Eastern reflector, 9 February 1906

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

olds Business Meeting and
Elects Officers.
The Class of lb Memo-
rial church a
n day after the
i- and elected the
Preside it, W. M. Pugh.
Vic I t i t; P. Vandyke
Teat, W. Bryan.
H. B.
i made that president
lint HUt other com-
next Sunday.
The report of ending Jan.
1st. was successful,
We nave started off a still more
ll with prospects
doing mm -h work.
An Opportune Time.
this time of year the
comes on. There
will be a hurrying out of
present s to make room for
at rivals. The wise
to make quick sales cuts the
prices and a lib-
of advertising
while the the
o see what bargains are
red. I allot
for toe seller
buyer lo get together. Put It here
yon hear almost any
saw me
The Junior Christian Endeavor
Society the church on
a membership
to be very
The society firmed
in two companies, one composed of
and the of girls, and
tn--y are going which side
cm bring i i most new members
-within a given tine. At the end
this lime a banquet is to be
at which the winning side
i he contest will be guests
honor and are to be served by the
other company.
Now, to keep one's
there to be a zone of
around during
some part of every day. It i
s that the great religious
of the world have come out
silence not out of noise, as a
rule, necessarily
apart from nor solitary-
place-, nut away from the tumult
and away from
It is in silence alone that we
come into possession of ourselves.
The lite disturb us as a
cloud of dust intervenes between
the eye and the sky. There ought
to be a cult for the practice of
a body men and women
committed to the preservation of
Integrity of their souls by
neither heating nor making speech
for certain periods, pledged to
the habit of quietness.
Maeterlinck has pointed out the
fad the best things are never
and the truest Intercourse
between Congenial spirits is carried
on without words. If we laid leas
ltd thought more would b
fa fewer thing lo explain, many
of irritation would be dried
at the sources, and the prime
exhaustion or excitement, would
Henry Clark Bridget's, one of ll e
in -t progressive and successful
young men of the State, and the
y railroad president in Amer
is in city. lie advises us
he making
i plans build an extension of
miles the East Carolina
way, is miles from its pres-
t. in
county, to Hookerton, in Greene
bounty, and last county
is to have a railroad. It is
one of the few in the State
that hasn't a railroad within its
and sections of it arc
the best and must fertile lands in the
The new extension will be a
road in all respects, h is to be
with new pound steel rails
will probably be completed this
News and Observer.
The Outlook But En-
for the Planter.
According to reports in
Norfolk paper a
large shipment early potatoes to
to Northern markets from Eastern
North Carolina arc now
The planters c aim that their
experience for the last two years
shown them that there is
enough money to go into any
It by Some dealers who me
in a position to know that the crop
will be less than per cent that of
former years. Railroads and steam-
boat lines which have derived a
source of revenue for hauling
this product will be affected by
decision of farmers as are the
farmers so fir as can
he seen now there are scarcely any
sin of better prices this y It
possible tin t the curtailment
planned by planters and the con-
sequent lightening of
will have its effect in fretting
a better market for potatoes. New
Bern Journal.
Governor Glenn issues a special
personal letter to each sheriff in
S ate urging that they do everything
in power to enforce rigidly and
those arising under Watts and
acts regulating or
the sale of liquor, as to enforcement
of which he says numerous com-
plaints are coming into his office,
lie also requests all newspapers and
citizens who know of any officers re
fusing or neglecting to discharge
duly lo call the governor's
to it and he will at once put
the mailer in the lands of the so
of the district for
and see that the officer is pun-
Ties mourning boxes at
Reflector More.
is a as
near capable of curing the
majority of diseases as it is
possible for Modern Science
to produce. The use of Bro-
makes pure blood.
is not a miracle
but simply the result of the
chemists of the
present century. At the
first symptoms of fatigue
headache or backache, which
are often the forerunners
of disease, send for your
physician if you will, but, if
you take yon may
rind that by the time he has
answered your call, that the
have disappear-
Use as direct-
ed. Live a temperate life.
If you become ill while so
doing, we will pay any
doctor's bill on de-
and proof of illness.
We don't want you to invest
a cent, however, until we
have bought the bottle
for you. Bill in the coupon
under this advertisement
and mail it to us, taking care
to write your name and ad-
dress plainly, and we will
send you without any cost
to you whatever a full size
package to try. No matter
what your trouble is, write
to us Cot con-
Co., New York.
J. L. Wooten will give his
persona guarantee that you
Will receive an older en
your nearest druggist for a
free bottle if you send us
coupon Be sure to write
your Dame and address
newest dealer Is
My disease is.
f you think you need Bro
at once, or if you have
used it, it is to be had
class druggists.
J. I.
Wholesale Agents
for Greenville, N. C.
White Goods
A Sale You Will Talk About
Many Years to Come.
Best Calico fie
A Big Line Light
and Dark Colors
Best A. F. C
Best Sea Island
g Line of Cloth
i Hoy Blouse Suits
A Full Line of Mens Boys
linen Collars
Ladies Mixed
Lisle Thread
Heavy Ribbed
In all Styles and Colors, Plenty
to Select From
Wire buyers. Come early. This Sale embraces every de-
in this Store. For a number of days w
a-id assorting cases upon cases of New u
Mick to place ready for days of
Selling. w can't begin to tell of all the goods which w- .-
going so low.
We are
offer values h
you will, ion pt re rice
inch White Lawn
is now going
special juice
sale price
Plain and
welted Piques
out all up to
at the small price of
Closing out all up to at
the small price of
early and heavy pun basing, to
will not be duplicated. Look
with come here.
Yard Wide White
this sale
Yard Wide Heavy Canton
Flannel to
Yard Wide Best Grade Bleach-
now at
A Few more Extra Size Bed
New Wool Blankets Bought
Before the Advance at Your
Own Price
A Good Heavy Jean Corset
, h strong reeds Steel, in
I only
Me Hum Length Corset with
Hose Supporters attached, Lace
good quality of Hose
Supporters attached
A Beautifully Wade Corset
Trimmed with
Fine Lace, Regular 1.25 value
now going at
Special Prices in Men's, Youths and
Boys Clothing
At Your Own Price.
Men's Work Gloves
Fine Pressed and
dressed Kid Gloves A 1.37
Shoes for Men Women and
It Will Pay You to our
Millinery Department
can Furnish
Your House from Top to Bottom and
will Give You Right Prices.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
E. G. Barrett and C. A. Waters
Purchase Stock of C. T. Mun.
An important business transfer
was in city
yesterday, Mr. O. T. Mum ford sold
his large stock business to
Messrs. K. G. Barrett and C. A.
Waters, ho will continue
under the firm name of
Barrett Waters. Both Messrs.
Waters have been with
Mr. for a time, as
salesmen, have acquainted
themselves with every detail of the
and are well equipped and
men ; the
firm are well trade and
circles in city
very popular. Mr. Barren is a
native of Farmville, Pitt county,
and bus been with Mr.
since 1899, working himself up
from an humble start to the re-
position of manager of
Kinston branch of Mr.
ford's a
he bus held since it was
established here several years ago.
Mr. Waters is from Plymouth and
he, also, has been with Mr.
ford several years in capacity
of salesman and has made a
her of friends Free
Under the constitution of 1875
the French is chosen
the Senators and deputies in joint
session. This method of selection
insures the choice of man whom the
legislators and whom they
believe to be devoted to the principle
of the supremacy of the legislature
They habitually select a man who has
long been a member, and has per-
haps served an president, of one or
the other of the chambers; who has
been active in committee work, and
has perhaps held a portfolio in one
or more ministries; who not a
strenuous or aggressive, and has not
made too many personal enemies.
This president, under the provisions
of the constitution, may exercise
certain enumerated powers only in
the councils of ministers, and every
act of his must be countersigned by
a minister. The constitution also
provides that ministers are
responsible to the chambers
for the policy of
and individually
for their own personal
The French constitution vests the
appointment of the ministers in the
president, and does not require that
their appointment be confirmed by
the legislature; but by the mode of
his and the nature of his
the French President is
obliged, to lake his ministers from
the dominant party or coalition in
the Chamber of Deputies, as the
King of Great Britain takes his from
the dominant party the House of
Commons. The list is actually
drawn up by party leaders, and
the President appoints the men
whose names are submitted to him
All the powers conferred upon him
by the constitution are, in fact, ex-
by the ministers. As the
familiar French witticism puts
King of Britain
bat does not govern; the
of the United States governs, but
does not reign; the President of the
French neither reigns nor
From French
Presidency and the by
Smith, in the American
Monthly Review of Reviews for Feb-
Holds Interesting Meeting And
Elects Officers.
Am important enthusiastic
meeting Pitt county branch
of Association was held
court house in Greenville
Monday, 5th. B. R. Gotten, pies
of county association,
unable to attend owing to
sickness, O. L. Joyner vice
dent, presided. Mr. Joyner ex-
plained tally the objects of the
meeting and the before
G T. Tyson offered his resigns-
h secretary and
and it was accepted, W. A. B.
Barn being to fill the
Mr. Joyner read a notification
K. B. Moore, president of
the State organization, relative to
a mote thorough and complete or
of the State, county
township organizations, giving the
rules name fees for
membership, etc.
A resolution was passed
general plan of organization
ard pledging the
of the Pitt county branch.
The election of permanent
period of mouths
resulted as
It. Cotten.
L. Joyner.
Sec'y. and A. B.
L. F. Greenville.
L. Nobles, Greenville.
Marshal Cox, Winterville.
J d. Hi den.
. M. Jones, Bethel.
adjourned to meet
at o'clock on first Monday
March, at which time a capable
speaker will be present to more
fully explain objects and
Ibis organization, and every
man in this county Interested in its
general welfare an mid attend and
take part in this meeting. The
membership fee is cents
and a tax of cents per bale
on each bile of cotton raised
past season. Au
of this kind deserves
et and enthusiastic support
every loyal citizen of Pitt county,
cotton grower, merchant or pro-
I, if supported
will accomplish, fact, has
accomplished a vast good.
A letter to Tit k
Superintendent if.
the Home, at Raleigh,
the death of Mr. John
Mooring, which
alter a covering
some time.
Mr. Mooring was old,
and went to the home from Pitt
county about four years ago. In
war be was a member of Co.
A, 7th Regiment N. C, pi. He
leaves two U. H.
Moore Mis. Maud
live this county House. He
was also a of G.
Greenville Banking
Trust Company.
At a meeting of the directors of
the Greenville Banking and Trust
Company held Friday afternoon,
the resignation of L. I. Moore, as
was It. J.
Cobb was elected president to
him. C. S. Carr was elected
cashier to till vacancy caused
by Mi. Cobb's promotion to the
presidency of the institution.
Bulb of these have
long been connected with this bank
Mr. since tie organization
and they are officers of
Greenville to Have a National
In pi dispatches sent
from we see that
authority baa been given for the
of the National Bank
f Greenville, N. capital
The gentlemen
with others are the
L. I, Moore, Harry Skinner, F. G.
Junes, L. W. Tucker, J. F. Dav
ennui i and A. Jr.
are will known
and business men of Green-
ville who
means to bring success out of such
in i . Greenville is pro-
rapidly and I here is room
Here for a third bank. This
one, being a bank, will be
under government supervision and
will the town broader
in financial circles of the
The organization has not yet
been perfected, but we understand
that Bank expects to
lie ready to begin about
sixty days.
