J J VI tho
rat ton. I ho i not
The Honor of Their Invention Belong
tr tin Far East.
hit a, the the at
It of
-i in the year
. i be ire ti I
his . . c i
k I . . of .
hen . . .
. it
. I
i ii ,
. i
. I . .
.if I
f Kilt II II foil ;
. I . i ii on a
v t date. ;
Ilia made i i- of I
-till n r ;
OF 6TH. i
I. I i
. ,
. tin Mock hI in
Fix I i
i-j, k u
v. I
s i . S. i , i
a ;
. t V. a.
Ill f i
I. J. K.
use .;
. I .
. . , t V.
, I on, i ho no . , .
i i I, i . j
i Ted In any
must i. an
. s i
of Ii hut .
d ill i of i Hi
I e nil claim to
A .
I I I high-
. Si.
B u. . . .
I, I I
. . I'll, in the l
. . . v in -r
i sonic-
i i
i at r
far T. honor
t the
. . . i i ,
I lied I I
I . I he
e the
. I
I. . U. , I I ,,.
ill. He ill ii ii to ,
I- J. K.
s- i. .
T. ii
V l.-M Pull
n. i. rs
At the of April
Surplus fund
tin , r-l as., the ,. , . Undivided profit
who was line
it inn in i luster's
m I
s .
rush it. mis
coin Deposits
U S notes ,.
i .
Total t ; i-i
. p. stole the idea from him. Tia
. . . . I i the date of his
. ,. ,. . ., . I
, . i .
-J , . ;., .; ; . . ,
. , .,.,, mi
. title It Lore the name f Comity of Pitt,
-i out- fa; . . . n
, . . it is also pan- , T r-T the named
. It is ; is true to the best .-w
lures, the . mount, President.
i t late
. i- mine Subscribed and sworn to
mo f. I, i . ROUT. ST A TON,
. . H.
alter mile as I K GUI MRS,
in th m in I and which Public Directors.
i real laud. ;
. . i I , , . -r t . . . .-. .-.-.
it bank, o
. if .
rent Attest
.;. It.
,, 1908.
,. i rent hind. . . l
. . .; nib
.;.,. , , --.-n.
with I
as I. so . . . .,; Vale
,.,. is r,. i, .
, f I . V
I. and its
Due from Banks
drill items
Silver ;
National bank n
ml S notes
i . Mill
r, paid in
. .--
Tl I-
Si , .- .,.
, .
. , ,.
. is the hind
i is sure
. . . is i
. , . . . .-.
. . this
. are;
. .
, . II
. r Jo
. ii . u, C it,
. r . . . i i i
t in. i i
,., I .
. ;.
I II .
ii .
in. in
J . . . i ,
. . ; .; . .
, .
. r.
j. J. . i
resent i
. . Cotton Journal
. r . .
. i .
You Pay F
In higher prices when b Goods on
it, as Merchant m i up
es cut of Somebody
or I
, .-
;. ,
. . ;. to Mil .
. .
p ; nit
. ii. i
. -T . . J . . .
i . ,, ii.
Si ,
, I . , a , . , .,, .
BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
V. .
h agent for
t pleasure in receiving into-
writing receipts for
in arrears. We have a list
in arrears.
ho their mail at Lei work If yon want
orders j
. bad. II f res P .
i a
our people make preparation I l c. H. Williams has a his store
ob printing. Live a time toe latest
purse. have always
proper appreciation
them with
Paint-oil lead
tall line-1 colors, kept at J.
rs. Louisa Ma
ting friends in Winter,
ed paint.
and reliable.
ran Tyson.
. L. Brown, is
ling in Bertie county.
White Goods, Bilks and
pretty. We
cordially invite the
all. Tyson.
was here
K. Smith have
a ear load of ground
Also a ear load Lee's
lime etc.,
on, of K spent
K Pail A will do all they
Bible can to plea you with
It new Hue and fancy
That's a whopping at K. W.
Smith's. They my R. W is so
proud he can't stand still. lie is
very happy.
The tinging class from the
If you are with
eyes haves in obtain-
i s ii able las it matters in
now case, call on J.
W. Taylor, an expert
Ayden, N. who has live years
with some of the most
obstinate oases. He never fails to
give patients
money refunded. Over live ed
of Pitt Greene and
i is n mi-1
Oxford asylum will he lo and ability. Give your
confectioneries can be had.
