[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]
At close of business January 29th, 1906.
loans discounts
Bonds. i.
Furniture and fixtures
Due from Hanks
Cash items -i
Gold Com
Silver Coin
National bank notes
S notes
Capital stock paid in
Undivided profits,
Time 19,394.99
Subject .- .,.
to check
Due to
Cashiers ck
Stat of North Carolina. County of Pitt,
, R. of the above named bank, do solemnly
that the above is true to the best of my knowledge
and R. J. COBB, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
this day of
C. S. CARR. Public.
N. C
T THE OF JAN. 29th. 1906.
Loans and Discounts
and 4,004.01
securities, etc.
furniture O 8,617.32
Banking House 4,100.00
One 80,448.52
Gold Coin 4.914
Silver Coin
C. T.
Stock paid
Surplus, 85,000.01
Undivided Profits less Ex-
and Taxes Paid 12,588-44
Deposit subject to check 210,645.14
Cashier's checks out-
standing OH
North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn
ear that the statement above is true to the best of
id L. HI
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this of Feb., 1906.
Notary Public.
J. G.
Loans Discounts
Due from Ranks
Cash Its-ms 80.06
Gold coin 609.60
Silver coin 1,401.03
Nat, notes 2,088.00
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits 1,007.04
sub to check
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt. J
I J. ii. Davis. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn
swear the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. -1- R- DAVIS,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me. this 8th day of Feb.
Notary Public
business Jan. 89th, 1906.
fund Undivided
.- certificates
Cash to
Cold at checks
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I H H. Taylor. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly
wear the above statement is true to the host of my
II. II. Taylor, Cashier.
Subscribed and
ore me, this 5th day of J. B. BUNTING
Notary Public Directors.
and Friday.
Cox's Mill, N. O. FeD. 1905.
This line weather has got farm-
very busy sewing beds plowing
and planning. I plan as much
my time as I can. Oh it makes
one feel that spring time is Dear
at hand.
I am glad to say that Mr. Johnny
Cox's little who been very
Sick with pneumonia is improving
very fast.
Borne of our people attended
church at Black Jack and others
at Sunday. Lin-
day, of Wilmington preached a
very good sermon at Hancock's
and C. C. Bland, of
preached a short but very
J. Edwards, of
went to see his L. S, Ed-
wards, Sunday. The latter is able
to net out again.
Josh Manning, of Winterville,
in this section Sunday-
It. C. of Greenville, was
winning our section Sunday.
Page, a prosperous
farmer near here, broke one dozen
plow points in a day and a half
wit ii one horse and it wasn't a
good day to plow either.
MUs Ellen who baa
been is very much better.
Henry is off at present
so we can't get any shingles made
just now, building goes slow.
Our little boy says he don't put
any faith in signs or predict ion a
snow, any more but we
will have some rain soon.
Saturday afternoon was spent
most enjoyably by the members of
the Jr. Cooking Club, when Miss
Florence Blow, in her usual pleas-
ant manner, entertained them.
After the meeting was called to
order and the business transacted
the hostess had a very tin p
contest. Several of the guests bad
to cut for the prize, Miss
cutting the highest, was
declared the winner.
The guests were then invited
into the library where
were served, which were
prepared by the guests and host-
Many enjoyable games were
played, and the guests lost sight
of the time, but the clock striking
reminded them that it was
time to go home.
The club t lien adjourned to meet
with Miss Cobb, March 3rd,
Tar River Lodge Royally En-
The members of Tar River Lodge
Knights Pythias are royal en-
This assertion will
bring a responsive of
from more than score
hearts. Each year
on he order is appropriately
and while it seems the
acme of excellence is reached each
time, the next recurring occasion
eclipses the preceding ones.
u Thursday evening the Castle
Hall Masonic Temple building
was a scene of chivalry and beauty
that would challenge any town to
comparison. A gentleman from a
city in another state who n
present expressed his surprised
Mat Greenville could collect so
large a company of beautiful
women and gallant men, but when
he knows us better he will
that Greenville is full of prises.
The realizing that it is
not good for man to be alone, had
taken their wives, their sisters,
their sweethearts, and these with
the members and invited guests
made some some over a hundred
in attendance.
At o'clock the
had prevailed while the guests
were assembling greeting each
was silenced for the time
being by a rapping for order, when
Hon. J. L. Fleming, ex-District
Deputy Grand Chancellor, arose
and ll of Tar River Lodge
welcomed the guests to the
celebration. His address
was a gem of richest every
fitting with appropriate-
like jewels in a coronet or the
blending of colors in an exquisite
It was as
Ladies and
I have just been requested by
but h to second.
the , p
of which
vice falsehood
cannot prevail. It seeks to make
him a purer better .,,.
a true and in this respect
a lodge is a guardian an.
eel ever watchful of the honor and
happiness of the bones of its
and you, as wives, are as
much the subjects of its
a are your husbands.
upon this would
have you that we are not
jealous your right in your
every evening in
week, but we claim tux pres-
to him in the eternal
principles to teach him
that true K light does
a timely j or two,
he paid a tribute the principles of
the order that was sublime.
of the
community as seen by the
Mayor F. M. Woolen, His
of teachings within the
Castle Hull as exemplified good
the of
members was with splendid effect.
Addresses the Pp Pitt
The George B. County.
Brilliantly Entertained. Mr u- Moore, of
to a large
The Greenville Chapter of
Daughter- of the Confederacy have
a pretty historic of holding
their second midwinter of
the birthday of George
The 22nd w is according-
memorable in
of th- by
and .-
of farmers,
and business men in
the curt house here today. He
Mr. R. R. Cot-
the Pitt county
BiS reference to Carolina Club, the The 32nd according- Mr. Moore's address w
had I, memorable
hall and of th by one f the mo-t th-
m, Iron. Its
that others as well as, me,,,. . y ., the movement baa .
might receive its j hearty J
his, was especially R
hostess of the pro-
said a I gram and perfect from
to fl Of course
fr all, for weak a
and i, he is the pride with several names
better an exemplar d as suitable ones
the toast master
o man not ban been passed to him
our teachings-; he is here with
us on evenings D
the hours iv it kind
Notice Rod Men.
All chiefs of
Tribe No. I. O. R. M., and
chiefs are hereby cordially
requested to be at the wigwam
of tribe on next Friday sleep
when the keeper of
will deliver his charge, something
rich i in Store for those who at-
tend and it is desired
that every member be present.
J. F. Smith, Sachem.
By W. P. Edwards, C. of R.
Greenville, North
Critically III.
Mr. S. B. Wilson, who has been
an invalid for several years, is
reported critically ill today at his
borne on Dickinson avenue. Re-
ports from his bedside give but
hope of his recovery.
the committee of arrangements to
greet and welcome visitors to
this, the anniversary
of our lodge, and I assure you that
it to me a pleasant As
our visitors are principally ladies,
I shall be forced to address the
most of my remarks to them. It
is apparent that I voice the
of just as many hearts as
there are men here tonight when I
welcome the fair ladies, because it
appears that the husbands brought
with them their wives, and the
bachelors have brought with them
their sweethearts.
While it is true, ladies, we can
not let you into our lodge secrets
you know, perhaps, the greatest
secret of many of our hearts, be ye
therewith but we can
come you to our hall and to our
anniversary, ask you to share
with us the pleasures of occasions
like this. And, therefore, on
ll ill of the members of Tar River
Lodge K. of P., I desire to extend
to yon, ladies, and all the visitors
here tonight, a most hearty
come. We now throw wide open
to you the doors of our hearts as
well as doors of the various
halls floor. You are
come here hereabouts until
the electric lights go out the
morning. For the benefit of
couples which I see here I
want to suggest that we have an
arrangement hall by
which we can burn the lights low
or high as the may re-
quire, and you are welcome to use
that also.
We married hope to
have our wives learn from the ex-
on these occasions, that the
lodge does not claim the
presence once a week for naught,
words, the
fl storms of
The evening beam that smiles the
Having already welcomed you
to our hearts and to halls, we
bid you welcome to our table
to which we will at once repair.
Having had a foretaste of the
good things awaiting them, the
guests gladly accepted the i
to repair to the banquet ball.
The enchanting scene begun in the
Castle Hall was carried to
here. There were two long
rows of tables extending the length
of hall containing spreads for
The tables were gorgeous
with silver candelabra and cut
glass, with carnations
interspersed here and there, while
at each plate was a souvenir bunch
of violets tied ribbon, the red
and yellow tapers completing the
scheme of colors. This
These were called out. J.
Garden said he had made so
many attempts at matrimony, and
tailed in
the to his friend Frank
but the had taken
session on this
almost entirely over l
was given
in this who
riven their Urn, and money
tins cause.
W hen the
association first or-
hostess displayed the
most faithless taste and ingenuity
in the make up of subject.
that he would PM the Nation was
. t . I I . . I
In evidence about tin- lame and
handsomely hall and
. new and was
. the father l the farmer was getting
f his country, the young and bale for his
now he is able to get The
as.-at ion has been means of
i the
at Washing.
Mr. M
surrounded by a company of
gowned women, the fairest
specimens of the Southland, and
gentlemen in full dress made a
After an invocation by Rev. W.
E. Cox an elaborate was
served. This was provided by the
ladies of the Baptist and
for excellence is seldom
The menu was
Sandwiches Cold Turkey,
Chicken Salad.
Straws Crackers
Beaten Biscuits.
Ices and
At the conclusion this part of
the feast words followed,
as toast master, and an
ideal one, with and
witty introduction announced the
toasts and called on those who were
to respond.
The speaker responded with mast
eloquence, his tribute to
woman's excellencies bringing a
burst of applause.
Young Married C
S. Forbes. After picturing the
bliss of a young married tan the
said ho had been us since
Jan. as it was
a Carolina belle to man.
He then said he would like for his
friend, C. S. to tell how a
belle could be won, but
Mr. Can- preferred not
secret away.
Duties of a Harris
W. H. Jr. He said each
he lived a married ma ad
a new duty, as it
would lake so long to enamel
he had best not begin.
The toast master here
that if any married lady present
wished to Bay a word the duties
of the wife, she could now
heard. This invitation
lest hope should again be blighted.
T. M. Hooker was so under
spell of a pair of mm eyes that be
did not hear his name
when called. Rev. J. E.
plead guilty to the charge,
said that even though the
good people among whom he bad
cast his lot had handicapped
in advance by selling the parson-
age, he was still a candidate for
and if there could be
a r. consideration with a forth
coming parsonage he would
for the queen to reign in it.
It was close to hour of mid-
night when toast master ex-
pressed the pleasure of the
at having the guests with
them on this occasion and bade
them good night. The guests will
long grateful to the
for giving them such a delightful
evening and entertaining them so
urged thorough or-
j on the part of farm-
luxurious potted plans being People following every other
draped in national color. As one ; pursuit are organized, and
Reported for
The End of The Century club
held its fortnightly with
Mrs. R. O. on Tuesday
evening last.
