Eastern reflector, 16 February 1906

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urn nun p
At close of business January 29th, 1906.
Furniture end
Due From
and U S
Capital Mock paid in 25.00.00
Undivided profits,
Time 19.394.99
Duo to 615.02
Cashiers ck 389.58
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I, It. Cobb, Cashier of above named do solemnly
r that the above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Subscribed and sworn to
me, tins 2nd day of 1906.
C. C Notary Public.
U. COBB, Cashier.
N. C.
T Tile OF
In Disc
fit k, securities, ;
I. . .
Mock paid
Undivided Fronts Ex-
and Tuxes Paid 12.588.44
Deposit subject to cheek
checks out-
White Goods
A Sale You Will Talk About
For Many Years to Come
State, i North Carolina,
County of Pitt. J
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn
wear that the statement above is true to the best of my
J. A
w. ii
sworn to before
this of Feb., 1906.
Notary Public.
1800 Best Calico
A Big Line s
Mild Colors
j Beat A. F. C
Best Sea Island
A Line Cloth
Boys Suits
A Full Line of Mens Boys
all Lit en Collars
buy era, Come early. This Sale embraces iv-i y .
in this Store. For a number of days e haw
receiving aid assorting cases upon cases of New spring
buck to place ourselves ready for days of
Selling. begin to tell of all the goods which w
going sell so remarkably low.
Loans Discount C
Fix 1.680.60
Due Banks
Cash Items 80.08
Gold 608.60
Nat. notes 8,058.00
Capital stock pd in 110,000.01
Undivided profits 1.607.041
sub to check 88.609
Extra Heavy
Lisle Thread
Misses and
Heavy Ribbed
We paled, through
offer values We
where you will, compare price
i inch White
j is now
special price
loon Piques
sale price
Plain and
welted Piques
Closing out up to
at the small price of
Closing out all up to 8.60 at
the small price of
of North Carolina,
Pitt. j
I J. K. Davis, the above-named bank, do solemn-
the above statement la true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. J. R- DAVIS,
In all Styles and Colors, Plenty
to Select From
early and heavy purchasing, to
will not be duplicated. Look
with come here.
Yard Wide White
at this sale
Yard Wide Heavy Canton
Flannel to
Yard Wide Best Grade Bleach
now at
A Few more Extra Size Bed
New Wool Blankets Bought
Before Advance at Your
Own Price
Special Prices in Men's, Youths and
Boys Clothing;
At Your Own Price.
A flood Heavy Jean
hooks reeds Steel,
white only
Medium Length Corset with
Trimmed good quality of Hose
Supporters attached
A Beautifully Made Corset
Trimmed with
Fine Lace, Regular 1.25 value
now going at
Men's Work Gloves
Fine Dressed and
dressed Kid Gloves
Shoes for Men Women and
It Will Pay Yon to our
and sworn to be-
lore me, this 8th day of Feb.
Notary Public.
W. J
At the business Jan. 29th, 1906.
Loans and dis
Duo from s
Gold and silver
National bank
other D. S. n
rime hi
ii subj, to
We can Furnish
Your House from Top to Bottom and
will Give You Right Prices.
astute of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. H. H. Taylor, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly
wear that the above statement la true to the best of my
and belief. Taylor, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to
me, this b day of
Notary Public
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
People who are old enough to
be reminiscent remember the
day when the cotton growers
thought they were ruined be-
cause cotton went down to
cents a pound. In those days it
cost a pile of money to run a
plantation, for everything was
high and we doubt whether there
was as much clear in
cotton as there is today. Old
folks remember when bag-
and ties on cotton cost a
little fortune and nearly every
other expense in producing cot
ton in those days was proper
It is true that the cotton grow-
of those days keep on
making it as the price went
and the time was when
the farmers planted all cotton
and depended on buying their
provisions and even the corn and
hay which they fed to their stock.
They had all their eggs in one
old cotton basket
and disaster overtook the
cultural industry in the South-
There is no telling how greatly
the agricultural industry in the
South was retarded by the
thinking policy, in
those days, when the people
were engaged in a fierce struggle
to overcome the effects of war.
Our cotton growers should
never go back into the old rut.
Diversified crops and reduced
acreage in cotton will keep our
farmers from on the
again. There have been
tough days with the cotton grow
and it will be their fault if
they again go around with a
mortgage begging somebody to
them from year to year
Wilmington Star.
Summary Statistics by
Census Bureau.
Washington, Feb.
a decrease of nearly
per cent, in the Dumber of man-
establishments in North
for year coding
December 1904, as
with 1900, the value of products
increased per cent in same
period of time, to a
summary of statistics for
State issued by Census
Bureau today.
The summary excludes
Ii oil industries hand
and shows that during
1904, there were in operation
3.272 a capital
of The
number of salaried
etc., employed was drawing
salaries amounting to
The average Dumber of wage earn-
is given as and
wages paid as Value
of products, including custom work
and repairing, as
against for 1900. The
five principal industries are given
as cotton goods, t u r grist
mill products, furniture, lumber
The Formal is Set Par
April 26th. 1907.
Norfolk, Va., Feb. for.
mill opening of the Jamestown Ex-
position has been set for April
instead of May 1907, as
originally It was on
April 1607, English
settlers lo company
first debarked at Cape Hem j, Va.,
in desire fittingly to
anniversary of
event as well as the centennial
of settlement at
May is the reason for
changing the date of the formal
opening. The celebration of the
landing May will
be made the occasion of a monster
celebration, which will be the great
event of the exposition.
Judges Partly Responsible
For Increase of Crime.
Some of the defendants on the
criminal side Iredell Superior
court docket heard that Judge
Ward was pretty severe
and they awaited bis coming
with some trepidation. When
Council appeared in Judge
Ward's stead the defendants
aforesaid breathed a of relief.
While they didn't know Judge
they hopes.
Now they know him and they
what it was on which they
based any hope of But
It is judges like Judge Council,
Judge Ward, Judge
Long and rs who give comfort
to the ding and give pause
to criminals. We have had some
of the judges in Iredell
recently one of the results is
the biggest official at this
term we have had in a long time.
Watermelon Sunday Dinner.
Perhaps Mr. W. A. Caudle, of
the vicinity of was
only person the United Stales
for dim
last Sunday. While picking over
his cotton late in the sea Mr
discovered several nice
v, ,; i no Ions in patch. He
curled melons seed;
and during the Christmas holidays
he and his family ate all of them
the one was eaten
melons. Mr. Candle
sound nice as
any be ever
Better Pay Up.
Sheriff Tucker gives notice
publishes list of
for bis last to collect taxes
due for last year. Those fail to
pay may expect cost to be added
property advertised for
sale. sheriff also has to make
certificate of all white men who
pay poll taxes who
f to pay by May may be
voting in the next
No white man should
In- e bis vote through failure to
pay his poll tax.
Will Hold Half Million Bales for Thirteen
Gs., Feb.
dent Jordan, of South-
Cotton Association, made the
following announcement
have an engagement
with a syndicate of
beaded by E. R. Thomas,
to take bale- of
cotton from Southern planters at
minimum price of cents a
pound, delivered at interior points
or the ports, by or before July
1906, the deal to be closed as soon
option the syndicate's re-
shall have been seem-
The agreement further provides
for taking of all cotton ready
for market next or
from the 1906 at the
then market prices, to be not less
than minimum fixed by
the Southern Cotton Association.
This agreement is not intended to
affect holders, are demanding
a maximum of cents at
New York bankers are prepared
to finance fully all Southern
assisting holders of cotton for
higher prices. contracts
will be forwarded upon application
to all
He Needs it in His Business and
Says There is a Fortune in It.
A man that the girls will call an
old fogy yearns for an invention, in
which he says there is a fortune. It
is a clock be clock of not
an unusual design, at least he says
t would not be bard to make
clocks have been made for
many years the kind he w
would not be any harder to make; in
fact ii could be patterned after it.
What he desires, he says, is a real
nice article of a clock, suitable for
use in his parlor, lie wants it so
made that he can set it, somewhat
like an alarm, at any when
the time arrives, have a door that
will By open, a man will pop out
with a club and
o'clock time to go go
at the same time waiving his club.
He says he has tried every other
means to keep the boys from staying
next to all night with his
thinks this would solve the
might go in and tell the boys
to git, but this wouldn't be right,
nor in good form, yon know, but
that clock would fix Wonder
how come such a thing has not been
Here's a chance for some genius
to wade in and make a fortune.
By Tribe No. Will
I. R. M.
N. C. Feb. 1906.
It ha pleased the Great Spirit
We have received following
letters which we in full as
they are of vital interest to every
Hi- infinite wisdom, to remove T county.
from oar midst, our broth
W. f. L-vie, who while attend-
to hit official was on
night of Jan. 20th, 1906, -lain
by hand of an assassin. Be it
1-t That in the . f Brother
the has one of
best 1.-, one vi no wan y
at and
; called
the sympathy of this
Tribe be to the bereaved
family, although our lose is bis
eternal gain.
3rd. a copy of these
sent to family of the
deceased, a copy be spread upon
the this Tribe, and
a copy be sent to
4th. we wear
badge of mourning for days
memory of our deceased brother.
C. L. Barrett,
G. M. Pollard, 5- Com.
D. Horton, Jr.
doctors, all turn out in full
give the of the North
Carolina-Cotton Grower's
He is engaged a work
every man Id Put county should
bear day and
date Saturday,
N. C. Feb. b.
announce through your
Mr- C C. Moore Stale
President of H
ill speak at the fol-
lowing places.
Snow Hill, Feb.
Greenville, Saturday Feb.
Washington, Feb.
Please urge and
business men meet-
Unless court is in he will
at house, at
o'clock. If court is in session the
cal commute should provide a
ball him. T B
following invitation
Twenty Burned o Death.
Ore., Monday,
persons are believed to
perished and were in
in a which swept a dis-
of frame buildings between
Morrison, Water streets
river this morning The
net several
f the dead, five
bodies have been recovered. The
fire broke out in the Mount
Hood Sain. and burned with
great rapidity. The buildings
were In It on pilings and the frame
structures on both sides the
roadway soon ablate.
The fire such headway
before in turned in that
It could not stayed. Most
the in lodgings
Mount Hood
Over Two Inches Rain.
