Eastern reflector, 9 March 1906

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K i
if, N. C, star. Hi.
i iv Morrill. ho
Mrs. Morrill, hut retained in
me in Snow
F I i visiting j. t.
aid attending Snow
on. ii which
K v M ore,
filled regular
in the Christian
Be also preached at
in, i point
Annie Joyner, of Ayden.
i ed in after pleasant
l Mr. and Mm Bob
V v, of is
e iii r sinter Mrs. Newell.
Si tin-
in ii conducted by the Rev.
ere changed nest
me.-i fourth Sunday at
rile led ea Magazine club
bad a business meeting on Wed-
at the
of Mi. V. M. Li; it to decide on
new book, other
The Highest Honor.
Greenville Methodists, who
are to build a handsome
new church, decided in ab-
at Governor and
tor home to name it
in honor el first citizen
one statesmen
of period. No
honor could be higher. Governor
is the boo of a
preacher and is devoted to the
of his father. In the Gen-
Conference which meets in
Birmingham in Ma, he will be
the distinguished lay
News and
is a product as
near capable of caring the
majority of as. it is
possible tor Modern Science
to produce. The Bro-
makes pure blood.
is not a miracle
simply the result of the
scientific investigation of the
chemists of the
pr century. At the
of fatigue
I la lie or which
fir. , n the
of -o. tend your
. f v. ,.
V n . . . . may
ti i; tine he has
I tho
s. I e
l . ; as direct-
ad. temperate life,
. ill while so
. ill pay
. i
I ii
i to Invest
a . . until we
ha e
fin- . .
i i
and i i- ire
i and will
j. In g N. i
v. .
to us I con
, . bis
V Ml
for a
I if
. IA
Seven rears ago. before there was
-f nine was arrested in Denver for
He was brought into the
criminal court, tried as a
and sent to jail. He served n term
of during which he learned
thoroughly the trade which be bad
l.-en accused of plying. When In
was released he began to practice ,,
earnest, lie was
and, after a term.
turned loose again, more ,,,.
plumed burglar than before. A few
mouths ago be was shot at by the
Denver police in an ea-
arrest He was up-
lured and brought into lie Juvenile
Court, still a mere child that ought
I i have been going to school.
Judge who I
presides over this tribunal, was
confronted by a bold, hardened, and
unnaturally young expert in
prime who bod mystified the police
tolling half a dozen different
began by
telling the hoy he didn't believe
to be half as a
the police had made him out, and
that he would not be ii
he with the and
made a clean breast of his trouble
This new treatment got from the
b. y I is real st, He had been led
into bis offense by a desire for a
knife with which to make a kite
father refused to get him one.
and lie broke into a shop an.
took a razor. According to the let
of the criminal law, the boy had
committed a burglary As there
was no law at the time
be was dealt with as a professional
housebreaker. Asked about first
trial, he said to Judge
de guy the whiskers
up on the high bench looked
over at de he
says, is a very bad kid; he broke
nit,, Smith's barber shop and tow a
raj and he admits it, Honor
de guy on de high bench sends
me up me a chance to
to say a
Thus, the boy was well started on
a criminal career before he was ten
years old. fortunately, he fell into
the hands of the Denver Juvenile
Court, which had been
in the interval between his second
and third arrest, while he was still
able lo Instead of tell-
ha was a bad boy and send
tog him to again, Judge Lind-
told him that he was a
and set him free-on
Today that boy going
as fast as he was going down
Court in American City by
Monthly Review of Re-
for March,
M;. i. ill
My i
think yon need Bro
or have
. i. it, it is to bad
at r ass druggists.
Wholesale Agents
for Greenville, N C.
Our lotto to Keep
e has in-
ed an motor to
u number of people have
been in to see the all
and have expressed
One man in
congratulations said
aye equipped plant
. than n has i. b
Thai what we try to do
, . all and
H i e more
just as fast it can be made,
i a i h in-
v In I he plant but a the
. ; hi . to there
in them to el that It i-
r. . mi help us
n i b patronage help
i ; . when in r J,
lime to see the
r As day current i- n I
ill.- by the plant we
seldom can operate the motor
I late in the evening and at
night. At present the presses are
from about to every
m Wednesday, Thursday
Friday night, and those inter-
come in on either of these
U J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
r 1906.
J. B. Loses His Home
and Contents.
About o'clock Tuesday after-
noon the dwelling house of Mr. J.
B. Tripp, who lives two a half
miles from town, was destroyed by
together with nearly every
thin, ed in the building.
None of the family were at home
at m it is not known how
the started. Mr. Joseph Tripp,
who lives a quarter of a mile dis-
first law the fire and it was
then burning through the roof.
He ran over with some
help succeeded in getting out a
bureau and sewing machine. The
roof of the fell so soon
that nothing could be saved.
The loss is about with no
The Child Found.
Elizabeth City, N. C, March
The small child W. H.
which had been
missing from its home, near
since last Tuesday
night, was found this afternoon
i's uncle, who chanced to pass
the borne of an aged white woman,
a recluse, and saw it playing in
the yard the hermit watched
from the doorway. He took
session of the child without
and carried it home, a dis
tame of six miles, where it was
received by its parents with great
h sentiment that
the child enticed away from
borne and the matter will be
The question of making Evan's
and Ninth
to the depot is bi conn a matter
of discussion in business circles
The writer has beard a number of
persons giving vent to their ideas,
and not a single one has said to the
contrary. It is the only practical
thing that do. This
not mean that Dickinson
will be closed or that
any one shall be traveling
on that the town will with-
the effort lo make it as pleas-
passable as possible. But it
i an admitted fact that Dickinson
avenue be made what the
traveling public will
in mil of it at any
It is to be hoped that this matter
will engage the attention of those
who have it in their react to do
something. It is an absolute
necessity, and one that the
town is in. and would
ice to sen a nice
to the W.
Proceedings of the Commission- j Excellent D lights
Appreciative Audience.
The Trinity Glee Club and Or-
of College, Dur-
ham, N. rendered their enter-
in the opera
T N. C.
What ha- said in the matter
of the ii r the aged and infirm
bas been well laid. The last grand
did well n what they reported.
The as it is
Billed is too far from
i en here are charitable
societies In the that would
love to do Mm for those
win- cannot help them-
selves. is a place neater
the town be made more
suitable for all the
The county cod
in honor bound to
make i . M.
N. C. Mar. ti.
M. J. Grumpier and David
sou, of Washington;
night town.
Little Susie who was
bun from a fall, is
Whitehurst, of Greenville,
s lit several days with friends
last week.
Dr. L. E. returned
day night after a short but pleasant
visit to bis mother in Pantego.
C. D. Baker and J. P. Alford
church t Timothy Sun-
Mrs. Allen son spent Sun-
day with her daughter, Mrs. N.
T. Stokes, Pine street.
Rev. James Corbitt preached at
the Methodist here Sunday
Rose spent Sunday with
friends Vanceboro.
Miss Olive Woodard spent Mon-
day with Mrs. J. O. Bobbin.
Quite large was sent here
having caught a
trap by El wood Cox, living near
The eagle meat
feet from tip to tip, and has
killed -lice;, and some
The of county
met regular monthly session
the all the members pres-
Orders on the treasurer were is-
sued aggregating as folio
For paupers county
home bridges and ferries
jail coal
health gal-
witness court costs
clerk superior 110.201
register roads
stock law territory
The monthly report of the treas-
Sheriff and superintendent of
health were ti ed.
The board donated to. th
veterans of the county
their to be held May
10th, next.
J. of town-
ship, i
from p ill
El. was released from
school tax,
B. M. and J. T. Lewis were re.
night to a large and
appreciative audience. Every
man the program was in an
excellent state of preparation,
much credit is due Manager Pugh
and Directors and Jones
for the manner in which
every man does his part. .
The by the
Orchestra pleas
medleys sod
were delightful
The large audience showed
their by
through the entire
land expressions
praise and the
boys the entertain
was over.
The Now club
Arkansas Banjo Solo.
f. Poor Neil.
v. Violin Solo.
Uncle Neil.
Another Offer to Those at Work
For The Reflector.
Since making the announcement
a few days ago that any or
four new subscribers can have bis
own paper free, several have taken
advantage of the offer and many
subscribers added to
our list. One has sent in
six and says is not done yet.
Now we are going to in this
additional offer to encourage
who are at t r To
the one sending in the
number names by th ,
April we will also give
free to our
Club, Re-
view of Reviews, the Cosmopolitan,
Woman's Home
the American or it ,
the winner should prefer it lie can j .
a Parker Lucky
March M,
papa has a little sign,
Printed black and gray;
It's only just a Single line;
This Is My
And .- in., I creep to
with a
Or quiet y a
He that busy
Why, when I'm T just race
Downstairs; then, like as not,
I II- to other
-I de it the
i n n the I spring
o- the
lake a swing.
I race Jack Smith to
Ore in. in .-garden wall;
ii.-h I'm to tumble
leased from Farmville special u,
school t ix, listed.
It. B. town
ship, was released taxes on
personal property,
Thomas G. Britton, Bethel
w-is released poll
tax, g a non
Adam Greenville
township, was released poll
tax, charged in error.
A petition vi a-i present for a
public road in town-
ship, beginning at Mary
and lining i j
A petition was presented for a
public road in Beaver Dam town-
ship from a lane on Nichols road
to the Stantonsburg road.
It, The Dog an Lobster.
. J. I i.
T. F. Jones
in Orchestra,
after the
the entire conducted
to the spacious rooms of the Ciro
tub, where thy
i -i our en
extended the m my
MB of
tallies were adding iii-
grace to the already pleasant
occasion, and the mid night ho-i
was reached only soon.
The boys It this morn
for Washington,
will present their tonight
We greatly they could
not lie u longer,
happy of
N b a fall.
But i I
Curve Fountain Pen of the
magazine club. But i I it in i chair,
This prize is worth -or, Ir he
and the one who sends in the wort air;
names will win it.
I I Busy
N. C Mai. 1906.
Charles and son,
Dennis, spent Sunday
over the river.
Mrs. Addie is on the
sick list.
Herbert and J H. Fry.
Happenings Interest in North
A in the county
chain gang committed suicide by
eating rosin soap
business houses the
of W. H. spent Saturday night of Davidson, including the
were burned
James a
; was drowned m
in which the water was not more
than a foot deep.
Mrs. W. J. Jordan. of the
Bancroft went to editor of Hill
i Tuesday afternoon. a few days ago. We extend
J A. went to to him in his bereave-
and Monday;
and Sunday with H. J. Langston
Miss Marv Brooks and Jerome
spent Sunday after-
noon at Alonzo
and sinter, Mi-s
Lizzie, to Saratoga Sunday
and returned Monday.
The billowing were drawn with us will long u on
for April term of Superior
First O Hodges, A B
Congleton, D W Bailey, W S
Jas L J A
sou, H C Venters, H J Smith, Jesse
S Smith, W A Stokes, Geo W
Sentenced Prison for Life.