Ilia cigars and tobacco cannot t-
excelled. Floor, Sugar, C Dee.
Cheese, a very-
thing in this line of the
and best variety. His prices are
lowest the goods he
handles and he bandies n me
the Try him. ;. B.
Main Ayden, N. C.
Car I. ad V. Crimped
.; i no clever-
road was
I, a
p drummers
t last week.
lay corn, oat , meal, bulls, lime
ska nails Cross
saws and tools at
corned i J. K.
lib v Bro,
, . . . corn
or ran
.-. in .-i K. K. Pail
the pool orphans and we feel sure
when class shall come In dime
they will that visit no
fie rule.
At election held here
for town officers the following
gentlemen were elected for the
twelve months, BMayor; M. M. Sauls,
Oil Hodges, S. A. Jenkins, suitable lengths to cover
Cox and K. W. Smith commission-
A supply of Trunks
Grips, Satchel-
Suit J. H. Smith A Bro.
Mi. a old
and gentleman aid .
., put count Ian, is lure on a
visit i relatives. Mr
Put in 1808 since that time
spends his winters in Florida and
Ins aimers in the mountains
North Carolina. says the
older he greater the long.
old Pitt and old friend-.
Go to K. Pail ft Go's new
market beef, fresh meats,
gage, fresh Bah.
Mi-. Nancy Hart, n very old
so yen-, died at
her son, Jesse
last and was Sun-
day. Mrs, Hart en i
three sons, w. P., J.
Hart, all of whom are living and
they a o well to do, linen,
an honor to society, a to the
First by In
A at us c
fol. i a
which place in
of .-
c w
a Rev. Ada
C, a
who has been doing missionary
,,,, h in i hi iii ii for her I
At It d Hill, c in
i Hun . i-viii-i
25th, a .
the to witness marriage
, i State
in Mi--
an attractive school teacher.
feature of ceremony was
its C
the Southern
of Woman's National
i -i I
L. May -l
For the first time in the history of
the cotton business in I
States, there baa been a real effort
the growers and the spinners to get
together and control die crop that
they depend on tor a
and i . eliminate the middleman and
tied for genera . and-
ling the crop. There b.- b.
convention this I. in
of th. mill
There have bi en
the mills
all the in the
lid States interested in the
a. It was u i r
see and a mom ins
to to.
d i i
a tour . the I i in d Stan ,
I direct with
at uh get them
, In h I the ware
, Sill II
no y Smith, of
grower the
. . in
little doubt as to He said the
wan house me bad been tried
was an immense t n
America is in g p to
to n i i. .
dis the cotton .
States raises in i
Ion Eve of
supply. id the
is tin .
. ,
seed hulls, meal, wheat
,. ship stuff, hay and grain
on hand at lowest market
Cannon Tyson.
B. a id children
Sunday with her parents
line of glass
fancy lam-.
U Smith
BUSS u Pan.
been visiting the family
Tyson's now
Ladies Children
arrived. We a high
class of
many H-
i and Wheeler
sewing n. chine.
on -1 H.
, West el Ayden, N.
came up from
churches, school house.-,
shelters, stables much cheaper
and little at J.
K. a t Bro.
v. t rumps d paper k ii g,
with Ion m
pipe at B. Smith S
Dre-s Broad cloth,
ii Mohair, cashmere, albatross
-ilks, trimmings, lining and
It a
Bed mattresses,
single and double, rockers, dining
Hal char- w -lands
tables at . B Smith
v Bro
Calico at I cents
per reductions in while
slippers and summer goods, at
It. Smith A
There will I e a meeting of the
Hoard Directors The Home
Building ft I. an Association in the
office President
tomorrow morning. Ii i-
community in which live, every member of the
having the regard and esteem attend.
all . Mrs. Hail C n. Sim
of the Free
hi and was a
The pair stood under a marriage
hi i I i ii and White, ill d
, equally correct in u i ;
form, . , , . . ,,
word being .
s. New the younger men
us in instances in these ; v , . . . , .
. . h those inter, st. d in
In. o i in l , . . , . nulls and in crowing cotton,
home the bride parents.
the pair went at once to I heir
Inure home in a, where
Lao item valuable
presents in silver, china a linen,
lion, friends far and mar. Kin
Free Pres.
there were men i l the G I is w
e of them . net k-
s, . t i that tin
hot. I where tin y
has ever seen. And there was i n
o old gentleman who came in a
. of Confederate gray with brass
buttons and a regimental badge on
en lie made a talk in the
course the meeting, it was a
. , . i . . u i
mo-i excellent Inly in par-
such a
good . is and
by lo the in C.
