Eastern reflector, 13 March 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

in i
W to
can e
Of Or;
II to
ti- Club on
if and entertained
null g manner She
. . ease
.; and in
i l guests i this
.- Ii with oldest
showed much
i Th- sub-
. mid Belgium.
V . tun-
ft. W,
ii hi ii mid
cockpit of
i; . item i-
V Paragraph
Chicago Sews.
A Ir. works hard trying to
avoid win
A is apt to make silly
people up.
The inc.-s of a cradle maniac-
i r. but profitable.
Many our best home ties look.
very II like mother's apron
nothing canning
the i-he, even if it is pain.
Often ii man casts a shadow over
his chant acts by talking about
. i to W. S
. v
UP No.
. F
St and Fancy
served. FRUITS,
Ii m.
s, Tobaccos
he i i ii . . . .
. ,, AI purchased hers are
and Fresh
G; N. C.
i i j f, story y
, progressive
i. Vows
i I i much
s that it is
i- t. n high, in
I times they undertook to
v, i what happened to the
over Then tower of
fell killed thirteen. As
s that people had an idea
building too high, with disastrous
results. Ii is like Sam Jones told
is Methodists of Durham, when he
heard they had taken two feet
of original of
s tall steeple. They built up
higher than they owned in that
T ii Ii is always safest to stay
n- near as is practical
v on earth, until the Lord
fit i rail up higher. If
i S high by man's
are to get a fall. Durham
TI r
i a-
is Chosen
n, March t;
, M. ii.
i mi
. it-ii 1875.------
retail am.
Cotton nil Bar
etc. Bed
Oak Hulls.
Lounges, P
and Gail A
Key West Cu
, Meat,
Food, Matches,
i Meal and Hulls, I
Oranges, Apples, N- I
Apples. e-
. Ware, Tin and
and M-
Best K.
goods. d
; In tor i
its meeting in Merchandise
. . , ,,. Rep. Produce
will inly on hand a
ply of Turkeys,
i etc,
me vote for Mr. Grigg. delivered free in any part if the
city. Pit me No.
H. A,
d X.
Ii , i , the district
. ii Carolina, c come
i i reserve c but j
hi m, in
hi- ii the i ii
.-it I i u .-
with i c
be place them is of
i res i Inn
; . . i
is ii
In i
ail the year round, and the
The Point Grocer,
I. i .
, . his
I, I may I
.- .
r ,
do i
i,, iii .
as ell
got m d i i
the i to be In
st is always tins i p
run, s the
. tide. I ; ii i
,. .
i, . , the
J. TUB .,
I re Points.
i Char
Broken l.
V , , , nil
for return, G. A. Clark. Id
Pi rein d
M ii. ii ,,,,
J Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
. .
v H
i it
P.- h P
Greenville, N. C, March 8th.
tie hoped call to
men, which we read id
oil ii ion of
not. unheeded, for it,
e there is good whole-
food for thought, such as
nay i e and
presently help every business
i,,. i,, and
been as medium
and solid could be bad,
other matter which
writer . f that timely article
haw to
t which it is
writer's to mention.
having closed their
during 1905, and doubt-
less of these have been
i n u to that ever
list of fast and reckless who
cannot and will not pay their bills,
it would be well for merchants
to get exchange the
names of those persons who go from
place to place making
accounts mid never closing
old ones. Through such exchange
Insets by such persons may
PR and much money lie
to toiling merchants
to M.
Mar. 8th. 1906
Trinity her
cam , which
ed with Wake last
hi. here in the Duke
I no why we
lie for we have
some material.
Dr. Edwin Minis, of the chair of
of Trinity,
two In Char-
In the
eleven the Trinity
his subject was
Hi and id
the . g in the academy of
be addressed the
Men's Association, his
Element In
Dr. W, P.- left Friday morn
for N V k city to attend the
meeting of Trinity College
which was
-held It was
also the of
i , t. this meeting, but
on n . he kept
away. And Friday, we
very mi en to say, his
I, i
iii ii pie. lit i very
mi o the
which v ill come off some
W in is to be a
members of the
I'm U this line of
i; debate has been
He fur March 2-1
Greenville, N. C , Mar.
I read with great interest your
article on home.
Please let me say that I agreed
with you in every If
there is anything that should
peal to an honest people is
home for poor unfortunates.
Those of us who enjoy some little
comforts should give those people
not only of over but
should interest ourselves in pro-
some way to make them as
comfortable as
while to live on this
earth. The community or the
that or tails to care
for their poor is doom
ed The one sign of civilization
th it stands out clear all
others to my mind is the
home. Let unite and provide
some way to make the
grand old county an
example that other counties
follow. I am willing to be one of
one bundled o.- more to contribute
my share that this home may be
in tact as well us name for
our poor brothers
and Keep up the good
work that you have started in such
a humane manner.
The one thing in article that
impressed me was that you blamed
no one, but the system, I agree
with you in no officer or
officers are responsible, but
we have a bad em and let III
correct it. Let ourselves
in their for one moment
I know the manhood and
womanhood of this county will rise
to occasion, nod if It i . be
done in no other way, will by vol-
subscriptions raise
amount to remedy
present condition.
A Good and Useful Passes
At o'clock Friday night at
bis home South Greenville the
soul of Mr.
passed peacefully into the rest
the spirit He had been in
poor health for more a year
bis last was
confined to his bed four weeks
From the of the disease
fastened upon him, his family
and up hope of
bin recovery, yet hie de th a
shock to all. The
fully, his life ending as m a
child filling Into sweet steep,
Mr. Parker was years of
and a of county, living
born and reared III
near His early
were m farming, his
its of industry and frugality wining
him success. He Mis
Lucretia Hill in 1877, who
died thirteen yens later in
1890. He was again married in
1892, to Mi. of
mid after lime
made home here.
Greenville never had a better
than Mr. Parker. He was
practical in bis business methods,
thoroughly conscientious in the
discharge of duty, show-
ed the highest in all his
a good neighbor, a devoted
band, a kind father, and exerted
for good all with
whom be came in He
was u member of the Christian
d Christian life was
in to G hi,
fellow man. He was also a prom
Odd Follow and
esteem by order.
m. R. r. who
Oils life March i,
a nil by the silent river.
That bounds the shores of time.
And with head low, I to hear,
sound of a distant chime.
I bells
A mi the a swing op c wide,
And the sweet voiced ones are sinking,
As I stand by the river side,
know, for while I have waited
A friend has journeyed home,
And is now faraway light,
And I stand on the brink alone.
Iran feel the print of his
As parting, he said
And h r it more, far out from
the shore.
Like toll of a distant bell.
The tears down unbidden,
For the parting is keen,
As stand on the shore, and look far
To the laud of the great unseen.
But not tor is the weeping,
For I shall
And we'll be mow together,
Where the living waters flow.
So I'll stand on the shore, waiting,
And who can say but I'll hear,
The chimes of greeting,
My us he journeys there.
And then, when the sands of my life
And leave the shores of
I shall once more the clasp of his
And the joy that is his will be mine.
H. Ii.
That Poll Tax Matter.
If you are, under the law, liable
for poll tax, and your poll tax for
is not paid when the 1st day
of May, 1906, shad have passed
don't stick out mouth
say you are disfranchised by the
constitutional amendment, for you
lie to blame yourself. The
amendment was pasted to improve
Another for
Postmaster R. fl Flanagan in
forms us that he has received ad
vices from the
that on Thursday, 15th the
handling of pouch mails on trains
and known as the
tor will be discontinued
and a mail clerk will he put on
these trains giving the regular It-
will lie a great
convenience to every to
Tallinn, and a- now all
can have fit of th,.
vice by trains, while hereto-
fore only the towns received
pouch mails.
ago Tn
wrote our congressman, Son, John
II. who is always ready to
serve the people of his
of getting a mail clerk on
this train, and through him and
the of Postmaster Flanagan
tho has been secured. The
putting on of this service by the
practically the
of this additional
train, The
press On. boa
the handling of express on it.
Closes With Splendid Entertain-
It was my privilege to attend
the dosing
night of the near Stokes,
Mies Daisy A
splendid program had been
pared and it was faultlessly
We never saw brighter
children those taking part in
Negro Goes to Jail on Three
Julius Gray, was before
Mayor this morning on
more he could stand
up against. night Gray
Wedding of an Editor.
The editor of the Gaylord
Sentinel wrote this account of his
wedding In bis paper the
other day. the first in-
stance several years of
per work that has dared
to tell the troth about a wedding,
for tear of gelling licked, and does
so now with a keen relish. The
is an editor, and is not
of fact, he doesn't know
as much it as a rabbit. His
hair is red, and the freckles on bis
face crowd other for
Iii the dusk it is hard to
him from a telephone pole.
Ho has never that the
i very bright or prom-
has always kept him too
busy paying bis build bills
n the up on bug juice and went
the a. the debased borne of a colored woman n
unscrupulous white mm, he drew n pistol
nothing for the of her. the woman
state, could him as a and
Mr. Parker served several M T I
as a member of the board of alder
wen of Greenville, and the first of
July, was elected mayor of
the town. In these public
the walks of life,
is every act was marked by the
highest degree of faithfulness. Not
long after being elected mayor bis
health failing, and a few
months later he tendered his res-
He is survived by rive children
of his first marriage, daughter
and four sous. These are Miss
Ellen and Mr. It. Parker, Jr.,
who lived here with him; Mr. C.
Parker, of Mr.
Thomas Parker, of Florida; and
Mr. Parker, of Wilmington.
All but the last two were with him
at his death. He also leaves one
and four R.
government Io house to which be thought
lowest depths. As the law now is he had gone and broke In
that every white man who
enough interest in well being
of our slate to prepare himself for
Chief of Police Smith stopped the
escapade by landing Gray in the
lock up. The mayor bound Gray
There a.
890-09 mi.
an Increase
Of oil
ire ii i
i inn I. not iii
mil side trucks
last year of
a the Southern
Line, Seaboard Air
divided u- Southern
Railway y, miles;
9-17.6.; Seaboard Air
Line Railway, 012.12 miles.
March Court.
March term of Pitt Superior
COUrt will begin on Monday,
It will be for the trial of civil cases
only. Judge B. F. Long will
M. Messrs. S. . J.
paying bis board bills of
dream- about Mr. G. W. Parker, of
He a
sort a fellow, and claims dis-
only that he is a
Hi- last wife has been an invalid
for several years, his devotion
the soles of his clumsy , her , ,, e
to the top of Ins head. The
is the youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. N. J. While, and
raised the B
Judging from the jib she
taken on her hands, be is a
lady of than ordinary
Well Represented
Hector makes
in Miss May Draper whoso
this paper
in masquerade party Friday
Her continue was unique,
and we are proud at reflected
by one so fair.
Miss has gone
to Baltimore the interest of the
business of Mrs. L. it Co.
She will select the newest and most
up to date styles Millinery.
We will show at our opening a
line of hats that can not
passed. later.
though she were a helpless child.
For her and bereaved
all have the deepest sympathy.
Funeral services were held
the Christian church at II o'clock
Sunday morning, interment
following in Cherry Hill cemetery.
On the of this mouth the
Government Genius Bureau will
issue a report showing t lie
total Dumber of of cotton
ginned for the season.
the ballot, can do so, and it will over ,,, on
always he but our bent carrying concealed weapon, assault
pie are determined that ignorance, with deadly and house
vice shall not breaking, default of bail Gray
rule state to jail.
Sentenced Years In
Greensboro, N. C, March
At this morning the jury in Rev H n
Burial of Mr. W. R. Parker.
of Mr. W. K. Parker,
who died Friday night, was held
Sunday morning. The body was
taken to the Christian church
where service was conducted by
Tucker Sold.
J. B. Window has purchased
the stock of dry goods of A. IS.
Tucker, who an assignment
a weeks This stock will
be thrown on the market at a great-
reduced price to run it off as
as possible. See the largo
advertisement in this paper be
to take advantage of the
the case against Dr. J. Mat-
thews, a verdict of guilty
of in the second degree
and Judge Fergus sentenced him
years at haul labor in the
state penitentiary.
A motion was made tor a now
trial which the court overruled.