Error In Posting
Mr. R, O. Alexander, well
known cotton was hold-
tightly one baud a roll of
-I this He re-
marked to News man that
the money had been to
aim by a railroad, and a
t of a competing line thought
be should have it framed.
Mr. Alexander states that he was
a certain station on the
Line several days ago when a
posted a certain train
SO minutes late. of this
the Charlotte man his train
and his expense account was In-
creased thereby. Mr. Alexander
apprised management of
facts in the case. He received a
letter by return mail informing
him that treasurer of the
Bib, 1906.
Messrs Lloyd La and Loyd
Wooten, of Kinston, are spending
with friends.
Dr. L. L. Hendren gave a very
interesting talk Thursday afternoon,
under the auspices of the Science
Club, his subject being
ma Canal
During the month of January there
were to the library more than
three new volumes. Almost
the number were purchased
out of the library fund, the cost be-
several hundred dollars. The
most of these books were purchased
for department of economics.
With these additions the library
now has thirty-one thousand
besides hundreds that
It is almost a certainty that
is to have another game added to
her list of athletic sports in the near
future. The game in question is a
basket ball. Trinity has already
a challenge from Wake
Forest, wishing to arrange dates for
games to be played in February, but
it is doubtful if the team can get
practice enough to be in readiness
for a contest before March.
Washington's birthday will be
observed by the college as a holiday.
It always been of the
college to invite some speaker to do;
liver address on the evening of
this day. The speaker for this year
will be Rev. G. R. White, D. D., of
Atlanta. Dr White is a native of
North Carolina, and has the
of being a great pulpit orator.
Cox's Mill, N. C 1906.
Saturday morning L. N. Ed-
wards was very badly hurt. He
was riding on bis and
ground being frozen made so much
he didn't bear train, and
woods on that side of the road
caused him not to see it as it was
coming down from towards Green-
ville with flat can on Beaufort
County road, until he was
so near that be couldn't stop.
Just before he got across road
the foremost car bis buggy
threw him out on the iron
breaking one or two of hi
ribs and otherwise hurl and
ed him. While be is not thought
to be seriously hurt, yet he is
much pain. His
friends will be glad to he is
getting along as well as could be
A party was given at J.
W. Cox's store Friday for
the of Rose Hill
A large crowd was present with
girls well filled
baskets. The sum of nearly
was result.
No. I. o. B, M. of
N. C.
God in His divine
wisdom seen fit to our
Tribe take from OS our beloved
Brother, Smith, be ii
That our Tribe has lout a
member but still we bow in
humble submission to the will of
Him who nil
a ell,
2nd, That ill
of the Great Si-nil in b
of bereaved family trusting
that they done Hailing
the forest of life that they may be
reunited on shores of the
hunting where Friendship, Free-
and Ch forever.
3rd, That a copy of thee
be placed upon our records,
a copy be to the grief
family and a copy be sent to
Greenville DOW running riot with the cotton
market, the present raid
his been caused by a combination
of spinners exporters and bearish
speculators, organized a few weeks
since in New York to drive the
market down for the distinct par-
of breaking the backbone of
present movement
among farmers the South
and to destroy effectiveness of
the Southern Cotton as
Raw Cotton Should be Cents.
Spinners of yams and print
sloths openly admit that
their finished output
pi ice of H cents for
he raw This lace is well
Known to every Son r ho has
i the puces of
e it ton in It is also
well known all careful students
of question of actual supplies
of spot cotton and the enormous
demands of legitimate consumption,
i hat there will not he a sufficiency
of raw cotton e demands
for consumption before another
crop can lie planted, cultivated and
harvested. The present price
spot cotton is, therefore, not based
upon the value of the
No cotton this season has
been sold on this basis of tin
sic value. speculation
Baptist for publication.
J. A. Mainline;,
E. A. Cooper, p Com.
J. F. Harrington,
N. C. Feb.
J. J. to Greenville
George Savage, Jr., who has been
S n
great staple ,
puny would honor bis draft The of Clerk C. Moore,
amount of his expenses. He re- the courthouse, was these of
the money the occur- g marriage about eleven o'clock
is so unusual that he thinks this the contracting par-
ti cm ion should be made of it.-
Work is soon expected to begin
on the Masonic temple at Raleigh. I third terms.
Holton And
Washington, D. C, Feb. r.
President, acting
of both Republican factious
in the State, sent to the Senate to-
day the names of District
ties being Kittrell Mrs.
Fannie They came
in together called on Register
of Deeds Williams for the necessary
license and let it be that
they did much time
Mr. Jesse Thrown From
On Tuesday evening Mr. Jesse
was returning to town
from side of liver,
and while on the dam just
the bridge met with an
that the time looked very
His horse was trotting
along at a lively gate when i-
one shaft of the buggy came
coupled from axle. threw
the buggy off the dam, lauding
Mr. at the bottom of th
embankment. As good luck would
have it, became out with only a
sprained wrist and scratched face.
accident was due entirely to
insecure the bug-
The horse was also burl, but
returned to bis home in Rocky
Mount Monday.
W. J. Boyd, of Ayden, was in
Mr. Scott, of Elizabeth City, was
in town Monday.
A letter was received here Sat
stating the man of Cecil
Harrington. He will make
his home for awhile, but
Mr. Dawson, of Washington,
was town Monday.
H. H. Stanley hunting
Monday afternoon. He was gone
about two ard
eleven birds, killing several more
that could not be found.
L. K. and A. J. Whitford,
Clay Boot Neck, were in
dine Monday
C. D. Baker and S. P. Alford
spent Sunday in
F. G. Whaley returned Saturday
night from Suffolk, where he at-
tended the services of Mr.
J. M. Shepherd, the father of Mrs.
Whaley. Mr. Shepherd died at
his home Suffolk Tuesday even-
at G o'clock was buried
Friday afternoon at o'clock in
the cemetery at Suffolk. Their
many friends extend sympathy to
Mr. Mrs. Whaley.
Mrs. Mary Lancaster, aged
years, who lives about nine miles
from quite sick
with pneumonia. She is the
Nearly million biles of
present crop has already passed
out of Ii mil of the producers,
furnishing temp nary needs of
them an
advantageous as they
have But this
ion cannot last o This
crop is bales short of the
crop of 1904. Six million
spindles were added to the
manufacturers in de-
for cotton goods is
dented. We sold a
bale crop for ten cents. There is
only a of one million
bales left from the present short
of bales, and
those who have to hold
their cotton face of present
depression will yet
sell it for cents.
President Southern Cotton
ft. Greensboro has been
locked up for having wives.
Raleigh gets next inciting
of the Assembly,
12th to
John a living
near Kinston, was arrested and
placed jail for committing
outrage year old girl.
Two Concord boys were fooling
Happenings of Interest in North
A pointer dog died
burg county recently whose owner
said had been the family for
John C. Dancy, colored, of this
stale, has been reappointed
of deeds of the District of
Mis. Kick-- of
place, and was visited by Dr. and
Mrs. Ricks Sunday, three white
tramps asked tie section master
Washington, D. C, Feb. 1900.
An examination will he
under the Civil Service
of railroad to lei them ride to
with him on dump car.
Permission was given two of them,
but the third, being drunk, was
told he could not ride. The tramp
drew a pistol snot the section
master and to make his
Ion, on February 26th to when one of
getting Kev. F. a pistol. It tired off,
D. was sent for the jg me one holding it in the arm
was soon performed. caused him to drop the pistol
Marshal Milliken for i bride was a blushing widow again, the
I the groom a giddy widower.
boy the leg.
inclusive, for the purpose of
eligibles which to fill
vacancies in the position
in the Revenue service.
when appointed, rant
be not let than nor more than
years of age, physically sound,
and mentally
will be held in Eastern
North Carolina at Raleigh and
Wilmington. Applicants should
apply to the U. S. Civil Service
Commission, Washington, D. C,
for application form other
information. The position is a
very desirable
Jno. H. Small.
section hands shot him down,
section master tramp
died of their wounds m a
A bashful couple, who
were evidently very much in lore,
a crowded street car in
Boston the other day. yon
suppose we squeeze in
he asked, looking doubtfully at
her blushing face.
you think, dear, we had
better wait until we get
was the low embarrassed

As this store will
new management after
1st, we will offer
this entire stock of high
grade Merchandise
At Cost
Then comes the great big
White Good Sale.
You can save money by
coming early
It Repaid Mrs. Saunders For the Misery
of Her Week Off.
There has probably never been
a more homesick a
great city than Mrs. Homer
was during her week's visit to
New York. you enjoy one
asked one of her
neighbors when Mrs.
had been happily rattling the
pots kettle in her own kitchen
for a few hours. Homer
take you around sightseeing or
Homer would been glad
enough said Mrs. Saunders as
she began a fresh attack on one of
her frying pan which was not
glittering. been
pleased to tote me around with him
and Lottie all the time, hut what
do you suppose I care about sights
brick and stone rushing folks
and shops full things I'd never
need in if lived to be a
Central offered
the neighbor mildly.
enough for those that
aren't used to a couple
stretch hill and wood and
whichever way they've a mind to
admitted Mrs.
I tell you one thing I did
little book got hold
never were a great
hand to said her old friend,
with surprise.
works said Mrs.
Saunders, yet biography. But
this little hook had lists trains in
it, the first day got there I
found the page. There was
a great clock in Lottie's parlor, and
I used to sit there and see what the
time was and where the trains would
be, how near the junction, and so
on. never bail all those junction
trains firm fixed in my mind before,
but now I have And I saying
to now there's a train
so and so; Let's play going to
take and so on.
go through the whole per-
riding in the stage with
Jake and all. And I tell said
Mrs. Saunders. turning radiant
face to her visitor, got fair-
seated down in that old coach
this morning and felt that place
where the began to bust
through the leather and heard
cluck up those bosses said to my-
self, is worth all I've endured
in the last week, hard though
to Companion.
light pane It heavy
Sickness makes a light purse.
The LIVER is the seat of nine
tenths of all disease.
go to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of the
LIVER to normal condition.
Give tone to the system and
solid flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
Why a Doctor Was Sure Hit Fair Pa-
Was Better.
are feeling better today,
Mrs. said the trained nurse
after she had finished making her
patient comfortable for the day.
Hiss s. really feel as if I
were going to get said the in-
valid, lying hack n her pillows with
comfortable fatigue. Then, after a
pause, know I must be looking
like a fright
The nurse smiled to herself. She
knew the signs of convalescence in
her feminine pat lent a so well.