Mr. V. York, who is the ob-
server of government
that fur the
twenty-four hours ending at
o'clock this fall
2.006 inches. This was the
heaviest rain fall since the heavy
, of last July.
Miss Alice Twenty Two.
Washington, Feb.
and Mrs. Roosevelt entertained a
party of at White
House to celebrate Miss
Alice Roosevelt's twenty-second
Many of Miss
you friends attended, and
Mr. was able to be
Following the dinner there was
a musical.
Cherry, a well known
colored of this who had
been at work at Tillery for a
years, died there Monday and the
remains were brought here on
and Mn. David D. Haskett
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Rev. Julian
on Wednesday afternoon,
February the twenty
nineteen hundred six
at half after three o'clock
corner Twelfth Washington
North Carolina.
No cards town.
A Summary of the Railroad Rate Bill.
Following is a of the
railroad rate bill which passed
House Congress
bill the inter-
State commerce commission to
en members, stipulates
hall be appointed for a term of
years mote four
men from the same political
fixes the salary of each
commission is authorized
and prescribe a just,
reasonable maximum rate; its order
is go effect days after
notice to earner, and is lo re
main in force unless suspended or
set aside by a court of competent
Violation of the
ion's order shall subject
any carrier to a of for
each various district
attorneys are to fur the
recovery of such forfeitures.
commission is to have ac-
to all and accounts
No Hanging Friday.
Sylvester Barrett, who at
term of Pitt Superior court
was sentenced to be hanged
Friday, Feb. 16th, for the
of Constable W. J of Farm
ville township, will not lie
N. C.
H. B. Philips and son, Fred
returned from Suffolk Tuesday.
G. G. Gabriel, of Washington,
was in Tuesday.
Geo. II. Cole is all smiles. It is
little girl.
P. H. Harrington must be
rapid progress. He went bunt-
Monday afternoon for
ladies it rained beat
Cecil Harrington from
Aulander oat did bring his
wife. She will
with bis mother for the
C. D. spent
Greenville with the dentist.
Miss Savage
Tuesday night from a
Visit to Miss Alien neat ltd
M. T. Tuesday
night after spending days
Dis. Ricks were in
c instillation Tuesday over Mrs
J. B. Smith.
Alford, who has in
kepi by carriers. The
that should regulate the County Lumber Oil's
refrigerator cars more
by furnishing icing is regarded
as a specially distinguishing
of this bill.
are also to be abolished by a pro
employ me for a long time, ha
resigned his position and left
Tuesday morning bis home
Nash .
U. G. I and H. H. Mm.,
vision no schedule is t be to Greenville
changed without thirty
notice. Failure publish
make amenable
lo a writ of mandamus issued by
tilled Stales Circuit Court
and failure comply with
it that, to
rates must be
is punishable contempt,
commission being empowered lo
apply for an Injunction against
date. Au appeal , earner to it
was taken to Supreme from doing a transportation
stays mailer that court until provisions of the
Dill complied
are glad lo Kile that Mrs.
O. G. baud, which was
badly a few days ago, is
much better.
Ballsy is spending several
days with her Sister, Mrs. II. C.
be lawful, j Venters, who lives near
is having some
repairs made his back yard
which will make ii more
much larger.
passes upon it.
The clearing weather ought
out a at the
Even if everything and every-
body does meet with
approval, relieve; party tonight,
you id duty of doing what
you can fur the good of the com- When it to desirable lo
Free Press
of the town, Sum White's
property in South Greenville
lie beat. You better see him
you want a lot before the price goes
Rain and Wind.
Monday storm brought
buckets, bowls, and kin-
receptacles requisition j
to cat the waler coming
roofs. high , ,, , . ,
through the night blew down A man would dare to do most
many fences. It was a storm that but tell his wife how
its el s. y some one else's baby
The Memorial Baptist
here will an anniversary
service fourth Sunday in
March, that conforming
nearest lo the date of the
lion of the church, Match
1827. A committee up
p tinted to take charge of
Rev. J. Corbett
the chapel at the county home
We ha said often, and we say
it again, your home
chants. It is local merchant
business man who pays the taxes,
contributes to the relief of sufferers
at gives credit in of need
adds to the wealth of the town
and county. The
spirit, however, must hacked by
f business methods, the part of
the local business men, and he must
exhibit and enterprise
using the advertising Columns of the
., local papers. The two things are the
most effective weapons against the
mail order
Raleigh, N C. Feb. h.
Greenville, N. C.
lam pleased tor ad in the paper
you send, interesting report of
the Cotton
I he
which prompted to send the
If you have space will you kindly
Pitt county is as being
active In Cotton Association
This is well, a county pro-
a crop of over can
well afford to net a good example
to counties f less production.
Doubtless county farm-
realize what a benefit the
Southern Cotton Association has
been them.
I have heard that don't
if this old saying is true, let
us try figures here.
It is that through the
work of Cotton Association the
of cotton was advanced fully
per bale, multiply
by you have the
magnificent sum of deep
down of Pitt county
their soars
That is not , the business
have an increase
Then family in Pitt county
ha- enjoyed comforts in the
than ever before.
farmer in Pitt
e. unity will bis district or
and attend
regularly every meeting,
l request die of each
In hi our
roll of that II tin
urn-10 lime -end
Bear In Ind that when the
million hales of col ton we sell
around five to seven but
when the crop is about million
tiles we sell ten m
cents per I.
We cannot In
million bales 1806,
we must reduce our acre-
age per fr in 1804.
Talk over your township
club and resolve lo
duce as advised by the
New Orleans convention.
Saturday, February 34th, I
expect to be Greenville and I
want to see every man who chops,
or picks in Pat
All come and let us look
questions important to us as farm-
C. C.
N. C. Div. C. A.

W U If
is now going on and will continue tor every day this month.
Great bargains are offered in all kinds of White and
it will pay you well to supply your needs tor Spring and
Summer use from this sale.
will prove tin- most beneficial to you of ottering we've
attempted and we advise that you don't wait until the
last s tor what you come now while all the lest
things are here. Sale strictly cash, no goods charged except
at regular prices. India Linens. yards of snowy white
India Linens, all fine and sheer, will be ottered during the
at the lowest prices ever known. It will pay
you to buy them by the piece as they contain yards
and think of the hundred uses tor this the most popular
all white goods. Regular India Linen tor yard.
Regular Life India
linen tor yard.
Regular India
Regular India linen tor Kc yard.
linen tor yard. Regular India
Regular India linen tor yard,
linen for yard.
A gathering of all tin seasons latest novelties, in plain,
fancy and novel-
ties. effects, brilliants and a host of other beautiful
goods all to be offered during the at prices tar
under value. Fancy Piques, worth for yard.
novelties worth for High grade
effect in Brilliants and dozens of other new
lines of white goods worth yard will be sold with-
out reserve for You will be surprised at the
showing and the astonishing low prices asked Cluck
Check regular prices for yard. Table
linens, here is a golden opportunity for housekeepers and wise
ones will profit from the great savings ottered. Regular
white fable Damask for yards. German Black Damask
the regular quality tor yard. All our linen
damask in beautiful variety of patterns for yard.
table Damask, handsome designs and beautiful quality
yard. All the regular 91.25 finest Damask will be
sold for yard. yards and val. laces, worth
H hi I to be sold at and yard. This is the greatest lace
bargain we've ever shown. Plain Damask, snowy white
the queen of all soil stocks for making baby dresses
and a dozen other uses will be offered in pieces con-
yards, each piece at the following unheard of prices
No pieces containing yards for o 1.10. No pieces
containing yards for No pieces containing
y i h for i. It you prefer fl smaller amount then we will
sell them by the yard. We advise however that you take
them by the piece, first the saving you never have
goods of this kind to go to waste.
Tin- hemstitched handkerchiefs
that eVen to sell for A lot of C. B. Corsets worth
and to go at you must see these to know their
value. Mens to
Blazing and Paling of Er-
Baby Planets.
The shooting star is an oddity of
the very oddest kind. It is a world
of miniature
ably not larger than the
globe on your study table or
the with which the
play cornered
Inn it is a world just same.
baby planet.- are not always
round, as planet are generally sup-
to lie, but are known to be in
all queer Some are
square, others octagonal; come
regular and many cornered, while
one i- met with which
is a- a brick or a cement
paving Probably you have
never heard of a man woman
for that meeting
a shooting star in any of his
renderings. Let us see how such
a thing might In-
The .-hooting star is originally a
miniature world, revolving around
the sun with as much regularity as
the earth. Jupiter, Venn or Mars.
It keeps U tin- unerring flight
thousands or even millions of years.
Finally it reaches the limit of its
existence. Suddenly and perhaps
without any visible cause it shoots
oH at a tangent. It is now a
Formerly it was u world,
but even now it is not bright as
are. Let us see what will
cause it to lip like a gigantic
torch in the This
bod that we are talking about
shot off from its orbit in the
of our earth. Its is
less than twenty miles a second.
probably live times that.
In the great outer sea of apace it
encounters no resistance t its head-
long wait. It is Hearing
the envelope of atmosphere which
surrounds our globe. What will be
tin re-ult when it comes in contact
with we The
stratum it strikes is co
that its resistance is very
slight. Yet the friction is great
enough to instantly raise the
of the world. Within the
hundredth part of a second the
dense stratum of atmosphere has
been encountered. The flight of the
little world is now perceptibly
checked, the resell being u sudden
firing of the mineral matters in the
Stone, There is an instantaneous
burst of light, and then we see the
doomed representative of the minks
lure planets in all its meteoric
Possibly the streak of
fire it leaves athwart the heavens
will not appear to be more than a
few hundred tact long. Certainly
it will be thin and short if the little
world was not larger than a foot-
ball, because it will almost
consumed as soon as it
strikes the denser portions of the at-
On the other hand, if
this world which has so suddenly
Come to an end was as large a a
rood sized burn when it started
fragments of it weighing from ten
to pounds may reach the
earth. It is from these fragments
that we learn the shape
of serial phenomena re-
to us
A Grim Wager.
Wagers have sometimes taken a
grim form. It is credibly recorded
that in the eighteenth century a
was laid for one of a party
of gay revelers lo enter
abbey the hour of midnight.
was lo enter one of the vaults
beneath the abbey, and in proof of
his having been there he was to stick
a fork into a which had re-
been deposited lie ac-
his object and was re-
turn;,; in triumph when he fell
himself suddenly caught was. so
overcome with he fell
in a swoon, companions,
being able to account his long
absence, found him ill ibis
The fork which he had
toned into the had caught and
pinned hi- long cloak and so
sioned k lit of which
proved fatal.