Appeal was then taken
court. Bail was zed at
which the prisoner gave and was
until appeal is
Register of Deeds It.
Issued licenses to the
since last
H y Smith Bertha
avid Allie Bullock.
Anderson and Nettie
Sermon and C,
Peter Little High-
Manning Moore
Sylvester Pugh
Frank Forbes
Jno. Galloway and Dunn.
Lovelace and
cemetery where the
Odd Fellows performed the last sad
rites over their departed brother.
At the church Bee. Mr. Moore
paid an tribute to
deceased in speaking of his life as
citizen, husband, father,
and Odd Fellow,
The. attendance the funeral
was large. There were a hundred
Odd Fellows iii procession,
many coming from to join
the lodge in the
The pallbearers from the Old
Fellows were Messrs, A.
It, L. I,. James, B, ;.
D. D.
. Smith and It. Moore, The
a In w -re M r
K. Li . .
V. and D. i. The
tributes we I,
and the
and e H,. they
been a teacher and that
.,. training. This
is an excellent having
some of our best
men. T i y a pride in their
School are Mum giving their
Children o
To . much cannot be said
in of teacher,
pupils r, , school
and th. u verdict those
it was one of
the lies . they ever
The following Splendidly selected
give., after which
Prof. R spoke to the people
for nearly one
Song, God bless our country
the school.
First Psalm in
Little chatter box
i children.
Recitation, Mama's
Works of God
Catching the train
Willie Bullock.
Recitation, Handy starts
to I
the shade of the old
Presidents in rhyme
George Roebuck.
Recitation, Jesus lover of my
Recitation, Banner Betsey made
Lillian Thomas.
Recitation, A
Recitation, The little graves-
Eva Thomas.
Mind your own
Recitation, There is no body else
Fan drill.
Friends Roscoe
Flower of Liberty-
five boys.
Faith Looks-
Flag drill.
vi Louie
the organ,
the guitar
n lisle,
oded to the
rage, on
Miss on
Fannie Rollins,
ti, and Mi. K S.
s r i hi the vocal
Mis. E. A. Little Dead
tor la, March K A.
Little, of this died
day night at her home here, in the
year of her age. She was a
splendid woman, a staunch
of the Baptist Church. The
was held Thursday. She
is survived by two children. Mrs.
Dora E. Carr and Mr. James B.
Greenville will be on wheels
the skating opens.
Greenville Boy Chief Marshal.
T y
K.-I Cob i
t .
of Wake
inn society
i marshal. We
congratulate our townsman
upon this honor know he will
fill the position with highest
which -a
26th. V. .-I
elected Mr,
What is needed is fewer and
better magistrates and that
will allow I hem to help out god

Th. Ra
We sell and guarantee FAY and
per pair. W; are not agents, but are
Sole Agents and therefore can sell
We were the first to ever have t FAY STOCKINGS
shipped to Greenville.
j N. C.
For C Stoves Ranges,
I letters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition. One and Two
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
inn raying the marker Cotton Seed
in any
I also I and Hills, in car lots or
less, sacked or loose, to suit purchaser, r exchange for
at warehouse.
and all i constantly on hand.
Car Golden Se-d and Feed Oats to arrive, also
and Black Oafs, Bed Rust Proof Oats.
I bay just had built a large warehouse near
for tins line.
I will continue t carry a In of Groceries at the
mine stand occupied by
With the Golden
Early on the 21st of March the
sun the sign of Aries, and
astronomical spring begins. Two or
throe thousand years ago, when the
heavenly y ii is were originally
fashioned, Aries marked the vernal
equinox, the passage of the sun
through which betokens the opening
of spring. Owing, however, to the
slow westward movement of the
equinoctial points Aries in reality
has no longer the honor once ac-
corded it, but has drifted to the cast-
The constellation of Aries
sent in mythology the ram with the
golden fleece of fame.
and a short sketch of its history
may lie of interest. n
legendary king of had t
children, and and
also had two wives, having
the and taken a second.
The stepmother was not at all good
to the children and treated them so
badly that she aroused sympathy in
their behalf. Among those inter-
in the youngsters was Mer-
who sent a ram, which took
them on its buck, sprang into the
air and hustled them oil to the east-
In those days Europe and Asia
were separated by a strait, as we find
in a measure to be the case
and the girl became frighten-
ed or perhaps dizzy from seasickness
in crossing the water at this very
rough time in her experience, lost
her hold and fell into the
which to this day arc known as the
Hellespont. The boy had a better
hold and kept on until he reached
the far end of the Black sea.
us showed a spirit of sacrifice, not
of self, however, by killing the ram
and presenting its golden fleece to
the king of country, who caused
it to be hung in the sacred grove of
the Aries under the guard of a sleep-
less dragon. The star marking the
forehead was called by the Arabs
which means sheep. In very
early times it is said that the Greeks
considered this star as the sunrise
herald of the vernal
York Time.
One of the hardest things in tn
world is to condole with ii
a misfortune or a bereavement.
If it were not that the matter
generally serious u great many fun-
stories could be printed about the
condolences people offer to the be-
Hut at Manchester some
time ago a hardworking Irishman
fell out of a fourth story window
and broke his neck.
His wife was of course in great
After the funeral n neighbor call-
ed to offer her sympathy and con-
was a very sad thing
Indeed it was. To die like that
to fall out of a fourth story win-
was it so asked the
visitor. I heard it was
n third story
The sea rover who was
wont to swoop down on a mer-
and loot his cargo was
regarded by all civilized nations
as a criminal of the most danger
typo. If caught, he was
usually hanged along with his
crew In these more peaceful
days there are pirates who prey
on commerce, but they are far
less engaging to the imagination.
Among them may be called the
as he is
sometimes called, who, despite
the laws, still prospers. Instead
of holding up a ship laden with
merchandise he attacks the bus-
of some other manufacture
and by imitating his rival's
brand, the style and cover of the
packages in which the wares are
sold, and also by throwing out to
the public the bait of a cheaper
price, he diverts the revenues of
his victim into his own pocket.
So great has become the
of these land
that American
are now asking for a
law which shall make the
imitation of trademarks a penal
A bill has been intro-
at Washington which pro
that the maker of goods
which are articles of interstate
commerce and which bear labels
in imitation of other brands shall
liable to fine or
for two years, or
both. The manufacturer who
fleeces the public by means of a
counterfeit label is as much a
swindler as the green goods man
or the gold brick financier, If,
as the advocates of the bill as-
it will be supported by the
courts should
be passed. -New York Tribune.
Call in or drop us
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
. AYDEN, N. C.
The idea of a Cough Syrup that will act
on the bowels, and thus assist in expelling
colds from the system is new and original
in Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar.
A certain, safe and harmless remedy for
all Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough,
La Grippe, Bronchitis, Influenza and all
Lung and Bronchial Mothers p B
praise the children's favorite Kennedy's M.
Laxative Honey and Tar MANDI
at th Laboratory of E. C CO. V. S. A.
Sold by J. L. Wooten.
an in Arkansas.
luckiest man in Ark-
writes EL L Stanley, of I
Bruno, th restoration
wife's health after
of nous coughing bleed
ii. . and I owe
in. Fortune to the
medicine, Dr
Now Discovery for Consumption,
which I know from experience
will cure consumption if taken
in tune wife improved with
bottle and bottles
completed Cures the
worst c and colds or money
refunded L.
and SI Trial
I .
Is one where health abounds.
V- it h Impure blood there can-
not be good health.
With a disordered LIVER
cannot be good blood.
The Use of Metaphor.
A speaker who attempts to use
nautical metaphors should be
familiar with the sea and
the working of a ship or he will
strand hi- speech. A clergyman was
supplying a pulpit by the seaside.
Thinking to impress the truth
distinctly upon the congregation,
of whom were seamen, he
drew the figure of a ship trying to
enter ii harbor against n
Unfortunately for the -access of
hi- he knew little of sea-
After putting the
into several singular positions I.
cried out in a voice intended to be
shall we do
only exclaim-
ed a disgusted old tar, yon
let her drift
The is nigh
Judge Allen went to Madison
county a few days ago to hold a
two term of court and
docket was cleared in two days.
There were only cases and of
this number the State secured
convictions. Hut, most won
to relate there was not a
single murder case on
Usually there are a dozen or so
murderesses on the docket in
Madison, but as nobody is ever
hung there for murder, killing
in that county has probably be-
come an uninteresting pastime,
or it may be so the
got disgusted and because
the citizens of Wilson county, in
Eastern North Carolina, have
surpassed them at their own
game Statesville Landmark,
Capital stock pa. in
Undivided profits 1,607.0
sub to check
Due from
As Lin agent for Daily
id we take
eat pleasure in receiving sub-
and writing receipts for
in arrears. We have a list
all who receive their mail at
i office. We also take orders
r job
J. H. on
Our lugs and art squares are
t the finest, Cannon
J. J. Edwards Son have just
another car load of Ell.
d wire fencing.
sis J. B Gardner spent Tues-
year buildings by
them with
and County lead
full line colors, kept at J.
Buy your Pelt Mattress at Can-
iii ft have the best.
Dr. O. of
as professionally
lied et Tuesday to see
rs. J. H. Manning. We regret
Hi learn Mrs. Manning
is h ease
V. and paper rooting,
imps With long or short joints
d pipe tit J. R. Smith Bro.
Dress goods, Broad cloth, Henri-
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
its, trimmings, lining white
44,216.991 at J R Smith
Harrington, of Kinston
t lei n here during the week.
i i
State of North Carolina,
County of f
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear the above
knowledge and belief.
statement is true to th- best of my
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 8th day of Feb.
Notary Public.
W. J
R. L,
Oceans Below Us.
enormous is the quantity of
the waler contained below the
face of the earth if it should be
poured out upon the land it would
cover n to u uniform depth of about
i.- the remarkable
of a geologist. a depth
of about six mile- it is believed that
no water can exist in the rocks, be-
cause the tremendous pressure prob-
ably doses all pores, but above that
level the amount of underground
water is estimated to be equal in
quantity tn one-third of all the
contained in nil the
re l the torpid and
natural action.
A healthy LIVER means pure
Pure blood means health.
Health means happiness.
-eke no Substitute. All Druggists.
The isl r of i i
had been in i hurt e of t
one Sunday morning in I he
of the pastor, he
pleased on i of the women of
the congregation to
sister I always
when you preach,
lie was about to express his i ;
of the
his supposed admirer continue
sec, when preach it is
easy to find New
The government expects
who live on the rural routes
to put up boxes for their mail.
The government is doing very
much for the people in tho rural
sections by sending out men and
paying them good
the mail near the doors of most
of its citizens. Surely our good
citizens on all routes will be
to put up boxes
for their mail, and moot
Sain part of the
steads, spring.
mid double, rockers, dining
mm chairs wash stands
Users tables at J B Smith
. K. was
day week winking
Hint Gingham at cents
great in whits
leis goods, at J.
with ft Bo.
R. Smith ft just
a en load of ground alum
Also a car load of Lee's
lime for etc.,
night with Dr. L. C.
K. D will do all they
please you with
new Hue of heavy
for tale by Can
A reward of will be paid for In-
formation sufficient to convict
buy party or parties who leave
or do damage to gates or
fence around stock law
territory, or who the fence so that
dogs and horses through.
J l. see
The above resources for the accommodation of
our customers and the encouragement of every
mate enterprise.
R. L.
J. A. President,
WALTER G. WARD, Cashier.
All persons are hereby forbid
den under penalty of the law to
hire, contract give employ
meat tour shelter our sons,
Amos Stocks and James Allen
Stocks, without our consent.
Having duly qualified before tho Hit.
Court Clerk of Pitt county n
the estate of Mrs. M.
E. Peal, deceased, notice is hereby
to all persons Indebted to the
the undersigned, sad all persons
the estate mist
present the on or
tin- of January, 1907,
notice will be plead In bar of
This 17th, day of
W. I. Peal,
of M K. Pea
At the close of business Jan.
Loans and discounts 915,5-17.73
Due from Banks
Gold and silver
National bank
other U.