Papers interest were
entered the
room electric lights flashed out
from red, white and blue bulbs
arranged for the occasion, while
candles burned in minor
in silver candelabra.
the routine work of
the chapter a number of very
questions relative to Washington
himself and some incidents of bis
time and campaigns were asked by
the hostess and answered by her
guests, and laughingly answered
he spur of moment.
, a prettily framed picture,
was awarded to Mrs. Haywood
The refreshments, another
of evening,
were still essentially
The napkins were bordered
with slender cherry tree slips
here there a
farmer should also. Get away
from the conditions where we have
been working for Northern capital-
making no profit on
labor. as a class
not enough system about their
and do even
it costs to raise their
costs cents a pound to g. cot-
ton, and fourteen years the av.
price at which the crop sold
has been cents.
Farmers cannot pay mortgages
and take care of their families do-
business like that. They must
have a It absolutely
necessary to reduce the acreage
this year per from what it
was in
Mr. J. J. follow-
ed with a few remarks and ex-
pressed his sympathy with the
bright cherry of aviation,
peeping from the foliage. Sand-1
. he the
in the midst of the to read the Progressive
served viands were cut in
hatchet shape. Delicious ice
cream displayed in historic cherry
with stiff and tiny flag in the
center, while quaintest of tiny-
boxes in cocked hat shape the
dial of bone.
Certainly the
read by Mrs. J. L. Little and Mrs. of appreciation should con-
L. C. Arthur. The former furn-
an instructive sketch of
Munich, universities, and gal-
and works of art; and the
latter a treatise on Vienna, its fall
into the hands of the Turks, and
its first second capture by
Mrs. Jarvis gave an oval sketch
of the
capital, and of Kossuth
most illustrious patriot.
After the completion of the
literary the charming
popular young hostess invited
the guests, of whom there were a
large number in addition to the
full club representation, into her
dining room where a
in some slight
measure for her elaborate most
Mis. S. will be the hos-
of the Match meeting. The
day will be given later.
Gold Watch Dug Up In Street.
The road force repairing the
under the direction
of Mr. Joe while,
digging through the clay for sub- layman, and
Mr. A. J. also made some
remarks, urging farmers to do
what the association requested
to do.
Mi. O. L. Joyner offered a
which was adopted, that
every cotton grower present agree
to reduce his acreage this year
per cent from what it was in
The county association will hold
its meeting on Monday,
March 5th.
Layman Sneaks.
A pleasant was given
congregation i the Memorial
Baptist church Sunday night.
When the time arrived for the
and sermon Pastor J. E
announced he thought
it well for the people to sometimes
get lessons in Christianity from
stance to fill in the low places, dug
up a hands-vine gold watch which
not hear it only
point of the
He said he
was buried fully two feet in the A. Allen, a
beneath the surface. There i . t
nor to rob their home of its to with profound silence
with purple ribbons worn by these
far dispensers of a generous hos
to the massive
themselves that looked
as though bursting through a snow
drift over the immaculate white
of the damask covered table
Purple and white were
the colors of the evening, the hos-
presenting each guest with a
tiny basket wreathed in violets as
a of a charming evening.
The club will hold its next meet-
with Mrs. David E. House at
the Macon hotel.
had been in its hiding place pleasure at
half century or The watch to
is in perfect condition went to
work as soon as wound.
If any can identify this
handsome old watch Mr.
horn will be glad to deliver it to
its superior owner.
The squall that came up sud-
Sunday afternoon looked
for a short time.
greet the people here, and told
how his Christian life had been
helped with these people
during the years his home was
among them. No man holes a
warmer place in their hearts
Mr. Allen.
bile it was perfectly fair Suns
day night with the sky full
stars there were frequent flashes
Lightning in horizon
Fay Stockings
f We sell and guarantee FAY STOCKINGS and
per pair. We are not agents, but are
Sole Agents and therefore can sell you cheaper.
We were the first to ever have tie FAY STOCKINGS
shipped to Greenville.
N. C.
W have beard in of the
ire deal ever since President
Roosevelt started cry It is
and the modern
husband is h subscriber t the
What be misses most in
his today is the proper
his borne to Ins business.
The i t may us much with
as with his wife, but
AS with many things that need
reform -the must come
through her larger vision and
initiative, see, as he
knows only too well, that, in all
the employ meats in which the
modern does his part,
bee day more
lied T i world of effort
is running on stricter schedules.
i i its wheels must
turn promptly The plea of a
late a alarm
dock, or a badly managed do-
establishment, does not
satisfy the machine The sins of
the home are visited upon the
husband by the damage they do
to his standing with his work,
and if in his home he not a
square deal to him in body
temperament for the strain
of the strenuous day, he is not
going to measure up to his ore
And as a man stands
with his work so his family mast
stand with the world A square
deal for the mod husband
makes him want to get home
from his work -and that
a gentler system in the house
than he meets in his working
place; just as much system, of
course, but the indefinable some
thing added to it. A few flowers
add nothing to 111- substantial
qualities of the meal, and system
without tact is still practical and
useful, but system with tact is
even more productive of smiles.
that cost nothing and which arc
beyond price, than the meal with
the March De-
weeks ago a m in who
gave his name as R J Powell
went through tin- neigh
and Bold buggies, took
and cash payments, the
buggy to b- delivered February
. with tin remainder of the
money to be paid- Powell told
his customers he represent-
ed union, of
is;. i d selling his
ii lie c
from live or six, to whom he
ma s la- part payment,
giving an receipt for
we do not pretend to under-
I ii v Is that a man can
lead a rascally life tor years and
l up his head and then go to
us soon as it is discovered.
Durham Herald.
A Story of Jean Bart, an Old Tim
French Naval Officer.
Jean Bart, a French naval com-
of the last part of the
century, was at one time
ordered to convey the Prince de
a candidate for the throne of
Poland, to ii voyage fraught
with danger, as his vessel must pass
through the waters where were
cruising the hostile fleets of the
English and Dutch. During the
passage the little squadron was
by the enemy, and Hart, as
soon as they were reported, called
his little sou to him and gave him
instructions. The pursuit
continued for eight hours, and at
the end of that time the enemy was
no longer in sight. Then Dart went
down into the cabin, where the
prince had been sitting in ignorance
of the day's excitement.
had a narrow escape,
said he.
do you asked the
answered Bart,
we've been chased by three eight-
gun ships and nine frigates. We've
run them out of sight, and there's
nothing u
M. Hart, if had taken
that was quit
What Why
answered Dart, had
stationed brave sou. my
in the with a lighted
match and orders to put it
the powder if we should be
cried the prince.
would never have done such a
I would have done
said Dart. shall never be said
that allowed you to he taken when
the king ordered me to take ear.
that you re
Perhaps the prince himself might
have preferred prosaic surrender to
the doubtful glory of being blown
A physician says that there is not
one remotest corner or little inlet
of the minute vessels of the
human body that docs not feel some
wavelet from the convulsions
sioned by good, hearty laughter. The
life principle of tin- central man is
shaken to the innermost depths,
tending new tides of life
Strength to the surface, thus ma-
tending to insure good
health to the persons who indulge
therein. The blood moves more rap-
idly and conveys a different
to all the organs of the body,
as it visits them on the particular
mystic journey when the man is
laughing, from what is done at other
time-. For this reason every goo,.
hearty laugh in which a person in-
tends to lengthen his life,
conveying, as it docs, new and dis-
stimulus to the vital forces-
London Standard
Pace, tho Jester.
Tare, jester to Queen Elizabeth,
was so hitter in his retorts upon her
that he was forbidden presence.
After he had been absent for some
time a few of his friends entreated
her majesty to him back into
favor, engaging for him that he
would he more guarded in his dis-
course for the future. The very
first time they again met was
as bod ever. on.
said the queen in her gracious
we all of our
never talk of what is
by all the
H of Meat Ancient of AH the
Civilized Art.
It is generally believed, by the
simple and unlearned, that the art
of advertising is of comparatively
modern invention, but a very slight
study of the subject u ill be sufficient
to convince the inquirer that it is,
in point of fact, one of the most an-
of all civilized arts. Indeed,
the advertisement was probably
coeval with the first man who had
something to dispose of or with the
first woman who wanted something
she not got. It seems not
possible that the serpent tempted
Eve to partake of the apple by
means of a set-
ting forth the merits of the fruit as
a complexion Be that
ii may, the uses of advertisement
v. ere known at a very early date to
the Israelites, who were accustomed
to the streets of their cities
with tin utterances of kings and
The ancient too, were
much given to advertisement, chief-
Iv through the medium of the town
trier, who, however, was not permit-
to offend the ears of the citizens
with his proclamations unless he
were accompanied by a musician to
give him the correct pitch. The
fact that had been stolen
or damaged was made known by
means of curses, inscribed
sheets of lead, which were affixed to
the statues of infernal deities in the
temple, the vengeance of the gods
being thus invoked upon the
who had stolen or injured the
goods. A rider was usually
added, to the effect that should the
property be returned, or recompense
be paid, the owner would intercede
with the gods for a remission of the
The Romans also made use of the
town crier to proclaim laws,
or sales, and the walls of the
streets were covered with notices
painted in black or red or inscribed
upon and let into
the pillars on either side of houses
and shops. Many of these wall ad-
were found in
and Pompeii, among the
most interesting the an-
of the gladiatorial
games, containing promises that
shelter would be in case of
rain and that the sand would he
watered should the weather be ex-
Make the Explanation.
Often bitter quarrels and
breaches occur between those
who really love another became
of a mistake which might have been
easily explained to full satisfaction
but that the one who had taken of-
was too angry to listen to any
defense on the port of the unwitting
offender. Not infrequently some
unlucky impulse tempts a woman to
see how far she can try the patience
of the man whom she loves with all
her heart. end of harm is done
by people who mean none. So she
goes beyond her tether, and
she knows it the tightly strained
cord has snapped, says Woman's
Life. In conclusion, they who seek
peace should remember that it takes
two to quarrel and that soft an-
away wrath, but
words stir up
His Share.
On one occasion when the poet
Campbell and older brother wen
sleeping together the poet was even
more than usually restless. His
brother received a vigor-
kicks and bore them with
prising good nature. in the
morning he demanded an
was not replied th-
gifted Thomas wearily. was at-
tempting to compose a poem upon
grandeur, but was unable to get
tho lines to please me at all for n
time. But I think that with
one or two alterations it will do
responded bis long
brother dryly. Tom
I don't know what share you claim
in this last effusion, but I am
Fire that I had all the bold strokes
Selection by Supping.
the parents of a young Hus-
decide a certain young
damsel would make a suitable wife
they keep their own counsel and one
evening call unexpectedly at her
home and stay supper.