S March
being out nil night the jury in the
case of Hasty, indicted for
the murder of Milan Bennett and
Abbot m, members of the
Bu Theatrical
Company, t. it brought a
of guilty i f murder in the first
degree it with u
to mercy. He was
Stokes, W L Smith, J T Adams,
W Galloway,
B Harden, W T Hart. J B
J J St i CE Spier,
Josi Manning, M J
Stanley Smith, ST Oakley, G If
James Long, E E
Moore, E W
G. A. Clark , ., , ,,.,. , . r
., . laid L H L
captured two John Daniel , ,, , ., ,, ,, ., , , u.
C P Mime, KL
so. W James.
Second E
Oakley, J A T
Hut-., O V Nobles, Moon,
Two in Jail.
end Major John Hay wood
who on Saturday evening near the
depot robbed a white man named
Henry Stocks while the latter was
under the of liquor.
I were given a
; bearing before Mayor Woolen who
bound to Superior conn,
land In default of bail they were
d in jail.
after noon.
to Ayden
Mary his
.-nine home to spend vacation, after
caching several mouths at
There wore 2.825 people
North Carolina who made income
tax returns last year, the
amount reported was
B. Myers, one of the
oldest citizens of died
that town He
was years old, and a long
time was agent Old
We quote tho following from an
editorial in the Greensboro
bill to prohibit in X.-w
State even the advocacy of the
that persons suffering from
an incurable mental or physical ail-
to be death, been
introduced in the assembly branch
of the Legislature. The hill is ever-
lastingly fight. Then is DO
so firmly established by usage makes tho greatest Mr K kill
and consideration of common sense I impression upon the mind of the led bis t. .
and decency as the one which says average person. But the Roch We -s lay
so as there is life there is ii an says such success is in I. Moore's,
often based on the unlawful em- scales n . H thought by
Shake mi that, We
In the
Washington Sunday Rev.
Clarence Rochester,.
Y, discussed the tendency of A wreck occurred Monday
society using the term in its i eight miles Point, on
narrow to worship the I the Asheboro the
god Success. That there is such I Southern railway. Two coaches
a tendency no observing person a box cur I down
will deny. The man who sue- embankment. There about
coeds, who controls a twenty on the train and
dons enterprise, who employs j w them injured.
countless workers, it is his sue-1
Cm M on-, LB El . e of child labor, paying be.-i for
d M A Harris, hope that the bill will pass of unwarranted low wages and State The huge
W Mil F i Fox ha
.; Harrington, Paul i Legislator
A c . C Int in.
the Sew the spirit of greed
sentenced to
r life. He received Ail exchange do Commission in its re
I sentence without a say when a newspaper man who port to abolishment
Looking at in i--
this view in
be II less
I there is puts quietus to the I general desire to will the
I foolish doctrine of killing the incur ; kind of success described
. Not only should j the question from
there is life point, there ought to
t time since the trial
and upon
verdict .
tremor, Inn
for the i
win. . i
f t II gave notice of
an appeal Hasty was tried
for murder but one of the men.
d II was -ii to Bond's
t and st
last and
i . I curiosity,
in ins r I rig was cit
up and s i be
The Carolina
able, but the eternal laws the by Dr. Ami success ,
i Bible should cause Christian people when there is the possibility ed from then hams
i governor, lie , , ,,. .,
to no all in power the untoward ,. el
afterwards, has conducted his paper in a of the two e asses o . , . ,
, I to eradicate such a diabolical
and second- and the , -i . r .
. I idea from our country,
reduction of passenger faros. Hie
pleased everybody finally
reaches heaven, as needs he must,
bed by a minister J will need no wings, for the balance
I of the angels will carry him around
and exhibit him as a
of Thanks.
We desire to return our sincere
thanks to
their attention during
the arising from the death
of our father, Mr. Jesse Proctor.
Tax of Leaf Tobacco.
house began its session today by
passing without discussion or ops
position a bill for the relief of
tobacco growers by permitting
them to sell leaf tobacco without
paying the tax of cents a pound
heretofore charged.
latter, at all events, is a good
Railroad fare in North
Carolina is too high. The rate,
when adopted, was equitable, for
then population was relatively
and relatively light. Both
have increased enormously since
then and charges in both depart-
should made accordingly.
Charlotte Observer.
Our idea of a brave woman is
one who is not afraid to go into the
kitchen and tho cook lady.
I to should certainly lose some t
our country. its glitter. The highest form of pm
The idea has had a few supporters, success certainly not In amass-
Every absurd and freak wealth There i many a
docs. humble minister of tho gospel one inch
It however, nothing more nor i more than the
i .
less than murder pure simple.
The shall not
has provisions. It stands
and should cause tho foolish
advocates of public murder to slink
away from tho presence of law, re-
and decency, with shame and
A trolley line is to be built from
Greensboro to High Point.
and tho
Greensboro Telegram.
District Meeting.
The representatives of Tar River
Lodge K. of P, to the
meeting at Wilson, report the
occasion a great success. There
was a large attendance the
visiting were treated
most royally.
I cut away
a the
eight feet
lie was
two fen acnes the back the tip
end his snout u is I j inches across.
The hog was years old and had
tushes lour inches long. was
feet inches long standing up.
Notwithstanding the enormous
weight the bog was not considered
fat and could easily have taken on
pounds more flesh. It pro-
that Lenoir leads the list in
big hogs this

El making I W been developed on wooden know no nor The soft,
yielding, tender fiesta a live foot thus been compelled to inhabit an unnatural, ill-titting and oftentimes
sanitary shoe To be is tie average men's daily inheritance. And how much ill health can be traced to
an ill-titting shoe. When the toot is improperly shod the delight walking is gone, and man's best
to him the he should enjoy. A perfect walking shoe, one that keeps the toot always in good
such be had-1
This question brought into being the rial-
Health Shoe. Recognizing that the foot
sole is a curve made by the twenty-six bones
which form the heel, ball and toes, fact
strangely ignored by shoemakers in the past I
we evolved a construction method which places
prime importance in last modeling.
lasts are anatomically correct and
differ from all other makes. Ralston
is a principal combining comfort, ease,
service, style, fit and
in built into the shoes from the
very start.
Shoes made on Ralston lasts are nature
shoes, conforming to the natural and be-
cause they need no they never
lose that charm end style for which Ralston
shoes are which cannot be ob-
in other methods of manufacture,
In the selection of materials for Ralston
shoes the World's best makers are searched
and every bit of upper, top, or sole leather,
and tit tings must pass the Ralston test
Extra Urge Eyelet
Very Stylish.
it you Mat
come and sec this
before acceptance. The same idea with our employees. Each and all must do his or her part according to the
Ralston idea, whether it is cutting, stitching. lasting, making or finishing. The result is a shoe in plea-
sure giving, service and abounding in comfort and style. Thus our immense factory with its army of happy, skill-
employ es is dedicated to the gospel of the foot salvation from cramped and unsuitable footwear. The Ralston
Shoe be duplicated at the price as goods shoe is not made or less.
Are Foot
New Spring styles of Ra Health are now on display in our you to
them a look
C J.
L. A Bro.,
business at N. C.
It. L. J. W., A
I., G. W. J. R. Jell.- son, bU--n
part mutual
b the of ad J. K
from firm r-
brother will
old firm of It. L. A Bra.
with in all of that firm
will be two
further connection or
This March 5th,
of the Superior Court of
my. issued letters
j to me, u
led, day of June,
MUM of w. J.
ed. is hereby to all
estate to make
I immediate payment to the undersign-
ed, and to all creditors of said estate
I V present their claims BU-
t,. the under.-
months after the
date of this or this notice will
u .-
it. Mi en January,
K. K
A. j
A. .
The Yellow Raw m
recently boon discovered.
It bear a clone resemblance to
the malaria germ To free the
system from disease germs, the
most effective remedy Dr.
King's N.-w Life Pill.-,.
i ail due to
malaria poison and constipation
L Drugstore
Not Quite
lit How you can yet a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R
r. u
You and Sec
Isn't it
b . I 1903.
J. plea.
urn i j- mt
i bud which
bad from
tune sh. mm i re old
null I she m old.
now wed and I
bat I too highly of
it a of
Io Publishers
and Printer
lending, ye
an i any
feel on
Column and Head
s regular lengths
U s and
Killed inches
and over per lb;
A of
will be
on application.
You Live
Telephone Service
And is the Stuff of
For Rat
.-. N C
Printers Supply Cd
Manufactures of
High Grade Material .
N. Ninth Street. ,., P
Steamboat Service.
ti ii. in.
at in. A
t at . i r-1, i r, .-
all other
a Norfolk
III. Ill I eel.
older their
tin cine Norfolk
K. K.
J. J. I
H. V. and
M. K. V. A i. M.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
always on hand
I it Ii Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
When you feel languid, tired,
nervous and irritable, your vi-
is of
nerve energy exhausted, and
system running down for
la . power,
The organs the body are
working n or at all,
. . . arc m I ti ; the
intent i . his soon
,., lie. ii blood and in-
i of ii g off the
s it all
h the body, This
l-and misery,
the nerves with Dr.
I lib a nerve food, a
nerve medicine, that nourishes
i strengthen i the nerves, and
how quickly will get
strong and
a . ed
I to a mil,
i.-,. r, In i ii.
fever, much . and
I i excel i-
when it i ii
very n
ii, v, i- i n i mat.
roil inn-ii from .
ache, N
a Mi ml. r Urn
had r -l
Nat, t
proved. um of baa
Dr. Is sold by your
who will guarantee that
first will benefit. If It falls, h
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind
Author Avoided Company
and Loved
The habit of was a dis-
trait in family of Nathan-
Hawthorne. One person,
write Ufa. in of
bad Mind to encourage
this habit the novelist. This
Miss Elizabeth Mrs.
Hawthorne's sister. It ma her
ion, she felt, to the great
out from solitudes where M
talked apart to the broad ways of
Mr.-. Davis happen-
ed to be present at her grand and
last coup to this end and describes
it as
One evening I was with Mrs.
Hawthorne in the little parlor in
Concord when the children brought
in their father. Suddenly Miss Pea-
appeared in the doorway. She
lighted the lamp, went out and
brought in more lamps and then sat
down and wailed, with an air of
stern resolution.
Mr. Emerson and his
daughter appeared, then Al-
and her father, then two gray
old clergymen, who were formally
to Mr. Hawthorne, who
now looked about him with terrified
dismay. We saw ether figures
in the road outside.
does this mean, Eliza-
Mrs. Hawthorne asked in an
did it. went around and ask-
ed a few people in to meet our friend
here. I ordered sonic cake and
Her blue eyes glittered with
as Mrs. Hawthorne turned
been lure two
the whimpered, nobody
has met Mr. Hawthorne. People
talk. It's ridiculous There's no
reason why Sophia should not go
into society, so I just made ex-
of your visit to bring them
The little room was quite full
when there rustled in a woman who
came straight to Mr. Hawthorne.
I never heard her name, but I knew
her at sight as the intelligent
who cows you into idiocy by
her fluent cleverness.
delighted to meet you at
she said, seating herself be-
side him. have always admired
your books, Mr. Hawthorne. And
now I want you to tell me all about
your methods of work. I want to
hear all about
But at that moment his wife came
up and said that h was wanted
outside, and he escaped. A few
moments la u I heard bis steps ob
the floor overhead and knew
was safe in the
Him Up.