I have a hand was
Mrs. nest remark. It was the
first time she hail asked for a
since her illness, and she looked
at herself critically. there is
no doubt about -lie -aid plain-
think you are very re-
marked Hiss S.
do you honestly You are
not joking her charge,
with animation. And then a mo-
S., may I have
Marie in to crimp my hair
should .-o like to look nice for Dr.
meaning the eminent specialist
who had en attending her.
with the family physician.
she continued, never has
seen mo looking decent. I didn't
can how looked when I mis feel-
so ill. I know he thinks I'm an
So the maid was called and the
hair arranged to milady's
now, dire Led her
mistress, .; me mil my
best c dressing jackets
cine with blue lion . or, no, don't
you think, Mi S., the pink
ribbons give one a little more col-
Tl d on,
then Mrs. XI. ordered pillow
ill d a pair which
were rid re-
placed them.
Shortly afterward tho doctors
J, and the great
came into tho room with his
He looked surprised and
then gave a quizzical look at the
am going to hid you
Mrs. he said after few formal
What do you mean,
queried the invalid.
lie laughed. ribbons and
crimps come into the he
answered, work is over. i- a
sure sign that my services are no
longer York
The Clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt county, having issued Letters
of Administration to me, the under-
signed, on the of Dec. on
F. u. Whichard,
ed, notice is hereby given to all per-
sons indebted to estate to make
mediate payment to the undersigned,
and to all creditors of said estate to
present their claims
to the undersigned, within
twelve months after the date of this
notice, or this trill be plead ii.
bar their recovery.
This the of Dec.
Mrs. L. M. Whichard.
Ashley Adm. on lb Eaten
North Carolina I In
Pitt County f
W A. Manning, and Ma-v Mm
nine, W. R. Ford, M. O. and
wife Florence R. K Whit-
Ed. Jolly and wife Melissa
Jolly, John Ed
u it Ward
wife Julia L. G. Ford, J. J
It Carson and wife Maggie
R Baker and wife Mollie Baker
and Fernando Whitehurst, Plaintiffs.
C B true
Annie James, A. M,
Jenkins. J V Bowers, w K Bowers,
Thomas B. Bowers. Me G White-
burst. B L T and wife Susan
S Jesse W Carson.
R D Whitehurst. W
Taylor, M. C. Manning, K D. Mann-
U. Whitehurst, Me. G. Ford,
Mary E. Ward, John Edmundson
Wade Williams, A J aDd wife
Bettie j M Manning, Eli
Moore, J Carson, Harriett L
ward, John T Carson Jennette L
Nelson, M M Hammond and wife Eli-
Hammond, w j James, G w
Edmundson, William Staton. w A
Matthews and wife Sallie E. Mat-
thews, J. H. Bunting F C James, S T
Carson, Manning,
w U B F Manning. Carrie
the being minors with-
out guardian, Defendants.
Major Mailing who is a defendant
above cause, will take notice
that a special proceeding, entitled as
above, has been commenced Sup-
Court of County, before the
Clerk, to incorporate a Canal Com-
said defendant will further
take notice he i j to
before the clerk of the Superior Court
of Pitt County, at his office in Green-
ville, on day of February
petition and complaint
which will be deposited in the office of
the said Clerk within ten days after the
issuing of this summons. And the said
will also take notice, that if
he fails to said petition and
complaint within the time
by law, Plaintiffs will apply to the
Court the relief the
petition and complaint.
under my hand, at office in
Greenville, on this the of
Clerk Court, of Pitt county
This is the month you should buy. It
is the month we should sell. should
buy because ail lines in this store are re-
from to per cent.
We should sell because we should make
room for Spring and Summer goods yet to
This opportunity is a mutual one and
we trust you will take advantage of the
many Bargains we are now offering.
These prices will prevail until Feb. 1st.
By virtue of the power of sale con-
in a certain deed in trust ex-
and delivered by Hubert Greene
and wife to J. L. Little
trustee the 2nd day of
and duly recorded In the Register of
Deeds office of county North Car-
i book B-9 page and upon
application of the assignee of the Bank
Greenville, the person entitled to
money due under said deed in
trust, the undersigned will expose to
public sale before the court house
door in Greenville for cash to the
highest bidder, on the lit Ii
day of February, 1806, the following
property to wit. A in-
in to that certain lot in the
town of Greenville on
coiner of lot
and running a northerly course with
said street eighty-live thence
an easterly course parallel with Fourth
street one hundred and
feet, to a line lot number
thence a southerly course eighty-
live feet to the corner
I lot number rightly two I hence
with the line of said lot number eighty-
two one hundred and thirty two
to tin- beginning, containing
one-fourth acre more or less, sod
known as a part of lot number eighty-
one in plan of the town of
and being the same con-
in Robert Greene, . w. II.
Greene by deed from
w. w. dated Dec. a, 1880, and
III the Register
office of Pitt county, in book page
to which need reference Is herein
Said sale is made to said
deed in trust. This January 1806,
Skinner A Whedbee,
Pay Your Tax.
All delinquent in their
luxes are hereby to come
settle. It will lie lime
for to be added and all who
fail to pay before that lime will
have to pay more.
L. W. Tucker,
d A- If. run-tiff
Luckiest Man in Arkansas
the luckiest man in Ark
writes H. L. Stanley, of
Bruno, the restoration of
my wife's health after live years
of continuous coughing and bleed
from the and I owe
my good fortune to the world's
greatest medicine, Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
which I know from experience
will cure consumption if taken
in time. My wife improved with
first bottle and twelve bottles
completed the cure Cures the
worst coughs and colds or money
refunded. At J. L. Wooten's
and Trial
, free.
The Clerk of Superior of Pitt
having issued Letters
memory to me, the undersigned, on the
17th, of Jan., on the estate
of It. E. Mayo, deceased, notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted
to the estate t. make immediate pay-
to undersigned, and to
creditors of said estate to present their
claims properly authenticated, to the
undersigned, within twelve months
after the date of this notice, or this
notice will be plead in bar of their re-
This the 17th, Jan.,
G. A. Stancil,
on the Estate of It. E Mayo.
F. G. James,
Having duly qualified before the
Court Clerk of Pitt county as
administrator of the estate Mrs. M,
K. Peal, deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to the
estate to make immediate payment to
undersigned, and all persons
. claim-, against the must
I present them to the undersigned on or
before the 17th, day of January. 1907,
i or this notice will plead bar of
I recovery.
This 17th, day of Jan.,
W. I. Peal,
of Mrs. M. E. peal.
A reward of will paid for in-
formation sufficient to eon v let
party or parties who leave gates
open or do damage to gales
around stock law
territory, or who so that
lilies unit horses inn v
J H.
For C Stoves Ranges,
Heaters Pumps, Guns, Am-
munition, One and Two Horse
Steel Plows, Heat Cutters and
In fact anything
in Hardware come to
Having duly Qualified before the
Superior Court Clerk of county
executrix of the and
of Alfred Forbes, deceased, no-
is hereby given to all persons in-
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and
persons having claims against said
estate must present the same to the I
undersigned for payment on or b
fore flee, nth or this notice
will be plead in bar of their
This nth day of December,
mks. Forbes,
Having duly qualified before the
Pitt county as
administrator of estate of John F
notice is hereby
given all persons indebted to the es-
to make Immediate to the
undersign J, and all persons having
claims against estate are
I to present same to the undersigned
I for payment before the 1st day of De-
or this notice will be
plead in bar of their recovery.
This 1st day of 1806,
of John F. Whichard.
J. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent-
. AYDEN, N. C.
As authorized agent for Daily
and we take
in receiving sub-
and receipts for
in arrears. We a list
of all who their mail at
We also take orders
Our rugs and art are
the finest, and
B. K. Manning last Friday
in I v
Our specialties are, staple and
Fruits aDd
Dry goods, Notions
Sinus. for
blown made to
dual measurement. for
Troy which,
Mm be called for and deliver-
ed banking you for past
patronage, and hoping to serve
you in the future. V. G.
Mis. William aDd
little daughter are visiting relatives
on her of Tar river.
your buildings by
them with
Tow n and lead
and lull line colors, kept at J.
Mrs. Marshall Barber has been
a visit to friends Winterville.
Buy your Felt Mattress at Can-
non Tyson, they have the best.
V. and paper roofing
with Ion,; or joint-
and pipe at J. R. Smith Bro.
Carlos Harris, of e, is
He bas several for
pointing and will some
goods, Broad cloth. Hem i-
Mohair, cashmere, albatross
ilk.-, trimmings, lining white
goods at J R Smith Bro
Bed steads, mattresses, spring-,
single and double, rockers, dining
and lorn chairs stands
dressers tables at J R Smith
A Bro
Look out lot the prettiest
gal ion to teacher's meeting
next Saturday. It will hail from
de ii you forget it.
Calico at cents
per yard, great reductions white
slippers summer goods, at J.
R. Smith
Prayer meeting in the Baptist
Wednesday night
services in Methodist
Church Thursday night-
E. E. Co. will do all
to please you with
their new line of heavy fancy
There services the Dis-
church Sunday morning and
night, Id Methodist and
churches at con-
by their regular pastors.
load alt for sale by
em Tyson.
P. s. the fire
l can now be found on tide
of between office of
Dixon and Bro shops.
I have a full supply of general
and fancy groceries,
Cigars, and tobacco. Fresh
Oysters and every night on
arrival of train, call and I will
rest you fair. P. B, Cannon.
The protracted meeting in the
closed last Fri-
day I was by far best
inn ever held Rev.
Mr. plain,
cal sermons a large congregations
attended every service. There
were of faith, of
whom new converts joined the
Methodist church, by
while others signified
their intention lo unite some
other church. Mr. Glenn and wilt-
left Saturday for Newport where
he will conduct another
A foil supply of Trunks.
Telescopes, Grips, Satchels and
Suit Oases, at J. R. Smith A Bro.
Old Fashion Hand-made Paw.
Paw Gum Bread Trays J. It.
Smith Bro.
Mrs. R. C. is
her mother is Hill.
Cannon and invite- your
attention to their car load of stoves
and heaters.
We your attention to out
line of harness,
Miss Will Harper has returned
to her home in Greene.
gold clasp pin. Pie
sign Rx N. C. it.
A suitable reward for it will be
paid by C. L. Cannon
drug store, N. C.
Buy your furniture of Cannon
and Tyson, they have the best
Latest styles in cloak wrap
for balmier. Ladies
a Dice line of Zephyr
tors at J. R. Smith Bro.
Tyson the
strongest line of dress goods and
S nice, in town.
For a nice present buy a novel-
clock at J. W. lay lot's. It is
for occasion.
A beau line of crockery, glass
fancy lamps, and tinware
J R Smith Bro
Miss of
ville, is visiting her sister,
Get the Cox cotton planter the
best on the market at J. R. Smith
We have moved in brick
store of J. H. on West
Railroad street just of the
Carolina Our goods are
all as our old stock was
burned in the recent fire. We will
be pleased to our friends as
well as the general call and
see us. We know we can please
you Doth as to price and quality.
W. C. Jackson A Co
Mrs. Prince, of Parmele, who
bas been visiting her mother here
left for her home
For Sale lot or
parcel of land the of
adjoining lots of J. F. Dixon
William con-
about two acres, which will
be sold on reasonable terms. See
or apply lo J. B.