Capital stock 5,300.001
Surplus fund
Undivided profits 815.87
Time certificates of
deposit 2,515.00
Deposits to check
Carder's checks out-
standing 372.08
Certified Checks
the dis-
the Knights of
time. He says
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. H. Taylor, Cashier of tho above named hank, do solemnly
wear that the above statement is true to tho best of my
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
ore me, this day of
Notary Public
II. H. Taylor, Cashier.
r i ad
tad Tyson.
E. I h
as held i i
ports a Ii
were i
. the fire
now and on east side
road between office of Dr.
and Tripp Bro shops.
a full supply of general
groceries, confection-
and tobacco. Fresh
sand fish every night on
of train, call and I will
fair. P. S Cannon.
J. F. Hart re
S in Hill Monday,
n- , meal, hulls, lime
g i. nails Cross
sand tools at J
i ft
i i m I, apples, corn
. a, to E. E.
In the grocery
of and
id will the same
at the same store,
the public to call and
will sell as cheap as
test aid the best.
R. Williams.
E. Co's new
beef, fresh mi ate,
i fish,
A full supply of Trunks.
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels
Suit Cases, at J. R. Smith A Bro.
Old Fashion Hand-made
Paw Gum Bread Trays at J. It.
Smith Bro.
Rev. R. Jones, pastor Chris-
church here, will begin a
protracted meeting in his church,
the first Sunday in April- He
will be assisted by Rev. J. B.
Junes, of
Cannon and Tyson invites your
attention to their car load of stoves
and heaters.
W e your attention to
line of harness, Cannon
A collection was sent to the
sufferers of by the
i society here
Buy your furniture of Cannon
and Tyson, they have the best and
Latest styles wrap
for Me-i- and Ladies
-o a nice line of Zephyr
tors at J. R. Smith Bro.
J. F. wick is erecting a beau
two story building Third
street near the Methodist
It is said to he, when completed,
one the prettiest in
Cannon and Tyson have the
strongest line of dress goods
shoes in
For a nice present hoy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
W. H. Hamilton and C.
Hooks, of have been
recent visitors.
A Hue of crockery, glass
Ware, fancy lamps, and tinware
at J B Smith Bro
Get Cox cotton planter the
on market at J. R. Smith
We have moved In the
store of J, H. By mini mi
Railroad street just of the
Carolina Our goods are
all Li w as our entire old stuck was
burned in the recent fire. We will
be pleased to have friends as
well as the general call and
see us. We know we can please
you as to price and quality.
W. C. Jackson Co
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell your seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-
grips, satchels, hand
and suits cases at J R Smith A Bro
I always keep on hand h fill
due feed at lowest
prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
cotton feed meal and hulls, brand
and ship stuff. Frank Lilly Co.
Monday morning there came to
my house three mules and
OUR black mule, three of them
horse mules and one mare mule.
The owner can have same by com-
forward and proving property
and This
19th, 1900. J. M. Harris. .
a mil lino of meat, lard and cm
goods. Don't bay before
m B trial, Frank Lilly Co
For carpenters tools, grind stones
i hemp rope and pulleys, at J. K.
Why exhaust your patience with
Licking COW when you can buy
fresh Evaporated Cream and Cons
Milk at F. G.
New Livery, Feed and Exchange
and Jones, Ayden,
N. C. Team well cared for. Pas
carried to any and all
available points. The best and
most comfortable conveyances.
Pried reasonable. Attendee of
the public at all times and hours.
Try them Moore Jones, livery,
feed and exchange stables, Ayden,
Mrs. Charles and h r
and C K. Cur. of Green
ville, i. a visit during
w. .-; to Dr. I. C.
Car load V. Crimped
Cover .-
churches, houses, barns
much cheaper than
and very labor, m
B. Smith Bro
When eyes need
J. W, optician.
Ayden, is the to
your work it you want to be
J. A. Davis, Joyner
and Zeno left yesterday on
business fur
It is sometimes considered not
good taste to get too unless
it is spooning over that delicious hot
Chocolate at F. G Buhmaun Co's
From a reliable source of info
the prospective
of the sound of marriage bells
will in the
that at very distant day
two will beat as one and
two souls happy
of vows so sweet to assume and
starting in life of two of
mo-t popular people.
Our town have placed
orders for three automatic pumps
hose also fur hook
land ladder
Only a few weeks before Easter
about letting us make that
spring suit while you can
choice of goods. Wanamaker
per F. G. Co.
a few two ears of tiling
will be here with it is
to thoroughly
town. Indeed it now seems the
pin pose to make a
proper. Already a beauty, only
j little is necessary to make it
lone of the best the
The superintendent of the graced
school at Scotland contracted
pox and the closed for
two weeks.
Beginning with Monday, January
115th, e will a special sale
all dress goods, dry goods
I shoes and hats. These prices
Will prevail till Feb. 1st. This is
yon should buy. It is
the mouth we should sell. All
lines in our store will he reduced
. from to to per
I cent.
Our spring and summer goods
will soon arrive order to
make room tor our stock, we have
decided to conduct this sale. This
opportunity is a mutual one, and
we trust you will take advantage
; of the many bargains we will offer.
Come to see be convinced
j for yourself.
J. R. Co.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brick Block, East Railroad
Ayden, N. C.
I .
j , V I
A .
. a .;
Soap talcs dirt . then
skin adsorbs the nap. There In
is for the if remains, S
becomes an is
i i, ever, of the
.-. .-1-. all BK
the tin i
use it in place of face powder,
Gentlemen use it after
n j.
I he
r o in
w i t i-i. , .
an expert
N. C . ha-
em if of
u-t-es. He
Over five I
and Give him y i
work mi i.
My son William Jenkins,
having left my borne and
without my and the said
William col., a
minor, ibis is to warn any
persons -g food or em-
to him and those doing
so will lie to
law. This January
V Jenkins Si.
has W. Moore, a machinist,
of Ford City, Pa , had his hand
frightfully in an
cal furnace. He applied Buck-
Salve with the usual
result; quick and perfect cure
Greatest healer on earth for
Wounds, Sores, Eczema
and Pi es J. L. Wooten's,
A Healing Gospel.
The J. C. Warren, pastor
of Sharon Baptist Church, Be-
lair. Ga . says of Electric
a Godsend to mankind. It
cured tin- of lame back, stiff joints
and complete physical collapse.
I was also weak it took me half
an hour to walk a mile. Two
bottles of Electric Bitters have
made me so strong I have just
walked three miles in minutes
and feel like walking three more
It's made a man of Great
est remedy for weakness and all
Stomach. Liver and Kidney
complaints. Sold under
tee at J L. Wooten's Drug Store
Men. ,
i v a rough d T
B r el. up, bat. lit,
there is plenty of
Joe family from
near O were visiting
L. X K
also hi-
and -i--.-, Bail i I.
of i-
K I es,,. ,
were visit, a in
our section
Louis and sister,
Maggie, n. home with Miss
i evening.
A good III of the school
have got -unlit
makes the attendance
We are having better weather
now and farmers are hi a- a
A few like this I
make garden work lo old
Miss Carroll
her . rents until
having h lively
time wood
bill they will s. lie too
fur anything like Later
on one hardly bas time i
before M is time to get
catch that mule Then the
ate long enough lo no up
for oil
Stokes was a pi
ii our section
wen- p call 1- t,
Frank Carroll's last
Rosa Tucker, efficient
was also present, and rendered
selections on or.
Iran that added much to pleas-
of the evening.
M -lit
Same as of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes
Hats, Gent's and Ladies fur-
goods. In fact
everything kept in a first
class general
store sold at greatly
ed prices.
We the graded
school at Ken was de-troy-
ed by Bra. was a frame bit Id-
runs the and it
is truer with any class of
persons than with the ;
men lieu they on
ears, in v
in hotel lobbies at
the dining; they enter free
Iv into discussion about their
various expert noes
life; and about nothing; do they
talk with each other more
than about tho hotels of
One will tell the other
how he fares a certain hotel in
a certain town, and then the
others will have some stories to
relate about their experience
with the hotel keepers. If one
paid for privilege of sleeping
on a clean bed but found nothing
palatable on the table, another
found his steak, hash, rolls and
right, but found no
coin Ii in his bed room And
suit i pit of hotel
experience is discussed by
these knights of the and
who cull blame If they
find a good hotel measures
up to good ideals they feel like
they urn doing a deed to in-
form drummers of
it; and, mi the other hand, if they
rind what they are sometimes
pleased tn call a
they they are likewise
doing-a deed by informing
their follow of their
However, we
not that or
traveling men, are always
their opinions of men
and places; but generally when
every one gives opinion that
a certain hotel is there is
pretty apt to be some ground for
such conclusion. Hotel keepers
are a much talked about people,
hut if we could hear their side of
the matter, no doubt they would
I relate unpleasant experiences
with some traveling men Two
j sides, you know. Scotland Neck
For Sale at
The firm of Johnston Bret ., was
on the h day of January.
dissolved by mutual consent, F.
V, Johnston purchasing the inter-
est of I. B. Johnston In the bu.-i
The business will be con-
at the stand F. V.
This day Jan. 1906.
F. V.
Ii little e
-U in
KALI Nissan SI., N. V.,
R. L. tn.
Greenville, N.
N. C.-r-
At the noose bit sin Jan. 29th,
Loans and Discounts.
Furniture Fixtures
Demand Loins Undivided profits less
Due from Banks, . . .
Dividends unpaid . fill
Capital stock paid in,
Surplus fund
Cold Com, 110.00
Silver Coin,
National Hank notes and
other S. notes
Deposits subject to check,
I, J. U. Smith, Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my know and be-
lief. ; J. R. 851.11 H, Cashier.
Proverbs of Wall Street
He that hath pity upon the poor
to the Lord, seen-
is non .
A good name is rather to be
chosen than riches, but
for the problem of
selection, good is usually
good collateral.
Blessed are the poor, for they
have nothing to lose.
Wisdom is rubies,
and copper stocks arc not always
as an to slaughter,
so a lamb to Wall street.
A wise man a good
father, unless he bucks him from
j the side of the market.
The borrower is of
; the lender, doesn't affect
he notations on
He that ha rich
I pot be usually
Whose a pit
; i Me of him
. . .
I t u n
I Ii res mil mil .
-1 e . .
From Puck.
Will Stage
burg, c.
p. the n-is
who Dunn ti . wit-
in . lei in s, . ,.,, , ,,
. e H . .,.,,
to their bodies in New
a. i, to
J a . is , .
. . ,. tie,
. .-. . .
life will at once
enter training school to prepare
herself for the duties of her pro-
The plans of Miss Sheri-
are not known, but is it pro-
that she will continue her
career as actress.
. and sworn to before
me, this day of 1908.
. . r R. C. CANNON.
An option has been taken on
land in Rowan county by a wealthy
citizen of Italy with, a view
locating colony there.

hay Stockings
We sell and guarantee and
per pair. W; are not agents, but are
Sole Agents and therefore
We were the first to ever have t FAY STOCKINGS
shipped to Greenville.
i N. C.
For C Stoves Ranges,
heaters Pumps, Am-
munition. Horse
Si eel Plows. Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
The Ram With the Golden Fleece
on st of March the
sun the of Aries, and
astronomical spring begins. Two or
three thousand years ago, when the
heavenly group.- were originally
fashioned, Aries marked the vernal
equinox, the passage of the sun
through which betokens the opening
of spring. Owing, however, to the
t-low westward movement of the
equinoctial points Aries in reality
has no longer the honor once
it, but has drifted to the east-
The constellation of Aries
in mythology the ram with the
golden fleece of fame.
and a short sketch of its history
may of interest.
legendary king of had t
children, and and
also had two wives, having
the and taken a second.
The stepmother was not at all good
to the children and treated them so
badly that she sympathy in
their behalf. Among those inter-
in the youngsters was Mer-
who sent a ram, which took
them on its back, sprang into the
and hustled them off to the cast-
In those days Europe and Asia
were separated by a strait, we find
in a measure to be the ease today,
and the girl Hello became frighten-
ed or perhaps dizzy from seasickness
in crossing the water at this
rough lime in her experience, lost
her hold and fell into the
which to this day are known as the
Hellespont. The boy had a better
hold and kept on until he reached
the far end of the Mack sea.
us showed a spirit of sacrifice, not
of -elf. however, by killing the ram
and presenting its golden fleece to
the of the country, who caused
it to be hung in the sacred grove of
the Aries under the guard of a sleep-
less dragon. The star marking the
forehead was called by the Arabs
Hamal. which means sheep. In very
early times it is said that the Greeks
considered this star as the sunrise
herald of the vernal
York Times.