. reply U hi. friend s
that Mrs.
sweet Little
cheerful Always
looking on the
Safe investment
Secure a Good Location while there is to do so at
R Prices and on Easy Terms.
I have splendid property, just east of the town limits in South Greenville, into convenient lots for home-seekers
and will sell them on easy terms. There is no better location for homes anywhere around Greenville. High elevation, level,
and convenient, being only a few minutes walk from the business part of town. This property is just outside the corporate
limits, yet those who reside there will have the benefit of the graded school, and be as near to the churches, and depot and
as are the people in many parts of the town, being only three hundred yards from Five Points, nice neighborhood
adjacent to the property. Talk it over me and let me show you these desirable lots. No better time than NOW to buy.
Greenville will grow rapidly in the next few years and property will be higher. Catch the opportunity before it is too late.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
. j r.
he fa
end of h
lumped three
noisy for s minute.
midst of ii
How fortunate you
it once.
in his no
and h
To Put n
e, dear,
wand all
e should ovoid The
i not in fat
life easily. v applies
flesh, and
to tits of temper, .;,.
i i j. in tor-
Of I
chocolate, coo
milk, cream.
in oil, in itself.
Cod liver oil of other
end it say, one
foods. A every
., weight of
day of the oil.
also Hair.
a friendly
ad a
pulled a Ions
bis pocket and.
this all the
this pi a i ,
For C Stoves
Heaters Pumps, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
Stutters, In fact anything
in Hardware come to
,, the back
e had worked.
nit what he
to km
. how did yon
I.- the
happened to
To on
introduced them b
i-i a corner and
l v. I
I am paying the market price for Cotton Seed
in any quantity.
I also sell Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, in car lots or
less, sacked or loose, to suit purchaser, OF exchange for Seed
at warehouse.
and all kinds of feed constantly on hand.
Car of Golden Seed and Feed Oats to arrive, also White
and Black Oats, Red Rust Proof
I have just had built a large warehouse near the depot
tor this line.
I will continue to carry a line of Groceries at the
same stand occupied by Johnston Bros.,
The Reflector
Is Read By Everybody in reach, and
it readies, mi my to pay for at they t
If you what they want advertise it and you sure to
a j art of their
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
We are very fortunate in be-
mg able to arrange the pub
Ushers of these well known mag
to offer subscription for
year at this
p; .-. We have decided
to lot readers have the
advantage of the reduction in
order quickly a body
of paid in advance
Don't Neglect This Oiler
Reviews of Reviews
Many other publications are
desirable, and you may prefer
this or prefer that action and
art publication, but the Review
Reviews is Sub.
American men and
men are going to keep up with
the times and they are
take the shortest cut which i
he of
The Cosmopolitan
A leading magazine for years
With the recent change of nor
ship ii has been Improved, it is
far better In every and
aims to be the best in the Bold
Every year or so there's one
notable advance in the forward
mm among the many mag
This year it is the Cos
Woman's Home
Woman's Home Companion
is For every member of the
For bright, earnest,
cultured, home loving American
woman it Is an Ideal entertainer
and helper in a thousand
ways; but the lathers an
brothers and suns loin In its
perusal by the children
eagerly turn to the pages that
arc written for them
The American is the lending
paper the country, and
to farming, live stock and poultry raising. Every tanner should have it
yon get all four of these papers with The Daily a
with The Eastern Reflector h u tor
year for or Ml tour

making been developed on wooden know no nor discomfort. The sort,
yielding, tender flesh of live foot has thus been compelled to inhabit an unnatural, ill-fitting and oftentimes
sanitary shoe To be foot-tired is the average man's daily inheritance. And how much ill health can be traced to
an ill-titting shoe. When the toot is improperly shod the delight walking is gone, and man's best
to him the comfort he should enjoy. A perfect walking shoe, one that keeps the foot always in good
such be
This question brought into being the
Health Shoe. Recognizing that the foot
sole is a curve made by the twenty-six bones
which form the heel, ball and toes, fact
strangely ignored by shoemakers in the
we evolved a construction method which places
prime importance in last modeling.
Ralston lasts are anatomically correct and
differ from all other makes. Ralston
is a principal combining comfort, ease,
service, style, fit and
in outwear, built the shoes from the
very start.
Shoes made on Ralston lasts are nature
shoes, conforming to the natural foot, and lo-
they need no they never
lose that charm and style for which Ralston
shoes are which cannot be ob-
in other methods of manufacture.
the selection of materials tor Ralston
shoes the Worlds best makers arc searched
and every hit of upper, top, or sole leather,
and fittings must pass the Ralston test
Extra large Eyelets.
Vary Stylish.
If you want
. come and sec tills
acceptance. The same idea with our
employees. and all must do his or her part according to the
Ralston idea, whether it is cutting, stitching, lasting, making or finishing, The result is a shoe in plea-
sure giving, service and abounding in comfort and style. Thus our immense factory with its army happy, skill-
employees is dedicated to the gospel of the foot salvation from cramped and unsuitable footwear. The Ralston
Shoe be duplicated at the price good a shoe is not made or sold for less.
Are Foot Formed
New Spring styles of Health Shoes are now on display in our we; invite you to
give them a
. R. J. G.
The firm of R. I Bro.,
business at N. C,
of R. L. J. W., A.
O. W. and J. R Jeff.- son,
dissolved mutual content,
v the withdrawal of H. T. and J. R
from laid firm The iv
brothers will continue
old firm of K. L. J. IT, Br s ,
with all bushiest of that firm
will If the two retiring having
no further connection
in the business of firm.
This March
R. i Bros.
of the Superior Court of
t, issued letters
i to me. the u
oil, on t i of January.
on the estate of . J.
ed. NOTICE is hereby to all
pi Indebted to tin- estate to make
Immediate to the
ed. and to all creditors of said estate
their claims properly u-
the to the
within twelve months after the
of this , or this notice will
in b of their recovery.
Ti in the 1806
a . j
I. A. Sugg, Attorney.
has recently boon discovered.
It boars a close resemblance to
the malaria germ To tree
system from disease germs, the
most effective -s Dr.
King's Life Pills.
cot all diseases due to
malaria poison and constipation
L Drugstore
Not Quite
mL How often you et u
X dona a
or screw driver or
w. lacking. Have a
tool box and be prepared for
Our line of tools
It all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not a
useful article.
ti. .,. .
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
ii it
You and Set
Or.- M t 1903.
i. J--r pleas-
ire i u. j. Remedy
. , little girl of
i which
her body
She bast from
until lie old. She
is no perfectly well and I
that -peak too of
it She has a of
,. J
lo Publishers
and Printer
We hare a
I m o-.-s, on patents ,
whereby ye
can old
and Head
t. thinker,
Hi- in In as good a
i without any
or on ilia
Column and Head
s ii tOe,
L, S and
Head Killed Inches
and over per
A of
Km, parties
will cheerfully
nm on it
J. P
You Can Live
Telephone Service
And Time Is the
For Rates
Printers Supply Co
of Type tad,
High Grade Printing Material .
N. Ninth Street. , k
Steamboat Service.
daily Sunday
a. in. fin leaves
Hi in, A Illusion
Ne Yolk, all other
Km it Norfolk
ah ed.
order their
via cine Norfolk
A K.
without i
J. t
vii,., U. ,
II. t . . T, and
U. K. KING, V. P. a i. M.
D. W.
i And Provisions
Ties always on hand ;
Fresh i.,, kept con-
in stuck. Country
Bought Sold
D. W.
N or t Ii Carolina.
When you fed languid, tired,
nervous and irritable, your vi-
is supply of
nerve energy exhausted, and
system running down for
of power,
The organs f the body are
working poorly, or at all,
and you are n the
. needed. soon
blood and in-
I of throw oil the
ii all
ii the body. bis brings
. d misery,
nerves with Dr.
a nerve food, a
nerve medicine, that nourishes
I Strengthen I the nerves, and
how quickly w ill get
and n
r, r h. r, ,
fever, rs
I herself i i ,, d-
. when the I I
Bl very flit, mill
never n hi i i. i.
from net
I mi. v
Mi r
ti n I,
at and of
sh w ; illy
flurry Ft.
Dr. la by
who will that th
first bottle will benefit. If It falls, M
will your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind
Author Avoided Company
and Seclusion.
The habit of seclusion was a dis-
trait in the family of Nathan-
Hawthorne. Hue person,
writes Ilia. in of
bad no mind to encourage
this habit in the gnat novelist. This
was Miss Elisabeth Mrs.
Hawthorne's sister. It was her mis-
she felt, to bring the great
out from solitudes where he
walked apart to the broad ways of
common sense. Mrs. Davis happen-
ed to be present her grand and
last ti tins end and describes
it as follows.
One I was with Mrs.
Hawthorne in the little parlor
Concord when the children brought
in their father. Suddenly Miss
appeared in the doorway. Sh
lighted the lamp, wont out and
brought in more lamps and then sat
down and waited, with an a
tern resolution.
Mr. Emerson and his
daughter appeared, then Louisa Al-
and her father, then two gray
old who were formally
presented to Mr. Hawthorne, who
now looked about him with terrified
We saw other figures
preaching in the road outside.
does this mean, Eliza-
Mrs. Hawthorne in an
aside. , , ,
did it. I went around and ask-
ed a few people in to meet our friend
here. I ordered some and
Her blue eves glittered with
Mrs. Hawthorne turned
been here two
she whispered, nobody
has met Mr. Hawthorne. People
talk. It's ridiculous There's DO
reason why Sophia should not go
into society, so I just made an ex-
of your visit to bring them
The little room was full
when there in a woman who
came straight to Mr. Hawthorne.
I never beard her name, bin knew
her at sight as the intelligent
who cows you into idiocy by
her fluent cleverness.
delighted to meet you at
she said, sealing herself be-
him. have always admired
your books. Mr. Hawthorne. And
now I want you to tell me all about
your methods of work. I want to
hear all about
But that moment his wife came
up sail that he was wanted
outside, and he escaped. A few-
moments lain I hoard ins steps on
overhead and knew that no
an. Ufa
fatly in reply to hit friend's
that Mrs. Joyce was
sweet little
cheerful Always
looking on the bright 1-
friend continued
such n ling
bu l
Billings. other n
there and l
absent minded lie
end of bis cigar in hi mo lie
jumped three feel and little
noisy for a minute. lit in the
midst of nil Mrs. smiled
blandly and
fortunate , dear,
to discover it
To Put
Thin people to take
life Worry wears away I be
flash, and I ho same remark applies
to lits of temper,
envy and nil exciter t. T
pie should avoid i
Claret is r The
articles of that help in for-
are them
milk, cream, stout, cook.
in oil. naiads I with oil.
foil liver oil 1- in Itself,
will it helps in disposal of other
foods. A taking, one
tablespoonful liver oil every
day will on of
flesh greater of the oil.