R. F. D. No. see J. J.
Hay corn, oats, meal, hulls, lime
windows locks nails Cross
cut saws and mechanic tools at J
R Smith Bro
Samuel and family, of
Kin-ton, have been here on a visit
to relatives.
For apples, corn
tomatoes, Ac, apply to E. E.
We have bought the grocery
business of and
born and will conduct the same
line of -in. at the same store.
invite public to call
teens. We will sell as cheap as
cheapest always the best.
Give us a R. Williams,
buy a second baud
sale with couple doors, to
not in-- than one thousand pounds.
W, Jackson Co. N. C.
i lino of ii,. I i. h.
m s triad. Km k A
M K-es Ethel and
of .-,.
guest of Kale awl
Cox fro ii Friday
A full Hoe i valises, tel-
-rip-. ion
la ii, H t O
on a ml
feed stuff at lowest
prices Such as hay, oats, corn,
seed meal hulls, brand
and ship stud. Frank Lilly
Mrs. J. H. Bell.
spent from Thursday to Sunday
with Mis. J. T. Smith Jr.
cars cotton seed,
will pay highest cash price,
sell your seed until you see me.
Frank Lilly Co.
Dr. D. L. James, of Greenville,
spent the Sabbath here with W. J.
J. A. Harrington manager in
charge of the cemetery is
certainly lots of work done
or. the premises and has added
much to the cleanliness beaut
of the surroundings.
Go to E. E. Go's
market beef, fresh meats,
sage, and fresh fish.
was a kneel aid all
t m I- . ,
My sou William Jenkins,
having left my
my -aid
William col., being a
minor, this is to warn any and all
persons giving shelter, food or em-
to him and doing
so will be prosecuted according
law. This January 19th
William Si., col.
Beginning January
we will a special sale
mi all dress goods, dry goods cloth-
shoes and bats. These prices
will prevail till Feb. lit. This is
the mouth you should buy. It is
the month we should sell. All
our store will be reduced
from ten to twenty to per
Our spring and summer goods
will soon arrive aDd in order to
make room our stock, we have
decided to conduct this sale. This
opportunity is a mutual one,
we trust you will take advantage
of many bargains we will offer.
Come to see be convinced
J. R. Turnage Co.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Block, East Railroad St.
Ayden, N. C.
V me
t .
Feed .
Mi. A. A a very
from I
us a c.-i Friday
ed us with a
hi; of a
d . D here he not
only -pent a delightful lime, but
be i lie girls lacked
the time other
in b need
ii k- bis it is
. i r
,, his
or his
Slid leadings will
desired, Oh, he i- nu a lee,
For grind n. s
i in nip lope pulley-, at J. a.
Paul o, the S
Marine i v c at New-
put, N J , is home on a
of two weeks after which he will
return to bis command which will;
once start on years cruise
in the squadron.
Hut He Swung Hit
John Sharpe
William- a tali- of the days
when be for a wax
line one of Souther Slates.
It appears that, at one point on
its line, company stationed n
old whose
consisted in warning travel -r.
down a highway
racks when a train
hie sight, a wait ii to a
In a
for damages, and,
at the trial, the old was
the principal witness for his em
He replied to
put to him Is a din el
fashion. Among s
was one as to win-nor he
was -in.- that he bad his
lantern road when be
perceived the approach.
The rep
The trial resulted in a verdict
fur the company, and tor.
as took early
to c
, i. excellent
In which the
tiaras but
lawyer man to ask me
about de . I was afraid,
for a minute, he was to
-k me if it was lit or not. De oil
some lime de
The only a can
with bis own family is one lie
writes for them with bis lawyer.
To many people mistake dignity
for wisdom.
Frightfully Burned
W. Moore, a machinist,
of Ford City, Pa , had his hand
frightfully in an
cal furnace. He applied
Salve with the usual
result; quick and perfect cure.
Greatest healer on earth for
Burns, Wounds, Eczema
and Piles. at J. L. Wooten's,
Same as of
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
Hats, Gent's and Ladies fur-
goods. In fact I Bee
everything kept in a first i of know
class general
store sold at greatly
ed prices.
i Thia
as a
Coll and Joe are accountants
a street office.
They been on terms
each Other for more than a
year till an unlucky day when they
quarreled. After that day neither
would to the other.
what was the cause the
quarrel their companions in the of-
did inn concern themselves
i week- two
worked .-i. .
and shot murderous
glances at each other.
At amusing to the other men
in office, the situation became
intolerable, for all the employees
were on friendly terms one with the
other, and the estrangement of Bob
and to hang over their
part of the counting room like a
Then up rose a peacemaker in
the person of Tom, the office boy.
This young person, actuated more
by a spirit of mischief than by the
more worthy motive of bringing
about a cessation of hostilities, rat-
on a typewriter
like those that were sent
lo and Japan. Hue was ad-
dressed to Bob, apparently by Joe,
and the other to Joe, as if written
by Bob. This was
you think this thing has
gone far enough We are working
in the same office and ought to be
friends. If it will do any good, I
will say the fault was all mine. After
you read this act just the same as
though nothing bad
if they'll fight
the office boy as he addressed
envelopes and placed a copy of
note in each. Alter Bob and
in., had gone for the day young;
plotter placed the envelopes on the
two desks, where they would lie
found in the morning.
Boll was to arrive at the of-
lice the following day. When he
read bis note be smiled com-
to whistle softly. Then in
The Arm Bra., was
on the f January. 1906,
by mutual consent, F.
V. Johnston lie inter-
B. Johnston In
-e-s. will lie con-
I lie Miami by F. V
Ibis SUi Jan.
K. V.
you are troubled with your
or have u difficulty obtain-
it matters not
how difficult your call J.
W. Taylor, an expert
Ayden, N. who live years
experience with some of the most
obstinate cases. He never fails to
give patients satisfaction or their
money refunded. Over live hundred
of Pitt Lenoir
best people to testify to his
an I ability. Give him your
work if you satisfaction.
fr. I
lo l. trade
in Ll.
Washington time A
money and often th
Patent and Infringement
Some people try to hide tin
by that they are
Our idea of a society man is one
who neglects to say anything win n
he speaks.
A Healing
The J. C. Warren, pastor
of Sharon Baptist Church, Do-
lair, Ga , says of Electric
a Godsend to mankind, It
cured me of lame back, joints
and complete physical collapse
I was also weak it took ball
an hour to walk a mile. Two
bottles of Electric Bitters have
made me so strong I have-
walked three miles in minute
and feel like walking three inure
It's made a mini of Great-
est remedy for weakness and all
Stomach. Liver and Kidney
complaints. Sold under
tee at J L. Wooten's Drugstore
Greenville, N. G.
The Only Requisite for
A Perfect Complexion
arc your hands and a jar of
Massage Cream
takes tho dirt not
tho l Ii nothing In
is food i remains, u
an it are i I locked.
searches impurity out
ill dirt
ii in
it tilt I
fl cuts . I per
For Sale at
N. C
At the of business Jan. 1906.
Loans and Discounts,
furniture and Fixtures
Demand Loans .
Duo from
Silver Coin,
National I lank notes mid
oilier V. S. notes
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided less
expenses, 1,331
Dividends unpaid .
Deposits lo check,
i e
. I
I, J. K. Smith, Cashier of the hank, do
that the above statement is true to the best of my and be
lief. J. B. SMITH, Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, this Jay of
Notary Public.
hit note.
chuckled and went to work.
he glanced up, caught Bob's
eye and
found a new lunch joint yes-
Will yon join ire today
your replied Hob.
And all the in tho office won-
how came about. Tom is
afraid to tell.
Ha Paid.
A commercial traveler quietly
came up to a stranger in a railway
station just as the was
to start and
going by this
you any
my friend, you might do
me n favor. I have two big trunks,
and I hoy always make me pay ex-
for one of You take one
for mo. It will cost you nothing,
see, but I haven't any
thought you said you
were going by this
I am. I'm one of the com-
The extra was paid. London
He Wasn't Afraid to Try.
C. W. Raymond, chief justice of
the United Stales court appeals
of Indian Territory, was ones a
hand at cent.-.
j day. resolved to Income a
lawyer made application to
Henry A. the county clerk
of Ins county, for employment. The
clerk that at that lime
he did not need any further assist.
but that the future might
bring a demand for additional help,
lie closed his letter as
work is adding, adding, add-
all day long. Did you
Voting Raymond was equal lo the
occasion aid answered the clerk on
u posts card us follows; I
have never tried
all Ion. I can try, try
tr;. I won't Success
The Cake.
T i ii U Ii
from he n I Ho-
man marriage , ell . ., the
i i- of the In n and
i c . of bread
and i ii I .
i c ill-, loped into the
cut it he
ii duty of the woman to
re food for tho man. Everybody
the about Bleep-
cake. Country girls,
oven in this age of look
i to the weddings of their
friends o that they may get a
of wedding cake, which, fill
through a ring, has the power ti
produce in dreams the vision of a.
prospective husband.

and Proprietor.
in the post office Greenville. N. C. as second class matter,
Advertising made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
in to fiction
It looks like Kinston ought to be
getting in line for a hanging.
Hold Greenville back No You
had M well try to stop the current of
the river.
hear that the building and
loan association is about to get to-
Le it hurry up.
With as good a system of water
works as Greenville has there ought
o be a re for lire insurance.
The Woman's Temperance Unions
are joining in a request to Miss
Alice Roosevelt to eliminate wine
from her wedding breakfast
If have anything in
for Greenville's development
you had better trot it out before
somebody gels ahead of you.
We cannot say what the railroad
bill amount to in the way
of becoming but it is giving
the somewhat of a scare.
The has seen
a colder winter and a warmer winter
but he has not brought back the one
that compares with this for change-
The thermometer and cotton are
both keeping to the freezing
The North Carolina contingent
are making the President earn his
If February is to continue as bad
as it has so far, there is some
in it being a short
If a piece of Greenville property
goes on the market there are quick
purchasers. This shows something
of the faith the people have in the
Democrats are Dot doing any
kicking about the light that is still
going on between Republican
in the western part of the
dispensary as a State
is about to be killed by the
Legislature of South Carolina. As
conducted over there it has been a
breeder of much corruption.
It is one thing to have laws and
another to enforce them. If there
was as much persistence in looking
after violators of the law as
there is after the game law, you
would a difference.
The man w ho fails to pay his
taxes is not considered much of a
citizen in this country of ours, and
sometime he causes trouble in
not expected. Some years
ago L. and other
were indicted for wrecking the
First National Bank of Asheville.
They were tried, convicted and sen
to several years imprisonment
in the penitentiary at Atlanta.
peal to a higher court was taken,
and the United Suites Circuit Court
of Appeals at Richmond to which
the case went has reversed the
of the lower court dismissed
the indictment. The ground upon
which this action was based was
the fact that two of the grand jurors
who found the bill of indictment had
faded to pay dis-
qualified to serve. Hy this failure
to perform the part of good citizen-
ship the bank wreckers the
punishment deserved.
every prospect of Green-
development so pleasing, it
does look like enough folks would
take time by the to get a
building and loan association on the
The Southern Railway is making
a reputation as a street
at least lighting for streets Some
years ago it had quite a lively round
with Durham and now it is taking a
turn with High Point.