When your eyes need
W. optician,
, N. Is man to
your worn n you be
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw-
paw Gum Bread Trays at J. It.
Smith Bro.
Hal. In cloak- and wrap
l and Ladies
also a line of Zephyr
Branch last tors at Bro.
One of the items in bus
of the country in the early
was the trade in horses
and mules. The farmers bought
freely and paid big prices. In
u. Law quotes ii in
horses, and as
saying that since hist or
he sold worth of
horses am mules i
worth of and he
one a number of dealers m
county The statement
is remarkable, but is not
l in
line nil over hit been
larger this year than t any ti
sine., the war. is ex-
Mr. Law thinks it it
Corpora ions In Ninth Carolina.
Secretary of stale
Grimes received from the mighty talk too. He said
that the farmers he were
will at . . , , , ,
pi mi. . had I mud the
the Mate holding
complete list of corporations; mark I
during the ran before selling it, and that they
year together with the list of all would hold the crop with the help
i ;.,., i,,,.;,,,.,. in of heaven and Soul money till
no rations doing in .
, . . th v could a price tho State, the report being ,. , ,. ,.
secretary in ,,. r ,.
with statutory requirement. store
The report a printed It was rather pathetic tn see that
column of pages and gives the advances were by the
name of the office, the
tho capital and period of growers explained they
ate life of the corporations through
which were chartered during the tarn was money to be in
year, of 2.-100 which are do- never made m
business in the State. The their crop i
urn,. granted it there was it i bin in
the previous fiscal year was it from the mill.
and the year previous to that, that the wan ions, s were h. i
ending November was rapidly, that was i
, from ill r .
. in ruin so
r in e . i
mil -a
i ;.las
e have
Don ti l
, d option a
ll I, h
drink evil i
la our lee
elasticity. That is
are places i i i
i n
d e
. y,
ll t. I;
prohibition. In them we may
up d ti-ii i Tl are utter
places where pi i t
favors the m. Ii we
may can. on our work of
We have -a o u
entire t i i e
n i
lei-Iii ;
. ; i . I
. i
. mi
i i-
. t
I roll
ailing ii in
hi I
have no loses to mate up and put thee .
It the lowest Pay cash and avoid the of ac- T
somebody charged to I sell any
thing you want in th way
Hay. Corn, Oats Stuff, Lime and Groceries.
., hit
no . and
you H
; el
Is Read By Everybody ,, and in
, ti V want.
, want advertise it and yon to
,,,. of- money.
, ;. , I
I a
. i
Yon ll
his way
Bro. in
i .
mi lay n d
There were
H. P
t. mt
Get the Cox planter or. found in the that inn
Our Specialty t
; a In
s. ll is
ll b the
. ;. H.
.-, of Hie
n. with
best market It. is
Pure Plymouth Rock .
Hugs for sale per -en.
V,. . I. . II
fold, N
M ,., l-l Mill,
i. . hit
;., , ,.,. HI I'll SI .
I. C .
e eh wan .
nun. rs
. I- I. Ml III
.,., i.
. v it,,. Si i I, HI
understood the mi
. j , ,, This being so,
.,,; u. ; .win. ii. ,
, I i
n . .- i H this were
R ;. ;. It
.-i- n.
In.- crop and
rapidly in
n size fare's
i v
. o
I .
. ., . I .
R. L. aw.
vilify N.
The reply die s
pi d
u . me . . re I lo knot
was .
taken core and licit it won
th. in in r condition. And they
A f.
line .
trunks, Valise-.,
I , hand ,
s I
IS M . I
n i
lo W I
F, ,1.1
w; . I hid
i In m;
Smith A
I I nil
id- Sunday
that kicking
fresh tn,,,,. I'm.-l
o w
. . I I
. ,. .-
k . T . . It
I have
. ii. I
.- -el. . . Ml
,. r ear
. I. ii ,.
. ; . e,
i . i
I Pile, I
. i. . in
II ll.
.;,. ., i- . o
. ,. . nut's.
II , y II l's A
. s r of II
. ,. I . I .