All Hair,
One daring a friendly
dace aid the company was
in the a a
young pulled a long
hair plait of pocket and.
holding f I is
this Ai t is all the ladies
in I
put their lo the I of their
heads. worked. Oar
wag had d out a I ho warned
to know, I.
did yon din
pose of o Hunks our party the
other eve
a I nice old Mr.
midge a re. I happened to
know v both on
iced I
men mi I sub
each of
corner and
. ii and
Why Not
Safe investment
Secure a Good Location while there is to do so at
R Prices and on Easy Terms.
I have that splendid property, just east of the town limits in South Greenville, into convenient lots for home-seekers
and will sell them on easy terms. There is no better location for homes anywhere around Greenville. High elevation, level,
and convenient, being only a few minutes walk from the business part of town. This property is just outside the corporate
limits yet those who reside there will have the benefit of the graded school, and be as near to the churches, and depot and
as are the people in many parts of the town, being only three hundred yards from Five Points, nice neighborhood
to the property. Talk it over me and let me show you these desirable lots. No better time than NOW to buy.
Greenville will grow rapidly in the next few years and property will be higher. Catch the opportunity before it is too late.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
. st cm
For C Stoves
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
am paying highest market price for Bead
in any quantity.
I also sell Cotton Meal and Hulls, in car or
less, Molted or loose, to suit purchaser, or exchange for
at warehouse.
and all kinds of feed constantly on hand.
Car of Golden Seed and Feed Oats to arrive, also White
and Black Oats, Red Rust Proof
have just had built a large warehouse near the depot
for this line.
I will continue to carry line of Groceries at tho
same stand occupied by Johnston
The Reflector
Is Read By Everybody in reach, and
it readies. j v, mt my to pay at they t.
If you have they want advertise it and you are to
-it a art of
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
We are very fortunate in be-
to arrange the pub
of those well known mag
a subscription for
year at tin-
We have decided
to let renders have the
advantage of the reduction in
order to get quickly a large body
of paid in subscribers
Don't Neglect This Ofter
Reviews of Reviews
Many other publications are
desirable, and yon may prefer
this or prefer that Action and
art publication, but the Review
of Reviews is Sub
American men and
men are going to keep up with
the times r id they are to
take the cut which i
he of
The Cosmopolitan
A leading magazine for
With the recent of owner
ship it has been improved. It is
far better in every and
aims to the best in the field
Every year or so there's one
notable advance in the forward
movement among the many mag
This year it is the Cos
Woman's Home
Woman's Hume
is for every member of the
For bright, earnest,
cultured, home loving American
woman ii is an ideal entertainer
and helper in a thousand
ways; but the fathers an
brothers and sons join in an
perusal by the fireside; children
eagerly turn to the pages that
are written for
The American Farmer is the leading Agricultural paper of the country, and pertain
to live stock and poultry raising. Every farmer should have it
you get all four of these papers with The Daily a year for or Ml
with the Eastern Reflector n year tor

WHICHARD, . . Editor and
Entered in the post office at Greenville. N. C, as second -ass matter,
rates made known upon application.
desired at every host office in Pitt and adjoining; counties.
in to
The cotton farmer should not for-
get to reduce the acreage.
They have time trying all
rioters in
lie may be but
the folks ain't fooling the ground
Concord is managing to keep
about a much in the lime as
the other towns op that way.
Ice factories in oilier towns do a
good business. Why could not the
same done in Greenville
We will bet the trolley line
i r ml is built
the one from to
Do i ham.
Tin men who start a building
and loan mi rial ion will do a mighty
and fur
When the electric plant puts on
current, as stems to be the pros-
an curly day, you will see
ninny swell enterprises developing
dashes the Re-
into the searchlight's
ant glare and avers that certain
workmen on a certain hill dug a
gold that the said watch was
in the clay feet underground,
and that accompanying evidences
indicated that the watch had been
in hiding there for fifty years or
more. much is all right if it's
in The but when our
truly esteemed contemporary de
clans that the watch was in
condition and went to work as soon
as wound, it staggers us. Our
of belief run down and stop,
because they are insufficiently e last-
tic, The public should show no
quarter-to-one would relate
with calm, open face a full jeweled
yarn like this, which deserves to be
wound up with the most romantic
snake and fish stories Hut e be-
The is stem winder
enough to set itself right at the
time. If the story is not second
hand, we offer Brother Whichard
our hand the minute he the
key to the situation. Watch you
say to Gazette.
Our good Brother Marshall may
think he has us
stands ready to chain and consign us
to the ring of crystallized yarn spin
but the case is too open-faced
he up so easily. The
has the main spring of truth
Another letter ill paper m draw its am.
proves the proposition to such a balance wheel is nit
Evans and Ninth. Streets the main afraid its movement along the dial
will be far enough behind time lo
be picked up by a slow hand or
caught run down. Like the watch
we don't strike, and indeed there is
no need to,
thoroughfare to tie depot. Tin
suggestion is worth considering.
It not worth while to try to stir
op a scrap with China Better let
this country go on and enjoy its era
of prosperity without running the
risk of Banking the pension lift
The fellow who sometime ago
predicted that the Republicans
would North Carolina in the
next election is keeping very quiet
now. Recent developments in that
party have taken all the wind out of
ever, that it went to work
wound, and we have been informed
that it has been working regularly
ever since. an old style key
winding watch, open face, and very
handsome The only clean-
given the watch when found was
ft bath with soap and water by which
the accumulations of clay were re-
moved from the lines of engraving
on tire case and the beauty of the
exterior disclosed.
Joe who was in
charge of the convicts when one of
them found the watch, now it
and will deliver it to its rightful
owner if positive title can be
Dr. Edwin A Alderman, native
of Wilmington, N. C-, has been
tin Hartford
rant a a suitable man for the
to nominate for Pres.
idem in 1908, North Carolina
hasn't Had a President since
Johnson and there is no reason j
why the country should not be
blessed with an executive from
the most Democratic Common-
wealth in the if he
does now reside in the State that
is mother of
Here is the
Harvey's suggestion
about trying their luck in 1908
a Scholar favor in the
eyes of Democratic brethren,
they are by no moans shut to
Col. Harvey's
Woodard M of Princeton,
Dr Eliot, of Harvard, is a little
too old, perhaps, but there's Dr.
Henry w Rogers, dean of
the Vale Law School, not yet
and young for his age. He isn't
a university president now , but
he was And there's Dr. Edwin
Anderson Alderman, president
not Vet and one of the nicest
Democrats living. Dr. Rogers
is a New Yorker by birth; Dr.
is a North
Correct Styles
The Swell Shoes of the Season
Right here is where you'll find them, Sir. Patent Kid, Colt, V. .-etc., are
favorite leathers. Handsome new shape lasts; the new Military all ti
Kinks. Every size-every width. The Man who takes pleasure in bearing
fitting Shoes will find here exactly the Shoes he's looking for.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
Alderman was a
a city where a man's
for a good regulator politics and his religion areas
i-i ,. unchangeable as the laws of the
of public opinion like the Gazette
and Persians Whether
When another meeting of the
Association is called
every business man in reach should
be present. It will mean something
for Greenville for the businessmen
to be united and working together
to advance the interests of the town.
Many important matters can be ac-
through concerted ac-
will see that it was not keeping time
and hasten to for even
creating the suspicion in the mind
of its constituents that, the Watch
scoop of Tin; was a yam
of the snake and fish story class.
sir. there was no yarn In that
watch case, but it was go
and jeweled
in Wilmington, In Chapel Hill n
New Orleans, or Charlottesville,
he has been a true Democrat
the ticket as it was print-
and therefore always voting
right, and showing that he was
peculiarly qualified to be chosen
as the head of the university es
genuine by the foremost
statesman the world has known.
Now to he serious, the finding of, It would be like a fresh baptism
of Jeffersonian Democracy to
the watch and its o million in-
deed remarkable, and how it came
to its hiding place is as much a
mystery as ever. The only state-
made in at the
time not entirely on fact was
that the watch had probably been in
its hiding place fifty years or more.
Of course this only a
based on the circumstances,
he watch being in the
clay two feet beneath the surface and
there being no signs to indicate that
there had been any recent digging
of the earth near where it was found-
A band of Seventh
near High Point, have been indicted
for working on Sunday. These j thing that it
people observe Saturday for their years a
Sabbath, and work on Sunday name date engraved on the in
like any other day. It the latter being 1838. The
name, which was told The
in confidence that it would not
be divulged, is entirely unfamiliar
in this section, and a starch of
proper to enforce the law of Sabbath
in this country against
some other p Bl well as Ad-
f s Ci n
old State whose
; county records for years back fails
bin The to disclose any such name.
I in
nominate and elect the next
Democratic President from Mon-
who carries the keys of
the University of Virginia. He
would maintain the dignity of
the college president, but he
wouldn't walk on stilts at the
White House and forget the boys
in the he wouldn't car-
a Big Stick but would lean on
the of he would
maintain the Monroe doctrine as
Monroe promulgated and he
would take more interest in
the children in the United
States proper than in putting
education into the naked Filipino
at the point of a gun News and
Another frog story comes now
from where a man is
running a frog farm, and is not
only making a big fortune on
selling their legs, but has also
made a pile cf money on the sale
of their hope. Now, is there a
snake story that, can me up to
Wire to
Norfolk Cotton Peanut
Cotton Factors, Norfolk, V
Strict Middling
St. Low Middling i
Low Middling i
Strictly Prime
Bankers and
New York
Jan. ft Feb.
May Wheat
May Corn
July Ribs
May Lard
July Lard
Greenville Cotton
J. R. A J. O
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by
putting An display the newest
to be shown in i
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the American markets t
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
desirous of seeing the NEWEST t
to call at our establishment and feast their
eyes. Very truly yours,
. N. C.
Contractor, Builder
Tile Setter.
Plans submitted and estimate,
furnished on application. All
work guaranteed Turn key job
no when desired.
RB. Heal Es-
state Agent Tire
and Loans.
Opportunities and in-
vestments. Stock Com.
Promoted and Fin-
N. C.
been has an idea
lea that
with the blood of many
turned over a new leaf
out to redeem herself.
The n I George Hasty for
lb murder of Milton and
members of the
. t in approval f people
the country .
watch may have been lost by a sol-1
of either the Confederate
The man o fool himself and
drinks dope because it isn't
Federal armies when the soldiers the same wreck US though
in section during the he had taken the pure stuff. Every-
war, but this, too, is only a thing.
a tramps working are
Bow the well than those of a banker- yet the
explained and average man would u bun-
It a fact, how ,
Save Per Cent
I hereby give all owners of DWELLING HOUSES notice they can save
per cent, on premiums paid for
by having all flues built of brick or stone from the ground. This
is hereby gladly given to the public.
Insurance F. M. HORNADAY Greenville, N. C.
I I'll I
is in J. H. FRY, who is to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
T-- o Winter.-i
f earner,
hi tin T a
fl; I -e. own, we can
. -t .
line of fresh groceries
ways on hand Barber
John Blokes was in town Tues-
day evening and tells us that be Is
meeting with much success in his
Any one need of a good cart
one that will last and render goo
service just to see or the
Try a bottle of Kid-
a sure core for all Kid-
troubles at Harrington Barber
If you nave cotton seed to or
, exchange write or Pitt Co.
their prices are the
Men's and youth's pants, all
sizes, at Barber Co.