Tom won in his action
the Corinne Co. to
enjoin the latter from playing
construction which he regard-
ed as an infringement of his
A man from the West remarked
to The see you are
advocating a and loan
for your town. Keep it up
until one is established, for no en
you can get will do the town
more good. have just finished
paying for a nice home through a
building and loan association with
the money that formerly went for
rent, and many people in your town
ran do the same thing if you have
an association This is the
kind of that counts.
Some of the papers tumbled to The court made the
Cincinnati man's letter and gave the
desired advertisement of his pro-
posed visit
of tic fraternal order he represents.
The recorder of Charlotte has an
that hereafter he will
pose a floe of BO Oil every drunk
from prescription whiskey. Hen-
after the prescription imbibers had
better it in broken doses.
Durham is a prohibition town
when a man is taken before the
mayor one of the questions asked by
the court is where he got the
key. Two have been sentenced to
jail for thirty lays fir refusing to
answer the question.
injunction perpetual.
Tom Dixon received an anonymous
saying that unless ha pulled
down he would he
lynched by of New-
York. Dixon applied to polio
hindquarters to carry a pistol and
now armed any who try to
execute the threat.
an Octogenarian on the
and Using of Liquor.
What is now a sin and a shame
not a sin sixty years ago This
at least is the opinion of a gentleman
from one of the mountain counties
who is in the city. His name is
Jacob and he is hale and
hearty at Si. interesting to
talk with the old gentleman. He
said, in part, that he had all his life
lived in a section where they made
liquor. he said,
a little brandy and whiskey
for his own use sixty years
Some made it in large quantities
and sold it, it f
of miles, but the great major
never made it to be sold; they
just stilled a little for their own use
and if a neighbor wanted any he
sent and got it like h- would any
thing else. In those day very
men got drunk, though almost every
man would lake a drink. They used
it like medicine know a few men
yet living who take three a
day, but no more; they take it just
before their meals, but the new gen.
can't be depended upon. For
the past or years the practice
Has been growing worse and when
you see a young man who drinks at
all he is mighty apt to get too much.
I don't think the Almighty ever
intended that liquor should be
abused as it I don't really think
it was a sin to make it and use it as
they did sixty years ago. but it a
sin and an evil now of large
made so because the people
have abused it and it is well
country is waking up and weeding
it out. The people are abusing
other things as well as liquor
was seldom in my earlier years that
you saw a who could not eat
anything he wanted to, now you run
across people by the and
thousands who have diet themselves.
This is because they have abused
their and it would be a sin
for them to eat certain things, for it
is detrimental to their health. Away-
back before the war the good old
Methodist circuit rider expected to
be invited to take a toddy before
supper and after a long ride he was
seldom disappointed, but he don't
expect any such thing now and if
invited would consider it an insult.
Yes, things have changed and they
keep on changing. A great many
men are getting better, but those
who are not are a great deal
There is a good deal of truth in
what Mr. says and a good
deal of sense as
The Young Man will greatly interested in our
Suits. The more the Young Man may
be. the more certain will l his satisfaction here. Coats are
just the right Vests just the right cut. Trousers just
the right at and bottom, fabrics of the latest design.
Few of the best Custom Tailors can equal, and not one
can excel, in producing each fashionable garments for the
Young wear. The are unusually attractive.
Right this way, Mr. Young Man- We'll suit you to
and All your with joy.
Yon folks who have any idea at
all buying estate in Green-
ville had better strike while the iron
is hut There is no special excite-
thought it come sooner
or later. Anna Gould has instituted
for divorce from her
Count de It is time
American heiresses should quit
marrying run-down foreign noble-
men just to take care of them, when
there are plenty of better men here
at home.
That was a good meeting the
farmers of Pitt county held here
Monday, the attendance being large
and property land much interest shown. In this
drat thing yon know it will take tight against low priced cotton the
dollars on top of dollars to get a
piece of ground hero.
We remember that some
the Di- . -I
before the and
urged the importance of a system
vital statistics tor Greenville, where-
by a correct record of deaths and
their causes, prevalence of I
and other matters pertaining to tie
health could made and
preserved for information and com-
Greenville has grown
greatly since that time, but as m t
no steps have been taken for keeping
such statistics In a town as large
and important M such statistics
to lie kept.
should have the aid and CO
of all business and
men, for whatever affects the
farmer is felt alike by all. If the
farmer wins in this fight he is hence-
forth master of the situation as re
girds the price of cotton, but if he
fails ho can never again have a voice
in the price of his chief pro-
duct. There should be no such
thing as failure now. ;
A London doctor is said to have
written a book entitled, to
Live In this country it is
not necessary to a book to give
advice on this subject. Get on the
pension roll and your name, like the
poet's brook, goes
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
Pulley Bowen
We will inaugurate Our Spring Season In-
putting on display the newest
ideas to be shown in
We have no trash or Special Sale stuff but
we will have the latest and best things that
were obtainable in the American markets
and we cordially invite the Ladies that are
desirous of seeing the NEWEST
to call at our establishment and feast their
eyes. Very truly yours,
Pulley Bowen.
At close of business January 29th, 1906.
Loans and discounts
Furniture and fixtures
Duo from Hanks
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
National bank notes
and U S notes
Capital stock paid in
Undivided profits,
Time 10,394.08
Subject .- .
to chock
to A
Cashiers ck
N. C,
State of North Carolina, Comity of Pitt,
I, It. Cashier of named hank, do solemnly
swear tho above is to the host of my knowledge
and belief. EL J. Cashier.
and sworn to before
me, this 2nd day of 1906,
C. S. Notary Public.
J. L.
C. T.
This department Is in J. H. FRY, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Last Friday Feb. and saw the flower
carried a large and orange and
crowd on a tour with Wei groves. We stayed a short
started at Winterville and stopped in San Francisco, am visited
first In Savannah, Ga. There we
saw many and beautiful buildings,,
and visited parks to the number
of They were situated in the
middle of the street, the
walks and streets encircling them
made them very beautiful to us.
We next visited Jacksonville,
Fla , and saw there lots of inter-
scenes, but a flood had just
been there ahead of left
parts of the city covered in
Chinatown in that city, but we
were very glad to get out of that
part of the city.
Our la-t visit was through
Sail Lake and there we
learned full.
We returned to Winterville all
free of charge, too.
For nice apples. candies,
bananas and nuts go to
II. L.
Nice line of fresh groceries
We to eel a
See we have to offer
h B. Cox A lit
Woods i Kinds garden seed
have years been most pops.
I in
MS s Hie d
store of II T. Cox K lint.
Try a bottle of Kid- Try Prince or h
a sure cure for all Jim Dixon at the
,, . ,, , ding will
troubles at Harrington Barbel J
lite a Urge Lumber from Win
If nave cotton seed to sell attended services at
exchange or phone Pitt Co. Sunday morning.
water to the depth of feet. We
visited the ostrich farm in
which was very j
especially seeing them being Any one in need of a good cart
to a buggy and carrying n I one that will last and render good
with perfect ease. service just to see or the
Our next visit was to St. G. Co.
tine, the that we so much f you expect to exchange your
wished to visit. There we were, seed for meal you same time
greatly tor awhile j by taking meal far your seed when
looking over the Ponce De you have cotton at the
hotel, but the rates being so Pitt Co. Oil Mill.
we did not stay the hotel long
for 11.50 per day, was the average
rate. We saw Augustine
For special prices headers sis
W. L. House.
If yon want good teed Irish
vestibule trains every H hours
loaded j
the northern cities to visit St, ,
j . . If you your laundry to look
and many other regular;
. i r , long take it to H. L.
trains to and from the city.
Our stay there was delightful. A Johnson who represents the
St. Augustine we
visited an old fort that was The A. G. Cox Co. are still
the Spaniards for a place j shipping cotton planters guano
protection. There we i by the car load, and if yon
the walls of this fort which served I med any you bad write on
as dudgeons for those who needed them at
and there of j
Oil company, their prices are the
line of winter
for men at II. L.
H. L. Johnson is headquarters
for groceries.
W. L. House makes a specialty
pipes and pipe lining
It. G. Chapman , Co. will sell
you a good pair of shoes so cheap
that they will always wear easy
and look good to you.
A new line of re-
by B. G. Chapman Co.
Men's and youth's all
sizes, at Barber Co.
The demands for Tar Heel cart
wheels is great now, and any one
in need of same will do well to
write or see the A
A second large shipment of hats
and caps this season latest and
newest style at Barber
A. H. Taft
Trunks and valises at
ton Barber Co.
them left to rise judgment
Next we went to Silver Springs,
Fla., just as you step u
the tram there you walk out on
the platform, and look
this spring for feet, the water
is as clear as a diamond, you
the white sand as it rises from
bottom It is so clear
you can see how to read I be date on
a in the water that is
deep, when boat riding out
there you see the down
in the water tell what kind
each are, away down the bottom
being about feet you an old
cat fish moving around. Mr.
showed crowd every
place of interest at Silver Springs,
then moved on to the Ladies
Parlor in the This was
another beautiful scene, the water I
being feet deep and clear as a
diamond, and vapors forming j
beautiful rein bows, many
other interesting
If you want an easy a
neat hair cut, just call to see .
H. next door to
Winterville bank, for white people
If you want a nice shirt go to II.
L. He has a new lot
of nice cheap tun,
The Pitt Oil Co.
price for seed c
The A. G. Mfg. Co., are
still shipping cotton planters by
the car load.
Big line of bats and cups just
received, latest styles.
Tooth and Di-k Harrow at
tier Co.
I. Johnson's for fresh
ii , ti o oysters.
make money by ex
lug cotton seed for
Put County Oil Co.
yards tobacco cloth at
Harrington Co.
Two horses seven
and wheat can be supplied with
mowers, rakes, reapers and binders
at g on, Barber Co.
Be sure to forget the
those iron bedsteads at
A. W.
Winterville Canning factory
consisting of furnace, can-
books, work find, wan house
and about third ace.
in heart of I i
For particulars see In. B. I.
or J. F. Harrington.
i table n.
guarantee i u
us, B. T. lit .
Buy a pipe from J. C
at the drugstore.
L, nice
candies, apples and orange.-.
It you want a good barrel of j years old each, and one mule six
Hour you go see H. G. Chapman ; years old will either sell cash
J. F. went
ville Tuesday evening us
George Jackson was in
Tuesday evening.
R. D. Carroll, of William-
preached an excellent
moil last Sunday night in the
eh inch.
H. B. Ives, a student of the
School, spent
Saturday and Sunday
visiting relatives.
Miss Joyner, a teacher
of the Winterville High school,
her home at LaGrange, where she
spent Saturday Sunday;
If you need a nice Bag just call
at A. W. at d you can
get one, and cheap ton-
Mildred Jackson returned
to her home Kinston
day night.
bushels of seed Oats at
For nice fresh eggs call to see H
L. Johnston, our leaning
If you are wise preserve your
houses by them with liar-.
country paint, for
sale by A. W. Co.