I paying the Cotton Seed
in any quantity.
I iii.-o I Meal and Hulls, in car lots or
less, sack.-i r loose, to suit or exchange for
and all kind t on
Car of Golden 8-d and Feed Oats to arrive, also Whit.
and Black Oat, Bed Boat Proof Oats.
have just had built a warehouse near the depot
for this line.
will continue I . carry a In- of Groceries at the
stand occupied y Bros.,
The sea rover who was
wont to swoop down on a mer-
and loot his cargo was
regarded by all civilized nations
as a criminal of the most danger
typo. If he was
usually hanged along with his
crew In these more peaceful
days there are pirates who prey
on commerce, but they are far
less engaging to the imagination.
Among them may be culled the
trademark as he is
sometimes called, who, despite
the laws, still prospers. Instead
of holding up a ship laden with
merchandise he attacks the bus-
of some other
and by imitating; his rival's
brand, the style and cover of the
packages in which the wares are
sold, and also by throwing out to
the public the bait of a cheaper
price, he diverts the revenues of
his victim into his own pocket.
So great has become the
of these land
that American
are now asking for a
law which shall make the
imitation of trademarks a penal
A bill has been intro-
at Washington which pro
that the maker of goods
which are articles of interstate
commerce and which bear lain
in imitation of other brands shall
be liable to fine or
for two years, or
both. The manufacturer who
fleeces the public by means of a
counterfeit label is as much a
swindler as the green goods man
or the gold brick financier, If,
as the advocates of the bill as-
it will be supported by the
courts should
be passed. -New York Tribune.
The idea of a Cough Syrup that will act
on the bowels, and thus assist in expelling
colds from the system is new and original
in Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar.
A certain, safe and harmless remedy for
all Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough,
La Grippe, Bronchitis, Influenza and all
Lung and Bronchial affections. Mothers
praise the children's favorite Kennedy's
Laxative Honey and Tar
at the Laboratory of Z. C. a CO. CHICAGO, V. A.
Sold by J. L. Wooten.
Luckiest Man In Arkansas.
luckiest mail in Ark
writes H. L Stanley, of
Bruno, the restoration of
wife's health after
if mm- and bleed ;
ii.- ;. . till I i
in . fortune to the world's
medicine, Dr King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
which i know from experience
will cure consumption if taken
in time My wife improved with
and bottles
Completed the cure Cures the
c and colds or money
refunded At L. Wooten's
and fit Trial
. i
Is one where health abounds,
Impure blood there can-
not be good health.
cannot be good blood.
One of the hardest things in
world is to condole with anybody ii
a misfortune a bereavement.
If it were not that the mat tor
generally serious a great many
stories could lie printed about the
condolences people offer to the
But at Manchester some
time ago a hardworking Irishman
fell out of a fourth story window
and broke his neck.
His wife was of course in great
After the funeral n neighbor call-
ed to her sympathy and con-
was a very sad thing
it was. To die like that
to fall out of a fourth story win-
was it so asked the
visitor. I heard it was
a third story
Call in or drop u a line.
The is nigh at hand.
Judge Allen went to Madison
county a few days ago to hold a
two term of court and the
docket was cleared in two days.
There were only cases and of
this number the State secured
convictions. Hut, most won
to relate there was not a
single murder case on the docket
Usually there are a dozen or so
murder cases on the docket in
Madison, but as nobody is ever
hung there for murder, killing
in that county has probably be-
come an uninteresting pastime,
or it may be so the
got disgusted and quit because
the citizens of Wilson county, in
Eastern North Carolina, have
surpassed them at their own
game Statesville Landmark.
The Use of Metaphor.
A speaker who attempts to use
nautical metaphors be
familiar with the sea and
the working of a ship or he will
strand his speech. A clergyman was
supplying pulpit by the seaside.
Thinking to impress the truth
distinctly upon the congregation,
many of Whom were seamen, he
drew the figure of a ship trying to
enter a harbor against a head wind.
Unfortunately for the success of
hi- metaphor, he knew little of sea-
After putting the ship
into several singular positions he
cried out in a voice intended to he
shall do
only exclaim-
ed a disgusted old tar. you
let her drift
enormous is the quantity of
the water contained below the
face of the earth that if it should he
poured out upon the land it would
cover it to a uniform depth of about
is the remarkable
of a geologist. a depth
of about six miles it is believed that
no water can exist in the rocks, he-
cause the tremendous pressure prob-
ably closes all pores, but above that
level the amount of underground
water is estimated to be equal in
quantity to one-third of all the
contained in all the
Loans Discounts
Due from Banks 10,478.1
Cash Items 30.05
Gold coin
Silver coin 1,401.63
Nat, notes
Capital stock in
Undivided profits 1.607.04
sub to check
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt. j
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear the above statement is true to best of mi
The government expects
who live the rural routes
to put up boxes for their mail.
government is doing very
much for the people in the rural
sections by sending out men and
paying them good
the mail near the doors of most
of its citizens. Surely our good
citizens on all routes will he
to put up boxes
for their mail, and meet
Sam part of the
A reward of will be paid for in-
formation to convict
any party or parties who leave
open or any damage to Elites or
fence around stock law
territory, or who cut the fence so that
dogs and horses puss through.
J II. see
the torpid LIVER
natural action.
A healthy LIVER pure
blood. m
Pure blood means health.
Health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All
The Attraction.
past of I
had been in i barge of
one Sunday morning in I ho ah
of the pa and he was ill
pleased when one of the women of
the congregation to
sister and always come
when you preach,
lie was about t express his
of the compliment
s supposed admirer
see, when you preach it is
easy to find New j-
All persons are hereby forbid
den under penalty of law to
hire, contract give employ-
to or shelter our sons,
Amos and Allen
without our consent.
Having duly qualified before the
Court Clerk county
the estate of Mrs. M.
real, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons Indebted to the
Immediate payment t
the and all per
the estate m
present m the on or
before th January,
or this notice will lie plead In bar
This 17th, day of Jan.,
I. Peal,
of Mrs. M K.
knowledge and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this day of Feb.
Notary Public.
W. J
R. L,
The above resources for the accommodation of
our customers and the encouragement of every
mate enterprise.
R. L.
J. A. President,
WALTER G. WARD, Cashier.
AT N. C.
At the close of business Jan. 89th, 1806.
Loans and
Duo from Hanks
Gold and silver
National bank
other U. S.
Capital stock
Surplus fund
Time certificates of
deposit 2,515.00
Deposits to chock
Carder's checks out-
standing 372.08
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. II. If. Taylor, Cashier of above named bank, do solemnly
wear that above
statement is true to tho best of my
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
ore mo, this day of
Notary Public
H. Taylor, Cashier.
M. O.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
. e AYDEN, N. C. .
As an for DAILY
lid Reflector we lake
pleasure in receiving
and writ big receipts for
in arrears. We have a list
all who receive their mail at
office. also take orders
K job
1.1.11. is in Kinston on
Oar and art squares are
Hum the lines, Cannon and
I J. J. Son have just
another car load of BU
v ire fencing.
J, B Gardner spent Tues-
j in
your building by
i. them with
T n and Con at; lead
lull line 1.1 colors, kept at J.
Buy your Mattress at Can-
in have the best.
h C. of
ill in Tuesday to see
As. J H. We regret
n. learn Mrs. Manning
V. paper rooting,
with long or short joints
pi e at J, R. Smith Bro.
re- goods, Broad cloth, Henri-
sills, trimmings, lining and white
J It Bro
Harrington, of Kinston
hat lei during the week.
A full supply of Trunks.
Grips, Satchels
Suit Case, at J. R. Smith Bro.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw-
Paw Gum Bread Trays at j. It.
Smith Bro.
Rev. R. H. Jones, pastor Chris- pleased,
church here, will a
protracted meeting in his church,
the first Sunday in April. He
will be assisted by Rev. J. B.
Jones, of
two E. B.
y and C S. Cur. of Green
ville, I. -11 a visit
w. Dr. l.
Car load V. Crimped in
churches, school houses,
much cheaper than
and very little labor, i J.
R. Smith Bro
When your eye, need n
J. W. optician
N. . H the i. o
your work it yon want lo be
Vow Eye.
r in l-r-
,. .,,, B
the and it
Men. , 1906.
v a rough f
eh ,,,, . j ,, ,,, ti
n expert f of
J, and from
He a
Cannon and Tyson invites your
attention to their car load of stoves
and heaters.
We cad your attention to
pleaded of harness,
A collection was sent to the
sufferers by the
Endeavor society here
Buy your of Camion
and Tyson, they have the best and
J. A. Davis, W
and Zeno If ft yesterday on
business fur Tarboro.
or i, ,
,, n .
and v In mi y
work wait mi
near O were visiting n
r,. S El
be I also hi. J h.
v I.
William Jenkins,
having left home and
It is considered not and the said
William Jenkins, being g
minor, ibis is to warn any and
food or em-
Rood taste to get too unless
it is spooning over that delicious hot
Chocolate at F. G Cos
From a reliable source of info
mat inn the prospective
of the of marriage, bells
will the
that no very day
two will beat as and
two souls made happy the
of vows so to assume
the starting in life of two
popular young people.
Our town have placed
Latest styles in wrap automatic pumps
and Ladies j boss also for hook
a nice line of Zephyr
tors at J, R. Smith Bro.
J. F. Is erecting a beau
Of two story Third
street near the Methodist
It is said when completed,
one the
Cannon and Tyson have the
strongest line of dress goods and
in town.
For a nice present buy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
W. H. Hamilton and C. D
Hooks, of have been
recent visitors.
steads, springs,
and double, rockers, dining
chairs wash
Hi i cent e tables at J R Smith
J. K. Stokes, of was
hi in day winking
Cube and at cents
per Jard, great white
and summer goods, at J.
J. R. Smith Bro. have just
received a load of alum
salt. Also a load of Lee's
cultural lime for peanuts, etc.,
C. S. spent
y with Dr. L. C.
E. K. Co. will do all they
possible can to please yon with
their new line of heavy fancy
for bale by
Only a few weeks before Easter
how about letting us make that
spring suit while you can
your choice of goods.
per F. G. Co.
In a b w cars of tiling
will be herewith is
to drain
town. it now seems the
pin pose to make a
proper. Already a beauty, only
very little is to make it
one of the best in the
The superintendent of the graced
school at Scotland contracted
the closed for
two weeks.
to him and those doing
so will lie prosecuted according f
January 1806.
Frightfully Burned.
W. Moore, a machinist,
of Ford City, Pa , had his hand
frightfully in an
cal furnace. He applied Buck
Ion's Salve with the
quick and perfect cure
healer on earth for
Bums, Wounds, Sores, Eczema
and J. L. Wooten's.
persons than with the ;
men they oil laid
cars. In v rooms at
in hotel lobbies at
the dining tale, they enter free
Iv into about their
various noes
and nothing do they
talk with each other more
than about tho hotel of tho
country. One will the other
Miss how he fares at a certain hotel in
Mis a certain town, and then the
others will have some stories to
relate about their experience
I E lest C X
l; were visit.
our section Sunday.
Louis Hudson and sister,
Maggie, came home
Sadie II event g.
A gOod of tile
the unlit with the hotel beepers. If
makes the small. paid for sleeping
are having better weather on a clean bed but found nothing
and farmers are at mm palatable on the table, another
A few days found his steak, bash, rolls and
in k
I lie
A of crockery, glass
fancy lamps, and tinware
at J R Sin Bro
Get he Cox cotton planter the
the dis-
f the of
time. He says
Cm I. ad
non Tyson.
W. E. I
and reports a ii
P. s. the lire
l can now bu I on east side
of railroad between office Dr.
Dixon and Bro shops.