W. S ft they
Mrs O. C. J wheels i great now, and any ore
Monday night in j,. same will do well to
with Mr father and write or see the A Mfg U.
evening. , and valise at
ton Barber
If you expect to exchange your
seed for meal you can same time
Woods high grade garden
have tor years been the mos
u j
can find the
store of R T. Cox a Bro.
Try a or a
Emmett Dixon at the
drug store will show to you.
If need a nice Rug cull
, . I at A. W. Ange and you. can
The demands for Tar Heel
The Pitt Oil Co. will pay
by meal far seed when
you have cotton ginned at the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
For special prices on heaters see car load.
W. L. House.
If yon want good seed Irish
potatoes go to Harrington, Barber
A, Co.
John David Smith went to
Greenville Tuesday evening.
If you want your laundry to look
nice and last long take it to H. L.
who represents the
steam laundry.
Jerome of
was in town Tuesday evening.
The A. G. Cox Mtg. Co. are still
shipping cotton and guano
sowers by the carload, and if you
need any you had best write or
see them at
All farmers sow-
and wheat can be supplied with
mowers, rakes, reapers and binders
at Harrington, Barber Co.
Quite a crowd from Win-
attended services at
Branch Sunday.
Be sure not to forget the
tare and those iron bedsteads at
A. W.
Canning factory
of cooker, can-
book, work shed, warehouse
and about bird acres of land
in heart of for sale.
For particulars see Dr. B. T. Cox
or J. F.
W. H. up from Kin-
to take the
Winterville High
base ball team and return-
ed on the train.
highest price for seed cotton.
of seed Oats at
If you want good flour, some that
you em eat without
with indigestion, go to Ange
and some of that Hour
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co, that is made out of pure
still shipping planters by
If you are wise your
Big line of hats and caps just. by with Bar
received, latest styles. Harrington- j neons town and country paint, for
Tooth and Disk Harrow at
Barber Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Slaughter, of
spent with R.
Croom and family.
Farmer make money by ex
changing their cotton seed for
meal at Pitt County Oil Co.
Rick Dixon went to
Tuesday evening.
sale by A. W. Ange t.
For bay, corn and oats go
A Co.
If yon want a nice shirt or tie
go to Earlier Co.
A who have not paid their
burn tax will do well to see C. L.
Smith, collector, before an extra
amount added to
Of Those Going and Coming
Daily March
T. L. Bland to Richmond
this morning.
Prof W. H. went
Bethel evening,
J. B. from
J. F. Brinkley returned from
Hobgood Wednesday evening.
C. T. returned from
Wednesday evening.
Ex-Gov. T J.
west to this
Mrs. F W. Clare and children
went to this morn-
to visit
Mrs. of Goldsboro, came
in evening to visit
Mis. Q. S.
Mrs. F. C. of Bethel,
came Wednesday evening to
visit D. L. James.
Then A. H. TAFT is the man
deal with.
Our store Is at all times open to those who want
goods at low prices. We can furnish your house from
the kitchen to the parlor in Furniture at prices that will
suit your puree. SATISFIED ARE OUR
Form the habit of laving by
small deposits with the
Our meal analyzes Pitt Co. I of From small
Miss Abram, of Rocky
Mount, came in Wednesday to
visit her sifter, Mrs. S. M.
Mrs. D. D. Gaskins, of
who had been visiting her
Mrs. L. H. Rountree, it-turned to
her home W evening.
Well we can suit; you Quality and Workman-
ship, our are up-to-date, our is con-
our prices are right. Give us a call f
when In need of anything in the
or Picture line. Orders taken for
traits, likeness guaranteed,
Oil company.
Any in need of a plow will
do well to go to A. W. Ange Co.,
and get one of those Chill,
ed They are the best
the market.
John was in town Tues-
day evening.
Farming implements of all kinds
at Barber Co.
R. G. Chapman spent Sunday
with bis son who lives She-
We offer our silver table ware.
guarantee at a bargain.
See us, B. T. Box Bro.
Buy a pipe from J. H. C. Dixon
at the
Nice Harrington
Barber t Co.
All colors paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber Co.
Joyner returned
from her hone Monday morning,
having spent Saturday and Sunday
with the her people.
Nice line f buys suits at II I.
Another shipment of shoes
all styles and sizes and prices very
reasonable. Harrington Barber
G. A. went
Tuesday evening business.
White's and Kidney Cure,
the kidney medicine
for stock Kid a sure colic cute,
at the Drug Store
Buy Candies, Apples,
mil Bananas from
savings g-eat fortunes grow. Be-
We noticed in the a few
days ago that while HUM
was out driving the buggy Shaft;
unfastened and the
baggy thrown from
a high embankment,
barely escaping serious
The cause was a defective
coupler. Such accidents el these
are serious in I hey often
threaten life, and every precaution
Yours Truly,
Furnishings for the house we are I should be taken to guard against,
. I. . V. . . ,, . I. t
new ready for business, and extend
an invitation to all, to our
store, and the beautiful line of
furniture, which we have
It is lo best Interest.
Yon can do this by using
Buggies. The shafts are fasten-
ed with Couplets en.
deal out on easy I we are told, are the best on the
that even the poorest shall have to market. are quick and easy
excuse for their homes not apply and never come off or
furnished. Thanking you Yon can then take your
for patronage, we are i wife, or children with
to serve, Eastern Carolina Supply
Co., Winterville, N. C.
The streets are kept alive now by
the farmers who are hauling
from here, and cotton seed
meal from the Pitt Oil Co.
Car load of just received,
nice fresh, at lowest price.
Harrington, Co.
The Winterville High School
buys ate good practice
playing hall, and we can look for
Some good games soon.
For rakes and fanning
implements of all kinds go to
Barber Co.
Guy Taylor, a member of the
of Kittrell, Taylor Co., was
called home yesterday to the bed
side of bis brother, who is very ill.
We hope he will Una him much
improved, and that he
return to bis business.
Nicest Hue of dress shirts ever
shown in Winterville at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Mew is arriving
When yon come to
at the bank. The cashier would
be glad to see you, He would also
like to show how an a count
with the bank of
to yon.
want a nice
machine for 15.00, or any
kind of house furnishing goods
cheap go to A. W.
The gentleman, who left town
last week and lost his clothes would
not have had such bad if he
had bought one of those nice
trunks, or suit cases at A. W.
Ange Co.
March 1906.
Rev. J. E
Roll call and of
Paper, The Social Life of a
Teacher, Miss Taylor.
The Renting or School
Supt. W. G.
Paper, The Necessity
for, Character of the Daily
Preparation of a Teacher, Miss
Charlotte W. Ireland.
Round Table Talk, Home
Does it in-
How Shall we Teach
Prof. G, E.
Distribution of pamphlets on the
of school
and houses.
The magnificent meeting
o the association in February ca. u
for the presence co operation
of every teacher in the county to
keep this meeting up to the high
water mark reached I am
sure you are If there
thing you wish to know about
geography, either home or
be ready to ask any you
please under head of
Table Be prepared also to
aid in answering quest ions which
may be asked. All together a
great meeting. W.
Supt. Schools.
A H. Taft
Wash Goods Said,
We have received our full line of WASH GOOD
consisting of
J. H
C. Dixon it the ding store. get your pick.
We to announce J. V. Harrington, a member of
will begin here the firm of
in the on Tuesday
night, larch It is to be
by Livingston
of Raleigh, lie ii faith-
County. f Court.
B. L. Smith Company vs.
Hy an execution directed to
the from the Superior
Court of county in lbs above
action. I will, on Monday, the
of March, 1906, St
M, at the Court House door of said
county, sell to the highest bidder for
at A. W. and i cash to satisfy said ail
title and which the said
Dixon, defendant, in the
following described real estate,
one undivided one eighth Inter-
goods just received at A. W. Ange , Dixon, to the life
Re sure to see them I of his father, S, In
hid to the lands descended to
hit Henrietta
on, and
described as the
lands if I. A.
get the at lowest prices.
A new line of and dress
. . . .
i, -i. i i n t and wife,
Barber A left this morning for and other., and
will buy three hundred aid acres,
,., , I. or tin entire iii-
and We Gin I ,,,., vi
more or and being the entire In
inn in .
.--------I of the Basil In
k for a nice lot g. to Ce to lauds of which bis r,
The tit-m of Praetor Oil-sin, Mer-
chants at N. has this
day dissolved by mutual consent. All
persons indebted to said firm will make
payment to T. who will
continue business at the old stand,
and will settle all indebtedness
said This 10th.,
T. V,
J. L.
will be on
Monday. Everybody cordially
to these.
Save Per Cent.
I can owners o DWELLING HOUSES information that will enable
to save per cent, on premiums paid for
We hope him good luck
will be furnished to anyone interested.
This day of February,
L. W. Sheriff.
H. A.
Greenville, N. C

Fay Stockings
We and guarantee FAY STOCKINGS and
per pair. W are not agents, but are
Sole Agents an can sell you cheaper.
We were th; first to ever have t FAY STOCKINGS
shipped to
N. C.
Gives rest to the stomach. Cures indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach,
tired stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, nervous
Stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A guaranteed cure.
m Roma.
Sold by J. I., Wooten.
ft nick ft lb.
r M lift.
Elegant Reception Given to Rev.
J. L. and His Bride.
Kim City, N. C. March In
the social realm a re is
an occasion of pleasant
No event of like h is
been looked forward to with a
greater degree interest than the
blending of the lives and destinies
of Rev. J. L. pastor of
the Methodist at Kin City.
and Miss Mary Louise
one of Greenville's
and amiable daughters. The mar
was at three-
thirty o'clock. February
by J. A. Hornaday
the bride, X.
C. They left Immediately for Kim
City and arrived on I he Norfolk
shoo-fly. They were met at the
station by a Dumber of voting
people, and amid a of rice
were to age.
Here a reception was given them
by the members of tie Methodist
church. The parlors, reception
ball and dining room had been
transformed into creations of
beauty under the skillful manage-
and deft Angers of Mrs
R. Wells and her
Soft lights added brilliancy to the
scene. The reception
was in its entirety artistic,
and altogether beautiful.
The guests were welcomed in the
fro t hall by Miss Irma
and Mr. J. C. Miss
Ernestine Vick and Mr. C. M.
Early. They wore then ushered to
the cloak rooms by Miss
and Mi. Jesse David
were then conducted to
the reception parlor, where
bride and groom and the receiving
consisting of Dr. E. O.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II.
Prof and Mrs A. B
Tr d Mrs. and
Mr and Mrs. J. T. Watson awaited
The color scheme was most
carried out in red, with
gr. of crimson and
I i h is i vi r graceful style, Dr. E
the guests to
t their
, congratulations,
guests were invited across the
hall, where another vision of love-
greeted them. There tho
scheme was and Mi--
Hazel Doles, attired in a lovely
pink gown served F. la-
this room was displayed the wed.
gifts, testimonials of love and
esteem from friends. After linger-
her a few moments, Mr. O.