General Wheeler, a hero
of two wars, and rich in years
and fame, died before he had
lived out the one ambition
remained in his heart, Ho want
ed to write the history that be
had helped to make with his
sword and as a legislator and
of his country. He
wished to close his career as a
man of letters and especially as
a historian.
this purpose in view,
about a week before his death he
became a stockholder, a director
and the historical editor of the
Golden Age, a new
and published by Southern
men in New York. He wrote
his article, his Recollections
of West Point Fifty Years Ago,
for the February number of this
magazine, and died. The article
is of especial interest as being
the first effort of a noble
and the last effort of a noble
man. But it is of itself of in-
interest. The famous
cavalry commander describes
his first meeting with General,
then Colonel, Robert Leo. the
Superintendent of the
Academy. The following is a
found my way to the door
of the office of the Superintend-
of Academy The
orderly, whose
duty it was to announce visitors,
was for a moment absent, and
bring ignorant of military rules
I knocked at the door. I hoard
the words As en-
this remarkable man.
Robert E. Lee, who afterwards
became a renowned warrior, rose
from his seat behind his desk,
met me as I approached, and
placing his hand my
said with a welcome
young cadet who come to
Never have I seen a
form or face which so impressed
his uniform was closely but-
toned, showing his erect, well
rounded and perfect his
manner was dignified and em-
bodied modesty, kindness, be-
and all character-
which convey the idea of
purity and nobility. He was in
his forty-ninth year, mustache
faced, with slightly gray hair.
At that time he was a captain of
engineers, with brevet ranks of
Major, Lieutenant Colonel aim
Colonel, which honors he won by
courage and valuable service in
the battles of Mexico. So highly
regarded was he that the Army
and War Department considered
him the logical and
of General Scott as
of the army.
reply to question
bowed express the
and after a few kind words he
took me to the door of office
of the Adjutant. Lieutenant I. If,
Fry. afterwards a prominent
General, telling me that
ant Pry would give me all In-
and directions This
kind, fatherly reception was
different from my preconceived
Idea of military decorum;
was not a particle of in
the bearing of Colonel Lee or
The above is only it of
this article, in addition to which
there is a thrilling dramatic,
of General wheeler's
J campaign at from
Pulley Bo wen
Adapted Version.
An Irishman was sitting in an
in County Mayo one day while it
was raining furiously without A
brougham drew up
the door of hostelry. Blazoned
on panels of its doors wore the
arms of it- owner, inscribed with
the motto
asked some one of the Irishman,
do you translate
Pol replied. reg-
it ruins every-1 seventh street, New York,
the pen of one of his old troopers
Di- John Allan With
features the Golden
Age will be of special interest to
all Southern readers. Its sub-
price is s l per year.
Published at West Twenty
A Eloquence.
In ins i, when Henry I. was in j
Normandy, a prelate named
preached so eloquently against the
fashion of wearing long hair that
the monarch and his courtiers wen-
moved to tears. Taking advantage
of the impression he had produced,
the enthusiastic prelate whipped a
pair of scissors, out of his ,, ,
and cropped the whole
is again threatening Chili
lit Chili is becoming accustomed
A reward of will paid for ii
formation so eon via
party or parties who leave gab
open or do damage to gates a
around la.
territory, or who out so
j dogs and horses may pass through.
I J ft. see.
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season by
putting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that J
were obtainable in the American markets
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
desirous of seeing the NEWEST I
to call at our establishment and feast their X
eyes. Very truly yours,
Pulley Bowen.
General Merchandise.
Country Produce
Will keep constantly on u
supply of Chicken. Turkeys,
Burs, Butter, Cheese, Me, Goods
delivered fr-e in part of the
city. Phone No.
H. A.
d Greenville, N. V.
All persons are hereby forbid
den under penalty of the law to
hire, contract give employ
to or shelter our win-,
Amos Stocks and James Allen
without our consent,
Last Round for Taxes.
I will mend f II- and
the of
i r pee
Ayden. Saturday
Mr l, 3rd.
Mara Mb.
O. I store. Bearer Dam Township
Wednesday 7th.
Bethel. Bethel Saturday March
Swift Creek Saturday
Falkland. Falkland Township Saturday
March Hull.
Monday Mai
Be I- X II. v Township Monday
the last round to collect
tin- due for last year. After I his
proceed to add cost advertise the pro
of all who fall to pay. The election law
m- to certify to white men who
their poll who fall to pay
the of May may be debarred from
voting In the next election
L. Sheriff.
light purse is a heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER is the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the of the
to normal condition.
tone lo the and
flesh to the tidy.
Luckiest Man in
tho luckiest man in Ark-
writes H. L. Stanley, of
Bruno, the restoration of
my wife's health after live years
of continuous coughing and
from the lungs; and I owe
my good fortune to the world's
greatest medicine, Dr. Ring's
New Discovery
which I know from experience
will cure consumption if taken
Or i
The Clerk of Superior of Pitt
County having issued Letters
to me, the undersigned, on the
of Jan., On the estate
of It. K. Mayo, deceased, notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted
to the estate t make immediate pay-
to I lie undersigned, and to all
creditors of said estate to present their
claims properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, within twelve months
lifter the dale of this notice, or this
notice will be plead in bur of their re-
This the day of Jan.,
G. A.
Of R. K Mayo.
V. James,
qualified before the
Court Clerk of Pitt county as
administrator of estate of Mrs. M.
K. deceased, notice is
given to all persons indebted
estate to make immediate to
My Wife improved undersigned, and all
twelve bottles
against the must
Cures them to the undersigned on or
, before the 17th, Of January,
and colds or money be plead In bar of
At L. recovery
the cure
bottle free.
and Trial
This nth, day Jan.,
W. I.
of Mrs. M. K.
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, neat Cutters and
Stutters In fact anything
In Hardware come to
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent
As authorized for
we take
treat pleasure in receiving sub-
script ions and receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
Our and art squares are
fines the Cannon and
Misses Brown, Alyce
lot, Long
Julia Delia .- inn n. Helen
Mis. F. O.
Prof. and Q. B. Prescott
meeting in
Our specialties are, staple aDd
Fruits and
Dry goods, Notions
s, for
dual measurement. for
Troy which,
will also be called for deliver-
ed bee. for past
patronage, hoping to serve
in she future. F. G.
Mis. returned from
a visit to yesterday.
J. J. Edwards Son have just
received another car load of Ell-
wood wire fencing.
Reserve by
painting them with
Town and l lead
and full of colors, kept at J.
B. Smith A Bro.
The infant child of Mr. am Mrs.
W. Alexander died yesterday
morning the home of parents
Id t Ms place. It was quite young.
Buy Mattress at Can-
they have the best.
A full supply of Trunks
Telescopes, Gripe, and
Cases, at J. R. Smith A Bro.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw-
raw Gum Bread at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Cannon and invites your
intention to then car load of
and heaters.
We call your attention to
line of harness, Cannon
and Tyson.
The continued are proving
a serious to the farmers seed
in their preparation for coming
gold clasp pin.
Rx N. C. it.
A suitable reward for it will tie
paid by C. L. Cannon at Rial's
drag store, Ayden, N. C.
Buy your furniture of Cannon
and Tyson, they have the best and
i mil lit- . t, i ;,
I.;. -t . , .,.
in.,. Ac Co
I M j.- y A
Ii i,, V ham
They i-.
per p a total of s.
A foil line of trunks,
band l,;,
an-i mil s .
home a furlough, left Sunday
to join bis command in the Marine
service at Newport, N. J.,
which point he will sail a three
years cruise.
I always keep on hand a
line of feed stuff at cash
prices Such as hay, oats, corn.
V. paper roofing,
Pomps with Ion.; or short joints
pipe at J. R. Smith Bro.
Amos Tyson has accepted a
with F. G.
Dress goods, Broad cloth,
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
silks, trimmings, lining and white
goods at J R Smith Bro
Bed steads, mattresses, springs,
single and double, rockers, dining
and torn wash stands
dressers tables at J R Smith
A Bro
There services in the Mis-
church Sunday
morning night by pastor.
In the afternoon Rev. B. W.
one of his famous
lectures to a large audience.
Calico and Gingham at
per yard, great reductions white
slippers and summer goods, at J.
E. Smith Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible lo please you with
I heir new line of heavy fancy
M. Smith and J. T.
prominent farmers from the
section, were pleasant
visitors last week.
Car load of t-alt for sale by
There was a large crowd from
Swift Creek section here Tues-
in attendance a
In response to a message an-
the death of his uncle,
Sheriff in Washington,
Hedges left here Saturday
to be present the funeral. He
returned Sunday evening.
p. s. the fire
I can now be found on east side
of railroad between office of Dr
Dixon and Tripp Bro
I have a full supply of general
and fancy groceries, confection
cigars, and tobacco. Fresh
Oysters and every on
of train, call and will
Latest styles cloak wrap
for Misses and Ladies
a nice hoe of Zephyr
tors at J. R. Smith Bro.
Cannon have the
strongest line of dress goods and
shoes in town.
For a present boy a novel-
clock at J. W. Taylor's. It is
for any occasion.
A beautiful of crockery, glass
ware, fancy lamps, and tinware
at J R Smith Bro
Get the Cox cotton planter the
best on the market at J. R. Smith
and ship stuff. Frank Lilly
Prof. W. H. was a caller
last week. Under his supervision
it does somehow seem our ended
must either needs lots
attention or else he is
is shall rank wish the
all appreciate interest
am the becomes no
the better the
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price, don't
cell your seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
Go to E. E. Co's new
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
We have moved in the brick
store of J. H. on West
street just of
Our goods are
all new as entire old stock was
burned in the recent fire. We will
be pleased to have our friends as
well as the general call and
see We know we can please
yon Doth as to price and quality.
W. C. Jackson A Co
W. L. who has been
with the firm of F. G.
Co , for a long while,
resigned bis position and
urned to his home in Jamesville.