I have a full supply of general
fancy groceries, confection
cigars, and tobacco. Fresh
Oyster's and every night on
Beginning with
15th, mil conduct a special sale
heat on the market at J. It. Smith j a
j show and hats. These prices
We have moved in the will prevail till Feb. 1st. This is
store of J. H. on West j the yon should buy. It is
Railroad street just north of the the we should sell. All
Carolina House. Our goods are lines in our store will be reduced
all w as our entire old stuck was from to twenty to per
burned in the recent fire. We will cent.
be pleased to have our friends Our spring and Bummer goods
well as the general call and will soon arrive in order to
see us. We we can please make room tor our stock, we have
you as to price and quality, j decided to conduct this sale. This
opportunity is a mutual
We trust yon will take advantage
A Healing Gospel.
The J. C. Warren, pastor
of Baptist Church, lie-
lair. . says of Electric
a send to mankind. It
cured mo of lame back,
and complete physical collapse.
f was also weak it took me hall
an hour to walk a mile. Two
bottles of Electric Bitters have
made me so strong I have just
walked three miles in minutes
and feel like walking three more
It's made a man of Great
est remedy for weakness and all
Stomach. Liver and Kidney
Complaints. Sold under
tee at J L. Wooten's Drug Store
Burden work
W ville
her in
Our pie Hie having ., lively
time i the 1- lie,, light
night- but they will s. i.- too
anything like Later
on one hardly time In turnover
old bit found no
comfort iii his bed And
nine j so it i ivory fee re of hotel
experience is freely discussed by
s until these knights of tho and
who ram blame If they
a good hotel which measures
to good ideals they feel like
they doing a good deed to in-
form heir drummers of
it; on the other hand, if they
before is lime to get and j find w hat are sometimes
mule Then Hie pleased tn fall
days long m k
Harvey Stokes a pi.-
ii our section .
M is- I
1.-ant can 1- r,
Frank last
was also present, and rendered
good selections on or-
that added much to tie pleas-
of the evening.
W. C. Jackson Co
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell your seed until see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
of the many bargains we will offer.
Come to see and be convinced
for yourself.
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-; J. R.
grips, satchels, hand
and suits cases at J R Smith Bro Dr.
I always keep on hand a fill
due feed stuff at lowest
prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and halls, brand
ship stuff. Frank Lilly Co.
Monday morning there came
my house three mules and
one black mule, three of them
horse mules mare mule.
The owner can same by com-
ward and proving; properly
Block, Bast Railroad st.
Ayden, N. C.
and This February
arrival of train, call and I will ,,,.,, ,,;
it you fair. P. Cannon.
J. J. F. re-
turned .- Hill Monday.
l; to Greenville
am, . , meal, bulls, lime
lucks nails Cross
. I Why exhaust your patience with
that kicking cow yon buy
fresh Evaporated Cream Cons
It lull lino of meal, bird and can
guilds. buy before
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co
For grind stones
i rope pulleys, at
A r
am i, apples, corn
, to E. E.
We have Is the grocery
business of and
and the same
line of business ac the same store.
We he public to call and
see s. W will sell SB cheap as
hi tin in the best.
Give us a It. Williams.
Go to E. E. Co's new
market for beef, fresh mi
and fresh
Milk at I
New Livery, Feed and Exchange
N. Team well oared for.
carried to an all
available points. The best and
most comfortable conveyances.
Prices reasonable. At service of
the public at all times and hours.
Try them Moore and Jones, livery,
feed exchange stables,
the dirt it om then
the There H nothing In Map
is Rood it M
an i blocked.
every impurity the
all lac dill,
the I . .
use it m place pow
Gentlemen u It
For Sale at
Same as of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes
Hats, Gent's and Ladies fur-
goods. In fact
everything kept in a first
class general
store sold at greatly
ed prices.
they they are likewise
a deed by informing
their of their
However, we are
that drummers, or
traveling men, are always
in their opinions of men
and places; but generally when
every one gives the opinion that
a certain hotel is there is
pretty apt to some ground for
such conclusion. Hotel keepers
are a talked about people,
but if we could hear their side of
w. iv nigh, graded the matter, no doubt they would
school at Ken relate unpleasant experiences
ed by fire. ti a with some traveling men Two
i sides, you Neck
The .,
on the day of January,
dissolved by mutual consent,
V. Johnston the inter-
est of I B. Johnston in the
The will be con
tinned same In F. v.
K. V. J., .
ii. l .
A Tobacco Grower's Profit
is dependent upon a properly
be to
be It must
contain at least
if actual
will. little or
a iii
HI M IN SI., N. V., M
i. R. L. Caw.
Greenville, N. .
At the. noose business Jan. 28th, 1806.
if Discounts.
Furniture and
Demand Loins
Due from Hanks,
Cash .
Silver Coin. i;
Nail Hole.-,
other S. notes
Capital stuck paid in, ha
Sin fund
unpaid . r. i ,,
I t i check, i.
T 11,003.11
OF y
I, J. K. Smith, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
Hint the above is tine to the lust of my and be
lief. . j, B. SMITH, Cashier.
. and sworn to before
this of 1906.
of Wall Street
He that pity upon the poor
to the I ml seen-
Is non .
A good name is rather to be
chosen than but
for the problem of
selection, is usually
Blessed are the poor, for
have to lose.
Wisdom is than rubies,
Stocks are not
pure water.
As an ox to the r,
I so a lamb to Wall street.
A wise man a
father, unless he bucks him from
the other side of the mat
The servant of
the lender, Hi.
He that h- ,. No rich
not l-p ; usually
v. m, p
I e of ll I
burg, o. U., ;.
1-M en,, .,,
p, the ., ,,,,. ,,.
hi . a .,.,.
I,,,., of
n mes in New
, lo
. ,., aid
l to
. . .;,,,.,
life lo . m at once
enter a to prepare
herself tor the duties of her pro-
The plans Alias
are not known, but is it pro-
that she Mill continue her
career as an actress.
III Mini
a , IT. III,.
111.11 ;
Km i.
II. .
trim to I
. t.
, .
fl .,
An Option has been taken on
land in county by u
Citizen of Italy with, a view
locating colony there.
i I

O. J. Editor and Proprietor,
Entered Id the post office at Greenville, N. C. a second class matter,
Advertising rates made application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in and adjoining counties
to to
Real estate be booming in
Charlotte, as the have gone
O fighting over it.
Charlotte in for an
orate this
year and will extend it over three
If they go on piling up charges of
highway robbery on that Durham
there may be danger of con-
It must give cold comfort to the
Republicans the Democrats
made so gain in the recent
elections in Main.
Greensboro must some
thing else to keep in public eye.
is going on the theory of
buying water and not watered stock.
Pat gelling out of it so
easy, it is not surprising that the
ton of a wealthy Sew Yorker was
kidnapped and held for ransom.
IV en mi many people know that
a mm is insane it looks like the
proper thine would be to have him
Con lined without waiting for him to
If Or. is acquitted on
the ground of insanity, as looks pro-
be should not be given bis
any more as be might be
crazy enough to kill somebody else-
u fought a duel with
pistols on the of
Neither of them was struck,
but a man in a building near by was
killed b one the bullets. That
might have been expected-
The Raleigh fair rectors
doubling on their plans for drawing
cards and will invite both William
J. and Jordan to de-
liver addresses during the next fair.
There is talk in Washington that
ex n likely
to succeed Secretary Hitchcock s
Secretary of I he Interior. If this is
President is getting
hard up for cabinet timber,
A i ; a ma
to stay drunk f Ufa, with the in-
junction that if he
would be placed in jail. The judge
said whiskey would take the man to
the devil quicker than anything else,
a being a bad man the quicker In-
got there the better-
The Greensboro Industrial News
tells of a I year-old boy employed in
a furniture factory there, whoso
hand was badly mangled by being
caught in a machine around which
he was at work. It strikes us that
a boy that ago should be at home
with his mother and not employed
anywhere, much less around ma-
Another cur. U day on
the n of The
R Sector of moving the county hi-me
nearer to Greenville an improving
it. I. cry thoughtful citizen of the
ought to be interested in this
mailer The home should be made
creditable to a county of Pitt's
correspondent in
question is willing la go in his own
preset in help mate borne what it
are sure there are
ma. y . people in the county who
would do likewise.
They have let up on the revenue
officers and are now arresting the
postmasters in the western part of
the State
Uncle Sam has a big elephant on
his hands in the Philippines. Pity
but what he could give the whole
push away.
They have gone to lighting again
over in the Philippines and Uncle
Sam's expense fund will increase
The President is loosing his grip.
Congress is about to go back on
him on both the statehood and rail-
road rate bills.
fl he Republicans would now like
to quiet it all up, but they ought to
of this before washing
so much dirty linen in public.
Another sole survivor of the
massacre has just died
Senator Morgan is having a
time trying to play
to Cromwell's John-
It looks as though there were
short circuit somewhere in the Chi-
municipal ownership pro-
If the process servers really want
to find John Rockefeller, they
ought to try cornering the kerosene
It is not many government
who would confess as great
a familiarity with whiskey as Dr.
Wiley has boasted of.
When the consumer finds his coal
has risen rents a ton, he can
conclude that an advance of ten
cents his been made to the miners.
P New York stationers are now dis-
playing the latest thing in marriage
licenses with divorce capons attach-
ed to be clipped off as desired.
Gen. Grosvenor is to start into
business in about six months.
experience ought to qualify
him for a job in a
Mr. William Nelson Cromwell
and Mr. are
examples of the different ways
there are to get notoriety out of your
knowledge of Panama affairs,
Several members of the Santiago
battlefield have been poisoned
picking Cuban General
Wood could relate some experiences
too as to the noxious properties
Isle of needles.
The vice President of Cuba has
resigned because be discovered that
the office is purely ornamental.
have never heard of an American
Vice President or any other
holder resigning for that reason.
is about to do something
good. authorities have
in with a determination to rid the
y of bawdy houses, and it looks
like they will succeed.
North Carolina, too, seems to have
turned over a new leaf and resolved
to punish some murderers. Dr.
Matthews was convicted in face
of the insanity plea
Our Regular
Washington, D. C, Mar.
Opposition to the rate bill has
been latent all along and is crystal-
zing as opportunity offers for
the enemies of the measure to get a
tangible reason for criticism. Sen-
Scott of West Virginia is one of
the latest to come into the open and
array himself squarely against the
administration measure- In a speech
n the Senate this week, he took
just the position that will be as-
Inter by a number of senators
and denounced the proposed
as ill advised and inefficient.
He took the that govern-
regulation of rates was
mount to government ownership,
differing in degree but not in kind
He said that the experience of for
governments had abundantly
proved that the government could
not make a rate that would meet
needs of expanding trade and com-
And he said that a rate
based on mileage alone would tend
to centralize the trade of the country
in a few cities that were
favored in their location or had
the natural advantages of water lo-
cation. This last statement disclosed
the radical weakness of the speakers
position as it was obvious that a
river or seaboard city the path to
which was open to any sort of carry-
competition would of necessity
have the advantage of competition
such as any favorably located point
on the railroad ought to have. The
advantage of location is obvious and
inevitable if all shippers and all
localities are treated on a perfectly
equitable basis and the railroad,
which v really the highroad of the
country just as the rivers are, were
thrown open to all comers on equal
The Senator said that he wanted
to see the railroads forced to make
connections with brunch and lateral
lines and thus be forced to give free
ind equal access to all shippers to
all markets. lie also forced the
principle of court review in any
rate-making power that might be
given. The address was altogether
a very able argument, but it
the lines along which amendments
lo the Hepburn hill are destined to
be fought out.
Another effort is being made on
tho part of to secure home
rule, The complaint of the island
now is not that they are not well
governed, but they fear that at some
future time they not be so
well treated under tho form of
government that now exists in the
island. The resident commissioner,
Mr. has appealed directly
President to exert his influence
Congress to extend absolute
autonomy to the island. This of
course the President is not likely lo
do. He has enough on his hands
with Congress at the present
without pulling on a fight over
Polio Rico, which is doing
well as it is.
Time is drawing close for a vote
on tho live stink transportation bill
which is drawn with a view to in
creasing the sufferings of all cattle
transported to the market in the
United Slates. There is being a
strong light against the bill
by tho Humane Societies and an
peal is being circulated to each con-
to vote against tho meas-
when it comes up on the Door of
the House, The hill in question
proposes to extend the time that
cattle may he transported without
food or water to hours.