Dr. K. F. and
Miss n led the way
to the dining room, where a
collation w is served The
sch of and white
here, which abut can
out in the The
gentlemen in the receiving part
wore the conventional black. The
was ii blue
with lace
an bouquet bride's
roses Miss Allot
with lace tr Mi
Vick white silk
blue; Miss Emma i
voile; Mrs H. black
Ilk and law; Mrs. Cameron was
attired in bridal dress of white
Mrs. T. S. white
mull over pink silk; Miss
cream lice and pink
J. T.
-ilk cream lace.
The out of
were Dr. B. F. Mr.
ham Williams, Mr. Fred Horns
day. Miss Nannie Daughtry.
News Observer.
Hardy Llama and th and
Fin Wool.
are bred for pack
and they are also killed and
eaten. not taste any, as I was
told the flesh was very writes
s traveler in Bolivia. saw
killed as big as a red
teemed Kan. sinewy moat without
any fat. They feed chiefly on a
coarse shrub, called growing
in higher altitudes than grass.
have seen the llamas to
foot above sea level, apparently
quite happy, and thriving we'd on
and other coarse and strong
smelling shrubs. The value of the
animal before being broken in for
packing is not very groat. One of
the mine owners know bought a
Hoop of some twenty animals to
kill for meat for bis workmen, and
the was about SO cents a head.
The wool of these animals is some-
times pulled off in largo handfuls
when ii is rotten and ready to drop,
and ii is also cut the dead pelt.
plait this wool into soft
for tying on packs, and some-
times they spin it into thread and
weave cloth of it, but the llama cloth
is not esteemed as highly as cloth
made of sheep wool. The natives
say it will not stand the same wear
as sheep wool cloth and that it is
brittle. But to my mind this is not
be wondered at, for no care is
taken to cultivate the wool. There
ought to be an opening for an in-
in cultivating and supplying
this wool to European markets.
Something, too, might done with
wool. It was common to see
to each day. Though
very timid wild, they are easily
driven. will not cross a pack
thread stretched along the ground.
wool is very highly es-
teemed. The equivalent of to
often paid locally for enough
of the choice wool to make a shawl
or poncho. The Argentinians, the
Bolivians and the Indians of both
countries organize huge drives. In
each drive hundreds of are
with sticks
and stones. -It may be safely said
that no man wears any cloth
made of wool taken from a living
animal. It is the timidity of these
animals and their extraordinary
that alone prevent their ex-
Happenings of Interest Over the
Former Governor J. Hogg, of
Texas, died Saturday.
Indictment has been
against people in
Springfield, for participation
in the riots there Ian week.
Lieutenant General John
U. S. A., died Sunday
at Augustine, Florida.
where be had gone to spend the
Buggies Mix Up.
There was Collision of two
buggies on Evans street, Monday
afternoon, that mixed things up
for a few moments. Mr. W. W
Matthews was driving down the
street and Mr. Sam Harrington
was going in the opposite direction,
and near the intersection
street they came together i
men were thrown out in the
but neither of them hurt. Mr.
quite badly
-mashed Mr. Harrington's
harness was broken to piece-,
Fire In
K came near having a big
lire Sunday the business
Meet ion of the town, but a good
water supply Are department
kept the loss down to The
tire was In the store of W. II.
Cummings under the opera house
President Buchanan's Advice.
In early life the Dr. William
M. wrote and committed
two sermons every week. During a
vacation he preached in a hotel at
Bedford Springs and among his
was President Buchanan. At
the close of the service the president
gave to the young minister this in-
item from his own
notice that you committed that
sermon to memory. I did the same
with all my speeches when a young
lawyer and found it was too groat
a tax on my mind. Then I tried
another way. I thought out the
speech without the use of paper and
pen. . Every set address since that
time has been prepared in this man-
Dr. Paxton once put the
into practice, and thence-
forth all his sermons were Composed
in the same
Fire by Friction.
A recent writer gives the follow-
description of the method by
which a produces lire by
Two special stick- made of a light
wood are taken. One is pointed,
and in the center of the
conical hole is made. Placing the
latter on the ground, the native
holds it firmly with his feet. Then
he puts the pointed stick in the
conical hole and begins .-lowly twirl-
it with his hands, using a good
deal of pressure, until the wood be-
comes powdered, lying round the re-
point in a little heap of dust.
When he thinks he made
of this wood dust lie twirls the
stick very rapidly, and in a moment
the powder bursts into flame, which
he uses to set fire to some dried
Why He Didn't Draw.
Some of the West Virginia
occasionally indulge in the
great American game of draw poker,
and, as a matter of course, some
know more about the game than
hie evening one of the
was sitting ill a little game of fifty
cent limit jack pots. A pot was open-
ed for cent.-, and when it got
around to the gentleman he
it a half. Three men stay-
ed, and of them took one card
each, one took three, and the
gentleman, though a Democrat,
pat. It a- passed up to him,
he cents, causing the
to lay down, lie showed down
four tens and an ace.
the dickens didn't you draw
a card was asked of him.
was the ingenuous an-
couldn't have caught any-
thing better than an
light purse Is a heavy
Sickness makes a light puree.
The LIVER Is the seat nine
tenths of all disease.
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly solely
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
Call in or drop us a line.
J. Manager and Authorized Agent-
. AYDEN, N. C.
Lest Round for Taxes.
I will attend at th- f it
Hi.- at COl
I r
March 3rd. f
March Lull.
Monday Ma. cl.
Be I. X Roads. v it- Township
lie last round to colic. I
proceed to add cowl the
all who fall to pay. The election
requires l. certify lo white men
pay their poll tax who fall lo pay
the of May may debarred
voting In 111- election
. L. Sheriff
Luckiest Man in Arkansas.
tho luckiest man in Ark
writes H. L of
Bruno, the restoration
my wife's health after live years
of continuous couching and bleed
log from the lungs; and I owe
my good fortune to the world's
greatest medicine, Dr King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
which I know from experience
will cure consumption if taken
in time. My wife improved with
first bottle and twelve bottles
completed the cure Cures the
worst coughs and colds or money
refunded. At J. L. Wooten's
druggist. and Trial
bottle free.
Free it v i. how lo obtain i 111-. i . .;. I
copyright. N l. COUNTRIES. I
Business with
money of ten the patent.
Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively.
or at
Ninth Stats
A reward of will be paid for In-
formation to convict
any party or parties who leave
open or do airy to gated or
around stock law
territory, or who cut the fence so that
dot's and horses puss through.
It. see
All persons are hereby forbid-
den of the to
hire, contract give employ
tour our noun,
Amos Stocks and James Allen
Stocks, without our
before the
Court Clerk of u-
the estate of Mr.
fell, is
to all persons to tin
to make immediate payment
the and all
present them to tho undersigned on or
before the January.
or will lie plead in bar
i . .
nth, . in. a
w. I. real,
of Mr-. M Z. Pea
As Daily
land we
pleasure in receiving Milt-
and writing receipts for
those in art s. We a lint
of all who their mail at
office. We also take orders
for job printing.
Owing to the bad Sat
was u bad day for collect-
taxes, but it was extremely
lively young docks.
Oar rags nod art squares are
the finest, and
J. J. Edwards a. Son have just
another car load of Ell-
wire fencing. Buy your of Cannon
your buildings by Tyson, they have the best and
A lull supply of
Suit J. K.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw.
Paw Bread Trays at J. Ii.
Smith Bro.
Mrs. J. A. and Miss Mar-
left for
for the purpose of purchasing
millinery for the spring trade.
and Tyson invites your
attention to their car load of stoves
We call your attention to
Hue of harness,
Loans Discounts
Due from
Nat, notes
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits 1.607.04
sub to check
State of Carolina,
County of Pitt. f
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of th above-named bank, do solemn-
swear that the statement is true to the beet of my
knowledge and belief. J. R. DAVIS,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 8th day of Feb.
Notary Public.
Director a
them with
own and County lead
ml lull line of colors, kept at J.
K. B-o.
A. L. left yesterday to
his work
Buy your Felt Mattress at Can-
Tyson, they have the best.
V. and paper
with Ion. or short joints
pipe at J. B. Smith Bro.
Dress goods, Broad cloth,
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
ilk.-., ti lining and white
at J K Smith Bro
, L. J.
of spent the day
Bedsteads, mattresses, springs,
and double, rockers, dining
ad -p it -Inn chairs wash stands
Testers tables at J R Smith
Mrs. Hugh Brooks has come
from a visit; to
The above resources we offer for the accommodation of
our customers and the encouragement of every
mate enterprise.
R. L. DAVIS, President, JAMES L. LITTLE, Cashier,
J. A. ANDREWS, Vice President,
WALTER G. WARD, Cashier.
AT N. C,
At the close of business Jan. 29th, 1900.
Calico and at cents
yard, great reductions in white
Uppers and rummer goods, at J.
Smith Bro.
J. H. and family have
tinned from Washington.
J. B. Smith A Br. have
a car load of alum
It. Also scar load Lee's
lime for peanut, etc.,
E. E. Co. will do all they
can to please you with
new line of heavy and fancy
i es.
Mr. J. M. is on a visit
Allen Green-
Mrs. button, who has been
a visit to friends here, returned
Car load of -nit for sale by Can
and Tyson.
P. S. Cannon Since the tire
can now found on east side
railroad between office of Dr
is. Dixon and Tripp Bro shops.
a full supply of general
d fancy confection
cigars, and tobacco Fresh
and every night on
rival of train, call and I
eat you fair. P. S. Cannon.
I. L. Boss, farmer living near
e, died Sh morning and
He is brothel
i this place.
n its, meal, bulls, lime
locks nails Cross
t Mr null ii tools at J
Latest styles wrap
for M; es Ladies
a nice line of Zephyr
tors at J. K. Smith Bro.
Cannon aid the
Strongest line of dress goods
Shoes town.
Miss Ella returned from
a visit the
For a nice present buy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. is
for any occasion.
A line of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware
at J R Smith Bro
Hie K , if-
veil land l r in mi;
mi Aide
V r .-
I i.-h. i.-. .
. much ill in
very little n I
It. MM Ii
A.- i the Mini to d
, Li
t. r.
oil .
. P 11.-
ii in h
want to e
and discounts 115,547.73
Due from Hanks
Gold and silver
National bank
other U. S.
Capital 5,300.00
Surplus find
Time of
Deposits to check 28,991.08
clocks out-
For pi-
OS, apples, corn
to E. E.
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. H. B. Taylor, Cashier of the above bank, do solemnly
wear that the above statement is true to of my
and belief. H- H. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
mo, this 5th day of
Notary Public
There in the Dis-
in and
the at
m or in charge conducting
We have bought the grocery
of and
and will conduct the same
is of business at the same store.
e invite the public to call
a us. We will sell as cheap as
cheapest always the best,
e us -a B. Williams.
E. Go's new
for beef, fresh meats,
and fresh fish.
Get the Cox cotton planter the
best on the market at J. K. Smith
D. S. Moore and J. M. Blow took
an all day ride on business in the
We have moved in the brick
store of J. H. Bynum on West
Railroad street just of the
mi House. Our goods are
all new as our entire old stock was
burned in the recent fire. We will
be pleased to have friends as
well as the call
see us. We please
you as quality.