Mr. is an excellent
gentlemen and has many warm
For lot or
parcel of land the town of
adjoining the lots F. Dixon
and William Worthington, con-
about two acres, which will
be sold on reasonable terms. See
or apply to J. B. Ayden,
R. F. D. No. or see J. J. Hines.
Hay corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
locks nails Cross
cut saws mechanic tools at J
R Smith Bro
For peaches, apples, corn
tomatoes, apply to E. E.
ft On.
We have bought the grocery
business of am
and will conduct the same
line of business at the same store.
We invite the public to call and
us. We will sell as cheap as
the cheapest and always the best.
us a Ii. Williams.
buy a second hand
-lib- with couple doors, to weigh
mil less than one thousand pounds.
W. i. Jackson Co. Ayden N
My sou William Jenkins, col,
having left my home and
my the said
William col., being a
minor, this is to warn any and
persons giving shelter, food or em-
to him and those doing
so will be prosecuted according to
law. This January
William Jenkins. col.
J. W. Smith banded u
In- a
Iv -l c i
e- i,
. Inn in h . bus u . i,
I- i- . ,.,
i p. -i i .-
j. .
j , Craven
an I i ,
n Bum i n d- .
s .-,. ,., i, a ,,. ,.
of . .,. .- . , y. ,
taken ., Cm van
to of public
there hanged by th-
until you ale dead, and
ml have mere upon
Mr. says is
not I the
.-I I lie
New Livery, Feet and Exchange
and Jones, Ayden,
N. C well eared for. Pas-
earned to any all
The best
At service
i he at all
Moore and Jones, lively,
feed and exchange stables,
For grind
hemp pulleys, at J. K.
A colored
Near Greensboro Sunday mom.
log a train run into an
open switch sod collided wish an
engine that stood on the siding.
Both engines were demolished
the crews of both, five persons in
all, were killed. None of the
Beginning with Monday, January
we will conduct a special sale
on all goods, dry goods cloth-
shoes and hats. These prices
will prevail till Feb. 1st. This is
the month you should It is
month we should sell. All
lines in our store will be reduced
from ten to twenty to per
Our spring summer
will soon arrive and in order to
make room for our stock, we have
decided to this sale. This
opportunity is a mutual one,
we trust you will take advantage
of the many bargains we will offer.
Come to see be convinced
J. R. Turnage Co.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brick Block, East Railroad
Ayden, N. C.
f fair. P. S. Cannon.
Your Eyes.
If you are troubled with your
or have a difficulty in Obtain-
suitable glasses, it not
how difficult your case, call j.
an expert
Ayden, N. C, who has live years
experience with some of the most
obstinate cases. He never fails to
give patients satisfaction or their
money refunded. Over five hundred
of Pitt and Lenoir
people to testify to his honesty
and ability. Give him your eye
work if you satisfaction.
The Only Requisite
A Perfect Complexion
arc your band and jar of
Massage Cream
off but rt
skin absorbs the Map, There II i in
that i fr the ii remain, a
becomes an i blocked.
scan-hes every Impurity the
ire in ill the u
he massage the an I
flabbiness must go.
me it in of face p
Gentlemen use it after
and par
For Sale at
W. Moore, a
of Ford City, Pa , had his hand
frightfully bunion in an
cal furnace. He applied Buck-
Salve with the usual
result; and
Greatest on earth for
Burns, Wounds, Eczema
and Piles J. L. Wooten's,
Same as of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes
Hats, Gent's and Ladies fur-
goods. In fact
everything kept in a first
class general
store sold at greatly
ed prices.
The firm of Johnston wan
on 5th day of January, 1906,
dissolved by mutual consent, K.
V. Johnston inter-
est of Johnston In the
sew, The will lie con-
at the same stand by F. V.
Job too,
This 8th day Jan
F. V. Johnston,
J. B.
is product
near c curing the
if diseases a- it is
possible Mo Sc i
tn produce l
makes pure blood
is not a miracle
but the t of the
i .
chemists of the
present Ai the
.- . .
bead ache or backache, which
are often tin- forerunners
of disease, send for your
physician if you will, but, if
you take you may
find that by time he has
answered your call, that the
symptoms have disappear-
Use as direct-
ed. Live a temperate life.
If become ill while so
lining, we will pay any
. liable doctor's bill on de-
and proof illness
We don't lo invest
cent, however, until we
have the first bottle
for you. Fill in the coupon
under this advertisement
and trail it to us, taking care
to write-your name and ad-
dress plainly, and we will
send you without any cost
t you whatever a full size
to try No matter
what your trouble is, write
to us con-
Co., New York.
L. will give his
persona you
will receive an order on
your nearest druggist for a
free bottle if you send us
coupon Be sure to write
your name and address
Name .
My nearest dealer is
My disease is.
If you think you need Bro
at once, or if you have
used it, it is to be had
at all first class druggists.
Exclusive Wholesale Agents
for Greenville, N. C.
.-. Number of
A Healing
The Rev. J. C. Warren,
of Sharon Baptist Church, Be-
lair, Ga , says of Electric
a Godsend to mankind. It
cured me of lame back, stiff joints
and complete physical collapse
I was also weak it took half
an hour to walk a mile. Two
bottles of Electric Bitters have
made me so strong I have just
walked three miles in minutes
and feel like walking three more
It's made a man of Great-
est remedy tor weakness and all
Stomach Liver Kidney
complaints. Sold under
tee at J. L. Wooten's Drug Store
p. R. L. Cm.
Greenville, N. G.
At the of business Jan.
Loans and Discounts,
Furniture and Fixtures
Demand Loans
Duo from Hanks, ;
I ems, j
Id Com,
Silver Coin, ;
National Hank notes and
other U. notes
Capital paid in,
Surplus fund
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
1,000.1 ii
till i
Way I
An India . . in many
but lie tin.-
to spend. he . r riches
are r turned to .
the better the child l nature i
pleased. A very instance
this i- told of lie c,.
lack the
. u i m
i i
these men were of inter-.
.-t to tin that en
receive their
Cheyenne prided them-
upon the with which
in funds s-i r restored
to circulation. On one day in par-
in ,
to each from the govern-
Mime it had
from them. Each war-
was turned upon the
community something like
While innocents were
looking fur
they might possess the braves
In .-. which the drat
hide of kind he had seen.
At the time of the great
the Cheyenne, there were few
vehicles of any description in the
city. Particularly was there n dearth
of such as could U- for
I wagons. So i easily understood
j that the red man himself
immediately of the funeral ear and
j a team of though n took
j nearly all the money he had under
bis blanket. He his
. themselves on the seal a
oil in line Whenever
any other Indians of the tribe were
on i way were
invited to get
available inch of on roof
filled. Next they -ere
into the box. presented
i i most ludicrous appearance, with
eyes looking
the glass .-ides. When no more pas
could be admitted the
drove oh a . to
make a tour of the shops w Ii most
appealed to their custom. The
of the hearse changed rap-
idly Bl the Indian.- to
their too great purchasing power.
The hearse also changed from one
owner to another for small
But through the entire
day of the the vehicle was
spared any serious image and at
last was sold back to the undertaker
for s small sum. His punishment
for taking advantage of the simple
minded Indian arose from the fact
that the of Cheyenne would
never consent to hire the hearse
again. The remembrance of the
part it played in the spree
was too much for them, and there-
after it could have no serious part is
their York Herald.
By the side of a certain portion of
n suburban railway stands a glue
factory which sometimes gives out a
particularly offensive smell. A lady
who was obliged to travel on this
line unite often always carried with
her n bottle of lavender salts. On
morning an old farmer took the seat
beside her. As the train neared the
factory she lady opened her bottle
of salts. the whole ear was
filled with the horrible odor the
glue. The old farmer put up with
it as long as he could. Then lie
shouted, would you mind
the cork in that
Chicago News.
Survival of the Fitter.
A fitter who squeezed into a boiler
at the railroad station at
England, apparently increased in
while Inside, for he could not
get out. The engine was obviously
not of the kind known as triple ex-
and a problem of the most
serious order faced the other em-
At first it was proposed lo
get up steam and drive him through
the safety valve in the ordinary
way. His previous good chi I r,
however, the of
family secured him a
Ii r ii to pi . , tin
incident Ion
. journal, in the of the
Deposits subject ti check, 48,001.1 I
,. Cashier's 111.75
. J
Total. 061,003.01
I. J. u. smith, Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly
e above statement is true to the best of my and be
J. smith, Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, this day of
Notary Public.
J. ft. smith.
Th Truth C
i ,.
mi i . iIi ,
I . i you
kill but doesn't
it , o . a little lo
much in i or doing a bit
. ii ,., d you about five
good said the great
list, hastening to the defense of
himself and his profession,
don't realize in acquiring the
skill to perform such an operation
in five minutes I have spoiled per-
haps two bushels of eyes quite
valuable us New York

O. J. WHICHARD, Editor and
Entered the post office at Greenville. N. C, a second class matter,
rates made known upon application.
A desired at every pol in Pitt and adjoining counties.
Truth in to
February continues to in
and give it to us bad
The hungry man make the
welkin ring, but lie din-
When it gets so they can plow the
farmers will have much to do to
up with their work .
The House did the thing
with the railroad rate bill, but the
is that it yet has to run the
gauntlet of the Senate.
There has been no announcement
that will take the lecture
platform to tell how it happened.
So bonnet are up in Green-
ville yet through the help of a build
i OR And loan association, but they
will be doing so after awhile.
If a robs a bank and escapes
punishment on a technicality, the
fact yet remains that lie is a thief.
In the South are
invested in cotton mills, yet not a
cent of it in Greenville. And Pitt
raises bales of cotton
a year. Where the cotton is raised
the mills he located.
Make fun of the ground hog if
you want to, but the weather shows
that he is a prophet of the
Those who escape getting a
tine in this day of comics will con-
sider themselves more
than those who get them.
Rain Coats
They do say the new voting ma-
chine votes like an individual. Hut
then we ave had a lot of
individuals that vote like machines.
Durham Sun.
Guess you mean they vote like the
machine wants them to.
The follow who wants to make a
hit in the dark at somebody
gets a chance to do so with the
comic valentine.
As y have put Durham on the
water has to
for the pure aqua
a doctor-- call it
It is very considerate in the
miners to put off their strike until
April 1st. We poor folks can get
along without coal then for some
months. Hut it is awful mean in
the mine owners to put up the price
of coal in advance of the strike.