I be conditions had enough now,
but the proposed measure for tome
u the support of the
of agriculture and would make
i of the cattle eight hours
gone after
The King Clothier.
Wire to Daily
Norfolk Cotton Peanuts
Factors, Norfolk,
Strict Middling
Low Middling
Low Mid ill ill.;
Strictly Prime
Low Grades
Bankers and Brokers,
Norfolk. Va.
New York
Jan. Feb.
May Wheat
May Corn
May Ribs
July Ribs -5
May Lard
July Lard
Pulley Bowen
We will inaugurate Our Season by
putting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the American markets
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
desirous of seeing the NEWEST
to call at our establishment and feast their
eyes. Very truly
Cotton Market,
It V
Pulley Bowen.
RB. Real Es-
and Loans.
Opportunities and In-
vestments. Stock Com-
Promoted and Fin-
Farmville, N. C.
N. C.
Contractor, Builder,
Tile Setter.
Plans submitted and estimate
furnished on application, All
work guaranteed Turn key job
no when desired.
But should you become incapacitated by either accident or sickness it will
help bear the burden of additional expense incurred, the
provides complete protection. It insures against all accidents and sickness of
every kind.
is insured for YOUR benefit when traveling. Secure a Policy NOW.
Insurance H. A. Greenville, N. C
This department is in charge of J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
m Mi-h B
. . .
ii of fresh groceries
A Co
Prut. K. C. Nye went to
morning to attend
Any in need of a good cart
one will last and render goo
service just to see or the
A. G. Co.
Will Powell to
If you expect to exchange your
seed for you can same time
by meal far your seed when
yon have cotton ginned at the
Pitt Co. Oil
For special prices on bearers see
W. L. House.
If yon good seed Irish
potatoes go to Harrington, Barber
s Bessie and Maud
who are of the
High school went home
evening to spend Sunday with their
parents, who live House.
If you your laundry to look
nice and last loot take it to H. L.
Johnson tBS
steam laundry.
Miss Mary Fleming went
to home House Friday
Prof. Or. E. I berry to
evening on
Charles Mo a, a very
prosperous do lives near
o town Friday
The A. Q. Co M Co. are still
shipping cotton p i guano
by the id, sod if you
need any you ha -t or
see in i
All farmers an i ii.
and can b
mowers, binders
at Harrington, Barber a u.
Quite a crowd i Win-
attended at
Dr. left Friday g
Be sure not to forget the
those iron bedsteads at
A. W.
Canning factory
consisting of furnace, cooker, can-
books, work shed, warehouse
and one third acre of land
in heart of sale.
For particulars see Dr. T. Cox
or J. F
mi Manning made a business
trip this week lo and
We offer our table ware
guarantee at a bargain,
See us. K. T. Box a
Miss Delia Smith, who teach-
at Branch, was in town
Friday evening on her way to her
home in Ayden.
Buy a pipe from J. H. in
at the drugstore.
Nice Ha
Barber Co.
We notice that tin- A l Cos
will keep
form covered w
cotton planter-, RS
load h moved they pal u
the platform, and by doing
it pointed i
All tutors of paint, mid
on-lire at Bart
Nice line of boys suits
all styles and and pi
a Co.
the combination kidney
for an n
Boy s on i
Oranges and -1
C. in Mm ding slot i .
Try a bottle of Kid- grade garden seed
a sure cure for all Kid- j
troubles at Harrington Barber Jr seed offered
and in east Carol V.
If you nave cotton seed to sell or
exchange write or phone Pitt C.
Oil their prices are the
and youth's all
sizes, at Barber A Co.
hod at Hie
store of B. T. Cox Bra.
Try or a Dan
Emmett Jim Dixon at
drug store will yon.
If you need a nice Bag just call
at A. W. Co and you can
T., ,. . , . . I et and cheap too-
The demands for Tar Heel cart
wheels great now, and any ore
in need of same will do well to
write or see the A G.
Trunks and at
ton Barber Co.
L. L. went to Greenville
Thursday on business.
The Pitt
highest price seed
The A G. Cox Mfg. Co , are
still shipping by
car load.
J. B. Little was called to his
home Thursday to attend the
burial of bis mother.
Big bats and caps just
received, latest styles.
Tooth and Disk Harrow at
Barber Co.
For hay, corn and Oats go
Bryan left this morning Harrington, Barber A C.
bushels of seed Oats at
Barber Co.
Mi Perry, a teacher d
the W. H. went lo
this morning to attend
If you want good flour, that
cm eat without trouble
with indigestion, go to A. W. Ange
and get some of
hp that is made out pure
If you are wise preserve your
houses by painting them with
town and country paint, for
sale by A. W. Ange A C.
Miss Olivia Cox ca.-e home
Friday evening and to the
thin morning in
for where he will eater a
college. is a
bright boy, and we hope him much
success in his chosen work.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Slaughter, of
spent Sunday with K.
Farmers make by ex
changing their cotton seed for
meal at Pitt County Oil Co.
Kick Dixon to
Tuesday evening.
B. F. Tucker to
this morning. .
Our meal analyzes Pitt Co.
Oil company
Any one in need of a plow will
do well to go to A. W. Ange A Co.,
and get one of those Chill.
They are the best on
the market. I
in town Tues-
day evening.
implements of all kinds
at Barber Co.
If you want a nice tic
go to Barber Co.
All who have nut
town tax will do well be- C. L.
Smith, collector, an extra
is added to them.
Form the habit of saving by
making small deposit- the
Bank of Winterville, From small
savings g-eat fortunes grow., Be-
gin now. .--. .,
Prof. G. E. delivered
an address Friday evening for Mr
Present, who has been
near Ayden. His Friday
with excellent exercises
followed by
address which was
well delivered and lull of go. d
advice to young and old.
We noticed in the a few
days ago hat while some party
driving the shaft
became unfastened and entire
buggy was thrown from the lop of
H. G. Chapman spent Sunday i a high embankment, occupant
with his sou who lives near i barely en-aping serious Injury
The cause was a
Furnishings for the house Such accidents as these
new ready for business, and extend are in as much as they often
an invitation to all, to Visit our threaten life, and every
store, and s.-e beautiful line of should be taken to guard
furniture, which we have planed them. It is to your best Interest.
to deal out on easy Yon can do this by
even the poorest shall have DO Buggies. The shafts are fasten,
excuse for their homes not being with
furnished. Thanking you in ail-j we are told, are the best on
for patronage, ire are yours j market. They me quick and easy
lo serve, Carolina Supply
Co., N C.
streets are kept alive now by
the who are hauling
from here, and cotton seed
no at from Pitt Co. Oil Co.
Car load of Hour just received,
i- fresh, at lowest price.
Harrington, Burlier A Co.
Nicest line of dress shirts ever
Winterville at
Harrington, Barber Co.
New furniture is arriving daily
A. W. Come and
gel the best at lowest prices.
A new line of and dress
roods received at A, W, Ange
. Co, Be sure to see them and
it your pick.
I he wage
small r a-i wall as that
o larger bi I . we I
will lei us.
f YOU Want a nice trunk cheap
s t A. W. Ange A Go, for they
Bertha and Moore,
DO are of W. H. S.
to apply and never come off or
can then take your
wife, sweetheart, or children with
pet feet safety.
When you come to c II
at the bank. The cashier would
be glad to see you. He Would also
like to show you bow an a count
with bank of
i- helpful to you.
want a nice d rod head sew-
machine for or any
kind of house furnishing goods
cheap go to A. W. Ange St. C i.
The gentleman, who left town
last week and lost lies would
not have bad Mich bad lock if he
bud bought one of thou nice
trunks, or suit cases A. W,
Ange it Co.
you want a pair
. r-. to A. W. Alli-A
you Ho
has the lot ever shown In
A nice lot of now summer Bug
Robes Harrington, Barber
Start your Bank account with
An English Company has
plied for a erect at
the Jamestown Exposition a
tower, which surpass in
height the famous Tower Eiffel
of Paris, which for years
ranked as one of the wonders of
the world. f
This lofty structure, t hough
be situated
from the sea coast, may be seen
by captains of the coast steamers
plying the Atlantic. Ten thous-
and or more incandescent lights
will be attached to the tower
and a mammoth searchlight
placed at its apex will bathe the
for miles around with
bright light.
It will require less than six
relays of elevators to reach the
top. These various us
they are called in England, will
terminate at platforms or stories,
where it will be necessary to
change cars. The cable required
for each series of elevators will
be not less than feat long, or
equal to the length required for
a skyscraper.
The company planning this
gigantic enterprise nave also
under contemplation a scheme of
amusements to be located on the
several different Doors,
propose making tower a
exposition in itself,
it is realized that today own-
teen years after the Eiffel mas-
of engineering was rear-
ed, it is still a profitable invest
it will imagined what
interest will b I created by this
loftier structure.
Then A. H. is the man t
deal with.
W and M family,
of It wan county, awake Ml
by being
filled smoke. The house was
on fire and was soon the
Inmates barely having to
i In the
It. L Smith a Company vs.
By virtue of SO directed to
the undersigned from Superior
Court of Pitt county in th above
I will, on the
la of Mai-eh. o'clock
M, st the Court door of said
county, sell to the highest ladder for
cash to satisfy said execution, ail the
title and Interest which the said
Dixon. has in tin-
following real estate,
one undivided one eighth Inter-
Dixon, lo the life
of his father. . H. in
hid to the lands which descended t
his in Dix-
on. Henrietta and
lands A. i.
and wife, I'M
John and others, and con-
three hundred and fifty sores,
more or lass, sod being the entire In-
of said in and
to the of which his mother, the
late Dixon, Henri-
died Mixed and possessed,
situated on the north of Tar river,
Greenville township, county,
subject to the life of r. s. Dix-
on. the father of the said Dix-
This 16th day of
The of Proctor in, Mer-
X. has this
dissolved by mutual consent. All
Indebted i. said will
Bo T, Proctor, who will
continue busiest st the old stand,
and will settle ell indebtedness against
said Tins Feb. Kith-,
J. L. Gibson.
Our store is at all times open to those who want
goods at low prices. We can furnish your house
the kitchen to the parlor in Furniture at prices that will
suit your puree. SATISFIED ARE OUR
Well we can suit you in Price, Quality and
ship, our are up-to-date, our is con-
our prices are right. Give a call
when in need of anything in the Furniture
or Picture line. Orders taken for
traits, likeness guaranteed,
Yours Truly,
A. H. Taft
Wash Goods
We have received our full line WASH
consisting of
will be on sale Monday. Everybody cordially
to these goods,
Jas. F.
Save Per Cent
I hereby give all owners of DWELLING HOUSES notice that they can s
per cent, on premiums for
tho Bank of today the
home this morning deposit is tin- hardest to,
with tin i the others come easily,
thou account
This i
by Rut of o- tore from the ground,
is hereby gladly given to the public.
Insurance F. Greenville, N

. n . rs ,; on wooden huh know no nor The soft
tender a live . ; . s thus ken compelled to inhabit unnatural, ill-fitting aid
sanitary lo be foot-tired is I. e average daily inheritance. And how much ill can
hen the toot is the delight walking is gone, and best friend his
feet---re me to Inn. the lie should enjoy. A walking shoe-, one that the toot always in m
such be had . . ,
la-ft E;
Very 5-
If you something
coma set
This question brought into being the
Health Slue. Recognizing that the foot
is a curve made by the twenty-six bones
which form the heel, bail and toes, tact
strangely ignored by shoemakers iii the
we evolved a construction places
prime importance in last modeling.
Ralston lasts are anatomically correct and
lifter from all other makes.
i ion is a combining comfort, ease,
mice, style,
in footwear, built into the shoes from the
very start.
Shoes mace on Ralston lasts are nature
hoes, conforming to the natural. foot, and be-
cause they need no they never
that charm and style tor which Ralston
noes are be ob-
met methods of manufacture,
In the materials for Ralston
hoes the IV ids 1-st makers are searched
find every bit i top, or sole leather,
and fittings must pass test
The idea with our . j i ,
BI en. it is cutting, Pitching,
rare . and n comfort and style. Thus our immense m plea-
,,,. to , , of the foot salvation from cramped and
Shoe c. in be. duplicated at the i rs goods shoe is not made
its army of happy,
fool wear. The Ralston
for less.
w N. C
H. T. J. W., A
J Jeff
by the withdrawal of H T. J. R
from laid Arm The iv
old firm of it. L. Br s .
m all business that firm
I be the two retiring having
no further connection or
id the firm.