W. C. Jackson A Co
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price,
sell your seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
A full of valise-, tel-
grips, satchels, hand ,
and suits cases at J B Smith
The little boy of J. A
ton, who has been very sick for
the past two weeks
died last Saturday night and wag
buried in Ayden cemetery Sunday
The services were eon
dueled by Mr. Jones, of the
Disciples church, a very large
crowd was in attendance
I always keep on hand a
line feed sin IT at lowest
prices Such us hay, oats, corn,
Cotton seed and hulls, brand
and ship bluff. Flank Lilly C.
Monday morning came
my mules and
one mule, three of
mule- ml mi mare mule.
The owner can lime same com-
forward and proving
and This
1900. M.
a Mill line of meat, lard and can
good-. Don't buy before giving
me m trial. Frank Lilly
For carpenters too grind stun .-
hemp pulleys, J. ti.
Sin Ii a Bro.
Why exhaust your patience with
that kicking cow when you can buy
fresh Evaporated Cream and Cons
W. E. Hooks
C one home Sun from
a tenor twelve days visit in
sections of Florida.
report a grand old tune in the laud
and other
various animals Mr.
Hooks tells us of an
where a young r, some two
feet long, Caught in the
lug and in hi in ids
skinned, the skin
v colored and
made into it
lag. Mr. Hooks the
tag in- been shoving it
his 111111.1 ion-
I 1- indeed a
piece win and
been envious eyes and the
power brought lo bear
for its possession has proven almost
It is sometimes considered not
good taste to yet too unless
it. is that delicious hot
Chocolate F. G Go's
Only a few weeks before Easter
about letting us make that
spring suit while you can secure
your choice of goods. Wanamaker
d Brown, per F. G. Co.
e y a s ,
i. th
i millions i
V I MM. .- y -J i.
re. on fa .
II in are troubled with
; Hi-en difficulty In obtain,
ti e mi 1.1-
Mow nit i.,.,., ,.,, ,, ,.
l . r, an is .
Ayden. who bar live yearn
U Mime lie 11111-I
He never Ian- i
give or
Ii .
of Greene a id
I to line-.
Give . .
I. .
I n . .
is only thing
will the out of some
. ,
A. f.
I .
I e
h hi and the said
U Jenkins, col., g
this is to warn any and
persons g shelter, food or em-
ploy to him those doing
so lie prosecuted according In
law. 10th 1906.
V Jenkins Sr.,
Anyway, there is more or less
originality about the man who rides
a hobby.
Beginning with Monday, January
15th, we u ill cm duct a special sale
on all dress good-, dry goods cloth-
shoe- and hats. These prices
will prevail till 9th. 1st. This is
the month yon should buy. It is
the in lb should sell. All
hues store will be reduced
from twenty to per
Our spring and summer goods
will soon arrive and in order
make room for our stock, we have
decided to conduct this sale. This
opportunity is a mutual one,
we trust you will lake advantage
of the many bargain we will offer.
Come to see be convinced
for yourself.
J. R. Turnage Co.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Brick Block, East Railroad s.
Ayden, N. C.
New Livery, Feed Exchange
and Jones, Ayden,
N. Team well cared for. Fas-
carried to any and all
available points. The best and
most comfortable conveyances.
Prices reasonable At service of
the public at all times and hours.
Try them Moore and Jones, livery,
feed and exchange stables, Ayden,
S. takes the dirt not the
absorbs the snap. I lure is III soap
that is for the if it remains. M
becomes an impurity nature is blocked.
VI f v impurity out of the
the and
Gentlewomen it in place of
use it
SO and 91.00 Jar
For Sale at
Frightfully Burned
W. Moore, a machinist,
of Ford City, Pa , had his hand
frightfully in an
cal furnace. He applied
Salve with the usual
result; quick and perfect cure
Greatest on earth for
Burns, Wounds, Sores,
and Piles. J. L. Wooten's.
N i
bins ii ,.
t n
i W v .
are d
v night.
i e
lair. I i . says of Kl el c
a Godsend in
Same as of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes
Hats, Gent's and Ladies fur-
goods. In fact
everything kept in a first
class general
store sold at greatly
ed prices.
The id ., h
on day January,
by mutual V
V. the inter
of Ii, Johnston In the
will lie con
by F. v,
8th Jan. 1906.
V. V.
J. Johnston,
A Healing el
Win- ii, pastor
i mi i
mo of lame bad . stiff
rind col apse.
f was also weak it I me half
an hour to wait n mile. Two
bottles of Electric Bitters have
made me so strong I
walked three miles in minute
and feel like three
It's made a man of Great
St remedy fur and all
Liver and Kidney
complaints. Sold under
it . Wooten's Drugstore
one with
with with or
no n-tilt tobacco
will f roe writ
Atlanta, South
R. L.
Greenville, N. S.
N. w.--
the of business Jan.
he New
Yo-k on its I
t, . i
a New York
of who bad
v.-u- -s were
ii however, i ii
be Now loaned it
the frame a member
lie New York team to retire.
Th Now promptly
sent one of their men to fill his
place, and played out the
one man short, as substitutes
not allowed in the English
m ii .
was a
number authorities on
can and they were
Iv pleased at tho exhibition.
They saw that the game, though
Fas. id of rough play,
and ii no pi was seriously
The costume of
rat con.
. a light Jersey, running
es, short stockings, and
-ho. s knees are bare, and
if are ever worn
, undo.- the stock-
i i- a is ashamed to
W en. ii
t us i the
, the play, the
-ii g of the and
kicking it h- men
top It was
that the Rugby game
s more interesting to watch
our.-, requires quite as
speed and skill, and is far
less dangerous. is a game
can be by any one of
strength and shill, and a
mild form of training is all that
is necessary. A man of light
build who is speedy and uses his
brains has an equal chance with
man of brawn, and in this Rugs
by football is typical English
generally. Take any
their sports, and you will
bat it is something to an
amusement and to
a chap for tho
of the week.- a game that
any one can take a hand in
Prom England Can Teach
Us in by G. Upton
Harvey, in the American Month
y Review of Reviews for March.
The latest Statement issued by
the bureau of immigration shows
that the number of arrivals from
Europe during January was
from all other countries
except those of Asia 3.484, and
Asia only Tho
most of the Europeans come
from Italy, Hungary and Russia,
Pin land being included in Russia.
Why the Chinese
go Into hysterics over
these Is Mas our labor
i. the
. f of which
lave is it
V l-
i IV i- i the
Loans Discounts,
and Fixtures
I I.
Hue from Dunks,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin, 1,675 IT
National Hank notes
other U. S. macs
Total, I
Sin plus fund ;.
i . ii . i . ; I II
it In I.
i-r p r
I n
and in the op, p.
i offers
injured; 7-1
I, J. R. Cashier of the above-named do
that the above statement is true to the best of my and be
lief. J. R. SMITH, Cashier,
and sworn to before J. R. SMITH,
me, this 5th day of JOSEPH
L -Notary Public. Directors
r-r-114 is
ml gr
care ;, , .
ii were
A i i. these killings
and injuries will, the like number of
trains, employees and passengers
hauled ill any New Stale or
in any in Europe would
show how far behind
in the safe n railroads in
North Carolina. There must be a
remedy, for the lives of passengers
and railroad employees are too val-
to be thus oases

in i
W to
can e
Of Or;
II to
ti- Club on
if and entertained
null g manner She
. . ease
.; and in
i l guests i this
.- Ii with oldest
showed much
i Th- sub-
. mid Belgium.
V . tun-
ft. W,
ii hi ii mid
cockpit of
i; . item i-
V Paragraph
Chicago Sews.
A Ir. works hard trying to
avoid win
A is apt to make silly
people up.
The inc.-s of a cradle maniac-
i r. but profitable.
Many our best home ties look.
very II like mother's apron
nothing canning
the i-he, even if it is pain.
Often ii man casts a shadow over
his chant acts by talking about
. i to W. S
. v
UP No.
. F
St and Fancy
served. FRUITS,
Ii m.
s, Tobaccos
he i i ii . . . .
. ,, AI purchased hers are
and Fresh
G; N. C.
i i j f, story y
, progressive
i. Vows
i I i much
s that it is
i- t. n high, in
I times they undertook to
v, i what happened to the
over Then tower of
fell killed thirteen. As
s that people had an idea
building too high, with disastrous
results. Ii is like Sam Jones told
is Methodists of Durham, when he
heard they had taken two feet
of original of
s tall steeple. They built up
higher than they owned in that
T ii Ii is always safest to stay
n- near as is practical
v on earth, until the Lord
fit i rail up higher. If
i S high by man's
are to get a fall. Durham
TI r
i a-
is Chosen
n, March t;
, M. ii.
i mi
. it-ii 1875.------
retail am.
Cotton nil Bar
etc. Bed
Oak Hulls.
Lounges, P
and Gail A
Key West Cu
, Meat,
Food, Matches,
i Meal and Hulls, I
Oranges, Apples, N- I
Apples. e-
. Ware, Tin and
and M-
Best K.
goods. d
; In tor i
its meeting in Merchandise
. . , ,,. Rep. Produce
will inly on hand a
ply of Turkeys,
i etc,
me vote for Mr. Grigg. delivered free in any part if the
city. Pit me No.
H. A,
d X.
Ii , i , the district
. ii Carolina, c come
i i reserve c but j
hi m, in
hi- ii the i ii
.-it I i u .-
with i c
be place them is of
i res i Inn
; . . i
is ii
In i
ail the year round, and the
The Point Grocer,
I. i .
, . his
I, I may I
.- .
r ,
do i
i,, iii .
as ell
got m d i i
the i to be In
st is always tins i p
run, s the
. tide. I ; ii i
,. .
i, . , the
J. TUB .,
I re Points.
i Char
Broken l.
V , , , nil
for return, G. A. Clark. Id
Pi rein d
M ii. ii ,,,,
J Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
. .
v H
i it
P.- h P
Greenville, N. C, March 8th.
tie hoped call to
men, which we read id
oil ii ion of
not. unheeded, for it,
e there is good whole-
food for thought, such as
nay i e and
presently help every business
i,,. i,, and
been as medium
and solid could be bad,
other matter which
writer . f that timely article
haw to
t which it is
writer's to mention.
having closed their
during 1905, and doubt-
less of these have been
i n u to that ever
list of fast and reckless who
cannot and will not pay their bills,
it would be well for merchants
to get exchange the
names of those persons who go from
place to place making
accounts mid never closing
old ones. Through such exchange
Insets by such persons may
PR and much money lie
to toiling merchants
to M.
Mar. 8th. 1906
Trinity her
cam , which
ed with Wake last
hi. here in the Duke
I no why we
lie for we have
some material.