Daring the meal they watch her
narrowly. If she eats fast, she will
work quickly; if she goes neatly and
cleanly about her plate, she will be
a cleanly, tidy housewife; if she
talks little, she will and
dutiful to her husband; if she
rye bread to white, she will be
satisfied with her lot; if she
gaze and stare, she may he trusted
not to pry into her husband's
and if she to clear
sway and wash after the meal
she will be thrifty and careful
his money.
R. Hutchinson, formerly of
this county, but now a citizen of
Swain county, was in Asheville
today and in referring modern
machinery incidentally remarked
out in Swain county there
was a grist mill that was any-
thing; but modern
few weeks said Mr
Hutchinson, v as on Kirkland
Creek and became interested in
the grinding of corn at a mill in
that vicinity. The was one
of slow, antique affairs
propelled with water. Toward
dark a bushel of corn was poured
into the hopper and the grinding
process commenced.
The mill was operated all night
and an idea of the slow method
of grinding may be had when I
tell you that next morning there
was still a peck of that bushel of
corn in the hopper. The mill is
a relic of the old days and is said
to be the only one in use in
Western North Carolina Ashe-
ville Gazette News.
Monday, the come
and gone, the persons to whom
he sold buggies and from whom
he collected money are very
much alarmed and believe that
they have been strung by a
sharper. From one man he col
This customer
to get a Babcock for
paying the remaining on de
livery of the
stimulate the TORPID LIVER,
strengthen the digestive organ,
regulate the bowels, and arc
as an
In malarial districts their virtues
widely recognized, they
peculiar properties In freeing
the system from that poison.
sugar coated.
No Substitute.
Man in Arkansas
the luckiest man in Ark
writes H. L. Stanley, of
Bruno, the of
my wife's health after rive years
of continuous coughing and bleed
lug from tho lungs; and I owe
my good fortune to the world's
greatest medicine, Dr King's
New Discovery for t
which I know from experience
will cure consumption if taken
in time My wife improved with
first bottle and twelve bottles
completed the Cures the
worst coughs and colds or
refunded. At J. L. Wooten's
druggist. and Trial
bottle free.
The Clerk of Superior of Pitt
issued Letters
to me, the the
17th. of Jan., 1806, on the estate
of It. IS. Mayo, deceased, notice ts
hereby given to all persons indebted
to to make immediate pay-
to the undersigned, and to all
said estate to present
claims properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, twelve months
after the dale of this notice, or
notice Will lie plead in their re-
This the 17th, of Jan ,
on the of It. K
O. James,
A reward of will be paid for in-
formation to eon v let
any party or parties who leave gate
open or do damage to or
knee around stock law
territory, or who cut the so that
dots and horses may pass through.
J K. Sec.
At close of business January 29th, 1906.
and discount V
line from
U S notes Total
Capital stock paid in 25.1
Surplus ft,
I Undivided profits,
Time 19,391.99
Subject ., , . 166536.27
to check
Duo to 615.02
Cashiers ck 369.53
State of Carolina, Pitt,
I, R. Cobb. Cashier of above named bank, do solemnly
swear that the is true to the best of my knowledge
belief. , R. J. COBB, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
me. 2nd of 1906.
C. S CARR. Notary Public.
J. L.
N. C
THE OF JAN. 29th. 1906.
Loans and
Stocks, seen hi
Capital Stock paid In
Undivided Profits less Kt-
and Taxes Paid 12,588.44
Deposit subject to check 210,645.14
checks out-
North Carolina, I
County of Pitt. J
I, L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
swear that the statement above is true to best of my knowledge
Subscribed and sworn lo before
this 5th of Feb., 1906,
I rectors
Loans Discounts
All persons are hereby forbid
den under penalty of tits to
hire, contract wits, give
no to or shelter our sous,
Amos and Allen
Stock, without our consent.
qualified the
Court Clerk of Pitt county
administrator of the estate of Mrs. M.
K. deceased, notice is
given to all persons indebted to the
the undersigned, all persons
against the estate must
present them to the undersigned on or
the 17th, day of January, 1907.
or this notice will he plead in bar of
This 17th, day of Jan, 1908.
W. I. Peal,
of Mrs. M K. Pea
Due from
Nat, bk
Capital stock pd in
Undivided 1.007.04
to check 32.000
of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear the statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. J. It. DAVIS,
Subscribed and sworn to be-
fore me, this 8th day of Feb.
Notary Public.
If. LA NO,
AT N. C.
At tho close of business 20th,
Loans and
Furniture Si
Due from Hanks
Gold and silver
National bank
other U.
Capital stock 5,300.00
Surplus fund
Undivided profits
Time certificated of
deposit 2,55.00
Deposits subj. to chock
chocks out-
standing 372.03
Certified Checks 600.00
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. H. H. Taylor, Cashier of tho above named bank, do solemnly
wear that the above statement is true to the best of my
II. Taylor, Cashier.
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to
mo, this 5th day of
1906. S A M A. G
Notary Public
A full supply of
Bull at J. K. Smith A Bro.
W. L. Brownie;,
F. ii. Co., lies i
ed a clerkship with J. K. Smith A
Bro. inn Amos is
man u Co.
Old Fashion Paw.
Paw Gum Bread at J. H.
Smith Bro.
Cannon Tyson invites your
attention to then car load of stoves
and beaters.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent I
As authorized tor Daily
and Eastern we take
treat pleasure in receiving sub-
and writing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
job n
Walter Barfield, of Norfolk, has
been visiting in for
Severn days.
Our rugs and art squares are
liner the finest, Cannon and
John B. on the
Wednesday morning from a
trip down me road.
Our specialties are, staple and
Fancy Fruits and Con-
feet binaries, Dry goods, Notions
and Shoes. for Wanamaker
Clothing, made to
dual measurement. for
Troy which,
will also he called for and deliver-
ed free. Thanking you for
patronage, and hoping to serve
you the future. F. G. Buhmaun
ft Co.
Mrs. Hardy, of
is here a visit to her daughter,
Mrs. J. H. Savage.
J. J. Edwards Son have just
received another car load of
wood wire
Dr. Dixon and W. E. Hooks
went to Tuesday.
your buildings by
painting them with
Town and County lead
and lull line of colors, kept at J.
B. Smith Bro.
Buy Felt Mattress at Can-
Tyson, they have the best.
V. and paper roofing,
Pumps with long or short joints
and pipe at J. B. Smith ft Bro.
We are pleased to hear Claude
Quinnerly is much improved.
Dress goods, Broad cloth, Henri-
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
silks, trimmings, lining and white
goods at J B Bro
Bed steads, mattresses, springs,
single and double, rockers, dining
and chairs wash stands
dressers tables at J R Smith
ft Bro
Calico and at cents
per yard, great reductions in white
slippers and summer goods, at J.
B. Smith Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
Car load of salt for sale by Can
no-i and Tyson.
P. S. the fire
I can now found on east side
of railroad between office of Dr.
Dixon and Tripp Bro shops.
I have a full supply of general
fancy groceries, confection-
cigars, and tobacco. Fresh
Oysters and fish every night on
arrival of train, call and I will
you fair. P. Cannon.
buy a second hand
sate with couple doors, to weigh
not less than one thousand pounds.
W. Jackson Ayden,
Hay corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
windows locks nails
cut saws and mechanic tools at J
B Smith Bro
For can p apples, corn
es, , apply to E. E.
ft On.
We have bought the grocery
business of and
and will conduct the same
line of business at the same store.
We invite the public to call and
Bee us. We will sell as cheap as
the cheapest and always the best.
Give us a B. Williams.
Go to E. E. Go's new
market beef, fresh meats,
age, fresh fish.
Dr. Dixon and W. E. Hooks
left yesterday a pleasant triple
Florida, the gulf other points.
They will begone about two weeks.
We call your attention to mil
line of harness,
and Tyson.
clasp pin.
Ex N. C. on ii
A suitable reward for it will
paid by C. L. Cannon at Saul's
drug store, N. C.
Buy your furniture of Cannon
and Tyson, they have the best
Latest styles cloak and wrap
for Misses and Ladies
also a nice line of Zephyr
tors at J. R. Smith Bro.
Cannon and have
strongest Hue of dress goods and
shoes in town.
For a nice present buy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
A line of crockery, glass
fancy lamps, and tinware
at J R Smith Bro
Get the Cox cotton planter the
beet on the market at J. B. Smith
We have moved in the brick
store of J. H. on West
Railroad street just north of the
Carolina House. Our goods are
all new as our entire old stock was
burned in the recent fire. We will
be pleased to have our friends as
well as the general call and
see us. We know we can please
you Doth as to price and quality.
W. C. Jackson Co
For Sale One lot or
parcel of laud in the town of Ayden
adjoining lots of J. F. Dixon
and William Worthington, con
about two acres, which will
be sold on reasonable terms. See
or apply to J. B. Ayden,
B. F. D. No. or see J. J. Hines.
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
sell your seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
A full line of trunks, valises, tel-
grips, satchels, hand
and suits cases at J B Smith Bro
I always keep on band a
line feed stuff at lowest cash
prices Such as bay, oats, corn,
cotton seed meal and hulls, brand
ship stuff. Frank Lilly Co.
Monday morning there came
my house three bay mules and
black mule, three of them
horse mules and mule.
The owner can have same by coin-
forward and proving properly
and This February
10th, 1808. J. M. Harris.
H lull line of meat, lard and can
goods. Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Lilly Co
Herbert Hardy, of
was here Saturday.
For carpenters tools, grind stones
rope pulleys, at J. B.
Smith Bro.
I roil lire
or nave in
K it
how ease, on J.
N. . who
a tin i
, ,,,., Over rive i
;.;. i i ii
i , i,. ii
Give eye
work if you want
Uncles Mo-e Jess and
John Hart Hied their skill in and
on Neuse one day Week,
with the result not a and
only one poor show
for two days lost. They are good
hunters though, just luck you
New Livery, Feed and Exchange
Stable and Jones, Ayden.
N. C T. well cared for. Pas-
cm i mil to any and all
The bet and
nest c conveyances.
Pi ires At sci vice of
i he public at times and hours.
Moore and livery,
feed mid stables, Ayden,
B. F. Manning and
Bar well the hitter pail
of last i-k and in fording a stream
came near being drowned.
They say had a narrow escape
Our firmer seem I
-rat. u I r .
f r IT M III
. i-c I m-l i
. . . s.
V iv your
lie ,
I t.
Out Boom.
i. . i I t
I i t cl i
I i
row when buy
ream slid Cm.
F G.
. X
-i- it
. x . ii
in- mi
My son William Jenkins, col,
having left my home and
without my and the said
William Jenkins, col., being s
minor, this is to warn any and a I
persons shelter, food or em
to him and those doing
so will be prosecuted according to
law. This January 19th 1906.
William Jenkins Sr., col.
plea- d.
a few weeks before Easter
how about letting us make that
spring suit while you can secure
of roods Wanamaker
Brown, per I Q. to.