This March
Are Foot Formed
New Spring on
ye them a look
aw or. in cur i tore . e
. J
i ,
of the Superior Court
issued letter
in me. the
M, on e day of January.
is to all
Pi indebted to the estate to make
i payment to the
and to creditors of said estate I
present their claims
to the I
mouths after the
of this or this notice
plead In bar their recovery.
the Stub A u January, 1906.
, E
Attar i A . j.
I. A. Sugg, Attorney.
I. ii Worth
You Slop mi
r. ,., 1903.
i Io
s pure-l our little girl of
very had cane which-
a pin of her body.
she from
he lime she van pi old,
wan v old. She
i- now perfectly well and I feel
I too of
t .-- has not o a in of
I W.
The Yellow Fever
has recently
It bears a dose resemblance to
To free the
from disease the I
effective is Dr.;
King's N, u- Life
t toe i all to I
malaria and constipation j
J. L i
Io Publishers
and Printers
e have an
I. I
r we
an i thicker, and
i .
an i
, Ht U,,. .,
I Not Quite
How often you ma a
nail screw driver
, Have a good
box and be prepared for
is all you could desire, and
we see that tool
box does not lack a
j j
Column and Bead
, I regular lengths
. s
Head Ruled in
Jr. per lb;
Of course
e full
will lie cheerfully
Grade Pitting Material
J. Street. P
N. S.
Steamboat Service.
L leaves
Hermit Railroad
We i.
should older their
care Norfolk
K. B,
to change
will. notice.
T. and
M. K V. u. M.
You Cm Liv-
For Rat
; or
H j . .
D. W.
i And Provisions
i Bags-inland
ill j Hes always on hand
kept ton-
In Stock, Country
Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
y at feel languid, tired,
I vi-
j is it-ply of
energy . .
,; . for
; i .
I the body are
I or at all,
ml in-
. lite
it all
a Dr.
. a . food, a
that nourishes
the nerves, and
you will get
from th
control herself exceed.
when ., i ,.,
n th, end of
, u, wonderfully
Dr. Is sold by your
will that
will If It hi
will refund your money.
Miles Co., Elkhart,
Old Plan. Curious
t of water
and It was in Indian town
at the time the conquest, and be-
cause of its position on what for n
while was the main road be-
tween Vera the City of
Mexico it early became a place of
importance. After the establish-
of the republic it was made
the capital of the state of
Cruz. Between the rears 1780 and
a great animal fair was held
here for the sale of goods brought
for years by the fleet from Cadiz,
whence it derived the name f
to the city in documents of the
eighteenth century.
The city is famous throughout
Mexico for the exceeding beauty of
its women and of its situation. From
these, its pleasing characteristics,
arise the saying that is a
part of heaven let down to earth,
and the proverb, son
are the women of A less
pleasing characteristic, its frequent
days of mist and rain, at once the
and- a very serious draw-
back upon the its
green loveliness, has given ray
yet another in During
these melancholy days the
muffled in his and smoking,
dismally mutters. Maria
gin, let the sun
The city is a curious, old
ed even in Mexico,
where everything seems odd to the
tourist with narrow. crooked
streets, lined with tile roofed
houses, whose pitched roofs project
their eaves so far they seem to
cover the sidewalks like a shed, and
pending from these are spouts to
carry the rainfall from the roof to
the center of the roadway. The city
has a perfect drainage system, based
upon and indeed consisting almost
entirely of the facilities so lavishly
bestowed by nature in the shape of
rain and grade. The streets slope
gently from the sidewalk on either
side to the center of the roadway,
thus practically forming high
troughs or gutters, and nil dirt or
refuse matter is immediately washed
beyond the city limits by the rains,
which fall, at least for a short time,
almost daily throughout the entire
year. This accounts for the
clean appearance of the city,
which impresses those who have vis-
other Mexican cities not so ad-
located in respect to
drainage as So abrupt is
the descent of the streets down the
side of the hill that no attempt is
made to use carts or carriages for
transportation of goods or persons.
A tramway which provides a means
of transportation to runs
through a portion of the main
and is the only wheeled
to found within
its, and even this requires
to haul it up the steep grade
the railroad station to hotels.
All merchandise is carried from one
part of the city to another by car
Sores and pack mules, which latter
are utilized extensively and almost
to the exclusion of the burro and the
A wall; through the sheets of the
city is repaid by many interesting
sights. Tin- or washer-
women, pursue I heir vocation in the
public streets at large basins or
troughs, h have been placed ill
all parts the for their
The churches are open
all through the day, and at all hours
worshipers may be
Why Broad Came Back.
A boy who bad been working in a
baker shop tor some time was lust
about to his trade. One night
when the was gone he broke
marble blab be molded his loaves
on, so he o the marble yard
to secure another, but could not
find one. says
tin bis way back be passed a
graveyard, and as it was very dark
he jumped over and pulled up a
small bead tone about the Has
and took H and finished his
Tile nest day the bread
tad been deli d nearly nil of it
was sent The baker looked
it and several loaves open, but
found nothing wrong. Then he hap-
to one of the over
and found en the underside of every
lies the
. of Mrs. Horn A.
AS; died A. I. l-lo.
A Swede and an Irish Minn were
out walking together when n storm
came up. The rain fell violently.
They took refuge r a tree. The
tree for fifteen minutes made
n good then it in to leak.
The col Irons to fall
down the k, and he
began to -on plain. never
re are
of n As soon as this one
I wet tin i i t an-
A. E.
I have purchased the entire stock, store fixture j, etc., of A. E. Tucker's business. I AM NOT A MERCHANT
and do not intend to stay In the business. But I have bought this stock and I bought it right and it must be sold at once.
everything is on sale regardless of the wholesale price. Money talks in this sale. Remember time and place. Next to Bank
of Greenville
i r
am in
Safe investment
Secure a Good Location while there is to do so at
Reasonable Prices and on Easy Terms.
I have that splendid property, just east of the town limits in South Greenville, into convenient lots for home-seekers
and will sell them on easy terms. There is no better location for homes anywhere around Greenville. High elevation, level,
and convenient, being only a few minutes walk from the business part of town. This property is just outside the corporate
limits, yet those who reside there will have the benefit of the graded school, and be as near to the churches, and depot and
as are the people in many parts of the town, being three hundred yards from Five Points, nice neighborhood
adjacent to the property. Talk it over me and let me show yon these desirable lots. No better time than NOW to buy.
Greenville will grow rapidly in the next few years and property will be higher. Catch the opportunity before it is too late.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
x i at

-i v-r. y r.
Twelve Hundred People Perish
in Mine.
March mining ea-
of horror
and has struck the coal
northern Franc. An ex-
f firedamp at o'clock
this morning carried death and
throughout the net
work of centered at
and lire the
explosion, making rescue difficult,
and impossible.
The intense excitement and con-
mi the vicinity prevented
; early estimates of the exact of
a received here
at i. m. gave 1,401 miners
and probably lost. At
u click this evening a brief
from Lille announced the
total of dead.
All France has profoundly
the magnitude i
i is said
Two Ken Killed.
Bale H. C , Match l. w.
of heel known most
highly esteemed met
death o'clock
being caught a
I Iran boiler which they
, ice placed In at th-- lock
the Wake Granite Co ,
two miles east -the city. They
having the holler delivered
quarry It was on a
I moving boilers and was
I driven down a steep
to quarry when the wheel on
i the struck a kind of boulder
the load six in-
, ch-s or A; big iron cuff
about axle snapped
two i the wagon to the
left with force as to over turn
wagon boiler. Both Mr. Wei-
and Mr. were walking
u the side of the boiler and
under it in such a
way Mr. chest was
in and the side of Mr
head in. It
was necessary for the boiler to he
jacked and digging
to be done before the two men
could lie extricated.
u . . I Dealer. t ash paid
he Jamestown lorn- cotton Seed. Oil Bar ,
any. was abroad a few months a- Bed
go, King Edward presented tends, Oak Suits, Bi
President Roosevelt joined
Edward in a notable gift to
the old parish church at
Williamsburg, Va., When Harry
George Tucker president of
with a handsome Bible for th
church. a successor to
original church at James
town. Today Mr. Tucker called
on the and while talk-
with of exposition mat-
told him the gift of King
Edward. The President
i Sored provide a
turn on which the Bib e might
i in of the
Mr. ; i the
u ring him
that ch a gift
j by parish
Washing n h
is a product as
near capable of curing the
majority of diseases as it is
for Modern Science
to produce. The use of Bro-
makes pure blood.
is not a miracle
the result of the
scientific investigation of the
chemists of the
century. At the
first symptoms of
headache or backache, which
arc often forerunners
of disease, send for your
physician if you will, but. if
yon take you may
find that by the time he has
answered your call, tho
symptoms have disappear-
as direct-
ed. Live a temperate
become ill while so
doing, we will pay any
doctor's bill on de-
. and proof of illness.
want you to invest
a until we
the first bottle
for . Pill in the coupon
this advertisement
and it to us, taking care
to writ your name and ad-
dress plainly, and we will
sen you without any coat
a whatever a full size
package to try. No matter
what your trouble is, write
to us i con-
Co., New York.
Wooten will give his
guarantee that you
will; receive an order on
your nearest druggist for a
free bottle if you send us
coupon. Be sure to write
name and address
Name .
My nearest dealer Is at.
My disease
If you think you need Bro
once, or if you have
used it, it is to be had
at ail first class druggists.
J. L.
Exclusive Wholesale Agents
for Greenville, N. C.
I .
Wholesale and retell Grocer a K
Go-Carts, Par
Tablet, Lounges, Safes, V
and Gall Ax
h Li .-Tobacco, Key West Chi
root, Henry George Gas
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Moat, Soap
Matches, Oil ,
red Meal and Hulls,
den flee , Oranges, Apples, Nut-
Gaudies, Apples, Peaches, j
Currents, Raisins,
i i Ware, Tip and
mm, Best Butter,
Hewing and
her goods. Quality and
Cheap for cash. Co;
Seed Peanuts For Sale.
guaranteed to
make bushels per acre if pro-1
d w W. H. Harrington, j
This l Timely,
following Monroe
I w
t The
., ,, j he beholden
depend i.
the th- .
i ;
. , ha hi d it, too, and
i, is worth U .
Always u the
heard ii you'll do
, Is
s news anybody la
year in i, and
place to get them is of
-PI . i is the
for sale J. B.
Five Point Grocer.
u oil I
. tho n
Idea the .,,
.; . V b u
a article. In addition to
the best of everything
i Grocery line, ho pays the
highest price for all binds rd
j . Produce Remember tho
J. J.
Phone Points.
D J Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
H. C, March 12th. 1906-
The above named town was in-
by the general assembly
of 1905 and it is a part of the town
of which includes all on
the north side creek,
and is situated mi the
A branch of the A C. L.
railroad, ten miles from Washing-
ton, and fifteen from Parmele, and
twelve miles east the
comity seat of Pitt. It is a
prosperous and growing condition,
a population of about two
hundred, three general
stores, which are owned and
by Messrs. R. R. Flem-
J. J. Satterthwaite a Bro. and
W. S. Williams. It also has two
saw mill plants, one operated by
R. R one by J. J,
Satterthwaite a Bro., also two cot-
ton gin plants operated
seasons. This town is well
surrounded by a fertile
country and it will only lie a short
while before this town will rank
with the first In county.
Miss Charlotte Ireland went to
Greenville Saturday to attend the
meeting and returned
Sunday a good time.
We are glad to learn that B. B.
Satterthwaite, has been in
Washington hospital for about two
weeks, has returned borne much
improved in health.
The farmers are all smiles.
Good weather and plenty of work
for the last few
T. J. who has been sick
for several days, seen on tho
streets Saturday.
D. R. Willis, of Washington,
was a visitor to our Friday.
W. Williams went to
villa Friday.
The South is making
strides in manufacturing.