Dr. Edwin Minis, of the chair of
of Trinity,
two In Char-
In the
eleven the Trinity
his subject was
Hi and id
the . g in the academy of
be addressed the
Men's Association, his
Element In
Dr. W, P.- left Friday morn
for N V k city to attend the
meeting of Trinity College
which was
-held It was
also the of
i , t. this meeting, but
on n . he kept
away. And Friday, we
very mi en to say, his
I, i
iii ii pie. lit i very
mi o the
which v ill come off some
W in is to be a
members of the
I'm U this line of
i; debate has been
He fur March 2-1
Greenville, N. C , Mar.
I read with great interest your
article on home.
Please let me say that I agreed
with you in every If
there is anything that should
peal to an honest people is
home for poor unfortunates.
Those of us who enjoy some little
comforts should give those people
not only of over but
should interest ourselves in pro-
some way to make them as
comfortable as
while to live on this
earth. The community or the
that or tails to care
for their poor is doom
ed The one sign of civilization
th it stands out clear all
others to my mind is the
home. Let unite and provide
some way to make the
grand old county an
example that other counties
follow. I am willing to be one of
one bundled o.- more to contribute
my share that this home may be
in tact as well us name for
our poor brothers
and Keep up the good
work that you have started in such
a humane manner.
The one thing in article that
impressed me was that you blamed
no one, but the system, I agree
with you in no officer or
officers are responsible, but
we have a bad em and let III
correct it. Let ourselves
in their for one moment
I know the manhood and
womanhood of this county will rise
to occasion, nod if It i . be
done in no other way, will by vol-
subscriptions raise
amount to remedy
present condition.
A Good and Useful Passes
At o'clock Friday night at
bis home South Greenville the
soul of Mr.
passed peacefully into the rest
the spirit He had been in
poor health for more a year
bis last was
confined to his bed four weeks
From the of the disease
fastened upon him, his family
and up hope of
bin recovery, yet hie de th a
shock to all. The
fully, his life ending as m a
child filling Into sweet steep,
Mr. Parker was years of
and a of county, living
born and reared III
near His early
were m farming, his
its of industry and frugality wining
him success. He Mis
Lucretia Hill in 1877, who
died thirteen yens later in
1890. He was again married in
1892, to Mi. of
mid after lime
made home here.
Greenville never had a better
than Mr. Parker. He was
practical in bis business methods,
thoroughly conscientious in the
discharge of duty, show-
ed the highest in all his
a good neighbor, a devoted
band, a kind father, and exerted
for good all with
whom be came in He
was u member of the Christian
d Christian life was
in to G hi,
fellow man. He was also a prom
Odd Follow and
esteem by order.
m. R. r. who
Oils life March i,
a nil by the silent river.
That bounds the shores of time.
And with head low, I to hear,
sound of a distant chime.
I bells
A mi the a swing op c wide,
And the sweet voiced ones are sinking,
As I stand by the river side,
know, for while I have waited
A friend has journeyed home,
And is now faraway light,
And I stand on the brink alone.
Iran feel the print of his
As parting, he said
And h r it more, far out from
the shore.
Like toll of a distant bell.
The tears down unbidden,
For the parting is keen,
As stand on the shore, and look far
To the laud of the great unseen.
But not tor is the weeping,
For I shall
And we'll be mow together,
Where the living waters flow.
So I'll stand on the shore, waiting,
And who can say but I'll hear,
The chimes of greeting,
My us he journeys there.
And then, when the sands of my life
And leave the shores of
I shall once more the clasp of his
And the joy that is his will be mine.
H. Ii.
That Poll Tax Matter.
If you are, under the law, liable
for poll tax, and your poll tax for
is not paid when the 1st day
of May, 1906, shad have passed
don't stick out mouth
say you are disfranchised by the
constitutional amendment, for you
lie to blame yourself. The
amendment was pasted to improve
Another for
Postmaster R. fl Flanagan in
forms us that he has received ad
vices from the
that on Thursday, 15th the
handling of pouch mails on trains
and known as the
tor will be discontinued
and a mail clerk will he put on
these trains giving the regular It-
will lie a great
convenience to every to
Tallinn, and a- now all
can have fit of th,.
vice by trains, while hereto-
fore only the towns received
pouch mails.
ago Tn
wrote our congressman, Son, John
II. who is always ready to
serve the people of his
of getting a mail clerk on
this train, and through him and
the of Postmaster Flanagan
tho has been secured. The
putting on of this service by the
practically the
of this additional
train, The
press On. boa
the handling of express on it.
Closes With Splendid Entertain-
It was my privilege to attend
the dosing
night of the near Stokes,
Mies Daisy A
splendid program had been
pared and it was faultlessly
We never saw brighter
children those taking part in
Negro Goes to Jail on Three
Julius Gray, was before
Mayor this morning on
more he could stand
up against. night Gray
Wedding of an Editor.
The editor of the Gaylord
Sentinel wrote this account of his
wedding In bis paper the
other day. the first in-
stance several years of
per work that has dared
to tell the troth about a wedding,
for tear of gelling licked, and does
so now with a keen relish. The
is an editor, and is not
of fact, he doesn't know
as much it as a rabbit. His
hair is red, and the freckles on bis
face crowd other for
Iii the dusk it is hard to
him from a telephone pole.
Ho has never that the
i very bright or prom-
has always kept him too
busy paying bis build bills
n the up on bug juice and went
the a. the debased borne of a colored woman n
unscrupulous white mm, he drew n pistol
nothing for the of her. the woman
state, could him as a and
Mr. Parker served several M T I
as a member of the board of alder
wen of Greenville, and the first of
July, was elected mayor of
the town. In these public
the walks of life,
is every act was marked by the
highest degree of faithfulness. Not
long after being elected mayor bis
health failing, and a few
months later he tendered his res-
He is survived by rive children
of his first marriage, daughter
and four sous. These are Miss
Ellen and Mr. It. Parker, Jr.,
who lived here with him; Mr. C.
Parker, of Mr.
Thomas Parker, of Florida; and
Mr. Parker, of Wilmington.
All but the last two were with him
at his death. He also leaves one
and four R.
government Io house to which be thought
lowest depths. As the law now is he had gone and broke In
that every white man who
enough interest in well being
of our slate to prepare himself for
Chief of Police Smith stopped the
escapade by landing Gray in the
lock up. The mayor bound Gray
There a.
890-09 mi.
an Increase
Of oil
ire ii i
i inn I. not iii
mil side trucks
last year of
a the Southern
Line, Seaboard Air
divided u- Southern
Railway y, miles;
9-17.6.; Seaboard Air
Line Railway, 012.12 miles.
March Court.
March term of Pitt Superior
COUrt will begin on Monday,
It will be for the trial of civil cases
only. Judge B. F. Long will
M. Messrs. S. . J.
paying bis board bills of
dream- about Mr. G. W. Parker, of
He a
sort a fellow, and claims dis-
only that he is a
Hi- last wife has been an invalid
for several years, his devotion
the soles of his clumsy , her , ,, e
to the top of Ins head. The
is the youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. N. J. While, and
raised the B
Judging from the jib she
taken on her hands, be is a
lady of than ordinary
Well Represented
Hector makes
in Miss May Draper whoso
this paper
in masquerade party Friday
Her continue was unique,
and we are proud at reflected
by one so fair.
Miss has gone
to Baltimore the interest of the
business of Mrs. L. it Co.
She will select the newest and most
up to date styles Millinery.
We will show at our opening a
line of hats that can not
passed. later.
though she were a helpless child.
For her and bereaved
all have the deepest sympathy.
Funeral services were held
the Christian church at II o'clock
Sunday morning, interment
following in Cherry Hill cemetery.
On the of this mouth the
Government Genius Bureau will
issue a report showing t lie
total Dumber of of cotton
ginned for the season.
the ballot, can do so, and it will over ,,, on
always he but our bent carrying concealed weapon, assault
pie are determined that ignorance, with deadly and house
vice shall not breaking, default of bail Gray
rule state to jail.
Sentenced Years In
Greensboro, N. C, March
At this morning the jury in Rev H n
Burial of Mr. W. R. Parker.
of Mr. W. K. Parker,
who died Friday night, was held
Sunday morning. The body was
taken to the Christian church
where service was conducted by
Tucker Sold.
J. B. Window has purchased
the stock of dry goods of A. IS.
Tucker, who an assignment
a weeks This stock will
be thrown on the market at a great-
reduced price to run it off as
as possible. See the largo
advertisement in this paper be
to take advantage of the
the case against Dr. J. Mat-
thews, a verdict of guilty
of in the second degree
and Judge Fergus sentenced him
years at haul labor in the
state penitentiary.
A motion was made tor a now
trial which the court overruled.
Appeal was then taken
court. Bail was zed at
which the prisoner gave and was
until appeal is
Register of Deeds It.
Issued licenses to the
since last
H y Smith Bertha
avid Allie Bullock.
Anderson and Nettie
Sermon and C,
Peter Little High-
Manning Moore
Sylvester Pugh
Frank Forbes
Jno. Galloway and Dunn.
Lovelace and
cemetery where the
Odd Fellows performed the last sad
rites over their departed brother.
At the church Bee. Mr. Moore
paid an tribute to
deceased in speaking of his life as
citizen, husband, father,
and Odd Fellow,
The. attendance the funeral
was large. There were a hundred
Odd Fellows iii procession,
many coming from to join
the lodge in the
The pallbearers from the Old
Fellows were Messrs, A.
It, L. I,. James, B, ;.
D. D.
. Smith and It. Moore, The
a In w -re M r
K. Li . .
V. and D. i. The
tributes we I,
and the
and e H,. they
been a teacher and that
.,. training. This
is an excellent having
some of our best
men. T i y a pride in their
School are Mum giving their
Children o
To . much cannot be said
in of teacher,
pupils r, , school
and th. u verdict those
it was one of
the lies . they ever
The following Splendidly selected
give., after which
Prof. R spoke to the people
for nearly one
Song, God bless our country
the school.
First Psalm in
Little chatter box
i children.
Recitation, Mama's
Works of God
Catching the train
Willie Bullock.
Recitation, Handy starts
to I
the shade of the old
Presidents in rhyme
George Roebuck.
Recitation, Jesus lover of my
Recitation, Banner Betsey made
Lillian Thomas.
Recitation, A
Recitation, The little graves-
Eva Thomas.
Mind your own
Recitation, There is no body else
Fan drill.
Friends Roscoe
Flower of Liberty-
five boys.
Faith Looks-
Flag drill.
vi Louie
the organ,
the guitar
n lisle,
oded to the
rage, on
Miss on
Fannie Rollins,
ti, and Mi. K S.
s r i hi the vocal
Mis. E. A. Little Dead
tor la, March K A.
Little, of this died
day night at her home here, in the
year of her age. She was a
splendid woman, a staunch
of the Baptist Church. The
was held Thursday. She
is survived by two children. Mrs.
Dora E. Carr and Mr. James B.
Greenville will be on wheels
the skating opens.
Greenville Boy Chief Marshal.
T y
K.-I Cob i
t .
of Wake
inn society
i marshal. We
congratulate our townsman
upon this honor know he will
fill the position with highest
which -a
26th. V. .-I
elected Mr,
What is needed is fewer and
better magistrates and that
will allow I hem to help out god

Eastern reflector, 9 March 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 09, 1906
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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