When it comes to Senator Tillman,
you can always count on him saying
something And it is apt to scrape
where the hide is thin.
The editor of the High Point En-
is indebted to Mrs, B
for two ripe tomatoes grown this
year by her. There's nothing to-
with High
When it comes to punning Jim
can squash everything in
the pod, or tripod either.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
for- s
White Paints,
Colors, and and
Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. g
If you use the Harrison Paints you need k
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
N. C,
Miss Gould, used to be, con
eluded that a day that it
her to keep the Count in style.
a pretty dear price to pay it if he had been working some
her title. himself,
The Iowa man who tried
suicide because his wife and
seven singing
body works but might not
have had so much time to brood
f you don't mind a scrap will yet They are hard to shake off when
come of this once they get a stall in the govern-
And as between the two crib Postmaster
it is said Japan is against us over I seeing his finish in the Greensboro
there. I has set his cap for
I ,
tor Duncan a place collector of
If the condition of country roads the Eastern District. ill
now does not convince travelers it, down this way
over them that they ought to be bet
tor, then th said travelers are be
the pale of i
Maybe Mr I D Douglas will be
given equally as
How would it do to give him
I Record,
That would make editing the In-
News from too long range.
It is something on the spot to help
out the Republican paper that the
hacking him wants.
One of the judges of the Superior
Court who is working now in the
the other night when
here that the east might not go any-
further in the prohibition line, but
that the west had only started; that
he never saw people more
ed to weed out liquor in every shape
than these mountain folks. He ad-
that the blockaders were giving
more trouble than usual, but the
public sentiment was such that in
time they would be put out of
And this judge was not a
I have purchased the stock of
Picture Co., and
am at the old stand near depot. I
will represent one of the best
trait Companies in America. Will
THE of
ft- This is splendid weather for Ducks, Doctors and Rain Coats.
Every prudent Man will buy a Rain Coat and get along with-
out the Doctor and his bill. W A Rain Coat, if it is
genuine, is a regular Fall Overcoat of Covert, fine Cheviot, or
Worsted, with the fabric chemically treated before the Tailor gets
hold of it. W The process doesn't hurt the cloth in any way, but
helps it in most ways; makes it impervious, though not proof a-
tire-hydrant, ft In short, a Gentleman's Rain Coat is
both a luxury and a necessity. Rain Coats tailored and finish-
ed in the best style, known to Rain Coat makers, to
Came Back to Life,
died near
A Salisbury man has voluntarily
A died near retired from the saloon business.
Monday night. At least hi lit is stated that he example
call for your pictures and do your he sobriety that almost repelled
work promptly. I have the purchaser of a Such
nice line of attractive pictures I morning a sen
which I will furnish aid frame any for a but he
with the coffin rap. conducting a saloon, than one who
of window lead maD revived. I he has less control of himself. He
will furnish on short notice. Give to town. has, or might have, refined
your orders and j will have. would operate to make
a man has more to answer for, in
moot granite baa been erected at
tie grave of the late Mr. J. B.
before his fellow
Cherry, in Cherry Hill
The Countess de was
long time making the discovery
t w mid have been much better for
be to have married a
ham Herald.
And chi aper, t o.
A scientist is claiming that the In the Sups
water i- disappearing the f;
. , I. Smith
of the earth and there is danger of
By virtue of an execution directed to
the undersigned from the Superior
Court of Pitt county to
tiled action. will, on the
he could not of March. 1906, o clock
M, at the Court House door of
convince ; ts down county, sail to the highest bidder for
,. . ., I ash to satisfy said execution, ad the
i i
I County, i Court.
Company vs.
as all dying of thirst after awhile,
He mast have just beard about the
At any rat.
all this
iv lit. title and Interest which the said
defendant, has in the
following described real t state,
. undivided one eighth
This i the week of weeks at the Basil Dixon, subject to the life
of his father, s, In
capital, in all history I hid to the lands descended to
from his Fix
has i I ii place a wedding
in this country around which there
centered more interest than the
in. formerly and
. as MM
if I-. A. IS. P.
rig and wife, Laughinghouse,
John F. and others, and eon-
marriage of President's I and acres,
I more less, and being the entire in-
of the said Basil in and
to the lands of which his mother, the
Cox's Mill, H.
Misses Cox, Minnie
Cora and Carroll
attended the meeting at
Greenville and report a
very pleasant mid instructive meet-
Miss Rosa Tucker, who is
teaching near here, also attended
the meeting stayed over with
her in. I her until Sunday afternoon
when she came to continue
her school.
Benny Savage, of Greenville,
was in our section Sunday.
Some of our people attended
church at lied Banks Sunday.
Miss is on the
sick list, but is getting
L. X. who was hurt
by the train some days ago, is
improving fast.
Our clover merchant and mill
M. Cox, has a very sick
We having it wet enough
now, so one almost has In hold
his breath he walks in the
The C. L. Co. is doing lots of
work in this section.
have right much
around here waiting for or
cents. Do you think they will get
Good weather would make
get busy on the farms, as
yet not much has been done.
Miss Alice Roosevelt, to Con
which occurs
in the White House next Saturday
noon, except it was when
dent Grover Cl took to him
when ho was our Na-
ate Dixon,
. died seized possessed,
situated on the north side of Tar river,
township, county,
subject to lbs life estate of K. Dix-
on, the father said Basil Dix-
This day of February, 1906.
L. W.
Sow Ninety Days Oats
and they are ready to
vest in ninety days.
Red Rust Proof ripens j
teen days later.
J. R. and J. G.
Fourth St. GREENVILLE, N. C. Phone
Represents the best and safest companies writing
and earnestly solicits a share of your patronage. In selecting these
companies great care was taken that every interest of the assured he
protected, and the high standing and excellent business methods of
our companies warrant that those insured through our agency and
Buffering loss will receive a prompt settlement at the hands our
companies, no special attorney or skilled adjuster having to he pro-
cured by our patrons in order to settlement. When in need
information regarding any kind or form Insurance, call us up on
the PhOne and we shall he glad to call on you and give you the
benefit of our several years experience in the business, both in this
section and also in other parts the State.
This department is in J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
For nice apples, candies,
bananas and go to
H. L. Johnson's
of Greenville, was
in town Sunday.
Nice line of fresh groceries
ways on hand Barber
Any one in need of a good cart
one that will last and good
service just to see or the
If you expect co your
seed for meal you can same time
by taking meal far seed when
you have cotton ginned at the
Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
For special prices on see
W. L. House.
If yon want good seed Irish
potatoes go to Harrington, Barber
. Co.
If you your laundry to look
nice and last lake it to H. L.
Johnson who represents the
spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Chapman.
The A. G. Cox Mtg. Co. are still
shipping guano
by the car load, and if you
need any you had best or
see I he in at
All farmers sow-
and wheat can be supplied with
mowers, rakes, reapers and binders
t Barber Co.
Nichols, of
Saturday with bis
Be sure to forget the
tare and those iron bedsteads at
A. W.
Miss Clyde
from Monday morning.
Winterville factory
of furnace, cooker, can-
book , work shed, warehouse
and unit one third acres of laud
in heart of Winterville for sale.
For particulars see Dr. B. T. Cox
or J. F.
We offer our silver table ware.
guarantee at a bargain.
See as. B. T. Box h Bro.
Bay a pipe from J. H. C. Dixon
at the drug store.
Go to H. L, Johnson's for nice
candies, apples and oranges.
Call at Ii. L. and ex
Try a bottle of Kid- We want to sell a valentine,
a sure cure for all what we to offer before
troubles at Harrington Barber B T. Cox Bro
A Co.
was in town
Woods high grade garden seed
have tor years been the most
southern seed truckers
If you nave cotton seed to sell or in east Carolina, Y
exchange write or phone Pitt Bad them at the dim
Oil company, their prices are the of B. T. Cox Bro.
highest. Friday evening, Feb. Mis-
Nice line of winter Cox at her
for men and youth's at H. L. borne in South party
H. L. Johnson is headquarters
for groceries.
Hey. Mr. Stanfield, of Ayden,
was in town Tuesday
A new line of v just re-
by R. G. Chapman Co.
Men's youth's all
sizes, at Barber A Co.
The demands for Tar Heel cart
wheels is great now, and any one
in need of same will do well to
write or see the A. G. Cox Mfg Co.
H. W. baa been with a
few days this week, relieving Mr.
at the depot, while I e was
away on business.
Trunks and valises at
ton Barber Co.
If you want an easy shave and a
neat hair cut, just call to see W.
H. next door to
Winterville for white people
If you want a nice shirt go to II.
L. He has a new lot
of nice ones, cheap too.
The Pitt Oil Co. will pay
highest price for seed cotton.
The A. G. Mfg. , are
still shipping planters by
the car load.
Big line of hats and cans just
received, latest styles. II
Barber Co.
Tooth and Disk Ha mi i
Barber Co.
Goto H. L.
meats, oyster .
Farmers make m i my
changing their cotton k o
meal at Pitt County Oil Co.
II. L. Johnson can fill you
in the grocery line, for hi
a full line all the time.
nod i
Have you seen nice
pants It, if
mi you i p before you
t r
f young people in honor of her
She bad arranged a very inter-
play for her guests, a
bag and its
arrangement added to
the looks of the room was
very beautifully decorated. The
prize of this contest was won by
Miss Kittrell. After the
contest was and the
given, then paring and
was door, and all the
seemed lo think that the
was well judging from then
as they were ushered
hi the decorated
dining hall There was a
cake, an I ii was the
in large type, signifying
the age of the hostess. On the
inside of the cake was a thimble, a
ling and a ten cent piece. The
was found by Miss Miriam
the cent piece by Miss
Cox the ring by the
hostess. After refreshment were
served all guests
the parlor where they spent the
rent of the evening very pleasantly.
A representative of o.
was here Tuesday consulting the
of the Winterville High
S about the course studies.
Co. stand at the bead of
publishing companies, and their
books are in all leading
colleges, and of course the Winter-
ville High School some of
Try a Prince George, or a
Jim Dixon at the
drugstore will to you.
