Eastern reflector, 30 March 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

v V
Mar. 88.1900
The war department has just
delivered itself of B long M-
the Mt
fight or massacre, whichever one
chooses i. call it in the Philip-
pines. It is not written by any
of the officers who were on the
at the time of the fight hot
was t the cabled
i of Wood by Maj.
the 14th one
time . of and now
it U
Granted this week. Reported by
Snow Co. Patent Attorneys,
et, Forest City, tire shrinking
in; Albert L. Craver, Linwood,
brake; John L. Floyd. seed
planter; C.
traveler's grip cat; Columbus
If. Martin, Forest City, wire chain
Line; Lemuel L. Poplin,
For copy any of
ab. e ; a tents send ten cents, in I
postal amps with date of
paper to C. A. Snow Co.,
real ac-
.,. that the report
lighten the
tn I
traditions previous
j point out by inference
,. Mores who wore the
,,,. the battle that had
all was to
,. ; i,
from the fact that
u advance for
. Gen. Wood who is
r the darling of the ad-
Cam is
om f the Presidency.
This i wonder to those
who the versatility and the
. the present speaker.
The boom is a parlor growth as
M were and has not Net gotten
extensively into print. But the
fact that it la more than
, d makes U all the mere
this stage of the
Your Daughter.
Teach her that cents make
Teach h-t how to wear a simple
muslin dress and wear it
Teach her how button
and mend gloves.
c,,., nor to arrange park.
reach her to love and
iv.-i. her to have n for
and to put everything
h -r have nothing to
with Intemperate men.
her t. regard the
with . not to now much
significant at
It appears from
Interstate Commerce
this week that there is more
trouble or. the railroad
The set for hearing
York of March acorn-
affecting a number of the
big eastern roads, it is that
they have been granting rebates
t shipper under a new
They have been billing
freight carried at a lower
than the merchandise war-
ranted and in effect paying
are to the shippers while
sacking to the pub-
schedule. This is a new
dodge in the railway world, but
it is f course not unexpected.
attention need be paid
to the rumors that the Supreme I
Intends to proceed against
the who lynched the
,;. Chattanooga
y,,.; , . the
the protection of the
ti i ,. rattled when
the us impatient at
the d law
their own hands. course the
of the Supreme Court
were very indignant and there
was talk of direct proceedings
for , . . -I But
it .; that while the De-
of Justice has been
i to
will to the local courts to
pun the rs of the
Music Hath Charms.
There is nothing like a
neighbor. in the gloomiest j
part f our neighbor, Brad-
the took down h.-
violin and drove the blues away.
A re
I it
. i
n year I a rid to the
bush it;
,; . 11.000 are in the
i I I n
in the other departments
They divide in salaries
; yen The remainder
. i the city goes
for public v mi the main-
of build-
the i and the
, m n -t on the bonded
i is indeed a great
than a number
of the
is a product as
near capable of curing the
majority of diseases as it is
possible for Modern Science
to produce.
makes pure blood.
is not a miracle
but simply the result of the
chemists of the
present century. At the
symptoms of fatigue
headache or backache, which
are often the forerunners
of disease, send for your
physician if you will but, if
you take you may
find that by the time ho has
answered your call, that the
symptoms have disappear-
ed . ,. ,
Use as direct-
ed. Live a temperate life,
f m u become ill while so
doing, we will pay any
doctor's bill on de-
and proof of illness.
We don't want you to invest
a however, until we
have bought the first bottle
for you. Fill in the coupon
under this advertisement
and mail it to us, taking care
to write your name and ad-
dress plainly, and we will
send you without any cost
to you whatever a full size
package to try. No matter
what your trouble is. write
to us. Correspondence con-
Co., New York.
L. Wooten will give his
personal yon
will receive an r on
nearest for i.
if you send us
coupon Be to
i and
Most towns wink the houses of
fame, claiming they a
necessary evil, but if this is the cats
why not be honest about it and re
peal all laws aimed at their sup
Durham Bun.
Coal mines Stokes county are
to be developed by a company.
dealer is M.
f you think d Bro
at once, or if you have
it is to be I ad
class ill
e Wholesale A ts
for Greenville, N. C.
D J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Eastern North Carolina Affected.
entire properties of the Norfolk
Norfolk through North
Carolina, and the Virginia Caro-
which recently
began the construction of a new
railway line from Norfolk to Beau
fort, N. C, and their lumber inter-
are to be merged with an
authorized capital of 125,000.000
in bonds and in stock.
The railroad merger will give a
trackage of GOO miles and the
lumber merger will make a total
of IS mites an output of
feel annually. There will
be acres of timber land
owned in fee and a timber
page of four feet.
The railroad merger means
taking of the Suffolk Carolina,
running between Suffolk, Va.,
Elizabeth N. C. and
N. the Pamlico, Oriental
Western, running from New Bern
to Bayboro. N. C, all of the Nor-
folk branch linen
between Norfolk and Edenton,
together with its Pamlico
through Ferry to Bel-
haven and thence on to Plymouth
and and the leases of
the Atlantic North Carolina
railroad, running between
Morehead City and Golds-
your story of today, you
say that David Bennett Hill is a
man without a wife, without a
vice and without a
said the observant citizen to an
Observer reporter yesterday.
that is his present con-
that is
the citizen. work and
no play makes Jack a dull
is as old as the hills. So many
men know how to labor and, while
young, they think little of rest,
but there will come a day when
the toiling slaves must rest, or
die long before their allotted
tine. I have heard it said that
John Sharpe Williams, one of
I the most brilliant men of the
I age. has no pastime, no way of
recreation. A friend asked him
one day, why such a fine fellow,
SO much drink
get on tears, and his
frank reply was that he had no
Other way to rest. That may
seem absurd to pure water
but I have seen many
such men. The greatest of men
should learn to rest as well as
pork Take Grover Cleveland,
Mr John Bur-
men of
man of the century who
turned out more good work than
and he has hunted
Mid romped with men of all
man should ha -e a
pastime, and diversion
are conducive to good habits
and Ob-
Happenings of Interest Over the
Milton, March
Davidson, Jr., a well-known
aim popular deliberately
laid his head cm the rail just as
the Louisville
v if passenger train pulled out
from the station last night, and
was decapitated. No cause is
known for the rash act.
Everett, Mass., March
than tine-, hours before the time
for wedding today, Pansy E.
was shot and mortally
wounded by her father, Joseph P.
Townsend, in their home in this
city. ended his
own life with a bullet. Miss Town-
send was to have been married to
Francis E. Perry, of Fort Myers,
Fla., at t; o'clock t might at the
People's Temple, Boston.
Jefferson, Texas, Mar. R.
aged years, was shot
and killed and his sou,
fatally wounded by Jeff
rs, a merchant, on the de-
pot platform here this afternoon.
A previous disagreement, it is told
was revived when the men met.
The younger Bennett was shot first
and while bis father stepped over
to assist him he was killed, four
bullets entering his body. The
parties are well to do reside at
near Jefferson, Tex.
Tex, March
eight miles south of here,
a Mexican named Ramon overtook
a vehicle containing two young
women and a little boy yesterday.
Ramon climbed into the
rear of the buggy and cut
the throat of one of the women,
causing instant death. The horse
became frightened and began to
run, whereupon Ramon drew a
revolver and shot the other woman
dead. Jealousy prompted the
Ga., March
was received here to day of the
death of John Brant, years old,
at bis home at Nashville,
as the result of injuries
inflicted by his son, Bob
aged years. The report says
that the younger man, the
influence of liquor, Saturday
night, attacked and abused his
father, left him for dead. Bob
Brant defied arrest, but finally
was overpowered and lodged
jail, with the charge minder
against him.
Memorial Baptist Church Next
Neat programs have been print-
ed of the anniversary exercises of
Greenville Baptist
church to be held next Sunday.
The first Sunday in April comes
nearest to the date of the
of the church in 1827,
hence the selection of that date
for the anniversary
This is the first am i
to be held by the but it i-
to hold them mutually
hereafter. The program fir next
Sunday shows that I.
a man greatly beloved in
Greenville, will deliver the his-
t address. The part
of the program also much
of interest to all present.
The Baptists hope to make
Sunday a great day for the
here it is expected that
every member who can do so will
will be present, ft will be a day
devoted entirely to praise
worship, there being no other
object connected with the services.
A cordial invitation is extended
to everybody.
Retorted tor
N. C. Mar.
Last Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mr. Mm. Elmer Gar-
little Alice Susan Wingate, of
Winterville, her elev-
From the hours of
to were pleasant ones for the
attendants. At the hour of S they
were invited into the dining room
where an elegant sapper awaited
them. was of
beauty, with and
white, and lad n with fruits and
other seed delicious to the
Mi-s Myrtle Garris most success-
fully the party for the
little folks. the hour of
arrived all left for their
homes, expressing much gratitude ; , t required
to Mr. Mrs. for pieces of mail handled,
kindness the j none will if the people
We cordially invite little Susan routes themselves in it.
The Daily Reflector goes out six
times a week every daily sub-
Have You Pieces a Month
Beginning on the first mail day
in April, which is next Monday,
the rural carriers will begin to
count the pieces cf mail they carry.
This count is made under
from the department will
cover the three of April,
May and June. carriers
who average pieces or more
a will l
who fall u
may have the f on their
routes reduced three a
week or some routes,
where the set is not
may be cut om altogether.
We hope a sin rout
In Pitt have be cit
clown or Ill
A Quiet Home Marriage,
At o'clock Wednesday
evening at the home of the bride
in South Greenville, two of our
popular people were mar
Rev. J. A. Hornaday of the
Methodist clinch officiating. It
being a quiet home wedding only
a few were present.
As the soft strains of Mendel-
iv march were
Miss Rosa Hooker, Mr.
Forbes and Miss
Lena A demon entered the parlor
and were made in wife a
mo-t solemn and man-
The bride was tastefully
gowned spotless w lire silk j
A Inn. i of wish the
If you cant speak the truth,
keep a stiff upper jaw.
The day worker acquires more
coin than the day dreamer.
When you are in a hurry for a
thing how slow it travels.
An excuse never accomplishes
all it is expected to accomplish.
A good joke on a friend
wouldn't be worth a smile if on
Often coming has a
little bill he would like to col-
Ever notice this If one thing
goes right you something
else goes wrong.
In speaking of troubles,
the railroads can truly say that
these things came to pass.
When you see two who
dislike you whispering together,
doesn't it give you a funny feel-
There are lots of people in the
world who feel every time they
part with a dollar as though they
were having an operation per-
to visit our town again.
Two Fall Out of a Trap in Street.
Mrs J. G. had her mother.
Mis. J. T. Howard, of Conetoe,
P, House the latter's
Mrs. Mayo,
out for a drive in her
trap. Mrs. was driving and
Mm. House occupied the front sett.
with her, while their mothers
occupied the rear seat. As they
were driving along S. id street
the rear seat of the trap broke
from its fastenings and began slip-
ping backward. One of the ladies
on the seat screamed those
in front reached back in an effort to
prevent them tailing out. Th-
timely aid of Mm. and Mrs.
House did break the force of the
fall, but Mrs. Howard and Mrs.
Mil j n both fell out the sand.
Fortunately they escaped with
no worse injury than a few bruiser,
but for the time being it was a
badly frightened of
scriber on a route means pieces
of mail a month. the
began one country route has
increased from four to twenty daily
other routes have
had good increase.
While i lie carriers are counting
the pieces of handled let every
patron of every route do his
to get his neighbors to take a ore
papers. Pour new subscribers to
The Reflector the person
sending them in to his own paper
free, and addition to that there
will he a prize to the one sending
the most names by April
High Skill of a Young Jeweler.