It is sometimes considered not
good too unless
it is spooning over that delicious hot
Chocolate F. G.
pal.- J. A. In
hi- el It has been era i
it lie Ills e
p III. ii member
has been
mile lour year old girl
III- a sou
is is . lined In Ills bed with a
ions Cue pneumonia.
K. is having a ham
e would
i the darkest hour
i ii.-i the
I was the C time
two that we filled to send
item. We
Ult, out will Us
when we them it was owing
loan-Molls attack the
night previous which
left us Hi a condition so delicate
we were unable work of any
kind. no future en-
in be prompt as here-
mi I. If tills doe.
v. .- ii decide In It out ml-
i tn
i b
ls In II.
That I- S-on
in C .
writes Hart in tho
Argons it. I
i i-
Bullion you
stuck all
before else. It i
forbidden ; stair-
case. It is up a
. . I ,,.;, , i
ens ii i get oil of
i. A it be a the side from the
It is I'm bidden to git on or off of
I'll I
am to waste the in i
. the it is in
cut it out. motion. It is forbidden to get out
be warned don't at , ,
i we will be compelled emu mi are
free. It is forbidden to
head of the window. It is for-
bidden to throw hollies out of tho
U i i we win com
nun. old blood one
who ll -lie- h bit tie of line hi.
mi hi presence Cow.
Beginning with Monday, January
15th, we will conduct a special sale
on all dress goods, dry
shoes and hats. These prices
will prevail till Feb. 1st. This is
the month you should buy. It is
the month we should sell. All
lines in our store will he reduced
from ten to twenty to per
Our spring and summer goods
will soon arrive and in order to
make room for our stock, we have
decided to conduct this sale. This
opportunity is a mutual one, and
we trust you will take advantage
of the many bargains we will offer.
Come to see be convinced
for yourself.
J. R. Turnage Co.
The South none of the
nation's pension money-but
the have another way of getting
at Uncle Sam's treasury. With
our cattle tick and boll weevil
wars, we are managing to make
quite a respectable bole in it.
Charlotte Chronicle.
a has occurred at the
of Char.
hotel. A colored lab-
i as lolling a . n-.
mi., a scaffold the story
n- -tumbled and tell to the
ground being
A Mealing Gospel.
The Rev. J. C. Warren, pastor
Sharon Baptist Church, Be-
lair, , says of Electric
a Godsend to mankind. It
cured mo of lame back, stiff joints
and complete physical collapse.
I was also weak it took mo half
an hour to walk a mile. Two
bottles of Electric Bitters have
made me so strong I have just
We wish to thank those walked three miles in minutes
of our friends
during our
who were so kind I and feel like walking three more
. It's made a man of me. Great
sickness, . for and all
our kind host and hostess. W e I Stomach.
were in good hands.
Liver and
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brick Block, East Railroad at.
Ayden, N. C.
Same as of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes
Hats, Gent's and Ladies fur-
goods. In fact
everything kept in a first
class general
store sold at greatly
ed prices.
The firm of Johnston Bra., was
on the 5th day of January,
dissolved by mutual consent, F.
V, Johnston purchasing the inter-
est of J. B. Johnston the
The business will be con-
at the same stand by F. V.
This 8th day Jan. 1906.
F. V. Johnston.
J. B.
; complaints. Sold under
I tee at J L. Wooten's Drug Store
To crop of the
oil in . f
melon, m .
In all m
ties Hum
W wt
net lO cent,
Better more profitable are
, , . . ,
I out main
New York J
P. K. L.
Greenville, N. G.
The Only Requisite for
A Perfect Complexion
re your and a jar of
At the noose-of business Jan. 29th, 1906.
Frightfully Burned.
IT. Moore, a machinist,
of City, Pa., had his band
frightfully in an
cal furnace. He applied Buck-
Ion's Salvo with the usual
result; quick and
Greatest on earth for
Burns, Wounds, Bores, Eczema
and Piles. J. L. Wooten's,
Soap lakes nut
akin absorbs the , . in
that is i i It remain, a
becomes an Impurity-nature
, all n
Gentlemen . t.
For Sale at
Loans and units,
Furniture and
Demand Loans
line from Hanks,
Silver Coin.
National Bank notes
other U.
Capital stuck paid iii,
Surplus fund 1,000.00
Undivided profits less
expenses, 1,831
Dividends unpaid . GO
Deposits subject to check. 48,801.01
Cashier's 01.75
window. Ii is to break
the window. It is forbidden to sound
the t signal unless your life is
in peril.
have complied with.
all the regulations, been ticketed,
punched, counted at. have
through the you apt
to find a big v-
repairs. Hut if you to go
through the whence you.
just emerged, -A-ill find
that it is must go
back into the station through
other and then go out
again through some other
All through the
parts of Switzerland you find
Herman prevail in
railway stations i
clay I l mi American
woman in a carriage say
to her train stopped,
wonder what lite of
replied the
l name of the
is it. indeed placidly re-
plied tho wife. seen
name on the last six state .-
have passed, and I believe that
even in they would call sis
successive stations by the
A will Meaning
professor here leaned across aisle
and informed the lady that
the professor v.-
After n fell h
tween the
Ha la Sturdier, and
Than the
Writing of the be-
tween Canadians and Americans, a
correspondent The differ-
mostly of degree. Tho
superb self confidence of the over-
age American woman as she walks
j abroad, the licensed of
children, the perpetual degeneracy
of conversation into story telling
these characteristic.- are less marked
in Canada than in the United States.
In fact. presents as yet a
variety of civilization,
though in some ways rapidly
ti the United States. Physic-
ally the Canadian seems to be a
Sturdier stock of heavier build, slow-
moving an loss nervous than the
American. This is particularly
to tho women, whose move-
and are quieter
and who are without the hunted
look in the eyes which marks so
many Ami mis.
may be that tho colder i
exercises some moderating
but probably the duel
of these lies in fact
that most Canadians are country
born and bred. There are few I -e
cities, and even tho dwellers in .
cities keep ii a most constant con
with country life. Nowhere in
Canadian cities see the pro-
fusion of Bl waste visible
New York or Chicago. Though
most to in fair
comfort. ; ere is no class of mil-
dominating and
making the form and pace for
servile ion among the lest
j lasses.
Ashing, with their
ii camping out,
Jay a large part In the nation;.
m having
into i I gambling and
Canadian lives a healthier life. Even
busy cities Toronto and
real life
quietly than n
. . the United
I, J. R. Smith, Cashier of the above-named hank, do Solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my and be
J. It. SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, this of
Notary Public.
Power an. T-.
There ex relation b
the class power the
exclusive hid circles,
last arc d or filling from
the Fashion, though b a
i tone to seed, s
kind of nor, s hull a
the past. Great men are not com-
In it They absent
in the Held I are
not is made
up of their
D. J.
in poet at Greenville, N. C, M matter,
Advertising raws matte upon application.
desired at ever post in an. adjoining
The North Carolina and Virginia
Association will hold a
meeting the latter part of June or
i arty in July it Hotel Mecklenburg,
How Ions had own W. After the
there and who re i ere will he an by
They are a fin set when even the
congressmen get for wrong
doing in office.
under discussion
It just shows what is in Green-
ville when gold watches CU be dug
up on the streets
Hock had been lost sight of
until the papers told that he was
hanged in Chicago Friday.
to Provident and Boston. This
will give the editor a delightful
for every day lost, as is the case
with the man if he closes
there would he less of the birthday
adjournment. Holidays are all
right occasionally when they mean
something, hut there are too many
The question of day current from
the town's electric plant does not
rest with the alone,
though they have the power of fur-
it If those who want power
In the day time get in readiness
Durham has grown almost envious j ;, , the coin-
of lead and he to are ready to furnish it as
arrest operators of blind tigers. M ,, ,.,. enough is
wanted to cave town from loss in
Congressman can no i , in j.,,.
feel how it is to face true hills found j
against him by the Federal grand It takes a knowledge of the M
jury. I alphabet to see how errors
occur in print For instance the
Th-re things around Company recently char-
digging for. This and a news item
is a gold mine if properly j telegraphed to the Charlotte
Chronicle about it In printing the
item the Chronicle had
The people around town are get-
ling more interested in the matter of
day current from the electric plant.
It is a tiling that is needed and must
come before a great while. We no-
lice that several other towns
throughout the State that have
plants are also discussing the
day current question, realizing that
to install it will by the means of de-
various small
that will help to Op the
Greenville cannot afford to he behind
in the march of progress. We need
small manufacturing enterprises,
and being able to get power will
bring I hem.
Th, i-
vet for the ;
n both headline and text. One Be-
ground hog turn on his ,
weather, .,.,
we h he will not
Our the
should not be so sporty in their tour
if world, and should be more
lest hey have to holler for us
to over to some foreign
and help them of a hole or
get tin in out ill jail In a town in
Italy the other day William K. and
Mrs. with their chauffeur
were living through the streets in
their automobile when the machine
run over a boy and seriously hurt
him The en-aged folks rushed up
and mobbed them mil treated
an roughly that had to go to
their rescue.
A patron of the telephone system
may be Maying i Money can cover a multitude of was cross to the central
e reputation, bot or play an important part in I girl died says The
we i t wants to be oat in I bashing the voice of scandal The ville Telescope. One of the girls
I publicity in connection with tin- worried for fear she might have been
D, . . , ,. , , , i too short with him at times, and her
suit for divorce has reached
, , , , , , I worry led her to dream Slit
With Dr. views on i the point of affecting the business of , , , . . .- i
had gone to her celestial
social equality we do not think many the trust and is hurting its , determined to call up
pretty weather.
Mr. Blank and apologize to him
She asked St. Peter for Mr.
people in North Carolina will care trade, especially in Europe. That
to hear him speak. , this may he checked negotiations
are now on for -he divorce proceed Peter, who is the whole
m,,, i , i , , u . , system, looked at her sorrowfully
With such thine coming out to be withdrawn and the family .
. , land dear, a copper wire
them it would be more creditable to trouble between Duke and b-S wife I ,., f be
the State for both Holton and Black ended-
burn to be retired to private life and
tine thing that is a great draw-
back to Greenville's progress is the
remarked an observing condition of the streets. We have a
gentleman. think Greenville; t town other but the streets
it going to become a great town and I are as poor as are seen any-
fail to see what can hinder it from where Really our streets are dis-
becoming creditable. A prospector might be
ever so favorably impressed with
As Mr, Morris, husband of the ,
too prospects of the from a
woman elected from the .
business view point, hut the
House, could not get an apology . . .
streets would turn him
away in disgust. Some steps ought
to be taken for giving the town
is no would melt in a
The girl wept no more.
from the President, wonder what be
will do next.
The song works but
bits the spot in many in-
stances, but a new with . Next Monday, March 5th, the Pitt
place of branch of the Southern Cot-
would not miss the mark as often as association will meet in
might be imagined. ville- and
attendance. Not only should the
. ,, ,. he in in this
Never growl because a I
fails to give every scrap of news so but every business and pro-
long as you take no pains to give, man should unite with
the editor information, advises the them. If the farmers will organize
Oxford Ledger. We have read-1 a cut
who are cut up at times .