If you need u nice Bug just call
A. W, Co and you can
one, c leap too-
;. W, field, of Char
IX N. O , Hid Greenville
, i I on Monday, Feb.
h, the leading
i. I Feb. for one day
i y Hi, practice is limited to
Oar- i.; Vi Nose and Throat,
fitting Glasses.
bushels of seed Oats at
Norfolk Cotton
J. W.
lie sells and you will be
his line of Hosiery ,
. ., , i convinced it is the best on
Misses Ladies and Gents. . .
, the market.
If you have not bad any
biscuit lately yon go to K. G-1 Barber Co.
Chapman Co. and get some of i . . . , ., .
II you want good floor, some that
you cm eat without any trouble
For bargains in pants go lo if.
X. Johnson's.
yards tobacco cloth
Harrington Barber A Co.
yards standard calicoes at I
Two horses seven
years old each, And one mule six
years old will either sell cash
per yard, Harrington, Barber A
Nice at Harrington
Barber Co.
Goto H. L. Johnson's for shoes,
he has a nice lot jar received,
hey are nice.
of paint, and yellow
at Harrington Barber
Quite a large crowd from Win-
attended services at Ayden
Nice line of boys suits at H. L.
Bankers and Brokers,
New York
Jan. Feb.
May Wheat
May Cum
July Ribs
May Lard
July Lard
J. R. J. G.
Middling to
The Free Will Baptist Church
want to donate
some L- A M. Paint to
whenever they paint.
The largest Methodist in
Georgia expected to use IDS gallons of
the usual kind of paint, they only used
Ions L. mixed with -I gal-
Linseed Oil.
It costs less to a house with
u. M. than with oilier paint because
painter Linseed Oil fresh from
no cents a gallon with L.
ft M., and doesn't pay pi-gal-
for Linseed Oil as if
paint is used Also because
the L, M. hardens the L. M.
White Lead and makes the paint wear
like iron
L. M. paint costs only SI -0 per
Sold by H. L Carr, Greenville, N.
or on time its suits the purchaser.
W. L. House.
Just received R. G.
Ii Co., a car load of salt. Be sure
lo gel their prices at once.
Nice Silk waist at
Harrington, Barber Co.
Our meal analyzes Pitt Co.
with indigestion, go to A. W. Anne
Co., mill gel some that mi
ho that is made out of pure
For nice fresh eggs call to see H
L. Johnston, our leaning
If you are wise preserve your
houses by painting them with
town and country paint,
sale by A. W.
Yon need not putting your
Winterville Bank
fur they taken Burglar
to make everything sale. So
go ahead and put your money
here it will be safe.
We noticed in the paper a few
I will pay highest market price
for Chickens, Geese and Turkeys. I
Have large fill. f
car load o. which G. A. Kittrell, Winterville, N. C. M--unfastened the entire
A new line of hats just received.
R. Chapman's a Co. Be
sure to see them you buy
all styles and sizes and prices very.
they will sell very cheap.
large shipment of shoes
line tie-h groceries
always on hand at II. L. Johnson's.
J. E. Green, who is depot agent
here, went to Williamston Monday Let me make you a price on Mink j should be taken to guard against
and returned Tuesday night. I Otter and Raccoon skins, also Cow is lo your best Interest.
thrown from lop of
r, high embankment, i lie
barely escaping serious injury.
The cause was detective
coupler, accidents these
serious as much as they often.
threaten life, and every precaution
Notice is hereby given that
firm of Thomas hereto-
fore composed of E. II. Thomas and
T. Burton, doing business at
Greenville, N C , this day dis-
solved co partnership by mutual con-
sent This dissolution including all
the interest of the Holding
Works. All indebted to
said firm are kindly requested to
make settlement with E, II. Thomas
This 8th,
V. II. Thomas,
W. T. Burton.
Carries at all times the most up-to-date line of
House Furnishing Goods
in town. New goods arriving
Special attention is called to our new line of
and many other things too numerous to
Our motto, a square deal with lowest prices, make
st ore Leading Furniture Store in Pitt County.
When in need of anything in the Furniture line give us
a call. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Yours Truly,
A. H. Taft
Wash Goods Sale
We have just received our full line of WASH GOOD
consisting of
will be on sale Monday. Everybody cordially invited
to inspect these goods,
The Clerk of the Superior Court of
having tuned letters of
administration to mo, the
ed, on the day of January, 1900,
on the estate of W.
ed. is hereby given to all
persons Indebted to the estate to make
Immediate payment to tin- undersign-
to all creditors of said estate
to present their properly
to the undersigned
within twelve mouths after the
date of this or this notice will
be plead in bar their recovery
This the day f
en the estate . J.
I. A. Sugg, Attorney.
Jas. F. Davenport,
Help Wanted
Cine, hides,
the kidney
for stick a sure colic cure,
at the Drag
L. in
A. Kittrell,
Winterville, N. C.
You can this by using
Buggies. The are
M Couplers which
Tuesday evening.
An, one hi need . a plow are ,,.
do well to to A. W Ange Go., T Re
and get one of those Chill. , . and off or
ed They lire the best
your Candles,
and J. all kinds
C Dixon at the drug store. at Barber Co.
rattle. You then take your
wife, sweetheart, or children with
pet feet safely.
Have you ever suffered loss by fire
If so. did yo need the help of any one to assist you in securing a
and settlement
My experience in the adjustment of fire losses has been very large and it has
always been my pleasure to render every assistance to my patrons they were
in need.
I desire to call the insuring attention to the fact that they get the
benefit of my experience when they insure their property in Companies represent-
Greenville, N. C

and a glance at their wonderful assort-
shown in their is
sufficient to convince any one
that the variety offered is
as to supply every want in
FURNITURE for every room in the
house, from the drawing rooms of the
finest mansions to the most modest Amer-
parlor, sitting room or dining room, can be selected from the pages of the
the Factories have thus specialized in Leather Furniture, they also
manufacture a complete line of
of every nature and description. We sell Guaranteed Upholstered Furniture including both cloth
leather covered designs. The guarantee is unrestricted and means satisfaction or money back.
We will be pleased to
have you call and let us
convince you of the
and elegance of the
make over any other
, .-. . , .
J. R. J. G.
Rapid Growth
There in mi interesting sod in
the February
issue of t tie Reviews
Toe article is well
worth reading has much of
interest to Southerners.
beta and figures are new to
ii.-o mini mi
It is by the report that
he amount invested c mills
ii lbs South in 1880 w .
no Thin . was
n to in 1905
o To put it plainer
times a- much is invented in
ion mills as
These figures for them
carry a world
to I he mil
if the South along lines
i i iii year-.
I'm- iii than
v ii e u s pr to
I S News.
My it Worth
You Step
Isn't ii J
Greensboro, N. C 1903.
Mrs Joe lake pleas-
Brain stating
has entirely cure-l our little girl of
a very bid case I eczema, which
covered a great part of her lily.
eczema from
time she was week
until was biz ears old. She
is now feet and I
I c. i. .
II I .- i. . ,. ,. ., of
it lot six i.-.
The Yellow mt
recently discovered
a bears a close resemblance t
ha malaria germ To free the
from disease germs, the
effective rein is Dr.
New Life
eel all to
J. L. Store
I Not Quite
S, How often yon can net a
C thing j
nail or screw driver or Q.
lacking. Have a
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our lino of tools
Is all you could desire,
we will see that join- tool v
does not a
useful article. .-.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely new
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
van reface old Brass Col
and Head Rules,
pt. and thicker, and make
fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot
tn in.
Column and Head
Hulls regular
L. s. and
Head Ruled inches in
and over
A mi m pie of refaced
will he cheerfully
ii oil application.
Printers Supply Co
of Type and
High Grade Printing Material
IV, Ninth
How Many People You
Can Reach Without
leaving your own office
A Telephone Line
is a door to your
Can You Afford It
For Rates
Home Telephone and
Telegraph Company,
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
kept con-
in stock. Country I
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W. j
North Carolina. ,
Steamboat Service.
Steamer L. leave
Washington daily
t a. in. for Greenville; leaves
at m,
at Washington with
Norfolk for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New York, and all other
North. a Norfolk
null nil West.
should order their
freight via Norfolk, tare Norfolk
A Southern K. K.
Sailing Hours to change
without notice.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
General T. and.
f. Agent, Norfolk, Va.
K, K. KING, V, P. U. M.
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,,
too or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and shoulder; or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
Strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
January lat, I

I .
Ml I
up a.-. My
.- v, in n-
ii i
waler coll. i my
For at In. b i i nit
up In bed ,
I it , i Dr.
time I
hail nil I
I better Hi I for
twenty I am to do
Buy of work on my farm. M
m. that If It
for cure
I would now In in.
T. CURD, Ky.
Dr. Heart Cure It old by
your will that
the bottle If It
he will your
Allies Medical Co., Elkhart,
Mia Work la of Peculiar Importance to
the Railroad.
If you have nothing else to do
some day when you are passing
through the vast network of trucks
of, for example, the great railway
running northward out of New
York, give a thought the man
-who walks them fur you, the man on
-whom your safety in this particular
place so much depends.
is n peculiar Individual. His
work is so very exceptional, so very
different from your own.
ere sitting your.-eat placidly won-
whether you are going to
have a pleasant evening at the
or whether the business which
you are about to attend will be as
profitable us you desire, he is oat on
the long truck over which you are
speeding calmly examining the bolts
that hold the shining metals
Neither ruin nor sleet can deter
him. The presence of intense heat
or intense cold has no effect on his
labors. Day after day, at all hours
in all sorts of weather, he may
be teen placidly plodding these iron
highways, his wrench and sledge
crossed over his shoulders, his eyes
riveted on the roils, watch-
to see whether any bolts are
loose or any spikes sprung. Up-
ward of cannon bull fliers rush
him on what might lie called a
truck bowling alley each day,
yet he dodges them nil for per-
haps an little us any laborer is paid.
If he were not watchful, if he did
not perform bis work carefully and
well, if he a touch of malice or a
feeling of he could
wreck your train, mangle your body
and send you praying and scream-
to your linker. There would be
no sure way of detecting him.