. I. HO.
i I
, ma,
U Coin,
S no
; i
. of
U, i .
s- ti fact
everything in a first
class gen
store sold greatly
ed prices.
i r el buy ii-
l ; Don't let
then nail m tor canned
.,; i to i i but
rents a gallon d
;. hall paint.
. which
i i . I
i a
paid in
.- I
, i laid
., divided .
Pi. i It'll I
I I ., is . I- ,
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
-s -i
. I
Ayden, N. C.
Milk om,
There will be a meeting the
in j ,.,, s,,,,,., ,,,,,.
Chairs, Cradles,
in May, 1906. All Springs, Mattresses ,,.,,, ,.
. are cordially a g .
Mrs. Johnson want up .
a Friday- up stairs. Cannon ft Tyson.
Total, f
B i-.-hie.
the above is tine to the best of
. . -.- ,
j. o ; .- R i.
tn sin
me, Hi,,
.- i
, n. i
R. Cashier.
i . ., n I.
i actual

Have Reunion, Hear
Fine and re Hand-
has the day
that glad the hearts the
veterans Confederacy who
lay their arms forty-five
years mo. Though
t -mingle of the
ha marked a further
t Hi- are yet
Hie noble heroes
Mid days bring
th together etch other
an talk Mining
of ire past Though they
lost that great straggle are
in the knowledge
faithful duty
as Saw It, and happy that
they esteem and love
their countrymen. out old
soldier meet together they are
ways happy and light hearted.
The do not meet to celebrate a
v i over some foe,
yet their conning together in a great
n They brave men
at d have done nothing for which
they should their heads in
shame Tl v lost property,
brothers, hut they retained their
poi honor and pat
although they are
their low, all this is
eclipse by glad
that the;, were men. We lost
our but on the account of
bravery we gained admiration
from men -ill parts of the world
But only it a joy to them to
it also a pleasure
to those who are younger to have
them with and to join with
them observing the day. We
never do too much showing
of their deeds of
bravery heroism.
The m Grimes Camp of Con-
federates met at o'clock this
in court house to
tr intact such business as
c before camp was
. to order by the commander,
Maj. H, who greeted his
with appropriate
words. H. A. Blow
the roll Occasionally as
y North Carolina and
Pitt and going to days
pr ceding and leading to the
revolution war, down the
through the civil war, he
pointed out North Caro-
bad taken in making the his-
of the nation. As to the last
war he said North Carolina
ed more on the battlefield and
sacrificed at home to support
the army than any other
lie said North Carolina lost more
men a seven days tight around
than five other states
lost in the four years of the
The valor of Pitt sol-
was most strongly portrayed
In all the trying scenes and battles
of the war, and many acts of
heroism were pointed out
the speaker, participants in
of these betas men sitting
before whom he called by
Vet, said Col. Grimes, while
Pitt county was valiant in
she hail done practically nothing
to preserve history. In her
wen renown and heroes
slept in unmarked graves. We
are unmindful the glory of our
dead He hoped for when
the county court house should be a
temple fame and on its walls
should be placed tablets bearing a
roster gallant men n to want
the war.
It was a speech and the
statements made were backed by
such statistics as to show that Col.
Grin e had gone deeply the
records and incidents of the past
to search out and to light
such valuable historical
It would helpful to ,
lug generations if his speech was,
made a n attar of record
be preserved.
At the conclusion of the splendid
peach came an incident not the
program, when Mr H. W.
bee stepped on the stage in
i the Daughters of the Con.
presented Col, Grimes a
magnificent The
in words most beautiful
Col. Grimes responded
After in opera
some Diane on the roster a bountiful dinner was
reached, the solemn word ,, the court house lawn.
told be had pave over the one in any way
river. with the arrangements for en-
committee consisting of CD. of the veterans did
A I. Blow, W. G. If nil duty, and it was tie a glad
Little and o. them. Greenville i glad
Was appointed t- resolutions for veterans.
memory of those who had
in the year. The Woman.
Us it Harding was
. J If happen to know a woman
. of the type you
the cam . J
. . . , tempted to call her by a
At the t of , ,, , I
. . . I harsher name than that. Pettish,
the veterans
, ., . i . ., self-seeking, malicious, fiendish, all t
in i the court house and
, . ,, . .,. . seem to be words more nearly
cemetery . , ,,
. i. . i , . . i . . uncomfortable trans-
the jg liters of the Confederacy
the graves of
,. . . . . t see why I am
With Bowers, mere was a
; ; always left till last o he
line of the i
The procession returned to
we held, I e as
carried out, a very Inge crowd which he
; never written to ; r
.,. visited, when you come within a
block of door ; always overlook-
ed and These are
live woman makes her family
friends miserable
When she was a girl she was
A scene was the
tie in to
Ch if
lift Helen
a grand i . of Gap.