Rome days ago a Swiss watch was
taken to the jewelry store of
ft Stewart to be repaired. An
showed some
parts of the watch
the firm sent oW
fir the missing parts to both
York and Philadelphia only ti
learn that such parts of a Swiss
watch could not be had in this
Country, but would have to be
Determined to be
outdone In I he mutter, Mr. Lee
the junior member of the
lit in, went to work under the
R entered the store of J.
T. 8-Ml, at the Hoskins
Mill, four west of Charlotte, I direction of Opt. i and made j ,
early yesterday morning, the misting ports. The ports
open tin steel safe in the I nude fitted the
office with and and it w now us good at a one.
says he never saw a
better piece of work done by a
jeweler. It speaks for the
escaped their booty which
Io in pennies and an
old gold reward of
has beta offered by Mr
the and con fiction of the
guilty party or
. em county
J ,. i it, nil i to
all j. in h
You do not want to miss reading
the huge ad of Ricks
skill of Mr.
A disastrous lire occurred in the
business section of
Monday night, the worst In the
history of the city. The loss was
Herald Square Company.
The Herald Square Opera Com-
made a hit the
home in this city Saturday
and Saturday
This improves each year
by the introduction of new snugs
and the newest
phenomenal singers.
Miss Watson,
Martin Wilbur
i Cox and Frank comedians,
j aid Gibson, one of the lead-
ladies, all came lot their
full of tho generous applause
Sunday, morning at the First
bang My God,
which was very much appreciated
all Sunday night,
to an appreciative
Mr am Cox remained over
yesterday with friends and
this city joined the
company last night at
Athens, Ga., Banner, March
The Herald Square Opera Com-
will appear here April 18th
and 14th.
Amusing Answer of Character
During the progress of a suit in
court the defense was offering
testimony to show the of
the plaintiff.
you know the general char-
and reputation of the plain-
asked counsel for the defense
of a witness.
replied the witness.
is it
was the positive answer
may stand said
the counsel, that he was
on interrupted
for the plaintiff as the
witness was about to leave the
is bad
he is said to be a law
was the answer.
There were no
One seldom realizes how much
worse the world is growing until he
hears two old settlers exchanging
Cotton Association.
The Pitt County Branch the
Southern Cotton Association will
hold its monthly meeting Green-
ville next The farmers
and business men of the county can
their Interest in the move-
by attending this meeting.
Salisbury, N. C. March
Walter a half Indian
fourteen-year old, was
instantly killed at his home
near this city this afternoon by a
brother. The two boys
were playing with a revolver when
it was discharged and
the ball went through the heart of
No have
was a very disagreeable
day and many were disappointed
as it prevented them from attend-
Mrs. C. A. Tucker, who lives
near Greenville, has been down on
a visit to her father, Arch Cox.
Mies Wilson, of Center-
ville, is spending time with
Mis. C. C. Cox.
Miss Eva Stokes, of
is visiting her brother, C. L.
Miss Kate Chapman, who has
been teaching at X
has returned to her home
in Winterville. Her school closed
Misses Lydia
Chapman spent night
with Miss Lillie
C. L. and J. G. Stokes went to
A. L. Tripp, of Ayden, passed
through this section Friday, rep-
resenting the Singer Sewing Ma
chine Co.
Miss Causey, of Vance-
is spending the week with
Miss Li Hie Corey.
The Lumber Co. have
hauling right much fertilizers
the past week for the farmers of
Miss Annie Henderson, of Cam-
county, is spending sometime
with her sister, Mrs. at
the camps
Frank and Marshall An.
were visitors at X. K.
Bin Herbert Corey
went to today.
O. L. Stokes is having phone
I put in his stole.
A while
away from home on a trip
met married a lady who,
though famed for
heart, would be spoken of even by
her friends as The man
believed that she would be a kind
mother to his two how.
ever, as she was also possessed
of a fair amount of this world's
goods, was not inclined to expect
the beauty of the peach a potato.
after his telegraph
ed to the
won a prize. Am mar-
lied. Will be
When the bride and groom
rived the children were watching
at the door, and at sight of their
future mother gave a little gasp of
The second child, a by, nudged
his sister
Nell, that must have been
the c insulation, prize that pa
Harper's Weekly.
Almost Ready to Organize
Though the weather has been
bad this week a few names have
been added day to the list of
shares for a but loan as.
Greenville. There are
already enough snares taken to
organize a good but a
few more are wanted, enough to
swell the list to one thousand
shares. This will make an
strong enough to loan
month, and that will
mean a for Greenville in
the way of building homes.
A meeting will be called at an
and it is desired to have as many
shares p by that time.
The is a r office.
Change the Schedule.
A petition is being signed by
nearly all our men with
those HI
other points, nuking the
Line to change the schedule
of train No. t it will make
connection with the
from for This would
people from and
all points to go to
Norfolk other joints this side
aid return the y
this would a advantage
we i u will be
Prof. To Respond.
Prof, W. H.
tended of public schools Pitt,
has accepted an invitation to do
liver the to the address
of welcome to the
meets in June
12-15th, the welcome address to
be made by Mr. Joseph
Mr. is an eloquent speak-
and his reply to Mr. Brown's
which is sine to be a gem,
will a bright and happy one.
Raleigh News and
J. B. Whits has purchased the
southern half of the Methodist
church lot, Greene street, and
will a residence there.
Raeford, N. C, March
Mayo, a school
attending the institute from near
died of the measles
heart failure.

Our New Spring
Open For Your Inspection.
Our line was never prettier or more complete and we shall be pleased to have you see the
many things we are showing. We not hold anything in reserve for opening
day, bu will place the stock on display as last as they arrive i
have No Special Opening Day
Com in and look at your leisure and we think you will find many lovely things to interest
yon as our buyers have spared no pains to secure the newest and best of the season's styles.
Many mixed ideas due to
mixed drinks.
Success never comes to a man who
is afraid to face failure.
Don't expect to et rid of your
troubles by advertising them.
You can't always tell what is in a
man fey trying to pump him.
The firm of It. L. Jefferson A-
doing business at Fountain. N. C,
composed L. H. T. J. W., A.
J. G. and J. It. has been
mutual consent,
y the withdrawal of H. T. J. K.
Jefferson from said firm. The re-
Tour brothers will continue
old firm of It. L. Jefferson Br's.
with win m all business of that firm
will be settled, the two retiring having
no further connection or responsibility
in the business of said firm.
This March 5th. 1906.
Suppose Stop and See
Greensboro, N. C. March 1903.
Mrs Joe take pleas-
in stating your Remedy
has entirely cured our little girl of
a very bad case of eczema,
covered great part of her body.
She had eczema from
the lime she was three weeks old.
until she was years old. She
is now perfectly I feel
that I speak too highly of
it She ha not hail a symptom of
it for six years. Respectfully,
J. W.
of Mm Superior Court of
issued letter
to me, the undersign-
ed, on t e of January, 1906,
on W. J.
is to all
P indebted to estate m make
to the
in to all of estate
t their Bu-
ll to th
twelve mouths i
II in , r this e .
id in i their recovery.
This ; f January. j M
R. E
on the estate W. J.
A. Sugg,
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R,
N. C.
To Publishers
and Printers
oil a Licit patent
are pending, whereby we
old Brass Col-
and Head Rules,
I, and thicker, and make-
fully as in
knobs , . .
Column and Head;
Rules regular lengths
L. S. and ,.
Head Ruled inches In
and over
A sample of refaced
wile full
will be cheerfully
sent on application.
Printers Supply Co
Manufactures of Type aid
High Grade Printing Mater
K. Ninth Street. Philadelphia. P
Telephone Service
Is to-day an admitted Business
At Your House
It's at once a Convenience and a Ne-
that you cannot measure
by any money value.
One Emergency Call, in
One Year, Pays the Rent.
For Rates
Steamboat Service.
L. leaves
Washington daily
at a. m. for Greenville; leave
at in.
Connecting at Washington with
Norfolk Southern Railroad for
Norfolk, Philadelphia,
New York, Boston and all other
North, Connects a Norfolk-
all points West.
Shippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern K. K.
Bailing hours subject to change
without notice.
J. J. Agent, Green-
Mile, N. C.
General T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk. Va. j
M. K. KING, V. A- G. M.
Your Life
The power that gives you
life motion is the nerve-
force, or nerve fluid, lap .
nerve ,
various organs.
are tired, nervous,
irritable, cannot sleep; have
headache, feel stuffy, dull and
melancholy, or have neuralgia,
rheumatism, backache,
pains, indigestion,
stomach trouble, or the
kidneys and liver arc inactive,
your life-current is weak.
Power-producing fuel is need-
ed ; something to increase nerve
the nerves.
Dr. Restorative
vine is the fuel you need. It
the nerve
force, and restores vitality,
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
I Pr.
tail N lie mid
I In bra. I
had up
of two m u. I
In nil up.
col I and I
would and almost help-
My circulation poor. I
along but
In me
my was I have
In all of the
and am
K. la.
Dr. Is by your
who will guarantee that the
will benefit. If It lam. he
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind;
Simple Plan Prevent
Many Home
till vow arc it
tine A
Divorce court
Which is a terse of putting
the history of many s marriage
over the things mine
and the domestic
that follows.
The way to settle such a
it for I parties to say,
B of the Ft niggle for mine
end thine the history are
rolled in nations have fallen,
barriers of hatred have b a raised,
brother has fought brother. Envy,
dissension and come
because men have
U not theirs, bat
Organized selfishness in our day
has manifested itself in the great
corporation spiders that have spread
their webs far and wide, controlling
the avenues of approach, watching
or victims with their many faceted
eves, gathering to themselves what
Is not theirs, but
The world is ours.
Sky and
Sunshine and
Flowers and
Fruits and fertile
And the Master of us all taught
US to pray,
Ladies and gentlemen, everywhere
jg needed this doctrine of
in the family, city, slate, nation,
The solution of all earth s prob-
is wrapped up in the one say-
Better Blood.
In the home of a New England
there are two small heirs,
bright fellows, six and seven
years old. named Will and Eugene.
most other lads, of them
dislike work, especially
and when these small services are re-
quired each frequently evinces a de-
sire to have the other take the la-
boring oar. Once the family
was calling at the in at-
on the mother. As he was
putting on his gloves to go away he
ran a professional glance over the
two youngsters.
he remarked,
younger of two Eugene,
If more robust than Will. He has
greater vitality. His blood is bet-
, ,
About an hour later, as dusk was
falling, the mother you
must fill the wood box for morning.
Fetch in four
don't want whined Will.
Make Gene go. is blood's bet-
Human Hair Market.
The human hair industry is a very
active one in France, the depart-
most frequently fished by
the hair merchants being those of
Allier, Cher,
and The
price given for full, long
head of hair is from shillings
shillings for the very best quality
end color. The girls of the districts
mentioned above, which are exceed-
pour, stipulate that their hair
ball not be cut short in front and
conceal the appearance at the
back a draped colored
chief. The shades of light and
blond hair are obtained from
many and Hand, and t these
high prices are paid. London Mail.
Lots For
Near Five Points on Easy Terms
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
All persons are hereby forbid
den penalty of tin- law to
tour -heller our
Amos Stocks Allen
without our consent.
Do Not
A Boston lady who had been re-
with mm favor by the Folk-
lore society in London rather
the of her warm re-
and said she supposed, like
the French people, the English flat-
ill was the protest
of a London friend. need not
consider it possible for English
person to And then she
gave an instance. Some one looking
at a painting said to the artist whose
picture it Will, isn't so bad.
be fulsome,
was the Ion
Wilton and tie Mining Expert
A mail named Wilson
owned I ho famous mine in
Wilson was vis-
by some Englishmen day,
union whom was export of
English who knew all
bout mines a grail deal about
everything in his own opinion.
allied In of on
gold, and lie panned out some very
color their edification.
that isn't pronounced
the youthful expert alter critical
am a graduate of the English School
of Mine-, and know gold when I
see it, you know. That is.