You need nut fear putting your
money the Winterville Bank
for they taken Burglar
to make thing safe. So
go ahead put your money
where it will he sale.
Carries at all times the mast up-to-date Mat
House Furnishing Goods
in town. New goods arriving daily
Special attention is called to our new
and many other things too numerous to mention
Our motto, a square deal with lowest prices, make our
store the Leading Furniture Store in Pitt County.
When in need of anything in the Furniture line give us
a call. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Yours Truly,
A. Taft,
By Wire to
Norfolk Cotton Peanut.
Factors, Norfolk, Va
y Y
Strict Middling Hi
St. Low Middling
Co. They carry only the best.
Call at H. L. Johnson's and ex
his line of Hosiery
Our next stop was at and
on time as suits the purchaser.
W. House.
Just received It. Chapman
Co., a car load of salt. Be sure
For bargains in pants go to H. I to gel their juices at
L. Johnson's.
Nice Sill; waist patents cheap at
yards standard calicoes at Harrington, Barber ft Co.
lo per yard, Harrington, Barber A
Nice Harrington
i Barber Co. pay highest market price
for Chickens, Geese and Turkeys.
Out meal Pitt Co.
Oil company;
Goto H. L. Johnson's for
he bus a nice lot jut, received,
hey are nice.
All colors of paint, and
Harrington Barber Co.
A great orange with the
loaded with each
having from oranges
on it. He showed us the old
method of guiding oranges, and
showed the improved way,
and made it plain lo us why all
oranges the boxes we. get here
are the same size. In he
carried us to the
establishment and showed us how
the skins are made up
in different articles.
Next we went to New Orleans, ,
and he showed how the w a,
was by water, and How e
the streets were all a circle, on hand at H. L. Johnson's,
except Canal street, which i. a Nice line of boys suits at H.
street and all the streets Johnson's. q i,,,.,,,,,, Cow
branch off from Canal street. Just by R. G. A
carried us to the great levee then Co., u car load lime which
full. He oar
us up on what la called French
Have large to fill. l
G. A. Kittrell, Winterville, N.
A new line of hats just received
at It. G. Chapman's t Co. Be
sure to see you buy
Bankers and Brokers,
New York
Liverpool Futures.
Jan. Feb. Hi
May Wheat SI I
May Corn
July Rib H
May Lard
July Lard
Winterville, N. C.
they will sell very cheap.
one in need of a plow will
Another largo shipment shoes t ,, Co.,
Quarters where one you . . . . . . . . ,.,.
. ,. , ,. J ,. i all styles and sizes and puces very .,, y,.,
I he we saw the u . i, . . . ., . .
reasonable. Barber They arc the best on
great French
cathedral that bail
I A Co
bi en built long ago. It was very Colic and Kidney Cure,
interesting to us. He carried us
to the cemetery and explained
that lo us, which was of great
we made a Hying trip
through n diced there
their style, of and other
in nation kidney medicine, i
for stock and a sure colic cine.
the market.
If you one of those nice
suites at A. W. Ange
A go on and it, for if you
have not got the he will sell
i it to you on the installment plan
J. K.
KW to
Wash Goods Sale
We have our full line of WASH GOODS
consisting of j
will be on Monday. Everybody cordially invite
Help Wanted
at the Drug Store
A full line of dings always on
hand Barber Co. .
just as cheap.
your Candies, Apples, implements of all kinds
h interests. Oranges and Bananas from J. H at I ring, Barber Co.
We came next through C. at the ding store.
Have you ever suffered loss by fire
If so. did you need the help of any one to assist you in securing a
and settlement
My experience in the adjustment of fire losses has been very large and it
always been my pleasure to render every assistance to my patrons w they were
in need.
I desire to call the insuring attention to the fact that they get the
benefit of my experience when they insure their property in Companies represent-
Greenville, N. Cl

and a glance at their wonderful assort-
shown in their is
sufficient to convince any one
that the variety offered is
as to supply every want
FURNITURE for every room in the
house, the drawing rooms of the
finest mansions to the most modest Amer-
parlor, sitting room or dining room, can be selected the pages of the While
the Factories have thus specialized in Leather Furniture, they also h
manufacture a complete line of
of every nature and description. We Guaranteed Upholstered Furniture including both cloth
and leather covered designs. The guarantee is restricted and means satisfaction or money back.
We be pleased t.
have you call and let us
convince you of the
and elegance the
make over any other
J. G.
by Railroads.
Tim for mental
awarded the Staff
h railroad been given
county ton
physician of The
defendant company was the South
Railroad and an appeal
taken. The outcome will
watched with interest not only
he legal profession but the rest
f until n-
Is a m.
may mean
which other Milt will man
e railroads
In in question the
was in when he
received that bin wife was
dying and bin child was
desperately ill.
He obtained a special from
J the Southern, paying about
hundred dollars for it, but the
train was so delayed on the way
to Greensboro
that it annul only about fifteen
minutes ahead of the regular
The physician t
the amount he had paid
for over
and for damages due to mental
anguish be had red. The
returned a verdict for both, allow-
the latter instance.
My Friend. This is Worth
Suppose and See
Isn't ii T
N. 1903.
Ans lake
staling your Remedy
bus entirely little girl of
a very lint case which
a p of Her .
She hail eczema lion,
r-e week-
until sh- a
p . I
HI I mi-. . l
it mm- ban nail a of
it fur biz year
The Yellow Fever ms
recently discovered.
It bears a close resemblance to
the malaria germ. To free the
system from disease the
most effective remedy is Dr.
King's New Life
teed to cure all diseases due to
malaria poison and constipation.
J. L. Drug Store
N. C.
To Publishers
and Printers
We have an entirely Dew
process, on which patents
are pending, whereby we
can reface old Brass Col-
and Head Kales,
pi. and thicker, and make
them fully as good as now
and without any unsightly
knobs or feet on the bot-
Column Head
regular lengths
L. S. and
Head inches in
per lb;
Not Quite
How often you got a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a
tool box be tor
emergencies. Our line of tool,
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not a single
useful article.
Of course
A You get Harness,
a Horse Goods,
ft How Many People You
Reach Without W
o leaving your own office e
sample of refaced
Rule, wile full
will be cheerfully
on application.
A Telephone Line
Can You Afford It
printers Supply Co
Manufactures Type and
High Grade Printing Material
Steamboat Service.
Steamer L. leaves
at t Hi in. for Greenville; leaves
Greenville daily
at in. for
Connecting; at Washington with
Norfolk Railroad
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia,
New Boston and all other
North. a Norfolk
with all West.
Shippers should order their
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk
Southern H. R.
Sailing subject to change
without notice.
J. J. Agent, Green-
ville, N. C.
H. C. General T. and
f. Agent, Norfolk, V.
If. K. KING, V. p. ;. S.
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Tics always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stuck. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
How Is
Is your pulse weak, too slow,
too fast, or does it skip a beat
Do you have shortness of
breath, weak or hungry spells,
or choking
spells, palpitation, fluttering,
pains around the heart, in side
and or hurt when
lying on left side
If you have any of these
Symptoms your heart is weak
or diseased, and cannot get
better without assistance.
Dr. Heart Cure
Strengthens weak hearts, and
rarely ever fails to cure heart
disease. Try it, and see how
quickly you will find relief.
lat. I
down with .
and gradually . c i
by my dial
mt . I ill My
body . one-
hIm. onS
I. . .,
at . i . .; i.,
up In In J i. i. .
I s. in for of Dr.
and by lime t
n tin i all I
I fur
I , to do
any of work on farm. M
. If fl
i in i for Dr. Cur
I would now pa In my hi
I. T. CORK Ky.
Dr. Heart Cure It told by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
first bottle will If It fall
ha will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
Story of Church of Cup
Of Cold
One of the many churches of
bears the ft range name of
Church of the Cup of Cold
This is its A
good hearted but very poor
priest, living in a little village not
far from the mountains, was star-
one day by two or three sol-
hers entering his house, carrying
with them a bleeding brigand with
a broken arm. The priest hastened
to bind up the wounded arm,
though the captors seemed to care
little whether or not their prisoner
lived. The injured man. who bore
his sufferings without a groan, then
Legged for a drink of water, and as
he raised himself to receive it, en-
by the priest's kind man-
he whispered his two
were left friendless on the
edge of the WOOded hills. When the
prisoner had been dragged away the
cure went in search of the poor
children, found crying and
hungry and brought them to his
humble home. Then, poor as he
was, he sent the boy to school and
the girl to n neighboring convent
and, by much self denial and in
spite of many remarks on his folly,
provided for their support.
Years passed away, and the
were almost grown up when
one a magnificent carriage stop-
the door of the humble par-
A line looking man in
form, his breast covered with
orations, stepped out. lie explained
that he was the wounded brigand,
that he had and in one of
the many Spanish revolutions had
Io be of the winning party,
now held a high office and had re-
turned to claim his children. And
when he had affectionately greeted
them he asked permission of the
old priest that he might build
him a new church in place of the
shabby little mountain chapel and
call it Church of the Cup of
The Mule.
No animal is more abused than
a mule, yet few have as much good,
common sense. When a mule thinks
he has enough he quits eating. If
he is too hot he will not drink until
he has cooled off. When a horse
thinks lie has enough he is to
be foundered, and the hotter he is
the more he wants to drink. Mules
run off sometimes, but they seldom
do any damage. They soon get tired
and stop and never run into ditches
or fences. Some horses cannot, but
no mule can lie driven into a ditch
or on a dangerous bridge at night.
A mule will lie awake nights to get
a chance to kick a man or a dog,
but seldom wastes his strength on a
wagon or a buggy. A kicking horse
will kick anything and everything.
A mule has sense enough keep
out of a barbed wire, while a horse
will go into it almost every chance
he has. When they are sold, a horse
has to sell on his individual merit,
while ii mule sells because he is a
Some mules are better than
other-, but all mules are good mules,
as all fat cattle are good when it
comes to selling
Her Guardian Cat.
A good dog enjoys a reputation
as a guardian of the house, but a
certain old woman puts her faith in
cats. Her lion was entered some
time ago, and her belief in her pet
was The midnight hour
bad not long when she heard
unusual sounds in the hall below.
She slipped lied, look her
faithful Mil . i Ii always spent
the night in her room, in her arms
and walked quietly on the landing.
She leaned over. A burglar was i n
the stairs. Suddenly in an unlucky
moment he match. The
lady then i puss upon the
burglar's head. The cat uttered an
unearthly screech and began to use
its claws for ail it was worth. The
next instant the limn was outside in
the street.
ct the Nile.
The girls of Egypt were
noted for their lithe figures and
id lowed themselves to grow stout.
Even the mid lie aged women were
as beautiful of figure us in
their In f
produced old ago and that a
woman need never look nor
grow old, produced
stiffness and
in moving about, undue
sleepiness and o difficulty in breath-
instructed their daughters
that no greater misfortune could
fall upon them than that of over-
Her Economy.