, . their cotton acreage as recommended
mill i n note i i th
i i i ,.,,,, vis the association, there can be no
rival and departure a j
ting them. of a local affair, I r of question who will control the
v. n babies price of the nest crop,
then-h The aver-
Congress refused to adjourn
nor a mind render, but gets most of
news like milkman gets his milk
pumping Greensboro
And it does look like everybody
would to nil the newspaper
man such things be know
I. in h Id. Hut many of
them will not -I it, vet they blame
him afterwards because certain
things did not get in the
Thursday in honor of Washington's
birthday. We believe that was
right. too many holidays
of which legislative bodies, public
institutions i ad-
vantage to adjourn, merely to take a
day off public If those
win get their salaries from tho pub-
treasury had to miss their pay
Minority Leader John Sharp
yesterday delivered himself of
some opinions to which we want to
utter a hearty
The occasion of Mr. William's re
marks was the of
the bill to prevent the COD
shipments of into prohibition
territory, brought up before the
House i on Judiciary.
Mr. Williams said that such ship
enabled the to
thrive and that communities in his
native State, Mississippi, were so in-
over this encouragement
liquor selling the express com-
that attracts upon the ex
offices, which were in effect
barrooms, need cause no surprise.
Mr. Williams was exactly right,
and he was also right when he
tested against of liquor
to fictitious persons in communities
which had decided on local option.
He again right when he en-
protestations against the
United standing in a position
of assisting lawbreakers.
We give the brother our hand for
expressing our sentiments. It is
and a rank injustice to allow
the C O D. shipment of liquor to
persons in prohibition districts, who
seek to bide their identity by an
name. It is an Injustice
to the majority of the people, who
d Out whiskey
And is. when
more nor less, than a system as rail
road allowed under
smiles of the
C, F-b
One of the most unique and en-
given in this
the banquet on
night by the ladies of the
and club.
The .
Lang, formally e urn-1 i.
in l M vi-i i
and blue colors, H
all I i I t
ii large
the rear of
lion of the
to see which con hi
come a hatchet
me cut to ii-e place where George
cut it down. A pr z f .
hatchet was give i one
coining the wit
i. J m-r.
Foil-wing is tho menu -i
a lit ten on
-u h
independence salad, cm,.
. k r .
cake, M.
cake, ,
flew and with
In the of large
with punch
were over by Mi-es
Vivian Olive
f Snow and Jackson
and L. E. Vick.
young people gave you a pleasant
while yon
of drinking punch.
. .
May the Mag; live
and joy many a-s In
Come as one Fell I
We are sorry to -f Mr
Mr.-. Bailie if cm ii to
loom hope is some
Miss Alice Hines has
resigned her work in the graded
school in to he with
mother in her
Miss Ada Tyson has also given
up in I
here in in. with her lather in bis
illness Miss Harper, of Dunn,
has of Miss Tyson's grade
in school.
Comity was
Our town Thursday night.
J Stanley and Jack Smith
Thursday in Greenville.
Redding Fields has work
in his i machine repair
shop mi Will-oil street,
About the middle of last
the Southern Cotton Association
advised all spot holders to demand
fifteen cents per basis mid-
for the balance of the unsold
portion of the present
es were asked for ninety days- The
mammoth cotton convention held at
New Orleans, January 11th 13th,
passed a resolution
endorsing the holding move-
for fifteen cents advocated
the continued holding of the unsold
portion of the crop for that price
independent of day pledging.
The executive committee of the as-
subsequently endorsed the
action of the convention and all
spot holders were earnestly asked to
firm until B maximum price of
cents was offered. Remember
one year ago cotton sold at seven
cents per pound in February and
advanced to over ten cents early in
July in the face of a bale
This year the crop is
bales less. Consumption is far
greater year than last, and the
prices of all lines of cotton
abnormally high If the small
of the cotton now held is sold
for fifteen the whole crop will
not average cents per pound.
will soon drop off heavily
and a stronger market will be had.
Do not rush your cotton on the
market, hut hold it and win out in
the great niggle is on between
tho spot holders on tho side and
spinners and buyers on
the other. Yours truly,
Negligee Shirts, f
Cur first shipment of
have just arrive are now on
display in our sh w window. Stop
by and take a look they are
o; t VI
N. C
Contractor, Builder
TUe Setter.
Plans submitted and estimate.
B. Real Es-
and Loans.
Opportunities and In-
vestments. Stock Com-
on application. Promoted and Fin
The gathering of the lobs-en
farmers at was an
o of importance and interest
The court house was
with earnest men who have
been systematically robbed of the
rightful proceeds of their labor
since the organization of the tobacco
trust. At the very home of the trust
the farmers declared intention
to light until they restore the work-
of law of supply and demand
throttled by the tobacco trust.
The growers of dark tobacco in
Tennessee and Kentucky have
a strong They
talk out in meeting have gone
to law to get justice. The North
Carolina tobacco growers should
study the aggressive methods of
Kentucky brethren and organ-
on practical lines to get fair
prices for the tobacco they grow.
They will fail null they recognize
that enemy is the
and American Tobacco
Company that controls prices, and
has fattened by depressing prices of
News and I
Speak in Slate.
Cotton Association, will
be in Norm th- three
days in March will join
dent Moore of the North
division at Tarboro, 1st,
March 3rd,
The funny part of it is that
who are so susceptible to mental
anguish never seem allow
consciences to worry
ham Herald.
Once in a while the world has as
good en opinion of a man as he has
himself; but it is after he is dead
New York Press.
SOUTH In the
County. i Court.
The talk about the discontinuance
of some of the rural free delivery
routes, has set the farmers to work.
From all over the country they are
smiting biters to
Department, and these letters leave
no doubt as In farmer's estimate
of value of the service. They
speak enthusiastically and
the department on the
which has been so mod-i
Some of I In-ill declare don't see
how they have ever been to gel
along without the
The landmark says
truth, is. if one can believe
what he hears there
is much in th-y had their
deserts per cent, of the
Republican holders in this
State would either ho in the
or would ho eternally dis
Wouldn't ninety per
cont. ho nearer right Raleigh
it. I., Company
virtue to
the undersigned from the Superior
Court Pitt county in the above
tit action, I will, on the
of March,
M, at the Court House door of said
county, sell to the highest bidder for
.-ash to satisfy said ail the
title and interest said
Dixon, defendant, has in tin-
following real estate,
one undivided one eighth inter-
est of Dixon, to the life
of his father, a, in
to the lands which descended to
lorn from his mother, Henrietta Dix-
on, Henrietta and
described as
lands -1 I., a. i
and wife,
John I-, and others, con-
more or and being the entire In
of the laid Basil ii, and
in the lands his mother, the
late ii, i i, it;, Dixon, i Hi
died and possessed,
s lusted on north side Tar river
Greenville township, ,.,
Subject o life estate of r. S. Pix
mi. the said
This 16th day of
I. W. Sheriff.
The of Pro, ; Mer-
chants N. C, has this
day d by mutual All
persona indebted to said will make
payment toT. who will
business old stand,
win against
said This
J, L,
This department is in J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
For nice apples, candies,
bananas and nuts go to
H. L. Johnson's
Quite a large number from
den came over Friday night
Nice line of fresh groceries
ways on hand
A Co.
Any one in need of a good cart
one that will last and render good
service just to see or the
If yon expect to your
seed for meal you same time
by meal far your seed when
you have cotton ginned at the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
For special prices heaters see
W. L. House.
If you want good seed Irish
go to Harrington, Barber
If you your laundry to look
nice and last long take it to H. L.
Johnson who represents the
steam laundry.
Misses and
of came up Friday
evening to the entertainment.
The A. G. Cox Mtg. Co. are
cotton planters and guano
by the car load, and if you
need any you had write or
see them at
All farmers sow-
and wheat can be supplied with
mowers, rakes, reapers and binders
at Barber Co.
F. O. House and his brother,
over Friday night
to the
Be sure not to forget the lurid
tare and those iron bedsteads
A. W.
Winterville Canning factory
consisting of furnace, cooker, can-
book-, work shed, warehouse
and third acres of land
in heart at Winterville for ale.
For particulars see Dr. B. T. Cox
or J. F.
We offer our silver table ware.
guarantee at a bargain.
See as. B. T. Box i.
Boy a pipe from J. H. C.
at the drugstore.
Goto II. I., Johnson's for nice
candies, apples and oranges.
Frank Johnston, of
was in town Friday evening.
Call at II. L. Johnson's and ex-
his line of Hosiery fol
Misses Ladies and Gents.
For in pants go to H.
L. Johnson's.
yards standard calicoes at
per Harrington, Barber
Nice boggle Harrington
Barber Co.
Goto II. L Johnson's for shoes,
be has a nice lot received,
bey are nice.
All colors of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber
Try a bottle of Kid- to Sell on
a sure core for all Kid-
troubles at Harrington Barber
If nave cotton seed to sell or
exchange or phone Co.
Oil company, their prices
Joshua Manning made a business
trip this week to
other points in that vicinity.
hue winter
men and youth's at II. L. John-
H. L. Johnson is headquarters
for groceries.
A new line of v just re-
by It. Ci. Chapman Co.
Men's and youth's pants, all
sizes, Barber Co.
The for Tar Heel cart
wheels is treat now, any ore
of same will do well to
write or see the A G. Col
Trunks and valises at
ton Co.
If yon Vault an easy shave aid a
mat hair just call .
H. next to
bank, for people
If you a nice shirt H.
L. Johnson's. He has a new lot
of nice ones, cheap too.
The Oil will
price for seed
The A G. Cox C . , are
still snipping, cotton planter by
the car load.
Big line hats and caps just
received, latest styles. Harrington.
Harrow at Ha-
Barber Co.
L. Johnson's for fresh
meats, and oysters.
make in by ex
their cotton seed for
meal at Pitt County Oil On.
H. Is. Johnson can fill your or-
grocery line, for he ear- a. W. Ange
lies a full line all the time.
See what we have to oil, r r
Feb., 14th. B. T Cos
Woods high grade v
have years been the in p .; u-
southern seed
and in east Carolina. You
can find them at
store of B. T. Cox a Br.
a Prince a Dan
Jim Dixon the
drug will show lo you.
Mrs. S. L Fleming, of
came over Friday in visit
the family of Little, a. d also
see her daughter, Miss
who is school
If you a Bug just call
at A. W. Ange Co and you can
get one, and cheap too-
Ur. W. H.
N. will in
at the Bertha Feb.
at leading
hotel Tuesday, Feb. for one day
only. Hi practice i lo
Eve, En, and
Filling Glasses.
went I i
bushels of seed Oils II .-
If you want flour, that
you can eat without
with e i to A. W.