The songs were much enjoyed by
ways suffering from fancied slights
All In r life she ill i lo dis
tress herself by imagining unkind-
intentionally directed to her.
Her old age will be peevish and
I I i herself and all
Bryan Gr. tn the by fretful complaints i I
.- I. Her p
-as is
Harding happy in his form
vanityd iv woman U- ,
b I been I t the about elf and about others
and at his he would have no idea for conjuring
the v- it with a who. . up slights. If she n m
Mi. C. Raiding hi hive i M, upon occupying the
made speech presenting the center of I in her own
but h bis a m th s was n. would dis
done b Prof. W II cover h a
who always equal to ail d but just one of the
His ,, the world is
gem. , ; , smile upon
tin Grimes, the oral i rid.
the , Air more than an
hour, and bis speech was the best
an that has been
heard in county. He said he
man here, and win- fir
years attended to re
in opening the draw for lo
pass, died
Greenville's Department Store.
We should like to tell you about all the pretty new goods
we are showing, but for want of space can only
mention a few, you must come in and see
them in order to appreciate their richness and beauty.
hi .
D J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
The New Dress
here in variety. Flowered
Silk Tissue in exquisite and
designs, in pink, blue and
green from to yd, with
to match.
Sheer Cotton
in Persian designs, lovely for
dresses, in leading shades at yd,
with drop linings to match.
Wool Finished Batiste
All cotton, sheer and dainty, ideal for
shirt waist suits, for to yd.
Thin Sheer Lawns
Batiste, Swiss and Barred Muslins,
in flowered designs, dots and figured,
from to yd.
Woolen Dress Goods
in Batiste, Mohairs and Panama, from
to yd, in black and cream.
White Goods Linens
Thin, fluffy, sheer, dainty materials
in white, suitable for all occasions are
here shown. Fine dotted Swiss, in
little dots and flowers, French Lawn,
Persian Lawn, India Linen, Wash
Chiffon, Sheer Linen Lawn, Brussels
Net in white and colors, Embroidery
Heavy Sheeting Linen, Irish
Linen, and which closely re-
real linen.
New Silks
Dress Silks in pin stripes
checks in dress patterns. in.
Chiffon Taffeta in the leading shades
in. Taffeta Silks
in black and colors.
Embroideries Laces
We have been accorded many words
of praise for the e gathering
of new dainty novelties we are show-
in this department. We have
Baby Irish Laces in all overs, bands
and edges. Maltese and Val. Laces in
match sets. Round thread and Ger-
man match sets. Dainty French
Embroideries in match sets and
Baby Irish and Batiste combined in
lovely patterns which form the new-
est in the Embroidery line.
Silk Warp
inch wide, at yd, in perfect
shades of lavender and old rose
Black Wash Goods
are liberally provided for ladies wear-
black, our stock is large and the
variety showing materials for
separate waists, skirts and dresses.
Dainty wash Collars in Lawn, Pique
and linen, in ail white, all black and
some with colored embroidered dots
and figured. Lace stocks, Lace Scarfs,
Lace and Batiste combination Collars,
Turn Overs, and Collar and Cuff Sets
in dainty French Embroidery.
in t new lace and embroidery
combinations. Long Crepe Scarfs in
Persian designs.
Fancy Goods, Notions
The variety and styles beautiful
Bead Necklace, Bracelets,
Gilt Belt Buckles, Ribbons,
Fans, Dog Collars, in great variety of
styles and grades. Dainty Gauze and
Lace Hosiery. Stamped Linens in
Centerpieces, Shirt Waists and Tray
Cloths. Hand Drawn Linens,
to use in Bureau Scarfs, Wash stand
Scarfs, Table Covers and Tray C
VOL. No.
and Friday.
. s, . w -t
. .
Our SHOE DEPARTMENT contains the best makes and styles.
Ladies White Canvas Court Ties and Pumps, sizes 1-2 to from to a pair; Misses
and sizes from to
White Kid Button Shoes, spring heels, sizes to at pair.