Wilson didn't say much. He just
over look the alleged ex-
confidingly by the shoulder,
he said, don't
go and give it away to those fellows
down at the Denver mint, for
have been soiling stuff to them
Having duly qualified Hi-
Court Clerk of M
the Mrs. M.
K. deceased, to
to all persons Indebted
make immediate
undersigned, and all
mg the
them to the undersigned or
or this notice will be in
This day of Jan. l-
Many Turf Called After
People In Every Walk of Life.
From statistics compiled here is
gleaned the interesting fact that
many great turf performers have
been oddly named for people in
walk of life. The best horse ever
named for a policeman was Inspect-
or It., a very brilliant race horse and
famed in the stallion rank.- as the
sin of Endurance by Right. He
was named as a compliment to
Thomas then in-
of police in Ken
horse ever named for a govern-
or was Luke Blackburn, and Senator
Wand as the horse ever named
for a United States senator. Hugh
Penny won more races than any
named for a jockey. The
mighty Domino, the largest winning
horse in American history, re-
his name from his color, be-
a black horse, as a eon-
sequence, was so called for the
masquerade costume Instead of the
popular game, as many supposed.
Daily American and Enquirer were
the horses ever mimed for news-
papers, and David Garrick was the
most brilliant race horse ever
bore the name of an actor. Butter-
flies, the Futurity winner of 1894,
was the best performer ever named
for a piny in this country, and
Drake Carter was the most
horse ever named for a doc-
tor. Iroquois, the only American
bred winner of the English Derby
and St. Leger, stands as the
performer ever named for an Indian
chief, and Boston Mas by long old-
the best horse ever mimed for a game
of cards.
Lexington was the greatest horse
ever named for a city or town and
Kentucky the best horse named for
n state. George Kinney and
Cotton were the two best horses ever
named for men In the
and the noted was the best
mare ever given a name in honor
a nun. Senator J. C. S. Blackburn
had two bores named for him. One,
a very high priced yearling, the
a maiden, while Blackburn,
Si. Marlin. was a fairly good
winning twelve races during
City Star.
The man who Insures his Hie is
his family.
The man who insures bis
Is wise both for his
You may Insure health by
It. It is worth .
Ai the first attack of
which generally
through the LIVER sad
itself lo v
H. A.
And save your health.
Her Story Is Very Ancient and
Sacred Books.
The of Cinderella is sub-
the same as that told of
who lived ill Home in the
third century of the Christian era.
story as told by i-
while was bathing an
carried away one of her
dropped it near the feet of
king of Egypt, who, like
Cinderella's prince was struck bi
its diminutive size, caused maid-
en to be sought for and married her
when found. Make the sandal i
glass slipper and mid the ugly sis
t.-rs for Hie sake of contrast,
stories arc much the same. The
glass way, i- an ac-
being in reality
n mistranslation of n
fur and not
This nil event is what i-
in his
de Both have
doubtless a origin, but ii is
necessary lo go fan her back in the
history of literature lo
a people who in a com-
pared with which of even
j. quite modern. It is in the
I he four red
, Hull is W ho found.
After v ha- already said
it will not be surprising to learn
that Cinderella i- a dawn maiden,
her sisters of dark-
who compel her In wail upon
keeping her hidden from
Hit. breaks
from her and the
sun, remaining with him for a time.
Bill she cannot linger him in
the lit ens. She ran remain only
until a pertain hoar.
eaves on path she has i
t, ken of in form of
fleecy id, which had home
v. hen she the regions
darkness. The sun. to
find her, I hi
rays of hid doe fin
her until she ors la-fore him
the evening i I I. I
the prince i called which
one of the given ll
A Frank Opinion.
A was
rather tiresome
-H such a he said,
a French playwright read
fore a committee
Having consolidated the two stocks of H. A. and John A. Ricks in one
store we are prepared to furnish our customers anything needed in
iMam We will carry n up-to-date line of
Hats, Shoes, Dress Goods, Notions,
In Groceries we will have all times a full line of the very best goods, not only
the staples like
Meat, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, but all kinds of
Canned Goods, the finest brands.
We can supply anything you need to wear or to eat, and pay highest prices for
COUNTRY PRODUCE. Quality and prices of our goods will please you.
Cleaning an OH
Have any our a
lo Is
i , its earner f
Does u
ml when begins to strike .
,. , in , , tell you what
to do. Take a bit of cot,,.,, r A, J P
hen's egg, in he ,. , .,,.,,
1907 GAL
and place on tho floor
clock, in the ll l.
the dock wan three or lour
a,,,. clock will be like a new
m more, it will strike as
of old, and m you look inside you
will find the black
with dust. The fumes the oil
loosen the particles of dust, and
they fall, cleaning the clock.
tried it with success
and breathing heavily.
lie frowned.
wake up. remember,
that am reading this play to
the committee in order to get Its
opinion. How can a man who is
asleep give an
the other answered gravely.
u an
. --r

-i st He, N second class mailer.
raft am
A corn-M. M l Pill and adjoining counties.
it to
Richmond that the lower
house the Virginia
has panted lo amend
sons to make in
eligible to s. its ii.
or to office any kind,
person in the or who
compensation in BUT form
from a corporation We
that resolution is Rood one. and
the pen
law it would all the bettor
It has become n ma that
in a large
our legislative by
in y elected to
in these In die s it f i
the large number corporation la
in Congress it would not be
hard to pet any law passed that
corporations and trusts
in oar own State the effect
this of men tin
Legislature has been Es petal
is this true of the Senate brand
of the Legislature. Too many conn-
ties have the idea a lawyer is
the proper man to send to the Son-
ate, and we do not believe it
be over-estimating it to say that
tit in are attorneys
f r some ration. In this
the corporations have control of
law s and it i-
to make laws they do not watt
We recall that in die last I. is-
a member or the House from
count; introduced a lull
railroad fares in this State
the the use by
third majority. When the bill
went before he Senate committee on
railroads it
killed there by an unfavorable re
port, which conclusive evident
that a majority of that i
were railroad or corporation law I
The has against
I hoy are all in their
place But their occupation i-
law, and in
their pr it is as legitimate
for to Lin- their l
corporations i-l rs, most
of them ml race n i lo
do so. Hence it is to
that when the making i I
laws la placed in their hands they
will not make any to the in-
of their its For this
Ike pie i mistake
when they pi ii s in the em
of corporation members.
of b bodies
When they have nothing else lo
d in the Philippines they get up a
Thai Hag incident shows the kind
of men cities sometimes elect f
No doubt Russia feels that if the
war could have t on now
Japan would have been starved out.
It is amusing how some folks
thing and when the
get hold of it say that they did not
say it.
The coal operator have got no
ab ml strike of the miners,
M they make the consumer pay the
Sow there is talk or a set
factory for Greenville, Let it come,
factories of all kinds will help make
the town grow.
As much room as there is to work
in this country, we do not why
anybody wants to keep trying lo
find the North pole
Thai Greensboro Bold brick
has bobbed up again seeking a
pardon. Governor Glenn is big
enough to set down on him.
As coal is to he much higher, the
approach of warm weather will save
the consumer having to pay the ad
price for a tune at least.
Every farmer and business man
should bear in mind that the Pitt
County Branch of the Southern Cot-
ton Association meets next Monday,
and show his interest by his attend-
Taking into consideration
what the association has already
lone for the price of cotton should
bring it the Support of every one
wants to see the price higher.
It is up to the man that owes poll
tax for last your whether he will
his right to vote. Failure to pay
the tax before May will deprive him
f right.
One man don't want The Reflector
to forget tho thoroughfare to the
depot because building and loan as-
is so much in mind now.
That will ; o kept in
mayor Richmond has st
himself on the Hag question,
and the S Banner is in
no danger
The continued had is
business generally a eye,
The year is nearly one fourth gone.
and so there has been very little
opportunity for work. The
are badly behind in crop
Kr an I
All that now remains is to settle
the type or the Panama canal--and
dig it.
District Attorney Jerome's tirade
against the exposure of trust
makes him look very much
like a man sneezing against a
Senator says that the pies
Senate's character in honesty
and integrity is as high as any of its
It is perhaps
for Mr. that most ex-senators
ire dead
Senator ought to feel
some hesitancy about calling
man a field consider-
how much trouble one corn Held
lawyer has managed to make for
him over the rate bill.
Pretender now takes
a shot or two at the Sultan just lo
show the Conference that
he cannot wait indefinitely while they
are deciding how the country shall
be managed.
Tom announces that he
has almost enough insurance proxies
to control the next meeting of the
Mutual It will be remembered
Thomas had almost proxies
enough to control the last turn in the
copper market.
There would be less trouble
pending in China if a lot of the pa-
would call home their special
correspondents who make their
writing about it.
Secretary Root says that he does
n want his coming trip to South
America to be termed a
Neither Macintosh nor
nay need apply
-.-V .-. ,;,. .,. .
We wish to announce the arrival of our New
Come, see what we have prepared for you. We intend the present week to be sort
of an Opening Week. We want everybody to see the new Spring Styles.
Come to See
Buy at Your Convenience.
We are, the choicest
it has ever been our privilege to display. There are new ideas for the coming
season. Come and look at the new styles. We'll not talk for a single mom-
There's a world of Shoe here.
The King Clothier.
RB. Real Es-
and Loans.
Opportunities and In-
vestments. Stock Com-
Promoted and Fin-
Farmville, N. C.
u save when you tot host good, you It i. i r.
It is to but especially when it n
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
l for
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready nixed Paints.
Don't put just anything on y table and i
will he I
Canned Goods, Package Goods,
Coffee, and Sour and i In
also Fruits and C Ami I k tsp Hie in an I P i ii i
Just try me heat everything In Una,
Next door to C. T.
Yon pi want to
bares in the building and loan as
should corns on with
name. The list i
fr the Bret series
furniture of
Point are V out for inter-
eats in serving, notice that no
of a labor a will employ
ed, t who around
robbing them of their earnings
while he himself lives handsomely
out of the levy made upon them.
Wilmington Star hardly looks
like its former self, but its improved
i pi is delightful. To ac-
c growing business the
St has enlarged to eight A
new press and equipment are among
its recent appliances. It grows
and brighter with ago.
The President has suggested that
there can be a great saving of ex
in the government print-
office by cutting off useless pub-
The Congressional Rec-
should be among the first to be
discontinued. It is not worth the
blank paper it is printed on.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
We will Inaugurate Our Spring Season In-
putting on display the newest
ideas to shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale but
we will have the latest and best things t
were obtainable in the American markets
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
t desirous of seeing the NEWEST
t to call at our establishment and feast their i
Very truly yours. j
Is Read By Everybody in D
it reaches. to for what want.
If yon what they want it yen to
get a part of money.
This department is in J. H. FRY. who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory.
Nice line of groceries
ways on band
Any one In need of a good cart
one that will last and render good
service just sail to see or the
Prof. W. H. of Green-
was in town Tuesday night.
If you expect to exchange your
seed for meal you same time
by meal far your seed when
you have cotton ginned at the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
For special prices headers see
W. L. House.
R. H. Hunsucker and It. T.
went to
If yon want good seed Irish
potatoes go to Harrington, Barber
L. A. Hobgood was in town
The A. G. Cox Co. are still
shipping planters guano
Bowers by the car load, and if you
need any you had write or
Buck Bland spent night
All farmers sow-
and wheat can be supplied with
mowers, rakes, reapers and binders
at Harrington, Burlier Co.
J. R. Smith, of Ayden, was
town Tuesday morning.
Be sure not to forget the
tore and those iron bedsteads at
A. W.
We offer our silver table ware
guarantee at a bargain.