Mr. Don't you
think, my that you cook
as much as we need P
I it on purpose, darling. I wait
to try some of those For
to Wake
Dished From What Left
Safe investment
Secure a Good Location while there is to do so at
Reasonable Prices and on Easy Terms.
I have that splendid property, east of the town limits in South Greenville, into convenient lots for home-seekers
and will sell them on easy terms. There is no better location for homes anywhere around Greenville. High elevation, level
and convenient, being only a few minutes walk from the business part of town. This property is just outside the corporate
limits, yet those who reside there will have the benefit of the graded school, and be as near to the churches, and depot and
as are the people in many parts of the town, being only three hundred yards from Five Points, nice neighborhood
adjacent to the property. Talk it over me and let me show you these desirable lots. No better time than NOW to buy.
Greenville will grow rapidly in the next few years and property will be higher. Catch the opportunity before it is too late.
Call on or address
SAM WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
are not cut to save cloth, as is the case with
great many imitations.
Cloth enough is used in hips and seat to suit th
requirements of the fashion.
In short, to use a tailor's expression, the Trouser
are properly balanced.
Our new line for Winter have
the appearance of custom-
made clothing without the cost.
cents a
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
I am paying the highest market price for Cotton Seed
in any quantity.
also sell Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, in car lots or
less, loose, to suit par chaser, or exchange for Seed
at warehouse.
kinds of feed constantly on hand. Lime in Car
Cur of Golden Seed Oats t arrive, also White and Black
Oats, Red Proof and day Oats.
I have just had built a large warehouse near the depot
for this line.
I will com Inns to carry a line of nice Groceries at the
same stand occupied by Johnston Bros,,
The Reflector
Is Read By Everybody in reach, and
it reaches people money to pay for what they want.
If you have what they want advertise it y mi are sure to
got a part of their money.
Review of Reviews
Woman's Home
Companion i
American Farmer
Eastern Reflector
We are very fortunate in be-
the pub
Ushers of these well mag
offer a subscription for
year at tins
We have decided
to let readers have the
advantage of the reduction in
r to gel quickly a large body
of paid In advance subscribers
Don't Neglect This tut Offer
Reviews of Reviews
Many other publications are
desirable, and you may prefer
this or prefer that fiction and
publication, but the Review
of Reviews is Sub-
American men and
men are going to keep up with
tIn- times they are going to
take the shortest which is
lie of
The Cosmopolitan
A leading magazine for I a years
With the recent change of tier
ii has been It is
far better in every
aims the best in the Bold
Km year or so there's one
notable advance in the forward
Woman's Home
The Woman's Home Companion
is for every member of the lam
fin- our bright, earnest,
cultured, homo loving American
woman i mi ideal entertainer
and . u thousand i
ways; but the fathers and
i and Join in its
among many mug perusal by the child
this year Cos eagerly turn to the pages that
.,,.,. written tor them.
The American Farmer is the leading Agricultural paper and
to live stock poultry raising. Every farmer should have it
you get all lour these papers with The Daily
with The Eastern a year tor
a year tor 15,00, or all

Which President's Daughter
Will Preside on Bridal Trip.
Philadelphia, Feb. find
over which Miss Alice
preside as Mrs
ill lie the
mu palace car Republic, which was
given its trial trip yesterday by
the Pennsylvania
Railroad. It will contain all the
com of home from the
bedroom its bed. as
From berth to the kitchen
and pantry, everything
The ear abounds in
and corner for the bride and bride-
m to in. the color scheme
be fig Miss Alice's favorite, red and
The wood is Dutch oak and
a n,
E. E. went to Greenville
Miss is on
he sick list.
Miss Bra spent
day night and with
Prof. K. G. Maxwell, tie w. i
Springs, paid our neighborhood
visit last and deliver-
ed several impressive lectures.
While our vicinity he did lot-
of work.
who has
some time at H. B.
t Friday to visit relatives it
Several of our friends attended
he quarterly meeting at Reedy
and Jerome
the lecture III
I. F. of
was in vicinity Monday.
Harvey and sister, Mist
Allie, went to Ayden Sunday after-
-f I
i as in mm x
mahogany. First Saturday and Sunday.
the observation room at Miss Clara was m th.
rear, looking upon a platform neighborhood Sunday
as the average porch and y Brooks and Eva
guarded by brass railings. A wide and Henry Lang-do.
armed sofa f the platform.
When the material needs of the
couple to the
dining table, the bride will sit at the
head of a table which will
A ml her sofa be-
where husband's chair fill
be; at right hand is a dainty
china closet Dutch oak en-
tail ting the silver which will
vice the honeymoon, the
left hand corner is a Dutch oak writ
jug desk.
Adjoining the parlor
apartment are the two
containing a large brass
Both are heavily car in
hong in green, the wood
highly polished mahogany. A
bureau with a mirror is in one
acorn, r. The pressure of a button in SUPPLY AND DEMAND MEANS
the wall produces a wash stand of TEEN CENT COTTON.
i nickel at which hot and old water
be Obviously the past season's c
Between beat two the crop, plus the residue from
sections, done in green season, is i enough to
They are world's demands If this do. I
. . mean i
Die into staterooms with an . . , ,
, in the law of
lower berth each. In one demand
he other sections two beats face
other with a window between.
whole of the other Motion
occupied by a semi divan i
Notice is hereby t at the
observation the of Thomas Burton, hereto-
A . killed bar-
elf and by turning
on the gas in their
Two passenger Collided
on a railroad near Portland, Ore.
in the death of four
serious Wounding
A Sale You Will Talk About
For Many Years to Come.
Best Calico
A Big Line s Light
and Dark. Colors
Best A. F. C
. i i.- Best Sea Island
Line of Cloth
Boys Blouse Suits
A I Li Boys
all Collar Ill
M early. Thin Sale u-
i i in a number of days we .
a-d upon cases of New Spring G-. i
to place on ready for days of . irk
e begin to tell of all the good which a
going to t-ell so w.
parlor are equipped with tiny read fore composed K H. Thomas and I
jug lamps, electric bulbs which W. T. Burton, doing business at
Into the wall not in use. Greenville, N C this day die- I
. ,. ., , i , . partnership mutual con-1
Should I he newly made wife desire . . , . .
sent. his dissolution including all
to boss the co-k she has but to walk I
into the forward corner beyond the j Works. All persons indebted to
parlor. Crowded into this space firm are kindly to
a pantry and a cook a galley, K. II.
Ladies Mixed Hose
Extra Heavy Hose
Fast Black
This January, 1906.
II. Thomas,
W. T. Burton
of the Court of
county, having issued letters of
about by ten feet. The white
flapped chef has just About room to
turn around in amid his pots
Nine-tenths of the State and Cir-
Court Federal Judges were i
pointed D railroad influence. That to me. the
t , , J ., , , on the of
is why the railroads an demanding i .,
that every ruling shall be passed ed. is hereby given to all
Upon by these judges be- j persons to estate to make
fore it goes into effect. Knox. the ; payment to the undersign-
, ,. . i . ed, to all creditors of said estate
spokesman is said to t ,,,,, properly an-
that. If that is done the rail I to the undersigned
will gut the twelve after the
and make it There are i. or this notice will
be plead in bur of their recovery.
This the nay f January, 1808.
on the estate J,
I. a. Sugg, Attorney.
Lisle Thread
dog and
In all Sty lea and Color, Plenty
to Select From
We r
offer values
where you ill, compare price
inch White Lawn
is bow fie
pi ice
tH Plain and
welted Piques
Closing out a up to
at the small price of
Closing out all up to at
the small price of
tally heavy purchasing, to
will not be duplicated. Look
with come here.
Wide White
at this sale
Yard Wide Heavy Canton
Flannel to
Best Grade Bleach
Few more Extra Bed
I Blankets
Wool Blankets Bought
Before the Advance at Your
i Own Price
Special Prices in Men's, Youths and
Boys Clothing
At Your Own Price.
A fl Heavy Jean Corset
hooks reeds Steel, in
white only
Medium Length Corset with
Trimmed good quality of Hose
Supporters attached
A Beautifully Made Corset
Trimmed with
Fine Lace, 1.25 value-
now going at
Men's Work
Fine Dressed and
dressed Kid Gloves
Shoes for Men Women and
It Will Pay Yon to Visit our
Millinery 1.-;
few Federal Judges not named by
railroad folks, but nut many, and
not throe in the whole
News and i
At the close of Jan. 89th,
Capital stock 5,800.00
Kin-plus fund no
I profits
certificates of
deposit 2,815.00
Deposits sub,
checks out
standing 873.08
Loans and
Due from Banks
and silver
other V. B.
of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. H. H. Taylor, Cashier of above named bank, do solemnly
that the above statement is true to the host of my
and belief. H. H. Taylor,
Subscribed and sworn to
ore mo, this day of
1900. SAMUEL A.
Notary Public
RN can Furnish
Your House from Top to Bottom and
will Give You Right Prices.
and Friday.
Big Store
I have lead with considerable
a editorial in The
the need of a
ons in Greenville. It
to see the secular press
take an interest in these matters to
the mentioned in the article
above referred to, and I have
waited with patience to read an
expression from some of our
tens upon this important subject,
in the columns of your paper.
I should to say that
Greenville doe not care far a
revival, it seems that
s deeper interest in great and
good a theme should be manifested
If the people of our thriving
town really desire up of
the holy fires teal and
Of course I do not understand
the Editor The as
pleading for one or all of the
churches to hold a series of
I do not
him to plead for a
speed of church machinery,
nor for spurts to see how
can be added in a given
time by some great evangelist; if
read bis message aright, it is a
plea for the churches to awaken to
the real purpose of their existence,
which is to save souls and build
believers in righteousness and
Are the energies of Greenville
churches being directed in these
channels as much as they
What is the prime consider-
of the individual Christian in
our midst, is it to make dollars or
t make Christians I will not
to Answer this question
now, it will be sufficient to remark
that when our prime consideration
is to be holy, and to others
Into that desirable spiritual
called a revival
of religion will be
stay it such conditions.
A week prayer and fasting in
tie good old way. and a
throwing overboard of the
the flesh the will do
much towards a revival,
but we must remember that the
class of Christians who attend the
next minstrel show will not bring a
revival atmosphere into the
on the following Sunday
morning. Respectfully,
H. H.
Instituted at
On Thursday night
Lodge No. A. F. A. M. was
instituted at in this
county, under a warrant from the
Grand Lodge of North Carolina.
following officers of the new
I. A. Roach, W. M.
C. Lassiter, W.
Ernest Smith, J. W.
H. C. Venters, Treas.
J. H. Cole. Sec.
W. O. Purser. J. D.
Gardner, S. U.
The lodge that instituted
this lodge also dedicated
he building in which its meetings
will be held, was composed of the
following acting
K. Williams, Grand Master.
J M. Reuse, Deputy
E. E. Griffin, Grand
H. B. Phillips,
B. Grand
C. B Whichard, Grand Junior
W. L. Brown, Grand Secretary.
W. H. Tiler.
L. A. Smith, Marshal.
Those went from Greenville
report a most
N. C. Feb.
Mr. Jennette, of Washington,
in town this week.
j the s
ll the
Upon o J. C.