Gents in all kid and patent leathers, sizes to at C 1-2 to
Ladies Patent Leather Court Ties, sizes 1-2 to from to ; all kid, same Style, to
Mens Patent Leather Oxfords, at and
Men and Boys Tennis Oxfords from to
We have never shown a prettier or more complete stock and we cordially invite call.
N. C.
it you please, I
of Ir.
from Mr.
from Mr.
Mr. Fleming
I have no for any
W e a wen
in our guild county who would
us sud true
any, they may be, that
Democratic may
to nominate But it is my
honest in interest of
the party slid tot and
good win Democrats
to end, one time, the three
men who nerved US SO faithfully
honestly the Legislature
two years av ; that is to Jas
L Fleming for the Senate, J. B.
Little J. J. to
House. you know, fellow
they better lilted
to serve our interest, now they
have already served one term, and
they have know
our needs. No good reason be
advanced for change
nod I do hope we all come
together as and nominate
them for the places which so
honorably tilled, by acclamation,
have no strife or bitter tight
I write this in the interest no
mm, have candidate, but I do
it honest conviction
is first time ever subscribed
ray a en-
but I do say, all
come and
beat wishes the party
I subscribe
Establish Home for Aged
The Grand Lodge of Odd
low held an
Goldsboro this week. The
pal u
i i. tin being
orphanage a
I no
T. M Slovens,
Durham; deputy , rand master,
warden, II M,
of grand B. J.
trustee of
N Jim hi. i f
next year
at E i i h
K. W.
F May, 10th 1906.
K. M. Lang returned
t m today with his daughter,
nine who had at-
the deal dumb school
a. mat place.
Hiss Will Harper, of Snow Hill,
is visiting Mrs. N. W, Askew.
Miss Hooker, of
is with Mrs.
is spending the week in
doing dental work.
Miss Morrill has returned
alter spending
run time in training school.
of the in t
Of the lesson win. Tuesday
in Hall, the spa-
was tilled
inure women and
graceful dancers.
Dug Up Bones of Soldiers.
While excavating for the
for the new Cramer build-
in the re the county court
house, yesterday morning, work-
men dug skull several
bones, supposed to tie the remains-
of British who were
let red during Revolutionary
ill side of the old Queen's
Museum, one of the first colleges
in the which General
Corn wall is made his head-
during bit short sojourn
u the Hornet's Nest, as he termed
Several human bones were dug
p in excavating for the court
k a. The notable explanation
the discovery of the skeletons
s that a number of British
ho killed in the Battle of
in skirmishes Station,
ere buried in the tut
The Tint
Was Mr. Irving right in his
of objection
to playing in
be did not like to
as alluding to
the fact that ho wore armor only
in frost Would it not rather
refer to the long wait behind the
scenes, because the Ghost does
not appear between Act I. Scene
and Act III., Scene And
thereby hangs a tale The late
John Ryder, when playing the
GhOSt At the Princess's would
change his clothes in the inter-
val and go out into Oxford et
to buy, perhaps a bun. Kean,
who was nothing not
disliked this and issued a
doc ran that members of his com-
should retain their cos-
during the performance
of a play. Next night the door-
keeper of the pit entrance was
startled by a sound which re
him of the arrival of the
at Don
supper. In a moment he
was to see the
Ghost of Hamlet's father, armed
at tile point cap-a-pie,
pass his t and vanish into
Oxford street. Bus drivers and
passers-by saw with amazement
the armed cross the road
and enter the public house op-
There the sepulchral
visitant, in a voice, de-
a pint of stout, lifted
his beaver up, drank it and
stalked back to the It
is said that Kenn gracefully gave
way this When even
graveyards yawn, surely stage
managers may wink. -Pall Mall
Falkland, N. C. May 1906.
To Pitt l
The time draws mar for holding
county convention. we
will be
in the next Legislature. It is
vastly important that we commit
no error in so
It. is vastly important that re-
of personal feeling and
regardless the section of bis
residence, we name man who
can us to our
cal benefit.
Falkland township will a k for
K. B. Cotton
E-q for the Legislature.
And mark tins because we are
convinced that there are few indeed
who could at this time make us so
useful a representative possessed
of a very wide acquaintance all
over he could an
influence that would require one
lent well known the whole term to
A farmer who lives his farm
and is dependent upon bis farm
he could do other espouse
tin- conservative of the
and public
Industrious, progressive, and
advanced in bis views, and am-
for i in- of his
and Slate, we warrant that if he
is sent to the Legislature
there will be
tor the good of old
Junior Order Cannot Have Home.