See us, B. T. Box
Buy a pipe from J. H. C.
at the drugstore.
Nice Robes at Harrington
Barber Co.
All colors of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber Co
Nice line of boys suits at H. L.
Rev. T. H. filled his
appointment here Sunday, and
preached excellent sermons morn-
and evening.
Another large shipment of shoes
all styles and sizes and prices very
Harrington Barber
A Co.
Mr. J. D. Cox went to
Tuesday evening.
White's and Kidney Cure,
the combination kidney medicine
for stock and a sure colic cure,
at the Drug Store
Buy your Candies, Apples,
and from J. H
C Dixon at ding store.
Miss Mamie Iv, who has
teaching at Oak City, came
Saturday and spent a day
or so with Miss Addie Cox, and
then returned to bet home in New
Bern. will soon re-
turn to Man in county to teach
again. She is well prepared for
the work and makes excellent
teacher. She N former student
of the
and she la wished much success by
her many friends
Try a bottle of Kid- Weeds garden seed
n Mire rare for all Kid- j have t-r year i most
troubles t Han Barber i . true
and mi-
s ii I lie
If on iii sell or
exchange write or phew Pitt Co
Oil their prices are
Do not forget the date, Friday
Man-h ii Winter-
High Been -i a
debase will be Lei
body dine in III log
Men's all
Barber Co.
f Heel
ire , ore
in will do well
write or see the A Cox
Trunks and at
ton Barber A Co.
Miss Georgie
den Mind iv
spending sad Sunday
there with her
The Pitt Count i Co-
highest price tor seed
i div in
e x J v morning.
i i. who
i i- , e K.
Mil . l-d V.
The ii OM Co. Is mi
ii d . in d
ii,. d oil.
H. L Johnson it lo i-
store of B. T. Cox
Try ii--. m
drag store will ho to you.
K is being made
on the M . A. G. Cox
i i; Sou ii Von can
the noise of the now In
nearly every
need a nice Bug just call
it A. W. Ange and you can
one, lot
bushels of Oats at
Barber A Co.
If you want good Hour, that
can eat any trouble
With go to A. W.
gel some of that
In- that is made out of pine
hay, coin go
Harrington, limber A .
Joshua Manning ma s
The A. O. Mfg. this week ,., and
You want to Increase your
business mid
the most successful way to do it.
Talk business through tin- col-
of the newspaper and ad-
dress hundreds and thousand
at one and satin-
not Imagine because you have
been in business a long time
that everybody knows you and
what you are selling. You would
be greatly surprised if you
could fully just how few
the times the general public
thinks of you and your business.
There are a great many people
who do not know that you are i
at all. This is where
advertising comes In. It would
help you to create an Interest ii
your and goods and con
vines people that it would be
their advantage to with
Then A. H. is the
deal with.
an to
still Shipping, planters
ear load.
Big line of Inns and caps just
received, latest styles.
her Co.
want a nice -ow-
machine fur or any
Our store is at all times open to those who went good
goods at low prices. We can furnish your house from
the kitchen to the parlor in Furniture at prices ti-at will
If you want a or lie
go to Harrington, A Co.
If you are wise preserve your
houses paint lull m liar
town and paint,
sale by A. W. Ange On.
Ru seed of not having good
pants when Harrington, Barber
Co., have just received anew lot,
that they will sell cheap.
Misses Ida Mooring and Arley
Moore spent a few days this week
visiting their sitters, who In
school, and also their many other
friends here, they are former
students of the High
and have many friends
When you some t-i c II
at tin-bank. would
be glad lie
like to show you how an a count
Tooth and Di-k Harrow at
Barber to. helpful to you.
make m by ex
changing their seed
meal at Pitt Oil Co.
Our meal Put , cheap go to A. W. Ange . C .
Oil company. ,.,
Miss is spending a j week and lost his would
few days in the country this week . have had such bad lock If he
near Ayden. we will know ; bought one of nice
for what later i trunks, or suit A. W.
need a plow will I
do well to A. W. Ange . The nicest lot of men's ever
and get one of those Chill, i in can now be
ed They are the best at A. Co. Get
the market. I pick they sue going.
Farming Implements -fail kinds , If any of
at Barber d Go. Said paw planting
Tarn went to can get horn A.
Friday evening lo spend Co at the lowest prices,
and Sunday Mrs. There la several ways of saving
j money, but the best way is to star
Furnishings for house we are an account with the Bank Win-
new ready for business, and extend and you will soon that
an invitation to all, to visit out have a neat little sum to your
store, and the beautiful line of Credit and will hardly know
furniture, which we have planed why it is so large,
to deal out on easy the opening day
that even the poorest shall have no I Saturday, 1900. As
excuse for their homes not being my of goods
Thinking you In tier and more complete, and I will
for patronage, we are yours j planed to have you see the
to serve, Carolina Supply many beautiful thing which I will
B C. in and look and I
K. returned you will many lovely
to as I have
seemed newest and best the
Car load of flour just Wived, I
nice and fresh, at lowest price. lam
Harrington, Barber A to.
The Pitt County oil Company is Mrs, L. A. Sparks.
shipping cotton meal by the B-- my
car load. , , a. W. Ange A Co.
Nicest line of dress shirts ever J ,, has both and small,
shown in at I your order any lime.
Harrington, Straws tell which
Mew furniture is arriving dally notice the
at A. W. Ange Co's. Come and I going in and out from
get the best at lowest prices. j Barber A
A new line of and dress The A. O. Mfg. Co., are still
goods received at Angel making shipments of Out ton Plant
Si Co. Be sure to see them sod era and Sowers. They have
I get your pick. already shipped
Rev T II. King and T. F. n
went to after j old
where Mr. King preached an
excellent sermon hi people out
f want ii nice pair of Slip
Philadelphia, Fa., March
An explosion of benzine
resulted in. a fire which wiped
the main portion of the
Catholic St. Francis
and destroyed the
factory of Henry II. and
Company, at th Green
street, an estimated loss
of on the factory and
on the
covered by
The office is all
time- prepared to till
wedding Invitations, either printed
or engraved.
Well we can suit you in Price, Quality and Workman
ship, our are up-to-date, our is con-
our prices are right. Give a call
when in need of anything in the Furniture
or Picture line. Orders taken for
traits, likeness guaranteed,
Yours Truly,
A. H. Taft
Wash Go
Kinston Monday,
Pitt i
R. L. Smith vs.
the from the Superior
Court of Pitt county In
action. I will, on
of ill
M, at the Court Rouse of said
county, sail to highest bidder for
cash to satisfy said execution, ail tho
title Interest
Basil Dixon, defendant, has in lbs
following estate,
ons undivided one eighth Inter.
est of Basil Dixon, subject to life
of his father. in
hid to the lands descended to
loan from his Henrietta
on. formerly Henrietta and
described as
hi nils I. A. K. P,
Pluming null
John F. and others, and
hundred and seres,
more or sod being entire In.
tercel of the Basil in
to the lands or which his mother, lbs
late Dixon, Henri-
died and possessed,
situated on the north side river,
township, county,
in life estate of s.
father of said nix-
This of February,
We have received our full line of WASH
consisting of
will be on Monday. Everybody Invited
to these goods,
The of Gibson, Mer-
chants X.
by AIM
Indebted t. said will make
loT. f. who will
continue business old
and will all
said Feb. 16th, 1900. ,
T. F,
hail write or
, . i.-r.-r.-
i-v I,,, II.
Co and you can got them.
has the lot ever shown in
A nice lot of now summer Bag-
Robes at Barber
A Co.
I. I t Mil r
lo All
Hutu- .- Mini
Hit- I. . III
Win. K. t
But should you become incapacitated by either accident or sickness It
help bear the burden of additional expense incurred, the
provides complete protection. It insures against all accidents and sickness
is insured for YOUR benefit when traveling. Secure a Policy NOW.
In and H. A. WHITE Greenville, N. C

New Residences Follow the
Several of ii
Greenville recently taken
E. O Flanagan has cold
lot In South
, ,. . . to Mil-.
Dress Goods, Silks, Clothing
m v the Mo n
lot mi the corner
We have just returned front the Northern Markets where
we bought the mot up-to-date line of
and Millinery
that we have ever shown. The prices will be O K. We
bought these goods paying Cash therefore we
shall be able to sell them cheaper than other stores.
N. C.
Pi it Fifth Both will
build resilience there.
Dr. D. L. James T.
Hooker jointly purchased of
J. E. what is hi-
the lot on Greene
street. The purchasers, who live
on each ill each annex pan
of it to their prevent lots.
Mrs. V. H. has deed
to her daughter, Mrs. Ora Ken-
a portion of her lot on the
corner of Pitt and Third streets.
Kennedy build there,
Come in and examine my
Yours to serve,
The Hardware Man.
the highest market price Seed
Meal ml Hulls, in car lots or
or exchange for Seed
i in paying
in my
I sell Cotton Seed
less, sucked or loose, to suit i
u.-of constantly on hand.
,. and Feed Oats also Black
H Ku-t Proof Oats.
I iv- had built a large heat the depot
I will continue to carry i line of nice Groceries at the
rand occupied by Johnston
Government Stop Paying Charge
bunks have been notified
that after March the treasury
department in Washington, C,
will not pay the express Charges
hi coin sent out from the
This which has hereto-
r . end wort every
fore been home by the government, th
is quite an Item, and
The Boy Still mining.
Mr M. E. Wood house, a well-
known resided of Branch,
minify, in the H
rimming; h d K
mini spoke In t- i lie
strange disappearance of
small sou of S. M
of place, and .
Hie if
wry at the present it me
vet a year nun. in
Din H o is
it, not even a tangible
clew by which s finite Conclusion
could be
who I
brooded over the dining
ed to die theory kidnapping.
are Senator
and his wife, h
have at ad times
lo any theory.
The of the case is
i hat the parent of the missing boy
have relinquished all hope of even
a solution the For
months after Hie
they expected every day to
Information, dealing the ease,
either by I he Boding of
dead body, or in the form of a let-
from the kidnappers, demand
ransom. Mrs, Beasley has.
never recovered from the
Call in us a line.
was done to
facilitate business in change
There was a special fund
defraying this expense and it has
been exhausted, hence the
paying by the government.
A case that attracted some in-
at term of court came
to an end this morning. J. K.
Morgan brought suit against ex-1 nearly
Sheriff O. W. Harrington, the
alleging that while the
latter was in office he under
claim and delivery, illegally, prop-
belonging to Morgan. Ill a few
minutes after getting the case the
jury returned a verdict in of
the ill.
Dave Joy per, a colored ditcher
Falling Greek, was found dead
in the near tie Kens
place In Falling town
ship, Sunday morning, by Rome
colored people who were directed
to the place by 10-
old daughter, who hail kepi a
lonely vigil over her drunken
all night left him only
when day dawned she was
frozen herself. Kinston
Free Press.
In Hands of Receiver.
Application was mad to the
c out at this term for a receiver for
the Manufacturing
Company. L. L. was
pointed a such receiver to
up the business if the company.
He advertises the entire plant for
sale it off rs a good
persons desiring to
in the manufacturing business.
Work has commenced on the
of the Cheek building
getting it in readiness for
by the National Bank of
Most people are two-faced and
It's all right to while a few are three-faced.
time away after you done;
something worth while.
Even though a woman
a man a bore, she invariably
believes that he considers her
A train of thought is
unusually on the sidetrack.
Norfolk, Va.
the South
c. ewe is used in the
Sell of
Ask your dealer for
goods and d take
said to ;. as good. See that
the trade-murk on every hag.
turns Arc Puzzled.