Dreiser in Tom Watson's
Japanese Art.
oriental artist does not so
much seek to transcribe nature as to
suggest her moods, His interest is
centered in the poetic sentiment
which she elicits. The paying of
the Japanese that a picture is a
is particularly
to their landscape paint-
Our best artists also seek to
express the poetry of nature. Hut
they find it in many things. Our
pleasure in landscape is a
complex one. The oriental, on the
other hand, in conformity with his
type of mind, finds it in the
character, in that which re-
mains when nil its accidents are
other words, when it
has been simplified and idealized,
i landscape, to quote
our Japanese critic once more,
not lined because it is a facsimile
of the natural scene, hut because
there is something in it greater than
mere accurate representation of
form-, which to our
feelings, but which we cannot ex-
press in Cabot
The be in lance is that
judge, DO
longer on the lien h. other
amusing tali of him ii Is
Oil occasion of a din-
he in dress, but
did r ii The company
for time
as their hunger was get-
ting f their and
an being dispatched to
hum up the mis judge, his lord-
ship appeared explained, with
many imagining he
was retiring for lite night, be bad
Undressed sol into h After
an mi. struck
him i dined, on
he burn, n to bis guests.
Won Hie Cluck.
It is known humor-
writer in the days of
his career ho sen some pieces to
certain comic paper, only to
them returned immediately.
He in n lime,
gain they came buck. Then the
author Mt down wrote the fol-
lowing note to again
sending his
our your of.
iv been returning
several of which I that
you Mill lour
am. .-----
Ii is .-aid editor
Quite Sufficient.
A man who tor years
audiences of r
his pleasure says that no com-
on his entertainment
tickled his sense of humor more
than one made by n ten year
girl of bis acquaintance.
She a serious little person,
and when the lecturer said to her.
saw you in the front row, Jean,
bat I'm afraid you didn't have u
looked him with
largo, reproachful eye .
I had a splendid
she said, you
n l laughed ml
Secure a Good Location while there is to do so at
Reasonable Prices and on Easy Terms.
I have that splendid property, just east of the town limits in South Greenville, into convenient lots for home-seekers
and will sell them on easy terms. There is no better location for homes anywhere around Greenville. High elevation, level,
and convenient, being only a few minutes walk from the business part of town. This property is just outside the corporate
limits, yet those who reside there will have the benefit of the graded school, and be as near to the churches, and depot and
as are the people in many parts of the town, being only three hundred yards from Five Points, nice neighborhood
adjacent to the property. Talk it over me and let me show you these desirable lots. No better time than NOW buy.
Greenville will grow rapidly in the next few years and property will be higher. Catch the opportunity before it is too late.
Call on or address
SAM Greenville, N. C.
Piles of them. Mountain high, Oil our counters.
Prices to
cents a
The on these me small, smaller than any other
item in our clothing stock, but we are satisfied t depend up
on many stiles for our profit. Our policy means a saving to
you if you trade at our stoic.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
I am paying the big best market price for Cotton
in any quantity.
I Cotton Pd Meal tin. Hulls, in car lulu or
lacked or loose, to suit purchaser, or exchange for
kinds of feed on band, in Car
Car of Golden Oats to arrive, White and Black
Oats, Bad Hut Proof and
I have bud built a large near the depot
or ibis line.
I will continue lo line nice Groceries the
same stand occupied by Johnston
The Reflector
k is Read By Everybody In and
it reaches Utopia money in pay what they want.
If you have what they want advertise it and are sure to
get a part of their money.
Review of
Woman's Home
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
are very fortunate in be-
ins able to arrange the pub
of these well known mag
tn for
year at tins
price. have decided
let o ii- ;. have a
advantage of the r in
order to get large
of paid m
Don't Neglect This Oiler
Reviews of Reviews
Many other publications are
desirable, and you may prefer
this or prefer
art publication, but the Review
of Reviews is Sub
American men and
men going to keep up with
tin. are
take the cut which is
The Cosmopolitan
A leading magazine for H years
With the recent i of owner
ship ii been It is
far bet tor In o and
aims In lie the in Mold
Every year or so there's one
advance in the forward
movement, among the many mag
This year is the Cos
Woman's Home
The Won nil's iii,,,,,
v member of
home Ami
woman is an Ideal entertainer
and helper m a thousand
inn the fathers and
and sous loin .,,
perusal . . i,.,. d
eagerly turn to the pages that
are written n,.
The American Farmer is the leading Agricultural paper of the country, and
ii tanning, live stock and poultry raising. should
get all tour these papers with The Daily a year for 15.00, or all
with The Eastern Reflector a year tot-

At close of business January 29th, 1906.
Loans and discounts
Furniture and fixtures
Due mm Hanks
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
National bulk notes
and U S notes
Capital paid in
Undivided profits,
Subject . .- . ,, 166.136.27
Due to A
Cashiers ck
of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
R. Cobb, of above named bank, do solemnly
wear that the above is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. R. J. COBB, Cashier.
C. T.
Subscribed and sworn to
me. this 2nd day of
C. S. CARR. Notary- Public.
N. C
I T THE JAN. 10-16
Loans and Discounts , i-,
Stocks, w-o. HO
Furniture It'll
Due from Banks
Coin 4.9,4
Silver 8.019
Undivided .
Deposit subject
Cashier's checks out-
standing OH
White Goods
A Sale You Will Talk About
For Years to Come.
North Carolina.
James. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
statement above is true to the best of knowledge
. L. LITTLE. C-l-
Wise Come early. Ibis J-ale embraces it
in this Store. For a of days I
receiving and assorting cases upon cases of New Spring Goods
Stock to place ourselves ready quick
Checked Hen pun begin to tell of all the goods which we
, ,,. T m . T. . going lo sell so low.
A Line Light J
Pest Calico
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this day of Feb., 1900.
Notary Public.
J. A
A Line Light
and Dark Colors
A. F. C
Vs Sea Island
Capital stock pd in
Undivided profits 1.607.04
sub to check 32.600
Loans Discounts
Due Banks
Cash Items
Gold coin
Silver coin 1,401.63
Nat, notes
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt.
I, J. R. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn-
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. J. R. DAVIS,
Subscribed and sworn to be-1
fore me, this 8th day of Feb.
Notary Public.
. E. of Cloth
Boys Blouse Suit-
We pf. through early and heavy purchasing, to
offer values we s. not be duplicated. Look
you will, compare with come here.
inch White
is now going fie
Yard Wide White
at this Bale R
A Full Line of Boys Yard Wide Canton
all price to
j Piques Best Grade Bl-ah
sale price now at
Plain and
welted Piques j
Heavy Hose
Fast Black
Lisle Thread
Mis-es and
A Few more Extra Size Bed
In all Styles and Colors, Plenty
to Select From
Closing out all up to Blankets
at the small price of Wool Blankets Bought
Closing out all up to Before the Advance at Your
the small price of Own Price
Special Prices in Men's, Youths and
Boys Clothing
At Your Own Price.
A Good Heavy Jean Corset
hooks Steel, in.
white only
Medium Length Corset with
Trimmed quality of Hose-
Supporters attached
A Beautifully Made Corset
Trimmed with
Fine Lace, Regular 1.25 value-
now going at
Men's Work
Fine Dressed and
Kid Gloves a 1.37
Shoes for Men Women and
It Will Pay You to Visit our
Millinery Department
close of business Jan. 29th, 1906.
Loans and discounts Hi
Overdrafts secured
Furniture Fixtures
Duo from and
Cash items
Gold silver coin.
National bank and
other U. s. notes
Capital stock
Surplus i
i certificates
Deposits subj. to
i chocks
of Ninth Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. H. H. Taylor. Cashier of above named bank, do solemnly
wear that the above statement is true to the best of my
and belief. H. H. Taylor, Cashier.
Subscribed sworn to
ore me, tins BID day or I j BUNTING
Notary Public j Directors.
Your House from Top to Bottom and
will Give You Right Prices.
Greenville, Carolina.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Reflector Presses Driven By
The Reflector has just had
a hone power electric
motor inn its presses.
K. L put in the
pulleys and belting, while
Superintendent J. A of the
water and light plants, looked
a the electrical
The motor was purchased from the
General Co. through H.
Harding, the local agent. The
adjustments were completed aid
power first turned on the
While all the
minor are not yet
lined. It is Been tint the motor
runs the beautifully.
ho in sets
the motor and presses at
are to call in evening
after power is turned from
Ceremony Performed at Noon Today Amid Splendid Surroundings.
Many Represented, Immense Display
of Presents, Couple Leave for the South.
During the big sleet Mr.
Garrison, of Worth, was having
he hasn't shaken them
off yet. But it is remarkable
how much work he does even on
his chill days. On Monday after
the sleet he went to the woods
and cut cord wood the noon
hour, when he was stopped by a
chill. During the morning he
cut cords of wood. At noon
he lay down before the fire and
when he had shaken off his chill
ho went back to the woods. The
afternoon was spent in cording
up the wood he had previously
cut, and when night be had
laid up cords as an afternoon's
work. So the record for the
day three and a half
cords of wood cut from the
stump, one chill shaken off, and
and a half cords of wood laid
up Mr. Garrison says that to
cut and put up five cords of
of wood is a light day's
work. He loves to feel his keen
reaching deep into the
timber at every stroke. Mr.
Garrison is a tall man, of large
frame and powerful build and
muscles. he is feeling a
little older than he used to, but
is still full of snap and go, all
quickness and energy with his
work Gastonia Gazette.
Macon, Ga., Feb. an
address before the five hundred
delegates, attending the
of in this city, to
discuss racial problems, Bishop II.
M. Turner declared the American
flag to be a dirty and
rag He further said that hell
was an improvement the
the was
ed. In he
a little ignorant and stupid
white man who was never heard
and never would he heard of
ten thousand years the
resurrection trumpet, wishes a
little he begins to belie
and slander I he and bounds
Into popularity. And I challenge
any one or nil of them to meet me
in public discussion and I
show that is a far better
man than they are.
A from Durham say
that about pounds of
has been sold in that town
of this crop at an average
3-4 cents. At South Boston
the average price has been
the total sales aggregating
pounds. At Greenville and
the average price has
been a fraction under eight cents.
Is the tobacco sold at Durham of
News and
D. C, February
event in the history
this ever attracted
h much interest in all of
i he country and among all
the population, as the wedding
Roosevelt, eldest daughter
Nicholas of
The of Miss
father, coupled with the
hie fact all the world a
liver, pin if that lover ill
h daughter of the chief executive
,, Hie country and has
by her naturalness and
ways, has the
Miss a
event in the full sense of
the word. The came
near bring considered an
and, to some
extent, that character,
President Roosevelt,
Democratic spirit, tried his
i est to it.