I May
State P. Vance to
day a report from the law
of the National Council
Junior Order United American
amendments t
the n as pasted at
the last ting it the North
In Salisbury last Bab-
In III n poll
in i Mi e approves
ti making
is executive
but disapproved and declares the
t to article section
Increasing the per capita tax for
the of building
a i home in the
Stale illegal in c
It appeals building and
maintaining of home
is unconstitutional from the fact
that it is not of the objects of
the order and the members can
be taxed pay that is
not in the injects the older
The National Council has for one
Us and
;, orphans
and the
count Is puses.
A Drummer Among
A drummer by the name of John
who was stopping at a
hotel in Vt, when the
was session,
his hotel, the was the
mu of most the
says Boston
When supper was announced
legislators rushed in and took their
places, began to call upon
each other to pass food,
the from Brad
fold please pass the or
the from Essex
pass the or the man
from Portland please pass the
This did not suit the drummer
ho bad unable to get any-
thing, and during a brief interval
of he turned to the colored
waiter and the
from Ethiopia please
pass the
Charging for Announcement.
The Reflector states
that it will make charge for every
announcement for political office
and for all communications in the
of individuals for any
particular office. This is reasonable
and correct and The Common-
wealth quite agrees with The
As out neighbor well it
o I takes a good deal of time work
to keep up with such things
campaign MOM, publish-
of papers are entitled
for such work to extent
of the cost, at
Neck Commonwealth.
An Old Drum.
Mr. Oliver Smith brought with
him to
Thursday an old drum that saw
service through through the civil
war. With a look of much
faction he beat it upcoming
One remarked
may get to heaven, but he
will never be happier than be is
with that
Mr. Joshua L. tells us
that his and himself were
kept busy all day Sunday
lire the words. They finally
In putting it out.
N. C , 1806.
Although was one hour
lain last we up
our work by o'clock went
out to the school room of col-
round the superintendent
on the stave,
education, -and wound
up but discourse by introducing
the speaker who bad been in that
line fur some time, Hon. E. E
the introduction remarks
the a very grace-
mi could
see from his bearing
he was small to handle the
subject .;,,. ii .-i I i
Imaginary from
up into
mountains of and found
all imaginary of
followed their tributary
down, to end
their and them
all more or less
a Jack imaginary
not real. the most all the
difficulties we dread so much are
so real as we want to suppose,
mat the great between
two areas a mouse to tit-
that all you have to do lb
to take hold of the us lb
dilemma difficulty places you
and shake all the of
goon rejoicing it
not so much of a difficulty all.
What we deem difficulties are a
great many limes the opportunities
for the development Of
theme or the great uses
us Ills to
John while
jail, overcame me
difficulty of his position by giving
the Waller
Scott gave us the Waverly
which occupy a front
literary the telegraph
system that now Hashes liens
around world quick as thought
the steam navigation,
all are nut
of minds of men who brought
them existence under
With difficulties overcome ii,
destroys all that is imaginary and
shows forth the real blessings
tortured in in of men that nave
His of the
the plow boy and the dude
was a and came
down, when the dude nail asked
the boy all manner of questions
about the crop and the bey getting
of The
dude buy if he was
not a fool. The boy told him
was only thing
and a fool that fence.
But, says the speaker, there are
and have been men who have to
contend with real difficulties
cited his audience to
iii- la A. H.
Greek, French, American. Di-
the obscure boy his
day who fought with manly vigor
the difficulties that always oh-
tract the pathway of the ambitious
is quoted Dy modem men as
great orator. The great
Frenchman, who by his
planted the of Republicanism
into the heart his that
gave freedom lo and thou
our own Georgian, who but a mere
statue, a
strength w ill power, a mouse
of a man, but an to tram-
under foot all the difficulties
that beset his pathway to fame.
And there are scores of others
that could be named Vander-
not who have been
guilty of success by the will of
asserting the manhood them-
selves. Withal it was a great
All along a or less
die, my position on
has been maliciously con-
by some, honestly mis-
understood by others.