The remarkable recovery of
of Me., sub-
of much interest to the medical
fraternity and a of friends,
lie says of his case. to severe
of the Throat
the three din-tors gave
me up to die, when, as a lust resort. I
was Induced to try Dr. King's New
Discovery and I am to say,
Cures the worst
roughs and Colds. Bronchitis,
weak Lungs, and La-
Grippe. Guaranteed I.,
drugstore. BOo and 11.00. Trial bot-
A Trite Saying.
It Is a saying that no man Is
Golden Medical strengthens
the it In make
rich the liver and
to the poisons from tho
body mid thus both liver unit kid-
trouble. If you take this natural
blood purifier you assist
your in day
a pint of rich, red that Is
rating up the brain and nerve. The
weak, nervous, run-down,
so many suffer
from, is usually the effect of poisons In
the Mood; it is often Indicated by pimples
or appearing on the skin, the face
become thin and the feelings
Dr. all blood
humors as well as I. a tonic that
makes one vigorous, strong forceful.
It Is the only medicine put up for
through druggists for like that
alcohol nor harmful
habit-forming drugs, one.
every Ingredient of which has the
of the bailing medical
writers of this country. Some of these
endorsements are published in a little
book of extracts from standard medical
works and will lie sent any address
riv, on receipt of therefor by
postal card, to Dr. U.
V N. Y. It tell
what Dr. Pierce's are made of.
The Words of for the several
of which Dr.
by leaders in all the
schools of medical practice, and
p mend lug them for the cure of the
diseases for which the Medical
Is advised, have far
more weight with the sick and afflicted
than any amount of the so-called
in conspicuously flaunted before
tho public by who are afraid to lot
the Ingredient of which their
are composed he known. Hear In mind
that the Medical Discovery has
Tim or on every bottle
wrapper, in a full list of Ingredients.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet cure con-
Invigorate the liver arid
late stomach and bowels.
Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page
Common Medical Adviser
will he sent for on-
cont stamp, or cloth-bound for stamp.
Address Dr. Pierce as above.
Loans Discounts
Due from Banks 15,478.17
Cash Items 30.00
Gold coin 502.50
Silver coin 1,401.63
Nat. notes 2,058.00
Capital stock pd in 110,000.01
Undivided profits 607.04
sub to check 88.600
State of North Carolina, q
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. the above-named bank, do
swear that the statement is true to th of my
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 8th day of Feb.
Notary Public.
W. J
R. L. TS.
The above resources we offer for the accommodation of
our customers and the encouragement of every
mate enterprise.
R. L. DAVIS, President, JAMES L. LITTLE, Cashier
i. A. ANDREWS, Vice President,
WALTER G. WARD, Cashier.
At the close of business Jan.
Loans and discounts
Due from Banks
Gold and silver
National bank
other U.
Capital stock 5,800.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits 815.87
Time certificates of
deposit 2,646.00
Deposits subj. to chock- 28,991.08
standing 872.03
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. H. H. Taylor, Cashier of the above named hank, do Solemnly
wear that the above Statement is true to the best of
and belief. II. II. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
mo, this 5th day of
1906. SAMUEL
Notary Public
M. O.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
. . C. -.-.
authorized for Daily
and we take
treat pleasure in receiving bud-
and writing for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
Our rags and art squares are
finer than the finest, Cannon and
J. J. Edwards Son
received car load of Ell-
wood wire
Edwin Tripp to
returned from Baltimore.
your buildings by
them with
Town and lead
and lull line of colors, kept at J.
K. Bro.
Buy your Felt Mattress at Can-
non Tyson, they the best.
Miss went to
Saturday on a visit to
friends and returned Monday.
V. and paper rooting,
Pumps with long or short joints
and pipe at J. B. Smith Bro.
Dress goods, Broad cloth, Henri-
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
silks, trimmings, lining and white
goods at J K Smith Bro
Tom Dawson has visiting
his sisters, Mrs. F. G.
and Miss Isabella Dawson.
Bed steads, mattresses, springs,
single and double, rockers, dining
and wash stands
tables at J K Smith
Bro i
B. F. Nunn, of Va.,
is here his
Calico Gingham at cents
per yard, great in white
Uppers and summer goods, at J.
B. Smith Bro.
J. B. Smith have just
received a car of alum
salt. Also a car bad Lee's
cultural lime for etc.,
Miss Harding, of
ville and of Win-
split from Saturday until
will Misses Dora
d-y Edwards.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible lo please you with
their of heavy and fancy
Car alt far sale by Can
non and
and wife have
been county.
P. S. Since the fire
I can be found on east
of between office of Dr.
and Tripp Bro
I i full supply e
A full supply of Trunks.
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels and
Suit Cases, at J. B. Smith A Bro.
Misses Nellie Mumford,
Hines, Allie Bland and Mrs.
all to Greenville
Saturday shopping.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw.
Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. K.
Smith Bro.
Cannon and Tyson invites your
attention to their car load of stoves
We call your attention to our
line of harness, Cannon
and Tyson.
Buy your furniture of Cannon
and Tyson, they have the best and
Latest styles in cloaks and wrap
for and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
turn at J. II. Smith Bro.
and Tyson have the
strongest line of dress goods and
shoes in town.
For a nice present boy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
Mr. and Mrs.
the road on the train Saturday.
A beautiful line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware
at J B Smith Bro
Get the Cox cotton planter the
best on the market at J. B. Smith
Pure Plymouth Bock Chicken
for sale per setting of
Apply to Mrs. W. J. Mum-
ford, A N. C.
We have moved in the brick
store of J. H. Bynum on West
street just of the
Carolina House. Our goods are
all new as entire old stock was
in the recent fire. We will
be pleased to have our friends as
well as the general call and
see us. We know we can please
you Dot h as to price and quality.
W. C. Jackson Co
Lon Rountree, of Greenville, is
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell your seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-
grips, satchels, hand bar,
and suits cases at J R Smith it Bro
I always keep on hand a
of feed stuff et lowest cash
prices Such m, hay, i
Jack baa gone to
; up to will be
d by the
Car load V. roofing in
lengths to cover residences
shelters, stables cheaper than
and very little labor, at J.
B Smith Bro.
is some talk of organizing
a here at
a very early date. The prospects
are hue. tact
nearly all the names required have
been secured. The lodge if
will be composed of the very
best element of the town and com-
your eyes need
J. W. Taylor, optician,
N. C. is the to do
your work if you to be
Miss Nellie nus, who
ii r inn VIM,.,,; Lei
sister, returned u. me in
It is sometimes considered not
good taste to get too unless
it is spooning over that delicious hot
Chocolate at P. G. Co's
Elder D.
through here this weeK his way
to and from his at
Only a few weeks before Easter
how about letting us make that
spring suit while you can secure
your choice of goods. Wanamaker
Brown, per F. G. A Co.
Honor roll of fifth and fourth
grades of Graded school,
month ending March 16th,
May Cannon, Beulah Mom-
ford, May Smith, Lucretia Worth-
after a visit
friend lo m, paused
on her
in, oh.-
If yon an- troubled with your
eyes or have a difficulty obtain-
suitable it matters not
how difficult i-a-e, call on J.
N. C, five
experience with some most
obstinate cases. He never fails to
give patients satisfaction or their
money refunded. Over five hundred
of Pitt Greene and Lenoir
best people to testify to his honesty
and ability. Give him your eye
If a man to the ex-
ample, h is foolish if he expects
the world to good opinion
of him.
Statistics show that the soon-
a man allows his wife to have
the last word the sooner the con-
will end.
Nothing pleases- mi actor more
than a lot of strenuous glad
Beginning with Monday, January
15th, we will conduct a special sale
on all dress goods, dry goods cloth-
shoe and hate. These prices
will prevail till Feb. 1st. This is
the mouth you should buy. It is
the mouth we should sell. All
lines in-our store will be reduced
from ten to twenty to per
Our spring and summer goods
will soon arrive and in order to
make room for our stock, we
decided to conduct this sale. Th i-
opportunity is a mutual one, and
we trust you will take advantage
of the many bargains we will offer.
Come to see and be convinced
for yourself.
The entertainment given last
Friday evening by the lady teach
and t pupils of the
part was excellently render
I and all acquitted themselves in
a most creditable The
was feet and the
exceptionally fine.
t entire program was of a very
high order and those who were
present express themselves as not
lily but
Toe we are in-
formed wire about A like
performance would not be regret-
The fact that e people in
parts of the State continue to
invite Governor Glenn to deliver
speeches shows that they do not
want him to stay on the Raleigh base
all the time. Wilmington Star.
High Point, March
the factories of
High Point paid off for th- week,
I he v , . quiet i i lied
on and April no
union man Would he
ti d quite a
A Lively Tussle
with that old the race.
oft. ii in
avoid ail trouble with
ii In take Dr. K I
. is ill,
His i- ., v makes
one . near.
Mrs. L. N. Edwards and four
ate on the list with
Mr. Mis. W and
two children have down with
Mrs. Albert Moore is sick
with measles.
Mrs. M. S. Cox is on the sick
Miss a Carroll's school closed
at Stocks school house Friday.
She gave a pound party Thursday
well behaved crowd
was present and all passed
Miss Sadie Carroll, who has been
near Black Jack, has
returned home. school closed
with a party
and a play.
went to Green-
ville business
F Carroll went to Winter-
v i I It- F and daughter.
Annie, and Miss
U high school, came
When speaking of amusement
it is proper to include cir-
Every man's conscience is just a
little different every other
My sou William Jenkins,
having left my home and
without my and the said
William col., being a
minor, this is to warn any and
persons g she food or em-
to him and those
so will be prosecuted according to
law. January 19th
William Jenkins col.
New Life P. i . w. over
these organs, without or
fort, at J. L. until Sunday
B. F. D. from Jack
Oxford, Pig. March has Daily Four
three children if Juntas copies left the writer box
were burned to death their
home near here last night
the absence of the The
children were too young know
what to do to one being
one years old and I lie other an
In taut. The noose was
and the bodies incinerated.
Torture By Savages.
of the torture W
some of the savage tribes in the Philip-
pines subject their captives, reminds
me of the intense suffering I endured
for three months from
the says w. M.
Me., Nothing
I tried Bitter, three
which completely cured me Cures
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,
disorders and Malaria restores the
weak and nervous to robust
Guaranteed by . auto
A Scientific Wonder
The cures that stand to its credit
make Salve
wonder. E. k.
lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry,
Waynesboro, Pa., of
of Piles. heals the worst Burns,
Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds,
Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only
L. drug store.
each day, though three are for
other people and that only leaves
us one. We need lour every night
for awhile, as are six of us
all want see it at once. I
try to be hist.
Louis ii 1.11 -hi. and
of Jack, visited
our section Sunday.
Miss Eva Cox and
made allying trip
Miss Minnie
Hugh, were near
Mis. J. has
her brother, L. S.
for a days returned
to her home near
J. R.
y M
,, ,
a fish every night on
. train, and I will
t fair. P. IS Cannon.
v J. B. Tingle, of Bel haven,
here for
corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
locks hunters nails Cross
and mechanic tools at J
can peaches, apples, corn
kc, apply to K. ii
dis. H. ;. is on a visit
her Miter i i
have the grocery
me-- of and
m the same
the same store,
th i public to call and
We will sell as as
and always the best.
e us a It. Williams.
rs. J. A. of
h, spent Friday here with
daughter, Miss Dora
one of in the
lo K. K
Co's new
kt for beef, fresh meats,
fresh fish.
seed meal brand
and shin I illy, Co.
there to
three and
one black mule, three of them
horse mules and one mare mule.
The owner can have same by com-
forward and proving properly
and Thin February
J. M. Harris.
J. T. Smith. Jr. has been to
to see the boy.
a full line of meat, lard can
good. Don't buy before
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
For carpenter grind stones
i rope pulleys, at J. It.
Smith A Bro.
Why exhaust your patience with
that kicking cow when you can buy
Evaporated Cream and Con
denied at F. G.