The capital of in-
vested in mills and in
1880 has increased to
in 1905. The value of its pro-
ducts of manufactures grow
from in the former
year to in tho lat-
The value of its exports of
all sorts, which was
in 1880, was in
1906. But, of coarse, most of
its products are consumed in
the United States and do not
in these figures, Its rail-
way mileage in the quarter of a
has jumped from
to farm products
from to
and the value of
ts property from
Tempt, Fla. ,
r, J. at
and crying.
trigger. The gun was loaded
tho charge entered the older
breast, he dying in a few
Tho boy believed the gun was
loaded, was one of the most
prominent farmers in this section.
Indian Territory, March
armed officers to-
night are from all parts
o to a place
miles southeast of Vinita in
tho nation, where the
outlaws, Cherokee In
laid in ambush killed
three deputy marshals on Sunday
night and at last reports were still
Battling with two remaining of-
O. thou who rt with
And to
Who would of
ray plaintive
Why thou tall.
So great a wall
thou not heard In told.
How vain the to goal;
From earthly to lay
that through time will
Of and -tone of make,
That every wind and storm
Thou build.
And It upon the hill,
And hold It there lo holy view.
To thy grace, and
Hut If thou wouldst magnify,
Why not with another vie,
to build him an earthly throne
Ask thou not from other a atone.
And then. roof may leak.
What Outside aid he, too.
right hold of pale
To substitute old tin
But then. It does appear to make
A of greater state.
Therein I see e cause to lie;
With other they must vie.
dare th -y build a bigger
we, ourselves, did set the
In the food old of
other people were
f from our doctrine did
worship SoS In humbler
we would amplify our
meekly our must
Then organ needs,
And lights from
he chaff be taken. To their cry
; you not Would you pass by
Whore In the fold, and In to slay,
you promise, why don't you pay
To frail this lesson give
You. who would teach us how
attempt more than your
promise what you cannot
charity begin at
not charity If It
and masquerades,
Box and
Have not honors, fair and bold,
As a pretext far getting gold.
But rather stately snake thy stand.
Be thou a guide to erring man.
Let him give as may seem the best;
What's from Is ne'er bleat,
With these few earnest lines to you,
I humbly now, make my adieu.
Just far Mother.
Nobody earns his or her
hoed more or more
directly the wife and mother
of a family who does her duty,
She is husband's business
in a phase of his life which
is at least as to bis interests
as the outside which he
makes his money eye of
the world. If the couple are part-
in a poor struggling con-
the wife contributes as much
to the general success by the work
of her hands as the man does by
bis; If they are more fortunate,
woman's busy
brain contriving and ruling the
household is earning by
eager, honorable
as a livelihood as the
husband is able to provide her
with. The law holds the
realms of wealth luxury. The
who creates and
eminent social position for her
family is to be her
band's most important ally,
her of all the
they in
. it
services does
the interest of
-New York
A bank with capital has
been chartered at Wash-
The fear of taxes has been a
great hindrance to
Tho dread of increasing tuxes
has often led to a toleration of
could well to
n Now not in
or of extravagance of bur
taxes but do believe
BO Wetter invest-
any in
many than higher taxes.
When arrive at
point where will less
to vase in tax public
will be facilitated.
It is well for tho officials of any
State, county or municipality to
strict economy but
improvements arc needed money
should spent for such
Tho last
was criticized by some Re-
publicans for spending money
but they have never shown to
satisfaction of anybody that
this money was not spent right.
For The Reflector.
held last
Saturday morning was quite inter-
and helpful. A large n 11111-
of teachers and visitors were
present, and all enjoyed and were
by the
The opening exercises, consisting
of the hymn, Hail the Power
of a reading of the
Psalm and a prayer,
were conducted by J. E.
The of the
town have greatly encouraged the
teachers of the county by assisting
in their
Table on
geography conducted by Prof.
talks on that subject
were made by members of the
association, which were interesting
discussed and elaborated thoughts
suggested to him, and
discussion was over the important
subject How to Teach Geography
had been made simple, and all felt
a strong desire to teach this
branch better than ever before.
If every county in state bad a
association, such
faithful educational
county has, geography and
every other branch would be
taught with a clearer understand-
of its principles and with
earnestness zeal, and Worth
Carolina would not long remain so
in the bottom of the list in
Prof. former teacher
of this county, and now a
another county, made a short
talk, which was
Prof. W . B. Dove, also
member of an
interesting and encouraging talk
to his former co laborers
course Prof. did his
part, guiding the of the
association, speaking a cheer
word now and then.
At twelve thirty the meeting
adjoin tied, watch a social
half hour was enjoyed by
Let none of us miss the good
things in store for next meeting
April the fourteenth.
Dora A. Hornaday, Reporter.
Work For the Prut.
Those who are at work getting
subscribers for The Reflector
should bear in mind that the one
sends in the
the of .
prize winner of this prize
have his of a
Parker fountain pen or a year's
to our club
Including The American Review
of Reviews, the the
Woman's Home Companion and
the it ii- in Farmer. A little
talk among your neighbors will
get the name.
Adopted By Covenant Lodge
1,0.0. F.
Whereas, God in His infinite
wisdom has n fit to remove from
our midst our beloved brother,
Parker, P. G. whose spirit
its portals of on
9th, 1806.
1st. That Covenant Lodge sin-
mourns the death of Brother
Parker and feels that she has lost
one of her truest and most
em hers.
2nd. That Brother Parker by
his upright and noble life, by his
devotion to the principles of the
order which he loved, by bis life
to the service of his
Lord and Master, and by his de-
shown to bis family and
friends, won the respect and ts-
teem of all who knew and
though his work on earth is ended
and we shall see him here no more,
we the influence of his
noble life will be felt for years to
come, and the world will be better
by reason of his having lived in it.
3rd. That we extend our
to the family -of our deceased
brother, and assure them that
Covenant Lodge stands ready at
all times to aid them in their bat-
with the world whenever such
aid is needed or desired.
4th. That our lodge be draped
in mourning and real our members
wear a badge of mourning for
days. Also that a copy of these
resolutions sent to the King's
Weekly, Daily Reflector and Or-
Home, fur pub-
and a -copy sent to
family of our brother.
D. L.
D C. Moose, .
W. L.
E. A. Ma k,
This Time They were Used to
Run a Man Down Near
Bloodhounds have again been
vindicated. This time the scene
of triumph was Hookerton.
For a of weeks someone
has been trying to enter the re-
of Mr. E. Edwards, a
of that Last Sun-
day night Mr Edwards remained
at home of attending
church, as is his and
o'clock, heard noises indicating
another attempt to enter. In gets
ting his gun to ward off the expect-
ed intruder Mr. Edwards made
some noise which caused
breaker to To pursue the
fugitive bloodhounds were secured
from and at o'clock
Bethel, N. C, March U, 1906.
Miss Estelle Jones
day and with relatives at
Whichard and returned Monday.
Blount and T. H. Ward
returned from Baltimore Saturday
where had
chasing their Spring stock.
J. W. Thomas and J. A
left for Baltimore Sunday to
chase their spring and summer
stock, also for Staton A
Mis Brown, of
place, left we.-V fr Baltimore
tor a position with Snow,
A Co. as trimmer.
A, Moore, of Greenville, is
spending a few days with us. We
are always glad have our old
friends bank In our town.
Miss left last week
Monday afternoon they were I Norfolk to her Mrs.
are having some fine weather
now and farmers are very busy.
Miss Lek is
school at
Saturday nod Sunday with he
Miss May Bell Kittrell, of
ville, who has been
grand Home
J. Q. Stokes spent Saturday
with bis near Shel-
Miss Li We Corey, who ha- lee
teaching in Craven county, return-
ed home Saturday. Her school
closed Friday.
Misses Cox, Lila Chap-
man of
spent night at W.
C. C. Cox ban a sick
with diphtheria.
on the track. They followed
track out of Mr. Edward's r
the home of Stacey a pain-
has neon doing work at
Hookerton. The went to the
door and they followed
track through the an I wood-
to Freeman's mill,
and his wile were The
dog ran up to smelted of
and lay down in water
by his side. The chase occupied
about two hours.
The citizens had no evidence
except strong circumstantial and
dog evidence against but
they gave him hours
to get out of the
which be proceeded to do. Several
times Mrs. Edwards, who
alone In the house with her
child, has been terrorized
by some unknown party attempt-
to break in the house.
dogs used were the same
ones that tracked Sam
Jones, who confessed to robbing
W. E. Brit's, store near
ten days ago, and belongs
to Mr. W. at Greenville.
Free Press,
E. L Mayo.
Henry Gilliam, of
spent Tuesday in town on
Miss Wash-
i- visiting Miss Era Cherry
this week.
Miss Sallie f f
is visiting Misses Lizzie and
Blanche this week
Miss Bertha returned
from Grifton Monday
Work is rapidly on
out new hotel.
Dr. G. T. Thigpen has recently
purchased a cash register for his
drug store.
J. Brown left this morning
far Greenville.
J. C. Carson attended the
meeting at Greenville
Theo. Thomas and a crowd of
young ladies took a walk Sunday
afternoon and when they finished
their they were In the
of Parmele.
Bank Location.
The National of Greenville
will be located the build-
lug, instead of the
building as first stated.
buying the pool room outfit of Mr.
L. Hooker order to get posses-
of the be occupied,
tho bank directors have effected a
change with Mr. C. F. White by
which he will move his pool room
to the Proctor building let the
bank have the Cheek building.
On Monday a case of smallpox
was found in town. A colored
man living down in ravine on
the has the disease in
mild form. The house with all
initiates was promptly
An. With
Mrs. Georgia James has accepted
a position with C. T. in
the millinery of his
big store. The of Mrs.
James are a valuable acquisition,
the popularity of big store
with the ladies will be
by her presence
department. She many
years experience in the lousiness
knows it thoroughly.
in North
A feting lady of Wadesboro,
recently investigated the origin of
the song Works Bat
Fa She found that song
started In a North mill
Au old man, who lived in
the moved to town and
put all of
a mill to He got
with boys one day, be
work, and they filled him fall of
booze. In his hilarity he broke
mil into the following
my children are at work
And dinged if I ain't in a
Everybody works at my house
Everybody works but
An young man the
crowd heard him singing above
and wrote the
the Boy.
In July last year, a little boy not
sax -years old was stolen from his
parents in
and not one ward has been heard
him since His father, Dr.
S. L. Byers, spent all his
Had A
ward of is ottered which will
A boy came rushing in tell be paid the This is
The Reflector have got I The New Harmony
Times of asks all papers
out yonder at the warehouse
where they put wheels under you
and you go a It was
his first sight of roller skates,
he thought it was a wonder.
You Paid
The sheriff and tax
tor are both making ready to levy
on property on which taxes for
last year are yet unpaid. The
advertisement of tale will begin
the of April.
to announce this feet and to give
the following
Byers, if alive was
ill years old last July, is of light
has gray eyes, left eye
crossed, has a small V
shaped nick in the edge of the left
ear, has a sharp chin and a narrow
projecting forehead. He is rather
small for Insane and is unusually
bright and Intelligent, talking
after of a boy
N. C. Mai. U, 1906.
Ernest Langston is on the sick
H. J. Corbitt, of Ayden, attend-
ed Sunday at. Bethany Sun-
day afternoon.
Miss May Brooks, spent
day and Sunday at her home
In Grifton.
Bancroft went to
Herman went to
Greenville Saturday.
N. C. and Miss
spent Saturday night and
Sunday at J. J. near
Luther and sister, Miss
Lizzie, Sunday
Allie Dull
time and
Fire m Kinston.
A h he g to
Mr. afloat at the
west end street, the
river, was homed Tuesday night,
about l o'clock, .
of the building including
to 1,900 hush,.,
m,. w. n. Cox, were
destroyed. The two-story
Building was dry M inside
and burned rapidly tint when
the tire department cached it
there w III tie hope of laving it
and the frame fell
The N estimated at
to and the total is
carried by Mr. Cox
the peanuts and on the
on the fixtures
carried by Mr. Parham. The
building was valued at and
the peanuts
Free Press.
Grass spots are coming out and
the trees are taking on life, which
are good Indications of spring

Eastern reflector, 13 March 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 13, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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