Tc the former class I never
attempted any explanation, know-
that he ho willful
resents is among those who
hear Concerning
the latter I have been heretofore
wait lime cir-
to put me straight
their always that in
the end will
Now, however, I am constrained
a sense of justice to myself
and others to from my
usual rule HI d to make
myself understood,
a cm which appeared
in The Reflector of May
by Mi. M. T. Spier, gives evidence
of decided apprehension lest my
article recently published in the
News and Observer copied
from same by your paper reflects
upon the senatorial career of Mr.
J. L. Fleming. By way of
nation permit me to say, that my
attitude toward railroad influences
in the Legislature has been made
so a man
though he he a cm under-
stand In publishing the.
to which Mr. Spier
had no of Mr. Fleming,
nor did it enter my mind that even
a most vivid imagination would
i a single idea therein
any way to him.
I i to impress
forcibly that so as know
S I. is
as far removed from
as any other Senator that
body of winch he was a member.
My belief is but for the article
of my friend. Ir. C. M. Jones,
which my name for
the Senate, Mr. Spier would not
his friend's
Vindication, belief coupled
Dr. kindly article
prompts inc to-state I have
told a single voter in the
county that I would he a
date the next senatorial
nation, I have
by many urging me to
My has in-
variably am not seeking the
nomination of any position.
It Mr. Fleming to go
back to senate, and the people
nominate him, he shall have my
most cordial support.
In conclusion, I wish to thank
my friend, Dr. for his kind
letter. am always grateful for
every consideration shown me by
the people of my county, es-
from tho people old
a people whose honesty,
Entertain Friends at Hotel Bertha
Never has there been p t ed
together under one roof in Green-
ville a fairer or lovelier set of
than that which on
day met at Hotel
honor to the elegant
reception by Mesdames
Vines and
upper Halls and parlor,,
were changed into bower- of
beauty by lights flowers
and fair women.
The i Were met at the d
of the stain by
were ushered into the parlors
where they were served to punch
Misses Cobb, Nina James,
and Limits Fm of North
Then a merry party gathered
in the balls and
parlors aid in unique
contests, in which
prize, a fan, was by
Hiss Bertha Patrick, the other a
lovely plat;, by Mrs. Permit, and
the booby by Mrs. King.
Amid the lights and the flowers
to toil strains delightful
music rendered by the
bud, the guests were served to
delicious refreshments,
Among those present
II L. Cam, Harper,
i.-i, Hairy Aycock,
Coward, C.
H. A. White, Ernest Par- ,
Ferrall. House, Cobb,
. Li. tie, Mo-e
James White, Woodward,
Hooker, John Hicks. and
Misses Cobb,
Nina James, Lizzie Nell
and Lottie Shu i
Bertha Pat tick, Woolen,
Annie Brown.
After enjoying the
music until last of the
hours set for entertainment
were ended guests Hug
voting the
entire success, sir-
thanks to their -is a
most evening
Kills Cotton.
Reports from all punts of
county i
that a good part of the Cotton that
had come up was killed by the
fros. cold Wednesday mi ht.
Mr. T. J. Davis, manager the
Elba Manufacturing Company,
and yesterday received
scores from
for cotton seed for
One man u owns a large pi in
stated that he would have to
plant acres of cotton over
purity and bravery have j again. Quite a number of far men
faith, A people as good w mo began plowing p
the best. A people with whom ., . . , .
have spent s
fighting for a good government I Charlotte Observer,
under the Democratic The,
know in , I know them, and love
for confidence have; The graded school at Farm.
always imposed in me, and it was close next Friday
kindly that prompted ,,, ,,.
my friend Dr. , ,
to reference stale
by Mr. Spier. I do not recall that Will speak at Friday
Dr. made any unwarranted , night. A letter hum him says he
statements, did he Intimate certainly be there. The pub.
anything that would possibly re-
to the discredit or hurt
J. J.
him lo come. We enjoyed it
much but space forbids fur-
it was our pleasure to see
the best North
here on this
Prof, W. H.
by of his office, Pitt
is cordially invited to
and hear this distinguished gentle-
man and magnificent speaker It
will pay you lo hear
Sermon to
N. M. Watson, of
ton, who is to deliver the address
at the closing exercises of the
graded school on the
has been invited by Green-
ville Lodge A. F. A A. M. to
preach a special to the
Masons while here. Mr.
accepted the invitation and will
head shoulders above any
a great mind, in the State in the I preach on
the line.

Eastern reflector, 11 May 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 11, 1906
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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