Miss Lucy Tuning,
ville is visiting her slater, Airs.
W. M. wards.
New Feed
N. C. Team well cared for. Pas-
carried to and
available points. The best and
most comfortable conveyances.
Prices reasonable. At service of
public at all times and hour.
Try Moore livery,
exchange stables,
Office Brick Block, at.
Ayden, N. C.
The Only Requisite for
A Perfect Complexion
are your and a jar
Massage Cream
Soap the I nut in-n the
Skin There in soap
is tin- Italic Ii ii M
becomes an impurity i
impurity out of the
,. th
the the
I'll must go,
use it in fare
use it
SI hi per
For Sale at
crop is
so easily
be right, to
be it must
I h with
t be wont
KALI ft J St., N. V.
Same as
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes
Hats, Gent's and Ladles fur-
goods. In fact
everything kept in a first
class general X
store sold at greatly I
ed Prices- Dentist.
HORTON Greenville, N. G.
Uncle presented a pretty
spectacle in the Senate on Fri-
day. Though the efforts of the
Democrats, with Senator Daniel
leading the right with a power-
speech, was
for a government poi
factory. done
which has gonging Uncle
to of millions. The
Republican party levies a pro-
tariff for tho powder
trust and enables it not only to
make the people pay them
but to hold up Uncle Sam
whose Republican
gives it a soft snap and em-
powers it to smite tho hand that
empties the tribute into tho lap
of the trust- Wilmington Star.
N. w.--
At the Goose of business Jan. 29th,
I wt,
Rev. it of
a Letter
an The
w is by a
Loan and
Furniture and
Demand Loans
Duo from Bank,
Sold Coin,
Silver Coin, .-
National Hank note
other U. notes
from Hie city
here The
pry by filing
of a a window. One
the men. man,
his ankles
prevent bl The polio
have been huh to locate
mid miff In Hie famine region
relieved by the
Cashier's I a l II from foreign
by the abatement of
Sin . fund
Undivided profit lea
Dividend unpaid
I, J. K. Smith, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
that the above statement is true to tho host of my and be-
and lo before
rue, this 5th day of
. Notary Public.
j J. R. SMITH, Cashier.
Intel, The local me
trying to provide work for the
bod led, but the extent of the
work is inadequate and thousands
are on the verge of starvation.
Many parents are parting with
their children, lending them to the
already crowded Okayama orphan-
The skin-deep beauty of a
may good for a marriage license.

Many stories have been told
f Southern chivalry, but the
palm appears to go to a story
Will Be Held in Charlotte
Next Week.
Charlotte will be meeting
told by a former of, next week i the Sec
Kentucky while visiting in this church of the
Ct recently. North Carolina Sunday School
According the narrator a
genuine Kentucky colonel board-
ed a street car, which was very
crowded, and somehow be step-
on foot of a very pretty
n I the w man
colonel to apologize
just as did everybody else who
Convention. This association is
founded u principles that work
for good citizenship re-
the gathering of
much for
any which meetings are
held. Hie Sunday school
i t only organization that
beard her give a all forces
when the colonel's foot , religion.
came down, meeting to be held next week is an i
And looked as though of the deepest significance
expected an apology, but Christian educators
colonel divining
i hat and list And Our
madam I'm is today the rallying cry of
s school workers of
ca. This blending of
,,.; R ,, j to be d in
s r g a
s i
illy small
ramp i n them
to find m, l d think
The wash
I he u st
i i
It is fashionable for
ladies on Sunday afternoons to
live Maltese cat, a buff-
colored jacket, and other things.
The i is worn on shoulder
tic right shoulder yesterday
is harm into place by a
em liar and a
carried In lady's hand. A
hole, it s. ems. must be popped
in the cat's left car. wherein a
red ribbon is daintily
or may be that the rib-
an around its neck.
Which . true there is no know-
or would dare to stop
a lady on the street to scrutinize
her clothes The cat worn is a
one, and he soon will be-
come to
fl m passers. The pref-
with ladies tins cat
over French poodle is by reason
of tic newness of former.
Ladies ha worn poodle ever
since clothes,
but the cat is fresh, and calls at-
i ;. streets to its
v, .
standstill always In-
i ties of pleasure from
the Watch tor
i e auditorium
f the Second Presbyterian church
-i be
American Conquest liege. I
This On quest been adopt
ed by of State Sunday
elation as the new
of the religion,
Crow Is l lie symbol and This
We the all
the churches, irrespective of creed,
are working aggressively in
Christian unity.
The colors of this country h
been displayed at of
the i-tat Sunday school
and the committee
of the program next week ha
decided to ask the co-operation of
in placing in
national Conquest
Be Forced Out of Jail.
Ever since the establishment
jails there baa seemed to be a
salmons desire to keep the out-
side them, but Surry county
exception to the rule
person of Thomas who,
when ottered his liberty, actually
refused to depart from
of at I
Venable was serving a term of
day for contempt of court and on
last day Sheriff Davis
ed order for bis release. Jim
refused to an
declaring that he wanted
s understand the mailer
a out in cold and, .
cheerless world.
same strong aim of the law that
incarcerated him landed him out-
side of prison
F i
Judge Who i- I H
holding cot
mi R big lire
is i
n property
if I
g I
i , Post
th country
; tin
as it will
i o
which I h
ump i
ii cord.
Wire ii.
Norfolk Cotton ft Peanuts
Cotton Norfolk,
rid diddling
Middling ill
a id
a U .
; the ah
. , a
one's of right U
la It .
live a life of
If u
ins Idly with the
will find
It It
one looks proudly
Ult your
full of advice.
ms to It nice.
la It
one lo lurk for winning,
la It you
e a. new beginning;
la It you
e one had
sen e a-
one's a cad
terribly mistaken;
la It you
me will awaken;
la It you
to make the man-
It you
e one may a
And It's
but i be willing,
me one better set Jaw,
to be straw,
Into craw
And It's you.
Baltimore American.
Tells of lb
and Talks of Some
Other Things.
and Friday.
Resolution of Surprise
Date for Meetings Changed.
The Pitt County the
Cotton Association held
meeting in
mil house here today, April 2nd.
The called to order
y J. J. both
vice president being
The usual routine of bus
I, R. Cot ten, in shortly after
be meeting was called to order,
been delayed by
on the while on his way
om home.
It was decided by association
o hold only quarterly meetings of
be county after this
and date of meeting
net for
at o'clock p. m. in court
heretofore w so
it convenient for the mer-
in and
towns to attend. change
i Saturday made and
passed by
Be it resolved by the Pitt
Division of the Southern
Association, that the mer
professional of
county are not giving the as
the and
it has a right to expect, and
re hereby surprise and
egret at such lack of interest on
part, and this resolution is
as of our sins
i-e mat absolutely depend-
on the prosperity of the farm-
of Pitt show so
Interest a movement which
leans SO the general
Day of Joy With the Baptist.
ii ,
no . . ,;. in
May . ii n Hi
. May
Ii. .
I r
. . ,.,,. 1.1 I. II. i
J. H. Ii, J. O.
i e
W ii.
Greenville, Carolina
Imperil of Mm farmers and
be country at
Marriage Licenses-
of Dee Is K. Williams
licenses t the following
Earnest F. Gainer Eva I.
C Forbes and Lena An-
Win. Austin Clark and Jessie
J. L. Ed-
Wiley N. and Fannie J.
F. White and Lenora
Smith and Cora White.
Grifton, N. C. March
Since I wrote you before I see that
the general government has taken
cognizance of a lynching bee in the
of Tennessee and I have
en this matter a very deep thought
I said to myself, I. can't there
be a remedy for this I
think I can holler I've
found it. what do you
on it 1st Why its ah easy as
falling off a Jess so yes
If Judge Lynch would turn
bis to the Almighty de-
of these
and hang a few of the shyster law-
who go out of way
through the meshes of
the law to a reputation upon
cases, then we would not have
many more of these occurrences by
mob violence, because the delay of
justice about by
shysters would then be done away
skating rink at place
seems to be all the go for young
folks, and the old folks, big folks,
little folks, and folks that is folks,
a ho seem to be on the go pretty
the skates. Sometimes
Borne what thinks he has
got the art down fine, gets careless
then it is the skates takes ad-
vantage of him, which causes him
to suddenly make up his mind
that he will pay his respects to
when he finds his
not reciprocated, and be rises
up feelings, some
less. if you see
these big fat
walking around with a very red
face, all in his hair,
you may know he's been there
to the rink.
The town authorities having
a , many shade Bel OUt
along the streets in and now
if they will mulch water them
season three years it will
be u nice place for paradise
birds to perch on their leafy
and fill the air with their
then there is else I am
here to tell you about.
can bi of as good, pure, healthy
water as if not better
any other in the State. If
you don't believe it, come stay
a while and you will be convinced.
You may take u from
the pump on Monday
it will be good for Sunday follow-
dinner. If you don't go
to the and if you do,
water will keep a month, just
for your special benefit; How you
know, I
Eb, hush your fuss.
I t link our c an t more
widows and widowers any
place the size
it We have
about lit inhabitant.- every
tenth one is either an old main, or
young maid, widow or widower
Now din is for time.
Never into with
They'll skin you if you get St.
Peter for a and the Re-
cording Anglo for the bookkeeper
National Bank.
The subscribers for st
National Bank of Greenville have
been paying the first call today
and the bank will be ready to be-
gin business on the 10th, or as
soon as the building is
Wheat Biscuits, Grape Nut, Force,
Oat Flakes, at S. M.
was a day of gladness
and inspiration for the
Baptists of this d
many friends who with
the anniversary exercise
of Memorial Baptist church.
day was bright and beautiful,
incentive to praise,
the appropriate e-s of the
exercises harmonized de-
with such a
The Sunday school was t Oral
service day, and
dance there was ad me
interesting lesson on two
f by MM
f man no
to well applied with
ion- to right I HI d
not bearers oily of
the words of Jesus.
The anniversary were
in accordance with the
previously published Dr. J. Ii.
the grand old man whom
everybody delivered
historical address it was
almost like voice of
words were So
so interesting, so uplifting. He
began with a reference to bis love
for every spot in North Carolina
and especially ibis eastern
and bis delight at being
pie-eat and able to take part
this service. Then going back to
days of , and early
settlers, he told how the Baptists
came and planted here
and there, their advocacy of re-
and belief in
giving the n great
with tie people. The
list-, he said, acknowledged the
superiority of no man as able to
pronounce curses or blessings upon
the individual, but every believer
in Christ is a priest in himself free
to approach d at will com
with Him. Then, too, be
said, the Baptists recognize in
believer in Christ, of what-
ever name, a brother and strike
bands with him in carrying on
God's work.
nearer home Dr.
ham told much of early history
of Greenville, how the town was
located a few miles
from the present seat and was call-
ed Mart in in honor of
nor Martin; later the town
moved up on lank of Tar river
and the name changed to Green-
ville. He told of the establishing
of the church here in 1827, and the
organization of the Baptist State
Convention here three later,
Greenville, be said, was then
most accessible between Hal
and Elizabeth City, hence
this was selected for
meeting of those interested in the
movement. So you see what honor
rests upon the church.
But the existence of a church
here it is possible that the
would not have organ
r. made brief
mention of early pastors of
here and their labors, and
turning to present beloved pas
tor have a line
of noble succession and I know
you will do nobly in carrying on
Then look-
over the large congregation
with voice he
those dear he hail known
long gone, who have
passed on to the better world. He
missed them, and tears welled into
eyes as ho called of
Borne of these faithful saints and
told of their virtues.