Co., and get some fl
he that is made out. f pure
artiest. ,
For nice fresh egg en I In see M
L. J our
Will Powell went to
Miss Ida of Ayden,
came Friday evening to spend
sometime with Georgia Joy
If are wise preserve your
by painting them
i MOOS town and for
Ii you ice email lie i
go W. L Mouse, he suit you
in kind and puce.
hive ii-t paid
tax will do ii L.
leaf an
Is lo in
to Daily
Norfolk Cotton Peanut
at. bow
Bankers and Brokers,
Nob-folk. Va.
Sew York
Jan. ft Feb.
May Corn
May Ribs
July Ribs
May Lard .
July Lard
, ft J. O.
Then A. H. is the man to
deal with.
Our store is at all times open to those who want good
goods at low prices. We can furnish your house from
the kitchen to the parlor in Furniture at prices that will
suit your puree. SATISFIED ARE OUR
Well we can suit you in Price, Quality and Workman-
ship, our are up-to-date, our place is con-
our prices are right. Give us a call
when in need of anything in the Furniture
or Picture line. Orders taken for
traits, likeness guaranteed,
Yours Truly,
A. H. Taft
The Fr Will Baptist Church
want to donate
some M. Paint to your
whenever paint.
The Methodist in
Georgia expected to use lite
the usual kind of paint. only used
Inns L. k It. mi led with if gal-
Linseed Oil.
It costs less to paint a house with
If, than with other paint because
painter mixes Linseed Oil fresh from
Wash Goods Sale
If you have not bad any go-id ; money in Bank
go to R.
On. and get some lo make everything So
II mi be sells and you will b-
it is the best on
he barrel at HO a L.
You Dot tear pulling and
. Ion for Linseed Oil done if
is used Also
the L. If. hardens the L. a M.
White Load makes the paint wear
like Iron
ahead put your money I M- paint only per
. . r, gallon,
where it will be sale. Sold by H. L. N.
Mis of
up to visit her uncle,
R. O.
tobacco ninth i
Harbor at Co.
Sale Two horses seven
old and one mule six
years old will either sell A- B-
or hi suits the
I,. House.
K-r hay, corn and nits g-
If you want a nice shirt or tie
go Berber
Charlie Buck, of
Jack, up Friday outer-
I Friday
night, by hi- brother
Just R. Chapman
Co., a car load of salt. B- Mire
to their prices at once.
Nice Hill; pat BIDS ill
Galloway and his sister,
Miss up Friday even-
to the entertainment.
Nice line of buys suits at II. L.
by R. O.
liar meal Co.
The in W
S. Friday was n
feet success in every way, in d
ii later lo give ii fuller so
count of it, it deserve-
a from
down to attend i
I will
We the piper I a few
ago that while some party
was nut the buggy shaft
became unfastened and the entire
buggy thrown from lop of
high embankment, occupant
barely serious Injury.
The cause a defective
coupler. Such
lire ill as much us often,
threaten life, and every precaution
be lo guild against
in. II in lo your best
do I his by using
Buggies. shafts are fasten
a -l it la
are told, are tho lies mi
market, ore quick easy
In apply and never come
ft Co., a cu- load lime and ,., Ton,
they will tell very cheap. I He lid.
. , U. A. Winterville, N. C.
Another large of shoes
all sizes and prices very A line received
reasonable. B- Co. Be
CO sure you buy
White's Colic and Cure, i
the combination kidney Nice line Ire-h
for and a sure colic onto. always hand II. L.
wife, sweetheart, or children
Mis- May Brooks, who i- leach-
I ton, I h to n
evening her way In
where-die will i d Sun
day with her parents.
Have you seen those nice
, pants K. Co's. if
at the Drug Store one in need of a plow will , gel his before you
Miss Bonnie of Green- do well logo to W. Ange
. , ville, came over Friday night lo and got one of those Chill.
visit Miss Mimic Cox.
Buy your Candies, Apples,
angel Bananas from J. II
C. Dixon at tut store.
I They lest on
the market.
buy elsewhere.
Form the habit of saving
Disking small deposits with th
Bank of From
Funning implements of all kinds j el gr w. Be-
at Barber S Co,
tho k -ii
c ml
r I . it ii most
it long
i an up-to-
I and Farm Seeds,
Wood's Seed
Upon for It.
Peas. r
lo . i
We have received our full line or WASH GOOD
consisting of
will be on sale Monday. Everybody cordially Invited
to these goods,
ave Per
I can owners of DWELLING HOUSES information that will enable them
to save per cent, on premiums paid for
Details be furnished o anyone interested.
Insurance Ii. A. WHITE Greenville, N. C.
making has been developed on wooden know no nor discomfort. The soft,
yielding, tinder of a live foot has thus been compelled to an unnatural, ill-fitting and
sanitary shoe To he foot-tired is the average mans daily inheritance. And how much ill health can he traced to
an ill titling shoe. When the toot is improperly shod the delight of walking is gone, and man's best
to him the comfort he should enjoy. A perfect walking shoe, one that keeps the foot always in good
such had
This question brought into being the
Health Shoe. Recognizing that the foot
sole is a curve made by the twenty-six
which form the heel, ball and toes, fact
strangely ignored by shoemakers in the
we evolved a construction method which places
prime importance in last modeling.
Ralston lasts are anatomically correct and
differ from all other makes. Ralston
is a principal combining comfort, ease,
service, style, tit and
in footwear, built into the shoes from the
very start.
Shoes made on Ralston lasts are nature
shoes, conforming to the natural foot, and be-
cause they need no they never
lose that charm and style for which Ralston
shoes are which cannot he ob-
in other methods of manufactured
In the selection of materials tor Ralston
shoes the World's best makers are searched,
and every bit of upper, top, or sole leather,
and fittings must pass the Ralston test
Extra large Eyelets.
Very i
II you want
Individual, come nod tee shoo
acceptance. The same idea with our Each and all must do his or her part according to the
Ralston idea, whether it is cutting, stitching, lasting, making or finishing. The result is a shoe in plea-
sun- service and abounding in comfort and style. Thus our immense factory with its army of happy, skill-
. is dedicated to the gospel of the foot salvation from cramped and unsuitable footwear. The Ralston
cannot be duplicated at the price and as good a shoe is not made or sold for less.
Are Foot Formed
N Spring styles of Ralston Health Shoes are now on display in our store and we invite you to
give them a look
J. R. J.
In order newspaper in
any town or county may be val-
it must reach practically
all the people. No factor is so
important as the newspapers.
advertisement by them
is greater than all ether agencies
combined, and the direct
value to individual
interests can be
over estimated A newspaper
may be compared U a telephone
must reach practically-
all the people to be valuable,
a surplus of telephone systems
or newspapers is a
to a community. A good news-
paper cannot exist without a
good field but no town is as good
as it should be unless it has a
strong newspaper read by
all the
.-in e in boxes at
Book Store.
The Yellow Fever
has recently been discovered
It bears a close resemblance to
the malaria germ To free the
system from disease perms, the
moat effective remedy is Dr.
King's New Life Pills.
to cure all diseases to
malaria and constipation.
J. L Drugstore
My Friend, b War
Stop and See
Isn't R Wonderful
N. C. March
Joe pleas-
in that your Remedy
bus cured our little girl
a very had case
a great part of her body.
She had from
the time she was three old,
was years old. She
it now well and I feel
I i.-o of
It MM H of
it Respectfully,
Not Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Hare a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line
I all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a
I Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Of Course
You Can Live
Telephone Service
And Time is the Stuff of Lire.
For Rates
Home Telephone and
Telegraph Company,
n. C
D. W.
HI l l U IN
Ami Provisions
Cotton Bagging find
Ties always on hand
Fresh floods kept ton- j j
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
N. C.
lo Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Bras Col-
and Head Rules,
and thicker, and make
them fully good as now
an t without any unsightly-
knobs or feet on the bot-
Refacing Column and Head
regular lengths
L. S. and
Head inches Id
and O'er per lb
A sample of refaced
Bole, wile full
will be cheerfully
MM on application.
Printers Supply Cir
of Type and
High Grade Printing Material
N. Ninth Street.
Steamboat Service.
Steamer L. leaves
at G a. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
at for
at Washington with
Norfolk Southern for
Norfolk, Philadelphia,
New York, and all other
joints North. Connects a Norfolk
with all points West.
Shipper should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern K. R.
Bailing boon subject to change
without notice.
J. J. Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
General T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk, Va.
K. KING, V. P. G. M.
Dr. Anti-Pain Pills-
are a most remarkable remedy,
for the relief of periodic pains,
backache, nervous or sick head-
ache, or any of the distress-
aches and pains that cause
women so much
As pain is weakening, and
leaves the system in an ex-
condition, it is wrong
to suffer a moment longer than
necessary, and should take
the Anti-Pain Pills on first in-
of an attack.
If taken as directed you may
have entire confidence in their
effectiveness, as well as in the
fact that they will leave no dis-
agreeable after-effects.
They contain no morphine,
opium, chloral, cocaine or other
dangerous drugs,
n I
greatly with of
In- t .
come every
and i i t. days. I have
never been able to st that
Rive until I
Hi u of Dr.
i n m in a.
lime. My who suffer
v t
.- an South Band,
Dr. Ml lea by
your who will guarantee that
the first package will If It
falls he will return your money.
doses. Never In
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
They Differ Greatly In Shape Make
According to Locality.
In the intense cold of the
mow is deep
and frozen to a dry a
writer in Outing, the dog drivers
a that is two and n half fed
long and fairly narrow. The meshes
are coarse the but mid-
printer and dry, hard snow
line The toe
is placed about two-thirds
length forward, and the too of the
hoe is broad and upturned. In the
test made shoes the filling is cleverly
Jut in and concave nu
lo the snow and does not fink
in deeply, hut carries up and for-
down, even at a
last pace.
In eastern Canada, where the
less open, the is
an almost exact opposite in shape.
is shorter and broadened
Until it appears very clumsy. Never-
it has bean generally accept-
ed for all around use. In this model
the toe hole is placed farther for-
ward for ease in hill climbing.
The shoes follow this de-
sign, except that they have upturned
toes, whereas the trappers and
claim that it is easier to
climb on the old flat toed mod-
el, especially when carrying a pack
or dragging a toboggan. A specially
designed shoe, called a climb-
has no filling forward of the
toe hole nor back of the rear cross-
piece, besides being very coarsely
meshed,. Where the forests are very
dense the Indian uses a fairly broad
shoe about three feet in length, en-
him to slip smoothly about
through the trees, with small
of tangling the tails in the thick
underbrush, which would sure to
happen incessantly if they were
after those used on the
open plains.