The board of county commission Providence per-
were in regular session on the dark shadow of Death
to hover over a happy home in our
take from it a
and loving On
being present.
The usual monthly allowances
for outside paupers were issued, as
also the orders covering cur
expenses of the
M. A. James D. C. Barrow hp
were authorized lo fix bridge
at Hill.
A. G. who at
A Most
lo make
the meeting a complete
success last Saturday. The
a marked
to what it was on lo
an crowd
l . me spirit of Mrs. of teacher- and vim-
Lizzie was called , tors were A very Inter-
leavings home deluged sorrow, instructive program had
of relative an
friends la out In a pleasing Slid f
loving Tin- meeting
man's rain
meeting was elected Constable Aid Society the -him . A
of Greenville qualified rial Baptist church of Greenville, H led prayer and read
by his official bond she was active selection from the Psalms,
which was accepted. do After the roll call and the read
Vance Belcher was elected That in the Mrs.
of Farmville township to fill these societies have lost a I prof. H. B Smith made an excel
the vacancy caused by the death of member whose love and friend-hip lent on
W. J. and tendered his we prized, whose help and posit
official which was accepted, sympathy our work was always I phase of this important
A. W Ange resigned as one fully given. was brought out and explained,
the of 2nd. That while we The teachers the association feel
stock territory. she should be they nave lost much
Sheriff Tucker was authorized taken in the prime of life, yet we prof. W. B. Dove, they have
to haves gallows erected in our Father gained a new and helper in
jail yard if necessary. , all things well and we bow in his successor.
James R. L. humble to Hi will. Miss Mary L. read a paper
were permanently released 3rd- That we our heart- u of the Needs
felt sympathy to the husband, i Grade Judging
and our de and helpful thought-
parted pray Gal's
blessing upon them.
4th. That a copy of the.-e
st th. on
Mr Mrs. Her-
A the
ninth a their
i ., . mat
marked them as
by a of
to make it
from poll tax.
The following jurors were drawn
for March
First G. Latham, i
Cleon Moore, J. E Everett, N. T.
Cox, J. L. Cherry, B. T. j be sent to the family
G. M. Smith, John Smith, Fred also be placed the of
a G. Mayo, H. C. I societies.
Edwards, J. H. Nannie, W. L
Nobles, W. a W. E.
too, J. R. D. Moore, W. P. Ed-
Mrs. E. B.
Mrs. J. W. Bryan, Com.
Mrs. D. J. Whichard.
Mr. of Goldsboro, wards.
Bad Roads
is usually the case at this
season of year that the roads
leading in to Greenville are in
condition, but people com-
to Greenville over the Tarboro
road say that road from the
Anderson place toward Falkland
in pi ices is simply impassable. It
to us that the convicts
be kept at work on this
road until it is permanently fixed,
for it is by all odds the worst in
the county.
At Good as Any.
During the last few days we
have Watched the new bank state-
of a number of towns
throughout the State, especially
towns about size of
and we that the banks
of this town make as good showing
as any of them.
Visited Wednesday.
D. S. of Richmond, was
in town this week.
Mr. Mrs. Hull, Mrs. N. T.
Stokes and Miss Mabel Savage went
to Greenville Friday shopping.
Miss Myrtle White and Mrs. J
O. Bobbin attended the
meeting in Greenville today.
H. B. Phillips and sou, F. M.
Phillips, to Suffolk Friday
Some of the say if they ever
get over Thursday night they will
never look like again.
J. H. Manning, of
was in town this week.
H. H. Stanley went to Greenville
Lodge A. F. A. M.
met Thursday visiting
Masons being Among
them were R. Williams, J. M.
Reuse, E. E. Griffin, C. B. Which-
ard, W. L. Brown, of Greenville;
H. B. Phillips, of
Suffolk; L. A. Smith, I A.
of Clay Root Neck; N. H. Adams,
of Grimesland.
Lee entertained Friday
night at the handsome residence
of his parents on Fifth street.
The house was a scene of beauty.
Second Taylor,
W. B. Bland, W. H. Levy
Pierce, M. C. Manning. T. W.
J. B. Randolph, C E
Pollard, Herbert W. B.
Wilson. D. C. Barnhill, T. E.
ard, M. Bailey, Z. P. Vandyke, I r and Johnnie Bag
J. Overton, J. K Johnson, B. J.
Pulley, S. M. Smith.
Danger of a Boom.
see danger ahead tor some of
our smaller said a man of
and who tarried
here for an hour or two, yesterday,
I wish could very nice book.
well received at the front door
After many delightful games
Miss Mary brought in
a very interesting contest which
was enjoyed by every one. There
were many who drew for the
prize but Miss Lillian be-
the lucky one, was awarded
After the con-
done to correct things the were ushered in-
About Insurance.
F. at. Hornaday, the
representative in Greenville of
Insurance in a
quarter page advertisement calls
attention to the lines be
He has had long
writes life, health, fire
accident and burglar insurance,
and represents none but good
companies. He can you
you want Insurance.
Never Returns.
Money sent out of the county
for articles that can be s -d of
our home merchants never comes
back more. It help
build up or pay-
taxes, or build loads, sidewalks
schools houses, or or
other public improvements. It is
a injustice to our business
who advertise, spend their
money here the few cents
saved by sending any
money is just that much
toward a fund to
blast your own community de-
your own property. It is
a policy to send out of
town for what you can at
Sheriff Hodges Dead.
A telephone message from Wash
this morning announced the
death of Sheriff R. T Hodges.
He had been sheriff of
county for nearly twenty years,
and was a mail of exceptional char-
and ii .
are going on. There seems to be
a real estate boom in most of oar
villages. Land values have
jumped per cent, within the
last year.
in some instances this is
all right, hut in others it is wrong.
to the dining room where
refreshments wore served.
Those present wore, Misses Mary
Smith, King, Susie
Warren, Lucille Cobb, Lillian
Burch, Mary Messrs
Wilson, John Bagwell,
If this continues the must Wilson, Norman Warren,
have more people. Where are Willie Wilson and Leo
they to come from Evidently
every town the state is expect Marriage Licenses.
a great influx from somewhere, Register of Deeds R. Williams
but from exactly where, no one licenses to the following
seems to know. Without more since last
population real estate values can- white.
not remain high. Yes, I am Robert Kittrell and Faerie
afraid that we are moving ahead ;
too rapidly. values are Theophilus Clark and Bessie
what we must light for if, Moore.
depressions come, and they Jesse and Alica Book.
The , nests were re-
in float hall by Ml and
Nina James and
. . in back
i ill they were served w frozen
Mrs. B. White and
lag of minutes of last meeting. I Mr
Mr. and Mis near-
est the door in parlor and near
two sweat
en, Nell and
standing room to assist
hem receiving en- Mrs. W, B.
Wilson nub Mi. I.
I Washington, l. C Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs.
H. W. Mrs George
of Savannah, with Mr. F.
James, Miss Lena with
Mr D. L. James, Mi. Mis.
George J. Woodward The ladies
of Mr. and Mis. White
nine years ago.
Io the drawing room oyster
cocktail was served by Mr. J. A.
Kicks and Mrs. R J. Cobb. In
room was a large display
of a other
ware their admiring
In dining room an elegant
salad was Served by Misses
Ada Woolen, Lizzie Jones, Maud
Nixon, Mary James, Mary Higgs
and Irma dining loom
was decorated pink, with a
profusion of pink and
lighted with pink candles. The
color scheme of the drawing
was red.
In the hall on the second
Wet an Italian band discoursing
charming music whose sweet strains
Hosted to every part of the build-
Here also was a smoking den
where the gentlemen guests could
-lip away for a whiff of the
Mr. and Mis. are most
popular and highly esteemed by
all our people, the
who called to congratulate them
and extend best wishes for many
more happy years was indeed
-lie gave u-, Miss win it a
A paper cu of l in
the Schools, How It May Be
showing investigation
thought giving useful ad-
vice, was read by Miss Louise
The offered by Hon. J.
Bryan Mr. A. G. Cox
the best and the next best pap-
e m were
won by Miss Jones, from
near Miss Lela Roach,
of and presented by-
Messrs. W. H. Whedbee P. S.
Gotten, Miss Bessie of
the High School, and
Mr. Clarence of Bethel,
the first and second prizes for
best papers
Progress in Pitt County for the
Lat Five which were of-
by Mr. L. C. Arthur and
The the prizes being
presented by Hon. J. L. Fleming
and Mr. C. Woolen.
The exercises closed at o'clock
with an encouraging talk by the
energetic Superintendent W. H.
Thus closed the best
meeting in the history of the
County Association. The
meetings have always been good,
hut we believe today's
the best is yet to
Re peter.
to come, we will suffer greatly
if we go too Ob-
Morris and Addle Long.
Henry Brown Battle Long.
L. Wilson and Haggle Ban.
Are His Wings Sprouting
A gentleman of the county who
Comes to Greenville.
Our Robert
has been bookkeeper for
Newton i Co., has accepted a DO
with the Bank of Greenville.
We congratulate that bank. He is
one of the clever, competent young
men of the comity, and to the man-
born. We not only wish him
success, but predict it. Tarboro
Mr. Howard, who is a brother
of Mis. J. G. his
duties in the Bank of Greenville
this He is a young man
of line character we are glad
to see that kind come among us.
Abbott Hooker.
The following Invitations
Mis. Elizabeth Hooker
of your presence
at the marriage of her
Mr. Stephen Mark Abbott
Wednesday evening
the of February pay tax if was able.
at half after eight o'clock of the ordinary, we think-
at the residence of Mrs. Hooker Statesville Mascot.
Greenville, North Carolina.
There was a man
and he was wondrous lie
marked a silver dollar and gave
has been disabled for has e went to see the
been exempted poll butcher, and she blew the dollar
Recently he recovered sufficiently the coin
to do around some and asked
i commissioners to put his e
I back on the tax list, as he felt e
lo the merchant
dress for
He to. k
bought a
bad finished up, back came the
Greensboro fifty times or more
but always got it
back again and
A while woman, aged
,, . i he tent the dollar ton Chicago
A fail day a rainy day-or been store, gone for
two of a kind together, is about the from Iredell county for having two ever, and lie never saw
order of the weather. it
In Honor of Mrs.
a. for r.
One of the most delight card
season was the one
given Thursday afternoon by Mrs.
I mart J. Cobb in honor of Mrs.
of Scotland
Seek, who is guest of
The -us tastefully deco-
rated fir the occasion, and
guest given a cordial Welcome us
she entered.
Six handed euchre was the
Hie afternoon. Mrs. J. Bryan
dilutes having scored th- largest
number of Kama was awarded
prise which she presented to
M. I honor.
Mi- W. was the
lucky winner f e t u band prize,
and the consult-
Miss Cobb assisted
Mis-es Nina and Mary
presided at the punch bowl.
After the game delicious refresh
The jail of was
recently destroyed by lire. The
of the county had
let the contract for a
new jail.

Eastern reflector, 9 February 1906
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
February 09, 1906
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Joyner NC Microforms
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