For many weeks the
11- for the joy till event at the
House Had bean going
ii dining the last few days, an
amount of work had
done in the Hue of decorating
various rooms arranging
the of the
Invited guests. But,
. m r nil, a great deal remained to
l done the lust few hours
. i morning there was feverish
acuity in all palls of the
House. The florists and decorators
put touches upon
their work begun yesterday.
The beginning of the ceremony
had been set for high noon, but
the first carriages with guests
began to at rive shortly after eleven
o clock, aid when the noon hour
approached, there was a i
Hue of carriages depositing
their occupants at the hospitable
door the White House. It win
a brilliant assemblage which filled
the decorated
in beautiful gowns, men
of distinguished appearance, in
military uniforms, the rich garb of
the diplomatic corps or the less
picturesque costume prescribed for
ordinary civilians at noonday
functions of this character, crowd-
ed the Space for the
guests patiently
begin dug of the ceremony,
A few minutes before noon
Bishop of Washington,
a id the Rev. Roland Cotton
Smith, rector of St. John's
pal church, who were to perform
ceremony, arrived the East
room and took their places within
the enclosure of white ribbons,
forming a barrier the flora
altar. A few minutes later
groom, by his best
man, Mr. Thomas Perkins,
entered the room and took their
positions at the side of altar,
where they awaited the arrival of
the party.
At the stroke of twelve the Ma-
band the lobby began to
play the wedding march from
Wagner's and at
the same moment the party
started two columns toward the
East room.
The bride leaned on her father's
arm and walked with stately and
steps. Mrs. Roosevelt
walked with her son Miss
with her brother Archibald
Miss Hail family is a lag silver
intended In her bridal feet
dress some the sat- hail made a
ins, brocades and other neatly ma- w York firm,
had been presented Two other superb gifts came
to her by the Empress Dowager of j the Ambassador to Great
China, and other Oriental Britain and Mrs. Reid
whom she had visited during and from the Secretary State
her trip last year. She changed j and Mrs. Riot. The ambassador's
her plans, however, upon the present is a and costly
of the President, who call- ; dog collar of pearls and diamonds,
ed her attention to the fact that it while that of Secretary Root is a
and the baby of family,
tin, was conducted by his
William Cowles, Jr., the only
son of Capt. and Mrs. William
Cowles. Mrs. George C. Lee, the
grandmother of the
bride, Mrs. Cowles
walked together were folk wed
by the other members of the Lee,
Roosevelt families,
Win had come from all parts of
the country to attend the wedding.
eight ushers selected by
bridegroom awaited bridal
parry at the foot of the stairs and
iii-in m East room,
where they arranged themselves,
four on each Bid, forming an aisle.
They held notions such a
way they formed an arch, be-
neath which the bridal
marched the altar.
ushers were Q Adams Shaw,
if Boston; Frederick of
Turk; R. Hangs,
I Boston; Guy of Boston;
I B. A. of Cincinnati;
I Lara Anderson, of Washington, D
i Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.,
the eldest tun of the President.
ducted in accord with the
ritual if church,
Bishop officiating
Rev. Dr. Roland Cotton Smith
assisting the ceremony. Daring
the progress of the ceremony
I hoy's choir of St. John's
sang a number of sacred selections,
including Mr. i. favor-
Ire, Thou Faithful Unto
from and a
from the Song s
He loved
When the critical moment,
rived and Bishop asked
the all-important the
bride answered with a firm and
clearly audible The
answer of
undoubtedly also in
was by no means as audible as the
answer of bis fair life partner.
Miss Alice looked
lovely in her magnificent bridal
costume. The gown was cut in
Princess style, which is particular-
becoming to the slender and
graceful figure of the bride. It was
of pearl white satin, showing a
design of roses outlined silver
a plain background,
skirt was plain and tight fitting
around the hips and waist, with
no trimming whatever. The bod-
ice was tight fitting as far as the
bust, where it draped softly in
crosswise folds, fronts fasten-
alternate labs, a
vest of soft tulle, which began at
the end of the yoke. The trans-
parent yoke was of real rose point
lace, an heirloom Lee
The sleeves were of elbow
length, being finished with
of the same lace. The train,
fully three yards long, began at
the shoulders, was of heavy white
with plain white
finished the sides and
at the bottom with niches of
The bridal veil, family
heirloom, was of soft tulle, falling
almost to the bottom of the train.
It was held by a spray of orange
blossoms falling loosely over the
coiffure. The bride no
flowers, but only a small, ivory
bound prayer same which
her mother carried at her wed-
would be more appropriate for her
to select for her bridal only
materials of American
President Moore Coming Next
To the Co-ton Farmers of Pitt
County, Business men. Lawyers
Doctors men of every other
Profession or Calling who are
Interested in the Prosperity of
You earnestly invited and
requested to attend a ma s meeting
to be held In the court at
o'clock Saturday, February
C. C. Moore, of the
North Carolina division of
mil emerald chain.
Must of the members of the
Clan have sent
presents of silver and it is safe to
Nearly every one of those present aggregate there
had dad more than one be. ;,., ,;,,
nil speak on
he most vital
g the South
em people.
his President Moore
says, see farmer
v on day, I want
. ton
in his life to attend all kinds to stock ,
functions a scale Store. Some the members i
a cotton situation,
to revel in the beauty of Roosevelt Clan have also now
decorations at weddings or jewelry, works of art, lace-,
big State functions. Nevertheless a
all struck by the The relatives and of Mr.
beauty of the decorative arrange-1 also
carried out every
at this wedding. The quiet Ml
sent her some baud mine ,
of the East room and the
other rooms corridors formed
in- ii. luncheon and re-j
caption lasted until three o'clock,
a suitable background for the Mr- M Nicholas L
truly decorations of the i-. them-
quantities for their departure
the richest and most beautiful I rip.
flowers, palms and other
ill talk to I e who go to the
C fields and drive
lie in and
ill others hi , Iv or in-
,, price of
Now lei i no public show
heir their
K. R.
i their
A n hum
newly c pie driven
green plants were employed with iv .,,. where
such consummate skill that a most car Growers
pleasing effect was produced, fitted up for
bridal trip, to receive
them. Mr-. looked THE NORTH
g lo her traveling of
and rich, vet and
artistically perfect i s harmony.
It i-extremely ill whether
any who was not a princess
of royal blood was ever so
whelmed with wedding
For weeks wedding gifts of
description have been flowing into
the White House, until the library
was actually filled with the ills.
They came from every part
States, from every collier
of the world and varied in value
from a few dollars to a
One of the beautiful pies
sent to the bride the
j White House by one of the
governments is a
wedding ill f Ilia French
I lie, through its president.
piece of tapestry, two feel
land lour feet long The is
i tan princes style and
short bolero j The
-kin wild fold, Next Session be Held in
heel.-in. part of
all and sleeves were
and I v. The little
, as Ii nil Hind, velvet.
h I hi. it I
h ii ill i -n velvet, a
In d of pi side,
ell a and silver
ti ii, -to of the trip
el. bill it
licit no- c ill pie will
vim ii, t. and
a vi-11 to lite her
Liter I hey intend to
-p week or at Palm
trip will only
very handsome and is a as of Cm-
a painting by n for Mr.
mi Alsatian
renowned during middle par I . ,,.
the last century. Mr. and Mrs.
Emperor William's gift to the
bride was a handsome bracelet,
artistically wrought gold
The Empress Dowager of China
sent a curiously wrought treasure
chest, covered with
and filled with costly silks,
satins, brocades, ivory carvings,
lacquers, etc.
king of Italy
a line piece of mosaic from the
Government Mosaic Works in
The Republic sent a
gift in the form of a collar
of pearls valued at more than
Nothing gave stronger of
the popularity the bride than
the fact that the wedding presents
sent to her from all parts of the
world were by no all sent
by wealthy people or the heads of
people, some of the
Western stales, artisans and others
not richly endowed with worldly
goods. From those sources the
j bride has enough
to feed a good sized family for a
year. Among the gifts were
i end In go In and spend
i one time III dials the
c It is expected
they will be present-id at the
various emits which they will
the King
Oscar of somewhat
interfere with Hie original plans of
The the North
Carolina Assembly will
e held in June to
The committee
the assembly came to this de-
a days ago after
an invitation to meet there,
extended to by the Raleigh
Chamber of C
Tue m the executive
tee I will
be good news the of the
stale. likes to go to
else can the
teachers in so a nine or at so
small an learn so much
about North Carolina as the
capital city, whom they can visit
the capitol and he various depart-
, the state government
I the State Museum be
found a flue display of the great
and varied of the State,
e lessons cm be learned in
North Carolina geography in
North Carolina history better than
i ail books ever written. In
State library and in the library
of be Supreme will be found
in the of the State. There
the trip. The courts,
. are more schools Raleigh, with
being mourning, there will be
little opportunity for the travelers
more teachers and more
to attend large court
city in North Carolina,
They propose to spend
lime London and Paris,
where both have many friends and
Alice Marries.
Among are the North Caro-
Agricultural and Mechanical
College, the North Carolina
schools for the Mil
for the Blind, s . Mary's school,
the University for Women
and Peace I . places
interest are North Carolina
Madge Bogan, of this city, u, l the State
known among her friends as . ., ,. , ,.
was the Home,
married here today at high the
with William a The executive was
in Company K, eighth Infantry, promised ample
. i r promised Hi ample
Many of Governor's dud. a day In
n iv. rho peculiar Miss , ,
. Hogan was given to would
Miss Roosevelt, she was
born on February 1884, and
always bad the greatest
for the latter. Miss
Hogan heard Miss
veil was to be married of
arranged with bet
to be married at the
all of vegetables j same time. The marriage took
fruit, pumpkins, eggs, and even tint Miss
coal in generous quantities. , city. Invitations
. . ., . , bad been sent to Miss Alice
Among the countless gifts from Roosevelt and Mr. Nicholas
wealthy friends the Roosevelt
provided for as many as
teachers, mid the railroads will
oiler the usual reduced rates. Six
large add beautiful auditoriums
will be placed at the disposal of
the assembly.
A Mecklenburg county
accidentally cut off one of his big
toes. He carried the toe in his
pocket to a physician to get it sew-

Eastern reflector, 16 February 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 16, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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