There is another interesting mod-
el, formerly used in the Adirondack
and now mostly confined to the
Rocky mountains, called the
It is a perfect oval in
shape, having no heel or tail. It
measures about by inches and
is strung, the being
two to tour inches across. This
coarse mesh is very necessary where
the snow is moist, as otherwise the
shoo would load up at every step
and make traveling impossible. Most
of the eastern .-hoes are closely
meshed, as the snow, being light and
fine in a wooded country, easily
English Churchyard and Their Graven
In the churchyards of Britain
several tombstones exist with the
accusations of murder deeply en-
graved upon A stone over
the grave of three children in Mer-
churchyard bears
the following
we v re
Ami her.- we Bleep we must rise
In churchyard, Surrey,
on the tombstone a custom house
officer who shot in an encounter
with is the
Thou shall murder, nor Shalt thou
Are the i Jehovah did reveal,
But thou, oh, without fear or
Of thy linker, shot me dead.
On ii stone in church-
yard, is inscribed
the mo.-t fearful a of
to he found any tomb in
This stone mu a r tho body of
In In who was
found Hi id i v upon
in -i on n below this
on t .-- of
the murderer
for a Lie detection man, yet
God hath w i mark upon him either for
time eh i and i r blood will
assuredly him and
but Jud at.
A tombstone stood in
a few years ago on
which was u i
Poison.-1 by the doctor, by the
Tho brother robbed widow, which
Bade r won,
An accusation of murder appears
on the tomb of the Irish
comedian, who was buried in
s churchyard, Dublin, and
also on tombs to found in Acton
near Rochester; Little and
Tapping of the
The lapping resembling lick-
of a watch heard iii old bed-
rooms i; caused by S minute beetle,
or, rather, by several species of tho
genus Raising themselves
on their hind legs, very much as a
woodpecker taps the bark of a tree
with i; -1;. they strike their horn-
ed heads tit and with consider-
fores fox such tiny insects
old books, wooden panels or
the watt. Thus to tho
solemn death
clicks tho hour of
in vestment
Secure a Good Location while there is to do so at
Reasonable Prices and on Easy Terms.
I have that splendid property, just east of the town limits in South Greenville, into convenient lots for home-seekers
and will sell them on easy terms. There is no better location for homes anywhere around Greenville. High elevation, level,
and convenient, being only a few minutes walk from the business part of town. This property is just outside the corporate
limits, yet those who reside there will have the benefit of the graded school, and be as near to the churches, and depot and
as are the people In many parts of the town, being only three hundred yards from Five Points, nice neighborhood
adjacent to the property. Talk it over me and let me show you these desirable lots. No better time than NOW to buy.
Greenville will grow rapidly in the next few years and property will be higher. Catch the opportunity before it is too late.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows. Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
am paying highest market price for Seed
in any quantity.
I also sell Cotton Seed Meal and Hull, in car lots or
less, or loose, to suit purchaser, or exchange for Seed
at ,
HAY, CORN, OATS, BRAN, and all
kinds of feed constantly on hand. Lime In Oar lots.
Car of Golden Seed Oats to arrive, also White and
Oats, Red Rust Proof and day Oats.
I have just had built a large warehouse near the depot
for this line. .
I will continue to a line of Groceries at the
same stand occupied by Johnston Bros.,
The Reflector
Is Head By Everybody in roach, and
it reaches people money to pay for what th-y want.
If you have what they want advertise it you are sure to
get a part of their
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
We are very In be
those well known mag
to offer subscription for
. year tins
pike. We h decided
to lot readers the
advantage of c reduction in
order to gel quickly n I
of raid in
Don't Neglect This Offer
Reviews of Reviews
Many other publications are
desirable, and you may prefer
this or prefer that fiction and
art publication, but the Review
Reviews is Sub-
American men and
men arc going to Keep up with
the times and they are going i
take the shortest which i
The Cosmopolitan
Woman's Home
The Hume Companion
A leading magazine for years is for every member of the
With the recent change of owner our bright, earnest,
It has been improved. It is cultured, home loving American
better in every and woman it is an i entertainer
aims to be the best in the Held and helper in u thousand
Every year or so there's one ways; the
notable advance in the forward brothers and sons join in its
movement among the many mag perusal by the children
This year It is the eagerly turn to the that
are written or
The American is the leading Agricultural paper i the country, and
to live stock and poultry raising. Every farmer should have it
you get all four of these papers with Daily a year for or all tour
with The Eastern Reflector a tor
Te House of Worship
be Named in Honor of Greenville, N. c, Feb.
Distinguished Towns- I Editor
man. You sometimes My thing in
Mowing the morning
in church
H a
; your that are proper
I of criticism to many mi mi-, hut I
want to commend you for the
, ,. . , editorial on the
II tO 1-I t . . J
. . , ,. home of the aged and i
churn and id, ,.
r t- the beautiful new
hone of w the denomination
here. The interest of
the la the was
be attend-
it ins n i ti at more
tin i; n-re t i h in had
b fore in u
. I is-.
your of 21st If
i-a claw of people in the world
that manhood and womanhood
Should to and reverence, it is
the net and infirm
I have read your editorial with
great interest, I have . I
poor tune and
p flora you draw n .-r
enough. The women of the i
it up ,. . , , ,, ,,.
-e whom,
by some unforeseen
,,. indigo,
hut grand .-j,.,.
did tiling its
report. Let he poshed
an you have it and a
i and esteem of the comfort may be nail for
. i lurch to th. woo cannot help themselves
showing In me matter must -tart with the
measure appreciation of hoard of county
hi- services t,, church and have had one meeting since
we, the of s.
t, . . , . act are
lA Pu, .,, ,
Conference I em,
i. name church now bin d-
ii Memorial UNION
This w is most graceful,
members of the church
honor highly in.-
e i pi i d
h;. g
I i
n. upon oar last week, tells a tale
to be embalmed. Its
i h. no m much h it to
For Here what
a quarter of a century Mr; the grand
he ha. been a of ibis town
nil work among o are that
to all. In
. . ,, r was
that pert ins to the we l .,. ., ,
I r our together by any
lure he ha tint and foremost, member, an. was said or
of his time and done that we wouldn't hare
It was large-
mm Green- n
n is o a graded
and other instances
he where he has
equally active. all due credit
to the other many good members
of the church, we are
; say that we believe that
hut for the it
Jarvis handsome new building
BOW w ii g up, and h is such I
an i intent and credit to the
would not hare been realized
in year-
It i- to hot r him
. be i cannot
the b . ; name tin
. n , ,,. f.
. . i .
that this conference, being com-
posed mainly of members of this
most of whom
on Sunday morning when the
lotion was adopted, will endorse
the action of the church.
Marriage Licenses.
of Deeds B. Williams
issued licenses t . the
aid Genera An-
and Clara Forbes,
e and Temp;
k and Eva
ii d t.
. .
says one
, full up h ti e
One ; . Ii,
and the
of the insect was very distracting
to spirit of worship for
the time be Redid folios
of the demoniac in
Christ's by crying oat la the
meeting, bat he went after that
the same, much to the
of thorn near
is a product as
near capable of curing the
majority of diseases as it is
possible for Modern Science
to produce. The use of Bro-
makes pure blood.
is not a miracle
but simply the result of the
scientific investigation of the
chemists of the
present century. At the
first symptoms of fatigue
headache or backache, which
are often the forerunners
of disease, send for your
physician ii you will, hut, if
you you may
find that by the time he has
answered your call, that the
symptoms have disappear-
as direct-
ed. Live a temperate lite,
f you become ill while so
doing, we will pay any
doctor's bill on de-
and proof of illness.
W e don't want you to invest
a cont, however, until we
have bought the first bottle
tor you. Kill in the coupon
under this advertisement
and mail it to us, taking care
to write your name and ad-
dress plainly, and we will
you without any cost
to you whatever a full size
package to try. No matter
what your trouble is. write
ions. Cot con-
Co., Now York.
L. Wooten will give his
personal guarantee that you
will an order on
your nearest druggist a
free bull you send us
Be sure to u rite
your name and address
pi I
Nan .
M.; .
nearest dealer is at.
If you think you mod
men in at once, or if you have
all used it. it to be had
class druggists.
J. L.
Exclusive Wholesale Agents
for c.
J. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Awful Deed of a Brutal Husband.
Durham, Feb. the
foulest and most brutal murders
ever c in this section or
tn the State was done at. West
Durham at midnight,
When John H. Hodges dragged his
wife from her sick bed and shot
lo death.
The six children of the mother
the murder and were
to speak when brutal
father his pistol
and fired i he fatal shot into the
heart of his wife and erstwhile
companion. One eon, the oldest,
did protest and did what he
could to the terrible deed.
I. was arrested about two
hours alter committing the
urine. A coroner's inquest
was held quickly and the brute was
to jail.
Greenville, North
The leaders of the National and
I Cotton Growers Association in
their efforts to sustain the farmers
y in holding their cotton for higher
prices, or rather for fifteen cents,
lose sight of a most important
tor, which plays a leading part, if
cotton is to be sustained and sold at
any minimum price in the future.
This the future cotton sell-
of cotton farmers.
Since cotton has reached ten cents
and above, the price has been one
which has satisfied the majority of
farmers, specially those who have
struggled in years past, and raised
cotton to be sold around six cents.
Therefore cotton selling at ten
cents in the winter months, or even
this figure, a good many
farmers have been willing to enter
into the sale of their prospect-
cotton crop at prices about the
same as might be prevailing during
the winter months, so that cotton
, buyers in seine sections practically
controlled the entire acreage
for the season.
There is no question but that in
the past two years, many farmers
have done well by thus selling their
future crop of cotton, for when they
were prepared to market their cot-
ton, the then prevailing market
price was in some instances one to
k two cents lower than the price at
which they had contracted to sell
d at they were delivering
heir staple. This baa given the
farmer a new position, in the
crop selling, and when cotton
has reached eleven cents, it has not
hard for cotton buyers to make
for the next cotton crop.
Two things result from this. The
grower who thus sells is out
f the market, so far as being able
CO operate with as-
for his output belongs to
someone besides himself, and it
must also follow that having con-
his crop at some fixed price,
the farmer going to put in so
great an acreage as possible, and
this again removes him from enter-
any movement that the
association may try to make up for a
reduced acreage.
Thus it is that this future crop
of cotton by the farmer, must
prove a sci handicap to those
who may try to have any minimum
price, or who seek to have a
movement of the. farmers to
reduce their acreage.
Whether this future crop selling
is a wise thing the individual
farmer to do, another question.
it is only as to its effect on the
association that is now
Bern Journal.
lot on
Dickinson avenue west of railroad.
Two house, six rooms. Ex-
celled water. B. T.
P. C, Feb. 1906.
We are having some nice
now and it is a busy time with the
Miss Lillie Corey returned to her
school Sunday.
Walter Gardner, our popular
mail carrier, spent Thursday in
Misses Lyda and May Bell Kittrell
Saturday night with Miss
Carrie Chapman.
Hugh Corey returned home Fri-
day from Craven where he has been
teaching for his
Caleb Cannon, of has
bought the Charles Tripp land.
Misses Sallie and Lizzie
spent from Friday till Sun
day in the i Swamp section vis-
relatives and friends.