Dr. said that
had also been very dear to him
even outside of th In
this connection he referred
I i the Dr.
paid a beautiful tribute to bi
The entire address was moot in-
and appreciated by every
hearer. Rev. J. E. fol-
lowed a few remarks, thanking
Dr. for his admirable ad-
dress and urging bis church to live
up to the principles that had dis-
the Baptists and mark-
ed their growth as a At
night Mr. delivered an
excellent sermon on and
that delighted the large
The feature of the
was superb,
excellent condition and render-
every selection faultlessly.
The solos at the service
by Mrs. Brown and evening
service by Miss Tyson were
exceptionally and
full choir
-pedal by male
voices came in for their snare of
The entire services of day
were truly delightful and will
prove to the community in
welding spirit of Christian
brotherhood among people.
While this is the first anniversary
Memorial Baptist church has
held, we hope it will be followed
each year by such an inspiring
pin, N. C, April 1906.-
G. H. Little was taken suddenly
ill last Monday, but is now
Dr. E A- of Greenville,
was here one day last week.
Miss Estelle Thigpen, who lives
near Greenville, is visiting her
Mrs. J. P. Fleming.
M is. D. G. Moore and son, Wes-
Jones, of Grimesland, are vis-
her Mr. J. J.
Dr. C. M. Jones, of Grimesland,
was here Tuesday.
D. R. Willis, of Washington was
here Friday.
W. J. of Greenville,
was Saturday.
J. J. spent t
in Greenville.
G. G. Gable, of Washington, was
B. B. went to
Washington Saturday.
T. H. Hodges is on sick list
Mrs. Fannie Spier, in her
year, wife late Mr. R. M.
Spier, after illness of two weeks
died Saturday morning at
home two miles in the country.
The funeral was held after
noon at o'clock, service
c inducted by Rev. J. T. Eubank,
of Bethel.
Mrs. Spier was a faithful
of the Missionary Baptist
church and was loved by every
one that new her. The
is stricken with and
grief at the loss of a noble
and good woman
She was twice married and
survived by three children of the
marriage mid two of the last
These are Mr. John Dixon, of Rob-
i Mr. E. S Dixon,
Greenville Mrs. G. T,
House, of Bethel township; Mrs.
W. H. Bagwell,
Mr. M. T. Spier, of
Delightful Literary and Social
The regular monthly meeting of
the literary social
of the League was held
Friday evening at borne of
Mrs. Wiley Brown, on Dickinson
A large number of leaguers
were present all expressed
their delight in spending an even-
An red
was ably
delivered to th and
audience, who by many
of showed to
Harding, the president of
this their high
i f her
iii ibis work and
rem that it In made
bra ch of the league.
The was a
questions being
asked and each being tin
name of a our Slate
Set of the young people, after
long and careful study, succeeded
in getting the list of answers
After the contest music, games
and conversation were in order
bad passed only
too quickly.
At the next which is
to be held in April, subject for
will be
F. M. Hornaday,
Corresponding Secretary.
Again Remembered.
Big hearted Jimmie again
remembered Reflector force
Saturday evening in the way of a
big treat of pies. It was just at
a time when we were winding up
the week's work, and they tasted
better at that time than other.
We tender him our sincere thanks
and wish for him and his
continued success.
N. C. Mar.
Mr. Hawkins, of Washington,
was Friday.
W. M. Ward, of New Bern, was
in Thursday.
Mrs. B. L. Hull, who has been
quite at her home Pine
street is improving.
F. P Stalling, of
was in town Tuesday.
C. D. Baker went to Washing-
ton Sunday.
Dickson is quite sics
with measles.
Mr. of Goldsboro, spent
several days in this
JoBie Alford, formerly an em-
of the B. C. L. Co. but now
of Rocky Mount, is visiting
fives and friends in
Mr. Johnson, of Norfolk, in
town this week.
Mrs. Galloway, who cam in
from the country to spend the
afternoon with her daughter, Mrs.
Bailey, on returning home was
thrown from the buggy by a inn
away horse. She was hurt right
badly, but not
Mr. of Norfolk, was in
town Friday.
Mr. Brown, of was in
L, C. Arthur, of Greenville, was
Mr. and Mrs, O. G
Thursday night.
The interior of the Methodist
church ha been greatly improved
by Ming newly painted a nice
new carpet.
Prof. W. H. our
worthy county superintendent,
was hers Thursday night looking
after locating and establishing n
school for this community. A
good many of our best citizens met
him at the Masonic hall listen-
ed to his most excellent
of an t. All were
delighted with Ins address,
voted their unanimous
We hope Prof.
will come to our town again.
C, Mar. 31.1906.
Washington fog and dust still
involve the rate bill. The meas-
has reached the point where
the whole question is involved in
th i right of judicial review and
in this provision if any whore will
be concealed joker that is to
make the measure acceptable to
the railroads. For the benefit
of the uninitiated, it may be said
that the now is for an
to an amended bill
that will provide for a more or
less broad court review. The
object of the friends of the
measure will be to frame this
re. provision s-- that will
not interfere with the obvious
of the law and make the
delays possible under the bill
more than offset any benefits
that the measure might confer.
Naval officers as a whole are
pleased over the sanction of the
Naval appropriation bill by the
committee, not only because it
gives a little short of
for the execution of the
plans that the department
has on hand but because it also
provides for at least one battle-
ship that will rival the English
Dreadnought in size and
There is a provision in
the bill for one battleship of not
over that will be all
that even the Navy department
could desire.
While the work of defensive
naval construction is going on,
there is appropriation made also
for a new dry dock that will
equal the Dewey in size and will
be retained in American waters.
The prop headquarters of
this dock will be Solomon's Is-
land in the Chesapeake, but
though this spit affords unusual
facilities in the way of deep water
and a good channel, the dock,
once it is be avail-
able for use anywhere on the At-
coast where there is water
deed enough to submerge it and
where the exigencies of the
call for its presence.
It is estimated that an agree-
on the statehood bill is in
sight. This is more or less
cheering news, not that it makes
any vital difference whether or
not the territories that have been
waiting years for admittance to
the Union are admitted just at
this time or not, that agree-
foreshadowed has the show
of reason and decency about it
and consequently reflects the
same qualities on the conferees
The President has
mended to Congress the enact-
of the laws recommended
the Waterways Commission
with a view of saving Niagara
He says in effect that the
appropriation of the falls tot
water power has gone so far that
there is serious danger of the
great scenic wonder being sail-
ed for spectacular purposes alto-
Mr. C. C. of the
most successful farmers of Onslow
county, was in the city Tuesday to
dispose of some meat he had raised.
Mr. success as a farmer
can be estimated from what he did
on a two horse farm last year. He
cleared on average two
horse farm raised pounds
of pork, Free Press.
Elkin, March little
Mr. a id Mrs.
who the
shoe accidentally
drowned yesterday evening at five
o'clock, The mot net was busy
preparing the evening meal and
the little fellow was playing on the
porch. When she called him and
got no response she commenced a
search. Going to the spring near
by, then to the creek, and return-
again to the house he was
found to have fallen
into a tub of
an to

Many stories have been told Meeting Will Be Held in Charlotte
Southern chivalry, but the
palm appears to go to a story
told by a former of
Kentucky while visiting In this
ct recently.
According to the narrator a
genuine Kentucky colonel board-
ed a st car, which was very
crowded, and somehow he step-
on the foot of s very pretty
woman. Of course the woman
as did everybody else who
heard her give a mouse-like
when the colonel's fool
came down.
And she looked as though she
expected an apology, but the
colonel divining her thought,
doffed tin hat and s-id;
madam I'm nut
t hi c
f a
so V .
that a
, Lid was
make women
charming and
. . small
. tramp on them
to m, th n I d
The too
an res st,
e i a
is getting fashionable for
ladies on Sunday afternoons to
wear a live Maltese cat, a buff-
colored jacket, and other things.
The cat is worn on the shoulder
the right shoulder yesterday
is harnessed into place by a
leathern collar and a sort of
carried in the lady's hand. A
hole, it b ems, must be popped
in the cat's left ear. wherein a
how red ribbon is daintily
fixed; or it may be that the rib-
clean around its neck.
Which true there is no know-
for rho would dare to stop
a lady on the street to scrutinize
her clothes cat worn Is a
large one. and lie soon will be-
come accustomed to
passers. The pref-
with ladies for this cat
over French poodle is by reason
Of the newness of the former.
Ladies have worn the poodle ever
since ill o clothes,
but is fresh, and calls at-
in the streets to
wester, R a
standstill always in-
cries of pleasure from
the n. Watch tor
the Observer.
Next Week.
In Charlotte will tie tin- meeting
next week, April 3-5, the Sec
church of the
North Carolina Sunday School
Convention. This association is
founded that work
for both citizenship re-
and the gathering of
therefore, means much for
which meetings are
held. The Sunday school
i- organ it ion that
i- ail the forest
lo he held next week is an
occasion of the deepest significance
and educators
accord bit
and Our
is today the rallying cry of all
Sunday school workers of Amen-.
ca. This blending of patriotism
Is to be symbol d iii;
l e The limit, I
f the Presbyterian church
be deem at d with
American and .
This On quest kg has been adopt
ed by of State Sunday
school a-s. as the d
of the Christian religion,
Cross it Hie and
We all
the irrespective of Creed,
that are working aggressively
Christian unity.
The of this country hive
been displayed generally at all of
the stat . Sunday school
and the committee share
of program next week ha
decided to ask the co-operation id
public in in
national and Conquest
Be Forced Out of Jail.
Ever the establishment of
jails there has to be a
desire to keep the out-
side of them, but Surry county
has exception to rule the
person of Thomas who.
when offered bis liberty, actually
refused to depart f-om the
of at Dobson.
Venable was serving a term of
days fur contempt of court and on
last Saturday Sheriff Davis
ed an older for bis release. But
Venable refused to an
declaring that tie wanted
understand the
out in cold and .- .
world. the
same strong arm of the law that
Incarcerated him landed him out-
tide of prison
fit at
Judge F. who i- here
holding con t, received
lion this big lire
section d s
, I
given sows property
In ion. i l.- Long in-
p. . ; -i in Post express-
es that i
. to tin
i quick as it will
The I -i mice
I standard but
. . it jump
Win- Daily
Norfolk Cotton
A i editor in a lit of
the fol-
lowing the
water i
a id a
the L
need So come a
Court link i H in
i . i.
If I, . , I.- I I
,.,. ,, i . .
, H u i.
. Ma in , i . .
and Brokers,
; , .-
C v
, i . i .
,. i a
i. Marketa;
May C
May Ribs
May Lard
duly Lard
. Cotton
J. K. A J. O.
Twice-a-Week and Friday.
Is it you
ma v of right U
U It y-u
live- a life of
as t hey
with the
It It you
t OM will find him;
la It your
proudly behind
Is It your
one full of good
to thick It rather
i a paradise-
la It you
one to for
Is It you
one craves a new beginning;
In It you
one one had
a chance a--
one's likewise a cad
lit It you
one terribly mistaken;
Is It you
one sadly will
Is It you
the plan
hat a masterful
to make man
Is It you
one yet may a
but Lu be willing,
It's you.
one better set his Jaw,
ease lobe a man of straw,
et some sand Into his craw
And It's you.
Baltimore American.
Tells of lb
and Talks Some
Other Things.
Resolution of Surprise-
Date for Meetings Changed.
The Pitt County the
out her ii Cotton Association held
la monthly in the
emu here today, April 2nd.
The wag called to order
y J. J. both the
resident vice president being
The usual routine of
i. R. Cotten, in shortly after
be wax called to order,
been delayed by an
on the road while on bis way
It was decided by the association
hold only quarterly meetings of
e county organization after this
and the date of meeting
set for the second Satin day
at o'clock p. m. in the court
The meetings been
heretofore nu Mondays, an as
make it convenient for the
hunt in Greenville and surround-
towns to attend. The change
Saturday wail made and the
passed by
it resolved by the Pitt
Division of the Southern
Association, that the mer-
and professional men of
county are giving the as
the and
it has a right to expect, and
hereby surprise and
egret at such lack of interest on
part, and this resolution is
as an of our
prise that nun absolutely depend-
on the prosperity of the
rs of Pitt should show so
interest a movement which
leans so in ii--ti the general
of the farmers and of
he country at
of Dee is K. Williams
licenses i the following
Earnest P. Gainer and Eva L.