It is reported that our R. F. D.
route will soon be changed to Ayden
the will be
Herbert Corey attended church at
Riverside Sunday.
Miss Fanny Roach, who is teach-
near Gum Swamp, spent from
Friday till Sunday with her parents.
N. R. Corey went to Ayden Fri-
W. Cannon,
float, J. L. Joyner, C. L. Stokes
and W. H. Chapman visited Mrs. N.
R. Corey week.
Josh Mills and Zeb Bland, of
den, passed through this section
Cox's Mill,
Miss Rosa Tucker, who is teaching
near here, went to Greenville Fri
day to visit her mother and returned
Sunday, accompanied by her sister,
Miss Maggie, and little brother,
Misses Cora and Sadie Carroll
and their brother, Johnie, attended
the concert given by the
High School, and report a very nice
Miss Annie Carroll came home
Saturday from Winterville to spend
Sunday her parents and return
ed to school Sunday evening.
Messrs. Sikes and Alford, of Shel-
were visiting in our section
Our friend, L. N. Edwards, has
moved in his new residence that he
has built near his old one was
burned last August.
Frank Carroll has a very had case
of sore eyes.
Our roads getting busy with
hauling fertilizers for the farmers.
Miss Sadie Carroll came home
Friday evening from near Black
Jack where she is teaching and re-
turned Sunday.
Frank Dixon was badly hurt
night by being thrown out of
a while the team was moving
at a fast gait. His shoulder was
dislocated. His many friends hope
he will soon be able to get. out
Our farmers are improving on the
old method of plowing by working
from two to four teams at the same
time, a saving of from one to three
hands and doing much better work.
Snow and Cold.
There was a brisk fall of snow
here Tuesday evening and early
in the night, which the preceding
cause to melt almost as hist as
it fell. There was enough left to
cover house tops and high places,
but this quickly in
the bright sunshine today. The
temperature down and last
night today were plenty cold
The trial of Dr, J. B. Matthews,
who some weeks ago poisoned bis
wife, is now in progress at
A Pretty Afternoon Marriage.
At 3-30 o'clock this afternoon at
the borne of Mr. Mrs. D. D.
in South Greenville, was
witnessed beautiful marriage.
At that hour their eldest
Miss Mary Louise Haskett,
and Rev. Julian
of Kim City, took the solemn
vows that made them one through
life, the ceremony being impress-
performed by Rev. J. A.
i ,
As the were
received front, ball Mrs.
W. B, James and Miss Mary If
and usher- u into the parlor,
an scene
be loom was e I and many
lighted tapers sued soft
the white and
Can was an arch of white
draperies t wined with with
a back g . u id of palms,
this h couple stood
as they spoke words made
and wife.
The bud- and groom the
parlor to tn.- if u
march rendered Mis-,
James, with exquisite touch
she rendered
during the ceremony.
The bride carried a lovely
bride roses and asparagus
ferns and was attired in a most
becoming traveling suit of
cloth with hat to match.
In the sitting room opposite the
parlor was a large collection of
handsome bridal presents in silver,
cut class china. Among these
was a beautiful set of solid silver
spoons, a gift Methodist
church. ,
Following the ceremony and the
congratulations of the many friends
present, Mr and Mrs. left
on the afternoon train for Kim
City where a reception will be
held tonight.
Greenville regrets to lose
bride, but the best wishes of all
follow to her new home.
N. Fell
C. D. Duke, of Suffolk, was in
town Tuesday night.
Ogle Baker
Sunday in .
They reported a delightful
of Green-
ville preached a most excellent
sermon at Pleasant Hill Sunday.
J. T. Alford and Jack Sykes
spent Sunday y pleasantly at
near Cox's Mill.
Mis. O. G. Calhoun left tor
Greenville Tuesday will spend
with friends there.
C. H. Harrington returned Mon-
day night from
bis regular duties here.
Rev. Mr. of Ayden,
filled his regular appointment at
the church Sunday
night and was the guest of Mr. and
Mis. Whaley.
Miss Hall, of Vanceboro, is
the guest relatives friends
B. L. Hull F. Bailey, on
Pile are confined at borne
on ace u ii of
H. H. Stanley is all is
a fine hoy.
R. G. Chapman, of Winterville.
is visiting bis son, C. H. Chapman
near Shel
H. Miss P.
Olive W N. L. Williams
and Miss Lula Sexton went the
road Sunday on the velocipede.
His many friends will be sorry
to hear that U. G. Calhoun is
at his borne in Phillip's court,
Mrs, L. K. Ricks, who has been
sick for days is
Notice Red Men.
All chiefs of
Tribe No. I. O. R. M.,
visiting chiefs are hereby cordially
requested to be at the wigwam
of the tribe on next Friday sleep
when the keeper of
will deliver Something
rich is stoic tor those who at-
tend it is earnestly desired
that every member be present.
J. F. Smith, Sachem.
By W. P. C. of R.
It is a common saying
man who has money enough is
hanged. This is in
every case by a great deal, though
too often he either escapes or
oil the event a long time. But
the Chicago man of many
wives, several of whom he was
convicted of killing, had no money
and he staved his execution a
long h it was once thought
he would escape. Virginia goes
after murderers with money with
more vim than the poor devil who
has none. A man's wealth seems
to and they seldom
let him the size of
his bank
The Spring Headgear.
The spring style of headgear for
women is out. We saw it the
streets this morning. It consists
of a sort two story hen's nest,
with an owl's eyebrow on one side
the caudal appendage of a cross-
eyed bandy roosted on the other,
and a few
forming a picturesque background.
Large of Fertilizers Happenings of Interest in North
Goes Down With It. r .
Th Knights of Pythias
The B Flat Player.
After lie newly organized band
at Morrison bad desisted from the
practice for a few nights the B flat
player found the valves of bis
net had He wrote to
factory asking what kind of
to use on valves.
answered him, saying that come
used only saliva on
valves never used grease i f
any kind. The B fiat player then
Please send me
of saliva. I can't
get it at the store here.
find stamps for
A reply has not yet been
A Gourd Years Old.
Mr. J. R. Gray, of No. town
ship, tells us be has in his
possession a gourd has come
down to him from live generations
above, having at one time been
property of his
The gourd is about two feet long,
handle, all, and is a perfect
elate of preservation, although it
has not use for years.
As Mr. Gray is himself about
years of age, it is safe to say that
the gourd is in the neighborhood
of years Times.
Monday the gas boat Lillian,
belonging to J. L. Fountain Co.,
of Falkland, went to Tarboro for
load of fertilizers. A crew five
went along the took
on a load of sack- cotton
seed meal and tons of guano.
It taking until about dark to
in. boat it was the
of the crew to remain in Tar-
over night and for day
light to return to Fall-1 i d.
About o'clock pump
ed the l. at out well aid went to
One of them awoke St
o'clock found that the bout
was rapidly tilling with aid
sinking. He called up others
of crew, but it as too late to
do a d cargo
sank to the of liver.
It is supposed that accident
was due a new shall having been
put in the boat
trip to was made, the
hole where the went
the keel was cl s.-.
to make It water tight. I b- leak-
was much rapid alter
to a lodge at
Carolina Bar
will meet at June
The slate treasurer has made the
Citizen Bank of Kinston a
fur state funds.
Salisbury has with
Sarah to
her to appear thee.
C. S. Kinston,
was viciously by a, large
St. Bernard dog and his face badly
torn the brute.
A life company with
Capital, half paid in, has
been in Kinston. All
suck was i for by
. K a native North
Carolinian Incited In
i. ii gained
tin re in i lie practice of hi pro-
did in that city Monday
k . i j j .
boat was loaded than when she
was light.
The boat be raised but most
of cargo will be a loss.
Of Those Going and Coming
Miss Hattie Smith went to
ton this morning.
Miss Nina James returned from
Durham Monday evening.
Miss Nell Skinner from
Hill Monday evening.
W. B. Brown went North this
morning to purchase goods.
G. W. Baker came in this morn-
from Lewiston to visit his
Mrs. R M. and
Emma, went to Kinston
this morning.
J. L. Fleming went to Rocky
Mount Monday evening re-
turned this morning.
N. C. was
town in the States
to be named honor of George
first being a town
in Georgia. Our national capital
to take the name.
The United prisoners
con lined in the county jail at Ashe-
ville made complaint t Q
court in there the
jail is lutes i with h lice.
They took a bottle of the
i as evidence of the find.
Mrs. Sherman burned
to death at her home near Mt.
Airy. Her children bad set fire to
some trash in the yard and she
went to put it cloth-
caught fire she was so
badly burned as tn cause her
W. B. a Wilkesboro
man, went over West Virginia
where he became rather sporty
and threw kisses at another man's
wife. The husband of the woman
took as a target for rifle
,. . . practice, his body was shipped
Mrs. G . been to , J
visiting Mrs. H. A. White, left
this for home at
Rev. F. D. this
morning from LaGrange.
Mrs. R. , returned
from Kinston this morning,
H. A. White returned from he wife
down the road Tuesday evening. ;
j take them her baud. There-
Prof. W. H. returned i ., Bill Bailey's seized
from Winterville Tuesday even j , baud with be- teeth and came
down with a bull dig grip. Bill was
M. A. Allen, who hail been vis- with woman
Dr. It. L. Carr, left this , simply tried to wrest hit hand
from vise-like grip, but nary a
loose, and in the the woman
went through the large glass win-
In Mr. Mo store with a
Hill paid f r the window but
Chewed Her Hand-
Bill a colored
the city, while in front of Mr.
L. J, Moore's store Monday even-
made a demand on hi- wife,
who was with him, for the keys to
house as Bailey
District Meeting.
There will be a district meeting,
of this, the second district, Knights
of Pythias Wilson
7th. The lodge at Greenville is
embraced this district and will j
be represented at the meeting.
Knitting Mills operators.
Good opportunity for large
lies. Apply to W. Atkins,
Greenville, N. C.
A few setting, of Buff Plymouth
Rock for sale at reasonable
price. Mrs. J. S.
J. P. Haskett, Kinston, came
over this morning to attend the
Misses Emilia Battle
Smith and Emma Joyner returned police carried the irate
from Kinston this morning where before the mayor, who put
they had been to attend an enter- ; on her. She showed anything else
but an appreciative spirit and
intimated to
as and she was mo
dated to the extent of day.
Kinston Free Press.
The tobacco glowers feel that
have been imposed on and it
looks as if there is a good ground
for their feeling that way. The
cotton growers have shown that
they are to some extent the makers
of their own destiny and there is
no reason why the growers of to
shouldn't be as courageous,
persevering, and united. They
don't want any thing more than
their rights and this is to hope
that they will get
On farm, between
Rocky river and Coddle Creek, in
line of the in
is a large Said cotton as
white us Wonder if the
owner has not been able to
hands to pick it, or is he just let-
ting it hung in the bolls wailing
for something like cents to come