C. Forbes and Lena An-
Win. Austin Clark and Jessie
J. L. and Elizabeth Ed-
Grifton, N. C, March
Since I wrote you before I see that
the general government has taken
cognizance of a lynching bee in the
of Tennessee and I have
en this matter a very deep thought
I said to myself, I. can't there
be a remedy for this evil And I
think I can holler I've
it. And what do you
on it Why its as
falling off a Jess so yes
If Judge would turn
his attention to the Almighty de-
and hang a few of the shyster law-
who go out of way
through the technical meshes of
the law to build a
such cages, then we would not have
more of these occurrences by
mob violence, because the delay of
justice brought about by
shysters would then be away
The skating rink at place
seems to be all the go for the young
folks, and old folks, big folks,
little folks, and folks that is folks,
who seem to be on the go pretty
the skates. Sometimes
some what thinks he has
got the art down fine, gets careless
then it is the skates takes ad-
vantage of him, which him
to make up his mind
lie will pay bis respects to
the when he finds bis
not reciprocated, and be rises
up with feelings, some
some lees, if you see
of these big fat
walking with a very red
face, all in his
you may know he's been there
to the rink.
The town authorities having
a , mid many so a do gel OUt
the streets in and now
if they will mulch water them
season three years it will
be u place for the paradise
birds to perch their leafy
blanches and fill the air with their
there is else I am
here to tell you about.
can b. of as good, pure, healthy
water as any, if not
other in the If
you don't believe it, come and stay
a while and you will be convinced.
You may take a bucket lull from
the pump on
it will be good for follow-
dinner. you don't go
to the and if you do,
the water will keep a month, just
for your special benefit; How you
I bin
Kb, hush your fuss.
I I link our t can more
widows and widowers than
place the size
it in We have
About inhabitants every
one is mi old maid, or
young maid, widow or widower.
Now ills is for time.
Day of Joy With the Baptist.
Sunday was a day of gladness
inspiration for the
Baptists of this community d the
many friends who with
them in the anniversary exercise
of Memorial church. The
day was bright and beautiful, in
itself an to praise, and
the of the
exercises harmonized de-
with such a
The Sunday school was t
Never go into with
They'll skin you if you get St.
Peter for a doorkeeper and the Re-
cording Anglo fur bookkeeper
on and Fannie J.
Geo. F. White and Lenora
ward j Johnson and
Ed Smith Cora White.
National Bank.
The for st
National Bank of Greenville have
been paying the first call today
and the bank will be ready to be-
business on the 10th, or as
soon as the building is
Wheat Biscuits, Grape Nut, Force,
Flakes, at S. M.
service of the day, and Hie
dance there was d me
interesting lesson on
fin mint elected by Inn wise
man the f man
to well applied with
to right lug i d t
be d not bean rs ii of
the words of Jesus.
The exercises were
in accordance with the
previously published. Dr. J, D.
ilia grand old man whom
everybody love, delivered the
historical address it was
almost like the voice of
words were earnest,
so interesting, so uplifting. He
began with a reference to his love
for every spot in North Carolina
and especially ibis eastern section,
and in- delight at being
and able to take part
this service. Then going back to
days of I he , and early
settlers, he told bow the Baptists
came in planted churches here
and there, their advocacy of re-
I liter- y, belief in
nil priesthood and
brotherhood giving then great
with the people. The
he said, acknowledged the
superiority of no man as able to
pronounce curses or blessings upon
the individual, but every believer
in Christ is a priest himself free
to approach G d at will com-
with Him. Then, too, be
said, Baptists recognize in
every believer Christ, of what-
ever name, a brother strike
bands with him in carrying on
God's work.
nearer home Dr.
told of early history
of Greenville, how the town was
first located a few miles distant
from the present seat was call-
ed in of
nor Martin; later town
moved up on the I of Tar river
and the changed to Green-
ville. He told of the establishing
of the church here in 1827, and the
organization of the Baptist State
Convention here three later,
Greenville, he said, was I lien the
most accessible paint between
and Elizabeth City, hence
this was selected for the
meeting of those interested in
movement. So you see what honor
rests the church.
But far the existence of a church
here it is possible that the
would have been organ
Dr. d.-o made brief
mention of early pastors of
here and their labors, and
turning to present beloved pas
tor said have follow el a line
of noble succession and I know
will do nobly in carrying on
the Then look-
over the large congregation,
voice he
those dear friends be had
bate in years gone, who have
passed to the better world. He
missed them, tears welled into
many eyes as called names of
some of these faithful saints
told of virtues.
Dr. said that Greenville
had also been very dear to him
even outside of church. In
connection he referred
I i the late Dr and
paid a beautiful tribute to his
entire address was most in-
and appreciated by every
hearer. Rev. J. K. fol-
lowed in a few remarks, thanking
Dr. for his admirable ad-
dress and urging his church to live
up to the principles that bad dis-
the Baptists and mark-
ed growth as a church. At
night Mr. delivered an
excellent sermon on and
that delighted large
The of
superb, choir being
excellent condition and render-
every selection faultlessly.
solos at the service
by Mrs. Brown and
service by Miss were
and the
In the full choir and
by the male
voice- in for their snare of
The entire services of day
were truly delightful and will
prove helpful to the community in
welding spirit of Christian
brotherhood among the people.
While this is first anniversary
the Memorial Baptist church has
held, we hope it will be followed
each year by such
N. C, April 1906.-
G. H. Little was suddenly
ill last is now
Dr. E A- of Greenville,
was here one day last week.
Miss Estelle who lives
near Greenville, is visiting her
Mrs. J. P. Fleming.
Mrs. D. G. Moore and son, Wes-
Jones, of are vis-
her sister, Mr. J. J. Sutler-
Dr. C. M. Jones, of Grimesland,
was here lust Tuesday.
D. R. Willis, of
here Friday.
W. J. of Greenville,
was Saturday.
J. J. Satterthwaite spent t
in Greenville.
G. G. Gable, of Washington, was
B. B. Satterthwaite went to
Washington Saturday.
T. H. Hodges is on sick list
Mrs. Fannie Spier, in her 71st
year, wife of late Mr. R. M.
Spier, after illness of two weeks
died Saturday morning at her
home two miles in country.
The funeral was held after
noon at o'clock, the service
c inducted by Rev. J. T. Eubank,
of Bethel.
Mrs. Spier was a faithful
of Baptist
church and was loved by every
one that new her. The
is stricken with and
grief at the loss of a noble
and good woman
She was twice married and i
survived by three children of the
first marriage and two of the last
These are Mr. John Dixon, of
Mr. K. Dixon, i
Greenville Mrs. G. T,
House, of township; Mrs.
w. of Grew villa and
Mr. M. T. Spier,
Delightful Literary and
The regular monthly meeting of
the literary and social department
of the League was held
Friday evening at home of
Mrs. Wiley Brown, on Dickinson
avenue. A large leaguers
were present all expressed
delight in spending
so profitably
An fail
prepared i . ably
delivered to hug
audience, who by many
of showed to
Harding, president of
this their high
in ibis wink rapid
res is In made in
of the league,
The feature i evening u
questions being
asked each being tin
name of a our Stale
of the people,
long and careful study, succeeded
in the list of answers
After the contest music, games
and conversation were in order
tie had passed
too quickly.
At next which is
to be held in April, subject for
will be Longfellow-His
F. M.
Corresponding Secretary.
Again Remembered.
Big hearted again
The Reflector force
Saturday evening in the way of a
big treat of It was just at
a time when we were winding up
the work, and they tasted
better at that time than any other.
We him our sincere
and wish for him and his
continued success.
N. C. Mar.
Mr. of Washington,
was town Friday.
W. AI. Ward, of New Bern, was
Mrs. B. L. Hull, who has been
quite sick at her borne Pine
street is improving.
F. P Stalling, of Richmond.
was in town Tuesday.
C. D. Baker went to Washing-
ton Sunday.
Dickson is quite
Mr. Bust, of
several days
Alford, formerly an em-
of the B. C. L. Co. but now
of Rocky Mount, is visiting
lives in
Mr. of Norfolk, in
town this week.
Mrs. Galloway, who in
from the country to spend the
afternoon with her daughter, Mrs.
Bailey, on returning home
thrown from buggy by a inn
away horse. She was hurl right
bad but not seriously. I
Mr. of Norfolk, was in
town Friday.
Mr. Brown, of Kinston, was in
L. of Greenville, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs, . G
Thursday night.
The interior of the Methodist
church has been greatly improved
by being newly painted and a nice
Prof. W. II. our
worthy county
here Thursday night looking
after Inditing establishing h
school for this community, A
good many of our best citizens
him at Masonic hall and listen-
ed to his most excellent and in-,
address, on Needs
of an Education. All were
delighted with Ins
voted unanimous
We hope Prof,
will come to our town again.
C, Mar. 31.1906.
Washington fog and dust still
involve the rate bill. The meas-
has reached the point where
the whole question is involved in
th right of judicial review and
in this provision if any where will
be concealed joker that is to
make the measure acceptable to
the railroads. For the benefit
of the uninitiated, it may lie said
the now is for an
agreement to an amended bill
that will provide for a more or
loss broad court review. The
object of the friends of the
measure will be to frame this
review provision s- that i will
not interfere with the obvious
lent of the law and make the
delays, possible under the bill
more than offset any benefits
that the measure might confer.
Naval officers as a whole are
pleased over the sanction of the
Naval appropriation bill by the
committee, not only because it
gives a little short, of
for the execution of the
plans that the department
has on hand but because it also
provides for at least one battle-
ship that will rival the English
in size and effect-
There is a provision in
the bill for one battleship of not
over that will be all
that the Navy department
could desire.
While the work of defensive
naval construction is going on,
there is appropriation made also
for a new dry dock that will
equal the Dewey in size and will
be retained in American waters.
The prop headquarters of
this dock will be Solomon's Is-
land in the Chesapeake, but
though-this spot affords unusual
facilities in the way of deep water
and a good channel, the dock,
once it is be avail-
able for use anywhere on the At-
coast where there is water
deed enough to submerge it and
whore the exigencies of the
call for its presence.
It is estimated that an agree-
on the statehood bill is in
sight. This is more or less
cheering news, not that it makes
any vital difference whether or
not the territories that have been
waiting years fur admittance to
the Union are admitted just at
this time or not, that agree-
foreshadowed has the show
of reason and decency about it
and consequently reflects the
same qualities on the Conferees
The President has
to Congress the enact-
of the laws recommended
by the Waterways Commission
with a view of saving Niagara
Palls. He says in effect that the
appropriation of the falls for
water power gone so far that
there is serious danger of the
great, scenic wonder being spoil-
ed for spectacular purposes alto
Mr. C. C I; i. of
most successful farmers of Onslow
was in the city Tuesday to
dispose of some meat raised.
Mr. success as a farmer
can be estimated from what he did
on a two horse farm last year. He
cleared on an average two
horse farm and raised pounds
of Free Press,
March little
ii , Mr. a d Mrs.
Mid who
shoe w is accidentally
drowned evening at live
o'clock. The was busy
preparing the evening meal and
little fellow was placing on the
porch. When she called him and
got no response she commenced a
search, doing lo the spring near
by, then to creek, and return-
again to the house ho was
found have fallen
into a tub

Eastern reflector, 30 March 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 30, 1906
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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